Th e farljata ekltgvavp. VOLUME XVIII. MONROE, LOUISIANA, SATURDAY. APRIL 7, 1883. NUMBER 80. I'HE TELEGRAPH r C •HN CHiAMPfON OX AN EX.- THE EGYPTIAN OBELISK IN CENTRAT.L wIEECH BEFOýB THE "LIME-KILhN CIUELTY ON STE.31BO1TM. A MISTIFIED TJseAyEll. CilIxrOx. PAKli CLUB." Fubldhed iovry SatuNrd. ' y, C I E O C N. -- r-- --- A iitot rrAs a t -- . Th Hoan Lawless appTired with a The recentsloutThler of Lpalhey l a B i' w tro n-o o_ ,dowrn gado?" skedN a A O•rtoE, UA.II.TA•A.LsT,. .I rtr. teinitzsaid a Trlbane repor- Toth.E etor timeSci W AuLerl pa ed mittens In one ad a, under dofalu , de y tllSi tto a e at n .. . o -lA the he champion recently, "t During a recent vii to ork, mon In the other, and mic Was his had brought up the brutally which the l onlut nnd tlen etarnetly out ,a tnr in PIropirlhtorh. h eis ben etated (hit you sought an in. I look occasoni to examoine the obelisk placidity of mind that when he bit In- had so often been manifestedlL by steam - of the window, "No, sir" replied the .;iilol 5'OL'lotlTl.X. terview will, Morphy under pretence in Central Pairk, and the opuiunIU 1 to one of the. mittes inl place ot tle boat mates toward helpless persons conductor, coldly. "This lh petrfectly S ,, .................... being a lawyer interetei in ui forme isso at vtrance wih lie gene- Jemon he never even changed color, whoU an Ill-chance had for he l ov l irack. There a re no hgades on le,*.' n eal troubles. Is that so' ra and accepted one in regard to its He sized up ,ve feet and six lnchen- moment trowi under their lyrmaitial these rods." 'That's curous," mum- l "Certainly not," as tIhe atnswer, conrstrueion, that after several dpays' telligent expreion, head east In th e authority, bled the passen gr,opeinlgthg window ,]-e~tu;.ni.tB will bu weLed at, ul oject I had In seeing him. Morphy mined to write you. I have been to trample an onion bed out of sight, has Intimate acquaintance with the thing,'" continued the conluctor etx- dld ir . 1 nm Ll" erts W t mCuLt'rn 1 ; toi 1 is a pretty shrewd mlan, and would looking mupin the Sientifi'e American He mounted Ihe platform lk, a steer laboring elasses sil their condltons, ajp|rated by the ran's cnduet *i o' r cl Fw IIo Ii m ' soo, 'avedotected the imposition. The Supplement (or which I h'ae a copy climbing a side-hill, bowed rightand remarked- anything wearegoing up slight in- ; tim. , n e to i,. t. Fol.,r longer truth is, I have been interesting my. of every Lssue), ind fi nd in February, left I response to the applauset, and "'OCTsionally Sn act of ermelliy- clije." "Thnt's wonderful! exclaim- pi dl : ,'olow sbelf lltely in inlernational law, with 1881, you wrote up thle whole thing, quietly began brutal bealing, or rerllhlQ killing-by ed the psaaenger. I. thought it was 1 IurI.L;.q-L.. Ll.h *.L"i....L tin I Im theintentiotn in Lae near future cf giving illosraltions, etc. aIn thatar- ,Myfrons, 1 cannotdispresdoylea a mate ol apoor devil of a rouslabout reminarkalblo if we wer on a down S writing shnort treat•leon it. WVhen ticle you also itaitle the obelisk was r iran' grntiSfslahun which feel to comes to the publie car, but those, ]rae lut undertheelrairenwauteesIt' .... ........... 11 in New U rletns a few wveks ago, taken fromi certain granite quarries, fin' myself slandin' Isea under do comparative ly, are nothlin. Th un - irelua 1" "Whuat Is growlcd S,,...;.......i. Ul on , kT 2, ;, :nowilg tinhat Morphy was a lawyer, I titus ahowing it to be a tmtural stone. snred ashingles of IParadise HdllE-al told mulre f-of men knockeld over- the onductor. '"Whitt'ro you talin t............ u 2 te Lo i On etting o answer, Yet in spie of all this, to me, excel strueture whoae namean a bousehold board by a billet of wtod er itherwIoe ubot, anyhow?'" "I siplo , u't . , :iy-"-l the 3oti -sliiHe I met hint in tho street, lentauthonrity, I cannot beleveit to be word whliarober de inIIglsh language made away with-would horrily the under.lmnd how Illthat cow shouild bhet .. I It i- .- -4 ..... o, 7(1 p1 lm 1 ai opS)ed lair nd presented him with a natural stone, and I want to give greets de ear. [Applaue.] 1 would people If the facts coild be lriughi to u going up hJl, that' all" sighet the Tr•eiut 'nLe -)".. t, 7,: h , I. myc card. ie tookt andread r t giv. my reasons for so titing and i rather Stan' hea dan to boeburied n- their knowllge.' icnrtunoI "p"Snger. sindl back <,,rtli or ii fle.*a m•.• - '" i Jng me a wild, questioning look Tor you i. d eno.ghn in what I have to der a SO1000 monument. [rhoe'. "Can no wilnee be fttn.d lu hL'ig iunto ths seat to fl'aro it oAu.-- at. '-Nblr--vil te itariigeh l l.lnMour rI.et-- th minolnenlt. Immeditely recovering say to induce you to take any uotiee ot >Dn subjic•k oh ny aldre anSen- sbuch rim- efore tthe 'Llw tilcer'r" ' rr , ;,, q ' Y,. in,:tui r dtt fl*ri.-B n..li, wil] o Himself hoshook hands with me, Say- it, whether to snblstantiate or upset my timent. WVhat am senltment? Whar' "No, tho roustabnuts's frionds are of Jmini.^o.l: nifl-rtil!B n]ti. btg that mny name was well known to theory, makes no difference I1 only do we gil It, an' what am it wor by his own cIsss-rtcklr., and carcelesi ln l ist o 7', a ai t.1 .n: imluiei . n- .- o,ý i'h [o- chimn, aid tlion be entered into conver- want to get at the facts. My resons e pound when de marketam not enerally, and afraId to trtlfy, evet , c lam 'lav srme Ir aeitatlors U ['c t i ? ' m 1 mt ••r l,,' L,:, ;t 1ai.on vith me. Twice after that I for believing the obelisk to be a mass obersoeke I answe dat atiatmeat i they thoueht it wrtk wlil to tike t .a r , i nd thatte pbi han been lor - nr n. -e, met hin, and on eaeh oc~osion he was of concreteo arte as follows : ma a sorto' 'lassea an' must surrolund, the trouble." an ttie pbl h been Sed..-. - digly pleatsat and agreeaLble. I have spent my lifetime in the manu. ' do heart. I ome ase thatdens "Is it not the lustnf lto tthi. I, lmcm t o suppose were a recent invention PROFESSIONAL CARiDS As a cIrowd collected around us on factuiro of limes and cements, and In up an'turns tostun, whilein dderat class of witnesses up in jail- ,mno o thilr n, 'ldalready bolnemploy- each occasion, lhe e e xetusd himself on the study of mortar, concretes, etc., thins out until do heart fairly floats in times for a long terim-i onrlB to .iv i, y the Al t arcitad or Le oms anId Si.WI. . u LiMnE thscoreofpressinglegale.Igageme.nth annd aftertrty ye spt in ills pd ' swet . [Apl se him dy wh or uy w l l0 i nc idett by which CiimLlor, Solicitor and Atto•necy, I tm very angry with lit crowd still line It seems as though I ulght to Sentiment ha Consderabhl to do wid p roee ermit of thi e trial ofa im'- ttnt eact h o seili mde Inow t uh VUO.VOlK, lO)t-S. L-L. forinterrupting us; Morphyisn most know concretewhen I see it. ebery ackshua in oureberdayl) i. It ceaed?" geE h cIasantposiblltlehinthoIv.ut ,:.imrf in the Disltri ;nl Cire it it interesting man to talk to. lie is I Wvnt around on thie hack sideof am blalnes when you tart out to "Yes, this helpslo iitltinhlit Ihen t ftheir u90. Pail DhI.ter,. Aunar- t1sort, the UUnited St;.:te, ii blih moot shreWd lmid practical anudapparentlyto t Ihe obelisk, cllnlied over the wire borryv a pan o flour or a basket ob but a bloody-minded mate usuanlly ILa' hit 1 , whte out walking, near Irussele, mL,i.i nainmlv ttil rne; nln, n lithei i- excllent health. I am convnced that leue, monnted the masonry work, tters. It am aentltment data caea aefw taunlchstand-by swhi r will er earying onie i tihose bomtbs In his illii '\t •:, ilt , L JtiS dlrangement is. purely local nd took out a trongmagnifying glassand nybrtolend, Eint.eat oIf .a.dil' him through te mall•t kind or a oa ckpot, eaidOLitdlly foll, the inforuitl iIina.il, qulte curable if he w nould place himself a sharp polntedsteel, and went at it. spt calh. tWVlnd applauefrom Judge loop-hole. 