First Day Expectations and Technology

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First Day. Expectations and Technology. Physics. AP Physics 1 & 2– Pre - Med (Trigonometry/Algebra 11) AP Physics C - Calculus Bases (Engineering ) Physics 1 – College-Prep (Trigonometry/ AlgebraII ) Physical Science 2 – Career Prep (Algebra 1 ). Ruths’ Rules. Be Kind Do Work - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Technology in Physics

First Day Expectations and Technology

PhysicsAP Physics 1 & 2 Pre-Med (Trigonometry/Algebra 11) AP Physics C - Calculus Bases (Engineering )Physics 1 College-Prep (Trigonometry/AlgebraII)Physical Science 2 Career Prep (Algebra 1 )Ruths RulesBe Kind

Do Work

You are important

Kind of Minds - IntellectualThe Disciplined mind - Students should master information within the major disciplines, like History and Math The Synthesizing mind- Students must be able to sort out what is important and what is not from the massive amount of available informationThe Creative mind High level that allows for innovation or meaningful change in how problems are approached in the field.

Kinds of Minds Personal CharacterThe Respectful mind - Cultivating respect and emotional and interpersonal intelligence Students should distinguishes real respect from mere tolerance of differences. The Ethical mind - requires more abstract and reflective thinking about one's behavior. No matter what type of work a person undertakes, she can stand back and ask what she needs to do for her work to be excellent in quality and ethical in conduct, and then follow through with those responsibilities. Without this mindset, a person can be easily swayed into doing compromised work that cuts corners, just to be able to get ahead.Multiple Intelligences

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http://www.mybigcampus.com My Big CampusClass Management Site Administered by Light Street.Use your Shikellamy student computer sign-on and password to access.Online quizzes and Messaging Also APP

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