A N G L O - Forgotten Books

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A N G L O - S A X O N'



Profemr of Anglo-Sax on. M mL i tera ture . and Ora tory , inComo"Universi ty .



N E \V Y O R K


1 889

n éfi)

18 7 ?

Entered accord ing to Ac t of Congress, inthe year 187 1. byLEYPOLDT , HOLT , WILLIAMS .

Inthe OnIce of the Li brarianof Congress, at Washington.



umvznsx'rv or PENNSYLVANIA ,wuosz “ TREVELYAN








Tart present work is anattempt to furnish the studentwi th such read ingmaterial and accompanying aids as willenable himto trace the growth of the Engl ish languagefromthe purest ex isting formofthe Anglo-Sax onor Angl ish downto the end of the fourteenth century, whenithad become, with the ex ceptionofa few l ingering remainsof the old inflections

,essential ly the same as the unin

flected language of the present day. The se lections are

sufficiently abundant, if thoroughly mastered , to serve as

a basis for the ful lest course ofEngl ish phi lology that canbe made pract icable inourH igh-Schools and Col leges, asthey are at present consti tuted . The aim has been


mak ing up the book ,to choose such passages fromthe

works represented as are both interest ing inmatter and inmanner, and phi lo logical ly valuable . A greater variety of

selectionsmight easi ly have beenmade fromthe careful lyed i ted material that has accumulated the last twenty years,but the real purposes of aneducational tex t-book of this

k ind are better subserved by fewer ex trac ts ofconsiderablelength,

and, as far as possible, by (ample/e productions,representing the best form of the language at d ifferentperiods, thanby t id -bits that give but a faint idea of the

general style ofa work . The Anglo-Sax onversionoftheGospe l accord ing to St. Johnhas beengivenenti re

, as

afford ing, by reasonofthe simp l ic i ty of the language andthe fami l iari ty of all wi th the subject-matter, the easiest

read ing for the beginner, for whomthe book is meant .lElfnc 's Homi ly onthe B irthday ofSt. Gregory has been


printed inthe so-cal led Anglo-Sax oncharacter, that the

student maynot be at a loss whenhe meetswi th anyworkor c ited passage inwhich that character is used.

Kemble designates the old letters as “the si lly charac

ters which people cal l Sax on and Jacob Grimm, inareview of Cardale’s Boethius, Gettingische gelehrte Anze igen, October sth, 1833, remarks : “ It is time to re

nounce the use ofthe ao-cal led Anglo-Sax onletters. Wi thequal justice ought Old H ighDutch and many other typesto be introduced, and editions thereby made d ifficult.The most accurate representations of the Anglo-Sax onpeculiari ties of language require no other signs thanthesimple beautiful Latincharacters (fromwhich the trainofAnglo-Sax onmanuscript proceeded and was altered forthe worse), with only the add itionof two

,for the t}: and

db (3: and The simple 0 is quite sufi cient to ex press

the Anglo-Sax onw ; only at a later period did the English lose it and become obl iged to use their 10 for i t. All

besides these are trifling, and stand inthe way. Onecould evendispense wi th the contractions for and and pe t.Muchmore important and profitable would it be to introduce into the printed tex ts the signs ofquanti ty invowels,which are partly founded uponthe practice ofmanuscripts,partly deduced fromanaccurate grammatical comparisonofthe va lue ofsounds (indifferent languages). We wantfor this, inorder to secure uniformi ty, only a sett led concert, whatever difi cult inquiries the use of them inparticular instancesmay bring with itself This view of the

great phi lologist must be accepted by every Anglo-Sax onscholar. But ina tex t-book, designed to prepare studentsfor independent study, every requisite pre liminary aid

should be afi'

orded ; and as the monk ish and c lericalmod ifications of the Romanletters are generally used inthe early editions of Anglo-Sax onworks, a specimenof

themhas beenaccordingly given. Inrecent editions of


Anglo-Sax onworks they have beenwisely rejected, withthe ex ceptionofthe two characters representing,— the onethe ini tial sub-tonic of the word firm, the other the initialatonic of the word t : in .nt: c t rrcspond ing, respec tive ly,

with 6 and 0,as pronounced inthe Romaic or modern

Greek .

Great care has beenused to have the accents conformwi th the best authori ties onthe subject. The B ibliothelt

der AngelsiichsischenPoesie” and “ Glossar of Grein,Ettmilller’s Engla and Seaxna Scdpas and Bdceras,

and “ Vorda vealhstdd Engla and Seaxna,



“ Deutsche Grammatik,

” “ Caedmon’s des Ange lsachsenbibl ische Dichtungen, herausgegebenvonBouterwek ,and the grammars of Rask and Loth have beenchieflyconsulted.The analysis of the Anglo-Sax onstrong verbs, is that

of Lo th,the c learest and ful lest that has yet beenmade ,

contained inhis “Etymologische angelsmchsischengl ische Grammatik . Brock


s valuable analysis of the

grammatical forms of the AncrenRiwle , conta ined intheTransactions of the Phi lological Society, 1 865 , has beengivenas general ly appl icable to the SouthernEngl ish of

the period . The Grammatical Out l ines and the Glossarywi l l enable the student tomake a thorough preparationofthe lessonassigned him,

whi le,at the same time , the aid is

not too ready at hand, inthe shape of ex planatorynotes,to forestal l who lesome efl


ort. W ith a knowledge of theAnglo-Sax oninflections and syntax ,

and ofa few phi lological princ iples inregard to letter-change, he canbe, to agreat ex tent, anindependent observer of the forms presented by the vocabulary and phraseology of the subse~

quent periods of the language ; and the more he is

encouraged inindependent observat ionthe better.The Latinofthe Vulgate has beengivenalong with the

se lect ions from the Wyclifli te versions of the Scri ptures,


that the student may readi ly see to what ex tent their peculiaritiesof d iction

,espec ial ly those of the earl ier tex t, are

due to what appears to have beenanover consc ientiousregard for the l iteral sense of the original.The work , it is hoped , whatevermay be i ts defects, wi ll

do something towards putting the study ofEngl ish uponasound basis. This study cannot be pursued with success,

uponthe bas is of the modernforms of the language, as isevidenced by the unsatisfactory results reached by the bestschoolmaster grammarians. To the study ofthe l i teratureof the age of El izabeth, the goodl iest heri tage of every

educated Engl ishmanand Anglo-American, a respectableknowledge of the previous language and l iterature fromthe age ofAlfred must be brought, before it canbe pursued wi th anything more thana half success ; and the

earnest student who shrinks fromno labor that isnecessary for the realizationof the highest standard of ex cellence . and who would grow up to the ful lest appreciat ionand enjoyment of which he is capable , of the great

masterpieces of Engl ish l i terature , must seek out the

ancient Mother. The opinionex pressed one thousandyears ago, by the good and great k ing Alfred , of blessedmemory, inthe celebrated Epistle which he addressed to

each of his B ishops, and which forms the introductiontohis Anglo-Sax ontranslationof the Pastorale of Pope

Gregory the Great, is as appl icable to our owntime, andespec ial ly to this country, as i t was to his time and country, and is one of the many proofs we have that he was

inthe highest sense the father ofhis people . Inthat Epistle he ex presses his deep sense of the importance of cultivating the vernacular tongue , as one of the most effectivemeans for the inte l lectual and moral advancement of thec lergy and the lai ty. One short passage is worthy the

attentionof all educators of the present day. Here i t is

inthe k ing’

s owngood mother Engl ish


Me pinc‘b betere , gif cow swa pincb, pa t we

ge-ddn, swa we swibe edbe magonmid Godes fultume,

gifwe pastilnesse babbeo, pa t eall seogedguti penu is onAnge l-cynne fredra manna, para pe paspeda haabbon,synto leornunga ob-faeste , pahwi le pe hi nanre obrenotene maegon, 68 fyrst pe hi wel cunnonEnglisc gewri taré dan. Lé re mansibbanfurbor onLeden-gepeode , yaye manfurbor lé ranwi l le , and tohearanhade donwi l le.

That is,To me i t seemeth better, if to you so i t seem

eth, that we cause , as we ful l easi lymay with God’


he lp, ifwe the repose have, that all the youth thatnow isinthe Angle-stock of free men, of those that the meanshave

,be to learning put, the whi le that theynone

other businessne can, ti l l first that they we l l canEngl ishwri ting read. Let one teach afterward further inLatinspeech those that one further teach wi l l , and to higher

hood advance wi l l . ”The importance , moral and intel lectual , to the individ

ual, to soc iety, and to the state , of a thorough cultivationof the vernacular tongue , wi l l soon, i t is hoped , be ful lyand pra ctical ly recognized by all educators and insti tutionsof learning. What Thomas De Quincey, the greatest master of English prose that this century has produced , thegreatest , perhaps, produced by any century, has sa id inregard to the young pot/Zr obl igationto attainto puri ty,prec ision, compass, and id iomatic energy of d iction, isscarcely less appl icable to every young manwho wouldreach the highest culture of which he is capable. If


he says, inhis somewhat ungenerous essay onthe poet

Keats,“there is one thing inthis world that, nex t afler

the flag of his country and i ts spotless honour, should bewhol ly inthe eyes of the young poet,—i t is the languageof his country. He should spend the third part of his

l ife instudying this language and cultivating i ts totalresources.


This would hard ly be anex travagant assertionwi th re

spect to any one'

snative language which possesses a literature embodying, inart forms, the highest and deepestthought and sentiment of the people who speak it, andex hibit ing their progress from ignorance to knowledge ,fromrudeness to refinement ; and least of all is i t ex travagant with respect to the Engl ish language, whose l iterature is the grandest embod iment of what man, inhisstruggles, his secret questionings, his aspirations, and hishopes, has thought and fe lt .The author doesnot crave for his work

,in. the hack

h eyed language of prefaces,“the indulgence of a gener

ous publ ic , but hopes that it wi l l rece ive such cri tic ismfrom true scho lars that would glad ly learnand gladlv


”as i ll he lp himto correct itsmistakes and fi l l out

its short-comings inanother edit ion, ifone be cal led for.

To W. G. Medlicott, Esq ., of Long Meadow,


he is under a great obl igation, incommonwith manyother students ofEngl ish inthis country, for the long use

of valuable books fromhis ex tensive Anglo-Sax onandearly Engl ish l ibrary.

Him Consort.Cascadilla Place ,

The Cornell Universi ty,December, 1 87 0.


Inthis Ed i tion, words occurring inthe 2d and 3d Extracts from the A. S. Chronic le and inthe introductorylines to Layamon's Brut, 1—67 , which, by anoversight,

were omitted inthe G lossary to the rst ed i t ion, togetherwith such other defic iencies as have beennoted, espec ial lyreferences from strong preteri tes to the ir infini tives, havebeensuppl ied ina Supp i mentary Glossary ; and the

typographi cal errors, unavoi dable ina first editionof a

book of this k ind, have beencorrected . H . C.

Comma. Gama-m . 17 th a mr . rsra


Tri x ANGLO-SAXON Vane N or runGaspar. ACCORDrNc ro Sr . JOHN

Sx LacrrONs snort rm: Houru ss or E ar-arc


Homi ly onthe Good Shepherd . .

Homi ly onthe M irac le of the Loaves and the

Homi ly onthe B irthday of St . GregorySaLx crrONs snort KrNG Au rt xn’s ANcLo-SAx ON Vane N or runHrsrox r or PAnw s Ortosws

Voyages ofOhthere and Wulfstan.

Ex plo its ofAlex ander (cal led) the Great .The Re ignofAugustus Universal Peace ; Ad

vent ofthe Saviour

Sx Lx crrONs snort KrNo Anraxn’s ANcLo-SAx ON Vane N or Box '

rrrrnsnx C0NsonArr0Nx ParnosorrrmPreface

The desires of a good K ingGod governs all creatures with the bridles of

his power ; every creature tends towards i ts

kindA k ing's favour and friendship not desirable ;friends come and go wi th wealth and power ;self-conquest the highest of all conquests .


runTrue nobi l ity has i ts seat inthe mind, and isnot advent itious

The mind instructed by Wisdom to seek for

truth withinitse lf, and not outward ly ; the

fable of OrpheusOf proud and unjust rulers ; the good neverwi thout their reward man'snature degradedby vice and sensual ity to that ofbeasts

Smmort s snort rrrs ANGLO-SAXON CrrrtomcnxConflict at Glastonbury betweenthe NormanAbbot Thurstanand the Sax onMonks .

Wi l l iam the Conqueror’s despotic sway ; the

rapac ity of the k ing and hisnobles ; oppressionof the poor ; W i l l iam invades France ;burns Mantes ; d ies ; his character drawnbya contemporary who had sojourned inhiscoun

Death of Henry I . Stephenof Blois consecrated K ing of England the sad state of the

times during his re ign

Snrzcrrw s snort LA3Au0N’

s Brwr, OR Cx x omcnx or


The author’

s account ofhimse lf.Childric

s fl ight to the forest of Caledon; hissubmissionto Arthur ; the outrages commi tted by the Danes inLincolnshire descriptionofArthur

s armour ; Childric’

s fl ight over theAvonArthur

s combat wi th Colgrim strat

egemofCador ; defeat and death ofChildric .

SRLBCT IONS rx onms ANcrtsN Rrwu

Divisionofthe Treatise into e ight parts

False and true Anchoresses


Of Love ; a pure heart essential to Love ; a

parable of the love of Christ,the cross of

Christ our shieldAninjunct ionnot to keep cattle ; trafli c forbiddenc lothing and d isc ipl ine ; cautionagainstfinery indress

,and against id leness ; epis

tolary correspondence blood- lettingThe author

s conclud ing bened ictionand prayer

Snacrrort snonrrrx OruwwnThe author

s ded icationof the work to his


Homi ly onthe Temptationinthe Wi lderness .


A . n. r258

Sanscr rort s snort Rosrtrtr or GLovcssrs x’

s CHRONrcnsThe story of Lear and his daughtersHaro ld’

s successionto the throne of Englandonthe death of Edward the Confessor ; theBattle of Hastings, and death of HaroldRe ignofWi l l iam the Conqueror

Ssnscr rort s snort DAN Mrcx s t’

s As sr'

rrt or Im ,

onRsnox sx or CONSCIENCE

pe Uorc -speche .

pe uerste Godes Heste

jJe oper Godes B este

pe pridde Godes Heste

pe norye Godes Heste

pe vifte Godes Heste

De zix te Godes Heste

pe zeuende Godes Hests


pe egtende Godes B este

pe ne3ende Godes Keste

pe tende Godes Heste


Of the zenne ofyelpinge


Jori N MAUNv rLs,Kr

The river Ni le ; Egypt, its geography, product ions, etc.

Ex '

rrtAcrs snort TREV ISA’




The corrupt ionof the Engl ish tongue , and thepreference had ft r the French, inthe XIV thcentury

Sx Lx crrONs snort r rrs. V rsronor WrLLrAnCONCERNING Prsrts PLowmAN

The Visionof the Dead ly Sins and ofPers the

PlouhmonThe Peni tents set out insearch ofTruth ; the

way described by Piers the Ploughman.

Hunger enjoins uponPiers temperance incat

ing the various foods of the poor enumerated the discontent caused by prosperi ty

“Do-we l l is better thanthe Pope ’

s pardonsand indulgences

w crrort s rrrtou Praacx rrrx PLoncnuANs CarmaDescriptionof a DominicanConvent and a fat

The poor ploughmanand his fami ly his opinionof the friars



S T . JO H N .


ON frumanwa s Word, and pa t Word wa s midGode

,and God wa s pa t Word. spa t was onfruman

mid Gode . aEalle ping warou geworhte puth hyne andminping na s geworht butanhim. «Ba t wa s lif pe onhimgeworht wa s, and pa t lif wa s manna leOht. sAndpa t leOht lyht onpystrum; and pystro pa tne genamon..Manwa s framGode asend , pa s nama wa s Iohannes.rpes comtogewitnesse , pa t he gewitnesse cytbde be pamLeOhte , pa t cal le menpurh hyne gelyfdon. aNa s he

LeOht, ac pa t he gewitnesse forts-bare be pam LeOhte.

oSOiS LeOht was, pa t onlyht a lcne cumendne manonpysne middan-eard . toHe wa s onmiddan-earde


middan-eard wa s geworht purh hine, and middan-eardhine ne gecnedw. TO hys agenum he com, and bighyne ne underféngon. u SO

Blice swa hwylce swa hyneunderféngon, he scalde bym anweald pa t big warou

Godes bearn, pampe gelyfa'

li onhisnamanu pane syndacennede of blOdum,

ne of flasces willan, ne of weres

wi llanac big synd ofGode acennede . “And pa t Word

wa s flasc geworden, and eardode onES, (and we ge


sawonhys wuldor, swylce an-cennedes wuldor ofFa der,pa t wa s fulmid gyfe and sObfa stnysse.



"Iohannes cy'bgewi tnesse be him,and clypao, pus cwep

ende : Des wa s pe ic Sade,Se pe to cumenne ys a fter

me , wa s gewordenbeforanme : forpamhe wa s far ponneic . uAnd ofhis gefyllednesse we cal le onféngongyfe fo rgyfe . rrForpampe a wa s gescald purh Moysen

,and gyfu

and sOiSfa stnes ys gewordenpurh Ha’e lend Crist. “Ne


efre nanmanGod ; bt’rtonse an-cenneda Sunuhit oy

bde , Se yé onhys Fa der bearme . “And pa t ysIohannes gewitnes.


Dd pa Iudeas sendonheora sacerdas and hcora d iaconasfram Ierusalem to bym, pa t big acsodonhine , and puscwadonHwa t cart pt

r soAnd he cy’

fdde,andne w i‘bséc


and pus cwab Ne com icnaCrist. nAnd big acsodonhine

,and pus cwadonEart pri El ias ? And he cwa b

Ne eom ic hit . Di cwa'

edonhig z Eart pii wi tega ? Andhe andwyrde , and cwab : Nic. ”H ig cwadonto himHwa t cart pii ? pa t we andwyrde bringonpam pe 68 tope sendon. Hwa t segst pii be pe sylfum? ”He cwab

Ic cornclypiendes stefnonwéstene, Gerihtab Drybtnes

weg. swase wi tega Isaias cwa i i . “And pabe pa r asendewaron

, pawarou of sundor-halgon. ”And big acsodonhine

,and cwadonto him: Hwi fullast pt

t , gif pt’

t necart Cri st

,na El ias, ne witega ? « Iohannes him and

swarode : Ic fulligc onwa tere : to-myddes cow stod pe

gene cunnon. ”He ys pe a fter me tOweard ys, se wa s

gewordenbeforanme ; ne eom ic wyrbe pa t ic unbindehis sceo-

pwang. ”Dds ping wa tongewordene onBethania begeondanIordanen, pa r Iohannes fullo de .



asOpre da ge Iohannes geseah pone Halend tobymcumende, and ewa ti Hér ys Godes Lamb ; hér ys se pe déb

aweg middan-cardes synne . a pes ys be pam ic Sade ,

IEfter me cymb wer pe beforanme gewordenwa sforpampe he wa s inponne ic . nAnd ic hynenyste : acic cornand fullode onwa tere, to pampa t he ware geswutelod onIsrahela folce . uAnd Iohannes cy

‘bde ge

wi tnesse , cwepende Da t ic geseahnyper-cumendne Castof heofenum, swa swa culfran

,and wunode ofer hyne.

u And ic hyne ne cube : ac se pe me sende to fulliannconwa te re , he cwa '

B tome , Ofer pone pe pii gesyhstnyperstigendne Cast, and ofer hyne wuniendne

, pa t ys se pe

fullab onHalgumGaste. u And ic geseah, and gewitnessecybde pa t pes is Godes Sunu.



asEft Obre dage stod Iohannes, and twegenofhis leorning-cnyhtum u and he cwa '

li, pahe geseah pone Halend

gangende : Hér ys Godes Lamb ! nDa gehyrdonhinetwegenleorning-cnyhtas specende, and fylidonpamHalende . « Dd bescab se Ha lend, and geseah big hymfyliende , and cwa ‘

B tobym Hwa t Séce gyt ? H ig cwadon'to bym Rabbi , (pa t ys gecwedenand gereht, Ldreéw)bwar eardast pti ? ”He cwa


li to hym: Cumai i and gesetSb. H ig cOmonand gesawonhwar he wunode


mid hymwunodononpam da ge : hit wa s pa seo teobe

tid . wAndreas,Simones brd‘

der Petres, wa s Ober ofpamtwam, pzi gehyrdona t Iohanne, and himfyligdon. nDesgemette arest Simonem his brOOcr

,and cwa b to him

We gcméttonMessiam, pa t is gereht, Crist. « And biggelé ddonhine to pamHalende . Di beheold se Hal

end hine , and cwab : pt’

t cart Simon,Ionansunu : pi



byst genemned Cephas, pa t ys gereht, Petrus. uOn'mergenhe wo lde faranonGal i lea, and he gemette Phi lippus ; and se Halcnd cwa


B to him Fylig me . « SOB

lice Phi l ippus wa s fram Be thsaida, Andreas ceastre,and

Petrcs. « Phi l ippus gemette Nathanahel, and owa'

li to

hym: We geméttonpone Ha lend , Iosepes sunu, of

Nazareth, pone wrat Moyses and pawi tcganonpare a .

« And Nathanahel cwa '

li to bym Ma g anig ping godesc nof Nazareth ? Phi l ippus cwab to bym: Cum andgeseoh. « Dd geseah se Halend Nathanahel to bymcumendne , and cwa ii be hym: Her yS Israhelisc wer


onpamnis nanfacn. « Dacwab Nathanahel to himHwanoncripcst pii me ? Dd andswarode se Halcnd ,

and cwa i i to him Ic geseah pe papt’

r ware under pam,

fic-trcowc , arpampc Phi l i ppus pe clypode . « Hymandswarode pd Nathanahel, and pus cwab : Rabbi , pt

t cart

Godes Sunu,andmi cart Israhela Cining. ..Dé cwab se

Halend to bym pti gesyhst mare poune pis sy ; forpam

pe pt’

t gclyfdest, pa ic cwa‘

b pa t ic gcsawc pc under pamfic-trcowc . a And he Sade him: SOD ic seege cOw, gc

gescOiS openc hcofcnas, and Godes cnglas up-stigendc andnyper-st igcndc ofermanncs Sunu.



II. rON pampryddanda ge warongifta gewordene onChanda Gal i lea ; and pa s Halcndcs moder wa s pa r. sOiSlicc se Halend and hys leorning-cnyhtas waronge lapode to pam giftum. a And pa pa t wingctcorodc , pacwa i i pa s B a lendes moder to him ; H ignabba‘

d win.rDa cwab se Halcnd to hyrc : Lawif, hwa t ys me andpc ? gyt mintima nc com. rDai cwa ii pa s Halcndcsmoder to pam pénum: DOD swahwa t swahe edw seege .

.Dar waronsO‘

Blicc aset syx Stancnc wa ter-fatu,a fter

Iudca gcclansungc , a lc wa s ontwcgra sestra gcmctc ,


obbc onprcora . 1 9 4 head se Halcnd pa t big pa fatumid wa tere gefyldon. And big gefyldonpa 66 pone brerd.

cDa cwab se Halend. Hladab mi , and berab pa re

dryhte-ealdre . And hig namon. oDa se dryhtc


paes wines onbyrgde , pc of pamwa tere gewordenwas, henystc hwanonhit com: (pa penas sOii lice wiston, pc pa twa ter t don se dryhte

-caldor clypodc pone brydguman, to and cwab to him: E lc mansylti arest god

win; and ponne hig druncene beoti , pa t pc wyrsc by‘b

pti gehcolde pa t gode win65 pys. nDys wa s pa t formetacnpc se Halcnd worhte onChanda Galiléa ,

and geswutclodc hys wuldor : and hys leorning-cnyhtas gelyfdononhine .





u fEftcrpysumhe, and hismoder, and his gcbrOii ru,and

his leorning-cnyhtas, fOronto Capharnatim, and wuncdonpa r fcawa daga. uAnd byt wa s ncah Iudea Eastron,and se Halcnd fdr to Hicruealcm,

u and gemette onpamtemple pa 5 c scaldonox anand sceAp and culfran, andsi ttcndc mync teras. uAnd he worhte swipanofstrengon,and big ealle of parntemple adraf, gc sceti p, gc ox an;and he ageat pa ra mynctera c h

,and tOwearp hcora

mysan? u and Sade pampc 6a culfrancypton: D65 pasping hcononnc wyrcc gc mines Fader h i s tomangunghuse. u Dd gcmundonhis leorning-cnyhtas pa t be awri tcnys, pines bri ses anda me ct. ..Da andswarcdonhim paIudeas, and cwadon: Hwylc tacna tywst pt’t ti s, forpam

pe bti pas ping dest ? xoSc Halcnd himandswarode , andcwa b : Ttiweorpab pis tempe l , and ic hit arare binnanprymdagum. ”DE Iudeas cwadonto him pis tempelwa s gc timbrod onSix and feowert igum w intrum


art ist pti hit onprymdagum nSO'


cc he byt cwa b be

his lichamantemple . ”Dd he ofdcabc aras, psi gemundon

«5 JOHN In.

‘his lcorning-cnyhtas pa t he hit be him sylfum cwa b

.and hig gclyfdonhalgum gcwrite, and pa re spracc pa

se Halcnd spra c. a s he wa s onH icrusalcmonEastron, onfrcols-dage, manega gelyfdononhis naman, pabig gcsawonpa tacna pe he worhte . a Se Halcndnc geSwutclodc hine sylfne him,

forpam he cube hig ealle,

« and forpam himnas nanpearf pa t anig manSade

gew itnesse be men he wiste witodlicc hwa t wa s onmen.




III . rSOii lice sumPharise isc manwa s, genemned Nichodémus, se was Iudea caldor. apes com to him onniht, and cwab to him: Rabbi , (pa t is, LErcOw) wew i tonpa t pti come framGode : ne ma g nanmanpastacnwyrcanpc 5 6 wyrcst , bri tonGod c mid him. sSc

Halend him andswarode, and cwa b : SOD ic pc secgc ,

Bri tonhwr’t c cdniwangeccnncd , ne mag he gcscOnGodes rice . rDzi cwab Nichodémus to hym: H t


rma gmanc neft acenned

, ponne he byb cald ? cwyst pti

ma g he eft cumanonhys moder innoti , and c u eft

accnned ? s Sc Halcnd hym andswarode , and cwab :

SOD ic pc secgc , Bri tonhwa bed gc -edccnncd of wa tere

and of Halgum Gaste,nc ma g he in-faranonGodes

rice . oDa t pe acenncd is of flascc, pa t is flasc ; and

pa t pe of Gaste is accnncd , pa t is gast. 1 Ne wundra pti ,forpam pc ic Sade pe . Row gebyrab pa t gc c naccuncdc endniwan. s Gri st orétiati pa r he w i le , andmi gchyrsth i s stefne

,and pti nast hwanonhc cymb, nc hwydcr he

gab swa is a lc pc acenncd is ofGastc . 9D4 andswarodeNicodemus, and ewab : H ti magonpas ping pus gcw eorban? toSc Halcnd andswarode, and cwa b to himDu cart ldredw Israhela fo lce , andmi ni st pas ping ?0 865 ic pc secgc , pa t we sprecati pa t we witon, and we


to him: Rabbi,se be mid pe wa s begeondanIorddné,

be pant pti cybdest gewi tnesse , nti he fullab, and ealle

big cumab to him. a: Iohannes andwyrde, and cwa b Ne

mag mannanping underfdn, bri tonhit bed himofheof

enumgescald. u Gc sylfc me synd to gewi tnesse , pa t icSade : Neom ic Crist, ac ic com asend bcfdranhine .

a Se be bryde ha fb, se is bryd-guma : se be is pa s brydgumanfrcdnd , and stent and gchyrb hyne , mid gcfeanhe gcbliesab for pa s bryd


gumanstefne : pes mingefeais gcfyllcd . so I‘I it gcbyrap pa t he wease, and pa t icwanigc. nSe pc ufcnancom, se ys ofer ealle se pe of

corpenys, se sprycb be corpanse pe of hsofonc com,

se ys ofer ealle . u And he eyb pa t he geseah and gehyrdc and minmanne underfehb his cybncssc . as Sdb

lice se pc his cybncssc underfehb,he getacnab pa t God

ys sdbfa stncs. « Sc pc God sende sprycb Godes word

ne sylb God pone Gast be gemete. nFa der lufab poneSunu,

and scalde ealle ping onhis hand . u Se pe gclyfb

onSunu, se ha fb éc c lif se pc pamSuna is ungcleafl



ne gcsyhb he lif ac Godes yrrc wunab ofer hine .

IV. rmse Halcnd wyste pa t pa Pharisc i gehyrdonpa t he ha fdc ma Icorning-cnyhta ponne Iohannes, a(pcahse Halcndnc fullode , ac hys leorning-cnyhtas, spzi forlethe Iudea-land

,and fdr eft onGal i lea. cHym gcbyrcdc

pa t he sceoldc faranpurh Samaria-land . sWi todlicc he

cornonSamdriancestre , pc ys genemned Sychdr, neahpamttinc pc Iacob sca lde Idscpc his suna. opa r wa s

Iacobcs wyll.


Se Halcnd sa t a t pamwyllc, pi he wa s wérig geganand hit wa s mid-da g. 1 Da cornpa r anwif of Samaria, woldc wa ter feccan pa cwa b se Halend to hyrc

Syle me drincan. a(Hys leorning-cnyhtas férdonpa topa re ceastre , woldonhimmete bicgan. ) aD5 cwa b pa t


Samari tanisce wifto hym: Hdmeta bitst pd a t me drincan, ponne pd cart Iude isc,, and ic eomSamari tanisc wif?ne brdcab Iudeas and Samaritantsce metes a tga dere.

Dd andswarode se Halend,and cwab to hyrc : Gif

pd wistest Godes gyfe, and hwa t se is pc cwyb to

pe, Syle me drincan wi todlicc pd bade hine pa t hescaldc pe lifes wa ter. Dd cwab pa t wif to bym Ledf

ne , pdna fst nanping mid to hladenne,and pes pytt ya

dedp ; hwanonha fst pd lifes wa ter? i s Cwyst pd pa t

pd sig maria poune dre fa der Iacob, se pe ds pisne pyttscalde, and he , and his beam,

and his nytenu of pan.druncon? uDd andswarode se Halend

,and cwab to

hyrc : E lone pa ra pyrst eft pe of pysumwa ter drincbuwitodlice a lc pa ra be drincb of pam wa tere pe ic himsylle , bib onhimwi l l forb-ra'esendes wa teres onéce lif.u Dd cwa b pa t wif to him Hlaford

,syle me pa t wa ter,

pa t mene pyrste, ne ic ne purfe hér feccan. uDd cwab

se Halcnd to hyrc : Ga, clypa pinne ceorl , and cumhidcr. Dd andwyrde pa t wif, and cwab : Na bbe ic

nanne ceorl . Dd cwa b se Halcnd to hyrc : Wel pd

cwade, pa t pd na fst ceorl : uWi todlice pd ha fdest ti f

ccorlas, and se be pdnd ha fst nis pinceorl : a t pampdsadest sdb. "Dd cwab pa t wi f to him: Ledf, pa s be

me pincb, pd cart witdga. ”Ure fa deras big gebadononpyssere ddne ; and ge sccgab, pa t onH icrusalcm sysed Stdw pa t manongebidde. nDd cwab se Halend tohyrc : u wif

, gelyfme pa t sed tid cymb, ponne ge negebiddab Fa der, ne onpisscre ddne , ne onH icrusalcm.

nGc gebiddab pa t genyton we gebiddab pa t we witonforpampe hal is ofIudeum. asAc sed tid cymb, andndys, ponne sdbe gebed-mengebiddab Fa der ongi ste andonsdbfa stnysse witodlicc Fa der seeb swylce pc hynegebiddon. “Gast ys God : and pampe hyne gebiddab,gcbyrab pa t big gebiddonongaste and onsdbfa stnysse .

s Da t wif cwab to bym Ie.

wat pa t Messias cymb, pe ist


genemned Crist : poune he cymb, he cib us ealle ping.

u Sc Hdelend cwa b to hyrc Ic «hi t com, pe wib pe sprece .

a And pa r-ri hte cdmonhis leorning-cnyhtas, and big wundredonpa t he wib pa t wif spra c ; peah heora ndnnccwab, Hwa t séest pd ? obbe, Hwa t sprycst pd wib big ?

uWitodlice pa t wif forlet hvre wa ter-fa t, and code td

pare byrig, and cwab td pammannum: ”Cumab, andgesedb pone man, peme saade ealle pa ping pc ic dydecwebe ge ys he Crist ? saDd codonbig dt of pare byrig,and edmonto him. nOn-gemang pamhis leorning-cnihtashine badon, and pus cwadon Ldredw, ct. asDd cwa b

he to him: Ic ha bbe pone mete td ctanne pe ge nyton.u Dd cwadonhis leorning-cnyhtas himbetwconan, Hwapcr anig manhimmete brohtc ? u Dd cwa p se Halcndto hym: Minmete ys pa t ic wyrcc pa s willanpe mesende, pa t ic fullfrcmme his weorc . u Hd na secgc gc ,

pa tnd gyt synd fcdwcr mdnbas ar manrypanma ge ?nd ic cdw secgc , c hab up cdwrc edgan, and gesedb

pds cardas, pa t hig synd scire td rypanne. “And se pe

rypbnymbmede, and gaderab wa stmonecum l i fe : pa ta tga derc geblission, se pc sawb and se pc rypb. nOnpysonys witodlicc sdb word, Forpamdber ys se pc Sawb,

dber ys se pe rypb. ss IC sende cdw td rYpannc pa t pa tgene bcswuncon dbre swuncon, and gc codononheoragcswinc . uWitOdlicemanega Samari tanisce ofpare ceastregelyfdononhine , for pa s wifes wordum, pc be himcybdc,Da t he Sade me cal le pa ping pe ic dydc . « Da


pa Samaritaniscancdmonto bym,

hig gcbadonhyne pa t he wunode pa r and he wunode pa r twegendagas. a And myccle ma’ gelyfdonfor his space « and cwadonto pamwife : Ne gelyfc wend for pinrc spracc : we sylfc gchyrdon, and we wi tonpa t he is sdbmiddan-cardes Halcnd .

a blicc a fter twdm dagonhe férde panone , and fdr toGal i lea. « Se Halcnd sylf cybde gewitnesse, pa t nduwitega na ib ndnnc weorbscype onhys dgenum carde.

JOHN V. rr

a Dd he comto Gali leam, pd underféngonbig hine, pd higgesdwonealle pd ping pc he worhte onHicrusalcmonfreols-da ge : and hig cdmonto pam freols-dage. « Andhe comcit to Chanad Galilee , pa r he worhte pa t winofwa tere .



Sumunder-cyning wa s pa s sunu wa s gcsyclod onCdpharnaum. « Dd pd se gehyrde pa t se Halend fdr framIudea to Gali led, he com to him

,and ba d hine pa t he

fdre , and gehalde his sunu : Sdblice he la g a t forb-fdre .

« Dd cwab se Halend to him Bdtonge tdcna and fdrebeacna gcsedn, ne gelyfe ge . « Dd cwab se under-cingto bym: Dryhten, far at minsunu swelte . “And se

Halend cwab : Gd, pinsunu leofab. Dd code he andgelyfde pare sprace pe se Hdelend him Sade . Dd he

urnonhis peowas ongeanhine , and sadon, pa t hissunu lyfodc . nDd dcsode he to hwylcum timanhimbetware. And big sadonhim, Gyrstan-da g, td pare sco

fcbantide, se fefer hyne forlet. “Dd ongeat se fa der pa tbyt wa s onpare tide pc se Halcnd cwab, pinsunu leofab.

And he gclyfdc , and cal his lriw-raden. u Sc Halendworhte pys tdccneft dbre sibe, pd he comframIudealandcto Gali lca.



V. uEfter pyssumwa s Iudea fred ls-da g, and se Hal

end fdr to H icrusalcm. sOnH icrusalcmys dnmere, seis genemned onEbrc isc Betzaida se mere ha ib fi fporticas. aOnpamporticonla gmyccl manigco geddledra ,

blindra , and healtra,and forscrunccnra

,and ge-anbide

donpa s wa teres styrunge . CDIYIIICIICS enge l comto his

timanonpone mere , and pa t wa ter wa s dstyred : and


se pe tabost com onpone mere, a fter pa s wa teres styr

unge, wearb gehaled fram swd hwylccre untrumnysscawd he onwa s. spa r wa s summaneahta and prittigwintra onhis untrumnyssc . oDd se Halcnd geseah pysneliogan, and wiste pa t he lange hwyle par wa s, pd cwab

he to him Wylt pd hdl bedu ? d andswarode se scdcahim

,and cwab : Dryhten, ic na bbe nanne manpa tme

dd onpone mere, poune pa t wa ter dstyred bib : pouneic cume, ponne bib dberbcfdranme. aDd cwab se Hal

end to him Aris, nimpinbed, and gd . aAnd se manwa s sdns hdl and henamhis bed, and code. B yt was

reste-da g onpamda ge . Dd cwadonpd Iudeas to pampc pa r gchaled wa s : H it is reste-da g : nis pe dlyfed pa tpd pinbcd bcrc. i t He andswarode him

,and cwab : Se

pe me gehalde , se cwab to me , Nim pinbed, and gd .

Dd dcscdonhig hine, Hwa t se manware , pe be sade ,Nim pinbed, and gd ? nSe pe pa r gchalcd wa s, nystehwd byt wa s : se Halend Sdblice bedh fram pare gcgadcrungc . u fEftcr pam se Ha


clcnd hine gemette onpamtemple , and cwa b to hym Nd, pd cart hdl geword

ennc syuga pd, py-la s pc onsumumpingumwyrs gctide .

Dd fdr se man, and cydde hit pam Iudeum, pa t hit wa s

so Halcnd pc hyne haldc. u Forpam pa Iudéas chtonpone Halend, forpampc he dyde pds ping onreste-da ge .



Dd andswarode se Hdclend bym,and cwa b MinFa

d cr wyrcb db pisnd gyt, and ic wyrcc. npa s pe md paIudeas sdhtonhine td ofsleannc,na snd for pamdnumpche pone reste-da g bra c, ac for pam pe he cwab pa t

God ware his Fa der, and hine sylfne dyde Gode gclicne . roWi todlicc se Halcnd andswarode, and cwab toh im Sdb ic cdw secgc , Ne ma g se Sunu ndnping ddn,bdtonpa t he gcsyhb his Fa der ddn: pa ping be he

JOHN V . 1 3

wyrcb, se Sunu wyrcb gclicc . Sc Fa der lufab poneSunu, and geswutelab him cal le pa p ing be he wyrcb,

and mdranweorc ponne pds synhe geswutelab him, pa t

gc wundrion. nSwd se Fa der dweeb pa deddan, and gelifla st, swd cdc se Sunu gelifl


a st pa be he wyle . nNc seFa dernc demb ndnummenn, ac he scalde a lcne ddmpamSuna s pa t ealle drwurbionpone Sunu, swd swd big

drwurbiab pone Fa der. Se pene drwurbab pone Sunu,ne drwurbab he pone Fa der pe hine sende . u Sdb ic

seege cdw, pa t se be minword gchyrb, and pamgelyib peme Sende , se ha fb éce lif, andne cymb a t pamddme, acfa rb fram dedbc to life. “Sdb ic secgc cdw, pa t sed tid

cymb and nu ys, poune pa deddangchfrab Godes Sunastefne : and pa lybbab pe big gchyrab. u Swd se Fa derha fb lif on‘

him sylfum,swd he scalde pamSuna pa t he

ha fde 'lif onhim sylfum; nand scalde himanweald pa the mdste déman, forpampe he is mannes Sunu. u Ne

wundrionge pa s, pa t sed tid cymb, pa t ealle gchyrab histefne pe onbyrgcnum synd ”and pd be gdd worhton,farab onlifes areste and pd be yfcl dydon, onddmesa teste .


“Nema g icndu ping ddnframme sylfum ic déme swdswd ic gehyre ; and minddm is ryht ; forpamicne séce

minne willan,ac pa s pe me sende . uGif ic gewitnesse

be me cjbe, mingewitnes nis Sdb. nOber is, se be cy‘bgewi tnesse be me , and ic wdt pa t scd cybncs is sdb pe

he cib be me. u Gc sendonto Iohanne, and he cybde

sdbfa stncssc gewitnesse . nIc nc cnid gewi tnesse frommen; ac pds ping ic secgc, pa t gc Synhdle. uHe

wa s byrnendc lcdht-fa t, and lyhtendc : gc woldonsumobwi le gcblissianonhis lcdhte. ssIC ha bbe mdrangewi tnesse poune Iohannes : wi todlicc pa weorc pe Fa der mesca lde , pa t ic big fullfremme

, pa weo rc be iC wy rcc,

1 4 JOHN VI.

cybab gewitnesse be me , pa t Fa derme dscnde nand seFader pe me sende eyb gewitnesse be me . Ne gcnafrehis stefnene gehyrdon,ne ge his hiwne gesdwon. uAndge nabbab his word oncdw wunigende ; forpambe ge

ne gelyfab pampe he sende. u Smedgeab hdlige gewri tuforpampe ge wénab pa t ge habbou éce lif onpam andbig synd pc gewi tnesse cybab be me. « And ge ncllabcumanto me, pa t ge habbonlif. uNe underfd ic udnebeorhtnesse a t mannum. a Ac ic gccnedw cdw, pa t ge

nabbab Godes lufe oncdw. a lc com onmines Fa dernaman

,and ge me nc underféngongyi dber cymb on

his dgenumnaman, hyne ge underfdb. « Hd mdge ge

gelyfan, pc cdw bctwconanwuldor underfdb, andne sécabpa t wuldor pc ys framGode sylfum? “Ne wéne ge pa t iccdw wrége td Fa der : se ys pe cdw wrégb, Moyses, onpone gc gchyhtab. « Witodlice gif gc gelyfdonMoyse,

ge gelyfdoncdc me Sdblice he wrdt be me . « Gifge his

stafumnc gelffab, hd gelj fe ge minumwordum?


VI . rE ftcr pyss um fdr se Halend ofer pa Galileiscansé

, sed ys Tiberiddis. sAnd him fylide myccl folc, for

pampe big gcsdwonpa tdcna pe he worhte onpambewarou geuntrumode. aWi todlice se Halend dstdh ondune mdnt, and sa t pa rmid hys lcorning-cnyhtum. rHyt

wa s gehende Eastron, Iudea fredls-da ge. d se Halendhis edganup-dhdf, and geseah pa tmicel folo comto him.

he cwab to Phi l ippe : Hwa r bicge we bldfas, pa t pds

eton? oDa t he cwab,his fandigcnde : he wiste hwa t he

ddnwoldc . rDd andwyrde Phi l ippus, and cwab Nabbab

big gendh ontwegra hundred pcncga weorbe hldfes,

pa t a lc sumuc dal nymc . uDd andwyrde him dnhysleorning-cnyhta, Andreas, Simones brdber Petres oHér

is dncnapa, p: ha fb f.fbcrcnc hldfas, and twegenfix as ;

1 6 JOHN VI .

ge me forpam} e ge tdcnu gesdwon, ac forpampc gc atonofpamhldfon, and synd fulle.



a Ne wyrcab a fterpammete pe forwyrb, so a fter pambe

purhwunab onécc lif, pone mannes Sunu cdw sylb poneGod Fa der gctdcnode . uH ig cwadonto him: Hwa t

dd we pa t we wyrcconGodes weorc ? a Dd andswarodese Halend, and cwab to him Da t is Godes weorc , pa t

ge gelyfononpone pe he sende . soDd cwadonhig zHwa tdést pd té tdcne, pa t we gcsedn, and gclyfonpa t pd hitwyrcc . u re fa deras atonheofonlicnemete onwésteneswd hit dwritenis, He scalde him ctanhldf of heofonc .

a Se Halend cwab to him Sdb ic seege cdw,ne scalde

Moyses cdw hldf of heofenum,ac minFa der cdw sylb

sdbne hldfofheofenum. uH it is Godes hldfpc ofheofenecom,

and sylbmiddan-eerde lif. uH ig cwadonto himDryhten, syle us pysne hldf. u Sc Halcnd cwab to himIc coml ifes hldf ne hingrab pone pe to me cymb andne pyrst ponenafre pc onme gelyfb. uAc ic cdw Sade,

Da t ge gesdwonme, andne gelyfdon. « Eall pa t Fa dermc sylb cymb td me ; and ic ne weorpe dt pone pc td

me cymb. u Forpampe ic ne com of heofenumpa t icminne wi llandd, ac pa s willanpe me sende. uDa t ys

pa s Fa der wi l la pe me sende, pa t ic ndnping ne forlcdse of pampc pe me scalde, ac dwecce pa t onpamytemcstandage. « Dis ismines Fa derwi l la peme sende,pa t a lc pe pone Sunu gesyhb, and onhine gelylb,

ha bbe

éce lif and ic hine dwecce onpamytemestanda ge. uDd

murcnodonpa Iudeas be him,forpam pe he cwab, Ic

comhldfpe ofheofenumcom. « And hig cwadonHd

nys pys se Halcnd, Iosepes sunu,we cunnonhis fa der

and hismdder ? hdmeta scgb pes, Ic com of heofonum?

JOHN v1.

uSe Halend him andswarode, and cwab to him: Ne

murcniab cdw betwconan.





« Ne ma g ndnmancumantome, bdtonse Fa derpeme sende hyne ted : and ic hine dra t e onpamytemestanda ge. « Onpara wite ena bdcum is dwriten, Ealleeablare bedb Godes. lc pe gehyrde a t Fa der, andlcornode, cymb to


me. « Ne geseah ndnmanFa der,bdtonse pe is of Gode, se gesyhb Fa der. « Sdb ic secgc

cdw, Se ha fb éce lif, pe onme gclyfb. « Ic eom l ifeshldf. nUre fa deras atonheofonlicne mete onwéstene,and big synd deride. roDis is se hldfpe ofheofonumcom,

pa tne swelte se pe of himytt. nIc com lybbende hldfpe ofheofonumcom swd hwd swd ytt of pysonhldfe, heleofab onécnysse and se hldfpe ic sylle isminflasc, formiddan-cardes life. nDd Iudeas fl itonhimbetweonan,and cwadonHd mag pes his flasc us syllantd ctanne ?uDd cwa b se Ha

elend to him


Sdb ic seege cdw,Nabbe ge lifoncdw,

bdtonge etonmanncs Suna flasc, and his bldd drincon. u Sc ha fb éce

lif, pe ytt minflasc, and drincb minhldd ; and ic hine

drate onpamytemestandage. “Sdblice minflasc ismete, and minbldd is drinc. u Se pe ytt minflasc , anddrincbminbldd, he wunab onme, and ic onhim. u Swd

swd lybbende Fa derme sende,and ic lybbe puth Fa der,

and se be me ytt, he lcofab puth me . “pis is se hldfpeofheofonumcom nd swd swd dre fa deras atonheofonlicne mete, and dedde waron; se pe ytt pysne hldf, helcofab onécnysse. uDds ping he Sade ongesamnunge,pd he larde onCapharnaum. nManega his leorningcnyhta cwadon, pd big pis gehyrdon: Heard is peds

JOHN vrr.

sprac hwd ma g hig gehyran? « Dd wiste se Halcndpa t his lcorning-cnyhtas murcnedonbetweox himsylfumbe pysum, and he cwab to him Da t cdw beswicb ? ngifge gcscdb mannes Sunu dstigendne pa r he ar wa s?

o Gdst is se be gelifl'

a st ; flasc ne fremab ndnping : pa

word be ic cdw Sade, synd gast and lif. « Ac sume genegelyfib. Witodlice se Halcnd wiste fram frumanhwa tpa gelyfcndanwa ton

,and hwd hine bcla


« And he cwa b : Forpig ic cdw Sade , pa t ndnmannamag cumanto me, bdtonminFa der hit him sylle.

o Sybbanmanega his lcorning-cnyhta cyrdonon-ba c, andne codonmid him. « Dd cwa b se Halcnd to pamtwelf

um: Cwebe ge wyllc ge framme ? « Dd andwyrde himSimonPetrus, and cwab : Dryhten, to hwam gd we ?

pd ha fst éces l ifes word. “And we gelyfab, and witonpa t pd cart Crist, Godes Sunu. Se Halend him andswarode, and cwab : Hd ne gcceds ic cdw twelfc


edwer dnys dedfol ? nHe byt cwab be Iuda Scariobepes hine belawde, pd he wa s dnpa ra twelfa.


VII. rSybbanfdr se Halend to Galiléd : henolde faranto Iudea, forpambe pa Iudeds hyne sdhton, and woldonhyne ofsledn. sH i t wa s gchende Iudea fredls-dage.

aH is brdbro cwadonto him Far hconon, and gd onIudea-land, pa t pine lcorning-cnyhtas gcsednpa weorc pcpd wyrcst. rNe dcb ndnmanndnping ondiglum, ac

sécb pa t hit openSy. Gif pd pds ping dést, geswutelape sylfne middan-earde . rWi todlice nc his magas negelyfdononhyne . oDd cwab se Halcnd to bym Gyt

De commintid : edwer tid ys symle gearu. rNe ma gmiddan-card cdw hatianac he hatab me, forpamic cybe

gewitnesse be him, pa t his weorc synd yfcle . sFare ge

td pisonfredls-dage : ic ne fare td pisonfredls-da ge

JOHN vrr.

forpamminti d nys gyt gefylled . oHe wunode onGal iled, pd he pds ping sdede . nEft pd his brdbru idron, pdfdr he cdc to pam frcdls-dage , na s nd openlice , ac di

gollice. Dd Iudeas hyne sdhtononpam fredls-da ge,

and cwadon: Hwat ys he ? noAnd mycol gchlyd wa s

onpa re manio be him sume cwadon: He ys gdd :dbre cwadon: Nese ; ac he beswicb pis folc. u peah

hwabere ne spa c ndu manopenlice be him,for para

Iuded cge.


uDd hit wa smid-dag pa s fredls-da ges, pd code se Hal

end into pamtemple, and larde. u And pd Iudeaswundredon, and cwadon: Hdmcta canpes stafas, ponne hene lcornode ? nSe Halend himandswarode, and cwabMinldrnisndmin, ac pa s peme sende . rrGyfhwd wylehis wi llanddn, he gccnawb be pa re ldre, hwaber hedsig of Code, hwaber pe ic be me sylfumspece. u Sc pe

be him sylfum sprycb sécb his dgenwuldor : se pe sécb

pa s wuldor pe hyne sende, se is sdbfa st, andnis ndunurihtwisnys onhim. Hdne scalde Moyses cdw a


edwerndnne hea lt pd a’e ? Hwi séce gc me td ofsleanne ?acDd andswarode sed manic , and cwab Dcdfol pc sticab

on hwd sécb pe td ofsleanne ? nDd andswarode se

Halend, and cwab to him: dnweorc ic worhte, andealle ge wundriab. nForpy Moyses cdw sca lde ymbsnydenyssc ; na s nd forpig pe bed of Moyses sy, ac offa deron; and onreste-da ge ge ymb-snibab mann”pa t

Moyses ane sy tdworpcn; and gc belgab wib me,for

pampe ic gehdelde annc manonreste-dage . « Ne démege be ansyne, ac démab rihtne ddm. as Sume cwadon, pdbe warou of Ierusalem: Hd nis pis se be big sécab td

ofsleanne ? a And nd he spycb Openlicc, and hig necwcbabndnping td him. Cwepe we hwabcr pd ealdras

ongytonpa t pis is Crist ? a Ac we witonhwanonpes ys :

JOHN vrr.

poune Crist cymb, ponne ndt ndnmanhwanonhe bib.. Sc Halend clypodc and larde onpamtemple, and cwab:Me ge cunucu, and ge wi tonhwanonic com and icnacomframme sylfum, ac se is sdb pe me sende, pone gono cunnon. a Ic hyne can and gif ic secgc pa t ic hinene cunne, ic bed lcds, and cdw gelic . Ic hyne can


ic comof him,and he me sende . soH ig hine sdhtontd

nimanne, and heorandnhys ne a thrdn; forpampe histidnc compd gyt . nManega of pare manego gelyfdononhine , and cwadon: Cwebe ge wyrcb Crist md tdcna,poune he cymb, poune pes déb asDd Pharisei gehyrdonpd manego pusmurcnigende be him.



pd caldras and pd Pharisei sendonheora pénas, pa t bigwoldonhine gefdn. a s cwa b se Halend Gyt ic bed

sume bwi le mid cdw,and ic gauge to pambe me sende .

u Ge sécabme , andne findab and ge ne mdgoncumanpar ic com. orDd Iudeas cwadonbetwconanhim sylfumHwyder wylc pes faran, pa t we hine ne findon? cwyst

pd wylc he faranonpcoda tddrafednysse, and big laran?asHwa t ys peds sprac pe he sprycb, Ge sécabme, andnefindab : and gene mdgoncumanpar ic com? a Onpama ftemestanmaranfredls-da ge, stdd se Halend and clypodc : Cume to me se be hine pyrste , and drince . u Se

pe gelyfb onme, swd pa t gewri t cwyb, lybbendcs wa

teres fldd fldwab of his innobe . asDa t he cwa b be pamGdste, pe ba sceoldonunderfdnpe onhyne gclyfdongyt na s se Gdst gescald forpampe se Halcnd na sgyt gewuldrod .



nOfpare ti de sed manic cwa b, pd hed gehyrde pds hissprace pes is sdbwi tcga. « Sume cwadonHe is Crist.

JOHN vrrr.

Sume cwadon: Cwebe ge cymb Crist fram Galilee ?

a Hd ne cwyb pa t gewrit , pa t Crist cymb ofDauides

cynne, and of Bethleemceastre, par Dauid wa s ? a Wi t

odlice ungcpwarnes wa s gewordenonpare manic forhim. « Sume hig woldonhinenimanac heorandnhisne a t-hrdn. a Dd pénas cdmonto pambisceopumand topamPhariscum, and hig cwadonto him: For hwi nebrohtonge hine hider? « Dd andwyrdonpa pénas, andcwadon Ne spra cnafrendnmanswd pes.mansprycb.

Dd cwadonpd Pharisei to him Synd ge beswiccne ?Cwebe ge gelyfde anig para caldra obbe para Pharisea

onhyne ? « Ac pcds manio pene cdbe pd a ,big synd

dwyrgede . ”Dd cwab Nichodemus to bym, se be comto

himonnyht, se wa s heora dnnCwyst pd demb dre aanigne man, bdtonhyne mana t gchyre, and wite hwa the dd ? u B ig andswarcdon, and cwadonto him: Cwyst

pd pa t pd sy Galile isc ? Smed, and gcseoh, pa t ndnwi tega cymb framGal i lea. a And big cyrdonealle hdm.


VIII . i Se Halend fdr onOliuetes ddne a and comeh

onda g-réd to pamtemple, and cal l pa t folc comto himand he sa t, and larde big. aDd la

eddonpd Pharise i andpd bdceras to himdnwif sed wa s dparod onunriht-hémede, and settonbig td-middes heora, rand cwadontohim: Ldrcdw, pis wifwa s dfdndcnonunrihtonhamede .

sMoyses us bebcad, onpa’

ere a, pa t we sceoldonpus gerade

mid stdnumoftorfianhwa t cwyst pd ? oDis hig cwad

onhis fand iende , pa t big hine wréhton. Se Halcnddbcdh nybcr, and wrdt mid his fingre onpare corpan.rDd big purhwuncdonhine dcsicnde, pd drds he upp, andcwab to him: d a

,hwylc edwer sig synleas, weorpe

brest stdnonbig. .And he dbedh eft,and wrdt onpare

corpan. oDd big pys gehyrdon, pd codonbig dt, dna fterdnum: and he gebdd par sylf, and pa t wif stdd pa r on


middan. Se Halend drds up, and cwab tonyrc Wif,bwa r synd pd be pc wrégdon? nc fordémde pcndumannAnd hed cwa b Nd, Dryhten. And se Halend cwabNe ic pene fordémc dd gd, andne syuga pdnafre md.


rsEft se Halend spra c pds ping to bym,and cwab Io

commiddan-cardes lcdht : se pe me fylib, nc gab he Edonpystro. ac he ha fb l ifes ledht. u Dd Pharise i cwadonto hym: pd cybst gewitnesse be pe sylfum nis pingewi tncs sdb. « Se Halend andswarode

,and cwab to hym

Gyf ic cybe gewitnesse be me sylfum,mingewitnes ys

sdb ; forpampc ic wdt hwanonic com, and hwydcr icgd : gc nytonhwanonic com,

ne hwydcr ic gd. u Ge

démab a fter flascc ,icne démendnummen. toAnd gif

ic déme, minddm is adb forpampe ic ne comdna, ac

ic and se Fa der pe me sende . u And oncdwrc {e is dwri ten, pa t twegra manna gewitnes is sdb. u Ic compc cy


gewitnesse be me sylfum, and se Fa der pe me sende cybgewitnesse beme. toWitodlice hig cwadonto him Hwar

is pinfa der ? Se Halcnd him andswarode, and cwab

Ne cunne ge me, ne minne Fa der : gyfgc me cdbon,wénis pa t ge cdbonminne Fa der. soDds word he spa c

a t cdp-sceamele : and ndnmanhyne nc nam; forpampe hys tid ne compd gyt. nWitodlice cit se Halendcwa b to him


Ic fare, and ge me sécab, and ge sweltab oncowrasynne : ne mage ge cumanpyder ic fare. nDd cwadonpd Iudeas : Cwebe gc ofslyhb he hine sylfne ? forpamhe scgb, Gene magoncumanpyder ic fare uDd cwa b

he to him Ge syndnypane, and ecmufane ge synd

JOHN vm.

wyrcab Abrahames weorc . toNu gc sécabme td ofsleannc ,pone manpc cdw Sade sdbfa stnysse , pd be ic gchj rdc ofGode ne dyde Abrahamswd. 4: Ge wyrcab cdwrcs fa der

weorc. B ig cwadonwi todlicc to him: Ne synd we

of forlirc dccnnetlc ; we habbab dnne, God , td Fa der.o Wi todlicc se Halcnd cwab to him: Gif God ware

cdwrc fa der, wi todlicc gc lufcdonme : ic comof Gode ;

ne comicnd framme sylfon, ac he me sende. a Hwinegecndwc gc mine spracc ? forpampc gc nc magongebyranmine Space . 44 Ge synd dcdflcs beam,

and gc wi llabwyrcancdwrcs fa der willan. He wa s fram frymbeman-slaga, and he ne wunode onsdbfa stncssc , forpampc sdbfa stnys nis onhim. ponne he sprycb ledsunga,he sprycb of him sylfum; forpampe he is lcds, and hisfa der cdc . « Wi todlice gc ne gclyfab me, forpampc icsecgc cdw sdbfa stnysse.



Hwylc edwer dscunabme for synnc ? Gif ic sdb accgc,hwinc gclyfc ge me ? « Sc pc ys of Code , gchyr

‘b Godes

word forpig gcnc gchj rab, forpampc gcne synd ofGode.“Wi todlice pd Iudeas andswarcdon, and cwadonto himHwinc cwebe we wel, pa t pd cart Samari tanisc, and cart

wdd ? “Se Halend andswarode, and cwa b Ne comicwddac ic drwcorbigcminne Fa der, and ge undrwcor‘bedonme .

nWitodliccnc sécc icminwuldor se ys pe sécb and démb.

nSdb ic secgc cdw, Gif hwdmine Spracc gehcalt, ne gesyhb he dcdb nafrc. uDd cwadonpd Iudeas : Nd we

witonpa t pd cart wdd . Abraham wa s dcdd, and pdwitegan; and pd cwyst, Gif hwd mine sprace gchealt,

nc bib henafre dedd . “Cwyst pd pa t pd symaria ponnedre fa derAbraham, se wa s dcdd ? and pd witeganwaroudedde : hwa t pincb pc pa t pu sy? u Sc Halcnd hymandswarode : Gif ic wuldrigc me sylfne, nys minwoldor

JOHN IX. 3 5

ndht : minFa der is, pc me wuldrab ; be pamge cwcbab

pa t he sydwrc God ; u and gcnc cdbonhyne : ic hynecann; and gif ic secgc pa t ic hyne nc ennne, ic bedleds

,and cdw gel ie z ac ic hyne cann, and ic hcaldc his

spracc. “Abraham, edwer fa der, gcblissodc pa t he gcsdwc

minne dag and he geseah, and gcblissodc . 0:Da Iudeas

cwadonto bym: Gyt pd ne cart fi ftig wintrc , and gesdwe pd Abraham? u Sc Halcnd cwa b to hym Io wa s

arpampc Abrahamware . uH ig ndmonStdnas, to pampa t big woldonhyne torfian se Halcnd hine bcdiglode ,and code ofpamtemple .



IX. d se Halcnd fdr, pd geseah he anncmanpe wa sbl ind geboren. sAnd his lcorning—cnyhtas hyne dcscdon,and cwadon Ldrcdw,

hwa t syngodc, pes, obbe hismagas, pa t he ware bl ind geboren? oSc Halcnd andswarode, and cwab : Ne syngodc he, nc his magas : ac pa tGodes weorc ware geswdtclod onhim. CMC gcbyrab td

wyrcannc pa s weorc pc me sende, pd hwj le pe hyt da gys : nyht cymb, ponne ndnmanwyrcannc mag. t Ic

commyddan-cardes lcdht, pd hwylc pc ic onmyddancarde com. oDd he pds ping Sade, pd spattc he onpdcorpan, and worhte fennof his spdtlc, and smyrcde midpamfenne ofer his edgan, rand cwab to

,him Gd, and

pwch pc onSylocs mere . He fdr, and pwdh hine , andcomgeseondc . rWitodlice hysneah-geburas, and pd behine gesdwon, pd he wa dla wa s, cwadonHdnis pis sepe sa t and wadlodc ? oSumc cwadon: He byt rs

sume cwadon: Ncsc , so is him gelic . He cwab sdb

l ice : Ic byt com. uDd cwadonhig to bym Hd wa’

eronpine cdgangcopcncdc ? u IIc andswarode. and cwab Sc

man, pc is genemned Halcnd , worhte fenn, and smyrcdemine cagdn. and cwa b to me , Gd to Sylocs mere , and


JOHN i x .

pwch pe z and ic code,and pwdh me, and geseah. Dd

cwadonhig to him: B war is he ? Da cwab he : It

ndt. u H ig laddonto pamPhariseonpone pc par bl indwa s. toH it wa s reste-da g, pd se Halcnd worhte pa t fenn,and his cdganuntyndc . nEft pa Pharisei hyne dcscdonhd he gesdwc . He cwab to him: He dyde fennOfermine cdgan, and ic pwdh, and ic gesed. u Sumc pd Pharise i cwadon: Nis pcs manof Gode , pc reste-da g nehylt. Sume cwadon: Hd ma g synful manpds tdcnwyrcan? And big fl i tonhimbe twconan. B ig cwadoncft to pambl indanHwa t segst pd be pampc pine cdganuntynde ? He cwa b : He is wi tcga. nNc gclyfdonpdIudeas be him, pa t he bl ind ware

,and gesdwc , arpam

pc big clypcdonhismagas pc gesdwon, rsand dcscdonhig,and cwadon Is pis edwer sunu, pc gc sccgab pact bl indware dcenned ? hdmeta gesyhb he nd ? aoHys magashim andswarcdon, and cwadon: We witonpa t pcs ysdre sunu,

and pa t he wa s bl ind dcenned nwc nytonhdmeta hend gesyhb, ne hwd his cdganuntyndc : dcsiab hine sylfne yldc he ha fb : Sprece for hyne sylfne .

asHismagas spaconpds ping,forpampc big ondrédonpd

Iudeas pd gcd ihtonpd Iudeas, gif hwd Crist andctte,pa t he ware , bdtanheora geférradcne . u Forpamcwadonhismagas, He ha fb yldc , dcsiab hine sylfne. u Dd c lypedonhig cft pone manpc ar bl ind wa s

,and cwadonto

him: c c Gode wuldor : we witonpa t he is synful .uAnd he cwab : Gifhe synful is, pa t ic ndt : dnping icwdt, pa t ic wa s bl ind ,

and pa t icnu gesed . asDd cwadonhig to him: Hwa t dyde he pc ? hd ontynde he pinccdgan a: He andswarode him

,and cwab Ic cdw Sade

a t,and ge gehyrdon: hwi wyllc ge byt cft gcbyran?

cwebe gc wyllc ge bcdnhis leorning-cnyhtas ? u Da wyrgdonhig hine , and cwadon: Sig pd his lcorning-cnyhtwe synd Moyses leorning-cnyhtas. ”We wi tonpa t Godspa c wib Moyscnnytc we hwanonpes ys. ”Sc man


andswarode, and cwab to him pa t is wundorlic, pa t genytonhwanonhe is, and he untfndc mine d gan. nWe

wi tonsdblicc pa t God ne gchyrb synfulle : ac gif hwd

is Gode gccorcn, and his wi llanwyrcb, pone he gchyrn.uNc gchyrdc wenafrc onworuldc, pa t anig ontynde pa scdganpc ware bl ind geboren. u Nc mihtc pes ndu pingddd , gif he nare of Gode . “Hig andswarcdon, andcwadonto him: Eall pd cart onsynnumgeboren, andpd larst us. And big drifonhine dt. uDd se Halcndgchyrdc pa t big hyne drifondt, pd cwa b he to him

, pd

he hine gemi ttc Gclyfst pd onGodes Sunu ? u Hc andswarode and cwa b : Hwylc is, dryhtcn, pa t ic onhinegcly

‘fe ? nAnd se Halcnd cwab to him pd hine gesdwc ,and se be wib pc sprycb, se hit is. u Dd cwab he Dryht

en, ic gclyfe . And he fcdll nybcr, and gccdbméddehyne. soAnd se Halcnd cwa b to him: Ic cornonpysnemiddan-card, td démcnnc, pa t pa secclongcsedn, pcnegcscdb and bcdnblinde , pa be gcscdb. toDd pa t gchyrdonpd Pharise i pc mid him waron

, pd cwadonbig to bymCwyst pd synd we bl inde ? « And se Halcnd cwab to

him: Gifgc bl inde waron, na fde gendnc synne nu gcsccgab pa t gc gcsedn; pa t is cdwrc syn.


X. rSdb ic secgc cdw,Se pcnc ga’eb a t parngeatc into

scedpa falde, ac stj hb cllcs ofer, he is pedf and sceaba .

sSe pc in-gab a t parngeatc , he is scedpa hyrde, apanese geat

-wcard lat in, and pd sccdp gchyrab his ste ineand hencmb his dgcnc sccdp benaman, and lat big dt.cAnd ponne he his dgcnc sccdp lat dt, he gab beforanhim

,and pd sccdp him fyliab ; forpampc kig gecndwab

his stefne . t Ne fyliab big uncdpum, ac fledb framhimforpampc bignc gccneowonuncdpra Stcfnc . oDis bigspe l se Halend himSade hignystonhwa t hc spra c to

him. rEft se Halend cwab to him Sdb ic cdw seege

JOHN x .

lo com scedpa geat. oEallc pi be c'nronwarou pcdfas

and sccaban; ac pd sccdp hig ne gchyrdon. o Ic com

gcat : swd hwylc swd purh me gab, by’

b hdl,and gab in

and dt, and fint la se. ropedi nc cymb,bdtonpa t he

stelc,and Sled, and fordd to com

,to pam pa t big hab

bonlif, and habbou gendh.





nlc comgdd hyrde : gdd hyrdc sylb his liffor his sccdpum. rs Sc hyra ,

se benis hyrde , and se pendh pd sccdp,

ponne he pone wulf gesyhb, poune flyhb he , and forlé tpd sccdp : and se wulfnimb, and tddri ib pd sccdp. Se

hyra flyhb, forpam pe he bib dhyrod, and hymnc gcbyrab to pamsccdpum. 14 lo comgdd hyrde , and ic gecndwcmine sccdp, and big gecndwab me . Swd minFa dercanme , ic canminne Fa der and ic sylle mindgenliffor minum sccdpum. noAnd ic ha bbe dbre sccdp, pdnesyut of p isse heorde ; and byt gcbyrab pa t ic lade pd,and big gehyrab mine stefne and hyt byb dnheord ,

and dnhyrdc . nForpamFa der me lufab, forpam pc icsylle mine d le

,and big eft nime . u Ncnimb big ndn

mana t me, ac late big frammc sylfum. lo ha bbe anweald mine sdwlc td diatannc , and ic ha bbe anweald bigc it td nimannc . pis bebod ic nam a t minum Fa der.rsEft wa s ungcpwarncs gewordenbetweox pam Iudeum


for pysum spracum. ”Manega heora cwadon, Dcdfolys onbym,

and he wét ; hwi hlystc gc bym? nSumecwadon, Ne synd nd pys wddcs mannes word . Cwyst

pd ma g wdd manblindra manna caganontynan?





a Dd warontempl-hdlgunga onH icrusalcm, and byt

wa s winter. u And se Halcnd code onpamtemple, onSalomones port icc . u Dd bcstddonpa Iudeas hine dtan,


and cwadonto bym Hd langc galst pd dre lif Sege us

Openlicc , hwabcr pd Crist sy. u Se Halcnd hymandswarode, and cwab : Ic spece to cow,

and ge ne gel'yfab : pd weorc pe ic wyrcc onmines Fader naman, pdcybab gewi tnesse be me . u Ac gc nc gclyfab, forpampege nc synd ofminum sccdpum. arMine scedp gcbyrab

mine stefne, and ic gecndwc big, and big folgiab meu and ic bymsylle éce lif, and big ne forwcorbabnafrc .

andncnimb bigndnmanofmint e handa. asDa t be minFa derme scalde ysmarre poune anig dber ping andnema g hit ndnmannimanofmines Fa der handa. as k

and Fa der synd dn. nDd Iudeas admonstdnas, pa t bigwoldonhyne torflan. u Sc Halcnd bymandswarode , andcwab : Manega gddc weorc ic cow a tywdc be minumFa der for hwylcum pa ra weorca wyllc gc me hanan?asDd Iudeas bymandswarcdon, and cwadon Ne hancwe pc for gddum weorcc, ac for pinrc bysmcr-space ;and forpampe pd cart man

,and wyrcst pc td Gode . “Se

Halend him andswarode,and cwab : Hd nys hyt d

writenoncdwrc a ,Da t ic Sade , Ge synd godas ? u Gif

he pd tealde godas, pc Godes spa’

ec to wa s geworden, andp t hdligc gewrit nc ma g bcdndwcnd ; u pc Fa dergchdlgodc, and sende onmiddan-card , ge sccgab,

Da t

pd bysmcr spycst ; forpamic Sade : Ic comGodes Sunu.

u Gif ic nc wyrcc mines Fa der weorc , nc gclyfab me.

a Gif ic wyrcc mines Fa der weorc , and gif gc mencllabgclyfan, gclyfab pam weorcum pa t

gc oncndwon, andgclyfonpa t Fa der ys onme, and ic onFa der. s Hig

smeadonwi todlicc ymbe pa t big woldonhyne gcfdn,and he code dt framhym, toand he fdr eft ofer Iordanen,td pare stdwe pc Iohannes wa s, and arest onfullodeand he wunode pa r. a And manega cdmonto him,

andcwadon: Wi todlice nc worhte Iohannesndntdcn ealle

pa ping pe Iohannes Sade be pyssum,warou sdbe. o And

manega gclyfdononhyne .

JOHN x 1.


XI. tWi todlice sumsede manwa s, genemned Lazarus,of Bethania, of Marianceastre, and of Marthan, hysswustra. sHyt wa s sed Maria pe smyrcde Dryhtenmidpare sealfc, and drigde his fét mid hyrc loccum, Laza

rus hyrc brdbcr wa s gc-

yflod . sHys swustra sendontobym,

and cwadon: Dryhten, nu ys sede se pe pd lufast.« Dd se Halcnd pa t gehyrdc, pd cwa b he to him: Nys

peds untrumnysnd for dcdbe, ac for Godes wuldrc ; pa tGodes Sunu sig gcwuldrod purh hyne. s Sdblice Sc Hal

cnd lufode Marthanand hyrc swustorMarian,and Laza

rum heora brdbcr. oWi todlicc he wa s twegendagasr onpa re sylfanstdwe, pd he gchyrdc pa t he sede wa s.

E itcr pyssum he cwab to hys lcorning-cnyhtum Utonfaraneft to Iudea-lande. sHys leorning-cnyhtas cwadonto bym Ldrcdw,nu pd Iudeas sdhtonpe , pa t hig woldonpc hanan; and wylt pd eft faranpyder ? oSe Halcndbym andswarode , and cwab : Hd nc synd twelf tida

pa s da ges ? Gif hwd gab onda g, nc a tspyrnb he ,

forpam he gesyhb pyscs middan-cardes lcdht. toGif he

gab onniht,he a tspyrnb, forpam pc pa t lcdht nys on

hyrc . npds ping he cwa b and sybbanhc cwa b to himLazarus ti re frednd slapb ; ac ic wyllc gdn, and dwrcccanhyne of slaps . i sH is leorning-cnyhtas cwadonDryhten, gifhe slapb, he , he byb hdl. u Sc Halcnd hitcwab be his dcdbc : big wendonsdblicc pa t he hyt Sade

be swefncs slapc. u Dd cwab se Halcnd openlice to

him: Lazarus ys dedd u and ic combl ibe for cdwrum

pingum,p t gc gclyfon, forpam ic nas para : ac uton

gdu to him. toDd cwab Thomas to hys gcférum Utongdu, and sweltanmid him. Dd fdr Se Halcnd

,and ge

métte pa t he wa s forb-faren, and for fcdwcr dagum be

byrged . u Bcthania ys gchende H icrusalcmofer fyftyncfurlang. “Manega pa ra Iudea cdmonto Marthanand

3 2 JOHN x 1.

to him, pa s swustcr pc par dedd wa s : Dryhten, nu hest incb : he wa s for feower dagum dedd. o Se Halcndcwab to hyrc : Ne Sade ic pe , pa t pd gesyhst Godes

wuldor, gif pu gclyfst ? nDd dydonhig dweg pone stdn.Se Halcnd dhdf his cdganup, and cwab : Fader, ic ddpancas pe , forpampd gchfrdcst me. a lc wdt pa t pd mesymle gehj rst : ac ic cwab for pam folce pc hér ymbdtanstent, pa t big gclffonpa t pd me dscndcst. « Dd he

pds ping Sade, he clypodc mycclrc stefne : Lazarus, gdti t. « And sdns stdp forb se pc dedd wa s, gcbdndcnhandumand fdtum: and hysneb wa s mid swdt-l inc gebdndcn. Dd cwa b se Halcnd to hym Unbindab hine,and latab gdu. a Manega pa ra Iudea pc cdmonto Marian


and gesdwonpd ping pc he dyde , gclffdononhine. « H igsume fdrontd parnPhariseon, and sadonhimpa ping pese Ha

’e lend dyde.


a Witodlice pd bisceopas and pd Pharise i gadcrodongemdt, and cwadon Hwa t dd we ? forpampes manwyrcbmyce le tdcna. u Gif we hine forlatab, ealle gclyfab onhine and Romane cumab, andnimab dre land and druepcddscypc . a ora dnwa s genemned Caiphas, se wa spd ongcarc bisceop, and cwa b to him Ge nytonndnping, nonenc gepencab, pa t ds ys bctcrc pa t dnmansweltefor folcc , and cal l pedd nc forwcorbe. nNc cwab he

pa t of him sylfum ac pd he wa s pa t gear bisceop, he

witgodc pa t se Halcnd sceoldc sweltanfor pare peddeu andnd syndcrlicc for pare pedde , ac pa t he wolde gcsomniantoga derc Godes bearnpc tddrifenc waron.uOfpamda ge hig pohtonpa t hig woldonhyne ofslean.

Ddnc fdr se Hdclendnd Openlicc gemang pamIudeumac fdr onpa t land w ib pa t westen, onpd burh pc ysgenemned Efl


rcm,and wunode pa r mid his lcorning

cnyhtum. “Iudea Edstronwdcrongchende : andmanega

JOHN x rr.

fdronofpamlande td Hicrusalcmar pamEastron, pa tbig woldonhig sylfc gchdlgian. uH ig sdhtonpone Halend , and spraconbymbctwynan, pa r big stddononpamtemple , and pus cwadon: Hwa t wénc gc, pa t he necumc to fredls-dage ? "Dd bisceopas and pd Pharise iha fdonbcboden, gif hwd wiste hwarhe ware , pa t he hytcydde, pa t bigmi htonhineniman.



XII. t Se Halcnd comsyx dagumar pamEastrontdBethania, par Lazarus wa s dedd, pe se Halcnd dwrehtc .

sHig worhtonhim par gcbedrsc ipc , and Martha pénode .

Lazarus wa s dnpara pc mid him sa t. aMaria nam dnpdnd dcdrwyrbrc scalfe , mid pam wyrt


gcmangc pe bignardus hdtab, and smyrcde pa s Halendes fét, and drigdemid hyre loccum and pa t bds wa s gefyllcd of paresealfe swa ccc . «Dd cwab dnhis lcorning-cnyhta, IudasScaridth, pc hine belawde u i nc scalde hed pas scalfewib primhundred pencgon, pa t manmihtc syllanpearfum? oNe cwa b he nd pa t forpig pc him gcbyrcdc to

pampearfon, ac forpampe he wa s pedf, and ha fde scrin,

and ba r pa ping pc mansende . rDd cwab se Ha lendLat hig pa t : hed healdc pd ob pone da g pc manme bebyrigc . aGc habhab symle pcarfanmid cdw ac gcnabbab me symle . t Myccl manigco para Iudea gccnedwpa t he wa s par ; and big edmon, na s nd for pa s Halendcs pingonsyndcrlicc , ac pa t big woldongcsednLazarum, pe he dwchtc ofdcdbe . topara saccrda caldras

pohtonpa t big woldonLazarum ofslean; u forpam pe

manega idronframpamIudeum for his pingon, and gelyfdononpone Halcnd . uOnmergenmyccl manigco,pe com to pam fredls-da ge , pd big gchyrdonpa t seHalend com to H icrusalcm,

u hig ndmonpalm-treowa

‘v igu,and codondt ongeanhine , and clypcdon: 3 ;


3, roHN x rr.

Israhe la c ing ndn, and gcblctsod pe com onDryhtnesnaman. i t And se Ha lend gemette dnne assan, and rdd

on-uppanpam,swd hyt awri tenys, u Ne ondrad pd , Sidncs

ddhter : nu pinc ing cymb, uppanassanfolansittcndc .

toNe undergétonhys lcoming-cnyhtas pds ping arcst : acpd se Halend wa s gcwuldrod , pd gcmundonbig pa t pdsping warou dwri tcnc be him,

and pds ping big dydonhim. u Scd manigco, pc wa s mid him pd he Lazarumclypodc of pare byrgcne , and hine dwehtc of dedbc



bdc gew i tnesse . i sAnd forpig himcomsed manio ou

gean, forpam pe hi gchyrdonpa t he worhte pa t tdcn.Dd Pharise i cwadonbe tweox bym sylfum: We gesedb

pa t we ndnping nc fremiab :nu wyle cal l middan-earda fter him. aoSumc pc wa tonHabcnc , pc idronpa t bigwoldonbig gebiddanonpamfredlS-da ge , npd genealahtontd Phi l ippe , se wa s of pare Gali le iscanBe thsaida,and hig badonhine , and cwa

edon Ledf,we wyllab gc

sednpone Halend . a Dd code Phi l ippus, and Sade byt

Andrea ; and cft Andreas and Phi l ippus hit sadonpamHalendc . a Sc Halend him andswarode, and cwab

Sed tid cymb, pa t mannes Sunu byb gcswdtclod .


“Sdblice ic secgc cdw ,Da t hwatcne cornwunab dna


bdtonhyt fcallc oncorpan, and sy dedd gif byt hyd

dedd,byt bringb mycclnc wa stm. ” Sc pc lufab his

sdwlc forspi lb big ; and se be hatab his sdwlc onpysonmiddan-carde

, gchylt big onéconl ife . soGifhwd pénigcrnc

,fyligc me : and minpénbib pa r, pa r ic com. Gif

me hwd pénab,minFa der hine weorbab. s: Nu minsdwl

ys gedréfcd ; and hwa t seege ic ? Fa der, geha l me of

pisse tide ; ac for pam ic com onpds t i d . “Fa der, gcwuldra pinne naman. Dd com stefnof heofonc , pus

cwepende : And ic gcwuldrodc , and eft ic gcwuldrige .

to Sedmanigo pc pa r stdd , and pa t gchyrdc , sadonpa t

JOHN x rr.

nyt punrodc : sume sadonpa t engel space wib hyne .

as Se Halend himandswarode,and cwab Ne cornpeds

stefnforminonpingon, ac for cdwrumpingon. nNu ysmiddan-cardes ddm: nu byb pyscs middan-cardes caldordt-dworpen. a And gif ic bed dp-dhafenframcorpan, icted cal le p ing to me sylfum. u pa t he Sade, and tdcnodebe hwylcumdedbc he woldc sweltan. u Sed manigo himandswarode, and cwa b : We gchyrdononpare a pa t

Crist bib onécnysse and hdmeta segst pd, H i t gc

byrab pa t mannes Sunu bed dp-dhafcn? hwa t ys pes

manncs Sunu? u Dd cwab se Halend : Nu gyt ys lytcl

lcdht oncdw : gdb pd hwi le pe gc lcdht habbon, pa tpystro cdw nc befdn: se pe gab onpystron, hc ndthwydcr he gab. « Dd hwi le pc gc lcdht habbon, gelyfab onlcdht, pa t gc synledhtes beam. pds ping se

Halend him Sade,and code

, and bcd iglodc hine framhim. a: Dd he swd mycele tdcndyde bcfdranhim,

hignegclyfdononhine : npa t pa s witeganword Isaias waregcfylled , pe he cwab, Dryhten, hwd gclyfdc pa s pc we

gchyrdon? and hwamwa s Dryhtncs strencb gcswdtclod ?« Forpig hig no mihtongclyfan, forpam Isaias cwa b eft


a He dblende heora cdgan, and dhyrde heora heortan, pa thignc gcsednmid heora cdgon, and mid heora heortannc ongyton, and syngecyrrcdc , and ic big gehdelc .

« Isaias Sade pds ping, pd he geseah hys wuldor,and

spra c be him. « And pcdhmanega of pam caldrongclyfdononhine ac hig hyt ne cybdonfor para Phariscapingon; py-la s big mandt-ddrifc of hyra gcsomnungc .

« Hi lufodonmanna wuldor swibor ponne Godes wuldor.

M Sc Halend clypodc and cwa b to him Sc pe gclyib onme, nc gclyib he nd onme , ac onpane pc mc sende ;« and se pc me gesyhb, gesyhb pane pc mc sende . Ic

comtd lcdhtc onmiddan-carde ; and ndnpara pc gcli tb onme ne wunab onpystrum. a And gif hwd gehyrb mine word, and ne gchylt, ne déme ic hine : no

36 JOHN x rrr.

com ic middan-eard td démanne, ac pa t ic gchalc tuid

ddn-ca rd. Se pe me forhigb, and mine wordnc underfehb, he ha fb hwd himdéme sed spac pc ic spa c , sed

himdémb onpamytemcstanda ge . « Forpampc ic nesprece ofme sylfum ac se Fa der pc me sende . he mebehead hwa t ic cwebe

,and hwa t ic sprece . « And ic

wdt pa t his bcbod ys éce lif: pa ping pc ic sprece, ic

sprece swd Faderme Sade.


XIII. r/Er pam Easter-fred is-dage , se Halend wiste

pa t his tid com, pa t he wolde gcwi tanof pysummiddancarde to hys Fa der, pd he lufode hys lcoming-cnyhtaspc warononmiddan-carde , db ende he big lufode . sAndpd Dryhtncs pénung wa s gcmacod , pd fdr se dcdfol onIudas heortanScariothcs, pa t hc hine belawdc . oHe

wiste pa t Fa der scalde ealle ping onhys handa, andpa t be comofGode, and cymb to Gode. t He drds framhis pénungc , and lede hys rcdf. andnaml inenbra gl, andbegyrdc hyne. s/Efter pam hc dyde wa ter onfa t, andpwdh his lcoming-cnyhta fét, and drigde big mid parelin-wa’sde pe he wa s mid bcgyrd . .Dd comhe to SimonePetre

,and Petrus cwa b to him Dryhten, scealt pd

pwednmine fét ? rSc Halend andswarode , and cwab to

him pdndstnu pa t ic dd ac pd wdst sybban. sPetrus

cwa b to him: Ne pwyhst pd nafrc mine fét . Se Hal

end him andswarodc , and cwa b : Gif ic pe ne pwcd,na fst pdnanne dalmyd me . oDd cwa b SimonPetrus tohim: Dryhten, ne pwch pdnd mine fét dne , ac cdc minheafod and mine handa. Dd cwa b se Halend to himSc pe clanc bybnc bcpcarf bdtonpa t manhis fét pwcd,ac ys cal l c lanc and gc synd sume c lanc ,na snd ealle .

i t He w iste wi todlicc hwd hyne sceoldc bela'

cwan forpamhe cwa b, Ne synd ge ealle c lane . u Sybbanhe ha fdeheora fét dpwogcnc, henamhis rcdf; and pd he sa t, he

JOHN x rrr.

cwa b eft to hym: Wite ge hwa t ic cdw dyde ? "C e

clyp iabmc Ldrcdw and Dryhten and wcl gc cwcbab ;

swd ic com Sdblice . nGif ic pwdh cdwrc fét,ic pc com

edwer Ldrcdw and edwer B idford ,and gc sceoloneac

pwednedwer alc dbrcs fet. u Ic cdw scalde bysnc , pa tgc ddnswd ic cdw dydc . "Sdblice ic cdw seege, Nys se

pcdwa fur‘bra poune his bldford ; nc se arend-raca nys

marra ponne se pc hyne sende . u Gifge pds ping wi ton,gc bedb cdd igc gif gc big ddb. nNc seege ic be cdw

cal lon: ic wdt hwylce ic geccas ac pa t pa t hdlige gc

wri t sy gefyllcd , pc cwyb,Sc pc ytt hldf myd me , dheib

hys hd ongeanme . u Nu ic cdw secgc , arpampc hyt gcwcorbc , pa t gc gclyfon, poune byt gewordenbyb, pa t i t :

hyt com. ”Sdb ic cdw secgc , Se pc underfehb pane peic sende

,underfehbme ; and se pe underfehbme , under

fehb pane pe me sende . u Dd se Halend pds ping Sade ,

he wa s gcdréfcd ongdstc , and cybdc , and cwab: Sdb

ic cdw seege , pa t edwer dnme be lawb. ”Dd leorningcnyhtas beheold heora a lc dbcrne , and hi mtwynodc behwamhe hi t Sade . u Anpara lcorning-cnyhta hlinodeonpa s Hdclcndcs bea tme , pone se Ha lend lufode . u Si

monPe trus bicnodc to pyson, and cwa b to him Hwa t

is se pc he hyt big scgb u W itod licc pd he hlinode Oferpa s B a lendes brcdstum

,he cwa b to him: Dryhten,

hwa t ys he ? ”Sc Ha lend himandswarode,and cwa b

He ys se pc ic race bedyppcdne hldf. And pd bd hebcdyptc pone hldf, he scalde hyne Iudas Scaridthc . ”Andpd a fter pambitan, Satanas code onhyne . Dd cwa b Sc

Halend to him Dd rabe pa t pd ddnwylt . u Nystcndnpa ra si ttcndra, td hwamhe pa t Sade . ” Sume wéndon,forpam Iudas ha fde scrin

, pa t se Ha lend hi t cwadc bebym,

B ige pa p ing pc ds ped ri sy to pamfredlS-da ge ;

obbe pa t he scalde sump ing pcarfendummannum. seDd he

nampone bi tanhe code ti t pa r- rihtc : hi t wa sniht. upd hedt-code and se Ha lend cwa b Nu ys manncs Surtu ge

JOHN x rv.

swutelod, and God ys geswutelod onhim. aGifGod ysges

wutelod onhim, and Godgeswutelab hine onhymsylfum.



a Ld beam,nu gyt ic comgehwadc tid mid cdw. Ga

me sécab : and swd ic pamIudeumSade , Genc mdgonfaranpyder pc ic fare and nu ic cdw seege. u lc cdw

sylleniwe bcbod, pa t gc lufioncdw betwynan, swd ic cdwlufode. « Be pamoncndwab ealle menpa t gc synd mineleoming-cnyhtas, gif ge habbab lufe cdw betwynan.« SimonPetrus cwab to him Dryhten, hwydcr gast pd ?Se Halend bymandswarode , and cwab Ne miht pd mefylianpyder ic nu fare : pd fa rs t eft a fter me . "Petrus

cwab to him Hwine mag ic pénu fylian? ic sylle minliffor pc. « Sc Halend himandswarode, and cwab pinlif pd sylst forme ? Sdb ic pe secgc , Ne crawb se cocc,

e rpd wibsa cstme priwa.



XIV . “And he cwa b to hys leoming-cnyhtum Ne syedwer heorte gcdréfcd : gc gclyfab onGod, and gelyfabonme . a Onmines Fa der hdse synd manega cardungstdwa : ne Sade ic cdw. Hyt ys Iyt les wana pa t ic fare,and wyllc cdw cardung-stdwc gcgcarwian. aAnd gif icfare , and cdw cardung-stdwe gcgcarwigc , eft ic cume,and nimc cdw to me sylfum; pa t ge synpa r ic com.

cAnd ge wi tonhwydcr ic fare, and ge cunnonpone weg.

sThomaS cwab to hym: Dryhten, we nytonhwydcr pdfa rst ; and hd mage we pone weg cunnan? 0 Se Ha lendcwab to him: Ic com weg, and sdbfa stnys, and lif:nc cymbndu to Fa der, bdtonpurh me. rGif gc cdbonme

,wi todlicc gc cdbonminne Fa der : and hconon-forb

gc hyne gecndwab, and gc hine gesdwon. .Phi l ippuscwa b to him: Dryhten, a ty

‘w us pone Fa der, and we

JOHN x v.

eardung-stdwamid him. “Se pe menc lufab, nc byit bemine spraca andnys byt minsprac pe gc gehyrdon, acpa s Fader pc me sende. u pds ping ic cdw Sade

, pd

ic mid cdw wunode . « Se Hdlga Frdfre-Gdst, pe Fader

sent onminumnaman, cdw larb ealle ping ; and he

larb cdw ealle pd ping pe ic cdw seege . a rc lafe cdw

sibbe ic sylle cdw mine sibbe nc sylle ic cdw sibbe swd

middan-eard sylb. Ne sy edwer heorte gedréfcd , nc neforhtige ge . uGc gchyrdonpa t ic cdw Sade

,Ic gd,

and ic cumc td cdw. Witodlice gif gc me lufcdon, gcgeblissodon; forpam pc ic fare to Fa der ; forpamFa derysmdra ponne ic. « Andnu ic cdw Sade , arpampc hitgcwcorbc, pa t gc gelyfon, ponne hit gewordenbib. aoNe

sprece icnund fcla wib cdw pyscsmiddan-cardes caldorcymb, and hena fbndu p ing onme nac pa t middancard oncndwc t ic lufigc Fader, and ic dd swd Fa derme behead . risab,


XV . rIc comsdb win-card , and minFa der ys eorbti lia.aHe déb a lc twig a

weg onme pc bladanc byrb and hefeorrnab a lc pa ra pe blada byrb, pa t byt berc bladapc swipor. l l gc synd c lane for pare spracc pc ic to

cdw spra c . t niab onme , and ic oncdw. Swd twig

nc ma g blada beranhim-sylf, bdtonhi t wunige onwincarde , swd gc nc magoncdc , bdtongc wuniononme.oh comwin-card

,and ge synd twigu : Se pc wunab on

me ,and ic onhim, se byrb myclc blada : forpamgenc

magonndnping ddnbdtanme . cGif hwd nc wunab onme , he byb dworpcndt swd twig,

and fordrdwab and biggaderiab pa, and ddb onfyr, and big forbymab.



rGi fgc wuniab onme , and mine word wuniab oncdw,

biddab swd hwa t swd ge wyllon, and hyt byb edwer. oOn

JOHN x v.

pamysminFa der geswdtclod , pa t gc heronmyclc blada,and beonmine lcorning-cnyhtas. oAnd ic lufode cdw

swd Fa der lufode me wuniab onminrc lufe . reGif gc

mine bcbodu gehcaldab, gc wuniab onminrc lufe swd ic

gehcold mines Fa der bcbodu,and ic wunige onhys lufe .

Dds p ing ic cdw Sade , pa t mingefca sy oncdw,and

edwer ge ies sygcfullod .


nDis ys minbcbod , pa t gc lufioncdw gema’cnelicc , swdic cdw lufode . uNa fbndnmanmdranlufe ponne pcdsys, pa t hwd sylle hi s lif for his fredndum. uGc syndmine frynd, gif gc ddb pa ping pc ic cdw bcbeodc . uNe

te l le ic cdw td pcdwanforpam se pedwa ndt hwa t se

hldford déb ic tealde cdw td fredndum forpamic cy’


cdw ealle pa p ing pc ic gchyrdc a t minumFa der. uNc

gecurc gc me , ac ic geccds cdw ,and ic sette cdw, pa t

gc gdnand blada bcron,and cdwrc blada gelaston;

pa t Fa der sylle cdw swd hwa t swd gc biddab onminumnaman.


Dds p ing ic cdw beode , pa t ge lufioncdw gcmanclicc .

uGifmiddan-card cdw hatab,witab pa t he hatcde me ar

cdw. nGif gc of middan-carde waron,middan-card

lufode pa t his wa s : forpam pc ge ne synd ofmiddancarde

, ac ic cdw geccds ofmiddan-cardc , forpig middancard cdw hatab. ac munab minte Sprace pc ic cdw

Sade ,Nis se pedwa marra ponne his bldford . G if hig

me chton, big wyllab chtanedwer : gif big mine spracc

hcoldon, big healdab cdc cdwrc . nAc ealle pds ping bigddb cdw for minumnaman; forpam pc hig ne cunnonpone pe me sende. a G if ic ne cdmc , and to himncsprace , na fdonhig ndnc synnc : nu big nabbab ndnelddc be heora synne . « Sc pc me hatab

,hatab minne

JOHN x vr.

Fa der. a Gif ic ndnc weorc ne worhte onhim, pc ndn

dbernc worhte ,na fdonhig ndnc synnc nu big gesdwon,and big hatcdonagber gc me, ge minne Fa der. « Ac

pc t sed sprac sy gcfylled pc onhyra a dwritenys, Da tbig hatcdonme bdtongcwyrhtum.


« ponne se Fréfricnd cymb, pc ic cdw sende framFa der,sdbfa stnysse Gdst, pc cymb framFa der, he eyb gewi tnessebe me nand ge cybab gewi tnesse, forpamgc wa tonframfrumanwid me .

XV I . rpds ping ic cdw Sade , pa t gc ne swic ion. sH igddb cdw of gcsomnungum ac sed tid cymb, pa t a lc pecdw ofslyhb, wénb pa t he pénige Gode . .And pds pinghig ddb, forpam pe big nc cdbonminne Fa der,ne me .

cAc pds ping ic cdw Sade, pa t ge gemunon, ponme heora

tid cymb, pa t ic hi t cdw Sade . Ne Sade ic cdw pds pinga t fruman, forpampe ic wa smid cdw.



rNu ic fare to pam be me sende,and edwerndu nc

dcsabme , Hwyder ic fare ? « Ac forpambe ic sprac pds

p ing td cdw,unrdtnys gcfyldc cdwrc heortan. rAC ic cdw

secgc sdbfa stnysse Edw fremab pa t ic fare ; gif ic ncfare

,nc cymb se Fréfricnd td cdw : wi tod licc gi f ic fare ,

ic hyne sende to cdw. .And ponne he cymb,he pywb

pysne middan-card be synne , and be rihtwisncsse , andbe ddmc : obc synne , forpam hig nc gclyfdononme ;robe rihtwisnysse , forpam ic fare to Fa der

,and gc mcnc

gcscdb u be ddme , forpampyscs middan-cardes caldor ysgcdémcd . Gyt ic ha bbe cdw fc la td sccgenne , ac gc

hyt nc magonnu dcuman. avonne pare sdbfa stnysseGdst cymb,

he larb cdw ealle sdbfa stnysse ne sprycb he

of him-sylfum,ac he sprycb pa ping pe he gehyrb : and

JOHN x vr.

eyb cdw pa ping pc towcardc synd. “He me gcswd

telab ; forpamhenimb ofminum,and eyb cdw. u F.alle

pa ping be minFa der ha fb synd mine ; forpig ic cwa b,pa t henimb ofminum

,and eyb cdw.



“Nu ymbe dnlytcl gc me nc gcsedb ; and eft ymbelytcl gc me gcsedb, forpam pe ic fare to Fa der. “Dd

cwadonhis leorning-cnyhtas him betwynan: Hwa t yspa t he us scgb ,

Ymbe lytcl ge me nc gcsedb ; and eft

ymbe lytcl and gc me gcsedb and pa t ic fare to Fa der ?“Hig cwadon

,wi todlicc : Hwa t ys pa t he cwyb,

Ymbelytcl ? we nytonhwa t he sprycb. nSc Halend w iste pa tbig woldonhyne dcsian, and he cwa b to hym: Be pam

gc smcageab betwednancdw, forpamic Sade , Ymbe lytclgc menc gcsedb ; and eft ymbe lytcl ge me gcsedb zosdb

ic cdw seege, Da t gc hcdfiab and wépab. middan-cardgcblissab ; and gc bedb unrdtc, ac edwer unrdtnys bybgewend td gefcdn. nDannc wi f cenb,

hed ha fb unrdtnyssc , forpam pe hyrc tid corn poune hed ccnb cnapan,ne gemanhed pare hcfrnysse for gefcdn, forpammanby

'fb dcenned onmiddan-card. a And witodlicc gc hab

babnu unrdtnyssc : eft ic cdw gesed, and edwer heorte

gcblissab ; and ndnmannc nimb edwcmc gefcdnt’

ramcdw. ”And onpam da ge ge nc biddab me ndncspingcs.


Sdb ic cdw seege , Gif ge hwa t biddabminne Fa der onminumnamanhe byt sylb cdw. “Ob pys nc bade gendnping onminumnamanbiddab, and gc underfdb, pa t

edwer gcfed sy ful l. « Dds ping ic cdw Sade onbigspcllum sed tid cymb, ponne ic cdwnc sprece onbigspe llum

JOHN x vn.

ac ic cybe cdw Openlicc beminumFader. “Onpamda gege biddab onminumnaman; and ic cdw nc secgc for

pamic biddc minne Fa der be cdw. nWi todlice se Fa dercdw lufab

,forpam pc ge lufcdonme , and gclffdonpa t

ic comofGode. nIC fdr framFa der, and com onmiddancard cft ic forlate middan-card, and fare td Fa der.

« Hys lcorning-cnyhtas cwadonto bym Nu, pd sprycst

openlice , andnc segst ndnbigspell. soNu we wi tonpa tpd wdst ealle ping, and pc nys ndnpearf pa t anig pcdcsic onpysumwe gclj fab pa t pd cdme of Gode . nSeHalend him andswarode , and cwa b : Nu gc gclyidb.

aaNlI , comtid,and cymb, pc t gc td -faronaghwylc to his

dgenum,and forldctonme dnne : and ic ne com dna


forpamminFa der ysmid mc . “Dds ping ic cdw Sade,

pa t gc habbonsibbe onme . Ge habbab hedge byrbene onmiddan-carde ac gctrdwiab ic oferswibde middan-eard .



XV II. rpds ping se Halend spra c and dhdfup his cdgantd heofenum, and cwa b : Fa der, ti d ys cumen; gcswdtcla pinne Sunu

, pa t pinSunu geswdtc ligc pc sand swd

pd bymscaldcst anweald a lces manncs, pa t he sylle écc

lifcal lumpam be pu hym scaldcst . aDiS ys sddlicc éce

li f, pa t big oncndwonpa t pd cart dnsdb God , and se pc

pd sendest , Halend Crist. 4 1C pc gcswutclode ofer eorb

an: ic gccndodc pa t weorc pa t pd me scaldcst td ddnne . sAnd nu, pd Fa der, gebcorhta me mid pe sylfum

pare beorhtnyssc pc ic ha fde mid pe , arpam pe middancard ware . sIC gcswdtc lodc p innenamanpdmmannumpc bd me scaldcst of middan-carde : big warou pine ,and pd hig scaldcst me and big gcheoldonpine spracc .

rNu hig gccnedwonpa t ealle pa p ing pc bu me scaldcst

synd of pc . oForpam ic scalde himpa word pe bu sealdcst me ; and big underféngonand oncncdwonSdblice

JOHN x vrr.

pa t ic comofpc and hig gclyfdonpa t bd mc sendest.oIc bi ddc for hig zne bidde ic for middan-carde

,ac for

pd be pd me scaldcst ; forpambig synd pine . “And eallemine synd pine , and pine synd mine and ic comgcswdtelod onhim. i t And nu ic ne comonmiddan-cardc


and big synd onmiddan-carde,and ic cume to pc .



[Onpare tide se Halend beheold his lcorning-cnyhtas,and cwab] Hdlga Fa der, heald onpinumnamanpa tpd me scaldcst

, pa t big syndn, swd wyt synd . Dd ic

wasmid him,ic hcold big onpinumnaman: ic heo ld

pd be pd me scaldcst, and nc forwearb heora ndn, bdtonforspyllednyssc bearn; pa t pa t hdlige gewrit sy gefyllcd .

uNd ic cumc to pc . and pds p ing ic sprece onmiddancarde, pa t big habbonminne gefcdngcfyllcdne onhimsylfum. u IC scalde himpine spracc ; and middan-cardbig ha fde onhatungc forpam big ne synd ofmiddancarde , swd ic cdc nc comofmiddan-carde . uNe bidde ic

pa t pi hignime ofmiddan-carde , ac pa t pd big gehcaldeofyfcle . uNc synd hig ofmiddan-carde , swd icnc comof

middan-carde . u Gchdlga big insdbfa stnysse pinspracys sdbfa stnys. "Swd pd me sendest onmiddancard


sende hig onmiddan-card . noAnd for big ic hdlgigc mesylfne , pa t hig syncdc gchdlgodc onsdbfa stnysse . soWi tod

l icenc gebidde ic for hig dnc , ac cdc forpd be gyt sceolongclyfanpurh heora word onme a pa t ealle syndn swd

pd , Fa der, cart onme, and ic onpe , pa t big Syncdc dnonunc pa t middan-card gclyfc pa t bdme sendest. a Andic scalde himpd beorhtnyssc pc bd me scaldcst pa t higsyndn. awd wyt syndn. « Ic comonhim,

and pd cart onme , pa t big syngccndodc ondn; pa t middan-card oncndwc pa t pd me sendest, and lufodcst hig, swd pd mclufodcst. u Fa der, ic wyllc pe t ba , pe pi mc scaldcst

, Syn

JOHN x e .

mrcl me pa r ic com; pa t big gcsednmine beorhtnyssc ,pc bd me scaldcst : fdrpam pd lufodeSt me de r middeneard gesct ware . a Ld rihtwisa Fa de r, middan-card penc gccnedw : wi todlicc ic pc gccnedw,

and big oncncdwonpa t bd me sendest. “And ic himcyb dc pinnenaman,and gyt wyllc cyban pa t sed lufu, be pd me lufodcst, sionhim

,and ic comonhim.


XVIII . rDd se Halend pds ping cwa b, pd code he ofer

pd burnanCedron, pa r wa s dnwyrt-tdn, into pam he

code , and his lcorning-cnihtas. sW i tod lice Iudas, pe hyne

belawdc , wiste pd stdwe , forpampc se Ha lend oft-rad l ice,com pyder mid hys lcornrng-cnyhtum aDd underféngIudas pa t fole and pd pcgnas, a t pi m bi sceopum anda t pdm Phariseon, and com pyder mid lcdht-fatum, andmid blasum, and mid wapnum. 4 Wi tod lice se Ha lendwiste ealle pa p ing be him tdwcardc waron: he code pd

forb, and cwa b to him Hwane Sécc gc ? rH ig andswar‘edonhim

,and cwadon pone NazareniscanHalend .

Se Halend cwa b : lc brt com. Sdblice Iudas, pc hynebelawdc , stdd mid him. «Dd he openlice Sade

,ic hlI

com, pd codonbig under-ba c,and fedllononpd corban.

rEft he hig dx odc : Hwane Sécc gc ? H ig cwadonpone NazarcnrscanHa lend . sSc Halend bymandswarode : lo Sade cdw pa t ic hit com gyf ge w itod licc mesécab,

la tab pds faran opa t sed sprac wa re gcfylled , pc

he cwab,Da t icnannc parana forspi llc , pc pd mc scal

dest. toW i todlice SrmdnPetrus dtcah hys sweord ,and sldt:

pa s bisceopcs pcdwan, and dccarfhimofpa t swyfbre cdrc

pa s pcdwannama wa s Malchus. Dd cwab se Halendtd Petre z Dd pinsweord onhis scabe : pone calic pe

minFa dermc scalde , nc drincc ic hine ? "pa t folc , andse caldor, and para Indea pcgnas ndmonpone Halend,and bundonhine , rs and laddonhine arest to Annan, se

4 8 JOHN x rx .

smi tcne ac pa t big {c tonheora Edstron. Dd code Pi latus dt to him, and cwa b : Hwylcc wrdhtc bringe geongeanpysne man mH ig andswarcdon

,and cwdedonto

him Gifhenare yfcl dadc ,nc scalde we hyne pc . nDd

cwab Pi latus to him: Nimab hine,and démab him be

cdwrc a . Dd cwadonpa Iudeas to him Us nis dlyfcdpa t we anrgnc manofslcan a pa t pa s Halendcs sprac

ware gcfylled , pc he cwab, pd he gcswdtclodc hwylcon

dedbc he swulte. u Dd code Pi latus eft into pam ddmcrnc

,and clypodc pone Ha lend

,and cwa b to bym

Eart pd Indes c ining u Dd andswarode Sc Ha lend bym,

and cwa b : Cwyst pd pi s of pc sylfum,hwabcr pc by t

pc dbre Sadon? ”Pi latus bym andswarode,and cwa b

Cwyst pd comic Iudc isc ? Dinpedd and pine bisceopaspc scaldonmc hwa t dydcst pd ? soDd cwa b se HalendM inricenys ofpysummiddan-carde gifminrice ware

of pysummiddan-carde , w i tod licc mine pcgnas fuhton,pa t ic ndere gescald Iut lcum nys minrice of pysummiddan-carde. uDd cwa b Pi latus to hym: Eart pd w i t

odlicc cyning ? Sc Ha lend bym andswarode , andcwab : pd byt segst pa t ic comcyng. Onpam ic com

geboren, and to pamic comonmiddan-card, pa t ic cy‘bc

sdbfa stnysse . fElc para pc ys onsdbfa stnysse gehyrbmine stefne . uDd cwab Pi latus to hym: Hwa t ys sdb

fa stnys ? And pd he pis cwa d , pd code hc eft ti t td

pdm Iudeum,and cwab to hym: Ne funde ic ndcnnc

gylt onpysummen. “H it ys edwer gcwuna, pa t ic forgifc cdw annc manonEastron: wyllc gc pa t ic forgifccdw Iudea cyning ? wH ig clypcdonealle

,and cwad

on: Nd pysne , ac Barraban. Witodlice Barrabas wa s


XIX. d namPi latus pone Halend ,and swang hyne .

nAnd pa pcgnas wundonpyrnennc cync-hclm,and dsctton

hyne onhis hcdfod , and scryddonhyne mid purpuranredic ; s and big edmontd bym, and cwadon: Hdl bed

JOHN x rx

pd, Iudea cyning l and hi pla ttonhyne mid heora handum. aDd code Pi latus c it dt, and cwa b : Nu ,

ic hynelade hyder dt to cdw, pa t gc ongi tonpa t ic nc fundenannc gylt onhym. oDd code se Halend dt

,and ba r

pyrnennc cync-hclm,and purpuranrcdf. And Sade

him: Hér is man! cWitod licc pd bd bisceopas and pdpcgnas hine gesdwon, pd clypc donbig,

and cwadonHdh hyne, hdh hyne. Dd cwa b Pi latus to him: Nimc

gc hyne , and hdb ic nc funde nanne gyl t onhym.

d Iudeas him andswarcdon, and cwadon: We habbab

a ,and be dre a he sccal sweltan; forpampc he cwab

pa t he ware Godes Sunu. d Pi latus gchyrdc pdsspracc , pd ondréd he himpa s pc sw ibor ; s and code eft

into pamddm-crnc,and cwab td pam Halendc : Hwa

noncart pd ? Wi todlice se Halend bymnc scaldendncandswarc . Dd cwa b Pi latus to hym: Hwi nc sprycst

pd wib me ? ndst pd pa t ic ha bbe mihtc pc td hdnnc,

and ic ha bbe mihtc pc td forlatcnne ? u Se Halend hymandswarode : Na fdcst pd ndnc mihtc ongeanme , bdtonbyt ware pc ufangescald forpamse ha fb mdransynne ,se be me pc sca lde . i t And sybbansdhtc Pi latus hd he

hine forléte . Dd Iudeas clypcdon, and cwadon: Gifpd hine forla tst, ne cart pd pa s Caseres frednd : a lc

para pc hyne to cyngc déb, ys pa s Caseres wiper-sacs .

uDd Pi latus pds sprace gchyrde , pd ldcdde he di poneHalend , and sa t a t -foranpamddm-sctlc

, onpare stdwe

pc ys genemned Li thostrdtds, and onEbrc isc Gabbathd.

Hyt wa s pd Eastra gcgcarcung-da g,and byt wa s sed

syx tc tid : pd cwab he to pam Iudeum Hér ys edwer

Cyning “H ig c lypcdonealle , and cwadonNimhyne .

nim hyne , and hdh. Dd cwa b Pi latus : Secal ic hdncdwemc cyning ? H im andswarcdonpd bisceopas, andcwdcdonNa bbe wendeune cyning, bdtonCasere . Dd

scalde he hyne hym td dhdnnc . Ddndmonbig poneHalend, and tugonhine dt ; 1: and ba ronhis rddc mid


him,onpd stdwe pc ys genemned heafod -


and onEbrc isc , Golgotha : a pa r big hyne dhéngon, andtwegendbre mid him,

ontwd healfa, and pone Halendonmiddan. "Witodlice Pi latus wrdt ofer-gewrit, andsette ofer his rddc . pa r wa s ongcwri tcn, Drs vs S] :


Iudea raddonpis gewrit ; forpam pc sed stdw wa s gc

hende pare ceastre pa r se Halend wa s dhangcn. H it

wa s dwritenEbrc iscon stafon,and Greciscon


Ledenstafon. Dd cwadonpd bisceopas td Pi late : Newri t pd Iudea Cyning , ac pa t he cwadc , Ic com Iudea

Cyning. ”Dd cwab Pi latus : Ic wrdt pa t ic wrdt . u Dd

pd ccmpanhyne dlréngon, big ndmonhis rcdf,

andworhtonfcdwcr da las, a lconcempanannc dal ; andtunccan; sed tunccc wa s undsiwod

,and wa s cal l dwcf

cn. “Dd cwadonbig himbetwednan Ne sl i te we big,ac utonhledtan

,hwylccs ti re hed sfz pa t pa t hdlige

gewri t sygcfyllcd pc pus cwyb, H ig todaldonbymminercdf

,and ofer mine redf big wurponhlot. W i todlice

pus dydonpd cempan. u Dd stddonw ib pd rddc pa s Hal

endes mdder, and his mdder swustcr, Maria Cleophc ,

and Maria Magdaleniscc . u Dd se Ha lend geseah his

mdder, and pone lcorning-cnyht standendc , pc he lufode ,pd cwab he to hisméder : Wi f, hér his pinsunu a: Eft

hc cwa b to pam lcorning-cn)hte : Hér ys pinmdder !And of pdcrc tide se lcornrng-cnyht big nam to him.

n/Eftcr pyson, pd se Halend w iste pa t calle ping warongccndodc , pa t pa t hdlige gewri t wdcrc gcfyllcd , pd cwa b

he Me pyrst. ”Dd stdd dnfat ful l eccdcs : big bcwundondnc spinganmyd j sopo ,

sed wa s ful l eccdcs, andsettonto his mdbc . ”Dd se Halend onféng pa s cccdcs,

pd cwab he Hyt ys gccndod and he dhyldc his hcdfod,and dgcafhis gdst . Dd Iudeas badonB i latumpa t manforbracc heora sccancan

,and lete big nypcr ; forpam pc

hi t wa s gcgcarcung-da g ; pa t pa lichamanne wuncdon

JOHN x x .

onrdde onreste-da ge : se da g wa s mare reste-da g.

u Dd edmonpd cempan, and braconarest pa s sccancan,pe mid him dhangenwa s. u Dd big to pam Hdelendeedmon, and gesdwonpa t he dedd wa s, ne braconbigndhis sceanmnu ac dnpara cempena geopenode his sidanmid spere , and hra dlice par fledw bldd li t

,and wa ter.

u And se Ge hyt geseah cf‘

lSde gew itnesse , and his gewi tnesis 366 , and he wdt pa t be 565 Sade

, pa t ge geli fon. Dds

p ing wderongewordene , pa t pa t gewrit ware gefylled, Neforbrace gendu bdnonhim a And eft dfier gewrit segp,B ig gesedfi onhwane big on-fa stnodon. u Witodlice

a fter 5 3m Iosep fram Arimathia ba d Pi latus, pa t hemdstenimanpa s Hdelendes lichaman, forpampe he wa s

pmHdelendes leorning-cnyht pys he dyde dearnunga, forpara Iudea ege : and Pi latus hvmlyfde. Dd comhe


nampa s Ha lendes lichaman. “And Nichodemus compyder, se pe arest com to pam Halende onniht


brohte wy rt-gemang and alewan, swylce hund-teontig box a.« H ig ndmonpa s B a lendes lichaman, and bewundonhyne mid linenumcldfie

,mid wyrt-gemangum, swd Iudea

pedw ys té bebyrgenne . “Wi tod lice pa r wa s wyrt-tdn

onpare stdwe par se Halend dhangenwa s and onpamwyrt

-tdne wa s niwe byrgen, onpare pd gyt ndnmanna s dléd . « Sdfilice par big ledonpone Halend, forpampdera Iudea gearcung wa s wi tspa byrgene .


