r 1 r Y r f i 7 i tt7Y < y j i A Smart Reply Boms recruits were being drilled at t Aldorshot by ft very impatient cavalry > drill sergeant After about an hour of hard drilling at the sword exercise the r sergeant gave tho order Stand at r ease t No sooner were the men standing at- cu r than the sergeant began to com- plain of their attitudes and wound u- pje by saying Why you fellows areJIke a lot of dummies I can get smarte- n soldiers than you at n shilling per box After about a minutes hesitation one of the recruits remarked I suppose le tnere would be sergeants among them Answers Tea miDst The Times of India declares that tea I drlklng Is the curse of Thibet The i people It SiltS have such an insatia- ble ¬ craving for the beverage that they Y will sell their houses their flocks their iJ very children to procure it If ever an b apostlo appears In Thibet to regenerate lt the nation he will have to preach a it crusade in favor of whiskey drinking eir in order to wean the Inhabitants from the national vice If A New Crazy Sect In Connecticut A lot of fanatics In the State recently Im- mersed ¬ fr an old rheumatic woman bodily In r the water to heal her as they said She tjr nearly died In consequence How much bet- ter ¬ would have been to have treated the P poor old woman for her Infirmity with lion t tAtters Stomach Bitters which not only cures rheumatism but prevents kidney complaint- atul remedies dyspepsia consUpatlon t trouble and nervous prostration I- tt systematic trial No wise merchant will ever try tinder nny circumstances to make customers take what he knows they do not want lie wilt not sub It > etltuto goods of doubtful yams tor those ot z demonstrated merit i < V To Cure A Cold In One Day t I Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets All Druggists refund money If It falls to cure 260 r It Is that before long Canada can < Ml annually SAtO worth of butter sod r checso to Great Britain t 8100 Iteward SUOO The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn thatthorc hint Icastono dreadeddIeane- thatcIence han been able to euro In all Its frUges and that I UaUrrh Halls Catarrh Cnrelsthe only poll Uvc cure now known totho medical fraternity a constitu- tional ¬ nscnseA reoulresa constitutional treat rrtcnl Cure Is taken Internall acupgdirecuyupontbe blood arid mucous sti destroying be- f01mdatlouof the disuse and tbe > a tlent strength by bulletins up the oonsatatlon and nature In doing Its work The proprietors have so much In Its curative powors that they offer One Hundred Dollars t foroaycase that It falls to cure Hend for list of testimonials Address U f J CHENEY J Co Toledo O- Hold by DniKgleto T5o Halls Family Pills are the best- A Iroie Ioem EEM Medicated Smoking Tobacco And Cigarettes Are absolute remedies for Catarrh C Hay Fever Asthma and Colds Besides A delightful smoke Ladles as well as men use these goods Xo opium or other harmful drug Used In their manufacture EEM used and recommended IJy some of the beet citizens j Of this country If yourlealerdoesnotkcepEFM- Send 13c for package of tobacco t And 6c for package of cigarettes 7 Direct the EEM Company Atlanta la And you will receive goods by mall Mrs Windows Soothing Syrup for children teething softens the gums rf 1l1ceslntllmlma ¬ tion allays pain cures wind colic 35o a bottle wy Fits permanently cnred No fits or nervous- ness ¬ 1 after me of Dr Klines Great t He n e Restorer 3 trl al bottle and treat so free Dn RH KLISE Ltd tOl Arch St 1blloPft Sciatic Rheumatism- I I have been troubled with solatle rheU- matism and havo been taking Hoods Bar sapaillla I improved every day and now am as well as I over was la my life I feel live years younger than I did before taking Hoods Sarsnpnrllla WH OBniix 2J15 4th Avenue Wont Troy New York Sarsa- parilla nOOU S Is the best In fact theOneTrne Dlood Purifier Hoods Pills cure oil liver Ills K cents MORPHINE WHISKEY OPIUM Tobacco end SnulTtllpptnt hauls cur d > IIOMK Mr book 0011111I full Infur- natioa mUle tn Dlt J V IIOFFMAN- Roo 4 Isabella Building III For hall ciii cl FENCING- AGENTS NettInrA1sofarmyttd cemetery cores Ca alogue free- K LJHELLABEkOUR 46 P St Atlanta 0- IIIi1 f de e OS- g t Barth E im t olil- s a CI < IIc WANTED Men or women In fora successful line of KoTdtlM Our Automatic Fire Alarm and also Alarm Hp tbe market tiucceu esr4 to live agents a < once for terms andx clti lre Information and under wrlten indortement tire Wide Awake Fire Alum fc NoTclty CDlOII x 76f Clnclnnatl0 POTATOES afire n POTATO 1 A Ill Mrall rkl t aariJ wluaaI Iie T twktU M a visa SIFt skeap 0 S4 Rak 1- 1OBBORNE8 c t lOauuaK8toL- ac6 eat Aniniln Un Actn l basis it book S htorttim Ubup board L3ndto etulnmt DIIOTIIDET Abtantdr cured with ojt cnflnr Writ lot eireuln af4emhI JU SEXTON M D L7 Y ltchclII AtlilUlti in- 1faIelct2wIlh Iorssrnu i sINlIfl I Eyi a- irwEIoft YOU 100 per AI and a clanc lo win lioniredi of dollirs la CKll and a lice Qold lRII41re1rWTL8IeathiImJrIIendrcntJ HuilueM College Loutaritle Rr- SUIEUIOn B S AUVANTAQKB nOOIIIItFIIiO BBOKTHIXD AMD fIUaILuaf lIuuutu Ctaloruelr MEMBERS TALKED POLITICS CONSIDERATION OF APPROPRIA- TION ¬ BILL GATE WIDE RANGE PROSPERITY NONPROSPERITY Blmpion nf Kaniae Makes a Humorous nil at Ulngley Proceedlii s of the Semite A Washington special says The Louse spentthe day Thursday ostensi- bly ¬ considering the fortifications ap ¬ propriation bill In reality the major portion of the time was consumed in the discussion of political topics the existence or nonexistence of prosper- ity ¬ in this country being the main question of dispute The feature of tho day was tho dis- covery ¬ by Mr Simpson tho Kansas populist and the exploitation of the alleged fact that Mr Dingley chair ¬ man of the ways and means commit- tee ¬ wore a London made pot hat Mr Diugley explained that the hat was made in New York The London trademark was simply placed there to please the who always preferred things because they were English All attempts to increase the appro- priations in the fortifications appro ¬ priation bill or to amend it in nny