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STEM CELLS AND DEVELOPMENT 13:1–21 (2004)© Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.

Issues in Development


The Role of Cell Migration in the Ontogeny of the Lymphoid System



The foundations of experimental hematology were laid by histologists, and while their contributionswere enormous, they were limited in their interpretation of very dynamic processes by the static na-ture of the methodology. The middle of the twentieth century saw the introduction of techniquesfor hematopoietic cell marking and development of in vitro and in vivo assays for primitive hema-topoietic cells, allowing dynamic studies of hematopoiesis. Paralleling this was an understanding ofcellular immunology with the discovery of the role of the thymus and the identification of T and Blymphocyte lineages. In the 1960s a series of ontogenetic studies in birds and subsequently in micerevealed that hematopoietic and lymphoid development involved migration streams of primitive cellsthat colonized developing primary lymphoid organs as well as spleen, marrow, and liver. The yolksac was proposed as the ultimate origin of these lympho-hematopoietic precursors. Subsequent stud-ies identified a region associated with the dorsal aorta as the primary site of “definitive” stem cells.These opposing views are currently achieving a compromise that recognizes that both sites con-tribute stem cells involved in seeding the developing tissues. The clear distinction between the localorigin of the inducing microenvironment provided by the endoderm or by stroma derived from mes-enchymal stem cells of mesodermal origin, and the immigrant origin of the hematopoietic stem cellsand progenitors, raises intriguing questions in the current climate of stem cell plasticity, cell fusion,and discovery of stem cells in adult marrow with the capacity to generate hematopoiesis as well asother mesodermal, ectodermal, and endodermal lineages.



THIS COMMENTARY is in part a personal historical per-spective combined with a current review of the field,

and in part a rebuttal to a commentary by Dr. Anas-tassova-Kristeva that appeared in this Journal (1) inwhich it was proposed that the currently accepted dogmaof a common “lymphohematopoietic” stem cell origin of

the lymphoid and hematopoietic system was in error. Thatcommentary cited a publication of mine as supportingthis position, to quote: “Moore and Owen (2) found thatthe thymocytes are produced from stem cells intrinsic tothe thymic anlage by direct transformation of endoder-mal epithelial cells.” This was a misquotation that completely reversed my conclusions. I was particularlypleased with this paper that was published in 1967 be-

Cell Biology Program, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY 10021.

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cause it was the culmination of my thesis work and ba-sically challenged the then current dogma that thymiclymphoid cells arose by direct transformation of epithe-lium (3,4). What I believe we clearly showed in that pa-per was that thymocytes are produced from stem/pro-genitor cells extrinsic to the thymic anlage that had exitedfrom the circulation and invaded the thymic epithelial an-lage. The epithelium did not form lymphocytes but pro-vided the stromal environment supportive of thymic lym-phopoisis. We also showed in the avian bursa ofFabricius, where B lymphocytes first develop, that theprocess also involved colonization of the epithelial budsby blood-borne stem/progenitor populations (5), ratherthan by intrinsic epithelial transformation as proposed bythen current dogma (6). A later study of thymic devel-opment in Xenopus was initially interpreted as support-ing the intrinsic epithelial origin of thymocytes (7,8);however, subsequent studies by members of this groupclearly showed an immigrant origin for thymic lymphoidprecursors (9,10). Other protagonists of the epithelialtransformation theory also reversed their position in fa-vor of an immigrant stem cell (11–13). The nature andorigin of the cells that colonized the primary lymphoidorgans has been a subject of debate and intense investi-gation over the last forty years, but there has been no se-rious challenge to the concept of circulating stem/pro-genitor cell populations migrating into organ anlages andinitiating hematopoiesis in fetal liver and bone marrowand lymphopoiesis in thymus, bursa of Fabricius, andspleen (2,5,14–17).

A simple question still remains unanswered: namely,why do stem and progenitor cells migrate through the cir-culation, and why are all lymphohematopoietic tissuesdependent upon such extrinsic cells? A similar questioncan be posed in the case of primordial germ cells thatalso migrate through the embryo to the developing go-nads. The concept of specific developmental niches ormicroenvironments can be evoked. These provide ex-trinsic signals that determine pluripotential stem cell fate.The yolk sac blood islands, generating both primitive anddefinitive generation stem and progenitor cells but sup-porting only primitive erythropoiesis, is one niche. Thefloor of the aorta is another niche where adult-type stemcells arise as well as definitive lymphoid and myeloidprogenitors. The fetal liver provides the environment forextensive hematopoietic and B cells differentiation aswell as stem cell amplification, while the epithelial nicheof the thymus supports T lymphoid expansion and spe-cialization but not stem cell survival. In this concept thelymphomyeloid stem cell is a tabula rasa whose differ-entiation fate is determined by the environment intowhich it has migrated. It is likely that this is not valid forthe cells colonizing primary lymphoid organs since thereis growing evidence for some degree of lymphoid com-mitment occurring prior to colonization, and consequently

some degree of selection of colonizing cell types (e.g.,by selective chemoattraction). An extraordinary array ofextrinsic signals are provided by these microenviron-ments including members of the Wnt and hedgehog fam-ily, Notch ligands and a spectrum of hematopoieticgrowth factors, cytokines and chemokines, cytoadhesionmolecules, and extracellular membrane components. Acombination of functional and genomic analysis is be-ginning to unravel the nature of specific microenviron-ments and explain their ability to orchestrate the complexpatterns of proliferation, self-renewal, and multi-lineagespecification that characterize lymphohematopoiesis.


Early attempts to understand the complexity of hema-topoietic and lymphoid differentiation were limited bythe available tools—the microscope and the stained slidesrevealed the static morphology of the tissues. Unfortu-nately this did not prevent the early observers from mak-ing dynamic interpretations of cell lineages and origin.In general they proved reasonably accurate when dealingwith the later stages of hematopoietic differentiation.Problems arose when morphologically undifferentiatedblast cells or mononuclear cells were endowed with var-ious potentialities. There was also a great deal of con-troversy concerning “transitional” stages between, e.g.,mesenchyme and endothelium and hematopoietic lin-eage, and between epithelium and lymphocyte. This wasfollowed by dynamic studies that permitted analysis ofcell fate in transplantation experiments designed to studyradioprotection or immune tolerance.

In 1949 Jacobson et al. (18) made a seminal observa-tion that shielding of the spleen rendered nonlethal a doseof radiation, which administered to the entire body wouldhave been lethal. A subsequent study showed that injec-tion of bone marrow or spleen cells from a nonirradiateddonor had the same effect as shielding the spleen (19).While in hindsight the explanation for these results seemobvious, for some time there was debate as to whetherthis protection was due to some trophic effect or was dueto engraftment of cells. It was only in later studies em-ploying chromosome markers that the cellular basis ofthis radioprotection was firmly established and mice injected with suspensions of hematopoietic cells wereshown to recover because their hematopoietic system, in-cluding lymph node, thymus, marrow, and spleen wererepopulated by adult bone marrow cells and also fetalliver cells (20,21).

The question was then raised as to whether such traf-ficking and colonization would occur in nonirradiated an-imals. Harris and Ford (22) had pioneered a system basedupon identifiable cytogenetic differences using the T6chromosome marker system in the mouse and showed by



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thymic grafting and regrafting experiments that there isa movement of cells from the bloodstream through thethymic graft to the lymph nodes. In adult mouse para-biosis studies, again using the T6 marker, a reciprocal ex-change of cells between partners was demonstrated inlymph node, spleen, thymus, and bone marrow, andchimerism persisted after the animals were separated(23). It was significant that while spleen and lymph nodechimerism was 40–50%, marrow chimerism was only 5%at 4–5 weeks and thymus and marrow chimerism onlyreached a 15–18% even after 30 weeks of union, sug-gesting only a low level of immigrant stem cell influx inthe adult steady state in these tissues. This important ob-servation was confirmed and extended by studies some37–39 years later (24,25) indicating that stem cell ho-meostasis within the adult marrow is primarily main-tained by the retention of stem cells derived from thereplication events within the marrow, not the homing andengraftment of stem cells from the circulation. The ques-tion remained as to whether vascular interchange of cellsbetween hematopoietic and lymphoid organs occurredduring development.

