Naval Aviation News - Jun 1944

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  • 8/6/2019 Naval Aviation News - Jun 1944


    A V A L A I R " B A N K R U P T S " Y A P

    I l l > Yap Island is world fornou.sfor its wheel-si:zed doughnut~shaped money hewl;1out of stone.Butit was for Yap's im.portanc,e asa Ibase of militaryoperaticms thata powerful United Stgtes Navy taskforce pommeled if from the air inrecent attacks on Pala.u,iusc' eastof the PhilippiJ1es. Palau is the seatfrom which Japan gOive.rns thespra.wIil1g territory mandated toher by the League of Naf'ions. Thenavl;I:l air attacK, which la,sf.ed fromMarch 29 10 March 31, blasted and shore i:nstaUafions with-out interf'ereJ' the ('oy Japf1eef. Views reveal Yap smoldflg.

  • 8/6/2019 Naval Aviation News - Jun 1944


    NAVAL A V I A T I O N NEWS JUNE 15 , 1 944

    S T R I K E A T P A L A UTilE WAll Iu the Paoifio struck close to the Jap horne-hmtl when a powerful _Iavy task force blastedPulau, Yap and Woleai in a three-day raid, striking at.:rippling blow only BOOmiles east of the Philippines,rh o d eep est penetration of J apunese waters ye t madebv the Pacific Fleet .. Palau nivaled Truk as a Japanese "Pearl Harbor," yetthe naval task force met with no opposition on the wayto attack the islands, where opposition was limited toanti-aircraft fire and laud-based Bghters. Once againth Japan se Navy prudently stayed av ay from thC 118 of action and th re nem Sll~PS that were atPalau scooted at the first sign of dang r. Asid fromits destructive value, the raid gtlve the Unit a Statesvaluahl data on strength of Jap defenses in the sum.

    Of great importance because of rich mineral re-sources. the Palau Islands have been producing a lugepercentage of Japan's supply of phosphate, as well asalUfLltllLltn 01'e, The Palau group has played a vital parlin a c:lm i'n 4;tr atiOn o f [ ap an es e civil govennment in th emanoa ted islands, with th headquarters of the Director of th South S tS Bur au located a Koror.

    DIJlliNC TIJ1l: three-day attack on PILI all , Yap andWcleai, the naval force accounted for 28 Japaneseship sunk, 1 beached or damaged, and 160 to 214plallp.s d strayed. Extensive dama ze was done toground installations, trnnuuilion dumps, rnnwa- S R.Ddother targets. U. S. losses totaled 25 planes, 18 lives,with no ship damage sustained by the attacking Force:.


  • 8/6/2019 Naval Aviation News - Jun 1944


    P A L A U I S L A N D , S A R E N E A R E S T S P O TT O P H I L I P P I N E S . H I I B , Y T H E U . S .S l:UAT.Iill. AT the western end 01 l~c. JOJlg chain of (:aTO-. Im e Islands; an d 1 l ,oon l 1.00n miles w est of Truk , H rcPalau lslnnds are 'the Iwarest grnnp lG tiro l'hilippines. beingabout 600 mile.'> (1HS~of Dnvao au tile isluud of Minrlunno.'rnis stru1cgi eenlru] PHciR~ grnull Ml1siSt'll of 2UO small,I le a v i h . W( l I)de el , " o lc ll It ic is J a nd !; .sls is tum ls lim ) m an yIslets, The latter somethnes rise pf'rpe.nd:iculllrly tn a hl'ligilLof 600 Feet above bigl.! water.W ith the exceptlon of: An gau r Islau d, the w hole graup issi(llItted on and surrountled lW c0r:;tl. [MrS, The nnrUwrll

    T y p i c a l A b l ur l;UllllJlUllity hudl(lltlr~' arulrLlil~'nl is ml! t'xlI(llIy tilemllst p a l u t 1 1 1 . I ,,I' living qUIUJl~r~~ unmurried IIII'll uf vil lage lhfind sleep OJ! slmw mats III such plucos, mure like cuttle in barn: 1

    ond flf the {..tronp is tormod by seveml oif~lying detachedr~~f'f,;,jJJ d t I. le f !f l. steI 'n s [de h I I: S I l hi UV; jIgret' r for mns I Iir itslength. ThL ' western sidE' is llanked hy some 500 miles :(JIhrnker; burrier reel, the most w~LerJJ' point o( \IWch ismore !hau I (J Ircm nearest lnud,Thelarg-e;i isluuc] In the grou1' is B.~hcltlmav, mort' lhun('[{Iml itl (IteR hr u n tile fl;'llluillfng L~hm~h.There it; .~llllsJdll~-

    Ilhlc thnber lUI lhi.~iNlunct It IS 'tvtlmllY r.lotlll am ] \1It\sl ilrMe le kl 'l in k :il bg u.. but th e interior is mllillty barren .The h];Ulit; 5011111 ! l I f 1 3a be ltl'llla p lire [O Jlm ed n J lhnesrone.or these. Pelellu aud Allg~lur Islands tnostly are flal, but theflt:hen consist of lang, uarrow hills witL s1ecp slopa'i to S~I~-wanl. WltJl (D.V~SIt sell level. pijlt'liu lslaud, l1hnllL six milt'sNiNE ol Anguur, is at Lite snulhern en d of the burrier reef, In1935 there \\ '('1'1: S,1I71 !I1j_1;H1~, (J . /37B Juprl. utld 17 fu!'-eignel's livlHg i(i Palau r r l l p c i J ' . Aog atlt .Islau d had 42 0 na-eves and 106 I U J l s livin_~ mostly ill areas alonJ! the "~'CllU.

    J a p a n e s e r e e ru l l 1111luu ualh (!S lu wor k ill j lilu sllit:( tl' mjjh>~ IJI' lilt,isUliliJs: inusl III' ] il pn'l'~ sUPllly of u IlI.L IT1hwra\ received [tOJII anyut munduted ishmds comes hom Pulau, No.\lnl prndltccs (juimtltr

  • 8/6/2019 Naval Aviation News - Jun 1944



    O n e o ll h e RiSing \Ill'" d t ', tr llY t' j' ~ r ece ives II J,ltnl h it ml1id~ill[l.1ias the setting NUll sllhouettus it ill the glistening sea oil Palau;more 1I1ll.H a ~{!O)"" ,if ~bjps, 1.lIt'h,dlug this d 's lT!11 ' l I r , were sunk nf.V'N JIo. SH'rps.S~URR1I' UI!I)EI!' II.TTolC'K. I'IUa.UDI'NG Av.,I

  • 8/6/2019 Naval Aviation News - Jun 1944


    N ' A V Y H I T S P A L A U ' S B E S T A I R P O R Tt o e A l E D O N I S L A N D O F ' P E L E U UTHE OS1I' :'imp(Jrlanlaircra.Ft iaciliti.'es 111L Il t! P ala u l. sl an d. swere 0.0 Pelellu Islaad, where there was (I two-runwayairfield with excellent service Iacilities. At ll'fa.'lt 21) ai 'l :C: l 'a f lwere scattered about t 1 i 1 s fie!cl flt the time of the raid, Otheraviation Eal:1ilities in th e isla nd s include a filllway in i ts e .. "L r lystagesofuQnstruction Oil Babelthuap i sl and, i'l sjm :i lr u' ODeon N gesebes Island and tw o .< ;e ap lu u c u B . S e s 011 Amkabesnn.The airfield on Pelellu 1 dtlar~d area at ('he southern.widest portion of the island, is roughly an octagon, the in-scrjbed circle of \..hiah hes a diameter of 4,900 i L . Therear e two. p robab l y cone re te -s u rf ae ed rUQwa,ys i ll an . pal:tei:J.'l,\\.1th tumingcitcles: ~t the ends. Twohanl-rurfllc.w taxi-ways. 180 . P t . wide connect the nertlieru turnil':!g circles amiJo~ the mnln service apron, while three taxi-ways un d el' co n-.structlcn extend fl'om tJ1B aiclielcI to dispel'sal areas in the4

    woods, The entire wli~ld ill used for plane dispw:sa) andJ ou r d is !J :e IiS a l bays lire ('lIt n110 the \voodOO area, U ndereonstruotiea in the areu NE (If rfw.ulr6eld is 11 dispersal t:nd~way 180 Ft, wide and about 0,250 ft, long. {orming a Jongrrarrow IMp t b J . ' o : u g h the weeds,On the N\'I' side of' the I1J(lJnservice apron are two steelf r a m e h a n g a r s 11S'xJ.B5 Which w : - e l ' e d-amaged, and awooden hangar 9U ft. square, Bordering the N~V ' side of thesecondary service apron is llJ10ther w aeden, tw itl-gab leh angar 8 0':-:8 5' ~ i1ld six: F ram e hu lk H.IlgJ> ,Defenses 011 the islund, al l in ilia vicjnity of [he. uirf:iold~lneluded the fi11!tlwing: A battery of three Ul10caupied dual-pu rpose pO Sitions with rurs()ciared command post, rangefindlll', ammnrdnon storage. and personnel bnrracks, 23 nnh-wcrafl iustallattnns, and a cyllndrieal concrete hlm:!kht:llt5e.The v C > ' l " L L c l l l photo u f the airfield, anuotuted by NavyPlmtn Interpreters. shows the location of these !Iod other'instaJlatioD$, S uch analysi.~ Of aerial reeonnaissauee phOlu-graphs provldes vital information For future opomUoru; ,pointing uur lOt..'Uti

  • 8/6/2019 Naval Aviation News - Jun 1944


    l A P F L E E T R U N S A S N A V Y S T R I K EB L A S T S A L L S H 1 P P J N G I N H A R B O RGHOUc\D LN~'1.ALLvn(l:-:S at I"' '' llall wok lh >iT share u[' thothree-day poundiug :'IS wtlll ,J,s 8hi~ping anel uvtationfm;'!]itle:.;. l)1)t'I(S wen' extensively dlllll,l!4J,d and A r'es sturteel,Hnngurs anti othl'l buildings nt tho seuplune bas w re de-stroved. as well . 1 . . ' > wm hnuses, arnrunnit ion and supplyrlurnps und personnel barracks, At A1IgUW, lill' phosphateplant, clocks mid storage blJildillgS wen> hadly damag ,1Al Yap Isluncl, whil'h ill 1921 was Ih~' subject of bitter('IJlltwvcrsy h tween UnHeJ Slate~ lind JaplLLI uVeJ erm tro] u fcable uud other enmmrrnlcetious. urdrome facllitleli ami huild-il1~Sill Ih settlemenl were dnmuged, The- island J 1'!)J,u,ul ismost filIIlud fM its odd JIlUfII.'Y, the higgest "eurreuoy' beinghuge stone disos with hillle..; in them, Pickpockets .1ft' fI w,The T,ipI!IlCS\-" h;lve introdllced Illnny ilfll

  • 8/6/2019 Naval Aviation News - Jun 1944


    F R E E : B A L L O O N I N L I N E S Q U A L LB a c k : i n 1 9 2 8 , N a v y t e a m i n n a t i o n a l b a l l o o n r 3 : c e a m a s s e d d a t a: i n a e r o l o g y t h a t h a v e p r a o t i c a l a p p H c a t i o h f o r f l y i n g t o d a yA1.'Tl'IOl!"U I j,)IIUll)iilJJ /IlOi,tlttl,j IIlJt'II(I't'I!Iii (/t'III'N IIg", II i ' l l Mwh ,/I ( jcl'1/,/iofl,,! II 'tflt' . ' i l l mill t1 mt NAN l!p\'t:rhl1l1.1itlg the l i 1 H 1 cloud,\vh~\ ueru h Ig IJress 111'(1 Lwigh l )il.i ltesecond I ' I S < i l , I I ';[llv cd a b ou t , 3 s e cond s.On tN e Ut'ljOl:mt we lWS

