IUGJEPS Vol 27, No 1, 2019, pp 110 -134 ISSN 2410-3152 110 IUG Journal of Educational and Psychology Sciences (Islamic University of Gaza) / CC BY 4.0 تاريخرسال ا( 21 - 21 - 1222 ،) النشر تاريخ قبول( 20 - 20 - 1222 ) ئة التدريس لت أعضاء هي تصورا توظيفساتوث الدرا ليث التث مدخل جامعات بويةعية الجتما اة السعوديةكة العربيمل اري العهي. فـهـد بو علي د1 ، * 1 ق التدريسياهج وطر قسم اية التربية كل- جانعة أم القرىكرنة نكة ا* رسل:حث البالكتروىي ل البريد اE-mail address: [email protected] ملخص: التشخمبعاسبث اد اىذس بحذ فو اىخزيف مذخظ حس وحئت اىخذس ساث أعضبء حص حقصت إىاست اىحبىذفج اىذس ق رىل،ىخحق . اىمخصزسةت أـشت اىخصزىظشقت اىفقب ىطش ،عىت اىبحذ اىصاست مىاحبعج اىذس .ت اىخشب حم إعذاد أسئيت( حضمىج مقىىت اىيت شبب اىمقب7 ( است اىذسشبسك ف .مببحرب مبذ مه صذق اىخأم أسئيت. بعذ أن حم) 53 س.ئت حذس ا عض) عه . فضدة اىبحذ اىعيمه شحس حذ فو اىخزيس مذخم ىذا معشفخشاست أظت أن أفشاد اىذساس اىذسقذ مشفج وخبئس بأسبم ب معشفخشث وخبئسبو؛ أظ اىمقبف .تت اىخشبشخمبعاسبث ا اىذسذ فو اىخزيف مذخظ ح وح اىعبىمش ة اىختشخمبعاسبث احبد اىذس أبب فخذاممنه اسخ ذ اىخو اىخزيبط مذخاست بمعشفت أوم أفشاد اىذسبة ىذد غش است اىذسعت مه اصمد مش است عهت. مزىل مشفج اىذس اىخشبحبد أبذ فو اىخزيفبدة اىفبعيت مه مذخسخن اه دح حامو اىخ ىعت،ساث اىبحزباىم بثش اىنفب حطب فاسبث اىعي اىذسامو حخعيق بـ: ضعف بشامسزي اىع .تت اىخشبشخمبعاسبث ا اىذسدة اىبحذ اىعيمعمب ،سئت اىخذس أعضبء ،و مه اىطيبتو مام ىعش اىسيباىخأر عتصماست مصج اىذس رىل؛ أىبء عيىببب . بث راث اىصيت.ص مه اىختبث مفخبحيم م: ت.ت اىخشبشخمبعاسبث ا، اىذسحذ اىخشبذ، اىبو اىخزي مذخPerspectives of faculty members to employing triangulation approach in social studies educational researches in Saudi Arabia universities Abstract: The study aimed to inquiry the perspectives of faculty members to employing triangulation approach in social studies educational researches. The study use qualitative research methodology.In parallel, qualitative data was analyzed based on grounded theory approach. To achieve this aim, the semi-structured interview was prepared and contains of (7) questions. The validity and reliability of the study instrument was checked. The participants in the study was (35) faculty members. The finding of the study revealed that the members of the study have knowing the role of triangulation approach on improving scientific research quality. Moreover, they have knowing with the global orientation reasons towered employing triangulation approach in social studies educational. In constant, the study finding showed weakness knowledge of the study members with triangulation approach patterns that used in used in in social studies educational researches. In addition, the results exploring several factors prevent effective benefits from triangulation approach in social studies educational researches. These factors are the weakness of high studies programs in developing research competencies and skills, in addition to the negative role of students, faculty members, and scientific research deanships. Based on the findings of the study, a set of relevant recommendations were suggested. Keywords: Triangulation Approach, Educational Research, Social Studies Educational.

