~1~ The Citizen Newsletter The Conserv ative Voice of Henr y Coun t y  In This Issue:  Page Feature 1 AFP Scorecard 1 GA Chamber Scorecard 2 Rutledge Admits Violation 2 Cherokee GOP Debates 2 Stanley for Henry BoE 3 Cemetery Research Group 3 Henry Community Coalition Forum 4 Tax Assessments: It s not Right!  4 Rep. Andy Welch Honored 5 Ga Pundit TSPLOST Survey 5 Campaign Civility 6 Henry Co Election Schedule 6 Gwinnett Candidate Debate 7 Judson Hill Campaign 7 McDonough Matters Do y ou ha ve a s tory to tell? B ecome a Citi z en c ontributor. S ubm it your o pinions, comme ntari es and arti c les to  hc .c i tiz e n@ hc c i tiz en.org  Issue # 351 June 13, 2 012 Over 47,000 reads at Scribd.com Contact The Citizen at [email protected] Am eric ans for Prosperity 2011-2012 Le gisl ator Scorec ard AFP Ranks Rep. Steve Davis , District 109, with a score of 96  A+  AFP Ranks Rep. Andy W elch , District 110, with a score of 87  B  AFP Ranks Sen. Rick Jeffares , District 17, with a score of 100  A +  WWW.AMERICANSFORPROSPERITY .ORG Georgia Chamber Releases 2012 Legislative Scorecard Senator Rick Jeffares 100 A+ Rep. Steve Davis 100 A+ Rep. Andy Welch 83 B View or download at WWW.SC RI BD.COM  / HENRY  _C ITIZEN 

Newsletter 351

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The Citizen Newsletter The Conserv at ive Vo ice o f Henr y Coun t y

 In This Issue:

Page Feature

1 AFP Scorecard

1 GA Chamber Scorecard2 Rutledge Admits Violation2 Cherokee GOP Debates

2 Stanley for Henry BoE3 Cemetery Research Group

3 Henry Community Coalition Forum4 Tax Assessments: It s not Right!  4 Rep. Andy Welch Honored

5 Ga Pundit TSPLOST Survey

5 Campaign Civility6 Henry Co Election Schedule6 Gwinnett Candidate Debate7 Judson Hill Campaign

7 McDonough Matters

Do you have a story to tell? Bec ome a Citizen

contributor. Subm it your opinions,

c omme ntaries and artic les to  

hc .c itizen@hc c itizen.org 

Issue # 351 June 13, 2 012

Over 47,000 reads at Scribd.com 

Contact The Citizen at [email protected]

Am er i cans f o r P rospe r i t y

201 1 -2 012 Leg i s la t o r Sco reca rd

AFP Ranks Rep. Steve Dav is,District 109, with a score of 96  A+

AFP Ranks Rep. Andy W e l ch ,District 110, with a score of 87  B 

AFP Ranks Sen. Rick Jef fare s,District 17, with a score of 100  A+


Georgia Chamber Releases 2012Legislative Scorecard 

Senator Rick Jeffares 100 A+

Rep. Steve Davis 100 A+

Rep. Andy Welch 83 B

View o r d o w n lo ad a t


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Rut l edge adm i t s Et h i cs v i o l a t i ons

Apparently even he makes mistakes. After castingmany stones, Rutledge realizes he lives in a glasshouse.

June 8 , 2012 : Republican House candidate DaleRutledge today announced that he has self-reporteda paperwork error that occurred when thecampaign s original Declaration of Intention To

Accept Campaign Contributions (DOI) was filed inearly February.

The error occurred when Rutledge loaned hiscampaign $7,247 from his personal account eventhough the DOI had not yet been received by theCommission. The DOI was postmarked three daysafter the funds were paid.

Even though this was a minor oversight, I take fullresponsibility for the error that was made and personal

integrity is exactly what I have been talking to votersabout since the start of this campaign, Rutledgeadded.

Isn't it funny that Mr. Ethics violates the ethics lawon his very first action? This might be a biggerviolation than he realizes as he is subject to a fine of up to $1000 on his first offense. I guess that wholeethics argument just got a little more interesting.



Dale Rutledge is campaigning for StateRepresentative of the 109th district. 

