565 Medical Diary for the ensuing Week. OPERATIONS. METROPOLITAN HOSPITALS. MONDAY (22nd).-London (2 P.M.), St. Bartholomew’s (1.30 p.m.), St. Thomas’s (3.30 P.M.), St. George’s (2 P.M., Ophthalmic 1.15 P.M.), St. Mary’s (2.30 P.M.), Middlesex (1.30 P.M.), St. Mark’s (2 P.M.), Chelsea (2 P.M.), Samaritan (Gynaecological, by Physicians, 2 P.M-), ), Soho-square (2 P.M.), Royal Orthopaedic (2 P.M.). City Orthopædic (4 P.M.). Gt. Northern Central (2.30 P.M.), West London (2.30 P.M.), Westminster (2 P.M.). TUESDAY (23rd).-London (2 P.M.), St. Bartholomew’s (1.30 P.M.), Guy’s (1.30 P.M.), St. Thomas’s (3.30 P.M.), Middlesex (1.30 P.M.), West- minster (2 P.M.), West London (2.30 P.M.), University College (2 p.x.), St. George’s (1 P.M.), St. Mary’s (2 P.M.), St. Mark’s e (2.30 P.M.). Cancer (2 P.M.). WEDNESDAY (24th).-St. Bartholomew’s (1.30 P.M.), University College (2 P.M.), Royal Free (2 P.M.), Middlesex (1.30 P.M.), Charing-cross (3 P.M.), St. Thomas’s (2 P.M.), London (2 P.M.), King’s College (2 P.M.), St. Mary’s (2 P.M.), National Orthopaedic (10 A.M.), St. Peter’s (2 P.M.), Samaritan (2.30 P.M.). Gt. Qrmonri-street (9.30 A.M.), Gt. Northern Central (2.30 P.M.), Westminster (2 P.,Ni.). THURSDAY (25th).-St. Bartholomew’s (1.30 P.M.), St. Thomas’s (3.30 P.M.), University College (2 P.M.), Charing-cross (3 P.M.). St. George’s (1 P.M.), London (2 P.M.), King’s College (2 P.M.), Middlesex (1.30 P.M.), St. Mary’s (2.30 P.M.), Soho-square (2 P.M.), North-West London (2 P.M.), Chelsea (2 P.M.), Gt. Northern Central (Gynaeco- logical, 2.30 P.M.) FRIDAY (26th).-London (2 P.M.), St. Bartholomew’s (1.30 P.M.), St. Thomas’s (3.30 P.M.), Guy’s (1.30 P.M.), Middlesex (1.30 P.M.), Charing- cross (3 P.M.), St. George’s (1 P.M.), King’s College (2 P.M.), St. Mary’s (2 P.M., Ophthalmic 10 A.M.), Cancer (2 P.m.). Chelsea (2 P.M.), Gt, Northern Central (2.30 P.M.), West London (2.30 P.M.). BATURDAY (27th).-Royal Free (9 A.M. and P.M.), Middlesex (1.30P.M." St. Thomas’s (2 P.M.), London (2 P.M.), University College (9.15 A.M.), Charing-cross (3 P.M.), St. George’s (1 P.M.), St. Mary’s (10 P.M.), Cancer (2 P.M.). At the Royal Eye Hospital (2 P.M.), the Royal London Ophthalmic (10 A.M.), the Royal Westminster Ophthalmic (1.30 P.M.), and the Central London Ophthalmic Hospitals operations are performed daily. SOCIETIES. MONDAY (22nd).-MEDICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON.-8.30 PM. Mr. Victor Horsley: Traumatic Neurasthenia.-Mr. Hurry Fenwick: Twenty Lumbar Nephrectomies. TUESDAY (23rd).-ROYAL MEDICAL AND CHIRURGICAL SOCIETY.- 8.30 P.M. Mr. T. S. Ellis: On some Points in the Surgical Physio- logy of the Foot. WEDNESDAY (24th).-HUNTERIAN SOCIETY (London Institution, Finsbury-circus).-8 P.M. Mr. Victor Horsley: Torticollis and its Treatment. (Hunterian Lecture ) DF,’R-’,IATOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND (20, Hanover-square, W,).-5 P.M. Papers:—Dr. Pye-Smith: Varicella Bullosa.—Dr. Stowers: Antecedents of, and Sequel to, a Case of Paget’s Disease of the Nipple.-Mr. G. Pernet: Recurrent Herpes Zoster, with remarks on Etiology.-Dr. D. Walsh: X Ray Thera- peutics in Skin Diseases. Cases : Dr. Payne : (1) Arsenical Kera- tosis ; (2) Pityriasis Rubra.