Plain Truth 1968 (Prelim No 07) Jul_w

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  • 7/28/2019 Plain Truth 1968 (Prelim No 07) Jul_w


  • 7/28/2019 Plain Truth 1968 (Prelim No 07) Jul_w


    ~ ~ o u r R E A D E R S S A YConvinced

    " M y wife started reading ynur PLAINTRUTH just so she could pro ve you tobe a liar. So far, it can't be done. She haschanged her mind, and she enj oys TheP l AIN T RUTH as much as I do."

    Dougl as \VI., Vi rginia"Until reading you r magazine I had

    not realized how complete my ignor ancewas. I have made several attempts toread the Bible but could not find any thing that related to present Jay lif e. Iaccep ted the Bible as the W ord of Godthro ugh 'faith: Yet at the same t ime itwasn 't enough to just accept it. Manyquestions remained unanswered. I thirstfor knowledge and understanding. Canyou please send me the first lesson ofthe Bible Study Course ?"

    E. M. , Palm a-dc-Mallorca,Spain

    Th tl1lk JO II [or f ollowi"g the Bereans'example i ll / lels 17:11." I wish to heartily commend your

    magazine for publishing the splendidarticles on the Soviet Union . I jus t sawthe first one in the November ed ition. Itis a masterp iece. An d I'm sure th e restof them are just as good. Having beento Russia mysel f a part of two years, Ican app recia te it when wr iters tell thetru th about it."

    Char les D ., Ind iana

    Asking "W hy r:" I am a fres hma n in college, and I'm

    just now beg inning to ask myself whyI believe in what I believe . . . We needto ask ours el ves why we like and canstand to sec such things as 'Bonnie andClyde' and 'Va lley of tbe Dolls .' Iagree with you that our country is madeup of sick people. Please send meyour free booklet on 'Hippies.' "

    Nancy F., M ich.H ipp ies"Send til t pamph let on the "Hippies'} !

    The critters have hi t th e Un iversity of

    \ 'X'ash ingt on area like a plague of caterpillcrs . .. Th ey carpet the sidewalks.You either step on them or walk in thestreet !"

    Mary a 5., Seatt le, W ashiogtoo"Since I'm a public schoo l teacher,

    may I comm end you on the fine articleand basic truths set fo rth in 'America'sSchoo ls - Vacuum in Values.' Thankyou again. It is my daily prayer thatsomehow a mov ement like yours willOp t l1 the eyes of Americans, causingthem to come to their kn ees in obed ience to God ,"

    Lillian T., Columbus, Ohio Keep redc/iug The P I.AIN TRUTH formore in/o rmath e articles 0 11 edncation- ond th,wk )' 011 [or a {we attitude ./ lmel'icd needs more teachers like 1'011.Promotes Grow th of Morals" Permit th is shor t not e of thanks for

    exten di ng to me the priv ilege uf reccivi ug The P LAIN TRUTH. \Xle live on afa rm and The P LAIN TRUTH is like aferti lizer that promotes the growth ofhigh er mo rals and deeper roots of fa ith.Indeed, we thank you for The PLAINTRUTH."

    Manuel S., Surin am,T Il(: Phi lipp ines

    " I don' t know what relig ion YOll are ,hut whateve r it is, I like it. You arethe on ly one I know that backs up wh atyou say with Scripture. and in theseScriptures I have found God."

    Mr. and 1\1 rs. 5., Georg iaAmer i can Image" In your program last night , you

    men tioned the American imag e andyour description was accurate. I wasg iven the impression tha t Americanswere most hospit abl e to foreign peop lein their own country despite thei r actionsaway from home. I have learned differen tly. The problems I have associatingwith teens of my age is something ter-

    (CO/til/lied 0 /1 page 46)

    the--~ l A ! ~ T ~ U 1 H" C l : i o f , . . t o n d i

    J uly, 1968VOL. xxnr 1'0. 7Circulat ion : 1,250.000 CopiesPubli shed monthly at Pa sa de na, Cal ifornia :W atford, Engla nd ; and No rth Sydney, Australia,by Ambassador Col lege. French edition publisheJ monthl y at Pasadena. Califurnia; Germaned ition at Watford. Eng:hnd: Spanish edi tionat Big Sandy , Texas . 1968 Amba ssadorCclleee. All reserved.EDITOR

    HERBERT \V . A OEXECUTIVE EDITORGarner Ted Armstron gMANAGING EDITORHerman L H oehSENIOR EDITORRoderick C. Me redith

    A ssociate EditorsAlbert ]. Portunc D avid Jon HillCon tribsaing Edit orsGary 1. Alexander, D ibar K. Aparrian,Robert C. Boraker. W illiam F. Dankenbring, Charles V. Dorothy. Jack R. Elliott,Dr . Vern 1. Farrow, Gunar Preibergs.

    Robert E. Genter. Paul W . Kroll , Ernest1. Marti n. Gerhard O. Marx. 1. LerovNeff. Richard F. Plache. Richard H. Sed',liacik . Lynn E. To rrance, Eugene M.Wa lter, Basil Wolverton, Clint C. Zimmerman.James W . Robinson, Copy Editor

    Pau l W . Kroll. A ,.1 EditorN eU'J BureauGene H . Hogberg, DirectorAline D unlap, Dexter H. Faulkner, P. A.George. Velma J. Johnson, Karl Karlov,David Price, Rodney A. Repp. Dona ldD. Schroeder. Charles P. v crhes, \V. R.Whikehart.Photographer!

    Larry Al tergott. Lyle Christ opherson,Hov.-ard A. Clark. Frank Clarke. Jerry ].Gentry, Ian Henderson. John G. Kilburn,Victo r Kubik. Salam I. Maidani.Regional Edit or;U. K. : Raymond F. McNa ir ; Aust.: C.Wayne Cole; S. Africa: Ernest W illiams;Germany: Frank Schnee; Philippines:Gerald 'V'aterhouse; Switzerland : Colin

    \'V'ilkins; Latin America: Enr ique Ruiz ,Albert ]. Ponune. Business ,\lal/tlger

    Circulation Ma,ragerIU. S. A .: H ugh Mauck; U. K.: Cha rles F.Hunting ; Canada : Dean '' (' ibon; Australia : Gene R. H ughes; Philippines: ArthurDocken; South Africa: Michael Bousfield;Latin America: Louis Gutierrez.YOUR SUBSCR IPTION has been pa id byothers. Bu lk copies fo t distributi on not given orsold.ADDIlf(SS COMMUN ICATIONS to the Editor at theneares t add ress below:Un ited Sta tes; P. O. Box lit, Pasadena. c.ufom ia 91109.Canada; P. O . Box 44, Sta tion A , VancouverI, B. C.United K i-iedom and Europe; BeM Ambassado r,Londo n, W . C. I , England.South Africa: P. O . Box 1060. Johannesburg.Australia and Southeast Asia: P. O. Box H :l.North Sydney , N.S . W ., Aust ralia.T he Phi l ippines : P. O . Box 260}. Manila.SECON D CLASS POSTAGE paid at P a sadena, Cal ifornia.Ente red as SECOND CLASS Matt er at ManilaPost O ffice on March t 6, 1967.Registered in Austral ia for Transmission by postas a book.BE SUIlE TO NOTIFY US IMMBDIATELY of anychange in your address. Please include both oldand new address, IMPORTANT I

  • 7/28/2019 Plain Truth 1968 (Prelim No 07) Jul_w


    Jul}', 1968 The PLAIN TRUTH

    In This Issue:What Our ReadersSay Inside Front CoverPersonal From the Editor . . . . .Kenned y Assassinated .

    What It Portends 3T HIS IS WRITTEN in my hotel room,in New York City, Wednesday,June 5. This morning I wasawakened by the telephone . Mr. StanleyRader , our legal counsel and financialadviser. also in New York, was on theother end ."Robert Kennedy has been shot," he

    said. " I just awakened and turn ed ontelevision in my hotel room, to get theCal ifornia electi on returns, and heardthis ter rib le news. I thought you'd wantto turn on your TV immediately."

    Of course I did .As I write now, later in the day, it

    is not known whether Senator Kennedywill live - or what will be his cond ition , if he does.At tha t point I was interrupted, with

    guests arriving for an appointment, andkept occupied until after midnight. Itis now Thursday morn ing, and I amwriting in flight , 37,000 feet in the air,returning to our campus in England fo rthe dose of the college year and graduation , at which I am to preside .

    This morning I heard the news thatSenator Robert Kennedy is dead .President Johnson has appoin ted a

    committee, headed by Dr . Milton Eisenhower, to study the CAUSES of th ismounting eruption of violence. Assassinat ions - riots - angr y marches toooften exp lod ing into violence and killings - student rebellions - discord theworld over - revol uti ons - anarchy!

    Where will it all END?Does the future provide any hope?I could tell the President precisely

    what are the CAUSES of these things.And I can tell you very definitely whereit will all EN D - and whether thefuture prov ides any hope, and tubathope!" Is AMERICA REALLY 'SICK' ?" isa common news headline.

    " Is America coming to a POLICESTATE?" asked a nationally knowntelev ision news commentator yesterday,comment ing on the second Kennedyassassination. " I f it comes to t he pointwhere a Dictatorship is the only wayto stop th is spreading lawlessness andana rchy," he said, " then the peoplewill no longer choose their rulers-but rulers will choose what people mayand may not do - and how much free dom we mayor may not have."CBS commentator Eric Sevareid de

    nied that the United States is a sicknation . " It's hard to believe that aNATION can ge t sick, " he said . " Probably the nearest to it was Germa nyunder H itler."Germany under Hitler was a tragi

    cally misled nation - but it was not a"SICK" nat ion in the same way that theUnited States is today - and not on/)'America; most nations the world overare SICK! They are morally, spiritually,emotionally, men tally SICK - yes, andlargely sick physically, too.

    Germany under Hi tler was a viri le,uni fied nation of order and prec ision,go ing with one sata nic will in an EVILdi rection they had been deceived intobelieving was right . Why, they reasoned,wasn' t it goi ng to be GOOD for othernat ions to be rul ed and domineer ed bythe "Master Race" ?But the SICKNESS of today is a stateof breaking up from within - homesand fam ilies breaking up ; law and orderbreaking down; education gone decadent ; studen ts in revolt ; morals in th ecesspoo l; hope fo r the future aban doned; a too-large slice of the matu ringadult ge neration turned hipp ie; teenagers in the grip of drugs, alcohol,illicit and p romiscuous sex.

    That's NOT ONLY in America. It 'sin Britain , France, Germany, and Swe-

    A Crusade For San ity! 5Wh en Fish Fish - There'sSomething Fishy AboutEvolution 1 7Israel- 20 Years AfterIndependence 9Tornadoes, Violent WeatherRampage Worldwide . . . . . . 12Radio lag 14Short Questions . . . . . . . . . . . . J7TV l a g 17America's Schools - Rea lProgress? JBFrench Crisis Rocks Europe 29Bible Story 33Prophecy Comes Alivein Toda r' s World News . . . . 48

    S. Schapjro - 8 /ack StotOUR COVERRobert Francis Kennedy, in a famili arpose before a microphone, busilycampaigning toward possible Democratic nomination for the Presidency.He had said, "Every day is like playing Russian Roulette" concerningmarty threats on his life, and thepossibility of an attack by an assassin. Still, the shock waves ro lledaro und the world at yet anomerbrutal act of murder as the secondprominent Ken ned y was sho t downin less than a decade. Read the reactions from around the world, and thetrue portent of such he inous crimesin the Personal From the Editor, andthe ar ticle abou t the Kennedy assassinat ion in this issue.