'The onrditary o stauhntol mt al>e did Its work promptly and ... iui1t 45, ti-. tinder medical treatment. Ir him de. I could see w-hatlooked ant distanuce Cadaver. hand knoWI thel tool. tleautitull, and ea the 'l'th, thit - raigeient were general, lis bodily to be a gray, reddish, uniform tint, Bizneas anktuatcs a.e lay an' dae "I wonder the rostalboumN ill 111 ip ftb nero thre iccildena, •he died, after It. C Ottl, health would safeo and he was, on closelnspeetion,granite broken shifti sto stot an' beg cold ittles under such mates." ufrin horlile louiree. Th bomb 'rVonNl.V, Al . ONti, hl, wonld know that he Was ill. Al into piees from thesIzeof awalnut an'oldclonthesan'u dimesonquarters. "They le kick, oeesiunniy, but conslste ofn metallic aseB filled with I t". present lhe does not knew It. His mis- down to corn or wheat sizet and these Sautiment akuaten women to ehed orditartly they don'lt ar t qt the n mixture of chlorate of potash, yellow ,1.1.-,, *1 ieilH Irwtune was to be born too ric. WhVhen broken atoesB were Ilntimately nilied tears ober 'em an' stock 'ena up wid city 'dives' unilL necesaity cunpela I th ra te on f Il.h, 'intd can sugar, in She lost his money he could ot stand it wlth some bituminous matter, black ,nu f i r o loafon fur- aother month them, anti then Iley take the Iral hic h los IlXted a thigiiss tube con- I iT:N tiO' 'A'. LA, nnd li now has the idea that there is and seamy, something of the nature of When wehavea kkin' ho our sent oP"ning. Why, a good deal mlttl of Ihniiint*i Illphurie acid. wslie brelaking M,.IoI, I, s conspiracy against him lo keep him asphaltum. The black substance and imeun t am 'pealed to. We atgy dat do the so-called strikes un lthin, ea, thie if the "i h freld tie stilphurlgld annd < int--s. i.l. M:nlory. iienniles&. I ltook the opportulnity of broken atone were thoroughly mixed satfety of our loved on require. as to 'jumping' of boats Jult hofret they are tanedlhe whule buslnuma loose. That relmonstrating with him. I told him - with hydraulic lime; by the latter I do trade dat anamile off toeo•e preacher ready to hack out, ant Itroubles of lIkn Is oxctly the plail. uion which the i1 -. 1•o•etwoo i rri e n' . Il B h ad numberofegal riends I.rho not mean hydraulic cement, but lime who wants a perfeckly rellabe hbess. character, have boilun m ieaoined by Irishl hmenical IomTt( nre madeN , anl l,. (ale•m o...lA •l', would alow them they would which contained sunflient elay to ron- Dt's one kind of sent nt. vhen brutality of mals, than the question they are n likely to kil thir mak mr-'nuers mmi V i" , ii'mitl i mthoroughlly investigate his business der it hydraulic, but not enough topre- we buy atn exeurshun ticket to Niaga- of wages, whtich Is the nise almtost i- is ty els at r rl*l •er m. -•.*ILt*, . .i m•a e Bmttnters, in.d If he hada chanee to r- vent it from slaking if kept under alls, an' roaeh de grande atr.et er varitbly signed thi t w newsl r." - - - ,.1lnTr-i+',t itl'lg stoi i .Ii, in .li ut|in, coever is property, would tell him o, water ight or te dys. Th hydraullc a thirty hours' sweat onattleoats de "What hoals have lthi roiutaliii ol lnlibur.s' Journal mys: tomellmn 1 , .PRO EiiO. N a CtTo... Tough,' I aded, even Morphy may lime fa light in color, with a slight yel- immense waste of water 'npeal to anod- employing these cruel oilcors '" ngo at a l|lrlliil somano-lh genul no ,tinmit••ry . io. i•i-. i, mistankn, andi you may not have lowlsh tinge peculiar to nal true hy- de r sort o' sentiment. When wo lav "Well there are pret y bad nies hli anrticle- i lcry hand was seon w.aving taken a conrrct legl view.' Thilt is ira•lel limLes n ewh lme s wilbstanu we reveal unttther phase of untialen all thne Itdi, hitt for uriiliilrrmll oveirhaild i thId inrlnelrushing frEom .lo.nIl H.DiiUKgrave, it,' he nmswered, I'people ttlinki I am tie action of weather better f de gal m ligh-toned an'ch e i lir rh de i h r d o nd nf the rooim with Inreodlblle IiTOLtxrY AT LAW, D.I\ NitL)• A. nothing but a chess-player, and that I than the bestrortland cemonts. With aentiment am all solid. Ifshe am n- rivors ecrry Ithe ehimumpthnitms." wltinos, nW lIglrf now low, l a nd nc- ,in:tI''- 'l.t" N, lt' .lis] 'I know nothing a•boati law." my stee point I could plow out this ly alverae, an' l n debet r 1h«« no "Is sucPl hrsh trolnl nliil hy rs tanlly .mnt n ponpi on 1hn (me *L•,lN.-itn (mltylr tloe slutoe i m '*Will Morphy nvir tl.y chess aggain, hydraulic lime , and willth my knife I sh t d- u scntimeet am iprty thin 1n i rilsclplite?" clr,,.k wiimllsti col, n eolaemy coninct .I l ur i~I. All i min', iili'nll e t- Mr. Steinitz ?" cnt an ri bshvel Ilh black subsdtanco, ow,' t lst longer dan de Sirl htill fu "rty ti naTfta. A erInl eyts Ii nI a ,rl, o., In splti"e the Inomednlumt 'bid I'fl,'.m mtum i'';;ii'l nii 'rrobably, if 'is friendsg g to work which layin all conceivable waysthe meatcomesin. [Criesof, "''ouet really a loss It, I bout. A alti, ye t rtnluigLt' nln1.tioi°t°st thatnoenteslhould t 1mtii0m " Lu. i, b. in the right way. At present he will grin In some bits prenlsoing their tla l xy trens, sentiment writes poetry humnne 'alte will get Imru wm7k o1t move, a geitleman clutched this awful not loulk at a hoadil an never v[sit sides, sometimes their ends, sometime wid eon hand an' tang de backs of de or a crew-they will ru.io mn tl t his apiariln Its It swepti past ltn, and, S>. r. . i.r.lm,, his club, nnder tle apprehension that vertical, sometimes horizonlal, show- chii'Fn w.. id do odder. It ulides our orders with nmon wiltlngn*is and nla- regardless otprelteatlniun and throattl, It. h '. .Lihey will mkh e him plny. I myself Ing it to have been mixed up withh thi thoughta to friends ober de ea an, rity. Any o her treatment Is sino, refusedl to let It co until tei lights )' , - killli, . tl what l focling Is. 18671 lime and broken stone haphfaard. send, old clothes to relashuin l Wis- to Supptrd which leninH lhol. I re w-re turned ip, Then the maosenger s ruL'l•'l a ,L• X Ol d e*lr rt*. s..] from• a sunstroke. For weeks The lime showed In such thin streaks -oin t mae us shed