Presented by : Preeti Banswal WELCOME

Presented by : Preeti Banswal. What is data structure? A data structure is a way of organizing data that considers not only the items stored, but also

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Presented by : Preeti Banswal


What is data structure?

• A data structure is a way of organizing data that considers not only the items stored, but also their relationship to each other.

• Advance knowledge about the relationship between data items allows designing of efficient algorithms for the manipulation of data.

Areas in which data structures are applied extensively:

Operating System. Database Management System,. Statistical analysis package, Numerical Analysis, Compiler Design. Graphics. Artificial Intelligence. Simulation.

Data structure


int char float



Stack Queue Linked list


Trees Graphs

Basic Concepts Arrays and Structures. Stacks and Queue. Linked Lists. Trees, Binary trees. Graphs Efficient Binary Search Trees.

Contents :

Basic Concepts :

Pointers and dynamic memory allocation. Algorithm Specification. Data abstraction. Performance analysis. Performance measurement

Pointers: Pointers are fundamental to C . C provides extensive support for pointer .

& : Address Operator

* : Dereferencing or Indirection operator

• Example :

int i , *pi;


Pointer Operations in C

Creation& variable Returns variable’s memory address

Dereference• pointer Returns contents stored at address

Indirect assignment* pointer = valStores value at address

Assignmentpointer = ptr Stores pointer in another variable

Some pointers:

Generic Pointer : void pointer in C is known as

generic pointer.

• Generic pointer is a pointer which can point type of


• NULL pointer is a pointer which is pointing to


int *ptr=NULL

Wild Pointer : A pointer in C which has not

been initialized is known as wild pointer.

Dangling pointers :

Dangling pointers  in computer

programming  are pointers that do not point to

a valid object of the appropriate type.

Memory Allocation

Memory allocation is a process by which computer programs and

services are assigned with physical or virtual memory space.

Memory allocation has two core types,

1. Static Memory Allocation: The program is allocated

memory at compile time.

2.Dynamic Memory Allocation: The programs are

allocated with memory at run time.

Difference between static & dynamic memory allocation:

Pointers in C 14

Static Memory Allocation Dynamic Memory Allocation

Memory is allocated before the execution of the program begins.(During Compilation)

Memory is allocated during the execution of the program.

No memory allocation or deallocation actions are performed during Execution.

Memory Bindings are established and destroyed during the Execution.

Variables remain permanently allocated.

Allocated only when program unit is active.

Implemented using stacks and heaps Implemented using data segments.

Pointer is needed to accessing variables.

No need of Dynamically allocated pointers.

Faster execution than Dynamic Slower execution than static

More memory Space required. Less Memory space required.

Dynamic memory functions:

malloc( )

Allocates specified number of bytes

Syntax : void * malloc (size_t size);

calloc( )

Allocates specified number of bytes and initializes to zero.

• Syntax : void *calloc(size_t nitems, size_t size)

• where , nitems -- This is the number of elements to be allocated. size -- This is the size of elements

realloc( )

Increases or decreases size of specified block of memory.

Syntax : void *realloc(void *ptr, size_t size)

free( )

De-allocate memory, returns specified block of memory back

to the system.

Data type & Abstract Data type:

A data type is a collection of objects and a set

of operations that act on those object.

Eg: int , char , float. An abstract data type (ADT) is a data type

that is organized in such a way that the specification of objects is separated from representation of objects and the implementation of the operations.

Algorithm Specification: An algorithm is finite set of instruction

that, if followed , accomplishes a particular task. Criteria that every algorithm should follow:1. Input 2. Output 3. Definiteness 4. Finiteness 5. Effectiveness

Performance Analysis :• Space complexity : Space complexity of a program is

the amount of memory that it needs to run to completion.• 1: Fixed space requirement.• 2: Variable space requirement.

• Time complexity : The time complexity of a program is the amount of computer time that it needs to run to completion.

S(P) = c+ Sp(I)

• The recursive function has lower step count then its iterative counterpart.

• Recursive function typically run slower than the iterative version & takes more time than those of the iterative function.

• Recursive function also uses more memory space for its each call.

• For space complexity, iterative function is better than recursive function.

• For time complexity , recursive function is better than iterative function.

Arrays and Structures

• Arrays: An Array is a finite collection of similar elements stored in adjacent memory locations.


One-dimensional Array


One dimensional array

Multi-dimensional Array:Representation of multidimensional arrays :

Consider matrix of N*N ,each entry of which is floating number.

Float m[N][N] ;

An element of this matrix m, say m i,j will be accessed as,

m[i-1][j-1]; we can also define 4-dimensional integers array as follows,

int k[N][M][K][L];

Structure • A Structure is a collection of data of different type. • struct is used .• eg: struct { char name[10]; int age; float salary; } person;• Notice the use of the ( . ) as the structure member

operator. We use this operator to select a particular member of the structure .

