KNOWLEDGE organiser Year 8 Half Term 4

KNOWLEDGE organiser - Schudio · KEY VOCABULARY Learn the spelling of key words by using the look, cover, write, check method. Look each word up in a dictionary. Write the dictionary

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Page 1: KNOWLEDGE organiser - Schudio · KEY VOCABULARY Learn the spelling of key words by using the look, cover, write, check method. Look each word up in a dictionary. Write the dictionary

KNOWLEDGE organiserYear 8

Half Term 4

Page 2: KNOWLEDGE organiser - Schudio · KEY VOCABULARY Learn the spelling of key words by using the look, cover, write, check method. Look each word up in a dictionary. Write the dictionary
Page 3: KNOWLEDGE organiser - Schudio · KEY VOCABULARY Learn the spelling of key words by using the look, cover, write, check method. Look each word up in a dictionary. Write the dictionary


Page 4: KNOWLEDGE organiser - Schudio · KEY VOCABULARY Learn the spelling of key words by using the look, cover, write, check method. Look each word up in a dictionary. Write the dictionary

Biology Knowledge Organiser

KS 3 : Bioenergetics


Photosynthesis Temperature Concentration Intensity Chlorophyll Synthesis Respiration Anaerobic Aerobic Exothermic Oxidation Metabolism

Page 5: KNOWLEDGE organiser - Schudio · KEY VOCABULARY Learn the spelling of key words by using the look, cover, write, check method. Look each word up in a dictionary. Write the dictionary




Learn the spelling of key words by using the look, cover, write, check method.

Look each word up in a dictionary. Write the dictionary definition down. Try to reword it in your own words. Use the word in a new sentence of your own.

Challenge – find out the etymology and morphology of some of the key vocabulary for this topic

1. Write a word equation for photosynthesis

2. Write a balanced symbol equation for photosynthesis

3. Name four limiting factors of photosynthesis

4. Name five uses of glucoses produced by plants in photosynthesis

5. What other mineral ion do plants need to produce protein?

6. Write a word and balanced symbol equation for aerobic respiration.

7. Write a word equation for anaerobic respiration in muscle cells

8. Write a word equation for anaerobic respiration in plant and yeast cells

9. Compare aerobic respiration and anaerobic respiration in terms of oxygen needed, products formed and energy produced.

10. What do organisms need energy for?

11. Describe three changes that occur in the body when we exercise. Explain why these changes take place?

12. Explain the effects on the muscles if insufficient oxygen is supplied to them in during exercise

Required Practical: How would you investigate the effect of light intensity on the rate of photosynthesis using an aquatic

organism such as pondweed?

What I need to know:

Page 6: KNOWLEDGE organiser - Schudio · KEY VOCABULARY Learn the spelling of key words by using the look, cover, write, check method. Look each word up in a dictionary. Write the dictionary
Page 7: KNOWLEDGE organiser - Schudio · KEY VOCABULARY Learn the spelling of key words by using the look, cover, write, check method. Look each word up in a dictionary. Write the dictionary


Page 8: KNOWLEDGE organiser - Schudio · KEY VOCABULARY Learn the spelling of key words by using the look, cover, write, check method. Look each word up in a dictionary. Write the dictionary

History Knowledge OrganiserYear 8 Causes of World War One


Militarism, Alliances, Imperialism, Nationalism, Schlieffen Plan, Austria - Hungary, France, Britain, Russia, Germany, Italy, Triple Alliance, Triple Entente, assassination, Dreadnought, Land, heir, Europe, Bosnia, Serbia.

MilitarismKaiser Wilhelm II was very keen to develop his military. In the years up to1914 Germany spent vast sums ofmoney on the army and navy. His army was the largest in Europe as they hadlarge border to defend. The Kaiser also wanted a navy the size of his cousin the King of England. He had introduced several laws to raise money.In particular they were building theDreadnought, the newest class of ship.This increased tension in Europe. The Germans had also created the Schlieffen Plan designed to conquer both France and Russia in just over 6 weeks.

