ADVENTURERS VAULT™ Arms and Equipment for All Character Classes G GAME SUPPLEMENT in Logan Bonner Peter Schae

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ADVENTURERS VAULT™ Arms and Equipment for All Character Classes

G G A M E S U P P L E M E N T i n • L o g a n B o n n e r • P e t e r S c h a e

Page 2: 4e Adventurers Vault 2 OCR

C H A P T E R 1


WHEREVER ONE tr ave ls throughout the

w o r l d ( a n d beyond) , m a g i c i tems a re h igh ly sought a l ter (or the i r benef i ts bo th sma l l a n d large.

A d v e n t u r e r s seek out m a g i c a l t reasures to he lp t hem a c h i e v e their goals . M a n y o f those t reasures h a v e h is tor ies that insp i re r u m o r s a n d s p a w n quests.

T h i s chap te r p resents m o r e m a g i c i tems to fill out adven tu re rs ' w i s h l ists.

• A r m o r : S t rong mate r ia l s a n d pro tec t ive magic k e e p b lades a n d arrow's a w a y f r o m y o u r f lesh.

• W e a p o n s : S t r i ke fear into y o u r e n e m i e s w h e n y o u w ie l d a w e a p o n of power .

• A m m u n i t i o n : A r r o w s , bolts, a n d s l ing stones g ive y o u a combat edge at range .

• I m p l e m e n t s : H o l y symbo ls , o rbs . rods , staffs, t omes , totems, a n d w a n d s c h a n n e l v o u r mag ic a n d g ran t spec ia l benef i ts .

• A r m s S l o t I t e m s : S h i e l d s to g u a r d y o u a n d bracers to smi te y o u r foes.

• F e e t S l o t I t e m s : W h e n you need to move qu icke r , j u m p farther, or dodge better, step into one o f these i tems.

• H a n d s S l o t I t e m s : M a g i c gloves a m i gaunt lets not on l y keep your h a n d s w a r m but keep y o u a l i ve .

• H e a d S l o t I t e m s : M a g i c to bolster the m i n d , body, a n d spir i t .

• N e c k S l o t I t e m s : I m p r o v e y o u r defenses in sty le!

• R i n g s : J e w e l r y i m b u e d w i t h p o w e r f u l a n d va r i ed

e n c h a n t m e n t s .

• W a i s t S l o t I t e m s : T h e s e i tems c a n improve y o u r

hea l th a n d inc rease y o u r skil ls—as w e l l as ho ld

y o u r pan ts up.

• W o n d r o u s I t e m s : S t r a n g e a n d fantast ic i tems

w i t h a w i d e range o f uses. • L a i r I t e m s : N e w w o n d r o u s i tems to e n h a n c e your

base of operat ions.

• T a t t o o s : T h e best t h ing about m a g i c o f the f lesh is that it's inseparab le f rom y o u .

• C o n s u m a b l e s : U s e these one-shot i tems to get out of a tough s i tuat ion.

S e v e r a l o f the i tem descr ip t ions a r e augmen ted by

s idebars that offer lore or backg round about the

i t em, p lus one or m o r e adven tu re hooks invo lv ing

the i tem a n d how the cha rac te rs m igh t acqu i re it.

C H A P T E R 1 | M a g i c I t e m s


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ARMOR o r o f S h a r e d H e a l t h

No attack is too devastating to be turned aside.

A r m o r is a n in tegra l par t o f a n y a d v e n t u r e r s gear. F r o m the w iza rd ' s robes a n d the barbar ian 's h ide to the bard 's < h a i n m a i l a n d the pa lad in 's plate, a rmor 's pro tect ion is ava i lab le to eve ry hero .

E n c h a n t m e n t s imp rove the weare r ' s A r m o r ( ! lass . w h e t h e r bv t i l l ing plale a rmor ' s gaps w i t h shields of force or h a r d e n i n g lea ther a r m o r in to someth ing that c a n s lop a bal l ista shot. S e a s o n e d adven tu re rs c a n d e p e n d on magic a r m o r to protect t h e m e v e n I r o m the teeth o f a n anc ient w y r m .

A t least some o f the t ime .

A r m o r o f A e g i s E x p a n s i o n Level 2 -

[•techs oj magicalforce swirl around this light armor, coalescing to deflect titlarks tii|aiusl you and your companions.

Lv l2 +1 520 gp L v M 7 +4 65.000 gp Lv l7 +2 2.600 gp Lvl 22 +5 325.000 gp Lvl 12 + 3 13.000 gp Lvl 27 +6 1.625,000 gp Armor: Cloth, leather Enhancement: AC Power (Encounter): Immediate Interrupt. Trigger. A crea

ture you have marked with your aeais of shielding power targets you and at least one of your allies with an attack. EJJect: The damage of the triggering creature's attack damage is reduced by 5 + the armor's enhancement bonus. Level 12 or 17:10 t- enhancement bonus. Level 22 or 27:15 + enhancement bonus.

A r m o r o f D a r k D e e d s

Swirlinu with shadows, this armor masks you from your enemies.

Lvl 14 ^3 21.000 gp Lvl 24 - 5 52S.0O0gp Lv l19 +4 105,000 gp Lvl 29 <6 2,625,000gp Armor: leather, hide Enhancement: AC Property: W h e n you attack an enemy that is granting

combat advantage to you. you gain concealment until the end of your next turn.

A r m o r o f E n d u r i n g H e a l t h Level

White wearing this armor, you can draw more deeply on your inner resources.

Lvl 23 ' 5 42S.000gp Lvl 28 +6 2,125,OOOgp Armor: Hide, chain Enhancement: AC Property: You can use your second wind one additional time

per encounter.

Level 30

This golden chalranail glows with divine energy that heals you when you help others.

Lvl 30 +6 3.125.000 gp A r m o r Chain Enhancement: AC Property: W h e n you use a healing power that benefits an

ally, you also regain hit points equal to one-half the hit points that ally regains.

A r m o r o f S h a r e d V a l o r Level I 5 I

When you exhort your allies to find oourui|e. ion fin, I il yourself!

Lvl 15 +3 25.000gp Lvl 25 +5 625.000gp Lvl 20 +4 125.000 gp Lvl 30 +6 3.125,000 gp A r m o r Leather, chain Enhancement: AC Property: W h e n you use a power that grants an ally a bonus

to any defense, you gain an equal bonus of the same type to the same defense. This bonus lasts until the power's effect ends or until the end of your next turn.

A r m o r o f S u d d e n R e c o v e r y Level 3^

Vou shrug off deadly conditions easily in this supple armor.

Lvl 3 +1 680 gp Lvl 18 +4 85,000 gp Lvl 8 +2 3.400 gp Lvl 23 +5 425,000 gp Lvl 13 13 1 7.000 gp Lvl 28 +6 2,125.000 gp A r m o r Cloth, leather Enhancement: AC Property: You gain a +-1 item bonus to saving throws against

ongoing damage. Power (Daily • Healing): Minor Action. You can use this

power when you're taking ongoing damage. The ongoing damage ends, and you gain regeneration equal to the amount of the ongoing damage until the end of the encounter.

B a s t i o n A r m o r level 7-

This block}' armor, usually crofted in the thvtirveii Style, is a fityortte ofdwarven defenders,

Lvl 7 -i 2 2,600 gp Lvl 22 +5 Lvl 27 +6

325,000 gp 1,625,000 gp Lvl 12 +3 1 3.000 gp

Lvl 17 +4 65.000 gp A r m o r Scale, plate Enhancement: AC Power (Encounter): Minor Action. You end a mark on you

or an ally adjacent to you.

B l a c k f l o c k R o b e Level 12.

Wrapped in this tattered Welch doth, you can briefly transform into a flock of ravens.

Lvl 12 +3 13.000 gp Lvl 22 +5 325.000 gp Lvl 17 ^ 4 6S.000gp Lvl 27 46 1.62S.OOOgp Armor: Cloth Enhancement: AC Power (Daily): Immediate Reaction. Trigger: You take

damage from an attack. Effect: You fly 8 squares and become insubstantial until the start of your next turn.

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C o r u s c a t i n g A r m o r Level 2 ••

This glittering steel armor masks your exact focatumfrom enemies that would Impede you.

Lvl 2 +1 520 gp L v M 7 +4 65.000 gp Lvl 7 +2 2.600 gp Lvl 22 - 5 325,000 gp Lvl 12 f3 13.000 gp Lvl 27 +6 1.62 5.000 gp Armor: Scale, plate Enhancement: AC Power (Daily): Minor Action. Until the end of your next

turn, you don't provoke opportunity attacks and can't be grabbed. This power doesn't end an existing grab.

Level 10 -t C o u n t e r s t r i k e A r m o r

I lii' warding an this armor punishes the first enemy to strike you In battle.

Lvl 10 +2 5.000 gp Lvl 25 i 5 625.000 gp Lvl 15 +3 25.000 gp Lvl 30 +6 3.125.000 gp Lvl 20 i 4 12 5.000 gp Armor Cloth, leather, hide Enhancement: AC Property: The first enemy that hits you during an encounter

takes ongoing 5 damage (save ends). Level 20.25. or 30: Ongoing 10 damage (save ends).

D a z z l i n g P l a t e Level 4 j

Favored by paladins ofPelor, this shining suit oj polished m'nh ral plate strengthens your spirit and dazzles your foes.

Lvl 4 +1 840 gp Lvl 19 +4 105.000 gp Lvl 9 +2 4.200 gp Lvl 24 +5 525.000 gp Lvl 14 +3 21.000 gp Lvl 29 +6 2.625.000 gp Armor: Plate Enhancement: AC

Property: You gain a +2 item bonus to all defenses against charm, fear, and psychic effects.

Power (Daily): Minor Action. Each enemy adjacent to you takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls (save ends).

Level 7" D e a t h ' s B r i n k A r m o r

This black metal armor has the image of an outthrust hand emblazoned on its breast.

Lvl 7 +2 2.600 gp Lvl 22 +5 325.000 gp Lvl 12 - 3 13.000 gp Lvl 27 4-6 1.625.000 gp Lvl 17 - 4 6 5.000 gp Armor Scale, plate Enhancement: AC

Property: Whi le you're dying, you don't die until you fail four death saving throws.

Power (Daily): No Action. Trigger. You roll a death saving throw and dislike the result. Effect: You gain a +2 bonus to the saving throw. Level 72 or 17:4-3 bonus. level 22 or 27: +4 bonus.

ARMOR OF SHARED VALOR T h e bal lad of Vel i ra is also the legend of the armor of shared valor. A bard w h o c a m e f rom across the sea w h e n the w a t e r s of the wor ld w e r e ice and the land w a s still un formed, Vel ira brought the magic of fire a n d mus ic to the scat tered t r ibes of h u m a n o i d s and he lped de fend t h e m against al l invaders. H e r most powerfu l tool w a s the a rmo r she created for herself. A s she sh ie lded an ent ire tr ibe w i t h the magic of her songs, she too b e c a m e a more power fu l protector.

Sui ts of armor of shared valor exist today, but they ' re thought to b e lesser copies of the original.

P e r s u a d e a B a r d i c C o l l e g e : Bard ic co l leges usually craft and control distr ibut ion of armor of shared valor. A n adventurer w h o seeks such an i tem must conv ince the organization of his o r her wor th iness. True bardic col leges are few and far b e t w e e n , but loose fel lowships of wander ing bards are of ten cal led col leges as we l l . Obta in ing their approval requires gett ing references and traveling to mee t w i t h scat tered m e m b e r s .

Ve l i ra ' s P e o p l e : T h e bal lad of Vel ira is regarded as a fantasy by most , but it has a kernel of t ruth. T h e tr ibes spoken of in it might yet exist, hudd led a long fjords and wander ing in arctic regions. Adventurers w h o locate such a h idden people might learn the secret of creat ing armor of shared valor, or perhaps acquire a suit that has been s tashed a w a y s ince anc ien t t imes.

Armor of shared valor

C H A P I E l< I ; Manic Items

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Gambit armor

D e m o n s c a l e Level o

Piecemeal skins, scales, and exoskeletons of demons form a frightful hut sturdy suit of scale armor,

Lvl 9 +2 4,200 gp Lvl 24 +5 525,000 gp Lvl 14 - 3 21.000 gp Lvl 29 +6 2.62 5.000 gp Lvl 19 * 4 105.000 gp Armor: Scale Enhancement: AC Power (Encounter): Immediate Interrupt. Trigger: You lake

acid, cold, fire, or lightning damage. Effect: You gain re sist 5 to the triggering damage type until the end of the encounter. level! 4 or 19: Resist 10. Level 24 or 29: Resist 1 5.

F o r m i d a b l e A r m o r Level 14+

Whenyou activate this armor, even the nij(<;litiesr Man* can do little more than scratch your skin.

Lvl 14 4-3 21.000 gp Lv l24 +5 525.000gp Lvl 19 4-4 lOS.OOOgp Lv l29 +6 2.625,000gp Armor: Hide, chain Enhancement: AC Power (Daily): Immediate Interrupt. Trigger An attack hits

you and doesn't score a critical hit. EJJect: The triggering attack deals the minimum damage.

G a l l a n t A r m o r level 27

This magnificent suit of plate mail rewards you for seljlessly tending your Companions.

Lvl 27 4-6 1,625,000 gp Armor: Plate Enhancement: AC Property: W h e n you use the lay on hands power on an ally,

you also regain hit points equal to one-half your healing surge value.

G a m b i t A r m o r Level 13

Made for those who like to take chances in battle, this armor lets you risk yout own safety for a better chance fo harm your foes.

Lvl 13 +3 17,000 gp Lvl 23 +5 425,000gp Lvl 18 4-4 85,000 gp Lvl 28 +6 2.125.000gp Armor: Cloth, leather Enhancement AC Property: W h e n an enemy scores a critical hit against you.

you can score a critical hit on a roll of 1 7-20 on your next attack against that enemy before the end of your next turn.

Power (Daily • Stance): Minor Action. Until the stance ends, you grant combat advantage and any creature you attack grants combat advantage to you.

G a m b l e r ' s S u i t Level 6

Utck isfickle, and this stylish set of leathers plays both sides of the coin.

Lv l6 4-2 1.800gp Lvl 21 4-5 22S.000gp Lvl 11 +3 9,000 gp Lvl 26 ^6 1.125,000 gp Lvl 16 +4 45,000 gp Armor: Leather Enhancement: AC Property: W h e n you make at least two saving throws, you

can choose to gain a + 2 bonus to the first saving throw and take a -2 penalty to the second.

Power (Daily): Immediate Interrupt. Trigger: An enemy hits you with an attack. EJJect: The triggering enemy rerolls the attack roll and must use the second result. If that result is a hit, the attack scores a critical hit.

G e n a s i S o u l A r m o r Level 4

Memento! energies ripple through this armor, said to contain the life energy of a genasi.

Lv l4 4-1 840gp Lvl 19 * 4 105,000gp Lv l9 +2 4,200gp Lvl 24 4-5 52S.000gp Lv l14 4-3 21,000gp Lvl 29 +6 2,625.000gp Armor: Leather, hide Enhancement: AC Property: This armor is attuned to one genasi elemental

manifestation (FORGOTTEN REAIAIS Players Guide, page 10) chosen at the time the armor is created.

Power (Daily): Minor Action. Until the end of the encounter, you can use the racial encounter power associated with the armor's elemental manifestation. If you already have that racial power, you can use it a second time during this encounter.

C U A P T H K I Magic Items

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Great Cat Armor leve l 1 4 * Hero's Armor Level 2 1

In (his sleek suit of hide armor.you hound around the battlefield me a powerful feline.

Lvl 19 +4 10S.000gp Lvl 29 +6 2.625,000 gp Lvl 24 ^ 5 525.000 gp Armor: Hide Enhancement: AC Property: W h e n you shift, you can shift 1 additional square. Power (Daily): Move Action. You shift a number of squares

equal to twice the armor's enhancement bonus.

Healer's Armor Level 5+

This sturdy armor enhances your uhility to heal your allies.

Lvl b +1 1,000 gp Lvl 20 +4 12 5,000 gp Lvl 10 - 2 5.000 gp Lvl 25 +5 625,000 gp Lvl 15 - 3 2S.000gp Lvl 30 i4 3,125.000 gp Armor: Hide, chain Enhancement: AC

Property: W h e n you use a healing power, the target regains additional hit points equal to the armor's enhancement bonus.

HOLY RADIANCE ARMOR Xelfide was a d e n of iniquity, sin. a n d debauchery . T h e

town, inhabited by vi l lains, l eeches , and o ther l ow char

acters, existed outside the rea lm of l a w a n d decency . In

such a place, good had little c h a n c e to flourish.

Fifty years ago, a travel ing cler ic of Pe lor k n o w n as

Koslin came to Xel f ide w i t h the in tent ion of puri fying it.

His first a t tempt w a s m e t w i th outr ight resistance, v io

lence, and theft. A f te r that disaster, t he cleric 's resolve

faltered—until he received a vision f rom Pelor that s h o w e d

him standing in t he t o w n square at noon and praying.

Koslin w e n t to the square, obey ing w h a t h e s a w as

a mission f rom his god. At first, he a t t rac ted sneers and

laughs, but as he cont inued to pray, his a rmor began to

glow wi th increasing br i l l iance. Th is demons t ra t i on of

divine blessing w o n Kosl in m a n y conver ts to the wo r

ship of Pelor. Tragically, the cleric w a s slain by those w h o

still clung to their evi l w a y s , but not before the t o w n had

turned to a righteous path. Hofy rod'tance armor memor ia l

izes this sacred ac t .

Puri fy Xe l f i de , A g a i n : In t he years s ince the d e a t h of

Koslin, Xelfide has s lowly returned to its old w a y s . T h e

corrupt t own leaders hold Kosl in 's a r m o r and keep it

hidden in their st ronghold. If a w o r t h y hero can recover

the armor and w e a r it again in Pe lo r ' s n a m e , the t o w n

might return to the good .

Remnan ts o f t h e U n d e r b e l l y : A f e w of Xel f ide 's most

evil citizens fled to the frontier w h e n Koslin conver ted the

town to the worsh ip of Pelor. Be fo re they left, they m a n

aged to murder t he c ler ic and p lunder his armor, w h i c h

they buried in thei r e n c a m p m e n t . N o w , they p lague the

town, paralyzing t rade, and steal ing and kil l ing w i t h no

remorse. The cit izens seek aid f rom heroes w h o wa l k the

same path as Kosl in.

This shirt of glimmering chaimnail fortifies those who take bold anion in battle.

Lvl 2 4-1 520gp Lvl 17 +4 65,000gp Lvl 7 +2 2.600 gp Lvl 22 +5 325,000 gp Lvl 12 +3 13.000 gp Lvl 27 +6 1.625.000 gp Armor: Chain Enhancement : AC Property: W h e n you spend an action point to take an extra

action, you also gain a + 2 bonus to all defenses until the end of your next lurn.

Power (Dai ly • Healing): Free Action. Trigger: You spend an action point. Effect You forgo the bonus to all defenses granted by the armor's property. Instead, an ally within 5 squares of you uses his or her second wind as a free action.

Holy Adversary's Armor Levri j -

When you swear an oath against your prey, divine grace permeates tins armor, protecting you a<niiusi thai creature's attacks.

Lvl 3 +1 680 gp Lvl 18 +4 85,000 gp Lvl 8 +2 3,400 gp Lvl 23 +5 425,000 gp Lvl 13 +3 17.000 gp Lvl 28 +6 2.1 25.000 gp Armor: Cloth Enhancement: AC Power (Dai ly): Minor Action. Until the end of the encoun

ter, you gain resistance to all damage against attacks by your current oath of enmity target equal to the armor's enhancement bonus.

Holy Radiance Armor Level 15-

This gleaming chaiuuuiiJtffmvs with the radiance of the sun.

Lvl 15 +3 25.000gp Lvl 25 +5 625.000gp Lvl 20 +4 125,000 gp Lvl 30 4-6 3,125.000 gp Armor: Chain Enhancement: AC Power (Daily • Healing): Minor Action. You expend your

use of a Channel Divinity power for this encounter and shed bright light 20 squares in all directions. Wh i le within the light, you and each ally gain regeneration 3 while bloodied and a + 2 power bonus to saving throws.

Kemstone Armor Level 8

Fashioned with the strong but light kemtas stone found in various dominions of the Astral Sea, this armor stabilizes its wearer s essence.

Lvl 8 4-2 3.400 gp Lvl 23 4-5 425.000 gp Lvl 13 +3 17.000 gp Lvl 28 ' 6 2.125.000 gp Lvl 18 4-4 85,000 gp Armor: Scale, plate Enhancement: AC Property: You gain a 4-4 item bonus to all defenses against

polymorph effects.

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L i f e f o n t A r m o r Level 4 - M a g n e t i c A r m o r Level 9

Embedded with ancient and powerful prima] symbols, this armor lias saved the life pj more than one warden.

Lvl 4 +1 840 gp Lvl 19 +4 105.000 gp Lvl 9 +2 1.200 gp Lvl 24 +5 525.000 gp Lvl 14 +3 21.000gp Lvl 29 +6 2,625.000gp Armor: Hide Enhancement: AC Properly: W h e n you make saving throws at the start of your

turn using the Font of Life class feature, you gain a 4-1 item bonus to each saving throw.

Power (Daily): No Action. Trigger: You start your turn and have the Font of Life class feature. Effect: You make a saving throw against each effect that a save can end instead of just one.

RAT KILLER'S COAT T h e rec lus ive mage S a r k u d o h id his labora tory d e e p under the capital ci ty out of a desire for privacy. To his chagr in , h e d iscovered that by ply ing his t rade in the sewers , he had invited a dungeon to his doorstep. Deal ing w i t h sl imes, molds, ve rm in , giant bugs, and the like w a s so frustrating and t ime-consuming that Sarkudo almost gave up and left.

Sarkudo had long observed o n e of the ci ty 's rat catchers and w a s baffled as to h o w the man had surv ived so long in such a dangerous p lace, a r m e d w i t h only a sharp stick a n d a small but v ic ious dog. The wizard asked h im w h a t his secret w a s . The rat catcher opened Sarkudo's eyes by reveal ing the secret lore of the sewers a n d h o w to live in harmony w i t h the unique env i ronment . Sarkudo was so impressed that h e hired the rat catcher to help redesign his lab, and in short order, it was attracting m u c h less trouble.

The wizard also m a d e a protect ive coat for his assistant , w h i c h the rat ca tcher in turn passed on to his heir. The child aspired to a grander career, namely adventur ing. T h e coat served its w e a r e r so we l l in batt le that fe l low adventurers made versions of their o w n , and rat killers coats soon became popular.

T h e K ing of Cats : The King of Cats is a very specialized shop, carry ing special i tems such as silver weaponry , rat poison, a n d exotic tools. Ruff ians are extort ing protect ion money f rom the owner , w h o seeks assistance in stopping them. S h e offers a rat killers coat as a reward .

T h e G r i e v i n g Fami l y : S v e n is a hunter of ve rmin and a minor adventurer. H e en te red the sewers over a w e e k ago and hasn' t been seen since. His w i fe has given up hope but wan ts someone to recover the body for a proper burial. W h o e v e r accompl ishes this task can keep the tools of Sven ' s t rade, inc luding his magic coat , if he 's real ly dead .

Studded with lode<tones. this heavy armor pulls ireuttires into your reach.

Lvl 9 +2 4,200 gp Lvl 24 +5 525.000 gp Lvl 14 +3 21.000gp Lvl 29 +6 2,625,000gp Lv l19 +4 105,000 gp Armor: Scale, plate Enhancement: AC Power (Daily): Minor Action. You pull one creature within

3 squares of you 3 squares. If you pull it into a square adjacent to you, it's also immobilized (save ends). Level 14 or 19: One creature within 5 squares. Level 24 or 29: One creature within 10 squares, and you

pull it 5 squares.

M a r a u d e r ' s A r m o r Level / -

Tin's heavy,fur lined armor is favored by barbarian pirates who rush into the fray.

Lvl 7 +2 2.600 gp Lvl 22 +5 325.000 gp Lvl 12 4-3 13,000 gp Lvl 27 4-6 1,625,000 gp Lvl 17 +4 65.000 gp Armor. Leather, hide Enhancement: AC Property: W h e n you charge, you gain a +1 bonus to AC until

the end of your next turn. Level 12 or 17: +2 bonus. Level 22 or 27: i 3 bonus.

Power (Daily • Healing): Free Action. Trigger: You hit with a charge attack. Effect: You make a saving throw with a bonus equal to the armor's enhancement bonus, or you spend a healing surge and regain additional hit points equal to the armor's enhancement bonus.

M i n d A r m o r Level 23>

At a moment's notice,you can surround this adamantine armor with a psychic field that protects you from mental attack.

Lvl 23 +5 425.000 gp Lvl 28 +6 2,125.000 gp Armor: Scale, plate Enhancement: AC Property: You gain resist 1 5 psychic. Power (Daily): Minor Action. Until the end of the encoun

ten any enemy that attacks you with a charm, fear, illusion, psychic, or sleep power rolls the attack roll twice and must use the lower result.

M o o n A r m o r Level 3 •

'litis armor is made from deposits of a Strange ore that some believe earne from the moon.

Lvl 3 +1 680 gp Lvl 18 +4 85.000 gp Lvl 8 - 2 3,400 gp Lvl 23 +5 425,000 gp Lvl 13 +3 17.000 gp Lvl 28 +6 2,125,000 gp Armor: Chain Enhancement: AC Property: Whi le you're in darkness or dim light (including

starlight), you gain a+1 bonus to AC.

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the glistening black materia] of this armor, strangely cold to the touch, reliabW deflects menial attacks.

Lvl 3 +1 680 gp Lvl 18 +4 85,000 gp Lvl 8 +2 3.400 gp Lvl 23 +5 425,000 gp Lvl 13 «3 17.000 gp Lvl 28 +6 2.1 2 5,000 gp Armor: Leather, hide Enhancement: AC Property: You gain resist 5 psychic.

Level 73 or 18: Resist 10 psychic. Level 23 or 28: Resist 1 5 psychic.

Property: You gain a ^2 item bonus to saving throws against charm, fear, or psychic effects.

Parchment Armor Level 41

This armor is made of magically reinforced parchment In Scribed with arcane writings.

Lvl 19 +4 105.000 gp Lvl 24 +5 525.000 gp Lvl 29 +6 2.62 5.000 gp

Lvl 4 +1 840 gp Lvl 9 +2 4,200 gp Lvl 14 ' 3 21.000 gp Armor: Cloth, leather Enhancement: AC Property: This armor contains a number of arcane charges

equal to its enhancement bonus. Recharging the armor requires an extended rest.

Power (At Wi l l ) : Free Action. Trigger, You use an arcane power and make an attack roll. Effect: You spend any number of unused charges from this armor and gain a power bonus to the attack roll for the triggering power equal to the number of charges spent.

Predator's Hide level 3*

This tiger's hide clearly marks you as a formidable hunter. Lvl 3 +1 680gp lvl 18 +4 85.000gp Lvl 8 +2 3.400 gp Lvl 23 +5 425.000 gp Lvl 13 ^3 17.000 gp Lvl 28 +6 2.1 2 5.000 gp Armor: Hide Enhancement AC

Property: W h e n you hit a target you have designated with your Hunter's Quarry class feature, you gain a t I bonus to all defenses against attacks by the designated quarry until the end of your next turn. Level 13 or 18: - 2 bonus. Level 23 or 28: +3 bonus.

Rat Killer's Coat level 2 J

Tlusfnr-trinnned jacket is favored In ill ! who must deal with dangerous vermin.

Lvl 2 i l 520 gp Lvl 17 +4 65.000 gp Lvl 7 +2 2.600 gp Lvl 22 +5 325.000 gp Lvl 12 +3 13.000gp Lvl 27 +6 1.625.000gp Armor Cloth, leather Enhancement: AC Property: You gain resist 5 against damage from swarms'

attacks. In addition, you can move through a space occupied by a swarm, and your movement doesn't provoke opportunity attacks from swarms. Level 12 or 17: Resist 10. Level 22 or 27: Resist 15.

Robe of Avoidance

/'ariTimrnl armor

Level 3

When an enemy's attack missesyou. thb Mflowiqg robe confuses the foe so that you can get away.

Lvl 3 +1 680 gp Lvl 18 +4 85.000 gp Lvl 8 +2 3.400 gp Lvl 23 +5 425,000 gp Lv l13 +3 17.000gp Lvl 28 ^6 2,125.000gp A r m o r Cloth Enhancement: AC Power (Encounter): Immediate Reaction. Trigger. An

enemy misses you with a melee attack. Effect: You shift 1 square.

C H A P ! B R 1 | Magic Ifms

Page 9: 4e Adventurers Vault 2 OCR

SANGUINE VESTMENTS A v e n g e r s w e a r t h e s e m a g i c r o b e s to p r o c l a i m the i r

e n m i t y for t he i r c h o s e n prey. Sanguine ves tments a re

d y e d d e e p red, not on ly symbol iz ing t he b lood o f those

the w e a r e r slays but of ten incorporat ing it. H o w e v e r , t he

g a r m e n t of ten has s leeves o r t r im of pure w h i t e . A f te r

a bat t le, the avenger w i p e s t h e foe's b lood f r o m his or

h e r w e a p o n o n t o t h e w h i t e to d e m o n s t r a t e v ic to ry .

Th is ac t ion also reinforces t he avenger ' s c o m m i t m e n t to

destroy al l e n e m i e s of his or her g o d .

P r o v e Yourse l f W o r t h y : T h e first step in acquir ing san

guine vestments is to e a r n t h e m through sui tab le act ions.

T h e guard ians of t he monas te r i es that t ra in avenge rs

bes tow such a ga rmen t on ly o n s o m e o n e w h o defeats a

great e n e m y .

R e d T h r e a d o f B e l Y a s u r a : Far f rom a n y civ i l izat ion,

across a dry, dangerous sc rub land , s tands t he B e l Yasura

rriGPiojiGry. H e r e , pr iests, monks , and avengers- in-training

craft beauti ful sanguine vestments as a fo rm of med i ta t ion ,

using a un ique t ype o f red th read . O n l y those w h o s w e a r

the order 's v o w s of ascet ic ism and i m m e r s e t h e m s e l v e s

relent lessly in serv ice to t he god can learn t he secret of

c reat ing this ra imen t of t he faithful.

R u n i c A r m o r Level 3

The uremic >igils engraved on this armor glow in the presence of magical emanations.

Lvl 3 +1 680 gp Lvl 18 H S5.000 gp Lvl 8 +2 3.400 gp Lvl 23 +5 42 5.000 gp Lvl 13 +3 17,000 gp Lvl 28 +6 2.12 5.000 gp Armor: Any Enhancement: AC Property: You gain an item bonus to Arcana checks equal to

the armor's enhancement bonus. Property: W h e n you use your second wind, you also gain

a bonus to damage rolls with arcane attack powers equal to the armor's enhancement bonus until the end of your next turn.

S a n g u i n e V e s t m e n t s Level I

The blood of wounded enemies only strengthens this deep red garment.

Lvl 3 +1 680 gp Lvl 18 +4 85.000 gp Lvl 8 4-2 3.400 gp Lvl 23 +5 42 5,000 gp Lvl 13 +3 1 7,000 gp Lvl 28 +6 2,12 5,000 gp Armor: Cloth Enhancement : AC Property: You gain a +1 bonus to all defenses whi le your

oath of enmity target is bloodied.

S c a l e o f t h e S e r p e n t Level 4+

Forged by fomorians from a strange green ore of the Feywild, this armor makes you as slipper)- as a snake.

Lvl 4 +1 840 gp Lvl 19 -H 105,000 gp Lvl 9 +2 1,200 gp Lvl 24 +-5 525,000 gp Lvl 14 +3 21.000 gp Lvl 29 +6 2,625,000 gp Armor : Scale Enhancement: AC

Property: You gain a + 5 item bonus to checks to escape a grab.

Power (Daily): Immediate Reaction. Trigger: An effect dazes, immobilizes, slows, or stuns you. Effect: You make a saving throw against the triggering effect. O n a save, that effect ends.

S e r p e n t i n e A r m o r Level 4+

Metallic Snakes writhe along the surface of this armor, ready to strike at any foe that tries to get Iryyou.

Lvl 4 +1 840 gp Lvl 19 +4 105,000 gp Lvl 9 +2 4,200 gp Lvl 24 +5 525,000 gp Lvl 14 +3 21.000 gp Lvl 29 +6 2.625.000gp Armor: Scale Enhancement: AC Property: You gain resist 5 poison.

Level 14 or 19: Resist 10 poison. Level 24 or 29: Resist 1 5 poison.

Power (Daily): Free Action. Trigger: An enemy adjacent to you shifts. Effect: The triggering enemy takes damage equal to 5 + the armor's enhancement bonus. Level 14 or 19:10 + enhancement bonus. Level 24 or 29:15 + enhancement bonus.

S h a d o w H o u n d A r m o r Level 7 -

Crafted from the hide of a massive shadow hound, this armor lets you fade away from danger when you suffer a grievous wound.

Lvl 7 +2 2,600gp Lvl 22 ^ 5 325,000gp Lvl 12 +3 13.000 gp Lvl 27 +6 1,625.000 gp Lv I17 +4 65.000 gp Armor: Hide Enhancement: AC

Power (Daily): Immediate Reaction. Trigger: You become bloodied. Effect: You become insubstantial until the end of your next turn.

S h a d o w W a r l o c k A r m o r Level 10*

Whi le wearing this suit of black leather, you can cloud the mind of a cursed enemy so that your attack strikes true.

L v l l O +2 5,000 gp Lvl 25 +5 62 5.000 gp Lvl 15 +3 25.000 gp Lvl 30 +6 3,125.000 gp Lvl 20 i 4 125.000 gp Armor: Leather Enhancement: AC

Property: W h i l e you have concealment from your Shadow Wa lk class feature, any creature affected by your Warlock's Curse grants combat advantage to you.

C I I A I ' T K B 1 M a g i c items

Page 10: 4e Adventurers Vault 2 OCR

Slime A r m o r Level 8 T

You can cause this heavy armor to drip with acidic ooze that burns those who touch it.

Lvl8 +2 3.400gp Lvl 23 +5 425.000gp Lvl 13 - 3 17.000 gp Lvl 28 +6 2.1 2 5.000 gp Lvl 18 +4 85.000 gp Armor: Scale, plate Enhancement: AC

Power (Daily • Acid): Minor Action. Until the end of your next turn, any creature that hits you with a melee attack lakes ongoing 5 acid damage (save ends). Level 13 or 18: Ongoing 10 acid damage (save ends). Level 23 or 28: Ongoing 1 S acid damage (save ends).

S p i k e d J a c k e t Level 3 *

Level ~\ i + Snaketongue R o b e

\ pattern of tiny, scintillating scales covers the surface of this loose garment, granting you the qualities of a serpent.

Lvl 13 +3 17.000 gp Lvl 23 +5 425.000 gp Lvl 18 +4 85.000 gp Lvl 28 +6 2.125.000 gp Armor: Cloth Enhancement: AC Property: You gain a +2 item bonus to Bluff checks. Property: You gain resist 5 poison. Power (Daily): Move Action. You shift a number of squares

equal to the armor's enhancement bonus.

Level 20-

^ i K nnn

Spectral Plate Oris dull black plate armor is made of iron plates infused with Shadowfell essence, granting you wraith like properties.

[v! 20 *4 ! 25.000 gp Lv! 30 +6 Lvl 25 +5 625.000 gp Armor: Plate Enhancement: AC Property: You ignore the speed and skill check penalties for

wearing plate armor. Power (Daily): Move Action. You move your speetl. In addi

tion, you become insubstantial and gain phasing until the end of your turn.

Level 8-» Spiderweb R o b e s

This light, thin robe is woven from spider silk and carries a hint of the power of arachnids.

Lvl 8 +2 3.400 gp Lvl 23 +5 425.000 gp Lvl 13 +3 1 7.000 gp Lvl 28 (-6 2.1 2 5.000 gp Lvl 18 +4 85.000 gp Armon Cloth Enhancement: AC Property: You gain resist 5 poison.

Level 13 or 18: Resist 10 poison. Level 23 or 28: Resist 15 poison.

Power (Daily): Immediate Reaction. Trigger. An enemy adjacent to you hits you with a melee attack. Effect: The triggering enemy is restrained until the end of its next turn.

Hidden razor sharp spikes spring out from the elbows, shoul tiers, and sides of this jacket when something grabs you.

Lvl 3 +1 680 gp Lvl 18 +4 85.000 gp Lvl 8 +2 3.400 gp Lvl 23 hS 425.000 gp Lvl 13 +3 17.000 gp Lvl 28 +6 2,125.000 gp Armor: Leather, hide Enhancement: AC Power (Dai ly): Standard Action. Trigger You are grabbed.

Effect: You escape the grab, and the enemy that was grabbing you takes 1 <I6 damage per plus.

Level 14 * Spir i t A r m o r

litis suit of fine chain has a ghostly sheen, and its mesh protects you from the denizens of the spirit world.

Lvl 14 +3 21.000 gp Lvl 24 +5 525.000 gp Lvl 19 +4 105,000gp Lvl 29 +6 2.625,000gp A r m o n Chain Enhancement: AC Power (At-Wi l l ) : Immediate Reaction. Trigger. An insub

stantial enemy adjacent to you hits you. Effect: The triggering enemy loses the insubstantial quality (save ends). You become insubstantial until the triggering enemy saves against this effect.

Level 4 ̂ S u p p o r t i n g A r m o r

This heavy iron armor absorbs the shock of jarring attacks.

Lvl 5 +1 1.000gp Lvl 20 +4 125.000gp L v l l O +2 S.OOOgp Lvl 25 ' 5 625.000gp

i r. nnn ™ 3 n c nnn #m t v>v» 5 | « Armor: Scale, plate

Enhancement: AC Power (Daily): No Action. Trigger. An effect dazes or stuns

you. Effect. You make a saving throw against the triggering effect. O n a save, the effect ends.

SNAKETONGUE ROBE H u m a n worsh ipers of the serpent god Zehir , k n o w n as

snaketongue cultists. per form dreadful rituals to trans

form themse lves into more snakel ike forms. Snaketongue

robes enhance the eff icacy of these ri tuals. Yuan- t i c rea te

the robes for cult ists w h o have per fo rmed except ional

deeds in Zeh i r ' s n a m e .

C e l e b r a n t s o f Z e h i r : S o m e snake tongue ce lebrants

(Monster Manual, page 273 ) w e a r snaketongue robes to

e v e n m o r e c lose ly r esemb le the se rpen t god a n d his

yuan-t i emissar ies. These cultists are of high rank and are

pro tec ted by m a n y snaketongue zealots and warr iors .

S e r p e n t C r y p t : Yuan- t i have b e e n w e a v i n g snake

tongue robes s ince their empi re w a s in full b loom. T h e

ga rmen ts w e r e original ly w o r n only by nobles, and royal

crypts w i th in ru ined yuan-t i cit ies o r under anc ient pyra

mids still hold these treasures of former rulers.

C H A P T E R 1 | Magic Hems

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Telepor t ing A r m o r

Time link armor

Level 12

A small teleportatlon circle is emblazoned on the breastplate of this armor.

Lvl 12 +3 13.000gp Lvl 22 +5 325.000gp Lvl 17 +4 65.000 gp Lvl 27 *6 1,625.000 gp Armor: Scale, plate Enhancement: AC Power (Daily • Teleportation): Move Action. You teleport

a number of squares equal to twice the armor's enhancement bonus.

Level 4 T i m e L ink A r m o r

Woven from shimmering crystal, this light chain suit improves your reaction time.

Lvl 4 +1 840 gp Lvl 19 +4 105.000 gp Lvl 9 +2 4.200 gp Lvl 24 +5 525.000 gp Lvl 14 +3 21.000 gp Lvl 29 +6 2.625.000 gp Armor: Chain Enhancement: AC Property: You gain an item bonus to initiative checks equal

to the armor's enhancement bonus. Power (Daily): No Action. Trigger: You roll initiative and

dislike the result. Effect: You reroll initiative but must use the second result.

Translocat ing A r m o r Level 14+-

A field of planar energy surrounds this armor. If an enemy fails to hit you.you can teleport out of its reach.

Lvl 14 13 21,000 gp Lvl 24 i5 525,000 gp Lv I19 +4 105,000gp Lvl 29 +6 2.625,000gp Armor: Any Enhancement: AC Power (Encounter • Teleportation): Immediate Reaction.

Trigger: An enemy misses you with an attack. Effect: You teleport 3 squares.

W a l l A r m o r Level 3+

This armor seems far heavier than its constituent material. It becomes as unforgiving as a brick wall at a moment's notice.

Lvl 3 +1 680 gp Lvl 18 +4 85.000 gp Lvl 8 +2 3.400 gp Lvl 23 +5 425.000 gp Lvl 13 +3 17,000 gp Lvl 28 +6 2,125.000 gp Armor: Any Enhancement: AC Power (Daily): Immediate Reaction. Trigger. An enemy hits

or misses you with a bull rush or charge attack. Effect The triggering enemy takes 1 d6 damage per plus and is knocked prone.

W a r m a g e ' s U n i f o r m Leve l 3+

These decorated greatcoats come in a variety of styles, but all lend military might to their wearers.

Lvl 3 +1 680gp Lvl 18 +4 85.000gp LvI8 1-2 3,400gp Lvl 23 +5 42S.000gp Lvl 13 +3 1 7,000 gp Lvl 28 +6 2,125.000 gp Armor: Cloth, leather Enhancement: AC Power (Daily): Free Action. Trigger: You hit an enemy with

an arcane attack power. Effect: Until the end of your next turn, one ally within 5 squares of that enemy gains a power bonus to attack rolls against the enemy equal to the armor's enhancement bonus.

W i n g e d A r m o r

Glorious angelk wings sprout from this armor at your command.

L e v e l ! 3-*

Lvl 23 +5 425.000 gp Lvl 28 +6 2,125,000 gp

Lvl 13 +3 1 7,000 gp Lvl 18 14 S5.000gp Armor: Any Enhancement: AC Property: You gain an item bonus to Athletics checks to

jump equal to the armor's enhancement bonus. Power (Daily): Move Action. You fly your speed. You must

begin and end this move on a solid surface. You also gain a +2 power bonus to all defenses until the end of your next turn.

C H A P T E R 1 I Magic Items

Page 12: 4e Adventurers Vault 2 OCR

WEAPONS Level 2 <

There's no protection in the world that can stop this cutting

edge. Or out of the world.Jor that matter.

Along w i t h a r m o r a n d n e c k slot i tems, w e a p o n s a r c

central to a n adven tu re r ' s gear . E v e n the most d i p

lomatic adven tu re r k n o w s that w h e n defense isn't

enough, there's no subst i tu te (or a good o f l cnse .

level i l Aegis B l a d e litis blade allowsyou to place your aegis on all nearby foes with a single word of power.

Lvl 3 +1 680 gp Lvl 18 +4 85.000 gp Lvl S +2 3.400gp Lvl 23 +5 425.000gp Lvl 13 +3 1 7.000 gp Lvl 28 +6 2.1 25.000 gp Weapon: Heavy blade, light blade Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Critical: +1d6 damage per plus Power i Dai ly : Minor Action. Mark each enemy within a

close burst 3 (save ends). If you have the Swordmagc Aegis class feature, treat each mark as if you applied it with your chosen aegis.

A f t e r s h o c k W e a p o n This weapon sends ripples of force toward nearby foes.

Lvl 2 +-1 S20 gp Lvl 17 +4 65.000 gp Lvl 7 +2 2.600gp Lvl 22 +5 325,000gp Lvl 12 +3 13,000 gp Lvl 27 +6 1.625.000gp W e a p o n : Any Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Critical: I 1d6 damage per plus, and each enemy adjacent to

the target of the critical hit is knocked prone.

1/1 z

Alfsai r S p e a r I his spear is afavorlte druid weapon,

Lvl 3 4-1 680gp Lvl 18 +4 85.000 gp Lv l8 +2 3,400gp Lvl 23 4-5 425.000gp Lvl 13 4-3 17.000 gp Lvl 28 *6 2,125.000 gp W e a p o n : Spear Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Crit ical; ' 1d8 psychic and poison damage per plus Property: You gain an item bonus to Nature checks equal to

the spear's enhancement bonus. Property: Classes that use totems can use this spear as an

implement for class powers and paragon path powers. Power (Dai ly • Poison, Psychic): No Action. Trigger You

score a critical hit against an enemy with this spear. E//ect: The enemy hit by the triggering attack is dazed until the end of its next turn.

ALFSAIR. SPEAR W h e r e the Dayforge Moun ta i ns m e e t the p ines of the

W l n t e r b o l e Fores t , s m a l l copses of s t range tw i s t i ng

coniferous t rees ca l led al fsairs g row In r e m o t e g lens.

Sometimes cal led w i s e w o o d by the druids and shamans

of the north, the light and remarkably strong w o o d of this

tree constantly exudes a sticky, sweet -smel l ing sap that

some tribes use for p r imal c o m m u n i o n .

Dru ids carefu l ly h a r v e s t a n d p repa re t h e w a r p e d

branches of these t rees a n d shape t h e m into seeming ly

awkward but surpr is ing ly func t iona l spears . T h r o u g h

clever crafting and enchant ing , w ie lders are ab le to con

trol the f low of the sap, focusing it for their o w n benefi t

and to their e n e m i e s ' de t r imen t .

Van ish ing W i s d o m : A n old shaman is in t rouble. He 's

slowly being dr iven insane by a to rment ing trio of spirits

only he can see. Accord ing to the s h a m a n , the torment

ing spirits can be ban ished only by the touch of a n alfsair

spear. He wi l l be grateful to any adventurer w h o can come

to his aid w i t h one of t hese spears.

Roof of the W o r l d : Alfsair spears are mystical weapons .

Legends tell that the mos t power fu l aren ' t craf ted at al l ,

but grow from the top of the wor ld 's highest mounta in .

As the story goes, every 76 years, on the longest day of

the year and w h e n the Dragon too th wande r i ng star is

visible in the night sky, a n e w alfsair spear appears o n the

summit of the Roof of the W o r l d Moun ta in .

A u r a Ki l ler W e a p o n Level ' The dark purple magic truiliritj in this weapon's wake shuts down your enemy's subtle spells and instinctive powers.

Lvl 3 H 680 gp Lvl 18 +4 85,000 gp Lvl 8 +2 3,400 gp Lvl 23 +5 425,000 gp Lvl 13 4-3 1 7,000 gp Lvl 28 +6 2.125,000 gp W e a p o n : Any melee Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Crit ical: - 1d6 damage per plus Power (Daily): Free Action. Trigger: You use this weapon to

hit an enemy that has an aura. Effect The enemy's aura ends, and the enemy can't reactivate it (save ends).

A v a l a n c h e H a m m e r Level 4 *

EmJiiimeil with the essence of elemental earth, this hammer strikesfbes like an avalanche1'

Lvl 4 4-1 840 gp Lvl 19 H 105,000 gp Lvl 9 4-2 4.200 gp Lvl 24 4-5 525.000 gp L v l l 4 ' 3 21.000 gp Lv l29 *6 2.625.000gp W e a p o n : Hammer Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Critical: +1 d l 0 damage per plus, and the target is knocked

prone. Property: W h e n you charge an enemy and hit with a melee

basic attack using this weapon, the attack deals 1 [ W | extra damage.

C H A P T E R 1 ! xXlagic i t e m s

Page 13: 4e Adventurers Vault 2 OCR

Infused with the sprit of a savage warrior, this weapon gives you ghostly powers when charging.

Lvl 15 +3 25,000 gp Lvl 25 +5 625.000 gp Lvl 20 -i 4 125.000 gp Lvl 30 * 6 3,125,000 gp W e a p o n : Axe. flail, hammer, heavy blade, mace, spear Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Critical: 4 1 d6 damage per plus, or + 1d10 damage per plus

on a charge

Property: Whi le charging, you are insubstantial and can move through squares occupied by enemies. Your movement provokes opportunity attacks as normal.

B l o o d D r i n k e r Level 9+

You know when tofeedyour weapon, because it growls when it's hungry.

Lvl 9 +2 4,200 gp Lvl 24 +5 525.000 gp Lvl 14 +3 21,000gp Lvl 29 +6 2.625.000gp Lvl 19 +4 105.000 gp Weapon : Axe, heavy blade Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Critical: +1 d6 damage per plus Property: If you make an attack using this weapon and miss

all targets, the blood drinker deals 5 damage to you, and the next attack you make before the end of your next turn deals 2d6 extra damage to the first target it hits. Level 14 or 19: The weapon deals 10 damage to you. and your next attack deals 3d6 extra damage. Level 24 or 29: The weapon deals 1 5 damage to you, and your next attack deals 4d8 extra damage.

B a n i s h i n g S p e l l b l a d e

Battle spirit weapon

Level 14+

\ powerful enchantment placed on this blade allows von to sequester a foe for a short amount of time.

Lvl 14 +3 21.000 gp Lvl 24 +5 525.000 gp Lvl 19 - 4 105.000 gp Lvl 29 +6 2.625.000 gp Weapon : Heavy blade, light blade Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Critical: ^1d6 damage per plus, or +1d8 per plus when

used as an implement for an arcane power Power (Daily • Teleportation): Free Action. Trigger: Using

this weapon, you hit an enemy with an arcane attack power that pulls, pushes, slides, or teleports the target. Effect instead of being pushed, pulled, slid, or teleported. that enemy disappears. At the end of the enemy's next turn, it reappears in the space it left. If that space is occupied, it appears in the nearest unoccupied space (your choice).

BATTLE SPIRIT WEAPON S o m e t i m e s a warr ior 's legacy is so potent, her deeds so extraordinary, that s o m e part of her spirit lives on after death . These spirit f ragments are somet imes drawn to the w e a p o n the warr ior used in life, o r some similar mart ial instrument. Of ten they cl ing to the w e a p o n , infusing it w i t h powe r w i thou t need of a ritual or outside intervent ion. W h e n the connect ion is weaker , a ritual can be used to fuse a spirit into steel .

O n c e fused, the spirit f ragment a l l ows the w ie lder of the battle spirit weapon to transform into a ghostly mist w h e n charging. Barbar ians bel ieve that this transformat ion a l l ows a warr io r to step briefly into the realm of the ancestors, and many warr iors c la im to have received life-changing visions and messages from their ancestors wh i le charging into batt le.

T h e Re fo rg ing : A barbar ian tr ibe has carried a part icular battle spirit weapon s ince the days of its founding. Infused w i t h the spirit of the tribe's founder, the w e a p o n w a s the symbol of the chief 's powe r and led the tr ibe to many victories. Recent ly, an evi l war lock stole into the tribe's camp, slew the chief, and sundered the weapon. H e bound the founder 's spirit f ragment into another vessel and is using it to guide a construct he created that is now ravaging the countrys ide. Accord ing to the tr ibe's beliefs, the person w h o can free the spirit f rom the construct and reforge the w e a p o n wi l l ea rn the right to w ie ld it.

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Blood Fury W e a p o n Level 3 D u e l i s t ' s B o w Level 2

Often decorated with bloodstones* these blades or axes are favored by dragonborn barbarians.

Lvl 3 +1 680 gp Lvl 18 +4 85,000 gp Lvl 8 +2 3,400 gp Lvl 23 +5 425,000 gp Lvl 13 +3 17.000gp Lvl 28 +6 2,125,000gp Weapon: Axe, heavy blade Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Critical: +1 d8 damage per plus, or +1 d l 2 damage while

youVe bloodied Power (Encounter): Minor Action. You are considered

bloodied for all purposes (including beneficial effects such as the Dragonborn Fury racial trait) until the end of your next turn.

Level 7-i Boltshard C r o s s b o w

You pull the. trigger, spraying shards at your foes.

Lvl 7 +2 2.600 gp Lvl 22 +5 325,000 gp Lvl 12 +3 13.000 gp Lvl 27 +6 1,625,000 gp Lvl 17 +4 65,000 gp Weapon: Crossbow Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Critical: +1 <J6 damage per plus Power (Daily): Standard Action. Make a ranged basic

attack using this crossbow against each creature in a close blast 3. level 17 or 22: Close blast 5; a creature hit is also pushed

2 squares. Level 27: Close blast 7; a creature hit is also pushed

2 squares.

Level 1 C h a l l e n g e - S e e k i n g W e a p o n

This weapon is always eager to be introduced to afresh enemy.

Lvl 1 +1 360 gp Lvl 16 +4 45.000 gp Lvl 6 +2 1,800 gp Lvl 21 +5 225,000 gp Lvl 11 +3 9,000 gp Lvl 26 +6 1,125,000 gp Weapon: Any melee Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Critical: None Property: You deal 1 d6 extra damage when you hit enemies

that are at maximum hit points with this weapon. Level 11 or 16: Deal 2d6 extra damage. Level 21 or 26: Deal 3d6 extra damage.

Level 23 Death M a r k W e a p o n

p i s weapon knows when you frill a hated foe, letlingyou shift away to face a new enemy,

Lvl 23 4-5 425,000 gp Lvl 28 +6 2,125,000 gp Weapon: Any Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Critical: +1 d6 damage per plus, or 4-1 d12 damage per plus

against an enemy marked by you Power (At-Wi l l ) : Free Action. Trigger: You use this weapon

to reduce an enemy that is marked by you to 0 hit points. Effect: You shift a number of squares up to your speed.

W i l l i this mighty weapon humming asyou release arrow after arrow, enemy archers face certain defeat

Lvl 2 4-1 520 gp Lvl 17 i-4 65,000 gp Lvl 7 4-2 2.600gp Lvl 22 4-5 325,000 gp Lvl 12 4-3 13,000 gp Lvl 27 4-6 1,625,000 gp W e a p o n : B o w Enhancement : Attack rolls and damage rolls Crit ical: 4-1 d6 damage per plus Property: W h e n you hit an enemy with this weapon, that

enemy takes a - 2 penalty to ranged and area attack rolls until the end of your next turn.

•fBWKWPWHIIWIII This hammer appears to be carved from a single piece of stone, (hough it's no heavier than a normal weapon. But it hits your enemies like a battering ram.

Lvl 1 4-1 360 gp Lvl 16 4-4 45,000 gp Lvl 6 +2 1,800 gp Lvl 21 4-5 225,000 gp Lvl 11 4-3 9,000 gp Lvl 26 < 6 1,125.000 gp W e a p o n : Hammer Enhancement : Attack rolls and damage rolls Crit ical: The target is knocked prone.

E c h o i n g S o n g b l a d e Level 4+

The echoes of your spells reverberate in the blade, hoping to be unleashed.

Lvl 4 +1 840 gp Lvl 19 +4 105,000 gp Lvl 9 +2 4.200 gp Lvl 24 +5 525,000 gp Lvl 14 4-3 21,000 gp Lvl 29 +6 2.625,000 gp W e a p o n : I leavy blade, light blade Enhancement : Attack rolls and damage rolls Crit ical: 4-1 d6 damage per plus, and if the attack was a bard

encounter power, you can use that power one more time on your next turn against a single target wi th a -2 penalty to the attack roll (you must still use the appropriate action to use the power).

Property: Bards can use this weapon as an implement for bard powers and bard paragon path powers.

Level 2 i E n t r a p p i n g W e a p o n

An arrow fired from this weapon heepsyour enemy from wan dering off.

Lv l2 +1 5 2 0 g p Lvl 17 +4 65.000gp Lvl 7 +2 2,600gp Lvl 22 4-5 325,000gp Lv !12 4-3 13,000gp Lvl 27 * 6 1.625,000 gp W e a p o n : Bow. crossbow Enhancement : Attack rolls and damage rolls Crit ical: 4-1 d6 damage per plus, or the target is restrained

until the end of your next turn.


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'lien bonded to you, this spellblade relurns to your hand/aster and from farther distances.

Lvl 2 +1 520 gp Lvl 17 +4 65,000 gp Lvl 7 +2 2,600 gp Lvl 22 +5 325,000 gp Lvl 12 +3 13.000 gp Lvl 27 +6 1.625.000 gp W e a p o n : Heavy blade. light blade Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Crit ical: f1d6 damage per plus, or f l d f i per plus when

used as an implement for an arcane power Property: This weapon can be used as a heavy thrown

weapon with a range of 5/10. If you have the Swordbond class feature, you can call this weapon to your hand from up to a mile away.

Flesh G r i n d e r Level 3

This weapon screeches as Its serrated edge bites through flesh, bone, and steel.

Lvl 3 +1 680 gp Lvl 18 +4 85,000 gp Lv l8 +2 3,400gp Lvl 23 +5 425,000gp Lvl 13 +3 IZOOOgp Lv l28 +6 2,125.000gp W e a p o n : Axe. heavy blade, polearm Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Critical: +1 d l 0 damage per plus Power (Daily): Free Action. Trigger: You make an attack

with this weapon that targets AC. Effect: The triggering attack targets Fortitude instead and deals 1d6 extra damage on a hit. level 13 or 18: 2d6 extra damage. Level 23 or 28: 3d6 extra damage.

FARBOND SPELLBLADE There 's an anc i en t story abou t a w a r b e t w e e n an enc lave

of e ladr in and a k ingdom of dragonborn. M u c h of the w a r

is forgotten, a n d its cause is obscured by al lusion and mis

in format ion, bu t h o w it ends is t he stuff o f legend.

Du r ing the last days of the war , an e ladr in pr ince and

his escort app roached the dragonborn king's fortress a n d

cal led for parley. T h e pr ince c la imed to have the author i ty

to negotiate a s ta lemate that w o u l d restore the peace and

the borders before the war . T h e king invi ted the eladr in

embassy into h is fortress. O n c e ins ide, t he eladr in w e r e

assaul ted, b l inded, and t h r o w n into the dungeon .

T h e dragonborn king had hoped to ransom the prince's

life for political ga in, but the prince and his fe l low prisoners

arranged their o w n " ransom" the first night. The prince and

his compan ions , all el i te swordmages trained in the art of

bl ind fighting, ca l led thei r /arbond spellblades f rom beyond

the wa l ls of t he fortress and fought their w a y free. T h e

t reacherous dragonborn king didn' t survive the night.

B e n e f i t o f M e m b e r s h i p : A conc lave of swordmages

connec ted to the local wizards' col lege grants a farbond

spellblade to each n e w m e m b e r as a symbol of acceptance.

Membersh ip isn't easily gained. Appl icants must first prove

their wor th by passing three tests and accomplishing at least

one great deed chosen by the masters of the col lege.

A S t r a n g e F i n d : R u m o r s say tha t if y o u sea rch the

grounds a round a tyrant 's cast le, you might f ind a farbond

spellblade secre ted beh ind a bush o r under a rock.

C H A P T E R 1 | Manic Items

Hideous weapon

Frost F u r y W a r a x e Level 3 •*

When this weapon's wielder is bloodied, the axe blade becomes icy and promises a cold death with each swing.

Lvl 3 +1 680 gp Lvl 18 +4 85,000 gp Lvl 8 +2 3,400 gp Lvl 23 +5 425.000 gp Lvl 13 +3 U O O O g p Lv l28 +6 2,125,000gp W e a p o n : Axe Enhancement : Attack rolls and damage rolls Critical: +1 d6 cold damage per plus, or +1 d l 0 cold damage

per plus while you're bloodied Property: W h i l e you're bloodied, this axe deals extra cold

damage equal to your Constitution modifier.

This weapon's normal low keening tones build into a great howl when it engages in battle.

Lvl 3 +1 680 gp Lvl 18 T-4 85,000 gp Lvl 8 +2 3,400 gp Lvl 23 +5 425,000 gp Lvl 13 +3 IZOOOgp Lvl 28 -»-6 2,125,000 gp W e a p o n : Any melee Enhancement : Attack rolls and damage rolls Critical: +1d8 damage per plus Property: W h e n you score a critical hit using this weapon

scores, the damage of the next critical hit you score with this weapon increases by 1 [W] . This effect is cumulative until the end of the encounter.

Power (Dai ly): Immediate Reaction. Trigger: An enemy adjacent to you scores a critical hit against you. Effect: Roll this weapon's critical damage dice (including any extra damage from the weapon's property) and deal th3t much damage to the triggering enemy.

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FLESH GRINDER A horrific w e a p o n c r e a t e d f rom n igh tma re , t h e flesh grinder is al ive w i t h malevo lence, fi l led w i t h an unspeakable thirst for b lood and f lesh. A flesh grinder has t h e general shape and size of an ordinary w e a p o n of its make , but in place of a smoo th cutt ing edge , it has a too thy row of jagged barbs. O l d blood mixed w i t h dark grease oozes from the barbs, and w h e n the w e a p o n is s w u n g in batt le, the serrated edge rocks back and forth to c h e w through flesh and bone, spew ing noxious smoke into the air.

Flesh grinder w e a p o n s w e r e born in the bowels of the Abyss, fashioned by demon ic hands and infused w i t h all the hate, bile, and v io lence bubbl ing up from that dire realm. The demons hoped to use these weapons to cut through the eldri tch chains binding a forgotten god long confined to the plane's shadowy depths. S o m e believe that the flesh grinders in the wor ld are remnants of the anc ient demonic weapons, and even those fashioned by mortal hands are in fact the demon -c rea ted w e a p o n s reborn in form. Legend holds that w h e n a cer ta in number ( the exact quantity is lost to history) of flesh grinder w e a p o n s are recovered, the chains binding the dark god wil l loosen and unleash an evil the wor ld has never before seen.


D e f e a t t h e T w i s t e d S p i r a l Cu l t : T h e C h a i n e d G o d locked a w a y in t h e Abyss has numerous cults a n d servan t s in t h e mor ta l w o r l d , m a n y of w h i c h a s s u m e a var ie ty of n a m e s a n d attr ibute innumerab le personas to the Cha ined G o d , each more frightful and insane than the last. Cul ts devo ted to this fal len god seek i tems associa ted w i t h his dread n a m e a n d prize the flesh grinder as a physical symbo l of their de i ty 's mal ic ious intent against those w h o s tand against his designs. F ind ing a n d el iminat ing o n e of these cults is bound to reveal a flesh grinder w e a p o n .

N a v i g a t e t h e End less M a z e : B a p h o m e t rules the E n d less Maze in the Abyss , a near- inf ini te layer of tunnels, passages, traps, and horrors, e a c h of w h i c h lie in wa i t to snatch a hapless traveler and subject h im to indescribable torments. S imply surviving the Endless Maze is an achievem e n t in its o w n right, but actual ly navigat ing its tricks, traps, a n d guardians provides a nearly cer ta in m e a n s to obta in all sorts of sinister i tems, inc luding a flesh grinder. This said, such w e a p o n s are rarely left lying about , and adventurers wi l l l ikely have to pry t hem f rom the co ld, dead fingers of their previous owne rs .

Guardian's B r a n d Level 3

This weapon burns while with hatred when it's near a warden's iiiarked enemy.

Lvl 3 +1 680 gp Lvl 18 +4 85,000 gp Lvl 8 +2 3,400 gp Lvl 23 +5 425,000 gp Lvl 13 +3 17,000 gp Lvl 28 +6 2,1 25.000 gp Weapon: Any melee Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Critical: +1 d6 fire damage, or -1-1 d l 0 fire damage while

you're in a guardian form Power (Daily • Fire): Free Action. Trigger: You hit an en

emy with your warden's fury power using this weapon. Effect That enemy takes ongoing fire damage equal to 5 + your Strength modifier.

Level 13 or 18: Ongoing fire damage equal to 10 + your Strength modifier.

Level 23 or 28: Ongoing fire damage equal to 15 + your Strength modifier.

Guardian's Ca l l Level z-*

Decorated with the sigils of the wind and the oak, this weapon increases your defenses while you're in your guardian form.

Lvl 2 +1 520 gp Lvl 17 +4 65.000 gp Lvl 7 +2 2,600 gp Lvl 22 +5 325,000 gp Lvl 12 +3 13.000 gp Lvl 27 +6 1,625.000 gp Weapon: Any melee Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Critical: 11d6 damage per plus, or -i-ldl 0 damage per plus

while you're in a guardian form Property: W h e n you assume a guardian form, pick one

defense other than AC. You gain a + 2 bonus to that defense while you're in that guardian form.

H a r m o n i c S o n g b l a d e As well as channeling your bard spells, this blade gives off music that swirls away to encircle and empower one of your allies.

Lvl 2 +1 520 gp Lvl 17 4-4 65,000 gp Lvl 7 4-2 2,600 gp Lvl 22 4-5 325.000 gp Lvl 12 13 13,000 gp Lvl 27 +6 1,625,000 gp Weapon : Heavy blade, light blade Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Critical: 1-1 d6 damage per plus Property: Bards can use this weapon as an implement for

bard powers and bard paragon path powers. Power (Daily): Minor Action. One ally within 5 squares of

you gains a +2 power bonus to attack rolls and all defenses until the start of your next turn.

H i d e o u s W e a p o n Level 8+

The only thing that looks worse than this ugly weapon is your enemy when voure done with it.

Lvl 8 +2 3,400 gp Lvl 23 +5 425,000 gp Lvl 13 +3 17,000 gp Lvl 28 4-6 2,125.000 gp Lvl 18 +4 85,000 gp Weapon : Flail, hammer, pick Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Critical: 4-1 d6 damage per plus

Property: You gain an item bonus to Intimidate checks equal to this weapon's enhancement bonus.

Power (Daily • Fear, Weapon) : Free Action. Trigger: You use this weapon to reduce an enemy to 0 hit points. Effect: You make an attack against each enemy in a close burst 2: Charisma 4- 2 + the weapon's enhancement bonus vs. Wi l l ; on a hit, the target takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls and if the target ends its turn in a square adjacent to you, it becomes dazed until the end of its next turn (save ends both).

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I m p a l e r ' s P i c k Level 4

This barbed weapon can leave a short-liml magical replica of itself in your enemy to keep it pinned down. Lvl 4 + 1 840 gp Lvl 19 +4 105,000 gp

Lvl 9 +2 4.200 gp Lvl 24 +5 525,000 gp Lvl 14 +3 21.000 gp Lvl 29 +6 2.625.000 gp W e a p o n : Pick Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Critical: +1 db damage per plus, and the target is restrained

by a magical duplicate of this weapon (save ends). Aftereffect: 10 damage. Level 14 or 7 9: Aftereffect: 1 5 damage. Level 24 or 29: Aftereffect 20 damage.

Inc is ive Dagger Level 9

You m l through space os easily asyou cut through flesh.

Lvl 9 +2 4.200gp Lvl 24 f S 525,OOOgp Lvl 14 +3 21.000 gp Lvl 29 +6 2,625.000 gp Lv I19 -»4 105.000 gp W e a p o n : Dagger Enhancement: Attack rolls atid damage rolls Crit ical: * 1 d6 damage per plus Property: You can use this weapon as a focus when

performing a travel ritual that involves creating and moving through portals. You can odd the dagger's enhancement bonus as an item bonus to any skill checks related to the ritual's performance.

Property: When you use a teleportation power, the distance you can teleport increases by a number of squares equal to the dagger's enhancement bonus.

Power (Dai ly • Teleportation): Minor Action. You teleport 5 squares. Level 14 or 7 9:10 squares. Level 24 or 29:10 squares, and you don't need to be able

to see the destination square.

INCISIVE DAGGER This stiletto's blue-black b lade is razor-sharp and extends

f rom a guard that resembles t w o screaming faces tw is ted

in pa in . T h e handle is short , as if des igned for a smal l

hand , a n d b loodsta ined leather covers its cold steel . T h e

p o m m e l is a smooth orb of black s tone w i t h golden f lecks

that gl i t ter in the moonl ight .

M o d e l e d o n a more power fu l kni fe said to b e ab le to

cut through anyth ing, t he incisive dagger lacks that f amed

b lade 's super ior cut t ing ability. It does he lp its w ie lde r

m o v e through space a n d access dif ferent portals.

D e f e a t t h e G h o s t Th ie f : In t he hands of t he w r o n g

person, an incisive dagger can prove an inva luab le tool

for c r imina l enterpr ises. S u c h a w e a p o n c a m e into the

possession of a n ambi t ious thief w h o s e exploits ea rned

he r t he mon iker " G h o s t Thief." T h e author i t ies have no

c lues to h o w the elusive thief manages her dar ing cr imes,

because no one has ever spotted her and no security mea

sure has proved secure enough to s top her. B u t s o m e o n e

must k n o w someth ing , since there is genera l ag reement

that t he G h o s t Th ie f is a f ema le .

Incisive dagger

I n tens i fy ing W e a p o n Level 4-*

Ji l ls weapon blazes with inner power that enhances your ongoing effects.

Lvl 4 +1 840 gp Lv l19 - 4 105.000 gp Lv l9 +2 4.200gp Lvl 24 +5 525,OOOgp Lvl 14 +3 21.000 gp Lvl 29 +6 2.625.000 gp W e a p o n : Any Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Critical: f 1d6 damage per plus, or i T d l 0 damage per plus

on attacks that deal ongoing damage Property: W h e n you use this weapon to hit with an attack

that deals ongoing damage, the ongoing damage increases by an amount equal to the weapon's enhancement bonus.

M a s t e r ' s B l a d e Level 4+

Seemingly Impossible/eats are possible for master warriors, and for those who wield this perfectly designed weapon.

Lvl 4 +1 840 gp Lv l19 +4 105.000 gp Lvl 9 +2 4,200 gp Lvl 24 +5 525,000 gp Lv l14 +3 21,000 gp Lvl 29 +6 2.625.000gp W e a p o n : Heavy blade, light blade Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Critical: +1d6 damage per plus

Property: W h i l e you're using a stance power, you gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls on melee basic attacks and at-will attacks with this weapon.

Power (Daily): Minor Action. Until the end of the encounter, while you wield this weapon, you can have two stances active at the same time.

M a w of t h e G u a r d i a n Level 4 *

Engraved with the primal rune of the Jevourer. this weapon increases your damage while you're in a guardian form.

Lvl 4 +1 840 gp Lvl 19 +4 105.000 gp Lvl 9 +2 4.200 gp Lvl 24 +5 525,000 gp Lvl 14 +3 21.000 gp Lvl 29 +6 2.625,OOOgp W e a p o n : Any melee Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Critical: +1d6 damage per plus Property: This weapon deals extra damage equal to your

Constitution modifier while you're in a guardian form.

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Quicksilver B l a d e This weapon seems n> move too quickly to be seen, and it im parts that ability to you.

Lvl 2 +1 520gp Lvl 17 +4 65,OOOgp Lvl7 +2 2,600gp Lvl 22 +5 325,000gp Lvl 12 +3 13.000 gp Lvl 27 +6 1,625.000 gp Weapon: Light blade Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Critical: +1d6 damage per plus Property: You gain an item bonus to initiative checks equal

to the blade's enhancement bonus. Power (Daily): Free Action. Trigger: You score a critical hit

with this weapon. Effect: You gain a move action that you must use before the end of your turn.

S c r e a m i n g B o w level 4^

Level 8-i Ravenclaw W a r b l a d e Wiis sword becomes more powerful when its wieliler or his en emies are ui death's door.

Lvl 23 +5 425.000 gp Lvl 28 +6 2,1 25.000 gp

Lvl 8 +2 3.400 gp Lvl 13 +3 17.000 gp Lvl 18 +4 85,000 gp Weapon: Heavy blade Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Critical: ' 1 d6 damage per plus, or +1 d l 0 damage per plus

while you're bloodied Property: When you use this weapon to reduce a non-

minion enemy to 0 hit points, you can either spend a healing surge or make a saving throw.

level 2-Rebounding W e a p o n You meant to do that. So. really.

Lvl 2 +1 520 gp Lvl 17 +4 65.000 gp Lvl 7 -i2 2,600gp lvl 22 +5 3 25,000gp Lvl 12 +3 13,000 gp Lvl 27 +6 1,625,000 gp Weapon: Any ranged Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Critical: +1d6 damage per plus Power (Encounter): Free Action. Trigger: You attack an ene

my with this weapon and miss. Effect: You make a ranged basic attack against a different enemy within 5 squares of that enemy.

Level 5 + Runic W e a p o n This weapon is engraved with numerous arcane runes ami si<|ils thai glow when magical emanations are near.

Lvl 5 +1 1,000 gp Lvl 20 +4 125.000 gp Lvl 10 +2 5.000gp Lvl 25 +5 625.000gp Lvl 15 - 3 25.000 gp Lvl 30 +6 3.125,000 gp Weapon: Any Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Critical: -'-1 d6 damage per plus Property: When you hit with an arcane power using this

weapon, you gain temporary hit points equal to the weapon's enhancement bonus.

What begins as a low moan rises to an eursplillin,<| shriek as the arrow seeks out its mark.

Lvl 4 +1 840 gp Lvl 19 +4 105.000 gp Lvl 9 +2 4,200 gp Lvl 24 +5 525.000 gp Lvl 14 +3 21.000 gp Lvl 29 - 6 2.625.000 gp Weapon : Bow Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Critical: +1d6 thunder damage per plus Property: W h e n you use this weapon to hit an enemy with

an attack power that doesn't have a damage type, the attack deals thunder damage, and the enemy is deafened until the end of your next turn.

Power (Daily): Free Action. Trigger: You hit an enemy with this weapon. Effect That enemy gains vulnerable 5 thunder (save ends). Each creature adjacent to that enemy is deafened and gains vulnerable 5 thunder until the end of your next turn.

Level 74 or 79: The enemy gains vulnerable 10 thunder (save ends).

Level 24 or 29: The enemy gains vulnerable 20 thunder (save ends).

1/1 Z O a. <

Shadowr i f t B l a d e Level 124

You ran pass through the Shadow/ell to a nearby location when you use this blade, but doing so costs you a bit of your life force.

Lvl12 +3 13.000gp Lvl 22 +5 325.000gp Lvl 17 +4 65.000gp Lvl 27 +6 1.625.000gp Weapon : Light blade Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Critical: -i-1d6 damage per plus Power (At -Wi l l • Teleportation): Free Action. Trigger.

You hit an enemy that is granting you combat advantage. Effect: You take 5 damage and teleport 2 squares. Level 17 or 22: Take 10 damage and teleport 3 squares. Level 27: Take 1 5 damage and teleport 4 squares.

Level 13^ S h r i e k i n g S o n g b o w The sound of unbridledfear navels along with each of your shots.

Lvl 23 +5 42 5.000 gp Lvl 28 i 6 2,12 5,000 gp

Lvl 13 +3 1 7,000 gp Lvl 18 i-4 85,000 gp Weapon : Bow, crossbow Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Critical: +1d6 damage per plus Property: Bards can use this weapon as an implement for

bard powers and bard paragon path powers. Power (Daily • Fear): Free Action. Trigger. You hit an en

emy with a bard attack power using this weapon. Effect: That enemy moves a number of squares away from you equal to your Charisma modifier, avoiding opportunity attacks and unsafe squares if possible.

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SCREAMING BOW Assemb led from over lapp ing pieces of y e w l e m o n w o o d , horn, and o ther mater ia ls bound together w i th sovereign glue, a screaming bow wou ld pass for any other high-quality l ongbow except for t he si lver eagle talons moun ted at e i ther e n d to ho ld its go lden bowstr ing taut. A r r o w s fitted onto the string and d rawn are t ransformed, the ar rowhead stretching and contor t ing into the l ikeness of a screaming eagle's head . O n c e the ar row flies, it sounds a high-pitched screech that g rows louder the c loser it comes to its target unti l sudden ly becoming silent on impac t .

E a c h screaming bow is said to con ta in a soul f ragment f rom an elf warr ior slain in batt le, w h o , through Corel lon's grace, w a s g iven ano the r c h a n c e to carry on the l i felong struggle against his o r he r people 's enemies . O n l y those chosen to reside in A rvando r w i t h thei r god can provide a por t ion of their soul to reside w i th in a screaming bow, and t hen on ly w h e n the b o w is fash ioned by an e ladr in or elf mage .

Aerie of Griffons: Local legend c la ims that a band of heroes ascended into the mounta ins to assault a m o u n tain fastness a n d defeat a ty rannica l g iant w h o d w e l l e d there . O f those w h o a s c e n d e d , none re turned, but tales are still to ld around hear ths about these lost heroes a n d the screaming bow that o n e of t h e m possessed.

Avenge the Elven People: O res , gobl ins, and o the r desp icab le humano ids w a g e w a r against the sy lvan folk in bo th the mor ta l w o r l d and the Feyw i l d beyond . M a n y commun i t i es see to thei r o w n de fenses and resent interfe rence f rom outs iders, but a hero w h o proves herse l f an ally and fights in t he n a m e of good folk might ga in a screaming bow as a token o f f r iendship.

( 11 A P I T R 1 i Magic Items

Songbow of Lullabies Level 9+

The projectile fired from this weapon sings softly in a voice that its target finds most soothing.

Lvl 9 +2 4.200 gp Lvl 24 +5 525,000 gp Lvl 14 +3 21,000 gp Lv l29 +6 2.625,000gp Lvl 19 k 4 105.000 gp W e a p o n : Bow. crossbow Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Crit ical: 4 1 d6 damage per plus Property: Bards can use this weapon as an implement for

bard powers and bard paragon path powers. Power (Daily • Charmh Free Action. Trigger: You hit H I

enemy with a hard charm power using this weapon. Effect: That enemy is slowed (save ends). First Failed Saving Throw: The enemy is immobilized (save ends). Second Failed Saving Throw. The enemy is knocked unconscious (save ends).

Songbow of Summoning Level 1 5 *

When this weapon fires, an ancient paean sunf by conquering peoples rings out and calls your allies in for the kill.

Lvl 15 +3 25,OOOgp Lvl 25 +5 625.000gp Lvl 20 +4 125.000 gp Lvl 30 +6 3.125.000 gp W e a p o n : Bow. crossbow Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Crit ical: i Iclfi damage per plus Property: Bards can use this weapon as an implement for

bard powers and bard paragon path powers. Power (Daily • Teleportation): Free Action. Trigger. You

hit an enemy with a bard power using this weapon. Effect: Each ally within 5 squares of you or within 5 squares of that enemy can teleport to a square adjacent to the enemy as a free action.

[ i 5

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Songbow of V a n i s h m e n t Level 3 *

Your magic whispers in the minds of your foes, convincing them you're elsewhere.

Lvl 3 +1 680 gp Lvl 18 ^ 4 85.000 gp Lvl 8 +2 3.400 gp Lvl 23 +5 425.000 gp Lvl 13 +3 17.000 gp Lvl 28 +6 2.1 25.000 gp Weapon: Bow. crossbow Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Critical: +1d6 damage per plus Property: Bards can use this weapon as an implement for

bard powers and bard paragon path powers. Power (Daily • Illusion): Free Action. Trigger. You hit

an enemy with a bard power using this weapon. Effect: You're invisible to that enemy until the end of your next turn.

Soul Dr inker W e a p o n Level 14*

// (his weapon doesn't make a kill it takes its frustration out on you.

Lvl 14 +3 21.000 gp Lvl 24 +5 52 5.000 gp Lvl 19 f4 105.000gp Lvl 29 +6 2.625.000gp Weapon: Any melee Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Critical: -r-1d6 necrotic damage per plus Power (Encounter • Necrotic): Free Action. Trigger.

You hit an enemy with this weapon. Effect: You deal 2d10 extra necrotic damage to that enemy. If this hit doesn't reduce the enemy to 0 hit points, you take 2d12 damage. Level 24 or 29: Deal 3d10 necrotic damage, and take

3d12 damage if the hit doesn't reduce the enemy to 0 hit points.

Space-Bending W e a p o n Level 19

(This weapon always seems farther away than it actually is.

Lvl 19 +4 105.000 gp Lvl 29 +6 2.625.000 gp Lvl 24 f S 525.000 gp Weapon: Heavy blade. light blade Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Critical: + l d 6 damage per plus

Power (Daily): Minor Action. The next enemy you target with this weapon can be up to 5 squares away from you: you attack that enemy as if you were adjacent to It. Level 24 or 29: Up to 10 squares away.

Stormbiter W a r b l a d e Level 4

Glistening with electric blue eldritch energy this weapon's blade packs a stormy punch.

Lvl 4 +1 840 gp Lvl 19 - 4 105.000 gp Lvl 9 +2 4,200 gp Lvl 24 +5 525.000 gp Lvl 14 - 3 21.000 gp Lvl 29 +6 2.625.000 gp Weapon: Heavy blade, light blade Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Critical: +1 d6 thunder and lightning damage per plus Power (Daily • Lightning): Free Action. Trigger: You hit

an enemy with a lightning power or a thunder power using this weapon. Effect: That enemy is knocked prone. It's also deafened and takes ongoing 5 lightning damage (save ends both). Level 14 or 79: Deafened and ongoing 10 lightning

damage (save ends both). Level 24 or 29: Deafened and ongoing 1 5 lightning

damage (save ends both).

SHADOWRIFT BLADE Eladr in a n d e v e n s o m e e l ves cons ide r it d i s t a s t e f u l -

a lmost t a b o o - t o carry a shadowrift blade. T h e reason for

th is prohibi t ion is unclear, because no three e ladr in can

agree o n it.

S o m e c la im that the b lades are t reacherous gifts of

the drow. O the rs that the strange gray-green meta l of the

w e a p o n s c o m e s from a corner of the Far R e a l m w h e r e

t ime and space conspire to produce spiraling insanity. A n d

a few hint that the secrets of mak ing shadowrift blades

w e r e g iven to the e ladr in by an exarch of G r u u m s h .

W h a t e v e r origin o n e might favor, e ladr in sages and

e lders agree that t hese w e a p o n s are s o m e h o w cursed or

cor rupted, existing only to b leed the Shadowfe l l into the

Feywi ld . To those w h o use a shadowrift blade, the eladr in s

c la ims serve as the only ev idence for any ta int .

Z e r t h ' s N e w B l a d e : A rogue githzerai zerth has b e e n

to rment ing a smal l , peaceful se t t lement . T h e leader of

the t o w n descr ibes the power fu l te leport ing sword the

zerth w ie lds and promises that the blade's va lue a lone is

wo r th the effort of get t ing rid of his githzerai p rob lem.

S a v e M y D a u g h t e r ( the H a r d W a y ) : A n eladr in scholar

is wor r ied about her daughter, a n errant swordmage . S h e

has p icked up a shadowrift blade to aid in he r endeavors ,

ignoring her people 's concerns about such w e a p o n s . T h e

scholar is looking for s o m e o n e to conv ince her daughter

to give up the b lade a n d is afraid that a sword d u e l - a

c o m b a t in w h i c h the w i n n e r takes the swo rd of t h e

v a n q u i s h e d - m i g h t be the only way.

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Storm biter warblade

Level 10-r S u p r e m e S k i r m i s h e r ' s B o w Perfectly balanced and blessed with powers that help shape each of your motions, this bow allows you to fight with unmatched grace.

Lvl 10 +2 !S,000gp Lvl 25 +5 625,000 gp Lvl 15 +3 2!;,000gp Lvl 30 4-6 3,125,OOOgp Lvl 20 +4 1215,000 gp W e a p o n : Bow Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Crit ical: 1 1 d 6 damage per plus Power (Encounter): Free Action. Trigger: You make a

ranged basic attack using this weapon. Ejffect; You make a ranged at-will attack using this weapon instead.

S u p r e m e l y Vi icious W e a p o n Level 2h

520gp '2.600 gp

1 3,000 gp

Lvl 17 Lvl 22 Lvl 27

+4 +5 +6

65,000 gp 325.000 gp

1,625,000 gp

Pure lethality.

Lvl 2 +1 Lvl 7 +2 Lvl 12 +3 W e a p o n : Any Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Crit ical: +1J8 damage per plus, and you can choose to fefoll

any or all of your critical damage dice, but you must take the second result of each die.

Target ing W e a p o n Level 3 -

When the bolt flies fromyour weapon, it shows the way to victory,

Lvl 3 - 1 680 gp Lvl 18 h-4 85,000 gp Lv l8 +2 3,400gp Lvl 23 +5 425,000 gp Lvl 13 +3 17.000 gp Lvl 28 +6 2,125,000 gp W e a p o n : Bow, crossbow Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Crit ical: +1 d6 damage per plus, and the target grants

combat advantage until the end of your next turn. Power (Daily): Free Action. Trigger: You hit an enemy with

an attack using this weapon. Effect: Until the end of your next turn, you and your allies can roll twice on attack rolls against that enemy and use either result.

T o t e m i c S p e a r

This spear's power extends into the spirit world.

Lvl 2 +1 520 gp Lvl 17 +4 Lvl 7 -12 2,600 gp Lvl 22 +5

i/l 1 7 1 3 nnn ,. r. I i/l 7 7

Level 2 i

65.000 gp 325.000 gp

1 f i i i ; nnn ™

W e a p o n : Spear Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Crit ical: +1 d6 damage per plus Property: Shamans can use this weapon as an implement

for shaman powers and shaman paragon path powers. Property: You can target any enemy within 2 squares of

your spirit companion with attacks that have a range of "Melee spirit."

STORMBITER WARBLADE H e u r - K e t , a v ic ious pr imord ia l o f ga le and thunder , w a s

de fea ted in the first war, but echoes of t he pr imordia l 's

h o w l i n g w i n d s l ive o n . T h e pr imord ia l ' s e s s e n c e w a s

scat tered throughout t he w o r l d , t he S h a d o w f e l l , and t he

Fey w i l d .

A c c o r d i n g to t h e h i s t o r i e s a n d l e g e n d s o f ea r l y

emp i res , ce r ta in locat ions re ta ined H e u r - K e t ' s s tormy

nature . W e a p o n s c rea ted near those locat ions b e c a m e

infused w i t h t he p r imord ia l ^ essence, b e c o m i n g t he first

stormbiter warblades. N o w the formula for mak ing these

w e a p o n s is c o m m o n l y k n o w n , but t he most: po tent o f

t h e m are those first m a d e after Heu r -Ke t ' s fal l at a site

w h e r e t h e ent i ty 's essence co l l ec ted , or t h o s e craf ted

using a p iece of one o f t he original w e a p o n s as a focus

for t he r i tual.

Artificer's Endeavor: Art i f icers a n d others interested

in t he creat ion of magic w e a p o n s a re a l w a y s o n t he look

out for f ragments o f the original stormbiter warblades, or

for a locat ion w h e r e Heur -Ke t ' s essence is p resent . O f ten

they pu rchase th is in fo rmat ion w i t h t he p rom ise of a

w e a p o n crafted f r om Heur -Ke t ' s power .

Forge of the Landfall: D e e p in t he Feywii ld 's U n d e r -

dark is a cyclops forge built on a site conta in ing Heur -Ket 's

essence. T h e Cyclopes a re diff icult to dea l w i t h and stingy

w i t h the i r c rea t ions , so t he Cour t of S ta r s o f ten com

miss ions raids to p l unde r t he s i te, a n d e v e n p rov ides

te lepor ta t ion magic to a id in these raids.

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Totemic W a r c l u b Level 2 I

Some of the power Invested inyour spirit companion also /lows through this warclub.

