Vr- r > J- I i r i I a i FHE I CHIPLEY V BANNER < rt VOLUME CHIPLEY WASHINGTON COUNTY FLORIDA SATURDAY JUNE 1J 1897 NUMBER J F W sral MAN11NfL ENCEI ir ir 1L- t 1- i vl c 4 I OJYY JJ- t t CUAlTEIt XV Continued Tho Colonel mot thorn at tho dlnlug room door and Nell approaching rather cautiously gae him a expectant I hJfqueaUonIng1g1ance- Her rears wero qulto groundless how- ever ¬ I for as BOOD ns he had soon Marga- ret ¬ I and heard that she was gong to- Iwe thnm Boeojn he had no thought for any ono else V J I dont know how we shall do with- out ¬ you he said bending over her with kindly affeotlcii Dertlo told mo you were going and I have been anticipat ¬ lug my own loneliness Have yoa > grown tired of us so son He took her face between his handaonUregarded f It with a geutouess in which a variety of crdotons fount expression You are In hurry to leave us be added sadly i Ah DO aba hastened to answer ae her eyes grow dim end a painful flush overspread her cheeks Tho gentleman did not answer for n v second during which his lace worked with feeling and tender light filled his eyesYou are bravo girl ho said rather unsteadily at last a true brave girl Heaven will bless you as jou deserve Dont let that ooundrcl como near me j I might bo tempted- You nro so hard on him Colonel t Dont Dont blome him I suppose Ah 4 Margaret you are llko the rest of your sex always ready to defend the men who breaks your heart Voll well Ill not be hard for your sake but when I 1 think Never mind well mles you chlU every ono of us Dont quite for- got ¬ your old Irlonds you wott find the now ones half BO truo Margarets eyei grew dim end eho foundhereolt Incapable of ah an awe Alice noting her distress broke In with somo light remarks which Nell tojk up notwlthstandng her uncles formidable presence and discussed volubly Under this respite Margaret regained- her selfposresBlqn and began to speak qulto Ko furthnr allusion to her going away yes made during the meal though each one Bcemol qu to tnlkatvo Nell par ¬ ticularly airing her opinions freely and rccolviiR no roj roof for her tomorlty But when tile tme came to soy good 1 by and Margaret was ready to go the Colonel dlfTcgtudlnR the hand she hold- out t to hm her In his arms and teudtry almost reverently kissed her brow- I know it would bo hard eho Bobbed breaking down oJmpletely1 know this would be the hardest of all No It fchunt to Margaret ho saId putting her gently from him I do not wish to pain you child oven for a mo ¬ ment 1 ut 1 am very deeply moved to lOp you go Irom us under such circum ¬ at necsYour bravery and devotion will have Its rewatd be sure ot that Remember me when you need sympathy or advloo for I would not bo worthy the name of friend if cmId cot show my affection in time of adversity as well ns prosperity and I know that not even your own could be more anxious to help you than I am For many long days Margaret car- ried ¬ in her heart the memory of his kind words sympathetic voice As she roJe homo hlhe winter afternoon toward the chain of beautiful lulls which shut In tho quiet peaceful village her fanny tfngod with Indescrib- able ¬ melancholy every surrounding ob ¬ ject and the melancholy lingered long after bor eyes bad ceased to upor the cenp that bad cngCn erodt- ClIAPTEIUWI A KCW TRIZXD Margaret I think I shall bring Wll ton to d nncr tonight I met him yes tordav and be asked about you He haa heard Bertie lauding you to the ekloa and naturally ho lfl anxious to see the parson lhat too bad of Bertie I- dont pose aa aparagon Brian and in ¬ deed I dont caret to be one I do want to meet Dr Wilson though and If you wilt only correct his false Impression 1 wish you would bring lug Ill bring him but Ill leave you to correct or his impressions I know youll be equal to the emergency In either cue should really ap sreeiaUt compliment he pays you I dot believe I ever him ex ri preee acleelreto meet any one before c e IIyl Whylloel quite rain I Lope he a cynic Ob no It la rather Indifference I thlac Ho Isnt particularly sociable thatI be visiting People follow kits BP though like the deuce aad ties eeseUered quite a catch IB the mtrlaaeiai f e4 AST number of ugler w la JA glad to land him The power el Moaejr you see Well I HUM fee oIL I aaaBt be home to lunch Good Tow wont be lonely Ko or BrUn lets Margaret with bueUoB aa1elTcla1he- XolNt aa- U atway after lid ke MA she JaM aaswered untruth wa very loaely- ind MO UiUe to Ifiterest krsOi- Ltbe beg dull nonilBga e met QMM Is luaeh tit as dlii not Her ftjQa wss spent In seeing tho sights of NewJTork shopping cilllng on hor few friends and here s at tho theater when Brian would take her but moro often- at home alone whoa ho had some en- gagement ¬ whisk bo could not possibly defer From these engagements ho would return late in with tho heavy stumWIng steps which told their own story and which always struck so heavily on Margarets heart as she waited sleoplcso and auiious This was the of the ten days tho had spent In Now York and Bho- spemetJ as far away from the reward the Colonel had promised her as when she left Elmwood Under other olrcumstansei she cojlJ have been not precisely hop y be- cause ¬ she was too thoroughly a child of nature not to mIss with fin Intensity tow could understand tho rostul peaceful Influences ofhor country homo Yet she could have found con- tentment la this charming llttlo apart- ment ¬ with its comforts and luxuries Its situation was convenient and de- lightful ¬ In the heart of the city sur- rounded ¬ by places Tjf Interest and amusement and near tho various clubs where Brian was foad of spending hi time She was In the center of bustle and activity Fr her window she could ar UlA throbbing pulse of a life that was noter stllltllo ocr sounJing or hcstia of a busy city thu mighty rovof the ljnted trains with Iholr- ioUy whizzing echoes tho sound of the heavy drays passing over ho jb lestonea the tumble of i arriagos anJ the long line of pedce- trl m made up an ever moving over having lunoraina of human life hope and ambition upn which sho 1nzod wth feelings that biojght