Key individuals

Kaiser Wilhelm II Gavrilo Princip

Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sophie

Steps to war28/6/1914 - Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sophie were shot in Sarajevo, Bosnia by Gavrilo Princip.28/7/1914 - Austria -Hungary blames Serbia and issues an ultimatum.1/8/1914 - The Russians are mobilising and Germany declares war on Russia.3/8/1914 - Germany declares war on France.4/8/1914 - Germany soldiers march into Belgium. Britain and Belgium declare war on Germany.6/8/1914 - Austria-Hungary declares war on Russia12/8/1914 - Britain and France declare war on Austria-Hungary.

AlliancesIn the decades leading up to WW1the countries of Europe had beenforming alliances to protect themselves. In the event of a war they had promised to protect each other. The plan was to create a balance of power wherethe two sides would be equally matched to prevent a war. The Triple Alliance was Germany, Italy and Austria-Hungary. The Triple Entente were Britain, France and Russia. In reality once countries started to declare war the alliances dragged other countries in. Britain also had an alliance with Belgium via the 1838 Treaty of London. Meanwhile Russia and Serbia were also allies.

ImperialismImperialism is when a country

expands its influence and power into a large empire. Some

European countries, such as France and Britain, had created

large worldwide empires and had become very rich.

Much of this land was in Africa but there was very little land left there to take. Other European countries, such as Russia and

Germany, wanted to create their own vast empires. This caused competition and conflict between many of the countries

throughout the world. Germany in particular looked towards France. They had already taken Alsace-Lorraine from them

after the Franco-Prussian war.

NationalismNationalism can be defined as a deep sense of patriotism. Nationalists hold their country in high regard and place its interests above those of other nations. British nationalism was characterised by a century of relative peace and prosperity. The British Empire had rapidly expanded its territories in Africa and Asia mainly because of its naval strength. Britain was also known for colonial wars.German nationalism was a new sensation sweeping across Germany. This was a result of the unification of Germany in 1871. Germany was obsessed with imperial expansion, trying to copy the British Empire and German nationalists were resentful of the British and their empire. Nationalism was also experienced in parts of Southern Europe where some ethnic minorities wanted autonomy and independence. These included Bosnia and Serbia.

Page 9: KNOWLEDGE organiser - Schudio · KEY VOCABULARY Learn the spelling of key words by using the look, cover, write, check method. Look each word up in a dictionary. Write the dictionary

History Knowledge OrganiserYear 8 Causes of World War One

Applying your knowledge - use the information on the front to fill in this diagram.

Page 10: KNOWLEDGE organiser - Schudio · KEY VOCABULARY Learn the spelling of key words by using the look, cover, write, check method. Look each word up in a dictionary. Write the dictionary

Population The population of Earth has steadily increased especially over the past 100 years. With

industrial revolution, advancements in medicine and improvements to diets the life

expectancy has increased dramatically. This longer life expectancy has resulted in our

planets population growing so much that it is starting to impact on how people can live,

limiting their access to essential resources like food and water.

Population is growing fastest in some of the world’s

poorest countries. In these countries people think of

children as a form of security. They earn money, or help

on the farm. However, some won’t survive, so a big fam-

ily is welcomed.

Many women have no access to advice about spacing out

their children and may have babies on after another.

Many girls also have little choice. They leave primary

school after a year or two. They may even be married

very young. At times they may have little say in how

many children they have because a lot of their cultures

dictate that their husbands are in charge.

In China their population was

growing beyond the capacity of

the country. The population was

so high that it did not have access

to enough resources. To prevent

the population from growing too

high it introduced a method to

control population—the one child

policy. This policy meant that for

many years a couple could only

have one child. There were many

rules and incentives for this such

as free education, healthcare and

bursaries if they only had one. If

they had two however these were

taken away and the couple could

be fined. This policy has now been

changed so a couple can now have

two children, but the population

is still growing!

Migration plays a big part in where people live in the

world. There are lots of reasons why people migrate.

Some move for work, an improvement in their quality of

life or even because they’re forced to through war or

conflict. This movement of people can result in popula-

tion increase or, population decrease.

