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What words do we know about computers?Different parts of a computer:How we use computers:Words related to the internet:

Parts: screen, speakers, mouse, touch pad, keyboard, disc drive, modem, monitor, curser, tower, database, scanner, memory….

Commands: click, enter, delete, escape, save, file…l

Internet: email, virus, browser, search engine (WWW) World Wide Web, chat, download…

Which invention do you think helped the development of computers?

Communication satellites: an artificial satellite sent to space for the purpose of telecommunications

Instantaneously: completed in an instant

Listen and read page 71, Text 1 (46)

1-How do we receive image and sound signals from faraway places?Via communication satellites which orbit the Earth.

2-How do these signals travel?Through the air at the speed of light.

3-How many communication satellites are orbiting the Earth?100’s

Listen and read text 2 (47)

1-What can computers do to help us?Do work for us quickly and accurately.

2-Which machines contain computers?Microscopes, cars, cameras, telescopes…

3-Name an important development for computers:The microchip.

3-What does a microchip contain?Microscopic circuits, they have the smallest electric circuits.

4-What do microchips allow computers to do? (What do they make possible for compters?)Process information quickly. They are information processing machines.

5-Where have we seen a microchip berofe now?In a car key.

***Remember: Technological advances are happening very quickly. Although we watch DVDsNOW, maybe very SOON something new and better will repalce them.

Listen and read text 3 (48)

1-What is an e-reader?Device which lets us read books and newspapers on-screen.

Do your parents use an e-reader to read the newspaper?Are there any advantages to reading a book on-screen?

(Doesn’t take up space, less expensive, saves paper…)Do you think that traditional books will disappear one day?

GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEM: A device that can locate places, objects and people throughoutthe world

It needs 3 satellites to work. 1st, it calculates the distance between the 3 satellites nad the GPS receiver.Then is calculates how long it takes (amount of time) for the receiver to receive thiersignals.

Also know as (AKA): GPS

Cars = find best route to destinationRescues = locate people

Has anybody in your family got a GPS?How did people find their way around before GPS?

(maps and compasses)