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International-Bali Post. Monday, October 4, 2010

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Monday, October 4, 2010

16 Pages Number 1882st Year

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Price: Rp 3.000,-

Singer Bruno Marsfacing cocainecharge in Vegas

Egypt unearths3,400-year-oldgranite statues

A sanctum toinvoke holy waterfor accomplishingritual

The lack of artists fromBadung regency participating onthe event is also must be evalu-ated. Kuta Karnival should be-come the place to dig, preserve,as well as promoting the local art

Agence France Presse

BERLIN – Germany Sundaycelebrated the 20th anniversary ofits reunification when the capital-ist West and communist Eastmerged after decades of Cold Wardivision that ended with the fallof the Berlin Wall. Several hun-dred thousand people were ex-pected in the northern city ofBremen, which is hosting the cel-ebrations this year, for street par-ties and events led by ChancellorAngela Merkel, who was broughtup in East Germany.

In a video podcast on the eveof the celebrations, Merkel paidtribute to East Germans for hav-ing “the courage to fight for free-dom.”

“At the same time, there was a


Surfers carry out the paddle for peace activity during the Kuta Karnival event

Kuta Karnival Needto be EvaluatedMangupura (Bali Post) -

The vice of Badung Regent, I Wayan Sudikerta, said that Kuta Karnival event must be evalu-ated. The evaluation is very important to make the event stays on the right track. “We agree thatthe event evaluated gradually. Evaluation is very important to determine the direction of the nextKuta Karnival. We don’t want the event change it course from the original purposes,” he added.

and culture where local artists be-come they key member of it.Sudikerta hoped that in the future,the participation of local artistsmust be increased.

However, Sudikerta didn’t

agree that the event erased fromthe yearly agenda. Kuta Karnivalis highly needed as the tool to de-velop and preserve the local cul-ture in Badung. The event alsocould attract tourists to visit Bali.

“The way of the carnival runmust be evaluated but KutaKarnival must be held every year,”he added. The event was criticizedby the member of Badung Houseof Representative. The eventwhich uses the regency budget islacking local art and culture.Some of the member even sug-gested that the event must not beheld anymore because it is notsuitable with the originalpurpose.(kmb25)

Germany celebrates 20 years since reunificationhuge wave of solidarity from thepeople in West Germany. It isthanks to these joint efforts that wehave been able to rebuild so quicklyand make Germany a country thatis respected in the World.” Alsoexpected to attend the reunificationcelebrations were European Com-mission President Jose ManuelBarroso and NATO Secretary Gen-eral Anders Fogh Rasmussen.

US President Barack Obamacongratulated the country, praising“the courage and conviction of theGerman people that brought downthe Berlin Wall, ending decades ofpainful and artificial separation.”The peaceful reunification of Eastand West Germany was a “historicachievement,” he said.

Continued on page 6


Left-wing protestors of the so-called black block are confrontedby police during a demonstration against the reunification cel-ebrations on October 2, 2010 in the northern German city ofBremen as the country prepares to celebrate the 20th anni-versary of the reunification of its western and eastern part onOctober 3, 2010.

Page 2: International-Bali Post. Monday, October 4, 2010

InternationalMonday, October 4, 20102

Founder : K.Nadha, General Manager :Palgunadi Chief Editor: Diah Dewi Juniarti Editors: Gugiek Savindra,Alit Susrini, Alit Sumertha, Daniel Fajry, Mawa, Sri Hartini, Suana, Sueca, Sugiartha, Wirya, Yudi

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(0370) 628257. Publisher: PT Bali Post

Bali News

Denpasar (Bali Post)—Due to the swift streams of

water at the confluence of AyungRiver with the waters ofPadanggalak Sea, Kesiman, theabutment of Segara CampuhanWindu Temple broke down.Ironically, the abutment havingbroken down since two years agohas not been repaired until now.Even, at this moment the wall ofgazebo and psalmodic pavilion inthe temple also collapsed aseroded by sea waves, particularlyduring the tidal waves.

Temple priest of CampuhanWindu Segara Temple,Padanggalak, Jro Mangku I GedeAlit Adnyana when met in thetemple on Saturday (Oct 2) saidthe breakdown of pavilion’s wallsin the temple took place duringthe full moon on Thursday (Sep23). At that time, tidal sea waterhit the foundation of pavilion lo-

The 43-year-old boxing trainerfrom Sydney could face the deathpenalty if convicted of smugglingthe drugs into Indonesia.He wasarrested as he passed through cus-toms after landing on an AirAsiaflight from Bangkok at 11:30 am(0430 GMT), Wibowo said.

“We suspected him as hewalked through the X-ray ma-chine. The officers checked hisluggage and found four plasticbags of meth,” he said. “After be-ing interrogated he said he got themeth from an Indian national in


Australian boxing trainer Michael Sacatides sits next to the evi-dence, 1.7 kilograms of methamphetamine, at the Custom of-fice in Denpasar on October 1, 2010. Sacatides was arrested onOctober 1 carrying 1.7 kilogrammes (3.4 pounds) of metham-phetamine in his luggage at Bali International Airport in Indo-nesia, police said. If convicted of smuggling the drugs into In-donesia the Australian could face the death penalty.

Australian arrestedAustralian arrestedAustralian arrestedAustralian arrestedAustralian arrestedwith drugs in Baliwith drugs in Baliwith drugs in Baliwith drugs in Baliwith drugs in BaliAgence France Presse

DENPASAR - An Australian man was arrested Friday with 1.7 kilograms (3.4 pounds) ofmethamphetamine in his luggage at Bali International Airport in Indonesia, police and customsofficials said. He told customs officials he had been given a bag by an Indian friend in Bangkokand had no idea it contained drugs, according to investigators. “We arrested Michael Sacatidesbecause he was carrying 1.7 kilogrammes of methamphetamine,” customs official Bagus EndroWibowo told AFP.

Bangkok.” The drugs are report-edly worth 2.8 billion rupiah(314,000 dollars) at Indonesianstreet prices.

Sacatides was presented to re-porters wearing an orange shirt em-blazoned with the word “pelaku” orcriminal, but was not allowed tospeak directly to the media. Offi-cials said he claimed to have cometo Bali on holiday and had a returnticket to Bangkok on October 4.

“He said the luggage belongedto his Indian friend in Bangkokwho lent it to him and he didn’t

know about the drugs inside,”Bambang Wahyudi airport customschief Ngurah Rai said. Three Aus-tralians are currently on death rowin Bali’s Kerobokan jail for a 2005attempt to smuggle 8.3 kilograms(18 pounds) of heroin into Austra-lia from the tourist island. Six othermembers of the so-called Bali Ninegang are serving long jail sen-tences.

Another Australian, SchapelleCorby, is serving a 20-year sentencein Bali for trafficking 4.1 kilogramsof marijuana into Indonesia in 2005.

Gianyar (Bali Post) –Actress Happy Salma from

Sukabumi, held her wedding withTjokorda Bagus Dwi SantanaKethyasa, son from Puri Ubudpublic figure Tjokorda RakaKerthyasa, S.Sos. MSI on Sunday(3/10).

The wedding took place at thecentral of Ubud sub district whichis the Puri Ubud. This will causemore traffic and so Gianyar Trans-portation Agency will divert theroutes there.

Head of Gianyar Transportationand Information Communication,Ida Bagus Gaga Adisaputra, lastSaturday (2/10) mentioned the di-version was not only for the wed-ding but also for a Pengabenan(cremation) ceremony in PadangTegal Traditional Village. So itneeds a temporary diversion be-tween 8 am to 10 pm local time.

Cok Sudarsana Street will be lettwo ways traffic. Busses from theeast won’t be let in and will be di-verted to park at Jaba Pura DalamPuri Peliatan. Suweta Street willbe only one way to the north, DewiSita Street will be one way fromthe east, Wenara Wana Street/Monkey Forest Street will be twoways from Lapangan Astina Ubud

Eroded by sea waves

Abutment of CampuhanWindu Segara Templebroken down

cated on the edge of the Ayung River.In reality, the distance of buildingfrom the river side reached sixmeters.

Jro Mangku said the damage toboth buildings in the temple was get-ting faster when the abutment in thenorth of the temple broke down.Since there was no other barrier, thewater had eroded the temple on thenorthern outskirts adjacent to thestreams of Ayung River. “When thetide is coming in, its height reachedthe bottom of the building,” he said.

As supporting devotee of thetemple, his party expected the con-cerns of government to fix the bro-ken abutment. Otherwise, his partyhad confidence that the building andshrines of the temple venerated bythe Hindus in Bali would also beeroded. “Now, we have one gazeboand has been eroded by water,” saidJro Mangku Alit while observing thecondition of the temple’s periphery.

He said the length of broken-down abutment reached 20 meterswith the width of 2 to 6 meters.Under these conditions, the twobuildings in the temple throngedby Hindu devotees across Bali be-gan to be threatened. “If it is notimmediately addressed, I amafraid some of these shrines willbe eroded,” he said.

The temple frequently used bythe Hindus for melukat(purificatory rite), bayuh oton,melasti, and other purificationhas now been overrun by devo-tees. For that purpose, as sup-porting devotee of the temple ex-pected the relevant institutioncould make improvements, espe-cially in the northern abutment.If the abutment has been good,all buildings in the temple areaare also safe from scouring of thesea water and streams of theAyung River. (kmb12)

Happy Salma’sWedding,Traffic FlowDiverted in Ubud

until Simpang Puri (Catus Pata),meanwhile Hanoman Street willhave a selective closure from threeway Dewi Sita until three wayBebek Bengil during thePengabenan Ceremony.

For the road users who are go-ing to Kedewataan and doesn’thave any important plans to Ubudcan choose an alternative toSimpang Banjar Kalah Peliatantowards Pengosekan-Tebongkang,and for those road users who camefrom Payangan/Kedewatan who isgoing to Gianyar and doesn’t haveimportant plans in Ubud is hopednot to go through Kedewatan –Ubud – Persimpangan Br.Ambengan.

Meanwhile for the wedding, it isnot known it will open for public,especially for reporters or not. Be-cause before, when Happy Salmawent through Sudha Wadani cer-emony (changing religion to Hindu),in Villa Ibah, Ubud, last Wednesday(29/9), reporters are forbidden to goin. Although from informationgiven, Happy Salma and his hus-band will held a press conference at1.30 pm local time after their wed-ding which will be in Puri SarenKauh Ubud, Raya Ubud Street,Gianyar, Bali (kmb16)

Page 3: International-Bali Post. Monday, October 4, 2010

3International Bali News Monday, October 4, 2010

Denpasar (Bali Post) –Under soil water (ABT) tax that has

been agreed to be one of the regionalrules (perda) will be sure starting fromyear 2011. in this perda there are sometax objects that are free from taxes suchas households, praying places, alsoembassies. Although, Democrat PartyFraction also hoped in this rule to makebanjar meeting area (balai banjar) tobe free from this tax as well.

This was clarified by the party’sSecretary from Denpasar House ofRepresentatives, Ir. AA Susruta NgurahPutra in the middle of a the house’smeeting last Friday (1/10). This sug-gestion was purposed to give a publicfacility owned by banhar is free fromthe ABT tax as activities in the balaibanjar are loads and if it gets taxes then

The ship which just came fromKetapang around 11.30 am localtime and have already taken outitems in Ponton pier. Then the shipcaptain Suburhati Lase was about tomove that ship to MB 2 pier whichis not far. But after rope was takenoff all of a sudden strong windcaused the boat to go around andgoing to an unwanted direction. Shipwas pushed to the shallow waters

Customary village disputes inBali are now popping up again invarious places. Some disputes areexternal in nature, while others areof internal. Different efforts hadbeen attempted by the authoritieswith the hopes they would not esca-late. However, to what extent theawig-awig or customary villageregulations can play its role in re-solving the disputes?

Actually, it has something to dowith various primordial ties. Simi-larly, the kinship system in Balipracticing the concept of paras-paros salunglung sabayantaka or tol-erance and harmony is believed tohave been able to brought peace tothe island of thousand temples. Un-fortunately, due to be triggered bytrivial problems the harmony previ-ously becoming the main attractionto tourists has now potentiallychanged into the ripples of disunity.

An expert of customary law, Prof.Dr. Wayan P. Windia, regretted theconflict occurred in the customaryvillages lately. As a matter of fact, itwould not be going to happen if eachparty was aware of the customaryregulations making the village intoa single entity. It was one of the le-gal instruments used to regulate theorder of life in the customary vil-lage from ancient times until nowa-days. Customary regulation had astrategic role in creating the peaceof villages.

Meanwhile, discussing about therole of customary regulation in theresolution of customary disputesmeans to talk about the customaryvillage or desa pakraman becausecustomary regulation is made toregulate the village’s life. It is hardto imagine the discussion about cus-tomary regulation can be done com-pletely without in-depth understand-ing about the administrative villageor desa dinas.