re- spect ¬ were voted down The debatedrifted directly into pol- itics ¬ and Mr Burke democrat of Tex- as ¬ and Mr Qrosvenor republican of Ohio joined issue on the subject of McKinley prosperity Mr Simpeor populist of Kansas followed and again took up the contro- versy ¬ he had a few days ago with Mr Pitney republican of New Jersey over the trusts which he said were or- ganized ¬ in New Jersey to prey on Kan- sas ¬ and other states In a humorous vein he said the people of New Jersey were not to blame that legislation in that state was knocked down to the highest bidders as they were the de- scendants ¬ of the Hessians Mr Dingley said that Mr Simpson was given to talking through his hat and ended by deuying that he Ding ¬ ing had imported wool before the passage of the Dingley bill The whole episode caused a great deal of amusement in the house Without completing the bill at 505 oclock p m the house adjourned- In invocation at the opening of the senate the chaplain made a fervent appeal for tho restoration to health of the senior senator from Mis ¬ sissippi Mr WaUhall A bill repealing an act granting American register to the steamers Olaribel anti others was reported and passed Mr Frye of Maine said that the act had been passed under a mis- apprehension ¬ as the vessels were owned by Englishmen Germanys order prohibiting tho importation of American fruits into that empire called out a resolution from Mr Davis Minnesota chairman of the committee on foreign relations calling upon the president if not in- compatible ¬ with the public interest to transmit to the senate the correspond- ence ¬ nud other information bearing upon the matter in his possession or in that of the state department The resolution was agreed to In accordance with notice previously given Mr Cnffery Louisiana called- up formally the resolution reported from the committee on privileges and elections declaring that Hon Henry W Curbett is not entitled toa seatin the senate from the state of Oregon The senate committee on interstate commerce decided to report the anti scalping bill with a recommendation that it pass Republicans Caucus The republican members of both houses of congress held a caucus Thursday night at which the republi- can ¬ congressional committee was prac- tically ¬ organized for the campaign About seventy senators and represen- tatives ¬ attended The delegations of all bnt eighteen states announced the selection of their representatives on the committee The Southern members of the committee ns far as chosen ore follows North Carolina Representative- Pearson Tennessee Representative HenryR Gibson Texas Representa- tive ¬ RB Hawley Virginia Repre- sentative ¬ J R Walker West Virginia Representative Warren Miller EXPENSE OF CUBAN WAR OBctallr EitlmaUd From Inception to End of 1807 at 340000000 A Madrid dispatch says The cost of the Cuban war from February 1805- to the end of 1897 is officially esti- mated ¬ at 9240000000 besides the arrears due from the Cuban treasury amounting to 40000000- The Imparcial complains that the commercial negotiations between Spain Cuba and the United States are being entrusted Senor de Lome the Span ¬ ish minister at Washington and urges the government to appoint experts to examine the terms lof the treaty on Spains behalf TWELVE MONTHS FOR COOPER t Duntons Slayer Found OulUjr Inrolun Manslaughter The jury iu the Cooper ease at La- Grange Ga returned a verdict Thurs ¬ day afternoon and the court room waa crowded when the result was an ¬ nounced The verdict was involuntary man- slaughter ¬ and Coopers sentence was fixed at twelve months in the chain gang > t 1 4- p >> 1 < I FIEND IN HUMAN roB WU Aged Father Mother and Hit Non end Wounds Ills WIt A special from Little Rook Ark ys Fire miles north of Mulberry m Franklin county Sol F a farmer accompanied by his family I went out Wednesday morning to visit I Mulberry his aged father and mother living near I Shortly after his arrival Autrey be ¬ came engaged in a religious argument- with theold folks Suddenly he grasped an iron bar his aged father mother and his tenyearold son and seriously wound- ed ¬ his wife and three remaining chil- dren ¬ two of whom are not to live r When the maniac started the deadly work his wife and eldest daughter made their escape notifying a near I neighbor but when the neighbor ar ¬ I rived tho man was standing in the I door swelling he would kill anyone who dared to enter I Other neighbors came and found Autroy a raving maniac with his clothing on fire I He was overpowered and the sight- I that met their eyes was appalling dead victims on the floor beaten I burned and mangled almost beyond recognition He has been swearing that witches were the cause of the act I and that the last lick was when he killed his then says he awoke I Some doubt his insanity BISCUIT MAKERS COMBINE A New Corporation Formed With a Capital Stock of 00000000 A Chicago special says All the big biscuit and cracker companies be ¬ tween Salt Lake City on the west Portland Me on the east St Paul in the north anti New Orleans in the south will go under ono management The name of thq now corporation which was incorporated Thursday in the state of New Jersey with a capital of 25000000 of preferred and 30 000000 of common stock is the Na ¬ tional Biscuit Company The actual transfer of the deeds of the various plants controlled by the companies merged into the National company took place in the office of the Illinois Trust and Savings bank in Chicago Benjamin F Crawford of Mansfield 0 was elected president H F Wories of Chicago first vice presi ¬ dent j Frank 0 Lowden Chicago sec ¬ ond vice president C E Rumsey Pittsbnrg secretary and treasurer The new company has purchased- for cash all the assets bills receivable- and operating plants of all the bakeries which were controlled by the American Biscuit and Manufacturing Company United States Baking Company anti New York Biscuit Company It also assumes all the indebtedness of these companici Practically all the stock- holders ¬ of the old companies subscribed for stock in the National