A crucial observation had been made by R.D. Owenin 1945 (26) in his discovery that persistent erythrocyticchimerism occurred among dizygotic twin cattle whereplacental vascular anastomoses had formed early in theirdevelopment. This was a seminal observation for our fu-ture understanding of tolerance. Moreover, it held pro-found implications with respect to hematopoiesis. Owen’sobservations prompted me to conclude that hematopoi-etic cells readily exchanged via the vasculature duringdevelopment. Among the hematopoietic cells exchanged,I reasoned, there existed a population that stably gener-ated progeny of all lineages—hematopoietic stem cells.If this interchange was not a phenomenon limited to dizy-gotic cattle, could it also provide a physiological expla-nation for lymphoid engraftment reported in radiationchimeras? Against this background, I undertook a seriesof experiments to investigate the validity of the hypoth-esis I was developing. Hasek (27) had devised a tech-nique for bringing about a vascular fusion between thechorio-allantoic membranes of two chick embryos thatled to mutual tolerance in the chicks after hatching, pro-viding me with an experimental system to evaluate mi-gration streams. By varying the time of onset of estab-lishment of the vascular anastomosis and the time ofevaluation of the developing embryos hematopoietic andlymphoid tissue I believed that I could determine withsome accuracy the timing of cell migration via the cir-culation and the role of cell migration, if any, in estab-lishing lymphopoiesis or hematopoiesis from the outset.However, I needed a stable marker for tracking the in-terchange of cells between the parabiosed embryos. Thiswas provided by John Owen, my thesis advisor, who de-vised an improved method for preparing avian metaphase

chromosome spreads that allowed accurate discrimina-tion of male from female (28). In a series of papers be-tween 1965 and 1967 Dr. Owen and I demonstrated thatextensive, durable chimerism resulted if vascular anasto-mosis was established prior to the onset of hematopoie-sis in marrow or spleen, or prior to onset of lymphopoiesisin thymus and bursa of Fabricius (2,5,14–17,26). Signif-icantly, thymic chimerism was not observed if parabio-sis was delayed till after the onset of thymic lym-phopoiesis, suggesting timed waves of colonization. Asinitially formulated we proposed that yolk sac blood is-lands were the primary source of these migratory cellsbased upon the fact that this was the first site of hema-topoiesis and remained a major site of hematopoiesis atthe time the primary lymphoid organs were undergoingcolonization (2,4,6–9).

Sir MacFarlane Burnet, who had received the NobelPrize with Peter Medawar for his clonal selection theoryof immune development, invited me to be his postdoc-toral fellow at the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Med-icine in Melbourne, which, at the time was the mecca ofimmunology research and retains a formidable positionin immunology and hematology research to this day. Af-ter two years, I decided the challenge before me lay notin basic immunology but in the broader field of experi-mental hematology. At that time the in vitro colony form-ing cell (CFC) assay that had been developed by RayBradley and Don Metcalf in Melbourne (29) provided aquantitative way of measuring an early hematopoieticprogenitor. The relationship of the CFCs to the spleencolony forming unit (CFU) discovered by Till and Mc-Culloch in 1961 (30) was, however, unclear. We used thecontinuous density gradient cell separation system de-veloped by Ken Shortman at the Hall Institute to physi-cally separate CFUs from in vitro CFC (31–33) and pro-posed a parent-progeny relationship, with the CFUsrepresenting hematopoietic stem cells and the CFC be-ing committed progenitors derived from them. This con-cept held for many years, until it was determined that theCFUs (at least the great majority of such cells) were notlong-term repopulating stem cells (34).

We applied these two assays to determine when in de-velopment either cell type originated (17,35). We showedthat CFC that had the cytokine responsiveness and dif-ferentiation potential of definitive CFU-GM, precededCFUs in YS but that at later stages of development CFUsand long-term repopulating stem cells appeared in YS,followed by fetal liver, then spleen, and finally marrow.In organ culture of embryo and yolk sac separated at E7.5we observed extensive erythropoiesis with generation ofdefinitive CFU-GM in the yolk sac itself at levels equiv-alent to cultures with YS attached to embryo, whereas inembryo alone there was no evidence of hematopoiesis,nor detectable CFC formation in the absence of the yolksac. We believed that this was evidence that definitive



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hematopoiesis originated in the yolk sac and continuedafter YS hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells migratedinto the embryo. We then showed in a series of graftingand transplantation studies that murine fetal liver was col-onized by immigrant cells at E10 at the ,28 somite stageof development (36). Subsequent studies by Dieterlen-Lievre and associates (37–40) exploited differences innuclear morphology of the chick and quail embryos todemonstrate, in hybrids, an intraembryonic origin of lym-phoid precursors in the para-aortic region of early em-bryos. Medvisnky et al. (41–43) first provided convinc-ing evidence for the origin of primitive hematopoieticstem cells capable of fully reconstituting the lym-phomyeloid system when transplanted into adult mice.These cells arose in the floor of the dorsal aorta in theaorta-gonad-mesonephros (AGM) region of the E10.5mouse embryo.

The intense debate over the virtues of the yolk sac ver-sus the intraembryonic site as sources of cells that sub-sequently colonized the later developing lymphoid andhematopoietic tissue has continued to the present day andobscures the significance of the embryonic stem cell mi-gration streams that we defined years ago. The follow-ing sections review the current state of knowledge of he-matopoietic, lymphoid, and endothelial ontogeny. SinceI present my review with a personal bias, I direct inter-ested readers to other reviews in this area that have beenpublished in this Journal in recent years (44–47).


In the mouse, mesodermal cells destined for extraem-bryonic sites exit the posterior primitive streak and sub-divide the embryo into three separate cavities by theneural plate stage (E7.5). The central cavity, the exo-coelom, becomes completely lined with mesoderm andvisceral yolk sac (YS) forms where this is adjacent to vis-ceral endoderm. The posterior primitive streak-derivedmesoderm receives signals from the visceral endodermthat involve Indian hedgehog, and smoothened (Smo), areceptor component essential for signaling, acting via induction of bone morphogenic protein-4 (BMP-4) inmesoderm, that in turn induces hematopoietic and vas-cular specification and blood island development (44,48–50). Vascular endothelial growth factor A (VEGFA)plays a pivotal role in the first step of endothelial and he-matopoietic development in the YS and at the onset ofgastrulation is expressed in the YS visceral endoderm andmesothelium (51). Its receptors, Flk-1 and Flt-1, are ex-pressed on the hemangioblasts and angioblast and Flt-1is expressed on the HSC developing in the blood island(46,52,53).

The YS is the site of primitive generation erythropoiesisand macrophage production. The wave of primitive eryth-

ropoiesis begins in the mouse YS at E7.5 with nucleatedred cells producing embryonic globin predominating inthe circulation through E14.5 with eventual replacementby fetal liver-derived red blood cells (RBC) expressingadult globins by E15.5–16.6. The YS is also the first siteof definitive multilineage, and myeloid and erythroid-lin-eage restricted, progenitor cell production (35,54,55). De-finitive erythroid (BFU-E) and myeloid (CFU-GM) pro-genitors and mast cell precursors are detected in the YSat E8 (35,55). They appear not to differentiate locally butmost likely migrate to the fetal liver where BFU-E/CFU-E initiate definitive erythropoiesis (56). A population ofhigh proliferative potential (HPP) CFC were detected atE8 (1–8 somites), exclusively in the YS, and this remainedthe main site of expansion (.100-fold) of these multipo-tent precursors until E10.5–11.5 when there was a dra-matic increase of HPP-CFC in the circulation and liver,with a concomitant drop in the YS (55). Upon secondaryreplating these HPP-CFC exhibited the stem cell featuresof self-renewal and potential to generate definitive ery-throid and macrophage progeny (45,46). Separation of YSand embryo at an early E8 stage, before a common cir-culation is established, showed that HPP-CFC were foundexclusively in the YS, and examination of the blood atE8.5 suggested that they entered the circulation from YStogether with the first erythroblasts.

The YS does not contain cells capable of long-termmultilineage engraftment of adult irradiated mice until af-ter such cells have appeared in the AGM region at E10.5,but they appear by E11 in the YS and are present till E13(35,43,57). It has been argued that the AGM region is thesole site of origin of “definitive” HSC capable of en-grafting adult recipients, and the presence of these cellsin the YS at later stages represents an immigrant popula-tion (58–61). However, total body quantitation and tissuedistribution analysis of competitive repopulating HSC de-tected by limiting dilution analysis argues for two inde-pendent sources of “definitive” HSC, with both AGM andYS participating in seeding the fetal liver (43). Supportfor this view was obtained by Matsuoka et al. (62) whogenerated both CFUs, and HSC that engrafted adult mice,following co-culture of either E8–8.5 YS or intraembry-onic splanchnopleuric mesoderm (P-Sp) on a stromal cellline generated from the AGM region.

