FRIT 7231: Instructional Design Key Assessment

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  • 8/20/2019 FRIT 7231: Instructional Design Key Assessment


    Key Assessment Part 1: Identification of Learning Problem

    General Audience

    The general audience that I have chosen contains 24 first grade children between the agesof six to eight years. 96% of the children (23 are !frican"!#erican and 4% ($ are of

    #ixed bacground. !ll children are in a low inco#e bracet& #any of who# are using

    govern#ent housing and aid. The school is a Title $ school with $''% on free breafast

    and lunch. The children have been in first grade for over half a year& and all attendedindergarten with only one having been )reviously retained.

    Problem Identification

    *eing in a data driven district& I have #any resources as #y dis)osal to gain an insight onareas that are causing a )roble#. !ssess#ents such as the +T!, -ath assess#ent and

    results fro# their bench#ar testing using -"lass -ath hel)ed #e identify the s)ecific

    needs that need to be addressed class wide. These deficiencies are based on the o##onore /eorgia 0erfor#ance +tandards that have been rolled out state"wide which ex)ects

    the students to #aster these sills before the end of first grade.

    Therefore& based on the above #entioned criteria I noticed that #y students are having a

     )roble# with certain #ath standards. I have decided to concentrate on #y students being

    able to solving addition and subtraction word )roble#s (u) to 2'. This see#s to be#ore of an abstract conce)t that has been giving #ost of #y student1s )roble#s. -any

    are unable to )ull details fro# the text and create strategies for co#ing to a )ro)er

    euation and answer. Teaching second and third grade as well in the )ast& I now how

    i#)ortant it is for the general audience to be able to )roble# solve& create a strategy& andfind a solution. I believe that this will not only their )roble# solving sills& but also hel)

    in the real# of reading with being able to )ull out details and using these details to drawcorrect conclusions. The /eorgia o##on ore +tandard I a# concentrating on is

    MCC.1.OA.1. Use addition and subtraction within 20 to solve word problems involving situations of adding to, taking from, putting together, taking apart, and comparing, with

    unknowns in all positions, e.g., by using objects, drawings, and equations with a symbol

     for the unknown number to represent the problem.

    Instructional Goals

    • +tudents will be able to add within 2' to solve word )roble#s.

    • +tudents will be able to subtract within 2' to solve word )roble#s

    • +tudents will be able to )ic out context clues to hel) the# understand which

     )ro)erty they need to solve the )roble#.

  • 8/20/2019 FRIT 7231: Instructional Design Key Assessment


    • +tudents will use #ulti)le re)resentations such as obects& drawings& and

    euations with sy#bols for the unnown nu#ber to re)resent the )roble#.

    • +tudents will be able to ex)lain their way of thining and strategy to solve the


  • 8/20/2019 FRIT 7231: Instructional Design Key Assessment


    Key Assessment Part II: Learner Analysis

    IntroductionThe )ri#ary audience reviewed in this analysis is co#)rised of $st graders at /adsden

    5le#entary +chool in the +avannah"hatha# ounty +chool +yste#. +tudents range in

    age fro# 6" with only one child that was retained )rior in indergarten. 7ere at

    /adsden& 29% attended 5cono#ic 8))ortunity !uthority (a 7ead +tart )rogra# run by

    hatha#"+avannah& or a )re"indergarten )rogra# when they were younger. The class is

    co#)rised of 24 students& one of which has ust arrived fro# another school in the district

    2 #onths earlier. In #y class& 23 of the students are !frican"!#erican and one is

    classified as #ultiracial. e also have $''% of the students are eligible for free lunch

    and breafast& and #ost co#e fro# lower"inco#e econo#ic bracets. The neighborhood

    surrounding the school consists #ainly of govern#ent housing. urrently& 2 students are

    receiving coaching fro# :ove -entors that co#e and volunteer at the school. They hel)

    with reading and #ath. Three students are currently being taen by an 5I0 (5arly

    Intervention 0rogra# teacher for intensive interventions dealing with reading. +ix

    students are currently in the ,TI (,es)onse to Intervention )rocess. 8ut of these six

    students& 2 are in ,TI Tier 3 for behavior )roble#s& and 3 are in Tier 2 for reading and

    language )roble#s& while the last student is Tier 3 for )rocessing issues& reading& and

