irm THE W HIXGTOX TIIE TrnnT OrTo ETI Hi r F + TIMES WANTSA- ND OTfiER CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Class A fruited Agent Wanted For Bent ROOM Moon aad Beard LOS Foond Class B- All other clawilicauoofi tt enu time MX word to a Ups The Times aiAkes ann iatos fer filHea A TwtlsIne Class A One oeM a word each imcitlen Minimum charge M centsminimum HIM 2 line Class B within HM week X cents a Jhiejjr Oaten eon MM apece 3 line HELP WANTED FEMALE ALTERATION HAND8Ev erieaced on APPRENTICE GIRL tailor up per week MM 11th t N W eeltW- TTONHOLB WORKER and feltto work r JS211 NEEDLE 7th N w CHAR WOMAN White Aptrty Janitor Colo rado Building acl 3t AmWy HOTEL E oclt2t- 000Kb general heiMeworfceH chambermaid laun iresa s nur Vtt llth It an x J DoudJIac lid UM r 11 w a I p 11 csnts a a ftt lfashln ton u ceDMcU a wo mea IRIIw ad csa Apply at once to Xr Other U door fh ad x lad J MAX jL Wat eii Wsas4 EIt t Betr s a UIC1UIflImUIU Ust liD br cia mit N fw clL4t 7 elf ¬ > = COOK and housemaid for Onto cool and hois maid for ftu SK Nail 324 each other c xk fur York Rhodt Inland and thU cit SCBVfU Ml N Y ve JOOJT J SMITH 733 lh DIM NO ROOM amu Apply at Utti Kt N W KXPERIENTTKP band on braidtne sad em on adieB garnienta US4 X ft N W V ZALE8AK ocUSt- XXFKRIEXCBD h nd to alter Mtee coats and skirts Apply alteration department Wf H McKNEW CO Ml Pa ave oc 1112U- GIBLrFor general brtmg reference la CN GrRl White for general honeework- wnstiing Apply Drug Store 1414 Maryland awe X E oclCSt Gmt to chock bondtaa rKAZXBPOTO 3tAC LAUNDRY Uth aa ata N W QQIti for xeneraj howe w rk Apply with reference 24ft Ontario road ocl43t- 05VERAL hoo e ork washing ironing must c willing wage IS per verk 107 Jj N W octt2t HELPER Experienced at dienniunMng Ap y bOO B W oc 3t- APPRSNTJCJM Anply before to manager WOODWARD MXLLINERY BALES LAOIB8 Mock lork Apply F ROSE 1113 F N W- oe St SALESWOMEN fa meuly exporenced tar elk waste Apply to manager WOODWARD A LOTHROP It AluEs LADY Experienced fur dry adi wear toM ItK TOL KAITMAX STORIES OCJLM- KilHT HANDS T 14th N W KHT HANDS Flr tclaM at SKI IN hand in buabeUnc department MEKTX i MERTZ MS F N W ocW2t Flrstctaaa to help on cost Apyj at once PLUYirS Hit 14th N W ocUSt- TAILOBM to ma TAILOBJB88 Kut be good bnttonhole nMtunr CUL9 RT CS F M X W ocllU TRIMMERS and heifMra gret afciee t BAKER afilSHf- WAIVT at one 134 H X W ecu WAICTMBMM WMte umuieneed Hi Mh- I WAJITKD- Fwpnrlenneil cant hand ennaneatp- oeiUon g ed aalnnc i ly POZUP8BORX CO M IMh N W It DItPJa- TJ W Odl3t etaee 1P work at 1 It no CO D on43t hId and 8 1 cJock 6 oTHR p It lit Mood I Awl OCM oac UIt K lOt oc16at lit ilL rr J r WA J N W New i S1- 7It MILUNERY end i N TAT LOR m Ap t paaaKxr1MIoog 4St I at- M > = = 0 nnd dtmni Apply J0LItTS OAR KINJOJB CO UtM P t- WJJm WOWAJIFor Monday morolng com ready to work K g Jttb N W oel 2t OMAN Experienced for generVI htnrrt rk three In family stay nit 1442- OUAJW to do llfht hMMewottt Apply HBJOORT8 sk ttr Ur Morley OMAN CotavM good rtUnbte aa cook mi to aaefert with washing aDd Iranlnc a pea CM meet May night 74 tth it A OJCAN taod eotnred to tain to kitchen t i N w It v OMAK For general bonwwork three in lAtnlly go home night Apply ator to iht A WOMAN Xent colored to aaant wth boa 113 Maryland ave X E It WOMAN to do housework Call 323 KN W ocUlt HELP WANTED MALE ADV OOUCXTOR on CaU Box lei eennu P O ocifctt- ASSWTAXT KA AOER toe manufacturtotf 4epartn en eradnau ch High School preferred OWEN X 12U U at N W oOllf- A N EIGHT WEEKS COURSE in automobile Sintering will oJve the MOary problem our gnMtoatee are In demand aU over the nitod State at Mjarie train CtN to Slfi J T month Write or call IUt at our trmdnate who bold a good noeition By eking the before November let you wii enre fa an uuuaer rate will be die v ontlnnnd then If Automobflc of incorporated only fennel Expert Automobile r HKU ER wh con nhoa- i oraea Rear of 2tt B N K ocl 3t- MOY over 1 to work in drug store after 4J Aldr ni BOX Time oAce i OYS If for shop work t 121 f t N w ocu3t HOY Kent reliable colored boy urrLJSRft oar F aad Huh ocit- JiOY White with wheel NATIONAL SHOE O 443 sth ft N ocU3t- iJOYBrlght with wbeel H to W west ME88EXGBR OO 123 H X W ocJt4 BRIGHT BOT flan earn aaod ntgney work log aftnr bows Apply BOX H- on TIRes U- HCEBEUtfAX at once toady work SU E N W oeun- on lodtea and aont gar ntenta CU to HI a woek to rtght party Apply at one 111 Connecticut nve- oal t- BUBHKLMAN Btoady place for nnt men Appry at once lIE Conn ov ecl4Jt tcad job ocU 3t sad good sad WATSON latt T it N W M eolored men sad wife ni meld today EVKBKA 4 jft llth st OCMit Ms oct j It Jua1os Ir Ill th It rk eomJ Ion OR y z t adv toe uir alt or address t lIlC w 111I 14U1 at W ltue North tt I i oeM flier AppI w 1 u c4d bill k e It mmE tier I hsnrts v AIDSSMSC a os Ir aiposk t iI beat cow you benk ysimenesiS os Pesdsa 14CM iiI8 sak gSaeer 5 I Apply 1ME oI jtj8U8jit4N was HtJEELifAN 7iii hits ew i r 41IWs- fi fOrm l4i > > ° HELP Capitol Automobile College In connection with machine Thoreweh practical on nn ALWAYS OPEN Call or addrew M w ocl47t- COATMAKERfl COATMAKER8 Oeed weekly Mondy work tt F N oc7tf Addre quick Times oclC3- tCQLOBD XXX exclusively to learn the antoaioMto bwdneoi have good opening for reliable colored men rued can prepare you in six week to earn from J76 to U2S per mouth small weekly imymenta will put you thruMffh or call THE NATIONAL ACTOMOBi B COLLEGE a practical school of automottU engineering for colored darts 15W 7th et K W oc4trP- APERHAXOER One nntdaee men atendy work at fSM or piece work Call Sunday between 11 end 12 oclock 311 Pa ave 8 E it HELPER In room FRAZBEPOTO KAC LAUNDRY CO 11th end D at N W ocl43t HELPER In shop See Mr BRBrfK C A MUDDOCAX A CO OC 12th M ocHtt IN NEW YORK CITY colored oyster men team bucker raw box end cooke Apply with references only DICKS HOTEL AGENCY IMh and ave ocl- I LADIES TAILOR Flwtclaas at once 1814 K X W oclSat TAILORS Experienced good wagos I paid PASTBRXAK liE HOt X W 3 for concrete walks and cement Hniaber 293 Man eve X W ocl 2t report at Street Sweeping Stables bet X and O N Capitol and I N W Sum tomorrow morning It LABORERS a Californta bet Ht and 23d Monday morning ecl 3t WANTEDMALE bUI 1k upto Mia lit N COA lit W CIVIL office ito lit LAD t 4 LuORs to ave wi waited XAX Steady reliable for porter one who pleat with low preeeuro boiler W H HOlKB Mt Pa ave X w MAX Yonng colored to work around tUs house muet be well recommended Apply between 7 and p m only at 1717 P St oclfr2t MAX to take charge of rttmtture w rehouee mnot be xperteneed good permanent poet tion Address BOX to MAX generally useful in dye boose LERCHS S2 13th ocU3t- IMEX Experienced Immediately to hang lace curtains and Apply to Man- ager WOODWARD It MAX Colored good in milk dairy Uth anti Irving X E H W ocl43t OFFICE BOY Bright neat good chance for right party BOX K Time omee oeUVlt- O Y8TEKMAX Xea c young colored man quick opener for fine trade llth at N W oclA3t- PAPERHAXGBRS Two Apply at X13 P st N W C B SPATES IfP- APBRHAX0BR8 2 Apply steady work ocl4t PRESS FEEDERS QEO E HOWARD 714 Uth N W ocl4 t- PRES8ER at uses 1146 Connecticut ave PRESSKB FlrmtcitM on ladles sad scntle- mens clothes 1U2 Slit N W i 3t PORTER Colored 4 KN W BALE with wheel for recall grocer MId lunch room trade BOX t imefl SALESMEN on oy 4r roots at bt reliable sad a hnetler LEE J ROBERTS M8 Mth a4 X W onVtf- WAXTEt v TAILORS to alter UidtM mote por- mnnant good salnry A4iniy- M PHEUPWWRX CO HiM X W I I It t oeMSt who can dry clean and scour be d ill hit t N W oeMit lit It W7 to ri t man we ocJItt oe moet at It ocUa heatia odSc anti ad Usa Itt ¬ ¬ > SnXXERS we wont and mnot have regnrd lees of price for roof work come with tools ready Mr work ORAFTOX SON INC TU iu TINNER and helper Ill E Capitol TTXXERS Two good for root work atoejt willie boys mm tinners helper s good roof palotorA CLAD G CO 1413 Q C X W orlfrX WALL 8CHAPBRS Three arstclnaa Apply UM 33d st N W WALL SMITH tit Uth at X W oclfiSt bright boy from r aoor service stock bwn e wrapping and oji on Apply to WOODWARD eclltfexSu- S TEAMS to hire to haul dirt at 4M per day Apply F S W ocl43t UPHOLSTERERS 113 Pa ave N W ocictf KIt t lIt tw X J WAJofTSDIIR to JJ oC r tel A IIION M yes sam 4sRt WAXTED Experienced tailors for altering womMTs garments Apply GAR FIXKLE k CO llth and F oc4 t- WAXTED Men and boys over sixteen yean ef ae good wages permanent work Apply X W jyfiwsamtf WE DESIRE the servloes of several good salesmen and women who are energetic earnest hustlers To such people we will submit an exceptionally liberal commission proposttlon with weekly advance Both stretched to the limit with a view to obtain- ing the right kind of representatives A C DEIrUYX Hlbbs Building ocl 7t SITUATIONS WOMAN place to work K days U3I 4th t N w It BY YOUNG lady clerical position hoc knowledge of bookkeeping aad typewriting can furnish good reference M Times office H PHILADELPHIA drnnsmaker wants work al toting to fit slid ta present styles MRS STAFFORD M2 F N W ocU3f PLACE by colored girl as meld or housework chambermaid no washing nth oclt3t SITUATIONS WANTED MALE FIR8TCLAS8 carpenter foremen Job MI working foreman understand plans end con tructural work good manager of hands Apply for JOHNBON at I x lIt A STUDENT wishes work of any klid 12M 4th t N W ol2t LAW AND COLLECTIONS ALL CASES all courts secret service Col lections U 8 Legal Corp PK Bond Bldg ocltf STOVE REPAIRING WHEN YOUR RAXGIS LATROBE OR FUR MACE NEEDS REPAIRS CALL MAIN MM UPIRESTOVS REPAIR CO 1338 HN W s 34tf AUTO LAMP REPAIRING LET US DO IT We can put your auto lamp lid radiators into proper condltto at a very mall cost to you Prompt work gunmntood MOORE A CO 3W John Mar- shall place Phone Main 4347 e4samotf BICYCLES WE BUY AND SELL BCOMDHANJD BICYCLES C T HUNTER The 113 Pa eve oclt7t WE STILL LEAD sad others foUow Unicorn puncture proof tires other tire li per coot lower ban anywhere la the city MENPELL 1721 7th N W ocftf MESSENGER SERVICE WE DKUVEtl PACKAGES parcels pntea and invitations Call Main M30 DIME MBS SERVICE 122S H N W so3Mtnthtf