Lvl 2 +1 520gp Lvl 17 +4 65.000gp Lvl 7 +2 2.600gp Lvl 22 +5 32S,OOOgp Lvl 12 +3 13.000gp Lvl 27 +6 1,62S.OOOgp Weapon: Mace Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Critical: ' 1 d6 damage per plus Property: Shamans can use this weapon as an implement

for shaman powers and shaman paragon path powers. Property: W h e n you use this weapon as an implement for a

power that has a range of "Melee spirit," you can choose to use your square as the origin square of the power.

Unforgettable C u d g e l A well placed strike with this mace goes a long way toward showing an enemy the error of its ways.

Lvl 8 +2 3,400 gp Lvl 23 i-5 425.000gp LvM3 +3 IZOOOgp Lvl 28 +6 2,125,000gp LvM8 r4 85,000 gp Weapon: Mace Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Critical: +1H6 damage per plus, or the target is dazed

(save ends) Property: Divine characters can use this mace as a holy

symbol implement for divine powers. Property: You can score a critical hit with this weapon on a

roll of 19-20 when it is used as a weapon or an implement for a divine melee attack power.

Level 4 * W e a p o n of O a t h s Ful f i l led As your weapon slays your deity's enemy, you feel a surge of vitality that allows you to keep fighting.

Lvl 4 +1 840 gp Lvl 19 +4 105.000 gp Lvl9 +2 4.200 gp Lvl 24 +5 525.000 gp Lvl 14 +3 21.000 gp Lvl 29 +6 2.62 5.000 gp Weapon: Any melee Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Critical: f 1d6 damage per plus Property: Avengers can use this weapon as an implement

for avenger powers and avenger paragon path powers. Property: W h e n you reduce the target of your oath oj enmity

to 0 hit points, the next attack you make with this weapon before the end of your next turn deals 1 d6 extra damage per plus.

UNFORGETTABLE CUDGEL A n unforgettable cudgel features a sturdy haft cu t f rom

h ickory a n d w r a p p e d w i t h red cord a r o u n d a h a n d l e

c a p p e d in i ron wrough t to resemb le a s tern face w i t h

a spadel ike bea rd . T h e business e n d is a flanged m a c e

h e a d capped w i t h a smoo thed , convex s tee l ferrule. E a c h

f lange forms a w e d g e - s h a p e d point , a n d there a re seven

f langes in al l .

T h e w e a p o n is fash ioned as a rel igious icon in t he

i m a g e o f a w e a p o n w i e l d e d by a n a n c i e n t s a i n t , a

r ighteous servant of the gods w h o fought against ty ranny

and injustice and sought t he rule of d iv ine law. It conta ins

a port ion o f his holy essence, mak ing it a highly sought-

after i t em by d iv ine servants t he w o r l d over. C le r ics and

o the r d iv ine heroes seek out t he unforgettable cudgel for

its abil i ty to pass d iv ine j u d g m e n t by remind ing those it

str ikes of their past c r imes a n d w i c k e d deeds . F e w have

t he courage to w i t hs tand such a psychic assaul t .

A t o n e m e n t : T h e gods of o rder a n d goodness some

t imes bes tow holy ob jects to those w h o have w a l k e d the

road of s h a d o w and resisted its tempta t ions , re turn ing to

the light w i t h al l the fervor of t he most d e v o t e d pa lad ins.

It takes a great ac t of self-sacrif ice a n d penance for t he

gods to bequea th such a n i t em, bu t those w h o truly a n d

deep ly a tone might f ind themse lves gifted w i t h an icon

such as an unforgettable cudgel.

Living vines writhe ami constrict around this Weapon when it's at rest, but thev grasp at and harry your foes with each Swing,

Lvl 8 +2 3,400 gp Lvl 23 - 5 425.000 gp L v M 3 +3 1 7.000 gp Lvl 28 +6 2.12 5.000 gp Lvl 18 +4 85.000 gp W e a p o n : Any melee Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Crit ical: - 1d6 damage per plus Property: W h e n you immobilize a target with a melee

attack using this weapon, that target grants combat advantage to you until the end of your next turn.

Power (Dai ly) : Minor Action. Make an attack: Close burst 3; target one enemy in burst; Constitution -i- this weapon's enhancement bonus vs. Fortitude: on a hit. you pull that enemy 3 squares.

Whis t l ing S o n g b o w Level 2+

Projectiles launched from this weapon whistle its they streak toward their target.

Lvl 2 +1 520 gp Lvl 17 +4 65,000 gp Lvl 7 +2 2.600 gp Lvl 22 +5 32 5.000 gp Lvl 12 +3 13,000 gp Lvl 27 +6 1.625.000 gp Weapon: Bow, crossbow Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Critical: + 1d6 damage per plus Property: Bards can use this weapon as an implement for

bard powers and bard paragon path powers. Power (Daily): Free Action. Trigger: You attack an enemy

with a bard attack power using this weapon. Effect: Each ally within 5 squares of that enemy gains a < 2 power bonus to attack rolls against the enemy until the end of your next turn.

AMMUNITION The effectiveness of a ranged weapon depends on aim, but don't discount its payload.

E n c h a n t e d a r r o w s , bolts, a n d s l ing bu l le ts c a n b e

ac t iva ted a n d f i red I ron) r a n g e d w e a p o n s to a c h i e v e

except iona l resul ts. Y o u mus t load m a g i c a m m u n i t i o n

before y o u c a n act iva te a n d Ore it ( spend ing w h a t e v e r

ac t ion is necessary to do so), a n d it's used up w h e n

f i red . W h e n used \ \ it 11 powers that target mu l t i p l e ene

m i e s , m a g i c a m m u n i t i o n af fects on l y the lit si at tack

ro l l o r target af ter it's l oaded . I n c e r t a i n c i r c u m s t a n c e s

C H A P L ' B R I | Magic Items

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(such us w h e n l oad ing is a f ree ac t ion) , h o w e v e r , a

r a n g e d a t tacker c a n l oad m o r e mag ic a m m u n i t i o n

d u r i n g a n at tack against mu l t i p l e targets if des i r ed .

A m m u n i t i o n a p p l i e s a n e n h a n c e m e n t b o n u s to

a n a t tack ro l l a n d d a m a g e rol l w h e n u s e d . I f t h e

p ro jec t i l e w e a p o n is m a g i c a l , u s e t he a m m u n i

tion's e n h a n c e m e n t b o n u s i n p l a c e o f t he w e a p o n ' s

e n h a n c e m e n t b o n u s . T h e w e a p o n ' s c r i t i ca l b o n u s a n d

the p rope r t i es f r o m b o t h t he w e a p o n a n d t he a m m u

n i t i on st i l l app ly . U s i n g m a g i c a m m u n i t i o n doesn ' t

p r e v e n t y o u f r o m ac t i va t i ng a m a g i c w e a p o n ' s p o w e r s .

Y o u c a n f i re m a g i c a m m u n i t i o n w i t h o u t act ivat

ing it, u s i n g y o u r w e a p o n ' s e n h a n c e m e n t bonus a n d

r e c e i v i n g no bene f i t f r om (he a m m u n i t i o n ' s m a g i c .

T h e a m m u n i t i o n is s t i l l e x p e n d e d .

A m m u n i t i o n n a m e s a r e k e y e d to c e r t a i n a m m u n i

t ion t ypes , bu t a n y o f t he e n c h a n t m e n t s d e s c r i b e d i n

th i s sec t ion c a n b e p l a c e d o n a n y t y p e o f a m m u n i

t ion ; for i n s t a n c e , it's poss ib le to c r e a t e o r a c q u i r e a n

a r r o w o r a s l ing bu l le t tha i has t h e a t t r ibu tes o f a bolt

of clumsiness.

A r r o w of R e v e l a t i o n Level 9 t

loun's eye marks this bright yellow arrow.

Lvl 9 +2 160gp Lvl 24 +5 21,000 gp Lv l 14 +3 800 gp Lvl 29 - 6 105.000 gp L v M 9 +4 4.200 gp Ammuni t ion Enhancement : Attack rolls and damage rolls Property: W h e n you hit an enemy with an attack using this

ammunition, that enemy doesn't benefit from invisibility until the end of your next turn.

A t t e n t i o n - S t e a l i n g B u l l e t Level 3"

l i t is bright red sling stone drawsyour targets immediate attention.

Lvl 3 +1 30 gp Lvl 18 +4 3,400 gp Lvl 8 +2 125gp Lvl 23 4-5 17,000 gp Lvl 13 +3 650 gp Lvl 28 +6 85.000 gp Ammuni t ion Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Property: W h e n you hit an enemy with an attack using

this ammunition, you mark that enemy until the end of its next turn. Wh i le marked by you in this manner, when the enemy makes an attack that doesn't include you as a target, the ammunition strikes that target again for 1d6 damage per plus.

B e n d i n g B u l l e t Level Sh

Whisper a direction to this warped bullet, and it bends around obstacles.

Lvl 5 - 1 50 gp Lvl 20 +4 5,000 gp Lvl 10 +2 200gp Lvl 25 +5 25,000gp Lvl 15 h3 1.000 gp Lvl 30 +6 125,000 gp Ammuni t ion Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Property: W h i l e you have line of effect to a square adjacent

to an enemy, you can attack that enemy using this ammunition. Treat the enemy as having cover.

B o l t of C l u m s i n e s s A victim of this malformed quarrel is too ungainly to avoid inviting arracks.

Lvl 8 4-2 125gp Lvl 23 4-5 17.000 gp Lvl 13 4-3 650 gp Lvl 28 4-6 85,000 gp Lvl 18 +4 3.400 gp Ammuni t ion Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Property: W h e n you hit an enemy with an attack using this

ammunition, that enemy can't shift until the end of its next turn.

Level 8 ̂

Use this lightning shaped bolt to move closer to your target.

Lvl 8 +2 125 gp Lvl 23 4-5 17.000 gp L v M 3 i-3 650gp Lvl 28 +6 85.000gp Lvl 18 t4 3.400 gp Ammuni t ion Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Property: W h e n you hit an enemy with an attack using this

ammunition, you can teleport to a space adjacent to that enemy.

D i s p e l l i n g B o l t

This flat black quarrel extinguishes conjurations and zones.

Lvl 8 +2 Lvl 13 4-3 Lv l18 4-4 Arnmun

125 gp 650 gp

3.400 gp

Lvl 23 i5 Lvl 28 +6

17.000 gp 85,000 gp

t ion Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Property: W h e n you hit an enemy with an attack using this

ammunition, you can end one conjuration or zone that enemy has created.

F i r e s t o r m A r r o w Level 3--

The charred wood of this arrow seems to shimmer with heat.

Lvl 3 +1 30 gp Lvl 18 +4 3,400 gp Lvl 8 +2 125 gp Lvl 23 +5 17,000 gp Lvl 1 3 +3 650 gp Lvl 28 -i-6 85,000 gp Ammuni t ion Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Property: W h e n you hit an enemy with an attack using this

ammunition, that enemy and each creature adjacent to it take 1 d6 extra fire damage per plus.

Level 9h F o r b i d d a n c e B o l t

Teleportation becomes more difficult when this bolt strikes its rk.

160gp 800 gp

4,200 gp

Lvl 24 Lvl 29

21,000 gp 105.000 gp

Lvl 9 +2 Lvl 14 +3 Lvl 19 -I-4 Ammuni t ion Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Property: W h e n you hit an enemy with an attack using this

ammunition, that enemy can't teleport until the end of its next turn, and no creature can teleport to a space within 2 squares of that target until the end of its next turn.

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J ' lnising arrou*

Freezing A r r o w Level 3

The shaft of this arrow is shaved from unmelting ice.

Lvl 3 +1 30 gp Lvl 18 +4 3.400 gp Lvl 8 +2 1 2 S g p Lvl 2 3 h5 IZOOOgp Lvl 13 +3 650 gp Lvl 28 16 85,000 gp Ammunition Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Property: W h e n you hit an enemy with an attack using this

ammunition, that enemy takes 1d6 extra cold damage per plus and is slowed until the end of its next turn.

Lightning A r r o w Lev , i •

this arrow's blue and white streaks thrum with energy.

Lvl 3 + 1 3 0 gp Lvl 18 +4 3.400 gp Lvl 8 +2 125 gp Lvl 23 +5 17,000 gp Lvl13 +3 650gp Lvl 28 +6 85,000gp Ammunition Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Property: W h e n you hit an enemy with an attack using this

ammunition, that enemy takes 1 d6 extra lightning damage per plus and is dazed until the end of its next turn.

Onslaught A r r o w

this black arrow trails a bright pennant, flagging its target.

Lvl 2 +1 2 5gp Lvl 17 +4 2.600 gp Lvl 7 +2 l O O g p Lvl 22 +5 13.000 gp Lvl 12 +3 500 gp Lvl 27 +6 65.000 gp Ammunition Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Property: W h e n you hit an enemy with an attack using this

ammunition, each ally that can see that enemy gains a +1 item bonus to attack rolls against it until the end of your next turn.

P h a s i n g A r r o w level 2 5 -

Ephemera] in/light, this arrow strikes its target solidly.

Lvl 25 - 5 25,000 gp Lvl 30 +6 125,000 gp Ammunit ion Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Property: W h e n you attack using this ammunition, you

don't need line of effect to the target, and your attack roll takes no penalty from cover or superior cover.

S p a c e - S h i f t i n g B o l t Level 8+

Wrought in an eladrfn design, this sizzling bolt teleports those it hits.

Lvl 8 +2 125gp Lvl 23 +5 IZOOOgp Lvl 13 +3 650 gp Lvl 28 +6 85.000 gp Lvl 18 +4 3.400 gp Ammuni t ion Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Property: W h e n you hit an enemy with an attack using this

ammunition, you teleport that enemy 1 square.

S p i d e r B o l t Level 3-*

This web-Strewn qtutrrd envelops the enemy when it hits.

Lvl 3 +1 30 gp Lvl 18 +4 3,400 gp Lvl 8 +2 125gp Lvl 23 +5 IZOOOgp Lv l13 +3 650 gp Lvl 28 +6 85.000 gp Ammuni t ion

Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Property: W h e n you hit an enemy with an attack using this

ammunition, that enemy and each enemy adjacent to it is slowed until the end of your next turn.

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S u m m o n i n g B u l l e t Level

Use this magnetic bullet to bring an ally closer to your joe.

Lvl 8 +2 125gp Lvl 23 +5 17,000 gp Lvl 13 +3 650 gp Lvl 28 +6 85.000 gp L v l l 8 - 4 3.400 gp Ammuni t ion Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Property: W h e n you hit an enemy with an attack using this

ammunition, one ally within 3 squares of that enemy can teleport to a space adjacent to It.

Surprise Bullet Level 3+

litis winking bullet blinks in and out so your target con'l see it coming.

Lvl 3 +1 30 gp Lvl 18 * 4 3.400 gp Lvl 8 +2 125 gp Lvl 23 +5 17,000 gp Lvl 13 +3 650 gp Lvl 28 +6 85.000 gp Ammuni t ion Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Property: W h e n you attack an enemy using this

ammunition, that enemy grants combat advantage to you for that attack.

HOLY SYMBOLS Whatever form it takes, the symbol of a god has power. Of

course, an enchanted holy <\ mbol lias even more |H»urr.

A holy s y m b o l represen ts y o u r dei ty a n d lakes the

s h a p e o f a n aspect of the god . W h a t e v e r the sv inbo l

itsell s , i \ s about it** w ie lde r . e n c h a n t m e n t s a r e neu

t ra l a n d c a n h e t r ans fe r red f rom one ho ly s y m b o l to

a n o t h e r to bet ter suit a new o\ \ i h t (see the Trans fe r

E n c h a n t m e n t r i tua l , page \ L ) L ) of Adventurers Vault).

I f y o u a r e a m e m b e r o l a c lass that c a n use a holy

SJ mbo l as a n i m p l e m e n t , y o u c a n a p p l \ the symbol ' s


The most powerful worshipers of loun use enchanted floating stones as holy symbols. The small number of these stones that exist in the world were passed down by loun herself, and a small fragment of her knowledge permeates each one. Some historians consider them to be the first, or at least the only true, loun stones.

Become an Exalted Eye: loun's most prominent priests are known as the Exalted Eyes of loun, and each wears an loun stone of divine knowledge. A hero who proves his or her valor to loun by reclaiming vast stores of lost knowledge or uncovering secrets held by Vecna's followers might be allowed into the ranks of the Exalted Eyes.

Undertake loun's Test: loun keeps many loun stones

of divine knowledge within her swan tower Kerith-Ald, but they're reserved for only the most worthy and most knowledgeable. One who performs great deeds can earn an audience with loun or one of her aspects but must still prove that he or she has earned such a magnificent gift.

e n h a n c e m e n t bonus to the at tack rolls an i l the d a m a g e rol ls o f a n y o f y o u r p o w e r s f rom that c lass that h a v e the imp lemen t k e y w o r d , a n d you c a n use a s \ mbol 's proper t ies a n d |M>wers. M e m b e r s of o the r classes g a i n n o benef i t f rom w e a r i n g or ho ld i ng a holy s y m b o l .

Y o u can' t m a k e m e l e e a t tacks w i t h a h o l \ s y m b o l .

U n l i k e o ther Implements, y o u n e e d on l y w e a r a ho l \ s y m b o l lor Its p rope r t y o r p o w e r to func t i on . 11 y o u a r e w e a r i n g or ho ld i ng m o r e t h a n one holy s\ mbo l , n o n e ol y o u r s y m b o l s f unc t i on .

Convert's Symbol Level 1 3

This symhal is a carving of a hand grasping an arcane imple ment. It allows you to auiveri same of your arcane power into healing.

Lvl 13 +3 17.000 gp Lvl 23 +5 425.000 gp Lvl 18 > 4 85.000 gp Lvl 28 +6 2,125.000 gp Implement (Holy Symbol) Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Crit ical: ' 1d6 damage per plus Property: Arcane casters can wield this holy symbol in one

hand to use it as an implement for arcane powers. Choose the type of arcane implement when the symbol is created.

Power (Dai ly • Healing): Minor Action. You expend an arcane daily attack power. One ally you can see within 10 squares of you regains hit points as though he or she had spent a healing surge, plus additional hit points equal to the level of the expended power.

l oun S t o n e of D i v i n e K n o w l e d g e Level 2 S *

'/his amber sphere with a red gem in its center slowly orbits your head, leaving a trail 0J twinkling golden lights.

Lvl 25 ' 5 625.000 gp Lvl 30 +6 3.125.000 gp Implement (Holy Symbol) I tem Slot: Head Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Crit ical: # 1d6 damage per plus Property: Divine characters can use this item as a holy

symbol implement for divine powers. Property: You gain an item bonus to Insight checks and

Religion checks equal to the symbol's enhancement bonus, and an item bonus to other Intelligence-based skill checks equal to one-half its enhancement bonus.

Power (Dai ly): Free Action. Trigger: You hit an enemy with a divine attack power using this holy symbol. Effect: You learn whether each of the other defenses of that enemy is higher or lower than the defense hit by this attack. In addition, the enemy grants combat advantage (save ends).

loun-Blessed Symbol Level 1 t

Ihis SJ mbol, blessed With loans love of knowledge, is a slcndci length of ivory with only a suggestion of her icon.

Lvl 2 +1 520 gp Lvl 17 f $ 65,000 gp Lvl 7 +2 2.600gp Lvl 22 +5 325.000gp Lvl 12 +3 13,000 gp Lvl 27 +6 1.625,000 gp Implement (Holy Symbol) Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Critical: • 1d8 damage per plus Property: Arcane characters can wield this holy symbol

in one hand to use it as a wand implement for arcane powers.

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Symbol of B r a n d i n g Level 12+

Asyou utter a prayer, this symbol flares to sear your god's icon Into the forehead of your foe.

Lvl 12 +3 13.000 gp Lvl 22 +5 325.000 gp Lvl 17 +4 6 S . 0 0 0 g P Lvl 27 +6 1.625.000gp Implement {Holy Symbol) Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Critical: +1d6 radiant damage per plus Power (Daily): Free Action. Trigger: You hit an enemy with

a divine attack power using this holy symbol. Effect: Until the end of the encounter, when that enemy takes radiant damage from your divine challenge or divine sanction, it takes 5 extra radiant damage. Level 22 or 27:10 extra radiant damage.

S y m b o l of D i v i n e Force Level l-\ in

Level 3 + Symbol of B r a w n Physical strength and holy devotion are both enhanced by this adamantine holy symbol.

Lvl 3 +1 680 gp Lvl 18 +4 85.000 gp Lvl 8 +2 3,400 gp Lvl 23 +5 425.000 gp Lvl 13 +3 IZOOOgp Lvl 28 +6 2.125.000 gp Implement (Holy Symbol) Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Critical: 41 d6 damage per plus Power (Daily): Free Action. Trigger: You hit with a divine

attack power using this holy symbol. Effect: Make a melee basic attack. If the attack hits a creature marked by you. it deals 1 d l 0 extra damage. Level 13 or 18: 2d10 extra damage. Level 23 or 28: 3d10 extra damage.

Symbol of D a r i n g When vou wield this symbol, your allies are inspired to strike boldh

125.000 gp 625.000 gp

3,125.000 gp

Lvl 5 +1 1.000 gp Lvl 20 i 4 Lvl 10 +2 5.000 gp Lvl 25 +5 Lvl 15 +3 25.000 gp Lvl 30 +6 Implement (Holy Symbol) Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Critical: +1d6 damage per plus, or +1d1 2 radiant damage

per plus with attacks made when you spend an action point

Property: When any ally within 5 squares of you spends an action point to make an attack, he or she gains a bonus to damage rolls on that attack equal to the symbol's enhancement bonus.

Symbol of D e f e n s e On command, this symbol generates a mantle of force to defend a comrade.

Lvl 28 +6 2.1 25.000 gp Lvl 18 +4 85.000 gp Lvl 23 +5 425.000 gp Implement (Holy Symbol) Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Critical: +1d6 force damage per plus Power (Daily): Immediate Interrupt. Trigger. An attack

hits an ally you can see. Ejject: The ally gains a ' 5 power bonus to all defenses against the triggering attack.

Through this symbol, you batterfoes with your relentless conviction.

Lvl 17 +4 65.000 gp Lvl 22 ( 5 325.000 gp Lvl 27 +6 1.625.000gp

Lvl 2 +1 520 gp Lvl 7 +2 2,600 gp Lvl 12 +3 1 3.000 gp Implement (Holy Symbol) Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Critical: * 1 d6 force damage per plus Power (Daily): Free Action. Trigger. You hit an enemy with

a divine attack power using this holy symbol. Effect: You push that enemy a number of squares equal to the symbol's enhancement bonus.


Level 11-S y m b o l of D i v i n e Light The fierce radiance of this symbol Is the bane of foul creatures that cant bear sunlight.

Lvl 17 +4 65.000 gp Lvl 27 +6 1,625,000 gp Lvl 22 +5 325,000 gp Implement (Holy Symbol) Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Critical: +1 d6 radiant damage per plus Property: Any creature within 5 squares of you that has

vulnerability to radiant damage has that vulnerability increased by 5.

CONVERT'S SYMBOL Legend tel ls of a lone war lock n a m e d Cel ia , usually said to be human but somet imes a haifl ing. w h o quested deep in the Astral Sea for secrets left over f rom the wa rs of creat ion. Celia wasn ' t fo l lowing t h e c o m m a n d s of any d iv ine patron; she served only herself, fasc inated by the powers that had fought long ago. H e r quests reaped a t reasury of anc ient knowledge, w h i c h she hoarded jealously.

Dur ing her adventures , Cel ia often received w e l c o m e and shelter. A t s o m e point, no t even realizing she had changed, she dec ided to repay such kindness w i t h s o m e of the knowledge she had ga ined in her quests. Cel ia used her ha rd -won secrets to he lp her f r iends: any th ing f rom curing a plague to f inding an astral w e a p o n to f ighting off the ships of gi thyanki raiders.

Years passed in this way. Du r i ng a later journey, Cel ia overheard peop le in o n e of her adopted homes speaking of the "wande r i ng saint," a w o m a n w h o served loun by f inding h idden i tems and br inging t hem to w h e r e they we re most needed. W i t h a shock, Celia realized they we re talking about her. Recogniz ing the truth laid before her, she adopted loun as her d iv ine patron.

The final p iece of the legend states that Celia opened a w a y for other practit ioners of arcane power to touch the d iv ine, through the converts symbol.

Rampaging Cultists: Cult ists of Vecna are terrorizing peop le w i th in a few days* jou rney of o n e of their h idden temples, muti lat ing innocents by cutt ing one eye and o n e hand f rom each . T h e cultists have m a d e the mistake of at tack ing one of the commun i t i es that used to be under Cel ia s protect ion. A priest of l oun asks for a id , offering a convert's symbol to help in the cause.

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Level 24

This symbol is made of red iron streaked with fiery, bright metal. Wh i le you wear it.you can blast your foes with righteous flame.

Lvl 9 +2 4 f 200gp Lvl 24 +5 525,000 gp L v l l 4 +3 21.000 gp Lvl 29 +6 2,625,000 gp Lvl 19 +4 105,000 gp Implement (Holy Symbol) Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Crit ical: 11d6 fire damage per plus, and each other enemy

within 5 squares of you takes fire damage equal to your Charisma modifier.

Property: Wher . you hit an enemy marked by you with a divine attack power using this holy symbol, that enemy takes 1 d6 extra fire damage, or 1 cl 10 fire damage while you're bloodied. Level 7 9 or 24: 2d6 or 2d10 extra fire damage. Level 29: 3d6 or 3d 10 extra fire damage.

S y m b o l of Foe T u r n i n g level /••

Through this symbol, you can punish specific enemies of your faith as well as vile undead.

Lvl 7 +2 2,600gp Lvl 22 +5 325,000 gp Lvl 12 +3 13.000 gp Lvl 27 +6 1,625,000 gp Lvl 17 +4 65.000 gp Implement (Holy Symbol) Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Crit ical: +1d6 damage per plus Property: W h e n this item is created, choose angel, demon,

devil, dragon, or giant. W h e n you use your turn undead power, you can target creatures of the chosen kind instead of undead creatures.

S y m b o l of P r a y e r s R e c o v e r e d Level 18+

Your prayers are rarely wasted while you wear this holy symbol

Lvl 18 +4 85,000gp Lvl 28 +6 2,125.000gp Lvl 23 +5 425.000 gp Implement (Holy Symbol) Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Crit ical: H-1 d6 damage per plus Power (Dai ly): Free Action. Trigger: You miss all targets

with a divine encounter attack power using this holy symbol. Effect: The power isn't expended.

S y m b o l of P r o t e c t i o n Level 10

This symbol allows you to shield a companion from the threats of your foes.

Lvl 10 +2 5,000 gp Lvl 25 +5 625,000 gp Lvl 15 +3 25,000 gp Lvl 30 4-6 3.125,000 gp Lvl 20 * 4 1 25.000 gp Implement (Holy Symbol) Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Crit ical: +1 d6 damage per plus Pciwer (Daily): Free Action. Trigger. You hit an enemy

with a divine attack power using this holy symbol. Effect: Choose one ally within 5 squares of you. Until the end of your next turn, the enemy you hit can't attack that ally.

As you present this glittering symbol, divine power tumsyour enemies' attacks back against them.

Lvl 24 +5 525,000 gp Lvl 29 +6 2.625.000 gp Implement (Holy Symbol) Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Critical: +1 d8 damage per plus Power (Daily): Immediate Interrupt. Trigger. An enemy tar

gets you with a ranged attack. Effect: You gain a +3 power bonus to all defenses against the triggering enemy's attack. If the attack misses you, the triggering enemy repeats the attack against itself.

S y m b o l o f S h a r e d H e a l i n g Level /

Whi le you wear this symbol, your can heal an ally even as you tend to your own wounds.

Lvl 7 +2 2,600gp Lvl 22 +5 325,000gp Lvl 12 +3 13.000 gp Lvl 27 +6 1.625.000 gp Lvl 17 +4 65,000 gp Implement (Holy Symbol) Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Crit ical: +1 d6 damage per plus Power (Dai ly • Healing): Free Action. Trigger: You use

your second wind, or you use a power that allows you to spend a healing surge to regain hit points. Effect: One ally within 5 squares of you can spend a healing surge.


E o n s ago, a faith existed w h o s e adheren ts fo l l owed both the paths se t forth by the gods and the lore of natural powers . K n o w n as the fo l lowers o f t he Rad ian t F l a m e , they re jected the idea o f a str ict div is ion b e t w e e n pr imal a n d d iv ine power.

O t h e r priests cons idered thei r bel iefs b lasphemous a n d tr ied to strike d o w n the Rad iant F lame. T h e fo l lowers of tha t faith responded by creat ing magic symbols that embod ied their ideals. In the great bat t le tha t fo l lowed, they bore this symbo l to proc la im that all p o w e r in the wor ld c a m e from the same source. E v e n today, t he symbol of the Radiant Flame uni tes smal l sects o f worsh ipers w h o hold bo th the d iv ine a n d the pr imal in equa l reverence.

Reconci le the Faiths: A c o n c l a v e is g a t h e r i n g to ce lebrate the Rad ian t F l ame . Its m e m b e r s have invi ted m e m b e r s of other faiths to w i tness the ce remony but fear reprisal f rom those of fended by their religious syncret ism. They p lan to bes tow symbols of the Radiant Flame upon those w h o demonst ra te openness to n e w possibi l i t ies.

Protect the Faithful: Fo l lowers o f t he Rad ian t F lame are be ing assassinated and harassed by those w h o disagree w i t h their bel ie fs . T h e surv ivors a re look ing for champ ions o f fa i th a n d convic t ion to protect t h e m and are w i l l ing to reward thei r de fenders w i t h a symbol of the Radiant Flame.

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Symbol of the champions code



very paladin follows a code, whe ther wr i t ten or internalized. The symbol of the champion's code w a s designed to help paladins keep their code in mind at al l t imes. It mys tically enforces w h a t e v e r oath is wr i t ten upon it, mak ing the paladin's chal lenge even more painful to refuse.

Introspective paladins fol low a personal code, believing that only through adherence to the tenets of faith can one truly fol low a dei ty 's path. W h e n such a paladin wears this holy symbol , he or she radiates f i rmness a n d resolve. Dogmatic paladins bel ieve that their code should apply to everyone, not just themselves, and they enforce its tenets no matter w h a t resistance they face. O n t hem, this symbol magnifies an a l ready int imidat ing aspect .

Oaths of Aggress ion : A hobgobl in paladin has sent forth goblin warr iors loyal to h im, ordering t h e m to kill in Bane's name. H e carries a symbol of the champion's code covered wi th sinister oaths to foment w a r a n d w r a t h . Those who can defeat h im might be able to erase the stain of his cruel acts by transforming his symbol into one holding less destruct ive precepts.

Symbol of t h e Sel f : A l though any ritual caster can learn to craft a symbol of the champion's code, doing so is an intense, personal exper ience. The creator gathers materials and tools that are important to his or her faith and conducts the ritual in a private, sacred place. For example, a paladin of Bahamut might craft a symbol from plat inum gathered from a dragon's hoard, wh i le a fol lower of Corel-Ion might perform the ritual at the top of a giant tree in the deep forest where it reaches into the Feywi ld . A quest to locate the proper mater ials a n d site might encompass many adventures.

S y m b o l of the C h a m p i o n ' s Code Level 8 -

A rode of honor is Inscribed on this symbol, reinforcing your commitment toyour god and making wur challenge irresistible.

Lvl 8 +2 3,400 gp Lvl 23 +5 425.000 gp Lv l13 +3 17,000 gp Lv!28 +6 2,125,000 gp Lvl 18 +4 85.000 gp Implement (Holy Symbol) Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Critical: +1 d6 damage per plus Property: W h e n a creature takes radiant damage from your

divine challenge or divine sanction, it takes extra radiant damage equal to the symbol's enhancement bonus.

Power (Daily): Minor Action. You choose an enemy marked by you. Until the end of your next turn, that enemy can't make an attack that includes any creature other than you as a target.



S y m b o l of t h e First Spir i ts level 24

An oath p) dedication to the natural spirits of the world is in scribed in fine script upon this wooden holy symbol,

Lvl 2 +1 520 gp Lvl 17 +4 65.000 gp Lvl 7 +2 2.600 gp Lvl 22 i-S 325.000 gp Lvl 12 +3 13.000 gp Lvl 27 h-6 1.625.000 gp Implement (Holy Symbol) Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Critical: +1 d8 damage per plus Property: Primal characters can wield this holy symbol

in one hand to use it as a totem implement for primal powers.

SYMBOL OF FIRE AND FURY T h e d w a r v e n city C loudga te , bui l t d e e p inside a fog-shrouded mounta in , a n d the h u m a n set t lement Sou th Gwyvar , in the val ley be low t h e mounta in , had a long h is tory of an imos i t y . B u t w h e n w o r d a r r i ved tha t a hobgobl in a rmy w a s march ing on t hem, the two cit ies banded together. D w a r f clerics of Morad in and h u m a n champions of Kord worked together to turn the ci t ies' longstanding confl ict to a posit ive end , creat ing symbols of fire and fury.

Find a Priest-Smith: The art of m a k i n g symbols of fire and fury is pract iced mainly by dwar f priest-smiths. Trained in both i tem crafting a n d religious lore, they have preserved the detai ls of creat ing these special symbols. Locat ing a priest-smith can be difficult, because they usually live in sec luded vil lages a n d monaster ies.

Take the Test of Two: A f e w scriptures detai l the Test of Two , dev ised by the clerics of C loudgate and Sou th Gwyvar . This chal lenge identif ies those worthy of carrying symbols of fire and fury against threats similar in scope to t h e hobgoblin invasion. O n l y a candidate fi l led w i th both div ine might and great endurance a n d physical strength can pass the test. B y finding a cleric to administer the trial, a hero might be ab le to w i n a symbol of fire and fury.

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Symbol of the holy nimbus

Level 4+ S y m b o l of the Ho ly N i m b u s This symbol combines the images of sun and moon. When you speak a word of healing, you andyour allies are bathed in restoring light.

Lvl 4 +1 840gp L v M 9 +4 105,000gp Lvl 9 +2 4,200 gp Lvl 24 +5 525,000 gp Lvl 14 +3 21.000 gp Lvl 29 4-6 2,152 5,000 gp Implement (Holy Symbol) Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Critical: 4 1d6 damage per plus, and you or an ally within 5

squares of you can spend a healing surge. Property: W h e n you use the healing word power during a

combat encounter, you and each ally within 5 squares of you also gain temporary hit points equal to your Charisma modifier + the symbol's enhancement bonus.

Level 8 J S y m b o l of t h e R a d i a n t F l a m e Ihis symbol appears to be made of brilliant living fire hung on a chain of molten metal, but it doesn't burn your skin.

Lvl 8 +2 3.400 gp Lvl 23 +5 425.000 gp Lvl 13 +3 1 7.000 gp Lvl 28 +6 2,1 25.000 gp Lvl 18 +4 85.000 gp Implement (Holy Symbol) Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Critical: 1 d6 fire and radiant damage per plus, and each

ally within 5 squares of you gains a bonus to damage rolls equal to the symbol's enhancement bonus until the end of your next turn. The bonus damage is fire and radiant.

Property: Primal characters can wield this holy symbol in one hand to use it as a totem implement for primal powers.

Power (Daily): Free Action. Trigger. You score a critical hit with an attack power using this holy symbol. Effect: The bonus to allies' damage rolls when you score a critical hit with this symbol lasts until the end of the encounter.

S y m b o l of U n i f i e d D e f e n s e This symbol is engraved with several rings linked In a circle. representing the interdependence of you andyour comrades.

Lvl 9 +2 4,200 gp Lvl 24 +5 525.000 gp Lvl 14 +3 21,000gp Lvl 29 +6 2.625.0OOgp Lvl 19 +4 105.000 gp Implement (Holy Symbol) Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Critical: i-1d6 damage per plus Power (Dai ly): Immediate Interrupt. Trigger: An enemy

targets you and at least one ally with an attack. Effect: You and your allies' defense against the triggering enemy's attack is the highest appropriate score among all of you being attacked. For example, if the attack is against Reflex and the highest Reflex among you and your allies is 25, you all have Reflex 25 against the attack.

Level 7-S y m b o l of V i g o r TJiis symbol rewards your good health with divine might.

Lvl 7 +2 2.600 gp Lvl 22 +5 325.000 gp Lvl 12 +3 13,000 gp Lvl 27 +6 1.625.000 gp Lvl 17 +4 65,000 gp Implement (Holy Symbol) Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Crit ical: +1d6 damage per plus, or -i 1d l 2 damage per plus

while you're at maximum hit points Property: You gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls made using

this holy symbol whi le you're at maximum hit points.

ORJBS Above all else, be careful not to set your orb down on aflat.

Indined surface.

T h e o rb represen ts c la r i ty o l w i l l , l i n e con t ro l

mag i c , a n d c o m m a n d over the c r e a t u r e s y o n I

w i t h mag ic . W i z a r d s w h o w a n t to ensu re that

mag i c e n d u r e s w i e l d orbs, a n d

the add i t i ona l e n c h a n t m e n t s

o n most m a g i c o rbs a i d

that goa l .

I f y o u a r c a

m e m b e r of a

c lass that c a n

w i e l d a n orb as

a n i m p l e m e n t ,

y o u c a n a d d the

orb 's e n h a n c e

men t bonus to

LUG U l U U K I U 1 I >

a n d the d a m a g e rol ls o f

i m p l e m e n t powers f r o m

that c lass that y o u ttse

t h rough the orb . a n d y o u

c a n use its p roper t ies a n d

p o w e r s . M e m b e r s o f o the r

c lasses g a i n no benef i t f r o m

w i e l d i n g a n orb .

o f


t he i r

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Orb of visionary protection Orb of Accuracy Level 14

ftwughyour opponent attempts to hide, this silver-caged, crystalline orli enables you to perceive its location.

Lv!14 +3 21,000 gp Lvl 24 ^5 525.000 gp Lvl 19 +4 105.000 gp Lvl 29 * 6 2.625.000 gp Implement (Orb) Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Critical: +ld6 damage per plus, or +1d1 2 per plus against

enemies that are invisible or that have concealment or total concealment from you

Property: When you use an arcane attack power through this orb, you take a - 1 penalty (instead of -2) to attack rolls against enemies that have concealment from you. and a -3 penalty (instead of -5) to attack rolls against enemies that have total concealment from you.

Orb of D is tance D e n i a l Level 20

Composed of numerous smaller orbs fused into one spherical mass, this orb hampers an enemy's ranged attacks.

Lvl 20 +4 125.000 gp Lvl 30 +6 3.125,000 gp Lvl 25 +5 625,000 gp Implement (Orb) Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Critical: -*-1d6 damage per plus Power (Daily): Free Action. Trigger. You hit an enemy with

an arcane attack power using this orb. Effect: That enemy can't target any creature more than 3 squares away from it (save ends).

Orb of H e i g h t e n e d I m p o s i t i o n Level 12

this green quartz orb extends the duration of powerful spells. Lvl 12 +3 13.000gp Lvl 22 +5 325,000gp Lvl 17 +4 65,000gp Lvl 27 4-6 1.625.000 gp Implement (Orb) Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Critical: +1d6 damage per plus Property: Your Orb of Imposition class feature can extend

the duration of an effect created by an encounter power you use through this orb that would otherwise end at the end of your current turn. The effect instead ends at the end of your next turn. You can still use Orb of Imposition only once per encounter.

Orb of Petr i f icat ion Level 20

This dull gray granite orb grasps your enemies in a stony embrace.

Lvl 20 +4 12 5,000 gp Lvl 30 4-6 3,1 2 5.000 gp Lvl 25 +5 625,000 gp Implement (Orb) Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Critical: *1d6 damage per plus, and the target is slowed

until the end of your next turn. Power (Daily): Free Action. Trigger: You hit an enemy with

an arcane attack power using this orb. Effect: That enemy is petrified (save ends).

O r b of R e p e a t e d Impos i t ion Level I } -

This etched urn/noise orb increases the frequency ofnmr arcane imposition.

Lvl 13 +3 IZOOOgp Lvl 23 fS 425,000 gp Lvl 18 14 85.000 gp Lvl 28 *6 2,125,000 gp Implement (Orb) Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Crit ical: +1d8 damage per plus Power (Dai ly): Free Action. Trigger. You hit an enemy with

an arcane attack power using this orb. Effect: You regain the use of your Orb of Imposition class feature if you have already used it during this encounter.

O r b of Res i l i en t Tenac i ty Level 2-r

'The constant buzzing whisper that issues from this amethyst orb reinforces your will.

Lvl 2 +1 520 gp Lvl 17 +4 65,000 gp Lvl 7 +2 2.600gp Lvl 22 +5 325.000gp Lvl 12 3 13,000 gp Lvl 27 +6 1.625.000 gp Implement (Orb) Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Crit ical: t 1 d6 damage per plus, and you or an ally within 5

squares of you gains a power bonus to saving throws equal to the enhancement bonus of the orb against one effect until that effect ends.

Power (Dai ly): Minor Action. You or an ally within 5 squares of you gains a power bonus to saving throws equal to the enhancement bonus of the orb against one effect until that effect ends.

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O r b of S u p p l e m e n t a r y F

This sphere of scarlet glass pulses with barely controlled energy.

Lvl 3 +1 680 gp L v M 8 +4 85,000 gp Lv l8 +2 3,400 gp Lv l23 +5 425,000 gp Lv l13 +3 17,000 gp Lv l28 - 6 2,125.000 gp Implement (Orb) Enhancement : Attack rolls and damage rolls Critical: +1 d6 force damage per plus, and the target is

knocked prone. Power (Daily): Minor Action. Until the end of your turn,

each enemy you hit with an arcane close blast attack power using this orb is knocked prone after all other effects of the attack are resolved.

O r b of V i s i o n a r y P r o t e c t i o n Level 1 2 '

This translucent orb swirls with potential futures, each waiting for you lo grasp and bend it to your will

Lv l12 +3 13,000 gp Lv l22 +5 325.000 gp Lv l17 +4 65,000 gp Lvl 27 +6 1.625.000 gp Implement (Orb) Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Critical: -* 1 d6 damage per plus Power (Dai ly): Immediate Interrupt. Trigger: You are sub

jected to an effect that a save can end. Effect: You can expend your Orb of Imposition class feature to make a saving throw against that effect instead of gaining the feature's normal benefit.


B a t t l e - P a c t R o d

This heavy cudgel can be used as both a warlock's rod and a weapon.

Lvl 18 +4 85,000 gp Lvl 28 +6 2,125,000 gp Lvl 23 +5 425.000 gp Implement (Rod) Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Crit ical: +1 d8 damage per plus Property: This rod can be used as a melee weapon,

functioning as a mace. You add its enhancement bonus to attack rolls and damage rolls of melee weapon attacks.

Power (Daily): Free Action. Trigger: You place your Warlock's Curse on an enemy. Effect: That enemy is also marked until the end of the encounter. W h e n a creature marked by you in this way makes an attack that doesn't include you as a target, it takes your Warlock's Curse extra damage.

Tim darkspiral aura that exemplifiesyour devotion to the dark pact coalesces into a black cloud around t\\is implement

Lvl 4 +1 840 gp Lvl 19 +4 105,000 gp Lvl 9 +2 4,200 gp Lvl 24 i 5 525,000 gp Lvl 14 +3 21.000 gp Lvl 29 +6 2,625,000 gp Implement (Rod) Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Critical: * 1d6 necrotic and psychic damage per plus Property: W h e n you hit an enemy affected by your

Warlock's Curse with a warlock attack power using this rod, you deal extra damage equal to the value of your Darkspiral Aura class feature to the enemy.

Heav ie r than a wand, smaller than a staff. If you have to

ask what makes it different,you'll never know.

W a r l o c k s , i nvoke rs . a n d a r t i f i ce rs c h a n n e l the i r

p o w e r t h r o u g h rods. S o m e rods ident i fy t he i r

i n t e n d e d users c l e a r l y by r e fe renc ing spec i f i c c lass

fea tures o r p o w e r s . O t h e r s h a v e a b roade r a p p e a l .

Excep t i n r a r e cases , a rod is not robust e n o u g h to

be u s e d a s a w e a p o n . I f a rod c a n f unc t i on as e i the r

a w e a p o n o r a n i m p l e m e n t , tha t fact is noted in the

i t e m s desc r i p t i on .

I f y o u a r e a m e m b e r o f a c lass tha t c a n w i e l d a

r o d as a n i m p l e m e n t , y o u c a n a d d the rod 's e n h a n c e

m e n t b o n u s to the a t tack rol ls a n d the d a m a g e ro l ls

o f i m p l e m e n t p o w e r s f r o m that c lass that y o u use

t h rough the r o d . a n d y o u c a n use its p rope r t i es a n d

p o w e r s . M e m b e r s o f o t h e r c lasses g a i n no bene f i t

f r om w i e l d i n g a rod .

Hexer 's R o d Level 3*

Crafted by goblins, this rod channels their tricky underhanded magic.

Lvl 3 +1 680 gp Lvl 18 h4 85.000 gp Lvl 8 +2 3.400gp Lvl 23 +5 42S.000gp Lvl 13 +3 17,000 gp Lvl 28 +6 2,125,000 gp Implement (Rod) Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Critical: +1d6 damage per plus Power (Daily): Free Action. Trigger. You hit an enemy with

an attack power using this rod. Effect: The next time that enemy misses you with an attack, you can shift 3 squares as an immediate reaction, and you gain concealment against that enemy until the end of your next turn.

R o d of B u r g e o n i n g M e m o

The astral essence in this rod ties you more tightly to your earlier lives as a deva.

Lvl 2 +1 520gp Lvl 17 H 65,000 gp Lvl 7 +2 2,600 gp Lvl 22 +5 325,000 gp Lvl 12 +3 13.000 gp Lvl 27 +6 1.625,000 gp Implement (Rod) Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage roils Crit ical: +1d6 damage per plus Property: W h e n you use your memory of a thousand lifetimes

racial power to improve the attack roll of a divine attack power you use through this rod, add +1 to the d6 roll.

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Level 9 i

An Invaker with p lenty of rods at the ready

Level 10* Rod of Dev i l ry

Infernal power flows through this rod, scouring your foes with hellfirc.

Lvl 10 ^2 5.000 gp Lvl 25 t-5 625.000 gp Lvl 15 +3 25.000 gp Lvl 30 6 3,125.000 gp Lvl 20 +4 1 25.000 gp Implement (Rod) Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Critical: - I d6 fire damage per plus, or 1 1 d l 0 fire damage

per plus against a bloodied target Property: If you're a tiefling, when you use an attack power

through this rod. your bonus to attack rolls from your bloodhunl racial trait increases by 1.

Property: When you hit a bloodied enemy affected by your Warlock's Curse with an attack power using this rod, it takes extra fire damage equal to this rod's enhancement bonus.

Level 3+ Rod of Div in i ty This delicate silver rod lets you channel vour deity's power back toyourself.

Lvl 3 +1 680 gp Lvl 18 +4 85.000 gp Lvl 8 +2 3,400 gp Lvl 23 i 5 42 5.000 gp Lvl 13 +3 17,000 gp Lvl 28 -i 6 2.1 25,000 gp Implement (Rod) Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Critical: +1d6 damage per plus Power (Daily): Free Action. Trigger. You hit with a divine

attack power using this rod. Effect: You gain one extra use of your Channel Divinity class feature during this encounter.

R o d of Ob l i t e ra t ing W r a t h

Crafted to create as much destruction as possible, this rod lets you pierce your foes' defenses and destroy groups of enemies.

Lvl9 +2 4,2O0gp Lvl 24 +5 525.000gp Lvl 14 - 3 21.000gp Lvl 29 +6 2,625,OOOgp Lvl 19 - 4 105.000 gp Implement (Rod) Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Critical: 4-1 d6 damage per plus Property: W h e n an enemy's resistances reduce the damage

of any invokcr attack power you use through this rod, that enemy's resistance to that attack is reduced by an amount equal to this rod's enhancement bonus until the end of your next turn.

Power (Daily): Minor Action. You gain a +2 power bonus to attack rolls with the next invoker attack power you use through this rod.

Level 1 S -R o d of S i l v e r R a i n

This rod appears to be madefrom molten silver. It can create clouds that rain silver upon the battlefield.

Lvl 15 +3 2 5.000 gp Lvl 25 +5 625,000 gp Lvl 20 +4 125.000gp Lvl 30 4-6 3.125.000gp Implement (Rod) Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Critical: - 1 d8 damage per plus, or -i 1dl 7 damage per plus

against fey creatures Power (Daily): Minor Action. Make an attack: Area burst

3 within 20 squares. Each enemy in the burst that is affected by your Warlock's Curse takes ongoing 10 damage and grants combat advantage (save ends both). If the target is a fey creature, add your Charisma modifier to the ongoing damage. Level 25 or 30: Ongoing 15 damage.

Level 7 h R o d of S t o l e n Star l ight

At your command, this rod infuses your spell with light from mysterious stars.

Lvl 7 4-2 2.600 gp Lvl 22 - 5 325.000 gp Lvl 12 +3 13.000 gp Lvl 27 +6 1.625,000 gp Lv l17 +-4 65,000 gp Implement (Rod) Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Critical: +1d6 radiant and necrotic damage per plus Property: W h e n you hit an undead enemy affected by your

Warlock's Curse with an attack power using this rod, you deal an extra die of Warlock's Curse damage against that enemy.

Power (At -Wi l l • Radiant : Minor Action. The next necrotic or poison power you use through this rod deals radiant damage instead of necrotic damage or poison damage.

1/1 0 0

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ROD OF SILVER RAIN Every fifty years, a supernatural rain falls across the Fey-w i ld . It coats the land in silver, causing feel ings of great celebrat ion a m o n g the goodly fey, w h o see it as an auspicious sign, a n d feel ings of d read a m o n g t h e w i c k e d , mal ic ious dark fey, w h o hate the silver rain.

A t o n e po in t , an e l ad r i n w a r l o c k n a m e d Suzasha dec ided to col lect the rain a n d transform it into a rod, using it as a tool to both ce lebrate the land a n d fight against the fomorians and other dark fey. The rod created a silver c loud that burned the minds of Suzasha's foes and aided her allies. Not surprisingly, the evil fey crafted a plan to remove the threat of the rod.

T h e fomor ians dispatched their lackeys to steal the rod from Suzasha under cover of night. T h e th ieves w e r e successful a n d returned the rod to their dark stronghold, V . I . S I C N I G I . M I I , M I . I I I . I L I I I . - . L U 11• -,->N111y , U I I . - I I I J J U H I iu imen-chant the i tem. Pa ined by its proximity, they cast it into the Shadowfe l l . Lesser copies have been c rea ted , but the eladr in have been searching for the original e v e r s ince.

Shadowfell Search: A d v e n t u r e r s h a v e sough t t h e or ig inal rod in t h e S h a d o w f e l l to no ava i l . O n l y o n e creature knows w h e r e it l ies hidden—a fomori;an w r e t c h n a m e d Kruvthos. H e c la ims to have been banished f rom t h e fomor ian rea lms a n d is th reaten ing to ga in revenge by reveal ing the rod's locat ion to those w h o wi l l help h im. Bu t none so far have been wi l l ing to trust the fomor ian, s ince l ies and decept ion are a part of a fomor ian 's very essence, and any help that Kruvthos gives wi l l come at a cost.

The Queen of Air and Darkness: The Q u e e n of A i r and Darkness, an evi l ruler of w i c k e d fey, l ives in exile, holding a rod of silver rain in her court. She keeps it in a vault that shields her court iers f rom its harmfu l effects. Rumors suggest that the Q u e e n is a w a y petiitioning to return to the Feyw i l d , mak ing this the perfect t ime to steal her rod.

R o d of the F ick le S e r v a n t Level )•<

This special rod gives you access to a different vestige when you need it.

Lvl 2 +1 520 gp Lvl 17 +4 <i5,000gp Lvl 7 +2 2.600gp Lvl 22 +5 325.000gp Lvl 12 1-3 13,000gp Lvl 27 +6 1.625.000 gp Implement (Rod) Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Critical: +1H6 damaoe ner nlm

o V r • Power (Daily): Free Action. Trigger: You hit an enemy af

fected by your Warlock's Curse with an attack power using this rod. Effect: You make one of your primary vestiges your active vestige (Arcane Power, page 72).

R o d of the H a g Level 14t-

Ui is slender obsidian rod Is topped with a hag's eye thai opens whenyou use vow powers, terrifying your foe.

Lvl 14 +3 21,000gp Lvl 24 +5 S25.000gp Lvl 19 +4 105,000 gp Lvl 29 +6 2,625.000 gp Implement (Rod) Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Critical: -1d6 psychic damage per plus Power (Daily): Free Action. Trigger. You hit an enemy af

fected by your Warlock's Curse with an attack power using this rod. Effect: That enemy takes extra damage equal to this rod's enhancement bonus and is dazed until the end of your next turn.

R o d of the P a c t b i n d e r Level 4 -

An oath inscribed on this rod gives you quick access to one of your vestige patrons.

Lvl 4 +1 840 gp Lvl 19 +4 105,000 gp Lvl 9 12 4,200 gp Lvl 24 +5 525,000 gp Lvl 14 +3 21.000 gp Lvl 29 +6 2,625.000gp Implement (Rod) Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Critical: +1 d6 damage per plus Property: W h e n you acquire a rod of this sort, choose one

daily power you know that has a vestige pact entry; this choice can't be changed later. The vestige associated with that power becomes bound to this rod.

Power (Daily): Free Action. Trigger: You bit an enemy affected by your Warlock's Curse with an attack power using this rod. Effect: The vestige bound to the rod becomes your active vestige.

ROD OF STOLEN STARLIGHT W h e n a d row city w a s beset by hordes of undead, even the most powerful dark pact war locks found their spells ineffective. W i l l i n g to go to any lengths to stop the invasion, these war locks sent false dip lomats to find star pact war locks f rom w h o m they could steal power. W i t h their newfound knowledge, they created the first rods of stolen starlight, w h i c h w e r e power fu l w e a p o n s in the bat t le against undead .

Scions of the Stars: Some t imes , the remains of dedicated star pact war locks deve lop cysts that swel l until creatures of the Far Rea lm burst forth. Rumors abound of places w h e r e this has happened a n d aberrant creatures are attacking the local populace. Heroes w h o fol low these rumors and defeat those creatures might f ind a rod of stolen starlight.

The Demon Prince's Drow: S o m e d row take up the worsh ip of Orcus , w h i c h displeases the powers of darkness. Fol lowers of those enti t ies might give a rod of stolen starlight to a group of heroes to he lp t h e m destroy these Orcus-worship ing d row and their undead fol lowers.

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leve l 13»

Torch of misery

Rod of the R isen D e a d Level 21

This delicate crystal rod allows you to take control of the mind and body of a slain foe.

Lvl 27 *6 1,625,000 gp Implement (Rod) Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Critical: t 1d6 psychic damage per plus Power (Daily • Charm): Free Action. Trigger. You use this

rod to reduce an enemy affected by your Warlock's Curse to 0 hit points. Effect: That enemy is dominated until the end of Its next turn. After that, the enemy is killed or knocked unconscious, as normal.

TORCH OF MISERY Both infernal war locks and star pact war locks use torches of misery, wh ich are created to mock the w a r m t h a n d comfort of light a n d f lame. These rods carry a legacy of torture and death . They ga ined in famy in the hands of cambion war locks cal led the Pr inces of Misery, w h o used them to terrorize the enem ies of the N i n e Hel ls .

Hellish Troph ies : Dev i ls hate f e w things more than those who use the devi ls ' o w n powe r against them. In the Nine Hells (or other devi l ish enclaves), t h e imp lements of infernal pact war locks w h o fought against the devi ls a re used as decorat ion. The devi ls convert t hem into torches of misery to light their halls, usually p inn ing the former owner's d ismembered head or hand to the wa l l w i t h the implement. Any heroes brave enough to venture into one of these domains can c la im one of these rods and put its former owner to rest.

Prince Gorz ia 's Torch: Gorzia the Desp ised , one of the Princes of Misery, w a s defeated by a group of h u m a n wizards work ing in concert . H is torch of misery is said to rest in his t o w e r o n the inhospi tab le Hai lb l ight P e a k . Whoever survives the dangerous j ou rney to the peak , passes the defenses left by the wizard, a n d contends w i t h the occupant ( w h o might be living, d e a d , or undead) can find Gorzia's power fu l imp lement .

Spider Rod Tliisgray metal n>d is corned with a web ofmithral studded with black onyx spiders.

Lvl 13 +3 17.000 gp Lvl 23 +5 425.000 gp Lvl 18 - 4 85.000gp Lvl 28 +6 2.125.O00gp Implement (Rod) Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Critical: Ongoing 10 poison damage (save ends)

Level 23 or 28: Ongoing 1 5 poison damage (save ends) Property: W h e n you hit with an attack that deals ongoing

necrotic or ongoing poison damage using this rod. the ongoing damage increases by an amount equal to the rod's enhancement bonus.

Power (Dai ly • Poison): Minor Action. You choose an enemy within 20 squares of you that is affected by an effect you created that a save can end. The effect gains "Aftereffect: The target takes ongoing 5 poison damage (save ends)."

Level 23 or 28: Ongoing 10 poison damage (save ends).


leve l 1 0 ' Torch of M i s e r y Flames encircle the end of this black and gold wand.

Lvl 10 +2 5.000 gp Lvl 25 * 5 625,000 gp Lvl 15 +3 25.000 gp Lvl 30 - 6 3.125.000 gp Lvl 20 +4 12 5.000 gp Implement (Rod) Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Critical: t 1d6 fire damage per plus Property: W h e n you hit an enemy with a fire or radiant

attack power using this rod and deal damage to it, that enemy grants combat advantage to you on your next attack against it.

Power (At -Wi l l ) : Minor Action. Green flame bursts from the end of the rod, illuminating the area around you like a torch. You can end this effect as a free action.

STAFFS .\ guideline in the Graywatch manual on dealing with pris oners reads. "Never leave an old man or a traveler his staff. No exceptions."

A t rad i t iona l i m p l e m e n t lor o ld . w i s e spoilt asters, the sta l l se rves a s a J H T I C C I c h a n n e l for power , ye t r e m a i n s seem ing l y i nnocuous . It c a n be d i f f icu l t to take ,t w a l k i n g si.i l l f rom s o m e o n e w h o looks h a r m l e s s .

Beyond I he i r e n h a n c e m e n t bonuses, s ta l ls o f ten ho ld de fens ive p o w e r s , as bel t ts the i r ino f fens ive a p p e a r a n c e , hut they ' re I n no m e a n s l im i ted to t le len

s ive m a g i c I f you a r e a m e m b e r o f a c lass that c a n w i e l d a s ta f f

a s a n I m p l e m e n t , you t a n a d d the staff 's e n h a n c e ment bonus to the at tack rol ls a n d the d a m a g e rol ls o f i m p l e m e n t p o w e r s f rom that c lass that you use t h rough t h e staff, a n d y o u c a n use its p roper t ies a n d powers . M e m b e r s o f o the r c lasses ga in no hene l i t f rom w i e l d i n g a s ta l l .

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MOONSILVER STAFF H u n d r e d s of years ago, the evi l gods conspi red to cover

t he wor ld in darkness . The i r fo l lowers un leashed magic

f rom power fu l i tems, mask ing the sun and the m o o n f rom

v iew. T h e plants began to d ie , and peop le g r e w sick. T h e

darkness drove lycanthropes into a supernatural madness .

T h e y rampaged across the land , s laughter ing anyone they

encoun te red .

A sorcerer and devo tee of S e h a n i n e quested to recover

an anc ien t staff sac red to he r deity. H e r b a n d b raved

coun t l ess d a n g e r s be fo re t h e y f o u n d a sac red g l a d e .

W h e n they ar r ived, a shaft of moonl ight p ierced the d e e p

b lackness, leav ing a staff beh ind w h e r e it had struck t he

g round.

W i t h t he he lp of t he staff, the band dest royed many

of t he w i l d lycanthropes, as w e l l as t he ob jects that had

p lunged the w o r l d into da rkness . Its task comp le te , the

staff t u r n e d into moon l i gh t o n c e aga in , wa i t i ng to b e

rediscovered by a mor ta l in n e e d . It has s ince reappeared

f rom t i m e to t ime , in fo rms o f va ry ing power .

D a r k n e s s R e t u r n s : T h e forces of evi l conspire to bathe

the land in darkness once aga in . He roes are n e e d e d to

f ind a holy p lace of S e h a n i n e w h e r e a moonsilver staff

wa i t s a n d banish this ev i l .

S o c i e t y of S i l v e r : T h e Soc ie ty of Silver, a n organizat ion

m a d e up of m e m b e r s of m a n y races, has b e e n f ighting a

d rawn-ou t , b loody campa ign to e l im ina te lycanthropes.

T h e y cont inusNy seek n e w sdventurers to jo in their csuse

and have b e e n k n o w n to a w a r d a moonsilver staff to those

w h o prove t hemse l ves wor thy .

Level 10-* B l a s t w a r p Staf f The crownpiece of silver and gold that tops this staff extends arcane power around its wielder.

Lvl 10 +2 5,000gp Lvl 25 +5 625,000gp Lvl 15 +3 2S,000gp Lvl 30 +6 3,125,000gp Lvl 20 +4 125,000 gp Implement (Staff) Enhancement : Attack rolls and damage rolls Crit ical: - l d 6 force damage per plus Property: W h e n you hit at least three targets wi th a close

attack power using this staff, you gain combat advantage on your next attack before the end of your next turn.

Power (Dai ly) : Free Action. Trigger: You use an arcane close blast attack power through this staff. Effect: The attack becomes a close burst 2 squares smaller than the blast, to a minimum of 1 (for example, a close blast 5 becomes a close burst 3).

M o o n s i l v e r Staf f This pale wood staff is topped uith a moonstone sphere. It harms lycanthropes with radiant energy.

Lvl 7 +2 2.600 gp Lvl 22 +5 325.000 gp Lvl 12 +3 13,000 gp Lvl 27 -6 1.625,000 gp Lvl 17 4-4 65,000 gp Implement (Staff) Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Crit ical: i 1d6 radiant damage per plus Property: Treat this staff as silvered (Player's Handbook, page

2 20) for the purpose of implement and weapon attack powers made using it.

Power (Daily): Free Action. Trigger. You hit an enemy with an arcane radiant power and deal damage to it using this staff. Effect: That enemy takes extra radiant damage equal to 5 + the staff's enhancement bonus.

Level 18+ S p e l l s h a p e r ' s Staff Tin's mahogany staff ends in a complex series of precisely angled bends.

Lvl 18 +4 85.000 gp Lvl 28 ^6 2.125.000 gp Lvl 23 +5 425.000 gp Implement (Staff) Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Crit ical: - 1 d 6 damage per plus Power (Daily): Free Action. Trigger. You use an arcane area

burst attack power through this staff. Effect: The attack becomes an area wal l in a number of squares equal to the burst's size + 5 (for example, an area burst 2 within 20 becomes an area wal l 7 within 20). The wall is 2 squares high. This effect doesn't change the duration or other attributes of the power.

Level 2 i Staf f of D i v i n i t y The glowing symbol of a deity rests atop this majestic staff.

Lvl 2 +1 520gp Lvl 17 +4 65,000gp Lvl 7 +2 2,600gp Lvl 22 +5 325,000 gp Lvl 12 +3 13,000 gp Lvl 27 ^6 1,625,000 gp Implement (Staff) Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Crit ical: 4*1(18 damage per plus Property: Divine characters can use this staff as a holy

symbol implement for divine powers.

Sta f f o f I ron In fus ion Level 4-+

W i t h the aid of this iron staff your healing artifices also toughen your ally's shin, making it resistant to damage.

Lvl 4 +1 840 gp Lvl 19 +4 105.000 gp Lvl 9 +2 4.200 gp Lvl 24 +5 525,000 gp L v M 4 +3 21,000 gp Lvl 29 +6 2,625,000gp Implement (Staff) Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Crit ical: +1d6 damage per plus Property: W h e n you use your Healing Infusion class feature

on an ally, that ally gains resistance to all damage equal to the staff's enhancement bonus until the end of your next turn.

Power (Dai ly) : Minor Action. An ally within 10 squares of you gains resistance to all damage equal to your Wisdom modifier + the staff's enhancement bonus until the end of your next turn.

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Staff of K n i v e s

T)ti> steel-gray wooden staff transforms into a steel hard wood en dagger on command.

Lvl 2 +1 S 2 0 g p Lvl 17 +4 65.000 gp Lvl 7 +2 2,600gp Lvl 22 4-5 325.000gp Lvl 12 13 13.000 gp Lvl 27 -i-6 1,625.000 gp Implement (Staff) Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Critical: -i-1d6 damage per plus, or +1d1 2 damage per plus

when used as a melee weapon Power (At-Wi l l ) : Minor Action. You transform this item

from a staff into a dagger or from a dagger into a staff.

Staff of Luck a n d Sk i l l Level 23 i Whoever wields this bhndyew stajf capitalizes on both luck and skill.

Lvl 23 +5 425,000 gp Lvl 28 +6 2.125,000 gp Implement (Staff) Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Critical: +1 d6 damage per plus, and you gain a cumulative

+1 bonus (up to a maximum of the staff's enhancement bonus) to all defenses each time you score a critical hit until the end of the encounter.

Power (Daily): Minor Action. The first t ime you roll an attack roll of 1 7 or higher with an attack power using this staff before the end of the encounter, you score a critical hit with that attack.

S t a f f of R e s i l i e n c e

This black ash staff em absorb some of your life force and turn it into a protective aura.

Lvl 3 f 1 680 gp Lvl 18 I 4 85,000 gp Lvl 8 1 2 3.400 gp Lvl 23 -r-5 425.000 gp Lvl 13 +3 17,000 gp Lvl 28 - 6 2,125,000 gp Implement (Staf f ) Enhancement : Attack rolls and damage rolls Crit ical: +1 d6 damage per plus P o w e r (Dai ly) : Minor Action. You spend a healing surge

but regain no hit points. Instead, you gain temporary hit points equal to twice your healing surge value.

S t a f f o f S l e e p a n d C h a r m Level 3 i 'flit' crystal eye atop this dusky birch staff enhances spells that target the mind.

Lvl 3 +1 680 gp Lvl 18 +4 85.000 gp Lv l8 +2 3.400gp Lvl 23 +5 425,000gp Lvl 13 +3 1 7,000 gp Lvl 28 +6 2,125,000gp Implement (Staff) Enhancement : Attack rolls and damage rolls Crit ical: + 1d6 damage per plus Property: You gain a ' 1 item bonus to attack rolls with

arcane charm or sleep attack powers. Level 73 or 18: +2 item bonus. Level 23 or 28: + 3 item bonus.

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STAFF OF SPELL BLASTING Morgra le t h e Bri l l iant w a s an ogre of rare w i s d o m . It w a s said tha t he cou ld curse in four languages a n d e v e n sign his o w n n a m e . H e w a s such a prodigy tha t he sought t ra ining in mat ters a r cane . A s t h e story goes , h e found Tucius, a dark wizard w h o w a s a m u s e d by t h e idea of a spel lcast ing ogre and took Morg ra le as an appren t i ce . In t ime, Tuc ius c a m e to regret tha t dec is ion .

W h e n Tucius had taught t h e ogre al l h e ca red to, h e sent Morgra le away. S o o n , t h e ogre b e c a m e a l i eu tenant for a n oni war lo rd , establ ish ing a reputa t ion as a mighty c o m b a t leader. A staff of his o w n inven t ion b e c a m e a symbo l o f fear a m o n g his e n e m i e s , for he w a s equa l l y adep t a t cal l ing d o w n magica l fire as h e w a s a t leap ing into m e l e e a n d blasting foes up c lose .

W h e n Morgra le s master c o m m a n d e d h i m to conque r Tucius's es ta te , the ogre d idn ' t hes i ta te. Af ter a successful conques t , Morgra le ga ined r iches a n d c o n t e n t m e n t . No longer desir ing to venture into batt le, h e b e c a m e lord of a n u m b e r of s laves and war r io rs . H e reproduced his mag ic staff a n d g ran ted copies to his under l ings, send ing t h e m out to pi l lage a n d subjugate o thers in his n a m e .

M o r g r a l e ' s Grasp: N e a r b y ogres have c o m e u n d e r the c o m m a n d of a n oni mage carry ing a standard of Morgra le . T h e y ' r e i nvad ing the i r ne ighbors in t h e n a m e of the i r master . T h e r e are t oo m a n y ogres to tu rn a w a y ; on ly tak ing the f ight to Morg ra le , w h o still keeps the or iginal staff of spell blasting, w i l l e n d his amb i t ions .

Vengeance Before Death: T h e w i za rd G h a r l t e b a n t h e B e t r a y e r got his n i c k n a m e f r o m tu rn ing h is b a c k on M o r g r a l e . Y e a r s a f ter s w e a r i n g fea l ty to t h e og re , G h a r l t e b a n s w i t c h e d s ides a n d b e g a n w o r k e d against his f o r m e r master . H e has g r o w n o l d a n d frai l , h o w e v e r , a n d n o w seeks Morgra le 's final de fea t before h e is n o longer a b l e to app rec i a te it fully. H e ' s look ing for o the rs to a c c o m p l i s h this task a n d is of fer ing his staff of spell blasting in exchange .

Staf f of t h e Fai thful A r c a n i s t Level 8 I

Level 14 i Staf f of S p e l l B l a s t i n g Bound in silver, this polished pale elm staff violently channels arcane energy.

Lvl 14 +3 21.000gp Lvl 24 + 5 525,OOOgp Lv l19 +4 10S.000gp Lvl 29 +6 2.62S.OOOgp Implement (Staff I Enhancement : Attack rolls and damage rolls Crit ical: +1d6 damage per plus Property: W h e n you use an arcane ranged or area attack

power through this staff, you don't provoke opportunity attacks from enemies adjacent to you that are targeted by the attack.

Power (Dai ly): Free Action. Trigger. You use an at-will arcane ranged attack power. Effect: The attack becomes a close blast 3 instead.

Tins alabaster steffis tapped with a deity's symbol for those who Consider their powers to be. a gift from their god.

Lvl 8 +2 3.400 gp Lvl 23 +5 425.000 gp L v M 3 +3 17,000 gp Lvl 28 +6 2.1 2 5,000 gp Lvl 18 +4 85.000 gp Implement (Staff) Prerequisi te: You must have the Initiate of the Faith feat. Enhancement : Attack rolls and damage rolls Crit ical: MT-. damage per plus P o w e r (Dai ly • Div ine, Healing): Minor Action. As the

cleric's healing word power (Player's Handbook, page 62).

1 S ta f f of W i n d Level 5+ Oils feather light staff of cloudy crystal aUowsyou to command the air.

Lvl 70 ' 4 125.000 gp Lvl 25 +5 625.000 gp Lvl 30 +6 3,1 2 5.000 gp

Lvl 5 +1 1.000 gp Lvl 10 +2 5,000 gp Lvl 15 +3 25,000 gp Implement (Staff) Enhancement : Attack rolls and damage rolls Crit ical: I 1d6 damage per plus P o w e r (Dal ly) : Minor Action. Make an attack: Close blast

5: targets each creature in blast: Intelligence or Charisma vs. Fortitude; on a hit, the target is pushed a number of squares equal to the enhancement bonus of the staff and knocked prone.

S u m m o n e r ' s Sta f f Level 7

Ihh hawthorn staffIs engraved with the images of dozens of different creatures.

Lvl 7 +2 2.600 gp Lvl 22 +5 325.000 gp Lvl 12 +3 13.000gp Lvl 27 -f-6 1,625.000gp Lvl 17 +4 65.000 gp Implement (Staff) Enhancement : Attack rolls and damage rolls Crit ical: +1d6 damage per plus, or +1d10 damage per plus

if a creature you summoned scored the critical hit Property: W h e n an enemy attacks a creature you

summoned and misses, you or an ally within 5 squares of the summoned creature gains temporary lift points equal to 5 + the staff's enhancement bonus.

Power (Dai ly): Immediate Interrupt. Trigger. An enemy hits a creature you summoned. Effect: The triggering enemy rerolls the attack roll and must use the second result.

Level 2 V e r d a n t Staff This untiling staff is composed of thin vines that constantly flourish and wither

Lvl 2 4-1 520 gp Lvl 17 +4 65.000 gp Lvl 7 +2 2.600 gp Lvl 22 +5 325.000 gp Lvl 12 +3 13,000 gp Lvl 27 16 1,62 5.000 gp Implement (Staff) Enhancement : Attack rolls and damage rolls Crit ical: +1 d8 damage per plus Property: Primal characters can use this staff as a totem

implement for primal powers.

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Secrets are bound within these pages that only the true masters (finagle cm? know.

Most tonics con ta in one or m o r e w i z a r d spe l ls , often supplemented by in fo rmat ion o n i m p r o v i n g the spells'effectiveness. Yon can' t m a k e me lee a t tacks with a tome.

I f you a r c a m e m b e r ol a c lass that c a n w ie ld a tome as an implement , yon c a n add the tome's e n h a n c e iiient bonus to the at tack rolls a n d the d a m a g e rolls of implement powers f rom that c lass that you use through the tome, a n d you c a n use its proper t ies a n d powers. M e m b e r s of o ther classes ga in no benefit from wielding a tome.

Confounding T o m e Level 28

71if doth cover of (his tome is inscribed with a repeating maze lite pattern.

Lvl 28 +6 2,1 25,000 gp Implement (Tome) Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Critical: 1d6 psychic damage per plus Property: W h e n you use the maze power through this tome,

the target rolls twice when making Intelligence checks to escape the maze and can escape only if both checks succeed.

Power (Daily): Free Action. You expend an unused wizard daily attack power of level 25 or higher and gain the use of the maze power (Player's Handbook, page 168). The power is lost if you don't use it before the end of the encounter.

Deck of Spel ls Level 14'

.Allyour spells are written on these cards, whose illustrations depict you crushing foes with your potent arcane arsenal.

Lvl 14 4-3 21.000gp Lvl 24 +5 525,OOOgp lvl 19 +4 105.000gp Lvl 29 +6 2.625,OOOgp Implement (Tome) Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Critical: f 1 d6 damage per plus Property: Wizards can use this tome as a spellbook. Property: W h e n you prepare your arcane powers, you can

choose one wizard daily attack power from your spellbook at random. You must prepare the randomly chosen power before you prepare any others. You gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls with that power until you take an extended rest.

Power (Daily): Free Action. You choose a wizard daily attack power in your spellbook that you didn't prepare-today and expend an unused wizard daily attack power of an equal or higher level. You gain the use of the chosen power, with a -i 2 bonus to attack rolls with that power, until the end of the encounter. The power is lost if you don't use it before the end of the encounter.

Dispe l l ing Tome Level 7

This thin tome helps you unbind magical creations.

Lvl 7 4-2 2.600 gp Lvl 22 ' 5 325.000 gp Lvl 12 +3 13.000 gp Lvl 27 +6 1.625.000 gp Lvl 17 +4 65.000 gp Implement (Tome) Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Critical: -i-1d6 damage per plus Property: W h e n you use the dispel ma,gir power through this

tome, you can target two conjurations or zones instead of one. and you gain a +2 item bonus to attack rolls to destroy them.

Power (Daily): Free Action. You expend an unused wizard utility power of level 6 or higher and gain the use of the dispel magic power (Player's Handbook, page 162). The power is lost if you don't use it before the end of the encounter.

Frozen T o m e Level 18+

The cover of this thick tome appears to he made from solid ice. It's cool to the touch but doesn't melt.

Lvl 18 - 4 85,OOOgp Lvl 28 -t-6 2.125.000gp Lvl 23 ^ 5 425.000gp Implement (Tome) Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Critical: +1df> cold damage per plus Property: W h e n you use the wall of ice power through

this tome, the wall can be up to 1 5 squares long and 10 squares high.

Power (Daily): Free Action. You expend an unused wizard utility power of level 1 5 or higher and gain the use of the wall of ice power (Player's Handbook, page 165). The power is lost if you don't use it before the end of the encounter.

DECK OF SPELLS Al though wizards have a reputat ion for be ing ponderous and analyt ica l , not al l of t h e m are sensible or sane . A m p r o e m u s w a s one most kindly descr ibed as eccentr ic, and his invent ions are a tes tament to the best a n d wors t traits of humani ty . H is deck of spells can bes tow great power on a wielder, but it can' t be control led.

No author i tat ive story tel ls h o w the deck came to be . S o m e say that A m p r o e m u s m e a n t to create a spel lbook that let its user cast spells more often a n d that randomness was a side effect, wh i le others claim the i tem w a s the product of a deranged mind . A few bel ieve A m p r o e m u s simply lost a bet .

T h e U n a s s u m i n g D e c k : There are many decks of spells in the wor ld , a n d not al l are possessed by wizards. In fact, someone w h o doesn' t understand arcane magic might be using one simply as an ornate deck for card games. G a m blers swea r by t h e m as " lucky d e c k s " - s o m e might give t hem up for money, but a supersti t ious gambler might d e m a n d a contest of Three-Dragon Ante or another g a m e of chance .

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Gossamer Tome Level S Level 9

litis tome Is covered bi webs infested by myriad tiny spiders that swarm over Your hands but never bite.

Lvl 23 +5 425,000 gp Lvl 28 +6 2.12 5,000 gp

Lvl 8 ^ 2 3,400 gp Lvl 13 +3 1 7.000 gp Lvl 18 <4 85.000 gp Implement (Tome)

Enhancement : Attack rolls and damage rolls Crit ical: +1d6 damage per plus Property: W h e n you use the web power through this tome,

any creature that ends its move in the zone of webs is restrained instead of immobilized.

Power (Dai ly) : Free Action. You expend an unused wizard utility power of level 5 or higher and gain the use of the web power {Player's Handbook, page 161). The power is lost if you don't use it before the end of the encounter.

Level 13 Mordenkainen's Tome This tomes cover is Inscribed wtih 0 shimmering silver sword.

Lvl 13 +3 17.000gp Lvl 23 +5 47 5,000 gp Lvl 18 +4 85.000gp Lvl 28 +6 2.125.000gp Implement (Tome) Enhancement : Attack rolls and damage rolls Crit ical: ' 1d6 force damage per plus Property: W h e n you use the Mordenka'mens sword power

through this tome, the sword deals extra force damage equal to the tome's enhancement bonus.

P o w e r (Dai ly) : Free Action. You expend an unused wizard utility power of level 9 or higher and gain the use of the Mordenkainen's sword power (Player's Handbook, page 163). The power is lost if you don't use it before (he end of the encounter.

GOSSAMER TOME D r o w spel lcasters h a v e pe r fec ted a techn ique o f crafting mag ic t o m e s f rom sp ider w e b s . T h e y fold layer af ter layer of w e b b i n g into shee ts , t h e n t rea t t h e pages w i t h a l chemica l substances. T h e s e t o m e s e n h a n c e the creat ion of magica l w e b s and are h ighly pr ized a m o n g wizards.

Gossamer tomes h a v e b e c o m e a s y m b o l of the V e n o m Tongue , a caba l of most ly d r o w w iza rds w h o t ransform the i r b o d i e s into vessels th rough dark r i tuals. The i r pres e r v e d f lesh hosts s w a r m s of g ro tesque , b lood go rged sp iders .

W e b Weaver Contest: A local w i z a r d s gui ld is ho ld ing a n annua l compet i t i on to d e t e r m i n e w h o c a n m a k e best use of t h e web spel l . Compe t i t o r s might c rea te w e b s to t rap rats, to conf ine o ther contestants in a maze , or s imply to suppor t t h e most w e i g h t . T h e w i n n e r rece ives a gossamer tome stolen f rom the d r o w ( w h o might w a n t to get it back) .

Drow Bandits: S o m e V e n o m Tongue d r o w h a v e b e e n raid ing sh ipments t ravel ing b e t w e e n t o w n s tha t lie a b o v e a d r o w city. The i r h a n d i w o r k is easy to s e e : They leave beh ind t h e ca ravan m e r c h a n t s a n d guards , suf focated or s ta rved , tang led in th ick st icky w e b s . T h e peop le of t h e t o w n s w a n t t h e dark e lves roo ted out a n d s la in.

Tome of Crushing Force This jet block tome is inset with several moonstone* and radi ates power.

Lv l9 +2 4 ,200gp Lvl 24 - 5 525.000gp L v l 1 4 +3 21,000 gp Lvl 29 +6 2,625,000 gp Lvl 19 +4 105,000 gp Implement (Tome) Enhancement : Attack rolls and damage rolls Crit ical: i 1d6 force damage per plus Property: W h e n you use a wizard force power through

this tome that attacks Reflex, you can choose to have the power attack Fortitude instead.

Property: This tome contains two wizard daily force powers. Both powers must be of a level equal to or lower than that of the tome. You must choose these powers when you acquire the tome; they can't be changed later. You can add these powers to your spellbook.

Power (Dai ly) : Free Action. You choose a power contained in the tome and expend an unused wizard daily attack power of an equal or higher level. You gain the use of the chosen power. The power is lost If you don't use it before the end of the encounter.

Level 14+ Tome of Enduring Creation Your summoned creatures are more durable when you wield this leather bound tome.

Lvl 14 +3 21.000gp Lvl 24 +5 525,000gp Lvl 19 - 4 105.000 gp Lvl 29 +6 2.525.000gp Implement (Tome) Enhancement : Attack rolls and damage rolls Crit ical: * 1d6 damage per plus Property: W h e n you hit wi th a wizard attack power using

this tome, a creature you summoned gains temporary hit points equal to 2 + the tome's enhancement bonus.

P o w e r (Dai ly): Free Action. Trigger: You use a wizard summoning power. Effect: A creature you summoned gains a +2 power bonus to all defenses until the end of the encounter or until the creature is dismissed.

Level 4 Tome of Striking Lightning Sparks leap between the covers of this copper-bound tome.

Lvl 4 +1 840 gp Lvl 1 9 +4 105.000 R p Lvl 9 +2 4.200 gp Lvl 24 +5 525,000 gp Lvl 14 i 3 21.000 gp Lvl 29 16 2,625,000gp Implement (Tome) Enhancement : Attack rolls and damage rolls Crit ical: +1 d6 lightning damage per plus Property: W h e n you use a wizard lightning attack power

through this tome, you can score a critical hit on a roll of 19-20.

Property: This tome contains two wizard daily lightning powers. Both powers must be of a level equal to or lower than that of the tome. You must choose these powers when you acquire the tome: they can't be changed later. You can add these powers to your spellbook.

Power (Dai ly): Free Action. You choose a power contained in the tome and expend an unused wizard daily attack power of an equal or higher level. You gain the use of the chosen power. The power is lost if you don't use it before the end of the encounter.

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This snakeskin-bound tome gives off a slight acrid scent.

Lvl 24 +5 525,000 gp Lvl 29 +6 2,625,000 gp Implement (Tome) Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Critical: +1d6 poison damage per plus Property: When you use the cloudkill power through this

tome, you can move the cloud 3 squares as part of the minor action to sustain the power.

Power (Daily): free Action. You expend an unused wizard utility power of level 19 or higher and gain the use of the cloudkill power (Player's Handbook, page 166). The power is lost if you don't use it before the end of the encounter.

TOTEMS Cougar bone, python hide, werewolf toes—and dead foes.

A totem is a short length of w o o d or b o n e c a r v e d to resemble pat ron spir i ts , w h i c h a r c g e n e r a l l y ances tors or animals. S t r ips of h ides , tee th , s m a l l bones, a n d (he like hang f r om o n e e n d . T h e s y m b o l i s m o f the carved image, c o m b i n e d w i t h the a t t ached i tems, g ive the totem its power . Y o u can ' t m a k e m e l e e a t tacks with a totem.

I f you are a m e m b e r o f a c lass that c a n w i c k ! a totem as an i m p l e m e n t , y o u c a n a d d the totem's enhancement b o n u s lo the a t tack ro l ls a n d the damage rolls of i m p l e m e n t powers f r o m that c lass that you use th rough the to tem, a n d y o u c a n use its properties a n d p o w e r s . M e m b e r s of o the r c lasses ga in no benefit f rom w i e l d i n g a to tem.

Avalanche's W a k e To tem Level 1 9 T

Your-spirit companion draws power from this jagged stone totem to become as unstoppable as a landslide.

Lvl 19 +4 105,000 gp Lvl 29 +6 2,625.000 gp Lvl 24 +5 525,000 gp Implement (Totem) Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Critical: -i-1d6 damage per plus, and you push the target 1

square per plus. Property: Your spirit companion ignores difficult terrain

when it moves. Power (Daily): Free Action. Trigger: You hit with an attack

through your spirit companion using this totem. Effect: Each enemy adjacent to your spirit companion is slowed until the end of your next turn.

B l o o d h u n t e r To tem .eve! 5+

This totem is carvedfrom a petrified heart which beats when the totem is close to wounded prey.

Lvl 5 +1 1,000 gp Lvl 20 +4 125,000 gp Lvl 10 H-2 5,000 gp Lvl 25 +-5 625,000 gp Lvl 15 +3 25,000 gp Lvl 30 +6 3,125,000 gp Implement (Totem) Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Critical: +1 d6 damage per plus, or +1 d l 0 damage per plus

against a bloodied target Property: You gain a + 1 bonus to attack rolls using this

totem against bloodied creatures.

B o a r ' s C h a r g e T o t e m Level 3 i When you grasp this boar's tusk,your heart races with feral excitement and you throw yourself headlong into battle.

Lvl 3 +1 680 gp Lvl 18 - 4 85,000 gp Lvl 8 +2 3.400 gp Lvl 23 4-5 425,000 gp Lvl 13 +3 IZOOOgp Lvl 28 t-6 2.12 5,000 gp Implement (Totem) Enhancement Attack rolls and damage rolls Critical: +1 d6 damage per plus Property: W h e n charging while you are in beast form, you

gain a 4-1 bonus to speed. Power (Dai ly): Free Action. Trigger: You hit an enemy with

a charge attack using this totem while you are in beast form. Effect: You push that enemy 1 square and can shift into the space it vacated.

Bror tzewood Coi ls T o t e m Level 1 3 -

With this knotted serpent totem crafted ofhronzewood.you can grant your spirit companion an aspect of the World Serpent

Lvl13 +3 17,000 gp Lvl 23 +5 425,000 gp Lvl 18 1 4 85,000 gp Lvl 28 +6 2,125,000 gp Implement (Totem) Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Critical: +1 d6 damage per plus Power (Daily): Free Action. Trigger: You hit an enemy with

the spirit's fangs power (Players Handbook 2, page 120) using this totem. Effect: That enemy is grabbed by your spirit companion. W h e n the enemy attempts to escape the grab, you can have it make the Acrobatics check or Athletics check against your Wi l l instead of your Fortitude or Reflex.

leve l 10+ Di re T o t e m

AsyOU undergo the transformation into beast jorm.your body grows larger, heavier, and far more dangerous.

Lvl 10 +2 5,000gp Lv l25 +5 625.000 gp Lvl 15 +3 25,000 gp Lvl 30 +6 3,125,000 gp Lvl 20 +4 12 5.000 gp Implement (Totem) Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Critical: (1d6 damage per plus Power (Daily): Free Action. Trigger: You use your wild shape

power (Player's Handbook 2, page 84) to assume your beast form. Effect: Whi le you are in beast form, your size is Large, and you gain a power bonus to damage rolls using beast form powers through this totem equal to the totem's enhancement bonus.