ter fur de devised." from lih uther world proved to 1 ,l-i- - 1 lesi in yl im-i• u r;li I co;d not concentrate myenergies lon that It Is evident that th e men who onedi, al It warns us to ut de under. Conmparsons were minaL, by expe- unhhig more auperntural than a 1in,. , U at hilu'- or Li 'L ;'m anything; leaslt o ll on a confrate had made the oeliask know how to rt h'sdbidtdownhtwonteierc k rienced men who took lrt In hn talk dirtyl whitelL kid1 glove rubblioti with me., .;. rmit. t;:Ie .. it like ciheS. ]A Inst I dletrmlned to do make coencrte. I think, if hmd liae .Snotiment ells us to n our felow- o thiecharettrl or well kndoen s"m ri Pihno- li',ortaus kmit lu.Ifled with wet tow. it, believing the efrort would cure te enough and .no policomen to nose men, t,, i whipers to us tO lok o boat matesor beforo ind »int - tih war, Tlai, at the ind if a thin line, wan itu l Milillau. f tlitilonu. t was torture at first, but t around r ind jotller one, I could halve do t• plac torpedoes In ounr hen. a nd (be genrilt conilelioll was tlhnt Mtml•tmlmi from n Ilshing rod conve- lt'ilt•lYV AT ]LA. Mimnr l u. ce, s eeded. Tho concentration requireA taken uta bit of granite wilh my roosts. cGroans.] [have been look- thosm who rai "Tu pltitdlon ,rm']kindly lielnt fr theit ocket. 'iliuh tliu mediulm wlkht i'r:u.atiet irm ihi ,mrlm.s of took tho mind off it. Now Aor- steel. in' ntode mnmtter fur do Jad farty- treating their nime' s.eur,,t fl I'ltt *'ninil •m•s 'iiI minrt' r l!f ppallhi,, 'ri.,,-h,;t. , :l, a l;,, i , w lt l.,n- phy whI' n hlie sil down to a hoard, The hieroglyphl t s show, as plasin a, eight f'nr, an' I hs ee nm to d con- *retand t lli* rk. -- **mn i' " who rii ri t, i, 11.M i.p tbmi 'r'e tut rt e etilite, lindi he cannot concentrate himself. anything can show, that they were Up wiu cat Is.,-. ai'. w tli i , i:a, im s lcl (ois. i hen for thue fir t time te feels thaformed by faatening the prope-r rmn th. the sld . a -l-r ,il - herte iA im ith " .rlloo "u LjSandii g hreo lssomelhing wrong with it m; oh th inside of the bom into whih the ihade nLe t ouma t br auy win dentien TbIa- IIK -,I i>». A -hloed " Phllaophir atrsay: sait at ir-i* .- ii ,,It',Lm , iitii.l srt ii. Ln ralt cer than confess it, he gets up concrete was rammed, and when the mix in' dou be' man adeng u S it.l 1 . ny ulinyondal I an tlim for our ,r, [em,- is. A;n abptly, alleges an engagement, and concrete had hardened sull.ciently, the onldntt havi e gt ' bid if put un at --- ric, haI g l p i n Imernormtl names. Sruashes away. What I saidtto the men boxes were taken away, and tio pat- wunldn aht g wid g lot ib f ,fen.pu p t. A's . greatI daet nf h is hlL toi I phmt duti lun outi t thall a mielllon S'" . ,• •' . 'rNia, rt w Worleans wast I Dr n rt ask twerus of the hierglyphe were withd I could talk to ou fr three straght the balk-line ga, hin o .. sequenue ol (enrg t nltl ns, Thoin J ter. Sl.i{N:v - J. i<-. I. lIOiT . Ia Le orihyto rlay;t let him itand watch drawn, leaving their impr-sion on the weekson di snblek, but obhayin' the great tourhallionit ,iw Oprieg 9L11 it d 'll e'ry Lhiys' dou,' whlh.- A L, it, ,.m r I,, ti 11 pri•i.i, ] you play, perhap one of his own old face of the concrt ex acly as is done mal p i c oeItry, thi U'-tisi, oA Nfi It . •m,:ii:,l:t, ilin t• .ann es. Presently he too will take to every day by manBnfecturersoLartl ica rl half hoar anm ip will andhp off xng uhiain the i if lh imi ,mw i t t.- i y Lt' hst-nrik I hlotl en.r . o ira.i , th e brd ag , and the effort requir- stone- Suh, work ann tod mistkn op t it y he my bet. d I't arllon Ubt -4niim = l n an'd m on in', tiike ,Et hun 't leastan two I ilt,;n I.i.' l ttmtL I l, tL . t i e" od1 illl kehi.e nind offehi g trouble."'or work done by the chisel by any p leasu"eat son o futr dwanyto m-t I Alh Iulln'inl s tinto lisn E•ni. t. - mli. ,mt I•l•-.:Ll m'.is tt.-ore om eiol pl .' Wilyd e ltheoss of his mWiney nff- one familiar wilt that class of work. a you ant. ilL fu o o indnaInty i I h , r tle e ba . k Bnby Vni didn'l i.- .uLy 1.. rIs t .iimN so mucih?" Every letter is made to ,"draw'" and f ortune told wil Ind o in dos anty w ant to caln hum, Jlhtl, or .ll, i tior 'lThat is another curious ting, in no place conId I find a spot among "fur d n' two hours" C r lose or t r, et naimn, him llttll' sr. orphy wants to gBt married. ie is all the hi roglyphties where a pattern and yells. NchIane r v t a nu e a' wil iti, nl do j)"'it','.u ""^iw'&xisi'ialBr \'^ i ieretullly having love n~tcirs.' All would not -draw." Such a structure, oATSVERBUS CORN. hilf<r iinin le tiall l'"- I'dupcotur .r.ivln air mon.nloouns:t iirrmt.ii1iiiln]i .- 1 thnNpeoplInNewOrleans know Itand madein coneretoasI have described, -- lil" Ltr. itving ]] Ox i'r trmime o r T.irI[eI humor him a litle. Mind you, he is could be safely carried up at the rate Thie comparative value of corn and - -- vr,,1 iI ::,h t[inl., e i. o i1tlcnltinl < ] te most chivalrous soul alive. Ho is of from 12 to 15 inches per day, and so oats for horeos may he briefly stated In . ning a e , usof th ini'ati'm. ].i.n']i'.. ' tlmaor]. athorough gentleman. But if hee s posiive am I that it is concrate, that follows: The former la deflesent In The table Is preipn-ld Ey thl' ihtro- Inintilly n one mtf Ih utiaris onm duly nlii: rlden,.* i.i:*eln<tm .LLin.r]Ol [ iS( gi fae the street that pleasl e I would not hesIitate teonier Into a con- many o.r the elements ofay theeleunt of utrlllon dlulol of f itir while I Ie 111 lil 'akd al(htur*ih ltri, i ]n'tllar n stiat of II.. .... ... a:•.:t.i . 1rri. I,,_ l v. |him, yu will se him ifithis hat and tract to erect exact duplicates lof it In necessary for rccuperatin[gtho constaant In era tyoii ,0n th cth eih,, tai Lfftl, .ir is h nll to 111hh. Lh'nyounic 1'.ve ia bow. Sometimes the lady wil any city or $1 B,0,00 each. I think I wear and tear which onecesarily takes inside en-h ensh[nii nmli eiex 1 ulilig Ls-lhier, hliltro. ha' wits piCesl n o tuard stop kindly nndl speak to hilmi or smile can find granite In Connecticut of the place In the body of a living aunimal. irom end lo i 'l l eils d tio un indi, I'r. -. .or It tinb, win Itm light-liharteil, J.oli 3Irlimery, ntd rs on. Then he will follow her aame color, the bituminous matter in On thi account, horses whieC are ex- p ing at te eornerI tad fInl iim inight eiitlilhy yoiuni•g ifillw, ut hI's picuianr Am'i ltti A, tl A•. h I'l A•]•NIt. at I diitnace--sometins for hours- New York, and hio hydraulic lime in clusively fed on corn and hay do not epacos, snong i he cuWIIi't. Tli glni airn I ofI il Inalio lty is mieluneld liuln. In- A., I; i*t':u•n•nSt in. 11 Lmml oi . and ;vlhen ;he eniers heer honse, take Buiiffralo, and with these make just its receive that kind ofnourishmentwhich is played will' (Jeiurte ml-r5 stinrl Iln din(- vt'lsiatlon iHliiv UniL the mon on IJ N i ntenristm) u slttiininingletImtl lia a.