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Content Marketing Trending Topics in Tech

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Content MarketingTrending Topics

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• Mobile Transformation

• Data Backup Strategies that Work

• Advanced Persistent Threats:Take Back Control

• Converged Infrastructure

• Data Center Optimization: The Software-Defined Data Center

• Data Protection

• The Internet of Things In-Depth

Content Marketing Trending Topics – 4Q 2013

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The massive adoption of mobile devices is changing everything about the way we work — where, when, how long and on whose equipment. Workers take their employers’ devices home and on the road or bring their own devices into the office — and many do both. Meantime, the organization’s data is flowing through many more channels over which it has varying levels of control. Yet expectations and regulations around information protection are only increasing. Getting and keeping control where appropriate, and providing access as needed can be costly and complex. As a result, business technology strategists, buyers and influencers are seeking answers that simplify mobile device management; give employees the anywhere, anytime information access that drives increased productivity; and ensure the level of control and protection that regulations and business circumstances demand.

This customizable package demonstrates how a set of content assets can work together to address your prospects’ key pain points, answer their pressing questions and begin to overcome any perceived barriers to purchasing a solution. Topics and formats will be custom-tailored to fit your solution or service.

Custom Research with Analysis and Reporting ServicesCustom research provides an opportunity to discover key challenges that your customers and prospects face, reveal the barriers they must overcome and align your company with research-driven market perspectives. UBM Tech will work closely with you to craft market research that helps reveal the state of bring-your-own-device (BYOD) programs, highlight the main challenges and opportunities your prospects face, and communicate your company’s point of view and market position.

UBM Tech’s custom-tailored research study will focus in on the BYOD/mobility facet that is most relevant to your organization and to your customers and prospects, whether it’s security, device management, policy development or another BYOD challenge. The results of the survey will form the basis of a thoughtful, revealing report written by a UBM Tech editor. The downloadable four- to eight-page ePaper features an executive summary, data charts and interviews with willing respondents and subject experts.

Mobile Transition

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Infographic Eighty-eight percent of those who responded to InformationWeek’s 2013 State of Mobile Security survey report that they allow or soon will allow employees to use their own mobile devices to access email, store corporate data and perform other work-related tasks, yet only 39 percent have deployed mobile device management systems. Infographics provide powerful visual tools for communicating key trends and statistics like these to raise prospective buyers’ awareness of the need to address common BYOD challenges. An infographic can be printed or used as interactive online tool. Either way, it depicts compelling and thought-provoking information in a visually arresting manner that grabs and holds your prospects’ attention.

WebinarWebinars attract an engaged audience when they’re built around providing practical help to a targeted audience. For mobility and BYOD, successful Web presentations advise on best practices, such as managing and securing mobile devices and the sensitive data that they access. Webinars provide a venue to feature subject matter experts’ perspectives and convey in-depth, credible advice and insight, while engaging your target audience through live polling and Q&A sessions.

Webinar Executive Summary ePaper This compelling two-page summary hits the highlights of webina and makes them available to a broader audience in text-based format. A modern version of the tried-and-true white paper, ePapers are essential educational tools for technology buyers who are moving beyond the learning stage to carefully consider which mobility strategies and solutions make the most sense for their organizations.

Business Case Builder Business case builders help business technology managers justify investments in new products and technologies. Security and device management are always at the top of mobility concerns. This Business Case Builder would highlight the issues and help technology pros make the case for investing in tools to help manage devices and/or security for both the physical devices themselves and the information they access and store. Business case builders focus on both soft and quantifiable metrics drawn from case studies, tests and other available reports.

Additional Resources

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You’d think that by now all enterprises would have a solid data backup plan in place. Think again. The sad truth, according to InformationWeek’s 2013 State of Storage Survey, is that only 40% of the respondents have a disaster recovery and business continuity strategy in place and test it regularly, 40% have a plan but rarely test it, and 20% have no plan. And now data backup is more complicated than ever, what with rapidly expanding enterprise data volumes, mobility and cloud technology. And while back up may not be an area on which IT managers want to send a lot of time and resources, it is critical. Your potential customers want succinct guidance on what technologies to use and where to focus their backup strategies.