  • 8/6/2019 Naval Aviation News - Jun 1944


    The W rong T im e.\ PBY-5A reeeutl lmd.1 1.ltol crashdining night tnke-ol]. ' \ 1 1 .rviatkm

    lIlrwllil.list'!i male who "H S Iwillg{herked (\III lin t(LkV-( lrt~ was hi thellight 1lll"rilltlCr"ll seat in t - h IO\VN tltthe time of tnt' IlOciclt'I'lt.I v hile this l1t'cid~"t w as 11111(';Iusedhy the Af~ht euglneer, it Was poirtl"do u t that 11 uight l u J . . e - " U \ \ all 'xHctlythe wrong time 1' 0 have all inexper!en(;!'d man in the t{'l\,'t:'r,Ju st a P lay fu l G e s t u r e tTlu- pilot I)j' al l " " ' J !ained up III

    do c h1J"tll,tpt til rUI mljnillill.!!flld. III,ltllr)(1_11 ~ (J to dllllllS 1 lhis pl.1I1("IWt'flIlS(' iL , , , , i s hllildiesl. Without Co]]-. u l th l !! ih~iue l'llieI o. r tht' pl ncn-regOVi (jclI! C!II('Ie.'lSI1C~S I" avinriun eventual!ends up th is W ilY ,There w .. s 1IbsoJmely no j U I ' L i J i c a L i < 1 " io,r

    nul tlljl! bhi~ pbtn~ out uf commissioe.111 6qUad ....11 \~all i.n an area in I~hich

    ,there ougbt well have been lI1I alert or01:111'. '" em!,rgCfl

  • 8/6/2019 Naval Aviation News - Jun 1944


    S P E C I F YM A N U F A C T U R E R ' SD E S I G N 'A T IO N SW H E N W R IT I N G

    A I R C R A F TA e l l O iN R E P O ,R T S

    ,~;r'tl'lI flNII)1J"'Y'!l>i WII!lI:1" ,kilO, r'wi',. pluuee

    !Irl' thliniU'In t'(!!Ublll,To 11'11 ,Ihem, 1 1 0 " , N"V) Illll~'know ""l only tlre model hut"1M,, I he "' a : !].!! . 1 1 , ' 1 1 " "I'll'.

    D O N , ' T S A Y ;~ V E N G E R W IL D C A T

    G O R S A I RS A Y :

    A 'I '(N .G E R T B F at W I1 D C :U f 4 F O J~ E 'H G E " R T IM W IL D C A T liM

    C O R S A IR f 4 U ~ ,c a R S A I I I f3 A 0 1C O R S , U R n ;:


    M o r e D i t c h i n g D o p eA 1'8 F-1C r l . ' l C 1 1 ' 1 l 1 t lYr1.ashecl during at:;trrier tak e-off, B nsk "< lu st! of the crash

    \W IS CO Il ~ iU l ,r {l d Io he pilut teciwiqu(",One nf the pre-cco ;i ing lgh tL ' IS had bC!?TI rl \ , I t ! and was. moved nver to 1 ' I 1 e st a r-[mard ,sRI", oj Ole Highl deck to permitth~ rell14itlj(~ [Ihlfj~s to he luuuehed."nitS moved the hl\lu ching spot tu poriund necessitated the pilot centering thepl'lll!,l ( in tlu ' R ight deck tlrt(>I' lhe tnkprl1.ff rim lUld start'cd. II I at~t'll1ptiqg li'lis,'rill' pilnl nlJ~lec!ed to rnise llis t l L i l\vlt

    .f " plane (,IIphli!l ""\15 di~Plltdwd withLw o f l a s h l ights 10 : ' i i g l l u l a P B . J >V t1mlHf,lhII 1'('S'lriCled parking arl'll ul llighl.. AILAldis lamp. operutetl fmm till' Wll:isth; '1 ich. W

  • 8/6/2019 Naval Aviation News - Jun 1944


    E N E M Y P L A N E S A L V A G ETilE 1I.,"N5i,: jUIIgltl.'i ,m J 611'1.11 utoll:>;of 1he IJ;t'(;l!fit; are )deldillg thefr pianCl'i .IJngjrl~ and :W . {quiJm'l.e'ul. AircrulfIhM ,!l'P nut to o hadly wrecked arehcoltght hack to l 'ILUood bi ln t t' s 1m re-ussern 1 > 1 ~ ' . ar~ulytiJ:i, and tes! flj gill.Altl'lI ulgh wrecked t')lt'r:uy p L ulV 1 i < \1 -most invurrahly yield v u lu ah le in fn rrr m-tion, A'l]iell $OIlvt'uil' htrlltel'S ~1>Jt\eqI1WS1111,, thtngs whieh are vib J;1 til pi",cingtrw ;cther a teehrrieal report orr the air-,"'11 [t , Out of Ihdl' ~'){perrell~" ill liteHdd , TA I (jlfkersgive th~ fnlIuwiug lidvit.;e w/lll'lJ I!'l,lt'lny uircrult l tt t F( 'l lI1IIL:I. P,"~1:: .. "ur ;. rd. to ke,'P ill Ipj)d::.ult pur(~rnJlI! hi,,!!!,! ~h(!i'II,, N llllJy t ile Il( !; !r'L 'S t IA I u fE 5 :'Ill ' Lhwl.lglll"hll , '(111111111 u l i. \ I t o l !lg, 'II(Jl' lIiUct)f.1. III tlrl' eveut o! H wutcr landing, nl'lkrellort In saln\..I.!:~"pl.t 11 l" o r m s te um en ts ,l-\ strlet d~I1.~Qr,~hip I:.: placed

    OVeT rnnils to site thil~ snuveuir hunters

    lin uol ~eml ij( 'tile \ a11jll:Llt, dnla [.\1'("'11Irom JuP planes or pilots' lwdieli, Byke"'~ilig dOSl' ~'llt~ek Oil rnttft'J';a!s usedin enemy phUle~ Illld I'll1.gin{,5, tet'hukalH i, mtc1hgenee cnn help prece togetherlb~' (Jvi'f-all pit'tlll'l' o r how Ihl" JltPHlI-esc war elIllrt is pregressiug,lu s']Jecctl()l\..s or w reck ed engines eli-

    vulge "t'0fd~ ()[ tllI ...i1 ptlr0f111Un~ ;.wdI 1 ' U 1 l 1 1 J ItwlJJJ'!'.. Sueh phLllU.'> also are u!;Ollh:e \I f rl"l~'())!.nllimr (lata, performanceami t,llImlcterh;ue datil fields ufI 1l'e . V liln t.j ,lb ility :w d e xh au s! pultetn.On\.' oj' tl!(~ hif!;gc~! allis h i mm t! ;s ltlglhes~ \ ' ,11-11,,], le dilia i,~hl~ I ra t ive \\IOI'l-crew , T he 1110f1 :1Ssist ill N)wttill):(. dis.mUlIl llng .(uci tr iul....!lCIrlIng enemy air-cralt fmln hat,kwnods areas to !ide-walur, Since ,hill pILl , !1C; ; : do nat alwaysflick hlo'l1dll'lS til crash U!I, ,-.>\1 Ofnt'efSsom etim es have 00 lit lHjl ' weeks ~n 'gettu them il, the (h.'IISt: jllUg').C,s, WntH.lLtl.1.~siShln~'{'d w!tudswi .s ( ' Illllil't' boys ,'they never would heable If, muke theirWily threugh I1flen-Llndlill'lec.l territery.I\s an example . nne N !Ivy C()fw(l i i ''pilot swnre tb,)! he had shol down ~lF m; f kl '. W j , \ f 1\;)0 over S 'U ltu hlnlJd ts-lund. Til" Jap Iell ~ix milo!' iukud il lth e illu glw . 1111 a l,5HO-fl, hill. T (J ~l!lto it ,ll1d bril,g out the cfi,gin' wouldI rave taken throe w eeks, w hite menO!'$tillla~ed. Sil,ct, it later deu"lopt;u theplane Willi II IT(lW Jap ludy d lv .. b om be rwith an -iIl~lit1c ensrno, it wus {]~[l{,lcbHydesirell Ior ;1, l . l l ' ! > b , A eh'\\ of hl"l'l . .boys w!\ddng fllf ,I. ,~hilllilg ({Be) 11 cl~lYhewed H tmil with tlIndwtt~,'i 10 the!'1'H,~h spot (1110 (wried (~II~ tll!! fll)giH

  • 8/6/2019 Naval Aviation News - Jun 1944


    F R I E N D L Y N A T I V E S H E L P A L L I E D P I L O T S F I N DW A Y B A C K T O B A S E S , M A K E U P S A 1 Y A G . E C R E W SNA'l'I"I'r; I'U)'S are \ u luab k - l.:ll . julrsother than currying out pi lOt'S o r[up pl ues , too. ~hLllY au ....ll~ric;ltlnvtaror owes h is Iile to tho 1 ] ( : 1 1 1 ualiveshave given him alter ueing fureoddUWTJ in the iungles, Prope t I'1llmlJutIII islarul ill,hlll';tltnl.~b )" t i l e ,dllt, Jl 1 1 ' 1 1h as b ro ug ht lLJl n ttltu de ol couperutlcn.AHhoII gh they w fl] \ ork C I I ' - . . few

    cents u dl\}' Oil regu lar job~ , most 01tl1eJ11 u u udd tu sk s [01' TAl r', . ws fill'\1 f ..w [lugs Ill' toi>at'l,:!J, l'u lk u or U,UI5\IC 'pam, They dr1VH shrewd bnrgainswllen lrm lin g 1 1;1 1ive gCW g.1 WS wiihwllit( , 1J!~'11 unll luu gh lou dly WIIl'1I th,yI innk lhey h av e b estcc l Ilwrn.J'ltLI)l1~ll there ure wrcLe varlnttnnslietw lt~1 Islands, most natives fire intel-

    igent ,lltd i l' s lw . rp 1 1 arin~. they 1I~l\;Lll)' l'Hllhear nud .idwltity J .lp planes r ~ r r 00',IOllg h~'f\II" whiff' IUflll know 1m)' Ireill tlJ~ vlcluilv. Thev become uxtrumclvskillful w itll ~ wn~J;dt, chisel and " ) 1 : 1 1 1 ; -me-r hilt show Ilit I.. l u t ! . ; " I 'st ill tilepblm~ themselves unless us Il source(I I surne deviee w hich m ighl be lIsedtt, make j'\vFlry, pip l:uhillli ~ LI 'OITI.11) oil Iine or. a hut of airplane skin.vV hite men sornat inll'~1ndicFesb11lul., 'lh -il' il1ldl1~ell(). however . \VhCllcl.ked "how yotl likf'111 Tid hig bird."it nutive wl fl had bt'l'u on a I'B)' tripn'plicd "Quite

  • 8/6/2019 Naval Aviation News - Jun 1944


    " ' " W I ! ) ; ;1 f a s t , h e a y i l y a rm e d J!tp 7 11 ! . 1 / , 1 / . Ii Iwin-~,JjgjlJ\ld I J( I[ u 1 w r :. I W . '1 d silown t o des tr uc tr cn with \IOC' t'llg-im ~rnnkilfl'(: h '0 h lJ i( :1 I1 u l r i n -h"1lig Iw(' kC('I" ,,1 ')'(1 hIt, till wrecked Ja p lllllllL'S L v I'W d) thI11Jr(. "TrI~'11tS or ddo:.>l'iLll'lIlull! 'It "',,lI-tiltl 1,,,li'ig \I'm!. pdhlt~

    3 W i t1 l w i n g s a n d l a i l ~tlllaces 1e'1I1I'1 \,'11. rU~I[' uf lkuy I.i"s InSWIlI l IP rl'llLl), 1(lr U 11:\ hig joh nl rrlU~i[lg it tu lldewatcr fliT re-~r~ip!lI"'"L, B t ! I t ! J i~ J"l"UI;~ hstesL hcmher. cllrry.!n-g five \0~I;'H'h 1111'11 . IL spf' l1d" "1' to . 2 1 - 1 8 11111, !lying ((s h i g h A .l 2B ,{ JOO It.