lice own lonollneea and Isolation more keenly before her How was tho to fill the long hours that must pass before dinner sho asked herself Should Dim go through the stores uiiJ see tho beaut f things the shop windows displayed so tempt uclyV That wunotl interesting when one had no companion to exchange opln OIlS with Time crowls woarlel her too She felt to utterly nlone amidst tIe busy thronRt where friendly glanco seldom If over greeted her At mnio it Dsro different ilicro sho coud soo a fainlliar lace In every liufBorby Ko Bho would not go out toDay sho Itcldcil at last She woud stay At owe and reull and try to emunu the ontentment of tp nt which prompted Nornh under all clreumsaticoi tj sing uherrllv ov rllor work Yet It was t brlgit Cay to spend Indoors The sun which always sojmo 1 to her prejn heed fancy to shins thiou rh ayuliowor thicker ntmoephoi o lay warm and golilru on the IIOBI iois opposite It lompt d her with Its cleortness But psl nwlwhero wai tho leasuro In walking oJately over the hard pavewcnt How could that coinpa o with a dellgluful gallop over the hills at Loin- ctAlithosoglorloujrldasl Why cqulJntt- lioao tall willis crumble away Why couldnt the jovcd streets this horrlJ- uoso and din by the tou It of some fnnvu hand nlvo pluco to thin famlllnr- lillls and fields Kot for long o ly for mo dnyust ono day How the would use every hotrof that dny- jih would have lifr usual ilJo on Mottles tkok Iwilf Tjiey would calL cr away through tho cool utlll mor- nIIIrSue woulil feel tile Invigorating ulr against her cheek nul the glad sense of Irceh now lifo tlnyiliiK in her elns Sho would go to Tho Cedars and talk i < Itli Alice and the Coloiul nil laugh over Nels rldlcuous nonsense und ei so hapiy Elm would tuim In to kiss tho chlldroi OB Uioy pressed their ilttto fcccs ngahiBt the euiory window and she would Lnd time for a few min- utes ¬ with Mr Martin to ask her how- ler rheumatism was sal hear if tho od man had brim out blncehls sickness All there was to much Eho would do If sho could be iii home toduy Nanny conic In to icuiovo the break ¬ fast things and she askoJ twIce fur tho orUers for luncheon arid dinner boforo- Xargaret hear her Jndco I dont know the said at lasr trying to fix liar mind on thcso household details lou and Womb < x erel your Ingenuity locny IMpar- tlcularly like a nice dlnntr < as Mr Leigh will bring a frlnnd homo with him Men must bo ted ou know even it tho world goes tOlccc8 It Is thplr falling to think moro of their dinners than anything clue and wo have to humor It So joi and Norah must do your best Quito late 1n the afternoon Margaret rather Suddenly decide h that she stand the house no longer So prepar- ing ¬ herself for a walk she was soon upon the street < Whoa she arrived homo itwas nearly dinner time and secretly upbraiding hertelf for eloyliig out BO late she be ¬ gan to dress as qulokiy as possible I should bo drei4fuliysorry If I > r AVIIson should cone and I net ready to receive him Bho confided to her reflec- tion ¬ In the mirror I thouldnt know Now to excuse myself Will it Is rather Into and if they have como cannot help Ilben the entered the parlor five minutes afterwards shefound not but a tAU Onolooklna man who arose at her on air of chlv airy perfectly In ac ord with the noble faelThl1tlace Impressed Margaret at once Not so much with Its beauty of feature and expression us with its firmness of character its strength of intellect and tho ennobling loBuento which high en- deavor ¬ slid Blrong purpose bad lot upon It Instinctively a4ulek aiming of her ym athlu and fcellngj an ladeflnlte attraoticn toward this man whose appearance compeHed her admtrallon- Dariag her scarcely perceptible pause la tile the stranger with a swift but erltiealKlujice had tap lathe I swoet faco And glrlsn foi mThin lib started forward with tho 1mlf question halt assertion Mrs Leigh I am ro mistaken Bun hold out her hand with n smllo til welcome No you are not mistaken she said with tho easy gracious moiuior th t icalo her personality eo wfnnng J- am Mrs aud you urn Dr WIN son I know I aii very glad to moot you and doubly glad to welcome you to my homo because I really cannot led that lire a Elranger but rather an friend whom I have hcnrJ of and talked Otto often Her words gratified him very much You honor mo too highly ho rn- Bwered pressing the han she oil rod MlnTo be numbered among your friends Is n privilege I cetnau niosjt deeply Brian and I have bern friends ofsuch long standing tlmt the pleasure I feel of meet rug hlanlfnju twofold Im afraid you find his wife very 10 miss put in Margaret flushing bright- ly ¬ Ltd seating herself In tho chair ho placed or her She must really ask jour pardon for not being at homo whim ou arrived Her only excuse Is a very whlmstoal ithloh took her out ablate thutsho could not got Lack at a rensonrblotlmo She Is fully excuse rejoined WIN eon mooting her smlllna glutica We got boo about ten minutes ago und Brian left mo to nmko himself more presentable ho sold I was admiring rome of your curios when jou camo In- I knew you at once Bettcs descrlp Lion It so accurao and Ivo bad the picture of you in my mind- I think Decile Is inclined to exagger- ate ¬ sometimes Doctor Still I hope you have not found the original cy dluap lonting Muito the contrary Mra Leigh Man tells mo Urns you have only been In Now YOlk a vry slort UinesuI Buprose you lavn not hal sufficient op ¬ portunity sec how great and Impo- rtant ¬ we urn But you have visited a Croat iUiifl place s of InUiust no doubt Yes qulto a number though very tar from all I am eWe Oftouraa it isa great cltJlaR1 ro doubt a delghtful DnelIn I ridiculously unnpprocla lIvo but Indeed I like rome less pro ¬ tentious places be terIt IsnllnolsG and uproar to me To I quite eliQpk ou7 Im Incurably duvocd to country life you BOP I cannot onjoy any other I hats try othr Thcio thats droad ully childish Ha regarded hor face with an Intxnt rather puzzled glance ietycm have established yourself very delightfully ho BftU as If an swoi lug an argument lu his own mlna I fancy you must Intend