This professor in faculty of lawof Udayana University stated thatcustomary regulation remained tokeep some weaknesses. It was morefocused to regulate the internal lifeof the customary village, especiallyits villagers and virtually did nottouch the existence of guess and re-gional migrants in the customaryvillage. If any, the regulation was sovague and usually mentioned in theform of perarem or addendum thatmight vary from a customary villageto another. “Customary conflict isalso enabled by the absence of col-lective awareness to behave consis-tently and consequently in respectto the matters related to the exist-ence of customary regulations,” heexplained.

Similar views were also given byDewa Putu Eka Wijaya Wardana.He said the current situation andcondition of the society hadchanged completely due to the im-pact of globalization and thechange of times. Something previ-ously considered taboo had nowbecome a commonplace as it was


The Trisila Bhakti II Passenger Motor Ship that is failed to dock on Gilimanuk harbor.

Dragged By Wind,Dragged By Wind,Dragged By Wind,Dragged By Wind,Dragged By Wind,Boat Failed to DockBoat Failed to DockBoat Failed to DockBoat Failed to DockBoat Failed to DockNegara (Bali Post)-

Trisila Bhakti II Passenger Motor Ship (KMP) last Saturday failed to dock between Pontonpier and Movile Bridge (MB) 2 pier, Gilimanuk Harbour. Luckily the ship owned by PT TrisilaLatu made in 2009 was not carrying any passengers as it was going to change pier.

and aground. A number of the shipworkers tried to take the boat out butit failed as strong winds still blewoff. They then tied the end of the shipso slowly it gets off from the sands.Around half an hour the ship thenlanded in MB 2. Not waiting anylonger, new vehicles passengersstraight away went in the ship andsailed to Ketapang.

Gilimanuk Harbormaster, Dewa

Nyoman Kari, confirmed the inci-dent and clarified it happened dueto the weather condition. Even shipfailed landing yet it can operatestraight away because there is nodamage on the ship, “The ship failedlanding above sands not corals, sothere is no damage on the body.”Kari asked the ship captain to beaware of the never ending changingweather in Bali Strait. (sur)

Banjar Meeting AreaSuggested Free ABT Tax

it will disadvantage a well going banjar.Meanwhile, the general view of the

party’s fraction stated by the speaker IMade Sukarmana, SH, asked thosetaxes collected to be then used for en-vironment preservation and to developinfrastructures for water sources. So forthe future the use of clean water fromABT can be lessening.

Not only that, the fraction alsohoped for the City Government’sseriousness to find alternativesources especially good for envi-ronment ones and won’t damage theenvironment surrounding it, “Oneof the examples are to make seawaters to become ready drink wa-ters.”

Not far from Democrat’s view,Indonesian Democratic Party of

Struggle (PDI-P) also pressured theimportance of saving the environ-ment in the spirit of this ABT rules.Although, in it’s realisation, thisrule is hoped not to cause the pub-lic burden in its fee.

Meanwhile, Labour Party(Golkar) Fraction, Indonesia RayaFraction and joint fractions also ac-cepted ABT rule to be a regionalrule yet in its operation later it ishoped through a well done ac-knowledged especially in its fees.

Besides ABT rules, in thehouse’s meeting led by the Vice ofthe House of Representatives AANgurah Wira Bima Wikrama, alsoagreed on officialising fee on landand building rights, rules on re-gional finance managing. (kmb12)

Respect regulation toavoid ‘jumping on thebandwagon’

encouraged by commercial inter-ests.

This officer of Justice and Hu-man Rights Bureau of Bali Provincedeclared that every single solutionof dispute would always be associ-ated with the customary regulation.The problem now, whether all cus-tomary villages had governed thesettlement of disputes occurred inthe customary village. Customaryregulation actually had provided anindication that customary villagehad an obligation that should beobeyed. When the obligation wasnot adhered there would be an im-position of sanctions in accordancewith the level of violation.

What happens if the conflict in-volves an outside party? Accordingto Dewa Putu Eka Wijaya Wardana,of course the solution would needthe understanding of all parties. “Inresponse to this issue, if we exam-ine it more profoundly, the custom-ary regulation has given a solutionas mentioned in the content,” hesaid.

If the disputes involved externalparty or other customary village itwould require other parties to me-diate. However, the mediator shouldbe trustworthy and neutral, impar-tial to one of the parties getting in-volved in the disputes. Both partiesshould give full confidence to thosegiven the trust as a mediator. Mean-while, if it belonged to internal dis-pute, it could be first resolved byadministrators of the customary vil-lage. Then, if both parties were un-satisfied, it could be resolved at thelevel of Kertha Desa or advisorycouncil of customary village.“When the solution has beenreached at the level Kertha Desa,then all parties must comply withany decision taken,” he said.

Koti Cantika, an administrator ofGoverning Council of Bali Custom-ary Village, stated that customaryregulation should provide a spaceof settlement in case there wereproblems involving external partiesof the customary village or evenamong the customary villages. Cus-tomary disputes occurred should beresolved by parties that really un-derstood about religion, customsand Balinese culture as well as hadhonesty and impartiality. More im-portantly, the election of prajuru oradministrators of customary villageshould avoid suryak siu or jumpingon the bandwagon.

This lecturer in Faculty of Law,Udayana University, also recom-mended the imposition of fine asresolution of dispute other than un-derstanding about the substance ofcustomary regulation. Additionally,it should not blame on the custom-ary village with sadripu (six en-emies) and sapta timira (seven formsof benightedness) concept. As a mat-ter of fact, there was honorable ob-jective because the settlement of anydispute did not look for lose and win,but it was a win-win solution. (sub)

Page 4: International-Bali Post. Monday, October 4, 2010

International4 Monday, October 4, 2010 News

Rousseff, a 62-year-old formerguerrilla, represents the ruling Work-ers Party and is the hand-chosen suc-cessor of outgoing President LuizInacio Lula da Silva, who led Brazilto unparalleled economic growthand increasing political clout on theglobal stage.

The latest polls show her with alead of about 20 percentage pointsover her closest rival, Jose Serra, a68-year-old centrist from the Brazil-ian Social Democracy Party whowas heavily defeated by Silva in the2002 election.

The campaign has been short onsubstance and long on arguing aboutwho would more efficiently continuethe policies of the Silva presidency— eight years during which some20.5 million people have been liftedfrom poverty.

Rousseff spent Saturday at Silva’sside working crowds in the industrialcity of Sao Bernardo do Campo, justoutside Sao Paulo, Silva’s hometownand a Workers Party stronghold. Try-ing to fight any complacency amongher supporters, Rousseff downplayed


WASHINGTON – The State Department plans to caution Ameri-cans traveling in Europe to be vigilant because of heightened con-cerns about a potential al-Qaida terrorist attack aimed at U.S. citizensand Europeans.

Senior U.S. officials tell The Associated Press that the “alert” willbe issued Sunday for travelers’ guidance. The alert is general in natureand will not focus on any specific country, location or tourist sites.

The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because no formalannouncement has been made.

The action falls short of a formal “travel warning” which couldhave broader implications including a stronger likelihood of canceledairline and hotel bookings. It also will not urge travelers to stay awayfrom public places.


SINGAPORE – Kwa GeokChoo, the wife of Singapore’sfounding father, Lee Kuan Yew,who described her as his “tower ofstrength,” and mother of the city-state’s current prime minister, diedSaturday. She was 89.

Kwa suffered a stroke and brainhemorrhage in 2008 and had beenbedridden and unable to speak sincethen.

Kwa “passed away peacefully athome,” the Prime Minister’s Office


FILE - In this Nov. 29, 2008 file photo, an Indian soldier takes coveras the Taj Mahal hotel burns

US to warn Americansin Europe to be vigilant FILE - FILE - In

this Spet. 16,2003 file,

Singapore’sSenior Minister

Lee Kwan Yu,left, and his wife,Kwa Geok Choo,

center, alongwith their son

Lee HsienLoong, thenSingapore’s

deputy primeminister,

observe thesenior Lee’s

80th Birthday inSingapore.

Wife of Singapore founderLee Kuan Yew dies at 89

said in a statement. It did not specifythe cause of death.

She is survived by her husband,two sons — Prime Minister LeeHsien Loong and Lee Hsien Yang— and a daughter, neurologist LeeWei Ling.

Lee Kuan Yew, who is 87,stepped down as prime minister in1990 but continues to wield influ-ence in his son’s Cabinet under thetitle of minister mentor. He is alsoin frail health and was hospitalizedWednesday with a chest infection.

Although sometimes criticized as

too authoritarian, Lee is creditedwith transforming Singapore from asleepy port city into a gleaming re-gional center for commerce and amodel of social order and low cor-ruption.

Born on Dec. 21, 1920, to a well-to-do family, Kwa attended Method-ist Girls’ School and Raffles Insti-tute in Singapore and England’sCambridge University, where shestudied law as a Queen’s Scholar.Kwa met fellow Cambridge studentLee in 1944 and the two married inSingapore in 1950.


Brazil to pick successor for popular presidentBrazil to pick successor for popular presidentBrazil to pick successor for popular presidentBrazil to pick successor for popular presidentBrazil to pick successor for popular president


Brazil’s President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, right, and Workers Partypresidential candidate Dilma Rousseff


SAO PAULO – Brazilians vote Sunday in national elections thatcould see front-running candidate Dilma Rousseff become the country’sfirst female president, succeeding her popular ally and mentor.

her lead in the polls and testily de-flected questions about where shemight hold a victory party.

Instead, she spoke of economicadvances under Silva, who is popu-larly referred to as Lula. Roussefflaid claim to his legacy, saying shewas the candidate to transform Bra-zil into an economic power thatleaves nobody behind.

“We are only going to do it withthe path that President Lula hasopened,” Rousseff said. “I do not be-lieve in a developed nation that has apart of its population marginalized.My goal is to continue PresidentLula’s work at eradicating poverty.”

Despite an ethics scandal that re-ceived heavy media coverage in thefinal weeks of the race, Rousseff’snumbers barely ticked down andpolls put her on the cusp of winningan outright majority Sunday andavoiding a runoff Oct. 31.

Nevertheless, Serra, who hasstruggled through a campaign thatanalysts said lacked focus and failedto resonate with many voters, ex-pressed confidence that he would

make it to a second round for anotherfour weeks of campaigning duringwhich voters could examine the can-didates more closely.

“On Monday, it all begins again,”he said while campaigning in SaoPaulo on Saturday. “We are goingto a second-round vote for the goodof the country.”

If the election does go to a runoff,it could be due to spoiler candidateMarina Silva, a former environmentminister who is not related to thepresident.

In recent weeks, the Green Partycandidate’s standing in the polls rosefrom a steady 10 percent throughoutthe campaign to about 14 percent inthe wake of the ethics scandal.

Yet even if forced into a runoff,Rousseff is widely expected to be-come Brazil’s next president.

“A second round would pitDilma against Serra, but the differ-ence between the two is too largeto be breached in such a short pe-riod of time,” said Amaury deSouza, a Rio de Janeiro-based po-litical analyst. “Unless there is anew catastrophic disclosure regard-ing corruption or Dilma’s health,she will win the second round.”

About 135 million voters will alsocast ballots for governors, mayors andstate and federal houses of Congress.

Page 5: International-Bali Post. Monday, October 4, 2010

Hotel Activities Monday, October 4, 2010 5International

Temple Ceremony

EVERY Temple and Shrine has a special date for it annualCeremony, or “ Odalan “, every 210 days according to Ba-linese calendar, including the smaller ancestral shrine whicheach family possesses. Because of this practically every fewdays a ceremony of festival of some kind takes place in someVillage in Bali. There are also times when the entire islandcelebrated the same Holiday, such as at Galungan, Kuningan,Nyepi day, Saraswati day, Tumpek Landep day, Pagerwesi day,Tumpek Wayang day etc.

The dedication or inauguration day of a Temple is consid-ered its birth day and celebration always takes place on thesame day if the wuku or 210 day calendar is used. When newmoon is used then the celebration always happens on new moonor full moon. The day of course can differ the religious cel-ebration of a temple lasts at least one full day with some templecelebrating for three days while the celebration of Besakihtemple, the Mother Temple, is never less than 7 days and mostof the time it lasts for 11 days, depending on the importanceof the occasion.

The celebration is very colorful. The shrine are dressed withpieces of cloths and sometimes with brocade, sailings, deco-rations of carved wood and sometimes painted with gold andChinese coins, very beautifully arranged, are hung in the fourcorners of the shrine. In front of shrine are placed red, whiteor black umbrellas depending which Gods are worshipped inthe shrines.