    5 F ID B ti n Q G n a r a ft III ].jg'\, r'rt'w llf( l ,'h TI o r [uselcw:e hegins triptn ~J.i}'[lillg fl"rt; s"l1\'!.mir l'llnt.,r' ~III1W!llIlI:l' ~lfi[:l vuluahledurn from crashed J np plnnes which nrc ot)edl!d so Afl\etieltllpilots L'tHI gel l1dnnlilllinil nu Iirspnwer, lllght charactenstlcs

    2 S t r o n g -b a ck e d n a ti v e b ~ ys lUlI!1 wing il f Ih;Jty "!IIW J " l ; rnft Inrtransportutlou tu \I 1'(Ugclship which '''ill take ithuck to U. ~.LII be sLudicw: lIitth ~'S are illtdliglnL. IHUd wmkcrs IJIl ~ lH ihjl,bs n"ti an- Ilaid "mull ",,,..g~'~:lilllll Ill'., putd iJI tnha~ ~J, f."lliru

    4 A l l e r d l sa s .s e m b 'l in g p l a n e , IIII' III,lhillg ub

  • 8/6/2019 Naval Aviation News - Jun 1944



    THEHK nre numerou s t hwl Inoclsround only in the tropics. Becuusethes plants must iu must 'ulH,~lie spe-eiflcallv idcntified belnre von can runkcfull u s nl" them . only :1 lew II I thl:>m ore vurnm un :llld widely c!ishiJlll('cuones are dlscnssed, Try to learn aboutthe.>!: plants IJef(lfl ' tin CHll:ll 'g!1I1CY u rises.FUltllS arc r{)\lud t l l l 'QLlg 'hoUl the Imp"jQ~1world arxl ure .mosl I1lIlJ1CWlIS JIIl!,:rU 1 E 'ElI]l1utnf. T hey grow in n II type.~ ofhabltnts and vary ill i" flrfn lrom tall

    trees to hrubs aud toes. Po 11m liTeone l I f the best sources of p1; within the trnnks, P alms a iJ \Ql"lInr(sh slIgm-, oils. Iiher . sheltt\ iuulclllthing material.Th terminal hud Ilj 1T1I~i puIlill> isedihlc cook..d Or raw. It is ln -ut~uuuIht' t[p ( If the trunk. E:tl il 11 ll il l nottoo bitter. 'I'he lrruts of t h t _ - (.'OlllflII t,


    nip'! om]! palm un- t:xwlltml 1 " 1 ) < d.11111Ihe fru its " I m ,IIIY Ill!! workl pc -cles ure !lot edible. :,It them with CUlI-tio u. !\ lu lli nl th TlI 'W w orid palm frllftsa re e U JIJ ! 01 (lL I!i'l!it '11)\ POiS(!JHI\lS m'lrritnliug; QUllutilics 01: edible storehart;) $i j1T~.l iu ~bl ; lfrlU lk s u f ~Ol')l palms,hul il is \lnt wnrtlr trying 1u gel unlessvou have un are oi' mncheta,. FrOID 1 ' l r i S l111qml

  • 8/6/2019 Naval Aviation News - Jun 1944


    P A P A LM I(I"~' 1 ,; 1 .; . , . " .t HI I.... """m,,~ l",1...h "~mLt I~w\.'jll'l ,t'iHiln,: h~ lu U:+ Jri'l~l~ HU l'111l{ILlu(I~JL Ill' ! W i n , Ilf nbfH ~t 1;& r ~ < r , I l t j J' IJ ~ _n o w~ r ! oI ii H h l ~ 'r :~ l

    It ( '"hu ,l i' " vf ~O \ IU J ; Ult~.i "'r'o 'iltl fh~l.~ \l."lhntlljll~ (i,I~lIlJ ~l"'11W. (lrd~ iii tulnl LUlu,b nud1 " ' 1"""' lII'~Hnlll.,. ui hi lui... l'u tlw I .JHHit ~l 1) ' ' { , I n ~tt ! J \ W " ' " ~,.~nltlo- C.iVF C11Ul.ntltt~ ( 1 . lIfIIugury gl~1I

    C O C O N U T P U M S M ~ ~ ~ ' ' '1 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " I I , ,, 1""11j(~ "I;\!.I,n) '\ffit'lt~ ft . rUjt,r-jt'f1 nUll Ilhl ~~mlh lludjj.u Iii1~,uI11io. 'l'~h, ' . t I . , ~ i ~~'rnl itl t ~ , 1 ~~n~1 .~ nn 1~\(I"II~II'r' '\~~ (II n I ,I ,~ ~ . . " ki 'd 0,' ~ " W '. 'I'h 0 DU I! fund.1I mll~ I , , " o , l".,t't'. n nil ~ ,,~ " t';I ' ~1 0 I' t ' , , , , 110 "b,'nl n~ 'l j\y "11 III III:j)u'l1~wN' '1,;k,,*, 'II", ,j,'I.i) Ul... i I , . , . " " , ' )", tr ",' ,.""r~lr:rlnl1.~ jlJ Ill"t 't t uoud"hjlH!' .halT ljTI1'd ' J J ' n f n . r . f 1 :!lrfl'"S A G O P A L M S " , . " " , 'In Mn,,,I, ,,1II", hilI!H" "ro,l"l", ' l , ,~" ~ud 111\ .M!i I"J l",II".ul .. lu o J ' I I m p III"buu1,.'l 'l'nuI I ! ~ lUl1, ' nI' IU l ;. , ,, ruuuu~und lu.ktl~, Th~ t'ruri~r'lll\ 'tj , 1M I 11t~ '11111 1Oj(J1j~'h 'PII l~lJ~lInl, .1~1l .1 ~hn~r;t,i. j 11~H~". ",pH I ~ "n.1 U~hli\II Jhf' Id'lilU. Hfl lI - fj ,l Un .U fiUnc.~~f111 t ,' tl" . .i l t,~1' y .. r urI UII;ltJ lj! :11 1....,tJ.t;. I.,nll l~J~'k@ ..Ohe\\11."Ii'I'I~ ."tll u( I,th J I1t h t I t T ' " ~ ' h ntT ,hl'l Im"Nhud jlun'

    1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 '~ Im l l m l 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1~ m m ~ , 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 I ~ m ll l J II II II II I 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1I I II II II I I m l l l l i l i r u I I I~ II I II II I~ ~ ll l l m l 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 I I ~m m 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ~ lr ,1 m l l l l l l i l l 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1l l i l l m l ~ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 111 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 , 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' 1l l l l l ~ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ;1 1

    V A O R P E fl C I ! P A t 'M , j ""II"" 1 ~ ." ",till i , , 1 i ~I\"~ ! i I I l'nul'hHI~l'10.I~I~.Tl/lvUjo n r 1I',{IJlINi~ lL ' Ilw~'h'jfl,.,:ll~IHr."r-11'UU~~~\L iH 10 1ll~1 tHIt ~ i11UiB:y l"--IoI""(~~r~I'NI ") H' U.I(I'f,,"(I"j; I h l l l ' I,nd ,1"1k h"",l~ "I'llh\'~. Ti,,, pmtu "" knl~ 1_ I'I'd "r ),rJl(, w a,,~

    I ! ' J ~u I f; l 'G ! : 1 1 rl U II I u ~ - r ; . . . . . ]ll~.r * h ~ 4 ( 1 1 llr~UJiJ I~trGn8"(~~1,U\J, ' J IU'!~I l U n r . h I f ' . t 1j:W"riW~ J'IIH n . t o ~ 1 ' " " " nr '1IlO1-\.UlLl f ; ! . ;


    ' S U G A R P A L M r~~IU""'Qll III "1"'" 1 ", , , , , . . . [ ,jw ,,,d,~n ~t,:btflel~.,.. It ,. ,j.l"",, "1 .. ,, , ,, 11, , 1 ( I " II", hill).:till 'll,ri'r,,b \ . .1 l tL 1 1 1 u U U ,! "fjln,wnaHt. ( r~h1 ' JJwt~U'11 ,trl}t' b,,tu bl I U t:l~tit ~~.lll with II, rhl ,, "; :1 ' !! 'UWU .. t 1~~Vll~. PInt111" I"rn,Il1I>.! 1 n ' 1 1 wtth ~"nli'm, (11".'Ii 0'.. I~1t f , ' . / . "t i lq u['II~' v-jr" ~rl II.Otl111",p~(I~it~ trfJJ1fjl'r),.'t .'d\1~'lfi ft"tjll'(tll, Cfht 1 J . l 1 , ~l'!"bll.. !:! v. h '. ~I t "J1lnt '~H.Ui~ IP(I' 1}w n 'II~-r .~jlrd


  • 8/6/2019 Naval Aviation News - Jun 1944


    u r mI111" I l,f f, 'e. 't ll , p . O " " I~I _ I rl)"'!~!1' i" "j, ,L " r l'j,doM1>( Ih~1111HUtii Iii "P4111 UlJ t1 j111~1l ' ll'_~W

    111 111" 'j l 'IHh . llul HUUU, hH;. 1""11],IUlHj: :1 1 ' rG t "I ,)OkM "'::'1;11'11.

    S U G A R C A N E , t . r - l < l f ) 1J,ll,] ~I\ I t l, (, eJlltr' 1 , 1 1 1 1 1 1

    A R R O W R O O T " , " , I X I!~ " " " 1 ' '1"""'".up 4 J I A t ~ l h u t t t . t tf~~f ilrll[llt1ul hll',il ht]'\"ht, AI1jru. , ., 1 1 . .1 rllf" t ' l ~ I I t 1 " P:i~~ifj,IttJllrhh. Th, oillN"('C I l t - . _ . , t1dJlll' " f I I . ~81n 1'10:hJ 'J'IWj ,tl'" ~I'(I~I WI"liJ " 1 1 1 " . , , 1 1

    1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 I II II II II ~ ~ 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 I II II II Im I II II II ~ ~ f fi ll l l l W 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1l l l l l ll l l i ll I 1 I II II II m m l ll ll ll li ll 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I II II II II I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ,1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1I II II II II Ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1I II II II II ~ 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1m

    L D A N D H O G P L U M S ''' ', ""th. tu" , Irnlu,~ "t hoth l"'lUllIJ411'1'~l\n~~ trloll~ ..I > I " , , " nf I'",m "I'~ .., "" jl n 'lo i II",} 1",,\, " mil!.:y JUI,'

    C U S T A R D A P P L E trI'" III',. WI'h'~jI""".1In h" "lIl1'tj~11n I r< . > J ll , 'I ' 1 1~ l d vnl'~'H'lr.itH.~ o ro ( 1u U iV 'u 1' -c d in fll1' III th,r '.'(init 'n' "vT'-ntrl(i~1 'Ill. i4.1~f'i\' "rr n r r . . ~ ~nllfu H1llk .r ' ' ! I u I lJh '!

  • 8/6/2019 Naval Aviation News - Jun 1944



    '1'hl$ off ie! ; !urgel~ t l~ rcqlleoL~ U, he plZlcedon the Olllijll1g list to recc ivc 1 .2 opies of!\"'"AV.u. AVTAT'!ON NK\VS .Such old copie~ as are :-wwlltble in theE~stem Fleet have been widel>' etreulated,w'll r ~h 'c t!l a nd a re COli 1 1 ,1re d C.l( , :eUl : ;Utmaterial.

    ]iN,10Il. U. S, N,wAl UAISO ~Ol!1'1 EillBIll ,Isa 'AUIrnN FLll : " ' t '

    .ras:'rtmults Wry much for tile copies oj thu'1~V'\'1. AVl~ TJOJ' !' BU"'OU Of' AERol'lllloncS'. 'NA" If OEPIl ItTI 'I1IEj 'iT - "-0. 2U

    1 MarineC.rpsRepqrt7 Shor-e Statrons .9 PB4YTeamwork12 Did YoU Know? .15 Letters



    P U B L I C A T I O N SNovAer Index Gets Wide Dist/illu1ion

    MOtl! rhau I : I . U O I ) copies 01 till' June 1issue of !lIe N(wAer !ndex Ilfll'lI beet! dl~-t: rlh n! :ed tc~ the naval ~ 1 ( ; < r o T l < 1 u ! 1 C ! 1 1 esoo.b-J slnneut. This j&.~lle l'i'luULlns ;l list of1111Jlfl)~hl,ut 'l .h11>o rm , b es td es!ht' ('(1JIlIl]e!e IId(lre~~. ure the "tilet cnll!