company The amount of money paid into stock and cash by the National company for buildings in tho various companies which have been merged into the Mo- tional ¬ is exactly 23000000 CALIFORNIA NOT AFFECTED I > 7 Ueriuanya Prohibitive Action Against American Fruit Among the fruit exporters in San Francisco the news of the action of the German government prohibiting- the importation of American fruit has created no alarm Albert Castle of Castle Bros voices the general sentiment in the statement that California sent too little fresh fruit to Germany to feel the prohibi- tion ¬ He agreed with J K Armsby k Cos representatives Thomas F Porter Bros Co anti Rosenberg- Bros i Co that at present the mar ¬ ket in Germany for that states fresh fruits was not of sufficient importance- to justify alarm- SHRAPNEL SHOTS NO GOOD Test Showed Fin Per Cent of Ammunition- To Be Worthless Tests of shrapnel shots furnished to the United States army have been made byLieutenantE B Babbittof Benicia arsenal Twentysix shells were fired and CO per cent of the ammunition was found to be wholly worthless Tho flimsy shrapnel was furnished by the ordnance company of Washing- ton ¬ uUarles R Suter chief engineer of the Pacific division a has instruction- from General M Wilson chief of engineers Washington DO to has- ten ¬ the work pf mounting the modern guns for the defense of harbor I CONFEDERACY OF LABOR Iropoied For Southern Unions Independ- ent ¬ of Those In the North v A movement organize liThe South- ern ¬ Confederacy of Labor has been started in Atlanta Ga and is now so far under way that a convention will probably be held in that city at an early date to formally launch the new organization Tlioplap is to call convention of labor organizations of the south for the purpose of formulating such plans as will bring about harmo- ny ¬ and concert of action among them independent of big labor unions and federations of the north COMMISSION WILL CONTROL Telegraph and Xipresa Companies In the State of South Carolina- A Columbia special says The South Carolina legislature has passed an act putting telegraph and express com- panies ¬ under control of the tate rail ¬ road commission just as railroads are The power of telegraph and express companies to offices without the consent of the commission i- nJd 4 < > f << Jo A BsnefastreM1 RInd Act Feni Its Etentw Nflu Dtlrolt Mfth lire John Tamer of 130 poker Street Detroit HtoMftan ono ot those women Who always know Jast what to do In nil trouble and sickness One that U mother to those In distress To a reporter she said I Am the mother ot tea children and bays raised tight of them Bneralyearaa- gO we had serious time with my u8 when she was about sIx- teen tsr which began years old Bho did not hue any serl OUI lInesJ but seamod to waste away having never had 50yconumti0n- in our family Mweoom ol and Scotch we dM not think It wan that Our doctor called the disease an odd name which ns I afterward learned meant laok of blood It U ImposSible to describe the feeling John and I as wo noticed our daughter slowly analog from us We finally loud ouoer a medicine that seemed to Wof 01 the Time She Was Confined to lied help her And from the fIrst we noticed a decided change for the better nnd niter three months treatment her health was o- Krently Improved would not haTe re cognized her She Rained in flesh rapidly soon was In perfect health The medi ¬ cineued was Dr Williams Pink Pills for Tale People have always kept those pUU In the house since and have recommended them to many people I have told many mothers about them and they have effected fioma wonderful cures E mother In this land should keep these pills In tho house as thov arc good for many aliments particularly those arising from Impoverished or weakened nerve force Paris sends 3750000 worth of toys- to England every year That Everlasting Irritating Itch That describes Tetter Eczema and other skin diseases BO cents will cure themtop tho Itch at once dOcents for a box ot letter Ineatdrus stores or postpaid for 113 cents In tamps from J T Savannah a- AmbltlonThe feeling that you want to do something that you cant Chew Star Tobacco The fleet Smoke Sledge Cignrette- slanornnce Sometimes Its bliss and some- times ¬ Its blisters FREE Inventors PatentOulde Drur Store or OMar Coop lat0ffloc Wash D C Fruit Trees and Vines become hardier and their products bet ¬ ter colored and better flavored when liberally treated with fertilizers containing at least 10 actual Potash An Illustrated book which tells FREE what Potash Is and how It should be used is sent free to all applicant Send your address GERMAN KALI WORKS at Nttua St New York tills EarUcit Moit the Mississippi Experiment Station give TrulU 1100 lbs Dlcksons gnojbs Welborne coo Peerless CM Southern llopeKOO Peterkln HOI Duncans W Kloca1ZiO n 1 Cotton s n awarded FIrst Prize the World Fair and ha stood the highest test whet ever nhtbltetl Just received one car and eda are inch demand cnitotncn order once must aeeosnpanj all orders Price 5100 per buhel lObe Benrl orders Atlanta Ga BaLI v 35 MarietUSt QA Riven NovembsTGeographlCSI Jour- nal In the Sir we Sad how ldarkhafll who do5crbeI reasoned out the Nordensklold Baron water by of finding fresh possibilitY cryitaliflO rock strong bard boring that Idea wAl Nordensktoldl Baron the granite rock boring through by bearing fissures water strike would be selectcd the rocky Islets He therefore Swedish coast which serve the on light stations and complet- Ing and pilot could water borings found tweet depth of 100 feet the be obtained at a the salt rock preventing texture ot the through and percolating Jingling with the water ly- Ing In the fissures In the same num- ber Journal there ot the Geographical I1n article by M E A Martel on British vefld Speleology N descent Into caves Mantel describes EnnUMllen well other to near scents In Ireland and also describes what he saw of underground rivers Derbyshire and In York and lakes In shire In case of the Irish caves flowlngt waters mus ho says their have an outlet under sea as there no