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Al-Rawahi, M, Proietti, R, Thanassoulis, G 2015,‘Pericardial fat and atrial

fibrillation: Epidemiology, mechanisms and interventions‟, NCBI Journal,

diakses 10 September 2016.


Ali, KM, Wonnerth, A, Wojta, J 2012, „Cardiovascular Disease Risk Reduction

By Raising HDL Cholesterol – Current Therapies And Future

Opportunities‟, British Journal Of Pharmacology, Juni 2012, hlm.1177-


Alonso, A, Yin, X, Roetker, NS, Magnani, JW, Kronmal, RA, Ellinor, PT, Chen,

LY, Lubitz, SA, McClelland, RL, McManus, DD, Soliman, EZ, Huxley,

RR, Nazarian, S, Szklo, M, Heckbert, SR, Benjamin, EJ 2014,‘Blood

Lipids and the Incidence of Atrial Fibrillation: The Multi-Ethnic Study of

Atherosclerosis and the Framingham Heart Study’, Journal of the

American Heart Association, Juni 2014, hlm.8

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