Reasons for people moving can be defined as push or pull factors. Push factors cause

people to move away from a place, pull factors cause people to move to a place. People

migrating and moving to a new country can cause issues though. Some groups of peo-

ple dislike the movement of people into their countries and this can cause outbreaks

of racism. People moving to a new country can also have huge positives. With new

people it can cause there to be a more diverse culture, an influx of new music or tradi-

tions, new carnivals and new experiences to a country or area.

If we have more people on our planet then we will need

to manage earth’s resources. The more people we have

on the planet, the more food we will need which means

more land cleared for farming and more minerals dug up

to make fertiliser. We’ll need more homes so land will

need to be cleared. We also will need more fuel which

will mean more trees gone and even more land cleared

for oil and gas wells.

Page 11: KNOWLEDGE organiser - Schudio · KEY VOCABULARY Learn the spelling of key words by using the look, cover, write, check method. Look each word up in a dictionary. Write the dictionary

Population What part of the world has the highest growing population?

Why does the population grow the most in these places?

What can be done to help these areas?

What resources do humans use to survive?

What issues with resources are there if the population continues

to grow?

• What is meant by the term migration?

• Why might people migrate from a country?

• What positives can people migrating have on a coun-


• Why might people dislike the movement of people in-

to their country?

Sort the things below into push and pull factors:





Water sources

No food supplies

Lack of jobs

Better paid jobs


What is the one child policy?

What country was the one child policy implemented in?

Why was the policy needed?

Do you agree with the one child policy? Why?

Should the one child policy be used in the UK?

Do you think the one child policy would work?

Page 12: KNOWLEDGE organiser - Schudio · KEY VOCABULARY Learn the spelling of key words by using the look, cover, write, check method. Look each word up in a dictionary. Write the dictionary

Year 8 Computer Science 8.2 Data Representation

Binary a base 2 number system which means it only has 2 numbers; 0 and 1. 1 = ON, 0 = OFF (Computers use binary).

Denary is a base 10 number system which means it only has 10 numbers; 0-9 (Humans use denary).


0 0

1 1

2 10

3 11

4 100

5 101

6 110

7 111

8 1000

9 1001

10 1010

11 1011

12 1100

13 1101

14 1110

15 1111

Binary to Denary:

Denary to Binary:

As binary only uses 1s and 0s,

0+0 = 0 works and 0+1=1 works

but 1+1 CAN’T equal 2!

(because there is no 2 in binary)

Instead in binary, 1+1 = 10

2 in denary = 10 in binary

And 1+1+1 = 11

3 in denary = 11 in binary

Rules for binary addition:

Sometimes when doing binary addition you get a result that

requires more bits than we have space for.

This is called an overflow error!

Overflow errors result

in loss of data

and the results are inaccurate!

Logic gates are special switches built into computer circuits, used to make decisions.

1. They receive binary data

2. Apply a Boolean operation.

3. Then output a binary result.

The 3 gates (switches):

AND gate

OR gate

NOT gate

Page 13: KNOWLEDGE organiser - Schudio · KEY VOCABULARY Learn the spelling of key words by using the look, cover, write, check method. Look each word up in a dictionary. Write the dictionary

What I need to know / be able to do:

Year 8 Computer Science - Topic 8.2 Data Representation

Define the term ‘binary’. Which numbers can be used in the binary number system?

Define the term ‘denary’. Which numbers can be used in the denary number system?

Convert any denary number between 0-255 into binary using the binary table.

Convert any binary number from 0000 0000 to 1111 1111 into denary using the binary table.

What is the rule for 1+1 in binary? Why?

What is the rule for 1+1+1 in binary? Why?

What is an overflow error?

What do over flow errors cause?

Create a binary addition sum that causes an overflow error and show how to deal with it.

What are logic gates?

What does a logic gate do?

Draw and label the 3 main logic gates.

Draw the AND gate and it’s corresponding truth table. What is the rule for the AND gate?

Draw the OR gate and it’s corresponding truth table. What is the rule for the OR gate?

Draw the NOT gate and it’s corresponding truth table. What is the rule for the NOT gate?

