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  • 7/27/2019 upstream c1 engl 11 17.pdf




    ...'seof English - Part43 Forquestions 1-5,think of one word which can beused appropriately in all three sentences.

    o Thenewspaperpublishedaneye-witnessaccountof thedisaster.I withdrew a largesum of moneyfrom my savingsaccount.Pleasedon't goto anytroubleonmyaccount.A loud explosionwoke the inhabitantsin the ...........hoursof themerning.Mygrandfatherstoppedworkingat the ageof 55andtook retirement.We hada very spring this year;wild flowerswerealreadybloomingn February.

    2 Whydon'tyouswapchairssothatwecan eachotheracrosshetable?Oursittingroomwindows thesea,sowehavealovelyview.Jenniferwi\!haveto upto the truth soonerorlater.

    3 Tomhas our respecthroughhishardworkandcleverdeas.Whileshewasstayingat the hotel,Kitty herkeepbyhelpingout inthe kitchen.We'vebeenworkinghardall morning- I think we've

    a rest.4 TheReverendMrClipstones suspicion afterall,he'sourparishpriest.I thinkthatyoursecretarysgetting herself;sheaskedmeto makecoffeeforherearlier.Nowchildren- raiseyourarmshigh yourheads.

    5 Thechild'schest roseand regularlywith themovementof herbreathing.Callum onto his kneesin front of Emmaandbeggedherforgiveness.In the nineteenthcenturyTheMetropolwasa verygrandhotel,buti t intodecayaftertheFirstWorldWar.

    Useof English - Part59 For questions 1-8,complete the second sentence sothat it has a similarmeaning to the first sentence,

    using the word given. Do not change the wordgiven.Youmust use between three and sixwords.o OrderswillprobablyncreaseroundChristmasime.likelyOrdersareikelyoincreasearoundChristmasime.Grahamhassucceededecauseof hisoriginalideas.dueGraham'success hisideasareoriginal.

    2 Wewill givetowelsandsheetso alltheguests.providedAll the guests towelsandsheets.

    3 Asthereis no evidence,he policewill haveto let thesuspectgo.lackThepolicewill haveto letthe suspectgo .....................evidence.

    4 Whydon'twe meetnextSaturdayafternoon?gettingHow nextSaturdayafternoon?

    5 Hesaidthat hewasthe long-lostsonof a mil lionaireshippingycoon.claimedHe the long-lostsonof a millionaireshippingycoon.

    6 Jaketurnedupverylateinthe evening.appearanceJakeput very'latenthe evening.

    7 Allthingsconsidered,amesdidn't do toobadlyin hisAlevels.accountWhen ,Jamesdidn't do too badlyinhisA levels.

    8 If thereisa fire,pleaseusetheemergencyexits.eventPleasesetheemergencyxits a fire.



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    Writing: Competition EntriesCompetition entries are written in responseto

    announcementshichmayappearnnewspapers,agazines,newslettersetc.Ingeneralacompetitionentryshouldcontain: an introductionwhichattractsandholdsthe attentionof

    thetargetreaderinthiscase,hejudgeof thecompetition). a mainbodywhichaddressesllpartsof therubric. aconclusionwhichroundsoffyourwritingbysummarising

    the informationandopinionsstatedinthemainbody,or-byaddingathought-provokingomment.

    Competitionentries,ikearticles,caninvolvevariousypesofwriting.Forexample,f youareaskedo giveanopinion,ormakeasuggestionor a recommendationhenyouwill needto usediscursivewriting.On theotherhand,if youneedtodescribeyourfeelingsoranexperiencehenyouwillwrite ina descriptiveor narrativestyle.Whenwriting competitionentries,registerwill dependon the target reader.Whetheryouarerequiredto useeithera formalor informalregister,you should alwaysbe consistent.To make your entryappealingo thereader,youcan: giveit aneye-catchingitle andintroduction use'question'sentences makeuseof descriptiveadjectivesndadverbs

    ~ Understanding the Rubric(1)1 Readthe rubricbelow, paying careful attention tothe underlinedwords and phrases. Thenanswer the

    questions that follow.You have seen the following announcementfor a

    . competitionin a magazineor youngadultsaboutthe. paranormalandhavedecidedo enter....Ever imagineyourselfhaving a friendly chat withCleopatra?Can you envision yourself deep inconversationwith WinstonChurchill?If)ou hadtheopportunityto contactanyhistoricalfigurefromthe~, whowouldit beandwhy?Whatwouldyoutalkto themabout?Weareaskingsubscriberso sendintheir answersto thesequestions.Theprizefor thewinningcompositionsa two-yearpaidsubscriptionto TheGreatBeyond.

    1 Whatdoyouhaveto write?Whowouldyouchoose?2 Whatkindof publicationareyouwriting for?3 Whoisthetargetreader?4 Whatkindof registershouldyouuse?


    5 Tickthe boxeso showwhichof the itemswouldmakeyourentrymoreappealingo thejudge.DDDDDDD


    ~ Analysingthe Model(1)2 a. Readthe model and use the words to fill in thegaps. Then answer the questions 1 to 5.