• We can create our own structure data types by using the typedef statement below:

typedef struct { char name[10]; int age; float salary; } person;

person p1 , p2 ;

Unions• A union declaration is similar to a structure , but the field of a union must share their memory space. • This means that only one field of the union is active at any given time..

• eg: union abc { char c; long l; } ;

Self-Referential Structure• A self-referential Structure is one in which one or

more of its components is a pointer to itself .• self-referential structure usually require dynamic

storage management routines (malloc and free) to explicitly obtain and release memory. eg: typedef struct { char data; struct list *link ; } list;

Polynomial :

• Structure: MAX_TERMS 100 /*size of terms array*/ typedef struct { float coef; int expon ; } polynomial; polynomial terms[MAX_TERMS]; int avail=0;

Polynomial :

• Array representation: ex: A(x)= 2x^1000 + 1 B(x)=x^4+10x^3+3x^2+1 finish A avail startA startB finish BCoef:Expon:

2 1 1 10 3 1

1000 0 4 3 2 0

Sparse matrix Structure :Define MAX_TERMS 101 /*maximum number of

term +1*/typedef struct

{int cols;int rows;int value;}terms;

Term a[MAX_TERMS];


Stacks :

A stack is a data linear data structure in which addition of new element or deletion of an existing element always takes place at the same end. This end is

called as top of the stack.

Stack is also called as last–in-first-out (LIFO).

• When an item is added to a stack, the operation is called as push.

• When an item is removed from the stack, the operation is called as pop .

Structure for stack:

• # define MAX_STACK_SIZE 100 /* maximum stack size*/ typedef struct { int key; /*other field */ } elements; element stack[ MAX_STACK_SIZE]; int top= -1;

Stack empty condition :

top < 0;

Stack full condition :

top >= MAX_STACK_SIZE - 1

C function for push operation on stack :

int stack[5] , top = -1; void push( ) { int item; if (top<=4) { printf(“\n Enter the number”); scanf(“%d”, &item); top=top+1; stack [top] = item; } else { printf(“\n stack overflow”); } }

C function for pop operation on stack int stack [5],top; void pop ( ) { int item; if (top>=0) { item = stack [top]; top=top-1; printf("\n Number deleted is = %d ", item); } else { printf("\n stack is empty"); } }

Application of stack

Direct applicationsPage-visited history in a Web browserUndo sequence in a text editorSaving local variables when one function calls

another, and this one calls another, and so on.

Indirect applicationsAuxiliary data structure for algorithmsComponent of other data structures

Queue is a linear data structure that permits the insertion of new element at one end and

deletion of an element at the other end.

The end at which the deletion of an element takes place is called as front.

Which insertion of new element can take place is called as rear.

Queue is also called as first-in-first-out (FIFO).





Structure of Queue:

• # define MAX_QUEUE_SIZE 100 /* maximum Queue size*/ typedef struct { int key; /*other field */ } elements; element queue[ MAX_QUEUE_SIZE]; int rear= -1; int front= -1;

• Queue empty condition : front == rear

• Queue full condition:

rear == MAX_QUEUE_SIZE -1

C function for insertion of Queue :

int queue [5], front = -1, rear = -1 ;Void queue ( ){ int item ; if (rear < 4){ printf(“\n Enter the number ”); scanf(“%d ” & item ); if (front = = -1 ) { front = 0 ; rear = 0; }

C function for deletion operation in queue :

int queue [5] , front , rear ; void delete ( ){ int item ; If ( front ! = -1) { item = queue [front]; if (front = = rear )

{ front = -1; rear = -1 ; } front = front +1 ; } printf (“\n Number deleted is = %d “, item ); } else { printf( “ Queue is empty”);}}

Application of Queue1) Serving requests of a single shared resource (printer,disk, CPU),transferring data asynchronously (data notnecessarily received at same rate as sent) between two processes (IO buffers), e.g., pipes, file IO, sockets.

2) Call center phone systems will use a queue to hold people in line until a service representative is free.

3) When a resource is shared among multipleconsumers. Examples include CPU scheduling, Disk


Expression using stack:

Some important question !!!

? ? ?

Disadvantage of Queue :

• In simple queue , if rear is present at the maxsize of queue , though there may empty

slots at beginning or middle of queue, queue will be reported as full…. the solution here is to use

circular queue

Circular queue:

Disadvantages of queue representation using static array:

• Drawback is that here we can allocate memory statically , so if array is not fully utilized , memory will be wasted and once array declared , we can not increase size of array …. So element in queue must be inserted within given array….

Drawbacks of sequential representation:

Drawbacks of sequential i.e. array representation is that it is completely static representation…..

We can not increase or decrease size of array at runtime..