FT OOR OIL T HUNTERS SANITARY dnetkttting oil keeps tne noon clean end etvot taoju polished nntoh lie gallon deliv- ered All olla lacking Hunter label ted the Hunter recipe ani imitotiona I Main MM ill Pa eve N W Good for your furniture Try It ocliTl st WANTEDFEMALE- BY lfChC Keystone Uk l1 7 c bssesnnt of ill 1 1 it went lIt ito ter the ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ CLAIRVOYANTS PROF CLAY Ladies 25c Gents 5oc Palmist Clairvoyant Card Readings HAS WONDERFUL OCCULT FORCE ALL THE WORLD IS SBEK1XG LIGHT ON OCCULT FORCES but the Prophet Clay Is a child of natures greatest gifts and M holds this divine gift aa a sacred trust Think of a roan who con see rcur whole life as an open book Hlf EXTRAORDINARY POKERS enable bun to read human life wth unetTlnK accuracy To those who are skeptical of his claims he deriree to Male that will positively make no chirp unlee you Sod him superior to ALL OTHERS Can anything be fairer TO THOSE UNHAPPY DISCONTENTED or In any trouble whatever be im- mediate relief Ha gives exact and truthful revelation coooernlnK all love affairs set- tles lovers quarrels enable you to win the esteem end affection of any you desire CAUSES SPEEDY HAPPY MARRIAGES is true gives elate of innrrtage restores lost affection peace and conHdonce to lover and discordant fam rives you the full SECRET KNOWLEDGE TO CONTROL fafldnale cbonn the one you love also those you meet and how to make ai y SOn at a distance think of you He cures all of myateriouo or un- natural aickneee removes spells gives luck Hours 10 a m to p m deed Sunday 104 North Fairfax St VA N this out keep It My reputa lion does not need daily advertising ocl 2t MADAME SMITH ROYAL EGYPTIAN PALMIST and Clair voyant formerly of Camp Fifteenth and H N E baa removed to parlors at 19 Eleventh street northwest and la at leisure to receive all callers She will positively toil you whether your husband or kweetheart is true or false How to gain the love of the you most dealre She Vill clearly and distinctly give you the fun secret how to fascinate charm or control those you love Reliable advice In business transaction chaiges law suits Inheritance and divorce Through my won donut psychic power the are quickly reunited and evil influenced Im mediately removed Acknowledged by the prose and public a must reliable one Ur in all affairs of life Stands alone without an equal A genuine Egyptian Par lar suited to the moet clu lve and refitted patronage 61 Eleventh street nerthWMt Rending for short time od 7t MRa WILLARD BISHOP WASHINGTONS BE3T KNOWN PSYCHIC Oldest in experience richest in knowledge and skill crowned with years of unparalleled la of jt scleaoes Hysterie No idle curiosity obtains here The instinct end insight Into your life are aa i Uln te her your morning faoe a novelty this to you but it Is no novelty indeed bat it Is the truth told in the telling She holds as sacred affairs that may be w her In the course of her readings which are ia private and without fear of steeling stranger Call and you will he greeted with courtesy and feel as safe aa In the privacy of your own home Great deduction All This Week Tit NINTH STREET N W T2L Dont Mistake Nam aad Number o tf MADAME CATHERINE palmist and card render H reading or SOc to any one bring Jag thin ad for one week only MS Ilk X W oe tf MRS SHEPHERD Clairvoyant Ladle Only Card Reader IMC 0 X W 3d Moor Phone M M- Mmyl9ratuth atf MRS R LUSBT M New York ave N W Palmistry and card readings Po ivelv la dtee only 11 n to M p m JaWU PALMISTS CONSULT Z5NITA who controls event never fails ramove p ll Mme Bnaot aostetont lBS 7th st N W ORIGINAL GYPSY PALMIST Whole Fortune Told Me Open Nights 1723 kIt st N W fe36tfei8u I I I I he beings one tella it the one and ALEXANDRIA Bcut one consult a Me Mc Mc Sic Sec PSYCIUC PALMISTRY re- veled ilL n Ilk e1fj you love ills kinder S iC0S and 5 ma seem I ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < SPIRITUALISM MME CORNISH GIFTED MEDIUM reads your life correctly give namee facts daily and Sunday Ml 3d st N B cor F near Untie Station Ladies only J3rTtf WANTED MISCELLANEOUS I PAY tIN cash for ladles gentlemens and childrens caatoff wearing apparel drop CUd will call C STOX 12M 7th M N W or phone North lEt Jyl3tf HIGHEST CASH price paid for discarded clothing either indies or gents send postal will call B TARSHE8 1348 7th si N W Phone North 4 se3tf- WAXTED Fnmitore and carpets oontoats of houses a specialty for ctwh fair and square dialing ALBAUGH Mh and B- setftf BIG MoNEY paid for east off clothing shoos hats sod shirts drop postal will call H GEWIRZ UM 7th st N W 4W thIH t Httf WANTED Fumltur for each sell your goods to the men who gives you the must money See HOPWOOD th and K e tf MODERN SECOND HAND furnltore bought at KM 14th st aleo cat off clothing if sent to store Phone M 34M oclCm- DANCING MR AND MRS POWER 727 Uth st N W waltz lid twostep guar teeeons barn Unc 2 Monday end Thursday beacon Me clams 7 JO advanced elsie 8 JO oc4 t MRS McGARVEY8 Dancing Academy Lew- is Hall flIt 14th st N W LEARN THE NEW WALTZ assisted by Mr Johnson so- cial dances every Tuesday evening ocli7t Pro A Mr Wyndbam St Jeeeptta Hell ttb sod If nw every Wed A eve lea Sic C teseotm S2M clua IM cat teach you DANVING S30 REFINED ONLY resaence 8M IHh nw private ary hour with music phone Maia 6 ocitf MISS COULTER moet skilled teacher of dancing Mi Eye st N W If you can walk I can teach you to waltz private leeeont thY time with music We Phone M lIlt ocl37t MRS GLOVERS ACADEMY 3 32d Pri- vate lessons We A twostep guar 5 toeeon beta dance 2 Tuee Thins Sat eve 2o ohlldroHs clue Sat alt U month ball room for rent H Phone W lIE egHt SELECT ALL TilE LATEST DANCES AT SUMMER RATES 3 per C private lessons l N Y av Phone M StSt Y oclfr a8u12t LIVING I t we Ion waltz cl sour PEO- PLE > < ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ DAVISONB 7l Nt W bet known et UK Tech all dance In 6 lessons open a a m to 11 p In Phone M 4 4 and dances Thur eva Assembly a cM Nafl Wiles Armory Wed Sat ova DANCING ACADEMY MS Eye Bt N W Mic Chamberlain and Cobb teachers ss etal date Thursda s Ihono M 6817Y Ja3tf STORAGE 1M STORAGE ROOMS also by the packing and hauling TJIOS DOWLING A CO 112 E N W Phone Main U s 3v t OUR ESTIMATE on absolutely nr proof storage moving UNITED STATES STORAGE CX 4184IC teth U N N W Main 4SIP V t WORKINGMANS WANTS There are now that stand out more prominently for tn Interest of those who li tr than our price for tailored suits JlSTHS Of D STAND 1 D COAL AND WOOD WE SELL our coal Ih lowest cash and guarantee 5SW x toss All fuel under cover RINALDI BRo ail 7th t N W Phone 1144 North GROCERIES THAT GOOD COFFEE WILL PLEASE YOU 25C LB J iD Cur lUll and Eye St N W oc9tam wU Proto Mrs TIM 6 itU and used at JI to 1 ncI clear 16 One price ony it at Price l INN LL y l coo Sit cit PET WORK overuost slightly ti a nte caved > TOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS ALABAMA Apartment 707 Large bright room ocl3t THE ALABAMA Cor 11th N ta N W 702 Furntohed room with all the comforts and convenience of an uptodate apartment house ocl3tf B ST N B fia Nlc furnished second tory front roim corner house ocUSt B S K 124 One largo front room wlt able for o or two gentlemen octt3t i 37 Two or three large second floor roonu bath best and gas Hfju housekeeping oclt2t C ST N E 121 Near Capitol 3 furnished communicating room housekeeping price oclfitt CALIFORNIA ST ItTt Nicely fnrniobed TVJ jwvato teenSy beth snme phone ocl43t- I CARROLL ST S E 123 Two nl ty fill D ST N w ill Furnished rooma H to 13 housekeeping trnnoionto token W 257 I trge and small newly fur BW roonu light housekeeping tf desired n up ocMSt N W W large front and other room rent weekly ttTK to ocl3t ST N W l lFor rent one large nicely furnished room private family aeMSt G ST X W satin gen Uomen or couple light housekeeping oclt3t G ST X W 4 second flow running water housekeeping ocHSt H ST N W 46Xear Union StationNicely furnished rooms Sot bath on I aanie Boor j 11 N W Twr kM rooms for rent on 2d floor eeiwt- II ST N W furMched rooms light housekeeping bent and gae oclB3t EYE ST N W iSJfcNloely and newly fur Dished flat for per month opposite Ar lington Hotel ocMSt EYE ST N W Mi Two nicely furnished rooms southern exposure terms t month ocli3t EYE ST N W 30 Two roost completely fnrniahod Ing 3d gas and bath heat 9Cl2t K ST N E 21 FurnMMd Single or en write for light housekeeping board ir de sired ocl 2t L 3T Jv W ISUXIce furnished sunny front and back MASS AVt X E 13 Two rooms furnished or housekeepIng m per month oclC3t AVE X W furnished room 3d floor private family g jnttomen preferred it MARYLAXD AVE S W 473 Nicely fur nUbed ball room Cf per month ocl Sf- X H AVE X W 1116 Part of furntehed modern house to adults housekeeping ocHJt ST N W 1 Furntonod rooms 155 week all convenience ocUSt N ST N W M4 front room three windows well furnished SU well kept house ocl 2t NORTH CAPITOL ST ItBOne nicely fur nlahed room ocl 2t PA AVE ZIM Third floor For rent three nicely furnished rooms light housekeeping well ST C S W 1aI nlabtod rooma Ntt Truest MIJ W MGLare story trusts room Iy urnIahed and hot water beat N G ST Beautiful tI G Two bed ST Two 11 INDIANA JHOne large niehed southern very rooms orilIt unturr lobed HAS N ocliSt ansi rate square Pe1ijWosk fliT N eseed pspomd scilY- ta r communicatIng AVE neatly tier mom reasonable orlik phone 16 110 ¬ ¬ < < < PA AYE N W ItU Front room southern exposure steam single double FL Phone n7 M odJtf Q ST N W furnished room second floor two GMT odj71- U ST 1514 Furnished room or43t flit NIceI lines 1ST ST N W 433 One room snltai le for sleeping or light housekeeping reasonable ocl43t 2D ST N W 10ft Fnrniehed large sunny room near Capitol Library and ears I light housekeeping reasonable ocl2t ST N E 224 CMnfortable second floor front room or two fur light howeefceeptng if desired ocM2t ST N E 223 Two large front rooms well furnished newly papered very desir- able terms reasonable oclS7t 3 ST N E 126 Back parlor large and comfortable per month ocUXt 3D ST X W 2 Ctonn comfortable room llM up