1001 1100 1010 0011

0110 1001 0110 0110

203 39

227 181

1010 0110 0100 1100

0011 0011 1101 0011

0100 1001 1011 1110

0111 1110 0001 1000

1101 1100 1001 0011

0101 1101 1111 0011

1001 0101 0110 1111

0110 1101 1010 0101

1011 1100 0101 1011

1011 1111 1111 1110

What is Q if A = 1 and B = 0?

What is Q if A = 1 and B = 0?

What is Q if A = 1 , B = 0 AND C=0?

Page 14: KNOWLEDGE organiser - Schudio · KEY VOCABULARY Learn the spelling of key words by using the look, cover, write, check method. Look each word up in a dictionary. Write the dictionary

French Knowledge Organiser core information

Year 8/Term 2

Les questions Les opinions Desires

Prior Knowledge Articles (a, the) In French, we have to learn whether nouns are masculine, feminine or plural (gender). The article in front of the noun depends on the nouns gender. Masc Fem Plural THE le la les A/AN un une des

Les opinions Opinions J’adore I love J’aime I like Je n’aime pas I don’t like Je déteste I hate Je préfère I prefer Je voudrais I would like Je pense que I think that À mon avis In my opinion Dans mon opinion In my opinion parce que c’est because it is car c’est because it is

Adjective agreement Adjectives have to ‘agree’ with the gender of the noun they describe. This means that most adjectives have a feminine form, and add and ‘s’ when describing something plural. Masc Fem Plural intelligent intelligente intelligent(e)s amusant amusante amusant(e)s However, some adjectives change more drastically beau belle beaux/belles ennuyeux ennuyeuse ennuyeux/ennuyeuses

Tu aimes…..? Do you like…? Aimes-tu…..? Do you like…? Est-ce que tu aimes…..? Do you like…? Qu’est-ce que tu aimes…..? What do you like? Quel est…..? What is…? Qui est…..? Who is…? Que fais tu….? What do you do..?

Les verbes Faire To do(make) je joue I play Je fais I do je lis I read Tu fais You do j’envoie I send Il/Elle /On fais He/She/We do j’écoute I listen Nous faisons We do je partage I share Vous faisez You do je regarde I watch Ils/Elles faisent The do je tchatte I chat

Devoir to have to Je dois I have to Tu dois You have to Il/Elle/On doit He/she/we have to Je dois faire I have to do Je dois gagner I have to win Je dois aller I have to go

Pouvoir to be able to (can) Je peux I am able Tu peux You are able Il/Elle/On peut He/she/we are able Je peux faire I am able to do Je peux gagner I am able to win Je peux aller I am able to go

Vouloir to wish/want Je veux I want Tu veux You want Il/Elle/On veut He/she/we want Je veux faire I want to do Je veux gagner I want to win Je veux aller I want to go Je voudrais I would like Je voudrais gagner I would like to win.

Regarde! Look! Écoute! Listen! Chante! Sing! Danse! Danse

Page 15: KNOWLEDGE organiser - Schudio · KEY VOCABULARY Learn the spelling of key words by using the look, cover, write, check method. Look each word up in a dictionary. Write the dictionary

French Knowledge Organiser Core information

Year 8/Term 2

Using the question phrases and your vocabulary book. Write a list of 10 questions you could ask a friend about what they like to watch at the cinema or on TV. e.g. Tu aimes les films d’horreur?

Qu’est-ce qu’il y a dans la photo? Écris 4 phrases en français. What is in the photograph? Write 4 sentences in French.

Translate each paragraph into English. Write a paragraph in French about what you like/don’t like to watch at the cinema.

True or false?

Translate the following sentences in to French. 1. I have to play football at the weekend. 2. You have to go to the swimming pool. 3. I am able to watch the film. 4. She is able to go to the ice rink. 5. I want to go to the cinema. 6. He wants to win the match. 7. I would like to watch the television. 8. Look! The dog wants the pizza!

