Friends of Nabushome School · 1. Personalia On Saturday, ... The meeting was preceded by a cash...


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Friends of Nabushome School

October 2014

Dear Friends and Supporters of Nabushome School,

There are several new developments to report, both at Nabushome and in our society.

1. Personalia

On Saturday, 11 October 2014, this year's annual general meeting of our society took place.

The most important items on the agenda were approval of the Executive Committee's actions

over the past year and elections to the Committee.

The meeting was preceded by a cash audit, performed by cash auditors Andreas and Christa


The following were elected:

Chairman: Paul Ziehl (as hitherto)

Vice-Chairman: Stefan Ziehl (new)

Secretary: Tony Kemp (new)

Treasurer: Inge Ziehl (as hitherto)

Cash auditors: Andreas and Christa Retzer (new)

Homepage agent: Barbara Ziehl (new)

We would like to take this opportunity to once again thank Herbert Wittmann (Vice-Chairman

since the society's foundation) and Anneliese Wittmann (Secretary since the society's

foundation) very much indeed for their many years of service and loyalty to our society.

Friends of Nabushome School

We wish our newly elected members much joy and satisfaction in their new, responsible


Here is a brief introduction to the new members:

Stefan and Barbara have already visited Nabushome twice, and will be going there for third

time at the end of next year. So they know what it's like "on the ground" and have been well

acquainted with the society's work for many years.

Tony, a long-standing supporter of the society, has been translating our website and

newsletters into English for some years now. He is English and works as a professional

translator. As a soon-to-be retiree, he is prepared to devote the necessary time to his new


Andreas and Christa have also been supporters of our society for many years. With one son

currently at school, they can contribute experience from current (Bavarian) schools, as well

as a great deal of enthusiasm.

We are confident that we are now well set for creatively addressing and mastering future


Friends of Nabushome School

A few words of explanation regarding of our society

From the group of (financial) supporters, a relatively small group of seven people has formed

who are prepared to manage the society and take care of the many different jobs that need

to be done.

If any of you would like to join this group of members, please let us know. We are not a

society in which only an exclusive group of persons can participate. Everyone is cordially

welcome to do so.

We are open to any requests, and would be delighted if anyone wishes to join our team on a

regular basis.

Don't worry – there is always plenty to do!

What does "participating" mean? Here are the most important points/conditions:

You have to be prepared to devote the necessary time to take on one or more specific

tasks in the society without any payment, i.e. on an entirely voluntary basis. But this

post should not only exist on paper: it means actually doing something in practice.

Willingness to meet regularly with the other members to discuss topics and to come to

decisions. This is also a forum for new ideas. We try to set the dates for meetings so

that everyone can attend. For urgent matters, we use the telephone and also know

how to send emails!

Friends of Nabushome School

Every member should be equally well informed. This means not only being briefed but

also informing yourself, so that each member is in a position to fully answer the

questions of our supporters.

Willingness (not a "must") to travel to Nabushome. The travel expenses have to be

borne entirely by the members themselves, however. Our promise: Every cent donated

goes 100% to Nabushome. We do not have any administrative expenses – that is an

important component of our success and the trust that supporters place in us.

Veronica teaches her class their times tables.

2. New school building

We did it! The financing is in place. The construction work is now about to start, following

delivery of the first 6,000 bricks fired in the various villages to the building site in

Nabushome, which has already been cleared. Work can begin!

We will be kept up to date by the school on progress during the construction phase, and will

naturally pass on news of important developments to you.

Sincerest thanks to all who contributed to the financing. It's really heart-touching when you

look at the individual donations and the stories behind them. Here are just a few examples:

Collections on the occasion of a retirement party

Donations in connection with a "relocation party"

Friends of Nabushome School

Football wager during the last World Cup, in which football enthusiasts from England

and the USA took part as well as fans from Germany

Children from Bavaria giving up their pocket money to help children in Africa

Money earned from sales on eBay

And naturally not forgetting the numerous special donations from our supporters, in

addition to their annual contributions.

Work on the new school building has begun.

Friends of Nabushome School

Ivy Sewela (Deputy Head) looks proudly at the first delivery of self-fired bricks for the new


Friendliness that is infectious...