    Secondly Thenagain Finally Forinstance Afterall Firstand foremost

    ~Why is it that HarryHoudiniis as famousnowas hewas

    nearly a century ago? Perhaps because he was a unique.talented and motivated magician. 1) , iTmight be because Houdini was a terrific showman.To me, berepresents all that is mysterious and unknown, and I wouldhavemuch to discusswiththe enigmatic Mr Houdini.

    2) , on speakingwith the great man, ;wouldrespectfullyaskhimto letme in on a fewtricksof tbemagictrade.3) , howhe managedto stayingsubmergedcoffinfor hourson end,or whatsecret laybehindhis unbelievable ability to escape from tightly securedmailbags.Wasit magic,orwasit allan illusion?4) , I wouldaskhim abouthispromisetccontact his wife, Bess, from the grave. It's well known that beI and his loving wife had devised a secret message that was to beused as a means of communication should either ih"them passaway. Did he really 'speak' to Bess at the famous Halloweenseance of 1929,or was it a hoax?

    5) , I would question Houdini about wha;personal qualities it takes to be as fantastic a magician as hew~Do you haye to be especially intelligent or just incredibtdedicated? Who knows, maybe he might even invite me to visit l&..


    old NewYork townhouse.6) , people say tharwhere he spends most of his time these days!



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    Howdoesthe openingparagraphattract the reader'sattention?2 Whichtensesareusedinthemodel?Why?3 Whatinformationsgiveninthemainbodyparagraphs?4 Whattypesof writing areused(descriptive,narrative,discursive)?owwouldyoudescribehestyleof writing?

    S Doyouthink themodelwouldmakea goodimpressionon thetargetreader?WhyNVhynot?

    b. Now choose fromA-C,the best title for themodel. Can you think of a better title?

    A HarryHoudini:ABiographicalSketchB AnInterviewwith HoudiniC TheGreatest Magician

    c. Read the model again and underline all theadjectives. Then, match some of them to theirsynonyms in the box below.

    ~~ Brainstorming Imaginary Situations

    Insome cases,you willbe asked to use yourimagination and say what you would do incertain situations.

    3 a. Inpairs, discuss the following, giving reasons foryour answers.1 Whichfamousivingpersonyouwouldmostliketomeet.2 Whichhistoricaligureyouwouldmostliketo talkto.3 Whichperiodnhistoryyouwouldlik~to haveivedn.4 Whatyouwoulddo if you couldbe presidentof yourcountryfor aday.

    S Whatyouwoulddo if youwereaprogrammecontrollerfora lV station.

    b. Correct the underlined mistakes below andcompletethe sentenceswith ideasof yourown.I would lovesomethingmorethanthe chanceto visit.

    2 If Iwouldchooseonepersono interview,twouldhaveto be . Iwouldaskhim/herhowdidhemanageo .

    .t(13 Givingheopportunity,he firstchangewouldmaketothe schooVcoliegeouldbe .

    4 If therewas no limit to the moneyI would spend,Iwould .........................................................................

    S Iwould liketo havelivedverymuchin the thcenturybecause .

    6 Thefirstthing I would!Qaskthe PrimeMinisterwouldbe ...............................................................................7 If I couldgoon holidaywhereverIwanted,it wouldn'tmatterweatherit wassummerorwinterbecause.......

    .8 Was\ freeto chooseanycareerwanted,Iwouldliketobea(n) .

    9 I amnot surewhatI woulddoshouldI to befacedwith.

    10 Inthe unlikelyeventill I everbecamepresident,would.

    :) Understanding the Rubric(2)4 Readthe rubric below, underline the key words,and write T(for true) orF(for false)next to thestatements(1-6)that follow.. You seethis announcementor a competitionin ar: internationalEnglish-languagemagazinecalledOuter: Space..More gpvernmentfundingis neededto widentheresearch being done into UFO sightings and thepossibilityof alien life forms.Doyouagreewiththisopinion?nanentryofbetween20and260words, iveusyourreasonshyorwhynor.Thebestanswerwillwinthenewly-releasedideoAreWeAlone?

    Youmustarguein favourof spending~moreonspaceexploration.

    2 Yourtargetreaderwillexpecta humorouseply.3 Discursiveritingisnecessaryor thistask.4 Youarenotexpectedo supplya title forthiscomposition.

    S Youmustjustifyyouropinion.6 Youmustdescribewhatyourgovernmentisdoingregardinghisresearch. 207

    1 magnificent 6 gifted2 one-of-a-kind 7 inexplicable3 clever 8 enthusiastic4 devoted 9 fastenedS astonishing 10 eager

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    Writing: Competition Entries:) Analysingthe Model(2)5 Belowisthe winningentryto the competition.Underlinethe correctwords/phrases.Thenanswer

    the questionsthat follow.~ - - -- - --

    We often read headlines about individualsencountering creat~res from outer space, seeing strangefights in the sky, or even being unwill ingly whisked awayin futuristic spacecraft. 1) As a result of/In spite of thisnegative exposure, many people are of the mind thatUFOs and extraterrestrials are nothing more than sciencefiction. But should the government be spending more tofind out the truth about these sightings?2) On the one hand/On the contrary, it must beadmitted that many so-called UFO sightings are easilyexplained away. More often than not, 'unearthly flashinglights' and 'disc-like saucers' turn out simply to be low-flying aircraft or damaged satellites, 3) in fact/while manysightings are either a product of someone's overactiveimagination or their yearning for public attention.