XX. nWitodlice ondnumreste-da ge , sed MagdalenisccMaria comonmergen, der byt ledht ware , pa

ere byrg

ene and bed geseah pa t se stdndweg dnumenwa s frampare byrgcne . aDd arnhed, and com to Simone Petre


and to pdm65mmleorning-cnyhte , pe se Ha lend lufode,

and hed cwa‘

b to bym H igndmonDryhtenof byrgcne,and we nytonhwar big hyne lédon. aPetrus eode fit,

and se dber leorning-cnyht, and edmonté pare byrgene.

5 : JOHN x x

oWltodlice big twegenntuona tga derc , and se (Met

leoming-cnyht for-am Petrus forne,and com raiSor té

pare byrgeneu oAnd pd he ny'ber dbeah, he geseah palin-wada l iogan; and ne code pedh in. cW i todlice

SimdnPetrus coma fter bym,and eode into pare byr

gene , and he geseah lin-wada l iegau ; zand pa t swdtlin,pe wa s uppanhas heafde , ne la g hi t nd mid pam linwadum

,ac on-sundrongefealdanondnre stdwe. uDa

code edc inse leorning-cnyht, pe arest com to parebyrgcne , and geseah, and gelyfde . oWi tod lice pd gyt bigne cdfionhdlige gewnt , pa t hit gebyrede pa t he sceolde

framdedtie drisan. toDd idroneft pa leoming-cnyhtas tépam65mm.

ms conspm. GEBYRAD onDUNRES-DEG,11mm DE RE


Wi todlice Maria stdd par d le a t pare byrgene andwedp : and pd hed wedp, hed dbeah ny‘

ber,and beseah

innanpd byrgene ,“and geseah twegenenglas sittanmid

hw i tum redfe , anne a t pamheafdum,and (St erne a t pam

fdtum, pa r pa s Halendes lic dléd wa s. "H ig cwdedonto hyre : Wif, hwi wépst pd ? Dd cwa fi hed té bymForpam hig ndmonminne Drihten, and icndt bwa r bighine lédon. Dd hed pds p ing Sade

, pd bewende hed bigon-ba c, and geseah hwar se Halend stdd and hednystcpa t byt se Halend wa s. Dd cwa iS se Halend to hyre

Wif, hw i wépst pd ? hwane sécst pd ? Hed wénde pa tbyt se wyrt

-weard ware , and cwa fi to him Ledf, gif pd

hine ndme sege me bwar pd hine lédest,and ic hine

nime Dd cwa iS se Halend to hyre : Maria. Hed

bewende big ,and cwa fi to hym: Rabboni . pa t ys ge

cweden, Ldrcdw. Dd cwa tS seHdelend to hyre Ne a t

ht inpd minnu gyt icne dstdh té minumFa der. Gangté minumbrdprum,

and sege him. Ic dstige té minumFa der

,and té edwrumFa der and té minumGode , and

té cdwrum Gode . "Dd com sed Magdalenisce Maria

JOHN x x

and cfl de pdm leorning-cnyhtum, and cwa iS : Io geseahDryhten, and pds ping be me Sade .


Dd byt wa s afch ,ondnonpara reste-daga ,

and pddura waronbelocene . pa r pa leorning-cnyhtas wat c h

gegaderode, for para Iudea ege , se Halend com, andstdd tdmiddes heora ,

and cwa fi to him: Sig sibb midedw. ”And pd he pa t cwa iS, he a t-j wde himhis handaand his sidan. Dd leorning-cnyhtas warou bliiSe , pd bigba idou Dryhtengesewen. nHe ewafi eft to him: Sig

sibbmid edw : swd swd Fa der me sende,ic sende edw

a Dd he pa t cwa'B

, pd bledw he onbig, and cwa’b to him

Underfdfi Hdligne Gdst. ”para synna pe ge forgyfafi,big bedb himforgifene and para pe ge healdaiS, big bedhgehealdene . “Wi todlice Thomds, dnof pamtwelfum, pe

ys gecwedenDid imus, pa t ys Gelicost, ondre gepedde ,hena s mid him

, pd se Hdelend com. s cwadonpdOfire leorning-cnyhtas to him: We gesdwonDryhten.Dd ewafi he to him Ne geli fe ic , bdtonic gesed parana gla fa tnunge onhis handa,

and ic dd minne finger onpderana gla stede

,and dd mine hand to his sidan. “And

eft , a fter eahta dagum,his leorning-cnyhtas waroninne,

and Thomds mid bym se Halend com,belocenum

durum,and stdd té-middes hym,

and cwa fi : Sig cOw

sibb. nSy‘

lSiSanhe Sade Thomé DOpinne finger hyder,and gesedh mine handa and nim pine hand

,and dd on

mine si dan and ne bed pd ungeledfl’

ul, ac ge ledfi'


u Thomds andswarode,and cwa fi to him: Dd eart min

God, and minDryhten. ”Se Ha lend cwa fi to him pd

gelj'fdest , forpam pd me gesdwe : pd synd edd ige pe ne

gesdwon. and gelyfdon. ”Wi tod lice manega ti t re tdcense Halend worhte onhys leorning-cnyhta gesyhfie , penosynd onpysse bée dwri tene . W i todlice pds ping synddwritene , pa t ge ge ly'fonpa t se Halend ys (Inst , Godes

5 4 JOHN x x x.

Sunu ; and pa t ge habbou éce life, poune se gelj fab onhysnaman.ms GODSPEL GEBYRAD ON wonuzs-Dm

, INNAN ammsr xn-wvcm.

XXI. f t a fter pam se Halend hine geswdtelode pma t pare Tiberiddiscansé . aSimOnPetrus, and Thomds,pe ys gecwedenGelicost, warou a tga dere , and Nathanahél, se wa s of Chand Gali lea ,

and Z ebedeus suna,and dbre twegenpara leorning-cnyhta . aDd owa iSSimdnPetrus to him: Ic wylle gdnon6x 08 . Dd cwadonbigté him: And we wyllaiS gdu mid pe. And big codondt

, and eodononscyp andne féngonndnping onparenihte. cWitodlice onarne mergense Halend stdd onpam strande ne gccnedwonpedh pd leoming-cnyhtaspa t hyt se Halend wa s. aDd ewa ’S se Halend to himCnapan, cwe‘

lSe ge , habbe ge sufol ? H ig andswarcdonhim, and cwadon: Nese . cHe cwafi to hym: Latafl

pa tnett onpa swjfbranhealfe pa s réwettes, and ge gemétat . H ig létonwitodlicc , and ne mihtonhit dtednforpara fix a manigeo . zWitOdlice se leorning-cnyht pe se

Halend lufode owa ii to Pe tre : Hyt ys Dryhten, Dd

Petrus gehfrde pa t byt Dryhtenwa s, pd dyde he onhis tunecan, and begyrde hine , witodlice he was der

nacod,and scét innansde . aDd Ofire leoming-cnyhtas

redwonpa r-to : hig waronunfeor fram lande, swylce

byt ware twd hund elna. and tugonheora fisc-nett. Dd

hig onland codon, big gesdwonlicgangléda, and fiscpar

-ofer,and hldf. loDd cwafi se Halend to him Bring

afi pa fix as pe genu geféngon. nSimdnPetrus code up,

and téh his nett onland , mycelra fix a ful l , para wa s

hund- teontig and preo and fii ftig : and pd heora awd fe lawa s

,na s pa t nett tdbrocen. u Dd cwa iS se Halend té

him: Gdfi hider and etafi. And ndu para pe par sa t,

ne dorste hine dcsian, hwa t he ware. H ig wistonpa thyt wa s Dryhten. u And se Halend com, andnamhldf

56 JOHN x x L

him,Ne swylt he ; ac

,Dus ic wyllc, pa t he wunige 68

ic cume hwa t to pe ? u Dys ys se leoming-cnyht pe eybgewi tnesse be pyson, and wrdt pds p ing : and we witonpa t hys gewi tnes ys $65 . s Witodlice dfire manega pingsynd pe se Halend worhte : gif pa ealle dwri tene wfiron,ic wéne ne mihte pa middan-card ealle pd béc befdn:.





Ic Em u“

, munuc and ma ssepredst, swd pedh wdccreponh e swi lcumhddum gebyrige, wears dsend onp el

redes da ge cyninges fram E lfeage bisc0pe, Abelwoldes

a ftergengan, té sumummynstre pe is Cernel gehdten,purh E fielma res béne Ga s pegenes, his gebyrd andgoodnys sind gehwa r ediSe . pd bearnme onmdde

, ic

trdwige purh Godes gife, pa t ic bds bdc of Ledenumgereorde té Engliscre sprace dwende ; nd puth gebyldemycelre ldre , ac forpanpe ic geseah and gehfrde mycelgedwyld onmanegumEngliscum bdcum, pe ungela redemennpurh heora bilew itnysse té micclum wisddme tealdon; and me ofhredw pa t hi ne cdponne na idonpagodspellicanldre onheora gewri tum, bdtonpammannumdnum be pa t Leden( . DOD,

and bdtonpdm bdcum “


E lfred cyning snoterlice dwende of Ledene onEnglisc .

pd synd té ha bbenne . For pisum antimbre ic gedyrstla hte, onGode trdwiende , pa t ic “

lids gesetnysse undergann, and edc forbam pe mennbehdfiab gddre ldre

swibost onpisumtimanpe is geendung pyssere worulde,and beds fe la frecednyssa onmancynne darbanpe se endebecume, swd swd dre Drihtenonhis godspelle cwab té

his leorning-cnihtum Donne bedb swilce gedrecced



nyssa swi lcenaronndefre der (ramfrym'


Manega ledse Cristas c dmab onminumnaman, cwebende ,

Io eom Crist,’

and wyrcaii fe la tdcna and wundra ,t6

bepa cenne mancynn, and cd c swylce pd gecorenanmen,gifhit gewurpanma g : and bdtanse E lmihtiga God 6ddagas gescyrte, a llmenuise forwurde ac for his gecore

num he gescyrte pd dagas.

”Gewhd ma g pe edfielicor

6d tdweardancostnunge dcuman, Gurh Godes fultum, gif

he bi‘

li Jurh bOclice ldre getrymmed forbanBe pd bedbgehcaldene pe 65 ende ongeledfanpurhwuniafi.

a: a: a: a: a: a a: a:

For wcl fe la ic wdt onpisum carde gela redranpoune icsy, ac God geswutelab his wundra puth bone pe he wi le .

Swd swd a lmihtig wyrhta, he wyrcb his weorc purh his

gecorenan, nd swylce he behdfige dres fultumes, ac pa twe geearnionpa t éce lif puth his weorces fremminge .

Paulus se apostol cwab, We sind Godes gefylstan, "andswd bedhne dd we ndu ping té Gode, bdtonGodes fultume . Nu bidde ic and hdlsige onGodesnaman

, gif

hwd pds bdc dwri tanwylle, pa t he hi geornlice gerihte bepare bysene , pyla s pe we purh gimeledse writeras geleahtrode bedu. Mycel yt

el défi sefie leds wri t, bdtonhe hi t

gerihte ; swylce he gebringe pd sdfianldre té ledsumge

dwylde : forpi sceal gehwd gerihtlamnpa t pa t he as: té

wdge gebigde, gif he onGodes déme unscyldig t ednwi le.



mmpas/or 601m: a


qua .

pts godspel, pe nu gerad wa s, cwyb, pa t se Halendcwade be him sylfum,

“ Ic eom gdd hyrde : se gdda

hyrde sylb his dgenli f for his sccdpum. Se hyra, seiSenis riht hyrde, he gesihb pone wulf cuman, and he forla t6a scép and fiyhb ; and se wulf sumgela cb and 8d dbretdstencb


”et reliqua.

Crist is gdd gecyndelice, and sdbliccnisndnS ing gddbdtanGode dnum. Gif anig gescea it is gdd , ponne issed gddnys of 5 am Scyppende, sebe is hd lice gdd . He

cwab, Se gdda hyrde sylb his dgenliffor his sccdpum.

Ure Alysend is se gdda hyrde , and we cristene mensindhis scép, and he scalde his dgenlif for dre dlysednysse .

He dyde swd swd he manede,and mid pamhe geswute

lode hwa t he bebedd. Gdd hyrde wa s Petrus, and gddwa s Paulus, and gOde waron5 d apostol i , Be hyra lif

m ldonfor Godes folce,and for rihtum geleafan; ac

heora gddnys wa s of8amheafde, pa t is Crist, lie is heoraheafod, and hi sind his l ima.

E le bisceop and a lc ldredw is td hyrde gesett Godes

folce, pa t hi sceolonpa t folc wits Gone wulf gescyldan.Se wulf is dedfol, pe syrt ymbe Godes gelabunge , andcép


B hd he mage cristenra manna sdwla mid leahtrumforddn. poune sceal se hyrde, pa t is, se bisceop , obbc

dber ldredw,wibstandanpam rébanwulfe mid ldre and

mid gebédum. M id ldre he sceal him tdecan, pa t hi

cunnonhwa t dedfol tachb mannum tO forwyrde , andhwa t God bebj

't té gehealdenne , for begeate pa s eeanlifes. He secal himfore-gebiddan, pa t God geli ealde pd


si tangan, and gehdele bd untruman. Se bib tO strangumgeteald , sepe w ibstent dedfles ldre ; se bib untrum

, sebe

onleahtrumfylb. Ac se ldredw bib unscyld ig, gifhe pa tfolc mid ldre gewissab,

and him wib God gebingab. patwd bing he sceal bamfolce ddn, and edemid his dgenumObrum gehelpan; and gif hit swd getimab, his dgenlifsyllanfor ba s folces hredd inge.

“ Se him dibb poune he bone wulf gesihb. Se is

himandnd hyrde, sebe bib begripenonworuld—bingum,

and lulab pone wurbmynt and ba ateorigendlicanedledn,andna fb inweardlice lufe to Godes sccdpum. He cépb

para sceatta,and blissab onbam wurbmynte , and ha ib

his mede for bisum l ife,and bib bescyred pare écan

méde . Ndst bd hwd bib byra,hwd hyrde , arbambe se

wulfcume ac se wulfgeswdtelabmid hwi lcummdde hegymde para scedpa. Se wulfcymb tObdmscedpum,

andsume he dbitt, sume he tdstencb

, poune se réba dedfol

tibb pd cristenanmen, sume tOforligre , sume he ontent

tOgytsunge , sume he dra rb tOmdd ignysse , sume he purhgramantOtwamb,

and mid mislicumcostnungumgdstliceofslihb. Ac se byra ne bib naborne mid ware ne midlufe dstyred, ac flyhb,

forbanpe he smedb embe ba woruldlicanhybba, and la t tO gymeleaste pare scedpa lyre .

Ne flyhb nd mid lichaman,ac mid mdde . He flyhb,

forbanpe he geseh unrihtwisnysse and suwade . He flyhb

forbanbe he is him,and md hyrde , sw ilce hi t swd ge

cwedensf, Ne ma g se standanongeanfra cednyssa parascedpa, sebene gymb para scedpa mid lufe, ac tylab hissylies pa t is, pa t he lufab pa eorblicangestredn, andndGodes folc .

Wulf bib cdc se unrihtwisa rica ,be beredlab pa crist

enan, and ba eddmddanmid his ncce tere ofsitt : ac se

byra, obbe se médgylda ne gedyrstla cb pa t he his unrihtwisnysse wibstande , pa t he ne forledse his wurbmynt,and ba woruldlicangestrednbe he lulab swibor bonne pa


cristenanmenn. Be bisumdwrdt se wi .ega Ezechie l , puscwebende, Ge hyrdas, gehj


rab Godes word M ine scépsint tdstenc te burh edwre gymeleaste , and sind dbitene .

Ge cariab embe edwerne bigleofan, and nd embe parascadpa ; forbi ic wi l le ofgdnba scép a t edwrumhandumand ic dd pa t ge geswicab pare wican, and ic wylle dhreddanmine eowde W ib cdw. Ic sylfwylle gadrianmine scéppe wderontdstencte, and 1c wylle hi healdanongenihtsumere la se : pa t pa t losode pa t ic wylle séoanandongeanladan; pa t pa t dlefed wa s, pa t ic gehale ; pa tuntrume ic wylle getryntman, and pa t strange gehealdan,and ic hi la swige ondOme and onrihtwisnysse .


pds word spra c God purh bone wi teganEzechie l , beldreOwumand be his fo lce . Ge sceolonbedngeornfulle tdedwer dgenre bearfe, pedh hi t swd getimige pa t se ldreOwgimeleds bed, and ddb swd swd Crist lahte


“ Gif se

ldredw wel tdece and e le bysnige , ddb swd swd he taeb,

and nd be bampe he bysnab. Se Halend cwab be him,

“ Ic eom gdd hyrde , and ic oncndwe mine scép, and hioncndwab me . pa t is, ic lufige hi , and hi lufiab me .

Se be ne lulab sObfa stnvsse , ne oncneOw hend gyt God .

Ac behealde ge hwa bcr ge sind Godes scép, hwabcr gehine gyt oncncdwon, hwa bcr ge mid sdbfa stnysse hinelufiad . He cwab


“ Swd swd minFa der oncnawb me,

and ic oncndwe hine , and ic sylle mindgenlifforminumsccdpum. He oncnawb his Fa der burh hine sylfne , andwe oncndwab purh hine . M id pare lufe pe he wo ldefor mancynne sweltan, mid pare he cybrle hd micclanhe lulab his Fa der. He cwa b

,Ic ha bbe dbre scép pe

ne smdnd of bisre eowde,and ba ic sceal ladan, and hi

gehfrab mine stemne,and sceal beOndneowd

,and da

hyrde .

pi s he spra c onIudea- lande ba rwa s dneowd ofbarnmannum pe onGod beli fdononbam leddsc ipe. pa

dbre scép syndonpa pe of cal lum dbrum eardumGode


bdgab ; and Crist hi gebrincb ealle ondnre eowde onbam eeanl ife . Manega sind hyrdas under Criste


bodh-hwa bere he is dna heora calra Hyrde, sebe leofab

and rizab mid Fa der and mid Hdlgum Gdste, d onécnysse . Amen.



A [ems Iran: mare Galilee e! religua .

Se Halend férde ofer ba Galileiscansde, pe is gehdtenTyberidd is, and himfiligde miccl menigu,

forbonpe hibeheoldonba tdcna pe he worhte ofer ba untrumanmen.pd dstdh se Halend up ondue ddne

,and pa r sa t mid

his leoming-cnihtum,and wa s ba swibe gehende sed

hdlige Eastertid . pd bescab se Halend Up, and geseahpa t ba r wa smycelmenuise tdweard , and cwab to dnumhis leorning-cnihta, se wa s gehdtenPhi l ippus, M id hwammage we bicganhldf bisumfo lce ? pis he cwab té fandunge pa s leorning-cnihtes : he syl i wiste hwa t he ddnwolde . Dd andwyrde Phi l ippus, pedh hér warou ge

bohte twd hund peningwurb hldfes, ne mihte furbonbyraa le dnne bi tanofbamgela ccan. pd cwa b dnhis leorning-cnihta, se hdtte Andreas, Petres brdbor, Hér byrb dncuapa fifberene hldfas, and twegenfix as, ac tOhwanma gpa t to swd micclumwerode ? pd cwab se Halend


pa t pa t folc sitte . And pa r wa s miccl ga rs onbarestdwe myrige onté sittenne . And hi ba ealle sdeton, swdswdmihte bednfi f bdsend wera . Dd genam se Halendpa i i i bldfas, and bletsode

,and tdbrac , and tddalde

betwux bamsi ttendum Swd gelice ede pa fix as tddé lde


Halend geseh pa t hungrige folc , and he hi mi ldheortlicefédde

,a gber ge purh his gddnysse ge burh his mihte.

Hwa t mihte sed gddnys dna, bdtonba r ware miht midpare gddnysse ? H is d isc ipuli woldonede pa t folc fédan,ac hina idonmid hwam. Se Halend ha fde pone gddanwillanto barnfostre , and pa mihte tObare fremminge .

Fe la wundra worhte God, and da ghwamlice wyrcb

ac ba wundra sind swibe dwdcode onmanna gesihbe,

forbonbe hi sind swibe gewunelice . Mdre wundor ispa t God lElmihtig a lce da g fét ealne middangeard, andgewissab pa gddan. ponne pa t wundor ware , pa t he pagefylde fif bdsend manna mid i i f hldfum: ac ba s wundredonmen

,nd forbi pa t hi t mdre wundor ware

, ac

forbi pa t hi t wa s ungewunelic . Hwa sylb nu wa stmdrum a cerum,

and gemenigfylt pa t gerip of fedwumcomum

,bdtonse be ba gemanigfylde ba fifhldfas ? Sed

miht wa s ba onCristes handum,and pa i i i bldfas waron

swylce hi t sa d ware,nd oncorbanbesdwen, ac gemenig

fyld frambambe eorbangeworhte .

pis wundor is swibe micel, and dedp ongetdcnungum.

Oft gehwa gesihb fa gre stafas dwritene, ponne hérab he

bone wri tere and pa stafas,andndt hwa t hi manab. Se

be cannbdera stafa gescedd , he hérab heora fa gernysse,and ra d pa stafas

,and understent hwa t hi gemanab. On

dbre wisanwe scedwiab met inge , and ondbre wisanstafas. Ne gab nd mdre tOmetinge bdtonpa t pd hitgesed and hérige : nis nd gendh pa t pd stafas scedwige,

bdtonbd hi edc fade,and pa t andgi t understande. Swd

is edc onbarnwundre pe God worhte mid pam{i fhldfumne bibnd gendh pa t we pa s tdcnes wundrian

, oppe purhpa t God hérian, bdtonwe ede pa t gdstlice andgi t understandon.pa i i i bldfas be se cnapa ba r getdcniab pa i i f bée be

Moyses se heretoga sette onbare ealdana . Se cnapa behi ba r. and heora ne onbyrigde , wa s pa t Iude isce fo le,


be ba (if bée raddon, and ne cdbe pa ronndngdstlicandgi t , arbanbe Crist com,

and pa béc geopenode , andhyra gdstlice andgit onwredh his leorning-cnihtum

,and hi

sibbancal lumcristenum folce . We ne magonnu ealle

pa i i i bée drecmn, ac we secgab edw pa t God syl i hi d ihte,and Moyses hi dwrdt, tO stedre and tO ldre bam ealdanfolce Israhel, and edc us ongdstlicum andgite . pa bée

warondwritene be Criste , ac pa t gdstlice andgi t wa s

pam folce digle, 6b pa t Crist syl i cornté mannum,

and geopenede para bdca d igelnysse , a fter gdstlicumandgne .

Al i i euangeliste ferunt, quia panes et pisces Dominusd isc ipulis d istribuisset, discipuli autem ministraueruntturbis. He tdbrac ba i i i hldfas and sealde his leorningcnihtum,

and hét béranbarnfolce ; forbonpe he takte

himba gdstlicanldre : and hi férdongeond ealne middangeard , and bodedon, swd swd himCrist syl i lahte . Mid

pambe he tdbrac ba bldfas, pa warou hi gemenigfylde ,and we onhimonhandum forbonbe ba i i i bée wurdongdstlice asmeade

,and wise ldredwas hi trahtnodon, and

settonof bam bdcummanega dbre béc ; and we midpara bdca ldre bedb da ghwonlice gdstlice gereordode .

pa hldfas warou berene . Here is sw ibe earfobe té

gearc igenne , and pedh-hwabere fét bone mann, ponne hegearo bib. Swd wa s sed calde s

e swibe earfobe and (ligle

td understandenne ; ac bedh-hwa bcre, ponme we cumab

té bamsmedman, pa t is té bdere getdcnunge , poune ge

reordab hed dre mOd,and gcstrangab mid pare d iglan

ldre . Fif bldfas ba r waron, and i i i bdsend manna pa rwa tongereordode forbanbe pa t Iude isce folc wa s nuderbeddd Godes a

,be stdd oni i i bdcum dwri ten. pdbd

Crist dx ode Phi lippum, and he his di'andode , swd swd we

a t raddon, pd getdcnode he mid pare dcsunge pa s folcesnytennysse , pe wa s under bare de

,and ne cdbe pa t

gdstlice andgit, be onbare a bed iglod wa s.


Dd twegenfix as getdcnodonsealm-sang and bars

wi tegena cwydas. Anbara gecydde and bodode Cristeaté-cyme mid sealm-sange, and dbermid wi tegunge . Nu

sind pa twd gesetnyssa, pa t is, sealm-sang and wit egung,swylce hi syfl inge warontO bam i i i berenum hldfum


pa t is, tO bdm i i i alicum bdcum. pa t folc , pe ba r ge~

reordode,sa t up onbarnga rse . pa t ga rs getdcnode

fiasclice gewi lnunge, swd swd se witega cwa b,

“ fElc

flase is ga rs, and pa s fidesces wuldor is swilce wyrta

blostm. Nu sceal gehwd, sebe wi le sittana t Godes

gereorde, and brdcanpare gdstlicanldre , oftredanpa tga rs and ofsi ttan

, pa t is, pa t he sceal ba fidesclicanlustasgewyldan, and his lichamantO Godes pedwddme symle

gebigan.pa r warongetealde a t barngereorde i i i bdsend wera

forbonpe ba menn, pe to barngdstlicangereorde be l impab, sceolonbednwerlice geworhte , swd swd se aposto lcwab he cwab, Bedb wacole , and standab ongeledfan,and onginnab werlice, and bedb gehyrte.

”Dedh gif wir

mannbib werlice geworht , and strang to Godes wi llan,hed bib ponne geteald té bdmwerumpe a t Godes mysansittab. pdsend getel bib fulfremed, and ne dsti hb ndngetel ofer pa t . M id pamgetele bib getdcnod sed fulfremednys bara manna be gereord iab heora sdwla mid Godesldre.

Se Halend hét pd gegadrianpa ldfe, pa t hi losiannesceoldon and hi ba gefyldontwelf wi lionmid pambricum.

”Da ldfe ba s gereordes, pa t sind ba dedpnyssa

bare ldre pe worold-menunderstandanne magon, pasceolonba ldredwas gegaderian, pa t hi ne losian, andhealdanonheora fie telsum, pa t is, onheora heortan, andhabbanafre ged ro ,

té teOnne forb pone w isddm and baldre a gber ge bare ealdana ge bareniwan. Hi bd gega

derodontwelf wi lianfulle mid pam bricum. pa t twelf

fed lde getel getdcnode pd twelf apostolas ; forbanpe ht


underféngonpa d igelnyssa pdere ldre , be pa t lawede folcundergi tanne mihte.

“pa t folc , bd pe pa t wundor geseah, cwadonbe

Criste , pa t he ware sdb wi tega, be tOweard wa s. Sdb

hi sadon, sumerab inga : wi tega he wa s, forbanbe he wistecal le tdwearde p ing,

and edc fe la bing wi tegode, be bedb

gefyllede bdtantwyn. He is wi tega, and he is ealra wi t

egena wi tegung, forbanbe ealle wi teganbe himwi tegodon,and Crist gefylde heora ealra wi tegunga. pa t folc geseah

bd pa t wundor, and hi ba s swibe wundredon. pa t wundor is dwri ten, and we hit gehyrdon. pa t be himheora

cdgangedydon, pa t déb dre geledfa onds. H i hi t gesd

won,and we his geli fab pe hi tne gesdwon and we sind

forbi beterangetealde, swd swd se Halend be ds ondbrestdwe cwa b, Edd ige bedb pa pe me ne geseOb, and hihwa bere ge lfl ab onme

,and mine wundra marsiab.

pa t folc cwa b bd be Criste, pa t he ware sdb wi tega .

Nu cwebe we be Criste, pa t he is ba s LifigendanGodesSunu, sebe wa s tOweard tO dlysenne ealne middangeardfrarndeOfies anwealde , and fram he lle-wi te . pa t folc necdbe bara gdda , pa t hi cwadon, pa t be God ware


sdedon, pa t he wi tega ware . We cwebabnu,mid ful lum

geledfan, pa t Crist is sdb wi tega, and ealra wi tegenaWi tega, and pa t he is Sdblice ba s [ElmihtiganGodes Sunu,

ealswd miht ig swd his Fa der,mid bam he leofab and

ri x ab ondnnysse ba s HdlganGdstes, d bdtanende onécnysse. Amen.








GREGORIUS re halga Papa . Gnghrcpe beobe fiporco)onblrumanbpepbanba ge . a yt enmenlgpealbumgebe

Oppum j halgum gecnypbnyn'um B ober p lce gera hgltce

arcah : o be If p lhchce Gnghrcpe beobe Aport ol . popbanbe he puph hlr [ta b ranbe 11] ppm beepler big enguma r-bpa b. j t o Dober geleapangebigbe manega hdligebee cybab hir bpohcnunge hq

' halige II}: eac‘ Irt op i a


ba be fElppeb 0)”a op lebene onGnglirc

npenbe Seo boc rppecb genoh rput ehce be birum balganpepe Nu pyl le pe rumbing rcOpchce copbe h imgepeccan.

popbanbe reo popera be hoc nir cop cal lum cub. peah beheo onGnglirc apenb r)" pereahnxa PapaDpegopmrpa ]a belbopenpe ma gbe j eappa rrpe acenneb Romamrce

pi t anpa ponhtrmagar. hrr pa benhast e Dopbi anur. jFe l i x re eappa rca papa pa rburp p mFa benDe pa rrpa rpnpe cpa bon. pop populbe a belboyi en. no he Opeprcah bur



a belbopennJ'

rrre mib balgum beapum‘

J mib gohum peop

cum geglenbe zo Dri egoruur tr gri ecrrc nama . re ryenonlebenumgeri eori be .

‘V tgtlancmr.

pa t: |ronGnghrc .


colpe De pa rrptbe pacol onEoberbebobum. baba he

rylr heptgenblice leorobe .

J he pacolltce ymbe manegpabeoba pearire hogobe .

J him lirer pen; gerpucelobe De

pa r rpam cnlbhabe onbocli cum lapum geCYb. j be onba pe lape rpa gera hghce beah . f) onealri e Romana-byp igna rnanhir geli ca gebuhc De gecneopbla hce a rreenpirna lapeOpa gebtrnungum. j na rropgytx ol . ac gera rt

nobe hirIape onra rt harelum gemynbe De hlob ba mib

puprmgum bpeor‘

ce ba rIOpenbanlape . be he errc a rt ert

ryprt e mib hunlg-rpe tx ri e priocanparhce bealcecre Ongeongltcumgeapum. baba hlrgeogob a rt ep gecj

'nbe pori ulbbing lurianrecolhe . pa ongannhe hine rs'lrne t o B obe

zebeoban. j t o ebe le pa rupplicanlirermlb eallumgeptlnungum opblan wicobhce a rt eri hir ra heri poribrlbe he

arta pbe ri x munne -hronSte tlla- lanbe .

J pa t reorobe bmnonRomana-buri h gecnmbri obe . onbamhe rj 'lrpegolli ce unbepabbober ha rum bri ohrnobe pa reoronmynrt riu he gelenhe mtb hlragenum.

J gemhcrumhce co ba ghpomhcumbugleorangegobobe pone orep

-eacanhira bc d he arpenbeonB oberpeaprum. ealle hirpopulbhcana belbori ennyrret o heoronli cum pulbri e apenbe De eobe a rr hir gec j



pebnf'rre geonb Romana-burih mib pa llenum gyri lum.


rcmenbum gYmmum.

J peabum golbe gerria t epob. ac

a rt eri hirgecyppebnyrre he benobe B oberbeartrum. he rylrbeapra . mib pacumpa relre herangeSpa rulrpemebltce he bpohcnobe onangmne hirgecw

pebnyrre rya 13hemihce ba gyu beonget ealb onrulrri emebpahalgena get ele b De lurohe ropha rebnyrre onmeccum jonbpence . j pa ceanonrj 'nbrngum gebebum. pa rt-t ocacanhe bri Opabe rmgalllce unt ri umnyrra . rya he rt tb

110011 mlb anbperi bum unt pumnyrrum orrec: pa r. rpa he

geormrulhcop pa reeanlirergepi lnobe


pa unbepgeat: re papa . pe onbarnt imanpa t: apor'cohcerecl gera t . hu re eabiga EpegOp iur onbalgumma gnumbeonbe pa r.

1 he ba h ine orba pe munucltcanbpohcnungegenam. j him co gerylrt angerecce . onbtaconhabe geenbebypbne Da gelamp hi t: a t: rumum ra le . rpa rya gye roporc beb. pa c Gnghrce cypmennbpohconheopa pape co

Romans-byrug. Dri egoruur eobe be ba pe rt pa c co bamGnglnrcummannum. heopa bmg rceapngenbe pa gereah

he becpux barnpapum cype -cmhcar gerent e . pa pa ponhpicer li chaman‘

J ra geper anbpli t anmenn. j a belhce

gerex obe Dpegop iur ba beheolb pa pa cnapena phce . jberpanor: hpi lcepe peobe h i gebpoht e pa pon pa ra be

humman15 I)! or engla lanbe pa ri on.

J p ba pe beobemennirc rya plmg pa pe z err: ba Dpegornurberpan. hpa

bep pa r lauber rolc crnrcenpa pe be ba benz. Dimmanra be . p ht ha bene pa pon B pegOp tur ba or: mnpeapbpeheori canlangrume rnccecunge ceah .

J cpa b. Valapa . p rya

ra geper hlpermennrinbonbarnrpeapt anbeorle unbepbeobbe err: he ax obe . hu ba pe beobe nama pa pe . pe hi

or-comon Dimpa rgeanbpi pb. pa t: ht Angle genemnobe

pa pon pa cpa b he . t CIlce hi rmb Angle gehacene .

rcpbanbe Inengla plice habhab.

J rptlcum gebarenab pa t:ht onheoronum engla gerepanbeon: . BYc ba DpegOp lurberpan. hu ba pe rcnpenama pa pe . pe ba cnapanor-ala bbepa pon Dimmanra be . 15 ba rcrpmenpa ponDepe gebacene EpegOp turanbp be . Vel ht rmb Depe gehacene .

poribanbe hi rinb rpam gpamangenepobe . j t o Ep trcermtlbheopcnyrre gecygebe Dye ba he berpan. Du trba pe

Ieobe cyning gehacen. Dim pa r geanbrpapob. p re cYnmgE l le gehacenpa pe Dpa c ba Dpegoruurgamenobe mtbhnr popbumco barnnaman. j cpa b. p i t: gebarenab pElle.

lui a ry gerungen'

onbarnlanbe . co lore pa r E lmihc tgmScyppenberEpegop tur ba rona eobe t o barnpapanpa raporcoli can

ret ler. j hme ba b. pbe Hngelcynne rume lapeOpararenbe


ir mtb rpuribe pa r heoronhcangpamanorrlegen. J ge

hpylce anlip ige rmbmtb pa pheumrhht e apert e Ne reo

abl barnbeabe ne rori ert a pb. ac ge gereob p re rylra beab

pa pe able j'lbmge rophpabab Se gerlagena bibmib beabegegrnpen. a pbanbe he t o heorungum robpe behpeoyrungegecyppanma ge Dogtab ropbi hplIC re becume a cropangerthbe pa rrepecanDeman. rebene ma g pa c yrel bepepanbe he gerpemobe z Eehpilce eopbbugigenbe rtnb a cbpo

bene . J beona hur rcanbab apert e z Fa bepar J mobbpubercanbab heOpa bearma he . J heopa yprenumanhimrylrumt o roppj


pbe rori erca ppab Ut oneopuort hce rIeonco.


runge robpe ba bboce . pa hpi le be pe moron. a pbanpe rera phca rlege urarcpecce Ut ongemunanrpa hpa t: ryape bpehgenbe agylcon. J ut onmrb pope geptcmanp pan: pamanrulhce abpugon Uconrorihpab ianDoberanryne onanbe tnyrre . rpa rya re pi t ega urmanab z Ut onahebbanupe heopcanmib banhum co Dobe . pa t: tr. 15 pe rceolonba geoti yribnj 'rre upe bene l l l lb geeapnunge gober peortcerup

-apa ri an De ropgnrb t pupanupe rophcunge . rebe

puph htr piceganclypab. Nylle 10 pa r rj'nrullanbeab. ac

xc pi lle 13 he gecs'

ppe J lybbe

Ne geopt pupige nanmanhme rylrne rop h ir rjmnami celnyrre . pi t obhce ba ealbangplcar Nmiue trcpe beobebpeori a baga bepeOprung abnlegobe . J re gecyppeba rceaba

onhir beaber cpybe pa r ecanhrer mebe geeapnobe :Ut onapenbanuri e heorican. hpa bhce bib re Dema co

updmbeh umgeblgeh . glrpe rpamupumbpyrmyrrumbeob

gernhcla ht e Ut onrt anhanmib gemaghcum popumongeanbam onrigenbum rpupbe rpa mi ccler bomerSobhce gemagnyr |r pam robanDemangecpeme . peah be

heo mannum unbancpupbe ry. roribanbe re apra rra J re

mnlbheopca L'

ob rule 1) pe mib gemaghcum benum h ir

mi lbheori cny'rre organ. J he ne le rpa mi cclumrya pe geearnniab ur geym'

tan Be btrum he cpa b puph hir pnt egan.

Elypa me onba ge bmpe gebperebnyrre . J [C be ahpebbe .


J buma prarc me Dob rj'lr tr hlr geptca 13 he mtlt rtan

pi le him t o clyptgenbum. rebe manab 15 pe hunt o clj'

p ianrceolon Fopbt mine gebpobpa pa leororcau . ut ongecumanonbamreopbanba ge pyrpe pucanona rme-merugen.J mib ert rullummobe J t eapumrmgau reoronrealbe La cs,mar. pa t: re rrri eca Deni a ur gearnge . ponne he gerlhb ppe rylre upe gYIcarppecab

Gorinort hce baba mi c e l menlgu a gber: ge ppeorchaber

ge munuchaber menn. J pa c la pebe role . a rt ep ba r

cah iganErtegorner ha re . onpone Vobner-ba g CO banireorourealbum lecamum gecomon. co bam rpibe apebbe

re ropera ba cpealm. p hunb-eahcat lgmanna . onba rre anpacube reallenbe . or l ire geprcon. ba hprle pe pa c rolc ba

Lecamar rungon Ac re halga racepb na gerpac p ro let o mamgenne p hr ba rre bene ue gerpwon. obp Eobermtlcrung pone pebancpealmgerc tlbeDpa t: ba Bri egoruur. ribbanhe papan-hab unbepreng.

gemunbe hpa c he gerypnAnge la ne gemy’mce . J ba pp lhce


tme peopc gerpemobe Dena t o ba rhponne mihcepone Romamrcanbircop-rcol eallunge rorila can. ac he

arenbe obpe bybelar. gebungene Eober beOpan. co byrumiglanbe . J he rylr mi cclummtb hlr benum J mhrmgum

Fylrtze . pa t: ba pa bi bela bobung ropbgenge . J B obe pa ramba pe pupbe pa pa bybela namanrmb pur gecrgebe .

Kugurtmur. melhcur. Laupenc tur. Peepur. Iohanner. Iurcur: DarlapeOpararenbe re t sh iga papa Dpegopturmtbmanegum obpum munecum co Angelcynne . J Inbirumportbum t o ba pe rape t ibt e . Ne heo ge aryphce buph

gerpmce pa rlangrumanra pelber obbe puph Yrelpa mannaYmbe-rppa ce . ac mmealpe anpa hnjrrre J pj

'lme pa pe

robanlure par ongunnenanbing puph Dober rulcum

gerpemmab J pure ge p eOpep meb onbarnecanebleanerya mi ce le mape bib. rya mi cclumrpa ge mape rop Eober

pi llanrpmcab B ehjrprumlab eabmobhce oneallumbingumKugurmne . pone be pe my t o ealbpe gereccon. hi t:



rpemab eoppumraplumrpa hpa t: rpa ge be hlrmYnegungegeryllab Se JElmihmga Dob puph htrgire eop gercylbe .

J geunne me p re moce eOpeper gerpmcerpa rtmonbarnecanebe le gereon. rya

p 10 beo gemet ramob onbhrreeopeper chleaner. beah be re mib cop rpmcanne ma ge .

roribonbe 10mi le rpmcan Augurcmurbanub hlrgerepum. p rjmb gepeht e reopepmg pepa repbe be Dri egoruerha re obpa t: hi t o birum tglanbe gerunbrulltce becomonOnbambagump t x obe p elbj


phc cyning onEancpapebypng p i chce . J h irrh ee pa r arcri ehc rpamba pe mi cclanea Dumbpe ob rub ra Hugurmnur ha rbe genumenpealhrt obar or Fpancena p tce . rpa rpa B pegop iur himbebeab. J he buph ba pa pealhrt oba mub. pam cj

'nmge Jbrrleobe DoberpOpb bobabe . bu re mrlbheoptza Da lenbmtbhiragenpe p punge plrne rc j'lbiganmlbbaneapb alj


rbe . J

gelearrullummannumheoronanrncermra p ge0penobe : paanbpypbe re cyning {Ebelbrnhc Agurtzme J cymb. p be

ra gepe popb J behat: him oi'

t he J cpa b. pa t: he ne mthcerpa li pa bhce pone ealbangepunanbe he mlb Kngelcjrnneheolb ropla t an. cpa b 15 he mort e rpeohce ba heoronhcanIape hir leobe bobi anJ 15 he him J hir gerepanbugleoranbemanpolbe . J ropgearhimba pununge onEancpapebyp lgreo pa reallerhlrp i cerhearob


Ongannba Augurcmurmtb brrmunecum t o-geerenlacenne pa pa aporcola hr. mnb rmgalumgebebum. J pa cean.

J ra rt enumDobe beOptgenbe . J brerpopb pambe hi miht onbobigenbe . ealle mtbbaneapbhce bing. rpa rya a lrpemebe .

rophoglgenbe . ba ping ana pe Int o bigleoranbehorebonunbepronbe . be barnbe I'l l t a bronrylre Ij'bbenbe . J rapba rre robra rtnj 'rre be ht bobebongeapope pa ponehcnyrreco bohgenne J beabe rpelcangirhi boprx onDpa c ba gelS


rbonpoppel memge J onHubernamangerullobe pupbon. punbrngenbe pa pe bilepttnyrre heopa

unrca bbtganbrer. J rpecng'rre heopa heoronhcanlape z.

Da a t: ne x cangelurcrullobe barncynmge fEbelbp ihce


hoopa c lane hrJ heopa pa ume behac . pa robhce pupbonmib manegum cacnum gerebbe . J he ba gelyrenbe peapbgerullob. J mi cclum ba cp ircenangeappupbobe . J rya rpa

heoronhce ceart ep-gepapanIupobe . nolbe rpa -beah nanne

co cp lrcenbome geneablan. ropbanbe he orax obe a t: barnlapeOpum hir ha le . p Eri irt er beOpbomne rceal beongeneabab. ac rylrprller Ongunnonba ba ghpomhce roppel memge errcant o gehjrpenne ba halganbobunge . J

ropleconheopa ha benrmpe . J I)! rylre gebeobbonErur'cergelabunge . onhme gelj


renbe B eepux bnrum gepenbeHugurcmur orep ra t o barnepcebtrcope €chep |um. J he

hme gehabobe Angelc j'nne t o epcebnrcope . rya rpa himDpegoruur a p gepirrobe Kugurmnur ba gehabob c jrpbe

t o hir bircop-rao le . J arenbe a penbpacant o Rome . J

cybbe barneabtganB pegorne pa t Angelcynncp ir'

cenbomunbepreng. J he eac mtb geprut um re la bmga berpan. hu

h im t o bpohcmgenne pa pe be t pux bam mg-hpoprenumrolce Dyanba Dpegop iurmi cclumEobe bancobe mibbhrrlgenbummobe . p AngelcYnne rya gelumpenpa r. rya

rpa he l'

YlF geormhce gepilnobe . anb reube er'

c ongeana penbpacanco barngelearrullancyninge E pelbp lhre . mtb

gepp i cum J memgrealbum lacum. J obpe gepp lcu t o Eu

gurtme . mib anbrpapumealpa ba pa bmga pe he hine berpan.

J h ine eac btrumpopbummanobe . Bpobep mmre leoror'

ca .

10 par: 15 re E lmlhmga B ob re la punbpa puph be pa pebeobe be he geceargerpucelab. pa rbu miht blurriganJ eac

be onbpa ban pumiht: blurrlgangeprrrhce 15 ba pe beoberapla puph ba YCCpanpunbpa beob gecogene t o ba pe

mcunbanglre . onhpa b be rpa beah 15binmobne beo aharenmlb byprc lgnyrre onbam t acnum pe B ob bupb be gerpe

mab. J pu bonononlbelumpulbpe berealle pibmnan. pononbe bu yibut anonpupbmynt e aharenblrt:B pegop iur arenbe eac Rugurtme bahga lac onma rre

pearumJ onbocum. J ba pa apor‘

cola J mapcyri a pehqunarrumoh. J bebeab 15 h r a rcepgenganrymle bone palhumJ


bone epcehab a t: bamKpor’

cohcanrecle Romamrcpe gelabunge reccanrceolbon Augurcmurgerecce a pcep birumbircopar0; hi)

gepepumgehpllcumbupgumonEngla beobe .

J hi onDober gelearanbeonbe buphpunobonob btrumba gbephcumba ge

Se eabrga B pegornurgebihce manega hallge t riahc-bec . Jmtb mi celpe gecnypbnj ’rre L ober ro le t o ban: ecanl iregeptrrobe . J re la punbpa onlnr l ire gepophce . J pulbori

rulhce pa r papanrecler gepeolb bpeoccyne geap . J 11 :

monber. J Wu bagar. J ribbanonbirum ba ge gepac t o

bam ecanrecle heorenanptcer. onbarnhe leorab mibB obs E lmihcnguma onea

rrre zo Kmen



K I N G A L F R E D'





Omar-nu; sdede his hldforde,E lfrede kynincge, pa t he

ealra Norbmannanorbmest bdde . He cwab pa t he bdde

onpam landenorbweardum wib pd West-sé . He Sade

pedh pa t pa t land syswi be lang norb panon; ac hi t iseall weste , bdtononfedwumstdwum, sticcemalumwiciabF innas,—onhuntabe onw intra, and onsumera onfiscobebe pare sde . He sade pa t he , a t sumum cyrre ,

woldefand ian

,hd lange pa t landnorb -t ibte lage ; obbe hwa per

anig manbe norbanpam wéstene bddc . pd (Or he

norb-t ibte be pam lande : let him ealne weg pa t wéste

land onpa t steci r-bord ,and pd wid-sé onba c-bord , pry

dagas . pd wa s he swd feor norb swd ba hwa l-huntanfyrrest farab. pd fdr he pd-gyt norb-ryhte , swd feor swd

he mihte,onpam Obrum prim dagum, geseglian. pd

bedh pa t land pa r edst-ryhte , obbe sici sé inonpa t land,henyste hwa per bdtonhe w iste pa t he pa r hdd westanwindes, obbe hw6nh orban

,and seglede panonedst be

lande , swd swd he mihte onfedwer dagumgeseglian. pd

sceolde he bidanryhte no tbau windes forbanpa t landpa r bedh sdb-t ibte, obbe sed sde inonpa t land ,

he nystehwa per. pd seglede he panonsdb-rihte be lande , swd swd


hennhte oni i f dagum geseglian. Dd lag pa r da myceled up inpa t land pd cyrdonbyup inonbd ed, forbanhyne dorston(orb be pare ad seglianfor unfribe, forpampa t land wa s eall gebdn, ondbre healfe pare ed. Ne

métte he a t ndngebdnland , sybbanhe fram his dgnumhdme fdr ac himwa s ealne weg wéste land onpa t ste6rbdrd

, bdtanfisceranand fugcleranand huntan; and pa twé ronealle Finnas and himwa s d wid-sé onpa t ba cbdrd .

Dd Beormas ha fdonswibe wel l gebdnbyra land, ac hine dorstonpa r-ou cumanac bdra Terfinna land was ealI

wéste, bdtanpa r huntangewicodon, obbe fisceras, obbefugeleras. Fe la spe l la himsadonpd Beormas, a gber geofhyra dgenumlande, ge ofpamlandumpe ymbby dtanwaron; ac henyste hwa t pa s sdbes was ,

forpamhe hi t

syl i ne geseah. pd F innas, him pdhte, and pd Beormasspraconnedh dngebedde .

Swibost he fdr byder, tO-edcanpa s landes scedwunge ,

forpam hors-hwa lum,forpam hi habbab swi be abe le

bda onbyra tdbum. pd téb bybrohtonsume pam eynincge ; and byra hy'd bib swibe gdd té se ip

-rdpum. Se

hwa l bib miele la ssa ponne dbre hwalas : ne bib he

lengra ponne syfanelna lang ; ac , onhis dgnum lande,is se betsta hwa l-huntab ; pd bedb eahta and fedwertigese lna lange , and pd mastan, fi ftiges e lna lange ; pdra, heSade , pa t he syx a sumofsldge syx tig ontwdmdagum.

He wa s swibe spéd igmanonpamahtum pe heoraspéda onbedb

, pa t is,onw i ldrum. He ha fde pd


gyt, pd

he pone cyning sdhte , tamra dedra unbebohtra syx hund .

Da dedr hi hdtab hrdnas pdra waronsyx sta l-hrdnas ;pa bedb swibe dyre mid F innum,

forpam by(Ob pd wi l

danhrdnas mid . He wa s mid pamfyrstummannumonpam lande, na fde he pedh md ponne twentig hrybera,and twentig scedpa, and twentig swina and pa t lytle pa the erede, he erede mid horsanac hyra dr ismast onpam


geseglianondnummonbe, gyi manonniht wicode, anda lce dage ha fde dmbyrne w ind ; and ealle bd bwi le , hesceal seglianbe lande -and

,onpa t stedt -bdrd him, bib

a rest [Isaland] , and ponne ba igland pe synd betwux[Isalande] and pissum lande . ponne is pis land 6b hecymb té Sc i rincges ha le ; and aulne weg, onpa t ba cbdrd Norbweg. W ib sdbanpone Sc iringes heal fylbswi be mycel sé up inonpa t land sed is brddre ponnoanig manofersednma ge and is Gdtland ondbre heali'eongean, and sibba Sillende. Sed sé lib manig handmi la up inonpa t land .

And ofSciringes beale , he cwab pa t he seglode oni i idagan, té pam porte pe monha t a t Hapum, se stentbetuh W inedum,

and Seax um,and Angle, and hyrb in

onDene . Dd he piderweard seglode framSc iringes ha le,pd wa s him onpa t ba c-bci rd Denamearc and , onpa tstedr-bdrd , wid sé pr)


dagas ; and , pd twegendagas a :he 16 Ha pumcdme, himwa s onpa : sted t -bci rd Gotlandand Si llende , and iglanda fe la. Onpamlandum eardo~

d onEngle, de r by hider onland [cdmon] . And bymwa s bd twegendagas, onba t ba c-bci rd , pa igland , pe inDenemearce himb.

Wulfstansade pa t he gefdre ofHdeburn,—pa t he wareonTruso onsyi

andagum and nihtum,—pa t pa t se ip

wa s ealne weg , yrnende under segle . Weonobland himwa s onstedr-bdrd ; and onba c-bci rd him wa s Langaland

,and La land , and Fa lster, and Sedu eg ; and pds

land cal l hJ‘rab té Denemearcan. And ponne Burgendaland wa s us onba c-bdrd , and pd habbab himsyl i cyning.

ponne a fter Burgcnda lande , waronus pds land , pa syndhdtene , ares: Blec inga 6g, and Meore

,and Bowland , and

Gotland ,onba c-bdrd ; and pds land hi rab té Swéon.

And Weonodland wa s us ealne weg, onstedr-bdrd, 6bWisle-mdban. Sed W isle is swi be mycel ed, and hidtdlib W i tland , and Weonodland ; and ba t W itland be





AN. 8 !

i impeb td Estum and sed Wisle lib dt ofWeonodlande,

and lib inEstmere ; and se Estmere is hdru fiftene mi labrdd. poune cymeb Ilfing edstaninEstmere of ba rnmere, be Trdso standeb instabe ; and cumab dt samodinEstmere , Ilfing edstanof Edstiande , and W isle sdbanof Winodlande ; and ponae benimb Wisle Ilfing hire

naman,and ligeb of pammere west, and norb onsé ;

forby hit manha t Wisle-mdban.pa t Edstland is swjfbe mycel, and pa r bib swjfbemanig

burh, and ona lcere byrig bib cyningc ; and pa r bibswibe mycel hunig, and fiscab and se cyning andpd ricostanmendrincabmyranmeole , and pd unspédiganand pd pcdwandrincab médo. pa r bib swi be mycel

gewinnbetweonanhim and ne bib ba r nanig edlo

gebrowenmid Estum, ac pa r bib médo gendh. Andpa r is mid Estumbedw

,poune pa r bib mandadd, pa t

he lib inne unforba rned, mid hismdgumand fredndum,

mdnab,—gehwi lum twegen: and pi [cyningas] and pd

dbre bedh-bungene men, swd micle lencg swd hi mdranspéda habbab, hwilum healf-gedr, pa t hi bedb unforba rned , and licgab bufaneorbanonbyra hdsum. Andealle pd bwi le pe pa t lic bib inne , pa r socal bedngedrync ,and plega , db bone da g pe hi hine forba rnab. ponne ,py y lcan(la g hi hine td pam dde beranwyllab. ppnnetddalab hi his fedh

, pa t pa r td ldfe bib,a fter pam

gedrynce and pam plegan, onfi f obbe syx ,hwy

-lum onmd, swd swd pa s feds andefnbib. Alecgab hit ponaeforhwaga ondnre mi le pone mdestandal frampam tdne ,ponne dbernc , ponne pane priddan, dppe byt ca l l dled bibonpare dnre mi le ; and sceall bodnse la sta dal nyhstpamtdne

,be se dedda manonlib. Donne sceolonbedu

gesamnode ealle bd menn,be swyftoste hors habbab on

pam lande , forwha ga oni i i mi lum, obbe onsyx mi lum,

frampamfed. Donne a rnab by ealle tdweard pa rnfed ;bonne cymeb se manse pa;l s

wifte hors hafab, td pam



arestanda le, and td pammastan, and swd a lc a fter

dbrum,db hit bib eall genumenand senimb pone la stau

dal, se nyhst pamtdne, pa t fedh gearneb. And ponnerideba lc hyswegesmid banfed, and hytmdtanhabbaned lland forby pa r bedb pd swyftanhors ungefdhge di re. Andponne his gestrednbedb pus eall dspended , ponne byrbmanhine dt, and forba rneb mid his wapnum andhra gle and swibost ealle his spéda by forspendab, midpanlanganlegere pa s deddanmannes inne , and pa s pebybe pamwegumdlecgab, pe ba fremdantd amab andnimab.

And pa t is mid Estum pedw, pa t pa r secal a lces gebeddes manbednforba rned ; and gyi par mandnbdnfindeb unforba rned , hi hi t sceolanmiclum gebétan.And pa r is mid Eastum dnma gb. pa t hi magoncylegewyrcan; andWpa r licgab pd deddanmenswd lange,and ne fdliab, pa t by wyrcab pone cyle hine on; and,pedh mandsette twegenfa tels ful l ealab,

obbe wa ters ,by

geddb pa t dper bib oferfroren, sam hit sy sumor, samwinter.


lEr-‘TER pam pe Rome burh get imhred wa s i i i i hundwintra and x x vi , féng Ale x ander td Macedonia rice

a fter Phi lippuse , his fa der ; and his arestanpegnsc ipe onpon[gecypde] , pd he ealle Grecas mid his snyttro onhisgeweald geniedde ,—ca l le pd pe w ib hine gewinnup

dhdfon.pa t wearb arest from Forsum, pd byscaldonDemost

andse pamPhildsophc l iegende fedh, wib pam pe he gela rde ealle Crecas pa t byAlex andre wib adcon. Athénebudongefeobt Alex andre Ac be by sona forsldh and


He ha fde i i i hund pdsenda fépena and dnhund M gehor

sedra. Alex ander wa s pd him swibe ondra dende fo tpare miclanmanige, and for pa’e t e lytlanpe he syl iha fde péh pe a t mid pare i lcanDariusmdranOfercdme.

Da t gefeoht wa s geddnmid micelre geornfulnesse ofpamfolcumbdm

,and pa r waronpd cyningas begengewun

dod . pa r wa s Persa x u ofslagengehorsedra, andeahtatig x fébena, and eahtat ig M gefangenra ; and pa rwa s ungemetlice micel licgende feoh fundenonpamwic

stdwum. Da r wa s Darius mddor gefangen, and his wif,sed wa s his sweoster, and his twd ddhtra . Dd badd

Darius healfhis rice Ale x andre w ib pamw if-mannum ac

himnolde Alex anderpa s getipian.— Darius pd t priddan

sibe gegaderade fyrde ofPersum,and edc of dbrum lan

dum, pone fultum, pe be himtd dspananmihte, and w ib

Alex andres fdr. pd bw i le pe Darius fyrde gaderade , pd

bwi le sende Alex ander Parmenidnem,his lddtedw

, pa t he

Darius seip-here dHYmde, and he syl i fdr inSirium andbyhimongeancdmon, and his mid edbmddnessanonféngan; and he pedhnd pe la s heora land ofer

hergade ;

and pa t folc ,— sumpa r sittanle t,— sume panonddra fde ,

—sume one llpcdde himw ib fed gesealdc

And Ti rus, pd caldamburh and pd wélegan, he besa t,

and tdbra c ,and mid ealle tdwearp ,

fo rponby him lustliceonfdnnoldon. And sibbanfdr onC i licmm. and pa tft 'I': td himga ddo

,and sxbbanonRobum pa t igland ,

and pa t folc td him genydde. And a fter pamhe fdr onEgypti , and by td himgenydde and pa r he hét pd burh

dt imbrian, pe monsibbanbe him hét Ale x andria . Andsibbanhe fdr td pamhearge pe Egypu sadonpa t he wareAmones heora godes, so wa s Jobéses sunu,

heora dbres

godes, to ponpa t he wolde beldd ianhis mddor Nectanébuses pa s dri s, pe monsade pa t bed bywib forlage, andpa t he Alex andres fa der “are . pd bebedd Alex anderpamhapenanbisceope, pa t he gecrdpe onpas Amones


dnlicnesse , pe inne onpam hearge wa s,der pam pe he

and pa t folc bypa r gaderade , and Sade hd be himanhisgewill beforanpamfolce andwyrdansceolde, pa s he hynedcsade . Gendh sweotolice us gedydenu té witanne Alexander

, hwylce pd ha penangodas sindontd weorpianne,pa t hit swibor is of para bisceopa gehldbe and of heora

dgenre gewyrde pa t pa t by secgab, ponne of para godamihte.

Of pare stdwe,fdr Alex ander priddansibe ongean

Darius, and hf a t Tharse pare byrig hf geméttan. Onparngefeohte ,

warou Perse swd swibe forslagen, pa t hfheora miclananwealdes and longsumanby sylfe sibbanwib Alex ander tdnahte [no] bema tan. pd Darius geseah

pa t he oferwunnenbednwolde , pdwo lde he hine sylfne onpamgefeohte forsp i llan, ac hine his pcgnas ofer his wrllanframdtugon, pa t he sippanwa s flednde mid pare fyrde.And Alex ander wa s x x xmdaga onpare stdwe

,der he pd

wic-stdwa and pa t wa l beredfianmihte . And sibbanfdr anPerse, and ge-code Persipulis pd IJU I'h, heora eyne-stdl, sedis gyt welegast ealra burga . Dd sa de monAle x andre

, pa t

Darius ha fde gebundenhis dgene mdgas mid gyldenreraccentan. Dd fdr he w ib his mid syx M manna


funde hine dnne be wege licgean, mid sperum ofsticod,

healf cuene . H e pd Alex ander h imdnum deddum lytlemi ldheortnesse gedyde , pa t he hine hét bebyrigeanonhis yldrena byrig, pe he sibbanndnum ende his cynnegeddnnolde , ne his wife , ne his mdder, ne his bearnum,

ne pa t ealra la st wa s, his gingranddhtor, henolde butonha ft-nyde habban, sed wa s lytel c i ld .

Unedbe ma g montd geledfsumangesecgan, swdmanigfeald yfc l swd onpamprimgedrumgewurdon, onprimfolc-

gcfeobtum,betweox twdm cyningum; pa t waron

fiftvnc hund pdsend manna, pa t binnanpamforwurdon;and of pam i lcanfolcum forwurdonlytle der, swd hi t hétbeforansecgb,

nigontyne hund pdsend manna, bdtan


miclanhergungum, pe binnanpdm primgedrumgewur

dononmonigre pedde ; pa t is pa t Asirie eall sed pedddwést wearb framAlex andre

,and monega byrig onAsiam,

and Tirus sedmare burh eal tdweorpenu,and [Ci licia] pa t

land eall dwést,and Cappadotia pa t land, and ealle Egypti

onpedwote gebroht, and Robum pa t igland mid enlledwést, and monig dpre land ymbe Tauros pa muntas.

Nd la s pa t dnpa t heora twegra gewinn, pa ware onpam ést-ende pises middangeardes ; ac , onemnpam,

Agibis Spartana cyning, and Antipater, dperCreca cyning,wunnonhimbetweonum and Alex ander Epiria cyning,pa s miclanAlex andres ddm,

se wilnode pa s west-da les,swd se dper dyde pa s edst-da les, and fyrde geladde inItaliam

,and pa r hra dlice ofslagenwearb. And onpare

i lcantide , Z ofli rion, Ponto cyning [inSc ippie] , mid fyrdegefdr, and he [and his] folc mid ealle pa r forwearb. Alexander a fter Darius dedpe, gewanned lle Mandos

,and ealle

Ircanianand , on[bare] bwi le pe be pa rwinnende wa s,frefelice hine gesohte M inothéo, sed Sc ibbisce cwén, midprym hund wif-manna, to ponpa t bywoldanwib Alexander and wib hismarestancempanbearna strynan.

E fter pam,wannAlex ander wib Parthim pam folce


and be bynedh ealle ofsldh and fordyde, de r be bygewi hnanmihte . And a fter pam he gewonnDranms pa tfolc

,and Eurgetas, and Paramomenas, and Assapias, and

monega dbra pedda, pe gesetene sind ymbe pd muntasCaucasus

,and par hét dne burh dtimbrian, pe monsibban

hét Alex andria.

Na s his sc inldc,ne his bergung onpa fremedandne , ac

he gelice sldh and hynde pd, pe him onsiml wa tonmidfarende and winnende . {Est he ofsldh Amintas, hismddriansunu,

and sibbanhis brdbor, and pd Parmenionhispegn, and pd Fi liotes, and pd Catulusan, pd Euri lohus, pdPausanias

,and monege dbre , pe ofMa cedoniam ricoste

waron and Cl itus,se wa s a gber ge his begn, ge at


dum gewundodne, and hine ado gewi ldne gedyde sib

banhis pcgnas him td edmon; and him eft his rice

td forlet for his pegensc ipe , p} be swd swibe wa s feoh

tende angeau hine . And he Alex ander him hét sibbantwd byrig dt imbrian: dper wa s hdtenu be his horse Bucefal, dper Nicéa.

Sibbanhe fdr on[Ra stas] pd ledde, and onCathénas,and onPresidas, and on[Gangeridas] and wib hi eallegefeaht, and oferwonn. pd be comonInd ia edst-gemara,pa comhimpa r ongeantwd hund pdsenda [monna] gehorsades folces and by Alex ander unadbe oferwonn,a gber ge for pare sumor hate , ge ede forpamoftra d limngefeohtum. Sibbana fter pam he wo lde habbanmdranwic-stdwa, ponne his gewuna a t ware ; forponbe himsibbana fter pam gefeohte swibor ansa t, ponne he a:dyde .

E fter pam,he fdr dt ongdrsecg, of pammdbanpe sed

ad wa s hdtenu Eginense, ondnigland, paer Siuos pa tfolc and Iersomas oneardodanand by Ercol pa r a:gebrohte, and gesette and be him pd td gewildumgedyde . ZEfier pamhe fdr to pam iglande pe monpa tfolc Mandras hat, and Subagros ; and by himbrohtanangeanehta hund M fépena, and 1. x u gehorsades folces ;

and hi lange watonpa t dreogende, a t heora aper mihteondprumsige geramn, ar Alex ander late unweorblicnesige gerdehte.

fEfter pam,he gefdr td dnum fa stene. pd he pa r td

com, pdne mihtonbynanne mannonpamfa stene dtan

gesedn. Dd wundrade Alex ander hwi hit swd amenneware ; and hra dlice pone weall self oferclomm

,and he

pa r wearb fram pam burh-warum inndbroden; and byhis sibbanwaronswd swibe ebtende

, swd [hi t] is ungeliefedlic td secgenne , ge mid gescedtum, ge mid stdnatorfungum, ge mid cal lum heora wig

-cra ftum,—pa t swd

pedh ealle pd burh-ware ne mihtonhine anne genydan,


pa t be him onhand gdu wo lde Ac pd him pa t folcswibost dnprang, pd gestdp he td dnes wea lles hrge, andhine pa r dwerede . And swd cal l pa t folo wearbmid himdoumdgaled, pa t bypa s weallesndne gymanne dydan,db Alex andres pegnas td emnes himpone weall dbracan


and pa r innedmon. Da r wearb Alex ander purhscotenmid dure fldnunderneopandber bredsL—Nrtc we nu


hwa per sy swipor td wundrianne, pe pa t hd he dna wib

ealle pa burhware hine dwerede ,—pe eft, pa him fultum

com, hd he purh pa t folc geprang, pa t he pone i lcanofsldh, pe hine der purhscedt ; pe eft para pegna ong inn,pa byontwedgend lice wéndonpa t heora bldford ware onheora fednda gewealde , obbe cuca, obbe dedd , pat byswd

pedh noldanpa s weallgebreces gesw ican, pa t h)" heorabldfordne gewracon, péh pe byhine mébigne on[cnedwum] si ttende métten.S ibbanhe pd burh ha fde him td gewyldum geddn, pd

fdr he td dbre byrig, pa rEmbi ra se cvning onwunade .

pa r forwearb miccl Alex andres heres for [ge -atredum]gescotum. Ac Alex andre wearb onpare ilcanniht onswefne dnwyrt dbyw ed ; pd nam he pd onmergen, andscalde bypdmgewundedumdrincan, and bywurdonmidpamgehaled and sibbanpd burh gewann.And he sibbanhwearf hdmweard td Babylonia . pa r

waronarendracanonanbide of ealre weorolde ; pa t

wa s framSpdneum,and of Afl

rica,and of Gall ium, and

of a lre Ital ia. Swd egefull wa s Alex ander, pd pd hewa s onIndeum,

onedsta-weardum pisum middancarde . pa t pd fram him ddrédan, pd warononwesteweardum. Edc himedmonarendracange ofmonegumpeddum, pendnmannAlex andres geférsci pes ne wénde,pa t monhisnamonwiste ; and himfribes to him wi lnedon. Dd git pd Alex ander bdm com td Babylonia, pdgit wa s onhimse masta purst mannes blddes. Ac pd pd

his geféranongedtanpa t he pa s gewinnes pd git geswimn


no lde, ac he sade pa t he on[African] faranwolde , pdgeleornedonhis byre las him betweonum,

hd by himmihtonpa t li fdbpringan, and himgesealdandttor drincanpd forlét be his lif.

[Edld] l cwab Orosius, onhd micelre dysignessemennnu sindon

,onpysonCristenddme l Swd padh pe

himIytles hwa t unépe sf, hd earfdblice bybit gemanab lOper para is, obbe by bitnyton, obbe hy hit witannyllab,anhwelcanbrdcumpd lifdonpe der him waran. [Nu]wénab by hd pdm ware pe onAlex andres [onwalde]waran

, pd himpd swd swibe hine andredan, pe onwesteweardum p ises middangeardes waran

, pa t by onswd

miclenépinge , and onswd micel ungewis, a gber ge onsas fyrhto , ge onwéstennum wi ldedra, and wyrm-cynnamissenlicra , ge onpedda gereordum, pa t hy hine a fter

fribe sdhtononedsteweardum pysanmiddangearde . Ac

we witangeorne , pa t bynu md for yrhpe ,ndperne durranne swd fcor [frib] gesécean, ne furponby selfe [a t bdm] ,a t heora cotumwerian, poune bymona t bdm sécb ac

pa t [hie magonpa t] bypas tida leahtrien.



IEET ER pampe Romana burh get imbred wa s vrt hundwintrumand [x ] , féng Octauianus td Romana anwealde ,heora unpances, a fter Iuliuses slege , his mages, forponpe hine ha fde Iulius him der mid gewritum gefa stnod ,pa t be a fter himtd cal lumhis gestrednum fénge forponpe he hine formagradene gelarde and getyde . And hesyppon[v] gefeoht wel cynelice gefeaht and purhtedh, swdswd Iulius hismag dyde de r — dnw ib Pompe ius,—dberwibAntonius, pone consul ,— pridde w ib Cassius [ond wibBrutus] ,— fedrbe wib Lepidus, pedh pe he rabe pas his


gecynd is pa t a lc uht pa s pe hed abi t, sceal his li f onslape ge-end ian. And hed [pa t] for pamdyde [pe] hedno lde pa t hi


mandrife beforanpamtriumphanw ib Romewa rd . pd Antonius geseah pa t hed hi td dedbe gyrede ,pd ofsticode he hine [selfne] , and bebedd pa t hine manonpa i lcanbyrgenne td hire swd samcucre dlegde. pd

Octauianus pyder com, pd hét he nimandbres cynnes

h adran, U issi llus is hdten, sed ma g dtedna lces cynnesdttor dt ofmen

, gif hi mantidlice td bringb ; ac bed

wa s forbfarenar he pyder cdme . SipponOctauianusbegedt Alex andriam Egypta heafod

-burh,and mid hire

gestredne he gewelgode Rome burh [swd] swibe , pa t

mana lcae eedp mihte be twdmfealdumbet [gecedpian] ,ponne manarmihte .

E fter pam pe [Rome] burh getimbred wa s vrt hundw intrumand fi fand x x x

, gewearb pa t Octauianus Ceasar,onhis fi ftanconsulato , betJ

‘nde Ianes duru and gewear‘bpa t he ha fde anweald eallesmiddangeardes, pd wa s swe

otole getdcnod , pd he cniht wa s, and hine manwitl

Romeweard ladde a fter Iuliuses slege . py i lcanda ge,pe hine mantd consule sette

, [gewearb ] pa t mangeseahymbe pd sunnanswylce dngyldenbring ; and , binnanRome byrig ,

wedll dnwylle ele [ealne] da g. Onpambringe wa s getdcnod , pa t onhis dagum sceolde weorpangeborense

, [se] pe ledhtra is and scinendra poune sed

sunne pd wdere and se ele getdcnode mi ltsunge cal lumman-cynne . Swd he ede manig tdcensylf gedyde , pe eft

gewurdon, pedh he [Octauianus] hi unw i tende dyde onGodes bysene .

Sum wa s derest ,— pa t he bebedd ofer ealne middangeard , pa t a lc ma gb ymbe gedres ryne tdga dere edme,pa t a le manpi gearor wiste [bwa r he gesibbe ha fde] .pa t tdcnode, pa t onhis dagum,

sceolde bedu geborense,[se] pe us ealle to dnumma g-gemote gelabop, pa t bibonpamtdwerdanl ife.


Oper wa s,— pa t he bebedd , pa t ed llman-eyndne sibbcha fdon, and dngdfolguldon. pa t tdcnode ,— pa t we ealle[sca lonanne geledfanhabban] , and anne w i llangddraweorca . pridde wa s,— pa t he bebedd , pa t a lc pdra pe ona lpedd ignisse ware , edme td hi s dgenumgearde , and td

his fa der éple , ge pedwe , ge frige ; and se pe pa t nolde ,he bebedd pa t manpd ealle ofsldge , pdra waronv1 11


pd hi gegaderad waron. pa t tdcnode ,— pa t us cal lumisbcboden, pa t we sceoloncumanof pisse worulde td dres

fa der éple , pa t is td [heofon-rice] and se pe pa tnele, hewyrb dworpenand ofslagen.E fter pam pe Rome burh get imbred wa s vrt hund

wintrumand x x x vr,wurdonsume Ispania ledda Agus

tuse wiberwinnan. pd ondyde he eft Ianes duru,and

wib hi fyrde ladde , and hi geflfmde , and hi Sipponondnumfa stene besa t, pa t hi Sipponhi sylfe sume ofsldgon,—sume mid dttre dcwealdan, - [sume hungre dcwa lan] .

E fter pam,manige pedda wunnonw ib Agustus,

a gper ge Ilirice , ge Pannoni i , ge Sermenne , ge manige

dbre pedda . Agustuses ldttedwas manega mic le gefeohtw ib him purhtugon, bd tonAgustuse sylfum,

der hi [hie]ofercumanmihtan.

[Efter pam, Agustus sende Quinti l lus, pone consul, on

Germanie mid prim legian ac heora wearb a lc ofslagen,bdtonpam consule dnum. For pare dade


Agustus swd sdrig, pa t he oft unw i tende sldh mid his

heafde onpone wah, ponne he onhis setle sa t and poneconsul he hét ofsledn: {Efter pam, Germanic gesdhtonAgustus ungenydde him td fripe ; and be himforgeaf

ponenib, pe he to himw iste .

E fter pam,eall peds woruld geceds Agustuses frib and

his sibbe ; and cal lum mannumnanuht swd gdd nepuhte ,

swd hi td his [hyldo] becdman, and pa t hi hisunderpedwas wurdon. Ne forbonpa t anigumfolce hisfdgenu] {e gelicode td healdenne , bdtononpd w isanpe


himAgustus bebadd . pd wurdonIdnes duru eft betyned,and his loca rustige, swd hi nafre arnaron. Onpamilcangedre pe pis eall gewearb, pa t wa s onpamtwdmandfedwertigpanwintre Agustusa [rices] , pd wearb se ge

boren, se pe pd sibbe brobte ealre worulde pat is, the

DrihtenHalend Crist.


welne l icode , ne ic ealles for swibe ne girnde pisses corpl icanrices. Bdton1d ic wilnode pedh andweorces td

pamweorce pe me bebodenwa s td wyrcanne 15 was 15 icunfracodlice and gerisenlice mihtc stedranand reccanpone anweald pe me befa st wa s. Hwa t bd wdst pndumonne ma g ndenne cra ft ci ban, ne nanne anwealdreccanne stedranbdtantdlum and andweorce p bib

a lces cra ftas andweorc 15 monbone cra ft bdtonwyrcanne ma g . pa t bip ponne cyninges andweorc and his tdl

mid td ricsianne p be ha bbe his land ful l mannod ; hesceal ha bbangebedmen, and fyrdmen, and weorcmen.Hwa t pd wdst pa tte bdtanbisumtdlumndncyning hiscra ftnema g cyban. Da t is edc his andweorc , p be habbansceal td pdm tdlum, pdm prim gefersc ipum biwiste p is

ponne heora biwist : land td bdgianne , and gifta andwa pnu,

and mete,and ealo ,

and,cldpas, and ge

-hwa t

pa s pe pd pred gefersc ipas behdfiab ne ma g he bdtanpisum pds tdl gehealdan, ne bdtanp isum tdlumndnpdra pinga wyrcanpe him bebodenis td wyrcenne .

For py ic w i lnode andweorces pone anweald mid td ge

reccenne, pmine cra ftas and anweald ne wurdenforgi

tene and forholene , forpam a lc cra ft and a lc anwealdbip sona forealdod and forswdgod , gif he bip bdtanwisddme , forpamne ma gnonmonnanne cra ft forpbringanbdtanwisddme . Forpam pe swd hwa t swd purh dysigegeddnbib,

ne ma g hi t monndefre td cra fte gerecan.Da t isnu hrabost td secganne , p ic wi lnode weorpfullice


libbanne pd bwi le pe ic lifede , and a fter minum l ife,pdmmonnum to lafanne , pe a fter me waren, mingt»mynd ongddumweorcum.



Ic [Wisddm] wi l lenu mid giddum gecj panhd wundorlice Drihtenwelt eallra gesceafta mid bdmbridlumhisanwealdes, and mid hwilcere endebyrdnesse he gestapolapand gemetgap ealle gesceafte, and hd he hi ha fb geheaporade and geha fte mid his unanbindendlicum racentum


p a lc gesceaft bip heald onlocenwip hire gecynde,pare gecynde be hed td gesceapenwa s, bdtonmonnumand sumum englum, ba weorpap hwi lum of biora ge

cynde. Hwa t sed leo, bedh hid wel tam se,and fa ste

racentanha bbe,and hire magister sw ibe lufige , and cdc

ondrade gifhit afre gebyrep15 bed blddes onbirigb , hed

forgi t sdna hire niwantaman‘, and gemonb pa s wi ldaugewunanhire eldrana, onginb ponne ry

’nand hire racentanbrecan, and dbi t arest hire lddtedw,

and sibbana ghwa t ba s pe hed gefdnma g, ge monna ge nedta.

Swd ddp ede wudu fuglas : bedh hi bedu wel dtemede,gif hi onbdm wuda weorpap, hi forsedb heora ldredwas

and wuniap onheora gecynde . pedh heora ldredwas himbonne biodanpa i lcanmettas be hi de r tame mid gewenedon, ponh ene récap hi pdra metta, gif hi pa s wuda benugon. Ac pmcp himwinsumre “

p himse weald oncwepe,and hi gehirandperra fugela stemne. Swd bib cdc pdmtreowum be him gecynde bip up hedh td standanne ;padh bd ted hwelcne bdh Ofddne td pa

ere corpan, swe lcepd béganma ge swd pd hine dlatst, swd sprincp be up,and wrigabw iphisgecyndes. Swd déb ddc sed sunne pedh

hed ofermidne da g onsige and ldte td pare eorpan, efthed sécp hire gecynde , and stigp onpd da glanwegas w iphire upryna s, and swd hienior and ufor

,obbe hio cvmp

awd up swd hire yfemest gecynde bib. Swd dép a lc ge

sceaft ; wrigap wip his gecyndes. and gefagenbip gif hita

98 A K ING’


afre td cumanma g. Nisndngesceaft gesca penpdra pene wi lnige 13 hit pider cumanma ge ponanpe hit ar com,

13 is, td ra ste and to orsorgnesse. Sed ra st ismid Gode,and pa t is God . Ac a lc gesceaft hwearfab onhire selfneswd swd hwedl and td pamhed swd hwearfap 13 bed eft

cume pa r hed ar wa s, and bed 13 i lce 15 bed a ; wa s,bonecanpe hed dtanbehwerfeb sie p p hid der wa s, anddd 15 15 bed a : dyde .





Dd onganhe [Wisddm] eft spelliganand pus cwa pHwaper pdnu wéne p pa s cyninges geferra den, and se

we la and se anweald pe he gifp his dedrlingum, ma geanigne mongedda Weligne obbe wealdendne . Dd andsworede ic and cwa p : Forhwi ne magonhi ? Hwa t is

onbisse andweardanl ife wynsumre and betere bonne pa scyninges folgap and hisnedwest, and sibbanwe la and anweald P Dd andsworede se Wisddmand cwab Sege menu,

hwa per pd de fre gehi rdest p be dengum pdra, pe arus ware , eallunga purhwunode , obbe wénst bd hwa perhine anig pdra calne weg habbanmage pe hinenu ha fb ?Hdne wdst pd “

pte ealle bée sint fulle pdra bisna pdramonna pe de r us waran

,and a lc monwdt pdra be nu


p manegumcyninge onhwearf se anweald and se

we la db pa t he eft wearp wa dla ? Edld ed is p ponneforweorpfullic wela pe nauperne ma gne hine selfne gehed ldan, ne his hldford , td bon“

p bene purfe mdranfultumes

,obbe hi bedp begenforhealden? Hd ne is p

pedh sed edwre héhste gesdelp, pdra cyninga anweald ?And pedh gif1amcvninge deniges w illanwana bip, ponne

too A KING’


wa s Seneca, se wa s dbwita . Dd he bd onfunde p bedadd bedu sceolde , bd bedd he ealle his ahta wip his

feore ; panolde se cyning pa s onfdn, ne him his feores

geunnan. Dd he pd p ongeat, pd gecads be him ponededp p himmonOfléte blddes onpam carme and pddyde monswd. Hwa t we edc gehérdonp Papinianuswa s Antoninuse bam Kasere , calra his dedrlinga besorgost, and ealles his folces masIne anweald ha fde . Ac he

hine hét gebindanand sibbanofsledn. Hwa t ealle menwiton1} se Seneca wa s Nerone , and Papinianus Antonie ,pd weorpestanand pa ledfestan, and ma

sstne anweald ha fdon, ge onbiora hirede , ge bdton, and bedh

,bd ton

a lcere scylde , wurdonforddne . Hwa t hi wi lnodonbegeneallonmagene p pd hldfordas ndmanswd hwa t swd hi

ha fdon,and ldtonhi l ibban

,ac hi ne mihtonp begi tan

forpam pdra cyninga wa lhredwnes wa s td pamheard pheora edpmettonemihtonnauht forstandan,ne hdru heoraofermetta

,dydonswd hwa per swd by dydon, ne dohte

himbanawper bedh hi sceoldonpa t feorh dla tan. For

panse pe his art ide ne t i olap, bonne bip his ontid unti lad. Hd licap be nu se anweald and se wela

,nu bd

gehj red ha fst pa t hine mannawper bdtonege habbannema g, ne forla tanne mdt pedh he wi l le ? Oppe hwa tforstdd sed menigu pdra frednda pdm dedrlingum pdracyninga, Obbe hwa t forstent hed dangummen? Forpambd friend cumapmid barnwe lan, and eft mid pam we langewitab, bd tonswipe fedwa. Ac pd frynd pe hine der forpam we lanlufiap, pd gewi tap eft mid pam we lan


weorpap bonne td fedndum. Bdtonpd fedwanpe hinear for q um and for tredwum lufedon

, pd hine woldohbedh lubenpedh he earm ware . Dd him wuniap.Hwelc is wyrsa wdl Obbe angummenmdre (laru pounehe ha bbe onhis geférra denne and onhis ne'weste ,

fedndonfredndes anlicnesse ?Dd se Wisddmpis spel l dreht ha fde , pd onganhe eft


s inganand pus cwa p : De pe wi l le fullice anwealddgan, he sceal ti l ianarest p be ha bbe anweald his dgenesmddes, andne sie td ungerisenlice underpedd his unpedwum

,and ddd of his mdde ungerisenlice ymbhogan,

forlate pd sedfunga his eormpa. Dedh henu riesige ofer

eallne middangeard , from edsteweardum db weste


, p is se sdpedst ende pisses middaneardes

,dppa t i land pe we hdtab Thyle, pa t is onpam

norpwest ende bisses middaneardes, pa rne bip nawperne onsumera, niht, ne onwintra

, da g ; pedh he nu pa sealles wealde , na fp he no pe mdrananweald

, gif be his

ingepances anweald na ip, and gifhe hinene warenap wippa unpedwas pc we ar ymbsprdecon.



Ndnmanne bip mid rihte for dpres gdde , ne for hisc ra ftumno bJ”ma

arraneno bygehéredra gifhe hine se lfna fp. Hwa per bdnu bed dpJ

‘ fa gerra for dpresmannesfa gere

? B ip menful lytle p)‘ bet pedh he gddne fa derha bbe

, gifhe selftdnauhte no ma g . Forpam ic lare pbd fa genige dperra manna gddes and heora a pe lo td ponswipe p bd ne ti lige be selfumdgnes. Forpambe a lcesmonnes gdd and his a pelo bidpmd onbdmmdde , bonneonpamflasce . Da t dnic wdt pedh gddes onpama pelo‘

pmanigne monsceamapp be weorpe wyrsa bonne hissaldranwaron; and forpam higap ealle ma gne 15 hewolde pdra betstena sumes bedwes and his cra ftas gefdn.Dd se Wisddmbd bis spe l l dreht ha fde , bd onganhe

singanymbe p i lce and cwa p : Hwa t ealle menha fdongelicne fruman, forpam hi ealle edmanof dnum fa der

and of dnre mdder ; ealle hi bedp git gelice dcennede.

Nis 15ndu wundor, forpambe dnGod is fa der eallra ge


sceafta,forpam he hi ealle gescedp and ealra welt. Se

se lp pare sunnanledht, and bammdnan, and ealle tunglageset. He gescedp menoneorpan, gegaderode ba sadla

and bone lichomanmid his painanwealde, and ealle mengescedp emna pele onbare frumangecynde. Hwi ofer

mddige ge bonne ofer dpre menfor edwrumgebyrdum,

bdtonanweorce ,nu gendnnene magonmétanunapelne,ac ealle sint emnabe le , gif ge w illab pone frumansceaftgepencan, and bone Scippend , and sippanedwer a lcesdcennednesse ? Ac pa ryht a pe lo bib onpammdde, na sonpainfiasce , swd swd we ar sadon. Ac a le monbeallunga underpedded bib unpedwum,

forlé t his Sceppend,and his frumansceaft, and his a pelo, and bonanwyrpsna pelad dp “

p be wyrp unapele.




Dd onganhe [Wisddm] eft singan, and pus cwa pSwd hwd swd wi l le d idplice spiriganmid inneweardanmddea fter ryhte , andnylle p hine denig monObbe anig bingmage dmerran, onginne bonne sécanoninnanhimsel

fum, p be ar ymbdtonhine sdhte , and forlate unnytte

ymbhoganswd he swipost ma ge , and gega derige td pamdnum,

and gesecge bonne his dgnummdde , 15 hi t ma gfindanoninnanhine selfumeslle pd gdd pe li i t dte sécp.

Donne mag he swipe rape ongi tanealle p yfel and punnet , p be ar onhis mdde ha fde , swd sweotole swd pd

miht bd sunnangesedn. And pd ongitst pindgeningepanc, 15 hi t bip micele bedrhtre and ledhtre bonne sed

sunne . Forpamndnha fignes ba s lichoman, ne ndnunpedwne ma g eallunga dtidnof his mdde pd rihtwis

nesse, swd p be hire hwa thwegu nabbe onhis mdde


nedt nyste nanne andan,ne nanne ege td dprum, for

pare mirhp ba s sdnes. Dd ba rnhearpere pd puhte, 1!nine pd ndnes binges ne lyste onbisse worulde . Dd

pohte he 15 he wo lde gesécanhel le godu,and onginnanhim

dleccanmid his hearpan, and biddan13 hi himdgeafaneft his wif. Dd he pd bider com, pd sceolde cumanparene l le hund ongeanhine , pa s nama wa s Ceruerus

, se

sceolde habbanprid heafdu,and onganfa genianmid his

steorte , and pleg ianwip hine for his hearpunga. Ddmba r edc swipe egeslic geat

-weard,ba snama sceolde bedn

Caron, se ha fde edc brid heafdu,and se wa s swipe

dreald . Dd onganbe hearpere hine biddan13 he hinegemundbyrde pd bwi le be he pa r ware , and hine gesundne eft panonbrohte . Dd gehét be him15, forpamhe wa s oflyst ba s seldcdpansdnes. Dd code be furpor

dp he gemétte bd gramangyde ira be folc isce menhdtapParcas

,bd hi secgapp onndnummennytonndne dre , ac

a lcummennwrecanbe his gewyrhtum; bd hi secgap pwealdana lces monnes wyrde . Dd ongannhe biddanbiora mi ltse pa ongunnonhi wepanmid him. Dd code

be furpor, and himnrnonealle hellwaranongean, andladdonhine td biora cyninge , and ongunnonealle spre

canmid him,and biddanba s pe be ba d . And 13 un

sti l le hwedl be Ix ionwa s td-gebunden, Laiuta cyning,for his scylde , p dpstdd for his hearpunga . And Tantalus se cyning, be onp isse worulde ungemetlice gifrewa s

,and him pa r 13 i lce yfcl fyligde pare gifernesse , he

gesti lde . And se uultor sceolde forla tan, 13 hene sldt pd

lifre Tyt ies, ba s c yninges, pe hine ar mid py witnode .

And cal l hel lward wi tu gest ildon, pd bwi le be he beforanpamcyninge hearpode . Dd he pd lange and lange hearpode, pd clipode se hellwarena cyning, and cwa p,

“ Utondgifanpamesne his wif

,forpamhe hi ha fpgeearnod mid

his hearpunga.

"Bebedd him bd

,ba t he gedra wiste , 15

he hinenafte underba cne besdwe , sippanhe pononweard


0. ea , and Sade , gif he hine underba c besdwe , p besceoldc forlatanpa t wif. Ac pd lufe monma g swipe

unedpe, Obbe nd, forbeddan; wi ld wei ! Hwa t Orfeuspd ladde his wifmid him, dppe be com onp gema reledhta and pedstro pd code p wi f a fter him. Dd he

forp onp ledht com, pd bescab he hine underba c wipbas wifes pd losede hed him sdna. Dds ledsanspe l llarap gehwilcne man, pdra pe wi lnap hel le pidstra td

fl idnne , and Id pa s sdpes gddes lidhte td cumenne, p be

hinene besed td his ealdumyfelum swd p be hi eft swdfullice fullfremme , swd he hi a

er dyde ; forpamsad hwa

swd, mid ful lonwillan, hismdd went td bdmyflumpe hea : forlét, and hi bonne fulfremep, and hi himponnefullice lic iap, and he hi ndefre forlatanne penep, ponneforlyst he cal l his arrangdd, bdtonhe hit eft gebéte .





Gehérnu dnspel l be pdm ofermddumand pdm unrihtwisumcyningum, pd we gesidp sittanonpdmhéhstanhedhsetlum, pd scinap onmanegra cynna hra glum,

and bidpdtonymbstandende mid miclongeférsc ipe biora pegna ,

and pd bidp mid fetlum and mid gyldenum hyltsweor

dum,and mid manigfealdumheregeatwumgehyrste, and

predtiap eall moncynnmid hiora prymme . And se,be

hiora we lt, ne murnpndwperne friénd ne fiénd, pe mdbe wédende hund , ac bidb swipe ungefra glice updhafenonhis mdde forpam ungemetlicananwealde . Ac gif

himmonpoane dwint of pd c ldpas, and himoft ihp pdra

bénunga and pa s anwealdes, bonne miht pd gesedn15 hebidp swipe dnlic pdra his pegna sumumbe himbarpéniap,bdtonhe forpra sie. And gifhimnu weds gebyrep “

p him51:


wyrp sume bwi le pdra pénunga of-tohen, and pdra cldpa,and pa s anwealdes, ponne pincp him 15 he sie oncar

oerne gebroht, Obbe onracentum,forpamofpamunmetta

and pam ungemetlicangegerelan, of pam swétmettum,

and ofmistlicumdryncumpa s l ipes, onwa cnap sid wddeprag pare wrannesse, and gedréip hiora mdd swipe swip~lice. ponne weax ap adc pd ofermetta and ungepwamesand ponne hi weorpap gebolgen, bonne wyrp p mdd beswungenmid pamwelme pare hdt-heortnesse, dppa t hiweorpap gera fte mid pare unrdtnesse

,and swd geha fte .

Sibbanp bonne geddnbip, bonne onginp him ledganse

td-hopa pare wra ce , and swd hwa s swd his irsung wi llap,bonne gehét himpa s his reccelest. Ic pe Sade gefyrna t onpisse ilcanbéc, p ealle gesceafta willnodonsumes

gddes, for gecynde ; ac bd unrihtwisancyngas ne magonndu gdd ddn, for pamic penu Sade . Nis 13ndnwundor,forpamhi hi underpiddap eallumpdmunpedwumpe ic bea t nemde. Sces l bonne néde td pdra hldforda ddme pehe hine der underpeddde and “

pte wyrse is, p be himnylefurpum wipwinnan. pa r he hi t anginnanwolde, andbonne onpam gewinne purhwunianmihte , ponne na fdebe hisndne scylde

Dd se Wisddmbd pis ledp dsungenha fde, pd onganheeft spellianand pus cwa p Gesihst bdnu onhd miclumand onhd d idpum and onhd bidstrum hO i aseape pdra

unpedwa pd yfelwillendanstic iap, and hd bd gddansc inapbedrhtor ponne sunne ? Forpampd gddannafrene bedpbedalde pdra edledna biora gddes,ne pd yfelannafre pdrawi ta be hi geearniap. E lc p ing pe onbisse worulde

geddn'bip, ha fp edledn. Wyrce hwd p p be wyrce , Obbeddp 13 he dd, d he ha fb p pbe earnap. Nis 15 edcnauhtunreht

, swd swd gid Romana pedw wa s, and get is onmanegumbeddum, 13 monhehp anne heafodbedh gyldenne a t sumes a rneweges ende . Fa rp ponme mice l.folc td

,and irnap ealle endemes, ba pe biora a rninge



a t somne bip and bd samwra dnesse we hdtapgdd . Swa

swd dnmanbipmanbd bwi le be sid sdwl and se lichomabip a tsomne ponne hi poune gesindrede bidp, bonnenebib be pp be at wa s. pa t ilce pd miht gepencanbebamlichomanand be his limum gifpdra l ima bwi le of

hip, bonnene bip hitno ful l monswd hit is: was. Gif

cdc hwylc gdd manfrom gdde gewite, bonne ne bip bepe md fullice gdd, gif he eallunga from gdde gewi te .

ponanhit gcbyrap1)bd yfelanforlatapp 13 hi der d idon,ne bidp‘

pp hi at waton. Ac ponne hi p gdd forlatap and .

weorpapyfele, bonnene bedp hi nauhtas bdtondnlicnes ;13monmag gesidn“

13 hi gid menwaron, ac hi habbappa s mennisces bonne pone betstandal forloren


pone forcdpestangehealden. Hi forlatap p gecyndelicegdd p sint mennisclice pcdwas, and habbappedh mannesdnlicnesse bd bwi le pe hi libbap.

Ac swd swd manna gddnes hi dhefp oferpamennisoangecynd to pam 13 hi bedp godas genemnede, swd adc

hiora yfelnes dwyrpp hi under ba menniscangecynd, tdpam13 hi bidpyfele gehdtene, p we cwepap sienauht. Forpamgifbd swd gewla tne monmétst “

p be bip dhwerfedfromgdde td yfele , ne miht bd hinendmid rihtenemnanmanac nedt. Gifpd ponh e onhwi lcummenongitst 15be hipgi tsere and redfere , ne scealt pd hinend hdtanman,ac wulf. And pone répanpe bip pweortéme , pu scealt

hdtanhund, nallas mann. And bone ledsanlyteganpdscealt hdtanfox , na smann. And bone ungeme tlice mddeganand yrsiendan, be td micelne andanha lp, bdscealt hdtanIeo,na smann. And pone sanan, pe bip té

sldw,bd scealt hdtanassa md ponne man. And pone

ungemetlice cargan, pe himondrat mdre ponne he purfe ,pd miht hdtanhara, md bonne man. And pam ungesta ppeganand bam ha lgan, pu miht secgan15 hi bipwinde gelicra Obbe unstillum fugelum,

bonne gemetfa stummonnum. And bam pe bd ongi tst p be lip on


his lichamanInstam, p be bib dnlicost fettumswinum, pe

simle willnap Iiegau onfdlum solum,and bi nyllap da

pyliganonhluttmm we terum; ac Mb bi seldumhwonne beswemde weorpanbonne sledpbe efionpa coin

1 1 0“





MILLESIIIO. Lx x x I II.—Onpisumgeare aras seo ungepwa rnes onGla stingabyrig betwyx pamabbode DurstaneJ hismunecan. E rest hit comofpa s abbotes unwisdome,1) he misbead hismunecanonfe la pingan, J pa munecasnitmandonlnfel ice to him, J headonhine p be sceoldc

healdanhi rihtlice, J lufianhi , J hi woldonhimbeonholde J gehyrsume. Ac se abbot nolde pa s naht, ac

dyde heomyfcle, J beheot heom wyrs. Anes dages peabbot code into mpitulan, J spra c upponpa munecas, Jwolde hi mistuk ian, J sende a fter la wede mannum

, J hi

comonintompitulanonupponpa munecas ful l gewepnede. And pa wa tonpamunecas swibe aferede ofheom,

nystonbwet heom to donne wa re, ac toscuton,sume

urnoninto cyrmnJ belucanpa duraninto heom, J hi

ferdona fter heom into pammynstre , J woldonbig ut

dragan, pa pa bigne dorstenna ut gan. Ac reowlic pingpa r gelamp onda g, 13 pa Frenc isce menbra cenponechor

, J torfedontowa rd pam weofode, pa r pa munecaswa ron, J same of pam cnihtanferdonupponpone upp

fiore, J scotedonadunweard mid arewantoweard pamhaligdome, swa p onpa re rode, pe stod bufou pam weo

fode, sticodononmanige arewan. And pa wreccanmunecas lagononbutonpamweofode , J Sume cruponunder


soearpa bungor J adyde bi mid ealle . Hwamne mageermianswylcere tide ? Obbe, hwa is swa heard heort pnema g wepanswylces ungelimpa ? Ac swylce ping gewa i ‘bab for folces syana 1) hinellab lufianGod J rihtwis

nesse, swa swa bit wa s pa onpam dagum, p l i te l t ibt .

wisnesse wa s onpisum lande mid anige menn, butonmidmunecanane

, pa r pa r hi wa ll ferdon. Se cyng Jpa ha fod menlufedonswibe J ofer swibe gi tsunge ongolde J onseolfre, Jne rohtanbu synlice hit wa re hegytan, butonhit come to heom. Se cyng scalde his landswa deore to ma le swa heo deorost mihte, ponne comsumober J ba demare poune pe ober a r sealde, J se cynghit lett pammennpe himmare bead, ponne comse pridde,

J bead geatmare , J se cyng hit let pammento handa pehimeallra meast bead, Jne tobtena hu swibe synlice pagerefanhit begeatanof eatme mannon, ne hu manigeaulaga hi dydon. Ac swamanswybor spa c embe rihteIage, swa manndyde mare anlaga. H i arerdonunribteto l las, J manige obre unriht hi dydan, pe sindonearfepeto arecenne. Eac onpam i lcangeare a tforanha rfa teforbarnp hal ige mynster SSSPaule , pe b. stole onLundene, J manige obre mynstres, J pma ste da l J p tottaste

eall pa re burh. Swylce eac, onpamilcantiman, forbarnfullneah a lc heafod port ona l lonEnglelande. Ealareowlic J wependlic tid wa s pa s geares, pe swa manigungelimp wa s forbbringende. Eac onpam i ledu geare,toforanAssumptio Se? Marie, for Wi llelmcyng of Nor

mandige into France mid fyrde, J hergode uppanhisaganus hlaford Phi l ippe pamcynge, J slob of hismannonmycelne da l, J forbearnde pa burh mapante, J ealle pa

hal ige mynstres pe wa roninnonpa re burh, J twegen

hal ige menn, pe hyrsumedonGode onancer se tt le wuniende, pa r wa ronforbeamde . Dissum pus gedone, secyng Willelm ecarde ongeanto Normand ige . Reowlic

ping he dyde , J reowlicor him gelamp . Hu reowlicor ?


himgeyfelade, J p himstranglice eglade . Hwa t ma g ictaollan? Se scearpa deab, pene forlet ne rice mennneheane, seo hine genam. He swa lt onNormand ige, onponeneztandag a fter Natiuitas Se? Marie , J manbebyrgede hine onCapum, a t SSS Stephanes mynstre, a rer hehit ata rde , J sibbanmanifealdlice gegodode. Ea la buleaS J hu unwrest is pysses middaneardes we la . Se pe

wa s a rur rice cyng J maniges landes hlaford , he na fdepa ealles landes butonseofonfot ma l, J se pe wa s hwi longescrid mid go lde J mid gimmum,

he lag pa oferwrogenmid moldan. He la fde a fter himpreo sunan


het se yldesta, se wa s eorl onNorrnand ige a fter him. Se

ober het Willelm, pe ba r a fter himonEngleland ponek inebelm. Se pridda het Heanric, pamse fa der becwab

gersumanunateallendlice . Gi f hwa gewilnigeb to ge

wi tane bu gedonmannhe wa s, Obbe hwi lcne wuibscipehe ha fde, Obbe hu fe la lande he wa re hlaford, ponnewi l le we be himawritanswa swa we hine aga ton, pe himonlocodan, J obre hwile onhis hirede wunedon. Se

cyng Willelmpe we embe specab wa s swibe wis man, J

swibe rice, J wurbfulre J strengere poune anig his foregengga wa re. He was mi lde pam godummannum peGod q edon, J ofer eall gemett steare pammannumpewibcwa donbis willan. Onpami lcansteode pe God himgenbe p be moste Engleland gegan, he arerde ma remynster, J munecas pa r gesa tte, 1) hit wa l l gegodade . Onhis daganwa s p ma re mynster onCantwarbyrig getymbrad, J eac swibe manig ober ofer eall Englaland . Eac

pis land wa s swibe afylled mid munecan, J pa leofodanheora lif a fter 88 Bened ictus regule, J se x pendomwa s

swi le onhis da ge, p a lc manhwa t his bade to belumpefolgade, se pe wolde . Eac he wa s swybe wurbful priwa

he ba r bis cynehelma lce geare, swa oft swa he wa s onEnglelande. OnEastronhe hine ba r onWinceestre, onPentecostenonWestmynstre, onMidewintre, onGlea


weceastre, J panne wa t onmid himealle pa rice menofereall Englaland, arcebiscopas J leodbiscopas, abbodas Jeorlas, pcgnas J cnihtas. Swilce he wa s eac swylie

steare manJ ra t e,swa 15manne dorstenanping ongean

his wi llandon. He ha fde eorlas onhis bendum, pe

dydanongeanhis wi llan. Biscopas he sa tte of heora

bisooprice, J abbodas of heora abb. rice, J pa gnas oncweartern

, J a tnex tanhene sparode his agene brofiorOdohét. He wa s swiiSe rice b. onNormandige, onBaiuswa s his b. stol

, J wa smanna fyrmest to eamnpamcyngc ,J he ha fde eorldom onEnglelande, J ponne se cyng[wa s] onNormand ige, poune wa s he ma geste onp isumlande

, J hine he sa tte oncweartern. Betwyx 015mmpingumnisna to forgytane 13 gode friis pe he macode onpisanlande , swa 13 inmanpe himsylf abt wa re mihtcFaranofer his rice mid his bosumful l goldes ungederad .

Andnanmanne dorste sleanolSerne man,na fde hena fte

swamyccl yfel geddnwits pone otSerne . And gif bwi lees t lmanhamde will wimmanhire unfiances, sona he

forleas pa l imu pe he mid pleagode . He rix ade ofer

Engla land, J hi t mid his geapsc ipe swa purhsmeade, pna s anhid landes innanEngla lande 1) henyste hwa heoha fde

,o615s hwa s heo wa r


lSwa s, J syiStSanonhis gewri tgesa tt. Brytland him wa s ongewealde , J he pa rinnecasteles gewrohte, J pet manncynnmid ealle gewealde.

Swilce eac Scotland he him underpa dde , for his myce lestrengpe. Normand ige 15 land wa s his gecynde . J ofer

pone eorldom pe'

Mans is gehatenhe rix ade, J gif he

moste pa gyt twa gear l ibbanhe hafde l ande mid his

werscipe gewunnon, J w iiSutana lconwa pnon. W itod

lice onhis t imanha fdonmenmyccl geswinc J swifie

manige teonan. Castclas he let wyrcean, J eatme menswiiie swencean. Se cyng wa s swa sw iiSe stcarc , J benamofhis underpeoddanmanig mare goldes, J ma hundredpunda seolfres , pet henam be t ibte J mid mycelanun


beforanembe spa con. E fter his deaiSe, his sune , Willeln.ha t eallswa pe fa der, feng to pamrice, J wears geblestod to

cyngc framLandfrance arceb. onWestmynstre, preomdaguma r Michae les ma ssedag, J ealle pa menonEnglalandehimto abugon, J him aoss sworon. Disum'

pus gedone,se cyng ferde to Winceastre, J sceawode p madmehus, Jpa gersumanpe his fa der a r gegaderode, pa wa rou unasecgendlice anie menhu myccl pa r wa s gegaderod, ongo lde, J onseolfre , J onfaton, J onpa l lan, J ongimman,J onmanige ofire deorwurlie pingou, pe earfoi ie sindonto ateallene. Se cyng dyde pa swa his fa der himbeba da r he dead wa re, da lde pa gersumanfor his fa dersaule toa lcenmynstre pe wes innanEnglelande , to sumanmynstre x . mare goldes, to sumanVL , J to a lcencyrceanuppe land 1.x . pa i . And into a lcere sc ire manseoudo

hundred punda feos, to da lanne earme mannanfor hissaule . And a r he forl erde he head 15 mansoeolde nulesanealle pa mennpe onha ftnunge wa tonunder hisanwealde. And se cyng wa s onpam midewintre onLundene.



MrLLnsmo. c. x x x v. Onpis geare for se k ing H.

ouer sa a t te Lammasse , J p oper de i pa he lai anslep inseip, pa pestrede pe da i ouer al landes, J uuard pe sunnesa ile als i t uuare threniht ald mone , ansterres ahntenhimat midda i . Wurpenmensuit e ofuundred J ofdred, Jw den‘

bmiccl ping sculde cumm herefter, sua d ide , for

pat ilc ga r warth pe k ing ded, fi aper da i efter.S . Andreasmasseda i onNorm. pa wes tre sona pas landes, fora uric mansone ra uede oper pe mihte . pa namenhis0 Inreading this e lectionthe Supplementary Glossary will beM us-lb


sune J his frend, J brohtenhis lie to Engle l, andbebiriend inRed inge . God manhe wes, J miccl a ie wesofhim. Durstenanmanmisdonwits ooer onhis time .

Pais he makede menJ da r. Wua sua bare his byrthengold and si lure , durste nanmanse i to himnaht butegod . Enmang pis was hisnefe cumento Englel Stephnede Blais, J com to Lundene

, J te Lundenisce folc himnnderfeng, J sendenefter pe a rceb. Wi llelm Curbui l,

J halechede him to k inge onmidewintre da i . Onpishinges time wes al unfrii i , J yfel, J ra flac, for agenes himrisensona pa rice menpe wa tonswikes. Al se fyrste

Balduinde Redners, J held Ex ecestre agenes him, J te

k ing i t besa t, J sit t anBalduinacordede. pa tocanpaofire J he ldenher cast les agenes him, J Dauid k ing of

Scotland toe to uuessienhim; pa pohuuethere pat, heresandes feordenbetwyx heom, J hi toga derc comen

, Jwurbe sa hte, pop i t l ite l forstode .

MrLLasmo. c . x x x vr. [No record ]Mru asmo. c . x x x vu. Dis ga re forpe k . Steph. ofer sa

to Normand i , J therwes underfangen, forbi 15 hi uuenden15he sculde henalsuic alse the comwa s, J forhe badde get

his tresor, ac he todeld i t J scatered sotlice. Micel

badde Henri k. gadered gold J syluer, J na god ne dideme for his saule tharof. pa pe k ing S. to Engla] . com, pa

macod he his gadering a t Ox eneford, J par henampe b.

Roger of Sereberi , J Alex . b. of Lincol, J te CancelerRoger hise neues, J d ide a l le inprisun, til hi iafenupheremstles. pa the suikes underga ton1) he mi lde manwas

, J softe , J god , Jna iustise ne d ide , pa d idenhi al lewunder. H i haddenhimmanred malt ed J athes suoren,ac hi nantreuthene heolden

,al le hi wa tonforsworen

, Jhere treothes forloren, for a uric rice manhis castlesmakede J aganes him heolden, J fyldenpe land ful of

castles. H i suenctensnyfie pe uurecce menof pe landmid castelweorces. pa pe cast les uuarenmaked

, pa


fyldenhi mid deoules J yue le men. pa namenhi pamenpe hi wenden‘

b ani god hefden, bathe be nihteS Jbe da ies, carlmenJ wimmen, J d idenheom inprisunefier gold J syluer, J pined heom untellendlice pining,for ne uua renna ure nanmartyrs swa pined alse hi

wa ron. Me henged up hi the fet J smoked heommidful smoke, me henged bi the pumbes other hi the heled,J hengenbryniges onher fet. Me d ide cnotted strengesabutonhere ha ued, J uurythento p it ga de to pe hames.

H i d idenheom-lnquart erne, parnadres J snakes J padeswa roninne , J drapenheom swa. Sume hi d idenincrucet bus, 1) is inanceste pat was scort JnarenJ undep,J d ide swa rpe stanes perinne, J prengde pe manpa rinne,p him bra conalle pe l imes. Inmani of pe castleswa tonlofJ grim, 15 wa tonrachenteges, p twa other thre

menhaddenonoh to ba rononne . pat was sua maced,‘

Dis fa stned to anbeom, J didenanwa rp irenabutonpamannes prote J his hals, 13 he ne myhte nowiderwardesne sitten

,ne l ien

,ne slepen, oc ba ronal 13 iren. Mani

pusenhi drapenmid hunga r. Ine canne inemai te l lenal le pe wundes, ne al le pe pines 1) hi d idenwrecce menonpis land, J 13 lastede pa x xx . wintre

,wi le Stephne was

k ing, J a ure it was uuerse J uuerse . H i la idenga ildesonthe tunes a ureumwi le , J clepedenit tenserie. pa pe

uurecce menne haddennanmore to gyuen, pa ra uedanhi J brendonal le the tunes, ‘

Dwel pu myhtes farenal a

da is fare sculdest thuneure findenmanintune sittende,

ne land t i led . pa was com da re, J flesc , J ca se , J

butere, fornanne wa s 0 pe land. Wrecce mensturuenof hunga r, sume iedenona lmes pe warensumwi le rice

men, sum flugenut of lande. Wes na ure ga t marewreccehed onland , nena ure hethenmenwersene d idenpanhi d iden, for ouer sithonne forbarenhinouther c ircene cyrceia rd, ocnammal pe god

Dparinne was, J bren

densythenpe cyree J altega dere. Ne hi ne forbarenh


Wendenj i it sculde benforholen, oc ure Drihtenatywedef he was hal i martyr, J te munekes himnamen, J bebyried himheglice inpe minstre, J he maket pur ure

Drihtinwunderlice Jmanifa ldlicemiracles, J hatte he 8.






(w . r

Anpreost wes onleodenLagamonwes ihoten.he wes Leouenabes sone !lii ie himbeo drihté.

he wonede at Ernlege lat abelenare chirechen.vppenSeuame stape !

sel par himpuhte .

ontest Radestone !per he bock radde .

Hit comhimonmode !8: onhismernponke.pet he wolde ofEngle


pa abelante l len.wat heo ihotenweoren!dzwonene heo comen.pa Euglene londe !a rest ahten.a fter panilodope fromdrihtene com.

pe al her a-quelde !

quic pat he funde .

A prest was inlonde 2Lawemanwas hote.

he was Leucais sone !lefhimbeo driste.

t he wonede at Ernleie !wid pangode cnipte.

uppenSeuarne !merie per himpohte.

fastebi Rad istone !to per heo bokes radde.

H it comhimonmode !onhis ponke .

pat he wolde ofEngelond !pe ristnesse tells.

i t wat pe menhi -hote weren!and wancne hi comen.pe Englene lond ?a rest afden.after panflode

so pat framgod com.

pat al ere acwelde :

cwic pat hit funde.

Inread ing th is select ion, the Supplementary Glossary wi ll be bequeath

i zz AUTHOR'


butenNoe Sem

Japbet Cham.

heore four wiues

pe mid heom werenonarchen.

Lagamo gonl iben!wide gond pas leode.

bi-wonpa afiela boc !pa he to bisnenom.

Henompa Engltsmboc’


pa makede se int Beda.

anoper henomonLatinpe makede sc inte Albin.pe fe ire Austin!

pe fulluht broute hider in.boc henompe pridde !le ide per amidden.pa makede a FrenchisClerc }

Wace wes ihoten.pe wel coupe wri ten!he hoe gef pare abelen.

E lienor pe wes Henriesquene ?

pes heges kinges.

Lagamonle ide peos boc !

pa leafwende .

he heomleofl iche bi-heold 3l ipe himbeo drihten.feperenhe nommid fingrenlfiede onboc-fe l lepa sope word !

sette to-

gadere .

bote Noe and Sem!Japhet and Cam.

and hire four wifes !pat mid hampere wereu.

Lowemanganwende }so wide so was pat londe.

andnompe Englisse boc !pat makede se int Bede.

anoper henomofLatin2pat maked se int Albin.

u boc henompanpridde !anle ide par amidde.patmakede Austin!pat folloft brofte hider in.

a Lawemanpes bokes bi

eolde !

anpe leues tornde.

he hamloueliche bi-helde !fulste god pe miptie .

fepere henommid fingres !

to and wrot mid his honde.and pe sope word !sette togedere.





dab per wes ri fe

pe eorBe per dunede.Childrich pe ka isers !

ha fede anne castel here.a Lincolnes fe lde !per he la i wib innen.pe wesneouweniworht !swibe wel biwust.

pere weorenmid himBaldulf Colgrim.

and isegenpat heore uolc !fi le-sih worhte.

heo forb riht anon!onmid heore burnen.and fingenut ofcastle !kensci pe bidaled .

and flugenforb riht anan!to pe wude ofCalidon.Heo hafdento iferen!ecouenpusend rideren.and ho bilafdenof-slagen!idonof lif-dagen.

feowerti pusude !

ifeolled to pangrunde.

Alemainisce me !mid a rnli e fordemed.

and pa Sex isce men!ibroht to pangruden.pa isa h Arbur !

abela t k ingen.pat Childrich wes ifiogen!into Calidonie itogé.

and Colgrim Baldulf!

mid himibogenweoren.into pi haze wude !

deappar was riue.

Chi ldrich pe kayser !

badde one caste l her.a a Lyneolnes fe lde !par he lay wip ine .

he wasnewene iwroht !and swipe wel he was id ihtand par werenmid him!Baldolfand Colgrim.

and isehge pat hire folke !fol le to grunde.

And hi i forp riht anon!anmid hire brunies.

so and flogenvt ofcastle !kensipe bi-dealed.

and flogenforpriht anon!to panwode ofCalidon.And badde to i-vere !soue hundred rideres.

and hi i blefde of-slawe !and idonoflif-dages.fourt i pusend !l iggenonpare felden.

