
O you who believe! When you rise to Salat, wash your
faces and your arms to the elbows, and wipe your heads, and
(wash) your feet to the ankles. (Al-Maidah: 6)
Abu Hurairah (RA) reported that the messenger of
Allah said, “Allah does not accept the prayer of one who
nullified his ablution until he performs it again.” (Al-Bukhari,
acceptable. The shurooth are not part of wudhu’, but they
are its prerequisites.
Furoodh (obligatory Parts) are needed to be fulfilled
for making that act valid in Islam. Shurooth and Furoodh of
wudhu’ are mentioned below.
1. The water used for wudhu must be pure (thahoor).
This means that it is pure itself and it can purify
other objects.
3. Remove the objects that make water impure.
4. Remove all things that prevent water from reaching
to organs of Wudhu’.
5. Know that time of Salat is set, in the case of those
people who suffer from diseases which make keep
them always impure. Urinary incontinence is an
example for such disease.
1. Niyyat (intention).
4. wiping the head
Note: Shurooth of Wudhu’ and bathing are same.
Mark the below sentences true or false
1. Shurooth are the things which are part of the certain action.
2. Wiping ears is not a compulsory action in Wudhu’.
3. Washing face is the first action in Wudhu’ and washing palm and rinsing are recommended not obligatory.
4. When we perform Wudhu’, we have to wash organs without considering a special order.
• Be pair with your friend, take Wudhu’ in its fullest form and correct if any mistakes found.
5 Washing arms including elbows
actions of Wudhu’. Below are the conditions of Salat.
Shurooth of Salat
(Hadath is the state of impurity that necessitates
either Wudhu’ or bath).
3. Covering the private parts (Awrat).
4. Knowing the time of Salat.
5. Facing the Qiblah, i.e. Ka’bah in Makkah.
2. The fourth condition of Salat is …………….
• Use the Qiblah finder apps and check Qiblah direction of five places related to you.
Ask your elders and write down which parts are regarded
as Awrat for men and women.
Awrat of men Awrat of women
Hadith: Cleanliness is the major part of Iman (faith)
Cleanliness and purity are highly recommended in
Islam. To perform the Salat, we have to ensure our purity
from Hadath (major and minor impurities).
1. Minor impurity (Hadath Aswghar) can be removed
by taking Wudhu’.
State of purity made with wudhu will be nullified with
these reasons.
while touching unmarriageable kin does not.
2. Any excretion from private parts
3. Touching the sexual organ with palm or inner surface
of fingers, without any barrier between them.
4. Loss of consciousness due to temporary insanity,
madness, intoxication and sleeping.
Note: If a person sleeps sitting with his backside firmly
placed on the ground, it does not invalidate wudhu’.
Things for which one must perform Wudhu’
1. Touching and carrying Qur’an
2. Thawaf (circumambulation around Ka’ba)
3. Salat
4. Sujood
2. When sleep breaks wudu’ and when does not?
3. What are the two impurities and how they can be removed?
Discuss with your elders and list out some actions for which wudu’ is recommended.
Taking bath is the way to purify our body form major
impurity. We studied the minor impurity and its causes.
Now, we can learn the causes of major impurity. They are:
• Emission of semen
We have learnt the conditions of bathing are same as
that of wudhu’. Now, we are mentioning Furoodh, the
obligatory things of bathing.
bath to purify major impurity”.
2. Washing entire body with water.
Complete form of bathing
1. Find pure water
3. Take wudhu’
Mention the causes of bathing for men and women
Now, you all are aware of the impurities and their
removal. They were barriers in front of getting into Salat.
Removal of Najas (filths) is another requirement of Salat.
Mainly, najas is classified into three types.
Dog, pig, and their discretions
Remove najas and wash seven times with clean water and one of them being with added soil or clay.
Mukhaffaf (minor)
Urine of boys aged less than two years and who are only breast fed.
Remove najas and sprinkle water over the contaminated area.
Muthavassith (moderate)
1. alcohol 2. Dead bodies except human, fish and locust (Jarad) 3. Blood 4. Pus 5. Urine and excretions, 6. Vomit
Remove najas and wash with free flow of water until its colour, smell and taste are removed.
• Covering head
• To say before
entering toilet and step in with left foot
• stepping out with right foot saying
• Saying after coming out.
There are some recommended etiquettes that need
to be followed when using the toilet.
Write down the meaning of the three recommended Adhkar related with using toilet.
Fill in the blanks
2. ……….. is the major Najas while ……….. is the minor Najas.
Observe one week as cleaning week, promote friends and relatives to keep clean and neat, capture the pictures of the program and show the teachers
Water is one of the precious things in the world. It is
an inevitable thing for our survival. Have you ever thought
about having short of the water, and what will we do when
we are in a situation where we cannot use water as a
Islam has provided solutions for everything in our lives.
Allah Almighty has given us the form of Tayammum- as a

