FLEURIEU FORAGER - Willunga Farmers Market · 2017-05-02 · Autumn brings great surf, mild calm days, and the vintage time in our wine regions. The Fleurieu cools to an average around

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Page 1: FLEURIEU FORAGER - Willunga Farmers Market · 2017-05-02 · Autumn brings great surf, mild calm days, and the vintage time in our wine regions. The Fleurieu cools to an average around


Meet the grower,TASTE THE REGION

farmers market


Page 2: FLEURIEU FORAGER - Willunga Farmers Market · 2017-05-02 · Autumn brings great surf, mild calm days, and the vintage time in our wine regions. The Fleurieu cools to an average around

Autumn brings great surf, mild calm days, and the vintage time in our wine regions. The Fleurieu cools to an average around 23°C, with long periods of blue skies and no wind. The region is currently abuzz with grape

harvesters – a later vintage this year with bountiful crops for our wine-makers.

In this issue get to know our producers, our members and the exciting events on offer.


CONTENTSRecipe Tommy Ruffs with a Salad of Radish,

Lambs Tongue and Fennel

Growing Ginger & Tumeric

The Kitchen Door

Devour Willunga & Be Social winners

Sustainability Workshops

In Season Fruits and vegetables to enjoy in autumn

and Planting with Di Bickford

Meet Mandy Davies of Fine & Dandy Teahouse

Ian East of Gina’s Kitchen

Mike & Kelly Adams – Shoppers/Members

Sam Whitehead of Güt Feeling

15th Birthday Celebrations










Willunga Farmers Market Team

Jenni Mitton – General Manager | Richard Bennett – Operations Manager

Linda Corbett – Administration | Julian Salter – Market Day Operations

With thanks to our Market Day Volunteers

Our Current Board Members

Pip Forrester Chair | Michael Lewis Deputy Chair

Steve Scown | Glenn Fitzpatrick | Di Bickford | Ben Heath | Hani Mouneimne | Bron Busbridge | Liz Packer

Design by Minka Creative Studiowww.minkacreative.com

Socialise with us @willungafarmersmarket

Join the fun!

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Get social with us!@willungafarmersmarket

Page 3: FLEURIEU FORAGER - Willunga Farmers Market · 2017-05-02 · Autumn brings great surf, mild calm days, and the vintage time in our wine regions. The Fleurieu cools to an average around


AUTUMNFruits apples, blackberries, figs, grapes, honeydew, limes, valencia oranges, pears, persimmon, plums, pomegranates, quinces, raspberries, rhubarb, rockmelon, strawberries, watermelons

Vegetables artichokes (Jerusalem), asian greens, beetroot, capsicums, carrots, celeriac, celery, cauliflower, eggplant, kale, kohlrabi, leeks, onions, parsnip, peas, potato, pumpkin, shallots, silverbeet, spinach, swede, sweet corn, turnip, zucchini

PLANTING WITH DI BICKORD from Bickleigh Vale Farm

For the cool season ahead, its time to think about planting the brassica family:

Broccoli – heading or sprouting types

Kale – super nutritious and easy to grow with varieties of different coloured and shaped leaves.

Cauli, Cabbage, Brussel Sprouts and for something different Kohlrabi and Collards

For greens, Silver Beets and colourful Chards – always hardy and easy to grow

Spinach thrives in the cool season

Salad greens – lettuce, rocket, endive, radicchio, chicory

Asian greens – easy and quick Bok Choy

Broad beans and peas

Onions and garlic


Most kitchen herbs – such as coriander and parsley do well in the cool season

Page 4: FLEURIEU FORAGER - Willunga Farmers Market · 2017-05-02 · Autumn brings great surf, mild calm days, and the vintage time in our wine regions. The Fleurieu cools to an average around

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MANDY DAVISfrom Fine & Dandy Teahouse

What is your favourite blend/product?

This changes daily. In winter, I can’t go past the Squeeze & Smile

made from Fat Goose Fruits lemons and organic ginger and in

Summer I can’t live without our Blooming Dandy made with Port

Elliot grown wild hibiscus, over ice (and possibly adding some gin

and strawberries...)

Is there anything new on the horizon for Fine & Dandy?