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IUGJEPS Vol 27, No 1, 2019, pp 110 -134

ISSN 2410-3152


IUG Journal of Educational and Psychology Sciences (Islamic University of Gaza) / CC BY 4.0

(1222-20-20)تاريخ قبول النشر (،1222-21-21)الإرسال تاريخ

توظيف تصورات أعضاء هيئة التدريس ل

مدخل التثليث في بحوث الدراسات

الاجتماعية التربوية في جامعات

المملكة العربية السعودية

، 1 د. فـهـد بو علي العهيري*

جانعة أم -كلية التربية –قسم المياهج وطرق التدريس 1

نكة المكرنة –القرى

* البريد الالكتروىي للباحث المرسل:

E-mail address: [email protected]


ذفج اىذساست اىحبىت إى حقص حصساث أعضبء ئت اىخذسس وح حظف مذخو اىخزيذ ف بحد اىذساسبث الاشخمبعت

حم إعذاد أسئيت اىخشبت. احبعج اىذساست مىصت اىبحذ اىىع، فقب ىطشقت اىىظشت اىخصزـشت أ اىمخصزسة. ىخحقق رىل،

( عضا ئت حذسس.53( أسئيت. بعذ أن حم اىخأمذ مه صذقمب رببحمب. شبسك ف اىذساست )7اىمقببيت شب اىمقىىت حضمىج )

قذ مشفج وخبئس اىذساست أن أفشاد اىذساست أظشا معشفخم ىذس مذخو اىخزيذ ف ححسه شدة اىبحذ اىعيم. فضلا عه

ة اىخش اىعبىم وح حظف مذخو اىخزيذ ف اىذساسبث الاشخمبعت اىخشبت. ف اىمقببو؛ أظشث وخبئس معشفخم بأسبب

اىذساست شد غبة ىذ أفشاد اىذساست بمعشفت أومبط مذخو اىخزيذ اىخ منه اسخخذامب ف أبحبد اىذساسبث الاشخمبعت

ىعامو اىخ ححه دن الاسخفبدة اىفبعيت مه مذخو اىخزيذ ف أبحبد اىخشبت. مزىل مشفج اىذساست عه شد مصمعت مه ا

اىذساسبث الاشخمبعت اىخشبت. زي اىعامو حخعيق بـ: ضعف بشامس اىذساسبث اىعيب ف حطش اىنفببث اىمبساث اىبحزت،

. ببىبىبء عي رىل؛ أصج اىذساست مصمعت اىخأرش اىسيب ىعامو مو مه اىطيبت، أعضبء ئت اىخذسس، عمبدة اىبحذ اىعيم

مه اىخصبث راث اىصيت.

مذخو اىخزيذ، اىبحذ اىخشب، اىذساسبث الاشخمبعت اىخشبت. :ميمبث مفخبحت

Perspectives of faculty members to employing triangulation approach in social studies educational researches in Saudi Arabia universities


The study aimed to inquiry the perspectives of faculty members to employing triangulation approach in social studies educational researches. The study use qualitative research methodology.In parallel, qualitative data was analyzed based on grounded theory approach. To achieve this aim, the semi-structured interview was prepared and contains of (7) questions. The validity and reliability of the study instrument was checked. The participants in the study was (35) faculty members.

The finding of the study revealed that the members of the study have knowing the role of triangulation approach on improving scientific research quality. Moreover, they have knowing with the global orientation reasons towered employing triangulation approach in social studies educational. In constant, the study finding showed weakness knowledge of the study members with triangulation approach patterns that used in used in in social studies educational researches. In addition, the results exploring several factors prevent effective benefits from triangulation approach in social studies educational researches. These factors are the weakness of high studies programs in developing research competencies and skills, in addition to the negative role of students, faculty members, and scientific research deanships. Based on the findings of the study, a set of relevant recommendations were suggested.

Keywords: Triangulation Approach, Educational Research, Social Studies Educational.


