RJECNIK4 a.doc

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  • 8/10/2019 RJECNIK4 a.doc


    Dictionary of Beekeeping terms

    Volume 10

    English Croatian

    Apimondia Publishing house Bucharest !00"

    #ranslate by$

    Prof% Dr% &uro 'ulimano(i)

    Prof% Dr% *ikola +e,i)

    +o(il-ka .a-nari) D%V%.%

    /E*2+1 abdomen ,adak 3m4

    absconded s5arm 6 78!

    ! abstract sa9etak 3m4

    " acacia false bagrem 3m4locust 3tree4Robinia pseudacacia

    : acarine disease akaro,a 3f432sle of ;ight disease43due toAcarapis woodi4

    < acarine mite akar grin-a 3f4Acarapis woodi

    accesory gland6

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    8 albino bee albino p?ela 3f4

    10 albumin albumin 3m4

    11 albuminoid albuminoid 3m4

    1! alder -oha 3f4

    Alnus spp.

    1" alfalfa lucerna 3f4lucerneMedicago sativa

    1: alighting6board poletal-ka 3f4flight board

    1< alimentary canal proba(ni kanal 3m4digesti(e tract cri-e(o 3n4gut

    1= alkaline gland alkalna 9li-e,da 3f41> almond badem 3m4

    Prunus amygdalus

    Alsike clo(er61

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    "0 aorta aorta 3f4

    "1 aphid lisna u@ 3f%4Aphis spp%

    apiarist6=> =7

    "! apiary p?elin-ak 3m4bee yard 3America4


    "" apimyiasis mi-a,a 3f4 p?ela3due to lar(a of Diptera4

    ": apidology p?elarska ,nanost 3f4

    "< apodeme apodema 3f4

    "= appendage dodatak 3m4

    "> apple -abuka 3f4Malus pumila

    3Pyrus malus4

    appliances 6see beekeeping euipment

    "7 apricot ka-si-a 3f4Prunus armeniaca marelica 3f4

    "8 arch of honey abo(e medni (i-enac 3m4brood nest i,nad legla

    :0 arolium prih(atni -astu?i) 3m43empodium43pul(illus4

    :1 aroma miris 3m4

    artificial insemination 6 see inseminationartifical s5arm678"association 6 see beekeepers association

    :! atrophy atrofi-a 3f4

    :" attachement cell prih(atna stanica 3f4

    3of comb4 3sa)a4:: auricle ostruga 3f4

    aillary sclerite6>7"baking honey6100>balance6>>8bald6"78bald6headed brood68>

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    :< to ball 3ueen4 uklup?ati 3maticu4

    := bar satono@a 3m43forerunner of frame4 3nosa? ok(ira46see also top bar3of frame4

    bar frame6":!

    :> barb brada 3f4 3od p?ela4

    :7 barberry 9utika 3f4Berberis spp

    :8 barseem d-etelina 3f4 aleksandri-skaberseembersimrifolium ale!andrinum

    bee bumble6111bee carder61!7bee cleaning610bee guard6"7=

    bee house6:=8bee humble6111bee 2ndian6:777=

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    bee 5ater6carrying68>>bee 5a6making6870 beekeeping p?elarst(o 3n4apiculture p?elaren-e 3n4

    >1 beekeeping migratory p?elaren-e 3n4 sele)e

    >! beekeeping euipment p?elarski pribor 3m4beekeeping appliances

    >" beekeeping instructor p?elarski u?itel- 3m4

    beekeeping legislation6: bee louse p?elin-a u@ 3f4Braula cocea braula 3f4

    beeman6=>beemaster 6see beekeeperbee moth 6see 5a mothbee paralysis .ay sicknessbee pasture6=!bee pest 6see foul brood

    >< bee plant medonosna bil-ka 3f4

    bee resin 6see propolis

    >= bee6space ra,mak 3m4 3ok(ira4

    >> bees5a p?elin-i (osak 3m4

    >7 bees5a mould kalup 3m4 ,a (osak

    >8 bee tree dub 3m4dubina 3f4

    70 bee (eil p?elarski (eo 3m4

    bee (enom 6see (enom71 bee5ay ulica 3f4

    3bet5een combs4 3i,meu sa)a4

    bee 5olf68> brood bald6headed leglo 3n4 tunelasto

    brood chalk61:!