other way to account for phenomenon We refer to these mat- ters they Interest cable engineers and bear upon paper reid before the Institution of Electrical during the last session by Mr Beneat In this paper was stated that It was believed bv some engineers that sub marine telegraph cables when laid on- a continental slope and In direction more or less parallel to the coast line were liable to Interruption from tho effects of outburst of subterranean water on these slopes even In deep water from the evidence furnished by Baron Nordenaklold and M Martel seem to Increase the belief- In the theory referred to In Mr Ben nests paper Electrical Review Monkeys cola unaen Capt E Moss of the Transvaal tells the following story of the monkeys- who work for him In the mines- I have 24 monkeys said he em ployed about my mines They do the work of seven ablebodied men In many Instances they lend valuable aid where man Is useless They gather- up small pieces of quartz that would be passed unnoticed by the workingmen and pile tum up In lit- tle heaps that can easily be gathered- up In shovel and thrown Into mill They work Just they please some times going down Into the mines when they have cleared up all the debris on outsides They live and work to- gether without quarreling any more than men They are quite method- ical In their habits and go to work and finish up In the same manner human beings would under similar circumstances It very Interesting- to watch them at their labor and see how carefully they look after every detail of the work they attempt They clean up about the mines follow wheelbarrows and carts used on min- ing and pick up everything that falls off on the way TitBits Oil What Splendid Coffee Mr Goodman Williams Co Ill writes Prom one package Bakers German Coffeo Berry costing iSo grew 800 lbs better coffee than can buy stores 30 cents A package this coffee and big Ja d plant catalogue Is sent you by John A- HnlJr Heed Co Ln Crosse Win upon re- ceipt of cents stamps and this notice Pbog Cure cured me Throat and Lung trouble of three years standlngE CAVY huntington Jnd > KINGS IMPROVED COTTON SEED n J lunniNo lJlredor huGh N STARSER JJorticulturht II V WlIITE lceJlrdor end Chemist ti JUllItOUGlI AgriculturIst ATIIFNS at II WING Dairyman GEORGIA EXPERIMENT STATION EXPRESS ANI FltEIOIIT OFFICE GRIFFIN GA Mn 1 KING J1lcllmond Vs F ERll ltNT Gt Mt BAIt 131kThis year lbs variety tests show Ingslruproved at the TSoVS list conslderOur variety the most distInct and well and most constant of s1I that J have tSlo1 during the last six It year certaInly roquires closer plllnllnRaQd whu you tntojestcd In the elpOflment Hvr point when you get a of flu now being for the printer truly RJIIEDI3INO Director prepared and Prolific Jl1putial Test at II KXNGSIIll- DrOV NOl Wa at load a the t In I ad Ue ray to at Cal h morpno all to W V< MoMIIIn 35 Marietta St ron IT w MCMILLAN ATLANTA a BI Is a ae as the the the Is ¬ as a Engineers It ¬ a an Deductions ¬ a the ¬ a a as ¬ the ¬ do ¬ as do Is the ¬ I ot I In at a Ib i of s ¬ 15 of ft ov ISM J j T I < o TO COTTON PLANTERS For SZ years past m7 Cotton Las stool lit the front the earlleit Bnd not productive CoUon grown In this country My elaine are not Idlo boasts but every statement 1 make Is backed by Oftlclal > tate lteportsfromyayjous State RJlperhnenl farms must know the tests are fair and IIblOll1lelylmparllAl andh6Jeb01lbeond any that under same conditions of soil climate and cultivation mrrt Improve CottOn will make an er of 64 per rent more than the other Improved Cottons What lots this mean ANSWER Where you now snake five bales of Cotton by lantlnB mr Be cd you irtn inoke from ten baleslienee two to the bates a litra- e money nt no utra save the fe8eeds cost of a You dont believe what you Me In Common sense should reii you that bat ftJlIU here are plain fasts because I s1mpT tastale that which has been sent out omdai who had no nsa to grind and who did not know me personally seed to plant acre will cost y900nly a little and lurely the money win be well spent WoOOOOOOOoTKaS5SSSS WomenAft- er you have tried Doctors and all other preparations and they have failed to relieve you then us- eQERSTLES FEMALE PANACEA rssss GK F P- IT lILa5- p WILL CURE YOUF- OR SALE BY ALL DEALERS IN MEDICINE- SL GERf Manufacturers CO Chattanooga 1 Tenn an Proprietors 4 ONtEWo Both tho method and results Syrup of is taken it is pi It and refreshing to tho taste and gentty yet promptly on tho Liver and Bowels cleanses the tern effectually dispels colds h aches end fevers and cures habit constipation Syrup of Figs li only remedy it kind ever duoed pleasing to the taste cept blo to the stomach I lotS its notion and truly beneficia- leffects prepared only from theooi healthy and agreeable substances many excellent quahitiescon4 to nil and it the er popular remedy known Syrup of Figs is for sate in cent bottles by all lendin gists Any reliable druggISt may not have it on will i e re cure it promptly for any one lit wishes t try lt Do not accept t ti substitute Ta CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP al- MK cer ioutsYiusfr FRANCISCO KinoM- ilNORMANS hir NeUT ALl- ZINQCORDIAL dc CURES DIARRHOEA ionium IEOIMLIZIIO mm GURUS DYSENTERY Ta NORMANS iiiiio CORDIII CURBS CHOLERA MORBUS at- NORAMS NWTRAmlNG CODI CURES CHOLERA INPANT- UMmm lb mmm mm Absolutely C- ureDYSPEPSIA NORMANS > Indian Worm Pellets > THE BCST LIVER PILL MAct a > Safe pure anti quick In their calIco I > PRICE 10 AND 25 CINTS SOLD EVERYWHERE II I IT We want a hustling ngeut in ere county to sell our latest improre Plows All kinds direct from the iu tory to the farmer Work right arcmi your home BATty CULTIVATOR COSIPI Birmingham Ala e i FIELD Cdt SEEDS- LADIES J GARDEN IL LAND FLOWER ll REED E SEED Uf eat stock Choice varieties Wiltefor prcet O DEL OBalrca db Oo < 010 Market St Chattanooga Ttra 4 fAlATABl VE6E- TABLESEEDSg I II 11 Iii I- ii Ill I A 14 II tI I- i it- ii U ° 0- nII p II- N IlAcuTrcnRornc i D15 IIIlly5TEICSIflUNA1fAIM5 NN- H I Cipi ftftI- n 5tLoulMOU5A- ICEO 0 MENTION THIS PflPER

