Gaña, Jayson M. A-431 STRATMA

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Gaa, Jayson M.



Personally speaking as I answer the question given I just answer them with ease thinking that my answers will most likely be the answer of an average person. After seeing the results, Im actually expecting a bit better result than what I actually had, I had a second taught about my assumption that Im living just like what an average person would. And on the back of my head I keep thinking that if an average person is actually living like me and the result is true then we are in a big trouble. I actually never taught that there is a problem in my way of living well maybe because I think and I actually that other people are just living like or even worse than me. After this test I think it is an eye opener for me that there is more thing that I can and I should do more than just simply living. I think it is the time to be more sensitive on the effects of our lifestyle to the world and to other people and try our best to modify them to help or at least minimized the damages we bring to our world.Frankly I can say that our greed for convenience is the main reason why we start to deviate from living with harmony with our environment. We want everything to be easy and fast. We want everything to be instant. Without seeing the consequences of this in the environment and in our future. We were preoccupied with machines and factories for we always seek for more comfortable life. Innovation is not bad but our greed is, it is good that we discover things that make things easier but we want it to be easier even having some negative consequences.I actually registered as a member of the site and they actually provide tips to help in conservation of earth and they are incredibly simple which doesnt need a complete transformation on your lifestyle. All it need is just a little effort to change. A little time to learn. And to endure a little inconvenience for the betterment of our future.