IUG Journal of Educational and Psychology Sciences (Islamic University of Gaza) / CC BY 4.0

(Paula & Isabel, 2011; Smith, 2015)


& Isabel, 2011)

(Paula & Isabel, 2011; Smith, 2015)



(Karim, 2007; Hammersley,

2008 ; Hussein, 2009; Dang, 2015)

Cochran-Smith, 2005; Cochran-Smith & Lytle, 2009; Neary & Winn, 2009; Krokfors, Kynäslahti,

Stenberg, Toom, Maaranen, Jyrhämä, Byman, & Kansanen, 2011)


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(Cochran-Smith, 2005; Krokfors, et al., 2011)

(Cochran-Smith, 2005; Neary &

Winn, 2009)

Neary & Winn,



(Hodson, 2009; Creswell, 2012; Tolvanen, Jansson, Vesterinen & Aksela, 2014)

1(Triangulation Approach)

(Connolly, 2007; Cohen, Monion & Morrison, 2011; Creswell, 2012)

Densin, 1978,46




IUG Journal of Educational and Psychology Sciences (Islamic University of Gaza) / CC BY 4.0

Olsen, 2014

Wilson, 2014

UNAIDS, 2010

Yeasmin & Rahman, 2012


& Tucker, 2003


Global Positioning System:


.(UNAIDS, 2010

2,66Lauri, 2011

Campbell & Fiske, 1959)(Jick, 1979,17)


IUG Journal of Educational and Psychology Sciences (Islamic University of Gaza) / CC BY 4.0


(Connolly, 2007; Cohen, Monion & Morrison, 2011)(Buckingham &

Saunders, 2004; Bryman, 2012; Creswell, 2012)

(Bredeson, 2000)

(Focus Groups)

(Semi-structured Interviews)

Holtzhausen, 2001

Resource-based Learning


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Neary & Winn, 2009)

Alomari, 2009


Alansari, 2010

Suppo, 2013


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Lindsey, 2015



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2 2,2,


(Semi-structured interview)








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(McMillan & Schumacher, 2001; Cohen, Monion & Morrison, 2011; Creswell, 2012).

(Qualitative Research Methodology)

(Semi-structured interview)

Alomari, 2009; Alansari, 2010; Suppo, 2013; Lindsey, 2015



(Glaser & Strauss, 1967; Burton, 2000; Creswell, 2012)


IUG Journal of Educational and Psychology Sciences (Islamic University of Gaza) / CC BY 4.0

(Glaser & Strauss, 1967; Oliver, 2000; Creswell,

2012)(Grounded Theory Approach)


(Sub-categories)(Main Categories)

(Main Categories)(Sub-







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IUG Journal of Educational and Psychology Sciences (Islamic University of Gaza) / CC BY 4.0

(Perone &

Tucker, 2003; Yeasmin & Rahman, 2012)

UNAIDS, 2010

2,61(Renzulli, 2005; McAllister &

Plourde, 2008


(Shih, 1998; Spicer, 2004)

Yeasmin & Rahman, 2012

(Perone & Tucker, 2003)



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IUG Journal of Educational and Psychology Sciences (Islamic University of Gaza) / CC BY 4.0

(De Vos, 2002; Patton, 2002; Yeasmin &



(Connolly, 2007; Cohen, Monion & Morrison, 2011; Creswell, 2012)




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IUG Journal of Educational and Psychology Sciences (Islamic University of Gaza) / CC BY 4.0

Data Triangulation)Methodological Triangulation

Guion, 2002; Meijer, Verloop, & Beijaard ,2002

1Environmental Triangulation

2Theory Triangulation

3Methodological Triangulation

4Data Triangulation)

5Investigator Triangulation


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(Main categories)








2 58.96


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Guion, 2002; Yeasmin &Rahman, 2012






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Guion, 2002;

Yeasmin &Rahman, 2012

(Grounded theory approach)


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