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Earthfa l l T o t e m Level 7 J

Attacks with this rough-hewn stone totem pack a powerful punch.

Lvl 7 +2 2,60Ogp Lvl 22 +5 325.000gp Lvl 12 - 3 13.000 gp Lvl 27 +6 1,625,000 gp Lv l17 +4 65,000 gp Implement (Totem) Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Critical: + 1d6 damage per plus Property: W h e n you use a primal attack power through this

totem that pushes or slides a creature or knocks a creature prone, you deal 1 d6 extra damage to each creature that was pushed, slid, or knocked prone. Level 17. 22, or 27: 2d6 extra damage.

Level 3 ' Fell B e a s t T o t e m This totem is infused with venom extracted from corrupt preda tors of the swamp.

Lvl 3 +1 680 gp Lvl 18 +4 85,000 gp Lvl 8 +2 3,400 gp Lvl 23 +5 425.000 gp Lvl 13 13 1 7.000 gp Lvl 28 +6 2,125,000 gp Implement (Totem) Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Critical: - 1 d 6 poison damage per plus Power (Daily • Poison): Free Action. The next time you

use a primal attack power through this totem during this turn, each creature hit by the attack takes ongoing 5 poi son damage (save ends). Level 13 or 18: Ongoing 10 poison damage (save ends). Level 23 or 28: Ongoing 1 5 poison damage (save ends).

F l a m e h e a r t T o t e m A constantly smoldering mote of flame dangles from this totem and infuses your evocations with fiery power.

L v l l O +2 5,000 gp Lvl 25 +5 625.000 gp Lvl 15 +3 2 5.000 gp Lvl 30 +6 3.12 5,000 gp Lvl 20 +4 1 25,000 gp Implement (Totem) Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Critical: +1 d6 fire damage per plus Property: W h e n you hit a creature that is granting combat

advantage to you using a primal attack power through this totem, that creature takes I d6 extra lire damage.

Power (Daily • Fire): Free Action. The next time you use a primal attack power through this totem during this turn, each creature hit by the attack takes ongoing 5 fire damage (save ends). Level 75 or 20: Ongoing 10 fire damage (save ends). Level 23 or 30: Ongoing 1 5 fire damage (save ends).

I ron B e a r To tem Level 8+

This black iron rod. bound with bear fur. empowers your spit it companion to bolster nearby allies.

Lvl 8 +2 3,400 gp Lvl 23 +5 425.000 gp Lvl 13 +3 17.000 gp Lvl 28 +6 2,125,000 gp LvI18 +4 85,000 gp Implement (Totem) Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Critical: + 1d6 damage per plus Power (Daily): Minor Action. Until the end of your next

turn, any ally gains a +2 bonus to all defenses while adjacent to your spirit companion.

Life R i v e r T o t e m While wit're armed with this green wood totem, your group enjoys great vitality even in the face of deadly adversity.

Lvl 13 +3 17,000 gp Lvl 23 +5 425,000 gp Lvl 18 +4 85,000 gp Lvl 28 i-6 2,125,000 gp Implement (Totem) Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Critical: +1d6 damage per plus Property: W h e n you hit with a primal attack power using

this totem, you or any ally adjacent to you who spends a healing surge before the end of your next turn regains additional hit points equal to the totem's enhancement bonus.

N i n e Fur ies T o t e m Level 20»

This totem is crafted of horn. wood, and sinew. It flares with power as warrior spirits invigorate your comrades in battle.

Lvl 20 +4 125.000 gp Lvl 30 +6 3.125.000 gp Lvl 25 +5 62 5.000 gp Implement (Totem) Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Critical: +1d6 damage per plus Property: W h e n you grant temporary hit points to your

allies with a shaman power, one ally gains additional temporary hit points equal to the totem's enhancement bonus.

Power (Daily): Immediate Reaction. Trigger: An ally you can see becomes bloodied. Effect Each ally you can see gains temporary hit points equal to twice the totem's enhancement bonus. These temporary hit points stack with any existing temporary hit points.

TOTEM OF NEW BEGINNINGS Civi l izat ion 's bones l i t ter the w o r l d : c rumbl ing ci t ies, fa l len towers , and moss-covered stones that w e r e once s ta tues ce lebra t ing mighty heroes . Na tu re eventua l l y rec la ims t h e resources that mor ta ls have s to len , and someth ing n e w a lways arises from the wreckage of the o ld. Th is is life's cycle. N e w g rowth and n e w possibilit ies can exist only through dea th .

A totem of new beginnings d raws powe r f rom this natural rhy thm. In a w ie lde r ' s hand , the to tem briefly spurs innovation and creativity, those sensations wi ther ing soon after they b loom. Exper ienced w ie lde rs learn to harness this ebb a n d f low to channe l pr imal energy at the right m o m e n t .

R e t u r n i n g H o m e : As a un ique even t , a hero might d iscover a totem of new beginnings g row ing in a hard-to-reach location associated w i t h his or her previous life. For instance, if a hero l ived for several years in an urban or built-up area that has since been rec la imed by the wi lderness, especia l ly as a consequence of w a r or a batt le wi th pr imal powers , that hero might s tumble upon a living branch that can funct ion as a totem of new beginnings wh i l e returning to visi t the ruined h o m e l a n d . Perhaps it 's growing f rom a ru ined door f rame of a n old h o m e or at t h e grave of the hero's parents.

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Panther T o t e m Level 9 • Carved in the shape of a panther and adorned with fangs, this totem grants its user feline stealth.

Lvl 9 +2 4.200 gp Lvl 24 +5 525.000 gp Lvl 14 +3 21.000 gp Lvl 29 +6 2.625.000 gp Lvl 19 +4 105.000 gp Implement (Totem) Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Critical: +1 d6 damage per plus, or i 1 d l 0 damage per plus

against a target granting combat advantage to you Power (Daily • Illusion): Minor Action. Until the end of

your next turn, you are invisible to enemies more than 5 squares away from you.

Razor Talon T o t e m Level 14

Festooned with talons, daws, and fangs, this totem mokes your attacks in beast form more dangerous.

Lvl 14 +3 21,000 gp Lvl 24 4-5 525,000gp Lvl 19 +4 105.000 gp Lvl 29 +6 2,625,000 gp Implement (Totem) Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Critical: +1 d6 damage per plus, or 4*1 d8 damage per plus

while you are in beast form Property: W h e n you use a beast form attack power through

this totem, you can score a critical hit on a roll of 19-20.

NINE FURIES TOTEM On the Stormkissed Plain, in the shadow of the Moon Peaks, nine warriors stood. They were called the Nine Furies; each was the greatest of his or her tribe and gifted with quickness, talent, wisdom, and strength. They gathered to confront Borstod the Blasphemer, a catastrophic dragon of great age and power. As the dragon neared, the Furies' peoples fled into the mountains, depending on their champions to buy them time to escape.

For nine days and nights the Furies fought the ancient wyrm, each dawn marking a champion's end until only one remained. Although that champion's companions no longer lived, their devoted spirits continued the fight at her side. Wi th their support, she spent her remaining life force in a final attack and drove her axe into the dragon's skull. The cruel voice of the dragon was silenced forever.

A Nine Furies totem captures the noble deeds of these mighty champions. Each totem contains the essence of one Fury, and on moonless nights its wielder might just spy a spectral hero and dragon battling in the sky. Those who brandish one of these totems in battle can draw on a measure of that fabled power to aid them against superior foes.

The Centaurs' Secrets: Some sages believe that the centaurs were the first to craft these totems and that they alone know the method of their manufacture. To acquire such an item, a hero must seek out a tribe of centaurs and prove his or her worth by defeating a dragon in battle. Success earns not only a Nine Furies totem, but also the potential to unearth other long-guarded secrets and forgotten lore.

Ninth Fury: Conventional legend holds that all the champions perished, but some tales suggest that the ninth survived and might live still. If she can be found, she might grant her totem to a worthy bearer.

R o a r i n g B e a r T o t e m Level 2 -

Carvedfrom the great claw of a dire bear, this totem growls like that might)' beast when you channel primal power through it.

Lvl 2 +1 520 gp Lvl 17 +4 65,000 gp Lvl 7 +2 2,600gp Lvl 22 +5 325.000gp Lvl 12 +3 13,000 gp Lvl 27 ff i 1,625.000 gp Implement (Totem) Enhancement : Attack rolls and damage rolls Cri t ical: +1d6 damage per plus P o w e r (Dai ly) : Free Action. Trigger: You hit an enemy with

a primal attack power using this totem. Effect: You knock the enemy prone.

T o t e m of N a t u r e ' s B a l m Level 10 • Whenyou wave this totem, decorated with dried herbs, healing light streams from your spirit companion intoyour allies.

L v I l O 4-2 5,000 gp Lvl 25 4-5 625,000 gp L v l 1 5 +3 25,000gp Lvl 30 +6 3,125.000gp Lvl 20 +4 12 5,000 gp Implement (Totem) Enhancement : Attack rolls and damage rolls Cri t ical: + ld6 damage per plus, and one ally you can see

within 10 squares of you can spend a healing surge. P o w e r (Dai ly): Free Action. Trigger: You hit with a primal

attack power using this totem. Effect: Each ally within 2 squares of you or your spirit companion makes a saving throw with a power bonus equal to the totem's enhancement bonus.

Level 14 T o t e m o f N e w B e g i n n i n g s

I his hone totem gradually changes color in vour hands, shifting from green to gray to black to green again.

Lvl 14 4-3 21,000 gp Lvl 24 4-5 525,000gp Lvl 19 +4 105,000 gp Lvl 29 +6 2,625,000 gp Implement (Totem) Enhancement : Attack rolls and damage rolls Crit ical: (1d6 damage per plus Power (Dai ly): No Action. Trigger: You use a primal daily

attack power through this totem and miss all targets. Effect: One ally within 5 squares of you regains the use of an expended encounter power of the totem's level or lower.

T o t e m of t h e A w a k e n e d B e a r Level 13 i Carved in the form of a yawning beast, this totem rouses vour spirit companion against opponents that draw vour attention.

Lvl 13 * 3 17,000 gp Lvl 23 +5 425,000 gp Lvl 18 - 4 85,000 gp Lvl 28 +6 2,125.000 gp Implement (Totem) Enhancement : Attack rolls and damage rolls Cri t ical: ; 1 d6 damage per plus, or +1 d l 0 damage per plus

whi le you're bloodied Power (Dai ly): Free Action. Trigger: You hit an enemy with

your spirit's shield power {Player's Handbook 2, page 121). EJJect;That enemy grants combat advantage until the end of your next turn.

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Totem of the Crashing Tide Level 1 5 *

Moisture cotttirmatbr beads over the tonch shell that forms this totem and then evaporates, reflecting the tides in which n once lived.

Lvl 15 +3 2 5.000 gp Lvl 25 +5 6 2 5 0 0 0 gp Lvl 20 +4 125.000 gp Lvl 30 +6 3.125.000 gp Implement (Totem) Enhancement : Attack rolls and damage rolls Cri t ical: J - l d 6 damage per plus, and you push the target 1

square per plus. Property: W h e n you push a creature with a primal attack

power using this totem, the distance of the push increases by 1 square.

Power (Dai ly) : Free Action. Trigger. You push an enemy with a primal attack power using this totem. Effect: That enemy grants combat advantage until the end of your next turn.

Totem of the Harrier's Claws Level 1 2 * This totem, covered in owl I fathers and talons, grams viii the

ferot in of a hunting bird against weakened prey.

Lvl 12 +3 13.000 gp Lvl 22 +5 325.000 gp Lvl 17 +4 65.000 gp Lvl 27 +6 1.625.000 gp Implement (Totem) Enhancement : Attack rolls and damage rolls Cri t ical: I 1d6 damage per plus Property: Creatures taking ongoing damage grant combat

advantage to you.

TOTEM OF THE NIGHT The Endless Swamp is so large and its growth so lush that the canopy in its deepest sections blocks the light of day. In those dark places the spirits of night are strongest. From there the legendary Circle of the Bat protects the land and gains strange powers of augury from the swamp spirits the Circle members revere.

Although totems of the night are made of cypress wood, the druids and shamans of the Circle claim that they're actually the bodies of bats that live deep within the Endless Swamp. According to this tale, a bat sometimes flies too high during daylight and breaks through the thick canopy. W h e n touched by the rays of the sun. it turns to wood and falls to the swamp floor, where its body is harvested to create one of these totems.

The Hag's Coven: A group of hags dwelling at the southern end of the Endless Swamp is constantly at war with the Circle of the Bat. These powerful fey have felled a number of shamans and druids, collecting each victim's totem of the night as a trophy of the kill. The Circle has asked for assistance in destroying the hags.

Nightheart Cave: This grotto lies near the edge of the Endless Swamp. With in is the Heart of Night, a black flame that must be extinguished on each winter solstice to prevent the opening of a permanent portal into the Shadowfell. It is taboo for members of the Circle of the Bat to enter the Nightheart Cave, so they must seek a champion from outside their order to perform this task. The Circle is willing to arm that champion with a totem of the night.

totem of the night

Totem of the Night Level 1 2 -This totem of blackened wood is shaped like a stylized bat and allow* \vu to pierce tlu' veil of night.

Lvl 12 +3 13.000gp lv l 22 +5 325.000gp Lvl 17 +4 65.000 gp Lvl 27 +6 1,625,000 gp Implement (Totem) Enhancement : Attack rolls and damage rolls Crit ical: - 1 d6 damage per plus Property: You gain low-light vision. If you already have low

light vision, you instead gain darkvision. P o w e r (Dai ly): Minor Action. Until the end of your turn,

your attacks using this totem ignore cover and concealment, but not superior cover or total concealment.

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level 9 i Totem of the R a v e n o u s B e a s t

This hideous bIoodstain.il totem gorges itself on the life energy qfyourfoes.

Lvl 9 +2 4.200 gp Lvl 24 +5 525.000 gp Lvl 14 +3 21,000 gp Lvl 29 +6 2.62 5.000 gp Lvl 19 +4 105.000 gp Implement (Totem) Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Critical: i 1d6 damage per plus, or +1d10 damage pet plus

against a target granting combat advantage to you Power (Daily): Free Action. Trigger: You reduce an enemy

to 0 hit points with a primal power using this totem. E//cct: You take a move action.

Level 8 Totem of t h e S a t y r ' s D a n c e

Thisgnarled branch, carved to look like a horn, clnmnels the frenetic dance of reveling satyr spirits.

Lvl 8 +2 3.400 gp Lvl 23 - 5 425.000 gp Lvl 13 <3 1 7,000 gp Lvl 28 +6 2.1 2 5.000 gp Lvl 18 +4 85,000 gp Implement (Totem) Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Critical: * 1 <I6 damage per plus Property: W h e n an ally regains hit points from a primal

power used through this totem, he or she gains a +1 bonus to speed until the end of his or her next turn.

Power (Daily): Free Action. Trigger: You hit with a primal attack power using this totem. Effect An ally you can see within 10 squares of you gains a +1 power bonus to speed until the end of the encounter.

t eve l15 Totem of t h e S c o u r i n g W i n d

Used by desert dwelling centaur tribes, this totem shaped from sandstone summons the power of the terrible simoom.

Lvl 15 +3 25,000 gp Lvl 25 - 5 625.000 gp Lvl 20 +4 12 5,000 gp Lvl 30 - 6 3,125.000 gp Implement (Totem) Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Critical: +1<I6 damage per plus, and the target takes

ongoing 1 0 damage (save ends). Level 25 or 30; Ongoing 1 5 damage (save ends).

Power (Daily): Standard Action. You push each creature that is adjacent to you 2 squares. Until the end of your next turn, you gain a - 2 power bonus to all defenses against ranged and area attacks.

Totem of t h e W o r l d Tree Level 20

The rich wood of this totem is warm to the touch. You can feel the life of the world pulsing through it.

Lvl 20 1-4 125.000 gp Lvl 30 +6 3.125,000 gp Lvl 2 625,000 gp Implement (Totem) Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Critical: Each ally within 3 squares of you gains 1d6

temporary hit points per plus (roll once and apply the result to each ally).

Power (Dai ly): Free Action. Trigger. You hit an enemy with a primal attack power using this totem. Ejjfcct: You or an ally within 3 squares of you makes a saving throw with a bonus equal to the totem's enhancement bonus.

T o t e m of T h u n d e r ' s K e e p e r Level 2+

A styUzedfacecarved into this totem animates with tin angry growl to rebuff those who harm your allies.

Lvl 2 +1 520 gp Lvl 17 +4 65,000 gp Lvl 7 +2 2,600 gp Lvl 22 +5 325.000 gp Lvl 12 +3 13,000 gp Lvl 27 +6 1.625.000 gp Implement (Totem) Enhancement : Attack rolls and damage rolls O i l K . i l ; * 1d6 thuiidei damage per plus P o w e r (Dai ly • Thunder): Immediate Reaction. Trigger.

An enemy hits your spirit companion or an ally within 5 squares of you with a melee attack. Effect: The triggering enemy takes thunder damage equal to your W isdom modifier. In addition, you push it a number of squares equal to the totem's enhancement bonus.

Level 9 T o t e m of W i n t e r ' s S c o r n

Carved from a branch oj wmtsrfb tree, this totem channels the hitter cold of the tumfru.

Lvl 9 +2 4.20Ugp Lvl 24 +5 525.000 gp Lvl 14 ^ 3 21.000 gp Lvl 29 +6 2.62 5.000 gp Lvl 19 +4 105.000 gp Implement (Totem) Enhancement : Attack rolls and damage rolls Crit ical: 1 d(> cold damage per plus, and the target is

slowed until the end of your next turn. P o w e r (Dai ly): Free Action. Trigger: You hit an enemy with

a primal cold power using this totem. Effect: That enemy is immobilized and grants combat advantage (save ends).

Level 8 V e n g e f u l S p i r i t T o t e m

Infused with the rage of a thousand vicious hoists, this totem mates your spirit companion intimidating in battle.

Lvl 8 +2 3.400 gp Lvl 23 +5 425.000 gp Lvl 13 i 3 17.000 gp Lvl 28 +6 2.125.000 gp Lvl 18 f 4 85,000 gp Implement (Totem) Enhancement : Attack rolls and damage rolls Crit ical: -f1d6 damage per plus, or -f-1d10 per plus with a

primal spirit attack power P o w e r (Dai ly): Minor Action. Until the end of the encoun

ter, each enemy adjacent to your spirit companion takes a - 2 penalty to attack rolls.

Level 4 Wildfire Totem litis charred totem grows hot to the touch as your enemy erupts in hungry names:

Lvl 4 +1 840 gp Lvl 1 9 + 4 105,000 gp Lvl 9 1 2 4.200 gp Lvl 24 * 5 52 5,000 gp Lvl 14 +3 21,000 gp Lvl 29 +6 2.625.000gp Implement (Totem) Enhancement : Attack rolls and damage rolls Crit ical: 1 1 d6 fire damage per plus Property: You gain a 2 bonus to saving throws against

ongoing fire damage. P o w e r (Dai ly • Fire): Free Action. Trigger: You hit an

enemy wi th a primal fire power using this totem. Effect: Each enemy adjacent to you takes ongoing 5 fire damage (save ends). Level 14 or 19: Ongoing 10 fire damage (save ends). Level 24 or 29: Ongoing 1 S fire damage (save ends).

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Winterwood Totem Level 4 -Fashioned from trees perpetually coated in primal frost, this totem is surrounded by a cloud of freezing mist.

Lvl 4 +1 840 gp Lv l19 ¥4 105,000 gp Lv l9 +2 4,200gp Lvl 24 +5 525,000gp Lv l14 +3 21.000 gp Lvl 29 +6 2,625.000 gp Implement (Totem) Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Crit ical: -"-1d6 cold damage per plus Power (Daily): Free Action. Trioger: You hit an enemy with

a primal cold power using this totem and deal damage to it. Effect: That enemy gains vulnerable 3 cold until the end of your next turn. Level 74 or 19: Vulnerable 5 cold. Level 24 or 29: Vulnerable 10 cold.

WANDS Wands only look like they're too fragile to be deadly.

W a n d s a r e of ten cons i de red the most p o p u l a r a r c a n e i m p l e m e n t s because n e a r l y a l l a r c a n e he roes c a n use t h e m .

W a n d s a r e used to store spe l ls , but they c a n a l so m o d i f y t he spel ls cast t h r o u g h t h e m . P e r h a p s the best aspec t to these i m p l e m e n t s is t he i r versat i l i ty , s i nce they a l l o w a b a r d a n d a w i z a r d , for e x a m p l e , to exp lo re e a c h other 's m a g i c .

E x c e p t i n ra re cases , a w a n d is not la rge e n o u g h o r s t rong e n o u g h to b e used as a w e a p o n . I f a w a n d c a n f unc t i on as e i ther a w e a p o n o r a n i m p l e m e n t , tha t iact is n o t e d i n the i tem's desc r i p t i on .

I f v o n a r e a m e m b e r o f a c lass t ha t c a n w i e l d

a w a n d as a n i m p l e m e n t , y o u c a n a d d the w a n d ' s

e n h a n c e m e n t bonus to the a t tack ro l ls a n d the

d a m a g e ro l ls of i m p l e m e n t p o w e r s f r o m that c l ass

that y o u use t h rough the w a n d , a n d y o u c a n use its

p roper t ies a n d p o w e r s . M e m b e r s o f o the r c lasses g a i n

n o bene f i t f r o m w i e l d i n g a w a n d .

Curs ing W a n d Level 1<?

You curse your foe when you channel your spite through this dark yew wand.

L v l l 4 +3 21,000 gp Lv l24 f S 525,000gp Lvl 19 H-4 105,000gp Lvl 29 i 6 2,625,000gp Implement ( W a n d ) Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Critical: +1d6 damage per plus Property: W h e n you score a critical hit wi th the unluck

power using this wand, the target also takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls, skill checks, ability checks, and saving throws (save ends).

Power (Daily • Arcane, Implement, Necrotic): Standard Action. As the bard's unluck power (Player's Handbook 2, page 72).

CURSING WAND This w a n d is cut f rom y e w w o o d and sta ined black w i t h

the ashes o f those w h o suffered acc iden ta l dea ths . A

str ing of curses c raw ls a round the imp lemen t , spiral ing

toward its tip. Star t ing w i t h large letter ing in the lokharic

scr ipt , t he w o r d s gradual ly shr ink unti l t hey can be seen

on ly th rough c lose inspec t ion . T h e curses t hemse l ves

change w i t h the reader, p inpoint ing the w ie lde r ' s f l aws ,

fears, a n d fai lures.

T h e cursing wand or ig inated in t he h a n d s o f a j i l ted

l o v e r - a y o u n g mins t re l s p u r n e d for another , younger

w o m a n . H e r hea r t b roken , she pou red al l he r ma l i ce

and ha te in to he r w a n d , imbu ing it w i t h the darkest

and most sinister curses imag inab le . W i t h the imp le

m e n t c o m p l e t e , she hun ted d o w n he r f o rmer pa ramour

a n d put a c u r s e o n h i m t h a t t u r n e d e v e r y t h i n g h e

t ouched to ash unt i l t he day h e d i e d unde r myster ious

c i r cums tances .

T h e cursing w a n d s f o u n d in t h e w o r l d t o d a y a re

reproduct ions o f t he or iginal a n d , a l though potent ia l ly

power fu l in the i r o w n right, lack the full we igh t of the

or iginal c reator 's ma levo lence . St i l l , th ings h a v e a w a y of

going w r o n g w h e n a cursing w a n d is present .

Defeat the Renegade Minstrel: Zaster ly, a midd l ing

per fo rmer of little ta lent , ho lds a t o w n hostage, l iving

as a lord and compe l l i ng the locals to leap to his every

w h i m . T h o s e w h o h a v e refused have found themse lves

the targets o f his ac id tongue a n d c rue l spel ls de l ivered

th rough a cursing w a n d . O v e r t i m e , e a c h of Zaster ly 's

e n e m i e s has d ied in a lethal acc iden t . T h e townsfo lk are

terr i f ied of t he minstre l and w i l l pay s o m e o n e we l l to

r emove h i m f rom power .

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Diamond Wand ITtfs gem-topped wand's fragile appearance belies its strength.

Lvl 4 +1 840 gp Lvl 19 +4 105,000 gp Lvl9 +2 4.200gp Lvl 24 +5 525,OOOgp Lvl 14 +3 21,000 gp Lvl 29 +6 2.625.000 gp Implement (Wand) Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Critical: - 1d6 damage per plus Property: W h e n you hit an enemy with an arcane force

power using this wand, the next attack that hits that enemy deals 1 extra force damage. Level 14 or 79: 2 extra force damage. Level 24 or 29: 3 extra force damage.

Power (Daily): Standard Action. As the artificer's spike wire power {EBERRON Player's Guide, page 48), which is reproduced below.

Artificer Attack 1 Spike Wire You throw a bundle of barbed wire that biles Into your enemy's flesh, digging deeper and deeper.

Encounter • Arcane, Force, Implement Standard Action Ranged 10 Target: One creature Attack: Intelligence vs. Fortitude Hit: 1d8 -r Intelligence modifier force damage. Until the

end of your next turn, any attack deals extra damage to the target equal to your Wisdom modifier.

Level 9 > Hawthorn Wand This pale wand harnesses fate and makes it vour servant

Lvl 9 +2 4.200 gp Lvl 24 + 5 525.000 gp Lvl 14 +3 21.000 gp Lvl 29 4*6 2,625.000gp Lvl 19 ^-4 105,000 gp Implement (Wand) Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage mils Critical: ' 1d6 damage per plus Property: W h e n you use an arcane power through this

wand to grant yourself or an ally a bonus to saving throws and the saving throw roll is lower than this wand's enhancement bonus, you or the ally can reroll the saving throw and use either result.

Power (Daily): Standard Action. As the artificer's altered luck power (ERFRRON Player's Guide, page 49). which is reproduced below.

Artificer Attack 3 Altered Luck Vour magic blasts an enemy, and transfers its luck to a nearby allv.

Encounter • Arcane, Implement Standard Action Area burst 2 within 10 squares Target: One creature in burst Attack: Intelligence vs. W i l l Hit: 1d6 + Intelligence modifier damage, and the target

takes a -2 penalty to saving throws until the end of your next turn.

Effect: One ally within the burst gains temporary hit points equal to 5 + your Wisdom modifier and a +2 bonus to an attack roll, a skill check, an ability check, or a saving throw before the end of your next turn. The ally can use the bonus after determining the result of a roll.

Iron Wand Level 24-

This thick pry bar does double duty as a weapon and an implement.

Lvl 24 +5 525,000gp Lvl 29 +6 2.625.000gp Implement (Wand) Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Critical: +1d6 damage per pin*. Property: You gain an item bonus to Strength checks

to break open doors or chests equal to the wand's enhancement bonus.

Property: This wand can be used as a melee weapon, functioning as a mace. You can add its enhancement bonus to the attack rolls and damage rolls of melee weapon attacks.

Power (Daily): Minor Action. As the artificer's iron-hide infusion power (Ebfrron Player's Guide, page 53). which is reproduced below.

a z

Iron-Hide Infusion Artificer Utility 16

You crush u bit of iron inyour hand, infusing it with protective magic. You then cast the dust onto your allies' armor.

Encounter • Arcane Minor Action Close burst 5 Target: You and each ally in burst Effect: Each target gains a 4-4 bonus to AC until the end of

your next turn.

IRON WAND A th ick length of iron easi ly mis taken for a pry bar, an iron wand is a n unl ikely imp lemen t . T h e w a n d ' s t ip is a f lat tened w e d g e w i t h a notch in the midd le ; its base is a hooked w e d g e ideal for pry ing o p e n doors, chests, and just about anyth ing else that needs opening. A n iron wand can also be used as a w e a p o n , s ince its we igh t a n d size are perfect for c lobber ing e n e m i e s .

For the mage w h o div ides her t ime b e t w e e n flinging spel ls at enem ies a n d bui lding servants to fight on her behalf, an iron wand is an invaluable accessory, useful for battering enemies and focusing one's concentrat ion w h e n work ing w i t h arcane magic.

D e f e a t t h e I ron M a g e : A war forged artif icer k n o w n only as the Iron Mage w ie lds an iron wand in batt le to great effect. Sur rounded by a legion of lesser war forged, golems, a n d other constructs, he resides in a great fortress in the heart of a blasted w i lderness w h e r e nothing grows a n d the corpses of those w h o oppose h im swel l benea th a merci less sun. Adventurers w h o defeat h im can wres t control over his fo l lowers and his w a n d .

J o i n t h e Fo rgesmi ths : The Forgesmiths w e r e the first artif icers to fashion iron wands. S h u n n e d by their fe l lows for the i r dub ious exper imen ts in b l end ing f lesh w i t h mach ines , the Forgesmiths deve loped these w a n d s as a means of protect ion against assassins a n d hosti le rivals. A l though the tens ions b e t w e e n t h e m and their peers have coo led s o m e w h a t , the Forgesmiths are famously xenophobic and reluctant to admi t n e w m e m b e r s into their secret ive society. St i l l , those w h o do jo in are often given their o w n iron wands.

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HAWTHORN WAND W h e r e haw tho rn g rows , evil fears to t read. Favored by the

fey spirits, h a w t h o r n w o o d is repu ted to b e a great con

dui t for a rcane energy—some o f t he best w a n d s are m a d e

f rom this w o o d . A hawthorn wand is an 18- inch w a n d that

tapers to a f ine point . Va rn i shed to g ive the i m p l e m e n t

a n a m b e r f inish, it 's smoo th to t he touch . W h e n used in

a n i m p l e m e n t , t he w o o d g r o w s w a r m and a faint light

shines f rom w i th i n , reveal ing great power .

S imp l y car ry ing a hawthorn wand br ings about good

for tune in subt le w a y s . A n o w n e r might w i n a f e w extra

hands in a g a m e of Three-Dragon Ante or receive a smal l

w ind fa l l in co in or opportuni ty . T h e w a n d ' s t rue power ,

however , is to bend real i ty in its w ie lde r ' s favor so tha t

he or s h e can slip f ree f r om di re si tuat ions.

Befriend the Green Sisters: T h e most famous make rs

of hawthorn wands are the G r e e n Sisters, a smal l c i rc le of

d ryads w h o d w e l l d e e p in t he W e s t e r n W o o d . O n e w h o

s t u m b l e s across t he d r y a d s a re ce r ta in to f ind d e a t h ,

unless the hapless t raveler sings a song tha t moves t he

t rees t hemse l ves . If t he singer succeeds , t he dryads have

b e e n k n o w n to bes tow a boon in t he f o rm of a hawthorn

wand to t he per fo rmer w h o so impressed t h e m .

Save the Famous Minstrel: A loys ius , a famous w a r

rior and minst re l , is a bard of u n e q u a l e d skill and dar ing.

W h e n not conf ront ing dragons w i t h his k e e n w i t a n d

k e e n e r b lade , he enter ta ins kings a n d emperors , and he

is a favored presence in a n y cour t . For all his success, he

has a lso ga ined a n u m b e r of e n e m i e s w h o wou ld gladly

see h im brought low. S o w h e n h e w e n t missing, a cal l rose

up through the land to f ind t he legendary singer and bring

h im back to safety. T h e k ing has p romised to bestow a

hawthorn wand to w h o m e v e r br ings back the bard, or a t

least proof of his dea th .

Master's Wand of Eyes of the Vestige Level 4+

This ebony wand strikes your targets with devastating power.

L v ! 4 -hi 840 gp Lvl 19 +4 105.000 gp Lvl 9 +2 4.200 gp Lvl 24 +5 525.000 gp Lvl 14 +3 21.000gp Lvl 29 +6 2.625.000gp Implement ( W a n d ) Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Crit ical: 11d8 damage per plus Property: W h e n you hit with the eyes of the vestige power

using this wand, the second creature can be within 5 squares of the target instead of 3 squares, and you gain a +1 bonus to your Warlock's Curse extra damage for that attack.

Power (Encounter): Standard Action. As the warlock's eyes of the vestige power {Arcane Power, page 73), which is reproduced below.

Eyes of the Vestige Warlock Attack 1

Your enemy's eyes glow with an eldritch light asyour vestige takes hold and scours that foe's mind while you curse another nearby foe.

At -W i l l • Arcane, Implement, Psychic; Var ies Standard Act ion Ranged 10 Target: One creature Attack: Constitution vs. W i l l Hit: 1d6 >• Constitution modifier psychic damage. Choose

the target or a creature within 3 squares of the target and within the target's line of sight. You place your Warlock's Curse on that creature; if the creature is already cursed by you, you can deal your Warlock's Curse extra damage to that creature instead of to the target. Level 27: 2d6 + Constitution modiiier psychic damage.

Master's Wand of Illusory Ambush Level 4 -

With this red palm wand.your phantoms continue to harass your enemies.

Lvl 4 +1 840 gp Lvl 19 +4 105,000 gp Lvl 9 ' 2 4,200 gp Lvl 24 +5 525.000 gp Lvl 14 +3 21,000gp Lvl 29 +6 2.625.000gp Implement (Wand ) Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Crit ical: •* 1d8 damage per plus Property: After you hit an enemy with the illusory ambush

power using this wand, when that enemy attacks while it's taking the penalty to attack rolls, it takes psychic damage equal to 3 + this wand's enhancement bonus.

Power (Encounter): Standard Action. As the wizard's illusory ambush power {Arcane Power, page 101), which is reproduced below.

Illusory Ambush Wizard Attack 1

You create an illusion of swirling spectral assailants that swarm oyer your enemy.

At -W i l l • Arcane, Illusion, Implement, Psychic Standard Act ion Ranged 10 Target: One creature At tack: Intelligence vs. Wi l l Hi t : 1 d6 * Intelligence modifier psychic damage, and the

target takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls until the end of your next turn. Level 2 1 : 2d6 + Intelligence modifier psychic damage.

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Master's W a n d of M i s d i r e c t e d M a r k level 4 -Disaster awaits those beguiled hx this crooked hickory wand.

Lvl 4 +1 840 gp L v M 9 +4 105.000 gp Lvl9 +2 4.200gp Lvl 24 +S 525.000gp Lvl 14 +3 21,000 gp Lvl 29 +6 2.625,000 gp Implement (Wand) Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Critical: ^-1d8 damage per plus Property: W h e n you hit with t he misdirected mark power

using this wand, the ally that marked a target gains a +1 bonus to attack rolls against that target until the end of your next turn.

Power (Encounter • Arcane, Implement): Standard Action. As the bard's misdirected mark power (Player's Handbook 2, page 68).

Master s W a n d of Phan l tom B o l t level 4 -

Your illusory bolls become more ominous with this smoky amber wand.

Lvl 19 - 4 105.000 gp Lvl 24 +5 52 5.000 gp Lvl 29 +6 2,625,000 gp

Lvl 4 +1 840 gp Lvl 9 +2 4,200 gp Lvl 14 +3 21,000gp Implement ( W a n d ) Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Critical: +1 d8 damage per plus Property: W h e n you hit an en*emy with the phantom bolt

power using this wand, you can slide that enemy 1 extra square.

Power (Encounter): Standard Action. As the wizard's phantom bolt power (Arcane Power, page 101). which is reproduced below.

Wizard Attack 1 Phantom B o l t You wave your hand, andyour foe sees a bolt of fire streaking toward it. The enemy dives away from the imagined threat.

At-Will • Arcane, Illusion, Implement, Psychic Standard Action Ranged 10 Target: One creature Attack: Intelligence vs. Wi l l Hit: Id8 Intelligence modifier psychic damage, and you

slide the target 1 square. level 21: 2d8 + Intelligence modifier psychic damage.

Master's W a n d of Sp i te fu l G l a m o r level 4 -

This wand is especially deadly to creatures you haven't harmed yet

Lvl 4 +1 840 gp Lvl 19 +4 105,000 gp Lvl9 +2 4,200gp Lvl 24 i5 525.000gp Lvl 14 +3 21,000 gp Lvl 29 +6 2.625.000 gp Implement ( W a n d ) Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Critical: +1d8 psychic damage per plus Property: W h e n you hit an enemy at maximum hit points

that is affected by your Warlock's Curse with the spiteful glamor power using this wand, you deal an extra die of Warlock's Curse damage to that enemy.

Power (Encounter): Standard Action. As the warlock's spiteful glamor power (FOHCOI rew REAIMS Players Guide. page 35), which is reproduced below.

Spiteful Glamor Warlock (Dark) Attack 1

The mere sight of you is anathema to your enemy.

At -Wi l l • Arcane. Implement, Psychic Standard Action Ranged 10 Target: One creature Attack: Charisma vs. W i l l Hit: 1d8 + Charisma modifier psychic damage, or 1d1 2 +

Charisma modifier psychic damage to a target at maximum hit points. Level 27: 2d8 + Charisma modifier psychic damage, or

2d1 2 + Charisma modifier psychic damage to a target at maximum hit points.

M a s t e r ' s W a n d o f V i c i o u s M o c k e r y Li

Wiejdlng this hackberry wand sharpens your tongue and hones your wit.

Lvl 4 +1 840 gp Lvl 19 * 4 105,000 gp Lvl 9 +2 4,200 gp Lvl 24 +5 525.000 gp Lvl 14 ^ 3 21.000gp Lvi 29 +6 2.625,000gp Implement (Wand) Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Critical: *-1d8 damage per plus Property: W h e n you hit with the vicious mockery power

using this wand, choose a different enemy within 2 squares of the target. That enemy takes a penalty to attack rolls equal to your Intelligence modifier until the end of your next turn.

Power (Encounter • Arcane, Charm, Implement, Psychic): Standard Action. As the bard's vicious mockery power [Player's Handbook 2, page 69).

DIAMOND WAND A sparkl ing d iamond the size of a human 's t humb caps

the base of this w a n d . T h e smooth holly w o o d tapers from

the gemstone unti l it te rminates at a slightly rounded tip.

T h e gem g l immers w i t h faint light w h e n the w a n d focuses

arcane energy, and shines brightly w h e n used w i t h a spell

that c reates and manipu la tes force.

A cabal of art i f icers first c reated th is w a n d as a means

to focus their concentrat ion w h e n manipu la t ing arcane

energy into the sol id mater ia l they cal led force. T h e dia

m o n d aids in this process, helping the w a n d w ie lder adapt

his or he r magical creat ions to m e e t most c i rcumstances

on the batt lef ield. For th is reason, diamond wands w e r e

va lued a m o n g bat t lesmi th art i f icers.

Jo in an Artif icer Gui ld: O n e of t h e best w a y s to

acquire the imp lemen ts of artif icers is to jo in o n e of their

societ ies. Art i f icers w h o gather into academies and labo

ratories to combine their efforts somet imes provide i tems,

such as diamond wands, to n e w m e m b e r s . T h e c o m m o n

test for admiss ion is to create a n i tem the group d e e m s

wor thy of its respect.

Trawl a Battlefield: Avyn W a s t e l , a gnome artificer of

some fame, took part in the Batt le of N ine Stars, a terrible

conflict that laid waste to nearly a square mile of countryside.

Was te l led a detachment of warmages against a host of hid

eous creatures bom from the nine fallen stars. Stopping the

threat cost Avyn and his cohorts their lives, and their bodies

were never recovered. The battlefield might still contain their

weapons and gear, including Wastel*s diamond wand.

C H A P I K K 1 | Magic Items

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Sharpshooter's Wand Level 1 0 ;

You can shrink flie size of your attack's area with this wand, making it more precise.

Lvl 10 +2 5.000 gp Lvl 25 +5 625.000gp Lvl 15 +3 25,000gp Lvl 30 +6 3.125,000gp Lvl 20 +4 1 25,000 gp Implement (Wand ) Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Crit ical: - - ldb damage per plus Power (Encounter): Minor Action. The next area burst

attack power you use through this wand has its area changed to 1 square (within the same range), and you gain a +2 power bonus to the attack roll.

Power (Daily • Arcane, Implement, Lightning): Standard Action. As the wizard's shock sphere power (Players Handbook, page 161).

Shielding Wand Level 4

Asyour spell obliterates your enemy, this heavy juniper wand creates a shimmering protective shield,

Lvl 4 +1 840 gp Lvl 19 +4 105.000 gp Lvl 9 +2 4.200 gp Lvl 24 +5 525,000 gp Lvl 14 +3 21.000 gp Lvl 29 +6 2.625,000 gp Implement (Wand ) Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Crit ical: +1d6 damage per plus Property: W h e n you score a critical hit wi th an artificer

attack power using this wand, you or one ally within 5 squares of you gains a +2 bonus to AC until the end of your next turn.

Power (Daily): Standard Action. As the artificer's shielding cube power (EBUMON Player's Guide, page 48). which is reproduced below.

Shielding Cube Artificer Attack 1

You direct a minute Cllfce covered bl runes into the fray. Although small, the cube contains a force that hashes Joes and shields allies.

Encounter • Arcane, Force, Implement Standard Act ion Ranged 10 Target: One creature Attack: Intelligence vs. Reflex Hit : 2d6 + Intelligence modifier force damage. Effect: Until the end of your next turn, any ally gains a +1

power bonus to AC while adjacent to the target.

Wand of Allure Level 4 <

(hfmns cast through this twinkling golden wand reach the most distant of foes.

Lvl 4 * 1 840 gp Lvl 19 +4 105.000 gp Lvl 9 +2 4.200 gp Lvl 24 +5 525,000 gp Lvl 14 +3 21,000 gp Lv!29 +6 2,625.000 gp Implement (Wand ) Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Crit ical: - 1 d6 damage per plus Proper ly: W h e n you use a ranged arcane charm power

through this wand, the power's range increases by 2 squares, and you ignore cover and concealment. Level 74 or 19: 5 squares. Level 24 or 29: 10 squares.

Power (Dai ly • Arcane, Cha rm, Implement): Standard Action. As the hard's/ast friends power (Player's Handbook 2, page 69).

Wand of Aptitude level U)»

Whenyou direct your allies with this lacewood wand, they reach beyond their normal limitations.

Lvl 10 +2 5.000gp Lvl 25 - 5 625,OOOgp Lvl 15 +3 25.000 gp Lvl 30 +6 3,125,000 gp Lvl 20 +4 1 25.000 gp Implement (Wand) Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Crit ical: +1 d6 damage per plus Property: W h e n you use the inspire competence power

through this wand, each affected ally adds this wand's enhancement bonus to skill checks made with the skill you selected.

Power (Daily • Arcane): Minor Action. As the bard's inspire competence power (Player's Handbook 2, page 70).

Wand of Thunderous Anguish Level 14*

After you use this buzzing redwood wand, a crack of thunder Indicates thai your magical effect remains on an enemy.

Lvl 14 +3 21,000 gp Lv l24 +5 525,000 gp Lvl 19 +4 105,000gp Lvl 29 +6 2,625,000 gp Implement (Wand) Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Crit ical: +1 d6 thunder damage per plus Property: W h e n you hit an enemy with a thunder power

using this wand, until the end of your next turn that enemy takes thunder damage equal to this wand's enhancement bonus whenever one of your allies hits it.

Power (Daily • Arcane, Implement, Thunder): Standard Action. As the bard's distracting shout power (Player's Handbook 2, page 72).

Wand of allure and wand of thunderous anguish

ARMS SLOT ITEMS Shields and bracers are defensive tools, but in the language

of magk. shields defend and bracers destroy.

T h e most iconic he roes a r e n e v e r s e e n Wi thou t the i r sh ie lds , a n d b racers s e r v e as a lesser de fense lor w a r r iors w h o n e e d the i r a r m s u n l e t t e r e d .

E n c h a n t m e n t s o n sh ie l ds m a g n i f y the i r pu rpose , g r a n t i n g the i r w i e l d e r s supe r i o r de fenses . S o n i c d r a w

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a dragon's b rea th in to t h e m to s p a r e a l l i es , w h i l e

others guard the i r ho lde rs w i t h a l a rge r sh ie ld o f

force that fal ls w h e n p i e r c e d . A set o f qua l i t i es tha t

pertains to a mag ic sh ie ld c a n be a p p l i e d to a l ight

shield, a h e a v y s h i e l d , or a n y s h i e l d , as no ted i n e a c h

item's descr ip t ion.

Bracers grant t he i r w e a r e r s g rea te r de f tness i n

combat, add ing p o w e r w h e r e t h e r e is a l r e a d y g r a c e ,

and turn ing a s i m p l e w o u n d into a fatal b low. T h e y

are more of fens ive ly o r i en ted t h a n sh ie lds .

Level 17 Absorbing S h i e l d

This steel shield absorbs the power from attacks, protecting both you andyour allies.

Item S lo t Arms 65,000 gp Shield: Any Power (At-Wil l ) : Immediate Interrupt. Trigger: An area

attack misses you and hits an ally. Effect: The triggering attack instead misses the ally.

Ankhmon's B r a c e r s L e v e l ! 9

Tliese platinum bracers are engraved with a symbol of an eye wreathed inflames.

Item Slot: Arms 105.000 gp Property: W h e n you hit an enemy that is granting combat

advantage to you with an arcane attack power, the attack deals 1d10 extra damage against the enemy. You also regain a number of hit points equal to the extra damage roll result.

ANKHMON'S BRACERS When the lich A n k h m o n w a s prepar ing his u n d e a d a r m y

to fight the a r m y k n o w n as the Celest ia l Company , he

created a pair of bracers tha t a l l o w e d h im to channe l his

tactical know ledge into power fu l a t tacks tha t h a r m e d

his enemies and hea led h i m . A n k h m o n w a s eventua l l y

defeated, but his essence surv ived as a power fu l vest ige,

granting p o w e r to a n u m b e r of wa r locks .

A lich n a m e d R e v a d a l , w h o der ives his p o w e r f rom a

pact wi th A n k h m o n , seeks t he bracers bu t has ye t to f ind

them. H e has assemb led a n e w a r m y of u n d e a d and has

become a scourge in t he sou th . Scho la rs theor ize tha t

the bracers aren ' t inherent ly ma levo len t , s imply ac t ing

as channels for t he w ie lde r ' s o w n magic , so if s o m e o n e

aside from R e v a d a l acqu i red t h e m , they could b e used

without taint.

Thwart Revadal: R e v a d a l d o e s n ' t h a v e Ankhmon's

bracers, but d iv inat ions have revea led that h e is using his

army to search for t h e m . S o m e scholars w o r r y that the

bracers might b e a key c o m p o n e n t in f reeing the vest ige

of Ankhmon f rom its e terna l bondage . T h e y seek he roes

to find the bracers first before R e v a d a l can per fo rm this

terrible deed .

Bloodhound bracers

B a r r a g e B r a c e r s Level 10

While you wear these bracers, when you attack rapidlyyou can focus more power into vour attacks.

I tem Slot: Arms S.000 gp Property: W h e n you hit an enemy with a melee attack, you

gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls against that target until the end of your turn.

Level 1 3 B l o o d h o u n d B r a c e r s

You can track a wounded foe and strike it down when it's most vulnerable.

I tem Slot: Arms 17.000 gp Property: Creatures that are taking ongoing damage grant

combat advantage to you. Power (Daily): Free Action. Trigger: You bloody an enemy.

Effect: That enemy takes ongoing S damage (save ends).

Level 8 r C h a r m B r a c e l e t

This simple bracelet with tiny arcane symbols dangling from it le.tsyou share in your foes'good luck.

Lvl 8 3,400 gp Lvl 18 85,000 gp I tem Slot: Arms Property: You gain a +1 item bonus to saving throws against

ongoing damage. Level 18: +2 item bonus.

Power (Daily): Immediate Reaction. Trigger: An enemy you can see succeeds on a saving throw. Effect: You make a saving throw.

Level 16 C l i m b e r s B r a c e r s

Your hands are as effective as an animal's claws at climbing while wearing these rough leather bracers.

I tem Slot: Arms 45,000 gp Power (Daily): Minor Action. You gain a climb speed equal

to your speed until the end of the encounter.

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b'lamcward shield

D e a t h w a r d S h i e l d Level l 5~

I /lis ebony shield with adamantine studs protects you from dork energies.

Lvl 15 25.000 gp Lvl 25 625.000 gp I tem Slot: Arms Shield: Any Property: You gain resist 10 necrotic.

Level 25: Resist 1 5 necrotic. Power (At-Wi l l ) : Immediate Interrupt. Trigger: You are

targeted by a necrotic attack. Effect: All other targets of that attack gain resist 10 necrotic against the attack, and you lose resist necrotic for the attack. Level 25: Resist 1 5 necrotic.

E x e c u t i o n e r ' s B r a c e r s Level 3 -

These orruimentalgold bracers help you to hit harder.

Lvl 3 680 gp Lvl 23 425.000 gp Lvl 13 1 7.000 gp

I tem Slot: Arms Property: W h e n you score a critical hit. the attack deals l d 6

extra damage. Level "13: 2d6 extra damage. Level 23: 3d6 extra damage.

F l a m e w a r d S h i e l d

Stylized golden flames adorn this deep red shield.

L v l l 6 45.000 gp Lvl 26 1,125.000 gp I tem Slot: Arms Shield: Any Property: You gain resist 10 fire.

Level 26: Resist 1 5 fire. Power (At-Wi l l ) : Immediate Interrupt. Trigger: You are

targeted by a fire attack. Effect: All other targets of that attack gain resist 10 fire against the attack. Level 26: Resist 1 5 fire.

LUNIA'S BRACELET Thousands of years ago, a being k n o w n as Lunia (different

stories say she w a s a goddess, an exarch of S e h a n i n e , or a

pr imal c h a m p i o n ) b lessed her fo l lowers w i t h the abil i ty

to fight evi l l ycanthropes. S h e led t h e m in bat t le against

an a r m y of w e r e w o l v e s that w e r e plaguing the forest. In

tha t confl ict, a n exarch of Yeenoghu w a s s u m m o n e d to

fight Lunia, a n d the t w o engaged in a massive batt le. In

t he e n d , Lunia sacri f iced hersel f in a burst of moonl ight

tha t destroyed the exarch a n d removed lycanthropy from

the w e r e w o l v e s ' b loodl ines.

S o m e of Lunia 's fo l lowers managed to capture a frac

t ion of he r l ight a n d turn it into a smal l c h a r m bracelet.

T h e b race le t h e l p e d t h e m in the i r bat t le against ev i l

lycanthropes. Though she is largely forgot ten now, some

still worsh ip o r pay homage to Lunia.

Stop the Lycanthropes: A smal l a r m y of lycanthropes

has found a n anc ien t relic of a lost fai th. T h e i tem is said

to b e a great b a n e to t h e m , so they ' re t ry ing to keep it

out of t he h a n d s of thei r e n e m i e s . T h e w e r e w o l v e s are

encroach ing o n civi l ization and are gett ing increasingly

aggressive. Local leaders have put out a call for heroes to

dr ive the w e r e w o l v e s back, possibly by c la iming the i tem,

w h i c h is said to be a bracelet .

Holy Pilgrimage: Divinations by worshipers of Sehanine

have revealed that an ancient relic of Lunia lies in a temple

that is under siege by we rewo lves . Sehan ine 's people say

that temple priests are seeking the aid of heroes w h o wi l l

repel t he at tack and are offering the i tem in return.

Force S h i e l *1 IF

Level 11

This large shield appears to be composed entirely offeree. It protects you until you're struck by an attack.

I tem Slot: Arms 9,000 gp Shield: Heavy Property: At the start of each encounter, you gain a +1

bonus to AC and Reflex until you're hit by an attack.

Frost C h a r t e r B r a c e r s Level 13

These metal and leather bracers have a constant sheen of frost.

I tem Slot: Arms 17.000 gp Property: W h e n you hit an enemy with a charge attack,

enemies adjacent to that enemy take cold damage equal to your Strength modifier.

K e e p e r ' s S h i e l d Level 9

This black iron shield with gilt edges allows your allies to make lt"ig-vangc i i u m ks »v i»u less risk. I tem Slot: Arms 4,200 gp

Shield: Heavy Property: All ies adjacent to you gain a +2 shield bonus to

AC and Reflex against opportunity attacks provoked by using ranged tor area powers.

Power (Dai ly): Immediate Interrupt. Trigger: An ally adjacent to you provokes an opportunity attack by using a ranged or area power. Effect: The opportunity attack targets you instead.

C H A P I K K I Magic items

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Lunia's Brace le t Level 3 Level 18 Otis silivr Imici'lef loiiiniiis charms of stars and moons that held power against lycanthropes.

Item Slot: Arms 680 gp Property: Treat weapons you wield (including ammunition,

thrown weapons, and the like) as silvered {Player's Handbook, page 220).

Power (Daily): Free Action. Trigger: You hit a shapechanger with a weapon attack. Effect The creature reverts to its natural form and can't use polymorph powers (save ends).

S e r p e n t i n e Bracers

Resembling coded snakes, fhese bracers snap at your victim when you attack With surprise.

I tem Slot: Arms 8 5.000 gp Property: Whi le you're hidden from the target of your

attack, you deal 1d8 extra poison damage on attacks against that target.

Level 4

Level 2 Preservation Sh ie ld

litis light wood shield displays <in insignia of two crossed arrows, onefletchedgreen and the other red.

Item Slot: Arms 520 gp Shield: Light Power (Daily): Minor Action. You and each ally within 5

squares of you gain temporary hit points equal to the number of healing surges you have remaining.

S h i e l d of S i lver Light

This piilislu'ii shield gleams with imwiiliglir. even in the middle of the day.

I tem Slot: Arms 840 gp Shield: Any Power (At-Wil l ) : Minor Action. The shield sheds bright

light 5 squares in all directions. You can end this effect as a minor action. You and your allies within the light treat your weapons (including ammunition, thrown weapons, and the like) as silvered (Ployer's Handbook, page 220).

Level 30

Rhino Bracers Level 15

these gray leather bracers lei you charge with the strength of a great beast, using more powerful attacks fluirt \<>u imliriurih f I'II lil.

Item Slot: Arms 25,000 gp Power (Encounter): Free Action. Trigger. You charge an

enemy. Effect: You can use an at-will melee attack power instead of a melee basic attack against that enemy.

Sh ie ld of U l t i m a t e Pro tec t ion

This gold and silver shield protects you from even- attack imaginable.

I tem Slot: Arms 3,12 5.000 gp Shield: Any Property: You gain a 1 1 shield bonus to Fortitude and Wi l l .

If this item is a heavy shield, the shield bonus increases to -t 2.

Power (Daily): Minor Action. You gain a +5 bonus to all defenses until the end of the encounter.

C H A P T E R 1 M a g i c i t e m s

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S t o r m w a r d S h i e l d Level 16-

Triinmei in copper, this azure shield tapers to a sharp point.

Lvl 16 45.000 gp Lvl 26 1.125.000 gp Item Slot: Arms Shield: Any Property: You gain resist 10 lightning.

Level 26: Resist I 5 lightning. Power (At-Wi l l ) : Immediate Interrupt. Trigger. A lightning

attack targets you. Effect: All other targets of the triggering attack gain resist 5 lightning against that attack. Level 26: Resist 10 lightning.

Level 24 Trapp ing S h i e l d

fltis shield opens like a portal at your command, briefly trap ping your enemy inside.

I tem Slot: Arms 525.000 gp Shield: Any Property: W h e n you grab a creature, it takes a -2 penalty to

Athletics checks or Acrobatics checks to escape the grab and to attack rolls against targets other than you.

Power (Daily): Immediate Reaction. Trigger. A n enemy adjacent to you misses you with a melee attack. Effect: The triggering enemy disappears until the end of its next turn. Then it reappears in any unoccupied space of its choice within 5 squares of you.

W1NTERWARD SHIELD T h e S n o w f a n g tr ibe l ived in the far north, free to roam the ice w i thou t fear or constraint. Tha t changed w h e n a wh i t e dragon began to raid their homes , usually c laiming their w e a l t h , but some t imes k idnapping and eat ing their chi ldren. A courageous band of tribesfolk led by the hero Ice Elk took the fight to t h e dragon.

T h e heroes st ruck g rea t b l o w s , but even tua l l y the dragon released his power fu l breath. In an act of self-sacrifice. Ice Elk held forth his shield, protecting his companions f rom the brunt of the blast but taking it upon himself. Ice Elk w a s frozen solid, but his sacrifice gave his companions t ime to land a kill ing b low on the dragon, and his shield w a s returned to the vi l lage as a tr ibute to his courage.

Slay the Dragon: The Snowfang tribe is now gone, and rumor says the shield w a s rec la imed by ano ther w h i t e w y r m . This dragon is p laguing the scat tered tr ibes that arose f rom t h e remnants of the S n o w f a n g peop le , taunting t hem w i t h the know ledge that he possesses a symbol of their d imin ished cul ture. H e has even gone so far as to defi le s o m e of the a n c i e n t cairns of the people . They are again looking for heroes t o defeat the w y r m and restore their glory.

SHIELD OF SILVER LIGHT T h e t o w n s h i p of B r o c a d a w a s be ing p reyed upon by lycanthropes w h o control led the sewers a n d w h o had managed to capture most of the ci ty 's s i lver supply. A group of half l ing heroes descended into the sewers to face the beasts, a n d o n e of t h e m created this shield as their ace in the hole.

After their success, the creator of the shield set it aside as a curiosity, thinking it was too specialized to be of much use to anyone e lse. It sat o n a shelf for m a n y years , and likely wou ld have been forgotten. B u t a vengefu l werera t stole it and w a s about to kill its creator w h e n a handful of knights w h o had b e e n pursuing the beast rescued the old halfl ing. In the a f te rmath , they found out about the shield, and the halfl ing was surprised at h o w enthusiast ic these adventurers w e r e to see it repl icated.

B y S i l ve r Command: A local bandit is using a shield of silver light to keep his werewol f underlings in l ine, and they have been very successful in their raids. Cla iming the shield wou ld be only one reward for stopping these bandits.

T h e W e r e r a t s R e t u r n : Brocada is once again menaced by wererats. The city gates have been closed, and its citizens live in fear. A descendant of the original sh ie lds creator has a map to a cache of silver weapons , one of w h i c h is a shield of silver light, stashed in the sewers be low the city. H e wil l give the m a p to heroes w h o pledge to end the menace.

Vortex S h i e l d l e v e l ! 4

Arcane runes form a spiral pattern on the surface of this shield, which serves to draw large attacks toward it.

I tem Slot: Arms 21,000 gp Shield: Any Power (Daily): Immediate Interrupt. Trigger: An enemy

targets you with a burst or blast attack. Effect: The triggering enemy takes a -4 penalty to attack rolls against all other targets of the attack.

W i n t e r w a r d Sh ie ld L e v e l l !

Tins ley white shield with a silver rim is chill to the touch as it draws the cold to itself

Lvl 16 4 5.000 gp Lvl 26 1.12 5,000 gp Item Slot: Arms Shield: Any Property: You gain resist 10 cold.

Level 26: Resist 1 5 cold. Power (At-Wi l l ) : Immediate Interrupt. Trigger: You arc

targeted by a cold attack. Effect: All other targets of the attack gain resist 10 cold against that attack, and you lose your resistance to cold for the attack. Level 26: Resist 15 cold.

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FEET SLOT ITEMS footgear might neutralize impediments Of step you through

tone, but the best boots also make a fashion statement.

Magic footgear a lmos t a l w a y s af fects speed o r m o v e

menl. W h e t h e r v o u r hoots , shoes , o r s a n d a l s let y o u

dash away w h e n w o u n d e d o r avo id oppo r t un i t y

attacks, they do the i r job by ge t t ing y o u a r o u n d the


l e v e l ! 6 Boots of B l o o d

These red leather boots come alive when your blood is spilled.

Item Slot: Feet 45,000 gp Property: You gain a +1 item bonus to Reflex. Power (Daily): Immediate Reaction. Trigger. An enemy

bloodies you. Effect: You shift your speed.

Level 6 Boots of B o u n d i n g

These lightweight canvas boots are perfect for athletes, greatly Increasing the length of leaps.

Item Slot: Feet 1.800 gp Property: You gain a 2 item bonus to Athletics checks to

jump. Power (Encounter): Move Action. You make an Athletics

check to jump as if you had a running start. You add 3 squares to the distance jumped for a long jump, or 2 squares for a high jump.

Boots of R a p i d M o t i o n

With these polished leatlw boots,you are hard to slow down.

Item Slot: Feet 1.000 gp Power (Encounter): Immediate Reaction. Trigger: An effect

slows you. Effect: You make a saving throw against the triggering effect. On a save, the effect ends.

Power (Daily): Minor Action. You gain a +1 power bonus to speed until the end of the encounter.

5 ui h

w - J t/1


B o o t s of S u r g i n g S p e e d

Clearing cleats

Level 7

These springy boots let you get out of harm's way when you need to catchyour breath.

I tem Slot: Feet 2.600 gp Property: W h e n you use your second wind, you can shift 2


Level 12 B o o t s o f U n c h e c k e d P a s s a g e

Your foes will make way for you while you're wearing these steel boots.

I tem Slot: Feet 1 3.000 gp Power (Daily): Minor Action. Until the end of your turn,

you can move through enemy spaces, and you don't provoke opportunity attacks when moving.

Level 26 C l e a r i n g C lea ts

These knobby soled boots temporarily warp the terrain around you. clearing an easy path.

I tem Slot: Feet 1.1 2 5.000 gp Property: You ignore difficult terrain. Power (Daily): Minor Action. Each ally within 5 squares of

you ignores difficult terrain until the end of the encounter, even if that ally moves more than 5 squares from you.

Magic boots come in a multitude of styles

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Fey Warrior's Boots Step in and out the Feywild with this leaf-weightfootwear.

I tem Slot : Feet 525,000 gp Property: You gain a +2 item bonus to Reflex. Power (A t -Wi l l • Teleportation); Immediate Reaction.

Trigger: An attack misses you. Effect: You teleport 3 squares.

Level 8 Greaves of Fortunate Falling These plain gray bands guide your landing when you topple.

I tem Slot : Feet 3.400 gp Property: W h e n you're knocked prone (including when you

fall unconscious), you can fall into any unoccupied adjacent space instead of your current space. Being prone docs not grant enemies combat advantage.

level 4 Riding Boots 'These stylish knee high boots lei you look good while they spur your steed.

I tem Slot : Feet 840 gp Property: Wh i le you ride a mount, it gains a +1 i tem bonus

to speed.

Sandwalker Boots Level 14

These stipple buckskin boots let you glide through the desert sand like a dolphin through water.

Item Slot : Feet 21,000 gp Property: You gain a burrow speed of 6 in sand. You can

breathe sand as if it were air.

SANDWALKER BOOTS D e e p b e l o w the Endless Dese r t are the remnan ts of an

anc ien t c iv i l izat ion. A t its height, t he area w a s the center

of a fruitful nat ion in a verdant valley. T h e n , t he mounta ins

w e r e pu l led d o w n upon it and the life force of t he land

w a s d ra ined by the inhabi tants ' o w n magic.

D e t e r m i n e d to f ind the ruins o f this anc ien t civil ization

and s tudy its culture, t he adventurer and self-styled arche-

ologist Thaigan Thornburn led an expedit ion to the Endless

Deser t . H e had boots crafted for t he trek that w o u l d a l low

h im to s w i m through the sand like it w a s water .

Tha igan led his expedi t ion into the deser t and w a s

neve r heard f rom again. S o m e bel ieve that t he group w a s

way la id by bandits. O the rs th ink that the archeologist w a s

slain by o n e o f his guards for his n e w boots.

T h o r n b u r n , I P r e s u m e : T h e exp lo re rs w h o w e n t

search ing for the anc ien t civi l ization are most l ikely d e a d ,

bu t the i r loved ones have promised a r e w a r d to a n y o n e

w h o brings back the bodies, or at least locates t hem. They

have imp l ied that t he explorer o w n e d a power fu l i t em

that a l l o w e d its w e a r e r to master the desert . Pe rhaps that

i tem w a s a pair of sandwalker boots.

Capture t h e Murderer: Thaigan Thornburn 's murderer

is rumored to have escaped the desert w i th the archeolo

gist 's sandwalker boots. W h o e v e r hunts d o w n this murderer

can avenge the explorer 's dea th , prevent the killer f rom

pe rpe t ra t i ng fu r ther ev i l , a n d lay c l a i m to the m a g i c


Survivor's Boots level 16

These rough hide boots are clearly well used, but they never wear out.

Item Slot: Feet 45,000 gp Property: Wh i le bloodied, you don"t provoke opportunity

attacks when moving, using ranged powers, or using area powers.

HANDS SLOT ITEMS An adventurer's gloves do more than just keep her hands


Any task p e r f o r m e d with the hands can be improved witli magical hanclvvear. Enchanted gauntlets allow warriors lo un leash devastating attacks or disrupt those of enemies. Magic gloves have many purposes but often improve the use of skills thai require Pine control or subtlety or help with tasks that require the hands, such as healing.

'These black silk gloves help you misdirect your opponents attention.

I tem Slot: Hands 2,600 gp Property: You gain a i 2 item bonus to Bluff checks to gain

combat advantage. Power (Daily): Minor Action. You gain combat advantage

against the next creature you attack this turn.

Gauntlets of Blood Level 4+

Hie blood of wounded foes streams along die joints of these rusty-looking steel gauntlets.

Lvl 4 840 gp Lvl 24 525,000 gp Lvl 14 21,000 gp

I tem Slot: Hands Property: You gain a t 2 bonus to damage rolls against

bloodied targets. Level 14: +4 bonus. Level 24: +6 bonus.

tinuity Arcane energy crackles over these gauntlets, disrupting teleportation.

Item Slot: Hands 1 7,000 gp Power (Daily): Immediate Interrupt. Trigger. An enemy

within 2 squares of you teleports. Effect: You negate the teleport. and the triggering enemy can't teleport until the end of your next turn.

Gloves of Dimensional Grasp With these skin tight gloves you can create a small portal through which to manipulate objects.

I tem Slot : Hands 45,000 gp Property: You gain a +4 item bonus to Thievery checks. Power (Daily): Standard Action. You make a Thievery

check against a target up to 5 squares away from you. You must have line of sight to the target.

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Gloves of G r a c e Level 5

Wlille wearing these gloves,you help a companion recover quickly with but a touch.

Item Slot: Hands 1.000 gp Power (Daily): Minor Action. An ally adjacent to you

makes a saving throw.

Level 11 Gloves of Ice Encrusted with elemental ice. these gloves ilim'i Ircezeyour hands while worn.

Lvl 11 9.000 gp Lvl 21 225.000 gp Item Slot: Hands Property: Choose one: Your cold attacks gain a i 2 bonus to

damage rolls, or your cold attacks ignore 5 of the target's resistance to cold. You can switch between properties as a minor action. Level 21: +4 bonus, or ignore 10 resistance to cold.

Level 11 Gloves of Missi le A v o i d a n c e Tlit'M' Wild' leather gloves arc limned With an aura of force that shatters or deflects projectiles aimed at you.

Item Slot: Hands 9.000 gp Power (Daily): Immediate Interrupt. Trigger: A ranged

attack that targets AC or Reflex hits you. Effect: You gain a +4 power bonus to AC and Reflex against the triggering attack.

Level 27 Great Hero's Gaunt le ts Tliese heavy steel gauntlets reward great risk and heroism.

Item Slot: Hands 1.625,000 gp Property: When you spend an action point to make an

attack, you gain a + 2 bonus to attack rolls for that attack. Property: When you spend an action point to make an

attack and the attack deals damage, you gain temporary hit points equal to your healing surge value.

Level 8 Grizzly Gaunt le ts These gauntlets, covered with bear fur, make your grab attacks and escapes more effective.

Item Slot: Hands 3.400 gp Property: You gain a +3 item bonus to Strength checks

to grab a creature and to Athletics checks or Acrobatics checks to escape a grab.

Level17 Hero's Gaunt le ts These steel gauntlets reward risk and heroism.

Item Slot: Hands 65.000 gp Property: W h e n you spend an action point to make an

attack, you gain a * 1 bonus to attack rolls for that attack. Property: W h e n you spend an action point to make an

.iii.H k and the attack deals damage, you gain temporary hit points equal to one-half your healing surge value.

fhrothmar s gauntlets

HROTHMAR'S GAUNTLETS Dur ing the anc ien t w a r b e t w e e n the pr imordials and the gods, the m a m m o t h t i tan Hro thmar w a s a powerfu l w e a p o n . H e could take the form of a comet , s lamming into the ground to disrupt the div ine forces w i th t remendous ear thquakes.

The gods couldn' t w i n w i thout e l iminat ing Hrothmar, but they w e r e unable to defeat h im in combat . S o they devised a magic trap that contained the titan in his comet fo rm, t ransforming h im into a meteor i te . They forged magic gauntlets from the meteori te 's meta l , then distributed them among their forces. Thus equ ipped , the front lines of the divine army started batt les by s lamming their gaunt leted fists against the ear th, sending shock waves through the primordial troops.

S ince the end of the war, the gauntlets are thought to have been lost, but rumors abound that some have survived. S o m e war locks of the vestige pact (see Arcane Power) bel ieve a shred of Hrothmar 's sent ience still exists, and they seek these gauntlets in an at tempt to contact h im as a vest ige.

Investigate the Ruins: Div inat ions have revealed that a set of Hrothmar's gauntlets might be buried in a city that w a s destroyed by a meteor i te strike centur ies ago. O the r treasure hunters have heard the same rumors. On ly the first to arr ive can c la im the prize.

Rumors of W a r : A band of primordial worshipers seek to rekindle the conflict be tween their kind and those w h o worship the gods. They have been terrorizing towns, using a n i tem that causes minor ear thquakes. Prevent ing wa r requires confront ing the band and wres t ing a w a y the i tem, a set of Hrothmar's gauntlets.

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ILLUSIONIST'S GLOVES Many illusionists are content to spend their lives performing simple tricks, w h e t h e r to cheat and steal or to amuse peop le for profit. Za l i an , o n e of these minor wizards, o w n e d a pair of magic gloves handed d o w n through his family from a powerfu l illusionist of ages past. However , being far less ski l led at magic than his ta lented ancestor, Za l ian earned a meager living.

Kel levec w a s a travel ing illusionist w h o sought inexper ienced spellcasters to exploit. H e noticed Zal ian's gloves and coveted them. Kel levec t rapped the lesser illusionist in a maze of false visions, w h e r e Zal ian wande red until he col lapsed from dehydrat ion and starvat ion. Kel levec stole the illusionist's gloves and w h a t little coin his v ict im had amassed, then moved on w i th his il l-gotten prize.

Find Kellevec: A l though Zal ian w a s a minor wizard, the story of his robbery has become we l l known . Kellevec is rumored to be in the local area, committ ing more thefts w i th the help of the illusionist's gloves. H e has ye t to be caught, but if someone w e r e to take his magic gloves, he'd have a harder t ime escaping.

A Greater Master: Kel levec w a s secretly work ing for a shadowy d row mage w h o seeks magic to boost his o w n spells. The d row runs a cr iminal organization in a nearby city and is a n even more formidable chal lenge n o w that he has the gloves.

C H A P T E R 1 | M a n i c i t e m s

H r o t h m a r ' s Gaunt le ts L e v e l ! 8

These massive, black iron gauntlets are dotted with red metal sola's. Tliev create shock waves tluii hurl joes to the ground.

Item Slot: Hands 85,000 gp Property: Prone creatures don't gain the normal +2 bonus

to all defenses against your ranged attacks. Power (Daily): Minor Action. Make an attack: Close burst

5; targets each enemy in burst; Constitution or Charisma +4 vs. Reflex: on a hit, you knock the target prone. You gain an additional +2 bonus to the attack roll against any target affected by your Warlock's Curse.

I l lusionist 's G loves These shimmerinn gloves enhance vour illusion spells and let you quickly alter an illusion that would otherwise be Ineffective.

Item Slot: I lands 4,200 gp Property: W h e n you hit an enemy granting combat

advantage to you with an illusion attack power, that enemy takes a -2 penalty to saving throws against the power's effects.

Power (Daily): Free Action. Trigger. You miss with an illusion attack power. Effect; You reroll the attack roll and must use the second result.

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Many-Fingered G l o v e s level 20

You seem to have more than the normal allotment of lingers while wearing these simple gloves.

Item Slot Hands 12 5.000 gp Property: You can wear and gain the benefit of one

additional magic ring while wearing these gloves.

Poison G l o v e s

You can store a nasty surprise in these plain-looking gloves to UMCIIOIM ii weapon at a moment's notice, Item Slot: Hands 840 gp Power (At-Wil l ) : Standard Action. You store one dose of

poison that can be applied to a weapon in these gloves. The gloves can hold only one dose of poison at a time.

Power (At-Wil l) : Minor Action. You apply the stored poison to a weapon you're holding; doing so consumes that dose of poison.

HEAD SLOT ITEMS A circlet to dear the mind, a helmel to command the weak willed, an loan .stout' to grant -esoteric powers- the possibilities are nearly limitless.

fhe head holds t h e m i n d a n d I he major i ty o f the senses, a n d magic i tems that t ake up the head slot follow that t h e m e . A m o n g o ther th ings, they improve anarcanist 's focus o n mag ic , protect a he ro f rom mental in t rus ions, or h e a r testament to the weare r ' s nobility a n d glory.

Bear Headdress Level 9

This (aimed and cured hear head aids you while you are transformed.

Item Slot: Head 4.200 gp Property: You gain a +2 item bonus to Nature checks. Property: Whi le you're affected by a primal polymorph

power, you gain a +1 bonus to Wi l l .

Chimera Headdress Level 16

Three miniature heads of a chimera stare out from this head gear, granting you the multifaceted abilities of that beast.

Item Slot: Head 45.000 gp Property: You can use only one of the headdress's powers

each day. Power (Daily): Free Action. Trigger: You score a critical hit

against an enemy. Effect: That enemy takes ongoing 10 damage (save ends).

Power (Daily): Free Action. Trigger You hit with a charge attack. Effect: The charge attack deals 2d10 extra damage.

Power (Daily): Minor Action. You gain resist 15 acid, resist 15 cold, resist 1 5 lightning, or resist 15 poison (chosen when the item is created) until the end of the encounter.

Circlet of Cont inu i ty Level 11

Tin's pjatinum band sparkles nidi embedded golden topazes, guarding against mental disruption,

Item Slot: Head 9.000 gp Property: You gain a + 2 item bonus to saving throws against

dazing or stunning effects. Power (Encounter): No Action. Trigger You are dazed or

stunned at the start of your turn. Effect: You sustain a power that normally requires a minor action to sustain.

Level 12 C r o w n of Equ i l ib r ium

As your foes shake off disabling effects, this thick copper headband grants your aUles Similar relief.

Item Slot: Head 13,000 gp Property: W h e n an enemy saves against an effect you

created, this item's power recharges. Power (Daily): Minor Action. An ally you can see within 10

squares of you makes a saving throw.

Level 29 C r o w n of V i c t o r y

This majestic platinum crown is fit only for the greatest of heroes.

I tem Slot: Head 2.62 5,000 gp Property: You can spend two action points in an encounter.

Level 18 Cyc lops H e l m

The gemlike eye thai Stares from the brow of this finely wrought •niihral helm reveals what is hidden.

Item Slot: Head 85.000 gp Property: You gain a +4 item bonus to Perception checks. Power (Daily): Minor Action. You can see invisible crea

tures until the end of your next turn. Also, choose one invisible creature that you can see. That creature becomes visible and can't become invisible again until the end of your next turn.

Level 2 I

1/1 Q <

Essence of t h e W i s p

A glowing ball of light buzzes around your head, drawing in Joes thai attack you from a distance.

I tem Slot: Head 225,OOOgp Property: You gain a i 2 item bonus to Wi l l . Power (At-Wi l l ) : Immediate Reaction. Trigger. An enemy

hits you with a ranged attack. Effect: You pull the triggering enemy 2 squares.

Chimera headdress

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Essence of the wiSp

GIBBERING LUMP A floating mass of twisting flesh, this grotesque item continually reshapes itself, growing eyes and mouths and losing them just as quickly. A rambling stream of nonsense words spouts from its mouths; baleful stars issue from its eyes. These features give the item an appearance of life, but it lacks even the twisted intelligence of a gibbering beast.

Those who wear a gibbering lump are often thought mad, though some adventurers acquire one for just that purpose.

Gibbering Marauders: Several gibbering abominations have been wreaking havoc across a wide peninsula, moving randomly between the scattered settlements and ruins. A group of slaads follows them, reveling in the chaos being created. If those dangers can be overcome, it's said that slicing off a bit of flesh from an abomination creates a gibbering lump.

Escapees from the Far Realm: Stories tell of a sporadic portal to the Far Realm that opens atop a mountain in the Underdark of the Feywild, in an area stripped of life by fomorians. The chaotic material of the Far Realm is said to spew from that portal, along with aberrant creatures, bizarre oozes, and scraps of flesh. A gibbering lump might be found among the leavings. Regardless, sealing the portal is probably best for all.

F e y - B l e s s e d Circ let

This slender silver and moonstone circlet grants you a small measure of fey-grace.

I tem Slot: Head 3.400 gp Property: At the start of each encounter, you gain temporary

hit points equal to your Charisma modifier.

A small fiery bird orbits your shoulders, warding againstflame and burning those who strike you at range.

I tem Slot: Head 1,625,000 gp Property: You gain a +4 item bonus to damage rolls with fire

implement attack powers. Property: Any enemy that hits you with a ranged attack

takes I d ! 2 fire damage.

Level 20-^ G i b b e r i n g L u m p

This tiny hunk of mottled flesh warps constantly, growing and losing eyes and mouths as it sits atopyour head.

Lvl 20 125,000 gp Lvl 30 3.1 25.000 gp Item Slot: Head Property: You gain a +1 item bonus to Wi l l .

Level 30: +2 item bonus. Power (Encounter • Psychic): Immediate Reaction.

Trigger: An enemy hits you with an attack that targets Wi l l for the first time in an encounter. Effect: The triggering enemy takes 2dl 2 psychic damage. Level 30: 3d l 1 psychic damage.

Level 23 Lenses of t h e L u m i n a r y

These varicolored lenses orbit around your head at eye level, improving your vision as needed.

Item Slot: Head 42 5.000 gp Property: You gain darkvision and a +5 item bonus to

Perception checks. Property: You can use these lenses as a focus for scrying

rituals that require a focus worth 425,000 gp or less. Power (A t -Wi l l , 3 Charges/Day): Minor Action. You spend

the number of charges indicated and gain the special sense described until the end of the encounter. Charges Sense

1 You learn the resistances and vulnerabilities of any creature you look at (but not the values of those resistances or vulnerabilities).

1 You gain a +5 power bonus to Perception checks to spot traps.

2 You gain truesight 10.

P h i l o s o p h e r ' s C r o w n

This intricate golden crown ensures that the breadth <>/"_vour knowledge is unparalleled.

Lvl 7 2,600 gp Lvl 27 1,625,000 gp Lvl 17 65,000 gp

Item Slot: Head Property: You gain a +1 item bonus to Arcana,

Dungeoneering, History, Nature, and Religion checks. Level 17: +1 item bonus. Level 27: +3 item bonus.

Power (Daily): Free Action. Trigger: You make an Arcana, Dungeoneering, History, Nature, or Religion check and dislike the result. Effect: You reroll the check and use either result.

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LENSES OF THE LUMINARY In all of Bael Turath. the great l ibrary at Taru Maa j he ld the most extensive store of knowledge. T h e tieflings jealously guarded their know ledge and ent rus ted a figure they called the Luminary w i t h the job of ga tekeeper of the library. The lenses of the Luminary w e r e originally created to a l low this august personage to see through the disguises of anyone w h o tr ied to sneak in. This i tem w a s presented to the Luminary by a school of t ief l ing magical crafters. O v e r t ime , more lenses w e r e added to suit different needs. Eventual ly, a plethora of different lenses, composed of special types of glass and crystal, m a d e up the array.

After the fall of B a e l Turath, the library at Taru Maa j was lost-buried, burned, or perhaps even ripped from the world and h idden o n another p lane. Legend has it that the lenses of the Luminary surv ived.

Loot the L u m i n a r y : The Luminary w a s an en igmat ic figure who l ived a long life. S o m e records say the librarian lives still, guarding the repository (or wha t remains of it). Heroes w h o find the library might be able to steal or w i n the lenses of the Luminary.

Gather t h e Lenses : A n old t ief l ing has been tel l ing a story about a vaul t h idden near w h e r e the lenses of the Luminary a re kept . H e says t h e lenses have b e e n dismantled and concea led in a chamber full of va luable gemslones, all similar in appearance to the lenses. For a share of gems, he 's wi l l ing to reveal the vaul t 's locat ion, but solving the riddle of w h i c h lenses are t rue a n d reconstructing t hem is a job for heroes.

Urvel8 Sacred M a s k

This white porcelain musk with gold inlay Is the bane of undead.

Item Slot: Head 3.400 gp Property: W h e n you use a Channel Divinity class feature,

until the end of your next turn, you deal 1d6 extra radiant damage against undead enemies and can score a critical hit against undead enemies on a roll of 18-20.

NECK SLOT ITEMS Adornment or life saving magic* Can't it he both'

Most people never realize the great value of a simple cloak or amulet. Such magic items arc second only to magic armor in terms of deletisive worth. The Enhancement bonus ol neck slot items improws lor littide. Reflex, and W i l l , and most items oiler other benefits related to dclcnsc or health.

A m u l e t of D o u b l e For tune Level lA

Good luck begets even better luck when you wear this amulet

Lvl 2 +1 520 gp Lvl 17 +4 65,000 gp Lvl 7 +2 2.600gp Lvl 22 +5 325,000gp Lvl 12 +3 13,000 gp Lvl 27 --6 1.625,000 gp Item S l o t Neck Enhancement: Fortitude, Reflex, and Wi l l Property: W h e n you score a critical hit. you make a saving

throw against one effect that a save can end. You gain an item bonus to that saving throw equal to the amulets enhancement bonus.

A m u l e t of Elegy Level 2

This amulet allows you to infuse your voice with a sadness that grips the hearts of your foes.

Lvl 2 +1 520 gp Lvl 17 +4 65,000 gp Lv l7 +2 2.600gp Lvl 22 +5 325.000gp Lvl 12 H-3 13.000gp Lvl 27 ^6 1,625.000Rp Item Slot: Neck Enhancement: Fortitude. Reflex, and Wi l l Power (Daily): Free Action. Trigger: You use a power to

produce an effect that a save can end. Effect: Each target of the power takes a penalty to its first saving throw against the effect equal to the amulet's enhancement bonus.

Level 9^ A m u l e t of V igor

Thi> silver amulet beats an engraved prayer for health and heal ing on its back

Lv l9 +2 4.200gp Lvl 24 +5 525.000gp Lvl 14 +3 21.000gp Lvl 29 +6 2,625.000gp Lvl 19 -m* 105.000 gp Item S l o t Neck Enhancement: Fortitude, Reflex, and Wi l l Property: Your healing surge value increases by an amount

equal to the amulet's enhancement bonus - 1 . Power (Dally • Healing): Free Action. Trigger You spend

a healing surge to regain hit points. Effect: You regain additional hit points as if you had spent another healing surge.

A m u l e t of W a r d i n g Level 3-*-


Polished to a mirror finish, this bronze disk reflects light upon those closest to you. warding them against danger.

Lvl 3 +1 680gp Lvl 18 +4 85.000 gp Lvl 8 +2 3,400 gp Lvl 23 15 425.000 gp Lvl 13 +3 1 7.000 gp Lvl 28 +6 2,1 2 5,000 gp Item Slot: Neck Enhancement: Fortitude, Reflex, and Wi l l Power i Daily i: Immediate Interrupt. Trigger. An ally ad

jacent to you is hit by an attack. Effect: The ally gains a power bonus to all defenses equal to the amulet's en hancement bonus until the start of your next turn.

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BADGE OF THE BERSERKER This tangled knot of teeth, bone, and leathery flesh forms a screaming savage's face, twisted in insane wrath. Each piece captures the essence of fallen warriors famed for their reckless courage and thirst for violence. W h e n pinned to clothing or armor, the spirit the badge contains transfers to the wearer, protecting her from the blades and arrows of lesser foes as she seeks an enemy worthy of her attention.

Among certain primitive tribes, shamans fashion these badges to protect their favored champions, binding the spirits of fallen warriors into the fetishes to lend their strength and insight to that war leader. The badges are worn with honor, marking that warrior's duty to the tribe.

Explore the IKhittean Bar rows: In bygone times, once each generation, the Khittean clans formed into vast hordes and spread across the land to slaughter all in their path. Surviving warriors returned with the corpses of their greatest champions and interred them in great tombs. It's said that the remains of those warriors can be used to create a potent badge of the berserker, but the barrows have remained untouched for centuries, because the champions' spirits guard the dead.

Defeat a Tribal Champion: The Skulltaker clan gained its name from the members' habit of cutting off the heads of their victims for perverse rituals. The clan's greatest warrior is Tusk, a vile ore said to have ogre blood in his veins. Stories say that when he charges into battle, no weapon can touch him. They also say that he wears a badge of the berserker.

Assass in 's C l o a k Level 14+

This voluminous cloak swallows you up. deadening the sounds you make and concealing your movements.

Lvl 14 +3 21.000 gp Lvl 24 +5 525,000 gp Lv l19 +4 105.000 gp Lvl 29 +6 2.625.000 gp I tem Slot: Neck Enhancement: Fortitude, Reflex, and W i l l Property: W h e n you make a Stealth check, you roll twice

and use either result. Power (Daily • Illusion): Minor Action. Make an attack:

Close burst 2: Charisma + the amulet's enhancement bonus vs. W i l l ; on a hit, you're invisible to the target (save ends).

B a d g e of t h e B e r s e r k e r u - v H ) -Thisjearsome badge, crafted from bits oj bone and leathery flesh, is favored by those who savor taking the fight to the enemy.

Lvl 2 +1 520 gp Lvl 17 +4 65.000 gp Lvl 7 +2 2.600gp Lvl 22 +5 3i25,OOOgp Lvl 1 2 -r 3 1 3,000 gp Lvl 27 1 6 1.625.000 gp I tem Slot: Neck Enhancement: Fortitude, Reflex, and W i l l Property: W h e n you charge, your movement made as part

of the charge doesn't provoke opportunity attacks.

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Bloodgem S h a r d level 20+

TWs blood-red crystal absorbs the life force of your defeated foes, bolstering vour defenses.

Lvl 20 +4 125.000 gp Lvl 30 +6 3,1 2 5.000 gp Lvl 25 +5 625.000 gp Item Slot: Neck Enhancement: fortitude. Reflex, and Wi l l Property: W h e n you reduce a nonminion creature to 0 hit

points, you gain a cumulative I item bonus to Fortitude. Reflex, and Wi l l (maximum +3) until the end of the encounter.

Bralani C l o a k Level 20-+

litis cloak lets you slip through the Feywttd and call upon its winds to move you off the ground.

Lvl 20 +4 12 5.000 gp Lvl 30 - 6 3.12 5.000 gp Lvl 25 t S 625.000 gp Item Slot: Neck Enhancement: Fortitude, Reflex, and Wi l l Property: You gain resist 1 5 psychic.

Level 30: Resist 20 psychic. Power (Daily • Teleportation): Move Action. You teleport

a number of squares equal to your speed + this cloak's enhancement bonus. You don't have to end the teleport on the ground. You gain a fly speed of 8 (hover) until the end of your next turn.