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    2den. It' s around the world! It', a SICKWO RLD!Th ere is a CAUSE for every effect!There are two broad BASIC causes for

    these basic ills.Th e first has provided the soil that

    has p roduced the crop.I could teII President Johnson and

    his Committee what are the causes thathave sp rou ted this harvest of immorality, crime, violence, broken homes,hopelessness, frustration . But they willneith er find the real causes themselves,nor would the y recognize them nomatter how pla inly I state them.Th e SOLUTION is SOON COAliNG!But it will not come by presently

    constituted authorities. Th e sickness isgoi ng to be CU RED, not by our humanleaders, but in spite of them!Here, then, is the first broad BASIC

    cause that has p roduced the soil f romwhich the diseases have sprouted :

    D ECADENT, error-based, inadequateEDUCATION , and the result ant generalcondition of society it has spawned .It has commit ted the colossal crime

    of going materialistic, asswn ing that0 111)' the inte llect needs devel oping; andit has filled grow ing and maturingminds with error , inculcated a falsesense of values, encouraged pe rmissiveness, neglected to instill respect forauthor ity, fai led to develop a sense ofresponsibility. It has ut terly misunderstood human na ture, basing its psychology on the fallacy that human nature isessentially good - when human natureonly wants to be regarded as good ,while it wants to do wrong. It hasneglected totall y the development ofrighteous CHARACTER , the teaching ofmoral and spi ritua l values, the recognition and pu rsuit of the true valuesinstead of the false.Because mankind has turned fro m and

    lost all conta ct wit h his Maker , and theinstruct ion book our Maker made accessible, society has lost ITS WAY! Isaid before, there is a CAUSE for everyeffect. Society today does not knowTHE CAUS E that will p roduce PEACE.It has lost TH E WAY that wou ld producehappiness, universal and abun dant wellbeing. It is itt rebel/ion against the

    The PLAIN TRu n I\X'AY that would bring it what it reallywants - peace, happiness, abun dantwell-be ing, security. It st rives to GETthose results wh ile rebelling against theway to have them !

    Having rejected the revelation of itsMaker, humanity has lost all knowledgeof the true MEAN ING of LIFE - of thePURPOSE for our being - of where weare going, and HOW- of man' s truepotent ial. And it is breaking up thatbasic bulwa rk of any prosperous, happy,peaceful and affluent society - thehappy marriage state and the HOME !This, then, is the RESULT of a

    decadent, criminally inadequate anddest ructive system of EDUCAT ION. It isthe soil for the breeding of immo rality,dis honesty, crime, instabi lity, rebellion ,revo lu tion, irresponsibility, frustration,hopelessness.

    And, in America, we have this fertilesoil of disconte nt IN THE VERY MIDSTOF AN UNPRECEDENTED STATE OFECONOMiC AFFLUENCY! That meansthat juveni le delinquents, the rebellious,the malcontents, the criminally minded,have the economic means at theirdisposa l for their destructive purs uits.Now the second ceese - the SEED

    that now suddenly sprouts forth in amass harvest of violence and destruction .Th at second and immediate CAUSE isthe modern in fluences - especially onou r youth and ma tur ing young men andwomen of and just beyond college age.These influences are the WRONG USE

    of a too-large segment of televisiontime; the motion p ictures; the unfit reading matt er, starting with comic booksfor child ren, pornography, sex-arousingart icles, books and magazines; themod ern automobi le and its abuses,wron g pastimes and customs.Reported yesterd ay pr ivately by telephone, to Mr . Rader f rom a fellowattorney in W ashington, D.C., was ahappening of the nigh t before . T hreelieutenants of the United States Marineswere din ing in a Washington restaurantwith th ree girl friends. A group of threeor four Negroes walked in, opened fire,killing two Marine officers and wounding the other officer and one of the gi rls .T his crime was hushed up, kept almostoff newscasts and out of newspapers, lest

    J uly, 1968the arrest of the Negroes, if reported,be falsely labeled "police brutality" andstart a riot!

    In another city, a parent-teacher meeting was being held in a schoolhouse.A gang of teen-agers broke into theschoo l, and befo re the eyes of thesepa rents and teachers, proceeded to smashup and wreck the furniture.In many h igh schoo ls, even men

    teachers must walk down cor ridors twoor more together for their own protection - lest they be assaulted and beaten.It is coming to the place where oneis not safe walking down a respectablestreet , or entering a respectable restaurant - but may be assaulted, or shotand killed .W h ile my wife lay in her last illness

    mo re than a year ago, whenever I feItthe need of goi ng out for a brisk walk,she always asked : "Please don't walkout on the street. Just walk through thecampus where there is the protection ofour own securi ty patrol." And for herpeace of mind , I did .Thi s state of affairs is escalating with

    fast-accelerating momentum. It is fastapproaching ANARCHY !

    An outstanding authority on moralityin today's Amer ica was asked whethera nati on or civilization can survive thekind of situation now developing."N ot fo r long ," came the answer!Can our PLAIN TRUTH readers REAL

    IZ E that NEVER, in this present world,has society entered a condition like this?Can we SEE where it is headed ? Mustwe sleep on, stupidly supposing that ifwe ignore it, or kid ourselves conditionsare no worse than ever, that it willsomehow just go away?Th is accelerating moral cancer eating

    away at our SICK SOCIETY signals theEND OF THIS WORLD !Our marriage and HOME relationships

    are breaking up - and when a righ tand healthy HOME and FAM ILY relationship - with Dad at the helm, thechi ldren in respectful obedience, all hen oring, obeying and worshiping GODwhen this goes, CIVILIZATION GOES! Youneed to read the new special booklet on

    [Continued 011 page 45 )

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    KENNEDY ASSASSINATED-WHAT IT PORTENDSRead, in this report, the feeling expressed by many abroadabout the latest murderous assault on a public official inAmerica. Read how Americans are reacting - what theyCOULD do about it. Read, too, the real CAUSE of mountingcrime and anarchy in the Personal from the Editor in this issue .

    by Garne r Ted Armstrong

    I SAT BOLT UPR IGHT - unbe l i ev i ng !My wife had just awakened me,early W ednesday morning, with theshocking news that Senator Robert Ken

    nedy had been shot !My scalp prickled - my throat con

    stricted.Th er e was no exclamation of denial

    - no " I t can't be tru e !" I KNEW it wasaltogether possible, very horribly, terri bly true.

    Then followed another in famous, uglysession in front of American television.

    A session of TV watching that isbecoming almost habi t for Americanswithin the past few years. A session ofhorror; the unfolding of a story of bloodand chaos, of fr ight and sorrow. ofchoked newsmen , shouting policemenand ambu lance attendants, shocked relatives, and the calm, professiona l voicesof our familiar network news personalities taking us painfully through thedetails of yet another bloody act ofanarchy.

    T he Victory SpeechOnly minutes afte r making a victory

    speech to about 2,000 suppo rters in ahot , jammed ballroom at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles, SenatorRober t F. Kenn edy was shot down byan assailant in a fusillade of bull ets thatfelled at least two people, and injuredseveral.Th e would-be assassin, still clutch ing

    a .22 calibre revolver, was immedi atelyswarmed over by policemen and members of the crowd nearby. Qu ickly, hewas almost physically carr ied out of the

    corridor, where the shoot ing had takenplace, and outside toward a waitingpolice car.Bedlam reign ed. The telecast showedscreaming, pushing, shouting, frenziedcries - and near fist-fights breaking outas those closest to the fallen Senatortried desperately to insist the bystandersvacate the area, and g ive the injuredroom to breathe . Th e narrow corridorwas st ifling, from the press of so manypeople - and the hot lights of motionpicture and TV cameramen.

    But violen ce seems to breed violence; chaos spawns chaos. Shocked andstunned though they were - dozens ofpeople . almost transfixed, couldn't seemto resist the ug ly, compelling urge toSEE what had happened .Th at same compell ing urge led TV

    cameramen to KEEP their hot ligh tsburning, long after the impassionedpleas of fri ends had begg ed them notto do so. But, then, tha t' s "news."

    As the g risly truth un fo lded , thatclear Texas morning, where I had beenshocked awake on Ambassador Collegecampus - it became clear that SenatorKennedy was still alive.

    He had a bullet lodged somewhere inhis head, after having penetrated theright mastoid bone - and was in majorsurgery, by a team of several neurosurgeons, at the Good Samar itan Hospital in Los Angeles.

    For hours, as Americans awakenedthat Wedn esday morning, the TV andradio accounts droned on, repeating thet ragedy almost endlessly, as thousands

    upon thousands of new listeners andviewers clicked on their sets.

    One more violent, depraved anarchisthad struck out at the object of h ishatred . It' s almost becoming "normal"in America. Riot. Violence. Chaos . Murde r. And so beg an another yellow. soiledchapter of American history - anotherprominent American had been shotdown .

    The American ReactionQuickly, Americans reacted with pre

    dictable form. Leaders decried the violence - speculated about a conspi racy.President John son urged Americans to"drop to their knees" and pray thattheir hearts would be changed - thatthe rancor . hat red, and violence wouldbe dri ven from human hearts.

    And most just waited.Wi th bated breath, millions waited to

    hear whether the stricken Senator wasdead or alive.

    "Extremely critical" was the description heard time and again, as newsmenreported the Senator had lain in surgerymore than 3 hours; his pulse, breathing, and other " life sign s" apparently"good; ' but a bullet lodged in his brain .

    Out of surgery, the Senator was unconscious, in an intensive care room,with most of th e bull et removed, buta fr agment repo rted to be still lodgedin his head.

    Then began a time of anxious waiting . Waiting and praying .

    But a stunned nation was not to becheered by news of the Senator 's re-

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    4covery. The head wounds were gr averthan the public knew - so grave that,about 25 hours after he was felled in ahotel corridor by a hail of bullets,Robert Francis Kennedy was dead.Americans wept . Some prayed. Many

    reacted in anger, lashing out at "codd ling criminals" in our courts, anddemanding strict gun legislation .And everyone wanted, again, to knowWHY ?Millions specula ted about causes.

    From abroad, expressions of shock,anger and dismay were mixed equallywith expressions about Amer ican television , motion pictures, and the "codci ting of criminals" by our courts.Immediately, I contacted all our over

    seas offices, asking for their on-the-spotanalysis of foreign reaction . Particularly,after learning tha t the attacker, SirhanSirhan, had lived his early yout h inJordanian Jerusalem, I was interested inobtaining a d irect report from ou r jerusalem office.Here, beginning with th at report from

    Jerusalem. is a synopsis of reactionabroad, obtained from personal interviews, and foreign news media by ourcorrespondents around the world:

    Jerusalem, IsraelTh e la test event to shock and horrifya sick, violent world was the assassination of Sena tor Robert F. Kennedy.N ow here. perhaps, was thi s fel t morekeenly than in Jeru salem, with itspopulation cons is ting mainly of Jewsand Arabs, each anxiously wai ting forpeace and a return [0 normal l ife.Is rael i newspape rs carried reports o fshock, sorrow and sympathy. Th at was

    ( 0 be expected. Bu t what were peo plereally th inking ? After tal king to anumber of responsible Jewish andArab leade rs and busi nessmen in Is raeland in Israeli -occupied territory. Ifou nd tha t bo th Kennedys - Joh n andh is bro ther Rober t - we re respectedand admir ed as, probably, no other menactive in wo rld policies in recent yearshave been. I was not surp rised to heareducated Arabs admit tha t they hadactually cried when they received thenews of the murder .A young Armen ian photographer recalle d the hopes of the people herethat had been frus t ra ted when President Kenn edy was killed in 1963. Hehad ordered the Russians to leaveCuba - and they obeyed. He hadcoura ge. Unde r h is leadersh ip, it washoped, real peace could come to thi spart of the world . But a gun in thehands of an assassin dashed the hopesof mill ions.A similar miracle was expected ofSenator Robert Kennedy. An Arabcommunications worker explained thathe believed the Senator had solutions,

