Joseph F Bataillon Financial Disclosure Report for 2009

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  • 8/3/2019 Joseph F Bataillon Financial Disclosure Report for 2009


    , ~ o 1 0 I FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE REPORT R , , p o , , R t / t , i r ~ , d b ) " l h P E l h i c . qin Governm e.t ,l~ t o]" 197,~R e v . I , . 2 o J o FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2009 ~ us e. ,,pp. ~,,.~" Iot-tt ~I. Perso~ Reporting (last name, tirol, middle inkial~ 2. Court or Organization 3. Date of ReportBataillon. Joseph F. N~braska 05 14

    4. Title (Artick 11I judes inchoate ac tt".e ,or senior status: 5~. Report T ., pe (check appropriate I...pc) 6. Reporting Ptrindm a ~ o i ~ . t t- a t c j u d g e s i n d ~ c a l c tuIl-Nonlinatt,~,n. [)ate 0 I(ll/2D(|9

    Ar~ Ill District Jndge Active l-"--I Inil,al ~ An,lnal ~ final l,,1 2 , " 3

    5b. [] .Aim.t~ded Rcp~rl7. Chamll~rs or Off ice Addrfss 8. On the basis of th t, informltion coeltained in th il R epor t and an)"modifications pertaining thereto, it is, in In) opinion, in omplittnre3259 Roman I ln l~ka ( o tlr tholzse with applicable la,,~s and regulations.11 I South I~th Plea, Sic 32~t)Omaha. NE 68102-3122 -..R,~i~wing O[fic t .r Dale

    I M P O R T A N T N O T E S : The in.~tructions ac~vmpanying thi.~ fi,rm must be followe,t Comph.le ull parts,~hecking the NOAE box for each part where you have no reportable inf!~rmation. Sign on lastpage.

    I. P O S I T I O N S . ( ~ o ~ , , ,, ~ ,~ ;.a,.u.~t o-0,, ,~ r~. ~-t.~ . / /; .x ~ . . . . . . , , ~ o , , . ~~-] NONE (No repovtabhpositions.)

    POSITION N A M E O F O R G A N I Z A T I O N /E N T I T YI. House of Delegates Member Nebraska State Bar Ass,.~iation

    2. Ad:is0r3, C,:~mmittee Creighton Llni~ crsity School of Law


    r T 1

    ~] N O N E (~Vo reportahh, agreemenlx.)D A T [ . _ . PARTIES A ND YI~P , MS

  • 8/3/2019 Joseph F Bataillon Financial Disclosure Report for 2009


    FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE REPORT ~ .... fP~.rson Reporting Da,,ofReportPage 2 of 7 Bataillon, Joseph F. 05/14.~2010

    ! i i . N O N - I N V E S T M E N T I N C O M E . R~ po, ,~x i ,~ i , .~uofo,~ . ,~ . . . . . . . . . ~ . 1 7 . 2 4 offilingiA. Fliers Non-Investment Income

    N O N E (No r~ortable non-investment income.)DATE SOURCE AND Type (yvu~. t~ot spouses)




    B . S p o u s e s N o n - I n v e s t m e n t Incollle - if you were married during any lu, rtion of the reporting year. ompfew thi.~ section.

    ~ NONE (No reportable non-investment income.)D A T E SOURCE AND TYPE

    I. 200q University of Nebraska Medical Center, sala~



    IV. REIM BURSEM ENTS . . .. . . v o . . ,i o , , , ~ o ~ . ~ , I ~ o ~ , ~ . , ~ i . . .. ~tint h.t,.~ Ih,, .,e t~l ~Fouw and depcn,h.~ chila~e~, see p p 25 27 of tiling inst~ ucttrm., I~ NONE (No reportable reimhutwements.)

    SOURCE DATES L O C A T I O N PURPOSE ITEMS PAID O~ PROVI DEDI University of Iowa Schtx~l of Feb. 25-26. 2009 Iowa City. Iowa Seminar Travel and lodging cxpcnscs


  • 8/3/2019 Joseph F Bataillon Financial Disclosure Report for 2009


    FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE REPORT ~ ....f Person Repot, lag D~,eofReportPage 3 of 7 Bataillon, Joseph F. 0514/201

    ~ NON E (No reportable g~lis)~RCE DESCRIPTION VALUE




    \ ; i . L I A B I L l T I E S . a,, ,ho~ o/~,p ... . . . . ~ dependent children; ~te p p . 3 2 - 3 3 of f!llng in,tructiot,S.]--] N O N E (No reportahh, lialfilities.)

