SDNC13 -DAY2- Is there a model approach for service design transformation by Phil Goad

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Is there a model approach for service design transformation? User centred approaches to designing services are being adopted and evolved far beyond the realm of design agencies. We are seeing the emergence of multiple models, with service design being applied by technology providers, outsourcers, consultancies and in-house teams within organisations. Which way of applying service design creates the most value for organisations? Is there a model approach to effecting transformations that stick?We’ll be conducting a interactive goldfish bowl discussion with from public sector, industry, design and management consultancy

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Page 1: SDNC13 -DAY2- Is there a model approach for service design transformation by Phil Goad
Page 2: SDNC13 -DAY2- Is there a model approach for service design transformation by Phil Goad

SDNC13 Panel Discussion Guide Day Two 20th of Nov 2pm-4pm (Victor Salvi Room)

Session overview

“Is there a model approach for service design transformation?”

User centred approaches to designing services are being adopted and evolved far beyond the realm of design agencies. We are seeing the emergence of multiple models, with service design being applied by technology providers, outsourcers, consultancies and in-house teams within organisations. Which way of applying service design creates the most value for organisations? Is there a model approach to effecting transformations that stick? We’ll be conducting a interactive goldfish bowl discussion with from public sector, industry, design and management consultancy.

Chair: Philip Goad Nile

Panelists: Rob Ballantine (Infosys), Alex Nisbett (Independent, formerly London Olympic Games), Graham Hill (Optima Partners), Markus Hohl (O2 (Telefonica)) Session format

• 2 hour goldfish bowl (We’ll most likely finish early depending on the flow of the session)

• Included are some guiding topics aimed at generating thought and discussion – giving people a chance to explore their ideas which will be introduced by the moderator

• Questions from the floor after each topic (where time allows)

• We will finish with an interactive session where members of the audience will have the opportunity to come and join the panel in discussion. We will make some audience ‘hot seats’ available for this purpose.

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Discussion guide

1. Overall intro (10 mins)

• Scene Setting for the discussion

• Explanation of the format and ground rules

• Introduce yourself in (30 seconds or less per panellist)

• Thoughts on whether or not you consider yourself a practicing service designer? Yes or no then why… (30 seconds per panellist)

2. Initial Discussion (50 mins)

Here we will have a free flowing discussion lead by the moderator around the following topics. These will be introduced to keep the conversation flowing. However the topics will not necessary be followed in a strict order and will be adapted to fit the conversation, they do however give a good guide the overall subject areas for the purposes of preparation.

At convenient moments at the conclusion of a topic questions will be invited from the audience, these questions must be on topic as there will be a free discussion later on.

Potential areas for discussion:

• Inside-out or outside-in - Those who work in service design agencies/consultancies like to think of themselves as having a transformational bent, but where does transformation really start? Is transformation best instigated from within an organisation or visited upon grateful recipients by external consultants and advisers?

• Teach a man to fish - Transforming a service provider often means up-skilling and

repurposing individuals and teams, the alternative is to bring in external talent (at a cost). To what extent is people development a crucial to service transformation?

• Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory (Tactics without strategy is the

noise before defeat) - Many service transformation programmes fall foul of getting the balance between strategy and tactics. We've all been on the receiving end of a glossy vision that fails to hit the ground running or alternatively programme delivery by the numbers. What is the cause of these disconnects in service transformation initiatives and how are they best avoided?

• Is the customer really king? - Many competencies lay claim to being the customer

champion in today’s organisations (service design, UX, insight, marketing). However, we all know at the end of the day within organisations much larger influence often resides in other areas such as business or operations. Is the customer really king when it comes to service transformation, if so how and why?

• Core competency - Service design sees it's self as transformation force. However

organisations looking to transform start with considerations such as systems implementation/ integration or augmenting CRM/ marketing capabilities. So what is the right context and offer to supply service design lead organisational transformation? Does this lie with service design agencies or elsewhere as with established consultancy or technology providers?

• Back to the future – So finally what does the future hold for service design and its related transformational disciplines? There are a host of buzzwords and emergent approaches: big-data, real time data, social media, multi-sided platforms, always-in-beta, digital product

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design, 3D printing… need we go on! How do we cut through the noise and what are our panellists’ views on what forces will transform service provision in the near and further future?

3. Goldfish Session (30-50 mins)

Here participants will offer up their written questions which will have been submitted during the previous discussion. The moderator (facilitated by an assistant on the floor) will put motions to the panellists, who will choose 3 participants for the ‘hot seats’ to debate their topics in sequence with the panellists.

Wrap up

• Summary from moderator if time allows

• Key thoughts from panellists

• Thank and close

Roles and processes


1 to 1 phone call with each participant to cover

• Circulation of discussion guide

• Panellists’ background – helping me direct questions and reference relevant experience

• An overview of the topic guide

Facilitator role is to…

• Help participants share their knowledge, not to interrogate!

• Maintain flow, bridge and link up panellists’ thoughts

• Interrupt if arguments happen, if participants go on and on or if the conversation goes off topic for too long

• Ensure everyone gets a voice – no-one dominates

• Ensure the audience remain engaged and get opportunity to ask questions

• Keep the agenda and timings – covering the full agenda is more important than a deep dive on half of it

• Have key issues, facts, questions ready to overcome any stall in the discussion

Participant role is to…

• To familiarise yourself with the topics before the event. We would ask you not to have ‘scripted’ answers prepared or any formal presentation materials prepared as this tends to interrupt the free flowing nature of the discussion

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• Discuss advantages and disadvantages of your views – help the audience understand trade-offs so actions become tangible

• Try to stay on topic

• Respect different views

• Speak directly to the audience not to the moderator or the other panellists

Audience Q+A

• Audience to raise hands (during first session), to be called to participate based on their tweets/ paper slips (during second session)

• State name, ask question, direct to participant if required.

• I’ll open up to others if I see others wish to contribute or I feel they can add to it

Additional on the day requirements

• Intro to the panel discussion from MC or similar

• Live tweeting of discussion points on #SDNC13 #SDModels

• Person to pass microphone to audience members with questions

Post session follow up

• Publish key discussion points as content / audio/ video

• Forum / Twitter handle?