Écris une paragraphe en français. (30-40 mots) Write a paragraph in French (30-40 words) Mentionnez; • Ce que tu regardes à la télé. (What you watch on TV) • Tes opinions des films. (Your opinion of films) • Ta vie sur l’internaute. (Your life on the internet) • Ce que tu voudrais faire le weekend prochain. (What you would

like to do this weekend).

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ART Knowledge Organiser Year 8 : Term 2:2


General information Graffiti ranges from simple written words to elaborate wall paintings, and it has existed since ancient times. In modern times, paint (particularly spray paint) and marker pens have become the most commonly used graffiti materials. In most countries, marking or painting property without the property owner's permission is considered defacement and vandalism, which is a punishable crime. In recent times it has become an acknowledged form of art, with artists such as Banksy making a good living from their work.

Origins of the word Graffiti The word graffiti originates from the Italian word graffiato which translates as ‘scratched’. "Graffiti" is applied in art history to works of art produced by scratching a design into a surface.

KEY VOCABULARY Graffiti - Writing or drawings made on a wall or other surface, usually without permission and within public view Cartoon – Drawings which are generally funny or make a point. Vandalism – When public property is deliberately damaged.


Page 19: KNOWLEDGE organiser - Schudio · KEY VOCABULARY Learn the spelling of key words by using the look, cover, write, check method. Look each word up in a dictionary. Write the dictionary


ART Knowledge Organiser Year 8 : Term 2:2

Write 3 relevant facts about the art style




Write the definitions for these words

Graffiti - Cartoon – Vandalism -

Write about your likes/dislikes of Graffiti art

Likes: Dislikes:

Copy part of the picture in your book

Page 20: KNOWLEDGE organiser - Schudio · KEY VOCABULARY Learn the spelling of key words by using the look, cover, write, check method. Look each word up in a dictionary. Write the dictionary

Core PE Basketball

Shooting Chest Pass


Rules 1. Head up at all times. 2. Use your finger tips to control the ball, not your palm. 3. Move forwards and bend your knees to maintain balance. 4. Keep your body over the ball to shield it from your opponents.

Triple Threat Position You can do three things from this position. PASS, DRIBBLE or SHOOT.

Dribbling technique Triple threat position

Double Dribble - when a player dribbles the ball with two hands or continues to dribble after they have stopped with two hands on the ball. Travelling - When a player has taken 3 or more steps without the ball being dribbled OR when a player holding the ball moves one or both of their feet after pivoting.

1. Hands either side of the ball. 2. Hold in front of the chest. 3. Step in the direction of the pass. 4. Flick wrists and extend your arms until they are fully extended.

Bounce Pass Overhead Pass

1. Hands either side of the ball. 2. Hold in front of the chest. 3. Perform chest pass and aim the ball to bounce ¾ towards your teammate.

1. Hold the ball above the forehead. 2. Balanced stance, feet shoulder width apart. 3. Extend arms towards the target and release the ball.

FACT - There are five players on a basketball team.

The five positions in basketball are… 1 Point Guard 2. Shooting Guard 3. Small Forward 4. Power Forward 5. Center

Page 21: KNOWLEDGE organiser - Schudio · KEY VOCABULARY Learn the spelling of key words by using the look, cover, write, check method. Look each word up in a dictionary. Write the dictionary

Core PE Basketball

Questions 1. What is the acronym for the shooting technique?

2. Why is balance important when shooting?

3. Name and explain the fours key points for shooting.

4. What three things can you do from the triple threat position?

5. How can the triple threat position give you an advantage as an attacker?

6. What are the three different passes in basketball?

7. Name two key points for each type of pass.

8. Name three key teaching points for dribbling.

9. Describe the double dribble rule.

10. Describe the travelling rule.

11. How many players are on a basketball team?

12. What are the positions in basketball?

13. Sketch the hand signals that a referee would make when calling travelling and double dribble.

Key terms

Dribble Balance

Triple Threat Angle

Passing Court

Out of play Overhead Bounce

Double dribble Travelling

Shoot Backcourt Violation


Page 22: KNOWLEDGE organiser - Schudio · KEY VOCABULARY Learn the spelling of key words by using the look, cover, write, check method. Look each word up in a dictionary. Write the dictionary

Drive pass

Core PE (Football) Years 7 and 8

Basic pass

Slide Tackling Rule

Basic Rules

1. Is the none kicking leg next to the ball? 2. Does the performer use the inside of the foot? 3. Does the foot pass through the centre of the ball?