HSC are defined as cells with multilineage (lym-phomyeloid) differentiation potential and extensive self-renewal potential. By this criteria, the YS containsCD341, c-Kit1, CD381 HSC as early as E9 that wheninjected directly into the liver of busulphan-conditionedneonatal mice, gave long-term lympho-myeloid reconsti-tution (54,55,63). Secondary engraftment in sublethallyirradiated mice demonstrated that the YS-derived HSCacquired normal marrow homing properties. The first de-tection, in the AGM region at E10.5, of HSC capable ofrepopulating adult mice (41–43) does not a priori exclude



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YS HSC in playing a significant role in subsequent he-matopoietic development since the only requirement ofthe initial HSC population is that it be capable of colo-nizing the liver, which YS-derived HSC clearly can do(54,55,63). Co-culture of YS on AGM stroma has beenreported to confer adult engraftment potential (62), sug-gesting an inducible function for stromal cells in this re-gion, particularly mesenchymal cells on the floor of thedorsal aorta. As currently envisaged, this inductive in-fluence confers HSC potential in locally generated he-matopoietic clusters on the floor of the dorsal aorta (videinfra), but it is conceivable that early HSC exiting theYS may traffic into the dorsal aorta and come under theinfluence of the AGM stroma, and acquires adult en-graftment potential. The molecular basis for acquisitionof adult engraftment potential may involve upregulationof HOX genes since transduction of HOXB4 into cellsisolated from precirculation YS (E8.25) endowed themwith long-term lymphomyeloid engraftment capacity inadult irradiated mice (64).


There has been a long, and as yet unresolved debateconcerning the role of the YS in generating B cell pro-genitors. Early studies with Ig allotype markers showedthat YS cells transplanted into adult mice generated Bcells (65), and in utero injection of E8-10 YS resulted inpost-natal B and T chimerism (66). Chromosome markedE11 YS cells were shown to provide long-term lymphoid(T and B) and myeloid engraftment in mice (35). In a se-ries of studies, Auerbach et al. (12,13,67,68) showed thatAA4.11 cells from YS as early as E8–E9, when co-cul-tured on marrow stroma or YS endothelial lines couldgenerate cells with B and T potential a measured in vitroand when transferred in vivo into immunodeficient mice.

Cumano et al. (69) initially reported that AA41, Sca-12 cells in both yolk sac and embryo at E8.5 wereable to generate both T and B cells in an S17 stromal co-culture with IL-7 and c-Kit ligand. In a subsequent studyCumano et al. (70) separately cultured mouse embryo andYS at the presomite, pre-vasculature E7.5–8 stage for 48hrs and observed B cell differentiation only in the em-bryo. B lymphoid potential was observed in cultured YSobtained after the circulation was established, favoringtheir view that the YS is colonized by P-Sp-derived lym-phoid progenitors. The absence of definitive hematopoi-etic progenitors in their cultured YS, yet their presencein the YS in situ, suggests that the culture conditions weredeficient for maintenance of a normal pattern of lym-phohematopoiesis, rendering a negative result inconclu-sive. Ogawa et al. (71) reported B cell progenitors de-veloping in cultures of E9.5 embryos but not of YS,although excessive production of mast cells in the latter

cultures may have inhibited lymphoid differentiation.Nishikawa et al. (72) isolated VE-cadherin1, CD452ve

“endothelial” cells from E8.5–9.5 embryo and YS andshowed B cell differentiation from both sources on OP9stroma in the presence of IL-7, an important early B cellgrowth factor.

These variable and often conflicting data can be at-tributed, in part, to culture variables such as whole tis-sue cultures versus dispersed cells, the use of differentstromal lines, and particularly the use of supplementalcytokines such as IL-7 and c-Kit ligand. Certain of theseconditions may provide an environment capable of sup-porting lymphoid differentiation from “hemogenic” en-dothelium or hemangioblasts; others may support differ-entiation from lymphomyeloid stem cells and pMix;while others can expand only those cells that have un-dergone B cell commitment (pB or pB/macrophage). Byrestricting the criteria for a committed B cell progenitorto cells expressing CD45, and probably CD19, IL7Ra

and c-Kit, these cells first appear within the E10 AGMregion where they may traffic to the YS as well as theearly liver. It is probable that more primitive cell popu-lations in the YS can migrate into the embryo and un-dergo pB commitment in the AGM region or early liver.



In the human embryo, hematopoietic clusters of CD341

cells appear in the aorta at 27 days gestation, 8–9 days af-ter initiation of YS hematopoietic, and 6 days after the on-set of the circulation (Fig. 1) (58,59,73). Ultrastructuralstudies show that the endothelial basal lamina is intactwhere it interacts with the cells in the hematopoietic clus-ters, and the hematopoietic and endothelial cells are inter-connected by tight junctions (74,75). The precursors of thehematopoietic clusters in the periaortic region were con-sidered “endothelial” based on expression of CD34 andCD31 (PECAM-1), Ulex Europu lectin binding, uptake ofacetylated low-density lipoprotein (Dil-Ac-LDL), and ab-sence of CD45 (45–47,71). This blood-forming “endothe-lium” is present in the human embryo AGM region at 28days with a peak frequency at 31 days and absence by 44days (76). Culture of the para-aortic splanchnopleura (P-Sp) from 21–26 day human embryos on marrow stromalcells generated hematopoietic cells, demonstrating thehematogenic potential of P-Sp mesoderm that precedesthe appearance of “hemogenic endothelium” (59). Thepre “endothelial” mesodermal precursor is CD342ve,CD452ve (20), and VEGFR-2/KDR1 (77).

In mice, hematopoietic clusters appear at E10.5 in theventral floor of the dorsal aorta. They appear to be in di-rect contact with underlying mesenchyme where the en-



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dothelium is interrupted. VE-cadherin-expressing cells inthe AGM have hematopoietic potential, and VE-cadherinis expressed on the luminal aspect of vascular endotheliumbut not in CD451 aorta-associated hematopoietic clusters(45,72,76,78). A discrete region of densely packed mes-enchymal cells lies beneath ventral floor of the dorsal aortaand is 3–4 layers thick in mouse and 5–7 layers in human(58,74,75). These mesenchymal cells are interconnectedby tight junctions, express smooth muscle a-actin (SMa-A), and may be precursor of vascular smooth muscle.BMP-4 is polarized to the ventral wall of the dorsal aortain the mesenchymal layer underlying the intra-aortic he-matopoietic clusters where it could induce P-Sp mesodermto become hemangioblasts and HSC (79). Medivinsky etal. (41) identified the mouse AGM region at E10.5 as asource of CFU-S, preceding their appearance in YS. CFUsprecursors were present in both AGM and YS by E9 sincecultures of either tissue at this stage generated CFU-S (42).In vivo engraftment was obtained with cells from the E10.5dorsal aorta and vitelline/umbilical artery (80,81). Quanti-tation of long-term repopulating stem cell numbers by lim-iting dilution assay has shown that they first appear in theAGM at E10.5 and are present in equal numbers in AGM,YS, circulation, and early liver rudiment by E11 (43). HSCcapable of long-term lymphomyeloid engraftment could begenerated in organ culture of P-Sp isolated prior to the on-set of the circulation (E7.5–8), whereas cultured YS failedto generate such HSC (61). However, Matsuoka et al. (62)were able to generate repopulating HSC in co-culture ofequally early P-Sp and YS with a stromal line (AGM-S3)

derived from the E10.5 AGM region. This line may havesome unique properties since in a study of 100 stromal linesgenerated from AGM subregions, most were supportive ofadult HSC expansion but none were able to induce devel-opment of engraftment HSC when co-cultured with CD341

cKit1 cells from E10 AGM or YS (82).The various inductive influence of the subaortic mes-

enchyme could cause bipotential precursors located in thefloor of the aorta to preferentially adopt a hematopoieticfate. Alternatively, endothelial cells may de-differentiateand switch to a hematopoietic fate in response to local or transient signals. A third possibility is that heman-gioblasts or their precursors may migrate secondarily intothe aortic wall, either from the underlying mesenchyme orfrom the circulation, in response to a chemokine gradient.Endothelial cells, angioblasts, and HSC express CXCR4,and mesenchyme adjacent to the dorsal aorta expresseshigh levels of its ligand SDF-1, indicating a role for thischemokine pathway in both vasculogenesis and migrationof hemangioblastic precursors to the floor of the aorta (83).