    4) However/Although, it would be incredibly arrogantof us if we were to believe that we were the only thinkingbeings in the entire universe. What ifthere really is life outthere? And what if it is an intell igent life form that istryingto contact us?It is safe to say, 5) in fact,/in conclusion, that we willnever know the answers to these questions if UFO andalien sightings are not taken seriously and investigated.Investigations take time and money, and 6) while/when itis obvious that government budgets are alreadystretched to breaking point, funds must be found tosupport research into the possibility of there beingextraterrestrial life somewhere out there.

    ..'- --- ~ >' '>'~ -Isthewriter in favourof or againstmoregovernmentfunding?Howdowe know?

    2 Whichpointsdoeshewriteruseto supporthislherviews?3 What isthe effectof usingquestions?Howcouldyou

    write themdifferently?4 In pairs.suggestanotherbeginningo theentry.5 Ingroups.hinkofanotheritle.:) Descriptive,DiscursivendNarrativeWriting

    Remember that descriptive language tends to makeuse of adjectives; discursive language usually containslinking words/phrases; and narrative language oftenrelies on tenses and time words/phrases.

    6 Readthe extract below, paying careful attentio-'the numbered phrases.Which of these phrases3.~examples of: . descriptive writing discursive writing narrative writingIf I could, I would like to visit London, for the si.....

    reason that 1 I have heard so much about it and I~-experience it for myself.

    One of the main reasons I would choose Londo'" -that Iwould liketo go to some of the placesthat -.:.seen in photographs and on television. Ever since. --young child.I havebeen3 fascinatedby sp~~images of magnificent architecture. huge parks --golden autumnal avenues4. Although I know ~.:.London is not likethat all the time, there is a b.r-.curiosity-6in me that can only be satisfied by seeing: -my own eyes.

    One of the first places I would go to is Bucki~-Palace, where Iwould have the chance to see at firs:.-the kind of luxury and splendour 7 that we te"'';'associate with the royal family. Afterthat. Iwould ~8 the Tower of London in order to soak up some :1 .:-.atmosphere 9 in what must be one of the most hist:::-important places in the world. Then. when Ihad hac -fill of blood and gore, Iwould make my way to ..,



    7 a. Match the descriptive adjectives to the nounsbelow to make collocations.stim ulati ng/i nteresting/lon gperfect/galen/idea/once-in-a-Ifetimefulfilling/challenging/excitingrewardng/frutfuI/dstinguishedpositive/negative/harmful/beneficialmagnificent/delightfu/quaint/imposingbreathtaking/beautifu/spectacuar


    b. In the sentences below, replace eachof thewords in bold with the most suitabledescriptive adjective from those above.I think I wouldfind it niceto be ableto haveconversationithagreatmathematicianikeEinstein.

    2 It would be a good opportunityto seesomanyrreworksof art displayednoneplace.

    3 Beinganartistwouldbegreatbecause~ouldbe00;;:to expresshecreativeideofmypersonality.

    4 I wouldchoosethe earlypartof the twentiethcenL~becauset wasa timewhenwe werebeginningto s=the benefitsof technologybut without the badeffec::that camelater.

    5 I haveheardthat thesceneryspretty.6 Althought lookslikeaprettycountrycottage.heysait ishaunted.

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    ,~ t--'

    -. Readthe following sentences and put the verbs inthe appropriate tenses. In some cases, more thanone tense may be correct., \ (leave)the housewhenI

    (hear) a strange noise.2 It was only when he ............................................(describe)tto hisbrotherthat he ......................... ........

    (realise)whathe (see).3 Whilethe others (look)around

    the shops,she (decide)to investigate the house.

    4 Nosoonerhad I (unpack)mybags than I (start) tofeel cold and faint.

    S Aswe (approach)he frontdoor,we(notice)that there was a peculiar

    sound (come)frominside.6 We (go) about forty mileswhenstrangenoisesstarted (come)fromthe car radio.

    3 a. Match items fromthe two columns to makesentences.1 Bythe time Irecoveredmysenses,2 Not until the next morningdidI3 Hardlyhad he entered the roomwhen I4 Had Iknown about this localsuperstition,Iwould neverhaveS While Iwastalking,she6 Immediatelyafterwards, Ifelt dizzy7 Within minutes, we were8 Almost immediately, the pain

    a realisethe significanceofwhat had happened.b went awayas ifnothing hadhappened.c seemedto be lookingverydeeplyinto myeyes.d laughingandjokingas ifnothing had happened.e had a strange feelingIhadseen himsomewhere before.f the lightsinthe skyhad gone.g and strangelydetached frommysurroundings.h dreamt of doing such a thing.

    b. Haveyoueverhadanyunusualor inexplicableexperiences?Usesomeof the languageaboveto talk aboutwhat happened.

    :) CreatingSuspense10 a. Readthisannouncementroma

    magazineandanswerthe questionsthatfollow.


    y \.\........


