Naskah Drama Bawang Merah.docx

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  • 8/17/2019 Naskah Drama Bawang Merah.docx


    Naskah Drama Bawang Merah & Bawang Putih (Bahasa Inggris &


    Bawang Merah & Bawang Putih

    A long time ago, there live a couple husband and wife. Themhave a very beautiful daughter, the name is Bawang Putih. Herfather was a seller, he lie a long trip. Them have neighbor is awidow and her daughter name Bawang Merah.

    The Mama !ed was "ealous to the Mama #hite becauseMama #hite is rich. $ame lie Bawang Merah, Bawang Merah was

     "ealous to the Bawang Putih because Bawang Putih is morebeautiful than her. %ne time Papa #hite want to go to the city.

    Papa #hite 'Mama, ( will go to the cityfor a some days.)Mama #hite '( "ust want to say be carefullin there*)

    Tomorrow morning......

    Papa #hite )Mama, Bawang Putih, ( go

    +rst, tae care your self.( love you.)

    Mama #hite )( love you too, and becarefull, Papa*)Bawang Putih 'Be carefull dad, ( love youtoo*)

      And, Papa #hite left them. A few days later, #henBawang Putih going to the river, Mama !ed and Bawang Merahstart their evil plan.

    Mama !ed 'Bawang Merah, what if wepoisoned Mama #hite)Bawang Merah )-es, ( agree. #e must illher right now*)

      Mama !ed give a poison to the foods her made. And hergive the poisoned food to Mama #hite.

    Mama !ed 'Mama #hite, ( made a foodfor you.)

    Bawang Merah '-a, at /uicly.)

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    Mama #hite '%uh... Than you verymuch*)

      Mama #hite carry that food to inside the house and eatit. But, she felt di00y and faint.

    Mama #hite 'Help me...... Help*)

      A few minutes later, Bawang Putih come bac from theriver and see her mother faint on the 1oor.

    Bawang Putih 'Mama... #hy you sleephere)Mama #hite '2mh... Bawang Putih....)Bawang Putih 'Mama...Mama, are youoay)Mama #hite 'Bawang Putih..(3m sorry..(can3t eep you again..  tae care yourself,id*)Bawang Putih 'Mama.... don3t leaveme,Ma*)

      Bawang Putih3s cry heard by Mama !ed and BawangMerah, them laught happily. A few days later Papa #hite came.

    Papa #hite 'Hello everybody....** (3m

    home...*)Bawang Putih 'Papa...Mama...Mama,pa...*)Papa #hite '4alm down... #hat3s wrongwith Mama)Bawang Putih )Mama has been pastaway..)Papa #hite '...)

      A few month ago....

    Papa #hite 'Bawang Putih, ( want to tellyou something.)Bawang Putih '#hat is that)Papa #hite '( want to marry with Mama!ed, so she will to tae

    care of you.)Bawang Putih '... %ay, if that you want.)

      And Papa #hite marry with Mama !ed, and then theirlive together. 5ot long after their marry, Papa #hite want to go tothe city again.

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    Papa #hite 'Mama !ed, ( want to go sellsomething in the city.

    Please tae care BawangMerah and Bawang Putih.)Mama !ed '%ay, darling. ( will tae care

    them well.)Papa #hite 'Bawang Putih, BawangMerah, what you

    want from the city)Bawang Merah '( want many beautiful dress,shoes, and "ewelry.)Bawang Putih '( "ust want a white rose andyour safe.)Papa#hite '%ay.. ( will get you as.Bye..bye.. all*)M!, BP, BM 'Bye..bye,papa*)

      After their father go to city, Mama !ed and BawangMerah begin to rude Bawang Putih.

    Mama !ed 'Putih* -ou must washclothes, plate, and all ind of

    homewor*)Bawang Merah '#ash my clothes until cleanlie new*)Bawang Putih '-..yes, mom*)

    M! and BM '6uicly***)

      very day, Bawang Putih always abused by Mama !edand Bawang Merah. #hen Bawang Putih go to the river, she feelmiss to her mother. Then hear a sound of a gold +sh...

