1. Elzan Zulqad Maulana 04121401029 2. Al-Amirah Zainab 04121401035 3. Helen 04121401044 4. Intan Fajrin Karimah 04121401046 5. Muthiah Ramadhina 04121401050 6. Achmad Randi Raharjo 04121401051 7. Muhammad Tata Suharta 04121401053 8. Yesi Eka Molita 04121401055 9. Michael Sintong Halomoan P 04121401077 10. Abdur Rozak 04121401080 11. Stefen Agustinus 04121401081 12. Inthan Atika 04121401085 13. Elmo Saviro H 04121401097 NOTE : JAWABAN HARUS RAPI DAN LENGKAP SESUAI KETENTUAN : TIMES NEW ROWMAN, FONT 12, SPACE 1,5. JAWABAN ANALISIS MASALAH TERAKHIR KUMPUL SELASA, 11 MARET JAM 21.00 WIB. YANG TELAT ATAU TERAKHIR NGUMPUL+JAWABAN GA RAPI DAN LENGKAP SIAP-SIAP JADI PRESENTAN!!! LI JUGA HARAP DIKUMPUL YG RAPI PLUS LENGKAP!!! JANGAN LUPA TULIS SUMBER!! MOHON KERJASAMANYA KAWAAAN Skenario Mr. x, a 30 year old truck driver, was admitted to hospital with massive hemoptoe. He complained that 6 hours ago he had severe bout of coughing with fresh blood of about 3 glasses. He also

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1. Elzan Zulqad Maulana041214010292. Al-Amirah Zainab041214010353. Helen041214010444. Intan Fajrin Karimah041214010465. Muthiah Ramadhina041214010506. Achmad Randi Raharjo041214010517. Muhammad Tata Suharta041214010538. Yesi Eka Molita041214010559. Michael Sintong Halomoan P0412140107710. Abdur Rozak0412140108011. Stefen Agustinus0412140108112. Inthan Atika0412140108513. Elmo Saviro H04121401097



Mr. x, a 30 year old truck driver, was admitted to hospital with massive hemoptoe. He complained that 6 hours ago he had severe bout of coughing with fresh blood of about 3 glasses. He also said that in the previous month he had had productive cough with a lot of phlegm, mild fever, loss of appetite, rapid loss of body weight (previous weight : 70kg), and shortness of breath. Since a week ago, he felt his symptoms were worsening.

Physical examination :General appearance : he looked severely sick and pale. Body height : 170cm, body weight : 50kg BP: 100/70mmHg, HR : 110x/minute, RR : 36xminute, temp 37,8oC.There was a tattoo on the left arm and lymphadenopathy of the right neck, and stomatitis. In chest auscultation there was an increase of vesicular sound at the right upper lung with moderate rales.

Laboratory :Hb : 8 g%, WBC : 7.000/L, ESR 70 mm/hr, Diff Count : 0/3/2/75/15/5, acid Fast Bacili : (-), HIV test (+), CD4 140/ L

Radiology :Chest radiograph show infiltrate at right upper lung

Klarifikasi istilah1. Massive Hemoptoe : batuk darah 100-600ml dalam 24 jam2. Coughing : refleks fisiologi karena adanya benda asing di saluran pernafasan3. Phlegm : mucus kental yang dieksresikan saluran pernafasan dalam jumlah yang abnormal4. Fever : kenaikan suhu tubuh diatas normal, lebih tinggi dari 37,5o C5. Lymphadenopathy : penyakit kelenjar limfe6. Stomatitis : peradangan umum pada mukosa mulut7. Vesicular sound : memiliki frekuensi bunyi yang rendah, seperti bunyi nafas normal pada paru selama ventilasi8. CD4 : sel T tipe yang membantu fungsi imun T helper