- out his note bonk and enter the ad- good obelisks as wore ever turned out appolars nceesary for the due support tInguimshinig feiiture i I1hait ut n moitre gitnrd dread t heir duty, nnd soveral ei.n-i]l lt-,. Agoenrv i.r lI iil 1m r-lh:ae dress. H- regrets his loss because he in Egypt. As to the durability of the and maintenanco of the animal fabric; than two shiols are by thi rtil' )ii'riil- have cimnItmmted ofTfenti andl bIon im- '.if laiitatinomn, Irmit amnid iiliunnlrotvch wi vi.es to be married, and theure is, obelisk in Central Park, oiwhich much hence, we must not be surprised that ted, when tiilh th brtji li ire rirsnied, [ur thb piurlioA ofL avoIdlng L.LMn 4itc. n..-.t irer.on i- i- ns ',i:*t.i T think, thie same as in my own rase has been written lately, I think It will corn fed lorses show evidence ol being Inside time s.nihi liiilrdlirt.tl ie*i'i, er, he ,ity. One man, a v teran miad no mwith ,Lii- MVi;'ry in lt.n ["mI I'inL-inci" -to ploy chess again determinedly." stand for ages where it ia. Sume po•- languid, by sweating prlsty wh white i tr w , h w rail and guard, hut all rl wlilln he will miv. l'eii l, 't -1 c ,liitmm o. I low would Morphy compare with tionus may get loose that were not per- being workud, Jack of vitality, etc. ~ik ;" when the two olJ. 'it ILL :tiirln droeadel the duly. ini the yiiu[itg meni Jiiii:trnyi,,ii. ' ihep lyrs of the present day?" feltly emented, but as a whole the Oals, onthmecontntary, contain mre of balkcli pltyermiiy playinoi:ouuiiting hesnid, he stlrain wan iliin-si, and g Well, (ihe amn has mas immeons material is of that class that will out. the essential elemeon• of nurition thar stroke within thin spae., but on Ill they would resEort to all kinds ,f tricks S'l i.ii..'.. i.t i.Tr. •OIli -i. ttir•de since his[ tIne. For one first- last anything else we have. If it were any other arttle of rood which can be second shot he mnst get at least une or to nvoldlith nilght watches. jfllll•saji t T 'rpnsiale, I Is plyr tiheCi, thereo are twenty Porthand coment or onman Cement In fed with imipuntty to hoirses. Oas are the object balls outelde thie lni, lo! . .a -- ATTN)lln]S 'i'l; Ntls u A lTAhl tow, ndtl the scieuce has developed. lihe place of thi hydranull limen, I not only the most natural food for fahling to do this hi seco• d stroke mi . Acrrdling to theli staturnent of lth Ml n'r, i y would haveto alter hislylho hoaId say it woJldn digitgrate iu a horses, but are decidedly the roat n m- foul, no count Is allowed, and lhi upI- Moii mplit Avulininh•t, Capt. John A. W 'sh ''i?,i ? i? 'ri an " u,'he to suit the new conditlons. For in- few years, ut not so with the true tritiou'. Thneyrm the e~npest, btcau pnent Pl.ys on tie balls tl.. ny re (rnt,vil-e.-ir.lesilent i ndil t.feigler turI.. VWiil taL .laitis fi ii'olicine1 in Sitnce, iorplhy considerd the kinv A, hydraulic limer, or whih lthat in the there is less danger in feeding Ihem: left, suhject, of course, At lai slta.e of thi 3Imn]phis 3nl d l Niw- Cirlea•s Jltul- all Lie, iprishe n. NiirLh oinitIi!;i-,, vi l an olinjet mnerely ofattack and defense, obelisk seems to lie an excellent type. andexpertienoce hasproved Lhat horNes restrictlons as to the lima. Aim tihij.t '- w'•Si ia-y ill In eiinmralnts for tIhe mprigllegett iiarliLtgi1 tt• e l iiti• 'It rit-t"ml w-hilti the mndern view stuwit it is it- It. C 'ir *mNi%, proporly fed on oats and timothy hty ball driven out umfo4n bahlk Slieiu iti, , isal cnntrntion fr thls rond riii nder " 1t'ini'l'^ ri -ur r.rl,•4 a.1 r11 self"-. ron, g piece to beO ued through m inifie, N. V., -.lih ea, ]T. lan, wih regularexerlsae, goodgroomn, antlhor and back ino lth pa| te fron- clitn. 1 In' eeuinpil.t 'ld Iy ,Iu"y I ini.t. C AIgint. , lSm Il. out the gatic. You see how frequennt- I ing and proper sanutary regulatIons, hb which it started iis ll; hed y (ii llie irkr Th'he fillit Hirl. a, t tiln l tmtihlmr equlp- -- -- -- 1 will move may king all over the . brogh to the higheaestatc o physical out and hn," anti the lltyer thIn linas unmnt rL ie- racil i ready iidel will lir i. n. . . 1.1. ].i.niii.t. boliil to capture a pawn. In the olid .I LChIIO"'" culture, and can perform more work a new lift regard rin two hliln. S B nl i, l. mi, nI'iin' mr oxpettorI tr, S att s n ll. i ay-, L at w never done. It ome- - withlcsOevdencof fltiguethan when long n he is anIe to drivA i Inill inl i e. ruiimiitg fimr Now itriansi thrnLgh 1hr n A" t. T• •r tImes loses ttna game on account of rr i1 m[te.Ninylsly lthi -} intor. rfd on ny other article of food.--/.fr and batk ho ean kep o111 pliyhig, sinl Il Ml mllin i'y h¢JIrtnifAIIut next. 'heiYr. ATW. .rmacs, lb-.. ehe'Itraorilnary boresight required. Yivtlewly -oun', sting. SIaoh ariltor. he mnydot•n herseai epm-rlr i el.in" * . - wii nin - it WLln d r a w . lo w evnll . 1 , nt ' b e th e y u i o th murain ,, f i ui. I'n'sa uhr hm l h ,I'lh' l n r h t X'mi I .,'int m all t imn ort , Tht i-, in a mileh game it may do wlithVat lu h,'' mnge'P - „-,-- -- et•her of the corner hik line-, wihh m e-inil-.nin, if .iuilsvi tH, ruirs tIaL t 1nhen ,i.mrti.til . :i, :mi l in'm L:m in' soutiillinnL gnt'le by eorrespondooee lir oO wiili ithprmimie*luire aiinlmimi, "ilew cn' t loavo yotJy darling?"' playk3 t honob o Iinbal ilk"' itim ti' tl:thmt l, ';r I i rimalt'rs halving retd Il.i ]ilir ' I hi •eni.r' . ern- ,. r Ierminlleswtll r[uae lrinti mmunuredd aToledo lover in tones el other ball jln over tihn linml :itri titl nA tnmit n a i'n*r im thI iewalitte!iN doieo ITLIth I.V-]ern . . i -- W Then]r irghrelma]. airEimasL'rF.mmitin disrtsing ten•ernBs), as he observod hilk. In all othrc rr|ti.r• i thr nilrh not ]i- 'inliyhiil hirjury srvice. In I i1t. Aioyotl, whn two yrai ago. ni'tice wnimole, 'jeloy ire . ih hails of theo lo•k approachape- ar the Tn Ih rngilir oip i-I i:ti l r-nt ]-ni il1nit eriimnil case, the 1. r. Bc;I:...m I.iltd to l corled out of Ireland t by hshn .rimga ia . g-ftt.in. niyAl ibnalim ! e. snt aIdicilr oo the dial. "Well, John,' game. .rin hm itl : "'The m.re fact that a, the hIilitmiry, returned tohis home anI Fair towers to• k h , hlihi rispondl h, gir with wicke inno ** nids is ri newspaper IacIunt ti tr lteermiunil ti o make peace swih hi hellae i and r laotihl, e' ctce, "you can take your choIce. If A lortflolr arnnhiileei a. StcI i. .,I thiaH ruteieIr Iand lt eeid certaLn im- m , , neighbIors, ie has beon Ps tsacces-tI] r ai" crreuts hiaveeconie .lir.(.]r n'm, you go through Ithe hall you will be flreleape 1. L co mI'.di." W:e'd Jihe preIsiimn•dril nol retderhln lintcommi'- 1. ]. .)1 Ž I , i;.hatC he is free logo where he pleases. titl btnr wel .. m.tn i1abl to wake ip tather, and if yo to se thaat trr'hitrolt h-tiug jiinmrsif trilni asit in n j'rir. n Iot not intoenl l,,.l l ~r,...,.,. . ! , 1" 1. , n. - .'with ut hti r couilsabh*r or soldiers Th.e rrv' ortll'rinrlt hr. r leave! Iy way of the bah ack s you'll down frmt n irtht 'nt irivi" low u i m n 1it t i ,ix htl.l. rii.lll|> frm. ni tie Jiury Pet ers- * la. ri.'i , ' in liiiu I -- ,i i**tg ti thin. be lialy ro wakOe tp th a dog'" cool hea . bLo'."'