The Runx1/AML1 gene plays a critical role in estab-lishment of definitive hematopoiesis in the AGM. Runx1expression is initiated in mesenchymal cells at the distaltip of the allantois, and endothelial cells in ventral por-tion of paired dorsal aorta at E8.5 and in both endothe-lium and mesenchyme of the ventral AGM and in the in-tra-aortic hematopoietic clusters between E9.5–11.5 (84).In Runx1/LacZ mice, some 30% of the cells recoveredfrom the AGM and the vitelline and umbilical arteries atE11.5 were Runx1/LacZ1, and this population contained



FIG. 1. Photograph of a 5-week-old human embryo. Ao, dorsal aorta; AL, anterior limb rudiment; L, liver; H, heart; YS, yolksac. Enlarged view of the dorsal aorta from the same embryo immunostained for CD34 expression, showing CD341 endothe-lium and the ventral thickening of the vessel wall resulting from accumulation of rounded CD341 hematopoietic cells that arealso CD451. Nucleated erythrocytes are present in the lumen. Photo courtesy of Dr. Bruno Péault. From Tavian M, L Coulombel,D Luton, HS Clemente, F Dieterlen-Lievre, and B Péault. (1996). Aorta-associated CD341 hematopoietic cells in the early hu-man embryo. Blood 87:67–72. Copyright© American Society of Hematology, reproduced with permission (73).

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all HSC capable of engrafting irradiated recipients (84).These HSC were initially CD452ve at E10.5, but byE11.5, HSC activity was present in both CD451 andCD452ve fractions. The vast majority of HSC wasCD411 (85) and were found in both the positive and neg-ative fraction of AGM stained with CD31, Flk-1, or VE-cadherin (84). The expression of Flk-1 on these HSC populations is controversial, with some studies showingexpression of the receptor in the hematopoietic clusters(86), others showing that it is barely detectable in hema-topoietic clusters but is expressed on hemangioblasticprecursors (77), or providing data suggesting that someHSC that lack Flk-1 did engraft indicating downregula-tion of Flk-1 on CD451 intra-aortic clusters (84).

In Runx1-deficient mice, HSC and intra-aortic clusterswere absent, while in Runx1 hemizygous mice, hemato-poietic clusters were reduced in number and size and HSCnumbers and distribution were altered, indicating a genedosage effect (84). Haploinsufficiency of Runx1 resultsin an earlier appearance of engraftable HSC in the YSwith E10 YS cells now capable of reconstituting the he-matopoietic system of irradiated adult mice (87). At thesame time there is premature termination of HSC activ-ity in the AGM explants consistent with a change in thebalance of HSC emergence, migration, and/or mainte-nance. With hemizygous levels of Runx the YS may au-tonomously generate HSC simultaneous to their genera-tion of HSC in the AGM; alternatively AGM mayautonomously generate abundant HSC that immediatelyand rapidly migrate to the YS where they are detected inabundance, or Runx1 insufficiency blocks emigration ofHSC from the YS resulting in accumulation there and adeficiency in the AGM.

In birds at E2 the aortic endothelium consisted entirelyof CD452ve, VEGFR-21 flat endothelial cells. The firstintraembryonic hematopoiesis occurs at E3 in endothe-lium-associated intra-aortic clusters of markedly baso-philic cells with prominent nucleoli. CD451 VEGFR-22ve

hematopoietic progenitors are detected in the aortic wallat E3–4 (88). Subsequently (E6–8) hematopoiesis occursin diffuse hematopoietic “para-aortic foci” located in thedorsal mesentery ventral to the aorta (89,90). Markerstudies showed that the intra-aortic clusters developed in situ and not by migration from the YS (91). Acety-lated low-density lipoprotein (Dil-Ac-LDL) labeling in-dicated that the hematopoietic clusters originated fromaortic endothelium, while retroviral vector marking indi-cated that the para-aortic foci were derived from intra-aortic clusters (89,90). Mesodermal subdivision trans-plantation showed that the endothelium of floor of thedorsal aorta develops from splanchnopleural mesodermand generates progenitors with dual hematopoietic andangiogenic potential, while endothelium of the aortic roofand sides arise from somite mesoderm that generates“pure” angioblasts (89).



Vascular development is initially asymmetric, centeredin YS blood islands, and in the embryo proper where an-gioblasts begin to coalesce into the aorta. Morphogene-sis of blood vessels is marked by a sequential pattern ofgene expression in which SCL and Flk1 are expressedfirst at the angioblast stage, followed by PECAM, CD34,VE-cadherin, and later Tie2, while SCL expression isdownregulated in endothelium of mature vessels (92). By the murine 3 somite stage, vascular development hasspread through the YS, and extended aortic tubes are vis-ible (93). Beginning at the 4 somite stage, erythroblastsdisperse through the distal yolk sac and a few erythro-blasts appear in the head and tail region of the embryowhere the embryonic and YS vasculature meet. The cir-culation onset is defined as erythroblast movement withinvessels and is initiated at the murine 4–6 somite stageduring E8.25.

The respective roles of hemangioblasts as commonprecursors of endothelium and hematopoiesis versus theplasticity of “hemogenic endothelium” in initiating he-matopoiesis in the AGM or YS is debated (45,46,74–76,79,90,94). This is not simply a semantic issue since thehemangioblast concept recognizes a common undiffer-entiated precursor, whereas the “hemogenic” endothe-lium concept recognizes that an endothelial pathway ofdifferentiation has occurred but the cells remain suffi-ciently plastic to be capable of redifferentiating to hema-topoietic lineage. A number of these studies identify en-dothelium as the source of hematopoiesis based uponisolation of cells expressing markers associated with en-dothelium (VE-cadherin, CD31/PECAM, Flk-1, Flt-1,Tie-2, Ulex Europus agglutinin binding, Dil-Ac-LDL up-take). None of these markers is unique to endothelium andpossibly could be expressed on hemangioblasts or pre-he-matopoietic mesoderm, while some are expressed on HSCor more differentiated myeloid cells. Direct derivation ofhematopoietic cells from mature, already differentiated,endothelium has been reported in Ac-LDL-DiI labelingstudies (89,90,95). Following intra-cardiac injection ofE10 mouse embryos with Ac-LDL-DiI, staining wasfound within 1 hr and was confined to CD311, CD341,CD452ve endothelium along the entire vascular tree (95).At twelve hours after injection, 1.4% of circulating cellswere DiI1, and of these, 43% expressed the erythryoidmarker Ter 119 and adult globin, characteristic of defin-itive definitive erythropoiesis. The rest of the DiI1 cellsrepresent committed white blood cells, lineage restrictedand multi-potent progenitors as revealed by colony for-mation, and HSC. The remarkable feature of this obser-vation is the rapidity with which the endothelium differ-



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entiates to multipotent HSC, and lineage restricted ery-throid progenitors (BFU-e) that in turn differentiate to theextent that they express globin genes, maturation stepsthat normally require at least 4–6 cell divisions. It is alsolikely that the transition from hemangioblast to endothe-lium or HSC is not abrupt, but is a progressive processof increasing restriction. A cautionary note in variousmarker studies involving endothelial and hematopoieticcells is provided in co-culture experiments with CD341

cells and tumor necrosis factor-a (TNFa)-treated endo-thelium, where we observed, by confocal microscopy, abi-directional transfer of an intact marker protein (GreenFluorescent Protein) between developing dendritic cellsand endothelium (96). This interchange was facilitatedby the intimate interaction, observed in ultrastructuralanalysis, between the myeloid dendritic cells which canbe partially “internalized” by TNF-stimulated endothe-lium with the membranes of both cell types remainingintact. This may represent emperipoiesis, a form oftransmigration of one cell type through another. A fur-ther caveat is that most of the markers that have beenconsidered endothelial-specific can be expressed on he-matopoietic cells. Certain monocyte-macrophage-de-rived cells have proangiogenic effects due to secretion ofangiogenic growth factors and express endothelial-asso-ciated features (CD31, incorporation of Dil-acLDL, bind-ing of Ulex europus agglutinin), yet still express macro-phage features of CD45 and CD14 expression (96). Thesecells may be comparable to a CD451, CD11b1, Sca-11, Tie-21 partially CD341 hematopoietic populationthat is also reported to home to sites of neoangiogenesisand closely interact with vascular endothelial cells (97).

