BIIT 2011 Berg BW 73 Upgrade v16

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© 2011 Wellesley Information Services. All rights reserved.

SAP NetWeaver 7.3 – What is new and

how to upgrade

Dr. BergComerit Inc.

Page 3: BIIT 2011 Berg BW 73 Upgrade v16


In This Session …

In this session, we take a look at the major new features of SAP BW 7.3.

We also examine the new upgrade tools and take a step-by-step look at what is required to upgrade a SAP BW system to version 7.3

Finally, we look at an example on how to minimize upgrade risks while also changing thehardware during the upgrade.

Worth Pondering: System complexity is

increasing, while attention spans are decreasing

Worth Pondering: System complexity is

increasing, while attention spans are decreasing

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What We’ll Cover …

• SAP BW 7.3 Overview• New Administrative Cockpit Capabilities• The new Semantic partition (SPO) Options • The HybridProvider and Real-Time Data• Faster Data Load and New Design Options• Front-end and Security Benefits• New in-Memory Possibilities with BW 7.3 and BWA 7.2• Planning and Executing the Upgrade• Wrap-up

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SAP BW 7.3 was released on May 30, 2011 and has been extensively tested.

Beta Shipment started in July 2010; Ramp Up started on the 29th of November 2010.


The Reason for Upgrading

BW has now been around for over 12 years!!

BW has now been around for over 12 years!!

BW Version Release Date End of mainstream maintenance1.0E Dec-98 Jan-991.2A Feb-99 Jun-991.2B Jun-99 Jun-042.0A Feb-00 Feb-052.0B Aug-00 Dec-052.1C Dec-00 Dec-053.0A Nov-01 Dec-053.0B May-02 Dec-063.1C Nov-02 Dec-063.2 Mar-03 Dec-063.3 Aug-03 Dec-063.5 Mar-04 Mar/Dec-10

2004S Jun-07 Dec-107.0 (~"7.1") Dec-08 Dec-12

7.3 May-11 May-16

#1 reason for upgrade:

“Because I had to!”

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Seven customers and nine service partners participated on the beta testing. The beta testing ended in November, 2010 with the following scores:


BW 7.3 Release History and Testing

BW 7.3 was tested extensively in a beta program and in ramp-up for almost one year!

BW 7.3 was tested extensively in a beta program and in ramp-up for almost one year!

1 2 3 4Very Good Low Value

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4Very Satisfied Had Major Issues

Assistance and Support

BW 7.3 Quality & Reliability

BW 7.3 Functional Completeness

BW 7.3 Ease of Installation and Configuration

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A major new feature of SAP BW is the ability to use a Wizard to install the system.

This include the following Wizard ‘templates”: ABAP Stack initial setup. Connectivity initial setup Templates for automated configuration Business Suite-7 integration Technical content reports for Initial Setup Upgrade step-by-step (note: 1000009) 7

Ease of Installation & Upgrade- Wizards and the ASU toolbox

You can choose to use both an Java

and/or a ABAP stack when installing 7.3

You can choose to use both an Java

and/or a ABAP stack when installing 7.3

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IBM DB2: 7.3 supports specific database features:

DB2 v9.5 supports PSA, DSO and fact table compressions for reduced disk volume

(integrates with DB2 storage management)

Support for MDC clustering in the DB Cockpit. This is available in v9.5.2. or higher

and default for all DSO tables and PSA in version 9.7

Much faster request deletion if MDC clustering is used

DB2 v9.7 supports Index compressions for reduced disk volume

Support for IBM DB2’s DPF (Database Partitioning Feature)


NEW: Specific Database Support –IBM DB2

In the past, BW has been unable to take advantage of vendor specific database features. This is changed & workarounds are less needed.

In the past, BW has been unable to take advantage of vendor specific database features. This is changed & workarounds are less needed.