Th e ekltgvavp.€¦ · i1 1•o•etwoo i -. rri e n' . Il B h ad numberofegal riends I.rho not mean hydraulic cement, but lime who wants a perfeckly rellabe hbess. character, have

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Page 1: Th e ekltgvavp.€¦ · i1 1•o•etwoo i -. rri e n' . Il B h ad numberofegal riends I.rho not mean hydraulic cement, but lime who wants a perfeckly rellabe hbess. character, have

Th e farljata ekltgvavp.VOLUME XVIII. MONROE, LOUISIANA, SATURDAY. APRIL 7, 1883. NUMBER 80.


Fubldhed iovry SatuNrd. 'y, CIE

OC N. --r-- ---

A iitot rrA s a t -- . Th Hoan Lawless appTired with a The recentsloutThler of Lpalhey l a B i' w tro n-o o_ ,dowrn gado?" skedN aA O•rtoE, UA.II.TA•A.LsT,. .I rtr. teinitzsaid a Trlbane repor- Toth.E etor timeSci W AuLerl pa ed mittens In one ad a, under dofalu , de y tllSi tto a e at n

.. . o -lA the he champion recently, "t During a recent vii to ork, mon In the other, and mic Was his had brought up the brutally which the l onlut nnd tlen etarnetly out,a tnr in PIropirlhtorh. h eis ben etated (hit you sought an in. I look occasoni to examoine the obelisk placidity of mind that when he bit In- had so often been manifestedlL by steam - of the window, "No, sir" replied the

.;iilol 5'OL'lotlTl.X. terview will, Morphy under pretence in Central Pairk, and the opuiunIU 1 to one of the. mittes inl place ot tle boat mates toward helpless persons conductor, coldly. "This lh petrfectlyS ,, .................... being a lawyer interetei in ui forme isso at vtrance wih lie gene- Jemon he never even changed color, whoU an Ill-chance had for he l ov l irack. There a re no hgades onle,*.' n eal troubles. Is that so' ra and accepted one in regard to its He sized up ,ve feet and six lnchen- moment trowi under their lyrmaitial these rods." 'That's curous," mum-l "Certainly not," as tIhe atnswer, conrstrueion, that after several dpays' telligent expreion, head east In th e authority, bled the passen gr,opeinlgthg window

,]-e~tu;.ni.tB will bu weLed at, ul oject I had In seeing him. Morphy mined to write you. I have been to trample an onion bed out of sight, has Intimate acquaintance with the thing,'" continued the conluctor etx-dld ir . 1

nm Ll" erts W t mCuLt'rn1; toi1

is a pretty shrewd mlan, and would looking mupin the Sientifi'e American He mounted Ihe platform lk, a steer laboring elasses sil their condltons, ajp|rated by the ran's cnduet *io' r cl Fw IIo Ii m ' soo, 'avedotected the imposition. The Supplement (or which I h'ae a copy climbing a side-hill, bowed rightand remarked- anything wearegoing up slight in-

; tim. , n e to i,. t. Fol.,r longer truth is, I have been interesting my. of every Lssue), ind fi nd in February, left I response to the applauset, and "'OCTsionally Sn act of ermelliy- clije." "Thnt's wonderful! exclaim-pi dl : ,'olow sbelf lltely in inlernational law, with 1881, you wrote up thle whole thing, quietly began brutal bealing, or rerllhlQ killing-by ed the psaaenger. I. thought it was

1 IurI.L;.q-L.. Ll.h *.L"i....L tin I Im theintentiotn in Lae near future cf giving illosraltions, etc. aIn thatar- ,Myfrons, 1 cannotdispresdoylea a mate ol apoor devil of a rouslabout reminarkalblo if we wer on a downS writing shnort treat•leon it. WVhen ticle you also itaitle the obelisk was r iran' grntiSfslahun which feel to comes to the publie car, but those, ]rae lut undertheelrairenwauteesIt'.... ........... 11 in New U rletns a few wveks ago, taken fromi certain granite quarries, fin' myself slandin' Isea under do comparative ly, are nothlin. Th un - irelua 1" "Whuat Is growlcdS,,...;.......i. Ul on , kT 2, ;, :nowilg tinhat Morphy was a lawyer, I titus ahowing it to be a tmtural stone. snred ashingles of IParadise HdllE-al told mulre f-of men knockeld over- the onductor. '"Whitt'ro you talint............ u 2 te Lo i On etting o answer, Yet in spie of all this, to me, excel strueture whoae namean a bousehold board by a billet of wtod er itherwIoe ubot, anyhow?'" "I siplo , u't

., :iy-"-l the 3oti -sliiHe I met hint in tho street, lentauthonrity, I cannot beleveit to be word whliarober de inIIglsh language made away with-would horrily the under.lmnd how Illthat cow shouild bhet..I It i- .- -4 ..... o, 7(1 p1 lm 1 ai opS)ed lair nd presented him with a natural stone, and I want to give greets de ear. [Applaue.] 1 would people If the facts coild be lriughi to u going up hJl, that' all" sighet theTr•eiut 'nLe -)".. t, 7,: h , I. myc card. ie tookt andread r t giv. my reasons for so titing and i rather Stan' hea dan to boeburied n- their knowllge.' icnrtunoI "p"Snger. sindl back

<,,rtli or ii fle.*a m•.• - '" i Jng me a wild, questioning look Tor you i. d eno.ghn in what I have to der a SO1000 monument. [rhoe'. "Can no wilnee be fttn.d lu hL'ig iunto ths seat to fl'aro it oAu.-- at.'-Nblr--vil te itariigeh l l.lnMour rI.et-- th minolnenlt. Immeditely recovering say to induce you to take any uotiee ot >Dn subjic•k oh ny aldre anSen- sbuch rim- efore tthe 'Llw tilcer'r" ' rr , ;,, q ' Y,.

in,:tui r dtt fl*ri.-B n..li, wil] o Himself hoshook hands with me, Say- it, whether to snblstantiate or upset my timent. WVhat am senltment? Whar' "No, tho roustabnuts's frionds are ofJmini.^o.l: nifl-rtil!B n]ti. btg that mny name was well known to theory, makes no difference I1 only do we gil It, an' what am it wor by his own cIsss-rtcklr., and carcelesi ln l ist o 7', aai t.1 .n: imluiei . n- .-o,ý i'h [o- chimn, aid tlion be entered into conver- want to get at the facts. My resons e pound when de marketam not enerally, and afraId to trtlfy, evet , c lam 'lav srme Ir aeitatlors

U ['c t i ? ' m1

mt ••r l,,' L,:, ;t 1ai.on vith me. Twice after that I for believing the obelisk to be a mass obersoeke I answe dat atiatmeat i they thoueht it wrtk wlil to tike t .a r , i nd thatte pbi han beenl o r

-nr n. -e, met hin, and on eaeh oc~osion he was of concreteo arte as follows : ma a sorto' 'lassea an' must surrolund, the trouble." an ttie pbl h been

Sed..-. - digly pleatsat and agreeaLble. I have spent my lifetime in the manu. ' do heart. I ome ase thatdens "Is it not the lustnf lto tthi. I, lmcm t o suppose were a recent invention

PROFESSIONAL CARiDS As a cIrowd collected around us on factuiro of limes and cements, and In up an'turns tostun, whilein dderat class of witnesses up in jail- ,mno o thilr n, 'ldalready bolnemploy-each occasion, lhe e e xetusd himself on the study of mortar, concretes, etc., thins out until do heart fairly floats in times for a long terim-i onrlB to .iv i, y the Al t arcitad or Le oms anIdSi.WI. . u LiMnE thscoreofpressinglegale.Igageme.nth annd aftertrty ye spt in ills pd ' swet . [Apl se him dy wh or uy w l l0 i

n cidett by which

CiimLlor, Solicitor and Atto•necy, I tm very angry with lit crowd still line It seems as though I ulght to Sentiment ha Consderabhl to do wid p roee ermit of thi e trial ofa im'- ttnt eact h o seili mde Inow t uhVUO.VOlK, lO)t-S. L-L. forinterrupting us; Morphyisn most know concretewhen I see it. ebery ackshua in oureberdayl) i. It ceaed?" geE h cIasantposiblltlehinthoIv.ut

,:.imrf in the Disltri ;nl Cire it it interesting man to talk to. lie is I Wvnt around on thie hack sideof am blalnes when you tart out to "Yes, this helpslo iitltinhlit Ihen t ftheir u90. Pail DhI.ter,. Aunar-

t1sort, the UUnited St;.:te, ii blih moot shreWd lmid practical anudapparentlyto t Ihe obelisk, cllnlied over the wire borryv a pan o flour or a basket ob but a bloody-minded mate usuanlly ILa' hit1