In front of important shrine one sees, besides these umbrel-las soars, tridents and other weapons, the “umbul-umbul”, longflags, all these are prerogatives or attributes of Holiness. Infront of the Temple gate put up “Penjor”, long bamboo poles,decorated beautifully ornaments of young coconut leaves, riceand other products of the land. Most beautiful to see are thegirls in their colorful attire, carrying offerings, arrangementsof all kinds fruits and colored cakes, to the Temple. Everyvisitor admires the grace with which the carry their load ontheir heads.

Balinese TempleCeremony

Calendar of Event (Sep 24- Oct 7, 2010)25st – “Saraswati” holiday, the day devoted to

Sanghyang Aji Saraswati symbolized as a beau-tiful goddess of knowledge, sciences and arts,when blessing ceremony is given to holy scrip-tures of science and arts, held at every familycompound.

Temple Festival at:- Pr. Watugunung, Bima, NTB.- Pr. Agung Jagat Kerana, Surabaya- Pr. Aditya Jaya Rawamangun, Jakarta- Pr. Agung Wiraloka Natha, Cimahi, Jabar- Pr. Giri Jaya Natha,Balikpapan, Berneo.- Pr. Bhuwana Suci Saraswati, Ds. Ngaru-

aru, Kec. Banyudono, Boyolali,Solo, Jawa Tengah.- Pr. Pasek Tangkas Gempinis, Dalang,

Tabanan- Pr. Pasek Gelgel Sayan Bongkasa

Abiansemal- Pr. Dadya Agung Bendesa Tangkas

Koriagung, Ds Gerih, Abiansemal- Mr.Pulasari/Sentana Dalem Tarukan, Ds.

Penida Kelod, Bangli.- Mr.Pasek Kubakal, Ds. Kapal.- Mr.Pasek, Ds. Dalung.- Pr. Pasek Dukuh Ambengan, Ds. Sebudi.- Pr. Pemaksan , Ds. Bandalem, Buleleng.

26th –“Banyu Pinaruh” day, when the Balinesemostly go to the beaches, river and spring to pu-rify them selves and pray for wisdom with earlyin the morning

Pr. Gaduh, Ds. Sesetan, Denpasar.

27th .Temple Festival at:- Pr. Jati, Jembrana.- Pr. Kawitan Batu Gaing, Bangli.- Pr. Tirta Wening, Tambaksari, Surabaya.

- Pr. Desa Linggawana Kertha Mandala,Ds. Abang, Karangasem.

29th – “Pagerwesi”, holiday, the word literallymeans “iron fence” when Hindu followers wor-ship “Sanghyang Pramesti Guru” as lord of uni-verse and pray for strong mental defence againstany negative temptations. Held at every familytemple and holy place throughout Bali.

Temple Festival at:- Pr. Labaan Sindhu Jiwa, Ds. Kedewatan,

Ubud.- Pr. Kahen, Bangli- Pr. Wirabuana, Magelang, Jateng- Pr. Padangsakti Tangtu, Kesiman- Pr. Jogan Agung, Ketewel, Sukawati- Pr. Gaduh Pengiasan, Dauh Puri,

Denpasar- Pr. Siwa/Pasek Tohjiwa, Penebel- Pr. Pasek Ketewel, Sempidi, Mengwi- Pr. Pasek Gelgel, Buruan Kaja, Tabanan- Pr. Pasek Gobleg, Kerambitan- Pr. Pasek Gelgel, Meliling, Tabanan- Pr. Masceti Selasih, Sanding,

Tampaksiring- Pr. Dalem Ularan, Br. Tatasan Kaja,

Denpasar- Mr. Pasek Gaduh, Buduk- Mr.Pasek Gelgel, Ds. Kelabang Moding.- Pr. Pasek Gelgel, Sekalan Marga- Pr. Sada Br. Gaduh Desa Kaba kaba,

Kediri, Tabanan- Mr.Pasek Gelgel , Depaha, Ds. Depaha,

Kubutambahan, Buleleng.- Pr. Desa Linggawana, Kertamandala,

Abang, Karangasem- Pr. Lebah Ubud

Denpasar (Bali Post) -

Accor Vacation Club (AVC) gavea prize of the program ‘’Win 8 NightsAccomodation’’ to the winner re-cently. The winner of the program willstay for 8 nights in one of the Accorin Asia Pacific.

Elisa Krismayanti, the Hotel Link-age Operation Manager Accor Vaca-tion Club, said that the ballot wasdone on Wednesday, September 15th

2010 in Accor Vacation Club, GalleryBuilding Novotel Nusa Dua Hotel andResidence. There were 8,343 couponson the ballot and only one is lucky towin the prize.

The ballot was witnessed by therepresentative of the police depart-ment, Bali’s Social Department, CokIstri Ayusawati, Bali Welfare Biro, IGusti Ayu Wahyuni, and notary, IMade Mertajaya.

Elisa explained that the couponswere taken from several Accor hotelgroup in Bali and other companieswhich is affiliated with AVC inJakarta. After the ballot, the winnerwas directly notified through phone.

“The winner of the prize is the

AVC give ‘’Win 8 Nights Accomodation’’ prizecouple Sri Hesti Endah Karyanti andTidar Prima Perwira from easternJakarta,” she added.

The winner came to Accor Vaca-tion Club in Jakarta which is locatedon Wisma 46 Kota BNI Lt.25 suite2505 on September 22nd 2010. Theyreceived the award which was handedby the President Director of Accor Va-cation Club Mike Winlaw

Sri Hesti said that she is very happyto receive the prize and she even ad-mitted that she forgot had joined theprogram. “I was afraid that it was onlya forgery but after I received the awardthen I believe,” she added.

Hesti said she and the family willuse the prize to stay in Novotel QlarkeQuay in Singapore for 5 days duringthe New Year. Elisa said that by giv-ing away prizes, Vacation Club wantto socialize the hotels under Accormanagement especially those in Indo-nesia. AVC also wants to promoteAccor Vacation Club through the pro-gram.

Currently, Accor Vacation Club has1,400 members and the member sys-tem can be used by family membersof colleague.

Page 6: International-Bali Post. Monday, October 4, 2010

Monday, October 4, 20106 News

A ministry statement said theteam of Egyptian archaeologistsdiscovered the 4-foot (1.3-meter)by 3-foot (0.95-meter) statue ofAmenhotep III in Kom el-Hittan,the site of the pharaoh’s mortuarytemple in the southern city ofLuxor.

The temple is one of the larg-est on the west bank of the Nilein Luxor.

The statue portrays AmenhotepIII wearing the double crown of


ACAPULCO, Mexico – Gun-men kidnapped 20 men who weretraveling together in Mexico’s Pa-cific coast resort city of Acapulco,authorities said Saturday.

A shootout between drug gangs,meanwhile, left 14 people dead inremote town in the northern stateof Durango, Mexican newspapersreported.

The group of men in Acapulcowas visiting from the western cityof Morelia and looking for a placeto stay when they were abductedThursday, said Fernando Monreal,director of state investigative po-lice in Guerrero state, where theresort city is located.

He said the kidnapping was re-ported by a man who had been withthe group.

The man told police that he andanother fellow traveler had left theothers to go a store and when theyreturned their companions weregone.

Witnesses said the men — whoranged in age from 17 to 47 —were kidnapped by an armed gangthat drove them away in the fourcars in which the group had beentraveling. Police later found thecars abandoned near the kidnap-ping site.

The motive was unknown.The man who notified police de-

scribed his companions as tourists.He said they all worked for thesame tire-alignment company inMorelia and saved up each year totake vacations together.

Monreal said police have been


TOKYO – Japan’s foreign min-ister on Sunday rejected a claim thatChina is a bad neighbour as Tokyotried to put a lid on anti-Beijing sen-timent, appearing keen to rebuildties after a bruising territorial row.

Speaking a day after nationalistsrallied against China and a seniorruling-party politician denouncedBeijing, Foreign Minister SeijiMaehara insisted that the two coun-tries were good neighbours.

“I believe Japan and Chinashould seek a path for co-existenceand co-prosperity by firmly build-ing strategic, mutually beneficialrelations as good neighbours,” JijiPress news agency quoted Maeharaas telling reporters.

The remarks were in response toand downplayed reported com-ments by Yukio Edano, deputy sec-retary-general of the ruling Demo-cratic Party of Japan.

Addressing a meeting north of To-kyo on Saturday, Edano called China

In this undated handout picture released,

Saturday, Oct.2, 2010,by Egypt’s superme

council of antiquities

Egypt unearthsEgypt unearthsEgypt unearthsEgypt unearthsEgypt unearths3,400-year-old3,400-year-old3,400-year-old3,400-year-old3,400-year-oldgranite statuesgranite statuesgranite statuesgranite statuesgranite statuesAP

CAIRO – Archaeologists have unearthed the upper part of a double limestone statue of a pow-erful pharaoh who ruled nearly 3,400 years ago, Egypt’s Ministry of Culture said Saturday.

Egypt, which is decorated with auraeus, and seated on a throne nextto the Theban god Amun.

Amenhotep III, who was thegrandfather of the famed boy-pha-raoh Tutankhamun, ruled in the14th century B.C. at the height ofEgypt’s New Kingdom and pre-sided over a vast empire stretch-ing from Nubia in the south toSyria in the north.

The pharaoh’s temple was largelydestroyed, possibly by floods, and

little remains of its walls. But ar-chaeologists have been able to un-earth a wealth of artifacts and statu-ary in the buried ruins, includingtwo statues of Amenhotep made ofblack granite found at the site inMarch 2009.

AP –

20 kidnapped in Mexicanresort city of Acapulco

AFP/File –

A street is sealed off as the body of a municipal police officerlies dead in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico.

unable to locate the man since hereported the kidnapping Friday.The man left a cell phone but wasnot answering it, Monreal said.

Acapulco has been a key battle-ground for lucrative drug-traffick-ing routes. Violence in the region in-creased this year after a split in theBeltran Leyva cartel, whose leader-ship has been hit hard by PresidentFelipe Calderon’s drug war.

Police, who were scouring theresort cities and the highways lead-ing out of it for the missing men,gave no indication that they weretied to drug trafficking.

Drug-gang henchmen frequentlykidnap rivals and dump their bod-ies on the streets days later. But itis rare for a survivor of suchkidnappings to go to the police.

The shootout between rivaldrug-dealing gangs broke out Fri-day morning in the town of SanJose de la Cruz, El Universal andReforma newspapers reported, cit-ing the Durango state attorneygeneral’s office.

Police and soldiers traveled tothe town after being alerted by resi-dents, Ruben Lopez, a spokesmanfor the office, was quoted as say-ing.

It often takes authorities hoursto travel to the scene of shootoutsin Durango, a mountainous statethat has long been a stronghold forMexico’s most powerful drug traf-fickers.

Nobody answered the phoneSaturday at the state attorneygeneral’s office.

The reunification treaty wassigned on October 3, 1990, justunder a year after the Berlin Wallwas pulled down in a bloodlessrevolution, and brought the twohalves of the country togetheramid joyful scenes.

In a recent poll, 84 percent ofGermans said they believed na-tional unification after four de-cades of division had been the

Japan FM downplays ‘badneighbour’ label on China

“a bad neighbour” and said it was im-possible for Japan to build “mutuallybeneficial” ties with the nation, ac-cording to Japanese media reports.

Arguing that China was not alaw-abiding nation, Edano said“companies that have an economicpartnership with such a country arequite a soft touch,” the Asahi,Yomiuri and other dailies reported.

Edano’s comment came as Tokyoseeks to mend fences with Beijingduring a bitter spat over a disputedisland chain, called Senkaku by Ja-pan and Diaoyu by China. Maehara,who has a record of tough remarkstowards China, on Sunday sought dia-logue with Beijing while maintainingTokyo’s stance that there was no ter-ritorial dispute over the islands asJapan has been administering them.

The row started when Japan’scoastguard arrested the captain of aChinese trawler on September 8 af-ter he rammed two of their patrolboats near the islands, he said on aSunday television show on the pri-vate Fuji network.

Germany...From page 1

right decision, despite a lingeringeconomic gap between East andWest. Just 14 percent said unityhad been a mistake, according tothe survey for ZDF public televi-sion.

There were however protestsagainst the reunification festivi-ties, with around 1,800 mainlyleft-wing activists conducting amarch that passed off peacefully.

Page 7: International-Bali Post. Monday, October 4, 2010

Monday, October 4, 2010 7Indonesia TodayInternational

Agence France-Presse

DOLOK SAGALA - Indonesianpolice shot dead five suspected Is-lamist militants and arrested fourothers in a raid on their hideout onSumatra island, police said Sun-day.

The five suspects were killed anda policeman injured in a gunbattleSaturday on an oil-palm plantationin Dolok Sagala village in NorthSumatra province, provincial policechief Oegroseno told reporters.