Chipley Banner. (Chipley, Florida) 1898-02-12 [p ].ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/58/91/00036/0235.pdfTea miDst I The Times of India declares that tea drlklng Is the curse of Thibet

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Page 1: Chipley Banner. (Chipley, Florida) 1898-02-12 [p ].ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/58/91/00036/0235.pdfTea miDst I The Times of India declares that tea drlklng Is the curse of Thibet


1 r Y r f i7

i tt7Y <



A Smart Reply

Boms recruits were being drilled att Aldorshot by ft very impatient cavalry

> drill sergeant After about an hour of

hard drilling at the sword exercise ther sergeant gave tho order Stand at

r easet No sooner were the men standing at-

cur than the sergeant began to com-

plain of their attitudes and wound u-pje by saying Why you fellows areJIke

a lot of dummies I can get smarte-

n soldiers than you at n shilling per box

After about a minutes hesitation one

of the recruits remarked I suppose

le tnere would be sergeants amongthem Answers

Tea miDstThe Times of India declares that tea

I drlklng Is the curse of Thibet Thei people It SiltS have such an insatia-



craving for the beverage that theyY will sell their houses their flocks their

iJ very children to procure it If ever anb apostlo appears In Thibet to regeneratelt the nation he will have to preach a

it crusade in favor of whiskey drinkingeir in order to wean the Inhabitants from

the national vice

If A New Crazy Sect In ConnecticutA lot of fanatics In the State recently Im-


fr an old rheumatic woman bodily Inr the water to heal her as they said Shetjr nearly died In consequence How much bet-


would have been to have treated theP poor old woman for her Infirmity with liont tAtters Stomach Bitters which not only cures

rheumatism but prevents kidney complaint-atul remedies dyspepsia consUpatlon

t trouble and nervous prostration I-tt systematic trial

No wise merchant will ever try tinder nnycircumstances to make customers take whathe knows they do not want lie wilt not sub

It > etltuto goods of doubtful yams tor those otz demonstrated meriti<

V To Cure A Cold In One DaytI Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets All

Druggists refund money If It falls to cure 260rIt Is that before long Canada can

< Ml annually SAtO worth of butter sodr checso to Great Britain

t 8100 Iteward SUOO

The readers of this paper will be pleased tolearn thatthorc hint Icastono dreadeddIeane-thatcIence han been able to euro In all ItsfrUges and that I UaUrrh Halls CatarrhCnrelsthe only poll Uvc cure now known tothomedical fraternity a constitu-tional


nscnseA reoulresa constitutional treatrrtcnl Cure Is taken Internallacupgdirecuyupontbe blood arid mucous sti

destroying be-f01mdatlouof the disuse and tbe >atlent strength by bulletins up the oonsatatlonand nature In doing Its work Theproprietors have so much In Its curativepowors that they offer One Hundred Dollarst foroaycase that It falls to cure Hend for listof testimonials Address

U f J CHENEY J Co Toledo O-

Hold by DniKgleto T5o

Halls Family Pills are the best-

A Iroie IoemEEM Medicated Smoking Tobacco

And CigarettesAre absolute remedies for Catarrh

C Hay Fever Asthma and ColdsBesides A delightful smokeLadles as well as men use these goodsXo opium or other harmful drug

Used In their manufactureEEM used and recommended

IJy some of the beet citizensj Of this country

If yourlealerdoesnotkcepEFM-Send 13c for package of tobacco

t And 6c for package of cigarettes7 Direct the EEM Company

Atlanta laAnd you will receive goods by mall

Mrs Windows Soothing Syrup for childrenteething softens the gums rf 1l1ceslntllmlma ¬

tion allays pain cures wind colic 35o a bottlewy

Fits permanently cnred No fits or nervous-ness


1 after me of Dr Klines Greatt He n e Restorer 3 trl al bottle and treat so freeDn R H KLISE Ltd tOl Arch St 1blloPft


II have been troubled with solatle rheU-matism and havo been taking Hoods Barsapaillla I improved every day and nowam as well as I over was la my life I feellive years younger than I did before takingHoods Sarsnpnrllla WH OBniix 2J154th Avenue Wont Troy New York

Sarsa-parillanOOU S

Is the best In fact theOneTrne Dlood Purifier

Hoods Pills cure oil liver Ills K cents

MORPHINE WHISKEYOPIUM Tobacco end SnulTtllpptnt hauls

cur d > IIOMKMr book 0011111I full Infur-

natioa mUle tn Dlt J V IIOFFMAN-Roo 4 Isabella Building III

For hall ciii cl



NettInrA1sofarmyttdcemetery cores

Ca alogue free-K LJHELLABEkOUR 46 P St Atlanta 0-






t Barth


t olil-s

aCI <


WANTEDMen or women In fora successful lineof KoTdtlM Our Automatic Fire Alarm and also

Alarm Hp tbe market tiucceuesr4 to live agents a< once for termsandx clti lre Information and underwrlten indortement tire Wide Awake FireAlum fc NoTclty CDlOII x 76f Clnclnnatl0