    IJIJIlJl"'r I,rjv

  • 8/6/2019 Naval Aviation News - Jun 1944


  • 8/6/2019 Naval Aviation News - Jun 1944


    P r e v e n t s F 4 U W i : n g F o ld in gVought, Bureau Hove RemediesT o pn-veu ; vrl ll lf r wi ng s fro m tllld

    in):( in High l d ue to distortion ufIh~ wh\g folJiug pfn pulling Sh11f bod'assf'lnhly. Bu \ 1 i l T ) _ l u b U s l l I F4C-F3i\F. ,lli:lll~' '1), 101 on fl Mur h 194.4-.Ikpml.~ :tr(' hNng rl"c"hp.(1 sti ll nf \\ingsloldIllg ill Hi zht, illdkatillg that thisl,h:W4!o hl!s nnl h,,('l1 nceornplishecl,ln ll!ltlitl,JIj t'l sll"wlrlg two .illeru.tte


    df'$iQIIS fnl' hll:-a.lIJ1,mu11lC[W'l' uf th re-I[lUn :d suppnrt, BU/I . - t11 iln thnrized thcontractor to releasl;l (lmmtHies (Ifthe Vouzht-designecl rl 'iuiw,t'ement 1 0the oompsny" field senke teehnlcians.It is ruggested that opera ing H I I I L s ; , con-t.tet the- lor-al \ O\lP;lIt representative tC ldetermtrre if qnandties of the V signed refn Iorcement a re a vul la h le ,

    1 ' 1 1 1 S reinforcemsnt is identiRed u ypart " \ 1 0 . \ ' -240. . II can T) IlilIdtfrom a 1:r."X'~"b ll) ck o f aluminum nilrw.N e w U s e f o r B u O rd D e v i c eNow Employed in Pilot TrainingOdgiuull developed .is p,ut E an

    liuti-llin: ..nfL fire enntrol ~)"it:m. IIIHurcan of OrdU9.nct Position flf1;lF ll1 del' II n . . 1 : nu w i~ being I tSed ~HC : -l'('~~~ully in training dive and glidbornbor pilots, ns well as pilots Hying.Iil'(raft l -l (I IU l l 1 e d "ith [orwnrrl RTingf'III.lkot pr )je'tilus,Essol l li . .llv th is d ev ic e res rn bles ;t~tnllll h an d lle tt! reHI"('h)r sight. ln placeof t l u ; > usunl n;ltic1(" ;1 penduluus wheel

    illdientes the anglo I~f elevatlnn o f LimH ,w "I' sigh!. his nuhles all (,)i>SCl'Vill't i l ullN,:k thr- glido lIligle "I 1111 IIP-prmll:billg plune mukiug II drv fI III andII'H1IIg !11 uhSNH'r HS (-I turg!!'t.Tlw device IS l'tl.ul[lpec! ,,,ill! ll1l't'efi[lf1r'~ n( ,~U'}'illg dru~1ly tu facilitateIlS(" lind .. r .11I lit'S of Ughtilkg condl-tions. 1 1 1 practice the obs rver oSP..'!1 1 ' r 1 S dt' Ice i n t w n ways: 1, lsiug radiouornmunication. he J;!11I.lcb O ! l l ill _;pel'i.

  • 8/6/2019 Naval Aviation News - Jun 1944



    Heavyweight Bomb, TorpedD Skid' \ ~11\' [mlul! s kid 1 1,,:> b een developed

    II}' B 11 rd" ReJman.'l\ J)h isiO,I). , officiallyd.\..-igllnll'd 11 5 Bomb nud fOfj, do SlidMlIrt. 7 M url O. Wnll II ('llpacit' of 4,000pUi1nd~ . 1 1 1 < 1 t1wlwd>'fHg .! number l)f f . ' 1 l "tures ",l,ld] -shoukl make It pnpulur with

    EH~HTEEN LOG.POUND BOMBS CAN III' HAI"OLEDnviu lin persoun el. 0 III! of !ie most im-pnrtant- o r l IU>il\g' I'IllTlh' dmgg4'd ~!lIlY. liS III Ill,! 'rm od l~ . T he resu lt- i~ that t J l I ' n ew sJ,.id",HI [" much mort! cu. ily mUII"'I' ere.J huoposItion rhu n l thl'r tn"'s .U1d will IhH'-J nrc require 1\ 1lI111imurn of [lorsmlnlli fotIla l l _ u li I I g ,Whn~ 1 1 1 1 . - Bumb 1II,!1 Tvrp 'lin SkidM (\rk 7 lou (I WD.!; IYl.1 iJt spt>(,lif{eally tn skid i~ lIot d \\'itL till' tor-lli'do ti, II hJt(,tlprlsit.ioll.

    I1'rl".I' (l_lmillj!! I'OUIlI:S ill provid"," iu the



    sk td em elle III \'ll!T mH 111(' b um h or, tllrll~a](jto be ruli"tl, i f 11etCS~1~f)',[(I Illig:n hoi~tin!ihands Ilf Illgs, Surface t, C UI('S rullerscontactjlJg the larger bombs In torpedo,fC IUlIHlIlllalll " und rollers L11HlILWI\'I'~IlMdf!~i~lIi.RMOru;---This sfnlion IIII.~partly solved the shnrhtge of muniluhemp [I'1:I{, hJ I IIsing unserviceable llal'll-c h u te !J u ruess straps as lifl-n uw n till es

    l'{Jf airphull.~~.Hum ss SI ,;\[> rill~ anrlra:.'tclIer \ hicll otherwise nre unscrviee-able me heing used to seeur the har-ness , trups, DIll" of tlre mall)' ath, uutnuesof this fype oj lip.dol'V)l {I er m nu il.trupl' is t i l a . ! . they do not have a lend-eut'}' 1 1 ) fray 'L H r sev 'I'e use,Be fo g- ma ue i n 1 11 'O pe l' r ngL!ls, a m pjd, uu l pmd liv l" sccuru.g of air(TlIfl' , ':111 he( , . [ t J. l \1Ufl" $pef'd in tYing is p (l~ . ible~iblt-' lorlll(~ml'G emu (' n nffL Slt'T lt::d. Al1{ltheraddeu lI(]vunhlgl~ i n t l u O ' I1CW tiCdUWJl111'' i$ Ihnt Ihp lurHdll1te mnttwial wiJItw t 'hlink wheo exposed to mill. usdues IJlll)lila I'Op~.. .. . ' J- I IAER COMMENT -BuA r i~ PCU'lJt-ing 15,000 mooring rppr~ with c"bf~ undel'uttlrnd NOil(S)-1082 10moor nitC"rllh 111

    t ! ; , 0 P" "'- T it... rel!oL~are "Imihll ' to tlws"-de.o;ct'lbtld in NAN ew oJ N ov, 15 , J94-3, IIis pxpected tbal this LJlott'I';;'11wiJl l1e IlYajlI "ble< in Ih" ne-..r tutu,"', Con urrQndy,I Bl. . . . . .CC is ~'tocuring 5 ,QOO mooting 61akesuf til auger Iypero b", used wkh renls,

  • 8/6/2019 Naval Aviation News - Jun 1944


    N A V Y T A G E T I T E SG u n n e r y i n s t r u c t o r s p r a i s e t r a i n i n g d e v i c eTHE NA,y t.lrget kite (DeviceSC-2ij ). announc f; l by BuA r sSpeciu Devices Division a year ago,hns proved to be 0110- of the best mov-ing uerin] targets, accordn g 1'0 I ,1\y.Murin and rtHy gunnery Iustruciors.Kites .LT in [lilt at gunnury schools, air Slll.l:illUS, advu ucetl b ases uudaboard shlp, and nre bein r supplied ulUII.~rate of severul thousand dailv,TIl target kite resembles n' ho)' ' s

    kite, but differs .in four ways; it isbetter designed aerodynamically, has notail, is maueuveralile and eentrollable,an d has tw o H ying IiDDS. At the groundend tlie lines cu ter u sp 'dill reel whit .:hcornhines a means o r \\ 'lIdillg and e ell"in g th lines. together w itll I hl'\lk e nndcontrol bar,A lfl-knot; m inimum w ind is re -quired for satisfactory flight; 35 knotsis the approximate 1l'IaXimUD1, Launch-

    rug is I I I L 1U :t usual manner for 1 1 1 1 ~it('s.The kite is CUITicd ubout 50 It. leewardand held vertleu lly w hile U It:: uperurnradjusts the lines. it then is heavedgently aloft. Bange is From 150 to 200yards. With the command "commencefiring," the op rarer uegln~ 1[1JlhLlll;lllVC~the kile (~ ' ee d iagr l ,lm) .T he target kite. diclVelopd by SpeoialDevices Divisiun, embodies nlany ofthe raquiremertts of the fdeal ground-to-air target, COI11L:mrecl wilh the sailtarget C ar, it adds practice ill II()W:1tU.dow nw ard u nd nn;hiu g movements , itis more 11 1uneuvera ble than the u ir p l an etowed 51 ve , AJll lClugh 510\ en than therocket target, it is 1I0t Iiruiled to therocket's siag! arc aud is uuich simpler.


  • 8/6/2019 Naval Aviation News - Jun 1944


    P H O T O G R A P H YCaptured Jap GUll Camera Is Stl/died

    /\ 1;;'j.llIHl!d lap gun camera recently ;,IT-riv(~c,I 1 1 1 Lhl.\ t' :r fur Im; lwcUul l lUll! stuu)'.

    ;~ MM. JIIPANES.,E GUN C:IIMEJl:A HU f.~.S ~EN5u uses I111\1. filu!, l,us au F. 4.5 L .&t1SJ -lliree i"ch,,~ 1'0(.11 I"11 !tth. 'hlr(lU~' hum.I$S&/eNew To rpedo Camera AssessorT he ,\> 141 '1 lt Ul '5 W'IJ SUCll {1t~WII Ill' rnukeul 'a .~h liUlUlugs In tJll' w ater, very lilll~'tru ce marks the spot of 111cu ' disappear-auce. \Vlmr H ~mA11amount If oil h~t~escaped, a Uir-sJzed sliek is vi lble, It.I'IllS suggested thnt a ~llrill~-tU:1I1ed('aphe p u l nn the oll tanl. of L J t \ ( 1 plane Ie Irelo oil to Iorm 3 sllok around a"rl "I'D at 11"*\" plan .Aft~('cuning ((I .{ ill lilt' water, thepilot could pull a toggle in the cockpit"n.'IJdll1ling tl ie spring-leaded ('lll,.1 herebyll110wing nil In escape HI the $u.dac~ letStb!" plane sinks. 'This would b UIl nid,ilwus suggested, for the following re~lSOll8:II, A Ih t fir IO~ga ll tl J1 n il ~H [' I; "',1 J I II

    ~Vt'H 'fnr a gn.:al dt~tlll.ll:'"/.. 'T he l~ .lm iug ( 'ffool ,If nil ,II. wnter\\Inu it! inereasr- possib ilily of III~ ralt an dp l'I'S nllJ w J I'l'ih g (;1 U,I', ~l'lfll)")' would I, Slned 11 pHrC'h ,w( '

    iii seu dyes or markers.The chance of firl' hazard is IJf course"JlIHl1 't ' l1 t hilt is deereused h~' the fae!that any fir ill til l'Ilghu)!I" I)ulrl beout h lhe tim the oil [rom th e Illnbe~t'ilp~'d,~itlCC lL( ni l {1\llll'l is ul lilt'sume leVI-I with the ( > 1 I g : i ue or high er.

