Research Interest: Self Realisation/Actualisation and it’s effect on Organisational &...


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Research Interest:

Self Realisation/Actualisation and it’s effect on Organisational & Community Development and Success.

Version 0.1 current thoughts

15min Interactive Talk - Slides to stimulate dialogue.


James WilliamsMarch 2008

Academic It is my intention to discover experimental

evidence to prove many of the statements made in this presentation. Most of it already exists I/we simply need to research and gather the information.

This talk is a first draft and will evolve significantly over time.

Your wisdom/input will be gratefully appreciated.

Overview: The aim of this presentation (when complete) is to bridge the

following 3 areas using appropriate theory and scientific evidence:

Esoteric Literature ScienceOrganisationalBehaviour &



Current Organisational (Corporate, Political and Community) Structures / Systems / Policies / Behaviour are failing to meet the needs and values of the People/Humanity it exists to serve.

This can be seen by the rapid change in society, especially over the past 30 years, as a mutual balance is strived for.

The aim of this research is to identify the ‘reason’ for this ‘friction’ and contribute a workable theory / solution, to the growing body of existing ideas/models to assist us in establishing a Socioeconomic model that benefits all life and harms none.

What is Consciousness? Awareness itself, Listen?

Unity Consciousness (Shared)

What is the Essence of Consciousness?

The Essence and Rootof ‘ALL’ Life.The Purity and Perfection of life.The Divine Heart of existance from which allLife streams forth.It is our ONE SOURCE,our ONE Life force.It is who we are.It is our common bond.It is infinite expression,and it is so so so much more than this.

As Above, So Below:1) Essence &2) Manifestation.

We are already there: We Are already One, you do not necessarily have to go there.

By simply intending and focusing on this aspect of yourself in comes into Conscious awareness.

Self-Realisation:Realisation of theOneness of Life.

Self Actualisation:Integration of Soul/ Sourceawareness and alignment of all aspects of self withyour Higher-VibratorySelf.

We are Already Connected:

We have been busy naturally‘FOCUSING’ On Physical, Emotional and Mental Life on Earth. It is now becoming common Knowledge and accepted byPublic Consciousness that thereis ‘A LOT’ more to Life than thetypically observed ‘Physical matter’of this incredible Universe.

Description of illustration:


Essence ofConsciousness

Eureka ‘Genius’ Moments:1) ‘Source’ of all Knowing, household names such as Einstein & Mozart used to enter a relaxed meditativestate to gain new ideas& inpiration.

1) p111, PS

Other Terms:Common Names:Quantum Vacuum / BHPSource Assemblage Point Essence of Infinite Light

Common Names:Pure ConsciousnessNon-localityInfinite SpaceVoid (Empty Space)PeaceState of PotentialityCreativity and Innovation

Potential Evidence:Non-locality - Work of Physicist Amit Goswami AndDavid Bohm (Holo. Univ.)

Non-locality of Consciousness: SRI Stanford Research Institute, Physicists Hal Puthoff and Russell Targ gathered evidence whilst investigating ‘Remote Viewing’ i.e. a developed ability to ‘see’ a distant placewithout actually being there in person. Information being received beyond time and space. Ref: PS, p112.“The possibility of using this skill in Col War espionage attracted the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), who funded the program for many years…Some of this research is till classified information.” PS p113

Why?•Self Realisation•Fulfilment / Eternal Happiness•Infinite ‘Pure’ Light EnergyOr rather •‘Divine Purity’ infinitely expressed.

Infinite Creative PotentialCreativity & Innovation.

•POS: Point of Organisational Success*More on this Soon*


Physical Body? Emotional Body? Mental Body? Energy Body (chakras)? Light Body? Source?

Predominant Awarenessof Humanity?

Subtle bodies are nowcoming into massAwareness?