week centrally located ocl 3t 3D N W 2U Nicely furnumoa rooms M 12 S3 pent or light housekeeping oc43t- TH sr N W IMB Cholce bay window sec- ond floor room smaller rooms wen kept house good heat convenient to and boniness part of city reasonable private family i u sTH N W Ms Nicely furnished front room with board for two home cooking clean house oclCSt mi ST N W 1MB furnished rooms well kept convenient to car and business pelt of city reenonable private family OC14- Mmi ST N W MB Nicely furnished front room private faintly suitable fur two or three young e lSt1- 0TH ST N W furnished roost suitable for 2 g itonen oel43t- 11TII ST N W U34 Comfortable furnished room on second hooT ocl X 11TH ST X W lOttNJce furnished roost OC14M- MTH ST N W 123 L rge front corner second floor also two smeller ones on floor sunny and warm cl2t all per i cars me ODe roost ID ID is test ¬ ¬ FOR RENT Furnished or Unfurnished Rooms A ST N E SH Large second tory front room southern exposure also a connecting room furnished or unfurnished with board G ST N W 421 Large furnished or un furnished rooms centrally located hot INtel cold water opposite Pension omce oe3t H X W lHoFurnlehed and unfurnished rouses ocl43t FOR RENT Modern room house furnaco large yard reasonable 23M Ontario road N oottn N C AYE S E 3tt or I partly fur nicKed or unfurnished rooms on lit end 3d floors suitable for adult southern expo- sure near 2 car terma reasonable ocl43t W line ¬ ¬ 12TH ST 8 W JW Furnished or unfur- nished 2d floor rooms modern home ocl 3t ROOMS AND BOARD 1 ST N W 301 Room and board 2 month table hoard WM we k uclC7tr- FAIRMONT ST 1354L rge front room 3 closet anti bath hiiidsoioely furnished also room phone steam heat ocl43t GRANT PL largo furnl d room M hoot with board clC3t GOOD 8I2BD ROOM nrstclas board 2 gentlemen 11 each BOX lOf Times office and hock room with good board ocl 2t II ST N W 1880 Pleasant rooms best table board German cooking transients phone ocl 3t EYE ST N W 1216 Pleasant room steam beet every convenience and excellent board only 132 per month for two beautiful front russElL lowest oeU3t- 8TH ST 8 W 2i7 Mrs D private fam- ily wIshes 4 boarders good table home comforts f23 139 accorClfcg to room CC143- 10TH S W 41 Room end hoard for i n heat and bnth f4 week ocMH lint ST 1227 Second and third ffoor rooms excellent table board reasonable ocl67t WANTED ROOMS AND BOARD A LADY WISHES a sunny room with good ventilation hotwater or steam host on same floor terms moderate Particulars BOX 107 Time office GENTLEMAN wishes room and board In pri- vate family west BOX 188 Times It TABLE BOARD UTH ST N W Ml Excellent board heel home cooking centrally located 20 month 0013U smeller 17Two w slnle and double front also to gas N W It 1 t- H ST J rates r bert Ii OUt office ¬ ¬ FOR RENT UNFURNISHED ROOMS THE DORCHESTKR 12th and Mo three stories good owl took and wator stationary wash tithe baths iarKe clothosdrymg plat form spaeioua rooms with closet newly UNMrod and painted Sfi per month time for cooking slot On from Uk St oars Phone Lincoln 1MO- OnVe open comings ALON2O O BLISS PROPERTIES 36 B ST N W IB ST S B UH7Two unf m iilinied- nw uncom Park enilehie for I 5 N W sunny sums hotwater hoSt ocl7f- 8T N E U 4Etttlr 3d floor 3 vooma light heat gas bath CU very I desirable eeU9t G ST N W 461 Front and back parlor reasonable I oeitst ST N W 2O For rent 3 or 4 room bath pantry arranged for housekeeping good order roL octtSt JERSEY AVE SH Two bright front rooms large closet light housekeeping pri vate family splendid ocl 3t Si W 1 6 Rooms with or without board heat southern exposure It QUINCV PL N E 136 Two unfwmt Md I room second toot front modern reason able octfSt RHODE ISLAND AVE N W 3V Four room o 3d Boor heat and gas for ugh housekeeping to adults only bath on same oct 3t 3 ROOMS and private bath near 14th and R to N W unfurnished S BOX M Times omce it SHERMAN AVE N W 272s Two municating unfurnished room for light housekeeping bath adjoining host and new house oel 2t 1ST ST X E 413 rnfamitaed tint and second floors 2 lid 3 room each end STH ST N W HOtTwo unfurnished rooms for light housokooping heat both Stt month oclt a sw heM eoIU lien II tar D ST IMf nlll aro ascend doer teem K NEW P com oeMIt ID liT N Eekl Two lau height rooms for lt floor S meter seats one aphee K gas It Itt K I housekeeping 110 ocilit gas > ¬ > 6TH N W O3 Unfurnished rooms three on Bid three or four on 3rd all conveni- ence light housekeeping ocl43t ITH ST N W 1B3 Three lovely clean light housekeeping rooms d floor bath beat SI7 per month ocl 3t 7TH ST N W 7W4 large rooms to let Inquire in store below r l 3t 7TH ST X W 17W 3 rooms and bith gas floor covered with matting 313 ooM3t 8TH ST N W 1221 Three m heat and gas for cooking 3t prig ST X W 122 Handsome apartment 4 rooms bath porch heit seasonable adults references Owner oc2 t 14TH ST N W 282v nnt for rent of 3 large room sat sea and bath S2oclStt 23D ST N W 4 3 unfurntobed 3d floor bath separate gas meter 3- 1oel43t WANTED ROOMS FIVEROOM f urnlf iei apartment or flat for winter or longer ay gentleman and wife without children neighborhood must be de sirable and rent reasonable best references proper care of furnishings guaranteed C C JAMES interstate Commerce CodunlMlon It i beat ira shed rooms rooms ¬ > ¬ MAN AND BOY want one or two rooms fur- nished or unfurnished for bight housekeep log state price BOX 37 Tunes office ocM4t BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES COLLARS SHIRTS lOc AND lie Metropolitan Laundry Mil st N W ocl3t FOR SALE One of the best grocery lion and gents furnishing stores in north west with living rooms doing a flue burtneae Address BOX MM Time dee ocl 4t HAVE YOU OS for good peyia filled fur nicned room house Best location S e me quick BOX lift TImes office ocl 3f FOR SALE Lonch room with 16 furnished rosen on Pa ave nod reason for selling Address BOX M Times office ocU7i THE PRESIDENT of a local corporation de- sire the services of a capable young busi- ness man who ha 34000 ib one third interest buomeoa I clearing frost UN to per month and Increasing day Tfca position will pay SI per month and the investment will Za H per year Strictly first Class reference required applications unless you can devote time to business Address BOX 69 Times office ocMSt FOR SALE Thoto stuuio best locauou m Washington for quick work low rent op portunity for good amateur with smell means Address BOX Times offlcv oc44t AUTOMOBILES j tit JIG lon I I Si St- ALL liE every It ear I ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > > SPECIAL PRICES Before Moving to 14 X Howard street Old Runabout U 2cyl Autocar 126 3KH P SJflO Reo Touring Cat 3t ItW Ford 376 4cyl Wayne Baby Buick IllS Also Premier Maxwell Fan Peerless SPECIAL IMC Mitchell nearly new with top ex- tra nOW shoe S new tubes lap covers all complete coot LITTLB AUTO AXXEX 40244 W GERMAN ST BALTIMORE Md od41 13 WASHINGTON GARAGE AUTOMOBILES Touria ito OO nave car to aell r buy make Toledo car ME you a We any JOE S ¬ 14th and C sts N W For Sale one Buick Rondetor one five passenger PopeToledo Touring Car one Baker Electric and oslo fourcylinder Auto CPr All in flrstvtess condition extra bar- gain to quick bucr If vou have aa automobile for sale lot u sell It for you exceptional facilities for making sales and no charge for storage while a In our tars Autumebitec Mcred end cared for at U3M per month Snthfnction guamnteed- AUTOMCBILES FUR lURE Gasolene lie a gal bet grade oils Me- a gal WASHINGTON GARAGE 14th and C Sts N W Phone Main 423 ocl2tf STORING AND REPAIRING Roomy well ventilated alt on ground Beer la beet residential location host ed- ty all work dose by expert HAMPSHIRE AVE Phone W 1333 ap9tuthsetfM- ITCIIKLL ROADSTER 1MB Model G ex- cellent condition gas lamps peeduni ter spare and shoe iO Apply Room 400 Postottice Department oc37t- i HORSES AND VEHICLES FOR SALE Hone surre and harness cheap UG U at N V oclstt FOURYEAR OLD riding and bnejgy heroe for W W Oakton Va FOR SALE Fine horse brougham rubber in excellent condition COal 30 Will sacrifice for tCM Apply to A STEPHAN 30 Pa ave c3atnthtf- R SALE One large hey horse suitable cart coal wagon can be seen at 742- 18th si S E ocl53t WHY NOT take a drive wltn your lady friend Flr tcla teams from up POXS NEW UNION DEPOT STABLES 33C 328 New jersey ave N W au21stf RUBBER TIRED high wheeled canopy top runabout set of 40 homes entire outflt- T6 worth JOHN PRESTON rear of Kredonia Hotel ocl37t SELLING UT express and grocery wagon busuiri surreys Pull teams fur alened at wholesale prtoes to retail buyerv- OANTZ 1 D N W Mf COGSWELLSelllng out the largest stack el new and seoondhand vehicle U up bar- B l 14 up 540211 llth St N JvWlf ANTIQUE FURNITURE ANTIQUES AT Mendelsohns Art Gallery Large Assortment of Every 140911 New York Ave NW oclU care ul a tubes ocl5at Urea I for r 1 181 Iatcription I a r 11 e repair heap ill mechanic WARNER MOTOR CQ 1255 NEw sale 355 i 1r r I ¬ ¬ > > < FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS RENT A TYPEWRITER A Wellington VISIBLE TYPEWRITER At yonr dwpo ia for IS A MONTH Six months rental con be applied to pw ofeRa If deatrad Wellington Visible Typewriter 509 llth St W FOR SALE Electrotype furnace o sew metal pot Mx lot chests 3 to 21x3 inches casting boxes 2ft3 IHCMOB two molding promo toe clay storotyoe pests lot of molding platee for Metal body mold tote of qnolne Iron jHtiley MAURICE JOYCE ENGRAVING CO ren tofff Star Bids ocl 3t- I STEAM BOILER good a new cheep ca- pacity Me feet Answer BOX IM Times of See it FOR SALE1M 3x12x19 foot Joists Inquire ARMSTRONG N S Market 12th sad H N E ocl3t SLIGHTLY used sewing machines Including Singer Standard Wilson New Home from 32 to MS There a bsrsain here for everybody We trade to maehme of all for the Da via Verticai Peed which surpasses ery and DAVJS AGENCY 3 Mh N W oelttt Good Fisher Upright Piano Only Cash Slightly used 20 other squares 7 organs I LAWRENCES M6 1U Tuning JlM TeMsl It STANDARD MAKE UPRIGHT PIAXO fully guaranteed on SW monthly payments Mg reduction for open evening HELBIG BROS 27 years 7th odBtf