    7old 8ish 'Help...Help me* 4an you helpme the sweet girl)Bawang Putih '#ho and where are you)7old 8ish '(3m here. 4an you tae downthis thing from my mouth)

    Bawang Putih 'Ha -ou can tal %h,oay..oay ( will help you*)7old 8ish 'Puah..* than you very muchgood girl* My name is (an

    Mas, what3s your name)Bawang Putih ' Putih. Howyou can tal)7old 8ish '8orget it, Bawang*

      Bawang Putih has a new best friend. %ne day, Bawang

    Merah saw Bawang Putih chatting with +sh. Then she catch the

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    +sh and fried it. After that, she give the bone of (an Mas to theBawang Putih.

    Bawang Putih '#hat are you dong to myfriend)

    Bawang Merah '8riend That3s +sh* Are youcra0y)

      Bawang Putih mae a grave for her friend. And then, amiracle happened, on the +sh grave turn up a gold plant. And thenews heared by the ingdom. The ingdom sent a guard to taethe gold plant for medicine the 6ueen.

    7uard 9 '#e from the ingdom want totae the plant for 6ueen

    medicine.)BM and M! '-es, tae it.)7uard : '%ay, ( will tae it. 2gggh... (can3t.)7uard ; 'Huh...you3re tired*

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    Bawang Putih '-es,(3m.)Prince 'Than you. Because the plantmy mother has been

    recover. And, ( promise #illmarry with a girl who

    has been mae my motherrecover. $o, i Purpose

    to marriage you.)Bawang Putih '(mmpossible, you must beenwrong.)Prince '5o, you3re the girl. Are acceptmy purpose)Bawang Putih '-es, ( accept.)

      Bawang Putih carry to the palace to meet the /ueen.

    Prince 'Mom, this is the girl.)6ueen '(s that you, sweet girl)Bawang Putih '-es, 6ueen.)Prince 'Mom, ( purpose to marry her.Are you blessing us)6ueen '%f course,son. ( blessing you.)

      Tomorrow morning, the wedding ceremony is marry.

    Bawang Merah 'Mom, why Bawang Putih marry

    with the prince, why not me)Mama !ed '( don3t now, stupid girl*)Bawang Merah 'Arrrrrghhh......)

      8inally, Bawang Putih and the prince live happilyforever.

    TH 5@

    Bawang Merah Bawang PutihSebuah waktu yang lama lalu, ada hidup pasangan suami istri. Merekamemiliki putri yang sangat indah, nama adalah Bawang Putih. Ayahnyaadalah seorang penjual, ia seperti perjalanan panjang. Mereka memilikitetangga adalah janda dan putrinya Bawang Merah namanya.Red Mama cemburu ke Mama karena Mama Putih Putih kaya. BawangMerah sama seperti, Bawang Merah iri dengan Bawang Putih BawangPutih karena lebih indah daripada dia. Suatu kali Papa Putih ingin pergi kekota.

    Papa Putih: Mama, aku akan pergi ke kota untuk beberapa hari.Mama Putih: Saya hanya ingin mengatakan !ati"hati di sana#

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    Besok pagi ......

    Papa Putih: Mama, Bawang Putih, aku pergi dulu, mengurus diri Anda.  Aku mencintaimu.

    Mama Putih: Aku mencintaimu juga, dan !ati"hati, Papa#Bawang Putih: $adilah ayah !ati"hati, aku mencintaimu juga#

      %an, Papa Putih meninggalkan mereka. Beberapa harikemudian, &etika Bawang Putih pergi ke sungai, Mama Bawang Merah danMerah mulai rencana jahat mereka.

    Mama Merah: ' Bawang Merah, bagaimana jika kita diracuni Mama PutihBawang Merah: (a, saya setuju. &ita harus membunuh dia sekarang#

      Mama Merah memberikan racun kepada makanan itu dibuat.%an dia memberikan makanan beracun ke Mama Putih.

    Mama Merah: Mama Putih, saya membuat makanan untuk Anda.Bawang Merah: (a, Makan cepat.Mama Putih: ouh ... )erima kasih banyak#

      Mama Putih membawa makanan ke dalam rumah danmemakannya. )api, ia merasa pusing dan pingsan.

    Mama Putih: Bantu saya ...... Bantuan#

      Beberapa menit kemudian, Bawang Putih, kembali dari sungaidan melihat ibunya pingsan di lantai.

