April 2012 Vocations e-newsletter MINGĦAJR ALLA, GĦALXEJN.... NOT IN VAIN : VIDEO CLIP RESURRECTION PRACTICE E - spark 44 E-Spark hija newsletter elettronika mahruga mic-Centru tal-Vokazzjonijiet tas-Seminarju, tal-Virtu,Rabat . Tel: 21450354 - www.vokazzjoni.com

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Rivista ghal min qed ifittex is-sejha ta' Alla, u jrid jaghmel xi haga dwarha A resource for those seeking God's plan in their life, and who wish to do something about it

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April 2012 Vocations e-newsletter




E - spark 44

E-Spark hija newsletter elettronika mahruga mic-Centru tal-Vokazzjonijiet tas-Seminarju, tal-Virtu,Rabat .

Tel: 21450354 - www.vokazzjoni.com

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MINGĦAJR ALLA, GĦALXEJN ...MINGĦAJR ALLA, GĦALXEJN ... Spiss Mulej jiġini d-dubju jekk int tabilħaqq tafx b'kollox. Ngħidu aħna,

jekk tafx bil-gwaj li għandna madwarna fid-dinja bħalissa? Taħwid

finanzjarju, ġlied u qtil, inġustizzji u inganni ta' kull xorta? Anke jien, xi drabi nippreferi ma nkun naf b'xejn għax, barra li nsewwed qalbi, jidħluli

ħafna dubji dwarek. OK, nemmen li Inti tħobbna. Nemmen ukoll li inti

setgħan u li tista' kollox. Imma allura kif tissaporti tara dawn l-affarijiet kollha jiġru, u ma tagħmel xejn?

Ħsibijiet bħal dawn jgħaddu minn moħħ kulħadd. U mhux dejjem minħabba sempliċi kurżità. Għax jekk il-problema tkun tolqot lili

direttament, jew lill-familja tiegħi jew xi ħadd minn sħabi, allura d-

domandi tiegħi nibda' nagħmilhom b'ton ta' weġgħa mħallat ma' rabja. Nibda' nħoss li għandi dritt għal spjegazzjoni. Li għandi dritt li nkun naf

"għaliex". U fuq kollox, "għaliex jien".

F'waqtiet bħal dawn, moħħi jiddallam u ninsa li qatt ma nista' nifhem lil

Alla. Drabi oħra, meta nkun aktar kalm, qisni nisma' l-Mulej jgħidli: "Naf

b'dak kollu li qed jiġri f'kull rokna tad-dinja, u qalbi maqsuma daqs tieghek. Jien lill-bniedem ħlaqtu tajjeb u intelliġenti. Poġġejtu f'dinja

sabiħa li ħallejtha f'idejh, għax nafdah. Tajtu l-libertà li jagħmel u jagħżel

li jrid... u flok għażel li jkun jixbaħ lili, għażel li jeħodli posti... U ara fhiex wasal! Taħseb li jien qed nitpaxxa b'dan kollu? Imma ftakar li meta int

tintelaq f'idejja u żżomm qrib tiegħi, ukoll waqt li jkollok iġġorr problemi

tqal, lili se ssibni dejjem miegħek. Imqar waqt li jkollok qalbek maqsuma, xorta possibbli li tkun fil-paċi".

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Mulej, nammetti li xi drabi nistħajjlek qisek għandek is-

soluzzjonijiet kollha. Li qisek int qiegħed hemm biex issolvili l-problemi kollha fil-pront! Ninsa li hemm tbatija li

hi marbuta mal-ħajja ta' kull bniedem... inkluż mal-ħajja

tiuegħi. Ninsa li din it-tabtija hija meħtieġa u li fiha sens għax hi marbuta mal-proċess biex jien nikber u nimmatura

u bħalek inkun responsabbli għal dak li jiġri madwari.

Ninsa li l-ħajja tiegħi hija vjaġġ li jista' jwassalni għandek....

jew ibegħdni minnek. Huwa jien li rrid niddeċiedi. Nixtieq li

kollox ikun komdu, kollox kif nippjana jien, u li ħadd ma jkollu d-dritt iħassar dak li nixtieq jien. Imma naf li dan ma

jaqbilx mat-tip ta' ħajja li Int għażilt għalik innifsek. Int ix-

xewqa unika tiegħek kienet li twettaq ir-rieda tal-Missier.

Mulej, naċċetta l-fatt li jien ma nista' qatt nifhem dal-

misteru kif inti tittollera tant ħażen fid-dinja. Agħdirni... Nipprova nintelaq aktar f'idejk. Agħtini l-grazzja biex inkun

dejjem qrib tiegħek, sabiex fik insib il-qawwa li inħobb sa l-


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Ara ftit dan il-clip li juri djalogu interessanti bejn ix-Xitan u Ġesù, fejn Ġesù qed jagħti r-raġunijiet għala se jmut. Għandek ukoll id-djalogu tal-biċċiet relevanti.

