Українська Католицька Парафія Покровa Пресвятої Богородиці Blessed Virgin Mary Ukrainian Catholic Parish 965 Boyd Avenue – Winnipeg, MB R2X 0Z9 – (Established 1922) 25 жовтня 2015 # 42(557) October 25, Pastor Rev. Volodymyr Bashutskyy Ph: 204 582-7535 Chair Parish Executive: Stephanie Bilyj Ph.: 204 772-9132 UCWLC President: Janet Kuchma Ph: 204 582-5932 Men's Club President: John Natyna Ph: 204 339-9366 Catechism Coordinator: Sharon Johnston Ph: 204 582-4679 Perogy Committee President: Myron Fedoruk Ph: 204 338-7243 Parish Bus Coordinator: Jerry Pilipowicz Ph: 204-582-7570 Hall Rental: John Kutcher Ph: 204 589-7152 Church Auditorium: Ph: 204 582-4466 Auditorium Rental: Ph: 204 582-7535 College Avenue Hall: Ph: 204 586-3032 Sunday, October 25, 2015 Feast of Christ the King Неділя 25 жовтня 2015 Празник Христа Царя Divine Liturgy: Weekday – 9:00 am; Feast Day – 9:00 am, 7:00 pm; Sunday 9:00 am (Ukrainian) 11:30 am (English) Baptism & Weddings by Appointment “Inde- pendently owned” 1442 Main Street Winnipeg, Manitoba R2W 3V7 Ph: 586-8044 www.cropo.com Ivan’s AUTOBODY IVAN PECUH 811 Murray Ave Winnipeg, MB, R2V 4S7 Tel: 334-4754 Fax: 338-3705 COLLISION, GLASS RE COLLISION, GLASS RE COLLISION, GLASS RE COLLISION, GLASS REPLACEMENT, PLACEMENT, PLACEMENT, PLACEMENT, RESTORATION, INSURANCE CLAIMS; RESTORATION, INSURANCE CLAIMS; RESTORATION, INSURANCE CLAIMS; RESTORATION, INSURANCE CLAIMS; Winnipeg Shuttle & Limo Xtra Service Luxury Sedan, Van, Bus, SUV & Stretch Limousines Airport Shuttles, Extended Travel & Group Charters Private or Corporate Professional Service winnipegshuttle.com Richard Kubara [email protected] (204) 981-0981 GALARNYK INSURANCE AGENCY LTD. 696 McGregor Street Winnipeg, MB R2V 3T8 Mon to Fri 9:00 – 6:30 Sat Servi n g t h e C o m m u ni ty fo r o v er 4 0 yea rs 582-7891 Кредитова Кооператива Північного Вінніпеґу North Winnipeg Credit Union Ltd. 310 Leila Ave. — Ph: (204) 954-7450 1068 Henderson Hwy. Ph: (204) 954-7710 www.nwcu.mb.ca Ваше...моє...наше! KARPATY MEATS & DELI 536 BANNERMAN AVE. Phone: (204) 586-1395 (at McGregor St.) Tuesday – Friday: Winnipeg, Manitoba 8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. “The Financial Institution of choice for Manitoban’s Ukrainian Community” 950 Main St. 80-2200 McPhillips St. 1341-A Henderson Hwy. 1375 Grant Ave.

Ph.: 204 772-9132 Ваше моє наше …...the Lord is our Prince, the Lord is our King and He will save us. Alleluia! Alleluia! Alle-luia! Неділя 25 жовтня 2015,

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Page 1: Ph.: 204 772-9132 Ваше моє наше …...the Lord is our Prince, the Lord is our King and He will save us. Alleluia! Alleluia! Alle-luia! Неділя 25 жовтня 2015,

Українська Католицька Парафія Покровa Пресвятої


Blessed Virgin Mary Ukrainian Catholic Parish 965 Boyd Avenue – Winnipeg, MB R2X 0Z9 – (Established 1922)

25 жовтня 2015 # 42(557) October 25,


Rev. Volodymyr Bashutskyy

Ph: 204 582-7535

Chair Parish Executive:

Stephanie Bilyj

Ph.: 204 772-9132

UCWLC President:

Janet Kuchma

Ph: 204 582-5932

Men's Club President:

John Natyna

Ph: 204 339-9366

Catechism Coordinator:

Sharon Johnston

Ph: 204 582-4679

Perogy Committee President:

Myron Fedoruk

Ph: 204 338-7243

Parish Bus Coordinator:

Jerry Pilipowicz

Ph: 204-582-7570

Hall Rental:

John Kutcher

Ph: 204 589-7152

Church Auditorium:

Ph: 204 582-4466

Auditorium Rental:

Ph: 204 582-7535

College Avenue Hall:

Ph: 204 586-3032

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Feast of Christ the King

Неділя 25 жовтня 2015

Празник Христа Царя

Divine Liturgy: Weekday – 9:00 am; Feast Day – 9:00 am, 7:00 pm;

Sunday – 9:00 am (Ukrainian) 11:30 am (English)

Baptism & Weddings by Appointment

“Inde-pendently owned”

1442 Main Street

Winnipeg, Manitoba R2W 3V7

Ph: 586-8044


Ivan’s AUTOBODY IVAN PECUH 811 Murray Ave Winnipeg, MB, R2V 4S7 Tel: 334-4754 Fax: 338-3705


Winnipeg Shuttle & Limo Xtra Service Luxury Sedan, Van, Bus,

SUV & Stretch Limousines Airport Shuttles, Extended Travel & Group Charters

Private or Corporate Professional Service

winnipegshuttle.com Richard Kubara [email protected] (204) 981-0981


INSURANCE AGENCY LTD. 696 McGregor Street Winnipeg, MB R2V 3T8

Mon to Fri 9:00 – 6:30


Serving the Community

for over 4

0 years


Кредитова Кооператива Північного Вінніпеґу North Winnipeg Credit Union Ltd.

310 Leila Ave. — Ph: (204) 954-7450

1068 Henderson Hwy. Ph: (204) 954-7710




536 BANNERMAN AVE. Phone: (204) 586-1395 (at McGregor St.) Tuesday – Friday: Winnipeg, Manitoba 8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.

“The Financial Institution of choice for

Manitoban’s Ukrainian Community”

950 Main St.

80-2200 McPhillips St.

1341-A Henderson Hwy.

1375 Grant Ave.

Page 2: Ph.: 204 772-9132 Ваше моє наше …...the Lord is our Prince, the Lord is our King and He will save us. Alleluia! Alleluia! Alle-luia! Неділя 25 жовтня 2015,

to make absolute fullness reside in him and by means of him, to reconcile everything in his person both on earth and in the heavens, mak-ing peace through the blood of his cross.

Alleluia Verses: His Empire shall stretch from

sea to sea, from the river to the ends of the


All kings will do him homage, all nations be-

come his servants.

Gospel: John 18:33 - 37

At that time, Pilate went back into the praeto-rium and summoned Jesus. “Are you the King of the Jews?” he asked him. Jesus answered, “Are you saying this on your own, or have oth-ers been telling you about me?” “I am no Jew!” Pilate retorted. “It is your own people and the chief priests who have handed you over to me. What have you done?” Jesus answered: “My kingdom does not belong to this world. If my kingdom were of this world, my subjects would be fighting to save me from being handed over o the Jews. As it is, my kingdom is not here.” At this Pilate said to him, “So, then, you are a king?” Jesus replied: “It is you who say I am a king. The reason I was born, the reason why I came into the world is to testify to the truth. Anyone committed to the truth hears my voice.”

Instead of “Indeed it is fitting..”: My soul, glorify Christ who became the King of the uni-verse. Lord God, the Son of the eternal Father, became Man by the Virgin and appeared among us to enlighten those who dwelt in darkness, and to assemble those who were scattered. For this reason we glorify the ever-praised Mother of God.

Communion Hymn: The Lord is our Judge,

the Lord is our Prince, the Lord is our King

and He will save us. Alleluia! Alleluia! Alle-


Неділя 25 жовтня 2015, Празник Христа Царя Sunday, October 25, 2015, Feast of Christ the King

Tropar, tone 4: Christ, Our God, Your king-ship has taken us out of the power of darkness and brought us into the Kingdom of Your love. You, who are eternal, appeared as a King. Lord, glory be to You.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, Glory be to the Father, and to the Son,

and to the Holy Spirit, now and for ever and to the Holy Spirit, now and for ever and to the Holy Spirit, now and for ever and to the Holy Spirit, now and for ever

and ever. Amen!and ever. Amen!and ever. Amen!and ever. Amen!