n long stay Yes It way be That is I dont know I hope It depends on cir- cumstances ¬ thnk fcho spoke rather disconnectedly and anxious to divert any her words might make upon him she hast- ened ¬ to add- Dont misunderstand mOl pleRSl dont wish you to think actually dis ¬ like tho city I find it Interesting many ways but I have not that Mod nation which some people feel for it I was barn In tho country and all my associations hold the memory ot green fields aud bright skies I think that must account for my tastes I know that trick willis and paved trccta tire my oyee Dud I feel a luugTng to rest them ou something that is riot hero Bometlmos I urn utmost determined to go Elmwood just for a day It isnt mar Train hero you know but then Ire iqemborthiat I should have to mayo after the day was over and that would bo lined Bo I think I must always jut that thought aside Brian Is so differ- ent ¬ In his tastes ho likes ihs busy life Ho finds time country dull and lonely and tlmwooj has not tho Bamo attraction lor him that It line for mo He simply endures It Lilt Iwoll I could I 0 there forever because It Is home and I love It J he last words were spoken Inn lower tone but WBon under tooJ the moan- ing ¬ they lucid and his next ranrnrk was In a more feeling vein Wo wJ have to teach yoi to love Now Yori for something moro theta Its Paved streets and brick walls We Uothnmltes are very proud Ao think that all things good an I delightful to La fojnd In this great noisy city of oursMargaret em lcdYoubnvo many desirable advantages that is certain but while you are proud of your wealth you should not forgot your poverty True Aud wo have enough of It The condition of the poor In this city Is miserable in the extreme und perhaps what U more incredible the most oppo ¬ site conditions of prosperity und want exist lu such cloie proximity I was most forcibly impressed with this fact a few days ago 1 was passing alongono of the streets just from Fifth ave- nue ¬ There were el mansions all around me find handsomely dressed children playing under the eyes of watchful nurses Yet a little further Tpasscd into a scene so different that I could ecaroolv credit the testimony of my eyes within an actual etonos throw of splendor and prosperity pov- erty ¬ misery and sin wero running riot It is terrible to think of It A physician whoso practice lies amid such scenes is obliged to see so much of the heart allies of ute- Iupposo so returned Margaret with sigh Such an experience wouldnt do tot mo at all so much wealth on one side aud BO much want- on the other would mako mo loss my faith In God It Is dreadful to say know I have taken myself to task jot even thinking of it but my Bonte of Justice cannot be reconciled There Is some wise decree no doubt in what scorns to unwise but Tell me Don tou ever feel llko taking the world 10 pieces and making it over again He smllod amused at the question and the expression which aocomna- uled It I have often thought It might bo changed to advantage but I do not know that I could manage it successfully ITO BK COJlUnlD J Tb ebit Itielfln a pl c- iqdtrcronna work iiiiii i DUTY PUT ON RRW COlfOM GOES ON TilE LIST AT TWENTY PEIl CENT AD i IonEM SENATOR BACON SCORES VICTORY Georgian Secures Amendment to T rlfl- Ulll Aflci n Hunt and Spirited Tight In the Senate By the decisive vote of 12 to 19 the senate Tuesday adopted an amend- ment ¬ to time tariff bill placing raw cot ¬ ton the gient product of the south oil time dutiable list at 20 per coM ml va loicm It is tho first time in the history of tariff legislation that n duty ou cotton lisa been incorporated in a bill The amendment was proposed by Mr Bacon Ga on his individual re- sponsibility ¬ and without the approval of tho finance committee which thus far has been requisite to the success of oery amendment except minor ono which went through by default The amendment led to a spiiited ¬ bate democratic senators disclosing a wide difference of views and at times exchanging sharp personal criticisms- On the final vote six democrats Bacon Olay of Georgia Enneiy of Louisiana McLnurin and Till manor South Carolina and Raw linn of Utah Tofcd with the repub- licans ¬ for tbeBucou amendment while the negative vote was solidly demo- cratic ¬ with ono exception Kyle popu ¬ listThe debate ou cotton took up the most of the day and but little progress was made on the bill Early in the day the sugar schedule was passed over nUll the agricultural schedule taken up Less than two pages were disposed of during the day The par- agraph on cattle wont over but the balance of the agricultural schedule up to and including paragraph 228 was agreed to ns reported all amend ¬ ments except that of Mr Bacon being rejected Senator Bacon who led the fight was ably seconded by Senators Clay McLanrin Tillnmn and several other democrats but the successful passage- of amendment came only after one of the most sensational debates of the session It was a dobato in which Senator Bacon had arrayed against him Jones find Vest and Gray and Caffery and in which tho Georgian more than hold his own He not only made an Un- answerable defense olhia position hut liddled the contentions of his critics FATHER SHOOTS HIS BOY Its Innocent Dbturbel llli Drunk- en ¬ Slumber- At Atlanta Tuesday night Thoma- sJ McOlaiu a painter jumped from a bed ou which be was lying in a half drunken stupor and seizing n pistol sent a bullet into the brain of his five year oltl son By the side of n table the littlo boy was finishing his evening meal Tho father had been on n Debauch forsome days and lay upon tbe bed apparently asleep The prattle of the innocent child disturbed his druuken slumber Without n word of warning ho sprang Vora the boil and picking up a rc folver leveled it at the child anti with an oath pulled the trigger The man then ran from the room aud es- caped ¬ STRENGTH OF INSURGENTS- Eight Thou mint Yen Armed Men and Many Other Not Armed After months passed compiling data which is confirmed by competent well informed impartial parties the correspondent of thin Associated Press- at