Planiranje putovanja Planiranje putovanja

Planiranje Putovanja - Uni Split

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Page 1: Planiranje Putovanja - Uni Split

Planiranje putovanjaPlaniranje putovanja

Page 2: Planiranje Putovanja - Uni Split

• Oblici provođenja nastaveOblici provođenja nastave • Predavanja, Predavanja, auditne vjezbe, auditne vjezbe, vježbevježbe na simulatoru na simulatoru

• 30 sati predavanja + 30 sati vjezbi30 sati predavanja + 30 sati vjezbi


• Način provjere znanja i polaganja Način provjere znanja i polaganja ispitaispita

• Pismeno, usmeno te vjezbePismeno, usmeno te vjezbe

• Način praćenja kvalitete i uspješnosti Način praćenja kvalitete i uspješnosti izvdbe predmeta i /ili modulaizvdbe predmeta i /ili modula

• Kontinuirano pracenje i provjera rada tijekom izobrazbe, Kontinuirano pracenje i provjera rada tijekom izobrazbe, konzultacije, konzultacije, vjezbevjezbe

Page 3: Planiranje Putovanja - Uni Split

• Kompetencije koje se stječuKompetencije koje se stječu

• Cilj plana putovanja je osiguravanje vise razine sigurnosti brodaCilj plana putovanja je osiguravanje vise razine sigurnosti broda, , ljudi i tereta. Ovaj kolegij objedinjuje znanja sadrzana u drgim ljudi i tereta. Ovaj kolegij objedinjuje znanja sadrzana u drgim studijskim kolegijima te na taj nacin omogucujestudijskim kolegijima te na taj nacin omogucuje cjelovitocjelovito razumijevanje pomorskog putovanja kaorazumijevanje pomorskog putovanja kao dijela jedinstvenog dijela jedinstvenog tehnoloskog process pomorskog prijevozatehnoloskog process pomorskog prijevoza..

• SadrzajSadrzaj

• Uvod u planiranju pomorskog putovanjaUvod u planiranju pomorskog putovanja• Medunarodni sustav pomorske plovidbeMedunarodni sustav pomorske plovidbe • ObiljezjaObiljezja ii ustroj pomorskeustroj pomorske plovidbeplovidbe • Planiranje pomorskog putovanjaPlaniranje pomorskog putovanja• Optimizacija pomorskog putovanjaOptimizacija pomorskog putovanja

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Preporučena literaturaPreporučena literatura

1.1. DD. . ZecZec. . Planiranje pomorske plovidbePlaniranje pomorske plovidbe, , Pomorski fakultetPomorski fakultet ,, Rijeka, Rijeka, 1997.1997.

2. 2. B Bonafacic, D. Zec : Optimizacija brzine broda, Fakultet za B Bonafacic, D. Zec : Optimizacija brzine broda, Fakultet za pomorstvo i saobracaj, Rijeka, 1988.pomorstvo i saobracaj, Rijeka, 1988.

3.3. C.W.Korburger: Vessel Trafic Systems, Cornell Maritime Press, C.W.Korburger: Vessel Trafic Systems, Cornell Maritime Press, 19861986

Dopunska literaturaDopunska literatura

1. 1. Razni prirucnici, British AdmiraltyRazni prirucnici, British Admiralty2.2. J.A.H Paffen: Ship and Water, Nautical Institute, London. 1990J.A.H Paffen: Ship and Water, Nautical Institute, London. 19903.3. Zapisi sa predavanja i vjezbiZapisi sa predavanja i vjezbi

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Follow #02 Follow #02 "Navigational Information "Navigational Information


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1.1. Odgovornost za planiranje Odgovornost za planiranje

putovanjaputovanja • 1.11.1 Odgovornost zapovjednika Odgovornost zapovjednika

Zapovjednik mora pripremiti PLAN PUTOVANJA (Zapovjednik mora pripremiti PLAN PUTOVANJA (““Passage PlanPassage Plan””) od ) od veza do veza broda za dolazece putovanje , te da ima navigacijske veza do veza broda za dolazece putovanje , te da ima navigacijske casnike koji ce to u njegovo ime izvrsiti.casnike koji ce to u njegovo ime izvrsiti.

• 1.21.2 Delegiranje osobe za izradu Delegiranje osobe za izradu ““Plana Plana putovanja putovanja”” (Passage Planning) (Passage Planning)

Zapovjednik mora odrediti (delegirati) drugog casnika palube Zapovjednik mora odrediti (delegirati) drugog casnika palube (Second Officer) i/ili nekog drugog casnika navigacije da radi na (Second Officer) i/ili nekog drugog casnika navigacije da radi na slijedecim aktivnostima:slijedecim aktivnostima:a)a) Pripremi navigacijskih karata, nautickih publikacija, i drugog Pripremi navigacijskih karata, nautickih publikacija, i drugog

odgovarajuceg materijala neophodnog za izvrsenje odgovarajuceg materijala neophodnog za izvrsenje putovanja,putovanja,b)b) Priprema podsjetnika potrebnih aktivnosti (Bridge Notebook),Priprema podsjetnika potrebnih aktivnosti (Bridge Notebook),c)c) Ucrtavanje predvidenog/predvidenih kursa/kurseva kretanja Ucrtavanje predvidenog/predvidenih kursa/kurseva kretanja i/ili i/ili sigurnog azimuta prolaska / radijusa udaljenosti od objekata sigurnog azimuta prolaska / radijusa udaljenosti od objekata

ucrtanih ucrtanih na nautickoj karti koje ce se koristiti tijekom na nautickoj karti koje ce se koristiti tijekom putovanjaputovanja

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d)d) Na navigacijske karte upisati vazna upozorenja i druge Na navigacijske karte upisati vazna upozorenja i druge neophodne neophodne informacije za podrucje plovidbe.informacije za podrucje plovidbe.e)e) Druge pripremne radove u skladu s uputama i zahtjevima Druge pripremne radove u skladu s uputama i zahtjevima zapovjednika.zapovjednika.

2.2. Procijena putovanja (Passage Appraisal)Procijena putovanja (Passage Appraisal)

• 2.1 Opcenito2.1 Opcenito

Zapovjednik mora prikupiti I procijeniti sve relevantne informacije prije Zapovjednik mora prikupiti I procijeniti sve relevantne informacije prije pocetka svakog putovanja a u cilju ispunjavanja zahtijeva navedenih u pocetka svakog putovanja a u cilju ispunjavanja zahtijeva navedenih u ““Uputama putovanjaUputama putovanja”” (Sailing Instruction). (Sailing Instruction).