Kondak, tone 7: Let us adore and fall down before the immortal King of the ages, the only all-wise God Christ, saying: “Power, honor and kingdom have been bestowed upon You, and for this reason all the nations will serve You. Your power is everlasting and Your kingdom will not crumble, because the eternal King Christ became King for our sake.

Prokimen: Sing to our God, sing; sing to our

King, sing.

Verse: God is king of the whole world: play

your best in his honor!

Epistle: A reading from the Letter of the Holy

Apostle Paul to the Colossians (1: 12 - 20)

Brothers and Sisters! Give thanks to the Father for having made you worthy to share the lot of the saints in light. He rescued us from the power of darkness and brought us into the king-dom of his beloved Son. Through him we have redemption, the forgiveness of our sins. He is the image of the invisible God, the first-born of all creatures. In him everything in heaven and on earth was created, things visible and invisi-ble, whether thrones or dominations, principali-ties or powers; all were created through him, and for him. He is before all else that is. In him everything continues in being. It is he who is head of the body, the church; he who is the be-ginning, the first-born of the dead, so that pri-macy may be his in everything. It pleased God

Тропар, гл 4: Володіння Твоє, Христе Боже

наш, визволило нас від влади темряви і

перенесло в царство Твоєї любови. Ти, що є, і

споконвіку був та явився нам, як Цар,

Господи, слава Тобі.

Слава Отцю, і Сину, і Святому Духові, і Слава Отцю, і Сину, і Святому Духові, і Слава Отцю, і Сину, і Святому Духові, і Слава Отцю, і Сину, і Святому Духові, і

нині, і повсякчас, і на віки вічні. Амінь.нині, і повсякчас, і на віки вічні. Амінь.нині, і повсякчас, і на віки вічні. Амінь.нині, і повсякчас, і на віки вічні. Амінь.

Кондак, гл. 7: Царю віків безсмертному,

єдиному премудрому Христу Богу

поклонімся і, припадаючи закличмо: Тобі

дана влада і честь і царство і всі люди Тобі

послужать. Влада Твоя, влада вічна і Царство

Твоє не зруйнується; задля нас став царем

предвічний Цар Христос.

Прокімен, гл. 3: Співайте Богові нашому, співайте; співайте цареві нашому, співайте.

Стих: Бо Бог цар усієї землі, співайте якнайкраще!

Апостол: До Колосян послання святого

апостола Павла читання (1: 12 - 20)

Браття і Сестри! Дякуйте Отцеві, який зробив

нас гідними мати участь у долі святих у

світлі. Він вирвав нас із влади тьми й переніс

у царство свого улюбленого сина, в якому ми

маємо відкуплення, прощення гріхів. Він

образ невидимого Бога, первородний усякого

сотворіння, бо в ньому все було створене, що

на небі і що на землі, видиме й невидиме: чи

то престоли, чи начала, чи власті, все було

ним і для нього створене. Він раніш усього, і

все існує в ньому. Він також голова тіла,

тобто Церкви. Він начало, первородний з

мертвих, так, щоб я всьому він мав

першенство, бо сподобалося Богові, щоб уся

повнота перебувала в ньому і щоб через

нього примирити з собою все чи то земне,

а чи небесне, встановивши мир кров'ю

його хреста.

Стихи на Алилуя: Він буде правити від

моря аж до моря, і від ріки аж до кінців землі.

Йому поклоняться всі царі, усі народи

Йому служитимуть.

Євангелія: Від Івана 18: 33 -37

У той час увійшов Пилат знов у Преторію,

закликав Ісуса і каже до нього: "Ти цар

юдейський?" Ісус же у відповідь: "Кажеш

те від себе, а чи інші про мене так тобі

оповіли?" "Хіба я юдей," озвався Пилат.

"Народ твій і первосвященики видали тебе

мені. Що ти таке зробив?" "Царство моє не

від світу цього," відрік Ісус. "Було б моє

царство від цього світу, то сторожа моя

була б воювала, щоби мене не видали

юдеям. Але не звідсіля моє царство." "То

ти цар?" мовив до нього Пилат. І відповів

Ісус, "Ти кажеш, що я цар. Я на те

уродився і на те прийшов у світ, щоб

свідчити правду. Кожен, хто від правди,

слухає голос мій."

Замість “Достойно”, Ірмос гл. 2:

Величай, душе моя, Царя Христа, що

воцарився у вселенній. Предвічного

Родителя Син, Бог і Господь, воплoчений

від Діви нам з'явився, у тьмі сущих

просвітити, зібрати розсіяних, тим-то

всехвальну Богородицю величаємо.