Do iseh Arthur!boldest al te kinge.pat Cheldrich was a-flowe !

and into Calidoine itowe .

and Colgrymand Baldolf?mid himpare were .





mto panbase holme.Arbur ba h after ! Arthur wende after !mid si x ti pusend cnihten. mid six ti pusend cnihtes.Bruttene leoden! Bruttene leodepene wude al bileieu. pane wode al bi - leie .

and anare halfe hine feol inone halfhi i hine fulde !den!

fulle seoue mi len.treo uppenober !treoliche faste .

anoberhalue he hine bi laimid his leod-ferde.

preo dages preoniht !f wes heommuche l pliht.pa isa b Colgrl !

alse he la i per in.pat per wes butenmete !sca rp hunger hete .

ne heono heore horsenha lpnefdenenne.

And pus cleopede Colg

rimto pankaisere .

Sa ie me lauerd Chi ldric !sobere worden.forwhulches cunnes pingeligge we pus here .

whinul le we ut farenbonnienure ferden.

and biglnnenfehtes !wibArbur wi

b his cnihtes.for bete t e us is onlonde !mid mosc ipe to l iggen.pene we pus here !for hungere to-wurben.


fol le soue myle.

treo vppe treo !

kenliche swipe.

anoper halfhine bi-leye !mid gode his fo lke .

preo daiges and preoniht !pat was to heomgod riht.

po iseh Colgrim!ase lay par in.pat pare was boute metescarp honger and hate.

ne hllne hire hors !he lpnadde nanne .

po sa ide Colgrym

to pancaysere Cheldrich.

Sai me louerd Childrich !sopere wordes.

for woche cunnes p ingel igge we pus her ine .

w inole we vt fare !

and banny oure ferde .

and bi -ginne fihtes !w ip Arthurand his cnihtes.for bete t e vs his onlonde !mansipliche l igge.

pane we pus here :mid honger forworpi .


iswenched us sa re !folke to scare.

Ober we sendeb will and Oper we sende himwipwib

and geornenArbutes grib. and georneArthurhis grip.and hiddenpus hismi lce ! and bidde himmi lce !gisles himbitechen. and gisles bi-take.wurché freondsc ipe

wib panfrco kige .

pis iherde Childric !

per he la i wib inne die.

and he andswarede !wib a rmliche stefene.gifhit wulle Baldulf!

pe is pinage broiSer.and ma ofur iferen!pemid us sundé here.pat we hiddenArdures

gfib !

sahtnesse himwurchenwi


after a uwer wi l le !do ich hit wulle.

For Arbur is swibe ha h

moni haldenonleoden.leofal le hismonnenofk ine-wurbe cunne.

al ofkingenicumehe wes Vberes sune .

ofhit ilimpeb !a ueole cunne peoden.per gode cnihtes !cumeb to stume fihte.

pat heo a rest bigiteb !

pis ihorde Gheldrich !

par he lai wip ine d ich.

and answerede !mid cwickere stemne .

gefhit wo le Baldolf!pat his pinowe broper.and mo of oure feres !

pat mid vs beop here .

pat we bidde Arthures

grip !and sa htnesse himwerchewip.

after oure wi l ledonich hit wol le .

For Arthur his wel heh

manhi -ho lde inlonde.

leofal le hismanne !and ofk ineworpe cunne.

al ofk inges icome !he was V ther his sone .

And ofte hit bi-fallep !

inmanycunne leede.

par pe gode cnihtescomep to strange fihta .

pat paye pat her bi -getep !


For her we habbeod ifunden

feole cunne son-gen.at Linoolne bela uedleofe ure ma ies.

six ti pusend monnen!pa per boob of-slagene.

And Jif hit pe weere !wille anheorte.

pat we mostenouer sa !windenmid se i le.nul le wenauere mare !a ft cumenhere.

for her we habbeod for

lore !leoue ure ma ies.

swa longe swa bid ancre !herne cume wena uerpa loh Arbur !

ludere stefene .

Iponked wurbe drihtene !pe al le domes walde

li .

pat Childric pe stronge !is sad ofmine londe .

Mi 16d he bafeo to-da led !al his duge

be-cnihteS.me seolué he pohte !drinenut ofmire leoden.haldenme for hane !habbenmine riche .

mi cunal for-naren!mi nole al fordemed.Ah ofhi bib iwurben!swa bi t of panvox e.

pene he bib baldest

pat we most away wende.

nolde weneuere more !ef’t comenhere.

for he we habbepfor-lore !

Ac of himhit his iworpe !so his of pa fox e.

wane he his boldest !

For her we habbep l

funde !fale cunnes sorewe.at Lyncolnes feldes !bi-leaued oure freondel .six ti pousend manne !par liggep of-slawe.

And ;efhit were pinwille !

oure leafue meyes.

so lange so beop euere !herne come weneuere.Do loh Arthur !loudere stemne.

Ich ponk i mine drihtepat al le domes weldep.pat Childric pe stronge !his sad ofmine londe.Mi lond he hauepidealed !amang his frco cnihtes.

mi seolue he pohte !driue vt ofmine cuppe.



hafd i his 'fulle ploge

fagela inoge.for wi ldscipe climbiband cludeniseched .

i panwildeme !1101303 himwurchefi.

fare wha swa auere fare

nanefi hena uerenane kare.he weneb to beou of du

e !

baldest alre deoren.pene sigeb himto !

segges vnder beorgenmid hornenmid hundemid hagere stefenen.huntenpar talieb !hundas per galieb.

pene vox driue'


geond dales geond dunes.he ulih to pa holme !

his hol isecheb.

i pi . uirste ande !i panhol le wendeb.

penne is pe balde uox !blissenal bideled .

monhimto-de luco !ona lchere heluen.pene beob per forcubest !deorenslre pruttest.Swa was Childriche !

panstrongen panriche .

he pohtenalmi k inelod !senttenanhis agere hond.

ouenanpe wolde.

and hauep his fol le pleny !and foweles inowe.

for wildsipe clembep!and eludes he sechep.inpanwi lde e lenes !holes he sechep.

fare wo se par fare !

nauepneuerenanne a re.

he weneppat he be panne !

boldest alre deore .

Ac wane siep himto !

hontes onder borewe .

mid hornesmid hundes !mid begere stemnehontes par taliep !houndes par galieppane fox driuepgeond donnes and dates.

panne fl icp he to pancleoue !

and his hol sechep.

into panforrest ende !ofpanhole he wendep.

panne his pe bolde fox :bl isse al bi-dealed .

and manhim to-dealuepineuereche halue .

panne his forcoupist.deor al te protest .So was Childriche !

pe strange and pe riche .

he pohte almink inelond !sette onhis owe hond.

x 30 ARTHUR'


ah nu ich habbe hine idrinen

to panbare da t e .

wha t erswa ichwulle donot er slanot er abon.Nu ichwulle Jifenhi grit

letenhine me speckenwit .

nul le ichhine slano ahon!

ah his bode i ch wulle ft .

gisles ich wulle habbe!

ofha x tenhismonnen.hors beore wepneu !a r heo heone wenden.and swa heo scul lenwra cchen!

to heorenscipenl it en.sa i lienouer sa !to sele heore londe .

perwirdliche !


and tel lentidende !ofArt ure kinge .

hu ich heom habbe ifre


formines fader saule .

formine frco-dome !ifrouered pa wra cchen.Her wes Art ur pe k ingat elenbida led .

nes pernanswa reh; mon!pe himdurste ra den.pet himof-puhte sa re !

ac nou ich habbe hineidfiue !

to panbare deape.waper so ich wol le donoper slenoper an-hon.Nou ich wolle gefue himgrip !

and lete hine speke mewip.

nol le ich hine sleanne anhon!

al his bede ich wol le don.ich wo l le habbe Jisles !ofpe bebtest ofhismanne.

hors and hire wepneher hi i wende ine.so hi i sol le wrecches !

to hire sipes wende.

sayl i ouer $66 !to hire owe londe.

and par worplice !wonie onhire riche.

and te l lentyd inde !ofArthur pank inge.

hou ich hi ifroured !

formine fader saule.and formine fredome !ifroured pe wrecches.

Her was Arthur pe k ingape le bi-dealed.

nas parnonso rehmou !pat himdorste reade.

pat himof-pohte !

1 3 3 H IS l RL . \L l l lCRY

beornes per spi leden.sa idenpat heo wolden! and saide pat hu woldc !

eft to pissenlonde. d c to pia c londe.

wrekenwurdliche !beore wine-ma ies.westenArt ures loud ! and westenArthur loudleodenaquellen. and his folk ewelle.

and castles biwinnen!wi lgomé wurchen.

Swa heo l it enafter sa !efne al swa longe .

pat heo commenbitw ige !Englelonde Normandie.heo wendenbeore lofes ! H l i wende hire loues !l it entoward lt de. and tornde to pisse londe.

pat heo comenful iwis ! pat hi i come foliwis !to Derte-mut e at Totteneis. to Dertemup at Totenas.mid muche lere bl isse !heo bu3ento panlonde.

Sone swa heo a loud comenpat folo heo aslogen.pa cheorles heo ulo;en!be tilede pa eort en.heo hengenpa cnihtes !pa biwustenpa londes.

a l le pa gode w iues !heo st ikedenmid cnifes.

al le pa maidene !heo mid mort e aqualden.and paie ila rede men!heo la idenonglede.

Al le pa heorede-cnauen!mid clibbenheo a-qualden.neo velleddenpa castles !pat lond heo a-wa ster

Sone so hi t a lond comepat folk hu a-slowe .

pe cherles hi i hi lden!pat telede par erpe.

pe cnihtes hi i an-hong ‘

pat were inpanlonde.

al le pe gode wifes !hi i stekede mid cnifues.

al le pe maidene !mid morpre hi i acweldeand al le pe learedemeu !hi i caste infure.


pa chirecheu heo for-barn pe cheorches hu for

den hamde !baluw wes onfolke. pe chastles hu afulde.

pa sukende childrenheo adréteninne wateren.pat orf pat heonomen!

al heo slogen.to beore inne ladden!and sudé and bradden.al heo hitnon!pat heoneh comen.Alle da i heo sungen!ofArdure pank inge.

and sa idenpat heo haueden

hames biwunnen. homes bi -wonne.

pa scoldenheomi-halden! woche hnwo lde holde !inheore onwalden.per heo woldé wunien!

wintres sumeres.

And gifArt ur weorenswakene !

pat he cumenwolde.

to fihtenwit Chi ldrichen!panstrongenpanrichen.heo woldenofhis rugge !makienane brugge .

andnimenpa banal le !ofat e le pank inge .

and te ienheomto-

gadere ! and ti3e heomto-

gadere !

mid guldens tegen.and leggeni pare hal le and legge heom inparadure ! hal le-dore !

per a chmonsoulde nort par ech mansal forp fare.faren.

pat horfpat bunome !al hi i of-slowe.

to hire ine hi i hit ladde !and sude hit and bradde.al hi i hi tneme !pat hi ineh come.

Al day hi i songe !ofArthur pank inge.and saide pat hi i badde !

wyntres and someres.

and gef Arthur were so

kene !pat he comenwolde.

to fihte wipChildrich

panstrong and pe rich.

We wollep ofhis rugge !

mak ienone brugge.

andnime pe bones al le !


to wurt sci pe Chil[dri ] che !

panstrongena panriche.

pis wes al heore gome !forArt ures kinges soeome.

ah al hit iwrat onot er !sone per after.beore gelp and beore gt e !i lomp heom seoluento

swa det wel iwa re !

pe monpe swa iberet .

Childric pe kaisere biwon!nl pat he lokede on.

henomSumersete !henomDorsets.

and al Deuene-scire !pat vole al for-ferde.and he Wiltun-scire !mid wit ere igra tte.henomall epa londes ! henamal le pe loudes !into pa re sa strt de. to pare see strondes.pa a t panlaste ! po at panlaste !pa lette heo blawt .

homes bemen!bonnie his ferden.fort he wolde bugen!Bat enal bi liggen.

and a c Bristouwe !shutenbirouwen.pis was heore ibeot !

a r heo to Bat e comen.To Bat e compe ka isere !bi la i pene caste l pere.

pa menwit innen!

pis was al hire game !forArthurpe k inga same.

so ai hit iwarp oper!sone paralter.beore ;eolp and hire game !ful Jamseolue to grame.

so dopwel iware !

pe manpat vuelwirchep.Childrich al a-won!pat he mid ehgene lokedeon.

henamSomer[se] te !henamDorsete .

and inDeuenissire !pat folk he for-ferde .

he bannede his ferde.and saide pat he wolde !Bape bi -l igge.

and eke Brustouwe !a-boute bi-rowe.

pis was hire broc !

are hi i to Bape come.

pider wende pe cayser!and bi-lay Bape per.and pe menwip ine !


mid bugere hine adefed.

ot ermid sweorde !

a] hine to-swugen.Nu heme gi ltmede !formire god dede.ah swame ha lpendri hten!pa seep pas da ies lihten.per fore he seal ibiden!bitterest alre baluwen.harde gomenes !hisbone ichwulle iwurten.Colglm Baldulf!

beiene ich wulle aquelleu.

al heore duget e !

da t seal it olien.gifhit wule ivnnenwaldende ha fnen.ich wulle wurt liche wre

ken!alle his wit er deden.gifme mot i lasten!pat lifamire breosten.hit wulle me iunne !

pat i-scopmone sunne.ne sealnauere Childric !a ft me bi v charren.Nu cleopede Art ur!

at elest k ingen.Whar beo 3cmine cnihtes !ohte men wit te.

to horse to horse !

he halet es gode.

and we scul led bugen!touward Bat e swit e.

and Colgrimand Baldolf!beyne ich wol le acwelle.

and al le hire cnihtes !deep sol le pol ie.

Jefhit wole drihte !pat al le pinges dihtep.ich [wol le] worpliche a


al his wipere deades.

gefhit mot i-laste !

pat lif inmine breoste.

ne salneuere Cheldrich !eftme t i -chorre.

Nou cleopede Arthur!

boldets alre kinge.

Ware be ; e mine cnihtesohte menand wihte.

nou we mote wende !toward Bapes cande.

mid houger hine a-cwelled.

opermid sweorde !al hine to-awonga.Nou be me Jaitmede !formine god hede.al some helpe drihte !

pat sop pis daiges lihte.

he hit sal a-bugge

gef ichmote l ibbe.


Letet up fusen!hege forkt .

bringet her pa p ales !

bifort ure chihtes.

and heo scul lenhongieu !onhage treowen.per he lette fordon!feouwer and twe[n] ti chi lderren.

Alemainisoem6 !ofswide hege cunnen.pa come t idende !to Art ure pankinge.pat seoc wes Howel hisma i !

per fore he wes sari .

i Clud ligginde !per he hine bila fde.

Higenliche swit e !fort he gonl it e.

pat he bihalues Bade !

beh to ane uelde .

per he alihte !

his cnihtes al le.

and onmid beore bumen!beornes stums.

a he a fifda le !da lde his ferde.

pa he hafde al iset !and al hit isemed.

pa dude he onhis bume !ibroide ofste le.

pemakede onaluise smit !

mid at elenhis crafte.

letep h .ngy pe Jisles !pat hi i ous bi


par he le tte for-donfour and twenti chi ldren.

he bebte al le his cnihtes.anmid hire brunies !

and he a fifdeale !to-deale to-dealde hisferde.

And he warp onhim!one brunie ofste le.

pat makede anhaluil

smip!mid his wise etalle.

Alamainisse !ofswipe hege cunne.

po comtyd inge !to Arthur pank inge.

pat seak was Howel his

may !

par vore he was 8011.

faste liggende !and so he hine bi -lefde.and he anhigenge !toward Bape wende.

po henehlehte !bi-halues pantoune.



he wes ihatnWygar!pe witege wurhte.

His sconkenhe heledemid host ofstele.Calibeorne his sweorthe sweinde bi his side.hit wes iworht inAualun!

mit wigele-ful ls crafien.Halmhe set onhafde !

ha h ofstele.per twesmoni Jim-stonalmid golde bi-gon.he wes Vderes !

pas at elenk inges.

he wes ihatenGoswhit ! he was ihote Goswiht !

a lchenot ere vnilic. alle oper oni lich.

He heng anhis sweore ! He heng onhis swete !anne see ld deore. one sceald deore.

hisnome wes onBruttisc his name was inBrut

Pridwenihaten.perwes innenigrauen!mid rede golde stauen.anon-licnes deore !ofdrihtenesmoder.His spere he nom anhonde !

pa Ronwes ihaten.pa he hafdenal his iwe

denpa lsop he onhis steden. po leop he onhis stede.pa he mihtc bihalden‘ po hi i mihte bi-holde !pa bihalues stoden. pat par bi

-halues were.

he was i-hote Wigar!

pe wittye wrohte.

H is legges he helede !mid hosenofstele.Cal iburns his sweord !he sweinde bi his side.hit was i-wroht inAnylun!mid wi tfolle crafts.

One helmhe sette onhisheued

hege ofstele.

par anwasmani gemstou!almid golde bi-gou.


pat was hine igraued !onanlichnisse ofgolde.pat wasmid isope !drihtene moder.H is spere he nam anhonde !

pat Ronwas ihote.

Do be badde al his wede !



mi seolfic wul lenon-fon.analre freomeste !pat fiht ich wulle biginnen.

Nu we scul lenriden!and ouer lond gl iden.andnamanbi his l ine !Iudene wurchen.ah farenfa stlichedrihtenus fulsten.pa ridenagonArt ur the riche mon.beh ou[er] wa lde !Bat e wolde iseeht .

pa tidende com to Chi ldriche !


‘DArt urmid ferde com!al 3amto fihte.

Childric his ohte men!

leopenheomto horsen.igri penbeore wepneu !heo wustenheomifa ied.

pis isa b Artur !

at elest kinge.imh he anne hat ene po iseh Arthur aneorl !eorl !

ha ldé himto-geines. holde himto-genes.mid seouenhundred cnib mid soue hundred cnihtes!ten!

3 1 ga tewe to fihten. al 3amto fihte .

pe orl himseolfferden pe eorl himseolfferde !

bi-forenal his genge. bi-vore al his genge.

Nou we solle ride !

nou we sol le glide.

and al pe formest !

pat fiht ich wol le bi-gyune.noume helpe to dai !drihte pat welmay.

po ridenagan!Arthur the richeman.wende ouer wolde !Bape to seche .

pe tyding com to Child

rich !

pane stronge and panerich.

pat Arthurmid ferde !

3amct to fihte.

Cheldrich mid his ohte

men!leopenheomto horse.

and grepenhire wepne !hi i wiste 3ami-feiped.


Art ur himseolfarnde and Arthur himseolf!

bi -uoreu al his ferde. bi-vore al his ferde.

Art ur pe ra ie ! Arthur pe holde !Ronnomanhonde. his sperenamanhonde.he strahte seat! ata rene !stit imodenk ing.

his hors he lette imen!

pat pe cort e dunede.

Sceld he braid onbreostn!pe king wes abolgen.he smat Borel pene eorl !purh ut pa breosten.pat pa heorte to—eha!and pe k ing cleopede anan.

De formeste is fa ie !nu fulstenus drihte.

and pa hefenliche queue !pa drihtenakede .

pa cleopede Art ur !

at elest k inge.

Nu heomtonu bet to !

pat formest is wel idon.Bruttes hom leidenon!swa me seal a lut ere don.heo bittere swipengefuen!mid ax es and mid sweordes.

per feolle Cheldrichesmen!fulle twa pusend .

swaneuere Art urne lesna uere anne ofhis.per weorenSa x iscemen!folkenalre a rmest.

his hors he makede ear

nee !pat al pe erpe dunede.

Seeald he bre id to breoste

pe k ing was a-bolwe.

he smot paneorl !porh vt pe breoste.

pat pe heorte to-chon!and pe k ing cleopede

anon.pe formeste his ourenou he lpe ous drihte.

Nou heom tonou heomto !

pe formeste his wel idon.Bruttus heomle ide onso me sal pe luper don.bitere swipes hi i geuen!mid ax es and mid cniues.

par fol le Childrechesmen!fol le two pousend.

soneuere Arthurne less !onofhismum.



pa Alemainisce mengeomerest alre leoden.Art urmid his sweorde !fa ia-sc ipe wurhte.

al pat he smat to !hit wes sone for-don.Al wa s pe k ing abolgen!swa bit pe wi lde bar.pene he i panma ste !monie [swyn] imetep.Dis isa b Chi ldric !

gonhimto chatren.heh himouer Auene !

to burgenhimseoluen.And Art ur himlac to !swa hit a l iunweoren.fusde heomto flode !monie per weorenfa ie.per sunkento pangrade !fif twenti hildred.

pa al wes Auene stram!

mid ste le ibrugged.Cheldric ouer pat wate fla b !

mid fifiene hundred cnihten.

pohta fort sit en!ouer ea lit en.

Art ur isa b Colgrim!climbento munten.bugento panhul le !pa ouer Bat enstondet .Baldulf beh himafter! and Bandolfwende aftermid seone pusend cnihtes. a s mid soue pousend cnihtes.

Arthurmid his sweorde !bitere swipes swipte .

al pat he smot to !bi t was sone for-do.

Al was pe k ing a-bolwe !

so his pe wi lde bor.wane he inpanmaste !many swyni -metep.pis i -seh Cheldric !and ganhimto fiende.and iwende ouerAuene !to borge himframarme.And Arthurheomleop to !ase hi t a lyonwere.and wende himto fiode !

and manie werenfa ie.

par sunhe to pangrunde !souene antwenti hundred.pat a] was pe strem of

Auene !mid stele i-brugged.

Childrich ouer panwaterfleap !mid fiftene hundred cnibtes.

he pohte forp wende !and ouer see sai ly.

Arthur isab Colgrimelembe to onhul le.



cnihtenalre baldest.nu he stant onhul leAuene bi-haldet .

bu l iget i panstrame !ste lene fisees.

mid sweorde bi-georede !beore sund is awemmed .

heore sealenwleotet !swulc gold-faJe seeldes.per fleotet beore spitenswulc hit spa renweoren.pis beot seolcut e ping !isi3ento pissé loude.

swulche deor anhul leswulche fisces inwal le .

;urstenda i wes pe kaiserekennest alre k ingen.nu he is bicumenhunte !homes himfuliet .

fiiht ouer bradne wa ldbeorket his hundes.

he hafet bihalues Bat en!his huntinge bi la fued.

freomhis deore he fl ietwe hit scul lenfal len.

and his balde ibeot !tonohte ihrigen.and swa we scullt bruk ienrihte bi-ga ten.Efne panworde !pa pe kig seide.

he bra id hage his see ldfornto his breosten.be igrap his spere longehis hors he gonspurie .

cnIht alre baldest.asnou he stond onhul le !

and Auene bi-boldep.bou liggep inpanstremestelene fisces.

pis wonderes beop!isige to londe.soch 69 inwi l le !soch deor onhul le.

;orstendaywas Cheldrichkennest alre kinge .

noube hisbi-come honteand homes himfolwep.fl iep ouer brodne feldborkep his hundes.he hauep bi -halues Bape

bis hontynge birlefued.

framhis deor be fiicp !we hit sol le falle.

Efne panworde !pat pe k ing saide.he bre id hebge his scaldc !

vp to his breoste .

be grop his spere longe !and ganhis hors sporie .


Neh 111m swi !

m pe fuJel fl iget



and twenti pusend.

whitere monnen!wode under wepnen.ba ldé to hul le !mid ha hgere stregt e.

and uppenColgrime emitenmid swit e sma rte biten.and Colgrimheomperhente !

Neh al so swipe !

80 pe fowel fl iep.

folwede pankinge !fifand twenti pousend.

as b11 wende to panhulle !mid baldere strengpe.and vppe Colgri smite !sw ipe smorte bi tes.And Colgrimgamheude

and feolde paBruttes to grude. m and fulde pe Bruttus.i panuormeste ra se !fulle fif hundred.

pat isa b Arturat elest k ingen.and wrat hi himiwra t t ed !wunder ane swit e.

and pus cleopiena-gon!Artur pe ha hge mi .War beo 3e Bruttes !

balde mine beornes.her stondet us biuoren!vre ifanal le icore.

gumenmine gode !legge we heomto grunde.

Art ur igrap his sweord riht ! m

be smat anne Sex ise cniht.

p p sweord 1)wes swa god !

a t pantopenat-stod.he smat enne ot er !

pat wes pas cnihtes brot er.

inpe forste rease !

fol le fifhudred.

pis isab Arthur !

m and wrappede himswipe !

and cleopie agan!Arthur pe hehge man.Ware be geo Bruttes !

bolde mine cnihtes.here stondep vs bi-vore !oure fonal icore .

go we mid isunde !and legge we heom to

grunde .

Arthurgrop h.s sweord riht!

and smot ane Sax isse

cniht.pat pe sweord pat was so

god !

at pe midde l hit astod.

and he smot onoper !pes cnihtes broper.

I 46

eat his balm his ha fd !

haldento grunde.pene pridde dunt he sone 3af!

enne cniht atwa ela f.

pa weorenBruttes!swit e ibalded.

le ideno panSa x en!lagenswi stronge .

mid heore sperenlongeand mid sweoredenswit e

strt ge.

Sex es per uullenfa ie-sihmakeden.

bi hundred bi hundredha ldento pangrunde.bi pusend and bi pusend ! use

per feollena uere inpenegrund.

pa iseh Colgrimwa rArt urcomtouward him.

ne mihte Colgrl for

wa lefieonanare side.

per fa ht Baldulf!

bi-sidenhis brot er.pa cleopede Art ur!

ludere stefne.

Her ich cume Colgim!to cut t enwi t scul lenra chen.nu wi t scul lenpis lond dalen!swa pe bit alre lat t est.



pat Sax isse par fol le !manie to grunde.

po iseh Colgriwar Arthur com toward


ne mihtc he fiihtmak ie !

inneuere one side.

po saide Arthur!

to Colgrimpankene

Nouwe sol lepi s k inelonddeale ous bi-twine.

pat his helm and his

heued !

wende inpanfe lde.

pane pridde dunt he sonegeaf!

and one cniht he al to


po werenBruttus !sw ipe ibolded.

and leidenonpe Sax isse !mid hire stronge mihtc.


And gret pu perHengest !pe cnihtenwes fagerest.Ebissa Ossa !

Octa ofpine cunems.

and hide heomper wunie !wintres sumeres.we scul lenonlonde !


biddenfor cower sanlenpat sel ne wurt enheomnaua re .

Jr scul lenher auwer ban!biside Bade l igen.Art ur pe king cleopede !Cador pene kene .

ofCornwale he wes eorl !pe cniht wes swit e kene.

Hercneme Cador !pu a rt minage cun.Nu is Chi ldric iulogen!tit awa iward itohgen.he penehet mid isunde !agencumenlit en.Ahnimofmi re uerdefit pusend monnen.faret fort rihtes !

bi da ie binihte.

pat pu eumme to pare sa !bi-forenChildriene .

and al pat pu miht b1winen!

bruc hit onwunnen.gifpumint pene kaISere

And gretep pare Hengestpat was cniht fairest.Ebissa Oeta and Ossa !and ofpine cunnemo.

and hideheompare woniewyntres and someres.and we sol lenhere inlonde !libbe inblisse.

Arthur po saide !

to Cador pe kene .

ofCornwale he was eorl !pat was a cniht kene.

Hercne me Cador !pou hart mineorl deore.Nou hisChildrich a-fioge

and a-we iward itowe .

and penchepmid isunde !agc inhiderwende .

Acnimofmine ferde !fifpousend manne.

and far pe forp riht !bi daie and biniht.pat pou come to pare see !bi-vore Chi ldriche.

and al pat pou miht biwinnne !broukern1t mid wonne.and gef pou miht pancayser


ulele aquellenpere.ich pe gifue to mede !al Doresete.

Al swa pe at e le k ingpas word hafede isa id .

Cador sprong to horse !

swa spa re himdoh offure.

fulle seoue pusend !fuledenpaneorle.

Cadorpe kene !muche l ofhis cunne .

wendenouer woldes ! h11 wende ouer feldes !ouer wildemes. and ouer wi ldemes.

ouer dales and ouer dunes !ouer deope wateres.

Cador cut e pene wa i !pe toward his eunde la i .anoueste he wende ful iwis !

riht toward Totene is.

da ies andnihtes !he compere fort rihtes.

swaneuere Childricnusteofhis cumenane custe .

Cador comto cut t e !

bi -uorenChildriche .

and lette hi fusenhiforen!

al pas londes folc .

cheorles ful gepe !

mid clubbenswit e gra te .

mid spa renand mid gra tewagen!

eniwise a-ewel le par.ihe pe gefe to mede !al Dorsete .

Onnepe badde pe kigpat word ibroht to

hende .

pat Cador ne spamghorse !

ase spare dop offure.

fol le soue pusend !folwede pancorle.

Cador coupe pane way !pat touward his cuppe lay !

and anhigenge wende foliwis

riht touward Totenas.

daiges andnihtes !forte he com per forprihtes.

Chi ldrichnopingnuste !ofhis comeno custe .

Cador comto cuppe !

bi-fore Cheldriche .

he lette wende him bi

vore !

al pat londes folk.

cheorles fol gepe !

mid elubbes wel grete.



to panane icoren.and dudenheomal le c lane ! m and dude gamal le cleane !into pansc ipengrunde. into pansipes grade.

hahte heom pere lutie and bebte heomlotie wel !wel !

pat Chi ldric of heomncore pat Cheldrich nere nob!

penne his folc come ! ac wane his folk comeinwoldenclimben. and inwolde clembe.

beore bottenigripen! Nimep goure badtes !and ohtliche onsmiten. and habtliche gou storiep.mid beore wagenand mIdheore speren!murt renChildriches heren. mAl dudenpa cheorles !

swa Cador heomta hte.

To pansc ipenwenden!wit er-fulle cheorles.

ina uer a lche sc ipe !oder halfhundred.

And Cador pe kene bah !intoward ane wude bah.

fifmile frompanstude !pa r pa stodenpa sc ipen.and hudde hine onwi l le !wilder ane sti l le.

Childric comst e !

ouer wald l it en.walde to . pansc ipenfleon!and fusenoflt den.Sone swa Cador isa b !pat wes pe kene eorl .pat Childric wes ancort en!bi tweonenhi and pi eheorlen.pa clupede Cador !

Al dude pe cheorles !

ase Cador gamtahte.

To pansipes wend !wiperfolle cheorles.

ineuereche sipe !oper halfhundred .

And Cador pe kene beh !and toward one wode teh.fifmi le frapanstude !par pe sipes stode.

and budde himanwi le !wonderliehe st i l le.

And Cheldrich cornsone !ouer dounes wende.

wolde to pansipes fieon!and stelenvt of londe.

Sone so Cador pis isehpat was pe eorl kene.

pat Chi ldrich wasbi-twi x e !

himand pe cheorles.po saide Cador !

1 5 2 C Il lLl lRlL h KNlUH I‘

S I’ LL ] . l l l l i l ll \ lI l I’S

c ha rful anheorten.and pas word sa ide !pe riche kaisere.

pis is Art ur pe k ing !pe al le us wule aquellen.deo wenu biliue !into sc ipenfusen.

and lit enfort mid watere'


ne recebeuwenancre wudere.pa Chi ldric pe kaisere !

pas worde ha uede isa id.

pa gonhe to fletne !feondliche sw it e .

Cador pe kene !comhimafter sone.

Childric and his cnihtes !to scipe comenfort rihtes.

heo wendenpa sc ipenstronge !to sculuenfrompanlonde.

pa cheorles mid beore botten!

weorenper wit innen.pa bottenheo up heouen!adunriht slogen.

per wes sone islagen!moni cniht mid beor wahgen.

w it beore pie-forcken!

heo ualdenheomto grunde.Cador his cnihtes !slogenbet haften.pa isab Childric !

p bet ilomp lit erlic.

pa al his folc mucle !

sorpfolle inheorte .

and pes word saidepe riche cayser.

pis his Arthur pe king !pat al vs wo le a-ewelle .

fleo wenou swipeand into si[p] e wende.and wende forp mid wedere !

ne recheweneuere wodere.

po Chi ldrich pe eaysere !

pisword badde isaid pare.po gonne hi i to fieonde !feondeliche swipe.

and Cador pe kene !comgamafter sone .

Chi ldrich and his cnihtes !to sipe come forp ribles.hi i wende pe sipes strongeseue frampanlonde.pe cheorles mid hire battes !

werenpar wip ine .

pe battes hi i vp houenand a-dunrihttes slowen.par was sone islage !mani cniht mid hire wawes.

mid hire pic-forken!feolde heomto grade.

Cador and his cnihtes.slowenheombi-hinde.po iseh Cheldrich.

pat bimt i-ful ie luperlich.


feol to pangrade .

nu i-sa h be per bilalues !enne swit e mare hul.pat water tit per under ! he fleop to one hul le !parTeine is ihatt . pat Teyne bis i-hote.

pa hulle ihatenTeinnewic ! to panhulofTeyniswich !pider-ward fla b Chi ldric. swipe fleoh Cheldrich.

swa av it e swa be mihte ! amso swipe so he mihte !mid feouwer twenti cnihten. mid fourand twenti cnihtes.pa isa b Cador ! pat iseh Cador !

bu hit pa uerde per. ou hit po ferde par.

pat pe kaisere fla h !

touwarde pa hul le tab.

and Cador himafter'

! he himwent after!swa swit s swa he mahte. so swipe so hemihtc.and himto tuhte ! and himof-tok sone !hine of-toc soue . inlutele tyme.

pasaide Cador ! po sa ide Cador pe eorl !pe eorl swit e kene. use pat cnib was swipe kene.Abid abid Childic ! Abid abid Cheldrich !

ich wul ls pe gefenTeinewie. ich wole geue pe Teyne:wich.

Cador his sweord an-hof! Cador his sweord a-hof!

and he Childric of-slob. ms and he Cheldrich of-slob.

Monie pe per flugen! Many po par flogento panwatere heo tuhgen. and to panwatere togen.Inne Te ine panwatere ! and par hi a-dre inte !per heo for

-wurt en. for Cador his he ige.

al Cador awa lde ! use al Ca[dor] a-fulde !pat he quie funde . pat he cw ik funde.

and summe heo crupenItopanwude !

and al le he bet per-for-dude.

pa Cador heom hauedenal le Do Cador pat fiht badde

ouer cumen ouercome


and a c al pat lond inumen. msand pat lond to him i

nome.he settc git swit e god ! he sette grip swipe god

pat per after longe stod. pat par after longe stod.

peha lemonbeere anhonde ! peh ech manbere

honde !behges ofgolde. beges ofgo lde.

ne durstenancre gumenan! 1osne dorsteno gome !et erne ufele igt ten. op[er] vuele igrete.


muwenwiten habben; perefter, of ower c lot es Jr ofswucbe pinges ase t er ahntenuallet ! t er efter of ower

doddunge , of ower werkes, of ower blod letunge !owermeidenes riwle a last hu ge ham schullenluueliehelereu.


Two cunne ancrenbeot pet ure Louerd speket of,dz

seit inpe gOSpelle ! of false, of treowe .

“ Vulpesfoveas habent, volucres cel inidos pet is, vox es habbet

hore holes, dz briddes of beouene horenestes. ” pe uox es,pet beot pe va lse ancren, ase vox is best falsest, peos habbetbe seit ure Louerd, bore holes inward ter eort e , mideort liche unt eauwes, drawet al into bore holes, pet heomuwenarepen s techen. pus beot pe gederinde ancrenof god, it e gospelle to uox es iefned. pe uox is co a

wrecche urecb best, fret Swut e wel mid al le ! te

va lse ancre drauht into hire hole fret, ase pe uox det ,

bot e ges benben,ant habbet after pe uox e a simple

semblaunt sume cherre, b‘

eot pauh ful ofgi le , mak ietham ot re penha hect , ase nox det ! is ipocri te wenetforte gi lenGod , ase heo bidweoliet simple men, gi letmest hamsuluen. Gelstret , ase pe uox det , gelpet of

bore god , bwar se heo durren muwen! cheflet of

ide l , so swut e worldlich iwurt et, pet, anont bore

nome, ha st inket , ase pe nox det per he get fort ! vor

gifheo dot vue le me se it bi hamwurse.

peos codeninto ancre huse ase dude Saul into hole !nout ase Dauid pe gode. . Bot e pauh heo wendenintohole, Saul Dauid , ase hi t tellet ine

,Regum. Auh

Dauid wende [inhimfor to clensen! ach Saul wende]pider invort e donhis fult e perinne , ase det , amongmoniman, sumuniseli ancre , went into ho le of ancre husevorte bifulenpene stude, donderneluker perinne fles'


liche fult en, penheo muhte gif heo weIe amidde peworlde. Uor bwo bauet more e ise te donhire cwead

schipas penbauet pe ualse ancre ? pus wende Saul intohole uo1t te bidonpene stude ! auhDauid wende pider inone uor to hudenhim urom Saul pet him hatede,

souhte uorte slenne ! so det pe gode ancre. Saul , petis pe ueond, batet buntet efter hire ! 81 heo det hire

into hire hole, uorte hudenhire vrom his kene clokes.Heo but hire inhire hole, bot e vromworldliehe menworldliche sunnen! fort i heo is gostliche Dauid ! pet is,strong to ge inpe ueond, and hire l ire lufsum to ure

Louerdes cien. Voral somuche l seit pis wordDauid, onEbreuwische leodene , as strong togeinpe ueond . pe

ualse ancre is Saul , efter pet his name se it ! Saul , abutens, siue abusio . Vor Saul , onEbreuwisch, is misnot inge anEngl isch ! ant te valse ancre mis-notetancre nome. Vor heo witet unwurt liche ancrenome !

al pet heo euer wurchet . Auh pe gode ancre is

Iudit, as we er se iden, pet is bitund, ase beo was !

also ase heo dude, vestet and wak iet . swinket 81 werethere. Heo is of pe briddes pet ure Louerd speket of,

efter pe uox es ! pe mid hore lustesne ho l ist nout aduncward

, ase dot pe uox es, pet beot false ancren! aub habbet up anheih, ase briddes of heouene , iset hore nest,pet is hore reste . Treowe ancrenbeot briddes bitocnd !vor heo leauet pe cort e , pet is, pe luue of al le eort liche

pinges, puruh girnunge ofheorte to heouenliche pinges,vleot upward , touward heouene . Ant taub heo vleonheie , mid he ih lif ho l i

,heo holdet pauh pet heaued

lowe puruhmi lde edmodnesse , ase brid vleo inde buht petheaued lowe, ant letet alnouht wurt pet heo wel dot ,

wel wurchet ! sigget ase ure Louerd lerede al le his,“ Cum omnia bene feceri tis, d ic ite quod servi inuti lesestis z

” “ Hwonge habbet al wel idon, ” he se it,ure



pge beot unnute pre l les. Fleot he ie.


holdet pauh pet beaued euer lowe . pe hwingenpetberet hamupward, pet beot gode peauwes pet heo motensturieninto gode werkes, ase brid bwonhit wule vleonsturet his hwingen. Auh pe treowe ancrenpet we efnetto briddes ! nout we pauh ! auh det God . Heo spredet

hore hwingen, ant mak iet a creoiz of ham suluen, asebrid dei ! nwonhit fl iht

, pet is, ine pouhte of heorte ,

ine bi tternesse offlesehe, beret Godes rode. peo briddesfleot wel pet habbet lutel fleseh, ase pe pellicanhauet ,monie uederen. pe steorc uor his muche le flesche

maket a semblaunt uorte vleon, 81 beatet pe hwingen!aub pet fette drauht euer to per eort e . Al riht so, flesch

l ich ancre pet luuet flesches lustes foluwet hire eise, pe

heuinesse of hire flesche 81 flesches unt eawes binimethire hire vluht ! taubheomak ie semblaunt, and muche lnoise mid te hwingen, pet is, letenof ase pauh heo fluwe

were anhol i ancre . Hwo se georne bihalt, he lauhwethire to bisemare ! for hirenette euer, ase det pe strorkes


pet beot hire lustes, drawet hire to per cort e . peos nebeot nout i liche pe pellicanpe leane, nene vleot nout anhe ih ! auh beot cort briddes, nestet o per cort e . Auh

God cleopet pe gode ancrenbriddes of heouene, ase icher seide Vulpes foveas habent, 81 volucres ce l i nidos.V ox es habbet hore holes, 81 briddes of heouene horenestes. Treowe ancrenbeot ariht briddes ofheouene petfleot anheih, ant Sittet singinde muri e ot e grene bowes !pet is, penehet uppand, of pe bl isse of heouene , petneuer ne valewet , auh is euer grene, Sittet o pisse

grene , singinde swut e murie ! pet is, restet ham inneswucbe pouhte, habbet muruht e of heorte

,ase peo

pet singet . Brid pauh, ot er hwule, vorte sechenhismeteuor pe vleschesneode , lihtet adunto per cort e ! auh peo

hwule pet bit Sit o per cort e , niS hit neuer siker, auh t i

went himofte,81 biloket himeuer georneliche al shuten.

Alribt so, pe gode ancre , ne vleo heo neuer so he ie, heo


briddes. pes deorewurt e ston, pet is Iesu Crist, ase stontreowe ful of al le mihten, ouer al le gimstones. He is

pe achate pet atter of sunneneneihede neuere . Do hineit ine neste, pet is, it ine heorte. pene hwuch pinenhepolede onhis flesche wit uten, hu swete he was iheorted


hu softe wit innen! so pu schalt drius ut euerich atter

ofpine heorte , bittemesse ofpine bod ie . Vor ine swucbpouhte, ne beo hi tneuer so bitter pine pet pu polest uorpe luue of himpet dreih more uor pe, hit schal punche peswete . pes ston, ase ich er seide, avle iet attri pinges.

Habbe pu pesne stonwit ine pine heorte, pet is Godesnest,ne per tu nout dredenpe attrie neddre of belle. pinebriddes, p beot pine gode werkes, beot al Sker ofhis atter.




Se int Powe l witnet pet al le uttre herdschipes, al levla shes pinunge, al le lieomes swinkes, al is ase noutageanluue , pet schiret 81 brihtet pe heorte .

“Ex er

e itatio corporis ad modicum ualet ! pietas autemnaletad omnia :” pet is, “Licomliehe bisisehipe is to luteI

wurt ! aub swots schir heorte is god to al le pingea ”

“ Si trad idero corpus meum ita ut ardeam: si lingwishominum loquer et angelorum! et Si distribuero omnesfacultaresmess incibos pauperum,

cari tatem autemnonbabeam,

nichi l mihi prodest. pauh ich kut e ,”he se it


al le monne ledene dzenglene ! and pauh ich dude ominebod ie al le pe pinen, and al le pe passiuns pet bod i muhtepolien! and pauh ich gefde poure men pet ich hefde !

but gif ich hefde luue permide to God to al le men, in

him 81 for him,al were aspilled !


,ase pe ho l i abbod

Moises seide,

Al pet wo 81 al pet herschipe pet we poliet


offlesche, al pe god pet we euer dot , al le swuche pingeane beot butenase lomenuorte ti lienmide pe heorte.

Gif enzne kurne, ne pe spade ne dulue, ne pe suluhneerede, bwo kepte ham u01te ho lden Al so ase nomonne luuet lomenuor ham suluen, aub det for pepingea pet me wurchet mid ham,

riht al so, no vlesshes

derfnis forte luuienbute uort i pet God pe rat er lokepideward mid his grace, and mak ie pe heorte schir 81 of

brihte siht e ! petnonne me i habbenmid monglunge ofunt eauwes, ne mid eort lich luue ofworldliche pingas !uor pismongworet so pe c ienofpe heorte pet heone meiiknowenGod, ne gled ienof his siht e .

“ Schir heorte,

ase Seint Bernard se it ,“maket two pinges ! pet tu, al

pet pu dest, do hit ot er uor luue one of God , ot er uor

ot tes god, for his biheue.

”Haue , inal pet tu dest, on

of peos two ententes, ot er bo togederes ! uor pe latereuallet into pe uorrne . Haue euer schir heorte pus, 81 do

al pet tuwi lt. Haue wori heorte al pe Sit vue le .

“Omniamunda mund is, coinquinatis uero nichi l est mundum.

Apostolus. St. Augustinus ! Habe caritatemet fac quiequid uis ! uoluntate, uidelicet, rationis.

”Vort i

, mineleone sustren, ouer al le ping beot bisie norte habbenschir heorte. Hwat is sehir heorte ? Ich hit habbe

ise id er : pet is, pet ge no ping ne wilnen, ne ne luuienbute God one, and peo i lke pinges, uor God, pet helpetou touward him. Uor God , ich Sigge , luuienham,


nout for ham suluen—ase mete,

c lot , and monot er

wummonpet ge beot of igoded . Uor, ase Se int Austinse it , speket pus to ure Louerd ,

“M inus te amat quipreter te al iquid amat quodnonpropter te amat pet is,Louerd, lesse heo luuiet pe pet luuiet out bute pe, bute

gif heo luuienhit for pc . Schi rnesse of heorte is Godes

luue one . I pissenis al pe strenct e ofal le religiuns, andbe ende of al le ordres. Plemtudo legis est d ileetio.

Luue fullet pe lawe ,”he se it

,Sc inte Powel. “



prec ipitur insola earitate solidatur.

“Al le Godes hesten,

ase Seint Gregorie se it , “beot ine luue iroted.

”Luue one

schal beoni leid ine Se inte Miheles we ie. peo petmestluuiet , peo schullenbeonmest iblisced ! nout peo petledet herdest lif! uor luue ouerweit hi t. Luue is

heonene stiward , uor hire muche le ureoschipe, uor heo

ne ethalt no ping, auh heo ginet al pet heo bauet , ec

hire suluen! el les Got ne keptenout of al pat hire were .

God hauet of-gonure luue onal le kunne wisen. He

bauet muche l idonus, more bihoten. Muche l

geoue of-drawet luue ! me muche l gef he us. Al peneworld he gef uS inAdam ure Ueder ! and al pet is it e

worlde he werp under ure uet—bestes fueleS, ear we

werenuorgulte .

“Omnia subjecisti sub ped ibus ejus, oucset boues uniuersas

,insuper et pecora campi , volucres

cel i et piscesmaris,”810. And get al pet is, ase is peruppe

ise id, seruet pe gode , to pe soule biheue ! gete pe vue lesetnet cort , seea, and sunne [viz. sol] . Get he dude

more : he gef us nout one of his,aub dude al him

suluen. So he ih geouenesneuer igiuento so louwe wrec

ches. Apostolus Christus di lex it eeclesiamet ded it se

metipsum pro ea. Seinte Powe l seit,

“ Crist luuede

so his leofmonpet he gef for hire pe pris of him suluen. "Nimet god geme , mine leoue sustren, uor hwi we ouh

himto luuien. B rest, ase amonpet wowet— ase a k ingpet luuede one lefd i of feorrene londe, and sende hirebis sondesmenbiforen, pet werenpe patriarkes pe

prOphetes of pe Olde Testament, mid lettres isealed . A

last be comhimsuluen, and brouhte pet gospe l ase lettresiopened, and wrot mid his owune hlode saluz to his

leofmon, of luue gretungenorte wowenhire mide , forte

we ldenhire luue . Herto uallet a tale, and oniwrienuorbISne.

A lefdi was pet wasmid hire uoanbiset al ahnten, andhire lond al destrued , dr heo al poure , w it innenone


ase noble woware efter monie messagers, feole god

deden, comuorto preouenhis luue, and sebeawede puruhknihtschipe pet he was luue-wurde ! ase werensumewhuleknibtes iwuned for to donne. He dude him ine turnement, 81 hefde uor his leofmonnes luue, his scbelde ineuihte, ase kene knibt, oneueriche half i -purled . pis

sche ld pet wreih his Godhed was his leoue licome pet wasispred o rode, brod ase sche ld buueninhis i -Stre ibt earmes, and neruh bineot en, ase pe onnot, efter pe t mewenet , sete uponpe ot ernote . pet pis sche ldnauet nonesidenis forto bi tocnenpet his dec iples, pet schuldenstondenbi him,

and i-beonhis siden, vluwenal le uromhim bilefdenhim ase ureomede ! as pe gospe l seIt ,“Relicto eo

,omnes fugerunt . ” pis scheld is i -giuen

us ageanal le temptac iuns, ase Jeremie wi tnet ! “Dabis

scutumcord is, laboremtuum,


,Seuto bone

uoluntat is tue coronast inos. ” pis sche ldne scbilt usnoutone uromalle vueles ! aubdet get more ! hi t krunet us inheouene. Sento bone uoluntatis tue , ” Louerd, he se it ,

Dauid, mid pe sche ld of pine gode wi l le . Vor

,wi l les he

polede al pet be polede . Ysaias. Oblatus est quiauoluit. Me

,Louerd, pu se ist, hwarto ? Ne muhte he

mid lesse gref habbenared us ? Ge siker,ful li htliche !

aub be nolde . Hwareuore ? Vorte binimenus euerich

bitellunge ageanhimofme luue, pet he so deore bouhte .

Me but lihtliehe a ping pet me lunet lutel. He bouhte

usmid his heorte blode ! deorre prisnesneuer, norte ofdrawenof uS ure luue touward himpet kostnede himso

deorre. Ine scbelde beot preo pinges, pet treo , and pe tlet er, pe peintunge . Al so was it isse scbelde— pet treo

ofpe rode, 81 pet let er ofGodes licome, and pe pe intungeof pe reade hlode pet heowede hire so ue ire . Eft

, pe

pridde re isun. Efter kene knibtes deat e me bonget he i eine chirche his sche ld onhismunegunge. Al so is pisscheld, pet is, pet crucifix iset ine chirche , ine swucbe


etude pet me hit sons t iseo, vorto penchenperhi o j esuCristes knihtscbipe pet be dude o rode. His leofmonbiholde peronbu he bouhte hire luue and lette purlenhisscheld ! pet is, lette openenhis Side uorte scheawenhirehis heorte, and forto scheawenhire openliche bwu inwardliche be luuede hire , and forto of-drawenhire heorte .






Ge, mine leoue sustren, ne sbulenhabbenno best ,

bute kat one . Ancre pet hauet e ihte punchet bet husev if, ase Marthe was, penancre ! nenone wisene mei heobeonMarie , mid grit fulnesse of heorte . Vor peonnemot heo penchenof pe kues foddre , and of heorde

monne buire, oluhnenpene heiward,warienbwonme

punt hire, 81 ge lden, pauh, pe hermes. Wat Crist, pis is

lodlich ping bwonme maket mone intune ofancre e ihte .

pauh, gif eni mot nede habbenku, loke pet heo nonemonnene eilie, nene hermie ! ne pet hire poubt ne beonout peroni-uestned . Ancrene ouh nout to habbennoping pet drawe utward hire heorte . None chefl


are nedriue ge. Ancre pet is cheapild , heo cheapet hire soulepe ehepmonofbe l le. Ne wi te ge nout inoure huse of

ot ermonnes pinges, ne e ihte , ne c lot es ! nenout ne undetuo ge pe chirche uestimenz

,ne pene caliz

, bute gif

strenc‘t e hi t mak ie, ot er muche l e ie ! vor of swucbe w i

tunge is i-kumenmuche l vuc l oftesit en. wi t inneno“erwoanesne le te ge nenne monSlepen. Gifmuche lneodemid al le maket brekenower bus, pe hwule pet hit euerisi-broken, loke pet ge habbenperinne mid onone wummonofelene liue deies nibles.


Uort i pet no monne i -Siht ou,ne ge i-scot nenne

mon, welmei donof ower e lot es, beonheo bwite, beonheo blake ! bute pet heo beonunorne warme

,wel i

wrouhte—uelles wel i-tauwed ! habbet ase monie ase

ou to-neodet , to bedde and eke to rugge .

Nex st fleshene schal monwerienno l inene c lot , bute

gifhit beo ofherde and ofgreate beorden. Staminhabbehwose wule ! and hwose wule me i beonbuten. Ge schu

lenl iggeninonheater, and i-gurd . Ne bere genoniren,ne here , ne irspiles fe l les ! ne ne beate ou per mide, nemid schurge i

-let ered ne i - leaded ! nemid bo lie, ne midbreresnene biblodge hire sulfwit utensehriftes leaue ! nenenime . c t enes, to ueole d isceplines. Ower schone beongreate and warme . Ine sumer ge habbet leaue uorto gonand si ttenbaruot ! and hosenwit utenuaumpez ! andl igge ine ham hwoso liket . Sum wummoninouhreat eweret pe breeh of heare ful wel i -knotted, and pe Strap

eles adunto hire uet, i - laced ful neste . GIf ge muwenbeonwimpe l-leas, beot bi warme keppenand perupponblake ue iles. Hwose wule beoni -Se ien, pauh heo at ifl



hirenisnout muche l wunder ! aub to Godes elenheo is

lufsumere, pet is, uor pe luue of him,untifl'

ed wit uten.

Ring, ne broche nabbe ge ! ne gurdel i-menbred , ne

glouen, neno swucb ping pet oune de ih forto habben.Euerme is leouere so ge dongretture werkes. Nemak ienone purses, uorte ureondenoumide ! ne blodbendes of

seolke ! auh schepiet ,and seouwet

,and amendet chirche

e lot es, and poure monne c lot es. No ping ne schule gegiuenwit utensehriftes leaue. Helpet mid ower owunesw inke

,sonort so ge muwen, to schrudenou suluenand

peo pet ou seruet,ase Se int j erome leret . Ne beo

ge neuer ide l ! uor anonrihtes pe ueond hec t hire h i s

were pet ine Godes werke ne wurchet ! and be tutelet

anonrihtes touward hire . Uor, peo hwule pet he isiht

hire bisi , penehet pus : vornout ich schulde nu kumes



mine hwule. God bit wot, me were leouerenorto donmetouward Rome penuorto biginnenhi t eft forto donne .

And gif ge iuindet pet ge dot al so ase ge redet , pouket

God georne ! and gif ge ne dot nout, biddet Godes ore,

and beot umbe per abutenpet ge hi t bet hol holden, efterowermihte . Veder and Sune and Hol i Gost, and onAlmihti God, be wi te ou inhis warde l He gled ic ou


and froure ou,mine leoue sustrenl and , for al pet ge uor

himdriet and sufi'


t,bene giue ouneuer lesse buire pen

al-togedere himsuluenl He beo euer i -heied fromworldeto worlde , euer oneeehenesse l Amen.Ase ofte ase ge readet out o pisse boc, gretet pe lefdimid one Aue Marie , uor himpet maked peos t iwle, andfor himpet hire wrot and swone her shuten. Inouhmetful ich am, pet bidde so lutel.


T H E O R M U L U M .


Nu, broperrWallterr, broperrminAfl


terr pe fla shess k inde ;J broperrmini Crissteundompurrh fulluhht J purrh trowwpe

J broperrmini Godess bus,get 0 pe pride wise ,purrh patt witt bafenntakennbeAnreghellboe to follghenn,Unnderr kanunnkess bad J lif,Swa summSannt AwwstinsetteIec hafe donswa summpu badd,J forpedd te pinwi l le,Icc bafe wennd inntill EnnglisshGoddspelless hallghe lareAfl


terr patt l ittle wi tt tatt meMinDrihhtinbafepp lenedd.

pu pohhtesst tatt i ttmihhte welTi l l mike l l frame turrnenn,gifl


Ennglissh follk , forr lufe ofl'


Itt wollde geme lemenn,J follghenni tt, J fillenni ttWipppohbt, wippword, wipp dede.

J forrpi gerrndesst tu patt iccpiss werre pe shollde wirrkennJ ice i tt hafe forpedd te ,



Ace all put rh Cristess hellpe

J unne birrp bape pannkennCritpatt i tt iss brohhi 1111eude.

Ice hafe sammnedd o piss bocPa Goddspellessneh al le ,patt sinndennnbe messebot.Innall pe ger att messe .

J aggafl'

terr pe Goddspell stauntpatt tatt te Goddspellmenepp,patt mannbirrp spellennto pe folleOfl


peggre sawlenedeJ get ta r tekennmare inohDu Shallt ta ronne findenn,Ofl


patt tatt Cristess hallghe pedBirrptrowwennwel J follghenn.Ice hafe sett her 0 piss bocAmang Goddspellesswordess,All put thme sellfenn

, manigwordDe rime swa to fillennAce pu Shallt findennpatt minword,Eggwha rpa r i tt iss ekedd,Magg hellpennpa patt redennittTo senJ tunnderrstanndennAll pess te bettre hu peggmbirrpDe Goddspell unnderrstanndennJ forrpi trowwe ice patt te birrpWel polennmine wordess,Eggwha r pa r pu Shallt findennhemmAmanr Goddspelless wordess.For whase mot to la wedd follcLarspell ofi


Goddspell tellenn,Hemot wel ekennmanigwordAmang Goddspelless wordess.J icene mihhtenohht minfet tsAggwippGoddspelless wordess


Eflt opert sipe writenn,Himmbidde icc patt bet wri te rihht,Swa summpiss boc himmta cbepp,All pwerrt ut aflterr patt itt issUppo piss firrste bisne ;Wipp all swi l le rime al ls berr iss sett,Wipp all se fe le wordess ;J tatt he loke wel patt heAnboestafl'

wri te twiggess,

Eggwha rpa r itt uppo piss bocIss e tenno patt wise .

Loke be we l l patt bet wri te swa,Porr he ue maggnohht ellessOnnEnnglissbwri tennrihhtt te word,patt wite be wel to sope,J gifl


mannwi le wIteunwhiIce hafe donpiss dede,Whi icc ti ll Ennglissb bafe wenndGoddspelless hallghe lareIec hafe itt donforrpi patt allCrisstene follkess berrhlessIss lang uppo patt an, patt teggGoddspelless hallghe lareWipp fulle mahhte follghe rihbt

purrh pohbt, purrh word, purrh dede.Forr all patt a fre onnerpe issnedCrisstene follc to follghennI trowwpe, i dede, all ta ehepp hemmGoddspelless hallghe lare.

J forrpi whase lernepp ittJ follghepp itt wippdede,He shal l onnende wurrpi benpurrh Godd to wurrpennborrghenuJ ta rfore hafe icc turrnedd ittIunti ll Ennglisshe spa cbe,


Fort patt I wollde blipeligpatt all Ennglisshe ledeWipp a re shollde lisstennittWipp herrte shollde itt trowwenn,Wipp tunge shollde spellennittWipp dede shollde follghenn,To winueuu unnderr Crisstenndom.

Att Codd sop sawle berrhless.

J gifl' peggwi lennberennitt,

J follghennitt wipp dede,Ice bafe hemmbollpennunnderr CristTo winnennpeggre berrhless.J I shall bafennforrminsw inncGod Ianatt Godd onnende,gifl

' patt I , forpe lufe ofl'


J forr pemede ofl'


Hemm bafe itt innti ll Ennglissb wenndForr peggre sawlenede.

J gifl' peggall forrwerrpennitt,

Itt turmepp hemmti l l sinne,J I shal l bafennaddledd meDe Laferrd Cristess are ,purrh patt ice bafe hemmwrohbt tiss boc

To peggre sawle nede,pohh patt teggall forrwerrpennittpurrh peggre mod ignesse .

Goddspell onnEnnglissbnemmnedd issGod word, J god t ipennde ,God ermde , forrpi patt i tt wasspurrh hallghe GoddspellwrihhtessAll wrohbt J wri tennuppo bocOfl


Cristess firste come ,Ofl


bu sop Codd wass wurrpennmanForr allmannk innenede ,J of? patt mannk innpurrh hiss da p

1 7 4 ORMULUM.

Wass lesedd ut offbelle,

J ofl' patt be w isslike ras

pe pridde deg 06 da pe ,J 06 patt he wisslike stabpa sippennupp t i l l hefl

'ne,J 06 patt he shal l cumennefltTo demeanal le pede ,J forr to geldenniwhillc manAfl


terr hiss agbenndede.

03 all piss god uss brinngeppwordJ errnde J god tipenndeGoddspell, J forrpi magg itt welGod erruda bengehatenn.Forrmannmagguppo GoddspellbocGodnessess findepnsefl



patt ure Laferrd Jesu CristUss bafeppdononnerpepurrh patt be commtomanne, J put thpatt be warrpmannonnerpe.Forr angodnesse uss bafepp donpe Laferrd Crist onnerpe,purrh patt be commto wurrpennmannPorrallmannk innenede .

Operr godnesse uss bafepp donDe Laferrd Crist onnerpe,purrh patt he wass i flummJordanFullhtnedd forr urenede ;Forr patt he wollde uss waterrkinnTi l l ure fulluhht ballghenn,purrh patt be wollde benhimmsellf

Onnerpe i waterr fullhtnedd.

De pridde god uss bafeppdonpe Laferrd Crist onnerpe,purrh patt he gaffhiss agbennIifWipp all his fulle wi l le,


Ti l l hise Leminngcnihhtess,To frofrennJ to beldennhemmTo stanndennganpe defell,To gifennhemmgod wi tt inoh06 all hiss hallghe lare,To gifennhemmgod lusst. godmahht,To polennal le wawenn,All forr pe q e 06 Godd

, JnohhtPorr erplig 106 to winneun.pe sefl

'nde god uss shal l get donpe Laferrd Crist onnende,purrh patt he shal l 0 Domess daggUss gifennhefl

'ness bl isse,gifl

’ patt we shulennwurrpi benTo findennGodess are .

puss bafepp ure Laferrd Cri st

Uss dongodnessess sefl'ne


purrh patt tatt be to manne comm,

To wurrpennmannonnerpe.J o patt hallghe boc patt issApokalypsisnemmneddUss wrat te posstell Sannt Johan,purrh HaligGastess lare ,

patt be sahh upp innheffne anbocBisett wipp seffne innseggless,J sperrd swa swipe wel patt i ttNe mihhtenanwihht oppnennWipputennGodess hallghe Lambpatt he sahh cc innheffne .

J purrh pa seffne innseggless wassRihht swipe wel bitaeneddpatt sefennfald goddlegge patt CristUss dide purrh hiss comeJ tattnanwihhtne mihhtenohhtOppnennpa seffne innseggless


WipputennGodess Lamb, patt comm,

Forr patt i tt shollde taenennpattnanwihht, nanenngell, nanmann,Nenances k inness Shafi'


Ne mihhte purrh himmsellfennpaSefl

'ne goddnessess ShawennO mannkinn, swa patt i tt mannkinnOfl


be l le mihhte lesenn,Ne gi fennmannk innlusst,ne mahht,To wiunennhefl'ness bl isse.

J all all swa se Godess LambAll purrh hiss aghennmahhteLihbtlike mihhte J we l l inobpa sefl

'ne innseggless oppnenn,All swa pe Laferrd JesuCrist,All purrh bis aghennmahhte,Wipp Faderr J wipp HaligGast

AnGodd J all ankinde,All swa rihht be libhtlike inohJ wel w ipp al le mihhte0 mannk innpurrh himm sellfennpaSeffne godnessess Sha wenn,Swa patt he mannkinnwel inohOfl


belle mihhte lesenn,J gifennmannk innlufe J lusst,J mahht J witt J wi l le,To Stanndenninnto cwemennGodd,To winennhefl'ness bl isse.J forr patt bal igGoddSDellbocAll piss godnesse uss Sha wepp,piss sefenntald godlegge patt CristUSS dide put rh hiss are,Forrpi birrp all Crisstene fol leGoddspelless lare follghenn.J ta rfore hafe icc turrnedd i tt

8 k


InntillEnnglissbe spa che,Forr patt I wollde blipeligpatt all Ennglissbe ledeWippa re shollde lisstennitt,Wipp herrte Shollde i tt trowweuu,Wipp tunge shollde spellennitt,Wippdede shollde i t follghenn,To winnennunnderr CrissteundomAtt Crist sop sawle berrhless.

J Godd Allmabhtiggife ussmahhtJ lusst J witt J wi l leTo follghennpiss Ennglissbe bocpatt all is bal ig lare,Swa patt we motennwurrpi benTo brukennhefl'ness bl isse.

Am[an] Am[an] Am[an]Ioc patt tiss Ennglissb bafe settEnnglissbe mennto lare,Ice wass pa r pa r I crisstnedd wassOrrminbinamenemmnedd.

J iec Orrminful l innwarrdligWippmup J cc wipp herrte

Her bidde pa Crisstene mennpatt berennoperr redennpiss boc, hemmbiddc icc her patt teggForrme piss bede biddenn,patt broperr patt tiss Ennglissb writtAlha resst wrat J wrohhte,

patt broperr forr htss swinnc to IanSopblissemotennuenn.


Inutill patt hallghe chesstrepatt iss gebatenngerrsalam,

J brohht himmo pe temmple ,J sette himmheghe uppo pe rbofWipputennatt te waghe .

J ta re be scggde puss ti l l Crist,Swa summpe Goddspell kipepp

gifl' patt tu Godess Sune arrt wiss 1135 5

GummSkapela s ti ll corpe,Do penu purrh pe sellfenndunJ put th pinGoddcunndnesse,

gifl' patt tu Godess Sune arrt wisspatt cumennarrt to manne 11360

Forr writenniss o boc patt beWel bafepp seggd J cwiddedd

ForrIannge ti l l hiss ennglepeodOfl


pe, patt arrt himmdere,Off—patt teggshulenngemennpe 11365

Att al le pinenede ,J tatt teggshulennthkennpeBitwenennhemmwipp hande,

Swa patt tunohhtne Shallt tinfotUppo pe staness hirrtenn.

J ure Laferrd j esu Crist

gaff sware onnganJ seggde

Boc seggp pe birrp wel gemennpepatt tu pinCoddne fande.

J get te deofell wollde pa r 113 75

pe pridde sipe fandennpe lefe Laferrd Jesu Crist,J brohbte himmonnanlawepatt wass wel swipe sta p J heh,Swa summpe Goddspell k ipepp,

J let himmseonpe middella rdJ al le k inedomess,


j seggde all piss ice gife pe,gifl


pu to me wi llt cnelenn,gifl


pu willt lefennupponnme,J bughennto minlare.

J ure Laferrd Jesu Cristgafl


sware onngan, J seggde ;

Ga, wiperr gast, o t aceh fra me,For wri tennStannt o boke

pe birrp biforr pinLaferrd CoddCneolennmeoclike J Iutenn,

J peowwtennwel wipp all pinmahhtAllwa ldennd Dri hhtinane.

J sone ananafl'

terr patt word

Himmwennde aweggpe deofell,J enngless comennsone ananJ tokennCrist to peowwtenn. ‘

Her endeppnu piss Goddspell puss,J us birrp itt purrhsekeun, 11400

To lokennwhatt itt la repp us03 ure sawlessnede.

patt ure Laferrd Jesu Crist,Forrprihbt summbe wass fullhtuedd,

Wass ledd ut inntill wesstelandpurrh Gast , forr patt he shollde

Beonfandedd purrh pe lape gastpa rpa r he wollde fasstenn


All patt wass donpurrh JesuCrist,Forrmike l l ping to tacnenn

Acc guw birrpwi tennwi terrligJ sikerrlike trowwennpatt be wass ledd purrh HaligGast

J purrh his aghennwi l leUt inntill wi lde J wessteland ,

To beonpurrh deofell fandedd


Forr patt be wollde ShawennswaAllmannkinnpurrh his bisne

Hu Cristess bird—Crisstene follcBirrp fihhteunganpe deofell,

To winnennsige J oferrbanndOfl


himmpurrh Cristess hellpe.Crist for ut inuti ll wesstelandForrprihbt summhe wass fullbtuedd,

To tacnennswa patt Cristess peoww,Forrpri hbt summhe beop fullbtuedd,

Birrpweorelldshipess seollpe flen,J fla shess lusst forrwerrpenn,

All swa summwessteland is all

ForrworrpennJ forrla tenn.Crist commut innti ll wessteland,Porr patt he wollde fasstenn,

To Shawennswa patt Cristess peowwAfl’terr patt be beop fullbtuedd,

Birrp Stanndenninnto peowwtennCrlflWipp fiasstinng J wippbeuess,

Wippweccbess,J wippmett -J mapI clapess J i fode.

J Crist comminuti ll wesstelandTo beonpurrh deofell fandedd,

To Shawennswa patt Cristess peowwAflterr patt be beop fullbtuedd

Shall bafennrihht inoh to donTo stanndeuu ganpe deofell,


he shallmughenngemennhimmFta deofless dame wiless ;

Forr aflterr patt te manniss shaddAll pweorrt ut fra pe deofell

put rh fulluhht, J purrh Crissteundom,J purrh pe rihhte Ia fe


pa ramerr iss pe lape gast








1 84 ORMULUM .

Fort patt te tale off fowwerrti ;Ful l wel bitacnennshollde

patt all p issmiddellaerd , tatt in0 fowwre daless daeledd, 11490

OnnE st,o Wesst, 0 Sup, 0 Norrp,

B irrp lefennupno Criste,J lufennCrist, J dmdennCrist,J follghennCristess larepatt all pwerrtnt bilokennisI tene bodewordess,

Swa patt te manness bodi; heoBnhsnmmforrpwipppe sawle,

To cwemennwel Allmahhti ; GoddOnnal le k inne wise. 11500

Fort manness bodi ; fegedd is:Offfowwre kinne shafi'



heofl'ness fir, J of? pe lifi




waterr, J offcorpe .

J sawle iss shapennall oil'nohht,

J hafeppprinne mahhtessFort sawle onnfop att DrihhtinGoddInnsihht J minndignesse ,

J w i l le iss hire pridde mahhtput th whatt mennimmess Jeornenn,

Fort sume geornenneorpli ; ping,J sume itt all forrwerrpenn,

J geomennheofennlike pingTo winnennJ to brukenn.

J are Codd, Allmahhti; Godd,Iss anCodd J preo hadess,

Faderr, J Sune , J KaligGast,AnGodd allnnntoda ledd.

Her uss bi tacnennfowwre J preope bodi ; J te sawle. 11520

J Godd iss her tacnedd put th preo,


For: Godd iss i preo hadess.J Jifl


pnfegesst preo wipp preo,pa findesst tnpe r sex e,

J gifl'

pu fowwre dost te rto,

pa findesst tnpzer tene,J fowwre J preo w ipp opre preoFul l Opennli; bitacnenn

pe bod i3. J te sawle , J Godd,J tene bodewordess


Forrpi patt manness bod i; birrpForrp wipppe manness sawle

Rihht lufennGodd,rihht dmdennGodd,

Rihht follghennGodess larepatt all pweomnt bilokenniss 11585

I tene bodewordess.

pattnre Laferrd j esu CristHimmdroh fra mete i wesstepatt time patt himm3et wassnedTo metess J to drinnchess,patt wass al ls ifl

he seggde pussTi l l allmannk innonncorpe ;

Whatt mannse w i le cwemennme,

To winnenneche bl isse,patt i llke mannbirrp dra3hennhimm 11545

Fta gluterrnessess esstess,J takennfort pe lufe offmeUnnorne lode J litell.

J tatt he sippennet J dranncWipp hise Leorninngcnihhteu ,


terr patt he was dad (onuseJ risennupp ofl


de pe,patt time patt himmnassnannnot!To metess

,ne to drinnchess,

patt wass al ls if? he seggde puss 11555

Ti l l hise deore peowwess ;


Icc shal l beonaggocc a; ; wipp 311WWhi l patt tiss weorelld lasstepp,

To fedena 3nw,to frofrennguw,

To wissenngaw,to gmtenn

purrh HaligGastess hellpe J baldOnngmness lape gastess.

J I shal l takenngaw ti l l meAtt 3ure lifess ende,

J 3ifennguw innheofl'nessmrd

pe fode off eche bl isse .

patt j esu Crist forrhnnngredd wass,Swa summpe Goddspell kipepp,


terr patt all hiss fasste wassForpedd J brohht ti ll ende,

patt hunngerr wass patt hallghe lusstpatt was i Crisstess herrte,

patt mannk innshollde lesedd beonUt 06 pe deoflless walde,

J turrnedd ti l l pe Crissteundom,

J ti l l pe rihhte Ia fe,

To winnennlott put th hal i ; lifOfl


heofennrichess bl isse.

J he wass ec forrhunngredd ta,Fort patt he wollde shmwenn

patt he wassmanno moderr hallfpatt hafl


dened to fode .

J he wass cc forrhnnngredd taFor patt te deofell shollde

We] wenennpatt he we re mann,Swa patt he Goddne wa re.

J forrpi toc pe lape gastTo fandennCrist i weaste ,

Fort patt he warrp orrtrowwe 06 C11!put thnipfullmod ignesse,

Fort patt he sahh himmuscll wihht



115 70






patt himmput th deofell beodennwal ,pa wa re he pier bikmchedd.

pe deofell hadd himmmakennbrad,Fort patt he was forrhnnngredd, 11630

Swa patt he shollde put th pe bradFallenni gluterrnesse.

J gifl'

pe Laferrd hafl'

de wrohbt

H immfode onnganhiss hnnngerl',pa were he put th pe deofless croc 11635

I gluterrnesse fallenn,Jnohhtne wa re he panne Godd,Forr Coddne gi llteppnmfre.

All swa summAdamallre firrst

Biswikennwass put th sete,All swa bigannpe deofell firrstTo fandennCrist purrh a te.

J forrpi wass pe Laferrd te r

To fasstenn, ionto Shawennpatt tnne mahhtnohht cwennkennrihhtNanopert haefedd sinne ,


pnne mahhtnohht habbennmahhtTo cwennkennglnterrnesse.

J forrpi birrp us allre firrst


tredenngluterrnesse , 11650

Swa patt we mughennhabbennmahhtTo cwennkennopre sinness

Fort glntermesse waccnepp allGa inessess lape strenncpe,

J all pe fla shess kaggerrleggc 11655

J al le fnle lnsstessBiginnennpaere J springennnt011 gluterrnessess rote,

J forrpi birrpmannallre firrstOfl


tredennglntermesse, 11660

Swa patt mannmughe pess te bett


Ofltredennopre sinnessFort sonse glnterrna se iss dad ,Sone iss pe bod i; bridledd,

J sippenniss itt lasse swinncTo cwennkennopre sinucas.

J tatt te Laferrd Jesu CristJafl


sware onnganJ seggde,Boc scyppattnohhtne mag pe mannBi bra d all ane libbenn,

Ace bi patt word tatt cumeppnt06 Godessmupess lare,

patt wass al ls if? he seggde pussWipp all ful l opennspa chepinegginng is off flashess lusst,

Jnohht ofl'

sawless fode,

purrh whatt icc nnnderrstanndennmagpatt tnme wi l it biswikenn.

Nu,laferrd inngess, nimepp gom


piss patt her is trahhtnedd .

pe deofell spacc off eorpli ; bra d


eorpli; lifess fode,Forr deofell eggepp aggpe mannTo follghennglnterrnesse .

Jnre Laferrd j anCristSpace of? pe sawless fode

J ;nw birrpwitennwi terrli;patt gure sawless fode

Iss i pe lare off hal i ; bocpatt guw iss sett to follghenn,

J gure sawless fode iss ec,

3ifl' patt 3c Dri hhtincwemenn,

I Cristess fla sh J innhiss blodpatt gure preostess hallghenn;peg hall;hennCristess fla sh of? bra d,

J Cristess blod tegghallghenn



1167 5







win, purrh Cristess aghennword

patt bafeppmahht J strenncpeTo tnrrnennbape bra d J winUt all ofl


peggre k inde ,J inuti ll Cristess flmh J blod,Inutill pe sawless fode,


al le pa patt lnfennCristJ hise laghess haldenn.

J whase itt iss pattnohhtniss 06To takennwipp piss fode

Swa summhimmtakennbirrppa rwipp,Wippolene lif J Ia fe ,

pattmanniss pwerrtnt shadd fra Crist,J da d innall his sawle .

J whase i tt iss pattnohht niss 03To takennwipp patt lare

patt cumeppnt ofl'

Godessmup,patt Godess peowwess spellennpatt sinndennnemmnedd Godessmup,Forr patt teggGodess lare

O Godess hal lf, i Godess hnsTi l l Godess leode spellenn,

Nu—whase itt iss pattnohhtniss 06'

To tfikennwipp patt late,patt manniss all swa shadd fra Godd,J da d innall his sawle .

Forr guw birrp herrcnennGodesawordJ haldennitt J follghenn,

J ;arrkennguw J clennsenngnwWel georne onnal le wise,

Swa patt 3c Cristess fla sh J blodSwamotennnnnderrfanngenn,

patt itt guw mughe ben'3hennherDe lif J ec pe sawle.

J forrpi patt te Laferrd Crist



117 15


11725 »


J tatt forrpi forr patt Mappew

Onnhiss Goddspelless lareUss writepp patt te Laferrd CristWass fandedd pnrrh pe deofell

patt i llke wise patt AdamI Paradys wass fandedd,

J brohht to grund JnnnderrfotJ i pe deofless walde .

Porr allre firrst wass Adampa rpurrh gluterrnesse wundedd,

J afltenpatt pnrrh ide l l gellppatt iss pnrrhmod ignesse,

J allre lattst he wundedd wasspurrh gred i3nessess wa pemi .

J all patt i llke wise wassCrist Godess Sune fandedd

amenpatt tatt i tt writeppnssMappew pe Goddspellwrihhte .

Forr allre firrst he fandedd wasspurrh fodess glnterrnesse,

purrh patt te lape gast himmhaddOfl


stanessmakennlafess.J sippennafl


terr patt he waspurrh modi3nesse fandedd,

purrh patt te lape gast himmhaddDunla pennofl' pe temmple.

Porr gifl'

patt Crist i tt hafl'

de donHissmahhte forr to Shawenn


Het hafl'

de donpnrrh idel l 3ellpJ all purrhmod i3nesse .

J allre lattst wass Jesu Cristpurrh gred ignesse fandedd,

purrh patt te lape gast himmbadAll weorelldrichess ahhte


Fort patt he shollde lntennhimm







J bnghennti l l hiss wi l le.Accnre Laferrd Cristne wasspurrhnanfandinge wnndedd,

Forrpi patt he forrsoc to donpe lape gastess wi l le .

Ne pinnke gnwnanwnnnderr ofl'

patt deofell hafl'

de mahhteTo brinngennure Laferrd CristUppo patt he; he temmple


Crist i ttnollde polennhimmNe dide henohht tatt dede.

J her iccnnnderrstanndennmag ,; ifl


itt iccnmmbepennke ,patt I me sellfall ah itt waldpatt deofellmag; me scrennkenn,

purrh patt I do minlnsst ta rto,To donsummhefi; sinne

patt he me mag; wel eggennto,Jnohhtne mag; menedenn.pattnre Laferrd j esu CristSwa polede pe deofell

To brinngennhimmhe;he upp 0 10m,patt d ide he forr to Shawenn

patt uss birrp takennwel pa rwipp,gifl


ani ; mannuss la repp,To st i;hennupp ti l l hal i ; lifJ upp ti l l he; he mahhtess ;

Fort uss birrp sone pannkennhimmH iss wissing J hiss lare,

J uss birrp sone pess te bettJ tess te mare uss godenn,

J icchennnppwarrd a;; summdelInnai le gode dedess,

Porr swa to cwemennbett J bettDrihhtinJ mare J mare.










J tatt te LaferrdnolldenohhtDe deofless wi l le forrpenn


patt he hadd himmla penndnn,patt d ide he forr to shawenn

patt ussne birrpnohht takennwipp,gifl


ani ; mannuss eggepp,To donohht orr to spekennohhtOfl


ifell J ofl'


To werrsennJ tonipprennuss 11845

BiforennGodess ehne.

J wi tt tnpatt te lape gastAg; eggepp hise peowwess,

To dra;hennhemma; ; upp o loflt

purrhnipJ mod i;nesse, 1 1850

To geornennafl'

terr laferrddomJ afl terrmod i ; wikenn,

To beonabnfennopre mennI stalless J i sa tess,

Forr patt he wi le werrpennhemmDuninntill depe sinness,

To fallenninntill hellepittJ inti l l hellepine .

Forr he dop hise peowwess aggTo climbennupp ful l he;he, 11860

Porr patt he wi le scrennkennhemm,

Ful l hefi; fal l to fallenn.J Crist dop hise peowwess aggTo meokcnnhemmJ laghenn,

Forr patt he w i le hemmhefennnpp 11865

Innheofennrichessbl isse ,Swa patt te; ; shulennwurrpennpa rWipp enngless efennrike.

piss Goddspell seg;p patt Crist wass leddInuti ll patt hall;he chesstre 11870

patt wass gehatenn;errsalam,


J purrh patt tatt he drohh pa r forppe hokess lare J se; ;de,

Forr writenniss o boc patt heWel hafepp se; ; d J cwiddedd

ForrIange til l hiss ennglepeodOfl


pe patt arrt himmdeore,Ofl

' patt te; ; shulenn;emennpeAtt al le pinenede ,

J tatt te; ; shulenntakennpeBi twenenn’hemmwipp hande,

Swa patt tunohhtne Shallt tinfotUppo pe staness hirrtenn,

pa rpurrhmannnnnderrstanndennpatt all hiss pohht iss a fre

Annd all hiss lusst to brinngennmennUt 05 pe rihhte we; ;e,

To donhemmtunnderrstanndennwrangpe bokess hall;he lare.

Forr pa r he too bifo'

rennCristAll wrang pe bokesa lare,

Fort patt wass se; ;d ofl'

Cristess poo"

purrh Davippe profete

patt he droh forp all al ls itt ofl'

Crist sellfennwri tennwa re.ForrDrihhtinhafepp se; ;d J settOnnennglepeod tatt wikenn,

To ;emennJ to frofrennherDe Laferrd Cristess peowwess,

Swa patt te; ; shulennrisennwel,; ifl

' patt iss patt te; ; fallennOnnani; wise innani ; wohpurrh fla shess unntrummnesse.

Jnolldenohht te lape gastpa r dra;hennforp,ne ma lenn

Ofl' patt ta rafl


terrsone iss se; ;d








J writennofl'

himmsellfennFort pa r iss sett anoperr ferrspatt spekepp ofl


pe deofell

patt Godesa peowwess ganonnhimm 11945

J tredennhimmwipp fote ,

purrh patt te;; Stanndennstallwurrpli ;;anall pe deofless wi l le

I pcg; re pohht, i peggre word,I peggre bod ig dede,

WippCristess hellpe, J wipppatt lif

patt Crist iss lefJ ewemeAccnolldenohht te lape gastpatt dra;hennforpne sha wenn,

Forr patt wass, al ls he w isste i tt wel, 11955

H iss a;hennshame J shande .

De deofell brohhte j esu CristWippntenno pe temmple

Upponnansa te uppo pe rof

All al ls he shollde spellenn, 11960

Porrpa r wass gre; ;pedd sate o 1061

Ti l l pa patt sholldennspellenn.J forrpi patt te lape gastpa r hafl


de donwe l l ofl'tepatt flocc ofl


Issraa le peod 11965

patt la redd wass o boke

To fallennunnderr ide l l ;ellpJ unnderrmod i;nesse ,

Ofl patt te; ; cupenntellennspe llOfl


deop J da rne lare , 11970

pa rfore he brohhte j esu CristUppo patt i llke sa te,

Porr patt he wollde donhimmpa rInnide l l ;ellp to fallenn,

purrh patt he shollde cumenndun 11975

purrh hiss goddcunndemahhte ,


Swa patt henohhtne shollde hiss fotUppo pe atana s hirrtenn.

patt ure Laferrd j esu Crist


sware oungan, J se; ;de,Boc seggp, pe birrpwel ; emennpepatt tnpinGoddne fande.pattmag; uss al le samennbeonGod lare ofl'


Forrpene birrpnohht fandennCodd,; ifl


he pe wi le ohht gengennOfl

'nanping patt tnmahht te sellfOnnanigwise rapenn,

Ace patt tupurrh pe sellfennnohht,Ne purrhnanmanness bel loc , 11990

Ne mahhtnohht habbenneorpli; wittTo brinngenni tt ti l l ende ,

patt birrppe leggennupponnGodd,Accnohht fort himmto fandenn,

Acc forr to sekennare att himm 11995

J hellpe att swi llkenede,To forpennpatt purrh Godd patt tupurrhmannne mahhtnohht forpenn.

J mannma; ; nnnderrstanndennpissAnndswere o twinne wise

, 12000

Al ls ifl'

pe Laferrd se;; de pa r

All ti l l pe deofell ane,patt himmne hirrdenohht hiss Godd,Nenohht hiss Laferrd fandenn


Al ls ifl'

he se; ;de puss to himm,

Ne birrp pe menohht fandenn,Porr icc ammGodess Sune CristpinShippennd J tinLaferrd,

Forr I pe shopp ofl' nohht

, J tnArrt all i mine walde, 19 10

Jnohhtne birrppe fandennme


Jnohhtne wa re he panne GoddAcc sinufullmannJ wrecche

Acc patt nassnohht, forr he wass Godd,J all wipputennsinne.


BER, A . D. , 1258 .

Henr’ pur; godes fultume King onEngleneloando.Lhoauerd onl oand ’

. Duk onNorm’

onAquitain’ and eorlonAniow Send igretinge to al le hise halde i la rde and i leawede onHuntendon’ schir

pa t witen;e wel al le pa t wew illenand vnnenpa t. pa t vre ra desmenal le oper pemoare da l of heom pa t beop ichosenpur; us and pur;pa t loandes folk onvre kuneriche. habbep idonandschullendoninpe worpnesse of gode and onvre treowpe .

for pe freme of pe loande . pur; pe hesi; te of panto foreni seide redesmen3 beo stedefa st and ilestinde inal le p ingeahntenande . And we hoatenal le vre treowe inpe tre

-owpe pa t heo vs ogen. pa t heo stedefa stliche healdenand sweriento healdenand to werienpo isetnesses pa tbeonimakede and beonto mahieu pur; panto forenise idera da menoper pur; pe moare da l of heomalswo alse hi tis biforenise id. And pa t a hc oper helpe pa t for to donehi pani lche ope agenes al le men. R i; t for to done and tofoangen. Andnoanne nime of loandene of e; te . wher

pur; pis hesi;te mu;e beoni let oper iwersed ononie w ise .

And ; i i oni oper oniencumenher ongenes ? we wi l lenand boatenpa t al le vre treowe heomhealdendeadlichei foan. And for pa t we wi l lenpa t pis heo stedefa st andlestinde ? we senden; ew pis writ openise ined wip vre seel .to haldena manges ;ew inehord . Wi tnesse vs seluena t Lunden’. pane Egtetentpe day. onpe Monpe


of Octohr’ Inpe Twoandfowerti;pe geare of vre cru

h inge. And pis wes idona ti'

orenvre isworene redes

men. Bonefac’ Archebischop onKant' bur’. Walt’ oiCantelow. B ischop onWirechest’. Sim'

of Muntfort.Eorl onLeirchestr’. Ric’ of Clar’eorl onGlowchestr’ andonHartford. Rog

Bigod eorl onNorthfolk ’ and MaresmlonEngleneloand'. Ferres of Sauueye. Wi l l’ of Forteorl onAuhem’

. Ioh’

of Plesse iz. eorl onWarewik’



rees sune. Perms of Muntfort. Ric’


Rag’of Mortemer. Iames ofAldithel and a tforenopre


And al onpo i lche wordenis isend into aurihce opreahd re ouer al pa re kuneriche onEngleneloande . Andat intel Irelonde.






Aflur kyng Bapulf, Le ir ys sone was kyng,And regned six ti ; er we ] poru al le ping.

Up pe water ofSoure a c ity ofgret fameHe endede, and clepede yt Le icestre , artur ys ownename.Dre do; trenpis kyng badde, pe eldeste Gornori lle, 5

De mydmost hatte Regan, pe ;ongost Corde ille.

De fader hemlouede al le yuo; , ac pe ;ongost mestFor heo was best and fairest, and to hautenesse drow lest.Do pe kyng to e lde com

,al le pre he bro; te

Hys do; trentofore bym,to wyte ofhere pou; te .

Forhe pogte hys kyndomde le among hempre ,And lete

_hemperwith spousi wel whare he mygte bi-se.

To pe e ldest he se ide first, Do; ter, ich bidde pe,Sey me al elene pinherte , how muche pou louest me .

Mynheye Godes, ” quop pismayde, “to wytnesse I take

echou, 15

Dat y loue more inmynherte pi leue bodi one,Danmynsoule and my lyfpat inmi bod i ys.

Do fader was po glad ynow whanhe herde pis.

“My leue dogter,”he se ide po,

“ for pou hast inlone ydoMyno lde lyfbyfore pin, and bifore pi soule also, 20

Ych wol pe marie we l with pe pridde part ofmy londeTo penoblest bacheler pat pyu herte wol to stonde. "

Do oper do; ter he eschede po pat same askyng.


And seppe al ys ltyndomaftur ys endyng.

And pe gode Corde ille unmaried was so.

Forheonolde fikele as hire sustrenhaddeydo.

Ac God pou; te onhi re for hire trewnesse .

For pe kyng ofFrance herde te l le of hire godnesse,And bad hire fader graunt bympe gode Cordeille.

De kyng send word ageyn, pat it was ys wi l leAc heno lde with hire ;eue tresour, ny lond .

For ys two oper do; trenhadde i t ‘

al onbond.

Do pe kyng ofFrance herde pis, he answerede per to,Dat he hadde hymself lond ynow,

and tresour also,Ne pat hene kepte bute hire one , wi thoute oper ping,Dat heo my; te someyres bi twene hemforp brynge .

So pat at pe laste pismaide yspoused wasTo pis kyng ofFrance

,as God ;afpat cas.

Do pis kyng Le ir eldore was, heo biganto lope ,For he so longe liuede, hys leue do; trenhope .

Here lordes heo entisede , to gedere to holde faste,And wynne al pis loud to hem,

and here fader out caste.

Dis twe i kyngesnome here ost, and endede pis dede,And binome pys olde monys loud, as here wyves bedeAc pe kyng ofScotlond ,

for rewpe and kundede ,Hymnomto him into his hows, ageynys wyves rede,Six ti ltnygtes, w ith honour to fynde bymal ys lyf,

As wo seyp, for ys kyndom,and for honour ofys wyf. 80

Withinne two ger per aftur it pou; te pe luper quene ,Dat hire fader badde to muche, and wolde tomuche spene .

Heo made , pat ofsi x t i knygtes hire lord w i thdro; ,Andmade himholde to pri tti , and pat was, hire po; te, yno; .Dis Le ir was aschamed po, and inwrappe, at pe ende, 85

To his oper do; ter, pe queue ofCornewai l, he ganwende .

And playnede ofpe unkynde dede ofhis do; terGornorille,And wende pere amendement to habbe aftur ys owne wi l le.

Dillte do; terbymtofonge wi th honour, as he wende ,Ac heo was alful ofbymer pe ;eres ende.


For heo entisede hire lord po, pat he ys knygtes echeneFor cost bynyme bymal le

, bute a fyue menone ,Wuche so i t were to serve bym,

and pat was ynowe .

Do pis sel i monpis herde , to sorwe ys herte drowe .

Henuste to weper do; ter beter truste po,Andnopeles he wende ageynto pc oper w ith muche wo


And hopede for to fynde ofhere betermonske and grace .

And heo swor bi hire hye Godes anoninpe place,Dat hene schuldemid hire be , bute it one were,And onknygt wrthoute mo, pe whi le he bymwel here . 100

And askede,wad sorwe bymwere ,

wanhenadde bymse lfno god

To wy lne so gre t e0st, and he ofso gret mod ?Dis word dude much sorwe p.s seli o lde kyng,Dat atwytede himand ys stat , pat he naddo hymselfnoping.

Dat word braknegys he rte ,and longe he yt understod, 105

Dat ys chi ld atw iste ys ponerte , pat badde a] is god .

Nasnoper kyngny quene glad , whenheo hymseye,

Ac to pe jo iful day hopede , that heo mygle dye .

He bileuede , as he nede moste , forpmid onknygt,And pe queno ys do ; ter al le wo bym dude bope day and

nygt , 110

So pat he moste for fynmyse isc awe i at pe ende .

De oper do; ter he hadde asayed , pat he ne durste to hire


De queue ofFrance, pe pridde , himpogte , mid unrygt

He misdude hi re, pat he no durste come inhire sygt.

Ac at pe laste po he se i, pat he mostenede at pe ende 115

For pore mise iw , (for fare louer he hadde wende ,And biddc ys me te , gefhe schulde , ina strange lond ,Danper he i l\m~l kyngr “as, and such ping badde on

hondc)At pe laste insorwe vnow into pe see he wende ,

To do ys hehte ynmese ise were so God bymsende.

Inpo schip as oper prynees ingret pruyde he bihulde,


And he nadde mid hymbute twe i men, bympogte ylherte fe ld ;

He pogte onpenoblei , pat he badde inybeHe wep, pe terns ronne doun, pat deo l i t was to se.

Mid gox ing and mid gret wop pus biganysmone .

“Alas ! alas l pou lupur wate, pat lyfest me pus one ,Dat pus cleneme bryngust adoun, wyder schal y be brogt ?Formore sorwe yt dopme, whenit comep inmy pogtDenoblei pat ich habbe yhad, pat ich was wond to wyndeMid so mony hondred knygtes aboute ineche ende

, 30

And casteles nyme and tonnes, and mynfonbrynge to

gronde,Dando al pe mise ise , pat ich aminibonde.Leue do; ter Cordei lle, to sope pou ac idest me,Dat asmuche as ych badde y was worp, pei yne leuede pe.

Do wyle ich ogt badde ich was worp, andnow it ys agon. 135Mi chi lderen, pat ich gefmy god, bepmyne meste fon.Formy god heo louedeme, andnow he habbepeuery del,Henulnot ;eue me ofmynowne myd god herte a me].A wey l do; ter Corde ille, wyder schal ichnow fle ?So much ich habbe pe mysdo, pat yne dar pe yse.

Mid wuche bod i dar y come inpi sigt ene ,Dat binompe mynfrenschipe for pi sopnesse al elene ?Dismenmowe here ensamplenime, to late here sones wyne,And ;eue hemup here lond al bi here lyve.For wel may a symple francoleyninmysese bym so

bringe 145

Oflutel lond, wanper fel such ofa ltyng.

Do pis ltyng hadde go aboute insuch sorwful cas,

At pe last be comto Caric, pere ys do; ter was.

He bileuede wi thoute pe toun, and inwel gret fere ,He sende pe queue ys do; terword, muche is antres were, 150And pat purmese ise hympider drof, and defant ofbi liueAnd bed hire , for the lone ofGod, hire wrappe bymforgeue.De queue po heo herde pis, nei yswounyng was.


And Corde i lle pe kyndomfong as pe rygt eyr,

And lette hire fadur burie wi th gret prude and honourAnd Leicetre, pat hemade hymselfbeside pe waterofSour.Dis gode queue Cordo i lle as kyng and quene poB i leuede hire inpis lond fyue ger, andno mo,Er hire twe i suster sones, stalworpe menpat were,Henninand Morgan, werre hire gonne arere,And haddendespi t, pat wommonkyng schulde be.Andnapeles wyp al le rygte hy werenere panheo.

Heo gederede up here aunte here ost aboute wyde,And dcstruyde hire londes eyper inhis syde,So pat at pe laste to bataile heo come.

Dere pe quene here aunte inbatai le heonome,And dude instrong prison, and pe kyndomDeldenbitwene hem,

and eyper ys partnom.

Morgan, kyng ofScotlond , as heo dele koupe,Hadde ai pat lond bi Norp, and pe oper bi Soupe .

Withinne two ger per aftur somme to Morgancome,And, for he ofpe e lder soster was, bed bymnymc gome,And seide hymi t was gret despit, pat perwer inpis lond 905Twei kynges, wanrygt was, pat be i t badde al onbond .

Dis kyng was enticed so, pat henomatte lasteYs ost, and up hys cosynbiganto werri faste,And biganto brenne and que l le , and atte laste ywysDe other biganto turne ageyn, and drofhymintoWalis. 210And per heo smyte a batai l inthe Soup halfofpe londe,And per was Morganyslawe, pat longe was understonde.

De stude pat he was at yslawe, me clepup get Morgan,And euere wole aftur bym,

for he was so worpi man.Cunedag was po al one kyng, and pe kyndomto bym


Andnobliche pre and pri tt i ger held pe kyndom.

De twey holy prophetes were Osee and YsaieDi lke time inIsrae l , and dude here prophec ie.

Romulus and Remus pe twe i breperenywys


Bigonne po first Rome, patnoble c itie ys.

Four hundred ger i t was, and fourt i euene also,Aftur pe batai l ofTroie, pat al pis was ydo .

And Rome was fyue hundred ;er pus ymad bifore .

And pre and fyfty ger eke, er God were ybore .

Aftur pis kyng Cunedag, hys some that hatte Rival,

Kyng wasmad aftur hym,a “Ynmonporgout al

Allur bymGurgust ys sone, and seppe anoper Sisille,And mony onseppe afturward

,ofwamwe mote be sti l le.

So pat atte laste Gurguont was kyng ,

Stalworpe manand hardy, and wys porgal le pyng.

Muche p ing pat ys cldore lorenpo rw feyntyse,Doru strengpe he wannseppe ageyn, and pornys koyntise .

De kyng ofDenemark ber eche ger w ith laweTruage to Engelond ,

and biganhymto wypdrawe .

De kyng Gurguont bymporueyede ofpowe r ynow,

And perwyp ingode schippes to Denemark he drow,

And pe kyng ofDenemarl-t inbatai le he slog,And wanageynpe truage pat he at-held w i th wog.









Harald, pys false or]

, po Se int I‘Idwarde dede lay,IIymsulue he let crouny kyng pulke suluc dayFalslyche , vor Seynt Edward so wel to hymtruste


Dat he bytoc bymI'lngelond , pat he yt wel wuste

To Wyllammes byofpe bastard , due ofNormandye .

Ac bymsulfhe made kyng myd such trecherye .

Ac pe gode trywmenofpt: lond wo lde abbc ymade kyng 245De kunde eyr, pe gonge chyld , EdgarApelyngWO so werenex t kyng by kunde, me clupepbymApelyng


Dernorme clupede bymso, vorby kunde he wasnex t kyng.Ac Hamidmade hys wey byuore , asmyd suykedom,

Myd gyflys J myd vayre byheste, J anong pe kynedom. 250

So pat somme bym chose al out, J somme hem hulde


And sofl'

rede,as hnno; tne mygte, al operes wyl ie,

So pat Hara ld was kyng, to wrope he le pe kynedom,

And Seynt Edwardes sygte by bymto sope come.

Vor po byganpe wow vorst, asme mygte yse ,Dat ssolde, as Seynt Edward seyde , by pre kynges dayhe .

Vor Toste, Harald broper,'

pat he drof er into FlaundreBy kynges day Edward bymsulue to gret sclaundre,He comanonpo uppenbymmyd gret poer and eye,

Myd Harald Arfager, kyng ofNorpwey,

And myd gret poer ofNorpomber to Euerwylt hncom,

And muche folc inpe Soup syde hope slowe Jnome.

Kyng Harald comagenbymmyd poer strong ynouBysyde Euerwyk hys ost agenbymhe drou,

Ina stude , pat me clupede Stamfordhrugge po,Andnou me clupep yt Bataylebrugge, vor pe hatayle pat


Der hnsmy te to gadere , J made a sory pley.

Vor pere was Tost aslawe, J pe k ing of Norpwey,

And her syde ai bynepe to ende yt comso

Dat Seynt Edward byuore seyde Of pelke hrepe tentuo, 270Dat hi i ssolde to gadere fygte, J Harald aboue heDermemygte of pulke word pat sopnesse yse .

Framanonamorwe vorte myd ouernone,Do hatayle laste strong, ar he were ydon,De Englysse ouer pe brugg drone pe oper at laste,Ac po pat water was bytuene, hi i stode agenvaste .

Onbody per was of Norpwey, heterenas pernonVor he atstode up pe brugg myd anax al on


And drof pe Englysse menagen, bymne mygte nonatstonde,


Dat hene ssolde abhe inal Engelond, anhurne to wi tehimInne.

Harald himsende worde, pat fol ie it was to trusteTo such op, as was ido mid strengpe, as he wel wusteV or gif a maide treupe ipligt, to do anfole dedeAl one priveliche, wipoute hire frendes rede,Dulke vorewarde were uornogt, J watlolt er it agte her,Dat ich suor anop, pat was ai inpi poer, 320

W ip-owte conse i l of ai pe lond, of p ing pat minno; tnas.

Der-norenede op isuore, nede ibroke was.J gifpou me wolt seche inEngelond,ne he pouno; t so

sturne,Siker pou he poune ssalt me finde innone hurne.

po Willamhurde pat he wolde suste ini i s trecherie,He let Of-sende is knigtes of ai Normandie ,To conse i li himinpis cas, J to he lpe himinsuchnedeAnd beaganof hor porchas largeliche hombede,As hi i founde suppe inEngelond , po i t iwonne was,De hetere was toward himhorherte uor pis cas.

De duc Wi llamis wi l le among homalle sede,Dat four pinges himmade mest biginne pulke dede.

Dat Godwine , Haraldes fader to depe let doSo vi l l iche Alfred, is cosin, J is fe lawes also,J uor Harald adde is op ibroke , pat he suor mid is rigt

hond , 335

Dat he wolde to is hiofpe, wi tie Engelond,J uor Se int Edward him;efEngelond also ,

And uor he wasnex t of is blod, J hest wurpe per to,

J uor Haraldnaddeno rigt bote infalshede .

Des pinges himmade mest biginne pullte dede .

J uor he wo lde pat al le meniseye is trewehede,To pe pope Alisandre he sende insuch cas himto rede.

Haraldes falshede po pe pope ysey pere ,J parauntre me himtolde more pansopwere,


De pope aso i lede J blessede W illam, J al le hisDat into pis bataile mid himssolde iw is


J halwede is haner pat me at-uore himhere .

Do was he J al le his gladdore panhi i er were.So pat pis duc adde agenheruest ai ;areH is barons J knigtes, mid himnor to fare .

To pe hauene OI'

SemWalrI pe due wende poMid pe menpat he adde , J abide mo .

After heruest po hor asipes J hi i al presto were,

J [wynd] homcomafter wi l le , hor se i les hi i gonne arere ,J hiderward inpe se we l glad penwe inome .

SO pat hi-side Hastmge to Enge lond hII come ,

HornpOgte pO li i i come alond, pat al was inhor hond.

As sone as pe due WIllam is fot se tte aloud,

Onof his knigtes gradde , hold vaste Wi l iamnouEngelond , uor per Il ls no k ing hote pou,

Vor sikerpou be , Engelond isnonpiniwis.De due W Illamanonuorhed alle hi s


Dat nonnere so nod,to robby, ne no maner harm do


Vpe pe lond , pat is was, hote hompat agenhimwere .

Al anfourtene nigt hnhi leuede per aboute ,J conse i lede of batayle , J orde inede hor route .

K ing Harald sat glad ynou at Euerw ik atte mete,SO pat per coma messager, ar he adde igete ,J sedc , pat duc W i l iam to Hast inges was icome,J is haner adde arerd

, J pe contre ie al inome .

Harald,anonmid gre te herte comgeus yuon,

As he ofno monne to lde, puderward uaste he drou


Hene letno; t c lupie al is fo lc , SO w i llesfol he was,

J al for inpe Oper bata i le himvel so va ir cas.

DO due W i llamwuste pat he was icome soneI,

A monek he sende him inmessage , J dude as pe sley,Dat lond , pat himwas igiue , pat he sso lde himvpgelde ,

Oper come , J derevni pe rigte mid snerd inpe ve lde .


zif he sede, pat henaddenone rigte per-to,

pat vpe pe popes lok inge of Rome he ssolde it do,J he wolde per-to stonde, al wipoute figte ,Wer Se int Edward hit himgaf, J wer he adde per-to t igte.

Harald sende him word agen, pat he nolde himtake noloud,

Neno lok inge of Rome, bote snerd J rigt hond .

Do hit operne migte be, e iper inis SideConse i lede J garkede horn, bata i lenor to abide .

De englisse al penigt hiuore uaste higonr. e to singe,J spende al pen

igt inglotonie J indrink inge .

De Normansne dudeno; t so ,ac oriede onGod uaste ,

And ssriue hornech after Oper pe wule penigt ylaste,J amorwe homlet bose l i midmi lde herte yuon.J suppe pe due wip is ost toward pe batai le drou,Anstounde he ganabide, J is knigtes rede

ge knigtes, he sede, pat hep of sonoble dede ,

Datnereneuere ouercome , ne goure eldernenapemo, 395

Understondep of the kunde of France pat gourc eldernedude so wo ,

Honmi fader inParis amidde is k inedom,

Mid prowesse of ;oure faderesmid strengpe himouercom.

Understondep hou gourc elderne pe k ingnome also,J held himnorte he adde amended pat he adde misdo ,


J Richard , pat was po a chi ld, igolde Normand ie,Dat was due herbiuore , J pat to suchmaistrie ,Dat at eche parlement pat he inFrance were ,Dat he were igurd wip snerd, pe wule he were pere,Ne pat pe k ing of Francene his so[n] hardi nere,Nenonatte parlement pat knifne suerd here .

Understondep eh pe dedes, pat pulke R ichard dude also ,

Dat hene ouercomno; t kinges alone , ac welmore per-to,

Ac he ouercompe deue l , J adounhimcaste,

To-gadere as hi i wrastlede , J bond inhondenvasteBihinde at is rugge of such prowesse ge penche,


De Normans were po wel porueid aboute ineche endeJ stones adonward slonge vpe homynowe,J mid speres Jmid flonvaste of homslowe


J mid snerd J mid ax,uorh i i pat upwardnome,

Ne migteno wi l le abbe of dunt, as hi i pat donward come,

J hor vant-warde was tO-broke , pat me migte wipinnc homwende,

So pat pe Normans uaste slowe inech ende .

Of pe Englisse al uorno; t pat pe valeie wasnei,

As he ie ifuld mid dede men, as pe donne anbe i .De ssetare donward al uorno; t vaste slowe to grounde,So pat Harald poru penc ie issote was depes wounde .

J a knigt pat ise i , pat he was to depe ibrogt,J smot him, as he lay binepe , J slou himas uorno; t.Frampat i t was amorwe pe bataile ilaste strong,Vorte i t was he i mid ouernonand pat was somdel long.

Moni was pe gode dunt pat duc W i llamgef a day.

Vorpre stedes he slou vnder him,as me say,

Vor-priked, and uor-arnd aboute , J uor-wounded also,

J debrused agendedemen, ar pe batai le were ido.

J gut was Willames grace pulke day so god,Dat he nadde no wounde warporu he ssedde andrope

blod .

Dus 10 l pe Englisse folc vorno; t to grounde comVor a fals k ing, patnaddeno rigt to pe k inedom,

J come to anywe louerd, pat more inrigte was.

Ac hornoper, asme may ise, inpur rigtenas.J pus was inNormannes hond pat lond ihrogt iwis,Dat an-aunter gif euermo keueringe per-ofis.Of pe Normans hep heye men, pat hep of EngelondeJ pe lowe menOf Sax ons, as ich understonde


So pat ; e sep ineiper side wat rigte ge abhepperto

Ac ich understonde, pat i t was poru Godes wi l le ydo.

Vor pe wule pe menof pis lond pur hepene were,No lond, neno folc agenhorninarmesnere



Acnou suppe pat pet folc anenge cristendom,

J wel lute wule hulde pe hi heste pat henom,

J tumde to sleupe , J to prute , J to lecherie,To glotonie , J heye menmuche to robberie,

As pe gostes inanisionto Seint Edward sede ,

Wu per ssolde inEngelond come such wrecchede

Vor robberie of he ie men, vor clerkenhordom,

Hou God wo lde sorwe sende inpi s k inedom.

Bi tuene Misselmasse and Se inLuc,a Se inCalix tes

day. 485

As vel inpulke gere ina Saterday,Inpe ger of grace , as i t vel also ,

A pousend and si x e J Six ti , pis bataile was ido.

Duc Willamwas po old hyne J pri tt i ger,J onJ thritti ger he was ofNormand ie duc er.

DO pis batai le was ydo, due Wi llamlet bringeVaire is folc, pat was aslawe , anerpe poru al le pinge .

Al le pat wolde leue he gef, pat is ibnanerpe bro; te.Hara ldes moder uor hi re sone wel gerne himbisogteB i messagers, J largeliche himbed of ire pinge,To grant i hire hire sones hod i anerpe vor to hringe.Wi llamhit sende hire vaire inou

,w ipoute eny thing ware

no te zSo pat i t was poru hire wip gret honour yboreTo pe hous ofWal tham

, J ihrogt anerpe pere ,Inpe hol i rode chirche , pat he let him-sulfrere,Anhous Of re l igion, Of canons ywis.

H it was per vaire anerpe ibrogt , as i t gut is.

W illampisnoble duc . po he adde ido al pis,

Denwey he nomto Londone he J al le his,As k ing and prince Of londe , w ithnobleye yuon.Agenhimwipnair processionpat folc of toune drouJ vnderueng himvaire inou

, as k ing of pis lond .

Dus com, lo ! Engelond , into Normand ies bond.

21 pe Normansne coupe speke po. bote hor owe speche.

t o


J speke french as hndude at omJ hor chi ldrendude a lsoteche .

5 10

So pat heiemenof pis lond, that of horblod come,Holdep al le pulke speche pat hi i of homnome.

Vor bote a manconne frenss, me telp of himlute.Ac lowe menholdep to engl iss J to hor owe speche gute.

Ich wene perne hep inal pe world contreyesnone ,5 15

Datne holdep to hor owe speche hote Enge lond one .

Ac welme wot nor to conne hope wel i t is,Vor pe more pat a moncan, themore wurpe he is.

Disnoble duc W i llamhimlet crouay k ingAt Londone a mid w inter daynobliche poru al le ping,


Of pe erchehissop of Euerwik, Aldred was isname.

Dernas prince inal pe world Of SOnoble fame .

Ofpe heyemenOfpe lond, pat hi ine ssolde agenbi -turne ,He esste ostage strong imonJ hnne soldeno; t wurneAc toke himostage god at is owe wi l le ,So that gif eny agenhimwas

,huld himpo sti l le

gif toward Edgar Athel ing eni is herte drou,

Dat was kunde e ir of pis lond , himhuld po sti lle ynou.

So pat po pis Edgar wuste al hou it was,

Dat himnasno ping so god as to seky cas,

H ismoder J is sostrentuo mid himsone henom,

To wende agento pe lond framwanhe er com.

A wind per compo inpe se J drof bornto Scotlonde,So pat after betere w ind hi i moste pere at-stonde .

Macolomk ing of pe lond to himsone horndrou,


J vor pe kunne framwanhi i come,honoured homyuon.

So pat pe gode Margarete as 18 w i l le to [him com,

De eldore soster of pe tuo inspoushod henom.

B i hire he adde ando; ter suppe pe gode quene Mold,Dat queue was of Engelond, asme ap er ytold ,

Dat goderhele al Engelond was heo euere ybore.

Vor pornhire comsuppe Engelond into kunde moreInpe ger of grace a pousend J six ti perto


Ruely to God , as hi i wo lde al quie to himfle ,Ac be hi i arise

, J abbep i turnd frampe weued hor wombe .

Wolues dede hi inimep vorp, pat er dude as lombe . 580

H i i to-drawep pe sely honde-menas hi i wolde homhuldeywis.

Dey me wepe J crie onhom,no mercy pernis.

Vnnepe was per eni hous inal No rmand ieOf re l igion, as abbey oper priorie ,Dat K ing Wi l iamne fefl


ede here inEngelonde ,M id londes, opermid rentes

, pat hi i ahhephere anhonde.Asme may wide aboute inmoni contreye ise,Ware-pornpis londnede mot pe pouerore be .

K ing Willamadde ispoused, as God gef pat cas,

De erles do; ter of Flaundres, Mo ld hirename was.

Sones hi i adde to—gadere J dogtrenhope tuo,

As Roberd pe Courtehese , J WIllampe rede k ing also,Henry pe gode k ing was gongOst Of ochon.Do; trenhe adde also Cec i le het pat onDe eldoste , pat was at Camnonne J abbesse.

Constance pe oper was, of Brutayne contesse,

De erles wif A le in, Ade le gongoste was,To Steuene Ble is ispoused, as God gof pat cas,J bi himadde ek ansone

,Steuene was isname,

Dat suppe was k ing of Engelond , J endede mid ssame . 600

Macolomk ing of Scotlond,and Edgar Ape l ing,

Dat best kunde inEngelond adde to be k ing,Hulde homeuere inScotlond

, J poer to hornnome,To worri vpe k ing W i llam,

wanne god t ime come .

J gret compainie of heye menhere inEngelondeDatne louedeno; t king Willam,

were po inScotlonde,Vor K ing Macolom [al le] vnderueng, pat agenk ing

Wi llamwere,

J drou hornto himinSCOtlond , J suste inede hompere.Vor Edgar-is w ines broper, was kunde e ir of pis londe ,So pat hi i adde ofhope be londes gret poe ir sone anhonde.


Ar king Wi l iamadde ihe k ing volliche pre ger,

Dat folc ofDenemarch, pat pis lond worrede er,

Greipede hommid gret poer, as hi i dude er i lome ,Jmid pre hondred Ssipuolmento Engelond hi i comeHi i ariuede inpenorth contreye . J Edgar Apel ingJ k ing Macolomwere po glade poru alle ping.

To homhi i come at Homhermi d poer of Scotlond,J were al le at O conse i l to wornEngelond .

H II worrcd e alNorphomberlond , J uo rpeuere as hII come,So pat pe tounOfEuerwik, J pe caste l ck hIinome ,Jmouye heye menalso of pe contre ie aboute ,So pat pet folc hinorpene dorsteno u[eJr at-route ,J po hi i adde ai iwonne pe contre ie pe r biside ,

H i ine comeno ner S oupward ,ac per hi I gonne abide

B ituene pe water Of Trente J of Ousc also .

Dere hi i leuede inhor poer vorte w inter were ido .

De k ingWillamabod is t ime vorte w inter was al oute,J po comhe mid gre t poer J mid so gre t route ,

Dat hi inaddeno poer agenh imnorto stonde ,

Ac lete pe k ing pe maist r ie , J flowe to Scotlonde ,J hornto hor owe lond pe Dene is flowe age.

De k ing destruede pe contre ie a i aboute pe se .

Offrut J ofcome pat pe rno hileuedeno ; tSi x ti mi le frampe se

, patnas to grounde i brogt.J al pat pe Dene isno me te ne foundo pereWanne hi i come to worri

, J so pe feblore were .