    87 brood chilled leglo 3n4 prehlaeno

    100 brood drone leglo 3n4 truto(sko

    brood scattered6100"

    101 brood of laying 5orker leglo od la9ne maticeor of drone6laying ueen ili matice truto(n-a?e

    10! brood chamber plodi@te 3n4 3ko@nice4

    brood comb61>8

    10" brood disease bolest legla 3f4

    brood food6

    10> to brush omesti3bees from comb4 3p?ele sa sa)a4

    107 buck5heat hel-da 3f4Gagopyrum esculentum3F. sagittatum4

    108 building frame ok(ir grae(n-ak 3m4

    110 building up 3of colony4 ra,(o- 3m4 3p?elin-e ,a-ednice4bulb of endophallus6!> carbon disulphide ugl-i?ni disulfid 3m4

    1!7 carder bee kardska p?ela 3f4Bombus muscorum

    1!8 cardo sto9erak 3m4

    1"0 to caress 3ueen4 n-ego(ati 3maticu4

    1"1 Carniolan kran-ska 3p?ela4

    1"! cast od(o-ak 3m4after6s5arm drugak 3m4 3kasni-i ro-4

    1"" caste kasta 3f4

    1": catalase katala,a 3f4

    1"< catmint ma?-a met(ica 3f4catnip

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    $epeta spp%

    1"= Caucasian ka(kaska 3p?ela4

    1"> cell stanica 3f4

    1"7 cell transition pri-ela,na stanica 3f4

    1"8 cell di(ision di-el-en-e 3n4 stanice

    1:0 cell 5all stani?na sti-enka 3f4

    1:1 central ner(e trunk sredi@n-i 9i(?ani snop 3m4

    centre of infection6:77centrifugal etractor6"00cer(i6=0"

    1:! chalk brood (apnenasto leglo 3n43due toPericystis apis4

    champagne6cork organ6=>0

    1:: charlock goru@ica 3f45ild mustardBrassica ar(ensis3#inapis arvensis4

    1:< cherry 3culti(ated4 (i@n-a 3f4Prunus cerasus

    chestnut 6see horse chestnut s5eet chestnut

    1:= chiasma hia,ma 3f4

    chilled brood687

    1:> chitin hitin 3m4

    1:7 chordotonal organ hordotonalni organ 3m4

    1:8 chorion korion 3m4



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    1 clustering space m-esto ,a klupko

    1=7 clypeus @tit 3m4 na gla(i

    1=8 cocoon kokon 3m4

    cold 5ay617> ko@ul-ica 3f4

    1>0 to collect sakupl-atito gather 3honey or pollen4 3med ili pelud4

    colon6>:1 colony 3of bees4 ,a-ednica 3f4 3p?elin-a4

    colony cell6finishing6100:

    1>! colony drone6rearing ,a-ednica 3f4 ,a u,go- truto(a

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    1>" colony nurse ,a-ednica 3f4 u,go-na3for ueen rearing4 3,a matice4

    1>: colony parent ,a-ednica 3f4 roditel-ska3of s5arm4 3ro-a4

    1>< colony 5ild ,a-ednica 3f4 di(l-a

    1>= colony 5ith laying ,a-ednica 3f4 sa la9nom maticom5orker or drone6laying ili maticom truto(n-a?omueen

    1>> colour perception uo?a(an-e 3n4 bo-a


    1>7 comb sa)e 3n46see also brace combburr6comb

    comb 6see antenna comb cleaning comb pollen comb1>8 comb brood sa)e 3n4 s leglom

    170 comb dra5n6out sa)e 3n4 (aen-e

    171 comb drone sa)e 3n4 truto(sko

    17! comb honey sa)e 3n4 medno

    17" comb to build sa)e 3n4 graditi

    17: combs built in the open sa)e 3n4 graeno na ot(orenom

    17< combs fied sa)e 3n4 pri?(r@)eno

    17= combs parallel to sa)e 3n4 uporedo s letomentrance5arm 5ay topla graa 3f4

    17> combs prependicular sa)e 3n4 okomito na letoto entrancecold 5ay hladna graa 3f4

    177 combs 5ide6spaced sa)e 3n4 di(l-e i,graenocomb foundation6":0

    178 comb honey med 3m4 u sa)u

    comercial beekeeper6=1

    180 commissure komisura 3f4

    181 commissure frontal komisura 3f4 predn-a

    18! Compositae gla(o?ike 3pl4

    compound eye6"0!

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    cone 6see optic cone

    18" coniferes crnogorica 3pl4"oniferae

    18: constancy posto-anost 3f4oligotropy oligotropi-a 3f4

    18< consumption 3of stores4 tro@en-e 3n4 3re,er(i4

    18= to contract su,iti 3leglo43brood nest4

    18> contribution 3to prilog 3m4-ournal4 3listu4

    187 con(ersion kon(er,i-a 3f4transformation transformaci-a 3f4

    !00 copulation paren-e 3n4

    6see also matingcopulatory organ6!>:copulatory pouch611"

    !01 corbicula ko@arica 3f4pollen basket 3,a pelud4

    !0! cornea ro9nica 3f4

    !0" corpora allata parna neuroendokrina9li-e,da 3f4

    !0: corpora pedunculata gl-i(i?asta ti-ela 3n%pl%4

    mushroom bodies 3dio mo,ga4!0< corrugated cardboard (alo(ita l-epenka 3f4

    !0= cotton pamuk 3m4%ossypium spp.