This integrated package can help build awareness and consideration for your solutions.

Business Case Builder Business Case Builders help business-technology managers justify investments in new products and technologies. More than half of respondents to InformationWeek’s Backup Technologies Survey, at best, sporadically conduct test restores of most of their applications. Admins often exclude some systems from regular backups and don’t bother backing up data at remote and branch offices. And just 27% of respondents are extremely confident in their ability to get the business up and running in a reasonable timeframe after a major disaster takes out the main data center. Clearly many companies are coasting when it comes to having a solid backup plan and are counting on the worst never happening. A business case builder will help them describe to their colleagues and bosses the business challenges that a particular backup technology or product set addresses, and the business value it is likely to deliver.

Data Backup Strategies That Work

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Case StudyCase studies profile technology users as they navigate through the various stages of identifying, assessing and deploying new technologies while describing the impact on their business objectives. Potential customers get insight into how new backup technology like cloud storage might apply to their businesses and make their backup headaches go away. Highly popular with business technology decision makers, case study articles are essential vehicles for establishing credibility.

Animated Video Many companies are in a rut when it comes to backup; what they’re using seems to work, and they just don’t have the will to make a needed change. A whiteboard video is an exciting and dynamic way of presenting a technical topic to your target audience. This five- to seven-minute video features your subject-matter expert using animated infographics to illustrate key points and present data in an easy-to-follow manner. The video throws a spotlight on your company’s subject expertise, while the animations portray the information in a colorful and engaging way that is sure to capture and hold your prospects’ attention and inspire them to consider making a change.

Data Backup Strategies That Work

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Sophisticated advanced persistent threats aren’t the widespread, highly visible malware attacks of yesteryear. APT attackers are often criminal organizations and rogue states targeting specific companies, government agencies and other organizations. They do extensive research and surveillance on their victims, tricking them into downloading malware and then quietly infiltrating their organizations’ networks and systems. Stealth is key; attackers can lurk on a network for months or years, stealing intellectual property as well as corporate and personal data that they use for financial gain or to compromise an enterprise’s reputation and competitive position. Many companies know about these attacks and even assume that they’re under attack, but they aren’t entirely sure how to retool their security strategies to eradicate and prevent them.

FAQBanks and government agencies have been a main target of advanced persistent threats, but attackers are broadening into other industries and targeting smaller businesses, too. Many IT and business executives now need a fast and easy way to come up to speed on the key issues involved with APT. FAQs provide answers to frequently asked questions about a technology category, product or solution set. They typically include 10 to 15 questions that help educate potential buyers who are looking for additional details about a technology solution or category.

eBookAPT attackers don’t sit still; they’re constantly improving their attack methods, leaving enterprises struggling to modify their defenses to deal with each new type of attack. An eBook can pull together relevant content for prospective customers, helping them quickly grasp the full scope of the APT threat and potential solutions for mitigation. Using a modern and interactive format, an eBook showcases original and compiled content on a technology or business topic that aligns with your company’s point of view and solutions. eBooks can be easily shared with your prospective customers and can include a variety of media elements, including text, audio and video.

Advanced Persistent Threats: Take Back Control

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Infographic Security is IT’s No. 1 priority, according to InformationWeek’s 2013 IT Priorities Survey. And 75% of respondents to InformationWeek’s 2013 Strategic Security Survey say it’s possible that they’re systems have already been infiltrated but they’re unaware of it. An infographic is the perfect way to highlight all the data available about enterprise security trends and APTs to help IT and business executives quickly and clearly understand the scope of the problem. Used to focus attention on a new product, an innovative technology or a key business trend, infographics are creative illustrations that incorporate charts, tables, statistics, quotes and other types of information. They’re powerful tools for communicating your message to prospective buyers. If a picture is worth a thousand words, a data-rich, interactive graphic speaks volumes to your prospects.

WebinarWebinars feature a subject matter expert discussing the latest advanced persistent threats that security officers need to be aware of and explaining what they mean to enterprise IT. They’re a great forum for presenting information that’s in-depth and highly credible. This format is immensely popular with all categories of technology buyers and lets you directly engage with your target audience.