    #ath. !lso& during reading and s#all grou) ti#e& +T!, and -"lass (;ibels < -ath

     bench#ars have been used and analy=ed to create grou)s so deficiencies can be wored

    on and reinforced. urrently& based on the #iddle of the year scores& students are

    showing as intensive and are in two grou)s of 4& seeing the 5I0 teacher at least 3 ti#es a

    wee for 3' #inutes at a ti#e. $' students fall as >on watch? and are )laced in two

    grou)s of @& while 6 students are above level and consist of one grou) with inde)endent

    wor. Infor#ation used ca#e fro# a variety of sources. 0er#anent records& registration

    for#s& and 0owerTeacher have been reviewed to attain de#ogra)hic infor#ation&

     )ro#otions& retentions& and test scores (such as /I;+ fro# the year )rior. ,TI records

    have also been utili=ed to understand any deficiencies or obstacles that #ight constrain


  • 8/20/2019 FRIT 7231: Instructional Design Key Assessment


  • 8/20/2019 FRIT 7231: Instructional Design Key Assessment


    taught how to solve word )roble#s ste)"by"ste) lie investigators& al#ost all the class

    stated they would be willing to give it a try (22 students. !lso& 2' of students stated

    having to do a lot of reading #ade the# not want to even try to figure the )roble# out.

    Educational Abilities

    Bsing the bench#ar scores fro# +T!, -ath& $4 of students are below in re)resenting

    and inter)reting data. !lso 9 out of 24 students are struggling addition to 2' and with

    understanding )ro)erties of addition and subtraction& while $6 students have a solid

    understanding of )lace value. 8verall& the class is diverse when it co#es to reading

    ability and word )roble#s. -ulti)le re)resentations and re)eated reading will be

    necessary with #ost of the class.

    Learning Preferences

    -ost of the class showed a )reference for hands"on )roects as well as interactive

     )ro#ethean board or i0ad activities. This ee)s their attention and allows all #odalities

    of learning to be utili=ed.

    Attitude #o"ard #eac&er and c&ool

    The #aority of the class said they enoyed co#ing to school& with only 4 choosing that

    they do not lie co#ing to school. -any have a )ositive outloo on the teachers they

    interact with everyday& with only 2 stating in the negative. The things they lied #ost

    about the school based on a 0ro#ethean *oard survey was the using neat technology&

    feeling co#fortable& and their friends.

  • 8/20/2019 FRIT 7231: Instructional Design Key Assessment


  • 8/20/2019 FRIT 7231: Instructional Design Key Assessment


    2.2 +ubtraction (within 2'

    2.2.2 +ubtraction )roble#s focus on taing things away or a)art.

    2.2.2.$ Cinding the ;ifference 8ne ty)e of subtraction

    word )roble# will as to tae a nu#ber of ite#s away.

    The )roble# will as you to find difference. -issing +ubtrahends !nother ty)e of subtraction

     )roble# will give you the total nu#ber& but one of the

    subtrahends is #issing. Dou #ust figure out what this

    #issing subtrahend is.

    3. ontext lues

    3.$ hat are ontext luesE

    3.$.2 7ow context clues can identify s)ecific ty)es of word )roble#s.

    3.2 !ddition ontext lues

    3.2.$ hec word )roble# for words or )hrases such as in all& oin&

    co#bine& all together& or )lus.

    3.3 +ubtraction ontext lues

    3.3.$ hec word )roble# for words or )hrases such as how #any

    #ore& difference& se)arate& eat& too away& or less than.

    4. Bsing -ulti)le ,e)resentations to illustrate the )roble#

    4.$ ;rawings

    4.$.$ reate drawings to re)resent the ite#s in the )roble#. This hel)s

    with being able to add or subtract by counting or crossing out the )ictures

    you need to.

    4.2 Fu#ber +entences

    4.2.$ 8nce you decide if you have to add or subtract& creating the addition

    or subtraction )roble# by looing at the word )roble# or the )ictures you created.

    4.3 Tables or /ra)hs

  • 8/20/2019 FRIT 7231: Instructional Design Key Assessment


  • 8/20/2019 FRIT 7231: Instructional Design Key Assessment


  • 8/20/2019 FRIT 7231: Instructional Design Key Assessment


  • 8/20/2019 FRIT 7231: Instructional Design Key Assessment


  • 8/20/2019 FRIT 7231: Instructional Design Key Assessment



    Lesson 1:

    Cocus is on

    how to readword

     )roble#s& then breaing the

     )roble# down

     by identifying

    and labeling

    ey details(such as

    nu#bers& ey

    words& and thefinal uestion.