Level 14+ Chaos C loak Iliis cloak is brightly colored and covered in nodules, like llie skin of a slaad, and its effects art just as chaotic.

Lvl 14 +3 21.000 gp Lvl 24 +5 525,000 gp Lvl 19 +4 105.000gp Lvl 29 +6 2,625,O00gp Item Slot: Neck Enhancement: Fortitude. Reflex, and Wi l l Property: You gain resist 10 to all damage from elemental

creatures. Level 24 or 29: Resist 15 to all damage from elemental

creatures. Power (Daily • Teleportation): Immediate Reaction.

Trigger. An enemy hits you with an attack that targets Fortitude. Reflex, or Wi l l . Ejfeet: Roll a d6 and apply the appropriate result. 1-2: You take half damage from the triggering enemy's

attack. 3-4: You teleport 1 d8 squares. 5-6: The triggering enemy takes damage equal to the

damage it dealt you.

Level 14+ Cloak of the B a t Donning this dark brown cloak letsyou perceive die world from a different perspective.

Lvl 24 +5 525.000 gp . i r\r\r\ I I . U U U gp

Lvl 29 +6 2.625.000gp Lvl 19 +4 105.000 gp Item Slot: Neck Enhancement: Fortitude. Reflex, and Wi l l Power (Daily • Polymorph): Standard Action. You assume

the form of an ordinary bat and gain a fly speed equal to your speed until the end of the encounter or until you end the effect as a minor action. You can't attack, carry anything, or manipulate objects while in this form. If you end this effect while you're still airborne, you float to the ground without taking falling damage.

( h u e s cloak

Level 1 3H C l o a k of t h e D e s e r t This tan cloak blends in perfectly with the desert sand.

Lvl 13 +3 17.000 gp Lvl 23 +5 425.000 gp Lvl 18 +4 85.000 gp Lvl 28 +6 2.125.000 gp Item Slot: Neck Enhancement: Fortitude, Reflex, and Wi l l Power (Daily): Minor Action. You gain concealment until

the end of the encounter as sand swirls around you. Until the end of the encounter, you can unleash the sand in an attack: Standard action; Close burst 3; targets each enemy in burst: Constitution + the cloak's enhance ment bonus vs. Fortitude; on a hit. the target takes 1 d6 damage per plus and is blinded until the end of its next turn. If you make this attack, the concealment granted by this power ends.

C l o a k of the S h a d o w t h i e f Level 19 a This cloak enwrapsyou in a veil of shadows, keeping your enemies constantly guessing.

Lvl 19 +4 105,000 gp Lv l29 +6 2.625.000gp Lvl 24 +5 525.000 gp

Cl«#. Mnrl. 11111 i H - « . r

Enhancement: Fortitude, Reflex, and Wi l l Power (Encounter): Minor Action. Until the end of your

next turn, each enemy that you have concealment or cover against grants combat advantage to you.

CHAPTER 1 1 Manic I t e m s

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Cloak of Trans loca t ion Level 9

This silver-whirc cloak glimmers and shimmers when you tele port, hampering your enemy's ability to locate you.

Lvl 9 T 2 4,200 gp Lvl 24 - 5 525,000 gp Lv l14 +3 21,000 gp Lvl 29 - 6 2,625.000 gp Lvl 19 H 105.000 gp I tem Slot: Neck Enhancement : Fortitude, Reflex, and W i l l Property: W h e n you use a teleportation power, you gain a

+2 bonus to AC and Reflex until the end of your next turn. Power (Dai ly): Minor Action. You regain the use of an en

counter teleportation power that you have already used during this encounter.

Level 8 Cour t i e r ' s C a p e

You have uncommon confidence while this short silk cape hangs from your shoulders.

Lvl 8 +2 3.400 gp Lvl 23 +5 425.000 gp Lvl 13 +3 17.000gp Lvl 28 +6 2.125.000gp Lvl 18 +4 85.000 gp Item Slot: Neck Enhancement : Fortitude. Reflex, and Wi l l Property: You gain a -i 2 item bonus to saving throws against

charm and fear effects. Power (Dai ly • Charm): Immediate Interrupt. Trigger: An

enemy targets you with a charm or fear power. Effect You change the target of that power from yourself to any other creature within 5 squares of you.

CLOAK OF THE DESERT The Empire of Sand, which ruled over the great desert, greatly abused the nomadic tribes that traveled in its lands. Out of this abuse was born the nomadic people's greatest hero, Shelani. She rose from a destitute background to become the most desirable courtesan in the empire. From this exalted position, she hatched the plot that brought down the empire and all of its abuses.

When all the Imperial Mages were gathered in front of the emperor, Shelani struck with a secret weapon made for her by the desert witches. Her cloak transformed her into a swirling sandstorm that flayed the flesh from the emperor and the mages. With the mages' demise, the magic that protected the empire from the encroaching desert was released, and the empire, along with Shelani and her cloak, was buried under millions of tons of sand.

Lamia Lain A group of lamias has taken up residence in the desert above the buried empire. The lamias have found Shelani s cloak of the desert and are using it to flay the flesh of any who come near their lair. Several merchants who have lost caravans to the lamias are looking to hire someone to take care of the problem.

Thaigan's Research: The explorer Thaigan Thornburn learned about a group of ruins on the edge of the desert. He was on his way to another site and never got to explore the ruins, but he made notes that both magic and monsters thrived in the area, including rumors of a cloak of the desert.

MEDALLION OF THE MIND Medallions of the mind were first fashioned by the mystics of Teliae Moh, an order of psychics and sages devoted to unlocking the mysteries of the mind. Designed as small pendants fashioned from nickel silver with a stylized eye set with an amethyst disk for the pupil, the medallions were given to acolytes as tools to aid the wearers in learning the order's methods and practices. They were reportedly all lost when Teliae Moh was reduced to rubble and ash, but a few have surfaced now and then, each a cherished prize from an enlightened time.

Defeat a Mastermind: Though it's unknown how they acquire them, mind flayers often give medallions of the mind as rewards to particularly useful servants. Finding and defeating a mind flayer infiltrator or, better yet, a mind flayer mastermind, would be a way to acquire such an amulet.

Locate the Dream of Teliae Moh: Although Teliae Moh is no more, its dream lives on. Sequestered away in a dim corner of the Plane of Dreams are the dreams of the order's finest minds, each held in perfect stasis. Explorers who reach this distant plane sometimes leave tokens of respect for their fallen heroes. It's said that those who reside there sometimes give a medallion of the mind to heroes who survive the journey.

D e m o n A m u l e t eve!14

This simple amulet consists of a cord wrapped mound a chunk of bone or horn from a demon,

Lvl 14 +3 21.000 gp Lvl 24 +5 525.000 gp Lvl 19 <4 10S,000gp Lvl 29 +6 2,625,000gp I tem Slot: Neck Enhancement: Fortitude. Reflex, and Wi l l Power (Dai ly): Minor Action. Choose acid, cold, fire,

lightning, or thunder. You gain resist 10 to the chosen damage type until the end of the encounter.

Frostworf Pe l t

The Icy white fur of this cloak protects you against frost.

Lv l4 +1 8 4 0 g p Lv l19 +4 105,000gp Lvl 9 -t-2 4,200 gp Lvl 24 +5 525,000 gp Lvl 14 4-3 21.000 gp Lvl 29 +6 2,625.000gp Item Slot: Neck Enhancement : Fortitude, Reflex, and Wi l l Property: You gain resist 5 cold.

Level 14 or 19: Resist 10 cold. Level 24 or 29: Resist 15 cold.

Power (Dai ly): Immediate Reaction. Trigger. An enemy adjacent to you hits you. Effect: The triggering enemy is knocked prone.

C H A P I B R l | Magic Items

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Lifesaving Brooch Level 2 I

This smaU while and red pin hdps those who seek to aid vou.

Lvl 2 +1 520 gp Lvl 17 - 4 65.000 gp Lvl7 +2 2.600gp Lvl 22 +5 325.000gp Lvl 12 f3 13.000 gp Lvl 27 ' 6 1.625.000 gp Item Slot: Neck Enhancement: Fortitude. Reflex, and Wi l l Property: Allies gain a 5 bonus to Heal checks to

administer first aid to you.

Lucky Charm Monkey 5 paw or rabbit's toot, this lucky charm helps you snatch victory from the jaws of defeat.

Lvl4 +1 840gp Lvl 19 +4 105.000gp Lvl 9 +2 4.200 gp Lvl 24 4-5 52 5.000 gp Lvl 14 .3 21.000 gp Lvl 29 +6 2.675.000 gp Item Slot: Neck Enhancement: Fortitude. Reflex, and Wi l l Power (Daily): No Action. Trigger: You miss with an attack

or fall a skill check, ability check, or saving throw. Effect Roll a d6 and add the result to the attack roll, skill check, ability check, or saving throw. Level 14 or 79: Roll a d6 twice and add either result. Level 24 or 29; Roll a d6 three times and add any of those


Level 14 I Medallion of the Mind

The amethyst pupil on this medallion glows softly when your thoughts take root in the minds of those around you.

Lvl 14 +3 21.000gp Lvl 24 +5 525.000gp LvM9 +4 105.000gp Lvl 29 +6 2.625.000gp Item Slot: Neck Enhancement: Fortitude. Reflex, and Wi l l Property: You gain an item bonus to Insight checks equal to

the medallions enhancement bonus. Property: You can communicate telepathically with any

creature you can sec. Those willing to communicate with you can send thoughts back to you, allowing two-way communication. This telepathic communication fulfills the requirement of a class feature or power that a target be able to hear you.

Power (Daily)z Free Action. Trigger. An enemy you grant combat advantage to hits or misses you. Effect: The trig gering enemy grants combat advantage to your allies until the start of your next turn.

Medic s A m u l e t level 9 +

Tills amulet helps healers staunch wounds.

Lvl9 +2 4.200gp Lvl 24 - 5 525.000gp Lvl 14 +3 21.000 gp Lvl 29 +6 2,625.000gp Lvl 19 '4 105.000 gp Item Slot: Neck Enhancement: Fortitude. Reflex, and Wi l l Property: You gain an item bonus to Heal checks equal to

the amulet's enhancement bonus. Property: W h e n you use a healing power on an ally or

succeed on a Heal check to perform first aid on an ally. diat ally also makes a saving throw against an ongoing damage effect.

Neck lace o f Keys Level 3-r

Each key threaded through this leather cord necklace can unlock a portal, nen oneyou haven't detected yet.

Lvl 3 +1 680 gp Lvl 18 ^4 85,000 gp Lv l8 +2 3.400gp Lvl 23 +S 425,000gp Lvl 13 +3 IZOOOgp Lvl 28 +6 2.125.000gp Item Slot: Neck Enhancement: Fortitude. Reflex, diid W i l l Property: You gain an item bonus to Thievery checks to

open locks equal to the necklace's enhancement bonus. Power (Dai ly • Teleportation): Minor Action. If you're

grabbed or restrained, you can teleport 3 squares. Level 13 or 18: Teleport 5 squares. Level 23 or 28: Teleport 10 squares.

\A —


O r c V E y e A m u l e t Leve lS -

litis amulet, consisting of a magic eye within a cloth pouch, has the power to fortify you.

Lv l8 +2 3,400gp Lvl 23 +5 425,000gp Lvl 13 +3 17.000gp Lvl 28 6 2.125.000gp Lvl 18 <4 85.000 gp Item Slot: Neck Enhancement: Fortitude. Reflex, and Wi l l Power (Encounter): Immediate Reaction. Trigger: An ally

within 10 squares of you bloodies an enemy. Effect: The ally gains temporary hit points equal to 3 + the amulet's enhancement bonus.

Level 18 or 23:6 + the amulet's enhancement bonus. Level 28: 9 * the amulet's enhancement bonus.

level 4 '

Level 2 5 -

1/1 j. u -LI

Periapt o f P r o o f against Po i son

Hi. ' black gem on this thin silver chain turns white when you're e.v|H>sed to poison.

Lv l4 +1 840gp Lvl 19 +4 105,000 gp Lv l9 +2 4.200gp Lvl 24 +5 525.000gp Lv l14 +3 21.000gp Lvl 29 +6 2.625.000gp Item Slot: Neck Enhancement: Fortitude. Reflex, and Wi l l Property: You gain resist 5 poison.

Level 14 or 19: Resist 10 poison. Level 24 or 29: Resist 20 poison.

Power (Daily): Immediate Interrupt. Trigger. You take damage from a poison attack. Effect: Your resistance to poison increases by 1 5 until the end of your next turn.

Periapt o f W o u n d Closure

This brfcjhr red stone on a golden chain Merd>/reeh when you overcome a lerriMe injury.

Lvl 25 +5 62S.000gp Lvl 30 +6 3.125.000gp Item Slot: Neck Enhancement: Fortitude. Reflex, and Wi l l Property: You gain an Item bonus to saving throws

against untyped ongoing damage equal to the periapt's enhancement bonus.

Power (Dai ly • Healing): No Action. Trigger. An attack reduces you to 0 hit points or fewer. Eflect: You spend a healing surge and regain additional hit points equal to your healing surge value 10. Level 30: Your healing surge value +15 .

C H A P T E R 1 ' M a j f i c Items

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TIMELESS LOCKET This platinum disk features numeric engravings, geometric shapes, and arcing lines on both sides. Opening a clasp at the bottom reveals a glass face atop a set of gauges. Each gauge is a circle of runes and numbers arranged around a central post that has moving hands attached to it, which point to a rune, sigil, or number. Dials set around the edges allow the user to adjust the hands to different positions as desiied.

A timeless locket is an accurate timepiece that shows what time it is in the user's location. The locket also steals a bit of time each day, storing those borrowed moments for use when the owner needs them most.

Explore the Timeless Sanctuary: According to sages, the Timeless was an order of mages who had the power to move backward and forward through time, watching or altering events to suit their purposes. Some calamity wiped out the order, but stories say that the mages' abandoned dominions floating in the Astral Sea still exist, and that timeless lockets have been recovered from some of them.

Reach the Plane of Moments: In addition to the Plane of Dreams, the Plane of Mirrors, and the Far Realm, there are a myriad of strange realities, pocket dimensions, and alternate worlds where the impossible becomes possible. Legends speak of one such world where countless golden threads stretch across infinity, each a reality in itself, and the march of history can be seen by reading these strands. In the thickest tangles, representing those monumental events that shape the world and reality, strange and terrible guardians are said to safeguard the strands from tampering. These beings reputedly guard lost treasures from another time, including such items as a timeless locket.

P o s s u m A m u l e t Level 23

When you're deeply wounded, this amulet stems the flaw of blood to prevent you from dying.

Lvl 23 - 5 42 5.000 gp Lvl 28 +6 2.125.000 gp I tem Slot: Neck Enhancement : Fortitude, Reflex, and Wi l l P o w e r (Dai ly) : No Action. Tiiggei: An attack i f duxes you

to 0 hit points or fewer. Effect: You are instead reduced to 1 hit point and knocked prone. Enemies believe that you have been reduced to 0 hit points, and you gain total concealment from them until the end of your next turn.

S e a s h i m m e r Cloak Level 13

Lvl 2 3 Lvl 28

+5 • 6

425,000 gp 2.12 5,000 gp

Phantom rivulets of water strain, down tins cloak, and when you're submerged, the cloak is indistinguishable from the water around it. Lvl 13 +3 17,000 gp Lvl 18 +4 85.000 gp I tem Slot: Neck Enhancement : Fortitude. Reflex, and Wi l l Property: You gain a swim speed equal to your speed and

can breathe underwater. Power (Dai ly): Immediate Interrupt. Trigger. An enemy hits

you. Effect: You become insubstantial until the start of your next turn.

ORCS-EYE AMULET A follower of Gruumsh might pluck out an eye to look more like the ore deity. By ritually treating a removed eye, an ore can turn it into a useful magic item and an even stronger symbol of devotion to Gruumsh. Ores waste no words on creatures bearing one of these amulets who aren't followers of Gruumsh-they speak with their blades.

Slay an Eye of Gruumsh: Ore raiders led by an eye of Gruumsh who has an ore's eye amulet are causing trouble for a nearby village. Heroes are needed to slay the ore leader, a deed that will earn the amulet but also the enmity of his tribe and family.

Adventuring Trophy: Word on the street says that a local adventurer who is a great ore hunter took an orc's-eye amulet as a trophy from a nearby ore clan. She might be willing to sell it, or she might be "persuaded" to give it up.

Shroud o f Ravens Level 13 +

fulling this clotik's black IUHHI over vour head transforms YOU

into a immiiT i>f ravens.

Lvl 2 3 * 5 425.000 gp Lvl 28 +6 2.125.000 gp

Lvl 13 ' 3 17.000 gp Lvl 18 - 4 85.000 gp I tem Slot: Neck Enhancement : Fortitude. Reflex, and Wi l l Power (Dai ly • Polymorph): Immediate Reaction. Trigger.

You take damage from an attack. f//e( f: You transform into a cloud off screaming ravens until the start of your next turn. Wh i l e transformed, you become insubstantial and gain a fly speed equal to your speed. In addition, you shift a number of squares equal to the shroud's enhancement bonus.

SOUL SHARD TALISMAN Death giants and death titans are known for their soul shrouds, composed of souls they have torn from fallen foes. Small pieces of a slain death giant's or death titan's armor can be enchanted to make soul shard talismans, which emulate the nature of the soul shroud. When an enemy of a talisman's wearer falls in combat, its soul is temporarily trapped inside the talisman. This is both a boon and a burden to the wearer. The talisman's wearer can release the soul to heal himself. But until he does so. unpleasant mental impressions from the trapped soul seep through the amulet into the wearer's mind, ending only when the soul is released.

S h a r d for S a l e : Markets in the Shadowfell carry exotic assortments of goods, including relics of battles both ancient and recent. Interested parties can track down a soul shard talisman by asking the right people, though the denizens of the Shadowfell aren't too chatty with strangers (or anyone, for that matter).

C 11 A I' I K K 1 Magic Items

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Soul Shard Talisman Level 2 4 H

Heavy for Its size, this black metal pendant emanates a wisp oj Mue smote when a soul is trapped inside ir.

Lvl 24 +5 525.000 gp Lvl 29 »6 2.625,000 gp Item Slot: Neck Enhancement: Fortitude. Reflex, and Wi l l Properly: W h e n you reduce a nonminion enemy to 0 hit

points, this talisman gains .) charge. I here is no limit to the number of charges it can gain, but it resets to 1 charge after an extended rest.

Power (Daily • Healing): Minor Action. You expend 1 charge from this talisman and regain 3d6 hit points plus additional hit points equal to 4 times the number of charges remaining in the talisman. Level 29: 3d8 hit points plus 6 times the number of

charges remaining in the talisman.

Talisman of Terror Level 7 *

This amulet depicts a face with an expression of abject terror.

lvl 7 +2 2.600 gp Lvl 22 t-5 3 25,000 gp Lvl 12 f 3 13.000 gp Lvl 27 +6 1,625.000 gp Lvl 17 +4 65.000 gp Item Slot: Neck Enhancement: Fortitude, Reflex, and Wi l l Property: W h e n you use a fear power, each target takes a - 1

penalty to saving throws against any ongoing effects of the power. Level 12 or 17: -2 penalty. Level 22 or 27: -3 penalty.

level 14 •' Timeless Locket

litis golden locket helpsyou make the most out of each moment.

Lvl 14 +3 21.000gp Lvl 24 +5 52S.000gp Lvl 19 <4 105.000 gp Lvl 29 +6 2,625.000 gp Item Slot: Neck Enhancement: fortitude. Reflex, and Wi l l Property: You gain an item bonus to initiative checks equal

to the locket's enhancement bonus. Power (Daily): Minor Action. You take a standard action.

Alliance Band This silver rinj is Inset with complex interlocking decorations and provides healing to your allies.

Item Slot: Ring 25.000 gp Property: W h e n you use your second wind, one ally

adjacent to you regains 10 hit points. Power (Daily • Healing): Minor Action. You spend a

healing surge but regain no hit points. Instead, one ally adjacent to you regains hit points equal to your healing surge value.

If you've reached at least one milestone today, the ally regains additional hit points equal to your level.

Level 15 Crown of the D r e a m King T/iis ornate golden ring looks like a tiny amen, complete with miniature jewels. I tem Slot: Ring 25,000 gp Property: You gain a 11 item bonus to all defenses against

illusion or psychic powers. Power (Daily): Immediate Interrupt. Trigger: You are hit by

an illusion, a psychic, or a sleep power. Effect: You gain a +4 bonus to all defenses against the triggering power.

If you've reached at least one milestone today, the bonus to all defenses lasts until the end of your next turn.


.After i lu>i»in,'| two rings of power carefully, mlvcwurers men wear a number of other nonmagical rings to disguise the fad that lliev arc magically equipped.

A magic r ing is unobt rus ive , easi ly exp la ined away as

mere jewe l ry , and portable. Most r ings have a property or a power that

improves w h e n the w e a r e r reaches a mi les tone . Beyond that, r ings va ry w ide ly .

C H A P T E R I I A l o g l e I t e m s

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Daunt less C h a m p i o n ' s R ing Level 30

Supernal, lokharic, and Harazhad characters entwine about this thick mithralband. rearranging themselves when the ring's magic is activated.

I tem Slot: Ring 3,125.000 gp Property: You gain a +4 item bonus to your healing surge

value. Power (Dai ly): Minor Action. If you have expended all of

your encounter attack powers, you regain the use of one of them, determined randomly.

If you've reached at least one milestone today and have expended all of your daily attack powers, you regain the use of one of them, determined randomly.

Level IS D e a t h S o n g Ring

The soft songs chanted by this ring in times of need are of those buried alive, hummed withfading breath to hold off the final night

I tem Slot: Ring 105,000 gp Property: W h e n you make a death saving throw, each

enemy within 3 squares of you takes 5 necrotic damage. P o w e r (Encounter • Necrotic): Immediate Reaction.

Trigger. An ally makes a death saving throw. Effect One enemy within 3 squares of that ally takes 10 necrotic damage.

If you've reached at least one milestone today, each enemy, instead of one, within 3 squares of that ally takes 10 necrotic damage.

leve l 16 D e a t h Spiral Rin This ring's dizzying black spirals seem to bend space and lime.

I tem Slot: Ring 45,000 gp Property: You gain resist 5 necrotic. Power (Dai ly • Teleportation): Immediate Reaction.

Trigger: A creature within 10 squares of you drops to 0 hit points or fewer. Effect: You teleport into the creature's space or to a square adjacent to it.

If you've reached at least one milestone today, you can use the power a second time during this encounter. This second use doesn't count as a use of a daily magic item power.

Level 14 Grace R i n g o f Lightn ing

The gold and silver weave of this ring is cut with sparkling channels. Lightning arcs from it to protect you wlxenyoure incapacitated.

I tem Slot: Ring 21,000 gp Property: You gain a 11 item bonus to saving throws against

dazing or stunning effects. P o w e r (Encounter): No Action. Trigger: You are conscious

and end your turn without having made an attack during it. Effect: One creature within 5 squares of you takes lightning damage equal to your highest ability modifier.

Grace Ring o f P r o w e s s Level 19

Die magic within this ring is visible as a gold and silver spiral, swirling aroundyour hand until it's released.

I tem Slot: Ring 105,000 gp Property: You gain a +1 item bonus to saving throws against

dazing or stunning effects. P o w e r (Encounter): No Action. Trigger: You are conscious

and end your turn without having made an attack during it. Effect: You gain a +2 power bonus to attack rolls during your next turn.

Level 14 Grace Ring o f Salvat ion

When hope ha>fled, this ring's pulsing blue sapphire might recapture it.

I tem Slot: Ring 21.000 gp Property: You gain a +1 item bonus to saving throws against

dazing or stunning effects. P o w e r (Encounter): No Action. Trigger: You are conscious

and end your turn without having made an attack during it. Effect: You gain a 4-S power bonus to your next saving throw before the end of the encounter.

Level 14

This understated gold and silver weave holds a sliver of ivory carved into a ram's head.

I tem Slot: Ring 21.000 gp Property: You gain a 11 item bonus to saving throws against

dazing or stunning effects. P o w e r (Encounter): No Action. Trigger: You are conscious

and end your turn without having made an attack during it. Effect: You push one creature adjacent to you 1 square.

CROWN OF THE DREAM KING This ring's name comes f rom a tale told to h u m a n children

for cen tu r ies . In the ta le , a young girl n a m e d Sharnanda

rescues the K ing of D r e a m s f r o m t h e n igh tmares that

h a u n t h is k i n g d o m , a n d he g ives his c r o w n to he r in

grat i tude. Because t h e K ing of D r e a m s is no bigger than

Sha rnanda ' s hand , t h e c r o w n is just large enough for her

to w e a r as a ring, a n d it protects her d r e a m s f rom that

n ight o n .

W h e n a plague o f n ightmares c o m e s to Sharnanda 's

t o w n , the ring protects her, a n d she uses it to rescue a

pr ince w h o has fal len under a spel l . Together, they defeat

t h e th rea t , and as such stories go, t hey m a r r y a n d live

happi ly eve r after.

M a n y suspect t he re is s o m e t ruth to this story, since

t h e r ings assoc ia ted w i t h it s e e m to have or ig inated in

t h e F e y w i l d , said by s o m e e ladr in sages to be t h e dream

of t h e natura l w o r l d . S o m e magic-us ing j e w e l e r s in the

wo r l d have learned t h e craft o f mak ing these rings, but

their vers ions are never as lovely as the ones g iven as gifts

by the e ladr in to those w h o have e a r n e d the i r favor.

A Hop, a Skip, and a Jump: Acco rd ing to a recently

d iscovered m a p , a t ra i torous knight in a magical s lumber

l ies jus t o n the o the r s ide o f a portal to the Feyw i ld . It's

dangerous to go there , bu t a crown of the dream king is

supposed ly a m o n g his possessions.

C H A P T E R 1 | Magic f f * > » i «

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Greater Ring o f Invisibility level 23 This onyx band makes it easier Jar you to conceal your comings and goings.

Item Slot: Ring 425,000 gp Property: You gain a +5 item bonus to Stealth checks. Power (Encounter • Illusion): Minor Action. You become

invisible until the end of your next turn. If you've reached at least one milestone today, you also

gain concealment until the end of the encounter.

level 20 Ring of Ac t ion Reversal This golden band holds a small diamond hourglass, which inverts each lime the ring is used.

Item Slot: Ring 12 5,000 gp Property: You gain a +4 item bonus to initiative checks. Power (Daily): Free Action. II the next encounter attack

power you use this turn misses all its targets, you regain the use of that power.

If you've reached at least one milestone today, you can apply this power to the last encounter attack power you used this turn, rather than the next.

level 20 Ring o f A g i l e Thought

While w«i wear lliis ring, w in though!* seem clearer, and vou recover from mental ultuiL-s guichlv.

Item Slot: Ring 12 5.000 gp Property: You gain a »4 item bonus to Diplomacy checks.

In addition, you gain an item bonus to Wi l l equal to the number of milestones you've reached today.

Power (Daily): No Action. Trigger. An attack hits your Wi l l and dazes or stuns you. Effect: You make a saving throw against the effect that dazed or stunned you. even if a save can't normally end that effect. The effect ends if you save.

Ring of Bat t lements Level 24

Ring of Enduring Earth Level 20 While vim wear ihis ring,your hand lakes on the appearance of stone, signify ing that you possess ihe durability of earth

I tem Slot: Ring 12 5,000 gp Property: You gain a +4 item bonus to Endurance checks. In

addition, you gain an item bonus to Fortitude equal to the number of milestones you've reached today.

Power (Daily): Free Action. Trigger You're pulled, pushed, slid, or knocked prone. Effect: You ignore the forced movement and aren't knocked prone.

Level 28 Ring o f Fearlessness

Ihis ihiu ivory band wards your mtnifrom fear. I tem S lo t Ring 2.1 2 5.000 gp

Property: You gain a ^4 bonus to all defenses against fear attacks.

Power (Daily): Immediate Interrupt. Trigger. An enemy within your line o( sight makes a fear attack. Effect: Each ally within 5 squares of you gains a +4 power bonus to all defenses against that attack.

If you've reached at least one milestone today, each ally within 10 squares of you gains the bonus instead.

level 24 Ring o f Focus

Tliis ornate platinum and gold band is doited with seven differ em gems.

I tem Slot: Ring 5 2 5.000 gp Property: You gain a 1 1 item bonus to Wi l l . Power (Daily): Minor Action. Once per round until the end

of the encounter, you can use a free action on your turn to sustain an effect of yours that requires a minor action to sustain.

If you've reached at least one milestone today, you can sustain a power once per round on your turn using no action, rather than a free action.

This steel bond Is carved to suggest < reuellulions a sign of its protective magic

Item Slot: Ring 525,000 gp Property: W h e n you have cover, attackers take a -3 penalty

to attack rolls against you instead of a -2 penalty. Power (Daily • Zone): Minor Action. You create a zone of

protection in a close burst 2. The zone lasts until the end of your next turn. Whi le within the zone, you and your allies have cover against enemies outside the zone and can move 1 extra square when they shift. Sustain Minor: The zone persists.

If you've reached at least one milestone today, you can increase the size of the zone by 1.

Ring o f Eladrin Grace Level 16

The Silver and gold weave of this grate ring recalls the heraldry of die Spiral Tower.

Item Slot: Ring 45.000 gp Property: You gain a -1 item bonus to saving throws against

da/ing or stunning effects. Power (Encounter • Teleportation): No Action. Trigger.

You are conscious and end your turn without having made an attack during it. Effect You teleport 5 squares.

Ring of Guarded W i l l Level 2»> This band is made of sculpted force. It Occasionally hums /uinlh in your mind.

Item Slot: Ring 1,1 2 5.000 gp Property: You gain a I 2 item bonus to Wi l l . Power (Daily • Psychic): Immediate Reaction. Trigger: An

enemy hits you with an attack that targets Wi l l . E//ect: The triggering enemy takes ongoing 10 psychic damage (save ends).

If you've reached at least one milestone today, the triggering enemy instead takes ongoing 1 5 psychic damage (save ends).

Ring o f Heroic Heal th Level 21 I hi- heavy gold ring is set with a large amethyst, which shim mers fttinth with healing magic.

Item Slot: Ring 225,000 gp Property: W h e n you spend an action point, you regain hit

points equal to your Constitution modifier. Power (Daily • Healing): Standard Action. You spend a

healing surge. If you've reached at least one milestone today, you

don't spend a healing surge. You instead regain hit points as if you had spent one.

( H A P T E K 1 | Magic Items

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Ring o f Inf luence L e v e l 2 1

This ornate white gold and sapphire ring grants you sway over the minds of others.

I tem Slot: Ring 22 5.000 gp Property: You gain a +2 item bonus to Charisma-based skill

checks and ability checks. Power (Daily): Minor Action. Until the end of your next turn,

you gain a +2 power bonus to attack rolls against Wi l l . If you've reached at least one milestone today the

bonus to attack rolls increases to t-4.

Level I S Ring of S y m p a t h y

These copper rings are shored In those who work well together.

I tem Slot: Ring 2 5.000 gp Property: Once per round, when you save, one ally within 5

squares of you who is also wearing a ring of sympathy can make a saving throw.

Power (Daily): Minor Action. One ally within 10 squares of you can make a saving throw. If that ally is wearing a ring of sympathy, he or she gains a +2 power bonus to the saving throw.

If you've reached at least one milestone today, you can Instead use this power to grant an ally within 1 0 squares who is wearing a ring of sympathy a saving throw (including the +2 power bonus) against each effect on him or her that a save can end.

Ring o f the Fallen Level 18

TfusgcAd ring is engraved with the crossed axes symbol of a long-dead arm)'.

I tem Slot: Ring 85.000 gp Property: W h e n you use your second wind, you regain

additional hit points equal to your Constitution modifier. In addition, you regain additional hit points equal to your Constitution modifier for each healing surge you spend at the end of a short rest.

Power (Daily • Healing): Free Action. Use this power during a short rest. You and each ally within your line of sight regain additional hit points equal to one half your level when you spend healing surges during that rest.

If you've reached at least one milestone today, the number of additional hit points equals your level + your Constitution modifier.

Level 23 Ring o f the Risen

Tliis simple silver ring makes it easier for your allies to revive you.

I tem Slot: Ring 425,000 gp Property: W h e n you have 0 hit points or fewer and spend a

healing surge, you regain 2d6 additional hit points. Power (Dal ly • Healing): No Action. Trigger: You spend

a healing surge as a result of an ally's action. Ejfect; You spend another healing surge.

If you've reached at least one milestone today, you don't spend another healing surge. You instead regain hit points as if you had spent one.

Level 15 Ring o f the Zea lous

This gold ring is inlaid with mother of pearl Messed bv priests afoul

I tem Slot: Ring 2 5.000 gp Property: W h e n you use the turn undead power, you can

increase the size of the burst by 1. Power (Daily): Free Action. Trigger: You use turn undead.

Effect: Each target you hit wi th that power is restrained instead of immobilized.

If you've reached at least one milestone today, you can increase the size of the burst by 1 (in addition to the increase from the ring's property).

Level 21 Ring o f Traded K n o w l e d g e

The knowledge seems as if it has always been within you, instead of gathered in the slim rune carved band on your tiuger.

Item Slot: Ring 225.000 gp Property: This ring contains one at-will attack power from

your class. You choose this power when you acquire the ring and can't change it later.

Power (Daily): Minor Action. Until the end of the encounter, ynii can use the at-will attack power contained in the ring. If you do so. choose one of your other at will attack powers from your class. You can't use that power during the encounter.

If you've reached at least one milestone today, you gain a +2 power bonus to attack rolls and damage rolls when you use the power contained in the ring.

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Ring o f Unfe t te red Mot ion l eve l 20

When wu use this ring, you move so quickly that you re 0 blur.

item Slot: Ring 12 5.000 gp Property: You gain a +4 item bonus to Acrobatics checks.

In addition, you gain an item bonus to Reflex equal to the number of milestones you've reached today.

Power (Daily): Immediate Reaction, trigger: An attack hits your Reflex and immobilizes, restrains, or slows you. Effect: You make a saving throw against the effect that immobilized, restrained, or slowed you. even if a save can't normally end that effect. The effect ends if you save.

Ring of U n w e l c o m e Gifting Level i7

This gold band feeds on thing* that assail you. spirfim; diem out onyour enemy.

Item Slot: Ring 6S.0OO gp Property: You gain resist 3 against ongoing damage. Power (Daily): Free Action. Trigger: You hit an enemy with

a basic attack. Effect: You transfer one ongoing damage effect from yourself to that enemy.

If you've reached at least one milestone today, you can use this power after hitting with an at-will attack that isn't a basic attack.

SHADOWFELL SIGNET Many genera t ions ago , servants of the R a v e n Q u e e n raised a temp le w i th in the Shadowfe l l a n d cal led it t he Monastery of Di re R e m e m b r a n c e . It served the goddess well and he lped the dead cast as ide the shack les of their past lives to move on to what lay beyond . T h e temple 's priests, w h o w e r e f ierce enemies of the undead , forged Shadowfell signets out of the dark meta l they m ined from beneath the t emp le a n d used t h e m as tokens of passage through certain lands of the dead .

Endings c o m e to al l things in the Shadowfe l l , and the temple w a s no different. S o m e say the priests w e r e subverted w h e n they opened the temple 's gates to servants of Vecna w h o c a m e bearing s to len signets. O the rs say that they dug too d e e p and w o k e someth ing that w a s best left as leep.

W i t h the fall of the temple , m u c h of its lore w a s lost, but a handful of devo tees kept the secret of the signets safe and shared it w i t h those w h o w o u l d strike against the undead.

A N e w B lasphemy : Attacks by undead have ravaged a town in the mountains. The undead have a leader, a female vampire w h o carr ies a black meta l r ing that bears the symbol of the Raven Q u e e n , enemy of all undead. The Raven Queen's worshipers are anxious to end this blasphemy and are looking for heroes w h o can help them do so.

W h a t O n c e W a s Lost: A paladin w h o escaped the fall of the temple passed through the area recently. H e had one of those fancy rings known as Shadowfell signets and said he was going to rebuild the temple in the nearby mountains, but no one ever heard from him again. O f course, a lot of nasty things live up in those mountains, so no one's been brave enough to find out w h a t happened to h im.

R i n g o f W i n d o w s Level 28

This simple wooden ring allows you to go places no one else can.

and you can use it to open and close dimensional windows.

I tem Slot: Ring 2,1 25.000 gp Property: W h e n you teleport and no creature automatically

moves into the space you left, that space Is filled with a spatial flux that prevents any creature from entering it until the end of your next turn.

Power (Dai ly • Teleportation): Free Action. Trigger You use a teleportation power. Effect: You don't need line of sight to the destination space.

If you've reached at least one milestone today, the distance of the teleportation increases by 4.

S h a d o w f e l l S i g n e t level 19

This black ring of unknown metal bears the symbol of the Ha veil Queen in silver.

I tem Slot: Ring 105,000 gp Property: You gain resist 10 necrotic, and if an enemy's

attack causes you to lose a healing surge, you can take 10 damage instead of losing that healing surge.

Power (Daily • Stance): Minor Action. Until the stance ends, you gain a +4 bonus to all defenses against opportunity attacks from undead creatures, and you don't grant combat advantage when flanked by undead.

If you've reached at least one milestone today, you don't provoke opportunity attacks from undead creatures.

RING OF THE FALLEN Cen tu r i es ago, a c o m p a n y of d w a r f so ld iers w a s gar

r isoned in an outpost at the edge of the frontier. T h e

soldiers w e r e assigned to guard the edges of civi l ization

f rom the e n c r o a c h m e n t of mons te r s . W h e n a w h i t e

dragon a t tacked the outpost, the d w a r v e s w e r e dr iven

away. A s h a m e d of themselves, they reconvened and w e n t

back to the outpost to try to best the dragon.

T h e dwarves fought a good fight, but the dragon w a s

v ic tor ious. The i r frozen bod ies w e r e n ' t found unt i l an

a r m y ar r ived a n d dest royed the dragon. T h e dwarves '

mi l i tary rings w e r e col lected and used as specia l medals

that w e r e handed out for bravery. S ince the dissolution of

the army, the rings have d ispersed throughout the land.

B u r i e d C a c h e : R u m o r has it that a cache of rings of the

fallen is bur ied deep w i th in a forest over run by brigands.

T h e br igands are an u n c o m m o n lot, using monsters and

magic to prey on nearby townsfolk. Perhaps the brigands

k n o w w h e r e the cache is.

M a d O r a c l e : D iv ina t ions have revealed that a mad

oracle in the mounta ins k n o w s the locat ion of o n e or

more rings of the fallen. Numerous obstacles and monsters

block the path to the oracle, but the promise of o n e of

these rings wou ld b e w o r t h the dangers .

C H A P T E R 1 ; Magic I t e m - '

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Stone Band Level 17 A c r o b a t ' s Harness Level 1.4

This ring of basalt becomes more polished and intricately carved each time you use it.

Item Slot: Ring 65,000 gp Property; You gain resist 5 against critical hits. If you've

reached at least one milestone today, you gain resist 10 instead.

Power (Daily): Minor Action. You gain resist 5 to all damage until the end of your next turn. Sustain Minor: The effect persists.

Level 17 Stormca tcher Ring

This copper ring has a setting but no gemstone. When you use the ring, sparks fill the setting.

I tem Slot: Ring 65,000 gp Property: You gain resist 10 lightning and resist 10 thunder. Power (Dai ly): Immediate Interrupt. Trigger: An enemy hits

you with a lightning attack. Effect: The triggering enemy makes the attack again, but against itself.

If you've reached at least one milestone today, you can pick a second enemy within 5 squares of you. The triggering enemy makes the attack against the second enemy too.

Level 18 Traveler ' s Ring

This tarnished silver ring set with a muddied stone looks mundane. When you wear il. it tugs you in the right direction. I tem Slot: Ring 85,000 gp Property: You gain a +4 item bonus to Streetwise checks. Power (Daily): Free Action. You gain a success in a skill

challenge in which Streetwise is a primary or secondary skill.

If you've reached at least one milestone today, you also gain a +5 power bonus on your next Streetwise check before the end of the day.

Unvanqu i shed Grace R ing

Tlif distinctive gold and silver weave of this grace ring is carved with feathers.

I tem Slot: Ring 21,000 gp Property: You gain a -t 1 item bonus to saving throws against

dazing or stunning effects. Power (Encounter): No Action. Trigger: You are conscious

and end your turn without having made an attack during it. EJJett: You or an ally within 5 squares of you can stand up as a free action.


No hero wears a girdle. If anyone asks, it's a hell.

Wais t slot items, whether baldrics, bandoliers, bells,

or sashes, are hard to pin down to one mystic;]]

theme. Many waistl ine wraps benefit the health of

the wearer, but some bands serve oilier purposes alto

gether. Those belts that hold weapons or other tools

can be enchanted to enhance those items.

C H A P T E R 1 | Magic I t e m s

These cloth straps help you to twist and dive out of dangerous situations.

I tem Slot: Waist 21,000 gp Property; W h e n you make an Acrobatics check, you roll

twice and use either result.

Level 11 Baldr ic of Assault

this gray leather baldric letsyou supplant your enemy when you use your aegis of assault

I tem Slot : Waist 9,000 gp Property: W h e n an enemy triggers your aegis of assault

power, you can slide the enemy 1 square and then teleport into that enemy's space, instead of teleporting to a space adjacent to the enemy.

Baldric of Sh ie ld ing

I his marcasite-sludded baldric aids you when you use your aegis of shielding.

I tem Slot: Wais t 105.000 gp Property: W h e n you use your aegis of shielding power to

reduce the damage dealt to an ally, you gain temporary hit points equal to the amount of damage you prevented.

Level frj Baldr ic o f T i m e

This rough textured belt seems to be coated in the sands of time,

Lvl 6 1,800 gp Lvl 16 45,000 gp I tem Slot: Waist Property: W h e n you roll a 20 on your initiative check,

you gain an extra move action during the first turn of the encounter. Level 16: You instead gain an extra standard action.

Level 9 Bel t o f Fragile Guard

Tin's wide leather band toughens your skin but weakens your resilience.

I tem Slot: Waist 4,200 gp P o w e r (At -Wi l l ) : Minor Action. Until the end of your next

turn, you gain a +1 power bonus to AC and vulnerability to all damage equal to half your level.

Helt of the witch king

Bel t of Nou r i s hmen t Level 7

This comfortable leather belt is worked with images of foodstuffs that nourish you.

I tem Slot: Waist 2,600 gp Property: You gain a -i 3 item bonus to Endurance checks. Property: You don't need to eat. You must wear the belt for

24 consecutive hours before this property functions.

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Belt o f the W i t c h K i n g Level 18

The links oj this slim silver chain are separated by small spheres of arcane enhanced obsidian.

Item Slot: Waist 85.000 gp Property: You gain a +-2 item bonus to Fortitude. Power (Daily • Healing): Free Action. Trigger: You become

bloodied. Effect: You regain hit points equal to twice the level of the highest-level arcane power you have not expended.

Level 10 Diamond Cincture

The diamonds on this platinum band grant great fortitude, which you can sacrifice for health.

Lvl 10 5.000 gp Lvl 30 3.12 5.000 gp Lvl 20 12 5.000 gp

Item Slot: Waist Property: This belt holds one diamond and you gain a +1

item bonus to Fortitude. Level 20: Two diamonds, f 2 item bonus to Fortitude. Level 30: Three diamonds. +3 item bonus to Fortitude.

Power (At -Wi l l • Healing): Minor Action. W h e n you use this power, one diamond on the belt cracks and dark ens. becoming worthless. You regain hit points as if you had spent a healing surge, and the belt's item bonus is reduced by one. If there are no diamonds on the belt, you can't use this power. After an extended rest, each diamond destroyed by this power is restored.

Level 18 Phoenix Sash

J his Iin'fliant orange wrap restores life to the vanquished

Item Slot: Waist 85,000 gp Property: You gain a •( 1 item bonus to Fortitude. Power (Daily • Healing): No Action. Trigger: An enemy

reduces you to 0 hit points or fewer. Effect: You spend a healing surge and are dazed until the end of your next turn.

Level 8 Potion Bandol ie r

Tins wide brown leather baldric keeps potions in easy reach.

Item Slot: Waist 3.400 gp Property: This belt can hold up to six potions. You can

retrieve a potion from the belt as a free action.

Level 28 Sash o f Hero ic Inspiration

Thts^Iashv. embroidered red sash proclaims your heroism to all.

Item Slot: Waist 2,1 2 5,000 gp Property: W h e n you spend an action point, one ally within

your line of sight can spend a healing surge as a free action.

Level 28 Sash of R e g e n e r a t i o n

Ulute you wear this heavy brown hide sash, von heat at a tre mendous rate.

Item Slot: Waist 2,1 2 5,000 gp Property: You gain regeneration 5 while you're bloodied.

BELT OF THE WITCH KING Long ago in the nat ion of Pak S u t h , t he k ing d ied w i thou t

a n heir. D r i v e n by a war r io r t radi t ion a n d the need for a

strong, impos ing ruler to ma in ta in t he borders, the min

isters o f the k ingdom proc la imed that any person w h o

cou ld endu re a series of dai ly tests o f the body w o u l d

b e c o m e absolute ruler.

M a n y soldiers, generals , and heroes succumbed to the

trials before Tulari c l a imed his right to be tested. Desp i te

his slight f rame, he endu red e a c h day 's test and even tu

al ly b e c a m e king. Tulari w a s a great ruler, ho ld ing t he

boundar ies of Pak Su th f irmly a n d ruling wisely. Today,

t he legend of the W i t c h K ing Tulari remains strong in the

region, and the nat ion 's ruler w e a r s a bel t of o f f i ce - t he

s a m e o n e that Tulari w o r e w h e n h e passed the tests.

Nation in Exile: M u c h has changed since W i t c h K ing

Tulari set P a k Su th on the pa th to greatness. Today, the

peop le of Pak Su th f lee thei r h o m e l a n d e n masse. T h e

king's l ineage has e n d e d , and rebels have stolen Tulari 's

b e l t - o r so t he rumor goes . W h a t author i ty remains has

offered a prize for t he defeat of the v io lent rebels that

p lague the exodus: the belt of the Witch King and possibly

rulership of the k ingdom.

Political Ploy: T h e current ruler of Pak S u t h needs to

m a k e a pol i t ical s ta temen t regarding her strength and

the nat ion's d i rec t ion. S h e w a n t s to give a w a y Tular i 's

bel t as part of that dec lara t ion , but she requires w o r t h y

recipients so as not to dishonor the W i t c h King's memory .

To that e n d , she c o m m i s s i o n e d the cons t ruc t ion of a

labyr inth of dangers , remin iscent of the cha l lenges Tulari

de feated. T h e labyrinth is all that stands b e t w e e n a group

of heroes a n d this belt .

Stonewa l l Belt

this rough gray belt covered in stone plate> grants Stability to its wearer.

I tem S l o t Waist 3.400 gp Power (Dai ly): Minor Action. You can ignore push, pull, or

slide effects until the end of your next turn.

Level 13 W a i s t b a n d of t he Grappler

'This fur-lined wrap channeh the strength and the recklessness of an accomplished wrestler.

I tem Slot: Waist 17.000 gp Power (At-Wi l l ) : Minor Action. You gain a +5 power bonus

to damage rolls and to grab attempts, but take a -2 penalty to attack rolls. You also grant combat advantage to all enemies. This effect lasts until you end it as a minor action.

Wra i th ' s Cord Level 30

You become wraithlike whenyou wear this worn rope band.

I tem Slot: Waist 3,125.000 gp Property: W h e n you score a critical hit. the target is

weakened until the end of your next turn. Power (Daily • Illusion): Minor Action. Until the end of

your next turn, you become invisible and insubstantial and gain phasing.

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PHOENIX SASH Fenelon was an eladrin warrior of the Feywild who was

known for his ability to live through anything. In the war

with the fomorians, he was crushed under a pile of rock,

thrown off a cliff, and speared by the giant warrior Morg-

kash, surviving each and every event. For his ability to rise

from the ashes of tragedy and defeat, Fenelon became

known as the Phoenix.

Fenelon eventually died of old age, and his magic

sash passed into the hands of other eladrin. Eventually it

made its way into the world, where it has been worn by

a number of heroes, though none as worthy as Fenelon.

Learning of this disgrace, the eladrin seek a fey warrior of

great prowess who can find and reclaim the sash, return

ing it to glory and honor.

Reclaim the Sash: The eladrin court has put out a call

for fey warriors to seek out the Phoenix sash. They believe

that it can be found in the hands of a mad archmage by

the name of Klllias. The archmage has been oppressing

the villagers in a small kingdom in the north.

Fomorlan Clutches: Rumors suggest that Skrad, a

descendant of the fomorlan Morgkash. has found the

Phoenix sash and is keeping it in his stronghold. He guards

the sash closely and attacks any who would take It. It's

also said that on more than one occasion, the sash has

saved his life when fey assassins attempted to kill him.


// you think you have too m a m uondrotis" items, you're

Wrong. In truth.you have too few pockets.

I he r a t i h a l l ( u l c g o r v lor e n c h a n t e d ob jec ts , a w o n

tli cms i t em isn't w o r n or wielded, a n d it r a n have m v r i a d e n c h a n t m e n t s . A d v e n t u r e r s h o a r d w o n

d r o u s i t ems b e c a u s e I he i r e f fec ts r o v e r s u c h a w i d e

Spectrum a n d MM h a v i n g t h e r ight o n e r a n be t h e dif

ference between sua ess a n d failure. This set l i on d e s c r i b e d v a r i o u s w o n d r o u s i t ems to

h e l p y o u out of j a m s , w o n d r o u s h i i r i t ems to enhance y o u r base o f ope ra t i ons , a n d w o n d r o u s tat toos that

a r e a l w a y s w i t h y o u . e v e n if y o u r o t h e r i t ems aren ' t .

Blessed B o o k Level 1

\h\s leather tame, bound In won and silver, contains/or nunc pages than naturally possible.

Wondrous I tem 360 gp Property: This ritual book has the dimensions and weight of

a standard ritual hook, but holds 1,000 pages.

D e e p f a r e r s P o u c h Level 5

This oilskin pouch holds more than it should, including a small Jwufhitttf tube that extends from the inside.

Wondrous I tem 1.000 gp Property: This belt pouch contains 1 hour's worth of air.

which remains fresh indefinitely. Once the air in the pouch has hern tonsutned. you can lefresh the supply by exposing the open pouch to any supply of breathable air during a short rest.

Ghos t l i gh t Cand le Level 15

Vhis plain white wax candle can burn every day ividiouf diminishing.

Wondrous I tem 2 5,000 gp Property: This candle sheds dim light J squares in all dir

cctions and never burns down tbut c m be extinguished). Power (Dai ly): Standard Action. Use this power while the

candle is lit. Until the end of the encounter, creatures within 2 squares of the candle lose the insubstantial quality and can't become invisible.

Horn o f Dismissa l Level 12

The sound of this black studded bronze horn dispel* conjurations.

Wondrous I tem 13,000 gp P o w e r (Dai ly): Standard Action. You end each conjuration

within 3 squares of you.

loun 's P a r c h m e n t level \

i his thin sheet of bronze, the size of a roll of parchment, i-in bossed with loun\ svmbol in one corner.

Wondrous I tem 360 gp Property: This material can be written on like paper or

parchment, and the writing can't be erased until the parchment's owner wills it blank. It's flexible enough to roll. Creating a ritual scroll using this i tem fills it with text, but takes half the usual time. Once the ritual is performed, the piece of loun's parchment turns blank and can he reused.

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GHOSTL1GHT CANDLE The shadar-kai 's serv ice to the R a v e n Q u e e n has ea rned them numerous e n e m i e s over the years . O n e of the most persistent foes w a s An ta la Longscar, a pr iest of t h e R a v e n Queen w h o s t rong ly d i sag reed w i t h t h e shadar -ka i ' s phi losophy a n d m e t h o d o l o g y a n d w h o h a d s t ym ied a number of their p lans. S h e w a s enough of a thorn in their side that the shadar-ka i felt she dese rved an acce le ra ted audience w i t h the goddess she a n d they both served .

Antala spent her life dea l ing w i t h regular visits from shadar-kai assass ins, a n d she d e v e l o p e d a n u m b e r of defenses a n d protect ions to min imize their threat , including the ghostlight candle.

In terna l M a t t e r s : T h e shadar-kai are as g iven to politics and infighting as any other intell igent people. A caravan of them arr ived in t o w n w i t h a n u m b e r of ghostlight candles and other t reasures. T h e s e shadar-ka i are w i l l ing to use the cand les as p a y m e n t for escort to somep lace safe, but others of the i r k ind are w i l l i ng to pay a simi lar pr ice to see that t h e caravan doesn ' t leave. O n e w a y o r another, these events offer a good c h a n c e to acqui re one of the candles.

T h e L ight u n d e r t h e H i l l : Eve ry night for the past 10 years, the light f rom a single cand le has b e e n s e e n f rom the top of a hill ou ts ide t o w n . S tor ies say it 's a ghostl ight candle, lit by a girl t rapped by the fey, w h o is badly in need of rescue.

M a p of U n s e e n L a n d s Level l

Protected by a sturdy scroll tube, this sheet of vellum is ringed with symbols of travel: wagon wheels, footsteps, and rafts.

Wondrous I tem 2.600 gp Property: You gain a +2 item bonus to Nature checks and

Perception checks to navigate through areas mapped by this item's power (including checks made during skill < hallenges).

Power (Dai ly): Standard Action. You command this map to redraw itself, depicting the surface area within a 10-mile radius around you. The map doesn't go into precise detail, but it's accurate. It shows only aboveground terrain, not underground areas.

The map includes the following features: • General terrain features, such as mountains, rivers, and

lakes; • Structures 5,000 square feet or larger in size: • Structures important for travel, such as bridges and

portals; • Lairs of creatures that are significant threats; • Names or general descriptions for any of the above

features, if such information is well known. The sketch remains on the map until this power is used


HORN OF DISMISSAL T h e conjurers of the group k n o w n as the I m m a c u l a t e Star enforced their w i l l through a v i r tua l a r m y of magic creatures c o m p o s e d of cool b lue f l ame. W i t h such troops, a smal l n u m b e r of conjurers w e r e able to conquer the city of A lb a n d ho ld it for over a year. The i r yoke w a s t h r o w n off only w h e n a resistance group managed to put an enchantm e n t on t h e great bell of the cathedra l . W h e n it sounded, it sha t te red , but t h e note d ispe l led the p h a n t o m a r m y in t h e city. Shards of the bel l w e r e forged into a var iety of w e a p o n s to use against the conjurers, including horns that had an e n c h a n t m e n t s imi lar to that of the original bell. W i t h i n a f e w mon ths , t h e I m m a c u l a t e Star w a s no more.

T h e p ieces of the or iginal bel l have long since been used up, but c l eve r ar t isans have found w a y s to dupl icate its funct ional i ty.

i m m o r t a l I m m a c u l a t e : T h e Immacu la te S ta r ana lyzed some of the w e a p o n s m a d e f rom the bel l in an a t t emp t to counterac t the i r effect. T h e y w e r e unsuccessfu l , bu t even n o w immor ta l s u m m o n e d guard ians s tand w a t c h over their e m p t y laborator ies. A m a p to one of these locations has s u r f a c e d - a real f ind, if it 's accura te . P e r h a p s o n e of the labs ho lds a horn of dismissal.

R i b b o n of L i m i t l e s s Q u e s t i o n s Level 13

When tin's blue, silly ribbon is unrolled, a new question appears Oft it in glowing gold and silver runes.

Wondrous I tem 1 7.000 gp Property: W h e n you perform a divination ritual that allows

you to ask a number of questions, such as Hand of Fate, Speak with Dead, or Consult Oracle, you can ask one extra question. This effect can allow you to exceed the normal maximum number of questions allowed.

P o w e r (Dai ly): Free Action. Trigger. You fail an Intelligence or Charisma-based skill check during a skill challenge. Effect: Reroll the skill check with a +2 power bonus and use either result.


L e g e n d says t h e first ribbon of limitless questions w a s inscr ibed o n c lo th w o v e n by Core l lon , t h e ink mixed f rom go lden sunl ight a n d mi thra l dust . E v e n if th is ta le is t rue, mos t such r ibbons are cons iderab ly m o r e modes t .

T h e ques t ions that a p p e a r on a r ibbon are useful in m a n y w a y s . S o m e present quest ions the r ibbon's user can ask of s o m e o n e e lse . O t h e r ques t ions a re d i rec ted a t the r ibbon 's holder, a n d p rompt h i m or he r to th ink abou t a si tuat ion a n d c o m e u p w i t h n e w solut ions.

A T e m p l e ' s G i f t : F e w ribbons of limitless questions are found in the hands o f no rma l peop le . T h e major i ty of t hese mag ic i tems a re he ld by high priests in var ious temp les , espec ia l ly those o f loun a n d V e c n a . O n e w a y to ga in access to a r ibbon is to conv ince t h e priests o f such a dei ty that it w i l l b e used against their e n e m i e s .

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S e e d of W a ^ When you release this black metal acorn, it grows into afierce soldier.

Wondrous I tem 25,000 gp Power (Daily • Conjuration): Standard Action. You con

jure a Medium metal soldier, equipped with sword and shield, by tossing this item into an unoccupied square within 5 squares of you. The soldier occupies its square and can be attacked. It shares your defenses wi th a +2 bonus to AC and Reflex. It has hit points equal to your healing surge value. W h e n it takes damage, you can spend a healing surge as a free action to negate that damage.

The soldier is treated as one of your allies, can flank enemies, and deals 10 damage to an enemy adjacent to it that is hit by an ally's attack. As a move action, you can cause the soldier to shift 1 square or move 4 squares. W h e n reduced to 0 hit points, or at the end of the encounter, the soldier disappears, and the seed of war reappears in its square.

V a g a b o n d ' s D i e L e v e l s

This die is well ased-the images on its faces are almost worn away.

Wondrous I tem 3,400 gp Power (Daily ^ Varies): Minor Action. You target a crea

ture of your choice within 10 squares and roll a d6. 1 : Drunkard's Mug. The target takes a - 2 penalty to attack

rolls until the end of its next turn. 2: Gambler's Dice. Roll a d20. If the result is even, the

target takes damage equal to the result. If the result is odd. the target regains hit points equal to the result.

3:Jester's Chair. The target falls prone. 4 - 5 : Soldier's Fist. The first attack that hits the target be

fore the end of your next turn deals 2d6 extra damage. 6: Storm's Fury. The target and all creatures adjacent to it

take l d 1 0 lightning damage.

V e r s a t i l e S p e l l b o o k level 11

The pages of this spellbook are magically treated, allowingyou to quickly draw on their arcane power.

Wondrous I tem 9,000 gp Property: Wizards can use this item as a spellbook. Power (A t -Wi l l ) : Free Action. Trigger. You finish a short

rest. Effect: Replace one wizard utility power you prepared wi th a wizard utility power of the same level or lower from your spellbook that you didn't prepare. If it's an encounter power, you must replace it with another encounter power, and if it's a daily power, you must replace it with another daily power.

MAP OF UNSEEN LANDS W h e n a map of unseen lands is ac t iva ted, it p lo ts ou t the

nea rby area, w i t h excel lent accuracy but poo r deta i l . Fol

l owers of Avand ra , de i ty of t ravel and adven tu re , c la im

that maps of unseen lands call upon her know ledge . Others

say t he m a p s f low f rom the m e m o r i e s o f peop le ( l iving

and dead ) w h o have vis i ted t he area, pul l ing on psychic

ties that still l inger.

W e a l t h y connoisseurs w h o unders tand magic i tems

seek ou t di f ferent maps of unseen lands, s ince each d raws

m a p s in a un ique artistic style. S o m e i tems use jagged

l ines, o the rs p roduce th in s t rokes; in a f e w , the m a p s

b leed out into t he ve l l um like ink w a s h e s .

The Halflings* Reward: Tribes of r i ver -wander ing half-

lings carry maps of unseen lands as they explore n e w areas.

Desp i te t h e maps , the smal l ones w i n d up iin dangerous

p laces qu i te of ten. In fact, a brother and sister recently

w e n t miss ing near s o m e old ruins. W h o e v e r he lps t hem

out might be g i ven a map of unseen lands as a reward , or

t hey might col lect o n e f rom o n e of t he halflings* corpses,

if the a id c o m e s too late.

Beg, Borrow, or Steal: T h e merchan t P h i n e a s O l lune

is proud of his co l lect ion of rare i tems, w h i c h inc ludes a

map of unseen lands. Unfor tunate ly for those w h o covet it,

h e refuses to sel l it. P h i n e a s lives in a t o w n full of super

st i t ious folk, a n d rumors a b o u n d that he is; a werewol f .

W h e t h e r the rumor is t rue o r not , this in format ion might

b e used to persuade h im to give up t he m a p .

W h i s t l e o f W a r n i n g t eVel 8

This small, unremarkable-looking silver whistle gives off a shrill noise when sounded.

Wondrous I tem 3,400 gp Power (Encounter): Minor Action. Each ally within 10

squares of you who can hear the whistle can shift 1 square and draw a weapon or retrieve an implement as a free action.

| W o u n d s t i t c h P o w d e r Level 1

This worn leather pouch contains a quantity oflij e savingyel-low powder.

Wondrous I tem 360 gp Power (At -Wi l l ) : Standard Action. You sprinkle this dust

on an adjacent dying creature. That creature stops making death saving throws until it takes damage, and any untyped ongoing damage on the creature ends.

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WONDROUS L A I R ITEMS Lair i tems are a c lass o f w o n d r o u s i tem ll iat adventurers tan add to thei r base o f operat ions (or " l a i r " ) . Unl ike most mag ic i tems, lair i tems aren' t por table: (hey must be left b e h i n d w h e n a hero goes explor ing. The) prov ide comfor ts w h e n the par ty re turns home a l tera di f f icul t adven tu re , a n d a h o m e f ield advan tage against enem ies w h o wou ld d a r e assault t h e m in their s a n c t u m .

A l c h e m i s t ' s W o r k s h o p Level 8

This sri of tools, workiMe. vials, beakers, distiller)! and other alchemical apparatuses is enchanted to aid in the ovation of powerful alchemical items.

Wondrous Item 3.400 gp Property: W h e n you use this workshop to create alchemical

items, you can create items uf a level equal to or less than your level + 2.

A l l - S e e i n g E y e level 22

litis ntulti/aceted diamond is usually placed in (he eye socket of a Statue or an idol, or atop a tripod that overlooks a room. I l sifts all and reports back to its master what it Icarus.

Wondrous Item 3 2 5.000 gp Property: This eye can see invisible creatures and objects

within 20 squares of it. W h e n a creature enters the eye's line of sight, the eye telepathically warns its owner of the creature's presence and provides a description. It can communicate with its owner across planar boundaries.

Arcane Laboratory Level 23

.Spirits of past arcane masters arc bound to this well equipped laboratory. Their aid allows you to refocusyour magic lor other purposes.

Wondrous Item 425,000 gp Property: W h e n you spend 24 hours studying in this

laboratory, you can replace one arcane power as if you had gained a level and retrained. After you use this property, you can't use it again until you gain a level.

Austere Do jo Level 23

VAGABOND'S DIE This stone die w i t h a symbol o n each of its faces is carr ied by we l l - t rave led t r icksters w h o cour t Lady Luck. Gamb le rs use a vagabond's die as both a randomizer and a i tem to wager in games of chance, so a die could pass f rom person to person repeatedly. Exceptional ly lucky gamblers (or exceptional cheats) amass a sizable col lec t ion of these d ice.

S o m e people w h o carry a vagabond's die consider it a tool of fate and use it to make decisions on w h a t course of action to take. Each face's image has a t h e m e .

Drunkards Mug: The image of a frothing tankard repre sents leisure and fr iendship. You should take some t ime to relax, and visit a tavern if you can f ind one.

Gambler's Dice: This face impl ies risk and fate, and suggests that you should take a risky course of act ion.

Jester's Cha i r Buffoonery and foolishness are symbolized by this image. Don ' t take things too seriously right now.

Soldier's Fist: Strength of arms can solve a current problem. T w o faces hold this symbo l - i f you make decisions using this d ie , be prepared for a lot of fights.

Storm s Fury: The sublime power of nature is represented by this face. Spend some t ime outdoors, and explore.

T h e A r c a n e C h e a t : A u d r e n , a gambl ing w iza rd , is rumored to have never lost a game of chance and has acquired at least a dozen vagabond's dice. O f course, rumors abound that he cheats. W h o e v e r discovers his secret might be able to defeat h im and c la im a vagabond's die. The rumors don't indicate whe the r or not he's a sore loser . . . .

B e d o f R a p i d Rest Level 4

BiiS comfortable bed speeds your rest hut is too larae to cart around in the dungeon,

Wondrous Item 840 gp Property: W h e n you lake an extended rest in this bed. you

can spend 4 hours (instead of the usual 6) to gain the benefit ol that rest.

B r i l l i a n t S c r y i n g B a s i n Level i ;



This dojo is complete uifli punching baas, a weapon rack, fencing equipment, ami training automatons impressed with the personalities of history's greatest masters. Working with them allows you to refocus your fighting style.

Wondrous Item 425.000 gp Property: W h e n you spend 24 hours in training at the dojo,

you can replace one martial power as if you had gained a level and retrained. After you use this property, you can't use it again until you gain a level.

The brilliantly clear \cater o( this lame bronze basin greatly scrying rituals.

Wondrous Item 1 3.000 gp Property: W h e n you use this basin as a focus for a scryin

ritual, the duration of your scrying sensor increases by rounds.

Wife cask contains a never-ending supply ofdwarven ale.

Wondrous Item 680 gp Property: Al the start of each day, the cask fills to its

full volume with dwarven ale. Any ale taken from the cask evaporates if it has not been consumed when the cask refills.

Cask of L iquid G o l d Level 3

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C h a n d e l i e r o f R e v e l a t i o n Level 24

This chandelier reveals thai which is hidden In the room.

Wondrous I tem 525,000 gp Property: You can command this chandelier to shed bright

light either 10, 20, or 40 squares in all directions as a free action. Wi th in that area, creatures can't benefit from concealment or total concealment.

D o o r of A l a r m Level 2

Level 16 D e c e p t i v e S c r y i n g B a s i n

This etched silver basin makes it more difficult for creatures you observe to detect your prying gaze.

Wondrous I tem 4 5.000 gp Property: W h e n you use this basin as a focus for a scrying

ritual, i reatures take a '> penalty to i he< ks i n notice youi scrying sensor.

D i m e n s i o n a l A n c h o r Level 16

This Statue appears In many guises, but each hinds nearby crea tares to their locations in the world.

Wondrous I tem 45.000 gp Property: Any creature within 10 squares of this statue can't


Level 12 D i p l o m a t ' s Table

This majestic iJarfcu-oixJ cable enhances your position in negotiations. Wondrous I tem 1 3.000 gp Property: You and your allies gain a +3 item bonus to Bluff,

Diplomacy, and Intimidate checks during skill challenges while sitting at this table.

WHISTLE OF WARNING These whis t les have been used by bodyguards and w a t c h

soldiers for generat ions, so it comes as a surprise to many

ci t izens that they w e r e first c rea ted for use by th ieves.

W h e n a part icular ly brutal conf l ict b e t w e e n t w o half l ing

c r i m e fami l ies spun ou t of cont ro l , each side invested

in mag ic to t ip th ings to the i r a d v a n t a g e . O n e c l eve r

m e m b e r conce ived the whistle of warning to protect t he

fami ly f rom ambushes .

T h e feud con t inued to escalate until the t w o c r ime

syndicates d iscovered that the ent i re confl ict w a s be ing

p ro longed by the art i f icers w h o w e r e prov id ing e a c h

side w i t h magic i tems. T h e e n e m i e s reached a t ruce and

short ly thereaf ter a s s u m e d jo in t control over t he magic

i tem marke t in t o w n .

G o o d D o g g i e : T h e loca l l izardfolk h a v e b e e n get

t ing mo re aggressive lately, a n d o n e of thei r leaders has

b e e n using a d is t inct ive-sounding wh is t le to direct his

"hounds . " P e r h a p s it 's a whist le of warning.

W a t c h i n g t h e W a t c h : T h e ci ty w a t c h might be cor

rupt to some degree , but its m e m b e r s try to do thei r

job, at least unti l they c o m e across someth ing they can' t

hand le . W e l l , " some th i ng " has been eat ing peop le and

leav ing bits near t he south cana l . T h e w a t c h doesn ' t have

the personnel to dea l w i th it or t he cash to pay heroes.

Bu t it can arrange for some suppl ies, inc luding a whist le

of warning, to go off the books if the p rob lem stops.

C H A P T E R 1 ! M a g i c Items

This seemingly innocuous door issues a shrill alarm when an

unknown creature walks through it.

Wondrous Item 520 gp Property: You can spend 1 minute to attune any number

of individuals to this door. W h e n a creature other than an attuned individual walks through the door, a shrill alarm sounds and doesn't stop for 1 hour, until that creature leaves through the door, or you command the door to be silent.

Level 12 D o o r W a r d e n

the ornamental face on this door interrogates and Introduces your Visitors.

Wondrous I tem 1 3,000 gp Property: Cast in the shape of a face, this door ornament

is aware of its surroundings and able to speak. W h e n you install a door warden on a portal, the door gains resist 10 to all damage and 40 additional hit points, and can be opened or closed at will by the warden as a minor action. The door warden judges when to open the door or keep it sealed based on your instructions and can communicate with you tclcpathically if you're on the same plane.

Feast Table Level9

This magnificent round oak table seats twelve and provides a magnificent banquet for all present

Wondrous I tem 4.200 gp Power (At-Wi l l ) : Standard Action. A delicious feast for

twelve people appears on the table. Power (At-Wi l l ) : Standard Action. All remnants of the

feast vanish, and the table sparkles with cleanliness.

Cask n/ liifiiid gold and vagabond 's dice

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Gorgonblood M o r t a r leve l 22

Integrating this .special mortar Into your wall grants it a metaphysical denseness.

Wondrous I tem 3 2 5.000 gp Property: You can use this mortar in the construction of up

to 10 contiguous squares of a wall. Creatures that have phasing can't pass through walls so constructed.

Level 23 Holy S h r i n e

Minor angels attend this shrine, ahWiu i ivou to refocusyour divine power for other purposes. Wondrous I tem 4 2 5.000 gp Property: W h e n you spend 24 hours in prayer at the shrine,

you can replace one divine power as if you had gained a level and retrained. After you use this property, you can't use it again until you gain a level.

Level 14 Loadstone S t a t u e

This statue usually takes the form of a dwarf paladin crouched iu ii defensive stance.

Wondrous I tem 21,000 gp Property: Any creature within 5 squares of this statue can't

shift. Property: Any marked creature within 5 squares of this

statue takes a -3 penalty (instead of the normal -2 penalty) to attack rolls when making an attack that doesn't include the creature that marked it.

Magic D r a w b r i d g e

This iron-banded drawbridge resizes to fit the portal it's placed in. then raises or lowers with a single word.

Wondrous I tem 17.000 gp Property: You can command this drawbridge to raise

or lower as a free action. You must be able to see the drawbridge to activate it. and it neither rises if any creature is on it nor lowers if any creature is under it.

Level 25 Magic W e a p o n R a c k

This heavy oak weapon rack recharges weapons and Implements stored on it.

Wondrous I tem 625.000 gp Power (Daily): Use this power during a short rest. The

daily power of a single weapon or implement stored on the rack is recharged.

Mirror of D e c e p t i o n

Whenyou stand before this wrought iron framed mirror, you can change your looks to reflectyour every whim.

Wondrous Item 85,000 gp Power (At -Wi l l • Illusion): Standard Action. You gain the

appearance of a member of any humanoid race of the same size category as you. Your clothing and equipment alter appearance as you desire. The illusion doesn't alter sound or texture, so a creature listening to you or touch ing you might detect the illusion. The illusion lasts until you leave the lair where the mirror resides, or until you end the effect as a free action.

Door u-unfen

Level 11 Ri tua l is t 's L e c t e r n

This heavy teak lectern is engraved with runes and panerns of arcane power.

Wondrous I tem 1 3,000 gp Property: W h e n you use this lectern to master a ritual,

reduce the time necessary to 4 hours, and you can master rituals of a level equal to or less than your level - 2.

Power (At -Wi l l ) : Standard Action. Use this power before performing a ritual that you have mastered. Performing the ritual takes half the normal time. This power has no effect on the time it takes to perform a ritual from a scroll.

S a c r e d G l a d e Level 23

This clearing surrounds a sacred tree. W h e n you meditate by the free.you can refocusyour primal powers.

Wondrous I tem 42 5.000 gp Property: W h e n you spend 24 hours in contemplation in

the glade, you can replace one primal power as if you had gained a level and retrained. After you use this property, you can't use it again until you gain a level.

Sh i f t s tone Level 8

Budding these stones intoyour home removes handholds from would be intruders.

Wondrous I tem 3.400 gp Property: The DC of Athletics checks to climb a building

incorporating shiftstone increases by 10. To gain this benefit, a house requires one batch of shiftstone during construction, a mansion requires five batches, and a castle or larger structure requires twenty-five batches.


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S h i n i n g S u n d i a l Level 10

this gem studded silver sundial reflects tight brilliantly; amplify big radiant effects.

Wondrous I tem 5,000 gp Property: This sundial must be placed in a location where

it receives natural light whi le the sun is up. W h e n you use a radiant attack power, until the end of your next turn, creatures within 10 squares of the sundial gain a + 1 bonus to attack rolls and a + 3 bonus to damage rolls.

S i l e n c e W a r d e d R o o m level 4

This lush chamber offers privacy (oryour conversations.

Wondrous I tem 840 gp Property: W h e n you speak a command word as a free

action, creatures outside the room attempting lo listen to sounds originating in the room take a -10 penalty to Perception checks until you end the effect with another free action. Creatures within the room can hear sounds originating outside the room as normal.

S p y i n g Mi r rors (pa i r ) Level 18

You look into one minor and see out of its twin.

Wondrous I tem 85.000 gp Power (At -Wi l l ) : Standard Action. W h e n each of these

mirrors is affixed to a solid structure and you're adjacent to one of the mirrors, you can see and hear through the other mirror as if you were in its square until the start ol your next turn. If you choose, creatures adjacent to the other mirror can also see and hear through yours.

Special : Spying minors are generally created as a matched pair, each mirror attuned to the other. O n e or more other mirrors can be attuned to both mirrors of a pair, allowing you to use this item's at-will power to look out through any one of the mirrors of the set (add 42,500 gp to the price for each additional mirror attuned). A single mirror can belong to only one set of spying mirrors.

S u n G l o b e Level 1

After being Installed in ii socket on the wail or celling, these fist sized crystal globes shed light when commanded.

Wondrous Item 360 gp Property: You can command this item to shed bright or dim

light either 5 or 10 squares in all directions as a free action (or to shed no light).

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I Teleportat ion D isk Level 14

I IsuaUy set in the floor, this large, ornately inscribed teleporta-Hon circle moves you quickly aroundyour domicile.

Wondrous I tem 21,000 gp Power (At-Wi l l • Teleportation): Move Action. W h e n you

speak a command word while standing on the disk, you teleport to any location in the same residence or structure as a move action.

Throne of D o m i n i o n Level 12

This throne Is carved with ornate filigree and reliefs showing ii king ruling over subjects thai span the chairs entire surface.

Wondrous I tem 1 3,000 gp Property: Whi le you sit on the throne, when a creature you

can sec attempts to deceive, disobey, or betray you. it is stunned (save ends). All creatures you can see take a -3 penalty to attack rolls that target your W i l l .

Power (Daily • Charm): Standard Action. Make an attack: Ranged sight; Charisma + 5 vs. Wi l l ; on a hit, the target is dominated until the end of your next turn.

Throne of G r a n d e u r Level 18

'//lis magnifuent > arved stone throne is decorated with symbols ami images of nobility and heroism.

Wondrous Item 85.000 gp Property: Whi le you sit on the throne, you gain a +4 item

bonus to Diplomacy checks, Insight checks, and Intimidate checks.

Level 17 Vigi lant G a r g o y l e

fhlsghasuj stone gargoyle looks like a typical church decarc tlon, but it's much more than that.

Wondrous I tem 65,000 gp Power (At-Wi l l ) : Minor Action. You can perform this ac

tion from anywhere on the same plane as the structure in which this gargoyle is installed. Until the end of your next turn, you see through the eyes of the vigilant gargoyle as though you were in its square. Whi le under the effect of this power, you're considered blinded in your current location.


For ages, monarchs and despots have used thrones of dominion to sway the thoughts and opinions of their subjects. Stories of the first throne's creation are inconsistent-it's a defining characteristic of the item that it inspires loyalty in followers, who refuse to believe that any other ruler but their own could have produced such a marvel. Prominent in places where rulers have or had few qualms about maintaining control using magic, thrones of dominion were an integral part of the tiefling empire of Bael Turath, and they can be found today in many drow cities and githyanki citadels.

Depose the Tyrant: Anyone who has a number of loyal followers in sway might have a throne of dominion. It's said that Ravel the Ruthless sits on an expensive throne in his hold, and should he be dethroned, none would be saddened.

W a t c h f u l E y e Level 12

lilting the form of some lesser gem in the eye socket of an idol, or just stuck in the middle of a wall, this spy reports all that it sees back to its master.

Wondrous I tem 1 3,000 gp Property: W h e n a creature enters this eye's line of sight,

the eye telepathically warns you of the creature's presence and provides a description, as long as you are on the same plane as the eye.

Level 3 W i n d o w of D e c e p t i o n

A glance through this Jute glass window reveals whdtever voit desire.

Wondrous I tem 680 gp Power (At -Wi l l • Illusion): Standard Action. You create

an illusion seen by any creature looking through the window. The illusion is static and remains until the window is broken or opened, or until you or another creature changes the illusion or ends it with another standard action. W h e n no illusion is presented, creatures see through the window normally. The window can maintain a separate illusion in each direction, and a character using the window can change cither or both at once.

E E H 2 E E 3 I

3 0


W h e n y o u need togei out of a room in a hurry this unremark able Window Is your best escape.

Wondrous I tem 520 gp Property: W h e n you jump or fall out of this window, you

take no damage when you hit the ground, regardless of the distance.

TATTOOS W h e t h e r you call them tats. ink. or body art. magic tattoos are far more than simple aesthetics.

As a mark of group Identity, tattoos help distinguish and empower sects, tribes, guilds, and philosophies. As a personal art form, tattoos can be as aggressive, flamboyant, or delicate as you desire. Given how much a tattoo can represent to the person wearing it. its no surprise that various cultures have learned to infuse those tattoos with magic.

Choosing a magic tattoo entails more than pic king out an enchanted tool that is easy to hide and dillicult to remove. It changes something about your nature in a subtle way. Magic tattoo effects interact with a char acter's intrinsic properties, such as healing surges or action points.

One's mortal form can contain only a small amount of foreign magic, however, so a character can have only one magic tattoo al a time.

O b t a i n i n g a T a t t o o Magic tattoos arc created in a fashion similar to other body art—special inks, enchanted needles, or both are used in the performance of an Enchant Magic Item ritual. A ritual performer can imbue a pattern being tattooed in his or her skin by another creature as well.

C I I A P T L K 1 | Magic Items



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A l t h o u g h s o m e cu l t u res cons ider the act of c rea l i ng the ar t w i t h a need le to be c e n t r a l to ac t i va t ing the mag i c of a tattoo, o the r m e a n s to a c q u i r e ink exist, l i lndr in a r e k n o w n lor the i r habi t ol a l te r ing the sk in t h rough magic ra ther by us ing need les a n d ink. O t h e r c r e a t u r e s avoid the n e e d l e by pa in t i ng a tattoo on w i t h a de l ica te b rush . t hen mag i ca l l y [us ing It w i t h the sk in .

Tat too stones c a n h e d i scove red i n t r easu re hoards a n d lost c i t ies . E a c h d isp lays a pa t te rn or i m a g e o n a Hat su r face . To t ransfer the tat too, a c h a r a c t e r presses that su r face against h i s o r he r s k i n a n d ac t iva tes it as part o l a n ex tended rest. The tattoo a p p e a r s on the cha rac te r ' s s k i n w h e r e it w a s app l i ed , a n d the tattoo stone loses its m a g i c

(Characters c a n a lso a c q u i r e mag i c tattoos th rough agenc ies o the r t han the i r o w n . A cap t i ve he ro c a n w a k e u p h e a r i n g a mag i c tattoo; a n o t h e r charac te r might he forced to accept one t h r o u g h ex tor t ion . S u c h gi f ts a r e st i l l m a g i c a l a n d bene f i c i a l hut a lmost a l w a y s serve ano the r pu rpose as w e l l .

M a g i c tat toos c a n he r e m o v e d on ly t h rough i he use o f the D i senchan t M a g i c I t e m r i tua l (Player 's Handbook, page 304) . w h i c h r e q u i r e s the hearer o f the I at too to h e w i l l i n g or help less lor the dura t ion o f t h e r i t ua l . A t the r i tua l pe r fo rmer ' s d isc re t ion , the r i tua l c a n d isso lve the mag i c a n d leave the tattoo, o r it c a n r e m o v e the a n comple te ly .

TATTOOS o r BLOOD I.it ions ol b lood r<at i w h e n you lake severe wounds . I h e y a r e w o r n over impor tan t c h a n n e l s o l life energy, such as the jugu lar , wr i s t , h e a r t , or the body 's var ious m e r i d i a n s .

B a c k l a s h Tattoo level 9

Boors, shares, and other i features dial enter a frenzy when wounded are used/or this tattoo.

Wondrous I tem 4.200 gp Properly: The first time you're bloodied during an

encounter, you can make a basic attack as an immediate reaction.

Backlash tattoo

Escape Tat too Level 3

Broken chains and skeleton keys are popular images for this tattoo.

Wondrous I tem 680 gp Property: W h e n a nonminion enemy scores a critical hit

against you and deals damage, you can teleport 3 squares as a free action.

R e i n f o r c e m e n t Tattoo level 9

Kobolds. rabbits, and other quick-breeding creatures are shown in this tattoo.

Wondrous I tem 4,200 gp Property: W h e n a nonminion enemy scores a critical hit

against you and deals damage, you can teleport each ally you can see to a space within 3 squares of you as a free action.

level 27 Resurgence Tattoo (Vt'cifuro that return from defeat, such as the phoenix, are popular images for this tattoo.

Wondrous I tem 1.6 2 5.000 gp Property: W h e n a nonminion enemy scores a critical hit

against you and deals damage, you regain the use of an encounter attac k power that you have already used during this encounter.

St r i keback Tattoo Level 9

A viper i> VOtoulWlify part of this tattoo.

Wondrous I tem 4,200 gp Property: W h e n a nonminion enemy scores a critical hit

against you and deals damage, you gain a "2 bonus to attack rolls against that enemy until the end of the encounter.

I e v r l 4 -Tattoo of A r c a n e B l o o d Rods, orbs, the eye of loun. and other images symhofii o/ mag'u are used for this tattoo.

Lvl 4 840 gp Lvl 24 52 5.000 gp Lvl 14 21.000 gp

Wondrous Item Property: The first time you're bloodied during an

encounter, you deal 3 force damage to the enemy that bloodied you. Level 14: 6 force damage. Level 24: 14 force damage.

level 8 Tattoo of t h e Escape Art ist Ihofceu handcujts and lorn straitjackets tire popular for iliis tattoo.

Wondrous Item 3.400 gp Property: W h e n a nonminion enemy scores a critical

hit against you and deals damage, you gain the ability to teleport 1 square as a minor action until the end of the encounter.

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Tattoo of the W o l v e r i n e

This tattoo Is Invariably a wolverine, snarling and bloody, Lvl 7 2,600 gp Lvl 27 1.625.000 gp LvM7 65.000 gp

Wondrous Item Property: The first time you're bloodied during an

encounter, you gain a +1 bonus to your next attack roll and a +2 bonus to your next damage roll before the end of the encounter. Level 17: * 4 bonus to your next damage roll. Level 27: +6 bonus to your next damage roll.

Tattoo of V e n g e a n c e

I his tattoo shows wicked-looking blades and bolls of lightning. representing the comeuppance you will extract

Lvl 5 1.000 gp Lvl 25 625.000 gp Lvl 15 25.000 gp

Wondrous Item Property: w h e n a nonminion enemy scores a critical hit

against you and deals damage, you gain a t 3 bonus to damage rolls against that enemy until the end of the encounter. Level 15: H i bonus to damage rolls. Level 25: i 9 bonus to damage rolls.

T a t t o o s o f B o n d Bonding tattoos b r ing a tight-knit g roup e v e n c loser. They're a way o l (let h i r ing p e r m a n e n t a l l eg iance above a l l else a n d are w o r n in v is ib le locat ions, s u c h as the neck . face, or hands . Tat toos o f b o n d borrow mechanics a n d a p p e a r a n c e s f rom other sorts o f tattoos, but m o r e t h a n o n e cha rac te r must have the same tattoo lor a n y m a r k to w o r k . K a c h charac te r ' s lattoo hears the s a m e image or fo l lows a c l ea r symbolic t heme .

Level 7 Quick -S tep Tattoo

Cheetahs, panthers, and other fast predators serve well for these tattoos.

Wondrous Item 2,600 gp Property: W h e n you spend an action point to

take an extra action, each ally you can see who also has a quick-step lattoo can shift 1 square as a Iree action.

Level 6 Tattoo of B o n d e d Defense

One hero standing before a wounded ally is perfect for these tattoos.

Wondrous Item 1,800 gp Property: The first time you're bloodied during an

encounter, each ally you can see who also has a tattoo of bonded defense can shift 1 square closer to you as an immediate reaction.

Tattoo of B o n d e d Escape Level 6

The image of a surly dwar/hoMiiig a corridor while allies escape works wellJar these tattoos.

Wondrous Item 1.800 gp Property: The first time you're bloodied during an

encounter, each ally you can see who also has a tattoo of bonded escape can shift 1 square farther from you as an immediate reaction.

Level 10 Tattoo of S h a r e d C o n s e q u e n c e

These tattoos usually display a hero taking a wound for another.

Wondrous Item 5.000 gp Property: W h e n a nonminion enemy scores a critical hit

against you and deals damage, one ally who also has a tattoo of shared consequence and is in the attack's range can choose to reduce the damage you take from that attack by any amount and take that amount of damage.


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z 0

attoo o / e n g e a n c e Level 10

Swards. a.ves, implements, or other tools of war crossed in broth erhood serve well for these tattoos. Wondrous Item 5.000 gp Property: W h e n a nonminion enemy scores a critical hit

against you and deals damage, each ally you can see who also has a tattoo of shared vengeance can make a basic attack against that enemy as a free action.

Tattoos of shared vengeance

CM I A 1*1 1 K I I M a g i c I t e m s

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Curse eye tattoo

Tattoo of the S h a r e d H e a r t Level 14

These maris resemble something dear, something to fight on for.