    The PLAIN TRUTHnot only for the Middle East problembut also for Vietnam, the race problem,and the turmoil in Afri ca. A betterwo rld, he said, was in sight - and nowanother kil ler .I asked thi s Arab, who lived in OldJeru salem, if he was aware of the factthat Rober t Kennedy had u rged theimmediat e sale of planes and arms

    to Israel. He replied tha t th is wasgoo d and he certainly had no ob jections. He exp la ined that Is rael wa ssurrounded by hostile Arab nati ons.A weak Isr ael wou ld invi te an attackwhich a strong Israel woul d forestall.He was not wor ried that Is rael woulduse thes e arms for aggressive pur poses . To insure peace until a justsettlement could be attai ned requiredtime which cou ld best be gained , hethought, by arm ing Is rael. An Ara battack now wou ld only complicatepeace in the Middle East.I found no one amo ng the Arabswho seemed the least disturbed by Mr.Kenn edy's ap pare nt pro-Israel pronouncements . Th e majority of themdismissed this as simple political expediency, designed to secure the J ewishsupport in Amer ica.I visi ted me home of S irhan Sirhan'sfather who lives in a small villagenear Ramallah . I also intervi ewed Mr .Salim Awad, the Headmaster of theschool Sirhan attended as a child inJerusalem. Mr. Awad remembered theaccused killer as a quiet, well-behavedboy who was a better-than-average student . He said he had on ce visited theSirhan famil y, and found the y werevery poor and were jammed into asingle room in a building in the Jewish qu arter of the o ld city. Th ey moved

    to America in 1957 but the fathe rreturned to the village of Tayibe andnow lives alone in tile t o-room homehe built after he returned.However, I found one opinion tobe unanimous among all that I in ter viewed - both Arabs and J ews. Al llu re certain tbat Si rhan n -as tbe 1001of some sinister organisation. Manyexp ressed conce rn that he might notlive to stand tri al where he wouldprobably reveal the identity of thosesha ring responsibili ty for the cr ime.America's epidemic of bruta l int ernalviolence is no t openly discussed bythose in the Middl e East . There is areason why America's problems getlittle sympathy in thi s area . Many ofthe smaller na tions here look uponAme rica as the wor ld's stabilizing force- a word from America and all p roblems are r ight ed. To admit that Ameri

    ca has incurab le ills is to admit tha ttheir source of security cannot be depended upo n. Raymond F. Di ckLondon, EnglandMillions in Britain have again, asa t the dea th of John F. Kennedy, beendeeply moved by the brutal assassination of Senator Robert F. Kennedy.And countless Britons, from th eQueen right on down to the man inthe st ree t, have expressed thei r horror,grief and unbelief that two prominentmembers of the Kennedy fami ly couldbe cut down in the prime of life in

    such cold blood.Immediately after Senator Kennedy's

    July, 1968death, Queen Elizabeth sent her condolences to the Kennedy family.Pr ime Minister Wilson spoke to mil lions of Britons on TV , expressing thesentiments of his fell ow countrymen.He said :"The death of Senator Robert F.Kennedy, this senseless and brutalmurder , has touched the hearts and out raged the minds of all of us in Britain.Every family here mourns wi th RobertKenn ed y's widow , with his childrenand with hi s tragic pa rents, for it isfirst a human tragedy which is themo re crue l, the more po ignant, be-cause of the assassination of PresidentJoh n Kennedy four-and-a-half yearsago. . ."But it is no t only a tragedy forone famil y, or one nat ion . It 's atragedy in whi ch we are all invo lved,for the bull ets which struck dow nRobert Kennedy .....ere a symptom ofthe attacks which in country aftercountry and in vary ing forms arebeing aime d at democracy itself. Thisis what Robert Kennedy himself condemned a few weeks ago at thefune ral o f Martin Luth er King. Whenusing the wo rds of Ab raham Lincoln,he said: 'T here can be no successfulappea l from the ball ot to the bullet.'What we are now seeing is violencebred by enem ies o f democracy andviolence, too, by those who believein democracy , but are impatient withthe way it works. Violence, as well,created by cynicism and apathy . . ."Robert Kennedy sought to givedemocratic leadership in the voice ofconciliation - conciliat ion not throughcompromise, but through courage. Hehim self can now do no more to sustain democracy or to help those forwhom he has fought. Rather , it is forus to ensu re, by our resp onse to hisdeath, that me seekin g af ter ' vio lentsolutions, the sti rring of hatred againstany man because of his race, becauseof his religi on, because of his politica l convictions, whatever they may be- that these ev il th ing s should be ou tlawed from our great democracies ;tha t because a man has died in theassertion of democracy we should notou rselves, the livi ng, become cynicalabou t democracy and liberty . Becausea man has fa llen to an assassin'sbu llet in America we shou ld not ou rselves fear for the futu re of democracyin Ame rica. Rather should we inBritain, toge ther with the peop le ofAmerica, assert our faith in democracyand Iiberry on a basis not of conflictand violence, bu t of reasoned solu

    tions."Today a wo rld mourns with hisfamily and nation the dea th of RobertKennedy. But sympa thy is not enough.W hat we cannot do- what we mustnot do - is to a llow the causes forwhich such men hav e fough t to belost, be it th rough apa thy, or cowardi ce, or compromise. I f the senseof horro r of all our people is as realas I believe it to be, then we mustjoin with the leaders of Americandemocracy in the resolve that this timea Kennedy will not have died invain."Former Prime Minister Harold Mac

    Millan referred to the Kennedy assas(Continued on page 21)

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    A Crusade for SANITY!Here's WHY your PLAIN TRUTH has no subscription price,Here's WHY thousands of people from many nations feelthey have a genuine part in CHANGING this world!

    TH IS is a wretched worl d .Every thinking man andwoman in America now knowsth at. And y OI l know it.

    Men like John Fitzgerald Kennedy,Medgar Evers, M arti n Luther Kingand Robert Kennedy are with sickeningregularity murdered for stand ing up forwhat they bel ieve. Ha rd-working, longsuffering mothers like Mrs. RoseKennedy walk alone in their gardens.Faces etched with lines of pain andgri ef. Shoulders a littl e stooped byburdens a mo ther shou ld neve r haveto bear. Eyes turned toward the g roundin helpless bewilderment.This ought 110 t be. It makes no sense

    whatever in this "Land of the free andhome of the brave,"

    Al though Almig hty God certai nlypermits our modern society to festerwith its wretched sickness, He hasrevealed a way tha t wou ld prevent allthe con fusion, the suffe ring, the hatean d violence th at we see growing aroun dus daily. And most of you realize deeplyand full y th at m a ll - the politicians ,scientists and leaders - simply doesNOT have the answer.

    The Crusade for SANITYThere is a last tr ain to sanity. It 's

    about to leave th e station . W ould youlike to get aboa rd?

    Th at may sound rat her metaphorical.But in all too many ways it is terrifyingl y tru e.

    Of course, men have always had their"crusades" and their causes in thi smixed- up, confused world. Most are verysincere in this type of th ing . So here inAmerica we have Vice-President Hu bertHumphrey trying to carry the mantle ofthe Johnson regime - claimi ng he will"u nify" the country, but be a li ttlequ icker to talk peace, pr ess for moregovernment help fo r th e N egroes andthe poor.

    by Roderick C. MeredithSenator Eugene McCarthy is almost

    a "peace at any pr ice" candida te regarding the Vietnam war. He intends,appa rently, to "out-libe ral" even Mr.H umphrey wit h vast governmen t-spending projects to help solve the prob lemsof the big cities, the Negroes, the poorand the problems of higher educationas well . O f course, M r. McCarthy hasn 'texp lained - nor have any of th e candidates - where all these vast bill ionsof dollars in gove rnmen t money arecoming from . Or if there will even bea Unite d States Go vernmen t if we don'tquit spending overwhelm ingly moremoney than we are taking into theNat iona l Treasury !

    And so it goes with polit ical candidates, theorists and "d o-gooders" herein America, Britain, France and theother na tion s as well.

    They do NOT give solu tions for theswi ftly mou nting crisis of wo rldwideFAM INE which near ly all experts agreeis now the world's numbe r one problem.They do NOT give any real solut ions tothe nuclear arms race - daily th reatening EXTINCTION of all human lif e fromoff the face of this earth ! They do noteven propose fu ll solu tions to themushrooming problems of po llutedlakes and rivers, and polluted air . Tooma"y votes IVo"ld be 10It if they did!And how many voters would literallyswitch parties if some candidate cameout wit h a ringing condemn ation ofpa rents , edu cators, pr eachers, childpsychologists and theorists for utterlyFAILING to inst ill in the new generationa deep and abidi ng respect fo r the lawsof God and man?

    Do you get the picture ?"The way of PEACE have they 110t

    k110Wl1" (Romans 3 :17) .But ou r God and Creator has RE

    VEALED a way to peace and happil1esswithin our bord ers, and for mutual re-

    spect and tranquil ity between all nationof the world .

    The proclamat ion of THAT WAY iwhat thi s W ork of God is all aboutIt is to be given to the world as"witness" just before the END of thipresent age (Ma tthew 24 :14 ) . It isliteral CRUSADE fo r SAN ITY - involvinga willingness on man's part to obethe revealed physical and spiritual LAWtha t would produce peace, happinesand uni versal pr osperity.

    The powe r of this crusa de is GROWINC migh tily - and increasing tens othousands of men and women are beginning to take part in what they see i" the last train to san ity."

    We Stand ALONEFrankl y, th is W ork is sponsored an

    endowed by NO ONE except God H imself. As the wo rk of Joh n th e Baptist

    ( ' the voice of one crying out in thwilderness " .- so this presen t Work oGod stands ALONE and set apart f romall other groups and organizations omen in proclaiming Chri st's true rnessage .

    Your Bible says in Amos 3 :7, "Surelthe Eterna l God wi ll do nothing, but hREVEALETH his secret un to his servantthe prophets." Th is Wo rk stands ALONin revealing the meaning of what itaking pl ace on the worl d scene todaand what WJLL very soon take place imajor world events ! As our longtimreaders well know, we no longer merelsay someth ing is "going " to happenbu t often th at it IS happening righnow.

    As M r. Herbert W _ Armstrong 'voice has thundered over the air fomore th an a th ird of a century, Britaiis swiftly descending in dignity andmigh t as a world power. As we havIpecifically prophesied ahead of time fodecades, the Briti sh Empi re is virtuall

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    6GONE! The grea test sea gate on earth the Suez Canal - is Roue from theBritish Empire and Western control !Events are under way tb is year prepa ringthe way for Amer ica to LOSE CO NTROLof that other vital sea gate controllingworld trade, power and influence - thePanama Canal.' Singapor e is GONE -no longer a member of the British Cornmonwealth!

    Again, as we have warned for morethan a third of a century. a UnitedStates of Europe is swiftly rising whichportends terribl e trouble for the BritishCommonwealth and American peop lesil l this generation.' \Xith the weakeningof Charles de Gaull e' s authority andthe Russian Communist hold on thenations of eastern Europe, the last tcstraints arc swiftly being removed holding back the fu ll-scale resurrection ofthe "Beast" pictured prop het ically inRevelation 17.

    A PR EPARATIONfor Christ's Retu rn

    Not ice this striking proph ecy for OURday: "Behnld, I will send yOll Eli jahthe prophet befo re the coming of thegreat and dreadful day of the Lord :And he shall turn the heart of thefathers to the ch ildren, and the heartof the children to their fathers, lest Icome and smite the eart h with a curse"(Malachi 4 :5,6) .

    This basic hut little understood prophecy obviously refers to a man or workpreparing the way for Chr ist's SecondComing at the time of God's intervention in human affairs, propheticallycalled "The Day of the Lord ."

    The work of John the Baptist was afirst and typical fulfi llment of this greatend -time Work . For Luke was inspiredto write about the work of John : "Andhe shall go before him in the spirit andpower of Elijah, to turn the heart s ofthe fathers to the child ren, and the disobedien t to the wisdom of the just ; tomake ready a people prepared for theLord" (Lu ke 1:17) . You will herenotice that Luke said John was " in theJph-it and power of Elijah," not thathe WAS Elijah . But the work was tha tempowered by the same spirit whichguided Elijah to turn Israel's eyes ofold to the true God, to help the fathers'

    Tb e PLAIN TRUTHhearts he turned to thei r children andto the preJeI"l 'dtion of th e family, andto cause many disobedi en t to begin walking in the wisdom of the just.