Причастин: Господь Суддя наш, Господь

Князь наш, Господь Цар наш, що нас спасе. Алилуя! Алилуя! Алилуя!

Page 3: Ph.: 204 772-9132 Ваше моє наше …...the Lord is our Prince, the Lord is our King and He will save us. Alleluia! Alleluia! Alle-luia! Неділя 25 жовтня 2015,

Please pray for the following sick & shut-in Parishioners from BVM: "Oh God, Our Father we pray You restore to physical health those of our parishioners who

are weakened with illness, give peace of mind to those troubled with worry and comfort to

those discouraged with problems. Help them find in the days of their strength, a faith and

trust in You and a love for one another to guide them through any health challenges or

troubles they may face". Amen.

Schedule of Services from October 25 to November 1, 2015 Sun. Oct. 25 FEAST OF CHRIST THE KING — НЕДІЛЯ ХРИСТА ЦАРЯ

8:00 am—8:30 am Confession

8:30 am Rosary

9:00 am Divine Liturgy (Ukrainian)

For health & God’s blessings for all parishioners

10:30 am Coffee & Fellowship

10:30 am Catechism

10:45—11:00 am Confession

11:00 am Rosary

11:30 am Divine Liturgy (English)

For health & God’s blessings for Janet Kuchma on the occasion of her birthday

Mon. Oct. 26 Feast of Great Martyr Demetrius –Великомученика Димитрія

9:00 am For the late + Nick Bielak from Margaret Didenko

Tues. Oct. 27 8:30 am For the late + Helen Sikora, + Sophie Murphy,

+ Wolodymyr Sikora from Dymitro Sikora

10:00 am Holy Family Nursing Home Chapel Divine Liturgy

7:00 pm For the late + John Zalitach from Jerry & Irene Pilipowicz

Wed. Oct. 28 7:30 am За упокій душі померлого + Миколи Микитюк

від Меланії Бибель і родини

9:00 am For the late + Onufry & + Anastasia Mandybur (3 yrs)

from Halyna Mandybur

10:00 am For the late + Alexander Surowy (18 yrs) from Rostyslav & Daria Surowy

Thurs Oct. 29 9:00 am За здоров’я і Боже благословення з родини Василини Босак

Fri. Oct. 30 9:00 am For the late + Albert Kosowan from Agnes Yasenko

Sat. Oct. 31 9:00 am For health & God’s blessings for Stephanie Bilyj from UCWLC

National Executive

Sun. Nov. 01 23rd Sunday after Pentecost

8:30 am Confession

9:00 am Divine Liturgy (Ukrainian)

For health & God’s blessings for all parishioners

10:30 am Catechism

11:00 am Confession

11:30 am Divine Liturgy (English)

For health & God’s blessings for all parishioners

Shut-ins: Emillia Rose, Nettie LaCombe, Bill Sawchuk;

Holy Family Nursing Home: Stephania Demkiw, Mol ly

Bortnick, Rose Burack, Lorraine

Putasnick, Olga Dilay, Anna Kmet;

Marion Derry

Maples Care Home:

Murray Balagus; Joseph Bodnar.

Fred Douglas Lodge:

Michael Pawlosky;

Oakview Nursing Home:

Lillian Pickering

Feast of Christ the King

October 25, 2015:

Epistle Readers:

9:00 am Simeon Rusnak

11:30 am Sharon Johnston

23rd Sunday after Pentecost

November 1, 2015:

Epistle Readers:

9:00 am Simeon Rusnak

11:30 am Debbie Dolski


9:00 am Adam & Jessica


11:30 am Michael & Bernice



9:00 am George & Maria


11:30 am Rudy & Bernice


Eucharistic Ministers:

9:00 am Rudy Kulbaba

11:30 am Bernice Kulbaba

Eucharistic Ministers:

9:00 am Ruslan Bobelyak

11:30 am Bernice Kulbaba


Available dates in: October 25, November 8, 15, 22, 29


Available dates in October 25, November 1, 8, 15, 22, 29


Available dates in October 25, November 1, 8, 15, 22, 29

The Parish Pilgrim Icon of the Miraculous Lady of Pochaiv From Oct. 25 to Nov. 1, 2015 John & Cecile Paryniak

From Nov. 1 to Nov. 8, 2015 Jerry & Irene Pilipowicz If you are interested in welcoming the Parish Pilgrim Icon of the Miraculous

Lady of Pochaiv into your home, please contact Diana Kochanski-Kornik at 204-334-8386.