NOT IN VAINNOT IN VAIN It's all in vain.

No... Not in vain.

Through me God will reveal His love for mankind.

Come down from that cross they have waiting for you. Why die in

agony when you can take control? Make the earth a paradise. End poverty. End hunger. End war. You can do it.

It's within your power. Right now! No I can not... It is not God's will.

It's not God's will to end the war? What kind of God is that? One who loves mankind so much

that He gives man freedom of choice.

He has not created them so He could be their dictator, and He gives them the choice of doing good or evil.

And this is what they choose! (laughs) Don't die in vain... Don't die alone!

I'm not alone. I am with my Father.

I'm in the hearts of men. I will die for the everlasting kindness of the human heart created by the Father,

so that man will make his image shine once again.

And those who will want to will find in me the strength to love until the end.

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some ways we can practice

resurrection in our daily lives.

• Give your full attention to whatever you are

doing, and you'll recognize the constant renewal

of life all around you.

• Walk the path of beauty and notice the spiri-

tual radiance in people, places, and growing

things — more signs of rebirth.

• Leave the past to God's mercy. Leave the fu-

ture to God's discretion. Living in the present

moment, the only time when God brings forth

new life, is a way of affirming your belief in


• Whenever you with compassion open your

heart, mind, and soul to the pain of the world,

you help bring suffering beings back into the

land of the living.

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• • When you add even a small portion of joy to the lives of those around you, you bring resurrection into your community. • Your work for justice, freedom, and equality sets the stage for resurrection. When you feed the hungry and stand up for the oppressed, you are a life-giver. • Your little acts of kindness tenderize the world, add to the fund of good will, and set the table for resurrection. • Listen to others, the universe, and your inner voice, and you'll be privy to resurrections when they happen. • Love God, love your neighbor, and love your new life as marks of the resurrection. • Find meaning in your experiences and speak the truth to power, and you help put death in its place. • Nurture yourself — eat right, exercise, get plenty of rest — and you are helping God resurrect your body. • When you stay open to all people and situations, you affirm your belief that all things can be made new. • Every peace treaty that you sign with someone who is your enemy or opponent is a sign of resurrection. • Sometimes you feel refreshed by the simplest things — laughter, games, play. This, too, is resurrection. • Othertimes it is the thrill of the quest that spurs you on to be all you were meant to be as a person reborn. • When you practice reverence for life, you can't help but notice all the little resurrections going on all around you, the continual process of creation on Earth. • Practicing resurrection also means having confidence that God can make something out of your selfishness, anger, greed, hatred, and any of your other shadow qualities. • Find a place where you can regularly practice silence; it will rejuvenate your soul.

When you cultivate the art of making connections, the walls of separation come crashing down and new life can spring up out of the rubble. • When you regularly pray for others as part of your devotional ac-tivities, you are practicing resurrection. • Enthusiasm is the mark of a life-giver. When you can laugh and sing and relish life, you are practicing resurrection. • Faith enables us to live with confidence amidst doubt and para-dox. When you can trust in your relationship with God, all kinds of leaps and rebirths are possible. • Every time you forgive someone, another resurrection is in the making. • Every time you accept God's grace in your life and see it in the world around you, your own resurrection is in the making. • Practice gratitude and you are slaying the death-dealing forces of boredom, despair, and taking-things-for granted. • Bring hope to someone in despair, bring healing to those in con-flict, and you are contributing to the ongoing resurrection. • When you can welcome guests and alien ideas with gracious-ness, you are participating in a new world of hospitality. • When you give full rein to your imagination, you are opening the gates of creativity so resurrection can come in.

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Contact Us

If you would like to contact Fr Michael and share your comments, suggestions, ideas or problems please send an email to:

[email protected]

Tel : 21450354 Vocational Centre Archbishop’s Seminary Tal-Virtu, Rabat

Ic-Centru tal-Vokazzjonijiet Djocesani joffri taghrif u gwida spiritwali dwar opportunitajiet li hemm quddiemek fil-hajja. Ic-Centru ghandu l-bazi tieghu fis-Seminarju, Tal-Virtu' - Rabat. Il-kordinatur tac-Centru huwa Dun Michael Bellizzi li, flimkien ma' l-istaff tas-Seminarju, u bl-ghajnuna ta' persuni mharrgin, jghinek tfittex x'inhi s-sejha ta' Kristu ghalik.

