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Disusun Oleh:Nama Mahasiswa: Theodora MitaNo Registrasi: 8135128155


Kampus Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Jalan Rawamangun muka, Jakarta 13220Telp/Fax: Rektor :021 4893854, PR I: 4895130, PR II: 4893918, PR III: 4892926 , PR IV 4893928

BAB IPENDAHULUAN1.1. TABEL JUDULNoJudul ArtikelPenulis dan Tahun

1The effect of environmentally friendly perceptions on festival visitorsdecision making process using an extend model of goal-directed behaviourHak Jun Song, Choong Kie lee, Soo K.Kang, Sung-Jin Boo, 2012

2Adoption of instant messaging by travel agency workers in Taiwan: Integrating technology readiness with the theory of planned behaviorYueh-Chun shih dan Shin_Tsen Fan, 2013

3Social network for the choice of tourist destination: attitude and behavioral intentionLoredana Di Pietro dan Francesca Di Virgilio, Eleonara Pantano, 2011

4Gendered theory of planned behavior and residents support for tourismRobin Nunkoo dan Haywantee Ramkissoon, 2010

5Predictors Of Attitude and Intention To Revisit a Wines capeBen Thomas, Vanessa Ann Quintal, Ian Phau

6Exploring Tourist Adoption Of tourism Mobile Payment: An Empirical AnalysisRunhua Peng, Li Xiong, Zhenqing Yang, 2012

7Positive Expectation: a Suicces Factor of Mobile Tourism MarketingAlaa Al Sarabi, 2012

8Travelers Intent to Purchase Tourism Products and Services OnlineRobin Nunkoo, Haywantee Ramkissoon, Thanika Devi Juwaheer,

9The Influence of Travel Motivations and Social Factors on Travel Web Site Usage among Malaysian TravellersNorzalita Abd Azis, Ghazali Musa dan Ainin Sulaiman, 2010

10The Effects of Website Trust, Perceived Usefulness on Consumers Online Booking Intention: Evidence from Taiwan B&B SectorYi-Hsuan Lai, Hsiu-Chin Huang, Ruey-Shan Lu, Chia-Ming Chang, 2013

11Applying the extended theory of planned behavior to predict the intention of visiting a green hotelKun-Shan, Wu dan Yi-Man Teng, 2011

12Extended Technology Accaptence Model for SPSS Acceptance Among Slovenian Students Of social SciencesAlenka Brezavscek, Petra Sparl, Anja Znindarsic, 2014

13An Evaluation on the Attitudes of Residents in Georgetown towards the impacts of Tourism DevelopmentLim Poh Ling, Shaharudin Jakpar, Anita Johari, Khin Than Myint, dan Nazatul Shima Abdul Rani, 2011

14The Application of the Theory of Planned Behavior to the Construction of Biodiversity Conservation in Naying Coastal National Scenic Area.Chyi Shen, Hsing-Ming Lee, Ting-yi Chen,

15Applying The Theory of Planned behavior to explore the independent travelers behaviorChih-Yung Tsai, 2010

16A Predictive Model Of Behavioral Intention to Spa Visiting: An Extended Theory of Planned BehaviorSoo Hyun Kim, Seung Hyun Kim, Chang Huh, Bonnie Knutson, 2010

17Community Accaptance of Knowledge Sharing System in the Travel and Tourism Websites: An Aplication of an extension of tamNor Laila Md nor, Mardziah Hashim, Halilah Haron, Salwa Ariffin, 2003

18Does Food Quality Really Mater In Restaurants? Its Impact On Customer Satisfaction and Behavioral IntentionsYoung Namkung and SooCheong Jang, 2007

19Investigating the role of festivalscape in culinary tourism: The case of food and wine eventsMichaela C. Mason, Adriano Paggiaro, 2011

20A study of user accaptence of destination management systems in Taiwan tourism with the modified technology accepatance modelHsing-Chau Tseng, Pauline Pei-Ning Tu, Yun-Chen lee, Tsung-Sheng Wang, 2012

21Consumer greenwashing: using the theory of planned behavior to explain unetihical consumer behaviorSchielke, Altobeli, 2012

22Applying the extended technology acceptance model to understand online purchase behavior of travelsNunkoo, Juwaheer dan Rambhujun, 2013

23A study on the acceptance of information technologies from the perspectives of the academicians in turkeyTarcan, Varol dan Toker, 2010

24The aplication of technologies acceptance model on healt tourism e-purchase intention predictors in ThailandPhatthanna dan Mat, 2013

25Computers in human behaviorTennyson, Kirschner dan Wu, 2011

26Factors influencing local resident support for tourism development: A structural Equation ModelUntong, Ard, Ramos, Sangkakaron dan Maquieira

27Antecedents of Actual Visit Behavior amongst International Touristsin Jordan: Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) ApproachDr. Ayed Mohd Al Muala, 2011

28Evaluating behavioral intentions of tourist in e-tourismPersaei, Rezaei, Arab Jafari, 2014