“Yesterday we found where thearmed group was hiding. During theraid, they put up a fight. We fired a

“The police and the transportationsafety commission are investigatingif there’s human error,” national po-lice spokesman Marwoto Soeto toldAFP.

“We’ll see if the fault lies withmachinists behind the train controlsor those in charge of setting the trackroutes, among other things. Investi-gations will take about a week,” headded.

However, the chairman of the Na-tional Commission of TransportationSafety (KNKT), Tatang Kurniadi,said a “comprehensive investigation”would require three to four months tocomplete.

“We must consider every aspect,the human factors and mechanicalfactors, and investigate the whole sys-tem before we can conclude whetherthere’s human error,” he told AFP.

Police said 36 people were killedSaturday and more than 30 badly in-jured when a passenger train slammedinto the back of another train at a sta-tion in Petarukan Pemalang, CentralJava province.

Officers at the scene said a trainheaded to Surabaya smashed into therear carriages of a Semarang-boundlocomotive waiting at the platform.

National railway operator spokes-man Sugeng Priyono said 36 peoplewere injured, including five seriously.

“The rescue came late today be-cause the heavy machinery (neededfor the rescue) was located far away

Agence France-Presse

BANDA ACEH - Two womenwere caned in Indonesia’s staunchlyMuslim Aceh province on Fridayfor selling food during the fastinghours of Ramadan, an official said.

Hundreds of people gathered towatch as Murni Amris, 27, receivedthree lashes and Rukiah Abdullah,22, received two at a mosque in thecity of Jantho, southeast of the pro-vincial capital Banda Aceh.

“The two women were foundselling rice in a stall at noon during

Agence France-Presse

JAKARTA - A Sumatran tigerthat mauled a farmer to death lastweek has died from injuries in-flicted by a trap set by local vil-lagers, an Indonesian wildlife of-ficial said Friday.

The male tiger was alreadybadly injured when it was trapped

Indonesian police probe deadly train crashIndonesian police probe deadly train crashIndonesian police probe deadly train crashIndonesian police probe deadly train crashIndonesian police probe deadly train crashAgence France-Presse

JAKARTA - Indonesian police said Sunday they were investigatingalong with transport officials the weekend train crash in Central Javathat killed 36 people and injured dozens.

from the accident location,” he said.Many of the dead and injured were

trapped in three carriages, which hadderailed and flipped over, officials said.

A man living beside the station saidthe noise of the collision woke himfrom his sleep. Then he heard peoplewailing.

“Suddenly I heard a loud crashingand the sound of many people crying.I saw many passengers had beenthrown outside the carriages,” he said.

A passenger on the stationary trainsaid he was asleep when he felt a pow-erful thump and fled the carriage.

“It was really scary. I went outsideand realised that the rear carriages hadbeen smashed,” he said.

A survivor from the other train saidhe was “very traumatised”.

“I don’t want to ride in trains any-more,” he was quoted as saying byDetik news website.

“Most of those hospitalised hadlight injuries. Victims will be compen-sated,” he said, adding that the wreckedtrains had been removed from the rail-way tracks and that the “situation isback to normal”.

Transportation minister FreddyNumberi said the state railway opera-tor would undergo a complete evalua-tion in relation to the PetarukanPemalang accident.

“The evaluation will reveal the truecause of the train accident that killeddozens of people, whether it wascaused by human error or others,”


This picture shows a general view of the train accident in Pemalang on October 2, 2010 where at least 36people were killed earlier in the day when the passenger train slammed into the back of another train.Police said human error was to blame for the accident, which happened before dawn at a station in PetarukanPemalang, Central Java province, although the official cause was still under investigation.

Numberi was quoted as saying by statenews agency Antara.

“The qualification and certificationof the machinists need to be improvedso they can be truly reliable and pro-fessional in their jobs,” he said.

President Susilo BambangYudhoyono has ordered a thoroughinvestigation into the accident and hassaid that “should the investigation un-

cover negligence, there will be sanc-tions,” presidential spokesman JulianAldrin Pasha was quoted as saying byThe Jakarta Post newspaper.

Transportation Minister FreddyNumberi said the state railway opera-tor would undergo a complete evalua-tion.

In June eight people were killedwhen several carriages of a packed pas-

senger train derailed as it travelledacross Java, one of the most denselypopulated islands in the world.

Poor infrastructure, corruptionand weak safety standards are of-ten cited as factors contributing tofrequent transport disasters in In-donesia, especially on ferries link-ing the country’s thousands of is-lands.

Women caned in Indonesia forselling food during Ramadan

Ramadan. The sharia forbids sellingfood during fasting hours atRamadan,” Aceh sharia police headMarzuki Abdullah said. Amrisowned the foodstall where Abdullahwas selling the rice.

Aceh, on the northern tip of SumatraIsland, is one of several areas of Mus-lim-majority Indonesia where Islamicsharia laws have been adopted. Muslimsare supposed to fast from dawn to duskduring the holy month of Ramadan,which straddled August and Septemberthis year, but there are exceptions in casessuch as illness or pregnancy.

Indonesia police kill five suspected militantswarning shot but they continued toresist. Four of the suspects died dur-ing the gunbattle yesterday,” he added.

“One more was killed today,”Oegroseno said.

Three suspects were arrested Sat-urday night and one surrendered toresidents Sunday, who then handedhim over to the police.

Police are hunting at least eightother suspects.

The suspects are believed to belinked to a group suspected of killinga police officer in a spectacular bankrobbery in Medan city in August toraise funds for terrorist attacks, hesaid.

They were also involved in anattack on a police station nearMedan in which three police of-ficers were killed, Oegroseno said.

Indonesian anti-terror policelast month shot dead three suspectsand arrested 15 others in a seriesof raids in which militants usedwomen and children as humanshields.

Muslim-majority Indonesia isstruggling to deal with the threatof homegrown Islamist militantswho oppose the country’s secular,democratic system and want to cre-ate a caliphate across much ofSoutheast Asia.

A masked andhooded person (R)canes Indonesianfood seller MurniAmris for violatingIslamic sharia lawoutside a mosquein Jantho, Acehprovince, onOctober 1, 2010.

Trap kills Sumatran tiger in Indonesialate Thursday in Bengkalis district ofRiau province, provincial conserva-tion agency head Danis Woro said.

“Its right rear leg may have beensnared in a steel rope set by local vil-lagers,” he said.

“Apparently it managed to free it-self from the steel wire but injured it-self in the process. When we found itlast night it was weak and limping.”

The big cat died on Fridaybefore it could be brought to aveterinarian, Woro added.

Villagers believed the animalwas the same one that killed andpartially ate an oil palm farmeron September 21. There arefewer than 400 Sumatran tigersleft in the wild, according to en-vironmental group WWF.


Page 8: International-Bali Post. Monday, October 4, 2010

8 InternationaMonday, October 4, 2010

Bali Today

The number of tourists from sixof top ten source countries rose sig-nificantly while that of the other foursource countries declined, head of theBali provincial statistics office Ida

In the territory of Sidakarya Village,Denpasar, lies a temple where Hindudevotees invoke holy water to accom-plish their ritual. It is called theMutering Jagat Dalem SidakaryaTemple. The temple is associated withthe journey of Brahmin Keling to Balithat was eventually given the title ofDalem Sidakarya by the King of Bali,Dalem Waturenggong.

In the upcoming Tumpek Landepfestivity, Saturday (Oct 9), will be or-ganized pujawali or anniversary of thistemple with pulegembal oblation. Thisanniversary is held every six months(210 days), coinciding with theTumpek Landep. Four years ago, righton March 4, 2006, a grandiose ritualwas held in the temple consisting ofMamungkah, Ngenteg LinggihPedudusan Agung, Ngusaba Desa andNgusaba Nini. How is the history ofMutering Jagat Dalem SidakaryaTemple and why must the Hindus in-voke holy water for accomplishingritual in this temple?

The Mutering Jagat DalemSidakarya Temple is situated atSidakarya Village, South DenpasarSubdistrict, Denpasar City (formerlyBadung Regency). In the past, thesouthern coastal region was called thePandanda Nagara. According to localtemple priest, Ketut Yadnya, Saturday(Oct 2), when Hindu devotees orga-nized a Panca Yajña ritual, they gen-erally invoked accomplishment holywater for their ritual in the MuteringJagat Dalem Sidakarya Temple.

This temple has a number of shrinessuch as the Pemayun Agung, repre-sentation of Besakih Temple andMount Agung, Manik Geni,Lempuyang, Pemayun Toya, repre-sentation of Batur Temple, PemayunCakra, representation of BatukaruTemple, Pemayun Ngurah Agung, rep-resentation of Uluwatu and apprecia-tion to Pemayun Putra, representationof Sakenan Temple. Other than repre-sentation of sad kahyangan temple asmentioned above, it also hasParahyangan Jagatnatha as shrine tovenerate the Supreme God. In addi-tion, there is also the chamber shrineas the abode of Ida Bathara DalemSidakarya. With the concentration ofrepresentative shrines under sadkahyangan in this single temple and

Over 1.67 million tourists visit BaliOver 1.67 million tourists visit BaliOver 1.67 million tourists visit BaliOver 1.67 million tourists visit BaliOver 1.67 million tourists visit BaliAntara

DENPASAR - More than 1.67 foreign tourists visited Bali in thefirst eight months of 2010, up 9.11 percent from a year earlier.

Komang Wisnu said here on Friday.Australian tourists took the lead

with 399,988, up 47.25 percent com-pared to 271,643 in the same periodlast year.

Trailing behind in the secondplace was Chinese tourists with139,501, up 2.79 percent from135,710 in the same period last year.

Taiwanese tourists came in fifthwith 88,448, an increase of 9.94 per-cent compared to 80,452 a year ear-lier.

The number of British touristsvisiting Bali in the eight months of

2010 rose 6.49 percent to 62,385from 58,560 in the same period lastyear, while the number of Germantourists increased 7.11 percent to54,410 from 50,800.

The number of Singapore touristsrose significantly by 54.96 percentto 54,147 from 34,943. After all, theisland state ranked tenth among thetop ten source countries of foreign

tourists over the period.The number of Japanese tourists

in the first eight months of 2010 fell22.67 percent to 168,806 from218,298 in the same period last year,Malaysian tourists 3.75 percent to90,438 from 93,962, South Koreantourists 2.09 percent to 83,342 from85.123 and French tourists 0.19 per-cent to 73,027 from 73,167.

Mutering Jagat Dalem Sidakarya Temple:A sanctum to invoke holy water for accomplishing ritual

perfected by the existence of Jagatnathashrine, the temple was then namedMutering Jagat Dalem SidakaryaTemple. The same matter was also men-tioned in Sidakarya Chronicle com-posed by I Nyoman Kantun, and I KetutYadnya.

Meanwhile, in the book written bythe committee of Mamungkah, NgentegLinggih, Pedudusan Agung, NgusabaDesa and Ngusaba Nini ritual in theMutering Jagat Dalem Sidakarya datedMarch 4, 2006 this temple was men-tioned as the abode of Brahmin Kelingat that place. Due to his services to takeback his curse, Bali Island could returnto prosperous condition again as everbefore the Eka Dasa Rudra ritual inBesakih Temple could run flourishingly(sidakarya) as expected by DalemWaturenggong and society. On that ac-count, Brahmin Keling was thenawarded royal title as Dalem Sidakarya.

In the Sidakarya Chronicle compiledby Nyoman Kantun and Ketut Yadnyais mentioned that Brahmin Keling wasthe epithet of a very renowned priesthaving primary truth and science on thesoul release. He was named BrahminKeling because he came from Keling,East Java. Brahmin Keling was the sonof Dang Hyang Kayumanis, grandsonof Mpu Candra, great grandson of MpuBahula and great-great grandson ofMpu Beradah. Up to these days, no oneknows the original name of BrahminKeling. He was just called BrahminKeling as he was from Keling.

The Chronicle tells us that having ar-rived from Madura, in the coastal vil-lage in East namely at Muncar Village,Brahmin Keling met his father. His fa-ther talked a lot about Bali. At that time,Bali was led by Dalem Waturenggongwhose center of his kingdom was inGelgel. The King was going to orga-nize a centenary Eka Dasa Rudra ritualin Besakih Temple and spiritual adviserof the King then was Dang HyangNirartha.

On hearing the stories, BrahminKeling eventually went to Bali, leadingto the Gelgel Royal Palace to meet theking who was also his brother-in-law.However, when he arrived in GelgelRoyal Palace, Brahmin Keling could notmeet the King Waturenggong becausehe was in Besakih Temple to preparethe ritual procession. He then rushed to

Besakih Temple in lethargic conditionand shabby clothes. Arriving atBesakih Temple, the Brahmin Kelingwas asked by devotees preparing theoblation who he would like to meet.Brahmin Keling replied that he wantedto meet his brother DalemWaturenggong and Dang HyangNirartha. The working devotees hesi-tated on hearing the confession ofBrahmin Keling. As a result, his ar-rival was not reported to the King.However, because he immediatelywanted to meet him, Brahmin Kelingentered into the Besakih Temple with-out being seen. Since he was so tired,he headed to Surya Chandra shrine andrest there for awhile.