    !0> coa kuk 3m4

    !07 cra5ling pu,an-e 3n4cra5ling of ueenless pu,an-e p?ela be, maticebees

    creamed honey61007!08 creosote kre,ol 3m4

    !10 crocus @afran 3m4"rocus spp.

    crop6:crop 6see honey har(est

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    cross6breed6:>! "

    !11 cro5ded 3of colony4 prenasel-enost 3f4 3,a-ednice4

    !1! cro5n board poklopna daska 3f4

    !1" cruciferes krsta@ice 3pl4"ruciferae

    crude honey610!1crystalline cone6=!7crystalli,ation6"7 to cut out i,re,ati3ueen cells honey4 3mati?n-ak med4

    !17 cyclops ciklop 3m4

    !18 Cyprian ciparska 3p?ela4

    !!0 dance ples 3m4

    !!1 dance grooming ples 3m4 ,a ?i@)en-e

    !!! dance round ples 3m4 kru9ni!!" dance 5agtail ples 3m4 ,atkom

    !!: dandelion masla?ak 3m4ara!acum officinale

    dark honey61008dark amber honey61010dart 6see lancet

    !!< deathFs6head ha5k moth mrt(a?ka gla(a 3f4Acheronita atropos 3leptir4

    deep bo 6see brood chamberdenatured sugar 610""

    !!= density gusto)a 3f4

    !!> to deueen obe,mati?iti

    !!7 dermis ko9a 3f4

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    !!8 deutocerebrum deutocerebrum 3m4

    !"0 de(elopment ra,(o- 3m4


    !"1 diaphragm di-afragma 3f4

    !"! diastase di-asta,a 3f4

    !"" digestion proba(a 3f4

    digesti(e tract61=

    !": diploid diploidni

    direct flight muscle6 to dra5 out 3founda6 tion4 utisnuti 3satnu osno(u4

    !:7 to drift ,ali-etati se


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    drone assembly place6100!0drone6rearing colony61!>


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    emergency feeding6"1!"empodium6:0

    !>" endoderm endoderma 3f4

    !>: endophallus endofalus 3m4coppulatory organ organ ,a paren-e 3m43penis4

    !>< endophallus bulb of luko(ica 3f4 organa ,a paren-e


    !>= enemy of bees nepri-atel- 3m4 p?ela

    !>> entomology entomologi-a 3f4

    !>7 entrance 3of hi(e4 leto 3n4 3ko@nice4

    !>8 entrance ad-ustable leto 3n4 prilagodi(o!70 entrance bottom leto 3n4 don-e

    !71 entrance middle leto 3n4 sredn-e

    !7! entrance top leto 3n4 gorn-eentrance upperentrance block 6see entrance ad-ustable

    !7" en,yme en,im 3m43ferment4 ferment 3m4

    !7: epidermis epiderma 3f4

    !7< epipharyn gorn-e 9dri-elo 3n4euipment 6see beekeeping euipment

    !7= Ericaceae (ri-esko(i 3pl4

    escape 6see bee escape

    !7> escape board pregradna daska 3f4 ssuper6clearer b-e9alicomclearer6board

    !77 eucalyptus gum eukaliptus 3m4'ucalyptus spp.

    !78 European foul brood e(ropska gn-ilo)a 3f43due to Bacillus pluton I B% spp%4 p?elin-eg legal

    !80 to e(acuate ispra,niti

    !81 e(ersion 3of i,baci(an-e 3n4endophallus4 3organa ,a paren-e4

    !8! eamination 3of hi(e4 pregled 3m4 3ko@nice4

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    see also inspection 3of apiary4

    ecluder 6see ueen ecluderecrement6"0:

    !8" eoskeleton (an-ski skelet 3m4

    to epand brood nest67 to etract 3honey4 (rcati 3med4

    !87 to etract 3centri6 fugally4 (rcati 3centrifugalno4

    etracted honey6:"!

    "00 etractor 3centrifugal4 (rcal-ka 3f4 3centrifugalna4

    etractor 5a687!

    "01 eye oko 3n4

    "0! eye compound oko 3n4 slo9eno

    eye simple6=!0

    "0" facet faseta 3f4

    "0: faeces i,met 3m4ecrement

    "0< to fan 3for (entilation4 lepe,ati 3,a (entilaci-u4

    "0= to fan 35ith scent lepe,ati 3s i,bo?enomorgan eposed4 mirisnom 9li-e,dom4

    "0> fat mast 3f4

    "07 fat body masno ti-elo 3n4

    "08 fat cell masna stanica 3f4

    "10 to feed hraniti

    "11 feeder hranilica 3f4

    "1! feeder botle po-ilica 3f4 boca

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    "1" feeder rapid hranilica 3f4 br,a

    "1: feedhole ot(or 3m4 ,a hranilicu

    "1< feeding emergency hran-en-e 3n4 i, nu9de

    "1= feeding stimulati(e hran-en-e 3n4 podra9a-no

    "1> fel pad ulo9ak 3m4-astu?i) 3m4 od pusta

    "17 female 9enka 3f4

    "18 femur bedro 3n4ferment 6see en,yme

    "!0 fermentation (ren-e 3n4

    "!1 fertile 3of ueen4 plodna 3matica46see also prolific

    "!! fertili,ation oplodn-a 3f4field bean6

    fir 'cotch6==8

    "!< fir sil(er -ela 3f4 srebrna

    Abies alba3A. pectinata4

    fir spruce67

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    flight entrance 6see entrance 3of hi(e4flight muscle6