Evidence for the existence of hemangioblasts has comefrom studies on embryonic stem cells. Culture of embry-onic stem cell-derived embryoid bodies with vascular en-dothelial growth factor (VEGF) and cKit ligand led to de-velopment of colonies of blast cells (CFU-Bl) which uponsecondary replating generated colonies of both primitivegeneration of erythroid as well as definitive generation ery-throid and myeloid lineage, supporting the view that bothdefinitive and primitive generation can arise from a com-mon precursor (98). However, murine ES cells that haveRunx1 homozygously deleted can form hemangioblaststhat produce primitive but not definitive hematopoieticcells (99). In addition, blast colonies can be shown to gen-erate endothelium, supporting the view that CFU-Bl arehemangioblasts (100). The thrombopoietin (Tpo) receptorc-Mpl can be detected by day 3 of embryoid body forma-tion when hemangioblasts first arise and Tpo alone sup-ported CFU-Bl formation and nearly doubled the numberof blast colonies generated when combined with VEGFand c-Kit ligand (101). A more primitive embryoid body-derived VEGF-independent type of colony forming cellwas subsequently described, the transitional CFC (102) or

pre-blast CFC (103). This type of colony contains cell pop-ulation undergoing commitment of mesoderm to hemato-poietic and endothelial lineages, and cardiomyocytes(102). Individual transitional colonies express a combina-tion of mesoderm, hematopoietic, and endothelial genes(Brachyury, flk-1, SCL/tal-1, GATA-1).

Kumano et al. (104) showed hematopoiesis and an-giogenesis was severely impaired in E9.5 P-Sp organ cul-tures established from Notch1-deficient embryos. P-Spand YS cells from Notch 11/1 and 1/2 but not fromNotch 2/2 embryos showed hematopoietic engraftmentin busulfan-conditioned newborn mice. Studies with con-ditional Notch1 deficient BM showed normal hemato-poietic engraftment; thus Notch1 acts at the stage of HSCand angioblast generation from hemangioblast in both P-Sp and YS but is not required for expansion or main-tenance of HSC (104).

A homeobox gene termed Hex has been shown essen-tial for hemangioblast differentiation, and studies ofHex2/2 embyonic stem (ES) cells and embryos hasshown marked defects in definitive hematopoietic pro-genitor production in YS, and embryoid bodies showeddefective endothelial and definitive hematopoietic devel-opment (105).

The zebrafish mutation kugelig is associated with se-vere anemia, reduced expression of SCL, and total ab-sence of AML1/Runx1 in blood cells but with normalnumbers of Flk1 1 angioblasts and normal vascular de-velopment (106). The mutation is in Cdx4, a memberof the caudal family of homeobox genes that arethought to regulate Hox gene expression. A late prim-itive streak stage Sdx4 is confined to mesodermal cellsof posterior embryo, the allantois, and the YS wall. Re-sults suggest that if hemangioblasts exist in vivo thenthey must arise before the onset of SCL expression, andthat Cdx4 is necessary for this population to differen-tiate into an SCL1 hematopoietic precursor. Alterna-tively the blood and vascular lineages may arise inde-pendently from posterior mesoderm, with Cdx4 beingrequired solely for specification of hematopoietic fate.Finding that Scl over-expression fails to rescue blooddevelopment suggests that the pathway acts to makelateral plate mesoderm competent to respond to genesthat specify hematopoietic fate (106). Transduction ofCdx4 into embryoid body cells induced a marked en-hancement of hematopoietic differentiation associatedwith upregulation of Hox genes (HoxB3, HoxB8,HoxA9, and particularly HoxB4) that are implicated inHSC or progenitor cell proliferation.


The thymus develops from the endoderm of the thirdpharyngeal pouch with subsequent epithelial-mesenchy-



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mal interactions and Notch signaling participating inthymic organogenesis (2,107). Between E11–E12 in themouse, the stratified epithelium undergoes morphologi-cal changes, beginning to express high levels of MHCII1 and of Delta1, the Notch ligand that plays a criticalrole in T cell development (107) (Fig. 2). Comparabledevelopment of the thymic rudiment is seen at embry-onic day ,35 days in human, 7–8 days in the chick em-bryo, and day 4 in Xenopus. Our studies in parabioticchick embryos demonstrated very high levels of thymiclymphoid chimerism following establishment of a yolksac vascular union at d6–7 of incubation but not follow-ing a later vascular union (2,14). We proposed that thethymic immigrant cells were derived from the yolk sac(2,16), a view supported by studies in which 7-day yolksac cells were injected into irradiated chick embryos andcolonized the thymus (15,39), and by studies on thethymic homing and differentiation of tritiated thymidine-

labeled yolk sac cells (Fig. 3) (17). However sex mis-matched YS and embryo chimeras generated at 33–55 hrsof incubation showed that the thymus was populated bycells of the sex of the embryo and not by YS (16). Stud-ies in chick-quail chimeras also showed that the primarylymphoid organs were colonized by cells that originatein the para-aortic region (39,40). Coltey et al. (108) pro-posed that the avian thymus is colonized by three wavesof immigrant cells, the first wave came from para-aorticfoci at d6, with subsequent waves at day 12 and day 18originating from marrow and spleen. These opposingviews can be reconciled if the yolk sac is colonized at avery early stage by cells originating in the para-aortic re-gion, and like the mammalian fetal liver, may then serveas a site for expansion of lymphoid progenitors that sec-ondarily migrate to the thymus. In Xenopus embryos,diploid ventral blood islands (VBI), analogous to the yolksac, and the dorsal stem cell compartment (DSC) analo-



FIG. 2. A. E11 mouse embryo thymic rudiment. At this stage the rudiment is composed of pale-staining epithelial cells witha central lumen, a remnant of the pharyngeal pouch. Candidate immigrant cells with deeply staining basophilic cytoplasm andprominent nucleoi (arrowed) are present within the epithelium and adjacent to it. Giemsa stain. 3 450. B. Basophilic blast cellin 11 day thymic rudiment. 3 1000. C. E12 mouse thymic rudiment with numerous large basophilic cells within the circum-scribed epithelial rudiment at a stage prior to penetration of the epithelium by vasculature. 3 450. D. Basophilic cells in E12thymus. Note the deeply stained cytoplasm, prominent nucleoli and Golgi apparatus (arrowed). 3 1000.



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gous to the para-aortic and dorsal aortic region of birds,were transplanted into triploid hosts. Cells from bothsources entered the thymus at day 4 post-fertilization andcontributed to thymocyte populations from the earliestdevelopmental stage examined (9). Both VBI and DSC-derived cells persisted after metamorphosis and contrib-uted to all lymphohematopoietic populations of the adultfrog. In synchorial heterozygotic twin marmosets there isextensive thymic as well as bone marrow chimerism iden-tified by sex chromosome analysis (21), supporting theconcept that colonization of the developing thymus byimmigrant cells occurs in all vertebrate species.

Initial colonization of the thymic rudiment precedesthe onset of intrathymic vascularization by two days andis marked by accumulation of basophilic blast cells inperithymic mesenchymal capillaries, followed by their

egress and migration into contact with the epithelial anlage. Cytoplasmic extensions penetrate the epitheliumbasement membrane, and blast cells move into the ep-ithelium and commence proliferation (Fig. 2). Intra-venous injection of day 7 yolk sac cells labeled with tritiated thymidine into day-7 chick embryos show acomparable homing to thymic epithelium (Fig. 3). In theNude mouse, lymphoid precursors fail to enter the ep-ithelium from the perithymic mesenchyme, and the de-fect, which is in epithelial development, has been at-tributed to a loss-of-function mutation in the Foxn1transcription factor (109). MHC class II1 epithelial cellsare a source of chemoattractant factors, and alymphoidthymic lobes can be shown to attract cells from fetal liverfragments (110).

While thymic epithelium plays an important role in T



FIG. 3. Tritiated thymidine-labeled avian embryonic yolk sac (E7), embryonic blood (E13), embryonic spleen (E14), or em-bryonic marrow (E18) cells were injected intravenously into 8-14 day chick embryos. All these sources showed homing of la-beled cells to the E8-9 thymus and E14 bursa of Fabricius. Comparably labeled embryonic thymus or bursal cells did not hometo these sites. A. Autoradiograph of a section of the E9 thymus 24 hrs after injection showing a pair of labeled cells (arrowed)(probably daughter cells of a cell division) in the perithymic mesenchyme adjacent to the epithelium. H& E stain 31000. B. Au-toradiograph of a section of the E9 thymus 24 hrs after injection showing heavily labeled basophilic blast cells (arrowed) withinthe thymic epithelium. H&E stained. 3450. C. Autoradiograph of section of the E15 bursa 24 hrs after injection showing a la-beled cell (arrowed) in the epithelium at a very early stage of bud formation. H&E stained. 3450. D. Autoradiograph of sec-tion of the E15 bursa 24 hrs after injection showing labeled blast cells (arrowed) within and adjacent to an epithelial bud. H&Estained. 3450.

