Top Five1.


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Top Five1.

I believe this could be a potential photograph.The pose of the model works well with showing the clothing off. The focus of the image is decent which gives it a broad depth of field. The problem with this image is that the brightness is too high (due to camera settings), however this can be changed by changed the brightness in Photoshop.

I have chosen this image to be a potential image for the fashion spread. The reason is that all the clothing is clearly seen due to the pose the model is pulling (by standing up the clothes are seen from head to toe). The photograph has a narrow depth of field as the focus is on the model and clothing.The problem with this image is the brightness; the photo is too dark which makes it difficult to see the model’s face, however this can be changed through Photoshop by altering the brightness.

I’ve decided to use this photo as one of my top five. The reason being is that the lighting and focus are just right. The clothing is clearly seen in this image to fit for a fashion spread but also the location fits with the theme of the fashion spread – grunge.

A negative factor of this image is that at the bottom, the top of one of his shoes is cut off.

This is one of my potential five photographs. This photo has a broad depth of field which enables the ‘audience’ to see the whole model and the clothing content. The location also compliments the theme of the fashion spread; the darkness from under the bridge makes the image a little dark however this can be edited on Photoshop by changing the brightness and contrast. The negative factor of this image is the high school in the background and how the model is just too far away.

This image is also a potential top five.The image involves a sense of action which emphasises the clothing which makes it clearer to see. The brightness and focus of the image tributes to the theme of the spread.The negative aspects are that the model doesn’t have direct address and also the background of the high school gates.