FOR SALE One second hand furnace for hotwater heating Inquire at 742 Uth S E oelftt FOR SALE Three desert secondhand bib blair cues dirt cheap also four second hand BM radiators at a sift price Mb sc N W eettat FOR 8ALB High School cadet officers nrai form size 37 almost new Apply 5S 7th N W o 153t BUREAUS t S36 ted up HOFF CO 41t 10th st N W ociOJt GMt II other for plata and Sa the macbin fer lit lit lit lit JUt eelSit5 sense A every sewing only atebroid 1741 ill So ¬ ¬ yOB SALE Reg Holstein and Jersey cow 3 years old price 320 BOX lit ocl K WASHSTANDS LOO HOFF i CO 410 Mth st N W oel 8t cities Tames S SEWING MACHINE BARGAINS Cabinet grand Standard JK09 4 drop head White 1200 t drop leaf Singer 100C New Sewing inachnes down and lie per werK decning M cents Open evenings IL R GIVJJN 36 Pa ave S JS oo tf FOR TIIIM WEKK ONLY 1 am offerta my full lire of SaIl and all floor sizes of Smyrna Brussels and Axminster rUgs at a legitimate discount of onethird off Call 2 convince yourself I L S MILLER lit K N W I eelOtf- WB RB CELEBRATING OUR SEVENTH AXNTrSR8ARY by eltsrlns piano bargains of the moat tempting sort Of the many highsrade instruments In excellent lion we direct attention to these specials Ch ck rirtt le Emeraoa 1 Stlett SUt Knabe lilt Milton 160 Ilardman S2M- Sboninger S27S Weber 236 Sohmer 3S- Etutf payments if desired O J DeMOLL CO cur 12th and G ala N W oc2tf ORGAN 1268 HOFF CO 410 10th N W ocl St SPECIAL BARGAIN ia new player piano 38 mneir uus fully guaranteed 360 UEL BIG RItC S l42 7th s 33tf PIANOS AT COST Clebr e makes the finest on the markec Wlli you v It aad took thorn over The logs offered are little short of marvelous HUUO WORCH 1110 G St jeStf BENT WrOD chairs tad chairs that are ROt beat fctubwt and lunch room tables CO 410 t N W oclftSt PIANOS Midsutnmar sale See the bargains that we are offeriog They have boon out are good makes Prices W6 199 l r und 75 It will pay y n to see them CHAS M STD3FJB 1M3 l s F st N W J a CONLIFF manage aulJLT I SoS 45 1 g p ii at fJ say 10th PIANOSUPRIGHT 2 sear robber cover boorh yeaYs anti HOP need < > FOR SALE CORD WOOD DRY PINE Regular 3 card wood sawed in 8inch M eke at per cord delivered one day every week while unloading cars F SONS COAL YARD hone Lincoln 7W 44 H st N MISCELLAENOUS MAX BROTSKY SON Mirror tuierv rosilvering regildiag beveling Phone Main WT7M 347 B at N W oel4t1- AJST Friday evening ladys openfaced id watch Elgin monogram G W In leather bracelet Finder Dleaee return to Apartment 7 1414 Chopin ut Reward WOOD 61I i LOST works S sit c K- it A S LOST October 14 at 7 a m a dress suit ceee with initials J H B Reward if re turned to 1113 7th 8 E It Tuesday morning ladys 14k hunting case gold watch with silver fob m vicinity of Capitol ted Union Station Re ward for return to M Florida ave N W ocl3t LOST Ladys gold neck chain ea Thursday evening October 14 between G arid H to- ot 7th N B Finder please return to DAW SON C22 N K Suitable reward It of gold bead with large bins pendant between Jiat and P and U3C 22d- sc N W Reward if returned to 21 P ocMat LOST October 14 sold pencil marked N a 8 Reward at 24JI4 P at N W ocl St LOST Bu ck setter with white breast 1323 14th st N W Receive reward eel3t LOST GeM fob with initials S L Return to owner Room 42 14W F t N W t LOST Tueeday night black lace scarf go- Ing from 1315 Euclid to University to Euclid lot to Mtb to Harvard block valued for association Return to 1316 Euclid Reward oe43tI- JOST White fox terrier black about his head named Bob Return to 782 11th st NW Reward no queetion asked ocl43t- i FOUND FOUND Valuable piece of Jewelry Owner cn T ame by calling at 138 Eye st WALL PAPER H L HUCKBR Paper will do your paperhanging at once give me a call price reasonable 908 Eye st N W ocl 3t PAPERHANGING i nJ painting flrtela work at lowest Lincoln 4 Y J R IK 6i i t S E oeUtf i WINDOW CLEANING HOW ABOUT THOSE DIRTY WINDOWS White help and moderate prices LEON L CAHOON Acme Window Cleaning Co to 3l G N W Phone M 71C- BoclC90t DENTISTRY I ALVEOLAR TEETH Painless tasting wet Cerfwilr Jf lke brMgewcric or painless nlllny DR J L WIL SON M8B J J alf MOTORCYCLES SALE Curtis 3H horsepower A HOWARD The Savoy 14th and Glrnrd Apartment li ocl 3t LEGAL NOTICES SUPREME COURT OP TilE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Holding Probate Court No liJM Administration I to give notice That time subscriber of the District of has obtained from the Probitte Court of the Dunrict of Columbia Letters of Ad- ministration on the estate of J Prenton Mil ler late of the tt Columbia do- ceaeed All peroon havlar claims again the deceased are hereby warned to exhiMt the with the vouchers thereof legally authenticated 0 the subscriber on or before the fifth day of October A D 1 1 other- wise they may by law be excluded from oil benefit of said estate Given under my hand fifth day of October 1S 8 D ANNA MILIJER 221 Mth N W Seal At tnt JAMRS TANNER Realtor of Wil- hfr the Dhrtrict of Columbia Clerk ef the ITohate Court MARION DUCKKTT AUurncja oc1623 LOSTOn Fat LOSTString Deli orIlit Well rice OWE Plat FOR list F Co- lumbia DII trim stole lit A Ad- dress arc mid- way r re- moved I un- necessary S This this duN ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ APARTMENTS TO LET and Unfurnished CAMERON APARTMENT HOUSE T ST AND VERMONT AVE N W 8 block riots tWO oar Jmex Large looms n t of thorn frt on a W PICKPORD 1311 G st N W ocitr 90 RENT TfcrS DANFORD itS Harvard w 4 room aiM bath FRANK T CO 1MB P ave N W W furnished leonw r private family 326 i i riV bath in good condition near Union Station room rest 2tt SimS ftt per THE LINCOLN Ill Mil JAMES CAHILL F M font buildin 14th at BRADFORD tVXI6UB Phone M 123 TILE EOTAW JAI MONROE ST X W 9 ROOMS AND A33L TILE DAKOTA JeW GIRARlr stf T W AND BATH M CHAS w JONG mi o ST x w IM G ST S E rooms ta floor Inquire WilMa POE RENT FLATS 1138 tth ft M room ad i 1S27 Church nw rooms and fcU 36 1141 1st st w bath 20 9 Via C nw sad 23 ITtf t nw 7 roon and bath 4 PRANK T RAWLIXGB CO Furnished roe and or lit ItA W LINGS oct X ST N r Yale ecvJc 4TH ST N Jil f Juae ar THE AND GIRJttl 8T N W Ute Wightast hoenellk HeIght all outstr S x PARK six large out and THE EUCLID r Uffivorsit 1MDt ftve welt aM bath rent per A JaM OClitf FOR RENT ORe room AII4 Ute Brad t J 1WM ROOMS oeMk TwIt oerMr lit roots SI floor seeder S at I rooms i L Itli Fe ave N W sad ie4h 1715 s it- S bath sus iigbts oritit CObtTMi4 apertmets en CoIusa NEAt tress4 alestineMs roemo bi rent 4S Zsii d place Citwabia Hstshes arranged outshd zes 50 month S above bathS iii INHibit I 0CMic- S 42 3 es improvement MRS BLR O8 tOMI a bath < end rooms is rti t > > > PLEASANT CrMM apartment ptondtd con dillon Meant boat Janitor service bright rooms f month The Princeton MTJCR8 JfeLJCHTFOOT JiM 2i T ae 12 S ST X K Fin large an 4 rooms with hath beet ettoa of BloomIng dale hotwater heat mnnins water year round aovthern axpoeore phone laun dry 2 entrance dvanuffeoD Apply within ecUJt- MM B 8T M JB Fine 4reem apartment in perfect condition anTamiehed barn Inquire 1 1 B at N K oclfi3f THB WARRINGTON Uth and Wyoming Fur real 6room and reception MIl 3 with porch Present occupant has boss traaafarred away frturi Washington and must sublet Rental SO per month W I BROWNING Art CdufflWa Bids ocWU FOR RENT large all roombaiit furnace coal and gas rangw Ave car line 7U Itch at 8 X ocllIt APARTMENT Poll RENT 346 C at nw 3 and 4r and BJ27 and JSZW 7 Z at aw Ir h 1S Q His 9th at nw X and 4r b X 3600 KARRICK 3IBTCALF UN K Y aye FOR RKKT Baidw ior 2 roo and bath every modern oenvealeBee fur fished and uafHrnJshed S8KBCA 27 N W ocltf TUB MBLTON h aid N T Ave N VT Elevator Telephone exchange 4e b M fcr b cot tr t 3654- 6r and b front 37aO Jaslter or SAiTL W COCKRHLL SIS 7 N FOR RENT STORES per V N W ocl6t outside inspection large bard Ave No outside and oriIt n H asPitX illS SItE < > I paR RENT H WBt N W large room JZ2W FRANK T RAWLINGS CO liW PR Ave X W U53i FOR RBNT STORKS U13 9th st N TT large stare ana cellar heat p 09 18 C N W with teaL 160 2ST D U N W store and reoias heaL a 09 2121 14th st X W store 2r and cellar 35 W KARRICK MBTCALF 1396 N Y ave au35if FOR FOR RSXT New garage building In rear of 11th Bt N W 12th t N W Womens WantsBa- kery HOT ROLLS AND BREAD From every morning fer breajbfait day Included but find them the d ltclon and p hsleiiau yeeive ever eaten AMREINS UW NEW YORK AVENUE Luxuries LETS GET re AOD0AXMTK- Xre sotng to you a targe 3 e botta f Olive plain stuffed or half and half f- Me No or mail orders Ued THE ALVIN COMPANY 14 N Y Ave eeL Ostrich Feathers OSTRICH FEATHERS cleaned curled ma over ostrich feathers mode front feathers boas repaired colored TVBFSR OSTRICH FEATHER WORKS 83t F Ci 7th at N W ocl a73e Cleaning and Pressing VELVET COLLARS a special one which should Interest everyone eeenetn- Ically Inclined We ordinarily charge 31 j for tne collars but are making Ibis exti price mdncement to get you acquBtnted vi superior work THE WASHINGTON TAILORING AND PRESSING CO W N W Phone Xnin 4 W Branch 24 G t N Phone Main tW Y tt- Heatuig Heating Plant Out of Order WE CAN IT New Pleat Installed Old ones remed Ued Work the Bet Price Lowest H F SELTZER 1413 G St N 5 Phone M 1ML Plane TBHiB- fTruaka and handbag goods called for prices YELLOW FRONT HARNESS A TRUNK SHOP 11th south of Ba ave Pi 491 M OCloSt Rug Weaving RUGS WOVEN front OM carpets and carpet cleaning a specialty WASHINGTON tJ CO Mt Mh si N W Phone Main lEt saKm Digs Pats Etc ENGLISH SHEEP DOGS singing canaries parrots cats dogs guinea rabbits KoMftebe aqnartwn e SCHMIDTS BIRU STORE 712 12th t eclltf Physical Culture VIA VI SCIENCE OP HEALTH natural neasurgtcal eletb bound 4M tree Apply by aaatl lie Colored Building fxtt lecture for vuiea Tuesday at p m lit stores RENTGARAGE also one In reer or 51 N W rent 7 oclWt Sun most qdi2t our soling Ilia the a lie w- ee our W IX WRoom Itt TUNING 110 Jt expeftoe- nUB a DURITY Utll it Repaired- WE MANE specinity of s trunl RYe BUG J page ills 11S- I reasonable Apply 110 sheer you nualdie sell shoes ii ama PIANO pears ES Ssellit a WKAVfl JellIf- t >

