Stone Tools The Paleolithic period was characterized by the use of…

Stone Tools The Paleolithic period was characterized by the use of…

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Stone Tools

The Paleolithic period was characterized by the use of…

Different times

• The development of agriculture occurred in different places during…


• Writing developed from the record keeping of…


• Complex societies living in urban areas with advanced knowledge of farming, trade, government and art are called…


• What is (was) the name of the Greek inhabited western coast of Asia minor?


• Most early civilizations grew up around what kind of geographical feature?


• Most early civilizations used what kind of religions?


• A people’s way of life, including their diet, religion, art, and language is called their…


• Ancient Sumerians wrote on what kind of material?


• Ancient Egyptians wrote on what kind of material?

Preserved the library for us

• Why was the destruction of Ebla good?

SARGON!!!• Who destroyed the city of


I Said SARGON!• Who was the first empire

builder of Mesopotamia?

Narmer (Menes)

• Who united Upper and Lower Egypt?


AgricultureCreation Myths

• Name two things that ALL civilizations have in the ancient world.


• Which Egyptian Kingdom was conquered by the Hyksos?

Survey the land / irrigation

• What use was geometry to the Egyptians?


• What words mean “those other people” and who uses them?


• Most ancient civilizations were ruled by what classes or castes?

Silting River, Melt/Rain water

• Why was the North China Plain good farming land?

Too many characters to learn

• Why was literacy so restricted in ancient China?

Cultural Diffusion

• The movement of people across the Fertile Crescent resulted in…

Coined money, standard measures

• Name a contribution made by the Lydian civilization.


• What kind of religion did the Hebrews use?


• Who else was monotheistic in the ancient world?


• Who led the Hebrews out of captivity in Egypt? (other than God…)

Iron weapons and chariots

• What advantages did the Hittites have in warfare?


• What word means “to make into official doctrine?”


• Where did the Greeks (Spartans) make their stand to delay the Persian army in the 3rd Greek/Persian war?


• Who made Christianity the official religion of Rome?


• Which civilization was associated with the Royal Road and Satrapies?

Minoans, Mycenaeans

• Which two Aegean civilization preceded the Greeks?

To prevent slave rebellions.

• Why did the Spartans develop a militaristic state?

Athens lost its empire/Decline of Greece.

• What was the final result of the Peloponnesian War?

It was grown by the colonies.

• Why didn’t Greek farmers need to worry about growing grains?

Delian League

What was the mutual defense organization created by Athens following the Greek/Persian wars?

Treat conquered peoples well.

• The Persians’ secret to the longevity of their empire was…

Unify Greeks, Build army, Kill Persians

• Name the three goals of Philip II of Macedonia.

Himalayan Mountains

• After years of war, Alexander’s troops refused to advance across the…

Three greatest generals

• Upon his death, Alexander’s empire was divided among his…


• The legislative body during the Republic of Rome was known as the…

Scipio Africanus

• Who defeated Hannibal?

Julius Caesar

• The first person to declare themselves Emperor in ancient Rome was…

“Peace of Rome”- 100 yrs.

• What was the Pax Romana?

“Our Sea” – the Mediterranean

• What was the Mare Nostrum?


• The main advantage that cities have over hunting-gathering communities is:


• The Indian subcontinent is surrounded on three sides by


• The Indus River Valley is in the modern country of ____________?


• Sumeria was located in:

Government Leaders

• Sumerian religious leaders were also:


• Cuneiform was the Sumerians’ form of:

Human Characteristic

• Each Sumerian Deity represented a certain:

They all lived in the same place

• The Akkadians, Sumerians, and Babylonians were all basically the same people because:

The Gift of the Nile

• What did Herodotus call ancient Egypt?


• The first woman to rule Egypt as pharaoh was

In the North

• "Lower Egypt" is the part of Egypt that is in the:


• The group that stood just below the pharaoh in ancient Egyptian society was the

A point of no return

• “Crossing the Rubicon” means…?

Plebians / Patricians

• Early Roman society was divided into two main social groups, the _________ and the ___________.


• Who was the Athenian leader who built a fleet and won the battle of Salamis?


• Who was the legendary blind composer of the Iliad and the Odyssey?


• What is the term for scattering people outside their homeland?


• Which civilization attacked the Hebrews and took them into slavery?


• The Roman Empire lasted for about ________ years.


• Which civilization established the trading city of Carthage?


• The main advantage that cities have over hunting-gathering communities is:

Ziggurat - temple

• The building located at the center of every Sumerian city was the:

Written down

• Hammurabi’s Code was unique in the ancient world because it:


• The ancient Egyptian belief in life after death is shown in their practice of


• Most people in ancient Egypt earned a living through


• Spartan boys began training for the army at age:

Minoans and the Mycenaeans.

• Two Aegean civilizations that preceded the Greeks were the


• In Spartan society, the Helots were:


• Which deity promoted fertility, wine, and partying?


• Although Alexander himself was not from the same place as his army, his army was mostly from:

Much less

• When Alexander invaded Persia, he had ____________ troops in his army than the Persians had in their army.


• When Alexander conquered Egypt, the Egyptians wanted to call him:

Infection - fever

• Alexander the Great died as a direct result of:


• Who was the most powerful Greek God?

Mount Olympus

• The Greek Gods were said to live at:

Julius Caesar

• Which Roman ruler “crossed the Rubicon” and started a civil war?

Tarquins and Latins

• The Romans were preceded on the Italian peninsula by the:

Carthago delenda est!

• Which latin statement means “Carthage must be destroyed!” ?


• The legislative body during the Republic of Rome was known as the:

Nature dieties

• Early Romans worshiped:


• Christianity first rose in the Roman province of:

King Djosier

Step pyramid of Sakarra (Saqarra) was made for :


• Greek king who led the Spartans at the battle of Thermopylae:


• Plain from which a runner ran 26 miles to Athens to announce a great victory over the Persians:


• A line of rulers from the same family:

Hydraulic Despotism

• What did Mr. Baker call the ability to control access to water in the Ancient World?