-Dr. T. D. Savill: (1) Raynaud’s Disease; (2) Lichen Planus ; (3) (?) Lichen Acuminatus. Also cases by Dr. Abraham and others. Dr. Walsh: Dermatitis and Obliterative Phlebitis. FRIDAY (26th).-CLINICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON.-8.30 P.M. Clinical Evening. The following cases will be shown :-Dr. S. Coupland: Case of Multiple Subcutaneous Nodules and Bony Growth from the Skull.-Dr. St. C. Thomson: Case of Blood Tumour of the Auricle occurring spontaneously.-Dr. A. Wilson: Case of Dual Conscious- ness. And other cases. Patients in attendance at 8 P.M. LECTURES, ADDRESSES, DEMONSTRATIONS, &0. MONDAY (22nd).-LONDON POST-GRADUATE COURSE.-London Throat Hospital, Gt. Portland-st., W., 8 P.M., Dr. E. Law: Examination of the Throat and Nose. RoYAL COLLEGE OF SURGEONS.-5 P.M. Dr. E. H. Starling: The Changes in the Circulation consequent on Heart Failure. (Arris and Gale Lecture I.) THE SANITARY INSTITUTE (Parkes Museum, Margaret-street, W.).- 8 P.M. Mr. A. Winter BIyth: The Law Relating to the Super- vision of Food Supply. SOCIETY OF ARTS.—8 P.M. Mr. C. F. Cross: The Industrial Uses of Cellulose. (Cantor Lecture) TUESDAY (23rd).-LONDON POST-GRADUATE COURSE.—Bethlem Hos- pital, 2 P.M., Dr. Craig: Melancholia and Hypochondriasis.—Hospital for Skin Diseases. Blackfriars, 4.30 P.M., Dr. Abraham : Psoriasis. CENTRAL LONDON THROAT, NOSE, AND EAR HOSPITAL.-4 P.M. Dr. D. Grant: The Diagnosis and Treatment of Diseases characterised by Discharge from the Ear. NATIONAL HOSPITAL FOR THE PARALYSED AND EPILEPTIC (Blooms- bury).-3.30 P.M. Dr. Gowers: Lecture. WEST-END HOSPITAL FOR DISEASES OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM (73, Welbeek-street).-4 P.M. Mr. E. Cotterell: Cases Illustrating the Surgery of the Ne’-vous System. ROYAL INSTITUTION.—3 P.M. Prof. A. D. Waller: Animal Electricity. WEDNESDAY (24th). LONDON POST-GRADUATE COURSE. -- Parkes Museum, Margaret-street, W., 4.30 P.M., Prof. A. Wynter Blyth: Construction ot Dwelling Houses. HOSPITAL FOR CONSUMPTION. &c., (Brompton).-4 P.M. Dr. Fowler: Clinical Demonstration in the Wards. ROYAL COLLEGE OF SURGEONS.-5 P.M. Dr. E. H. Starling: The Changes in the Circulation consequent on Heart Failure. (Arris and Gale Lecture II.) THE SANITARY INSTITUTE (Parkes Museum, Margaret-street, W.).- 2 P.M. Mr. A. Taylor (conducted by): Inspection and Demonstra- tion in the Parish of St. George’s, Hanover-square (number limited). WEST LONDON PosT-GRADUATE COURSE (West London Hospital, W.)- Mr. Paget: Surgical Cases. SOCIETY or ARTS.-8 P.M. Sir H. TruemanWood: Reproduction of Colour by Photographic Methods, THURSDAY (25th).-LoNDON POST-GRADUATE COURSE.—Brit. Inst. of Preventive Medicine, Gt. Russeh-st., W C., 3.30 P.M., Dr. Allan. Macfadyen and Mr. A. G. Foulerton: On the Clinical Significance of- Proteid Substances in the Urine of Disease.-Central London Sick Asylum, Cleveland-st., W., 5.30 P.M., Mr. J. Hutchinson: Clinical Lecture. SOCIETY OF ARTS.-8 P.M. Prof. J. A. Ewing: The Mechanical Pro-- duction of Cold. (Howard Lecture ) THE SANITARY INSTITUTE (Parkes Museum, Margaret-street, W.).- 8 P.M. Mr. A. Wynter Blyth Sanitary Laws and Regulations Governing the Metropolis. ROYAL INSTITUTION.-3 P.M. Mr. J. W. Gregory: The Problems oi- Actic Geology. FRIDAY (26th).—LONDON POST-GRADUATE COURSE.