We are currently in the process of building a commercial kitchen

and I’ve also been working with a local designer over the past few

months to re-brand Fine & Dandy which I can’t wait to reveal mid

this year! Apart from that, the best part of my job is there’s always

a new recipe to create and seasonal fruit and herbs out to inspire.

Can you give us a quick overview of your business?

Fine & Dandy Teahouse was founded in 2013. The philosophy of

the business is simple; creating ethical, delicious, health beneficial

teas from organic, local and seasonal produce. Our market debut

was at the Adelaide Showgrounds Farmer’s Market and then to

Willunga Farmer’s Market in Feb 2015.

What inspired you to start your business?

After surgery in 2011 to help restore and reconfigure my hip and

pelvis went wrong, I found myself in hospital over several months

having a total of 7 major surgeries. Due to the stress my body

was under, my stomach and bowels shut down and I then found

myself intolerant to caffeine, preservatives and additives. Trying

to get my body back on track, I started drinking tea and realised

that there was a huge gap in the market for fruit & herbal teas that

didn’t have any flavourings, dyes, sulphur or preservatives added.

After growing up in the Riverland on a fruit block, it was a natural

progression to include as many local, seasonal fruits and herbs

as possible in the menu and to make that a focus of Fine & Dandy


What are the main goals you want to accomplish in your


The main goals I wish to accomplish with Fine & Dandy Teahouse

is to continue grow both the wholesale and online aspect of the

business. We currently have 46 stockists across South Australia

and are always on the lookout for other likeminded businesses to

collaborate with.

Page 5: FLEURIEU FORAGER - Willunga Farmers Market · 2017-05-02 · Autumn brings great surf, mild calm days, and the vintage time in our wine regions. The Fleurieu cools to an average around


IAN EASTfrom Gina’s Kitchen

You bring a range of products to the market. Are there any

favourites and why?

Our delicious berries and the value-added jams made from them

are always in demand. Our customers love the flavour of these


What are the main goals you want to accomplish in your


Our main goals are to achieve the best quality products which the

customers require.

What do you enjoy about selling your produce in the market?

We enjoy having personal contact with our customers and

receiving feedback from them which is important in assessing

customer requirements.

What do you do when you aren’t working in your business?

Our farming enterprise is pretty much 7 days a week but during the

winter months we find time to take the occasional holiday.

Can you give us a quick overview of your business?

Gina’s Kitchen & Field Berries is located at Mt Jagged. Farming

enterprise including beef cattle, strawberries, raspberries,

vegetable production and value added products including jams,

sauces, vegetable pasties with other cooked products.

How did you first get involved with Willunga Farmers Market?

We have a stall at another market but wanted to expand our

business so applied for a position about 2 years ago with WFM.

What are your main business challenges?

Our biggest challenge as a producer is climatic changes and we

need to adjust our growing techniques to allow for this. Summer is

a real challenge with the extreme heat. Sometimes extra overhead

netting is required to buffer heat stressed plants.

What has it meant to your business having a farmers’ market


It means we can sell direct to our customers in the freshest

possible way, no third party involved to delay the product from

reaching consumers.

MIKE & KELLY ADAMSShoppers/Members

How long have you been shopping at the market/members?

We have been members of the Willunga Farmers Market for approximately 12 years.

What does the market mean to you?

We really enjoy the atmosphere, catching up with stall holders who are our market

buddies, buying fresh fruit, vegetables and flowers. We enjoy our family tradition of

attending the market in the knowledge we directly support local food producers.

Favourite stall/s at the market? McCarthy’s Orchards except in the football season –

someone goes on about Hawthorn; Hart’s – the bearded one thinks he is a comedian;

Willunga Plains Flowers – sporting family and kids help out which is great to see; Bickleigh

Vale Farm – Di always jovial and helpful; Alnda Farm – great produce and very friendly

service with a lovely smile; B.-d Farm Paris Creek for the best yoghurt Kel has ever had and

Fleurieu Milk Company for their cheerful and friendly service.

I think Mike and Kelly have really summed up the community spirit that is alive and well

right here in the heart of the Fleurieu!

Page 6: FLEURIEU FORAGER - Willunga Farmers Market · 2017-05-02 · Autumn brings great surf, mild calm days, and the vintage time in our wine regions. The Fleurieu cools to an average around

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SAM WHITEHEADfrom Güt Feeling

We are currently setting up a new commercial kitchen space at

Starlight Springs (A beautiful organic veggie farm in Myponga).