Cher ok ee Coun ty GOP

Debate Schedule

June 18: Coroner: Earl Darby , Board of

Comm issioners Di str ict 3: Christopher Hampton vs.Brian Poole & Board of Edu catio n Post 1: Kyla Cromer

vs. Kelly Marlow 

June 25: Distr i ct Attor ney: Shannon Wallace, Board of

Educat ion Chair man: Danny Dukes vs. Janet Read &

Senate Distr ict 21: Chip Rogers vs. Brandon Beach

July 9: Probate Ju dge: Keith Wood, Clerk of Super io

Court : Patty Baker, H ouse Distr i ct 23: Mandi Balling

Dean Sheridan, Alan Shinall and Harold Welchell

July 16: Senate Distr ict 14: Barry Loudermilk, Chief

M agistr ate Jud ge: James Drane, Coun ty Sur veyor:

Ron Wikle, Senate Distri ct 56: John Albers, Superior

Cour t Judge: David Cannon vs. Mark Shriver, Judge:

Ellen McElyea, State Jud ge: Michelle Homier vs Jeff 

Rusbridge & Judge: Dee Morris

July 23: H ouse Distr ict 46: John Carson vs. Martin

Hawley & Con gression al Di str ict 11: Phil Gingrey,

 William Llop & Michael Opitz

This schedule is also posted on the front page of the CCR

 Website at http://www.cherokeecountygop.com/ 





Read Larry's ON THE ISSUES 

HR 1162 puts a constitutional amendmentbefore voters this November that, if passed, wilpermit state authorization of charter schools inGeorgia. If approved by Georgia voters, thisamendment will give local communities anadditional tool for providing their students accesto the best possible education through publiccharter schools approved by either the local

school board or the state.

BOE approves $293 million budget


The calendar is free of scheduled unpaid furloudays for the first time since 2009.

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Cem ete r y Research Gro up

In order to help the cemeteries in the County the staff of the CRG has put together questions for the Board of Commissioner Candidates to answer we hope you willfind this educational and a benefit in making yourchoice when it comes time to vote.

Questions for Commissioner Candidates from the CRG1 What will you do to make sure the Cemeteries inyour District as well as the County are wellmaintained?2 Would you vote to have County inmates cleancemeteries in order to save money?3 If a cemetery is abandoned would you vote to havethe County take over it so as to make sure it is wellmaintained?4 Would you vote to make an ordinance change tomake it easer for people to visit loved ones grave that

is on private property?5 Are you in favor of signage at all cemeteries sopeople can identify them easily?6. Would you vote to fence in a cemetery for it'sprotection?7. Would you vote to make sure the laws reflect thatanyone caught destroying or vandalizing a cemetery ispunished to the fullest extent of the law?8. Would you vote to see that all cemeteries that arenot on county maps are put there so future developerscannot say they did not know there were graves on the

property?9. Would you vote to appoint a cemetery committeewhen the population of the county hits 250,000 perstate law?10. Would you vote to preserve any Native Americangravesites that are located in the County?11. Would you vote to preserve the many SlaveCemeteries across the county only delineated by fieldstones for head markers?12. Would you vote to see that part of the countybudget reflects maintaining the cemeteries which come

under the watch of the County?13. Will you be more open to discussing cemeterymatters which has been a problem with currentcommissioners?14. Would you be willing to promote the historicalaspect of some gravesites as they are those of soldiersand other veterans from all wars beginning with theRevolutionary War?

15. Are you in favor of laws to protect cemeteries frbeing moved?16. Are you in favor of ordinances that force currentchurches to protect their previous cemeteries if theymove to a new site within the county?

The CRG staff 

HCC, I nc . t o h os t Com m ission

D is t r i c t s and Cha i rm an Races

D eb a t e/ Fo r u m

June 14, 2012 at 7:00 PM Henry CountPerforming Arts Center, 37 Lemon StreetMcDonough, GA 30253

McDonough, GA, June 2, 2012 : The new

formed Henry County Community CoalitioInc. (HCC) is sponsoring a Henry CountyCommissioner Race Debate/Forum for allcandidates running for election in districts1, 2, and 3 as well as the chairman s race

The debate/forum will take place at theHenry County Performing Arts Center onThursday, June 14, 2012.

Invitations to candidates from both politicparties have been mailed. The format wilbe a debate/forum setting with each distrand the chairman races having 30 minuteslots to answer questions regarding theirplatform and or solutions/ideas for HenryCounty. The events will allow Henry Councitizens the opportunity to gain additionainsight in each candidate in preparation tothe primary election on July 31, 2012.

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I t s N ot Rig h t !   - Proper ty Tax

Assessm ent Bas is Appea l ing you r

201 2 Assessm ent

~ Jun e Stan ley

Have you checked the sales on your street in thelast year? I did and was shocked at what I found,which led me to file an appeal on the property tax

assessment I received.