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What We’ll Cover …

• SAP BW 7.3 Overview• New Administrative Cockpit Capabilities• The new Semantic partition (SPO) Options • The HybridProvider and Real-Time Data• Faster Data Load and New Design Options• Front-end and Security Benefits• New in-Memory Possibilities with BW 7.3 and BWA 7.2• Planning and Executing the Upgrade• Wrap-up

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New monitors include: Monitor of database usage and object sizes (i.e. InfoCubes, DSOs) Query usage statistics are more visible (similar to RSRT, RSRV, RSTT) We can see more of the use of BWA and sizes Monitor for the actual use of OLAP/MDX Cache and hit ratios You can now selectively delete internal statistics in RSDDSTATWHM by

date through the updated RSDDSTAT_DATA_DELETE ABAP program.

There is also a new MDX Editor for coding and syntax assistance


New 7.3 Performance and Admin Monitoring Capabilities

Solution Manager has also been updated to

take advantage of these new monitors.

Solution Manager has also been updated to

take advantage of these new monitors.

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Other New monitors include:

DEAMON update information (i.e. RDA capacity status, usage) A performance monitoring workbench for performance trends Process chain monitoring (new transaction: RSPCM) with error

and active chain monitoring, user specific displays, and performance threshold monitoring (i.e. for SLAs)


New 7.3 Performance and Admin Monitoring Capabilities

NLS: In BW 7.3 the Near Line Storage has also be

enhanced to include archiving, support for

write optimized DSOs and database support for tools such as DB2 Viper (v9.5)

and much more

NLS: In BW 7.3 the Near Line Storage has also be

enhanced to include archiving, support for

write optimized DSOs and database support for tools such as DB2 Viper (v9.5)

and much more

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What We’ll Cover …

• SAP BW 7.3 Overview• New Administrative Cockpit Capabilities• The new Semantic partition (SPO) Options • The HybridProvider and Real-Time Data• Faster Data Load and New Design Options• Front-end and Security Benefits• New in-Memory Possibilities with BW 7.3 and BWA 7.2• Planning and Executing the Upgrade• Wrap-up

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When data stores and InfoCubes are allowed to grow over time the data load and query performance suffers.

Normally objects should be physically partitioned when the numbers of records exceed 100 million. However, this may be different depending on the size of your hardware and the type of database you use.

In BW 7.3 we get an option to create a Semantic Partitioned Object (SPO) through wizards. You can partition based on fields such as calendar year, region, country etc.


Semantic Partitioned Objects (SPO)

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When a SPO is created, a reference structure keeps track of the partitions. The structure is placed in the MultiProvider for querying.


Semantic Partitioned Objects (SPO)

SPO Wizards create all Data Transfer Processes (DTP), transformations, filters for each data store and a process chain automatically.

SPO Wizards create all Data Transfer Processes (DTP), transformations, filters for each data store and a process chain automatically.

Source: SAP AG, 2011

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What We’ll Cover …

• SAP BW 7.3 Overview• New Administrative Cockpit Capabilities• The new Semantic partition (SPO) Options • The HybridProvider and Real-Time Data• Faster Data Load and New Design Options• Front-end and Security Benefits• New in-Memory Possibilities with BW 7.3 and BWA 7.2• Planning and Executing the Upgrade• Wrap-up

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The New Hybrid Provider and Real Time Data

The "HybridProvider" (HP) is new in BW v7.3. The core idea is to link the historical data inside BW with real-time data.

There are two ways of implementing a HP: HP based on a DSO HP based on a Virtual InfoCube


Query (real time)


Data Acquisition

ECC and


BWA based InfoCube

Virtual InfoCube

Transaction Data

Direct reads

Real-Time Data Acquisition


Direct Access

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Option 1: The DSO Based HybridProvider

Core Features:Real-time data is in the DSO and historical data in the BWA based InfoCubeThe DSO use real-time data acquisition (RDA) to load dataBW automatically creates a process chain for the HybridProvder's data flowThe process chain is executed for every closed request


Query (real time)


Data Acquisition

ECC and


BWA based InfoCube

Virtual InfoCube

Transaction Data

Direct reads

Real-Time Data Acquisition


Direct Access

This solution provides for really fast queries, but delta logic has to be custom designedThis solution provides for really fast queries, but delta logic has to be custom designed

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Option 1: The DSO Based HybridProvider

This solution provides for really fast queries, but delta logic has to be custom designed and may be complex. However, the solution allows for high-frequency updates and very rapid query response.

