Naval Aviation News - Jun 1949

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  • 8/3/2019 Naval Aviation News - Jun 1949


  • 8/3/2019 Naval Aviation News - Jun 1949


    JET BUGG IES The ddt.l. WIII,It I~ .1 d''.Ld ,j;IVC,;IW.IY ttl Ill!: ,hnr;1,( ,I[ Ih ~ (Up. tilt- lower0[1

  • 8/3/2019 Naval Aviation News - Jun 1949


    A F T E F U R L O N G Y E A R S


    ~t. (j,,> , .",,, Iii I'I' 1" 'JIIt'IUI I, i "",' Hi" .(1 "" I,.11)(11'1" of ","ian"" , ,1 '1 r " 1,,!li('tliI/f'r II;f_'ll8I,i", ()II "t /,;'",,,"'-',,,",1"",1 ill fllfJ ' ' ' " ' ' ' ' ' '

    11' It)d'),I ut tim e JiJ nur m e.m IlHILh there 10 rhc n;lli t's-or10 the one \ lute mnn 011 the 1~1e_ I'm Lt. ( l , t . : ) WinkVan R ipp le had hlllJ': met h)sl track of rune I rcuu HIt'Jay when JlIS ]1(11', It..; t:.IS hue I.r

  • 8/3/2019 Naval Aviation News - Jun 1949


    1 > 1 . 0 . \ 1 ' 1 ' : USES M .o.NY f-80 J~5 AS TRMNERSPU~ING INT"ElUM PER IOD

    de'~"d,A.. '!!II ..I'.I.-ind-, I!' Iii I.t',~'s .; , . .. . . ,lSI.MANY 1'-',[-fll: lh t {luC '~ li(}tls on. Van Riprk'~ hr~ ,IS he~0r abo~ud the htlicopler. (W II w as ,I he l knj1h~r,1lthcllIgb [ 'U11:l~1h cnrnpurcd [0 Ibos~ h .. ~,IW before hi sI 'N ~ dWIk i n J . : . It h:uI t 1'10 rotors, flit 0110: Ih mg. lis I use-htg~ was big enough to Imld IWo or Un!'", of tile hdil()rtl:r~Van R ipple hut h3d $.'11 HI Lakehurst .Ffll.l.r y~lr'i on .1 desert J~llluJ I" nut .1 lon urne, but !11

    lhl)~~(Our ye lu .. 1 1 : 1 \ 1 1 . 1 ,1 \ i . l t i o n ha d h l k < ! 1 1 :'"The r ore g oillS f ic titio us dialQ& b etw ee n ' V an R ip llle " tillJth e h e lic o pte r i,ilul i~ ju s t u war o f c ;. Jli ll ,l ! lilt:' at tenr iun ofN )'w ~ fl'< 1d ers In the L i s t \Irnles Ihll',d '1\'I,llioll hil, ' m.ul,MIKe d U e war ended [our 1 1 1 $ J .lit '" l l l " l icopt c r I'dut cow Id h~I'C te l J tJ 1(; r(.'~l ll l'J 111,111.rbuur .1 101 01 nrw p l,tJ1j:~ , r r he could h.rv e ~Iood on rhchu e .II. MUflX or 1';11U);t ; :11 t RII',-,I' fu r a lillJc w lule he wouldhuve ~t.'l'n a I't(!tahle rH,lde o f p lnnes J !O b y . sorue to H y

    ,I I itill ,Ind then h t' J i5fa rd ed , ntho ,;r~ 10 make lhe J.:fu .lo .:,'IlJ W ill bill. lonl'ri1ll~ lor llll' :lHuatl companies wh i chr le~iJ!ncd Ihen].The ' ~illrol r1 iUW l1! lt :l Il ' would uuIude such new "Lrces";.l\ 111(.( C r~,1!i[10 Jild I 'U w(;rf U I 1'"11, Ihe I'~M un d 1'.';1\1 byMartin, ,L l.uul 1111.1 ,~t"lpl,lIl1' rL',~p(!divd}', 111ld CVC'1l II wlH:ekd

  • 8/3/2019 Naval Aviation News - Jun 1949


    v ers ion o f ih( ' o ld 5U1nJby JlI1M. N o lungler . I I ) 1I1.l1i)' n.iva],wi"tors R y Pin '~, PV,_ l'I1IY-I'" PIiJ"~ nr Pb]~ (flrrilrMdll,1The p ic ture h ,t" ,iml l~ t: 11 , IL~o IH to rp edo bombe rs . Theil )' abandoned tilt' three-nun TRM Jn J l'ElF ,HId r "' I, II In : :dthem w ith !iin,l(lC'-ri.lLe nrta k pl.ult'" s like lllL Alt und A~I.

    \\ IIh thu A) ,IIlJ lo . T1l1F (oming ufol'l)! .lhlS co ut h om br.;rlo :hlJ onst'"fY.1IIUI1 rLm("~ .11'1.'Jillllht .IUt i,'111his to ry . 'I he w ar-t nerl ...IIT), ~[iJr:. l ire on lhc horizo. TI o l .ockheed C'iflllf/I1II",I'Me lIyinJ.< IQ r the N av ),_ rlu\ a new rust JHM-.l L.//"I/I/I',\{,n'] ~~'lplilnt... P1Jln~ call fo r thl. N al'~ ' ro "d some n 10,'J;l1Ig BII,\' ,/I" from 1~,llrdldd

    No new I r,\JII Hll-( pla.uL' He hc iJ1_ !! u,cd , h ul lhc ~}'sll:'mof u~ing lhe ru J1cdLtlll:ou, I'IMII.'~ .lrUlIII" llll.'ramp~ I r m 1'.'.11' d.,p, 1 1 1 < 1 : ' Lbt ' J 1 \1 I A L I I ' . I 1 1 ' / . _ , , . J [ ) ., tar/

  • 8/3/2019 Naval Aviation News - Jun 1949



    Swell' "illgS Boost ...~ilSpeed of New i\hcraff,T -l,E FOIIR-Yl:AR pe riod sm ce the war bas se en m.tnychl1l\gl::s In a irp la ne d e.'ii,A D, S w e r . to/Ilk wirl l ! ;S nrc 11('-peilrillg in sIKh 1 , l i l n e s \l'i 1 1 1 1 : '1"i'11 Ilnl th e n 558-11, th e lor-mer also without a luselage or tail, LQmbmation Je t andrurboprop engines are in the tlmng for other new planes.Eje-.:tion ${'".lts (m,d ne w II ig h speed pUit,,_'hutcs ar e hemJ!developed to rescue the pi lo t from h is f rts l: t: rp la n e. Theside-by-side (ockp i l 0'- th ~ tw o -m an F,ID p rov id e s an eSc,l]'echute lo r us p iJo radurmun to d iv e o ut throughThin wmg5 arc n rnustun new Navy jets. reducing theglisoJillc t ;upaL i ty uf W ill,~ tanks ~I!ld r ordnp, ~ur!~ly relocalion: in I h e Ju~cJHgc01' III wmgt'll ' tanks. Armament onplane s is still th e Fam ilia r 20 mm, CIUln?fl o !" \~ar t r tile m ost P,II'I, p lus roc kcts, eh"nSes in rh I~ line lrav ebe en few e r rhan in new I,bnc t y p e _ , to c ar(y li l L I armament.Planes Iikes Lhe AM-! i ,1.'11 can l,lfry man: of it,New engines tu g1i e I'hn{'~ more ,UlJ mere ~I~ct'tl .Hi.:-commg OUL HlIlf a dozen different Je t e ug me s have made

    their nppl

  • 8/3/2019 Naval Aviation News - Jun 1949


    A N D T H E R E I 'W A S

    Tack For 1a.dA IIJAltlNll C\PT!llN land oo b ehind :Ibrrrnd 0(1'" CO'''''lf at Norfo] k. TheCr)fJai. Wal; IlIki ng il~ time Jawn [I,t lui"'01)'. and the C",pt~in. hacl an appoilllmefllWhcr1, "bout b.. [f way to the rower, henutice.l rlte F-Il hadn't opened its cow:~full's, tie- {llckeJ up the m ik e lind wmcaustic,"C" , sas on taxj'WIlY, th e manual pomts'lllt Ihu I s rn a rt hoys op e II their (OW I :IIltpSw h ile taxiing,"Tn~ f 'm fl'iln t p olite ly thwked the! g O f > c lOlpt.lll. ;lnd the {owls opened. Aoou( thattime the rower asked fer the Cortai pilot'sname. A "JlII.lml --- Irorn ---."was rhc answer.As rhe Admin' I parkcd III front of rhetower ),,, was perhaps S'ul'prI5ed to set' anapparel'![; {lilurJes~ li~fl(''''r [o,l(ing b y unthe taltlway ro park et the fa[flhd nt theparki ng ~ rea,Marine Capmin Jensen b.,d closed hishatch, pu lied h, s goggles down, Wed to

    imuate th e lurt!~ ;'IS he went by, AnJ he~liJ" t report ttl O_pel

  • 8/3/2019 Naval Aviation News - Jun 1949



    Big SecretTw o " tud cnt p ilo t" w e re on RO as-s i~nc-d , t :l \ .I O I 1 C J ) ' B ig ll! in b as ic tra iningw tl h th crr rn stru rto r l ) ' L f l & the towphme. A fte r a hLgh sid" run 0 I J \ SI"'.5,mon.s".MN.4353.N"OnfamiliRtl f), in 'fype".MN4.153.0


    Bel ly ~andine Box ScoreJuly I to D ec em be r "II. t94s

    Forgnt to lower wheels :WMade inadequarc .ttcrnpt to t,)Wttw he e ls _ _ . _ 2 S tRJ'5ed wheels instead of flapsa fte r liln dlf lg !li-

    Tlll,11 6")

    ~ C,am J!aw Peui tJlme 11'1)'1; .~:: J uSf look at thos.. 6gures ~ Sjxt)'-fiv", belly landing:s in s i l O months, Theboners which cause rhese a.ccident.s are cost-ing us well over $1 000,000 a l'ear.Let's see i1 w e e can'r cur thj, loss down

    b wing the ehcck 011 l i s t bithfuUy beforeev....y landing. Listen 0.J' the warning hombefore ever landing, Listen for the horn before ou move the wheel lever.Wben you heilc ,t, actual" the gem:. andlisten for ( r u . horn to "tOP blowia.g. AfterIanding wnir unril you 110 e slowed down(0 ta>::i.,pccd before NI;ging Haps, and visu-ally identify rhe contro.'tl Ihal. yQtI are abourto' WiJJ .

    Dear Grampaw Pettibone:"H e re 's a 'ne ar nCCJJem fo r yoirrcollection, as reported by one of thepilots II' OUI squadron"I \\';1$ tow pilor [or II gunnery hopwhi le ope rj!.ting out o f an Y uan F ie ldin Peiping, hina . D ue to a sCllrcity ofmaterial. we were using 'luartcr inch

    \If ire ropt: instead uf the USWlJ man ilalow Iine,"After tak ing o ff and to.lltiL ur!e I p r o c eed ed o n ~OIJrSE and the

    hb p started runs , Midwa :y in the se condrun, [ {ell: the banner f l y oi md thetow escort confirm ed this, ImmediatelyllJ:c s tandby tow w as ca lle d o r and Ip r o c e ed ed back to b a se to d rop the towline."A fte r g e tting no rm a l c .le a r un cehom the tow e r I came i n a n d J1 uL l e d thetow re le a se se ve r. 1 tim es a ad len calledth e tower (o r a rhe ck , TIle LOwer noti-f ied m e I w as dear. J reLllroed to th ear ea and upon locating th e fhght, Joinedup ill tail position to make runs . Aftermy third run . one o f the o the r p ilo t:; onthe ho p noticed a "glint" and checkedto see if Twa. '> losillg oil. The : oi ltu r ne d out to be the ste e l cab le tiUfirmly anchored to the plane." GrfJmpaw P ItilHnll: 5ayi;~\'J It's lucky foJ' the rest ",f the CorlllJl'tion rhat this felrow jolne'd up il. tbe railposicion. T'hat quart"" inch eabl .. can .s.1Wa pdane in 1""'0ill Rat.Dear Grampaw Pettibone:

    O f all the ac c id e nts y ou hav e cov e re d ,yo u have nev er t01Jch e J upon mine.met: it w a somewhat unusual, an dsince my squadron has h~lda few l aughsout of it, perhaps your r ender s woulde njo y he a.ring about' it.A fter receiving a normal rut in ,t FliF011 V L, the nose was a l l owed to d ro pthrough and the plane brought back intoa 3-point attitude, Just as the plane hitthe derk, the suck went "Limp." andthe ta il flew up . I W3~ rolling dow n thedt(k with very good v isib ility , but nochance of o.tdung a wire. A quick~La .n c e i nt o Hie co rkp ir to ld m e tha t ther~asur. handle on top of the stick I l . a dslIpped oflas 1 came b ack o n the stickto cushion the landing. and tile res; ofthe slick was somewhat f orw a ,.rd , b ein .gheld ooly by the trig ge r, bo rnb androcket w iring . 1 g rabb e d. tho; "slump,"brought the ta il d ow n and th e-:+ 8 'fI'j re and barrier..,.,.. w a s quite " pu t-o ut" until so rne oneIn the re ady room carne o ut w ith . "I happenc:rd in the.greeve!"More power ro yogz accident preven-tion co lumn . Leut.--- UNd~~

    "Ollml>TOl'.'EHere u~ o l . t "J:totrotik"f

  • 8/3/2019 Naval Aviation News - Jun 1949



    shot Off the TowThe f " 4U pilot was making an ove r -he ad run on the tow ed targt>1 during ascheduled gunne ry H ight. Just as hepassed the Bring position and t:lrtedhts recovery the tacge( parted from th etow line and the pilot was unable to.woid :1 rcllision, The tow shredded 1 1 . 5