    Bawang Putih: Mama ... Mengapa Anda tidur di sini' Mama Putih: *mh ... Bawang Putih ....Bawang Putih: Mama ... Mama, kau baik"baik saja'Mama Putih: Bawang Putih .. Maa+kan aku .. aku tidak bisa membuatAnda lagi ..  mengurus diri sendiri, ak# Bawang Putih: Mama .... jangan tinggalkan aku, Ma#

      Bawang Putih menangis itu didengar oleh Mama Merah danBawang Merah, mereka laught gembira. Beberapa hari kemudian PapaPutih datang.

    Papa Putih: !alo semua ....## Aku pulang ...#Bawang Putih: Papa ... Mama ... Mama, pa ...#Papa Putih: )enang ... Apa yang salah dengan Mama' Bawang Putih: Mama telah pergi .. masa laluPapa Putih: ...

      Satu bulan yang lalu ....

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    Papa Putih: Bawang Putih, saya ingin mengatakan sesuatu padamu.Bawang Putih: Apa itu'Papa Putih: Saya ingin menikah dengan Mama Merah, sehingga dia akanmengambil

      menjagamu. Bawang Putih: ... -ke, jika yang Anda inginkan.

      %an Papa menikah dengan Mama Putih Merah, dan kemudianhidup mereka bersama"sama. )idak lama setelah menikah mereka, PapaPutih ingin pergi ke kota lagi.

    Papa Putih: Mama Merah, aku ingin pergi menjual sesuatu di kota.  !arap berhati"hati Bawang Merahdan Bawang Putih. Mama Merah: -ke, Sayang. Aku akan menjaga mereka dengan baik. Papa Putih: Bawang Putih, Bawang Merah, apa yang Anda  inginkan dari kota' Bawang Merah: Saya ingin gaun indah, sepatu, dan perhiasan.Bawang Putih: Saya hanya ingin mawar putih dan aman Anda.Papahite: -ke .. Aku akan membuat Anda bertanya. Bye .. bye ..semua# MR, BP, BM: Bye .. bye, papa

      Setelah ayah mereka pergi ke kota, Mama Merah dan BawangMerah Bawang Putih mulai kasar.

    Mama Merah: Putih# Anda harus mencuci pakaian, piring, dan semua jenis  PR# Bawang Merah: /uci pakaian saya sampai bersih seperti baru#Bawang Putih: . (. ya, ibu#MR dan BM: /epat#

      Setiap hari, Bawang Putih selalu disalahgunakan oleh MamaMerah dan Bawang Merah. &etika Bawang Putih pergi ke sungai, ia merasarindu kepada ibunya. &emudian mendengar suara seekor ikan emas ...

    0kan emas: Bantuan ... Bantu aku# %apatkah Anda membantu saya gadismanis' Bawang Putih: Siapa dan di mana kau'0kan emas: Aku di sini. %apatkah Anda mengambil hal ini dari mulutsaya' Bawang Putih: !a'' Anda bisa bicara' -h, oke .. oke saya akanmembantu Anda# 0kan 1mas: Pua ..# terima kasih banyak gadis yang baik# ama sayaadalah 0kan

      Mas, apa nama Anda' Bawang Putih: Bb .. bb .. Bawang Putih. Bagaimana Anda bisa bicara'

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    0kan 1mas: 2upakan saja, Bawang#

      Bawang Putih memiliki sahabat baru. Suatu hari, Bawang PutihBawang Merah melihat mengobrol dengan ikan. 2alu ia menangkap ikandan goreng itu. Setelah itu, dia memberikan tulang 0kan Mas Putih Bawang


    Bawang Putih: Apa yang Anda dong untuk teman saya'Bawang Merah: )eman'' 0tu ikan# Apakah Anda gila'

      Bawang Putih membuat kuburan untuk temannya. %ankemudian, keajaiban terjadi, di makam ikan muncul tanaman emas. %anberita didengar oleh kerajaan. &erajaan mengirim penjaga untukmengambil pabrik emas untuk obat Ratu.

    Penjaga 3: &ami dari kerajaan ingin mengambil tanaman untuk Ratu  obat"obatan. BM dan MR: (a, ambillah.Penjaga 4: -ke, aku akan mengambilnya. *gggh ... Aku tidak bisa. Pengawal 5: !ah ... Anda lelah# Biarkan aku mencoba# *ggggh ... hah ..hah ..  0ni sangat sulit.