U koliko procijena ukazuje na neizbjeznost putovanja ukljucuje jako U koliko procijena ukazuje na neizbjeznost putovanja ukljucuje jako mnogo rizika ili zapovjednik smatra da nema dovoljno podataka da mnogo rizika ili zapovjednik smatra da nema dovoljno podataka da procijeni nivo rizika ukljucenih u dolazece putovanje , mora se procijeni nivo rizika ukljucenih u dolazece putovanje , mora se konzultirati kompanija ukonzultirati kompanija u skladuskladu 02 - "Navigational Information (ZZ-S-P-07.40.04)"02 - "Navigational Information (ZZ-S-P-07.40.04)" te za procijenu putovanja mora uzeti u obzirte za procijenu putovanja mora uzeti u obzir

"Navigational Information Check List (S-074002-"Navigational Information Check List (S-074002-01CHK)."01CHK)."

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2. Procijena putovanja (Passage 2. Procijena putovanja (Passage Appraisal)Appraisal)

• 2.12.1 OpcenitoOpcenitoZapovjednik mora prikupiti I procijeniti sve Zapovjednik mora prikupiti I procijeniti sve relevantne informacije prije pocetka svakog relevantne informacije prije pocetka svakog putovanja a u cilju ispunjavanja zahtijeva putovanja a u cilju ispunjavanja zahtijeva navedenih u navedenih u ““Uputama putovanjaUputama putovanja”” (Sailing (Sailing Instruction). Instruction). U koliko procijena ukazuje na neizbjeznost U koliko procijena ukazuje na neizbjeznost putovanja ukljucuje jako mnogo rizika ili putovanja ukljucuje jako mnogo rizika ili zapovjednik smatra da nema dovoljno podataka da zapovjednik smatra da nema dovoljno podataka da procijeni nivo rizika ukljucenih u dolazece putovanje procijeni nivo rizika ukljucenih u dolazece putovanje , mora se konzultirati kompanija u, mora se konzultirati kompanija u skladuskladu 02 - 02 - "Navigational Information (ZZ-S-P-"Navigational Information (ZZ-S-P-07.40.04)"07.40.04)" te za procijenu putovanja mora uzeti te za procijenu putovanja mora uzeti u u obzir obzir "Navigational Information Check List "Navigational Information Check List (S-074002-01CHK)."(S-074002-01CHK)."

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Shipboard Organization ChartShipboard Organization Chart (Watchkeeping at Sea/UMS Duty Engineer/Watch on Board/Watchkeeping in Port) <Remarks> 1. Deck Department officers and ratings who are not engaged in watchkeeping

or rostered duties must carry out maintenance or cargo work under instructions from the Chief Officer.

2. Engine Department officers and ratings who are not engaged in watchkeeping or rostered duties must carry out maintenance work under instructions from the First Engineer.

3. The Chief Radio Officer and Radio Officers must carry out maintenance work or office work while the ship is in port.

4. Ratings of the Catering Department must be engaged in normal operations, regardless of whether the ship is at sea or in port.

Chief Engineer

Chief Officer

Second Officer

Third Officer

First Engineer

Second Engineer

Third Engineer

(Chief) Radio Officer

Helmsman Helmsman Helmsman Oiler Oiler Oiler


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Shipboard Organization Chart (Gas Shipboard Organization Chart (Gas


Note *1: This post is in charge of LPG cargo control and the operation and maintenance of the related equipment. (For details, refer to the relevant provisions of the Regulations) *2: When the Chief Officer is designated as the Cargo Officer, the First Officer is to carry out deck department duties in accordance with the Chief Officer’s direction.

Organization of Company

Duties of the Chief of SMS Management a) Operating and managing the SMS; b) Presiding over the SMS Executive

Committee, and ensuring that the necessary corrective measures be taken if any deficiency or non- conformity exists in the SMS;

c) Commanding the Internal Auditing Administrator to make an audit and making good use of the report from the audit team to maintain, operate, and review the SMS;

d) Designating an appropriate person as the acting Chief, when the Chief is to be absent.

Chief of SMS Management

Each Post Major / On-the-spot Marine Accident Headquarters

Marine Administration


SMS Executive Committee

Chairperson: Chief of SMS Management


The Chief of SMS Management is the Designated Person defined in ISM Code.

:Normal transmission route

:Non-conformity reporting route

:Emergent transmission route

(Major Marine Accident)

*As for details of COO and Chief of SMS management, see ZZ-S-M-01.00.00

(Shipboard Organization)

Catering Crew

Chief Engineer

First Engineer

Chief Officer

Radio Officer

First Officer

Deck Crew

Second Officer

Cargo Officer Gas Engineer

Second Engineer

Third Officer

Chief Radio Officer

Engine Crew

Third Engineer



Chief Operating Officer

Marine Safety Headquarters


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• 1.1. CiljCilj• Cilj propisa o brodskoj organizaciji je da se mora osigurati primjena Cilj propisa o brodskoj organizaciji je da se mora osigurati primjena

istih, zatim provodenje zakona, odgovornost i djelokrug rada istih, zatim provodenje zakona, odgovornost i djelokrug rada sluzbe svakog clana posade, na brodu pod upravom kompanije. sluzbe svakog clana posade, na brodu pod upravom kompanije.

• 2.2. SvrhaSvrha

• Svrha propisa je da jasno naznaci hierarhijsku organizaciju Svrha propisa je da jasno naznaci hierarhijsku organizaciju upravljanja brodom, te da osigura nesmetano izvrsavanje svih upravljanja brodom, te da osigura nesmetano izvrsavanje svih

radnji na brodu.radnji na brodu.

• 3.3. OdgovornostOdgovornost• Svaki clan posade mora odgovarati za izvrsavanje svoje duznosti. Svaki clan posade mora odgovarati za izvrsavanje svoje duznosti.

Zapovjednik i svaki voditelj brodskog odjeljenja odgovoran je za njegovu Zapovjednik i svaki voditelj brodskog odjeljenja odgovoran je za njegovu vlastitu sluzbu te mora nadalje osigurati da njihovi podcinjeni izvrsavaju vlastitu sluzbu te mora nadalje osigurati da njihovi podcinjeni izvrsavaju svoje duznosti u skladusvoje duznosti u skladu

• Sa svojin zaduzenjima I odgovornostima.Sa svojin zaduzenjima I odgovornostima.

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• 4.4. Zapovjedni lanacZapovjedni lanac• 4.14.1 Povezanost odgovornosti izmedu kompanije i Povezanost odgovornosti izmedu kompanije i

brodabroda• The exclusive contact through which the ship is

managed is the Marine Administration Manager at the Company. Instructions from the Marine Administration Manager must be regarded as instructions of the Company.

• All communications, reports, requests, and orders to other parties or suppliers must be sent to or via the Marine Administration Manager. This must not apply, however, in cases where specific instructions are given by the Marine Administration Manager or approval has been obtained from him.

• Regardless of the stipulations in Par. 4.1.1, the Master may make a report, communication, or suggestion directly to the Chief of SMS Management (Chairperson of the SMS Executive Committee) if he recognizes it to be necessary for safe ship operation and environmental protection.

• Chief of SMS Management is the “Designated Person Ashore” (DPA).