Not long after Dalem Waturenggongcame and saw that there was a man intattered clothes. At the end, he called asoldier to interrogate who the personwas. His soldier then also reported thatthe person was no other than BrahminKeling claiming as the relative of Dalem

Waturenggong. The king ordered thesoldier to drive the Brahmin Keling ashe alleged to be lunatic man for wearingragged clothes. Brahmin Keling whowas not recognized as his brother even-tually left Besakih Temple. When he waschased away, Brahmin Keling cursed:“Hopefully, the ritual held is unsuccess-ful (tan Sidakarya), the island turns dry,and people become hungry and pest andinsect attack throughout Bali.”

Having expressed his curse, he de-parted to southwestward namelyBadanda Negara or the currentSidakarya Village. Not long after, hiscurse worked. Useful trees supportingthe implementation of ritual suddenlywilted, pests raged, disease attackedpeople, devotees working in the templequarreled one another for no reason. Ev-erything was in the state of chaos. Onenight, when Dalem Waturenggong wasmeditating in Besakih Temple, he gotinstructions that he had sinned to havecast his own brother. To restore to the

original state, it was only BrahminKeling who was capable of doing so.

In short, the group left for BandanaNagara to pick up Brahmin Keling andasked him to be willing to meet DalemWaturenggong. When meeting theKing, Brahmin Keling was willing torestore the situation to ever before.Since then, Brahmin Keling was ac-knowledged as his brother. The situa-tion was getting better and the Eka DasaRudra ritual could proceed on the fullmoon of the tenth month in Balinesecalendar (around April) in Caka year1437 or 1515 BC.

Thanks to the service of BrahminKeling who returned the condition, theprosperity increased, crops turnedabundant including ritual ingredients,so the implementation of ritual couldrun safely, comfortably and success-fully (sidakarya) in appropriate with thehope of the king and subject. Since then,Brahmin had a title of DalemSidakarya. (08)


Mutering Jagat Dalem Sidakarya Temple

Page 9: International-Bali Post. Monday, October 4, 2010

Balinese Culture

Monday, October 4, 2010 9al

C.045 ibp

Your gastronomical experience in Bali is asenchanting and full of discovery as your culturalexperience. I am a total believer that a significant portionof traveling should also involve your tastebuds. Ofcourse, if you prefer to stick with cheeseburger or aColonel Sanders’ meal-deal, or to drink your regular Budlight in your Hard Rock Cafe, they all exist in Bali as well.But we know that’s not why you come to Bali, is it?

Let us take this culinary adventure:

What’s in a meal?

Well, typically, a meal consists of a plate of steamedrice, and a number of main courses. Instead of eatingone course at a time a la Western meals, the maincourses, and sometimes including the soup, are alleaten at once. Soup is poured over the rice much like asteak sauce is poured over the steak. Desserts aremostly tropical fruits, which by themselves are enoughof a feast and a reason to visit Bali!

Balinese usually eat three meals in a day, with lunchas the primary, heaviest meal. Breakfast can be as lightas a cup of coffee (which is usually not light), or aplateful of “nasi goreng” or fried rice. Lunch is theheaviest meal, with a plate of steam rice (or a mound ifyou prefer), accompanied by a number of main courses,usually consisting of a meat or fish dish, a vegetabledish, and a soup. Dinner is a smaller version of lunch.Desserts for both lunch and dinner can vary fromvarious kinds of fruits, depending on the season, to aspecially prepared dessert like pisang goreng (friedbanana fritters) or tape (fermented sticky rice).


There are different kinds of soups:

Bakso: chicken or beef broth, usually accompanied byvarious kinds of spices. It usually has either fish balls ormeat balls. Bubur ayam (Chicken porridge): thick riceporridge with chicken pieces. Usually served with cah-weh (Chinese bread).

Main course Bebek betutu (Darkened duck):Sate (satay)Babi guling (Roast pork)Babi Panggang (Barbeque Pork)


The primary desserts in Bali as well as in the rest ofIndonsia are fruit, which is available in more varietiesthan you can think of. There are literally tens or evenhundreds of different kinds of bananas alone, fromsmall, pinky-sized, gold-colored bananas to a foot orfoot-and-a-half, dark green ones.

One favorite dessert is pisang goreng or fried bananafritter. Traditionally, my mother would make pisanggoreng for afternoon snack. And you can find numerousstreet vendors who would make these and other snacksout in the open air (with all the dusts from bemo spicingthe food). (http://asiarecipe.com)

Beauty can stop everyone’s eyesflickering. Beauty of the kid song canlullaby a baby. Similarly, beauty alsocan toss the imagination, soothe themind and draw people to get near. Balihas many sources of that beauty offer-ing the charm of nature, culture or ad-venture.

By maintaining traditions inspiredby Hinduism, Balinese people go onrunning in harmony with the time. Inother words, they do not feel inferiorbecause of inheriting those traditions.Beauty in the form of various dancemovements has been introduced sinceearly ages. On seeing a dance staged,a toddler may watch it attentively orits fingers move and move as if imi-tating the movement of the dance.

Virtually all customary villages inBali have gamelan troupe. This troupeplays important role in expressing theirentertainment arts and accompanyingevery ritual activity. This existencegives opportunity to villagers fromchild to adult to express their artistictalent especially in dance, drama andgamelan arts. Young girls under twelveor elementary school age have achance to participate in performingRejang Dance. By wearing white andyellow costumes and floral decorationon head, they dance beautifully accom-panied by gamelan music. RejangDance is one of the sacred dances per-formed in relation to the organizationof temple anniversary or odalan. Otherthan putting a basic love to their tradi-tion, they also show devotional serviceor ngatur ayah through the arts.

When they grow older, right onentering secondary school, they joincustomary village youth club or Sekaa

Balinese Food Culture


Balinese women performed Rejang Dance

Balinese women:In devotional services through the arts

Taruna. Here, with their male friendsand their brothers and sisters start tolearn about organization. Many thingscan be learned through this organiza-tion. Since it has affiliation to custom-ary village, they can learn about themaking of some simple oblation underguidance of senior oblation maker andvarious traditional arts. In Bali, thisyouth club actually play important rolein preparing young generation to main-tain their valuable cultural heritages orto prepare themselves for inheritingcustomary responsibility.

With their male counterpart, here theyoung girls also learn to play drama ormore complex traditional arts. Populargenres of performance showed are pureentertainment and the one in combina-tion with sacred dance. The latter usu-ally features Calonarang. This magicaldrama involves a combination of male

and female players. In essence, thisCalonarang drama highlights the end-less fight between truth and untruthsymbolizing by sanctified effigies ortapakan like Rangda and Barong. Byand large, it is also associated with ritualevents at local temple.

In the following stage, whenwoman gets married she will enter thenew organization, namely customaryvillage. Having learned much aboutritual works, it is now the time to prac-tice them in wider social life. Theyshould attend some socio-religiousactivities when the events engage themembers of customary village. At thisstage, household mother can remainto show her devotional service throughthe arts other than social works.Through the arts, they may join thedrama or individual psalmodic sing-ing or pasantian. (BTN/punia)

Page 10: International-Bali Post. Monday, October 4, 2010

Monday, October 4, 201010 InternationalDestinations

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Ubud Monkey Forest is a small rain forest dwelt by some group of mon-keys and other tropical animals. It is strategically located in the hearth ofUbud Village, precisely located in the region of Padang Tegal Village, UbudSub district and Gianyar Regency. Monkey Forests in Balinese languagecalled Wanara Wana are spread out in the island and Ubud Monkey Forestitself own very important function of the continuity the monkey habitat inBali. Meanwhile the local community own important role to keep this for-est naturally in order to all wild animals able to live smoothly.

Ubud Monkey Forest is dwelt by 200 monkeys, pertained to long tailinclusive macaques or macaca fascicularis group which owns the wide dis-seminating area. Among the amount monkeys living in this forest, thereare 23 adult male, 79 adult female and 98 still babies. All the monkeys inthis forest consisted of three groups, dwell certain area and use the certainplace and certain time. However, it also happened that entire group can usethe forest and whenever two groups exist at same place and time, they willfight each other. These monkeys are believed as Gods Guard of DalemAgung Temple, The Hindu Temple exist in the middle of forest. There arethree Holy Temples in this monkey forest and those are existing surroundthe forest and it is estimated built in the middle of 14 century, in the earlygovernance of Gelgel dynasty. Dalem Agung Temple is located in north-west from the forest represent the existence of most important temples.Beside of two others, that are Permandian Temple, in Westside from thisforest and Prajapati Temple which is located in south-east side where theplace of Dewa Siwa (Siwa God), one of the Khayangan Temple in PadangTegal Village.

Ubud MonkeyForest

Page 11: International-Bali Post. Monday, October 4, 2010

Monday, October 4, 2010 11


Agence France-Presse

TOKYO - The Japanese gov-ernment of Prime Minister NaotoKan is set to propose a new 58-bil-lion-dollar stimulus package, a re-port said Saturday, as Tokyo looksto drag the country out of the eco-nomic doldrums.

The government of the rulingDemocratic Party of Japan (DPJ)are considering a stimulus package

The newly-appointed Emerson saidhe was confident about growth pros-pects in China, Australia’s key tradingpartner, but echoed warnings from theUnited States about undervaluing theyuan to gain a trade advantage.

“The Americans are basically fedup and I can understand why,”Emerson said. “I think that it would bean appropriate response, if the Chinesedid adjust the exchange rate.”

“If they want to present themselvesfrankly as having market economy sta-tus, well let’s have a few market forcesapplied to the exchange rate,” he said.

Public pressure on Beijing “tend(s)to be counterproductive”, addedEmerson, saying he would prefer to seeit “happen over time as a natural sortof adjustment.”

“I think there’s a real issue here and Iknow it’s not as easy as just clicking yourfingers in China to adjust the exchangerate because that will affect the competi-tiveness of their exports,” he said.

Strong demand from rapidly-industrialising China for Australia’sraw materials helped it become theonly advanced economy to avoid re-cession during the global downturn,and Emerson said the Asian giant

Agence France-Presse

TOKYO - Negotiators from 37countries meeting in Tokyo on Sat-urday reached a basic agreement onan international treaty to crack downon counterfeit and pirated products,the Japanese government said.

The Anti-Counterfeiting TradeAgreement (ACTA) is designed tocreate an international framework tohalt the distribution of counterfeitbrand goods and pirated music andfilm products.

The 37 countries include Japan,the United States, and members ofthe European Union, Switzerland,Canada, Australia, New Zealand,South Korea, Singapore, Mexico andMorocco.

“Japan made the proposal to startdiscussions on the ACTA and haspromoted the negotiations. I wel-come the basic agreement very

Agence France-Presse

YALTA - The IMF’s managing di-rector on Saturday urged major econo-mies to cooperate to prevent globalcurrency war which would risk imped-ing the recovery from the economiccrisis.

Dominique Strauss-Kahn said at aneconomic conference in the CrimeanBlack Sea resort of Yalta that a globaleconomic recovery was underway,even if it was a “very uneven recov-ery”.

But he said an unwillingness ofmajor economies to repeat the coordi-nation they showed in implementingmeasures to overcome the crisis whenit broke in 2008 had emerged as a ma-

Australia warns China,Australia warns China,Australia warns China,Australia warns China,Australia warns China,Europe on tradeEurope on tradeEurope on tradeEurope on tradeEurope on tradeAgence France-Presse

SYDNEY - Australia’s Trade Minister Craig Emerson joinedUS calls for China to adjust its currency Sunday and warnedEurope that Canberra would not allow a revival of protection-ism masquerading as environmentalism.

would continue to be key.“Just about every time we feel that

we’ve got a fix on what’s going on inChina, it’s bigger than that,” he said.

“It’s enormous what’s going on inChina and I don’t think that there isgrounds for pessimism about China’sexpansion, there are grounds for on-going optimism about China’s expan-sion.”

Emerson also warned that Canberrawould not tolerate the resurrection ofEuropean trade barriers under the“green cloak” of punishing nations notprepared to tax carbon.

“Of course we are committed toputting a price on carbon but let’s notbelieve that this is all about climatechange,” Emerson told Sky News Aus-tralia.

“There is a very clear Europeanprotectionist instinct, old protection-ist instinct, under this green cloak ofrespectability and we won’t cop it.”

