Engleski Jezik 3 - Predavanje 6

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Page 1: Engleski Jezik 3 - Predavanje 6
Page 2: Engleski Jezik 3 - Predavanje 6

Način poređenja prideva zavisi od broja slogova:

1. Jednosložni pridevi: Komparativ – dodaje se nastavak –er Superlativ – dodaje se nastavak –est Cheap – cheaper – cheapest Large – larger – largest Fast – faster - fastest

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2. Dvosložni pridevi koji se završavaju na –y (y postaje –ier):

Lucky – luckier – luckiest Easy – easier – easiest Early – earlier – earliest Pretty – prettier - prettiest

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3. Duži pridevi (dva ili više slogova): Komparativ: ispred prideva koristimo

reč more Superlativ – reč most Serious – more serious – most serious Often – more often – most often Expensive – more expensive – most


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4. Kod nekih dvosložnih prideva možemo koristiti i jedan i drugi način:

Clever – cleverer – cleverest Ili more clever – most clever Takvi su i pridevi narrow, quiet, shallow,


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5. Neki pridevi imaju nepravilno poređenje:

Good – better – the best Bad – worse – the worst Far – farther – the farthest Far – further – the furthest Little – less – the least

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You’re older than me. (Ti si stariji od mene.)

Can you walk a bit faster? (Možeš li da ideš malo brže)

The exam was easy – easier than I expected. (Ispit je bio lak – lakši nego što sam mislila)

Don’t go by train. It’s more expensive. (Nemoj ići vozom. Skuplji je).

He’s more patient than me. Iza komparativa se uvek koristi predlog


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What is the longest river in the world? (Koja je najduža reka na svetu?)

What was the most enjoyable holiday you’ve ever had? (Koji je najprijatniji odmor koji si dosad imao?)

Yesterday was the hottest day of the year. (Juče je bio najtopliji dan u godini.)

Ispred superlativa se obično koristi član the.

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Ispred komparativa možemo koristiti izraze za količinu:

Much (mnogo) A lot (mnogo) Far (više) A bit (malo) A little slightly

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Let’s go by car. It’s much cheaper. (Idemo kolima. Mnogo je jeftinije.)

How do you feel? – Much better, thanks. Her illness was far more serious than we

thought at first. (Njena bolest je bila daleko ozbiljnija nego što smo isprva mislili.)

Could you speak a bit more slowly? (Molim te, govori malo sporije.)

This bag is slightly heavier than the other one.(Ova torba je malo teža od one druge)

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Ispred komparativa takođe se može koristiti any i no (any longer/no bigger)

I’ve waited long enough. I’m not waiting any longer. (Dosta sam čekala. Neću duže da čekam)

We expected their house to be very big, but it’s no bigger than ours. (Očekivali smo da je njihova kuća jako velika, ali nije ništa veća od naše.)

How do you feel now? Do you feel any better?

This hotel is better than the other one, and it’s no more expensive.

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Better and better / more and more Komparativi se ponavljaju kako bismo iskazali

neku neprekidnu promenu: Your English is improving. It is getting better

and better. (Tvoj engleski se popravlja. Sve je bolji i bolji.)

The city is growing fast. It’s getting bigger and bigger. (Grad se brzo širi. Sve je veći i veći)

Cathy got more and more bored in her job. In the end she left. (Keti je bilo sve dosadnije na poslu. Na kraju ga je napustila.)

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The ...the (što ...to) The sooner/bigger/more the better (što

više to bolje) What time shall we leave? –The sooner

the better. (Kad ćemo krenuti? –Što pre to bolje).

When you’re travelling, the less luggage you have the better.(Kada putuješ, što manje imaš prtljaga, to bolje.)

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the ...the se takođe koristi da bi se iskazalo kako jedna stvar zavisi od druge:

The warmer the weather, the better I feel. (Što je vreme toplije, to se ja bolje osećam).

The sooner we leave, the earlier we will arrive.

The more expensive the hotel, the better the service.

The more I thought about the plan, the less I liked it.(Što sam više razmišljala o tom planu,manje mi se dopadao.)

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Old – older/elder Komparativ prideva old je older, a

superlativ oldest. David looks older than he really is. This church is the oldest building in the

town. Ali kad govorimo o članovima porodice,

možemo koristiti nepravilnu komparaciju: My elder sister is an actress. He has three children. His eldest son is 20

years old.

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Sarah, Joe and David are all very rich. Sarah has 20 million, Joe has 15 million and David has 10 million.

Joe is rich. Joe is ..........than David. But he isn’t as rich as Sarah. Sarah is ............than Joe and David.

She is the ....................

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Još jedan način poređenja je pomoću as ...as ili not as ...as

I’m sorry I’m late. I got here as fast as I could. (Izvini što kasnim. Stigla sam što sam pre mogla.)

There’s plenty of food. You can eat as much as you want. (Ima dovoljno hrane. Uzmi koliko god želiš.)

Richard is not as old as he looks. (he looks older)

I don’t know as many people as you do.

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Umesto not as ...as, može se koristiti i not so ...as:

It’s not warm, but it’s not so cold as yesterday. (Nije toplo, ali nije tako hladno kao juče).

Ili less ....than: I spent less money than you. The city centre was less crowded than

usual.(U centru grada bilo je manje gužva nego inače)

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Twice as ...as, three times as ...as (dva puta više):

Petrol is twice as expensive as it was a few years ago. (Benzin je dva puta skuplji nego pre par godina.)

Their house is three times as big as ours. Ukoliko želimo da kažemo da je nešto

jednako koristimo the same as: David is the same age as James. (Dejvid je

istih godina kao Džejms.) Laura’s salary is the same as mine. (Lorina

plata je ista kao moja.)

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Than me / than I am. Može se reći: You are taller than me. Ili You are taller

than I am. A.They have more money than we have. B. They have more money than us. A.He’s not as clever as she is. B.He’s not as clever as her.