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    ":= frame 5ider than tall ok(ir 3m4 @iroko6niski

    ":> frames mo(able ok(ir 3m4 pokretniframe hi(e 6see hi(e mo(able6frame

    ":7 frame holder dr9a? 3m4 ok(ira

    ""8 778 9i(?ani ?(or 3m4

    to gather 3honey or pollen46 1>0

    "== gena obra, 3m4

    "=> gene gen 3m4

    "=7 genetics genetika 3f4genital system 6 >0 giant bee (elika indi-ska p?ela 3f4rock beeApis dorsata

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    ">1 giant 5hip (eliki bi? 3m4

    ">! gland 9li-e,da 3f4

    ">" globe thistle gla(o? 3m4'chinops spp

    ">: glosa rilce 3n4tongue -e,ik 3m4linguaglossal canal 6 see glossal groo(e

    ">< glossal groo(e 9li-eb 3m4 na -e,iku

    ">= glucose gluko,a 3f4detrose dekstro,a 3f4grape sugar gro9ani @e)er 3m4

    ">> glycogen glikogen 3m4goblet cells 6 see corpora pedunculata

    ">7 goldenrod ,lato@ipka 3f4#olidago spp

    ">8 gonapophysis spolni pri(-esak 3m4

    "70 goosberry ogro,d 3m4Ribes grossularia

    "71 gorse @tipa(ac 3m4&le! europaeus boro(ica 3f4

    "7! to grade 3honey4 klasifikaci-a 3f4grader honey 6 101< sortiran-e 3n4 meda

    "7" grading glass gradirana ?a@a 3f4men,ura 3f4

    "7: to graft 3lar(ae4 presai(an-e 3n4 3li?inki4

    "7< granulation kristali,aci-a 3f4crystali,ation 3of honey4

    grape sugar 6 ">=greater 5a moth 6 87=grooming dance 6 !!1groo(e 6 >":grub 6 see lar(a

    "7= guard 3bee4 stra9arica 3f4 3p?ela4

    gum 6 !77gut 6 1 heart srce 3n4

    "87 heath (ri-es 3m4'rica spp.


    :00 heather (ri-esak 3m4

    heather lingling"alluna vulgaris

    :01 heather bell (ri-esak 3m4'rica cinerea

    heather honey6:" hi(e nucleus ko@nica 3f4 nukleusbonucleus nukleus 3m4

    :17 hi(e obser(ation ko@nica 3f4 ,a promatran-e

    :18 hi(e scale ko@nica 3f4 (aga

    :!0 hi(eside6opening ko@nica 3f4 s ot(aran-em sa

    strane3i%e% not :!!64

    :!1 hi(eskyscraper ko@nica 3f4 nasta(l-a?a

    :!! hi(e top6opening ko@nica 3f4 s ot(aran-emodo,go

    :!" hi(et5in ko@nica 3f4 d(ostruka

    hi(e bee6::!hi(e entrance6!>7

    :!: hi(e mind mni-en-e 3n4 ko@nice

    hi(e roof6>=8

    :!< hi(e stand postol-e 3n4 ko@nice

    :!= hi(e tool alat 3m4 ,a ko@nicu

    :!> holly bo9iko(ina 3f4)le! a*uifolium

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    :!7 hollyhock pitomi sl-e, 3m4Althea rosea care( c(i-et 3m4Althea spp

    :!8 homo,ygous homo,igotni

    :"0 honey med 3m4honeyamber6100=honeyarch of3abo(e brood nest46"8honeybaking6100>honeyblossom61o1"honeycentrifugal6:"!

    :"1 honeychunk med 3m4 u sa)uhoneyclear6:">honeycreamed61007honeycrude610!1honeydark61008

    honey dark amber61010honey etra light amber61011honey etra 5hite6101!

    :"! honey etracted med 3m4 (rcan

    :"" honey etracted byheating combs med 3m4 (rcan u, gri-an-ehoney flo5er6101"

    :": honeygranulated med 3m4 kristali,iran

    :"< honey heather med 3m4 (ri-esko(

    :"= honeyhoneyde5 med 3m4 medl-iko(achoneyindustrial6101=honey light amber6101>honey light 3coloured461017

    :"> honey liuid med 3m4 teku)ihoneyclearhoneymedium 3coloured461018honey3o(er4heated610!0

    :"7 honeypressed med 3m4 pre@ani 3mul-ani4honey to process610!8

    :"8 honey run med 3m4 teku)i::0 honey section med 3m4 u sa)u

    honey unprocessed610!1honey (irgin610!!honey 5ater65hite610!"honey 5hite610!:

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    ::1 honey analysis anali,a 3f4 meda

    ::! honeybee p?ela medarica 3f4hi(e beeApis mellifera

    3Apis mellifera4

    ::" honey bees p?ele 3f%pl%4Apini

    ::: honey can tegla 3f46see also honey tin limenka 3f4 ,a med

    ::< honey carton kuti-a 3f4 ,a med

    honey chamber677>honey comb617!