SO pat gute to pi s day muche lond per isAs al wast J vntulcd

,so It was po destrued ywis.

King \V i l lamadauntede that fo lc OfWalis,

J made hombere himtruage , J bIho te himJ his.

De souepe ; er of i s k inedom,analle soule day,

De quene Mold is wifde ido, pat er longe si k lay,

Inpe ;er ofgrace a pousend J seuenti J pre .

Anoninpulke suine gere, as i t wolde he ,De k ing Ii lam, uorto wi te pe wurp Of is londe,


Let enqueri Streitliche pornal Engelonde,Houmoni plou lond, J houmoni bidenalso,Were ineuerich ssire , J wat hi i were wurp perto ;J pe rentes ofech tounJ ofpe wateres echoneDet worp, J ofwodes ek , pat perne hileuedenoneDat henuste wat hi i were worp ofal Engelonde,J wite al clene pat worp perof, ich vnderstonde,J let i t write elene ynou, J pat scri t dude iwisInpe tresorie at Westminstre, pere i t gut is,So pat vre hinges suppe, warme hi i raunsontoke,I-redy wat folc migte giue, hi i founde pere inhorhoke.

Der was hi k ing Willames dave worre J sorwe inou,Vorno monne dorste himwip

-segge, he wrogte muchewip wou.

To hom, pat wolde is wi l le do, debonere he was J mi lde ,J to hompat [him] wip-sede , strong tirant J wi lde . 660

Wo-so come to esse himrigt ofeni trespas,Bote he payde himpe bet, pe wors is ende was,J pe more vnrigtme ssolde himdo : ac among operenapelesDoru-out alEngelond he huld wel god pes,Vorme migte here hi is daye , J lede hardelicheTresour aboute J oper god oueral aperteliche,

Inwodes J inopere studes, so patno timenasDat pes bet isuste ined , pat [pJar hi his time was.Game ofhoundes he louede inou, J of wi lde best,J is forest J is wodes, J mest peniwe forest,Dat is inSoup-hamtessire , vor pulke he louede inou,J astorede welmid bestes J lese mid gret wou.

Vor he caste out ofhouse J hornofmena gret route,J hi

-nomhor lond , ge pri tti mi le J more per aboute,J made it al forest J lese , pe bestesnorto fede .

Ofpouere mendescrited henomlutel hede.

Deruore perinne velmonymis-chening,J is sone was perinne issote Wi llampe rede k ing,J is O sone , pat het Richard , cagte per is dep also.


He wende, J frampanene to Normandie rigt.

J pe wule he was out of Engelond, Edgar Ape l ing(Dat rigt eir was of Engelond J kunde to be k ing)Made is gonge soster, as God gefpat cas,Nonne inpe hous of Romeseye , Cristine hirename was.Dat folc compo of Denemarch to Engelond sone,J rohbede J destruede, as hi i were iwoned to done.

Dat word into Normand ie to k ing Willamcom.

So gret poer of thulke lond J of France henomMid himinto Engelond, Of knigtes J squiers,

Speremenanote howemen, J also arblasters,Dat hompogte inEngelond SO muche foleneuerenas, 725Dat i t was wonder ware-thornisousteined it was.

H i i ofDenemarch flowe sone, vor hi inaddeno poer,Ac pet folc of bigonde se bileuede al le her,Dat vnnepe al pat londe sustenance hornvond .

J pe k ing homsende her J per aboute inEngelond 7 30

To d iuerse men, to finde hommete , more panhor poerwas,

So pat inech manere pat lond destrued wasFrut J cornper fai lede, tempestes per come,Dondringe J ligtinge ek, pat sloumeni lome .

Manne orf deide al agrounde , so gret qualm per compo.

Orffailede J eke corn,houmigte he more wo ?

Seknesse comek amongmen, pat aboute wide,Wat vor honger, wat uor wo, mendeide inech side,

So pat sorwes inEngelond were welmony volde .

De k ing J oper richemenwel lute per-oftolde, 740

Vor hi i wolde euere abhe y-nou

,warme pe pouere adde


SeinPoules chirche ofLondone was ek vorbarnd po.

K ing Willamto Normand ie pogte suppe atte laste .

He sette is tonnes J is londes to ferme wel vaste ,Wo-so mest bode per-nore J pe i a lond igranted were 745To amanto here peruore a certeinrente bi gere,


J anoper come and bode more, he were inne anon,So pat hi i that bode mest bro;te out moni on.Nere pe vorewardeno so strong, me hogte is out wip won,So pat pe king insuchmanere suluer wanynou. 750

Do he adde ise t is loudes so mid such tricherye

So heye , J ai is oper thyng, he wende to Normand ie,J pere he dude wowe y-noumid slagt J robberye,

Jnamelicbe ype pe k ing of France J vpe is compainieSo pat inpe tounof Re ins k ingWi llamatte laste


Vor eld J uor trauail, biganto febli vaste .

De k ing Phelip of France pe lasse po of himto lde,

J drof himto busemare, asme ofte deppanolde .

De k ing, ” he sede, ofEngelond halt himto is bedde ,

J lipmid is grete wombe at Re ins, a chi ld-bedde. 760

Do k ing Willamhurde pis, he made himsomdel wrop,Vor edwit of is grete wombe , J suor anonpis opB i pe vprisinge ofJhesu Crist ; gif God me wole grace

sende ,Vorto make mi chirchegong, J bringe of this bende ,Suche wines icholle midme lede, J such ligt attenende , 765Dat anhondred pousend candlenJ mo icholle himtendeAmidde is lond of France

, J is prute ssende ,Dat a sori chirchegong ichcholle himmake ar ich panne

wende .

Vorewarde he huld himwel inou, vorto heruest anon,Do be sey pat fe ldes were vol of come echon, 7 70

AI pe contre ie vol of frut, wanne he migte mest harmdo,He let gadery is knigtes J is squiers also,

And pat were is w ines, pat he wip himladde .

He wende him into France , J pe contre ie ouerspradde

J robbede J destruede himne migteno-p ing lette.

De grete ci te ofMedes suppe afure he sette,

Vormene migteno chirchegong wip-oute ligte do.

De c ite he hamde al clene, J anchirche alsoOf vr leuedi . pat perinne was . J anauncre godes spouse .

I c


Datnolde vorno thing fle out of hire house.

J moni monand wommanek pervel inmeschaunce,So pat a sori chirchegong hit was to pe k ing of France.K ing Willamwende agen, po al pis was ido ,

J bigansone to grony and to febly also,Vor trauail of pa voul asant, J vor he was fehle er,J parauntre vorwreche also , vor he dude so vue le per.Do be comto Reins agen, Sik he lay sone,His leches lokede is stat, as hor rigt was to done ,J iseye J sede also, pat hene migte ofscapieno; t.Dere was sone sorwe yuonamong ismenybrogt,J he him-sulfdeol yuonJ sorwe made also.

Jnameliche uor pe muche wo pat he adde anerpe ydo.

He wep onGod vaste yuon, J criede himmi lce J ore ,J bihet , gif he moste l ibbe , pat henolde misdonanmore .

Er he ssolde pat abbe ydo, vor i t was po late yuon. 795

Atte laste, po he isei pat toward is ende he drou,H is biquide inpismanere he made biuore is depWi l iam

, pe rede, ai Engelond is some he hiquep,De gongore al is porchas ; ac , as lawe was J wone,Normand ie is eri tage he gef is eldoste soneRoberd pe Courtehese ; J Henry pe gongoste poHe biquep is tresour, vor henadde sonesnanmo .

He het de le ek pouere menmuche of is tresorie ,Vorhe adde so muche of hominome inrobberye .

Chirchenhe let rere also , J tresour he ;efynou,

TO rere vp pe chirche of France , pat he hamde wipwon.De prisons he let ofEngelond deliuery echone,J ofNormand ie also, pat perne leuedenone.

DO deide he inpe ger of grace a pousend , as i t was,

And four score and senene , as God ; ef pat cas.He was k ing of Engelond four J tuenti ger also,

J duc ek of Normand ie vifty ger 8: two .

Of elde he wasnyne J fifty ger, po God him;efsuch on.

Demorwe after Se inte Mari day pe later ded he was.






Antw I GOD yaf tenbestes ine pe lage of iewes, pet

Moyses onderuing ine pe he l le of Synay, ine tuo tables ofston, pet were i-wri temid godes vingre ; and him-zelf


his beringe, ine his spel le het hise healde and lok i to ech

pet wi le by y-borge and huo pet agelt ine enie ofpei lke bestes, him ssel perof uorpenche, and him ssriue,

and bidde god merci , yef he wyle by yborge.

Dis boc is ywri teuor englisse men, pet hi wytehou hi ssolle ham-zelue ssriue,

and mak i hamk lene ine pise line.Dis boc hatte huo pet wri tAYENBITE or INWIIT .

auerst byep pe bestes ten,pet lok i ssolle al le men.


De uerste heste pet god made and bet is pis Donnesselt habbe uele godes.

"Det is to zigge

“Donne sselt

habbe god bote me,ne worssipie, ne serui . And pounesselt do pine hope bote ine me .

”Vor pe i lke pet dep his

hope begl iche ine sseppe, zenegep dyadliche, and depaye


pise beste . Z uiche byep pe i lke pet worssipeppe momenes,and makep hire god of sseppe, huich pet hit by.

Aye pise beste zenegeppo pet to moche louiep hire guod,gold oper zeluer, oper opre pinges erpliche. Huo pet inepise pinges ageltep, zettep zuo moche hire herte and hirehope , pet hi uoryetep hire ssepere , anlelep himpet al lepise guodes ham leup. And peruore hi ssoldenhimsemi and ponk i, and toppe al le pinges louie and worssipie,alzuo pe tekppis uerste beste .


De oper beste ys pellich Dou ne sselt nime Godesname inydel. ” Det is to zigge

“Donne sselt zuerie

uornagt and wyp-oute guode see le . Det oure lhord himzelf ous uorhyet ine his spelle , pet mene zueriene by pebenene , ne by pe erpe, ne by opre sseppe . Dagles ineguode skele me may zuerie wyp

-oute zenne , ase ine domehuer me Oksep op Of zope , oper out of dome inopreguode skele , and clenliche and skeluolliche . Ine nonopre manyere ne isno ri ; t to zuerie . And peruore, huopet zuerep w ip oute skeie pane name Of oure lhorde, andnornagt, yef he zuerepns ls be his wytinde, he himnorzuerep, and dep toayans p ise beste , and zuerp dyadliche,nor be zuerp ayens inwyt, pet is to onderstonde


he him uorzuerp he pogte and be longc penchinge. Ac

pe i lke pet zuerep zop be his wytinde , and alneway uornagt, Oper uor some ske ie kueade

,nagt kueadliche ake

ligtliche , and wyp-oute sc londre,zuerep ligtliche , pagles pe

wone is kueaduol, and may wel wende to zonne dyadliche,hote yef[be] himne lok i . Ac pe i lke pet zuerep hidous

l iche be God Oper by his halgen, and him tO-bregp, andzayp him sclondres pet ne byepnagt to zigge , pe i lkezenegep dyadliche, ne he ne may habbe skele pet be himmoge ex cusi . And be i lke pet mest himwoney to zuerie ,

mest zenegep.



DE pawns Goons HESTE.

De pridde beste is pellich Loke pet pou halgi paneday of pe sabat Det is to zigge : Dou nasselt do ine pe daye of pe sabat [Z eterday] pinenyedesnopine workes pet poumigt do ine opre dayes ac pou sselt

pe resti , nor be tere pe yeme to hidde and to serui pinesseppere pet himrestede, pane zeuende day, ofworkes pethe bedde ymad ine pe ziz dayes benote, inhuichenhemade the word le, anordaynede Dis beste

nolnelp gostliche himpet lokep be his migte pe pays ofhisinwyt, Godnor to serui more holylaker. Danne piswordzeterday, pet pe Jurie clepep sabat, is ase moche worth aseuaste.

Dis beste ne maynonloki gostliche, pet by ine inwytof dyadliche zenne. Vorzuich inwytne may by ine res teper huyle pet hi is ine zuich state. And ine pe Stede ofpe sahat pet wes straytliche y

-loked ine pe yalde lage, zetholi cherche pane sonday to loky ine pe newe lage ; voroure lhord aros uram dyape to lyue pane zonday. Anpernore me sse l hine loky and urepie zo holyliche , and byine reste ofworkes ope pe woke , and more of workes of

zenne, and yene himmore to gostliche workes and to

Godes seruise, and penche ane his sseppere , and himbidde ,and ponky ofhis guode . And huo pet brekp pane zondayand pe opre hege festes pet byep y

-zet to loky ine ho lycherche, zenegepdyadliche ,nor be dep aye pe heste ofGodto-nore yzed , and ofholi cherche, bote yefhit by uore zomenyede pet hol i cherche grantep. Ac more zenegep pe i lkepet d ispendep pane zonday and pe festes ine zenne , andine hordom,

and inopre zennes aye God. Dise pri hestesd igtep ous to Gode specialliche .

DE urtRpE Goons HESTE.

De nerpe beste is pellich “Worpssipe p ine nader andpine moder, uor pu sselt l ibbe pe lenger ine yerpe .




DE zIx TE Goons HESTE.

De zix te heste is pellich :“Donne sselt do nonhor


”Det is to zigge, poune sseltnagtwylni uelagrede

nlesslich wyp opre manne wy£”Ine pise heste ous is uor-bode al le zenne ofnlesse patme

clepep generalliche lecherie, pet is onof pe zeuendyadliche zennes, pa; per by zome bronches pet ne byep nagtdyadlich zenne, ase byep manie arizinges of vlesse patmene maynagt al[l] e bevly. And po me sse lnagti and wypdrage ase moche ase me may, nagt nor tonorici hisneporchaci , oper be to moche mete, oper drinke , oper heeuele pogtes to longe yhyealde, oper be kueade takinges.

Vor ine zuiche pingesme may habbe harmof zaule. Inepise heste is uorbode al le zennena-ye kende, ine huetmanere hy byep y-do, oper ine his bod ie oper inopren


De senende heste is pellich “Dou ne sselt do none


Dis heste ous uorhyet tonimene and of-hyealde

opre marme ping, huet pet hit by, he wyckede skele, aye

pe wyl ofhimpet hi t ogp.

Ine pise beste is uorbode roberie, piefpe, stale, and gauel,and bargaynwyp opreanor his ogento habbe . And pei lke pet depaye pis beste is yhyalde to ye lde pet he hep ofopremanne kueadliche, yefhe wot to huam and yef henot, he is yhyalde to yene hit uorGodes lone, oper to doneby pe rede of hol i cherche. Vor he pet wyphalt opremanne pingmid wrong he kueade skele, zene;epdyadliche,bote yefhe hit ye lde per ha sse l, yef he hit wot and mogehit do, oper yefhene depby pe rede ofholi cherche.


De egtende beste is pellich Donne sselt zigge nonenalse wytnesse aye pine emcristen. Ine pise beste ous ysuorbode pet wene lyegene ous uor-zuerie , ne ine dome,


ne wyp-oute dome, nor to do harmi pine emcrz'

sten, and petmene ledenenne inwytnesse nor to ampayri his guodelos Operhis grace pet he hep, uor pet is dyadlich zenne.

To-ayens pise heste dop po pet misziggep guode menhehinde ham,

be hire wytinde, and by kueadnesse, pet meclepeppe zenne of detracc ion, and po also pet heriep pekueade and hire dedes

,of hire kueadnesse and ofhire

fo l ies ywyte oper yzoge oper yherd . Det is zenne of blond i[n]gge oper of lozengerie , huanne me hit zayp to-uoreham,

oper ualshede oper lyesinges, huanne he pet mespekp ofne isnagt present ; vor al le pos byep ualse wytnesses.


Denegende beste is pellich Dou ne sseltnagt wylnipineneygbores wyf, ne his wylni ine pine herte.

Det is tozigge,

“poune sselt nagt consenti to do zenne mid pine

bodye .

Dis beste uorhye t to wylni mid wyl of herte to habbeuelagrede ulesslich mid al le wyfmen, out ofspoushod , andpe kueade tocnenwip-oute , pet byep ymad , nor to drage

zenne , ase byep kueade wordes Of zuyche manere, operyefpes, oper kueade tak inges. And pe d ifference of piseheste mid pe zi x te aboue y

-zed zuo is, pet pe zix te beste

uorhyet pe dede wyp-oute , ac pis uorhyet pe grantinge wypinne . Vor pe grantinge to habbe uelagrede ulesslichmidwyfmenpetne isna; t hi s he spouse , ys zenne dyadlich bepe dome of Codes spel le pet zayp, Huo pet zigp anewyfman, and wylnep his ine herte

, be hep y-zeneged mehyrc ine hIs herte , pet is to zigge, wypaperte wylni [n]ggeand mid pogte .


De tende beste is pellich “Dou ne sselt nagt wylni

ping pet is pine ni x te Dis beste uorhyet wyl to habbe

opre manne ping by wyckede scele.



Ine pis beste is uorbode enuie of opre manne guode ,oper ofopre manne grace. Vor pe i lke enuie comp of

kueade couayt isenor to habbe pet guod oper pe i lke gracepet he y-zigp ine oprea . And pe i lke couayt ise, huanne pemsentement and pe pogtes [byep] perto, isdyadlich zenne,and a-ye pise beste ; pagles ligte couaytise to habbe opremanne ping by guode scelene isno zenne

,and yef per is

eni knead arizinge wyp-oute wylle and wyp-oute grantingeto harmi opren, hi tne isno zenne

,and yef per is zenne ,

hit is ligt zenne.

Dis byep pe tenbestes, huer-of pe pri uerste ous d igt welto God , pe opre zeuenous d igt to oure nix te. D ise tenbestes byep to echenpet hep scele and e lde yhyealde to

conne and to clone . Vor huo pet dep perteyens be hiswytinde, zenegep dyadliche .


Huo pet wyle conne and wege pe zennes ofpe tonge, hitbehoueppet he conne wege and ayenwege pet word , huychpet hit by, and huer-Of hit comp, and huet knead hit dep.

Vor hit y-ualppet pet word is zenne ine bym, uor pet hit is

knead,and yef hit by-naip pet hi t by zenne , uor pet hyt

gep out of kueade herte and of heauede , hi t biualp pet

pe speche is grat zenne , uor pet hi dep grat knead , pa; bybynayt e and ysmoped . Nou sselt pouywyte pet pe kueade

tonge is pet trau pet God acorsede inhis spe l le, uor pet henenandnagt hote leaues, pet ine holy wri t byep onde[r]stonde wordes. And alsuo ase hit is strang ping to tel leal le pe lyeaues of pe trauwe, alsuo hit is Strang ping norto te l le pe zennes pet ofpe tonge comep. Anp ise tenboges we moge alsuo nemni ydelnesse, yelpinge , blondinge, todraginge, lyesynges, vorzueri inges, Stryfinge ,grochinge , wypstond inge , blasfemye.

De i lke pat hamyeuep to moche to ydele worddes, hi

zechep grat harm pet hi ne aparceyuep nagt. Vor hy


Or pa a m or raunson.

Eflerward comp pe zenne ofyelpynge pet iswel grat andwel uoul, wel uals and wel vi leyn. Hi is wel grat, vor

huo pet yelpp he is aperteliche Godes pyef, and himwylehenyme his bl isse ase we zede hyer beuore. Det is a wel

nals zenne. Vor pe guodes huerof he migte wynne pebenene, hi yeuepnor a l ite l wynd. And zuo hit is a wel

uoul zenne. V or pe wordle zelfhamhalt uorfol,andnor

vilayn, andnornice.

Ine pise boge byep vif leaues, pet byep vifmanere of

yelpinges. Onis preterit, pe[t] is to zigge, ofpinge ypased .

Det is pe zenne of panpet zuo blepeliche recordep hare

dedes and hare prowesses, and pet hi wenep habbe operwel ydo oper wel yzed. De oper is of present, pet is tosigge, ofnou. Det is pe zenne of po pet nagt ne dopgledliche, ne hamne payepwel to donene wel zigge, botease me his yzygpoper yberp. Dise ine dede oper ine specheand ine zinginge hi yelpep and zellep uornagt ai pet hidop. To panbelongeppe zenne ofzuichenpet yelpep ofpe guodes

pet hi habbep oper pet hi wenep habbe , of harenoblesse, ofbare richesse, ofhare prouesse . Hybyep asepe coccou petne canzinge bote of himzelue . De priddeis pe zenne ofpise ouerweneres pet ziggep, Ich w i lle do

pet and pet, ich wylle awreke , forre ichwi l lemak i pe he l lesand pe danes. ” De uerpe ismore sotil, pet is of panpetne moge uor ssame ham-zelue praysi , ac al pet opre dopandziggep, altogidere uayrliche blamyep ase ri ; t nagt, ne himpraysep to pet hi conne do and zigge . De vifte isyetmoresotil ofhampet, huanne hi wi llep pet me hise praysi , andhi nollep zigge apert eliche , hi hit makep a nagt, andmakep zuo moche hammi lde , and ziggep pet hi byep zuo

kueade , and zuo zenuol, and zuo onconnynde, pri sipemore panne hi by, vor pet me hamherep and hyealde uorwel hogsam. Al las

,zayp saynt Bernard . huet per is


hier zorgnolle yelpinge. Hy makep hamdyeulen, uorpet me halt ham uor angles, hymakep hamkueade, vor

pet me ssolde his hyealde uor good ne more mene mayhamwrepi parme nor to zigge , Uorzope, pou zayst zop.

To panbelongep pe zenne of hampet zechip spekemenhamnor to praysi , andnor to grede harenoblesse. be but :monpe hi spekep, and pemore hardyliche.





. THAT ryvere of Nyle, al le the ;eer, whanthe

sonne entrethe into the signe of Cancer,it begynnethe to

wex e , and i t wex ethe al le weys, als longe as the sonne isinCancro , and inthe signe of Lvoune . And i t wex etheinsuche manere , that i t is somtyme so gret, that it is so

cubytes ormore of depnesse ; and thanne i t dothe gretharmto the godes that benuponthe 10nd. For thannemay no mantravaylle to ere the londes, for the grete

moystnesse and therfore is there dere tyme inthat

contree. And also whani t wex ethe lytylle , it is dere tymeinthat contree , for defaute ofmoysture . And whanthesonne is inthe signe of V irgo,

thanne begynnethe the

yvere for to wane and to decrece lytyl and lytylle so that

whanthe sonne is entred into the signe Of Libra,thanne

the i entrenbetwene the ise ryveres. This ryvere cometherennynge fromParadys terrestre

,betwene the desertes of

Ynde and aftre it smytt unto londe , and rennethe longetyme many grete contrees undre erthe . And aftre i t gothe

out undre anhighe hi l le, that menc lepenAIOthe, that isbetwene Ynde and Ethiope , the d istance Of five monethsjourneyes fro the entree of Ethiope. And aftre i t envy


nesse . And betwene Egipt and Nubye , i t bathe wel a 1 3

joumees of desert. And menof Nubye hencristene,but the i benblake as the Mowres, for grete hete of the

sonne.InEgipt there hen5 provynces : that onhighte

Sahythe, that other highte Demeseer, another Resi the,

that is ani le inNyle , another Alisandre, and another thelond ofDamiete . That cytee was wont to be righte

strong, but i t was twyes wonnenof the cristene menandtherfore after that the Sarazines betendownthe wal les.And with the wal les and the tour thereof

,the Sarazines

madenanother cytee more fer fromthe see, and clepedeni t thenewe Damyete, so thatnowno manduellethe at therathere tounof Damyete . And that cytee ofDamyete isonof the havenes of Egypt ; and at Alisandre is thatother, that is a ful ie strong cytee . But there is no watreto drynke , but gif i t come he condyt fromNyle that entrethe into here cistemes, and who so stopped that watrs

fromhem, theimyghtenot endure there. InEgypt therebenbut fewe forcelettes or castelles, be cause that the

contree is so strong of him se lf. At the desertes of

Egypte was a worthi man, that was anholy heremy te ;and there mette wi th byma monstre (that is to seyne , a

monstre is a thing d ifformed agenkynde both ofmanor

of best or of ony thing e l les,and that is cleped a mon

stre). And this monstre, that mette w ith this holyheremyte, was as i t hadde bena man, that badde 2 homestrenchant onhis forhede, and he hadde a body lyk a

man, unto the nabele, and benethe he badde the body

lyche a goot. And the heremyte asked him,what he was.

And themonstre answerde him,and seyde, he was a dedly

creature, suche as God badde formed , and due lled inthodesertes, inpurchasynge his sustynance ; and besoughtethe heremyte, that he wolde preye God forhim,

the whiche

that earnfrom hevene for to savenal le mankynde , and


was bornof a mayden, and sufl'

red passiounand dethe

(as we we l l knowen), be whomwe lyvenand hen. And gitis the hede with the 2 homes of that monstre at Alisandrefora marveyle.InEgypt is the cytee ofElyOple, that is to seyne, the cytee

ofthe sonne . Inthat eytee there is a templemade round ,aftre the schappe of the temple ofJerusalem. The prestes

ofthat temple hanal le here wrytynges, undre the date of

the foul that is clept Fenix ; and there is nonbut oninalle the world. And he comethe to brenne himse lf uponthe awtere ofthe temple, at the ende of 5 hundred geerfor so longe he lyvethe. And at the 500 ; eres ende, theprestes arrayenhere awtere honestly, and puttenthereuponspices and sulphurvifand other thinges, that wolenbrennel ightly. And thanthe brid Feni x comethe

,and brennethe

himse lfto ashes. And the first daynex t aftre, menfyndeninthe ashes a worm and the secunde daynex t aflre, menfundena brid quyk and perfyt and the thridde daynex taftre

,he fleethe his wey. And so there isnomo briddes of

that kynde inal le the world , but i t al lone. And treuly thatis a gret myrac le of God. And menmay we l l lykne thatbryd unto God, be cause that therenysno God but on, and,also, that oure lord aroos fro dethe to lyve, the thridde day.

This bryd menseenoftentyme fleenintho contrees.

And he isnot mechelesmore thananegle , and he hathea crest offedres uponhis bedmore gret thanthe poocokbathe ; and hisnekke is ;alowe , aftre co lour ofanorie l le ,that is a stonwe l l schynynge and his bek is coloured blewas ynde and his wenges henof purpre co lour, and thetaylle is ;e low and red

, castynge his taylle agenintravers.And he is a fulle fairbrid to lokenupon, agenst the sonne :for he schynethe ful ly gloriously andnobely.

Also inEgypt hengardyns, that hantrees and herbes, thewhiche berenfrutes 7 tymes inthe geer. And inthat londmenfyndenmany fayre emeraudes and ynowe . And there



fore thei henthere grettere cheep. Also whanit reynetheones inthe somer, inthe loud ofEgipt, thanne is al le thecontree fulle ofgrete myrs. Also at Cayre, that I spah of

before, se l lenmencomounly bothemenand wommenofother lawe , as we donhere bestes inthe markat. Andthere is a comounhows inthat cytee, that is al le fulle of

smale furneys ; and thidre bryngenwommenof the tounhere eyrenof hennes

,of gees, and of dokes, for to hen

put into tho fumeyses. And thei that kepenthat howscoverenhemwith hete of hors dong, wi th outenhenne ,goos or doke orony other foul and at the ende of3 wekesorofamonethe, thei comenagenand takenhere chickenesand norissche hem and bryngenhemforthe, so that allethe contree is fulle of hem. And so mendonthere

bothe wyntre and somer.

Also inthat contree, and inothere also, menfyndenlonge apples to se l le , inhire cesounandmenclepenhemapples of paradys and thei henrighte swete and ofgode

savour. And thoghe gee kutte heminnever so many gobettes or part ies, overthwart or endlonges, everemore geeschul le fyndeninthe myddes the figure of the holy crosofoure Lord Iesu. But the i wi l rotenwithin8 days, andfor that cause menmaynot carye of the apples to no fercontrees. And thei hangrete leves, of a fote and a half

oflengthe, and thei bencovenably large. And menfyndenthere also the appulle tree ofAdam,

that bana byte at onof the sydes. And there henalso fyge trees, that berennoleves, but fyges uponthe smale braunches : and menclepenhemfiges of Pharoon. Also besyde Cayre , wi thoutenthat cytee, is the feld where bawme growethe . Andi t comethe out onsmale trees, that hennonhyere thana

mannes breek gi rd ille and thei semenas wode that is ofthe wylde vyne. And inthat fe ld ben7 we l les, that oureLord Iesu Cristmade wi th onof his feet, whanhe wenteto pleyenwi th other chi ldren. That fe ld isnot so we ll


themarchauntisand the apotecaries countrefetenit eftsones,and thanit is lasse worthe, and a gret del worse. But gif

it lyke ;ou, I schal le Shewe, how gee schul le knowe andpreve, to the ende that gee schul le not hend isceyved .

First, gee schul le wel knowe, that the naturel le bawme isfulle d eer

,and Of cytrine colour, and stronge smellynge

and gif i t he thykke or reed or blak , i t is sophisticate, thatis to seyne, contrefeted and made lyke i t

,for d isceyt.

And undrestondethe, that gif gee wi l putte a litylle bawmeinthe pawme of goure hond, a; enthe sonne

, gif i t be fynand gode, geene schul lenot sufl


re goure hand agenst thehete Ofthe sonne . Also takethe a lyti lle bawme , wi th the

poynt Ofa knif, and touche i t to the fuyr, and gifi t brenne ,i t is a gode signe. Aftre take also a drope ofbawme , andput it into a d issche or ina cuppe wi thmylk Of a gOOt

and gif it henaturel le bawme , anonit wole take and hecl ippe themylk . Or put a drope Ofbawme inc lere watre,ina cuppe of sylver or ina c lere bacyn, and stere it wet

wi th the c lere watre and gifthat the bawme be fynand of

his owne kynde, the watre schal lenevere trouble and gifthe bawme he sophisticate, that is to seyne, countrefeted ,the water schal le become anontrouble . And also

, gifthe

bawme be fyn, it schal le fal le to the botme ofthe vesselle ,

as thoughe it were quyksylver for the fynbawme ismorehevy twyes, thanis the bawme that is sophisticate andcountrefeted . Now I have spokenof bawme, and nowalso I schal le speke ofanother thing, that is begonde Babyo ne, above the flode OfNyle, toward the desert, betweneAfl


rik and Egypt that is to seyu, Ofthe gemeres ofJoseph,that he leetmake, for to kepe the greynes for the peri leOf the dere geres. And thei henmade of ston, fulle welmade Ofmasonnes craft Ofthe whiche two henmerveylouse grete and hye, and the totherene hennot so grete.And every gerner hathe a gate, for to entre wi th inne, alyti lle hyghe fro the erthe. For the lond is wasted and


fallen, sithe the gemeres were made. And with inne the ihenalle fulle ofserpentes. And aboventhe gernereswi thoutenhenmany scriptures ofdyverse langages. And summenseyo , that the i hensepultures of grete lordes, thatwerensomtyme but that isnot trewe

,foral le the comoun

rymour and speche is oralle the pepre there, bothe fer andnere, that the i henthe garneres of Joseph. And SO

fyndenthe i inhere scriptures and inhere cronycles.Onthat other partie, gifthe i wereinsepultures, thei scholdennot henvoyd wi th inne. For gee may wel l knowe,that tombes and sepulturesne hennot made of suche

gretnesse ,ne Ofsuche highnesse. Wherfore i t isnot to heleve, that the i hentombes or sepultures. InEgypt alsothere hendyverse langages and dyverse lettres, and of

O ther manere cond ic ioun, thanthere heninother part ies.

As I schal le devyse gou, suche as thei hen, and the nameshow thei clepenhem,

to suche entent,that gee mowe

knowe the d ifference Of hem and Of othere : Atho imis,

Bunchi , Chinok, Durain, Eni , Fin, Gomor, Heket,

Janny, Karaeta, Luzanim,Miche, Naryn, Oldache, Pi lon,

Quyu,Yron, Sichen, Thola, Urmron, Ypp and Z arm,










1 Also . engl ische men. by commi x tioun. medlynge. first wip danes. afterward wipNormans. inmeny !pe contray langage is apaired. somme vsip strangewlafl


ynge. chiterynge. harrynge garrynge. gryshitt inge .

pis apairynge of pe hirpe tonge is by cause of twe i

pingis oon. is for chi ldren. inscole agenes pe vsage

maner of al le oper naciouns hep compe l led forto leneher owne langage. forto constrewe here lessounshere pingis a frensche . and hauep sippe pat pe Normanscome first into Englond . 1 Also genti l menues chi ldrenhep y taugt forto speke frensche . frompe tyme pat pe ihep rokked inher cradel. kunnep speke 8: playe withachildes brooche . 1 And vplond ische menwole liknehemselfto genti l men. fondepw ipgrete hisynesse . forto

speke frensche . forto he pe more ytold of. J t r e u i s a.

pis maner was myche y vsed to fore pe first moree[134 8 ] is sippe somde l ychaungide . for IohnnComwai l , amaister of gramer chaungide pe lore ingramerscole. 8: constructiounof frensche into Engl ische.

Richard Pencriche lerned pat maner techynge of bym







DB kyng and his knibtes to pe Churche wentenTo heere Matyns and Mass e


and to pe Mete aftur.

Deane Wakede I ofmy wink me was wo wrtlr al leDat Inedde sadloker. I-slept °

and I-sege more .

Er I a Furlong bedde I-fare A Feyntise rue hente,Dat Forpermihtinot a-fote for defaute of Sleep.

I sat Sofleliche a-doun°and seide my heo-leeue,

And so I hlaherde onmy Beodes pat hrouhteme a-Slepe .

Densauh I muche more penI beofore tolde,For I sauh pe Fe ld ful of Folk pat ich of bi-fore

schewede, 10

And Concience wrtlz a Crois cornfor to preche.

He preide pe peple haue pite of hem-selue,

And prenede pat pis pesti lences weore for puire synne,And pis soup-Westerne wynt ona Seterday at euenWas a-perteliche for pruide and forno poynt e lles.Piries and Plomtres weore passchet to pe grounde,Inensaumple to Menpat we scholde do pe bettre.Beebes and brode okes weore blowento pe corpe,And turned v ard pe tayl Intoknyng of drede


Dat dedly Synne or domesday schulde fordonhemalle. 20Of pis Matere I mihte Momele ful longe ,

Bote I sigge as I sauh (so me god he lpe)How Conc ience wztlz a Cros °Comsede to preche.

He had wastors go worche what pe i best coupe,And wynne pat pe i wastedenwzth summaner craft. 26

He pre igede Perne l hire Porfil to lene ,And kepenhi t inhire Cofre for Catel atneode.

Thomas he taugte°

to take twey [staues] ,And fette homFe l ice Fromwyuene pyne.

He wamede watte his wyfwas to blame, 90

Dat hire hed was worp aMark and his hod worpAGrote.

He chargede Chapmento Chastenheore chi ldrenLet hemwontenoneige whi le pat pei hengonge.

He preyede Preestes and Prelates to-

gedere ,

Dat pei prechenpe peple to preuenhi t inhem-seluen—35And libbenas ;e lerepvs we wolenloue ow pe betere .

And Seppe he Radde Religiounpe Rule for to holdeLeste pe kyng and his Counse il gor Comunes apeire,

And heo st iward inoure stude til ge he stouwet betere

And ;e pat sechep seynt Iame ‘

and seintes at Roome, 40

Sechep Se int Treupe for he may sauenow al leQm


o feire mote you fal le .

Denne RonRepentaunce and Rehersed pis teeme,And made Wi l l iamto weope wate r w ill his egen.Perne l proud-herte °

platte hire to grounde ,And lay longe ar heo lokede °

and to vr lad i oriede,And heo-higte to him pat vs al le maade ,Heo wo lde vn-souwenhire smok °

and settenper anhereForte faytenhire Flesch pat Frele was to synneSchalneuer liht herte me hente hote ho lde me lowe, 50

And suflre to heo mis-se id and so dude Ineuere.Andnou I conwelmeke me and Merc i heoseche

Of al pat Iehaue I-had °

envye inmynherte.

Lechonr seide “Alias and to vr lad i criedeI r“


TomakenhimhanMerci for hismisdede,Bitwene god almihti and his pore soule,Wip-pat he schulde pe seterday senenger afterB rinkenbote wrth pe Doke °

and [dynen] but once.Envye wip heni herte asket aftur schrifl,

And gretliche his gultus hi-ginnep to schewe.

As pale as a pelet Ina palesye he seemede,I-cloped inA Caurimauri I coupe himnot discrene[A kert i l a courtepy a knyfbe his sideOfa Freris frokke were pe fore sleuys] .As a leek pat bedde I-leigenlonge Inpe sonne,So loked he WM lene chekes ; lourede he foule.

His Bodi was Boiled for wrappe be hot his lippes,Wropliche be wrong his fust he pou; te hima-wrekeWipwerkes or WM Wordes whonhe sei ; his tyme.Venimor vemisch or vinegre, I trouwe,Wallep inmy wombe or wax ep, ich wene.

Ine mihte mony day donas amonouhte.Such wynt inmy wombe °wax ep, er I dy[n] e.

Iehaue aneihgehormeneih I haue anuyged himofte,

Ahlamed himhe-hynde his halt to bringe himindisclaundre , 75

And peired himhi my pouwer' I-punissched himful ofte,B i-lowenhimto lordes tomake himleose Se lner


I-donhis Prendes henhis fonwithmy false tongeH is grase and his good hap greuepme ful sore.

Bitwene himand his Meyne Iehaue I-Mad wrappe, 30

Bope his lyfand his lcome was lost porwmy tonge.

WhonI mette himinpe Market pat I most hate,Ich heilede himas hendely [as I his frend] weorc.He is dougtiore penI i darnonharmdonhim.

Bote bedde I maystrie and miht I Morperde himforeuere 85

WhonI come to pe churche and kucle hi-fore pe Roode ,And scholde pre ige for pe peple as pe prest vs techep,


ToWinchestre and to Wych Ich wente to pe Fe ireWi t/zmonymanermarchaund ise asmy mayster hihte ; 120Botenedde pe grace ofgyle I-gona-mong my ware,Hit bedde henvn-sold pis senenger °

so me god he lpeDenne I drou; me a-mong pis drapers myDonet to lcome ,To drawe pe lyste wel along pe lengore hi t semedeAmong pis Riche Rayes ° lernde I a Lessun, 125

Brochede hem wrtlz a pak-neelde and pletede hem to


Putte hemina pressour and pinnede hemper-InneTi l tengerdes oper twelue toldenout prettene .

And myWyfat Westmunstre pat Wol lene c lop made,Spak to pe spinsters for to spinne hi t softe . 130

De pound pat heo peysede [by] °

peisede a quartrunmoreDenmynAunce l dude whonI weyede treupe .

I Bouhte hire Barly heo breuh hit to sullePeni Ale and piriwhi t heo pourede to-


For laborers and louh fo lk pa t l inenbe hem-seluen. 135

De Beste inpe Bed-chaumhre lay hi pe wowe,Hose Bummede perof Bougte hit per-after,A Galounfor a Grote God wot, no lasse ,Whonhit cominCuppemel such craftesme vsede.Rose pe Regratour Is hire rihtenameHeo hap holdenhox terye pis Elleuene wynter.Bote I swerenou [sopely] pat sunne wel I lete ,Andneuer e wikkedliche weye ne fa

'ls chafl'

are vsen,Bote weende to Walsyngham and my wyfalse,And hidde pe Rode of Bromholm°hrz

°nge me out of

dette . 145

Nou ginneppe Gloton°for to go to sehrifte ,

And eariep himto chi rcheward his schrift forte te l le .

Denne Betunpe Breustere had himgode morwe ,And seppenheo asked ofhim Whoder pat he woldeTo holi chirche , quod he

“ for to here Masse 150

And seppenI-chule henI-schrie enand sungeno more. "


Iehaue good ale, gossib, quad heo gloten, woltonasaye

Hastonougt I pi pors, quad he eny hote spices ?; e , glotun, gossip,

quod heo god wot, ful goode

I haue peper and piane and a pound ofgarlek ,

A Ferping-worp of Fenc l—seed for pis Fastyng dayes."

Dene gepGlotoninand grete opus afterSesse pe souters wyf sat onpe Benche,Watte pe warinar and his wyfhope,Tomkynpe Tinkere and tweyne of his knaues,H ikke pe hakeney monand hogge peneldere,Clarisse of Cokkes lone and pe Clerk of pe churche,Sire Pers ofpridye and perne l of Flaundres,Dauwe pe d isschere and a doseynopere.

[A] Rihihor, [a] Ratoner a Rakere of chepe,

A Ropere, a Redyng-kyng °and Rose pe d isschere,

Godfre i ofGarlesschire and Griffinpe walsche,And of vp-ho lders anhep '

erly hi pemorwe

gine pe glotonwith good w i l le good ale to honsel .Denne Clement pe Cohelere esste ofhis c loke,And attenewe Fe ire he leyde hire to sul leAnd H i kke pe Ostiler hutte his hOd aftur


And had hette pe Bocher henonhis hi -Syde.

Der weore ChapmenI-chose pe chafl'

are to preise

Hose bedde pe hod schulde haue Amendes.

De i RisenvpRaply and Rounedento-gedere,And pre isedenpe peniworpus and partedenhi hem

seluenDer weorenOpes anhep hose pat hi t herde .

Dei coupenot hi heore conc ience a-corde to gedere,

Til Robynpe Ropere weore Rad forte a-ryse,

Andnempned for anoumpere patno de-hatncore,[for he schulde praise pe penyworpes as bym

pougt] .

Denne H ikke pe Osti ler bedde pe c loke.


InCouenaunt pat Clement schulde pe Cuppe fulie,And habbe hikkes hod pe osti ler '

and hold himwel I a

seruet 185

And he pat repentepRapest schulde arysenaftur,And gretet: Sir glotenwztlz a galunof ale.

Der was laugwhing and lotering and let go pe cuppe

Bargeyns and Beuerages bi-gonne to aryse,

And seetenso til Euensong And songensumwhi le, 190

Til Glotenbedde I-gloupet A Galounand a gi l le.He pissede a potel Inapaler-nor!” whi le,And Bleuh pe Ronde Ruwet att e Rugge

-hones ende,Dat al le pat herde pe hornheoldenbeoreneose after,And weschte pat hi t weore I-wipet wit}: a wesp of

Firsen. 195

H e beddeno strengpe to stonde ti l he his staf hedde

Denne gonhe for to go lyk A gleo-monnes bicche,

Sumtyme asyde °and sumtyme arere,

As hose leip lynes to [lacehe] wip Foules.Whonhe drouh to pe dore pend immede his e igen,He prompelde atte prex wolde and prenk to pe grounde .

[Clement pe cohlere caugte glotounby pe mydle ,And for to lyfte bymaloft leide bymonhis kneesAnd glotounwas a gret cherl and gryminpe lyftynge,And cowhede vp a eawdel inclemmt is lappe,Dat pe hungriest hound ofhertforde sehire

Ne durst lape ofpat laueyne so vnloveli i t smak ith] .Dat wztb al pe wo of pis world his wyfand his wencheBeerenhimhornto his bed °

and brouhtenhimper-Inne .

And after al pis surfet anAccesse he bedde, 210

Dat he Slepte Seturdayand Sonenday ti l sonnewente to reste.

Denne he wakede ofhis wynk and wypede his e igenDe furste word pat he spac [was] wher is pe Cuppe ?

H is wyfwarnede himpo ofwikkednesse and ofsinne.

Denne was he a-schomed, pat schrewe and schraped his

eren, 215


So rewe onme,Robert patno Red haue,

Neneuere weene to wynne forCraft pat I knowe.

Bote for pi muche l Merci mitigac ionI be-secheDampne menot ondomes day for I dude so i l le .

Ah what fel ofpis FelounI connot feire schewe,But wel Ich wot he wepte faste watur wztfz his eigen,And knouhlechede his gult to Crist gi t oft

-sones,Dat Pmilma

a is [pike‘ be] schulde polisschenewe,

And lepe WM himouerlond °ai his lyfryme,

For he hap leigenbi Iatro lucifers brother.A pousent ofMenpo °

prongento -geders,

Weopyng and weylyng for beore wikkede dedes,

Criginge v ard to Crist and to his clene moderTo haue grace to seche seint treupe °

god lene pe i somote I

Passes v1 .



[Now ridenpis folk walkenonfoteTo seche pat seint inselcoupe londis] .Bote per were fewe menso wys pat coupe pe wei pider,Bote bustelyng forp as bestes ‘

ouer valeyes and hulles,[for whi le pei wente here owenwi l le pe i wente al le amys] .Ti l [bi t] was late and longe pat pe i a Leod metten,Apparayled as a Falmere Inpi lgrimes wedes. 270

He bar a bordunI-bounde wip a brod lyste,InA wepe-bondes wyse I-wripenaboute.

A Bagge and a Bo l le he bar bi his syde

Anhundred ofampolles onhis hat seeten,Signes ofSynay '

and Schelles ofGalysMoni Cros onhis c loke and ke iges of Rome ,


And pe vernic le bi-fore formenschulde himknowe,And seo be his Signes whomhe souht bedde .

Dis Folk fraynede himfe ire fromwhenne pat he coome ?FromSynay ,

he se ide,

and fromthe Sepulcre 280

FromBethleemand Babi loyne I haue heninhope,InYnde and inAssye °

and inmony oper places.ge mouwe seo be my Signes pat sittep onmynhat,Dat I haue walked ful wyde Inwee te and indruye,And souht goode seyntes formy soule heie.

Knowest pou ouht A Corseynt Mencallep SeyntTreupe

Const pou wissenvs pe wey wher pat he dwellep?

Nay, so God glade me 1"

se ide pe gome penne,Sauh Ineuere Falmere wrtlz pykne wrtlz schrippe

Such a seint seche botenow inpis place.

Peter I quod a Ploug-Monand putte forp his hed,I knowe himas kuyndeliche as Clerk dop his bokes

Clene Conc ience and w it [kende] me to his place,And dude enseure me seppe to serue himfor euere.

Bope to sowenand to settenwhi le I swynke mihte,I haue henhis felawe pis fiftene wynterBope I-sowed his seed and suwed his beestes,

And eke I-kept his CornI-caried hit to house,

I-dyket and I-doluenI-donwhat he hihte,

WM -Innenand wz'tlzoutenI-wayted his profyt ;

Dernisno laborer inpis leod pat he louepmore,For pauh I Sigge hi t my-self I serue himto paye.

I haue mynhure of himwel and operwhi le moreHe is pe presteste payere pat pore menhabbepHe w ith-haltnonhyne his hurre pa t he hitnap at euen.He is as louh as A lomb louelich of speche,

And gif; e wollep I-wi te wher pat he dwellep,I wol wissenow pe wey homto his place.


Ye, leue pers,” quod pis palmers °

and profredenhimhuire .


Nai , bi pe peri l ofmy soule , quod pers and higontoswere


Inolde fouge a ferping for seynt Thomas schrine lTreupe wolde loue me pe lasse a gret whi le afterBote ge pat wendep to him pis is pe wei pider

ge mote go porw mekenesse hope Monand wyf,T il ge come in-to Concience pat crist knowe pe sope 815

Dat ge louep himleuere penpe lyf inoure bertes,And penne oureneihehorsnex t Innone wyse apeire

Operweys penpou woldest menwrougtento pi-seluen.So Bouwep forp hi a brok heo-box um-of-speche ,

[Forp til ge fynde a forde gour-fadres-honoureth]

Wadep inpat water wasschep ow wel pere,

And ge schul lepe pe lihtloker al oure lyftyme .

Sone schaltou penne I-seo swere-not-hut-pou-haue-neodeAnd-nomeliche-In-Ide l pe-nome-of-God-Almihti .

Denne schul ge come hi a Croft ° hut cumge not perInne 325

De Croft hette coueyte-not Menues-cate l-ne-beore-wynesNe-non-Of-heore-seruauns pat-nuygen-hem-mihteLoke pou brekeno Boug pere but gifhit heo pinowne .

Twe i stokkes per stondep but stunt pounot pere ,

De i hetten, Sle-not, ne-stel -not stryk forphi hemhope ; 330Lef hemonpi luft half loke hemnot aftur,And ho ld wel pinhaly-day euere til euen.Denne schaltou Blenchenat a brok her-no-fals-wi tnesse ,He is frettet wztfz-Innenwrtlx Floreyns and opes wel

mouyeLoke pou plokkeno plonte per for per i l ofpi sonle . 335

Denne schaltou [se] sei-sop so-hit-heo-to-doneAnd-10ke-pat-pou-lyge-not for-no-monnes-hidyng.

Denne schaltou come to a Court Cleer as pe Sonne,De Mot is ofMerc i pe maner al ahouten,And al le pe wal les hepofwi t to ho lde wi l perouteDe Camels hep of Cristendam pe kuynde to saue ,


Is wonderliehe wel-comenand feire vnderfonge.And hote ge hensibbe to summe of peos senene,Hit is ful hard, hi mynbed 1 eny of ow alleTo gete in-goynge at pat gat hote grace heo pe more. 880

Bi Crist,”

quap a Cutte-pors I haueno kunpere INo,

quap anApeward fornout pat I knowe l”I-wis,

quap a waferer wust I pis for sope,Schulde Ineuere forpere a fote forno freres prechinge."“gns,” quap pers pe ploug-monand prechede hire to


Merci is a Maydenper and hapmiht ouer hemalle ;Heo is sih to al le synfulmenanhire sone alseAnd porw pe help of hemtwo (hope pounonOper),Donmaigt gete grace per so pat pou [go] hi -tyme.

Passus VII . v. 240-3“





I praye pe ,”

quod pers par Charite, gifpou Conne 890Eny lyfof leche Craft lere hit me, my deore.For summe ofmy seruauns °heop seke oper-whi le


Ofal le pe wike heo Worchepnot so beor wombe skep.I wot wel,

quod Hunger “What seknesse hemeilep,

IDc i banI-Maunget outer muche patmakep hemgrone


Ac Ich hote pe, quad Hungur and pou pinhele wylne,Dat pou drynkeno dai til pou haue dynet sumwhatEtcnot, Ich hote pe til hungerpe take,And sende pe sumofhis sauce to sauer pe pe betere

Keep sumtil soper tyme And [si t] pounot to Longe, 400A-Rys vp ar appetyt habbe I-getenhis Fulle.


Letnot sir Surfet sittenat pi Bord ;Loue himnot, for he is a lechonrmud l ikerous ofTonge,And afturmony Metes his Mawe is a-longet.And gifpou digete pe pus I dar legge hope mynEres, 405

Dat Fisyk schal his Forred hod for his [foode] sulle ,

And eke his c loke ofCalabre WM knappes ofGold ,And heo Fayn, be my Fe ip his Fisyk to lete,And lcome to lahre wip lond leste lyflode Fai le ;Der beopmo lygers penleches vr lord hemamende l 410

Dei donmendygenpom; beor drinke er destenye wolde.”Bi seint Poul l” quad pers peos beop prophitahle

wordes lDis is a loueli lessonvr lord hit pe for-ge ldeWendnou whonpi wi l le is Wel pe heo for euere !

I heo-hote pe,”

quad bungur heonnesnul I wende 415Er I haue I-dynet hi pis day and I-dronke hope.

I haueno peny, quad pers Poletes to bugge,Nouper geesne grys hote twey grene cheeses,

And a fewe Cruddes and Craym '

and a perfCake,And a lofofBenes and BrenI-Bake formy Chi ldren. 420And I sigge, hi my soule ° I haueno salt Bacon,Neno Cokeneyes, hi Crist Colopus to maken.Bot I haue porettes and percyl °

and moni ColplontesAnd eke a Cou, and a Calf °

and a Cart-Mare

To drawe a-feld my donge °Whil pe drouhpe lastep. 425

B i pis lyflode I mot lyuenti l lammasse tymeB i pat, Ich hope forte haue heruest inmy CroftDenne may I drhte pi dyner as pe deore lykep.

Al pe pore peple pese-coddes fetten,

Bake Benes inBred pei brouhteninbeor lappea,Chiholles, Cheefmete and ripe chiriesmouye,And proferde pers pis present to plese wztlzbungur.Honger eet pis inhaste and asked afturmore

Denne pis folk for fere fettenhimmouyePoretes, and Peosenfor pe i himplese wolden


Frompa t tyme pat pulkeweore etentake he schulde his leueTil hit to heruest higede

pa tnewe com comto chepynge.Denne was pat folk fayn° and fedde hunger georneWM good Ale, and glotonye and gart himto slepe.

And ponolde ye wastor worche but wandrenaboute, 440

Neno Beggere etenBred pat Benes Inne coome ,Bote Coket and ClerMatinanofc lene wheteNenonhalfpeny Ale Innone wyse drynke,Bote Ofpe Beste and pe Brouneste pat Brewesters sullen.Laborers pat haueno lond to l inenonBote heore honden


Deynenot to dyne a day niht-olde wortes. 445

Mai no peny Ale hempaye ne no pece ofBacun,Bote hi t weore Fresch Flesch or el les Fisch I-Friget,Bope chaud and pluschaud for che le Ofheore Mawe.

Bote he heo he ihliche I-huret °

e l les wol he chide,

Dat he was werkmonI-wrougt warie pe tyme,And Corse gerne pe kyng °

and ai his Counse il aftur,

Suche lawes to loke ° laborers to chaste .

Ac whi le hunger was Mayster heer wo lde per nonchyde ,Ne strz

ue ageynpe statues°so steorneliche he lok ede. 4 55

I warne gou, al‘le we rk-menwinnep whi le ge mowe,Hunger hiderward ageynhigep himgeorne.

He wole a-wake porw watur pe wastours al le,

Er Fyue ;er henfolfult such Famynschal a-RyseDorw Flodes and foul weder Frui tes schul fayleAnd so seip [Satume] and sent vs to warne.

Passus vrrr. vv. 160- 187 .


Now happe pope pouwer pardounto grana te,De peple wr

tlz-oute penaunce to passe to o e.





(vv. I 53—z67 . )

DANNE pougt y to frayne pe first of pis foure ordirs,And presede to pe prechoures to provenhere wi l le.[Ich] higede to her house to herkenofmore ;And whany camto pat court y gaped aboute.

Swich a hi ld bold , y-huld oponerpe he igteSay i nougt incerteine sippe a longe tyme.

Y gemede vponpat house gerne peronloked,Whougpe pileres wereny-peynt and pulched ful clene,And queynteli i-coruenwip curiouse knottes,Wip wyndowes we l l y-wrougt wide vp o-lofte.

And panne v entrid inand even-forp went,And all was wal led pat wone pou; it wid were,Wip posternes inpryuytie to pasenwhenheml isteOrchegardes and erheres euesed we l l clene,And a curious cros craftly entayled ,

Wip tabernac les y-tigt to totenall ahou *nDe pris of a ploug-lond of penyes so roundeTo aparai le pat pyler were pure lytel.

Danne ymunte me forp pe mynstre to knowen,And a-waytede a woonwonderlie we l l y-held ,Wip arches oneueriche half bel l iche y-corven,


Wip crochetes oncorners wip huottes of golde,Wyde wyndowes y-wrongt y

-writtenful l pihke,Schynenwip schapenscheldes to schewenaboute,Wipmerkes ofmarchauntes y

-med led bytwene,Mo pantwenty and two twyes y

-noumhred .

Der isnone heraud pat hap halfswich a rolle,Ri; t as a ragemanhap rekned hemnewe.Tombes opontabernac les tyld oponlofte,Housed inhimes harde set ahouten,Of arrnede alabaustre clad for penones,[Made vponmarhe l inmanymanerwyse,Knyghte: inher conisantee c lad forpenones, ]All it semed seyntes y

-sacred oponerpeAnd lonely ladies y-wrougt leyenby her sydesInmany gay garmentee pat werengo ld-beten.Dougpe tax of tenger were trewly y


Nolde i tnougt makenpat hous half, as y trowe.Danne kamI to pat Cloister gaped aboutenWhon; it was pi lered and peynt ° 6: portred well elene, 40All y

-hyled wip leed lowe to pe stones,And y-paued wip peynt til iche poynte after operWip kundites of elene tynclosed all aboute,

Wip lauoures of latunlouelyche y-

grei thed.

I trowe pe gaynage of pe ground ina gret sehireNolde aparaile pat place 00 poynt til other ende.Danne was pe chapt ire

-hous wrougt as a greet chirche,

Cornenand couered and queyntliche entayledWip semlich selure y

-set onlofteAs a parlement-hous y

-peynted aboute.

Danne ferd y into fraytour and fond pere anOper,Anhal le for anhey; k inge anhousholde to holden,W ip brode hordes aboute y

-benched wel elene,Wipwindowes of glas wrougt as a Chirche.

Danne walkede y ferrer went all ahouten,And seighal les ful l hyge housesful lnoble,



Chambers w ip chymneyes Chape l ls gaieAnd kychens for anhyge k inge incaste l ls to holden,And her dortour y-d igte w ip dores ful strongeFermery and fraitur with fe le mo houses


And all strong stonwal l sterne oponheipe ,Wip ga ie garites grete iche hole y-glased[Am1 opere] houses y-nowe to herherwe pe queene.

And get pise hilderes wi lne heggena bagg-ful ofwheate

Of a pure poremanpat maie onepe paie 65

Half his rente ina ger and half henhehynde lDanne turned y agenwhany badde all y-toted ,And fond ina freitour a frere ona henche


A greet eberl a grym growenas a tonne,Wip a face as fat as a ful l bledder


Blowenhretfull of brep as a hagge bongedOnhopenhis chekes, his chyu wip a cho l lollede .

As greet as a gos eye growenall of greceDat all wagged his fleche as a quyk myre.

H is cope pat hiclypped him wel e lene was i t fo lden,Of double worstede y-dygt dounto pe hele ;His kyrtel of elene whijt Clenlyche y-sewedHyt was good y

-now of ground greynfor to beren.I haylsede pat herdeman hendliche y saide ,Gode syre , for Godes loue ca ustonme graip te l len80

To any worpely wijgt pat [wissen] me coupeWhony schulde conne my Crede Crist for to folowe


Dat leuede lelliche him-se lf lyuede perafter,

Dat feynedenonfalshede but ful ly Crist suwede ?For sich a certeynmansyker wold y trosten, 85

Dat he wo lde te l leme pe trewpe and turne tonone aper.And anAustynpis ender daie egged me faste

Dat he wolde techenme wel he plygt me his treupe ,

And seyde me , sert eyne sypenCrist d iedOure ordir was [euelles] erst y

-founde .

Fyrst, felawe l”

quap he fy onhis pi lche l


His hod was ful l ofholes his beer oute,

Wip his knopped schonc louted full pykkeHis tontotedenout as he pe londe treddede,His hosenouerhongenhis hokschynes oneueriche a


Al heslombred iri fenas he pe plow folwedeTweymyteynes, as mete maad all ofc loutesDe fyngers werenfor-werd ful offenhonged .

Dis whit waselede inpe [fen] almost to pe anc le,Foure roperenhymhy-fom pat fehle were [worpen]Menmygte rekenich a ryh so reufull pey weren.His wij fwalked himwip wip a longe gode,Ina cutted cote cutted ful l heyge,Wrapped ina wynwe sebete to werenhire fro weders,Barfote onpe hare ijs pat pe biod folwede .

And at pe loudes ende laye a litell crom-ho l le,And peronlay a litell chi lde lapped inc loutes,And tweyne oftweie geres o lde opona-noper syde,And al le pey songeno songe pa t sorwe was to herenDey criedenal le o cry a carefullnote.

De se lymansigede sore, seide chi ldren,hepsti lle ! 140

Dismanloked oponme leet pe plow stooden,And seyde , selyman, why sygest pou so harde ?

gifpe lakke hJflode lene pe ich wi l lSwich good as God hap sent go we, leue broper.

Y saide panne, naye, sire my sofwe is welmoreFor y cannougt my Crede y kare we l l hardeFor y canfyndenno manpat ful ly hyleuep,I‘

o techenme pe heyge weie perfore I wcpc.For y haue [fonded] pe freers ofpe foure orders,

For pere I wende haue wist butnow my w it lakkep 150

And allmy hope was onhem mynherte alsoBut pei henfully feiples and pe fend snep. ”A l broper,

quap he po beware ofpo foles iFor Crist seyde him-selfe ofswiche y ;ou warne, ’


And false profetes inpe feip he fulliche hemealde,

Inmk’meuli r ouz

um but onlie wip-inneDei henwi lde wer-wolues pat wi inpe folk robben. ’De fend founded hemfirst pe feip to destroie,And by his craft pei comeninto comhrenpe chirche,By pe coueiteise ofhis craft pe curates to helpenButnow pey hauenanhold pey harmenful l many.

Dei donnougt afterDomynick but dreccheppe pupi t

Ne folwennougt Praunces hut falslyche lyhhen,And Anstynes rewle pei reknepbut a fable,But purchasep hempryuylege ofpopes at Rome.Dei couetenconfessions to kaehensome hire,And sepultures also some waytento caochenBut oper cures ofCristenpe i covetennougt to haue,But pere as wynnynge 1i he lokepnone oper.”



nose “ 3



GENESIS XXXV II.—(Earlier Tex t. )

Hu tu “: anumJacob inteest o Chanson, tn

c onfor at tones

sodee tm o u s t

O p 3 t r 0 plusennet ilmmamarotur,cum, oc potorant et


£5 0111 inqui .t

Accldlt quoquemum anm

nlnm re tor t-os

fratrthns s u i s ;

nod eraut

m m. 0: stare ,

JACOB forsothe dwelte inthe loond ofCha

naan, inthe which his fader p i lgrimagide ;a. and thes henthe generaciouns of bym.

Joseph whanne he was of sex tene geer feddea flok wi th his bretheren, git a chi lde , and hewas with the sones of Bale and of Z elphe,

wynes ofhis fader ; and he accuside his bre thaocnu vttquen'app


gerenanentIs the fader of the werst synne .

mzitiiom'htllt a. Yrael forsothe louede Joseph ouer al le hisgehat Josoph sngx



auflug sones, ther thurg that Inelde he badde getun

dmfijm“; bym and he made byma coote of dyuerse

wa i‘fxfizficolours. 0. And the bretherenofbymseyngeP mfifl m“ that of the fadermore thanal le the sones was

loued , hatidenbym,and mygtennot to bym

eny thing pesebli speken. 5 . And it fe l le, thata seensweuenhe to lde to his hri theren


which cause was seed ofmore haat . a. AndJoseph se ide to his hritheren, Here ge mysweuenthat Y sawg, r. I wenede vs to hynden

0 hondfullis inthe feelde, and mynhondful asto ryse , and stonde, and goure hondfullisstoudynge ai aboute to loute mynhondful.


the dremer cometh, so. go we, and Sle we

bym,and putte we byminanolde sistern, and

we shulenseye, The werst wiylde heest hathdeuowrid bym; and thanne i t shal apere

what profitento hym hys dremes. 11 . Tires

thingis forsothe herynge Ruben, enforside todelyuere bymofthe bond isofhem, and se ide


a . Slee we not the lijf of bym, ne shede we

blood, but throw ge himinto the olde sisterne,that is inwi ldemes, and kepe ;e ;oure bondesvngi lti . That forsothe he seide, wilnynge to

delyuer bym fro the hondes of hem,and to

ge lde to his fader. a . Thanne anoonas he

cam to his hri theren, thei nak idenbym the

side coote to the heie, and ofmanye colowrs,u . and puttideninto anolde sisterne, that

badde no watyr. as. And sittynge for to eet

breed, the i seenYsmaelitiswe iegoers to comenfro Galaad , and camels of hemherynge swetespyces, and swete gumme, and myrre, intoEgipte. m. Thanne Judas seide to his bri th

eren, What shal i t profit vs if we sieenoureM

°2iff£33 brother, and we bidenthe blood of bym?

n. It is betere that he he sold to Ismaeli tis,

and our bondes hennot defoulid forsothe the

brother and oure flesh he is. The hri therenassentidento thes wordes ; u . and the marchaundes Madyanytes goynge bisides, the i


drawynge bymoute ofthe sisterne, soldenbymto Ysmaelytis for thretti si luerpens the whiche

laddenbyminto Egipte. a . and Rubenturnedagento the sisterne , fonde not the chi ld ;and the clothis to-rent goynge to his bretheren,seith, The chi lde not aperi th, and whider Yshal go ? a . Forsothe thei tokenthe coote of

08 0001011070715


bym,and inthe blood of a hyde that the i

haddenslaynsteyneden as. the which sendynge shuldenhere to fader, and seyu, This wehanfoundun, loke whether the coote of thi


sone it he ornoon. as. The which whanne thefader knowi th, se ith, The coote ofmy sone i tis, themoost yuci wiylde heest hath etunbym,


heest hath deuowrid Joseph. u . And the

c lothis to-rent,was clothid with anheyr, wei l

yuge his sone myche tyme. at . And al le hisfree chi ldrengedered togideres, that thei

mygtenswage the sorow ofthe fader, henoldecoumfortyng take, but se i th, Y shal descende f°

to my sone we ilynge into he l le . And bymstedfastli dwellynge inwepyng. as. Madenytis soldenJoseph inEgepte, to Putiphar, thegeldyng ofPharao,

the mayster ofchyualrye .

urgent-oi l . <1“(Inst ant o u r.

nan,nonInvent!puorum as. e‘


sel-s is huo

r ent : B aneinvonlmns zvtdontrnm tunic.6111 t i ll s i t, an

eloJ ugensnilum.

sunmmui to tompore .

“:s. 0an

grega anmcanetto i lberts

we, a t Isntnentcum

ad ult ounsotafitonom u elp-1 , sod alt M adamadnunmmumIngentninternnm.vnuto inflow. mphu . munte. m dtdmnt Jone !» muttnm.

GENESIS XLI.—(Purvey’s rev ision. )

I. Aflir twei geer Farao se ig a dreem he

gesside that he stood ona flood, a. fro which

senene faire k iynand ful fatte stieden, and

werenfed inthe places of marc is ; a. ando there senene

,foule and ieene , camenout of

the flood , and werenfed inthi lk brenke ofthe watir

,ingrene places 4. and tho deuoure

denthi ike k ienof whiche the fairnesse andcome lynesse ofbod ieswaswondurful. s. Farao

wak ide , and Slepte eft, and se iganotherdreemsenenceris of cornful and faire camenforthino stalke, s. and othere as many ceris of

1 2“

InAmmo Pnttphart ou

3 74

aomnlum. Sopum puilnh hantncnlmonno tene a noformerlo . e al

cornarum mat a t e r, a t t :nteer

turu Ineum 10.

Iratos tux serv i.summe e tmagla

p istorumnett-ndtmeats incar

-ceremprinc i

pta mttttum, 11.

uht una noc teuterque vtdimnssomuiurnpro saum t


a. Bea t lht puorB ohuns, d usdsm ducts muttumramnlnszeninan-antes somnta, 18 . und ivimu s qntd qutdpost“ rot probavi t eventnrl agoantm ttnasumome lo moo,

impodnm eductum do careers

Joseph weendernnt ac vastemuta te , ohtniorunt c l. 15 Cu!tile alt V l d isomnta, use out,qn ed tascrat,

qua and lv i to l ltenttssime conleer-e 16. Re

l pond lt Jose 1:Absqueme nompondobttprospornPharaoni .1 1 . Nan-" i t ergoPharao, qnod v1derat Putahunma stare superrtpam flumlnts,1 8 . e t septemhove. d

dsm e on

?se ena nchm 21mg. atoboe-I

la carnthns :

qua n tniud ts vi i-amm c:pobant. to. I t »


corn, thinne and smytunwith corrupc iounoihrennynge wynd, camenforth 7 . deuouryngea] the fairenesse of the firste. Farao wak ideaftir reste, s. and whanne morewtid was ma d,he was aferd hi inward drede , and he sente toal le the ex powneris of Egipt , and to al le w isemen; and whanne thei werenclepid , he te ldethe dreem,

and noonwas that ex pownede .

o. Thanne at the laste the maistir of hoteleris

hithougte , and se ide,Y knowleche my synne

10. the kyng was wrooth to hise seruauntis, andcomaund ide me and the maister of bakeris tobe cast douninto the prisounof the princeof knygtis, u. where we bothe saiena dreemino nygt, bifore-schewynge of thingis to

comynge . n. AnEhrew Chi ld, seruaunt of thesame duk of knygtis was there

,to whom we

te ldau the dremes, u . and herdenwhat euer

thing the bifallyng Of thing prenede afterwardfor Y am restorid to mynoffice, and he washangid ina cros. u. Anoonat the CO

maundement of the kyng the i poli idenJosephrests led out ofprisoun, and whanne the Clooth was

chaungid , thei hrougtenj osep/z to the kyng .

u. To whomthe kyng se ide,Y seige dremes, andnoonis that ex powneth tho thingis that Y se Ig,

I bane herd that thou ex pownest moost prudenti i . to. Joseph answerde

,W ith out me


God schal answere prosperitees to Farao .

u . Therfor Farao te lde that that he se ig Y gesside that Y Stood onthe brenke of the flood ,u. and seuene k iyn, ful faire and wi th fle ischIsable to etyng, st iedenfro the watir, whiche

k iyngaderidengrene seggis inthe pasture oi

the marreis ; u . and lo ! senene othere kiyu, So


bymsouereynto the lond of Egipt, as which

manordeyne gouernouris bi al le cuntreis, andgadere he into bernys the fyuethe part offruyt isbi senene ; eer of plentee , u . that schulencome now ; and al the wheete be kept vnderthe power of Farao,

and be it kept inc itees,a . and be i t maad redi to the bungur to

comynge of seuene ;eer that schal oppresseEgipt, and the lond be not wastid bi pouert .

The counse l pleside Farao,and al le his

mynystris, and he spak to hem,Wher we

mounfynde sich a manwhich is ful of

Goddis spiri t ? a . Therfor Farao se ide to

Joseph, For God hath schewid to thee al lethingis whiche thou hast spoke , wher Y maifynde a wisere manand Ink thee ? co. Therfor

thou schalt be ouer mynhous, and a] the

puple schal obeie to the comaundement ofthi mouth ; Y schal passe thee onely by 0

trone of the rewme . And eft Farao se ide toJoseph, Lo l Y haue ordeyned thee onal thelond of Egipt . a . And Farao took the ryng frohis bond

,and gaf i t inthe bond of Joseph,

and he clothide Joseph wi th a stoole of bijs,and puttide a goldunwrethe aboute thenecke ;a . and Farao made Joseph to stie onhis se

counde chare, whi le a hide le oriede, that al le

menschuldenknele bifore bym,and schulden

knowe that he was souereynof al the lond of

Egipt . 44. And the kyng se ide to Joseph, Y amFarao, wi thout thi comaundement no manshal stire hond ether foot inal the lond of

Egipt . a . And he turnede thename ofJoseph,and clepide him bi Egipc ianlangage , the

sauyour of the world ; and he gaf to Joseph


a v ijf, Asenech, the dougter ofPotifar, preestof Heliopoleos. And so Joseph gede out to

the lond of Egipt. a . Forsothe Joseph was of

thretti ; eer, whanne he stood inthe sigt of

kyng Farao, and cumpasside al le the cuntreisofEgipt. a .And the plente ofsenene ;eer cam,

and ripe cornwerenboundeninto handfuls,and werengaderid into the bernys ofEgipt,0 . also al the aboundaunce ofcomeswerenkeptinal le ci teis, o . and so greet aboundaunce wasof wheete, that i t was ma d euene to the

graue l of the see, and the plente pesside

mesure. ca Sotheli twe i sones were borntoJoseph bifot that the hungur came, whicheAsenech, dougtir of sPutifar, preast of He li0poleos, chi ld ide to hym. n. And he clepidethename ofthe firste gendrid sone, Manasses


and seide, God hath maad me to forgete al lemy trauei lis, and the hous ofmy fad ir u . andhe clepide the name of the secunde soneEfl


raym, and se ide, God hath maad me to

encreesse inthe 10nd ofmy pouert . a . Therfor

whanne seuene ;eer of plentee that wereninEgipt werenpassid , u. senene ;eer of pouert

bigunnento come,


whiche Joseph bifore

se ide, and bungur badde the maistri inal theworld ; also bungur was inai the lond of

Egipt u . and whanne that loud hungride, thepuple oriede to Farao, and ax ide metis ; towhiche he answeride, Go 3c to Joseph, anddo ; e what euer thing he seith to ;ou. to. For

sothe bungur encreesside ech dai inal the

lond,and Joseph openyde al le the the bernys,

and seelde to Egipc ians, for also bungur oppresside hem n. and al le prouynces cameninto

v o r a term

3 Onefi‘mt

ulpuloa M ach

0 . Tan fultabundant tri t i

ao. Natl aunt au


m m“; Egipt to bie metis, and to abate the yucl of


t or ra Ampt t

ponto ont . u”Qua oourtonto, clamavtt

reopoudtt z ad Jooo h : ot qutd

quottd lo tamloo tnomnte t ra ;opprooooorat famoo.m ol e“, ot malumlnopuo temper-aunt .

dpuluo ad Pharaonem, amp onta

“pe teno. Qutbua

ape rultquolJooeph

wldlx ort

b t“

d bat Auu rona orroa, o vene e

1 . 0m m prorovtnet ntobant tnbot ani

ve Aegyp tum.

PSALM XLV .—(CommonVersion, XLV I. )


a Oure God refut, andvertue ; helpere intribula

c iouns, that foundou vs ful

myche . a. Therfore wee shulnot drede

,whil the erthe

shal be d isturbid and hi l l isshul be bornouer into theherte of the se . 4. Thersouneden, and bendisturbidthe watris ofhem; the hi l l isbend isturbid inthe strengtheof it. u The bure of the

dodgladi th the ci te ofGodthe alther hegist halewide

his tabernac le . 0. God inthe myddel of i t shalnot bestirid God shal helpeni t erlifro the morutid. r. Jentilisben


disturbid, and reumesbeninbowid ; he gaf his

vois, moued is the erthe .

o. The Lord of vertues wi th


“gem:into. a Pwp tomnonttmobtrnuo, dumturbabttur totorn, ot trau

Punvmfs navrsron.o. Oure God , tlzou arr

refuyt , and vertu ; helpere

intribulac ions, that hanfounde vs greetly. o. Ther

for we schulennot drede,

whi le the erthe schal bet ro b l i d ; and the hi l l isschulenbe borunouer into the herte of the see .

4 . The watt is ofhemsowneden, and werentroblid ;

hi l l is weren troblid to

gidere inthe strengthe of

bym. s. The feersnesse of

flood mak i th glad the c i tee

of God ; the higeste God

hath halewid his tabernac le.0. God inthemydd is therofschal not be moued God

schal helpe it cerl i inthe

greymorewtid . 1 . Hethenemenwerend isturblid to

: adJutor tntrlbutat lontbuo, me Inveneruntnonntorontur montoo tncor

mat h . 4 . Bouuomnt , ot tut-bat. aunt aqua eorum; conturbatt ount monteo tnfort itud tnofl u . l . Flumlnlo impetus la ttfloat ctvttatomDot : oanc ttdcavtt tabernaculumouumAlt lmun. a Done inmed to eju noncommovebltnr adjuvablt oani Deuo mane dtluculu1 . Gumba ount gentoo, e t lncltnata ount rogna : ded lt vocem suam, mota est torn


benal iened fro the wombethei erredenfro the wombe,thei speckenfalse thingus. 4.

Wodnesse to them,after the

licnesse ofaneddere ; as ofa doumb eddere, and stop

pende his eris. 4.The whiche

shal not ful out herenthevois of the enchaunteres ;and of the venymmakereenchauntende wisly. 4. God

shal to-brose the teth ofheminthe mouth of hem; andthe wang teth of leouns theLord shal to-breke . 4. To

no; t thei shul come, as

water dounrennende ; hebente his bowe, to the timethat thei be feblid . 4. As wax

that flowith, the i shul bentakenawe i ; fyr fel ouer,

and thei segennot the sunne .

4o. Befor that ;oure thornesshuldenvnderstonde the

thene thorne as the ly

uende,so inwre the he shal

soupe themvp. 44.The ri; twis

shal glade, whanhe seeth

veniaunce ; his bondis heshal washeninthe blod of

the synnere . 44. And amanshal seyn, If forsothe ther

is frut to the ri; twis ; forsothe

God is demende them inerthe.


fro the wombe thei erridenfro the wombe , the i spakenfalse thingis. 4. Woodnesse424 to hem

, hi the licnesse ofa serpent ; as of a deef

snake, and stoppynge hise

eeris. «Which schalnot herethe vois of charmeris ; andof a venymmakere charmynge wiseli . 4. God schal alto-breke the teeth of heminher mouth the Lord

schal breke togidere the

greet teeth ofliouns. 4 . The ischulencome to nougt, as

water rennynge awe i he

bente his bouwe, til the i benmaad sijk . 4. As wex e that

fietith awe i , thei schulenbetakunawe i fier fe l le aboue


and the i sigennot the sunne .

4o. B ifore that ;oure thornesvndurstodenthe ramne he

swolewi th hem so inire,as lyuyngemen. 44. The instmanschal be glad, whannehe schal se veniaunce ; heschal waische hise hond is inthe blood ofa synner. 44 . Anda manschal se ie treuli


fruyt is to a instman treuli

God is demynge hem inerthe.


4 . El vero uttque uettttamloqulrnlnl recto judtcate , dltt homtnum. 4. Etentrntncordotnlquttatco 0 rama t, Interra tnj uot tt tas manna veotro conc tnnaut . t . Altenattcatoreo a vu va, erraveruut ab ute ro tocutt aunt fatea. 4 Furor tllto oecundumd tnemse

tncantaut umet venodct cantant to aap tenter.

oorurnmotao loc humconfrtnge t Domtnue .

nt to elcut as ld ls eurd as, e t obturantte auroe ones, 0 qua nonex aud te t rocem1 . Done conterot dontea comm tnore Ip

0. Act nthtlum devontent tanquamaqua doourt'ene tntend tt arcumouum, douec tnttrmentur. o. Stout cera, qua dutt , auforentur :ouporcectdttuum etcutmanna ouae tavabtt tn tnetuato ut uo eet Dene Jud icano ooo tnterra.

to. ctnonvtderunt oolern. to. Prtuoquamtntc lttgorent op inveotr rhamvente o. etc tntra aboorbe t coo. 1 1. Laetabltur j uotuo, cumvtdert t vlnd tctarupeccatorte. 1a. Rt dtcot homo : 81 uttquo oat true-tuo

ECCLESIASTES XII. —(Parwy'sm om.)

4. Haue thou mynde onthi creatour inthedaies ofthi ;ongthe, bifore that the time ofthiturment come, and the ;eris of Il u


del/I ne ige,ofwhichs thou schalt se ie, Tho plesennotme.

4. How I/rou mynde on164° area/our,bifot that

the sunne be derk , and the ligt, and sterrys,

and the mone and cloude turne a; enafter

reyn. 4 . Whanne the keperis of the hous schulenbe mouyd, and strongeste menschulentremble ; and grynderis schulenbe ide l ,whanne the noumbre schal be maad lesse ,and seeris bi the hoolis schulenwex e derk4 . and schulenclose the doris inthe street, inthelownesse ofvo is ofa gryndere and the i schulenrise at the vo is of a brid, and al le the

dougtris ofsong schulenwex e deef. 4 . And hi ;thingis schulendrede

,and schulenbe aferd

inthe we ie analemaunde tre schal floure , alocuste schal be ma d fat, and capparis schalbe d istried for a manschal go into the hous

of his euerlastyngnesse , and weileris schulengo aboute inthe street. 4 . Haue tlrou myndeonIbr' area/our

,byfore that a siluerne roop be

brokun, and a goldunlace renne a;en, anda watir pot be at to-brokunonthe we l le


a wheele be brokuntogidere onthe c isterne4. and dust turne a; eninto his erthe , whereof i t

th‘hIg Goq that


ma d e thee ofnought to htogn

mage and one a e o. af t e rm ; thatatt tr tho trtbuta

flour: of

gynnento fatte ,and to be duettd .

and sw ammen t h a t to,htplo and tom(1na 0mmthat to, t e o t h.

and ocorta thatto, men, not N o

twtx e the holle ofthe heed the dom 144 the efnet ;that to, ttpp to.notinthe pleynor the race . m u

Qfa brid ; that to,the oak douch


detttontnme lote be aferdtu rhnooto thatto, the h chorepart ofoouta andthe towero partthat ha th com

tounonthet , for alto

mend r e d onkynd l the dothuetohm and toso out of theweye of precentt t y t. ato

mmmd , etc thatto, the hood sc hal

go : bl d o t h .

444 4444 444440 Mfor he o c h a Ineuere t urneayento presentttyt. cap pa rta to

anher-ho. a 44:

uom roop that

h , acord tng tnthe bod t t uynbe h on b


d oth a goldentaco that to, ttytt o co onas

ho tthat

ou t oyuyotogtdere ofnthorganombrta ontheh o r t o. the onw ho ; that to,0 0 hood onthe

contours : thatSalomonwao

vlnm or 4 th

berbt bou ao t oaetud td o t h e r a

no t nodot‘ut to

444 a k e ma a yboa-ta, for newehardneoato rteeleuere tnt h tng t anou-u




was,and the spirit turne a; ento God , that gafit

4. The vanyte ofvanytees, se ide Ecc lesiastes, thevanyte ofvanytees, and al le thingis omvanyte .

4. And whanne Ecc lesiastes wasmoost wijs, hetaugte the puple, and he telde out the thingiswhiche he d ide

,and he sougte out wi rdom,

andmademany parablis 44. he sougte profitablewordis

,and he wroot moost ri; tfulword is, and

ful oftreuthe . 44. The word is ofwise menamas prick is, and asnai lis fastned decpc, whichebe gouunof o scheepherde bi the counsels ofmaistris. 44 . My sone, seke thounomore thanthese ; noonende is to make many book is,and ofte thenkyng is turment offieisch. Al lewe here togydere the ende ofspekyng. B rede

thou God, and kepe hise heestis that is Io seie.

echman. 44 . God schal brynge al le thingis intodom, that bendon; for ech thing donbi errour

,whether i t be good, ether yucl.

qfl ea: aboute atch thtngta to tomca t antenna ; that to. mak lth turmont of detach . and

to v tth out profit. atthentt to of thingta that bennot ned e tut to hetthe , and le tt tth thoknov tnofned etut thtntent to thtngto that bennedetut to the holthe of soni c 414

(to ; therfor amanowtth w i th alle myoht ta and btoyneeata ayuo(4 to at man; that

manthat to, thcoo twe rt to drede God and he h tse heeet l mak ena man td t tnvortu tha t bore 4433


44 ,lpe pa

(Mea dow m ar"InBbreu

onion: to vnduratonduntreomenthat moundowel and yuele bt trodomor wi th och

It 14 , for ech thing heltd e the r prlny ; but th ing doonbt

poo by maltce other by 1guorance . good tnkynde ,nethol.not by ctrcumotaunce other ontent .

P' vuemnptot t

ISAIAH XXL—(Earlier Tex t. )

4. The charge of the desert se . As whirle

wyndus fro Afi'

rich comen,fro the desert mm,

fro the orrible lond. 4. Anhard viseountoldis tome that vnleeuende is, vnfe ithfully dothand he that is distrogere , wasteth. Steegh vp,

Elam,and bisege , Medeba ; al his we ilyng I

made to cesen. 4. Therfore benfulfild mvlendys w ith sorewe anguysh weldide me , as


ISAIAH LIL—(Earlier Tex t. )

4. Rys, ris, be c lad, thou Sion

,with thi

strengthe he thou c lad with the clothis of thi

glorie, thou Jerusalem,c ite of the hoeli ; for

he shalnot lei to more, that ther passe by theeanvnc ircumcidid and vnclene . 4 . Be thou

shakenout ofthe pouder ; ris, sit thou,Jeru

salem; loose the bond is of thi necke, thou

cai tifdo; tirofSion. 4. For these thingus se i ththe Lord, Ercoli gee bensold , and w i thoute

si lnet gee shul be a; eenbogt. 4 . For these

thingus seith the Lord God , Into Egi pt camdounmy pupio inthe bigynnyng, as a comel ingtiliere he was there , and Assur withoute anycause chalengede bym. 4 . And now what to

me is this ? se i th the Lord ; for takenawe i is

my puple withoute cause ; his lordshiperes

wickidli d iden, se ith the Lord , and bisi li al daimyname isblasfemed . 4 . For that wi te shal

my puple myname inthat dai , for I the seluethat spac, lo l I amnyg. 4 . Honfaire vp onmounteynes the feet of the tellende, and prechende pes, tellende good , prechende belthe,seiende, Sion, regnenshal thi God . 4 . The

vois of thi tooteres ; the i reredena vois, to


gidenthe i shul pre isen; for with ege to ege

the i snul see , whanconuerte shal the LordSion. 4 . logeth, and pre iseth togidere , gee

desertes ofJerusalem for coumfort id hath theLord his puple, a; eenb03t he hath Jerusalem. to. Red i made the Lord his hoeli arminthe egenof al le Jent i les, and seenshul allecoestes oferthe the belthe ;yuere ofoure God .

4. GOth awe i, goth awe i, goth out thennes the

defoulid thing wi lethnot touche , goth out fro

the myddel of i t ; be 3e c lensid, that bernthevesseles ofthe Lord . 44 . Fornot innoise ; ccshul gonout, ne infl igt gee shul gonforth ;forsothe gonbifor ;ou shal the Lord, andgedere togidere ;ou shal the God of Iracl.

Lo l vnderstonde shal my seruaunt . and benenhaunc id ,

and rered, and ful hee; he shalbe gretly. 44. As stonegedenvp onbymmanye , so vnglorious shal benamong menhis sigte , and the foorme of bym among the

sonus of men. 44 . He shal springe manyeJent iles ; vp onbym togidere holdenshulnk ingis thermouth for to whom isnot to ld of

bym, shul see, and that herdennot, beheelden.OI

qutbnsnonoatnom tumdo so, vtderunt, et qutnonaudterunt. contsrnplat l aunt.

ISAIAH LIII.—(Earlier Tex t . )

Who leeuede to oure heering ? and the armof the Lord to whomis i t shewyd ? 4. And it

shal stegenvp as a quyk hegge bifornbym,

and as a roote fro the threstende orthe . Theri s no t shap to bym,

ne fairnesse ; and wee

segenbym. and he wasnot of si; te ; and wee

tnt e tn. dteenttas t on: BeguabttDons t uu e a.

Vox speculatornmtuorum. lovavorunt rocem.

slmul laudabunt,quta oculo ad nouluru v ldebunt,cum cnnvertorttDomtnuo Stun.s.Gautloto,et lau4late atmul, (toaorta Je rusa lem,quta consolntuseet Domlnns populumsumo , redomlt J e rusa lem.

to. Paras lt Dumtnna brachlumsanc tumsuntu lnocutts omuturont lum. e t t hlent omnes tines

d tto , eatte trule ,

pollutulnnolltetangero : e x tte

do med lo ej us,mundamtnt q ll

fort i. vasa Dulutnt. 14 . Q uonlamnuntntutnult ue x htbltta.nee tnrugs. pmpe rnh lt ts p rmc e cl c tonm vos Du tuluua, et congreabtt vos Denam l 18 Bu ‘


tnte tllge t se rvus

mena, ex altnh itur, e t e tomb lt ur. et eubltmlaert t valde to a t

cnt obotupue runtonr to mult l. slc lngtortusertt tuto r vlmoaspec tus eJus. e:

tonna ejna lnte rmloa homlnum16. late aspe rge t

gentoo multas .

super tpsumconttnebunt rog es

aunm. qut»


desiredenbym,4. d ispisid, and the laste ofmen,

manofsorewes, and wi tende infirmyte . Andas hid his chere and d isp isid ; wherfore newee settedenby bym. 4. V ereli oure sicnesseshe tooc

,and oure sorewes he bar ; and wee

hee ldenbymas leprous, and smytenof God ,and mehid . 4. He forSOthe wound id 18 for oure

wick idnesses, defoulid is for oure hidous

giltes the d iscyplyne of oure pes vp onbym,

and wi th his wannesse we benhe led. 4 . Al lewee as shep erreden

,eche into his we ie bow

ede doun, and the Lord putte inbym the

wick idnesse of vs alle . 4. He is offred , for he

wolde,and he openede not hismouth ; as a

shep to sleyng he shal be lad, and as a lombbifor the clippere i tse lfbe shal become doumb,and he opened not hismouth 4. Fro anguyshand fro domhe is take awei the ienerac iounof hym who shal te l lenout ? For kut awe i

he is fro the lond of lyueres. For the hidous

gi lte ofmy pe ple I smot bym. 4 . And gyuchhe shal vnpitous menfor biriyng, and riche

menfor his deth ; for thi that wickenesse hed idenot,ne treccherie was inhismouth; 10. andthe Lord wo lde to-trede hym ininfirmytee .

If he shal putte his soule for synnc, he shalseensed of long age, and the wi l of the Lord

inhis hond shal be ri ; t reulid . For thi that

he tmuai lede, his soule shal seen, and benfulfyld . Inhis kunnyng be my ri ; twis seruauntshal iustefienmanye , and the wick idnesses of

hemhe shal bern. 44. Therfore I shal de le tobymmanye , and of stronge menhe shal deuyde spoiles for thi that he toc into deth hislif

, and w ith hidous gi lteres is holdenand he



entmcogntmote .

cogntnt a tt o uos

westm noqno

ctoll a terra, aleex altata auntrt. mena v itavoatrts, et cogntta tlonoa me. a


andmy thogtus fro ;oure thogtus. 44 . And whatmaner cometh dounweder and sno; fro heuene

,and thider no mor is turned a; een, but

drunkne th the erthe,and heeldeth into it,

and to buriowne maketh i t,and ;yueth sed to

the sowere,and bred to the etere , 44. so shal

4 444 4 bemy w[o]rd ,that shal gonout ofmymouth.quom o

ult lntbor, otntxo cmlmn



t ltnr, sed tnobrtat

vacuum, sed rac ie

lt qu

c cunquow u e prosperabltur InNo. adcue mtot lltu

bta tandem, st

;ifi tn u atmann. 18 . Proaattnndot abtoa. e


It shal not be turned a; eenvo ide to me, butin. shal do what euere thingus I wolde , and shal

”be welsum intho thingus to whiche I sendei t 44. for ingladnesse gee shul gonoute , and

m inpes gee shul be lad thennus.m and hi l les shul singe bifor ;ou pre ising, and


al le the trees ofthe regiounshal flappe for iogewith bond. 44. For the thorny erbe that I)

clepid saliunka, shal stee3envp a firr tree,and

. for thenettle shal growe the tre that is clepid

myrt and the Lord shal benemned into aneuer lastende toch e

,that shalnot bendonawe i .


w “nrtlca crescet myth s. at srtt Domtnuanomtnatna tnatgnuma tomum,

LUKE XV . Revision. )And pupplicans and synful menwerennei3ynge to

him,to here hym. 4. And the Farisees and scribis

grutchiden, se iynge, For this resseyueth synful men, andeti th with hem. 4. And he spak to hemthis parable , andse .de, 4 . What manof 3011 that hath anhundrith scheep,

and if he hath lost oonof hem,whethir he leeuethno

nynti and nyne indesert, and goith to it that perischide ,ti l he fynde i t ? 4 . And whanne he hath founduni t, heio ieth, and leyith it onhise schuldris ; 4 . and he comethboom,

and clepith togid ir hise freendis andne igboris, andse i th to hem,

Be ; e glad w i th me , for Y haue founde my

scheep, that badde perischid. 4. And Y seie to gon, so ioyeschal be inheuenc ono synful mandoynge penaunce,more thanonnynti and nyne iuste, that bannonode topenaunoe. 4. Orwhat wommanhauynge tenbcsauntis,and if sche hath lost 00 besannt, whether sche teendithnot a lanteme, and turneth vpsodounthe bows, and seki thdi ligentli , ti l that sche fynde i t ? 4 . And whanne sclte

hath foundun, sche clepi th togidir freendis andneigboris,

and seith, Be ;e glad with me,for Y haue founde the

besannt, that Y hadde lost . 44 . So Y seie to ;ou, ioye

schal be bifor aungels ofGod ono synful mandoyngepenaunce. 44. And he seide

,Amanhadde twei sones ;

44 . and the ;onger of hemse ide to the fad ir, Fadir, ;yue

me the porciounof date] , that fallith to me. And be depart ide to hemthe catel . 44. And not attir many daice,whanne al le thingiswerengederid togider, the ;onger sonewente forth inpilgrymage into a fer cuntre ; and there

he wastide hise goodis inlyuynge lecherously. 44. Andaftir that he hadde endid al le thingis, a strong hungre wasmaad inthat cuntre, and he biganto hauenede. 44 . Andhe wente , and drou; bymto oonof the citeseyns of thatcuntre . And he sente byminto his toun, to fede swyn.44. And he coueitide to fille his wombe of the coddis that

the boggia eeten, andnomangafbym. 44. And he turnedea;ento bymsi lf, and seide, Hou many hirid meninmyfadir hous hanplente of toones ; and Y perische here

thorou; hungir. 44. Y schal rise vp, and go to my fadir,and Y schal se ie to bym, Fad ir, Y haue synne.! intohouone

,and bifor thee ; 44 . and now Y amnot worthi to

be clepid thi sone, make me as oonof thinhirid men.And he roos vp, and mm to his fadir. And whanne

he was git afer, his fadirsai; bym,and was stirrid bi mercy.

And he ran, and fel onhis necke, and kisside hym.

44 . And the sone seide to hym, Fad ir, Y haue synncd intoheuene, and bifor thee ; and now Y amnot worthi to be

I ?


clepid thi sone. 44 . And the fadir se ide to hise seruauntis,Swi the brynge ;e forth the firste stoole

,and c lothe 3c

hym, and ;yue ; e a ryng inhis hoond , and schoononhise feet ; 44 . and brynge ;e a fat calf

,and sle ; e , and ete

we,and make we feeste . 44. For this my sone was deed ,

and hath lyued a; en he perischid , and is foundun. Andal le menbigunnento etc . 44. But his e ldere sone was inthe feeld and whanne he cam, and ne igede to the



he herde a symfonye and a croude . 44 . And he clepide

oonof the seruauntis,and az ide

,what these thingis weren.

44 . And he seide to bym,Thi brother is comun

,and thi

fadir slewe a fat calf,for he resseyuede bymsaaf. 44 . And

he was wrooth, and woldenot come in. Therfor his fad ir

wente out, and biganto preye bym. 44 . And he answerdeto his fad ir, and se ide , Lo l so many ;eeris Y serue thee ,

and Yneuer brak thi comaundement and thou neuergaf to me a kidde, that Y wi th my freend is schulde haueetc . 44. But aftir that this thi sons, that hath deuourid

his substaunce with horis, cam,thou hast slaynto byma

fat calf 44. And he se ide to bym, Sone , thou art euer

more withme, and al le my thingis benthine. 44 . But i t

bihofte for to make feeste, and to haue ioye for this thi

brother was deed, and lyuede a; enhe perischide, and isfoundun.


The chambres and the stables werenwyde,And wel we werenesud atte beste.And schortly, whanthe sonne was to reste,

So badde I spokenwi th hemeverychon,That I was ofhere felawschipe anon,And made forward erly to aryse,

To take oure weye ther as I yow devyse.Butnatheles, whi les I have tyme and space,Or that I ferthere inthis tale pace,Me thinketh it acordant to resoun,To te l le yow al le the condic iounOfeche ofhem, so as it semed[e] me,And which they weren, and ofwhat degreAnd eek inwhat array that they were inneAnd at a knight t hanwol I first bygynne.A KNIGHT therwas, and that a worthyman,

That fromthe tyme that he ferst biganTo rydenout, he lovede chyvalrye,

Trouthe and honour, fredomand curtesie.Ful worthi was he inhis lordes werre


And therto badde he riden, nomanferre,As wel inCristendomas [in] hethenesse,And evere honoured for his worthinesse.At Alisandre he was whanit was wonne,Ful ofte tyme he badde the bord bygonneAbovenal lenaciouns inPruce .

InLe ttowe badde reyced and inRuoe,No cristenmanso ofte of his degre.

InGernade atte siege badde he beOf Algesir, and rideninBelmarie .

At Lieys was he, and at Sata l ic,Whanthei were wopne and inthe Greete seeAt many anoble arive hadde he be.At mortal batai l les badde he benfiftene,And foughtenfor our fe ith at Tramassene


Inlystea thries, and ay elayu his foo.This i lke worthi knight badde benalsoSomtyme wi th the lord ofPalatye,Ageynanother hethene inTurkyeAnd


everemore he hadde a sovereynprys.And though that he was worthy he was wys,And of his port asmeke as [is] amadHenever gitno vilonyene seydeInal his lyfuntono maner wight.He was a verray perfigt genti l knight.But for to tel le you of his array,

H is hors was good, but heno wasnou;t gay.Of fustyanhe wered a gepounAl by

-smoterud with his haburgeoun.For he was late comenfromhis viage,And wente for to doonhis pi lgrimage.With himther was his soue, a gong Som a,

A lovyer, and a lusty bacheler,W ith lokkes crulle as they were layde inpresse.Of twenty geer he was of age I gesse.Of his stature he was of evene lengthe,And wondurly delyver, and gret of strengthe.And he badde bensomtyme inchivachie,InFlaundres, inArtoys, and inPicardie,And bornhimwel, as inso l ite l space,Inhope to stondeninhis lady grace.Embrowdid was he , as it were a medeAl ful of fresshe floures, white and reede.

Syngynge he was, or flowtynge , al the dayHe was as fres h as is the moneth of May.

Schort was his goune, with sleeves long and wyde.Wel eowde he si tte onhors, and faire ryde.

He eowde songesmake and wel end i te,Justne and eek daunce , and wet purtray and wri te.80 hote he lovede, that bynightertale


He sleepnomore thandoth anightyngale.Curteys he was, lowly, and servysable,

And carf byfomhis fadur at the table.A 33mmhad he , and servantesnomoo

At that tyme, for himlust ryde sooAnd he was'

clad incoote and hood of grene.A shef of pocok arwes bright and keneUnder his helte he bar ful thrifti ly.Wel eowde he dresse his takel ;omanlyH is arwes drowpudnought with fetheres lowe.And inhis bond he bar a mighty bowe.

Anot-heed badde he wi th a brounvisage.Of woode-cratt eowde he wel al the usage.

Uponhis arme he bar a gay bracer,And by his side a swerd and a bokeler,And onthat other side a gay daggere,Harneysed wel, and scharp as poynt of spere ;A Cristofre onhis brest of si lver schene .

Anhornhe bar, the bawdrik was of greneA forster was he sothely, as I gesse .

Ther was also a Nonne,a Fatonassa


That of hire smylyng was ful symple and coy ;

H ire grettest ooth[e] nas but by seynt LoyAnd sche was clept madame Engle[n] tyne .

F 44] wel sche sang the servise devyne,Entuned inhirenose ful semylyAnd Frensch sche spak ful fai re and fetysly,Aftur the sco le ofStratford atte Bowe


For Frensch ofParys was to hire unknowe .

At mete wel i -taught was sche wi thalleSche leetno morsel fromhire l ippes fal le ,Ne wette hire fyngres inhire sauce decpc .

Wel eowde sche carie a morse l , and wel keepe,Thatno drope [ne] fil upponhire brest[e] .Incurtesie was sett al hire lestfe] .

4 90 THE MONK.

Fulmany a deynté hors hadde he instableAnd whenhe rood, menmight his bride l heoreGyngle ina whistlyng wynd so cleere,And eek as lowde as doth the chapel bel le.

Ther as this lord was keper of the se l le ,The reule ofseynt Maure or ofseynt Beneyt,Bycause that i t was old and somde l streyt,This i lke monk leet [him] forby hempace,And he ld aftur thenewe world the space .

He ;afnat ofthat tex t a pul led hen,That seith, that hunters beennoonholymenNe that amonk , whanhe is cloysterles,Is likned to a fissche that is watirles,

That is to seyn, amonk out ofhis cloystre.

But thilke tex t hi ld henot worth anoystre.

And I seide his opiniounwas good .

What schulde he studie , and make himselvenwood,Uppona book incloystre alway to powre,Or swynke with his hendes, and laboure,As Austinbyt ? How schal the world be servedLat Austynhave his swynk to himreserved .

Therfore he was a pricasour aright

Greyhoundes he badde as swifte as fowel infl ight ;Ofprikyng and ofhuntyng for the bareWas al his lust, forno cost wolde he Spare .

I saugh his sleves purfiled atte hond[e] .W ith grys, and that the fynest ofa loud[e]And for to festne his hood undur his chyu[ne]He badde ofgold y-wrought a curious pyn[ne]A love-knotte inthe gre tter ende ther was.

H is heed was ballid , and schonas eny glas,And eek his face as he hadde be anoynt.He was a lord ful fat and ingood poynt ;H is eyensteep, and rollyng inhis heed[e] ,That stemed as a forneys ofa leed[e]


His bootes souple, his hors ingret estat.Now certeinly he was a fair prelat ;He wasnot pale as a for-pyned goost.A fat swanloved he best ofeny roost.

His palfray was as brounas eny berye.A Funther was, a wantounand amerye,

A lymytour, a ful solempne man.Inal le the ordres foure isnoonthat canSo moche ofdaliaunce and fair langage.

He badde i-mad many a fairmariageOf;onge wymmen, at his owne cost.Unto his ordre he was anoble post.Ful wel biloved and famulier was heWith frankeleyns overal inhis cuntre,And eek with worthi wommenofthe tounFor he hadde power ofconfessioun,As seyde himse lf, more thana curat


For ofhis ordre he was licenc iat .Ful sweet[e


|ly herde he confessioun,And plesaunt was his absoluc ioun;He was anesymanto ;eve penanceTher as he wiste bana good pi tanceFor unto a povre ordre for to ; eve

Is signe that a manis wel i-schreve .

For ifhe ;af, he dorste make avaunt,He wiste that a manwas repentaunt.Formany a manso hard is ofhis herte,He maynot wcpc though himsore smerte.

Therfore instede ofwepyng and prayeres,Menmooten; ivensi lver to the pore freres.H is type t was ay farsud ful ofknyfesAnd pynnes, for to give faire wyfes.And certayn[li] he badde a merynoote .

Wel couthe he synge and pleye[n] ona rote.Of;eddynges he bar utturly the prys.



H isnekke whit was as the flour-de-lys.Therto be strong was as a champioun.He knew wel the tavernes inevery toun,And every osti ller or gay tapstere,

Bet thana lazer, or a beggere,For unto such a worthi manasAoordednot, as by his faculté,To have wi th sike lazars aqueyntaunce.It isnot honest, it maynot avaunce ,For to delenwi th such poraile ,But al wi th riche and se l lers ofvi tai l le.

And overal , ther eny profyt schulde arise,

Curtsys he was, and lowe[ly] ofsen-yse.

Ther wasno mannowbor so vertuous.

He was the beste begger inal his hous,[And gafa certeynferme for the graunteNonofhis bretherencam inhis haunte]For though a widewe hadde but 00 schoo,

So plesaunt was hrs Inprinajoio,Yet wo lde he have a ferthing or he wente.H is purchace was bettur thanhis rente .

And rage he couthe and pleyo[n] as a whelpe,Inlove -days ther couthe he mochi l he lpe.For ther was henot l ike a cloystcrer,

With a thredbare cope as a pore scoler,

But he was l i ke a maister or a pope .

Ofdouble worstede was his semv-cope ,That rounded was as a be l le out ofpresse .

Somwhat he hpsedc , for[his] wantmmc s se .

To make his Englissch swete uponh s

And inhis harp)ng, whanthat In: i t t . l l.. su rge,

H is eygentwynkc led inhis heed aright,

As donthe sterrcs inthe frostynightThis worthi lym) tour was ca l led I l trlrcfl .


NT the : \ . i th .t fo . l; e .l berd.


And schort and quyk, and ful ofgret sentence.Sownynge inmoral manere was his speche,And gladly wolde he leme, and glad ly teche.A SERGEANT or Laws , war and wys,

That oftenhadde benatte parvys,Ther was also, ful riche ofex ce l lence.Discret he was, and ofgret reverenceHe semod such, his wordes were so wise,

Justice he was ful ofteninassise,By patent, and by pleyncommissiounFor his science , and for his beih renoun,Of fees and robes had be many oon.So gret a purchasour was thernowbornoon.Al was fee symple to him ineffecte ,His purchasyng might[e] nought bento himsuspecte.

Nowher so besy amanas he thernas,And git he semed[e] besier thanhe was.Intermes badde [he] caas and domes al le,That fro the tyme of kyng [Wi l l] were fal le.

Therto he couthe end ite , and make a thing,Ther coutheno manpynche at his writyng.

And every statute couthe he pleynby roote.

He rood but hoomly ina medled coote ,

Gird with a seynt of si lk , with barrea smaleOf his array te l le Ino lenger tale .

A FRANKELEYN ther was inhis companyeWhit was his berde, as [is] the dayesye .

Of his complex iounhe was sangwyn.Wel loved he inthe moma sop inwyn.To lyve[n] indeli te was al his wone,

For he was Epicurius owns sone,That heeld Opynyounthat pleyndelytWas verraily fe l icité perfyt .Anhousehaldere , and that a gret, was he 3Seynt Julianhe was inhis countré.


H is breed, his ale, was alway after oonA bettre envyned manwasnowhernoon.Withoute bakemete wasneverhis hons,Of fle issch and fissch

,and that so plentyvous,

It snewed inhis hous ofmete and drynk[e] ,Of al le deyntees that mencowde thynk[e] .Aftur the sondry sesouns of the ; eer,He chaunged hemat mete and at soper.

Fulmany a fat partrich had he inmewe,And many a bremandmany a luce inetewe.Woo was his cook , but if his sauce were

Poynant and scharp, and redy al his gere.

His table dormant inhis hal le alwayStood redy covered al the longe day.

At sessions ther was he lord and sire.

Ful ofte tyme he was knight of the schire .

Ananlas and a gipser al of si lkHeng at his gerdul, whi t asmorne mylk .

A schirreve hadde he ben, and a counter ;Wasnowher such a worthi vavaser.



Werenwi th us eeke, c lothed in00 lyvers’,Of a solempne and gret fraternité.Ful freissh andnewe here gere piked wasHere knyfes were i -chapudnat with bras,But al wi th si lver wrought ful e lene and wel,Here gurd les and here pouches every del.Wel semed eche of hema fair burgeys,

To sittenina ;eldehalle onthe deys.

Every manfor the wisdomthat he can,

Was schaply for to benanaldurman.For cate l badde they inough and rente,And eek here wyfes wolde i t wel assenteAnd el les certeynbadde the i bento blame.


It is right fair for to be cleptmadam,

And for to go to vigi lies al byfore,

And bana mante l rially i -bore.

A Coox the i badde wi thhemfor thenones,To boyle chiknes and the mary bones,And poudre marchaunt, tart, and galyngale.Wel eowde he knowe a drau; t ofLondone etc.He cowde roste, sethe, broille, and frie,Make mortreux

,and wel bake a pye .

But gret harmwas it, as it semede me,That onhis schyne a mormal hadde be ;For blankmanger he made with the beste.

A SCHrPHAN was ther,wonyng fer by weete

For ought I woot, he was ofDertemouthe.He rood upona rouncy, as he couthe,Ina gowne offaldyng to the kne .

A dagger hangyng ona laas hadde heAboute hisnekke under his armadoun.The boote somer had[de] maad his hew al brounAnd certe inly he was a good felawe.

Fulmany a draught ofwynhad he [y-JdraweFromBurdeux -ward

,whil that the Chapmansleep.

Ofnyce consc ience took heno keep.

If that he foughte, and hadde the beiger hand,By water he sente hemhoomto every land.

But ofhis craft to rikne wel the tydes,H is stromes and his dangers himbisides,H is herbergh and hismone, his lodemenage,Ther wasnonsuch fromHul le to Cartage.Hardy he was, and wys to undertakeWith many a tempest badde his berd benschake.He knew wel al le the havenes, as the i were,FromScotlond to the cape ofFynestere,And every eryk inBretayne and inSpayneHis barge y

-clepud was the Magdelayne.


But sche was somdel deef, and that was skathe.Ofc lothmakyng she hadde such anhaunt,Sche passed hemofYpris and ofCount.In the parisshe wyfno was thernoonThat to the offryng byfornhire schulde goon,And ifther dide, certeynso wroth was sche,That sche was thanne out ofal le chari té.Hire keverchefs werenful fyne ofgrounde ;I durste swore they weygede tenpoundeThat ona Sonday were uponh ire heed .

H ire hosenwere offyn[e] scarlett reed,Ful streyte y

-teycd, and schoos fulmoyste andnewe.Bo ld was hir face, and fair, and reed ofhewe.

Sche was a worthy wommanal hire lyfe,Housbondes atte chirche dore hadde sche fyfe,Withoutenothur companye in;outheBut thereofneedethnought to speke asnouthe.

And thries badde sche benat JerusalemSche hadde passud many a straunge streem;At Rome sche hadde ben, and at Boloyuc,InGal ice at seynt Jame, and at Coloyne.

Sche cowde moche ofwandryng by the weye.Gattothud was sche, sothly for to seye.

Upponanamblere esely sche sat,

Wymplid ful we] , and onhire heed anhatAs brood as is a bocler or a targe

A foot-mantel aboute hire hupes large ,And onhire feet a paire ofspores scharpe.

Infelawschipe wel eowde [sche] lawghe and carp.Ofremedyes of love sche knew perchaunce,For ofthat art sche knew the olde daunce.

A good manwas ther ofreligioun,And was a pore PERSOUN ofa tounBut riche he was ofholy thought and work.

He was also a lerned man, a clerk


That Cristes Gospe l gladly wolde preche ;His parischens devoutly wold he teche.Benigne he was, and wondur di ligent,And inadversité ful pac ientAnd such he was i-proved ofte sithes.

Ful loth were himto curse for his tythes,

But rather wo lde be gevenout ofdowte,Unto his pore parisschens aboute,Ofhis ofl


rynge , and eek ofhis substaunce.He eowde inl ite l thing hansufli sance.

Wyd was his parisch, and houses fer asondur,But heno laftenot for reynene thondur,Insiknessene inmeschief to visite

The fe t t est inhis parissche , moche and l ite,Upponhis feet, and inhis hond a staf.

Thisnoble ensample unto his scheep he gaf,That ferst he wroughte, and after that he taughtc,

Out of the gospe l he tho wordes caughte,And this figure he addid[e] git therto,That if gold ruste , what schulde yrendoo ?For if a prest be foul , onwhomwe truste,

No wondur is a lewid manto ruste

And schame it is, if that a prest take kepe,A schitenschepperd and a clene schepe ;Wel oughte a prest ensample for to give,By his clennesse , how that his scheep schulde lyve.He settenot his benefice to huyre ,And lefte his scheep encombred inthe myre,And ranto Londone, unto seynte Poules,To seekenhima chaunterie for soulen,Or with a brethurhede be withholde

But dwelte at boom,and kepte wel his folde,

So that the wolfnomade itnot myscarye.He was a schepperde andnomercenarie ;And though he holy were, and vertuous.


He was to senfulmannought dispitous,Ne ofhis speche daungerousne digne,But inhis teching discret and benigne.

To drawe folk to hevenby fairnes se,By good ensample, [this] was his busynesaeBut it were eny persone obstinat,What so he were ofhigh or lowe estet,Himwolde he snybbe scharply for thenones.A bettre preest I trowe thernowhernonis.He waytud afterno pompene reverence


Ne maked hima spiced conscience,But Cristes lore, and his apostles twe lve,He taught, and ferst he fol lowed it himselve.

With himther was a PLOUGHMAN, his brothur,That hadde i-lad ofdong fulmany a fothur.

A trewe swynker and a good was hee,

Lyvynge inpees and perfigt chari tee .

God loved he best with al his trewe herte

At al le tymes, though himgamed or smet te,And thanne hisneighebour right as himselve.He wolde thre isshe, and therto dyke and delve,For Cristos sake, with every pore wight,

Withoutenhuyre, ifi t laye inhismight.His tythes payede he ful faire and wel,Bathe ofhis owns swynk and his catel .Ina tabbard [he] rood uponamere.Ther was also a reeve and a mellere,

A sompnour and a pardoner also,Amaunciple , and my self, therwasnomo.

The MELLERE was a stout earl for thenones,Ful big he was ofbraun, and eek ofboonesThat prevede wel, forovera l ther he cam,

At wrastlynge he wolde bere swey the ram.

He was schort schuldred, broode, a thikke knarre,Thernasno dore that henolde heve of barre,


And git thismaunciple sette here al ler cappe.The REEVE was a sklendre colerik man,

H is berd was schave asneigh as ever he an.H is beer was by his eresneighe i-schorn,H is top was dockud lyk a preest biforn.Ful longe wernhis leggus, and ful lene,Al like a staff, ther wasno calfy-sene.Wel eowde he kepe a gerner and a bynneTher wasnonauditour eowde onhimwynne.Wel wiste be by the drought, and by the reyn,The geeldyng ofhis seed, and of his greyn.H is lordes scheep, hisnete, his dayerie,His swyn, his hors, his stoor, and his pultrie,Was ho l ly inthis reevesgovemynge,And by his covenaunt gaf the rekenynge,Synthat his lord was twenti geer ofageTher couthenomanbringe himinarrerage.Thernas bal l if, no herde, no other hyne,That theyne knewe his sle ight and his covyne ;They were adrad ofhim, as ofthe deth[e] .His wonyng was ful fair uponanheth[e] ,With grene trees i-schadewed was his place.He cowde bettre thanhis lord purchace.Ful riche he was i-stored prively,

His lord wel couthe he p lese subti l ly,To geve and lene himofhis owne good,And have a thank , a cote, and ed : anhood.Ingouthe he lerned badde a good mester ;He was a wel good wright, a carpenter.This reeve sat upona wel good stot,

That was a pomelygray, and highte Sec t.A long surcote ofpers upponhe hadde,And by his side he bar a rusty bladde.

OfNorthfolk was this reeve ofwhich I telle,Byside a tounmencallenBaldeswelle.


Tukkud he was, as is a frere, aboute ,

And ever he rood the hynderest ofthe route.

A SonPNovs was ther wi th us inthat place,That hadde a fyr-reed cherubyn[e] s face,For sawceflemhe was, wi th eygennarwe .

As hoot he was, and leccherous, as a sparve,

With skalled browes blak,and pi led berd

Ofhis visage chi ldrenwerenaferd.