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• The Master must make a report, The Master must make a report, communication, or suggestion to the SMS communication, or suggestion to the SMS Executive Committee in the event of deficiencies Executive Committee in the event of deficiencies or non-conformities with SMS.or non-conformities with SMS.

• The Master must make a report, The Master must make a report, communication, or suggestion directly to the communication, or suggestion directly to the Major Marine Accident Headquarters or the On-Major Marine Accident Headquarters or the On-the-spot Accident Headquarters in the event they the-spot Accident Headquarters in the event they are established because of the occurrence of a are established because of the occurrence of a serious casualty.serious casualty.

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• 4.24.2 Duties Other than Watchkeeping)Duties Other than Watchkeeping)• The chain of command for duties other than

watchkeeping or rostered duty must conform to the "Shipboard Organization Chart.“

• 4.34.3 Watchkeeping DutiesWatchkeeping Duties• The chain of command for watchkeeping and

rostered duty operations must conform to the "Chain of Command on Watch.“.“

• 4.44.4 Appointing Shipboard Special Duty Appointing Shipboard Special Duty Officer Officer

• The Master must appoint a person in charge of, or a person responsible for, special duties, in accordance with the regulations of this SMS Manual and the "List of Shipboard Special Duty Officers."

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• 4.54.5 Other Operations and Crew Other Operations and Crew MembersMembers

• Details of each operation stipulated above, other operations, and the duties of officers and ratings not indicated below must conform to the "Shipboard Responsibility and Duty", "Shipboard job description", and "Standard Duties." If it is necessary to make additions, deletions, or changes to the contents of these regulations depending upon the type of ship concerned, the trade route, the vessel structure, or the operational pattern, the instructions of the Chief of Marine Administration must be obeyed.

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• 4.64.6 Organization Chart, Chart of Organization Chart, Chart of Chain of Command, and Chain of Command, and

List List of Special Duty Officersof Special Duty Officers

•a) "Shipboard Organization Chart"

•b) "Chain of Command on Watch"

•c) "List of Shipboard Special Duty Officers"

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• 4.74.7 Working LanguageWorking Language

•All crew members must communicate with each other on board the ship and with the Company in the language that is instructed by the Company as the official working language.

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• 5.5. Master, Senior Officers and Master, Senior Officers and Shipboard Shipboard Management TeamManagement Team

• 5.15.1 The Master is the highest authority and exercises control over all departments onboard the ship. He must be responsible to the Company for all operations on the ship.

• 5.25.2 "Senior officers" refers to the Master, the Chief Engineer, the Chief Officer, the First Engineer, the Chief Radio Officer, and the officers so identified by the Company with an equivalent rank.

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• 5.35.3 Shipboard Management Team Shipboard Management Team

• The Shipboard Management Team must be organized by the members specified in 5.2 above and must discuss matters specified in 5.3.2 below.

• Holding Shipboard Holding Shipboard Management Management Meetings (SMM)Meetings (SMM)

• The Master must, at least once a month and as the occasion demands, hold a Shipboard Management Meeting, with members of the Shipboard Management Team and other crewmembers so recognized to attend, , and keep a record of this meeting.

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• Agenda of Shipboard Management Agenda of Shipboard Management MeetingsMeetings

• The following must be the agenda of the meeting and each item must be discussed as the occasion demands.

• a) Outline of the voyage• b) Onboard Maintenance Plan on a short term

basis, such as for each voyage or for each month

• c) Evaluation and review of the SMS• d) Improvement and Correction of non-

conformities and deficiencies• e) Drawing up and/or reviewing the Shipboard

Contingency Plan• f) Drawing up and/or reviewing the program for

drills and onboard training• g) Matters that concern two or more departments

and require confirmation with one another • h) Confirmation of important Company

instructions (including discussion of cases so instructed by the Company)

• i) Other

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6.6. Deck DepartmentDeck Department

• 6.1 6.1 Department HeadDepartment Head• The Chief Officer is the department head

who exercises overall control of the Deck Department. He must be responsible to the Master for his own duties and Deck Department operations.

• The Second and Third Officers are officers of the Deck Department. They must carry out duties of the Deck Department under the direction of the Chief Officer, and must be responsible to him. In addition they must carry out watchkeeping duties at sea and in port under the direction of the Master, and must be responsible to him.

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• 6.26.2 OfficersOfficers

•The Second and Third Officers are officers of the Deck Department. They must carry out duties of the Deck Department under the direction of the Chief Officer, and must be responsible to him. In addition they must carry out watchkeeping duties at sea and in port under the direction of the Master, and must be responsible to him.

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• 6.36.3 Ratings Ratings

• The Boatswain, Able Seamen, and Ordinary Seamen are deck ratings. They must carry out their duties under the direction of the Chief Officer.

• 6.46.4 Ranking of Positions Ranking of Positions

• The ranking of positions related to the Deck Department is as follows:

• OfficersOfficers

• Chief Officer, Second Officer, and Third Officer

• RatingsRatings

• Boatswain, Able Seaman, and Ordinary Seaman

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7.7. Engine DepartmentEngine Department

• 7.17.1 Department Head Department Head• The Chief Engineer is the department head

who exercises overall control of the Engine Department. He must be responsible to the Master and the Company for operations of the Engine Department.

• The First Engineer must assist the Chief Engineer by directing and supervising the engineers and ratings of the Engine Department and be responsible to the Chief Engineer for operations of the Engine Department.

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• 7.27.2 OfficersOfficers

• EngineersEngineers• The Second Engineer and the Third Engineer are

officers of the Engine Department. They must carry out duties related to the Engine Department under the direction of the Chief Engineer or the First Engineer, and must be responsible to the Chief Engineer or the First Engineer. They also must carry out watchkeeping duties at sea and in port, and Unmanned Machinery Space (hereinafter referred to as "UMS") duty operations under the direction of the Chief Engineer, and must be responsible to the Chief Engineer regarding these duties.

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• Senior Electrical EngineerSenior Electrical Engineer• A Senior Electrical Engineer is an officer of the

Engine Department. He must carry out duties in relation to matters concerning on-board electrical work under the direction of the Chief Engineer, and must be responsible to the Chief Engineer.

• Junior Electrical EngineerJunior Electrical Engineer• A Junior Electrical Engineer is an officer of the

Engine Department. He must carry out duties concerning operations related to electrical work in the Engine Department under the direction of the Chief or the First Engineer, and must be responsible to the Chief or the First Engineer

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• 7.37.3 Ratings Ratings• The No. 1 Oiler, Oilers, and Wipers are

ratings of the Engine Department. They must carry out duties under the direction of the Chief Engineer or the First Engineer.

• 7.4 Ranking of Positions7.4 Ranking of Positions• The ranking of positions related to the

Engine Department is as follows:• OfficersOfficers• Chief Engineer, First Engineer, Second

Engineer, and Third Engineer• RatingsRatings• No. 1 Oiler, Oilers, and Wipers

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• 8.8. Radio DepartmentRadio Department• 8.18.1 Department HeadDepartment Head• No head must be placed in the Radio Department, as a rule,

and the Master must directly control it. On board a ship with an exclusive Chief Radio Officer, he must be the Department Head and responsible to the Master for duties of the Radio Department.