F TIIE TrnnT OrTo Hi TIMES - Library of Congress · r THE W HIXGTOX TIIE TrnnT OrTo ETI Hi irm F + TIMES WANTSA- ND OTfiER CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Class A fruited Agent Wanted For

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Page 1: F TIIE TrnnT OrTo Hi TIMES - Library of Congress · r THE W HIXGTOX TIIE TrnnT OrTo ETI Hi irm F + TIMES WANTSA- ND OTfiER CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Class A fruited Agent Wanted For




fruited AgentWanted

For Bent ROOMMoon aad BeardLOS Foond

Class B-All other clawilicauoofi tt enu

time MX word to a Ups

The Times aiAkes anniatos fer

filHea A TwtlsIneClass A

One oeM a word each imcitlen Minimumcharge M centsminimum HIM 2 lineClass B

within HM week X cents aJhiejjr Oaten eon MMapece 3 line


APPRENTICE GIRL tailor upper week MM 11th t N W eeltW-TTONHOLB WORKER and feltto workr JS211 NEEDLE 7th N w

CHAR WOMAN White Aptrty Janitor Colorado Building acl 3tAmWy HOTELE oclt2t-

000Kb general heiMeworfceH chambermaidlaun iresa s nur Vtt llth It

an x JDoudJIac


UMr 11 w a Ip 11 csnts a a ftt

lfashln ton

u ceDMcU a

womea IRIIw ad csa Apply at once to XrOther U door fh ad xlad J



Wat eiiWsas4 EIt t



aUIC1UIflImUIU UstliD br



fw clL4t






COOK and housemaid for Onto cool andhois maid for ftu SK Nail 324 each otherc x k fur York Rhodt Inland and thUcitSCBVfU Ml N Y ve

JOOJT J SMITH 733 lhDIM NO ROOM amu Apply atUtti Kt N WKXPERIENTTKP band on braidtne sad em

on adieB garnienta US4 X ft NW V ZALE8AK ocUSt-XXFKRIEXCBD h nd to alter Mtee coatsand skirts Apply alteration departmentW f H McKNEW CO Ml Pa aveoc 1112U-

GIBLrFor generalbrtmg reference la C NGrRl White for general honeework-wnstiing Apply Drug Store 1414 Marylandawe X E oclCStGmt to chock bondtaa rKAZXBPOTO3tAC LAUNDRY Uth aa ata N W

QQIti for xeneraj howe w rk Apply withreference 24ft Ontario road ocl43t-05VERAL hoo e ork washingironing must c willing wage IS perverk 107 Jj N W octt2tHELPER Experienced at dienniunMng Apy bOO B W oc 3t-

APPRSNTJCJM Anply beforeto manager WOODWARD

MXLLINERY BALES LAOIB8 Mocklork Apply F ROSE 1113 F N W-oe St

SALESWOMEN fa meuly exporenced tarelk waste Apply to manager WOODWARDA LOTHROP ItAluEs LADY Experienced fur dry


KilHT HANDS T 14th N WKHT HANDS Flr tclaM at

SKI IN hand in buabeUnc departmentMEKTX i MERTZ MS F N W ocW2t

Flrstctaaa to help on costApyj at once PLUYirS Hit 14th N WocUSt-


TAILOBJB88Kut be good bnttonhole nMtunr


TRIMMERS and heifMra gret afcieet BAKER afilSHf-WAIVT at one134 H X W ecuWAICTMBMM WMte umuieneed Hi Mh-

IWAJITKD-Fwpnrlenneil cant hand ennaneatp-

oeiUon g ed aalnnc i lyPOZUP8BORX CO M IMh N W

ItDItPJa-TJ WOdl3t



work at1 Itno

CO Don43t



1 cJock 6oTHR p It


Mood I Awl

OCMoac UIt K

lOt oc16at



r r Jr










m Apt







0 nnd dtmni Apply J0LItTS OARKINJOJB CO UtM P t-

WJJm WOWAJIFor Monday morolng comready to work K g Jttb N W oel 2tOMAN Experienced for generVI htnrrtrk three In family stay nit 1442-

OUAJW to do llfht hMMewottt ApplyHBJOORT8sk ttr Ur MorleyOMAN CotavM good rtUnbte aa cookmi to aaefert with washing aDd Iranlnca pea CM meet May night 74 tthit

A OJCAN taod eotnred to tain to kitchen ti N w Itv OMAK For general bonwwork three inlAtnlly go home night Apply ator toiht A

WOMAN Xent colored to aaant wth boa113 Maryland ave X E ItWOMAN to do housework Call 323 K N W


HELP WANTED MALEADV OOUCXTOR on CaUBox lei eennu P O ocifctt-ASSWTAXT KA AOER toe manufacturtotf4epartn en eradnauch High School preferred OWEN X12U U at N W oOllf-A N EIGHT WEEKS COURSE in automobileSintering will oJve the MOary problemour gnMtoatee are In demand aU over thenitod State at Mjarie train CtN to SlfiJ T month Write or call IUt at ourtrmdnate who bold a good noeition Byeking the before November let youwii enre fa an uuuaer rate will be diev ontlnnnd then If

Automobflc ofincorporated

only fennel Expert Automobile

r HKU ER wh con nhoa-i oraea Rear of 2tt B N K ocl 3t-MOY over 1 to work in drug store after 4JAldr ni BOX Time oAcei OYS If for shop work t 121f t N w ocu3tHOY Kent reliable colored boyurrLJSRft oar F aad Huh ocit-JiOY White with wheel NATIONAL SHOEO 443 sth ft N ocU3t-iJOYBrlght with wbeel H to W westME88EXGBR OO 123 H X WocJt4BRIGHT BOT flan earn aaod ntgney worklog aftnr bows Apply BOX H-

on TIRes U-HCEBEUtfAX at once toady work SU EN W oeun-

on lodtea and aont garntenta CU to HI a woek to rtghtparty Apply at one 111 Connecticut nve-

oal t-

BUBHKLMAN Btoady place for nnt menAppry at once lIE Conn ov ecl4Jt

tcad jobocU 3t

sad good sadWATSON latt T it N W

M eolored men sad wifeni meld today EVKBKA

4 jft llth st


Ms oct

j It



th Itrk

eomJ IonOR y z

t adv


uiralt or address t

lIlC w 111I 14U1 at Wltue North ttIi oeMflier AppI



u c4d billk e It

mmE tierI hsnrts







you benk ysimenesiSos Pesdsa 14CM

iiI8 sak








7iii hitsew i

r 41IWs-fi fOrm






Capitol Automobile CollegeIn connection with machine Thorewehpractical on nnALWAYS OPEN Call or addrew Mw ocl47t-


Oeed weekly Mondy worktt F Noc7tf

Addrequick Times oclC3-tCQLOBD XXX exclusively to learn theantoaioMto bwdneoi have good openingfor reliable colored men rued can prepare youin six week to earn from J76 to U2S permouth small weekly imymenta will put youthruMffh or call THE NATIONALACTOMOBi B COLLEGE a practical schoolof automottU engineering for coloreddarts 15W 7th et K W oc4trP-APERHAXOER One nntdaee menatendy work at fSM or piece work CallSunday between 11 end 12 oclock 311 Paave 8 E itHELPER In room FRAZBEPOTOKAC LAUNDRY CO 11th end D at N Wocl43tHELPER In shop See Mr BRBrfK C AMUDDOCAX A CO OC 12th M ocHttIN NEW YORK CITY colored oyster menteam bucker raw box end cooke Applywith references only DICKS HOTELAGENCY IMh and ave ocl-

I LADIES TAILOR Flwtclaas at once 1814K X W oclSat

TAILORS Experienced good wagosI paid PASTBRXAK liE HOt X W

3 for concrete walks and cementHniaber 293 Man eve X W ocl 2t

report at StreetSweeping Stables bet X and O N Capitoland I N W Sum tomorrow morning ItLABORERS a Californta bet Htand 23d Monday morning ecl 3t


bUI 1k uptoMia litN


lit W






LuORs to




XAX Steady reliable for porter one whopleat with low preeeuroboiler W H HOlKB Mt Pa ave X w

MAX Yonng colored to work around tUshouse muet be well recommended Applybetween 7 and p m only at 1717 P Stoclfr2t

MAX to take charge of rttmtture w rehoueemnot be xperteneed good permanent poettion Address BOX toMAXgenerally useful in dye boose LERCHSS2 13th ocU3t-

IMEX Experienced Immediately to hanglace curtains and Apply to Man-ager WOODWARD ItMAX Colored good in milk dairy Uth antiIrving X E H W ocl43tOFFICE BOY Bright neat good chance forright party BOX K Time omee oeUVlt-O Y8TEKMAX Xea c young colored manquick opener for fine trade llth at NW oclA3t-



steady workocl4t


PRES8ER at uses 1146 Connecticut ave

PRESSKB FlrmtcitM on ladles sad scntle-mens clothes 1U2 Slit N W i 3tPORTER Colored 4 K N W

BALE with wheel for recall grocerMId lunch room trade

BOX t imefl

SALESMEN on oy 4r roots atbt reliable sad a hnetler LEE J ROBERTSM8 Mth a4 X W onVtf-