Lvl 14 21,000 gp Lvl 24 525,000 gp

Wondrous I tem Property: W h e n you use your second wind, each ally you

can see who also has a tattoo of the shared heart regains 5 hit points. Level 24 :10 hit points.

T e a m s t r i k e Tat too Level 11

these tattoos frequently show wolves acting as a pack.

Wondrous I tem 9.000 gp Property: W h e n you spend an action point to make an

attack, each ally you can see who also has a teamstrike tattoo gains a i 2 bonus to attack rolls against the first target of your attack until the end of your next turn.

TATTOOS OF HEART Tat toos of hear t d e a l w i t h h e a l t h a n d hea l i ng surges. T h e y ' r e gene ra l l y w o r n o v e r t h e hear t o r the wa is t c h a k r a , a n a rea that most cu l t u res cons ide r the seat o i the body 's e n e r g y

Level 10^ Eager Hero 's Tat too Scenes showing one warrior against many or a lone victorious hero are popular for this tattoo.

Lvl 10 5.000 gp Lvl 30 3.12 5.000 gp Lvl 20 125,000 gp

Wondrous I tem Property: W h e n you take a short rest, you gain temporary

hit points equal to 5 + the number of healing surges you have spent since your last extended rest. level 20: 10 + twice the number of healing surges you have

spent since your last extended rest. Level 30:1 5 - three times the number of healing surges

you have spent since your last extended rest.

I ronhear t Tat too Level 8^

Ironheart tattoos represent in symbol or image how :he bearer can't be conquered.

Lvl 8 3,400 gp Lvl 28 2,125.000 gp Lvl 18 85,000 gp

Wondrous I tem Property: W h e n you spend a healing surge, you gain

resistance against the next damage dealt to you equal to the number of healing surges you have spent since your last extended rest. Level 18: Twice the number of healing surges you have

spent since your last extended rest. Level 28: Three times the number of healing surges you

have spent since your last extended rest.

Level 7 L o n g - B a t t l e Tattoo This tattoo is often depicted as a shield surrounded by weapons.

Wondrous I tem 2,600 gp Property: W h e n you hit with a daily attack power, you gain

a bonus to the damage roll equal to the number of healing surges you have spent since your last extended rest.

S t r o n g h e a r t Tattoo Level 8̂

This linage shows why the hero fights on.

Lvl 8 3.400 gp Lvl 28 2.125,000 gp Lvl 18 85,000 gp

Wondrous I tem Property: W h e n you spend a healing surge, you regain extra

hit points equal to the number of healing surges you have spent since your last extended rest. Level 18: Twice the number of healing surges you have

spent since your last extended rest. Level 28: Three times the number of healing surges you

have spent since your last extended rest.

Level 7 Tattoo of the U n l u c k y Hroken coins, three-leaf clovers, mirror shards, or all three do nicely for this tattoo.

Wondrous I tem 2.600 gp Property: W h e n you miss with a daily attack power that has

an effect on a miss, that effect deals extra damage equal to the number of healing surges you have spent since your last extended rest.

TATTOOS OF SPIRIT Tat toos of spir i t grant man i fes t h e r o i s m in m o m e n t s w h e n a c h a r a c t e r st r ives for g rea tness , a d d i n g effect to ac t ion points . T h e y a r e w o r n i n m a n y p laces a n d have great va r ie ty .

t; H A P I J- R l ! Manic Items

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B r e a k c h a i n Ta t too I evei 1 3 s I hie broken link is enough for the symbolism, bu\ many use a full * fuiiii.

Lvl 13 17.000 gp Lvl 2 3 42 5.000 gp Wondrous I tem Property: W h e n you spend an action point to take an extra

action, you ignore immobilizing, restraining, and slowing effects on you until the end of your turn. Level 23: You can also end one effect on you that is Immo

bilizing, restraining, or slowing you.

Level 8 Curse E y e Tat too

J Jus tattoo is a small eye, often in the center of the forehead,

which blinks when used.

Wondrous I tem 3.400 gp Property: W h e n you spend an action point to take an extra

action, one enemy within 10 squares of you that you can see takes a -2 penalty to saving throws (save ends).

emonsk in Tattoo Level 3*

Not ull societies understand that tattooing a portion of demon skin onto your body isn't an evil act

Lvl 3 680 gp Lvl 23 425.000 gp Lvl 13 17,000 gp

Wondrous I tem Property: W h e n you spend an action point to take an extra

action, choose acid, cold, fire, lightning, or thunder. You gain resist 5 to the chosen damage type until the end of the encounter. Level 73: Resist 10. Level 23: Resist 15.

Dist ract ing Tat too Level 6

Any small, bright image in a highly visible place is sufficient.

Wondrous I tem 1.800 gp Property: W h e n you spend an action point to take an extra

action, you end any mark affecting you.

Level 4 -Fireheart Tat too

Asyou call upon its power, flames /lore and twist around the heart at the center of this taitoo.

Lvl 4 840 gp Lvl 24 52 5.000 gp Lvl 14 21,000 gp

Wondrous I tem Property: W h e n you spend an action point to take an extra

action, you gain 5 temporary hit points. Level 74: 10 temporary hit points. Level 24: 15 temporary hit points.

Level 8 Fleet H e r o Tat too

This mark often takes the form of wings tattooed on the ankles.

Lvl 8 3.400 gp Lvl 28 2.125.000 gp Lvl 18 85.000 gp

Wondrous I tem Property: W h e n you spend an action point to take an extra

action, you gain a 1 1 bonus to speed until the end of your next turn. Level 78: +2 bonus to speed. Level 28: +3 bonus to speed.

Ghost w a l k Tat too Level 26

Artists point this tattoo using vague or amorphous designs and avoiding color.

Wondrous Item 1.125,000 gp Property: W h e n you spend an action point to take an extra

action, until the end of your turn you gain phasing and become insubstantial.

G r e a c w i n g Tat too U v e l T S I A wing, a feather, or any w rifled creature-dragons or couatls are popular-will do for this tattoo.

Lvl 18 85.000 gp Lvl 28 2,125,000 gp Wondrous Item Property: W h e n you spend an action point to take an extra

action, you also gain a fly speed equal to your speed until the end of your turn. Level 28: You gain a fly speed equal to your speed -i 6.


An experienced adventurer keeps an unpredictable assort-

incur of magic nearby. It helps counter the unpredictable

trouble fliat predictably be/alls him.

Use it. anil it's gone. That's the nature ol a consum

able item, and for that reason some put off using such

an item because it could be useful in the future. Hut

because there might be no tomorrow- sometimes

literally- the hold adventurer knows that a dead hero

drinks no potions and quai ls the draught when he or

she has I he chance.

This section is divided into three groups, hirst are

potions, elixirs, and other sundry one-shot items.

Second arc reagents that can he used to improve spe

cific types of powers. Thi rd are immurements, which

arc powerful one-shot items that reshape the land

scape w hen used.

R E A G E N T S C l a y of C r e a t i o n

Your summoned creatures are tougher when you use tlu> material,

Lvl 7 100gp Lvl 27 65.000 gp Lvl 17 2.600 gp

Reagent P o w e r (Consumable): Free Action. You expend this re

agent when you use a summoning power of up to 5th level. The summoned creature gains 5 temporary hit points, and the first t ime it misses with an attack, you reroll that attack roll but must use the second result. Level 17: Power of up to 1 5th level, 10 temporary hit

points. Level 27: Power of up tin 25th level. 1 5 temporary hit


t: I I A P T E K 1 | Ma#ic Items

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Flash F l o w e r L e v e l ! 1 -

This flower, which is sometimes found near lightning struck ground, contains electrical magic.

Lvl 11 350 gp Lvl 21 9,000 gp Reagent Power (Consumable): Free Action. You expend this re

agent when you hit with a lightning power of up to 7th level. You choose one target hit by the attack. It's also blinded until the end of your next turn. This reagent has no effect if the power already blinds the target. Level 2 1 : Power of up to 17th level.

Level 11-R u s t B a r k

When ground iuto a fine dust, this reddish tree hark expands the area of your powers.

Lvl 11 350 gp Lvi 21 9,000 gp Reagent Power (Consumable): Free Action. You expend this re

agent when you use an area burst power of up to 5 th level that has a damage keyword. The size of the burst increases by 1 . Level 2 1 : Power of up to 1 5th level.

S i l v e r S a n d Level 8t

Your healing powers become more effective after you coat your hands with this fine sand.

Lvl 8 125gp Lvl 28 85.000 gp Lvl 18 3.400 gp

Reagent Power (Consumable • Healing): Free Action. You expend

this reagent when you use a healing puwci of up to 6lh level. The target of the power regains 5 additional hit points. Level 18: Power of up to 16th level. 10 additional hit

points. Level 28: Power of up to 26th level. 1 5 additional hit


Silver sand

V o r t e x S t o n e

This stone from the Shadowfell imbues your conjurations with a magical field that saps your foes' strength.

Lvl 8 125gp Lvl 28 85,000 gp Lvl 18 3.400 gp

Reagent Power (Consumable): Free Action. You expend this re

agent when you use a conjuration power of up to 6th level. Wh i le the conjuration is in effect, enemies adjacent to it take a - 2 penalty to attack rolls. Level 18: Power of up to 16th level. Level 28: Power of up to 26th level.

IMMUREMENTS A n I m m u r e m e n t is a ra re fo rm o f m a g i c a l pr ison that con ta ins a p lace that has been sea led a w a y f rom the rest o l the wo r l d . T h e e n c h a n t m e n t s placet I on im inuremen ts a r e fragi le; w h e n a n i m m u r e m e n t ' s p o w e r is e x p e n d e d i n a blast, it re leases the te r ra in a n d effects Conta ined w i t h i n it into the blast a r e a for a short t ime.

E a c h I m m u r e m e n t desc r i p t i on p rov i des l h e lea t u res o l t h e t e r r a i n a n d ef fects c o n t a i n e d w i t h i n it. R e f e r to the i l lus t ra t ion of e a c h i m m u r e m e n t lor p l a c e m e n t o f spec i f i c t e r r a i n .

I ) M s s h o u l d be c a r e f u l w i t h a l l o w i n g i m m u r e m e n t s in to a g a m e , b e c a u s e they c a n r e n d e r lov ingly c ra f t ed set p ieces less m e m o r a b l e . Fo r a g r o u p us ing o n e . it's use fu l to h a v e the new te r ra in p r e p a r e d in a d v a n c e a n d ready for use , w h e t h e r it's p r in ted out , d r a w n o n a bat t le mat . or la id out in D & D ™ Dungeon i'iles.


Skasshaa was a demonweb terror spider of great age, might,

and arrogance. She ruled her domain with eager ruthless-

ness, allowing no creature to enter her lair and live.

W h e n she returned from a week-long hunt one morn

ing, she discovered a mortal of noble mien waiting for her

amid her trophies. He declared that his people had hunted

her for generations, and now her punishment was at hand.

The mortal was prepared, and their battle was short. He

fashioned the clear sphere of one of her many eyes into an

immurement that contained her domain, sealing away the

heart of the region's evil so that the land could recover.

Skasshaa Returns: Less one eye and a century's worth

of pride. Skasshaa hunts again for what was taken from

her body and from her domain. She seeks those who have

an immurement of baleful gossamer and is tearing through

mortal civilization in her search.

Protect the Immurement: The mortal who created

the immurement concealed it within a temple in an altar

to Sehanine. Stories say that the immurement waits for

a new hero to release it from the altar when Skasshaa

returns to the world. But rumors also hint that the temple

is now guarded by blackspawn gloomwebs and an elder

black dragon that rules over them.

C H A P T E R 1 I Magic Items

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Immurement of arcane nuypttision

Immurement of Arcane Suspension Level 24

This chunk of earth feels as light as a feather.

Other Consumable 21,000 gp Power (Daily): Move Action. You can move 4 squares verti

cally and then 1 square horizontally. At the start of your next turn, you float safely to the ground. This power is lost when you use the immurement's consumable power.

Power (Consumable): Standard Action. You destroy this immurement and change the terrain in a close blast 8 until the end of the encounter. Replace the terrain in the blast with the following terrain and effects. • The marked areas tear themselves free of the ground

(and any moorings they're attached to) and rise to float 4 squares above the ground. A creature on one of these floating sections has cover against creatures on the ground.

• I here are shallow pits where the ground pulls away. Treat these areas as difficult terrain.

• At the start of your turn, shift each floating object 1 square in any direction. Creatures on the object move with it.

• The other terrain in the area doesn't change. Special: Using this item counts as a use of a magic item

daily power.

Immurement of Baleful Gossamer Level 28

A tree surrounded In cobwebs is visible within this soft, clear sphere.

Other Consumable 85.000 gp Power (Consumable): Standard Action. You expend this

immurement and change the terrain in a close blast 8 until the end of the encounter. Replace the terrain in the blast with the following terrain and effects. • Squares filled with webs are difficult terrain. • The tree in the center of the area is difficult terrain

that costs 2 extra squares to enter and provides cover. • W h e n a creature starts its turn in a web square, you

make an attack against that creature: + 27 vs. Reflex: on a hit. the target is immobilized until the start of its next turn. On a miss, the target is slowed until the start of its next turn.

Special: Using this item counts as a use of a magic item daily power.


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Immurement of hateful gossamer

Immurement of Seething Scoria Level 26

You transplant a section of a great lava lake into the battlefield In shuttering this hunk of obsidian.

Other Consumable 4S.000 gp Power (Consumable): Standard Action. You expend this

immurement and change the terrain in a close blast 4 until the end of the encounter. Replace the terrain in the blast with the following terrain and effects. • Squares of lava are difficult terrain. • W h e n a creature starts its turn in a lava square, you

make an attack against that creature: 30 vs. Reflex: on a hit, the target takes 3d8 fire damage, and ongoing 10 fire damage (save ends).

Special: Using this item counts as a use of a magic item daily power.

Immurement of seething scoria

RPGA PLAY ADVICE When participating in an RPGA" event, a player who wants to use an immurement has a responsibility to the other players, the DM, and the event organizers to make this complex item operate as efficiently as possible. The responsibility is on the player to have a usable map, either drawn clearly to scale or constructed from Dungeon Tiles, to place on the table when he or she invokes the power of the immurement. Otherwise, play slows as a new map must be constructed and the game threatens to exceed its allotted time. Players can find printable maps for the items described in this section on the D & D ™ Insider web site at www.dndinsider.com.

C H A P T E R 1 ' M a g i c I t e m s

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Immurement of the abandotied throne

I m m u r e m e n t of

t h e A b a n d o n e d T h r o n e

This marred bronze scepter has had the sigil of the kingdom it once represented scratched off its surface.

Other Consumable 21.000 gp Power (Consumable): Standard Action. You expend this

immurement and change the terrain in a close blast 4 until the end of the encounter. Replace the terrain in the blast with the following terrain and effects. • The dais is 1 square higher than the ground. Entering the

dais from the ground costs 1 extra square of movement. • Any creature diat starts its turn within 2 squares of the

throne is dazed until the end of its turn. Special : Using this item counts as a use of a magic item

daily power.

Immurement of the blood vine

I m m u r e m e n t of t h e B l o o d V i n e Level 24

When this branch from the holly tree that always bears new growth is snapped, it spmnis what was once the heart of a forest.

Other Consumable 21,000 gp Power (Consumable): Standard Action. You expend this

immurement and change the terrain in a close blast 4 until the end ol the encounter. Keplace the terrain in the blast with the following terrain and effects. • Small tree squares provide cover to creatures in them.

The large tree square is a solid obstacle. • At the start of your turn, you can have vines on the tree

wrap up a creature. Make an attack against one enemy within 2 squares of the tree: +27 vs. Reflex: on a hit, the target is pulled adjacent to the tree, and is restrained and takes ongoing 10 damage (save ends both).

Specia l : Using this item counts as a use of a magic item daily power.

C H A P PER I , Magic Items

I m m u r e m e n t of t h e D r a g o n B o n e y a r d level 2 5

A miniature boneyard. complete with a massive dragon skull in the center, is visible within this crystal sphere.

Other Consumable 2 5.000 gp Power (Consumable): Standard Action. You expend this

immurement and change the terrain in a close blast 4 until the end of the encounter. Replace the terrain in the blast wi th the following terrain and effects. • The area has natural illumination providing dim light. • The squares filled with bones on the ground level are

difficult terrain. • The dragon skull platform is 2 squares higher than the

ground (Athletics DC 26 to climb). • At the start of your turn, make an attack against each

enemy on a bone square: +30 vs. AC; on a hit, the target takes 2d10 + 5 damage, and you slide the target 1 square (as bones shift and move it).

Special: Using this item counts as a use of a magic item daily power.

Immurement of the dragon boneyard


Arnod the Loyal returned to his home of Greatfalls one late spring to discover that disaster had befallen the town. A dragon had passed through, slaying the living and destroying the crypt that contained all the town's ancestors.

After overcoming his grief, Arnod succumbed to vengeance. At great risk, he sought out the remains of the dragon's ancestors and bound their bones, piece by piece, within a small crystal sphere. His task complete, he made his desecration known to the dragon and then concealed the immurement.

Acquire Musty Maps: Rumors say that Arnoti the Loyal changed the sphere into a pile of maps, each depicting a portion of the realm contained within the spherp, and then scattered the scraps of paper across the world. If true, collecting and reuniting all the maps would reveal an immuremen*. of the dragon boneyard.

Continued Vengeance: The dragon that Arnod sought vengeance against has recovered the sphere containing her ancestors and is pondering the best way to safely retrieve the remains. Arnod's descendants are looking for a band of heroes to retrieve the sphere and dare her displeasure.

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Immurement of the mordant hMeawaj

Immurement of Level 28

t h e M o r d a n t H i d e a w a y

This hunk of stone contains a cavern interior dolled with small pools o/l'iil'l'/iiii| acid flnit oausiomillv geyser.

Other Consumable 8 5,000 gp Power (Consumable): Standard Action. You expend this

immurement and change the terrain in a close blast 4 until the end of the encounter. Replace the terrain in the blast with the following terrain and effects. • The upper shelf is 2 squares higher than the lower sec

tion of ground (Athletics DC 28 to climb) • The pools of acid are difficult terrain, and any creature

moving into a pool or starting its turn in one takes 3d6 acid damage.

• At the start of your turn, roll a d6 for each acid pool. On a 6, make an attack: Close burst 1 ; +32 vs. Reflex: on a hit. the target takes 3d8 + 5 acid damage, and a -4 penalty to AC and ongoing 10 acid damage (save ends both).

Special: Using this item counts as a use of a magic item daily power.

* X 7 "vfe.

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iiirrmriil of the vengeful river

Immurement of the strident sruliuirt

Immurement of the Strident Statuary Level 28

.\Jiu.'h appointed hall shimmers into existence, surrounding combatants with sentient statues, that tarry vicious swords.

Other Consumable 8 5,000 gp Power (Consumable): Standard Action. You expend this

immurement and change the terrain in a close blast 8 until the end of the encounter. Replace the terrain in the blast with the following terrain and effects. • The platform is 1 square higher than the ground.

Entering a platform square from the ground costs 1 extra square of movement.

• Healing effects used on you or your allies within the blast heal an additional 4d6 hit points.

• Your enemies' movement provokes opportunity attacks from the statues. Make an attack: +35 vs. AC; on a hit, the target takes 2d8 r 8 damage, and if the target is moving, it ends its movement.

Special: Using this item counts as a use of a magic item daily power.

Immurement of the Vengeful River Level 26 Whenyou use this Immurement, it spawns a marina, river that appears from an unknown source and runs off in all directions.

Other Consumable 45.000 gp Power (Consumable): Standard Action. You expend this

immurement and change the terrain in a close blast 4 until the end of the encounter. Replace the terrain in the blast with the following terrain and effects. • The water squares are 2 squares deep. A DC 20

Athletics check is required to swim in this water. • At the start of your turn, slide each creature in the

water 1 square toward the south end of the area. Then slide each creature adjacent to a whirlpool into a whirlpool square. Then pull each creature in a whirlpool square down 1 square.

• The bridge is 1 square above the water. It's normal terrain and provides cover against creatures in the water.

• The water disperses normally after the encounter. Special: Using this item counts as a use of a magic item

daily power.

l/l til C2

z 0 u

IMMUREMENT OF THE MORDANT HIDEAWAY Thef t of Akzos ia l ' s P o w e r : A f amed dragon slayer and

her fo l lowers seek a n immurement of the mordant hideaway, bel ieving they can use it in a ritual to steal Akzosial 's might. The dragon w h o currently holds the immuremen t approaches the heroes. H e asks the group to keep the immuremen t f rom falling into the dragonslayer 's hands.

The rocky cave conta ined in this pi t ted ball of stone w a s once the seat of p o w e r for the b lack d ragon Akzos ia l . According to legend, the dragon w a s a w a y f rom its lair when a group of heroes stole the hear t of the cave , w h i c h contained the power to make Akzosial immorta l . Though the dragon raged, the immuremen t w a s never recovered .

C H A P 1 B R 1 | M a g i c / r e i n s

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SOME MAGIC i tems w e r e m a d e to work together; W h e n a l l the i tems be long ing to a set a r e co l lec ted a n d w ie l ded in u n i s o n , the i r p o w e r b e c o m e s g rea te r t h a n the s u m o f t he i r par ts . I ) e p e n d i n g o n how m u c h o l a mag ic i t em set has b e e n assemb led , its co l lec t i ve i t ems c a n grant add i t i ona l qua l i t ies , di f ferent p roper t ies , a n d new-powers to the i r w ie l de rs .

A mag ic i tem set con ta ins four or m o r e i t ems that a cha rac te r or a pa r t y c a n col lect . E a c h set has at least o n e set benef i t that is r e v e a l e d w h e n a m i n i m u m n u m b e r o f the set's i tems a r e used together. S o m e set i t ems a lso have i nd i v i dua l p roper t ies or effects that d e p e n d on the n u m b e r of o ther set i tems b e i n g u s e d .

W h e n a set hene l i t g ran ts a da i l y power , us ing that p o w e r doesn' t count t o w a r d the l imi t o f m a g i c i tem da i l y p o w e r s a c h a r a c t e r c a n use i n a day.

T o qua l i f y for a n i tem set's benef i ts , a c h a r a c t e r must be w i e l d i n g or w e a r i n g one or m o r e i tems f rom the set. A s towed i tem (for e x a m p l e , a m a g i c c loak stuffed in a pack ) doesn't count t o w a r d a set's benef i ts ( though a shea thed w e a p o n is cons ide red to he w o r n ) . W o n d r o u s i t ems a r e a n except ion a n d n e e d on ly h e c a r r i e d in o rder (or a c h a r a c t e r to ga in a n itetn set's benef i ts .

E a c h m a g i c i t em in a set c a n s tand a l o n e . N o i tem needs to be used w i t h a n o t h e r o f its set to func t i on .

T h i s chap te r p rov ides i tem sets in four var ie t ies .

• H e r o i c T i e r I t e m S e t s : A c h a r a c t e r just s ta r t ing his or h e r a d v e n t u r i n g c a r e e r c a n benef i t f rom the add i t i ona l p o w e r g ran ted by these i tem sets.

• P a r a g o n T i e r I t e m S e t s : A s a cha rac te r b e c o m e s a n e l i te representa t i ve ol a chosen pa th , o n e of these i t e m sets c a n a d d to h is or h e r repu ta t ion .

• E p i c T i e r I t e m S e t s : I l ie might iest he roes d e s e r v e the most fantast ic panop ly ol i tems.

• G r o u p I t e m S e t s : T h e s e i tem sets a r e m e a n t to h e used by a n en t i re pa r t y at va r ious levels o f play.

C H A P I K K 1 Item Sets

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T h e s e i tem sets a r c su i tab le for P C s at t h e b e g i n n i n g

of the i r a d v e n t u r i n g ca ree rs .

ALEHEART COMPANIONS' GEAR T h e A l e h e a r t C o m p a n i o n s ' G e a r is a set o f i tems first c ra f ted for a legendary C n d e r d a r k a d v e n t u r i n g group. T h e i tems in the set w e r e des igned by d w a r v e s for the benef i t o f the i r a o n d w a r f a l l ies , so that those a l l i es migh t be gi f ted w i t h the inna te qua l i t i es o f t h e d w a r f race .

LORE His tory D C 7: T h e A l e h e a r t C o m p a n i o n s w e r e

m e m b e r s o f a n a d v e n t u r i n g pa r t y that o w e d its start to t h r e e t ime -hono red d w a r v e n t rad i t ions: d r i n k i n g , c o m p l a i n i n g , a n d tak ing a d a r e . A g r o u p of d w a r f m i n e r s fed up w i t h w o r k i n g lor the prof i t o f o thers g r u m b l e d once too often to the i r h u m a n , e l l . a n d d r a g o n b o r n d r i n k i n g c o m p a n i o n s . T h e n o n d w a r v e s cha l l enged the i r f r iends to s t r ike out a n d set up the i r o w n m i n e ra ther t h a n end less ly c o m p l a i n i n g . T h e d w a r v e s a g r e e d to the cha l l enge , p r o v i d e d that the i r f r iends jo ined t h e m in the i r e l lb r ts .

His tory D C 12: C a l l i n g t h e m s e l v e s the A l e h e a r t C o m p a n i o n s , the f r iends set o i l ' on a m i s s i o n of explorat ion into the I I nde rda rk . 1 l owever . ra the r t han the mo the r lode they hoped to f i nd , they r a n into I.olth b o u n d gob l ins a n d bugbear ra iders s t r i k i ng out f rom a n a rea of dead l y c a v e r n s k n o w n a s t h e I l ow l i ng W a r r e n s . U s i n g the i r d u n g e o n e e r i n g k n o w l e d g e to good e f f e c t the d w a r v e s m a n a g e d to defeat the i r foes th rough c u n n i n g a n d a m b u s h .

W h e n the bat t le was d o n e , the c o m p a n i o n s rea l ized tha i loot ing the i r e n e m i e s y i e l ded m o r e prof i t t h a n the i r honest labor ever h a d . T h u s d i d th is m i xed bag of m i n e r s a n d d r i n k e r s take the i r f irst steps toward b e c o m i n g legendary a d v e n t u r e r s .

His tory D C 17: W i t h the prof i ts o f the i r n e w t rade, the d w a r v e s o l ( h e c o m p a n i o n s c o m m i s s i o n e d mag ic i tems to he lp the i r n o n d w a r l a l l i es s u r v i v e the U n d e r d a r k . T h o u g h the A l e h e a r t C o m p a n i o n s have passed into history, a d v e n t u r i n g pa r t i es spec ia l i z ing i n the exp lora t ion o f anc ien t r u i n s a n d the u n d e r g r o u n d covet the i t ems that b e a r the C o m p a n i o n s ' n a m e .

C o l l e c t i n g a l l the A l e h e a r t C o m p a n i o n s ' G e a r e n h a n c e s a d w a r f s i nna te rac ia l ab i l i t ies , or g ran ts d w a r f l i k e abi l i t ies to o ther races. S o m e stor ies suggest that a b e a r e r o f these i tems b e c o m e s m o r e l ike a d w a r f i l l m a n n e r a n d a p p e a r a n c e , but these are mos t l ike ly id le r u m o r s .



Lvl N a m e Price (gp) Item Slot 2+ Armor of dwarven vigor 520 Armor

5+ Rousing hammer D l_J — — _ I ' l l

1,000 Weapon ~3 A f\C\ A

o Hammer shield

9 Clear-blood baldric 3.4UU Arms

4,200 Waist


Pieces Benefi t 2 You gain a +2 item bonus to Dungeoneering

checks and Endurance checks.

4 You gain resist poison *

Constitution modifier.

»qual to 10 + your

A r m o r of D w a r v e n V igor Level 2+

Tin's armor, which appears to be crafted of chiseled stone, gram you the endurance of a dwarf warrior.

Lvl 2 +1 520 gp Lvl 17 4-4 65,000gp Lv l7 +2 2.600 gp Lvl 22 +5 325.000gp Lvl 12 +3 13.000 gp Lvl 27 +6 1.625.000gp Armor Chain, scale, plate Enhancement: AC Power (Daily • Healing): Minor Action. You use your

second wind and regain an additional 1d6 hit points per plus.

Special: If you're a dwarf, you can use this armor"s power as a free action on your turn.

C H A P T E R 2 I Item Sets

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Clear B l o o d B a l d r i c Level 9

Tlii* protective power of Site belt guarantees mat joes who hide behind the cowardice of poison will regret it.

Item Slot: Waist 4.200 gp Property: Nondwarf allies within 3 squares of you gain a +5

item bonus to saving throws against poison effects.

Level H H a m m e r S h i e l d

The hammer sigil emblazoned on this steel shield strengthens ike arm that wields a hummer in battle.

Item Slot: Arms 3.400 gp Shield: Any Property: W h e n you hit an enemy with an attack power

using a hammer while wielding this shield, you gain a +1 bonus to all defenses until the start of your next turn.

Level 5 Rousing H a m m e r llie wrath you deal out with this dwanen hummer instills vigor in von r allies.

Lvl 5 +1 1.000gp Lvl 20 i 4 125,OOOgp Lvl 10 ¥1 5.000 gp Lvl 25 +5 625.000 gp Lvl 15 +3 2 5.000 gp Lvl 30 +6 3.125.000 gp Weapon: Hammer Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Critical: +1d6 damage per plus Property: W h e n you hit an enemy with this weapon, each

ally you can see can stand up as a free action.

A R M S OF W A R The A n n s o f W a r w e r e o n c e w i e l d e d by (bur g e n e r

als u ho led the i r h u m a n k i n g d o m s in ba t t le aga ins t

a great hobgob l in e m p i r e . I \ach gene ra l w a s k n o w n

as the mas te r o f a d i f ferent aspec t ol m a r t i a l strategy,

and the w a r r i o r w h o o w n s a l l t he i r t r easu res g a i n s a

measure of the i r sk i l l .

LORE H i s t o r y D C 7: I n ages past , a l l ied h u m a n k ingdoms

fought a hobgobl in e m p i r e in a great wax tha i c rea ted legendary heroes on both sides. The f ierce c l a n lords of the hobgobl in a r m i e s w e r e Opposed by four h u m a n generals, e a c h o f w h o m exemplified a different a rea o f combat prowess. Kor ra w a s a n expert in countera t tacks . Teron's forces w e r e u n e q u a l l e d in the de fens ive tact ics ol the sh ie ld w a l l . Ju l i ana ' s t roops w e r e legendary lor their ski l l at Hanking and posi t ioning. M a n d u w a s t h e undisputed mas te r o f m a r t i a l w e a p o n t ra in ing .

I hough the j c a m e f r o m d i f fe ren t l a n d s that h a d (ought e a c h o the r in the past , a l l four l eaders w o r k e d together to p resent a u n i f i e d response to t h e hobgoblin forces.

H i s t o r y D C 12: T h r o u g h the c o m b i n e d e l lb r ts of the lour gene ra l s , the h u m a n a r m i e s de fea ted t h e hobgobl ins, t hough at great loss. T e r o n a n d J u l i a n a fel l while ho ld i ng o i l the hobgob l i n l ines s ing le -handed ly , granting the forces they led t i m e to r eg roup b e h i n d them. K o r r a a n d M a n d u s u r v i v e d to be h o n o r e d bv their k i n g d o m s a n d t h e so ld iers w h o se rved t h e m .

O v e r l i m e , the h u m a n k i n g d o m s w e r e conso l i

da ted a n d the i r a r m i e s p l a c e d u n d e r t h e l e a d e r s h i p

o f a s ing le g e n e r a l g i f ted w i t h t h e a r m s a n d a r m o r o f

l h e four w h o h a d c o m e be lb re h i m . I l o w e v e r . w a r s o i

s t r i fe a n d success ion e v e n t u a l l y sha t te red the k i n g

d o i n once m o r e , a n d the A n n s o f W a r w e r e sca t te red

ac ross n e w l ands .

H i s t o r y D C 17: D e s p i t e the i r r a n k . K o r r a . T e r o n .

J u l i a n a , a n d M a n d u m a d e it t he i r m iss ion to l ight

a longs ide t h e t roops w h o s e r v e d t h e m , e v e n w h e n

d o i n g so put the i r o w n l i ves i n dange r . C o l l e c t i n g a l l

t h e A r m s o f W a r e n h a n c e s t h e w i e l d c r ' s ab i l i t y to

t ake a d v a n t a g e o f o p p o n e n t s ' v u l n e r a b i l i t i e s a n d to

p ro tec t a l l i e s .

When your enemy drops its guard,you lash out at your Joe, distracting if further to allow a nearby ally to freely fire upon it.

Dai ly Free Act ion Close burst 5 Trigger: You make an opportunity attack Target: One ally in burst Effect: The target makes a ranged basic attack against the

target of your opportunity attack as a free action.

L . -V . . I 7 D u a l - T h r e a t G a u n t l e t s When you and an ally fight together, the power of these gaunt lets heightens bothyour u Murks.

I tem Slot: Hands 2.600 gp Power (Dai ly): Minor Action. Until the end of the

encounter, while you're flanking an enemy, you and the ally flanking with you gain an additional +1 bonus to attack rolls against that enemy.

H e l m of E x e m p l a r y D e f e n s e The power of this helm grants you and your allies an advantage against foes who leave themselves open.

I tem Slot: Head 1.800 gp Property: You and each ally within 3 squares of you deal 2

extra damage when you hit with opportunity attacks.


Lvl N a m e Pr ice (gp ) I tem Slot I 5+ W e a p o n of great 1,000

opportuni ty

W e a p o n

6 H e l m of exemplary defense 1,800

7 Dual- threat gaunt lets 2 ,600

8 Pincer shield 3,400

H e a d 6 H e l m of exemplary defense 1,800

7 Dual- threat gaunt lets 2 ,600

8 Pincer shield 3,400 A r m s


P ieces Benef i t

2 For each two i tems you have from this set, you

gain a +1 bonus to opportuni ty at tack rolls.

4 You gain the ally's opportunity power, described below.

Ally's Opportunity Item Set Power

Page 92: 4e Adventurers Vault 2 OCR

P i n t e r Shield Level8

this shield extend* its protection from you to your Jlank'mo oily.

Item Slot: Arms 3,400 gp Shield: Heavy Property: Wh i le you're flanking an enemy with an ally, that

ally gains a +1 shield bonus to AC and Reflex.

W e a p o n o f G r e a t O p p o r t u n i t y Level 5 '

You take advantage of a foes vulnerability to del irer ii devastat ing strike with this weapon.

Lvl 5 +1 1,000 gp Lvl 20 +4 125,000 gp Lvl 10 +2 5,000 gp Lvl 2 5 +5 625.000 gp Lvl 15 H-3 2 5,000 gp Lvl 30 - 6 3.12 5.000 gp Weapon: Any melee Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Critical: -1d8 damage per plus Power (Encounter): Free Action. Trigger. You hit with an

opportunity attack. Effect: Deal 1 d8 extra damage per plus of the weapon.

BLADE DANCERS REGALIA The o r i g i n o f the mys te r ious c o m b a t a r t k n o w n as

the b l ade d a n c e is hot ly contes ted a m o n g those w h o

study a n d p e r f o r m it. T h i s m a n n e r o f f i gh t ing is

k n o w n tor its g race a n d con t ro l , a n d p rac t i t i one rs o f

the b l ade d a n c e c a n be found a m o n g a l l races a n d

Cu l tu res . E a c h g r o u p of b l ade d a n c e r s c a n h e eas i l y

d i s t i n g u i s h e d by the de ta i l s o f the i r u n i q u e s ty le .

H o w e v e r , t h e u n d e r l y i n g s im i l a r i t i es o f t h e I b r m

r e m a i n a p p a r e n t .

LORE His tory D C 5 : T h e b lade d a n c e is a n anc ien t

c o m b a t art w h o s e or ig ins a re sh rouded in mys te ry .

P r a c t i c e d by a w i d e va r ie ty o f cu l tu res a n d races, th is

d i s t inc t i ve t w o w e a p o n style incorpora tes f l o w i n g

d a n c e l i k e m o v e s into its a t tacks a n d de fenses . Mos t

b lade d a n c e r s cons ider t he i r o w n style to b e o r ig ina l

a n d de f in i t i ve , m a r k i n g a l l o thers as m e r e imi ta tors .

B l a d e d a n c e r s a re qu ick to light a m o n g themse lves to

establ ish the i r super ior i ty . I lowever . regard less o f thei r

c h o s e n schoo l , b lade d a n c e r s a l l covet a set o f spec ia l

ized rega l ia w h o s e or ig ins a re as old as the I b r m .

H i s t o r y D C 10: A m o n g d w a r v e s , the b lade d a n c e

is c a l l e d M o r a d i n ' s D r u m s . It favors s teady r h y t h m s

a n d h e a v y w e a p o n s s u c h as h a m m e r s a n d axes .

A m o n g the e l a d r i n a n d o t h e r be ings o f the F e y w i l d .

t he l i gh t i ng sty le is k n o w n as ( i o rc l l on ' s W a r C h a n t

a n d is p rac t i ced w i t h longs w o r d s . T h e e l ves h a v e

a d a p t e d it to l ighter b lades , a n d it's sa id that the d r o w

h a v e the i r o \ \ n vers ion o f the b lade d a n c e incorpora t

i ng t h e c r u e l w e a p o n s o f that r ace .

O t h e r schoo ls h a v e a w i d e r fo l low ing . The D r u n k

a rd ' s W a l t / features kn i fe f igh t ing a n d is favo red by

h u m a n s a n d ha l f l i ngs . The Jes te r ' s P r a n c e schoo l

uses m i s m a t c h e d w e a p o n s a n d w a s said i n h a v e b e e n

c r e a t e d i n the t r a i n i n g ha l l s o f the t i e f l i ng e m p i r e .

t hough it's n o w p r a c t i c e d by h u m a n s , l i c f l i ngs . a n d

d r a g o n b o r n in e q u a l m e a s u r e .

H i s t o r y or R e l i g i o n D C 15: A c c o r d i n g to legend,

t he b lade d a n c e w a s i nven ted as the resul t o f a wager

b e t w e e n K u r d a n d E r a t h i s . E r a t h i s c r e a t e d the fight

ing sty le to d e m o n s t r a t e to K u r d that not a l l comha l

n e e d he c r u d e a n d b r u t a l . S to r ies tel l o f a w a r r i o r

priest o f E r a t h i s w h o t rave led a m o n g m a n y of the

cu l t u res a n d races that c l a i m to h a v e o r ig ina ted I he

b lade d a n c e . It 's though t that th is priest w a s the first

to t each the l egenda ry s ty le .


Lvl N a m e Pr ice (gp) I tem Slot

2 Bracers of enforced regret 520 Arms

3+ Baffling cape 680 Neck

3+ Rhythm blade 680 Weapon

4+ Harmony blade 840 Weapon

5 Gloves of recovery 1.000 Hands

B L A D E D A N C E R ' S R E G A L I A B E N E F I T S Pieces Benef i t

2 You gain a bonus to AC against opportunity

attacks equal to the number of items you have

from this set.

5 You can use your Hunter's Quarry class feature

as a free action instead of a minor action.

Baf f l ing C a p e Level 3-

This rippling cape allows you to slip past an attacking foe.

Lvl 3 11 680 gp Lvl 18 +4 85,000 gp Lvl 8 +2 3.400gp Lvl 23 +5 425.000gp Lvl 13 H-3 IZOOOgp Lvl 28 r6 2.125.000gp Item Slot: Neck Enhancement: Fortitude, Reflex, and Wi l l Power (Daily • Teleportation): Immediate Reaction.

Trigger. An enemy adjacent to you misses you with a melee attack. Effect: Swap positions with the triggering enemy.

Bracers of Enforced Regret bevel?

When an enemy presses you, the power of these Simple steel bracers letsyou turn the taMes.

Item Slot: Arms 520 gp Property: Wh i le you're marked, you gain a » 2 bonus to

attack rolls and damage rolls against the enemy that marked you.

G l o v e s of R e c o v e r y Lewi 5

When you fumble in combat, these gloves allow you to recover and strike again.

I tem Slot: Hands 1.000 gp Power (Dally): Free Action. Trigger. You miss an enemy

with a melee attack power. EJfect: Make a melee basic attack against that enemy.

C H A P T E R 2 | I t e m Sets

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H a r m o n y B l a d e Level 4 -

Thoughyou wield it as your primary weapon, this blade lends its power to your off-hand attacks*

Lvl 4 +1 840 gp Lvl 19 +4 105,000 gp Lvl9 +2 4.200gp Lvl 24 * 5 525,000gp Lvl14 +3 21,000 gp Lvl 29 +6 2,62 5,000 gp Weapon: Heavy blade Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Critical: +1 d6 damage per plus, and you can make a melee

basic attack with your off-hand weapon. Property: W h e n you hit an enemy with both this weapon

and your off hand weapon during the same turn, that enemy takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls against you until the end of your next turn.

Level 3 * R h y t h m B l a d e

Fighting with this offhand weapon Improves your defense.

Lvl 3 +1 680gp Lvl 18 +4 85.000gp Lvl 8 *2 3.400 gp Lvl 23 +5 425.000 gp Lvl 13 +3 17.000 gp Lvl 28 +6 2.125.000 gp Weapon : Light blade Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Critical: +1d6 damage per plus Property: Wh i le you wield this weapon in your off hand,

your shield bonus to AC and Reflex increases by 1.

GADGETEER'S G A R B Charac te rs d r a w n to the i n n e r w o r k i n g s o f t raps

and a l c h e m y covet th is set o f i t ems . T h e i tems of the

( i adge tee rs G a r b bestow a w i d e range o l ut i l i tar

ian mag ic , c o m b a t boons , a n d p o w e r o v e r t raps a n d

a l chemica l dev i ces . A l l t he i tems o l t he set s h a r e a

ski l l fu l syn thes is o f m e c h a n i c a l a n d m a g i c a l des ign .

A r t i f i ce r s a n d rogues mos t of ten seek out a n d co l

lect the i tems o f th is set. t hough they c a n benef i t a n y

character .

LORE A r c a n a D C 7: C r e a t e d t h rough cons tan t t inker

ing a n d e x p e r i m e n t a t i o n , the i tems o f t he Gadge tee r ' s

G a r b w e r e d e v e l o p e d , t h e n p e r f e c t e d by a n u m b e r o f

ingenious inventors . S o m e par ts o f t he set w e r e first

craf ted by d w a r f a r t i f i ce rs , o thers by h u m a n a r c a n e

pract i t ioners, a n d some by f o m o r i a n s a n d o the r lev.

Despi te t he i r d i spa ra te o r ig ins , h o w e v e r , e a c h o f t he

items of the set rep resen ted a s i n g u l a r a d v a n c e i n

magica l a n d m e c h a n i c a l des ign .

A r c a n a D C 1 2 : A n a r t i f i ce r k n o w n as M o r t o n the

Gadge tee r is sa id to h a v e b e e n the f i rst to un i f y these

once-d ispara te i t ems , see ing the c o m m o n t h r e a d o f

ingenui ty in e a c h a n d i m b u i n g the set w i t h its u n i q u e

benef i ts . W i t h the p o w e r o f the ( i a d g e t e e r s G a r b ,

Mo r t on b e c a m e a l egendary a rcan is t a n d t r ap fmde r .

and the i tem set that bea rs h i s m o n i k e r is h i s endu r

ing legacy.

GADGETEER'S GARB ITEMS ^ h ^ r r i ^ o t |

5+ Shockweave armor 1.000 Armor

6 Alchemy gloves 1,800

7+ Deep-pocket cloak 2.600

8 Gadgeteer's goggles 3,400

Hands M,., -L

6 Alchemy gloves 1,800

7+ Deep-pocket cloak 2.600

8 Gadgeteer's goggles 3,400 Neck



Pieces Benef i t 2 When you or an ally within 5 squares of you

spends a healing surge, you or that ally regains

additional hit points equal to the number of

items you have from this set. 4 You gain a +4 bonus to all defenses against traps.

A l c h e m y G l o v e s Level 6

Ul 1/1

When you use an alchemical item, these gloves charge it with magical power.

Item Slot: Hands 1.800 gp Property: You gain a (-2 item bonus to attack rolls w i th

alchemical items.

leve l 7 •

Level 8 G a d g e t e e r ' s G o g g l e s

The residuum suspended in these lenses helps you see through

the Complexities of the deadliest traps.

Item Slot: Head 3.400 gp Property: You gain a +4 item bonus to Perception checks

and Thievery checks to detect and disable traps. Power (Encounter): Minor Action. You make a Thievery

check to disable a trap.

D e e p - P o c k e t C l o a k

the hundreds of magically hidden pockets on litis cloak allow you to keep u wealth of items close at hand.

Lv l7 +2 2.600gp Lvl 22 ^ 5 325.000gp Lvl 12 +3 13,000gp Lvl 27 +6 1.625.000gp Lvl 17 +4 65.000 gp I tem S l o t Neck

Enhancement : Fortitude, Reflex, and Wi l l Property: The pockets of this cloak can hold up to 1.000

pounds in weight or 100 cubic feet in volume, but the cloak always weighs only 1 pound. Each item stored within one of the cloak's pockets can weigh no more than 10 pounds.

Drawing an item from a deep-pocket cloak is a minor action. Level 22 or 27: The cloak can hold 2,000 pounds In weight

or 200 cubic feet in volume. Power (A t -Wi l l ) : Free Action. 1/round. You draw an item

from the cloak or store an Item within it.

C I ) A l ' T K K 2 I I f e m Sets

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S h o c k w e a v e A r m o r Level 5+

Alt'iai studs on rhh armor magically protect you from lightning, and ihen unleash that same power against your Joes.

Lvl 5 +1 1.000 gp Lvl 20 +4 125.000 gp Lvl 10 +2 5,000gp Lvl 25 +5 625.0OOgp Lvl 15 +3 25.000 gp Lvl 30 +6 3.125.000 gp A r m o r Cloth, leather Enhancement : AC Property: You gain resist 5 lightning.

Level 75 or 20: Kesist 10 lightning. Levei 25 or 30: Resist 1 5 lightning.

Power (Encounter): Free Action. Trigger. You take lightning damage. Effect: Until the end of the encounter, this armor's dally power gains a +1 bonus to the attack roll and deals 1 d 10 extra lightning damage.

Power (Dal ly • Lightning): Immediate Interrupt. Irlgger. A n enemy adjacent to you targets you with an attack. Effect: Make an attack against the triggering enemy: +8 vs. Fortitude; on a hit. deal 2d 10 lightning damage, and the enemy is dazed until the end of your next turn. Level 70: +-13 vs. Fortitude. Level 75: + 18 vs. Fortitude. 3d 10 lightning damage. Level 20: +23 vs. Fortitude. Level 25: * 28 vs. Fortitude. 4d10 lightning damage. Level 30: +33 vs. Fortitude.

GOLDEN LION'S BATTLE REGALIA A l e g e n d a r y b a r b a r i a n c h i e f t a i n o l t h e g rea t dese r t s , the Golden L i o n o f S u m m e r w a s a w a r r i o r r e n o w n e d for h e r s i n g l e - m i n d e d fe roc i ty a n d m i l i t a r y c u n n i n g . I l e r c l o a k , gaun t le ts , a n d boots w e r e fash ioned f r o m t h e h i d e o f a deser t l i on , a n d h e r w e a p o n s bore the m a r k o f tha i f e a r s o m e beas t .

B a r b a r i a n c h a r a c t e r s , p a r t i c u l a r l y t h a n e b o r n b a r b a r i a n s , benefit the most f r o m t h e G o l d e n L ion 's B a t t l e R e g a l i a . H o w e v e r , d e f e n d e r s a n d m e l e e str ik e rs c a n a l so m a k e good use of these legendary ' i t ems .

LORE H i s t o r y D C 7: T h e ( i o l c l e n L i o n look h e r n a m e

f r o m t h e gaun t le ts , c l o a k , a n d boo l s she w o r e — c r a f t e d

f r o m t h e pelt of a l ion she slew w h e n she w a s o n l y

a c h i l d .

H i s t o r y D C 1 2 : D e s p i t e h e r r epu ta t i on as a

scou rge o f N e r a t h . t h e G o l d e n L i o n a n d h e r Iblk c a m e

to t h e a id ol t h e e m p i r e in the h u e o f a gno l l i m a s i o n .

The p o w e r of her rega l ia h e l p e d h e r s lay the gno l l

w a r ch ie f , but in that f i e rce f i n a l ba t t le , t h e G o l d e n

L i o n fe l l .

H i s t o r y D C 17: 1 h e re l i cs that b e a r t h e G o l d e n

L ion 's n a m e arc n o w sca t te red a c r o s s .i l l l a n d s ,

t h o u g h t h e deser t c a i r n m a r k i n g h e r g r a v e has l ong

b e e n lost to t i m e . I l o w e v e r . it's sa id that a n y o n e

w h o c a n f i nd the site is t h e n v is i ted by t h e spir i t

of the G o l d e n L i o n , w h o w i l l r e v e a l the loca t ion

of o n e o r m o r e i tem f r o m h e r bat t le rega l ia to a

w o r t h y successor.

G O L D E N L I O N ' S B A T T L E R E G A L I A I T E M S

Lvl N a m e Pr ice (gp) I tem Slot





Hungry spear

Swiftpad boots

Cloak of the lion's mane

Lion's claw gauntlets


680 QACi









Hungry spear

Swiftpad boots

Cloak of the lion's mane

Lion's claw gauntlets 1.000





5+ Thane blood weapon 1,000 Weapon

G O L D E N L I O N ' S B A T T L E R E G A L I A B E N E F I T S Pieces Benef i t

3 When you're adjacent to three or more enemies

you can see, you gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls.

5 Your roar of triumph power increases to a close

burst 7. When you use your swift charge power,

you gain a +2 bonus to speed until the end of

your next turn.

C l o a k of t h e L ion 's M a n e Level 4

This fionsfein cloak bestows the majesty of that desert predator upon urn to strike fear into the hearts of your foes.

Lvl 4 +1 840 gp Lvl 19 +4 105.000 gp Lvl 9 +2 4 ,200gp Lvl 24 +5 S2S.000gp Lvl 14 +3 21,000gp Lvl 29 +6 2.625.000gp Item Slot: Neck Enhancement: Fortitude. Reflex, and Wi l l Property: W h e n you use your roar of triumph power, you and

each ally adjacent to you can shift 1 square as a free action. Power (Daily • Fear): Free Action. Trigger You reduce

an enemy to 0 hit points. Effect: Each enemy within 5 Squares of you takes a 2 penalty to attack rolls until the end of your next turn.

H u n g r y S p e a r Level 2 •

A roaring lion engraved on the head of this spear pinsyaur joe in place while you close for the kill.

Lvl 2 +1 5 2 0 g p Lvl 17 +4 65,000gp Lvl 7 +2 2.600gp Lvl 22 +5 325.000gp Lvl 12 +3 13.000 gp Lvl 27 +6 1.625,000gp W e a p o n : Spear Enhancement : Attack rolls and damage rolls Crit ical: * 1 d6 damage per plus Ptopei ty : This weapon has the heavy thrown property and a

range of 10/20. P o w e r (Encounter): Standard Action. Make a ranged basic

attack wi th this spear. O n a hit. the target is also immo bilized (save ends). The spear doesn't return to you until the immobilized effect on the target imposed by this weapon is ended.

Lion 's C l a w G a u n t l e t s Level S

These gauntlets, crafted from a lion's paws, help overcome the toughest adversaries.

Item Slot: Hands 1.000 gp Property: W h e n you make a weapon attack that targets

Fortitude and your attack roll is 20 or lower, add a 11 item bonus to the roll.

CHAPTEB 1 I Item Sets

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S w i f t p a d B o o t s these supple boots lend a lions strength to your leaps.

I tem Slot: Feet 680 gp Property: You gain a -2 item bonus to Athletics checks to

jump. Power (Daily): Move Action. You jump a number of

squares equal to your Strength modifier.

T h a n e B l o o d W e a p o n Each time you drop an enemy, the bloodlust in your allies mounts.

Lvl 5 +1 1,000 gp Lvl 20 +4 125,000 gp Lvl 10 +2 5.000gp Lv l25 +5 625,000 gp Lvl 15 +3 25,000gp Lvl 30 +6 3.125,000 gp W e a p o n : Any melee

Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Crit ical: f 1 d6 damage per plus Property: W h e n you use this weapon to reduce an enemy

to 0 hit points, you and each ally adjacent to you gain a +2 item bonus to your next attack roll before the end of the encounter.

KAMESTIRI UNIFORM T h e c i ty-s tate o f N a g c o w a s once a ma jo r port a n d

t rade h u b , but its great w e a l t h m a d e it a target for

gob l i n ra ide rs , c o m p e t i n g c i ty-sta les, a n d p i ra tes . I n

r esponse , the N a g c o s c rea ted a de fens ive force to pro

tect t h e c i ty a n d its luc ra t i ve sh ipp ing t r ade , a n d a l s o

to p r o v i d e s e a b o r n e m e r c e n a r y forces for t raders a n d

n e i g h b o r i n g s ta les. T h e s e l e g e n d a r y w a r r i o r s c a l l e d

the K a m e s t i r i a r e l i t t le m o r e t h a n a m e m o r y n o w , but

the force's legacy l ives on i n t h e m a g i c a l panop ly its

m e m b e r s once w o r e .

T h i s i t em set is most use fu l lor rangers , but it c a n

b e u t i l i zed by a n y c h a r a c t e r w h o favors long-range

a t tacks a n d mob i l i t y i n c o m b a t .

LORE H i s t o r y D C 8 : The e l i te so ld iers o f the city-state of

N a g c o t ra ined w i t h l ight a r m o r su i ted to mobi l i ty and

s h i p b o a r d comba t . T h e long- range c r o s s b o w s that

w e r e the i r s igna tu re w e a p o n had first b e e n created

by a loca l t r ibe k n o w n as the k a m e s t i . The Kames t i r i .

as t hese so ld iers c a l l e d t h e m s e l v e s , soon b e c a m e the

d o m i n a n t f ight ing force in the reg ion . T h e i r effec

t i veness i n batt le on both l a n d a n d sea soon b e c a m e

legendary , a n d he lped m a i n t a i n a decades - l ong peace

b e t w e e n N a g c o a n d its p o w e r f u l ne ighbors .

H i s t o r y D C ] 14 : A t the he ight o f Nageo's power,

r u m o r s b e g a n to c i r c u l a t e that the K a m e s t i r i captains

had b e e n k e e p i n g m u c h o f the w e a l t h they had liber

a ted f r o m the area 's p i ra tes . A n e w p r i n c e , unce r ta in

in h i s pos i t ion , g r e w jea lous of the K a m e s t i r i ' s power.

D e c i d i n g to take steps to r e m o v e ( h e m , he sent the

bu lk of the K a m e s t i r i forces on a d o o m e d voyage of

exp lo ra t ion f r o m w h i c h l ew r e t u r n e d . W i t h i n the

year , however , the p r i n c e w a s assassinated—sla in by a

s ing le c rossbow bolt f i red f r o m a great d i s tance . W i t h

no c l e a r he i r a n d no de fende rs , iNagco qu i ck l y fell to

its ne ighbors .

N o t race o f the K a m e s t i r i ' s r u m o r e d r i ches w a s

e v e r found . H o w e v e r , e v e n i f t he ta lcs of i l l-gotten

ga ins w e r e u n f o u n d e d , the group's leg i t imate ea rn

ings w e r e said to h a v e gone u n a c c o u n t e d for i n the


S o m e i tem sets inc lude magic i tems found in the Player's

Handbook and o ther supp lemen ts . S u c h i tems can be

found in a campa ign in both their defau l t (free) and item

set (bound) vers ions. I tems bound to a set exhibit quali

t ies that l ink it to that set, and a charac te r can learn that

a magic i tem is bound in the s a m e w a y he or she learns

the i tem's propert ies or powers .

Magic i tems created in bound fo rm as part of a magic

i tem set use the norma l rules for creat ing magic items.

S e t i t ems in the i r f ree fo rm (for e x a m p l e , an end/ess

quiver not c reated as part o f a Kamest i r i uni form) can be

incorporated into an i tem set . A charac ter can perform

the E n c h a n t Magic I tem ritual w i t h no component cost

to b ind such a f ree magic i tem into a set. A t the DM's

discret ion, b inding an i tem into a set might require effort

o r special componen ts : the b lood of a descendant of the

original set creator, tak ing the i tem t o a special location,

o r the l ike.

A n i tem that is bound into an i t e m set can ' t later be

unbound .

C H A P T E R 2 I Item Sets

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chaos af ter the d e a t h of the p r i nce . T h e u l t ima te late of that t reasu re r e m a i n s a mat te r o f great interest to scholars a n d a d v e n t u r e r s a l i ke .

H i s t o r y D C 1 9 : I h e few su rv i vo rs of the K a m e stiri a r e sa id to have gone on to found m e r c e n a r y troops in far - f lung l ands . T h e s e w a n d e r i n g companies are thought to have b e e n the source o f t h e first Kamest i r i un i f o rms to a p p e a r i n the w i d e r w o r l d . Count less m o d e r n m e r c e n a r y c o m p a n i e s t race the i r origins to the K a m e s t i r i . though in m a n y cases , th is c la im is l itt le m o r e t h a n spur ious boast ing.

S t r e e t w i s e D C 19 : R u m o r s in the larger cit ies ol the l and speak of lone assassins w h o specia l ize in murder at long range, a n d of the un ique crossbows they bear. S o m e ca l l these ki l lers the last ol the Karnes tiri. though they ' re ca re fu l to not say so too loudly.


7+ Infighting blade 7+ Shipboard armor 8 Boarding boots 8+ Pavise charm 9 Endless quiver 9+ Kamesti crossbow

Price (gp) I tem Slot

2,600 2,600 3 ,400 3 ,400 4,200 4,200

W e a p o n Armor Feet Neck Wondrous i tem W e a p o n


The short range o fa crossbow you wield increases by a number of squares equal to the number of i tems you have from this set. The long range of your crossbow increases by twice that amount. You gain a +1 bonus to damage rolls on melee attacks whi le you are adjacent to two or more enemies.

W h e n you reduce an enemy to 0 hit points, you can shift 1 square.

Level 8 Board ing B o o t s These hard hoots oj moA leather keep you moving in conduit, to deadly effect.

Item Slot: Feet 3,400 gp Property: You ignore difficult terrain on a boat. ship, or

other watercratt. Power (Daily): Standard Action. You jump a number of

squares equal to your speed and use one of your at-will attack powers with a +1 power bonus to the attack roll.

Level 9

77iis elven styled quiver can create an endless supply of normal arrows or bolts.

Wondrous Item 4,200 gp Power (At -Wi l l • Conjuration): Free Action. Use this

power when you attack with a bow or crossbow. W h e n you reach into the endless quiver, it automatically produces a single arrow or bolt, as appropriate. Ammunition created by the quiver that is not used within 1 round of its creation disappears.

In f ight ing B l a d e Level 7 *

The closer your foes press, the more deadly this quick blade becomes.

Lvl 7 +2 2,600gp Lvl 22 +5 32S.OOO gp Lvl 12 +3 13.000gp Lvl 27 +6 1,625,000gp Lvl 1 7 +4 65,000 gp Weapon : Light blade, axe (one-handed only) Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Critical: +1 d6 damage per plus Power (Daily): Minor Action. Until the end of your turn,

when you attack with this weapon, you gain a bonus to damage rolls equal to the number of enemies adjacent to you when you make the attack. If you're wielding another infighting blade in your off hand, this bonus also applies to damage rolls; with that weapon.

Special: If you're wielding two infighting blades, the first use per day of the weapon's daily power doesn't count toward the limit of magic item daily powers you can use in a day.

K a m e s t i C r o s s b o w Level 9 •

This exceptionally crafted crossbow can target even die furthest foes.

Lvl9 +2 4,200 gp Lvl 24 +5 525,OOOgp Lvl 14 +3 21.000gp Lvl 29 +6 2.625.000gp Lvl 19 +4 105,000 gp W e a p o n : Crossbow Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Critical: »Td6 damage per plus Property: Attacks with this crossbow don't take the -2

penalty for long range. Power (Daily): Free Action. Trigger. You miss every target

with an attack you make using this crossbow. Effect: You don't expend the use of that power. The power also has no effect on a miss, even if it normally does.

Level8-< P a v i s e C h a r m This shield shaped charm surrounds you with protective energy.

Lvl 8 +2 3,400gp Lvl 23 +5 425,000gp Lvl 13 +3 17.000 gp Lvl 28 +6 2.125.000 gp L v l l 8 14 85.000 gp Item S l o t Neck Enhancement: Fortitude, Reflex, and Wi l l Power (Daily): Minor Action. You gain a +2 power bonus

to AC and Reflex until you leave your current space.

Level 7 i S h i p b o a r d A r m o r This black leather armor allows you to stand steady in the face oj uncertain looting or a possible fall.

Lvl 7 +2 2,600gp Lvl 22 +5 325,000gp Lvl 12 +3 13,000 gp Lvl 27 +6 1.625.000 gp Lvl 17 +4 65,000 gp A r m o r Leather Enhancement: AC Property: W h e n you make a saving throw to avoid forced

movement, you gain an item bonus to the saving throw equal to the armor's enhancement bonus. On a save, you don't fall prone.

C I I A I ' T K K 2 | Item Sets

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MARJAMS D R E A M A fa i th less m e r c e n a r y d r i v e n by p rophe t i c v is ions g i ven to h i m by Me lo ra co l lec ted the i t ems o f M a r -j am 's D r e a m . W i t h those re l i cs , h e t r a i ned the first i n a long l i ne o f wa r r i o r s taught to b a l a n c e the i r m a r t i a l p rowess w i t h a r c a n e power .

T h o u g h the i tems o f th is set a r e usab le by a n y c lass, they ' re most h igh l y cove ted by s w o r d m a g e s .

LORE H i s t o r y D C 7: M a r j a m w a s a v a i n a n d boast fu l

m e r c e n a r y w a r r i o r w h o w a s d i sda in fu l of mag ic h i s en t i re l i fe. I n h is later y e a r s , h o w e v e r . M a r j a m h a d a d r e a m in w h i c h M e l o r a ins t ruc ted h i m to co l lec t a n u m b e r o f power f i d re l ics i n h e r n a m e . I n i t i a l l y resistant to w h a t h e pe rce i ved as the p roduc t of a n age-add led b ra in a n d a hea l thy love of s t rong a le , M a r j a m t r ied to ignore th is p rophet ic v i s ion , but t h e d r e a m inc reased in f requency a n d intensi ty. T e a r i n g for h is san i ty in the e n d . the w a r r i o r s t rapped on m a i l a n d s w o r d once m o r e a n d unde r took a n ep ic quest that saw h i m col lect the f ive re l ics that h i s d r e a m h a d s h o w e d h i m .

H i s t o r y D C 1 2 : B y t h e t i m e h is quest w a s c o m plete, a c h a n g e h a d c o m e over M a r j a m . A t t u n e d to the a r c a n e energy that p e r m e a t e d the w o r l d , the w a r r ior h a d a final v i s ion in w h i c h h e saw a success ion o f he roes w h o w o u l d w i e l d a r c a n e a n d m a r t i a l p o w e r i n e q u a l m e a s u r e . H e k n e w that it w a s the dest iny o f h is f ina l y e a r s to t ra in the f irst of these he roes .

A t the n e a r b y temp le of M e l o r a , M a r j a m sough ! out a ch i l d he had seen in h is f ina l v i s i o n - a n o r p h a n n a m e d A l o r a . w h o h a d g r o w n up t inder t h e c a r e o f the temp le fa i th fu l a n d w h o s h o w e d great p r o m i s e as a spel lcaster . T h e ch i l d b e c a m e M a r j a m s c h a r g e , a n d for long yea rs at the t e m p l e h e ra ised a n d t r a i ned her . F r o m M a r j a m . A l o r a l e a r n e d the w a y s of comba t , even as the rel ics o f M a r j a m ' s D r e a m a l l o w e d her to b a l a n c e that mar t i a l sk i l l w i t h the m a g i c a l abi l i ty taught to h e r by Me lo ra 's fa i th fu l .

H i s t o r y D C 17: E v e n before M a r j a m ' s d e a t h . A l o r a h a d left the temp le to b e c o m e a n a d v e n t u r i n g svvordmage. A power fu l s y m b o l o f Me lo ra ' s fa i th , she w a s k n o w n by her reputat ion a n d the d is t inc t ive w e a p o n s a n d ra imen t o f M a r j a m ' s D r e a m . W h e n A l o r a d i e d , the i tems o f M a r j a m ' s D r e a m q u i c k l y sp read across the w o r l d a n d beyond the b o u n d s o f Me lo ra 's fa i th . H o w e v e r , sages be l ieve that M e l o r a sti l l seeks out chosen c h a m p i o n s on w h o m to bes tow the i tems of th is set .

M A R J A M ' S D R E A M I T E M S Price (gp) I tem Slot

2 3

Boots of jaunting

Gaunt lets of arcane might

520 680

Feet Hands

4+ 5 6

W e a p o n of arcane bonds Circlet of arcane extension W a r d e d vambraces

840 1,000 1,800

W e a p o n Head Arms

M A R J A M ' S D R E A M B E N E F I T S Pieces Benef i t

W h e n you make Arcana checks to detect magic, you gain a bonus equal to the number of items you have from this set. The area affected by your Swordmage Aegis class feature increases to a close burst 3 .

Level 2 B o o t s of J a u n t i n g lliese comfortable leather boots allow you to slip past obstacles unhindered.

I tem Slot: Feet 520 gp Power (Daily • Teleportation): Minor Action. You teleport

1 square.

Circ le t of A r c a n e Extens ion This golden circlet extends the range of your arcane power to strike at distant foes.

I tem Slot: Head 1.000 gp Power (Daily): Minor Action. Until the end of your turn,

the range of your ranged arcane powers increases by 5 squares.

G a u n t l e t s of A r c a n e Might When a foe you have challenged reels from your arcane power, these gauntlets grantyou increased vigor.

I tem Slot: Hands 680 gp Property: W h e n you hit an enemy marked by you with an

arcane attack power, you gain 2 temporary hit points.

W a r d e d V a m b r a c e s These leather armbands let you share your arcane defenses with others.

I tem Slot: Arms 1,800 gp Power (Encounter): Minor Action. Until the end of your

next turn, each ally adjacent to you gains a power bonus to AC equal to the bonus provided by your Swordmage Warding class feature.

W e a p o n of A r c a n e B o n d s Level 4+

Effects you cause with this blade bindyour enemies to you.

Lvl 4 +1 840 gp Lvl 19 +4 105,000 gp Lv l9 +2 4,200gp Lvl 24 +5 525,000gp Lvl 14 +3 21,000 gp Lvl 29 +6 2,625,000gp Weapon : Heavy blade, light blade Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Critical: +-1 d6 damage per plus Power (Encounter): Free Action. Trigger: You hit an enemy

with an arcane attack power using this weapon. Effect: That enemy is marked by you (save ends).

C H A P T E R 2 | Item Sets

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R A D I A N T TEMPLE TREASURES Many cultures tell versions of the mvth of the Kadi ant Temple—a great bastion of light created during the ancient war between the gods and the primor-dials. Though the temple was taken to the celestial realms by the gods in the aftermath of their victory, a number of its faithful stayed behind in the mortal realm. The treasures they bore became their legacy.

Any character can wield (he Radiant Temple Treasures, but they're most useful to avengers.

LORE History or Re l ig ion D C 8: In the final years

of the war between the gods and the primordials, a great number of mortal clerics, paladins, and other servants of the gods came together to create a mighty bastion of light. This act greatly pleased the gods, and it's said that the devotion o f the temple helped turn the tide of war in their favor.

History or Re l ig ion D C 14: In the end. the gods were victorious. In a glorious cataclysm that shook the mortal world, the Radiant Temple and the souls that had forged it were taken to the Astral Sea. However, in the moments before the temple's ascendance, a number of the faithful stepped forth from its towers ol light, chosen by the gods to remain behind as protectors of the new-made world. These faithful are said by some to be the first avengers-divine champions of the deities themselves.

History or Rel ig ion D C 19: The items of the Radiant Temple Treasures arc spread across all cultures, even those where the secret rituals of the avengers are all but unknown. Some believe that the appearance of these relics is a sign meant to inspire worshipers to take up the path of the avenger.

R A D I A N T T E M P L E T R E A S U R E S I T E M S Lvl Name

7+ Radiant temple uniform 8+ Blade of vengeance 8+ Ward ing blade 9+ Bracers of zeal

Pr ice (gp) I tem Slot

2,600 3,400 3,400 4,200

Armor W e a p o n W e a p o n Arms

R A D I A N T T E M P L E T R E A S U R E S B E N E F I T S Pieces Benefi t

W h e n your oath of enmity reduces a target to 0 hit points, you gain temporary hit points equal to twice the number of items you have from this set.

You gain a +10 bonus to your first death saving throw each day.

B l a d e of V e n g e a n c e Level 8 -

Your foe's attack bites dee\\ but your counterstrike hits even harder.

Lvl 8 +2 3,400 gp Lvl 23 +5 425,000 gp Lvl 13 +3 1 7,000 gp Lvl 28 +6 2.125.000 gp Lvl 18 +4 85.000 gp W e a p o n : Heavy blade, light blade bnhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Critical: +1d6 radiant damage per plus Power (Daily): Immediate Reaction. Trigger: An enemy

adjacent to you bloodies you with a melee attack. Effect: Make a melee basic attack against the triggering enemy with this blade. On a hit, the enemy is also pushed 5 squares, and you can move 5 squares. You must end your movement in a space adjacent to that enemy.

Special: If you have the oath of enmity power, you can shift 5 squares instead of moving 5 squares.

B r a c e r s of Z e a l These golden bracers lei you channel your own resiliency into a punishing attach

Lvl 9 +2 4,200 gp Lvl 24 +5 525.000 gp Lv l14 +3 21,000gp Lvl 29 +6 2,62S,000gp Lvl 19 +4 105,000 gp Item Slot: Arms Power (Encounter): Free Action. Trigger: You hit an enemy

adjacent to you with a melee attack power, and you have temporary hit points. Effect: You lose up to 5 temporary hit points and deal that amount of extra damage to that enemy.

Level 7 9 or 24: Lose up to 10 temporary hit points and deal that amount of damage.

Level 29: Lose any number of temporary hit points and deal that amount of damage.

R a d i a n t T e m p l e U n i f o r m Level 71

This muted gray uniform protectsyou from watchful eyes and lets you skillfully slip past your foes in combat.

Lvl 7 +2 2,600 gp Lvl 22 +5 325.000 gp Lvl 12 +3 13,000 gp Lvl 27 +6 1,625.000 gp L v l l 7 +4 65,000 gp Armor: Cloth Enhancement: AC Property: You gain a +2 item bonus to Stealth checks. Power (Encounter): Free Action. Trigger: You shift 1 or

more squares. Effect: You shift an additional number of squares equal to half of this armor's enhancement bonus.

Level 8^ W a r d i n g B l a d e This silvery blade seems to move of its own accord, protecting vou from harm.

425,000 gp 2,125,000 gp

Lvl 8 +2 3,400 gp Lvl 23 +5 Lvl 13 +3 17,000 gp Lvl 28 +5 Lvl 18 +4 85,000 gp Weapon : Light blade Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Critical: +1d6 damage per plus Property: Whi le you wield this weapon in your off hand,

you gain an item bonus to AC against opportunity attacks equal to the blade's enhancement bonus.

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RESPLENDENT FINERY O n l y the mos t fash ionab le adven tu re rs seek out the c lo th ing that m a k e s u p the set k n o w n as Resp lenden t F ine ry . T h e i tems o f t h e R e s p l e n d e n t F i n e r y grant potent de fenses a m i m e n t a l ab i l i t ies to a n y cha rac te r , but these g a r m e n t s a r e favored by ba rds , fey pact w a r locks, a n d i l lusionist w i z a r d s .

LORE H i s t o r y D C 7: T h e mag ic i t ems k n o w n as the

R e s p l e n d e n t F i n e r y a r e as l egenda ry for the i r f ine s ty l ing as for the i r powers . A d v e n t u r e r s w h o w a n t the i r he ro ic status to he k n o w n adopt the f i ne ry as a k i nd o f status s y m b o l , w i t h the i tems of the set granting the i r w e a r e r s a m e a s u r e of cont ro l over the i r in terac t ions w i t h o thers .

T h o u g h vers ions of the f inery c a n a p p e a r in a n y n u m b e r o f Sty les , m a n y sets fea ture fey touches that e c h o the fash ion a n d ar t o f the e l a d r i n .

H i s t o r y D C 1 2 : T h e i tems of the Resp lenden t F i n e r y a re sa id to have t h reads o f g l a m o r a n d i l lus ion w o v e n into t h e m , g i v i ng the i r w e a r e r the p o w e r to I n f l u e n c e m i n d s . T h e s e legendary g a r m e n t s have a p p e a r e d th roughout the ages, i nd is t ingu ishab le f r om o the r fine c lo th ing un less the mag ic w i t h i n t h e m is de tec ted .

H i s t o r y D C 17: T h e first p r o m i n e n t set o f Resp lenden t F i n e r y w a s a gift f r om a n e l a d r i n lord to a power fu l d w a r f c l a n chief . O v e r t i m e , the mag i ca l e n h a n c e m e n t s in the g a r m e n t s w e r e revea led a n d s teal th i ly cop ied , t hough the benef i t s a n d core p o w e r s of a l l sets r e m a i n the s a m e .


Lvl N a m e Pr ice (gp) I tem Slot

5+ Resplendent gloves 1.000 Hands

6 Resplendent boots

7 Resplendent circlet

8+ Resplendent cloak




Feet u « .a

6 Resplendent boots

7 Resplendent circlet

8+ Resplendent cloak



3.400 H e a d



Pieces Benef i t

2 You gain an item bonus to Bluff checks equal to

the number of items you have from this set.

4 Each ally within 10 squares of you gains a +1

item bonus to checks involving any skill you're

trained in.

Level 6 R e s p l e n d e n t B o o t s

These intricately embroidered hoots let you Jade from sight for a moment to slip past \OUT foes.

I tem Slot: Feet 1.800 gp Property: You gain an item bonus to all defenses against

opportunity attacks equal to the number of items you have from this set.

Power (Daily • Illusion): Move Action. You become invisible and move your speed. You become visible again at the end of this action.

R e s p l e n d e n t C i rc le t Level 7

this gold and mithral circlet masks your thoughts arid grants an ally favor in combat.

Item Slot: Head 2.600 gp Property: Enemies within 10 squares of you take a -2

penalty to Insight checks. Those enemies are not aware of this effect.

Power (Encounter): Minor Action. Choose one ally within 5 squares of you. One enemy adjacent to that ally grants combat advantage to him or her.

Level 8-Resp lendent C l o a k

This richly colored cloak shields you andyour allies from powers that affect the mind.

Lvl 8 +2 3.400gp Lvl 23 +5 425.000gp Lv i13 +3 17.000 gp Lvl 28 <6 2.12S.OOOgp Lvl 18 +4 8S.000gp Item Slot: Neck Enhancement: Fortitude. Reflex, and Wi l l Property: You and each ally within 10 squares of you gain a

+ 2 bonus to Wi l l against charm, fear, and illusion attacks.

R e s p l e n d e n t G l o v e s

These fine calfskin gloves increase the potency of powers that break a foe's will.

Lvl S 1.000 gp Lvl 25 625.000 gp Lvl 15 25.000 gp

Item Slot: Hands Property: W h e n you hit an enemy with an attack power

that targets Wi l l , the attack deals 2 extra damage. If it's an illusion attack, one target you hit (your choice) also grants combat advantage to you until the end of your next turn. Level 15: 3 extra damage. Level 25: 5 extra damage.

SHADOWDANCER'S GARB T h e c l o th i ng that m a k e s up the S h a d o w d a n c e r ' s G a r b is e legant a n d w e l l c ra f t ed , but a lso s tern a n d forbid dit ig. W h i l e you w e a r these i tems, you ' re c l oaked in s i lence a n d shadow. E v e n i n br ight day l igh t , your features a r c o b s c u r e d , a n d the s h a d o w s t ast by your b o d y s e e m to exude tendr i l s o f da rkness .

T h e i tems of the S h a d o w d a n c e r ' s G a r b a r e most usefu l for rogues, but the set appea l s to any character w h o unde rs tands the benef i ts of s tea l th .

LORE A r c a n a o r H i s t o r y D C 10 : C rea to rs of the S h a d

o w d a n c e r ' s G a r b i m b u e e a c h i tem of c lo th ing w i th shadow mag ic , w r a p p i n g I he w e a r e r in a c loak of mag i ca l da r kness . S h a d o w d a n c e r ' s G a r b i tems are p o p u l a r a m o n g rogues a n d o ther cha rac te rs w h o v a l u e steal th bo th i n a n d out o f comba t . Add i t i ona l l y the ga rb has a reputat ion as the ra imen t of cho ice for assass ins a n d spies.

A r c a n a o r H i s t o r y D C 1 6 : T h e i tems that make u p t h e S h a d o w d a n c e r ' s G a r b w e r e first c ra f ted as i n d i v i d u a l m a g i c i tems for the use o f el i te shadar-ka i w a r r i o r s . O r i g i na l l y , the c loak , mask , g loves, a n d

( I I \ P T E R 2 I Item Sets

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boots of the set w e r e s ignature gea r for the leaders o f four shada r - ka i reg imen ts in the se rv i ce of a p o w e r f u l S h a d o w f e l l l o rd . T h e s e c o m p a n i e s w e r e k n o w n a s t h e shadovvdancers , a n d the i r exploi ts i n the S h a d o w f e l l and the m o r t a l w o r l d a re legendary .

A r cana or H is to ry D C 2 1 : R a z m a n - k a s h w a s the leader o f a p o w e r f u l S h a d o w f e l l assassin's g u i l d - a former m e m b e r of the shadovvdancers passed over for a reg imenta l c o m m a n d that h e be l ieved w a s h i s b y right. A f t e r n u r t u r i n g his hate for y e a r s . R a z m a n - k a s h staged a c o u p in w h i c h the four r eg imen ta l leaders and the S h a d o w f e l l lord w e r e k i l l ed . No t content w i t h mere ly c l a i m i n g leadersh ip of the shadovvdancers , R a z m a n - k a s h h a d the c o m b i n e d regal ia e n c h a n t e d to prov ide e v e n greater power w h e n the four p ieces were w o r n together. M is or ig ina l des ign h a s long s ince spread across the S h a d o w f e l l a n d into the wo r l d .


10 Shadowdancer 's mask 5,000 11 Shadowdancer s gloves 9,000 12 Shadowdancer 's boots 13,000





You gain an i tem bonus to Athlet ics, Steal th, and Thievery checks equal to the number of items you have from this set.

At the start of each encounter, if you aren' t surprised, you have concealment until the end of your first turn.

S h a d o w d a n c e r ' s Boots

These sleek boots lighten your steps, particularly while shadow concealsyou.

Item Slot: Feet 13.000 gp Property: You gain a 4-1 bonus to speed while you're

wearing light armor. This bonus increases to +2 when you start your turn in dim light or darkness.

S h a d o w d a n c e r ' s Cloak I his flowing cloak obscures your movement while you are hidden.

level 9 *

Lvl 24 +5 525,000 gp Lvl 29 +6 2,625.000 gp

Lvl 9 + 2 4.200 gp Lvl 14 43 21.000 gp Lvl 19 >4 105,000 gp Item Slot: Neck Enhancement: Fortitude, Reflex, and Wi l l Power (Daily): Free Action. Trigger: You hit or miss an en

emy you're hidden from. Effect: You make a Stealth check against that enemy's passive Perception check to remain hidden from it. You are no longer hidden from other creatures, as normal.

S h a d o w d a n c e r ' s G l o v e s Level 11

While you're hidden, these supple gloves make your attacks more deadly.

I tem Slot: Hands 9,000 gp Property: W h e n you hit an enemy you're hidden from, you

deal 1d6 extra damage.

S h a d o This featureless black mask aids your efforts to fool or hide from your foes.

Item Slot: Head 5.000 gp Power (Dai ly): Free Action. Trigger. You make a Bluff check

or Stealth check and dislike the result. Effect Reroll the check with a I 3 power bonus and use either result.

SKIN OF THE PANTHER T h i s i t em set w a s first c ra f ted i n t h e d e e p jung le , w h e r e the d r u i d s vene ra te the spir i t of the pan ther . C r a f t e d f rom the h ide o f these s tea l thy hun te rs , the i tems that m a k e u p t h e S k i n o f t h e P a n t h e r grant the i r w e a r e r the h u n t i n g p rowess a n d d e m e a n o r of th is noble beast .

T h i s mag i c i tem set is mos t c o m m o n l y sought out by p reda to r d r u i d s , t hough any c h a r a c t e r w h o w e a r s h ide a r m o r a n d seeks to excel i n s tea l th a n d h a r d h i t t ing a t tacks c a n benef i t f r o m it.

LORE A r c a n a or Na tu re D C 7: I n the u n t a m e d jung les ,

h u m a n t r ibes g i ve hono r a n d respect to the p a n t h e r J u n g l e w a r r i o r s m o d e l the i r c o m b a t tact ics o n the s t reng th a n d s tea l thy p o w e r of these great hunt i ng ca ts , w h o s e spir i ts a re sa id to l ive on w i t h i n the might ies t hun te rs a n d the mag i c re l ics they w i e l d .

A r c a n a or Na tu re D C 1 2 : T h e c o m p o n e n t s o f th is i t em set a r c ca re fu l l y c ra f ted f rom the h ide o f the p a n t h e r - b o t h the great cats o f the mo r ta l w o r l d a n d the i r F e y w i l d cous ins . T o hunt (he F e y w i k I p a n t h e r is a n hono r a c c o r d e d on ly to the most p o w e r f u l w a r r io rs o f a t r ibe , a n d the locat ions o f the h i d d e n jung le por ta ls that l ead to that p l ane a r e ca re fu l l y g u a r d e d secre ts k n o w n on ly to h i g h - r a n k i n g d r u i d s .

A r c a n a or Na tu re D C 17: A n i m a l s fated to supp ly the r a w ma te r i a l s for the S k i n o f the P a n ther a r e g i ven great r e v e r e n c e by the t r ibes , a n d a r e h u n t e d in a c c o r d a n c e w i t h anc ien t r i tua ls . W a r r i o r s w h o take u p the hunt must fo l low a str ict r e g i m e n o f t r a i n i ng , fast ing, a n d prayer—tradi t ions des igned to e n s u r e that the spir i ts o f these great cats fo rm the founda t ion o f the S k i n o f the Pan the r ' s p o w e r h i I mag i c .

C T I A P T F . R 2 I F r c m Sets ^

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Lvl Name

2+ Shadow hunter hide

3+ Death fang totem

4 Claw gloves

5 Panther slippers

6 Cat's-eye headband

Price (gp) I tem Slot












Pieces Benef i t

2 You gain an item bonus to Stealth checks equal

to the number of items you have from this set.

5 The first time you use wild shape to take on your

beast form during an encounter, you become

invisible until the end of your next turn or until

you attack.

Level 6 C a t ' s - E y e H e a d b a n d

Two fragments of green jade set in (his Marfc leather headband open up the shadows toyour sight.

Item Slot: Head 1,800 gp Power (Encounter): Minor Action. You gain darkvision un

til the end of your next turn.

C l a w G l o v e s

These gloves incorporate the elaws of a panther, granting you additional power in vour beast form.

Item Slot: Hands 840 gp Property: W h e n you're in beast form and an enemy grants

combat advantage to you. your melee attacks deal I d l O extra damage against that enemy.

Level 3H D e a t h F a n g T o t e m

A wounded or vulnerable foe grants you advantage whileyou wield this totem of bone, teeth, and sinew.

Lv l3 +1 680gp Lvl 18 - 4 85.000gp Lv l8 +2 3.400gp Lvl 23 +5 425.000gp Lvl 13 +3 IZOOOgp Lvl 28 +6 2,125,000 gp Implement (Totem) Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Critical: + 1 d6 damage per plus, plus 1 d6 extra damage

against a target that is granting combat advantage to you. Power (Daily): Free Action. Trigger. You bloody an enemy

with an attack. Effect: That enemy grants combat advan tage to you (save ends).

P a n t h e r S l ippers

These soft, clawed shoes help you stay wirlrin striking range of your prey.

Item Slot: Feet 1.000 gp Enhancement: Fortitude. Reflex, and Wi l l Power (Daily): Immediate Reaction. Trigger. An enemy

adjacent to you shifts. Effect: You shift 1 square. If you're in beast form, you instead shift 3 squares.

f t !

This shimmering black hide armor allowsyou to get the drop on your foes,

Lvl 2 +1 520gp lv l 17 +4 65.000gp Lv l7 +2 2,600gp Lvl 22 +5 325.000gp Lvl 12 +3 13,000 gp Lvl 27 +6 1,625,000 gp Armor: Hide Enhancement: AC Property: You can move 4 squares during an action while

you're hidden (instead of 2 squares) without taking a -5 penalty to your Stealth check.

TOOLS OF ZANE'S VENGEANCE Fate c a n b e c r u e l , as the l egenda ry s h a m a n Z a n e

k n e w a l l too w e l l . A f t e r a despot s laughtered h is

peop le a n d h a d h i s eyes put out , the b l i nd Z a n e spent

y e a r s i n pursu i t of b loody revenge . T h e Tools o f Zanc 's

V e n g e a n c e a r e the w e a p o n s a n d r a i m e n t h e craf ted

i n the course of a c h i e v i n g that l i fe long goa l .

T h i s i t em set is most use fu l to s h a m a n s .

LORE H i s t o r y o r N a t u r e D C 8: A s a mvst ic a n d elder

of h is t r ibe, the s h a m a n Z a n e brought h is people

into h a r m o n y w i t h the i r to tem spir i ts. I l owevc r . an

amb i t i ous k i n g shat tered the peace w h e n h e tu rned

h u n g r y eyes t o w a r d the tribe"s r ich lands . D r i v e n by

g r e e d , h is a r m i e s la id was te to the tr ibe's hun t ing

g r o u n d s . Z a n e ' s peop le w e r e s laugh te red , a n d he

w a s brought before the k ing . S e n s i n g the shaman 's

au thor i t y a n d w a n t i n g to set a h a r s h e x a m p l e , the

k i n g o r d e r e d Z a n e ' s eyes put out . t hen set h i m free.

H i s t o r y o r N a t u r e D C 14: T h o u g h b l i nded . Zane

v o w e d that he w o u l d visit u p o n the despot the same

hor rors h i s people h a d su f fe red . A f te r the soldiers

had m o v e d o n . h e r e t u r n e d a n d ha rves ted f rom his

fa l len k i n the i tems w ith w h i c h he w o u l d m a k e good

o n h is vow , i n fus ing e a c h w i t h b lood mag i c a n d

d i r e cu rses .