-King’s College,. 3 to 5 P.M., Prof. Crookshank : Examination of Air, Soil, and Water. CENTRAL LONDON THROAT, NOSE, AND EAR HOSPITAL.-4 P.M. Mr. St G. Reid : Methods of Bacteriological Diagnosis (illustrated by lantern demonstrations, &e.). NATIONAL HOSPITAL FOR THE PARALYSED AND EPILEPTIC (Blooms- hury).—3.30 P.M. Mr. Gunn : Inflammatory Affection of Optic- ° Nerve, &c. THE CANCER HOSPITAL (FREE) (Fulham-road, Brompton, S.W.).- 4 P.M. Dr. F. A. Purcell: Abdominal Surgery for Malignant Disease ROYAL COLLEGE OF SURGEONS.-5 P.M. Dr. E. H. Starling: The’ Changes in the Circulation consequent on Heart Failure. (Arris and. Gale Lecture III ) ROYAL INSTITUTION.-9 P.M. Lieut.-Col. C. R. Conder: Palestine- Exploration. SATURDAY (27th).-ROYAL INSTITUTION.-3 P.M. Mr. W. F. Lord:- The Growth of the Mediterranean Route to the East. Notes, Short Comments, and Answers to Correspondents. EDITORIAL NOTICE. IT is most important that communications relating to the Editorial business of THE LANCET should be addressed exclusively "TO THE EDITORS," and not in any case to. any gentleman who may be supposed to be connected with the Editorial staff. It is urgently necessary that attention be given to this notice. - It is especially requested that early intelligence of local e-vento having a medical interest, or which it is desirable to bring. under the notice of the profession, may be sent direct to this Office. Lectures, original articles, and reports should be written on one side of the paper only, AND, WHEN ACCOMPANIED BY BLOCKS, IT IS REQUESTED THAT THE NAME OF THE AUTHOR, AND IF POSSIBLE OF THE ARTICLE, SHOULD BE WRITTEN ON THE BLOCKS TO FACILITATE IDENTI FICATION. Letters, whether intended for insertion or for private inftwm4- tion, must be authenticated by the names and addresses oj their writer, not necessarilyfor publication. We ccznnot prescribe or recommend practitioners. Local papers containing reports or news paragraphs should be marked and addressed ° "To the Sub-Editor." Letters relatinq to the publication, sale, and advertising de- partments ot THE LANCET should be addressed " To the Manager." , We cannot undertake to return MSS. not used. "LANTERN LECTURES." To the Editors of TH LANCET. SIRS,—If " Hygienist" will communicate with me I will give him the- information he requires about slides and lanterns for lectures on hygiene. and ambulance work. I am, Sirs, yours truly, WILLIAM Eassy,M.D. Brux. Westgate, Peterborough, Feb. 15th, 1897. To the Editors of THE LANCET. SIRS,-" Hygienist" can obtain full particulars as to hire or purchase- of lanterns for lecturing from Messrs. Newton and Co., 3, Fleet-street, Temple Bar, who also have a large supply of lantern slides illustrative- of hygiene; from Mr. Walter Tyler, 148, Waterloo-road, S.E.; or from. Mr. Luscombe Toms, 78, Queen Victoria-street, B.C., among others. The- use of oil or lime light for the lantern is a matter of importance, depending on the presence or otherwise of gas-fittings in the lecture- room and the experience of the operator. If, when "Hygienist" has. applied for details to either of the above firms, I can give him any further advice or assistance I shall be pleased to do so. I am, Sirs, yours truly, The Lindens, Putney, S.W., Feb. 15th, 1897. J. GAY.