Havana in able to announce that in be country comprised between Capo San Antonio Piuar del Rio and Jucaro Moron military line of the province of 1 nerto Principe there two 8000 insur eats well armed with rifles and sub divided into small bands The latter live during the best part of the year in the woods anti moun- tains ¬ Besides these baud tbero are many thousands of Cuban natives in the insurgent camps who are either unarmed or onlyarmcd with machetes FIREWORKS FACTORY BLOWN UP Match Dropped By Workman Cauieil DU- Mtcr Many Peron Injured A match carelessly dropped by ono of the workmen inthe fireworks facto ¬ ry of M Shuro at Chicago caused a terrific explosion a few minutes after 6 oclock Tuesday night It was shortly after closing time and many of tbe workmen hind gone home otherwise the loss of life would hare beeH very heavy As it was a number of employees were badly hurt and the flying rockets and candles struck several people who were passing on the sidewalks Twentyfive persons were more or less injured by flying missiles FLORIDA G NTHA IKDPJlHHal BAIHOAD Now Florida and Northern Air Lino and Florida Trunk Line TIME TABLE IN EFFECT JAN 20 1897 I c 33 I dlII ODTUEac POllfT r t3 c g J j tj3c- S 1 A 1 is it A- 2D ItOOs 65p tfJbnfl Slip goo Pi2p iO8Oa- 448p = 900i UtOa Yuke 247p118 82P 11261 11 Na- 5201i g8a 12 Ip UFrnlIdIY ftp TSOp 10 15- 68tp t087a lot llOOj Eyerettax 1O9ji ItO SlJp 7toa7- BOA 2 lOp ie UraseickiV lOp iliRp 2 tip Ii hOt Savannah IL2p 500 Sp- toIIJ20p ascp II 20 vhvnnliar 1122p 4601 lOGOs C21p- SOOp 4111 44p l2O IrFarfaxly 93PI sOOto 803 220p SOp 2 b8p 52p 217 Denmxrk 85ia 217a tSQI l3p1- 04s i 8 lOc Anitsta 610- 1llpSCp 863 1 Colalnla 7271T ll f5s- I I lUa Sprtnt 112- 0I tOp A I liZIii U OO 8 ro Charlotte S 15a 101111- oSO 9 25a 12M110 47 Iaiiabnry 35a SSOp 8171- l044t 11lIJO I 283k 787p Trt- 1200r 240 1801DII1TllIe 11la 82111 5 fOa- 6oo o fOp 1200n iOOa 16111 4 4i 3C51 Tynohbg it lop 8Mp 30- 33it G2t 5OpChriInIo 020p II1p l55i 642 0 4is 940p WItKLn 620p 11111a 10 Sa- 800s 11 08t ii 2 J lUmore 11001 0l2a 92Op- 1015a 11111 256s lhllllel I 720a d liMP 1243p S 8p 023sNerYork1210e 2l5p 480p OOllp 80Ilp fltn tOO gOOa OINOINNATIJAOKSONVILLE a Chicago Tole- do tII c od Dstrolt i1od b 5 ClOTeUnd- LonliTl a t- g g NaihTlilo lId Zij2 Indianapolis Cmcinand 8 to 1 65pm- 903pm LvJaekalo Ar 9KUro e 12I 1087- 446p ArErcrett Lv 6 43im 85i 1 65101 ilkcon- AtUnt 1 40m l023s 745 480 m 11 Wpm 720 4 43 m- 710pm LT XtUnU Ar 10 Wpm 0- O2tim 5 Ar ChatnR LT 6 ISpn 1210J Ar Olnnatl LT 8 Jam ASHEVILLE KOOTEThrough Puiiuun- Blcepar between JtcktonTllle anil Cincinnati I by Jacksourille 900wa- 1120pm L BdVnnlb Arl 4couii- uS55imArColnmnbii t7m1- 041Sm ArSpataubnrgLv l120pm 12 5m Ar HenderomnllieLv II OOpm I Opm ir lhnilio Lv 2 Olpm- 2ipm t ArllotSpring rT 11 80sm- 2pnu 7 LT 8 iSan- 2sm Ar LexlnRton LT to m- 715am ArOlaclallDILLT 811PID HOLLY SPRINGS ROUTE MemphIs St Louis and Xnaa i City Nose I I N03el 6 6pm Lv JcItMOnYlU lit DOam llII04UI ly AtlantsLv ii 10 JIm 12 Ollpm lilrmninghsm 420pm S Ullul II Holly prioK 2111- J6am If SI Lou 800mn n ltiahl Ohlcalo 4 00 pin 10 2Opni Ar MOinilihi LT II 8Drt l12Gpm Kinias City 110 WIlD ol 8 South and Vest Nos 7 OI- It I IS NO e Jrlurld and A 14 6 10 Daily Daily Iisw Orleans Daily Dafly 745 LyPeruaodiniAr 1IIOp- lOOa LT CIIboAr 41l1p- I 20p gUll LyJackioimhllikr 7 85a 4 15 01111 9411a Arflaldwin Lv 645 1111p- II 37p 1058 ArStark5L 11171 nap l3 Iii 1120 ArWldoI 4 40s 1I0Qp- I ooa UOp AtOalnetvllloL IS to iO 53 080 f 12 1I5a1211DAHwtboro1oL18Oa I 09p 1 SOa IHOp rOllnL11 O8IIUo liSp Ar8ilvetSpringLv1201P 2 aOa 11Ur Ar OcaL 1 45s J ArHomoiussL 8 37s 2SOp WlldwoodLT 12 05 iO5li Ii 2s Olp ArWlbtncL to lIp 1022- S a os l28p r1InrMLT 9 tSp 954 8 60 4 47p Ar Orlando Lv 720p S 8Si- II lOa 5 ArWlntsr PulrL1 t 2 SSp 8 lOs 4Ha SISpArStCIIhCCIUOLPlOfaSpiOlSi 5 lOs 388p Ar r- b 27 S rIhdeOltyLv 10181 OS7a- o 20s 4 461ArPlinIOit7L OO6p 89 7 SQa S3OpJAr TsrnpiL lOOp 800 a Parlor Care on tics 0 and 10 btween Jack ionuille andTamnp- ai So Western O1VII No e- Dallr No2 Ion aud New No I Daily llJ xSun Daily Orloan Daily UIDD II oop 9 Ilia LrJacksonville Ly 805 tlllp7- SOp 112 rLike CityL 6 05s 1 OQ- p20p 12181 ArLtve OskLv UI ta ISp 9 2j I lOp ArStsdlonLv Sla 11 07a 10 SOp 2 BSp ArlloutfcelloLT 8 lOs 0 40- Il SOp 880p ArTallahuses LT 241 900- s4SOpArQnincyLr 1 42a- S lip rhtiyerJimncL lOs- LOOp krIensaeolsLv 1205r 803- p805a14rUobileLy 480p- 785a1ArNew 1 SLEEPING CAR 8KUVKJK- Kos81 8 and IIJ New York sod Tlurld Limited Solid 7cttlbal Train very elegant with Oomnpartmnni Obeeryatloim Dining nd Pullman BleePwl > between New York JaeksonTllI sad St Attlfultlne No S5and Is Put Mall Sleepers butwees New Tork and JackionTille also carries tbi CincInnati and Florid vis Everett a wild TMtlbnle train and tha Cincinnati Bleeps- TI AihoTiUai lto the St Lout Connection for Obieigo it Cincinnati or Holly Bprlngit only one chants of Bleep < ouneotlon for uu City it Holly BprloRii only one oliange of Sleeper Pullman ptenRen for Atlanta pruper take the Bt Louis Sleeper Parlor Oars on Nos 9 and 1C bj wo n okaonTlllo and Tampa NOI 1 and 2 Through Pullman Bleepor betireen J ck on nl New Orleans Only thronKh h sleeper line bstwson those Daily Snnd y I Tbll train doss not run Mondiy I Sunday and Monday only lOonnectloni at Tamp for St Petersburg Manatee UlTor and Key West steamer Btetmer Manatee for all points on Manatee HTCT At Stark for LaOmM At w ldo ate mtr for Meliow OoaneoU at TaUshassee for BtJIrk Crbello and ApalaeU cola Connect at ItlTer Junction for Uhttiooohee river steamer Connects at OoJ fo Eomotawa Connects at Fernandlna for CamberUnd Root steamer to tho Islands and Jlru wick AU baggage Wilt be checked from Untoa Depot Tickets will itlll be sold at the city ticke- tSC m HORIn street is well u It ths Depot ticket offloe W CAMPBELL Fuitnfttr Agent J Et Ticket Agent 202 West By itrxt corner Hogan JaoluonTllliTFla 7AK IlTai0OLEMANOener rll1uvellnlt ABenJokionTllU Nj r ger A O MAoDONELL Otnerkl Paynger Agent l j t j I i- 1dj 1 SEND US YOUR JOB WORK Nice Work r 1 ftD t- a Cheat Prhes- t