    • ;efine ste)s on

    how to read a word


    • Identify ey details

    in the sentence

    needed to solve the


    • :abel ey

    details once

    identified and readin the word


    Ob'ecti%e 1:

    ;efine and state

     )rocedures for

    reading word


    1a. ;efine ste)s

    on how to read a

    word )roble#.

    1b. Identify ey

    details in the

    sentence needed

    to solve the


    1c. :abel ey

    details once

    identified read in

    the word )roble#.

    The lesson will



    hints& )icturesto su))ort wordrecognition or



    (!+T& inc.($999"2''@.

    This will be

    tailored byneed of each

    student as

    contained inB;:


    $. Key 8ord 9ui

    +tudents will be given

    a #ix of words andased to sort the

    words on a t"chartonline based onwhether they are

    addition words or 

    subtraction words.

    2. 8ord Problem7etail Assessment

    +tudents will be giventhree word )roble#s

    and ased to highlight

    ey details (nu#bers&ey words& and the

    final uestion in each

     )roble# and underlinethe uestion being


    Lesson -:

    Ty)es of word

     )roble#s are

    identifiedusing eyword

    strategies.0roble# ty)esare then

    ex)lored using

    exa#)les of 

    addition andsubtraction in

    all three for#s

    ()uttingtogether or 

    taing a)art&

    co#)aring&and unnowns

    in all


    • lassify

    the ty)es of


     )roble#s(adding to&


    and unnowns

    in all


    addends or


    • lassify ty)es of

    subtraction )roble#s

    (taing a)art&

    co#)aring and

    unnowns in all

     )ositions (#issing

    subtrahends or

    Ob'ecti%e -:

    Identify addition

    and subtraction

    word )roble#s

    (within 2'

    -a. lassify the

    ty)es of addition

     )roble#s (adding

    to& )utting


    co#)aring and

    unnowns in all

     )ositions (#issing

    addends or su#s-b. lassify ty)es

    of subtraction

     )roble#s (taing

    a)art& co#)aring

    and unnowns in

    all )ositions

    The lesson will )rovide


    vocabularyhints& )ictures

    to su))ort wordrecognition orcontext&


    (!+T& inc.

    ($999"2''@.!lso general


    hints& )roble#s)ecific hints&


    and factretrieval hints

    will also be

     )rovided. (,ose& ;. 7. <

    -eyer& !.


    Teaching every

    $. 8ord Problem

    #y)e In%estigation

    +tudents will be given

    a #ix of word )roble#s and #ust

    identify if they areaddition or subtraction. They

    then #ust identify if 

    they are )utting

    together& taing a)art&and if they are #issing

    a su# or difference& or 


  • 8/20/2019 FRIT 7231: Instructional Design Key Assessment



    •;efine s)ecific

    context clues

    used in word

     )roble#s to


    identify if the

     )roble# reuires

    addition or



    subtrahends or


    -c. ;efine

    s)ecific contextclues used in

    word )roble#s to


    identify if the

     )roble# reuires

    addition or


     student in the

    digital ageUniversal

    design for


    This will betailored by

    need of eachstudent as

    contained in



    Lesson :0resentation of 

    a variety of 

    strategies to

    solve word )roble#s are

    identified such

    as utili=ingdrawings&


    sentences& and

    gra)hs or charts

    re)resentingdata in the


    Btili=edrawings to


    addition and


    word )roble#.

    • Illustrate the

    word )roble#

    using nu#ber


    • Btili=e gra)hs

    or charts using

    data and details in

    the )roble#.

    Ob'ecti%e :

    0rovide clear


    using a variety of

    #ethods to

    ex)lain thining

    a. Btili=e

    drawings to

    re)resent addition

    and subtractionword )roble#.

    b. Illustrate the

    word )roble#using nu#ber

    sentences.c. Btili=e gra)hs

    or charts usingdata and details in

    the )roble#.

    The lesson will )rovide



    hints& )icturesto su))ort word

    recognition or


    (!+T& inc.


    !lso generala))lication

    hints& )roble#s)ecific hints&


    and fact

    retrieval hintswill also be

     )rovided. (,ose& ;. 7. <-eyer& !.