• 8.2 Officers• The Radio Officer is an officer of the Radio Department and The Radio Officer is an officer of the Radio Department and

must perform his duties under the direction of, and be must perform his duties under the direction of, and be responsible to, the Chief Radio Officer.responsible to, the Chief Radio Officer.

• 8.38.3 Ranking of Positions Ranking of Positions • The ranking of positions in the Radio Department must be as The ranking of positions in the Radio Department must be as

follows:follows:• Chief Radio Officer, Second Radio Officer, Third Radio OfficerChief Radio Officer, Second Radio Officer, Third Radio Officer

• 8.48.4 Radio PersonnelRadio Personnel• On board a ship without a Chief or other Radio Officer, his On board a ship without a Chief or other Radio Officer, his

duties specified in this regulation must be performed by Radio duties specified in this regulation must be performed by Radio Personnel (main and/or assistant), who must be responsible to Personnel (main and/or assistant), who must be responsible to the Master for the relevant duties.the Master for the relevant duties.

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9.9. Catering DepartmentCatering Department• 9.1 Department Head• a) As a general rule, the Catering Department

must not have a department head, but be under the direct control of the Master. However, if the Master receives official instructions from the Chief of Marine Administration, he must follow the instructions and appoint either the Chief Officer or the Chief Radio Officer as the department head.

• b) If a department head is nominated under instructions from the Chief of Marine Administration, the Master must indicate this fact in writing in the form of a Letter of Instruction or a Letter of Nomination, and add the contents thereof to this regulation.

• c) The Master must directly control the purchase of provisions and food materials and also consumption management, even in the case where a department head has been nominated.

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• 9.29.2 Ratings Ratings• The Chief Steward, Chief Cook, and Cooks

are ratings of the Catering Department. They must carry out duties under the direction of the Master or the department head.

• 9.39.3 Ranking of Positions Ranking of Positions• The ranking of positions related to the

Catering Department is as follows:• Chief Steward, Chief Cook, and Cooks

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• 2.2 Selection of Routeing2.2 Selection of Routeing

Rough routing selection based on the Rough routing selection based on the past experiences, sailing directions past experiences, sailing directions and other information sources should and other information sources should be completed before passage be completed before passage appraisal. The following factors should appraisal. The following factors should be taken into account for routing be taken into account for routing selection.selection.

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• 2.2.1 Ocean Passage2.2.1 Ocean Passage

a)a) Interrelation between the ship's service Interrelation between the ship's service speed speed and the distance for the voyage.and the distance for the voyage.b)b) The endurance based on fuel, Lub. oil, The endurance based on fuel, Lub. oil,

provisions on hand.provisions on hand.c)c) Possibility and necessity of supply en Possibility and necessity of supply en route.route.d)d) The state of weather and sea condition The state of weather and sea condition in in addition to the information from addition to the information from weather weather routing service agencies.routing service agencies.e)e) Availability of safe navigation based on Availability of safe navigation based on the the political reason.political reason.f)f) Relationship between the area to be Relationship between the area to be navigated navigated and the ship's free board and the ship's free board line.line.

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• 2.2.2 Coastal Passage2.2.2 Coastal Passage

a)a) Distance off the coast line for safe Distance off the coast line for safe navigation.navigation.

b)b) Traffic Separation Scheme according to Traffic Separation Scheme according to the the IMO.IMO.

c)c) Relationship between the depth of Relationship between the depth of water water and the ship's draft.and the ship's draft.

d)d) Navigable area in an archipelago.Navigable area in an archipelago.

e)e) The state of congestion at the area to The state of congestion at the area to be be navigated.navigated.

f)f) Others.Others.

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• 3. Passage Planning (S-074002-3. Passage Planning (S-074002-02FIG)02FIG)

The following consideration must be The following consideration must be given to the passage planning.given to the passage planning.

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Passage PlanningPassage Planning2nd Mate’s duty, but Master’s


Various checklists/forms etc.

No Go Areas, Parallel Index,UKC, Abort Point, W/O point,

Contingency Plans, Watch Levels, Chart scales, Chart Corrections

Weather, Currents, Traffic Density

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Result of poor passage planning???

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• 3.1 Selection of Nautical Charts3.1 Selection of Nautical Charts

Collect together all the charts for the Collect together all the charts for the intended voyage, putting them into intended voyage, putting them into the correct order. Charts not the correct order. Charts not absolutely necessary for the voyage absolutely necessary for the voyage but which are adjacent to the area to but which are adjacent to the area to be navigated should be included, as be navigated should be included, as should very Large scale charts. should very Large scale charts. Although it may not be necessary Although it may not be necessary actually to use such charts, they may actually to use such charts, they may include information which could prove include information which could prove of use during the voyage. of use during the voyage.

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Follow #03 Follow #03 "Charts and Nautical "Charts and Nautical

PublicationsPublications (ZZ-S-P-07.40.03-E(ZZ-S-P-07.40.03-E )")"

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• 3.23.2 No-Go Area and Margin of Safety No-Go Area and Margin of Safety

Coastal charts should be examined and all areas Coastal charts should be examined and all areas where the ship can not go carefully shown by cross-where the ship can not go carefully shown by cross-hatching or red high-lighter. In waters where the hatching or red high-lighter. In waters where the tidal range may be large, no-go areas should be tidal range may be large, no-go areas should be determined taking the tidal height into determined taking the tidal height into consideration.consideration.Before tracks are marked on the chart the Margins Before tracks are marked on the chart the Margins of Safety should be determined in order to give her of Safety should be determined in order to give her enough sea room to keep away from any danger enough sea room to keep away from any danger even in case of a worst scenario. The Margins of even in case of a worst scenario. The Margins of Safety should be determined taking the following Safety should be determined taking the following factors into consideration, and it is advisable to set factors into consideration, and it is advisable to set an appropriate head mark, clearing bearings and PI an appropriate head mark, clearing bearings and PI targets to allow targets to allow

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OOWs to confirm that she has enough safe OOWs to confirm that she has enough safe sea room.sea room.

a)a) Size of the shipSize of the ship

b)b) Reliability of navigational equipmentReliability of navigational equipment

c)c) Tidal currentTidal current

d)d) Maneuverability and the speedManeuverability and the speed

e)e) OthersOthers

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3.33.3 Track SelectionTrack Selection

• Ocean TrackOcean Track

Ocean tracks should first be drawn on the Ocean tracks should first be drawn on the small-scale charts, according to the small-scale charts, according to the decisions made based on the paragraph decisions made based on the paragraph 2.2.1. regarding the route. Any 2.2.1. regarding the route. Any information out of passage appraisal must information out of passage appraisal must be taken into consideration for the track be taken into consideration for the track selectionselection..