WAXTEt vTAILORS to alter UidtM mote por-mnnant good salnry A4iniy-






oeMStwho can dry clean and scour be



hit t N W



W7 to ri tman we ocJIttoe moet












SnXXERS we wont and mnot have regnrdlees of price for roof work come with toolsready Mr work ORAFTOX SON INCTU iuTINNER and helper Ill E CapitolTTXXERS Two good for root workatoejt willie boys mm tinners helper s goodroof palotorA CLAD G CO1413 Q C X W orlfrXWALL 8CHAPBRS Three arstclnaa ApplyUM 33d st N WWALLSMITH tit Uth at X W oclfiSt

bright boy fromr aoor service stockbwn e wrapping and ojion Apply to WOODWARD


S TEAMS to hire to haul dirt at 4M perday Apply F S W ocl43tUPHOLSTERERS 113 Pa ave N W



t lIttw






M yes sam


WAXTED Experienced tailors for alteringwomMTs garments Apply GARFIXKLE k CO llth and F oc4 t-

WAXTED Men and boys over sixteen yeanef ae good wages permanent work Apply

X W jyfiwsamtfWE DESIRE the servloes of several goodsalesmen and women who are energeticearnest hustlers To such people we willsubmit an exceptionally liberal commissionproposttlon with weekly advance Bothstretched to the limit with a view to obtain-ing the right kind of representatives A CDEIrUYX Hlbbs Building

ocl 7t


WOMAN place to work K days U3I4th t N w ItBY YOUNG lady clerical position hocknowledge of bookkeeping aad typewritingcan furnish good reference M Timesoffice HPHILADELPHIA drnnsmaker wants work altoting to fit slid ta present stylesMRS STAFFORD M2 F N W ocU3fPLACE by colored girl as meld orhousework chambermaid no washingnth oclt3t

SITUATIONS WANTED MALEFIR8TCLAS8 carpenter foremen JobMI working foreman understand plans endcon tructural work good manager of handsApply for JOHNBON at I x lIt

A STUDENT wishes work of any klid 12M4th t N W ol2t

LAW AND COLLECTIONSALL CASES all courts secret service Collections U 8 Legal Corp PK Bond Bldg





LET US DO IT We can put your auto lamplid radiators into proper condltto at a verymall cost to you Prompt workgunmntood MOORE A CO 3W John Mar-shall place Phone Main 4347 e4samotf



oclt7tWE STILL LEAD sad others foUowUnicorn puncture proof tires othertire li per coot lower ban anywhere lathe city MENPELL 1721 7th N W


WE DKUVEtl PACKAGES parcels pnteaand invitations Call Main M30 DIME MBS

SERVICE 122S H N Wso3Mtnthtf


oil keeps tne noon clean endetvot taoju polished nntoh lie gallon deliv-ered All olla lacking Hunter label tedthe Hunter recipe ani imitotiona IMain MM ill Pa eve N W Goodfor your furniture Try It ocliTl








bssesnnt of ill 1













PROF CLAYLadies 25c Gents 5ocPalmist Clairvoyant Card Readings


ON OCCULT FORCES but the Prophet ClayIs a child of natures greatest gifts and Mholds this divine gift aa a sacred trustThink of a roan who con see rcur whole lifeas an open book

Hlf EXTRAORDINARY POKERSenable bun to read human life wth unetTlnKaccuracy To those who are skeptical ofhis claims he deriree to Male that willpositively make no chirp unlee you Sod himsuperior to ALL OTHERS Can anythingbe fairerTO THOSE UNHAPPY DISCONTENTEDor In any trouble whatever be im-mediate relief Ha gives exact and truthfulrevelation coooernlnK all love affairs set-tles lovers quarrels enable you to win theesteem end affection of any you desireCAUSES SPEEDY HAPPY MARRIAGES

is true gives elateof innrrtage restores lost affection peaceand conHdonce to lover and discordant fam


fafldnale cbonn the one you love alsothose you meet and how to make ai y SOnat a distance think of you

He cures all of myateriouo or un-natural aickneee removes spells gives luck

Hours 10 a m to p m deed Sunday104 North Fairfax St VAN this out keep It My reputalion does not need daily advertising ocl 2t

MADAME SMITHROYAL EGYPTIAN PALMIST and Clairvoyant formerly of Camp Fifteenth andH N E baa removed to parlors at 19Eleventh street northwest and la at leisureto receive all callers She will positivelytoil you whether your husband orkweetheart is true or false How to gainthe love of the you most dealre SheVill clearly and distinctly give you the funsecret how to fascinate charm or controlthose you love Reliable advice In businesstransaction chaiges law suitsInheritance and divorce Through my wondonut psychic power the arequickly reunited and evil influenced Immediately removed Acknowledged by theprose and public a must reliable oneUr in all affairs of life Stands alonewithout an equal A genuine Egyptian Parlar suited to the moet clu lve and refittedpatronage 61 Eleventh street nerthWMtRending for short time

od 7t


PSYCHICOldest in experience richest in knowledge

and skill crowned with years of unparalleledla of jt scleaoes Hysterie

No idle curiosity obtains here The instinctend insight Into your life are aa i Uln te heryour morning faoe a novelty thisto you but it Is no novelty indeed

bat it Is the truth told in the telling Sheholds as sacred affairs that may be

w her In the course of her readingswhich are ia private and without fear ofsteeling stranger Call and you will hegreeted with courtesy and feel as safe aaIn the privacy of your own home

Great deduction All This WeekTit NINTH STREET N W T2L

Dont Mistake Nam aad Numbero tf

MADAME CATHERINE palmist and cardrender H reading or SOc to any one bringJag thin ad for one week only MS IlkX W oe tf

MRS SHEPHERDClairvoyant Ladle Only Card Reader

IMC 0 X W 3d Moor Phone M M-Mmyl9ratuth atf

MRS R LUSBT M New York ave N WPalmistry and card readings Po ivelv ladtee only 11 n to M p m JaWU


CONSULT Z5NITA who controls eventnever fails ramove p ll MmeBnaot aostetont lBS 7th st N W


Open Nights 1723 kIt st N Wfe36tfei8u








tella it the one





aMe Mc Mc Sic Sec






you love





5 maseem












MME CORNISH GIFTED MEDIUM readsyour life correctly give namee facts dailyand Sunday Ml 3d st N B cor F nearUntie Station Ladies only J3rTtf

WANTED MISCELLANEOUSI PAY tIN cash for ladlesgentlemens and childrens caatoff wearingapparel drop CUd will call CSTOX 12M 7th M N W or phone North lEt

Jyl3tfHIGHEST CASH price paid for discardedclothing either indies or gents send postalwill call B TARSHE8 1348 7th si N WPhone North 4 se3tf-WAXTED Fnmitore and carpets oontoatsof houses a specialty for ctwh fair andsquare dialing ALBAUGH Mh and B-

setftfBIG MoNEY paid for east off clothing shooshats sod shirts drop postal will call

H GEWIRZ UM 7th st N W4W thIH t Httf

WANTED Fumltur for each sell yourgoods to the men who gives you the mustmoney See HOPWOOD th and K e tfMODERN SECOND HAND furnltore boughtat KM 14th st aleo cat off clothing if sentto store Phone M 34M oclCm-


MR AND MRS POWER 727 Uth st N Wwaltz lid twostep guar teeeons barnUnc 2 Monday end Thursday beacon Me

clams 7 JO advanced elsie 8 JO oc4 tMRS McGARVEY8 Dancing Academy Lew-is Hall flIt 14th st N W LEARN THENEW WALTZ assisted by Mr Johnson so-cial dances every Tuesday evening


Pro A Mr Wyndbam St Jeeeptta Hellttb sod If nw every Wed A eve lea

Sic C teseotm S2M clua IM catteach you DANVING S30 REFINEDONLY resaence 8M IHh nw privateary hour with music phone Maia 6

ocitfMISS COULTER moet skilled teacher ofdancing Mi Eye st N W If you can walkI can teach you to waltz private leeeont thYtime with music We Phone M lIlt

ocl37tMRS GLOVERS ACADEMY 3 32d Pri-vate lessons We A twostep guar 5toeeon beta dance 2 Tuee ThinsSat eve 2o ohlldroHs clue Sat alt Umonth ball room for rent H Phone W lIEegHt


3 per C private lessons l N Y avPhone M StSt Y

oclfr a8u12t















DAVISONB 7l Nt Wbet known e t UK Tech all dance In 6lessons open a a m to 11 p In Phone M 4 4

and dances Thur eva Assemblya cM Nafl Wiles Armory Wed Sat ova

DANCING ACADEMY MS Eye Bt N WMic Chamberlain and Cobb teachers ssetal date Thursda s Ihono M 6817Y


STORAGE1M STORAGE ROOMS also by thepacking and hauling TJIOS DOWLING ACO 112 E N W Phone Main U s 3v t

OUR ESTIMATE on absolutely nrproof storage moving UNITEDSTATES STORAGE CX 4184IC teth U NN W Main 4SIP V t

WORKINGMANS WANTSThere are now that standout more prominently for tn Interest of thosewho li tr than our price for tailored suits



WE SELL our coal Ih lowest cashand guarantee 5SW x toss All fuel undercover

RINALDI BRoail 7th t N W Phone 1144 North



25C LB

J iDCur lUll and Eye St N W

oc9tam wU

Proto Mrs



and used at JI to 1 ncIclear 16 One price onyit

at Pricel



coo Sit




overuost slightlyti a nte caved



room ocl3tTHE ALABAMA Cor 11th N ta N W

702 Furntohed room with all thecomforts and convenience of an uptodateapartment house ocl3tfB ST N B fia Nlc furnished secondtory front roim corner house ocUStB S K 124 One largo front room wltable for o or two gentlemen octt3t

i 37 Two or three large secondfloor roonu bath best and gasHfju housekeeping oclt2tC ST N E 121 Near Capitol 3 furnishedcommunicating room housekeeping price

oclfittCALIFORNIA ST ItTt Nicely fnrniobedTVJ jwvato teenSy beth snme phone

ocl43t-I CARROLL ST S E 123 Two nl ty fill

D ST N w ill Furnished rooma H to 13housekeeping trnnoionto token

W 257 I trge and small newly furBW roonu light housekeeping tf desiredn upocMSt

N W W large front andother room rent weekly ttTK toocl3t

ST N W l lFor rent one large nicelyfurnished room private family aeMStG ST X W satin genUomen or couple light housekeeping

oclt3tG ST X W 4 secondflow running water housekeeping ocHStH ST N W 46Xear Union StationNicelyfurnished rooms Sot bath onI aanie Boor j11 N W Twr kM rooms for renton 2d floor eeiwt-II ST N W furMched roomslight housekeeping bent and gae oclB3tEYE ST N W iSJfcNloely and newly furDished flat for per month opposite Arlington Hotel ocMStEYE ST N W Mi Two nicely furnishedrooms southern exposure terms t month

ocli3tEYE ST N W 30 Tworoost completely fnrniahodIng 3d gas and bath heat 9Cl2t

K ST N E 21 FurnMMd Single oren write for light housekeeping board ir desired ocl 2tL 3T Jv W ISUXIce furnished sunnyfront and backMASS AVt X E 13 Two rooms furnishedor housekeepIng m per month

oclC3tAVE X W furnishedroom 3d floor private family g jnttomenpreferred it

MARYLAXD AVE S W 473 Nicely furnUbed ball room Cf per month ocl Sf-X H AVE X W 1116 Part of furntehedmodern house to adults housekeeping

ocHJtST N W 1 Furntonod rooms 155week all convenience ocUSt

N ST N W M4 front room threewindows well furnished SU well kepthouse ocl 2tNORTH CAPITOL ST ItBOne nicely furnlahed room ocl 2tPA AVE ZIM Third floor For rent threenicely furnished rooms light housekeeping