This is a good option if you have a low volume of new records and a high

number of queries or operational dashboards

This is a good option if you have a low volume of new records and a high

number of queries or operational dashboards

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Option 2: The Virtual Cube Based HybridProvider

Core Features:Data is read in real-time from ECC, while historical data is read from BWAThe difference depends on how often BWA is loaded Non-complex data logic can be appliedDTP is permitted if you do not filter the data set


Query (real time)


Data Acquisition

ECC and


BWA based InfoCube

Virtual InfoCube

Transaction Data

Direct reads

Real-Time Data Acquisition


Direct Access

NOTE: Virtual cubes with many users may place high-stress on the ERP systemNOTE: Virtual cubes with many users may place high-stress on the ERP system

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What We’ll Cover …

• SAP BW 7.3 Overview• New Administrative Cockpit Capabilities• The new Semantic partition (SPO) Options • The HybridProvider and Real-Time Data• Faster Data Load and New Design Options• Front-end and Security Benefits• New in-Memory Possibilities with BW 7.3 and BWA 7.2• Planning and Executing the Upgrade• Wrap-up

Hint for Experts: The search feature in the BW 7.3 Admin Workbench has been improved so that it is

easier to search more items such as process chains.

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During activation, BW 7.0 has to lookup in the NIRV table to see if the object already exist. This can be a slow process.

In BW 7.0 we may buffer the number ranges to compare the data load with records in-memory. This speeds up data activation.

However, in BW 7.3 the data activation is changed from single lookups to package fetch of the active table, resulting in faster activation and less locks on the lookup tables. The new method may result in 15-30% faster data activation (20-40% in-lab tests).

For data transformations the option ‘Read from DataStore’ for a faster data look-up is also available. In addition, the use of navigational attributes as sources in Masterdata transformations reduce overhead for lookups. Combined, this may lead to an additional 10-20% improvement.


Faster Data Load and New Design Options - Activation

The 7.3 initial load runtime option “Insert only” and the ““Unique data records only” prevents all look-ups during


The 7.3 initial load runtime option “Insert only” and the ““Unique data records only” prevents all look-ups during


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In NW 7.3 you can create generic delta extraction for the Universal Data (UD) & Database Connect (DB) options, as well as for flat files.

In addition you can the new DataSource adapter “Web Service Pull” to load data from


New Data Design Options – Delta, Init and WebServices

When you use delta loads, the first time BW 7.3 automatically defines it an “init load” after that it automatically switches to

“delta” as the InfoPackage mode (no need to define it anymore!)

When you use delta loads, the first time BW 7.3 automatically defines it an “init load” after that it automatically switches to

“delta” as the InfoPackage mode (no need to define it anymore!)

external web services. You can even create generic WebServices delta loads, and load the new data straight into the staging area of BW 7.3.

While web services does not support hierarchies yet, there is now integration of hierarchies into the standard process flow such as transformation and DTPs, as well as being able to load hierarchies from flat file using a new DataSource.

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SAP BW 7.3 has a new interface to create and manage data flows graphically in a 'drag-and-drop' manner, including:

Data Flow Copy to copy data flows and process chains.

Data Flow Migration to migrate, or reverse migrate, data flows with automatic adoption of InfoPackages and process chains

Data Flow Wizard to automatically create complete data flows from a DataSource


New Options - ETL Interface and Shut-Downs

NEW: use “RS_SYSTEM_SHUTDOWN” to restart an application server and suspend RDA and process chains and re-start them in a controlled manner.

Data loads are not in “flux’ and you do not have to clean up partial loads.

NEW: use “RS_SYSTEM_SHUTDOWN” to restart an application server and suspend RDA and process chains and re-start them in a controlled manner.