    Mr. Garner Ted Armstrong makesT he WORLD TOMORRO\x broadcast foreUfY day - seven days a week. He doesthese - as many hundreds can testify,who have watched him, impromptll andwith 110 script and of ten with only afew minut es dir ect preparation exceptfor his of Bible study, prayer, contact with God , and vast experience.

    When you hear him, then , impromptu, speaking from the heart thewonderful God-inspired analyses, solutions and real ANSWERS to the problemsof datin g, courtship, marriage, childrearing and such basic issues dealingwith the preservat ion of the family do you realize that Bible prophecy isbeing ful fi lled in your very cars?WH ERE EI.SE on this earth can yOliobtai n real ANSWERS to such basic questions as: "W hy did God let T immydie ?" And the problems of human suffering, war and the fact that only aVERY FEW arc being called to any kindof "Christian" salvation in this agewhen you consider that most of theearth is Communist, pagan or at bestagnostic?

    Again, you read in The PLAI N TRUTHthe real MEAN ING of such current problems as the "Hippie Movement," thejangling discordant "music" we areforced to end ure, the chaos and "I"hcaval in modern un iversities and education. As you read these things - andthe JpCCifiC mid detailed prophecies forthe future - don't you realize deepwithin yourself that there is NO PLACEELSE on earth today where this unde rstanding is made available ?

    Increasing thousands do feel this way.They have become "Co-Workers" withus and u-itb Cbrist, in this vast, world wide Work of God . That is WHY yourPLA IN TRUTH has no subscription price.That is WH Y there is no whining, begging, nagging, pleading or even hintingover The WORLD TOMORROW broadcast for money or financial help of anysort. So far as we know, we stand completely ALONE in this God-inspiredpolicy, too I

    Ju ly, t9 68Why God's Work GROWS

    God 's Work is mllltipl)'ing in powerand effectiveness every few years,How ' It has hem made possible onlythrough the combined efforts of thouJd1JdJ of CO-WORKERS whom God hascalled to help financially support thisgreat Work .

    In the earlier days of Mr . Armstrong's ministry, he alone was able toreach only a handful of peop le throughhis preaching. But as the number ofdedicated Co-Wo rkers, who voluntarilygave their tithes and offerings, increased, so did the scope and powerof God 's Work. This Work of Godhas continued to grow at the fantasticrate of 30% a year. Th at means itDOUBl.ES approximately every 22 years!

    Today Mr. Armstrong' s effo rts aremultiplied millions of times throughthe modern miracles of rad io and theprinting press.

    Over 50 million watt s of radio poweris purchased every week. Between threeand four million people will read1,250,000 PLAIN TRUTH magazinespr inted this month in our giganticprinti ng facilities. Nea rly 90,000 students are studying their Bibles withthe Amhassador College Bible Correspondence Course worldwide! Andthree Ambassador Colleges - Pasadena,Californ ia; St. Albans, England; BigSandy, Texas - are training add itionalmen and women so desperately neededin God 's g rowing Work.

    All this obviou sly costs money! Andit has all been made possible throughthe financia l support of a comparativelyfew tho/nand Co-Workers who have,OF TH EIR OWN ACCORD, decided theywanted to have a part in helping topreach and publi sh God's warning message as a witness to all nations!

    What IS a "Co -Worker"?God 's prophets and leading ministers

    have alway! had disciples, helpers and"Co-Workers" in carrying out theirmission . Mention of the latter is especially p revalent in the New Testament.

    Notice: "W e then, as WORKERS together with him, beseech you also thatye receive not the grace of God

    (Continued on page 31)

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    WHEN FISH FISH--There's Something Fishy About Evolution!

    There is something decidedly "fishy" about evolution! Evolu-tionists have an impossible task explaining how FISH evolved;but when it comes to explaining a FISHING fish, equipped withrod and bait - evolutionists flounder . Read, in this article,about some of the strangest creatures known to man; theANGLER fish - and the hopeless snarl for evolutionists asthe y evade the " reel" truth!

    by Garner Te d Armstro ng

    EVEN THOUGH there are many wildlydifferent theories for the origin oflife in the ideas of evolution ists,the one preponderant doctrine is that alllife originated in the sea.

    High school and college texts aboundwith the monoton ous stories about warmoceans. trilobites, brachiopods, algae, andfish. Th e pictures look impress ive. Th etex ts sou nd authori tat ive - on the surface.

    But precious few student s rea llyST UDY into the questions of evolut ion.Most just casua lly take for granteduhat the book says, and swallow thestory, hook, line and sinker.Few are taught, for example, th atscientists claim anyth ing from cracksin rocks, polka-dotted air bubbles, dryland, extreme heat, extreme cold or anoscillation between the two, as well asthe sea for the "crad le" of life. Perhapsfew care.

    But in the d ramatic tales told 10 evolutionary textbooks, there are far MOREdramatic stories left out. Reading ofthe supposed geologic succession ofstrata; of the "Devonian" age of fishes- the artists' drawings and broad ,sweeping claims of evolution seems veryimpressive to young. impressionableminds.

    But if evolution is correct - and ifman EVOLVED - then where is theproof?

    I f our minds, which we like to thinkof as a logical, questioning, reasoning,thinking apparatus, eoolred, thenshouldn' t the very process by which ourminds "evolved" SEEM AT LEAST PAR

    TlALty LOGICAL to our logical minds 'Strangely, there is very litt le "logic"

    in evolut ion.But the re is a great deal of FAITH .In past articles in Th e P LAIN T RUTH

    magazine, we have shown the great,gaping holes in the theo ries of evolutionists - totally unanswerable, insurmountab le problems which de feat thetheory. Once in a while, we receive aletter from a disgruntled atheist whoDISAGREES with an article. But NEVERhave we received a scientific EXPLANA-TION for the many great problems presented. Never have we received a point .by-point refut ation of the truths wehave publisbed .

    In this article, you'l l read of some ofthe most astounding creatures alive and read of the UPSETTING facts whichbewilder and confuse evolutionists. Butfirst, remember - evolution is aT HEORY .

    Wben To Alter a Theo ryIt SHOU LD be an honest and correct

    method of research that each theory isaltered to admit new [acts; but not soin the case of evolution ,

    You see. a scientist first may observecertain " things" which he calls "phenomena:' Wary of calling anything bythe label of "truth" or even a facsimile,such as " fact," the evolutionist uses themore modern, acceptable term, "data,"in his research.

    Postulating that such and such is "so,"based upon observing certain phenomena - the scientist collects his "data ."Facts.

    There is a LAW, however - and it ia moral and trtl/h jul law that, whenevea theory or postulate is contrary to observed and proven FACTS, then thatheory MUST BE ALTERED TO ADMISUCH NEW FACTS. The theory must aways ALLOW THE NE W EVIDENCE.

    But if evidence - if FACTS - DIRECTI.Y CONTRADICT the theory, then ththeory MUST BE D1SCAROED AS UN TRUE

    As we have shown in many pasarticles - this is not done in evolutionary thinking. Rather, mountainoupiles of evidence. facts, data, and measurable, observable, provable TR UTHS arswept aside, ignored, or glossed over as the FACTS are continually alte red tfit the them')'.' Believe it or not, evolution is one of the greatest HOAXEever foisted on an unsuspecting world- and it has come to deeply permeatthe whole of modern educat ion, andwith it, society.

    You want proof ?Then take a look at a fish evolutio

    CAN NOT explain.T he Angler Fish

    Everyone knows about man's dependence on "fishing" for survival. Manwho le nations subsist almost entirelon catches of fish. Exporting fish is thmainstay of trade in country after country.

    At one time or another. almost everyone goes fishing.

    But most people are unaware thafish fish. That's rigbt, fiJ h "go fishin'too.

    There are some two hundred and

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    twenty-five different species of FISH thatfish - called, because of their built-infishing poles, "angler fish ."

    The angler is perhaps one of the mostgrotesque of all creatures. His face,from the huge seventy-pounder on record, to the tiny dwarf anglers measuringonly a few inches, is enough to givethe sturdiest housewife pause. He mayhave enough finny appendages hangingon him that he looks like seaweed - orhe may have the mottled, craggy appearance of a rock. Many species can changecolors in only moments, from brightreds to deep greens, and back again.In all his forms, the ang ler is anythingbut a pretty fish.

    But he's even uglier and more grotesque to evolutionists. You see - theycan't explain him.

    Evolution seeks to explain how alllife forms, in their myriad complexity,their fantastic balance and interdependency - their beauty, or ugliness,EVOLVED - how grad/lally, through"resident forces" and by "natural causes"certain constructive changes took place.

    The greatest excuse of evolution isalways TIME .

    "Given enough TI ME" they reason,almost anything could happen. Butgiven BILLIONS upon BILLIONS more


    aeons than even evolutionists claim -evolution could never make a bird'sfeather out of a loosely hanging, frayedscale. And it cannot, given its ownrules, principles, and scientific methods,explain a ludicrous fishing pole hanging out of a fish's head.

    The idea is that changing environments weed out those that were notgenetically equipped to alter themselvesto fit in with these new conditions."Survival of the fittest," though badlybattered in its orig inal Darwinian form,is nevertheless still one of the bases ofevolutionary reasoning. In effect, it is"progress or perish" in the evolutionaryscheme of things.

    But here is the problem.Anglers are terrible swimmers. Actu

    ally, they prefer to sidle, or "walk"along the rocks by means of their ugly,elbowed pectoral fins, rather than"swim."

    As such, they have a terrible problem"catching" some other kind of fish. Theyslowly "paddle" about, or crawl. But didthey develop that way? From whatoriginal state? D id they formerly swimabout on the surface? At mediumdepths? On the bottom? I f an anglerfish evolved - he evolved FROM someoriginal state - a "pre-angler" of sometype.

    Ju ly, 1968But let's think about this a little

    furt her.Let's imagine, in our mind's eye

    the very first would-be angler fish. Hedidn 't "angle" because he didn't yet havea bony membrane, with a fleshy "worm"dangling from the end of it, growingright out from between his eyes.Whether evolutionists would insist hewas slow, ungainly, bulky, or whetherslim, sleek and fast - he most certainlywas not yet (according to evolution)an "angler."

    Now, any fairly intelligent fishermanknows it takes a certain amount of skillto catch a fish. Fish may be dumb but they're not so dumb as so manypeople think - to many a humanangler's empty-handed chagrin.

    Let's create. then, our would-beangler. Back, back in time - billionsupon billions of uncounted aeons ago,some bizarre accident occurred wherebysome sleek, fast, well-designed fishproduced, through sudden mutation,an ugly, huge-headed, elbow-finned,slow-moving fish that looked about asmuch like a rock, or a clump of moss,as he did a fish.

    How this could be possible so stretchesone's imagination that it breaks with aresounding snap - but then, let's leapover about two dozen major difficultiesand get down to fishing stories. Theother remarkable aspects of the modernanglers can wait a few billion aeons.

    We see Freddie, the frustrated fisherman fish - a would-be angler. Herehe is; ugly, squat, slow, minus a rodand bait. He looks around.

    His eyes are different from otherfish - with rays of color extendingoutward from a tiny iris in aU directions,they resemble a small urchin, or perhapsa tiny sea anemone. They're wellcamouflaged. Unfamilia r with the bottom of the sea (he had been a sleek,fast, dart ing type - easily able to eatother smaller fish, until this horribletransformation began to take place) , helunges first at this passing fish and thenat another. To no avail. His Rai lings andllounderings stir up the sand and moss- but no meal.

