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Page 1: Aracnophobia


Page 2: Aracnophobia

What is arachnophobia?-Fear or phobia of spiders.

- One of the most common phobias, the most widespread animal phobia.

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- Irrational to others, and even to the themselves.

- Away from any site where they believe could live spiders or spider webs.

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- See a spider, may not enter to the area, or have to do before an effort to control her panic: sweating, rapid breathing, tachycardia and nausea.

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- The fear could affect where the phobic choose to live, or the site that will go on vacation, and limit sports or hobbies to be enjoyed.

- Arachnophobia can be cured with psychological treatment.

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Is arachnophobia innate?

- An American study conducted by scientists at the University of California have pointed out that fear to spiders is innate.

- Heredity and transmitted from father to son.

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- We are all afraid at times, in certain situations.

- Fear is a way to be prepared before a danger, it helps to avoid situations that could cause harm.

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- It is not wrong to be afraid of spiders.

- But sometimes those fears become very intense, and irrational.

-That's when you start talking about


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What is a phobia?

-A strong and persistent fear of certain situations, objects, activities or even people.

-Anxiety disorder is the excessive and unreasonable desire to avoid at all costs the object that causes the fear.

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-Fear is beyond the control of the person, ends interfering with daily life.

-Anxiety Disorder.

- Causes serious problems and embarrassment.

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- The social life of man makes these problems multiply.

- Phobias usually first appear in childhood or early adulthood.