      Penjaga dan Bawang Merah dan Merah Mama tidak dapatmengambil pabrik emas. &emudian, datang Bawang Putih.

    Bawang Putih: Biarkan aku mengambilnya#Mama Merah: Bawang Putih# Anda harus ...Penjaga 4: Ssssstt ....

      %an, Bawang Putih dapat mengambil tanaman danmemberikannya kepada para penjaga. Bawang Merah dan Mama Merahmemberikan wajah marah untuk Bawang Putih. 5 hari kemudian, Ratutelah pulih.

    Pangeran: Bagaimana perasaan Anda'Ratu: Saya lebih baik sekarang, saya pikir Anda perlu pergi ke gadis itu

    dan  mengucapkan terima kasih# Pangeran: (a, ibu. Aku akan pergi ke sana. 6arda mendapatkan saya kerumah itu# Penjaga 3, 4, 5: -ke, pangeran ..

    7%i rumah Bawang Putih ini8

    Penjaga 3: Maa+#Bawang Putih: (a ..

    Pengawal 5: 0ni dia, Pangeran# 6adis yang menanam pohon. Pangeran: Benarkah'

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    Bawang Putih: (a, saya.Pangeran: )erima kasih. &arena tanaman ibu saya telah  pulih. %an, aku berjanji akan menikahdengan seorang gadis yang  telah membuat ibu saya sembuh. $adi,

    saya )ujuan  dengan pernikahan Anda. Bawang Putih: 0mmpossible, Anda harus salah.Pangeran: )idak, kau gadis itu. Apakah menerima tujuan saya' Bawang Putih: (a, saya menerima.

      Bawang Putih membawa ke istana untuk bertemu ratu.

    Pangeran: Bu, ini adalah gadis itu.Ratu: Apakah itu kau, gadis manis'Bawang Putih: (a, Ratu.Pangeran: 0bu, saya bertujuan untuk menikahinya. Apakah Andamemberkati kita' Ratu: )entu saja, ak. Aku memberkati kamu.

      Besok pagi, upacara pernikahan adalah menikahi.

    Bawang Merah: 0bu, mengapa Bawang Putih menikah dengan sangpangeran,  kenapa bukan aku'' Mama Merah: Saya tidak tahu, gadis bodoh#

    Bawang Merah: Arrrrrghhh ......

      Akhirnya, Bawang Putih dan pangeran hidup bahagiaselamanya.A&!0R

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    The Power of Mom


    3. Maryam: a single parent who live with her three daughters. She works as a servantin Professor fikri house to fund her family. She is kind and lovable.

    4. Professor Fikri: a kind Professor who has two daughters.

    5. Jojo: Maryam’s oldest daughter. She is a sMaryamt and wise girl.

    9. iah: Maryam’s se!ond daughter. "!tually she is adopted !hild. She is so egoist.

    . Shinta: Maryam’s youngest daughter. She is !ute and lovable.

    ;. #ania: Professor’s first daughter. She is !ruel but a!tually a kind person.

    . Mayra: patient’s sister. She loves her sister mu!h and does anything to save hersister live.

    3?.%iwik: a nurse


    Maryam, a woman who has three daughters works as a servant in the Professor Fikri ’s

     family. Maryam has been left by her husband who wanted to Maryam a rich widow ten

    years ago. She struggles for herself and her daughters. She work very hard to make living

    and afford her daughters’ education, sometime she works in more than one place . She

    even does not care about her health that is becoming worst day after day. Finally, she is

    success to bring one of her daughter to study in the no.1 university in the country and 

    successfully become a doctor. nfortunately, Maryam passed away when her daughter 

     !ust got her success.

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    Scene 1 (Maryam’s house)

    "n the living room, after having diner, Maryam and her daughter go to living room.

    Maryam is knitting, sinta is doing homework, while !o!o and #iah are playing scrabble.

    Shinta : &Mom' do you still remember my friend' #ony()

    Maryam : &*es' + still remember him. ,e used to !ome here and pi!k you up' didn’t he(


    Shinta : &emmm-.. ,e !hanges-.. + mean-.)

    iah : &,e is so measureable' what’s a pity)

    Maryam. : &Mom' so- what happened to him()

    Jojo : &%ell sometimes this life is unpredi!table. /verything !an be !hanged. So does


    Sinta : &,e-ah-.drop out from s!hool be!ause he always absent. ,e seems like doesn’t

    !are about his life' his edu!ation' and his future a!tually.)

