RC Holy Spirit eBulletin WB v No. 32 May 9, 2013

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  • 7/30/2019 RC Holy Spirit eBulletin WB v No. 32 May 9, 2013


    May 9, 2013 Rotary Club of Holy Spirit Club No. 69935 RI District 3780 Philippines Vol. V No. 32

    The Dove

    Y 2012-13


    ce President & PEhair - Health & Wellness

    ecretary & Chair - Youth Development

    easurer & Chair - Fund Generation


    otocol Officer

    hair - Club Administration & RI Associateembers Pilot Project

    ub Trainor & Chair - Membership Dev

    hair - Service Projects

    hair - The Rotary Foundation & RI Asso-ate Members Pilot Project

    hair - Public Relations

    hair - Networking and Community Dev

    hair - Sports



    sociate Members (RI Pilot Program)

    onorary Members


    O f f i c i a l N e w s e B u l l e t i n o f t h e R o t a r y C l u b o f H o l y S p i r i t

    First Class club presidents and District leaders are presented at Distas 201

    The May issue of theROTARY LEADER

    online magazine is here

    The digital edition of this newsletter contains 7 pages. View online to access more pages of information about Rotary and our club.

    The historic Manila Hotel was a fittingvenue for Distas 2013 where the FirstClass Presidents and District Leaderswere presented. It was a well-attendedassembly, hosted by the Rotary Club ofCongressional and co-hosted by 14other clubs. It was also heartening tosee a full house of district governors,past, present and future. IDG FrancisRivera presented the RI Thrusts and Dis-trict Goals for RY 2013-14, with particu-lar emphasis on the need to grow mem-bership. This was followed by a talk byPDG Oyan Villanueva RID 3790 on howto strengthen clubs. The morning ses-sion was highlighted by the interesting,animated talk of renowned motivationalspeaker, PP Siva Ananthan RID 3300,

    Malaysia who spoke on The RotaryWay and how Rotarians make the livesof others better.

    In the afternoon, participants weregrouped by function: PEs/PNs/LGs/AGs,

    Club Administration, Membership Deopment, Public Relations, Service to New Generation, The Rotary FoundatService Projects. A Spouses Progrwas also successfully held. Each breout session was ably handled by source persons and discussion leadThe closing plenary session featuPDG Bimbo Salazar who talked on Hthe PRM Supports Rotary and You.

    DISTAS participants came away from Assembly more informed, empoweand motivated to take on their leadship roles for RY 2013-14.

    RC Holy Spirit was represented at Distas 2013 by Peace President Ma

    Salvador, PE Eui Bong Jung and SpoJenny, PN Willy Fabroa, PP Linda Patao (incoming Lt Governor), PP Beth Treasurer Peth Rivera (Spouse of Francis Rivera), and Chair Ric Salvado

  • 7/30/2019 RC Holy Spirit eBulletin WB v No. 32 May 9, 2013


    Rotarys Council on Legislation approved US$1 per year in-

    crease in per capita dues, removed limits on e-clubs, permitted

    satellite clubs, changed new generations to Youth Service, al

    lowed participation in projects to count toward club attendanc

    Representatives from Rotarys 532 dis-tricts met in downtown Chicago 21-26April, approving a number of measuresdesigned to strengthen Rotary, increasemembership, and enhance the organiza-

    tions capacity to serve.

    The Council on Legislation meets everythree years to consider changes to the

    policies that govern Rotary Internationaland its member clubs.

    This years Council accepted an increase of US$1 per yearin per capita dues, removed limits on e-clubs, permitted sat-ellite clubs, and changed the name of the fifth Avenue of

    Service to Youth Service.

    The dues increase means Rotary clubs will pay Rotary Inter-national annual per capita dues of $54 in 2014-15, $55 in2015-16, and $56 in 2016-17. Dues for 2013-14 had al-

    ready been set to $53.

    Representatives approved several measures that increaseflexibility, including one that allows an unlimited number of


    The Council also approved satellite clubs, whose membersmeet at a different time and location from their parent clubbut are still considered members of the parent club. Themeasure is intended to make it easier for members to de-

    velop the core for a new club.

    And in support of experimentation, the representatives in-creased the number of clubs that can take part in pilot pro-

    jects from 200 to 1,000. The RI Board uses these pilots,which last for up to six years, to test new ideas, methods,and organizational frameworks for clubs. Pilot clubs thatparticipate in these experiments are fully functioning Rotaryclubs but are exempt from some requirements of the Stan-

    dard Rotary Club Constitution.

    Among other actions during the week, representatives:

    Approved changing the name of Rotarys FifthAvenue ofService, currently called New Generations Service, toYouth Service. The 2010 Council approved this Ave-nue of Service for youth, which joined the already estab-

    lished Club Service, Vocational Service, Community

    vice, and International Service.