    You see, his whole bony structure isDIFFERENT , radically, from that of other

    (Continued on page 41)

  • 7/28/2019 Plain Truth 1968 (Prelim No 07) Jul_w


    ISRAEL20 Years After Independence

    The United Nations said " NO!" - but the Jews did it anyway .Here is an on-the-spot report from our correspondent in Jeru-salem on the Israeli Independence Day Parade - and itsreal Erne st L. Martin

    JerusalemT H E Israeli Independence DayParade has passed without incident. In spite of the UnitedNa tions Security Council's condemnation, the festivities have gone on. ToJews, May 2nd is their day - a day forwhich they had been waiting nearly2000 years.

    The Military Parade was not a simple

    Independence Day celebration. It hadgreater psychological implications for theJewish people. It was nothing less thana demonstration of their victory overtheir Arab neighbors in the Six DayWar. In the parade were many capturedweapons. As one Jewish observer stated :"It was the Russians ( inadvertently)who stole the show." Captured Soviet

    weapons were prominently displayedOver the skies of Jerusalem flewRussian supersonic MIG 21 among 30odd aircraft. Some of the captured equipment were modern weapons little knowin America and Europe. There wehigh ly sophisticated Russian anti-tanand anti-aircraft missi les as wellmodern 130 mrn . artillery pieces o

    Israeli vehicles move past reviewing stands during 20 th Ann iversary Parade .Ambouodor Coll e ge Pholo

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  • 7/28/2019 Plain Truth 1968 (Prelim No 07) Jul_w


    Jul y, 196B The PLAIN TRUTH 11

    display. T his was clearly a formaldeclaration that the victory of last summer was an accomplished fact.T he year 1967/68 has been acknowl

    edged by Jews as significant. This yearmarks the 50th anniversary sinceGeneral Allenby of the British Armyfreed Palestine from Turkish control.The British there afte r permitted Jewsfrom all over the world to makePalestine thei r national home. Th e consequence of thi s permission led to theemergence of the Israeli State in 1948.Th is present year, with all Jeru salemunder Jewish control, is considered bysome Jews as something approachingthe Jubile e significance of the OldTestament. The actual Jubilee was aproclaiming of liberty to all the inhabitants of Palestine every :;0 years every man was to return to his familyproperty (Lev. 25 :10). The year1967/68 is the year when most Jewsreckon they have returned once moreto Jeru salem and to their long-lostproperty.This year is also reckoned as impor

    tan t because the Israel i State is, on thisday, twenty years old . The Indepen dence Day parade, wh ich we witnessedtoday, was in commemoration of thatanniversary. In ancient times a youngman became of age - able to go to war

    and assume manly responsibi lities whe n he became twenty (Num. 1:2,3 ) .Today, our \V ORLD T OMORROW television team filmed much of their 20thann iversary celebrations. Israel is , with aun ited Jeru salem under Jewish control,arc feel ing "o f age" among the nationsof the world .

    Un like most othe r emerging nations,however, the Jews have waited almost2000 years for this day. Many of themassume that the great Messianic periodmentioned in the prophecies of the OldTestament is near occurring . DavidBen-Gu-ion, former Prime Minister andone of the architects of the modernIsraeli Stat e, said in an Independenceeve speech, that what Jews see in Israel" is the vision of Messianic redemption."The time is now set, numerous Jewsth ink, for the consolation of Israel asmentioned in the prophets. Th ere istalk that on the hori zon is the realMessianic Age with the bui lding ofa new Temple in Jerusalem. Jews recog nize many problems in thi s final task of restoration, butto thi s cnd the peop le are trainingthei r eyes.

    Despite the Jewish flush of victory,much is yet to happen in the Midd leEast. W ar is nut over in that part of

    the world . Before the real prophesieperi od of redemption for Is rael anJuJah can come, your Bible showmomentous event s involving all nationare to occu r in Palestine - in the nexfew years.

    The present Jewish State in Palestinis not the final return of Israel mentioned so much by the pro phets. Therare )'et to occur the terri ble times mentioned in Zechariah 11 :117. Foreigtroops will yet stand on Jewish soiAfter that calamitous pe riod the Housof Jud ah will fina lly mourn for Himwho was pierced to save them fromsin {Zech. 12: 10 ). And then, onlafter that great mourning, will eternarestoration set in for Palestine and thwhole world (Zech. 14:8-21) .Keep your eyes on Palestine

    Jerusalem in particular. Event s arspeed ing up toward the time whereal redemption will come to JudahIsrael and the whole world. Onlythat time will Jerusalem once again bcalled the Holy City of God , no lungetrodden down of the Genti les. Onlythat t ime will the Jews learn that itnot independence they need, but dependence on the God whom they have diobeyed and rejected, but who died tpay the penalty of their personal annational sins.

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    Tornadoes, Violent WeatherRampage WorldwideViolent, upset, record-breaking weather has once aga in lefta trail of death and destruction. WHY do things like this occur- and what does it mean to YOU? This article from on-thespot in the hardest hitarea-northeastern Arkansas-tells you.

    by Eugene M . Wa lter

    Nettl eto n Schoo l in Jo nesbo ro, Arkansas - hit by a de vastating tor na do .Chris/oph"rJon _ Ambo uo dot College

    SXTY.SEVEN tor nadoes rip througheleven states in twenty-four hours.Incidents of severe weather suchas hail, damaging winds and tornadoestotaled 146. More than seventy personskilled and 1000 injured. W ell over1000 homes destroyed and many timesthat number damaged in various degrees.Propert y damage to homes, schools,businesses, crops and livestock in mu ltip le millions of dollars.These were the gr im statistics as the

    latest streak of violent weather ravagedthe world, and especially the U. S. fromTexas to Minnesota and from Iowa toOhio.Hardest hit was the state of Arkansas

    and its northeastern un iversity city ofJonesboro .

    fa r bigger question was loom ing in theminds of many. It was a question thatwas largely going unanswered . Thatquestion was simply : W HY?

    T he BIG Question"People here are wondering why,

    WH Y , WHY things like th is happen,"an old man whose childre n's homes hadbeen destroyed said to us.He re in the "Bible belt" people talk

    about Go d - especially in a time ofdisaster. But they don' t und erstandGod's Plan and Purpose. Th ey don'tsee that God is tell ing them that someth ing is wrong - that they are sinninv ,

    Many feel smug, complacent and selfrighteous. Th ey think they are not sinning because they don 't know what sinIS. They are judging themselves by tbeirdefinition of sin instead of God's defi nition given in the Bible. GOD definessin. It' s exp lained in ou r f ree bookleton The T en Comendments.

    Bu t W hy Jonesboro ?But why did God choose Jonesboro

    to give H is warn ing ? Is it the mostcrime-filled, vice-infested, slum-riddencity in America ?

    No t at all!It is a very beautiful little city

    Death In the N ig htAssured that they were safely out of

    the severe weather area, many Jonesbororesidents were watching TV , p reparingfo r bed , or were engaged in similarevening activities. But all of a sudden,between 9:30 and 9:45 p.m., a tornado(some say they saw two) smashed intothe southeast section of the city.

    News of the disaster sp read quicklyto unaffected parts of the city and toothe r communities. Wi th a speed, cooperation and spirit of service that wastruly commendable, students from Arkansas State Un iversity in Jonesboroand private citizens joined with thepolice and Na tiona l Guard to help inany way they could .As morn ing came, the terr ible story

    of WHAT happened - the grim factsand statistics - slowly un folded. But a

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    1(27,000) - clean and quiet. And itresidents are most friendly and hospitable.

    But the fact still remains that it -like every other American villagetown and city - is filled with whaGOD says is sin.

    What happened to Jonesboro and theother Midwestern towns and cities thawere hit by tornadoes is but a smalwarning of what's ahead for all ouvillages. towns and cities - includingYOURS - if we don't change OUf waysAnd nationally the people seem to bsaying they won't l

    But you as an individual can changeyour ways. If you do, God promises youprotection in the perilous days ahead(write for OUf free article "There Is aWay of Escape") .

    Learn another lesson from the tragedyat Jonesboro.

    Planning to SurviveAs we stood on the heap of rubble

    that was once his home, one man sadlytold us his story. He had heard on TVthat the tornado was headed his wayBut, he said, "I thought it was just oneof those things that always happenssomewhere else ." So he just kept sittingHe didn't believe that it could happento him - unt il he found himself blownover his neighbor's house while stilsitting in his chair, his own house nowa rubble heap and his family dead.

    Another man said: "1 knew it waheading this way because the lightswent out." But he wouldn't take awarning. He just lit up a gas lamp instead and was reading a comic bookas the wind lifted his house from itsfoundations and smashed it down in alot across the street. Somehow. hesurvived.

    But there was also the family thabuilt a storm cellar seven years ago -while the neighbors laughed and scoffedAs the storm approached, they quicklywent into the cellar and received protection. Every house on the block wasdemolished - including their ownTwelve of their neighbors were deadand many more seriously injured. Theyescaped bodily unharmed.Now what about you - can YOU take

    a warning ?

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    14 rs- PLAIN TRUTH

    RAD 10 LOGJ uly, 1968


    WOR - New York - 710 kc., 11:30p.m. Sun.WHN - New York - 1050 kc. 11:30p.m. Sun.WHAM - Rochester - 1180 kc., 10:30a.m. Sun.WWVA-W heeling, W . Va. - I I70kc. 98 .7 FM , 10:30 a.m., 8:30 p.m .Sun ., 5 a.m. and 8:30 p.m. Mon.-Fri.WRKO - Boston - 680 kc., 98.5 FM.6:30 a.m. Sun.WBAL - Balt imore - 1090 kc., 8:30a.m. Sun.*WRVA - Richmond - 1140 kc., 10:30p.m. Sun. , 10 p.m. Men-Sat.WPTF - Raleigh, N . C. - 680 kc.,94.7 FM, 9:30 a.m. Sun., 1:30 &10:30 p.m. Mon..Fri ., 10;30 p .m. Sa t.WBT - Charlotte. N . C. - 1110 kc.,11:05 p.m. Sun., 8 p.m. Mon-Pri.

    Ce nf ra l StafosWLAC -Nashville-1510 kC, 6:30 a.m.Sun., 5 a.m. Mon.-Sat ., 7 p .m. daily.WSM - Nashville - 6 50 kc.,9 p.m. Sun .*WCKY - Cincinnati - 1530 kc., 7.9:30 p.m. Sun., 5 a.m. Mon -Fei., 5:30

    a.m. Sat. , 12 midnight Tues-Sun .WLW - Cincinnati - 700 kc., 7 a.m.and 11:05 p.m. Sun.WJJD - Chicago-t t 60 kc., 11 a.m . Sun.WISN -Mi lwauke e, W is. - t t 3D kc.,9 a.m. Sun.KSTI> - Minneapolis-St. Paul - 1500kc., 8 a.m. Sun., 5 a.m. Men-Sat.KXEL - Waterloo - 1540 kc., 8 p.m.Sun ., 9:30 p.m. Mon .-Sat .KXEN - St. Louis - 1010 kc., 10:30

    a.m . & 4 p.m . Sun., 7:15 a.m . & 12noon Mor t-Sat.Sou r h

    KRLD - Dallas- l 080 kc., 8:10 p.m.(o r before or afte r ball game) dai ly.W FAA - Dallas- 820 kc., 10:45 p.m.Mon.-Sat.KTRH - Houston-740 kc., 7:30 p.m.Sun.Fri.WOAI - San Antonio, Tex. - 1200 kc.,t o:15 p.m. Me n-Sat.K\"(fKH - Shrevepor t - 1130 kc., 94.5FM, 10: 30 a.m. & 9:30 p.m. Sun.,1 p.m. & 9:30 p.m. (o r orafter ball game) Mon-Fri., 11:30a.m. & 11:30 p.m. Sat .WNOE - New Orleans - 1060 kc.,9:30 a.m. Sun.KAAY - Little Rock - 1090 kc., 9:30a.m., 7:30 p.m. Sun., 5:15 a.m., 7:30p.m. Mon.-Sat .WGUN - Atlanta - 1010 kc., 4 p.m.Sun., 11 a.m. Men-Sat.WAPI - Birmingham - 1070 kc., 10a.m. Sun.WMOO - Mobile - 1550 kc., 10:30a.m. Sun., 7 a.m. Men-Sat.WINQ - Tampa - 1010 kc., 12 noonMon.-Fri., 12:10 p.m. Sat. Sun.KRMG - Tulsa -740 kc., 10 a.m. Sun.XEG - 1OjO kc., 8:30 p.m. dail y. (CST)

    ""Asterisk indicates new station or timechange.