    ::= honeycomb sa)e 3n4 medno

    ::> honeyde5 medna rosa 3f4medl-ika 3f4

    honeyde5honey6:"=honey drum6see honey tinhoney flo56see nectar flo5honey flo5 main6 see flo5 mainhoney from sugar6fed bees6101:

    ::7 honey gate sla(ina 3f4 ,a medhoney taphoney grader610110


    :=8 house bee ku)na p?ela 3f4

    :>0 to hum ,u-atihumble bee6111

    :>1 humidity (la9nost 3f4

    hunger s5arm678< (laga 3f4

    :>! hybrid kri9anac 3m4cross6breed

    :>" hybridi,ation kri9an-e 3n4cross6breeding

    :>: hydrometar hidrometar 3m4

    :>< Jymenoptera opnokrilci 3m%pl%4

    :>= hypodermis potko9-e 3n4

    hypopharingeal gland 6see =="

    :>> identification odrei(an-e 3n4

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    di-agnostika 3f4ileum 6see intestinesmall

    :>7 imaginal disc ,a?etci 3m%pl%4 organa uli?inkama

    imaginal bud

    :>8 imago imago 3m4mature insect odrasli kukac 3m4

    :70 impotent nesposoban

    :71 inanition i,nemoglost 3f4malaksalost 3f4

    :7! inbreeding paren-e 3n4 u uskom srodst(u

    :7" incubation inkubaci-a 3f4

    :7: incubator inkubator 3m4

    :7< 2ndian bee indi-ska p?ela 3f4Apis indica

    indigenous race6>"=indirect flight muscle6industrial honey6101=

    :7= to infect ,ara,iti inficirati

    :7> infection ,ara,a 3f4 infekci-a 3f4

    :77 infectioncentre of ,ara,a 3f4 centar infection source of ,ara,a 3f4 i,(or

    infection focus of ,ara,a 3f4 9ari@te:78 inheritance nasl-ee 3n4

    inner co(er 6see cro5n board uilt

    :80 insect kukac 3m4

    :81 insecticide insekticid 3m4

    :8! insemination os-emen-i(an-e 3n46see also fertili,ation

    :8" inspection pregled 3m43of apiary4 3p?elin-aka4inspection 3of hi(e4 6see eamination 3of hi(e4

    :8: instar ra,(o-ni oblik 3m4

    :8< instinct nagon 3m4 instinkt 3m4

    instructor 6see beekeeping instructorinstrumental insemination 6see insemination

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    :8= insulation od(a-an-e 3n4 i,oliran-e 3n4

    :8> insurance osiguran-e 3n4

    :87 intersegmental meu koluti?na opna 3f4membrane


    =1> nutrition hranidba 3f4nymph6see pupa

    =17 oblong plate 3of sting4 dugul-asta plo?a 3f439ala?nog aparata4

    obser(ation hi(e6:17

    =18 occiput ,atil-ak 3m4

    =!0 ocellus to?kasto oko 3n4simple eye

    =!1 oenocyte enocit 3m4

    =!! oesophagus -edn-ak 3m4

    =!" oil beetle kokica 3f4Meloe spp%6see also triungulin

    oil of 5intergreen6888oligotropy618:

    =!: ommatidium o?na -edinica 3f4

    =!< oogenesis oogene,a 3f4

    =!= to open 3hi(e4 ot(oriti 3ko@nicu4

    =!> operculum poklopac 3m43of spiracle4 3di@nog ot(ora4

    =!7 optic cone kristalno ti-elo 3n4crystalline cone

    =!8 optic lobe o?ni re9an- 3m4

    optic rod6>=:oral plate6==:

    ="0 orange naran?a 3f4"itrus aurantium

    ="1 organ organ 3m4

    ="! orientation flight ori-entaci-ski let 3m4

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    ="" ostium ot(or 3m4 3na srcu4

    =": out6apiary (an-ski p?elin-ak 3m4out6yard 3America4

    ="< outside bees (an-ske p?ele 3f%pl%4 3,imskog3of 5inter cluster4 klupka4


    ="= o(ariole -a-na c-e(?ica 3f4o(arian tubule

    ="> o(ary -a-nik 3m4

    3o(er64heated honey610!0

    ="7 o(er5intered pre,iml-en

    ="8 o(iduct -a-o(od 3m4

    to o(iposit 6 see to lay 3eggs4=:0 o(iposition nesen-e 3n4 -a-a

    egg laying

    =:1 o(ipositor leglica 3f4

    o(um 6 see eggoymel 6 :="