    Approved a measure allowing participation in club jects to count toward club attendance requiremeThe measure amends the Standard Rotary Club Cotution to require that a member attend or make upleast 50 percent of regular club meetings or engagclub projects for at least 12 hours in each half of

    year, or a combination of both.

    Approved a measure allowing Rotarians outside United States and Canada to receive an electronic tion of their official regional Rotary magazine, if onavailable. Rotarians within the United States and Cada were given the option of receiving a digital ver

    ofThe Rotarianby the 2010 Council.

    Approved a measure creating the office of vice goverwho would act as a substitute if the governor becaunable to serve. The vice governor would be selectethe districts nominating committee from among

    districts past governors.

    Rejected several resolutions that would have askedRI Board of Directors to grant official recognito programs that serve a range of different age gro

    including EarlyAct, KidAct, and ElderAct.

    With the Council adjourned, an official report of actionbe compiled, sent to clubs, and posted online. Clubs han opportunity to record opposition to any action. If at le5 percent of the clubs entitled to vote oppose an action,legislation is suspended and the general secretary condua ballot-by-mail. A majority vote would cause the proposabe rejected. All Council actions otherwise go into effec


    By Arnold R. Grahl Rotary News30 April 2013

  • 7/30/2019 RC Holy Spirit eBulletin WB v No. 32 May 9, 2013


    Rotary Club of Holy SpiritRI District 3780

    AGENDA for May 9, 2013 40th Meeting

    7:00 PM Assembly-Fellowship-Dinner

    Call to Order Pres Marcia Salvador

    Club business:


    District awards night May 25

    SETS June 8

    RCHS 8th Charter Anniversary June 27

    Service projects

    2013 Anti-rabies cat & dog vaccination May 25

    Team-building workshop for 120 teachers of DJ Elementary School May 28

    Brigada Eskwela (District project)

    Rotary new year party for Sped children

    Next steps in the planning process. . .

    Other matters

    Presidents Time Pres Marcia

    Adjournment Pres Marcia

    Jocoe's JournalFrom: THOMAS TELFERTo: Rotary BulletinsSent: Wednesday, May 8, 2013---------------------------------------------Dear Son,

    I am writing this slow, 'cause I know

    you can't read fast.

    There are a few things happening here

    at home.

    We don't live where we did when you

    left -- your father read in the paperthat most car accidents happen within

    twenty miles of home, so we moved. I

    won't be able to send you the address

    because we moved into your cousins

    old house and they took the num-

    bers with them so they wouldn't have

    to change their address.

    The weather is nice here. It rained

    twice this week. Three days the first

    time and four days the second time.

    Remember that coat you wanted me

    to send you? Well, your aunt said that

    it would be too heavy to send in the

    mail, so we cut the buttons off and putthem in the pocket.

    Monday we got a bill from the funeral

    home. It said if we don't make the last

    payment on Grandma's funeral .. up

    she comes ..

    Your father has a lovely new job. He

    has over 500 men under him.

    He's cutting grass at the cemetery.

    Your brother's wife had a baby this

    morning. We don't know whether it'sa boy or a girl, so we don't know if you

    are an aunt or an uncle.

    Your uncle fell in the whiskey vat and

    drowned. We cremated him. He

    burned for 3 days.

    Last week 3 of your friends went off

    the bridge in a pickup truck. One

    was driving and the other two were

    riding in the back. The driver rolled

    down the window and swam to safety.

    The other two drowned. They couldn't

    get the tailgate down.

    Not much else. Write more often.



    P.S. -- We would have sent money,

    the envelope was already sealed.

    [Non-text portions of this message havebeen removed]

    If you need further information, contact me.

    P.P. Tom Telfer, B.A.E mail: [email protected] Chair of Rotary Editors & Publiers

    Charter member of Rotarians on theInternet

    Editor of Jocoe's Journal

    Skype name : global63302751

    Club Web Site:www.rotarylondonwest.caLondon, Ontario, Canada 6330

  • 7/30/2019 RC Holy Spirit eBulletin WB v No. 32 May 9, 2013


    This page ofThe Dove serves as home page of the virtual website of


    Rotary International District 3780

    Officers &Chairmen



    About theClub

    What isRotary?Galleryembers

    Rotary International www.rotary.orgwww.facebook.com/RCHS37C Holy Spirit

    Congratulations to May celebrants!Birthday Anniversary

    May 4 Kent & Toni

    May 6 David & Mi Kyung

    May 11 Doc Roger

    May 18 Marlene

    RC Holy Spirit PP Dodgie Osabel is lead nominee of# 106 ALAGAD Party-list

    Click or Tap here to view past issue ofTHE D

    IDG Francis Rivera and Rotarian Spouse Peth of RCHoly Spirit enter the plenary hall of the 2013 District

    Assembly of District 3780 last May 4, 2013.