    Teaching every student in the

    digital age


    design forlearning.

    This will be

    $. 8ord ProblemIn%estigation

    +tudents will be given

    a test where they are

    shown @ word )roble#s. They #ust

    label ey )arts in the

     )roble#& identify )roble# ty)e& and

    show their thining by

    solving using )ictures&

    gra)hs or charts& and anu#ber sentences to.

    They #ust show atleast two ways to

    solve the )roble#.

  • 8/20/2019 FRIT 7231: Instructional Design Key Assessment


    tailored by

    need of eachstudent as

    contained in



    Assessment E(am)les

    The assess#ents that I have created are )erfor#ance based and I want students to be ableto de#onstrate the ey conce)ts they learn and use that infor#ation to solve word

     )roble#s while de#onstrating their thining. !t the end of the unit& students should be

    able to de#onstrate what they have learned and should be able to correctly use additionand subtraction within 2' to solve word )roble#s involving situations of adding and

    subtracting by taing a)art& and co#)aring& with unnowns in all )ositions and

    de#onstrating their thining by using obects& drawings& and euations.

    Lesson 1;Key 8ord 9ui


    A77 45#/AC#

  • 8/20/2019 FRIT 7231: Instructional Design Key Assessment


    In all 0ind t&e difference 0ind t&e sum 'oin

  • 8/20/2019 FRIT 7231: Instructional Design Key Assessment


    Mary )ic!ed = flo"ers on &er "ay to sc&ool. anet )ic!ed ? flo"ers  on &er "ay as "ell.

  • 8/20/2019 FRIT 7231: Instructional Design Key Assessment


    5et& and cott "ere at t&e beac& and collected s&ells

    . 5et& )ic!ed u) s&ells in t&e morning and - s&ells

     in t&e afternoon. cott )ic!ed u) more.

  • 8/20/2019 FRIT 7231: Instructional Design Key Assessment


  • 8/20/2019 FRIT 7231: Instructional Design Key Assessment


    7ecide if you need to add or subtract. Mar! u) your

    )roblem. In t&e em)ty bo( drag t&e !ey "ord used to

    decide and tell if you are finding t&e sum2 difference2 or

    &a%e a missing addendsubtra&end.

    >anet &as = )ins .

    &e got more for &er


  • 8/20/2019 FRIT 7231: Instructional Design Key Assessment


    Lesson Assessment: 8ord Problem In%estigation

    Mar! u) your "ord )roblems. Circle "&et&er you need to add or subtract. 7ra"

    )ictures and include a number sentence to sol%e. &o" your "or!.

    www.MathPlayground.comShow questions one by one

    1. Ned rode his bike 7 miles to the library.He took a shortcut on the way home which was only 5 miles long.How many miles did Ned ride altogether?

    . !nne ate " cookies.Samantha ate # more cookies than !nne.How many cookies did Samantha eat?

    $. Henry ga%e 5 stickers to his younger brother.Now he only has & stickers.How many stickers did Henry ha%e at 'irst?

    (raw Picture) *ra+h or Number Sentence to show your work

  • 8/20/2019 FRIT 7231: Instructional Design Key Assessment


    #. (erek and ,arry ha%e 15 books together." o' the books belong to (erek.How many books does ,arry ha%e?

    (raw Picture) *ra+h or Number Sentence to show your work

    5. !ngela had - com+uter games.She got $ more 'or her birthday.How many com+uter games did !ngela ha%e then?

    (raw Picture) *ra+h or Number Sentence to show your work

  • 8/20/2019 FRIT 7231: Instructional Design Key Assessment


  • 8/20/2019 FRIT 7231: Instructional Design Key Assessment


    $. Henry ga%e 5 stickers to his younger brother.Now he only has & stickers.How many stickers did Henry ha%e at 'irst?

    (raw Picture) *ra+h or Number Sentence to show your work

    #. (erek and ,arry ha%e 15 books together." o' the books belong to (erek.How many books does ,arry ha%e?

    (raw Picture) *ra+h or Number Sentence to show your work

    (erek and ,arry2s 3ooks


    5. !ngela had - com+uter games.She got $ more 'or her birthday.How many com+uter games did !ngela ha%e then?