    A l s u , I n t h t ' eVl.l1~ ( lr fin', pullillg I l l < ' "I'{J! . , L . ~ tnggle for the nil (Huk woulel beIIIdiseretton ot the pilot."B"AER COMMENT-This Jde" is notconsidered fil'lI:5ible fur the following rea-5 . ; U : l l ' :4. Tb oil raJ1k 6ll1ll ' Cltp ill .~tandlu'ddesign re&tlting from seyeral YCllrll of de-

    vi!ll.lptlllmt nnd j, nor adapmble to quickrelease, It is nul considered Ihal (hI'priUHllt), functions o r case 01 operation andtight !iC~1ing should be compromised bysuch a fe'l lJ.IJ:e 1 l 1 i thol proposed.b, Oil tightness of ,h" tank, includingti l tank l , . O p , is "~lIIwith vision. Any quick release opening isa POltlllJ:1,l] source of leak"!l:8; fUrlhennotl!.dcvJq'Ssudl as pru.p~d which are uperatedI1nl)' once in We lUI ! of th e n"rpIQIle. have,I lntien :y of n.O I' w od:l.J"g ",b;1'.n the-mnm nt come

    Addition 01 another cockpit control i~undesirable, AJ50, II Is doubtful tf thepilot "'001.1 think to U!i , 1 : :1 Im e ,d. It is !lot estabJi"hed that dO openingill t~ lOp of the tank wil l 1' 1( ;>3 oil atthe n('~I 1 : 1 1 1 1 : ' . ' >As lung us lll~ ' lu un ul lunch is up nor lllSl.;'t'llreh dused. a wuruing light jl1

    REI) liGHT SHINES If HATe", IS HOT CLOUOfront ul the lirst pilot shows red, il-Il)mia.IHug the \ tIn) OPEl'. iiiI Its fm.;,\\ hen Ih e hutch is {lilly sut'l~n'(L, om'of th securina rods n chu 1.t :; ;t ruiern-~"'ItC'h which e tmgtushee lb.e waruinj;light ill tIie uu(:kpl~.'flit'). iustnllatiou o r tlus device i~1\:lntivdy sirup] ~ Gil .I'll I type aircrult.I t is believed iL cnn be adapted readilyror u se 1 1 1 an y lyp S aplnru-.. . n i l ER COMMENT -A!thqugb 'this isundoubtedly II gaud Jdl'll, it ~h"uld nOI b~used "S :t~Jbst:itoll' C O l ' the uld r < - l i a h l e < !hed ,: :- .o fl ' l i 1 > l , Hle(lrir;nl Sysr..,ms, re-g

  • 8/6/2019 Naval Aviation News - Jun 1944


    C h a n g e s S t o w a g e o f F la r e s M o d e l T r a c e s r a i e d o r i e sNew System Is Pu' Into Usage Helps P i lots Visualize firingVS.flO- II ,1\ inlllHl urdnauc 1111111,al tohed to this sqn,ld"ll hns peded'eJ n

    ~'\Jll !Ir s l nw i ng iglllli (~tlrtl'idges,,\Iark' ~lod ft wid h speeds "I' theirrcmnvul Emm the. cenvns ~ll)W"g~ c.tI.~"',The pres{', ibt'd methud calk f(I)':;loWlIIl;'; the eartrklgcs ~ Ill! the pruner

    STOWilGE SYSTEM Sf'EED5 CIIRTRIDO R~()"V"'1.'t.:~.(on down. Til thls positilJJJ the rimleru ls tv [ ind with the ease, If 1.1pla new as fu rct:d dow n al SOli, il would bedl 's iHiule til 't:l C rttJ.dg ou t IJuickly.()nick identiEkl1uni1 of th Ctlrlridgc:WL~ made P Mrihlc by [lui[Jting twoquurter-incl) uripes 01 1 the under andlllp slde of the ..sluw age case (.'Q I7e1' toeonrespnnd In Ihe color ol t'aJth'idge.I n l~ \ 1 e:W U uy I~R.j;:;>'I'r Orrl~ : .u :A '; l .I_~" lHr . It I- 'l Ie J. , .11110RD MMENT-Thi plnn hasone d:r-" ,.Ibadc. There .we ~ight color com-h'in~lil')n~ in use ~c Pl"L'.l;(\!11, nnd u.ltinr.u:e/yI(I coJmbilluii"I1~, P';Lrnting un h\lldl'r d6lUl'nl,The model '. on I scale of 11" to

    MObIELII.LIISTIlIlTESI'Anl turned to tl-If'left from three tu five unlches h~f()re w're- eiv dour desirr4 5 rpm bU!fel.W" at .bestpower, AftL"T adjustment, II mddeni lc ct !l. l'ra l: it m c he ek w a s lila.~h\ fro II ppruxi-U l I l t e ) } ' ' ) ' 0 0 rpm 't{~ 2 , O ( J O T p m a n d U 'e 1 1 1 1 -giues didn't pmlse. falter, (II' backfire.This IldiH~tnJ(;mt W ' made 11 (yUu\v,.1. vV -arm u p ~11.!:.'irt hi the usual manuer

    IIIltil oIl lind cylinder heed tCIDI)erutur"nre 11flrmal,2. Cited> mugulllu~ hi tille usunl llIilll"er.U "drol'l'(lfF" is e;y;essive, check for ['JIllspark plngs, rr drop i~ normul, prucee.]\ hlt Ih~ udjustmen; of lh idle Ill! lWt,-3. luse throttl to idle nt IIllp'mtilwd.tlTr t O O rpm. If the rpm rucrenses appreclltbly

    ,n f l - c r " uLlmg(' iu till' illl\' mL~LuH!, rearljustl'htl rpm stop tn mrnnluin 600 idle T']m1.4. \V IIen lrlt;! speed has stabilized. move-the cOl'kJ'iL lfIix_lul'(. I . ' I JUITol I I: ! er momnu-tarily. bill w il'lt " smullth, steady pull, int"the Idle C 1 . u - u I T position ((l11to-!Qal, is snlli-cient. [I,r I-tol ley ,lUd 'OUl Stromherg car-buretors ) nnd observe +he tn!lhumeler f!,rnlly cluruges in rpm duri Ilg lite prncess uf' '' ''riiug, Hf>tnl"1'lml: lure ('()1I(,t1'l1o 311tO-ri :1 1lositiull before the engine (,HtS ' nut.S. Pol]owing Hils :lY!({"'1l ItS outliuedabove, the idle 1itlju!ltfll!'TltS were I lineddown ulltil the rpm didu'j inr.rease over10. but we ntt\'111vktl lu nhlailL :.1 Ii rpmhtt'Wllse lit l i O O rnnl \ lIt'II lll~mixture t'OII'tt..l Wlto' moved slowly Ircnn full TIC), pOh'i-UII" hljd. lllrmigl, III!' he,l I,IIw,I, luh:1IIrlprl~ililjll nhl.ained iL l~1 a f r i t ' 1 1 0 1 1 al..lw( itlll'(!tJl,"fI Alter "l'l, t,ltLlllgn I" alljIlSutl","tlhe ungtnes "'''1'' dl',ult'rl 11111 by lm,.,.t'us-ill~ the rpm and 4g,lirl' the hUe fIlI.,,;lttf!was d'P"kell ill t I , t> abllt(. I1I1UlI!Bl until Ih,d sir .d 'i fP11l ill 'reus,> \I'll; ' 'Ihtlii" ..a.. . . .n . .AR OMMENT-WelI, well! Howabour rhe fir t of you 6qUOl,QrQI18 glluing uutyour copy of Genllr.lI Bogin!> 8ulletin Nt"2. Rtuuomber-il 'ilpl'lie~ m ~ny en.gj,,~.


  • 8/6/2019 Naval Aviation News - Jun 1944


    W h o C a n B e a t T h i s R , e c o r d ?Overhaul in Two Hoursr..AS Nom,IAN- TLJ'I lt: . ffil,{)bs here re-eently set fl tlc,w reeonl lor enghre 1)II~r-haul when th,ey nccQmplis-ill,!oJ ,I com-p re te a ss emb ly ", f nn R-B 70 on tineritnl

    engine iii one hour and 58 minutes, ' 1 ' 110job waseorrrpleted iii less Ih,m six man-hourli or abol'll half the usual rime. Aftllroverhaul the engine was run at grsdu-,Jly accelerated -sp eeU l; 1:01" iivt'! now's,1'he m~11 who set \11(" record were.n. W . Smi.t.h, I\M!l.I.2C; \'1'. J . McCraw~~d.e. (InU H. J GludHlil:r \l\l[MSt.

    , ."i"roeed Li" I oJ fpri III) H~LA'mST NOMDERS or ENGl~~, A 1l1.1AllY I'mroRl'nOPGLLEU .\NU A~{~ESSORYB.ULL,E'I'INS

    ,lIllY 21. j9U

    Prall &WltlUleyJt-!l85

    R--la40 .. , .It l53li" R - 1690 "0-11:1.10RI830R 183(1H-lS311R 1 8308-11130~ 18300-1830It 1'830n-rsson I s ; " J I Ift~2Ut'lU.R 2UOO.11-2000It 2 1 1 1 ' 1 0l l -ZSOO1 1 " 2 8 0 0It-aSIlO.n-28{)OR-3800It-2s0(tR - 2 8 " O O

    WrlghlR-760R 790 .. , _ ..R-!l15 .. , _...R-I820 .R-lS2tl, _..U-IB20.R-1820R-2f iOO,It 2600R-ZGOIl ,lHl6002r.OO,R-2600,R-2~QO[(-{IaltoR -.3 35 0l'o .n tln en I'illNone.. _. _, .LycomingR-0-'135,lH'SOlliIngerNon!"





    171R'l'fs["1lNo. I Gall 'd. ~ H I 4, 4RevisIollN o. I dilled5-7-44-4 HI -4'[9 ! . 1

    nOllenOl1l?35'1 Re"j,siU!I

    II. 1 dat.ed 4114-1~-4.d 41"Belnl! tssnedfCeing tssued5 Z 445-(H4" 28 *1H!!J-445-;~44s-r 1-J,.1{ ) 1 1 - - 4 4.;-11-411Bei Ill! IssuedBein:g IssuedHelrlg IssuedlleingissuedBcing IssuedBeing i8","'d4-4- ,14.. 17 44, Being issuedOeillg i~$ued5-Ll-44

    : - 1 5 2:)53: 1 5 ' 1355 '!UiSM7;%8a l i ! . !360,~61iii!)6 0lit6 31 19L."l123

    1 2 41251.26127

    ;I-2.l-.14.[le!ng issued l-ZSC44.6-8--4, .13-13t- ' i . / , t n " j J J ~"(ml"I".au \ Ir"f,l Jllf'iJ j "/ J. ff. . .1 t..fJ(!~~Wrk:",~tt'~j;'l'lj'r. Op;-,riltfn1j , r i t 1 1 . l l t " ~ I , . ~ r . 1 r 1I~"",~nll~ (lui

    S p e c ia l " , o t eHU/\(>f h!!.~ [ "< '" 11 [ afC lr mt> d I I! IWI)

    il\l1tanut"S" wlwn' o n :'t il ll lt e "G ll tl \[ j\ )l ! h i'Sl:J:';di'!i.. l~concerned In NOI'e:1 L 1H 1 Y hi I}t.'~~('~si""(If ltwJ;tl"kltcst + ! . . ; J , t [ l p n l l : lnstruetiru.s ~ll!JlI.ltlfil(11Je;~l then, rrum BuAe'r tlllll!",dL~rtdl'

  • 8/6/2019 Naval Aviation News - Jun 1944


    S u r e i s ' B e a u t i f u l I-your sqnadron hEl~developed mlmethln& tha; call ~ tilledby oth~ -acrivlt ies, don't send It to the SmitilSlHli

  • 8/6/2019 Naval Aviation News - Jun 1944


    J A P P I L O T S D I E F O R T H E I R E M P E R O R71d 1 ' 1 /' , ' pl iUII 11'1/1' j / ~ ' I " / I 1111 ,I IW '/ !, L f li g / lt

    Ilf ()IWIlIIJ 1)IJJne~ wllw m{lIl iifll l lUa~ tv. 'I Ir e r ls ou r 1~llltIj!ll:Jim!! am i bmlll,' Ii'hi1~plllgitl t'!I~ l u . r r / i r J r W M e , , ,, m o l l l ! ! g (l~ " I ' i mta~k f,lrI.', /..1. 1 " 1 . (all IHlt !I f tlX!'Ig,'I" GJldtil I l i g ! U r/lll!! ,LulU l ' II) Wj) /IO f eot. lietlesarfbell lih "lItg/l. wMI IIw Jlllls.