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• Coastal TracksCoastal Tracks

Coastal tracks will also be constrained by the Coastal tracks will also be constrained by the decision made at the appraisal stage and decision made at the appraisal stage and should be first drawn on the small-scale should be first drawn on the small-scale charts starting from the departure port to charts starting from the departure port to the arrival port. These first tracks will form the arrival port. These first tracks will form the basis of the plan and from them may be the basis of the plan and from them may be obtained distances and steaming times. obtained distances and steaming times. When completed, these tracks should be When completed, these tracks should be transferred to and drawn on the larger- transferred to and drawn on the larger- scale charts of the area to be navigated. scale charts of the area to be navigated.

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• Distance OffDistance Off

The distance away from the coast and dangerous The distance away from the coast and dangerous objects must be determined based upon the Margins of objects must be determined based upon the Margins of Safety and the following factors. Distance off must Safety and the following factors. Distance off must warrant that the ship has enough sea room in order warrant that the ship has enough sea room in order not only to give other vessels the way and/or to keep not only to give other vessels the way and/or to keep the ship away from any danger in case of such the ship away from any danger in case of such emergency situations as Main Engine failure or emergency situations as Main Engine failure or Steering Gear failure. Steering Gear failure. a)a) State of visibility, traffic density and presence or State of visibility, traffic density and presence or not of not of fishing boats.fishing boats.b)b) Maneuverability and speed of the ship. Maneuverability and speed of the ship. c)c) Availability of landmarks and/or navigational aids Availability of landmarks and/or navigational aids for for position fixing, and the OOW's skill for that.position fixing, and the OOW's skill for that.d)d) Accuracy and scale of nautical charts to be used.Accuracy and scale of nautical charts to be used.e)e) Effect of external affecting factors such as tides, Effect of external affecting factors such as tides,

current, weather, etc.current, weather, etc.f)f) State of traffic congestion.State of traffic congestion.

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• Course Altering TargetsCourse Altering Targets

Take the following into consideration when selecting Take the following into consideration when selecting the targets for altering course.the targets for altering course.a)a) As targets for altering course, select As targets for altering course, select conspicuous conspicuous promontories, islands, promontories, islands, lighthouses, and other lighthouses, and other landmarks or targets in landmarks or targets in transit near the beam of the transit near the beam of the ship.ship.b)b) For targets after altering course, select nearby For targets after altering course, select nearby

and and clear targets that are or nearly parallel clear targets that are or nearly parallel to the direction to the direction of the new course. Also use of the new course. Also use targets in transit and bow targets in transit and bow and stern targets.and stern targets.c)c) When a prominent target cannot be found and When a prominent target cannot be found and

in sea in sea areas where there is a critical areas where there is a critical course altering point course altering point around which many ships around which many ships and fishing boats plying the and fishing boats plying the sea, always select a sea, always select a reserve target.reserve target.

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• 3.43.4 Position Fixing Interval Position Fixing Interval

Ship's position must be fixed, as a rule, at Ship's position must be fixed, as a rule, at least every 60 minutes during ocean least every 60 minutes during ocean passage and every 15 minutes during passage and every 15 minutes during coastal navigation. Appropriate fixing coastal navigation. Appropriate fixing intervals for each navigation area must be intervals for each navigation area must be determined taking account of the safety determined taking account of the safety margins, status of traffic, ship's speed, etc. margins, status of traffic, ship's speed, etc. In addition, primary/secondary position In addition, primary/secondary position fixing method, radar/visual target and fixing method, radar/visual target and navigation aids to be used for fixing must be navigation aids to be used for fixing must be determined beforehand.determined beforehand.

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a) Fixed by Visual Method and/or Radar b) Dead Reckoning Position c) Fixed by Radio Navigational Equipment d) Noon Position (GPS, LORAN, Decca etc.) (Position Master recognized as Noon Position Irrespective of I ts Fixing Method) e) Fixed by Celestial Observation

16.15 20.00


18.00 N



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• 3.53.5 Markings on Ultimate Markings on Ultimate Navigational Aids Navigational Aids

Navigational aids and targets to be Navigational aids and targets to be made use of are to be high lighted. made use of are to be high lighted. Consideration must be given that Consideration must be given that targets located on the edge of charts targets located on the edge of charts are likely to be overlooked.are likely to be overlooked.

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3.63.6 Clearing Bearing/Circle Clearing Bearing/Circle

Establish clearing bearings/circles easy to use and Establish clearing bearings/circles easy to use and effective in helping achieve safe maneuvering effective in helping achieve safe maneuvering taking into consideration the topographical features taking into consideration the topographical features around the intended track, the types and number of around the intended track, the types and number of targets, whether passage is in the day or night, and targets, whether passage is in the day or night, and other factors.other factors.The following are the types of clearing The following are the types of clearing bearings/circles.bearings/circles.a)a) By use of targets in transit (leading line).By use of targets in transit (leading line).b)b) By use of the bearing from a single target.By use of the bearing from a single target.c)c) By use of a range from the single target or By use of a range from the single target or from the from the coast line by radar.coast line by radar.d)d) By utilizing contour lines.By utilizing contour lines.e)e) Others.Others.

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3.73.7 Parallel Indexing Parallel Indexing

Parallel indexing (PI) is a useful Parallel indexing (PI) is a useful method of monitoring cross-track method of monitoring cross-track tendency and the necessary tendency and the necessary information needed for planned PI information needed for planned PI should be marked on the charts.should be marked on the charts.

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Course Line No-go Area Parallel Index

(Arrows point towards reference object.)

Parallel Index Distance 3.0‘ Safe Navigation Limit Leading Line LL Head Mark HM Clearing Bearings

a) NO-GO AREA Areas where the ship cannot go must be shown by highlighting or cross-hatching , taking care not to obliterate the necessary information such as a navigation mark, conspicuous object, etc.

b) WOP, W/P, WHEEL OVER POSITION The ship must commence altering course at the wheel over position some distance before the track intersection in order to achieve the new planned track. The planned wheel over position must clearly be shown on the chart in order to keep the planned track without fail.


Pilot boarding area.

d) ABORT, ABORT POINT, NO-RETURN POINT When approaching constrained waters the ship may be in a position beyond which it will not be possible to do other than proceed. This position needs to be drawn on the chart showing the last point at which the pasage can be aborted and the ship not commit herself.

e) CONTINGENCY, CONTINGENCY PLAN Contingency plans will have been made at the planning stage and clearly shown on the chart, so that the OOW does not have to spend time looking for and planning safe and safe action when his duties requires him to be elsewhere. Contingency planning will include: - Alternative course - Safe anchorage - Waiting areas - Emergency berth

f) PI, PARALLEL INDEX The parallel index(PI) is a useful method of monitoring cross-track tendency in both poor and good visibility. I t is a good practice to mark the planned PI on the chart inconspicuously at the planning stage. This method of continuously monitoring a ship’s progress is carried out by observing the movement of the echo of a radar-conspicuous navigation mark with respect to track lines previously prepared on the reflect plotter or by using ARPA index lines.

g) SAFE NAVIGATION LIMIT Lines which indicates borders of navigable water limit. They usually be shown with dotted lines in order to distinguish them from the planned track.

h) LL, LEADING LINE Targets in transit line.