, whte out walking, near Irussele,mL,i.i nainmlv ttil rne; nln, n lithei i- excllent health. I am convnced that leue, monnted the masonry work, tters. It am aentltment data caea aefw taunlchstand-by swhi r will er earying onie i tihose bomtbs In his

illii '\t •:, ilt , L JtiS dlrangement is. purely local nd took out a trongmagnifying glassand nybrtolend, Eint.eat oIf .a.dil' him through te mall•t kind or a oa ckpot, eaidOLitdlly foll, the inforuitliIina.il, qulte curable if he w nould place himself a sharp polntedsteel, and went at it. spt calh. tWVlnd applauefrom Judge loop-hole. 'The onrditary o stauhntol mt al>e did Its work promptly and

...iui1t 45, ti-. tinder medical treatment. Ir him de. I could see w-hatlooked ant distanuce Cadaver. hand knoWI thel tool. tleautitull, and ea the 'l'th, thit- raigeient were general, lis bodily to be a gray, reddish, uniform tint, Bizneas anktuatcs a.e lay an' dae "I wonder the rostalboumN ill 111 ip ftb nero thre iccildena, •he died, after

It. C Ottl, health would safeo and he was, on closelnspeetion,granite broken shifti sto stot an' beg cold ittles under such mates." ufrin horlile louiree. Th bomb'rVonNl.V, Al . ONti, hl, wonld know that he Was ill. Al into piees from thesIzeof awalnut an'oldclonthesan'u dimesonquarters. "They le kick, oeesiunniy, but conslste ofn metallic aseB filled with

I t". present lhe does not knew It. His mis- down to corn or wheat sizet and these Sautiment akuaten women to ehed orditartly they don'lt ar t qt the n mixture of chlorate of potash, yellow,1.1.-,, *1 ieilH Irwtune was to be born too ric. WhVhen broken atoesB were Ilntimately nilied tears ober 'em an' stock 'ena up wid city 'dives' unilL necesaity cunpela I th

rate on

f Il.h, 'intd can sugar, in

She lost his money he could ot stand it wlth some bituminous matter, black ,nu f iro loafon fur- aother month them, anti then Iley take the Iral hich

los IlXted a thigiiss tube con-I iT:N tiO' 'A'. LA, nnd li now has the idea that there is and seamy, something of the nature of When wehavea kkin' ho our sent oP"ning. Why, a good deal mlttl of Ihniiint*i Illphurie acid. wslie brelaking

M,.IoI, I, s conspiracy against him lo keep him asphaltum. The black substance and imeunt am 'pealed to. We atgy dat do the so-called strikes un lthin, ea, thie if the "i h freld tie stilphurlgld annd< int--s. i.l. M:nlory. iienniles&. I ltook the opportulnity of broken atone were thoroughly mixed satfety of our loved on require. as to 'jumping' of boats Jult hofret they are tanedlhe whule buslnuma loose. That

relmonstrating with him. I told him -with hydraulic lime; by the latter I do trade dat anamile off toeo•e preacher ready to hack out, ant Itroubles of lIkn Is oxctly the plail. uion which thei1 -.1•o•etwoo i rri e n' . Il

B h ad numberofegal riends I.rho not mean hydraulic cement, but lime who wants a perfeckly rellabe hbess. character, have boilun m ieaoined by Irishl hmenical IomTt( nre madeN , anl

l,. (ale•m o...lA •l', would alow them they would which contained sunflient elay to ron- Dt's one kind of sent nt. vhen brutality of mals, than the question they are n likely to kil thir makmr-'nuers mmi V i" , ii'mitl i mthoroughlly investigate his business der it hydraulic, but not enough topre- we buy atn exeurshun ticket to Niaga- of wages, whtich Is the nise almtost i- is ty elsatr rl*l •er m. -•.*ILt*, . .i m•a e Bmttnters, in.d If he hada chanee to r- vent it from slaking if kept under alls, an' roaeh de grande atr.et er varitbly signed thi t w newsl r." - - -

,.1lnTr-i+',t itl'lg stoi i .Ii, in .li ut|in, coever is property, would tell him o, water ight or te dys. Th hydraullc a thirty hours' sweat onattleoats de "What hoals have lthi roiutaliii ol lnlibur.s' Journal mys: tomellmn1 , .PRO EiiO. N a CtTo... Tough,' I aded, • even Morphy may lime fa light in color, with a slight yel- immense waste of water 'npeal to anod- employing these cruel oilcors '" ngo at a l|lrlliil somano-lh genul no

,tinmit••ry . io. i•i-. i, mistankn, andi you may not have lowlsh tinge peculiar to nal true hy- der sort o' sentiment. When wo lav "Well there are pret y bad nies hli anrticle- i lcry hand was seon w.avingtaken a conrrct legl view.' Thilt is ira•lel limLes n ewh lme s wilbstanu we reveal unttther phase of untialen all thne Itdi, hitt for uriiliilrrmll oveirhaild i thId inrlnelrushing frEom

.lo.nIl H.DiiUKgrave, it,' he nmswered, I'people ttlinki I am tie action of weather better f de gal m ligh-toned an'ch e i lir rh de i h r d o nd nf the rooim with InreodlblleIiTOLtxrY AT LAW, D.I\ NitL)• A. nothing but a chess-player, and that I than the bestrortland cemonts. With aentiment am all solid. Ifshe am n- rivors ecrry Ithe ehimumpthnitms." wltinos, nW lIglrf now low, l a nd nc-,in:tI''- 'l.t" N, lt' .lis] 'I know nothing a•boati law." my stee point I could plow out this ly alverae, an' l n debet r 1h«« no "Is sucPl hrsh trolnl nliil hy rs tanlly .mnt n ponpi on 1hn

(me *L•,lN.-itn (mltylr tloe slutoe i m '*Will Morphy nvir tl.y chess aggain, hydraulic lime , and willth my knife I sh t d- u scntimeet am iprty thin 1n i rilsclplite?" clr,,.k wiimllsti col, n eolaemy coninct.I l ur i~I. All i min', iili'nll e t- Mr. Steinitz ?" cnt an ri bshvel Ilh black subsdtanco, ow,'t lst longer dan de Sirl htill fu "rty ti naTfta. A erInl eyts Ii nI a ,rl, o., In splti"e the Inomednlumt

'bid I'fl,'.m mtum i'';;ii'l nii 'rrobably, if 'is friendsg g to work which layin all conceivable waysthe meatcomesin. [Criesof, "''ouet really a loss It, I bout. A alti, yet rtnluigLt' nln1.tioi°t°st thatnoenteslhould

t 1mtii0m " Lu. i, b. in the right way. At present he will grin In some bits prenlsoing their tla l xy trens, sentiment writes poetry humnne 'alte will get Imru wm7k o1t move, a geitleman clutched this awfulnot loulk at a hoadil an never v[sit sides, sometimes their ends, sometime wid eon hand an' tang de backs of de or a crew-they will ru.io mn tl t his apiariln Its It swepti past ltn, and,

S>. r. . i.r.lm,, his club, nnder tle apprehension that vertical, sometimes horizonlal, show- chii'Fn w.. id do odder. It ulides our orders with nmon wiltlngn*is and nla- regardless otprelteatlniun and throattl,It. h '. .Lihey will mkh e him plny. I myself Ing it to have been mixed up withh thi thoughta to friends ober de ea an, rity. Any o her treatment Is sino, refusedl to let It co until tei lights

)' , - killli, . tl what l focling Is. 18671 lime and broken stone haphfaard. send, old clothes to relashuin l Wis- to Supptrd which leninH lhol. I re w-re turned ip, Then the maosengers ruL'l•'l a ,L• X Ol d e*lr rt*. s..] from• a sunstroke. For weeks The lime showed In such thin streaks -oin t mae us shed ter fur de devised." from lih uther world proved to 1

,l-i- - 1 lesi in yl im-i• u r;li I co;d not concentrate myenergies lon that It Is evident that th e men who onedi, al It warns us to ut de under. Conmparsons were minaL, by expe- unhhig more auperntural than a1in,. , U at hilu'- or Li 'L ;'m anything; leaslt o ll on a confrate had made the oeliask know how to rt h'sdbidtdownhtwonteierc k rienced men who took lrt In hn talk dirtyl whitelL kid1 glove rubblioti with

me., .;. rmit. t;:Ie .. it like ciheS. ]A Inst I dletrmlned to do make coencrte. I think, if hmd liae .Snotiment ells us to n our felow- o thiecharettrl or well kndoen s"m ri Pihno- li',ortaus kmit lu.Ifled with wet tow.it, believing the efrort would cure te enough and .no policomen to nose men, t,, i whipers to us tO lok o boat matesor beforo ind »int - tih war, Tlai, at the ind if a thin line, wan

itu l Milillau. ftlitilonu. t was torture at first, but t around r ind jotller one, I could halve do t• plac torpedoes In ounr hen.