Medical Diary for the ensuing Week

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Medical Diary for the ensuing Week.OPERATIONS.

METROPOLITAN HOSPITALS.MONDAY (22nd).-London (2 P.M.), St. Bartholomew’s (1.30 p.m.), St.

Thomas’s (3.30 P.M.), St. George’s (2 P.M., Ophthalmic 1.15 P.M.),St. Mary’s (2.30 P.M.), Middlesex (1.30 P.M.), St. Mark’s (2 P.M.),Chelsea (2 P.M.), Samaritan (Gynaecological, by Physicians, 2 P.M-), ),Soho-square (2 P.M.), Royal Orthopaedic (2 P.M.). City Orthopædic(4 P.M.). Gt. Northern Central (2.30 P.M.), West London (2.30 P.M.),Westminster (2 P.M.).

TUESDAY (23rd).-London (2 P.M.), St. Bartholomew’s (1.30 P.M.), Guy’s(1.30 P.M.), St. Thomas’s (3.30 P.M.), Middlesex (1.30 P.M.), West-minster (2 P.M.), West London (2.30 P.M.), University College(2 p.x.), St. George’s (1 P.M.), St. Mary’s (2 P.M.), St. Mark’s e(2.30 P.M.). Cancer (2 P.M.).

WEDNESDAY (24th).-St. Bartholomew’s (1.30 P.M.), University College(2 P.M.), Royal Free (2 P.M.), Middlesex (1.30 P.M.), Charing-cross(3 P.M.), St. Thomas’s (2 P.M.), London (2 P.M.), King’s College (2 P.M.),St. Mary’s (2 P.M.), National Orthopaedic (10 A.M.), St. Peter’s (2 P.M.),Samaritan (2.30 P.M.). Gt. Qrmonri-street (9.30 A.M.), Gt. NorthernCentral (2.30 P.M.), Westminster (2 P.,Ni.).

THURSDAY (25th).-St. Bartholomew’s (1.30 P.M.), St. Thomas’s(3.30 P.M.), University College (2 P.M.), Charing-cross (3 P.M.). St.George’s (1 P.M.), London (2 P.M.), King’s College (2 P.M.), Middlesex(1.30 P.M.), St. Mary’s (2.30 P.M.), Soho-square (2 P.M.), North-WestLondon (2 P.M.), Chelsea (2 P.M.), Gt. Northern Central (Gynaeco-logical, 2.30 P.M.)

FRIDAY (26th).-London (2 P.M.), St. Bartholomew’s (1.30 P.M.), St.Thomas’s (3.30 P.M.), Guy’s (1.30 P.M.), Middlesex (1.30 P.M.), Charing-cross (3 P.M.), St. George’s (1 P.M.), King’s College (2 P.M.), St. Mary’s(2 P.M., Ophthalmic 10 A.M.), Cancer (2 P.m.). Chelsea (2 P.M.), Gt,Northern Central (2.30 P.M.), West London (2.30 P.M.).

BATURDAY (27th).-Royal Free (9 A.M. and P.M.), Middlesex (1.30P.M."St. Thomas’s (2 P.M.), London (2 P.M.), University College (9.15 A.M.),Charing-cross (3 P.M.), St. George’s (1 P.M.), St. Mary’s (10 P.M.),Cancer (2 P.M.).

At the Royal Eye Hospital (2 P.M.), the Royal London Ophthalmic(10 A.M.), the Royal Westminster Ophthalmic (1.30 P.M.), and theCentral London Ophthalmic Hospitals operations are performed daily.


Victor Horsley: Traumatic Neurasthenia.-Mr. Hurry Fenwick:Twenty Lumbar Nephrectomies.

TUESDAY (23rd).-ROYAL MEDICAL AND CHIRURGICAL SOCIETY.-8.30 P.M. Mr. T. S. Ellis: On some Points in the Surgical Physio-logy of the Foot.