Data loads are not in “flux’ and you do not have to clean up partial loads.

Source: SAP AG, 2011

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What We’ll Cover …

• SAP BW 7.3 Overview• New Administrative Cockpit Capabilities• The new Semantic partition (SPO) Options • The HybridProvider and Real-Time Data• Faster Data Load and New Design Options• Front-end and Security Benefits• New in-Memory Possibilities with BW 7.3 and BWA 7.2• Planning and Executing the Upgrade• Wrap-up

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Security Changes and New Mass Change Feature

When companies upgraded from BW version 3.5 to 7.0, security migration was optional and many did only a technical upgrade and kept the 'obsolete authorization' concept. A security migration is now required.

SAP recommends to migrate to the new concept before upgrading a 7.0 system. (Notes: 931898; 938871; 946724, 958665; 1001652)

Great BW 7.3 Security Admin Feature: you can make mass changes to authorizations instead of one-by-one. This can be done by cut-and-paste in a worklist, hierarchy nodes, and you can also add users to multiple analysis authorizations

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Security features in BW 7.0 and 7.3

Some companies did not do a security conversion in BW 7.0 since items such as 0TCTAUTHH did not migrate (manually reassigned for the hierarchies) and passwords became case sensitive. Now it is required.

SAP still have the ABAP migration tool in BW 7.0. It can be used in SA38 (RSEC_MIGRATION) and migration can occur before the upgrade.

Authorizations are building blocks of the 7.0/7.3 reporting concept and security contains both the data value and hierarchy restrictions.

Security can be built using “RSECADMIN” transaction

Authorizations are building blocks of the 7.0/7.3 reporting concept and security contains both the data value and hierarchy restrictions.

Security can be built using “RSECADMIN” transaction

SAP BW 3.5 and BW 7.0 without security


BW 7.0 and 7.3 with security conversion

Technical Foundation

Authorization Objects Analysis authorizations

Maintenance Not changeable ChangeableNumber of InfoObjects

10 fields at 10 characters Unlimited

Navigational attributes

On global basis Individually

Hierarchy authorization

Via GUID 0TCTAUTHH Equivalent to value authorizations

Composition of Authorizations

Only intersection of authorization objects are permitted

Union ('as expected')

Authorization Relevance

Per InfoCube and InfoObject

Per InfoObject only

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BW 7.0 and 7.3 Authorization Objects

After the required security conversion you

have access to lower security granularity for developers and users.

Authorization objects for the Data Warehousing Workbench:S_RS_DS: For the DataSource or its sub objects (BI 7.x)S_RS_ISNEW: For new InfoSources or their sub objects (NW BI 7.x)S_RS_DTP: For the data transfer process and its sub objectsS_RS_TR: For transformation rules and their sub objectsS_RS_CTT: For currency translation typesS_RS_UOM: For quantity conversion typesS_RS_THJT: For key date derivation typesS_RS_PLENQ: Authorizations for maintaining or displaying the lock settingsS_RS_RST: Authorization object for the RS trace toolS_RS_PC: For process chainsS_RS_OHDEST: Open Hub Destination

Authorization objects for the Business Explorer:S_RS_DAS: For Data Access ServicesS_RS_BTMP: For BEx Web templatesS_RS_BEXTX: Authorizations for the maintenance of BEx texts

Authorization objects for the Admin of analysis authorizationsS_RSEC: Authorization for assignment and administration of analysis authorizationsS_RS_AUTH: Authorization object to include analysis authorizations in roles

Changed Authorization Objects:S_RS_ADMWB (Data Warehousing Workbench: Objects):

New sub objects:CONT_ACT – Installing Business Content; USE_DND - Drag & Drop to InfoAreas and application components; CNG_RUN - Attribute change run

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What We’ll Cover …

• SAP BW 7.3 Overview• New Administrative Cockpit Capabilities• The new Semantic partition (SPO) Options • The HybridProvider and Real-Time Data• Faster Data Load and New Design Options• Front-end and Security Benefits• New in-Memory Possibilities with BW 7.3 and BWA 7.2• Planning and Executing the Upgrade• Wrap-up

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With 7.3 you get a tool to create a new “CompositeProvider” to join indices inside the BWA system.