  • 8/20/2019 FRIT 7231: Instructional Design Key Assessment


    (raw Picture) *ra+h or Number Sentence to show your work


  • 8/20/2019 FRIT 7231: Instructional Design Key Assessment


  • 8/20/2019 FRIT 7231: Instructional Design Key Assessment


    B;: The lesson will )rovide si#)lified vocabulary hints& )ictures to su))ort word

    recognition or context& recognition (!+T& inc. ($999"2''@. This will be tailored by

    need of each student as contained in B;: )hiloso)hy.

    /enerative +trategy +tudents will then be ased to de#onstrate their sills as detectives by being given @ word )roble# #ysteries to solve inde)endently. They will be ased to

    first read the )roble# silently& and then listen to the )roble# being read through audio.

    They will then correctly highlight ey clues nu#bers& underline the #ain uestion& and box the context word or )hrase (using digital )en and highlighting tools that told the#

    which o)eration to use for each )roble# on the screen.

    Lesson -: #ime to in%estigate and &unt for cluesF

    Ob'ecti%e -: Identify addition and subtraction word )roble#s (within 2'

    -a. lassify the ty)es of addition )roble#s (adding to& )utting together&

    co#)aring and unnowns in all )ositions (#issing addends or su#s

    -b. lassify ty)es of subtraction )roble#s (taing a)art& co#)aring and

    unnowns in all )ositions (#issing subtrahends or difference

    -c. ;efine s)ecific context clues used in word )roble#s to accurately identify if

    the )roble# reuires addition or subtraction

    Initial 0resentation +tudents will uicly review the three i#)ortant )arts of a word

     )roble# the nu#bers& the uestion& and HA" context clue words. +tudents will thenwatch a DouTube video on words or )hrases that tell whether they need to add orsubtract. This )resentation will hel) the# beco#e fa#iliar with addition words and

    subtraction words so they can correctly classify the ty)e of )roble# as addition or

    subtraction. ;iscuss that there are different ty)es of addition word )roble#s anddifferent ty)es of subtraction word )roble#s. -any& you need to find the answer by

    either adding your nu#bers or subtracting and getting your answer. 7owever& there are

    so#e )roble#s that #ay not as you to find the su# or difference. These )roble#s #ayhaving #issing addends or subtrahends. !lso you #ay be ased to co#)are. +tudents

    will wor through exa#)les of each of these )roble#s

    B;: The lesson will )rovide si#)lified vocabulary hints& )ictures to su))ort wordrecognition or context& recognition (!+T& inc. ($999"2''@. !lso general a))licationhints& )roble# s)ecific hints& co#)utation and fact retrieval hints will also be )rovided. (,ose& ;. 7. < -eyer& !. (2''2. Teaching every student in the digital age Universaldesign for learning.

    This will be tailored by need of each student as contained in B;: )hiloso)hy.

  • 8/20/2019 FRIT 7231: Instructional Design Key Assessment


    /enerative +trategy . +tudents will then co#)lete an interactive digital word sort under

    two categories addition or subtraction and drag the )rovided words or )hrase under the

    correct category. +tudents will discuss their reasoning behind the choices #ade.+tudents next will be ased to co#)lete 6 word )roble#s. They will have to )ull out the

    ey clues and create a nu#ber sentence. +tudents will ex)eri#ent with the discussed

    different ty)es of addition and subtraction word )roble#s. +o#e )roble#s will be asingfor su#s or differences& while other )roble#s #ight as for co#)arisons such as who has

    #ore& who has less.

    Lesson : ol%ing t&e Mystery: Putting t&e Clues toget&er

    Ob'ecti%e : 0rovide clear ex)lanations using a variety of #ethods to ex)lain thining

    a. Btili=e drawings to re)resent addition and subtraction word )roble#.

    b. Illustrate the word )roble# using nu#ber sentences.c. Btili=e gra)hs or charts using data and details in the )roble#.

    Initial 0resentation The lesson will begin with an exa#)le )roble#. The )roble# will

     be read& ey clues identified& and nu#ber sentence created. ;iscussion will begin about

    how there are other ways to illustrate the )roble# and chec to be sure your nu#bersentence is correct. To do this& students will view a variety of strategies by viewing a

    0owtoon eb 2.' screencast about using illustrations& ten fra#es& and charts to organi=e

    infor#ation in the )roble#. This allows further tools the students can use as word )roble# detectives.