    =:! package bees paketne p?ele 3f%pl%4

    =:" package bees paketne p?ele 3f%pl%4

    5ith ueen sa maticom=:: palp pipalo 3n4

    palynology 6 10!=

    =:< pantothenic acid pantotenska kiselina 3f4

    =:= Papilionaceae lepirn-a?e 3f%pl%4

    =:> para foul brood la9na gn-ilo)a 3f4 p?elin-eg3due toBacillus para alvei4 legal

    =:7 paraglossa pa-e,ik 3m4



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    parant colony 3of s5arm4 6 1>:

    = to pipe tikatiof emerged ueen in cell4 3slobodna matica4 3

    ==7 to pipe k(akati3of ueen in cell4 3matica u mati?n-aku4

    ==8 pine 'cots bor 3m43fir 'cotch4Pinus silvestris

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    =7< pollen press pre@a 3f4 ,a pelud3pollen nippers435a pincers435a shears4pollen rake 6 >:1

    =7= pollen substitute peludni nadom-estak 3m4=7> pollen supplement peludni dodatak 3m4

    =77 pollen trap h(ata? peluda 3m4

    =78 pollination opra@i(an-e 3n4

    =80 pollina 3in orchids4 polina 3f4

    =81 pop6hole prola, 3m4

    =8! porch 3of hi(e4 kro(i) 3m4 3nad letom4

    =8" post 6 cerebral gland t-emena 9li-e,da 3f4

    =8: posterior ,adn-i

    =8< potent sposoban ,a paren-e

    =8= prepupa ispru9ena li?inka 3f4lar(a stretched

    press 6 see honey press

    =8> to press 3honey4 mul-ati 3med4pressed honey 6 :"7

    =87 pretarsus posl-edn-i ?lanak 3m4 stopala

    >00 pre(enti(e mesure m-ere 3f%pl%4 spre?a(an-a

    prime s5arm 6 78>

    >01 proboscis rilce 3n4

    to process 3honey4 6 10!8proctodeum 6 :0=

    >0! progeny potomst(o 3n4

    >0" prolific 3of ueen4 plodna 3matica4

    >0: propodeum propodeumpropodeon

    >0< propolis propolis 3m4

    >0= to propoli,e pres(u)i propolisom

    >0> prothora pr(i koluti) prsi-u

    >07 protein b-elan?e(ina 3f4

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    >08 protocerebrum protocerebrum 3m4

    >10 pro(entricular (al(e (entil meucri-e(a 3m43honey stopper4

    >11 pro(entriculus meucri-e(o 3n4

    pul(illus6:0punch 6see ueen6cell punch

    >1! pupa kukul-ica 3f4

    >1" pupation ,apredan-e 3n4

    >1: pure6line breeding u,go- 3m4 u ?isto- lini-i

    >1< pure strain ?ista pasmina 3f4

    >1= to put on 3supers4 posta(iti 3nasta(ak4

    >1> uadrate plate 3of k(adratna plo?ica 3f4 39alca4

    sting4>17 ueen matica 3f4

    ueen bank610"0

    >18 ueen breeder matica u,ga-a? 3m4ueen breeding matica u,go- 3m4

    >!0 ueen drone6laying matica truto(n-a?a 3f4ueen drone6breedingueen to clip61ueen to introduce6!1 ueen cage ka(e, 3m4 ,a matice

    >!! ueen cell mati?n-ak 3m4

    >!" ueen cell emergency mati?n-ak 3m4 prisilni

    >!: ueen6cell cup osno(a 3f4 mati?n-aka3artificial4 3um-etna4

    >!< ueen6cell cup osno(a 3f4 mati?n-aka3natural4 3prirodna4acron cup

    >!= ueen6cell moulding pribor 3m4 ,a i,radu osno(atool mati?n-aka

    >!> ueen6cell punch spra(a 3f4 ,a mati?n-ake

    >!7 ueen ecluder mati?na re@etka 3f4

    >!8 ueenless be,mati?na

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    >"0 ueen6mating station spari(ali@te 3n4

    >"1 ueen rearing u,go- 3m4 maticaueen breedingueen raisingueen6rearing colony 6see nurse colony

    >"! ueenright s maticomueen supersedure 6see supersedure

    >"" uilt -astuk 3m4

    >": rabbet utor 3m4groo(e

    >"< race rasa 3f4pasmina 3f4

    >"= race indigenous rasa 3f4 doma)arace nati(e

    >"> rag5ort common kostri@ 3m4#enecio acobea

    to raise6>:!