Chipley Banner. (Chipley, Florida) 1897-06-19 [p ].chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn95047263/1897-06-19/ed...Ko furthnr allusion to her going away yes made during the meal though

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vlc 4



CUAlTEIt XV ContinuedTho Colonel mot thorn at tho dlnlug

room door and Nell approaching rathercautiously gae him a expectant

I hJfqueaUonIng1g1ance-Her rears wero qulto groundless how-


I for as BOOD ns he had soon Marga-ret


I and heard that she was gong to-

Iwe thnm Boeojn he had no thoughtfor any ono else

VJ I dont know how we shall do with-


you he said bending over her withkindly affeotlcii Dertlo told mo youwere going and I have been anticipat ¬

lug my own loneliness Have yoa> grown tired of us so son He took

her face between his handaonUregardedf

It with a geutouess in which a varietyof crdotons fount expression Youare In hurry to leave usbe added sadly

i Ah DO aba hastened to answer aeher eyes grow dim end a painful flushoverspread her cheeks

Tho gentleman did not answer for nv second during which his lace worked

with feeling and tender light filled hiseyesYou are bravo girl ho said ratherunsteadily at last a true brave girlHeaven will bless you as jou deserveDont let that ooundrcl como near mej I might bo tempted-

You nro so hard on him Colonelt Dont

Dont blome him I suppose Ah4 Margaret you are llko the rest of your

sex always ready to defend the menwho breaks your heart Voll well Illnot be hard for your sake but when I

1 think Never mind well mles youchlU every ono of us Dont quite for-got


your old Irlonds you wott find thenow ones half BO truo

Margarets eyei grew dim endeho foundhereolt Incapable of ah anawe

Alice noting her distress broke In

with somo light remarks which Nelltojk up notwlthstandng her unclesformidable presence and discussedvolubly

Under this respite Margaret regained-her selfposresBlqn and began to speakqulto

Ko furthnr allusion to her going awayyes made during the meal though eachone Bcemol qu to tnlkatvo Nell par ¬

ticularly airing her opinions freely andrccolviiR no roj roof for her tomorlty

But when tile tme came to soy good

1 by and Margaret was ready to go theColonel dlfTcgtudlnR the hand she hold-

outt to hm her In his arms andteudtry almost reverently kissed herbrow-

I know it would bo hard eho Bobbedbreaking down oJmpletely1 knowthis would be the hardest of all

No It fchunt to Margaret ho saIdputting her gently from him I do notwish to pain you child oven for a mo¬

ment 1 ut 1 am very deeply moved tolOp you go Irom us under such circum ¬

at necsYour bravery and devotionwill have Its rewatd be sure ot thatRemember me when you need sympathyor advloo for I would not bo worthy thename of friend if cmId cot show myaffection in time of adversity as wellns prosperity and I know that not evenyour own could be more anxiousto help you than I am

For many long days Margaret car-ried


in her heart the memory of his kindwords sympathetic voice

As she roJe homo hlhe winterafternoon toward the chain of beautifullulls which shut In tho quiet peacefulvillage her fanny tfngod with Indescrib-able


melancholy every surrounding ob ¬

ject and the melancholy lingered longafter bor eyes bad ceased to uporthe cenp that bad cngCn erodt-


Margaret I think I shall bring Wllton to d nncr tonight I met him yestordav and be asked about you He haaheard Bertie lauding you to the ekloaand naturally ho lfl anxious to see theparson

lhat too bad of Bertie I-

dont pose aa aparagon Brian and in ¬

deed I dont caret to be one I do wantto meet Dr Wilson though and If youwilt only correct his false Impression1 wish you would bringlug

Ill bring him but Ill leave you tocorrect or his impressions Iknow youll be equal to the emergencyIn either cue should really apsreeiaUt compliment he pays youI dot believe I ever him ex

ri preee acleelreto meet any one beforec e IIyl Whylloel quite rain ILope he a cynic

Ob no It la rather Indifference Ithlac Ho Isnt particularly sociablethatI be visitingPeople follow kits BP though like thedeuce aad ties eeseUered quite a catchIB the mtrlaaeiai fe4 AST numberof ugler w la JA glad to land himThe power el Moaejr you see Well IHUM fee oIL I aaaBt be home to lunchGood Tow wont be lonely

Ko or

BrUn lets Margaret withbueUoB aa1elTcla1he-


U atway after lidke MA she JaM aaswered untruth

wa very loaely-ind MO UiUe to Ifiterest krsOi-

Ltbe beg dull nonilBgae met QMM Is luaeh tit as

dlii not Her ftjQa wss

spent In seeing tho sights of NewJTorkshopping cilllng on hor few friendsand here s at tho theater whenBrian would take her but moro often-at home alone whoa ho had some en-


whisk bo could not possiblydefer

From these engagements ho wouldreturn late in with thoheavy stumWIng steps which toldtheir own story and which alwaysstruck so heavily on Margarets heartas she waited sleoplcso and auiious

This was the of the ten daystho had spent In Now York and Bho-

spemetJ as far away from the rewardthe Colonel had promised her as whenshe left Elmwood

Under other olrcumstansei she cojlJhave been not precisely hop y be-


she was too thoroughly a child ofnature not to mIss with fin Intensitytow could understand tho rostulpeaceful Influences ofhor countryhomo Yet she could have found con-tentment la this charming llttlo apart-ment


with its comforts and luxuriesIts situation was convenient and de-


In the heart of the city sur-rounded


by places Tjf Interest andamusement and near tho various clubswhere Brian was foad of spending hitime

She was In the center of bustle andactivity Fr her window she could

ar UlA throbbing pulse of a life thatwas noter stllltllo ocr sounJingor hcstia of a busy city thu mightyrovof the ljnted trains with Iholr-ioUy whizzing echoes tho sound ofthe heavy drays passing over hojb lestonea the tumble ofi arriagos anJ the long line of pedce-trl m made up an ever moving overhaving lunoraina of human life

hope and ambition upn which sho1nzod wth feelings that biojght liceown lonollneea and Isolation morekeenly before her