Head mark.

j) CLEARING BEARINGS Clearing lines by using a target bearing.

k) NLT, and NMT Stand for “Not Less Than” and “Not More Than”.

Used with clearing bearing line.

090 090


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3.8 Under-keel Clearance/Tidal Window3.8 Under-keel Clearance/Tidal Window

The ship's draft and the depth of the water The ship's draft and the depth of the water the ship will navigate must be well the ship will navigate must be well understood in order to achieve the understood in order to achieve the necessary UKC. In large tidal areas, necessary UKC. In large tidal areas, adequate UKC may only be attainable adequate UKC may only be attainable during the period that the tide has achieved during the period that the tide has achieved a given height. Such safe periods, called a given height. Such safe periods, called the tidal window, must be clearly shown on the tidal window, must be clearly shown on the charts.the charts.

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• 3.93.9 Other Information To Be Other Information To Be Shown on Nautical Shown on Nautical


The following must be drawn on the The following must be drawn on the charts for achieving safe navigation.charts for achieving safe navigation.

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• 3.9.1 Routine Checks and Changes3.9.1 Routine Checks and Changes

Routine safety confirmation or the point where the work Routine safety confirmation or the point where the work will be changed as follows should be marked adjacent to will be changed as follows should be marked adjacent to the intended track.the intended track.a)a) Start of manual steering.Start of manual steering.b)b) Man a quartermaster adjacent to the steering Man a quartermaster adjacent to the steering wheel.wheel.c)c) Tests and changeover of nautical instruments and Tests and changeover of nautical instruments and steering steering gear.gear.d)d) Notice to the ECR. (1 hour before S/B, etc.)Notice to the ECR. (1 hour before S/B, etc.)e)e) Astern engine test.Astern engine test.f)f) Change of watch level.Change of watch level.g)g) Call Captain.Call Captain.h)h) Clearing anchorClearing anchori)i) Start of PI.Start of PI.j)j) Change of position fixing method.Change of position fixing method.k)k) Speed Change.Speed Change.l)l) Change of charts.Change of charts.

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• 3.9.2 Aborts3.9.2 Aborts

When approaching constrained waters such as narrow When approaching constrained waters such as narrow channels or pilot boarding areas, the topographical features or channels or pilot boarding areas, the topographical features or traffic situation may preclude the ship from altering course, traffic situation may preclude the ship from altering course, halting the maneuvering or returning from the danger: it will halting the maneuvering or returning from the danger: it will not be possible to do other than proceed. The point of no not be possible to do other than proceed. The point of no return should be determined and marked on the chart in order return should be determined and marked on the chart in order for the Bridge Team to make a correct decision whether the for the Bridge Team to make a correct decision whether the ship should proceed or not even in case of an emergency such ship should proceed or not even in case of an emergency such as follows.as follows.a)a) Unexpected large deviation from the intended track.Unexpected large deviation from the intended track.b)b) Main engine failure.Main engine failure.c)c) Malfunction of navigational instruments.Malfunction of navigational instruments.d)d) Unavailability of tug boats and/or unavailability of the Unavailability of tug boats and/or unavailability of the

berth.berth.e)e) Dangers happening in the coast line and/or harbor Dangers happening in the coast line and/or harbor

facilities.facilities.f)f) Others.Others.

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• 3.9.3 Contingency3.9.3 Contingency

Contingency planning should be made at Contingency planning should be made at the planning stage and clearly shown on the the planning stage and clearly shown on the chart so that the bridge team does not chart so that the bridge team does not spend looking for and planning safe action spend looking for and planning safe action when the passage does not go as planned. when the passage does not go as planned. Contingency planning will include:Contingency planning will include:a)a) Alternative course.Alternative course.b)b) Waiting areas.Waiting areas.c)c) Safe anchorage.Safe anchorage.d)d) Emergency berths.Emergency berths.

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• 3.9.4 Wheel Over Point (W/O)3.9.4 Wheel Over Point (W/O)

When the ship is navigating in confined When the ship is navigating in confined waters, the margins of safety may require waters, the margins of safety may require the ship to commence altering course at the the ship to commence altering course at the wheel-over position some distance before wheel-over position some distance before the track intersection in order to achieve the the track intersection in order to achieve the new planned track. Wheel-over points must new planned track. Wheel-over points must be clearly shown on the chart and every be clearly shown on the chart and every bridge team member is requested to bridge team member is requested to confirm them beforehand.confirm them beforehand.

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• 4.1 Items To Be shown on Bridge 4.1 Items To Be shown on Bridge Notebook Notebook

Pick up the necessary information out of the items stipulated in paragraph 3. above and show in the Bridge Notebook in chronological order so that the bridge team can utilize it as a check list as the passage goes along. Bridge Notebook should consist of at least following information and must be approved by the Master before commencement of the voyage.

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a) Column for confirming way point passing time.b) Way points, course altering points from the particular target and/or by latitude and

longitude.c) Distance and course made good between way points.d) Distance to the arrival port.e) Clearing bearing/circle.f) Necessity of Capt. call.g) Watch level (to be specified later in this


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h) Expected UKC.i) Navigational instruments to be used.j) Position fixing interval.k) Conspicuous visual/radar target.l) Any danger which preclude safe navigation.m) Abort point.n) Contingency Plan.o) Landfall navigation aids and light.p) Total distance for the voyage and calculated total steaming hour for the service speed.q) Signature for the Master and OOWs.r) Other information needed for safe navigation..

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4.4. Bridge Notebook (S-074002-Bridge Notebook (S-074002-05FIG)05FIG) S-074002-05FIG

Bridge Notebook (Example)


VOY NO.67 out DRAFT F 10.25 m A 11.35 m TIME DIFF 2-00

AV. SPD 10 KT 7 D 3 H 00 M 81 rpm

AV. SPD 11 KT 6 D 11 H 20 M 84 rpm

















Sikctan S LH

(326) 15.5



202 2 E GP/RD 30

Erimo Mi LH (340) 11.0




PI : OMA Si 30 Take in log (Fishing NET) Fix FRQ 10m:20’ BEFORE BENTEN S

109 (266) NLT 3.0 y 3 〃 RD.XB/

GP 5

Banten S LH

(176) 4.7





34 (237) NLT 3.0 y 〃 〃 ― ―〃 5

Tappi Si LH (147) 5.0





10 y 〃 〃 ― ―〃 5

Kodomari Mi LH (127) 6.8





73 y 2 〃 ― ―〃 15

Nyudo Si LH (118) 16.4




110 1 〃 GP/RD 30

Haziki Si LH (128) 34.7




68 〃 〃 ― ―〃 30

Hegura S LH

(145) 14.0





〃 ― ―〃 60

( )

( )

( )

( )

( )

( )









11 a














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• Use of Column for RemarksUse of Column for Remarks

In the 'Remarks' column of the Bridge Notebook, enter various kinds of information which require to draw the attention of the OOWs, by referring to the following:a) Time to call the pilot;b) VHF channel to use;c) Times of sunrise and sunset; d) Name of reference material;e) Contingency plan;f) Proper Immarsat-C Network Coordinating Station (NCS), sea area where the coast station for the NAVTEX receiver and EGC receiver should be changed over;g) Others.