Advanced Persistent Threats: Take Back Control

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The challenge of implementing a converged infrastructure is that few companies realize the importance of a seamless simultaneous approach to integrating the key components of the enterprise, and this customizable package of content throws a spotlight on your company’s subject expertise and guidance in data center consolidation.

Animated Video A whiteboard video is an exciting and dynamic way of presenting a technical topic to your target audience. This five- to seven-minute video features your subject-matter expert using animated infographics to illustrate key points and present data in an easy-to-follow manner. The animations in the video portray the information in a colorful and engaging way that is sure to capture and hold your prospects’ attention.

Impact Assessment An impact assessment examines the effect of new IT initiatives on business processes and the IT infrastructure. Whereas product reviews often focus on the minutia of feature implementations, impact assessments look at potential benefits and pitfalls — for customers, employees, the IT department and the business as a whole. In the converged infrastructure, streamlining the compute, management, networking and storage components in a simultaneous and integrated fashion in the data center enables IT to accelerate application and service delivery, and improve business performance. This impact assessment will help IT planners perform a risk-benefit analysis of deploying a converged infrastructure before actual implementation to avoid the usual pitfalls.

Business Case Builder Business case builders help business technology managers justify investments in new products and technologies. According to InformationWeek Research, fewer than 30% of companies are working simultaneously on planning and strategy for all of their infrastructure components . And that’s creating dissonance in their overall infrastructure quality and employee productivity. This business case builder would highlight the issues and help technology pros make the case for investing in tools to build a converged infrastructure that closes the gap in planning and strategy for infrastructure components and improves business efficiency. Ideally, we’d use real-world vendor customer cases to reveal the value (through cost savings, better decision making, business growth, innovation, etc.) of such technologies.

Converged Infrastructure

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As companies scramble to consolidate the data center to cut costs, they’re realizing that the next step, which involves a more streamlined and focused approach to workload management, leads to a more optimized, software-defined data center.

Infographic Used to focus attention on a key business technology trend, infographics are creative illustrations that incorporate charts, tables, statistics, quotes and other types of information. An infographic on the topic of data center optimization, and especially the software-defined data center, will give your prospects an opportunity to learn the basics about a new trend that’s changing the efficiency metrics and productivity goals of data center managers. It will give your potential customers a look at how software- and task-specific servers are creating more optimized data centers that are better aligned to customers’ business goals. An infographic depicts compelling, thought-provoking information on the topic in a visually arresting manner that grabs and holds your prospects’ attention.

Custom ResearchMarket intelligence, competitive analysis and peer-to-peer perspectives play a central role in any strategic technology decision. UBM Tech’s custom research program provides an opportunity to discover the key challenges of data center optimization that your prospects face, reveal the barriers they must overcome and align your company with research-driven market perspectives. We work closely with you to craft market research that delves into the state of the data center market and key trends, while communicating your company’s point of view and market position.

Tech BriefTech briefs provide in-depth background on a specific technology or solution set, including technical descriptions and specifications, performance comparisons and relevant standard information, along with operational and deployment guidelines. In the case of data center optimization, we will evaluate the performance metrics that separate existing data center infrastructures from a software-defined data center and show a clear path for those considering a move to a more efficient enterprise.

Data Center Optimization: The Software-Defined Data Center

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Survival GuideSurvival guides are an ideal format for helping customers navigate through technology strategy decisions or business relationships. Industry experts and peers provide best practices and useful tips that will help your potential customers justify their technology decisions. In the software-defined data center, customers must know that they’re making the right technology strategy decisions about server investments, replacements, software development training and data center management to have confidence in their plans. The survival guide combines information with real-world examples from customers who have begun implementing new data center optimization platforms.

Data Center Optimization: The Software-Defined Data Center

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Each year the InformationWeek IT Priorities study finds that security is IT leaders’ number one concern, but companies still are not putting enough effort into data security. Help your prospects learn the basics about data protection, and then dive into deeper analysis and solutions consideration.