How was tho to fill the long hoursthat must pass before dinner shoasked herself Should Dim go throughthe stores uiiJ see tho beaut f thingsthe shop windows displayed so temptuclyV

That wunotlinteresting when onehad no companion to exchange oplnOIlS with Time crowls woarlel her

too She felt to utterly nlone amidsttIe busy thronRt where friendlyglanco seldom If over greeted her Atmnio it Dsro different ilicro shocoud soo a fainlliar lace In everyliufBorby

Ko Bho would not go out toDay shoItcldcil at last She woud stay Atowe and reull and try to emunu theontentment of tp nt which promptedNornh under all clreumsaticoi tj singuherrllv ov rllor work Yet It wast brlgit Cay to spend Indoors Thesun which always sojmo 1 to her prejnheed fancy to shins thiou rh ayulioworthicker ntmoephoi o lay warm andgolilru on the IIOBI iois opposite Itlompt d her with Its cleortness Butpsl nwlwhero wai tho leasuro In walkingoJately over the hard pavewcnt How

could that coinpa o with a dellglufulgallop over the hills at Loin-

ctAlithosoglorloujrldasl Why cqulJntt-lioao tall willis crumble away Whycouldnt the jovcd streets this horrlJ-uoso and din by the tou It of somefnnvu hand nlvo pluco to thin famlllnr-lillls and fields Kot for long o ly formo dnyust ono day How the woulduse every hotrof that dny-

jih would have lifr usual ilJo onMottles tkok Iwilf Tjiey would calLcr away through tho cool utlll mor-

nIIIrSue woulil feel tile Invigoratingulr against her cheek nul the gladsense of Irceh now lifo tlnyiliiK in herelns Sho would go to Tho Cedars and

talk i< Itli Alice and the Coloiul nillaugh over Nels rldlcuous nonsenseund ei so hapiy Elm would tuim In tokiss tho chlldroi OB Uioy pressed theirilttto fcccs ngahiBt the euiory windowand she would Lnd time for a few min-utes


with Mr Martin to ask her how-ler rheumatism was sal hear if thood man had brim out blncehls sicknessAll there was to much Eho would do Ifsho could be iii home toduy

Nanny conic In to icuiovo the break ¬

fast things and she askoJ twIce fur thoorUers for luncheon arid dinner boforo-Xargaret hear her

Jndco I dont know the said atlasr trying to fix liar mind on thcsohousehold details lou and Womb < xerel your Ingenuity locny IMpar-tlcularly like a nice dlnntr < as MrLeigh will bring a frlnnd homo withhim Men must bo ted ou know evenit tho world goes tOlccc8 It Is thplrfalling to think moro of their dinnersthan anything clue and wo have tohumor It So joi and Norah must doyour best

Quito late 1n the afternoon Margaretrather Suddenly decide h that shestand the house no longer So prepar-ing


herself for a walk she was soonupon the street <

Whoa she arrived homo itwas nearlydinner time and secretly upbraidinghertelf for eloyliig out BO late she be ¬

gan to dress as qulokiy as possibleI should bo drei4fuliysorry If I > r

AVIIson should cone and I net ready toreceive him Bho confided to her reflec-tion


In the mirror I thouldnt knowNow to excuse myself Will it Is ratherInto and if they have como cannothelp

Ilben the entered the parlor fiveminutes afterwards shefound notbut a tAU Onolooklna man who aroseat her on air of chlvairy perfectly In ac ord with the noble

faelThl1tlace Impressed Margaret at onceNot so much with Its beauty of featureand expression us with its firmness ofcharacter its strength of intellect andtho ennobling loBuento which high en-


slid Blrong purpose bad lotupon It Instinctively a4ulekaiming of her ym athlu and fcellngjan ladeflnlte attraoticn toward this manwhose appearance compeHed heradmtrallon-

Dariag her scarcely perceptible pausela tile the stranger with aswift but erltiealKlujice had tap lathe


swoet faco And glrlsn foi mThin libstarted forward with tho 1mlf questionhalt assertion

Mrs Leigh I am ro mistakenBun hold out her hand with n smllo til

welcomeNo you are not mistaken she said

with tho easy gracious moiuior th ticalo her personality eo wfnnng J-

am Mrs aud you urn Dr WINson I know I aii very glad to mootyou and doubly glad to welcome you tomy homo because I really cannot ledthat lire a Elranger but rather an

friend whom I have hcnrJ of andtalked Otto often

Her words gratified him very muchYou honor mo too highly ho rn-

Bwered pressing the han she oil rodMlnTo be numbered among yourfriends Is n privilege I cetnau niosjtdeeply Brian and I have bernfriends ofsuch long standing tlmt thepleasure I feel of meet rug hlanlfnjutwofold

Im afraid you find his wife very 10miss put in Margaret flushing bright-ly


Ltd seating herself In tho chair hoplaced or her She must really askjour pardon for not being at homo whim

ou arrived Her only excuse Is a verywhlmstoal ithloh took herout ablate thutsho could not got Lackat a rensonrblotlmo

She Is fully excuse rejoined WINeon mooting her smlllna glutica Wegot boo about ten minutes ago undBrian left mo to nmko himself morepresentable ho sold I was admiringrome of your curios when jou camo In-

I knew you at once Bettcs descrlpLion It so accurao and Ivo bad thepicture of you in my mind-

I think Decile Is inclined to exagger-ate


sometimes Doctor Still I hope youhave not found the original cy dluaplonting

Muito the contrary Mra LeighMan tells mo Urns you have only beenIn Now YOlk a vry slort UinesuIBuprose you lavn not hal sufficient op ¬

portunity sec how great and Impo-rtant


we urn But you have visited aCroat iUiifl place s of InUiust no doubt

Yes qulto a number though very tarfrom all I am eWe Oftouraa it isagreat cltJlaR1 ro doubt a delghtfulDnelIn I ridiculously unnpproclalIvo but Indeed I like rome less pro ¬

tentious places be terIt IsnllnolsGand uproar to me To I quite eliQpk

ou7 Im Incurably duvocd to countrylife you BOP I cannot onjoy any otherI hats try othr Thcio thats droadully childish

Ha regarded hor face with an Intxntrather puzzled glance

ietycm have established yourselfvery delightfully ho BftU as If answoi lug an argument lu his own mlnaI fancy you must Intend n long stay