Colleen and Ian have been growing an array of heirloom vegetable

varieties for 17 years in this extremely fertile soil. They are known

in the area for their wonderful produce, we are blessed to have

direct access to it. We can see our cabbage patches from our

kitchen window its amazing.

My favourite product at the moment would have to be our

Italian Kraut with cabbage, tomato, onion oregano and basil

- Its different, but in a good way. Our dill pickles are delicious

too, fermented for four weeks (the old way) they have a certain

classic beauty! Our version of Kimchi is still our most popular, a

combination of cabbage, carrot daikon, spring onion, ginger, chili

and garlic is hard to beat.

What does the future hold for Gut Feeling? I want to grow the

business at a natural pace, slowly reaching more and more South

Australians. Once we are fully established on the farm I plan to

expand our product range on our market stalls to include all sorts

of delicious, seasonal fermented treats.

Ever since I can remember I have cared about the food I was

putting in my mouth and why. I thought… “We’re fuelling our

bodies with this stuff, doesn’t the quality of the fuel matter?”

After many years of international travel, I was lead to San Marcos

- a special little town on the banks of Lake Atitlan, Guatemala. It

was here that my interest in health and wellbeing met my passion

for great food. I was able to submerge myself in all aspects of

the ancient art of fermentation with the help of a local business

“Love Probiotics”. The learning curve was steep and filled me with

immense excitement to start experimenting straight away. I have

always dabbled with fermented foods but never thought they

could be so much fun, so delicious and so beneficial.

I came home with a plan! “Mum! Let’s help peoples’ bellies,

promote healthy lifestyle and eating habits while doing something

we love.”

Gut Feeling was born, emerging as an idea it took off faster than


For us it’s all about getting back to basics; real food from real

people and prepared with passion. We buy from local farmers who

grow using environmentally sustainable, chemical free techniques.

This ensures quality and freshness enabling us to create flavourful,

vibrant and nutritious ferments.

The link between our gut and brain is not a new revelation,

however the importance of gut health and how it can influence

our overall physical and mental state is becoming increasingly

apparent. It’s exciting to think what our future holds as we start to

understand the benefits of a holistic approach to health. Let real

food be our medicine!

We absolutely love working the markets. The stall enables us to

share our wares directly to our customers. I enjoy the energy of

the food lovers that roll up in droves to get their favourite seasonal


The market stalls allow us to branch out and offer a wider range

of probiotic rich goodies. We also make our own Ginger Beer,

Kombucha and bliss balls with kefir.

Page 7: FLEURIEU FORAGER - Willunga Farmers Market · 2017-05-02 · Autumn brings great surf, mild calm days, and the vintage time in our wine regions. The Fleurieu cools to an average around


15TH BIRTHDAYOn Saturday 25th February we celebrated a milestone! Our 15th birthday was filled with

balloons, birthday cake and more than 3000 visitors celebrating with us in true Willunga

style. Guest Chef Jordan Theodoros produced a delicious salad from fresh market

ingredients and the students of the Southern Vales Christian College created a magnificent

Birthday Cake for all to enjoy.

State Tourism Minister and local MP Leon Bignell said: “The farmers and producers who

are here every week are people we trust to provide great food and drinks for our family.”

City of Onkaparinga Mayor Lorraine Rosenberg commented on the effect on local tourism

and the fact that our market is now recognised around the globe. Our birthday celebration

coincided with the #ichoosesa Farmers Market weekend which added to the colour and

atmosphere of our day!

With thanks to Fruitful Market we have a short video available on our website which

captures the the day, head to www.willungafarmersmarket.com.au to view.

This page: Photos by On The Coast

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Tommy Ruffs with a Salad of Radish, Lambs Tongue and Fennel


Lightly dust the skin side only of the double (butterfly) Tommy Ruff fillets with rice flour.

Wash and finely slice the radishes, wash and dry the Lamb’s Tongue lettuce.

Finely shave the fennel bulb having removed the outside layers (use a mandolin if you have

one). Pick the chervil and dill. Mix the salad ingredients and put to one side.

Make the dressing by combing the lemon juice and one tablespoon of the olive oil

(at a ratio of one part lemon juice to 3 parts olive oil) and salt and pepper.

Put to one side to dress the salad just before serving.

Heat a non-stick pan to medium hot, put in the remaining olive oil.