    Doesthe style of the announcement suggest that youneed to adopt a serious, scientific approach?

    2 What sort of story would be suitable for this competition?3 What are the readersof the magazine likely to want toread?4 Whichtype(s)of writing will youuse most?5 How can you make your entry appealing to the reader~


    b. Now readthe extractfrom a competitionentry,below.In eachof the numberedsections,oneofthe phrasesn boldis inappropriate.Crosst outandsaywhy it iswrong.... 1) I was so terrified/So terrified was I/Was I so

    terrified that all the hairs on the back of my neck werestanding on end, and my hands were shaking so badlythat, 2) as hard as I could/try as I might/as hard as Itried, I couldn't turn the handle of the door. As I stoodthere for a moment, 3) frozen to the spot,/paralysedwith fear,/turned to ice, I wanted to cry. Then, 4) in afewminutes,/as quickly as it had appeared,/in a flash,the figure vanished into thin air. 5) In a state ofshock,!In a moment,/In disbelief, I broke out in a cold sweatand I began to feel as though my legs 6) gave/weregoing to give/were givingway under ~. By the time Imanaged to get the door open, I was 7) trembling allover/shaking like a leaf! shaking like a jelly. Onceoutside inthe open air, I ran asfast as8) my legs wouldcarry me,/I possibly could,/an Olympic sprinter, notstoppin& until I reached the village ...c. Underlineallthe timewordsandphrases.npairs,replacethemwith otherappropriateones.


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    -'~~;";\':~";:"'~,-~,~~~;." , ,W r itin 9 :"C.9mpe.irt,i~:bI~htli~s "~:~-"_

    ......DiSCUS& &Jj]Jj

    11 Lookt the writing tasks below and, for each one,discussthe questionsthat follow.A . Yousee the followingnnouncementn an: international fashion magazine.: Writeyourcompetition entry in220-260words.. -

    ...,"I' """ et I \-, 1 ,_ I."" ~We are running a competition to give our-regular readers a chance to tell us abouttheir experiences (and get published aswell!)Allyou have to do is to write in and tell usabout a strange incident that has happenedto you whileshopping.


    B . You see the announcement below in a science. fictionmagazineand havedecidedto enter,.. Write your competition entry in 220-260 words...

    Haveyoueverthoughtaboutwhatitwould be like to have unlimitedmagicalpowersfor oneday?Whatwouldyou look like?Howwoulditmakeyoufeel?Howwouldyouuseyour magic for yourself and forothers?Wewantto hearfromyou!Thebestentrywillwinalimitededition. copyof JRRTolkien'sTheHobbit.L_ --------

    C . You read about this competition on the Internet and: decideto enter,: Writeyour competition entry in220-260words..Whatdopeople inyourcountrybelievein? Are they superstitious? We'relookingfor the best descriptions fromaround the world. Write and tell usaboutany (orall!!)ofthe following:. goodluck . weddings. bad luck . theweather. timesoftheyear . horoscopes--- -----


    2 Howcouldyouattractthetargetreader'sattentionwithyourbeginning?3 Whatwouldbeagoodtitle for the entry?210

    4 What informationmustbe includedin the mainbodparagraphs?

    5 Howformal/informaldoesyourwritingneedto be?6 Canyouusehumourinthecomposition?7 Whatwouldbeanappropriateendingforyour

    composition?:) ParagraphPlanning12 Decidewhich task you are going to write and ma~enotes inanswerto the questionsinthe planbeloYi


    WhateffectdoIwantto achieven theopeninglines?WhattechniquescanI use?.....................................................................................................................................................................................


    AmIwritinga narrative,describingor arguing?..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................What mustI remembero include?...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

    ...'!!!I :r_ -~

    HowwouldI liketo leavehetargetreadereeling?.........................................................................................HowcanI achievehis?..................................................................................................................................................................................

    13 Portfolio:Usingthe informationyou havelearnecthisunit,writethe competitionentryyoudiscllS!i1=above.


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    Lead-in 30 Listento a report about results from a surveyofshoppers. Inpairs, answer the followingquestions.a. Lookat the pictures showing different places/

    ways to shop. Inpairs discuss about: Which of the questionsin the questionnairefromEx.2did it cover?

    2 What does it say about - middle-aged parents?. - teenagers?Do you think the same ist rue for these groups of peoplein your country?

    3 Thesenumberswere mentioned inthe report.What dothey referto?

    . products you can buy ineach place. typeof peoplewho most commonlyshop here. advantages and disadvantages of shopping in theseplacesb. What are the relative merits of paying in the

    followingways?Discussnpairs.. incash bycredit card bycheque in instalments 23 75 198265

    2 Look at the following market research-questionnaireabout shopping habits. Interview your partner usingthese questions.1 Howoftendoyougoshopping?2 Howlongdoyouspendwhenyougoshopping?3 Whatdoyoumostenjoyshoppingor?4 Whatdoyouleastenjoyshoppingor?5 Whichareyourfavouriteshopsor stores?Why?6 Whichareyourleastfavouriteplaceso shop?Why?7 Doyouprefershoppingaloneor with somebodyelse?1

    (Who?)8 Arethedecoranddisplaysnashopimportantto you?9 Doeshemannerof theshopassistantsffectyou?10 Whenshopping,squalitymoreimportanthanquantity?