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cell development, less attention has been given to thymicmesenchyme. Mesenchyme surrounding the thymus isderived from cells that migrate from the cephalic regionof the neural crest. The importance of this mesenchymeis demonstrated in studies in which E12 thymic lobeswere cultured in the presence or absence of perithymicmesenchyme with the former generating all T cell sub-sets in vitro, whereas the latter showed severely com-promised lymphopoiesis (26). Earlier studies had sug-gested that the mesenchyme influenced thymic epithelialmorphogenesis and the effects on lymphopoiesis weresecondary to a defective epithelium; however, there isclear evidence that mesenchymal cells directly affectlymphopoiesis (111). Mesenchymal cells migrate into theepithelial thymus and establish an intrathymic networkof fibroblasts with an associated extracellular matrix(ECM). ECM components such as fibronectin andlaminin interact with integrins expressed on developingthymocytes, initiating outside-in signaling, and sulfatedglycosaminoglycans in the matrix can bind cytokines andchemokines which may be presented to thymocytes.Members of the BM and fibroblast growth factor (FGF)family of growth factors have been implicated in cross talkbetween stromal cells and the thymocyte compartment(112,113). Impaired thymic development is seen in micelacking either FGF10 or its receptor FGFR2IIIb (112). Theligands for this receptor (FGF7 and FGF10) are synthe-sized by thymic mesenchyme, while the receptor is ex-pressed on thymic epithelium. BMP4 acts upstream ofFGF7/FGF10, to upregulate Foxn1, leading in turn to up-regulation of FGFR2IIIb on epithelium (113). BMP4 alsoupregulated the stromal chemokines eotaxin and EB-11 li-gand (ELC), in an FGF signal-dependent manner (113).Using thymic organ culture, both BMP4 and FGF7/FGF10arrested early T cell development at the CD4-CD8-CD25-CD441 (DN1) stage and at the CD4-CD8- double nega-tive (DN) to CD41CD81 double-positive (DP) transitionin a stromal compartment-dependent manner (113).



Limiting dilution in vitro and in vivo thymic lobe col-onizing assays have been used to identify thymic re-populating cells and can be used in parallel with B cellprecursor assays in stromal co-culture, myeloid pro-genitor colony assays, or HSC detected by competitivelong-term repopulating assays. Lymphoid commitmenthas been reported to precede thymic development in theCD451cKit1CD341 hematopoietic clusters of the vas-cular endothelium of the AGM region (72, 114–118).

In addition to multilineage progenitors, progenitors re-stricted to T lineage (pT) or T, NK and macrophage lin-eages (pTM), or B and B plus macrophage lineage (pBM)were identified at this early stage. The common lymphoidprogenitor (CLP), identified in adult mouse marrow as aprecursor of both B and T lineage and possibly involvedin colonization of the post-natal thymus (119), does notexist in the embryo (114,120–122). The AGM pT cellshave TCR rearrangements and are subsequently found inthe circulation and fetal liver at E11–12, coinciding withthymic colonization (122). In the mouse embryo ,20 Tcell precursors enter the thymus at E11–12, increasing toa maximum of ,3,000 entering between E13–14 (123).This is compatible with the number of CD451 cells ineach E12 thymus lobe (,50 cells) (124), and the 100–200large basophilic cells within the epithelium and the90–100 in the perithymic mesenchyme reported betweenE12–E13 (17). At the time of entry into the thymic ep-ithelium at E12, the immigrant cells express CD451, c-kit1, CD441, CD341 and the a4 integrin, but are neg-ative for CD62L, CD25 and Thy-1.2 (124). CD34 isdownregulated on thymic precursors between 24–48 hrsafter entry and so is a marker for the earliest thymic stemcell in the embryo. The CD451 migrant stem cells canstill be seen in the mesenchyme surrounding the epithe-lium at E13, suggesting the first wave of stem cells isstill entering, but by E14, stem cells are no longer seenin the perithymic connective tissue (124).

It is possible to isolate thymic immigrant cells fromthe perithymic mesenchyme that have exited the circula-tion, but prior to their exposure to epithelial inductive in-fluences. These cells are IL7Ra1 and do not yet expressNotch target genes such as Hes-1 and pre-Ta, but uponentry into the thymic epithelium and exposure to Notchligands Delta and Jagged, Notch signaling is activated(125). Ectopic expression of Delta ligand on a marrowstromal line, in the presence of IL7 ligand and cKit li-gand reproduced a thymic inducing environment that supported differentiation of fetal liver Sca-1hi c-Kithi

CD24loLin-progenitors to functionally mature CD4 andCD8 T cells (126). IL7Ra appears to be downregulatedon the earliest T lineage progenitor within the thymus as-sociated with loss of thymic homing capacity (127).Mouse IL7Ra chain mutants show profound defects inthymopoiesis in the adult, but fetal thymopoisis is rela-tively intact, suggesting possible alternate cytokine path-ways can operate during ontogeny (128).

The first 14 days of thymic development in the mousecan be separated into four phenotypically and geneticallydistinct phases (129). The first stage (lineage double neg-ative stage 1) is CD4-CD8-CD25-CD44hi and initiallyCD341 gives rise to T, B, dendritic cell (DC) and NK;the second stage is CD4-CD8-CD251CD44hi T or DConly. Stage 3 are CD4-C8-CD251CD44lo and absolutelycommitted to T. The final stage is pre-CD41CD81CD25.



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A 4000-fold expansion occurs in the first 3 phases and a250-fold expansion in the early pre-double positive stage.


B lymphopoisis is initiated in avian species in the bursaof Fabricius—an organ uniquely specialized for this pur-pose. The search for the mammalian equivalent of thebursa has led to various sites as being proposed as “bur-sal equivalent,” even the appendix, but it is most likelythat mammalian B lymphopoiesis occurs in the fetal liverbefore moving to the bone marrow. The bursal primordiumappears by E5 as an epithelial thickening at the ventro-caudal contact of the cloaca with external ectodermal ep-ithelium. By E10–11 longitudinal folds of lining epithe-lium project into the lumen, and by E12–13 epithelial budsproject into the underlying mesenchyme (Fig. 4). Studiesin parabiosed embryos and embryonic grafts of bursal rudi-ments demonstrated that the bursa was colonized by cir-culating lymphoid precursors that entered at E13–14 (5,14,15). At this stage large basophilic blast cells are ob-served in the blood vessels of the mesenchyme adjacent tothe epithelial buds. After exiting the vessels the blast cellsmigrate into contact with the epithelial buds before tran-siting through the epithelial basement membrane (Fig. 4)and localizing within the epithelium follicle where theyproliferate extensively, differentiating into typical bursalB lymphocytes (5,17). Injection of embryos at E10–14with tritiated thymidine-labeled embryonic yolk sac,spleen marrow, and blood cells (but not thymocytes)showed rapid localization of labeled basophilic cells in thebursal epithelium with subsequent proliferation and lym-phoid differentiation (Fig. 3). Chromosome marker stud-ies showed that injection of the same embryonic hemato-poietic tissues, but not embryonic thymus, into E14irradiated embryos confirmed their ability to reconstitutebursal lymphopoiesis (15). Cells present in the E14 spleenor marrow that colonized the bursa upon injection were al-ready B committed with VJ recombination, and distinctfrom T lineage precursors (130). The precise site of B cellcommitment is not known, but marker studies indicate thatthe B precursors ultimately derive from the intraembry-onic para-aortic region, possibly as early as E2 (39,40), al-though their subsequent expansion and B commitment mayoccur within the yolk sac and then spleen.



The liver develops from ventral foregut endoderm thatis induced to proliferate and adopt a hepatic fate by sig-

nals from pericardium and septum transversum mes-enchyme (131). In studies involving grafting of fetal liverbeneath the adult mouse kidney capsule we showed thatautonomous hematopoiesis occurred if the graft was fromembryos older than 28 somites (E10), whereas grafts ofearlier stages did not show hematopoiesis (36). Injectionof hematopoietic cells intravenously into irradiated, fetalliver-engrafted mice showed that the pre-28 somite graftcould support hematopoiesis. This study establishedE9.5–10 as the time of initial colonization of the fetalliver by immigrant stem/progenitor cells. Limiting dilu-tion long-term repopulation assays demonstrate at leastone competitive repopulating unit (CRU) in the liver, cir-culation, AGM region, and YS at E11, with an increasein the liver of .50-fold by E12 and .250-fold at E13(43). After correcting for in vivo seeding efficiency(,10%) the data suggests an initial homing of 10 stemcells at E10–11. The .250-fold expansion of stem cellsin the ensuing 48 hrs is matched by a daily logarithmicincrease in CFU-GM BFU-E and CFU-S betweenE10–13 (17,35). It is likely that continual immigration ofstem and progenitor cells occurs with initial colonizationfrom the AGM, but at E12 the YS is making a signifi-cant contribution (43). Large numbers of CFU-E appearsimultaneously with BFU-E at the onset of hepatic he-matopoiesis, and embryonic blood contains significantnumbers of definitive hematopoietic progenitors imme-diately prior to liver development indicating colonizationby immigrant progenitors in addition to stem cells (56). Aderivation from YS is suggested by studies in human fe-tuses showing that BFU-E numbers drop abruptly in theYS at 35 days and simultaneously appear in the liver, re-flecting oriented migration (47). Thus the liver appears tobe colonized by two waves of HSC, the initial one fromthe AGM arriving at E10, reaching a maximum at E11 anddisappearing by E13, and a second wave arriving from theYS on E12. Both these waves are accompanied by immi-gration of multipotent and unipotent progenitors and pos-sibly macrophages, predominantly of YS origin.