I live on a street in Henry County that is basically acircle. I pulled the houses on the street that sold in2011 retrieving the sales price and also the squarefootage. I obtained the average of both numbers toget the average price per square foot for my area. Ithen took that average price per square foot andmultiplied it to get the square footage of my houseto see what it should be valued at. It was muchlower than what the county is trying to tax me on,so I appealed their decision giving them all of myresearch to back my appeal upon. I wasn t pleased

with some of their reasons why certain houses couldnot be included in my basis.

Do you know that if a house is in such poorcondition on your street and is considered unlivable,it cannot be included in the basis for average homesales? The county tax office is telling Henry Countyresidents that the house next to you that wasforeclosed on, folks moved out of and thereforebecame run down due to neglect, cannot be used incomparisons! That, according to them, does notaffect the value of your house? Bull hockie! What

age do they live in?

Here are some basics if you want to do this researchfor yourselves.

The last date to file an appeal is 6/18/2012.

Obtain the appeal form at:HTTPS: / / ETAX.DO R.GA .GOV / PTD / AD M / FORMS / PT3 11 A/ LG

S_ APPEAL _ OF _ASSESSMENT _REVI SED _ 20 1 0_ PT3 11A.PD F It is not available at the county office.

I searched the internet for 2011 homes sold on my

street name.HTTP: / / W W W .TRULI A .COM / HOMES / GEORGI A / STOCKBRIDGE is one web site you can go to and then search yourstreet name. All home sales are public recordswhich can also be obtained at the tax assessor soffice.

I simply totaled the home sales price and squarefootage for the homes that had sold on my streetfor 2011 (you are only allowed to use the previous

year s sales), divided the sales price by the squarfootage to obtain the average price per square fooand then multiplied that by the square footage ofmy house to obtain its market value.

I was also able to search this web site for the valuof my home. Not pleasant news, but gives you ahonest idea you probably need to know.

I don t know how the rules are established that

allowed the tax assessor s office to exclude homethat are unlivable, maybe someone out there doeknow. But please help me raise enough awarenethat this unfairness can be changed!

It's not too late for anyone who is notsigned up to vote. It can be done on line

easy. Or I have some forms - just fill outand drop in a mailbox. No excuse - GET


Rep. Andy Welch Honor ed

Here is a portion of the article in the Henry Herby Jason Smith that speaks about the awardreceived by Andy Welch. The people of Henry

County should be proud of this young man forsome fine work in District 110. If you see himout, give him a thank you for his work in this

area. Way to go Andy.

 A local lawmaker was honored for his efforts tosupport city governments in Henry County. StatHouse Rep. Andy Welch (R-McDonough) receiva 2012 Champion of Georgia s Cities Award  from the Georgia Municipal Association (GMA).

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The award, for state legislators who activelysupport major GMA initiatives and goals, waspresented at the Locust Grove council meetingMonday.

I got a little choked up, said Welch, who

represents District 110 in the State House of Representatives. I didn t expect the award. It sjust my first term.  

The Georgia Municipal Association recognizedWelch for supporting Senate Bill 352. A press

release issued Tuesday by the association statesthe legislation will clarify guidelines for municipalprosecutors, while expanding the jurisdiction of 

municipal courts to take legal action againstindividuals caught with drug-related objects.


Breakdowns of the T-SPLOSTonline survey

HTTP:/ / GAPUNDI T.COM / 2012/ 06/ 12/ BREAKDO


T-SPLOST that is in deep trouble with the most

conservative part of the electorate. There are no

statewide Democrat primaries and two

Republican statewide contests. Personhood is on

the ballot and Georgia Right to Life and allied

groups will be flogging their voters to the polls.

The Tea Party appears to be strongly against T-

SPLOST, but it s hard to say definitively, as the

decentralized nature of the movement makes it

hard to pin down. But the largest group of TeaPartiers, the Tea Party Patriots, oppose the tax

increase. The ballot question on lobbyist gift

reform also means a motivated Tea Party 


Cobb County s chairmanship will likely hinge on

the popularity of T-SPLOST, as incumbent Tim

Lee has embraced the tax hike, and his opponen

oppose it.

If I were managing the T-SPLOST campaign, or

Tim Lee s reelection, I d be very worried now an

not be counting on a victory bonus when I draw

up my budget for next year.