    4 Thefollowingwordsandexpressionsreconnectedwithsavingmoney.Whichwerementionednthe report?Howcantheothersbeused?.hesales.a bargain adiscount.reducedoclear.goodvalueormoney tohaggle

    4 i8I Paraphrasethe followingquotations.Which do you agree with? Why? Disc~ss in pairs.

    'Money is power, freedom, a cushion, the root of allevil, the sum of blessings:

    Carl Sandburg(USwriter)'The aim of commerce is not to sell what is best forpeople, or even what they really need; its finalstandard is a successful sale~


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    Reading- Part21 a. Youwill readan articleaboutthe advantages anddisadvantages of conveniencestores compared withsupermarkets. Beforeyouread, discussthe following inpairs.What do you understandby theterm 'conveniencetores'?nwhatwaysaretheyconvenient?

    2 Do you usually shop at thesupermarket,or do you prefertousethe localcornershop/generalstore?Whatarethe differencesntermsof a) price,b) convenience,c)service,d) qualityandvarietyofproduce,ande)openinghours?

    3 Howhasthe riseof supermarketsaffectedsmallerocalshops?

    b. Look at the title. What mightbe the 'cost of convenience'?

    2 a. Nowreadthe article.Sixparagraphs have beenremoved. Choose from theparagraphs A-G the onewhich fits eachgap (1-6).

    '!'heCost ofC '", ~~ onvenlence-How often have you sat comfortably at home and thought: Fre

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    The contrast between these smaller versions of the supermarkets andthe traditional 'open all hours' impression we have of local comer shopscould not be greater. They carry a wide range ofstock that isattractivelypackaged, have good, clear layouts and often offer cashback or havecashpoints. It's not onlyquick to shop there, but easyand, on the whole,)\l~~\\.t as.welLEven if the item you have gone to buy costs the normal price, theimpulse to buy other products can cost you dearly. Research has shownthat someone popping in to their local convenience store intending tobuy only some bread would, on average, spend a total of 1, 208 onproducts overjust one year from that store.On the other hand, smaller stores are more 'front heavy' in.:omparison to larger branches. This is because rates are higher per;.quarefootage at the front of a store than further back, so theyend up"aying more in comparison to their size.I: istrue that their smaller outlets do face proportionately higher costs,;:-.artlybecause they are selling smaller quantities of goods, partly:'ause of staffing requirements and partly because they have to pay';.;gher council rates. Even so, you might expect customers to:ccasionally resent having to pay 15% more for, say, brand name tea~ just for the convenience. But no; according to research, consumers_""equeuing up to pay.1..couple of years ago you did have to face driving several miles to:ill nearest supermarket to find such treats. But the advent of a new--;;ed of 'mini' supermarket has changed all that; now you can saunter:he end of your road to buywhatever the TV chef of the dayhas just

    -~C"mmended. But are you paying over the odds for accessibility?':':' reality, however,while large supermarkets undercut traditional.' C'oeniencetoreson a corerangeof products,on otherstheyhikeup-e prices. An investigation conducted in several London stores showed.~ customers were paying between four and seven per cent more in~rmarket convenience stores compared with the prices for exactlythe~ products inthe larger format stores.~ ~6lg a small amount of food daily, rather than doing a huge weekly-,:-.:can cut down on wastage of food, ending the discovery of rotting:~les lurking in the crisper. Best of all, you avoid the agony of~g around the supermarket for at least an hour on Saturday or

    .. ':.:.0..,,'"..

    - -=--

    ---"'~'4-i j ,- -L~ ~ ~..........."" ...

    b. Underlinethe partsof the articlewhich helpedyouto decideonthe missingparagraphs,hencomparewith apartner.

    'Voca'ou~aTY?lac\k':3 Lookat the highlightedwordsandphrasesn the text. Matchthem

    with synonymsrom the list below. goods/produce essentialexpenses bejustthe rightthing addsomethingo sellmorecheaplyabandon/getidof loseenthusiasmText Analysis

    4 Answerthe followingquestions.How can the first paragraphbesummarised?2 Whatismeantbytheunderlinedarts?

    a '... encouraging shoppers to ~local.'(beforegap3)

    b ' ... enable them to price thesmallerstoresout of the market.'(beforegap4)

    c '... the impulse to buy otherproductscan cost you dearl,(paraB)

    d '... their smalleroutletsdo faceproportionatelyhigher costs ...'(paraD)

    e '... endingthe discoveryof rottingvegetablesurking in the crisper.'(paraG)

    Discussion5 a. Makea listof prosand consabout doing your shopping at

    hypermarkets and shoppingmalls. In pairs, discussusing yournotes.

    b. ... Havehypermarketsat\Q s\\OPp\t\9 ma\\s Q~st{Q'J~dpeople's sense of com'fnunity?Discuss in groups.