    Eui Bong Jung, First-Class President of theRotary Club of Holy Spirit for RY 2013-14.

  • 7/30/2019 RC Holy Spirit eBulletin WB v No. 32 May 9, 2013


    Great BritainIn August, the Rotary Club of Ellon, Scotland, and the YthanCycle Club hosted their third annual Ellon Pedal Car Race. (Apedal car is a four-wheeled, one-person bike.) The closed-road race around a half-mile course drew pedal-car cyclistsfrom Edinburgh, Glasgow, and Perth. Eighteen teams, spon-sored by local businesses, competed to rack up the highestAfter three years of work, the Rotary Club of Lahaina, Maui,Hawaii, USA, completed a $300,000 renovation of the La-haina Public Library, a 57-year-old structure that had fallen

    into disrepair due to a lack of state funds. The club collabo-rated with Maui Friends of the Library and the Hawaii StateLibrary System to raise money, commission a redesign, re-move and reshelve 35,000 books, and recruit 21 compa-nies and more than 100 volunteers to provide pro bono ser-vices. It was the largest project in the clubs history.number of laps in the hourlong event, which raised morethan US$9,000 for Maggies Cancer Centre in Aberdeen.

    HondurasRotarians from seven clubs in Tegucigalpa worked togetherto fund two outreach centers for young people in the capitalcity. The clubs teamed up with the USAID Regional Youth

    Alliance project, the Rotarian Action Group for PopulationGrowth and Sustainable Development, and Save the Chil-dren, which operates the facilities. Located in BuenasNuevas and Villa Franca, neighborhoods with high rates ofgang activity, the centers offer tutoring, vocational training,and sports programs to children and young adults ages 10to 29.

    LiberiaAfter enduring years of civil war, beginning in the 1980s andending in 2003, Liberia has few facilities for youth recrea-tion, so children often play in empty lots or streets withoutsupervision. In January, the Rotary Club of Sinkor broke

    ground on a center for young people in a suburb of Mon-rovia. The Liberia Girl Guides Association donated an acre ofland, which will accommodate an outdoor basketball court;two palaver huts, which are traditional spaces for dialogue;a cafeteria; and a playground.

    New ZealandHundreds of New Zealanders got down and dirty in June atthe Naki Run Amuck mud run in the village of Urenui. Hostedby the Rotary Club of New Plymouth North, the event fea-tured a 2.5-mile course with a variety of mud-covered obsta-cles. The runners raised more than NZ$10,000, most ofwhich went to help the local Taranaki Coastguard construct

    a new resboat. More t800 participare expected

    the next evalso schedfor June.

    Sri LankaLand mines during the Lankas quacentury civil have injured of thousandspeople. Roclubs in dist

    3220 (Sri Laand 3140 (part of India) worked with the Colombo FrienNeed Society to host the International Jaipur Foot ProsthLimb camp in the capital in July. The workshop provprosthetic limbs, gait training, and counseling to more t350 people who had lost limbs to land mines.

    TanzaniaSix Rotary clubs in Dar es Salaam came together to orgaa fundraising marathon in October. The event includedmile run and 5.5-mile walk options for 5,000 participfrom across Tanzania and Uganda, the two countries innew Rotary District 9211. It raised more than US$330,

    for a pediatric oncology ward at the Muhimbili National Hpital, which sees more than 300 new cases every year. ward will feature a 17-bed inpatient facility and six isolarooms for children in danger of infection.

    TurkeyIn 1988, the Rotary Club of Istanbul-Findikli built the FinPrimary School, which serves 650 students in its 20 clrooms. Last year, as part of its continued sponsorship ofschool, the club installed solar panels. The new systemdesigned to produce enough power for the compukitchen, and emergency lighting. The club educated teers and students about green energy and set up a compthat provides a digital measurement of the power produc

    VenezuelaBed nets can save lives in tropical areas where mosquitransmit malaria. The Rotary Club of Key Biscayne, Fla., Ureceived a Matching Grant from The Rotary Foundatiopurchase 1,500 insecticide-treated bed nor mosquiteros, designed to fit the hammocks used indigenous communities. Steve Baker, of the Key Biscaclub, joined with members of the Rotary clubs of CachaNuevas Generaciones-Ciudad Guayana, Puerto Ordaz, Caroni de Puerto Ordaz to distribute the nets in Bolvar S

    in October.

    Rotary news in brief from around the globeThe Rotarian -- Mayl 2013

    Rotary clubs around the globe have many thingsin common, including a commitment to service.All year long, clubs are taking action to make adifference in their communities. Heres a

    roundup of recent club activities.