This works similar to MultiProviders, but can be modeled ad-hoc and the joins are executed inside BWA and not inside the BW Analytical Engine (this is much faster)


CompositeProviders: Unions of indexes in BWA

All BW 7.3 CompositeProviders, DSOs, MultiProviders & InfoCubes are available as InfoProviders for querying. Even queries can be defined as InfoProviders.

All BW 7.3 CompositeProviders, DSOs, MultiProviders & InfoCubes are available as InfoProviders for querying. Even queries can be defined as InfoProviders.

Source: SAP AG, 2011

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In Memory Processing - BWA 7.2 and BW 7.3




1. Indexing and compression stored on a file system

2. Indexes copied into RAM on blades

BI Analytical Engine

3. Queries are routed to BWA by the Analytical engine

Business Object Data Services



Index DesignerExternal data

BIG DEAL! - In BW 7.3 you can also build analytical indexes. These are simply 'data containers' from APD that is stored in BWA. You can build queries on them

Using the Index Designer in BOBJ Data Services, you can also index data from external data files and data bases and query it in SAP Business Warehouse 7.3.

DataIntegrator It is important to note that

currently, the BO indexes are on dedicated HW blades.

It is important to note that currently, the BO indexes are

on dedicated HW blades.

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The New SAP BW 7.3 Features – Modeling in BWA 7.2

With BW 7.3 and BWA 7.2 you can complete many of the joins and the aggregation that previously was conducted in the BI Analytical engine, and was therefore hard to performance tune.

It also reduces the data being transferred to the app-server and therefore are much faster as well.

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The New SAP BWA 7.2 / BW 7.3 – Faster Performance

The major benefit of the BWA 7.2 on BW 7.3 is that you can move more of the calculation over to the accelerator and materialize the result in-memory. This improves the reads and calculations in the OLAP/ BI analytical engine on the BW side is substantially reduced.

Source: SAP AG, 2011

The following calculations is included in BW 7.3 / BWA 7.2SUM MIN MAX CNT (count all detailed values)

CN0 (Count all values not zero or null) AVG (average)AV0 (Average for all values not zero or null)

The following calculations is included in BW 7.3 / BWA 7.2SUM MIN MAX CNT (count all detailed values)

CN0 (Count all values not zero or null) AVG (average)AV0 (Average for all values not zero or null)

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The SAP BW 7.3/BWA 7.2 Limitations and Query Settings

There are still some limitations. For example you cannot use the exception aggregation for single key figures in BWA if it uses:

1) Virtual key figures2) Conversion before aggregation3) Formula calculation before aggregation4) Non-cumulative key figures5) Key figures with elimination of internal business volume

You also get more detailed control on each query as to how it reads the BWA. Think of it as similar to Query read modes (more details at SDN : http://www.sdn.sap.com/irj/scn/go/portal/prtroot/docs/library/uuid/70950003-f7ef-2d10-b1bc-ee483800b25c?QuickLink=index&overridelayout=true

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What We’ll Cover …

• SAP BW 7.3 Overview• New Administrative Cockpit Capabilities• The new Semantic partition (SPO) Options • The HybridProvider and Real-Time Data• Faster Data Load and New Design Options• Front-end and Security Benefits• New in-Memory Possibilities with BW 7.3 and BWA 7.2• Planning and Executing the Upgrade• Wrap-up

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Option 2

Option 3

Option 1

Some Upgrade Options and Java Stack Recommendations



NW Java 7.3 is now included, and it is suggested that ABAP and Java Stack is split if not already done so. A tool to split the stack is available in EhP2 (in SAPInst) and in SAPInst in ABAP 7.30.

This gives better scalability (multiple hardware servers). Double stack upgrade is still possible.