Fold the double fish fillet skin side facing out and cook on one side

until crisp and golden. Turn and repeat on the other skin side.

The fillets will be cooked through and the inside moist.

Gently dress the salad, place on a plate and top with the

cooked fish. Serve immediately.





6 double Tommy Ruff Fillets

2 or 3 Radishes (depending on


½ Fennel Bulb

1 Punnet of Lamb’s Tongue

Lettuce (or other soft salad


2 tablespoons each of Chervil

and Dill

Approx 1 teaspoon Lemon Juice

2 Tablespoons of Extra Virgin

Olive Oil

Salt & Pepper

Rice Flour for cooking the fish


Available weekly from April 15

Page 9: FLEURIEU FORAGER - Willunga Farmers Market · 2017-05-02 · Autumn brings great surf, mild calm days, and the vintage time in our wine regions. The Fleurieu cools to an average around


When Chef Simon Bryant urgently needed half a kilo of ginger he

asked around. Former Willunga Farmers Market stallholder Tony

Harding said he had some. He’d been growing it for years at home.

When Tony tipped one of his ginger tubs out he found he had

slightly more than Simon needed: 20 kilos in fact!

When Tony was recently asked why he was growing ginger,

turmeric and numerous other tropical and subtropical plants at

home his answer was simple; ‘I was told it can’t be grown here’.

After leaving Willunga Farmers Market following the sale of his

business and farm in September 2016, he left 100 or more growing

tubs at the old property. But the passion for growing remains and

he is very glad to share his enthusiasm and knowledge around.

When asked if he’d mind giving a short ginger and turmeric

growing workshop at his place his response was immediate: ‘come

around anytime’.

Willunga Farmers Market stallholders are a creative bunch; they’re

always on the lookout for niche products to grow, from different

heirloom vegetables, to delicious new condiments and marvellous

new cakes. When we asked around the market if any stallholders

would be interested in growing turmeric and garlic, Kate Doyle of

Little Acre, Richard Casley-Smith of Bull Creek Organic Garlic and

Brian Swanson of Brian’s Olives put up their hands straight away. ‘I

get asked all the time if I have ginger at my stall’, says Richard. Kate

is also enthusiastically looking for things to grow on her land.

Tony showed the small group all aspects of his growing process,

including giving us notes on plant brix (crop sweetness). We

saw how he creates mini plastic houses to start the ginger and

turmeric, then followed the plants through all stages of growth.

The turmeric and ginger roots are started in a high quality organic

compost-rich potting soil, which is 70 % soil and 30% sharp sand.

When roots have formed on the tubers after a few weeks, Tony

transfers them to larger pot and feeds them a nutritious worm

compost tea which includes blackstrap molasses and kelp. It then

takes about six months to grow the ginger into the size needed

for use in your kitchen. But the beauty of this is that you need

only break off what you need. No need to tip 20 kilos on the floor!

Thanks again, Tony Harding.


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The Kitchen Door at Penny’s Hill is one of McLaren Vale’s most well-known and picturesque dining venues. Celebrating artisan food producers of the region, The

Kitchen Door offers a relaxed, indulgent experience for locals and visitors alike.

Executive Chef Tom Boden was first introduced to the region during his time at Ellen Street Restaurant at Maxwell Winery. He has been the recipient of Two Forks in the Advertiser Food Awards and two consecutive Hats from the Australian Good Food Guide. In December 2016, Chef Tom took over the reins at The Kitchen Door, offering an ever-changing, inspired menu matched with award winning wines from Penny’s Hill. The Kitchen Door is open from 12:00 noon-5:00pm seven days a week. Booking enquiries: 08 8557 0841

Join Chef Tom on Saturday 6 May as he hosts a cooking demonstration in the heart of the Willunga Farmers Market at 10.30am, taking his cue from the diverse range of produce on hand at the Market.


Cooking Demonstration

6 May [email protected]

Page 11: FLEURIEU FORAGER - Willunga Farmers Market · 2017-05-02 · Autumn brings great surf, mild calm days, and the vintage time in our wine regions. The Fleurieu cools to an average around


Devour Willunga

UPCOMING EVENTS 1st April , 10.30am

Feed Your Belly Not the Bin with Louise

Mathwin from Healthier Habits

15th April

Easter Market! Let your children be

enchanted with good food tales in

Evelyn Roth’s Nylon Bilby, traditional egg

decorating and colouring in competition.