C S W1aI

nlabtod rooma Ntt Truest MIJ

W MGLare story trustsroom Iy urnIahed and hotwater beatN

G ST BeautifultI







INDIANA JHOne largeniehed southern very

rooms orilItunturr lobed








fliT N eseedpspomd




AVE neatly tiermom reasonableorlik









PA AYE N W ItU Front room southernexposure steam single double FLPhone n7 M odJtfQ ST N W furnished roomsecond floor two GMT odj71-U ST 1514 Furnished room or43t


1ST ST N W 433 One room snltai le forsleeping or light housekeeping reasonableocl43t2D ST N W 10ft Fnrniehed large sunnyroom near Capitol Library and ears

I light housekeeping reasonable ocl2tST N E 224 CMnfortable second floorfront room or two fur light howeefceeptng ifdesired ocM2tST N E 223 Two large front roomswell furnished newly papered very desir-

able terms reasonable oclS7t3 ST N E 126 Back parlor large andcomfortable per month ocUXt3D ST X W 2 Ctonn comfortable roomllM up week centrally located ocl 3t3D N W 2U Nicely furnumoa rooms M12 S3 pent or light housekeeping

oc43t-TH sr N W IMB Cholce bay window sec-

ond floor room smaller rooms wen kepthouse good heat convenient to andboniness part of city reasonable privatefamily i usTH N W Ms Nicely furnished frontroom with board for two home cookingclean house oclCStmi ST N W 1MB furnished roomswell kept convenient to car and businesspelt of city reenonable private family

OC14-Mmi ST N W MB Nicely furnished frontroom private faintly suitable fur two orthree young e lSt1-0TH ST N W furnished roostsuitable for 2 g itonen oel43t-11TII ST N W U34 Comfortable furnishedroom on second hooT ocl X11TH ST X W lOttNJce furnished roost


MTH ST N W 123 L rge front cornersecond floor also two smeller ones on

floor sunny and warm cl2t













FOR RENTFurnished or Unfurnished Rooms

A ST N E SH Large second tory frontroom southern exposure also a connectingroom furnished or unfurnished with board

G ST N W 421 Large furnished or unfurnished rooms centrally located hot INtelcold water opposite Pension omce

oe3tH X W lHoFurnlehed and unfurnishedrouses ocl43tFOR RENT Modern room house furnacolarge yard reasonable 23M Ontario roadN oottnN C AYE S E 3tt or I partly furnicKed or unfurnished rooms on lit end 3dfloors suitable for adult southern expo-sure near 2 car terma reasonable






12TH ST 8 W JW Furnished or unfur-nished 2d floor rooms modern home ocl 3t

ROOMS AND BOARD1 ST N W 301 Room and board 2

month table hoard WM we k uclC7tr-FAIRMONT ST 1354L rge front room 3closet anti bath hiiidsoioely furnished also

room phone steam heat ocl43tGRANT PL largo furnl d roomM hoot with board clC3tGOOD 8I2BD ROOM nrstclas board 2gentlemen 11 each BOX lOf Times office

and hock room with good board ocl 2t

II ST N W 1880 Pleasant rooms besttable board German cooking transientsphone ocl 3t

EYE ST N W 1216 Pleasant room steambeet every convenience and excellent boardonly 132 per month for two beautifulfront russElL lowest oeU3t-8TH ST 8 W 2i7 Mrs D private fam-ily wIshes 4 boarders good table homecomforts f23 139 accorClfcg to room


10TH S W 41 Room end hoard for i nheat and bnth f4 week ocMH

lint ST 1227 Second and third ffoorrooms excellent table board reasonable


WANTED ROOMS AND BOARDA LADY WISHES a sunny room with goodventilation hotwater or steam hoston same floor terms moderate ParticularsBOX 107 Time office

GENTLEMAN wishes room and board In pri-vate family west BOX 188 Times


UTH ST N W Ml Excellent board heelhome cooking centrally located 20 month



w slnle and double front



gasN W


1 t-




bert Ii





THE DORCHESTKR 12th and Mothree stories good owl took

and wator stationary washtithe baths iarKe clothosdrymg platform spaeioua rooms with closet newlyUNMrod and painted Sfi per monthtime for cooking slot

On from Uk St oarsPhone Lincoln 1MO-


36 B ST N W

IB ST S B UH7Two unf m iilinied-nw uncom Park enilehie forI

5N W sunnysums hotwater hoSt ocl7f-

8T N E U 4Etttlr 3d floor 3 voomalight heat gas bath CU veryI desirable eeU9t

G ST N W 461 Front and back parlorreasonable

I oeitstST N W 2O For rent 3 or 4 roombath pantry arranged for housekeepinggood order roL octtSt

JERSEY AVE SH Two bright frontrooms large closet light housekeeping private family splendid ocl 3tSi W 1 6 Rooms with or withoutboard heat southern exposure It

QUINCV PL N E 136 Two unfwmt MdI room second toot front modern reason

able octfStRHODE ISLAND AVE N W 3V Fourroom o 3d Boor heat and gas for ughhousekeeping to adults only bath on same

oct 3t3 ROOMS and private bath near 14th and Rto N W unfurnished S BOX M Timesomce itSHERMAN AVE N W 272s Twomunicating unfurnished room for lighthousekeeping bath adjoining host andnew house oel 2t1ST ST X E 413 rnfamitaed tint andsecond floors 2 lid 3 room each end

STH ST N W HOtTwo unfurnished roomsfor light housokooping heat both Sttmonth oclt

a swheM


lien II tarD ST IMf


aro ascend doer teemK




oeMItID liT N Eekl Two lauheight rooms for lt floor


seatsone aphee



It IttK I

housekeeping 110ocilit





6TH N W O3 Unfurnished rooms threeon Bid three or four on 3rd all conveni-ence light housekeeping ocl43tITH ST N W 1B3 Three lovely cleanlight housekeeping rooms d floor bathbeat SI7 per month ocl 3t7TH ST N W 7W4 large rooms to letInquire in store below r l 3t7TH ST X W 17W 3 rooms and bith gasfloor covered with matting 313 ooM3t8TH ST N W 1221 Three m

heat and gas for cooking 3tprig ST X W 122 Handsome apartment4 rooms bath porch heit seasonableadults references Owner oc2 t14TH ST N W 282v nnt for rent of 3large room sat sea and bath S2oclStt23D ST N W 4 3 unfurntobed 3d floor

bath separate gas meter 3-1oel43t

WANTED ROOMSFIVEROOM furnlf iei apartment or flat forwinter or longer ay gentleman and wifewithout children neighborhood must be desirable and rent reasonable best referencesproper care of furnishings guaranteed C CJAMES interstate CommerceCodunlMlon It



ira shedrooms





MAN AND BOY want one or two rooms fur-nished or unfurnished for bight housekeeplog state price BOX 37 Tunes office



SHIRTS lOc AND lieMetropolitan Laundry

Mil st N W ocl3tFOR SALE One of the best grocerylion and gents furnishing stores in northwest with living rooms doing a flue burtneaeAddress BOX MM Time dee ocl 4tHAVE YOU OS for good peyia filled furnicned room house Best location S e mequick BOX lift TImes office ocl 3fFOR SALE Lonch room with 16 furnishedrosen on Pa ave nod reason for sellingAddress BOX M Times office ocU7iTHE PRESIDENT of a local corporation de-sire the services of a capable young busi-ness man who ha 34000 ib onethird interest buomeoa I clearing frost UN toper month and Increasing dayTfca position will pay SI per month andthe investment will Za H per yearStrictly first Class reference required

applications unless you candevote time to business Address BOX 69Times office ocMStFOR SALE Thoto stuuio best locauou mWashington for quick work low rent opportunity for good amateur with smell meansAddress BOX Times offlcv oc44t








liE everyIt

ear I





> >

SPECIAL PRICESBefore Moving to 14 X Howard streetOld Runabout U 2cyl Autocar 126

3KH P SJflO Reo Touring Cat3t ItW Ford 376 4cyl WayneBaby Buick IllS Also PremierMaxwell Fan Peerless

SPECIALIMC Mitchell nearly new with top ex-

tra nOW shoe S new tubes lap covers allcomplete coot






itoOOnave car to aell r buy make


car ME

you a We anyJOE S


14th and C sts N WFor Sale one Buick Rondetor one fivepassenger PopeToledo Touring Car one

Baker Electric and oslo fourcylinder AutoCPr All in flrstvtess condition extra bar-gain to quick bucr

If vou have aa automobile for sale lotu sell It for you exceptional facilities formaking sales and no charge for storage while

a In our tarsAutumebitec Mcred end cared for at U3Mper month Snthfnction guamnteed-

AUTOMCBILES FUR lUREGasolene lie a gal bet grade oils Me-

a galWASHINGTON GARAGE14th and C Sts N W

Phone Main 423ocl2tf

STORING AND REPAIRINGRoomy well ventilated alt on ground Beerla beet residential location host ed-

ty all work dose by expert

HAMPSHIRE AVE Phone W 1333ap9tuthsetfM-

ITCIIKLL ROADSTER 1MB Model G ex-cellent condition gas lamps peeduni terspare and shoe iO Apply Room 400Postottice Department oc37t-


FOR SALE Hone surre and harnesscheap

UG U at N V oclsttFOURYEAR OLD riding and bnejgy heroefor W W Oakton Va

FOR SALE Fine horse broughamrubber in excellent condition COal

30 Will sacrifice for tCM Apply to ASTEPHAN 30 Pa ave c3atnthtf-

R SALE One large hey horse suitablecart coal wagon can be seen at 742-

18th si S E ocl53tWHY NOT take a drive wltn your ladyfriend Flr tcla teams from upPOXS NEW UNION DEPOT STABLES 33C328 New jersey ave N W au21stfRUBBER TIRED high wheeled canopy toprunabout set of 40 homes entire outflt-

T6 worth JOHN PRESTON rear ofKredonia Hotel ocl37tSELLING UT express and grocery wagonbusuiri surreys Pull teams furalened at wholesale prtoes to retail buyerv-OANTZ 1 D N W MfCOGSWELLSelllng out the largest stack elnew and seoondhand vehicle U up bar-B l 14 up 540211 llth St N JvWlf


ANTIQUES ATMendelsohns Art Gallery

Large Assortment of Every

140911 New York Ave N WoclU


ul a



UreaIfor r





a r 11


repair heap illmechanic WARNER MOTOR CQ 1255 NEw













At yonr dwpo ia for IS A MONTHSix months rental con be applied to pwofeRa If deatradWellington Visible Typewriter

509 llth St W

FOR SALE Electrotype furnace osew metal pot Mx lot chests 3 to21x3 inches casting boxes 2ft3 IHCMOB twomolding promo toe clay storotyoe pests lotof molding platee for Metal bodymold tote of qnolne Iron jHtileyMAURICE JOYCE ENGRAVING CO rentofff Star Bids ocl 3t-