F o r the r e m a i n d e r o f h is days , Z a n e w a l k e d the

l a n d , h e a r i n g the spir i ts o l h is fa l len t r ibes io lk call ing

for v e n g e a n c e . E a c h t i m e h e took a l i fe, the s h a m a n

p laced the v ic t im 's eyes in h i s o w n r u i n e d sockets,

r ega in i ng h i s sight for a short t ime by the use o l

d a r k r i tua ls .

H i s t o r y o r N a t u r e D C 1 9 : T h e Too ls o f Zane 's

V e n g e a n c e w e r e sp read ac ross a l l l ands af ter h is

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death. I : \en now. it's said that Zone 's spirit l ingers in the w o r l d , ready to a id the d o w n t r o d d e n i n the i r struggles against t y r a n n y a n d in just ice. C h a r a c t e r s who follow in h is pa th a r e some t imes g i f ted w i t h the knowledge o f w h e r e the Too ls of A m e s V e n g e a n c e Can he found.

T O O L S O F Z A N E ' S V E N G E A N C E I T E M S

level 9 i

Lvl Name

6 Savage mask 7+ Cloak of the crimson path 8+ Blood harvest blade 9+ Totem of the bleeding eye

Pr ice (gp) I tem Slot

1,800 2,600 3,400 4,200

Head Neck W e a p o n Implement

T O O L S O F Z A N E ' S V E N G E A N C E B E N E F I T S Pieces Benefi t

You gain an item bonus to Intimidate checks equal to the number of items you have from this set.

W h i l e you're bloodied, you gain blindsight 5 .

Level 8+ B l o o d Harves t B l a d e Whenyou drop an enemy with this bloodstained Mude. vour spirit companion takes on a horrijVintj visage that shakes your foes.

Lvl 8 +2 3,400 gp Lvl 23 +5 425,000 gp Lvl 13 +3 I 7,000 gp Lvl 28 +6 2,125,000 gp Lvl 18 +4 85.000 gp Weapon: Light blade Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Critical: +-1 d6 damage per plus, plus 1 | W | extra damage Power (Encounter • Fear): Free Action. Trigger. You

reduce an enemy to 0 hit points with an attack power using this weapon. Effect: Each enemy adjacent to your spirit companion grants combat advantage to you until the end of your next turn.

Level 7 + Cloak of the C r i m s o n P a t h When you re injured, this blood crusted cloak allows you and your allies to take advantage of an enemy's error.

Lvl 7 +2 2,600 gp Lvl 22 +5 325.000 gp Lvl 12 +3 13.000 gp Lvl 27 +6 1.625,000 gp Lvl 17 +4 65.000 gp Item Slot: Neck Enhancement: Fortitude. Reflex, and Wi l l Power (Daily • Teleportation): Immediate Reaction.

Trigger. Wh i l e you're bloodied, an enemy adjacent to you or your spirit companion misses with a melee attack. Effect: You and your spirit companion swap positions, and the triggering enemy grants combat advantage to you until the end of your next turn.

Level 6 Savage M a s k The savage spirit whose visage marks this mask grants you strength against attacks rluil would sap your will.

Item Slot: Head 1.800 gp Property: You gain a * 2 item bonus to Wi l l against close

and area attacks.

Totem of the S e v e r e d E y e The severed eyes placed upon this totem can blind a foe m <\ pose invisible creatures to your sight.

Lvl 9 +2 4,200 gp Lvl 24 +5 525,000 gp Lvl 14 +3 21,000gp Lvl 29 +6 2.625.000gp Lvl 19 +4 105.000 gp Implement (Totem) Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Critical: +1d6 damage per plus, and the target is blinded

until the end of your next turn. Property: You can see any invisible creatures adjacent to

your spirit companion.

Z Y TORMTOR'S TRINKETS A l o r m t o r is a legend a m o n g the d r o w o f E r c l h e i C i n l u . pa r t i cu la r l y to o the r d a r k pact w a r l o c k s . M i l l e n n i a af ter h i s be t raya l a n d execut ion at the h a n d s of I louse K i l s e k . h is l i fe a n d explo i ts a re revered by the d row. though the de ta i l s of that l i fe v a r y w i t h the af f i l ia t ions of the tel ler.

The w e a p o n s a n d tools that Zy used in h is exploi ts a r e a lmos t as f amous as the w a r l o c k himself— pa r t i cu la r l y the prison o\ Sa lzacas, a b lack i ron jar w i t h i n w h i c h w a s b o u n d a p o w e r f u l s p i r i t . T h o u g h the fu l l secrets o f Zy s p o w e r a r e sa id to have d i e d w i t h h i m , the i tem set that bea rs h is n a m e has s ince sp read f rom the U n d c r d a r k a n d across the sur face w o r l d . W a r l o c k s , w i z a r d s , a n d rogues covet these i tems for the i r power , a n d for the symbo l i c va lue o f following i n the path of the l egendary w a r l o c k w h o c ra f ted t h e m .

LORE Arcana or His tory D C 5: A m i n o r sc ion of h is

house , Z y l o r m t o r used his a r c a n e ta lents for intell igence ga the r ing , sku lduggery , a n d outr ight larceny. T h o u g h h e w o r k e d frequently in the se rv i ce o f H o u s e Tornttor, A s c h i e f mot i va t ions w e r e to sow c h a o s a n d i nc rease his o w n in famy. D u r i n g his ca ree r , the w a r lock w a s responsib le for count less d a r i n g burg la r ies , comp lex ac ts of sabotage, a n d the m u r d e r o f d o / e n s o f nobles l r o m r i va l h o u s e s - i n c l u d i n g the ma t ron mo the r o f H o u s e K i l sek .

Arcana or His tory DC 10: Zy 's ac t iv i t ies w e r e a ided by a power fu l spir i t n a m e d S a l z a c a s . b o u n d in a n e n c h a n t e d b lack i ron f lask. S o m e c l a i m that A had s u m m o n e d a n d he ld a d e m o n w i t h i n the p r i son , w h i l e o thers say that the prison of Salzacas w a s a n anc ien t re l i c he found d u r i n g o n e of h is adven tu res . I ) a r ke r r u m o r s suggest that S a l z a c a s w a s the spir i t o f Zy 's t w i n brother , bound to the w a r l o c k after be ing s la in bv h i m in the w o m b .

Arcana or His tory D C 15: Z y Tormtor 's T r inke ts have passed t h rough the h a n d s o f n u m e r o u s scound re ls seek ing to c l a i m the long-dead war lock ' s powe r or l a m e . H o w e v e r , i f the legends o f Zy T o r m l o r a r e to be be l i eved , the i tems that b e a r h is n a m e today v a r y in powe r f r om the tools the w a r l o c k once w i e l d e d . I t





C H A P T E R 2 Item Sets^gfi

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r e m a i n s u n k n o w n w h e t h e r later cop ies of t he tr in

kets h a v e lost t he o r i g ina l s ' p o w e r o r w h e t h e r unseen

p o w e r l ies la tent w i t h i n the t r i nke ts a n d wa i t s to be

c l a i m e d .

Z Y T O R M T O R ' S T R I N K E T S I T E M S Lvl N a m e Pr ice (gp) I tem Slot

2 Pr ison of Salzacas 520 Wondrous item

3+ Pac t blade 680 W e a p o n

3+ Spidersi lk mant le 680 Neck

4 Blackleaf gloves 8 4 0 Hands

Z Y T O R M T O R ' S T R I N K E T S B E N E F I T S Pieces Benef i t

2 The prison of Salzacas gains the fol lowing

property: Your Thievery checks are always

treated as if you're using thieves' tools, and you

gain an addit ional +2 i tem bonus to Thievery


4 You gain the hand of Salzacas power, described


Hand of Salzacas item Set Power

Your bond with the spirit of the prison is strong, allowing you to channel your orpine energies through the item even when it's not with you.

Daily Free Act ion Personal Trigger: You use a warlock power Effect: The power uses the location of the prison of Salzacas

instead of your location as the origin square.

B l a c k l e a f G l o v e s Level 4

Made from the leaves of an ancient leywild oak, these well-preserved black gloves increase the utility of your pact boon.

I tem Slot : Hands 840 gp Power (Encounter • Teleportation): Free Action. Trigger

Your pact boon triggers. Effect: You teleport 3 squares in addition to the other effect of your pact boon.

P a c t B l a d e Level 3

vVorlocfes/avor this wickedly sharp blade.

Lvl 3 +1 680 gp Lvl 18 +4 85,000 gp Lvl 8 +2 3,400gp Lvl 23 +5 425,000 Rp Lvl 13 +3 17,000 gp Lvl 28 +6 2,125,000gp W e a p o n : Light blade (usually daggers and sickles) Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Crit ical: +1d6 damage per plus

Property: This blade functions as a warlock implement, adding its enhancement bonus to attack rolls and damage rolls for warlock powers that use implements.

Property: W h e n a creature you have cursed with your Warlock's Curse makes a melee attack against you, deal damage to the creature equal to the pact blade's enhancement bonus.

Special : You do not gain your weapon proficiency bonus to the attack roll when using a pact blade as an implement.

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Pr ison of Sa lzacas Level 2

Tin' spirit bound within flu's rune-scribed black metal flask ma nipulates objects al vour command.

Wondrous Item 520 gp Power (Encounter • Conjuration): Minor Action. You

conjure the spirit contained within the prison in an unoccupied space within 10 squares of you. The spirit can pick up, move, or manipulate an object adjacent to it weighing 20 pounds or less and can carry it 10 squares. If you're holding the object when you use this power, the spirit can move the object into a pack, a pouch, a sheath, or a similar container and simultaneously move any one object carried or worn anywhere on your body into your hand.

As a move action, you can move the spirit 10 squares. As a free action, you can cause the spirit to drop an object it's holding. As a minor action, you can cause the spirit to pick up or manipulate a different object.

Sustain Minor: The spirit persists.

Level 3 + Spidersi lk M a n t l e

.Spun from die silk of a demonweb terror, this mantle grants you a spider's effortless ability to climb.

Lvl 3 +1 680 gp Lvl 18 i-4 85.000 gp Lvl 8 +2 3.400 gp Lvl 23 +5 425,000 gp Lvl 13 +3 1 7,000 gp Lvl 28 +6 2,125,000 gp Item Slot: Neck Enhancement: fortitude, Reflex, and Wi l l Power (Encounter): Minor Action. You gain a climb (spider

climb) speed equal to your speed until the end of your turn.


Characters in the paragon tier seek magic arms, implements, and other items that can reflect and complement their increasing notoriety.

A R M S OF UNBREAKABLE HONOR Paladins, hards, and commoners alike know the songs of the legendary hero Bradaman. She was a knight of one of the ancient human kingdoms on whose bones the empire of Nerath was built—a war dor whose exploits shaped the items and powers of the Arms of Unbreakable Honor. Bradaman's legend isn't a part of any particular faith, race, or culture. Rather, the weapon', and armor she wore are said to seek out any whose valor and pure heart reflect the ideals ofa lost age.

The magic items ol litis set are closely associated with paladins, though other defenders can benefit Irom their power.

LORE History D C 11: The legend of Bradaman is first

recorded at the height ol the Empire of Nerath. where it was told as the story ol an earlier age of nobility. I.ady Bradaman was a paladin of great repute, one of many free knights who served and defended the common folk of hei land. W h e n her three brothers were falsely accused of murder. Bradaman swore to set t ire their pardon by undertaking three tasks set for her by the high king.

History D C 18: for her first task. Bradaman reclaimed a temple to Moradin and Melora that had (alien under the control of worshipers of Zehir. W i th her brothers, she fought her way to the altar of the temple and sounded her horn, staggering the cull's yuan-ti leaders so that her brothers could strike

them down. For the second task, Bradaman vanquished the

titan Shix /an, whose hammer brought down deadly storms. By tricking Shix/an to go underground where he could not swing his hammer. Bradaman Ion ed I he titan to swear loyally to the king with unbreakable oaths.

for her final task. Bradaman was ordered to unhorse the ('row Knighl, an undead warrior whose lance brought death. W h e n the two knights clashed, the Crow Knight's lance passed through Bradaman's shield, armor, body, and soul, but the paladin did not waver from her goal. The Crow Knighl was unhorsed, though Bradaman paid with her life.

His torv D C 23: I ler brothers returned Brada man's body to the high king, who declared she would be buried with the honor she had in life. Sh ix /an raised up a great tomb for her, hiding it away in the mountains. The weapons, armor, and gear she boreal death became known as the Arms of Unbreakable Honor, their magic grown more powerful by her heroic sacrifice. Though main have scare heel lor ii. Bradaman's crypt remains as much a legend as she.

A R M S O F U N B R E A K A B L E H O N O R I T E M S Lvl Name

12+ Unbroken lance 13+ Bradaman's weapon 13+ Mirrored plate 14 Pennant helm 15 Shield of fellowship 16 Bridle of flame

Price (gp) I tem Slot 13,000 17,000 17,000 21,000 25,000 45,000

Weapon Weapon Armor Head Arms Mount


Pieces Benef i t When you or a mount you ride charges an enemy, you or your mount gains an item bonus to speed equal to the number of items you have from this set. When you use your lay on hands power, the target regains an additional 5 hit points.

C I I A P T L R 2 | I t e m Set*

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B r a d a m a n s W e a p o n •

This elegantly crafted weapon draws on your own reserves of valor to take the fight to your foes.

Lvl 13 +3 IZOOOgp Lvl 23 +5 425,000 gp Lvl 18 +4 85,000 gp Lvl 28 +6 2,125,000 gp W e a p o n : Heavy blade, axe, hammer Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Critical: +1 d6 damage per plus, and you can spend a

healing surge.

Property: Divine characters can use this weapon as a holy symbol implement for divine powers.

Power (Encounter): Minor Action. Until the end of the encounter, your divine challenge power targets two creatures in the burst instead of one.

B r i d l e of F l a m e Level 16

This black leather bridle decorated with a flame motif grants healing power and can transformyour mount into a fiery steed.

I tem Slot: Mount 45.000 gp Property: W h e n you spend a healing surge to regain hit

points, your mount also regains hit points as if it had spent a healing surge.

Power (Dai ly • Fire, Polymorph): Minor Action. Your mount transforms into a creature of wind and flame. The mount gains resist 20 fire. Any creature other than you that starts its turn on or adjacent to the mount takes 2d6 fire damage. Your mount retains this form until the end of the encounter, until you end the power as a free action, or until you are no longer mounted on it.

C H A P T E R 2 | Item Sets

this gleaming plate mail lends authority toyour voice and can blind foes with its brilliance,

Lvl 13 +3 IZOOOgp Lvl 23 +5 425,000gp Lvl 18 +4 85,000 gp Lvl 28 +6 2,125,000 gp Armor: Plate Enhancement: AC Property: You gain an item bonus to Diplomacy checks

equal to the armor's enhancement bonus. Property: W h e n an enemy scores a critical hit against you, it

is blinded until the end of its next turn.

Level 14 P e n n a n t H e l m

This brightly decorated helmet grants you strength of will and helps revitalize your allies.

I tem Slot: Head 21.000 gp Property: You gain a +1 item bonus to Wi l l . Power (Dai ly • Healing): Minor Action. Spend a healing

surge. You don't regain hit points as normal. Instead, each ally who can see you can spend a healing surge.

S h i e l d of F e l l o w s h i p Level 15

; magic that helpsyou Polished to a bright sheen, this shiel share your resilience with allies.

I tem Slot: Arms 2 5,000 gp Shie ld : Any Property: W h e n you gain temporary hit points, you

can transfer those temporary hit points + 3 additional temporary hit points to an adjacent ally as a free action.

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U n b r o k e n Lance Level T2H

This weapon glows with the power of your righteousness when you charge.

Lvl 12 *-3 13,000 gp Lvl 22 +5 325,000 gp Lvl 17 +4 65,000 gp Lvl 27 +6 1,625,000 gp Weapon : Spear Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Critical: +1 d6 damage per plus Property: W h e n you hit an enemy with a charge attack

while you're mounted, that enemy is knocked prone. Power (Daily): Standard Action. Your mount shifts 3

squares and you make a charge attack.

ASPECT OF THE R A M Tenac ious , s t a lwa r t , a n d sure- footed, the m o u n t a i n

n u n is revered by m a n y vvielders o f p r i m a l p o w e r .

Totems of the r a m a d o r n the a r m o r o f t h e hun te rs

and w a r r i o r s o l the m o u n t a i n s a n d adven tu re r s d r a w

inspi ra t ion f rom the v isage a n d spir i t o f these n i m b l e

and fear less beasts.

W a r d e n s a n d m a r t i a l - m i n d e d c i ru ids benef i t t he

most f rom th is mag i c i tem set. p a r t i c u l a r l y those

g u a r d i a n s w h o en joy be ing at the front o f the fray.

LORE A r c a n a o r N a t u r e D C 10 : T h e i tems o f the

Aspec t o f the R a m w e r e first c rea ted b y m e m b e r s of the d r t i id o rders that haun t the h igh m o u n t a i n passes. M a d e o f leather -s t i tched fu r a n d decora ted w i th d a n g l i n g let ishes i n the shape o f a ram's h e a d , this set's c r u d e o u t w a r d a p p e a r a n c e is i n s h a r p con trast to its t r u e power .

A r c a n a o r N a t u r e D C 16 : T h e d r u i d s o f the D a w n f o r g e M o u n t a i n s be l i eve that t h e noblest o f the m o u n t a i n r a m s m o v e o n to the spir i t r e a l m af ter death . W h e n they do, the r a m s d i sca rd the i r phys i ca l forms on the rocks of the i r favor i te peaks . T h e ra i ment that m a k e s up the A s p e c t o f the R a m is c ra f ted from these ra re f inds.


Lvl N a m e Pr ice (gp) I tem Slo t

10-f- Stern mountain totem 5,000 Implement

11 Steady boots of the ram 9,000 Feet

12 Charger's headdress 13,000 Head

13+ Fleece of renewal 17,000 Neck


IMS 2 You gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls wi th

charge at tacks.

4 W h e n you hit an enemy wi th a charge attack,

one ally wi th in 5 squares of you can make a

saving throw as a free act ion.

C h a r g e r ' s H e a d d r e s s

fashioned from a mountain ram's horns, this headdress lets van charge unhindered through the spirit world.

I tem Slot: Head 1 3,000 gp Property: You gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls with charge

attacks. Power (Daily • Teleportation): Standard Action. Make a

charge attack, but instead of moving your speed before the attack, you teleport the same number of squares.

Level 13^ Fleece of R e n e w a l

l hisfleece cloak gives you a boost of vigor each limeyou charge,

Lvl 13 +3 17,000 gp Lvl 23 +5 425,000 gp Lvl 18 i 4 85,000 gp Lvl 28 -r6 2,125,000 gp Item Slot: Neck Enhancement: Fortitude, Reflex, and Wi l l Property: Free Action. W h e n you charge an enemy, you gain

temporary hit points equal to your Constitution modifier until the start of your next turn.

Level 11 S t e a d y B o o t s of the R a m

These/ur-lined leather boots give you the surefooted step of the mountain ram.

I tem Slot: Feet 9,000 gp Property: You gain the earth walk ability (Monster Manual,

page 283).

Property: You gain a +2 item bonus to Athletics checks to climb.

C H A P T E K 1 I Item Sets

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S t e r n M o u n t a i n T o t e m Level 10-1

The strength of the mountain I'euearh the rants hooves flows into your attacks.

Lvl 10 +2 5.000 gp Lvl 25 +5 625.000 gp Lvl 15 ±2 25.000gp Lvl 30 t-6 3.125,000gp Lvl 20 +4 12 5.000 gp Implement (Totem) Enhancement: Airark rolls and damage rolls Critical: + 1d8 per plus. o r + l d l O per plus with charge

attacks Power (Daily • Healing): Free Action. Trigger. You hit with

a primal attack power using this totem. Effect: You regain hit points as if you had spent a healing surge.

AYRKASHNA A R M O R C r a f t e d bv a n anc ien t c i v i l i za t ion of d e v a s , A y r k a s h n a

A r m o r g ran ts its ful l p o w e r on ly to m e m b e r s of that

race . M a n y d i v a s a re d r a w n to seek out the scat tered

p ieces of th is a r m o r , d e l v i n g into the i r subconsc ious

a n d j o u r n e y i n g to s t range loca les in a n at tempt to

u n e a r t h the secre ts o f the i r o w n past.

LORE His to ry or Re l ig ion D C 10: T h e ci ty-state o f

A y r k a s h n a w a s once the site f r o m w h i c h good devas set out o n the i r quests a m o n g the mor ta l s they h a d s w o r n to d e f e n d . T h o u g h t h e c i ty 's loca t ion w a s lost to h istory long ago. A y r k a s h n a A r m o r r e m a i n s a potent r e m i n d e r o l the p o w e r I r o m w h i c h the d i v a s sprang.

H is to ry or Re l ig ion D C 16: W h e n the first ange ls t ied t h e m s e l v e s to the m o r t a l r e a l m to b e c o m e devas . they c ra f ted the A y r k a s h n a A r m o r to represent I he l i ve p r inc ip les most i m p o r t a n t to the i r k i n d to bo ls ter t h e m against the ev i l o f the i r a n c i e n t e n e m i e s , the rakshasas . W h e n a deva in possession o f th is i tem set d ies , the a r m o r van i shes to be scat tered in n c a r h \ locat ions .

H is to ry or Re l ig ion D C 2 1 : D e v a s w h o c o m e into contac t u i l h i tems f rom the A y r k a s h n a A r m o r o f ten be l i eve that they o w n e d these i tems i n a prev i ous l i le . B y u n d e r t a k i n g a ques t o f sel f -d iscovery, they h o p e to r e a c q u i r e the rest o f the s e t - s e e k i n g out the p laces w h e r e the i r p rev ious i nca rna t i ons l i ved a n d d i e d .


Lvl Name Price (gp) I tem Slot

10+ Weapon of evil undone 5,000 Weapon 11 Helm of vision unclouded 9,000 Head 12 Crest of vigilance eternal 13,000 Arms 13+ Armor of essence inviolate 17,000 Armor 14 Sash of vitality ceaseless 21.000 Waist


Pieces Benef i t You gain resistance to fire equal to the

resistance to radiant granted by your Astral

Resistance racial trait.

You gain the strength of Ayrkashna power,

described below.

Item Set Power S t r e n g t h of A y r k a s h n a

You use the power locked within the items of this set to recover from the minor wounds your enemies inflict uponyvu.

Daily • Healing Minor Action Personal Effect: Until the end of the encounter, you gain regeneration

5 while you're not bloodied.

A r m o r of Essence Inv io la te Level 13+

The strength of your unending spirit surges through fins urrnor. reinforcing your defenses whenyou call upon it.

Lvl 13 +3 17.000 gp Lvl 23 +5 425,000 gp Lvl 18 +4 8S.000gp Lvl 28 +6 2.125,000gp Armor: Any Enhancement: AC Property: W h e n you use your memory of a thousand lifetimes

racial power, you gain an item bonus to AC equal to the result of the 1 d6 roll until the end of your next turn.

Level 12 Crest of V i g i l a n c e E t e r n a l

The undying courage of the deva race fuels the power of this item to keep you focused in combat

Item Slot: Arms 13,000 gp Special : This item can be either bracers, a light shield, or a

heavy shield. Power (Daily): Immediate Interrupt. Trigger: An effect daz

es or stuns you. Effect You make a saving throw against the triggering effect. On a save, the effect ends.

Level 11 H e l m of V i s i o n U n c l o u d e d

A band of platinum encircles this helmet, shojfeningyour senses and showing you things unseen.

I tem Slot: Head 9.000 gp Property: You gain a +2 item bonus to Insight checks and

Perception checks. Power (Daily): Free Action. You can see invisible creatures

and objects until the end of your next turn.

Level 14 S a s h o f V i ta l i ty Cease less

This sash's red and white coloring represents harm and healing, grantingyou Increased vitality when von need ir mast.

I tem S l o t Waist 21,000 gp Property: W h e n you spend a healing surge while you're

bloodied, you regain additional hit points equal to your Wisdom modifier.

C H A P T E R 2 | item Sets

Page 108: 4e Adventurers Vault 2 OCR

Weapon of Evil Undone Level 10^

The power and purity of this weapon lays intoyour foe and leaves it stricken on the btinlejteld.

Lvl 10 +2 5,000gp Lvl 25 +5 625.000gp Lvl 15 +3 2 5.000 gp Lvl 30 +6 3.125.000 gp Lvl 20 4-4 1 25.000 gp Weapon: Any Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Critical: +1 d6 damage per plus, or * 1 ti l 2 damage per plus

against rakshasas Property: Divine characters can use this weapon as a holy

symbol implement for divine powers. Property: W h e n you use your memory of a thousand lifetimes

racial power, you gain an item bonus to your next attack roll before the end of your next turn equal to the result of the 1d6 roll.

Power (Dally): Free Action. Trigger: You hit an enemy with this weapon. Effect: Until the end of your next turn, that enemy takes 2d10 damage whenever it attacks (3d10 damage if the enemy is a rakshasa). Level 25 or 30: 3d10 damage (4d10 damage if a


CHAMPION'S FLAME E v e n the most bene f i cen t fa i th must t ake a h a r d l ine

against th rea ts . W h e t h e r d e \ i ls u n d e r m i n i n g t h e

c lergy ol a good deity, he roes in f i l t ra t ing d a r k cu l ts ,

or the temp les o f a la rge ci ty e n g a g i n g in m u n d a n e

esp ionage, the dange rs l ac ing i h e fa i th fu l a re sought

OUt a n d e l i m i n a t e d by e l i te c h a m p i o n s o f g o o d .

A legendary pr iest c h a r g e d u itli u n c o v e r i n g cor

rup t ion w i t h i n h is fa i th first d e v e l o p e d the i tems o f

the (Champion 's I l a m e . T h e y ' r e most of ten sought out

by c le r i cs , hut a n y w h o d e l e n d the i r fa i th c a n m a k e

use of these i t ems .

LORE Rel ig ion DC 11: O n e o f the most legent la i \

c h a m p i o n s ol good w a s ( i o n no r V a l i s . " I h e 1 l a m e o f

B a h a m u t . " I le e a r n e d that epi thet w h e n he uncov

ered the c o r r u p t i o n o f t he p r e v i o u s h igh pr iest , w h o s e

off ice h e pu rged w i t h fa i th a n d holy l i re . Va l i s s ing le

h a n d c d l y b roke a hal f d o / e n cu l t s o f V e c n a . ( ) r c u s .

a n d A s m o d e t i s that h a d b e e n In f i l t ra t ing Hahamut ' s .

temples .

Rel ig ion D C 18: A t the height o f h i s su< * ess . V a l i s

res igned h is post a n d d i s a p p e a r e d f r om pub l ic v i e w .

S o m e w h i s p e r that h e h imse l f b e c a m e c o r r u p t e d

by so long s ta r ing into the d a r k hea r t o l e v i l , u b i le

others Suggest tha i he c a m e to loa the the v i o l ence

requ i red by h is oi l ice.

Rel ig ion D C 2 3 : A f t e r Va l i s v a n i s h e d , the tools

o f t he C h a m p i o n ' s F l a m e w e r e lost for a n u m b e r

ol yea rs . I l oweve r . t he i t ems of th is set h a v e s i nce

a p p e a r e d w i t h i n the o rde rs ol n u m e r o u s fa i ths, a l l

c lear ly d e r i v e d f r om the desigt is o f Val is 's o r i g ina l

panop ly . S o m e e v e n say that t he h igh priest st i l l l i ves ,

seed ing h i s legacy e v e n as h e s e a r c h e s lor a w o r t h y

successor .


Lvl Name

13+ Champion's hauberk

14+ Weapon of cruel persuasion

15+ Champion's symbol

16 Restorative gauntlets

17 Pursuer's boots

Pr ice (gp) I tem Slot




45 .000








Pieces Benef i t

You gain an item bonus to Insight checks and

Intimidate checks equal to the number of items

you have from this set.

When a creature lies to you and fails a Bluff

check against your opposed Insight check, you

gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls against that

creature until the end of the encounter.

Pfttfd to he worn under a priests robe, this shirt of black mail lets rati focus the power ofyour faith.

Lvl 13 +3 17.000 gp Lvl 23 +5 425.000 gp Lvl 18 +4 85.000 gp Lvl 28 +6 2.125.000 gp Armor Chain, scale Enhancement: AC Power (Encounter): Free Action. You expend a use of your

healing word power to use your Channel Divinity class feature an additional time during this encounter. You can't use the same Channel Divinity power twice in the same encounter.

Level 1 ! Champion's Symbol Inscribed With stylized flames, this holy symbol grants you ton irol over the will of vour foes.

Lvl 25 +5 625.000gp Lvl 30 +6 3.1 25.000 gp

Lvl 15 +3 2 5.000 gp Lvl 20 +4 12 5.000 gp Implement (Holy Symbol) Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage mils Crit ical: The target Is dominated until the end of your next


Power (Dai ly • Charm): Free Action. Trigger: You hit an enemy with a fire or radiant power and deal damage to it using this holy symbol. Effect: That enemy is dominated until the end of your next turn and takes a -5 penalty to Bluff checks until the end of the encounter.

Pursuer's Boots I he magic of these fine leather boots sharpensyour reflexes and lets urn stay close to a fleeing foe.

I tem Slot: Feet 65.000 gp Property: You gain a +1 item bonus to Reflex. Power (Encounter): Immediate Reaction. Trigger. An en

emy adjacent to you moves. Effect: You shift 3 squares.

C H A P T E R 2 | Item Sets

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R e s t o r a t i v e G a u n t l e t s level 16


I hese black leather gloves flare with crimson flames, their potent energy allowing an ally to return to fighting form.

I tem Slot: Hands 45,000 gp Power (Encounter): Standard Action. One willing ally

adjacent to you takes damage equal to half his. or her level and ends one effect on him or her that a save can end (ally's choice).

Level 14^ W e a p o n of C r u e l P e r s u a s i o n

The menacing cut of this weapon kecpsyour foes at bay.

Lvl 14 4-3 21.000gp Lvl 24 +5 525.000gp Lvl 19 +4 105.000gp Lvl 29 +6 2,625.O00gp W e a p o n : Any melee Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Crit ical: * 1d6 damage per plus Power (Daily • Fear): Free Action. Trigger: You Ihit an

enemy with this weapon. Effect That enemy can't attack you until the end of your next turn.

ELDRITCH PANOPLY I n t he d y i n g d a y s of N e r a t h . the s w o r d m a g e s k n o w n

as ( he e l d r i t c h kn igh ts w e r e sa id to he the mos t e l i te

force i n t he e m p i r e . N o n e fought h a r d e r to s tave o f f

N e r a t h ' s la l l t h a n th is d e d i c a t e d g r o u p o f w a r r i o r -

a r can i s t s . T h e i r legend s u r v i v e s today i n ( h e E l d r i t c h

Panop l y—a set o f m a g i c a r m s , a r m o r , a n d g e a r that

s u p p o r t e d t he i r i m p r e s s i v e f ight ing ta len ts .

S w o r d m a g e s benef i t t he most f r o m o w n i n g t he

Kiel rite h P a n o p l y , but w a r l o c k s , o the r s t r i ke rs , and

s o m e d e f e n d e r s c a n m a k e use o f these p o w e r f u l

re l i cs .

LORE A r c a n a o r H i s t o r y D C 1 3 : T h e e l d r i t c h kn igh ts

w e r e a d i s t i n g u i s h e d o r d e r of s w o r d m a g e s w h o

R>Ught in t he se rv i ce of N e r a t h .

A r c a n a o r H i s t o r y D C 20: I t e m s i n t he E l d r i t c h

P a n o p l y h a v e p r e c i o u s m e t a l s a n d o t h e r s p e c i a l

m a t e r i a l s w o v e n o r [used in to t h e m , a l l o w i n g the

w e a r e r to c h a n n e l a r c a n e e n e r g v for use im c o m b a t

m a n e u v e r s or spc l l cas t ing . T h e p i e c e s o f t he p a n o p l y

w e r e sca t te red ac ross the w o r l d w h e n the e l d r i t c h

kn igh ts le l l . a n d they r e m a i n h igh ly soughit a f ter by

s w o r d m a g e s a n d o t h e r a r c a n e w a r r i o r s .

E L D I * I T C H P A N O P L Y I T E M S

Pr ice (gp) ^ ^ n ^ ^ t |




Swif t-step boots 21.UUU

B lade of the eldr i tch knight 25 ,000

Eldri tch medal l ion 65,000

ree t

W e a p o n

Neck 18 1Q

Rebuking bracers

Bel t of breaching

Dimensional gauntlets

85 .000 i n * ; n n n

A r m s

1 7


Rebuking bracers

Bel t of breaching

Dimensional gauntlets 125,000 w a i s i Hands

C H A P I I - K 2 l Item Sets


Pieces Benef i t

W h e n you use a teleportat ion power, you can

use a minor act ion in the same turn to teleport

again a number of squares equal to the number

of i tems you have f rom this set.

W h e n an enemy marked by you triggers your

Swordmage Aegis class feature by attacking a

target other than you , your next at tack against

that enemy deals extra damage equal to the

number of i tems you have from this set.

You gain a +1 item bonus to AC whi le you're

wear ing light armor or no armor.

Level 19 B e l t of B r e a c h i n g liven as your foe falls, this plain leather belt semis you across the battlefield, refreshed and ready to fight on.

I tem Slot: Waist 105,000 gp Property: W h e n you reduce an enemy to 0 hit points, you

can spend a healing surge to regain hit points and then teleport 5 squares.

Level 151 B l a d e of t h e E l d r i t c h K n i g h t Mystic runes shimmer along the length of this blade. The weap on enables you to attach a distant enemy. Lvl 15 +3 25,OOOgp Lvl 25 +5 625.000gp Lvl 20 +4 125,000 gp Lvl 30 +6 3.125.000gp

W e a p o n : Heavy blade Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Crit ical: + l d 6 damage per plus Proper ly: W h e n you use a standard action to make a melee

attack with this blade, your melee reach increases to 5 for that attack.

D i m e n s i o n a l G a u n t l e t s L*vfcl20

ihese light mail gauntlets allow you to lash out at nearby foes.

I tem Slot: Hands 1 2 5,000 gp Power (Daily): Minor Action. Until the start of your next

turn, your melee reach increases by 1 and you gain threatening reach.

If you're wielding the blade of the eldritch knight, your melee reach increases by 2 and you gain threatening reach.

Leve l ! 7-E l d r i t c h M e d a l l i o n

W h e n you're injured, the power of this intricately engraved medallion tetsyou slip away from your foes.

Lvl 17 1 4 65.000 gp Lvl 2 7 * 6 1,625.000 gp Lvl 22 +5 325.000gp I tem Slot: Neck r R I J I ^ N R O M O I I J ' Fortitude Reflex u " d W i ! ! Power (Dai ly • Teleportation): Immediate Reaction.

Trigger: An enemy bloodies you. E//ect: You teleport a number of squares equal to the medallion's enhancement bonus.

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R e b u k i n g B r a c e r s Level 18

These gem-studded bracers flare with blue Ii#hf as your devastating arrack sends an enemy away fromyou.

Item Slot: Arms 85,000 gp Property: W h e n you score a critical hit with a melee attack,

you can teleport the target 3 squares. If you're wielding the blade of the eldritch knight, the target is also dazed until the end of your next turn.


S w i f t - S t e p B o o t s These nondescript (earlier boots let you run past any obstacle.

Lvl 14 +3 21,000 gp Lvl 24 +5 525,000 gp Lvl 19 +4 105.000 gp Lvl 29 +6 2,625.000 gp Item Slot: Feet Property: W h e n you run. you can teleport the last 2 squares

of your move. Level 24 or 29: Teleport the last 4 squares of your move

plus 1 extra square.

GIFTS FOR THE QUEEN This i tem set is spoken of i n the legends o f h u m a n s

and e l a d r i n . t hough its o r ig ins r e m a i n s h r o u d e d i n

mystery. T h e ta les le l l o I T s a t h r a i n - a q u e e n o f o l d

who w a s k i d n a p p e d a n d t a k e n to the Shadowfe l l—

and of the p o w e r f u l rel ics that a i d e d h e r lover o n h is

dangerous quest to rescue her .

O v e r long cen tu r i es , these G i f t s for the Q u e e n

have f ound the i r w a y hack to the w o r l d . T h o u g h most

useful to so rcere rs , they a r c cove ted by o the r c h a r a c

ters w h o u n d e r t a k e adven tu res in the S h a d o w f e l l o r

who hunt the u n d e a d .

LORE A r c a n a o r H i s t o r y D C 1 1 : I s a t h r a i n , the q u e e n

of a p o w e r f u l bo rde r k i n g d o m , b e c a m e be t ro thed to

G i r y o n , a sorcerer f r o m a d is tant l a n d . D a y s before

the w e d d i n g . G i r y o n s e n e m i e s s t ruck f rom the

Shadowfe l l a n d stole I s a t h r a i n a w a y . G i r y o n a n d the

queen's cour t responded by t u r n i n g w h a t h a d b e e n

p lanned as a w e d d i n g recept ion into a w a r c o u n c i l .

G i l l s that h a d b e e n i n tended as cou r t l y ves tmen ts (or

the q u e e n w e r e t r ans fo rmed into p o w e r f u l w e a p o n s

and i m p l e m e n t s in p repara t ion for a n assatdt into the

S h a d o w f e l l .

A r c a n a o r H i s t o r y D C 1 8 : A c c o r d i n g to l egend .

G i r y o n a n d I s a t h r a i n w e r e reun i ted i n the S h a d o w -

fell af ter m a n y t r ia ls . I lowever . t hough the G i f t s for

the Q u e e n w e r e soon seen in the m o r t a l w o r l d , the

two lovers never re tu rned to the queen 's cou r t . S o m e

say they t rave led to the F e y w i l d to escape G i r y o n s

enemies ; o thers c l a i m that the lovers r e m a i n e d i n

the S h a d o w f e l l . s e a r c h i n g for o the r mor ta l s that h a d

been sto len a w a y by t h e d e n i z e n s o f that d a r k l a n d .

A r c a n a o r H i s t o r y D C 2 3 : T h o s e w h o b e l i e v e

that Q u e e n I s a t h r a i n st i l l f ights for the l ives o f mor

tals t r a p p e d i n the S h a d o w f e l l say that a c h a r a c t e r

who assembles a fu l l set o f the G i f t s for the Q u e e n

c a n seek h e r t he re .

Lvl Name

13 Bracelet of the radiant storm 17,000 Arms

Pr ice (gp) I tem Slot

14 Crown of the bril l iant sun

15+ Queen's staff

16 Spark slippers

17 Ring of the radiant storm

21,000 Head

25,000 Implement

45,000 Feet

65,000 Ring


W h e n you hit w i th a lightning or radiant attack

power, you gain a bonus to damage rolls on that

attack equal to the number of i tems you have

from this set.

The resistances granted by the bracelet of the

radiant storm increase to 10. In addit ion, w h e n

you take lightning or radiant damage, you can

make a saving throw as an immediate reaction

to negate that damage.

Level 13 B r a c e l e t of the R a d i a n t S t o r m Seemingly composed of pure energy, this bracelet keeps you safe from energy attacks.

I tem Slot: Arms 1 7,000 gp Property: You gain resist 5 radiant and resist 5 lightning.

Level 14 C r o w n of the Br i l l i an t S u n This crown flares with brilliant energy lhatyou can unleash in place of a lightning attack.

I tem Slot: Head 21,000 gp Property: W h e n you hit an enemy with a lightning power

and deal damage to it, you can deal radiant damage instead.

R i n g of the Rai A gem of pure energy set into this platinum ring sharpens vow mastery of light and lightning.

I tem Slot: Ring 65,000 gp Property: W h e n you hit an enemy with a lightning or

radiant power and deal damage to it, you can roll the damage twice and use either result.

Power (Daily): Free Action. Trigger: You attack an enemy with an encounter lightning or radiant power and miss. Effect; You regain the use of the power.

If you've reached at least one milestone today, a daily lightning or radiant power can trigger this power instead.

Level 16 S p a r k S l i p p e r s When you wear these magically supple glass slippers, foes who step too close toyou pay the price.

I tem Slot: Feet 45,000 gp Property: W h e n a creature moves adjacent to you, you

can deal lightning damage to that creature equal to your Charisma modifier.

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Q u e e n s Sta f f Level 15 +

Your lightning attacks and arcane defenses are more potent whdeyou wield this staff

Lv l15 +3 25,000 gp Lvl 25 +5 625,000 gp Lvl 20 +4 125,000 gp Lvl 30 +6 3,125,000 gp Implement (Staff) Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Critical: -*-1d6 damage per plus, and if the attack gives you

a bonus to AC from your Chaos Burst class feature, that bonus increases to +3.

Property: W h e n you hit an enemy with an arcane lightning power using this staff and deal damage to it, you gain a +2 bonus to your attack rolls against that enemy until the end of your next turn.

OFFERINGS OF CELESTIAN Once in a do /en generations, a fiery comet cal led the Far Wanderer traverses the night sky. Legend holds thai the Far Wanderer is a sign of salvation and a portent of the watchful eyes of the gods of good. I n ages past, a great sorcerer secured a fragment of the Far Wanderer for use in the creation ofa set of powerful items—the Offerings of Celestian.

I he Offerings of Celestian are best suited for cosmic sorcerers, but any character can make use of the items of this set.

LORE A r c a n a , H is to ry , or R e l i g i o n D C 13: W h e n

the comet known as the Far Wandere r last traversed the skies centuries ago, it is said that fragments of its essence split off and rained white fire across the land. Adventurers and scholars roamed far and wide in search of these fragments, but only one was ever recovered. Collected by an arcanist and astronomer named Celestian, this strange piece of 'metal was found to carry potent levels of magical power.

A r c a n a , H is to ry , or R e l i g i o n D C 20: believing this magical fragment to be a gift from the good deities, Celestian sought to honor them. After smelting the fragment down, the arcanist spun a thin metal lie thread that was stronger than steel. By stitching this thread into fine silk and leather and embedding pieces of it in other materials, he crafted a set of magic items as his offering to the gods.



Pr ice (gp) I tem Slot Lvl N a m e

17+ Mooncloth robes 65 ,000 A r m o r 17+ Staf f of the Far W a n d e r e r 65 ,000 Implement 18+ Star -s t rewn scarf 85 ,000 Neck 19 G loves of the wander ing star 105,000 Hands

20 Sun sphere 125,000 Head

W h e n you have resistance to cold, psychic, or radiant , that resistance increases by an amount equal to the number of i tems you have from this set.

W h e n you teleport, you can also teleport a number of al l ies equal to the number of i tems you have f rom this set. The all ies must begin and end the teleport adjacent to you .

Level 19 G l o v e s of t h e W a n d e r i n g S t a r

The magic of these supple gloves sends forth a hurst of starlight to blind your foes.

I tem Slot: Hands 105,000 gp Property: The range of your ranged attack powers increases

by 2 squares. P o w e r (Dai ly • Implement, Radiant): Free Action. Trigger:

You hit or mtss an enemy with a ranged attack. Effect: Make a secondary attack: Area burst 1 centered on that enemy; Charisma + 4 vs. Fortitude; targets enemies; on a hit, the attack deals 2d8 + Charisma modifier radiant damage, and the target is blinded until the start of your next turn.

M o o n c l o t h R o b e s Level I 7 i A would-be attacker is shunted away from you by the protective power of these shimmering robes.

Lvl 17 +4 65.000 gp Lvl 27 16 1.625,000 gp Lvl 22 +5 325.000 gp Armor: Cloth Enhancement : AC Power (Encounter): Free Action. Trigger: An enemy adja

cent to you misses you with a melee attack. Effect: You slide the triggering enemy 1 square. Special: If you have the Cosmic Magic class feature, you

slide the triggering enemy 2 squares.

Level 17-S t a f f of t h e F a r W a n d e r e r

When you burn your foes with radiant power, the four white stars set at the head of this staff send you effortlessly across the battlefield.

Lvl 17 +4 65.000 gp Lvl 27 +6 1.625,000gp Lvl 22 +5 325,000 gp Implement (Staff) Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Crit ical: +1 d8 radiant damage per plus Power (Dai ly • Teleportation): Free Action. Trigger: You

use a radiant power. Effect You teleport to a space adjacent to any target of the triggering power. Special: If you have the Cosmic Magic class feature and

are in the phase of the stars, you gain a power bonus to AC equal to the staff's enhancement bonus until the start of your next turn.

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S t a r - S t r e w n Scar f Level 18+

This shimmering black scarf protects your vision even as it hin dersyour enemies' attacks.

Lvl18 +4 85,000 gp Lvl 28 +6 2.125,000 gp Lvl 23 +5 425.000 gp I tem Slot: Neck Enhancement: Fortitude. Reflex, and Wi l l Property: You gain a + 2 item bonus to saving throws against

the blinded condition. Power (Daily): Minor Action. Until the start of your next

turn, you are blinded, and each enemy that can see you takes a -5 penalty to attack rolls for attacks that include you as a target.

S u n S p h e r e Level 20

This tiny sphere- in the shape of the sun circles your he.id. burn ingfoes who move too close.

Item Slot: Head 12 5.000 gp Property: You gain a +1 item bonus to Wi l l . Power (Encounter • Fire, Radiant): Minor Action. Each

enemy adjacent to you takes fire and radiant damage equal to your Strength modifier. Special: If you have the Cosmic Magic class feature and

are in the phase of the sun. this power affects each enemy within 2 squares of you.

PANOPLY OF THE SHEPHERDS OF GHEST A n c i e n t legends tel l o f the f loa t ing c i ty o f G h e s t a n d of its s p e c t a c u l a r des t ruc t i on . Less w e l l k n o w n is the ta le of those w h o s u r v i v e d that des t ruc t i on , a n d how a h a n d f u l of h e r o e s - t h e shepherds o f Ghes t—successfu l ly led the i r peop le t h rough coun t less dange rs to m a k e n e w l ives. T h o u g h G h e s t is l i t t le m o r e t h a n a m e m o r y now . its n a m e l ives o n i n the a r m s a n d a r m o r those heroes w o r e .

T h i s i t e m set is favored by de fenders a n d cha rac

ters c h a r g e d w i t h pro tec t ing o thers f r o m h a r m .

LORE A r c a n a o r H i s t o r y D C 11: T h e f l oa t i ng c i ty o f

G h e s t w a s a m a g i c a l m a r v e l said to h a v e b e e n bui l t by m igh ty a r c h m a g e s a n d demigods . F o r cen tu r i es , G h e s t w a s a cen te r o f l e a r n i n g , p e a c e , a n d prosper ity— a n d t h e n d isaster s t ruck . W h e n its m a g i c w a s shut d o w n by u n k n o w n forces, the f l oa t i ng c i ty loll to e a r t h . T h r o u g h the efforts a n d sacr i f i ce o f Ghos t ' s p o w e r f u l pr iests a n d w i z a r d s , a f rac t ion of the c i ty 's popu la t ion s u r v i v e d the c a t a c l y s m . H o w e v e r , those su rv i vo rs w e r e left a l one in a host i le l a n d , the i r leaders a n d c h a m p i o n s d e a d .

A r c a n a o r H i s t o r y D C 18: F r o m t h e b r o k e n w r e c k a g e of the i r once -m igh ty ci ty, the ex i l es salvaged s o m e of the a r c a n e w o n d e r s of G h e s t to he lp t h e m s u r v i v e . A h a n d f u l of se l f a p p o i n t e d "sheph e r d s " w i e l d i n g w e a p o n s a n d a r m o r of s a c r e d c rys ta l led the peop le of Ghes t th rough m a n y t r i a l s , eventual ly f i nd ing a safe h o m e i n n e w lands . T h e re l ics they

h a d c rea ted w e r e passed to n e w genera t ions o f shephe rds a n d even tua l l y sp read to t h e w i d e r wor ld .

A r c a n a o r H i s t o r y D C 2 3 : W h e n the shepherds led the i r peop le f r om t h e fa l len ci ty, they took only the panop ly they h a d c r e a t e d . F e a r i n g that Chest 's power fu l mag ic migh t fal l into the w r o n g hands , the su rv i vo rs a l l o w e d the c i ty 's great a r c a n e eng ines to destroy themse lves a n d the s u r r o u n d i n g r u i n s , l o r cen tu r ies , sages a n d a d v e n t u r e r s have sought the locat ion of the fa l len ci ty, to no ava i l . 1 lovvever. some be l ieve that the d e s c e n d a n t s of the first shepherds sti l l g u a r d the ru ins , a n d (hat cha rac te rs w h o success ful ly col lect the panop l y c a n at tempt to f ind them.


Lvl Name Pr ice (gp) Item Slot 12 Shepherd's battle 13,000 Wondrous item


13+ Shepherd's arms 17,000 Weapon

1 4 Helm of able defense 21,000 Head

15+ Crystalline breastplate 25,000 Armor


B E N E F I T S Pieces Benefi t

2 Each ally adjacent to you gains resistance to all

damage equal to the number of items you have

from this set.

4 Each ally adjacent to you gains a +1 item bonus

to all defenses.

Crysta l l ine B r e a s t p l a t e

lliumb sized crystals set into this armor absorb certain types of damage, but at the expense of increased vulnerability.

Lvl 15 +3 25,000 gp Lvl 25 +5 625.000gp Lvl 20 +4 125.000gp Lvl 30 +6 3.125.000gp Armor: Leather, hide, chain, scale, plate Enhancement: AC Property: After ait extended rest, choose one of the

following pairs: cold and fire, lightning and thunder, or necrotic and radiant. You gain resist 10 to one of the chosen damage types and gain vulnerable 10 to the other type. Level 25 or 30: Resist 1 5, vulnerable 15.

H e l m of A b l e D e f e n s e Level 14

Lifelike crystal eyes in the back of this helmet focus your will and bolster your defenses.

Item Slot: Head 21.000 gp Property: You gain a +1 item bonus to Wi l l . Property: At the start of each encounter, you gain a +2

bonus to all defenses until you take damage for the first time after the end of your first turn (not including a surprise round).

C H A P I K K I I Item Sets

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Shepherd 's A r m s Level i i -

Hie proactive magic of this crystal-btaded weapon hinders a foe's attacks agOinsiyota allies.

Lvl 13 4-3 17.000gp Lvl 23 +5 425.000gp Lvl 18 -"-4 85.000 gp Lvl 28 - 6 2,125.O0Ogp Weapon: Polearm, spear Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Critical: +1 d6 damage per plus Property: An enemy adjacent to you can't flank your allies.

Shepherd 's B a t t l e S t a n d a r d level 1 1

Set with scores of shining i n s t i l l s , this Iximicr inspires bravery InyoUT allies and keeps enemies at bay. Wondrous Item 1 3.000 gp Power (Encounter • Zone): Standard Action. W h e n you

plant this hattle standard in your space o r an adjacent square, it creates a zone in a close burst 5. Whi le within the zone, you and your allies gain a +2 power bonus to Wi l l against fear effects. It costs enemies 3 extra squares of movement to enter the zone.

This effect lasts until the end of the encounter or until the battle standard is removed from the ground. Any character in or adjacent to a battle standard's square can remove it from the ground as a standard action.

RAIMENT OF SHADOWS Created by a mi l i tant o rder of wa r l ocks , the R a i m e n t ol S h a d o w s is a set ol bat t le garb c ra f ted from the hides a n d scales o f ex t rap lanar c rea tu res d w e l l i n g in the S h a d o w f e l l . T h o u g h the w a r l o c k o rde r no longer exists, p ieces o f the ra imen t sti l l c i r cu la te , a n d m a n y war locks seek to comple te a set lor themse lves .

LORE A r c a n a D C 10: T h e B lades o f S h a d o w w e r e a n

elite o rder ol w a r l o c k s w h o st rove to o v e r c o m e the-phi losophical bar r ie rs a r i s ing be tween wa r l ocks o l different p a d s . T h e R a i m e n t o f Shadows—a set o f magic: re l ics c ra f ted w i t h the p o w e r o l the S h a d o w fell—was thei r u n i f o r m a n d w a s des igned to obscure any d i f ferences o l race , c r e e d , or pact .

A r c a n a D C 16 : Desp i te the i r ded ica t ion to uni fying the e ldr i tch arts, the B lades of ' S h a d o w even tua l l y It'll. O v e r t ime , the d iv is ions be tween wa r l ocks o f different pacts t u r n e d to conf l ic t , w i t h sma l l e r groups w i th in the b lades accus ing e a c h o the r of w i t h h o l d i n g the order 's most p o w e r f u l secrets.

A r c a n a D C 2 1 : Sages know that the fal l of the blades o f S h a d o w w a s due to m o r e t h a n m e r e infighting. T h e beings a n d p o w e r s to w h o m the w a r l o c k s had s w o r n fealty feared that the B l a d e s w e r e on the verge o f d i scove r i ng the m e a n s to l a p d i rec t l y in to the' e ldr i tch p o w e r that w a s the i r I i l cb lood. B y do ing so. 11 icy w o u l d be able to bypass the i r t rad i t iona l pat rons of the Fey w i l d , the Fa r R e a l m , the N i n e H e l l s , a n d other p o w e r s . T h e s e pat rons forged a shor t - term a l l iance that shat tered the B lades of S h a d o w a n d destroyed its teach ings .

R A I M E N T O F S H A D O W S I T E M S Lvl Name Pr ice (gp) I tem Slot j 3+ 11 1 -> i

fact D I A A E

Razordark bracers r-\ 1 , • 1

9,000 s -* f\e\f\


Arms A

12+ 14

Darkstrike armor

Tenebrous mask

13,000 21,000


Head 15+ Cloak of burgeoning

shadow 25,000 Neck

R A I M E N T O F S H A D O W S B E N E F I T S Pieces Benefit

2 You gain an item bonus to Stealth checks equal

to the number of items you have from this set.

5 When an enemy affected by your Warlock's

Curse drops to 0 hit points, you become invisible

until the end of your next turn.

( It A P T E S I | I t e m Sets

Page 114: 4e Adventurers Vault 2 OCR

C l o a k o f B u r g e o n i n g S h a d

This dark cloak helps obscure your allies when you stay close. Lv l15 +3 25.000 gp Lvl 25 +5 625.000 gp Lvl 20 +4 125.000 gp Lvl 30 +6 3,125,000 gp I tem Slot: Neck Enhancement: Fortitude, Reflex, and W i l l Power (Daily): Minor Action. Until the end of the

encounter, each ally adjacent to you whi le you have concealment from your Shadow Walk class feature also has concealment.

D a r k s t r i k e A r m o r Shadowy runes shift across the surface of this black armor, protecting you whenyou single out a foe with your attacks. Lvl 12 +3 13,000 gp Lvl 22 ^ 5 32 5,000 gp Lvl 17 +4 65,000 gp Lvl 27 - 6 1,625,000 gp Armor: Leather, hide Enhancement: AC Property: W h e n you hit an enemy with an attack power,

if you gained a bonus to your ranged attack roll against that enemy from your Pr ime Shot class feature, you gain a +2 bonus to AC against that enemy until the end of your next turn.

P a c t B l a d e Level 3

Warlocksfavor this wickedly sharp Made.

Lvl 3 +1 680 gp Lvl 18 +4 85,000 gp Lvl 8 -K2 3,400 gp Lvl 23 +5 425,000 gp Lvl 13 +3 U O O O g p Lvl 28 +6 2.125,000 gp W e a p o n : Light blade (usually daggers and sickles) Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Crit ical: i 1 dG damage per plus

Property: This blade functions as a warlock implement. adding its enhancement bonus to attack rolls and damage rolls for warlock powers that use implements.

Property: W h e n a creature you have cursed with your Warlock's Curse makes a melee attack against you. deal damage to the creature equal to the pact Mode's enhancement bonus.

Special : You do not gain your weapon proficiency bonus to the attack roll when using a pact blade as an implement.

R a z o r d a r k B r a c e r s Level 11

lashed with lines of glass-sharp shadow, these bracers allow van to strike at range without felling your guard down. I tem Slot: Arms 9,000 gp Property: Your warlock at-will ranged attack powers don't

provoke opportunity attacks from adjacent enemies.

T e n e b r o u s M a s k This thin slip of black silk allowsyou to target foes shrouded from your sight.

I tem Slot: Head 21,000 gp Power (Encounter): Minor Action. Until the end of your

next turn, you ignore the -2 penalty to attack rolls against creatures within 10 squares of you that have concealment.

R A I M E N T OF THE W O R L D SPIRIT T h e R a i m e n t ol the W o r l d Sp i r i t is a m a g i c i tem set

of anc i en t des ign a n d p r i m a l p o w e r . T o the untrained

eye . t he i tems in th is set a p p e a r a s the re l ics o f sonic

p r i m i t i v e tr ibe—a sh ie ld , n e c k l a c e , m a s k , a n d r ing

fash ioned f r o m w o o d , hark , a n d o t h e r mate r ia ls of

t he forest. 1 l oweve r . c lose r sc ru t i ny revea ls that the

p ieces o f the ra imen t a r e u n t o u c h e d by mor ta l tools,

a p p e a r i n g ins tead as t hough t h e y w e r e g r o w n as

l i v i ng ob jects .

W a r d e n s benef i t t he most f r o m t h e R a i m e n t of the

W o r l d Sp i r i t set. but de fende rs a n d c lasses that grant

access to p o l y m o r p h p o w e r s w i l l f i n d these i tems

use fu l as w e l l .

LORE A r c a n a or N a t u r e D C 1 1 : P r i m a l p o w e r infuses

the R a i m e n t o f t he W o r l d Sp i r i t set . b i n d i n g it to

n a t u r e . S p e l l c a s t i n g c ra f te rs c rea te e a c h component

as par t of a n anc i en t c e r e m o n y p a s s e d d o w n through

the ages. E a c h p i ece o f t he set is g r o w n as the offshoot

o f a l i v i ng t ree—an a v a t a r o f t he mys te r i ous W o r l d

Sp i r i t . T h e t ree g ives u p a po r t i on o f its hear twood

to se r ve as a sh i e l d , f o r m s the m a s k f rom its bark ,

p r o v i d e s its seed pods for the n e c k l a c e , a n d manifests

the r i ng as a n ex tens ion o f its p r i m a l spi r i t .

A r c a n a or N a t u r e D C 18: The R a i m e n t of the

W o r l d Sp i r i t w a s first fash ioned in t h e ear l iest age of

the m o r t a l w o r l d . S e n s i n g l o o m i n g th rea ts that might

d i s rup t t he f rag i le c y c l e of l i fe a n d d e a t h , shamans,

w a r d e n s , a n d d r u i d s c a m e together to request aid

f r o m the p r i m a l p o w e r they sought to protect . W i t h

these n o w - a n c i e n t r i les , the k e e p e r s o f t he old ways

c o n t i n u e to cra f t these re l ics , bo th to hono r the cham

p ions w h o o n c e c a r r i e d t h e m a n d a s a b o o n to new

he roes d e d i c a t e d to d e f e n d i n g the n a t u r a l wor ld .

W h e n a n i t e m f rom the r a i m e n t is w o r n , it releases

t i ny seeds that take root i n t he w e a r e r ' s c lo th ing and

sprout v i n e s that w e a v e about that p e r s o n s body.The

tendr i l s s t a u n c h w o u n d s a n d s u p p l e m e n t strength lo

a l l o w the w e a r e r to keep f igh t ing pas t t he point when

o thers w o u l d fa l l .

A r c a n a or Na ture D C 23: T h e c ra f te rs of the rai

m e n t t reat its c rea t i on as a s a c r e d t rus t , a n d they take

c a r e to e n s u r e that t he re l ics don't fa l l into the wrong

h a n d s . T h e r a i m e n t is a gift o f n a t u r e , a n d that gift

c a n b e w i t h d r a w n i f its w e a r e r abuses its power. Dark

ta les a b o u n d of p r i m a l spi r i ts v is i t ing c a l a m i t y on

he roes w h o m i s u s e the r a i m e n t , a n d of w h o l e lands

scou rged by bl ight a n d d i sease i n response to the

p o w e r o f t he W o r l d Sp i r i t b e i n g bet r ayed .

C H A P I E R 2 | Item Sets

Page 115: 4e Adventurers Vault 2 OCR


Lvl N a m e Price (gp) I tem Slot

12 Necklace of late 15,000 13 Shield of the W o r l d Tree 17,000 14 Mask of the vengeful spirit 21,000 15 Ring of many forms 25,000

Neck Arms Head Ring


Pieces Benefi t 2 You gain an item bonus to saving throws against

ongoing damage equal to the number of items you have f rom this set.

4 Your healing surge value increases by 4. by 4.

M a s k of t h e Venge fu l Spi r i t L e v e M 4

This wooden mask lakes on the appearance of a snarling beast, causing a selected foe to be overcome In fear.

i iem Slot: Head 21,000 gp Power (Daily • Fear): No Action. W h e n you roll initiative,

you mark one enemy you can sec, and that enemy grants combat advantage to you until the end of your next turn.

Level 12 Neck lace of Fate This necklace of acorns and woven vines tethers your spirit to nature, helping you shake off the effects of combat.

Lvl 12 +3 13.000 gp Lvl 22 +5 325.000 gp Lvl 17 +4 65.000gp Lvl 27 +6 1.625,000gp Item Slot: Neck Enhancement: Fortitude, Reflex, and Wi l l Power (Encounter): No Action. Trigger: You make a saving

throw at a time other than the end of your turn. Effect: You gain an item bonus to that saving throw equal to the necklace's enhancement bonus.

Level 15 R i n g of M a n y Forms This ring appears as a band of shifting energy, sharpening your combat prowess when you wield the magic of transformation. Item Slot: Ring 25.000 gp Property: W h e n you use a polymorph power, you gain a +1

bonus to your next attack roll before the end of your turn.

Shie ld of the W o r l d Tree Level 1 3

When you make use of healing energy, the magic within this solid heartwood shield protects your allies.

Item Slot: Arms 17.000 gp Shield: Any Property: W h e n you spend a healing surge, each ally

adjacent to you gains a 1-2 shield bonus to AC until the start of your next turn.

REAPERS A R R A Y Sta ined w i t h d r i e d b lood, e tched w i t h t h e scars of count less bat t les, a n d b e a r i n g si lent w i tness to uncountab le acts of savage slaughter, the R e a p e r ' s A r r a y is a panop ly bef i t t ing on ly the deadl ies t w a r riors. Fo r those w h o co l lec t the i tems o l th is set. d e a t h is a constant c o m p a n i o n , a n d foes met o n the field o f battle a r e des t ined to find on ly p a i n a n d r u i n .

B a r b a r i a n s benef i t the mos t f r om these i t ems , though a n y cha rac te r w h o y e a r n s to be i n the th ick o f comba t w i l l find va lue in th is set.

LORE A r c a n a or H is to ry D C 1 1 ; T h e c ra f t i ng o f a

R e a p e r ' s A r r a y set is a secret k n o w n on ly to a h a n d f u l of a r can i s t s . a n d the d a r k process invo lves the incorpora t ion o l a n e n e m y ' s c o r p o r e a l essence into e a c h p iece . B l ood q u e n c h e s t h e steel pu l l ed whi te-hot f rom the forge. T h e ha i r o f a foe is w o v e n in to the c loak 's fabr ic, a n d its f lesh is c u r e d to p rov ide the lea ther o f gaunt le ts a n d bel t . M o s t sets a r e m a d e w i t h the b lood a n d bod ies of mons te rs , but m o r e t h a n a few have b e e n c ra f ted us ing ma te r i a l s ha rves ted f rom sentient h u m a n o i d s .

A r c a n a or H is to ry D C 18: T h e legendary berserker Y g n i r . a d r a g o n b o r n b a r b a r i a n w a r r i o r w h o s e bloodhist a n d thirst for v e n g e a n c e sti l l inspi res fear i n the t i c l l i ngs that r e m e m b e r h is n a m e , first c r e a t e d the i tems in the Reape r ' s A r r a y . W h e n a s lave over seer m u r d e r e d his fami ly as p u n i s h m e n t for Y g n i r s re fusa l to k n e e l , the b a r b a r i a n v o w e d to b r i n g d o w n the e m p i r e o f B a e l Turath s ing le -handed ly . B r e a k i n g b is c h a i n s . Y g n i r k i l l ed h i s master , the overseer , a n d a d o / e n g u a r d s w i t h h is b a r e h a n d s .

A r c a n a or H is to ry D C 2 3 : W i t h the h e l p o f a fe l low pr i soner schoo led i n the w a r l o c k ar ts . Y g n i r forged the first Reape r ' s A r r a y set us ing the s tee l , b lood , sk in , a n d ha i r o f t h e foes he had s la i n . W i t h h is g r i m h e l m a n d te r r i f y ing axe . Y g n i r b e c a m e a legend o n anc ien t bat t le f ie lds. U n a b l e to s lay h i m themse lves , t ie f l ing d iabo l is ts w e r e said to have summ o n e d power fu l dev i l s to finally e n d the war r i o r ' s threat - a n act that some say might have has tened ihe fal l o f that race.


2 LU I -


u <

EC <

R E A P E R ' S A R R A Y I T E M S

Lvl N a m e

14+ Crimson cloak 15+ Reaper 's axe 15 Reaper 's helm 17 Gauntlets of brutality 18 Head-taker 's belt

Pr ice (gp) I tem Slot 21,000 25,000 25,000 65,000 85,000

Neck W e a p o n

Head Hands Wa is t

2 You gain an item bi ?nus to Intimidate checks

equal to the numbc set.

:r of items you have from this

W h e n you bloody am enemy, you can shift 1

square as a free act ion.

C I I A P T K R 2 ! Item Sets

Page 116: 4e Adventurers Vault 2 OCR

C r i m s o n C l o a k Level 14+

This rich clonk shimmers with a blood-red sheen, defending you against the most potent attacks of your foes. Lvl 14 +3 21.000gp Lvl 24 +5 52S.OOOgp Lvl 19 +4 105,000 gp Lvl 29 +6 2,62 5,000 gp Item Slot: Neck Enhancement: Fortitude. Reflex, and Wi l l Property: W h e n you take untyped ongoing damage, you

make a saving throw against the ongoing damage with an item bonus equal to the cloak's enhancement bonus.

Level 1 1 G a u n t l e t s of B r u t a l i t y

Rust and bloodstains mark these leather and steel gauntlets, which strengthen your attacks against fallen joes.

I tem Slot: Hands 65,000 gp Property: W h e n you hit a prone enemy with a melee attack,

the attack deals 5 extra damage.

Head-Taker 's B e l t leve l 18

This plain leather belt is set with skull shaped steel studs, with a new one appearing each time you slay a foe.

I tem Slot: Waist 8 5.000 gp Property: You gain a +1 item bonus to Fortitude. Power (Daily): Free Action. Trigger: You reduce an enemy

to 0 hit points. EJJect: You gain temporary hit points equal to your level.

Level 15-^ R e a p e r ' s A x e

Sporting a wickedly curved blade, this steel axe draws on the death throes of your opponents to fuel its attack.

Lv l15 +3 25.000gp Lvl 25 +5 625,0O0gp Lvl 20 +4 125.000 gp Lvl 30 *6 3.125.000 gp Weapon : Axe Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Critical: ^1d12 damage per plus Property: W h e n you reduce an enemy to 0 hit points, you

can shift 1 square and make a melee basic attack with this weapon.

Level 1 . i R e a p e r ' s H e l m

J W I v wounded foes can't elude your attacks while you wear this battle scarred steel helmet.

I tem Slot: Head 2 5.000 gp Property: You ignore the -2 penalty to attack rolls against

bloodied enemies that have concealment.

REGALIA OF THE GOLDEN GENERAL T h e G o l d e n G e n e r a l is a n e n d u r i n g f i gu re of legend, a w a r l o r d k n o w n as one o f t h e foremost d e m o n slayers w h o eve r l i ved . T h o u g h the f ragments o f the o r ig ina l a r m s , a r m o r , a n d ra imen t w i e l d e d by the G o l d e n G e n e r a l a r e sa id to l ie in the dep ths of the A b y s s w h e r e he m e t h is end, (he design o f h is regal ia w a s w e l l k n o w n even before h is d e a t h . P i e c e s be longing to th is i tem set c a n be found th roughou t the wor ld a n d b e y o n d it.

Resource fu l war lo rds benefi t the most f rom the i tems in th is set. but al l war lo rds c a n m a k e use of t h e m .

C H A P T E R 2 I Item Sets

LORE H i s t o r y o r R e l i g i o n D C 18 : N o accu ra te records

o f the G o l d e n G e n e r a l ' s b i r th or dea th exist, nor is it k n o w n w h i c h lands w e r e h is t rue h o m e . T h e histor ians o f m a n y h u m a n c u l t u r e s c l a i m this legendary w a r l o r d as the i r o w n , a n d at least o n e ta le c la ims that the G o l d e n G e n e r a l b e c a m e a n exa rch of Pelor af ter he met h is e n d . T h e i tems of the Rega l ia of the G o l d e n G e n e r a l a r e usab le by cha rac te rs of any alignmen t , but it's sa id that a n ev i l c rea tu re that dons these rel ics causes t h e m to t u r n dead b lack in color.

H i s t o r y o r R e l i g i o n D C 2 3 : L e g e n d says dial fl hero w h o o w n s the fu l l Rega l i a o f the G o l d e n G e n e ra l set t a n at tempt to re t r ieve the f ragments of the o r ig ina l regal ia f rom t h e abyssal dep ths . I I successful, th is hero c a n b r ing the f ragments to the c i ty of I lesta-va r in the A s t r a l S e a . U p o n present ing the regalia to Pe lo r . the he ro e a r n s t h e r ight to b e c o m e one of the deity s exa rchs upon d e a t h .

R E G A L I A O F T H E G O L D E N G E N E R A L ITEMS Lvl N a m e Pr ice (gp) Item Slot l 12+ Mant le of the Golden Genera l 13,000 Neck 13+ General 's weapon 17,000 Weapon

14 Golden crown of batt le command

21,000 Head

15 General 's belt 25,000 Waist 16 Ring of tactical bri l l iance 45,000 Ring

R E G A L I A OF THE G O L D E N G E N E R A L BENEFITS Pieces Benefi t

2 You gain a +2 i tem bonus to W i l l . 5 W h e n an ally you can see spends an action

point, that ally gains a +2 bonus to W i l l until the end of his or her next turn.

G e n e r a l ' s B e l t Level I S

The buckle of this leather belt is a golden shield whose magic revitalize;you when you help your allies heal.

I tem Slot: Waist 2 5.000 gp Property: You gain a +1 item bonus to Fortitude. Power (Daily • Healing): Free Action. Trigger. You use

a power that heals an ally. EJfect: You spend a healing surge.

Page 117: 4e Adventurers Vault 2 OCR

G e n e r a l ' s W e a p o n

A foe lurking out of reach will feel the magical bite of this gilded pole arm.

Lvl 13 +3 17,000gp Lv l23 +5 425,OOOgp Lvl 18 +4 85,000 gp Lvl 28 +6 2,12 5,000 gp W e a p o n : Polearm Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Critical: + 1d6 damage per plus Power (Encounter): Minor Action. Until the end of your

next turn, your melee reach with this weapon increases by 1.

G o l d e n C r o w n of B a t t l e C o m m a n d Level 14

When you direct an ally's attack, the power of this simple circlet of beaten gold helps guide his hand.

I tem Slot: Head 21,000 gp Property: W h e n you use a warlord power to grant a melee

basic attack to an ally within your line of sight, that ally gains a +2 bonus to the attack roll and the damage roll.


Level 12+ M a n t l e of t h e G o l d e n G e n e r a l

The aid you give an ally is strengthened by the power of this furlined amber cloak.

Lvl 12 i 3 13,000 gp Lvl 22 +5 325,000 gp Lvl 17 +4 65,000 gp Lvl 27 +6 1,625,000 gp Item Slot: Neck Enhancement: Fortitude, Reflex, and Wi l l Property: W h e n you use a warlord power to grant a saving

throw to an ally, that ally gains a +2 bonus to the saving throw.

Level 16 Ring of Tact ical B r i l l i a n c e

The power of this golden ring helps protect an ally who changes position at your command.

I tem Slot: Ring 45,000 gp Property: W h e n you use a warlord power that lets an ally

shift, that ally gains a +1 bonus to all defenses until the end of his or her next turn.

RELICS OE THE FORGOTTEN ONE Cra f ted f r om the r e m a i n s o f a d e a d g o d , t he R e l i c s

o l the Forgo t ten O n e a r c a set of potent m a g i c i t ems

f rom the d a w n o f t i m e . T h o u g h c le r i cs , a v e n g e r s , a n d

pa lad ins mos t o f ten seek these re l i cs , t hey c a n be

used by a n y c lass .

LORE H i s t o r y o r R e l i g i o n D C 1 8 : H i s t o r i es a n d re l i

g ions texts r e c o r d t he fates of t he de i t ies tha t fel l i n the a n c i e n t con f l i c t b e t w e e n the gods a n d t he pr i -mo rd ia l s , but a f ew stor ies h a v e e s c a p e d the scho la rs ' qu i l ls . I n c e n t u r i e s past , o n e s u c h fa l l en de i t y w a s found by a mys te r i ous o r d e r o f a r can i s t s w h o s e m e m bers fash ioned the r e m a i n s o f t he Forgo t ten O n e in to rel ics o f i n c r e d i b l e powe r .

Lvl N a m e

13+ Sk in of agonies 17,000

14+ Sword of melancholy 21,000

15+ Mant le of regrets 25 ,000

16 Mask of tears 45 ,000

17+ Symbo l of the Forgotten O n e 65,000

18 R ing of sorrows 85,000

Pr ice (gp) I t em Slot

Armor W e a p o n Neck Head

Implement R ing


P ieces Benef i t

W h e n you spend a healing surge whi le you are

bloodied, you regain addit ional hit points equal

to the number of i tems you have f rom this set.

W h i l e you are bloodied, your melee weapon

at tacks gain the brutal 1 property (originally

described in Adventurer's Vault): Rerol l any

damage die result of 1 unti l the die shows 2 or


Level 15-i M a n t l e o f R e g r e t s

This somber mantle bestbws a crippling weight on your enemies.

Lvl 15 +3 25,000 gp Lvl 25 +5 625,000 gp Lvl 20 +4 125,000 gp Lvl 30 -t-6 3,125,000 gp Item Slot: Neck Enhancement: Fortitude, Reflex, and Wi l l Power (Daily • Fear, Psychic): Immediate Reaction.

Trigger: An enemy hits you wi th a melee or a close attack. Effect: The triggering enemy takes a - 2 penalty to attack rolls and saving throws (save ends both). First Failed Saving Throw: The enemy also takes ongoing 10 psychic damage (save ends all). Second Failed Saving Throw: The enemy is also stunned (save ends all).

Leve l16 M a s k o f Tears

This bone mask captures the image ofa grievitig figure whose tears become a balm to you or an ally.

I tem Slot: Head 45,000 gp Power (Dai ly • Healing): Free Action. Trigger: An enemy

bloodies you with a melee or a close attack. Effect: You or an ally adjacent to you can spend a healing surge.

Level 18 R i n g of S o r r o w s

You conjure the manifestation of sorrow from this plain silver ring, tasking your foes with the agony of the Forgotten One's demise.

I tem Slot: Ring 85,000 gp Property: You and each ally you can see gain a +1 bonus to

attack rolls wi th fear powers. Power (Dai ly • Conjuration, Teleportation): Standard

Action. You conjure a manifestation of sorrow in each of three unoccupied squares within 10 squares of you. The three sorrows remain until the end of your next turn. An enemy that starts its turn adjacent to a sorrow and that deals damage during that turn is teleported to another space adjacent to the sorrow (your choice) and dazed until the end of your next turn.

C H A P T E R 2 | Item Sets

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Skin of Agonies Level 131 The likeness of a screaming fact is etched across this armor, which protects you from your foes' harshest attacks.

L v l 1 3 +3 I Z O O O g p Lvl 23 t-5 425.000 gp Lvl 18 +4 85.000gp Lvl 28 +6 2.125,000gp Armor: Leather, hide Enhancement: AC Property: You automatically succeed on saving throws

against untyped ongoing damage. Power (Daily): Immediate Reaction. Trigger. A n enemy hits

you with an attack that deals ongoing damage. Effect: The ongoing damage ends. One enemy adjacent to you takes the ongoing damage instead, and takes a - 2 penalty to saving throws against that ongoing damage.

S w o r d of M e l a n c h o l y Level 14»

I he magic, of this well notched blade fills your Joe with a dread malaise that leaves it open to further attack.

L v M 4 +3 21,000gp Lvl 24 +5 525,000gp Lvl 19 f 4 105.000 gp Lvl 29 +6 2,62 5.000 gp W e a p o n : Heavy blade, light blade Enhancement : Attack rolls and damage rolls Crit ical: +1 d8 damage per plus Power (Dai ly • Fear): Free Action. Trigger: You make a

melee attack against an enemy using this weapon and miss. Effect: That enemy takes a 2 penalty to all defenses (save ends). Aftereffect: If you're adjacent to the enemy when it succeeds on its saving throw against this effect, you can make a melee basic attack using this weapon against that enemy as a free action.

S y m b o l of t h e F o r g o t t e n O n e Level 17 r

The divine power of this buffered symbol conceabyau from your foes.

Lvl 17 -r4 65,000gp Lvl 27 +6 1,625,000gp Lvl 22 +5 325.000 gp Implement (Holy Symbol) Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Critical: * 1d8 radiant damage per plus Power (Dally • Illusion): Standard Action. By expending

a use of your Channel Divinity class feature, you become invisible to each creature within 5 squares of you until the end of your next turn.

Characters require the most potent arms, armor, implements, and other magic items to lace the challenges of the epic levels.

M I R R O R OF TSJESSECAR The mirror ofNessecar was a unique treasure from an ancient fey empire. It held a dimensional portal wi th in its magically silvered glass that was capable of transporting large numbers of creatures to its location. In a great battle between eladr in and fomorians. the mirror was shattered as eladrin soldiers prepared to come through it. and their souls were trapped wi th in its shards.

LORE H i s t o r y D C 17: Over a thousand years ago. a

great battle was fought in the Feywi ld palace of Nessecar between the eladrin and the Ibmorians. The great behemoths laid waste to the priceless crystal relics for wh ich the palace was known, slaying many in their wake . I lowever. before the Ibmorians could t r iumph, the eladrin lord Ondathian unveiled a magic mirror that had the power to save his people.

H i s t o r y DC] 26 : The magic of the mirror opened a portal through which eladrin reinforcements prepared to enter the fray. Hut the foinorian war chief Morgkash shattered the mirror just after the portal opened, trapping the souls of the eladrin wi th in the broken pieces*The Ibmorians overran the palace, slaving al l wi th in it. In an attempt at total victory, Morgkash tried to destroy the shards of the shattered mirror but couldn't affect them. Sensing the power lingering within these fragments, the fomorians si altered the pieces throughout multiple worlds.

H i s t o r y D C 3 1 : Over many generations, frag nients of the mirror have been collected and formed into Mi r ro r of Nessecar sets. The items of this set are powered by the essence of the eladrin who died trapped within the mirror, granting potent abilities to the wielder.

MIRROR OF NESSECAR ITEMS Lvl N a m e Pr i ce (gp) h e m Slot

l b bloodshard ring 27 Mirrored mask

l . l ib .UUU 1,625,000

King Head

28 Feyshard wand 2,125.000 Implement 29 Far-step amulet 2,625.000 Neck


2 You gain a +10 item bonus to skill checks made as part of a scrying ritual or a travel ritual.

4 You can perform the Observe Creature and True Portal rituals once per day each with no component cost.

B l o o d s h a r d R i n g l eve l .f.

The images of eladrin nobles flicker within this circular shard of mirrored glass, which injures you even as if cx tends your vitality.

Item Slot: Ring 1.125.000 gp Property: You reduce your maximum hit points by 5. In

addition, whenever you spend a healing surge, you regain 2 additional hit points.

Power (Daily • Healing): Minor Action. Regain hit points as if you had spent a healing surge.

If you've reached at least one milestone today, you also regain a spent healing surge.


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wmzmm, This amulet appears to be the frame and shattered glass of a Scryina mirror. /Is magic focuses your teleportation powers.

Lvl 29 1-6 2,625,000 gp Item Slot: Neck Enhancement: Fortitude. Reflex, and W i l l Property: W h e n you use a teleportation power, the distance

you can teleport increases by 3 squares. Power (Dai ly • Teleportation): Move Action. You teleport

20 squares.

Level 28 Feyshard W a n d

This slender mirrored shard reflects the ghostly image of eladrin battle tniiaes and replenishes the arcane power within you.

Lvl 28 +6 2.12 5,000 gp Implement ( W a n d ) Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Critical: +1d6 damage per plus Power (Daily): Free Action. You gain the use of an arcane

encounter power that you or an ally has already used during this encounter. This power is lost if it is not used before the end of the encounter.

Mirrored M a s k Level 27

A jagged cut mask of silvered glass appears to show Images of eladrin scouts even as it protects you from attacks.

Item Slot: Head 1,62 5,000 gp Property: You are immune to gaze attacks. Property: You gain a +2 bonus to all defenses against ranged

or area attacks.

POINTS OF THE CONSTELLATION The Po in ts of t he Cons te l l a t i on a r e re l i cs sac red to

an anc i en t sect o l s ta r pact w a r l o c k s w h o w o r s h i p e d

the u n k n o w n p o w e r s of the F a r R e a l m . E a c h i t e m is

n a m e d for a d i f fe ren t a l i en s ta r a n d a l l o w s its w te lde r

to exert i n f l u e n c e ove r mor ta l m i n d s a n d bod ies .

T h o u g h th is set is most use fu l to w a r l o c k s , a n y

cha rac te r s e e k i n g a c o n n e c t i o n to the F a r R e a l m c a n

m a k e use of its i t ems .

LORE His tory D C 17: C a l l i n g t hemse l ves the Cons te l

la t ion, a secre t sec t o f w a r l o c k s i n t he a n c i e n t t i e f l i ng e m p i r e o f B a e l Turath w o r s h i p e d the a l i e n p o w e r s l u rk ing w i t h i n the F a r R e a l m . W h e n ib i s p rac t i ce and the resu l tan t c o r r u p t i o n o f these star pac t w a r locks w a s d i s c o v e r e d by the e lders o f t he e m p i r e , re t r ibut ion c a m e swi f t lv .

P r a y i n g to thei r c i de r gods, the w a r l o c k s ca l l ed a mighty power to the wor ld , shower ing the r e a l m w i t h monst rous meteor i tes. Th i s assault dest royed the wa r locks' foes, e v e n as it enchan ted a panop ly o i i tems w i t h power never m e a n t to be w ie lded by mor ta l hands .

H i s t o r y D C 26: T h e d ragonbo rn of A r k h o s i a f inished the job t ha t t he e lders o f B a e l T u r a t h cou ld not , lay ing siege to the s a n c t u m s a n d fortresses o f t he s ta r pact w a r l o c k s before the i r ta in t cou ld s p r e a d . I n t he

a f t e r m a t h , t he u n h o l y re l i cs f r o m b e y o n d the stars w e r e sca t te red far a n d w i d e , a n d they h a v e c o n t i n u e d to s p r e a d to v a r i o u s c u l t u r e s ove r t he cen tu r i es .

H i s t o r y D C 3 1 : S a g e s specu la te that t h e p o w e r g r a n t e d by these i t ems is g i ven on l y to he lp reun i t e t h e i tems. A n d m a n v t h i n k tha t the P o i n t s o f the C o n -ste l la t ion i t ems s e n d da rk d r e a m s of p o w e r to those w h o seek t h e m , exac t i ng a cost f r o m the user lor the i r power . It 's e v e n sa id that ( h e i t ems not on l y w o r k to b e r e u n i t e d , but a lso a r e t r y i n g to r e t u r n to the F a r Rea lm—at the e x p e n s e o f those w h o co l lec t t h e m .

P O I N T S O F T H E C O N S T E L L A T I O N I T E M S Lvl N a m e Pr ice (gp) I tem Slot 23 Delbanian vambraces 425,000 A rms 24 Boots of Caiphon

Rod of U lban

Hands of Hadar

Ring of Khirad







Hands Ring

i J T

26 27

Boots of Caiphon

Rod of U lban

Hands of Hadar

Ring of Khirad







Hands Ring

P O I N T S O F THE C O N S T E L L A T I O N B E N E F I T S Pieces Benef i t

Your enemies take a -1 penalty to saving throws

against your powers for every two pieces you

have of this set.

You gain a +3 i tem bonus to Fortitude or W i l l .

You can change the defense this bonus applies

to after a short rest.

Level 24 B o o t s o f C a i p h o n

A mote of purple light orbits these black leather boots, buniimj you even as it lets you move freely across the battlefield.

I tem Slot: Feet 525,000 gp Property: You gain a +2 item bonus to Reflex. Power (At-Wi l l ) : Minor Action. You shift your speed and

take damage equal to two times the number of squares you shifted.

Level 23 D e l b a n i a n V a m b r a c e s These ice white bracers let you pass unseen, but their power freezes you to the marrow if left unchecked.

Item Slot : Arms 425,000 gp Power (A t -Wi l l • Cold, Illusion): Free Action. Trigger: You

score a critical hit using a cold power or reduce an enemy to 0 hit points using a cold power. Effect You become invisible until the end of your next turn. Sustain Free: The invisibility persists, but each time you sustain it, you take 5 cold damage that can't be reduced or prevented in any way.

Level 26 H a n d s of H a d a r Tire opals speckle these black gloves, which focus the power of your Warlock's Curse.

Item Slot: Hands 1,12 5,000 gp Property: W h e n you hit an enemy that is granting combat

advantage to you and deal your Warlock's Curse extra damage to it, you deal an additional 2d6 extra damage.

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This ring is set with a clouded astral diamond whose gleam reveals things seen and unseen. I tem Slot : Ring 1,625,000 gp Property: You gain a +5 item bonus to Insight checks and

Perception checks, and you can see invisible creatures and objects.

Power (Dai ly): Minor Action. Until the end of your next turn, creatures within 5 squares of you lose invisibility, gain a +2 power bonus to all defenses against illusion attacks, and take a -2 penalty to attack rolls with illusion powers. In addition, an affected creature that makes an attack is slowed until the end of its next turn. Sustain Minor: The effects persist.

If you've reached at least one milestone today, your allies are unaffected by this power.

R o d of U l b a n Level /

The mind of your foe is made more susceptible to attach by the power of this blue white crystal rod. Lvl 25 +5 625,000 gp Lvl 30 +6 3,125,000 gp Implement (Rod) Enhancement : Attack rolls and damage rolls Critical: +1 d12 psychic damage per plus Property: Wh i le an enemy is affected by your War locks

Curse, it gains vulnerable 10 psychic.

RELICS OE CREATION Each piece in the item set known as the Relics of Creation is the epitome of wondrous design and manufacture. Un l lawcd and unspoiled, these items demonstrate a quality of perfection that suggests creation by divine hands. Their otherworldly construction incorporates fabulous substances such as solidified f lame, wood tr immed from heavenly trees, and elements now unknown in the mortal realm. It's said that the bearer of these relics is filled with the light of creation, whose energy fuels potent powers that sear enemies witli divine judgment.

Invokers derive the most benefit from items of the Relics of Creation, but any divine character can make use of this set.

