nervus facialis

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neurologi, nervus, facialis, stroke

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Page 2: nervus facialis


• Motorik: ekspresi wajah, scalp, ear– Jg buccinator, platysma, stapedius, stylohyoid, and

posterior belly of the digastric• Parasimpatis: – submandibular and sublingual salivary glands, the

lacrimal gland and to the mucous membranes of the oral and nasal cavities

• Rasa/taste : 2/3 anterior lidah• Eksteroseptif: CAE, eardrum• Proprioseptif

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Page 4: nervus facialis

• Although most corticobulbar fibers to the facial nuclei decussate in or rostral to the pons, some descend in the aberrant pyramidal tract to medullary levels, decussate there, and ascend contralaterally in the dorsolateral medulla to reach the facial nucleus.

• The facial nerve has two components, the motor root, which makes up about 70% of the fibers, and the sensory root, which accounts for 30%.

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The Nervus Intermedius

• The NI is the sensory and autonomic component of the facial nerve

• GSA: eksteroseptif ke CAE dan MT• SVA: taste 2/3 anterior lidah

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Examination of the Motor Functions• Inspeksi simetris, t.u pada young– subtle facial weakness: cukup sulit – Lihat tonus, atrofi, fasikulasi– Frekuensi dan simetrikal kedipan spontan

• Infrekuen pd parkinsonism– PSP: omega sign alis mendekat fisura palpebra

melebar– Abnormal movement: hemifacial spasm (HFS), Other:

tremors, tics, myoclonic jerks, chorea, and athetosis (involunter)

– Amati jg saat berekspresi alamiah pd lesi UMN

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– Gerakan:• Banyak• Khusus: cek platysma membuka mlut sambil melahan

tahanan atau dgn clinch teeth• Membuka mata melawan kontraksi orbicularis okuli

– Normal: tdk bisa dibuka– Dpt membuka dgn small finger weakness

• stylohyoid muscle and posterior belly of the digastric tdk dibuka• M.stapedius hiperakusis dgn nada rendah

– Jangan lupa liat dalam telinga liat vesikel

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Examination of the Sensory Functions

• Hanya periksa taste/rasa (sensori CAE blm ada cara yg diakui untuk priksanya)

• Ada lima rasa: pahit, asam, manis, asin, umami

• Bahan : sukrosa, NaCl, quinine, asam sitrat pada 2/3 anterior lidah, dgn lidah ttp protrusi, rinsed di antara test.– Jika priksa pahit, itu yg terakhir

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• Bbrp suka menahan lidah dgn kasa• Dgn stik aplikator dicelupkan ke gula, pemanis

buatan, atau garam, digosokan di salah satu sisi lidah. – Tepi lidah sensasi kurang, paling baik di dorsal lidah &

antara anterior dan middle third– Sudah ada filter paper strips rasa untuk pemeriksaan

• Kebanyak dlm waktu <10 detik, dgn lidah tidak boleh ditarik masuk, pasien lgs menebak dgn cara yg telah disepakati

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• Rasa untuk cek batas lesi pada PFP– Jk trganggu maka proksimal chorda tympani– Jk normal di atau distal for stylomastoid

• Ageusia tdk bisa merasa• Hipoageusia kemampuan tumpul, atau

delayed• Jk ada ggn pengecap cek ggn lokal pd lidah

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Examination of the Secretory Functions

• can usually be evaluated by history and observation

• quantitated with the Schirmer test• filter strips ditempatkan di sac konjungtiva

inferior slm 5 menit