Ill Mrall rkl t aariJwluaaI Iie T twktU M avisa SIFt skeap 0 S4 Rak 1-


c tlOauuaK8toL-

ac6 eatAniniln Un Actn l basis itbook S htorttim Ubup board L3ndto etulnmt

DIIOTIIDET Abtantdr cured withojt cnflnr Writ lot

eireuln af4emhI JU SEXTON M DL7 Y ltchclII AtlilUlti in-

1faIelct2wIlhIorssrnu i sINlIfl I Eyi a-irwEIoft YOU

100 per AI and a clanc lo win lioniredi ofdollirs la CKll and a lice Qold

lRII41re1rWTL8IeathiImJrIIendrcntJHuilueM College Loutaritle Rr-SUIEUIOnB S AUVANTAQKB








Blmpion nf Kaniae Makes a Humorousnil at Ulngley Proceedlii s of

the Semite

A Washington special says TheLouse spentthe day Thursday ostensi-



considering the fortifications ap ¬

propriation bill In reality the majorportion of the time was consumed inthe discussion of political topics theexistence or nonexistence of prosper-ity


in this country being the mainquestion of dispute

The feature of tho day was tho dis-


by Mr Simpson tho Kansaspopulist and the exploitation of thealleged fact that Mr Dingley chair ¬

man of the ways and means commit-tee


wore a London made pot hatMr Diugley explained that the hat

was made in New York The Londontrademark was simply placed there toplease the who alwayspreferred things because they wereEnglish

All attempts to increase the appro-priations in the fortifications appro ¬

priation bill or to amend it in nny re-spect


were voted downThe debatedrifted directly into pol-


and Mr Burke democrat of Tex-


and Mr Qrosvenor republican ofOhio joined issue on the subject ofMcKinley prosperity

Mr Simpeor populist of Kansasfollowed and again took up the contro-versy


he had a few days ago with MrPitney republican of New Jerseyover the trusts which he said were or-


in New Jersey to prey on Kan-sas


and other states In a humorousvein he said the people of New Jerseywere not to blame that legislation inthat state was knocked down to thehighest bidders as they were the de-scendants


of the HessiansMr Dingley said that Mr Simpson

was given to talking through his hatand ended by deuying that he Ding ¬

ing had imported wool before thepassage of the Dingley bill Thewhole episode caused a great deal ofamusement in the house

Without completing the bill at 505oclock p m the house adjourned-

In invocation at the opening ofthe senate the chaplain made afervent appeal for tho restoration tohealth of the senior senator from Mis ¬

sissippi Mr WaUhallA bill repealing an act granting

American register to the steamersOlaribel anti others was reported andpassed Mr Frye of Maine said thatthe act had been passed under a mis-apprehension


as the vessels wereowned by Englishmen

Germanys order prohibiting thoimportation of American fruits intothat empire called out a resolutionfrom Mr Davis Minnesota chairmanof the committee on foreign relationscalling upon the president if not in-


with the public interest totransmit to the senate the correspond-ence


nud other information bearingupon the matter in his possession orin that of the state department Theresolution was agreed to

In accordance with notice previouslygiven Mr Cnffery Louisiana called-up formally the resolution reportedfrom the committee on privileges andelections declaring that Hon HenryW Curbett is not entitled toa seatinthe senate from the state of Oregon

The senate committee on interstatecommerce decided to report the antiscalping bill with a recommendationthat it pass

Republicans CaucusThe republican members of both

houses of congress held a caucusThursday night at which the republi-can


congressional committee was prac-tically


organized for the campaignAbout seventy senators and represen-tatives


attendedThe delegations of all bnt eighteen

states announced the selection of theirrepresentatives on the committee TheSouthern members of the committee nsfar as chosen ore follows

North Carolina Representative-Pearson Tennessee RepresentativeHenryR Gibson Texas Representa-tive


RB Hawley Virginia Repre-sentative


J R Walker West VirginiaRepresentative Warren Miller


OBctallr EitlmaUd From Inception toEnd of 1807 at 340000000

A Madrid dispatch says The cost ofthe Cuban war from February 1805-

to the end of 1897 is officially esti-mated


at 9240000000 besides thearrears due from the Cuban treasuryamounting to 40000000-

The Imparcial complains that thecommercial negotiations between SpainCuba and the United States are beingentrusted Senor de Lome the Span ¬

ish minister at Washington and urgesthe government to appoint experts toexamine the termslof the treaty onSpains behalf


Duntons Slayer Found OulUjr InrolunManslaughter

The jury iu the Cooper ease at La-Grange Ga returned a verdict Thurs ¬

day afternoon and the court room waacrowded when the result was an ¬

nouncedThe verdict was involuntary man-


and Coopers sentence wasfixed at twelve months in the chaingang

>t 1



1 <

I FIEND IN HUMAN roBWU Aged Father Mother and Hit Non

end Wounds Ills WItA special from Little Rook Arkys Fire miles north of Mulberry

m Franklin county Sol F afarmer accompanied by his family

I went out Wednesday morning to visitI

Mulberryhis aged father and mother living near

I Shortly after his arrival Autrey be ¬

came engaged in a religious argument-with theold folks

Suddenly he grasped an iron barhis aged father mother and his

tenyearold son and seriously wound-ed


his wife and three remaining chil-


two of whom are notto live

r When the maniac started the deadlywork his wife and eldest daughtermade their escape notifying a near

I neighbor but when the neighbor ar ¬

I rived tho man was standing in theI

door swelling he would kill anyonewho dared to enter

I Other neighbors came and foundAutroy a raving maniac with hisclothing on fire

I He was overpowered and the sight-

Ithat met their eyes was appallingdead victims on the floor beaten

I burned and mangled almost beyondrecognition He has been swearingthat witches were the cause of the act

I and that the last lick was when hekilled his then says he awoke


Some doubt his insanity


A New Corporation Formed With a CapitalStock of 00000000

A Chicago special says All the bigbiscuit and cracker companies be ¬

tween Salt Lake City on the westPortland Me on the east St Paulin the north anti New Orleans in thesouth will go under ono management