    It \ ent through the prop; the greenhouse WJ,S ohscrved to explode: and theI'IghL ",kvMOI broke off The nu en-tered an nbrup! sp m to the left.Both the fligbt instrurtor and thesafety pilot ca lled to rb e p ilo t to hili!Olit, but there w as no answ er and noapr,l re ru tltlem pt L a re cov e r r rom U 1espin. At about 1000 eel the Spin Bat-tened out and the air'r:Jrt hit the waterin .1 ne a rI y horizontal pOSit ion, It dis-l[ltegmtcd on impact II!il .vin,g It small adsli k .md 11 r t bits [debris. The:pilet's body w as no t recovered .111e nccidenr board w as of th e opinio n thai the re w as no pilot error in -volved and that the acc id ent was un-avoidable .~ Gt(J"JP,tJU! Pettibone $iIl $1'~,Jf I can't go alo,,~ wid\ the last panof the boa-rd- opinion. I believe (hat thisaaident could have been prevented if exisr-jng sn I)! directives had been followed.Technical Nor'l! 947 which was pub-

    lished nearly two years ago describes theu~ of .a mIety webbing leader whIch go~tween the (argl'f and the rod of the lOWIine, It actually repl", , ;(acdy [he type that the S c ' , u q . t ywebbing leader wa~ design!!'d t eliminate,Chasing DucksWhilt' on a local familiarIzat ion hopin an SNJ a pilot p ro ce ed ed to a lak eorne 7'\ miles distant f rom the baseHe observed 1l. flock o f ducks 011 th e

    lake and r onde a low level run to ob.serve them. \"{{hilebe was concenrrat-ing on the du IllS port wing hit atree :It the edge of the lake.1'hl:: im pna w as :slig ht and the pIlottbou~hl .\L [tr~[ that he had hit one o(the birds which had f lown up in frontof him. Wheu he inspected the damage. after landin.g it W!lS obvious that he hadencountered ~l t ree top.~ C,.dl1lpa", Pettibon '''rs:"'''J Tbis chap really went Out l>(lokrngfor trouble. We have enough hied accide.tlt ;: ;wi1h ut chn!ing them around at ;;(1 feet.There are " number o f e n b on rcoruwher' plnnes 1...."1) been secl"wly damagedby impact with birds. One F411. rOt ex-ample, required a major oveehaul alteJ' tak-

    in & .a buzzard in lhe Willg: center settign.Another "bird collision" caused a fatalng ago. 10 a rJ,jrd recentcase [he pilo( of a PBM made a t;hal'P tumat low :altitude 10 aveid ~ scagull and toreojJ u wing tip floar, The seagull's evasivetactics w~cn't so good either. for th .. pilotbrought back the bird.Wben YO'U {lid the urge TO chase ducks

    ing this Iinl ditly in~"ad:"Some bird" won't obey civil r ~ .On Q;1)'5 w l :t

  • 8/3/2019 Naval Aviation News - Jun 1949




    Tur NAVY bas rev e ale d tha t itsD :;.,8" k JJ'{)lj.e/ Hew recen tlY . forthe first time U !iin~ both rocket and jete ng ine p ow er sim ultane ous ly at Muroctest ba s e . The ne ed le -no se d p la ne gotoff the and runways in 2 00 l~etu in g th e tw o pow er plants.

    . . . . . t < - r exhausting rocket r uel tile planebuilt b~ Douglas E J Segundo flewaround on its Je t engine for another 19minutes and landed with Lbat power.During LIlt past year th e Sk},(()(;k.;:/ basmade numerous routine research Bigbtsw ith ir~ je t w aiting fo r d e v e lopm ent o fthe ro ck e t eng ine by R ea ction M o to rsInc. Unlike th e Air Force's x-: re-~b1r\h plane whrd: has exceeded thesix'cd of sound by several hundredmiles u!>ing only rocket engines, ther. ~ 5 1 ' l n w iU he able to g a 1 1 1 e , ,htt(1.. onh l , g - h pen] 1 1 ights II-ing bo th O f itse ng ine s im clta ne ouslyThe interior of the k)'1'Or/ut is a .la byrinth o f inlric.lte system s. A cro ss-~edIon Vlew o f its b ig ro ck e t and je tp ow e r p lants and their contributory sy .re rns J.p ph u I i k e a chcmu-electronklaboratory. Many cherni -a t ro rnb in ...t ions .trting sunultanceusly drive theplane forward in ilight.Gene May , veteran Douglas test pilot.

    who has flow n bo th the Sky({)('kel andIt sister ship the Sk)J',",Mk say~ "TheR o kltl IS .t flight machine re fined to the8

    'nrh degree. Ir's extremely srable, ye tas sensf t ive and light as IUl arrow. 1thought the SkY,ffr('(lk was .l dreamplane but the [{ocker's flring qualitiesa re w itho ut par-diet."Hawaii Mars Saves MoneyCaroline's little Sister Has GlamourTh e Hawdjj Mars may no t be the rcc-ord breaker that its gillmol'ous big sisterCal'o/hle i., but It has .u.,hlcved ;l fewrecords of its own.Tax payers will be interested 10 knowthat every time the HawaiI 1\1_4n takesto the air. it is putting money rightba rk into John Q P ~ lb lj r's p o ck e t:Brc3king two records for .lRM-lS, theHntuai] Mal'" carried 218 f'a.s~e.J1gcr II,JIJ

    1l total pa y load IO f 48 ,8 "14 pounds on nRight from A lameda to Sao Diego .TIle SR viJ1gs (0 the N.wy on Lhis 5 111 'g i l. " t ri p a mo unte d to $ 6,66,1.16,Railw ay :lOU bus f.ltf:' ov er th is route,ph.lS berths and meals for til e 2 H{ r a . -senger.s would have COS[ $31,72 peCman, or < I tOi.u o f $6.1)1 ' .96.The l1a21!(l1l M(,I"S used u ; p $2,,"2w o rth 0 f ga s ( I, 10 0 gallons) and $8 .S0i r . J oil (20 gallons), at a cost of 0 . 1 1 1 ) 11.l') per man, Th IS of course docs notinclude rnuintcnan c and overhead costson the J.RMI. but the sln'iogs arcstill considerable, and hearteniug toA rne ri 's "forgotten man,"

    Transports Top 3 RecordsMars and Constitution Do It Again

    Faste s t rranscontineo tal H ight ev e rmade b y a Navy l ransport was recordedill March by the Consmtuia Ina non-stop easth und trip frcm AS M....wFE7'T Fmw ,, La W ashin~to ll.D.C LPjloled by lCd,. v: H. larson, U N,

    (he rlanc's derk-to-derk time o~ cightilOU(S and 3"i mrnutcs nt;ltl\'un hour lhe record R5D tim e e ~ l;t bli~ he 3by L_dr. H, R. H t'C m3 H. la st y ea r.The ousn tnnon fo l l owed .1 greatcircle course,!aglllg 287 miles rerhour #founllspeeJTw o adler speed r ccur d ~ w ereachieved during thl; same penod inflights which were aided by stronggr,tdient winds associated wi th th e &JU-acteristic pressure patterris f the vernalequinox,

    5et t lO_ga new JRM record, LCdr.Robert Hunt, lJSN, crossed from Hono-lulu to A lameda, Calif., in the Arr-Transllcn T\VO Carolm M al 'S JD runehours and 5~ minutes,VR) pilot Lt (18) H, E. Smith,U N T). logged s m u . n d 'peeds overlOO milts per hour In the Carb/itll! A1.mbetween check point midway along theeat t le, Was-h., to M o ff ett Field run. H eaveraged 2'l4 miles pe r hom for the734-miJe trip. Wth a block-to-blocktime o f e ig ht hnu rs an d .'i 3 min u te s , Hew as a ided by th e clockwise circulationof an unusually high pre .. are cell Leatered J0(J miles off the Oregon coast.Aerial Trucks On The MoveMarine. Transports Make .Big Haurs

    E arning th eir nickname as the Ch

  • 8/3/2019 Naval Aviation News - Jun 1949


    N A VY F LO AT T IIIW E LS CROWPED P AN A MA 5 'tR EUPan,amo Sees Narvy's PBM-5Carnival Parade 01 Colon Has, Mode'

    AS Coco or.c=-This air stationtook part ill El Cdt'tll1l)ai de t Con -('01' Jill, an :>flic ia1 carniv al of Panama.t:ntering a floar in the fIna l day s b igparade which w a s w itne ss ed by thou '-ands I1l the rreets o( COIOll.The Boat. called the USS Conrordl.was in Navy blue and 8old.~ loge-1l1erw ith the white and blue carnival colors,rtpres~'nling the cooperation b e tw e e nAmerica an d the RepubiK of Panama,A sca le m ode l of a PBM- 5 featured theAlll1t, Plyiog frOID the mas thead werevnrious international and Na\7 flag.Two lovelv mermaids were n thebrlt'li I nd 'around the m ode l tepresentatives a the 1u\'y and MarineC orp s w ere grouped. Military per son -ncl made the float, working over the 2:!February hOliday and o v e r th e w eek endto complete it.Ca~ r i e r Has Varied CareerEx-long Island Transporting DP sTanker. aircraft earrier, cargo vesseland trnnspoct IS n varied career lor anyship. Thi di . 'neLlon goes to the ex-U S Long {llrlful. 00\\1 HI! : :Panamanianslup ,''-el/y, on e the only flush deck ar-

    rier of the Navy.A 'tl/ l' in the business of haul-ir'lg disr1 ' : 1 a~{'lltn~t a B t a " , ' C I J frorn VP.!l~t NAS & \, DIEGO, III r,l{!: rf) Z";,(ll)n r e~!shove It Toro 63 miles ;rw.v, The 1'1 I~rrived u minute and 4n seconds before thep ro pe lle re d p laneFourth Test ......This test simulated ca ta -pull launching .:l imb per crrnanee, om-

    m0lD1lg ;It ~O(l feet in fiight with Sr":lr nodfla Uuwg, a clunb was sturted on s igna lhe timing WiI!> stopped urdJentlllly when

    the stop clock wns Stopped 10 111e 1'01 '. Thetest wa s m c o nc lu st v e bIll VFjI s ;tid I t (ell th ej I'! wou l d. hav e w n fI lit is em [

  • 8/3/2019 Naval Aviation News - Jun 1949


    WHE Aodcmy of Motion Pu+ureArts ;lnd 'ncn((:' awarded A golJOscar til the t: l !Vy color mOVIe TheStmW as the hest dccurnentaryfilm or 11)48, it broughl n:rognJ!IQll (0a . groYI' ul 6S avy, Army , Marineurp5 and Coas t j w tr J ( ilm~ l\ n: et 1 w how en t to lhe ourh Polar reglOn In 1Noto take - stills and rno re s o f OI!erJ/lIJrIffigbjlllJl/1.

    R eleased through Lerro oJcdw) 'nMaye r , the 78.mimltl." Iesture lengthmovie has been showing in motionpicture theaters aU o v e r the nntien, TheByrd expedinori spent two months inthe A nt: lF ctic in I94fi47. DlLriog thatr ime, 141,000 [eel 01 monon p lch lrefilm was exposed. most of it black-and-w h ite C o lo r m o v ie s w e re lak e n anI} 'when ccnven lent for the photographeras the origmal M. G. 1. plan called(o r th e p ic ture to b t : re le a sed in thatfo rm.Ll. C C. Shirky \1';1., oiliu::( ill cbargeo photogr . tphy [or H'gbi"IllP. It vet-eran of the 1939-

  • 8/3/2019 Naval Aviation News - Jun 1949



    hort eXt 'o~ure mnge th is film has co rn-pared to black-and-white . Film was\'t1'Y hrittle In ( ' 0 1 , 1 tC'mrerature' andbroke C\isily. I WJS recognized th;lt inthe ev ent uf ,I W :Lr in po lar l.'cgiIJl1'. ,1m,:1V rype o( le ss-b rltrlc 61m base ore mulsio n p ro bab ly would hav e to bedeve loped .Follow tng the ex ped 1 1 i ..lI1, Lt 51n r le yre e nrnrnc a d ed tha t a spe c ia l co ldweather camera be developed ror sub-zero photographr an combat. He Jeelnred it should lIe l ight w eigh t, hav efew unpa inted surfaces, ~c se misuto-rna tic m as az mc loading and hav e con-tro ts lhu t co uld b op e ra te d With handsenca ed 10 th re e h l.: l\'Y , oc l en mittensI'lll~ un outer leather mitten shei],lecLri power to run the camera I~preferred, .1bn a mach ine that could beused hand-held rather than on :1 tripod.It ,houlJ function smoothly d .t _670 1:.He uuse of rho cverabundanre of Ilfhtif ] the pol'lI rc~ion. even with the ' lo wsun . m ov re men found they had to usene utra] d ensiry f ilte rs o n :In)" film f~~rerIIJJJl ton, They also had tomnsk orr th e ir t')(posure m ete rs b ec aus ethe I IgJ1L even on overcast days, shovedd re n~ed le beyond the lOp or'I 'he '(;1Ie ,Among the eutstanding Hl[j/JIJ(mp;.;t\jUC!1o,:s which Na"y rnovr men we r eab le to ..-aplUIC br be ing 0)1 th e ~rotWith the,1 r cameras were such or.casio1l5,l..~ tilt los. of ;'I raM fro~n a .e'a~lJ.11eIenJer in h e l l .II} ;;eJS, ! , h d ilopte CTa$hin th" 0p

  • 8/3/2019 Naval Aviation News - Jun 1949


    AUSTRALIAAwrm.Uli\" experience during the IJ.St)_ war emphasized the need [or pre-paredness, Foremost III Austral in's cur-re nt d efe nse p .rag rarn L S a fiv e-year nav alc.xplWsiM plan whicb w ill prov ide 3slIon~ and compact carrier striking forceof 26 hips with a reserve of 80 morev esse l " .The new Royal Au tralian Navy isdesigned to operate independently as acarrier t sk force, Ot in cocperation withg re ate r a llie d n a v a l g ro up s.The new r orce , III be composed oftwo light fleet carriers, tw o cruisers, sixnew tle-stroyers and 1() other vessels,rudud lng friga te s, surv ey shrps, rnme-sweeptf5 and boom defense v e ss els , .in dwill be in ccrnrnissiea by 19';2. Person-nel tfen~th will be increased to 14.750.two ;ln~l II ha l f I im e the prewarsrreng h.


