TPPA (Key Program)

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  • 8/18/2019 TPPA (Key Program)


    Key Program

    There are few key program in Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and one of it is to

    comprehensive the market access among U.S and different country. This key program may

    aboish or reduces the tariff and aso non-tariffs barrier in a kind of good and services

    among the participating country. These can increase the trade between the countries which

    means the income of country aso increase. !urthermore" these aso create a ot of business

    opportunity for citi#en to e$port their goods and hence" the country can appy ta$ on the

    e$port or import goods" this can create a huge income for the country. The unempoyment

    rate of the country aso may reduce" the ower the unempoyment rate" the higher the country

    income as everyone need to pay the income ta$ for the country. So that the country can

    improve their infrastructure such as road or investment in human resources such as education

    for the citi#en as to increase the knowedge and ski of the worker. %eneray" this can

    increase gross domestic production (%&P) per capita. (Professsor. 'oin amford" Susan

    %rant" *+,)

      The ne$t key program is to have on commitment of regiona approaches. This can

    improve the technoogy" production ine and suppy chain of the country as both country may

    adapt their technoogy as to increase production. This aso may improve the standard of iving

    of the citi#en as create ob opportunity not ony in one singe country but aso both country.

    The improvement of standard of iving aso means the %&P increase. !or e$ampe"

    consumption of that particuar country increase and this show that the citi#en abe to spend on

    the good and services that abe to make their ife much better than previous time. oreover"

    the economic growth can hep the poor and the ess fortunate. The stabe economic growth

    aso can make the country panning easier and encourage investment from foreigner.

  • 8/18/2019 TPPA (Key Program)


  • 8/18/2019 TPPA (Key Program)


      The ast obective is to open up a transparent and incusive reguatory environment

    which et the participating parties to dea with an issue in better attitude which can affect the

    economic activity significanty. This can et the economy crisis decrease or ower down the

    ost in one country as everyone can voice out their opinion or soution.!fta/resources/auto"#$do%noad"#$images/555e5f&&'5$cf.pdf