22nd April , 10.30am

Garlic Basics with

Bull Creek Organic Garlic

6th May, 10.30am

Guest Chef Tom Boden from

The Kitchen Door

27th May, 10.30am

Sustainable Backyards with

Sophie Thomson

17th June, 10.30am

Prune in June with Mark McCarthy from

McCarthys Orchards


WIRRA WIRRAAutumn 20% off Shiraz Revolution

masterclass. Please use this code at check.

Bookings online


Code WFM001 use at check out.

SEA & VINESThe McLaren Vale Sea & Vines Festival will celebrate a milestone 25 year birthday on the 2017

June long weekend! The official program will launch on April 7, with more than 53 events across

25 venues – enjoy the very best of the region’s premium wine, food and beach lifestyle.

1 | THE WINNER energyofnature Vibrant, fresh food. Vibrant, healthy life. When I talk to my children about eating the rainbow of foods each day, they know I’m not talking about #hundredandthousands (unless it’s their birthday party!) I’m certainly no saint when it comes to what I consume- we do live in one of Australia’s premier wine regions. For me it’s all about balance. A treat here or there balances out with vegetable rich, raw food diet, well that sounds like the good life to me. #healthylife #healthybobyandmind #ineedtogoforarun #balance #freshisbest #supportlocalfarmers #mywfmmoment #willungafarmersmarket #lovethislife






2 | myseasonalkitchen My all time best market day! #welovewerewelive :sparkling_heart:#fleurieupeninsula #southaustralia #joey #kangaroojoey #mywfmmoment

3 | alexcheeseco Bruschetta pesto on one side, onion jam on the other, haloumi which I devoured, and mushrooms #simplest #best #wouldnthaveitanyotherway #fleurieuliving #mywfmmoment #farmersmarket #brekkie #dodairy

4 | earthmama2four Amazing Cos lettuce by @growtohealth from the @willungafarmersmarket #mywfmmoment #supportlocal

5 | littleacrefoods First Babychino @mywfmmoment Saturday mornings at the farmers market. Thanks @fromhumblegrounds @willungafarmersmarket



Page 12: FLEURIEU FORAGER - Willunga Farmers Market · 2017-05-02 · Autumn brings great surf, mild calm days, and the vintage time in our wine regions. The Fleurieu cools to an average around

SUSTAINABILITY WORKSHOPSIn partnership with the Adelaide & Mt Lofty Ranges Natural Resources Management Board, our aim is to deliver positive behaviour change and adoption of sustainable practices in our Community whilst raising awareness of natural resource issues. All workshops are free to attend and will take place in Willunga Town Square.

Louise Mathwin – Healthier Habits Saturday, 1st April @ 10.30am45 workshop exploring the practical steps we can take to

minimise food wastage in our homes. Participants will leave

armed with lots of practical tips, tricks and advice as well as

recipes, planners and knowledge on how to minimise food

wastage and why it is so important. The workshop will cover:

• Minimal wastage cooking

• Shopping seasonally and locally (food miles)

• Preserving

• Batch cooking

• Eating out

• Community excess swaps

• Changing shopping habits

Sophie Thomson – The Patch Saturday, 27th May @ 10.30amHosted by Gardening Australia’s South Australian presenter

Sophie Thomson, this session will cover aspects of

sustainable gardening from plant selection and water use

to sustainable gardening practices and products. This

interactive workshop will be hands on and interactive with

giveaways and prizes to engage with participants.

Mark McCarthy – McCarthys Orchards Saturday, 17th June @ 10.30amLocal horticulturalist Mark McCarthy will run an informative

workshop around pruning and grafting fruit trees to maximise

your home fruit crop

WILLUNGA FARMERS MARKET SCHOLARSHIP$15,000 up for grabs for aspiring farmers!

Round 4 of the Willunga Farmers Market Scholarship opens on 15 April 2017 after the success of previous scholarship

recipients. With partnership support from the Adelaide and Mount Lofty Ranges Natural Resources Management board the

scholarship is open to those interested in farming but discouraged by the obstacles of entering the industry, like access to land,

equipment and start-up capital. More detailed information on the scholarship can be found on the Farmers Scholarship page

on our website, www.willungafarmersmarket.com.au