The java server is not used for IP after BW 7.30 (re-developed in ABAP HTTP)

You can automatically create connections between Java-ABAP for EP/IP or front-end Java using

CTC (notes: 983156, 1178800)

You can automatically create connections between Java-ABAP for EP/IP or front-end Java using

CTC (notes: 983156, 1178800)

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A major decision is: Are you going to minimize the system down-time, or doing a low resource upgrade. The trade-off is between using more system resources, or downtime.


Upgrade Decision: Low, Standard and High Resources

Most companies should use the standard upgrade method, unless their system is very small or have limited resources. For

those, the shadow system is created during the downtime.

Most companies should use the standard upgrade method, unless their system is very small or have limited resources. For

those, the shadow system is created during the downtime.

In the 'standard' upgrade, we create a shadow system, while the BW system is still operating. We turn off any archiving to make sure we do not miss any data, and do our system backup right before the downtime starts. Therefore we can do much of the upgrade before the downtime (shorten the outage).

In a very high system resource upgrade, we also use a shadow system, but imports are much faster and we can keep archiving on (may create large logs), but downtime starts earlier.

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System Switch Upgrade and Shadow Systems

BW 7.0 EhP1

Shadow System

Application Data


Application Data

BW 7.0BW 7.0

Shadow System Installation

Application Data

Target ReleaseSAP BW

7.3 Import &Data Conversion


- High system resource - locks system in the REPACHK2 phase- Standard system resource - locks system in the REPACHK2 phase- Low system resource - locks system in the LOCKEU_PRE phase (note: 851449)

- High system resource - locks system in the REPACHK2 phase- Standard system resource - locks system in the REPACHK2 phase- Low system resource - locks system in the LOCKEU_PRE phase (note: 851449)

You can use a shadow system to reduce the system outage.

Also, by doing a hardware switch/ upgrade, we can minimize any impact to the production system (reduced upgrade risk).

Source Release

Target Release

Target ReleaseSystem

Source ReleaseSystem

Target ReleaseSystem

Target Release

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Upgrade Resources

• A Dedicated team with a technical team lead (100%), a Basis resource (100%) and a technical reviewer/tester (100% is required).

• In addition, a dedicated “go-to” resource for technical issues is recommended. This should be an individual that have solid knowledge about the upgrade and have done his before.

• Regression testing is required on behalf or the user community. This should be coordinated with the Power Users or existing developers.

Team Lead


Technical reviewer Upgrade Support


Regression Testers

Team Lead

Basis Technical reviewerBW Developer

Upgrade Support


Regression Testers

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The Upgrade Execution and Clean-up

• To reduce the overall size: clean the PSA, delete log-files and objects not needed (i.e. DSOs and InfoCubes), empty aggregates etc.

• You are now ready to launch the upgrade front-end that will take you through all the steps of the NW 7.3 upgrade.

Remember to also select the new BI content package as part of your upgrade.

Remember to also select the new BI content package as part of your upgrade.

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The Upgrade Interface

SAP has a great step-by-step 'wizard' tool to help with the

7.3 upgrade.

SAP has a great step-by-step 'wizard' tool to help with the

7.3 upgrade.

While the upgrade interface is simplified, there is still a need to thoroughly understand how to setup connectivity, hardware and shadow systems.

This not a place to "experiment" and "explore" options..

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Planning the Upgrade is a significant task and it is important to start in an organized manner. ALWAYS; read the SAP notes for your database, OS and NW release prior to starting these activities.

Planning the Upgrade is a significant task and it is important to start in an organized manner. ALWAYS; read the SAP notes for your database, OS and NW release prior to starting these activities.


Step-1 - Planning the Upgrade and getting started

1. Stop all Deamon Process - RSRDA

2. Remove all temporary database objects - SAP_DROP_TMPTABLES

3. Run the upgrade check - RSUPGRCHECK

4. If you copied your system from Prod, check the storage - SECSTORE

5. Make sure all objects and programs has a library entry - TLIBG

6. Create an XML file for the new stack in Sol. Mgr

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ASU Provide a list of pre- and post upgrade tasks

Some of the manual preparation steps Some of the manual follow-up steps

There is also support for documentation of each task. Team members can consolidate their comments, test results and outcomes. This reduce the number of emails and everyone can see what has been done and see results in one place.