WEDNESDAY (24th).-HUNTERIAN SOCIETY (London Institution,Finsbury-circus).-8 P.M. Mr. Victor Horsley: Torticollis and itsTreatment. (Hunterian Lecture )

DF,’R-’,IATOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND (20,Hanover-square, W,).-5 P.M. Papers:—Dr. Pye-Smith: VaricellaBullosa.—Dr. Stowers: Antecedents of, and Sequel to, a Case ofPaget’s Disease of the Nipple.-Mr. G. Pernet: Recurrent HerpesZoster, with remarks on Etiology.-Dr. D. Walsh: X Ray Thera-peutics in Skin Diseases. Cases : Dr. Payne : (1) Arsenical Kera-tosis ; (2) Pityriasis Rubra.-Dr. T. D. Savill: (1) Raynaud’sDisease; (2) Lichen Planus ; (3) (?) Lichen Acuminatus. Alsocases by Dr. Abraham and others. Dr. Walsh: Dermatitis andObliterative Phlebitis.

FRIDAY (26th).-CLINICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON.-8.30 P.M. ClinicalEvening. The following cases will be shown :-Dr. S. Coupland:Case of Multiple Subcutaneous Nodules and Bony Growth from theSkull.-Dr. St. C. Thomson: Case of Blood Tumour of the Auricleoccurring spontaneously.-Dr. A. Wilson: Case of Dual Conscious-ness. And other cases. Patients in attendance at 8 P.M.


MONDAY (22nd).-LONDON POST-GRADUATE COURSE.-London ThroatHospital, Gt. Portland-st., W., 8 P.M., Dr. E. Law: Examination ofthe Throat and Nose.

RoYAL COLLEGE OF SURGEONS.-5 P.M. Dr. E. H. Starling: TheChanges in the Circulation consequent on Heart Failure. (Arris andGale Lecture I.)

THE SANITARY INSTITUTE (Parkes Museum, Margaret-street, W.).-8 P.M. Mr. A. Winter BIyth: The Law Relating to the Super-vision of Food Supply.

SOCIETY OF ARTS.—8 P.M. Mr. C. F. Cross: The Industrial Uses ofCellulose. (Cantor Lecture)

TUESDAY (23rd).-LONDON POST-GRADUATE COURSE.—Bethlem Hos-pital, 2 P.M., Dr. Craig: Melancholia and Hypochondriasis.—Hospitalfor Skin Diseases. Blackfriars, 4.30 P.M., Dr. Abraham : Psoriasis.

CENTRAL LONDON THROAT, NOSE, AND EAR HOSPITAL.-4 P.M. Dr. D.Grant: The Diagnosis and Treatment of Diseases characterised byDischarge from the Ear.


WEST-END HOSPITAL FOR DISEASES OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM (73,Welbeek-street).-4 P.M. Mr. E. Cotterell: Cases Illustrating theSurgery of the Ne’-vous System.

ROYAL INSTITUTION.—3 P.M. Prof. A. D. Waller: Animal Electricity.WEDNESDAY (24th). - LONDON POST-GRADUATE COURSE. -- Parkes

Museum, Margaret-street, W., 4.30 P.M., Prof. A. Wynter Blyth:Construction ot Dwelling Houses.

HOSPITAL FOR CONSUMPTION. &c., (Brompton).-4 P.M. Dr. Fowler:Clinical Demonstration in the Wards.

ROYAL COLLEGE OF SURGEONS.-5 P.M. Dr. E. H. Starling: TheChanges in the Circulation consequent on Heart Failure. (Arris andGale Lecture II.)

THE SANITARY INSTITUTE (Parkes Museum, Margaret-street, W.).-2 P.M. Mr. A. Taylor (conducted by): Inspection and Demonstra-tion in the Parish of St. George’s, Hanover-square (number limited).

WEST LONDON PosT-GRADUATE COURSE (West London Hospital, W.)-Mr. Paget: Surgical Cases.