and (be genrilt conilelioll was tlhnt Mtml•tmlmi from n Ilshing rod conve-

lt'ilt•lYV AT ]LA. Mimnr l u. ce, s eeded. Tho concentration requireA taken uta bit of granite wilh my roosts. cGroans.] [have been look- thosm who rai "Tu pltitdlon ,rm']kindly lielnt fr theit ocket. 'iliuh tliu mediulmwlkht i'r:u.atiet irm ihi ,mrlm.s of took tho mind off it. Now Aor- steel. in' ntode mnmtter fur do Jad farty- treating their nime' s.eur,,t fl I'ltt *'ninil •m•s 'iiI minrt' r l!f ppallhi,,

'ri.,,-h,;t. , :l, a l;,, i , w lt l.,n- phy whI' n hlie sil down to a hoard, The hieroglyphl t s show, as plasin a, eight f'nr, an' I hs ee nm to d con- *retand t lli* rk. -- **mn i' " who rii rit, i, 11.M i.p tbmi 'r'e tut rt e etilite, lindi he cannot concentrate himself. anything can show, that they were Up wiu cat Is.,-. ai'. w tli i ,

i:a, im s lcl (ois. i hen for thue fir t time te feels thaformed by faatening the prope-r rmn th. the sld . a -l-r ,il - herteiA im ith " .rlloo "u LjSandii g hreo lssomelhing wrong with it m; oh th inside of the bom into whih the ihade nLe t ouma t br auy win dentien TbIa- IIK -,I i>». A -hloed " Phllaophir atrsay: sait

at ir-i* .-ii ,,It',Lm , iitii.l srt ii. Ln ralt cer than confess it, he gets up concrete was rammed, and when the mix in' dou be' man adeng u S it.l 1 . ny ulinyondal I an tlim for our,r, [em,- is. A;n abptly, alleges an engagement, and concrete had hardened sull.ciently, the onldntt havi e gt ' bid if put un at --- ric, haI g l p i n Imernormtl names.

Sruashes away. What I saidtto the men boxes were taken away, and tio pat- wunldn aht g wid g lot ib f ,fen.pu p t. A's .greatI daet nf h is hlL toi I phmt duti lun outi t thall a mielllonS'" . ,• •' . 'rNia, rt w Worleans wast I Dr n rt ask twerus of the hierglyphe were withd I could talk to ou fr three straght the balk-line ga, hin o ..sequenue ol (enrg t nltl ns, Thoin J ter.Sl.i{N:v -J. i<-. I. lIOiT . Ia Le orihyto rlay;t let him itand watch drawn, leaving their impr-sion on the weekson di snblek, but obhayin' the great tourhallionit ,iw Oprieg 9L11 it

d'll e'ry Lhiys' dou,' whlh.-

A L, it, ,.m r I,, ti 11 pri•i.i, ] you play, perhap one of his own old face of the concrt ex acly as is done mal p i c oeItry,thi U'-tisi, oA Nfi It . •m,:ii:,l:t, ilin t• .ann es. Presently he too will take to every day by manBnfecturersoLartl ica rl half hoar anm ip will andhp off xng uhiain the i if lh imi ,mw i t t.- i y Lt' hst-nrik I hlotl en.r . o

ira.i , the brd ag , and the effort requir- stone- Suh, work ann tod mistkn op

t it y he my bet. d I't arllon Ubt -4niim = l n an'd m on in', tiike ,Et hun 't leastan twoI

ilt,;n I.i.'l

ttmtL I l, • tL . ti

e" od1 illl kehi.e nind offehi g trouble."'or work done by the chisel by any pleasu"eat son o futr dwanyto m-t I Alh Iulln'inl s tinto lisn E•ni. t. -

mli. ,mt I•l•-.:Ll m'.is tt.-ore om eiol pl .' Wilyd e ltheoss of his mWiney nff- one familiar wilt that class of work. a you ant. ilL fu o o indnaInty i I h ,r


ba .k Bnby Vni didn'li.- .uLy 1.. rIs t .iimN so mucih?" Every letter is made to ,"draw'" and f ortune told wil Ind o in dos anty wa n t

to caln hum, Jlhtl, or .ll, i tior

'lThat is another curious ting, in no place conId I find a spot among "fur d n' two hours" C r lose or t r, et naimn, himllttll' sr. orphy wants to gBt married. ie is all the hi roglyphties where a pattern and yells. NchIane r

vt a nu e a' wil iti, nl do

j)"'it','.u ""^iw'&xisi'ialBr \'^ i ieretullly having love n~tcirs.' All would not -draw." Such a structure, oATSVERBUS CORN. hilf<r iinin le tiall l'"- I'dupcotur.r.ivln air mon.nloouns:t iirrmt.ii1iiiln]i .- 1 thnNpeoplInNewOrleans know Itand madein coneretoasI have described, -- lil"Ltr. itving ]] Ox i'r trmime o r T.irI[eI humor him a litle. Mind you, he is could be safely carried up at the rate Thie comparative value of corn and - --vr,,1 iI ::,h t[inl., e i. o i1tlcnltinl < ] te most chivalrous soul alive. Ho is of from 12 to 15 inches per day, and so oats for horeos may he briefly stated In . ning a e , usof th

ini'ati'm. ].i.n']i'.. ' tlmaor]. athorough gentleman. But if hee s posiive am I that it is concrate, that follows: The former la deflesent In The table Is preipn-ld Ey thl' ihtro- Inintilly n one mtf Ih utiaris onm dulynlii: rlden,.* i.i:*eln<tm .LLin.r]Ol [ iS( gi fae the street that pleasl e I would not hesIitate teonier Into a con- many o.r the elements ofay theeleunt of utrlllon dlulol of f itir while I Ie 111 lil 'akd al(htur*ih ltri, i ]n'tllar n stiat ofII.. .... ...a:•.:t.i . 1rri. I,,_ l v. |him, yu will se him ifithis hat and tract to erect exact duplicates lof it In necessary for rccuperatin[gtho constaant In era tyoii ,0n th cth eih,, tai Lfftl, .ir is h nll to 111hh. Lh'nyounic

1'.ve ia bow. Sometimes the lady wil any city or $1 B,0,00 each. I think I wear and tear which onecesarily takes inside en-h ensh[nii nmli eiex1

ulilig Ls-lhier, hliltro. ha' wits piCesl n o tuardstop kindly nndl speak to hilmi or smile can find granite In Connecticut of the place In the body of a living aunimal. irom end lo i 'l l eils d tio un indi, I'r. -. .or It tinb, win Itm light-liharteil,

J.oli 3Irlimery, ntd rs on. Then he will follow her aame color, the bituminous matter in On thi account, horses whieC are ex- p ing at te eornerI tad fInl iim inight eiitlilhy yoiuni•g ifillw, ut hI's picuianrAm'i ltti A, tl A•. h I'l A•]•NIt. at I diitnace--sometins for hours- New York, and hio hydraulic lime in clusively fed on corn and hay do not epacos, snong i he cuWIIi't. Tli glni airn I ofI il Inalio lty is mieluneld liuln. In-

A., I; i*t':u•n•nSt in. 11 Lmml oi . and ;vlhen ;he eniers heer honse, take Buiiffralo, and with these make just its receive that kind ofnourishmentwhich is played will' (Jeiurte ml-r5 stinrl Iln din(- vt'lsiatlon iHliiv UniL the mon onIJ N i ntenristm) u slttiininingletImtl lia a.- out his note bonk and enter the ad- good obelisks as wore ever turned out appolars nceesary for the due support tInguimshinig feiiture i I1hait ut n moitre gitnrd dread

their duty, nnd soveral

ei.n-i]l lt-,. Agoenrv i.r lI iil 1m r-lh:ae dress. H- regrets his loss because he in Egypt. As to the durability of the and maintenanco of the animal fabric; than two shiols are by thi rtil' )ii'riil- have cimnItmmted ofTfenti andl bIon im-'.if laiitatinomn, Irmit amnid iiliunnlrotvch wi vi.es to be married, and theure is, obelisk in Central Park, oiwhich much hence, we must not be surprised that ted, when tiilh th brtji li ire rirsnied, [ur thb piurlioA ofL avoIdlng