    B;: The lesson will )rovide si#)lified vocabulary hints& )ictures to su))ort wordrecognition or context& recognition (!+T& inc. ($999"2''@. !lso general a))licationhints& )roble# s)ecific hints& co#)utation and fact retrieval hints will also be )rovided. (,ose& ;. 7. < -eyer& !. (2''2. Teaching every student in the digital age Universal

    design for learning.This will be tailored by need of each student as contained in B;: )hiloso)hy.

    /enerative +trategy +tudents will be given $' word )roble#s in a variety of ty)es.

    They will be ased to first #ar u) the )roble# and create a nu#ber sentence. Fext they

    will be ased to create two ten fra#es and illustrate the )roble#. The final ste) will be

    for the student to illustrate the word )roble#& de#onstrating if they are taing away or )utting together their grou) of ite#s.

  • 8/20/2019 FRIT 7231: Instructional Design Key Assessment


    Key Assessment Part ,II: 7esign of Instruction




    Goals Ob'ecti%es 47L Assessments

    Lesson 1:

    Cocus is on

    how to read


     )roble#s& then breaing the

     )roble# down

     by identifyingand labeling

    ey details

    (such asnu#bers& ey

    words& and the

    final uestion.

    • ;efine ste)s on

    how to read a word


    • Identify ey details

    in the sentence

    needed to solve the


    • :abel ey

    details once

    identified and read

    in the word


    Ob'ecti%e 1:

    ;efine and state

     )rocedures for

    reading word


    1a. ;efine ste)s

    on how to read a

    word )roble#.

    1b. Identify ey

    details in the

    sentence needed

    to solve the


    1c. :abel ey

    details onceidentified read in

    the word )roble#.

    The lesson will )rovide



    hints& )icturesto su))ort word

    recognition or


    (!+T& inc.

    ($999"2''@.This will be

    tailored by

    need of eachstudent as

    contained in



    $. Key 8ord 9ui+tudents will be given

    a #ix of words and

    ased to sort the

    words on a t"chartonline based on

    whether they are

    addition words or subtraction words.

    2. 8ord Problem7etail Assessment

    +tudents will be given

    three word )roble#sand ased to highlight

    ey details (nu#bers&

    ey words& and the

    final uestionin each )roble# and underline

    the uestion being


    Lesson -:Ty)es of word )roble#s are


    using eyword

    strategies.0roble# ty)es

    are then

    ex)lored usingexa#)les of 

    addition and

    subtraction inall three for#s


    together or taing a)art&


    and unnowns

    in all

    lassifythe ty)es ofaddition


    (adding to&



    and unnownsin all


    (#issingaddends or


    • lassify ty)es of

    subtraction )roble#s

    (taing a)art&

    co#)aring and

    Ob'ecti%e -:

    Identify addition

    and subtraction

    word )roble#s

    (within 2'

    -a. lassify the

    ty)es of addition

     )roble#s (adding

    to& )utting

    together&co#)aring and

    unnowns in all

     )ositions (#issing

    addends or su#s

    -b. lassify ty)es

    of subtraction

    The lesson will )rovidesi#)lified


    hints& )ictures

    to su))ort wordrecognition or


    recognition(!+T& inc.


    !lso generala))lication

    hints& )roble#

    s)ecific hints&co#)utation

    and fact

    retrieval hints

    will also be

    $. 8ord Problem#y)e In%estigation+tudents will be given

    a #ix of word

     )roble#s and #ust

    identify if they areaddition or 

    subtraction. They

    then #ust identify if they are )utting

    together& taing a)art&

    and if they are #issinga su# or difference& or 



  • 8/20/2019 FRIT 7231: Instructional Design Key Assessment


     )ositions. unnowns in all

     )ositions (#issing

    subtrahends or


    •;efine s)ecific

    context clues

    used in word

     )roble#s to


    identify if the

     )roble# reuires

    addition or


     )roble#s (taing

    a)art& co#)aring

    and unnowns in

    all )ositions

    (#issingsubtrahends or


    -c. ;efine

    s)ecific context

    clues used in

    word )roble#s to


    identify if the

     )roble# reuiresaddition or


     )rovided. (,ose& ;. 7. <-eyer& !.


    Teaching every

     student in thedigital age

    Universaldesign for


    This will be

    tailored byneed of each

    student as

    contained inB;:


    Lesson :

    0resentation of 

    a variety of strategies to

    solve word

     )roble#s areidentified such

    as utili=ing


    sentences& and

    gra)hs or 


    data in the


    • Btili=e

    drawings to


    addition and

    subtractionword )roble#.