    EMB1Ra AU5TRALI,lN NAVAL AVIATORS 'on flilE WORD ' fROM SOM E TOP RAM AND RAN BRASSbeing drawn from qualified enlisted.canks within th e Navy, and from newcivilian recruits. Training IS being car-ried Oil through a cooperative effort ofthe RAAF and the RAN.T he firs t carrie r to arriv e in A ustra liawill be the 18 ODO tonlight Red carrierytltltfJ. If was scheduled fo r d e ll v e ryearly in May. The second carrier will be


    of the arne type and named the Me l -b o u rn e .The Hawker Sedjftry fighter and theF i r e f l J ' striking plane will operate off thenew carriers. The SeafflfY is the latestBritish naval fighte r and is arm ed w ithfour 20 rnm cannons and either a 1000-lb. bomb or twelve GO-lh. rocket projeerers under the wings. It has a maxi-



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    mum level speed of 460 m ph at 16,000fe e t. 'The F i r e f t J is also a to p f1jghtB ritish ty pe .

    USE OF j e t p rop e lled . i rc raft hasbeen discussed, but naval cbiefs o(AUSttalia consider that they hav e notbeen fully p ro ve d fo r ca rrie r o pe ra rio ns ,(British have not ye t made an y jelsqua dro n o pe ra tio na l 00 carriers) 1> 0they hav e d e c id e d to w ait until B rita inhas dev e loped them r urther.

    The now fam ilia r p a tte rn o f 10n15 -range carrier task Iorres maintained atsea fo r I og period s j) y a ne e ! train o frefuel ing and supply ship emergedlo g rra lly from the cond ition. o f nav a lw arfa re in the Pac ific , Ba lanced , ha rd -hittirlg task forces composed of aircra frearners, battleships, cruisers and de-strayers, roved the vast expanse of thePa ilk striking at rargets thousands ofmiles from their bases . The last war,in th e P ac if ic . w as m ainly it carrier war .A nJ it w as nav a l fo rc e s that kept Aus -tralia Irorn beleg invaded by the Japa-nese.Australia's new Navy wil l put to s e a .but- a small mode! of tbe/owerful taskforces th e U .S. N av y an R oya l N av yem ployed in the Pac ific . But it w ill h av ethe sam e flexibility and the sam e powerto opeta e as It long-range striking foro:capable oC carrying out wift raids endistant bases or lightning attacks onenemy forces a t sea ,


    An is land continent w ltb it coas t l ineo r 12,000 miles, A ustralia , w ithin thelirnits of her industrial resources mustbase b e e d e fe n se s primarily on the avy,In w artrme he r ex i s t ence IS dep en d en ton k e ep ing the se aw ay-s op e n fo r th earriv a l o f re i n f e rcem enrs , and to som eextent o n s af eg ua rd in g her ow n coastalt rade.The peril in which Australia lOOJw hen the jap ane se 0 eup ied tile islandsc reen covering her no rthe rn app roache sshew ed how swiftly a p ro te c tiv e barriercould be turned into .. menace to he rsi,:curity. Fast sl rong 1111\1al farces o f th etype ev o l v ed in the island to is land war-tare of the Pacific arc essential to pre-vent the occupation of these northerni s lands b y ho stile fm rc c.IIS this Je sson w hich has dictatedthe- dec ision o f the G v ernm ent toe tab lisb an ad v ance o p e ra tioua l na v a lb ase a t M anus , ill the A dm ira lty G roupto th e no rth o f N ew G uine a . Mllllus,lo ca tion o f a v a s t A me ric an nava l basein th e Pacific Waf, w as Austral ian man -dated territory. It i to become an OVer-se a s se rv i e s ta tion fo r the N a y andA i r F o rce from w h ich a \ a tch can beke p t an th e front do o r o f A ustr:tlja .A nd it's so much ea s ie r to s to p an in-a s ion a t the 'rout doo r than it is tos top it m the liv ing -room Of kit hen .Tra ining o f the new nav al a iatorsw ill hav e to include bo th thorough in -


    doc trirsuion into av ia tio n '1S pract isedaboard ship, a nd tra inin g In the opera~lion of the ships thernselves. Aerialnavigarion must be precise to a mattero f m ile s, but shipboa rd navigation mustbe J re cise to .1 m atte r o f Y'{I~!S,It is particu larly lnre re sung tha t a s< I re su lt o f the le s ons l ea rned duringthe last w ar, 'n1(land ~U ld Au s tr al iaa re c lT1phl ls iz ing carrier and naval avra-tion to such :t d< ;g re c w hile o the r coun-Ine s o J tb e w orld , as .1 result o f le s -so ns le arne d i[j the same last war. areemph;i~izlug SlrlCUy aerial w arfa re m oreand m ore ,




  • 8/3/2019 Naval Aviation News - Jun 1949


    Anyonecan learnC f e c U t : J r } t a : J

    Yes, A N Y O N E C a n L e a r nTAt;: r; "IIH gobble, l ) -!!lJok ClIJi uT .1c ou rs c Oil J,.YI:!I!On d,', I routes Iheorv:LUU wha r )IIIY';: \ 'OU gol)You'VI: got ,\ brand-II!.:" ,IIlJ Iiibid}successful (LI% Ii sehoul I~Jr .,1 tJilOIlelect ronics recho Inan~ .m d electmntr s-

    men al NAITC MEJ-IPI1T5, Tell I!,To dule IIl1/ , / JIll!', I.. 1 (II,/~II{ h.i'j . ; i / I ? t t in rim course . w hich cov ers bo thmarntenunre Il..IIU opL'IJlIOn whereas un-der the old course 11

  • 8/3/2019 Naval Aviation News - Jun 1949




    add ition to opeutmg elcctroruc l : ! ( ! d t ,are airrrs f t ccmmunicnrors,Pe r= nnne l in bo th of these 1.1.tiltgS,111 order to work inrel hgent!v, 1l1\I,t \10tlc rs (,{ nJ th e / I l l . > J' and b;;w ut electronicstheory, Tile nt.:\\ course pw\,iJt;s th eA L \ 1 1 1 1 .1 I - t r l . : . ! h . r k no w h ..d j . ! , f : o f m a w ,t~'n.U1tc and till t\T w il h ,1 better op-e ra to r ~ knowlcdl!C.Th~ bulk F ~ Ihc curriculum is d c -vott'J ro ele; uornr theory .1nd mit .ruenance, Wl1 ile o pe ra to r train m,~ I~ h cl dto the Iam ilinrizarion lev e l 0rcr,ltor~rnn con rinu e I heir Lrain i l1! ! J ll llll;' Heel .w{)tkin,l! un. rhc spec ia l 'c!.lLJil'menl towhu h lbw .m :- assum ed .These ure th e in~redlellts ill the Cl.lS~A (OlIl"!'L. Takea desr.npuv prcsent,r-

    non o t electron mov em ent. p lus :>Impk anthrnetu ,I t fnnnulas, plus fin:bi t II. Jrliull", Cook tLoroughl) SIir-nne to nlilo .n tly w i th proctors ClI1J 111 hve\H~eL~out .nmes VOUl ' ~hl~:' o( IT,lim',]sr

  • 8/3/2019 Naval Aviation News - Jun 1949




    N..... .. .. . " " ,vIAnnN" is JIWll.ys c:hJ.llgUlgits scenes of operatioLl, lust as themen w bo m ake up th e 5C ju '1 l1 rons switchev e ry tw o yca r.s trom land to se a d uty .from the rOur C\OrDt:S of the worldL Om e S ~lllliJ ro n news letters telling 0 rth ese shif ts , so me . 6 1 1 e J with noswgif lat leaving well-liked stations, othersgll ld, 10 leave behind Iscl III e J , cold out-posts where Navy planes have beengUjuding the United States' Slrntegil:Ironners.Tilt: n ew s c ome s [ rom . t\tg l: .'n t-i a.f romS :m g le y P o in t in th t- P hilip pin es , fre mthe AIeurinns, frOil' .1 carri er in theM ed ite rraneen and from idy lli, H aw aii.A ll b tU the surne story-the Navy isrolling back Its adv an ced b;I~(;'S 35 bud-j;t(ft o ;;u t~ n re m ud e. Let lheJ.llcl([u;s giw;the PI , ture:NAS S",NGIFY POINT-t\(t,cr rwo vears

    of I.1P"f'lti 'JM.. this arr ,i~ill~1 . t . twt'll d(J~edd"", n ML d Its ,1~;gl1J1llLlI'I ~h~rJg~uW" nava]sruth.n Fi~\1 u'~LI ,I .~nuvul h"~,f';~lIj llfIclseaplane base, it b e came iI blEf!er nrer ,Itln!l,)jl~r ::'t'lhe 'J ,mltll-}.Jtcr "'wIling 151Jnbl,l1. I ur!;.q', where two Iootball t e ams {rqm tl,ecnrriu "I,tyed lin cn"iel"llli ning, if unintelli-glb!e. j:;llme VIewed by 9.001} wonderingTurks. ! . I ' 1 3 carrier headed for Norfolk !tnJ1!l,)lhlmll~VFI I reported it. men' GUJ1~ IlWlIY b1C-

    dened with rrncienr Damascus s t e e l '!IIb"'I~,curv ed d t'sg e rs , m ee rchaurn pipl$ lind f:t~,cinating collapslhle snake rings. The ([L[-!e r anchored in Suda Bay, ertle, !I!D!1.Jbattered men-of-war littering the harborbortom, evidence of Nu:zi bombing d IIringthe war,Gibraltar was a port of call, ," Lth ~J8,hl-

    seers 11l.Ithins onto British ie){LiIt'S 11UdFrench perf urnes fw r th e gul friendsut humewhile the mlJre:athletlC' rom towed thehnnej-eornbed fortifieations of the rcrk,

    On the homew ard b ound trip across th eA d a nuc , v " I~ reported U1I: ~th!CI1C depart-illem ra n oR ,1 b as ke tb all to urnam e ll t nboa r d.ship will! )2 teams. Its squadron teamwon the dmrrrpionsllip trophy. Its worldITUJ5e over, the. TlI""vII went into mothballsand squadrons headed for )atbonv j lle, theirn",w linme.

    VP-:!(l, AtAsK\- Tlns squad ron be gan Its

  • 8/3/2019 Naval Aviation News - Jun 1949


    SANGLH LoADS RIC E fOR VOlCANO'S RFUGEES'~ rJwd an I'l' runway loodlng by LL. DavidA r.e5.lit: ,I t Kudiak. Witl! a JiffiUJ Il cross-wind, he appl ied brakes on b15 Prh';II~e1'" Itskuh led oil th e ;( Pow e r O J . . 1 ~ .I.1 de d o n:: I and #1 t'ngim~ In cornplete- ;J 180turn, As till' plane re.l(he.! the posinnn n~l;dj_ng buckwarrls, I'PW maTl~ lives inAJJ,bn waters. ;jrl'ipP ns pro\ !SioM, ex-

    posure SUIt , 1 1 0 , 1 giving " ,.lml ~UPl"llltt unt,lIJ PH)' nr ~11I1' could r1'~(1l1' manners JOJ " tr

  • 8/3/2019 Naval Aviation News - Jun 1949


    Reserves Get 3 New VMF'S


    T(J CIVI' additional Marine .~ 1 r Rt-sen rs ts a chance to take parr In Or-_I!.lIIizeJ R e t:I\,C trainmg lUll uies, l 'hrel;:01.:\ M,lnft_l? figblt'r Slcl i.ulrons, plusth rec slIl-'l'ortmj: air deb hmcnts. Jr!,; nuking it 1!o,hoblc heck on lin K < I D r lwyhad borrowed from "'

  • 8/3/2019 Naval Aviation News - Jun 1949



    NARJU ANACOSIIA 'S TRANSPORT SQUADRON , VR -71, NOEL DAVIS TROPHY WINN~1!5 fO~ 1948, LINE UP ' fOR PICTURE FOLtOWING INSPECT'IONStation Roupdkup NA . OAKA"l[l-WllW It.-.hert Q. Cut-ler Jr)ined the N . , ,) l Air K~"c. 'r .< ,: . 1 ' 1 1 1 1 1 : . ~ta.tion .he became the ~t"'mth member o r hJ.Sf~m/lj' II I enter he uvr 'J'ht' h " l l J uuvulSCfV ic e 1)1 the Cu rters adds Lip II ,I lrunst IO i lrear". Sh\!1I'1l If I the picture 'ill ith R ob ert arehrs fntllt-r. R "hte1'1 Currer, '>'/'Ie whn isarrached rl) the 1'

  • 8/3/2019 Naval Aviation News - Jun 1949


    O"e " r til Iimll"-llalr"'l re k..t ~.WtK InBuA~R crl twled oUL of hh. lonl l enoul lh to tll$~1iJ>Il the pO$Olllillity ofntow';H'