    Maryam. : 0sigh1 &+ am sorry to hear that' but my !hildren' you should know that your

    future is on your own hand. Study hard' rea!h your dream)

    iah : &S!hool makes me si!k. %e spend a lot of money for something !an’t guarantee my

    future 2334 perfe!t.)

    Jojo : &%hat are you talking about()

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    iah : &+t happens' Sist- +t happens in this !ountry.)

    Maryam. : &/nough' daughters. ,m-#here are so many people who work hard for their

    future for getting better future. aughters' do you know Professor. Fikri(

    Shinta : &*our boss( %hy)

    Maryam. : &hm-ehm- did you think he !ome from ri!h family( 5o dear. ,e was poor' just

    like us. 6et me tell you about him. ,e had no parent when he was fifteen. 7an you

    imagine what he felt at that time()

    iah : &+s this important for us()

    Shinta : 0look at iah1 &sssssttttt-.)

    Jojo : &i #hat is not the way how we talk to our mother.)

    0iah' Shinta' Jojo are silent1

    Maryam. : &+ think it’s better for you to look at his effort in rea!hing his dream' getting a

    better life just like now.)

    Jojo : 0#ry to think what her mother have said1

    iah : 0leaving the room without any !omment1

    Shinta : 0just busy with her work1

    Scene 2 (in the balcony of Professor’s house)

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    "n the afternoon,as usual, Professor Fikri is reading a newspaper in the balcony. $hen,

    Maryam bring him a cup of tea, !ust as usual.

    Professor. : hank you) 0#he Professor glan!es at Maryam1 &"re you 8k( *ou look pale.)

    Maryam. : &emmm-+’m ok.)

    Professor. : &5o' you are no ok. ,ave a seat please. 6et’s have a talk)

    Professor and Maryam are silent1

    Professor. : &+t has been a long time + don’t see your daughters. "re the 89(&

    Maryam. : &yes. #hey are ok' sir.)

    Professor. : &Jojo will have final eam this year' right()

    Maryam. : &*es' this is her last year in senior high s!hool.)

    Professor. : &She studies well' doesn’t she()

    Maryam : &yes. She always be!omes the best student in her s!hool.) 0smiling. ,er fa!e

    show that she is very proud to jojo1

    Professor : &%hat a great She must be re!eived in every best university in this !ountry)

    Maryam : 0she bows her head' then turn to smile surly1

    Professor :&%hat about your husband( ,ave he !onta!ted you( +s there any news from him(

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    Maryam. : 0silent' she is sho!ked by Professor’s ;uestion1

    &Sin!e he left me' ten years ago to marry that ri!h widow' he never !onta!ts me or his


    Professor : &+’m really sorry for making you feel un!omfortable)

    Maryam : &that’s ok' Professor. +’m alright.)0 Maryam smiles bitterly1

    Professor :0give two books to Maryam1. &

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    #ania : &+t is epensive' you know *ou !annot afford it) push Maryam down.

    Maryam. : &+ am sorry #ania. + will try to make it better. + will repair it and !lean. + will

    wash it again)

    #ania : &heh-. 0%ith mad fa!e1 just do the best "nd remember' never do the same


    %&y listening that noise, 'ara, Professor’s second daughter, and Professor come to them(

    $ara : &please' stop it sisy). 0,elp maryam to stand1.

    Professor : #ania' !an you de!rease your high pit!h voi!e(. 0Professor is looked angry.

    #hen' #ania goes away.1

    Maryam. : 0Maryam so sad. She walks to the washing room by bringing the blouse with her.

    #hen' wash it again1

    Scene 3

    Maryam always backs home at si) in the afternoon. &ut, that day after her conversation

    with Professor Fikri, she doesn’t go home directly. She goes to Mr. *rab’s restaurant.

    $here, she washes the dishes as a part time !ob. +fter finish her duty in there, she goes

    home. She arrives at home at 1 am.