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• 4.34.3 Use of Passage Plan Map Use of Passage Plan Map (S-074002-06FIG)(S-074002-06FIG)

The "Passage plan map (S-074002-The "Passage plan map (S-074002-06FIG), which shows the outline of a 06FIG), which shows the outline of a voyage, must carry such information as voyage, must carry such information as weather and sea conditions, marine weather and sea conditions, marine traffic situation, conspicuous traffic situation, conspicuous targets, targets, things to be reported, sea area where things to be reported, sea area where the coast station for the NAVTEX the coast station for the NAVTEX receiver and EGC receiver should be receiver and EGC receiver should be changed to another one, in addition to changed to another one, in addition to distance and navigation method, and distance and navigation method, and be attached to the Bridge Notebook.be attached to the Bridge Notebook.

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Passage Plan Map (07.40.02_s-07.40.02-Passage Plan Map (07.40.02_s-07.40.02-06fig-e)06fig-e)













South B, D Vessel


fog Fish BOAT





1000’ 800’ GC

17TH J uly 0640 1900


0630 1920










P:Pilot Station GC:Great Circle

B:Berth RL:Rumb Line



HAZARDOUS (Pirate, Fish Boats)


av spd/rpm 10 kt / 81 rpm 16 day 21 hr 00 min

av spd/rpm 11 kt / 84 rpm 15 day 07 hr 40 min

av spd/rpm 12 kt / 87 rpm 14 day 0 hr 40 min

av spd/rpm 13 kt / 90 rpm 12 day 22 hr 20 min




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5.5. Executing and Monitoring PlanExecuting and Monitoring Plan

• 5.15.1 Required Speed and ETARequired Speed and ETA• Required SpeedRequired Speed

The following should be taken into consideration for The following should be taken into consideration for deciding the steaming speed. deciding the steaming speed.a)a) Company's instructions in relation to the Company's instructions in relation to the intended voyage.intended voyage.b)b) Weather and Sea condition to be Weather and Sea condition to be encountered.encountered.c)c) Condition of Main Engine.Condition of Main Engine.d)d) Endurance in terms of fuel on hand.Endurance in terms of fuel on hand.e)e) Interrelation between the speed, Interrelation between the speed, displacement displacement and fuel consumption.and fuel consumption.

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The following factors should be taken into The following factors should be taken into account for determining ETA.account for determining ETA.a)a) Passenger boarding, necessity of Passenger boarding, necessity of Quarantine Quarantine and/or Pilotage, cargo and/or Pilotage, cargo operation, bunkering, operation, bunkering, requirement form requirement form the shipper/consignee, any the shipper/consignee, any restriction for restriction for the navigation established by the the navigation established by the port port state.state.b)b) Weather and Sea condition to be Weather and Sea condition to be encountered.encountered.c)c) Possible time loss resulted from Possible time loss resulted from passing passing constrained waters such as constrained waters such as narrow channels, narrow channels, topographically or topographically or politically dangerous area politically dangerous area en route. en route.

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• 5.1.3 Way Point Passage5.1.3 Way Point Passage

When determine the passing time of When determine the passing time of way points, the following factors way points, the following factors should be taken into account.should be taken into account.a)a) Constrained waters such narrow Constrained waters such narrow

channels should preferably passed channels should preferably passed during day time.during day time.

b)b) Necessity of speed control for Necessity of speed control for adjusting adjusting the passing time of the the passing time of the shallow water shallow water area where ship's area where ship's draft requires the draft requires the certain tidal certain tidal height in order to achieve height in order to achieve safe UKC.safe UKC.

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• 5.25.2 Briefing Briefing

The Master must brief navigational The Master must brief navigational officers on the established passage officers on the established passage plan before entering the constrained plan before entering the constrained waters. When the ship will encounter waters. When the ship will encounter hazardous navigation, role assignment hazardous navigation, role assignment and requirements for OOWs must be and requirements for OOWs must be clearly briefed.clearly briefed.

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• 5.35.3 Fatigue Control Fatigue Control

The Master is requested to ensure that The Master is requested to ensure that rested and unfatigued personnel fit for rested and unfatigued personnel fit for watchkeeping duty is available taking watchkeeping duty is available taking the following into account.the following into account.

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• 5.3.1 Rest (From Section A-VIII/1, STCW 5.3.1 Rest (From Section A-VIII/1, STCW 95) 95)

a)a) All persons who are assigned duty as an officer All persons who are assigned duty as an officer in in charge of a watch or as a rating forming part of charge of a watch or as a rating forming part of a a watch must be provided a minimum of 10 watch must be provided a minimum of 10 hours of rest hours of rest in any 24-hour period.in any 24-hour period.b)b) The hours of rest may be divided into no more The hours of rest may be divided into no more than than two periods, one of which must be at least 6 two periods, one of which must be at least 6 hours in hours in length.length.c)c) The requirements for rest periods laid down in The requirements for rest periods laid down in paragraphs a) and b) above, need not be maintained paragraphs a) and b) above, need not be maintained in the case of an emergency or drill or in other in the case of an emergency or drill or in other overriding operational conditions.overriding operational conditions.d)d) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraphs Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraphs a) and b), a) and b), the minimum period of ten hours may be the minimum period of ten hours may be reduced to reduced to not less than 6 consecutive hours not less than 6 consecutive hours provided that any provided that any such reduction must not such reduction must not extend beyond two day and extend beyond two day and note less than 70 hours note less than 70 hours of rest are provided each of rest are provided each seven day period.seven day period.

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• Change to Watch Schedules Change to Watch Schedules

The Master may change the established The Master may change the established watch schedule if he deems it necessary watch schedule if he deems it necessary in order to ensure that the watchkeepers in order to ensure that the watchkeepers are fit for duty by preventing work are fit for duty by preventing work concentration on the particular crew concentration on the particular crew member taking into account that member taking into account that alterations of time assignment and of alterations of time assignment and of length of duty period should be made.length of duty period should be made.

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• Posting of Watch Posting of Watch SchedulesSchedules

The Master must post the established The Master must post the established watchkeepers' schedule on the wall of watchkeepers' schedule on the wall of the Bridge and the Officers' & Crews' the Bridge and the Officers' & Crews' Mess room.Mess room.