    >"7 rape ul-ana repica 3f4coleseedcol,aBrassica napus var. oleifera

    >"8 rape (r,ina repa 3f4Brasica campestris var. oleifera

    rapid feeder6"1"

    >:0 raspberry malina 3f4Rubus ideaus

    >:1 rastellum skida? peluda 3m4pectenpollen rake 3on "rd tibia4

    >:! to rear u,ga-atito breed

    to raise>:" recessi(e recesi(an

    >:: rectal gland rektalna 9li-e,da 3f4

    >:< rectum rektum 3m4colonlarge intestine3terms synonymous for the honeybee4

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    red currant6!1=

    >:= reference 3to publication4 referenca 3f4 3u ?asopisu4


    >:> remedy li-ek 3m4

    >:7 to render 35a4 topiti 3(osak4


    >=: rhabdom (idni @tapi) 3m4optic rod

    ripener6:=1ripening6=> to rob krasti

    >=7 robber kradl-i(ica 3f4rock bee6">0

    >=8 roof 3of hi(e4 kro( 3m4 3ko@nice4

    >>0 /osaceae ru9e 3pl4

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    rose6bay 5illo5herb688"

    >>1 rosemary ru9marin 3m4Rosmarinus spp%

    round dance6!!!>>! royal -elly mati?na mli-e? 3f4

    run honey6:"8ruskie67!!

    >>" sac brood m-e@inasto leglo 3n43pickled brood43due to .orator aetatulae4

    >>: sage kadul-a 3f4#alvia spp.

    >>< sainfoin espar,eta 3f4esparsette-nobrychis sativa

    >>= sali(ary gland 9li-e,da slino(nica 3f46see also post6cerebral gland thoracic glandsallo5 6 see 5illo5

    >>> sample 3for disease u,orak 3m4 ,adiagnosis4 ut(ri(an-e bolesti

    >>7 scale 3foul brood4 l-uska 3f4 3gn-ilo)a legla4

    scale hi(e6:18

    >>8 scales p?elarska (aga 3f4balance 3for 5eighing hi(es4

    >70 scape dr9ak 3m4 3ticala4

    scattered brood6100"

    >71 scent gland mirisna 9li-e,da 3f4*asono(Fs organ

    >7! sclerite hitinska plo?ica 3f4sklerit 3m4

    >7" sclerite aillary krilna hitinska plo?ica 3f4

    >7: scopa peludni ?e@al- 3m4pollen comb 3na pr(om ?lanku3on "rd basitarsus4 "% noge4

    'cotch fir6==8

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    'cots pine6==8

    >7< scout bee 3for forage4 p?ela tra9itel-ica 3f4

    >7= scout bee 3before p?ela tra9itel-icas5arming4 3pri-e ro-en-a4

    >7> screen board (entilaciona mre9a 3f43perforated partition4

    >77 scum p-ena 3f4

    >78 scutellum krilna plo?ica 3f4

    >80 scutum krilna plo?ica 3f4

    >81 sealed 3of brood poklopl-eno 3leglo ili med4or honey4

    >8! seam 3of bees bet5een ulica 3f4 p?elat5o combs4

    searcher bee 6 see scout bee

    >8" to secrete i,lu?i(ati

    >8: secretion 3function4 i,lu?i(an-e 3n4

    >8< secretion 3substance4 i,lu?e(ina 3f4sekret 3m4

    >8= section 3for honey4 odio 3m4 sekci-a 3f4 3,a med4

    section honey6::0>8> section rack nasta(ak ,a sekci-e

    3med u sa)u4

    >87 segment koluti) 3m4


    700 selecti(e breeding selekti(ni u,go- 3m4

    701 semen s-eme 3n4

    70! seminal duct s-emono(od 3m4(as deferens

    seminal pump 7:170" seminal (esicle pro@iren s-emeno(od 3m4

    (esicula ceminalis

    sense of colour see color perceptionsense of form "">sense of location

  • 8/10/2019 RJECNIK4 a.doc


    sense of smell 7"0sense of taste 81=sense of tuch 81!

    70: sens hair os-etilna dla?ica 3f4

    70< sense organ os-etilni organ

    70= sense peg os-etilna i,raslina 3f4

    70> sense plate os-etilna plo?ica 3f4

    707 sense pore os-etilni ot(or 3m4

    708 sesilla os-etila 3n% ps%4

    sensory hair see sense hair

    710 separator 3bet(een sections4 pregrada 3f4

    711 septicaemia septikemi-a 3f4

    3due toBacillusapisepticus471! to settle sabrati

    to cluster 3of s5arm4 prih(atiti 3ro-4

    71" se spol 3m4seual organs >

    71> sheltered situation ,a@ti)en polo9a-sheltered site

    shok s5arm 78"

    717 shortage of stores nedostatak 3m4 ,aliha

    718 shrike s(ra?ak 3m4,anius spp.

    7!0 silk gland prela?ka 9l-e,da 3f4

    sil(er fir "! tracheole du@nice 3f%pl%4

    to train 3bees to (isit a crop4 6 10":

    8"7 to transfer 3bees4 preseliti 3p?ele4

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    8"8 transferring tool igla 3f4 ,a presai(an-e3for lar(ae4 3li?inki4

    transformation 187transition cell 1"7

    8:0 tra(eling bo pri-enosna kuti-a 3f48:1 treatment 3of disease4 li-e?en-e 3n4

    8:! tree of hea(en pa-asen 3m4Ailanthus astissima 1/ A. glandulosa2

    8:" trefoil birdFs6foot smil-kita 3f4,otus corniculatus

    8:: triangular plate trostrana plo?a 3f43of sting4 39alca4

    to trip 10" trochanter ,globni (al-ak 3m4

    8:7 tulip tree tulipano(ac 3m4,iriodendron tulipifera

    8:8 tupelo *isa 3n4 (rsta dr(eta$yssa spp.


