The Future of Communication Technology What will communicatio n technolog y look like in 2022?


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Intro to Communication Technology Final project

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The Future of Communication Technology

What will communication

technology look like in


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Highlights in Development•1834 Carl F.Gauss and Ernst H. Weber build the electromagnetic telegraph•1860 Philipp Reis develops a “telephon.” •1874 Alexander Graham Bell discovers the principle of the telephone.•1891 The first automatic dial system was patented by a Kansas City undertaker. Switchboard operators were no longer necessary to make a telephone call.•1963 Bell System introduces the touch tone phone.•1989 "Pocket" cellular telephone is introduced by Motorola.•1990's Digital signal processing of all telecommunication equipment (including ISDNs and HDTV) A television can now be used as a television, telephone, computer and video game center all in one place.

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What does the future hold?•In 2022 telephone technology could look like:•All commands can be voice directed, eliminating the need for keypads, except when desired.•There will no longer be a need for any wired devices.•Computer and phone will become even more integrated, possibly eliminating the use of a keyboard because of the voice command capabilities.•Cell phone imaging can be completely 3D, especially helpful in using GPS while traveling.•Wi-fi will be universal, eliminating the need for 3G.

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Critical Mass Theory in Relation to Telecommunication Development

• Critical Mass Theory explains how the evolution and use of

telecommunications has become self-sustaining.

•Users influenced technology, and technology has influenced users.•A social factor is that the majority of people in our culture are connected through continual use of modern telecommunication devices such as cell phones, text, and computer IM systems.•Small enhancements and developments in this field of communication can have drastic societal influence.

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The Future of the Internet•With machine to machine technology, where there's no human intervention, just smart sensors, smart computers, smart analytics, the way people work may drastically change. The methods of operations companies use will completely change. People may never have to go to an office again.•The internet is EVERYWHERE: on every person, accessible at every location, in our personal devices. A computer is no longer necessary.•At the store, you may simply touch a screen, and the computer can identify you, and deliver personal information. You may shop by voice command and products will be retrieved and brought directly to you.•We may have “chips” inserted, and can command actions with our minds.•These ideas may seem like science fiction, but I believe are possible in the future.

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Media System Dependency in Relation to Internet Development

• “An audience needs-based approach to media use”

• The users are goal oriented in their selection of media. Users have a vested interest in the internet to continue evolving.

• The more the internet can do for people, the more the people will use the internet.

• The more users rely on the internet, the more the internet will be developed to satisfy the users’ needs and desires.

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Social Media


Facebook was launched on February 4, 2004.

It was originally used by college students at Harvard, then expanded to be used widely by college students to network. In 2006, the network was extended beyond educational institutions to anyone with a registered email address. Now, it is estimated that there are nearly 000000 facebook users worldwide. According to digitalbuzzblog.com, in 2011, Facebook had over 500 million users, and is now used by 1 in every 13 people on earth, with over 250 million of them (over 50%) who log in every day. The average user still has over 130 friends.

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Twitter was launched in July, 2006.

Users send and read posts of up to 140 characters known as "tweets".

According to the globeandmail.com, almost 200 million users worldwide. About 460,000 new Twitter accounts are opened daily.

More than 140 million tweets are sent daily. That’s one billion weekly. Twitter has changed the media, business, and politics. The one-way transmission of information is vast, and reaches many people at once. “This is what the naysayers fail to understand: it's just as easy to use Twitter to spread the word about a brilliant 10,000-word New Yorker article as it is to spread the word about your Lucky Charms habit.” –Steven Johnson, author of The Invention of Air

Social Media

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What might Facebook and Twitter look like in the 2022?•The use of social media will not likely slow down, however, it’s types of uses may change. • As social media networks gain access to consumers’ personal information and interests, social media will target specific audiences to advertise specific products and ideas. Businesses will increase marketing in these venues.•Mobile technology will become more prevalent enabling offers of promotions, coupons and tips based on our geographical location and personal interests.•Relationships will not be as physically dependent and we will be friends with people from all over the world, creating a global melting pot.•We will all become members of a virtual that is not yet known to us.•We will be able to access social media in our living rooms on one device – that device will combine computer, video, phone, and social interaction. Live video time will be included in social media where you can login and “virtually” talk to your “friends.

The Future in Social Media

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Individuals actively seek out certain media outlets for their own gratification. Social Media is a prime example. People actively seek to interact with their friends and family. Also, people follow their particular interests through social media. Users are not passive- they are interacting with social media. Several gratifications in social media are socializing, entertainment, and seeking information.

Uses and Gratifications Theory

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Works Cited

• (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.internetsociety.org/internet/how-it’s-evolving/future-scenarios?gclid=CNPzh-mf2K8CFRNS7AodwQ0rDw

• (n.d.). Retrieved from http://curiosity.discovery.com/question/future-of-internet

• . (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.schoelles.com/Telephone/teltimeline.htm

• (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.businessinsider.com/how-facebook-was-founded-2010-3

• (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/2007/jul/25/media.newmedia

• (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/technology/tech-news/the-history-of-twitter-140-characters-at-a-time/article1949299/