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• 5.45.4 Bridge Team Management Bridge Team Management (BTM) (BTM)

BTM is aimed at eliminating the risk BTM is aimed at eliminating the risk that an error on the part of one person that an error on the part of one person may result in a disastrous situation. may result in a disastrous situation. The Master and all OOWs must The Master and all OOWs must understand the concept of BTM and understand the concept of BTM and make the best use of all resources make the best use of all resources available for watchkeeping duties.available for watchkeeping duties.

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• 5.4.1 Encouragement of Assertiveness5.4.1 Encouragement of Assertiveness

BTM does not refer to an act of management by BTM does not refer to an act of management by one person but a continuous adaptation of all the one person but a continuous adaptation of all the team members to fulfill the team roles that they team members to fulfill the team roles that they have been assigned. It is thus of utmost have been assigned. It is thus of utmost importance to function all watchkeepers as part of importance to function all watchkeepers as part of the team. The Master is required to encourage and the team. The Master is required to encourage and motivate every team member to participate in the motivate every team member to participate in the watchkeeping duty as a crucial part of the team. In watchkeeping duty as a crucial part of the team. In addition, the Master should bear in mind that the addition, the Master should bear in mind that the high authority management is likely to deteriorate high authority management is likely to deteriorate assertiveness of subordinates, it is advisable assertiveness of subordinates, it is advisable therefore not to give the impression of useless or therefore not to give the impression of useless or redundancy when receiving reports from the team redundancy when receiving reports from the team members.members.

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• 5.4.2 Reporting5.4.2 Reporting

Since reporting in a clear and simple Since reporting in a clear and simple manner is considered to be the most manner is considered to be the most important factor to achieve the best important factor to achieve the best possible effect of the BTM, every possible effect of the BTM, every watchkeeper is requested to mutually watchkeeper is requested to mutually report or give orders loud and clear so report or give orders loud and clear so that the important information can be that the important information can be conveyed to the third person at the same conveyed to the third person at the same time.time.

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• 5.4.3 Watch Level and Role 5.4.3 Watch Level and Role Assignments Assignments

It is considered to be a matter of It is considered to be a matter of course for the Master to give distinctive course for the Master to give distinctive role assignment to every watchkeeper role assignment to every watchkeeper to function the BTM and the Watch to function the BTM and the Watch Level, which is to be operated based on Level, which is to be operated based on the following standards, must be the following standards, must be decided giving the full consideration to decided giving the full consideration to the result of the passage appraisal.the result of the passage appraisal.

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a)a) The determined Watch Level must be The determined Watch Level must be shown shown on the Bridge Notebook and on the Bridge Notebook and bridge notice bridge notice board.board.b)b) Setting or changing to the Watch Level Setting or changing to the Watch Level must must be logged in the ship's log book.be logged in the ship's log book.c)c) The classification of the Watch Level The classification of the Watch Level and and standard role assignment for each of standard role assignment for each of them is them is as per Fig.-5.4.1, the role as per Fig.-5.4.1, the role assignment however assignment however can be modified by can be modified by the Master taking account the Master taking account of the of the configuration and skill of crew members, configuration and skill of crew members,

traffic/weather/topographical condition traffic/weather/topographical condition of the of the area traversed. area traversed. d)d) Although an additional Watch Level can Although an additional Watch Level can be be made by the Master, the Level-1/2/3 made by the Master, the Level-1/2/3 cannot be cannot be modified.modified.

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Passage Planning Passage Planning –– Watch Watch levelslevels

ZZ-S-P-07.40.02ZZ-S-P-07.40.02ConnConn TrafficTraffic ComCom


OthersOthers SteerinSteeringg

Look Look OutOut

JobJob Taking Taking ConnConn

Radar Radar ARPAARPA

VHFVHF Fixing Fixing PositioPositionn

Eng. Eng. Telegraph, Telegraph, Steering, Steering, Eng. Eng. Monitor, Monitor, RecordRecord



W. Level 1W. Level 1 OOWOOW ABAB

W. Level 2W. Level 2 CaptaiCaptainn


outoutW. Level 3W. Level 3 CaptaiCaptai

nnExtra Extra OfficeOfficerr



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• 5.4.4 Instructions to Quartermasters5.4.4 Instructions to Quartermasters

The Master and OOWs should give appropriate The Master and OOWs should give appropriate orders with regard to the following and confirm that orders with regard to the following and confirm that those are effectively performed to utilize those are effectively performed to utilize quartermasters to achieve safe and smooth quartermasters to achieve safe and smooth watchkeeping. by quartermasters in relation to watchkeeping. by quartermasters in relation to lookout.lookout.b)b) Reporting system for information given from Reporting system for information given from

lookout.lookout.c)c) Correct and consistent steering based on the Correct and consistent steering based on the

order given by the OOW and maintainingorder given by the OOW and maintaininga)a) Things to be done the course to be steered.Things to be done the course to be steered.d)d) Others which the Master or the OOW deems Others which the Master or the OOW deems


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• 5.4.5 Instructions to OOW5.4.5 Instructions to OOW’’SS

The Master must give orders to OOWThe Master must give orders to OOW’’S S regarding the following and ensure that regarding the following and ensure that every team member will function effectively every team member will function effectively as a member of the teamas a member of the team

a)a) Matters related to taking over the Matters related to taking over the conn.conn.

b)b) Matters related to role assignment of Matters related to role assignment of OOWOOW’’S.S.

c)c) Matters to be reported to the Master.Matters to be reported to the Master.

d)d) Other Master's requirements to OOWOther Master's requirements to OOW’’S.S.

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• 5.55.5 Monitoring Passage Progress Monitoring Passage Progress

The Master and OOWThe Master and OOW’’S must utilize S must utilize navigational charts and information shown navigational charts and information shown on the Bridge Notebook properly and on the Bridge Notebook properly and constantly confirm that the passage is going constantly confirm that the passage is going as it is planned.as it is planned.

Any deviation from the plan such as delay in Any deviation from the plan such as delay in way point passage, less than expected UKC, way point passage, less than expected UKC, etc. must be studied for its origin and the etc. must be studied for its origin and the appropriate counter measure must be appropriate counter measure must be taken.taken.

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6. Evaluation and Improvement6. Evaluation and Improvement

• The Master must evaluate adequacy of The Master must evaluate adequacy of the passage plan followed by the passage plan followed by assessment on how much the plan in assessment on how much the plan in performed base on the concept of the performed base on the concept of the BTM, and give the necessary BTM, and give the necessary instruction if needed.instruction if needed.

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Passage Planning Passage Planning –– too much or too little too much or too little

Berth – to – berth.Watch level 3 – have it for realistic periods.Call Captain Pt. – realistic for ALL

alterations?UKC – “enough” (E) at ALL times?Charts used and their sequence.Sailing Directions, ALRS, Light List.Calculation of Consumables – C/E or

2nd/Off.?Danger and other symbols/marks on chart.Discussed & signed by all navigators.