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    (as deferens 70!(eil see bee (eil

    8=0 (ein 9ila 3f4

    8=1 (enation raspored 3m4 9ila

    8=! (enom otro( 3m48=" (entilation (entilaci-a 3f4

    8=: (entral (entralni trbu@ni

    (entral ner(e cord see central ner(e trunk

    8=< (entricular (al(e (entrikularni ,alistak 3m4Lpyloric sphincterL

    (entral plate 7=1

    8== (entriculus sredn-e ctri-e(o 3n4chyle stomach

    8=> (erte t-eme 3n4

    (ertical indirect flight muscle =00(esicula seminalis 70"

    8=7 (etch grahorica 3f4Vicia spp.

    8=8 (icious ,ao ?udl-i(

    8>0 (irgin ne(in d-e(i?anski

    (irgin honey 10!!(irgin 5a 870

    8>1 (irus (irus 3m4

    8>! (iscosity (isko,nost 9itkost

    (ision mosaic

    8>" (itreous body staklasto ti-elo 3n4

    (ul(a see sting chamber5agtail dance !!"5arm 5ay 17=5arm room 10"=

    8>: 5asp 3Vespoidea4 osa 3G4

    8>< 5asp bee killer osa 3f4 p?elin-i (ukbee 5olfPhilanthus triangulum + P. spp.

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    8>= 5asp fossorial osa kopa?ica 3f45asp diggerFossores spp.

    8>> 5ater carrier (odono@e 3f45ater carrying bees

    8>7 5ater supply po-ili@te 3n46 see also drinking place5ater 5hite honey 10!"5attle 8 5a crumbs of (osa 3m4 mr(ice3on floorboard4 3na podn-a?i4

    870 5a (irgin (osak 3m4 d-e(i?anski

    5a to render >:7

    871 5a etraction topl-en-e 3m4 (oska

    87! 5a etractor topionik 3m4 ,a (osak

    87" 5a etractor solar sun?ani topionik 3m4

    87: 5a gland (osko(na 9li-e,da 3f4

    87< 5a mking bee p?ela graditel-ica 3f4

    87= 5a moth greater (osko( mol-ac 3m4%alleria mellonella 3(eliki4

    87> 5a moth lesser (osko( mol-ac 3m4Achrolia glisella 3mali4

    877 5a 6 moth lar(a li?inka 3f4 (osko(og mol-ca

    878 5a plate mirror 5o@tano ,rcalo 3n4

    5a pincers =7 5inter loss ,imski gubitak 3m4

    887 5iter to prepare u,imiti 3p?ele43bees for4

    888 5itergreen oil of ul-e 3n4 od ,im,elena

    5ired foundation ":1

    1000 to 5ork 3a plant4 pos-e)i(ati 3bil-e4

    1001 5orker radilica 3f45orker bee

    5oker layng

    100! yearst k(asac 3m4

    yield see honey yield,inc perforated =

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    101" honey flo5er med 3m4 c(-etnihoney blossom

    101: honey from med 3m4 od p?elasugar fed bees prihran-i(an-ih @e)erom

    101< honey grader kolorimetar 3m4 ,a med

    101= honey NindustrialL med 3m4 indeusti-ski

    101> honey light amber med 3m4 s(-etlo -antarni

    1017 honey light med 3m4 s(-etli36 coloured4

    1018 honey medium med 3m4 sredn-e tamni36 coloured4

    10!0 honey 3o(er64 heated med 3m4 pregri-ani

    10!1 honey unprocessed med 3m4 nepreraeni

    honey crude10!! honey (irgin med 3m4 d-e(i?anski

    10!" honey 5ater 5hite med 3m4 pro,iran kao (oda

    10!: honey 5hite med 3m4 bi-eli

    10!< pheromone feromon 3m4

    10!= pollen analysis peludna anali,a 3 f4palynology

    10!> pollen analysis of honey peludna anali,a 3f4 meda

    melissopalynology10!7 pollen dispenser ostruga 3f4

    pollen insert

    10!8 to process 3honey4 obrai(an-e 3meda4

    10"0 ueen bank banka 3f4 matica

    10"1 refractometer refraktometar 3m4

    10"! to stock 3a hi(e 5ith bees4 napu?iti 3ko@nicu p?elama4

    10"" sugar denatured @e)er 3m4 denaturirani

    10": to train 3bees to (isit a crop4 dresura 3f4 p?ela

    10"< to trip otkriti c(i-et

    10"= 5arm room komora 3f4 ,a dekristali,aci-uhot room