There is also support for documentation of each task. Team members can consolidate their comments, test results and outcomes. This reduce the number of emails and everyone can see what has been done and see results in one place.

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Step -2: Getting the Files Key you need

1. Select the update option for your system

2. Select the stack you want to update (make sure you are connected)

3. Select the target system you want to upgrade to (NW 7.3)

4. Select all files for the operating system and database you have

5. Select the files for the stack (all)

There are some different files required for each type of database, operating system and stacks. Make sure you collect the right versions.

There are some different files required for each type of database, operating system and stacks. Make sure you collect the right versions.

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Step -3: Downloading the files

This may sound like a simple step, but some organizations may experience slow networks, internal network timeouts or long waits depending on peak loads on their network.

You may consider doing this in the evening after everyone has gone home.

You may consider doing this in the evening after everyone has gone home.

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Step -5: The Lock down and Preprocessing

While, technically you have not yet locked the system, configuration changes to process chains, info packages & queries are no longer possible after this step

There are many steps between these options. The best timing may be to complete all tasks from step 1 through 5 before Friday's 5pm when

you may be able to bring the system down. Make sure you do a system backup before you proceed to step 6!

There are many steps between these options. The best timing may be to complete all tasks from step 1 through 5 before Friday's 5pm when

you may be able to bring the system down. Make sure you do a system backup before you proceed to step 6!

The real lock-down of the BW system takes place when the pre-processing step is complete. After this the system is unavailable for users.

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Step -1: Hardware Install, Dev Copy & Sandbox upgrade


In this example, we are installing new Hardware. This creates a lot of flexibility and less project risk!

First, we copy the BW 7.0 development box to the new hardware.

Second, we upgrade the new sandbox in a controlled manner and document all activities


BW 7.0Sandbox

BW 7.3Sandbox

BW 7.0Dev. Box

BW 7.0QA Box

BW 7.0Prod Box

We want to create a repeatable process, so no ad-hoc activities are allowed. Remember, extra time has to be set aside for notes research and unforeseen issues.

BENEFITS: this is also a test run for upgrading the development box (!), thereby reducing the upgrade risk. After the upgrade we also get a refreshed sandbox environment.

BENEFITS: this is also a test run for upgrading the development box (!), thereby reducing the upgrade risk. After the upgrade we also get a refreshed sandbox environment.

An Example

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Step -2: Development box copy and upgrade


Now we have to freeze all development activities.

Normally the work in the 7.0 dev box ids transported to QA for testing and the dev box is locked.


BW 7.0Sandbox

BW 7.3Sandbox

BW 7.0Dev. Box

BW 7.3Dev. Box

BW 7.0QA Box

BW 7.0Prod Box

Using the upgrade script and all steps collected and written during the sandbox upgrade, we are upgrading the new development box. This is intended to be a structured approach that is repeatable.

The developers participate in in-depth testing of the new 7.3 dev. box.

BENEFITS: the outage of the development box occurred after the sandbox upgrade and the development outage is minimized. This is also the second time we have upgraded the development box, so any issues should be well known.

BENEFITS: the outage of the development box occurred after the sandbox upgrade and the development outage is minimized. This is also the second time we have upgraded the development box, so any issues should be well known.

An Example

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Step -3: Production box copy and QA upgrade


We copy production environment to the development box after all testing in the QA has been completed and all the object has been transported to the production system.

Notice that no copies of Sandbox, nor


BW 7.0Sandbox

BW 7.3Sandbox

BW 7.0Dev. Box

BW 7.3Dev. Box

BW 7.0QA Box

BW 7.3QA Box

BW 7.0Prod Box

QA is made. Instead we get to upgrade the development box and the production box 'twice'.

This is a significant risk mitigation strategy, but it does require that transports and client dependent objects are switched back on the new Sandbox and QA systems.