LORE A r c a n a or Re l i g ion D C 17: In the cataclysmic

war between the gods and the primordials for control of the world, each deity fashioned a powerful relic to bestow on the greatest of their chosen followers. Few relics survived the war. however; most were lost alongside their wiclders in the dread battles that swept across the world and through the planes.

A r c a n a or Re l i g ion D C 26: The Relics of Creation Ibund across the world today contain only six items, each holding a sliver of divine power from the deity who fashioned the original item. Though long centuries have driven rifts between these deities, and whi le their servants sometimes wage war wi th one another, it's said that a hero who brings the relics-

together can remind the gods of the strength and righteousness of their once-common cause.

A r c a n a or R e l i g i o n D C 3 1 : The six Relics of Creation appear consistently in the contemporary historical record. I lovvever, fragments of older histo ries speak of other items that were once part of the set—some named for deities whose presence is still felt wit hin the world, and others whose names and powers are drawn from gods long dead.

R E L I C S O F C R E A T I O N I T E M S N a m e Pr ice (gp) I tem Slot

25 loun s f lame

Zehir 's gloves

Avandra 's r ing

Bane 's collar

b z ^ , U U U







Neck z /


loun s f lame

Zehir 's gloves

Avandra 's r ing

Bane 's collar

b z ^ , U U U







Neck 29 Pelor 's scepter 2,625,000 Implement

30 Vecna 's puzzle box 3,125,000 Wondrous item


2 You gain a bonus to Arcana, History, and

Religion checks equal to the number of items

you have f rom this set.

4 W h e n you hit an e lemental creature with an

invoker attack power, the attack deals 1d8

extra damage (2d8 extra damage if you have all

six pieces of the set).

6 W h e n you use a d iv ine blast or burst attack

power, you can affect 3 addit ional squares, each

of which must be adjacent to the power's

normal area.

A v a n d r a ' s R i evei27

This loose-fitting ring grants you the power to ignore effects that would constrain you. I tem Slot : Ring 1,625,000 gp Property: You ignore difficult terrain. Power (Daily): Immediate Interrupt. Trigger: An effect im

mobilizes, restrains, or slows you. Effect: The triggering effect ends.

If you've reached at least one milestone today, you also gain a +5 power bonus to saving throws against immobilizing, restraining, or slowing effects until the end of the encounter.

B a n e ' s Col lar Level 28

Your mind shrugs off the control of others while you wear this bright steel collar, but an ally pays the price.

Lvl 28 +6 2,125,000 gp I tem Slot : Neck Enhancement : Fortitude. Reflex, and W i l l Property: W h e n you make a saving throw against a charm

or fear effect, you can roll twice and use either result. P o w e r (Daily): Immediate Interrupt. Trigger: An enemy

targets you with an charm or fear attack. Effect: An ally within 10 squares of you becomes the target of the attack.

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loun's Flame Level 24 Vecna's Puzzle Box Level 30

A flickering violet flame darts about your head, granting you knowledge and flaring to life at your command.

Item Slot: Head 525.000 gp Property: You gain a +2 item bonus to Wi l l . Property: You gain a -i-8 item bonus to knowledge and

monster knowledge checks. Power (At-Wi l l ) : Minor Action. You set loun's flame to

shed bright light 10 squares in all directions, dim light 5 squares in all directions, or no light.

Pelor's Scepter Level 29

i his golden rod is dipped with o sunburst that adds potent) to your radiant powers.

Lvl 29 +6 2,62 5.000 gp Implement (Rod) Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Critical: +1d8 radiant damage per plus Property: Divine characters can use this rod as a holy

symbol implement for divine powers. Property: W h e n you hit an enemy with a divine radiant

power using this rod. you can reroll any damage die that shows a 1. Against elemental creatures, you can reroll any damage die that shows a 1 or a 2.

Great secrets are revealed to you by your possession of this fist-sized brass puzzle box.

Wondrous Item 3,125,000 gp Property: You can perform the Loremaster's Bargain and

Voice of Fate rituals as if you had mastered them. Property: Divination rituals you perform have no

component cost. W h e n you perform a divination ritual that requires a Religion check, you can make an Arcana check instead.

Zehir's Gloves Level 25

These black gloves bolster your powers to byqmssyour enemy's most potent defenses.

I tem Slot: I lands 6 2 5.000 gp Power (Daily): Free Action. Trigger: You hit an enemy with

an attack power. Effect: The attack ignores the enemy's immunities and resistances.

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TIME W I Z A R D S TOOLS S p e l l c a s l c r s m a n i p u l a t e t h e m a t e r i a l w o r l d and the

e n e r g y of t he p lanes w i t h ease , bu t t i m e r e m a i n s

notor ious ly resistant to m a g i c a l con t ro l . F e w w i / a r d s

a n d o the r a r c a n i s l s S p e c i a l i z e in d e c o n s t r u c t i n g t i m e

a n d e n c h a n t i n g ob jec ts to m a n i p u l a t e its b o u n d a r i e s ,

a n d for good r e a s o n . S u c h c h a r a c t e r s of ten suffer t he

s t range ef fects ol th is po ten t m a g i c , d i s a p p e a r i n g in to

u n s e e n r e a l m s o r e v e n c o m i n g face to face w i t h t h e m

selves for shor t pe r i ods .

T h e i t e m set k n o w n a s the T i m e W i z a r d ' s fools

is l egenda ry a m o n g a r c a n i s t s w h o t i nke r w i t h t i m e ,

a l t h o u g h the p o w e r o f its i tems c a n b e u t i l i zed by a n y

cha rac te r .

LORE A r c a n a D C 2 8 : T h e T i m e W i z a r d s Tools a r e

p o w e r f u l re l ics sca t te red across the p resen t -day

w o r l d f r o m bo th the f u t u re a n d the past. T h e va r i

o u s i tems a n d the i r m y s t e r i o u s c rea to rs w e r e said to

h a v e a p p e a r e d i n w i d e s p r e a d locat ions th roughou t

t he wor ld ' s h istory. H o w e v e r , g i ven the n a t u r e o f

t he tools, it's specu la ted that these re l ics might b e

the p roduc t o f a s ing le m a g e t rave l i ng t h r o u g h t i m e

w i t h the a i d o f spe l ls o r i t ems b e y o n d the scope o f

m o r t a l m a g i c .

A r c a n a D C 3 3 : S h a p i n g t i m e is perhaps the most

d a u n t i n g o f t he a r c a n i s t s tasks. A l t h o u g h the p o w e r

o f the T i m e W i z a r d ' s Too ls is formidable, c e r t a i n

i tems i n t h e set a lso exac t a cost f r o m the w i c l d e r as

par t o f t he uns tab le n a t u r e o f t he i r m a g i c .


JLj T ime-jumping boots

28 C r o w n of stuttered t ime

29 Ring of free t ime

30 Staff of t ime

Pr ice (gp) I tem Slot









TIME W I Z A R D ' S TOOLS BENEFITS Pieces Benef i t

You gain an i tem bonus to initiative checks equal

to twice the number of i tems you have f rom this


You gain one addit ional use per day of magic

i tem daily powers. Each use of a magic i tem daily

power must come from a different magic i tem.

Level 28 C r o w n of S t u t t e r e d T i m e This copper crown is set with numerous tiger's-eye gems that slip out of phase with the world even as you do.

Item Slot: Head 2.1 2 5.000 gp Property: You gain a +2 item bonus to Wi l l . Power (Daily • Psychic): Minor Action. Until the end of

your next turn, you become insubstantial and gain phasing. Sustain Minor: The effect persists, and you take 10 psychic damage that can't be reduced or prevented In any way.

R i n g of Free T i m e Level 29

You slip the bonds of time while you wear this simple silver band, allowing you to act faster thou your foes.

I tem Slot: Ring 2,625.000 gp Property: You gain resist 5 to all damage. Power (Encounter): Free Action. You can take an

additional minor action on your turn. If you've reached at least one milestone today, you can

use this power at will once per round.

Sta f f o f T i m e Level 30

This elegant birch staff is capped with a brilliant diamond whose power can cast foes out of time.

Lvl 30 - 6 3.1 25.000 gp Implement (Staff) Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Critical: +1d1 2 damage per plus, and you can use the staff's

power without expending its daily use. even if the powers daily use has been expended.

Power (Daily): Free Action. Trigger: You hit an enemy with an attack using this staff. Effect: That enemy disappears until the start of your next turn. Until that time, it can't take actions and can't be targeted. The enemy reappears In the space it last occupied or in the nearest unoccupied space of its choice.

Level 27 T i m e - J u m p i n g B o o t s

For a brief moment, these nondescript boots allow you to step out of time and evade your enemies1 attention.

I tem Slot: Feet 1,62 5,000 gp Property: You gain a+2 item bonus to Reflex. Power (Daily): Move Action. You disappear until the start

of your next turn. Until that time, you don't have line of sight or line of effect to any creature, and creatures don't have line of sight or line of effect to you. You also ignore negative ongoing effects, take no damage, and don't need to make saving throws (though you can still do so if you wish). You can take one standard action and two minor actions. At the start of your next turn, you reappear in the space you last occupied or in the nearest unoccupied space of your choice, and you are dazed until the end of your turn.

TIMKERERS INVENTIONS A l e g e n d a r y a d v e n t u r i n g a r t i f i ce r k n o w n on ly as

the T i n k c r c r o r i g i na l l y c ra f ted l i t is set o f magica l

a n d m e c h a n i c a l i tems. T h e s e T i n k e r e r s Invent ions

w e r e a t r i u m p h o f m a g i c a n d c ra f t , t hough the pieces

h a v e a n u n p r e d i c t a b l e qua l i t y cons is ten t w i t h their

c rea to r ' s w o r k .

LORE A r c a n a o r H i s t o r y D C 1 6 : A r t i f i c e r s favor the

l ight a r m o r that g ran t s t h e m eas ie r u s e o f their

n u m e r o u s tools, but o n e a r t i f i ce r a n d inventor wasn't

con ten t w i t h c lo th a n d leather . C o n s i d e r e d m a d by

h i s peers , t he l egendary era Iter known on l y as the

T i n k c r c r c rea ted a set o f i t ems des igned to provide

u n i q u e benef i t s for h is c h o s e n profess ion.

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Arcana or His to ry DC 24 : A f t e r the T i n k c r e f s

d e a t h , h is ass is tants d i v i d e d t he p i e c e s o f h is mast e rp iece set a m o n g t h e m s e l v e s , a n d so h is i n v e n t i o n s

w e r e cop ied a n d s p r e a d . Re la t i ve l y lew a r t i f i ce rs h a v e

access to a w h o l e set o f T i n k e r e r ' s I n v e n t i o n s , how

ever , a n d m a n y a r t i f i ce rs ac t i ve ly seek set i t ems lost

by adventuring Artificers in y e a r s past .


N a m e Pr ice (gp) I tem Slot

1\ 22

Artiticer s belt

Gauntlets of magical


325,000 waist Hands

A 23+ 24

I mkersuit

Propellant boots






Pieces Benef i t

2 When you use your Healing Infusion class

feature to allow an ally to regain hit points, thait

ally regains additional hit points equal to the

number of items you have from this set.

4 You gain the tinkerer's disjunction power,

described below.

Tinkerer's Disjunction item Set Power

Wi th but a thought, you disable an effect that threatens the area where you stand. At Will Standard Act ion Personal Effect: One zone you're within or one conjuration you're

adjacent to ends. In addition, all its effects end. including those that normally last until a target saves.

Ar t i f i ce r 's B e l t b vel 21 1 Tins nudtipocketed belt charges your healing infusions with potent power.

I tem Slot: Waist 225.000 gp Property: You can use your Healing Infusion class feature

twice in the same round. Power (Dai ly) : Free Action. Trigger. You use your Healing

Infusion class feature on an ally. Effect: The ally gains one additional use o fa magic item daily power.

Gauntlets of Magical Interchange Level 22

These gauntlets magically extrude a variety of useful tools and allow you to restore the magic of other items in the thick of combat

I tem Slot: Hands 3 2 5.000 gp Power (A t -Wi l l • Polymorph): Free Action. The gauntlets

transform to incorporate the form and function of any mundane handheld tool, as found in the equipment list of the Player's Handbook and other supplements. The tool must be one normally usable by a creature of your size.

Power (Daily): Minor Action. You use your Arcane Empowerment class feature on an item held by you or an adjacent ally.

Propellant Boots Level 24

These hoots contain a self replenishing alchemical fuel that launches you through the air.

I tem Slot: Feet 525.000 gp Power (Dai ly) : Minor Action. You gain a fly speed equal to

your speed + 2 until the end of the encounter.

Tinkersuit Level 2 3 *

Tin's armor's magic lets you store an abundance of gear, even as it generates a defensive field in response to attack

Lvl 23 +5 425.000 gp Lvl 28 +6 2,125.000 gp Armor: Leather Enhancement: AC Property: The many pockets of this armor can hold up to

2.000 pounds in weight or 200 cubic feet in volume, but items stored in the armor add only 1 pound to its weight. Each item stored within one of the armor's pockets can weigh no more than 20 pounds.

Drawing an item from a tinkersuit is a minor action. Power (Encounter): Immediate Interrupt. Trigger. An

enemy hits you with a melee or a ranged attack. Effect You gain a +2 power bonus to all defenses until the end of your next turn.

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S o n i c i t e m sets a r c d e s i g n e d to b e b o r n e not by a

s ing le cha rac te r , but by the m e m b e r s o f a n en t i r e

par ty . W h e n a p a r t y co l lec ts t h e i tems o f a g roup i tem

set, t he set benef i t s a r c d e t e r m i n e d by the n u m b e r o f

a l l i es w h o possess i t ems f r o m the set. E a c h c h a r a c t e r

w e a r i n g o r w i e l d i n g a n i t e m f r o m the set qua l i f i es for

t he set bene f i t s .

A R M O R Y OF THE UNVANQUISHED T h e A r m o r y o f t h e U n v a n q u i s h e d is a set o f f avo red i t ems u s e d by the U n v a n q u i s h e d C o m p a n y , a b a n d o f l e g e n d a r y a d v e n t u r e r s w h o w e r e ac t i ve c e n t u r i e s ago.

* \ t r j i - j f » c r j C l l j ^ j r r i r j y ^ n J11 r [ j r p rj m a l l l S i i i y 1 " t r ^ V C l c r S '

c a m p s a n d i n front o f t ave rn f i res, i n s p i r i n g w o u l d - b e he roes o f e a c h n e w gene ra t i on . M a n y o f those w h o w o u l d fo l low i n the footsteps o f t he U n v a n q u i s h e d seek out t he i tems o f t he a r m o r y , t hough not a l l w h o f ind t h e m a r e s ta lwa r t e n o u g h to w i e l d t h e m .

LORE H i s t o r y D C 1 1 : T w o h u n d r e d y e a r s ago. t he

he roes of t he U n v a n q u i s h e d C o m p a n y m a d e a glor i

ous n a m e for t hemse l ves . A d v e n t u r e r s , m e r c e n a r i e s ,

a n d ne 'e r -do-we l l s , the U n v a n q u i s h e d p l u n d e r e d

tombs , fo i led dead l y p lots , a n d e n g a g e d i n l egenda ry

explo i ts f rom o n e side of t he g lobe to t h e o ther .

H i s t o r y D C 18: H o w the U n v a n q u i s h e d me t t he i r

e n d is u n c e r t a i n . S o m e say t h e y fel l f i gh t ing d e m o n s

in the A b y s s , w h i l e o thers suggest they qui t th is w o r l d

to seek n e w a d v e n t u r e s in r e a l m s b e y o n d . Rega rd l ess ,

t he w e a p o n s a n d i m p l e m e n t s w i t h w h i c h they m a d e

the i r repu ta t ion s u r v i v e d t h e m , a n d these i tems soon

sp read to a l l c o r n e r s o f t h e w o r l d .

H i s t o r y D C 2 3 : W h e n c l a i m e d by a n e w mas te r ,

e a c h i tem in the A r m o r y ol t he U n v a n q u i s h e d m a n i

fests a tattoo o n the w ie lde r ' s body—a s t o r m lor the

tempest staff, a d r a g o n for the dragontooth blade, a scor

p ion (or t he scorpion tail blade, a l ion for the lions heart

hammer, a n d a s n a k e for t h e serpent's hiss bow. A s m o r e

i t ems i n the set a r e c l a i m e d , e a c h lat too g r o w s la rger

a n d m o r e resp lendent—the legend o f t he U n v a n

q u i s h e d C o m p a n y m a n i f e s t i n g in a n e w gene ra t i on .


W i e l d e r s * Berlefit

2 W h e n you spend a heal ing surge, each ally

w h o wields an i tem from this set and can sec

you gains temporary hit points equal to his

or her item's enhancement bonus (ally's

choice of i tems, if more than one).

4 W h e n two or more all ies w h o wie ld items

f rom this set f lank the same target, each

f lanker can score a crit ical hit against the

f lanked target on a roll of 19-20.

* T h e number o f allies w h o wie ld one or more items from

the set.

D r a g o n t o o t h B l a d e level 14 *

The jury of dragon fire powers your attacks with this bone handled blade.

4-5 5 2 5.000 gp t-6 2,62 5.000 gp

Lvl 14 +3 21.000 gp Lvl 24 Lvl 19 +4 105,000 gp Lvl 29 W e a p o n : Heavy blade Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Critical: Each enemy marked by you takes ongoing fire

damage equal to 3 + the blade's enhancement bonus (save ends).

Property: W h i l e you're bloodied, you can score a critical hit wi th this weapon on a roll of 19-20.

Power (Daily 4" Fire): Free Action. Trigger: You score a critical hit. Effect: Make an attack: Close burst 1 ; targets enemies; Strength vs. Reflex; on a hit, the attack deals 2d6 extra fire damage and the target takes ongoing 10 fire damage (save ends).

Lion 's H e a r t H a m m e r Level17-

When you wield this hummer, an attack that bloodies you semis your foes stumbling back in fear.

Lvl 17 +4 )55,000gp Lvl 27 +6 1,625,000gp Lvl 22 +5 3 25,000 gp W e a p o n : Hammer Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Crit ical: +1d6 damage per plus, and each ally within 5

squares of you gains 10 temporary hit points. Level 22 or 27: 1 5 temporary hit points.

Property: Divine characters can use this hammer as a holy symbol implement for divine powers.

Power (Dai ly • Fear): Immediate Reaction. Trigger: An enemy bloodies you. Effect: Make an attack: Close burst 5; targets enemies; Wisdom vs. W i l l ; on a hit, the target is pushed 1 square and takes a - 2 penalty to attack rolls until the end of your next turn.

Pr ice (gp) I t em Slot


Z E 3 H M 13+ Scorpion tail blade 17,000 W e a p o n

14+ Dragontooth blade 21,000 W e a p o n

15+ Tempest staff 25,000 Implement

17+ Lion's heart hammer 65,000 W e a p o n

18+ Serpent 's kiss bow 85 ,000 W e a p o n

C M A P T F . R 2 | f r * m Sets

Page 125: 4e Adventurers Vault 2 OCR

'Hi is magically envenomed Made teavesfoes at your mercy.

Lv l13 +3 17,000gp Lvl 23 +5 425.000gp Lvl 18 +4 85.000gp Lvl 28 ' 6 2,125.000 gp Weapon : Light blade Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Critical: The target is slowed and takes ongoing 10 poison

damage (save ends both). Level 18: Ongoing 1 2 poison damage. Level 23: Ongoing 15 poison damage. Level 28: Ongoing 1 7 poison damage.

Power (Daily • Poison): Free Action. Trigger: You hit an enemy with a melee attack power using this weapon. Effect: That enemy is immobilized (save ends). Aftereffect: The enemy is slowed (save ends).

S e r p e n t ' s K i s s B o w Level 1 8 -

/his bow bestows a kiss of toxic venom to its attacks* making your foes more vulnerable.

Lvl 18 +4 85.000gp Lvl 28 +6 2.125.000 gp Lvl 23 +5 4 2 5,000 gp Weapon : Bow Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Critical: +1 d6 poison damage per plus, and the target can't

shift until the end of your next turn. Property: This weapon has the brutal 1 property (originally

described in Adventurer's Vault): Reroll any damage die result of 1 until the die shows 2 or higher.

Power (Encounter • Poison): Free Action. Trigger: You hit an enemy with a ranged attack power using this weapon. Effect: That enemy grants combat advantage to your allies until the start of your next turn.

T e m p e s t S t a f f Level l S-*

The power of the storm drives your foe back and blasts enemies pressing your allies.

Lvl 15 +3 25,000 gp Lvl 25 +5 625,000 gp Lvl 20 +4 125,000 gp Lvl 30 +6 3,125.000 gp Implement (Staff) Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Critical: +1 d6 lightning damage per plus against each

enemy adjacent to you. and each other enemy within 3 squares of you takes thunder damage equal to half the amount of lightning damage.

Power (Daily • Lightning, Thunder): Immediate Reaction. Trigger: An enemy hits you with a melee or close attack. Effect The triggering enemy takes 2d6 lightning damage and is pushed 1 square. Each enemy adjacent to an ally you can see takes 1 d6 thunder damage.

Page 126: 4e Adventurers Vault 2 OCR

CAELYNNVALA'S BOONS D r o w . e l a d r i n . a n d e lves a r e a l l c h i l d r e n o f the Fey

w i l d . a n d m a n y m a i n t a i n h o p e that these es t ranged

races might, o n e d a y u n i t e i n a c u l t u r e o f p e a c e . C a e

l y n n v a l a ' s B o o n s a r e use fu l to e l a d r i n . elf. o r d r o w

c h a r a c t e r s o f a n y c lass , hut the i r po tency is greatest

w h e n a g r o u p o f w i e l d e r s i nc ludes m e m b e r s o i a l l

[ h u e races .

LORE H i s t o r y D C 1 4 : C a e l y n n v a l a is a l e g e n d a r y

a r c h fey—one o f the god l i ke sp i r i t -avatars o f t he Fey

w i l d . A n i m m o r t a l e ladr i t i nob le , she hopes to e n d

t h e ages- long con f l i c t b e t w e e n d r o w . e l a d r i n . a n d elf.

T o i b i s e n d . she c ra f ted a set o f m a g i c i tems w h o s e

p o w e r s d e f i n e t he b o n d she seeks to forge b e t w e e n

the s ib l ing races* C a e l y n n v a l a ' s B o o n s h a v e a habit of

Q n d i n g the i r w a y in to t he h a n d s o f c h a m p i o n s w h o

e m b o d y the idea l of reconc i l i a t i on a n d peace .


7+ Scar f of reconciliation

8 Bowstr ing of accuracy

9 Darkf i re gloves

10 Circlet of revelations

11 Feystride boots

Pr ice (gp) I tem Slot







Wond rous i tem





3 Each drow, eladrin, or elf w h o wears or

wie lds an i tem f rom this set gains a +1 i tem

bonus to speed.

5 W h e n a drow, eladr in, or elf w h o wears or

wie lds an i tem from this set uses a racial

power, any other drow. eladrin, or elf who

wears or wields an i tem from this set gains a

tT bonus to all defenses until the end of the

next turn of the creature using the racial


* T h e number of all ies w h o wear or wie ld one or more

items from the set.

Level 8 B o w s t r i n g o f A c c u r a c y /his silver card makes your bow strike true when you fight alongside allies of your sibling races.

Wondrous I tem 3.400 gp Property: W h e n you use your e/ven accuracy racial power

while you have a drow or eladrin ally within 10 squares of you, you gain a -^2 bonus to the reroll.

Power (Encounter): Free Action. Trigger. You miss with an attack using the bow this bowstring is fitted to while you have an elf ally within 10 squares of you. Effect: You expend your fey step racial power or your use of the Lolthtouched racial trait and reroll the attack roll.

Circ le t of R e v e l a t i o n s This slender mifhrnl circlet grants you the unique utilities of your sibling race allies.

I tem Slot: Head 5,000 gp Property: Whi le you have an eladrin ally within 10 squares

of you, you gain a t-S item bonus to saving throws against charm effects.

Property: Whi le you have an elf ally within 10 squares of you, each ally within 5 squares of you gains a 1 1 item bonus to Perception checks.

Property: Whi le you have a drow ally within 10 squares of you, you gain darkvision.

D a r k f i r e G l o v e s These leather gloves are imbued with the darkfire power of the drow.

I tem Slot: Hands 4,200 gp Property: When you hit an enemy with your darkfire racial

power, your eladrin and elf allies gain a t 2 bonus to damage rolls against that enemy until the end of your next turn.

Power (Encounter): Minor Action. Wh i le you have a drow ally within 10 squares of you, you can expend your elven accuracy racial power or your fey step racial power to use the darkfire racial power (FoftGOTtiEN RrAuws Player's Guide. page 8).

Feys t r ide B o o t s Level 11

These supple gray boots help you close the distance across the battlefield.

I tem Slot: Feel 9.000 gp Property: Wh i le you have a drow or elf ally within 10

squares of you. the range of your fey step racial power increases by 2 squares.

Power (Encounter • Teleportation): Move Action. While you have an eladrin ally within 10 squares of you, you can expend your elven accuracy racial power or your use of the Lolthtouched racial trait to teleport 5 squares.

S c a r f of R e c o n c i l i a t i o n I lie shifting colors of this scarf reflect a common legacy grant ingyou power in the presence of your sibling-race allies.

Lvl 7 +2 2.600gp Lvl 22 +5 325.000gp Lvl 12 13 13,000 gp Lvl 27 +6 1,625,000 gp Lvl 17 +4 65.000 gp Item Slot: Neck Enhancement: Fortitude, Reflex, and W i l l Property: Whi le you have a drow ally within 10 squares of

you, you gain a +2 Item bonus to Intimidate checks and Stealth checks.

Property: Whi le you have an eladrin ally within 10 squares of you, you gain a +2 item bonus to Arcana checks and History checks.

Property: Whi le you have an elf ally within 10 squares of you, you gain a -t 2 item bonus to Perception checks and Nature checks.

C H A P T E R 2 l I r e m Sets

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FORTUNE STONES Nonmagical fortune stones were first created by devo

tees o fAvandra. god ol luck. As simple tal ismans and

tokens of faith, the stones provided common folk wi th

a reminder that Avandra's favor must be earned by

deed, not bought by magical means such as divinat ion

and prophecy. J lowever. for followers who best exem

plified her ideals. Avandra bestowed the power o f luck

into magic Fortune Stones. Th is set of relies regularly

comes into the possession of adventurers and others

who epitomize the tenet that luck favors the bold.

LORE F l i s t o r y or R e l i g i o n D C 10: F rom deal ing cards

to casting dice to reading entrails, divinat ion has

long had a powerful al lure. The monk Askar Rei was

a follower o fAvandra and an expert on the subject,

though most of his effort centered on exposing false

soothsayers and charlatans. Askar labored to impress

upon others that fortune must be earned, not made

by magical means.

H i s t o r y or R e l i g i o n D C 16: I n an effort to

undermine the prevalence of false prophets and

diviners among his people. Askar Rei and his follow

ers fashioned and distributed symbolic tokens cal led

fortune stones. These stones had no magical power,

but were meant to provide the bearer wi th a focus for

his or her actions in the present, thus increasing the

chance of Avandra's favor lor the future.

H i s t o r y o r R e l i g i o n D C 2 1 : Aska r Re i has long

since passed on into history, but it's said that his

piety inspired Avandra to create sets of magic For

tune Stones for h im and his closest followers. These

enchanted stones provide a boon of luck to their

bearers—a sign of the gifts of fortune that Avandra

bestows on the boldest and bravest.

F O R T U N E S T O N E S I T E M S Lvl N a m e

12 S tone of ear th

12 S tone of f l ame

12 S tone of l ight

12 S tone of s h a d o w

12 S tone of spir i t

12 S tone of s to rms

12 S tone of w i n d

Pr i ce (gp) I t em S lo t

13 ,000

13 ,000

13 ,000



13 ,000

13 ,000

W o n d r o u s i tem

W o n d r o u s i tem

W o n d r o u s i tem

W o n d r o u s i tem

W o n d r o u s i tem

W o n d r o u s i tem

W o n d r o u s i tem

F O R T U N E S T O N E S B E N E F I T S W i e l d e r s * Bene f i t

2 Each al ly w h o bears a fortune stone ga ins a n

i tem bonus to the rerol l g ran ted by t he

stone's p o w e r equa l to the number of al l ies

w h o bear one or more i tems f rom this se t .

5 Each al ly w h o bears a fortune stone gains a +2

i tem bonus to in i t iat ive and a +1 i tem bonus

to saving th rows .

' T h e numbe r of al l ies w h o bear one or more i tems f r o m

the set.

Stone of Earth This smooth brown agate is warm to the tench, and the arcane symbol for "earth" adorns it.

W o n d r o u s I tem 13.000 gp P o w e r (Da i ly ) : Free Act ion. Trigger: You miss an enemy

wi th a melee weapon attack. Effect: Reroll the attack roll.

Stone of Flame The arcane symbol for '"fire" smolders within this chu nk of red-tinged anthracite.

W o n d r o u s I tem 13,000 gp P o w e r (Dai ly) : Free Act ion. Trigger. You miss an enemy

wi th a fire attack power. Effect: Reroll the attack roll.

Level 12 Stone of Light This oval bead of white quartz has the arcane symbol for "radiance" on its surface.

W o n d r o u s I t em 13,000 gp P o w e r (Dai ly) : Free Act ion. Trigger. You miss an enemy

wi th a radiant attack power. Effect: Reroll the attack roll.

Stone of Shadow The arcane symbol for "darkness" etched across this nugget of glossy hematite seems to absorb all light.

W o n d r o u s I tem 1 3,000 gp P o w e r (Dai ly) : Free Act ion. Trigger: You miss an enemy

wi th a necrotic attack power. Effect: Reroll the attack roll.

Stone of Spirit This swirled teardrop of lapis is scribed with the arcane symbol

for "spirit."

W o n d r o u s I tem 1 3,000 gp P o w e r (Da i ly ) : Free Act ion. Triaaer: You miss an enemy

wi th a psychic attack power. Effect: Reroll the attack roll.

Stone of Storms The arcane symbols for "thunder" and "lightning" are scribed on opposite faces of this piece of rough obsidian.

W o n d r o u s I tem 13,000 gp P o w e r (Da i ly ) : Free Act ion. Trigger: You miss an enemy

wi th a lightning or thunder attack power. Effect: Reroll the attack roll.

Stone of Wind This pale blue zircon is scribed with the arcane symbol for "air."

W o n d r o u s I t em 1 3,000 gp P o w e r (Dai ly) : Free Act ion. Trigger: You miss an enemy

w i th a ranged weapon attack. Effect: Reroll the attack roll.

C I I A l ' i l i K 2 Item Sets ^

Page 128: 4e Adventurers Vault 2 OCR

HEIRLOOMS OE M A Z G O R A X At the height of the dragonborn empire of Arkhosia, the legendary artisan Ma/gorax first crafted the items of this set as gifts Ibr his chi ldren. W h e n his chi ldren were s la in by a ruthless copper dragon, the Heir looms of Mazgorax were scattered and sold, spreading the names of their bearers far and wide. Characters who c la im these relics can gain some measure of the heroic nature of the dragonborn whom the items were named for.

LORE H i s t o r y D C 14: The famed dragonborn crafter

Mazgorax created the items of this set. I n ancient Arkhosia. he and his family were members of the nobility, famed for their dedication and service to the empire. E a c h item in the Heir looms of Mazgorax set is named for one of his ch i ldren, al l legendary drag onborn heroes whose success owed itself in no small part to their lather's craft.

H i s t o r y D C 19: Long before the fall of Arkhosia. the House of Mazgorax was brought down by the machinations o fa copper dragon named Sal ingrazi. Seeking power over the dragonborn. Salingrazi struck at the empire's strongest famil ies in an effort to sow fear and unrest. Some say the copper dragon still l ives, and that he harbors a part icular enmity for individuals who wear the heirlooms.

HEIRLOOMS OF M A Z G O R A X ITEMS Price (gp) Item Slot

7+ Symbol of Gajz 8+ Rovikar's weapon Q ~J \{ t \ * c\\ rv> ) * \X

3,400 4. ?nn

111 ipit 111>_ i J i Weapon Nocie

ZJ • tVClCIm b dlllUlcL 10 Skaivani's anklets 5,000

it i -11 .

Feet i i i 11 Matrakk s lenses 3,uuu



Wielders* Benefit 2 Each ally who wears or wields an item from

this set gains an item bonus to Athletics, Bluff, Diplomacy, Endurance, and Religion checks equal to the number of allies who wear or wield one or more items from this set.

4 When a creature who wears or wields an item from this set would spend a healing surge, that creature can allow an ally who wears or wields an item from this set to spend a healing surge instead.

*The number of allies who wear or wield one or more items from the set.

K e i c h a s A m u l e t The gemstone scales of this amulet grant you resistance against your enemies' harshest attacks.

Lvl 9 +2 4,200gp Lvl 24 +5 525,000gp Lv l 14 +3 21,000 gp Lvl 29 +6 2.625,000gp Lvl 19 +4 105,000 gp Item Slot: Neck Enhancement: Fortitude, Reflex, and W i l l Property: After an extended rest, choose acid. cold, fire,

lightning, or poison. You gain resist 5 to the chosen damage type. Level 74 or 7 9: Resist 10. Level 24 or 29: Resist 15.

Power (Encounter): Minor Action. You grant an ally within 5 squares ofyou the lesistance from the amulet (losing that resistance yourself) until the end of the encounter.

M a t r a k k ' s L e n s e s lenses of perfect crystal hone your vision and protect you from attacks tliiii target your sight.

Item Slot: Head 9,000 gp Property: You gain an i tem bonus to Perception checks

equal to the number of allies w h o wear or wield one or more items from this set.

Property: You gain a +1 bonus to all defenses against gaze attacks and a - 5 bonus to saving throws against effects that cause the blinded condition.

C M I A P T L R 2 I T i e ? n Sets

Page 129: 4e Adventurers Vault 2 OCR

R o v i k a r ' s W e a p o n Level 8-

Jnltiiif with (i delicate pattern in gold leaf, this weapon allows you to channel your own strength to an ally in battle.

Lvl 8 +2 3.400 gp Lvl 23 +5 425.000 gp L v M 3 +3 IZOOOgp Lvl 28 +6 2,125,000gp Lvl 18 <4 85,000 gp W e a p o n : Any Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Critical: r 1 d6 damage per plus Power (Daily): Immediate Interrupt. Trigger. An ally you

can see makes an attack roll. Effect: The triggering ally gains a honus to the attack roll and damage roll equal to your Charisma modifier or your Strength modifier. If the triggering ally wears or wields one or more items from this set, the bonus increases by 2.

S k a i v a n i ' s A n k l e t s Level 10

These anklets ofleaiher and copper let you surge across the battlefield.

Item Slot: Feet 5.000 gp Power (Encounter): Free Action. You gain a+2 power

bonus to speed until the end of your next turn. Whi le this bonus is in effect, when you make an Acrobatics check or Athletics check and roll 5 or lower, you can re roll the check.

S y m b o l o f Ga jz L evei 7 f

The runes that adorn this holy symbol allow your healing pow ers to grant resistance to your allies.

Lvl 7 +2 2,600gp Lvl 22 +5 325,OOOgp Lvl 12 t-3 13.000gp Lvl 27 ^-6 1,625.000gp Lvl 17 +4 65.000 gp Implement (Holy Symbol! Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Critical: -t-1 d6 damage per plus Property: W h e n you use a healing power through this holy

symbol, choose acid, cold, fire, lightning, or poison. Each ally affected by the power gains resist 5 to the chosen damage type until the end of your next turn. If the ally is a dragonborn, the resistance increases by 5. If the ally wears or wields one or more items from this set, the resistance increases by 5.

Level 1 7 or 22: Each ally gains resist 10. Level 2 7: Each ally gains resist 15.

MAZGORAX'S CHILDREN A r m e d w i t h the i tems crafted by their father, the scions

of Mazgorax l ived l ives of great f a m e and glory.

Gajz: A devout worshiper of Bahamut , Gajz spent many

years as the head of a t emp le in a desolate province a t the

nor thernmost reaches o f the empi re . U p o n his father's

death , he returned to take care of the estate. H e surprised

Salingrazfs assassins w i th his elusiveness, managing to stay

one step ahead of t h e m for over a year before disappear

ing. Most think he w a s ki l led, but rumors suggest that he

left Arkhosia to proselytize in a distant land.

K e i c h a : W i t h her noble bear ing and e legant manner,

Keicha served as a court ier in the Arkhos ian capital. How

ever, she also played a more secret role as bodyguard to

the empero r ' s youngest daughter . S h e rece ived many

honors over the years a n d w a s a trusted m e m b e r of the

court . W h e n a caravan transport ing the emperor 's daugh

ter w a s a m b u s h e d , Keicha died defend ing her.

Matrakk: W i t h a p re fe rence for art a n d l i terature,

Mat rakk l ived a less conspicuous life than his siblings.

His sculptures a n d frescoes adorned the noble 's houses

of the Arkhos ian capi ta l a n d smal ler set t lements . For his

polit ical p o w e r a n d connect ions, Mat rakk w a s targeted

by Sal ingrazfs w ra th .

Rovikar: A f ierce and inspir ing warr ior , Rov ikar the

Relent less led Arkhos ian troops to the far reaches of the

emp i re , conquer ing several n e w provinces in the n a m e

of the dragonborn. H is standard—a go lden basilisk—flew

above count less fortresses o f the frontier. I t 's said he w a s

kil led by Salingrazfs assassins wh i l e putt ing d o w n a rebel

l ion in o n e of his conquered terr i tories.

Skaivani: A ski l led a th le te , Ska ivan i the Swi f t w a s a

star attract ion a t Arkhosia 's formal ized sport ing compet i

tions. Eventual ly feeling a greater sense of duty toward the

empi re , she b e c a m e a scout and soldier in the imperial

army. However , the life of a soldier w a s not to her liking,

and Ska ivan i resigned w h e n asked to under take missions

she thought w e r e contrary to her o w n mora l code . Before

she could m a k e her w a y home , she w a s at tacked by Sal

ingrazfs servants. Though Skaivani ran the race of her life

in an a t tempt to escape, she w a s caught and ki l led.

C H A P T E R I | Item Sets

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RINGS OF THE A K A R O T I n d a r k b a r r o w s a n d w i t h i n anc ien t m a u s o l e u m s l ie the six m e m b e r s of t h e A k a r o t . A n a r c h a i c league o f power fu l lords, these t y ran ts o n c e r u l e d the S i x C i t i es o f t h e A k a r o t . a l l l ong lost to t i m e . T h e six r i de rs w e r e sa id to have w i e l d e d potent p o w e r - p o w e r now l ocked w i t h i n the r ings that b e a r the i r n a m e s .

LORE H i s t o r y D C 1 6 : T h e or ig ina l R i n g s ol the A k a r o t

we re the roya l s ignets o f the mys te r i ous ru le rs o f six anc ien t c i ty-states. Though the A k a r o t lords w i e l d e d cons iderab le power , e a c h fell ovei the course " I long yea rs , a n d the i r c i t ies w e r e lost to the ravages oi t i m e . Coun t l ess a d v e n t u r e r s have s ince c l a i m e d the r ings that bear the i r n a m e s , just a s m a n y have sought out the i r tombs. H o w e v e r , the rest ing p laces of the A k a r o t lords r e m a i n a mys te ry .

THE SIX CITIES Each of the six cit ies of the Akaro t w a s ruled by a powerful tyrant.

H r u m d a r ' s H o r n : Minotaurs l iving in the militaristic society of H r u m d a r ' s Ho rn fo l lowed the savage minotaur lord for w h i c h their c i ty w a s named . Bui l t w i th in a mountain spire, H r u m d a r ' s Ho rn th rea tened a w i d e spread of h u m a n lands be low it. Da rk legends spoke of prisoners being set loose in vast labyr inths w i th in the mounta in , hunted for sport by bloodthirsty minotaur warr iors.

Laga , t h e S m o k i n g W a s t e : Buil t a top an ancient mine-shaft, the city of Laga w a s perpetual ly shrouded in dust a n d smoke . Its ruler, Farndak, w a s a dwar f k n o w n for his greed and tyranny w h o enslaved the folk of nearby sett lements to labor in his dead ly m ines .

U r u a l . De f te r of T i d e s : Grea t wal ls imbued w i th powerful magic protected the coastal ci ty of Urua l f rom the pounding t ides of t h e sea. R o m Kala the Sealord ruled here, and his pr ivateers scoured the nearby seas for the w e a l t h that fi l led his coffers. A great t ide is said to have destroyed his city af ter his dea th .

S y n n i t h O r d a n : T h e eladr in city of Synn i th O rdan w a s as beautiful as al l t h e o ther set t lements of that race. Its ruler, Haggaron, w a s the most secretive of the Akarot . This fomorlan king manipulated the eladrin of the city w i th the power fu l magic of h is ring.

T h e E m p t y C i t y : A twist ing maze of stone and shadow, the Empty City contains gates that reach numerous places in the S h a d o w f e l l , inc lud ing the dark port of G l o o m -wrought . Kar tan, lord of the Empty City, was a shadar-kai w h o surrounded himsel f w i t h nihilistic all ies and soulless wa lk ing dead .

A u r u n i a P a l a c e : A sprawl ing, opulent estate housing thousands of servants and s laves, Aurun ia Pa lace w a s k n o w n for its w e a l t h and the narcissism of its master, Teros the Pe r fec t . Th is h u m a n lord be l i eved that his beauty w a s e te rna l , and h e w a s said to go to any lengths to retain his youth a n d vigor.

H i s t o r y D C 2 4 : W h i l e they stil l l i ved , the Akarot lo rds m a d e a secret pac t , t ak ing u n d e a d f o rm to outl ive the mor ta l races thev ru led over. T h e six swore that w h e n the o ld e m p i r e s h a d (a l i en a n d left Civil i zed lands u n d e f e n d e d , they w o u l d r ise once more, b a n d i n g together to conque r a n d cont ro l the wor ld .

H i s t o r y D C ] 2 9 : T h e six c i t ies of the A k a r o t were o n c e seven c i t ies. W h a t e v e r d isaster befel l the seve n t h w a s potent enough to w i p e its record a n d its r u l e r f rom the a n n a l s o f h istorv. Sherozuul's black band is sa id to be the n a m e of a seven th K i n g o f the Akarot lost i n the c a t a c l y s m . Its h is tory a n d powe r rema in u n k n o w n .


Lvl N a m e Pr ice (gp) I t e m

21 Rom Kala's tide-shield ring 225,000 Ring

22 Farndak's glittering ring 325,000 Ring

23 Ring of Hrumdar's halls 425,000 Ring

24 Golden ring of Teros 525,000 Ring

25 Haggaron's ring of control 625,000 Ring

26 Kartan's void ring 1.125,000 Ring


W ie l de r s * Benef i t

2 Each ally wearing a ring from this set; can

communicate telepathically with the others,

regardless of distance.

5 Each ally wearing a ring from this set: gains

the blood of the Akarot power, described


6 Each ally wearing a ring from this sen gains

the voice of the Akarot power, described below.

'The number of allies wearing one or more items from

the set.

B l o o d o f t h e A k a r o t Item Set Power

You tap info your reserves to restore your vitality and that of your allies.

At -Wi l l • Healing Free Action Ranged sight Trigger You spend a healing surge Target Each ally wearing a ring from this set Effect: Each target regains 10 hit points. Special: Using this power does not provoke opportunity


V o i c e o f t h e A k a r o t Item Set Power

Channeling the power of your allies' will you command your enemies to stop attacking, though each ally is momentarily disoriented. Daily • Charm Standard Action Close burst 5 Target: Each enemy in burst Attack:+30 vs. W i l l Hit: The target cannot attack (save ends). Effect: Each ally wearing a ring from this set is da^cd until

the end of your next turn.

C H A P T E R 2 l i e tri Sets

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Farndak's Glittering Ring leve l 22

This gem-studded ring lets you draw vigor from your allies even as it pulls a foe into your grasp.

I tem Slot: Ring 325,000 gp Property: W h e n you spend a healing surge, you regain

additional hit points equal to the number of allies who wear one or more rings from this set.

If you've reached at least one milestone today, double the number of additional hit points you regain from this property.

Power (Daily • Charm): Minor Action. Choose one enemy within 5 squares of you. You pull the chosen enemy 5 squares and mark it (save ends).

Haggaron's Ring of This beautiful fey-styled ring sharpens your ability to soothe others and grants you control of their minds in combat

I tem Slot: Ring 625,000 gp Property: You gain a +4 item bonus to Bluff checks and

Diplomacy checks (+6 against fey creatures). Power (Daily • Charm): Minor Action. You choose a

stunned enemy within 10 squares of you. The chosen enemy is dominated until the end of its next turn. The stunned condition is temporarily negated while the enemy is dominated, though its duration continues. If its duration allows, the stunned condition resumes once the dominated condition ends.

If you've reached at least one milestone today, you can also use this power against enemies that are dazed, with the dazed condition temporarily negated as above.

Level 24 Golden Ring of Teros The magic of this golden ring protectsyour physical perfection from harm.

Item Slot: Ring 525.000 gp Property: You gain a +2 item bonus to AC and Fortitude

while you're not bloodied. Power (Daily): Immediate Reaction. Trigger: An enemy hits

you while you're at maximum hit points. Effect: You gain a +5 power bonus to your next attack roll against the triggering enemy.

If you've reached at least one milestone today, you also gain resist 5 to all damage until you become bloodied or until the end of the encounter.

Level 26 Kartan's Void Ring The shifting form of this black ring allows you to draw off your enemies' vigor when one of their nearby allies drops.

I tem Slot: Ring 1,12 5,000 gp Power (A t -Wi l l • Healing, Necrotic): Free Action. Trigger:

You reduce an enemy within 20 squares of you to 0 hit points. Effect: Make an attack: Area burst 2 centered on that enemy; targets enemies; 1-29 vs. Fortitude; on a hit, the attack deals 1 d l 0 necrotic damage, and you regain 2 hit points. This attack doesn't provoke opportunity attacks.

If you've reached at least one milestone today, the attack deals 2d8 necrotic damage, and you regain 4 hit points.

Rir *gof Hrumdar's Halls Level U J

underground and lets you drive your foes beforeyou.

I tem Slot: Ring 425.000 gp Property: You gain a I 5 item bonus to Dungeoneering

checks. Power (Daily): Minor Action. Make an attack: Ranged 30;

targets one creature you can see; +26 vs. Wi l l ; on a hit, you slide the target 10 squares.

If you've reached at least one milestone today, you can use this power one additional time against the same target on your next turn.

Level 21 Rom Kala's Tideshield Ring The magic of this blue-green ring protects you from the denizens of the sea and lets you standfast in combat.

I tem Slot: Ring 225,000 gp Property: You gain resist 10 to all damage on attacks from

aquatic creatures or water creatures. Power (Dai ly): Immediate Interrupt. Trigger. You or an ally

within 10 squares of you is pulled, pushed, or slid. Effect: You or your ally ignores the forced movement.

If you've reached at least one milestone today, each ally within 10 squares of you reduces the distance of any forced movement by 1 square until the end of the encounter. If the ally has a ring from this set, this effect lasts until the ally takes an extended rest.

C H A P T E R 2 | Item Sets

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A P P E N D I X : I T E M T A B L E S

I he following section contains master tables tor all o f the

items in Achrnturt'r's Vciull i . Items are sorteil by level aiul l>\

type. I at h level header indicates the price ol items of that

level. M itli the exception of ammuni t ion, lor which a price

is given separately Each entry ini hales the |*age number on

wh ich the item o n br found. Weapons and armor entries

include information alxnil the category ol each item. Items

that are parts ol sets are marked wi th an aslerisk (").



Challenge-seeking weapon +1

Any melee 17

Earth-wrought hammer +1


Hammer 17

Blessed book 76 loun's parchment 76 Woundstitch powder 78

W O N D R O U S LAIR ITEMS Sun globe 82

LEVEL 2 ITEMS 520 GP A R M O R Armor of aegis expansion +1 Cloth, leather "Armor of dwarven vigor ' 1 Chain, scale, plate • f~\ n t t f it* t \ 11 ft r tt1 t t r 1 v ^ , L . * * I \ t ± .

6 94

7 coruscdung armor ^ i Hero's armor +1 Rat killer's coat+1 "Shadow hunter hide +1


Chain Cloth, leather Hide


9 11


Aftershock weapon +1 Any 15 Duelist's bow +1 Bow 17

Entrapping weapon +1 Farbond spellblade +1 Guardian's call +1 Harmonic songblade +1 'Hungry spear +1 Quicksilver blade +1

Bow. crossbow Hvy blade, It blade Any melee Hvy blade. It blade Spear Lt blade

17 18 19

Entrapping weapon +1 Farbond spellblade +1 Guardian's call +1 Harmonic songblade +1 'Hungry spear +1 Quicksilver blade +1

Bow. crossbow Hvy blade, It blade Any melee Hvy blade. It blade Spear Lt blade

• ̂ 19 98 21

Rebounding weapon +1 Any ranged 21 Supremely vicious Any

weapon +1 Totemic spear +1 Spear Totemic warclub +1 Mace Whistling songbow +1 Bow, crossbow A M M U N I T I O N (25 GP PER ITEM)


24 25 25

Onslaught arrow +1

HOLY SYMBOLS loun blessed S y m b o l +1 Symbol of divine force L™ * m * » • | T R . | A4 i 1 . . . t I • . * - • ̂ ! v I 4 <• t 1


28 29 j I

Onslaught arrow +1

HOLY SYMBOLS loun blessed S y m b o l +1 Symbol of divine force L™ * m * » • | T R . | A4 i 1 . . . t I • . * - • ̂ ! v I 4 <• t 1


28 29 j I

symbol ot tne first spirits * 1


3 1

W R O O I R E S I U E M lenaciiy T I


3 3

Rod of burgeoning memory T I Rod of the fickle servant +1 36

\ - S W A P P E N D I X ' L e v e l 1 I t e m s

STAFFS Staff of divinity +1 Staff of knives +1 Verdant staff +1

TOTEMS Roaring bear totem +1 Totem of thunder's keeper +1

3fl STAFFS Staff of divinity +1 Staff of knives +1 Verdant staff +1

TOTEMS Roaring bear totem +1 Totem of thunder's keeper +1


39 /in

STAFFS Staff of divinity +1 Staff of knives +1 Verdant staff +1

TOTEMS Roaring bear totem +1 Totem of thunder's keeper +1

a r

STAFFS Staff of divinity +1 Staff of knives +1 Verdant staff +1

TOTEMS Roaring bear totem +1 Totem of thunder's keeper +1

45 47

ARMS SLOT "Bracers of enforced regret Preservation shield

ARMS SLOT "Bracers of enforced regret Preservation shield

yt> 55

FEET SLOT * Boots of jaunting


1IYI FEET SLOT * Boots of jaunting

NECK SLOT Amulet of double fortune +1 63 Amulet of elegy +1 Badge of the berserker +1 Lifesaving brooch >T WONDROUS ITEMS

W E A P O N S Aegis blade +1 Alfsair spear +1 Aura killer weapon +1 Blood fury weapon +1 Flesh grinder +1 Frost fury waraxe +1 Great hunger weapon 4-1 Guardian's brand 1 "Pact blade +1 "Rhythm blade +1

63 64 67

* Prison of Salzacas 109

WONDROUS LAIR ITEMS Door of alarm 80 Window of escape 83

LEVEL 3 ITEMS 6 8 0 GP ARMOR Armor of sudden Cloth, leather 6

recovery +1 Holy adversary's armor +1 f\t\ 11 / k , ̂ i r n t n t \ 1

Cloth Chain

9 m

i V H I I M I ill 11 M M v |

Nightmare ward armor +1 Leather, hide I U

11 Predator's hide +1 Hide 11 Robe of avoidance +1 I? t m i ; ir i i i r i i 4-1

Cloth A in /

11 1 1

I M I U H ( I I H U M ' 1

Sanguine vestments +1 Soi l /aiA i li Li>: 4 -1

• i y Cloth 1 MI a I t , LI h i, | . ,

1 L 12 n

o p i K t l l J iKKC l • 1

Wall armor +1 Warmage's uniform +1

L c a i n e r , n i n e

Any Cloth, leather


14 14

Hvy blade. It blade \ Spear 1 Any melee I Axe, hvy blade 1 Axe, hvy blade, polearm 18 Axe Any melee Any mclcc Lt blade Lt blade

Songbow of vanishment +1 Bow, crossbow Targeting weapon +1 Bow, crossbow

A M M U N I T I O N (30 GP PER ITEM) Attention-stealing bullet +1 Firestorm arrow +1 Freezing arrow +1 Lightning arrow +1

18 18 19

108,120 97 23 24

26 26 27 27

Page 133: 4e Adventurers Vault 2 OCR

Spider bolt +1 27 Surprise bullet +1 28

H O L Y S Y M B O L S Symbol of b rawn +1 29

O R B S Orb of supplementary force +1

RODS Hexer 's rod +1


Rod of div ini ty +1 35 S T A F F S

1 Q

M.iii ot resil ience + i Staf f of sleep and charm +1 39


Boar 's charge to tem +1

* Death fang totem +1

43 106


Boar 's charge to tem +1

* Death fang totem +1

43 106

Fell beast totem +1 44


Executioner's bracers

Lunia's bracelet

54 A R M S S L O T

Executioner's bracers

Lunia's bracelet 55 F E E T S L O T

i n n 3Wittpad boots

H A N D S S L O T * Gaunt lets of arcane might




3Wittpad boots H A N D S S L O T * Gaunt lets of arcane might




Amulet of ward ing +1 63 ' Ba f f l i ng cape +1 96

Necklace of keys +1

* Spidersilk mant le +1

67 109

W O N D R O U S L A I R I T E M S Cask of l iquid gold 79 W i n d o w of deception 83

TATTOOS Dcmonsk in tattoo 87 **tr V • * 1 V I ' M V M i i l l 1 % \ r \ j

Escape tattoo 84

LEVEL 4 ITEMS 8 4 0 GP A R M O R ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Dazzling plate +1 Pla te 7 Genasi soul armor +1

Lifefont armor +1

Parchment armor +1

Scale of the serpent +1

Serpent ine armor +1

Time link armor +1


Leather, hide


Cloth, leather


Sca le


8 10

Genasi soul armor +1

Lifefont armor +1

Parchment armor +1

Scale of the serpent +1

Serpent ine armor +1

Time link armor +1


Leather, hide


Cloth, leather


Sca le


11 i i

Genasi soul armor +1

Lifefont armor +1

Parchment armor +1

Scale of the serpent +1

Serpent ine armor +1

Time link armor +1


Leather, hide


Cloth, leather


Sca le



12 14

Avalanche hammer+1 Hammer 15 Echoing songblade +1

' H a r m o n y blade +1

Impaler 's pick +1

Hvy blade. It blade

H v y blade


17 97 20

Intensifying weapon +1

Master 's blade +1

Any 20 Intensifying weapon +1

Master 's blade +1 H v y blade. It blade 20 ir\

M a w of the guardian +1

Screaming bow +1

Any melee

B o w

ZU 21

Stormbiter warb lade +1 H v y blade, It blade 23 ' W e a p o n of arcane Hvy b lade. l t blade 102

bonds +1

W e a p o n of oaths A n y melee 25 fulfil led +1

HOLY S Y M B O L S Symbol of the holy n imbus +1

RODS Darkspira l rod +1 Rod of the pactbinder +1

STAFFS Staff of iron infusion +1

T O M E S Tome of str iking l ightning +1

T O T E M S Wi ld f i re totem +1

W i n t e r w o o d totem +1

WANDS Diamond w a n d +1

Master 's w a n d of eyes of the vest ige +1

Master 's w a n d of illusory ambush +1

Master 's w a n d of misdirected mark +1

Master 's w a n d of phantom bolt +1

Master 's w a n d of spiteful glamor +1

Master 's w a n d of vicious mockery +1

Shield ing w a n d +1

W a n d of al lure +1

A R M S S L O T Shield of silver light

F E E T S L O T Rid ing boots

H A N D S S L O T ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 'B lack lea f ploves


' C l a w gloves

Gaunt lets of blood

Poison gloves


* Cloak of the lion's mane +1

Frostwolf pelt +1

Lucky charm +1

Periapt of proof against poison +1

W O N D R O U S I T E M S Bed of rapid rest S i lence-warded room

T A T T O O S Fireheart tattoo Tattoo of arcane blood

LEVEL 5 ITEMS 1,000 GP ARMOR Healer 's armor +1 H ide, chain

' S h o c k w e a v e armor +1 C lo th , leather

Support ing armor +1 Sca le , plate


" Rousing hammer +1 H a m m e r

Runic weapon +1 A n y

' T h a n e blood weapon +1 A n y melee

' W e a p o n of great A n y melee

opportuni ty +1

A M M U N I T I O N (50 G P P E R I T E M ) Bend ing bullet +1

HOLY S Y M B O L S Symbo l of daring +1


34 36

fij • J CO

f 2 tii


42 Z UJ

47 48 49 50 50 51 51 51 51 52 52 55


108 106

58 61

98 66 67 67

79 82

87 84

9 98 13

95 21

100 96



A P P E N D I X I level 5 I t e m s

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STAFFS Staff of w i n d +1 4 0


b l o o d n u n t e r to tem +1

FEET SLOT Boots o f rap id mot ion

* Panther s l ippers 3 /

1 0 6

HANDS SLOT Gloves of grace 59

' G l o v e s of recovery 9 6 qo

* Lion's c l a w gaunt le ts * Resp lendent g loves

J O 104


*_irciec oi <irc<ini' cxiuiision WONDROUS ITEMS

• *' i.

-ic Deepfarer's pouch / «j

TATTOOS Tattoo of v e n g e a n c e 85

LEVEL 6 ITEMS 1,800 GP a r m o r

Gambler's suit + 2 Leather

WEAPONS Chal l enge - seek ing A n y me lee

w e a p o n +2


Ear th -wrought h a m m e r +2 H a m m e r 17


' W a r d e d v a m b r a c e s

FEET SLOT I < i\/\tr~ fit K / I M iirliiift C7 doois o i o u u n u i n g

* Resp lendent boo t s

J i 104


/ i icnemy gloves HEAD SLOT

m c L a t s-eye h e a d b a n d

' H e l m of e x e m p l a r y de fense I Ub 95

107 ravage masK



Baldric of t ime 74

TATTOOS Distractinf tattoo 87

Tattoo o f b o n d e d de fense 85

lanoo or Donoea escape

LEVEL 7 ITEMS 2,600 GP a r m o r A r m o r of aegis expans ion +2 Cloth, leather 6

' A r m o r of d w a r v e n v igor +2 C h a i n , scale, plate

Bast ion a r m o r + 2 Scale, plate

9 4


Coruscat ing a r m o r +2 Scale, plate 7

Death's brink a r m o r +2 Scale , plate 7

Hero's a r m o r +2 Cha in 9

M a r a u d e r ' s a r m o r +2 Leather, h ide 10

' R a d i a n t t e m p l e uni form +2 Cloth

Rat Ifillpr'c i r» it 4-7 (~lnth If itltpr

103 11

l\<ll Kllltl b I ltd t ' L ICaLIICI

S h a d o w h o u n d a r m o r +2 Hide

" S h a d o w hunter hide -*~2 H i d e

• i 12

106 ' S h i p b o a r d a r m o r + 2 Leather 101

A P P E N D I X | L e v e l (t Items


Af tershock w e a p o n +2

Bol t shard c r o s s b o w +2

Duelist's b o w +2

Entrapping w e a p o n +2

A n y

C r o s s b o w

15 17 17

Af tershock w e a p o n +2

Bol t shard c r o s s b o w +2

Duelist's b o w +2

Entrapping w e a p o n +2 DOW B o w , c r o s s b o w

I / 17

Farbond spe l lb lade +2 H v y b lade , It b l a d e 18 Guard ian ' s call +2 A n y m e l e e 19 H a r m o n i c s o n g b l a d e +2

' H u n g r y spear +2

H v y b l a d e , It b l a d e 19 H a r m o n i c s o n g b l a d e +2

' H u n g r y spear +2 Spear 98 ' Inf ight ing b l a d e +2 Lt b l a d e , a x e

( o n e - h a n d e d only)


Quicks i lver b lade +2 Lt b l a d e A |

21 21 24

R e b o u n d i n g w e a p o n +2

S u p r e m e l y vicious

A n y r a n g e d

A n y

21 21 24

w e a p o n +2 c 1 A

Totemic spear +2

Totemic w a r c l u b +2


M a c e 24 25

W h i s t l i n g s o n g b o w +2 B o w , c r o s s b o w 25

A M M U N I T I O N ( 1 0 0 G P P E R I T E M )

Onslaught arrow +2 27

H O L Y S Y M B O L S 28 29

loun-Diesseu symooi • <£

Symbol of div ine force +2

28 29

Symbol of foe turning +2 30 "Symbol of G a j z +2

S y m b o l of shared heal ing +2

S y m b o l of the first spirits +2

S y m b o l of v igor +2


135 30

"Symbol of G a j z +2

S y m b o l of shared heal ing +2

S y m b o l of the first spirits +2

S y m b o l of v igor +2


31 32

"Symbol of G a j z +2

S y m b o l of shared heal ing +2

S y m b o l of the first spirits +2

S y m b o l of v igor +2


31 32

Orb of resilient tenacity +2



-t • Rod ot b u r g e o n i n g m e m o r y + / .

Rod of stolen starlt 11 l> ..1 . i l l . , . I * I . I . . A - . - « A > 4 1

34 35 -tc

Kod ot the tickle servant +1 j » ,

S T A F F S Moons i lver statt +1

Staff o f divinity +2

JO 38

Staff of knives +2 39 S u m m o n e r ' s staff +2

V e r d a n t staff +2


40 40



S u m m o n e r ' s staff +2

V e r d a n t staff +2


40 40



Dispelling tome +2

T O T E M S F.irthf.ill totpm +2

40 40


44 T-LLL V I LLTLLL L W % * . I V • 1 rffe

Roar ing b e a r to tem +2 I A4 A M n f tfnun/lArV l ^ / W H F \ R * V

45 /!7

i o iem oi munaer s Keeper -r/ F E E T S L O T

Boots of surging speed



* Dual - threat gaunt le ts 95 Feinting g loves 58


Phi losopher's c r o w n 62

' R e s p l e n d e n t circlet 104


A m u l e t of d o u b l e for tune + 2 63

A m u l e t o f e legy + 2 63

Page 135: 4e Adventurers Vault 2 OCR

Badge of the berserker +2 *Cloak of the crimson path +2 * Deep-pocket cloak +2 Lifesaving brooch +2 * Scarf of reconciliation +2 Talisman of terror +2

WAIST SLOT Belt of nourishment

W O N D R O U S ITEMS Map of unseen lands

TATTOOS Long-battle tattoo Quick-step tattoo Tattoo of the unlucky Tattoo of the wolverine

CONSUMABLES (100 GP PER ITEM) Clay of creation

L e v e l 8 I t e m s 3,400 g p a r m o r Armor of sudden Cloth, leather

recovery +2 Holy adversary's armor +2 Cloth Kemstone armor +2 Scale, plate Moon armor +2 Chain Nightmare ward armor +2 Leather, hide Predator's hide f2 Hide Robe of avoidance +2 Cloth Runic ai mor +2 Any Sanguine vestments +2 Cloth Slime armor +2 Scale, plate Spiderweb robes +2 Cloth Spiked jacket +2 Leather, hide Wall armor +2 Any Warmage's uniform 4-2 Cloth, leather

W E A P O N S Aegis blade +2 Alfsair spear +2 Aura killer weapon +2 * Blade of vengeance +2 Blood fury weapon +2 * Blood harvest blade +2 Flesh grinder +2 Frost fury waraxe +2 Great hunger weapon +2 Guardian's brand +2 Hideous weapon +2 *Pact blade+2

Ravenclaw warblade * 2 Hvy blade * Rhythm blade +2 Lt blade " Rovikar's weapon +2 Any Songbow of vanishment +2 Bow, crossbow Targeting weapon +2 Bow, crossbow Unforgettable cudgel 2 Mace -Warding blade +2 Lt blade Writhing vine weapon +2 Any melee

AMMUNITION (125 GP PER ITEM) Attention-stealing bullet +2

64 107

97 67

Bolt of clumsiness +2 Bolt of transit +2 Dispelling bolt +2 Firestorm arrow +2

26 26 26 26

132 69

Freezing arrow +2 Lightning arrow +2

27 27

Space-shifting bolt +2 <~ • i i • • i ~i


74 Spider holt +J Summoning bullet +2

27 28 to 77 Surprise bullet +2

HOLY SYMBOLS Symbol of brawn +2 Symbol of the champion's code +2 Symbol of the radiant flame +2

ORBS Orb of supplementary force +2

RODS Hexer's rod +2


29 31 32



ob 85

Surprise bullet +2 HOLY SYMBOLS Symbol of brawn +2 Symbol of the champion's code +2 Symbol of the radiant flame +2

ORBS Orb of supplementary force +2

RODS Hexer's rod +2


29 31 32



ob 85

Surprise bullet +2 HOLY SYMBOLS Symbol of brawn +2 Symbol of the champion's code +2 Symbol of the radiant flame +2

ORBS Orb of supplementary force +2

RODS Hexer's rod +2


29 31 32


34 87

Surprise bullet +2 HOLY SYMBOLS Symbol of brawn +2 Symbol of the champion's code +2 Symbol of the radiant flame +2

ORBS Orb of supplementary force +2

RODS Hexer's rod +2


29 31 32




9 9

10 11 11 11 12 12 13 13 13 14 14

Hvy blade. It blade 15 Spear 15 Any melee 15 Hvy blade. It blade 103 Axe, hvy blade 17 Lt blade 107 Axe, hvy blade, polearm 18 Axe 18 Any melee 18 Any melee 19 Flail, hammer, pick 19 Lt blade 108,120

21 97

135 23 24 25

103 25


Rod of divinity +2

STAFFS Staff of resilience +2 Staff of sleep and charm +2


39 39

C| . ( [ ,{ I U . , (-jifUf. ,| i,, , ,«; . i ) d (l ai i o i i n e T a n n i u i a r c a m s t ~ z * *u


Gossamer tome +2

TOTEMS Boar's charge totem +2 43 * Death fang totem +2 Fell beast totem +2 Iron bear totem +2

106 44 44 47 47

Totem of the satyr's dance +2 Vengeful spirit totem +2

106 44 44 47 47

ARMS SLOT Charm bracelet 'Hammer shield "Pincer shield FEET SLOT

53 95 96

"Boarding boots 101 Greaves of fortunate falling 58


Grizzly gauntlets HEAD SLOT

b y

Fey-blessed circlet 62 'Gadgeteer's goggles 97 Sacred mask 63

NECK SLOT Amulet of warding -1-2 63 * Baffling cape +7 Courtier's cape +2 Necklace of keys +2 Orc's-eye amulet +2 *Pavise charm +2 'Resplendent cloak +2 "Spidersilk mantle +2

96 * Baffling cape +7 Courtier's cape +2 Necklace of keys +2 Orc's-eye amulet +2 *Pavise charm +2 'Resplendent cloak +2 "Spidersilk mantle +2

66 67 67

101 104 109

WAIST SLOT Potion bandolier 75


t 2

5 z U J


Stonewall belt 75

\ l » P r \ 1)1 X I Level 8 Items

Page 136: 4e Adventurers Vault 2 OCR

W O N D R O U S ITEMS S T A F F S * Bowstring of accuracy Vagabond's die Whistle of warnng

W O N D R O U S LAIR ITEM Alchemist 's workshop

1 3 2 7 8 7 8

7 9

Staff of iron infusion +2


Tome of crushing force +2 Tome of striking lightning +2



42 42

* Bowstring of accuracy Vagabond's die Whistle of warnng

W O N D R O U S LAIR ITEM Alchemist 's workshop


1 3 2 7 8 7 8

7 9

Staff of iron infusion +2


Tome of crushing force +2 Tome of striking lightning +2



42 42


T A T T O O S Curse eye tattoo Fleet hero tattoo Ironheart tattoo Strongheart tattoo

8 1

8 7 8 7 86 86 8 4

88 8 8

Panther totem +2 Totem of the ravenous beast +2 'Totem of the severed eye +2 Totem of winter 's scorn +2 Wildfire totem +2 Winterwood totem +2

\ A / A M R V C

45 47



T A T T O O S Curse eye tattoo Fleet hero tattoo Ironheart tattoo Strongheart tattoo

8 1

8 7 8 7 86 86 8 4

88 8 8

Panther totem +2 Totem of the ravenous beast +2 'Totem of the severed eye +2 Totem of winter 's scorn +2 Wildfire totem +2 Winterwood totem +2

\ A / A M R V C

i \ji

47 47 48


T A T T O O S Curse eye tattoo Fleet hero tattoo Ironheart tattoo Strongheart tattoo

8 1

8 7 8 7 86 86 8 4

88 8 8

Panther totem +2 Totem of the ravenous beast +2 'Totem of the severed eye +2 Totem of winter 's scorn +2 Wildfire totem +2 Winterwood totem +2

\ A / A M R V C

i \ji

47 47 48

l a i i u o o i i n e L ' S I . i p t _ . H U M

C O N S U M A B L E S ( 1 2 5 G P P E R ITEM)

8 1

8 7 8 7 86 86 8 4

88 8 8

W A I N U 3

Diamond wand +2 Hawthorn wand +2 Master 's wand of eyes of the vestige +2

49 49 50

Silver sand Vortex stone

8 1

8 7 8 7 86 86 8 4

88 8 8

W A I N U 3

Diamond wand +2 Hawthorn wand +2 Master 's wand of eyes of the vestige +2

49 49 50

LEVEL 9 ITEMS ARMOR Dazzling plate +2 Demonscale +2 Genasi soul armor +2 Lifefont armor +2 Magnetic armor - 2 Parchment armor +2

4,200 GP Master's wand of illusory ambush +2 Master's wand of misdirected mark +2

50 51

LEVEL 9 ITEMS ARMOR Dazzling plate +2 Demonscale +2 Genasi soul armor +2 Lifefont armor +2 Magnetic armor - 2 Parchment armor +2

Plate Scale Leather, hide Hide

Scale, plate Cloth, leather

7 8 8

1 0 1 0 1 1

Master 's wand of phantom bolt +2 Master 's wand of spiteful glamor +2 Master's wand of vicious mockery +2

51 51 51

LEVEL 9 ITEMS ARMOR Dazzling plate +2 Demonscale +2 Genasi soul armor +2 Lifefont armor +2 Magnetic armor - 2 Parchment armor +2

Plate Scale Leather, hide Hide

Scale, plate Cloth, leather

7 8 8

1 0 1 0 1 1

Shielding wand +2 Wand of allure +2

A R M S SLOT * Bracers of zeal +2

52 52

1 0 3 Scale of the serpent +2 Serpentine armor +2 Time link armor +2

Scale Scale Chain

1 2 1 2 1 4

Keeper 's shield

H A N D S SLOT *Darkfire gloves


1 3 2 W E A P O N S Avalanche hammer +2 Blood drinker +2

Hammer Axe , hvy blade

1 5 1 6

Illusionist's gloves

H E A D SLOT Boar headdress


61 Echoing songblade +2 * Harmony blade +2 Impaler's pick +2 Incisive dagger +2

Hvy blade, It blade Hvy blade

Pick Dagger

1 7 97 2 0 2 0 2 0

1 0 1

*-tf x> w 1 1 I V U VI V J I *— J J

N E C K SLOT Amulet of vigor +2 "Cloak of the lion's mane +2 Cloak of translocation +2 Frostwolf pelt +2


Echoing songblade +2 * Harmony blade +2 Impaler's pick +2 Incisive dagger +2

Hvy blade, It blade Hvy blade

Pick Dagger

1 7 97 2 0 2 0 2 0

1 0 1

*-tf x> w 1 1 I V U VI V J I *— J J

N E C K SLOT Amulet of vigor +2 "Cloak of the lion's mane +2 Cloak of translocation +2 Frostwolf pelt +2

98 66 66

Intensifying weapon +2 "Kamesti crossbow +2

Any Crossbow

1 7 97 2 0 2 0 2 0

1 0 1

*-tf x> w 1 1 I V U VI V J I *— J J

N E C K SLOT Amulet of vigor +2 "Cloak of the lion's mane +2 Cloak of translocation +2 Frostwolf pelt +2

98 66 66

Master 's blade +2 Hvy blade, It blade 2 0 •Keicha's amulet +2 1 3 4

Maw of the guardian +2 Any melee 2 0 Lucky charm +2 Medic's amulet f 2 Periapt of proof against poison 4-2

67 67

Screaming bow +2 Songbow of lullabies +2

Bow Bow, crossbow

2 1 2 2

Lucky charm +2 Medic's amulet f 2 Periapt of proof against poison 4-2 67

I O C Stormbiter warblade +2 * Weapon of arcane

Hvy blade. It blade Hvy blade. It blade

2 3 1 0 2

bnadowdancer s cloak +1

W A I S T SLOT bonds +2 Belt of fragile guard 74

Weapon of oaths Any melee 2 S * Clear-blood baldric 95

fulfilled +2

A M M U N I T I O N ( 1 6 0 G P P E R ITEM)

W O N D R O U S ITEMS * Endless quiver 1 0 1

Arrow of revelation +2 Forbiddance bolt +2

2 6 26

W O N D R O U S LAIR ITEMS Feast table 80

HOLY S Y M B O L S Symbol of fire and fury +2 Symbol of the holy nimbus C . I I _ f » i > . J i ^ r

i n T A T T O O S Backlash tattoo 84

HOLY S Y M B O L S Symbol of fire and fury +2 Symbol of the holy nimbus C . I I _ f » i > . J i ^ r

+2 3 2 Reinforcement tattoo Strikeback tattoo


84 84 bymboi of unified defense -i-z



Reinforcement tattoo Strikeback tattoo


84 84

Darkspiral rod +2 3 4 Rod of obliterating wrath +2 n *m - J 4 th L _ m r-fc Mtt- 4k t - ! * - f | n ^ I •

3 5 A K M U K Counterstrike armor +2 Cloth, leather, hide 7

Kod ot the pactbinder +Z 3 0 Healer's armor +2 Hide, chain 9

A P P L N D I X , L e v e l 9 I t e m s

Page 137: 4e Adventurers Vault 2 OCR

Shadow war lock armor +2

' S h o c k w e a v e armor H-2 C _ -. M.ti - _ i ~%


Cloth, leather f i _


9 8

Suppor t ing armor +2 W E A P O N S * Rousing hammer +2

Runic w e a p o n +2

Sca le , plate

H a m m e r

Any 95

2 1

Sup reme skirmisher 's B o w 2 4 bow +2

* T h a n e blood w e a p o n +2 Any me lee 100 -: -i 1

W e a p o n of evi l undone +2

* W e a p o n of great

Any A n y me lee

113 96

opportuni ty +2

A M M U N I T I O N ( 2 0 0 G P P E R I T E M ) Bend ing bullet +2 26


HOLY S Y M B O L S Symbo l of dar ing +2 29

Symbo l of protect ion +2 30

RODS Rod of devi l ry +2 35 Torch of misery +2 37


B las twarp staff+2 38 Staff of w i n d +2 4 0


Bloodhunter to tem +2

D i re to tem +2

43 T O T E M S

Bloodhunter to tem +2

D i re to tem +2 t j


4 4


H a m e n e a r t to tem +1

* S t e r n mounta in totem +2

t j


4 4

112 Totem of nature's ba lm +2 4 5


Sharpshooter 's w a n d +2

W a n d of apt i tude +2




Sharpshooter 's w a n d +2

W a n d of apt i tude +2




r- -> Barrage bracers



135 Ska ivan i s ank le ts


'C i r c le t of revelat ions

' S h a d o w d a n c e r ' s mask


135 Ska ivan i s ank le ts


'C i r c le t of revelat ions

' S h a d o w d a n c e r ' s mask 132

105 W A I S T S L O T

D iamond cincture 7 5

W O N D R O U S L A I R I T E M S Shin ing sundial 82

T A T T O O S Eager hero's tattoo 86 Tattoo of shared consequence 85

8 5 Tattoo of shared vengeance



8 5

ARMOR Gambler 's suit +3


Leather 8

Chal lenge-seeking

w e a p o n +3

A n y melee 17

Ear th-wrought hammer +3 H a m m e r 17

A R M S S L O T Force shield 54

'Razo rda rk bracers 120

FEET SLOT ' Feys t r i de boots ' S t e a d y boots of the ram

HANDS SLOT Gloves of ice

Gloves of missile avoidance

' S h a d o w d a n c e r ' s gloves

HEAD SLOT Circlet of continuity * H e l m of vision unclouded

' M a t r a k k ' s lenses

WAIST SLOT Baldr ic of assault

WONDROUS ITEMS Versat i le spel lbook

TATTOOS Teamstr ike tat too

CONSUMABLES ( 3 5 0 GP PER ITEM) Flash f lower Rust bark

LEVEL 12 ITEMS 13,000 GP ARMOR Armor of aegis expansion +3 Cloth, leather

' A r m o r of d w a r v e n vigor +3 Cha in , scale, plate Bast ion a rmor +3

B lackf lock robe +3

Coruscat ing armor +3

* Darks t r ike armor +3

Death 's brink armor +3

Hero's a rmor +3

Marauder 's a rmor +3

' R a d i a n t temple uni form +3 Cloth

R a t kil ler's coat +3 C lo th , leather

Shadow hound armor +3

' S h a d o w hunter hide +3

' S h i p b o a r d armor +3

Teleport ing armor +3


Aftershock w e a p o n +3

Bol tshard crossbow +3

Duel ist 's bow +3

Entrapping w e a p o n +3

Farbond spel lblade -f-3

Guardian 's call +3

Harmonic songblade +3

' H u n g r y spear +3

' In f igh t ing b lade +3

Sca le , plate Cloth

Sca le , plate Leather, h ide Sca le , plate Cha in

Leather, h ide


H ide


Sca le , plate

Quicksi lver blade +3

Rebounding w e a p o n +3

Shadowr i f t b lade +3

Supremely v ic ious

w e a p o n +3

Totemic spear +3

Totemic warc lub +3

' U n b r o k e n lance +3

Wh is t l i ng songbow +3

A n y


B o w

B o w , crossbow

H v y b lade. It b lade

A n y melee

H v y b lade, It b lade


Lt b lade, axe

(one-handed only)

Lt b lade

Any ranged

Lt blade

A n y

Spea r



B o w , crossbow

A P P E N D I X : Level 12 Items

Page 138: 4e Adventurers Vault 2 OCR

A M M U N I T I O N ( 5 0 0 G P P E R I T E M )

Onslaught ar row +3 27 o


loun-blessed symbol +3

Symbol of branding +3

Symbol of d iv ine force +3

Symbol of foe turning +3




loun-blessed symbol +3

Symbol of branding +3

Symbol of d iv ine force +3

Symbol of foe turning +3





* Symbol of Gajz +3 135

Symbo l of shared heal ing +3 r~ • 1 f i i f A • • A


Symbo l or the first spirits + 3

Symbo l of vigor +3

31 32

O R B S 33







38 on

Orb of heightened imposit ion +3

Orb of resilient tenacity +3








38 on

Orb ot v is ionary protect ion +5









38 on

Rod of burgeoning memory +3

Rod of stolen starlt +3

Rod of the f ickle servant +3









38 on

Moonsi lver staff +3

Staf f of divinity +3








38 on

Staff of kn ives +3

Summoner 's staff -t-3


4 0 Verdant staf f+3 4 0

T O M E S 41 Dispel l ing tome +3



Earthfai l to tem +3 4 4

Roar ing bear totem +3

Totem of the harr ier 's c laws +3

Totem of the night +3



Roar ing bear totem +3

Totem of the harr ier 's c laws +3

Totem of the night +3 4 6

Totem of thunder 's keeper +3


f /

"Crest of vigi lance eternal 112


Boots of unchecked passage

'Shadowdance r ' s boots

C7 F E E T S L O T

Boots of unchecked passage

'Shadowdance r ' s boots

3 /



'Charger ' s headdress

Crown of equi l ibr ium



N E C K S L O T Amule t of double fortune +3 63

Amule t of elegy +3 63

Badge of the berserker +3 64

' C l o a k of the cr imson path +3

'Deep -pocke t c loak +3

Lifesaving brooch +3

107 QT

' C l o a k of the cr imson path +3

'Deep -pocke t c loak +3

Lifesaving brooch +3

- 7 /


Mant le of the golden general +3

'Neck lace of fate +3

' S c a r f of reconcil iat ion +3

Tal isman of terror +3




Mant le of the golden general +3

'Neck lace of fate +3

' S c a r f of reconcil iat ion +3

Tal isman of terror +3

1 J Z



Horn of dismissal

'Shephe rd ' s batt le standard



' S t o n e of ear th 133

' S t o n e of f lame 133

A P P E N D I X I level 1 3 Items

' S t o n e of light 133

' S t o n e of shadow 133

* S tone of spirit 133

' Stone of storms 133

* Stone of w i n d 133


Bri l l iant scrying basin 79

Dip lomat 's table 80

Door w a r d e n 80

Ritualist 's lectern 81

Throne of dominion 83

Wa tch fu l eye 83

LEVEL 13 ITEMS 17,000 GP A R M O R

' A r m o r of essence A n y 112

inviolate +3

Armor of sudden Cloth, leather 6

recovery +3

'Champion 's hauberk +3 Cha in , scale 113

Gambi t armor +3 Cloth, leather 8

Holy adversary 's armor +3 Cloth 9

Kemstone armor +3 Sca le , plate 9

'M i r ro red plate +3 P la te 110

Moon armor+3 Chain 10

Nightmare wa rd a rmor +3 Leather, hide 11

Predator 's hide +3 H ide 11

Robe of avoidance +3 Cloth 11

Runic armor +3 A n y 12

Sanguine vestments +3 Cloth 12

' S k i n of agonies+3 Leather, hide 124

S l ime a rmor +3 Sca le , plate 13;;

Snaketongue robe +3 Cloth 13

Sp iderweb robes +3 Cloth 13>

Spiked jacket +3 Leather, hide 13

W a l l a rmor+3 Any 14

W a r m a g e ' s uni form +3 Clo th , leather 14

W i n g e d armor +3 A n y 14


Aegis b lade +3 H v y blade, It blade 15

Al fsair spear+3 Spear 15

Aura kil ler w e a p o n + 3 Any melee 15

' B lade of vengeance +3 H v y blade, It blade 103

Blood fury weapon+3 Axe , hvy blade 17

' B l o o d harvest blade +3 Lt blade 107

' B r a d a m a n ' s weapon +3 H v y blade, axe, 110


Flesh grinder +3 Axe , hvy blade, polearm 18

Frost fury waraxe +3 Axe 18

'Gene ra l ' s weapon-t-3 Polearm 123

Grea t hunger weapon +3 Any melee 18

Guardian 's brand +3 A n y melee 19

Hideous weapon +3 Flai l , hammer, pick 19

' P a c t blade +3 Lt blade 108,120

Ravenc law warb lade +3 H v y blade 21

* Rhy thm blade +3 Lt blade 97

' R o v i k a r ' s weapon+3 A n y 135

'Sco rp ion tail blade +3 Lt blade 131

Page 139: 4e Adventurers Vault 2 OCR

"Shepherd's arms +3 Polearm, spear Shrieking songbow +3 Bow, crossbow

119 21

NECK SLOT Amulet of warding +3 'Baffling cape +3 Cloak of the desert +3 Courtier's cape +3

63 Songbow of vanishment +3 Bow, crossbow 23

24 25

NECK SLOT Amulet of warding +3 'Baffling cape +3 Cloak of the desert +3 Courtier's cape +3


I n M i l i K weupuri T J D O W , t r o w u o w

Unforgettable cudgel +3 Mace

23 24 25

NECK SLOT Amulet of warding +3 'Baffling cape +3 Cloak of the desert +3 Courtier's cape +3

ob 66

•Warding blade +3 Lt blade Writhing vine weapon +3 Any melee

103 25

" Fleece of renewal +3 Necklace of keys +3

111 67

AMMUNITION (650 GP PER ITEM) Attention-stealing bullet +3 Bolt of clumsiness +3 Bolt of transit +3 Dispelling bolt +3

26 26 26 26

Orc's-eye amulet +3 "Pavise charm +3 "Resplendent cloak +-3 Seashimmer cloak +3 Shroud of ravens +3

67 101 104

68 68

AMMUNITION (650 GP PER ITEM) Attention-stealing bullet +3 Bolt of clumsiness +3 Bolt of transit +3 Dispelling bolt +3

26 26 26 26

Orc's-eye amulet +3 "Pavise charm +3 "Resplendent cloak +-3 Seashimmer cloak +3 Shroud of ravens +3

67 101 104

68 68

Firestorm arrow +3 26 'Spidersilk mantle +3 109 Freezing arrow +3 Lightning arrow +3 Space-shifting bolt +3 Spider bolt -3 Summoning bullet +3 Surprise bullet +3

HOLY SYMBOLS Convert's symbol +3 Symbol of brawn +3 Symbol of the champion's code +3 Symbol of the radiant flame +3


27 27 27 27 28 28

28 29 31 32

WAIST SLOT Freezing arrow +3 Lightning arrow +3 Space-shifting bolt +3 Spider bolt -3 Summoning bullet +3 Surprise bullet +3

HOLY SYMBOLS Convert's symbol +3 Symbol of brawn +3 Symbol of the champion's code +3 Symbol of the radiant flame +3


27 27 27 27 28 28

28 29 31 32

Waistband of the grappler



7 7

Freezing arrow +3 Lightning arrow +3 Space-shifting bolt +3 Spider bolt -3 Summoning bullet +3 Surprise bullet +3

HOLY SYMBOLS Convert's symbol +3 Symbol of brawn +3 Symbol of the champion's code +3 Symbol of the radiant flame +3


27 27 27 27 28 28

28 29 31 32

Ribbon of limitless questio i>


/ /

Freezing arrow +3 Lightning arrow +3 Space-shifting bolt +3 Spider bolt -3 Summoning bullet +3 Surprise bullet +3

HOLY SYMBOLS Convert's symbol +3 Symbol of brawn +3 Symbol of the champion's code +3 Symbol of the radiant flame +3


27 27 27 27 28 28

28 29 31 32

Magic drawbridge TATTOOS Breakchain tattoo Demonskin tattoo


Freezing arrow +3 Lightning arrow +3 Space-shifting bolt +3 Spider bolt -3 Summoning bullet +3 Surprise bullet +3

HOLY SYMBOLS Convert's symbol +3 Symbol of brawn +3 Symbol of the champion's code +3 Symbol of the radiant flame +3


27 27 27 27 28 28

28 29 31 32

Magic drawbridge TATTOOS Breakchain tattoo Demonskin tattoo

87 87

Freezing arrow +3 Lightning arrow +3 Space-shifting bolt +3 Spider bolt -3 Summoning bullet +3 Surprise bullet +3

HOLY SYMBOLS Convert's symbol +3 Symbol of brawn +3 Symbol of the champion's code +3 Symbol of the radiant flame +3