    "The WORLD TOMORROW "Mounro ln 5rO'05

    KOA - Denver-850 kc.9:30 a.m. Sun.KSWS - Roswell, N. Mex. - 1020 kc.,6:30 a.m. da ily.X ELO - 800 kc., 8 p .m. dai ly. (MSn

    We d CoodKIRO - Seattle - 710 kc., 10:30 p.m.Men-Sac , 5:30 a.m. Tuea-Sat.KRAK - Sacrame nto - 1140 kc., 9 p .m.dai ly.XERB - Lower Cali f. - 1090 kc., 7p.m. dai ly.


    WBMD - Balt imore - 750 kc., 12:30p.m. daily.WPEN - Phil adelphia - 950 kc., 7a.m. Sun., 5:30 a.m. & 6:30 p.m.Men-Sat.WP IT - Pittsburgh - 730 kc., 101.5FM, II a.m. Sun ., 12 noon Mon.Fri ., 1:30 p.m. Sat.WMCK - Pittsburgh - 1360 kc., 12:30p.rn. daily.WHP - Harrisburg, Pa . - 580 kc., 7:30p.m. daily.WJAC - Johnstown, Pa. - 850 kc.,7:30 p.m. daily.WSAN - Allen town, Pa. - 1470 kc.,8:30 p.m. Sun., 6:4 5 p.m. Mon. -Fri .,7: 15 p .ru. Sat.WSCR - Scranton, Pa . - 1320 kc.,12:30 p.m., 7 p.m. daily .\'

  • 7/28/2019 Plain Truth 1968 (Prelim No 07) Jul_w


    July, 1968 The PLAIN TRUTH

    RAD IO LOGKFVS - Cap e Girardeau, Mo. - 960kc., 9 :15 a.m . & 7:30 p.m. Sun .,7 a .m. Men-Sat.KWTO - Spri ngfie ld, Mo. - 560 kc.,6:30 p.m . daily.KFEQ - St. Joseph, Mo. - 680 kc., 7p.m. daily.KUDL - Kansas City, Mo. - 1380 kc.,9 a.m. & 11 p.m. Sun., 5:50 a.m .Men-Sat.KFSB - Jop lin, Mo. - 1310 kc., 6:30p.m. Sun ., 12:30 p.m . Mon -Sar.W IBW - Topeka, Kans . - 580 kc.,9 a.m. Sun ., 9:30 p.m. Men-Sat .KFDI - Wichi ta, Kan s. - 1070 kc.,10 a.m. Sun ., 10 p.m. Men-Sat .KFH-Wichita, Kans .-133 0 kc., 100.3FM, 9:30 a.m. Sun., 6:30 p.m. Mon. .Sat.KBEA - Missio n, Kans. - 1480 kc., 7p.m. daily.KGG F - Coffeyville, Kans . - 690 kc.,6 tr.m. daily.KUPK - Garden City , Kans. - 1050kc., 97.3 FM, 12:1 ; p.m . Sun., 12:30p.m. Men-Sat .KXXX - Colby, Kans . - 790 kc.,11: 30 a.m. Sun. , 8 :30 a.m. Men-Sat .WMT -Ceda r Rapids - 600 kc., 11:30a.m. Sun .KMA-Sh enandoah, Ia .- 960 kc. 8:30p.m. daily.WOC - Davenport, la o - 1420 kc., 9p.m . Sun., 10 p.m. Mon.-Sat.KGLO - Mason Ci ty, Ia . - 1300 kc.,7:30 p.m. Sun., 6 :30 p.m. Men-Sat.KQRS - Mi nneapolis - 1440 kc., 92.5FM, 10 a.m. Sun., 6:30 a.m. Mon..Sat.KRS I - Minneapolis - 950 kc., 6:30p.m . daily.WEBC-D u luth, Minn.-S60 kc. 6:30p.m . daily.WNFL - Green Bay - 1440 kc., 5p.m. Sun., 6:30 p.m . Men-Sat.WSAU - Wausau , Wis . - 550 kc., 7p.m. Sun., 7:05 p.m. Men-Sa t.WCOW - Sparta, Wis. - 1290 kc., 10a.m. Sun. , 6:30 a.m. Men-Sat.KFYR - Bismarck, N. Oak. - 550 kc.,7 p.m . daily.

    Sou thKCTA - Corpus Christi, Tex. - 1030kc. 2 p.m. Sun., 12:30 p.m . Mon..Fri., 4:30 p.m. Sat .KEES - Gladewater. Tex. - 1430 kc.,12 noon daily.KTBB - Tyler, Tex. - 600 kc. 12 noondaily.KMAC - San An toni o - 630 kc., 9a.m. Sun., 7:15 a.m. Mon.-Sat .KTBC - Austin - 590 kc., 9:30 a.m.Sun., 5:30 a.m. Men-Sat.XE\VG - El Paso - 1240 kc., 9 a.rn.Sun. (i n Spanish) .KTLU - Rusk, T ex.- 1580 kc., 1 p.m.Sun .KGNC-Am arillo -710 kc.,9 p.m. da ily.KCTX - Childress, Tex. - 1500 kc.,2 p.m. Sun ., 11:30 a.m. Mon.-Fri.,12:15 p.m . Sat.KWFT - Wi l,:hita Falls - 620 kc., 4 :30p.m. Sun ., 8:30 a.m. Mon.-Sat.KFMJ - Tulsa - 1050 kc., 12:30 p.m.daily.KOME - T ulsa - 1300 kc., 12:30 p.m.,10 p.m, daily .KBYE - Ok lah oma City - 890 kc.,10:30 a.m. Sun., 12:30 p,m. Mon.-Sat.

    "The WORLD TOMORROW"KXLR - Li tt le Rock - 1150 kc..12:30 p.rn. da ily.KWAM - Memphis - 990 kc ., 10 a.m.Sun., 11 a.m. Men-Sat.WMQM - Memphi s - 1480 kc., 1p.m. Sun., 12:30 p.m. Men-Sat.WHBQ - Memphis - 560 kc., 9 a.m.Sun .WFW L - Camden, Tenn. - 1220 kc.2 p.m. Sun,WSHO-New Orleans-800 kc., 12noon Sun., 12:30 p.m . Men-Sa t.WDEF - Chattanooga - 1370 kc., 92,3FM, 7:30 p.m . daily.W BRC - Birmingham - 960 kc., 106,9FM. 6 :30 p.m . daily.WYDE - Birmingham - 850 kc.,9 :30 a.m . Sun., 7:30 p.m. Mon-Sar.WAAX - Gadsden, Ala , - 570 kc. , 12noon Sun . 12:30 p.m . Mon-Sar.WCQV - Mo ntgomery - 1l70 kc., 6:30p.m. da ily .WMEN - Ta llahassee - 1330 kc.,10:30 a.m. Sun. , 8 :30 a.m. Mon-Sar.W FLA - Ta mpa - 970 kc., 7:05 p.m.daily.W INZ - Miami - 940 kc., 9:30 p.m.dai ly.WGBS-Miami - 7 10 kc., 9 a.m . Sun .\VFAB - Miami - 990 kc., 9 a.m. Sun.(i n Spanish) .\VFIV - Kissimmee , Fla. - 1080 kc.,12:30 p.m. Sun. 7:30 a.m . Men-Sat .WB IX-]acksonville. Fla . - IOIO kc.,12:30 & 11:30 p.m daily.WE AS - Savannah, Ga . - 900 kc. 12noon dai ly,WKYX - Paducah, Ky. - 570 kc.12:30 p.m. daily.

    MountaIn StatesKPHO - Phoenix - 910 kc., 6:35 p.m.daily,KaY - Phoenix - 550 kc., 7:30 p.m.Sun., 8 p.m. Men-Sat.KCUB - T ucson - 1290 kc., 9:30 a.m .Sun ., 6 a.m. Mon-Fri., 7 a.m. Sat .KTUC - T u c s o n - 1400 kc., 8 p.m.daily,KYUM - Yuma, Ari z. - 560 kc., 2 p.m.Sun ., 6:30 a.rn. Men-Sa t.KCLS - Flagstaff, Ari z. - 600 kc.,12:30 p.m. dail y.KGGM - Albuquerqu e - 610 kc., 6 :30n.m. daily,KLZ - Denver - 560 kc., 106,7 FM,7: IS p.m. dai ly.KMOR - Salt Lake Ci t y - 1230 kc., 9a.m. Sun ., 6:35 a.m. Mon-Fri. , 6:30a.m. Sat.KPTL - Cars on City - 1300 kc., 2 p.m.Sun ., 12:30 p.rn. Men-Sa t.KBET - Reno - 1340 kc., 7 1'.01, Sun.,6:30 p.m. Men-Sat.KIOO - Boise, Idaho - 630 kc. , 7:05p.m. daily.KBOI - Boise - 670 kc., 6 :30 p.m.daily.KTFI - Twin Falls, Idaho - 1270 kc"7:05 p.m. da ily ,KSEI - Pocatello, Idaho - 930 kc., 8p.m. daily.KMON-Grea t Falls, Mont , - 56 0 kc .,8 p.m. Sun ., 6:30 p.m. Mon.-Sat.

    West Coa stKHQ - Spokane - 590 kc., 8:05 p.m.dai ly.KEPR - Pasc o, Wash. - 6 10 kc., 7p.m. da ily.

    KVI - Seattle - 570 kc . 8 a.m. Sun.KBLE- Sea td e- l 050 kc., 12 noon daily.KMO - Ta coma, Wash. -1360 kc., 8:30p.m . dail y.KARl - Bellingham - 550 kc., 6:30p.m. daily.KWH - Pordand - 1080 kc., 10 p.m.Sun., 9 p.m. Men-Sat .KLIQ - Portland - 1290 kc., 92.3FM, 12 noon & 6:3 0 p.m. Sun., 7:30a.m. Mon .-Sat.KEX - Po r tland-1 190 kc,, 9 a.rn. Sun .KGAY- S a lem - 1430 kc. 9 a.m. Sun.,6:30 a.m. Men-Sat.KUGN - Eugene- S90 kc., 7 p.m . da ily .KUMA - Pendleton, are. - 1290 kc.,6:30 p.m. dai ly.KYjC - Medford, Ore. - 1230 kc.,6:30 p.m. daily,KW IN - Ash land. are . - 580 kc., 9p.m. Sun ., 7:30 p.m. Men-Sa t.KAGO - Klamath Fa lls, Ore. - 1150kc. , 6:30 p.m . daily.::'KSAY - San Francisco - 1010 kc.,8:30 a.m. Sun ., 6:30 a.m. Mon-Sar.KFRC - San Francisco - 610 kc., 106,1FM, 7 a.m . Sun ,KFAX - San Francisco - 1100 kc. 10a.m. Sun ., 10:30 p.m. Sun.-Fri. 4: ISp.m. Men-Sat .KFIV - Modesto - 1360 kc., 9 a.m.Sun., 6 a.m. Men-Sat.KSBW - Salinas - 1380 kc., 7 p.mdaily.*KMAK - Fresno - 1340 kc., 9 a.m.Sun. , 5:45 a.m., 11:45 p.m. Men-Sat .KNGS - Hanford, Cal if. - 620 kc., 10a.m. Sun" 6 p.m. Men-Sat .KCHJ - De lan o, Calif. - 1010 kc.,8 a.m. Sun., 7:30 a.m. Men-Sat.KGEE - Bakersfield - 1230 kc., 5 p.m.dai ly.