In sequential representation, elements are stored in adjacent memory locations where as in dynamic representation(linked list), every node is holding address of next node…


Linked list:

Linked list is a very common data structure often used to store similar data in memory.

This memory is randomly selected by the compiler.

The order of the elements is maintained by explicit links between them.

Data LinkNode

Structure of linked list :

• typedef struct listNode *listpointer; typedef struct { int data; listPointer link; } listNode;

Types of linked list Singly linked list Doubly linked list

Circular linked list


1)In sequential representation the memory is allocated sequentially whereas in linked representation memory is allocated randomly.

2)In sequential representation we does not require address of next element where as in linked representation to access list elements in the correct order,with each element we store the address of the next element in that list…etc.

3) In array, element are stored in adjacent memory locations whereas linked list every node allocates the memory wherever available , linked list is also called scattered family.

4) In linked list , every node knows where the next node is present in memory with the help of link, it is not possible in array…

Polynomial using linked list

Structure for node of polynomial:

• typedef struct polyNode *polyPointer typedef struct { int coef; int expon; polyPointer link; } polyNode; polyPointer a, b;

Sparse Matrix

• Sparse matrix is that matrix which has more number of zero’s or can also be said as that matrix which consist of less number of non-zero numbers.


down right

down right

row col value




Doubly linked list :

Structure for doubly linked list

• typedef struct node *nodePointer; typedef struct { nodePointer llink; element data; nodePointer rlink; } node;

Circular linked list:

Trees , binary tree , graph….


• A tree is a finite set of one or more node such that,

1: there is a specially designated node called root.

2: the remaining nodes are partitioned into n>=0 disjoint sets T0 ,T1,T2,……….Tn-1

where T0 ,T1,T2,………Tn-1 Are called the subtrees of the root

typedef struct node{

int data ;struct node* left;struct node* right;



Representation of tree:

List representation

Left child right sibling representation

Representation as degree two tree.

Basic terminology

• Root – The top node in a tree.• Parent – The converse notion of child.• Siblings – Nodes with the same

parent.• Descendant – a node reachable by

repeated proceeding from parent to child.

• Ancestor – a node reachable by repeated proceeding from child to parent.

• Leaf – a node with no children.• Internal node – a node with at least one

child.• External node – a node with no children.• Degree – number of sub trees of a node.• Edge – connection between one node to

another.• Path – a sequence of nodes and edges

connecting a node with a descendant.

• Level – The level of a node is defined by 1 + the number of connections between the node and the root.

• Height – The height of a node is the number of edges on the longest downward path between the node and a leaf.

• Forest – A forest is a set of n ≥ 0 disjoint trees.

Binary Search TreeIn computer science, a binary search tree (BST) or ordered binary tree is a node-based binary tree data structure which has the following properties:

• The left subtree of a node contains only nodes with keys less than the node's key.

• The right subtree of a node contains only nodes with keys greater than the node's key.

• Both the left and right subtrees must also be binary search trees.

Representation of binary tree:

Linked list representation.

Array representation.

Difference between binary tree and binary search tree• Binary Tree

In short, a binary tree is a tree where each node has up to two leaves. In a binary tree, a left child node and a right child node contain values which can be either greater, less, or equal to parent node.

• Binary Search Tree

• In binary search tree, the left child contains nodes with values less than the parent node and where the right child only contains nodes with values greater than the parent node. There must be no duplicate nodes.


Graphs • A graph consists of two sets v and e where , v is finite , non-empty set of vertices and e is set of pairs of vertices..• The pairs of vertices are called edges.

Graphs can be of two types:

• Undirected graph

• Directed graph

Representation of Graphs :

Adjacency matrix Adjacency lists Adjacency multilists Weighted list

Priority queue:

• A priority queue is collection of element such that each element has an associated priority. There are two types of priority queue , 1: Single ended priority queue 2: Double ended priority queue

Heaps :• Binomial heap 1. Max Binomial heap 2. Min binomial heap• Fibonacci heap 1. Max Fibonacci heap 2. Min Fibonacci heap• Pairing heap 1. Max Pairing heap 2.Min pairing heap

AVL Tree

• AVL tree definition– a binary tree in which the maximum difference

in the height of any node’s right and left sub-trees is 1 (called the balance factor)• balance factor = height(right) – height(left)

• AVL trees are usually not perfectly balanced–however, the biggest difference in any two

branch lengths will be no more than one level

AVL Tree









AVL TreeAVL Tree

Red black tree

Definition: Red-Black Tree

Balanced trees: Red-black trees

• Each node must have exactly two children. For each child that is lacking, you create a fake black one.


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← needs two fake children

← needs two fake children

← needs one fake childneeds two fake children →

Definition: Red-Black Tree

Balanced trees: Red-black trees

• Each node must have exactly two children. For each child that is lacking, you create a fake black one.


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