Australia would use “whateverrules, trading rules there are throughthe WTO (World Trade Organisation)to fight against the use of these devicesto protect industries in Europe, or any-where else, against competition,”Emerson said.

Tokyo meeting agrees onanti-counterfeiting accord

much,” Economy, Trade and Indus-try Minister Akihiro Ohata said in astatement.

US Trade Representative RonKirk said “we are on the thresholdof a landmark achievement in theenforcement of intellectual propertyrights,” according to a statement is-sued in Washington.

“And the international alliancewe are forging with parties repre-senting half of global trade will becritical to fighting the theft of Ameri-can jobs through trademark counter-feiting and copyright piracy.”

The meeting excluded China,where counterfeit products arewidely produced and distributed. Tomake the accord effective, the par-ticipating countries are expected tocall on China and other nations tojoin the framework.

Negotiations on the accord be-gan in 2008.

IMF urges cooperation toprevent ‘currency war’

jor risk to the recovery.Some economies, especially China,

have been criticised for keeping theircurrencies low in order to promote theirexports and Brazil’s Finance MinisterGuido Mantega has said the world isseeing “an international currency war.”

“We succeeded in avoiding a biggercrisis thanks to economic coordinationespecially in monetary policy and infiscal stimulus,” Strauss-Kahn told re-porters at the conference.

“But today we have another threatwhich is that this willingness for con-sensus and cooperation has decreased.And we see around the world a possi-bility of the beginning of a currencywar.”

He said the economic policymakers

needed to get back to talking about co-operation, “discussing the value of thecurrencies, trying to adjust what has tobe adjusted, fighting against global im-balances.”

He said that if they didn’t, therewould be a new crisis “of countries try-ing to find domestic solutions to a glo-bal problem.”

In recent weeks nearly a dozengovernments from Colombia toSingapore have admitted to buyingup local currency in the hope ofdriving down the price of the cur-rency to make exports cheaper. Aswell as the declining commitment toeconomic cooperation, Strauss-Kahnsaid risks to the recovery also camefrom unemployment and private debt.

Japan eyes new 58 billion dollar stimulusworth around 4.8 trillion yen(57.68 billion dollars) as part ofthis year’s supplementary budget,the Nikkei daily said.

The package would feature mea-sures intended to secure stable sup-plies of rare-earth metals and to de-velop substitutes for them, as wellas a new subsidy to revitalize re-gional economies by financingpublic works projects, it said.

Leaders from the government

and the DPJ met Friday to discussthe package, agreeing on its out-lines and size, the Nikkei said.

The package will be proposedto the opposition next week, it said.

Japan presently secures thebulk of its rare-earth metals fromChina, but an apparent block onthe supply during a territorial spatwith Beij ing has sent chil lsthrough parts of Japan’s electron-ics industry.


Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan (R) and Foreign Minister Seiji Maehara attend the LowerHouse’s plenary session at the National Diet in Tokyo on October 1, 2010 as Kan delivers hispolicy speech. The Japanese government of Prime Minister Naoto Kan is set to propose a new58-billion-dollar stimulus package, a report said Saturday, as Tokyo looks to drag the country outof the economic doldrums.

Page 12: International-Bali Post. Monday, October 4, 2010

Entertainment InternationalMonday, October 4, 201012

Mars, whose real name is Peter Hernandez, isdue in court Nov. 18 on the possession of a con-trolled substance charge. If convicted, he faces upto four years in prison and a $5,000 fine. “Just theWay You Are” is No. 1 on the Billboard Hot 100chart. Hernandez, 24, was in Las Vegas for a per-formance at the Hard Rock Hotel & Casino’sWasted Space nightclub.

After the show, a bathroom attendant told policeHernandez was taking a long time in a stall with abag of a white, powdered substance, according tothe arrest report. The attendant alerted a securityguard, who confronted Hernandez as he left thestall. The security guard said he asked Hernandezto hand over any narcotics he had, and Hernandezremoved a bag of cocaine from his left-front jeanspocket, the arrest report said.

Hernandez was taken to a holding cell, wherehe was questioned by an arresting officer. Whenasked what was going on, Hernandez replied: “CanI speak to you honestly, sir?” He said he acted fool-ishly and had never used drugs before, the arrestreport said.

Hernandez sang the hooks on B.o.B’s “Nothin’on You” and Travie McCoy’s “Billionaire” — bothchart-toppers — and co-wrote and produced Cee-Lo Green’s latest expletive-laden single.

His label, Elektra Records, released a brief state-ment Friday: “We congratulate Bruno Mars on hischart-topping success, and provide him with ourfull love and support.” Hernandez’s debut album,“Doo-Wops & Hooligans,” is scheduled for releaseTuesday.

Agence France Presse

LONDON – Tens of thousands of copies of the newnovel by bestselling US author Jonathan Franzen, “Free-dom”, have been recalled after an early draft of the bookwas printed by mistake, his publisher said Saturday.Best known for his best-selling2001 novel “The Corrections”,Franzen has received a tidal waveof hype in Britain and the UnitedStates for his latest work, with onereviewer calling it the “novel ofthe century.”

But publishers HarperCollinssaid the version of “Freedom” re-leased in Britain earlier this weekcontained dozens of mistakes,with about 8,000 copies being soldfrom the initial print run of 80,000now in shops. “It was atypesetter’s error. The books havearound 50 punctuation and spell-ing mistakes. The typesetter sentthe last-but-one version,” said aHarperCollins spokesman.

The publisher said readers withthe botched copy of the bookcould exchange them for new onesby calling a special hotline “andwe expect the new edition, includ-ing the final corrections, to beavailable early next week.”

Agence France Presse

LOS ANGELES - JamesCameron’s blockbuster “Titanic,”the second-biggest earner in filmhistory, will be released in 3D in2012, a year that will also see a3D re-release of “Star Wars,” TheHollywood Reporter said Friday.

The Hollywood Reporter saidfilm studios Paramount Pictures,20th Century Fox and LightstormEntertainment were planning onre-releasing “Titanic” in April2012, 100 years after the mam-moth passenger steamshipplunged into the icy waters of theAtlantic Ocean.

Agence France Presse

NEW YORK – J.K. Rowling, thebest-selling author of the Harry Pot-ter series, said she could imagineherself resurrecting her lucrativeboy wizard, despite having offi-cially penned his final adventures.

“I could definitely write aneighth, ninth and tenth,” Rowlingtold US chat show host OprahWinfrey on ABC television. “I’mnot going to say I won’t. I don’tthink I will. I feel I am done, butyou never know.”

Rowling laid down her pen —and Harry’s magic wand — whenshe finished the seventh book in2007, with a stunning record of 400million copies of the series soldaround the world. She told Winfreyof her difficulties in coming to termswith the end of the story that madeher name and fortune.

“The end was huge. Like a be-reavement. Although I knew it wascoming — we all know the peoplewe love are mortal, we know it’sgoing to end — you can’t prepareyourself for it. I was in a slight stateof shock,” she said. But she willcontinue to write in some form, shesaid. “I literally can’t stop. I haveto do it.”

Singer Bruno Mars facingSinger Bruno Mars facingSinger Bruno Mars facingSinger Bruno Mars facingSinger Bruno Mars facingcocaine charge in Vegascocaine charge in Vegascocaine charge in Vegascocaine charge in Vegascocaine charge in VegasAssociated Press Writer

LAS VEGAS – Bruno Mars, singer of the hit R&B song “Just the Way You Are,” faces a felony cocainecharge stemming from his arrest after a performance at a Las Vegas nightclub last month. The ClarkCounty district attorney’s office filed a criminal complaint Friday alleging the rising singer-songwriterhad 2.6 grams of cocaine when he was arrested Sept. 19 after being detained by a hotel security guard.

AP Photo/Evan Agostini, File

FILE - In this June 16, 2010 file photo, Bruno Mars at-tends the UJA-Federation’s Music Visionary of the YearAward luncheon at the Pierre Hotel in New York. Singer-songwriter Bruno Mars is facing a felony cocaine chargestemming from his arrest after a performance at a LasVegas nightclub last month.

US novelist Franzen hit by UK recall

AFP/Getty Images/File/Joe Kohen

Tens of thousands of copies of the newnovel “Freedom” by bestselling US au-thor Jonathan Franzen, seen here in2009, have been recalled after an earlydraft of the book was printed by mistake.

“Jonathan has been working on this novel for ten years.We want readers to see the finished version that left hiscomputer,” the spokesman said, adding that Franzen had“accepted that these things happen.”

Franzen, 51, was quoted by The Guardian newspa-per as saying that the faulty edition contained “a couple

of hundred differences at the levelof word and sentence and fact”and “small but significant”changes to key characters.

“Freedom”, the story of a dys-functional American family, wasa labour of love for the author,who at times wrote blindfoldedand with earplugs to overcomecrippling writer’s block. He re-cently became the first living au-thor in more than a decade to ap-pear on the front of Time maga-zine, with the headline “GreatAmerican Novelist” over a moodyportrait.

“The Corrections” sold nearlythree million copies but Franzencaused a furore in 2001 when herefused to allow it to be promotedas part of megastar US talk showhost Oprah Winfrey’s book club.Franzen patched up his row withWinfrey last month and she made“Freedom” her newest Book Clubchoice.


Leonardo do Caprio and Kate Winslet in Titanic movie.

‘Titanic’ to return to thebig screen, in 3D: report

That could put it out in theatersaround the same time GeorgeLucas’s “Star Wars: Episode I —The Phantom Menace” is due outin 3D, the first in a planned seriesto do so.

The company in charge of con-verting Leonardo DiCaprio andKate Winslet’s tragic love story into3D has not yet been chosen, but thecost is estimated at 10 to 15 mil-lion dollars, according to The Hol-lywood Reporter.

Plans to convert 2D films to 3Dhave come under heavy criticism inHollywood after the 3D release of“Clash of the Titans” was a majorflop.

AFP/POOL/File/David Cheskin

Author JK Rowling is picturedas she reads extracts from hernew book ‘The Tales of BeedleThe Bard’ to schoolchildren at atea party at Edinburgh’s Parlia-ment Hall in 2008. Rowling, thebest-selling author of the HarryPotter series, said she couldimagine herself resurrecting herlucrative boy wizard, despitehaving officially penned his fi-nal adventures.

Harry Potter magic couldsparkle again: Rowling

Page 13: International-Bali Post. Monday, October 4, 2010

International Monday, October 4, 2010 13Life Style

It was a fluke that opened theway to a series of discoveries aboutthe creatures that walked our planetin the Cretaceous period, between65 and 145 million years ago. Thelatest secret: a strange hump-backeddinosaur, fossilised after it had de-voured its prey about 125 millionyears ago.

Six metres (20 feet) long fromsnout to tail tip, the dinosaur hadjaws and small, clawed forelimbs,a curved spine and small hump.Pepito, as the creature has beennicknamed by the team from Au-tonomous University of Madridwho dug it out, was a fast and pow-erful hunter.

Agence France Presse

MANILA - A museum display-ing the famed shoe collection of ex-first lady Imelda Marcos has re-opened in the Philippines, heraldinga fightback by its beleaguered shoeindustry against a flood of cheap im-ports. The museum is not just ashowcase of the best of ImeldaMarcos’s 3,000-pair collection, butalso of the craftsmanship in shoe-making in the riverside eastern sub-urb of Marikina where the industrywas born over a century ago.

Footwear consultant TessieEndriga said that Imelda Marcosfailed to provide the Marikina shoeindustry with much-needed infra-structure or financing when shewas in power. But she did help inher own way. “She did patroniselocal brands. If she liked a certainstyle, she would buy a dozenpairs,” recalled Endriga, who hasworked with the government’sBureau of Product Standards.

Marikina shoes were once fa-mous, both locally and abroad, un-til low-priced footwear from coun-tries like China and Vietnam

Agence France Presse

HONG KONG - Hong Kong isstaging a series of auctions this monthaimed at tapping mainland Chinesebuyers’ growing wealth, withSotheby’s autumn sale alone expectedto rake in over 200 million US dol-lars. The southern Chinese city ofseven million people has become theworld’s third-largest auction hub af-ter New York and London, thanks inlarge part to China’s growing politi-cal and economic prowess.

Mainland Chinese often grab thetop lots in sales of works of art,jewellery and wine, reflecting their


“Pepito” Concavenator corcovatus dinosaur fossils found in the deposit of the Hoyas in Palencares Parkand the dead land in the Cierva’s municipality are displayed in the Science Museum of Castilla La Mancha,in Cuenca on September 22 , 2010.

Dinosaur troveDinosaur troveDinosaur troveDinosaur troveDinosaur trovespills more secretsspills more secretsspills more secretsspills more secretsspills more secretsAgence France Presse

CUENCA, Spain - Decades after a mechanical pine-tree digger first un-earthed it, an extraordinary trove of dinosaur fossils in central Spain is re-vealing its secrets. When the digging machine cut a furrow to plant pines inthe arid soil near the medieval town of Cuenca in the 1980s, it sliced throughmore than 100 million years to one of Europe’s richest seams of fossils.