  • 8/3/2019 Naval Aviation News - Jun 1949


    welghl to pertuit speeds as high as (On-sider.u ionsof armnsphenc fnction wil la llow,A r a (.o o mrh. the m ax imum . sp eed a t-1. t amed by the v -z , J. velnrle trawl-Lng c o ntin u 0lls ly tb ro u,(_ ,'h th e a trnos -phere would ult i lTIll. tely reach a fmJperaru n: o t I lnout 3000 f. There appe,us tobe 00 w ay of overcommg tlus problemexcept to ullvel where there is no air tocause rhe healing. Tl,is. is possible onlywfth the rocket. Thus it appears rhat toe:.'(plo1t fully the possibilities of atcrmce ne rg y ... 0 as La achieve in fin ite ra nG -ewith cKtremely high speed, we musta p p l y H ut ene .rgy I l ? rocket . p .(o}-,uls.ion.Nuc.lear fission Will provide ; ;LO abun-dance o f ent:tg)', but th e problem ofho w to u tiliz e this e lle .rg y in a rocketis n difficult one. The rocket obtains Irsthrus t rrom the re ac tion p roduced h)' itsexhaust jel. The thrust -1$ preportionalto the qU;1J]hty of matter Aowjn~ thenozzle , ar.Jd to th e v e loc ity w ith w h l e hthis matter is m ov in g. U W e t,m makethe v e loc il)' h igh . the muss (an b e rnsdelow wi lLout ffo:dl:lling th e thrust. inrethe Jet IS made up entirely o( the [udtarried within the rocket, and since fueleonsurupucn is the fac to r {bar I i rn i t srocket perfcrmance, the problem IS,through the use of atomic energy , tocreate a Jet of matter that travels :tlextremely !lIgb velocity.On the fact: of it, the task of produc-

    ing a high velocity jet rumg atomicenergy might seem simple. Most nuclearseactlens give rise direcHy to high ve-locity particles. Indeed, kinetic t'nergyof .!lying fragments is the primary typeo f ene rg y re e la se d in the fission o rplutonium or U2.J5, It is only when thesefragme-nts are s low ed dow n by collisionwith the su rround ing atoms that thek in etic ,e ne rg y appe:wi as heat,The obvious teehmque, then, wouldb e simp ly to coat the back end of tile\ '~ide with ,1 thin layer o[ fissionable

    m,lte-ri.!l and lel the recoil 1],[ Ihe ex -pled ingatom~ p ro vid e the p ro pu ls iv efmct'. 1 1 . 15.DO( even necessa ry , however,to go into the kinetics of the fusionpJ"on:~s (0 reveal :1 fatal "hitch" in lhisprocedure, Wben an atorn "fisse," theresulting f t2g11lCntS fl y in OPPOS1te di-rections. This is a basic requirement ofthe L1\v 01 rQI\servo1l1on of momentum.F('RTHI:~i\HlIU1'~hc of.itnbtio. n of thelines OJ travel IS purely random, As.a resulc, as many particles will traveli]1,(O the body of the rocket as travelaWilY Frnrn it. II can eusily be shownthat these ff:J.gmc.nts could not- be ab-so rbed. . without V J 1 . p . o ria ing .. the e a t irerocket in eh e twinkling of an eye .A second and more practical tecb-l1icjue i s to build the ro.cKel dong mortccnvcruional lines and merd)! use theaudesr energy to g a S I f y and heat aworkin~ BUJ(1, and then expand this hotgll.~ out through a nozz le i ll the samemanner as IS JOrie in chemical lockets.At f i rsr it might appear that the intro-dllC"!"ion of the use of il w orking fluidm ig ht p Lace on the atomic rocket all thelimitations of th e chemical rocket. Ab rie f analysis o f rhe ideal w ork ing fluidWIU reveal the extent to which this istrue and also point out the workingfluid requirements for the atcrmc rocke t .It has been sh ow II' above that maxi-mom p(opolsive dfort IS obtained whenthe I'eloot}' o f the jet is .1.$ high as pos-sible. The factors that determine thisjet l/olo6ty are primarily the pressurein me combustion chamber and thedcnsity of ebe gas~ thnt forOl the ex-haust, The irnpcrtunre of the la st fa cto rmny be een from a purely mechsnicalstandpoint when it is realized that theeombusrion chamber pressure is the onlyfo rc e a va ila ble to accelerate th e c om be s-tion g; lses, and obviously, the lighter thegase s, th e grCllterthe . sp eed ,to w b id 1they will be accelerated by that pressure,The analogy is similar to a Ifght auto-

    mobile and ,\ he a ,'Y one, each powucdby th e 5~(Il"etype engine. The light Carwill have more "getaway" and in agTr\I( . 'l l dista.nce will reach a greater speedthan the h e a vy one. If we assume thatmechani ca l considerations lirnrt thecombustion chamber prc5su . r t : . the gllsdensity is the controlling Iauor, lowg.l l ' dens i Iy om be obtained b y be1\tirJgthe gases very hot. 01 by using materials.such as hydrogen. the molecules ofw hich a re very lightT Ile lir st d if fe re nC f: between the work-ing fluid requirements fo r the atomicand chemica] rocket is immediately apparen'r. In the chemical rocket the tern-pera ture is lim ite d b y the amount o fenergy liberated hy the combustion ofthe pw pe lb .nts . In the a tom ic (lOcke tth e femperalure is lim ite d o ell}! b y thee x is ting te cb nrque s o f cooling the corn-bustion chambers.The se cocd difference is & l U l l lh ework inp ; fluid need not ncce s;;a rity bethe products o f c om b us tio n of an ener-,geuc cherntcal reaction. For example.hydro,gen alone would be useless in achemical lod-et, since it is inert in theabsente of an oxidizer, and thereforew ould rem ain co ld , w hile if healed bynuclear eoergy . to the same temperatureas IS generated in the combustion cham-ber of the V- 2 , it would attain a jet v e lo c it y o f over 2 2,0 0 0 ip s. This f igureis ncady sufficient to ,give a rocket of\'"2 proportions infinite range_

    PtOM 'rHIS t t r t a l Y S ! 5 , then, it wouldappea r that the tightest know n gas,hydrogen, heated by atomic energy tothe higbest temperature our techniqueswill permit, w_?uld be the nnsw~[ ~oth.eproblem. Unfortunately. IJtactH~a1 con-sideratiens may keep us rrom this verynttrll.ctivl:; solut ion. In add iuon to b eingsuitable from a thermoclyo:unic stand-point as a w ork ing fluid , the m ate rialchosen must, in its liquld form, be cap-ab le o f b e fng , sto re d in ce n ta lne rs tha tare Itgbt in weight, and must be tnm-putatively easy to handle.Hydrogen , a ,t ordinary t empera tUIesis , o f (1,")11[51', .a .g as . In fact, a lo w er te rn-perature is requited ro liquify it thanany other material S a v e he l iurn , Atem pe ra ture w ithin 11 fe w degrees ofI l-bsolute );INO is required. Even so , thedif!lfultits of using it would not beprohibitive were it not fo'c the fact thate v en in the liquid form, the density o fbyurogell is only 1/ [2 th!ltof wmer.'(hat means that the tanks lO store thematerial m the rocket must be about 12times as large as those used in the v-~to conrain Ibe 5,1JT1eweight, and proba-b ly m lllly tim es heavier,A de ta i l ~d ~~na .l y .s is .w ill s he w th e i~-f l u c n c e o f liquid d c e O S 1 t y to be v e r y seri -ous. Moreover, the deosi ty of a s u b -:;t.mce in liquid form bea rs 1\ {airl~' Ilose


  • 8/3/2019 Naval Aviation News - Jun 1949


    relanen to its densi ty in gaseomi Iorm ..w it b the r~~[llt u,JI.( all the rnateri als thathave 10'w densi ty as gases and are COLl-s e q . u o . m t l y dlOsinlble lrorn :t thermody-narnic siilnJroml, also hav e low d ens.itics ill rh e I iqu i d sta te and the re f ce errc:~cnt serious ~ io ru_ g e p l o b lems .Tll\:TlIS one solution to the- dilemmathat may provt : th e mo st J ,..~ ctic :l.L T bisis to choose as our w ork in g tluid a rna-

    terral that has reasonably l~w density [IS:r . ~a.s, is the product or ;\ Vl'ry energeticchemica l reaction, md Iu s 0 1 . rea (knsitr iTl th e Iiquid state. A .neOl'inl.! u~ing such il: w ork ing IlL liJwould have some of the characteristicsof it chemical [Odd combined withIJ10St of 11l arnmir rocket.

    II W I: explore the hdd of rnatenalstltin h~vc: vcry high heats of rorm~tiofl,w e nnd tha t w ate r is one ; at the h.igheston the Iisr. III n ~[mg.~llhemical rocket .It~lu It I Oxy~!;'l1 unrl Iiqu id hydrogel!w ou l d be e ar ri e d in LIIL" tanks an dburned In the rombustion chamber togive- :l je t velocity o r about 1 3,0 l1 tJ f ps .It fi,l!ure near!} twice tha t o f till.; oxygenalrohol rombinarion o r the \"','rill' plimilfj' .rr;lwl}J~k is ,~gllln th every IO'wd(,rI~ity o r the 11lluld hy ,1rOgtl l.However, with our atomic TlJl,;k~:r, the-working J1uIJ wOLu d be G ttJlCU .IS ordi-OM)! wate r . It would b t . . pumped intothe (ombu:slio)1 cbumber urul h(;. ' .1h 'u bythe nuclear energy source. It It werehe.l~tJ. to the same tcmptr:J.tI.lre as thatI!lt;dned by the combustion of hrcir{)gt:11lind oxygen, It would give the same Je tveloci ty :\5 be fo re , bu t the rank wei. .gbtwould be "Mt ly reduced.

    WHH 1\ jsr vdocay of J .3,O()(J Ips ,the rocket would still hit ve to bea.F prox1m l1le ly 90% , fue l In o rde r toreach our goal of infinite ranse. Thismeans [h,lt the' use of nuclear energywcnld have to be t: f fectl. ' ld With pract]-rally no increase in wei~ht over the bestchemical ro~ker . Tim; mll)' not be pos-sible,However, if improved cooling tech-

    niques permi~ an increase in combustionchamber tcmperaLut!!s, something takesp l . : w e th a I r n a > ' p c r m it a ronsiderablcdccccasc in tuel weidlt. A s w ate r ISheated to hit:hcr ,md higher tempera-tures it begins to break down chmi-cally. Firs; oce hy d rogt::n ~tQm tearsi[scU' away from (:":lcb water moleculeand combines wirh unothvr hydrogenatom to fnrm mo le cula r hyJrogen. Thenthe second hyJrog ('o sp lits aw n} ' {romthe oKygen atom and each eombmeswi th ll. I ik e a tom to p roduce I:l mixtureof molecular oxygen lnd hydrogen.U pon F urthe r hea ting , the o J o t y g e l 1 an dbyurQgcll molecules break .10wl1 imoth eir a to m ic forms. The sp litting o f themolecule reduce; the Jemit}' of the gas,and 3J the same tiUl.e absorbs heat. r r22

    ATOM IC .POWERED ROCKEl" M AY ~.OOK lJKE THISthe atornic mixture rs then expandedlhroug!r J. no az le , t.h e ~llOlI1S wil l whollyor po.rtia.lly recoznbin e ( 1 . 0 an extent ne tfully kuewn ) Jiberating heat which willm.'liotain the gas temperature high lindtend to ceuntcrnct lhcillcrc;u;ing weigh to f the ind iv id ua l molecules ,IS the re -combinat ion goes 011.The Jet velocity attained in a processo f till!> kind wil l b e considerably ,grcater

    than of JO orJuHl)' constant corn-position expansion. Upon the m;tgni-tude o r the b~re ,Uld lIf,on Iht welghtrequw:ments to r rad iation shie ld ing w illdepend the fed s ibit ity of 1he "rom.i trocket . It appe a rs rea so n ab le to e x pe e l.for an initial temperature Q I !5 ,OOO exhaust ve loc i t ; y of 2 S , 00 0 f r s whenw ate r IS used .IS rh c w o r'k in~ ~uld.If will probably be im-po!)sibk toach ie ve ,\ te mpe ra ture o frh is rTla:gnitudLby the use of the atomic pile, the o!ll~l 'te~cutl.y known OlL":m.5 [or proJurillg.nuc le a r p ow e r a r II. ca n trollerl rate, t\carbon-uranium pile would volatilize a tthe temperature required. No news hascome from th e atomic e ne rg y la bo ra to -ries or suitable alternate methods, butth e enormously a .cc cle .ta te d p ac e ofnuclear research should contribute to theearly discovefY of a s tli ta b le rerhnique.

    CON~!lrvAIH.\:. ~ ~w;:lear reacnon thatw il I . ra ke p l t L , C In the ea.seous phasein the p resence . perhaps, of our s~rect!ldw ork ing fluid as mod era to r. o r With arel.. l-t lvdy w eak p arncle bd .mb arJm ent,would work. T Ile w orku18 J.hlid wouldbe sp rayed in from the w alls Q f th t"combust lon" rharnber, ll1l:t'ting lhl: fis-sionable mnrer ial ne::cr the ceuter , wherefission of the "[!.lei" would l .tke r1a(Cwith consequent healing of theworkillg

    f l l . l I I . 1 . AJdiliooal quantities o f workingf 'h .rid w ould be sp rayed a lo ng the w allsof the resce ion chrrITIber < I Ill] l~ozz l< ; ! tormuntam the wall temperature belowthe melting pomt of the wall material.l1H~ problem would be to Clil:;lbLL~ a.coatrelled temperature gradient. pro-gressing from the very hot cere to amanageable temperature at the wails.These, then, are the problems, but forlire inh nite possibilities presented b yIn aromre rocke t engine. d oe p ro ble msarl1 IHJl I O I . ' ! greaL

    New Co ve rs Proted AmmoNA5 NEW ON I.!l....Ns-Hcres a helpful

    household hmt for apphcauon to am' am-Illl.milifll"l .ltnragt- ]()(:,1tto.Qin a l'!JOrly drained.lo w -IY /'lg a re a r~lJ lr ~v e !1 t s u rf ac e waterfrOlll pou rHig Il1tJJ underground storageIn 'tS,j.z; nc s Jdt l flr Ih e - - ; am e kiru f 0 f "II" rr~ ,15thusc shnwn '[I the pl,t~[\I. They wereue~lg/led by ;;tll.tIQfl urdnance men and madeup b~ s ta tio n m eta l 5hflp" men . .It N A SO It IL EANS ( ~l lu ll .o le 5 ) _CllVerS are re ad ily movab le w hen ammoj~ being stored p l Ulrm~e.:l in 1 ! j l ! , ! I C amounts.For in~rection [mo! temperature checks, the~1i".lIer hioged h~tch is used.