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    Language Focus;, .;:) Shopping Therapy1 a. Complete the sentences below with words from the box. Usetheremainingwordsin sentencesofyourown.hypermarketupmarketboutique.farmer'smarketcarbootsale.second-handshop garagesale. antique shop . mill ineryshop. organic food store . DIYsuperstore. arts and crafts shop delicatessen

    -- --

    1118i_Peoplethinkit's ratneramusinghat I goto thelocal everySunday,but you canreally find some bargains ifyou look hard enough.

    2 I\lthough the fruits and vegetables at themay cost a bit more, atleastI knowtherearenochemicalsnthem.

    3 The on the cornerhasthe freshestcold meats and homemade saladsI'veevertasted.

    4 My sisters havinga hugewhiteweddingso Ihaveto go to the to chooseanicehat.

    S I boughtthe nicestquilt at the .Theproprietortold me that it wasmadebyaninety-yearldwoman!

    6 You'llbe happyto knowthatwhenyoushopata Savethe ChildrenFund ,alltheprofitsgoto thecharity.

    7 AlthoughI canneveraffordto buyanything,Ilovebrowsingthroughthe manytreasuresnthat .

    8 I'vesent Stanoff to the .He'sbeenputtingoff doinganyhome repairs~m~th~_ _ _ -_.J'

    b. Lookat the listof products below and decide where you could buythem. Choose from the words in Ex.1a.. tools fancyhats used furniture fresh herbs a vintage lamp. .designerclothes handmaderugs beefsausages groceries hand-knitted pullovers firsteditionbooks nails

    c. Inpairs,discusswhich of the shops in Ex.1ayou liketo visitand why.What do you normallypurchase.there? How much are you willing topayforit?

    A: I lovevisitingcarbootsales.There'somuchto seeandyoureallycanfindsomeinterestinghings.Howaboutyou?

    B: Personally,like...etc:) Advertising.2 a. Lookat the methods of advertising listed in the box and use them, intheir correct form, to complete the sentences.

    . TVcommercial hoarding neonsign jingle flier brochure full-page spread posterA petitionisbeingpassedaroundmyneighbourhoodo prohibit.........................beingerectednthearea.214

    2 I find it soi rritatingto ~ctheSundaynewspaper::somany =:.allovertheplace.

    3 I was listeningto the rcc_the carthismorningana~:Jcan'tget this ridiculous.

    out ofmy"84 That firm must be mak\~;hugeprofit! Doyouknow -it musthavecostthemto to?"a inThe7imes-

    5 Shelley always rents :::-becauseshecan', s:3""interruptionsy..


    ...........................6 Why don't YOlJ ;:a::

    ............................and discuss YCJdestinationwith yo..r~_

    7 Justaswe hadgr.? ~of ever finding a -.=spotted a...........sayingRest-Innlose='

    8 Thelitt legirlhadmaoe: *,....' freshly squeezed 2!'-and put it up on alai'"": .1

    b. Now, in pairs, ansv..erfollowing questionsWhichof theaboveT'"-advertisingwould be 5:for a) somebodysel...;house?b) a fast foe:away?c)a largecompar -

    2 How important do yo_advertisingsto theSUCC2Zbusiness?

    3 Are there any kir~advertisements thatyou?If so,why?

    c. Ingroups, discusstheadvantages/d isadvantag::of the variousmethods::advertising mentioned -Ex.2a? Considerthefollowing: expense visibility. efficacy(howwell it \hC

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    ~ Prefixes3 a. Lookat these words using the prefixes in-,im-,ir-,i/-,uno,dis-,mis-,sub-,under-and over-and

    answer the questions that follow. inexpensive imperfect irreplaceable unaffordab/e illogical dishonest misjudge substandard underestimate overspend

    1 Howdotheprefixeshangehemeaningf thewords?2 Whichconsonantsusuallyollowim-,ir-, il-,andin-?3 Whatis thedifferencen meaningbetweenprefixes

    uno,dis-,mis-?b. Form as many new words as you can from the

    words below using the prefixes from Ex. 3a. experienced human worked sold conscious valued normal valuable. mature rational loaded like legible. cook developed look use charge fund dress line

    ~ Collocations4 a. Matchthe pairsofadjectivesto the nounstoform collocations.

    b. Fillin the gaps with one of the words provided. shopping advertising money cash

    1 .. ... problems/laundering/management2 mall/facilities/spree3 point/desk/flow4 . company/campaign/standardsc. Nowuse.someof the collocations from Ex.4a

    and 4b to complete the sentences below. Ifnecessary. use your dictionary to help you. Usethe remaining collocations in sentences of yourown...Manyyoung peoplebelievethat aretrueto life.Theythinkthestarspromotingthe productsactuallyusethem.

    2 Withsomanyhousesupfor sale,priceskeepdecreasing.Its de.f\r:\\te.\'1\r:\) .

    3 Severalhigh-rankingofficials have been accusedofandinvolvementn organisedrime.

    4 MadonnaandOZL'f Osbornearejust two of manythat arereveredbytoday'steens.

    5 area particularlyeffectiveormof advertisingas the vieweris unawaretheyare evenseeingit.

    5 a. Tick(I') the boxes to form phrases.

    b. Inpair~.use the phrases in sentences. Can youthink of one more phrase or expression to gounder each heading?