FAQFAQs provide answers to frequently asked questions about a technology category, product or solution set. Length is variable, but typically includes 10 to 15 questions. These sought-after documents help educate potential buyers who are looking for additional details about a technology solution or category.

ePaperA modern version of the tried-and-true white paper, ePapers are excellent communication vehicles and essential knowledge-building tools for professional technology buyers who are beyond the education stage and have started to evaluate their data protection options. An ePaper will let your customers know that the “bad guys” are outpacing the current best efforts of IT data protection managers. It will provide practical advice on how they can prepare their enterprise to address this formidable threat. Credible, third-party white papers are among the most trusted resources for increasing IT professionals’ awareness and knowledge of new technology categories.

Business Case BuilderBusiness case builders help business technology managers justify investments in new products and technologies such as the latest advancements in data protection. These articles provide facts and a real-world perspective to support the business cases that technology managers are expected to prepare for any new technology initiatives. For instance, according to InformationWeek Research, most enterprises still approach their data security with an observe-and-react methodology rather than an anticipate-and-respond one. A business case builder will provide practical advice for shifting that culture and technology platform to better address today’s data protection challenges.

Data Protection

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The Web is evolving to a new level of functionality: The much-hyped Internet of things (IOT) is combining pervasive communication and data generation with analytics-intensive applications to monitor and control just about anything. The IOT includes people-to-machine and people-to-people, as well as machine-to-machine communications. It’s the latter where we’re likely to see the most dramatic changes as vast numbers of devices get connected and start generating huge amounts of data. IOT applications are already taking off in select sectors – such as healthcare, energy management, and transportation and logistics – where the payback is clear and fast. But there are challenges to overcome for IOT to get beyond the obvious easy hits. The sensors that the whole IOT construct revolves around must get easier and cheaper to implement. We need to get ready to manage the added traffic that the IOT will spur. All that big data flying around will certainly come with security and privacy concerns. And standards and processes must be established to ensure these new systems are making good decisions based on good data.

Business technology strategists, buyers and influencers are starting to explore how they can make the IOT work for their businesses: Looking at all the pieces that can be interconnected, tracked and analyzed, and what that will mean for their organizations. This customizable package demonstrates how a set of content assets can work together to address your prospects’ key IOT pain points, answer their pressing questions and begin to overcome barriers to purchasing solutions. Topics and formats will be customized to fit your product or service.

Custom Research with Analysis and Reporting ServicesA UBM Tech custom research study would examine key challenges your prospects face in implementing an IOT strategy. It also would reveal the barriers they must overcome and align your company with research-driven market perspectives. Our team of experts will craft and field a survey. The study’s results will form the basis of a thoughtful, revealing report written by a UBM Tech editor. The four- to eight-page ePaper features an executive summary, data charts and interviews with willing respondents and IOT subject experts.

We work closely with you to craft market research that helps reveal the state of the IOT market and key trends, while communicating your company’s point of view and market position. A custom-tailored research study grabs your customers’ and prospects’ attention, and serves as a discussion starter for sales and marketing activities.

The Internet of Things In-Depth

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FAQYour prospects who are just getting started with IOT technologies have a lot of questions. FAQs provide answers to frequently asked questions about IOT technology, products and solution sets. Length is variable, but typically includes 10 to 15 questions. These sought-after documents help educate potential buyers who are looking for additional details about a technology solution or category.

Case StudiesIOT technology already is being used to monitor patients, track and maintain vehicle fleets, and promote efficient energy use. Case studies are particularly helpful to potential customers as they try to visualize how the technology might apply to their businesses. We would profile IOT users in industries most applicable to your clients as they navigate through the various stages of identifying, assessing and deploying these technologies while describing the impact on their business objectives. Highly popular with business technology decision-makers, case study articles are essential vehicles for establishing credibility.

WebinarWebinars are a perfect way to attract an engaged audience that’s looking for practical help with an emerging technology. An IOT webinar would feature a subject matter expert discussing IOT best practices, how to cost-effectively implement the current technology and overcome the various challenges to effectively collecting and analyzing data. Webinar are a great forum for presenting in-depth, highly credible information. This format is immensely popular with all categories of technology buyers and lets you directly engage with your target audience.

The Internet of Things In-Depth