    &y listening, the sound of the door opened, -o!o runs to her mother and hugs that old 


    Maryam. : &oh my angel'why don’t you go to bed yet()

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    Jojo : 0!rying1 &Mom' where did you go(. *ou never ba!k home late like this before. + was

    so worried. + !alled Professor Fikri' he said you wasn’t there)

    Maryam. : 0Just smile and &mengelus) Jojo’s hair1

    Jojo : &0,olds her mother’s hands1 &8h' look at your hands %hat have you done( %hy is it

    so !old()

    Maryam. : 0Just smile1 &+t’s late of night' go to sleep now *ou have to go to s!hool

    tomorrow. $ight()

    Jojo : &>ut- mom- what-.)

    Maryam : 0smile again1 &Just sleep my lovely angel) 0kiss Jojo1.

    %Maryam walks,leaving -o!o. She put her bag on the table(


    Jojo : &Mom' + need to say something.)

    Maryam. : &about what( Must it be talked right now( +t’s late of night dear.)

    Jojo : &mom...)

    Maryam. : &ok' tell me now) 0siting on the !hair1

    Jojo : &+ got an invitation.)

    Maryam. : &+nvitation( %hat kind of invitation( +s there your friend’s wedding party()

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    Jojo : &5o' Mom. + got an interview invitation from university. + have registered to the

    university in Jakarta. + have passed the test' and now + will get an interview. %hat do you

    think( Shall +()

    Maryam. : 0hold her daughter’s hand1) of !ourse my angel. *ou shall. #his is a great good

    news). #he tears is down from her eyes.

    Jojo : & but' + won’t leave you mom)0 !rying in her mother arms.1

    Maryam : &listen' this is a good opportunity. %e should thanks to "lloh ad you have to go(5ow' tell me. %hat fa!ulty will you enter()

    Jojo :medi!al 0 smile and sweep the tears 1

    Maryam :)ohhh' !ongratulation. *our dream !ome true. "lhamdulilah) 0huges Jojo again.1

    %#iah comes into the house from the window, she walk to her room.then suddenly stops

    when she reali/e that her mother and -o!o is in the same room with her. Maryam and 

     -o!o look in #ini’s face(

    iah :)hai mom. 0sit on the !hair 1.what is this(0talking to herself1. %ow new book' mom is

    it new book for Jojo and Sinta( %ow it must be epensive)

    %-o!o also sit on the chair near #iah(

    Maryam : where are from ini( 0ga?e to ini1

    ini : From >ella’s house. 0talking to Jojo1.6ook this 5ational /er!ise eamination book

    for Senior ,igh s!hool . + guess this for you sist.0 ini gives it to Jojo1

    Jojo : 0re!eiving the book from ini1 yeah' and this one for must be for Sinta. 8h 'thankyou mom. >ut' why you are so late(

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    ini : eem..' doing home work.

    Jojo : so then' where is your book( + don’t see you bring even a pie!e of paper.

    ini : ahh' stop it sisy. 0ignoring Jojo1where is the thing for me myself( 07he!king the bags

    !arefully1. Mom(

    Maryam : ini' we talk again tomorrow ok. 5ow' its better for you two-0!ough1

    ini : 5o. 0 ini is jelousy. She stands up1 you love me like you do love Sinta and Jojo.

    oesn’t you(

    Maryam : yes' absolutely sweetheart. Stop saying that so..

    ini : 8k then. 5ow' + want new shoes. My very very old shoes !an not walk with me


    Maryam :but sweetheart' + have no money for...

    ini : mom' they have got those epensive new books and + want new shoes. +t must be

    !heaper than those books. Fair(

    Jojo : stop talking Sinta. 5ow' go sleep

    ini :+ won’t 0staring at Jojo1 what(

    Jojo : !an’t you see. 8ur mom is tired after working a whole day. "nd you' !oming home

    so late and talking that su!h impolite words and..

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    ini : 0plug her ears with her two fingers1 what did you say(

    Jojo : you *ou even not my mother’s..

    Maryam : silent Jojo

    ini : listen that. >e silent0mo!king Jojo by put her tongue out1

    Maryam : Stop that ini. + will finish Mrs 5uri !lothes tonight. #ommorw' ini' *ou should

    give it to Mrs 5uri house and take the money from her. you !an have the money to buy

    new shoes. 89 5ow' both of you go to sleep

    %-o!o and #ini say no words, they keep silent and went to their room. -ust do what her 

    mother asks them. 0hile Mariam, she kni Mrs uri clothes without having rest after 

    working a whole day and night(


    Seven years later.