    KDB -Santa Barbara-1490 kc. , 93,7FM, 7 p.m. daily.KRKD - Los Angeles - 1150 kc., 96,3FM 9:30 a.m., 6:30 p.m. Sun. 7 p.m .Mon-Sa r.KTYM - Inglewood - 1460 kc., 12noon Mon-Fri.KFQX - Long Beach - 1280 kc.,100.3 FM, 9:30 p.m. Sun., 9 p.m.Men-Sat.KBIG - Los Angeles - 740 kc. 11:30a.m. Sun ,KACE - San Bernardino-Riverside1570 kc. 9:30 a.m. Sun ., 7:05 a.m.Men-Sat.KCKC - San Bernardino - 1350 kc.,9 p.m. daily.KMEN - San Bernardino - 1290 kc.,6 a.rn. Sun.KCHV - Palm Springs - 970 kc., 6:30p,m. daily,KOGO - San Diego - 600 kc., 8:30p.m. Sun .XEMO - Ti juana - 860 kc., 6 p.m.daily.KALl - Los Angeles - 1430 kc., 4 :45p.m. Sun . (in Span ish) .

    Alaska & HowoUKFQD - Anchorage, Alaska - 750 kc"7:30 p.m. daily.

    (C otltinued on nex t page) u

  • 7/28/2019 Plain Truth 1968 (Prelim No 07) Jul_w


    16 Tb e PLAIN TRUTH J uly , 1968


    OkInawaRADIO GUAM -KUAM - 610 kc., 6p.m. Sun .

    RADIO OKINAWA - KSBK - 880kc ., 12:06 p.m. Sun.Bangkok

    HSAAA - Bangkok, Thailand - 600kc., 9:30 a.m . Sun., 10:05 p.m . Mon .Sat .

    In French -CFMB -M o ntrea l - 1410 kc., 5 p.m.Sat., Sun .CKJL - St . Jerome, Que . - 900 kc.,10:30 a.m . Sun.CKBL - Matane, Que. - 1250 kc.,10 :45 a.m. Sat., Sun.


    LATIN AMER ICAIn Bnglisb >-:ZBM 1 - Ham ilton. Bermuda - 1235kc., 8 p.m. Sun .ZBM 2 - Hamil ton , Bermuda - 1340kc., 2:30 p .m. Mon-Sar.ZFB 1 - RADIO BERMUDA - 950kc., 1:30 p.m. dai ly.RADIO ANTILLES - Montserra t, W.I. - 930 kc., 6:30 p.m. dail y.RADIO BARBADOS - Pine Hill,Barbados - 780 kc., 10:30 a.m . Sun.,9:30 a.m. Mon.-Fri ., 11 a.m. Sat.RADIO SURINAM - Paramaribo 620 kc., Be tween 7 and 8:30 p.m.or Noon and 1:00 p.m . dail y.RADIO REDIFFUSJON - Bridgetown,Barbados - 9:30 a .m. Sat . & Sun .,10:20 a.m. Mon.-Fr i.RADIO GUARDIAN, Trinidad - 6,' 5p.m . Sun ., 10 p.m. Men-Sat .

    HOC21 - Panama City - 1115 kc.:HP5A - Panama City - 1170 kc.:HOK - Colon, Panama - 640 kc.;HP5K - Colon, Panama - 6005 kc.-7 p .m. Sun.RADIO BELIZE (Br it is h Honduras)- 834 kc., 3:30 p.m. Mon.-Fri.In French-4VBM - Port au Prince, Haiti - 1430kc., 7:45 p.m. 'Wed .4VGM - Port au Prince, Hai ti - 6165kc., 7:45 p.m. Wed .RADIO CARAIBES - St. Lucia, W . I.- 840 kc., 6:30 a.m. Mon.-Fri.Itt Spa1lish -XESM - Mexico 12, D.F. - 1470 kc.,9 a.m. Sun.WIAC - San Ju an, Pu erto Rico - 740kc., 102.5 FM , 9:30 a.m. Sun .

    RADIO ANTILLES-Montserrat, W . I.- 930 kc., 9 p.m. Wed.RADIO LA CRONICA - Lima, Peru- 1320 kc., 7 p.m. Sun.RADIO COMUNEROS - Asuncion,Paraguay-970 kc., 8:30 p.m. Thurs.RADIO ESPECTADOR CX-14- Mn ntevid eo, Uruguay - 810 kc., 2 p.m.Wed .RADIO CARVE -CXI6, 850 kc., CXA13, 6156 kc.-Montevideo, Uruguay- 3:30 p.m . Sat .For Australian and African Radio Log,write to the Editor.

    DZTR - Maka ti, Rizal - 1250 kc., 6a.m. Men-Sat.DZYA - Angeles City - 1400 kc. 8:30p.m. da ily.DZYB - Baguio City - 670 kc., 8:30p.m. da ily.DYBC - Cebu City - 660 kc., 8'30p.m. daily.

    DYCB - Cebu City - 570 kc., 9'30p.m. Fri .DYH F - Il oilo City - 910 kc., 8:30p.m. dai ly.DYKR - Ka libo - 1480 kc. 8 p.m.dai ly except Tues. 7 p.m.DXAW - Davao City - 640 kc., 9 p .m.Sun .DXMB - Malaybalay - 610 kc., 7 p.m.dai ly.

    1380 kc.:960 kc.:1540 kc.;1220 kc. :1460 kc.;Fri.

    Srd Network.ASIA

    FormosaRADIO TAIWAN "The

    B.C.C." -BED23 TaichungBED5 5 TaipeiBED78 Tainan CityBED79 KaohsiungBED82 Chiayi- 18,00 T .S.T. Wed.,Guam

    In English-MANX RADIO - 188 m. (1594 kc.)medium wave, 2:45, 7:45 p.m. Sun.,10:30 a.m ., 7:30 p.m. Mon-Sat .; 89me. VHF 7:45 p.m . Sun. 7:30 p.m.Men-Sat.In French -RADIO LUXEMBOURG - 1293 m.5:30 a.m. Mon. , 5:15 a.m. Tues., Fri. ,5:10 a.m . Thurs.EUROPE No. ONE - Felsberg enSarre, Germany -182 kc. (1647 m.},1 a.m., 5:52 n.m. Sun ., 5:37 a.m.

    Wed ., Sat .In German-RADIO LUXEMBOURG-49 m. (6090kc.) shortwave, 208 m. (1439 kc.)medium wave, 6:05 a.m . Sun. , 5:00am. Mo n., Tues., Fr i.

    MIDDLE EASTIn Englisb >-:HASHEMITE Broadcasting Service ,Amman, Jordan - 42 m. (7160 kc.)sho rtwave, 2 p.m., 31.48 m. (9530kc .) , 351 m. (8 55 kc.) medium wave,8 p.m. daily.

    'ndla a nd CeylonMALDIVE ISLANDS - 90 m. ( 3329kc.), also 61 m. band. 10 p.m. Sun .,9:30 p.m. Men-Sat.

    PhilippIne " 'and.DZAQ - Manila - 620 kc., 8:30 p.m.daily.DZAL - Legaspi City - 1230 kc., 8p.m . da ily.DZGH - Sorsogon - 1480 kc., 8 p.m .daily.DZRB - Naga Cit}' - 750 kc., 9 p.m.Sun .DZRI - Dagupan City - 1040 kc., 9p.m. Sun.

    CANADAVOCM - St. Jo hn 's, NfId . - 590 kc. ,6:30 p.m. daily.CJCH -H a lifax. N. 5. - 920 kc., 10p.m. Sun. , 9 :30 p.m . Men-Sa t.CFBC-S t. John. N .B. - 9 30 kc., 7p.m . daily.CKCW - Moncton . N. B. - 1220 kc .6 a.m. Men-Sat.CFMB - Montreal, Que. - 14 10 kc.,1:30 p.m. Sun. , 6 :30 a.m. Men-Sat.CKOY - Ottawa. On to- 1310 kc., 5 :30a .m. Mon .-Sat.CJET - Smith s Fall s, Ont. - 630 kc.,10:30 a.m. Sun., 7:30 p.m. Men-Sat.CKFH - Toronto, On t. - 1430 kc., 10a.m . Sun., 6 a.m. Mon.-Sat.CHIN - Toronto, Onto- 1540 kc., 12noon Sun., 4:15 p.m. Men-Sat.CKLB-Oshawa, 001. -1350 kc., 10:30p.m . Sun ., 9:05 p.m. Men-Sat.CHLO - St . Thomas, On to - 680 kc.,2:30 p.m. Sun ., 6 a.m. Mo n.-SatCHYR - Leaming ton, Onto - 5:30 a.m.daily at 730 kc. 6:30 p.m. dai ly at710 kc.CKSO - Sudbury, Onto - 790 kc., 5:30p.m. Sun., 6 a.m. Men-Sat.CKey - Sault Ste . Mar ie, Onto- 920kc. 6:30 p.m. daily.CJNR - Elliot Lake, Onto- 730 kc.,6:30 p.m. daily.CJNR - Blin d Rive r, Do t. - 730 kc.6:30 p.m. da ily.CJLX - For t Will iam, On to - 800kc., 6:25 p.m . Sun" 7:30 p.m . Mon.Sat.CKY - W innipeg, Man. - 580 kc., 7a.m. Sun ., 5:30 a.m. Mon.-Sat.CKDM - Dauphin, Ma n. - 730 kc.6 :30 p.m. daily.CKRM- Regina, Sask. - 980 kc., 8:30p.m . daily.CJ GX - Yorkton, Sask. - 940 kc., 8:30p.m. daily.CFQC - Saskatoon, Sask . - 600 kc.,8:30 p.m. da ily.

    CJNB - N orth Battleford, Sask. 1050 kc., 2:30 p.m. & 7:30 p.m. daily.CKBI - Prince Albert, Sask . - 900 kc.,2 p .m. Sun ., 7:30 p.m. Mon.-Fri .,8 p.m. Sat .CKSA - Lloydminster, Sask.-Alta . 1080 kc., 7 p.m . daily.CH ED - Edmonton, Alta . - 630 kc.,9:30 a.m. Sun., 5:30 a.m. Men-Sat.

    CFCW - Cam rose , Alta. - 790 kc.,2:30 p.m. Sun ., 8:30 p.m. Men-Sat.CJDV - Drumheller, Alta . - 910 kc.,10:30 a.m. Sun . 6 a.m. Men-Sat.CKYL - Peace River, Alta. - 610 kc.,5 p.m. Sun., 6 a .rn. Men-Sat.CJVI - Victoria, B. C. - 900 kc.,10:30 p.m. Sun .-Fri .CKLG- Vancouver, B. C. - 730 kc.,99.3 FM, 7:30 a.m. Sun., 6 a.m.Mon .-Sat . AM, 6:30 a.m. Mon.-Fri.FM .

    KNDI - Ho no lu lu. Hawa ii - 1270 kc.,6 a.m., 6 p.m . da ily.KTRG - Honolulu, Hawaii - 990 kc.,12 noon Sun., 5:30 p.m . Mon .-Sat.KPOl - Honolulu , Hawa ii - 97.5 FM,7 a.m. Sun.

  • 7/28/2019 Plain Truth 1968 (Prelim No 07) Jul_w


    H ERE are rhe Bibl e answers toquesrions which can be answered briefly in a short space. Send in yourquestions. Whi le we cannot promise rhar all quesrions will find spacefor answer in this depar tment , we shall try to answer all that are vitaland in the general interest of our readers.

    July, 1968


    "Are we headed fo r a time ofwo rldwide national cat ast rophes?Is this wh at Jesus meant inMatthew 24, wh en he said: 'A llthese are the beginning of sorrows.' Is the worst yet to come?"Bible prophecy speaks not only of a

    time of worsening worldwide weatherchaos affecting all nations, but it specifically singles out the peoples of theUnited States, G reat Britain and otherareas of the English-speaking world .