And it had apparently eaten recently.The unique, nearly complete fossil con-tained the remnants of its prey in theabdominal cavity. BaptizedConcavenator corcovatus (from“Conca”, the Latin word for Cuenca;“venator”, for hunter; and “corcovatus”,or hump-backed) the fossil this monthjoined the rich collection of Cuenca’sregional science museum.

The number of visitors hasjumped 70 percent and the numberof hits on the museum Internet sitehas exploded since the discovery waspublished in Nature, said museumdirector Jesus Madero. Pepito “is astrange beast, a strong runner onsmall feet,” said palaeontologist and

co-author of the Nature article, Fran-cisco Ortega.

Its hump had never been seen be-fore in dinosaurs, said the professorat UNED, the Spanish Open Univer-sity for distance learning. Set abovethe hind legs area, it could haveserved as an energy reserve as in adromedary, he said. It is not the firsttime that this fossil seam in LasHoyas, discovered by chance, hasdelivered up an important part of thepre-historic history of the planet.

A missing link between dinosaursand birds, Iberomesornis, an unusuallittle bird with a beak and very prob-ably teeth, was found in the sameformation in the 1980s, “at a timewhen we were in the midst of thedebate over whether birds descendedfrom dinosaurs,” Ortega said.

In fact, the area around Cuencaseems to be rich with pre-historicevidence. Not far away is a sitewhere fossilised dinosoar eggs wereunearthed.


Israel-based South Korean artist Park Hyun-Jin walks past French artistEmile-Antoine Bourdelle’s bronze “Herakles the Archer”, possibly thelast cast of this work in private hands, during a preview of the Fine ArtAsia 2010 art and antiques fair in Hong Kong on October 2, 2010.

Hong Kong kicks off month ofmulti-million-dollar auctions

growing wealth and increasingly so-phisticated tastes.

Sotheby’s autumn sale, which revsinto high gear on Monday and runs un-til October 8, will see 3,200 items puton the auction block, including top-endwines, a 6.4 carat pink diamond, worksby contemporary Chinese painters andan 18th century Chinese imperial seal.

The Qing Dynasty white jade sealis estimated to sell for as much as 30million Hong Kong dollars (3.86 mil-lion US dollars), Sotheby’s said.Wealthy mainland buyers want to owna piece of Chinese history, partly outof national pride and also to confirmtheir own business success, said Kevin

Ching, chief executive of Sotheby’sin Asia.

“There is a desire to hold a pieceof imperial glory — that still meansa lot to people on the mainland,”he told AFP. “They’re willing topay much more for these items(than some buyers).”

The fancy vivid pink diamondcould sell for 55 million HongKong dollars, while contemporaryChinese painter Zhang Xiaogang’s“Chapter of a New Century —Birth of the People’s Republic ofChina II” is estimated to fetch upto 23 million Hong Kong dollars,Sotheby’s said.


A labourer designs a pattern of a shoe at a factory in Marikina City,Rizal province, east of Manila on July 13, 2010. They owned the world’slargest shoes and had Imelda Marcos for a celebrity endorser, but to-day the Philippines’ cobblers are in danger of being buried by an ava-lanche of cheap imports.Marikina shoes were once widely used bothlocally and abroad. Marikina-made snake-skin shoes become the toastof Fifth Avenue in the early-1980s, the city boasts on its website.

Philippines’ famed footwearfights cheap imports

flooded the industry over the years,said local business leader JoseTayawa. “You buy Marikina-madeshoes and use them for five years.You buy Chinese shoes for one-fifththe price but you can only use themfor a few months,” said Tayawa, thehead of the Marikina Chamber ofCommerce and Industry.

Former shoe museum curatorDolly Borlongan conceded that mostof Imelda Marcos’s shoes were im-ported but added that there are manyMarikina shoes among them, as wellas displays on Marikina’s shoe-mak-ing history. The museum was set upin 1998 as just one more way forMarikina to advertise its century-long history of making footwear,from humble slippers to rugged workboots to high-fashion custom shoes.

The town has also built theworld’s largest shoes — a pair ofleather men’s shoes, each as largeas a van — which are still on dis-play at a Marikina mall. Generationsof Filipinos grew up wearing thelocal products, and Marikina-madesnake-skin shoes became the toastof Fifth Avenue in the early-1980s,the city boasts on its website.

Page 14: International-Bali Post. Monday, October 4, 2010

Monday, October 4, 201014 InternationalSport

It is too early to know ifValencia, league champions in 2002and 2004 under Rafael Benitez, aregenuine title contenders to Real andBarca who finished 28 points aheadof third-placed Valencia last season.Barcelona host Real Mallorca onSunday while Real Madrid, whohave yet to be defeated, entertainstrugglers Deportivo La Coruna onthe same day looking to close afive-point gap on Valencia.

Valencia fell victim to a late goalin Wednesday’s 1-0 ChampionsLeague home defeat to ManchesterUnited but responded with a narrowwin over Bilbao to continue theirfine start. Aduriz linked up well withstrike partner Roberto Soldado andplanted a header home in the 10thminute for his third goal since join-ing from Real Mallorca in a four-million-euro summer move.

Vicente added a second goal aminute into stoppage time and itproved crucial as Igor Gabilondopulled a goal back for Bilbao instoppage time. Earlier on loanFrench striker Florent SinamaPongolle scored twice in five min-utes as 10-man Real Zaragoza camefrom two goals down to draw 2-2at home to Sporting Gijon on Sat-

Agence France Presse

ROME - AC Milan went top ofSerie A for a day at least as AndreaPirlo scored the only goal of thegame to earn a 1-0 victory at Parmaon Saturday. Several teams can goback above Milan if they win onSunday but seeing the rossoneri gotop this early in the season is anominous sign for the rest of the di-vision.

In truth the margin of victoryshould have been considerablywider as Milan, and ZlatanIbrahimovic in particular missed asackful of chances. Milan coachMassimiliano Allegri was satisfiedwith his team’s performance, al-though he admitted the last fewminutes were uncomfortablewatching.

“It’s an important win becausewe had several important playersout. We played well in the first halfand created many chances,” he said.“Apart from the last 10 minutes wecontrolled the second half and Ithink we deserved this win.

“We hardly gave away anychances but in the second half ourtempo dropped, we went to sleep abit and gave up a couple of chances.“Maybe at the end we could havebetter managed the last five min-utes.” Milan’s combativemidfielder Gennaro Gattusobrushed off the significance of histeam’s going top at this stage of theseason.

“Being at the top doesn’t meananything. It was our first away winand this was important,” he said.“We still have to improve a lot butI think we played some good stuffat times.” The defeat left Parmahovering above the relegation zoneonly on goal difference but they willlikely drop down into the bottomthree on Sunday.

Milan showed their intent fromthe off as Ibrahimovic got free inthe box on two minutes but draggedhis cross-shot wide. Parma rarelythreatened but they did have a great


Valencia’s forward Aritz Aduriz (L) vies with Athletic Bilbao’s defender Jon Aurtenetxe duringtheir Spanish League football match on October 2, 2010 at Mestalla stadium in Valencia.

Unbeaten ValenciaUnbeaten ValenciaUnbeaten ValenciaUnbeaten ValenciaUnbeaten Valenciasurge four clearsurge four clearsurge four clearsurge four clearsurge four clearwith Bilbao winwith Bilbao winwith Bilbao winwith Bilbao winwith Bilbao winAgence France Presse

MADRID - Valencia bounced back from their Champions League loss to Manchester Unitedwith a 2-1 home victory over Athletic Bilbao on Saturday to move four points clear at the Span-ish first division summit. A third goal of the season from striker Aritz Aduriz on 10 minutes anda late strike from substitute Vicente made it 16 points from 18 for unbeaten Valencia who leadVillarreal and champions Barcelona.

urday.Zaragoza stay bottom of the table

despite the point but it could havebeen worse having trailed 2-0 withone player less after the dismissalof former Chelsea defender JiriJarosik two minutes after the break.

However, the hosts scored twicein five minutes to stun Gijon withformer Liverpool striker Pongolle,on loan from Portuguese side Sport-ing Lisbon, scoring in the 56thminute and again in the 61st minuteto change the course of the matchas Zaragoza salvaged an unlikelypoint. “The team produced a titaniceffort to level the score,” saidZaragoza coach Jose Aurelio Gay.“At the end of the match they hadcounter attacks but Toni Doblas (theZaragoza goalkeeper) did reallywell.”

Zaragoza prop up the table withno win from their first six matcheswhile Sporting are in 15th placeafter squandering two points.

Elsewhere Espanyol’s travelsickness struck again as theBarcelona side lost 1-0 at promotedReal Sociedad on Saturday. An 83rdminute own goal from Argentinecentre-back Juan Forlin handedSociedad victory and inflicted a

third away defeat on Espanyol whohave to collect a point on the road.

It was a special match for strikerRaul Tamudo, 32, as he startedagainst old club Espanyol — wherehe spent 14 successful years beforejoining Sociedad in the summer —for the first time before being sub-stituted in the 67th minute. Sociedadhad lost their last three matches andthe much-needed win sees themmove into mid-table while Espanyolare sixth on the back of their perfectnine points at home.

The game of the weekend is onSunday when Sevilla host AtleticoMadrid in a re-run of last season’sKings Cup final which Sevilla won2-0. Sevilla sacked coach AntonioAlvarez on Sunday and new man-ager Gregorio Manzano makes hisleague bow against Atletico at theRamon Sanchez Pizjuan stadium.

Fifth-placed Atletico, three pointsbehind Valencia, are without Argen-tine striker Sergio “Kun” Aguerowho picked up a knock in training.

Sevilla won 1-0 at BorussiaDortmund in Thursday’s EuropaLeague match as Manzano got off toa winning start on his debut and hopesfor another victory as Sevilla bid toimprove on their seventh place.


A.C. Milan’s midfielder Andrea Pirlo (L) celebrates after scor-ing during their Italian serie A football match between ParmaFc and AC Milan at the Ennio Tardini stadium in Parma onOctober 2, 2010.

Pirlo sends Milan topafter Parma win

chance on 12 minutes as Angelocrossed for former Milan strikerHernan Crespo but he stooped solow to try to head the ball underpressure from Alessandro Nestathat he failed to get anything behindhis effort.

Milan were soon back on the at-tack as Ibrahimovic played a one-two with Clarence Seedorf but shotstraight at Antonio Mirante.

The visitors had the lead on 25minutes as Pirlo found space andcrashed a stunning shot from 30yards, that moved wickedly in theair, into the top corner.

The seven-time European cham-pions found their swagger andRonaldinho created a pair ofchances, chipping over the backlinefor Ibrahimovic but Mirante cameout well to block his shot whileRonaldinho repeated the trick forRobinho only for his countryman’sheader to lack power.

Ibrahimovic then shrugged off hismarker to home in one-on-one onMirante but incredibly he shot threetimes straight at the goalkeeper be-fore the ball was cleared. Full-backLuca Antonini got behind the Parmadefence on the stroke of half-timefrom Pirlo’s pass but no-one arrivedto touch home his pull-back.

It was more of the same in thesecond period as Robinho miscuedhorribly when well placed and thenRonaldinho let fly from distanceonly for Mirante to come to the res-cue again and tip the ball over thebar on 63 minutes.

Parma finally threatened 12 min-utes from time as Blerim Dzemailiforced a sprawling save out ofChristian Abbiati with a skiddingdaisy-cutter. But on the counter at-tack Ronaldinho beat the offsidetrap but from the left curled his shotpast the far post.

Earlier in the day Udinese finallywon their first game of the seasonat the sixth attempt as MehdiBenatia scored deep into injury timein a 1-0 success over Cesena, al-though Udinese remain bottom.

Page 15: International-Bali Post. Monday, October 4, 2010

Monday, October 4, 2010 15International Sport

The Russian, looking to bounceback after crashing out of the Pan Pa-cific Open last week in Tokyo in thefirst round to Japanese veteran KimikoDate Krumm, used powerfulgroundstrokes to escape from dangerin the first set.

But the three-time Grand Slam win-ner faltered in the second set, tradingthree breaks of serve with Pironkovabefore sealing the match with acrosscourt backhand winner to end thetiebreaker. “She started swinging away,and I was a little bit late and a little bitmore tentative,” Sharapova told report-ers, adding that she hoped to improveher consistency and cut down on thenumber of unforced errors.