    II\W ,\ l'L!lCflT 01 six Zeke ".orningout t lr l.I trough in t i l l . . ! eluuds.T\\' Illy 01' lliirl) plain; were folloWing.I pickell lhc OTIC diving for the beach+htUL1tl in behind him in hi:; cU ve-;u 1(lgU\ e Wi: su n I[ lite rssiruz S III a burst!He tried to 11uIlaway to Ilu! J e . f t , buthad roo much speed ttl maneuver. Ig~L\Te hint uucther burst. He tarred tosruoke, nlld theu burst illto llam s, Heslowed dOl II all l'i.g lil. n nd u J pas eeloyer 1,1m. he pulled up his nose and5n,tPLifld n 1 ew ITa '~1'~ .Il m e, M issed!H e then { ( 'I I o f! ' ILlld UIJII"U. buruing ItI!the W;IY.1 h:u" ,ked to +he J ' i g l J t -I hell left, andgtlL iu L J( Jsit:il! n bU !Jim J u uothe r Zek.Gut him ill Itly hi~ht$. g, ve Llm a longburst, and In' smoked .,lightly. Sud-rlonly be < . . x p . l o c . " h . : d l .AU! ! l th r d e a d J L 1 p .( pulled Ill) 10 the le n and clhnhed

    to ,flOO f ~ 1 ,t w)Jerl' 1 saw QUOIt( sixKate. 1 luul (>LlOugb speed [0 rnuke uIljw -sid btltlllJ rrm un t l l t 1 IltUlrt'sl, HI:'peelod off to th , righL I shot. Tn smokeor damnge wus observed on this baby.

    ftt'l' T hnd pulled through Ihis run,J ended up ahoy Llit' renwilliug planesund !tl tlll'ir left. J s!:trll"d n fnirly- low,ltlg h-sld e ru n C,lII th e l B Il l lJ ru .Leo f f orma-till11. Hjght in th e middle of my r im,they dmppell Ih, Lli011)siuto lhe water

    !II II" wuy, I Hl1islwJ 111. lwil1~showing mils! distoruon in size on" Mercator map j

    LJ II-Grwnlilnoln b-.Ambi;.o ~"'_AII~IT"hutI-l'llg1nutl:i. II" mu~l dlrl,.1 " " , 1 1 , , rom 1 1 1 1 . 'North Pacific ro tbe Nurth IndianOcean ;$ viathe-[] a-Drlil..c SfT:litn l)~.slrall uf 'vlulll!' 'n

    ("-Tort\l l< (milII-Caribl eau uuits

    6. A ~hip .,1'lwing tl ~l'C;lt circleCOI,II'li'" between Q p lot 40 N L.ll . uo- ~ Long., ;]nd 'l point 40' NLar., J 70 W Long., will hef"rthe~1 notd1 when llt-

    L J 11_90" W Lat.o 1}-lOti 'I N Long.LJ t'-_l30~ W Long.8J-l5W W r....g.7. During rece.tU weeks .l\'y pl iU1CS

    have bombed many Japanese bases.Which of me following is clQse~ttv the Jap mainlalla-n1/- larcils MawJn tJ-Shilutlsltlri [sJUIlJ

    ::J c- ipan blandL : tl- '(1f'rllb'ljll

  • 8/6/2019 Naval Aviation News - Jun 1944


    II>-N h :.iOHFlJl.I\ ,\ ~.IU II~ n,\\ .: suug-'lIed 11\1 the slmellllll["\ til Ill'!-ll ~ lHUci!']1"L .. hlln ,11 nl su tll',l'~'S and unreels whuu1111 rtld.rl) 1111111 \\"'II( I hlli' U sl'sliUl(.'L'.''1'\umk YI1I1;' slu SI\kl "An- ~''''tu Tl:.-lin'" Nlll'}' wanl". , \ ' , ,1 > , " 1w ,1II~Wlh~d,"Former chi",fi'"" : \ I , , : ' III' r

  • 8/6/2019 Naval Aviation News - Jun 1944


    II - ' \ I " '\$ J I I I !. l> Il i' o, \ ILIt -l ~Illilb w IWI! yu u~t,t out ut lin, dHghuus{>, yOlI JIJII'( JUI\""iI\.l!tlu,!!Itl \\ , , ' ' T 1 i ,rbnut, 1ml uu] ~u lnr: ,; ,d}; tTl""' ''1 Oil I;illklll~l , \ J - " , :1 .

    llccenlh, IJ u li,'w l'(1 lu s wuy lhwIIglJI I J ~ w ire l,jlw iH 1i " r lor, 1 .< )" ,, , , 1 0 1 ", 1 \\t..L,\W L, t \n~t !!ill1h.mlillg urnund {III "' z.t-hour houd ...r lie w as H W l l l y l c ~ l l I " < '( I b ) tI "Yllrd Pulit{.

    S ,I nd) wus (lui on Tf"j>orl Hnrl demotedI II I IP ll 'r cnL Il ,, ' s s- u rn u u, tUllrrul c1 11 -'~ , \ rr-1ll'11 t...! 1 1 U " ' n c l , J I ' (if f"b'lll:ttiHlI~, l i l t ' gm) 1 1 11 1 1' -\ pup's service record ls so sp(,ltl!dJJOW it Junb lik I' IllJlka dill Ii ,II - \TATe:. : Gt)l\.I'U.s QttUSI'l- r"llrding tnthe lull:>st st:atisli1:~. Cu.rllU& Christi 111l.~rClIsl~L'(lI" (WB IL Cnrrl11S h;t\'itl.g II ,dg\ hitIll' n um be r ,If flYing hnurs}:1re lurnillroul [;Ih,ts ill UII." uutll'Ii(,'i1bl rate ol 111'(111)Ih~..' , III 11"111' ,1 I ' ~ I i \ l J J \LNS(!1'{1'U.Ll'!---AIL I b g 1 1 l 1 1 1 m L ~ M:trrno l'rh~ltc ccmhlnerl IUilitlUV(', IlUlriut-l~u l 'IIIJ g,)Ud ['U.,iOll'!l~ waS! ' w Ith t I " , r e sn ltlhu ], 1 1, 1111\\ 1 1 1 1 $ iurm thnn $ OO!) III W mH'JocLs, AHd lh IlllgUrll Is t'l.lIlSI ... Ily "'tim-B,!!.- H I ' I ' k III the d.ilin'h ~ T Ilys. the l'rinltouw ,,, ,.] tw o gWtl!1')' lln d lID aL j'l'lrk (< 'l~ .Tlu- "1l~!'lll1t!I'" 01 (/111' ~tn'l'tt Ilw~l Leen car-filed "on tho 1 ; 1 1 1 1 1 ' " to the l\$tgreg[l.le tu,\"\I f several tlllllSmld I CU ' an d 1111\ I I gi ll l>! ) i \~ l! ll , 'h t Jf l. C(l~1 ofLhe .tE\.Hl(ute will be $60,(J{ )O..... N AS 1,,1\IiU,lI:nUr I Imil tIl' luwl r IUl'll'l1I~k("~Iwc:tIlle II 11Ii~"y life-sLlvt'l' b [heI' ~1"1 lit someolOe S puw(Jrl'u! iliHlgtmltlol1.The \;'1~hrl bl.~kd." .!fI> III)W 11~t',1 It) t1. ';;ig-!lut lh dosIng ot llutlyillg fjdd~.IlnlllLtd red alld ",hil (L,'~ hun' l1l'ell'ifmug d II.ltl'matllit:ly it, the C'jwt~f ( If thefloW II') foml a oro ,'< .~ , I1IHlil puce$ npu:rlLIllo;! (W'lwd t!p,ude UtllllJl, Oil wludr dll)'SIht!) ' urI' lleld 1 1 1 pkw t" hy ~tuk_~ uti, e..itl to > the grou neL

    J n Lilt! pl\st I he",, , hi"t' h' " lIumy IWIU-illg~ 111 d\lsd fi"ld~.hUI SilW0 th imtu Jlf I-linn. of tll1s uew sv:;1",nl. thew Ilus notI>.,,u ()Ill! Idohllillll ; , f thi~ l)'flC rt.""'..lI'ul.....1 .24

    Ii! -'1'0 J ,.'if n ".vh'(Jluu",l) ,IJlV II'lIfiftl~ ' 111101l! itJ ill! ;( M > 1 J1 !"dt;~'llt'dtn w(wu[ed two 0 1lh "ltl"i'll U!!"II!S !lilt! lUlprh,JJII' Hi "[],rrs,II [ u p, u . .. ,' d"~" I'''! wad", L'I~

  • 8/6/2019 Naval Aviation News - Jun 1944


  • 8/6/2019 Naval Aviation News - Jun 1944


    < :'llm mis~ ioncd asu prill!!!!'Y !raiuiug ilt9.!ioll, the eonver-\il)u ttl operJiiimml tru jn illl{ \v as made this. spring and NJ \SHnlt'iliuson bCCHUll' the C . ' l1 ! 1 t c r !)f all .P134), hasic trainingfill- the !\nvy, Startillg ill n small Wa), the sehoul wilt b~~'H1ul'ged until It is aMe to do :~11PB4t husiC-lwining. HS,~(II Il~'j produce l'. ' .S Hutchinson, Im::ah!d neal' the geographical center { ) I flhe U nited S lll(t:.> , Uft'e .:I!t.[lamte t't)Hll1lanci:; lire bringingI c) g: o: tl ie r H g ;rm lp M sk1ll"d II 'cJ"ui{+julls arul pil(lt~ [(:I (onnnucleus crews t(r flr the }:nvy's lnrgest Illnd.hused pnrru]h0Il11lf"rs-~1crew of Aghtillg lIlelx, J'uatly fpr c:ombut.OHk!;!rs and {JnH~Iffl'1 l1'lf\fl r~blw'l (>V('I'~' week , fFOll1 thef i'1 t't't. [ mm I lp e: ra lil ll la l IwlrtillJ!: lmib; an d hom technical!,rll j ni ILg ~dlouis, Lu be Llii!lud ia ll'ilLtl\I'(Jl'k. ~() llI't:C.'lS'fI ry InIhl.' flpt'ml'!ou oJ the I'LSJ\-L Aud every tWLI "\I~ '~ks, lrniHedl'I'I;!WS. upou el-)111 id ir-lll 0]" !lieu' six WfW"kS' lrni [lin g, areleaving 101 aovulI('cd t I'll lnlu g b . _ . r o l " l . ' !er gn ill tocorn bitt.26

    TW?Alill'TION.AL 1'1LOTS and lb..r~eenlisted men, IJfJO eachwIlli A\\U. t. '\1I~1 and AOM rnhtLgs. I '(!pmt !i.'um .Oper'll-LI.tJlHd nulnlug units. 111(~se dghl HI!!!! cornpuse the nucleus('ombat crews ns !'hey leave for advanced b-'l.ining, whore lhL"HdclHiQII of thzcc guuucrs brings th crew up to Inll streng!l,.