BENEFITS: This approach turns the QA upgrade into a real 'dress rehearsal' for the production box upgrade. Also, since we are switching the hardware, the risk

to the upgrade in minimal (BW 7.0 prod is not taken off-line until after the upgrade).

BENEFITS: This approach turns the QA upgrade into a real 'dress rehearsal' for the production box upgrade. Also, since we are switching the hardware, the risk

to the upgrade in minimal (BW 7.0 prod is not taken off-line until after the upgrade).

An Example

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Step -4: Production box copy and QA upgrade

421 3

You now are ready for the cutover weekend.

The best timing is to start the production box on Thursday evening after the BW system has completed data loads. A full backup is taken.

The system is unavailable on Friday and is completely upgraded by Saturday 6am.

A major consideration is the time it takes for Unicode conversion, unless already done.


BW 7.0Sandbox

BW 7.3Sandbox

BW 7.0Dev. Box

BW 7.3Dev. Box

BW 7.0QA Box

BW 7.3QA Box

BW 7.0Prod Box

BW 7.3Prod Box

Plan for having basis and technical people working the night from Thursday to Friday and possibly to Saturday, depending how long the upgrade takes.

Plan for having basis and technical people working the night from Thursday to Friday and possibly to Saturday, depending how long the upgrade takes.

An Example

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Cut-Over to Production - Testing and Verification

The system verification takes place by testers on Saturday between 6 am and noon. A complete data load is executed by manually running the process chains and data is also validated.

The RESTORE decisionA restore decision is made at 3 pm on Saturday:

- If the system does not pass the validation, the system is restored from backup and will be ready by Monday 8am.

- If the system passes validation, the process chains are scheduled and run at normal scheduled times and data is validated once more before declaring success.

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Some Useful Hints and Programs for older systems

If some of the InfoSets becomes inactive, you can still use the program RSQ_ISET_MASS_OPERATIONS to activate all InfoSets.

If you are still on 3.5 queries, or older versions (i.e. 3.1c, 3.0B), consider running the program RSR_GEN_DIRECT_ALL_QUERIES to regenerate all queries in the system into the 7.0 release.

NW BI 7.0 had a new transformation concept that replaced transfer and update rules, but not all companies has migrated. To do so, convert the DataSources and the Persistent Staging Area to the new DTP process, (SAP Note 906789). To test the conversion of the DataSources can also run: RSSM_CREATE_REQDONE_FROM_SEL; RSSM_HASH_ENTRIES_CREATE for all


If you are upgrading from an old BW system and is going through BW 7.0 to upgrade to 7.3, redefine the BI Statistics, (notes 934848 & 964418). Also, use SM37 in production to find any other jobs that are scheduled, and make sure they are also tested

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• SAP NW 7.3 on Sap Developer Network www.sdn.sap.com/irj/sdn/nw-73

• Unveiling SAP NetWeaver Business Warehouse 7.3 by Lothar Henkes, SAP, SAPinsider - 2010 (Volume 11),

October (Issue 4)

• Features list for the SAP NetWeaver BW 7.3 www.sdn.sap.com/irj/sdn/edw?rid=/library/uuid/304444f7-


• SAP NW 7.3 Business Content http://help.sap.com/saphelp_nw73/helpdata/en/ca/


• Roadmap - SAP NetWEaver BW 7.3 http://www.sdn.sap.com/irj/sdn/bw-73?rid=/library/uuid/


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7 Key Points to Take Home

• BW is a good version to upgrade on. It has been extensively tested and is ready for 'prime time'.

• The upgrade is technical and strong skills are required

• Plan for how much of the new functionality you will deploy

• You will need to spend time on security conversion if you have not already done so.

• The upgrade is unique, so don't rely of past experiences.

• Complete an technical review before you start the upgrade. Plan for hardware upgrade, database upgrade and server upgrades as part of the BW upgrade.

• Make sure you have access to experts and decide early how much risk you can live with

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Your Turn!

How to contact me:Dr. Berg

[email protected]

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