Identifikasi Masalah1. Mr. x, a 30 year old truck driver, was admitted to hospital with massive hemoptoe. He complained that 6 hours ago he had severe bout of coughing with fresh blood of about 3 glasses 2. He also said that in the previous month he had had productive cough with a lot of phlegm, mild fever, loss of appetite, rapid loss of body weight (previous weight : 70kg), and shortness of breath. Since a week ago, he felt his symptoms were worsening.3. Physical examination :General appearance : he looked severely sick and pale. Body height : 170cm, body weight : 50kg BP: 100/70mmHg, HR : 110x/minute, RR : 36xminute, temp 37,8oC.There was a tattoo on the left arm and lymphadenopathy of the right neck, and stomatitis. In chest auscultation there was an increase of vesicular sound at the right upper lung with moderate rales.4. Laboratory :Hb : 8 g%, WBC : 7.000/L, ESR 70 mm/hr, Diff Count : 0/3/2/75/15/5, acid Fast Bacili : (-), HIV test (+), CD4 140/ L5. Radiology :Chest radiograph show infiltrate at right upper lungAnalisis Masalah 1. Mr. x, a 30 year old truck driver, was admitted to hospital with massive hemoptoe. He complained that 6 hours ago he had severe bout of coughing with fresh blood of about 3 glassesa. Apa etiologi massive hemoptosis ? 1,2,3b. Bagaimana mekanisme dari massive hemoptosis? 4,5,6c. Apa makna dari batuk berdarah sebanyak 3 gelas pada 6 jam yang lalu? 7,8,9d. Apa hubungan pekerjaan, jenis kelamin, umur dengan keluhan Mr.X ? 10,11,12e. Apa penyakit yang gejalanya hemoptysis ? 13,1,3

2. He also said that in the previous month he had had productive cough with a lot of phlegm, mild fever, loss of appetite, rapid loss of body weight (previous weight : 70kg), and shortness of breath. Since a week ago, he felt his symptoms were worsening.a. Etiologi :a. Productive cough with phlegm 2,4,6b. Mild fever 5,7,9c. Loss of appetite 8,10,12d. Rapid loss of body weight 11,13,1e. Shortness of breath 2,3,4b. Mekanisme :a. Productive cough with phlegm 5,6,7b. Mild fever 8,9,10c. Loss of appetite 11,12,13d. Rapid loss of body weight 1,3,5e. Shortness of breath 2,4,6c. Apa hubungan gejala dengan keluhan utama? 7,9,11d. Mengapa gejalanya tambah parah sejak seminggu yang lalu? 8,10,12

3. Physical examination :General appearance : he looked severely sick and pale. Body height : 170cm, body weight : 50kg BP: 100/70mmHg, HR : 110x/minute, RR : 36xminute, temp 37,8oC.There was a tattoo on the left arm and lymphadenopathy of the right neck, and stomatitis. In chest auscultation there was an increase of vesicular sound at the right upper lung with moderate rales.a. Interpretasi dan mekanisme abnormal : General appearance : he looked severely sick and pale 13,1,2 Body height : 170cm, body weight : 50kg 3,4,5 BP: 100/70mmHg 6,7,8 HR : 110x/minute 9,10,11 RR : 36xminute 12,13,1 temp 37,8oC 2,4,6 There was a tattoo on the left arm and lymphadenopathy of the right neck 3,5,7 Stomatitis 8,10,12 In chest auscultation there was an increase of vesicular sound at the right upper lung with moderate rales 9,11,13b. Apa hubungan tattoo dengan keluhan yang dialami? 1,2,3

4. Laboratory :Hb : 8 g%, WBC : 7.000/L, ESR 70 mm/hr, Diff Count : 0/3/2/75/15/5, acid Fast Bacili : (-), HIV test (+), CD4 140/ La. Interpretasi dan mekanisme abnormal ? Hb : 8 g% 4,5,6 WBC : 7.000/L 7,8,9 ESR 70 mm/hr 10,11,12 Diff Count : 0/3/2/75/15/5 13,1,5 acid Fast Bacili : (-) 2,6,12 HIV test (+) 3,7,9 CD4 140/ L 4,8,10

5. Radiology :Chest radiograph show infiltrate at right upper lunga. Interpretasi dan mekanisme abnormal? - Chest radiograph show infiltrate at right upper lung 11,13,1b. pada kondisi apa saja ditemukan infiltrate pada pemeriksaan radiologis? 2,3,4

Hipotesis Mr. x, seorang supir truk yang berumur 30 tahun didugamengidap TB paru yang merupakan komplikasi dari HIV.Template :a. DD 5,6b. WD 7,8c. Epidemiologi 9,10d. Patofisiologi11,12e. Etiologi 13,1f. Sign and symptoms 2,3g. Tatalaksana 4,5h. Pencegahan 6,7i. Komplikasi 8,9j. prognosis 10,11k. KDU12,13

LEARNING ISSUES 1. Anatomi dan Fisiologi Sistem Pernafasan 1,3,5,72. TB Paru 2,4,6,83. HIV 9,10,11,12,13