The name of thq now corporationwhich was incorporated Thursday inthe state of New Jersey with a capitalof 25000000 of preferred and 30000000 of common stock is the Na ¬

tional Biscuit CompanyThe actual transfer of the deeds of

the various plants controlled by thecompanies merged into the Nationalcompany took place in the office of theIllinois Trust and Savings bank inChicago

Benjamin F Crawford of Mansfield0 was elected president H FWories of Chicago first vice presi ¬

dent j Frank 0 Lowden Chicago sec ¬

ond vice president C E RumseyPittsbnrg secretary and treasurer

The new company has purchased-for cash all the assets bills receivable-and operating plants of all the bakerieswhich were controlled by the AmericanBiscuit and Manufacturing CompanyUnited States Baking Company antiNew York Biscuit Company It alsoassumes all the indebtedness of thesecompanici Practically all the stock-holders


of the old companies subscribedfor stock in the National companyThe amount of money paid into stockand cash by the National company forbuildings in tho various companieswhich have been merged into the Mo-


is exactly 23000000CALIFORNIA NOT AFFECTED

I>7 Ueriuanya Prohibitive Action AgainstAmerican Fruit

Among the fruit exporters in SanFrancisco the news of the action ofthe German government prohibiting-the importation of American fruit hascreated no alarm

Albert Castle of Castle Bros voicesthe general sentiment in the statementthat California sent too little freshfruit to Germany to feel the prohibi-tion


He agreed with J K Armsbyk Cos representatives Thomas FPorter Bros Co anti Rosenberg-Bros i Co that at present the mar ¬

ket in Germany for that states freshfruits was not of sufficient importance-to justify alarm-


Test Showed Fin Per Cent of Ammunition-To Be Worthless

Tests of shrapnel shots furnished tothe United States army have been madebyLieutenantE B Babbittof Beniciaarsenal Twentysix shells were firedand CO per cent of the ammunition wasfound to be wholly worthless

Tho flimsy shrapnel was furnishedby the ordnance company of Washing-ton


uUarles R Suter chief engineer ofthe Pacific division a has instruction-from General M Wilson chief ofengineers Washington DO to has-ten


the work pf mounting the modernguns for the defense of harbor I


Iropoied For Southern Unions Independ-ent


of Those In the North v

A movement organize liThe South-ern


Confederacy of Labor has beenstarted in Atlanta Ga and is now sofar under way that a convention willprobably be held in that city at anearly date to formally launch the neworganization

Tlioplap is to call convention oflabor organizations of the

south for the purpose of formulatingsuch plans as will bring about harmo-ny


and concert of action among themindependent of big labor unions andfederations of the north


Telegraph and Xipresa Companies In theState of South Carolina-

A Columbia special says The SouthCarolina legislature has passed an actputting telegraph and express com-



under control of the tate rail ¬

road commission just as railroads areThe power of telegraph and expresscompanies to offices withoutthe consent of the commission i-




f <<Jo

A BsnefastreM1 RInd Act

Feni Its Etentw Nflu Dtlrolt Mfth

lire John Tamer of 130 poker Street

Detroit HtoMftan ono ot those women

Who always know Jast what to do In nil

trouble and sickness One that U motherto those In distress To a reporter she said

I Am the mother ot tea children andbays raised tight of them Bneralyearaa-

gO we had serious time with my u8when she was about sIx-

teentsr which began

years old Bho did not hue any serlOUI lInesJ but seamod to wasteaway having never had 50yconumti0n-in our family Mweoom oland Scotch we dM not think It wan

that Our doctor called the disease anodd name which ns I afterward learnedmeant laok of blood

It U ImposSible to describe the feeling

John and I as wo noticed our daughterslowly analog from us We finally

loud ouoer a medicine that seemed to

Wof 01 the Time She Was Confined to liedhelp her And from the fIrst we noticed adecided change for the better nnd niterthree months treatment her health was o-

Krently Improved would not haTe recognized her She Rained in flesh rapidly

soon was In perfect health The medi ¬

cineued was Dr Williams Pink Pills forTale People have always kept those pUUIn the house since and have recommendedthem to many people I have told manymothers about them and they have effectedfioma wonderful cures

E mother In this land should keepthese pills In tho house as thov arc good formany aliments particularly those arisingfrom Impoverished orweakened nerve force

Paris sends 3750000 worth of toys-

to England every year

That Everlasting Irritating ItchThat describes Tetter Eczema and other

skin diseases BO cents will cure themtop thoItch at once dOcents for a box ot letterIneatdrus stores or postpaid for 113 cents Intamps from J T Savannah a-

AmbltlonThe feeling that you want todo something that you cant

Chew Star Tobacco The fleetSmoke Sledge Cignrette-

slanornnce Sometimes Its bliss and some-times


Its blisters

FREE Inventors PatentOulde DrurStore or OMar Coop lat0ffloc Wash D C

FruitTrees and Vines become

hardier and their products bet¬

ter colored and better flavored

when liberally treated with

fertilizers containing at least

10 actual

PotashAn Illustrated book which tellsFREE what Potash Is and how Itshould be used is sent free to

all applicant Send your addressGERMAN KALI WORKS

at Nttua St New York


EarUcit Moitthe Mississippi Experiment Stationgive

TrulU 1100 lbs Dlcksons gnojbsWelborne coo Peerless CMSouthern llopeKOO Peterkln HOI

Duncans W Kloca1ZiO

n 1 Cotton s n

awarded FIrst Prize the WorldFair and ha stood the highest test whetever nhtbltetl Just received one carand eda are inch demand

cnitotncn order oncemust aeeosnpanj all orders Price 5100per buhel lObe BenrlordersAtlanta Ga


v35 MarietUSt QA

RivenNovembsTGeographlCSI Jour-

nalIn the Sir

we Sad howldarkhafll who do5crbeI

reasoned out theNordenskloldBaron water by

of finding freshpossibilitY cryitaliflO rockstrong bardboring thatIdea wAlNordensktoldlBaron the granite rockboring throughby bearing fissureswaterstrikewouldbeselectcd the rocky Islets