Receiving the ball

1.Is the inside of the foot used? 2. Is the ball cushioned? 3.Does the ball stay close to the the performer?

Skill - all performers should experience different positions on the pitch

FACT - A competitive match is played 9v9 with a size 4 ball. Pitch size 80m x 50m

Leadership - Allow others in the group to be involved in the decision making processes

Top Tip Play on! - even when rules are broken. The referee will stop the game or allow a team to continue using the advantage rule.

On medical advice, no slide tackles are allowed. A free kick will be given in every instance. (Law 12)

1. Is the none kicking foot placed next to the ball? 2. Are the arms used for balance? 3. Does the performer lean back? 4. Does the instep strike the centre of the ball?

Formations & Chemistry Overall Chemistry - This is a combination of you as the individual and the other that participate in your PE lesson. Can you work with others and increase team chemistry? If you achieve this then individuals will increase their skill level; if you don’t you may find it decreases them.

Formations - Attacking or Defensive Who are you competing against? Who are the key players? What formation are they playing? Why do you think they are playing that formation? What are the advantages/disadvantages?

Penalty kick Free kick Goal kick Corner kick Throw in The Referee - The powers and duties of the referee ensures that full authority as per laws of association football.

Start and Restart of the game - A kick off is taken in the centre of the pitch at the start and after a goal has been scored. Fouls and Misconduct - This will result in action being taken by the referee and will result in a free kick being taken by the opposition.

Page 23: KNOWLEDGE organiser - Schudio · KEY VOCABULARY Learn the spelling of key words by using the look, cover, write, check method. Look each word up in a dictionary. Write the dictionary

Core PE (Football) Years 7 and 8

Questions 1. Give three reasons for awarding a penalty?

2. What are the rules relating to a free kick?

3. When is a player in an offside position?

4. When does this rule not count?

5. What happens at a free kick if a defending player shows decent?

6. Give two reasons for awarding an indirect free kick

7. What must happen when a penalty kick is being taken?

8. Describe the perfect pass over a 5 metre distance.

9. Describe good technique for a player dribbling the ball at pace.

10. How does a player take the perfect free kick that curls into the corner of the goal?

11. You are losing 2-1 with 10mins left of the game. What formation should you be playing?

12. You are playing against a team that has two really fast attacking players. How do you ask you players to defend?

13. How would you develop team chemistry with your chosen group and how will this help improve performance?

Key terms

Free kick offside

Passing Penalty

Distance Formation

Misconduct Foul

Restart Corner

Out of play Restart

Inside foot Outside foot

Rules Skill

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Textiles Knowledge Organiser 2.2 Year 8 – Decorative techniques

Key Vocabulary

Learn the spelling and meaning of each word.

Appliqué A method where shapes are cut from fabric and sewn by hand or by machine onto a background to create an image or picture.

Transfer paint – a special paint that is used to paint a design onto paper and then transferred onto fabric using the heat press.

Hand Embroidery

The art of working raised and ornamental designs on fabric with a needle.

Heat press Large metal plates that lock together and are used instead of an iron to transfer the design from paper to fabric.

Fabric pens Like felt tip pens but can be used on fabric.

Resist dyeing A resist is something added to the fabric to stop it from absorbing the dye. Wax is used in batik, while string or rubber bands are used in the tie-dye process.

Machine embroidery To use the sewing machine to create decorative stitching.

Free machine

embroidery To use the sewing machine to draw designs freehand.

Embellish To add other decoration to the fabric.

Page 25: KNOWLEDGE organiser - Schudio · KEY VOCABULARY Learn the spelling of key words by using the look, cover, write, check method. Look each word up in a dictionary. Write the dictionary

Textiles Knowledge Organiser 1.2 Year 8 – Decorative techniques


Key Vocabulary Write out the definition of the keywords.