Did you know that the Archeparchy of Winnipeg has its own website?

Please check it out at www.archeparchy.ca.



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Page 4: Ph.: 204 772-9132 Ваше моє наше …...the Lord is our Prince, the Lord is our King and He will save us. Alleluia! Alleluia! Alle-luia! Неділя 25 жовтня 2015,

BVM Parishioners who are sick or shut in and who would like to receive the Sacra-ments of Reconciliation & Holy Communion please contact Father Bashutskyy at 204-582-7535 to arrange a date.

LAST WEEK INCOME: Sunday Collection: $ 1,800.00 Env: 65

Direct Deposit: 14 Parishioners For September 2015: $1,210.00

Donation for Blessed Nykyta Budka Frame: $300.00

EXPENSES: $3,969.87 Garbage Pickup: $292.50; Office Supplies: $318.00

Maintenance: $45.42


Donor Intention $

Harry & Jean Michasiw Blessed Nykyta Budka Frame $300.00

Please continue to support Winnipeg Harvest by placing your non-

perishable food items in the bin at the entrance of the church! Remember

only non-perishable food items should be placed in the bin. Bless you

for thinking of those who cannot afford to feed themselves.

Those parishioners who are interested in receiving our church bulletin via email should contact the church at [email protected]. Your email ad-dresses will be used ONLY for transmission of the bulletin and other parish re-lated information and will not be shared with any other parties. So, if you prefer to read your news in an electronic format, let us know and the weekly bulletin will soon be on it’s way to your computer!

Register now for the upcoming

UCYA Pilipivka (St.Phillip's Fast) Youth Retreat November 14 & 15, 2015

The Pilipivka (St. Phillip's Fast) Retreat is a free, overnight retreat put on by the UCYA with the cooperation of Blessed Virgin Mary Parish (965 Boyd Ave). This year's theme is:

"God Eternal! Бог предвічний! Finding God in our secular society at Christmas time."

Our Keynote speaker will be Fr. Yaroslav Buduykevych. This retreat is intended for young adults ages 18-35 and is an ideal opportunity to assist them in preparing for the Nativ-ity. Registration deadline is November 9, 2015! But if there are any youth who do not meet the age requirement but would like to attend please call as arrangements can be made for you! Feel free to contact me at [email protected] or Tamara Lisowski at [email protected] for more details, and to RSVP!

Nov. 6-7-8, Fr. Ed Hauf from Texas will be

speaking on ¶ The Great Secret To Receive

Healing,· How to Pray for Others, Healing

The Father Relationship· , preside at a Mass

& Healing Service, and give his testimony at a

breakfast. All at Our Lady of Perpetual Help

Church, 4588 Roblin Blvd, Winnipeg. Free will

love offering except call for breakfast tickets.

More info on website


conference/ or call 204-895-7544

Holy Eucharist Parish

Fall Supper Sunday November 8, 2015

Holy Eucharist Parish Centre

460 Munroe Ave.

2 sittings: 3:00 pm & 5:30 pm

Adults: $15.00

Children (6-12 years) $7.00

Children 5 years & under are FREE!

For Tickets: Lillian: 204-667-5269

Parish Office: 204-667-8866



The UCWLC will again be selling cabbage rolls this year. Orders will be taken until November 7 or until the quota has been reached. Uncooked cabbage rolls will be available for pickup on Thursday, November 12 between 1:00 & 5:00 p.m. and cooked cabbage rolls will be available for pickup on Friday, November 13 between 12:00 & 3:00 p.m. The cost is $6.00/dozen.

Please call Frances @ 204-633-4662 or e-mail [email protected] to place your order. Thank you for your support.

BVM Perogie Committee Would like to invite all volunteers to two perogie making sessions in November:

Peeling Potatoes November 18 and Making Perogies November 19 Peeling Potatoes November 25 and Making Perogies November 26

As these two sessions are for two large special orders, no other orders for November can be accepted. Thank-you for your understanding and your support of

this very important fundraising effort for our parish.

A reminder to our parishioners that the Eter-nal Light in the Sanctuary is available for your intentions for the months of November & De-cember. Please inform the office of your re-quest by calling the parish office at 204-582-7535 or by sending your request in writing via email at [email protected] or by mail to the parish office.