    WIIHtL E V E : R


    Ideo Cuts Whe e l-u p Erro rsv A-H}, P"'CII'lC-tJili. S ' l J L l u d r C H I devel-

    < r p t : : d .t technique whil1i rn'l h e U l "due tolIther squadrons operating TflM airernlt.Alter un experienred p.ihJI lnadverrent ly

    pul led up his l~ndil ' lg gl'>ll" (JII the fUfl"'a.j',.....Jilt prscucing lield' earner hnd,ngs, a'ill fe t1 urde r w as put !l\.lt un T.,j~m,g. o f B!lps,This me thud o f dw il" \g ;1 Wll~ standardp rocedure nmeng the ~qutlll"'li1 [:,,1015, bu tIt jutd !l,(lt been put out E ll otTida.1 form.The order directed -the p,'li'!f til pluce his Id\halld, palin down, on the wh~el aod fupl eY e rs : ; p l < ,i .c e l d ~ left thum b \.Ill\]e r th e !laplever

  • 8/3/2019 Naval Aviation News - Jun 1949


    Re fr-ideil



    S '\L\'AC!Nc.i ,1 j~t plane after :l t'orccdl andmg mll)' require ,I good b it o fi U / - ! t ! l l u i t y , but it can be sccomplisheds uo .: n" ,r ully s rs d s om e tim e s more y.uil k -I , UUI [ {: ,o v cr y o p ers no ns (or CQn\ IUl ' ,Ii rcrnft.A ruse In point is til e tecO\'er)' o( 11do v 11I :d (111 IPbautau: itt lighter whichIn.HIt .~ ior(e( ' i l;"InJil\g in MT isuLlleda re a o f [b e D o rnlnuan R cpuhlll d urIngthe Arlantk Command Exercises LO theL.uibbc-anTwo Manne Ph,mfr"W wluch b . 1 Jj u,~ r e fu tle J 10 il.l!lI1tan;tm(! Bav, Cuba .w re en rou te to R oose v e lt ROJJ~ w hen.",ithin ~hort mte rv a ls o f e ach nther,they eXI erienced complete [aijurc ofboth cnf:lU1cs.Tilt fir;,>l r IJ I1 t" . t{ler i!lidil1~ -ome 2flmiles. mnde a 'wbcth d wu' (,kJdstick hmJiI1g on a d irt 5lrq' a t L aR om,ln~, D urninican R epublic.The Number Two plane. 11(J\\'e\'~.Iud ~o ~lidc some 60 miles (from ]o_o o n feel) before It, M ..nne pilar. M,IS-ter SUr[!l,tnt Lvtton Blass. discovered.1 soft. ; ; 1m . J y ben',h, He ch SI:.J "wheelup" 1'lI1ding to prevent a JJSl lSIJ! : l l1Ss orn ers uu l] fro m r o t ' w h ee ls c atc hin g Intlu, o tt ." ulll a t the 70-mph .Engine failures in both C~&C5 wer t 'c . u se d by e xce s rv e water in th e gas-oline. Tile. first plane, pi lo ted by J tL t. Shirlty W . R eese . w as ab le to p ro -reed withou! further trouble, after over-haul o f fue J sy stem and fue l ce ll .Blass ' PiJIIII/am w as a lso ab le : to f lyJgaJIl in 'hort order, thanks ('0 th e useof JATO and "know how."A conventional lype of airrrafc woulJhav e b ent Its p rop e lle r in a b elly L ind -ing, ~training and doggiuJ! up its en-g ine . This w ould hav e require d e lub -orate overhauling on the beach orre mo va l to spe cia l se rv ice fac ilitie s .Not so WIth the jet. 'the MarinesLckcJ equipment to jack IIp the plane.

    se t he y d l. lf: ho le s in th (, 5.10d under II ,rcrmitling the wheels 10 be 10\ (;[(:1.1to a t ax ii ng pos.rion, Then they clearedshort runwlIY frOID th e holes to le v e lgmunJ. m~.kjng il pos_ ihle to pul l th ec ra fr o ff Its belly.Two items lutd to be taken ("HI' ofbefo re the p lane w as ready to n} e rhaul o f the fue l system and ~hllng- .

    Illg rh e inboard Ihps. : St it h j ob s couldb e a cc om plis he d In the fie ld . E ng in,J..lm,lg \Vol!> 1lf-J5ligiblt:.After S[OUUog around. w ith the c llJof offi.i.lh uf the [ orrnrncan Republrc,the f ;trine:> I O I , ; J l e d till' m o s t Stlit;tbkarea {or a tak(;off, bu r it WJ~ too softfo r a Iorm I p ro c e du re ,It \1(,l5 ueuJeJ I,h;.l! th e Ph.mltlillw ould ne ed IA TO to assrs t It 1 . 1 1 bct'OITI'IU)! a.irborne: lnformatlon on the usc:01 JATO fo r 1 1 ; : 1 lype .ltrcraJt. l'l' tothat time, was non-exrstent . .l.nJ IATOinform ...I011 genr::rill)' as wel l 1 1 < ; ~'lujr-ment was .meager. 1l1t: proper Iypebot t les (BAS-tIlOQE) were not obtain-uble, requI ring rnodificut ion ot the only.1\ .lil.lblc t y p ( ; ' , 1.1i \~-WIIIJ_E. a .s s nb s t Hutt .

    The J 1 \T units w eighe d approxl 'rnaldl' 200 rounJs each, 'The madill-(1lttmi" cal led fo r (1) cuttina oj] ' ha lof th e base used :1.5.1 tnnd, no d (2) ..ulding .t two-inch extension of the for-ward release lug, The combination ofthe tw o ,Il l owed the JATO units to( i t - and mad e ,I pos;uve re le as e p os sib le .The p lane w a now rc:aJy to tak e all,

    with er ;4eam Blass ,gam at U 1C ron-I rob, '1'11(' tw o heavy JATO units hndmov ed the cente r o f gtill'fly consider-ably to the rear, especially since ther1aae carried a light gas load (?ODrounds) with not.hing In the nose Om -p lm me o!. e xc ep t the guns (ummun itinnC:l.!I h av iJl!l b ee n previously removed ) .B Ias had d ifficulty keep ing th e 'no se -dow n fo r the t a k e o ff . The main s earleft the groond after abolll t 00 [eel,but the tail skid connnucd to drag.The p lane w as comple te ly c rrbe rne.arter 320 feet, with su llic ie n; spe ed toremain in the air. It look a total of12 seconds to launch th e plane, TheJ ATQ bottles wer e dropped af ter theyw ere e xp ended and the p lane p roce ededI I I iudad Trujillo where it ref ueled.

    A tho rough che ck III GusruauamoBay revealed Hut exresviv water in o nco r Lhe rcfllt!Jing trucks was responsible[nr the Ileal' ,I is,lsler 0 I ' tile hvo j t D . .The- muse 0 the fo rce d Iand rngs w asnot I ltw r .ly .'> 0 I uulillg II) th e D o min iu m1Mb Vt:5 d the tuke oft .b v ro us ly , th ey suid th t: p la ne s c ouldnot remain airbcrnc-i-they had lostth eir p ro pe lle r.The tw o phtlll/IJITlI wer e 11ssign!l'd 10Marine Flghtt'I Sgl .Wdron 122, ~IA~'H.Cherrv Pomt, I.C. Out of 12 Fl-H[,L1.n",; whim f:le\>. ut R oosev elt R oads.rile .Ivttagc nv tlila bilit)' w ~ s lJ, JJ ,"p,m:parts had been obtarnublc , the availa-bility w ould have been T (10 pe r rent.



  • 8/3/2019 Naval Aviation News - Jun 1949


    With President Trum.iu m.ak1ltx lIe.'I"t'/II lilutr tt> K e f ] If,' Sf. P/,1., , 1 I / d t b [orur Ouefj oJ SlaJf haidmg fop-dPtluJ(jfIlIettir/gr, .\l IIS BI/(r1 (hl(4 greets / , h 1 1 1 ) 'oj VIP',; I h " 1 ! Pres, TUIIUilfl II!.wt'J hI!pl(/I/{' t o . , 'Fllilil 111 th e J1Ib base.Battle Flag To PensacolaFlew on En!erprise in World War II

    be : b.1ttl~ lbg o r U " EI1/t'fP" tenow Hies at NAs P.hN A OlA.In .Ii ceremony a r th e ,Lir station'sauditor ium tnt: f l i lg, v e te ran o f themighty S,wt.1 Cruz T lands battle, was.pres en ted b } T d r. R ob in M . Lindsey,U N . to Capt. R ich ard K . G aine s , ce rn-manding Hm:r o f N A P I lS1h_OJa,dr. Lindsey . who was awarded tbeHa w hen he w as L un liug Ignal Offi-ce r 1lI1 th e 13.merpriu, tated in h is p re s-entat ion 10 the a i r s ta tron that th e"Home of Naval Aviation" should beth e p O:.Se s> or of the buule lbg or one

    01 th e greatest ship. that e ye r sa ile d inthe de fense - o f its country.Helicopters Save StudentsVdluClble To Troining CommandNAS Pe SA (JL"'~ Three helicoptersre ce ntly .ulJe d to the - ~ ia tf o f th e AirTrammg .ammand. one al CorpusChr] ti and two at Pensacola, lost nolim e in putting o n the ir a c t.A fI'r -J trainer from o rry ITc lJLr.Hht'u on a rounne f l ight and a he li-cop ter piloted by href Gene M Lie ske

    lunded along'IJe the J a l11 l1g eu a i rc r a ftw uh a doc to r. The p ilo t. E ns . Ira B la ir,w a s unhurt and re turned (0 (.01'1)' II Ith e p la ne ,The he h .opter llssi,[lucd to C or-pu 'Christi got off to a good start, m~ingIt s first rescue 10 minutes after it hadarrived at {hI; station. Af t e r J. ~5.3hour Bight f rom Lakehurst. tile 1 ilotLt. R. John on, and W/. L. mith.AJ\K ,rl'omp tly took o ff to rescue .f(ml.lIr p ilo t dow n ou P ad re Is land ,Midshipman W. H. Me re , the nt'p ilo t, w as fo rc ed dow n by a b rok e n o ilIine , f ro z en eng ine and o il o v e r th ew indshie ld w hile a ll ,1 g IJlule ry hOI"The ins rueter on the hop, Lt. J. hev-

    rant. b Hying w ing On M eta and givIngorder s on VHF he lp e d h im make a p e r-fett blind landing 00 the sand.24

    Train Coast Guard AirmenAir Ileserve to Provide Facilities

    A viation personnel in th e .O.lstG ua rd R e se rv e are now ab le to m anua intheir flif!ht p ro ficrency III rrairunr; fa-ilines f the Naval Air Reserve,Under an arrangerneru wid, theomrnnndant o f the Coast G \l.u:cl~ theChie f o f av a l Ope rntions b as ex te nd edrh i privilege to CO a t rWlrd av ia to rand men who wish to fll' on iI volunteerbasis , .

    T his tra in in g JHangement is it logiculon> since C oast G UJrd a,\ l.1lioIJ ill t imeof W ar be omes a part o f nay 1 av i a ti onwith. s[lc'daljzed missions of search andre scue . o n~t G ua rd .lv iuto r' w e ar the -same w~gs ;IS naval sviaters.The training ('rogram wi l l peuuitmembers o f the Co asr G uard A ir R e -

    serve to fl y in p lane typ e s w h ich they'II' u ld b e a lled upon to operate in tim eo f m ob ilia auon, The p lane typ e s a reP BY C rta lina s, JRB and SN13 u t i J i l Ya n.I tra n p ort a .irc r.ilt.y llabus fo r o a s t G u;ud airm en in-c ludes refresher, ins trum e nt .:m J nuviaa-non rram ing , "Rasberry Gets Three CheersStriker Scores- High On Wrong boom

    NA P NAHA-KiUing two birds Withone stone a t this- aviation utpostin Ok in av a , E a rl L. Rasbe r r y ha sarh icved the d is t inction of he it1g theo nly s trik e r to take" a se co nd clas s ra tiugex am ination to m ake h i th ird c la ss ra te .Due to a rn/x-up In examinaricnpap e rs , s trik e r R asb e rry w aS g iv en theex am ination fo r nv iano n mora lsra irh .se cond cla ss . A lthough he as onlygoing L Ip fo r !bird class he decided totake it Iln)'way to se e wha t ht (I~uld do ,Rasbe rry made such high marks illthe highr;:r examination that he ts nowheld U I' .1' lfl example fo r ,ill I'0t.:nti.llt r ikers by his com mand ing o fnc e r.In the N av y le ss than three y e a rs . .'R asberry I !L g raduate o f [ecru ittra ining ar NT R..NB 1UDGE . Md.

    from w b ich he Wtrwled

  • 8/3/2019 Naval Aviation News - Jun 1949


    NAVY FOLDS OKINAWA A IR BASE"Hlf' n Ii./H-O INN J : !I /nlil X.'tdf,

    Imlild/in/n, ,bt",',II) pl.w; It, rlosedo ton ,f l'lmlba Clf III Of'ct'.f,al i 1 1 1 ' ill-111m, ,/II/fill!! them file nm I sir fad/ill'.u '> J ~/j. , .Obm4t1',I. The j l J l l o l { . ' l 1 7 X slm}IF aneebo fJ f rbi.I' neuis. tcritren III no f-IJlgir .I'll le, (/'IJI/1 "7/Jt! R/) / k ." Af N AM A . Ol-:.IA\"//\ - Thetecernes .1 trm e w hen 3 naval unit re c eiv e '>the dread words "prepare to inartivate,"