29Resident support for tourism development: the role of resident place image and perceived tourism impact Stylidis, Biran, Sit dan Szivas, 2014

30Technology acceptance analysis of local government tourism websiteYu-Chin Chen dan Chia-Yen 2011

1.2. RUMUSAN MASALAH1.2.1. Apakah terdapat hubungan positive antara perceived ease of use dengan acceptance?1.2.2. Apakah terdapat hubungan positive antara perceived ease of use dengan perceived usefulness?1.2.3. Apakah terdapat hubungan positive antara perceived ease of use dengan behavioral intention?1.2.4. Apakah terdapat hubungan positive antara perceived usefulness dengan acceptance?1.2.5. Apakah terdapat hubungan positive antara perceived usefulness dengan behavioral intention?1.3. TUJUAN PENELITIAN1.3.1. Untuk mengetahui hubungan positive antara perceived ease of use dengan acceptance1.3.2. Untuk mengetahui hubungan positive antara perceived ease of use dengan perceived usefulness1.3.3. Untuk mengetahui hubungan positive antara perceived ease of use dengan behavioral intention1.3.4. Untuk mengetahui hubungan positive antara perceived usefulness dengan acceptance1.3.5. Untuk mengetahui hubungan positive antara perceived usefulness dengan behavioral intention


1. Perceived ease of use+AcceptanceSarabi&Barakat, 2012

2. Perceived ease of use+Perceived usefulnessBrezavscek, Sparl, Znidarsic, 2014Lai, Huang, Lu & Chang, 2012Noor, Hashim, Haron & Ariffin, .Peng, Xiong &Yang, 2012Tseng, Tu , Lee & Wang, 2012Tarcan , Varol & Toker, 2010

3. Perceived ease of use+Behavioral IntentionBrezavscek, Sparl & Znidarsic, 2014Nunkoo, Juwaheer, &Rambhunjun, 2013

4. Perceived usefulness+AcceptanceSarabi&Baraka, 2012

5. Perceived usefulness+Behavioral IntentionBrezavscek, Sparl & Znidarsic, 2014Nunkoo, Juwaheer, &Rambhunjun, 2013



H1 +

H4 +

H2 +Perceived usefulnessPerceived ease of use

H3 +

H5 +

Behavioral Intention

2.4. HIPOTESISH1. Terdapat hubungan positive antara perceived ease of use dengan acceptanceH2. Terdapat hubungan positive antara perceived ease of use dengan perceived usefulnessH3. Terdapat hubungan positive antara perceived ease of use dengan behavioral intentionH4. Terdapat hubungan positive antara perceived usefulness dengan acceptanceH5. Terdapat hubungan positive antara perceived usefulness dengan behavioral intention

BAB IIIMETODOLOGI PENELITIAN3.1. TABEL SAMPELNoPenulis, TahunJumlah SampelTeknik Pengambilan SampelKarakteristik SampelTeknik Analisis Data

1.Sarabi & Barakat, 2012375Convenient sampling Tourists age 18 and above in Saudi ArabiaMultiple regression

2.Brezavscek, Sparl, Znidarsic, 2014329Web page link basedUniversity student of social sciences for seven faculties at three Slovenian universities Regression analysis

3.Lai, Huang, Lu & Chang, 2012359Convenient sampling 30 B & B sector in Taiwan Structural equation modeling

4.Noor, Hashim, Haron & Ariffin, .262Random SamplingMember of www.virtualtour.comRotation Component Matrix

5.Peng, Xiong &Yang, 2012 421Convenient sampling Tourism payment usersStructural equation modeling

6.Tseng, Tu , Lee & Wang, 2012269Convenient sampling Taiwan tourism Structural equation modeling

7.Tarcan , Varol & Toker, 2010510Web page link basedAcademicians in turkey If item deleted

8.Nunkoo, Juwaheer, & Rambhunjun, 2013150Convenient sampling Travelers visiting Mauritius 2012Multiple regression

9.Song, Lee, Kang & Boo, 2012400Convenient sampling Korean visitor who attended the Boryeong Mud festival in 2010Structural equation modeling

10.Nunkoo, Ramkissoon & Juwaheer, 438Convenient sampling Tourists visiting the island of Mauritius october 2009 & february 2010LISREL structural equation analysis package

3.2. TABEL OPERASIONAL VARIABELNo.Penulis, TahunIndikatorSkala

Perceived ease of use

1.Tarcan , Varol & Toker, 2010 Learning to operate technology is easy for me I find it easy to get the technology to do what I want to do My interaction with the technology is clear and understandable Overall, I find the technology easy to useLikert scales

2.Noor, Hashim, Haron & Ariffin, . Using the site, I find it easy to get the website to do what I want it to do Learning ti operate www.virtualtour.com is easy to use especially in sharing what I have to others Using the site, I find it very easy to participate in sharing experienceLikert scales