    God, through the pen of the prophetEzekiel, forewarned that fully one thirdof OUf people were to perish by catastrophic weather calamities and disease.Notice the startling word s of Ezekiel:"A tbird part of thee shall die with thepestilence, and with FAMI N E shall theybe consumed in the midst of thee: anda third part shall fall by the swordround abou t thee [warfare] ; and I willscatter a third part into all the winds,and I will draw out a sword afterthem [captivity and slaveryr (Ezek.5:12) .

    Ezekiel never reached the peoples ofancient Israel with th is prophecy. Th eyhad gon e into captivity well over 100years before this time. Th is prophecy isfor our peoples, the descendants of theHouse of Israel, today! Th e clear, unmistakable proof of our national identity - where our people are mentionedin Bible prophecy - may be had bywriting for our free book, The UnitedStates and British Commonwealth inProphecy.



    Why is th is complete national destruction, starting with the hammeringblows of violent weather, to come uponour land s ? ... . . because you have notlived by my laws nor followed myorders but have followed the practicesof the nations around you, therefore- it is the sentence of the Lord theEtem al - I am against you, I am; Iwill inflict punishment upon you beforethe eyes of the nations [complete ignominy that all of our enemies and hired"all ies" will view in abhorrence] , anddo to you what I have never donebefo re, a thing that I will never doagain, owing to all your detestabledeeds" (Ezek. 5 :7-9, /Hoffall translation) .

    God, who contro ls the weather andwould intervene on our behalf if we asa nation turned in utter repentance toHim, is going to allow weather disastersto hit us so hard that we learn once andfor all that it just doesn 't pay to trans-


    KWHY - Los Ange les - Channel 22,8:30 Sun.KNTV - San Jose, Calif . - Channel11, 12 noon Sun.KLTV - Tyler , Texas - Channel 7,5 p .m. Mon., 10:30 p.m. Thurs.*KTAL - Texarkana-Shreveport-Channel 6, 12:30 p.m. Sun.ZFBTV - Hamilton, Bermuda - Channel 8, 5:30 p.m. Sun.* Asterisk ind icates new station or timechange.

    17gress the commandments and laws Hegives us for our good.

    Wi th the weather, God blesses orcurses a nation (see Job 37 :1-13, andNahum 1:3-4) . He told our forefathersafter He had rescued them from theslavery of Egypt , that if we were obedient to His Laws, He would be with usin our national development - and theweather would be one of our greatestblessings . D isobedience on the otherhand would bring nothing but drought,misery, hunger and every frightful curseund er the sky. Read this for yourself inLeviticus 26 and Deuteronomy 28.

    Most Bible prophecy is dual. Thehorrible penalties of disobed ience listedin these two chapters, and also the firstchapter of Joel, not only are propheticfor the near future (compare Lev.26:23 and Deul. 28:64 with the latterpart of Ezek. 5: I 2 - practically thesame wording) , but they were inflictedupon ancient Israel exactly as pred ictedwhen they rebelled against God.

    One amazing account of ancientIsrael's destruction has been preservedfor us by the Greek historian Dionysius,a native of Halicarnassus. Born around54 B.C., Dionysius went to Rome about30 B.C. He specialized in the study ofthe early peoples who dwelt on theshores of, and controlled the sea routesof, the Mediterranean. Among his manywriti ngs, Dionysius commented onevents surrounding the time of the fallof the House of Israel.

    Our ancestors anciently controlled thesea - just as they do today. For thatreason Dionysius called the ancientIsraeli tes who settled on the shores ofthe Mediterranean "Sea Peopl es" Pelasgians in Greek.

    Note what Dionysius says about thesepeople :"The Pelasgians" - the ancient

    Greek name for the House of Israe- "after conquering a large and fertileregi on , taking over many towns andbuilding others, made great and rapidprogress, becoming populous, rich andin every way prosperous. Neverthelessthey did not long enjoy prosp erity, butat the moment when they seemed toall the world to be in the most flourish-

    (Continued on page 45)

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    AMERICA'S SCHOOLS-Real PROGRESS? or Gimmicks, Gadgetry,

    and Galloping INNOVArION?The clamor for educational CHANGE in the past decade hasbecome a SIDESHOW. The magic word of the barkers is" INNOVATION"! Educationists are engaged in a diz zyingthree-ring binge of EXPERIMENTATlON! But what has itproduced? Where is it leading? This article explores the currentnational preoccupation with EDUCATIONAL INNOVATION!

    by Vern L. FarrowHHEREe are folks - on the'Education Midway"! It' sbigger than ever! And it's

    fu ll of gl ittering gimmicks, gadgets,and games for all, so H URRY ! H URRY !HU RRY! Don 't m iss out ! Everyone canplay'"Step right up c- c who's first? You

    over ther e - you say we 've go t to trainmore scientists faster ? Right! We havehere just the thing for you - schoolsj01 babies.' Yes sir - schools fo r babiesfrom three / 0 t u-eive m onths of age!And , i f th ey'r e already overcrowded,wait a year and try our new 'm inischoo ls' for two- to fou r-year-olds."Sign your ch ild up righ t away. It 's

    a surefir e way to get a head start on hisPh .D . '"All right now -who 's next ? You

    the re young man, you say you 're havingtroub le with ari thmetic? That's a snap!W e'v e got a package fo r that. W e'vegot modern math programmed into acomputer right in the classroom foryou. You can talk to the comp ute r toyour heart's conte nt from the first graderigh t on up . W e've got the latestelectronic hardware. That's the way wedo it in the space age !"All you first graders - step right

    up ! You say you want to learn aboutyour world ? We' ve go t another packagefor tha t! Here it is - a thr ee-year studyof evolution, primate behavior, and thecultures of primitive bunters andgatherers ,I"Yes sir! Th e finest min ds available

    have designed a scint illat ing social

    stud ies curriculum for you . It goes likethis -"Your ent ire first grade year will

    be devoted to a study of the Ne tselikEskimo. Exciting ! You bet ! But tha t' sonly the beginning. W hen you're asecond grader you will spend the yearcomparing the Bushman of the Ka lahariDesert and the Australian aborigines.Th en, with this background you will beready to really concentrate your thirdgrade year on the intr iguing problemsof Boolnt ion by comparing the behaviorof frce-ranging primates (especiallybaboons and ch impanzees) with prehistori c cavemen ! We guarantee whenyou finish our program you will be afull -fledged junior social scientist at agenine !"And so it goes. HURRY! H URRY!

    HURRY! Step right up ! Try the NEW,the DIFFERENT, the IMPRACTICAL, eventhe LUDICROUS in education today!"

    T hink It OverDoes that little satire leave you

    scratch ing your head ? Does it sound alittle weird ? \'Vell, believe it or not,every one of th e educational odd itiesyou just read about is a FACT! Every onehas been seriously proposed and mostare in actual practice righ t now!Yes, from new science, new social

    stud ies, new English curr icula to Compute r Assisted Instruction, programmedtextbooks, teaching machines, independent learning laboratories, and Educational TV, the name of the school gametoday IS "CHANGE - INNOVATE EXPERIMENT !"

    But change for what ? Innovate forwhat ? Experiment for what ? W hy th isbewildering obsession to rewrite, rearrange, reconstruct, revamp , andresearch ? W hy this compulsive attitudeof "out with the old and in with thenew" ? Wha t is behind much of therampan t innovation in education today?You need to recognize the motivationand know where the result s are surelyleading .Change Is Progress - or Is It?Is progress in education merely a

    matter of change ? To get to the rootof that question you must understandwhat the educational leadership of thi scountry believes in and how it makesdecisions. Thei r conclusions, tragically,are based on two erroneous principles.First, they believe in the Evolution

    theory. They are therefor e convincedtha t "p rogress" in every phase of lifeand culture can only be measured interms of change . They need not even beconcerned with the qllality of change,for who can know what devious adaptations and mutations may be requ iredto finally result in advancemen t ? It issufficient for them to bel ieve that theeducation system must be continnallvI/ndergoing change to be evolutionary.Second , American education rests on a

    belief in man's "perfectibility of man."Francis Keppel, former U. S. Commi ssioner of Education stated th is positionwith out qu alification when he remarked,"The educator in a democratic society. . . must come to accept the doctrineof the perfectib ility of man or must seek

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    J uly, 1968some other way of earn ing hisbread . . . . . ( Edu cation S/l f1lfnar)', February I S, 1968, p . 10 ) . Th at's almost anultimatum coming from the high estoffice of educat ional leadership in theland ! In effect he was saying, " Eitherbelieve it or get out of the teachingbusiness !"But, what is meant by the "perfectibility of man" ? Simply stated, it is an

    unswerving faith in the power of man'srationality and creative genius to p roduce a utopia. It is the doctrine whichholds that there is no limit to man 'spotenti al prog ress if he str ives to builda favorable environment in which tolive. Obviously then, changing the en-oironmen t is seen as the key to progress!

    Tbe PLAIN TRUTHDoes that sound familiar to you?

    Does it sound like echoes of a GreatSociety? Well, it should because this ph ilosophy of unboun ded hope, optimismand self-confidence has become thecreed of our leaders. And just so ineducat ion, everything that has been doneduring the past decade has been gearedto belief in the panacea of change intoday's schools.T he unfortunate result of this two

    fold error among educators is that"change" has become an end in itself.The amount of change, not the qualityof change, has become the most significant index of "progress," Too manyeducators come to believe the fictiontha t change equals progress - the refore.

    19no change, no progress! What absurdreasoning!Th e educational system which shaped

    and molded your thinking and behaviorhas indelibly stamped upon our wholenation the dogma of the right ness andNECESSITY of continual, universal, evenblind change.T . Stinnett, former assis tant executive secretary of the N ational Edu

    cation Association summa rized this flawin educational leadership . He wrote,"The basic thesis of this cult [ofchange] is that everyth ing changes without boun daries, and without much reference to chart and compass, sweepingaway all vestiges of whatever was. Th ishas been made int o . . . an ABSOLUTE

    Wollensak teaching ta pes, below, which require active student pa rticipat ion, we re authored by expe ri.enced teachers. They pro vid e individual instruction and enrich clas sroom ac tivity - if used properly.

    3M Compgnr Photo

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    "mpex Corporolio" PhotoPentagon -shaped sitting area enables 5 students to listen to instructionalmateria ls. These innovations are useful if the key factor - the teacher- is not overlooked .

    20In OU f lives, of ten by high pressureselling . . . ." (Washington Education,November, 1967, p. 6.)But do all things change? Are there

    no limits to change? Is all change reallyprogress?

    What Is Progress?It is true that progress involves

    change. But what kind of change? Bydefinition progress must involve changein the direction of BETTERMENT!Is all change progress then? The

    answer is clearly NO ! If a man's feverchanges from 101 to 105 degrees he isobviously not making progress . His conclit ion is worsening. He is regressing!

    Likewise, changes in the educationalsystem which do not produce beneficialresu lts in terms of moral and academicbetterment do not represent progress!

    Has the welter of recent change ineducation brought such beneficial resuits? What have been the fruits? Hasthere really been prog ress?Let's take a look at what has happened

    in this new era of innovation and experimentation. Let' s step behind theglitter, tune out the loud and bewitchingclaims and see what the unvarnishedtruth of the matter really is!

    Di sillusionment, Duds andDismal Failures

    Of all teaching innovations developedduring recent years, Educational TV hasperhaps become the most common addition to school life from kindergartenthrough college. The potential of ETVfor revolutionizing education has beenwidely acclaimed. Innumerable applications of great ingenuity for all gradelevels and subject matter areas havebeen produced. Vast amounts of moneyhave been expended in research, experimentation, and implementation of ETVas an instructional medium. But, whatcontribution has it made ? To whatextent has it improved and bettered theefficiency o