    [11 :111 instances, this rneun the ruina-Lion o f p lans and Ide as of it ' personne lfor h a \ , ; f 1 A :t unit of which to be proed.Tlrese wo rd s wert re,tt!j"cd here a n dth ey s ha rp ly brought to rmnd what badbeen phoned .mrl accomplished.F irs t. d e p end en t hous ing . which w asconsidered j U S [ about the best on th e. Rock." Here Inc Navy was takingca re o f its ow n. T Ile m a joL ity 0 hous-mg W!lS huilt from l lrHll i on material ,On this project many seamen and juniorpetll' oJ1lt'ers were acquiring sk ill andingenuity In resrell to theit rates. Dueto lack of ce rta in m ate rta ls , m uch im -proving was n~911irll'd to accomplish th etasks ,it hand. They were ]e.lrning th efundamenta l s of th e a rt at l eadershipund an un d 'rstaoJin,g o r other races by!iuperv1sin,g native labor during con-struction. They w ere acquiring m utua lre sp tlc t fo r ano the r rac e ' knowledgeand sk ill.N ex t, the gy m . It hl1d to b e re b u iltlifte r b e ing w re ck ed b )' typhoon Libb)Here the plans we r e to make it th elinc~t 00 the i s land, ;1.\ it was alreadythe lurg_csL There was worn enoughto f i t th e a th le tic requirements fo r :111.ind .1 loc:tlion 1 0 e enough to av o id~ lo ug hll1 g tIlIO llg h g um bo ~ oro ute _

    PI:lIiS fo r - a ~ \\ immin!! pool w e re in1 \ 1 l : l dv fmcco st.lgt'. It would have beenthe first und probnbly rile on ly one e llthe "Ro k." Its size would have given~ .I J h an ds plenty of sWlmmmg roomA n,1 it 11'.1, rl'acJ i l " 1 I 1 1 y :J. ne ce ss ity d ue tothe nea res t beach beinft 30 miles "I'.uf_r ow JtrI~ n lt~y- had re ached the bUYU1gSl:l,gc, Plan were Inot 10 org. lnizeteams, Ltd ies , ,litemaon>:, challenses ttlother services and flctl\ ities, int~r . areaomrd Irion-in (J.d, the works.The .. . dub had a nest egg o C$80,()(1O. w hich it h .rd I " 1 . M l O I O d to useto Iflll)!o\le the tl~lb and other recrca-Ii [1.11 f ; 1 ; c i i i t i e s and to provide othermeans {or en joyment of the 1i,f!Jller ;;iJeof life.B}' hav ing e ,t,lbli~hed friendly rela-!Ions with e rhe r ac tiv itie s , the ch ie fshad m anaged to < 1 . c g u ire ufficient rna-t e r i . .d to b uild .1 dub . The duh w ouldb , v e cons is te d o f J. bar o f o lrd rna -bog ,my impo rted from the Philippines,JJllC(: floor of oak, loungt. and kitchen.Indirect lighting an d native mura lRealricted

    pall~tJOg5 also had been p l anned .Through n ('B ori:ltiu ns w ith the Army.tnt' dub would hav e b e en Iocared jus tov e r the border from A F termor),.Lust, but h} ' F a r no t lea: t, s ,!:tener.tlUI1lwovemtn ria this f. lc.illly's opera-tionul bui ldings ~ \ 1 \ J JIt'Jl, , w as in ther r e res 01 iI hievement through paint-ing . mrnur construction and repult andlillld..~C.lrillg-'erosion (gnlT.ol" ttl Bu-AER, and ,1Ct'omrlished through JUOW-iag natives to take away trash. B y doinga ll o f the ab ov e , the unit w ould hav eb e en the finest 0.0 the "R o ck ," a s Ita lre ady w as the envy o f o ther serviceacnvioes. ill wlurh WI: lake s W I iC ; i C f lp rid e: a nd satisfaction to v e rrom e ourinacrivaticr: blues.

    Fighters Win' Golf TourneyAlameda 'Choppers' Slash to Victory

    VF -1 8 2. A LA .J\o \E.D . . .. - By turn ing in aw inrung sco re o f 1 3 . ! J "chop s," th iSsquadron rN ('l'I[ly W

  • 8/3/2019 Naval Aviation News - Jun 1949



    MORF THAN half o ' them veteranso f p re v ious combat tours, mern-b e rs o f P a trQ l Bombmg guadron OneHundred Nmereen were among rhe firstpilot to ill' the ne w rnde o the sky.w a y . " . the Prmaieer, Commissioned I"August 194,.j, VPJH1'J w as com po se d,(o r tlrc m os! part. o f o ld h.uuls al th egame.- 01- stalking the eilt'n1r aile! knock -ing. lurn cut.

    "Joe command ing o ffic e r. L t. Cdt.Raymond ,BJ,les, had been cxecuti veoffie\:! tor VI!m, durinr; he r hrst tour inthe So lo mo ns .111d N'..:,\ Guinea, andI .' il !h ( o ther uf f lt t' r' \ h . li lcd j rom the . arneO\~tllt. Tim;' others had been memberstI( VB!I\-l w hen tha t squad ron w ou th ePI,,~iJ(;nlhll Uni t (il'lli n in the 010mons . '>PlO!. VH-105 and vpj1 hkewi s e, 'ont-rihuted Ji~tingllt"be(J alumni to thene'\ .,Ir rnnned S(]ll,L dro n. ] us! re tu rne dF ro m R u s~ jll. W:J.~ L t. 1 . W . Hall w hol L : 1 u e rv ed a p llut Io r A Jm .ir,tl Slmlej'whi le he \V a s Amb Js sa d or lO the U R .

    Tr.'liI1jn,g l'lld p r.'1 ctk aU y b e en om -p le te d by the end o r N ov embe r. and 01 1I:' December 1944, Ute fi r l crew' de-parred Of Hawaii. By the 26th, thef ull c omplem e n r-c -t t: I IiLght c r ews , 16wound ollicers j ground chiefs and 1, \PFI.j\''!'s--wert ..t NAS KANEOH);.

    Orde re d to M idw a)" v pn 'I! 'J a rriv edut tha t Island 4 J : t D uar), 194 ~ an d se tall! on o ffensJve - s ear ches th e fo l lowingday . Since m ost o f the ir f ly ing w as do nea t night in w ea the r descr ibed a s " ad -verse"-f;u- too mild a word in v iew ofwing icmg and 90-kllot winds -lhepilots miglu have supposed them elvesru5i~neJ l th e im po s lb l e task of"hunung inJ. dark closet fo r a black eatthat W(1 n't there,'Flying cond inons w e re so b ad that

    s im ply to ! ly the places w as an ac hie ...e -men t , Vi"ibility, lack 0[, WIt? suc h tha tit w ould hav e b e en im poss ib le lO spo t26

    1 9,I submarine , and II is lTlJc~(iont ' J i f ;1sub marine Iaho riru; throllgh such highse as w ould hare surfa e d fo r m o e thana short tune. Radar bombing (I t nightwus pra

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    evasive maneuvering, was ar the top of11 ;Oofoot leap- rog and going down,when we were hit. It probably knockedth e tail I)ff -out plane, but w e ktpt r ighton glldmg d own at the ra te o f 160knots. Al about 200 feet, the pilot dis-covered he hold Iost his elevator controland couldn't pull out. He did havetime to strJi~hten out the wings . . .- - -:H!dthen we Iut, The bounce prob;lbly broke"the plane in two at the waist (be ausew e nev e r &IW lhat p.: Irt o f f h

  • 8/3/2019 Naval Aviation News - Jun 1949


    1'Llbtrt f\.as a.P"'P ofacold


    But fie embt(es his medrcinel ca!>tnet

    hiS hor

    A fLlGtft o f oP's piloted b yOr ga n iz ed Reserves wat'n~llged in " CIIJT\er:t gunnery ex-erci e when the typt: trainingofficer nerlced erratic a tron onthe part of one: at the plane s.He Immediately cal led the lj[nneby its voice call but re(f:iveu noilW wer, The type traiill_ r1g o ffi-ce r rontinuedcalllng and t i l J ; L J l yreceived an answer after usingth e p I! rs name, The ..J)SWCfr ece iv ed were often unintelligible and gave evidence th;1tlht _pilot of the erratic plane wa def in i te ly without completeposses ton o( his Iaculne .After assuring that the ill pilot .had 00 his oxygen mil k.Ind w as t.1kin}\ oxygen, lhe (ype training off icer as Jgnedanother pilot to rake over the job of staying near this plane

    JJ1J the pilo t, He- then te k the lead ~nd le d t i l e -pilot to the nearest JJrporl.On arriv a l the response from the pilot indicated l i: J: a l . ilw o uld b e' d an ge .ro us (OJ him to a t t empt .1 landing a t .I_ s trangef idd, o th e flight continued to th e horne f ie ld ab out .10 m ile s.Lwa)'. Constant "",,"ching '0 1 as neces s ary 10 keep thl: pilot' on(OU. e and 1 P - a

  • 8/3/2019 Naval Aviation News - Jun 1949



    Rivet Bearcel Wing TipsAUN'Q l1E Ieature of the FSF Bei'J{ttJl,t h e - [enisonsble WlUg tips. is be~'ogabandoned.W hen ihe figh te r firs t WIIS intro-duce-d . It c am e out with about threefe e t o f , . . c H . : b w ing Hp de signed so thatit would pull 011 if U1f~ pao t e..xteeJedepers t ing G restrictions by a significant;L1TlQun{Ju~in,g violent maneuvers , Thewmg t i p 5 c arne o li a ll righ t. but som e-tim e s onl} ' nne w ould b re ak o ff . Th isled to a m om entary uncontro lla b le ro ll

    and sub se q uently m ade it ;J little clifficult to f ly the airplane.Later, d dnal- jer t ison feature. ronsist-lng o f a detonating c ,: tp a nd length o fprima-cord ,,%~ put ill each w ing tip . Itwas iastalled so th at if Om' tip fai led theClIp and rrunil .cOlu w ould be fired onthe .other tip, therrby weakening it ~oit also would r"il A number of pilots.hnve made landings 5 1 . l f c l y in BiJ~l1'c;iJIwith the tips off, although :1 hit "hot"DotOl1JSC o J red uce d . w io g a re a .

    D iffirultit.'i w ere m e t w ith m aie te -nsnce of the jeuisonable wing tip.coup led w ith the m enta l haz ard o f hav -mg an explosive rhlLI,ltto in the wing,Aft!;;t slig htl), m ore than four Yfllr, o f'service exper i eoce It wus dec ided thedi-sad1o'll .lltllgtS ou tw eight d the good :point'i o r jetti.~oning. ChJJ1ge #90 was.issued t i t rect i 0 IJperatiag act i IIIties t Qreruove the dlarge A D d iacrease theriv e ting on w ing tip s o f a ll rsrs.I~ trpiGll pilot'S s ea re rn en t m v oh 'm gth e b l'c uk in g of f of w ing tip s W!\~ re -pol te i l rCJ:t'ntly by VI'('I. Iii l:h i" casethe p L 1 0 t So t b ack aboard hiS carrierwithout 'Ir.~idtrH td'tt'r Josinlj both wint:tip~ In a f t'wke t- s tc l ::Lf ing run .. 'The accidem occurred whi le making ~co m 1 1in" IiOil rocket a r lU sttlS540.,..,'1 1 1 m l f '/'I~ nltil~Jc 3.(WU fl:d wh~ Jcomrn ,mn:d 6rl~g, As J u r e d m y firS'! burst,m~ tight '" i~ droppeiJ. 1 felL as if r hnJhit b .IJ sl Ip st rc .rn \ Ikf.h,f Idt meld! : '! ;II1

    ous, [ h e' O i 'l iR shop Iouad rcrentJl' "itl,"r ,(lsud d en. [11e {loJexplDsioo which ludril~ d idnot joju:re anybody,Rust had been removed from a J.ank-andu ! ill al J iy ing z inse o f isup rop yl a lco hu l WtLSh",ing nFpJieJ . Workmen noted th e fire illthe VJdoily o f the alcohol that had beenspilled on the wooden f luor gra~ins .. A I'0~'..fbility cii.~ts it WlIS caused by spH lng" o f thenlc olio l o nro sc atte re d dry chromic add 1L1.k II. rc,I'-:L5 less ~ lolently wlth chwmi.: ' . [ 1 < 1 ,A B'lIA ..r CQI.1fm~rl/~'l.N. 10-47 is being.eeviscd to use POI:HSslUttl cbrnmate to ee-placethe cruol 'nic: lIod. CJi.tClmic ncid con-l"i"er~ 1Il'C- labeled fO "void OOflt:ll:t witho"g""I" ...ut 6 l " ; ' . t , . . It will .fle.h ,,"d C"'LlII"-~ lin .....1l1'l S!l '~U ;unt>ULlt!; o r aJool,oJ. la~.quer ~Qlven"li",fe., cuut{!ct cryma1jl1e,cuio::add.Area Familiarization EasedMAG-lI.. CtU,RIlY PUiNT-New pilots Q f

    I rM " ' ll l4 now IiIlJ il en~ier In (am i IfM11.ethemselves with the Ch~rrl' F01a( area bymean:; of a pidUl'!;>-ll l1l.p ~olllbinatilln whic! !h,.,." be~1 l I"osttd in open l .uons,A three f oo t square por t ion of a 5'fctJOl:m[

    a crO ll3 L 11k lll ch~ rt i~fLl o \J-tn ed o n L h e w a . . l Jitod ~UHr!unded by pho lqg o f lotllloLltlying he Id s 2n u bombing tLtId r oc k .c t ~ a .r gct$, with ell~h piCtUre ronnected to it$p u s i t i o n O n [he nup by ilhlack s U ' i n s "