Chakra System / Levels of Awareness

Evidence:1. kirlian photography.2. Seen by Seers / Yogis / Mediators3. Proof of Electromagnetic Fields around Physical body by - Prof. Harold Saxton Burr & Robert Becker at Yale Uni. 1950s (ref: PS p35)

22 essential aspects (Levels of Awareness and Energy Expressions) of a Human being:



Image ref:

By simply ‘intending’ to ‘ALIGN’ yourself with your SoulSeed, Soul,Monad and Source all 22 levels of Awareness become available.

Meditative State:Peace (lower three chakras) = Gateway to the Heart.Heart = Gateway to the Divine.Divine = Gateway to Yourself.

Evidence:Sympathetic Vibratory Physics (SVP), by William Tiller, explains vibratoryAttraction e.g. awareness of SoulSeedinside Heart attracts Higher VibratoryLight Body energy into etheric and Physical body. (ref: PS, p144)

Light Body Integration•Heart is the Gateway to the Light Body and SoulSeed.•By Integrating the LightBody into the Etheric Body/Chakra SystemYou are able to live as a Whole (Mind, body and Soul) self on Earth.

Potential Evidence:1. Biophoton emissions discovered by Fritz Albert Popp(ref: PS, p35).

2. Keith Wakelam’s investiationsWith a galvonometer .. Detected Very high frequency spikes in people whilst meditating at the times they felt the presenceof their spirit guides.

(ref. PS p151)

Balance Heart & Mind:

Honour Mind, Body ad Soul. Do not underestimate the ‘Power of the Mind’. Intent/Thoughts/Visions Create Reality. Focus on want you want to Create.

Intuitive Equation / Solution:

+ + + +

= Organisations that exist for the benefit all Humanity/Life on Earth.

Awareness of:

Footnote: Heart = Solar chakra, this is true in my Reality.

Simple Hypothesis Self Realisation/Actualisation = is the

realisation of ONEself and ONE’s full Potential in alignment with one’s True Self.

Organisational and Societal Success = occurs when Societal members are working together for the benefit of all life.

How can Humanity reach a point where everybody is working together for the benefit of all? = Self Realisation/Actualisation.

Self Realisation / Actualisation:

Become aware of, know and integrate ‘Unity Consciousness’.

Become aware of, know and integrate the ‘Essence of Consciousness’ SoulSeed, Soul, OverSoul, Monad, Source.

Continued integration of one’s Higher Selves / Light and associated qualities.

In parralel, bring all aspect sof self into alignment with one’s true self.

My Research Interest: 4As : )

Awakening – Self-Realisation: Process of becoming ‘aware’ of your Whole Self (Mind, Body, Soul & Source).

Alignment - Self & Corporate Development / Coaching: Process of bringing all aspects into alignment with one’s true nature.

Actualisation: Process of integrating one’s Whole self and fulfilling one’s potential in the World.

Academic: Process of becoming aware of and documenting empirical evidence relating to the new expanded awareness of humanity.

Key Sources of Focus/Information: (many more to be used / reviewed)

Due to the amount of information available today, current sources of information to focus on and synthesize include:

Awakening: Nature of Consciousness – many e.g. Michael Sharp

Alignment (Self): Soul Psychology – Joshua David Stone Alignment (Corporate): Building Values for the 21st

Century – Richard Barrett Alignment (Community): Unconfirmed…. Actualisation: Life Experience. Academic: Punk Science – Manjir Samanta-Laughton

Aspects of Self (Conscious awareness, Intentions, Personality

aspects/Archetypes, Subconscious beliefs, Chakras, Rays, Behaviour, Daily actions & work)

Process of aligning an Organisations Values, Vision, Mission, Aims, Objectives, Policies and Resources, into alignment.

True Self = Human – Ego: Innovative & Dynamic Unlimited Creative Potential Unlimited Energy Unlimited Power Undescribable Beauty & Love Answer to all your Questions Purity, Perfection, Divine Eternal NOW Inherent Nature Whole and Fulfilling.