27 27 27 27 28 28

28 29 31 32 LEVEL 14 ITEMS

ARMOR Armor of dark deeds +3

21.000 GP

Leather, hide 6 Orb of repeated imposition +3 Orb of supplementary force +3

R 0 D S

Hexer's rod +3 Rod of divinity +3 Spider rod +3 STAFFS _ Staff of resilience +3

33 34

34 35 37


Dazzling plate +3 Plate 7 Orb of repeated imposition +3 Orb of supplementary force +3

R 0 D S

Hexer's rod +3 Rod of divinity +3 Spider rod +3 STAFFS _ Staff of resilience +3

33 34

34 35 37


Demonscale +3 Formidable armor +3 Genasi soul armor +3

Scale Hide, chain Leather, hide

8 8 8

Orb of repeated imposition +3 Orb of supplementary force +3

R 0 D S

Hexer's rod +3 Rod of divinity +3 Spider rod +3 STAFFS _ Staff of resilience +3

33 34

34 35 37


Lifefont armor +3 Magnetic armor +3 Parchment armor +3

Hide Scale, plate Cloth, leather

10 10 11 " 1 1

Staff of sleep and charm +3 Staff of the faithful arcanist +3

39 40

Scale of the serpent +3 Serpentine armor +-3

scale Scale Chain Chain

12 12 13 14 TOMES

Gossamer tome +3 Mordenkainen's tome +3 TOTEMS Boar's charge totem +3


Spirit armor +3 Time link armor +3

scale Scale Chain Chain

12 12 13 14 TOMES

Gossamer tome +3 Mordenkainen's tome +3 TOTEMS Boar's charge totem +3



Translocating armor +3 W E A P O N S Avalanche hammer +3 Banishing spellblade +3 Blood drinker +3 * Or ii'i HI 1 no 111 111 nit- +^


Hammer Hvy blade. It blade Axe, hvy blade H w lilaHe


15 16 16

130 17

Bronzewood coils totem +3 "Death fang totem +3

43 106

Translocating armor +3 W E A P O N S Avalanche hammer +3 Banishing spellblade +3 Blood drinker +3 * Or ii'i HI 1 no 111 111 nit- +^


Hammer Hvy blade. It blade Axe, hvy blade H w lilaHe


15 16 16

130 17 Fell beast totem +3 44 VJ \ <1 l" Ki 1 1 1 1 1 1 U l i l t l l * J

Echoing songblade +3 "Harmony blade +3 Impaler's pick +3 Incisive dagger +3 Intensifying weapon +3 * Kamesti crossbow +3 Master s blade +3 Maw of the guardian +3

i i v y u i dv i c

Hvy blade. It blade Hvy blade Pick


15 16 16

130 17

Iron bear totem +3 Life river totem +3 Totem of the awakened bear +3

44 44 45

VJ \ <1 l" Ki 1 1 1 1 1 1 U l i l t l l * J

Echoing songblade +3 "Harmony blade +3 Impaler's pick +3 Incisive dagger +3 Intensifying weapon +3 * Kamesti crossbow +3 Master s blade +3 Maw of the guardian +3

i i v y u i dv i c

Hvy blade. It blade Hvy blade Pick

97 20 20 20

101 20 20

Totem of the satyr's dance +3 Vengeful spirit totem +3

ARMS SLOT ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Bloodhound bracers

47 47


VJ \ <1 l" Ki 1 1 1 1 1 1 U l i l t l l * J

Echoing songblade +3 "Harmony blade +3 Impaler's pick +3 Incisive dagger +3 Intensifying weapon +3 * Kamesti crossbow +3 Master s blade +3 Maw of the guardian +3

Dagger Any Crossbow Hvy blade. It blade Any melee

97 20 20 20

101 20 20

' Bracelet of the radiant storm Executioner's bracers Frost charger bracers

115 54 54

Screaming bow +3 Songbow of lullabies +3 Soul drinker weapon +3 Stormbiter warblade +3 "Sword of melancholy +3

Bow Bow, crossbow Any melee Hvy blade, It blade Hvy blade, It blade

21 22 23

* Shield of the world tree




Screaming bow +3 Songbow of lullabies +3 Soul drinker weapon +3 Stormbiter warblade +3 "Sword of melancholy +3

Bow Bow, crossbow Any melee Hvy blade, It blade Hvy blade, It blade

i- i

23 124

Gauntlets of discontinuity bo 'Weapon of arcane Hvy blade, It blade 102 bonds +3




• z UJ

a <

A P P E N D I X ; l e v e l 1 4 I t e m s

Page 140: 4e Adventurers Vault 2 OCR

'Weapon of cruel Any melee 114 HEAD SLOT persuasion +-3 r

Weapon of oaths Any melee 25 fulfilled +3


Arrow of revelation +3 Forbiddance bolt +3

zb 26

HOLY SYMBOLS Symbol of fire and fury +3 Symbol of the holy nimbus +3

30 32 i t

Symbol of unified defense +3



Orb of accuracy +3 RODS Darkspiral rod +3 Rod of obliterating wrath +3


34 35

Rod of the hag +3 36 Rod of the pactbinder +3 36

STAFFS Staff of iron infusion +3 38 Staff of spell blasting +3 40

TOMES Deck of spells +3 Tome of crushing force +3

41 42 A T

Tome of enduring creation +3 Tome of striking lightning +3



TOTEMS Panther totem +3 45 Razor talon totem +3 Totem of new beginnings +3 Totem of the ravenous beast +3 *Totem of the severed eye +3 Totem of winter's scorn -t-3 Wildfire totem +3 Winterwood totem +3

45 45 47


Razor talon totem +3 Totem of new beginnings +3 Totem of the ravenous beast +3 *Totem of the severed eye +3 Totem of winter's scorn -t-3 Wildfire totem +3 Winterwood totem +3

I U /

47 47 48

W A N D S Cursing wand +3 48 Diamond wand +3 Hawthorn wand +3 Master's wand of eyes of the vestige +3

49 49 50

Master's wand of illusory ambush +3 50 Master's wand of misdirected mark ? 51 Master's wand of phantom bolt 3 51 Master's wand of spiteful glamor +3 51 Master's wand of vicious mockery -3 51 Shielding wand +3 52

n W a n d ot allure + i Wand of thunderous anguish +3

bz 52


* Bracers of zeal +3 Vortex shield

103 56

FEET SLOT Sandwalkcr boots * Swift-step boots +3

to FEET SLOT Sandwalkcr boots * Swift-step boots +3

58 115


*Crown of the brilliant sun 'Golden crown of battle command • L I , 1 _ L I _ J „ f„ „ _ _

115 123 118 121

Helm oi able defense 'Mask of the vengeful spirit

115 123 118 121

^Pennant helm 110 'Tenebrous mask 120 NECK SLOT Amulet of vigor +3 Assassin's cloak +3

63 64

NECK SLOT Amulet of vigor +3 Assassin's cloak +3

63 64

Chaos cloak +3 65 Cloak of the bat +3 * C | f 4 a | / r\t L L I O L I I T R I ( M I I I I ' -*- -\

65 98 66

y H ><Mk U L L L L C I I I M I B H I , I I I ' J

Cloak of translocation +3

65 98 66

'Crimson cloak +3 122 Demon amulet +-3 Frostwolf pelt +3 'Keicha's amulet +3 Lucky charm +3 Medallion of the mind +3 Medic's amulet +3

66 Demon amulet +-3 Frostwolf pelt +3 'Keicha's amulet +3 Lucky charm +3 Medallion of the mind +3 Medic's amulet +3

oo 134

C 7

Demon amulet +-3 Frostwolf pelt +3 'Keicha's amulet +3 Lucky charm +3 Medallion of the mind +3 Medic's amulet +3

b/ 67 67 67

105 69

Periapt of proof against poison +3

b/ 67 67 67

105 69

J I 1 ( K I O W O I L M U * . 1 I ( I U « I K R J

Timeless locket +3

b/ 67 67 67

105 69

RINGS Grace ring of lightning Grace ring of salvation

70 70

RINGS Grace ring of lightning Grace ring of salvation

70 70

Grace ward ring 70 Unvanquished grace ring 74

WAIST SLOT Acrobat's harness 74 'Sash of vitality ceaseless 112

W O N D R O U S LAIR ITEMS Loadstone statue 81 Teleportation disk 83

TATTOOS Fireheart tattoo Tattoo of arcane blood

87 84 O F

TATTOOS Fireheart tattoo Tattoo of arcane blood

87 84 O F

tattoo or the shared heart

L e v e l 15 I t e m s 25,000 g p


A R M O R Armor of shared valor +3 Leather, chain 6 Counterstrike armor +3 Cloth, leather, hide 7 'Crystalline breastplate +3 Leather, hide,

chain, scale, plate 118

Healer's armor +3 * * r

Hide, chain 9 Holy radiance armor +3 Chain 9 Shadow warlock armor +3 "Shockweave armor +3 Supporting armor +3

Leather Cloth, leather Scale, plate

12 98 13

W E A P O N S Battle spirit weapon +3 Axe, flail, hammer,

hvy blade, mace, spear 16

'Blade of the eldritch Hvy blade 114 knight +3

'Reaper's axe 4-3 Axe 122 R

'Rousing hammer +3 Hammer 95

A P P E N D I X | level I S Items

Page 141: 4e Adventurers Vault 2 OCR

Runic weapon +3 Songbow of summoning +3

Any Bow, crossbow



Supreme skirmisher's Bow 24

bow +3

"Thane blood weapon +3 'Weapon of evil undone +3 'Weapon of great

Any melee 100 113

"Thane blood weapon +3 'Weapon of evil undone +3 'Weapon of great

Any Any melee

i • J


opportunity +3

A M M U N I T I O N ( 1 , 0 0 0 GP PER ITEM) Bending bullet -1-3 26

HOLY SYMBOLS 'Champion's symbol +3 Symbol of daring 4-3

113 HOLY SYMBOLS 'Champion's symbol +3 Symbol of daring 4-3 29

Symbol of protection -r3


Rod of devilry +3 Rod of silver rain +3 Torch of misery +3 STAFFS Blastwarp staff +3 'Queen's staff+3



Symbol of protection -r3


Rod of devilry +3 Rod of silver rain +3 Torch of misery +3 STAFFS Blastwarp staff +3 'Queen's staff+3

j j 35 37

Symbol of protection -r3


Rod of devilry +3 Rod of silver rain +3 Torch of misery +3 STAFFS Blastwarp staff +3 'Queen's staff+3

3 /


Symbol of protection -r3


Rod of devilry +3 Rod of silver rain +3 Torch of misery +3 STAFFS Blastwarp staff +3 'Queen's staff+3



Staff of wind +3 40

'Tempest staff+3 131

TOTEMS Bloodhunter totem +3 Dire totem +3

•±i TOTEMS Bloodhunter totem +3 Dire totem +3 43

Flameheart totem +3 4 4

'Stern mountain totem +3 112

Totem of nature's balm +3 45

Totem of the crashing tide + T * —— £ *I . . . . • __ |

3 i o

46 A 7

Totem of the scouring wind


Sharpshooter's wand +3 Wand of aptitude +3

+5 4 /


Totem of the scouring wind


Sharpshooter's wand +3 Wand of aptitude +3

-* *-52

ARMS SLOT Deathward shield Rhino bracers

54 ARMS SLOT Deathward shield Rhino bracers 55

1 1 A oliieid ot leiiowsnip i i u

HANDS SLOT * Resplendent gloves

HEAD SLOT 'Reaper's helm 122

NECK SLOT 'Cloak of burgeoning shado 'Mantle of regrets +3

• •• j-3 170 NECK SLOT 'Cloak of burgeoning shado 'Mantle of regrets +3

W > J 123

RINGS Alliance band Crown of the dream king

69 RINGS Alliance band Crown of the dream king 69

* Ring of many forms 121

Ring of sympathy 72 77

Ring of the zealous


/ Z

m General s belt

W O N D R O U S ITEMS Ghostlight candle Seed of war



General s belt W O N D R O U S ITEMS Ghostlight candle Seed of war

/b 78

TATTOOS Tattoo of vengeance

LEVEL 16 ITEMS ARMOR Gambler's suit +4

W E A P O N S Challenge-seeking

weapon +4 Earth-wrought hammer

ARMS SLOT Climber's bracers Flameward shield Stormward shield Winterward shield

FEET SLOT Boots of blood 'Spark slippers Survivor's boots

HANDS SLOT Gloves of dimensional grasp 'Restorative gauntlets

HEAD SLOT Chimera headdress 'Mask of tears

M O U N T SLOT "Bridle of flame

RINGS Death spiral ring Ring of eladrin grace 'Ring of tactical brilliance

WAIST SLOT Baldric of time


Deceptive scrying basin Dimensional anchor

LEVEL 17 ITEMS ARMOR Armor of aegis expansion 'Armor of dwarven vigor Bastion armor f 4 Blackflock robe +4 Coruscating armor +4 * Darkstrike armor +4 Death's brink armor +4 Hero's armor +4 Marauder's armor +4 'Mooncloth robes +4 "Radiant temple uniform Rat killer's coat +4 Shadow hound armor +4 "Shadow hunter hide +4 'Shipboard armor +4 Teleporting armor +4

W E A P O N S Aftershock weapon +4 Boltshard crossbow +4

45,000 GP


Any melee

4 Hammer

65.000 GP

+4Cloth, leather +4 Chain, scale, plate

Scale, plate Cloth Scale, plate Leather, hide Scale, plate Chain Leather, hide Cloth

+4 Cloth Cloth, leather Hide Hide Leather Scale, plate

Any Crossbow

• Z


















A 1MM N D I X ' I cvcI / 7 Items























Page 142: 4e Adventurers Vault 2 OCR

Duel ist 's bow +4 B o w

Ent rapp ing w e a p o n +4 B o w , crossbow

Farbond spel lb lade +4 H v y b lade. It b lade

Guard ian 's cal l +4 A n y melee

Harmon ic songblade +4 H v y b lade, It b lade

' H u n g r y spear +4 Spear

* Inf ight ing blade +4 Lt b lade, axe

(one-handed onlv)

17 17 18 19 19 98


F E E T S L O T ' P u r s u e r ' s boots

H A N D S S L O T Hero 's gaunt lets




Duel ist 's bow +4 B o w

Ent rapp ing w e a p o n +4 B o w , crossbow

Farbond spel lb lade +4 H v y b lade. It b lade

Guard ian 's cal l +4 A n y melee

Harmon ic songblade +4 H v y b lade, It b lade

' H u n g r y spear +4 Spear

* Inf ight ing blade +4 Lt b lade, axe

(one-handed onlv)

17 17 18 19 19 98

101 Phi losopher 's c rown


Amu le t of double fortune +4

Amule t of e legy +4


' L ion ' s heart hammer +4 H a m m e r

Quicksi lver blade +4 Lt blade

Rebound ing w e a p o n +4 A n y ranged

Shadowr i f t b lade +4 Lt blade

130 71

Phi losopher 's c rown


Amu le t of double fortune +4

Amule t of e legy +4 t o

63 ' L ion ' s heart hammer +4 H a m m e r

Quicksi lver blade +4 Lt blade

Rebound ing w e a p o n +4 A n y ranged

Shadowr i f t b lade +4 Lt blade

i. 1

21 21

Badge of the berserker +4

' C l o a k of the cr imson path +4

64 107

*—' » • *** v— v « w • * * *w • V* W- • *^ • **»-• V—

Supremely vicious A n y

w e a p o n +4

Totemic spear +4 Spear

Totemic warc lub +4 Mace

' U n b r o k e n lance +4 Spear

24 Deep-pocket cloak +4

' E l d r i t ch medal l ion +4

Lifesaving brooch +4

97 114 67

*—' » • *** v— v « w • * * *w • V* W- • *^ • **»-• V—

Supremely vicious A n y

w e a p o n +4

Totemic spear +4 Spear

Totemic warc lub +4 Mace

' U n b r o k e n lance +4 Spear

24 25


' M a n t l e of the golden general +4

' N e c k l a c e of fate +4

' S c a r f of reconcil iat ion +4

123 121 132

Whis t l i ng songbow 4-4 B o w . crossbow

A M M U N I T I O N (2,600 G P P E R I T E M ) Onslaught a r row +4

H O L Y S Y M B O L S loun-blessed symbo l +4 Symbol of branding +4



* J \ - —J A 1 V I I •W^*—* • 1 V I I I U U \J 11 •

Tal isman of terror +4

RINGS * R ing of the radiant s torm

R ing of unwe lcome gi f t ing

Stone band

Stormcatcher r ing


115 73 74 74

Whis t l i ng songbow 4-4 B o w . crossbow

A M M U N I T I O N (2,600 G P P E R I T E M ) Onslaught a r row +4

H O L Y S Y M B O L S loun-blessed symbo l +4 Symbol of branding +4


* J \ - —J A 1 V I I •W^*—* • 1 V I I I U U \J 11 •

Tal isman of terror +4

RINGS * R ing of the radiant s torm

R ing of unwe lcome gi f t ing

Stone band

Stormcatcher r ing


115 73 74 74

Whis t l i ng songbow 4-4 B o w . crossbow

A M M U N I T I O N (2,600 G P P E R I T E M ) Onslaught a r row +4

H O L Y S Y M B O L S loun-blessed symbo l +4 Symbol of branding +4 29

* J \ - —J A 1 V I I •W^*—* • 1 V I I I U U \J 11 •

Tal isman of terror +4

RINGS * R ing of the radiant s torm

R ing of unwe lcome gi f t ing

Stone band

Stormcatcher r ing


115 73 74 74

Symbol of d iv ine force +4 29 l * / n M [ A D A I IC 1 AID IT*EZ"iA< Symbol of d iv ine light +4 29 W O N D R O U S L A I K 11 E M !

Vigi lant gargoyle 83 Symbol of foe turning +4

' S y m b o l of Gajz +4

Symbol of shared heal ing +4

30 135 30

TATTOOS Tattoo of the wo lver ine

C O N S U M A B L E S (2,600 G P P E R I T E M ) Clay of creat ion

LEVEL 18 ITEMS 85,000 GP


Symbol of the first spir i ts +4 ' S y m b o l of the forgotten one +4 Symbo l of v igor +4

31 124 32

TATTOOS Tattoo of the wo lver ine

C O N S U M A B L E S (2,600 G P P E R I T E M ) Clay of creat ion

LEVEL 18 ITEMS 85,000 GP 87

O R B S A R M O R k « r _______ A —.. i n

O r b of heightened imposit ion +4

O r b of resil ient tenaci ty +4

33 33

A r m o r or essence

inviolate +4

Any 112

O r b of v is ionary protect ion +4


Rod of burgeoning memory +4

Rod of stolen starl ight +4

34 Armor of sudden

recovery +4

'Champ ion ' s hauberk +4

Cloth, leather

Cha in , scale



O r b of v is ionary protect ion +4


Rod of burgeoning memory +4

Rod of stolen starl ight +4 35


Gamb i t a rmor +4

Holy adversary 's a rmor +4

Kemstone armor +4

' M i r r o r e d plate +4

M o o n armor +4

Nightmare w a r d armor +4

Predator 's hide +4

Robe of avoidance +4

Runic armor +4

Sangu ine ves tments +4

' S k i n of agonies +4

Sl ime armor +4

Snaketongue robe +4

Sp ide rweb robes +4

Spiked jacket +4

W a l l a rmor +4

W a r m a g e ' s uni form +4

Cloth, leather f~l<-»*U

8 Q

Rod of the f ickle servant +4


Moonsi lver staff +4

Staf f of div ini ty +4



Gamb i t a rmor +4

Holy adversary 's a rmor +4

Kemstone armor +4

' M i r r o r e d plate +4

M o o n armor +4

Nightmare w a r d armor +4

Predator 's hide +4

Robe of avoidance +4

Runic armor +4

Sangu ine ves tments +4

' S k i n of agonies +4

Sl ime armor +4

Snaketongue robe +4

Sp ide rweb robes +4

Spiked jacket +4

W a l l a rmor +4

W a r m a g e ' s uni form +4

u o t n

Sca le , piate

P la te 110

Rod of the f ickle servant +4


Moonsi lver staff +4

Staf f of div ini ty +4

38 38


Gamb i t a rmor +4

Holy adversary 's a rmor +4

Kemstone armor +4

' M i r r o r e d plate +4

M o o n armor +4

Nightmare w a r d armor +4

Predator 's hide +4

Robe of avoidance +4

Runic armor +4

Sangu ine ves tments +4

' S k i n of agonies +4

Sl ime armor +4

Snaketongue robe +4

Sp ide rweb robes +4

Spiked jacket +4

W a l l a rmor +4

W a r m a g e ' s uni form +4

Chain I r>'.itl-/»r r1111<">

10 11

Staf f of kn ives +4

' S t a f f of the Far Wanderer+4

39 117


Gamb i t a rmor +4

Holy adversary 's a rmor +4

Kemstone armor +4

' M i r r o r e d plate +4

M o o n armor +4

Nightmare w a r d armor +4

Predator 's hide +4

Robe of avoidance +4

Runic armor +4

Sangu ine ves tments +4

' S k i n of agonies +4

Sl ime armor +4

Snaketongue robe +4

Sp ide rweb robes +4

Spiked jacket +4

W a l l a rmor +4

W a r m a g e ' s uni form +4

LlfJl i l l - i , I 1 I U C

Hide Cloth Any Cloth Leather, hide Sca le , plate Cloth Cloth Leather, h ide Any C lo th , leather


11 11

Summoner ' s staff +4

Verdant staff+4


Dispel l ing tome +4


40 40 41


Gamb i t a rmor +4

Holy adversary 's a rmor +4

Kemstone armor +4

' M i r r o r e d plate +4

M o o n armor +4

Nightmare w a r d armor +4

Predator 's hide +4

Robe of avoidance +4

Runic armor +4

Sangu ine ves tments +4

' S k i n of agonies +4

Sl ime armor +4

Snaketongue robe +4

Sp ide rweb robes +4

Spiked jacket +4

W a l l a rmor +4

W a r m a g e ' s uni form +4

LlfJl i l l - i , I 1 I U C

Hide Cloth Any Cloth Leather, hide Sca le , plate Cloth Cloth Leather, h ide Any C lo th , leather

• i 12 12

124 13 13 13 13 14 14

Earthfa l l to tem +4

Roar ing bear to tem +4

Totem of the harr ier 's c laws +4

Totem of the night +4

Totem of thunder 's keeper +4

44 45 46 46 47


Gamb i t a rmor +4

Holy adversary 's a rmor +4

Kemstone armor +4

' M i r r o r e d plate +4

M o o n armor +4

Nightmare w a r d armor +4

Predator 's hide +4

Robe of avoidance +4

Runic armor +4

Sangu ine ves tments +4

' S k i n of agonies +4

Sl ime armor +4

Snaketongue robe +4

Sp ide rweb robes +4

Spiked jacket +4

W a l l a rmor +4

W a r m a g e ' s uni form +4

LlfJl i l l - i , I 1 I U C

Hide Cloth Any Cloth Leather, hide Sca le , plate Cloth Cloth Leather, h ide Any C lo th , leather

• i 12 12

124 13 13 13 13 14 14

A R M S S L O T W i n g e d armor +4

W E A P O N S Aegis blade +4 Alfsair spear +4

Any 14 Absorb ing shield 53

W i n g e d armor +4

W E A P O N S Aegis blade +4 Alfsair spear +4

H v y blade, It b lade

Spea r

15 15 ' G a u n t l e t s of brutal i ty 122

W i n g e d armor +4

W E A P O N S Aegis blade +4 Alfsair spear +4

H v y blade, It b lade

Spea r

15 15

A P P E N D I X I Level 18 Items

Page 143: 4e Adventurers Vault 2 OCR

Aura killer weapon 4-4 "Blade of vengeance + 4 Blood fury weapon + 4 "Blood harvest blade + 4

Any melee Hvy blade, It blade Axe, hvy blade Lt blade

1 5

1 0 3

1 7

1 0 7

"Bradaman's weapon + 4 Hvy blade, axe, hammer

1 1 0

Flesh grinder + 4 Frost fury waraxe + 4 "General's weapon + 4 Great hunger weapon + 4 Guardian's brand + 4

Axe, hvy blade, polearm 1 8 Flesh grinder + 4 Frost fury waraxe + 4 "General's weapon + 4 Great hunger weapon + 4 Guardian's brand + 4

Axe Polearm

t o

1 2 3

•4 ft

Flesh grinder + 4 Frost fury waraxe + 4 "General's weapon + 4 Great hunger weapon + 4 Guardian's brand + 4

Any melee Any melee

1 8

1 9

Hideous weapon + 4 Flail, hammer, pick 1 9

"Pact b l a d e +4 Ravenclaw warblade + 4 "Rhythm blade + 4

Lt blade Hvy blade Lt blade

1 0 8 , 1 2 0

71 "Pact b l a d e +4 Ravenclaw warblade + 4 "Rhythm blade + 4

Lt blade Hvy blade Lt blade


9 7

"Rovikar's weapon + 4 Any 1 3 5

"Scorpion tail blade + 4 "Serpent's kiss bow + 4 "Shepherd's arms + 4 Shrieking songbow + 4 Songbow of vanishment + 4 Targeting weapon + 4 Unforgettable cudgel + 4

Lt blade Bow Polearm, spear Bow, crossbow Bow, crossbow Bow, crossbow Mace

1 3 1

1 3 1

1 1 9


"Scorpion tail blade + 4 "Serpent's kiss bow + 4 "Shepherd's arms + 4 Shrieking songbow + 4 Songbow of vanishment + 4 Targeting weapon + 4 Unforgettable cudgel + 4

Lt blade Bow Polearm, spear Bow, crossbow Bow, crossbow Bow, crossbow Mace

i. \ 2 3

"Scorpion tail blade + 4 "Serpent's kiss bow + 4 "Shepherd's arms + 4 Shrieking songbow + 4 Songbow of vanishment + 4 Targeting weapon + 4 Unforgettable cudgel + 4

Lt blade Bow Polearm, spear Bow, crossbow Bow, crossbow Bow, crossbow Mace


2 5

"Warding blade + 4 Lt blade 1 0 3

Writhing vine weapon + 4 Any melee 2 5

A M M U N I T I O N ( 3 , 4 0 0 GP PER ITEM) Attention-stealing bullet + 4 2 6


Bolt of clumsiness + 4 2 6

Bolt of transit + 4 2 6

Dispelling bolt + 4 2 6

Firestorm arrow + 4 2 6

Freezing arrow + 4 2 7

Lightning arrow + 4 2 7

Space-shifting bolt + 4 2 7

Spider bolt + 4 2 7

Summoning bullet + 4

Surprise bullet + 4


2 8

2 8

Summoning bullet + 4

Surprise bullet + 4


2 8

2 8

Convert's symbol + 4 2 8

Symbol of brawn + 4 2 9

Symbol of defense + 4 2 9

Symbol of prayers recovered + 4 3 0

Symbol of the champion's code 4 -4 3 1

Symbol of the radiant flame + 4 3 2

ORBS Orb of repeated imposition Orb of supplementary force

1-4 3 3

ORBS Orb of repeated imposition Orb of supplementary force + 4 3 4

RODS Battle-pact rod + 4 Hexer's rod + 4 Rod of divinity + 4 Spider rod + 4

-»i\ RODS Battle-pact rod + 4 Hexer's rod + 4 Rod of divinity + 4 Spider rod + 4

3 4

3 4

3 ^

RODS Battle-pact rod + 4 Hexer's rod + 4 Rod of divinity + 4 Spider rod + 4


3 7

STAFFS Spelfshaper's s t a f f+4 Staff of resilience + 4 Staff of sleep and charm + 4

3 8

3 9

3 9

STAFFS Spelfshaper's s t a f f+4 Staff of resilience + 4 Staff of sleep and charm + 4

3 8

3 9

3 9

Staff of the faithful arcanist + 4 4 0

TOMES Frozen tome + 4 4 1 Gossamer tome + 4 4 2 Mordenkainen's tome + 4 4 2


Boar's charge totem + 4 4 3 Bronzewood coils totem + 4 4 3 * Death fang totem + 4 1 0 6 Fell beast totem + 4 4 4 Iron bear totem t 4 44 Life river totem +4 44 Totem of the awakened bear + 4 4 5 Totem of the satyr's dance + 4 4 7 Vengeful spirit totem + 4 4 7 ARMS SLOT Charm bracelet 5 3 "Rebuking bracers 1 1 5 Serpentine bracers 5 5 H A N D S SLOT

Hrothmar's gauntlets 6 0


Cyclops helm 6 1

NECK SLOT Amulet of warding + 4 6 3 "Baffling c a p e + 4 9 6 Cloak of the desert + 4 6 5 Courtier's cape + 4 6 6 * Fleece of renewal + 4 1 1 1 Necklace of keys + 4 6 7 Orc's-eye amulet 4-4 6 7 "Pavise charm 4 -4 1 0 1 * Resplendent cloak 4 -4 1 0 4 Seashimmer cloak + 4 6 8 Shroud of ravens 4 -4 6 8 "Spidersilk mantle + 4 1 0 9 "Star-strewn scarf + 4 1 1 8 RINGS "Ring of sorrows 1 2 3 Ring of the fallen 7 2 Traveler's ring 7 4 W A I S T SLOT Belt of the Witch King 7 5 "Head-taker's belt 1 2 2 Phoenix sash 7 5

W O N D R O U S LAIR ITEMS Mirror of deception 8 1 Spying mirrors (pair) 8 2 Throne of grandeur 8 3

TATTOOS Fleet hero tattoo 8 7 Greatwing tattoo 8 7 Ironheart tattoo 8 6 Strongheart tattoo 8 6

CONSUMABLES ( 3 , 4 0 0 GP PER ITEM) Silver sand 8 8 Vortex stone 8 8

A P P E N D I X I level IS Hems

Page 144: 4e Adventurers Vault 2 OCR

LEVEL 19 ITEMS 105.000 GP T O M E S

ARMOR Armor of dark deeds +4

Dazzling plate +4

Deck of spells 4-4 41 ARMOR Armor of dark deeds +4

Dazzling plate +4

Leather, hide

P la te



Tome of crushing force +4

Tome of endur ing creation +4



Demonscale +4

Formidable armor +4


H ide , chain



Tome of str iking l ightning +4


Avalanche's w a k e totem 4-4

Panther totem +4

Razor ta lon totem 4-4

Totem of new beginnings +4

Totem of the ravenous beast 4-4


A *> Genas i soul a rmor +4 Grea t cat a rmor +4 Lifefont a rmor 4-4 Magnet ic a rmor +4 Parchment a rmor +4

Leather, hide



Sca le , plate

Clo th , leather






Tome of str iking l ightning +4


Avalanche's w a k e totem 4-4

Panther totem +4

Razor ta lon totem 4-4

Totem of new beginnings +4

Totem of the ravenous beast 4-4





47 Sca le of the serpent +4

Serpent ine a r m o r + 4


Sca le



' T o t e m of the severed eye +4

Totem of winter 's scorn 4-4



Spirit armor +4 Chain






Wi ld f i re totem -1-4

W i n t e r w o o d totem +4



48 T ime link armor +4 Translocating a rmor +4







Wi ld f i re totem -1-4

W i n t e r w o o d totem +4




W E A P O N S Ava lanche hammer +4 H a m m e r 15

Cursing w a n d +4

D iamond w a n d +4

48 49

Banishing spellblade +4 Blood dr inker +4 "Dragontooth blade +4

H v y blade. It blade

Axe , hvy blade

H v y blade 1 1 i i i i. i i i



130 i ~i

Hawthorn w a n d 4-4

Master 's w a n d of eyes of the vestige +4

Master 's w a n d of i l lusory ambush +4

Master 's w a n d of misdirected mark +4

Master 's w a n d of phantom bolt 4-4

Master 's w a n d of spiteful glamor 4-4



50 51 Echoing songblade +4

' H a r m o n y blade +4

Impaler's pick +4

Incisive dagger +4

H v y blade, It b lade

H v y blade



1 /




Hawthorn w a n d 4-4

Master 's w a n d of eyes of the vestige +4

Master 's w a n d of i l lusory ambush +4

Master 's w a n d of misdirected mark +4

Master 's w a n d of phantom bolt 4-4

Master 's w a n d of spiteful glamor 4-4

j i 51 51

Echoing songblade +4

' H a r m o n y blade +4

Impaler's pick +4

Incisive dagger +4

H v y blade, It b lade

H v y blade



1 /



20 Master 's w a n d of vicious mockery 4-4 51

Intensifying weapon +4 A n y 20 Shielding w a n d +4 52

' K a m e s t i crossbow +4 Crossbow 101 W a n d of allure +4 52

Master 's blade +4 H v y blade. It blade 20 W a n d of thunderous anguish +4 52

M a w of the guardian +4

Screaming bow +4

Songbow of lullabies +4

Soul dr inker weapon +4

Space-bending weapon +4

Stormbi ter warb lade +4

Any melee

B o w

B o w , crossbow




ARMS SLOT Ankhmon 's bracers

' B r a c e r s of zeal +4



M a w of the guardian +4

Screaming bow +4

Songbow of lullabies +4

Soul dr inker weapon +4

Space-bending weapon +4

Stormbi ter warb lade +4

A n y melee

H v y blade. It blade

H v y blade, It b lade | | , ( „ l-l -,| , |« | J ,.!„






F E E T S L O T ' Swif t-step boots 4-4



' S w o r d of melancholy +4

" W e a p o n of arcane

n v y oiatic. it Diade H v y blade, It blade





102 Gloves ot the wander ing star

N E C K S L O T ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^


bonds +4 Amulet of vigor +4 63 ' W e a p o n of cruel

persuasion +4 A n y melee 114 Assassin's cloak +4

Chaos cloak 4-4 64

65 W e a p o n of oaths A n y melee 25 Cloak of the bat +4 65

fulfi l led +4 'C loak of the lion's mane 4-4 98 A M M U N I T I O N ( 4 , 2 0 0 G P P E R I T E M ) A r row of revelat ion +4 Forbiddance bolt +4



Cloak of the shadowthief 4-4

Cloak of translocation 4*4

'C r imson cloak +4





Symbol of f ire and fury +4

Symbol of the holy n imbus +4

Symbol of unif ied defense +4


Orb of accuracy +4





Demon amulet 4-4

Frostwolf pelt +4

'Ke icha ' s amulet 4-4

Lucky cha rm 4-4

Medal l ion of the mind +4

Medic 's amulet +4

Per iapt of proof against poison 4-4

'Shadowdance r ' s cloak 4-4

Timeless locket +4

R I N G S Death song ring












Darkspira l rod +4

Rod of obli terating wra th +4

Rod of the hag 4-4

Rod of the pactbinder 4-4





Demon amulet 4-4

Frostwolf pelt +4

'Ke icha ' s amulet 4-4

Lucky cha rm 4-4

Medal l ion of the mind +4

Medic 's amulet +4

Per iapt of proof against poison 4-4

'Shadowdance r ' s cloak 4-4

Timeless locket +4

R I N G S Death song ring










70 •

S T A F F S Staff of iron infusion 4-4


Grace r ing of prowess

Shadowfe l l signet



Staf f of spell blasting +4

\ ^ A P P E N D I X

4 0

Level 1 ' ) Items

Page 145: 4e Adventurers Vault 2 OCR

WAIST SLOT Baldric of shielding 74 'Belt of breaching 114

LEVEL 20 ITEMS 125,000 GP A R M O R Armor of shared valor +4 Leather, chain 6 Counterstrike armor +4 Cloth, leather, hide 7 'Crystalline breastplate +4 leather, hide, 118

chain, scale, plate Healer's armor +4 Hide, chain 9 Holy radiance armor +4 Chain 9 Shadow warlock armor 4-4 Leather 12 *Shockweave armor +4 Cloth, leather 98 Spectral plate +4 Plate 13 Supporting armor+4 Scale, plate 13 W E A P O N S "Rousing hammer +4 Hammer 95 Battle spirit weapon+4 Axe, flail, hammer, 16

hvy blade, mace, spear •Blade of the eldritch Hvy blade 114

knight +4 'Reaper's axe 14 Axe 122 Runic weapon +4 Any 21 Songbow of summoning +4 Bow, crossbow 22 Supreme skirmisher's Bow 24

bow +4 'Thane blood weapon +4 Any melee 100 "Weapon of evil undone+4 Any 113 "Weapon of great Any melee 96

opportunity +4

A M M U N I T I O N (5,000 GP PER ITEM) Bending bullet +4 26

HOLY SYMBOLS ' Champion's symbol +4 113 Symbol of daring +4 29 Symbol of protection +4 30

ORBS Orb of distance denial +4 33 Orb of petrification +4 33

RODS Rod of devilry H-4 35 Rod of silver rain +4 35 Torch of misery +4 37 STAFFS Blastwarp staff +4 38 •Queen's staff +4 117 Staff of wind +4 40 •Tempest staff +4 131

TOTEMS Bloodhunter totem +4 43 Dire totem +4 43 Flameheart totem +4 44 Nine furies totem +4 44 •Stern mountain totem +-4 112 Totem of nature's balm +4 45 Totem of the crashing tide +4 46 Totem of the scouring wind +4 47

Totem of the world tree +4 47

W A N D S Sharpshooter's wand +4 52 Wand of aptitude +4 52 HANDS SLOT ^Dimensional gauntlets 114 Many-fingered gloves 61 HEAD SLOT

Gibbering lump 62

•Sun sphere 118

NECK SLOT Bloodgem shard +4 65 Bralani cloak +4 65 'Cloak of burgeoning shadow +4 120 * Ma ntle of regrets +4 123 RINGS Ring of action reversal 71 Ring of agile thought 71 Ring of enduring earth /1 Ring of unfettered motion 73


Diamond cincture 75

TATTOOS Eager hero's tattoo 86 LEVEL 21 ITEMS 225,000 GP A R M O R Gambler's suit +5 Leather 8

W E A P O N S Challenge-seeking Any melee 17

weapon +5

Earth-wrought hammer t-5 Hammer 17


Gloves of ice 59


Essence of the wisp 61


Ring of heroic health 71 Ring of influence 72 Ring of traded knowledge 72 *Rom Kala's tideshield ring 137

W A I S T SLOT •Artificer's belt 129 CONSUMABLES (9,000 GP PER ITEM) Flash flower 88 Rust bark 88

LEVEL 22 ITEMS 325,000 GP A R M O R Armor of aegis expansion +5 Cloth, leather 6 'Armor of dwarven vigor +5 Chain, scale, plate 94 Bastion armor +5 Scale, plate 6 Blackflock robe +5 Cloth 6 Coruscating armor +5 Scale, plate 7 'Darkstrike armor +5 Leather, hide 120 Death's brink armor +5 Scale, plate 7 Hero's armor +5 Chain 9 Marauder's armor +5 Leather, hide 10

A P P E N D I X | Level 22 Items

Page 146: 4e Adventurers Vault 2 OCR

*Mooncloth robes +5 Cloth 117

'Radiant temple uniform +5 Cloth 103 Rat killer's coat +5 Shadow hound armor +5 'Shadow hunter hide +5 'Shinhoiird armor + _

Cloth, leather Hide Hide Leather

11 12

106 101

tair ILL LV * ' W N • VI a P \ » I r Teleporting armor +5 Scale, plate 14

W E A P O N S A - 1 r

Aftershock weapon 4-b Boltshard crossbow +5 Duelist's bow +5 Entrapping weapon +5

Any Crossbow Bow Bow, crossbow


17 17 17

Farbond spellblade +5 Hvy blade, It blade 18 Guardian's call +5 Any melee 19 Harmonic songblade +5 Hvy blade, It blade 19 'Hungry spear + 5 Spear 98 'Infighting blade +5 Lt blade, axe

(one-handed only) 101

'Lion's heart hammer +5 Hammer Lt blade Any ranged Lt blade Any

130 1 1

Quicksilver blade i Rebounding weapon +5 Shadowrift blade +5 Supremely vicious

Hammer Lt blade Any ranged Lt blade Any

1\ 21 21 24

weapon +5 Totemic spear + 5 Spear 24 Totemic warclub +5 'Unbroken lance + 5 Whistling songbow 4-5

Mace Spear Row, crossbow

25 111 25

AMMUNITION (13,000 GP PER ITEM) Onslaught arrow +5 27


loun-blessed symbol 4-5 Symbol of branding +5 c ( I i J " . • I - „ _ _ I r

_o 29 1 C I

Symbol of divine force +5 Symbol of divine light +5

29 29

Symbol of foe turning +5 30 'Symbol of Gajz +5 C I I C t J I F * . r

135 -J r\

Symbol of shared healing +5 Symbol of the first spirits +5 'Symbol of the forgotten one +5 Symbol of vigor +5

30 31


Symbol of shared healing +5 Symbol of the first spirits +5 'Symbol of the forgotten one +5 Symbol of vigor +5 32

ORBS Orb of heightened imposition +5 Orb of resilient tenacity +5 Orb of visionary protection +5 RODS

ORBS Orb of heightened imposition +5 Orb of resilient tenacity +5 Orb of visionary protection +5 RODS

33 34

Rod of burgeoning memory +5 34 Rod of stolen starlight + 5 D n I-L N F (tt- 1(1.-, ( . > . . . . . - . 1 C


Koa ot the tickle servant

STAFFS Moonsilver staff 4-5 Staff of divinity +5

3 b

38 38

Koa ot the tickle servant

STAFFS Moonsilver staff 4-5 Staff of divinity +5

3 b

38 38

Staff of knives +5 'Staff of the Far Wanderer +5

39 117

Summoner's staff +5 40 Verdant staff+5 40

T O M E S Dispelling tome +5

TOTEMS Earthfall totem +5 Roaring bear totem +5



Dispelling tome +5

TOTEMS Earthfall totem +5 Roaring bear totem +5 45

Totem of the harrier's claws 4-5 Totem of the night 4-5

4b 46

lotem ot thunder s keeper 4-b



'Gauntlets of magical interchange 129


Amulet of double fortune 4-5 Amulet of elegy +5


63 Badge of the berserker 4-5 64 'Cloak of the crimson path 4-5 'Deep-pocket cloak +5 'Eldritch medallion +5 Lifesaving brooch +5 * Mantle of the golden general 4-5

107 Q7

'Cloak of the crimson path 4-5 'Deep-pocket cloak +5 'Eldritch medallion +5 Lifesaving brooch +5 * Mantle of the golden general 4-5


114 67

123 'Necklace of fate +5 121 "Scarf of reconciliation 4-5 Talisman of terror 4-5 RINGS

132 69

'Farndak's glittering ring 137

W O N D R O U S LAIR ITEMS All-seeing eye 79 Gorgonblood mortar 81

L e v e l 23 I t ems 425.000 gp ARMOR

Armor of enduring health +5 Hide, chain 6 'Armor of essence Any 112

inviolate 4-5 Armor of sudden

recovery 4-5 Cloth, leather 6

'Champion's hauberk 4-5 Gambit armor +5 Holy adversary's armor 4-5

Chain, scale 113 Q

'Champion's hauberk 4-5 Gambit armor +5 Holy adversary's armor 4-5

t.loin, leather Cloth


9 Q

Kemstone armor +5 Mind armor 4-5

Scale, plate Scale, plate

y 10

"Mirrored plate 4-5 Plate 110 Moon armor 4-5 Chain 10 Nightmare ward armor 4-5 Leather, hide l i Predator's hide +5 Robe of avoidance +5 Runic armor 4-5 Sanguine vestments +5 'Skin of agonies 4-5 Slime armor 4 5 Snaketongue robe 4-5

Hide Cloth Any

11 11

Predator's hide +5 Robe of avoidance +5 Runic armor 4-5 Sanguine vestments +5 'Skin of agonies 4-5 Slime armor 4 5 Snaketongue robe 4-5

Hide Cloth Any

• i 12 n

Predator's hide +5 Robe of avoidance +5 Runic armor 4-5 Sanguine vestments +5 'Skin of agonies 4-5 Slime armor 4 5 Snaketongue robe 4-5

cioin Leather, hide

I L 124

Predator's hide +5 Robe of avoidance +5 Runic armor 4-5 Sanguine vestments +5 'Skin of agonies 4-5 Slime armor 4 5 Snaketongue robe 4-5

— L A I C , [ U T I L E

Cloth l~ 1 « . » L A

• j 13 I _

bpiderweb robes 4-b Spiked jacket i-5 'Tinkersuit 4-5 Wall armor 4-5

Lloth Leather, hide Leather Any

13 13


bpiderweb robes 4-b Spiked jacket i-5 'Tinkersuit 4-5 Wall armor 4-5

Lloth Leather, hide Leather Any

i /.

14 Warmage's uniform 4-5 Cloth, leather 14 Winged armor +5 Any 14

W E A P O N S Aegis blade 4-5 Hvy blade, It blade 15

A P P E N 1)1 \ | l e v e l 2 3 I t e m s

Page 147: 4e Adventurers Vault 2 OCR

Alfsair spear +5 Aura killer weapon +5 "Blade of vengeance +5 Blood fury weapon +5 "Blood harvest blade +5 "Bradaman's weapon +5

Spear 15 Any melee 15 Hvy blade, It blade 103 Axe, hvy blade 17 Lt blade 107 Hvy blade, axe, 110 hammer Any 17 Axe, hvy blade, polearm 18 Axe Polearm Any melee Any melee Flail, hammer, pick Lt blade Hvy blade Lt blade Any Lt blade Bow Polearm, spear Bow, crossbow

Death mark weapon +5 Flesh grinder +5 Frost fury waraxe +5 "General's weapon +5 Great hunger weapon +5 Guardian's brand +5 Hideous weapon +5 "Pact blade+5 Ravenclaw warblade +5 "Rhythm blade +5 "Rovikar's weapon 4-5 "Scorpion tail blade +5 "Serpent's kiss bow +5 "Shepherd's arms +5 Shrieking songbow +5 Songbow of vanishment +!5 Bow, crossbow Targeting weapon +5 Bow, crossbow Unforgettable cudgel +5 Mace "Warding blade +5 Lt blade Writhing vine weapon +5 Any melee

A M M U N I T I O N (17,000 GP PER ITEM) Attention-stealing bullet + 5 Bolt of clumsiness +5 Bolt of transit +5 Dispelling bolt +5 Firestorm arrow +5 Freezing arrow +5 Lightning arrow +5 Space-shifting bolt +5 Spider bolt +5 Summoning bullet +5 Surprise bullet +5

HOLY SYMBOLS Convert's symbol +5 Symbol of brawn +5 Symbol of defense +5 Symbol of prayers recovered +5 Symbol of the champion's code +5 Symbol of the radiant flame +5

ORBS Orb of repeated imposition +5 Orb of supplementary force +5

RODS Battle-pact rod +5 Hexer's rod +5 Rod of divinity +5 Spider rod +5 STAFFS Spellshaper's staff+5 Staff of luck and skill +5

18 123

18 19 19

108,120 21 97

135 131 131 119

21 23 24 25

103 25

26 26 26 26 26 27 27 27 27 28 28

28 29 29 30 31 32

33 34

34 34 35 37

38 39

Staff of resilience +5 Staff of sleep and charm +5

39 39 A f\

Staff of the faithful arcanist +5



Frozen tome +5 41 Gossamer tome +5 42

A1 Mordenkainen's tome +5

TOTEMS Boar's charge totem +5 Bronzewood coils totem +5 " Death fang totem +5 Fell beast totem +5



Mordenkainen's tome +5

TOTEMS Boar's charge totem +5 Bronzewood coils totem +5 " Death fang totem +5 Fell beast totem +5


Mordenkainen's tome +5

TOTEMS Boar's charge totem +5 Bronzewood coils totem +5 " Death fang totem +5 Fell beast totem +5

1 U D

44 Iron bear totem +5 44 Life river totem +5 44 Totem of the awakened bear +5 45 Totem of the satyr's dance +5 47

A1 Vengetui spirit totem + b ARMS SLOT "Delbanian vambraces Executioner's bracers



Vengetui spirit totem + b ARMS SLOT "Delbanian vambraces Executioner's bracers 54

HEAD SLOT Lenses of the luminary 62

NECK SLOT Amulet of warding +5 "Baffling cape +5

63 NECK SLOT Amulet of warding +5 "Baffling cape +5 96 Cloak of the desert +5 65 Courtier's cape +5 "Fleece of renewal +5 Necklace of kevs +5 Orc's-eye amulet +5 "Pavise charm +5 Possum amulet +5 "Resplendent cloak +5

66 i n

Courtier's cape +5 "Fleece of renewal +5 Necklace of kevs +5 Orc's-eye amulet +5 "Pavise charm +5 Possum amulet +5 "Resplendent cloak +5

1 1 i

67 £ 7

Courtier's cape +5 "Fleece of renewal +5 Necklace of kevs +5 Orc's-eye amulet +5 "Pavise charm +5 Possum amulet +5 "Resplendent cloak +5

O /

101 68

Courtier's cape +5 "Fleece of renewal +5 Necklace of kevs +5 Orc's-eye amulet +5 "Pavise charm +5 Possum amulet +5 "Resplendent cloak +5

u o

104 Seashimmer cloak +5 68 Shroud of ravens +5 "Spidersilk mantle +5 "Star-strewn scarf +5

68 1 an

Shroud of ravens +5 "Spidersilk mantle +5 "Star-strewn scarf +5

109 118

RINGS Greater ring of invisibility 71 * Ring of Hrumdar's halls 137

7 7 Ring of the r i s e n

W O N D R O U S LAIR ITEMS Arcane laboratory Austere dojo


Ring of the r i s e n

W O N D R O U S LAIR ITEMS Arcane laboratory Austere dojo 79 Holy shrine 81 Sacred glade 81

TATTOOS Breakchain tattoo 87 Demonskin tattoo

LEVEL 2 4 ITEMS ARMOR Armor of dark deeds +5 Dazzling plate +5 Demonscale +5 Formidable armor +5 Genasi soul armor +5 Great cat armor +5

525,000 GP

Leather, hide Plate Scale Hide, chain Leather, hide Hide


A P P E N D 1 X Level 2 4 Item s

Page 148: 4e Adventurers Vault 2 OCR

Lifefont armor +5 Magnetic armor +5

Hide Scale, plate

10 10

Parchment armor +5 Scale of the serpent +5 Serpentine armor +5 Spirit armor +5 Time link armor +5 Translocating armor +5 WEAPONS

Cloth, leather Scale

11 12 I T

Parchment armor +5 Scale of the serpent +5 Serpentine armor +5 Spirit armor +5 Time link armor +5 Translocating armor +5 WEAPONS

Chain Chain Any

1 L

13 14 14

Avalanche hammer +5 Hammer 15 Banishing spellblade +5 Hvy blade, It blade 16

1 £ Blood drinker +D "Dragontooth blade +5 Echoing songblade +5 'Harmony blade +5 Imp.tier's pick +5 Incisive dagger +5 intensifying weapon -4-5 "Kamesti crossbow +5

Axe. hvy blade Hvy blade Hvy blade, It blade Hvy blade Pick Dagger Any Crossbow

lb 130

1 7

Blood drinker +D "Dragontooth blade +5 Echoing songblade +5 'Harmony blade +5 Imp.tier's pick +5 Incisive dagger +5 intensifying weapon -4-5 "Kamesti crossbow +5

Axe. hvy blade Hvy blade Hvy blade, It blade Hvy blade Pick Dagger Any Crossbow

1 /

97 20 20

Blood drinker +D "Dragontooth blade +5 Echoing songblade +5 'Harmony blade +5 Imp.tier's pick +5 Incisive dagger +5 intensifying weapon -4-5 "Kamesti crossbow +5

Axe. hvy blade Hvy blade Hvy blade, It blade Hvy blade Pick Dagger Any Crossbow

zu 101

Master's blade +5 Maw of the guardian +5

Hvy blade. It blade Any melee D na

20 20 7 1

Screaming bow +5 Songbow of lullabies +5 Soul drinker weapon +5 Space-bending weapon +5 Stormbiter warblade +5 * Sword of melancholy +5 'Weapon of arcane

bonds +5


Bow, crossbow i\ n l i t*n i . 1 rt i i


22 17 .

Screaming bow +5 Songbow of lullabies +5 Soul drinker weapon +5 Space-bending weapon +5 Stormbiter warblade +5 * Sword of melancholy +5 'Weapon of arcane

bonds +5

rtny m e i e e

Hvy blade. It blade Hvy blade. It blade Hvy blade, It blade Hvy blade, It blade


23 23

124 102

"Weapon of cruel persuasion -t-5

Any melee 114

Weapon of oaths fulfilled +5

Any melee 25


Arrow of revelation +5 Forbiddance bolt +5 HOLY SYMBOLS

fy 26

3Ci bymooi ot tire ana tury +!> Symbol of reflection +5 Symbol of the holy nimbus +5 Symbol of unified defense +5 ORBS

51) 30 32 32

Orb of accuracy +5 33

RODS Darkspiral rod +5 Rod of obliterating wrath ' ' n • ' 1 I i f -


RODS Darkspiral rod +5 Rod of obliterating wrath ' ' n • ' 1 I i f -

5** 35

f~ Rod of the hag +5 Rod of the pact binder +5


36 36

J o Man ot iron infusion +b Staff of spell blasting +5


So 40

A 1 Deck ot Spells +5 Tome of crushing force +5 Tome of enduring creation +5 Tome of striking lightning +5

41 42 42 42

Toxic tome +5 43

A P P E N D I X | i r vet 2 4 Items

TOTEMS Avalanche's wake totem +5 Panther totem +5 Razor talon totem +5 Totem of new beginnings +5 Totem of the ravenous beast +5 "Totem of the severed eye -1-5 Totem of winter's scorn +5

43 45 A C

Avalanche's wake totem +5 Panther totem +5 Razor talon totem +5 Totem of new beginnings +5 Totem of the ravenous beast +5 "Totem of the severed eye -1-5 Totem of winter's scorn +5

45 47

Avalanche's wake totem +5 Panther totem +5 Razor talon totem +5 Totem of new beginnings +5 Totem of the ravenous beast +5 "Totem of the severed eye -1-5 Totem of winter's scorn +5

• / 107 47

Wildfire totem +5 47 A O

Winterwood totem +5



Cursing wand +5 48 Diamond wand +5 Hawthorn wand +5 Iron wand +5

49 49

Diamond wand +5 Hawthorn wand +5 Iron wand +5

• j 49

Master's wand of eyes of the vestige +5 50 Master's wand of illusory ambush +5 50 Master's wand of misdirected mark +5 bl Master's wand of phantom bolt +5 51 Master's wand of spiteful glamor +5 51 Master's wand of vicious mockery +5 Shielding wand +5 Wand of allure +5 i l l * r « • _ _ i r

51 C7

Master's wand of vicious mockery +5 Shielding wand +5 Wand of allure +5 i l l * r « • _ _ i r



Wand of thunderous anguish +5 ARMS SLOT "Bracers of zeal +5 Trapping shield


1 0 3

Wand of thunderous anguish +5 ARMS SLOT "Bracers of zeal +5 Trapping shield



FEET SLOT "Boots of Caiphon Fey warrior's boots "Propellant boots "Swift-step boots +5

125 FEET SLOT "Boots of Caiphon Fey warrior's boots "Propellant boots "Swift-step boots +5

58 n o

FEET SLOT "Boots of Caiphon Fey warrior's boots "Propellant boots "Swift-step boots +5

1 Vj 115


uauntlets ot blood HEAD SLOT "loun's flame

NECK SLOT Amulet of vigor +5 Assassin's cloak +5 Chaos cloak +5 Cloak of the bat +5 "Cloak of the lion's mane +5 Cloak of the shadowthief +5 Cloak of translocation +5 "Crimson cloak +5


1 1 7

uauntlets ot blood HEAD SLOT "loun's flame

NECK SLOT Amulet of vigor +5 Assassin's cloak +5 Chaos cloak +5 Cloak of the bat +5 "Cloak of the lion's mane +5 Cloak of the shadowthief +5 Cloak of translocation +5 "Crimson cloak +5



uauntlets ot blood HEAD SLOT "loun's flame

NECK SLOT Amulet of vigor +5 Assassin's cloak +5 Chaos cloak +5 Cloak of the bat +5 "Cloak of the lion's mane +5 Cloak of the shadowthief +5 Cloak of translocation +5 "Crimson cloak +5

<> j 64 AC

uauntlets ot blood HEAD SLOT "loun's flame

NECK SLOT Amulet of vigor +5 Assassin's cloak +5 Chaos cloak +5 Cloak of the bat +5 "Cloak of the lion's mane +5 Cloak of the shadowthief +5 Cloak of translocation +5 "Crimson cloak +5


65 Q S

uauntlets ot blood HEAD SLOT "loun's flame

NECK SLOT Amulet of vigor +5 Assassin's cloak +5 Chaos cloak +5 Cloak of the bat +5 "Cloak of the lion's mane +5 Cloak of the shadowthief +5 Cloak of translocation +5 "Crimson cloak +5

7 0


uauntlets ot blood HEAD SLOT "loun's flame

NECK SLOT Amulet of vigor +5 Assassin's cloak +5 Chaos cloak +5 Cloak of the bat +5 "Cloak of the lion's mane +5 Cloak of the shadowthief +5 Cloak of translocation +5 "Crimson cloak +5


122 Demon amulet +5 66 Frostwolf pelt +5 * kv^'cha's a m - j j e t -t-5

66 134

Lucky charm +5 67

Medallion of the mind +5 67 Medic's amulet +5 Periapt of proof against poison +5 "Shadowdancer's cloak +5

67 fi7

Medic's amulet +5 Periapt of proof against poison +5 "Shadowdancer's cloak +5 105

r Q Soul shard talisman +5 Timeless locket +5

by 69

RINGS "Golden ring of Teros 137

Page 149: 4e Adventurers Vault 2 OCR

Ring of battlements Ring of focus

W O N D R O U S LAIR ITEMS Chandelier of revelation

TATTOOS . ^ ^ ^ ^ Fireheart tattoo Tattoo of arcane blood Tattoo of the shared heart

CONSUMABLES (21,000 GP PER ITEM) Immurement of arcane suspension Immurement of the abandoned throne Immurement of the blood vine

L e v e l 25 I t e m s 625,000 g p A R M O R Armor of shared valor +5 Leather, chain Counterstrike armor +5 "Crystalline breastplate +5

Healer's armor +5 Holy radiance armor +5 Shadow warlock armor 4-5 'Shockweave armor 4-5 Spectral plate 4-5 Supporting armor 4-5

W E A P O N S "Rousing hammer 4-5 Battle spirit weapon 4-5

* Blade of the eidritch knight +5

•Reaper's axe 4-5 Runic weapon 4-5 Songbow of summoning +5 Bow. crossbow Supreme skirmisher's Bow

bow +5 •Thane blood weapon +5 Any melee •Weapon of evil undone 4-5 Any •Weapon of great Any melee

Cloth, leather, hide Leather, hide, chain, scale, plate Hide, chain Chain Leather Cloth, leather Plate

Scale, plate


Axe, flail, hammer, hvy blade, mace, spear Hvy blade Axe Any

71 71


87 84 86

89 90 90

6 7


9 9

12 98 13 13

95 16


122 21 22 24

100 113 96

S T A F F S « Blastwarp staff 4-5 "Queen's staff 4-5 —. rr r • l i l -

3ft S T A F F S « Blastwarp staff 4-5 "Queen's staff 4-5 —. rr r • l i l -


117 a r\

Staff of wind 4-5 'Tempest staff 4-5

40 131

TOTEMS m m _ m _ m a m t _ _ a a m

Bloodhunter totem 4-5 Dire totem 4-5

&i TOTEMS m m _ m _ m a m t _ _ a a m

Bloodhunter totem 4-5 Dire totem 4-5

* T J

43 Flameheart totem 4-5 44 Nine furies totem 4-5 44 'Stern mountain totem +5 112 Totem of nature's balm 4-5 Totem of the crashing tide 4-5 Totem of the scouring wind 4-5 TP A _ I . 1 _ | J i C

45 A d

Totem of nature's balm 4-5 Totem of the crashing tide 4-5 Totem of the scouring wind 4-5 TP A _ I . 1 _ | J i C

4b 47 A ~l Totem of the world tree 4-5

W A N D S Sharpshooter's wand 4-5 Wand of aptitude +5



Totem of the world tree 4-5

W A N D S Sharpshooter's wand 4-5 Wand of aptitude +5

-* *•


r-v .1 • • • I • f~ A Deathward shield H A N D S SLOT 'Resplendent gloves 'Zehir's gloves



Deathward shield H A N D S SLOT 'Resplendent gloves 'Zehir's gloves 127

NECK SLOT n 1 _ 1 1 1 . r C IT Bloodgem shard +b Bralani cloak 4-5

65 65

Cloak ot burgeoning shadow +b 'Mantle of regrets 4-5 Periapt of w o u n d closure +5

RINGS 'Haggaron's ring of control

W O N D R O U S LAIR ITEMS Magic weapon rack

TATTOOS Tattoo of vengeance

120 123

Cloak ot burgeoning shadow +b 'Mantle of regrets 4-5 Periapt of w o u n d closure +5

RINGS 'Haggaron's ring of control

W O N D R O U S LAIR ITEMS Magic weapon rack

TATTOOS Tattoo of vengeance

D /


Cloak ot burgeoning shadow +b 'Mantle of regrets 4-5 Periapt of w o u n d closure +5

RINGS 'Haggaron's ring of control

W O N D R O U S LAIR ITEMS Magic weapon rack

TATTOOS Tattoo of vengeance

i J §


Cloak ot burgeoning shadow +b 'Mantle of regrets 4-5 Periapt of w o u n d closure +5

RINGS 'Haggaron's ring of control

W O N D R O U S LAIR ITEMS Magic weapon rack

TATTOOS Tattoo of vengeance



CONSUMABLES (25 ,000 GP PER ITEM) Immurement of the dragon boneyard

L e v e l 2 6 I t e m s 1,125,000 g p


It s

fa X 0 z UJ 0 .


AMMUNITION (25,000 GP PER ITEM) A R M O R Gambler's suit 4-6 Leather 8

Bending bullet 4-5 26 W E A P O N S

Phasing arrow 4-5

HOLY SYMBOLS •Champion's symbol 4-5 loun stone of divine knowledge 4-5 Symbol of daring 4-5


11 ~\

Challenge-seeking weapon 4-6

Any melee 17 Phasing arrow 4-5

HOLY SYMBOLS •Champion's symbol 4-5 loun stone of divine knowledge 4-5 Symbol of daring 4-5

\ 13 28 29

Earth-wrought hammer 4-6

ARMS SLOT Flameward shield Stormward shield Winterward shield

Hammer 17

Symbol of protection 4-5

ORBS Orb of distance denial +5



Earth-wrought hammer 4-6

ARMS SLOT Flameward shield Stormward shield Winterward shield

56 56

Orb of petrification +5

RODS Rod of devilry 4-5 Rod of silver rain 4-5 •Rod ofUlban +5



FEET SLOT Clearing cleats HANDS SLOT

57 Orb of petrification +5

RODS Rod of devilry 4-5 Rod of silver rain 4-5 •Rod ofUlban +5

35 126

'Hands of Hadar



124 137 Torch of misery 4-5 37 'Bloodshard ring

'Kartan's void ring


124 137

Ring of guarded will

APPENDIX I Level 2b Items

Page 150: 4e Adventurers Vault 2 OCR

TATTOOS Ghostwalk tattoo 87

CONSUMABLES (45,000 CP PER ITEM) Immurement of seething scoria 89 Immurement of the vengeful river 91

LEVEL 27 ITEMS 1.625,000 GP ARMOR Armor of aegis Cloth, leather 6

expansion +6 "Armor of dwarven Chain, scale, plate 94

vigor +6 Bastion armor +6 Scale, plate 6 Biackflock robe +6 Cloth 6

-7 Coruscating armor +6 *Darkstrike armor +6 r^Q'»tti*c t i f i n k A R R I I R T R

Scale, plate Leather, hide

IN RTI 11 (>

7 120

7 1—' T^*L I I I N U I I I 1 K D L M I U I T O

Gallant armor +6 . J L i l U . I f l d l c

Plate _ M

8 Hero's armor +6 Chain 9 Marauder's armor +6 Leather, hide 10

1 1 7 i v i o o n c i o i n r o u e s T o

"Radiant temple uniform Rat killer's coat +6

c i o i n

+6 Cloth Cloth, leather

1 1 /

103 11

Shadow hound armor +6 V.I ' 111* 1 % 1 K I • \ 1

Hide 12 'Shadow hunter hide +6 Hide 106 "Shipboard armor +6 Leather 101 Teleporting armor +6 Scale, plate 14

W E A P O N S 1 q

/ A r i e r s n o c K weapon Boltshard crossbow 4-6 D i i p l i c f ' c how +fi

Any Crossbow Row

i j) 17 17

Entrapping weapon +6 Bow, crossbow • i


Farbond spellblade +6 Hvy blade, It blade 18 Guardian's call +6 Any melee 19 Harmonic songblade +6 Hvy blade. It blade 19 "Hungry spear +6 Spear 98 "Infighting blade +6 Lt blade, axe 101

(one-handed only) 'Lion's heart hammer 4-6 A I I I I - L R I L I I N R L I 1 (L

Hammer i # i . i . i , .

130 * > i

t ^ u i C K S i i v e r blade i-b

Rebounding weapon 4-6 N I L LFL/>UI»*!f I 111 l i l n J (\

Lt blade Any ranged 1 f K l -x, I n

I 1

21 7 1

J L L D C I U W L L L L U L D U C " \J

Supremely vicious


Any L. 1

24 weapon 4-6

Totemic spear +6 Spear 24 Totemic warclub 4-6 * 1 1 n i l i dl\'CJ11 f ( )


25 111

U l IUI V I M 11 I d l I L C T \J Whistling songbow 4-6

J | IV l l 1

Bow, crossbow i i i


Symbol of the first spirits 4-6 "Symbol of the forgotten one 4-6 Symbol of vigor 4-6

31 1 7 4

Symbol of the first spirits 4-6 "Symbol of the forgotten one 4-6 Symbol of vigor 4-6 32

ORBS Orb of heightened imposition +6 Orb of resilient tenacity 4-6

•XI ORBS Orb of heightened imposition +6 Orb of resilient tenacity 4-6

j j

Orb ot visionary protection 4-b

RODS II I i I • i r


Rod ot burgeoning memory 4-b Rod of stolen starlight +-6 Rod of the fickle servant +6 Rod of the risen dead 4-6

34 35

Rod ot burgeoning memory 4-b Rod of stolen starlight +-6 Rod of the fickle servant +6 Rod of the risen dead 4-6

3 b


STAFFS Moonsilver staff 4-6 38 Staff of divinity +6 38 Staff of knives +6 39 * Staff of the Far Wanderer 4-6 117 Summoner's staff +6 40 Verdant staff +6 40

TOMES Dispelling tome 4-6

TOTEMS Earthfall totem +6 Roaring bear totem 4-6 Totem of the harrier's claws 4-6 Totem of the night +6 T - _ . _ R . R . J _ — * I . — , . — — — I C


TOMES Dispelling tome 4-6

TOTEMS Earthfall totem +6 Roaring bear totem 4-6 Totem of the harrier's claws 4-6 Totem of the night +6 T - _ . _ R . R . J _ — * I . — , . — — — I C



TOMES Dispelling tome 4-6

TOTEMS Earthfall totem +6 Roaring bear totem 4-6 Totem of the harrier's claws 4-6 Totem of the night +6 T - _ . _ R . R . J _ — * I . — , . — — — I C

• M

45 46

TOMES Dispelling tome 4-6

TOTEMS Earthfall totem +6 Roaring bear totem 4-6 Totem of the harrier's claws 4-6 Totem of the night +6 T - _ . _ R . R . J _ — * I . — , . — — — I C

IV) 46

Totem of thunder s keeper 4-6



n o 'Time-jumping boots


1 la

CO Great hero s gauntlets HEAD SLOT Firebird 'Mirrored mask Philosopher's crown



Great hero s gauntlets HEAD SLOT Firebird 'Mirrored mask Philosopher's crown

o z

125 62

A M M U N I T I O N (65,000 G P PER ITEM)

NECK SLOT Amulet of double fortune 4-6 Amulet of elegy +6 Badge of the berserker 4-6 "Cloak of the crimson path +6 * Deep-pocket cloak 4-6 'Eldritch medallion 4-6 Lifesaving brooch 4-6 "Mantle of the golden general 4-6 "Necklace of fate 4-6 'Scarf of reconciliation 4-6 Talisman of terror +6 RINGS

63 63 64

107 97

114 67

123 121 132 69

Onslaught arrow 6

HOLY SYMBOLS loun-blessed symbol 4-6 Symbol of branding +6



"Avandra's ring "Ring of Khirad


126 126

Onslaught arrow 6

HOLY SYMBOLS loun-blessed symbol 4-6 Symbol of branding +6 29

• * » i i

Resurgence tattoo 84 Symbol of divine force 4-6 Symbol of divine light +6 Symbol of foe turning 4-6 * Symbol of Gajz +6

29 29 30

Tattoo of the wolverine



R 7

Symbol of divine force 4-6 Symbol of divine light +6 Symbol of foe turning 4-6 * Symbol of Gajz +6 135

c i a y o i c r e a t i o n Oi

Symbol of shared healing 4-6 30

A P P E N D I X I Level 27 Items

Page 151: 4e Adventurers Vault 2 OCR

LEVEL 2 8 ITEMS 2,125.000 GP A R M O R Armor of enduring health i -6Hide, chain 6 "Armor of essence Any 112

inviolate +6 Armor of sudden Cloth, leather 6

recovery +6 Champion's hauberk +6 Chain, scale

t~\ i i i *i 113

Q Gambit armor H-6 Holy adversary's armor +6 Kemstone armor +6 Mind armor +6 Mirrored plate +6 Moon armor +6

llotn, leather Cloth

a 9 Q

Gambit armor H-6 Holy adversary's armor +6 Kemstone armor +6 Mind armor +6 Mirrored plate +6 Moon armor +6

bcale, plate Scale, plate DI - i*o

y 10

t i n

Gambit armor H-6 Holy adversary's armor +6 Kemstone armor +6 Mind armor +6 Mirrored plate +6 Moon armor +6

r i a i e

Chain 1 1 w 10

Nightmare ward armor +6 Leather, hide 11 Predator's hide +6 Robe of avoidance +6 Runic armor +6 Sanguine vestments +6 " Skin of agonies +6

Hide Cloth Any Cloth Leather, hide

11 11

Predator's hide +6 Robe of avoidance +6 Runic armor +6 Sanguine vestments +6 " Skin of agonies +6

Hide Cloth Any Cloth Leather, hide

12 12

Predator's hide +6 Robe of avoidance +6 Runic armor +6 Sanguine vestments +6 " Skin of agonies +6

Hide Cloth Any Cloth Leather, hide 124

Slime armor +6 Snaketongue robe +6 Spidersweb robes +6 Spiked jacket +6 •Tinkersuit +6 Wall armor +6 Warmage's uniform +6 Winged armor +6

Scale, plate Cloth

13 13 1 7

Slime armor +6 Snaketongue robe +6 Spidersweb robes +6 Spiked jacket +6 •Tinkersuit +6 Wall armor +6 Warmage's uniform +6 Winged armor +6

t_iotn Leather, hide Leather Any Cloth, leather Any

1 3 13

Slime armor +6 Snaketongue robe +6 Spidersweb robes +6 Spiked jacket +6 •Tinkersuit +6 Wall armor +6 Warmage's uniform +6 Winged armor +6

t_iotn Leather, hide Leather Any Cloth, leather Any

1 £- J

14 14 14

W E A P O N S Aegis blade +6 Alfsair spear +6 Aura killer weapon +6 "Blade of vengeance +6

Hvy blade. It blade Spear

IS 15 i e.

W E A P O N S Aegis blade +6 Alfsair spear +6 Aura killer weapon +6 "Blade of vengeance +6

Any melee Hvy blade. It blade A 1 1 1 _ I _

i J

103 -1 "T

Blood lury weapon +o "Blood harvest blade +6

Axe , hvy blade Lt blade

17 107

"Bradaman's weapon +6 Hvy blade, axe, hammer


Death mark weapon +6 Any 17 Flesh grinder +6 Frost fury waraxe +6

Axe , hvy blade, pol Axe

earm 18 18

"General's weapon +6 Great hunger weapon +6

Polearm Any melee

123 18 1 Q

Guardian's brand +6 Hideous weapon +6 'Pact blade +6 Ravenclaw warblade +6 "Rhythm blade +6 'Rovikar's weapon +6 "Scorpion tail blade +6 'Serpent's kiss bow +6

Any melee Flail, hammer, pick Lt blade Hvy blade 1 t 111 I H P


19 108,120

21 97

Guardian's brand +6 Hideous weapon +6 'Pact blade +6 Ravenclaw warblade +6 "Rhythm blade +6 'Rovikar's weapon +6 "Scorpion tail blade +6 'Serpent's kiss bow +6

Any Lt blade Bow

135 131 131

" Shepherd's arms +6 Polearm, spear 119 •

Shrieking songbow +6 Bow, crossbow 21 Songbow of vanishment +6 Bow, crossbow 23

Targeting weapon +6 Unforgettable cudgel +6 " Warding blade +6

Bow, crossbow Mace Lt blade

24 25

103 Writhing vine weapon +6 Any melee 25

A M M U N I T I O N (85 ,000 GP PER ITEM) Attention-stealing bullet H-6 Bolt of clumsiness H-6 Bolt of transit+6 Dispelling bolt +6 Firestorm arrow +6 Freezing arrow +6 Lightning arrow H-6 Space-shifting bolt +6 Spider bolt +6 Summoning bullet +6 Surprise bullet H-6

HOLY SYMBOLS Convert's symbol +6 Symbol of brawn +6 Symbol of defense +6 Symbol of prayers recovered +6 Symbol of the champion's code +6 Symbol of the radiant flame +6

ORBS Orb of repeated imposition +6 Orb of supplementary force +6

RODS Battle-pact rod +6 Hexer's rod H-6 Rod of divinity +6 Spider rod +6 STAFFS Spellshaper's staff +6 Staff of luck and skill +6 Staff of resilience +6 Staff of sleep and charm +6 Staff of the faithful arcanist +6

TOMES Confounding tome H-6 Frozen tome +6 Gossamer tome +6 Mordenkainen's tome +6

TOTEMS Boar's charge totem +6 Bronzewood coils totem +6 'Death fang totem +6 Fell beast totem +6 Iron bear totem +6 Life river totem +6 Totem of the awakened bear H-6 Totem of the satyr's dance +6 Vengeful spirit totem +6 W A N D S "Feyshard wand +6

HEAD SLOT "Crown of stuttered time

NECK SLOT Amulet of warding +6 •Baffling cape +6 'Bane's collar +6 Cloak of the desert +6

Mi 26 UJ

26 X

26 < I -26 2

26 Ol

27 27 X 27 7"7 L 1 28



28 29 29 30 31 32

33 34

34 34 35 37

38 39 39 39 40

41 41 42 42

43 43

106 44 44 44 45 47 47



63 96

126 65


\ I ' l ' k M D I X I level 28 Items

Page 152: 4e Adventurers Vault 2 OCR

Courtier's cape +6 'Fleece of renewal +6



Necklace of keys +6 67

Orc's-eye amulet +6 ' rt - 1 . r

67 "I i\\

Pavise charm +6 Possum amulet +6 "Resplendent cloak +6 Seashimmer cloak +6




Pavise charm +6 Possum amulet +6 "Resplendent cloak +6 Seashimmer cloak +6 68

1 o Shroud of ravens +6 "Spidersilk mantle +6 * f A — . £ 1 l~

DO 109 1 1 O

Star-strewn scarf +6

RINGS Ring of fearlessness Ring of windows

1 lo



Star-strewn scarf +6

RINGS Ring of fearlessness Ring of windows

1 lo



W A I S T SLOT Sash of heroic inspiration Sash of regeneration

75 W A I S T SLOT Sash of heroic inspiration Sash of regeneration 75

TATTOOS Fleet hero tattoo Greatwing tattoo



TATTOOS Fleet hero tattoo Greatwing tattoo



Ironheart tattoo 86

Strongheart tattoo 86

CONSUMABLES ( 8 5 , 0 0 0 GP PER ITEM) Immurement of baleful gossamer 89

Immurement of the mordant hideaway 91

Immurement of the strident statuary 91

Silver sand Vortex stone

L t V t L 1 l l_iVlD



Silver sand Vortex stone

L t V t L 1 l l_iVlD < & . D £ o , V V U o r



A R M O R Armor of dark deeds +6 Leather, hide 6

Dazzling plate +6 Plate Scale Hide, chain Leather, hide Hide Hide Scale, plate Cloth, leather Scale



8 Q

Demonscale +6 Formidable armor +6 Genasi soul armor +6 Great cat armor +6 Lifefont armor +6 Magnetic armor +6 Parchment armor +6 Scale of the serpent +6

Plate Scale Hide, chain Leather, hide Hide Hide Scale, plate Cloth, leather Scale



8 Q

Demonscale +6 Formidable armor +6 Genasi soul armor +6 Great cat armor +6 Lifefont armor +6 Magnetic armor +6 Parchment armor +6 Scale of the serpent +6

Plate Scale Hide, chain Leather, hide Hide Hide Scale, plate Cloth, leather Scale

o 9




Demonscale +6 Formidable armor +6 Genasi soul armor +6 Great cat armor +6 Lifefont armor +6 Magnetic armor +6 Parchment armor +6 Scale of the serpent +6

Plate Scale Hide, chain Leather, hide Hide Hide Scale, plate Cloth, leather Scale

1 1


Serpentine armor +6 Scale 12

Spirit armor +6 Time link armor +6 Translocating armor +6

Chain Chain Any

13 i d

Spirit armor +6 Time link armor +6 Translocating armor +6

Chain Chain Any

i t


W E A P O N S Avalanche hammer +6 Banishing spellblade +6 D I A J — — j C

1 c W E A P O N S Avalanche hammer +6 Banishing spellblade +6 D I A J — — j C

Hammer Hvy blade, It blade

I D 16 11Z Blood drinker +b

'Dragontooth blade +6 Axe, hvy blade Hvy blade

lb 130

Echoing songblade +6 Hvy blade, It blade 17

"Harmony blade H-6 Impaler's pick +6 Incisive dagger +6

Hvy blade Pick



"Harmony blade H-6 Impaler's pick +6 Incisive dagger +6 Dagger 20

Intensifying weapon +6 "Kamesti crossbow +6 Master's blade +6 Maw of the guardian +6

Any Crossbow Hvy blade, It blade Any melee


101 ~)Ci

Intensifying weapon +6 "Kamesti crossbow +6 Master's blade +6 Maw of the guardian +6

Any Crossbow Hvy blade, It blade Any melee 20

A P P E N D I X I Level 2 9 I t e m s

Screaming bow +6 Bow Songbow of lullabies -*-6 Bow, crossbow



Soul drinker weapon - 6 Any melee 23

Space-bending weapon +6 Hvy blade. It blade 23

Stormbiter warblade +6 Hvy blade, It blade 23

"Sword of melancholy +6 Hvy blade, It blade 124

* Weapon of arcane Hvy blade, It blade 102

bonds +6 "Weapon of cruel Any melee 114

persuasion +6 Weapon of oaths Any melee 25

fulfilled +6

A M M U N I T I O N ( 1 0 5 , 0 0 0 GP PER ITEM) Arrow of revelation +6 26

Forbiddance bolt +6 26


ayniDOi oi l ire ana jury t o Symbol of reflection +6 Symbol of the holy nimbus +6 Symbol of unified defense +6

30 ayniDOi oi l ire ana jury t o Symbol of reflection +6 Symbol of the holy nimbus +6 Symbol of unified defense +6 32


Orb of accuracy +6

RODS Darkspiral rod +6 "Pelor's scepter +6 Rod of obliterating wrath +6 Rod of the hag+6 11 I f . I a t - • 1 . f







Orb of accuracy +6

RODS Darkspiral rod +6 "Pelor's scepter +6 Rod of obliterating wrath +6 Rod of the hag+6 11 I f . I a t - • 1 . f







Orb of accuracy +6

RODS Darkspiral rod +6 "Pelor's scepter +6 Rod of obliterating wrath +6 Rod of the hag+6 11 I f . I a t - • 1 . f







Orb of accuracy +6

RODS Darkspiral rod +6 "Pelor's scepter +6 Rod of obliterating wrath +6 Rod of the hag+6 11 I f . I a t - • 1 . f






Rod ot the pactbinder +b

STAFFS Staff of iron infusion +6 Staff of spell blasting +6



Rod ot the pactbinder +b

STAFFS Staff of iron infusion +6 Staff of spell blasting +6




Deck of spells H-6 Tome of crushing force +6 Tome of enduring creation +6 Tome of striking lightning +6 Toxic tome +6 TOTEMS Avalanche's wake totem +6 Panther totem H-6

** I 42


Deck of spells H-6 Tome of crushing force +6 Tome of enduring creation +6 Tome of striking lightning +6 Toxic tome +6 TOTEMS Avalanche's wake totem +6 Panther totem H-6

I A.





Deck of spells H-6 Tome of crushing force +6 Tome of enduring creation +6 Tome of striking lightning +6 Toxic tome +6 TOTEMS Avalanche's wake totem +6 Panther totem H-6

I A.





Deck of spells H-6 Tome of crushing force +6 Tome of enduring creation +6 Tome of striking lightning +6 Toxic tome +6 TOTEMS Avalanche's wake totem +6 Panther totem H-6

I A.





Razor talon totem H-6 45

Totem of new beginnings +6 Totem of the ravenous beast +6 "Totem of the severed eye +6

45 Totem of new beginnings +6 Totem of the ravenous beast +6 "Totem of the severed eye +6

4/ 107

Totem of winter's scorn +6 47

Wildfire totem +6 I I I ! J a _ A i /!"

47 A O

Wtnterwood totem +b W A N D S Cursing wand +6 Diamond wand +6 Hawthorn wand +6 Iron wand • t>



Wtnterwood totem +b W A N D S Cursing wand +6 Diamond wand +6 Hawthorn wand +6 Iron wand • t>

48 49 dQ

Wtnterwood totem +b W A N D S Cursing wand +6 Diamond wand +6 Hawthorn wand +6 Iron wand • t>

* W

49 Master's wand of eyes of the vestige +6 50

Master's wand of illusory ambush +6 50

Master's wand of misdirected mark +6 51

Master's wand of phantom bolt +6 51

Master's wand of spiteful glamor +6 51

Page 153: 4e Adventurers Vault 2 OCR

Master 's w a n d of vicious mockery +6 5*1

Shield ing wand +6 5 2

W a n d of al lure +6

W a n d of thunderous anguish +6



w *

Bracers or zeal +6

F E E T S L O T 115


Swif t-step boots +6



61 Crown of v ictory




Amule t of vigor +6 6 3 o

Assassin's cloak +6 6 4

Chaos cloak +6 6 5

Cloak of the ba t+6

' C l o a k of the lion's mane +6

Cloak of the shadowth ie f +6

6 5

9 8


Cloak of the ba t+6

' C l o a k of the lion's mane +6

Cloak of the shadowth ie f +6

6 5

9 8


Cloak of translocation +6 6 6

"Cr imson cloak +6 122

D e m o n amulet +6 66

* Far-step amulet +6 125

Frostwolf pelt +6 6 6

'Ke i cha ' s amulet +6 134

Lucky charm +6 67

Medal l ion of the mind 6 67

Medic 's amulet +6 67

Per iapt of proof against poison +6

"* Shadowdancer 's cloak + 6



Soul shard ta l isman +6 •**• • • • • > / *


69 1 imeless locket 4-b




* R i n g of free t ime 128

LEVEL 30 ITEMS 3,125,000 GP A R M O R

Armor of shared health +6

Armor of shared valor +6


Leather, chain



Counterstr ike armor +6 Clo th , leather, hide 7

'Crys ta l l ine breastplate +6 Leather, h ide, chain,

scale, plate


Healer 's armor +6 Hide, chain 9

Holy radiance armor +6 Chain 9

Shadow war lock armor +6 Leather 12

*Shockweave armor +6

Spect ra l plate +6

Support ing armor +6

Cloth, leather

P la te

9 8



*Shockweave armor +6

Spect ra l plate +6

Support ing armor +6 • i<i i t Scale , plate

9 8




' R o u s i n g hammer +6

Bat t le spirit weapon +6


Axe , f lai l , hammer,

hvy blade, mace, spear

95 W E A P O N S

' R o u s i n g hammer +6

Bat t le spirit weapon +6


Axe , f lai l , hammer,

hvy blade, mace, spear


' B l a d e of the eldr i tch H v y blade 114

knight +6

' R e a p e r ' s axe +6 Axe 122

Runic w e a p o n 4-6 A n y 21

Songbow of summoning +6 B o w , crossbow 22

Supreme skirmisher 's B o w 2.4

bow +6

' T h a n e blood weapon 4-6 Any melee 100

' W e a p o n of evi l undone 4-6 A n y

' W e a p o n of great A n y melee

opportunity 4-6

A M M U N I T I O N ( 1 2 5 , 0 0 0 G P P E R I T E M )

Bend ing bullet 4-6

Phas ing a r row +6


'Champion 's symbol 4-6

loun stone of d iv ine knowledge 4-6

Symbo l of dar ing+6

Symbo l of protect ion +6


O r b of distance denial 4-6

Orb of petri f ication +6


Rod of devi lry 4-6

Rod of silver rain 4-6

' R o d o f U l b a n 4-6

Torch of misery +6

S T A F F S B las twarp staff +6


Sharpshooter 's wand 4-6

W a n d of apt i tude 4-6

A R M S S L O T Shie ld of ul t imate protect ion


Gibber ing lump


B loodgem shard 4-6

Bra lan i cloak 4-6

' C l o a k of burgeoning shadow +6

' M a n t l e of regrets 4-6

Per iapt of wound closure 4-6


Daunt less champion's ring


D iamond cincture

Wra i th ' s cord


' V e c n a ' s puzzle box


Eager hero's tattoo


96 - 4 CD < I -


27 u H

113 x


29 Z

30 £

Q. 33








' S t a f f of t ime +6

Staf f of w i n d 4-6






Tempest staff 4-6


Bloodhunter totem 4-6

Di re to tem 4-6






F lamehear t totem 4-6 44

Nine furies totem 4-6

' S t e r n mounta in totem 4-6

Totem of nature's balm +6

Totem of the crashing t ide 4-6

Totem of the scouring w ind +6

Totem of the wor ld t ree 4-6

4 4 117

Nine furies totem 4-6

' S t e r n mounta in totem 4-6

Totem of nature's balm +6

Totem of the crashing t ide 4-6

Totem of the scouring w ind +6

Totem of the wor ld t ree 4-6

I \l 45

Nine furies totem 4-6

' S t e r n mounta in totem 4-6

Totem of nature's balm +6

Totem of the crashing t ide 4-6

Totem of the scouring w ind +6

Totem of the wor ld t ree 4-6

















A P P E N D I X | Level i o I t e m s