FP6−2004−Infrastructures−6-SSA-026409 www.eu-eela.org E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America Moisés Hernández Duarte UNAM FES Cuautitlán Tutorial on grid, visualization and high performance calculation Mexico City, October 23 – 26, 2007 Based on Luciano Díaz presentation, ICN-UNAM GENIUS Grid portal Hands on

Moisés Hernández Duarte UNAM FES Cuautitlán

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GENIUS Grid portal Hands on. Moisés Hernández Duarte UNAM FES Cuautitlán Tutorial on grid, visualization and high performance calculation Mexico City, October 23 – 26, 2007 Based on Luciano Díaz presentation, ICN-UNAM. Outline. Useful information Exercises - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America

Moisés Hernández DuarteUNAM FES CuautitlánTutorial on grid, visualization and high performance calculationMexico City, October 23 – 26, 2007Based on Luciano Díaz presentation, ICN-UNAM

GENIUS Grid portalHands on

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Users Tutorial, Mexico City, 23 - 24 October 2007FP6−2004−Infrastructures−6-SSA-026409

E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America


• Useful information• Exercises

1. GENIUS logging in and base settings

2. Launch a job described by a JDL which already exists in the UI

3. Prepare a job described by a JDL and store it on the UI

4. Submit the job described by the JDL created in the previous exercise

5. Preparing a job described by the JDL with a file to ship in the input sandbox

6. Submitting the job prepared in the previous exercise

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Useful information

• GENIUS Tutorial website: • https://glite-tutor2.ct.infn.it

• Tutorial accounts on glite-tutor:• Username: mexicocityXX where XX goes from 01 to 40• Password: GridMEXxx where xx goes from 01 to 40• When issuing the myproxy-init command:• Myproxy password: MEXICOCITY for all the accounts

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Introduction: the two-layers Authentication

• 1. Authentication with the User Interface

• 2. Authentication to the Grid.

Input password of the proxy (specified when you shall execute myproxy-init)

Input password of the user account: mexicocityXX

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Exercise 1

GENIUS logging in and base settings

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Outline of the exercise 1/2

• Login at your UI account (passwd: GridMEXxx)

• Store a proxy on a remote Myproxy Server machine with the command (using the passphrase MEXICOCITY):

• >myproxy-init --voms gilda

• Retrieve a local proxy from MyProxy server:• > myproxy-get-delegation (must use your new

MyProxy passphrase)

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Outline of the exercise 2/2

• Verify your new local proxy: • >voms-proxy-info --all

• Destroy your local proxy with the command and then inspect it

• >voms-proxy-destroy

• Go on the https://glite-tutor2.ct.infn.it with your browser, put your Myproxy passphrase.

• Come back on the terminal and execute • >voms-proxy-info --all

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>myproxy-init --voms gilda

[mexicocity20@eela-132 mexicocity20]$ myproxy-init --voms gildaCannot find file or dir: /home/mexicocity20/.glite/vomsesYour identity: /C=IT/O=GILDA/OU=Personal Certificate/L=MEXICOCITY/CN=MEXICOCITY20/[email protected] GRID pass phrase:verify OKCreating temporary proxy ................................................... DoneContacting voms.ct.infn.it:15001 [/C=IT/O=GILDA/OU=Host/L=INFN Catania/CN=voms.ct.infn.it/[email protected]] "gilda" DoneCreating proxy ........................................ DoneYour proxy is valid until Sun Sep 3 06:35:26 2006Enter MyProxy pass phrase:Verifying password - Enter MyProxy pass phrase:A proxy valid for 168 hours (7.0 days) for user mexicocity20 now exists on grid001.ct.infn.it.[mexicocity20@eela-132 mexicocity20]$


Choose a new password;This password will be referred

later as myproxy password

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Get credentials from the MyProxy server