Yes It way be That is I dontknow I hope It depends on cir-cumstances


thnkfcho spoke rather disconnectedly and

anxious to divert any herwords might make upon him she hast-ened


to add-Dont misunderstand mOl pleRSl

dont wish you to think actually dis ¬

like tho city I find it Interestingmany ways but I have not that Modnation which some people feel for itI was barn In tho country and all myassociations hold the memory ot greenfields aud bright skies I think thatmust account for my tastes I knowthat trick willis and paved trccta tiremy oyee Dud I feel a luugTng to restthem ou something that is riot heroBometlmos I urn utmost determined togo Elmwood just for a day It isntmar Train hero you know but then Ireiqemborthiat I should have to mayo afterthe day was over and that would bolined Bo I think I must always jutthat thought aside Brian Is so differ-ent


In his tastes ho likes ihs busy lifeHo finds time country dull and lonely andtlmwooj has not tho Bamo attractionlor him that It line for mo He simplyendures It Lilt Iwoll I could I 0

there forever because It Is home andI love It

J he last words were spoken Inn lowertone but WBon under tooJ the moan-ing


they lucid and his next ranrnrk wasIn a more feeling vein

Wo wJ have to teach yoi to loveNow Yori for something moro theta ItsPaved streets and brick walls WeUothnmltes are very proud Ao thinkthat all things good an I delightful toLa fojnd In this great noisy city of

oursMargaret em lcdYoubnvo manydesirable advantages that is certainbut while you are proud of your wealthyou should not forgot your poverty

True Aud wo have enough of ItThe condition of the poor In this city Ismiserable in the extreme und perhapswhat U more incredible the most oppo ¬

site conditions of prosperity und wantexist lu such cloie proximity I wasmost forcibly impressed with this fact afew days ago 1 was passing alongonoof the streets just from Fifth ave-nue


There were el mansions allaround me find handsomely dressedchildren playing under the eyes ofwatchful nurses Yet a little furtherTpasscd into a scene so different that Icould ecaroolv credit the testimony ofmy eyes within an actual etonosthrow of splendor and prosperity pov-erty


misery and sin wero running riotIt is terrible to think of It A physicianwhoso practice lies amid such scenes isobliged to see so much of the heartallies of ute-

Iupposo so returned Margaretwith sigh Such an experiencewouldnt do tot mo at all so muchwealth on one side aud BO much want-on the other would mako mo loss myfaith In God It Is dreadful to sayknow I have taken myself to task joteven thinking of it but my Bonte ofJustice cannot be reconciled There Issome wise decree no doubt in whatscorns to unwise but Tell meDon tou ever feel llko taking the world10 pieces and making it over again

He smllod amused at the questionand the expression which aocomna-uled It

I have often thought It might bochanged to advantage but I do not knowthat I could manage it successfully


Tb ebit Itielfln a pl c-

iqdtrcronna work

iiiiii i





Georgian Secures Amendment to T rlfl-

Ulll Aflci n Hunt and SpiritedTight In the Senate

By the decisive vote of 12 to 19 thesenate Tuesday adopted an amend-ment


to time tariff bill placing raw cot ¬

ton the gient product of the south oiltime dutiable list at 20 per coM ml valoicm

It is tho first time in the history of

tariff legislation that n duty ou cottonlisa been incorporated in a bill

The amendment was proposed byMr Bacon Ga on his individual re-


and without the approvalof tho finance committee which thusfar has been requisite to the success of

oery amendment except minor onowhich went through by default

The amendment led to a spiiited ¬

bate democratic senators disclosing awide difference of views and at timesexchanging sharp personal criticisms-

On the final vote six democratsBacon Olay of Georgia Enneiyof Louisiana McLnurin and Tillmanor South Carolina and Rawlinn of Utah Tofcd with the repub-licans


for tbeBucou amendment whilethe negative vote was solidly demo-cratic


with ono exception Kyle popu¬

listThe debate ou cotton took up themost of the day and but little progresswas made on the bill Early in theday the sugar schedule was passedover nUll the agricultural scheduletaken up Less than two pages weredisposed of during the day The par-

agraph on cattle wont over but thebalance of the agricultural scheduleup to and including paragraph 228was agreed to ns reported all amend ¬

ments except that of Mr Bacon beingrejected

Senator Bacon who led the fightwas ably seconded by Senators ClayMcLanrin Tillnmn and several otherdemocrats but the successful passage-of amendment came only after oneof the most sensational debates of thesession

It was a dobato in which SenatorBacon had arrayed against him Jonesfind Vest and Gray and Caffery andin which tho Georgian more than holdhis own He not only made an Un-

answerable defense olhia positionhut liddled the contentions of hiscritics


Its Innocent Dbturbel llli Drunk-en



At Atlanta Tuesday night Thoma-sJ McOlaiu a painter jumped from abed ou which be was lying in a halfdrunken stupor and seizing n pistolsent a bullet into the brain of his fiveyear oltl son

By the side of n table the littlo boywas finishing his evening meal Thofather had been on n Debauch forsomedays and lay upon tbe bed apparentlyasleep The prattle of the innocentchild disturbed his druuken slumberWithout n word of warning ho sprangVora the boil and picking up a rcfolver leveled it at the child antiwith an oath pulled the trigger Theman then ran from the room aud es-



Eight Thou mint Yen Armed Men andMany Other Not Armed

After months passed compilingdata which is confirmed by competentwell informed impartial parties thecorrespondent of thin Associated Press-at Havana in able to announce that inbe country comprised between CapoSan Antonio Piuar del Rio and JucaroMoron military line of the province of1 nerto Principe there two 8000 insur

eats well armed with rifles and subdivided into small bands

The latter live during the best partof the year in the woods anti moun-tains


Besides these baud tbero aremany thousands of Cuban natives inthe insurgent camps who are eitherunarmed or onlyarmcd with machetes


Match Dropped By Workman Cauieil DU-

Mtcr Many Peron InjuredA match carelessly dropped by ono

of the workmen inthe fireworks facto ¬

ry of M Shuro at Chicago caused aterrific explosion a few minutes after6 oclock Tuesday night

It was shortly after closing time andmany of tbe workmen hind gone homeotherwise the loss of life would harebeeH very heavy

As it was a number of employeeswere badly hurt and the flying rocketsand candles struck several people whowere passing on the sidewalks

Twentyfive persons were more orless injured by flying missiles


Now Florida and Northern Air Lino andFlorida Trunk Line


I c





t3 cg J j tj3c-

S 1A 1 is it A-

2D ItOOs 65p tfJbnfl Slip goo Pi2p iO8Oa-


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68tp t087a lot llOOj Eyerettax 1O9ji ItO SlJp 7toa7-

BOA 2 lOp ie UraseickiV lOpiliRp 2 tip Ii hOt Savannah IL2p 500 Sp-

toIIJ20p ascp II 20 vhvnnliar 1122p 4601 lOGOs C21p-SOOp 4111 44p l2O IrFarfaxly 93PI sOOto 803 220p