  • 7/30/2019 RC Holy Spirit eBulletin WB v No. 32 May 9, 2013


    The Object of RotaryFirst formulated in 1910, the Object of Rotary is to encourage andfoster the ideal of service as a basis of worthy enterprise and, in par-

    ticular, to encourage and foster:

    FIRST. The development of acquaintance as an opportunity for ser-vice;

    SECOND. High ethical standards in business and professions, therecognition of the worthiness of all useful occupations, and the digni-

    fying of each Rotarian's occupation as an opportunity to serve society;

    THIRD. The application of the ideal of service in each Rotarian's per-sonal, business, and community life;

    FOURTH. The advancement of international understanding, goodwill,and peace through a world fellowship of business and professional

    persons united in the ideal of service.

    5 Avenues of ServiceBased on the Object of Rotary, the Five Avenues of Service are Rotarysphilosophical cornerstone and the foundation on which club activity isbased:

    Club Service focuses on strengthening fellowship and ensuring theeffective functioning of the club.

    Vocational Service encourages Rotarians to serve others through theirvocations and to practice high ethical standards.

    Community Service covers the projects and activities the club under-takes to improve life in its community.

    International Service encompasses actions taken to expand Rotaryshumanitarian reach around the globe and to promote world under-

    standing & peace.

    Youth Service recognizes the positive change implemented by youthand young adults through leadership development activities, service

    projects, and exchange programs.

    The Four-Way TestOf the things we think, say or do

    Is it the TRUTH?Is it FAIR to all concerned?Will it build GOODWILL and BETTERFRIENDSHIPS?Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned

    ROTARIANS PLEDGEI am a Rotarian

    I will always uphold the TRUTH.

    I am a Rotarian

    I will always strive to be FAIR

    in all of my dealings with my fellowmen.

    I am a Rotarian

    I will always endeavor to build


    in my community,

    among my countrymen

    and people of all nations.

    I am a Rotarian

    I will always seek to promote

    the greatest good

    for the greatest number of people

    in the spirit of ROTARY SERVICE.

    I am a Rotarian

    I will always uphold

    the Rotary International Motto,


    Principles that Guide Rotary

    As a Rotarian, I will

    1. Exemplify the core value of integrity in all behaviors and activities

    2. Use my vocational experience and talents to serve in Rotary

    3. Conduct all of my personal, business, and professional affairs ethically, encouraging and fostering high ethical standards as an example to othe

    4. Be fair in all dealings with others and treat them with the respect due to them as fellow human beings

    5. Promote recognition and respect for all occupations which are useful to society

    6. Offer my vocational talents: to provide opportunities for young people, to work for the relief of the special needs of others, and to improve the q

    ity of life in my community

    7. Honor the trust that Rotary and fellow Rotarians provide and not do anything that will bring disfavor or reflect adversely on Rotary or fellow Rota


    8. Not seek from a fellow Rotarian a privilege or advantage not normally accorded others in a business or professional relationship

    Rotary Code of Conduct(FormerlyDeclaration of Rotarians in Business and Professions)

    Watch songwriter Jerry Mills singCome Join Us online by clicking on this link.

  • 7/30/2019 RC Holy Spirit eBulletin WB v No. 32 May 9, 2013


    Club ProfileChartered on June 29, 2005One of few truly community-based clubs in District 3780: almost all members reside orwork in and around BarangayHoly Spiritthat serves both as a host community and venue

    & beneficiary of most of the clubs service projects.

    VisionBecome the club most admired by the communities it serves, by partners in service,by hosts, sponsors & donors, by its members, and by others in Rotary.

    Membership (February 28, 2013):25 Active members 11 ladies & 14 gentlemen

    6 Associate Members under the 3-year associate member pilot program of Rotary In-

    ternational from RY 2011-12 through RY 2013-14

    5 Honorary members

    Partners in service:Rotaract Club of Holy Spirit

    Interact Club of Holy Spirit National High School

    Rotary Community Corps ofKaligtasan

    Sister clubs:RC Marikina North D3800

    Rotary Club of Seoul Baeksang D3650 Korea

    The club publishes The Dove, web-linked e-bulletin that provides ready online access tohundreds of pages of Rotary information, news and entertainment and that now serves as

    portal to the virtual website of the Rotary Club of Holy Spirit.

    Registered as a non-stock, non-profit corporation with the Securities & Exchange Commis-sion ROTARY CLUB OF HOLY SPIRIT, INC. with a corporate life of 50 years (46 years re-maining)

    RC Holy Spirit meets every Thursday, 7-9 PM at the clubhouse of Don Antonio Heights Homeowners Asso-

    ciation in Don Antonio Heights, QC.


    Rotary International District 3780