The fetal liver has long been considered the initial siteof B cell commitment beginning at E14 in the mouse,and from then on, the B progenitors expand in a syn-chronous wave-like pattern reaching a peak in the peri-natal stage (132). By functional and phenotypic analysisAA4.11, FcgR1 or AA4.11, Sca-11, B2202ve cells withB/macrophage potential are detected in E12.5-13 fetal liver(99,133–136). A novel population of cKit1, AA4.11,CD341, Sca-12ve, CD451, C191 cells (70% expressingIL7Ra but negative for CD45R/B220) have been reportedin E11 AGM and liver that differentiate exclusively intoB cells (135). Numerically at E11 these very early pro-Bprogenitors comprised ,100 in the AGM region, ,500 inthe liver, with smaller numbers in the blood and yolk sac.Migration of these B progenitors from the AGM to theliver begins at E10 with subsequent increase due to con-



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tinued immigration and intra-hepatic expansion. SinceHSC are also colonizing the liver at this time, the possi-bility of intra-hepatic generation of additional pB fromthese more primitive cells cannot be excluded. Themyeloid suppressing transcription factor Pax5 plays a crit-ical role in B cell commitment, and Pax5-deficient micedisplay B cell maturation arrest at the pro-B level (137).The B/macrophage progenitors in the fetal liver and AGMexpresses Pax5 but at a significantly lower level than theadult CLP (136). This observation may account for the re-tention of macrophage potential in the fetal B progenitorand complete block of this pathway in the adult CLP. ThepB of Pax5-deficient mice provide long-term reconstitu-tion of the thymus of RAG2-deficient mice and generatemature T cells, and in vitro with appropriate cytokines, canproduce T cells, macrophages, osteoclasts, dendritic cells,granulocytes, and NK cells (137).

The role of the chemokine SDF-1 in promoting the mi-gration of pB from the AGM region to the liver is sug-gested by the demonstration that its receptor, CXCR4, isexpressed on IL7Ra1 pB and SDF-1 induces chemotaxisof these cells (138). Mice with targeted disruption of theSDF-1 or CXCR4 genes display defects in B lymphocytedevelopment in the fetal liver (139,140) that may be at-tributed to defective colonization of the liver by pB aswell as impairment in B cell proliferation, since SDF-1,acting in synergy with cKit and Flt3 ligands, promotesproliferation of pB cells (138). The numbers of HSC(CRU) were normal in fetal liver of SDF-1 null embryosbetween E12.5–E14.5 with a two-fold reduction at E16.5but normal numbers by E18.5 (141). This contrasted withsevere depletion of HSC in E18.5 BM indicating a crit-ical role for SDF-1 in stem cell homing to marrow butnot to fetal liver.



FIG. 4. E14 chick embryo bursa of Fabricius. At this stage the epithelium is budding into the mesenchyme of the tunica pro-pria and chromosome marker studies of parabiosed embryos shows this time to be the onset of bursal chimerism. A. A clusterof basophilic blast cells in a blood vessel in the perifollicular mesenchyme. Note a blast cell extruding pseudopodia, apparentlytraversing the endothelial lining (arrowed) and a blast cell in the mesenchyme Giemsa stain. 31000. B. Basophilic blast cells inand around an epithelial bud. A basophilic pseudopod can be seen extending across the epithelial basement membrane from acell outside the plane of section (arrowed). 3 750. C. A circumscribed epithelial follicle containing a large basophilic blast cell,and a pair of smaller basophilic cells, probably a division product of an immigrant blast cell. 3 750. D. An E18 bursal folliclefrom an embryo treated with colcemid to block cells in metaphase (small dark nuclei). Note the predominant lymphoid mor-phology and high mitotic rate. 3 250.




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The spleen develops as a hematopoietic organ at E13in the mouse, prior to bone marrow development. Splenichematopoiesis is initiated at E8 in chick embryos. Thesplenic primordium appears as a dense syncytial-likemesenchymal thickening in the dorsal mesogastrium in-terspersed with vascular spaces. Chromosome markerstudies in parabiosed and twin chick embryos demon-strated extensive chimerism in the splenic rudiment asearly as E12 (14). Cell labeling studies confirmed thatcirculating cells colonized the chick splenic rudiment asearly as E8 (17), and together with embryonic hemato-poietic cell reconstitution of irradiated embryos, indi-cated that splenic colonizing cells were present in the YSand circulation at the time of initiation of splenic hema-topoiesis (15). The onset of cell immigration into the de-veloping spleen coincides with the appearance of largeimmature cells characterized by intense cytoplasmic ba-sophila and prominent nucleoli both in the vascularspaces and perivascular mesenchyme of the spleen (15).In the chick embryo by E9 these basophilic cells appearscattered throughout the mesenchyme and frequently ex-tend long tails of cytoplasm between the reticulum cellsfor some distance from the main body of the cells. E11granulopoiesis is extensive and erythropoietic foci de-velop. In mammals, the fetal liver is the most probablesource of cells initially colonizing the spleen rudimentsince the AGM and yolk sac are no longer hematopoi-etic at this stage (E13–14), and the marrow at this earlystage is a net importer rather than exporter of cells. CFU-GM/BFU-E, CFU-s and HSC are detected by E15 in themurine splenic rudiment and increase in absolute num-bers through to 3 weeks post-natally, then progressivelydecline as the spleen ceases to be a myelopoietic organ(17). Labeled thymic lymphocytes began to localize in thespleen with high efficiency by E17 coinciding with theinitiation of lymphopoiesis. In birds and mammals splenicmyelopoietic activity progressively declines and thespleen becomes a predominantly lymphopoietic organ.


Bone marrow development begins by penetration ofperichondrial mesenchymal cells and blood vessels intothe zone of calcified cartilage in the central region of thelong bones (142). Vascular cells are recruited by VEGFsecreted by hypertrophic chondrocytes and bring alongosteoblast precursors and circulating hematopoietic cells,including primitive macrophages (143). The cartilaginousmatrix is resorbed and the primordial marrow cavity ap-pears as a mesenchymal network interspersed with aplexus of widely dilated veins. Hematopoiesis is initiated

by accumulation of large numbers of undifferentiated ba-sophilic blast cells within the dilated marrow capillaries,beginning at E11–12 in chick, E17 in mouse, and E70–77in man (17). Avian parabiosis studies demonstrated thatcirculating stem cells and progenitors colonize the de-veloping marrow beginning at E11–12 (14). Followingintravenous injection of tritiated thymidine-labeled em-bryonic YS or spleen cells into chick embryos, signifi-cant numbers of labeled blast cells localized in the mar-row at E11 (17). Cells from these tissues also repopulatedthe marrow when injected into irradiated embryos (15).In the mouse, CFU-GM/BFU-E and CFU-s and HSC ap-pear in the femoral marrow at E17, and the populationsdouble every 34 hrs.

Evidence that fetal liver was the source of stem/pro-genitor cells for colonizing the marrow came from stud-ies in which rats were injected in utero at E16 with aretroviral vector (144). Clonal identification of viral in-tegration sites showed that fetal liver–derived clones ap-peared in the marrow and circulated throughout the lifeof the animals. The role of SDF-1 produced by marrowstromal cells in the chemoattraction of CXCR41 HSC iswell established in the adult (145), and the failure of development of marrow hematopoiesis in mice with in-activation of the CXCR4/SDF-1 pathway (139,140)strongly suggests that the initial wave of HSC migrationis also SDF-1 dependent. In the marrow of embryonicSDF-12/2 mice at E18.5 the numbers of HSC, Gr-11

(myeloid), and B220/CD191 B lymphoid cells were se-verely reduced, but numbers of Ter1191 erythroid cellswere normal or only modestly reduced (141). SDF-1 inthe mesenchymal cells adjacent to endothelial cells ap-pears to play a critical role in colonization of BM by HSCand myeloid and lymphoid progenitors. In rodents, themarrow progressively expands in the first two months ofpostnatal life, associated with a decline in hepatic hema-topoiesis in the first week of life and a decline of splenichematopoiesis after the third week.


