Researching genre

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  • 1. By Leia Cordey RESEARCHING GENRE

2. MY CHOSEN GENRE I have chosen to use the horror genre to base my opening titles on, the reason that I have chosen this particular one is that I feel that I could create he most effect with this genre. Some of the things that I will be researching further are; Stock Characters, Stock Plots, Situations, Issues and Themes, Stock Locations and Backdrops, Stock Props and Signifiers, Music and Sounds, Genre Conventions. 3. STOCK CHARACTERS Stock characters are people who are based on a common social stereotype. Stock characters rely a lot on cultural stereotypes, their personality, manner of speech, and other characteristics. Stock characters are a key component of genre, giving relationships and interactions that people familiar with the genre will recognize straight away. Some of the most commonly known stock characters that appear are, The Jock, The nerd, The Prankster, The Stoner/Druggie, The Dark Kid and The Slut. 4. STOCK PLOT, SITUATIONS, ISSUES AND THEMES A stock plot is the story line that is stereotypical of that genre, so for Horror it is typical that one person will be killed which will then cause a panic, most of the characters will want to find out what is happening and as that happens members of the cast get killed off one by one. Towards the end of the film there is normally a resolution which helps them catch the killer and normally leaves one or two members of the group still alive. Some sort of evil creature/person is nearly always in the films. Plots that appear a lot in Horror films are things such as; a evil creature killing lots of people, the warning being ignored ending up with drastic consequences, someone being able to see things that others can not, a serial killer stalking then killing victim, deaths of innocent people and at least one person going mental/insane. 5. EXAMPLE OF A STOCK PLOT Mirrors is an example of stock plots in Horror films as it follows the basic story line of a Horror film. To make money while waiting for reinstatement, ben takes a job as a night watchman at a department store gutted by fire. That was a mistake. He is soon tormented by the same supernatural mirrors that plagued his predecessor. The images in these mirrors do not reflect reality as we know it. The images will stare back at you, but remain in the mirror when you walk away. The images will even try to kill you. Soon, Ben Carson finds that the mirrors' demons follow him everywhere in every reflective surface. They're willing to harass him and his family until they get what they want. Ben's job is to find out exactly what that is 6. STOCK LOCATIONS AND BACKDROPS A stock location is a location that is typically used within the particular genre. Typical locations of Horror movies are places such as; cabins in woods, holiday homes, high schools, churches/graveyards, mental asylums, basements/home of the victims, rural areas, rundown/ghost towns, motels/hotels and places like the underground/tunnels. A lot of the time the backdrops include things like; storms, power cuts, night time and in fog. 7. STOCK PROPS AND SIGNIFIERS Stock props are props that are used with in a particular genre which will help the watcher recognise what it is straight away. Some stock props that are used a lot in Horror are things like; candles, axes, chainsaws, gravestones, crowbars, light switches, torches and cars. These are used a lot as they show that it is a horror and some may be used as the weapons that kill the victims. Things like cars are what they normally try to get away in but they usually end up breaking down, leaving them stranded. 8. MUSIC AND SOUNDS Film-makers have long relied on disturbing soundtracks to heighten suspense and terror within the films. The harsh, atonal and unexpected sounds used in horror soundtracks copy the screams of frightened animals. By peppering chillers with these noises, film-makers are tapping into deep, instinctive fears. These range from the sort of distorted notes that come from a hi-fi cranked up too high. Often violins and hexachords are used to produce a atonal sound which can be discomforting and make people feel intimidated and scared which is normally the aim of the film. 9. GENRE CONVENTIONS (SETTING) Genre conventions include things like; setting, technical sides of things, iconography, narrative and themes. Setting Setting includes things like where about the film is set, for example In a Horror movie they normally use places that are isolated; such as alleyways, dark streets and urban environments. Normally places with a dark history, like abandoned houses, hotels and mental asylums are quite popular with film-makers as it is more likely to create a mood of fear which is what they will want to create. 10. GENRE CONVENTIONS (TECHNICAL CODES) The camera work in films is very important as it in horror it is very expressive and is often not natural. Low and High angles can bring fear into the shot. POV shots are quite important because they enable the audience to see the world from the killer/monsters eyes. This normally occurs at the end or in the middle of a typical horror film. Handheld shots are used to make it difficult for the audience to figure out what is happening, a good example of this is Cloverfield as the whole movie is shot with a handheld camera to help get the feeling of terror and unknown across to the audience. Disturbing sounds is a very important part of a horror movie. Diegetic sounds like footsteps and non diegetic sounds like a heartbeat help crate ambience. Editing can help create unsettling tension and some suspense, normally if the editing hasnt been paced up in a while then you know that something bad is going to happen. 11. GENRE CONVENTIONS (ICONOGRAPHY) Iconography is the visual style which uses colours, like red and black to help link to blood, danger and evil. Lighting is a non-naturalistic way of showing expression in film. Low-Key lighting can help create dark shadows and un-naturalistic shapes in the darkness. Props can help identify the horror genre even more, some props can be connected to certain characters or villains, these props are things like; chainsaws, machetes, knifes and costumes. The iconography of the monsters help to create the most fear, disgust and terror. This is from monsters such as; Werewolves, Vampires and Mummies. 12. GENRE CONVENTIONS (NARRATIVE STRUCTURE) Narrative structure is mainly made applicable to the Horror genre however it can either be left for closure or maybe to leave room for a sequel. There is always a hero, a man or a final girl of the film, as this keeps with the typical conventions of the Horror genre. Normally the hero must go on a mission/quest to kill or solve the problems that occur during the film. Some narratives are quite formulaic and present sub-genres, one of the most commonly known ones are Slasher films. Most of the time there is a survivor, most likely a female character.