SOCIETY or ARTS.-8 P.M. Sir H. TruemanWood: Reproduction ofColour by Photographic Methods,

THURSDAY (25th).-LoNDON POST-GRADUATE COURSE.—Brit. Inst. ofPreventive Medicine, Gt. Russeh-st., W C., 3.30 P.M., Dr. Allan.Macfadyen and Mr. A. G. Foulerton: On the Clinical Significance of-Proteid Substances in the Urine of Disease.-Central London SickAsylum, Cleveland-st., W., 5.30 P.M., Mr. J. Hutchinson: ClinicalLecture.

SOCIETY OF ARTS.-8 P.M. Prof. J. A. Ewing: The Mechanical Pro--duction of Cold. (Howard Lecture )

THE SANITARY INSTITUTE (Parkes Museum, Margaret-street, W.).-8 P.M. Mr. A. Wynter Blyth Sanitary Laws and RegulationsGoverning the Metropolis.

ROYAL INSTITUTION.-3 P.M. Mr. J. W. Gregory: The Problems oi-Actic Geology.

FRIDAY (26th).—LONDON POST-GRADUATE COURSE.-King’s College,.3 to 5 P.M., Prof. Crookshank : Examination of Air, Soil, and Water.

CENTRAL LONDON THROAT, NOSE, AND EAR HOSPITAL.-4 P.M. Mr.St G. Reid : Methods of Bacteriological Diagnosis (illustrated bylantern demonstrations, &e.).

NATIONAL HOSPITAL FOR THE PARALYSED AND EPILEPTIC (Blooms-hury).—3.30 P.M. Mr. Gunn : Inflammatory Affection of Optic- °

Nerve, &c.THE CANCER HOSPITAL (FREE) (Fulham-road, Brompton, S.W.).-

4 P.M. Dr. F. A. Purcell: Abdominal Surgery for MalignantDisease

ROYAL COLLEGE OF SURGEONS.-5 P.M. Dr. E. H. Starling: The’Changes in the Circulation consequent on Heart Failure. (Arris and.Gale Lecture III )

ROYAL INSTITUTION.-9 P.M. Lieut.-Col. C. R. Conder: Palestine-Exploration.

SATURDAY (27th).-ROYAL INSTITUTION.-3 P.M. Mr. W. F. Lord:-The Growth of the Mediterranean Route to the East.

Notes, Short Comments, and Answersto Correspondents.EDITORIAL NOTICE.

IT is most important that communications relating to theEditorial business of THE LANCET should be addressedexclusively "TO THE EDITORS," and not in any case to.

any gentleman who may be supposed to be connected withthe Editorial staff. It is urgently necessary that attentionbe given to this notice. -

It is especially requested that early intelligence of local e-ventohaving a medical interest, or which it is desirable to bring.under the notice of the profession, may be sent direct tothis Office.



Letters, whether intended for insertion or for private inftwm4-tion, must be authenticated by the names and addresses ojtheir writer, not necessarilyfor publication.

We ccznnot prescribe or recommend practitioners.Local papers containing reports or news paragraphs should be

marked and addressed ° "To the Sub-Editor." Letters relatinq to the publication, sale, and advertising de-

partments ot THE LANCET should be addressed " To theManager." ,

We cannot undertake to return MSS. not used.


To the Editors of TH LANCET.SIRS,—If " Hygienist" will communicate with me I will give him the-

information he requires about slides and lanterns for lectures on hygiene.and ambulance work. I am, Sirs, yours truly,

WILLIAM Eassy,M.D. Brux.Westgate, Peterborough, Feb. 15th, 1897.

To the Editors of THE LANCET.

SIRS,-" Hygienist" can obtain full particulars as to hire or purchase-of lanterns for lecturing from Messrs. Newton and Co., 3, Fleet-street,Temple Bar, who also have a large supply of lantern slides illustrative-of hygiene; from Mr. Walter Tyler, 148, Waterloo-road, S.E.; or from.Mr. Luscombe Toms, 78, Queen Victoria-street, B.C., among others. The-use of oil or lime light for the lantern is a matter of importance,depending on the presence or otherwise of gas-fittings in the lecture-room and the experience of the operator. If, when "Hygienist" has.applied for details to either of the above firms, I can give him anyfurther advice or assistance I shall be pleased to do so.

I am, Sirs, yours truly,The Lindens, Putney, S.W., Feb. 15th, 1897. J. GAY.