“I think the first rounds are neverquite perfect,” she said, referring alsoto her loss in Tokyo, which she said haddeprived her of much-needed matchplay. “At the end of the day, I found away to win.” Stosur, the fourth seedhere, started strong but could not holdon, crashing out of the tournament inthree sets to 20-year-old Latvian quali-fier Anastasija Sevastova, 2-6, 7-6 (7/5), 7-5.

In the third set, the Australian worldnumber seven — who reached the fi-nal at the French Open this year — gaveher opponent too many second servesto look at and was unable to recoverfrom a crucial service break near theend. Last year’s winner here, 10th seedSvetlana Kuznetsova, also lost in thefirst round to Italy’s Roberta Vinci.

“I feel like I am a better player thanher, but I could not get my chances,”Kuznetsova said. In other action, a trioof Russians — 13th seed Nadia Petrova,2005 China Open champion MariaKirilenko and Alisa Kleybanova — ad-vanced with ease.

France’s Aravane Rezai, the 14thseed, lost to Argentina’s Gisela Dulko.The 6.6-million-dollar China Open isa joint WTA-ATP event, with both tourslooking to make inroads in the vastAsian country, which they see as a stra-tegic marketplace.

Denmark’s Caroline Wozniacki,the top seed in Beijing, could takeover the world number one rankingfrom Serena Williams — who with-drew due to injury this week — byreaching the quarterfinals or betterhere.

“I always go into a tournamentwanting to win it. Of course (gettingthe number one ranking) is also a goalhere, but we’ll have to see if that isgoing to be possible,” Wozniacki told

Associated Press Writer

WILMINGTON, N.C. – JavarisCrittenton had little chance to distin-guish himself in his first two seasons inthe NBA. Then he became famous lastyear for the wrong reason — as the“other guy” in the Gilbert Arenas gunsaga. Reinstated after a lengthy suspen-sion and healthy again following abotched ankle surgery, Crittenton ishoping to earn a roster spot with theCharlotte Bobcats and revive his career.

“It’s a blessing to be out here play-ing,” Crittenton said. “I’m cherishingevery moment of it — every moment.”Crittenton didn’t anticipate that in threeyears he’d go from first-round pick ofthe Los Angeles Lakers to scramblingto make an NBA roster with a non-guaranteed deal.

It’s a combination of bad luck andpoor decisions, which includes his dis-pute with his Washington teammateArenas over a card game on a teamflight last season. The feud escalateduntil both men brought guns into theWizards locker room. Arenas, a Wiz-ards star, got most of the attention ashe prosecuted and received a 50-gamesuspension. Crittenton, a reserve whowas out of the season with a bum ankle,pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor guncharge in January and received proba-tion.

Warned by NBA commissionerDavid Stern not to go into specificsabout the case, Crittenton chose hiswords carefully. But he clearly tookresponsibility.

“Use wisdom in everything and justdon’t get caught up in foolishness andnonsense and crazy people around

Agence France Presse

GEELONG, Australia – ThorHushovd made cycling history onSunday when he won Norway’s first-ever men’s elite title at the world roadrace cycling championships in Aus-tralia. Hushovd, the Norwegian cham-pion, dominated a bunch sprint at theend of a thrilling 267.2 km race, beat-ing Denmark’s Matti Breschel andAustralia’s Allan Davis.

Breschel went one better than hisbronze in 2008 to pick up the silvermedal while Davis gave the hosts aconsolation bronze, their second con-secutive medal after Cadel Evans’striumph last year.

Hushovd, a one-day classics spe-cialist who is known for his ability toclimb and finish well on uphill sprints,waited until the final 150 metres ofthe 750-metre home straight beforeunleashing a powerful sprint. After-wards he could not quite believe hisachievement.

“It’s hard to understand I’ve wonthe worlds. It’s a dream, it’s unreal,”said Hushovd, who becomes the firstrider from the Scandinavian countryto win the coveted rainbow jersey.“This has to be the best moment of

SharapovaSharapovaSharapovaSharapovaSharapovaadvances, Stosuradvances, Stosuradvances, Stosuradvances, Stosuradvances, Stosurout in Beijingout in Beijingout in Beijingout in Beijingout in BeijingAgence France Presse

BEIJING - Maria Sharapova struggled to find her rhythm Sunday but advanced to the secondround of the China Open thanks to her brute force from the backcourt, but Australia’s SamanthaStosur was not so lucky. Sharapova, a former world number one and the 12th seed in Beijing,defeated Bulgaria’s Tsvetana Pironkova in straight sets, 6-4, 7-6 (7/5), in a duel of 23-year-oldsthat lasted more than two hours in warm afternoon sun.

Spanish league results

Real Zaragoza 2 (Pongolle 56, 61) Sporting Gijon 2 (Obradovic 32-og, Castro 48-pen)Real Sociedad 1 (Forlin 83-og) Espanyol 0Valencia 2 (Aduriz 10, Vicente 90) Athletic Bilbao 1 (Gabilondo 90)

Italian Serie A results

Udinese 1 (Benatia 90) Cesena 0Parma 0 AC Milan 1 (Pirlo 25)

English Premier League results

Birmingham 0 Everton 2 (Johnson 54-og, Cahill 90)Stoke 1 (Walters 48) Blackburn 0Sunderland 0 Man Utd 0Tottenham 2 (Van der Vaart 45, 75) Aston Villa 1 (Albrighton 16)West Brom 1 (Morrison 78) Bolton 1 (Elmander 64)West Ham 1 (Piquionne 51) Fulham 1 (Dempsey 33)Wigan 2 (Gomez 65, Rodallega 85) Wolves 0


Maria Sharapova of Russia blows a kiss to spectatorsafterdefeating Tsvetana Pironkova of Bulgaria during their firstround match in the China Open tennis tournament at the Na-tional Tennis Center in Beijing on October 3, 2010. Sharapovawon at 6-4, 7-6.

a press conference.Titleholder Novak Djokovic is the

top seed in the men’s draw, which be-gins on Monday. The Serb will face a

Crittenton eyes return withBobcats after gun flap

AP Photo/Chuck Burton

In this photo taken Sept. 30,2010, Charlotte Bobcats’Javaris Crittenton talks to themedia after practice during theNBA basketball team’s trainingcamp in Wilmington, N.C.

you,” Crittenton said about what helearned. “It was a bad decision on bothends and we’re trying to move forwardwith our careers and our lives.”

While Arenas remains in Washing-ton, the Wizards didn’t pick up thefourth-year option in Crittenton’s rookiecontract. With his baggage, ankle prob-lem and mediocre career averages of5.3 points and 1.8 assists, there wasn’tmuch demand for him.

But Bobcats coach Larry Brown,who has a history of coaching difficultplayers, ranging from Allen Iverson toStephen Jackson, was intrigued afterwatching Crittenton average 14.4 pointsin his lone season at Georgia Tech.

Norway’s Hushovd winscycling road race title

AFP/File/Lionel Bonaventure

Thor Hushovd (pictured) wonNorway’s first ever men’s elitetitle at the world road race cy-cling championships in Aus-tralia on Sunday.

my career.”The elite men’s event broke with

tradition by starting and finishing intwo different locations, and shortlyafter the start in Melbourne a five-manattack formed. The group contained nocontenders but the peloton had to upthe pace to bring down a lead of morethan 20 minutes. If they had beenlapped by the leaders on the 15.9kmcircuit in Geelong, they would havebeen disqualified.

Thankfully for race organisers thepotential disaster was avoided and thestar-studded chasing peloton contin-ued to increase the pace and eventu-ally pull in the tiring leaders.

tough challenge from Britain’s AndyMurray, in action for the first timesince a disappointing early loss at theUS Open.

Page 16: International-Bali Post. Monday, October 4, 2010

Monday, October 4, 201016 SportI N T E R N A T I O N A L

Championship leader JorgeLorenzo only came fourth, after los-ing a nail-biting battle with Rossiin the final stages of the race. Stoner,fresh from winning the AragonGrand Prix last month, called thevictory an “upset” after his teamstruggled to find the best setup forhis machine in “a disaster week-end”.

“It’s obvious the bike really isn’tperfect for this track. And to comeout and still win this was just awe-some for me and for the team andfor everybody,” he said. “This wasone of my most memorable wins,”he said, after fending off challengesfrom Dovizioso, who had his firstcareer pole start.

The Honda rider lamented hisaccumulation of small mistakes thatprevented him really threatening theAustralian, but said he was happyto take second. “I wasn’t precise 100percent,” the Italian said. “To comeback on the podium was so impor-tant.” The true highlight of the racecame as the two Yamaha ridersstaged a brilliant duel with two lapsremaining.

MOTEGI - Jorge Lorenzo be-lieves Valentino Rossi was too aggres-sive towards him in their battle for thepodium in the Japanese Grand Prix.The two Yamaha riders made contacttwice during a fraught struggle forthird place in the closing laps atMotegi. They swapped places fourtimes before Rossi secured the finalpodium spot ahead of his team-mate.

Lorenzo argued that Rossi riskedjeopardising Yamaha’s title prospectshad they come together. “This was abig battle between Valentino and I,two warriors with the killer instinct,”said the Spaniard. “I have to say thatat some points I do not think he wascompletely fair, we were both on thelimit but some of his moves weremaybe a bit too much and he touchedme and pushed me wide when I don’t


Ducati’s Casey Stoner (R) of Australia sprays champagne to third-placed Valentino Rossi (L) ofItaly and second-placed Andrea Dovizioso (C) of Italy during the awarding ceremony for theJapanese Grand Prix MotoGP race at Twin Ring Motegi circuit in Motegi, on October 3, 2010.Stoner won the race in 43 minutes 12.266 seceonds.

Stoner wins Japan MotoGPAgence France Presse

MOTEGI, Japan - Australian rider Casey Stoner won theJapanese Grand Prix Sunday, grabbing his second straight vic-tory despite frustrating problems setting up his Ducati through-out the weekend. The 2007 world champion clocked 43min12.266sec at the Motegi Twin Ring, 3.868sec ahead of pole-posi-tion starter Andrea Dovizioso and 5.707sec faster than reigningchampion Valentino Rossi, both of Italy.

Riding side by side, their bikestouched as they overtook each otherat successive corners during the fi-nal lap. But Rossi, still sufferingshoulder pains, had the final say. “Itwas funny,” the nine-time worldchampion said. “We had some over-taking. But you know, in the lastlap... to take a place on the podium,you have to never give up.”

Stoner’s victory, however, did notchange Lorenzo’s strong position inthe overall championship standings.With only four races remainingLorenzo can secure the season titlewith a solid showing in the Malay-sian Grand Prix next weekend if sec-ond-ranked Dani Pedrosa misses theevent.

Pedrosa, the only racer with achance of overtaking Lorenzo,pulled out of Motegi after crashingduring practice on Friday, when hebroke a collarbone into four pieces.He immediately flew home to Spainand underwent a successful opera-tion Saturday, but it remained un-clear exactly when he would be ableto return to racing, his physician saidin Barcelona.

Lorenzo hits out at ‘unfair’ Rossithink it was right.

“We are team-mates, I am fight-ing for the riders’ championship butwe are both fighting for the teams’ andmanufacturers’ championship as welland we have to remember this.” WilcoZeelenberg, team manager forLorenzo’s side of the split Yamahaoperation, agreed that Rossi shouldhave been more circumspect whenracing with Lorenzo given theSpaniard’s championship position.

“Of course the end of the race wasexciting, but Jorge is a winner andeven with the situation with the cham-pionship he was never going to giveup on the final podium spot easily,”said Zeelenberg.”It was a great battlebetween the two strongest riders in theworld but they are team-mates andValentino took too many risks and

touched Jorge a couple of times,which should not have happenedwhen Jorge is fighting for the cham-pionship.”

In an interview with the officialMotoGP website, Lorenzo added thathe understood that the dice had madegreat entertainment for fans, but thathe felt the situation was becomingunsafe. “The show is great for thebusiness of motorcycling - peopleenjoy it and that’s fantastic,” he said.

“But when you’re a rider, andyou’re riding a MotoGP bike whichdoes 300 km/h on the straight and inthe corners 200km/h or 180 km/h,and you are feeling that the otherrider is touching you, it’s not a beau-tiful feeling or a good emotion be-cause you know you are putting yourlife at risk in this moment.

“There were three or four movesI made on Valentino that I thoughtwere correct and fair. Instead hismovements were legal but a little biton the limit from my point of view.

“I think it’s the way he likes tofight. It happened with [Sete]Gibernau, then with [Casey] Stonerand now with me. Maybe in the fu-ture his rivals will get a little bit madand will act like he usually does.”

Lorenzo said he was not at hismaximum pace in the Motegi racedue to a handling issue and the deci-sion to stick with Yamaha’s old specengine and save the newer, morepowerful unit for later in the season.


Jorge Lorenzo, left, fight with his teammate Valentino Rossiduring Motegi Grand Prix on Sunday, October 3rd 2010