  • 8/3/2019 Naval Aviation News - Jun 1949


    FI WORKS ONby c ncmy a ir cra ft, itstw o maio hlgbw aysand one main tail-w a y line, phlsthesparsely settled vi-dnily, made Cranean rde al spo t. O the r,tSSI.!tS w e r e II l : . \ . r g c olake \\lith ..dequatew ater upply, ,Ieee,,ibilily of e l ec rr i,rower . arul te rr arnwell suited to abut-ment aml deflect ionui case ui" un explo-sion,During a mnstruc

    i ion pe r i I)d iastmgl w o ye:lfs, 2,462build lUg:; and m aga -2.10 es, '" J til a lola!f loor spare ot ap-prox im ate ly 9 ,00U ,-000 9uarc feel, wereerected. 'on rrucueuincluded 156 milesof rai l ro a d , 3-19miles of l ',lved an dIIn p a" e d ro,ltlw~y~,to o miles o f waterm a !n s , a 0 rI thelrin,gint( of OVc!!no 11 1 iles of tele-phone wires,A Navy l ow-cos thousing project. I -rated outside the (en .ed-in area, coo -rsts of 576 steam-heated housing unit s.

    en ihg lhj comrnuo [ 1 ' ) , ure a carl ;" . r rugstore, huber and beauty shop, grocerystore a nd v -;t,ic t)' sto re . The modemcommunity house (Ont;(iI1S a movingpicmrc theater, and adjacent to this cen-let o t artiv ity may be found the she r-Ith o ilice , Jo o r's ofhrc. pos t of f ice,and Western ilion fnnliti(:~. Twenty-tw 0 m o d e m L ouSlllg un 1 1S w e re e re cte don the depot, and mae farmhou~e~,ori,gin,tlly iituated about the ar ea , werere ondltioned as quarters 10" ofllrcrsand k ey civilran per sonnel .The m ission o r the N av al Ammuni-tion Depot. Crane, is to s l l - p p l y arnrnuni-


    WHRN C o ngH :S s a p pro p ria te d $5.-000.000 in 1 9 - 4 0 to pro J d e - ad-ditional stow; \ge f acilities for oava lam rnum liuu . ,.l.OOO .()O () 01 th is w asearmarked fm a ~toW:1gC:' dtpot for theAtlnntic Flee]. For reasons of securitynnd $titetr, .1 srtc was chosen west ofth e Arr:lhldlllliI cha in, in Ind iana, andaw (t) [ro m larg e ecng esred ,lrC.IS.On 1 December. 1940. the de ot waslO JJ 1 11 1iss ionec l N av ...l Ammunit ion De-pot. Burns Cit)', but th is .s0 011_ w asch anged to NU a! Ammuni t ion Depot,.. ane , iu hono r o f C ommodore M ont-gomery Crane, who se rved .1S the firstd lie f o f the Bureau of O rdnance ,The slim chanres o f its b e1n,g reached

    HE LEASH(ion and o rdnance sto re s o f a ll [o rrns,ready fo r us e b y the Navy, ManneCorps C{):.(sl'G uard . and such e the r ac -tiv itie s as the Navy D ep artment m :'lydirect.With I'hi~mission in mind, the derotIS completely eqwpped for the receipt,stowagt', preparation and Jssembly.loaJing. preservation, shipment, t reak-dow n and ov e rhaul o f all type s o fammunition . L O U Inert orJn~Ul(e stores,S ECUTUTY o( the depot is ncccrnplishedby ,1 Mar ine guard. A ? -hour\\'a_Ldl t set on enrranccs, and Iarme -manned v ehicles pnrrol tht. entire areaday and n ight, Both veh icles .uul sen-try gales art' equipped W ith tw o-w ayradio , thus giving the ~eftcnfl[- < I f th e,l;lliH d a nd the /lvr o f f iC C ' r 0 1 th e deckperiodic checks on act iv i t ies throuzhouttho; starion,The depot IS under rhe mriit;lry .IJlJcoordination control of the Cornrrund-;'int 01 the 1 inlh Nava l District, andunde r the management und rer hnicalcontro l o f the Bureau o f O rdnance .Under the rOID Jl Ja n clm ,! ; o ll l(

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    M aay o f [he p rodue ricn buildingswe r e cons t ruc ted fe r sp ec if ic lo b s andcontain permanently-placed machineryfo r th ls p urp ose only. OrJler~. however.arc: of a mote versat ile 11:1 ture, an J i t j~here tha t sp e c ia l w ork , ffill_-:h (If it (O fD av ol! av iatio n. is carried on.TL~ MODEKN a nd r orn ple te ;lyrot~h.UI($ plant rfodures mLlU)' ~I, ec tifica no n, sa fe ty . a nd !Jg hting rnuru-tiocs for naval avtution, Witbits comple!c machine sbop and skilledtllIJ (mined personnel, almost all inertcempcnem p-arlso{ these pyro techn rcsarc turned OU.!: on the spot. Hundredso f p re cis io n m ac hine s e quip th is p lan teither to make minor d'aI1gt~Oil storkpa rts as d ire c ted o r to fash ion newp,Hl5 from .s~ 'O"k m.; ri~ b U ll]t" h fasl!tram i more c h~ pl} ' than JJ 1 o uts id e co n-tractor could,In addition to It s work for the surfaceand rub-surface Navy. the pyroted,n 1 1 : : 5p lant turns ou:t la r,g e q ua ntitie s ofequiprnent fO f us e 00 p lane s . U 1 U car -riers, Among these are aircraft p a r : 1 . -c hute fla re s, hlr ,gel ' id e ntif ic a t'io n b ombs .d rift s ig n als, ;11) d .tIl th e van ou s tJT

  • 8/3/2019 Naval Aviation News - Jun 1949


    M ECHG ETS P INCHE 'D IN CANOP YALL MRCRr\f"i mechanics who "work1. on the )tm-a shouk] r~11Jand profitfrom dH S sto ry ab out the M.M;"ll rnechat Cherrr Point who gm the tightsqLleeze t rorn the co ckp it lanopy anduurrowl j ' I:sGlpeGI worse injury.Thl( "striker," not too bmiJi;lr withthe plJ.f1t:;J.ttemptcdlO close tb~ CJflOpyth e t"J:iy " t a r , Whd e ~r'llldmt-: ,\vlthhoth fed on the ste p iust uelowrh t "

    LOckpl t en tr.met on the str l rboard side.he re a che d Into rhe Ctlckpi!' 30J Rl ,ked"On" U te b, an c l lluxi1iary hyJ raul ilpump !iwitdll"~,T ,( .-a nin lF a cro ss th e I-w:kri!. he rhen

    moved the c a,~ op y ~ :o ntro .l, le ve r- [or-ward to the GOSt" posinon. appil[0 ( ; ' 1 1tly Int0nd j Il g 10 (urn the battny"w ikh o ff be fore the {llllOpy r losedrornpletely, It W,15 his intention I 'h-ilt,tfter having turned off the ba tte ryswitch, the emopy would conrinue tod051: a.~ " [,;:,'oult o f the pressure buil,ur. 1 1 1 th e 'i,~~t~, dOOIlg til", 6 me: th e~11 'T .t cl l W;{.~ On.

    13 tfo re h e rould r emov e - Iris .urn and[wad (rom (he OPe.lliLlg, however, the. t~rmry moved forward rapidly from

    it~ hili closed posirion, rinniug hisches t and head b e tween th e Glf10py andthe wind screen, A ~ 1'0051 of th e rorcew as conce nrra ted on hi, Ihes t , Itt w asnb le to exttieate his lK.;tJ almost im -medistely, but W,tS unable to removeth e rest of h is bOI1).Due to his position dwiog [he tune

    he W{l~ phlOd in the opening .md also(J 'O m th e te r.ri Ij( pressure 011 his s-houl-der and chest, he w as unable to r eachc i t i. 1c ;' r t he butt6'ry or tile o l l . 1 _ x j J f.try b r -draulir pump sw itrh. He - there fo rew us trapped in thJs position until an-other me(hJ11i,:, working n("Lrb)'. carne1'0 his a ss is tanc e lind pulled the ex te rna]manual release handle,

    T h 0 L L W ' l c l 1 l " injunes susra ined w ereQrtly m in or a bc Js io l1 6, i t is felt thai hecQuld haw been badly hurt.. & . 811Aer CfI'lltll''1U - W,th mgre andmoee ai . .CTafr b e co m i[lg' e q u i p e d witllPQwvpe.roUng canopy this sort of (bjngwil l be frO>'1ucnI. Meeks ;ma pil"t.~ alikeshould beware llnd save .:I few crushedbodies, Tbis Marine must be It cousin (0rl,e ueber hen'y Point mech who got b:hn-.",If locked. in, di"- bagg

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    Gasket Boo r d Is Time Saveri 'A. 1, Lf'It'I5--The .'lhouNte g,,~ket

    bl"ud ~hnwn Jt1 the prrrure I, 8 t,me,avJOgdl'\II.C crnplovcd bv men in !h ~ ,lul.X Issuemum at Iliis &I.Jt i "n . Muul1l"d ,II tIlt ' i~MII""'nnnw. the boar.! Sh()W5 whue 51!uou eu e sp f ull / ;Iil,k l: 'ls in us e a t tI,j~ adi; it.. s u p e r -imposed 1111 a bhH.k bs tk grtlU n,1E;IIh ~illwl1ew.' IS numbered to corre spnndwith Ihe ga.lht part number, Til Juwagu,itt-I. tll(: mnlt cnrnpares the w orn g uske twi th Its corresponding silhouette and callshI , it by numhe r

    SOARD SHOW S WH'tTE511HOumiS OF GASKETSTroiler Hauls Air Bottles

    > J I . 1 -~~r Er, '1()Ro-ThL~ service squadronh . . ~ d c v e lo I '~ 1 I bo mb tra ile r which makesIt e asie r to haul low pre ssure oxv gen e v lin-d ers a ro und to re fl,le l MAG3r~ Il1in>pur~Mr.lit.With he transfer of VMfl.I.>Z, w}ud, f o rm .e rly d id the loh. hi s ( ,bmmBnd hl"] to findunorher v ,m y re t do the iob, T / Sg r Rn Iph E .LeChJ1r constructed U1C equipment.II b urnb tra ile r i5 used "'Itil J a nd III ,oks up w ith fille rrllig on till:" ail raft hf'ing sen iced, TIllSequipment b~5 proved highly effedive anddue to its 5iJnpli(JI o f d r:s ig n "Ill b e m adeill " ~ r,o ft tim ~ .ABilA",. Co 1 . 1 " " eu- T1Ul bureau hnprepared II .sp(!cification covering six cyJindee oqgcn cecl:.acge t["iJerc~ and mainte-nance hns been requested 10 procure trailer.for service use. 1 na!;:lt1um a~ it w ill be somemontbs before Irailero ar... availahle, fieldam ",lies 0111 want 10 lnanUllU:111r. c . h E i rown. The proposed traller apl'lmrs satis--fa tor for Ih i'Hended purpo$[[1plol'c, W. D. Ar&er (or applyingw u It) ( T lt to n J nt :! l in ~ n thr e 3 d s lI~ ed in b Jln u~ew jng lind rib lacing o f filb rk -c ov e re i.l lI 'in 8am! motro! ~ia~c5.Prro.! ' II'! clev ,,!opment oJ th js improv edm~rhml. it touk IWO empio) 'el (llil lime hI

    COLD WEATHER FLYING TESTEDVA-l ais somewbat like on~fr. ied by aP'rl",'-2 ~lun aro e when the -now-plow .1f Fal lon broke dow n one moming

    when the taxi triP were under three tofOll. inches of p ow d e r ~1'l()W. "fhis tm.llktltKjing impossible no t only bCOlUS( ' uf thedanger of skidd in g nn the slippery surface,bUI also hWlU:~t"tdgti l,f the t;u...w;I~~ wereobliterated,T'lle problem was -solved by ba"lllg theI." .td plane turn up .. n

  • 8/3/2019 Naval Aviation News - Jun 1949



    SKYROCKET'S 5~A ll NOSE WHEEL CA IlR JES IINY HR E W ITH HIGHI PRESSURE fOR FAST LANDIINGA NY':NlJ who wllt0e.s . OUI fastc~ ktnircraft (orne III for b.ndl(q;;:srarely think> of- tht: important role tiresplay in m:t'kin,~ these landings possible-anu w itho ut inc ide nt. So me tim es J.pull oJ smoke on contac t wiuJ the run-way evokes 'J. comment but more orten

    it W.LS [usl ", I u:uneJ good landing."That "puff of smoke'' means just .t litdemore rubber that s gam: from the tiIC:iand tho~c black streaks on the runwaysgiVe" you some id ea o f how much rubb e ris ~cuffcd uff ..Pre-rotation tires "'Ie beingused on IL few of cur li.ircmft (P2V, R O O )in an effort to minimize this scuffingaction and to m ak e srnco rhe r land ing s.L ittle do m os t o f us realize th e prob-lems thar ha \ 1 ' 1 ; been overcome by theaircraft dre tngim:e.G -and the aircra ftde5Jgner~ in making it possible fo rplant's to lund On web small landinggear-partHrularly th e tires, Because 011the smaller h. igb s pe e d aircraft. the land-Ing . gcar m ust be [e tra~ ted in I 'ery re -stricted spnrc=-ures must necessa rily besmall but yet stl;'ong enough 10 with-stand the load s imposed unde r higllpressures. "Bounce drills" .eud field car-rier laodil"lg pnu:;tices during trairmlgexercises are real tests of the ability ofthese tires to 'take it'! Aircraft tiressmaller tha.n the' average pllSsenger cartire must be able to withstand loads andp re ss ure s .d gb r timelign:ater than theLatter!These S : 1 , ID t : u i n : :r .l f t tires an: a vitalradar in hil;;h s pl!c d ta ke Q .ff li a s w e ll > 1 5 -land ing s .,;irlce a tire bloweur at high~pt!t.d doe s no il gi\'t' ,l pilot th e controlhe would otherwise ha v e in the rase o flI.O engine or brake failure.