    "n that small house, now Maryam lives only with her two daughters because -o!o had left

    them to -akarta. -o!o got scholarship there, in medical faculty. "n the beautiful


    Sinta : mom' you have to take a rest. *ou look pale. 6et me !ontinue sweeping the floor.

    Maryam : +’m 8k sweetheart. + !an do it. 0!ough1 have you finished your homework(

    Sinta : mom' + think' your !ough be!ome worst and worst. %e should go to the do!tor.

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    Maryam : no' +’m alright. #his is just a !ough. + !an stay alive and do my a!tivity

    Sinta :but mom' it will be better if you..

    0suddenly ini !ome bringing four >ags1

    ini : "ssalamualaikum' +’m home.

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    ini : what(

    Maryam : girls' 6isten. *our sister Jojo work hard in Jakarta to give us better living' no to

    waste the mony sweetheart.

    % maryam cough getting worst,now her cough bleeding. "n minutes she fainted(

    Scene !

    Jojo work in ramais. #hat evening' after she prayed Magrib her !ell phone rings.

    Jojo : "ssalamualaikum Sinta

    Sinta : %alaikum salam

    Jojo : %hat’s happend( %hy your voi!e..

    Sinta : Jo.. mama... Mama is hospitali?ed this evening' her !ough is bleeding. 7ome home


    Jojo : %here is ini( + need to talk to her.

    Sinta : She is having dinner with her new boyfriend

    Jojo : %hat(

    Sinta : + am alone sist. +’m afraid

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    Jojo : be patient' where is mom(

    Sinta : yes' she is here

    Jojo : give the phone to her

    Maryam : "ssalamualaikum..

    Jojo :"laikumsalam' how are you feeling (

    Maryam : i’m alright my angel. Sinta just eaggerates my !ondition.

    Jojo : 8k' i’ll ba!k tonight. Maybe i’ll arrive in the morning.

    % Mayra, a sister of one of -o!o’s patient came and cry(

    Mayra : do!tor' help my sister. Please.

    Jojo : mom' i have to hang the !all up. +’ll !all you later

    Maryam :ok my angel. 6isten *ou have to save your patient live. + will be 8k.

    Jojo : 8k mom. 6ove you

    % noise come from in the end of phone. -ust like the phone is falling. -o!o hears Sinta


    Jojo : ,ello' Mom..Sinta.. Sinta.. what is happened( ,allo..

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    Sinta... answer me 0!rying1. Mom...

    Mayra : e!usme do!ter' please help my sister. ,er !ondition is getting worst.please dokter

    0 still !rying1

    Jojo : + have to meet my mother' she is si!k. Sorry Mayra. + have to go home.

    Mayra : please do!tor' $asya is my only family. ,ow !an i live tthis world alone. Please


    Jojo :0 Jojo tries to run' she avoids Mayra. >ut mayra keep following her and begging

    her1please. + have to meet my only mother. Please. =nderstand me.

    0Jojo’s phone is ringing1

    Jojo : ,allo..

    Maryam : ,allo sweetheart. +’m 8k. o your duty well' ok( Promise me.

    Jojo :mom.. 0!rying1.

    Maryam :love you my angel. "ssalamualaikum 0 the phone is hung up1

    Jojo : hallo mom' mom..

    % -o!o look at Mayra who follow her. She stare at Mayra sadly eyes(

    Jojo :let’s go to your sister.

    Mayra :ohh' thank you do!tor.

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    Scene "

    $he ne)t morning Maryam insists to go home. She want stay in the hospital. #octer 

     punished her acult lung cancer, last stadium. "n their small house, Maryam sleep

    unconciously and wewkly.

    "n the mid day, -o!o arrives. She run to Maryam room. "n that room, Sinta is sitting beside

    Maryam, crying.

    Jojo :mom' here i am. + am !oming. %ake up mom. Mom.. 0!rying and hold her mother1

    %maryam open her eyes weakly. She smile to her daughter(

    Maryam: my angel 0maryam whispering1

    Professor Fikri comes to see Maryam. $hen he sits beside Maryam. Maryam2s condition

     gets worst and worst. Finally, she dies..