HRA – Human Resource Actualisation

Everyone has heard of HRM, Human Resource Management (define here).

HRA – is an evolution of this philosophy, instead of viewing Human resources as a ‘resource’ to be managed, HRA first correctly views and honours the true nature it’s most valuable resource and seeks to nurture and develop it’s most valuable resource to become all that they can be in a balanced, integrated and compassionate way.

When an Organisations Human resources are functioing at levels of Optimal Potential

Organisational Success We all know companies don't typically work at peak efficiency.

The question is, why not? Experience indicates that one of the most common causes for organizational inefficiency and profit loss is misalignment between business strategies, people and processes. (

As a result Organisational Success can be said to relate to the organisations alignment (Mission, Objectives, Values) with that of it’s Stakeholders (Government, Owners, Managers, Employees, Community, Suppliers, Society etc..)

When a Person, Organisation, Community, Society is able to become aware of the inherent infinite light/energy, creative potential and dynamic nature of Life, and utilise it in an integrated and balanced manner, this is a recipe for success on all levels.

Part 1 – The End.

See document I saved: Winning the High Way — Organizational Success by the Golden Rule

By Thomas E. Ambler Use to define Self-Actualisation on slides:'s_hierarchy_of_needs Evolution of Consciousness: Arcetypes: Self-Actu & Rays & Maslow: Quote: Use of effective affirmations can create the new behaviors of Self-Actualization - from: ------------------------------ Sources required for Research: - James Graham's attchments. - Building Values 21st Cetury Book - Integral Leadership book (ordered today) - Soul Psychology (Self Actualisation)

Self Actualisation

Self-actualization and Self-realization are concerned with the "whole" human.



Research Interests – part 1:

Consciousness is the Creative Canvas of Creation from which everything is created.

We are all One. Humans are Multi-dimensional beings that emanate from the same shared and inherent essence aka Source.

As Humanity becomes more aware of the inter-connected relationship of life, knowing that we are all ‘one beloved family’ conscious effort and intentions shift for the benefit of all, including oneself.

This Evolution of Consciousness from Ego to Unity Consciousness and Higher Expression is a natural process of integrating the Soul light body into one’s Energy (chakra) system and Physical body.

As Humanity awakens to their ‘Whole’ Selves (Mind, Body and ‘Soul’), Happier, more fulfilled, Empowered and Creative state of being is achieved.

Research Interests – part 2:

Until now, Humanity has been mastering/working with and learning from the energies and awareness of the first 3 chakra’s and needs. As a result the natural and predominant state of Consciousness has been one of separation and Egoic consciousness.

Humanity has reached a stage of Evolution where it is now capable of working with and mastering the entire Chakra system for this dimension of reality.

There is a strong correlation between the 7 chakra system (Eastern Origin), Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs (Western Origin) and the Esoteric Initiation levels as models for personal growth and development.

Humanity is responsible for taking care of itself, and is in the School of Earth to learn and grow through Conscious experience.

Humanity including the Corporate Visionaries and Political Leaders are waking up and starting to create a Bright new World of co-operation for the benefit of all life on earth.

Society is changing from Profit-driven system to a Value-based system.

Research Interests – part 3:

We are, as human beings becoming aware of our True self, inherent virtues, developed abilities, multi-dimensional nature, and through personal Development and Mastery, learning to become positive co-creators that value and enhance life.

We are at the early stages of creating a 5th Dimensional Reality on Earth.

New Scientific findings from fields such as Quantum Physics are now validating what the Mystics documented in ancient history through to present day Luminaries. These findings are changing beliefs and as a result reality as we now it.

The End.

Next Talk:Building a Vision-Guided, Values-

Driven Organisation.

Evolution of Consciousness / Ascension and the creation of a 5th Dimension Reality on Earth in this Lifetime.


Change is the only constant, all change is an illusion…

To do: Integrate

1) Info from Research Proposal word doc.

2) Building Values for 21st cent Paper – read on Laptop and copy over as I read.