If you are sick, or traveling, or one of you comes from the
toilet, or you have had intercourse with women, and cannot
find water, find clean sand and wipe your faces and your
hands with it. (Al-Nisa: 43)
water. So, do you know how to perform Tayammum? We
are going to learn it in this chapter. Tayammum is to use
pure soil or sand as an alternative to water on definite
organs. The organs are the face and two arms.
Steps of Tayammum
Step 2: Niyyath (Intention)
Step 3: Place your palms on the soil and hit both hands
together in order to remove dust on them.
Step 4: Wipe the entire face with both hands. Ensure
you have covered the boundaries of face as
mentioned in wudhu’.
Step 5: Place palms again on the soil then wipe up the
right hand with the left hand starting from the
back of hands including the elbow. Then wipe the
left hand with the right hand as described.
(Note: Tayammum is performed only on the face and
arms even if the wound caused for the Tayammum is on
of these actions)
When Tayammum is allowed?
Lack of water or scarcity of it, in the case that if we use
the available water, it will endanger the lives of people or
sacred animals.
The situation where using water is dangerous due to
any wound in the body or extreme coldness of water. In
this case you have to start wudhu’ and wash the normal
organs as usual. When you reach to the wounded organ,
Tayammum for wounded part. So, if two different organs
are wounded, two Tayammum shall be performed. For
bathing, a single Tayammum is enough.
Istinja’ is a term for the cleaning the private parts after
excretion passed through them. Water is mostly used to
wash. But, when we lose the water, we can use stones,
toilet papers or anything dry that will absorb the dirt from
its place.
(Note: Using stone or such objects for the cleaning is
known as Istijmar)
It is recommended to use stone-like objects first and
then water for the cleaning. Please consider three stones
at least or another odd number for cleaning. You can use
different parts of a big stone for the cleaning.
Choose the correct answer
1. Using stone like objects for the cleaning is known as …….. (Istinja’, Taya-mmum, Istijmar)
2. The organs of Tayammum are …………. (arms and head, face and feet, arms and face)
3. ……………is used for Tayammum (wet soil, pure soil, dry soil)
Fill the blanks below listing the situation of Tayammum. (One is done for you)
1. I will perform Tayammum when my arms are plastered.
2. I will perform Tayammum when …………….
3. I will perform Tayammum when …………….
4. I will perform Tayammum when …………….
In this chapter, we are going to discuss Furoodh of
Salat, it is also known as Arkan (pillars) of Salat.
Do you know how many Arkan are there in Salat?
There are 14 Arkans in Salat, the collection of those
makes the complete form of Salat.
1 Niyyat (intention): It is recommended to utter the Niyyat, even though only uttering is not sufficient.
2 Takbeerat-al-Ihram: Saying Allahu Akbar in the beginning of prayer.
Qiyam (standing upright): To stand for Salat for who is able to stand. If one is unable to stand, he can sit down; and if he is unable to sit, he can lie down for performing the Salat.
Furoodh of Salat
Reciting Surat Al-Fatihah (Opening Chapter of the Quran) in each rak’at of prayer: While recitation, we have to consider Tarteeb (order of verses) and Muwalat (continuity of the recitation). It is recommended to say Dua-al-Iftitah (The opening prayer or Wajjahthu) and A'oodhu billahi min a shaytani rajeem (seeking refuge in Allah from the Shaythan) before reciting Fatihah, and to say Ameen after the recitation of Fatihah. Reciting a Surah after Fatihah is also recommended, in the first two rak’ats.
5 Ruku’ (Bowing): To bow until back and neck get straight and parallel to the surface.
6 I’tidal: Rising from the bowing position and returning to the standing position.
7 Two Sujoods: Prostrations.
Thuma’neenat: Being calm and feeling at ease. It is to keep quiet for a while during the performance of Ruko’, Sujood, I’tidal, two Sujoods and Juloos.
10 Recitation of the final Tashahhud.
11 Sitting while reciting the final tashahhud
12 Reciting the Salat upon the Prophet ( ) in the finalTashahhud.
Saying ‘Assalamu Alaikum’ at the end of the prayer: First salaam is obligatory and second is recommended. Likewise, turning to right and left during first and second salaams respectively is also recommended.
14 Tarteeb: Following the right order for each pillar as mentioned above.
Note: The above-mentioned things are the Arkans of Salat.
Do you know what does the word Rukn mean? Literally, it
is a pillar i.e. if anyone of them is missing, it will affect
validity of salat.
1. Qalbiyy- which is performed by the heart. Niyyat is
one and only Rukn Qalbyy.
2. Qawliyy- which is performed by the utterance.
Fatihah, the last Tashahhud, Salat upon Prophet
(Swa) and Salam are included in this group.
3. Fi’liyy- which is performed by the actions. All
remaining Arkans include in this group.
11. To say salaam
are bringing all Fu-roodh in their prayer.
After studying the complete form of performing Salat,
let’s learn the invalidating causes of Salat in order to stay
away from them and to make our Salat acceptable to Allah.
• Intending to nullify the Salat. The doubt of nullifying
will also in-validate the Salat.
• Doing three actions continuously which are not
part of the Salat.
• Uttering one letter with meaning or two letters
without meaning (if the letter is not a part of Salat).
• Deliberately multiplying any Rukn Fi’liyy as well as
doing two Takbeerat-al-Ihram deliberately.
Salat or as recom-mended action.
• Non-compliance to any preconditions of
• Eating, drinking or anything that nullifies
Swawm (fasting).
Read carefully the below sentences, write whether the Salat is nullified or not and justify your answer with reason? One is done for you.
not necessary in Swalat.
He was confused whether he will
nullify the Swalat and attend call or continue in Salat.
while he was in Salat.
When mother was performing Salat, child lied
down in front of her; she took the child and placed him in another
side and went on in her Salat.
Describe all things that nullify Salat to your brothers and
sisters and make sure that they are performing it in correct
(supplications) after performance of the Salat. Adhkar
make us closer to Allah. The Prophet has commanded to
seek blessings from Allah by reciting Dhikr and Duas
(prayers) after the Salat.
: » :
. :
On the authority of Abu Umamah; he said: “It was said to
the Messenger of Allah (Swa): Which prayer is the most
answered by Allah? He said: prayer in the later part of night,
and after obligatory Salats.
1 time