Thernas quyksilver, l i targe, ne bremstone,Boras, ceruce,ne oi l le oftartrenoon,Ne oynement that wolde clense and byte,That himmight helpenofhis whelkea white,Ne ofthe knobbes sittyng onhis cheches.Wel loved he garleek , oynouns, and ek leekes,And for to drinke strong wynreed as blood.

Thenne wolde he speke, and crye as he were wood.

And whanthat he wel dronkenbadde the wyn,Thanwolde he spekeno word but Latyn.A fewe termes hadde he, tuo or thre,

That he badde lerned out ofsomdecreeNo wondur is, he herde i t al the dayAnd eek ye knowe wel, how that a jayCanc lepe Watte, as wel as canthe pope.But who so wolde inothur thing himgrope,Thanne badde he spent at his philosophic,Ay, Qua /toouid j uri r, wolde he crye.

He was a genti l harlot and a kyndeA bettre felaw schulde mennowher fynde.He wolde sufl


re for a quart ofwynA good felawe to banhis concubynA twelvemoneth, and ex cuse himatte fulle.

And prively a fynch eek eowde he pul le.

And if he fond owher a good felawe,He woldc teche himto havenonaweInsuch a a ss ofthe archedeknes curs,


But if amannes soule were inhis pursFor inhis purs he scholde punyssched be.Purs is the ercedeknes he l le


’ quod he.But wel I woot he lyeth right indede ;Of cursyng oweth ech gultymanto drodoFor curs wol slee right as assoillyng saveth

And also ware himof a rignrfit avil.Indaunger hadde he at his ownassiseThe gonge gurics of the d ioc ise,And knew here counseil, and was al here red.A garland had he set up onhis heed,As gret as it were for anale-stakeA boke ler had he maad himof a cake.

With himther rood a genti l PARDONEROf Rouncival, his frend and his comper,That streyt was comenfromthe court of Rome.Ful lowde he sang, Comhider, love, tome.This sompnour bar to hima st if burdoun,Wasnevere trompe of half so gret a soun.This pardoner badde beer as gelwe as wex ,But smothe i t heng, as cloth a strike of flex

By unces hynge his lokkes that he badde,And therw ith he his schuldres overspradde.

Ful thenne it lay, by culpons onand con,But hood, for joli tee , no wered henoon,For i t was trussud up inhis walet.H imthought he rood al of thenewe get,Dischevele, sauf his cappe, he rood a] bare.

Suche glaryng eygenhadde he as anhare.A vernic le badde he sowed onhis cuppe .

His walet lay byfornhiminhis lappe,Bret-ful of pardouncome fromRome al hoot.A voys he hadde as smale as eny goot.No berdne badde he, nenever scholde have,As smothe it was as it were late i-schavo


That yene rette itnat my vi lanye,Though that I speke al pleyninthismatere,To te l le you here wordes and here cheero ;Ne though I speke here wordes propurly.

For this ye knowenat so wel as I ,Who-so schal te l le a tale aftur aman,He moste reherce, asneigh as ever he can,Every word, ifit be inhis charge,Al speke henever so rude lyne largeOr el les he moot te l le his tale untrewe,Or feyne thing, or fynde wordesnewe.He maynot spare, tho he were his brothurHe moste as wel say 00 word as anothur.Crist spak himse lf ful broode inholy wri t,And wel ye wootno vilanye is i t.Eke Plato seith,

who so that canhimrede,

The wordesmot be cosynto the dede.

Also I pray you to forgeve it me,Al have I folknat set inhere degreHere inthis tale, as that thei shulde stonde ;My witt is thynne, ye may wel undurstonde.Greet cheere made oure ost us everichon,

And to the souper sette he us anonAnd served us with vitai l le atte beste .

Strong was the wyn, and wel to drynke us leste.A semelymanour ooste was withalleFor to banbeenamarchal inanhallo ;A largemanwas he with eygenstepe,A fairere burgeys is thernooninChepeBo ld of his speche, and wys and wel i-taught,And ofmanhede lakkede he rightnaught.Eke therto he was right ameryman,And after sOper playenhe bygan,And spak ofmyrthe among othur thingo ,

Whanthat we hadde maad our rekenyngea ;


And seyde thus Lo, lordynges, trewelyYe bentome right welcome hert i lyFor bymy trouthe, if that I schalnot lye,Ine saugh this geer so mery a companyeAt c ones inthis herbergh as isnow.

Paynwold I do yow merthe , wiste I how,

And of a merthe I amright now bythought,To doonyou eese, and it schal costenought.Ye goonto Caunturbury God you speede,

The blisfulmart ir quyte you youre meede lAnd wel I woot, as ye gonby the weye,Ye schapenyow to talkenand to pleye ;For trewely comfortne merthe isnoonTo ryde by the weye domb as a stoonAnd therfore wol I make you d isport ,As I seyde erst, and do you somconfort.And if yow l iketh al le by oonassentNow for to standenat my juggement,And for to werkenas I schal you seye,

To morwe , whenye ridenby the weyo,Now bymy fadres soule that is deed,But ye be merye, smyteth ofmynheed .

Hold up youre hond withoute more speche. 'Oure counseil wasnot longe for to seche

Us thoughte itnasnat worth to make it wys,And graunted himwithoute more avys,

And bad himseie his verdite , as himleste.Lordynges, ’ quoth he, now herkeneth for the beste 3790But takethnot, I pray you, indisdaynThis is the poynt, to spekenschort and pleyn,That ech of yow to schorte wi th youre weie,

Inthis viage , schal te l le tales tweyeTo Caunturburi-ward

,I mene i t so,

And hom-ward he schal te l lenothur tuo,Of aventures that ther hanbifalle.

1 4


And which of yow that bercth himbest of al le,That is to seye , that te l leth inthis caasTales of best sentence and of solas,Schal bana soper at your alther cost

Here inthis place si ttynge by this post,Whenthat we comenageynfromCanturbery.

And for to make you the more mery,I wol mvselvengladly w i th you ryde ,

Right at mynowencost, and be youre gyde.

And whoso wole my juggement w ithse ieSchal paye for at we spendenby the weye.And if ye vouchesauf that it be so,Tel le me ancon, withoutenwordesmoo,And I wole ore ly schappe me therfore .

This thing was graunted, and oure 0thus swore

Wi th ful glad herte, and praydenhimalsoThat he wolde vouchesauf for to doonso,And that he wolde benoure govemour,And of our tales jugge and reportour,

And sette a souper at a certeynprysAnd we wolde rewled be at his devys,Inheygh and lowe and thus by oonassentWe beenacorded to his juggement.And therupgnthe wynwas fet anoonWe dronken, and to reste wente echoon.Withouteneny tengere taryinge .

A morwe whanthat the day biganto sprynge,Up roos oure ost, and was oure althur cok


And gaderud us togider al le ina flok,And forth we ridena l i te l more thanpaas,Unto the waterynge of se int Thomas.

And there oure ost biganhis hors areste,And seyde , Lordus

,herkeneth if yow leste.

Ye woot youre forward , and I it you recorde.

If eve-song and morwe-song accordc,





THrs finde I wri teninpoesyCeix the king of TrocenyHadde Alceonto his wife,Which as her owne he ttes l ifeH imloveth. And he had alsoA brother

,whichwas c leped tho

Dedalion,and he par cas

Fro k inde ofmanforshape wasInto a goshauke for likenesse,Wherof this k ing great hevinesseHath take and thought inhis corageTo gone upona pelrinageInto a straunge region,Where he hath his devocionTo done his sacrifice and prey,If that hemight inany weyToward the goddes finde graceHis brothers he le to purchace,So that he mighte be reformedOf that he badde be transformedTo this purpose and to this endeThis k ing is redy for to wendeAs he , which wolde go by ship.


And for to done himfelashipHis wife unto the see himbroughtWith all her herte and himbesought,That he the time her wolde sain,Whanthat he thoughte come aye in.Within, he saith, two mouthes day.And thus inal le haste he mayHe toke his leve and forth he sailethWepend, and she her selfbewai lethAnd torneth home there she camfro.But whanthe monthes were ago,The which he set of his coming,And that she herdeno tiding,There wasno care for to seche,

Wherof the goddes to beseche .

Tho she beganinmany a wiseAnd to Juno her sacrificeAbove all othermost she dedeAnd for her lord she hath so hede

To wite and knowe how that he ferd,

That Juno the goddesse her herdeAnone , and uponthismatereShe badde Yris hermessagereTo Slepes hous that she shal wendeAnd bid him, that he make anendeBy swevenand shewenall the oneUnto this lady, how it was.

This Yris fro the highe stage,Whiche undertake bath the message,Her re iny cope d id upon,The which was wonderly begoneWith colours of d iverse heweAnhunderdmo thanmenit kuewe,The hevenl iche unto a bowe

She bende and she camdowne lowe,


The god of slepe where that she fondAnd that was ina straunge lond,Whichmarcheth uponChimery.

For there , as saith the poesy,

The god of slepe hath made his hous,Whiche of entai le ismerve ilous.

Underanhi l l there is a cave ,

Which of the sonne maynought have,So thatno manmay knowe aright

The po int betwene the day andnight.There isno fire , there isno sparke ,

There isno dore , whichmay chatke,Wherof aneye shulde unshet,So that inward there isno let.And for to speke of that wi thoute,

There stantno great tre nigh aboute,

Wheronthere mighte crowe or p ie

Alighte for to c lepe or crie.

There isno cock to crowe day

Ne bestenone,whichnoise may

The hi l le,but all aboute round

There is growend uponthe groundPOpy, which bereth the se tle of siepe,

Wi th Other herbes suche anhepe.

A st i l le water for thenonesRennend uponthe smal le stones,Which hight of Le thes the river


Unde r that hi l le insuchmanerThere is, which yive th great appeti teTo siepe . And thus ful of de lite

Slept: hath his hous, and of his couche

Wi thinhis eharnbre if I shall toucheOf hebenus that slepy tre

The bordes all aboute be ,

And for he shulde slepe : Ofte


And Other whi le but a jape.

Butnetheles it is so shape,

That Morpheus bynight aloneAppereth unto AlceoneInlikenesse of her husbondeAlnaked dede uponthe stronde,And how he dreint inspeciallThese other two it shewenall.The tempest of the blacke cloude,The wode see , the windes loude,All this shemet, and sigh himdeien,Wherof that she beganto crienSlepend a bedde there she lay.

And wi th thatno ise of her afl'


Her womenstert enup aboute ,

Whiche of her lady were indoubteAnd ax enher, how that she ferde.

And she right as she sigh and herdeHer swevenhath tolde hemevery dele.

And they it halsenal le weleAnd sain, i t is a tokenof good.

But til she wist how that it stood ,

She hathno comfort inher herte .

Uponthe morwe and up she sterte

And to the see , where as she met,The body lay, wi thoute leteShe drough, and whanne she camnighStarke dede his armes Sprad she sigh

Her lord,fietend uponthe wawe,

Wherof her wittes be withdrawe .

And she, which toke of dethno kepe,Anone forth lepte into the depeAnd wold have caught himinher arme.This infortune of double harmeThe goddes fromthe hevenabove


Behe ld and for the treuthe of loveWhiche inthis worthy lady stood,They have uponthe salte floodHer dreinte lorde and her alsoFro deth to life terned so,

That they benshapeninto briddesSwimmend uponthe wawe amidden.And whanshe sighher lord livendInlikenesse of a bird swimmendAnd she was of the same sort ,So as she mighte do d isportUponthe joie, which she hadde,Herwinger: bothabrode she spraddeAnd himso as she may sufliseBeclipt and k ist insuche a wise,As she was whilome wont to do.

Her winges for her armes twoShe toke and forher l ippes softeHer harde bi lle, and so ful ofte

She fondeth inher briddes forme,If that she might her self conformeTo do the plesaunce of a wife,

As she did inthat other l ife .

For though she badde her power loreHer wi l l stood , as i t was to-fore,And serveth himso as shemay.Wherof into this i lke dayTo-

gider uponthe see they wone,Where many a doughter and a soneThey bringenforth of briddes k inde.And formenshuldentake inmindeThis Alceonthe trewe queue,Her briddesyet as it is seneOf Alceonthename here.


OfArmenic I rede thus,There was a k ing whiche HerupusWas hote, and he a lustymaideTo doughter had, and asmensaideHername was Rosiphele,Which tho was of great renome.For she was bothe wise and faireAnd shulde benher faders heire .

But she had 0 defaulte of slouthe

Towardes love, and that was routhe.

For so wel l coutheno mansay,Whichmighte set her inthe wayOf loves occupacionThroughnone ymaginac ion,That scole wolde shenought knowe.

And thus she was one of the sloweAs of suche bertes besinesse ,Ti l l whanne V enus the goddesse,Which loves court hath for to reule,

Hath brought her into better reuleForth with Cupide, and with hismight,For theymervei le of suche a wight,Which tho was inher lusty ageDesirethnouthermariageNe yet the love of paramours,Which ever hath benthe comuncoursAmonges hem,

that lusty were.

Sowas i t shewed after there.

For he, that highe bertes loweth,

With firy dartes whiche he throweth,Cupide, whiche of love isgod ,

Inchastisinge hathmade a rodTo drive away her wantonnesse,


With perle and gold so wel l begone.So riche sigh shenevernone,Ink irtles and incopes richeThey werenc lothed al le alicheDeparted evenof white and bleweWith al le lustes, that she knewe,They were embrouded over all,

Her bodies werenlonge and smal l.The beante fair uponher faceIt maynone erthly thing deface ,Corounes onher hede they here ,As eche of hema quene were ,That al le the go lde of Cresus hal leThe leste coronal ] of al leNe might have bought after the worth.

Thus comenthey ridende forth.

The k inges doughter, which this sigh,For pure abasshe drewe heradrigh

And he lde her c lose under a boughAnd let hempassensti lle inough.

For as her thought inher avise ,To hemthat werenof suche a price

She wasnought worthy to ax enthere,Fro whenne they come , or what they were,But lever thanthis worldes goodShe wolde have wist how that it stood

And put her hede a l ite l out ,And as she loked her aboute ,She sigh comend under the l indeA womanuponanhors behinde.The hors, onwhich she rode, was black,All lene and gal led uponthe backAnd halted , as he were encloied,Wherof the womanwas annoied.Thus was the hors insory pl ight,


But for all that a sterre whit

Amiddes inherfront she badde .

Her sadel eke was wonder badde,Inwhich the wofull womansat.Andnetheles there was with thatA riche bride l for thenonesOf go lde and prec iouse stonesHer cote was somdele to-tore,

About hermidde l twenty scoreOf horse halters and we l l moThere hingenate time tho.

Thuswhanshe came the ladynigh,Thantoke she better hede and sighThe womanfair was of visage ,Fresh, lusty, yong and tendre of age.

And so this lady, there she stood,

Bethought her we l l and understood ,That this, which came ridende tho,Tid inges couthe te l le of tho,

Whiche as she sigh to-fore ride,

And put her forth and praide abideAnd said Ha suster

,letme here,

What benthey, that ridennow hereAnd benso richly arraiedThis woman, which came so esmaied,Answerde with ful l softe speche

And said Madame, I shal l you teche,

These are of tho, that whi lomwere

Servaunts to love and trouthe here,

There as they had the ir hertes sette .

Fare we l l, for I maynought be lette.

Madame, I go to my service,

So must I haste inal le wiseForthy, Madame

, yifme leve,I maynought longe wi th you leve.


Ha, gode suster, yet I prey,

Te ll me, whyye be so besey,And with these halters thus begone ?Madame

,whi lomI was one,

That tomy fader badde a king.

But I was slowe and forno thingMe listenought to love obey,And that Inow ful l sore abey,For I whi lomno love hadde,My hors is now feble and baddeAnd all to-tore isminarray.

And every yere this fresshe MayThese lusty lad ies ride aboute,And I mustnedes sue her routeInthismaner, as yenow se

And trusse herhalters forthwi thmeAnd ambut as herhorse knave.None other office Ine have


Hemthenketh I amworthyno more,For I was slowe inloves lore,WhanI was able for to lereAnd woldenought the tales hereOf hem,

that couthenlove teche.

Now te l l me than, I you beseche,Wherof that riche bride l serveth ?With that her chere away she swerveth,And ganto wepe and thus she to lde :This bridel , which yenow beholde,So riche uponminhorse hed,Madame, afore er I was dede ,WhanI was inmy lusty l ife,There fe l l intominhert a strifeOf love , whichme overcome,So that therafter hede InomeAnd thought I wolde love a knight,



I?“Some words acci dentally omi tted, wi ll be found in

the SUPPLEMENTARY GLOSSARY whi ch begins onp age 498.

Annaavm'rrox s, w o.

—Jolt . A. S. Gospel of John; £ 1. Homi liesof E lfric ; 0a , Orosius ; Ba ,

Ii oeth ius ; S . Anglo-Sax onChronicle ;L. , Lazamon’s Brut ; A . R , AncrenRiwle ; Ormulum; E III ,

ProclamationofHenry III . ; R ,Robert ofGloucester

s Chronic le ; A. 12,DanMichel’s Ayenbi te of Inwyt ; .lL, Si r JohnMaundevi le’s Volage ;H. P. ,

Higden’s Polvchronicon; P. P. , Piers Plowman; P. Pi er?I’ low tnau’

s Creed ; IV., Wyclifll te V ersions ; Chaucer ; Gower

a . or arbi , adj ect ive adv., adverb ; prom, pronounprep , preposi tion

or. or e. , singular ; pl. , plural ; p . a , past tense singularp. p t , past tense plural ; pr. or pres. p . ,

resent partic iple ; imp ,impera

tive inj i , infini tive ;fut. :‘nfi,future , or ative, infini t ive , or gemnd g. or

gen, eni t ive d . , dative ; ace , accusative abt.,ablative or instrumental ;

deft, efini te ; indefi, indefini te ; 1p . , 2p . , 8p . , lst , 2d , 8d , person.

The three declensions ofA . S.nouns are desi usted as 1m. , In.lst decl . , masculine , 1st decl. , feminine , l st dec neuter ; 2m. , n. , 2ddecl. ,masc . , 2d decl. ,neuter ; iifq 8d . deel . fem.

Of the weak verbs,the infini tive

,the past tense singular, and the past

participle, are given; of the strong verbs, the infini t i ve , the 8d personsingular ot

the present ind icative , whenthere is a vowel change inthe2d and 3d persons, the p . a

, p. pl , and pp . , and thenumber of the class

to wh ich a verb belongs, 18 put inparenthesis immed iately after theheading

. From the p . pl. , the student w i ll know the vowel change, ifany ,

w ich takes place inthe 2d personsingular of the ast indicative


and which ex tends through the plural inieative an through thesinular and plural of the past subj unctive .

eferenees are made to chapter and verse of the A . S. vers ionofJohn(all other Scriptural references are to the Wycliffite versions); topage and line of the other prose selec tions, and to the line alone ofthose inverse ; e. g. , bdcere , a bookman, scribe, Joh. vi i i . 8 ; spédig,proeperoue, 78 : 27 , the number desi nating the page be ing followed bya colon(z); tellan, p . tealde

, pp .getea d , to tell, etc . , 60: 2; 67 : 14 ;


,hostages, L . 149 ; 201 ; 282 ; 308 ; nipfull, envious, O. 78 ; brid,


rd ; Eccl. x i i . 4 ; pl. briddes, A . R. 158 : 5 ; M 24 1 : 19 ; G . 169 ; etc.

Inthe alphabetic arrangement , k , e , and y (vocal), whether ini tial oroccurr ing w i th inwords , are enter ed as c

,u, and a, respec tively . Inthis

way identical words like eining, cyning, and kym'ng, cniht and km’

m t and lcouthe, ide l and gdd , i lc and ylc , bri d and bryd ,made anakende, which , otherwise , would be separated , are brought togetherWords w ith the pr

efix ye and i ts residuals y and i,are generally

entered under their stems.

consonant, is put ini ts usual place.


p p, D is, and 3, whether ini tial or occurring wi thinwobrought inat the end of the alphabetical arrangement ; 0. g. , eoea a ha ltered aft er sceawung, 05 , after owune.

Pure Anglo-Sax onwords aremarked inthe Glossary wi th a

The hyphenplaced betweenthe end in-eu of a word

Indicates that two forms occur ; e . g. ,

i "aye, ever,alway s, constantly

a onécnysse, ever to eterni ty,forever and wer ; abu

tanende onécnysse , ever wit/zout end to eternity;a, on, in. (A . S . an

,on. )L . 68 ,

1 7 1, 4 87 , 524 ; R . 4 85 . a

Goddusname . C. 8 56.

abbe, tobase pl. abbey. R .

abbod,‘abbot, 2m. abbot.

i bd h.

‘ S ee abugan.abebissam,

tbc fruit of tbe bal

samtree. M z4 3 :1 1 .

a bedde, abed. G. 1 4 1 .

abey, 1p. s. aby, payfor , ex piate. G. 34 3 .

abid, inrp. s. abide. L . 1022.

abide, to awa it ; abide mo, towa itfor more (men. ) R .

(byseanfi abysgan, abysgean,to occupy , preoccupy , prepossess;subj . pr .pl.abisegien. B s. 1o3 :z

‘bitan" to bite,devour ; he

dbi tt ; p . s. abet ; pl. dhiron;pp . abiten.abiteb, bitetb. L . 7 1 1 .

ablendan,“I ablendian, to blind,snake blind ; p . dblende ; pp.

ablend, ablended. j ob. x i i .


abod, p. s. bided, awaited. R .

abolgen, abolwe, pp. incensed,

wage-nstands for

enraged. L . 63 1 , 660. (A. S .

ge-be lgan

abrascan, ‘ p. pl. broke down.os. S ee abrecan.abrecan“ to break


capture by assault p . s. dhmc ;pl. abré conpp. abrocen. os.abredan“ to draw p. s.

abrwd ; pp . abrudon; pp .

abroden. See abregdan.abregdan“ to take away ,

snatel: draw

(a sword) p .

s. abraegd ; pl. brugdon; pp.


, prep . above. 0.

abrigan" to bow,

down,y ield, submit; p. s. abd h

pl. abugonpp . abugen, abogen. j ob. vi i i . 6.


,to pay for, buy dear ;

p . abohte ; pp. aboht. L .

4 7 4a buten, ever witbont ; ahntenende. H 111.ahnten, ado. about. L .

ac ,‘ but, for.


,but. P. P. 94 ,

254 .

acan“ toaebe ; p . s. 6c ; pl.doon; pp. eeea .

acate , pure/rose.ace, but.

accesse, stupor ; tbe dog-sleep sne

eeeding drunkenness. P. P. 2 10.

ake (A . S . ac). but. A . I .

C 57 3 .

(dunweardJ£dtinweard,‘ downward.

f indecl. law. j ob. i . 27

34 ;

e cer,‘2m. acre, field.

e ch, ech, eac/t .

fiddre,‘ é dre, vein, nerve.

c ine, evenfollowed bl a dative.

mfne panworde , evenwit/z

tbc words. L . mfne perespa che, evenL . 956.

a fre, ever . 0.

L . 2 19.

after, accordingto secundum.

mfter, ‘ adj . after ; comp. mftera,

-e,-e ; superl. asftermest.

mftermest, ‘ last.e ftergengafl‘ 1m. aftergoer, suc

é ghwafi‘mf r hwmt,n.wboever,

wbosoever,every one, wbatever

declined like hwa.

é ghwaeberf indef pron. eilber,

botk,eucb é ghwmberge—ge ,


é ghwylc ,*every , every one

,all ;

declined like hwylc.

the L ot. tum -cum, as well

as,botb—and ; é g’

Ber ge bé re

anidané ge Mereniwan, bot/tty


tbe old law and of tbenew .

t he, eacb. H'

. 111.

6 ht,‘ wbatevcr i sowned, pos

session, substance, goods, property .

c i , any . L . 69.

c ,


, every inde/I decl.59 319;


e le, eucb, every , any ; d m. n.a lche-n;f wiehere. L . 267 .a lchenobese vni lic, to sack ,(every)ot

ber unlike. L . 54 7 .

a lcon, d. s. m. eacb. j ob. x ix .23 .

e ldren, pl. elders,ancestors. L .

94 7wlfremed foreign, strange.é licfi law



a lmihtig, alnbly.wipedd ignysf 3f a goingabroad

, p ilgr image foreignparts on wipeédignysse,abroad, inforeignland s. os.


uninbabited, deserted,

desolate. Ger. menschenleer.


‘ 1m. lei sure. B s.

wade , d. s. end . L .

énigfi any ; indef decl.

mnlép, ‘ sing le ; lonely ; inde/ i



énlic, unique,103 :23 .

énltpig, single,


énlipige, ‘ sing l individually .


enne , acc. s. m. one, an, a. L .

é r, ere

,erst, before, fi rmer


early . comp. é rra ;super] . wrest -ost).wr, ere, before mrpann. 0.


,land. place, reg ion.

0. d. s. zarde . L . 7 3 .

é r-dwg,‘2m. aformer day ; on

é r dagum,inday s of old.


asre , ear. 0. 1 33 .

a re (A . S . at ), mercy , favour .

L . 197 .

é t end-raca ,


ambassador .


é rest“ (ost first, erst; superl.of é r.é rest. ‘ See é rist, é ryst.

é rist", é ryst , 2m. r ising ,res

urrection.é s-merigen, ‘ éme-mergen,2m. early morn, dawn.

a rmest , mostmiserable, wretcbed.

L . 7 2.

mrmliche , d. sorrowful ; wib

mrmliche stefene , w it/z sor

rowful voice. L . 1 5 5 .

wrmbe . d. s. lzarm,misc/112] : L .

1 0 1 . tex t reads te rnbe.


* See yrnan.g taernan, to g et by running .

a rne-wegfi‘ 2m. a course,way .

B s.

aernbe , d. s. probably anerror

j br e rmde , q. v.

aming, * 3f. a running . B s.

é rrafi‘

former .

aert, 2p . s. art. L .

é rtidefi timely , intime. B s.

:é rpam,

* é r‘

ban,é rpon, ere

that,before antequam. 5 7 : 20

£ 81, east. 0.


,by ,near

, from,of:

wtbredan“ to witbdraw ,

take away ; p. s. mtbmd ; pl.mtbré don; pp . aatbroden.

aete, food . 0.

:e tforan, * wtfore, before ; inthepresence of:

e tforen,before. H: 111 .

astgmderef tog etker

same time.

e thrinan“ to louck ; p. s.

asthnin. pl. te th

rinon; pp . ve thrinen. lob. x x .

1 7 . S ee hrinan.

at tke

GLOSSARY. [afyrht

a tywan, ‘ to skow,manifest

p. aetywde ; pp . mtywed. j ob.

x x . 20. See ateowan.mtlutian


‘ to lurk, lie bidden.mt-somne , * togetber. B s.

astspeornan' 1 to spurn, kick ,

to stumble,dask

,or kick aga inst

he ae tspyrnti ps.-spearnpl.

-spurnon; pp.-spornen. j ob.

x i . 10 . S ee speoman.gae ttred,

*poisoned, envenomed. os.

aeuer, asuere, ever .

neuer-se le, euerech, every ; g .

wuer-azlches ; d. m. n. e uer

azlche ; f muer-alchere ; acc.

m. wuer-ze lene . L . 920 .

aeuere , ever . L . 7 3 , 222.

murihce , every . H . 111 .

a uwer, y our . L . 162.

é we llmfi‘ é wylm, am. well,spr ing , fountain.mbe l-e , abele , noble ebele-n,abe les. L . 54 5 . d. aa

belen,abe le-n. L . 6. f abelere.

mpelboren, ‘noble-born.mpelborennys, ‘ 3f nobilily ofbirtb. 23 .

aspele , noble, distingui sbed.


iSellice ,atnobly.

mpe lo ,

‘ wpelu, 3f. nobilily. B s.

afand tan,

* to prove, try ,ex peri

ence ; p .-0de ; pp.

-0d ; govs.

g en.afaran


* to go fort/1. See



*afra id, afrigkted.

afiyle , to file, poli sh applieametapkorically to Me tongueC. 7 14 .

i fylan, * tofoul, defile p.-ede

pp.-cd . 1s’s.

zi hndan,

* S ee findan.afirzgkted, afraid.

afl ight]

afl ight, was disturbed. G. 39 1 .

aflymanf toput tofl iglzt , torout ;p.

-de, .pp -cd

a-floge , pp. flown, fled. L . 862.

aftur, besides. P.P 2.

a-fulde, p. s. and pl. felled. L .

afure,onfire. R .

égé lanf tobinder, retard, delayp . dgé lde pp. égé led. os.agan, p. s. began. L . 188.

éganfl‘ (pretentzve), to own,

possess, nave 10 6h, p11 ége

(éhst), be {111 , pl. égon; subj .

pres. ége ; pl. égon-e11) ; p . .s

éhte ; pl. ahton; pres. part.égende ; pp. dgen.


égelan. See égé lan.agaSte ,

Rfrzg/1tened, terror-ch ek

agelt (A . S . égyltan),pr s. sins;pl. ageltep ; age lz ine, sins

i gea ,

"l égan, égn, own, private,

j ob. vi i . 1 8 ; x . 1 5 ;agenes, against. H 111 .

dgedtanfi‘to sized, pour

out, ex haust

,drain he agi t ;

p . s. dgeét, égét ; pl. agutonpp. égoten. See geétan.dgifan,"l to g ive, g ive up,

deliver p . s. égeaf;pl. ageéfonpp. égifen. S ee gifan.égyltan, * to sin, de l inquere p .

égylte ; pp . égylt.

ago, pp . gone. passed . G. 34 .

agon, agan, p. s. gan, began.L . 602. pl. ag111111e11, a-go1111e.

L 4 33ah, ac , but. L . 238, 274 .

ah, pr. s. 1p . owe. 0.


pp. ahreded. 61

éhsian, éx ian, gaihsia11, geéx

ian. See dcsian.éht,

*contr . of awiht

, awuht,

augbt ; g . éhtes. See éwiht.ahtliche

, habtliche, bravely ,nobly. L . 9 1 3 .

dhwerfed, pp. turned. B s. S ee

hweorfan.ah3ere , d.f own. L . 835 .

a],alt/zouglz , a] speke he, at

tbouglz be speak. 0. 736.have I. C. 74 6.

a] a,a wbole ; al a schi 1e , a wnole

coung'. C. 586.

alabaustre, alabaster. P. C.

:i heard ia11,

"l to harden, nah

hard ; p. éhyrde, dhyrte ; pp .

dheardod , ahyrd .

éhebbanfi‘ to heave, lift,raise ; he ahem p . éhdf; pléhdfonpp . éhafen.

ahhte, goods. 0.

dhyldan, * to incline, bend , bowp . éhylde pp. éhylded .

éhyrianfi‘ to hire ; p .-ode pp .


éhleépan’“ to leap, leapforthor down

,rush on; p . s. éhledp ;

pl. dhleépon; pp. éhleépen.ahlice

, bravely, nobly. L. 4 3 3 .

See ohtliche .

p . s. lyted, raisedSee dhebban.

ahof, p . s. heaved, raised. L .

1024 .

tohang , crucifi fufl . s.

éhéng ;pl. éhéngonpp. éhangen. j oh. x ix . 16

,18. S ee


ahon,an-hon, tohang . L . 27 7 .

éhreddanfi‘ to rid , set free. de

ana] GLOSSARY. 336


* only, alone. See an. and , against or before, we016an,anan

,onnan, anon, onwards, to be. 63 : 68 . 2 ; 69 :34 .

forthwith, continually. 0. andweorc , 2n. material ,anaumer, indoubt, doubl/ul. R .

an onor in, aunter z a andwyrdanfi to answer ; p.

venture , adventure

,chance. andwy1de .

almpelad ,

”t di shonoured, degrad andwyrde } 2n. answer.

ed. B s. andwlita, * 1m. face, couenaanbid


* 2n. wa iting ; onabide , nance. (Ger . antl i tz. )inwaiting . 0s. ane , d. m. n. of an

,one, an,

énbidan, gednbidan to

abide, awa i t, e xpeet p . s. zinbdd ; pl. zinbidonpp. ambiden.

anbidian, * geanbid ian. See anbidan.an-cenned , * only-begotten, nuige i i i tus. j oh. i . 1 4 , 1 8.

ancre, anchoress,

anchoret pl.ancren. A . R .

ancre-huse , nunnery . A . R .

and, * and,al so.

and, oftenintroduced by Gower

withinthe sentence which it cona preceding one.

and, lf. P. P. 396.

anda, 1m. envy, j ealousy, rancour

, malece, hate, zeal.anda ztanfi‘

andettan, geandcttanto con/ iss, achnowledge p .

audet te .


equaligg proportion,

andetn)s, * 3/ confession.andgyt , * 2n. sense, signification,

al1dgitfullice,* clearly , distinctly.

B s.

andrledan, i . 9. 011dré da11 .

andredan, i 9. 011dred011, p . t.

andswarian, * to answer ; p.

-ode pp.-od.


*andwerd , present

ane,alone. 0.

ane,on; penche ar1e his sscp

pere , tlnnli°onhi sCreator . A . I

anent is, wzth. Gen. x x x vi i . 2, 1 4 .

anerpe , onearth. R .

ange, sorrow . 0.

augean. * See ongean.Ange l-eyn11, 2n.Engli shnationangin, * angyn, an. enterprise,act, conduct, beg inning pl.anginh a .

anginna11* to beg in, enterupon, attempt ; p . s. angann:pl. angunnonpp. angunnen.B s. See onginnan.

anbe i , anbey, onhigh, above. R .

anheib, onhigh, aloft. A . R .

ah -hof, p . s. heaved

,ra i sed. L .

1024 .

an-hon, ah -ho, ah -hongen, tohang ; p. s. an-hcng pl. anhenge , an-hong. L . 27 7 , 358.

anig, * any . B s. See anig.

1’111 ima11"I to tahe away ,


move ; p. s. anamonpp. ah umen.

anlas, a sort «y hug? or smafldagger, wornat the girdle. C.

3 59anlic , * lzhe. B s.

geanlic ian, * to lzhen; p.-ode



anlichnisse, hheness, image. L .

5 53anlicnys, * anlicnes, anli cnes,


111111, p s. granted. See unnau.

anndsware, anndswere, answer.

anndswerenn, to answer. 0.

annys, oneness, uni91.4n011, * finnm,

d. pl. of an.anonrihtes, immediately. A . R .

anout, inregard to as to. A . R .

an-oueste, guichly. L . 892.

anré dnysfi‘ constang', firm

(Ger . ange-sicht . 19:29.

dnsi ttan’“ to stay , or

oneself ina place ; p . s. inse t ;pl. insé ton; pp . anseten.See si ttan.

ant, and. A . R .

antimber,* 2n. matter,

for pisumanti


fortunes. R . 1 50.

anuy3ed, pp. anmed. P.P. 74 .

anweald, 2m. power, dominion.67 . 20 ;

anweorc, * 2n. cause butonan

See andweorc .

4nwig,* 2m. a single combat, a

duel . s

anwi le, awhsle. L .

apaired, pp . impaired. H. P.

apairynge, anirnpairing . H . P.



aparceyuep, pr. pl.perceive. A. I .

234 33aparod, pp. apprehended, toten,found j oh. vi i i . 3 .

apeire, to impair, lessen, d enini sh,P.P. 3 1 7 .

aperteliche , openly, mantfestlPR 5



ward , a heeper of apes. P.P.

3 3

apostol , 2m. apostle.apostol ic, apostolic.

aqualden, p. pl. helled. L . 363 ,

367 . See aquellen.aquellen, a-ewel le, to kill. L .

597 5 » 4 79, 34 1

,*3f honour , respect , wealthd

mercy , p19» are wi tan,to have

at , ere. P.P. 46, 232 ; R .

aré ranfl‘to rear

,rai se, [Wup,

establi sh p . aré 1de ; pp. art


arblaste , crossbow. R .

arblasters, cross-bowmen, arch

are (A. S . grace, favour.

0. 1 52, 250 ; L .

are, d. j : of an,one. L . 6. an

are halfe, onone side. L . 1 16.

arearen, to rai se. A . R .

areccan. See recena .

asechen, to reach, grasp. A . R .

aredden,to rescue, deliver p .

aredde ; pp. ared . A . R .

arepen, to snatch. A. R .

arere, to ra i se pp. arerd . R .

arere, backwards. P.P.

aseste, tostop,tohold in. C. 829.

arewe,* arrow.

drie st,

honourable, r ighteous,

holy, pious.

.trianj GLOSSARY.

i rianfl‘ gai rian, to honour, compassionate p . arode ; pp . ge

i rod.

ariht, truly ,indeed. A . R .

i risan" to ari se p . s. anis;pl. arison; pp . arisen.

arise, pp . ar i sen. R .

arive, arrival, or di sembarkation

arizinges, emotions, desires. A . I .

arme,d. harm. L . 667 . pl.

barmes. L . 4 61 .


’See yt h an.

arnde , ran, rode. L . 622.

aros, p . 3s. arose. A . R .

array, oufit. C. 7 3 .

drweorihanfi‘ to honour. Seege

arwurbian.arwes, arrows. C. 1 04 , 107 .

geitrwurllian,"l to honour,j oh. v. 23 .

as. G. 214 . As,with the fundamental meaning of considering , with respect to,so far as concerns, i s employedbe Chaucer invarious shades of

ing to insignl/cance. Child . Thi s

use of as i sfound inShahspeare.asaye, to try. P.P. 1 5 2.

askes,ashes. 111. (A . S . asce, 1/ I)


li , accuses , rebukes. j oh.

vi i i . 4 6.


‘ See acsung .

ascfinian, * to shun, avoid ; p.

-ode pp.-cd .

ase, as. A . R .

asecgan, to ex press, tell ; p . s.

aswgde . See secgan.ase moche worp ase , signifies.

i sendanf to send ; p . asende .

See sendan.

itsettan,to set, place p. s. asette ,

pl. asettonpp . aseted .

asingan“ See singan.aslaen


, to slay ; p . pl. aslogen, a-slowe . L . 3 5 5 .

aslawe, pp. sla in. R .

aslowe,aslo;en. See aslen.

ésmeéganfi‘asmeim, to contem

plate, investigate, imag ine, devi se p . ésmefide pp. asmeadfif béc [qf tlIoses] wurdon

gfistlice asmeade , the five boohs

aso i lede,assailed

,absolved. R .

dspananfi‘to entice, allure p .


.ispeon, aspdnpp. asponen,aspanen.ésp


* to spend ,distribute ;

p . aspende ; pp. aspended .

aspyligan, * to cleanse, wash,

aspilled , pp . lost. A . R .

assa,* 1m. ass.

assise,assise, court. C. 665 .

assoi llyng ,absolution. C. 663 .

asterte,to escape. G. 25 7 .

astigan“ to s9r, go, proceed,ascend

, mount but generallyto go, the directionbeing designated by the adverb he 45 111115

p. s. astah,éstfig pl. astigon;pp .

dstigen.1 2 See stigan.


115 1yred pp. stirred,di sturbed.

See i stirian.dstirian, * to stir

, move, ex cite

p .-ode , -de ; pp.

-ed .

astorede, p. s. stored, filled. R .

63 1reccan, to stretch

,stretch out,

or forth to prostrate p. astrehte pp. astreht.

dwedan]dwedan, tobecomemad, to ragep. awedde.

dwefen, pp. woven. foh.

dweg, away .

dweht, *°itwehte. Seeaw

a wey l alas ! R .

awernmed pp. inj ured, destrg °ed.

L . 7 25 . See awemmcn.assendan,“l to go, turn

, avert,

translate, change ; p. s. 411° ;endepp.

68 :9 ;i weorpan’“ to cast, throw,

cast away , or out,renounce, de

grade,°he awyrp5 ; p. s.


p1i i1wurpe ; pl. invurpon; pp .

dworpcn. 93 1 1 .

i werian, to defend, protect p .

awerede,°ltwerode ; pp. i111°erod .


éwéstan to waste, lay waste,destroy, reduce, demoli sh, depopulate ; awest, deserted, desolate.

awe”,away . 0.

awiht, {111°uht, contr. into awht,4111


dwindan. * to strip of ; he awint .B s. See windan.a-winne, towin, ga in, obta in. L .

See wyrian.pp. cursed, accursed.

a—wiper, ad. contrary ,opposite,

a-won, p . s. won. L . 4 10. See


dworpcn! See inveorpan.awmken

,awreke, to wreah,

avenge. L . 95 1 .



* to arouse, awaken, revive p. dwrehte ; pp. awreht.

awreke , avenge. L . 95 1 A . L ;R . 1 7 2 ; P P. 68 .


awrek inge , vengeance. A . L

dwri tan,to write, record, tran

scribe. See writan.awtere

,altar. M .

awper. See aper.ax en, pr. pl. ash. G. 1 4 5 .

ax ianl' See acsian.aye (A. S . agen), against. A. I .ayenbite, remorse. A . I .ayenwege , to weighcounterbalance. A I .

ap, hath pl. abbep. R .

a5 e le , noble superl. a5 elest ;a5 elest kingen,noblest of hing s.

L . 105 .

a5 eler1, apele, d. s. honour. L .

299. See w5 el-e .

aper. 611°,per either ; 1ndf decl.

therefore, onthat account .


apw6gen, pp washed. foh. See

pw n.a3e , own. L . 1 5 7 . d s./ i L 273 .

age, again. R .

a; ean, against. A. R .


;eenb03t, pp . redeemed. 1s.

3 » 9°

a;eines, against. A . R .

a;en, agein, again. L .

a; en, against, opposed to, towards,b the time of: R . ; M a;enheruest, by harvest time. R .

a3e1 , a y ear, y early . R .

a; ere, d.sf own. L . 4 4 5 .

a;henn, own.agt, noble. R . 7 10. (A . S . aeht. )agle , ought. R .

ey e, alway s. 0. 1 1 33 1 .

8 .


* See begen.ba bape both. 0.

34 1

baar, p. s. bore, wore. C. 1 58.bac, bacc , bacch, bach 0

bacch, abach. 0. 4 1 .

bacan* to bake ; p.s. b6c ;

pl. b6c0npp . bacen.bake, pp. baéed earlier form,

baken. C. 34 5 .

badd. See biddenn. 0.

badtes,bats, clubs. L . 9 1 2.

See botten.beecbord ,

"I2n. larboard. os.

ba d . See biddenn. 0.

he h, beh, p.s. of buge-n

, went,passed , withdrew fled, pursued.L .

haften, prep. behind, after. L .

See bi -aeften.bald-e

,bold-e, bold; pl. balde-11 ,

bo ld-e . L .

ibalded,i bolded

, pp. emboldened.

L . 7 9 1 .

baldere,d.f bold. L . 761 .

baldest, boldest. L . 240 , 7 19.

baldore,bolder . P. P

ha l lede, bald. R .

ballid , bald. C. 1 98 . 7 he or1gina l meaning seems to have been(1 ) shining , (2) white (as inbaldfaced stag ). A . S . bee ] , a

funeralpile, a burning .


ri s,Specimens of E. E

. p . 4 1 4 .

balu, bale, mi schief: L . 7 1 .

be low,bale

, wo, sorrow , grief ;g . pl. baluwen. L . 37 1 , 4 7 5 .

bém.* See bit .

bin, * 2n. bone ; pl. ban.ban, bone; pl. ban, banes. L . 394 .

baner, banner .

baneur, banyour, bannerer, ban

bannen, banny, bonnien, to


summon. L . 137 .

p. s. bannedc ; L . 4 23 .


bar,boar . L.

bar, p . s. bcre. P. P. 27 1 , 273C. 10 5 , 108, 1 1 1 .

barnde, p.s. burned . R .

barres. C. 33 1 . Barre ofa gyrdylle, 01 operhameys.

Prompt. Parv. The ornaments of the g irdle, whichfrequently were (y the richest de

scription, were termed ba

and inFrench c loux they were

perforated to allow the tongue ofthe buchte topass through them.

hasnot, barefoot. A . R .

bathe,both. C. 540.

battes, pt. bats, clubs. L . 990.

bawdnk , baldr ic. C. 1 1 6.

bawme,balm,balsam. M 24 2:28.

bape , both. 0.

ba5 ian. * tobathe; p . ba5 ode, ba

5 ede ; pp . ba5 0d, ba5 ed . 0s.


* by, at,of, concerning ,


be be-en, pp.with the inflectionatending dropped, been. C.

i be, pp. been. R .

be6d .

* See be6dan.bead

, p . s. bfl'



* bedh, 2m. ring , crown,bei h.

"z Seebtigan.bealcettan


* to belch, g iveforth,

pourforth p . bealcette .

bearm,* 2m. bosom. j oh. i . 18.


* 2n. child ; pl. bearn.bearn


*p. s. occurred.

See be-yrnan.bealan


* to beat, strihe ; p.s.

be61 ; pl. be6ton; pp . beaten.j oh.

beate , imp. pl. beat. A . R .

A. R . See


beaubelet, j ewels. A. R .

bebe6dah ,* to command


commend , intrust, commit he

bebyt p. s.-bead pl. -budon

pp.-boden; pa bebodenan,

those ii i/rusted. 27 .

See forbe6dan.gebylde, f ace. s. confidence,bebyrgean, * bebyrgian, bebyrigean, to bury ; p.

—de pp.-cd .

foh. x i i . 7 .

beb6d , 2n. commandment, order;pl. beb6du, sometimes beb6da.

heclippe, to embrace unite with.

111 .

becuman,* to come, arrive,

happen, seize on; p. s. becom;pl. bee6monpp. becumen.See cuman.becre6pan, * to creep, creepabout ; p . s.

-creap ;pl. -crup0 11

pp.-crope11 . See cre

6pan.beknowe, to confess. P. P. 1 1 4 .

bed ,* 2n. bed ; pl. bed .

bed , p. s. qfired ; pl. bedden. R .

gebed , 2n. prayer , pl. gebedu.

59 :25 ;bedzielan, to divide, deprive, bedestitute, be ex empt ; p . s.

-de ;

p-cd .

bedé led ,

*pp. destitute.

bede, topromise. R .

bede, prayer. L . 28 1 0. 330 .

bediglian, to hide, heep secret,

conceal ; p.-ode pp.


gebed-man, * 2m. beadsmansup


to bedip, dip ; p. be

dypte ; pp. bedypped .

beere . subi . should bear. L . 1038.


beeren, p. pl. bore, carried P.P.

befa stan, to commit, commend,put intrust. B s.

befangen. See bef6n.

bef6n. * to contain,compre

hend, embrace, clothe , p . s. be

féng ; pl. beféngon; pp. be

fangen. See(611 , 0nf611.beforan, before; goos. d. and accbefrinan“ to ash

, inquire,interrogate , p. s. befmn; pl.befrunon; pp. befrunen. 7 5 :

bégan, ‘ tobozo, bend ; p . bégde

pp. g e-béged . B s.

begeat,“t2n. attainment ; for be

geate pees écanl ifes.

begen, ‘ bit , bit , m. f n. bothg . begra ; d. barn.

bgyond , onthe other

beginnan“ to beg in; p . s.

begannpl. begunnon; pp. be

gunnen.begyrdan, to beg ird, surround;p. begyrdc ; pp. begyred, be

gyrd . oh.

begitan, * begytan, to get,obtain, beget p. s. begeat, p1ibegéte, begeate ; pl. begeaton,

zegéton;, .pp begeten, begetn.

begone, deched, adorned, rigg ed.

G. 266, 338. begone with colours ofd iverse hewe. G. 54 .

begripen, pp. clutched, la id hold

of ; tahenup with, engagedbegripen011 woruld-5 ingum,

absorbed inworldly things. fEl.

S ee gripan.beh, p. s. bent, went , passed, proceeded

,approached, retreated. L .

5 19. See buze .


beo-leeue, creed. P. P. 7 .

be6n, ’ to be. See wesen. t6

be611ne .

beon, pl. are. .H. [IL

been, subj . pr. pl. be, let be.A R

beorcan“ to barh ; p. s.

bearc pl. buscou; pp. boreen.beorke5

, borkep, pr . pl. barh.

L 7 39beorg,

‘ beorh, biorg, 2m.

mounta in, hill.beorgan, * gebeorgan to

protect, save he byrg5 ; p . s.

ba th ; pl. burgon; pp. bor


,* bright bearht-blow

ende, brightly blowing .

beorhte,brightly . B s.

gebeorhtian, tog lorify ; p.-ode ;

pp .-od . j oh. x vi i . 5 .

beorhtnys, ‘ beorhtnes,brightness, splendour, g lory .

foh. x vi i . 5 .




pl. beornes. L. 33 5 , 7 7 5 .

beornan" to burn p. s.

beam; pl. bumon; pp. bornen.See brinnan.gebeorsc ipe ,

‘ 2m. (lit. beer

ship) convivial meeting , feast,entertainment. foh.

beorgen, d. pl. hills. L . 253 .

See berhge.

beot, mfi 'rs. S ee beoden. A.

R .

ibeot, threat,boast. L . 4 28,

74 4 .

beo5 , pl. be, are. L ; H. IILbeo5 , imp . pt. be. A . R .

bepé canf to deceive, seduce p.

bepé hte pp. bepé ht.

ber, p. s bore. R


1m. bear .

beran" to bear,

carry ,

produce, bringforth he byr5

p . s. bee r, pl. hé ronm.


*2m. barlg


bere, to bear , wear. G.

bere , imp. pl. wear . A .R .

bere, p. s. bore

, conducted, behaved . R . 100 .


subj . should bear . L .


berd fianfi‘ to bereave, deprive,rob

, plunder P -0de ; PP



*of barley .


* of bearshin.beren

,to bear, produce. P. C.


,bearing , fertile pr .

p. qf beran.bere6wsung, * 3f be-ruing ,


pentance. See behre6wsung.

i herei i,acteth. L . 409.

berrghenn(A . S . beorgan), tosave

, preserve ; pp. borqhenn.53 .

berhge , borewe , d. s. burg ,hill ;

d. pl. be013e11, borewe . L .

253 .

bermge , bearing , birth. A. Lberrhless, salvation. 0. 1 16,1 38, 1 4 2, 3 1 4 .

berstan“ to burst ; p. s.

hearst ; pl. burstonpp . bor

sten.berstles, bri stles. C. 5 58.

besannt,a piece of mongy.

8x v.

besawan"l to sow ; Pbese6w ; pl. bese6won; ppbesdwen.

34 5 GLOSSARY. [bewépa

beecyred , pp. sheared or out w] ; beswingan* (2 to swinge,éprived of E ] . whip, scourge , p. s. beswang °

beseah. See bese6n.besey, pp. beseen, deched, clad .

G 337bese6n,"hold , he bese65 ; p. besawe,bescab ; pl. besaw0n° imp .

beseoh. See se611 .

besi6, sub. pr. (that he) loohabout. Rs. See bese6n.besittan“ to beset, sur

besiege p. s. bese t pl.

besé tonpp . beseten.

beslombred, beslomered, be

slobbered, bedaubed. P. C.

1 25besmitan"I to pollute, de

file ; p . s. besmat °

, pl. besmiton°

, pp. besw itch . foh. x vi i i .

besorg, besorh, anx ious, care

ful , dear, beloved , besorgost,

best, beast , pl. bestes. A . R .

I 1S 7bestandan* to stand onor

by ,may p. s. best6d ; pl.


pp. bestanden.bcswemde . 109 seems to beused as abl. ey


pres. p. e] be

swimman,by swimming .

beswican“ to deceive, en

p.s. beswac

pp. beswicen.vi i . 1 2, 4 7 .

beswirnrnan* to sw im,

swimabout. S ee swimman.beswincan“ to labour. See


foh. vi . 61 ;


pt. bes11°ungca ; pp. beswun

gen.bet, comp .

bet, adv. better. C. 24 2.

bet, imp. s. beat. P. P. 227 .

beté can,to tahe

,deliver, intrust,

commit ; p. beté hte pp. be


betake, to commit. G.

bétan, * gebétan, to mahe good,come better p. bétte .

onefor R .

beteldan“ to cover, tilt

p. s. beteald ; pl. betuldonpp . betolden.betera,

‘comp. better. See g6d .

betynan, * to close,enclose ;

betynde pp. betyned .

S ee tli a .

betst,best. 0s.

bett,better. 0.

betuh,behoeen. os.

betwe611an, between,

among ,




twe6r1urn,* between

,among .


betweox ,* betwix , betwux , be

twyx , betwix t, among , inthemidst ; betwux 5 isum



betwinan, * betwynan.betwe6na11 .bevly (A. S . befle6n), to bey ,

bewealwia wallow. B e.S ee wealwian.bewend

,* turned. See


‘bewépan" to bewail ; p s.

bewindan]bewe6p pl. bewe6pon; pp.

bew6pen. S ee wépan.bewindan“ to wind about


trap, entwine p . s. bewandpl. bewundonpp. bewunden.See windan.be


are. R . imp. pl. be.

C. 1 04


egearf, preteritive, (I need.

Outlines of A. S . Gram.

bepurfe,‘subj . s. need. foh. iv.

1 5 . See purian.bi

,by, concerning . A. R .

bi,by, in; bi K ing W illames

daye , inK ing Wi lliam’

s dqybi is daye, inhis day . R .

by, be, may be. A. L

bi -aeften, biaften, ha tte-11,baf

te-n, prep . behind, after . L .

biblodge, inip. cause to bleed.



dd, bikahht, pp. caught.


bicche,bitch. P. P. 1 97 .

bicgan, ‘ g ebicgan, bicgean, tobuy , pay for p . s. bohte pl.bohton; pp . g eboht ; imp .

byge 01 bige . j oh. x i i i . 29 ;

bi-charsen, bi-chorre, to deceive.

L . 4 9 1 .

biclypped , pp. embraced,


,surrounded. P. C. 7 5 .

to bechon, show,in

dicate ; p.-0de pp .

-0d .

bi-daled, bida led , pp . depr ived

bf; berc/ 7. L . 91 , 2

bidan, gebidan* to abi de,

remain,await, enj by ; he bide5 ,

bi t ; p . s. bad pl. bidonpp.

biden, gebiden. foh. vi i i . 9.

biddan, ‘ geb1ddan to bid,

pray ,beg ,

beseech he bi t


p. s. be d pl. biedonpp . be

den; govs. gen. of thingwith refi. pron. , topray to, worship.

bidde , to bid, pray , beg . P. P.

14 5 . biddc ys mete, beg his






8pr . pl. pray , entreat .

biddenn,to command ; p s.

badd pl. beodenn. 0.

biddenn,to ash

, pray ,ofer .

85 . 1pers. pr . bidde . 0. 97 ,

327 , 329. pr. pl. bidden. 0.

330. p. s. hadd, heed. 0.

bide,inip . s. bid.

bi -dealed, pp. deprived ofl L.

9 1 , 299.

oydeLpreacher, herald, messenger.



eled, pp . deprived of: L .

2 5 .

bidon,to befoul. A. R .

AIS . reads bifule .

bidwcolie5,deceiveth. A . R .

1 56 . 20 . (A . S . dwolian. )b


,impers. it befell, happened.

I -9bihan

,to tremble

,shahe ; p.

-0de °

,.pp -0d .

biforen,bqfore. A. L .

biforeschewynge , fi reshow ing .

foretelling , presag ing . Gen.x li . 1 1 .


, prep . before. P. C.

biforenn, prep. before.

bifulen, to befoul. A . R .

bifulle, it beféll, happened. L .

big,* of by,

near. S ee be .

bigan,"l g ebigan, gebigean, kbend

, bow,incline


, con



bi6n. See be6n.biop , pr. s. is. Rs.

biquep, bequeathed . R .

biquide , beyuest. R .

gebyrd , gebyrdu, 3f b

yrdest, bf highestbirth or ranh.

byrele,‘l 2m. butler ,


byrgan,* byrgian, byrigan, to

6ame bi rigde byrgde ; ppbyrged .

byrgen, byrigen. 3f sepulchre,



rian, -b)rigan, -biran, to befitting ,

becoming ,to beseem,


concern, belong to,to be (one’s)

dut to happen, fall to p .

-0de , -ede ; pp.-cd . j oh. x i i . 6.

byrigen. * See byrgen.byraan* to turn


p . barn; pl. bu1n0n. See

brinnan.birouwen, birowe, to berow ,


round . L . 4 27 .

birrde . S ee birrp. 0.

birrp (A . S . g eby1a5 , g ebyrde),impers. itbecomes, concerns ,ought,p. s. birrde . 4 9,

5 1 , 85 , 87

geb)rtid ,*3f birth tide, or


S . C. a". 1087 .

byr5 , bears,bringsforth. foh.

x v. 2. S ee bb .eranbyr5 en, 3f. burthen.bisceop,

* biscop, 2m. bishop,



* 2m. epi scopal see.

bise,to besee, looh after, provide

for. R . 1 2.

bisechen, to beseech p . bisouht.

A . R .

hi-sebgen, p . pl. loohed. L . 965 .


bisemare (A. S . bismer), scorn,

3fi H amel} . wey .Pf e

biseon, to see to, looh afl '

er. A . R .

biset, pp. beset, besieged. A . R .

bise tt, pp . beset

,enclosed. 0.

260 .

bisette, p. s. emplg'ed, used. C.

biseg,‘ byseg, 3f occupation,

emplbyment ; pl. bisgu ; 11. pl.bisgum. B s. 7 .

to buy ,occupy ; p .

-0de ; pl. odon, odan; pp.

-0d 95 7bisgung,

*3f occupation. B s.

bisi , busy. A . R .

bi side,near ; biside Hast inge .

R .

b1sie , busy, assiduous. A . R .

bisye , buy . A . I .

bisynesse, a being bbisisehipe, bug

'ship, activi9', di li

g ence. A . R .

bysme1 , * 2n. di sg race, insult, in

bismercs,moch1ngs. A. 1 .

bysmer-spie c , 3f di sgrace/9dspeech, blasphemyby


,smote 1ud pp . smutted. C.

7 6. (A . S . besmi tan. )bysen, bisn, 3f ex ample,

bisme , ex ample,pattern. 0. 100 .

bysnian, * to g ive or set ex ample ,

p .-ode °

,.pp -0d . 6 1 : 1 7 , 1 8.


*3f ex ample

bispe l, bigspel, bispell, 2n.proverb, parablebiswikenn, to

pp . beswikenn. 0.

byt, pr . s. biddeth. C. 187 .

34 9

bi ta,* 1m. a bit, morsel, a small

mouthful. foh. x i i i . 27 ;bitake , pp . assigned, beR . (A . S . betémn. )

bitacnenn,bi-te che-n

,S .

be témn), u ,pp . b1 tz hte b1 tahte pl. bitwhten, b1 tahte-r1. L . 309, 3 1 2.

bitz chenn,to entrust, commit,

g ive 1pers. s. bitz che . 0. 65 .

bitan* to bite °

,.p s. bat ;

pl. biton°

,.pp biten.

bitel-brouwed, beetle-browed. P.

P. 109.

bi-techen, bi-take, to deliver,

g ive. L . 149.

bitellunge,25 . (A . S . teallan. )biten

,bites, pl. strohes, blows.

L . 7 63 .

bitoke , p. pl. gave, delivered. L .

bi tocnen, to betohen, signify ;pp . bitocned . A. R .

bi tter (for), by reasonof bitterness. P. P.

bitund, shut up,

9shut in. A. R .

(A. S . bety11an. )bi-turne

,to turnfrom, or away

p.pl. biturnede . R . pp. bi

tumd. A. R .

bitwene , prep . between. P.P. 56.bitweonen, among . A. R .

bi twi3e , prep. between. L . 346.

byualp, befalls, happens. A . L

bi -vore , prep. before. L .

biuoren, b1-vore, prep. and aav.

before. L .

biwenden, to turn; pr. 3s. bi

went. A . R . i s8z33 .

biwinnen, biwinne , to win, obta in

,conquer . L

GLOSSARY. [blinnenn

biwist,‘3/ food, provi sion. B s.

bi-witen bewitan), b

p. s. biwiste,biwuste pl. biwusten. L . 359.

biwon, p. s. won. L .

biwunnen, biwonne, pp. won.bi 1vust , pp. guarded, demL . 83 . See bi-wi ten.bi5 enche5 , pr. pl. bethinh. A.


bi-ie ten, pp . got, obtained, won,gained. L . 74 7bi-gitan, toget, obtain, win; pr.

pl. bi3ete5 , bigite5 . L . 1 74 ,

94bi30nde, bgrond ; ofb130nde se,fromover the sea .

blaberede, p. s. babbled P.P. 8.blé d , . frublase , ‘ 1m if a blase, torch.

foh. x vi i i . 3 .

blawan“ (2 , to blow ; heblé w5 ; p . s. ble6w °

, pl. ble6won; pp. bli wen. j oh. vi . 18.blawen, to blow. L .

blefde, p. pt. lefl . L . 96.

blenchen, to draw bach,

aside. P.P. 333 .

ble6w. See blawan.blered pp. bleared ;

°blered eigen.P.P. 109.

bletsian, gebletsian, to bless ;p .

-0de ; pp.-od .

bleuh, p . s. blew. P.P. 19blepeliche, blithely, cheer y .

bl ind,

‘ blind j oh. v. 3 ; ix . 1 ,

39. 40

blinnenn(A. S . blinnan), b

cease ; pr . s. blinneppoff. 0.

1 14 67 .



blis,"I bl iss, bli ss, j gw.

sblisced, pp. blessed A. R .

bl isse,f'

bli ss, j g . d. blisse,blissen. L . 2657 1. blissen,bl isses. L .

blissian,"geblissian, blifi igan,

to rg'

oice, ex ult , p.-0de

, pp .

-od ; 2 ; 5 :27 .

bli5 e, blithe, glad, j g/fiel pro

withygr. 0. 92, 13 1 , 307 .

NM ,2n. blood

blodbendes, bloodbands,forbind

blodbendes ofseolke. A. R .

blddgyte,‘ 2m. bloodsheddi

'ng ,

biod-i30te, blod- u

M L; &A.


r1ge, blood

blondinge, blondingge (0. Fr.

blandir), fiaflery . A. L

blostrn, 2m. blossom.

bl6tan* (4 ), toimmolate; s. b

ble610n(blétonbo, both. A. R .

f booh ; g . b60e ; d. bée ;

pl. n. ace. béc ; g . 13603 ; d.

b6curn. 64 : ;3g65 :1 , 2, 5 , 7 ,

10,2 1

, 22 ;

bOC, booh, bible 0 boke, inthebible. 0. 1 1390.

bock, bokes, pl. boohs. L . 10.

b6ce10,* 2m. a boohman, scribe.

j oh. vi i i . 3 .

bocher, butcher. P.P. 1 7 3 .

b6clic, boohty ,literary . 58 :9.



,letter cf the alphabet.

104 .


bord, inthi s passage, can

hardly be as Marsh suggests,

And he, which had the prise


After the hinges owh e worde,Was made begina middel

horde . Gower, vol. i i i . 299.

bordun, a stafi'

P. P. 27 1 .

ybore , pp. born, and borne.

P. P. 89.

bode, p . s. andpl. bid, mined. R .

bode, prqyer. L . 28 1 .

eword, commandment. 0.

bod ian,* bodigean, to preach,

announce p.-ede, -ade, -ode ;



,-ad, -od, -ud.

bodig, body. 0.

b0dung, * 3fboga, 1m. bow, arch.

b6h,‘ 2m. a bough, branch.

B s.

gebolgen, * pp . See gebelgan.hol le, bowl. P.P. 89, 273 .

bol led, pp. swelled. P.P. 67bollep, pr . s. swells. P.P. 99.bond

, p . s. bound. R .




L . 4 7 7 . P.P. 3 56.

bonnien,to assemble, get r

summon. L . 13 7 , 4 23 . so

bannen.boote , remedy. C. 4 26.

bor, boar . L .

bord, board, table. C. 52. to

to have

breres l

breres, briars. A. R .

brestess, pt. breasts. 0. 220,



ul, bretfull, bri in C

689; P. C. 7 1 . (A. brerd .

breuh, p . s. braved P.P. 133breustere, brewster, a womanthat brews. P. P. 14 8.

brice,‘2m. fragment.


,bird. Eccl. x 11. 4 ; M

pl. briddes. A. R .

M 24 1 : 19 ; G. 169.

bri d ,bri del, 2m.



brihte5 , brighteneth. A. R .

b1ingan, * gebri 11gan, to bring ,reduce ; he gebrin05 . p.

brohte ; pp . gebroht ; also, cc

pp. brungen.hsinnan” to burn; p. s.

brann; pl. brunnon; pp .

brunnen.brinngenn, tobring ; p. s. brohht,brohhte ; pl. brohhtenn. 0.

vi . 1 3 .

b160,‘ 2m. mi sery , afl iction. 0s.

broc , threat. L . 4 28.

“I hi s i s

themoderntermbrag ,themean

brok , brooh. P.P.

br6c,‘ breeches ; g .

-e d. [1160

ace. br6e ; pl. bréc g . br6ca

d. br6cum.

broche, a brooch. A. R .


3brohht, -e

,-enr1. See brinn


, p. pl. brought. os.

gebrohte. See bringen.ibroide, pp.

embroidered. L. 529.

brooches, pt. branches. A. Lbroode

, ado. broadly, plumb.

C. 74 1 .

gebrowen, ‘ brewed See bredwan.br65 or

, br65 er, brother,fi iar;g . acc. br65 or ; d. b16501 ; pLbr65 1u (a, g . b165m; db165 1u111 . j oh. vi i . 3 , 10.

g eb165 1u“ -a), brethreng .



bruc, broul1e, imp. s. o bruke-n,0“! m 7


,nyg t,

partahe bf eat ; he bri 05 ; p. s.

brode ; pl. brucon; pp. b

ce ;11 with gen. 66. 1 1 .

brukenn(A. S . bni ca11), to euj g'

,use. 0. 320.

brukien, to enj gr, possess. L .


brugge, bridge. L . 393 .

i l

zrugged, pp . bridged

7 5brunie

,burny ,

cuirass. L.



brunie hod,burny s hood.

820 . d. pt. brunies. L . 89:522. See bume .

brutaget, pp . budressed. P.P.

34 2

b6ar1,* to dwell in, cultivate ; he

hi ts; p. bri de ; pp. [gebiim]7 7 :2. See bdgian.


buke,bab} , pl. buken. A. R .

(A. S . buce,belly. )


‘p. pl. See be6dan.


"l bufon, above,fromabove;bufaneor5 an, above groundos.

bligan,* gebfigan to bow,

bend,stoop, y ield , submit, turn

p . s. bedh pl. bugonpp. g e

bogen, bugen imp. btig, bl’


buggen(A . S . bycgan), tobuy ;pr . bu5 ,

bugge5 p . s. bouble ;

pl. bouhten; sub. pr. bugge ;

pp. i -bouht . A. R .

to inhabit ; p.-ede .

bligiend, * 2m. inhabitant .buhsumm,

bux om, obedient. 0.

buh5 , boweth. A . R .

buh3e5 , imp . pl. advance. L .

697 . See buge .

y-buld , pp . buzlt. P. C. 5 .

bummede , p . s. tasted,drank.

P. P. 1 3 7 .

gebfin cultivated,inhabited. See


,the bass inmusic. C.

67 5 .

bure, force, rush, impetus. Ps.

x lv. 5 .

burgeys, burgess, citizen. C.

37 ‘

burgh, cig'; g . burged. by rig ; acc. burh ; pl. n.acc. byrig ; g . burga d. bur


burhwaru,*f collective; thepopu

lationof a city townspeople,inhabitants g . d.

-e ; acc,-e


-u ; pl. nom. acc.-e ; g .

-a ;d.


buriowne,togerminate, produce.

ls. lv. 10 .

GLOSSARY. [cafes-1611

bume, ‘ a bourn, brook. j oh.

x vi i i . 1 .

home, f cuirass. L . 528 . d.

bume-hod ; pl. burnen. L .

89, 5 22. Yhe burnie seems toa kind of breast-plate,

accommodated inthema il armourof theper iod. The word i s canslantly occurr ing inthe Old

Engli sh romances. Guest.

iburred , pp . buried. R .

hursh, town, db». 0.

burgen, borwe , b013e, to save,

shelter . L . 667 .

busemare (A . S . bismer), scorn,bustelyng, wandering aboutwith

out knowing whither. P.P. 267 .but, unless. C. 784 .

but gif, unless. A . R . Mbti tan. * See b1

11011 .


, ex cept. A . R .

bute ; if, unless. A. R .

buten, prep . without. A . R.

L . 1 26, 707 .

1361011, but


,ex cept, unless,

without, y

’ not ; ge 011 hiorahirede ge b1

11011,both intheir

butt ifi'


,ex cept. 0.

buuen, above. A . R .


5,buy s. See buggen. A . R .

huge, buzen

,to bend, go, come,

approac march. L . 4 24 , 682.

p . beh pl. bugen. L . 3 53 .

baghch a , to bow to,submit. 0.

caochen, kachen, to catch. P.

C. 166, 167 .

ke isere , ka i ser , emperor . L .


*2m. a larg e ha”


atrium,v .estibulum j oh. x vi i i .

1 5kaggerrlegc , love.

(Icel. kmrleik i .cayser, ka i ser,kaisere, d .s. kai ser

,emperor .

L . 1 3 1 .

calabre,a species offur P. P.

cal ic, 2m. chalice,cup. j oh.

x vi i i . 1 1 .

cal iz,chalice. A. R .

can, pr . s. knows. C.



1 6(y) 1101131, I knownot. P.

mm,knows. See 0111111211.

(3 1131011 , canst thou. P. C. 80.

kanurmkess, g . s. canon's. 0.


ca itula,1m. chapter-house. S .


mpparis, the caper shrub. Eccl.

5 .


2m. pri son; oncarceme gebroht, brought to

pri son. B s. 1o6 :2.

mrefull, full of care


P. C. 1 39.

kare, pr. s. 1p. care,sorrow. P.

C. 1 4 6

mrf, p s. carved. C. 100.

w ry, a coarse staj'

wornbe theP. C. 1 20 .

mrian, to care,heed, be anx ious;

p .-0de ; pp .

-0d .

carl , a churl,a hardy counts) l

fl llow. C. 54 7came ls, battlements. P.P. 34 1 .

03 8 , case, chance, hap, adventure.R . G. 7 , 49.

casere, 2m. casar,emperor.

kat, cat. A . R .

catel , money , propergy, wealth,


means. P. P. 27 ; CLk. x v. 1 2.

murimauri ? P. P. 62. Wr ight,inhi s Glossary to P. P.

, de

fines thi sword, “care, trouble? "

of stuf inwhich Eng ! wasclothed. The spellings (y other


” mwrymawry,”with the

article omitted,and



,caudle ,


according to

Skinner , a warmdrink, consi sting of eggs, wine, bread, sugar ,and aromatics. (Lat. calidus ;0. Fr . chande l . ) Ins ton'sB oke for Travellers occur as

Potages. Caude l l for the

seke, chande l . Growe l l andwortes ;

"inP.P. 205 it means

vomit. SeeProm,fit. Perv. s. v.


cagte , p . s. caught. R .

ceald , cold . 0s. 83 :32.

cedp, 2m. possessionof any kind ,especially cattle saleable article,

price, sale, bargain, business. 0s.

ceépian, ‘ g ecedpian, tobargain,trade

,buy ; p . 0de °

pp.-0d .


cci p-sceamul, 2m. a toll-booth


custom-house, tradesman’s stall.

j oh. vi i i . 20 ; Luke v. 27 .

gecd s. See ceésan.00215 101,

"I3/ cabs


low .nwastm. ) j oh. x i . 1 .

caster-warn,citizens, townsmenpl. ceasterwarn



g e\varar1.


t hefle5 ]

chefle5 ,chattereth. (A . S . ceai,

chaj iR) cmfl , the l aw or check.

cheorches, pl. churches. L .

cheorles, cherles, churls ; d. pl.cheorlen, cheorles. L . 93 5 .

ehepmon, chapman. A . R .

chere face, countenance. G.

361 .

cherre (A. S . cyrr), a h’me


sume cherre,sometime. A .R .

chese, choice. G. 1 20 .

chese,tochoose. R . p . s. chose. G.

1 10 .

chesstre (A . S . ceastes). eige,

chiknes (A. S . c icen,

chickens. C. 382.

child ide, p. s. broughtforth chzld.

Gen. x li . 50 .



, g . pl. chzldren’s. A .


chirche, church. A. R .

chirche, g . s. of the church. C.

4 62. the final e is the rema ins11 of thefirst

passed into en, and thene .

chirchegong, churching lit.

chirche, chireche ,f: church g .

chirches ; d. chirche-11, chir

eche-11 ; pl. Chirchen, chir

eche11, chiriches, etc . L . 6.

Chirchen, churches. R .

chirechen,churches. L . 370.

chymneyes, fireplaces. P. C. 5 7 .

chi terynge ; ‘chytter, as a yonge

byrde dorhe byfore she cansynge her tune.

” Palsgrave.

H. P. 24 6:4 .

chynalr1e , horse (equitatus).Gen. x x x v11. 36.


chivachie, a mi litary eaperhi'ion.

C. 85chyvalrye, chivalry ,

knighthood ;exploits of a bright.

C. 4 5 .

cho l (A . S . ceole), fowl, fi e

beneath the chin a double chin.P. C. 7 2.

chor,* 2m. choir . S . C.

ichord . See charren.ichosen, pp. chosen. If. [I ] .

chulle ich wule . A. R . ich

chulle occurs 163°



, cfdde . See 01pmc idan* to chide ; p . s. cad ;

pl. c idoa ; pp . eiden.c igan, gecygan,to call

,call upon, ”evoke,

dress ; p .-de °

,.pp -ed,

ei ld, * 2n. ch17d ; pl. c ild ; also

c ildru and ci ldra.

cyld,* cyle , 2m. cold


c i ldhéd ,

* 2m. chtldhood.

211. kin,race

,fannly kind,

gecynd , * gecynde, 2n. kind,nature

, generation for ge

cynde, naturall pl. gecyndu.

97 33 5

position,7 . 8.

kynde , na 1ure ; a; enkynde, unM

gecyndelic , * kindly,natural. Es.gecyndelice , *naturallv,bynature;S9 37kyndly, naturally. Eccl. x 11. 5 ,

k inedom,kingdom; pl. k ine

domess. 0.

k inedome, kingdom A . R . ; R .

cyne-helni ‘ , 2.m. crown.x ix . 2.

cynelice , ‘ kingly manner,hine-lond, kingdom. L . 27 2.

cynestdl, ‘ 2m. rg'al residence


chief capital. os.

k ine-wur5 e , kineworpe , d. s.

rg ’al. L . 167 .

cing, * cyng, 2m. king . See cining, cyning, cynincg.

k ing, king g . kinges ; d. k inge,k ingen; pl. hinges, k inge ; g .

k ingen, hingene , kinge ; d.

k ingen, hinges. L .

cynincg, * kynincg, 2m. king .


c ining, * cyning, kyning, 2m.

yningc , * 2m. king . os.

k inn, kind, manner ; g . kinness.

c ipan, * cypan, to sell ; p. cypt,p11 cyptest pl. cypton, ciptun.cype -cniht


* 2m. a y outh ofered

for sale ct ° a slave.

01pman, * declined like man,

chapman, merchant. 70 :6.

cyrr,* cerr, c ierr

,2m. a turn

[verisi0, flex us, vices] , occa

sion,time ; a t sumum cyrre ,

at a certaintime,once ona time.

a t 65 1 11111 cerre, at another time

,altera vice.

c irce,* cyree , xf church.

cyrran, * gecyrran, to turn, turnback, return

,have recourse to,

convert p . cyrrede, cyrde

pp.-cd . j oh. vi . 66 ; vi i . 53 ;

7 5 i l 3 .

k irrke,church. 0.

gecyrrednys,* 3/itence. 69:24 .

kyrtel,* 2m. kirtle


015 ,know. See c15 ar1.

let know,show,

announce, tell,devi se ; he 015 ; p . 0150e,01dde ; pp . c15 0d ; imp . 015 ,015a5 .

k ipenn, tomake known. 0.

015nes, * g ec1pnis, 3/ witness,testimony ,

testament, compact,fwdus ; gec15nisse 01111111, to

c le f, p . s. clove. L . 789. See


clénefl‘clean, pure.

clénsung, ‘ cleansing ,M

c lane, c leane, adv. clean, entire

clapsud , pp. clasped. C. 27 5 .0145

,2m. cloth

, garment.c lap, clothzng °

pl. clapess. 0.

clembe, to climb. L . 68 1 . pr.

s. clembep. L . 24 4 . p. pl.clemde. L . 838.

clene, clean, full wholly; generally preceded bf al. R . 1 4

P C 53 .

Clenlyche , wholly , completely ,

throughout. P. C. 7 7 .

clennsenn, to cleanse. 0.

cleéfan* to cleave ; p. .s

clei f; pl. clufon°

pp. clofen.c leope5 , pr. s. calls. A. R .

cleopian, cliopian, clipian,clypian, to call


p.-0de ; pp.

-0d. j oh. i .


cleopien, cleopie, to°call ; p. s.

cleopede .

cleoue, d. s. elif L . 260. See


cleonie5 ]c leonie5 , pr. s. cleaveth p . claef.

L . See to—c le f.cleper, clapper ; c lepor of the

mel le, clapper (y the mill. A. I .

cleped, pp. called. G. 6.

clepieth, pr . pl. call. A . R .

c lept, pp. called.

y-clepud, pp . called. C. 4 1 2.

clepup, pr . pl. call. R .

clerken, g . pl. cy’


cleues, d. pl. clgfi'

s. L . 246.

clibben,d. pl. clubs. L . 367 .

cliket, clzcket. P.P. 3 57 .

i-kliketed, pp . fastened with a

clicket. P.P. 366.

clifa11* to cleave p. s. claf

pl. clifonpp. clifen.01i 111ban* to climb; p .s.

clamb ; pl. clumbon pp.

clumben.climbenn, to climb. 0.

clypian, * geclypian.0p1an.clokes, clutches

, hooks. A. R .

See cle


clouted, patched. P. C. 1 22.

(A. S . cleot, Clowte of

a schoo Pictasium. Prompt.Parv. InNorfolk the termscleat and clout szgngfy anironplate with which a shoe i s


to c loute, carre ler,rate

ce l ler. I hadnede go c loutemy shoes, they be brokenat

the Way .

c lowes of gylofre ,24 3 :27 . (Fr . c lous de gi rofle . )

0105 , pl. c lo5es, clothing , clothes,

lopey. imp pl.‘

clubbe . club; d. pl. clubben,


clubbes. L . 903 .

cl1id ,* 2m. rock, clgffi

c lode , rock, clgf ; pl. d uden,cludes. L . 24 5 .

cldd ig ,

* rocky .

clumbe , p . 2s. climbed L . 838.

pp. iclumben, iclemde. L.

clupede , p.s. called L .

c lup1c , to call ; pp . icluped . R .

0napa, * 1m. knave, by ,sd w l .

knappes, knops, buttons. P.P.

knarre , a knotted, thick-set, tough

knaue , servant. P.P. 96.

g ecndwan“ to know ; p. s.

cncow ; pl. cnedwon pp .

ch i wen. 1 S ee oncndwan.cnedan“ to knead ; p. s.

cnaed ; pl. cné don; pp. cneden.

cnelenn(A . S . cneéwian), bkneel. 0.

knely, to kneel. R .

g ecneordlwcanfi‘ to stub ,be stu

diaus cf take care p. J e hte .


* 2n. knee ; pl. cnedwu.

cnifes, cni fues, knives. L .

0niht, * 2m. knight, youth, by .

cniht, kmght ; pl. cnihtes,cnihte ; g . pl. cnihten, cnibtene, cnihtes d . cnihten. L .

84 5 .

cnihtan* S . C

knihtschipe , knightship , knighthood A . R .

gecnyrdnys, * gecneordnys, 3/I


sincerily .

cnipte, d. s. knight. L . 6.

knobbes, eruptions, pimple s

. C.

63 5 .


never aga inbe heard ‘enla

court 10 Rey, a conter purnulluy.

It may ,however


questionable whether Chaucer

used the term inthi s sense,and

it seems possible that escheator

may be meant the qfice likethat (V shergfi


was held for a

limited time,and was served only

b' the g entry ofname and stat ionintheir counly . Way.

couth, could ; pl. couthen. G.

kouthe , pp . pl. known. C. 1 4 .

couthe , p. s. knew . C. 329. as

he couthe (C. 3922,as he

knew , i . e. as well as e could.

coupe , p. pl. knew. P.P. 24 ,


covenably large , proportz'

onalb'large or broad r

’ M 24 2:25 .

covyne, deceit. C. 606.

eowde, p. s. knew. C. 1 10, 4 69.

cowhede coughed, retched, spewedup . P. .P 205

craaft , 2m. era/ 7, art, skill,

pozvcr, endowment,

ex cellencesometimes

,artzfice, cunning pl.

craften, 11. pl. era/ ls. L .

craftly, artfully, skelfuly P.

C. 1

cri wan“ to crow.(as a cock);

he cré w'

5 . j oh. x i i i . 38. p. s.

crcdw . j oh. x vi i i . 27 . pl.creowonpp . crawen.

010012, a cross. A . R .

creopan“ to creep, crawl ;he cr1p5 p . s. creap pl. cru

ponpp . cropen.cryk , creek, harbour, port. C.

4 1 1 .

crisstnenn, to chri sten; pp. crisst

nd . 0. 323 .

Crist , 2m. Chr i st ; pl. Crista

Cristen, Chri stian.cristendom,

* 2m.

chri stianzly.

Cristofre,a figure of St. a r is

topher, whi ch was thought b

shield thepersonwho looked onitfromhiddendanger . C. 1 1 5 .


,device. 0.

crochetes,crackets. P. C. 22.

Crockets, proj ecting leaves,

flowers, etc.,used in Gothic

archrtecture to decorate the ang lesOf spires, canopies, etc. Gloss

chri stendom,

croppes (A . S . c1op,tops, the young and bpmostshoots of plants buds. C. 7 .

crom-bol le,


bowl. P. C. 1 3 5 .

croude . a stringed musical instrument. Lk. x v. 25 .

crouny,to crown. R .

crulle , curled. C. 8 1 .

krune5, pr . s. crowns. A . R .

cruninge , coronation. H. 111 .

crupen, p . pl. crept. L . 103 2.

ku,cow. A .

cuc, quick, alive. See cwic.

cucu, quick, alive

, living .

knead,wrong , bad A. l .

kueade , wickedness, sin. A. I .kueadful, wrongful. A . 1.kuea

dliche, wrong ] wickedb'.

A .

kues, g . s. cow'

s. A. R .

kuynde , the kind mankind. P.

P. 34 1 .

kuyndeliche, kindl naturallyP. P. 292.


re .

“I1fZ culver , dove.

culpons (Fr. coupons), shreds .

C. 68 1 .

gec 1i 5 . j oh. i . 48 ; 1 5 ,2 29

cuman“ to come ; he cunhe. d. s. kin, kindred L. 167 .

cym5 . j oh. x vi . 1 3 . p. s. com;pl. cdmonpp. cumen. Seecwiman.0111110, 001110, coming ,


L . 897 .

icume,icome, pp. come. L .

cumen,to come oftenused with

aninfinztzve, as cumenl i5 en.L . 865 .

A Ri-kumen, pp. come.cumen

,sub. pl. come. H. [I] .

cumenn,to come ; p. s. comm;

imp . comm, cumm. 0.

cume5, pr. pl. come. L .

cumme, pr . sub. s. come. L.

cun, kin, race, lineage g . cunnes

,cunne ; d. cunne-n. L .

209, 509, 885 ; P.P. 38 1 .

cunde,heritag e, territory ,


891 .

kunde, adj . native; kundemen,mennative to the soil. R .

kunde , natural, leg itimate ; kunde eir

,leg itimate heir (to the

throne). R . 24 6.

kunde, nature, natural right, tegzlimagr. R . 24 8.

kundede , kindness. R . 7 7 .

kundites, conduit s. P. C. 4 3 .

kuneriche, d. kingdom. H. 111 .

kunesmen, kinsmen. R .

kunfort , comfort. .4 . R .

kuning, * 2m. king . B s.

0unnan,* to know, be able ; ic

cann(can), pu cuane or canst,he cann(can) ; pl. cunh ou ;subj . es. s. cunne ; pl cunnon-en) p. ic , he, 0115 04 1110115 081 ; pl. c 1

15 on; pp. 0115 .

cunne, hunne, kind sort, kin,

man. j oh.

cu5 e, coupe, p. s. knew . L.

ku5 en, to make known, show,

u5 e ; p. 11115 0;

pp. i-kud, kudde. A . R .

cupenn. See cunnenn. 0.

cu5 5 e, country, realm,land


kin. L . 8 1 1 , 89 1 ,898.

cweadschipe, wickedness, iniqui91 pl. cweadschipes. A .



* 2m. qualm, sickness,10


cwearternfi 2n. prison.16

kunneth, pr. pl. know,

can. H .


cunnenn, toknow; p . pl. cupenn.0

kunnyng, knowledge. ls. l i i i . 1 1 .

cuppemel, eupmeal, cup bf cup.

.P. 139.


‘l See cedsan.curious, careful, nice, ex act. C


curse,to ex communicate. C. 488.

custe, custom

, manner; pl. cus

ten-s. L . 897 .

cutted, pp. cut short. P. C

1 32.

“cutty sar Tam o


cutte-pors, cutpurse P.P. 381 .kurue, sub. pr. eut A. R .

0115 , known, cn'ta in, evident. Seecunnan.0115a

,* 1m. one known


gec weden] GLOSSARY.

ge-cweden, ‘ pp. called S ee daeghwamlic, ‘ ad). da b.

01105 011. dzghwamlice, ‘ladv. dasly .

0110110, to kill. L .

cwemenn, to pleasecwemmd. 0.

cwén, ‘ 3fil ike . em

cwene, queen. A. R .

cw05 an, gecwe5 an1 tosay,speak ; ic cwe


5 0, p1i cwyst,he 0 p. s. ic, he, cww5 ,

pri cw de pl. cwé donirnp.

cwe5 pl. cwe5 a5 , or 011105 ge

pp. gecweden. cwyst p1icw05 e ge l cwe5 0 we ? used as

to Lat . numor an. j oh. vu.

4 1 , 5 1 ; vi . 67 ; v11. 26, 3 1 ,o


0w1c,‘ cwyc, cv ac, cuc, quzek

cwik, quick, alive. L . 103 1 . d.f

cwickere. L . 1 5 5 .

cwidden11,to declare, tell. 0.

cwyd0,* 2m. say ing , speech,


cwiman, * cuman to comep. s. cwam,

com, com plcwimon, é mou, cdmonpp.

camen, cymen.cwyst sg rest thou 1

’ Seecw05 an.


dé d,‘ deed, action.

da d, dead 0.

(lé d-bdt,‘ly : amend s-deed, re

tance,da g,

‘ 2m. day ; da ges, bf day ;pl. dagas.

dwghwomlic, ‘ da ily.

dwghwonlice, ‘adv. daily.

de gl , ‘ secret,unknown. 8 s. S ee

d igel.


‘l2n. day-red, dawn.

d/oh. vi i i . e.

aegperlic, present .da i


, day ; g . da ies, daiesd. da ie , daie pl. da ies. L .

da ies nihtes, used aaberbially,by day andnight. L .

dé lfl‘2m. deal

, part.da l, part. H. 111 .

daelde, p. s. parted, divided L .

5 25 .

daele, pl. part, divi sion. L . 524 .

dwienn, to share

,to haw dealing

with pp. da ledd, divided, d is

dmme (A . S . dym), secret,hidden. 0.

da 5 , death. L . 76. d. s. de pe.

0. 222. ace. da pp. 0. 20 1 .

dayesye , day s gee, dai y . C

334 .

g edafenian, gedainian, ‘I to be

decere , oponere, 00nvenire ; govs. d ; p.

-0de ; pe

gedafena5 , te decet.dagon*=dagum, d. pl. day s.

dj oh. iv. 4 3 .

ai es andnihtes, used aaberbi

l gr day andnight. L .



le , part, portion; pl. daless.

dalen, deale, topart, divide. L .

daliaunce, gossip. Dalynunce confabulac io, 00110

cac io. (Prompt. Parv. ) C.

2 1 1 .


deofle, devil ; pl. deofien. A.



di,* dedfl , 2m. devil.

(1001, dole, grief R .

dedp, deep. {El

d06p1100,* deepb', profoundly.

desi puys,*3f deepness, pro

n. beast, animal ; deerpl. nom. acc. dedr; g . dedra ; d.


deor,der, beast, deer d deore


deor pl. deor, deores ; g . pl.deoren, deore, deor. L . 25 1 ,269.

deore , dear, precious. P.P. ,

A . R .

deore,adv. dearbr. A. R .

° P.

P. 34 6.

deorewu15 0, precious. A . R .






,2n. labour, tnbulation.


deci d ing, 3/I dearling ,darling ,

mission, favourite. B s.

deorre, dear , dearer . A. R .

d061w1 15 0,* dearworth, valuable,


departed ,distributed G.

departede, p.s. div1ded Lk. x v.

1 2.

dereyni (Fr. desra igner), totry ,

derf, labour, pain,hardshiv. A.R .

derian,derigan, to hurt, in

j ;ure annoy ; nocere, laedere ,

pr . s. d0105 ; pl. deria5 ; p.


derneluker,more secretly. A .R .

deseri ted , pp. deseritede, p. s. ,

dest, doest. A. R .

devys, view,opinion, decision. C.





,pr s 1p tefl or sp eak gf.

34dé5 . See don.dep, death ; g . depa

° d depe.

d iacon,2m. deac1m.

diaconhad,2m. deaconhood

dyadliche, deadly . A . I .

d :c, d ich, ditch, dike. L . 1 53 .

i-dyket, pp . d1gged PP. 299.d ifl


ormed, deformed M

digel, 3/ a secret.

digel, digol, digle,cret

, obscure ; ondig10, o11 d iglum

, insecret, secretly . j ah.

vi i . 4 ; 65:9,digellice , surety, privsly .

d igelnys, 3/ secret, secrecy ,

digollice , secretly , privibnS eedigcllice .

dihtan,*ged ihtan, to set inar

p. d ihte ; 5 .

d ih


tep, pr . 1 . rules, di sposes. L .

dym-hof. 2m. himplace.diop, deep . B s.

d iopendion, electuary . P. P.

1 0 1 .

d idplice,* dewly. B s.

d1° dear

, precious, valuable.dyrstignys, 3fboldness,presumption


god)rstlaecan, to dare, presume ;

p . lwhte pp. la ht.

d isceplines, fiagella tions. A .R .

d isc laundre ,dzsgrace. P.P.

d iscrcue,to descr tbe. P.P. 62.

d isete (Fr . d isette), want, poverly . A . I .


dysig,* 2n. folly.

dysignes, * dizziness, fi ll

dispence , expense ; esy ind ispence (C. light, moderate,

d ispitous, unpitzful,table. C. 5 1 3.

d isport, sport, diversion. C. 1 3 7 .

d isschere, a maker (y di shes ?P. P. 166.

d isschere, ditcher. P. P. 164 .

d igt, di rect. A. I .

d igtep (A . S . gcd ihtan), pr. pl.


d igte , p . s. d1rected. A. I .

d i ;0dest, dcdst die. P. P. 24 5 .

dy30n, to die. P. P.

d i3ete , sub. s. 2p. diet. P. P.


y-dygt,prepared, made. P. C. 76.


, pp. done, made. R .

dock 11(1, pp. docked, cut short.

C. 5 2.

doke, duck ; pl dokes. M24 2 6 ; P. P 8

cropped, shorn.

doddunge , tonsure. A . R .

doh, pr . s. 3p. of don, doth. L .

88 1 .

i -dodded, pp .

A . R .

dohte .

‘ See dugan.d6htor,

* d6hter, nom. g . ace.

daughter ; d. ddhtor, déhter ;

pl. nom. acc. ddhtor,d6htra,

d6ht1u,d6ht01 °

,.g d6htra ; d.


i-doluen, pp. delved P. P. 299.


* 2m. doom, j udgment, j u

dom, j udgment. Eccl. x 11. 14 .


* 2n. a j udgment-place.loh. x vi i i . 28

, 33 .

GLOSSARY. {dmgandomess (1033, doomsday . 0. 24 7 .

d6m-seti, 2n. j udgment-seat.

j oh. x ix . 1 3d6n, * g edon, to do,make, cause,knee toem . M . dot h. tour10 d6, p11 dést, he dé'5 ; pld65 ; sq

. s. d6 °

, pl d6n°

, .pdyde ; p dydon; pp . geddn,

imp . 66 p6 ; pl 665 .

don, to do, make, cause, placedo pe dun, cast thee dosvn. 0.

don, pr . pl. do, make, cause.

P. P. 4 1 1 . i—don, pp. caused.

P. P. 78.

donet, grammar,firstpr inciples,

Grammarian. P. P. 1 2

donne (to), dat. inf to do, be

done. A . R .

dormant, lit. slewing met.fix ed, stationary ; table dormant,used perhaps as a sedc-board


and so called as opposed to the

ordznary tablewhzch consi sted cfplanks lard ontrestles. C. 3 5 5 .

dorste .

* See durran.dorste, dared R .

dortou1 , dormitory . P. C. 59.

doseyn,dozen. P. P. 164 .

doubte, fear . G. 1 4 4 .

doune, a dozon. R . pl dounes.L . 259.

dougtiore, doughtier, steuter,

braver. P. P.

dowte (out of) without doubt,doubtless. C. 4 89.

dop, 1mp. pl. do, put.do pine hope , set thy hope. A. I .do;ter,dau hter ; p

° l. do; tren. R .

dragan* to drag , draw ;

he drasg5 : p . s. dr6g, d 16h ;

pt. dr6g011 pp. dmgen.

dragged ]

dragges, drugs.

d rauh5 ,draweth, insp. pl. draw ; draweth

cut, draw lots . C. 837 .

d ra; henn, to draw ,


p. .s drohh,dro .h 0.

gcdreccednys, 3f tribulation.

, pr .

. C.

C. 4 28.

5 7 33”

d recchep (A . S . dreccan


dreden. to dread A . R .

ged16ian, to di sturb, di squiet,trouble

,afl ict, ofi


cnd p .—de

pp .-ed .

g edréfednes, trouble, di s

g cdréfedn1s, 3fl trouble, afl ictson.dre ih. See d 1 ien. A . R .

d reint, p. s. drenched, drowned

G . 1 37 . pp . dre inte. G. 167 .

d 10nc,

* 2m. drink,draught, po

tation.dre6gan,* drogen to do



er,sustazn; p . s. drei h ; .pl


drugon; pp . drogen.2m. wzzard

,mag 1c1an, sor

cerer ; g . (11103 , dr15 .

d rien(A . S . dre6gan), to endure

,sufer ; pr . d 1 i05 , dri b5 ;

p. dre ih ; pr . sub. (11 10. A .

dri fan'“ drai,

pu drife °

, pi d 1 i1'

on; p .p dri

fen, g edrifen.drigan, * dr 11

,to dry , rub

dry ; p . 0 ; pp .-06. j oh.

x 1. 2

d rihhtm,lord ; g .

-0s . 0.


,lord. L . 4 .


* 2m. ruler of a

household . meeting , orfi ast.


drihten, dryhtcn, 2111. theLorddrihtenes, g . s. Lord


s. L . 5 5 5.drihtliche, good, noble, lordbt.L . 837 .

drihttenes, g . s. Lord'

s. L .

gedrinc , ‘l gedry110, 2n. drinh,drinkzn

g; pl. dryncu. Es.

drincan to drink ; ho

drin05 ; p. dranc pl druncon; pp. druncen.drinnc , drinnch, drink, draught;pl. drinnchess. 0.

driste , for dr1ht0 ? Lord L . 4 .

driue , irnp . pl. drive. A . R .

drof, p. s. drove. R .

droh, p. .s qf dragen, drew . L .

droh,d103h0n11. See dra;henn.

drohtan, drohtian, d10htnian,

to live, pass (kme), divell, converse

,keep company with p .

-ode ; pp .-cd ; h6 him t6

drohtnigcnne wé re,how he

should [we lit. , how it was to

be livcd brhim.


*3/I lye, course of

drough, p . s. drew (near), a

proachcd . G. 1 5 5 .

drouh, p . s. drew ; drouh to,

drow, p. s. drew


di sposed . R . 8.

drowpud , p. pl. drooped C. 107 .drunc

,drink. A. R

d 1uncen,

* drunken,



dude , p. s. did, put, placed L .

A . R R . dude on,donned

2pers. dudest. P.P. 4 80 . pldude ; dude instrong prison.R . duden. L .

duga11* (preteritive), to prohelp ,

be good for r”.

turned, was


ear, ere, before. A R .

01110, 2m. native soil, country ,

habitation; pl. 0a1das, fields.

j oh. iv. 3 5 .

eard ian, * to inhabit, dwell ; p .

-ode ; pp.-0d .


*3f dwelling


* 1n. ear .

cario5 ,* hard

,dgficult, trouble

some. 65 23 5 .


2n. dficulgi , trouble,

tribulationpl. earfopu. B s.

0a1f05 lice,withdifieulgwardl

0111f05 11ys, 3fdM

hardship, pain.0a1g,

* ea1h, weak, timid. B s.


* 2m. arm.

03 1 111, poor ,

mi serable,wretched.

a rm, arm; pl. carmes. A .R .

earn,eagle ; pl. 03 11108 . A . R .

03 11100,to run. L . 628.

geearnian, * to earn, gain, merit,atta inp.

-ode ; pp .-0d .


‘3f. anearning ,

merit,desert, benefit.

0213 1,



edstan} from the east ;-ar1 i s

added chiefl y to other adverbs, anddenotes motionfrom a place.

edst-dé V‘2m. the

Ei sterfi‘ Edstor, 2n. Easter; pl.

Eéstra,Eést10 .

Ei ster-daeg,‘

2m. Easter-day ,

E43 101-fre6ls-dag,

‘2m. feast of

thePassover . oh. x i i i . 1 .


. Ea

d steweard ,‘



Eastre, Easter,thefeast at

d st-ryhte,* due cast.

E4stro11 , * non. dat. pl East”.

j oh. x i . 5 5 ; x vi i i . 28.

eawfwst,”l mwfest, pious, devour.

04 11,ax e. A . R .

cag e; comp. 045 14 , 65 10 ;superl. 045 051.045 -lé 10, easzly taught, teach


$ 5 0,adv. easily ; camp.

05 superl. 045 081.045 01i001,

* more easily.

g e045méda11 , * to humble ; w ihiacc. to worship. S a

gee4dméda11 .045métto


*pl. n. humility, sub

mi ssiongen. 045 1116113 . B s.

045m6dnes, * 3f humiligf. 0s.045médnessan 045 111601108sum.



, also. A R . 0.


,also. If. [I ] .

écan, to eke

, increase p . s. 6010 ;pl. 101011 ; pp. geéced . Rs.


,2n. aci d

, vinegar . j oh.

x ix . 29.

eked, eked out. P. C. 92

ekenn(A . S . c4ear1), to add to,increase. 0. 5 7 . pp . ekedd.

0. 4 6.

eche (A . S . eternal. 0.

echou,each one

,each. R .

écnys, * écnes, eternig' onécnesse

,011 écnysse, forever .

j oh. vi . 5 1 .


* d. s. écum,eternal

j oh.

cd a prcfix equivalent to Latin10, aga in.gcedcennan, * to bear or bring

369 GLOSSARY. [cllcs

eddere, adder,

serpent. Ps. egged, p. s. urged P. C. 87 .

lvi i . 5 . (A . S . eggian.ed le4n, 2n. rcward; retr1buh'

on 0ggen11 , to urge, incitc °

pr. .1.

pl. 0010411 . eggepp. 0.

edmodnesse , humilit '. A. R . egginng, urging . 0.

cdniwan, anew. ehne. Sec eghe . 0.

0dw i t , tac it/ing ,reproach. (A

S . cd-wi tan. )00105 , ears. C. 5 58.

e eten, p. pl. ate. P.P. 3 56.

e fenlé canfi‘

geefenlé can, to bej ust like, imitate p. efenlé htepp.

-lé ht.

e fennnke,equal inpow” . 0.

1 1 868.

efese , 1f eaves (if a house),brem


e fesian. to round as eaves, clip,shear ; p.

-0d e °

, .pp -0d.

c iri e,

* lot behold ! even, trul011 ! cece l

efne, pow”,abi lity . A . R .

efne , even, evenw ith. L .

i - ,efned pp . compared. A . R .

0f1105,1pl. compare. A . R .

efsone , soonafter . R .

e fstan, * to hasten; p . efste.

eft , aga in, after, afterwards; onthe other hand .

to g ive back. rcstore ; p . s. eftageaf pl. efia

gd fon; pp. efigifen.efte1 , inproportionto. A R .

efter-te lleres, after-tellers. A . I.03 03

“2m. awe, fear , dread. foh.

vi i . 1 3 ; 0s.

eftsones, soonafter , again, inturn

,altera vice M 24 3 :34 .

egeful, awful, terrible. 63 1 5 .

cgefull, awful , terrible. os.

egesfulf aw ul.

0305 ! ic, awful, dreadful, terrible.1

éhta11 , tofollow, persecute, as

sail ; he éht ; pl. éhta5 ; p.

éhte govs. g . or ace. j oh. v.


éhtnys, éhtung. 3f persecution.ehgene, d. pl. ey es. L .

e ie, fear. S . ege. )

e ie, gee. R .

eye, egg . P. C. 7 3 .

e ien, gees. A . R .

0ihsih5 0, gzcsrght, sight. A. R .

c ible, eight. R .

e i hte , eat/le. A. R .

0ihtu5 e . eighth. A . R .

e i len, to hurt, annoy pr. e i le5pr. sub. e i lie. A . R . (A . S .

4dlian, to ail. )e ir, heir pl. c irs. R . 18 1 .ey1er1, pl eggs. Meyres, heirs. R . 68.

e ise , case. A. R .

eige, ey e , pl. e igen. P.P. 4 4 ,


eige , gee. P.P. 33 . Let hem

woute 11011 e ige , let themwantno are, i . e. keep aney e onthem.

The Crowlg fi’

tex t read s

Late 110 wynnynge hemforweny,” i . c. , let no gainspot?them.

e lderne , elders. R .

e]dran, elders, parents, ancesb

tors ; g . pl. eld1ana.

See caldor.cldre , elders, ancestors. L . 572.010, 2m. oil.

cllcs, else, otherw i se.M


011p06d,*3/Zforeigncountry or

nation '


3f ell. j oh. x x i . 8.

elpedd , 3f foreignnation, for

mbe, prep . about, for. 61


gbrowdid, pp . embroidered. C.

emcristen(A . S . efencristen),even

,orfi llow-chri stian.

emeraudes,emeralds. 111 . (Lot.

sma1agd i . )even, level, plain; 011

emn, evenwith, be the side qf;

emnlange , ‘l along .

emu- 50001010 “ 2m. fi llow -di s

ciple, school/211010. os. 87 : 1 1 .

encloied,hurt inthefoot. G.


encres, mercase.2m. end

,ex tremity part,

quarter ; feower endas pyscsmiddangeardes, four ends(quarters)of thi searth.

geendebyrdan,"endebyrd iantoorder

,ordain, place, arrange p.

geendebyrde pp . geendebyrd ,-by10d .

endebyrdnys" -110s), ar

rang ement, order,deta il pu1h

endebyrdnys, inturn.endede, p. s. ended

,built. R . 4 .

endemes,* equally, inlike man

011d01 daie,last day, y esterday ,

lately . P. C. 87 . (A . S . endeda g, diesmortis. Beda, 3 , 8.

Ca dmon,

geend ian, ‘l to end,finish, perfi ct,

p.-ode ; pp.


0ndyng . ending ,death. R .


endlufon, eleven; indeclg eendung anending ,



,only .

01103 , once. R . A. R . 01 01100,

at once. A . R .

enforside, p.s. endeavoured strove.

Gen. x x x vi i . 21 .

engel, 2m. angel ; pl. er1qenglene , g . pl. of angels. A. R .

enhaunc id, enhaunsid, pp . ex

alted. Ps. x lv. 1 1 .

011 i,any . A . R .

011110, ace. s. m. one, an, a ,

011110 05 01 , another. L .

011ngell, angel, messenger pl.enp gless.

ennglepeod, angel-host. 0.

ch onch balse, wood of the balsamtrees. 24 3 : 10.

enqueri , to enquire, investigate. R .

enseu10, to assure. P.P. 294 .


* 2m. g iant ; pl 01114 3 .

entai le, shape. G. 64 .

entayled , pp . carved, cut. P. C1 5 . sculptured. P. C. 4 8 .

01111 ik01h, deceives. G. 1 16.

entuned , pp . intoned. C. 1 23 .

011vy110d , supplied with wine. C.

34 4 .


*p . s. went ; pl. codon


0001111 ; used for the past ofganganor g411 , instead ofgéng, which occurs chiefly in

eoden, went, have gone. A . R .


,man g . 001108 ; 11.

00 110 pl. eorles g . 00110110

d. 00110n. L .

orm5 .

* S cc y11115 .

ornostlice , earnest] so, now,

thercfore, but .eorwer

,apparently anerr 11


foreower, y our . L . 83 5 .


pr. ethalt ; pp. etholde i A . R .

ettan, * topasture R E21

pe t his manaper 05 5 0 ettan05 5 0 erianma g, all that of it

(the land )one either pasture or

plough can. Thorpe translatesincorrect] all that hi s mancould either pasture or plough‘hi s stands for ‘land . S ec

01211 .

01101103 , without evil, uncorrupted .

P. C. 90.

mien straight ahead . P.

1 1 .

euensong, vespers. P. P. 190 .

It seems tomeanheremidnight,the reading of one of the 111S S .

euerich, every. A . R . R ;L

eueriche 2,each. P. C. 1 1 9.

011esed , pp. surrounded by clip!borders. P. C. 1 4 .

everychone, every one. G.

ex pownede, p . s. ex pounded, interpreted. Gen. x 1i 8.

ex powneris, ex pounders, interpreters. Gen. x li . 8

01101, 2m. country ,native coun

try, home. 11411 wi tega

nys 2ndf0ng0 onhis epe le .

Lk. iv. 24 .

03011 , gees. P.P.

03hc (A. S . cage), eye; biforennGodess e3bne , ehne , before they es of God.

0310, propergf. H. 111. 0.

1 1 4 6.

egtende , eighth. A . 1 .

031010ntp0, eighteenth. H. 117 .

egwhazr (A . S . a ghwwr),re. 53 , 105 ,



* 2n. fraud, guile. j ah. I.

4 7 . pl. f4cnu.

fa der,"g m. father ; indecl ins.

but sometimes g . fa deres pl .

fa deras.

g efaedera, 1m. godfather, gossip.

ik deron*= faederum,d.pl. fath

j oh. vi i . 22.

faegenian."t S ee fiegnian.fwger, fair, beautiful, good .

1 .

fa ger, 3/ fairness, bed ubufa gere , fa irly ,



foegernys, ‘ 3f. fairness, beauge.fa gnian, ‘ tofawn, rej oice.

fa ht, p . s. fought. L . 806.

fwie, fated, destined to die slain,

dead. (A. S . fzeg. ) L . 636 ,

7 1


,hateful L . 61 3 .

ize ie-sc ipe , destruction. L . 65 7 .

fa ie-sih, death-time,death, de

struction. L . 87 , 797 .

fae reld,

* 2n. way , j ourngy, passage. progress.

fé rlic,


, fortuitous ffé rlicu.

fé slice,

* suddenly by chance.

12015 3“ S ee faran.fa st

, fast, strong . firm. os.

B s.

fwstefi adv. fast.fa sten,"It 2n. fast, fasting .

faesten, 2n. fastness, fortress,

feesthafcl, fast-having or -hold

ing ,tenacious .

fa stliche, fastly, quickly . L .

fmstnianfi‘ g efa stnian, tofasta ,

fix ,confirm p .

-ode ; pp.-0d.


fwstnnng,"I 3f afastening .

fa t, 2n. a vat, vessel, cup pl.n. acc. fatu; g . fata ; d. fatum.

fwtelsf 2m. bag ,sack, purse,

scrip; vessel. 1 . fz tel

fwtelsas ? vessels 0s.

fwtt, fett, fat, fat/ed. B s.

gefagen, fa in, glad, j oyful, B s.

faynt i se, fl igning , pretence, dccert. P. C.

fa ir,2 fair for the maistrie, a

fa ir onefor ecclesiastical prefermente’ C. 165 .

fairnesse (C. i . e. of living .

fayten, to tame. PP. 4 9.

sheepfold, stall,1 .

fald ng, a coarse, rough-napped

fale ,many . L .

fal le,befallR P.P. 4 2.

i fal10, pp . fallen, happened. C.

25 .

fal len,12110

,tofall, happen; p . s.

icol,ful; pl feolen, ful len. L .

fa l len,£2110, tofi ll p. s. feolde,

fulde ; p . pl. feolden. L .

fallenn,to fail, belong ,

happen;pr . pl and pp. fallenn. 0.

famulier, familiar, homely. C.

2 1 5ifan

, foes. L . 7 7 7fandenn

,to tempt, try . 0.

1 1 336. sub. 2p. fande . 0.

1 1 3 74 , 1 1 982 ; pp. fandedd.

0. 1 1324 .

fand ian, * to try , prove, tempt ; p.

-000 ; pp.-od pres. p. fand i

0nd0. j oh. vi i i . 6.

fand inng, temptation ace. fand innge . 0.

fandang, * 3/I trial, temptation,probationinquiry . 6 4


langan" to take, receive ,

p. .s féng ; pl. fengou °


fangen. Sec f 11.6

gefangen, pp. captured, takenfar


* faru, 3f fare, course, j our

far,irnp. fare, go pl 12105 . L.

faran, gef212n to fare, go,

j ournge, march ; pii fwrs1, hefae°5 °

, ploh.

1. 4 3 .

fare,far; fare leuer,/ Zi r rather

R .

faren,tofare L .

farenh,togo , p . s. for. 0.

farsud , pp . stufi'

ed. C. 332.

(Lat . farsus.

fasste (A. S . sten), fast. 0.

1 1 330.

fasstenn(A . S . fa stau), tofast0. 1 1 327 . pp. fasstedd . 0.

1 1 74 8.

fasst inng, fastingfastebi , fast be,near . L . 9.


g cf04, 1m. j ar.gefeaht.

‘ S ee feohtan.feald

,2m. fold. os.

fealdan(1 tofold, wrap up ;he fylt ; p . s. feold ; pl. fedldon°

p, p . gefealden. j oh.


he fyl5 , fea l5 ° feol1 °

, plf061lon°

, .pp feallen.feaw


, few , d. feawmn'

superl feawosta ; usedwithgen.of thenoun.feax

,* 2n. hair , the locks; coma.

ce saries.

febli to becomefeeble. R .

fcblore ,fl ebler. R

feccan]feccan, gefecgan, g efeccan, to

bring to,carry m] ; take.

110 fét, 1611 ; p. fedde pp. (60

cd, fedd. 10.

fedenn, to ccd. 0.


01, 2m. fever. j ah.

i v. 52.

£05 000, p. s. endowed, bestowed.

feyntyse,faintness, cowardice.feire, fairly, happit feire moteyou fal le. P. 4 2.

feire, fair . A. R .

i -feiped, pp.


2n, fell, skin, hide.

101, p. s. felt, happened. P. P.

fela, ‘ many ,much indecl. and

used with gen. (y the noun.

R . 1 22

fele mo, many0 60.

fe ll." Sec fel.felles, skins. A. R .

fen, murk, mire. P. C. 1 20.

fend, fiendJ’. C.

feng, gefeng. Sec f6n.101111, 2m. mud, dirt, clg e. j oh.

i x . 1 1 .


2n. cattle, herd,


011 106wer dagam,

infour days. 0s.

g .-1ign; l .



‘ f06n tofai l, beglad, rq


oicc p. s. feah plfelhon, fé gongefeoht,


2 .nbattle.




irfkbview . ht.. .s fa ht °

, pl fuhtonp. ichien, gefohten.8 °

feol, pys . fell. L .

gef06l. See feallan.feolde , fulde, p. s. felled ; p. pl.100 l L . 1 16. See fillen.feole, many. A. R .

feolle-n, p. pl.fell. L .

ifeolled; pp.felled . L . 99.

f06nd , fi6n,d 2m. enemy ;n. acc. find (fe6ndas, fe611d)°

g . f06nd2 ; d. f0611d11m. 100 :29.

feondliche, feondeliche, fiend

983 '


‘ 2m. hostiliy , enemy .

feor,‘ adv. far ; comp. fym

(G41?fyr (aah lo “M L fyr


rest adj ).

feores pl fcom.


, to fight.



éhl. A . R .

fihten,tofight. L .

fyligan,p g



lian,fyligean, tofol

1igde, fylgde, filide ;

fyllfn,§iigg ifyl

fulfil, fini sh , p . fylde ; pp. ge


0. 1 14 20,

fillenn, tofill,fulfil, practi se. 0.



osofum,ace. philosopher . 0s.

fylstan, to help, aid, support

p . s. fylste ; pt. fylston.

gcfylsta, 1m. helper, assi stant,


fyl5 ,"falls, runs

, fiozvs. 0s.

See feallan.fyn, pure, sheer for fynmyse ise,forpuremaltreatment. R .

fynch (A . S fi. 11,c

?a small

C. 654 . to pi 1 10 2 fynch, a

toplucking a goose, i c. tricking

findan* tofind ; ic finde,pii finst, he fynt ; pl finda5 ;p . s. fand ; pl fundou ; pp .

funden; the past tense sometimes takes the weak endings, ic,he , fundc, pii fundest. j oh.

x ix . 38. os. 85 :23 .

finger, 2m.finger.

fir,fire.2n. fire.21d)“3/ army ,

83fy1d-man, army -man, soldier.

B s. See man.



* fyrhtu, f indecl in2.





fis, fish. See 650. L

fix asfisc ,* 2m. fish ; pi fix as b

znétathesi so/ s and c. j oh. x x i .

9, 1 1





u1sc, fis, fish pi fiaoee ; 11

1150115 , u s. a fishing ,

See fix 05 .

fisceran” fiscerum, d. pl.

fi shermen. os.

fiscere, zen. afisherfisc-ne11, * zn. fish-11d . fab.x x i . 8.

fisy ,k physio. P.P.

fithu1, fid47e.fix as, pl fishes. See fisc.fix 05

,em. a fishing ; gin011

fix 05,to go a fishing . j ah.


x ui .