Campaign Civil it y

Dr. Mike Moon

The Citi zen would lik e to t hank Mr . Don Dunlap anDr. Mike Moon for approvi ng th is reprint 

Don Dunlap brought up a good point on hisFacebook wall post. I feel that people shoulddiscuss a candidate s viewpoints in a civil way.

candidates have their good and bad pointsbecause they are human. It has nothing to do

with being a republican, democrat, libertarian oindependent; the fact is people are people.

For example: Don is supporting BJ Mathis for

Chairman of the BoC and I am supporting TomSmith. That does not make us mortal enemiesbecause we might be supporting two different

folks. Personally I like BJ Mathis, but I just feelwe need a change and I like Mr. Smith. I am nogoing to hang BJ in effigy. I want to see a goodclean campaign because it brings out morevoters.

 Another example is Don is supporting Laura

Jeffares. I don t even know the lady. I am sure

she is a fine person and has her good viewpoinon how to run the 3rd District. I am supporting

Gary Barham because I just like his platform anI asked former Mayor of McDonough RichardCraig his opinion on Gary. I trust Mr. Craig s

opinion because he has been a friend of thefamily for over 5 decades now.

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I remember back in the 1970 s when my Motherand Father had a diner on Hood Street inMcDonough. I remember the 1974 election. Thecandidates all mostly grew up with one anotherand did not hate each other and would come on

Saturday morning for breakfast with each other,then go out and campaign civilly against oneanother and then would have supper at the Old

Moose Lodge on Hwy 20.

Our world is not perfect, it is made up of people

who are not perfect, and there will always beobstacles from those who see our world fromdifferent views. Think about this: our nation when

it was created by the fore fathers did it in a waythat it would be ran by those of multiplemindset s giving everyone the chance to voice

their opinions whether pro or con. I have alwaysbeen of the view that, if you cannot take criticism

then do not run for a political office because therewill be plenty out there. You all have a good day.

Henry Coun t y Electi ons Schedu le  

Register. Vote. I t 's that easy!



Calend ar of E lect ion s 

Below is the schedule for the

2012 elections:



·   July 21, 2012 SATURDAY VOTING 9:00 am4:00 pm


  July 31, 2012 General Primary/Non-Partisan/Special Election. HOURS POLLSARE OPEN Polls open at 7:00 a.m. andclose at 7:00 p.m.

·   August 21, 2012 DATE OF RUNOFF Date of General Primary/NonPartisanElection/Special Election Runoff. (Twenty-first day after General Primary/NonPartisanElection/Special Election

Candidate Debate Scheduledfor June 14 at Stars andStrikes



STARS AND STRIKES will host the 2012 "Your VoCounts" dinner debate on Thursday, June 14.This event will feature Gwinnett County District commission candidates JERRY OBERHOLTZER,MIKE KOROM, TOMMY HUNTER and MIKE 


The event will begin with each candidatedelivering a speech detailing his objectives ifelected. During the debate, videos produced bythe candidates will be shown and each candidawill be given the opportunity to ask two questionto another candidate of his choice. Generalquestions and closing statements will completethe debate.

Elect ions h ave consequen ces!

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From the Jason Hill Campaign:

As extensively reported in our local media, THE



Disagreements and debate are a part of normalgovernance and public service. However, theongoing melodrama evidences a dysfunction thatis an embarrassment to our Community. Theamount of time and money wasted is notacceptable. This public dispute does not help usdraw much needed economic development to

Rockdale County. 

All parties to the quarrel serve at the pleasure ofthe current Chairman. A leader with the trueinterests of Rockdale County in mind would havelong ago stepped forward to ensure that therepresentatives of our public organizationsbehave in a manner that brings credit, notembarrassment, to Rockdale County.

That is what true leaders are supposed to do: to

provide direction, vision and to inspire trust sothat public servants transcend differences andaccept the responsibility to resolve problems. 

We have not seen that leadership. Rather we seea void -- into which has poured petty personal andpolitical agendas. The service of petty personaland political agendas have not helped us solvethe challenges facing our water system andcounty government generally. 

The time has come for a new way of doingbusiness. The time has come for new leadership. 


Jason Hill


Original Chinese Proverb:  

Give a man a fish, and you feed him for aday. Teach a man to fish . . . and you feed himfor a lifetime.

Updated Chinese Proverb:  

Give a man a welfare check, a cell phone, cashfor his clunker, food stamps, Section 8 housingMedicaid, 100 weeks of unemployment checks,40-ounce malt liquor, needles, drugs,contraceptives, and designer Air Jordan shoes and he will vote Democrat for a lifetime.

McDonough Mat te rs 


M ay , 2 0 1 2  

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Larry Stanley, Editor

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