3.Brezavscek, Sparl, Znidarsic, 2014 I find it easy to get SPSS to do what I want to do My interaction with SPSS is understandable and clear I find SPSS to be flexsible to interact with It is easy for me to become skilful at using SPSSLikert scales

4.Nunkoo, Ramkissoon & Juwaheer, Learning to use the internet for shopping of travel product was easy for me Using the internet to purchase travel products does not require a lot of mental effort The internet would be easy to use to make my travel purchase Likert scales

5.Duffy, 2013 On the site everything is easy to understand I can find information easily on the site When I navigate round the site, I feel that I am in control Regular updates mean the information is fresh Aggregating the reviews into ranking makes it easier to choose a hotel I can personalize the site for my needs I can easily compare different hotels using the site Likert scales


1.Tsai, 2010 Engage in self travel, allows you to get involved or rapture Do you think engaging in self travel is good for you? Engage in self travel, you feel very comfortable Engage in self travel you feel time flies Do you think tourism is a waste of time engage in self travel? You are in favor of increasing leisure time to Engage in self travel If you have enough money and time, you will engage in more self travel Do you think tourism can bring you to engage in pleasure? Do you think engage in self travel allows you to travel enjoyable experience? Do you think engage in self travel, you enjoy at your own pace? Do you think engage in self travel, not a waste of time? If you choose, you will increase the time to engage in self travel You like self travel Do you think engage in self travel is new and interesting?Likert scales

2.Song, Lee, Kang & Boo, 2012 I think visiting the mud festival is positive behavior I think visiting the mud festival is valuable behavior I think visiting the mud festival is beneficial behavior I think visiting the mud festival is necessary behaviorLikert scales

3.Duffy, 2013 It is possible that the hotel I choose will not be good value for money It is possible that the hotel I choose will be waste of time It is possible that the hotel I choose will not provide satisfactionLikert scales

4.Tarcan , Varol & Toker, 2010 I think using technology is beneficial behavior I think using technology is positive behavior I think using technology is beneficial behaviorLikert scales

5.Brezavscek, Sparl, Znidarsic, 2014 I think using SPSS is positive behavior I think using SPSS is beneficial behaviorLikert scales

Perceived usefulness

1.Tarcan , Varol & Toker, 2010 Using technology increases my productivity Using technology improves my job performance Using technology enhances my effectiveness on the job Using technology makes it easier to do my job Overall, I find technology useful in my jobLikert scales

2.Noor, Hashim, Haron & Ariffin, . www.virtualtour.com is useful in providing idea of budget and place to go for vacation www.virtualtour.com is useful when many members share their photos, videos, experiences, and tips to others via the web www.virtualtour.com will allow me to make friends from all over the world www.virtualtour.com is useful when member are able to have gathering and meetings annually, to get to know each others by sharing their knowledge and experiences Likert scales

3.Brezavscek, Sparl, Znidarsic, 2014 SPSS use can improve my job performance SPSS use can make it easier to do my job SPSS use in my job can increase my productivity I find SPSS useful in my job SPSS use would enable me to accomplish statistical analysis more quickly Likert scales

4.Nunkoo, Ramkissoon & Juwaheer, Using the internet to acquire travel products would permit me to purchase more efficiently Using the internet to acquire travel products would permit me to purchase more quickly Using the internet to acquire travel products would be usefulLikert scales

5.Duffy, 2013 I believe the site is sincere in helping me I do not doubt in the integrity of the site I belive the service given by the site is done with their best judgment I expect that the site has good intention towards me I expect that the site puts customers interest before its own I expect that the site is well meaning The site is a competent information provider The site really knows what travelers want The site is able to server the readers wellLikert scales

Behavioral intention

1.Brezavscek, Sparl, Znidarsic, 2014 I always try SPSS to conduct a task whenever it has a feature to help me perform it I always try SPSS is as many cases / occasions as possible SPSS has lots of exciting functions that I intend to use I intend to increase my use of SPSS in the futureLikert scales

2.Song, Lee, Kang & Boo, 2012 I will make an effort to revisit the mud festival in the near future I have an intention to revisit the mud festival I am willing to revisit the mud festival I am willing to spend time and money to revisit the mud festivalLikert scales

3.Tsai, 2009 You will be encouraged friends and family involved in independent travel You will be promoted the advantages of independent travel to your friends and family You will be promoted independent travel to your friends and family If you want to tourism activities, self-travel is your preferrend If has the opportunity now, you will be able to participate in self-travel Even if the participation of independent travel to pay a higher price, you are still willing to participateLikert scales

4.Namkung and jang, I would like to come back to this restaurant in the future I would recommend this restaurant to my friends or others I would say positive thing about this restaurant to othersLikert scales

5.Duffy, 2013 I would book mark the site I would recommend the site to friend I would book a hotel after using to the site I would sign up as member at the site I would go to another site to compare with TripAdvisor I would use TripAdvisor again in the futureLikert scales