The use of various cell marker systems has revealed thedynamic nature of cell migration between developing he-matopoietic and lymphoid organs. Hematopoietic stemcells with lymphomyeloid potential are the most likelycandidates for cells trafficking from the YS and AGM tofetal liver, spleen, and bone marrow, while lymphoid re-stricted progenitors appear more likely for primary lym-phoid organ colonization. The long debate over the re-spective roles of YS and AGM in generating the HSC forsubsequent hematopoietic development is near a resolu-tion since definitive HSC capable of colonizing the fetalliver first arise in the yolk sac while HSC capable of re-



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populating adult animals first arises in AGM and shortlythereafter in YS, with both sources participating in livercolonization. A central theme of these developmental ob-servations is that stem cells (and in lymphoid pathways,B or T restricted progenitor cells) traffic from their sitesof origin to specific niches within other organs that sup-port expression of specific differentiation programs. Theseniches may be at sites of endodermal and mesodermal in-teraction (yolk sac, thymus, bursa, fetal liver), or be ofexclusively mesodermal origin (spleen, marrow). Thishighly organized system of temporal migration streams ofstem/progenitor cells moving through the circulation, andentering appropriate inductive environments seems the an-tithesis of the emerging concepts of cell plasticity in whichhematopoietic stem cell-derived populations can switchnot only lineage but also germ layer specificity.

Plasticity has been defined as the ability of adult stemcells to cross lineage barriers and adopt the expressionprofile and functional phenotype of cells that are uniqueto other tissues (146). Bone marrow has been identifiedas a source of cells as diverse as neurons and glia, lungbronchiolar epithelium, and type II pneumocytes, skele-tal and cardiac muscle, keratinocytes, intestinal epithe-lium, hepatocytes, pancreatic beta cells, renal epithelium,mesangial cells, and interstitial cells (reviewed in ref.146). A number of explanations can be evoked to explainthese remarkable observations and these need not all bemutually exclusive. The first may be that some of the ob-servations are erroneous for various technical or method-ological reasons, and the irreproducibility of at least someof the data supports this view. Secondly, the marrow mayharbor many different types of stem cell. There is no ar-gument about the existence of hematopoietic stem cells,mesenchymal stem cells, and endothelial stem cellswithin adult marrow (and fetal liver), and it is possiblethat certain unique features of the marrow provide ap-propriate niches for the long-term maintenance of manydifferent types of stem cells. These niches may protectstem cells from differentiation pressure to which they aresubject once they egress the marrow and home to ap-propriate target sites, e.g., to muscle or sites of neovas-cularization in the case of endothelial stem cells. Moreprimitive stem cells may also reside in the marrow, al-beit at very low frequencies. Hemangioblasts may per-sist from early developmental stages since there havebeen studies where single cell cloning or engraftment ex-periments have suggested their presence in adult marrow(147–149). While most CD341, CD1331 marrow cellsexpressing VEGFR2/KDR/Flk-1 are endothelial progen-itor/stem cells, a low percentage of these cells may giverise to hematopoiesis and endothelium (149).

The intimate association between hematopoietic stemcells and endothelium (150) including possibly em-peripolesis, protein interchange (151), and cell fusion,

does raise concerns about artefacts in this type of study.Perhaps the most remarkable marrow stem cell (or morecorrectly a stem cell derived by long-term in vitro cul-ture of a CD45-ve marrow population enriched for mes-enchymal stem cells under low cell density and highlyspecific culture conditions), is the Multipotential AdultProgenitor Cell (MAPC) (152,153). These cells can bedifferentiated in vitro into endodermal, ectodermal, andmesodermal lineages. Murine MAPC when injected intoblastocysts contributed to virtually all somatic tissue ofthe chimeric mice (153). Transplantation of MAPC intosublethally irradiated immunodeficient mice revealedtheir potential to form CD451 hematopoietic cells aswell as epithelial cells in lung, liver, and intestine. Thephenotype and gene expression profile of MAPCs sug-gest a very primitive cell closer to the primordial germcell or embryonic stem cell than to either hematopoieticor mesenchymal stem cells. It shares with germ line cellsand ES cells the presence of high levels of telomerase,conferring extensive, potentially unlimited, proliferativepotential without telomere erosion. The development ori-gins of MAPCs are unknown, if indeed they are normallypresent in marrow. They may be artificially created bysome process of dedifferentiation of mesenchymal stemcells during the prolonged in vitro culture required fortheir isolation. If they are not some artefact, then theymay have some developmental relationship to cells of theinner cell mass that generate ES cells, or the primordialgerm cells that are trafficking through the developing em-bryo at the same time as hematopoietic stem cells aretrafficking from yolk sac and AGM to the fetal liver.

If indeed MAPCs bear some developmental relation-ship to these developmentally primitive, pluripotent stemcells, they should be detected at some stages of devel-opment, within the circulation, either trafficking to thefetal liver in early development, or from the liver to thebone marrow at later stages of development. The MAPChas the potential to generate hematopoietic, endothelial,and mesenchymal stem cells and therefore could poten-tially migrate to a site, e.g., the developing bone, and gen-erate all components of a hematopoietic organ. However,there is no evidence that such a cell plays any role in he-matopoietic organogenesis since the evidence points tothe local origin of mesenchymal stem cells from the lo-cal mesoderm with their differentiation to stroma(154–156) and to osteoblasts which create a critical stemcell–supportive niche for immigrant hematopoietic stemcells (160–161).

A third explanation for plasticity is that a process oftransdifferentiation occurs with low frequency, in whicha lineage committed cell changes its gene expression pat-tern to that of a completely different type. A variant ofthis is that a cell undergoes dedifferentiation and repro-gramming along another lineage. Certainly such a pro-



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cess occurs during somatic nuclear transfer to the enu-cleated oocyte in reproductive and therapeutic cloning. Itis probably also occurring during somatic cell fusion thathas been shown to occur in a number of experimentalsystems. Neural stem cells and bone marrow cells havebeen shown to fuse with ES cells and take on ES prop-erties (157,158). The marrow-derived fusions formedclones that were either tetraploid or hexaploid, and thesecould form embryoid bodies that differentiated into mul-tiple tissues (159). Fusion was not obtained with purifiedHSC and it was suggested that fusion involved macro-phages (159). The significance of cell fusion has been re-vealed in a novel transplant system in which marrow wastransplanted from mice with Cre recombinase knockedinto the CD45 locus promoter and transplanted into a con-ditional Cre reporter mouse line R26R with the LacZ re-porter gene exclusively expressed after excision of theloxP (floxed) stop cassette by Cre-mediated recombina-tion (160). LacZ expressing cells were identified in liver,brain (Purkinje cells), and heart indicating that fusion be-tween hematopoietic-derived cells and differentiatedcells occurs in these sites. Cell fusion has been shown tobe responsible for hepatic regeneration in other recent stud-ies (161,162) and the intimate association of Kupffer cellsof the macrophage lineage with hepatocytes suggests thatthey are likely the fusion candidates. However, fusion can-not account for all instances of “plasticity” and the in vivoderivation of glucose-competent pancreatic endocrine cellsfrom mouse bone marrow was demonstrated in a systemthat excluded the possibility of cell fusion (163).

In my forty years of research into the hematopoieticstem cell and its properties, I have seen the “black box”that we labeled “the stem cell” gradually reveal its con-tents. The evolution of scientific ideas, certainly in cellbiology, is generally marked by an initiating concept fol-lowed by an oversimplified premature conclusion, fol-lowed in turn by a period of anarchy with conflicting in-terpretations, until finally a consensus is arrived atinvolving models inherently more complex than initiallythought. I would like to believe that we are entering thisfinal phase.


I thank Kate de Beer for her assistance in the prepa-ration of this document. Also my many fellows and col-laborators over the years whose contributions I cite. Myapologies to the authors of many worthy studies in thisfield whose contributions I could not cite due to spaceconstraints. I thank M. Tavian and B. Peault for the pho-tographs shown in Figure 1. Work in my laboratory is supported by National Institutes of Health grantHL61401, National Cancer Institute grant CA59350, andthe Gar Reichman Fund of the Cancer Research Institute.


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Address reprint requests to:Dr. Malcolm A.S. Moore

Cell Biology ProgramMemorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center

1275 York AvenueNew York, NY 10021

E-mail: [email protected]

Received December 15, 2003; accepted December 15,2003.