He thereforeSwedish coast which serve

theonlight stations and complet-

Ingandpilot couldwaterborings found tweet

depth of 100 feet thebe obtained at a

the saltrock preventingtexture ot the through andpercolatingJingling with the water ly-

Ing In the fissures In the same num-

ber Journal thereot the GeographicalI1n article by M E A Martel on

British vefld Speleology Ndescent Into caves

Mantel describesEnnUMllen well other to

nearscents In Ireland and also describes

what he saw of underground riversDerbyshire and In York

and lakes Inshire In case of the Irish caves

flowlngt waters musho says theirhave an outlet under sea as there

no other way to account forphenomenon We refer to these mat-

ters they Interest cable engineers

and bear upon paper reid before theInstitution of Electricalduring the last session by Mr Beneat

In this paper was stated that It was

believed bv some engineers that sub

marine telegraph cables when laid on-

a continental slope and In direction

more or less parallel to the coast linewere liable to Interruption from tho

effects of outburst of subterraneanwater on these slopes even In deep

water from the evidencefurnished by Baron Nordenaklold andM Martel seem to Increase the belief-

In the theory referred to In Mr Ben

nests paper Electrical Review

Monkeys cola unaenCapt E Moss of the Transvaal tells

the following story of the monkeys-

who work for him In the mines-

I have 24 monkeys said he employed about my mines They do thework of seven ablebodied men Inmany Instances they lend valuable aidwhere man Is useless They gather-

up small pieces of quartz thatwould be passed unnoticed by theworkingmen and pile tum up In lit-

tle heaps that can easily be gathered-

up In shovel and thrown Into millThey work Just they please sometimes going down Into the mines whenthey have cleared up all the debris on

outsides They live and work to-

gether without quarreling any morethan men They are quite method-

ical In their habits and go to workand finish up In the same mannerhuman beings would under similarcircumstances It very Interesting-to watch them at their labor and seehow carefully they look after everydetail of the work they attempt Theyclean up about the mines followwheelbarrows and carts used on min-

ing and pick up everything that fallsoff on the way TitBits

Oil What Splendid CoffeeMr Goodman Williams Co Ill writes

Prom one package Bakers German CoffeoBerry costing iSo grew 800 lbs bettercoffee than can buy stores 30 cents

A package this coffee and big Ja dplant catalogue Is sent you by John A-

HnlJr Heed Co Ln Crosse Win upon re-ceipt of cents stamps and this notice

Pbog Cure cured me Throat and Lungtrouble of three years standlngE CAVYhuntington Jnd >

KINGS IMPROVED COTTON SEEDn J lunniNo lJlredor huGh N STARSER JJorticulturhtII V WlIITE lceJlrdor end Chemist ti JUllItOUGlI AgriculturIstATIIFNS at II WING Dairyman


Mn 1 KING J1lcllmond Vs F ERll ltNT GtMt BAIt 131kThis year lbs variety tests show Ingslruproved at the TSoVS listconslderOur variety the most distInct and well and most constant of s1I that J havetSlo1 during the last six Ityear certaInly roquires closer plllnllnRaQd whuyou tntojestcdIn the elpOflmentHvr point when you get a of flu now beingfor the printer truly RJIIEDI3INO Directorprepared

and Prolific Jl1putial Testat



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< o

TO COTTON PLANTERSFor SZ years past m7 Cotton Las stool lit thefront the earlleit Bnd not productiveCoUon grown In this country My elaine arenot Idlo boasts but every statement 1 make Isbacked by Oftlclal > tate lteportsfromyayjousState RJlperhnenl farms

must know the tests are fairand IIblOll1lelylmparllAl andh6Jeb01lbeondany that under same conditions of soilclimate and cultivation mrrt ImproveCottOn will make an er of 64 per rentmore than the other Improved Cottons Whatlots this meanANSWER

Where you now snake five bales of Cotton bylantlnB mr Be cd you irtn inoke fromten baleslienee two to the bates a litra-emoney nt no utra save thefe8eeds cost of a

You dont believe what you Me InCommon sense should reii you that bat ftJlIUhere are plain fasts because I s1mpT tastalethat which has been sent out omdai whohad no nsa to grind and who did not know mepersonally

seed to plant acre will cost y900nly alittle and lurely the money win be well spent


WomenAft-er you have tried Doctors and allother preparations and they have failedto relieve you then us-


rssss GK F P-





ManufacturersCO Chattanooga

1 Tennan Proprietors


ONtEWoBoth tho method and resultsSyrup of is taken it is pi


and refreshing to tho taste andgentty yet promptly on thoLiver and Bowels cleanses thetern effectually dispels colds haches end fevers and cures habitconstipation Syrup of Figs lionly remedy it kind everduoed pleasing to the tastecept blo to the stomach I


its notion and truly beneficia-leffects prepared only from theooihealthy and agreeable substancesmany excellent quahitiescon4to nil and it the erpopular remedy known

Syrup of Figs is for sate in

cent bottles by all lendingists Any reliable druggIStmay not have it on will i

e re

cure it promptly for any one lit

wishes t try lt Do not accept t tisubstitute Ta
















mmm mmAbsolutely C-




> Safe pure anti quick In their calIco




We want a hustling ngeut in ere

county to sell our latest improre

Plows All kinds direct from the iutory to the farmer Work right arcmiyour home BATty CULTIVATOR COSIPI

Birmingham Ala e i






REED E SEED Uf eatstock Choice varieties Wiltefor prcet

O DEL OBalrca db Oo <

010 Market St Chattanooga Ttra




III 11


iiIll I


14 II

tI I-

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NIlAcuTrcnRornc i D15




Cipi ftftI-n 5tLoulMOU5A-