    • Illustrate the

    word )roble#

    using nu#ber


    • Btili=e gra)hs

    or charts using

    data and details in

    the )roble#.

    Ob'ecti%e :

    0rovide clear


    using a variety of

    #ethods to

    ex)lain thining

    a. Btili=e

    drawings to

    re)resent addition

    and subtraction

    word )roble#.

    b. Illustrate the

    word )roble#

    using nu#bersentences.c. Btili=e gra)hs

    or charts usingdata and details inthe )roble#.

    The lesson will



    hints& )ictures

    to su))ort wordrecognition or


    recognition(!+T& inc.


    !lso general

    a))licationhints& )roble#

    s)ecific hints&

    co#)utationand fact

    retrieval hints

    will also be )rovided. (,ose& ;. 7. <

    -eyer& !.

    (2''2.Teaching every

     student in the

    digital age

    $. 8ord ProblemIn%estigation

    +tudents will be givena test where they are

    shown @ word

     )roble#s. They #ustlabel ey )arts in the

     )roble#& identify

     )roble# ty)e& andshow their thining by

    solving using )ictures&

    gra)hs or charts& and a

    nu#ber sentences to.They #ust show at

    least two ways to

    solve the )roble#.

  • 8/20/2019 FRIT 7231: Instructional Design Key Assessment



    design forlearning.

    This will be

    tailored by

    need of eachstudent as

    contained inB;:


    Key Assessment Part ,III

  • 8/20/2019 FRIT 7231: Instructional Design Key Assessment


    !t the end of the online course& I will conduct learner evaluation using a

    custo#i=ed survey of #ulti)le choice uestions. The uestions and choices will also be

    read aloud for those students that are not yet fluent or ex)ert readers. I also )lan to asthe +-5 to co#)lete the online #odule as well and fill out a brief survey to )rovide

    feedbac concerning the course itself. The +-5 that I a# using is #y first grade chair

    who has been teaching at /adsden for $' years now. +he has extensive ex)erience withthe first grade and /eorgia o##on ore urriculu#.

    ur%ey for Learner:

    $. !fter finishing the online course on word )roble#s& do you thin you understand

    how to solve word )roble#sE

      a. yes b. so#ewhat c. no

    2. ;id you find this online course to be easy to understand and follow along withE

      a. yes b. so#ewhat c. no

    3. 7ow confident are you after taing this course on being able to identify ey

    infor#ation in word )roble#sE  a. yes b. so#ewhat c. no

    4. ;id the online course hel) you better understand ways of identifying whether toadd or subtract to solve the )roble#E

      a. yes b. so#ewhat c. no

    @. ;o you have a better understanding of how to identify and solve the ty)es of word )roble#s such as #issing addendsAsubtrahends& co#)aring& taing away& and

     )utting togetherE

      a. yes b. so#ewhat c. no

    6. ;o you have a better understanding of how to use different ways to show the

    infor#ation in the )roble#E  a. yes b. so#ewhat c. no

    . Bsing all these strategies learned in this course& are you now confident you can

    solve word )roble#s if one was given to youE  a. yes b. so#ewhat c. no

    . hat was your favorite thing about this online courseE

    9. hat was the hardest thing about this online courseE

    $'. Is there anything in the course that you would changeE

    ur%ey for ME

  • 8/20/2019 FRIT 7231: Instructional Design Key Assessment


    $. !fter co#)letion of the online course on word )roble#s& do you thin all content

    was )resent and given to the learner in a seuence that was a))ro)riateE If no&

     )lease ex)lain.2. ;id the obectives set out in the online course confor# to /eorgia o##on ore

    +tandards& covering all infor#ation needed to be )resented set forth by /eorgiaE

    3. ere )rinci)les of B;: a))arent in the content of the courseE If no& which areasE4. ere the assess#ents in the #odule relative to each lesson that was taughtE

    @. +hould anything be added or taen away fro# the online courseE

    6. hat are your suggestions to #ae this online course better for the learners or forthe teacherE

    !fter the students have taen their surveys& I will loo at the surveys using ualitative

    analysis for each uestion. !lso& I will tae a loo at what the +-5 stated in her survey.The results fro# the ualitative analysis and feedbac fro# the +-5 will drive any

    corrections& a#end#ents& or aug#entations necessary for a #ore effective online course.