• >myproxy-get-delegation• >voms-proxy-info -all

[mexicocity20@eela-132 mexicocity20]$ myproxy-get-delegation Enter MyProxy pass phrase:A proxy has been received for user mexicocity20 in /tmp/x509up_u519[mexicocity20@eela-132 mexicocity20]$ voms-proxy-info -allsubject : /C=IT/O=GILDA/OU=Personal Certificate/L=MEXICOCITY/CN=MEXICOCITY20/[email protected]/CN=proxy/CN=proxy/CN=proxyissuer : /C=IT/O=GILDA/OU=Personal Certificate/L=MEXICOCITY/CN=MEXICOCITY20/[email protected]/CN=proxy/CN=proxyidentity : /C=IT/O=GILDA/OU=Personal Certificate/L=MEXICOCITY/CN=MEXICOCITY20/[email protected]/CN=proxy/CN=proxytype : unknownstrength : 512 bitspath : /tmp/x509up_u519timeleft : 11:51:33=== VO gilda extension information ===VO : gildasubject : /C=IT/O=GILDA/OU=Personal Certificate/L=MEXICOCITY/CN=MEXICOCITY20/[email protected] : /C=IT/O=GILDA/OU=Host/L=INFN Catania/CN=voms.ct.infn.it/[email protected] : /gilda/Role=NULL/Capability=NULLtimeleft : 11:34:59[mexicocity20@eela-132 mexicocity20]$

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Destroying local voms proxy

• >voms-proxy-destroy• >voms-proxy-info -all

[mexicocity20@eela-132 mexicocity20]$ voms-proxy-destroy [mexicocity20@eela-132 mexicocity20]$ voms-proxy-info -all

Couldn't find a valid proxy.

[mexicocity20@eela-132 mexicocity20]$

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The Genius Home Page

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…then authenticating on GENIUS using myproxy passwd…

• GRID authentication• The password is the one set when

issued the myproxy-init command

Myproxy password set before

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Exercise 2

• Launch a job described by a JDL which already exists in the UI

• We suppose to have the JDL file and all the other required data (input sandbox files) on the UI and we

shall try to submit the job on the GRID

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Authentication with MyProxy

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GRID Settings

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Selecting jdl file

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Specify the CE Resource

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Job successfully submitted

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Job completed successfully

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Retrieving Job results 1/3

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Retrieving Job results 2/3

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Retrieving job results 3/3

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Exercise 3

• Prepare a job described by a JDL and store it on the UI

• In this exercise we are going to create a new file on the UI called helloworld.jdl describing a simple job

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First step: create the JDL file

[ JobType = "Normal"; Executable = "/bin/echo"; Arguments = "Hello World !"; StdOutput = "std.out"; StdError = "std.err"; OutputSandbox = {"std.out","std.err"}; ]

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The JDL is ready to be executed

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Inspecting our JDL

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Exercise 4

• Submit the job described by the JDL created in the previous exercise

• In this exercise we are going to submit the job described by the JDL file edited in the previous step

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Select JDL file 1/3

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Submitting the JDL 2/3

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Retrieving job results 3/3

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Exercise 5

• Preparing a job described by the JDL with a file to ship in the input sandbox

• In this exercise we are going prepare the JDL description for a job which executes a shell script. The .sh file will be shipped to the CE through the input sandbox

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Step 1: Create the shell script

#!/bin/sh MY_NAME="Your name" WORKER_NODE_NAME=glite-tutor.ct.infn.it echo "Hello $MY_NAME, from $WORKER_NODE_NAME" ls -a echo "This job is running on this CE: " /opt/edg/bin/edg-brokerinfo getCE

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Step2: create the JDL file

[ Executable = "startScript.sh"; StdOutput = "std.out"; StdError = "std.err"; VirtualOrganisation = "gilda"; InputSandbox = {"startScript.sh"}; OutputSandbox = {"std.out","std.err",".BrokerInfo"}; RetryCount = 7; ]

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Exercise 6

• Submitting the job prepared in the previous exercise

• In this exercise we are going submit the job which executes a shell script, prepared in the previous exercise. The .sh file will be shipped to the CE through the input sandbox

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Submitting job

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Retrieving the results