    CREDITOR DESCRIPTION VAI.I .IE ( OD EI. Nelnel Loan {_otlege Plus Loan K


  • 8/3/2019 Joseph F Bataillon Financial Disclosure Report for 2009


    Nnme of Person ReportingFINANCIAL DISCLOSURE REPORT [ ~a~mon, Joppa, r.Page 4 of 7

    N O N E ( N o r~7~ortable income, assets, or transactions.)D.Dcscr~plion of Assets Incom e during Gross value at end T ransactions duri~g rcpurtlng(including t~st assets) ~ repo sin g period olrc ponln g p erzud

    Place " IX)" after cach asset . Amount Type ~c g. Value ~ Value ~.,~ Ic g. Date V aluecxemp~ from prior disclosure ~ C) e I div., rent. Code 2 : Mclhod bu). sell, nmrdd) ~ : fodc 2 (.ode I buycr~c llc r

    1. USBank Accoums A Imerest J I2. Bank of the West Accounts A In terest3. Sccurily National Bank Accounts A In terest J ] 4. Citibank NA A Interes~ J T Merged

    [~ith line 5)5. Morgan Stanley Smilh Barney Bank Depos~ A In terest J TProg6. Smith Ban~ey Money Funds Cash Port Class A Int.!Div. J 1 MergedA [,.,ith line 7)7. Western Asset Money Market Fund Class A A In terest J T8 Bed, shire Ilathaway Class B N o n e L T9. Diageo PLC Sponsored ADR New A Dividend J T

    I0 . First Energy Corp. stock A Dividend 1 TI [ Nev,~n,.)n~ Mining Corp. stock A Di,,idend .I T1 2 . Mcnill L>nch Trust V 7.28 Cure pret slock A h,leresl J 7

    1 3 . Legg/"das~,n Par tr ters Apprecialion Fund A Dr, idend J ] SoldCla~,s A (parU14 USAA In s . Acco u n ~ A I)istribut~on J I1 5 . ln~l Co~ sl~k A Dividend J T

    16 Level 3 Communicalions Inc. stock None J ~17 Valotont Industr ies Inc A Dividend Sold 0f,~25."0~ J C

  • 8/3/2019 Joseph F Bataillon Financial Disclosure Report for 2009


    F I N A N C I A L D I S C L O S U R E R E P O R T IBataillOn JOseph IvPage 5 of 7

    V I I . I N V E S T M E N T S a n d T R U S T S --i . . . . , , vatue, tN O N E (No reportable income, assets, or transactiotts.)

    A B C D(including I~1 agarS) reposing period of rcporling perind

    ( 2 )P l a t c " ( X } " a f t e r c ~ c l : a s s e . J A m u r n T } ~ e ( e . g . . V a l u e V a l u e

    ~ ~Xe~pl from prior dlsclt)surc Code I div.. tenl, (ode 2 Method bu). sell, mmddtyy Code 2 { Code I bu}cr,scllcr

    I S. Toyota Motor Co~ A Di~,idend

    19. [egg Masnn Growth & Income Fund Clas~ A Dividend Sold 1~.28.09 J A20 . Amgen None J T21 . Cisco Systems Inc None 3 T22 I}znk of America Co~. s~k A Dividend23 Capilnl World Growth & Income Fund Class A Dividend K 1"C24 Delaware Emerging Marke{s Ftmd (" A Dividend J T25 . Fidelity Advisor New Insights Fund C[ (" A Divi~nd J T26 . Legg Ntason MDA3 Managcd IRA A lnt,;~iv.27. Weste~ Union Company A Dividend J T

  • 8/3/2019 Joseph F Bataillon Financial Disclosure Report for 2009


    FIN ANC IAL DISC LOSURE REPO RT ~ .... f P e r s o s R e p o r t i n g D a , e o f R e p o r ~ ~Page 6 of 7 Bataillon. Joseph F. 0 5 / 1 4 . J 2 0 1 0\ I 1 1 1 . A D D I T I O N A L I N F O R M A T I O N O R E X P L A N A T I O N S . tl.aic.,~p.,~o/Re~,.rL~

    Lines 5 & 6 Morgan Stanley Smith B arney changed the i* bank deposit program flora Citibank to a proprietary bank deposit programLines 7 & 8 Morgan Stanley Smith P, arney ch anged their mone.v market fund from Smith 13amc y Money Funds to Western A sscl Moncy Market Fund Class A

  • 8/3/2019 Joseph F Bataillon Financial Disclosure Report for 2009


    FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE REPORT] B a t a i l lo n , J o s e p h F .

    t t e p o r tPage 7 of 7 051420~0IX. CER T IF ICA T IO N,

    I certify that all information given above (including iaformation pertaining to my spouse and miuor or dependent children, if any) isaccurate, true. and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief, and that an)" information not reported v,as nithheld because it met applicable ~tatutor3provisions permitting non-disclosure.

    I further certify Ihat earned income from outside employment and honoraria and the acceptance of gifts which have been repurted art" incompliance ~lth the provisions nf 5 [!.S.C. app. 501 ct. seq., 5 U.S.C. 7353, and Judicial Conference regulations.



    F I L IN G I N S T R U C T I O N SMail signed original and 3 additional copies to:

    Committee on Financial Di,,closureAdministrative Office of the United Slates CourtsSuite 2-301One Columbus Circle, N.E.Washington, D.C 20544