There can be no greater thanks for our support.

Friends of Nabushome School

School-beginners at Nabushome School in their new tracksuits for the cooler season.

3. School garden at Nabushome

The garden is continuing to develop as planned.

At the school, they are particularly grateful that the new well – constructed with donations

from our supporters and solely for irrigating the garden – means they are not dependent on


Although the African summer is only just beginning in Nabushome, it is already very hot.

Normally, the garden would not stand a chance...

The crops now growing in the school garden include maize, spinach, chomollier, covo, rape,

okra, tsunga, pumpkins, onions and more than 100 tomato plants.

Besides this, there are numerous fruit trees, including four mango saplings from Victoria Falls,

which we ourselves had the honour of planting.

Friends of Nabushome School

Gardening experts among themselves.

In the foreground: just some of the tomato plants.

Friends of Nabushome School

Today, there is a delicious pumpkin dish from the school garden.

Little Nompumelelo (first grade) looks a bit unsure with her portion of pumpkin. But after all,

it's not every day you have your photo taken.

Friends of Nabushome School

The washing-up after lunch needs to be done as well.

4. Society flyer

From many discussions with you over the years, we know that our supporters are always happy

to promote our cause. That is one of the main reasons for our success. One supporter after

another has joined us in this way, which has enabled us to realise many of the projects at


Especially in the last few years, our website has proved an important "reference work". We are

keen to make sure it is kept up to date. Following the recent elections, we now even have a

homepage agent, whose job is to make sure that there is nothing out of date on our website.

To give people who have heard of us a quick overview of exactly who we are and what we do,

we have also compiled a society flyer. Initial feedback on this has been positive, so we are now

officially releasing the document, first in German and subsequently in English. As you will see,

it is a "maxi flyer" (in aviation terms, we would call it a "wide-body aircraft"). The reason for

its size is that we have so much information that is important to us all. Over the years, we have

been asked many questions, which we have always been happy to answer. We have also tried

to incorporate these questions and the answers into the flyer. People who are interested in us

generally have a number of questions, and that is a good thing. Indeed, we have sometimes

learned something from these questions as well.

We hope you will find the flyer interesting and not too overwhelming.

We also intend to post the flyer on our website, where it will be regularly updated.

Friends of Nabushome School

Looks like a fascinating lesson.

The excitement is mounting: The final exam for the ninth-grade pupils of Nabushome has

started. The four best pupils get a scholarship from our sponsors to attend Nechilibi Secondary


Friends of Nabushome School

5. Child with a problem - Faith Sibanda

As you know from previous newsletters, Faith - a pupil at Nabushome - suffered from a severe

distortion of one foot. She was unable to walk unaided.

During our visits to the school, we had grown very fond of her. We therefore decided last year

to finance some lengthy medical treatment. The costs of the necessary trips and the medical

treatment itself, including an operation, were financed privately (i.e. not from the society's


To obtain the treatment, Faith, her mother and a teacher had to undertake a bus journey

lasting several hours to the hospital in Bulawayo some 300 km away.

After more than 30 journeys, we are now able to report the successful conclusion of the

treatment. Faith recently received special shoes which help to stabilise the foot that was

operated on.

She can now walk unaided, without crutches or sticks, which – as we hear from the school –

she does with huge enjoyment.

The outcome, then, is a wonderful feeling of happiness for the girl, her parents, the teachers,

and naturally for us.

Faith is no longer a child with a problem!

Our little friend Faith with her mother, prior to the medical treatment.

Friends of Nabushome School

I would like to close with this happy news.

Cordial thanks for all your financial support – in some cases over many years – for our many

projects in Nabushome and Nechilibi.

As you can see, Nabushome is growing and thriving, and all thanks to your help!

Why approximate, when you can give the exact measurement? That, too, is Africa.

Signpost to Nabushome School.

Something else very important to finish with:

If you would like to promote our cause, please use our new flyer or refer people to our

website at This contains more or less everything

those interested need to know about us. Our many short videos, which can be viewed at under the heading “Nabushome”, give a good idea of the situation “live on

the spot”.

Friends of Nabushome School

Thanks again for your support and trust.

I would be delighted to hear from you.

With African best wishes,


Paul Ziehl