  • 8/6/2019 Naval Aviation News - Jun 1944




  • 8/6/2019 Naval Aviation News - Jun 1944


    ~ A V I ' G A 1 0 RC o P i i D t

    , GinnerG U I I N E R

    T a l l r u n e lA D M , A R M o r A M M

    A IQ B O M BE R

    J 1 : ' R A ~ I O M A I fC l ) l l I m u n i c a l i o f t S

    G U n n e r B a l l T u rr e tA D M , A IM o r A M M2 n d R A D IO M A I IC o m m a IliOltJOIlS

  • 8/6/2019 Naval Aviation News - Jun 1944


    P P C I S T H E S K I P P E R O F E l , E V E N -M A . N C R E . W O F A N A V Y L I B E R A T O R

    PILOT TO COMMAND 1iHE NA\!V'SF>AT~DL 1',1.1'110"

    TtiE fll!S"r I'LLOT lU I a 1 '" 6" ,' i i; l!w jmlrn:1pluue ~'UJllml'!nder. Til", I'PI;, Illo[lg withhis IVVI1c u -p il ot s, n J< lk ~ up the t J H n ~ 1 tltlHlple.menr 1 , ] ( th e Llli~'l'lll/Jr crew . A ll IluVI' hu t l:\ lu v y lUgh l tI ' ,~ini11g und earned their wings ,wbitt:! mo~t of them lUll t' had experience iJI HyiHg 1'1~,,'j; Le-fUft' bdHg transferred 10 NAS L lu tchlnsu n, S UIT It: 1,1 t11...puoLS'11

  • 8/6/2019 Naval Aviation News - Jun 1944


    C O ~ P I L O T S , A L T E R N A T I N G A T T H EC O N T R O L S , S E R V E A S N A V I G A T O R S


    T Il~ I 10 ('lH'lLII'I'S uf tb Ubemt.rlJtcr w alternate .jl the controls, reliev-illS the patrol plane comn under dUl-ingatgut. acLing ,IS seounel and third ill corn-tII:lnd (11' lUc !Jig, plltimy llp po slL ilill, u s wt'll all scauuhig L11Ulirfuee hl'1t.}\I' II'I':]ndl1'l~ll'ksor points of fut rest,LOII'g s arch and pUlrol missions. slid I tis till' Ufildl 'l I I11/ ', \'a re c ld l, d 011 to I1lah, would h"I.'l\lIll' \''''1"\' Lln"'(Iult' il ,Iuepilot were required LOdo all [he Hyillg. 'Thus with exlrnp l1 u l'i- a bo tl'l'< l, L Iley e m ult'l'llute ut tilt" c'(lrHl"Ols !lIlt! SCI'\, '(Il r e- ll ove n il e nnut.lurr .

    Ali ~Ijght hours nrc huilt 1111and f'x]1C'ril"flCI.'l ~ai!led. thl?C(l-P il(ll.~ will St)t)}1 h t't'o ll1 (';" 1 I1 }(lW i~ d !.IS H I'S l pi l \ l t o ' i U 11 olhvl'UIJ ( Jm lm~ (UIU 1 , 'V i 1 la ke over the duties (/t patrol p lan e corn -munders. Wiw their 11, !8~l Ins In ~ eumwn rk learuerl. !-lIt}} willpu t ll' lt(l

  • 8/6/2019 Naval Aviation News - Jun 1944



    P L A N E C A P T A I N A N D S E C O N D M E C HA R E F L I G H T E N G I N E E R S O N P B 4 Y


    P.LA."F: :l.P1'Al:\S 11I'C se le cte d frC lfn u u um gdr e A.,\t}.,r rRI{',~ w l ro c om p le te uirorew-mnn training ( 1 I t NAS Hutchinson=nnt 011the busis of ho w mrury stripes t 1 H 1 Y have-on theil' sit>\' e, bu OJI uhilitv iloue, Ito-gardless of wherhor he i~ fl~' second {)t. Ihirt1 class, hestands an equal ' hc uUJe o j Uet'omitlg a p lan ~ (',lpblin whenhe enters training, for the dcsigl1[lt-ions are made on the busisof nveruze ground school, Iinc and flight "nIdI'S kl:"p~UI thesched lIling ~1f'[):lrtIT\ en t ul UII." sehool,Generally speaking, A~r..I'M:S ure graduates of "IXI" andgunnery dIQ(lI. and Imve Iuu l e X 1 : ) 'rili:llC't' in openltillmlllrainrng DOltS. 'ome have had l.''e Fleet ~m[l combatexperience, but when they en roil at .NAS Ilutelriusun, euch(lla~ must stand on hiS l'Cl::ord m Ild !) d l1 lillg the C'OUl'SC.. .DUring the first week, ;Ul.L....':l1" given a generul arrplane

    ('(IUJ'se ill gl'olllld SdlU()1. As th y progress, t . i l T at giVllIlpructicnl expurieuce on the line and n l l t 1 I l > ' start Hyiug illthe big Lil/el'tllor.\. Grbun'd sdlwtll 1 1 1 1 ( 1 fligpt are eoord i-naied Sll thnl the subjects co crerl ill une \vill be pructicedin the other, TIle course ('OV~S 51l 'h (~S '1ILiLUS as powerplants, Iuel, lectni and hydnlill Ic systems, super har~Qn;Llumllton Standard propellers, minor sy~t(JI11S, including oxy-'

  • 8/6/2019 Naval Aviation News - Jun 1944


    A R M 'S M U S T A L T E R N A T E B E T W E E NG U N T U R R E T A N D C I R C U I T W A T C H

    W!1l1 BASICIfADIOJlACI 1 1 1 1 en -tlful uirplwHc, wht'rc LIJ IJl'C(lIII('~ rmlliliat' with I'very 11m'! 0 1dle:l Uheralo(. TI!!,~n the rudionuui is given spllclaliz Iiin-StrllCtitlilS 011 !che ~1t'ehi(;ii1 ~y..,tem wit'l, wideb lit' UH.If)[ work,This slud, Includes lite radiI) eourpuss, r..d ir o r al lg e '(pdp-rnent, aut nnus, lr~lT,sllli(lt'rs. rec-eivers and electronic instal-latiuns. This U 'tJupieJ; ' unw H iO hOnl's I~r dUMfllom 1\11(1Iuburalol')I work, An n ud itiQ n,ll 4 0 hours are sl' 'ill ill UlglnlI'waing, w here lie IIperale~ all nf the- L!qllfpn!l'llt;, makesuuuur J"l'plurs uiRt ud iLilli ruei lIS.The ARM assists the plane captain III Ill!: pre-liight checkhy leilHug all u f hi ~ I \ ; V I I '(lItil,rnent, T J l i ~ ill~lud s exurnin-iu g ( I " uattel'i ill dt>tt>I'milw vnl tn! ! l . c1 l t' d :i l1~ th e .1II:\!l ia r v

    F i r s t r a d lD m a U l uu d s ('fn'ult I I ' J i L t ' l 1 ill tht muill IMllipatlrne-nl jll~lbeh hid the pilot 'N ctlt:.lrpi.lwhere lie cun be itl close contact withth e I'PC. 11.[h,p ,dl' IUlTI'~ lu:.i- 1t~IrJ,t'.Id -i~ till' '~"-'OIld nUU(ilmlll32

    pow!:!!" rnril for Fu el, starrlu g an d voltage, Wilh th e putt-plltlruuuiug, he c1'l l' ek s a IJ rmlill gear Clt 'conJi ll!;t 10 th e p n. U i glllsl lt~Gt.As L lw LIV!! tU(UOIIII,lII u it" nm [p W < tleht:s in Ii i tup deck

    turret Hnd LIlL>radio oiroult wuluh, thev IllUS( cllll(.'k tu seef i! ; r < - ! u d y 1'0' operation, l"'il'st . nO second rudiornen are~d , ' '(",d 1111 L l w bm...~IJ I g J'a d {1 S I I I the s.u ue ITIOIIIIIC-r a~ fileI1r~t .urcl seuoud mechunics., . . I I I Hlg1I_ . tin.! nulloman ii; hi c llar~ e !If a ll e om rn u ui eu -l iuns, mdiug an d dccrxllug me5sag!:: 's 1 1 msmittec] , , " J 1'(; '-'d" '~1. ..ollll111l11itaHol1!r, of course, mean , 1 1 ) typ s=rcdin\'lIfcc If (:lld~. blink'I1>, s ig tl li l f il II ' ~s W id 110"-'1' d vioes. lunddition t ' h ' rudtoruuu must huudl t I l l : ' uleetronle equip.mert] lhi!t enrnes \'\ IIliill Ilis province,, .. 1 /1 UII)llllut :,[Cll j ntdill S[]tllU'ti ' is u su ally u nserv ed , Bu t~he rurliomnu on circuit watch must check n il lrequenoiesttl illlli'l'c"'j I rn '~~ti'~I!S, even when :;ileJlct' is rnnlntained.DlIl'illg elllel'gc1ncics, thl! nulfmnuu 1 1 " \ 1 1 .s1 stll)' u l IllS po'tu n ti l i l! 'c le n, < I I'll u b uu ckm p la nr- . til Hl)lI!1't rm~it io!l an d semidlsuess IIwssageS quUllJrlzed hy tIll' Plltr(11 pLall t ' l~(JIII-mnndor, J n dttchlng operntions. 11!e Is re sp on sth lc frll' pro-

    ,iding ;111slgnul equipment arnl g~Ltr.inl'lur.iing n purtubh-" : i b S ( ) 1 1 Cirl" ruelin set.The radioman must be able Lo keep his equipment in IIp-l~I'l1tilig l'UllIdHioll. 'rhi~ofh:u rn 'WIS nl(llcing rnhmr l'eJ)lIin;lllll] l Id iHl ' Ihne-Ht:> while- nChmlly ill Ilight, Q)UStJquC'1I11y. lu.'must he II hn;h1l'idtLJl a~ well as uperntnr, in order to knowLl,i' SOUI('e~ (II lruuhle alld how I,) elu-ek Jor them as WclJIISovercome them, Seriolls [;.lihlr '$ and trnuhle ar (1",[I(ll"t((IhI till' I'AT!'\! !~r!Jund erev.. upon return to bas ~ allel theirl e J .mic il tf ll inil the n ece ssary re lJ air:..

    Nml:l1 ',,1f',sSllINS in code are give:l t h e - rullil/l"l!!1 w hile insciU) l I l nu tll he reaches a p)'I)Rden('Y ell' 20 words perillirml('. Bm,f' rudln, ('Olllllnmicalinns illstn1t;tlonS and proc -(.1111'1'lin" !llld itilllll\1 Nuhjt'N~ ~'n\ creel III HilA nulin ('(lIIrsc.

    S e c o n d r a d iu m a n ~wet;lJS [ 1 1 < ' skies with his twin .50 caliber mad,il leg,"'~8, !.IfJ th e lo ok ou t fo r n eriu l u pp n,> it1 urJ. 1'1"'U' rudiorneu ulternatepllffi. linl lS "" !Il lig !light, b'twel'l l ntdi'l w atch .> lid gnn turret

  • 8/6/2019 Naval Aviation News - Jun 1944


  • 8/6/2019 Naval Aviation News - Jun 1944


    O R D N A N C E M . A N K E E P S B O M B E R S I NF l G H T I N G T R I M F O R A I R C O M B A T


    T11F ,"'GII'III _\llDlIJF.H ul lIlt' nucleus crew0 1 the Liherator patrol plane iN an urd-uaueennur. H i J > very lmportaut d u n e .IT!, ' 10S{'(' Lllul t he 1 '1 ;'l Iw i.~rea Iy ro r combat hetorcit leaves the gJmmd. This l11t';J1J$ to -heckench guu urrret to see lhal it Is ill 0lwralingaLllil1t~ the gllJl:; ' tu determhie wbet11cl' th '{IX' reacil. to spitlead at the eueruy, supervise the l.oa(ling llHd~llsing of

    O r d n a n c e m a n s I l p e r Y i 1 e S t i l < ' londtug w I 1.1I(10bWtl l1d bomb . WI tlu-mtlJ;;$ !n spadlo1~ s humh Im~ ul 1. tberau, The V

  • 8/6/2019 Naval Aviation News - Jun 1944


    . ~ ' ~ _ E ! _~fX~ili " h " " . . _ " ' . . , _\fi';".l;lfflCer-RJfl~m,ei1t Pool

    ~ s ,.",' ~ ,

    ~,~Ra_ady !or for~jn~ or ~R e ~forming pb4V Squadron6


  • 8/6/2019 Naval Aviation News - Jun 1944



    P A T S U L I N E M A I N T E N A N C E C R E WK E E P S T H E L I B E R A T O R S F L Y I N GT ILlv,MTrlm; \ (;1Ir ny ~'ll~l~s they ~t'(' ~rvtcell r gll" ladya.lIdLN)pt.'rly. and !lull IS (he trll lllUlg Jllh of (Ii(" PR.ll L.iJ18!\ lrunterumes 'choul ur /l;A; JT11tohillS(ln. 1 h mission o P thi:;sehon 1 1~ tu traill Illt111 of 1'LJ'i\lIlS aviauon l'lLti~g.~ ln lineruamtcuance ill order that til ')' ]TIny be [orrned in to a F \TS:Uunit rearly fur' netive luty with naval aviation.Trainees "t>llortillg tn th is S dllOOl come hllll vurlous uc-ttvities ,uuJ < 1 1 ' > of nl l degrees of experience . GO D olallysp uking. they hnve rt ratlug, eamecl at some ''''1'1' selllltlior Irruu al'lllaJ expert lice ill !t Ifh>el. 51) oial1zecl inslruc-