L.LMn 4itc. n..-.t irer.on i- i- ns ',i:*t.i T think, thie same as in my own rase has been written lately, I think It will corn fed lorses show evidence ol being Inside time s.nihi liiilrdlirt.tl ie*i'i, er, he ,ity. One man, a v teran miad nomwith ,Lii- MVi;'ry in lt.n ["mI I'inL-inci" -to ploy chess again determinedly." stand for ages where it ia. Sume po•- languid, by sweating prlsty wh white i tr w , h w rail and guard, hut all

rl wlilln he will miv. l'eii l, 't -1 c ,liitmm o. I low would Morphy compare with tionus may get loose that were not per- being workud, Jack of vitality, etc. ~ik ;" when the two olJ. 'it ILL :tiirln droeadel the duly. ini the yiiu[itg meniJiiii:trnyi,,ii. ' ihep lyrs of the present day?" feltly emented, but as a whole the Oals, onthmecontntary, contain mre of balkcli pltyermiiy playinoi:ouuiiting hesnid, he stlrain wan iliin-si, and

g Well, (ihe amn has mas immeons material is of that class that will out. the essential elemeon• of nurition thar stroke within thin spae., but on Ill they would resEort to all kinds ,f tricksS'l i.ii..'.. i.t i.Tr. •OIli -i. ttir•de since his[ tIne. For one first- last anything else we have. If it were any other arttle of rood which can be second shot he mnst get at least une or to nvoldlith nilght watches.

jfllll•saji t T 'rpnsiale, I Is plyr tiheCi, thereo are twenty Porthand coment or onman Cement In fed with imipuntty to hoirses. Oas are the object balls outelde thie lni, lo! . .a --ATTN)lln]S 'i'l; Ntls u A lTAhl tow, ndtl the scieuce has developed. lihe place of thi hydranull limen, I not only the most natural food for fahling to do this hi seco• d stroke mi . Acrrdling to theli staturnent of lthMl n'r, i y would haveto alter hislylho hoaId say it woJldn digitgrate iu a horses, but are decidedly the roat n m- foul, no count Is allowed, and lhi upI- Moii mplit Avulininh•t, Capt. John A.

W 'sh ''i?,i ?

i? 'ri an " u,'he to suit the new conditlons. For in- few years, ut not so with the true tritiou'. Thneyrm the e~npest, btcau pnent Pl.ys on tie balls tl.. ny re (rnt,vil-e.-ir.lesilent i ndil t.feiglerturI.. VWiil taL .laitis fi ii'olicine1 in Sitnce, iorplhy considerd the kinv A, hydraulic limer, or whih lthat in the there is less danger in feeding Ihem: left, suhject, of course, At lai slta.e of thi 3Imn]phis 3nl d l Niw- Cirlea•s Jltul-all Lie, iprishe n. NiirLh oinitIi!;i-,, vi l an olinjet mnerely ofattack and defense, obelisk seems to lie an excellent type. andexpertienoce hasproved Lhat horNes restrictlons as to the lima. Aim tihij.t '- w'•Si ia-y ill In eiinmralnts for tIhemprigllegett iiarliLtgi1 tt• e l iiti• 'It rit-t"ml w-hilti the mndern view stuwit it is it- It. C 'ir *mNi%, proporly fed on oats and timothy hty ball driven out umfo4n bahlk Slieiu iti, , isal cnntrntion fr thls rond riii nder

" 1t'ini'l'^ ri -ur r.rl,•4 a.1 r11 self"-. ron, g piece to beO ued through m inifie, N. V., -.lih ea, ]T. lan, wih regularexerlsae, goodgroomn, antlhor and back ino lth pa| te fron- clitn. 1 In' eeuinpil.t 'ld Iy ,Iu"y Iini.t. C AIgint. , lSm Il. out the gatic. You see how frequennt- I ing and proper sanutary regulatIons, hb which it started iis ll; hed y (ii llie irkr Th'he fillit Hirl. a, t tiln l tmtihlmr equlp-

-- -- -- 1 will move may king all over the . brogh to the higheaestatc o physical out and hn," anti the lltyer thIn linas unmnt rL ie- racil i ready iidel will liri. n. . . 1.1. ].i.niii.t. boliil to capture a pawn. In the olid .I LChIIO"'" culture, and can perform more work a new lift a» regard rin two hliln. S B nl i, l. mi, nI'iin' mr oxpettorI tr,

S att s n ll. i ay-, L at w never done. It ome- - withlcsOevdencof fltiguethan when long n he is anIe to drivA i Inill inl i e. ruiimiitg fimr Now itriansi thrnLgh1hr n A" t. T• •r tImes loses ttna game on account of rr i1 m[te.Ninylsly lthi -} intor. rfd on ny other article of food.--/.fr and batk ho ean kep o111 pliyhig, sinl Il Ml mllin i'y h¢JIrtnifAIIut next.

'heiYr. ATW. .rmacs, lb-.. ehe'Itraorilnary boresight required. Yivtlewly -oun', sting. SIaoh ariltor. he mnydot•n herseai epm-rlr i el.in" * . -wii nin - it WLln d r a w . lo w evnll . 1 , nt ' b e th e y u i o th murain ,, f i ui. I'n'sa uhr hm l h ,I'lh' l n r h t

X'mi I .,'int m all t imn ort , Tht i-, in a mileh game it may do wlithVat lu h,'' • mnge'P - „-,-- -- et•her of the corner hik line-, wihh m e-inil-.nin, if .iuilsvi tH, ruirstIaL t 1nhen ,i.mrti.til . :i, :mi l in'm L:m in' soutiillinnL gnt'le by eorrespondooee lir oO wiili ithprmimie*luire aiinlmimi, "ilew cn'

t loavo yotJy darling?"' playk3 t honob o Iinbal ilk"' itim ti' tl:thmt l, ';r I i rimalt'rs halving retdIl.i ]ilir ' I hi •eni.r' . ern- ,. r Ierminlleswtll r[uae lrinti mmunuredd aToledo lover in tones el other ball jln over tihn linml :itri titl nA tnmit n a i'n*r im thI iewalitte!iN doieo

ITLIth I.V-]ern . . i -- W Then]r irghrelma]. airEimasL'rF.mmitin disrtsing ten•ernBs), as he observod hilk. In all othrc rr|ti.r• i thr nilrh not ]i- 'inliyhiil hirjury srvice. InI i1t. Aioyotl, whn two yrai ago. ni'tice wnimole, 'jeloy ire . ih hails of theo lo•k approachape- ar the Tn Ih rngilir oip i-I i:ti l r-nt ]-ni il1nit eriimnil case, the

1. r. Bc;I:...m I.iltd to l corled out of Ireland t by hshn .rimga ia . g-ftt.in. niyAl ibnalim ! e. snt aIdicilr oo the dial. "Well, John,' game. .rin hm itl : "'The m.re fact that a,the hIilitmiry, returned tohis home anI Fair towers to• k

h, hlihi rispondl h, gir with wicke inno ** nids is ri newspaper IacIunt

ti tr lteermiunil ti o make peace swih hi hellae i and r laotihl, e' ctce, "you can take your choIce. If A lortflolr arnnhiileei a. StcI i. .,I thiaH ruteieIr Iand lt eeid certaLn im-m , , neighbIors, ie has beon Ps tsacces-tI] r ai" crreuts hiaveeconie .lir.(.]r n'm, you go through Ithe hall you will be flreleape 1. L co mI'.di." W:e'd Jihe preIsiimn•dril nol retderhln lintcommi'-1. ]. .)1 Ž I , i;.hatC he is free logo where he pleases. titl btnr wel .. m.tn i1abl to wake ip tather, and if yo to se thaat trr'hitrolt h-tiug jiinmrsif trilni asit in n j'rir. n Iot not intoenl

l,,.l l ~r,...,.,. . ! , 1" 1. , n. -.'with ut hti r couilsabh*r or soldiers Th.e rrv' ortll'rinrlt hr. r leave! Iy way of the bah ack s you'll down frmt n irtht 'nt irivi" low u i m n 1itt

i ,ix htl.l. rii.lll|> frm. ni tie JiuryPet ers- * la. ri.'i , ' in liiiu I -- ,i i**tg ti thin. be lialy ro wakOe tp th a dog'" cool hea . bLo'."'