SOp 2 b8p 52p 217 Denmxrk 85ia 217a tSQI l3p1-04si 8 lOc Anitsta 610-

1llpSCp 863 1 Colalnla 7271T ll f5s-

I I lUa Sprtnt 112-0I tOp A I

liZIii U OO 8 ro Charlotte S 15a 101111-

oSO9 25a

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800s 11 08t ii 2 J lUmore 11001 0l2a 92Op-1015a 11111 256s lhllllel I 720a d liMP1243p S 8p 023sNerYork1210e 2l5p 480pOOllp 80Ilp fltn tOO gOOa


dotII c od Dstrolt i1odb 5 ClOTeUnd-LonliTl

a t-

g gNaihTlilo lIdZij2


8 to 1 65pm-903pm

LvJaekalo Ar 9KUro e 12I1087-446p

ArErcrett Lv 6 43im 85i1 65101 ilkcon-

AtUnt1 40m l023s

745 480 m 11 Wpm 7204 43 m-


LT XtUnU Ar 10 Wpm 0-


Ar ChatnR LT 6 ISpn 1210JAr Olnnatl LT 8 Jam

ASHEVILLE KOOTEThrough Puiiuun-Blcepar between JtcktonTllle anil Cincinnati

I by Jacksourille 900wa-1120pm L BdVnnlb Arl 4couii-uS55imArColnmnbii t7m1-

041Sm ArSpataubnrgLv l120pm12 5m Ar HenderomnllieLv II OOpm

I Opm ir lhnilio Lv 2 Olpm-2ipmt ArllotSpring rT 11 80sm-2pnu7 LT 8 iSan-2sm Ar LexlnRton LT to m-

715am ArOlaclallDILLT 811PID

HOLLY SPRINGS ROUTEMemphIs St Louis and Xnaa i City

Nose I I N03el

6 6pm Lv JcItMOnYlU lit DOamllII04UI ly AtlantsLv ii 10 JIm

12 Ollpm lilrmninghsm 420pmS Ullul II Holly prioK 2111-

J6amIf SI Lou 800mnn ltiahl Ohlcalo 4 00 pin10 2Opni Ar MOinilihi LT II 8Drtl12Gpm Kinias City 110 WIlD

ol 8 South and Vest Nos 7 OI-


IS NO e Jrlurld and A 14 6 10

Daily Daily Iisw Orleans Daily Dafly

745 LyPeruaodiniAr 1IIOp-

lOOa LT CIIboAr 41l1p-

I 20p gUll LyJackioimhllikr 7 85a 4 15

01111 9411a Arflaldwin Lv 645 1111p-

II 37p 1058 ArStark5L 11171 napl3 Iii 1120 ArWldoI 4 40s 1I0Qp-

I ooa UOp AtOalnetvllloL IS to iO 53080 f

12 1I5a1211DAHwtboro1oL18Oa I 09p1 SOa IHOp rOllnL11 O8IIUo

liSp Ar8ilvetSpringLv1201P2 aOa 11Ur Ar OcaL 1 45s

JArHomoiussL8 37s 2SOp WlldwoodLT 12 05 iO5liIi 2s Olp ArWlbtncL to lIp 1022-S

aos l28p r1InrMLT 9 tSp 954

8 60 4 47p Ar Orlando Lv 720p S 8Si-

II lOa 5 ArWlntsr PulrL1 t2 SSp 8 lOs4Ha SISpArStCIIhCCIUOLPlOfaSpiOlSi5 lOs 388p Ar


b 27 S rIhdeOltyLv 10181 OS7a-o 20s 4 461ArPlinIOit7L OO6p 897 SQa S3OpJAr TsrnpiL lOOp 800 a

Parlor Care on tics 0 and 10 btween Jackionuille andTamnp-

aiSo Western O1VII No e-

Dallr No2 Ion aud New No I Daily llJ

xSun Daily Orloan Daily UIDD

II oop 9 Ilia LrJacksonville Ly 805 tlllp7-

SOp 112 rLike CityL 6 05s 1 OQ-p20p 12181 ArLtve OskLv UI ta ISp

9 2j I lOp ArStsdlonLv Sla 11 07a10 SOp 2 BSp ArlloutfcelloLT 8 lOs 0 40-

Il SOp 880p ArTallahuses LT 241 900-s4SOpArQnincyLr 1 42a-S lip rhtiyerJimncL lOs-

LOOp krIensaeolsLv1205r

803-p805a14rUobileLy 480p-785a1ArNew



and IIJ New York sod Tlurld Limited Solid 7cttlbal Train very elegant withOomnpartmnni Obeeryatloim Dining nd Pullman BleePwl > between New York JaeksonTllIsad St Attlfultlne

No S5and Is Put Mall Sleepers butwees New Tork and JackionTille also carries tbiCincInnati and Florid vis Everett a wild TMtlbnle train and tha Cincinnati Bleeps-TI AihoTiUai lto the St Lout

Connection for Obieigo it Cincinnati or Holly Bprlngit only one chants of Bleep <ouneotlon for uu City it Holly BprloRii only one oliange of Sleeper

Pullman ptenRen for Atlanta pruper take the Bt Louis SleeperParlor Oars on Nos 9 and 1C bj wo n okaonTlllo and TampaNOI 1 and 2 Through Pullman Bleepor betireen J ck on nl New Orleans Only

thronKh h sleeper line bstwson thoseDaily Snnd y I Tbll train doss not run Mondiy I Sunday and Monday only

lOonnectloni at Tamp for St Petersburg Manatee UlTor and Key Weststeamer Btetmer Manatee for all points on Manatee HTCT At Stark for LaOmM Atw ldo ate mtr for Meliow OoaneoU at TaUshassee for BtJIrk Crbello and ApalaeUcola Connect at ItlTer Junction for Uhttiooohee river steamer Connects at OoJ foEomotawa Connects at Fernandlna for CamberUnd Root steamer to tho Islands and Jlruwick

AU baggage Wilt be checked from Untoa Depot Tickets will itlll be sold at the city ticke-tSC m HORIn street is well u It ths Depot ticket offloe

W CAMPBELL Fuitnfttr Agent J EtTicket Agent 202 West By itrxt corner Hogan JaoluonTllliTFla

7AK IlTai0OLEMANOener rll1uvellnlt ABenJokionTllUNj r ger A O MAoDONELL Otnerkl Paynger Agent









Nice Work r1

ftD t-


Cheat Prhes-t