    E v e ry p a r t 01 ' tho L/bwtJl/Ir ,L'i rllSll('dd " 1 ' till' " ,( ,. when th('_lJll \\LC 1); uo thl' I ,fTtlu! ld Defucts nr e repaired. l!nf,'lTlt1S serviced.M!lll!ll1llthlll hmtlt1u, 111111t!no ilia". rf':ldi",1 ['If :I1JOlher !rip nlofl36

    tiWI is provided tIl 'quip III xn In clut> fr)~ lile big Llheratur.Six: types n spuehilists compose ,1 P.tlT~U. First is t l (:l

    'I'I.!\I, rlrt mechallic w ho l,;ellf'/ll th e plane :Hying. He mustbe ahle tu Oil Q\' rythlng frorn setting th e gnp 011 I.! sparkrlllg to n majrrr I:ngin overhaul. Metalsmiths r bnild dam-aged ('{\l1il'l1l surfaces Ill.IO patch th e skin of the fuselage and.1"1ugs, The .!.01\.1 in the line crew kuows !he operation of nllortlnu nc gear, how In lear It dow n llnd repair it ns w ell.1\..\1s III th trouble-she -till 011 We electrical 1I stern !In(1AJl~l stake C.LHl of the radio lind electrnnic quiprn nt.Other sp(~alL~ls c10 everything: from rilJl

  • 8/6/2019 Naval Aviation News - Jun 1944


    B l im p s R e s c u e M 'e n at S e aPotro' Craft Pick Up SurvivorsNllv) hlhnps Iutvc turned In two S\ICcessful rescues ,It sea oIr the ennst (I f

    Slll theru Cltl1fcmllil, helping sav thr e:U1 lUOU creed dow n. T wo ~ ' ll ll 'i nc s f roma t O I 1 ) C U O lxu ubei w ere &~ ghtecl hyp 1 1 1 1 1 ' S and a bllmp snmmuaed to p i kup one mun ho was seriously injured,Huveriug, 25 feet .tbov (h.e water,the blilnp dropped 1 1 first aid kit:, thenlowered a paruehue harness Into whi h

    HAV1' A~IlSMI" RESCUES IYIAIIIN~ IN SEA. eRAS"the illjllJ'en man. Willi strapped andhauled aboard. The other ruau W}lSpkked up by It lilll'fnt'e V"'8~{l1.The secoud rescue was performed bya . I limp whose C I' W IW the , lT11j rplan ~ era h and drol1peu I life raft onth e wing lip of the SiIlIJu r aircraft, Thepilo( repped into the raft and waspickeu up by tin escorting destroyer."Met" Tests . A r e O u t l i n e dF lig ht Eng ineer Rules DraftedQuali6~aU ns 01' th v ious cl s tISo f a via tio n m ac hin ist's mates (aviatiou.!light engineer) have been ou tlmed tofaC'ilitate advancement of men in th erating.No changes W6I'O made in lti~t.Wgrequirements for AM,M3o, Abilities re -quired Lo reach the tate af AMM2c intil !lighf epgin er s hranch inqlud hi-spe~ L ion and testillg of ngtnes andplanes prior to ~1llte.o{J~ use ,) f POWEll"charts; make engine tests, knev operu-tlon and handling of fa 1 and oil sys-terns, Instruments and aeoesseries, pro'peller maintenance, u . i t c J m f t eontrcls, hy-

    lmllli(' ~y$t~m., ppdsion mstruments,work1ng drawings, beaching nud launch-ing, OXygCll uud ernerg Hey eqniprueutaurl ill,~pecUfll1nl tnt! IJPt~wti lJmJ I'C-ports, L f w;~jgnod ttl II coruhut ly_pesquadron m unit, II lllll:;t II muustraleahilH us un u u ria l g un ne r,To reach Rtst class; the AMtI,tF mustk now u ss em b lte s, ellgine l'el'W, troubleslm tlU u g, ele ctrt .al ott lLiPJUCll l. crulsiugan d loading CDDl :mL rud~ and oils.metals, and . IC r oc l) 'u a u\ ic li . ! "le q ui re -merits lor r.:Lief include organizatlonof nlrerult squaw",!} OJ ' repair units, tuk-til' !large of eugtncerlug department,knew overhaul of engines, dcoft watchqu'trtr'r mid stnUoli bill, know H v l u J i l l 1 - lseamanship, nuval organization, ratings,l' I 'sOJlDl11 duties and us e o r ted nidallllUllunlg.

    New Wild,at Joins FleetBigger Engine P ut in AircraftA revised v rsirlR of the Wi1iJctttffghler, I'll~ FM-2, has jOllied the Fleetas (l smull-carri I' plane, desi.gned to B yIaster, climb better and in general helpUH: Nav) rule the Iltl' lrem sea-levelupwards.E411ippfil \~"til 1 1 1 It-1820~'56 WEigl!t

    MORE: POWUl:fUL WILDCAT BUILT FOR CARI'I"R$engine, lh II'MQ has 200 more horse-power and weighs 600 pounds less thanthe earlier Wildcnts. B C!1UIJeof itslight "r weight and 'mnre power, it cantake off from a rhorter carrier slower and is much moremaneuverable, nly slight modificationshnve been wade in the design of theplane. oue being a higher tail lin andannther au eXD tlusl chu te above theleading odg of the " w in g w h ere it joinsthe fuselage.L a . k e h u r s t U ses S ix L inksNAS Waves Tea," L TA S tlJ d e" tsNAS WJ.."1mUllS'I'-For th p~~t fe vmonth thls c en te r o f l:ig litru -lh nn -n itt :mil"linj l; bas operated !iix ANT-IS Link

    Iruluers Juil trOUl OiUO to ~ LSO."Munned" by 10 \NAV~1 specialist-iustrn nnrs, lh Lin" 1attery bas _]; l1'O\ ' ! {ta vuluahle supplcmeur [0 "behilld-the.curtain" instruetton, the liglatcl', tllClll-afr) Jluva16Dl III iustru '!:iUI1 under lhehood hi the oonventioual type uirplan "The pilot' 01'all air hip must euntendwiLh lwO Iaerors w hich Increase the 0.1'-diuary d.ifficliities of instrument Jlighi.-11., relali h s10\ er speed of lb e air-slilp find the consequent increase inwind driFt,

    Ifo1~ao~rMENT FOL!~OW~ LTA llt l~ 11'O, ,. lWCTION\"hili' the pilot 0 1 : an ltli-plall> mustcontend with a small w in rl drift in hili

    i""ll1I111UIIL ]1 rocedures, ~h~iftangles ashigh as 40 to 50 degrees are "Flon en-count ~r,(] by t i l airShip [>ikl[. Illeshiglj L ! J ' i ! L ;I I gles natun Ily .omplicateh il i p r rr b lem , WOf this reasou, and bcause the )}lIllt I)~ the slew-speetl air-ship hriIS much less time, re ia tiv cJ ly , tucomplete a given orientation, it becomesimperative that ~urr(JCtfnstrument pro-cedure u e almost automatic.Ett h studen! receives a minimum ofi how's 01 Link lnstruetion. Duringthese o-h hours, he must learn four

    S1illldMd Qriel1tatiflu pn){' 'Cdmes, ~ , ,~emlUme i!y:Jilg the beam, learn to allow fo rexcesstv drift angles, and perform I ~.downs and Iandings,The stundard ANT-IS Link trainerha.. p~'oved 'atisfadory lOT this wurk.A decided Improvement in tb abiliLyu l s tu d en ts c orr ec tl y to u se radill a idstn unvlgntkrn, night instruments in general, alld two-way oi communi 'ali~nhas h''1llo\e n !nitiati u 01 [lghter-tiian-UJr Llnk tnlining as provided hy the~'Ml; in~Lr1Jt'ttm: !It this na'Val 5,tl1tirm.

    3 7

  • 8/6/2019 Naval Aviation News - Jun 1944


    Sets F a s t War B O l 1 d Patel.ead for Fourth Straight Mon',tll

    J\; , LV i i I nir stu tinns fu r ~j(C . ftlU rth con-Sl,011liw I II U t 1 \1 1 ( 'u I IHnue{ 1 til set [h i'll!Jill'U jill' VI'IM V I , ) l 1 d p:lI'lic'lp:lIi!11l IlfUOUgt'ivlliall empl( , lyhlinless ste{>]\'myiug: : r u m ,008 ( l i : Ull I n c h u PWill'cIallc! is :;P(I( welded. Cl)I'gU Ci1lludty IsI t l, llOn 1 h5 .T he p J:ln e t'ftll l'lu'ry IIl1e nmb,tlulJI. . : t Ior two jeOIJs. It may h~flt[ecl w it Ii .21~t'a

  • 8/6/2019 Naval Aviation News - Jun 1944


    _ WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT I C I N G A N D T H U N D E R S T O R M S ?R'.~AHI~ t~le H ue ill the old }OJl!;!;, "A rTlal~'S bes!friend 15 his mother, no other? Bn that as I t may,une of the best friends an aviator bas is the aerolQgist.TIe's th e mall. who l.-uO\'VS 111081 of the auswers Hb

  • 8/6/2019 Naval Aviation News - Jun 1944


    U T W IL L n B E C IT E D IN N A V Y 'S O F F I C IA L W A R R E C O R D ?A N v pilul or aircrcw luau would be pT. tty sore 10 learnlha:L hill Iwili(>vemeut ill aer-ial l~oIllLal IUlVe been ig.nurr-rl \ h u ih offit'iuJ _ avy War Rernrrl is eomp 1 I II.To make ~mrf' ,his r!oesu't happen, CO' rnust cud'I(JW ('lHlIp]j_le. ,Wllllrlll.- information. Dill il houlrll~nveT 1111pe1'8otlDcl and quadron Oil huart] 15 Mareb1944 frOnt the period 7 December 194110 15Munb 1 44.COMPIL AT ION NOW IN P R O G R E S S The N n y now i~ com-piling its ojJicjai hlow-by-brow d "Tij t in n of WIll:hl\V

  • 8/6/2019 Naval Aviation News - Jun 1944


    1 10 . 1 or A J E ll iE S

    H IS L E R T E L L S G U N N E R S :K~ Y 't ? U 4 ~ PjPe . n .CJrftt~ hm~~~Iz Ir dcd ~ ~~1:ap

    ep-w;d tUtdNdtd ; ; - d A 1~" tre i< l ~ .;i2O Mat e ~/tO"tt M?.we~. '?~ .dt~f?~/' .. "~ ~~z$~~ ~ .uJitIt ~ ;Z~S".

    T h e y were. Oil a forward seaecb mission in an ,sUO. AnotherSHU w a with them. 1L was three day afrer lh ~ first ~filiraid, lind their carrrer had refueled and wns headed forKwajaleln.On rhe Iirsr leg uI tile hop, the pilot sporred IiBtilly forward,

    He signaled the other plane lind rold bi~ aircrewmaa,\ 'Vn.I .1AM J . H ISL ER, ARM 2", to tand by while [hey made IIchase for it. They dropped [heir depth charge, and HlSt.IlRdosed his cockph deflectors to give the SHD more speed,Every extra knot would COUll.L.AI L500 10 3500 [eel they opened up on. rhe 8ell," withITa er lire. The pjlOl let go hi~ 50's. They ru t thelrmuk-the Belly slowo:d d'1Wl aud began w eig-zag. Tben thepilot'.s guns [am IUCd. He told H.ISLIlll to stand by "While hepulled up nlongslde the Be# '. He did thi~ al about 10(10(eet and g ve HISLER the .how HJSLllR'S fit t sh ( hit the 8eJt)s srarbeard bow. fie

    Mter about 600 rounds, the Bt!ltJ't starboard eng-ine begansmoking. The Jap plane had already dropped iu torpedoesand bombs (0 run for ir, 1t wa OUt tI C COntrol; tbe pilot