    1 buyer's/ flea a endorsements2 best-selling/ household b icons3 celebrity/ government c messages4 aggressive effective d market5 subliminal/coded e products6 pop / religious f marketing

    Setup I Launch I Make I Doachainof shopscutbacksthe weeklyshoppingbusinessadealanagencythe bookkeepinga companya campaignafortunea brancha product ,

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    , langua

    ~ Idioms6 Match items from columnsA and Bto make idiomsand then use them, intheir correct form, to

    complete the sentences.

    cost an armtighten one'sfoot theearn one'ssavefor amakekeep one's headbe one'shaveago fromrags

    nest eggto richesends meetabovewaterbeltbreadand butterrainydayand a legbillmealticket

    When Iwas your age, Iwas working twelve hours a dayto .

    2 Mynew computer might have ...............................but as far as I'm concerned it was

    wellworth it.3 Andrew Carnegie, the poor immigrantwho became a

    millionaire,sa great exampleof someonewho.............4 Inthese daysof risingcosts, it'shardfor a personwith afamilyo ................................................

    S I know it's a blow that I got demoted, but if wewe'll be fine.

    6 My grandfather alwaysadvisedme against spending allmywages. Healways said, 'Better to ..........................

    7 We're barelymanagingto ......................................and you're buyingexpensiveclothesand

    ma~eup!8 She'sbeen savingmoneysinceshewas a teenager. Ican

    imagineshe quite now.

    9 That wealthy businessman was definitely Sue's. Beforeshe met him

    she was penniless.10 Youwentoutand putallthosepurchaseson the creditcardandnowI................................................



    ~ FixedPhrases (phrases with carry)7 Replacehe underlinedwordsandexpressionso'"'";;

    one of the fixed phrases below. Then, in pairs, USEthe fixed phrases to make up sentences of yourown.

    carry the world on one's shoulders carry sth too far cash and carry

    carry a lot of weight carry a motion

    carry an i llnessI knowyoulikeyour"~

    home entertainment s'fSlcbut you haven't been ou: -::

    the house for days. You're reaoverdoing it, don't youthink?

    2 I can't believethe bill for Sundayshoppingbecome a law. However, the majority of :.-~cabinet voted in favour of it.

    3 I 've stopped buying tropical f ish. I heard some:them are infected with something that car :1::transmitted to humans.

    4 Johnthinks too much. Tolook at him you'd t!" -he had the whole universedependingon him.

    5 Thebankmanagerisveryinfluential soif you reawant that mortgagebe veryniceto her!

    6 The range of products at that hypermarkei: '"extensive. Tne only problem is that it won't acce:-:credit cards.


    - - -- -- ------~ Phrasal Verbs ~Appendix 18 a. Matchthe phrasalverbswith their meanings.

    A visitB involveC use

    D requestE demandF cancel

    G writeH lengthen

    I hateto tell youthis,Jane,butwe'regoingto have:::calloff ourshoppingrip. I'mbroke!

    2 Wearecallingupon all customerso reportanyboothat theyseeshopliftingfromthestore.

    3 Idon't knowwhyI letyoudrawmein onttlis crazyge:-rich-quick-scheme.

    4 Hehadto drawon all hisexpertisen the business:comeupwithacatchyradiojinglefor thecampaign.

    S Theactordrewout thelastwordoftheslogansoitwoo;;::_make lastingmpressionnthelisteningaudience.

    6 Mysolicitoris inthe processof drawing up the deeasfor thesaleof theproperty.

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    7 I'llcallinon mymotheronthewayhome.I'vegot someshoppingor her.

    8 Thepublic,whohadbeencheatedout of theirsavings,angrilycalledfor thebankmanager'srrest.

    b. Now use some of the phrasal verbs, in theircorrect form, to complete the sentences.Thelaunchof the newmakeof carwas ...................whenit wasdiscoveredt haddefectsnthesteering.

    2 Themarketingmanager themeetingfor an extrahour,insistingon discussingverydetailofthe advertisingcampaign.

    3 Manycommercials repetitiono get theirmessagecross.

    4 I am allstaff to do their part in makingthisstorea pleasantplaceo shop.

    S Oncehecontracts , we'llbeinbusiness!

    .4 Communication: Placing/Confirming anOrder &Making/Answering a Complainta. Readtheadvertisementand,usinglanguage

    fromthe box,actout a dialogue.


    The All-Newpf:~ 1'1r-

    -r:.e top selling BMP 715 represents the ultimate in style,~ WJining the best of design and technology.With~.::nng new features such as a wide range of ringtones,r: messaging and Internet access, you are buying a:!'_:. extraordinary phone. The BMP 715 exemplifies the~est in mobile fashion and cutting-edge technology.

    Placinganorder Iwonder if you could helpmewith anorder,please.

    I am interestedin buying.... Iwouldliketo pay... Isit possibleo makeapaymentbycreditcard? Can I sendyou a chequepayableo ...?

    Mydeliveryaddresss ...