1 time

33 times
33 times
33 times
1 time

10 times
10 times

After completing all Adhkar, Dua is highly
recommended. There are special Duas for each Salat.
The common Dua to be made after every Salat is as follows.


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• Memorize all Adhkar and Dua. Later record it in phone and play to parents.
• Go to Masjid with father and listen to Adhkar and Dua after each Salat.
Answer the following
1. What are the special Adhkar to be recited after Maghrib and Swubh prayers?
2. Why Adhkar and Dua are recommended after each prayer? (Hint: Read the Hadith given and write answer)
3. Three Adhkar are recited 33 times after Salat; write down them along with meaning?
perform and will be rewarded but they are not mandatory.
Those prayers are Salat Nafl (non-obligatory). As far as an
adult Muslim is concerned, the five times Salat are
compulsory. And they should be performed until death as
long as he is sane.
Salat Nafl resolves the mistakes in our obligatory
prayers. And it makes us more intimated with Allah. The
most recommended Salat nafl is Rawatib. The Rawatib are
the prayers which are performed after or before the five
obligatory prayers.
Totally, there are 24 Rak’ats of Rawatib. Among those,
the below mentioned 10 Rak’ats are Mu’akkad (the highly
Aswr 4 Rak’ats Nil
Maghrib 2 Rak’ats 2 Rak’ats
Ishaa’ 2 Rak’ats 2 Rak’ats
Swubh 2 Rak’ats Nil
Salat Before After
Maghrib 2 Rak’at
Ishaa’ 2 Rak’at
Swubh 2 Rak’at
1.Only Zuhr Salat has 4 Rak’ats of Rawatib before
and after it.
2. 2 Rak’ats of Rawatib are recommended after Swubh Prayer.
3. Both Aswr and Ishaa’ Salats have no Rawatib after them.
Add number of recommended Rak’ats of Rawatib to number of that of each obligatory Swalat and fill the list below. One is done for you.
Discuss with your friends and find out the answer for below mentioned questions
• Anees performs all obligatory Salats and all recommended Rawatibs. How many Rak’ats Anees performs a day?
• Swafwan performs all oblisgatory Salats and only highly recommended (Muakkad) Rawatibs. How many Rak’ats Swafwan performs a day?