11411, 3/ and zn1. dart,flwh, fieoh,


fieop, p. s. fled. L .

flé sc ,


fié sclic; hly: 66:8.

fla sh, fies , g . s. fie shm 0.

flappe, to elap, applaud

flatte, p. s. dafl o


PHP 3 34 .


zenwi ight.flean,*for a to” ;

p.s. 86h ; pl. 863011 ; pp,fiagen.

3 7 7

Heap, p . .s fled. L .

fiende,inf fut. tofiee L .

fleo we,let

usfiee. L .

fledgan, fl i6ga11 , fle611, 11i611

to fiee, fiy ; be 119115p . s . fiei b pl. fiugon pp .

flugen; imp. s. fleoh.

22,24 , z


‘ tofiee, y ; 10 fled ; pl.fie65 . See cdgan.fleon

,tofiee. L .


,to avoid, fiee from.


fleonde dal . inf of fleon;a pro


hahle errorfor 10 fleonne .

9 2

fledtan“ tofioat ; p . .s fieét ;pl. 11111011 ; pp . fl01 .enfle01e5 , fioat. L .

fleo5,1'nzp . fiy . A .

fleschlich, fieshly ; pl. fiesch

l iche . A . R

fietend, pr. p . fioating . G. 1 5 7 .

fl icp, pr . s. fiieth. L . 260, 7 4 2.

fl ihl, fiz


ght. L .

See fledgan.man

, toput tofight rout ;

p .-cd


fl ién,tofiee B s.


See 11e6ga111.fii tan" to strive

,contend ;

he 1111 ; p . .s 1111011 ;

pp . fl i ten. j oh. vi . ix . 16.

fi13e5 , pr . s. fiieth. L .

11000, fioch. 0.

2n. andm. ;fiood afiawing of water110 11 A’ S . flén), arrows. R .

S . C.

110 105 11 5 , r ins.

fl611°a11"‘ 4 ) to fiow,i ssue ; he

flé11°5 ; on11 land ye ye 116w5meolece and hunie Ex odus,


i i i . 8. pl. 11611 115 . j oh. mi . 38p . s. fie6w. j oh. x i x . 34 . pl.fle611°011 pp. 116110 11.

fiowe, p . pl. fie'w

,fied. R .

110 11°15nge , fiutzng , playing oncute. C. 911mm,

r iver .

fingen, fl03e11 , p . pl. fied. L .

90 .

foangen, to receive. H. [I] .161111 ,

“l fédda, 1m. food, support.63 :29foddre, fodder . A . R .

fode, food. 0.


2m. fo1h, people , pl. 1010.

101ke , d. s . folk ; 011 folke,among the people. g . pl.folken.(ole -

gefecht , 2n. g eneralbattle011 prim fole-gefeohtum be~

tweox twém‘

cyningum. 0s.

folc isc,


popular , vulgar , comfolc1sce menn

, common

fole , fooli sh ; [ole dede, fooli shdeed. R .

foles, fools. A. I .

folga5 , ‘ folgo5 , 2771. service

lit. that which follows, retinue,attendance. B s. 5 .

folgere, * 2m.follower. B s.

foliw is, full, truly , surely . L.

3 5°

fol le, p . pl. fell. L .

foll3hen11, tofollow 0. 1 19.

folwen, pr . pl. follow. R . C

63101w3ep, pr. pl. follow °

p. pl.folwede .

1611, ge16n(8), to receive,tahe,


seine, undertahe 10 16, 10h, 1111163 1, fehst, he 165

,1eh5 ; pl.

165 ; p. s. 1é11g ; pl. 1611g011 ;16, 10h ; pl. 165 ; pp .

fongen, gefongen, gefangen;10 pamrice 1611, to succeed to

the kingdom,undertake the gov

ernment feng to rice , came toempire. togaderc 1611,to assemble.

1011, to receive. L . 28 1 .

1011, foes. P.P. 78 ; R .

fonded, pp . tried. P. C. 1 4 9.

fondep, pr. pl. to'. H. P.

(A. S . fand ian. )10nde111 , pr . s. tries. G. 1 83 .

fondunge, temptation. A . R .

fo11ge, to take, receive. P.P. 3 : 1 .

fo11go11, p. pl. received. R . 167 .

101, for, by reasonof; throughfor bitter. P.P. 99.

See faran.101

, for, notwithstanding too,

very 101 rape , too quickly 101

011,101 wel 011, very Men.for 1111, only .

101,inrespect to. G. 9

101 . See 1a1e11 11 . 0.

for-111 11,

“lp. s. ranbefore. j oh.

x x . 4 . See yrnan.forbeman,“l to burnup, consume be burned ; p. h amde ;pp .

-ba 1 11ed .

101-bar11de-11, p. pl. burned up.

L . 370.

forbe6da11" to forbzd,strainp . s. forbedd ; pl. 101budon; pp. forboden.forbyrnan“ intrans. to

burn; pres. pl. 101byma5 . j oh.

x v. 6. p . s. forbam; pl. 101b111 11011 ; pp. 101b11me11.forbodenn, pp. forbzdden. 0.

3 78

forbrecan” to breeh, breahup or inpieces p. s. forbre c

p1. 101b1é conpp. forbrooen.j oh.

force let

1orke11 , pl. gallows. L . 50 1 .

bad,wicked,perverse. B e.

forcu5 es1,

forcoupist, mos:wretched. L . 268.

101 -déma11,

* to condemnp. 10 1

démde ; pp . for-démed .

fordemen,for-deme, to du t y ;

put to death pp. 101-demed .

L . 23 7 .

101d611 ,‘ to fordo, ruin, destrvy.

101d011,tofordo, destroy . L . 506.

fordrafen, pp. borne away ; dead.



‘ to dot up, with” .

j oh. x v. 6.

for-dude, p. s. fordid, destrg 'ed.

L . 1033 .

101eald ian,* to grow old ; pp .

forealdod . B s.

fore-g eb1ddan, to pray for, intercede. See biddan.fore-beacen


‘2n. forebeacon,

rforetohen, prodigy .

orenise ide . See 10 forenise ide.

foresa d , foresaid . See secgan.101esp1ece11,

"before spokenof ;ffs. forcsprecenu.

forestzepan, 1ores1wppa11 (1 1to step or go before, precede p .

forestdp. See steppan.for-ferde, p. s. destrgeed. L . 4 1 5 .101gi1a11

* toforg ive, remit,release

, g ive, grant p. s. 101

geaf pl. forgeéfonpp. 11111

gifen. See gifan.



forrpi , therefore ; forrpi patt, because. 0.

1orrprihh1, strazghtzwy ,immedi

ately followed by 50,as. 0.

1 13 19.

1 to shrinh,

wither ; he 101501 i 1105 ; p . .s

1015012110 ; p1. 101501 1120011 ;

pp. 101501 1111002 .

1015 0611, to overlook, neglect,despi se ; p11 forsihst, forsix st,he 10 15yh5 ; p . forseéh, 10 1

sawe, pd forscage ; pl. 101

sawon; 1'

snp . forsc6h ; pp. 101

sewen. See 50611 .

forshape , pp . transformed. G. 8.

1015 10211“ to slay, hill,

beat,str ike of ; he 10 15 1

p. s. 10 15 16h pl. 1015 16g011 pp.

forslegen, forslagen. S ee

sleahan.forspendan," to forspend, con

1015pi11211, to spill, lose, di s

perse, destroy ; p .-d0 °

, p .p -cd .

10 15p5°


°s 3f perdition,

forstandan" to stand upfor ,end, ava il ; he forstent ; p.

forstdd ; pl. 10 1s16d011 pp.

1015 1211d011 . B s.

1015 101 , aforester C. 1 1 7 .

10 15wigi211,* to pass over insi

lence ; p .-ode



,10 1


1g0d0 ; pp. forswigod , 10 1


1g0d .

10110,/br to. A . R . P. P. 4 9.

10110, untzl . L .

for thi , because. Is. l i i i . 9, 1 1,

I 3 .

forthy, therefore. G.


fort io,

"subj . pr . pl afirighi

1 03 :3 . S00 forhtian.10 1 to speke 01, inrespectw. G.

10 1 1 11110,to tell the fortune or

3 3 , 83 1

101 - 1121011,to destroy . L . 236.


* very well, much.

101-werd , wornout. P. C. 1 22.

10 1w00r5211 ,"101wy15 211 to

cease to be,tobe undone

, per i sh ;be ruined ; pli forwyrst, be 101wy1

5 p. 1011110215 pl . 101wurdonpp . forworden.See 11 00115211 .

10111100 1111111110, very worthy , very

forwyrd ,

" destruction,ruin


dcssolution. 59°


10 1 -1v0015 211),pr . sub] . pl. peri sh, di s. L .

101 w0 1u1d0,

* inrespect of the

101W111‘50n,to become

,ina retro»

101 p . pl. peri shed. L .

forth, along .

forpam,101p211, 10 1|1011, 101pam

pe , forpampe, forpam5 0, forthat

, for the (reason) that , because that

,therefore. 58 :9.

1015 b01211* to bear forth .

j oh. i . 8 See beran.1015 -b1 i 11g211 ,

" to bring forthproduce, accompli sh. See bringan, b1011g211 .forpedd,

1011101111, to further, help, gfi'


perform. 0.

pp. 101p0dd . 1 1 570.


free -dome, d. s. freedom. L .


1100 ied , pp.freed. L . 294 .

11601100, freely, liberally.

110615 , 2m. afree-time, holiday ,


10615 4203 } 2m.feast-day . j oh.

V “ 371teom

, .from L .


0611d,* 2m. friend ; pl. nom.

acc. 1rynd g . 110

6nda ; dat. 110611611 111.x v. 1 5


1106san,1155211 tofreeze ,

p.s. 11025, pl. 1111 1011 ; pp .


1101, devours. A. R .


11é 1011,

.pp 110


,ravenous. A. R .

1101101, pp . fretted, adorned. P.

12 341110111

31, 2m. frzend ; pl. friend .

Rs. 100 :26.

frig,* free. 0s.

115 1115 , m.f beg inning , or ig in.(d. frym5 0 ; pl. 115 1115 25 ; g .

115 1115 2. Grein. ) 58: 1 .


2m. peace. 93 :3 1 . 1115 05,

peacefuly , inpeace.110111011 11 , 110110011 , to comfort,encourage. 1 1 5 59,1 1933 .

116101 , g . 116110,comfort, solace, consolation 80

116110-O25 1, the comfortingSpir it. j oh. x iv. 26.

110111 . See 112m.

1101011, pp. frozen. See fre6san.110mm21d

, away from, onthe


j oh.

to fret, devour ;



11g0, harsh, grating e’ H. P.

1110 11red, pp. com/ brted, succow d

L . 294 . See 1110011i0n.1mm


*first, original. B e.

1m. beginning . j ab. i .1,2.

1110105 , fowls, birds. A, R .

111g01, 111g01, 111g1, 2m. fowl ,bird ; g . fugles.111g0101211

* fugelerum, 1 p i

111g01010, 2m. fowler .

fuhton, p*p. pl. fought.

See 100h1211.[at

1111, p. s.fi II, happened. L . 407 .See 12110.

1111,101, ado.full, vay L .

1111, full ; heo 21

0031111 ofhim01 pe 30105 011110, she was tired

of himbefore theend of they ear .

R . 90 .

f111d0, p . p1. felled . L .

11110, foul. 0.

11110d011, p. pl.followui L .

1111110m0d , full fraformed, perfect.1111110m0dlice, *petfi ctly 69 :2911111101110d11ys, 3/ perfection.

1111110mm211 , to perfect, accompli sh; practi se; p .

-de ; pp.-cd .



* to becomefoul, putre/j r,rot ; p.

-ode ; pp.-Od.

1111105 , pr. pl. follow. L. 737 .

ful- iwis, 1oliwis, full m egsL . 892.

1111i3wiss,1 1 4 6511111

, full, complete.

galyngaleJ GLOSSARY.

galyngale ,tx

ze ro.1. (y

ti nJ‘


u /

gperus. C. 383 .

galnesse (A . S . galnes), wantonness

,lust g . galnessess. 0.

1 1654 .

gamed , p. s. impers. it pleased.

C. 536.

gamenian, ‘ togame, play , j okep .

-ode ; pp .

-od .

gén, * g egdn, g egangan, togo, goaga inst, subdue, capture ic pri ,

p11 gé st , he ga'

efi pl. gé’


gas ; p . eddc ; pl. eédun; pp.

gdn, gangen imp . 3a, gang ;pl. gé fi he wa s wénggegan. j ob. iv. 6. gegdnseems tobe used lzereas a g erund,limiting wérig , and cundo .

A similar ex pressionoccurs inP.P. ,

Wrig lzt'

s cd. , 1 3 ,“ I

was wery for-wandred.

gan, to go ; pl . gan. 0. 1 1 94 5 .

imp . s. ga . 0. 1 1 389.

gari tes, garrets . P. C. 62.

rytte, hey solere . Specula ,

Prompt. Pam. A garytte was,intlze orig inal sense of tlze term,

a watclz-tower, or look-out


tile roof ofa leouse. or castlewall,called garita , inFrenclz gueri te .

Intite versionof Vegecius, it

i s said of tbe defence of a camp ,

and keeping wate/z éynig lzt, ‘ i t

is nat possible algate to haue

highe garettes, ortourcs, orhigh

places for walche men, therforitnedethe to haue out watche .

gari tte , or guenlc , to lo a placeof refug e from surpr ise, madeina rampart a sentry, or wate/3tower ; and “

tourel a cul de

lampe . a small out-juttying gar

xe t, 01 lower like


a garret, onthe top ofa walle .

" Way .

gangan* <8) to g a . gens ;pl. géngon; pp . gangen. See


garrynge , “ clzirptng ; cclzaden'ng .

‘Garring and fl i)ng of brid


Apol. Loll. .p 95 . Hal

lizoell. H . P. 24 6z4 .

garsecgfi‘2m. ocean

,ma insea.

87 : 1 6 ;

345 1, 2m. wmd. j olx. 111. 8.

glzost. spent. j ob. i i i . 8.

gast, g leost, spir11 ; pl. gasless.0

3213 11i g lzostbr, spiritual ,


gi stlice ,*sp iri tually .

gat.* See geat.

gi t,* 2m. and 3f goat.

gat, got . goat ; pl. gaten, gatesL . 700 , 7 14 .

gattOthud . C . 4 70. tllorri s ex

pla ins havmg teeth far apart.D11 . gat, a izote. It is sometimeswrittengaptmhed . Gagtomhedbaving proj ecting leetle. Urey

reads gap-toothed, Speg lzt mt

toothed ; Skinner remarks (E9!molog iconL ing . Angl. s. 0.

gmlothed , nesc io anab A .

S . Gat, Caper, T ots, Dens,

a. d. deme caprino pmd i ta,quid autemper hoc sibi velit

sane prorsus ignoro . V ir. Rev.dictumputat aBelg. Cat, for

amen,vel o. d. gapt tooth


cui mult i dentes ex c ide


) 111 inter re liquos

magni hiatus sint intervalla.

[f tke word means goattoot/zed, tlze reflerence i s, per/taps,to leer wantonness.


gaudid, lxaving gawdus or gaudees, Ike larger beads ina ~roll

gauel (A . S . gafol), usury .


*y e. See pt5.

ge, and , aIso ge—ge, boll:

and (Lat. cum—tum); ge lat ege bysnc, botlx be teaclting andex ample ; ge mid wordum ge

mid da dam,ootlzbewords and

deeds ; he bebyt ge windumge sé ,

lze commands bot/1

winds and sea . Luke vi i i . z5 .

ge sceap ge ox an, boll: slzeepand ox en. [011 . i i . 1 5 .

ge, y ea . A . R

gea, y ea , y es, so,also

,ver ily.

j olz. x x i . 1 5 , 16.

gear,* 2n. y ear pl. gear ; g .

gedra d. gearum.

gedra, ofyore, formerly well,accurately. 1

gearcian, * gegearcian, to pre

pare, make ready p.-ade ,

-ode pp .-od ; dot. in] : 16

gearcigenne .

geard , 2m. y ard, enclosure, reg ion; leome,gearor

gearu,*gearo, gearow, y are,

ready, prepared.

gegearwian, toprepare, procure,ex lzioit. j olt . x iv. z

, 3 .

geat,*gat, zn. gate pl. gum,



,* 2m. gate



gebed-man.* See under bed.

gebyrian. See under b.

gebedrscype .

‘ See under b.

gederento gall:er, colIect pr .

gederet imp. gedere ; pp. i

gedered ; pr. p. gederindeA . R .

gederod, pp. united, j oined. Bs.

See gaderian.g?

wol-mist, * 2m. mi st cf error.


gefde, p. s. gave. A . R .

gefeccean, tofetch, br ing . os.

gefeoht,* 2n. fight, battle, war .


y : companionship,

gelyma s, long before. B s.

gefuhton, p. pl. fought. See


*gegaderad, pp .

gegearcung, a preparation,Pfl pafl


flg gegearcung—daeg.preparation-day . j oh. x i x . 14 ,

3 1 , 4 2.

gegearwian, toprepare, procure,ex hibit p.

-ode pp.-0d.

gegerela,*geyrgela, gegyrla,

1m. clothing . B s. Io6z4 .

ge lden, to pay ; pr . ;elt , p.

;ulde, ;ulden imp. geld

geldenpe hermes, to pay the

damage. A . R . 165 3 3.

geldyng, eunuch. Gen. x x x vn. 36.

gellan* toy ell p. s. geall

pI. gullonpp. gollen.gemzeg‘b, * y :greatness.

gemang, ‘ among . j oh. x x i . z3 .

gendrid , pp. begotten. Gen. x li.5 1 .

genge, gang ,host, retinue,forces.

L . 621 .

gengenn, toavail, assist,favour .

0. 1 1986.

gendg, ‘ gendh, enough, suficeiently, abundantly . 63 : 1


g;ntil, wed bornor bred. C.

5063 d 7 m. fm efb'

gooso8 , 3fi youth. 69: 1 4 .

groan,mourn, bewail; p.-ode ;

to -0d l ob 38

scoad, bgrond, through, over,

amongst. 69 :25 .

tomp 87 am;


superl. 3211gest

geonglic,georne, earnestly , dilig ently ,

fervently ,well we wisange

orne,we verywell know.

georneliche, earnestly, caut iouslR

gedmfi1l, *fervent, zealous. E l.


ullice .* geornlice, dili

gently, fervently, zealouslycomp . geornfullicor.geomfulnes,* earnestness,

geornian, * giman, gyman, toy earnfor, desire p.

-de. B s.

ged ian“ topour, pour out;

wi t ; pl. guton pp. go

ten. See agedlan.geoue,

gepe .

gepoun, dim. «y gipe, aa short

cassock. 7 5

gerade. j oh. vi i i . 5 . See underli d.

geré ceanfi geré can. See underré can.gerdal,

*g irdle. C, 360.

gerip, 2n. reaping ,harvest.

£ 1.


gerner, garner. C 595 . pt

gemeres. .M. z4 4 :z7 .

ges, geese. A. R .

gesside, .p s. thought. Gen. x li . 1 .gestredn. See atredn.get ,

*y et still.

get , fashion, mode. C 684 .

getan, ‘ gitan toget ; p. s.

geat ; pt. gd son; pp . geten.getel. See under tel.geP. god /1 P. .P 1 57

gid, gidd , gied , gyd, an. a

gydan. ‘ See gildan.gyden, * goddess.

gydene , * goddess.

gif. gsf. o’

gifan, ‘ geofan to

he gil8 ; p. s. geal'

; pl. g fon’

;pp. gifen.gifernes, * rapacig', gra b:


gifre , rapacious, greecbf.

sifu gyfn.

3/ eifl . em“ favour. 63 :

gi ld, gyld , zn. tax ,tr ibute,

gi ldan, * gyldan toy ield,

pay ,reouite, restore he gylt

p. s. geald ; pl guldon; pp.

golden.gylden, ‘ golden.gile, gui le, deceit. A. R .



enkto deceive pr. s. gi let .

gi lltenn, tobe guilly, transgress,pr . 3s. gilltepp. 0. 1 1638.

gilofre ; clowes ofg. clous. M24 3 :29. Gr. mpuo

sv Mv, lit. ,

nut-leaf ; the clove-tree Fr.


god , good. 0. 14 4 .

goddcunnde , divine. 0. 1 1906.

goddcunndnesse , divinigy,nature ; g . goddcunndnessess.

0. 1 204 2.

goddle33c , benefit , good. 0. 267 .

goddspell, gospel; g . goddspel

les. 0. 1 4 . pl.-spelless. 0. 30 .

goddspellboc, gospel-book. 0.

I 79, 299°

goddspellwrihhte , gospel-writer;

pl. -wrihhtess. 0. 160 .

gode , acc. s. good . A . R .

gode , good. P. C. 1 3 1 .

i-godod , pp . benefited. A . R .

(A . S . g6d iar1. )goderm.

to improve,0. 1 1832.

goderhele , welfare, safely, good


gegdd ian, * to do good to, benefit,enr ich, endow ; p.

-0de ; pp .

-od .

godle33c . benefit . good. 0. 30 1 .

g6d11es,*gddnys, 3f goodness.

godnesse , goodness. 0. 185 ,1 89. pt.

-11esses. 0. 1 80,252.

godspe l,‘2n. gospel.

god8pe llic , evangelical. 3 .

gold ,

* 2n. gold.

gold-ia e ,

golyardeys, a bufi'

oon; one whofollowed r ich men's tables


told tales and made sport for theguests. C. 562. The word

Yyrwhitt supposes to have beenderivedfromGolias, the real or

name cf a mancf wit

toward the end of the noel/ 7hcentury . who wrote the Apoca

lypsisGolim,and other pieces in

burlesque Latinrhymes. Gol


ierd ies, ex p . avenouslymouth'


aFr. G. goulard , helluo , gou

larder, helluari , avidé vorare,

omnia aLat. gula .

”Skin’s” .

gom(A . S .

groan, to heed),


gome , heed ; nyme

gome (A . S . guma), a man.L . 7 1 5 ; P. P. 288.

gome, game. L .

gome, gum. 111.

gomenes, games. L . 4 7 6.

gomenfulle , sportful, gamesome.L . 829.

gon, p. s. gon, beganpl. gonne.L . 3 18

° R

good ,* i .

1 0,1 9.

gos eye , goose egg . P. C. 7 3 .

gossib, gossip ; a fr iend or

fami liar . P. P. 1 5 2.

gostlich, sp1ritual pl. gostliche.

A R .



god. B s .

gostliche, spir itually. A . R .

got, goat. L . 7 1 4 .

grace ,favour , good luck. R . 4 6

gradau, acc. pl. steps. S . é

gradde , p. s. cried, ex claimed. R .

gra te , grete, d. pl. great. L .

igra tte , p . s. greeted . L . 4 1 7 .

graith, readily . P. C. 80 .

gra ian“ togrow , dig ; p. s .


pl. grdfonpp. grafen.gram, angry , fierce, cruel, dire.grama,‘ 1m. anger, mvgramc , d. s. gr ief L . 407 .

granti , to g rant. R .

grantinge , granting , consent .1 . 23 3 .

igrap, grop, p. s. grasped. L .

S ee igr1pen.


greate , g reat, thick, coarse. A .R .

igrauen, igraued , engraved. L .

grece .fat. P. C. 7 3 .

grede (A . S . gré dan), to cry ,

call, procla im. A . L ; P. P.

2 16.

gred ignesse, greediness, covetous

ness g . gred ignessess. 0.

1 1 7 80 .

Greete see, Great sea ; theM


iterranean. C. 9.

gref, grief A . R .

greyn, grain. P. C. 78.


gre iped, prepared, fitted. P. C.

greipede , p. pl. prepared. R .

grene , pr. sub. may trouble,an

ngf. A . R .

grepen. See igripen. L .

gret , z'nzp . s. greet pl. gretep. L .

gret, hearne, coarse gret cherl,heavy churl. P.P. 204 .


,to greet. L . 104 1 .

igretinge, a greeting . H. [I ] .

gretliche, greatly , fulb'. P.P.

60 .

grettere cheep, cheaper , muchcheaper. Mgretture , coarser . A . R .

gretunge, greeting . A . R .

greggpenn(A . S . geracd ,hmd ,

ready), toprepare, furni sh; pp .

greggpedd . 0. 1 1 961 .

grym inthe lyftynge , hard to

or ra ise up. P.P. 204 .

grimliche (A . S . gramlice),‘

furious . P.P. 216.

gripan, * gegf ipan togripe,seize ; p . s. grap ; pl. gripou ;fie gegripen 60 9igripen, to gripe, g rasp,

seize ,

pr . igripe8 : p . grz p, grop.


grop. igraep. igreap. israp ;

pl. gripen. igripen, igrippen.

ggupen, grepen; pp. egnpen.

grys, a costly fur, supposed to bethat of the grg

' squirrel. C.

1 4 .

grfsbilt inge ,making a wry facee’

H. P.

gri8 , peace, protection. L . 1 4 7 ,

g1 i8 l'

ulnesse , peacefulness. A .R .

grochinge, grudg ing , enzy . A . I .

gromes, boys, young men. A .R .

grone, a snare ; pl. g1011e11 .

A . R .

grop, p . s. grasped. L . 7 52.

See igripen.grope , to try ,

test. C. 64 6.

grot, 2n. a particle, anatomnangrot rihtwisnesse, noparticle ofj ustice. B s. nangrot andgi tes, not a bit of sense.B s.

growan’l‘ to grow ; he


8 p . s. gredw ; pl. gre

6wunpp. growen.growend, pr. p . growing . G. 80.

grand, ground, bottom. 0. d.

grunde . L . 907 .

grutchiden, p . pl. murmured.

Lk. x v. 2.

guybalse, the liquor that drops

from the balsa-m trees.

guldon. * See gildan.guldene , golden. L .

gult, guilt, crime,sen°

pl. gultus. P.P 60.

gume, gome, man. warrior; pl.gumen, gomes. L . 7 78, 1040 .

gunnen, p. pl. gan. L . 3 18 .

guod . good ; pl. goodes. A . 1

i-gurd] GLOSSARY.

i-gurd, pp. g irt. A. R .

gurdel, g irdle. A . R .

gurles, young persons of either

sex . C. 666.

ha, she. A. R .

habban, to have, hold, regard

ic habbe, ha bbe, psi ha fst,hafast, he hens, hafa8 ; pl.habba8 , hafia8 ; p. he fde-st ;

ha fdon; sub} . habbe,ha bbe ; pl. habbou

-ar1); phe fde pl. ha fdon; isup. h

pl. habba8 , habbe fut. inf 16

habbenne ; pr. part. he hbende ;pp. he fd , ha fed.

habbe, sub. pr. have, may have.

A. R .

hafe. 2p. s. hafesst,hafl


st ; 3p. bafepp pl. bafenn;p. s. h'afl


de °

, pl. hati den. 0.

habbe08, pr. and imp. pl. have.

L . A.

haburgeoun(A . S . heals, neck,and beorgan, to defend), habergeon. C. 76. Haburyone ,or hawberk . Lor ica . Prompt.Parv.

“The termhabergeonappears properly to be a diminu

although here

g ivenas anonymous. . it i s evident that thehabergeonwas a defence of aninferior descriptionto the hawberk and whenthe introduction0 plate armour inthe reignyEd vard 111. had suppliedmoreconvenient and efi ctual defencesfor the leg s and thighs, the longskirt of the hawberk became superfluous ; from that pm


od the

habergeonseems b haw bedW -‘D'

hakeney 111011, hackny -man, a sP. 161 .


* u s. hood, sh te, w ,

had , hood, rank, person.pt. hadess.i-had

, pp. had

gehdd ian, to orda in, can-1m

p.-0de pp. .

-od -cd .

hddungf 3f.


hzefd,heued, head L .

beefedd, head, chief 0.

ha fede, p. s. had L.

hzefignes, 3f heaviness. B s.See hefignes.

he fnen,heaven. L .

ha ti an, geha ftan, to seine,

hold,detain; p. [(g eb )be

pp . ha lted , gehe fted,ha fmj d, 3f capmy ,

hgfued,head . L .

haeh,heh, hi h, noble. L . 164 .

hzehliche, hehliche,heghy,m.


haehte , bebte , p . s. ordered, commanded. L .

ha hge ,I

heh3e, pl. high, noble.

L 3"hmhgere, df hegh,great intense.L . 61 .7 I

hé lan, gehé lan, to heal, cure ,

to save, preserve, keep ; p .

-de '

pp .


heelden, holde, to hold , advance.L . 61 7 , 760 .p. pl. he lden, hela(their way), proceeded, fell. L .

7 99hé lend, ‘ u s. the healer

, “s

hal;cn, saints. A . I .

hal; i . subj . s. hollow. A . I .


* 2m. home.ham, d. ace. them. L . ; A .

A . 1

ham,her . A . R .

ham,am. L .

hames, homes. L . 383 .

hamsuluco ,themselves. A . R .

hdmweard} homeward.

hamze lue, themselves. A . I .

han,by yncopefor haven, tohave,

and pr. pl. have. P.P. C.


* hond, 3pi hand ; g .

hande ; d. handa ; ace. hand ;p1.nom. g . ace. handa ; d. handum; onhand gin, to y ield ,

surrender .

hangan"‘ to hang (trans . )p . s. heng ; pl. bengon; pp .

hangen.bangian, * intrans. to hang p .

-0de ; pp .-0d.


"K1m. hare.

hardeliche, boldly. R .

hardy. bold. C. 407 ; lll .

hard i ly, (to speak)boldl plainly.

C. 1 56.

hardyliche , boldly . A . I .

harlot,one q/ eay virtue of either


hare,their .

harneysed, pp . equipped . C.

harrc (A . S . beor, heoru),hinge. C. 5 52.

harrynge, j umbling words to

gether ? H . P. 246z4 .

hart,2p. s. art. L . 861 .

hastou,hast thou. P.P.

hatan, gehdtan tocommand;

to call,summon to vow

, promi re ; toname ; he ha t ; pl. 114ta8 ; p . hét . pl.





61011 ;, pp .

hatan, gehatan, b heght, 5called. (Ger . heissen. pr . 1

and 3s. hatte °

p. s. hdtte ; flhatton.gehdten, called

i haten, pp. named. L .

hét-heonnes, * y : hot-heartedhatian, * to hate ; p.

-0de pp.

-cd ; j oh. i i i . 20 ; vi i. 7 ; x i i.25 ; x v. 19.

hatte , i snamed . A. I .

batung, * 3p: hating , hatred .

j oh.


, practice, skill. C

4 4 9.

hautenesse, haughtiness. R .

haue8, pr . 3s. has . A . R .

ha3e , he ge , he3e, high. L . 1 10.

a; ere , d.f high, loud . L . 25 5 .

hit , he, s ,he it ; g . his.

his ; d. him,hire

(hyrc), him; acc. hine, hi,

h1t pl. nom. acc. hi (hig); ghira (heora); acc. him(heom).be

,they . B s. L . 3 24 ; R .

1 37 . 1 38.

heafod ,* 2n. head ; g . heafdes

d. heafde ; pl. heafdu. j oh.

11111. 9 , 59 :1 7 , 1 8.

heafod bcah,

2m. a crown. B s.106 .


3 3 , 1 07 : 1 , 1 2.

heafod-burh,* decl. like burh,

head or chief city . 0s.

heafod -

panna* -e), 1m. andfhead-

pan, skull; heafod-pannanstdw, place of a skull. j oh. x ix .

1 7 .

healod—st61,* 2m. chief seat, me

tropoli s, capital. os.

hedge ,*adv. high.


hd h, high stormy comp.

hi ra, hi rra (hd r1a , heahra);superl. hyhst (héhst, hei hst,heahest, hedgost).hedh-

geréfa,‘1m. chiefmini ster .

hei h-sed)“2n. high seat. throne.

heéhpungen, hegh,of hzgh rank.heald ,

‘pp. held

,kept. Ps.

healdan, *gehealdan(1 ), to hold,reta in; preserve

psi hylst, he bylt, healt. foh.

vi i . 1 9. p. hedld pl. he61don;pp . healden.healde , to hold

,keep healde

and lok i , to keep and observe.

healden,to hold ; sub. pl. heal

den, hold. H. [I] .

heali , * half; side,divi sion


part ; be healfe , bi side.

healf,half; indef decl. placed

after the ordinal, which it dimini shes by a half ; prydde boali ,two and a half:hedlice ,

* highl 1, lofttl supremelyhealt ,

* halt,lame.

heard ,hard



heardnys, ‘ 3/Z hardness.

heare,ha ir, ha ircloth. A . R .

hearge ,

* 2m. temple. 0s. See

Kemble’s Gloss. toB eowulf]vol. 1 .hearne carne (A . S . yrnan),to run, ride. L . 968.

hearpe ,*


hearpere , 2m. harper.

hearpian, ‘ to harp ; p .

pp.-0d .

hearpung, ‘ harping .

beater, a garment . A. R .

(A . S . hze tero -u), ha tron. )

-0de ;


heaued,head. A. R d. s. heau

ede. A . I .

heawan" to hew ; p. hedw

pl. heowon; pp . heawen.heaperian, * heaporian, to re

stra in p .-ode -ade) pp .

-0d -ad) se godcunda foreponc heaperap ealle gesceafta,all creatures. B s. c. 39, 5 .

hebban” (1 for hafian,to

heave, lg? up, ra i se ic hebbe ,

psi he ist, he hel8 pl. bobba8

p . s. hdl pl. hdfonpp. hafeni7nper .

hele,hebba8 . j oh. iv.

3 5hed

,head. P. P. 3 1 .

hodde,had. P. P. 85 .

heddest,hadst. P. P.

heer,ha ir . P. C. 1 21 ; C. 591 .



,command s.

Eccl. x i i . I 3 .

hefde , p . s. had. A . R .

he le lic,

‘ heavy.

hefenn,to rai se

,ex alt . 0.

1 1865 .

hefi'ne , d. s. heaven. 0. 259.

g . s . holiness. 0. 234 , 320 .

hehg, heavy , tedious.

hefignes, * hefincs, heavi

ness, pain, afi iction.

hegere , d . f high, loud. L .

heh,high ; pl. he; he ; comp.

hehhre ; superl. heh3hesst ,he; hesst. (A . .S heah, hyrra,héhSt . ) 0.

hehlike, chiefly ,

eminently. 0.

1 1 87 5 .


superl. highest. Sechd h.hehte

, p . s. ordered L .

hehtest,highest . L .

hehp.* have . B s. 106z33 .

hehge . a ./v. high. L .


he ie , high, noble. A. R .

he iemen,heyemen,noblemen. R .

hey mon, nobleman. R .

he ih,high,

ex alted . A . R .

he i lede, p . s. ha iled, saluted P.

P. 83 .

heynesse ,haughtiness. P. C. 1 1 3 .

heyre, ha ir , ha ircloth. P.P.

heiuol,highful, haughy . R .

heiward,hayward (i . e. hedge

ward ; A . S . hege , hcag.

ha g, 2m. hedge), a team'


herdsman. A . R .

Heyward . Agellarius.

Prompt. Parv.

‘The heyward

was the keeper of cattle ina commonfield , who prevented tress

pass onthe cultivated ground .

Haiward , haward , qui garde

nu communtout lo bestiai l


unbourgade .


he i3c , d . s . awe,dread . L . 1029.

hey3e , adv. high ; cutted full

beygo, cut very short. P. C.

1 2.

he is

ger hand , upper hand, advantag e. C. 40 1 .

helan* to hele,conceal; p . s.

he l pl. hé lonpp . holen.

helas, alas ! G.

hele , health, salvation. P. P.

285 ; P. C. 1 1 2 ; G. 1 8.

helede (A . S . he lan, helian),p . s. covered . L . 534 .


3f hell ; the grave.

helle (A . S . hyll), d. s . hill ; pl.

helles. A . I .

hellepiness, g . of hell-torment;ace. hellepine . 0.

hellepi tt, hell'

s pit. 0.

helle-wi te,* 2n. hell-torment.

hellpe , help , support. 0.

hellpenn, to help ; p . sub. hull

pe . 0. 1 2033hell-wara,



inhabitant of hell.

30 . g . pl. hell-warena.hellwarena, * g . pl. of hell s inhabitants. B s. 104 :32.

gehelpan“ to help ; he

hylp8 ; p . .s healp (heo lp); plhulpon; pp. g eholpen.

helpen, to help ; p . help , halp,hulpe ; pp. i-holpen. A . R .

helpe8 , imp . pl. help, assi st. A .

R .

heluen, halue,d. s. side. L .

267 .

hemm. d. acc. them. 0 .


*gehende, hande, near at

hand . j oh. vi i . 2 ;

hende , d. s. end, close. L . 87 9.

hende , courteous. R .

hendely , politely ,courteously . P.

P. 83 .

heng, p . .s hung . C. 360 , L .

hengen, p . pl. hanged L . 3 5 8.

S ee anhon.benhen

,hens. A . R .

heni,an1°. L .

hendliche , handily, politely . (A .

S . gehende . ) P. C. 7 9.

henne,hence. P.P. 239.

hente, to take,receive

,lay hold

of P.P. 50 . p . s. bente. P.

P. 5 ; C. 700 . hende . L .

hed ,*she ; g . d. hire

,hyrc ; acc.

pl. hi (big) ; g . hira

(heora); d. him(heom); ac1chi (bigheo, she. P.P. 4 6.

heo,he. L . 4 2 1 ; R . 108 .

heo,thy . A . R . ; L . 94 , 365 ,

R 7 1 ; PP 393

gels J


geliéredra ,more pra iseworthr.

Es. See hérian.heregeat,

* 2n. military apparatus or equipment weapons , armour heriot.

heren,army, host. L . 9 1 5 .

here-ma rken, herc-markcn,he re-marken, beore -ma ken,pl standards. L .

i heren, to hear. A . R .

herenn, to hear. 0. 92. 1 39.

pr . pl. berenn. 0. 328 .

here-toga,* heretoha.

1m. g eneral


,consul, duke.

(here , anarmy ,tedn, to lead. )

herep, pra i seth ; pl. hericy.

bergian, * toharry ,ravag e, make

d pred ations. plunder p.-0dc

pp .

-ot i fromhere , anarmy .

he rg 1111g.

*3/ harrymg ,

ravag e,aninvasionwarfare.

hénan, to prai se ; p .-cdc pp .

-e t l. g ehérc t l. 27 .

hérigcndlicc, pra i seworthy ,laud


hermen,hermien, to harm; pr .

sub. hermie . A. R .

hennes, harms, damag e. A . R .

herrcncnn, to hearken, attend to.


herschipe , hardship. A . R .

hertes, hearts. P. C. 1 13 .

herto, hereto, to thi s. A . R .

herui (sire), S ir H arvey . P.P.

108. perhaps a proverbi alpersonal allusion.hesten, commands. A . R .

bestes, commandments. A . 1 .

pe tenhestes. P. P.

hét See hatan.1. he it . 0. 97 , 107 .

was called. R .

het, p. s. commanded . A . I .

hethenesse, heathendom. C. 4 9.hette

,i snamed

,called A . R .

P. P. 326. pl. hetten. P. P.


heued,head. L . 540 .

heueden, p. pl had A . R .

heuie, heag ',low spir ited A . R .

heviness e, sad eess. G. 10 .


appearance. 0.

he8cne, heapene,aay'

. heathen. L .

hege , high, ex alted, noble. L .

hegere , d sf high, loud ; midbegere stomne, with loud voice.

L . 2 5 .

l1e3he , he;hesst. See heh.

hegliche , chufiy . A . I .

the ,m her. S ee he .

hi,she. A . L

y hyealde , p .p . holden. A . I .

hycr beuore, herebe/ bre. A . I .

h1,thgy . L .

hicgan,* hymn. to think, medi

tate,str ive, attempt p hogde ,

hogede-ade , -0de).

hfd , 3f. hi de,skin hide (of

land about 1 20 acres.

gehydan, to hi de, con

ce ,al °

p. hydtle ; p. hi ded .

B s.

hiden,htdes R .

hider, l1\ der,hzther .

hie .

* B s. This

Fox translates,

seeks her kind. and departs bunknownway s to her ri sing ,

and sohastens higher and higher ,

unti l she comes,


hie,asffromhiganor h1g ian,

to hee,hasten; but hie undoubt

edly l1i6, he6, she, a comenonformenthis tex t

,and the verbes

implied en ufor and ufot ,"

(i 1 RY.

higher and higher translatethus and so she [ascend s]higher and higher untei she




*acc. sf it . B s.

hi i,thy . L . 365 .

hio,nom. s.f it. B s.

h1g ,

* nom. acc. pl. thy ,them.

See he . he6, hi t.

h1gian, to strive, endeavor , contend


,hie; pr . s. higa8 pr .

subj . higie pas t he bigie callanmwgne miter pé re mede , thathe strive w ith allhis might afterthe reward. B s. higapenlle ma gne, he str ives with all

his might. B s. 10

pam f) 116 mid ealles

modes geornfullaningepancebigie 15 p1i , etc to the end thatthou with all themind ’

s anx iousthought str ive that thou, etc.

B s. c. x x i i . 2.

h1-hold . See zhalden.hihte

, p . s. ordered. P. P. 1 20,

h11, h1, thgy . L .

gehyhtan to hope, confide, trust;rej oice, ex ult p . hyhte . foh.

v . 4 5 .

hi ld held, p. s. held



regarded . C. 1 82.

h1ldcn, p. pl. flay ed L . 3 56.

hyldo ,

* hyldu, 3/ indecl. ins.

g race, favour , fideliy ,homage.

93 333

y-hyled , pp . covered (A . S .

he lan. ) P. C. 4 1 .

h) lt . * S ee healdan.h1 11


* 2m. . n and hylte, 1f[l l/l

,handle ; pr. s. cy


healdan.used as a noun i . c. ,

that by

him suluen,nom. acc. himself


p02te , it seemed to him. R .

hynan, héna11,to humiliate, reb

press, insult,

press p .-de nan

8ayflanand fyrpranpag6dan,to repress the evil and advancethe good B s. x x x ix . §2. angunnonpit bergian“

J hinan76pe hy fri8 iansceoldan, beganthose toplunder and oppress thatthey protect should. os. iv. 1 .

hynderest, hindmost. C. 624 .

hyne , hind P. P. 305 .

hynge , p. pl hung . C. 679.

hingen, p . pl. hung . G. 3 1 1 .


‘acc. m. him. See he,

he6, hit.

hine , hem. L . A . R .

hyne , hind, servant. P. P.

hi6* he6,she. B s.

hi ra, 1m. one hired,a hireling .

j oh. x . 1 2,13 ; 60 8, 9.

bi tan, hiran, g ehiran, gehyran,to hear , obey ; aud ire

,0bedi1e ;

p . hi rde ; pp . gehyred , -byrd .

hird (A . S . hired), company ,

hyrde .

* 2m. herdsman,shepherd,

pastor , keeper . 5hyrc , g . d. her . See he


hi t.

hire , g . d. acc. her, hers. A

R 0. R . hire suluen,her

self: A . R . pl. their . L . R .

hire pogte ,i t seemed to her . R .

hiréd ,

* 2m. afamzly, household;palace, court ; army ,


semblag e, convent.hired ,

hi rd , n. host ; g . hiredes,birt les. hired ; d . hi red , hirede

11 . hmlc . L .


hirnes, pl. corners, angles. P.

C. 30. (A . S . hime, horn,ang le. )



hi rsumian, gehyrsumian, bobgy, follow ; p . ode ; pp.

-od .

hyrstan, to adorn,dress


pp . gehyrst. B s.

hyttan, * tohearten, embolden, encourage, comfort p. hyrte ;

pp . gehyrt .

his, used inthe later tex t of L .

for ex pressing the gen. L . 169,14 7 , 1029.

his,her . A. I . 27 .

his,i s. L . 1 40, 1 5 7 , 164 , 240.

hys,* hi s.

hise , them. A . I .

hiss, hi s ; pl hise . 0.

hiw,* 2ne’ hue, species, aspect,

form, gui se.


*3f house

, family,

hys: 3/ ga in, profl-


pl hy88a. 25 1.

hi3ede , p . s. hied P. C.

higenge, d. s. haste ; anhigenge,inhaste

,hastily. L . 892.

hi3enliche, speedil hastily. L .

5 1 6.

hi3te , p . s. commanded P.P. 4 90.

hladan“ to load,lade; draw ,

empy ,take in p. s. hl6d ; pl.

hl6d0n; pp . hlmden, gehladen.j oh. iv. 1 1 ;


‘2m. loaf; bread .

hldf-ma sse} lammas. 0s.


* 2m. lord,master.

bledpan“ to leap ; p . s.

hle6p pl. hle6p0npp . hle



ble6tan* to cast lai r,de

termine be lot ; he 11! ; p. s.

hleat pt. hluton; pp . e)hloten. oh.


* hlihhan(10 blaugh p . s. hl6h; pl hl 011 ;

pp. hlahen, hla hen.gehlj dfi

‘2n. tumult, noi se, clam

our . j oh. vi i . 1 2.

hlinian,to lean, recline, rest on;

p.-0de pp .

-0d. j oh. x i i i . 23 .

hlystan, gehlystanhearken attend to

, obar p .

hlystc .


*p. s. See hladan.2n. lot ; 8018. j oh.

g ehl68 , 3f a body (q/ men)turma

, agmen. 0s.

hl6wan to low ; p. s. hle6w;pl hle6w0npp . hl6wen.hlutte1

,* hluttor, pure, clear

simple, single. 103 :1 7 .

ho, they . L . 96.

h6, * h6h, m. heel; g . h6s; ace.

h6,ongednhyre h6. Gen. i ii .

1 5 . i hel‘

8 hys h6 onganme.

j oh. x i i i . 1 8. g . pl. h6a. Ps.Th. x lvi i i . 5 . acc. h6s. Ps.

Spelm. lv. 6.

boaten, pr. pl. command. H.

hoker (A. S . hoce


di sdain. A . R . 1

hokschynes (A . S . i16h, heel

sinu,sinew), the siums j ust

above the heels. P. C. 1 24 .

hod, hood P. P. 3 1 ; P. C.

1 21 .

hogian, * to think, reflect, be anxious or concerned p .

-ode ;

pp.-0d .


* inep . s. hang . crucy'


j oh. x ix . 6 . See h6n.


braiie ,* adv. rath

, ouichly, soon.hraii ost , especi ally. 96 27 .

hredd ing, *3/I deliver ing ,saving ;

lit. ridding . E l.


* rough, severe.

See hredw.

breosan’l‘ to rush, fall vio

lently ; p. s. hreés ; pl. hmron;p . hroren.

hreow,hreowig, hreowig

-mod ,

rough, rugged, rude,


hreowan‘l‘ to rue ; p. s.

hrei w ; pl. hruronpp. bro

ren.brinau” to touch ; he

hrinii p . s. hrénpl. brinon;pp. hsimen; govs. gen.hring, * 2m. ring .

hri5 e1 , * hry ,i5er zn. neat


ox , cow,hefer pl. hryBeru.

h6, how , znwhat manner ;quam, quomodo ; hii ne


whether or not. j oh. vi . 70 ;vi i . 19, 25 .

huanne , when. A . 1 .

11 113 5 , whose. A . I .

huden, to hide ; pr . s. hut. A .R .

p . s. budde . L .

huer,where. A . I .

huerof, whereof A . I .

huet, what. A . I .

huich,huych, what

d .p .l huichen. A . I

huyle , while. A . I .

hui re .hire

,wag es. A . R

P. P. 30 5 .

hul,hi ll ; d. hulle

,.pl hulles.

L . 1005 ,hulde

,to flow. (A . S . be-byl

dan. ) R . 58 1 .

hulde, to hold ; p . s. huld pl.

huld R .

ihulet, pp . covered , roofed P.P.

34 3 . (A. S . hélan, to hele,

hulles, hills. P. P. 3 67 .

hullpe . See hellpenn. 0.

hdmeta, ‘ how.

hund ,

* 2m. hound,dog .

hund, * 2n. hundred ; pl. hundhund

,hond , hound ; d. s. hun

de pl. hundes g . d. hunden,hundes. L .

hund-eahtatig,‘eighty; g .




d.-t igum.

hundred ,

* 2n. hundred.

hundseofenti , ‘ seventy . S . G

hund-tedntig, * hundred ; g .

-teont1gra d .-te6ntigum. j oh.

hund—twelftig, * hundred andtwengz; g .

-tigra d.-tigum.

hungere , d.s. hunger. L .

hungrig, ‘ hungry .

bunig, * 2n. hongr.hunig-swét,

* hon9zsweet, sweet ashoney.


*1m. hunter ; huh taa

huntum, d. pl. os.

hunta5 ,

*2m. hunting .

hunte , honte , hunter ; pl. hunten, huntes, hontes. L .

huntinge, hontynge, n. hunting .

huo,who. A . I .

hupes, hips. C. 4 7 4 .

hurde , p . s . heard. R .

hti re .

* S ee ht’

i ru.

hure j hure,at least, however,

especially . A . R . 1 63 zz7 .

i hure,to hear ; pp. i hurd . R .

hurne, corner . (A . S . hirne . )R .

i hurt, pp . hurt. A . R .

hti ru,

* moreover, chiefly , indeedat least.



* 2n. house ; pl. bli s.

husewif, housewye. A . R

hutte, p . s. hit,east. P.P. 1 7 2


* interrog . pron. who, mfhwa t

,what, n. g . hwa s ; d.

hwam(hwan, hwon, hwwm);ace. hwone (hwane), hwa t ;abl. hw i

,hwy swd hwd

swfi, swé hwa t swi , whosoever,

whatsoever .

g ehwd, each,every one

,whoever ,

some one n. g ehwm, whatever;declined lihe hwi 1 .

g ehwende , little,small indef

hwe lfi 2m. whale ; pl. hwalas.


*1m. whale-hunter.


hwa l-huntafifi‘2m. whale-hunt

ing . 0s.

hwane} ace. of hwd,whom,

each,every ,

every one.hwannc ,

"l when.bwa r


‘ where.

g ehwasr, everywhere.

hwa t , neut. of hwi,interrog . ,

what R j oh. i . 22 ix . 26 ; x i i .

4 9 ; x vi . 1 8 ; x x i . 22,23 . not

used with anoungovs. gen. ofhwa t Iytles, a little


what; bwe t yl'

eles, what (y evil,what we? thing . Matt. x x vu. 23 .why ? how l hwaet ge sindonearme ofer ealle men! how

wretched y e are bgzond allmenindeed

,moreover hwa l

well so hwampa, well, thereupon. S ee Grimm, D. G. iv.

pp. 4 4 8- 4 50 . hwwt sed leo, lo/

the lion.ehwa t

,whatever . B s.

wé tefi‘2m. wheat.

f o


hwé ten,

‘ wheaten. j oh. x 11. 24 .

hwan-hweguf a little, somewhat,insomemanner . B s.


oer, interrog . pron. which

of the two, whether uter,uter

que , indef deal. hwseper

pe, whether or . j oh. x vm.

34hwwpere , adv. y et, still


w i thstanding . 6. hwa pere-peah, nevertheless.


‘ d. of hwd, q. v.


* hwanon,hwonan


hwar,"I where.

hwarse , wheresoever. A. R .

hwareuore, wherefore. A . R .

hwarto,to what end

,why . A .R .

hwearfian, * to turn,to turn

round ; p.-ode pp.

-od . B s.

hwelcan": hwelcum. 0s. S ee

hwylc .

bwene, scarcely , a little used

before comparatives; hwéne é r,

shortly before.

hwe61, * 2n. wheel ; pl. bwool,hweolu.

hweorfan" lo turn,return

convert ; he hwyrfiS p. hwearf,

pl. hwurfonpp. hworfen, gehworfen, gehwybwet

,what . S . C.

hweper.‘ See hwaper.


* why ; abl. of hwd, bwe t.hwydcr,

"hw ider, whither.

3f while

bwi le,

* hwylc ,

pron. who, which, what, whatany , qualis ; indef decl.

gehvvi lc ,"l

each, every, every one


hwi lon, * whilom,once,formerly



hwi ltidum,

* sometimes. £ 1.


hwi lum,

*gehwilum, at times


hwingen, wings. A . R .

hwi t,* white.

bwo,who. A . R .

hw6n, a little,somewhat

, pau



,since . A . R .

hwonne, * when, sometimes.

hwzenne .

hw6pan to whoop ; p .


hwe6p ; pl. hwe6pon; pp.

hwopen.hwose , hwoso, whoso. A . R .

hwu,how . A . R .

hwule,while pl. hwules. A . R .

i-hwulen,to have or tahe time.

A. R .

i,in. L . 24 6, 262, 263 ; P.P.

1 53 ; 0.

y. 1

jangler, a prater , babbler. C.

62.S 2

i biden,to abide

,sufer. L .

* 1 ; g . min; d. me ; ace.C

inc (meh, meo) dual, nom.

wit ; g . uncer ; d. ace. unc ;pl. we ; g . ti re (user) d. ace.


to ehe,increase. S ee

eoan.ice, 1. 0. 1 1 383 .

icchenn, to r ise, move. 0. 1 1833 .

ich, I . L A . R .

ich a, each one

, every . P. C.


icham,I am. P.P. 1 05 , 226.

i chaue , I have. P.P. 53 , 7 4 ,80, 1 52.


ydel, idle, vain inydel, til

min. A . I .

idell, idle ; onnidell, invain.0. 82

idon, pp. done. A . R .

i fa, fo, foe ; pl. zl'

an, fon. L .

yfel,‘2n. evil ; pl. yfelu.

yfel,*adj . evil ; comp. wyrsa,

-e,-e ; superl. wyrst.

yfcl-da d ,

"g3/Z evil deed. j oh.

yfcle , evilly , badl comp .

wyrs-e ; superl. wyrrest.

yfel-wi llan


* to wi sh or intendevil . B s. See wyllan.ifell, aay. evil. 0.

yfelnes, 3f evzlness.yfemest , superl. uppermost, highest ; pos. ufeweard (up); comp;niere (nior).igland , ‘ 2n. i sland ; pl. igland .

g eyfl ian, * to be sich ; to inj ure,weahen; pp . g e

-yflod. j oh. x i. 2.

yhe , g'e. C. 10.

ijs, ice. P. C. 1 34 .

yle“(i le), same ; se ylca, sed,


i land }ce

2n. 1sland ; pl. i land.B s.

i lche, same. H. 111 .

i lke, same. G.

i lchere,every . A . R .

yld . See yldo.

yld ing, * 3/ delay ,tarry ing .

ichcholle , I shall. R .

icholle ich wolle, I wifl . R.

ichule , I shall. P.P. 1 5 1 .

ichulle , I shall. A . R . P.P.


i dede , indeed. 0. 1 23 .

idel,‘i del, idle, vain, useless ;

onidel, va inly, invain.




lie,readily enough well

enough. R .

inowe , enough. L .

nowg, enough. R .

mtel,into. H. 111.


‘ into,aga inst. 1 1 .

sume urnoninto cyrmn”

Jbelucanpa d ti raninto heom,

some raninto (the) church andIoched the doors aga inst (afl er)them. 1

into,aga inst. Lh. x v. 1 8, 2 1 .

inwardliche, inwardbr, sincerely .

A . R .

inweard , * inward . E l.

inweardlic , * inward. 1 .

inwyt , conscience. A . I .

Iobes, 2m, j ove, j upiter g .

Iobeses. os.

ire , her . R .

i-redy, ready . R .

i ren, iron. A . R .

yrfenuma, ‘ 1m. heir ; fromyrl


e , inheritance, and niman,

yrhi i , 3/ sloth,cowardice. os.



‘eormi i , erm


B, 3f pov

erg', mi sery ,distress.

yman‘ to run; he ymiip..s. am; pl. urnonpp. ur

nen. j oh.

imen,to run. L . 628. p. arnde .

L . 622.

yt re,‘2n. ire, anger .


‘yrsian, g eyrsian, to be

angry ; p.—ode ; pp.

-od .

eyrsod ,‘yrsiende . irasable. B s.

1rspiles. See yleslipes. A . R .

irsung, * yrsung, anger. B s.

is, hi s. R . 3 25 , 326.

is, ys, used for genitive. R . 1


18 1, 3 25 , 3 26. et passim

ise . sub. pr. pl. see. R


l a.

la,‘ lo / bow/(u 0 1 la bwe t


ysope, 1fz’ hyssop. And d ippaiysopanscealt on m biddc

pe ys onpamperx o de. Endx i i . 22. inj oh. x ix . 29, yaopoi s used as a dat . or abl. , Wthe Latindeclensionc ircumdederunt spongiamcumhyssopo.

isope ; mid isope , insooth. L .

Israhela, gen. pl. of Israelites.

ytemcstfi‘superl. uttermost

, ut

most ; pos. ti teweard (ti t)comp. ti tre (ti tor).yteren, ‘ aaj


. of otter . os.

ytst,*2p . s. eatest. See etan.

y tt,

*3p. s. eats . See etan.

yttra,"outer; comp . of ti t.

yttren, of otter .

Iudéa, g en. pl. of


2n.udea .

Iudeas,nom. pl. j ews. j oh. 111.

25 .

Iude isc , ewi sh. £ 1.

Julian Seynt), the patronofhospitalrb'. C. 34 2.

ivnnen,iunne. See vnnen.

Jurie , faury, the j ews A . L

justne, toj oust. C. 96.

iwwre , everywhere. L . 408.

iwhi llc (A. S . ge-hwylc), each,

every ,any . 0. 1 7 3 , 1 14 86.

iwis,trul indeed. R .

iwislichen, d. s. certa in,sure

to iwisliché ptnge, as a certa inthing . L . 4 5 1 .

ipe, ihe , inthe. A . R .


Bine , inthy . A . R .

iii isse , inthi s. A . R .

igen, gees. Eccl. x i i . 3. Glass.

GLOSSARY. [laferrdom

laas, a lace, belt. C. 394 .

lite , 2n. g ift, mfi 'ring ; pl. léc .



sub. s. lach, fa il, be wanting . P. C. 1 4 3 ; P. P. 238.

lakketh,lacks, fa ils. P. C. 1 50 .

lacche , to catch. P. P. 199.

lacchenn, to catch, entrap ; pp .

lahht. 0. 1 1621 .

i -laced , laced. A. R .

i -lad , pp . led ,drawn. C. 532.

ladden, ladde, p . pl. led, con

lady, g . s. for ladye , lady'

s; lady

grace . C. 88. lady veyl, lady’


veil. C. 6 7 .

ladtcow 2m. leader , general.B s Us. See ldttedw.

late , p. s. leapt. L . 668.

gelzeccan*to latch get, tahe, seize;p. gelzehte ; pl. gelaahtonpp .

g elaeht.

lé dan, ‘ gelé dan, to lead, bringic lé de , rti lé dest, lé tst, helé dcfi, lé t ; pl. lé dafi ; p.

lé dde ; pp. lieded , lé d, ge

lieded , g elé d. 30 .

La den, Latin. B s.

lziafan, * to leave; p.-de pp.

-cd .

la fe , belie] , faith. 0. 1 14 7 2,1 1 708.

la gfi‘ See liegau.

la i . p .s. lay pl. la in;ligge

-n. L .

le iden, p. pl. la id . L .

Ian(A . S . ledn), reward. 0.

lzepenn, to leap .

lé ran,

to teach, instruct ; p .

lé rde pp . gelé red .

i la rde, pp. learned, cleri . H . I”.

i lze rcde , pp. learned; clergy. L .

le renn,to teach, instruct ; 2p. s.

lze resst. 0. 1 20 1 8. 3p . la repp.0. 1 1826.Ives

,adv. less.


ssa,* le sse

,comp. less ; pos.

lytcl superl. la st.latest, superl. least. See lytel.

g elz’e stan

, to perform,ex ecute,

g ive, pa l ast, endure, continue.

j oh. x v. 16

laesu, 3f pasture, lease,

mon; g . d. acc. laeswe , la se.

j oh. x . 9 ,61

laasw ian, ‘ topasture,and intrans. ; i c laeswige ; p.

-ode ; pp.-od ; pr . p . la sw i

gendc .

lie tan’l‘ to let,leave

,di smrss



er, cast (anet); he 159. t

let , .pl leton, .pp lie ten. j oh.

x x i . 6 ;laetanias (Lat. ace. pl. litanies.

E l.

le tenn, to thinh

, j udge, esteem.

0. 79 .

lé wed, lewd




lay .

la wedd, lewd, lay ,ignorant. 0.

5 5lafiest

,lopest, most loathsome,

od ious, hateful. L .

laegen, pl. laws. L . 793. theword heremeans blows.


* what 1s le/ t, remainder,residue. 63 66:26.

laf(A. S . hldf), loaf ; pl. lafess.1 1 788.

laferrd (A. S . hlaford), lord,master. 0.

laferrdinngess, lordings.1 1679.

laferrdom (A S . hldfordom),lordship, dominion. 0. 1 1 85 1


Ial'Td ig, l ady . 0. 1 2026.

lai te, p.s. left . fa i led . C. 4 94 .

lahht, pp . See lacchenn.

lai, p.s . las. L .


* 2n. lamb; pl. lamb. j oh.

i . 29 , 36 ; x x i . 16, 1 7 .


‘ Seegelimpan.land .

* 2n. land, country ; pl.land.

lang, long , tall ; comp. lengra,-e

,-e ; superl. lengest, also, lon


lang uppo (A . S . gelang, geleng), along (y: owing to


cause of 0. 1 1 7 .

langc , adv. long , fi r .

langsom, longsome, long ,

tedious. 9.

lape , to lap (as a dog ). P. P.

207 .

lapped ,wrapt. P. C. 136.

141 , 3f. lore,learning ,


instruction counsel. 5 4 tti

li re,for instruction.lare , lore, instruction, learning .

61 1 4 , 1 18, 1 24 , 258, 3 22,1 1924 .

larc6w ,

*2m. teacher ,doctor , mas

ter .

large . adv. freely , licentiouslC. 7 36.

largeliche . liberally. R .

largesse personified), B aunoi .P.P. 3 7 5 .

Iarspell, teaching ,doctrine. 0.

lassse . See li tell. 0.

lasstenn, to last, continue pr.s.

lasstepp ; pl. lasstenn; sub.p.s.

lasste .

ilaste , p . s. lasted . R .

tate ,*slow ,

slawl at leng th.

li te , adv. late comp. lattrc :

superl. lattst ; allre lattst , last


all. 1 1 797 .

latere,latter . A . R .


,a mi red metal re

sembling brass. C. 70 1 Snlatun.ldttedw"(lédtedw), i . e. , 1.4d ,

2m. a leader, guide, g areral,

lieutenant.lattst, -e . See late .

latun,lat/en, a mix ed metal re

sembling brass. P.C. 4 4 . Laton'

,metal Auricalcum

Prompt. Parv. Latten, a

hard mi red metal much resembling brass, was largely used informer times

,especially inthe

formation(f sepulchral memori als. Thepreci senature of its

compositiondoes not appear to

have beenaccurately ascerta ined.It i s repeatedly mentioned as a

metal cy’

a bright and goldencolour . Chaucer uses the compar i sonthatPhazbus hewed likelatoun. ' Gower speaks of it as

distinct frombrass, as it seemsproperly to have been, althoughoccasionally confounded there

w ith, and evenwith coppe


we ,pr . s. 1p. laugh. P.P. 93 .

lauhwet, laugheth. A. R .

laugwhing, laughing . P.P.

laucyne , thewashfroma kitchenor a sewer (Lat. lavo). InP.P. 207 , it i s used inthe

sense of vomit.lauoures, lavers. P. C. 4 4 .

lawe (A. S . hlww,blaw), heap,

ri sing ground, hill. 0. 1 1 3 7 8,

lawedd lewd, lay ,

ignorant. 0

i leid’


i le id pp. la id. A . R .

y-leyd , pp. la id. P. C. 1 1 1 .

le iden, p . pl. laid . L .

le ip, pr. s. lqys, puts down. P.P.

i-lei3en, pp . la in. P. P. 65 ,259.

le l1y, loyally ,

le lliche , P. C. 83 .

lencg, ‘ longer ; comp . of lang.


g elcndian, g elaend ian, to land ,arrive to enrich with lands


dow; p .-de ; pp .

-0d . ]lende

, pl. lenden, loins. R .

lene,to lend

, grant, g ive . P.

C. 1 4 3 . subj . s. lene. P.P. 263 .

lenenn(A . S . lienan), to lend,g ive, entras with or to pp.

lenedd . 0. 16.

lengm,comp. longer . 0s.

lenp, pr . s. lends, g ives, bestows.

leo,mf lion

,lioness ; g . leon;

acc. leon; nom. pl. leon,.g

leona ; d. leoum. Grein’sGlossar.

ledd 3/ people, province.leod, a person. (Eng . lad . )

P.P. 269.

leod,country ,

land. P.P. 30 1 .leode

, people . 0. 1 1 7 18.

leode-n, people, nation land


country ; g . pl. leodena, leodene, leoden. L . 1

,1 1 4 , 165 .

leod-ferde,d. s. army . L . 1 21 .

le6dsc ipe ,* 2m. nation

, people,reg ion. 61

le6f, beloved, dear ; sir, friend,

lord. j oh. iv. 19.

leof, beloved , dear. L . 1 66.

leof, lef, lefe,dear

, pleasing .

leofest,superl. liefest. L .

leofian, * lybban, libban, to live;ic lybbe , pti leofast , lyfast, heleofa



li ; pl. lybbafi ; p .

leofode , lyfode ; pl. leofodon-edon) subj . pr. lybbe , lyb

bon p . leofode, leofodon,-edon) irnp . s. leo ia

lybbaii fut. inf t6-lybbenne ;pr. p. lybbende , li li ende ; pp .

(g e)leof0d .

leofmon, leman,

one beloved,

spouse. A . R .

leofmonnes, g . s. leman’s, lady



A . R .

le6fne , friend, sir, lord, master .

j oh. v. 1 1 .

ledgan‘ to lie, deceive ; he


lS ; p . leah ; pl. lugon;pp . logen. B s.

le6bt, 2n. light. j oh. i . 4 , 5 .


* light,eary, clear . B s.

ledht-faet,* 2n. light-vat, lamp

pl. le6ht-fatu.

lcome , limb) P.P. 8 1 .

Icon,a lion


Icon,10 ! L . 94 4 .

leOp, p . s. leapt ; p . pl leopen.L .

leornei i , inip. pl. learn. A. R .


*geleornian, to learn,

inquire, devi se p .-0de

,-ede ;

pp .-cd

,ood . j oh. vi . 4 5 . imp.

leoma ; pl. leomiafi fut. inf.

té-leornianne .


* 2m. learningknight or y outh, di sciple. (AS . Gospel, passim. )leorninngcnihhtess, di sciples. 0.

3 1 5 50.

leosan* (I 9). ta lose ; p. s. Id s ;

pl. luron; pp . loren. j oh. vi.

4 9.

loose , to lose. P.P. 7 7 .

GLOSSARY. [La towe

leosenn, lesenn(A . S . alysan),to loose, release

,redeem pp .

lesedd . 0. 1 1 5 7 3 .

leoseiS, pr . pl. lose. L .

leosinge , losing ,loss. P.P. 93

leoue , dear . A. R .

leo t1ere,dearer , more desirable.

A . R


* 2n. lay, song , poem,verse ;

pl. 11366 .


"2m. song-craft, art

lepen, to leap pr. pl. leppeolS

p . leop ; pl. le0pen; pr . p .

le0pinge ; pp . i leope . L .

lere,inip . s. teach. P. P. 39 1 .

lere,to learn. G.

lerede , p . s. taught. A . R .

le tep, pres. teacheth. A R . pr .pl.teach. P. P. 36.

lernenn, to learn. 0. 20. pr.s.

lemepp. 0 1 25 .

lerninngcnihhtess, di sciples. 0.


les, p . s. lost. L . 650 .

lesan‘ to glean, collect

(Lat. legere); p . s. lees ; pl.lieson

, .pp lessen.lese


, pasture. R .

lese, to lose. R .

lesenn, to loose, release


0. 203 . 278, 294 .

leste , pleasure. C. 1 32.

leste , p . s. it pleased. C. 7 52.

lestinde,i lestinde , lasting , per

manent. H. II ] .let

, pr . s. hinders . A . R . Seeleten.i let

, pp. let,hindered

,obstructed .

H . [ILletania

,1m. litary


letanias,ace. pl. litanies

letanium. E 1.

let br111ge, caused to be brought.R .

let crouny, caused to be crowned.


lete,imp. pl. let. A . R .

lete , to leavem] ,abandon. P. P.

1 4 2.

lete,delay . G. 1 54 .

leten, to let, permit ; pr . let ; p.

lette ; imp. leteo ; pp. i leten.A R .

leten, to rema in P.P. 368.

other tex ts,late

,lete .


,to let

,allow ; p. .s.

lét . 0. 1 1 337 , 1 1603 .

letenof,to let on tomake it ap

pear . A . R .

let enqueri , caused investigationto bemade. R .

letefi,imp. pl. let, cause to be.


,esteemeth. A .R .


lS, pr . pl. forsake. A . I .

let gadery, caused to be gathered

let oi-sende , caused tobe sentfor;to depe let do, caused to bepui

le t rere, caused to be rai sed, built.

let somony, caused to be summoned. R .

lette, p . s. let,caused to be. L .

4 2 1 .

lette,to hinder

,oppose. R .

lette, pp . delay ed. G. 33 1 .

lette burie,caused to be bur ied.

letten,to hinder

, prevent. Mto delqy. P. P. 238.

le tt ith, pr . s. hinders. Eccl. x 11.

1 2. Gloss.

Le ttowe,L ithuania . C. 54 .


lettxct, pp. lettered, learned. P.P.

letuaries, electuar ies. C 4 28.

let write, caused to be written.

leng-z, dear . R .

leue, to leave, abandon. P. P.


leue, to believe. R .

i-leue , to believe. P. P. 1 1 2.

leve,to rema in

,tarry . G. 3 3

leuede,lefl oj


suspended ? R .


levede, p . s. believed. R . P. C.


le t13ed i

, lady. R .

lever, rather. G. 290 .

leuere,adv. more dearly . P. P.

3 16.

lew id,unlearned, ignorant. C.

504 . Or iginally, the la ily, asopposed to the elergy .

lei ier,leather . A . R .

i-leiiered,leathered. A. R .

le; ; kenn(A. S . ltecan), to tr iple,j est.lhegge (A S . hlihan. hlihhan),lhoauertl, lord. 11. III.lhorde , lord. A . I .

libban, ‘ lybban. See leofian.libbe-n, to live. L . P.P. 36.

lybben, pr . pl. live. P. C. 163 .

libbenn,to live. 0. 1 134 4 .

lic .

* 2n. body, corpse ; pl. lie.

j oh. x x . 1 2.

gelic ,* like

,equal. (Ger. gleich.)

gelica,1m. like

, eoual.

gelice , inlike manner,likewi se.

licendo feoh.

* 0s. See feoh.

lik erous, lecherous, voluptuous.

licgan“ to lie. lie down.

to ex tend, reach, along , fine(as a river); ic liege, p11 list,he libt , lib ; p. s. le g , lag ;

pl. lagon, lagonpp. legen.j oh. x x . 5 , 6, 7 ; v.


liegende feoh.

‘ os. ee feoh.

lichama, ‘ 1m. body.

liche,like. G. 5 7 .

lic ian,

*gelic ian, to 11k ,

toplease;p .

-0de pp.-0d ; q/lenused

impersonally ; me licati hitlicode Herode.

lyknes, p arable. P. C. 1 1 1 .

licome,body ; g . lieomes. A.


licomlicbe, bodily. A . R .

lyeaues, leaves. A . I .

lien,li, imp. s. lie

,lie down. L.


lyesep, pr. pl. lose. A . I .lyesynges, lies, falsehoods. °A . I .

lyege, sub/l pr. pl. lie. A . 1 .


,* 2n. 1ma living . j oh. iv.

10, 1 1 .

lif, 1m. 0. 1 1 7 30. g . lifess.0. 1 1682.

lyf, living , livelihood. P.P. 8 1 .

lyf, leaf (of a book); met , portionq/ a sub/eet. P.P. 39 1 .

lyfan, * gelyfan, tobelieve p . lyfde ; pp. gelyl


ed .

lif-da;en, -es, d. pl. li'

fe-dqys. L .



*3f the liver.

lyfest, leavest. R .



*g elifl


aestan, to makealive. to quicken he gelifl



p . lifia ste ; pp . gelifl'

e st . j oh.

v. 2 1 ; vi . 6

li t'

ft -l S . ly ft), a ir . 0. 1 1 503li lian to live p. lifede , lifdt



* 2m. B s. (Goth.

le ipus, )poms, sicera. Grein’sGlossar .

lii ian“ togo, set out, sa il,voyag e ; p . s. 1215 ; pl. lidon(liiSon) pp . liden(lit en).li

Bc,i lilSe

, g racious, mild. L . 4 .


be-n,to go, come

, pass, dep art ,

j ourney ,voyag e, sa il p . pl.

li iSen; li ’lScnafte r men,went

or floated with the wn'es . L .

3 27 . pp. i li iScn. L . 204 , 287 ,

34 4 , 34 9, 4 52, 97 8

lificrlic , evzll1'. L . 100 1 .

l) ;ers, li ars . P. P.

lyge , to llc’

(mentin). P. .P 1 1 7 .

ligthche , lightly, easi ly , quickly. R .

loande , land ; g . loandes. H .

loc ,* locc

,2n. lock (cf a door)

pl. loca. os.

locc ,* 2m. lock (of ha ir).

lokkes, locks (of ha ir). C. 8 1 .

loke , to look, see to,take care of:

P. P. 1 16.

y loked , pp. kep t,observed , guard

ed. A .

loken,to look

,see to , p . lokede ;

imp . loke, pr . sub. loke


i-lokene . A . R R .

loken, d . sheepfold. L . 708.

locen, * enclosure,bounds heald

011 100011 , kept inbounds. B s.

lokenn to look observe,attend.

lokep, observes . A . L

lok i, loky ,

to look,observe


ware ; subj . loky ; pet we ous

loky, that we bew are. A . I .

léc xan,

* to look,

see ; p .-0de


-ade pp .-od .

lok inge , award , j udgment, deci

sion. R . (A . S . locan, b sht t,

lok innge,lodemenage, pilotage. C. 4 0 5 .

iOdllCh,odious. A . R . (A . S

léfilic . )lof


* 2n. prai se.

lofenn(A . S . lofian), to pra i se.dat. inf 10 lofenn.

lofes,loues, luj s. L . 34 8 .

10t (o ), aloft. 0. 1 1823 ,1 1 84 9, 1 1 96 1 .

loff (A . S . lof), pra i se. 0. 24 4 .

loh p . s. laughed. L . 224 , 826.


de lehgen.LO) (sey u). C. 1 20 . S t. Louuzs probabl1 referred to.

lolle x le,lolled

, flapped about. P.


,loom; pl. lomen. A .

R . (A . S . loma. )i 10 111p, p . s. befell, happenedin] : i -limpe-n. L . 4 07 , 100 1 .

lond , n. land, country g .

lomles ; d. londe-n. L .

londc ,land. A . R .

lone,lane ; Cokkes lone . P.

P. 1 62.

longen, pr . pl. belong . P. Plore

, pp . lost. G. 1 87 .

lore , instruction. A R . HP.

loren, p . pl. lost. R . 23 1 .

105 (0. f r. 103 , Lat.

f zme reputati on. A . I .


* to lose ; also, to be lost,

per i sh , p -0de pp .-od : pe t

pwt losede pze t ic 11 )110 sécan.

lotcring. P.P. 1 88 . Ex pla inedby Skeat inIntrod . to Vernon"tex t (E. E. 7 3 Soc. badinage,


lott, lot, portion. 0 .

1011,lo t L .

loudere , d . f loud . L . 1 89.

louerd , lord . L .


s . L . S ee lofes.



,meek. P.P.

1 3 5 , 306.

louiep, pr . pl. love. A . 1 .

louiep, pr. pl. approve. L .

10 11 rede, p . s. lowered, looked sul

len. P.P. 66.

loute , lowtun, lowt (A . S . lii

tan),to bow to. Gen. x x x v i i .

7 , 9, l o.

lonwe, low . A . R .

love-days. C. 260 . Love

d ays (Dies amoriS) were day sfix : (1 for settling dgfi'rcnces byumpire, without having recourse

to law or to violence. The cc

clesi astics seemg emrally to havehad the pr incip al share inthemanag enuntof thcse transactions,21ha h, throughout the vi si ons (fPt: rs Ploughman, appear to becensura i as the means of hindering j ustic e , and If enr iching the

elerg j'

. ll'

rzght snote toP.P.

5634 .

lovyer, lover . C. 80.

loweth,makes low

,humbles. G.

lowtun. S ee loute .

lozengerie (0. Fr . losengerie),flattery , adulation. A . l .

lope , to be d i spleased. R . 7 1 .

lopest. S ee lwfiest.

luce , p ike. (Lat. lucms). C. 3 5 2.

lti can" to lock p. s. leéc

pl. luconpp . locen.Iude , noi se. L . 599.

lude , loude, loudly . L .

indere . d .f loud ; lndere ste ine ,

w i th loud Z ’fl lce. L . 225 .



* love.

lufe ,* 1/ I love. B s.

lufelice,* kindly . S . C.

lufenn,to love ; pr . 2p . s. ln

fesst ; 3p . lufepp pl. lufenn;p . s. lufede .

lufian, ‘ to love ; p.-0de ; pp.

-0d .

lufsumere , more lovely . A . R .

luft,Icy) ; luft half

,lefl side

Inftyme, g rateful. pleasant.lufu


* love. B s j oh. x vu.


lulled,lolled. P. P. 100 .

gelumpen, * pp. See g elimpan.lupe . See la penn. U.


, desire pl. lusswss.U.


* 2m. lust, desire, j ay.

lust (more Corra /Zl' luale), p.s.

it pleased. C. 1 02.

lust, pleasure. C. 1 92.

111ates, pleasures, delights, pleas

ant thmg s. G. 27 1 .

g elustfullxan,"g to g ive pleasure,

please, delight p.-0d0 pp.

lusty, pleasurably vigorous . G .


*freely , g ladly.

i li lan‘ to lout,bend, bow,

stoop ,inc/me he lyt p. leét,

hledt ; pl. 111 1011 ; pp. lotcn.lute wule

,a Ill/18 whi le. R .

lulel,ltl/le'. A . R . d . lute le . L .

lutenn(A. S . lli lan), to lout.

bend to,obey . 0. 1 1 392, 1 1 80 1 .

lut ie, loue , to stoop, to bow . L .


lune , love. A . R .

luueli ehe,

afi ctionately ,kindly .

A . R .

luuc -“urdc . loz'cworthl'. A . R .


lnnien, to love ; 2p .s. luuest ;

3p. s. and pl. lumels; pl. luuien;suly

. s. lume ; pl. lnnienp.s. luuede pp . i -luued ; d.

in/fi luuien, to be loved. A . R .

luper A . S . lffier bad ,w icked


R if e/i bu] . R P. P. 98.

lupe rli eh, evilly. L . 100 1 .

in[1 11r, bad , wicked, cruel. R .


*adv. more. Seemyclc .

maade, p . s. made. P. P. 4 7 .

macc . S eemaken.make

,to compose poetry . C. 95 .

imakcde, pp. ma de. If. [11.

makenn, to make. 0. 1 1 7 88.

imp . s. macc . 0. 1 1 34 0 . pp.

makedd .

g emac 1an, * to make, do,make

up , form, prepare; p .-0dc ; pp .

g emwgfif 3/ g reatness. B s.

mak i en, to make, compel ; pr .


lS,mak i clS ; p. mehede ;

pr . subj . mak ie ; pp . i-maked ;dat. infl lo-mak leu (A . S . té

mac ienne). A . R .


,made, caused. R . P.

80 .

made, p . s. caused. R . 83 .

mziag ,

* 2m. man, parent, rela

tion. kinsman pl. mégas.


* Seemagan.maegan. See magan.ma genfi 2n. ma in

,streng th,

power , virtue, focally.mé g 2n. meeting ofkin

, famd 1' meeting . os.

ma gi stre , s. master. B s.

mé gré den,"t 3/ kins /up ,con

sanguinity ,afinzge. Os.

miegfi, 3/ g eneration, tribe,

people family, province. 68 :13.

mmi (A . S . mé g), my ,rela

tive, p .l ma ies. L . 2 1 1


maslenn, to speak. 0 . 1 1940.

(A . S . mé lan. )ma’enan, * geménan, to moan,bewa il

,compla inp . ménde ;

pp. méned .

mfenan, geménan, to m ;

p. ménde ; pp . [méned] .E l. 25 .

g eménelice , incommon.mmnig“(manig), many , indefdecl. ; nom. acc. pl. usuallymancga.

mmnigeo .

* Seemenigu.

mmnigfealdf manifold.

g cmzenigfyldan, tomultiply,crease ; p.

-f) lde ; pp .-f)ld.

See g emenigfildan.ma: 11 i0


*f indecl. many , mul

titude. j oh. vi i . 1 2.

m51:re g reat , large, g rand, renowned


comp . mé tra . j oh.

g eme’e re . 2n. boundary , confine,

frontier pl. gemé ru.

mie rlic ,

"tg reat, famous ; comp.

maérllcra ; superl. mé rl1cost ;mi mie rlicra dé da more offamous deeds. os. 87 . 3 .

mé rsianfi‘ g emé rsmn, to mag

nfy, ex alt,honour

, celebrate

p .-0de ; pp .

-0d .

111é 3f g reatness, glory; pl.mie rfia.

maesse , mass; celebrationofthe Lord

s supper .

ma sse 2m. mass-dew.

mx . se 2n. mass-vestmen.‘

marcheth) GLOSSARY .

marcheth, pr . s. borders. G. 6 1 .

mare, great, high. L . 1005 .

mare,adv. more. 0. 1 1 836. te

mare,the more. 1 1 7 34 . sup .

ma st,mast


,chiefly .

marc is, marsh. Gen. x li . 2.

mary (A . S . mearh) bones,marrow bones. C. 382.

martyr, mart ir, 2m. marlyr.

£ 1.

maunc i p le , anoflicer who has thecare of purchaszng victuals foranInnof Court or Colleg e.

(Lat . manceps, a purchaser ,contractor . ) C. 54 6.

i -maunget, pp. eaten. P.P.

to mow ; p . s .

mcdw ; pl. meéwon; pp .


mau e, pr . pl. may . L . 84 2.

mag; (i ce ), may , can. 0. 1 1 67 7 .

2p . mihht,mihhtcsst ; 3p. mag;

p . s. 1p . m1hhte : 2p . mahht ;3p. mihhte ; pl. mihhtenn;subj . s . m1hhte pl. mihhtennm1hh1e “e . 0. 1 1 4 7 9 .

magen, pl. may, can. L .

me Ger . man,Fr men


Oll c,they . A . R . A . 1 .

R .

The/ orce cy'

me inth1s passag e isnot clear

tt seems to be used as a transiti onal partule, like Latinautem,

tu the senseof now .


g l/t attracts love ; now muchhe gave us. Thenwhat he

gave is enumerated it may be

Fr . mms.

meahte , ‘ might . Seemagan.mea1’6, * 2m. marten

, ferret,

meke , meken, to make meek,

humble, humiliate. P.P. 52,

3 54 .

mecheles (A . S . micc i, g .

micles), adv. much notmecheles more , not much larga


lll . 3 .

med , * 3/I meed, reward ; pimeda.

mede, meed, reward . L .

mede , mead , meadow. C. 89.

médgylda, * 1m. a mercenary ,

medled coote,motlg t coat . C


med lynge , a mi x ing , ming ling .

H . P.

medo ,

* medu, 3m. mead,


drznk made of hong g . d.


me 1, pr . s . may , can. A . R .

me 1den,ma idenpl. me 1de 11es.

A . R .

mews,meyes, relatives. L . 221 .

S ee mae ies.

mc 1ht,2p . s. canst. A. R .

111 13

)me ,household. P.P. 80 .

S ee Webster'

sDiet ,s. v.

‘marty .

me1res,may ors. P. P.

me 1s1nes,masteries

, great works ,brave deeds. A . R . 3 .

me ],a meal. R .

me lcan* to milk ; p . s.

mealc ; pl. mulcon; pp . molcen.mellere

,miller . C. 54 7 .

meltau* to melt ; p. s.

mealt ; pl. multonpp . molten.i -membred

,ornamented R cheo

uered r’ A . R .


,they . C. 14 9.

i -menbred, A . R . In

the Glossarial Index to the

4 1 7

A. R . thi sword is g iveni -membred, and defined, ‘

ornamented e’chequered ?

”i-membret :2n

e. thenotes as the formof the

word inanother IV S .

mene, mean, mediator. P.P.

4 86.

menepp, meaneth. 0. 34mengan, ‘ to mingle, mxx ; p .

mengde ; pp. gemenged.

menge, 2pl. mi x , mingle. Pslvi i . 3 .

meny ; inmeny, inmany re

spects. H P.


‘ Seemanigfeald .

gemenigfildan, * tomultipbr, increase, ex tend ; he -fylt p .

-filde ; pp.—fild. 1 8 ;

menigu, 3f many ,multitude

indecl. ins. pl. nom. acc. -a ;

g .-ena ; d.


mennisc , * 2n. humankind mankind

, people, multitude.

mennisclic , ‘ human. B s.


* -nys, 3K human

mennisscnesse, humannature ;g . mennisscnesses d. mennisscnesse. 0. 1 1 592.

mennissh,human; d. menn

isske. 0. 21 8.

menske, honour, kindness. R .


,to humble. 0. 1 1 864 .

meoclike, meekly, humbbi . 0.

1 1 392.

meodofi‘meodu. Seemedo.


* milk.


* murnan to

mourn; p. s . meam ; pl. murnonpp. momen.


mere, * 2m. mere,lake, pool.

mere, great, chief ; i s. mern.L . 1 2.

mere, more. C. 54 3mergen" (merien,2m. morn, marrow ;

gen, to-morrow.

merie, pleasant. L . 8.

merye, pleasant . C. 208.

merve i lous, marvellous. G.

mesayse,mi sease, sorrow. A. I .

mesauntere,mi schance

,mi sfor


meschief, mi sfortune. C. 4 95 .

meseise, calamigr. R .

messagere, messenger. G. 4 6.

messagers, messengers. A. R .

messe (A. S . ma sse), mass. 0.


messe-boc , mass-book.

mest, adj and adv. most, great

est. A . .R ; A . I. ; R . 7 . pl.meste ; meste fon, greatestfoesR . 1 36

mestedel, mostpart. R .

mester, trade. C. 61 5 .

mesurable, moderate. C. 4 3 7 .

met (A . S . mie ten), p .

dreamed. G. 1 39, 1 53 .

ge-met, 2n. measure

,boundary ,

pl. g e-metu.

gemétan, * to meet,meet with


flnd, get p . mette ; pp. gemét,geméted . j oh. i . 4 3 .

metan* to mete,measure

p. s. ma t ; pl. mé ton pp.

meten.mete , * mette, 2n. meat

, foodccena.

mete, food. A . 0. bidde

ysme te, beg hi sfood. R . 1 1 7 .

pl. metess. 0.

mete P. C. 1 26. Muldling

merigen),to meri



(or poor)as the shoes were. It

i s the A . S . mae le, middling ,

mean. Skeat.

gemot l'

mstfi‘ moderate,

B s.

gemetgian, ‘ to mete,temper ,

moderate,regulate, govern, re

stra inp.-0de ; pp .

-0d . B s.

me thinketh (A. S . me pinch),it seems tome. C. 3 7 .

meting, 3f apa inting , picture.

mett, measure, moderation, mod


esy ; wipp mett annd ma p.0. 1 1 4 3 7 .

metten, * p .pl. found. os. See

gemétan.meiSig,"t wearied, tired,faint . os.

miccel. * Seemicel.micclum


‘ micclan,



* myccl, much, great,loud; comp. mdra (mit); superl.ma st . 22.


, many . 0. 1 8.

mike ll ping. 0. 1 1 4 10 .

mycclnys, 3/ greatness, magni

m a,


*adv. much. os.

miclum*, greatly, much. os.

mid, mid.


* with.

mid alle,withal

,however. A .R .

middmgf 2m. mid -day .


* middle ; 011 middan,



‘ middangeard ,2m. mutdle-earth




* earthly .

middella rd, middle reg ion, earth,

world. g .



middeweard, meddleward,w dstmidewinter


‘ midzm'nter . S . Ca°1 08


* to go w ith,to accom

pany . os. See faran.mid hwam


* wherewithal 127.mydmost, middle. R . 6.

mid pam,* thereby .

mid pam pe,"I mid py, when,

miht,* might, power ; ace.

miht. 3 .

miht,2p. s. may st. L .

mihte. Seemagan.mihte

,might , power ; pi mih

ten, mihtes. A .

mihten,might, power . A. R.

163 z1 4 .

mihti,might I. P.P. 6.

mihtig,"I mihtiglic, meg/tor,

mi l,

*3f mile.

111 iIce , pio'

, grace, mercy . L1 8 ; R .

mi lde, humble, meek. A . L

mi ldheorte,

* meld-hearted,mer

m1ldheortlice , compassionately .

mildheortnys, * mildhertes, 3/


*3/Imergr, pig .


*g emi ltsian, to pig,

compassionate, he mer°

ut-ode ; pp.



* mercy, compassion

, pig .

min, * g . (f ic, o/ me, mine ;used as a possessive pron. with

inde/ Z decl. g . mines,mime,

mines ; d. minum, mime.minum; acc. minne, mine,

momele] GLOSSARY.

must applied tonew,unfer

momale, to mumble, chatter.

P. P. 21 .

momenes, idols. A . I .

mon. ‘ S eeman.mon


,servant man. P. P.

34 9m6na, *mcSnnfi,"l 2m. month. os.

moncglunge , mingling ,eon/u

sion. (A . S . gemengan, to

mingle. ) A . R .

moncynn. B s. See mane)nn.mone, complaint. A . R .

monc, moon. C. 405 .

monches, pl. monks . R .

moncg, * many . 0s.

mong, ming lmg . mi x ing. A . R .

monglunge , ming ling , intermi x

gemong, * 2n. a ming ling to

gether, multitude, crowd ongemong, among .

moni , ‘ monig. Seemanig.

moni, mani , many .

moni on, many a one ; monioper, many another. R .

gemonian, ‘ to remind, rememher ; p.

-0de pp .-0d pr. he

gemon‘li . B s.

monluker, more vigorously. A .

R . 167 :22.

monne, g . pl. of men. A. R .

monnen, manne, g . pl. ofmen.

monnen,d. pl. men. L . 166.

monnes, men’s. A . R .

monsc ipe, d. s. manshio, honour.

L .

mdnt , 2m. month.

min. 2m. moor . mountain.

Morekane, Mauritania. M.

more, greater. P. P. 380.

Ynde the more, India the

moreyn, murrain, pesti lence.11 . P.

morewtid , morutid, marrowb

tide. Ps. x lv. 6.

morgcn, * 2m. morning . Seemergen.mormal monma] , eanher,morne milk, morning milk. C.


mortreux , a di sh of various ingredients, boiled hens, crunchedbread, yolk of eggs, safron,etc. pounded together . C 386.

most , murder ; (1. mowe , molpre. L . 363 .

morperde, suhj .P. P. 8

most, greatest. P. C. 108.


"t might. Seemdtan.moste. might. R .

mosten, pl. might. L . 216.

mot, moat. P.P. 339.

mot, must. A . R . C. 7 4 4 .

m6t, m6te, mote, may ,might .

mm! 0. 5 5 . 5 7 . 334 plmotenn. 0. 3 19, 1 1 7 28. p . s.

mosste, might, could .

gem6t, * 2n. mote, moot, meeting ,

m6tan* (preteritive), ic, he,mdr,p11 m6st ; pl. mdton; p. s. ic,he , mdste, pii mdste “; pl.mdston.mote, pr. pl. must. L .

moten, pr. pl. must. A. R .

motteleye, motley stat} gt'


mi x ed colour . C. 273 .


mouwe, pl. may ,can. P.P.

mowen, to be able,can, may .

Mowres, Moors. i ll .

moge . H . 111 . fi e sense ey'

thi s word i snot clear it maybeA. S . mé g ; pl. mi gas, 9. v.

muchedel, a great deal. R .

muchel, muchele, much, great.A. R . L . P. P. 252 . d.f:muchelere. L . 3 52.

muge, sub. pr . may . 11 . III .

muhte , p. s. munten; p . pl.might. A . R .

gemunan“ (preteritive), to re

ic, he, geman. j oh. x vi . 21 .

p15 gemaust ; pl. gemunon,gemunan; p. s. gemunde ; pl.-0n; irnp. gemun pl. ge

munafi pp. gemunen.gemundbyrdan, * to protect, pa

mune, must, will ; p. munde,could , would. 1 161 5 ,1 203 1 . pl. munndenn.munecan* munecum, d. pl.S . C.

mnnegunge, commemoration, remembrance ; onhis munegunge, incommemorationofhim. A. R .

mnnnde. Seemune. 0.

m6nt, * 2m. mount .munte , p. s. mounted ; refl ,

munte , went. P. C. 1 9.

munuc,* monuc, munec , 2m.


munuchi d, * 2m. monkhood.

munuclic , * monastic.

munucli f, * 2n. monastic 1m,

monk-living ,monastery. 69 1 8.

murcnian, to murmur, repine


p .-ede, -ode pp.

-od. j oh.

vi . 4 1 , 4 3 , 61 ; vi i . 32.

murie, merry, merr ily, pleasant;favourable. A. R . L . 323 .

muman* tomourn; rech,regard ; hemymii , mumfi p.

meam; pl. murnon pp.

momen.mki ruhii e, mirth, gladness. A .

mui‘Bren, tomurder; p.murBde.L

muwe,may ,

can pl. muwen.A R

mfififi‘2m. mouth.

mup. mouth g . mupess. 0.

miipa, * 1m. mouth (of a river).mughenn, to be able. 0. 1 1 4 4 5 ,1 1 595 . pr. 1

,2, 3p. mu he.

1 1 661 . pl. mughenn. 1 1 5 1 .

ni fi‘ ne 4, never, not,no.nabban, * to havenot ; icnabbe,pdne ist, henaaf‘is pl.nabbais,nabbe

,naebbe ; p . na fde pl.

na fdon; sub/Z nabbc, ne bbon -en); imp. nafa pd,nabbati

, ornabbe ge.

nabbe, imp . pl. havenot. A. R .

nabbep, pr. pl. havenot. R .

nacod , * naced , naked.

nak iden, p. pl. made no“Gen. x x x vi i . 23 .

nadde,hadnot. L . 1 29.

naeddre , adder , serpenthilde na ddran



ne dref 1/ adder,serpent. Os.

S i c! meddre .

na'e ire* nemire,never.

naef5 , * hasnot. Seenabban.ne gelfi‘


nes]neg, nigh. R . 105 .

negende, ninth. A . I .

ny, nor. R . 63 , 107 .

nic‘ ne ic,not I. j oh. i .

21 .

nicc , ‘ not I . j oh. x vi i i . 1 7 .

Here it seems to meanszmpy“no

,as it i s immediately fol

lowed é;ne eomic .

nice, fooli sh. A. I .

nyce, fastidious lit. foolish.

C. 400 .

nydan, * genydan, to fore ,e re

p . genydde ;pp. nyded . 27 , 28.

nyede , d. s . need ; pl. nyedes,needs

,necessities, business. A . I .

nightertale , night time ; tale , a

rechoning , period. C. 97 .

nig-hworfen, * newly converted.

See hweorfan.nigon“(nygon), nine ; indecl.nigontyne , * nineteen. os.

ni li st,“lneaniht,

* night ; g . d. nihte ;ace. ni ht ; pl. nom. ace. ni ht ;g . nihta d. nihtum.

niht,night ; g . nihtes; d.nihte .


nihtes,by night. A . R .

gemhtsum, plentiful, abundant.e‘El.

genihtsumlice, abundantly, suffia enty 69 :21 .

nyl, willnot. P. C.

nile na wile, un'll not ;

pl. nilenn; p. s. nollde . 0.

1 18 1 1,1 2029. pl. nolldenn.nyllan“ ne wi llan, to will

not,nolle ; pres. ic nelle, pdnelt, henele , nyle pl. nellaii ,

nyllafi nelle we p. nolde, pdnoldest ; pl. noldon; subj . pr.


nelle (nylle),nyllan(nyllon)irnp . nelle pnim

, irnp . s.


bf nime-n, tahe.L .

niman, nyman, genimanto tahe ; get, meet ; p . nam,


, pl.nimon; pp. numen.j oh. vi i . 30.

nime,to tahe. A. L imp. pl.nime. A . R .

nime, nymc, nimen, to tahe.

L . ; A. R . ; R . 13 1 . pr . pl.nimep. A . I . imp. pl. nime,nimep. A . R . nymep. R . p.s.

nom. L . nome. G.

nimenn, to tahe ; 2p . .s nim

esst ; 3p. nimepp ; p . s. namm;imp. pl. nimepp.

pp. numenn.nis* ne is

, i snot.niss. Seenamm.

nyste“ ne wiste, hnewnot. Seenitan

,w itan.

nitan,nytan, *not to ne

sc ire ; ic, he, ndt, pd we

nyton; p. nystc,nyston. j oh.

i . 3 1 ; See wi tan.ni ten, 2n. neat, animal beast.nytennys, * ignorance.65


34nyt0n*niw, new.

ni x te (A . S . nyx ta), g . .s neighbour

s. A. I .

nits, 2m. evil, malice, em, hd h .

nip, any , malice. 0. 76, 83 .

ny‘Ban, * beneath.

nyfier, * down.ny‘Ber-dstigan, * uyher


an, bcome down. See stigan.ny‘


"l to come davn, descend. See cuman.nipfull, envious. 0. 78.

ne witon, hnewnot.


nipprenn(A . S . nihet ian), tobring low,

humble. 0. 1 1 84 5 .



noan, none. II . III.

noblei , nobleness, splendour . R .

1 23 .

nobleye , nobility . R .

noke . See attenoke. P. P. 1 1 5 .

11017 : ne ofl'

,nor of ; nenofl'

,neither nor of ; 0.

1 1906.

gendg, * gendh, enough.

noht,naught. L .

nohht ne wiht,aht

, naught,nothing . 0. 1 1 505 , 1 2009.

nohht,not ; nohht ne . 0.

1 1 34 3 . nenohht nenohht,

not nor. 0. 1 1 733- 4 .

nohte,naught. L .

nolde .* Seenyllan.nolde , wouldnot. P. P.

3 1 1 .

noldes, wouldstnot. A. R .

nole , willnot. L .

nollde. Seeni le . 0.

110m, p. s. tooh ; pl.nome pp.

nomen. L . 1 84 R . 198, 200 ;G. 369.

inome, tahen; shed. R .

name,name. A . R .

nomeliche, especially.

324 .

nones (for pe), for the nonce

P. P.

ames.) P. C. 3 1 , 33 .

noneswe is,inno wi se. A. R .

noric i, tonouri sh. A. I .

nor‘b, ‘ north, northwards ; benorban

,to thenorth ofnor‘Beweard




* Norwegians.noe est, mostnortherly.



comp. morenorth. os.noriSryhte, ‘ duenorth.

norhwest,northwest. B s.

nose-thurles,nostri ls. (A . S .

pire] , a hole ; pirlian, to drill,p ierce. ) C. 5 59.

not, pr .s. 1p. hnownot. C. 286.

not, hnowsnot. A . I .

not-heed,a closely shornhead.

C. 109. hnot,shorn



tonsus, muti lum. zEl ric'


Gram. Nottehead,anotte

head had he with a brownvisage, (i e.)caput detonsumcoma superc i lio brevior.

Shinner '

sEW log . L ing . Angl.nou, now. L .

nouhwar,nowhere. A . R .

noumpere, umpire. P. P. 18 1 .

nout , not. A . R .

nouthe,now ; asnontha

, j ustnow,atpresent. C. 464 . See


nopeles, nathless, nevertheless.

noper, neither . R .

no; t, nought, not ; a] uorno; t,allfornothing ,

vainly . R .


pa, now since.nuy3en, to anng r, inj ure. P. P.

327 .willnot. R . 1 38.

nulle ne wulle,willnot. L.

136 ; P. P. 238.

nullich=ne wulle ich, I widnot. A . R .

inumen, inome pp. tohen. L.

nuste ne wuste, p . s. hncwnot.L . 4 4 3 , 896 ; R . 95 .


on. A. R .

See 06, onne. 0.


o,one. 1 ;G. 206.

3 39

o cc,and. 0.

oksep (A . S . dcsian), ashs,de

mands,requires. A I .

oi ,*

out cf ; govs. dat.

of,ofi from of londe, out of

the country .

oi-ei x ian,to ash a/ ter, ascertain,

get informationp .-0de pp .

-od .

o i -dlé dan,

"z to lead or br ingfromor out.

o i -cuman, * to come out of: go

forth, proceed. See cuman.oi -drawen

,to draw forth. A.

R muchel ;eoue oi-draweh

lune. A . R .

o iddne, downwards,down. B s.

ofer, over , aga inst, after, by .

ofercliman* to overclimbp . oferclamm, oferclomm pl.oferclummon. os. See

climban.0 iercuman


* to overcome. See

cuman.ofer-eli tist

,"g 1m. surplus, remain

der. 6 :22.


aran,"l oferféran, to passover . See faran, féran.

0feriéran, * topass over p. ofer

iérde .

ofer-irore 11,* frozenover . See

fredsan.ofer-gewrit, 2n. anover-writing ,

oier-giotulnes, forgeyul

oferhergian, * to overrunwith anarmy, to harry, ravage p .

-ode ; pp .-0d. os.

oferhla stan,"g to overload. os.



* 2n. (Ger . uebermaasz)ex cess

, pride, highmindedness,arrogance; pl. ofermetto, -a

,4 1.

B s.


* 2n. pride, supercihl


0 ier-méd ian, * ofer-mddgian, bbe high

-minded, proud, puj ei

oferrhannd, mastery . 0. 1 1 4 21 ,1 14 8 1 .

oiersedn, * to see or looh over or

across. Us. See sedu.

oferstigan, * to go over , surpass,ex ceed. 6 S ee stig


an.ofer-swiiian, -swi5 ian,-sw5

"5 ian, to overcome, conquerp . ofer-swi i ide pp.

-cd . j oh.

x vi . 33 .

0ferwinnan* to overcome,conquer; p. s.

-wannpl. -wunnonpp .



*3/ haste

,speed ; mid

dieste or diste or dfestum,with

haste, quichly ,

speedily .


, ofi'

e,0 , prep. of;from, con

cerning . 0.


rynge , the alms collected ot theofertory . C. 4 91 .ofi


te, Men. 0.


tredenn, to tread down. 0.

1 1 650.

ofgangan, ‘ organ, togoforth, gofrom,

require, demand, seeh,request. See gdn.o i-gon, to deserve, seeh, win; pr.o i-geh ; pp . oi-gon. A . R .

oi hyealde , to withhold. A . Lo i- i1re6wan* to rue, regrd ,repent ; p.s.

-hredw,-hredw ;

pl. -hre6w0n] ; pp.-hre6w

en] irnpers. ; me of-h1e6w,it

repented me. eElfric’

s Pref


undo. 0s. See d6n.ondré dan, * to dread, fl ar pd0ndré tst, he ondré t ; p . 0ndréd °

,.pl ondrédon

, pp. ou

dré den.one, alone, only . A . R R .

5° 07 , 92°

onellpe6de, into foreign

onende,at last. A . R .

ones,once. M


* to hasten; he onettatip . onette .

onepe, with dficulg' P. C.

6 -5oh -fz stnian, to fastenorfix znor on


° transf x ; p.-0de ; pp.

-0d . foh. x i x . 3 7oniéngan, * p. t. pl. received. Os.

See oni6n.0nfest

,ou- iast

, prep . near,

nigh. 9.

onfindan* tofind out,dcs

cover, prove. S ee findan.

0nf6n* to receive, tahe, accept;ic onfd, he oniéh5 °

, .p oniéng;pp . oniangen. See iangan.011-

,ionto receive, tahe


commence. L . 593 .

ou among ; ou-

g e

mang pam,meanwhi le. (La t.


u) j oh. iv. 3 1 .

ongean,* again, aga inst, towards,to, over aga inst ; e it ongean,

0ngeat.* See ongitan.ongedtan, * p t. pl. os.

gi tan.ou-

g emong, * among .

ongenes, aga inst. II . I II .

origin,"l 2n. os. See angin.onginnan" to beg in, undertahe

, endeavour, p . onga11,

See on


to hindle,set onj b'


inflame ; he ontent °

p .-de ,

pp.-ed .

pd ongunne ; pl. ongunnon;pp. ongunnen.0ngi tan, * ongytan to understand, perceive, learn pdongyst, he ongi t, ongyt ; p.

ongeat ; pl. ongedton pp.

onguen.onhand gin, * to surrender . 0s.onhwearfan

, onhweorfan(1to chang e, go away . B s. Seehweorian.

oni , any ; d. onie ; pi onien.oni lich

,unlihe. L .


* within,ou- lieues

, leheness, image. L.

5 54to enlighten, illumsne,

g ive sight ; p . onli hte pp. 011

li ht, onlihted . j oh. i . 9;

onn, onne, o, prep. on, in, into;0 lofl


t,aloft. 0. 1 184 9.

onnan. See anan.onnepe, scarcely . L . 878.

onnion,to tahe

,receive ; pr . s.

onniop. 0. 1 1 507. sub: s.onnio .

onngaen, onn3mness , bach, again.0. 1 1 34 2.

onngmness, onn3mn, ;mness,;aen, aga inst, towards, for. 0.

1 14 4 4


‘ to shun,rg

eet, ah

hor p .-0de ; pp.

-0d .

onsigan"l to impend , hoverover

, descend ; he onsihii p .

onsah ; pl. onsigon; pp. 011

S1gen. B s.

ou-sundron, * asunder, aside




,at variance, in

on-uest, quichly. L . 958.


* on-uppon, over, upon.onwaecnian, * to awahen, ex cite.

onwalden(A. S . anweald), d. s.

power . L . 385 .

onwi lle,awhile. L .

onworpnesse ,di shonour, contempt.

onworpep (A. S . unweorBian),di shonour . A

onwre6n* to reveal, dis

close,di scover ; he onwri hfi ;

p. onwredh ; pl. onwrugon;pp. onwrogen.onwrip, uncover, open. A. I .

onpringan* to throng on,press upon; p . onprang ; pl.onprungon; pp . onprungen.0s.

oothe, g . pl. A. S . 515 , 2m. ,

g . pl. d‘

ha) C. 1 20 .

ope, of upon; workes Ope pewoke

, worhs of the wech. A. L

open, open, pla in, evident.Open, patent. H IIL

Openen, to open; pr . opened ;pp. i-oopened . A . R .

geopenian, * ge0pnian, to open,reveal ; p .

-ode ; pp.-0d. j oh.

0penlice, * openly.

Opennlike , opennlig, openly,

oponlofte , alo/ t, onhigh. P. C.

or, ere. C. 36, 25 7 ; Gen.x x x vi i . 1 8.

orchegardes (A . S . wurt-geard),orchards

, g ardens . P. C. 1 4 .

orde inede,ordained

, ordered, ar

rang ed R .

ore (A . S . i s), grace, mercy .

L . 196 ; R .

overthwart or endlonges, crosswi se ar leng thwi se. M 24

ouerweiis, outweigheth. A . R .

onenveneres, overweeners, pre

ouh, ouhte . ought ; 2p . ouht

est ; pl. owen, ouhten. A R .

ouhte, p. 3s. possessed. A R .

1 63 z1 5 .

ore . See a re. L.

oreald ,‘very old


lSian. * See orBian.ori


,cattle. L . 374 ; R .

orielle, a precious stone.

24 1 :25 .

011, earl. L .

orrtrowwe (A . S . os-truwlan,to di strust), distrustful. 0.

1 1 589.

orsorgnes, * 3f secur igz,quilily , safely. B s.

ortruwian, * geortruwian, to despa ir, despair oforhian, to breathe, blow p .

-ode pp.-0d.

ost, host. R .

ost iller,host

, tavernheeper . C.

24 1 .

011, y ou. A. R.

ou,how. L .

ouenan, over


,upon. L .

24 1 .

oueral,everywhere. R . ; C. 216,

24 9.

overest, uppermost. C. 292.

ouerhongen, p. pl. overhung .

P. C. 1 24 .

ouerkumen, pp. overcome. A.


ouerlinges, rulers, masters. AJ .

ouernon, afternoon. R . 4 58.

overthwart or endlonges, across

opers] GLOSSARY 4 3c

oure , y our . A . R . ope rs, adj . other anopert . 0oure , g . of us

,our . L . 1 194 3 . pl. opre. 0. 1 1662,

oure , y our . P. P. 3 16, 4 7 2. 1 1 527 .

0113 , us. L . operwhile, sometimes. P. P.

0 11 suld en, y ourselves. A. R . 303 , 393 .

out, ought. A . R . opes, oaths. P.P. 1 78.

ougt, ought. P.P. 66f1e6n, * to flee away , escape.

ow, y ou. P. .P 308. See fledn.

owe,d. f own. L . 273 , 289.

owe ,owen

, own. R .

ower, y our . A . R .

owe th, pr . s. ought.



ox a ,

* 1m. ox .


,to unto

C. 662.

C. 65 5 .

R .

a. a prefix .

op of zope, oath

06e,onthe. A. R .


other,second, one alius


secundus ; 66er twega, other

of 1200, one or the other

decl. evenwhenprecededarticle pass 66sec, (y

the other;

g . d. ace. f 66 1 11 ; pl. neutsometimes 661 11 or d6ra.oper, or. R .

06e 1'

, oper, other,

second. L .

pe oper Godes bestes,the

second commandment of God.

A . I. ono6er, inother wise.

L . g . pl. opre ; d. opsen. A . I .

66er,* leftr

’ 0s. See Spenser

s F . Q. 2, 4 , 4 ; 2

,1 1

,23 ;

5 , 1 2, 36.

06er hali, one and a half L .

0p, oath. R .

921 .

o6e i' hwule



A . R


104 1 .

operr, opps, conj . or. 0.

ace. m. another. L .

66- iwian, 66-9wan, to show,

reveal,appear p.

-0de ; -de ;


,-cd . 0s.

opre , pl. See operr, adj .

66sacan* (9), to deny ; p . d6sdc ;

pl. 66s6conpp. 66sacennema g ic pass 6psacan, I cannot

66standau* to stand still,cease p . s. 66st6d pl. 665 t6don; pp . 66stande11 . B s.

opus, oaths . P.P. 1 5 7 .

666m,till that, until d66e

tan,to that degree, somuch.

666e .

* See 666m.

666e , or,either.

66pringan* toforceex pel ; p . 66pmng -

prong§°pl . 66prungon. See pringan.o3en, own, possession. A . I

ogen, pr . pl. owe. II . IIL

0; t, aught. R . 1 3 5 .

ogp (A . S . dgan), oweth, i c. ,owns

, possesses. A L


pace , sub/Z s.

6,pass pass on

, cdvance. C. 36.

pace , topass, surpass. C 5 76.

paellen, purple.

paye , to please. P.P. 302. ppl. payep. A . L

pays , peace. A . L

palesye , patry . P.P. 61 .

slew ]

plegan, * plegian, ple igan, to

play ; p .


-ode pp .-od .

pleyn, full.pliht , plighted, bound ; pliht

prentys, bound apprentice. P.

P. 1 1 6.

pliht, plight, harm,danger . L .

1 23 .

plomtres, plumtrees.

plou, plough. R .

ploug- lond

, plow-land ; a camcate of land

,as much as one

team canplow ina y ear . P.

C. 1 7 .

ploge , play . L . 24 2.

pocok , peacoch. C. 104 .

poe i r, power . R .

poer, power . R .

poynt (ingood). (Fr . embonpoint . ) C. 200 .

polliden, p . pl. cropped, clipped.

Gen. x li . 1 4 .

pomely, dapp/ed. C. 61 8.

poocok , peacoch. AI .

porchacep, procures. A . I .

posstell, apostle. 0. 25 7 . pl.

posstless. 0. 2 1 7 .

ooudre marchaunt,

some com

P.P. 16.

pound of spices, etc. C. 383pora i le , the poor . C. 24 7 .

porchas, purchase, acqui sition,what i s obta ined by conquest.(Fr . pourchasser, topursue, obtainthe obj ect ofpursuit . R .

pore, pure, sheer for pore miseise

,for sheermi susag e. R . 1 16.

porfil embroidery , finery ,tinsel.

P.P. 26.

pors, purse. P.P. 1 10,1 53 .

port, 2m. port.

portic , 2m. portico, porch por

ticon post icum, d. pi j oh.

v. 3 .


port red , portray ed, adorned. P.

C. 4 0 .

poure, poor. A . R .

porue id , provided, guarded . R.

potel, a potful. P. P. 1 92.

pouernesse , poverly . P. C. 1 1 2.

pod erose, poorer . R .

po x


vhe, pohe, sach

,bag . P.P.

4 1 .

powre, topore. C. 185 .

pre ise-n

,to apprai se, value p.

pl. pre iseden. P.P. 1 7 7 .

pre ise , pr . s. 1p. pr ise, value.

P. C. 1 1 5 .

pre igede, p . s. prg sed, besought.P.P. 26.

preost, prest, priest ; g . proos

tess, prestess pl. preostess ,

prestess. 0.

preosthdd ,* 2m. priesthood.

preouen, toprove. A . R .

presede , p . s. hastened. P. C.

preste , ready . R .

presteste, readiest, promptest. P.

P. 304 .

preuen, toprove. P.P. 35 .

prenede, p . s. proved. P.P. 13.

prevede, p . s. proved, tri ed pp.

preved. AL

pricasour, pricher , hard rider,

spur . C. 1 89.

priketh, pr . s. prichs, ex cites.

C 1 1

prik inde,pfikyns.prijs, chief:

pris, price. A . R .

prys, pr ice, fame, renown. C.

67 .

priveliche, privately, secretly . R

protest, proudest. L . 269.

prout, proud. R .


pruide, pride. P. P. 1 5 .

pruyde, pride. R . 1 21 .

prute, pride. R .

pruttest, proudest . L . 269.

psalmwuruhle , psalmi st. A .R .

puise , pure. P. P. 1 3 .

puitep, puttethr’ P. P. 363 .