    A: Iwonderifyoucouldhelpmewithanorder,please.B: Mostdefinitely,Madam.

    b. You'vereceivedyour new mobilephone butwhen it arriveditwasdamaged.Actout adialogue between a dissatisfied customer and\ 'i -1~ ' i. \' :f :> \'U' im:~ , ,:>~ 'f i. .~ ,, :> O;~ 'PO;~":> '{~\~\~"-,{ ~\ \ !; \, '{mobilephone company.

    Makingacomplaint I'd liketo makea complaintabout... (product/service). I'm calling to makeanofficialcomplaint...

    Couldyoutellmewhoisresponsibleor ...,please?

    Iwasratherhopingyoucouldgiveme~ refund!anexchange.

    Answeringacomplaint. I'll lookinto thismatterpromptly.. I'll domybestto sortitout for you. I sincerelyapologiseor. I'mawfullysorry!I'll domybest...

    Youcaneitherexchangetorget a refund...A: Hello,J'diketo...B: Whatseemsobetheproblem,Sir?

    c. Now, in pairs, using the language from EX5.9aand b, act out the following dialogues.

    PI.ace your order now!FREE Super Saver Shipping on orders over $125.Restrictionsm Tel:00012-000111. I~eed Help?

    \ ~ew customer? Click here to learn about shoppingat smartphone.mob Redeem or !mYa gift certificate. Visit our Help Department.Pay by any major credit card .

    Don't delay! Call our 24-hour hotline now!

    Youcalla publishingcompanyo ordertwo newbestsellers.2 You havejust receivedan order

    fromthe localsupermarket.Manyof the itemsthat youorderedaremissingandmanyare the wrongbrand.Call the supermarketandmakeacomplarnt.


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    Listening & Speaking

    (ListeningPart1 (ListeningPart32 a. Youwill heara radiodiscussionabout men's

    shoppinghabits.Beforeyou listen,discusshefollowing questions.

    1 Youwill hearthreedifferentextractsaboutthreeunrelatedtopics.Forquestions1-6,choosetheanswer(A,Bor C)whichfits bestaccordingto whatyou hear.Therearetwo questionsfor eachextract.~ part of a television programmegenetically-modifiedoods.

    (hanging a plant'sgeneticsequencesA anage-oldpractice.B amodern-dayersionof traditionalmethods.( a techniqueonlypractisedbyfarmers.

    about Isthereanydifferencebetweenmen'sandwomen'sshoppinghabitsinyourcountry?

    2 WhatitemsdoYOu~r'" --e-in buying: clothing? fashionaccessa"e>- electronictems'?- gadgez a.~:; _ kitchenware?Accordingo thespeaker,mostpeople

    A aredoubtfulaboutthesafetyof GMfood.B understand that GM crops are a positivedevelopmentorthefuture.( understandhattherearenodangersattachedo

    GMcrops.WNow listen to the recording. For questions I~choose the answer (A, B,C or D)which fits best

    according to what you hear.Whatdoesthe term 'hobbyshopping'suggestaboutmenwho loveto shop?A Theylikenon-traditionalmalepursuits.B Theyneedmorehobbies.( Theyhavenothingbetterto doattheweekends.D Theyonlyhavetimeto shopatweekends.

    2 Why does Adam think men have changed theirshoppinghabits?A Womenhaveforcedthemto shopfor themselves.B Womenhaveto workonFridaynights.( Womennowhavedifferentpriorities.D Womenpreferto gooutonFridaynightsratherthan


    ~r partof a radiopsychologyof shopping.3 At the moment when shoppers enter a

    supermarketA theyexpectto be bombardedwith promotional

    material.B theytendto ignoreadvertisingandpromotions.( they are more likely to be influenced by


    interview about the

    4 Accordingto the speaker'sesearchA a largerangeof productsmaycauseconsumerso

    buyless.B consumers buy more products in large

    supermarketshan insmallshops.( consumerscan neverdecidewhat t~ buy in a


    ~o peopleal~ngaboutstageMght.S One reason that performers suffer from stage

    fright isthatA theytendto imagineheworstpossibleoutcome.B theybelievehemselveso befailures.( theydonotsettheirgoalshighenough.

    6 How does Adrian suggest that musicianscanreducetheir performanceanxiety?A Byaimingfor perfection.B Byreducingheirexpectationsf themselves.( Bythinkingabouttheir familyandfriends.

    3 Accordingto Adam,how havemenbeenaffectedbythechangeinwomen'srolein society?A Theyhavebecomenterestedn femalepursuits.B Theyhavebecomeessmasculine.( Theyhavebecomemoresympatheticowardswomen.D Theyhavebecomemoreinterestednsport.

    4 What does Adam say about men's shopping habits inthe past?A Theyrarelyshoppedalone.B Theyrarelyriedon clothesbeforebuying.( Theyrarelybrowsedbeforebuying. ""D Theyrarelyboughtclotheshe rightsize.

    S Accordingto Adam, how have menswear shopschanged?A Theirsalesstaffhavebecomemorefriendly.B Theresawiderrangeofclothingto chooserom.( Theyhavelearnthowto keepcustomershereaslongaspossible.D Theyhavebegunto sellotherproducts.

    (SPE.~ --41 ',