ISTEAM BOILER good a new cheep ca-pacity Me feet Answer BOX IM Times ofSee itFOR SALE1M 3x12x19 foot Joists InquireARMSTRONG N S Market 12th sad HN E ocl3tSLIGHTLY used sewing machines IncludingSinger Standard Wilson NewHome from 32 to MS Therea bsrsain here for everybody We trade tomaehme of all for the Da via VerticaiPeed which surpasses

ery and DAVJS AGENCY 3Mh N W oeltttGood Fisher Upright Piano Only

CashSlightly used 20 other squares 7 organs ILAWRENCES M6 1U Tuning JlM TeMsl

ItSTANDARD MAKE UPRIGHT PIAXO fullyguaranteed on SW monthly paymentsMg reduction for open eveningHELBIG BROS 27 years7th odBtfFOR SALE One second hand furnace forhotwater heating Inquire at 742 UthS E oelfttFOR SALE Three desert secondhand bibblair cues dirt cheap also four secondhand BM radiators at a sift price Mb scN W eettatFOR 8ALB High School cadet officers nraiform size 37 almost new Apply 5S 7thN W o 153t


41t 10th st N W ociOJt



other for plataand Sa the macbin ferlit








everysewing only atebroid






yOB SALE Reg Holstein and Jersey cow3 years old price 320 BOX litocl K


410 Mth st N W oel 8t


SEWING MACHINE BARGAINSCabinet grand Standard JK09

4 drop head White 1200t drop leaf Singer 100CNew Sewing inachnes down and lie perwerK decning M cents Open eveningsIL R GIVJJN 36 Pa ave S JS oo tfFOR TIIIM WEKK ONLY 1 am offertamy full lire of SaIl and all floor sizes ofSmyrna Brussels and Axminster rUgs ata legitimate discount of onethird off Call

2 convince yourselfI L S MILLER lit K N WI eelOtf-

WB RB CELEBRATING OUR SEVENTHAXNTrSR8ARY by eltsrlns piano bargainsof the moat tempting sort Of the manyhighsrade instruments In excellentlion we direct attention to these specialsCh ck rirtt le Emeraoa 1 Stlett SUtKnabe lilt Milton 160 Ilardman S2M-Sboninger S27S Weber 236 Sohmer 3S-Etutf payments if desired O J DeMOLLCO cur 12th and G ala N W oc2tf


410 10th N W ocl StSPECIAL BARGAIN ia new player piano38 mneir uus fully guaranteed 360 UELBIG RItC S l42 7th s 33tf

PIANOS AT COSTClebr e makes the finest on the markec

Wlli you v It aad took thorn over Thelogs offered are little short of marvelous

HUUO WORCH 1110 G StjeStfBENT WrOD chairs tad chairs that are ROtbeat fctubwt and lunch room tables

CO 410 t N W oclftStPIANOS Midsutnmarsale See the bargains that we are offeriogThey have boon out are good makesPrices W6 199 l r und 75 It will pay

y n to see them CHAS M STD3FJB 1M3l s F st N W J a CONLIFF manage












sear robber cover boorh yeaYs anti






Regular 3 card wood sawed in 8inch M ekeat per cord delivered one day everyweek while unloading cars

F SONS COAL YARDhone Lincoln 7W 44 H st N

MISCELLAENOUSMAX BROTSKY SON Mirrortuierv rosilvering regildiag beveling PhoneMain WT7M 347 B at N W oel4t1-

AJST Friday evening ladys openfacedid watch Elgin monogram G WIn leather bracelet Finder Dleaee returnto Apartment 7 1414 Chopin ut Reward











LOST October 14 at 7 a m a dress suitceee with initials J H B Reward if returned to 1113 7th 8 E It

Tuesday morning ladys 14khunting case gold watch with silver fob mvicinity of Capitol ted Union Station Reward for return to M Florida ave N W

ocl3tLOST Ladys gold neck chain ea Thursdayevening October 14 between G arid H to-ot 7th N B Finder please return to DAWSON C22 N K Suitable reward It

of gold bead with large binspendant between Jiat and P and U3C 22d-sc N W Reward if returned to 21 P

ocMatLOST October 14 sold pencil marked N a8 Reward at 24JI4 P at N W ocl St

LOST Bu ck setter with white breast1323 14th st N W Receive reward

eel3tLOST GeM fob with initials S L Returnto owner Room 42 14W F t N W

tLOST Tueeday night black lace scarf go-Ing from 1315 Euclid to University toEuclid lot to Mtb to Harvard

block valued for association Returnto 1316 Euclid Reward oe43tI-

JOST White fox terrier black about hishead named Bob Return to 782 11th st N WReward no queetion asked ocl43t-

i FOUNDFOUND Valuable piece of Jewelry Ownercn T ame by calling at 138 Eye st

WALL PAPERH L HUCKBR Paper will do yourpaperhanging at once give me a call pricereasonable 908 Eye st N W ocl 3t

PAPERHANGING i nJ painting flrtelawork at lowest Lincoln 4 YJ R IK 6i i t S E oeUtf


HOW ABOUT THOSE DIRTY WINDOWSWhite help and moderate prices LEON LCAHOON Acme Window Cleaning Co

to 3l G N W Phone M 71C-BoclC90t


ALVEOLAR TEETH Painless tasting wetCerfwilr Jf lke brMgewcric or

painless nlllny DR J L WILSON M8B J J alf


SALE Curtis 3H horsepowerA HOWARD The Savoy 14th and GlrnrdApartment li ocl 3t

LEGAL NOTICESSUPREME COURT OP TilE DISTRICT OFCOLUMBIA Holding Probate Court NoliJM Administration I to give noticeThat time subscriber of the District of

has obtained from the Probitte Courtof the Dunrict of Columbia Letters of Ad-ministration on the estate of J Prenton Miller late of the tt Columbia do-ceaeed All peroon havlar claims againthe deceased are hereby warned to exhiMtthe with the vouchers thereof legallyauthenticated 0 the subscriber on or beforethe fifth day of October A D 1 1 other-wise they may by law be excluded from oilbenefit of said estate Given under my hand

fifth day of October 1S 8 D ANNAMILIJER 221 Mth N W Seal Attnt JAMRS TANNER Realtor of Wil-hfr the Dhrtrict of Columbia Clerk ef theITohate Court MARION DUCKKTT

AUurncja oc1623








FOR list F


DII trim





arc mid-way



















APARTMENTS TO LETand Unfurnished


block riots tWO oar JmexLarge looms n t of thorn frt on aW PICKPORD

1311 G st N Wocitr

90 RENTTfcrS DANFORD itS Harvardw 4 room aiM bath


W furnished leonw rprivate family 326 i i

riVbath in good condition near Union Station

room rest 2tt SimS ftt perTHE LINCOLN Ill Mil


font buildin 14th atBRADFORD tVXI6UBPhone M 123



IM G ST S E rooms tafloor

Inquire WilMa

POE RENT FLATS1138 tth ft M room ad i1S27 Church nw rooms and fcU 361141 1st st w bath 209 Via C nw sad 23ITtf t nw 7 roon and bath 4PRANK T RAWLIXGB CO






X ST N rYale ecvJc

4TH ST N Jil f Juae ar

THE AND GIRJttl 8TN W Ute WightasthoenellkHeIght all outstr

S xPARK six largeout andTHE EUCLID r Uffivorsit

1MDt ftvewelt aM bath rentperA JaM


ORe room AII4 Ute Brad





TwIt oerMr litroots SI floor seeder


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apertmets en CoIusa

NEAttress4 alestineMsroemo bi rent 4SZsii dplace Citwabia Hstshesarranged outshd zes50 month


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PLEASANT CrMM apartment ptondtd condillon Meant boat Janitor servicebright rooms f month The PrincetonMTJCR8 JfeLJCHTFOOT JiM 2i T ae

12 S ST X K Fin large an 4rooms with hath beet ettoa of BloomIngdale hotwater heat mnnins wateryear round aovthern axpoeore phone laundry 2 entrance dvanuffeoDApply within ecUJt-MM B 8T M JB Fine 4reem apartment inperfect condition anTamiehed barnInquire 1 1 B at N K oclfi3f


Fur real 6room and receptionMIl 3 with porch Presentoccupant has boss traaafarred away frturiWashington and must sublet Rental SO permonthW I BROWNING Art CdufflWa BidsocWU

FOR RENT large all roombaiitfurnace coal and gas rangw Ave car line7U Itch at 8 X ocllIt

APARTMENT Poll RENT346 C at nw 3 and 4r and BJ27 and JSZW

7 Z at aw Ir h 1S Q

His 9th at nw X and 4r b X 3600KARRICK 3IBTCALF UN K Y aye

FOR RKKT Baidw ior 2 rooand bath every modern oenvealeBee furfished and uafHrnJshed S8KBCA 27 NW ocltfTUB MBLTON h aid N T Ave N VT

Elevator Telephone exchange4e b M fcr b cot tr t 3654-6r and b front 37aO



perV N W
















paR RENTH WBt N W large room JZ2W


FOR RBNT STORKSU13 9th st N TT large stare ana cellarheat p 09

18 C N W with teaL 1602ST D U N W store and reoias heaL a 092121 14th st X W store 2r and cellar 35 W

KARRICK MBTCALF 1396 N Y aveau35if


FOR RSXT New garage building In rear of11th Bt N W

12th t N W

Womens WantsBa-


From every morning fer breajbfaitday Included but find them thed ltclon and p hsleiiau yeeive ever eaten


LuxuriesLETS GET



sotng to you a targe 3 e botta fOlive plain stuffed or half and half f-

MeNo or mail orders Ued


Ostrich FeathersOSTRICH FEATHERS cleaned curled maover ostrich feathers mode frontfeathers boas repaired colored TVBFSROSTRICH FEATHER WORKS 83t F Ci7th at N W ocl a73e

Cleaning and PressingVELVET COLLARS a special one

which should Interest everyone eeenetn-Ically Inclined We ordinarily charge 31 jfor tne collars but are making Ibis extiprice mdncement to get you acquBtnted vi

superior work THE WASHINGTONTAILORING AND PRESSING CO WN W Phone Xnin 4 W Branch 24 G t N

Phone Main tW Y tt-


Heating Plant Out of OrderWE CAN IT

New Pleat Installed Old ones remed UedWork the Bet Price Lowest

H F SELTZER1413 G St N 5

Phone M 1ML

Plane TBHiB-


and handbag goods called forprices YELLOW FRONT HARNESS ATRUNK SHOP 11th south of Ba ave Pi491 M OCloSt

Rug Weaving

RUGS WOVEN front OM carpets andcarpet cleaning a specialty

WASHINGTON tJ COMt Mh si N W Phone Main lEtsaKm

Digs Pats EtcENGLISH SHEEP DOGS singing canariesparrots cats dogs guinea rabbitsKoMftebe aqnartwn e SCHMIDTS BIRUSTORE 712 12th t eclltf

Physical CultureVIA VI SCIENCE OP HEALTH naturalneasurgtcal eletb bound 4M treeApply by aaatl lie Colored Building fxttlecture for vuiea Tuesday at p m

lit stores


also one In reer or51 N W rent 7oclWt



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TUNING 110 Jt expeftoe-nUB a DURITY Utll it


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ills 11S-I reasonable Apply 110

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PIANO pearsES Ssellit