Other tex ts read, pok ippe for,

lok i th for, poketh forth.

pulched , pp. poli shed . P. C. 8.

pulled , pluched, pelted. C. 1 7 7 .

“Pyllyd , or scallyd depi

latus, glabe llus, (c)api ton

sus, glabrosus. Prompt.

pulte, topush, put, thrust. R .

pund , * 2n. pound ; pl. pund .

punt, punde6 , impound s, shutsup ; pp. 1-pund , pent up (A . S .

pyndan. A . R

puple, people. P. C. 162.

pugchase , to obtain, procure. G.


purchase, acqui sition. C. 258,acqui sitionby begg ing and ex

tarting .

purchasynge, procuring . lid.

purchasour, prosecutor. C. 320.

pure lytel, very little. P. C. 18.

pure pore, very poor. P. C. 65 .

purfiled, embroidered. C. 193 .

purpur, purple, of a purplecolour . j oh. x ix . 2, 5 .

purtray, topaint. C. 96.

puruey, to provide. Gen. x li .


Q .

qualm,di sease, pestilence. (A .S .

cwealm. R .

goasele , contest. G. 25 5 .

quartrun, a quartern.1 3 1 .

P. P.

racconta, 1m. chain.

pincan, to seemadvi sable ré d

wi tan,to hnaw what one i sabout.

é danfi geré dan, to read ; ic

ré de, pd ré tst, he tk t

,ré d

p. ré dde ; pp. geré d.

queynteli , cunningly ; 2-cor

uen,curiously carved. C. 9.

queintise , stratagem. R .

queyntliche, curiously . P. C.


,to hill, destrgt. R .

quybybes, cubebs. M(Arabic, kubfibah. )quie, quich, alive. L . 103 1


quyk, quich, alive, living . M ;

Jr. li i i . 2.

quichote, d. f quich. L .

quicliche, quichly . R .

quyk mire, quagmire. P. C 74 .

quyte, subj . s. requite quyteyou youre meede l reward

you. C. 7 7 2.

raconta, ‘s.

racenteag, * 3f chain.rakere ofchepe, a vagrant chapman. P. P. 165 .


,instructed cond itioned ;

pus geri d, swi gerfid, such,such sort. j oh. vi i i . 5 .

sad, pp. advised. P.P. 180.

radde, p. s. read. L . 10.

radde , p. s. advi sed, counselledP.P. 37 , 103 .

geré can,”l to reach, attainto, get,capture p. geré hte ; pp. ge

ré ht

reecheh, pr. pl. reach. L . 8 1 1 .

ré d , 2m. rede,counsel



mde-here, * d. s. a ri ding army,cavalry . Os.

mden, to advi se. L .

mdesmen, councillors. II . III .

w dig, ready . 0. 1 1 7 5 8.

gemft, torn,distracted. B s.

mic,bold (A . S . repe). L .

624 .


t ease ,

L . 766.

re st, 3/ rest, place of rest. B s.

rage , to ploy, toy wantonly . C.

25raggman, a catalogue, a li st. P.

C. 28. See Webster’

sDiet. s. v.


s roll.



af esses (land of ), Rameses.

d. s. onset, attach.

rayes, strips (of P.P.

1 2

ramne, thorn

, bramble. Ps.lvi i . 10.

raply, hastibr. P.P. 1 76.

ras, p. s. rose. 0. 167 , 21 5 ,230. See risenn.

rathose, former ; the rathose

tounofDamyete . M 240 : 1 2.

tatouer, a rat-catcher . P.P. 165 .

taught, p . s. reached C. 136.

ratio, quichly°ra6e pres, soon

d/ter thi s. See hra6e .

1apennto counsel, guide. 0.

1 1988.

ra6er, sooner. A. R .

rapest, soonest. P.P. 186.

ra6or, sooner. j oh.

m6ost , * soonest. See hra6e.read ,

* red.

read , counsel. L . 182.

reade,to counsel

, advi se. L .

1eade , red. A . R .

readliche,readily, soon. A . R .


redi? 2n. garment, clothing ; pl.redf.


* 2n. spoil, plunder ; pl. rediredfere, 2m. 11 rover , sdna ;robber

, sponler. B s.


réccan, to rech, carefor,p . .s r6hte ; pl. sdhton; pp.

ger6ht ; imp. réc.


*gereooan, g erecan, b

govern, rule,direct recbn,

estimate, enumerate, divide, sil

terpret, define, ex pla in, translate to say ,

speah, tell, relate

p . reahte , rehte ; pp. gereht,

gereaht. j ob. i . 4 2 ;

68 :10. anweald recmn,to ex

era sepower B s. 7 , 21 .

reccelest, 3fe> rechlessness

, care

lessness. B s. 106: 1 3 .

recchen, reche, pr. 1p.pl. rech,care. L . 979.

rekeni , to rechon. A . L



, pr . pl. rechon, regard

red , counsel, advice. C 667°

P.P. 250 .

rede, to counsel. R .

A . l . ; R . 7 8.

redenn, pr . pl. read 0. 4 7 .

redesmen, councillors. H . I IL

red iliche , readily . P.P. 103.

redyng-kyng, one of a class q/feudal reta iners. P.P.

reeve, a steward,may C. 589.re iuyt, re int

,refuge. Ps. x lv. 2.

reformed , pp. changed bach, aftera metamorphosi s, to ongrnalform. G. 1 9.

regollic, regular.

regollice, regularly, as a regu

lar or monh.

regratour, a regrater . P.P. 1 40


t iman,"l geri htan, to righten,

straighten, correct, direct, guide;p . rihte ; pp. gerihted . j oh. i .

23 .

t ibte, rightly, stra ightly .

rihte,right. L .

ryhte duenorth. Os.

gerihtlwccan, tonew ,correct


amend,reprove; p . g erihtlwhte

pp . t t . j oh. i i i . 20.

f ig/l ily , j ustly .

ri htwis,

* r ighteous.

ryhtwislice ,

*r ight! wi sely . B s.

rihtwisnes,* ryhtwisnes, rihtwis

nis, 3f r ighteousness, j usti ce,


,wi sdom. B s .

gerim,2n. number


tion; pl. gerim.

rime, metre, measure. 0. 4 4 .

rymour, rumour . Mryn, * 2m. a roaring . B s.

t inc,

* 2m. a valiantman honourable soldier

, warrior .

ryno, * 2m. a running , course,

1 ing, * 2m. ring . Os.

1 innan* to run; p . s.

rannpl. runnonpp . runnen.ee yrn

gerip, 2n. reaping ,harvest. E l.

rypanf to reap. j oh. iv. 3 5 .

reps fol: iv 36 3 7 , 38risan* to ri se ; p . .s

risen.gerisenlic , fitting , proper, suit

gerisenlice , * suitably, filly . B s.

siue,rye, prevalent. L . 7 1 .

riwle,rule ; pl. riwlen. A . R .

li x ian. * See ricsian.robby, to rob, plunder . R .

16d ,* rood

,cross. j oh. x ix .

1 7 , 19 .


rod, p . s. rode. R .


,cross. 0. 208, 224 ;

P.P. 235 .


,cross. 0. 201 .

rof. See rhof. O.


*eige if the Ro

mans, Rome. 19, 25 .

declined lihe bu1h.


Romewea1d , Romeward. Os.

1011 , p . s. ran. P.P. 4 3 .

Ron,thename of Arthur

s spear.

L . 5 5 7 . no word signifiesspear inWelsh, and hence Geoffrgr has beenaccused of not understanding its meaning ,

andmahzng it a propername. The

Welsh tex ts add anepithet to it,signify ing commanding or tall


Roberts, p . 1 4 2. . Lagamontellsus subsequently that Arthur



spear had (lche his helm)belongodpreviously to Other

,and was

fabricated éy a smith of Camarthen

,named Gnfin, a pa

sanoge unhnownto the chroni

rood , p . s. rode. C. 1 69, 392.

ropere, a ropemaher . P.P. 166.

rote,root. 0. 1 1658


a certa inmusical instrument. C. 236.

iroted , pp . rooted A . R .

anag . C. 392.

roune, p. pl. ran. R . 1 24 .

souneden, p. pl. whispered,

talhed privatel P.P. 1 76.

route , d. army ,host. R . com

pany . C. 624 .

routhe, p ity ,causefor regret. G.

r6wan* to row, navigate ;

he rew6 p . 1e6w ; pl. 186


gesé liglic



happily , prosper8

won; pp. ge-)16wen. j ot

vi . 1 9 ;tope t en, rothers, heifers . P. C.

1 29. (A . Srug, ruggc , the bach, (A . S .

hrycg, brieg. ) A. R . R .

rug, bach ; d. rugge . L . 392.

rugge-bone, the back-bone. P.P.

1 93 .

rustig,* rusgc. os.

ruwet, a small hornor trumpet.P.P. 193 .


sabat,Sabbath. A . I .

sacan“ to stri ve, contend ;p. s. sdc , pl . sdconpp. sacen.

sacerd , 2m. priest.

y-sacred , consecrated,sanctified .

P. C. 34 .

sad , tired . L . 229.

sadloker, more soundl) P.P. 4 .

sadnesse,solidity, firmness. Gen.

x li . 32

sé , f: sometimesm. indecl. ins.

but g . sé s occurs,especially in

composition pl. nom. acc. sé s,sie ; d. sa




sfe vum.

63 :7 , I 3 , 2

sé d,

2n. seed p7

; l.7sé d . 64 .


1 8.

saegen, a say ing ,utterance.


isa b, isab, iseh, p.s. saw . L .

sa htnesse . See sahtnesse.

swie , imp. s. say . L . 132.

sa iles, sails. L .

sa ilen,to sail. L .

sé l,‘2m. and 3f time

, occasion.sel, happiness, prosperib',

health. L . 853 .

gesé lig, happy ,blessed f ge

sé ligu.

Isi ris

ansty .

gesé lfi, 3f happiness, feli city .

siene,dull, slugg ish, inactive.

B s.

soreb'. L . 14 4 , 302.

sa te, seat,sith

'ng . 0. 1 1959

pl. sa tess. 0. 1 1 854 .

sa wt,

‘sows. See séwan.

Saex isce, Sax i sh. L .

sahh, p. s. saw. 0. 259. See

seon.sahtnesse, sa htnesse (A. Sw ht), amig', reconciliation,peace. L . 161 .

say, p. s. saw ; as me say, as

one saw. R C.

saily, to sail . L .

sain, to say , tell. G.

sal, shall. L .

salue , remedy ; pl. salucu. A.R .

saluz,salvation. A . R .


* whether ; samwhether or.

sim incomposition, semi ,halfsémcucfi‘ -cw ic -cw ,)c


quich, half alive.

same , a'

. s. shame,disgrace. L .

403 .

samenn,together. 0. 1 1983 .

sammnenn, to gather , collect

pp. sammnedd . 0. 29.

samnian, * gesamnian, to assemble

,collect. 0s.

gesamnung. See gesomnung.


at the same time,also,



unity . B s.

sand ,

* and am. sending ,mission; one sent. 68:5 .

sari , sori , sorry . L .

sérig . sorry, sorrowful.

agreement ,

st rays] GLOSSARY.

sémys," 3f soreness, pa in,

sanlen, d. pl. souls. L .

sauer, to savour. P.P.

sauet, pp. saved. P.P. 34 2.

sauh, f s. saw . P.P. 9.

sin] See séwel.

séwan“ to sow,

scatter ,

spread abroad p. s. se6w pl.seéwonpp. séwen.

s.lwccflem p impled. C. 627 .

séwelf sdwl, sdwul, 3f soul,life.

saw le , soul ; g . sawle,sawless.

0. 36, 138, 14 8. pt. sawless.

0 . 2 10 .

sawlrie,a psaltery . C. 298 .

scacm“ to shake. S ee



* sceédan to cut,

da 'i te, separate, di scriminatep. s. sceéd ; pl. sceédon; pp .

mai den, sceéden.

sLi ‘6,

*3f a sheath. j oh. x vi i i .

1 1 .

scafan“ to shave,mahe

smooth p.s. scéf pl. scdfonpp . scafen.

scafl,shaft, spear ; pl. scaftes.

L . 3 1 4 .

s cale . man, warrior ; pl. scalkan, -es,

-en. L . 96 1 .

scalcn, pl. scales. L . 7 26.

skalled . scuryy ,scabby, scalded.

C. 629.

scare,d. s. Thi s i s


the French escar,eschar, dis

g race, deri sion, contempt. 111adden. folke to scare, double

dative,for a deri sionto thej alk,

L . 1 4 5 .

scarp, sharp. L . 1 27 .

scarsliche , scarcely . H . P.

24 7 :3 .


skathe,mi sfortune. C 4 4 8.

skapelwss, unharmed. 0. 1 1 3 56,1 2038.

sca;e . See wude-me .

sceacan, * sw a m to shahe,be ag itated to rush

,salbr, [a

forth p . s. scede , sedc pl.scedcon, scdconpp . sceacen,scacen.gescedd,

* 2n. reason,di scretion,

di stinction ratio. 3


g esceddwislicefi rationally .

gesceédwisnes, 3/Z reason, pru

gesceaft, creation, or ig in

creature pl. gesceafta. 5

scea1. * See senlan, to owe.

sccald,shield. L .

sceamlan, * scamian,to shame

p .

-ode ; pp .

-od . B s.


* 1m. shanh,leg . j oh.

x i x . 33 .

scefipfi‘seep, 2n. sheep ; pl.

sceép, seep . 5 , 10, 1 2.

gesceapen, pp . shaped . formed.

S ee scyppanand sceppan.gesceapian, * to shape. See scyppan.

sceat,* 2m. a piece of many

pr ice, treasure, profit. 60 : 1 2

scei wian,"l to looh, see, looh at,regard ; p.

-0de ; pp .-0d.

5sceéwung, ‘ spectacle, sightseeing ,

observing .

sccapa,* 1m. robber

,thief; plun

derer wretch, miscreant.sceddan“ or scad ian

, to

s. se scedd ; pt.seddon, sceddon; pp . sca


i -schreve] GLOSSARY.

his eren,rubbed hi s ears. P. P.

21 5 .

i -schreve, pp. shriven, confessed.

C. 226.

schrewe, shrew a cursed one;one deeply degraded. P. P. 24 4

schrewede havenes, bad, unsafehavens. 111.

schrift , confession con/ Essor g .

schnftes. A . R .

schrippe , (a palmer'

s) scrip .

P. P. 289.

i -schriuen, pp . shrived. P. P.

1 5 1 .

sk ie,cloud. G.

schraden(A . S . scrydan), toclothe pr . schrudefi p .

schrudde ; pp. i -sehrud . A . R .

schulde, p. s. subj . were oblig ed.

R . 1 1 7 .

schulden, pl. shoul d. A . R .

schuldred, pp. shouldered. C.

5 5 '

schulcn, pl. ought. A . R .

schullen,ought . A . R .

sehnlich, pl. shall. A . R .

schurge , scourg e. A . R .

schurte6,unp . pl. divert. (Ger .

scherzen. ) A . R .

scy ld ,

*2m. shield .

3fl g uilt. crime,sin.

geacyldan, to shield, protect p .

scylde , g escylde pp . (g escylded .

so ld ig,

*guilty ,

condemned; lit. .

scyle .

* B s. See sceal.

sk i ll, reason,hnowledg e, under

standing . 0. 83 .

se ih an to shine,appear

he sc in6,sc ine6 ; p . s. sein,

seci u pl. scmonpp. scinen.

sc inendra, ‘ comp. more shimil

scinlécfi zn. apparition; delussimag ic, treachery . 8 9.

se ip,* scyp, 2n. ship ; pl. se ip

se ip, schip, sip, ship ; g . scipqsipes ; d. sc ipe

-n, sipe ; 7


sc ipe-n

,sc ipes, sipes ;

sc ipen-e, sipes; d. sc ipen, sipL

se ip-here

,2m. a ship an!navalforce, fieet. os. 9 8

scyppan, ‘eescyppan. 26866911to shape, form, creat

g escedp, g escdlpl. g escedpon, gescdpon; pg esceapen.scyppend ,

*2m. Creator . 59

se ip-rdp,

*2m. ship-rope.

se ir,

sheer,brzght, clear , white

sc is,

2m. shire, province.

sci rman,





provincial.g escyrtanf toshorten; p .


pp.-scyrted .

sc londre,slander. A . I .

sco laye , to attend school. C. 30sco le

,school slyle. C. 1 25 4

2 1 2.

seolme istre, schoolmi stress. AJscorne , shame, di sg race. L .

sconken(A . S . scanca), 1shanhs

,legs. L . 534 .

scop, iscop, p . s. shaped, formL . 4 7 3 .

soon. “ See seeort .

scortlice , shortly, briefly . E lscot ian

,* to shoot ; p. pl. scot



"l2n. den

, cave.

scrennkenn, skrermkenn


supplant. 0. 1 1 467 , 1 1 8 11 1861 .


serepan to scrape ; p. s.

semp ; pl. scré ponpp. scre

pen.scrydan, scridan, to clothe ; he

scri t p . scrydde , gescrj dde ;pp. scryded, gescrfd . [oh

gescrinmn“(21 to shrink p . s.

-scranc pl. -scruncon; pp .

gescruncen. os.

scrin, 2n. shrine, casket,chest;

purse, bag . foh. x i i . 6 x i i i .2

scriptures, writings. M 24 4 :35 .scri t, a writi

scdfan“ (19 to shove. S eescedfan.scufen

, p. pl. shoved. L . 324 .

See scuuen.scullen

, pr . pl. shall. L .


iS, pr . pl. shall. L .

sculan“ (preter itive), to owe, beobliged, must, ought, debere ;ic , he , secal, pli scealt ; pl.senlon(sceolon) subj . s. scyle

(scule); pl. scy lon(sculon) ;p. s. scolde (sceoldc ), p1

1 scol

dest (sceoldest), he scoldc

(sceoldc) pl. scoldon(sceoldon) ; subj . p. s. scolde (sceolde); pl. scoldon-e11), sceoldon(en). 1 2, 1 7 ,27 , 30.


a probable error for

scuuen, a. v.

scuuen, sceouen, seue , to shove

push. L . 989. 1st tex t reads,

sculuen; p. sce f,

seai pl.scufen

, scuuen, souen. L . 324 .

se, so, as. 0. 102,281

,1 1 3 19.

sonse , soonas. 0. 1 1663 .

se,subj . pr. i. 9. Si . B s. See

wesan.se, 806, pact, demonstrative


pron. art. and relat ive pronthi s, that (hic, hwc, hoc ; is,ea, id); the (6, who

that,which (qui, qua , quod)

also, he, she, it ; g . pa s, pé re,

ye s ; d. pam (pann), pé re,pam; acc. pone (pang , pit ,

pa t ; abl. m.n. pf, used chiefly inadverbial ex pressions pl. nom.

ace. 174 ; g . péta (pé ra) ; d.

pdm,pé rnpan, pon, are used

stead ofneuter s. pamse, sea . R .

ise ,to see. R .

seak, sich. L .

g escald, pp. sold , betray ed. See

syllan.scalde ,

*p. s. sold. See syllan.

sealf, y : salve, ointment.sealm-song 2m. psalmsong , psalmoay . 3 , 4 .


* scaro , syru,2n. ; g .

searewes, searwes ; d. searewe ,

searwe ; stratagem arti e,

seé6 ,

* 2m. pit, aby ss, gulfsecan, * g esécan, sécean, to sech,p . sdhtc ; pp. geséht . j oh. vi i .

30 .

seke , sich. A . R .

secgan, *gesecgan, secgean, saecgean, tosay, speah, tell, relate; icseege, saege, pusegst, he saag6 ,

seg6 ; pl. secga6 p. sende pl.sfedon inep. sege ; pl. sec

gaii pp. (g e sa d .

secggan, * to say . B s. See sec

gan.seche , to seeh. L .

sechen, to sech. A . R .

sechep, pr . and imp. pl. seeh,

P. P. 40, 4 1 .



seky, to seek, to loohfor. R .

secnesse , sickness. A . R .

ised, pp . sa id . R .

sede , p. s. sa id . R .

seea,sea . A . R .

seel, seal (sigi llum). H . 111.

seeten, p. pl. sat. P. P.

seeten, pp . set, placed. P. P.

27 4 .


,seventh. 0. 24 5 .

sefl'ne , seven. 0. 1 80 .


‘ adj . soft, g entle, mild,sw eet comp . séftra superl.séftest . See s6it . ne sceoldc

minwis manw i llianséftes

li fes, no wisemanshouldw ish aseyl B s. cap . 111. 3

seg (A . S . seeg), man;segges. L .

segel,* 2m. andn. sa il ; g . seg

les d . segle pl. seglas andseglu.

segge ,to seynR . 34 .

seggenn, to say ,tell ; 1p s.

segge ; 2p . seggesst, se ; ;st ;

3p. se; ;p ; pl. seggenn; p . s.

se ; ;de ; 2p . se ; ;dcsst ; pl. se ; ;d enn; i lup . s. sub/Z s .

segge pp . se ; ;d dat. f ut.

seggenn.seglian,"l geseglian, sege lian, to

sail ; p .-ode

,-ede ; pp .

-od .


geseh*= geseah. S ee gcsedn.


, p. pl. saw . L .

se i , imp . s. say . P. P.

iseh, p. s. saw . L .


, p . pl. saw ,looked. L .

sey, p. s. saw pl. seye . R .

107 .

isey, y-sey, p . s. saw. R .

iseye, subj . p. pl. might see. R .

se igh, p. s. saw . C. 852.

se i le,d. s. sa il. L . 21 7 .

se i les,sails. R

se in,saint. R .

ise ined , pp. sealed . 11 . 111 .

Se inWalri , St. Valeg'


seynt, a g irdle. C. 3 3 1 .se isine, possession.se i-sop, Sq -Sooth, Speak-MP.P. 336.

seist, sarest. A. R .

sel well, good , ex cellent . L . 8,853 . See sae'.

selcoupe , seldomknown, strange.P.P. 265 .

seldcuh selcouth,rarely brown,


ex traordinary ,won

derful.seldes, shields. L .

seldon, * seldum,seldom.

sele , d. s. good, prosperous. L.

82 9.

selcre (A . S . selra), better . L.

self. * See syli .

sc li,szlly, simple minded . R

P. C. 1 19.

se iner,silver . P.P. 7 7 .

selure , a decorated ceiling . (Lat.caelalura . ) P. C. 4 9.

selp,*pr . s. g ives . See syllan.

semblaunt , appearance. A . R .

isemed, pp. beseemed. L . 527 .

semyly, seemly , becoming ly . C.

1 23 .

semlich,seemly ,

becoming . P.

C. 49.

sen. See seon.send

, p. s. sent . R .


‘ to send ; ic sende, plisenst or sendest , he sent or

sende6 ; p. sende ; pl. sendon°pp . sended , senden.sende , p. s. sent . A . R . R .

gesewcnj GLOSSARY.

gesewen, * pp . seen gesewenbedn, to seem

,videri .

sex e , si r.

SCP, p] . J‘

ce. R .

gese6an, toprove true, confirmp . se6de ; pp . g ese6ed .

sepe ,*

scdpc , he that, she that,

who ; pa tpe (pce tte ), that that ,or simply ,


seppe , afterward, then. P.P.

7 ;se


ppe afturward , afterwards. R .


seppen, afterw ards , then. P.P.

1 4 9.

se ; ;de , p . s. sai l . 0. 1 1 338.

pr . s . say s. 0.


-Se ;e , pp. seen. P.P. 4 .

i -


,iseh3e , p. pl. saw . L .


shadd , shaddc . S ee shvedenn.shaedcnn

,to part, separate pp .

shadd . 0. 1 1 4 4 7 , 1 1 709,1 1 7 2 1 .

shrewenn,to show . 0.

shame (A . S . g esceaft), crea

ture,created thing . 0 . 1 2020 .

pl. shafi tess, shame g . pl.

shame . 0. 1 2027 .

shande , di sgrace. 0. 1 1 956.

shapen), pr . s. flirms, creates

p. s. shopp. 0 . 1 2009. pp .

shapcnn.shawe , shade. G. 24 6.

shef,sheaf C. 104 .

shi ldenn,to shield

, protect. 0.

1 1 887 .

shippennd, shaper ,creator . 0.

1 2008.

slurreve,a shire rave, or barley .

Eng , shcrefi ) C. 36 1 .

shollde, sholldesst , pl. sholl

dennp . o/ shall. 0.

shulenn, pl. of shall. 0. 1 1 36


* syb, sibb, 3/ peace, cone-oralliance. os. j oh. x i

27 ; x vi 33 .

sib,related, hin, allied . P. )

37 6. pl. sibbe . P.P. 3 78.

sican* to segh ; p . s. si c

pl. sicon; pp. sicen.S icce tung ,

* sicetung, a sxgting ,


sobbing .

side ,*1f side.

siden,sides . A . R .

syfl ing, * meat , anythineatenwit bread


sige ,*2m. victory .

sigen, to say . A . R .

Sigge , pr . s. 1p. say . A . R .

P. P. 22.

S igge6 ,saith ; irap . say . A . R

Sigh, p . .s saw . G.

g esih6 , g esyh6 , 3f. sig ht, vi :

son,aspect, presence. 64 . 8.

i -S1h6 , pr . s. seeth. A . R .

sikede, p. s. sighed. P.P. 229

s1ker, secure used subj ectivelyA . R .

siker, adj . sure, certa in. R . ad!

surely. A . R .

syker, adj . sure,certa in. P.P

adv. surely. P. C. 85 .

sikcrrlike , surely. 0. 1 1 4 1 2.

g esyclod ,* sich.

sikonyes (Lat. c iconia), storhs1M 2

sikurly, surely, truly. C. 1 3 7 .

S i li6e , si crht . A . R .

S) li,*

self same ; df and indef decl. j oh. i i i . 28 ; iv. 4 2

4 4 ; x . 30 ,x i . 6

sylfw i lles,* of one’s own21171

voluntary .

44 5

syllan, * gesyllan, to sell, g ive,

deliver up ,betray ; ic sylle , pu

sylst, he syl6 pl. sylla6, sylle ;p. scalde ; imp. syle ; pl. sylle,sylla6 ; pp . (ge scald.

symbel, * symle, alway s ; onsymbol, at all times.

symbel, 2n. feast, banquet,supper ; d. symble, symle .


* alway s. 0s.


* symle , ever,alway s.

B s.

syn, * 3/ sin; g . d. ace. synne.

j oh. v i i i . 34 ; x i x . 1 1 ; i . 29 ;d. pl. synnum. j oh. i x . 34 .

syn, since. C. 603 .

sincan* to sinh ; p. s.

sanc pl. sunconpp . suncen.singal, * singallic, perpetual, in

synderlice,* especially .

gesi 11dred , pp. sundered, separ

syndrig, sundry ,separate soli

tary .

syndrie , ‘ syndrige, separately,

synful, * sinful.Singan“ to sing ; p. s. sang;pl. sungon; pp. sungen.singian, * syngian, g esingian,to sin; p .

-ode pp .-od .

singinde , pr . p . sing ing . A. R .

synleés, sinless.

sinndenn(A . S . synd), pr . pl.are. 0.

sinne, sine , sin; g . sinnesspl. sinness. 0.

smpyrstende , ever thirsting . 0s .

si6* sed. See se , se6, pac t .Siol. * S ee Seol. 0s.

sipe . d. s . ship. L . 97 7 . hl ad


den’s tex t reads,sipe pl. sipes;

d. Sipen, sc ipen. L .

syrwan, to lay snares, machi

nate,lie inambush p . syrwde.


sit, sits. A . R .

sithes, times. C. 4 87 .

si ttan* to sit; he si tt p . s.

se t ; pl. Sé ton; pp. seteninep . sete . 1151.

sitte6, pr . pl. sit. A . R .

S itton,

* i . a. sittan.siwte


,retinue. R . 160.


‘syx , si x ; g . syx a ; syx a

sum, one af sin.

si x te,si x th. A. R .

six tig,‘syx t ig , si x ly ; m. f n.

g . six tigra ; d. six tigum.

defisix ta,

* -e,


si x th

si6, 2m. way , j ournal, ex pedi

inthe abl. s. si6e , to the ordinalnumbers

,lzheEng . time”; psid

dansi6e , the third time ; sumesi6e

,a certaintime inabl. pl.


,si6an, it i s added

to the cardinal numbers, as

fedwer si6on, (i f si6on, etc.sipe, time . 0. 96. pl. sipe, Sipen.A . I .

si6en,to go. L .

S1pes, times ; senensipes. P.P.


* sy66an, after, afterthat

,afterwards, then




sippe , since. 11 . P.

S1ppenn, since,

afterwards. 0.

S}°660n, afterwards. 0s.

si3e , victory , success. 0. 1 1 4 21 ,1 1 4 8 1 .


,to go, come ; march, pro


ceed ; pr. pl. si3e6, siey. L .

25 2, 3 1 8.

isi en, isige, pp . come,


7 3 1 .

sigede, p . s. sighed. P. C. 1 40 .

sy3est , sighest. P. C. 1 4 2.

slak ien, to slachen,cease


remi ss. A . R

slam,to slay . L .

slé pfi‘2m. sleep.

sléepanfl ‘ See slépan.geslagcn, pp . slain, stricken.See Sleahan.

slénfi‘ S ee sleahan.slépanfi‘

slaépan to sleep ; icsli pe, pri Slé pst, he slfep6 ;

pl. slépa6 p .s. slep pl. slepon; pp . Slépen, Slé pen.

Siét. * See sli tan.slaw,

* slow. B s.

siage , to slay ,hill. A . I .

islagen, isla e, pp . slain. L .

81231, slaug ter . R .


* slahan, slagan, sleén,

slén to slay ,strzhe


fight, cast, throw . 108 :5 . p. s.

sldh pl. slc onpp . slagen,slzegen, slegen.

sleénfi‘ g esledn. See sleahan.Sleep, p.s. slept. C. 98, 399.

siege , 2m. slay ing ,slaughter ;

geslegen, * pp . struch. S ee slea



* irnp . See sleahan.sley, sly , era/ lv. R . 3 76.

isle ien, pp. sla in. A . R .

sle ight, craft. C. 606.

slenne,to slay . A . R .

sle6pan, * slupan to slip ;

p . s. slcép ; pl. sinpon; pp .

slopcn.siepen, to shep pr . slepe6 ; p .

Slepte, sleptest ; pr . p. slepinde.A R .

slepend, prpr. p.

gapmg . G. 1 4 1 .

Sleupe , sloth. R .

i-slept, pp. slept. P.P. 4 .

sleu)s, sleeves. P.P. 64 .

sliht,* slyht, sleht, 3f slaughter .


sli tan’“ to slit,tear

,rend ;

p . s. sli t °

pl. sli ton°

, .pp Sliten.oh. x ix . 24 .

S ittinge , cutting ; scharp slit

tinge . f] . P.

slégon, * sldh. See sleahan.slob, p . s . struch, smote. L .

slombrend,slumbering . G. 106.

slowe, p . pl. slew . R .

slowe , slow,dull

,torpid . Gen.

x li . 21 .

slogen, slowen, p . pt . slew,


,slaughtered ; inf

slaen. L . 993 ,slupan* to slip. Soc sled

pan.smak i th

,smacks, tastes. P.P.

207 .

sma l,

"r small,narrow; f smalu;

def decl. se smala, sed , pa tsmale .

sma rte,smorte

, pl. smart, pa inful.smat , smot, p.s. smote. L .

smeégan, * smeégean, smdn,

to inquire, consider,


,design, to looh closely

into,to ex amine he smez’16 p .

smeéde ; pp . smeéd ; irap . s.



Scrutare . j oh.

vi i . 52. smeégea6 hdlige ge

writu. j oh. v. 39 ; 60 :22.

smetmfi‘ S ee smeégan.

smedeme .

*smedme, sf:flour ,

mea l.

sOphiSticate] GLOSSARY .

sophisticate , eounterj ez'


sorg,’sorh, 3/ sorrow,


sorie ,sorry , g r ieved. A . R .

sorpfolle , sorrowful. L . 97 1 .

sorgen, sorrows. L . 209, 4 61 .

soster,sister pl. sostren, sus

tren. R . 4 2.

sotyltee , sub/leg . M .

sotschipe , folly. A . R . 3 .

souen, p. pl. shoved. See scuuen.soule , g . s. soul


s. A . R .

soune , sound. G.

soupe, to sup up, swallow . Ps.

lvi i . 10 .

souple , supple, pliant. C. 203 .

souter,shoemaher. P.P. 1 58.

soue , seven. L .

isouste ined , pp. sustained . R .

sovereyn, adj . sovereign, ex cellent.C. 6

souwes, g . s. sow’s. C. 5 58.

sownynge, sounding , boasting .

C. 27 7 .

sownynge in, tending to. C. 309.

sop, truth. R . 33 . to sope, intruth. 0. 1 10 .

true ; sépe, truly ; té

sépe , forsooth.

sopese ,comp . pl. truer . L . 1 33 .

866faest , truthfast, true, j ust.566fwstnes, * so6fwstnys,truth integrily, j ustice.

sopfasst, fa ithful, true. 0.

8661ice ,soothly , truly ,

verily,59 37

spé c .

* See Spré c .

spwche , speech,word , languag e. 0.

spmrc , Sparc , spark. L .

s eren,spears. L . See Sper.

spé tanfi‘ to spit ; p . spie tte ;

pp . spé t. j o i . 1x . 6.

spare , to absta in. C. 192.

sparede, p . s. spared . L .

to spzt. See spé tan.spdtl,

‘2n. spid le . j oh. i x . 6.

spec, p. s. spake. A . R .

specan“ to speak ; p. s.

spacc . j oh. vi i . 1 3 . Secsprecan.speke ; to speke of, inrespect to.C. 4 1 5 .

speked speke6. A. R .

spekemen, spokesmen. A . I .

spekenn, to speak ; p . s. space ;

pl. spa kenn subj . p. spe ke.


sped 3f speed, success, pros

perzbt , wealth.

spedfullest, speediest. P. C. 1 1 2.

Sped ig, speedy, successful, prosperons, r ich, hapy .

spell,* 2n. hi story, story, tale,

message, sermon, spell, speech,

spell. speech, preaching ,tidings. 0.

spelle , d. s. gospel. A . 1 .

spe llenn, to speak, declare,

preach. 0. 1 3 5 , 1 1962. pl. spellenn. 0. 1 1 7 1 4 .

spellian, ‘ spelligan, to speak, declare

,teach p.

-0de pp.-0d .

B s.

spene , to spend. R . 82.

speornan, * spurnan to

spurnp. s. spearnpl. spurnon; pp . spornen.

sper, spere, spear ; g . speres ;d. spere pl. spesen, speres ;d . speren, spzeren, speres,spere . L .

spere,* 2n. spear. j oh. x ix . 34 .

pl. speru.

sperrd (A . S . spart an), pp .

c losed , shut . 0. 26 1 .



* See sprecan.Spiced consc ience (C. a

conscience trained tomake ing enious di stinctions that are morefactitious thanreal spice i s anold form of species. Scc


s Diet . s. v. spice.Sp i leden, p.pl. spake, discoursed.

L . 3 25 . The usual sense cfspilede inm oni s “ spake,A . S . spellian; but 17 here

seems (v. 1 38 16) to have a dfferent meaning ,

apparentyfromA . S . spi lian(omitted Qt B osworth), scurrihbus jOCiSvacare ;cogna te with the Dutch speelen,Ger . spielen, etc. hladden.

spinge , sponge , * rf spong e.

j oh. x i x . 29.

spinnan* to sp in; p . s.

spann; pl. spunnon pp .

spunnen.spirian, ‘ spirigan, to di spute, argue inquire, search, investigate;p .

-de °

pp.-cd ; gendh ryhte


1 Sp)rast, thou arguest rightlyenough ; we sceoldoneallonma gne spirianwiter Gode, weshould w ith all our power search

spiten, pl. sp1kes, spears. L . 7 28.

spores, spurs. C. 4 7 5 .

sporned , p . s. stumbled. G. 232.

spoushod , spousehood, marr iage.R . A . I .

spousi , to espouse, wed. R . 1 2.

spéwan’l‘ to speed, prosper ,thrive ; p . s. speéw ; pl. sped


, pp. ss .p6wenspré c , spé c , speech, saymg . j oh. vi . 60 ; x v. 3Sprecan, *gesprecan(12 tospeak,speak to, address ic sprece, p1



spryest, he sprie6 ,spryc6

sprece6 ,sprec6 ; pl. spreca6

p . .s Spraec ; pl. spré con, pp .

gesprecen.espred, pp. stretched. A . R .

spredtan“ to sprout; p. s.

spredt ; pt. spruton; pp. spro

ten.sprincan" to spring ; p. s.

Spranc . B s. See springan.Springan‘ to spr ing ; p . s.

sprang ; pl. Sprungon pp.

sprungen.springenn, pr . pl. spr ing , grow.

0. 1 165 7 .

sprong, p. s cy'

sprengen, sprang .

L .

spurie , sporie, to spur . L . 7 53 .

p . pl. spureden. L .

spurnde , p.s. stumbled. R .

ssalt , shalt. R .

ssame, shame. A . L ; R .

ssame,to be ashamed. R .

sscet, p. s. shot

,hastened. R .

ssel, shall. A . I .

sselt , shalt. A . I .

ssedde , p . s. shed.

ssendc , to shend,disgrace, bring

ssepere, shaper , creator. A . Lsseppere, d. s. creator . A . 1.

sseppe , creature. A. I .


,archer . R .

ssete,to shoot. R .

ssipes, ships. R .

ssipuol, shipfull. R .

ssire,shire. R .


should ; ssolde abhe,should have. R .

ssolden,should . A . L

ssoldren,shoulders. R .

ssole , shall. A. l . ; R .

issote, pp. shot. R .


ast ine,to shrive. l. I .

ssriue , p. pl. shrove. R .


"l2m. staj



,rod ; pd

e ild rida6 onheora stafum,

chtldrcnrule ontheir sticks. B s.

x x x vi . 5 . letter , character , wr i t

ing ; pl. stafas. j oh. vi i . 1 5li tera is steel onEn

glise, and is se la sta dé l onbdcum and untddé ledlic .

s Grant .ste ine

,d. s . voice. L .

atwi -hmnas,

* 2m. pl. stale or

decoy deer . 0s. The

word stale inthi s sense oc

curs frequently inShakspearein stool-pig eon, we have the

same 21 tord . Seenex t word.

sté lanfi‘ g es té lan, to steal,steal

upon, ensnare, entrap obre

pere , irrepere , subrepere ;Ettmaller p . sté lde ; pp .

sté led fedwert ig daga fé l16e

ic w i lle onweras Sté lan, fortyda ys w ith veng eance 1 wdl onmcnsteal. Ccedmon,g estienan, ‘ to stone ; p. sténde ;pp . g est iened .


enen, ‘ of stone ; syx sténenewaster-fatu. j oh. i i . 6.

sleep, sleep. 0.

sta rc , stark,

strong acc. m.

ste rc L . 626.

sta rcliche,

starlige, starkly ,

stifl e, strongly . L . 5 7 7 .

starts, 2n. shore,bank ; pl.


stalon’l‘See sta f.

stah. See st ighenn.stal. battle, confl ict. L . 693 .

stale (A . S . stain), stealing .

stafum,d. pl. letters.

4 50


‘ to steal ; p .-ode pp.

-od gifhe stalige, y he steal.stall, stall, room,

standing ; plstalless. 0. 1 1 854 .

stallwurrplig, stoutly, firmly. 0.

1 194 7 .


*3/ theft ; pl. stala ;

mid stale,{urtively

Stamin,a s irt made cf woolen

and linen, used instead of a

penitentiary ha ir -shir t. Fos

brooke. A . R .

stdn} 2m. stone . j oh. vi i i . 7 ;x i . 38, 39, 4 1 .


*g estandan to

stand,to be, continue to urge,

instare toattack (as a di sease),ic stande

, p1'

1 stenst, he stent,stynt p . s. stdd pl. stddonpp. g estanden. j oh. vi i. 3 7 ;x i . 4 2 ; i . 26 ; i i i . 29 ; vi i i.9 x x . 1 4 .

Stan,stone ; pl. staness. 0.

stanene , (y stone. L .

Stanndenninn,topersevere, con

tinne. 0.

stapan" to step , go, advance,he staep6 ; p. s. stdp ; pl. st6p011 ; pp . stapen.

stant, pr . s. standeth. L . G.


stif also,wholly , en

tirely ; starke dede.

”G. 1 56.starlige . S ee staerc liche . L .

stauen, d. pl. tracings. L . 5 53 .

sm6, * 2n. shore,bank. 0s. See


slape, d. s. bank,shore. L . 7 .

stekede, p. pl. stuck. L .

stede ,*

2m. stead, place ; stedefa st, steadfast.g esta6elian, * gesta6olian, 11

found , establi sh, support p.

-ode ; pp.

-0d . B s.


stille , still, fix ed, quiet.

sti lle , still, quiet ; huld him

sti llc , kept himself quiet. R .

st incan“ to stink ; p. s.

stanc pl . stunconpp. stuncen. j oh. x i . 39.

st ink inde , stinking . A . I .

8t i6ran,

* to steer, control ; p .

-de ; pp .

-cd . B s. See sted

ran.styrian, * g estyrian, trans. andintrans. to stir

,move, ex cite,

ag itate bemoved to steer,rule,

control ; to restra in, correct,

seize ; p .-ode , -ede pp .

-cd .

styrnlic, stern,severe, rugged.

7 .


*3f a st irr ing ,


ag itation, tumult. j oh. v. 3 .

st iward, steward. A . R . P.P.



* sti‘

Blice , firmly, severely ,

sternly, austere! comp . st ifili

cor. 33 .

stiii imoden,

stif-minded L .

627 .

sti3henn, togo, pass (up or down,according to themodifying word)0. 1 1 827 . p. s

ascended. 0. 169, 233 . stab

dun, descended. 0. 207 .

stokkes, stocks. P.P.

st6d .

* See standau.

stod , p. s. stood , continued. L .

stoden, stode , p . pl. stood. L .

y stole , pp. stolen. A . I .

stoud , pr. s. standeth. L .

stonde , to stand ; pat pyu hertewe ] to stonde


,that thy

heart will stand to,i . e. agree

to. R . 22.

stonden, to stand ; 2s. stonst ;

4 s:

3s. stout,stonde'B p . stod.

A . R .

stonegeden, p . pl. were stunned,astoni shed. 1s. Ii i . 1 4 .

stoor, stock C. 600.

stoole , stole, robe, mantel Ga l .x li . 4 2 Lk. x v. 22.


* See stapan.storier . See sturieii . L .


,stud. C. 6 1 7 .

stounde,a short period of time

amoment. R .

stouwet, stewarded. P.P. 39.


‘place. j oh. x i x . 20.

pl. stdwa.

strzehte , p . s. stretched, ex tended.

L . 626.

stre’e t,


straytliche , straitbr, strictly . A. I .stram

, strem,stream. L .


* 2m. strand, shore. j oh.

x x x. 4 .

strang, strong ,valiant


rigid comp. strengra, -e,-e

superl. strengest -ost).g estrangian, * to makestrengthen, confirm,

p .-ode pp.

-od, -ad .

strapeles, strapples. A R .

stree, strae, brave, powerful,violent


,r igid, stern.

streccan to stretch,stretch out

or over , spread ; p . strebte ; pp .

g estrebt. j oh. x x i . 18.

strecchefi, pr. s. stretches. ex tends;p. stre ihte ; irnp. strik ; pp.

i -streiht. A . R .

strecst,* stretchest. See streccan.

i-stre iht, pp. outstretched. See

streccheB. A . R .

streyt, stra it, narrow,strict. C.

1 74 .


streyte, closely ful streyte yteyed (C. applied to hose,means that they were well drawnup ,

andfit closely to the leg .

Stre i tliche , stra itly , narrav lclosely. R .


* See streng‘


strenciSe,streng th, force. A . R .

streng, * strenge , 2m. a str ing ,


strengest, * comp. of strang,strong est, most powerful. 0s.


* strengfiu, 3f strength,might, pawn.

strengpe , streng th, force midstrengpe , by constra int. R . 3 16.


*g estreén, 2n. gain, ac

quisition, treasure,


strednan. See strynan.strican“ to strike ; p. s.

stréc ; pl. stricon; pp. stricen.strike offlex

,hank offlax . C.


stryfinge , strife. A. 1.

strinan, to beget, conceive p.

strynde ; pp. gestrjned . 0s.

stroude , d. s. strand . L .

strongen, stronge , d. s. strong .


stude , studen, m. stead, place ;

d. stude ; d. pl. studen, stude .

L . ; A . R . ; P. P. 39.

studes, steads, places. R .

stunt, imp . s. stop . P. P. 329.

sturien, to move ; pr. s. sture‘


A . R .

sturiefi, storier , irnp . pl. (y stu


,stir ou storier


bestiryourselves. 913sturne , stern. R . L .

sturnhede . sternhead,sternness.

sfican, ‘ sdgan to suck ;

p . s. sedc, seég pl. sucon, su

gonpp. socen, sogen.sueden

, p. pl. followed . Genx li . 19.

sukende , pr . p. pl. sucking . L .


a id,

supplies. A . R .

163z5 .

suden, sude (A . S . seéfian),p.pl. seethed

, boiled. L . 3 7 7 .

sue,to follow. Gen. x li . 30 ;

G. 34 9.

sue in,swain

, young man. R .

suend, pr . p.following . G. 1 22.

snerd, sword ; pl. suerdes. R .

suep, pr. pl. follow. P. C. 1 52.


2n. food, provision. j oh.

x x i .

suiked0m treachery, falseness.R . 1 76.

suikelhede,treachery , deceit . R .

sulle,to sell. P. P. 133 .


self ; hamsuluen, her

sulue, very ,

same ; inpulkesulue gere , inthat samey ear.

R . 64 4 .

suluh, plough,ploughshare. A.R .

(A . S . sulh.)sum,


,some one

,a certa in


any , quidam, aliquisinde/ Idecl. sum sum

, one— another sume sume,some others sume ge .some ofy ou. j oh. vi . 64 . he

syx a sum,he of si r one

, i . e. ,

he andfive other s. 0s.

Oftenunited with gen. pl. of thecardina l numbers

,and signg




,more or less.



,2m. summer; g .

sumeres d. sumera (e) acc.


sumeres] GLOSSARY.

sum me w s g . in or

dur ing 1 11 . /mu r . L .

A . R .

summ,t onj as ; forrpri hht

summ. 0 . 1 1 404 .

summes, g . s . some ; summeswe is, insome way. A . R .

summer, * summor. See sumer.sumor-hé tu


*3f summer-heat.


gesund ,

* sound, healthy, safe.

sund , lzfi ,health. L . 7 25 .

isunde,d. s. safZ


lv. L . 7 7 8.

sunden, pr . pl. are. L . 1 59.

sunder-hzi lga,

* 1 771. one sundered or separatedfrom others

by hi s holiness a phar i see d .

pl. sundor—hélgon hdlgum.

j ob. i . 24 .


separate, distinct.

gis imcifulf full sound ,sa/ e.

gesundfullice , * safely , success

sandor—bi lga.

* See sunderbi lga.

sune , sonpl. suness. 0.

sunfol,sinful. P. P. 24 4 .

sunge (A . S . syngian), to sin,

P. P. 1 5 1 .

sunget, pp . sinned. P.P.

sunne , * sun.sunne

,sun. A . R .

sunne, sin. A . R . P.P. 1 4 2.

pl. suanen. A . R . pl. sunnes.

R . P.P. 104 .


* m. son; g . d. suna ;acc. sunu pl. nom. acc. suna ;g . sunena (suna. ) d. sunum.

suor, p . s. swore ; subj . p . pl.

suore , should swear ; pp . isuore .

R . 7 1 1 .

sti pan“ to soup ,sup ; p . s.

sci p : pl. supon; pp . so pen.surcote , upper coat. C. 6 1 9.

suste ini,to susta in. R .

sustren,si sters. .4 . R . 1 5 5 1

R . 33 ; P.

sowed, pp. followed . P.P. 297

suwede, p. s. followed. P. C

84 .


* to keep silence, si lase ;p.

-ode , -ade pp.-od .

86153“aaf. south.

sup, south. 0.

sdpedst, southeast. B s.

sfiB-rihte .

* right or due south.

Sti i iweard ,southward.

suppe , after, afterwa rds, since. R .

swzi ,"tso

,thus ,

as, whether swi

hwi swi , whosoever swdhwa t swd

,whatsoever swi

hwaefier Swi,which (one) so

ever,1/ two, that also, swmfier

swd, or swzei ier alone swi

hwylc swd, whosoever swihwee r swd

,wheresoever swd

swi , so as, evenas asfar asswzi lange swi , as long as swii lce swylce ; swi same , so;

swi -pedh, swa-peah-hwa pere,5


et,notw ithstand ing ,

new theless.

swa, so. 0. 1 1 83 5 . all swa


,so as . 0. 10.

swec ,” swec

,2m. odour

, smell,savour , taste, seasoning . j oh.

x 11.

swefernes, 3f. dullness, heaviness

,slugg i shness. B s.

swzi pan* to sweep ; p. .s.

swedp pl. sweéponpp . swi

pen.sware, answer. 0. 1 1 388 .

swi t, 2m. sweat, blood.



est, make known, glorify ;p.

-ode ; pp .-od. j oh. x i i i .

32; x iv.

swutelice ,*pla inly , manl/estly .

68 °


* swute], plain, manyest,

evident.swube , very , greatly, strongly,quickly comp . swu


bure ; fret swube wel, devours

eagerly . A . R .

swube , strong . A . R .


* tdh,, y

toe ; g . d. acc.



nom. ace. g .

tdena ;Pd. titum; sed micle a,

the big toe ; pé re miclantaannaagel, nazl of the big toe.

ta, adv. then. 0.

tahart , a short coat or mantle.

tabbard . C. 20 . Tabard

a jaquet or slevelesse coate,

wome int imes past bynoblemeninthe warres, but nowonly by heraults, and is calledtheyre

‘coate of armes inser

vise .

It is the signe of aninne inSouthwarke by London

,withinthe which was the

lodging ofthe Abbot of Hyde

by Winchester. This is the

hostelrywhere Chaucerand theother Pi lgrims mett together,and

,wi th Henry Baily, the ir

hoste , accorded about the

manner of the ir journey to


Speght. also a

loosefrock or blouse. C. 54 3tabernacles, cells ma conventfi r

reconnoitring . P. C. 1 6.

[tai lle

take l,shooting tackle, bows, ar

rows, etc. as we say , fishingtackle, etc. C. 106.


* tdcn, 2n. token,

sign,miracle pl. tacen, tacnu, sometimes

,tacna. j oh. iv. 4 8 ; v

26 ; x x . 30 .

thkenn, takenn, to take, receive ,

p . s. toc pl. tokenn; inep. s.

tacc pl. takepp ; subj . s. take ;

p. toke ; pp . takenn; takennwipp, to receive. 0. 1 1 706.

tak inges, touchings. A . I .

tacnenn,to betoken, s

getdcnian, * to betoken to

seal, set a seal p.-ode ; pp.

-0d . j oh. x i i . 33 ; x x i . 1 9.

getdcnung, 3/ a betokemng ,

signtj ‘ication, sign, presag e, pipe.

té canfl‘ to teach, show ic té ce,


s té hst, he té ceb, té chb,tiecb ; p. tiehte ; pl. tiehton;pp. té ht, té cn. 26 ;

1 7 .

twh, p. s. withdrew,retreated. L.

10 1 5 .

twhte, tahte , p. s. taught. L . 91 7 .

ta lenn(A . S . tmlan), to accuse,blame

,reproach, der ide. 0. 7 7 .

te rafi'

terr, thereafter . 0,1 194 1 .

twre , ta r, there. 0. 3 7 .

ta ronne , thereon. 0. 38.

ta rto,thereto. 0. 1 18 1 7 .

taarpurrh, therethrough. 0.

tai l,

retinue, followers kyng

Knout sywed after myd anlong tay le .

tai lle,tall a reckoning cut on

a piece of wood; payde ,or took

by tai lle, p aid for , or got on

credit. C. 5 7 2.


talen, tales. A . R .

talieb, pr . pl. g ive tongue, shout.

L . 2 6.


* tame. 0s. B s.



* 1m. a tamer . B s.

tanne,then. 0.

tapiccr, anupholsterer .

tapis. ) C. 364 .

tapstere , a fimale tapster . C.

24 1 .

tatt, that, the ; pron. rel. that


who,whi h con} . that . 0.

1¥tauwed , pp . tawed . (A . S . taw

ian,to dress leather . ) A . R .

166 :4 .

te pe , j oined to pa tB s.

te,to. A . R .

te,the. 0.

te, d. to thee.


* 2m. tear .

tekenn(A . S . té-edcan), be

szdes,moreover . 0. 3 7 .

techen,to teach p.

te ihte ; pp . i- te iht.

techep, pl. teach. P. P.

tekp, teaches. A . l .

teeme,theme. P. P. 4 3 .

teendi th, pr . s. lights. Lk. x v.


0. 1 2,65 .


A. R .

teh, p . s. of te6n

,went, turned,

withdrew . L .

g e tel, 2n. number .

23 69 3 1 .

téh, p. t. drew . See tedgan.toien, t13e , to lie. L . 396.

te ld,tent ; g . teldes ; d . telde .

L . 1 86

teldau* to cover,tent. See

betc ldan.


*getellan, to tell, recount


announce,impute, ascr ibe

, ac


,compute, reckon


esteem p. tealde pp . (g eteald ; i111p. tele ; 16 strangumgeteald , accounted strong . j oh.

x v. 1 5 ; 66 1 569:30 .


,reckon. A . 1.

tellen,to guide, direct. P. C

80 .

telp, pr. s. telleth, accounts

, es


tempe l, temp] , 2n. temple. j oh.

3/f deduatwni i . 2 1 v i i i . 2. pl. templu.

templ h.i lgung, *(y the te ;mple templ-hélgunga ,

thefeast of the dedication. j oh.

x . 22.

tende,to kindle

, light, light up.


tende,tenth. A . I . 233 :30.

tene , ten. A . R .

téne, tene, tenn, ten. 0.


attention. Eccl. x i i . 1 2,

tedgan, * teon to tug ,tow


pull, draw to,instigate,

educate ic ted,


Jtyhst , he tybis, tibb ; pt. 1 15,tedhb p.s . (ebb, te


h ; pl. tu

gon; pp. togen, tohen, g e

togen; imp. ted,teoh. j oh.

vi . 4 4 ; x i i . 32 ; x x i . 1 1 ;

9 1

g eteohhian, * g et i hhian, g et iohhian

, g eteohan, toj udge, determine, decree, asszgn p .


(a do); pp .-od . B s .

tedn,"t ndn, to make, dele, mine,constitute, create p . ledde ,

t idde . S ee g eteohhian.tooman, * to rub away ,



tyn, ten indecl. but sometimesnom. acc .

tyne ; g . tyna ° d.

tynum, whenused absolutel

tinanfi‘to emlose

,surround ; p .

tynde ; pp. tyned .

typet, hood, cuculla,or cowl. C.

233 .

tiss,thi s. 0. 32 1 , 33 1 .

t ib, goes, flows ; inf teon. L .


t1pennde , ti ding s. 0. 1 58, 1 7 6.

tir ian,

*g et iplan, to g rant, al

low, permtt ; p .

-0de ; pp .

-0d .

t ige ,to he. L . S ee tc len.

y-113t , pp. tied

, firmly fi ts/cued,

S . t igan. )P. C 1 6.

to the signof the d ot. 111/ Z 0.

8, 4 4 , 4 8, 64 ; Gen. x 11. 1 1


27 , 36 ; Eccl. x i i . 6, Gloss.



* to,at

, as, for , from in

A . S . the constructionw tth two

datives,the former used w tthout

a preposition, and the latter

governed by to, corresponds withthe Lat . double dative; e.g . We

habbab us to fwder Abraham,

we have Abraham to us for a

father .

to, prep . to

, for ,as ; to lare , for

instruction. 0. 3 22. to hyrde ,as

to,at; tomidew inter ; to Wi te

sonetid to Ester. R . 694 .


, j br . P.P. 1 69.

lo anintensive A . S . and E. E'


prefix to verbs and verbalnouns,

impartzng ani dea (f destructionor deter ioration. Scc words

toayans, toayens A . S . togenes,aga inst. A . I .

tdbrecan* t’

1 5 tobreak inpieces ,


break up,destroy p . s. tdbmc ;

pl. tobré conpp. to—brocca .

to-brenne,to burnup. Ps. x lv.

10 .

to-brese , to break inpieces . Ps.x lv. 10 .

tobre3p, breaks inpieces . A . L

tobrisenn, to brui se,dash in

pieces. 0. 1 2032.

to-broke , pp . brokenup . R .

to-brose,to break inpieces. Ps.

x lv. 10 ; lvi i . 7 .

too, p . s. took,began. 0. 1 1 3 27 .

S ee takenn.toke , tokenn. See takenn.token, p . pl. gave over ,


up to, committed. R . 168.

to-chan,to -chon

, p. sundered.split . L . 634 .

to-cyme , * 2m. a coming to,ad

vent,arr ival.

to-clzef, to-cleof, clove asunder ;

pl. to-clunch . L . 789.


,szgns. A . I .

to comynge (A . S . to-cumenne ), dot. in] : tox li . 1 1

,27 , 36 ; Eccl. x i i . 6,

Gloss. he i t is,that cometh

aft ir me (Earlier tex t); Var .

Readings, is to come , is to

comynge . j oh. i . 27 .

to conne (A . S . to-cunnenne),conor to be conned,

learned to conne and to done.

tdd ie lanf to deal, part, divzde

distingui sh p.-de ; pp .

-cd .

to -dealde ,p . s. divided, scattered.L .

to-delueb, to-dealuep, pr . pl.

dig out. L . 266.


* dat. inf to do,to be

done. j oh. x vi i . 4 .


to done,dot in] ? to do, be done.

A . I . See to conne .

t6-dré fan,

to di sperse, scatter ,

t6dré fednys, ‘ 3/scatter ing . j oh. v11. 3 5 .

to-drawep, pr . pl. draw ,drag

about, handleroughly , abuse. R .

tod1 .131nge detract1on. A . I .

t6drefian, to scatter , ex pel.t6drifan

, (20)to dr ive asunder ,dtsperse , p . 16 drai ; pl. 16


, .pp t6drifen. j oh. x . 1 2.

t6-et’1can, bestdes

,1naddi tion.

16-eean. 0s. See té-eécan.t6-emncs


*along ,

evenwith, oppasile.

to etyng (A . S . t6-etanne), dat.inf to eat

, be eaten able to

e tyng, fit to be eaten; i . e. , tngood condition, fat. Gen. x li . 1 8.115-faran, tofare go to p . 16

f61 . j oh. ; 0s. See faran.tofonge , p . .s received. R . 89.

td-foran, prep . govs. dat. before.to-fore , before, former] . M

G. 1 88.

to forenise1de , a/ bresa1d . If.

t6-forlé tan, to let,leave, allow,

admit. Us. S ee forlé tan.to gaderes, together . L .

t6gwdere , toage/her .

t6 gebindan, to bind to. S ee


gederes, together . A . R .

getdgenf‘ pp. drawnswd g et6gen, so learned,

accompli shed. See te6n.to-

genes, against, towards. L .

to halden(A. S . 16 healdenne),dat. inf to be held . H. [I] .


gider, together. G.



,hopa 1m. hope. B s.

itohgen, i tow ,e pp. qf'

teon, withdrawn

, gone. L . 863 .


* to runto,runhere

and there,wander . S ee yrnan.

tonimene (A . S . té-nimanne),dat. ruf to take, be taken. A. 1 .


tool, instrument ; pl.nom. aec. t6l. B s. 96: 1 8.

y told of,made account of esti

mated. H'

. P.

tolde, p . s. reckoned ; he ofno

monne tolde, he made no account if any man. R . 37 2.

tolde , p. s. and pl took account ofregarded, caredfor R . 740.

t6licgan, to lie between, separate;pretend, fagn. Scc li cgant6middes, 1nthemidst, anad.

ton, pl. toes. P. C. 1 23 .

to-neodeb,i sneeded. A . R .

tonne,tun. P. C. 69.

tooteres, watchmen, lookers out,

toppe aHe

A . L

toppe , prep. above

ringes, above all thing s.

torfian, * to stone. j oh. vi i i . 59x . 3 1 . to dart


,hurl; p.

-ode , -edc , -ude ; pp.

S . C.

torfung, * a casting ,throwing .


tornde , p . pl. turned. L .

t6-sce6tan* to e inad

p. to-se 1 ; pl. to

sea ton. S . C.

to-somen, together . L . 1 95 .

to-somne , together . L .

to sope, Ma truth. R . 1 33 .

to-sprad , pp. spread about. R .

t6-stencan, to scatter , di sperse

drive asunder p . td-stencte


pp. 16-s1enct, t6-stenced . 60: 1 7 ;6 1 :3 , 8.

t6st ic ian, * to pierce ; p .-ode ;

pp.-ot i . 0s.

to -swungen. to -swonge , pp. cut

to pieces. 4 69.

toteden. p . pl. looked out ; ap

filter] , P. C. [23 , to the 1063 pt?)1ng out if tornshoes.

to ten, to look,spy round

, peeptote-hyll, a hill of speculation,whenu ' 7 21thill. P. C. 16. ytote t l. pp . inspected. P. C. 67 .

t61c r.1 11 * (1 5 1, to tear inpieces ,

tyrs1, l1e tyrb p . 16

1wr pp. t6-lorenzf t6-1orcnu.

toun(A . S . t t'm


tynan. to enclose), field. Lk.

x v. 1 5 .

tti lwémian, to di

vtde , separate dtsttng ui sh p.

-dc pp .-0d


-cd .

touche,to touch upon, reyer to.

G . 90 .

tonore,be/ bre. R .

t6waerd ,tent tard . S . C.

i towe, pp. withdrawn, gone. L .

107 .

1611 e .1rd ,

* 16werd ,toward, fu

ture,to come, 1oming ,

to be.


to-wundre, g r ievously. A . R .

16 11 urpan* to cast down,put anend to, dissipate, destroyhe 1611 51 115 p. t6-wearp , pti 161s i 1rpe: pl. 16-wurp0n pp.

td-worpen. j oh. vi i . 23 .

o-wurbo11,toperi sh. L . 1 4 3 .

tooth; g . 165 es d . 166

pl. nom. acc. téb g . 168 11 ; d.


16 11am,

"l to the (end), to that

dag rcc) so, sofar. B s.


to-pan,for that purpose , to )lane icoren

,chosenfor thatpm

toben, teeth. 1topen, d . pl.

7 3°

16 pfpe t , to the end /hat.16 pon, so to the ex

,tent sofa

16 ponswipe. B s.

to ;e in, against. A . R .


ge ines, against , towards. 1togen, p. pl. drew , fl ed . J1027 .

ztogen, pp. withdrawn, g one. 1

107 .


gere , now ; lit. , thi s y ear , 11

to-day. L . 1 76.

trahhtnedd , pp. treated (y; e.


11:1ht-b6c ,tract-book,

commentary ,ex position.

trahtnian, * to treat (y; ex poundp .

-ode ; pp.

-cd .

trau,tree ; d. s. trauwe . A . l

travers castynge his taylle 3 36intravers

,crossing his tad . A

24 1 :28.

trcahtigean,"I to treat,d i scus.


trcdan* to tread ; ptraed pl. tré donpp . treder

treddede, p. s. trod. P. C. 1 2

trenchant,cutting ,

sharp pointcethat badde 2 homes tre !

chant onhis forhede. AI .



,wood ; pl. treor

A . R .

treoliche , truly. L . 1 1 9.

treow ,

* tryw , 2n. tree ; mwoodeninstrument pl. treomsometimes, treowa.

tre6wa ,

*1m.fa ith,fideligt. B

treowe , lieges . H . 111.treowen

,d. pl. trees. L .

treati s

twe6gan]naenne mon, no mandoubts.

See 1we6gan.twe6gan, * t11


e6uian,to doubt


hesitate, vac1llate p. 111'

e6de or

B oot. x x x vi 1. 3 .

1we6gde .

tweolue , tzvelve. A . R .

twyfeald ,* twey


111 1g 2n. tw ig ,branch.

doubt . See t11° .e6

111 5n1a11 * to doubt,be doubful,

hesitate ; p .-ode

,-ede . j oh.

x i i i . 22. S ee 111°e6gan.twinne , double. 0.

twyn11e, lit. , to divide into two

twi )ma general sense

,to separate,

parts (A . S . twegen,

dep art. C. 83 7 .

t11°i33ess, tw ice. 0. 104 ,

1 1 7 53 .

U . V .

iua, foe. L . 4 65 .

umireste, fa irest. L .

ualden,fee lde , p. pl.fi lled.

vale ie, val/gr. R .

fealwian,to A

11211106, j i zlls

,belong s. A . R .

va lse , fi t /St . A . R .

y-ualp, falls, happens. A. l .

uand, p . s . fi/und. A . I .

vant-warde , vanguard . R .

vasp, fareth, fare, act.vaste

, fast . R .

uaumpez, vamps. A.R .

vavascr, middling landholder. C.


vch a, each a,every . P. P. 96.

veho, each, way . P. P. 239.

ueder, father . A . R .

uederen, feathers. A . R .

vei l, old woman? P. .P 223ne iles, ves . A. R .



ale 11 e'

6, pr . 3s. j ade/h. (A . S .


R . 5 7 7 .


ue ire, fairy. A. R .

ue irest, fa1rest. A . R .

vel, p.s. fell. R .

uelagrede ,fi llozvshio, intercow s

ue lde, d.s. field, plush. L .

uele , many . A . I .

i-uele6 , pr . pl feel A. R .

velledden, p. pl filled A 36S


ueng, tookpossesstonof R.

ueole , many A . R .

ueond, fiend. A . R .


6e , fourth. A. R .

no1 . farther no uer,noforthe:

nerdc, p. s. fared, went on. L

10 1 3 .

verde . ferde , host, army . L .

ve rd ite,verdict. C. 7 89.


companion, comrade.

4 391'

ere , pl. comp anions. L .

vcrnicle,d1min. of V eroni

(Vcronied ). A copy inminture of the picture of Chri

which is supposed to have be.miraculously impr inted uponhandkerchte/ preserved ent

chure of S t. Peter at R

P.P. 2" C. 687 .

vorst , first. R .

ertue , virtue, pmer

, (fi t


vertu,streng th.

x lv. 2.

venues, powers, armies

, hos

Ps. x lv. 8, 1 2



uestimenz, vestments. A. R .

i-uestned, pp. fastened, fix ed.

(A . S . gefmtnian. A. R .

net, feet. A . R .

nette , feet. A . R .


an. R



ufele, adv. with evil, evilly. L .

ufen, ufcnan, over, above. L .

240 .

geuferian, to ex alt, elevate. Bos

worth, geuferan.


or,"I ufur

, comp. of up, upp,higher ; nior and ufor


and higher. B s.

11ht, 3/ wight, creature. os.



hvgtage (by sea or land).

1 i i, five. A . I.

vifte , fifl h. A . R .

uihte, fight, battle.

fyht. A . R .

vi lanye , rudeness,bluntness


of a villainor serf C. 7 28.

villiche,vrlet foully . R .

vilonye, indecengy language or

eonduct of a villa inor serj I C.

70 .

vingre, d. s. finger. A . I .

uirste,forrest, furthest. L . 262.

uisliche , wi sely . A . R .

uissi llus. 0s. {El/redmi stakes the q lli

,a people of

L iby a , who were skilled intheart of sucking poi sonfromwounds,fi r the name of a ser

pent applied for that purpose.Frustra Ca sare etiamPsyllosadmovente

, qui venena ser

pentum e vulneribus hominum haustu revocare atqueex sugere solent. Thorpe.

vitaille , provi sions. C. 5 7 1 .

s .


vleo pr . subj . 3s. fly. A. R .

vleomde , fly ing . A. R.

vleo6, fly. A . R .

vlesches, flesh’

s. A. R .

ulesse , flesh. A . l .

ulesslich, fleshly, carnal. A. I.ulegen(A . S . fleoga), fl ies,muscw. I .

vlyep, pr. pl. fly. .4 . I .

ulih, pr. s. flee/h. L . 260.

ulogen, p. pt. drove of, put tofl ight. L . 3 56.

iu103en, pp . flown, fled. L .

vluht, fl ight. A. R .

ummbepennkenn(A. S . ymbepencan), to think about, consider. 0. 1 18 14 .

unabindendlic , indi ssoluble. B s.una pel, unnoble, ignoble. B s.


"I indi ssoluble.B s. See unabindendlic .

undrwurlSian,"I to di shonour p.

-0de ; pp.-od .

uni siwod,

unsewed, without

seam. j oh. x ix . 23 .

unbeboht, unbought.unbindan, * to unbind



free subj . pr . unbinde . j oh.

i . 27 . See bindan.unblis,"I unhappiness. E l


* d. ace. dual,us two. j oh.

See ic .

unces. * g . dual of ic,our two,

used as a possessive adj. pron.and declined indefinitely g . nncres, uncre , uncres ; d. nucrum, uncre

,uncrum; ace.

unceme, uncre, unces pl.unet e


,naerum, uncre .

unces, ounces,smallportions. C.



“I uncouth, unknown, be

under]long ing toanother, strange. j oh.

x . 5 .

undur. * under , below .among .

underbcec f behind the bach, behind

,backwards. j oh. x 1 i i i . 6.

under-c i11g.

* See under-C 1ning.

under-c1 11 ir1g, * 2m. anunderhing . viceroy, governor , ruler .

underfcng See underfén.underfdn, to undertahe



accept, tahe ; p. underféngpl. -féngon. j oh.

i . 1 1 , 1 2 ; v. 4 1 ; x vi i i . 3 . See


vnderfonge , pp. received. P.P.

3 7 7under-ginnan“ to undertahe; p s.


gannpl . -

g11 11non;pp. gunnen. zEI.

undergylan*( tounderstand,

hnow , perceive p. undergeat ;pl. undergéton. j oh. vi i i . 27 ;x i i . 16 ;underneofian, ‘ undernealh. 0s.

understandan“ to underst and ; he understent -sty11 1);p . s. understéd ; pl. understodonpp. unders1 anden. 64 :24 .

See standau.

vnderstonde , pp. known, remembered. R . 21 2.

understondcp, ilnp. pl. thinh ey'

remember. R . 396.

underueng, p. 3s. received. A . R .

vnderueng, received.

underuo, insp. pl. receive. A . R .

underuon, to receive. A . R .

underuongen, underuon,to ac

cept, receive , p. 11nderuengpp. underuon. A . R .

nnderpeddan, to reszgnaddict,


x /M e s p‘mdde ; pp ’

si ded ,-

;pe6dd underseedd


Godes é ,subj ect to God s law


‘2m. under-servant;

sub/ed .

undergrowe , underg rown, belouthemediumheight.

vnd irloute , pp. subj ected, madobedient. Gen. x x x vi i .8. See loute

unéfic , uneasy, unpleasant . 0s.

unfeor,notfarnigh,near . j oh.

unforbmmed , unburned.

unfracod lice,not di shonour


11ngefohge , incomprehenssbb',

1mgefmglice , ex traordinarsbr,inanunheard of manner , bey ond measure.ungelaared , ‘l unlearned . (El.ungcleafl



*full of

unbeli v ing , faithless. j oh. i i i

36 ; x x . 27 .

ungelie i’

edlic ,* incredible . os.

ungelyfedlic , incredible.

11ugema , e xceeding . 0s.

ungemmtlic ,"l immeasurable, insmense


ungemetlic , immense, boundless,ex ceeding . 0s.

11gemetlice , immeasurabbr.immoderatelv, ex ceedirg lv.

ungemynd ig .

* unmindful.11112

’enfdde ,"l unforced, volunta

ungerisenlic .

* unbecoming , un

ungerisenlice ,“I unfitly,inglv, indecently . B s.


anshel,to unshut

,open. G. 7 1 .

vn-souwen,to unsew,

rip open.P.P. 4 8.

unspéd ig, unsuccessful, poor ,barren.unst ille ,

unstill, restless.

unliffed , unadorned. A. R .

untilad ,destitute. B s.

untfnanf to unclose, open, re

veal ; p. untfndc . j oh. ix . 30 .

11 111<5dé ledlic ,

"I not tobe divided,

indivi sible genég swetol hi t is

pa tte gdd is anieald and 11 11

B s. x x x i i i . 1 .





1 1 ;

geunlmmian, * to mahe sich or

infirm,to weakenp.

-0dc ; pp .

-0d .

11 1111 11111 11)s,* untry gmms 3f

enfrmmsi hness. 3

pp. until/ed. R .


untweogendlicc, * undoubted/1os.

unworthv. di shonourable. 0s.


unpleasant. 63 : 19.

11 11 l aeh ofimprudmce. S . C.


* unw itting ly, uu

unpances, * aga inst the will or

consent (Lat. inv ite) ; heoraunpances, against their wi sh. 0s.

unpancwurii c , * unacceptable, a

gainst the will, constra ined, di s

unt eau,unfica11 e

,a fault, sin,

vice , pl. unfieawzes. A . R .

unpd w,2m. bad or eve? habit,

unt eawes,sins, vices . A . R .

oe pl. uoan. A . Ruoan, oes. A . R . S ee 110.

vol, full. R .

volliche , full y. R .

nolnelp, fielfils. A . 1.non

,enemies. A . R .

1 0nd, p. .s found . R .

uondunge, temptation; pl. 11011




ause, be reason

A if 9

vor, for. A . R . R .

uor-3 1nd . R . 4 6 1 . Momsuggests that the word shaub

be uor-armd , harassed. (A . S .

earmian, to g r ieve, trouble. )vorbarnd, pp. burned up . R .

uorhed , p.

uorbisne ,A . R .

uorhyet, forbids. A . I .

vorewarde , foreword, prowesseagreement, covenant. R .

uorforle , ,forlornrutned.

orgulte , gut/9a A . R .

1101 h11 i , why . A. R .

uorleosen, to lose ; p . uorleas

pp. vorloren. A. R .

uorlyesep, pr. pl. lose, forfezlA . 1.

norme , former. A. R .

1 01‘

priked , muchpierced. R .

11011,unlet. A. R .

norte , for to. A. R .

worte, fi r to. A. R .

uorte,until. R . See forte.

vorte , until . R .

110 110, for to. A . R .


R .

11011 10, for to, inorder to. A .Ruor-wounded , much woundaR .


uoryetep, pr . pl.forget. A. I .

uorzuerep, pr . s. forswears. A . I .uorzuerie, subj . pl. form .

A . 1.

110115, forth ; so 11015 so, asfar

as. A . R .

vorzueri inges,forswearings. A.

I .


, for thi s, because,wherefore. A . R .

uorpenche, to repent. A. I .1101

, foot ; pl. ue1, 1101en. A .R .

uoule, foul. A. I .

vox e, d. s. fox . L . 239. pl.nox es,vox es. A . R .

up,* npp, up. j oh. vi i i . 7 , 10 .

comp. ufor, upper , higher ; ufor

and ufor, higher and higher ;up on, upon.up,me. upon R 3up

-éhebban, to heave, rai se,1ft up ; up

-éhefst,be up

éhefli p. up-éhdf; pl. up

éhdfonpp. up-éhéfen. j oh.

i i i . 1 4 ; vi . 5 ; x i i . 32.

1111-5 1& 11111,

”l to uprear, rai se up,



vpe , up,upon. R .

uplic , upplic, onhigh, high,Vplond ische, upland , northern.H . P.


* See up.

uppam, * upon, beyond, after,aga inst. j oh. x . 1 1 . See llp

pon.uppand , upward. A. R .

uppflore , ace. s. m. upperfloor .

S . C. 1 10 :20.

uppo,upon. 0.

uppon, * uponagain

upponn, in. 0. 69.

uprine , * upryne, 2m. up course,

r i sing . B s.

vpsodoun, upside-damn. Lh. x v.


up-stigan" to go up, as

cend, mount p . s. -stfih ; pl.-stigo11 ; pp .

-stige11 ; pr. p.

up-stigende. j oh. i . 5 1 . See

stigan.11pweard, upward.

vr,our. P.P. 46, 54 ; R .

uram,from. A. L

fire,*g . pl. of ic, of us

,our ;

fires, fire, fires ; d. fimm,

fire,firum; ace. fime, fire , fire ;pl. fire, firra, fir11111, fire.


urecb, ravenous. A. R . (A.

S . free . )ureomede (A. S . itemed), a

stranger, alien. A R .

ureonden, to mahe friends. A .

R .

ureoschipe, freesh1p, liberaliy .

A. R .

urepie (A. S . frefifiian), to heep,observe. A . 1 .

11 111011, p. pl. ran. j oh. x x . 4 .

See yrnan.uroefrien(A . S . frfifrian), to

comfort, solace. L .

11 10 111 , from. A. R .

usell, wretched, mi serable,incondition. 0. 1 1 5 1

vs seluen, ourself ii i.

fise1 ,*g . pl. of ic, of us

, our ;

used by the poets for fire g .

usses, usse , usses ; d . ussum,

usse,ussum; ace. fiserne , usse,

us thoughte]

user ; pl. usse (user),ussum

,usse (user).

us 1houghte, 1t seemed to us. C.

7 87 . See piacan.fit,

* fite,adv. out

, without, externaly , abroad . j oh. vi i i . 9x vi i i. 16. comp. fitor. (adjfitters , fitm, ytu , ftera ; superl.fiemest .

fit-fidrifan“ to drive out,

ex pel. See dri fan.fitan, outwards

, fromwithout,

dtan-ymb, about,around



fit-fi11 e0 1p1111"l to cast out ;

he -11 1 1115 p. s.-fiwearp ; pl.

-fi1vurp011 ; pp. fi1-fiworpe11.

‘f/oh. vi . 3 7 ; x i i . 3 1 .

te * See fit.fit-gfin, * to go out. See gin.111011

,used with aninfinitive to

ex press a proposal ; 111011 gin,and sweltanmid him

,let us go

and die with him. j oh. x i . 16.

it i s eyuivalent to the Latinage,agedum,

agi tedum,let us do

so and so. (Fr . allons. ) It i s

properly a corruptedformof thesubj . pres. pl. 1p . of wi tan


go, depart dz : camus ; “cum

infin. verborum notione se

movend i pmd itorum haud

jungi tur, e. gr. vi tfin(utfin) gangan, eamus ; vi tfinfyligéan, sequamur.



s Lex zonA . S . Thefollowing forms are g ivenenGrein'sGlossar. ,


,utor1 vu1u11


1111111,111011 .

fiton, * without , S ee



uttre outer,outward

, ex te nd .

. R .

fit-111e111d,"I outward ; coup. ytra,

ytera ; sup ytemest.vucl

, ev1l, sickness. L . ; R .

vuele,evi l ;


Lpl. vueles. A . R.




p. pl. fell. L.


time,‘y our. j oh. vi i i. 5 4 .

vfien, pl. waves. L . 327 .

fiiSwi ta,* 1m. a wi seman

, plates

w .

wa, woe. 0. 209. pl.wenn. 0. 24 2.

wa s, aware ; I was wa r


perceived. C. 1 5 7 .wécfi

‘ wech,

slender, usfirtn,

mean,vale mid wficum we f

else befangen, clad inmeanattire. 69 :28.

waccnepp, trans. a vahens, rouses.0.

wakemen, watchmen. A. R .

wak iefi, watchdh. A . R .

wacol,* wacel


6 3 , 4 .

wagollicef'watch/ idly, vzgdantly.6 :5 .

wagsanf wazan towash.

See wascan.wad

,what. R . 1 0 1 .


, watch, watching ,

vig il.

waed la,

‘poor ; takes only the dc} :

da l.

wzed lianfi to becomepoor, to beg ;p .

-0de ; pp.-0d . j oh. ix . 8 .


2e fels,

* 2m. a covering , clach,



warp. Seeweorpen. L .

warrp, p . s. Seewurrpenn. 0. 1 84waru

, 3/ guardianship , proheed, care.

ware, merchandi se.

404 . Z hefirst tex t reads iwraB.

See wurben.wa

?oru, wherethrough, through

w ich.

wascan, * wacsau, wax an(9)to wash p . s. W650, W611

woscon, wox onpp . waseca ,


* i . 9. was . B s.


B,imp . pl. wash. A . R .

waselede, p . s. bemired himsel

(A . S . 11 65 , ooze,mud .) P. C.

1 28.


* witt. See witan.wast

,n. waste, waste land. R .

waste l breed , cahe-bread. C. 14 7 .


,ex travagant

wat, what ; wat halt i t 10 telle

long ? why tell a long story ? R .

164 .

wat, wot, pr . s. guards ; inf

witen. L . 70 1 .

wat wat, what


partly. R .


, fortune, hap, fate,


wate1 . * Seeme ter.

waterrk inn, water-hm. 0. 193 .

watloket,much more


rather . (A . S . hwwtlic,sharp,

quick. ) R . 3 1 9.

wawe (A . S . 11'

ieg,wave. G. 1 5 7 .

wawenn, pl. woes . 0. See wa.

wares so, whatsoever . L .

wagen. S ee we iges. L .

waghe , wall. 0. 1 1 3 52, 1 1 740 .

woe. 0. 1 1904 .

wealcan" to walh ; p.s.

wedlc ; pl. weolconpp.



,“I 2m. weald, wold,forest


geweald, gewald, 2111. power.


(x ). to

wealdest, weltst, he

wylt, wealdeti ; p . weold pl

ggéldon; pp . (ge-)wealden.: 1

wealdend,* 2111 . a ruler

, governor.

wealdende , * powaful . B s.wealhstdd


* 2m. translab r,


"I 2m. wall.

weallan" towell, spring ,or

bubble up, boil he wylt p. s.

wedll pl. wedllonpp . (g e)weallen. 0s.

weall-gebrec,* 2n.null-breaking .


wealwian, ‘ bewealwian, to roll,wallow ; p .

-ode ; pp .-od .

B s.

weamode,discontented. A . R .

wea16,*p. s. became, it came to

pass, was. 0s. See weor’

Ban.wee/ts, b' chance, Qt accident.B s.

11 011111111“ towax , grow,

increase ; pfi wyx t, he wyz


B p.

wedx pl. 11'

e6x 011 ; pp. (g eweax en. j oh. i i i . 30 ;wehbe , a weaver j : websterre .

C. 364 .


ecche,watching pl. wecchess.

0. 1 14 3 7 .

11'édan, * to rave

,be mad



ic wédc, he 11°é1 ; p. wedde ;

pp . wéded . j oh. x . 20.

wedan* to wed ; p . s.

weed pl. wi edonpp. weden.wede , clothing ; feble wede,

poor apparel. R . 1 56.

iweden, wede, garments, ar

mour . L . 5 58.wédende , * pr . p . mad, raving ;wedende hund

,mad dog . B s.

weder,n. weather ; g . wederes

d. wedere-n. L .

weders, weathers. P. C. 1 33 .

wefan* to weave ; p. s.

wmf pl. wé fonpp . wefen.weg,

‘ we ig, 2m. way ealneweg, alway .

wegan to weigh ; p . s.

wa g ; pl. wé gonpl. wegen.we i

, way . R .

we ie, way ; g . s. weis ; sum

mes 11'e is, insomeway ; pl. we is.

we ie, balance (A . S . wé g.)

A .

we ie, towergh. P. .P 1 18.w

ge, toweigh ; p . weyede. P.

we ig.

* See weg.

we i la wei !* welaway / alas /

See wi lawa.weile, pr . s. 1p . was] , bemoan.P.P.

we iges, weyes, p.s. clubs, staves ;d . w

,ah;enwa;e11, wawes. L .

904 1 995 0

wel,‘ well


, very , most, almost comp. bet superl. botstwel cynelice , most rg lally. 0s.

we] ,full ; welnyne and twenty.

24 .

wel, very . C. 616, 61 7 .




* 1m. weal,wealth

, pros

penly, happiness pl. welan,


elden, to conquer , possess, win.(A . S . w .ealdan) A . R .

welgian, ge11°elgian, 11 eligian,

to enr1ch, endow ; p.-ode ; pp.

-cd .

11°e lig,

* weleg, wealthy ,rich


welm, 3m. heat, fire. B s.

welsum, going onwell

, prosperous. lv. 1 1 .


wields, governs. B s.

S ee wealdan.wen

, 3f a weening ,suppos1tion,

presumphon. j oh. vi i i . 19.

wénan, to ween,thinh

,suppose ,

p . wénde ; (g e-)wéned ;wénst pfi, thinhest thou: > used


"Igewendan, to wend


go to turn, return translate,convert ; pfi wenst

,he went ;

pl. wendafi ; p . wende pp.


wende, toturnwende 10 zenne,

turnto sin. A . L p. pl. wenden, turned , veered. L . 34 8.

wende, p . s. went ; pl. wenden.A R

wende .

p. s. weened, su ed, ex

peeled. L . 4 50 ,








, go , p . s. wende.iwende

, p. s. went . L .

wenden, wende, p pl. weened,

thought ; inf wenea .

wendep, wendeth, goeth. L .

wenene, whence. R .

wenet , pr . s. thinhs. A. R .

wenet , pr. pl. ween, suppose.A . R A . 1.

wenges]wenges, wings. . 11.

g e11°enian. * to accustom; p.

-ede ;

pp.-cd . B s.

wennde, p. s. wended, turned ;

refl . he wennde himm. 0.

1 1 320 . pp. wennd , turned,translated. 0. 1 3 , 1 13 , 1 4 7 .

went, pr . s. goes. A .

weofod ,* 2n. altar ; pl. weo


Weonodland. SeeWinedaland .


* See wepan.weope , to weep . P. P. 4 4 .

2n. worh pl.weorc . j oh. x . 32 ; x iv. 1 1 .


"geweorcan. Seewyr

can.weore-man, * worhman. B s.


subj . p . s. were. P. P.

1 80.

L . P.weorc-np. pl. were.P 1

weorelled, world. 0.

weorelldshipess, of worldbe business. 0. 1 14 27 .

weorien,to defend. L . 688.


* weoruld,


0s. has ace. lihe nom. andsometimes gen. ines.

weorpan* to throw,cast ;

he wyrpfl ; p . s. wearp ; pl.wurponpp . worpen.weorpen, to throw

,cast ; p . s.


grp, warp ; pl. weorpen. L .


iweo11ed, pp. attached,warred

upon. A.


* 2n. worth. j oh. vi . 7 .

weorpan, * geweorpan, wurBan,wyrBan to become, be,come to

,bemade, turn ic we

orlSe , pfi wyrst, he wyrB pl.weorpafi, weor

Be we ; p . s.


wearb, pfi wurde , he wears

pl. wurdon; subj . pr . weorBe ;

pl. weorfion; p . wurde pl.wurdon; imp . s. weorB ; pl.weorpafi, weorli e dat. inf: 1611°

cor6a1111e p . pr . weor'Bende

pp. (ge)worden.weoriSe ,

* worthy ; superl. we

orpest, most worthy . B s.

weorfifullicef worthily .

g eweorpian, tohonour, worship;


wue ynt, 2m.

honour ,dignigt, g lory, authorzgv.1 2.


eorosc ipe,* 2m. worthst ,

wep, p . s. wept. R . 1 24 .

wepend , pr . p. weeping . G. 32.

wepan toweep, bewai l ; p . s.

wedp pl. wedpon pp. wé

pen, be wdpen.gewepned, * weaponed, armed.S . C.

iwepned, iwepnid, pp. weaponed.

L .

wepnen, wepne, weapons, arms.L

wei , * 2m. man; husband.


wer,whether ; and

wer,whether and wheth

er . R .

were , man g . weres . 0.

1 1602.

werk,worh ; pl. werkes. A . R .

were, subj . should be. R . 7 1 2.


* werod,2n. a compasy ,

multitude,host, army . 1

wereden,werede, p . pl. defend

ed. L . 4 36.

werem. were. til .

« uon,, GLOSSARY.

whon3, how . P. C.

whulc , which, what ; g . whul

ches ; for whulches cunnespinge , for what hind of thing ?why 1

° L . 1 34 .

wice ,‘

1f. fold ; ic d6 pa t ge

geswicafi pé re wican, I wdlcause you to depart from the

W ike , wech. P. P.

wikenn, ap’ice, duty ,charge. 0.

66,wic ian, to dwell


, quarter,encamp p .

-0de ; pp.-0d .

7 7 35wic-st61v,

*3f placefor a camp,

camp, encampment.wyder, whither . R . 1 27 .

wi l?“2n. w ife, womanpl. wi f.

w i l'

man, * -man11, woman.

wig 2m. war-craft, the

art of war . 0s. (Ger . kampftfichtigke i t).wihht

,being , person. 0. 1 16 1 2.


* wuht , uht, 3f w1ght,

creature, thing aught .

wiht,w ihte

,brave, active, heen

pl. wihte,wirte ; g . whi tere ;

superl. wihteste. L . 4 95 ,



1331, wzght. P. C. 8 1 .

gewil,*g ewill, 2n. well

, wi sh,

wyl,* wyll, well, 2m.

,wylle, If ,

wylla, 1m. a well, spr ing . os.

wi ld ,‘ wild.

gewyld ,*pp. of gewyldan, sub

dued,subj ected, tahenused sub

stantively, a prisoner 16 ge

wyldum geddn, to reduce to

gewyldan.“r See wealdan.

g ewylde ,* 2m. power . 0s. S

1vi ld 2n. weld-beast, welddeer pl. -deor.

wi lderne,d. s wildness. L .

wildsc ipe , W1ldsipe, d. s. wddness

,wantonness. L . 24 4 .

1vi less, pl. wiles, gude. 0.

wilgomen, pleasure. L . 34 3 .

11°i lia


* 1m. bashet. ace.

pl. wilion. See wi liga.wi liga,

* 1m. wilige, wile

wylege , 1f willow-worh, bas

wi ll,* wyl], 2m. a well .

iv. 6, 14 .

gew ill.* See

wyllc ,‘If a

willa,‘1m. will, desire. B s.

wi llah,

‘ wylian, to will, wi sh


,wile (wi lle), pfi wil

(wi lst); pl. willaiS ; sub'

. .1.

wi le (wille) pl. wi llon(fen,-an) p . s. wolde ; pl. wolo

donpr. p. willende.

wi lle , iwi lle , d. s. wid ; onwi lle,at will. L .

wille, pleasure. R .

wi lles,wel/ingly. A . R .


wi llung, * gewilnung, 3f will,desire.


* 2m. heat, fervor , seal.wylne , to wish, desire. R . 102.

wi lne,subj . s. desire. P. P.

11°i lnedon, * p . pl. desired. 0s.

wilnen, pl. will, desire. A. R .

wyl11i to will, desire. A Lwylningge, willing , desire. AI

gewi lnian, * to desire,p.

-ode ; pp.-od .

gewi lnung, * 3f

GLOSSARY. [wm-etunwimpel-leas, un

'mpleless, without wynt, wind. P.P. 7 3 .


* 2n. wine.win

,wine. 0.

wink,doze, slumber . P.P. 3 .

wynk ,wynkynge, dozing ,

slumbering . P.P. 21 2.

wynkynge, dozing ,slumbering .

w ind,

* 2m. wind . B s.

windan* to wind, revolve,whirl

, brandi sh, surround he

w int p . s. wand ; pl. wundon;pp. wunden. j oh. x ix . 2.


,togo, come. L .

705 , 967wynde , to go, pass. R .

1 29.


‘ wingeard, * 2m. viney ard, vine. j oh. x v. 5 .

wine-mmies, kindred,


13; 339

Wmedaland, Weonodland, thecountry of the Venedi or WM .

gewinn, 2n. war, contest, labour,

sorrow .


*gewinnan to la

bour,strive, strugg le, obtain@1


, overcome p . s.

wann,wonn; pl. wunnon;

pp . wunnen.wynne , to rai se, open. P. P. 3 55 .

winnenn, to win, obtain,

overcome. 0. 1 14 21 .

winnien, to approach. L . 968.


* 2m. winter ; y ear ; g .

wintres ; d. wintre (a); pl.nom. ace. winter ; g . wintra


-e ; d. wintrum. j oh. vi i i . 57 .wynne vp, to draw up ,

rai se.

P. P. 3 5 5 .winnien

,to approach. L .


* winsome, agreeable,

pleasant, sweet. B s.

1 1 2,

w intres,wyntres, g . inor during


wynwe-schete, a sheet for winnowing grain. P. C. 1 33 .

i-wipet. P.P. 195 . I he readingsare, And wisshide it haddebe wex id wip a wysp offirsenT And wy3schid i t badde bewax ed wip a wips offerse H ;And wysschide i t badde wax idwip a wyspe of iyre U. I

suppose the true reading to bewex ed , as intex t B ,

and enT,

H,and U. Mr. Wr ight guessedning of wex ed to be



but inthat case it i s

unlzhely that so many MSS .

would have preserved the letter

x . Itprobablymeans ‘wax e

i e. stopped up, as one would

wyrcan, * gewyrcan, to worh,mahe


, construct,

ex erci se,

p . worhte ; pp . (ge)worht. 19, 29.

wirchep, pr. s. worketh. L .

wyrd ,*gewyrd, 3/ word, utter

ance, fate, destiny pl. wyrda.os. ; B s.

wyrde, became. 0s.wirdlice . See wirBlice.


2n. deed,desert ; bu

tongewyrhtum,undeservedly .

wyrhta,* 1m. wright, workman.


wyrian, ‘ wirgian, wyrgan, wyrigan, to curse, ex ecrate, malign;p .

-ode ; pp.-od .


* 2m. worm,serpent.

wyrman, * towarm; p .-de ; pp .

-cd. j oh. x vi i i . 1 8, 25 .wyrm-cynn. ‘ 2m. worm or

wirrkenn] GLOSSARY. 4 78

pent-hwd ; 11 3°

rn1 -c1nna mis w issenn,to instruct

,direct. 0.

scnlicra . cf the various serm 1 1 560.

hmds. Us.

w irrkenn, to warh, do, mahe, perform; p . s. wrohhte . 0. 332.

pl. wrohhtenn pp. wrohht.


wyrs, adv. worse comp. ofyfc le superl. wyrst.

3/ wort, plant, herb a



vrt-gemanc, * -gemang, 2n.

herb-mi x ture,

spzces, perfume.

j oh. x i x . 39.

wy rt- tfin, 2m. wort-enclosure,a

garden. j oh. x vi i i . 1 .

2m. wort-ward,

gardener . j oh. XX. 1 S.


lian. * See 11°e0 1‘

5 an.

11 )r}: becomes. See weorpan.See weorlSe.


blice , worth11y. L .


* w i se.

wis,certa in


yw is, indeed, surely .


* 2m. wi sdom.


* If w i se,manner.

wisen,way s. A .



* wissian, gewissian, to



, point out,

direct, govern p .

-0de pp .

-od .

W isle,the Vi stula .

W isle-mupa (We ichselmfinde),mouth of the Vi stula .

gewislice , gewissliee,certazng) .

w isliche,wi sely , prudently . A . R .

111 1sl1chen d. s. certain, sure.

L . 4 5 1 .

wiss, certainly, truly . 0. 1 1605wissen

,to cause to know,


show. P.P. 287 .

0. 1 1 599.

R . 4 3 .


gewissmnfi‘ See w isian.wissinng, instruction, admonition.0. 1 1 830.

wisslike (A . S . wislice),ta inly, evidentl 1. 0. 167 .

w ist,*3f food,

5 1, pp. huawu,learned. P. C.

1 50 .


* wyste . S ee w itan.11


yt,* dual

,we tzvo. S ee iC.

w i t, we two. L . 8 1 1 , 81 2.

w i t,commonsense

,na tural un

wi ta,

"I1m. wi se man

, counsellor,senator .

11°itan* (preter itive), to hnow,

beconscious 1mfeel ic , he , wdt.

111i wast ; pl. w i tor1.

j oh. vi . 69. wi tan, w i te subj .s. wite pl. wi ton-en); p . s.


,wiste (w isse), pfi wis

test (wissest) pl. wiston(wisson) ; subj . s. wiste (wisse) ;pl. wisten(wissen) ; imp . s.

wite ; pl . wi tab ; pres. par t.witende pp . g ewi ten.wi tan


* to blame,reproach b

puni sh pp. wi tod . B s.

w itan,

‘pr . pl. w i ton. os.

wi 1an* ge wi tan, to passover

, go, depart, retreat he

g cwi t p . gewfit ; pl. gewitonpp . g ewi ten.wi te


* 2n. puni shment, afi iction,pl. witu.

w ite,inzp . pl. tahe charge o/ IA. R .

wi te,wyte , to hnow. R . 37 . let

hnow. 0. 1 10. wyte , subj . pl.hnow

,may hnaw. A . I . pres. p.

wi tende. Is. li i i . 3 . be wytende

,knowingly . A . I

umpar t , 11,equal pp. wib

me ten. 22.

11°161 ac:1n* (9), to contend aga inst,oppose, deny ,

renounce, declareenmily ; he £ 1006 ; p .

-s6e ;


-sacen. j oh. i . 20 .

wipsegge, to withsay , gainsay,oppose p. pl. wipsedeu R .

w ibstandan" (9 to withstand,oppose ; he -sten1 ; p .

-st6d ;

pp .

-stande11 . See standan.wit te

, pl. active. L . 495 . See

w ible .

w iputanf w ithout.

wit uten, without, outside,

wardlr. A . R .

11°i5 11°1nna11* to strive,strugg le agaznst. B s. Seewinnan.

w i”1 , against. 0.


pat, aga inst that. P. P. 5 7 .

w ippseggenn, to speah aga inst,


denr. 0. 1 1 4 80 .

w 1ppstanndenn, to withstand, re

sist . 0. 1 14 80 .

wipputenn, without, ex cept. 0.

wi ; ele-fulle

,d. s. wilful, cunning .

L 539

gewlae t,*g ewla ten, defiled, de

based. B s.

wleoteB, pl. float. L . 7 26.


ynge , babbling ? 11 . P.

wli te ,

“l 2m. form, aspect, ex cellence



°6g. 1v6h, 2n. a bending ,

turning , curve error , perversily , iniquity Bei h us pincc ,for d rumdysige , 15 i t onw6hfare

,though it seem to us


reasonof our folly , that it gowrongly (lit. . into error). B s.

chap. 3 8. hi nines w6ges[Cott. 11

91S . w6s] , ne w i lniafi,

that desirenoth1ng wrong . B s.

chap. 40, 7 . a-11°

,6h awry .

wo , who as wo.

seyp, as who

sa1th,the saving i s. R . 80 .


0,sorrowful ; dude so wo,

made so sorrowful. R .


0anes. a (hwet/111g . abode. (A .

S . wunian. ) A . R .

woche, g . d. which, what. S ee


woche, pr . rel. which. L .



* wood (0. E. mad, pos

sessed (with anevil spirit). foh.

vfii x . 21 .

wod , mad. R .

wod-e,mad, fierce ; pl. wode

d . woden; comp . wodeloker.

L 7 5911


0de, fur ious, rag ing . stormy .

G. 138.

d nes-de g,lVednesdqy.

wodnesse , woodnesse , madness,rage, fury . Ps. lvi i . 5 .

w6d-prag, 3f a mad course,

fury. B s. See prah, brag.


* See w6.

w6h.* See w6.

woh error , wrong ,un'chedness.

0. 1 1937w6l


* 2m: plague ; “161-de g,

wolawo, alas / L .

wolde, d. s. wold,weald,plain. L .

wolden, mold, weald ; pl. wol

des. L .

wolley, pr. pl. w111, wi sh. P.Pwelt. R .

woltou. wilt thou. P. .P 1 5 2.

wombe, womb, belly. A. R .

Lh. x v. 16.

Woden’s dg',

GLOSSARY . [wmochen

wombede, bellied gret wombede, big

-bellied. R .

woud , wont, accustomed. R . 1 29.

wonderliehe, wondrously . L .

wonderly, wonderfully . G.

wondurly, wonderfully . C. 84 .

wone , pr. pl. dwell. G. 191 .

iwoned . accustomed. R .

wone, custom,habit. A

ll. R .

wone, a dwellmg -place. C. 1 2.

woney, accustoms ; himwoney,accustoms himsel A . I .

wonhOpe, despazr . P.P. 225 .

wonie , to dwell pr . pl.L . p . s. wonede . L . 5 .

wonyng, dwelling . C. 390.

wonne , p. pl. won. got. R .

woo,adj . woeful, sor

wood (A . S . w6d), mad, fooli sh. C. 184 .

woon, i q. wone, a dwelling

place, a building . P. C. 20.

woot, pr . s. 1p . hnow. C. 39 1 .

w6p,* 2m. whoop, weep ing ,

cry ;

pl. w6pas.

wop, weeping . R . 1 25 .

worchep, pr. pl. work. P.P.

word,* 2n. word

,command ; pl.


worde-n,d. pl. words. L . ; H JH .

geworden, * pp. of weorBan,been


,made ; hwa t is ge

worden, quid factumest, how

i s it ? j oh. x iv. 22.

wordle , world. A . I .

woret , di storteth. A. R .

worhte.* See weormn.

iworht,iwroht , pp . wrought. L .

worhten, p. pl. worked, made,

wori , perverse. A. R . wmc ,‘revenge. B s. See wracu.

woroId-man. * 2m. world-man, wmken,to wreah, avenge. L .

secular man. fEl. wrascchen. wretches. L . 286.

worre, war. R .

worri , to mahe war upon; p.

worrede . R .

worssipie, to worship pr. pl.worssipep. A .

worthi, worthy ,

di stingui shed. C4 7~woruld,

* sometimes g . a ;ace. woru d.

woruldlic , worldly .

woruld-ping} 2n. worldly mdter.

worp, sub . s. be. P.P. 24 8.

worpely(A. S . wurBlic), worthy .


u,shalt thou be. P.P.

6 .3worplice, worthily. L .

worpnesse , d. honour. H . 111.worpssipe , irnp. s. honour . A1 .

wo-so, whoso. R .

wot, hnozvs. A . l . ; A . R .

wouhlecchunge, wooing , court

ship . A . R . 163 :2.

wou (A. S . w6, w6g, w6h ,

wrong ; wipwou, wrongly .

658. mid gret wou. R . 672.

woware, wooer. A . R .

wowe,wall) P. P. 1 36.

wowe , wrong , inj ustice. R .

wowen, to woo. A . R .


lS, woos. A . R .

wowude, p. 3s. wooed.

wog (A. S . w6, w6g,


w6h ,

wrong with wo wrongywracu,

*3/I wre , , ven-revenge

wrwcca , wretched has only the

wrc csifij GLOSSARY.


2m. anex i le’s lot,ex ile


bani shment.wrénnes, lust

,lechery ,

iwmfified , wrappede, p . s.

wrathed. L .

wrang,adv. wrongly. 0. 1 1 923 .

wrastlede , p . pl. wrestled. R .

wrat , p. s. wrote. 0. 25 7 , 332.

S ee wri tenn.wrappede, p. s. wrathed


wrecan, * g ewrecan to

wreak,avenge ; he wric ’

li p . s.

wraac pl. wré con; pp . (g ewrecen.


* wretched. S. C. 1 3 .

wrecche,wretched. 0.

wrecche , wretched, mi serablethiev ish pe nox is ec a wrec

che urecb best, the fox i s alsoa thievi sh

,ravenous beast. A . R .

wrecchede,wretchedness. R .

wrecches, wretches. A . R

wreken,to wreak, avenge. L .

wreche, veng eance. R .

wrégan, * to accuse ; p . wrégde ,

wréhte pp. (ge-)wréged. j oh.

v. 4 5 ; vi 1i . 6, 10.


* subj . p. pl. might d c

cuse. j oh. mi . 6. S ee wrégan.wre 1h

, p . 3s. covered. See wrich .

wrenche (A . S . wrenc), deceit,stratag em. R .

wrepe , wrath. A . I .

wrepi , to ang er, vex ; p. s. wre

pep. A . 1 .

wreppi , pr . pl. subj . wrath,anger.

A 1 . 23m .

wrich,to cover . hide

,conceal ;

pr . wnhfi,wriefi

,wreofi, wrifi,

wnh ; p . wre 1h ; pp . i—wnen.

24 . S . wrihan, wre611 . ) A

wrigian, to tend,move towards.

endeavour. B s.

wrihhte (A . S . wr6ht), blame,fault, accusatzon. 0. 2o2

wringan“ to wring ; p . s.

wrang pl. wrungon; pp.


*g ewri t, 2n. writ ,

scripture, letter, pl. gewri tu.


wnt, pl. letters. 11 . III .

wri tan* to write ; he wri t ;

p . 11 rét, p1. wri ton,

.pp wri ten.j oh. v. 4 6.

wntcnn,to write; pr. s. writepp;

ps. wrat. 0. 1 1 763 .

wri tere} 2771 . writer .

wri lt, writ, wr iting . 0. 33 1 .

wrifian“ to writhe p. .s.

W 166 pt. wnfionpp. writ eni -wnpen, pp . wound or twi sted.P.P. 27 2.

wrohhte . See wirrkenn.wr6ht,

*3/ accusat ion. j oh. x v111.


wrong, p. s. wrung . P.P. 68.

wrouhte, p. 3s. wrought. A . R .

z-wrouhte, p,p.pl. wrought ,made.

A . R .

wropliche , ang r i ly . P. P. 68.

wrope , unhzndl . (A. S . wri fie . )

wu,how. R .


1/ week.

wuch,adj . which . what, quahs

inwuch manere . R .

wuche,d . what. R . 1 4 1 .

11 uche so,whatsoever. R . 93 .


i 1de 2m. wood, fi rest ; pé

wadas bifodon, the

wood strembled. B s. 103 :34 .


i-wurli efi, bu onl eth. A . R .

wummynt. See weorfimynt.w wsc ipe , d. s. worship. L .

171131 1, t 1/ 1 hnew. P.

P. 383 .

waste, p . s. knew . R .

wusten. See witen. L .

Y . (consonant )yai , p . s. gave. A . I .

yalde, old. A .



Iyemes g '

fl s

yelpinge , (A . S .


gilpan)boastzng .

A . l . 236 : 1 , 1 .

yelpp, pr .s. boasts. A. I . 2361. 3 .

yeman, y eoman. C. 10 1 .

yeme (A . S . gyman), to rule.

I a

yerde, y ard, rod ,stich. C. 1 4 9.

yerne ,adv. di ligent! eagerly ,

earnestly. See 3crne.

)erpe , earth. A . 1.

yif, inep . s. g ive. G.

yiveth, g ive/h. G.

zayp, saith. A. I .

yzed , pp . said ;aforesaid. A . l .

zeluer, silver . A . I .

y zeneged , pp. sinned. A . I .

zene; ep (A . S . syngian), pres.

3s. and pl. sinneth,sin.

zennen, pl. szns. A . I .

zengep, sinne/h. A . I .

zet , p. s. set, fi. 1 ed, 1nstztute .d A .

1 .

Z eterday, Saturday . A . I . 2

tonore y zed,

3 .

zeuende,seventh. A . I .

zigge , to say . A . 1. 2281 1 7 ;

zigginges, scy 'zngs. A . I .


zi ;p, 1zi ;p seeth. A . I .

zome , some. A . I

zone, son. A . I .

zor; 1iolle , sorrow/ 5d. A . I .

zop, truth ; d. s. zope . A . I .

y z03e , pp . seen. A . 1 .

zuerie, to sware. A . 1 .

zuich (A . S . swile), such ; d.

pl. zuichen. A . I .

zuo . so. A . I .zuo,

too. A . I .

p. 9 .

pi ,* when

,then, as ; péfid, then

when, or simply , whenpi gyt,

theny et, i . c. , fur lhermore; still,even.pa , pe , pat , that, who, which. L.

pa, those. 0. 4 7 .

pm, pl. the ; pa cheorles. L .


PIE, pron. rel. that. L .

pee ,they ; pie r pa stodenpa

sc ipen, where thy stood,the

ships, i . e. , where the ships stood.

L . 925 .

paene” pone , acc m. if se,

o. v.

pz’enne* ponne , o. v.

p:er,* there

,where oftenre

pealed , pa r pee r, there where.


te rr,thereafl er . 0.

pte re , pere , g . d. f the. L . 954 .

paese , there.

px rinncfi‘

pa rinn, therein.]1ze r0n, * therein, thereon.pa


* stra ightway , forth

paerto ,

* thereto paerto-eécan,inadditionto that. 2.

p11:r 13te , thereout,without

, out

side. j oh.


pa rwipp, therewith. 0.

pa s, for this, therefore, after

pa s pii mint blissigan, foroumayest rej oice.

pa s for, therefore, onthat ac

count to pa s, to that deg ree,so

pa s pe , because that.

pa s, of thee, whose. See 86 ,

se6, pa t.

pa slic , * apt, equal.

pa slice , * thi s like, aptly.

pa t, that, so that.

pa t, * nom. acc. n. that,the. See

se, se6, pa t.

pa tte“

pa t pe, that which

or,that. See pe.

pafian, * g epafian, to consent, approve, allow p.

-ode pp.-0d .

paie, nom. acc. pl. the. L . 364 .

paie , paye (A . S . pa ge), nom.

pan, d. acc. s. m. n. the. L . d.

pl. the, those. L . 24 6 ; A . l .

panc , * 2m. thank ; pl. pancas.

j oh. x i . 4 1 .

panc ian, * gepanc ian, to thankp .

-ode ; pp.-0d ; pr . p . pan

c 1ende . j oh. vi . 23 . d. ofperson, g . of thing .

panc thank-worthily,gratefully .

pane (A . S . pone), the,thi s. L . 1 1 5 , 1 82

, 70 1 .

pancean, * when; panceanpe,whensoever

,as oftenas . See

ponecan.panene , thence. R .

pannkenn, to thank. 0. 27 .

pannkess (A. S . pances),accord

, will, freely all ise

pannkess. 0. 1 1 4 5 7 . all peggre pannkess. 0. 1 1 4 64 .

panne, thence.

panon, * panonne, thence.6an0n* (on6am), inthat . £ 1par“

pa r, 9. 17.

par, there. L .

para, there, where.

par an, thereon. L .

pare, d.f: the. L .

par hine, therein. L .

par-0fer,* thereupon. oh.

par vore, therefore.

pas, pes, g .m. n. of the, of thi s,that. L .

pas, pes, nom. ace. pl. m. j :n.

pat, ado. until. L . 5 18. since.L .

pauh, though, y et, however. A.


pag:though. A. I .

pagles, though, y et, nevertheless.A . 1

pe , indecl. that, who,which

used instead of se , se6, pa t, inall cases, but especially as a

relative pron. , and, in later

Anglo-Sax on, as anarticle it

is sometimes sufi x ed to pa t , withtheformte , pa tte, that which.

pe,* or . 5 . See hwa per—pc .

pc . A . I . 23 5 3 4 . Morri s ex

plains pe , as used here and else

where inthe A I . as a reflexive pronounwhich i snotMeetzner , ad locum.


. pe , ininterrogativesentencesLatinanpe Philippus, pe

Alex ander, whether Philip or

Alex ander.

pe ,*pi , abl. of se , se6, pa t,

used with anadoerbialfunctionbefore comparatives, like Lat.

eo ; pe bet, co melius, the

wi ll]

better ; a pp ma, 11nq11am eo

magis, ever themore.

“ Notandum i taque quod nostra the,inistis phrasibus, the bolder ,the better

,etc. nonest articu

lus, sed Sax . pe , eo ; abla

t ivus sc i ] . pronominis se vel

pe, is, iste.

"Ly e.

pei h,

*p . s. S ee pe6ban, pe6n.

peah, though, y et, still, however.

peah-h nevertheless.

pearf,*3f need.

pearic , inneed.

pearf.* See purfan.

pearfa ,* adj . poor , needy noun,

1m. a poor man. d. pl.

pearfon pearfum. j oh. x i i . 6.

pcaufule , moral, instructive, edi

peauwes, morals, virtues, princi

pcéw ,2m. thew ,


j oh. x i x . 4 0 . pl. peéwas,morals manners

, principles ; g .

peziw .a

ped (A . S . peod), people. 0.

39. pede . S t CPeOde .

pcgen, * pegu, pén, 2m. thane,servant, minister , ofli cer.

pegnsc ipe , * 2m. thaneship ; val

our , service, abi lily. 0s.

Pol] . See peah.

peh, though. L . 1038. govs. subj .

pe 1, though. R . 26, 1 34 .

pemes, thanes. L .

pe ig, though. P. C.

pe la s,*lest ;


pe la s pe , test that.S ee pe , pf, abl. of se, se6, pa t.

pellich (A . S . pfllic, py1ic),such. A . 1 .

pc mape , themore that. B s.

pen, peng. See pegen.pen, than. A . R .


pen, d. acc. the. R .

pene, imp. s. think. A . R .

pencan, gepencan, pencun,to think, remember p . pu hte

(rohte) 22mmeerohsee


penchen, to think ; pr. s. and pl.penche5 ; p. p011hte ; imp .

pen} .

penche5 ; pp' i-pouht.

penche5 , thinketh. L .

1penche5 , inzp. pl. of penche-n,think. L . 940. Thefirst tex treads 1penched.

pene (A . S . pone), acc. s. m.

the. L . A . R .

pene, than. L .

pénian, to serve,mini ster

, supPlj ": P pénode ; PPpénod . j oh. x vi . 2 ; x i i . 26 ;

pennkenn, tothink p . 2s. pohhtesst ; pp. pohht. 0. 1 7 .

penne , then, when. L .


* service, ofi ee,duly;

thosewho serve, attendants , train,retinue what i s served

,a re

past, supper, feast. B s j oh.

peo ,the, they , those. A . R .

pedd , 3f_

nation, people ; country ,

6province ; pl. pe6da.

69 6

gepe6de , 2n. languag e, tongue,country .

g epe6dan, gepydan,associate, attach ; he gepeé

m° fp

g epe6dde ; pp . gepe6ded .

peode, f people, country, landpl. peoden. L . 1 7 1 .

pe6dsc ipe , 2m. people, nation.j oh. x i . 4 8.

pc6f, 2m. thief ; pl. pe6fasj oh. x


fore used before compara/ives,and equivalent to Lat. eo pibet , by that beder, the better.

B s.

p1kke , adv. thickly. R .



* thither.


eard .

*pyderweard , thither


cf,thief A . I .

p1e l'

pe , theft . A . I . 2

[11‘- la s.

"t See pe-la s.

ptlke , the or that same. A . R .


