1e*,sft }*sffi ,.***-*gs:lJffi # Website : unryp'.keralaprc.sBy.in E-mail r [email protected] Fh*a*: *4?l-?54S41* cn1*Srrrnno*trt;o" s3.$8.?Sr8 se*S *f#d wfiqgknl *mt#rt$ r*rru$, : AA&YIY :{t1120*4ll?1*W Utc'.rc*d@s* **#, oeog ".rglcf nr,i&Hlfid am1aua0, a.tgo, tcr?o;rrx?xf6]44rno. m.x-1*d<xaeaT The Eirent*r', Sir*ctorate a{ M*di*a} Hd*eatiax, Medical Cotlege P.{}, ?trinrvana*thxPuraur *6qSS t 1 . <ru6o r*{lnnn46o:- frlg#ts rlrlt1ct**mrn * gci*6toorirnd ao*noc*ltmt-$*.ti$"sm*ft$1gJ' {fi}}*rln,- {t} 14.t2.2S}0 *rlnoap:t#lam 4t/3$101*.e.rrfi}. *nen*i *nidooo.A q*d *,. {2} 1?.S5.2g18 6}e}r1/27888i20l7iDMSr*rnr* *,r$d, ('* {3) 1S.07.2018 os J1.2788U2017/DME rrxnxs s,ronf. {4) lii.S?.2018 ee} Jli34494l2}l71DME mcnrrt *rord. ,t*t** {ruid{r, (t}-oe, g'rryr*ai 1,rre.c6{ eroJl*nlerggg "6}fdo il..'glcni.mil. rr'lur*rnmgi}0"r3" oll,+6rnlqf{Lwgoe *amtr*l:1gaor:saE $cg*S$ o},C} {usffikt} €tt}{ers* rnt*crneur*ui s$.;r}e$e{xr$ dl*qgqrn: o6nr{ 6m.x*or.:rotoym;. fix$g;lr} or${sksllc,6$rsit$ o1*6p6$ md*;tmo'Itc# ,mpmrd}wrcu} orcsrre;os nconlrniloi e*naajl 6Dn"rg,lonal{o mxiglrni ooo;aextcmi 6're}Qflqlc56r*ml'loccl {prp9rg#ffi}l{r{} l$* Sfir*}*{/}rrirs&}s$ ntr0gt<n} mt ellcao"srs 18.08J0I8, 30.CI8.?fl1& 01.09J$18 ofooor"lagffi 093$ rm nI <nsrmrlrusr6 aaat ac*E orlo;arrril4ffigerd. ignation Det+of Sirth Ilate Time $taffNuree &r-U, Is-s$.1989 r$.{}8.?lI1* s.3s aM 'R $te{f $[ur6e {irll o4.s3.1S89 IS.{}8"!(}I8 $$.3$ A*{ Fa,g* 1*f ?

Website se*S *f#d wfiqgknl *mt#rt$ - Kerala New...1e*,sft }*sffi ,.***-*gs:lJffi # Website : unryp'.keralaprc.sBy.in E-mail r [email protected] Fh*a*: *4?l-?54S41* cn1*Srrrnno*trt;o"

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se*S *f#d wfiqgknl *mt#rt$r*rru$, : AA&YIY :{t1120*4ll?1*W

Utc'.rc*d@s***#,oeog ".rglcf nr,i&Hlfid am1aua0,

a.tgo, tcr?o;rrx?xf6]44rno.


The Eirent*r',Sir*ctorate a{ M*di*a} Hd*eatiax,Medical Cotlege P.{},?trinrvana*thxPuraur *6qSS t 1 .


r*{lnnn46o:- frlg#ts rlrlt1ct**mrn * gci*6toorirnd ao*noc*ltmt-$*.ti$"sm*ft$1gJ'

{fi}}*rln,- {t} 14.t2.2S}0 *rlnoap:t#lam 4t/3$101*.e.rrfi}. *nen*i *nidooo.A q*d *,.{2} 1?.S5.2g18 6}e}r1/27888i20l7iDMSr*rnr* *,r$d, ('*

{3) 1S.07.2018 os J1.2788U2017/DME rrxnxs s,ronf.

{4) lii.S?.2018 ee} Jli34494l2}l71DME mcnrrt *rord.


{ruid{r, (t}-oe, g'rryr*ai 1,rre.c6{ eroJl*nlerggg "6}fdo il..'glcni.mil. rr'lur*rnmgi}0"r3"

oll,+6rnlqf{Lwgoe *amtr*l:1gaor:saE $cg*S$ o},C} {usffikt} €tt}{ers* rnt*crneur*ui s$.;r}e$e{xr$

dl*qgqrn: o6nr{ 6m.x*or.:rotoym;. fix$g;lr} or${sksllc,6$rsit$ o1*6p6$ md*;tmo'Itc# ,mpmrd}wrcu}

orcsrre;os nconlrniloi e*naajl 6Dn"rg,lonal{o mxiglrni ooo;aextcmi 6're}Qflqlc56r*ml'loccl

{prp9rg#ffi}l{r{} l$* Sfir*}*{/}rrirs&}s$ ntr0gt<n} mt ellcao"srs 18.08J0I8, 30.CI8.?fl1&

01.09J$18 ofooor"lagffi 093$ rm nI <nsrmrlrusr6 aaat ac*E orlo;arrril4ffigerd.


Ilate Time


Is-s$.1989 r$.{}8.?lI1* s.3s aM


$te{f $[ur6e{irll o4.s3.1S89 IS.{}8"!(}I8 $$.3$ A*{

Fa,g* 1*f ?

Page 2: Website se*S *f#d wfiqgknl *mt#rt$ - Kerala New...1e*,sft }*sffi ,.***-*gs:lJffi # Website : unryp'.keralaprc.sBy.in E-mail r kpsc.psc@kerala.gov.in Fh*a*: *4?l-?54S41* cn1*Srrrnno*trt;o"

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Page 4: Website se*S *f#d wfiqgknl *mt#rt$ - Kerala New...1e*,sft }*sffi ,.***-*gs:lJffi # Website : unryp'.keralaprc.sBy.in E-mail r kpsc.psc@kerala.gov.in Fh*a*: *4?l-?54S41* cn1*Srrrnno*trt;o"

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Page 5: Website se*S *f#d wfiqgknl *mt#rt$ - Kerala New...1e*,sft }*sffi ,.***-*gs:lJffi # Website : unryp'.keralaprc.sBy.in E-mail r kpsc.psc@kerala.gov.in Fh*a*: *4?l-?54S41* cn1*Srrrnno*trt;o"

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