Transfer paint

Hand Embroidery

Heat press

Fabric pens

Resist dyeing

Machine embroidery

Free machine



You will dye your fabric using two primary colours. Your final colour will be green, orange or purple. Which colour will you pick?

Page 26: KNOWLEDGE organiser - Schudio · KEY VOCABULARY Learn the spelling of key words by using the look, cover, write, check method. Look each word up in a dictionary. Write the dictionary

Year 8 Food – Knowledge Organiser 2.2 Nutrition - Fibre and water

Fibre – essential but not a nutrient. Provided by – fruit, vegetables and cereals. Function – prevents constipation, helps the passage of food through the digestive system (transit time). Lack of – causes constipation, diverticulitis.

Diverticulitis is caused when undigested food or faecal matter gets stuck in the pouches, which in turn causes discomfort. This stops the circulation of blood to this particular section making the area vulnerable to an invasion by bacteria. This affects the bowels capacity to remove waste which results in constipation, diarrhoea, and cramps.

Water - essential but not a nutrient. Provided by – fruit, vegetables and drinks. Needed for – it helps get rid of waste and regulates temperature. Lack of – dehydration, chapped lips.

Dehydration is a condition that occurs when the loss of body fluids, mostly water, is greater than the amount that is taken in. With dehydration, more water is moving out of our cells and then out of our bodies than the amount of water we take in through drinking.

Page 27: KNOWLEDGE organiser - Schudio · KEY VOCABULARY Learn the spelling of key words by using the look, cover, write, check method. Look each word up in a dictionary. Write the dictionary

KEY VOCABULARY/ TERMS Learn the spelling of each word and look up any you do not know.

Fibre Function Constipation Diverticular

Hydrated Regulate Dehydration Fluid

Use the information to answer the questions in your reflection log. Use full sentences.

1. What foods provide fibre in the diet?

2. What is the function of fibre in the diet?

3. What happens if you do not get enough fibre in the diet?

4. Along with constipation and cramps, what other symptoms may you have if you are suffering from diverticulitis?

5. Why is water important in the diet?

6. What foods provide water?

7. State two functions of water in the diet.

8. What happens if you do not have enough water?

9. Explain what dehydration is.

Year 8 Food Knowledge Organiser

Page 28: KNOWLEDGE organiser - Schudio · KEY VOCABULARY Learn the spelling of key words by using the look, cover, write, check method. Look each word up in a dictionary. Write the dictionary

Music Knowledge Organiser Year 8 The purpose of Film music

Page 29: KNOWLEDGE organiser - Schudio · KEY VOCABULARY Learn the spelling of key words by using the look, cover, write, check method. Look each word up in a dictionary. Write the dictionary

Music Knowledge Organiser Year 8 The purpose of Film music


Learn the spelling of key words by using the look, cover, write, check method.



Copy the following into your book- 1. Name the technique used to emphasis a gesture. 2. What does dissonance mean? 3. Give the definition of a suspension. 4. What is the difference between a crescendo and a diminuendo? 5. Give an example of a harmonic device.



Create a storyboard by planning a horror scene. Draw images and write captions then label how the music would help to create the atmosphere and tension.

Give three of your own examples of pieces of music that have a

crescendo. (The volume gradually gets


Listening Tasks

Research and listen to three pieces of music composed by John Williams.


Compose a chromatic ostinato.


Write six exam style questions for a peer. You may choose to use a variety of multiple choice, one

word answer or extended writing.

Page 30: KNOWLEDGE organiser - Schudio · KEY VOCABULARY Learn the spelling of key words by using the look, cover, write, check method. Look each word up in a dictionary. Write the dictionary
Page 31: KNOWLEDGE organiser - Schudio · KEY VOCABULARY Learn the spelling of key words by using the look, cover, write, check method. Look each word up in a dictionary. Write the dictionary
Page 32: KNOWLEDGE organiser - Schudio · KEY VOCABULARY Learn the spelling of key words by using the look, cover, write, check method. Look each word up in a dictionary. Write the dictionary