WHO,the like, such indefi decl.

pin, * g . of M,thy ,

thine ; used

as a possessive pron. and de

d ined indefinitely g . pines,pinrc , pines ; d. pinum, pinre ,pinum,


pmcan, * g epincan, to seem,ap

pear ,v1de r1 impers. w ith dat.

p . pti hte ; pp. g cp1'

1ht ; mep1nc5 ,

methinks , zt seems tome.

oh. 1 l 1i . 53 .

piimr. thing ; pl. pincges. A .R .

gep1r1c5 ,honour ,

digmty,mcr 1t

,ex cellence.

ine,d. thy . L . 83 3 .

1ng ,

* 2n. thing ; pl. ping ; forin.» pingum,

or pingon, onhi saccount. j oh. x i 1. 1 1 . for pa sHa lendes pingon. onthe Sav1our


s ac count. j oh. x 11. 9. for

minonp111g0n, onmy account,for my sake ; forC611 111mpingon; onyour account

, for y our

sakes . j oh. mi . 30. for pa ra

Phansea pingou, because of thePhari sees ; onsumum plugum

,insome respects .

p1ngan, * 11. pl. pingum. S .


pinge , things , possessions ; large


liche himbed ofwe pinge , hbcrolly to himaferd of her possesszons. R . 4 95 .

pmges, things. A . R .

ge5 ingian, topray, intercede,nudiate for p .

-0de ; pp.-od.

60 °

4 .

pinnkepp, it seems, appears ; A

pubble. 0.

p1ostr, dark. B s.

piostro. See pfstru.

pire , g .

/thy . L . 833 .


.rfan See purfan.p1men, thorny ,

of them . j ah.2, 5 .

p1rstan, * to thirst ; used impersona/ly . j oh. vi . 3 5 me”15 1.j ob. x ix . 28. subj . p1 rste . j oh.

1 5 vi i . 3 7 .

pis, n. ace. pl. these. L A.

R . H . 111 . R . P.P.

pise , these. R .

th1s. See pes.

p1sdn* p1 sum os. See pes.

pise pl. these. 0.

p1slic , p1slic , such.

p1 s0n* pysum, d. s. 111. this.

j oh. 8. See pis.

p1ssen, ace. this. A . R .

p1ssen, pisse , d. m. n. thi s. L.

pissere , g . d . f thi s.




stre, dark.

pfstro,2n. pl. darkness

j oh. i . 5 .

to drive,urg e tono

prove, rebuke p. pfwde . j oh.x 1 1.

po ,then

,when. R .



L po pat,whenthat. P.P. 3 56.

po ,the. R . 40 ,

1 2 1 ; H . [II

po 11°

1°le , the while. R . 1 35 .

pohht , thought . 0.

L . 70.

4 89

pohte, it seemed. L . 8.

bohte, p . s. thought ; p . pl. poh

ten. L .

polenn, to admit, permit. 0. 52.

to safer . 0. 20 1 , 24 2. p . s.

polede . 0. 1 1822.

polian, * gepolian, to sufi’


endure ; p.-ode ; pp .

-od .

i5 olien, polie, to sufi

er. L 4 8 1 ,

7 1 5 .

polian, to safer, endure. A . R .

i-5 olien,to suj

er, permit. A . R .

polie5 , pr . pt. suj ér . A . R .

p0n* pam,d . m. n. of se ,

se6, pa 1 ; 16 ponpa t, to the

(end ) that, in‘

order that, so

that used inadv'

t. phrases.thence

,whence. B s.

pone , panc , thought, mind ; d.

ponke . L . 1 2.


* when ponceau pe,whensoever

,as ofl enas. B s.

ponne , * then,when, y et, than,

but; ponnne poune , when.

p0non, * thence. See panon.poru, through. R .

porite .

* See purfan.porni , thorny. A . R .

pom, prep . thorough, through. R .

porw,through, bymeans of: P.

P. 8 1 , 388.

pm; alle pyng, inevery respect.R

poubt, 11. thought. A . R .

pouhte , thought. A . R .

pou; te, seemed. R . 8 1 .

pogte , p. s. and pl. thought. R .

po te,11. thought ; be pogte , by

t ought, deliberately . A. I .

pcgtc, seemed ; hire ogte , it

seemed to her . R . 4 . himpogte . R . 1 13 .

GLOSSARY. [trimsprad ,

* 2m. thread.

prah,‘prag, 3/ space or course

of time, or events, order or state

pritwan"t to throw ; p. s.

pre6w ; pl. pre6won; pp.

prawen.pre, three. B s.

p1e61ian, * to threaten, chide, ad

moni sh,terrzfy p.

-ode ; pp.

gepreAtod , geprezi t. B s.

prel (A . S . pra l), a thrall, servant pl. prelles. A. R .

pre6,*f three. See pry.

preo, three. A . R .

preo, three. 0. 1 1 5 16.

pre6téne, * pre6t1’°ne, thirteen.prérépre,

* 1f tr ireme gen. pl.préréprena. os.

preuh, p . s. used ina middlesense

,fi ll.’

P. P. 20 1 .

prex wolde, threshold. P.P. 20 1 .

pri , three pri sipe , three times.

pry,*pre6, pre6, m. f 11. three;

g . pre6sa ; d. pr m, prim;

ace. pr pre6, pre

pridda, pf1°d

pridde , third. 0.

pride , third. 0. 6.

prifan* to thrive ; p . s.

prai pl. prifonpp. prifen.prym,

2m. pomp, glory , magni

pringan, * gepringan to

throng , press, crowd uponp. s.

Frans ; rl srunson; re. se

prungen.prinne , threefold. 0. 1 1 506.



pri t ig, thirly. os.

prittig,* thirgr ; g .

-tigra ; d.


2 1 *


ge t , ) et, besides. A . R . R . 3 7 .

; ete , moreover . A . R .

i3e1e , pp . eaten,

R .

geucu, p . pl. gave. L . 64 6.

gew,d . y ou. 11.

gif, y P.P. 1 02.

; ifen, tog ive. L . 27 8.

gifenn, to g ive ; subj . p . s. ;a fe .

0. 1 20 1 5 .

; ifl'


; ifue, to g ive. L . 278.

gilt . See gelden.gimston, a precious stone, a j ewel;pl. ; imstones. A . R . L . 54 2.

girnunge , y earning . A . R .

; isles (A. S . gisel pl. gislas),hostages. L . 14 9, 20 1 , 282,


git , y et. P.P. 95.

; iueth, pr. s. g ives. A. R

i3iue , pp . g iven. A . R .

30ngore , comp. y oung er30ngoste . R .

30ngthe, y outh. Eccl. x 11. 1 .


3olde, pp. y ielded up ; restored .R.

30rstendai , y esterdgé. L . 7 18.

301 , y our. P.P. 3

30x 1ng, y , sobbing . (A . S

giscian. 1 25 . cumfietnet singultu prompit. Geofrgof lilonmouth3ure (A. S . edwer), your . 01 1 564 .

3urstenda i , y esterdqy . L . 7 18,734 °

3us, y es. PP. 103 , 385 .

3u1, 3ute, y et. R .

3ute , pp. spilt , shed. L . 74See ;coten.3uw. See 3e .


abasshe, shame. G. 283 .

abb. rice . abbotrice , 2m. ab

bagy . 1 14 :7abb contr. o


f abbotes, abbots.

1 1 9 :

abegclan, p. pl. bent, subj ected,

abide (is), remains. H. P. 24 7 : 6

acordede .p. s. capitulated. 1 1 7 : 1 3 .

acorsede, p . s. cursed . A . I .

234 24 .

k ien} 2n. even. evening .

a ie (A . S . ege ), awe. 1 1 7 : 2

a lmes, alms.

arer, arur formerly ; prius.a tYWedn1°s, * 3/ man3 3‘


, poi soned.

a ureum11 i le,cont1nually . 1 18 :24 .

a unc , every .

a 5 c lan, noble (things).afden. p. pl. haiden

,had .

L . 1 8.

éfyllanfl' to fill, supply. See


*p . s. See agytan.

agytan to know, understand ; p . s. ageat, pl. aged

ahten(A. S . it

htong, p

. pl. possessed. L . 18 ee égan.alful, allfull heo was alful of


L . 1 4 .

b. bisceop.

ba r,*p. s. See beran.

Baius, q eux .

barf“2m. boar .

baronage , coll. , nobzhly, hiera ”chy . A. I .

Ba5 on, dat. B ath.

beceorian, * to murmur, com

becwe5 an* to bequeath

p. s. becwa 5 , pl. becwadonp. p. becweden.

bym er pe 3eres ende, she hadenough of himbefore theyear



end. R . G. 90 .

alsuic , all such.

altega dere, altogether.

ancer-set] , 2n. hermitage.angles, ang els. A . I .

ara de for ara rde ? reared,erec


archen, d. s. ark. L . 26.

areawe , ina row ,inorder, suc

cession. A . R .

arerde, p. s. See drama .

arerdon, p. pl. levied.

arist , p. s. arose. G. 238.

ateallene (to), dot. into tell, re

count. ee tellan.athes (A . S . oaths.

it5 ,

* 2m. oath.


emte plumpg' A. L 235 :7 .

Englz,pthe English. L. 13

enmang pis, meanwhile. Lat. i aterea.

com(A. S . earn), uncle.eorlddm,

*2m. earldom.

ere , here. L . 2 1 .

erpli3, ear/ht) .


,d. pl. vessels.

1 16 :9. S ee (a t.

fe ip fa ith. P. C. 1 5 5 .

fe iples, firsthless. P. C. 1 5 2.

feorden, p. pl. fared, passed .

fetSw -os t)ne , fourteen.feperen, feather , pen. L . 4 9.

fiede , p. s. wrote. L . .5O (A.

S . fegan, gefegan, to j oin,unite.)61

, p. s. fell. C. 84 7 .

fyrmest, *foremost. See forma.

fiuwe, subj . p. s. flew . 1

folgian, * tofollow; p .-ode, -ade

p . p.-ad ,

-od .

follost, L . 38 ; mi sw rittenforfolloht ? bapti sm.

fdran, * p. pl. went . S ee faran.forbaren, p. pl. forbore. 5 .

(A . S . forbé ron. )forbarn, p . s. See forbyrnan.forberan“ to forbear, ab

staznfrom; p. s. forba r, pl.foshe

e ton, p. p . forboren.forcursze d ,


ford ,L . 63 mi swrittenfor

forti ?


genga, * 1m. foregoer, predecessor.

forfleén. S ec fledgan, fledn.forloren(A . S . forluron), p. pl.


forfeited. t 1 7 :32. See forle6

forre, A. L 236:23 . Moms,

inhi s edztionof the A . L , putsthe point a/ ler fort e

, j oiningthe word with awreke ; the

punctuationof the tex t is

who says, inhis


“ Wir verbindendaherforre mit ich wille mak i

,e tc .

und denkenuns indem afr.

Originale e inenSatz, worinforrer, pi ller, als Infini t iv enthaltenist, so dass forre demspéi tergebrauchten/ brray , rav

age , spo il, ia der Bedeutungentspricht Be rge und Thiler w ill ich verheerenlassen. ’forstdd ,

*p . s. ava iled.

See forstandan.forto

, for to forto donne, forto do.

frame , profit. 0. 1 8. Fra


ramynge , ormynge , or

wynnynge . Lucrum, emolu

mentum. Prompt Parv. For

by g ives the verb to frame ,as meaning rnNorfolk to shapethe demeanour to anoccasionofceremony . InN B rita inithas the significationcf succeedL

ing ,and i s derived b j amieson

from A . S . fremian,valere


prodesse. Inthe Cravendialect it implies making anattempt.Way.

fred, free.Frige

-dmg, * 2m. Fr iga’

s day ,


2n. protection, enclosure ;deor fri'iS, preserve for deer.

i -fuige t, fried. P. P. 4 4 8.


frouren, to comfort s.

froure. (A. g i rd

frian.ful rm), foul.

gaede , p. s. went .ga i ldes, imposts, tax es. (A. S .

gi ld . )ge t, y et .

gang-wuee , * rf gang -week.

Rubric, j oh. x vn.gart , p. s. made, caused. (A. S .

gegearw ianP) P. P. 4 39.

geai psc ipe ,"zm. guile, crafi


sagacity .

geat,*p. s.

geat, y et.

gelstreh. See ;elstreh.

gersuma, * 1m. treasure.“ Vox quidem quodcunquepre sto est significat, a gearo.

S ee getan.

Paratus.”Ly e.

get, pp. got.

gimman, * gimmum,d. pl.

g ems. See gym.

Gleaweceasterfi 3f Gloucester .

gled ic , subj . s. g ladden, cause

j g ; to. (A . S . glad ian. )goded , p. s. did good to, benefited

,endowed. (A. S .

gegdd ian. )gra d ina s, 3f greediness.reteh

,imp. pl. greet.

rys, pigs. P. P. 4 18. Gryce ,swyne or pygge. Porcellus


frendis, Prompt.Parv. See Webster

s Dict . ,s. w . grice and grise.

gr'den grunden, d.s. g round.

L. 103 .


ha, he. A. Lha ftnungfi‘ 3f holding , captivigr,durance.ha rfestfl

‘2m. harvest, autumn

haemes, the brain.haet hét, 9. v.

halechede (A . S . halgode), p. s.

hallowed. 1 1 7 :9.

halechen, pl. sa ints. (A . S .

haligan. )balgung, * 3f hallowing ,


hals, heals,* 2m. neck.

haran* harum,dat. pl. hares.

1 1

headedrfi‘2n. tall deer, stag .

1 1


‘ See hals.

healsian.* See halsian.hean, poor , humble, abj ect.heglice , honourably . 1 20 :3 .

hey ,high ,

anhey, above. R .

284 .

i-he ied , pp . ex alted.

hem,dat. acc. ,

them. G. 3 54 ,

3 58.

hengen, p . pl. hang ed.

(A . S . hangan. )hengen, p . pl. hung .

heonnes, hence. P. P. 4 1 5 .

her ahnten,hereabout, about


heriep, pr. pl. pra i se. A. L233 z6. (A . S . hérian. )hidousliche, hideously, dread

fully. A . Lhyealde, to hold, regard. A . L23 7 3 ;

y hyealde , pp. held,holden, enter

ta ined. A . L (A. S .

g ehealden. )


hyer benote, herebefore, beforethi s. A. L

hilke,same. L . 53 . (A . S

i lc. )hind


* hind ; cerva.

H y rt l ing b. ,Irlingborough.

his, them. A. L

hise , it ; hise uelp, fill it, i . c.,

the heart . A . I .

hi t, A . I . shouldperhapsbe hi or by, as inhledr


* 2n. leer , cheek, face,

hoe , her ,it, i . c. , the book. L . 4 2 ;

miswr ittenfor heo ?hol

, whole, wholl all.

hopian, * to hope ; p .-ode ; pp.

-od .

hopien, to hope ; ich bopie, Ihope.horderwymn, treasurer ’

s dzvell

ing . 3 .

huam, whom. A . Lhungor,* 2m. hunger , famine.i-huret. pp. hired ; he ihliche i

huret,hired at high rates. P.P.

4 50 .

iafen, yafen, gafen, p. pl. gave.

ieden, yeden, p. pl. y ode,went. 1 1 8 :3o.

gcyfelian, * to do em? to, afi ict ;used irnpersonally with dat.

him geyfelade , he fi ll sick.

i lcan, ‘ ilcum, dat. pl. same.

inouh, adv. enough.

ine, in, into, ag a inst. A. L

ipnalis, (B osworth'

s tex t



s 119, ualis),fi r hypoalis, from vnr os

,sleep 2 the

applied to her arm.

L .

la gde,"Ip. s. lard , laid down.See lecgan.

la iden, p. pl. laid.

leet, let, caused to be. 1

agu, 3f la w, j ustice.land-ledd, 3/Ipeople of a land .

Lang Fridasi , LongGood Friday . S . C.

langa-Frige-deeg, * 2m. LongFr iday. Rubric

, j oh. x vi i i.lauerh

,L . 202 ; miswrittenfor

lauerd ,lord.

lawe, law . : used here

, bmetonomy , for country.

lencten,* 2m. Lent, spring .

lencten-wuee , * Lent-weeh.

j oh. v. Rubric.engten-wuce , * Lent-week.j oh. iv. 6. Rubric.le6dbiscop, 2m. sufi


raganbi shbop.

leodene, dat. s. speech, languageonEbreuwische leodene , inthe Hebrew language.leofl iche , lovingly. L . 4 7 .

leornia, pr . subj . s. learn. L . 59.

le t, hinderance. G. 7 2.

lett , let, p. s. let.lett,

*pr. 3 s. leads. See lé dan.

lét,*p. s. let wyrcean, caused to

be made. See lé tan.liento

,lie nex t to, are adj acent.

libhtlike,lihhtlig, lightly , eastb'.



*pl. members. See lim.

oferwrihan]oferwrihan“ to cover over ;

p . s.-wrab, pl. wrigon; pp.

-wr1gen.ofemrogen, ‘ pp. covered over .

See oferwri han.0fsldgon, * p. pl. S ee ofslean.ofuundred , pp. wonder -struck.

1 1 6:z5 .

onoh, enough.

oon, one. 11: P.

ouer, everywhere, anywhere. 1 1 833 ;

P. Q .

pades. paddocks, toads. 1 1 8 10 .

pa l] . 2m. pall, robe.

pae llan’“ pce llum,dat. pl .

See pwll.

pzeniga , g en. pl. 1 5 .S ee pening.

pais, peace pais he makedemen3 deer, peace he madeformanand beast.percy l, parsley . P. P. 4 23 .

Perscoran, d al. Pershore.

pese-coddes, peascods. P.P. 4 29.

pesen, pease. P. P. 4 3 5 .

p ined , p . pl. tortured .

p ining (A . S . pinung), torture.1

pleogan.* See plegan.poletes, pullets , chickens. P. P.

4 1 7 .

poretes, P. P. 4 3 5 See porettes.

porettes, porrets, leeks. P. P.

4 23 . (Fr . po ireaux .)port , 2m. port , city. sze , so. 1 1 9 6. See was se .

preést ,* 2m. pr iest . sacht, pp. reconciled (fromA. S

pride , fineness, splendour. G . 265 . settau).quart erne (A . S . cweartern). Sanernes-dreg .

’2m. Saturday

pr ison. g csee tt, p. s.

rachenteges (A. S . moenteag).raeflac , rapine.muede -n, p. s. robbed ;

p . pl. neuedan, -en,(A . S . redfian. )


m6e, fierce, cruel, austere. S cc


rd flan, to seize, plunder .

gerefa, 1m. reeve,

refen, to reg/R marpetranslates this passag e andhad it provided w i th vestments and adds, ina footnote, Or perhaps had the

walls adorned W i th hangings.The meaning is very doubtful.


regnl, 2m. rule. canon.re iny, ra iny . G . 53 .

ride , p . pl. rode. G. 264 .

risen(A . S . rison). p. pl. rose.See risan.

ristnesse , L. 1 4 . miswr ittenforrihtnesse ? r ightness, r ight

rdhtan,‘ p. pl. S ee recan.rdhte ,

*p . s. S ee recan.

ré ’

cheerful, bright, splendid.

rotteste,superl. , most splend id :See rot.

t unan,acc. secret counsel. L .



se ttc , p. e sette, put.

gesa tte, p. s. See settau.

sandes (A . S . sand), messages,messeng ers.

saul,*3f soul. See sawe l.

sauter,Psalter . A . R .

scearp,‘ sharp .

sk ie, cloud. G. 389.

gescotum.d. pl. shots, darts.

S eeg escedt.

seht,*3f friendship, reconcilia

tion, peace pl. good wi shes.

se i,to say .

selre , comp. better .


* 2n. silver .

seonde , p . s. sent. See sendan.Sereberi

,Sali sbury .

Seuarne , S evern. L . 7 .

shape , pp. shapen, contrived,

sie , subj . s. be, may be.

synlice ,

*sinfully .

gesidp, pr . pl. see.se n.

sythen(A. S . sifihan), after

L . 67 .

S ee

si .hon(A . S . sihum), dat. pl.at times .

sygte, sight (prophetic), vi sion.R . 254 .

slep, p. s. slept .sob. (Lat. semi-oboli), shillings.

Bone ,son. L . 3 .

sorwe , sorrow, grief R . 10 1 .

soti lliche ,subtly. A . L

sotlice,*fooli shly .

spouse , A . L seems tobe used inthe same sense as

spoushod , 7th line above “that

isnot his by wedlock .



, ought. A. I .

sparian, ‘ to spare p.-ode pp .


ssreward, shrew. R . 294 .

Stanndenn, to stand ; pr . 3s.

staunt. 0. 33 .

statues,statutes. P.P. 4 5 5 .

stearc , stark,severe, rig id.


* 2m. stead, place.

stede .


to dispose, direct p.

stihte .

stifi, firm,austere, obdurate.

stole , seat, see.

strende , p . s. begat. (A . S .

Strynan. )stucchenes (A . S . stye , Ger .

stilck , piece), sections, parts.

A . R .

sturuen, p pl. died. See steor


,tofollow . G. 34 9.

suencten, p . pl.swencan.suikes (A . S . swica), tra itors.

suine . sw ink, trouble.suyhe (A . S . swit e), very ,


sumuc (to), tog ether . L . 61 .

suna, ‘ 1m. son.Sunnan-dmg. 2m. S unday .

sund swund , 2nr’ swimmingnatat io 15 he mid sunde pi eaoferl


aranwolde , that he by

swimming ,the river cross would.


suoren, p. pl. swore.swealt,

*p. s. S ee sweltan.

swencan,toafi i ct , oppress, vex

p . swencte ; pp. geswenced ,

geswenct.swica, 1m deceiver

,tra itor.


S ee


swicddm,* 2m. treachery , sedition. getredwust, * superl. truest


swikes, (A. S . swica), traitors.

trowwenn(A. S . tredwian), teswonc, p. s. toiled, laboured. believe

,trust in. 0. 4 0 , 5 1 7 2,

S ee swinken. 1 34 .


*p . pl. See swerian. twentygoba, ‘ def decl. trventieth.

swulton,* p. pl. See sweltan. twyes, twice.


tacan“ to take ; p . s. 16C, pl.t6conpp . tacen.tauh (A . S . peah), y et, though.

tehserie ; Thorpe, inhis translation


“censerie ,

”which, he say s,

is, no doubt , the same as unspeakable.cens, ’ inLow Latinccnsaria ,

rente se igneuriale e t fonc iere ,dont nu héri tage est changéenvers lo se igneur du fie i d



i l dépend .

Roquefort, Glos

sa ire Roma in.teollan, i . q. te llan.te6na

,* 1m. inj ury ,

wrong ,in

getiohhian, g eteohhian, get ih

hian, get igbian, to concede,

grant, allow , permit p.-0de


-od .

Tywes-da gfi

‘2m. Tiw

’s day ,

tocan, p . pl. took ; See

tacan.tock , p . s. took, gave. L . 54 .

to deld, p. s. divided, distr ibuted .

(A . S . té-dé lan. )toll,

* zm. toll.

to sumne , tog ether . L . 61 .

tre (A . S . trega), tribulation,

afl iction, grieftrega,

* 1m. tr ibulat ion, refl ection,emfi

nerpe ,fourth. A. Lvif

, live, living .

iuinden(A. S . g efindang. to

find ; pr . pl. iuindet . 16

11mbe, intent, endeavour ing . concerned.

unasecgendlic ,not to be told.

unzi teallendlic , innumerable.

undep (A . S .nu-dedp), undeep,

shallow .

underpzedde , ‘ p. s. subj ected.

S ee underpeddanunderpedddan’l‘ underpedddum,

dal. pl. subj ects. See 1111

derpeddan.ungederad , * pp. unhurt


annoy ed. S ee derian.ungelimp,


tune. S ee gelimpan.ungewiderung,* 3f. bad wea

ther , tempest.unlesan* to unloose, set

free, release p . s . unla s, pl.unlé son. pp. unlesen.unlagu,

*i llegalibi .

unriht, * 2n. unright, wrong ,in

j ustice.

untellendlic , *unutterable. 1 1untriw‘

h,*3f untruth,fa ithless


unwrest, frail, unstable. 1

uua ren(A. Sé . wron), were.


wua sua (A . S . hwd-swa),




*pp. See w innan.

wurtsc ipc (A . S . weor'

bsc ipe ),w orship, honour .

wur5 ,

*2n. worth.

wurbful,* worthy , dignified.

wurbsc ipe. See weor‘

bsc ipe.

wucum, dat. pl.

Y (consonant).

yene , to g ive. A . L

zechip, pr. pl. seek. A . L

23 7 15 .

zenuol, sinful. A . Lzix te

,six th. A . L

p. o .

pabbotrice , pe abbotrice, theabbacy.

hangen,"l 2m. thane. S ee pegen.be6nde ,

*pr . p . prospering ,

thriving . See

pedhan.pera(ter, thereafter , inaccord

ancew ith that. P. C. 83 . S ee

per aftur.

perf (A . S . peori, pie rf, perf,unleavened) P. P. 4 1 9.

“ THERF, wythe owte sowre

dowe (not sowryd ,Asimus.

"Prompt. Parv.

pestrede , p . s . darkened. 1

(A. S . pystrian. )pystrian, to darken, grow darkp.

-ode pp.-od .

10 (A . S . pal). thos P. C. 1 53 .

pohhtesst. See pennkenn.pohuuethere (A . S . pedh-hwa

pere),notwithstanding . 1 5 .

ponkeh, imp. pl. thank. (A . S .

panc ian.)pos. those. A . L

pop (A. S . peah), though.

popwe there, notwithstand ing .

prengde (A . S . pringan),thronged, crowded, pressed.

preom, dat. See pry.

prumde , p. s. compressed, set

pulke , those same. P. P. 4 36.

Dunres 2m. Thor’

s day ,

pur (A . S . push), through.

purhsmedde, ‘ p . searchedthrough. 1 1 . See smeagan.B urs-dzag,

* 2m. Thursdg r.

pusen, thousand.

; eorne (A . S . georne), earnestly .

;eomeli che (A. S . geornlice),diligently , intentl cautiousy .

; errndesst. S ee ; eornenn.gife , pr . subj . s. g ive. 0.

31 5 .

; iue , pr . subj . s. g ive. 16 :9.

gond (A. S . geond), bgrond ,

L . 28.

;omanly, iny eomanfashion. C061

;orke, York. H. P.



DA B ALGAN Gonsen. onEx cu se — The Anglo-Sax onversioninthe Holy Gospels, edited fromthe orig inal manuscr ipts, be B enj aminThorpe, R S .A . London uocccx u x.

Tunbasis ofthis tex t is the copy of the A.-S. Gospels, occu

pying the first 34 3 pages ofa MS. contained inthe Library oftheUniversi ty of Cambridge , and thus described by Wanley, inhisCatalogue ofA.

-S. MSS etc. , 1 705 , p. 1 52 Cod . membr. infol. min. circa tempus Conquisntionis Anglia scriptus, inquohabentur I. Evangelia quatuor Anglo-Sax onicé II. pag.

34 4 . Gesta Salvatoris nostri , sive Pseudo-Evangelium Nicho

demi III. Nathanis j uda i Legatio Fabulosa ad TiberiumCa sarem.

Fronte Cod. habentur ha qua sequuntur Inscriptiones.Hunc tex tumEuangeliommded it Leofricus E; a cclesia SB

Petri Apostoli inEx onia. ad uti li tatemsuccessorumsnorumThas Boc Leofric hgefSe

—o Petro . and eallumhis a fter-gengum

into Ex anceastre Gode mid to benienneMannautemneoterica

,Hunc Cod icemEvangeliorumGregorius

Dodde, DeannsEcclesia ex oniens. cumassensu fratrumsuorumCanonicorumdono dedit Mattha o Cantuariensi Archiepiscopo,qui i llum inhanc novam formam red igi ornari curavit.

This is regarded by A.-S. scholars as one of the most valua

ble, and, insome respects, as the most valuable, of ex istingtex ts. By sk i lled paleographers a somewhat earlier date is assigned to the MS. thanthat assigned to i t by Wanley, namely,Circa tempus Conquisi tionis Anglia .

”The grammat ical


forms and the orthography are those of the purest West-Sax ond ialect . This


,is the only early tex t containing the Rubric:

complete , which are valuable as showing the parts of Scriptureappo inted to be read inAnglo-Sax onchurches inthe several

seasons ofthe ir ecclesiastica l year.Inregard to the history of the A. S versionof the Gospels,

Dr. Bosworth, inhis valuable ed itionof the Gothic, AngloSax on, Wycliffe , and Tyndale, versions of the Gospels, re

marks Among the many books sent by Gregory the Great toAugustine , two copies ofthe Gospels inLatin, of the same size,and writteninthe same Romanuncials, are now ex tant. After

be ing safely kept inthe B ibliotheca Gregoriana inSt. Augustine ’

s Abbey, Canterbury, Archbishop Parker, at the dissolutionofreligious houses, took charge of these preciousMSS. one ofthese he presented with his other MSS. and books, to the libraryof Corpus Christi College , Cambridge , where i t still remains inperfect safetv. The other copy we know from the followingentry inthe marginfol. 2 a, Robertus CottonCuningtonensis

was among the manuscript treasures ofSir Robert Cotton.It is now inthe safe custody of the Bodle ian

,Ox ford. This

Ox ford Codex appears fromi ts history, as well as from its internal evidence , to have beenthe original from which numerouscopies were made and spread over England as farnorth as the

residence of Bede inthe monastery ofWearmouth, Durham.

The internal evidence is this,that all the Anglo-Sax onMSS.

have the large interpolationgiveninthe note uponMatt. x x .

28,wi th others which wi ll shortly be mentioned . This MS. of

the Gospels, sent by Gregory the Great, is not the Vulgate, butthe old Latinversion

,the Vetus Italica, inconstant use till the

time of Jerome, who guided by it finished his Vulgate translationof the Gospels inA. D. 384 . As the Anglo-Sax onversionwas made fromthe V etus Italica, i t may be useful inascertaining the read ings of this oldest Latinversion. We may ci te oneor two ex amplesmore inproof that the Anglo-Sax onwas fromthe Vetus Italica, andnot fromthe Vulgate ofJerome.


be read by the people , and inthe ir churches ; but we have anind isputable evidence inthe Rubrics, printed inournotes fromthe MS. that they were constantly read inAnglo-Sax onchurches


as the rubritnl di rect ions dec lare what part of the Scriptures wasappo inted for successive seasons. We haveno more knowledgeof the ex act date whenthe Gospels were first translated intoAnglo-Sax on, thanwe have ofthe translators. We are, however,

assured by Cuthbert,* a pupi l of the learned Venerable Bede , the

glory of the Anglo-Sax onchurch,that he was finishing his trans

lationofSt. John’s Gospel immed iately before his death onthez7 ib of May, 7 3 5 . As St. j ohnis the last of the Gospe ls, the

three preced ing had most like ly beenpreviously translated .

Cuthbert describes the last day of Bede'

s life with Christiansimplic i ty and feeling. Whenthe morning dawned he told us to

write d iligently what we had begun. This be ing done, one ofus

said ,—There is yet, beloved Master, one chapter wanting ; will

it be unpleasant to be asked anymore questions ? He answered,Not at all. Take

. your penand wri te wi th speed—He d id so.

At theninth hour he said to me , I have some valuables inmyli ttle chest fetch themthat I may d istribute my small pra ents.

He addressed each and ex horted to prayer. We wept. Intheevening whenhis pupil said , Dear Master, one sentence is st ill

wanting. Wri te i t quickly, ex claimed Bede. Whenit was finished ,

he said , Support me while I go to the holy place , where

I canpray to my Father. Whenhe was placed there he repeatedthe Gloria Patri

,and ex pired inthe efi



We haveno sat isfactory evidence to prove that this was the

first translationof the Gospels, nor that Bede’s versionhas comedownto us. The Scriptures, inthe ir owntongue , were reveredby he Anglo-Sax ons

,for Alfred the Great placed the Command

ments at the head of his Laws, and incorporated many panngesfromthe Gospels. Subsequent translators would naturally availthemselves ofthe versionsmade by the ir predecessors, and wri tetheminthe orthography, the language , and the style of the time

0 Smi th'

s Bede, p. 7 93 ;


inwhich they lived . From these d istinguishing features, the

age of a MS. may be ascertained with tolerable accuracy.

Sometimes persons and places arenamed , which aid infix ingthe date.

THE Homu ss or THE Arrow -Sax onCuuacm— The first part,conta ining the Sermones Catholici , or Homilies of E lfric. Intheor iginal Ang lo-Sax on, with anEng li sh Version. Vol. I. II. By

B enjaminThorpe, F . S .A . London printed for the E lfr ic

Socieg'. mocccxmv. nocccx hvr. 8vo .

Or the author of the SERMONES Carnou crwe knownothingwi th certainty beyond his name , though from the words of his

ownpreface , where he speaks of k ing tEthelred ’

s days as past ,

and informs us that inthose days he was only amonk and masspriest, it follows that he wasnot lElfric archbishop of Canterbury, who d ied inthe year 1006, or tenyears before the deathof k ing tEthelred .

Wi th better foundationwe may assume him to have beentElfric archbishop ofYork, who presided over that see fromthe

year 1023 to 105 1 . Against this suppositionthere seemsnoobjec tiononthe score of dates, and that the composer of theSermones” was a personof eminence during the life of arch

bishop Wulfstan,of whom

,accord ing to our hypothesis, he was

the immed iate successor,is ev ident from the language of his

Canons, and of his Pastoral Epistle to Wulfstan, inwhi ch hespeaks as one having authority ; though inthe first-memio

’nedof these productions he styles himself simply “ humi lis fraterand inthe other

“cElfricus and afterwards biscop.

OfE lfric’

s part in. these Homi lies, whether, as i t would seemfromhis preface , i t was that ofa mere translator fromthe several

works he there innames,or whether he drew aught fromhis own

stores, my pursuits donot enable me to speak , though i t seemsthatno one of his homi lies is

, generally speak ing, amere translationfromany one givenLatinoriginal, but rather a compila

He was abbot ofEynsham. See Biogr. Brit . Li t . p. 482, n. I.


tionfromseveral. Be this,however

,as i t may, his sermons in

ei ther ease equally ex hibit what were the doctrines ofthe AngloSax onchurch at the period inwhich they were compi led or

translated, and are for the most part valuable inmatter, and expressed inlanguage whichmay be pronounced a pure spec imenofournoble , old, Germanic mother tongue.

The manuscri pt fromwhich the tex t of the pra ent volume istakenbelongs to the Public Library at Cambridge. It is a smallfolio and probably coeval wi th i ts author

,though hardly, as i t

has beensupposed , his ownautograph copy. It isnot perfect,having sufi


ered muti lationinseveral places , but i ts defects are

all supplied inthe present work fromanotherMS. inthe Bri tishMuseum

Krivo ALraaD’

s Arrow -Sax onVaasros or 7 1111 ConrasmovsHrs


rox v or rm: WORLD BY a srvs. By the Rev. j osephB osworth

,F . R . S . PIS A . of Chri st Church, Oxford ;

London MDcccu x . 8vo .


s ANGLO-SAXON Vaasros or Bos'

rrrrvs DE ConsoLAT IONE Part.osoi w ith a literalEngli sh Translation,Notes


and Glossary . By the Rev. Samuel Fox , MA . of PembrokeCollege, Oxford, and Rector of hlorlgl, B erg/shire. London1 864 . 1 2mo.

Tm: Anglo -Sax ontranslations ascribed to Alfred are amongthe best spec imens of Anglo-Sax onprose . What portions of

these translat ions were done by the k ing himself, or what aidhe rece ived fromhis bishops and others, cannot be sat isfactori lydetermined . Wi th the ex cept ionof that of Bede

s Eccles ias

tical H istory, which closely follows the original Latin, they areall characterized by great freedom of rendition; large passagesare oftenomitted , and large passages as oftenadded, and theselast are among the most interest ing, as ex hibiting the mind andspiri t of the royal author, one of the longest of which, introduced into the versionofOrosius, is his descriptionofEurope

and the voyages ofOhthere and Wulfstan, the earliest records


panied by a literal translat ion,notes

,and a grammatical g lossaor

By S ir Freder ic Aladden, K IL ,Keeper of the MSS . inthe

B rit i sh Aluseum. I'

. 1- 111. Londonpubli shed bi the SMofAntiquar ies ry

London. 1 84 7 . roy. 8v0.

THE period of the compositionof this work , so far as canbedetermined by the few indefinite allusions inthe poemto contemporary events, is the beginning of the thirteenth century, inthe re ignof K ing John. All that is knownof the author

, andof the sources whence he derived the materials of his ex tensivework , compris ing some lines, is what he records inthesi x ty

-sevenopening lines, giveninthis volume onpages 1 2 1 -1 23 .

By“the English book that Sa int Bede made , ll. 3 1 , 32, is nu

d erstood, the Anglo -Sax onversionof Bede’

s Ecclesiastical H is

tory, ascribed to K ing Alfred though very little indebtedness tothat work canbe traced

,be)ond the account ofPope Gregory

and the captive Anglo-Sax onyouths e x posed for sale inthemarket at Rome , the same as that contained intElfric ’s Homi lyonthe B irthday of St . Gregory.

“Another he took inLat in,that SamtAlbinmaked

,and the fairAustinthat baptismbrought

h i ther in. It is not clear what book is here alluded to . The

later tex t reads, Another he took of Lat inthat Sa int Albinmaked book he took the third and laid there amid that Austinmaked that baptismbrought hi ther in, ” and makes no allusionto the work mentioned inthe earlier tex t as the third book

he took the third ,laid there amid , that maked a French clerk ,

Wace was hight, that well could write.

”Maddenconj ectures

that the author erroneously ascribed the Anglo-Sax onversiontoBede , and the Lat inoriginal to Albinand Austin. The formercontributed materials for the Ecclesiastical H istory, and is calledby Bede

“Auctor ante omnes atque adjutor opuscuh. It was

fromthe third worknamed inthe earlier tex t that La;amondrewhis chiefmaterials, though he so used them that his poemmayclaim to be regarded , to a great ex tent, as anoriginal composition. The work ofWace is a metrical translationinto NormanFrench fromGeofi


rey of Monmouth’s Historia B r itonum,and


completed, according to the last couplet of the poem,inthe

year 1 1 5 5 . It records the history ofBri tainfromthe destructionofTroy, and subsequent arrival of Brutus, to the death ofK ingCadwalader

,inA. D. 689. The versificationof Lagamonis te

markably irregular ini ts character. The peculiar alliterationofAnglo-Sax onpoetry prevails, mix ed with rhyming couplets, with

couplets both rhymed and allitera tive, and with verses that arenei ther the one nor the other. The student who would knowmore of the poem thancanbe givenhere , must consult thevaluable preface to Madden’s edition.TanANCREN Rrwu t a treati se ontheRules and Duties of monastielye. Edited and translated froma Semi Sax onMS . of tire

thirteent/z century . By fames Morton, B .D. vicar of Holbeae/z,

prebendary ofLineoln, and elraplaz’nto tire r ig id Iron. Eor] Grg'.

London printedfor tire CamdenSoeieér. uncccmn. 4 to .

THIS work was composed by some unknownecclesiastic , for theinstructionand guidance ofthree lad ies, ofgood family who ,


the irdomestics or lay sisters, dwelt at Tarente , inDorsetshire, anddevoted themselves to religious ex erc ises. The house they ocenpied became anunnery which was suppressed soonafter HenryV III .

s quarrel with the pope .

The language is Semi-Sax on, d iffering inno important t e

spects from that of Lagamon. Mortonplaces the date of its

compositionwi thinthe first quarter of the I 3th century, and re

marks,inregard to the authorship,

Wanley, who. indesc ribing the four d ifferent copies of the work , attributes it to SimonofGhent

,had evidently some doubt uponthe subject, for upon

one occasionhe speaks of i t asmerely supposed ut

No other personis anywhere ment ioned as having wri tteni tbut there are c ircumstances which render i tnot improbable thatBishop Poor was the author, and wrote it for the use of thenunsat the time whenhe re-established or enlarged the monastery. He

was bornat Tarente, and evidently took great interest inthe place.

It was the scene of his ex emplary death, and he chose to be


buri ed there. H is great learning,his active benevolence , the

sancti ty ofhis life, and his tenderconcernfor the spiri tual welfareof his friends and dependents , shewninthe pious ex hortationswhich he repeated ly addressed to them immed iately before hisdeath

,agree well wi th the lessons of piety and morality so earn

estly and affect ionately addressed , inthis book, to the anchoressesof Tarente .


THEORMULUu— Nowfirst editedfromthe orig inalmanuserwintheB odleianwith notes and a g lossary b' Robert Ill eadows White.B .D. late fellow g

S t. Alary hlagdalene College, and formerlyprofessor (y Anglo-Sax oninthe University of Oxford. V. 1 , 11:

Oxford 1 85 2. 8vo.

THE Ormulumis a series of Homi lies, inanimperfect state ,composed iniambic verses of fifteensyllables, intwo sec tionsd istinguished by the metrical po int, placed after the e ighth

syllable or fourth foot or, as printed by Dr. Wh ite , inalternateiambic te tmmeter and trimeter verses

, (the latter w ith anadd i

tional light syllable , ) wi thout alliteration, and,ex cept invery

few cases, also w ithout rhyme ; the subject ofthe Homi lies be ingsupplied by those port ions of the New Testament which were

read inthe dai ly service of the church.

All that is knownof the author is what he says of himself inthe Ded icationof the work to his brotherWalter

,that his bap

t ismalname was Ormin, and that he was a CanonRegularoftheOrder of Saint Augustine . He adds, that at the request of his

brother Walter, also anAugustinianCanon, he had composedthese Homilies inEnglish for the Spiritual improvement of hiscountrymen.The only ex isting MS. of the Ormulum is supposed to be the


s autograph, and i ts date is placed by White inthe earlypart of the 1 3 th century. A lead ing feature of the work is i ts

peculiar orthography. The rule observed by the author through

out is to double the consonant after a short vowel sometimes,but very rarely, he substi tutes the usualmark ofa short syllable .

Sometimes a single consonant occurs after a vowel, which must


spond ing port .ongivenby Matzner inhis “ Altenglische Sprachproben, two or three of whose obvious emendations were

adopted the remainder, W . 295—824 follow the tex t givenin


s Spec imens ofEarly English, which was takenfroma

contemporary MS. inthe Bri t ish Museum.

The Chronicle ex tends fromthe siege ofTroy to the death of

Henry in1 27 2. The author was a monk of the abbey of




Inthe Kenti sh dialect,1340 A . D. Edited from the autog raph

A! S inthe B r itish tlluseum,By R ichard Morri s

, Esq.

Londonpubli shedfbr theEarly Engli sh Tex t Society . 1 866.

THE Ay enbite cy’

[meat is a literal translationof a Frenchtreatise

,ent itled Le somme des Vices et de Vertues, and some

t imes, but incorrectly, styled L i lrhres roiaux de Vices et de


ertus ,

Le liz're des Commandemens La somme te roi ; Lemiroir da monde.

It was composed inthe year 1 279 for use of Philip the Secondof France , by Frere Lorens (or Laurentius Gallus, as he is desngnated inLatin), of the order of Friars Preachers. No intimationof this is giveninthe translator'

s preface . He speaks

of i t as his ownproduction. [pis boc is danM ichelia of

Northgate y-wri te anenglis of his ogene hand pet hatte Ayen

byte of inwyt. ] Mr. Bond, ofthe Bri t ish Museum,found it to

be a translation, and po inted out to the ed itor of the Rox burgh

Club the MSS. containing the original French version.From the MS. i tself we learnthat the Ay enbite of Inag't was

completed ine pe yeare ofoure lhordes beringe (birth) 1 340 ,

ine pe eue of pe holy apostles SymonanIudas, " by DanMichel of Northgate , a brother of the Clo ister of Saint Austinof Canterbury. We cannot but regre t thatno more informationis afforded us of one who so thoroughly identified himselfwi ththe country-folk among whomhe dwelt as to choose this homelyEnglish of Kent , inpreference to a less provincial formof

English, adopted by Other Southernwriters, inwhich he might


reach, as he himself says, old and young, parents and chi ldren,to eschew allmanner of sin, and to preserve a consc ience void

ofall impurity.

Much uncertainty attaches itself to most of our early Englishworks of this period as to authorship, date, and dialect—part ienlars of the greatest importance to the philologist who seeks to

gainany clearnotions ofearly English Grammar but with rare

good fortune the Ay enbite of [w t comes to us as a philologicalmonument, the value of which isnot d iminished by any uncerta inty onthese po ints. And as such i t must ever be regarded as

the standard of comparisonfor the language of the fourteenthcentury, by which a clearer knowledge of early Engli sh inflectionsmay be gained thanhas


, beenpossible bymeansof the scanty materials withinour reach.

—Selected fromEdi tor’





which treateth of the way to Hierusalem and of marvay les cy'

Inde, with other iland r and countryes. Reprinted fromthe edi

tionof A. D . 1 7 25 , with anintroduction, additional notes, and

don: 1869. 8vo .

SrR JOHN MANDEVILLE was borninthe townof St. Albansabout A. D. 1 300. In1 332 he set out onhis tra vels inthe East,and after a long absence , how long isnot known, he returned toEngland , forced to do so,

as it appears, by bod i ly ai lments. Inthe conclud ing paragraph of his work he says, p. 3 1 5 , of the

above ed i tion,

“ And I JohnMaundevylle Knyghte aboveseyd,

(alle thoughe I bé unworthi) that depart ed from oure Contreesand passed the See , the Z eer of Grace 1 3 22, that have passed

many Londes and manye Yles and Contrees,and cerched

manye fulle straunge places, and have beninmany a fulle

gode honourable Companye , and at manye a faire Dede of

Armes, (alle be i t that I d ide none my self,for mynunable

insuffisance ) now I am comenHom (mawgree my self) to



reste : for Gowtes, Artetykes, that me distreynen, the difi'

ynenthe ende ofmy labour, azenst my wi lle (God knowethe). Andthus takynge Solace inmy wrecched reste, recordynge the tynepassed, I have fulfilled theisa thinges and putte hemwryteninthis Boke, as it wolde come into mymynde, the Z eer ofGrace1 3 56 inthe 34 Z eer that l departede from oure Contrees.

Mandevi lle wrote his work inthree d ifferent languages, Latin,French, and English. Inthe Prologue he says,

"And l ee

schulle undirstonde, that I have put this Boke out ofLatynintoFrensche

,and translated i t azenout ofFrensche into Englyssche,

that every Manofmy Nac iounmay und irstonde it.George P. Marsh

,inhis Lectures onthe "Originand H is

tory of the English Language , etc . , p. 268, has noticed a commonmistake made by careless readers inregard to the time of

Mandevi lle’s returnto England , inunderstand ing him, fromthe ex tract quoted above , as saying that he spent the intervalbe tween1 3 22 and 1 3 56 abroad . The inference may be drawnfromwhat he says, that he returned some years earlier, and thathe wrote anaccount of his travels as a

“solace during his

wretched rest.

It should benoted that where the letter 2 is used inthis tex tof Mandevi lle

,it represents the Semi-Sax on3, which is a mod i

ficationof the Anglo-Sax ong ,and

,whenini tial, answers to g

ory ; whenfinal and before I, to gh.



s PontcaaomcomRANULPH

,or Ralph, H igdenwas a monk of St. Werburgh


inChester. His Polychronicon, writteninLat in, comes downto the year 1 3 5 7 . The English translationof the work by Johnde Trevisa, was finished , as stated at the end of the work, in1387 . Trevisa was vicar of Berkeley, inGloucestershire , andchaplainto Thomas Lord Berkeley, for whom the translationwas made. According to Cax ton, he also made a translationof the B ible, butno copy of i t is knownto ex ist. The translat ionof the Polychroniconwas first printed by Cax tonin1 4 82.


offamiliardetai l, so that every truthmight, ifpossible, go home,evenby the cold hearth-stone of the hungriest and most desolateofthe poor, to whomits words of a wise sympathymight be re

ci ted."As indieating the true temper and feelings of the Eng

lishmind inthe fourteenth century, it is worth volumes of history ; and the student who is desirous of understand ing this

period aright cannot possibly neglect Langland and Chaucer.Strangely too , and fortunately, these two authors are , ina greatmeasure , each the supplement of the other. Chaucer descri bes

the richmuch more fully thanthe poor, and shews the holiday

making, cheerful, genial phase of English life ; but Langlandp ictures the homely poor inthe ir ill-fed ,

hard-work ing cond ition,battling against hunger, famine , injust ice , oppression, and all

the sternrealities and hardships that tried themas gold is tried

inthe fire. Chaucer’

s satire oftenra ises a good-humoured

laugh ; but Langland'

s is that of a manwho is constra ined to

speak out all the bitter truth,and i t is as earnest as is the cry of

aninjured manwho appeals to heavenfor vengeance . Each, inhis ownway, is equally admirable, and worthy to be honouredby all who prize highly the English character and our owndearnative land. There is a danger that some who take up Piers

Plowman”may be at firSt somewhat repelled by the allegorieal

formof it, or by anapparent archaism Of language , and some

passages are sufi ciently abstruse to require a little thought andcare to be takenbefore one canseize their full meaning ; butthere are few books that so thoroughly repay a little painstakingconsideration, and, whenonce the spiri t of the poem is fully

entered into,i t is found to be replete with interest and instruc

tion. The reader who ci ti esnot throw i t aside atfirst wi ll hard lydo so afterwards and so i t must ever be with the works '

ofa true

poet, whenonce the mind is attuned to his thoughts and fee lings.Such, then, is “ Piers Plowman, a poemwri ttenwi th as intense anearnestness and as untiring a search after truth—which

is the ever-recurring burdenof it—as any inthe Englishlanguage.


The ex treme earnestness of the author and the obvious truthfulness and blunt honesty of his character are inthemselvesattractive and lend a value to all he utters, evenwhenhe isevolving a theory or wanders into abstract questions of theological speculation. But we are the more pleased whenwe perce ive,as we very soondo, that he is evidently of a practical turnofmind, and loves best to ex erc ise his shrewd English commonsense upontopics of every day interest. How oftendoes the

student of history grow weary ofmere accounts of battles andsieges and the long series of plunders and outrages revenged byother plunders and outrages which require to be againrevengedinthe ir turn

,and so onwi thout end , and long to get aninsight

into the inner every-day li fe ofthe people, the ir dress, the ir diet,the ir wages, the ir strikes, and all the minor detai ls which pictureto us what manner ofmenthey really were l And i t is insuch apoem as the present that we find all this, and find i t, too, notmerely hinted at or presupposed , but sketched out vividly and tothe life by a master hand .

DATE or THE Pou t .

WE are indebted to Tyrwhitt for having po inted out that the

Southwesternwind ona Saturday at evenmentionednear thebeginning of Passus V . refers to the storm of wind which oc

curred onJan. 1 5 , 1 362, which day was a Saturday. There

may have beenmore thanone Saturday marked by a furious

tempest, but the remark is rendered almost certainly true by

observing that other indications inthe poempoint nearly to thesame date

, espec ially the allusionto the treaty of Bretigny in1360, and to Edward’s wars inNormandy as also the mentionofthe no doubt that of 1 361 . These things puttogether leaveno doubt that Tyrwhi tt is right, and as the wind"is spokenof as be ing something very recent , the true date ofthe

poemis doubtless 1 362. But howmuch was thenwri tten? Not

all certainly, possibly only the Visionof Piers Plowman, i . e.

only the first eight Passus. The first few lines of the V i ta de


Dowel seemto imply that there was a short interval betweenthetwo poems, i . e. ifwe take themli terally, and I canseeno reasonwhy we should not. This would assignthe early part of 1362

as the date of the former poem,and the end of the same year

or the beginning of 1 363 as the date ofDowel.—Fsonr Sheat's

Ptxncx THE PLouoHuANs Cu m: (ahout 1 394 A.n. ) transcribedand edited e MS . Trin. Coll. , Cana , R . 3 , 1 5 , collated with

MS . B rht. Reg . 1 8. B . x vi i . inthe B riti sh Museum, and wdh the

old printed tex t of 1 5 53 ; to which i s appended GOD s Dx THE

PLOUGH (about 1 500 A. D.)fromMS . Lansdowne 762 b: the

Cambridge Londonpubli shedfor the Early English Tex tc ccnx v11.

THE author of the Crede”is unknown. The Plowman’s

Tale ,”introduced into some ed i tions of the Canterbury Tales

and attributed to Chaucer,though without a shadow of proba

bili ty, was most likely by the same author ; good evidences of

this are presented inSkeat’s Preface,to which the student is

Of the Crede , the Ed itor inhis Preface remarks It has

several passages of great interest, as for instance, the celebrateddescription(one ofthe best we have)ofa Dominicanconvent .

How ex cellent, again, are the portrai ts of the fat friar with his

double chinshaking about, as big as a goose’

s egg, and the poorploughmanwi th his hood full of holes and hismittensmade of

patches, followed by his poor wife going bare foot onthe bareice, that the blood followed 1

’ Whilst the cry of the plough

man’s childrensums up the early history ofthe poor ofEnglandinthe words

And alle pey songeno songe pat sorwe was to beren;pey criedenalle o cry a carefullnote. ’

The real value of the poemlies, infact, inthese and other vi vid


by Robert Bell inhis ed itionof the Poetical Works of Chaucer

in8 vols. London, 1 85 4 and by Richard Morris inthe

Poetical Works of Geoffrey Chaucer, 6 vols. London, 1 866.

Of this tex t,Wright remarks “ The Harleianmanuscri pt,

No. 7334 , is by far the best manuscript of Chaucer’

s CanterburyTales that I have yet ex amined , inregard both to antiquity andcorrectness. The handwri ting is one which would at first sightbe takenby anex perienced scholar for that of the latter part of

the fourteenth century, and it must have beenwri ttenwithinafew years after 1 400 ,

and therefore soonafter Chaucer’

s death

and the publicationof the Canterbury Tales. Its language hasvery little , if any, appearance of local dialect ; and the tex t is

ingeneral ex tremely good , the variations fromTyrwhi tt be ingusually for the better.

The valuable“ Observations onthe language of Chaucer, by

Franc is James Chi ld , Professor inHarvard College , are based

onthis tex t. This accomplished Chaucer scholar, whi le regard

ing the Harle ianas among the best tex ts ofthe Canterbury Tales,recognizes init more defec ts thanWright probably had eyes for

but with this tex t as a basis, and with the aid of the Six -tex t

prints ofChaucer’s Canterbury Tales, incourse ofpublicationbythe Chaucer Soc iety, which are ex act reprints ofthe best ex istingMSS.

,i t canbe hoped that atno distant day a tex t of Chaucer

wi ll be constructed onsound princ iples, and that as muchcertainty at least wi ll be reached as to what the poet actually

wrote , as has beenreached inregard to the tex t of Shakspeare’


Plays . As Prof. Chi ld remarks Had Chaucer beena Ger

man,the ex istingmanuscripts would have beenzealously hunted

up, strictly classified , and fai thfully compared and studied,and

we should have had only too many edi tions. It isnot desirablethat a new edi tionof Chaucer should be undertaken, until amanis found who is both competent to the task and wi lling tomake thorough work with the manuscripts. ”


CONEEssro AHANTtS or JOHN GOWER, edited andLondon:

1 85 7 . 8vo.

THE time of Gower’s birth is unknown

,but it must have

beensome, years previous to that of Chaucer. Cax ton, who

printed the first ed it ionof the Confessionin1 4 83 , speaks of

himas“ JohanGower squyer home inWalys inthe tyme of

K ing Richard the Second ; but there is no evidence that he

was a native ofWales,and as Richard the Second ’

s re igndatesfrom 1 3 7 7 , he must have beenbornmany years before. He

survived Chaucer e ight years, dying,anold manand blind


1408. The period ofthe compositionofthe Confessio Amautiseannot be fix ed with certainty, but there is pretty good internalevidence that i t lay betweenthe years 1 385 and 1 392.

The poem is d ivided into e ight books, and ex tends to someiambic te trameter verses

,rhyming inpairs. Gower


verse is smooth and regular, and , as we have it inPauli ’s tex t,which does no great cred i t to the ed itor

,the rhythm is more

easilymanaged thanthat ofChaucer’s verse. the form of which

is more organic and less mechanical thanGower’s. For a

valuable analysis of the Confessio Amantis, the student is te

ferred to Morley’

s English Writers, vol. i i. Part 1 .



Xx is used , though rarely, be ing represented by es. It somet imes represents a metathesis of se, inthe plurals of somenouns ; e. g . ,

fisc , fish bl. fix as ficsas ; d isc, di sh ; pl. d ix as

d icsas.

Z z occurs only inforeignwords.p is anabbreviationfor pa t, that, and j for and ; the fuller

formof the latter character is l), which, li ke or S ‘

, is a liga

ture combining the letters ofthe Latinword ET.


The principal use of the accent inA. S. manuscript appearsto have beento lengthenand broadenthe vowel over which it

was placed . Accord ing to Kemble* it was sometimes used to

mark a vowel where ani talic would now be used ; e.g ., pe t

geendab onsceortne 6,that ends inshort e. Colt. MS S . of

{El/ ric'

s Grammar. Accord ing to the same authority, somewords were accented for peculiar d ist inct ion, where a capi tal

init ial or capitals would now be used ; e. g . ,the pronounhe,

whenused inspeak ing of God or the Saviour, was sometimeswrittenhé or Hé, as equivalent to He or HE, but insuch cases

it was the word andnot the vowel that was meant to be accented .

The accent as now used inA . S. works, is meant to serve

only the first purpose, that of lengthening or broadening the


Many words are distinguished by the accent. which, but forthe d ifference inthe length oftheirvowels, would be representedalike ; e. g . , ac , but, ac , ooh ; ban, ban, ban, bone ; ben, wound ,bén

, prayer ; ful, full, ful, foul ; god , god, gdd , good ; is, i s,is,ice ; lim,


,lime ; man, man, man, sin, evil ; metan,

to mete,measure, métan, to meet ; wende (I , he) turned ; wénde

(I,he)weened win(Winn), contention, w ys, win, wine ; etc.

Probable poroers of the Anglo Sax onletters.

A : a inarm, art ; a= a inall ; a a inat ; é , the sameprolonged or doubled ; au and aw aw inawl ; e e inmet ;

The Gent leman’s Magazine, July, 1 835, p. 26.


6 e inthat ; f, betweenvowels, v, and this may oftenhavebeenits power inother situations, especially whenfinal g gingy ; whenfinal it was interchangeable wi th h, which, inthesame situation

, appears to have beenguttural, like ch inGer.

ouch i i init ; i : i inmachine ; 6 o inhole, tone (Gr. u);o, the same inquality, but differing inquanti ty, like modernGreek 0, and perhaps, also, as o innot ; ow ow innow ; uu inpull ; if oo inpool y and y, earlier powers Fr. u anda afterwards interchangeable wi th i and f p : th inthin; llth inthen.The powers of the other letters correspond with their pment


The character 3, used inSemi-Sax onand Early English, is a

modificationofA. S . 3 , and corresponds, wheninitial, withy ,

sometimes g ,and whenfinal, and before I, with gh, ofEnglish

orthography. Its power, whenfinal, was probably the same asthe final .4 . S . g .


Anglo-Sax onnouns have five cases, Nominative, Genitrhe, Detr


ve, Accusative, and Instrumental or Ablatiw. The use of the

latter case is however very limited , and is generally confined toneuternouns, and inthe plural, it is always the same as the defer,whenused inthe singular it ends in6.

SYNOPs1s or NovN DECLENsrorrs.

Du nno” .

m. n.N.

-a -e -e


D. an-an-anA.


h enna-n.

n. 73. C.

(. e)u u

(i )°CS

. e

N.-u N.

-a -a

G.-e -e G.

-a -enaD.

-e -e D.-um -um

A.-e -e A .

-a -a

—The dat. pl. inflectionis sometimes changed to -ou,

and this againto -an, especially inthe later port ions of the A .

S. Chronicle.


V im, m°”W ; tunge: f:W e. ages 73. 9"

Plural.N. tungeG. tungan tungenaD. tungan tungumA. tungan tungan

N. cage

G. cagan edgenaD. cdgan eagumA. edge edgan

The three nouns cage, are, edre, ear , andperhaps all theneuternouns that are embracedclension.


fat“ N. spere speru

G. fa tes fata G. speres spere

D. fa te fatum D. spere sperumA. fe t fatu A . spere speru

Observations onNouns of the SecondDeclensionNouns ofthis declension, both masculine andneuter, have thenominative and accusative cases alike inthe sing . and inthe pl. Masculinemonosyllabicnouns having a and end ing w i th a single final consonant, asdrag, change as to a inall the cases of the plural ; but end ingwith two consonants, as cmft ; the remains unchanged inthe pl.

Nouns whosenom. and ace. sing . end in-e,drop this

-e before

the end ings of the other cases ; e. g .,byrdo, hyrdes.

Neuter monosy llabicnouns end ing intwo conso . .ants, or havinga long vowel before a single final consonant, are generally uninflected inthenom. and ace. pl. e. g .

,word ,

wif, scedp. Most

polyg dlabienouns, espec ially the derivative ones, take -u intheseeases. Neuter monosy llabic nouns having a: before a single finalconsonant, take -u inthe nom. and ace pl. , and change, inallcases of the pl. , a into a ; e. g . fa t, pl. fatu ; be ll, bath ; pl.


The vowel preceding a final 1, m, n, r, or 8 , of derivative

words is often, perhaps generally, syncopated inthe oblique

cases, both sing . and pl.A final -h becomes -

g inthe oblique cases, whenfollowed bya vowel ; e. g .


, g en. beages ; sometimes i t is omitted ; e.g . , meerb, horse ; gen. meares, etc.Somenouns end ing inse ex hibi t inthe plural ame tathesis of

these letters ; e. g . fisc , fish, pl. ficsas fix as ; d isc , table, p1.

d i x as ; tusc , tush, pl. tux as.

Whenpresent participles are used as nouns,they are declined

accord ing to the second declension, the final -e of the end ing-ende being dropt ; e. g . , wealdan, to wield , rule, pr. part. weald


ende, wielding ,ruling wealdend, a ruler

, governor , gen. wealdendes, dat. wealdende, ace. wealdend , pl. nom. and acc. weald

endas, gen. wealdenda, dat. wealdendum: hé lan, to heal, pr.part. hé lende , healing ; hé lend . healer; applied throughout the

A. S. versions ofthe Gospels to the Saviour.


stdw, place ; sawe] , soul ; ge-samnung (ge-somnung), assembly, congregation, gnagogue syn, sin scd cnys -nes), sickness,

IV. sdwel sawla

G. sawle sawla

D. sawle sawlumA . sawle sdwla

N. ge-samnung ge

-samnunga N. syn synnaG. ge samnunge ge

-samnunga G. synne synnaD. ge

-samnunge ge-samnungum D. synne synnum

A. ge—samnunge ge

-samnunga A . synne synna

sedcnys sedcnyssa N. gifu gifa

G. sedcnysse sedcnyssa G. gife gifenaD. sedcnysse seOcnyssum D. gife gifumA. se6cnysse sedcnyssa A . gife(-u)gifa

Observations onNouns (y the I hird Declension.—Mostnorms ofth is declensionend inthe nom. sing . ina consonant. Those

ending in-u take sometimes -u inthe ace. sing . , and generally-ena inthe gen. pl. To this declensionbelong verbalnouns in-ung -ing), and abstractnouns in-nys -nis, -nes). A single finalconsonant after a short vowel is doubled inthe oblique cases ;

0. g . , syn, gen. synnc ; -nys -nis,nes), gen. -nyssa (mime,


messe) pinen, female servant ; gen. pinenne ; or the vowel issyncopated ; e. g . , stefen, voice, gen. stefne.The rule for syncopationis the same as that fornouns of the

Second Declension.Nouns end ing in-ung, take sometimes -a indal . sing., and

i s innom. and acc. pl.


The following masculine and feminine nouns present a

change ofthe root-vowel inthe dot. sing . and , wi th the ex ceptionofbrdbor, modot , ddhtor, inthenom. and ace. pl.

gOS goose.

lys lice.

mannman(homo).menmen.mOdormoth” .

bdc booh.

béc books.

br6c breeches.

bréc breeches.

brdbor brother.

brOlStu brothers.

burh burg , city .

byrig burgs, cities

cri cow.

Cy cows, hine.ddhtor daughter.

d6htra daughters.


03 m





































su mm e:












na m a n













Observations.—Ad[eclives having, li ke smael, a before a single

final consonant, change a to a whenever a vowel immed iatelyfollows inthe inflectionso that inthe defini te declension, wherea vowel always follows, :B doesnot appear. And such adject ives,together wi th most adjectives formed by derivative affix es, and,generally, the past partic i ples of strong verbs, which always endin-en, take , inthe indefinite declension-u

,inthenom. sing .

fem and inthenom. and ace. pl. neuter. But they oftenappear

inthenom. sing . fem. without the -u, and inthenom. and ace.

pl. neuter they end in-e , like the mase. andfem.

Derivative adjectives end ing in-er,

-or,-e l, -ol, -en, and -ig,

generally lose the vowel inthe end ings whena vowel immed iately follows inthe inflectione. g . ,

balig becomes halg fasger

becomes faegr etc. A final -e , occurring inthenom. s ing . , is,

like anunessential -e inthe noundeclensions, dropped intheoblique cases. It is, of course . retained inthe ace. neuter sing .

of the indefinite declension, and inthe nom. sing . masc. of thedefini tive declensionit is d isplaced by -a.

Adjectives end ing, like grim,ina Single consonant, preceded

by a Single unaccented vowel, double this consonant intheoblique cases

,whena vowel immediately follows inthe inflec

tion, and also inthe nominat ive of the definite declension,before -a



A final -h inthenominative is generally changed to -g inthe

oblique cases whena vowel immediately follows ; and also inthenom. sing . of the def. decl. or i t is dropped . A final -u

becomes -w inobli que caseswhena vowel follows e. g . , nsaru,

narrow purh pe tnearwe geat, through thenarrow gate.Partr

crples, bothpres. and past, take the defini te and indefinitedeclension.


The comparative degree which, inwhatever relationit is used,takes only the definite mode ofdeclension, is formed by affix ingto the positive -ra,

-se ,-re

, for the masmline, feminine, and


The adv. myclc , abl. q“ mycel, has comparative ma ; wel,

superl. wyrrest (wyrst) ease, can't) comp. 66 superl. eabost.

Other irregularit ies, so far as they occur inthe tex t, arenotedinthe Glomary.


I. Psasomu. Paox ouus.

The personal pronouns are,ic , I, pri , thou, he, ned, hit he

and are declined as follows

Nam. Gen. Dat.

10 min me mewit uncer unc uncwe ti re (ri ser) us us

P6 Pin Pt: Pe

git incer inc incge cower eow cow

he his him hinehed hire hire hf(big)hit his him hi t

Plur. (for allgenders)hi (hig)hira (heora)him(heom)hi(hig)Other and less usual forms will be found, whenthey occur.

inthe Glossary.

The pronouns ic and pri are the only words inAnglo-Sax onthat have a dual.

II. Possrtssrvx Anne-rm Paorrouus.

The genitives ofic and pri , sing . ,dual, and pl. are used aspos

sessive adj ectivepronouns, and are declined accord ing to the indefinite mode ofdeclension. They are min, nuoer, ti re (user), pin,incer, edwer. Those end ing in-er usually drop the e whenavowel follows inthe inflection e. g . ,

uncer, gen. uncres ; ti remakas the gen. , dot , and acc. fem. ti re instead of urre, so that it


is unchanged inthe sing .fem. user presents some peculiarities.It is thus declined

fl n. m. j : n.M ri ser user ri ser usse (ri ser)G. usses usse usses ussa (ussera)D. ussum usse nasum ussumA. ti seme usse ri ser usse (ri ser)

There isno possessive adjectivepronounof the third personanswering to the Lat . suus, sua, suum,

the genitives sing . his, hire,

his, and pl. hira ofthe personals being used instead ; and there

isno reflex ive pronounanswering to the Lat. sui , sibi, se, the per

sonal pronouns being used , to which sylf, self; is sometimes joined ,butnot generally as inmodernEnglish. Sylf is declined bothdefinitely and indefini tely, and agrees innumber . gender , andcase with the pronoun. Whenused indefinitely, it corresponds,inmeaning with the modernEnglish self; hine sylfne abeng,(he) hanged himself,

Matt. x x vi i . 5 ; whenused definitely, itmeans same he wees twegendagas mpé rc sylfanstdwe, he wastwo days inthe same place, Joh. x i . 6. InAnglo-Sax onpoetry,sinsometimes occurs as a reflex ive possessive of the third per

son, inthe sense of suus,-a


, but not of ej us ; 174 henewisse word ne anginswefnes sines

,thenhe knewnot word nor

beginning of hi s dream,Thorpe

’s Ga dmon, p. 223, l. 27 ;

swgde begra pane hearransinum,said the thanhs of both to his

master, Id . p. 4 5 , l. 1 3 hét pasecansine gerefangeond isu elacarme Iafe , bade thenseek hi s reeves through Israel


s poor remnant,Id . p. 220

,I. 3 1 .

III. Damons'rnu rvnPsouovus.The demonstrative pronouns are se , se6, pm(is, ea, id, ille,

illa, illud), and pes, peds, pis (hie , hwc , hoc) se,se6, fi t, is

also used as a definite article (6, h, sci ), and as a relative pronoun(qui , qui


. quod )


fse sed

pas pé re

pam(pam) pé re

POM (Pane)P4mu

mG. pises

D. pisumAce. pisneAbl. pcds

i le, ylc, i lk, same, be ing always preceded by some formof

the demonstratives se, sed, pa t, or pes, pcds, pis, takes the definitedeclension; se i lce , sed i lce, pe t i lce.pyllic, pylic, pylc =W lie, the lake, such, talis, takes the

indefinite declension.swile (swylc, swelc), such, swa lie (or swd ile t), takes

the indef. decl.puslic, thus tahe, such, indef. decl.

IV . Imnnocu m Paonourrs.The int rrogative pronouns are hwa, bwe t, who, what hwa

Ber, which of two, uter ; bwile, hwylc, who, what, what sort ,

hwi is thus declined



hwam(hwam)c. hwone (hwane)


-en, sometimes with and sometimeswi thout a change ofthe rootvowels. The past tenses of verbs of the weah order are formedby afi x ing -ode (a de, -ede), -de or -te to the root, and the padparh


eiples, by afi x ing -od -ad, -cd), -d, or -t, and, i t: additionto the sumz, one class of the weak order undergo inthe pastu se and pastparticiple a change ofthe root-vowels.The strong verbs are divisible into various classes, according

to the character of the root -vowels of their present and past

Smossrs or runInu c'

rrorrs or S'

raono Vans.

plur .-a6 and -e

plur.-ou -en)

-onSubj . Past sing .



Imper. sing .

-ah and -e

-an. Dat. (Gerund) to -anne -enne).Pres. Part. -ende ; Past Part. -en.

The ending 4 8 of the Pres. Indie. pl. and the Imperativeplis used whenthe subject pronouneither precedes or is omittedthe ending -e is used whenthe pronounimmediately follows.Gauss“. Runs TO anOssssvsninms Conwau rox or


raono Vases.

r. The r pers. sing . and the whole plur . of the Indie. Pres.

the whole Subj . Pres.,the Pres. Part. and the Imperative, have

always the same root-vowel.

z. The r and 3 pers. sing . of the Indu'

. past have always the

name root-vowel.


3 . The 2 pers. sing . and the whole plur. of the Indie. Past,and the whole Subj . Past have always the same root-vowel.

4 . The vowel of the end ings -est and -et$ofthe z and 3 pers.sing . of the Pres. Indie. is generally syncopated, and thentheroot-vowel is d ifferent fromthat ofthe 1 pers. sing .

The root-vowels of the 1 pers. usually undergo the followingchanges inthe z and 3 pers. sing .

e becomes i , sometimesy ; e. g . , ic stele, pd sti lst or stylst, he

stylii , steal, stealest, stealeth.

cc becomes i , sometimes y ; e. g . ,is steorfe, pd stirfst or

styrfst, he styrib, die, diest, dieth.

a becomes e ; e. g .,ic bace, pd becst, he becB, bahe, bakest,


ea becomes e , sometimes y ; e. g . ,ic fealle, pd felst or fylst,

he fylti , fi ll, fallest, falleth.

u becomes y ; e. g . , ic spurne, pd spymst, he Spyrnti , spurn,

4 becomes w ; e. g . , ic blawe, pd ble wst, he blwwb, blow,

6 becomes 6 ; e. g . ,ic grdwe, pd gréwst, he gréwb, grow,

ea becomes y ; e. g . ,ic hledpe, pd hlypst, he hlypti , leap,

leapest, leapeth.

ed becomes 9 ; e. g . ic credpe, pd crypst, he crypts, ere¢,

creepest, creepeth.

d becomes y ; e. g . ,ic sdce, pd si est, he sycb, suck, suekest,

i, i , 6, and k ,

remainunchanged e. g . , ic singe, pd singst, hesingb, sing , singest, singeth ic dri fe, pd drifst, he drift , drive,

drivest, driveth ic wépe, pd wépst, he wépti , weep, weepest, we¢~

eth ic ondré de, pd ondré dst, he ondré t, dread, dreadest,

Where -st and 45 ofthe z and 3 pers. ofthe Indie. Pres. wouldnot unite easily wi th the final element of the root the fol

lowing euphonic changes take place


After a final -t of the stem,-st is retained, but -8 is dropped ;

e. g . , ic ete, pd itst (y tst), be it (yt); eat, eatest. cats ; or it is

changed to -t, be i tt (ytt) ; an-st of the stem is dropped before

the ending -st, and inthe 3 pers. 15 is dropped ; e. g . , ic

berste, pd bi tst, he birst, burst, burrtest, bursts.

A final -d ofthe stemis sometimes dropped inthe apers. sing . ,

and inthe 3 pers.-dt$ becomes -t or -tt ; e. g .

,ic ride, pd ri st,

he ri t,ride


,rides ; but whena final -d of the stem is pre

ceded byn, i t is changed to -t inthe 2pers. sing . ,and inthe

3 pers. ~db becomes -t as before ; e. g . ,ic finde, pd fintst, he

A final 4 5 of the stem is omitted before -st and 45 e. g . , ic

weorlie , pd wirst (wyrst), he wirh (wyrb), become, becamest, becomes.A final-s ofthe stemis dropped before -sr, and inthe 3 pers. 4 5

is changed to -t ; e. g . ,ic arise, pd arist, he arist, ari se, arisest,

ari ses.

A final -h ofthe stemis dropt inthe 1 pers. sing . of the Indie.pres.

, and through all the sing . of the subj . pres. ,toge ther with

the end ing -e ; e. g . , slea for sleahe, slay ; fled for fledhe , fleeinthe Infln. the -h ofthe stemis oftendropped with the a oftheend ing ; e. g .

, sleanor slanfor sleahanor slahan; flednforfledhan.A final -

g ofthe stem, ex cept whenpreceded byn, is changedto -h before ~st and 4 5

,and inthe r and 3 pers. sing . of the past

tense ; e. g . ,ic fledge, pd flyhst. he flyhti , fly , fliest, fl ies ; fledh

(1. he). flewInthe past tense , 2 pers. sing .

,the whole plur. , and inthe

past part , the following final consonants of the stems are

generally changed, by reasonofthe vowels which follow

-h is changed to -g ; e. g .

,fledhan, tofly , flee ; past, i t: fledh,

pd fluge, we, ge, hi , flugon; pastpart , flogen.6 is changed to -d e. g . ,

weorban,to become past, ic wearb,

pd wurde, we , ge, hi , wurdonpast part ,worden.

-s is changed to r ; e. g . , cedsan, to choose ; past, ic ceds, pd

cure . we , ge, hi , curon; past part , coren; genesan, to recover,

lesan, to read , are ex ceptions.


Pmnreus or Vanes HAV ING ma su mRoor-Vowru. mucosa

our Tri s SINGULAR AND sw an. or runPAST Ixmcarmu rnSusjuucrrvn.healdan(class to hold

,keep, observe sawan(class i t. ) b

no; wépan(class v. to weep standan(class ix . to stand

healde sawe

z. hyltst stewst

3 . hylt sé wi i

PL 1 , z, 3 . healdatl sawaii

r. hedld

z. bedlde

3 . hedld

PL 1,z, 3 . heoldon

z, 3 . healde sawe wépe standez, 3 . healdon sawon wépon standon

S ing . r, z, 3 . bedlde

Pl. 1 , z, 3 . hedldon

healdan sawan wépan standanDal. td-healdanne té-sdwanne té-wépanne té-standanne

healdende sdwende wépende standende

(ge )healden (ge-)sawen (gs-)wdpen (ge standenRemark—Whenthe e ofthe endings -est and -etl of the a and

3 pers. sing . pres. Indie. is not syncopated, thenthe root-vowel


is found unchanged inthese persons. Accordingly we find,especially inA. 8. poetry, where inthe earlier forms of the

language appear, healdest, healdeh, sawest, sawed ,wépest,

wépeb, standest, standeb. And so ofotherverbs. The abridged

form,with the root-vowel unchanged , is also presented by some

verbs ; e. g .,healt, for hylt, or hee ldeh.

PaRAa us or V aRss or wrrrcrr Tri s ROOT-Vowsrs or THE 3

Parts. me . AND THE wrrour. PL. or Tart PAST INa ATrva,

AND or Tri s wrrour PAST SvsJUNcrrvs , rs c i taNGan.cweban(class x i i . to say ; beorgan(class to protect,

cedsan(class to choose ; yrnan(irnan, classx x i . to run.

1 . cwebe

z. cwyst

3 . cwy'


Pl. 1,z, 3 . cwetiab

r. cwreb

a. cwé de

3 . cwmb3Pl. 1

,z, cwiedon curon urnon




PI. 1,

cwé de

cwé don00



r a

PI. r, a,

cwetlan beorgan cedsan yrnanDat. td-cwebanne té-beorganne td—cedsanne té-yrnanne



cweflende beorgende cedsende yrnende

(ge )cweden (se-)borgen (ge )coren urnen'


Verbs of the weak conjugationform their preterites by the

add itionof -ode -ede), -de or -te, to the root ; the ir past

participles by the add i tionof -cd, -cd,

-d or -t. Some tak ing-de or -te,

-d or -t, change the root-vowel inthe past tense andpast participle , e becoming ea, 6, <5, etc. With the ex cep

tionof the change of -d to -t,which is not essential, but

resulting from the character of the preced ing consonant , thefollowing inflections are commonto all.

Smoasrs or Tm: INFLEC'I‘IONS or m : Vaans.

-ati and -e

-eu dot . infln. té -anne -enne).Pres. Part. -ende ; Past Part. -d.

h u mans or WanVanes.lufian, to love , déman, to deem, j udge tellan, to tell ; sécan, b


ring . in-e instead of-a. The verbsnerian, to save, preserve, derian, to hurt, tnj ure, dynian, to din, sound, are ex amples. V erbs of

this class, however, arenot always found uniform intherr rnflections, but sometimes present those ofthe first and second classes.

h u manor TunVans

nerie nerest nerebneriab neriab neria'h

nerede neredest neredeneredon neredon neredonnerie nerie nerienerion(en) nerion(en) nerion(en)nerede nerede neredeneredon(en) neredon(en) neredon(en)

nereneriah (e)

nerianDat. ténerianne.neriende ; Past Part. nered.

General Observations.—The subj . pl. sometimes ends in-en.

Some A. S. grammars give -enas the regular end ing, but

-onismore frequent, espec ially inprose.

Verbs like tellan,whose stem ends ina double consonant


take i t single before -st and 45 ofthe ad and 3d pers. sing . of the

pres. indie. ,inthe past sing . and pl. , and inthe inrperative sing . ,

which ends in-e.

Verbs whose stems end inrun,drop the ninthe past tense,

butnot inthe pastpart. e. g . ,nemnen, toname p. nemde pp.

nemned .

Verbs whose stems end inld, nd, and rd, drop the d inthepast tense, before the ending -de ; e. g . , gyrdan, to g ird ; p.

gyrde ; pp. gyrded.

After a final p of the stem,or x , oflenafter 8 , and after t pre

ceded by a vowel,the d of the past ending is changed to t, and


this change sometimes takes place inthe pastpart. e. g . , cépan,b hew p. cépte grétan, togreet, approach p. grétte dyppan,b dip p. dypte pp. dypt cyssan, to ki ss p . cysts.

V erbs whose stems end with a double or a single c, preceded

by a long vowel, change the c to h before the end ing -te of the

past tense, and before the ending -t of the past part. e. g . ,té

can, to teach p . ttehte ; pp . tteht ; séeen, to seek ; p. sdhtc pp.

sdht ré can, to reach ; p . ré hte ; pp . ré ht ; but whenthe c is

preceded by a consonant, i t remains unchanged inthe past tenseand past part. , which take, respectively, -te and -ed ; e. g . , senan

,to sink p . sencte ; pp. senced .

Verbs whose stems end wi th ht,lt,nt, rt , ft, st, and tt, drop

the t, before the t of the past tense end ing ; the past part. is

formed e ither regularly by the add itionof-ed, or by the omissionof the end ing ; e. g . ,

rihtan,to r ightm,

set r ight ; p . rihte ; pp.

gerihted scyrtan, to shortenp. scyrte ; pp . scyrted ; restan, torest p . reste pp. rested settan

,to set

, place, appoint ; p. se tte ;

pp. geset, gesett.

TunDATrva INrrrNrTrvnonGsRUND.

The dative of the infinitive, which ends in-anne -enne), andis always preceded by té corresponds infunctionwi th the

English infinitivepresent, active andpassive, the Latinsupines, infinitive future, active and passive, etc. Its chief force, as the prefixté ind icates, is to ex press the drzfl of a feeling or quality, or

the purpose of anact, the té having the force of the modernEnglish “ for, which is retained inthe phrase

“to boot.


While the distinc tive end ing -enof the Early English infinitive,derived from the A. S.

-an, was fad ing out, this dative formof

the infinztive was gradually tak ing the place of the pure infinitive,and inmodernEnglish i t has almost entirely supplanted i t

The pure infinitive is used after the so-called aux iliar ies do, d id,

will, shall, would , should, may, can, must, might, could, etc. ,

of which it is the d irect complement, and after a few verbs like

see , bid, dare, let, etc.



ddn, to do, willan,wylian, to will, nyllan, to be um

welling , bedn, wesen, to be, habban, to have, and the preter itr'


(gan, to own, nunan, to g rant, cunnan, to know ,be able


toprofit , be worth, durran, to dare, gemunan, to remember,magan,

tobe able,mdtan, must, ought (debere), sch lan, to owe, be obliged,

must, ought, purfan, to need , wi tan, to know,

ni tan,nytan, not tb

hnow,are giveninfull inthe Glossary.


The student who has some knowledge ofthe Latin, Greek , or

German, syntax ,wi ll have but li ttle d ifficulty inmaking his own

rules inregard to A. S. mtax . That acb'

eetives agree wi th the

nouns they limi t or qualify, ing ender, number, and case,that they

are themselves limited bynouns inthe g enitive and dative, that

verbs agree with their subj ects innumber, and person, that the irdirect obj ects are generally inthe accusative case, that some prepositions take anaccusative case after them, some a dative, and somea dative or accusative, that certainconj unctions governthe subj unctivemood, etc. , etc. , the student should be able to see for himself,inthe course ofhis reading.


the gen. inme. Inthe later tex t the pl. terminationnone. andcar. is ines, instead of en. A fewnouns have es inthe g en. sing .

as woruldes, welles, chirches, and the first of these is found inA. 8.

There are but few neuter nouns inA. S. of the simple deelension, and inLayman,meri e , pt. seems to be the only ex ample,the dot . of which is not only a ;en, egen, as equivalent to the

A. S. eagum, but also, g ene-n, egene-n, by anaddi tionalsyllable, and this form appears, improperly, insome other

words. The neuters of the complex order are numerous, andgenera lly end ina consonant. They are declined like the

masc. nouns, wi th the ex ceptionof forming the nom. and ace.

sing . and pl. alike,as inA. S. Sometimes the ace. sing . takes

ane,and, ina few instances, n. The pl. also has sometimes


inaddition, the terminations es,en, e inthe earlier tex t, but in

the later only es or e.

The genders of thenouns inthe earlier tex t generally followthose inA. S. Inthe later tex t there is less conformi ty, andoftenthe gender is wholly neglected , particularly offeminine

Propernames generally follow the forms ofmasculinenouns ;the gen. ines is generally ex pressed inthe later tex t by the pronounhis ; the dat. sing . oftentakesninthe earlier tex t.


Adjectives of the inde/ I decl. follow nearly the A. S. form,and

retaininboth tex ts the [m. , gen. and dat. , and masc. ace. less

frequently, however, inthe later tex t. Inthe dat. m. and n. afinal nis oftentakeninthe earlier tex t, and sometimes inthenom. sing . andnom. and ace. pl. The regulardat. pl. is inen, butnis sometimes omitted . Whenused definitely, after the defini tearticle , a personal pronoun, or connected wi th the geni tive case ,

anindeclinable e is taken,which is

,inboth tex ts, oftenomitted.

Occasionally the de/ Z form .has the final n. The de/ Z form is


also sometimes found, where the ordinary rule would require

Comparatives and superlatives take e whenused defini tely, andinthe pl. as inA. 8 . they governthe nounfollowing intheg en. ease , a rule which continued throughout the period of

Middle English.


The personal pronouns are the same as inA. S but the use

of the gen. sing . appears to have become obsolete, ex cept inthepossessive form. The gradual change fromthe Anglo-Sax onace.hine to him is very perceptible inthe later tex t. The pl. formsof heo and heore(n) inthe early tex t, are inthe second hi i andhire . The fem. heo, she, is inthe later tex t, geo or ; e . Inthefirst tex t

,heo is oftenused inthe acc. , for which the second tex t

substi tutes hire , as inmodernusage. The dot. and ace. pl.

heom(rarely, hem)become hamor gaminthe later tex t, whichoccasionally, however, has the older form.

The dualfi rmof the pronounis preserved inthe earlier tex t,as inA. S. , butno trace of i t occurs inthe later.Inthe nom. pl. of the 2d pers. pronboth tex ts have ;e , y e

the gen. is singularly varied,but the prevai ling forms are eower,

eouwer,inthe earlier, and ;oure or ;ure inthe later tex t. So

also inthe dat. , eow becomes ;ou,but with several variations ;

and inacc. , ecu, eow, become ;ou, ou,which forms are never

found inthe earlier tex t.Verbs of motionoftentake a redundant dat. pronas inA. S.

The possessivesmin, mi , and pin, pi , are declined as inA. S. ,

and are used indiflerently before consonants or vowels ; but inthe later tex t, the gen. m. and/ Z, the dat . and gen. pl. , arenevermet with

,and the ir use must have become obsolete. Inthe

dot. sing . and pl. the A. S. umbecomes e.

The demonstrative pes or pecs, pas, pis, also follows the A. S.

model closely inregard to genders, although the forms are muchvaried and confounded . The later tex t genera lly avoids the


the gen. inme. Inthe dat. fem. , but eveninA. S. pisse was0“ is in4 instead ases. The ancient terminationinuse be


fl ldfl ,”70113 3 , but inthe later tex t this is d isregarded, and

A. 5 clined pis substituted,as inmodernEnglish.

There are but f(:rved inboth tex ts, as it is to a later period,and in14 33 01 i t inRobert ofGloucester, and eveninthe

the dal . Of which,inthe 1 4 th century. The gen. pl. pissera

A 5 04mmoccurs inboth tex ts.W pa, pe (sometimes peo)and pat, is used indifl



ently for who, which, that , and is generally followed by the sub:mood

, as inA. S.

The pronounthat or those is ex pressed inthe earlier tex t by

peo, both inthenom. and acc.,which inthe later becomes paie

or paye.

Whi le or wule, of the earlier tex t, takes the formof woche

inthe later,which is undeclined, ex cept inone instance , where

the ace. terminationwochue is found . The other pronominaladjectives follow the same rule as the indyi deel. of adject ives.


The numerals adhere closely to the A. S. forms. Anor onisused both as anumeral and anarticle. As a numeral it is dec lined like the A. S. in, but inthe later tex t the fem. forms are

neverused, and the others are oftenneglected. Its contracted form,

a, is prefix ed to sing . nouns and adj ectives beginning with a consonant, inall cases and g enders. The d istinctionbetweenthen.and f twa, be , and m. twe ien

,beien, is sti ll observed , but the

latter sometimes takes a final e, and also sometimes elides then. The g en. and dot. cases of twa, the g en. of bar, and dot . ofpreo ,

are found inthe earlier tex t, but not inthe later. The

compound ba-twa occurs likewise as ba-tue ie , but inA. S. is

indeclinable. Thenumbers fromfour to twelve are usuallynudeclined , but also take e, and sometimes en

,as uiuen

, a hten.Others elide then, as seoue , nige, elleoue. The A. S. terminat iontig becomes ti , and is undeclined . vet we have pritt ie inthe


forms are used. Sometimes the weak form is found only inthelater tex t, as walkede for weollten, iclemde for iclumben.Inthe irnperative, both the 3d pers. sing . and pl. occasionally

have a final ninthe earlier tex t,e. g . , Lieu nu pere Colgim,

Lie now there, Colgrim,

v. 830. The same anomaly occurs inthe ad and 3dpers. ofthe pres . tense subj . It may be a question,however

,whether some of these instancesmaynot be anellip

tical mode of speech, inwhich the infin. is employed , with theaux iliary verbs let

,may , or should understood .

The conjugationini is still clearly to be dist inguished, asalso the prevalence of the infinitive ini , ie, ory (by the elisionofn), sti ll retained inthe westernand southerndialects. Inthelater tex tno fewer thansix ty-five verbs form the infinitive thus


ofwhichnumber elevenare found likewise inthe early tex t.The use of the participle present is very limited , and only

thirty-three instances are found inboth tex ts, ofwhich two-thirds

are supplied by the earlier. The usual terminat ioninthe firsttex t is inende or inde , but three participles have the double

end ing ends and inge , and is once ininge alone. Inthe latertex t both terrninatious are also found, but the proportionofthoseininge isnearly half. Occasionally the later has ende


the earlier reads inge .

Past participles ofweak verbs, ind or t, take e inthe plural,and ind oftendouble the consonant, as adradde


awedde,ibredde , i hudde , iladde, etc . , but inthe later tex t the

e or de is sometimes omitted . Participles of the strong conjugatious, end ing inen, take e orne inthe pl. , and e inthe sing . ,

after a def: article . Inthe later tex t the final nis generallyomitted, and not unfrequently inthe earlier. As inthe preteri tes, instances are found of the past participle inboth formsof ed and en.


Adverbs, as inA. S. are variously formed, and reducible to the

same classifieation. Verymany, compounded ofaprepositionand


anouninthe dative ease, retaininthe first tex t the final n, butsometimes omit it inthe second . The presence ofthisnis oftenfound where i t isnot countenanced by A. S. usage, and i t wouldseem that inthe 13th and t sth centuries, this usage was very

prevalent. Eveninadverbs formed fromadj ectives the same anomaly is found . Instances ofthe genitival adverbs are seeninarnes,once, wies we ies, any way , bi -halues, beside, aside, bilifes, quickly ,

for‘b-rihtes, forthright, daeis nihtes, be day and 5 ’night, wintres ne sumeres, winternor summer whi lst derived fromthe dot.

we have d igelen, secretly (A. S. ondiglum), lim-mele, piecemeal,prec ien, thrice, and whi len, whilom,



The prepositions are the same as inA. S. with the additionofa few forms which take a finaln. The rule of government alsois ingeneral conformable to A. S. grammar, but occasionallyvariable andneglected, especially inthe later tex t.

The syntax inthe earlier tex t closely resembles that of the

Anglo-Sax on, but isnot everywhere constant . The use of the

double dative, as inA. S. , the latter governed by to, is frequent,and inthis construct ionit is oftendifli cult to d ist inguish betweenthenounand the infinitive. Nouns of multitude are used wi th a

verb inthe plural, and monorme occurs wi th the 3d pers. sing .

as inthe German, Dutch, and French languages. Nouns oftime used absolutely are inthe accusative. Comparatives andsuperlatives require a gen. after them,

as also the highernumerals.A few adjectives governthe gen. , and some both gen. and dot.Some verbs require a gen. and some a dot. After the aux iliaries

would and should a verb of motionis oftenunderstood. The

verbs cumen, to come, iwitan, to go, and some others, are fre

quently used also with a verby motioninthe infinitive to ex pressanactionpast ; e. g . , per comfarenAppas, there came asfare


Appas, i e. , there arrived Appas. After pat, leste, bute , forte, gif.

the verb is found inthe subj unctive, butnot always.It must be observed, inregard to all these rules, that the later

tex t is seldomuniform,but ex hibits everywhere the effects of a

gradual desuetude of the original structure ofthe A. 8. forms of


damand hi sfather’

s streng th ower uederes ;erde, your father'



The dat. sing . is Oftenlike the ace. inother words, the -e is


The gen. pl. has the ending -e sometimes, as dunte, cf strokes,

but oftener -ene. Ex amples —d .inte loBest, loathest of stroke s

pe euglenenerd, the army cy’

angels ; muhene swetest, sweetest ofmouths ; pe pornene krune, the crown(y thorns; alre peauwenemoder, mother of all virtues ; of fuwelene cunde , of thenature (yfowls; alle monne ledene euglene, all the tongues ofmenand

The masculine nouns of the second declensionare declinedthus


Ex amples Of gen. sing .—bore hweolp, bear

s whelp ; asse

earen, ass’s ears ; pe drake heaued , the head of the dragon his

sune deab, hi s son’s death ; his wuruhte honden, the hand s qf

The following are deviations fromthese two declensionsbroher, mon, rob,

vot, make pl. brebren, men, teh, vet ; monnss gen. pl. monne, and some Of i ts compounds follow i t

alre monne dusigest, most fooli sh cy'

all men; bi heord-monnehulen, the herdmen’s tents.

FnrrNrNx s .

tungeu lefdies


Some have the M . sing . ending ina consonant,whilst the

other cases take -e,as N. hen, G. henne . But these cases are

few,thenom. having -e

,like the other eases, nearly always. A

few also which end ina consonant retainthe same formthrough

out the sing . ,as

, buruh.

Ex amples of g en. sing .— ine tunge honden, inthe hands

(porver) ey’

the tongue ; for aue cwene worde, for a woman’s

word ; inEue point, inEve’s ease inMarie wombe , inMacy’


womb; wuluene ste ine , the voice of a she-wolf ; henne kunde,the nature of a hen; anelde prik iunge , pricking of aneedle ; pewombe pot, the pot cf the belly ; pe neddre heaued , the serpent ’shead ; pene helle dogge , the dog of hell soule node

, food cf the

soul ; i pine heorte bur, inthe bower cy’

thy heart ; wibinnenhismoder wombe

, withinhi s mother ’

s womb; pe buruh preostes, the

pr iests of the eige. Such are the commonforms. Instances,

however, are not wanting of feminine gen. sing . in-es .—his

moderes wop, hi s mother'

s weeping Hesteres nome,Esther



name ; ; iscunges salue , the remedy of covetousness efternihtespeosternesse , after the darkness of thenight.Some feminine nouns have the pl. end ing -en

,as —urouren,

comforts ; honden, hands ; sustren, si sters ; douhtren, daughters;neddren, serpents ; etc . Others have -es —lokuuges, Iookingsfondunges, temptations eadinesses, beatitudes .

NEUTERS.Neuternouns are declinednearly inthe same manner as mas

N. word wordes

G. wordes

D. worde wordes

A . word wordes.

The dat. sing . is Oftenlike the accusative, without theSome neuters have -enor -ninthe pl. , as treon,

pt. treon. Lim,limb

,haspl. limenor limes.



The gen. pl. where i t occurs ends in-e,-ene, or -en -piuge

strengest, strongest of things ; among wiuene sunes, among thesuns cy'

womenhore hefdensturiunge, the shaking cy'

their heads ;

to childrens scole, to a children's school.

Eare is perhaps the onlynounwhich follows eie.

The following points are worthy Ofnotice : 1 . The sing . has

cast off fromits endings the -nwhich is seeninthe A. 8. weak

declension. z. The -es ofthe gen. sing . has begunto be ex tendedto the feminine nouns. 3 . The pl. ending -es

, originally onlymasculine, isnow used for all genders. 4 . There isno longer anySpec ial formfor the dat . pl. , but it is like the accusat ive. These

are all steps toward the modernlanguage.


Aefieetives and Past Partiaples, thoughnot regularly and constantly inflected, retainmany marks of the ir former declension.Whenpreceded by pe , pes thi s), or a possess ivepronoun, theyhave the defini te inflect ion-e

, as—pe grimme wrastlare , the grim

wrestler ; O penuorbodene eppele , onthe forbiddenapple ; pet

rotede lich, the rottencorpse ; pes laste bore hweolp, thi s last bear’


whelp mid hore ead ie bonen, with their blessed pray ers ; mineleoue sustren, my dear si sters.

Under other c ircumstances, adj ectives and past participles take

the endings of the indefinite declension, as may be seeninthefollowing e x amples z—g en. sing . masc. of reades monues blode,of the blood q/ a red man alles we is, inevery 20c , b' allmeans ;dat. sing . masc. inone wel itowunemube, ina well ordered mouthace. sing . masc. enne wi dne hod . a wide hood ; enne fulnenome


a [on] name nenne swuchne mon, no such man enne swut e


muchel (much)

lute], lut (little)

leste (late)neih (nigh) nex t

norme, uormenvuemest

rst PersonPl.

N. ich we pu ; e

G. min, mi ure [vre] pin, pi ower, ouwer, owr, our

D. me us pe on.4 . me us pe ou

Minand pinare only used as possessives. They are to someex tent inflected like aapeclives. The final letter is sometimesdropped , leavingmi , pi . pu pin, etc. , and all otherpronouns, beginning with p change i t into t whenpreceded by a word end ingind or t, as inthe following —pi steine is me swete , ti bwi te

schene , llyrvoice i s sweet to me, and thy face fair bwo haue’


ihurt te, who hath hurt theeP

j : n. m. f. n.N. he heo hit heo

G his hire his bore

D. him hire him(hit) hamA. hine, him hire hit ham

vuete (upper)furbre


inre (inner)uttre (outer)neobre (nether)PRONOUNS.

2d Person


ha occurs a few times asnom. pl. heomsometimes for ham.

m f:N pe peo

G. pes per

D. pen per pen pen, peoA . pene peo pet peo

All these forms occur as articles besides pe which is used for

any case . Those marked are also used independently aspronouns - pe is federleas pet hauet vorlore pene V eder ofheouene, he afatherless who hath 1ma: Father ot eaven pee

deb also peo is betere penich am,she doth so

,she i s better than1

am. pet with the meaning of ‘that

is used without reference togender ; i ts plural is peo. pet is also used as anindeclinablerelativepronoun.Of ‘


thi s,these forms occur

m. f n.IV. pes peos pis

G. pisses pisse

D. pisse pisse pisse

A. pesne peos pis


Vorcz.—The passive voice is ex pressed by the verb beon’ or


coupled wi th the past partrczple, as inthese sentencesDe heorte i swe] iloked gifmob dz e ien earenwisliche beab llo‘kene, the heart i s well kept, if themouth, gyes, and ears

,are wi seb

locked. Dif pe wardens wendeb ut, pe heorte bib biwust vuele,

y the wardens go out, the heart i s ill guarded. Inone instance wefind wearb (past tense of wurben)used inthe same way. 130noond wearb ibunden

,thefiend was bound.

Moon—There are fourmoods, all difl'

erently inflected,namely,


Besides the ordinary Infinitive, there is also a Gerund —1,y.

speken, Ger . to spekene Inf: eten, Ger . to etene ; Inf .

wi ten, Ger . to witene ; [a don, Ger . to donne ; In] : beon


Ger . to beonne . It is, however, for themost part, espec ially inthe longer verbs, confounded with the Infinztr



Tame —There are but two tenses formed by inflection, thePresent and the Past. That part which inSax onwas used bothas apresent and as a future tense, isnow restricted to the present.Thefuture is ex pressed by the rnj e'nzleve together with ‘



‘wulle .

Pa ncrea s —The Present Particzple always ends in-inde.The Past Partiaple almost invariably has the augment i as

speken, speak, pp. ispeken; unless the verb bears one of the

following prefix es —a anbi et for [oftener wri ttenuor or

W ] , i if ,to di s] , un If the verb has either of

these prefix es the pp. cannot take i Ex amples —a druwien,

dry up , pp. adruwed ; anhongen, hang , pp. anhonged ; bitunen,shut up, pp. bitund ; etfleon, j ly away , pp. etflowenforleosen


lose, pp. forloren; iscou,see

, pp. iseien; of-earnen,earn, de

serve, pp . of-earned ; to-treden, trample upon, pp. to-treden;unhelien, uncover , pp. unheled ; [wibrawen] , withdraw , pp . wib

drawen. The same is the case insome compounds w ithmisouer under misdon, inj ure, pp. misdon; [misgemen] neglect,pp . misgemed misleuen, di sbelieve, pp. misleued ; misnimén,mi stake, pp . misnumenmissiggen, mi ssay, slander, pp. misse idouercumen, overcome, pp . ouercumen; undernimen



pp. undernumen; underuon, receive, pp. underuon. The i is

dropped whenthe partic iple takes the prefix un —ivonded,

tempted, unuonded , untempted i towen, drawn, di sciplined, nutowen

,undi sciplined ; ischriuen, shriven

,unschriuen, unshriven.

It is also dropped sometimes whenthe partic iple is placed beforeanounas anadjective , thus - iroted


, pet rotede lich, the

rottencorpse idoluen,dug ,

ibe doluene cod e, inthe dug earth.

There are two conjugations of verbs, the strong and the weak.

The strong verbs have no sufli x to mark t ime, but a change in


hint ; [freten] devour, 3d s. fret ; grinden, grind, 3d s. gnntholden, hold, 3d s. halt ; hoten, command , 3d s. hat ivinden,find, 3d s. ivint ; sitten, sit, 3d s. si t stonden, stand, 3d s. stoutand so on.Inthe 3d sing . pres. ind. of those verbs whose base originally

ended ina g , we oftenfind anh representing the original g ;buwen, bow, 3d s. pres. ind. buhb ; drawen, draw, 3d sing . pres.

ind. drauhb ; drien, suj'

er, 3d sing . pres. ind dribb ; fleon, fly,

3d sing . pres. ind. flihb ; iseon, see, 3d s. pres. ind. isihb ; wri en,cover , 3d s. pres. ind. wrihb. Inthe verb iscou,

we find i t inthe2d s. pres. ind. also isihst. This h is, however, elided occasionally, for we find wrib as well as wrihb,

and ulib as we ll as fl ihb.

Insome verbs the vowel is changed in3d s.pres. ind .—holden,

hold , 3d s. pres. ind halt ; hoten, command , 3d s. pres. ind. hat

fleon, j ly, 3d s. pres. ind. fl ihb isson, see, 3d s. pres. ind. isih'


This last has the same change ofvowel inthe 2dperson, isihst.Inthe 2d s . imperative also we find the h mentioned above

and sometimes a change inthe vowel —du wen, draw ,2d s. imp .

drauh ; fleon, fly, 2d s. imp . fl ih ; iscou, see,2d s. inzp. isih ;

lien, lie [mentiri] , 2d s. intp. lih. S trong verbs change their

radical vowel informing the past tense. Many have a d ifl'

erentvowel inthe rst and 3d persons of the sing . to that inthe secondpersonand inthe plural. Whatever vowel is found inthe pluralof the past ind ,

the same is the vowel of the whole post subj .

The strong verbs may be classed accord ing to the vowel or

vowels ofthe past tense. There are elevenclasses.


glb Class has 0 inIsl and 3d p. s. ,

l0th 00ci ( l

nth cl

1. CLASS (ao) leopen, by .

l . leaps I st form x . leopl 6

z. leapestzfill'Grm z. leope leopen

3 . leapeiS leaps“

3 . lsop

Pm .

Pres. leapinde Past. i leapen.Other verbs ofthis class are

3d S . Pres. 1nd . Past.

beatet beot

halt heold

ualleb ueol

talleb icol


wax efl




These forms are whenthe pronounimmediately follows.






; inen

hebbenhotenliggensi ttenspeken ispekenunderuongenreceiveunderuon



stonden stout

understonden understont

IV . CLASS (ou,3d 8 .Pres. I sl and 3d

drawen draw drawen drouh drowen idrawendrauhb

slay Sleab slouh Slowen isleieni t Hoten be called, haspast tense het te, which is used with : present meaning.

ft See uore.me $63

III. CLASS34 S . Pres. 1nd .








VIII. CLASS (e i , u).

3d S .Pres. rst and 3d

IX. CLASS (0, i).

3d S . Pres. Isl and 3d

biswiken biswikefi biswikendrinen driueb driuenschriuen shrive schriueb chrof ischriuensmi ten smi t smitenstriuenwriten iwriten

X. CLASS (ei , e).

3d S . Pres . Isl and 3d

ascend stibb ste ih

uncover unwrihb unwreih unwriencover wrih

lS wreih iwrienwrih


XI. CLASS (ci , e).

3d S . Pres. Isl and 3dInd. S . Past.

isihb iseih iseien* ise ien“


The weak verbs are d ivided into three classes. Those of the

rst class have the end ings -ede, -edest, etc .

,inthe past tense ,

The i inthese isnot the changed vowel, but represents s former3 . Cell

psre A . S . gesei h, geségon, gesegen.


those of the 2d, -de,

-dest, or


-lest,etc those ofthe 3d have

the same endings as those of the second, but a difl'

erent vowelinthe past fromthat inthe present tense.

I. CLASS—Infinitive Mood.

mak ien,make.

Pun" . Pm .

S ing .

l . mak ie I st form I . makede

s. makest 213 1

8521 2. makedest makeden3 . makeb makie 3 . makede


Pm .

makie (like the Indicative)


Present. makunde Past. imalted

Li se mahieu,are conjugated cleopien, call, ;eonien, yawn,

helien, conceal, herien, prai se, hopien, hope, luuien, love, rotien,rot, schunien, shun

,storien, stir , polien, sufier , wunien, dwell.

Swerien, swear, haspast part. isworen.Many verbs ofthis class have lost the i which appears before

some of the end ings inthe parad igm; others have only partially dropped it, as sunegen, sin, subj . pres. s. sunegie or sunege ;Wi laen, desire, imp . pl. 2 p. 2d formwilnie.



I . tune rst form I . tundes tunest tuneb

z tundest tundan2d form

3 . tuneb tune 3 . tunde

Pm .

tuninde Past. i tund.

Inthe 3d s. pres. ind. t is oftenused instead of -deb or teb ;

[bispeten] spit upon, 3d s. pres. ind . bispet ; huden, hide, 3d s .

pres . ind hut ; neden, compel, 3d s. pres. ind net senden, send,3d s. pres. ind sent wenden, turn, 3d s. pres. ind. went . etc.If the base ends ind or t doubled or preceded by anoth er con

sonant, the d or t ofthe end ings ofthe past tense isnot wri ttendutten, shut, past tense dutte , etc wenden, go, past tense wen-“le.etc

Ifthe base ends ina double consonant, the 2d pers. s. of the

impera tive takes -e,and the consonant is writtensingly, as dut.

ten, shut, 2d pers. s. ienp. dute.


Sell, 2d p . s. inep. sule . Inthe following the consonant haschanged —siggen, say , zd p. s. imp. se ie ; leggea, lay, 2d p. s.

imp . le ie ; habben, have, 2d p. s. imp. haue.

To this class belong3d S .Pres.

bringen bring bringebbuggen buy bub

habben have banetkecchen keccheb


se ib


Leten, let, formerly strong, past tense lette, pastpart. ileten.Treden, tread, formerly strong, past tense trodde.

Ind . pres. sing . I . am,2. ert, 3 . is ; ind past sing . I . was,

2. [l were] , 3 . was, pl. weren; subj . past sing . were, pl. weren.Wi th no it produces the forms : nam,

nert, nis, nes, neren,nere, neren. The parts which this verb lacks are supplied by

beon.Inf beon, be, ger. to beonne ind pres. sing . 3 . bib, pl. Ist

form, beo‘

B, 2dform, beo ; subj . pres. sing . beo, pl. beon isup .

sing . z. beo, pl. 2. 1st form, beob, zd form, beo past part.

ibson.In} : cunnen, be able

,ind . pres. sing . I . con, 2. const

, 3 .

con, pl. cunnen; subj . pres. sing . cunne, pl. cunnen; past sing .

cube . etc ., pl. euben.

Ind . pres. sing . 3 . de ih,i sgood, ought.

Habbenhas ed pres. s.ind. benest, siggen, seist .



hefde, heuede

ke ihte, cauhte


se ide

sme ihtestreihte







Ind. pres. sing . I . der, dare, 3 . der, pl. durren; past, durste ,etc.

by: don, do, ger. to donne ; ind. pres. sing . I . do, 2. dest,

3 . deb, pl. I slform,dob, 2d form, do ; subj . pres. sing . do, pl.

don; past, dude, dudest, etc . inzpe . s. 2. do, pl. 2. I slform, dob,3 dform,

do ; pastpart. idon.Inf gon, go, ind. pres. sing . I . go, 2. gest, 3 . geb, pl. Ist

form, gob, 2dform, go ; subj . pres. sing. go, pl. gonpast, code,e tc. ; imper. sing . 2. go, pl. Isl form, gob, 2d form, go ; past

part. igon.Ind. pres. sing . I . mei

,may ,

2. w eiht (melh occurs once3 . mei


mai, pl. muwen, muwe ; subj . pres. sing . muwe

muwenpast, muhte, muhtest, etc.

Ind. pres. sing . I . mot, must, 2. most, 3 . mot, pl. moten;my. pres. sing . mote , pl. motenpast, moste, etc.

Ind. pres. sing . I . ouh, ought, z. owest [ouhst i ] , 3 . ouh,

pl. owenpast, ouhte , etc. Withne znonhst, nouh, nowen.Ind pres . sing . I . schal, z. schalt, 3 . schal, pl. schulen;

subj . pres. sing . schule past, schulde or scholde, etc .

Ind . pres. sing . 3 . perf, need, pl. purven; subj . pres. sing .

pnrue ; past, purito.

by: vnnen, grant ; ind pres. sing . z. unnest, pl. unneb past,v‘be ; pastpart. iunned.

Ind. pres. sing . I . wot, know,2. wost, 3 . wot


, pl. wutcb ;

subj . pres. sing . wute ; past, wuste , etc . ; insp. sing . z. wite, pl.

wuteb. Withno not, nost, not, nute'


, nuste .

Ind. pres. sing . I . wulle , will. 2. wult , 3 . wule, pl. wulle

b ;

past, wolde , etc . W ithno nulle , nui t, nule , unlle‘



p at the beginning ofpronouns and some other Short words ischanged into t, whenthe foregoing word ends ind or t :—midteas vif gretunges, with thesefive greetings and tauh hit beo, andthough it be ; nert tunout, thou artnot peo pet tus dob, themwhodo thi s.


V oftentakes the place ofj ; the same word be ing spelt sometimes wi thj ; sometimes wi th v (u). Ex amples —for, vor, uorfrom,

vrom, urom; fleon, vleonfikelare , vikelare.

Oncomparing the sounds with those of the correspond irgAnglo-Sax onwords, the following changes are found0 for A. S. short a before a nasal —lond, lomb, strong

A. S. land , lamb, strung.

0 for A. S. long a :—bo, brod , holi , lore ; A. S. be, bri d ,

hdlig, ldr.

E for A. S. 3 —et, be6, feder, pet ; A. S. a t, be ll, fe der,


I! forA. S; y put, sullen, sunne, purl ; A. S. pytt, syllan,syn, pyrl.E forA. S. a, 0, or u insyllables of inflectionz—nomen, si tten,

drowen, duden, uoten; A. S.naman, sittan, drdgon, fOtum.

Ch for A. S. c s—c hirche, sechen, penchen; A. S. c irce , sé

can, pencan.W for A. S. g after a

,o, u .

u—drawen, dawes, slowen, i towen,buwen, fuwel ; A. S. dragan, dagas, SIOgon, getogen, bugan,fugel.

1 after e forA. S. g —e ie, dei , iseien; A. S. ei ge, de g, ge

Segen.G lost afler i -niene, stien, drien, holi A. S.nigon, stigan,

dredgan, halig.

H lost at the beginning before I, n, r -lud,nep, rug ; A. S.

hlti d,hump, hrycg.

Sch for A. S. sc —schnnen, schruden, waschen; A. S. scd

fin, scrydan, wasoan.


The laSt strongly-accented syllable inthe line doesnot beginwith the rime-letter. This also is the usual and more correa

arrangement."Most of the Canterbury Tales are wri tteninheroic couplets,

or verses conta ining five accents, and, by reasonof the usual

unaccented syllable at the end , elevensyllables more frequentlythanten. Ina few acephalous verses,not having anunaccentedsyllable at the end , we find butnine syllables, the first foot consisting of anemphatic monosyllable .

The following scansion, of the first e ighteenverses of Chau


s Prologue, wi ll serve to i llustrate the management of the

final -e.

It should be observed that inthe XIV th century ,and later,

the great majori ty of Normanwords were still accented ontheultimate ; as, for ex ample , licori r, vertue, natti re, corage . But

many present a variable accentuat ion, be ing accented sometimesonthe ultimate and sometimes onthe penult.

TM draught orMrs-che mupar cad to the roots.And bl l thud eve r} veyne inswi ch Ilicour,6: which Ivenue engenmod i s thénou:Whlnzaps frtls eek wi th his swat l6 breeth!

RnspIr 0d am. In, in r} hOlte Ind heme

Thé tendré crap Ipes , Ind theyOng II wuné511q thé Elm his hl l fé oOurs l-rOnnG.And sml l 6 lbw 163 M k Iénmal Odfé.

Thi t slep Snl l Ithenight Iwi th Op En‘

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Tul ane lens: Enfont togunIanpII grlmlgi s.And pl lmIare for to seek anstrlnnlgd strbndls,TOfarn8 hi ! Iwés. kotl the I Insondrylenti ls ;And spa ch i li , Mmave r; schir 5. ends

room tfirbflr Iy thly wendl ,nahoni otrummmur rormu sks,M hlmlhl th hd p lenwhlnmumsnm u su '

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