    Tires really appear sm all o n o ur g iantlong-range bombers, tm(Jsport and cargo.a.lrcraft-and here again they (ake Ole.spotlight because tho: use of multipletire s and w hee ls on both nose and mainl am l iug ,gear insures gr~atet sart:!ty (incase 0r II flat tire). better stabi iity Il,if1dna tura lly ,g rea te r com fo rt. A s you ca nsee From the phologr l lphs all this page,there call be a lo t of djfference in tires i z es ,

    WHf:~THE full signiJi.cance , iU! .!im portance of a irc ra ft tire s havebeen realized, it follows that eve rye ffo rt should be made to prope rly main-tsin them in order that rnaximum safetyfor bQtl~ eguipm,ent and personnel canbe ob ta ined . G iv en half 11 break an)U rc ra ft tire will more than do its job ,Since tl1~ air pressure within the lire

    helps take up the shod. and impact ofl" nilin ,~ a~ w e-ll -.lS smoolhiug OUl" th erun before take-off, p ro p er in :th lio n is\'ery important. UIlc!er'lIlflTatlon cr over-inR ation can b e v ery harm ful to tiresan d it d,lily check of L ire pressures willnot only inrrease the service life. of thet ie but w ill Ltl l ! ' rove the cflid t .ncy ofrhe aircraft.T ire Jau::m ge is most prevalent duringthe land ing of lh~> ain: 'rlfl .mJ most o fthese damages !Ire due to faulty lanJjn:::ttd~llllJ~; co nue t w ith obsudes On run-w ar o r l in fo re s e en rrrc urn sta nc es , D a m-.l~e from mal practices used when rire s account fo r the L05s o f Inan} ,otherwise wrviCC,lblC' and ~."\I"a.gc;l .btctires, NAVi\ER 04-10-

  • 8/3/2019 Naval Aviation News - Jun 1949



    That's Wrong - You're RightVMf-lll-LI)",1 ,01.1 weather llyillil ~'H1~ii-unns make the lise 01 cockpi t heaters nruld e tro sre rs a ncce sitv . Several he. lter~ wer emalfuncticning and glll\\ rluS' ' e re huming

    out. STaff S~l E. C. nrdner, NCO Inchargeof U1l' EI~LltloU ...hop, dlsmnrnler] ~N'(riJJh ea te rs ~ 11 Ihi. as th e phJl' cnnc lus io n, The p lane hjlJ

    a full I(m] ul .Sll ca l IlUUllUIIJ!;l'l1 un d 1Tl~.s:I-mUlTI inlt'rn,d s - n ' It; 'JJ. b,inging It~ W(;Ig!Jttil II. 'illO pounds when II 'W~5 cl!oplllte.;J

    NEW MK-3 SIGNAL MIRROR OUTB LIA ,, Air~orn(;; El1ltipmcnl. (liYlslonIS p ro cunng a new and Improvedslgnnling mirror for inclusion III multi-place life Tans an d 1>1'-2 survival kflsCllUI ed b y pilot .F i rth and lates t o f the line o f s ignal-L ng m irro rs d ev e lo p ed since th e S~.JrI ofthe war phil ed such emphasis f . J 1 1 oceansurv iv al, the n w de vire w ill re place 11.11ex is t'ln ,g m irro rs w hich do not hav ereflex sishtillg. Three years or res tmgwent into its de sign be l ore it was ;IC'cepted.Tilt! new mirror i made of double-bmin.lled t empered and annealed ~las~an J JS so to ug h it wII Lre s i s t he1YY usagew ith out b re ak ing . i ,ght ing is dOM asWith sevcr.rl other of the- s -i _ gn a li n! ! m i r-rOfs.-lhroagb 1I] aperture In th e m id d le01- the mirror. A rainless steel screencoated with catch 11gh L prmltlLtS agleaming "pomt' {or tht' downed pilotIo aim at II plane overheu.] or djst:u,tsh ip to cat{.'11 their cy e s by Bashing N av y started the war with II, '> implt> s i ,e;naLing mirror made of stain-

    NA VY USED M ANY M IRRORS BEFORE M IC 3 M OOELless tecl with .1 1,1:1inhole Jll the mid-dle. The next one brought out was theM k I, featiJring a p lus s ign in themiddle for Sighting, An experimentalmode l , never produced, rame next. Hhad a binged inset in ODe end Ior sight,ing but its plasnc construction did aotstand up in the water so the Mk 2rm rro r w as b rought out. TI115 [eatureda black meta l casing for a mirror anda fix ed -lricg e ~ jg bting re fle cto r. T he ne wM k = ) Ie v ice , w uh a range o f I D miles01 more, replaces the c.

    Airsh ip s M ake Reco rd F lightNAF Wn;K8~11.1.t:'-Twl1 airships which

    engaged in Wl' .th:f{ opernnons 10 th, Curib-bean ares made what IS believed 10 be the1 0ng e 51 u v e r- tl re -wa re r _fl ight flJr th e K t} '[W~jr5hip since th e war ,D epa rting on I M,, - ro : :h , the LW D arrshipsof Z1"-1 a"flml'li1;he~ for the f ir st l - i'm e u nun-s rup flJg ht Irorn A GlJ;\~"'ThNi\MO,ll ...Y [(It\F WH~sYl1.1 E,N.C., a distance If 1040nautical miles. 1''' Klli. pi loted hy LI(j_g)

    I : ! . A . Boyd . and the K9 piloted br ltC }g).llal L ew is , le ft MeC,!I;) Fie ld illwm and

    lI T.Iiv ed a t their dosrinanon Ihl; fol lowing dayat 1~3;It, 011 elapsM lime !> f ]7 hours and ~(:)minutesThe arrshrps rnamtained an avemgc groundspeed o f ~S k nots. WeMher f1mdlljnrls wert>qurt fav o rab le Iu r th e flight u nri] (1 ,1 ' lifter-

    noon of the second dav when a cold rr(loto f m od era te in te nsity ap pro ache d W eck 5'V iliCa. t the sam e rim e a~ the l 1 . i n ; i t i p s made theirappearance.A third "Ir~ltifl o f Llhl wh i ch i l J ( \ par-li

  • 8/3/2019 Naval Aviation News - Jun 1949


    A .mmo Performance ,Reportsl I1 .I Iny j ,mmU[llt ton rt'pu,,~ .rmi~ed In til.,

    Bureau are corning un RUDAOE'~, Na=OrdF"OTI 147, which are dcsil'nt'tl l'!imadly f(lr,,~uiprnf'nt or material other than ammuni-non, (See OeL XVI.tl5) , Although theserepllrb are available; the AmmlJnitino Per-(orma!)," Report, X"vOrJ Fonn l44"1, whichI~ designed S'pm;ilidally fo r ammunition.~hould be used. (Sec DCL A4ri-45).II cannot be ever emphM,iled ~h~r the be~1d ~.fc me ag am st the r~curfo o,~ of im pro pe r( Ina ~ {' Ime time s . :I lI lI _ ge r" u. ~ p e rf o rma nc e ._ fflm ronnJrionis the p rompt arrd comple te reo

    porting of such malfunctions to BlIOrd iw,m~I)'~i5nd nreerlve I I ct ion . . Aocordil1g1~.'\~hen how nrmuunit ion and its related BgU ;p.m eat a re inv olv ed , reports e m bo th N iI.~O rJForrns 147 a l 1 1 1 1 1444 ~hould be submlned24" Gun Tests N.avy Bombs~FG DA~ln.l: ,ltI'Q lm d C o teo! bombs

    "nd ~u.irlcd miss-ile WI!.rne.1d, and their Fuses.TIlt ne w gUl s '\ < !( lt~ bombs and wndlL'llds~; he~.,,-y4 S 1.U()/) ptll1nd~ 3 1 J i 1 1 n s t armor platean d concrete mrgC't li ar supersonic velocities.The e IT ects I'll the impacts- .and !- S s toc lnnglh~ro a t i\....(ltino Supply Dprl[" N~",jlSuI"pl y Center s , Oakland a nd N o rf olk , uncle.! Ihl!""SID..!. : (!L1mbct JV4NH ~7-';O. B,;;qui5it i .nns 1MlileS!.' SC'fCWS sho uld b ~ ~lJb mitte d In tl!.;-t:1uJan(e with NAVORD OCL V:O-'l d:ated 7M ay 19'17 or Inie.~t re"isi"l.1,

    CorrectionThe t~h \J l~ [i [) n 01 line 11Hllnlc'nanct pMt~

    ! i~ tcJ in (" ]W11n. ' l I JnJ.. ~ (p :1g e ,8) of th eA prIl is .sut: o J N .w Al1lt N EW !> " ,hould 11M ,\,appe..vcJ with Ill!!. ~ r r i d e in the ~j'.1 C < . ) l o m n-TO1'.1 {1u 1{14RGIll! SIgh!.MeltS EL TonQ-A realisti.:: touch \VIISodded to rUe c l ri ll s by Aircraft Engineer-ing Squadron ~l by carefully pilleirl.g-!;Jll.o ke g re na d .... a t V !l.T io us s ta tio ns in th earea and buildiugs. The grenades proved

    an ovetwhellliing $\1131.:005: personnel51_owed \.I'tl""'pected coolness a.nd efficiencytlrrt~ugbotJt the drill although none hadbeen p[ tflat It w~.s JD (he :IH.


  • 8/3/2019 Naval Aviation News - Jun 1949


    Ho t D imp le s M ode T o O rde rNAs A t 'MI Ut\ - t.-.Ile~t wrink] In hll[

    drrnplrng lnr f\1I~h rivets un.l SCl't:IH .s .1l~dllli ("r \I\ hAt GOIH '!AO- 'I t51HIOlY ~, \ 'IAVtO 'Of f ~ Fl\'I~'H~H-TURN! ~ ' A T T if f : il.A MP , H t 5 AID


    ARM Y HELPS NAVY M EN P U LL iS O-P OU N D l,OAD UP SNOWY SLOPES Of MT, WASHINGTON FOR TESTSI:..HIS .l,gl o f Jtt pow er, e leun . iry,lll~h s)l~crl uulornobi les !lnll altern rt,Lhe [ u "y 'a.!,d A .i r l'o rc e hllJ 10 re so rt topl.lin. ordin.rry must It' lLrld manpowerto keep he ir Id e ng in e re se arc lr proJe.1nrcratint: on top of M t, Wasl~fllgton.For the second s\,rtlighl winter th ep r( lc ct U J S-b e en te,.;tlng icing o r engines:tIOp Ihc t.,fiy New Hampshire peak,this year in ('ooperuJion w ith the A irTorre an d p riv ate e ng in e m an uf ac tu re rs .T he fe -s tin g p re ,g r .L lT I 0 11 :t new G ene ra lEle tr i turbojet ,Iircrafl engine l.trn~ toa ha ll ttl F eb rua ry w hen u b r eakdowno ccurre d , A r c p l . u . .men l r,m \ V c i R h i n , ! o :,; "0 l'QW ' lJ w as rde red .It w ns planne d to use 1 snowplnw

    " - 1 1 . 1 clear the road to lilt summit so atta unr co uld haul th e part to tilt: { ' , u o -root summit. The p low could no t hand letill' h ~\y .~110W .uul ie b lo ck ing tb c( j [ ~ n r ' m i ! e road . A h c l l L O J ' 1 ( ' o r w as ron~iderc,l 10 haul thl' I U ' I. 1 . but fo,g, ic c.m d h I g h '\ irnls 1 1 1 , 1 1 I'l'rl,du,dly 'llr ,1'01IUJ ML \'('.LShlllJ,!lOJ1 dllfill,e !Ill \\ ru-ter Il.~ ri k too weal.

    I'lu onJy W.1Y 10 repair Ihe engine,IUJ continue t-he te sts w as by haulingth e h l ' l - l v y rr: .if[ o ve r t h o : s le e p snow -re v e re d ro ad by ~ lJ(:c r tn fillp ow c r, A irF 1'(C ami Navy engineers conducringthe t ests w ith General Electric enlistedtud of th e A rmy quarte rm as te r co rp s)lI,,(h h ad li de techmcnt o f sold ie r sta-noned a t tilt.' base o r th e 1110Ul}tlljn ona no th er p ro je ct.Tw enty m en wi th ic c c re ep erss t rapped te therr f ee t and using impro-vised rope harnesses, succeeded io d rag-g ing the cra te on It t oboggan over balfthe wa}' L Ip till: first day. Severe stormsde layed furthe r mov ement for s e v e r a ld ys , then ano the r Ja y o f d ragg ingb rought the te am to the dear wind swep rfla ts a mile below the summit. Hereth e iH'Y'- je e p w h ic h had be en k ep t,top the mounta in .L II w in te r. re lie v e dlite weary men.When the replacement part WII - re-ce i ved ,II th e summit, re p a irs w ere m ad eon lilt' ,d cnginL' ,unJ the l e .. ,t I 'fOgC : ll limov e d 10 rornplet ion.

    Safety Aids Useful on SnowVMF-i.n, Er TOIIfl-DlIIing ~"I.l ",e.Ulln

    exercises hdnchlls supplied for use in multi-place aut! pa~;Jr"f(>l respectively oifel' nhighly eentrastiug targl't for use uil now,sea or land, 'The M1. I.~ smoke ~igual pee-vided ill lif" vests and in "U rafts offers 3dense


  • 8/3/2019 Naval Aviation News - Jun 1949


    F R O M A S D A N D ' S U P P L Y D I V I S IO N . R U A E RAir Force-Na,vy ProvisionsOne of tlw I w . ; r "l(,lmrl~ O J f inl('{-""" I,'l'("t"p~J"~,[L In ix th e J~vl'lorl1wn! d f ,! newspare ["" rts rrLlvlSj"nlfl;!! 1)t0u:J ure [O Jr A rrl'''Il't- ,llltl N~I \ l~ ](1 II ,th .11 ill\"lf,'I'~ I i\N (11I1.~1TU=1l1w l1l11 i W Ill ,[dU ll" III al l JI~tlr~!l1dFlL'rsofl-n e l , U K 11" 1 11 1r l' ,, ,- rmvi'll,rolllf:: " 1 1 0 1 ~"'lI r(ewdJnj! flit p,:lrh nml ,ts rrnp'''f.~Ill'l' ttl Jilt~uP I ' I )' r"'gnllll,Lockheed Uses Flat