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Document No. 8070

Division of Bookkeeping and Warrants





A Combined Statement of the Receipts and Expenditures, Balances, Etc. , of the Government During the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1934

JANUARY 7, 193, "n — Referred to the Committee on Expenditures in the Executive Departments and ordered to be printed


OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY& IVashington, December 81, 1M)

The SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIvES. SIR: In compliance with the requirements of section. 15 of the act of July 31, 1S94 (U. S. C. , title 5, sec. 204), I

have the honor to transmit herewith a combined statement of the receipts and expenditures, balances, etc. , of the Governinent for the fiscal year ended J'une 30, 1934.

By direction of the Secretary. Respectfully,

"&I, M. H. McREYNQLDs& A&fministrative 4ssistant to the . 4'& e& etar ~1.






(Details of Receipts on pp. 26 to 78 and of Expenditures on pp. 88 to 363)


DIvIsION OF BooKKEEPING AND WARRANTs, Washington, December 89, 108$.

SIR: I have the honor to submit herewith a combined statement of the receipts and expenditures of the Gov- ernment by general and special, emergency, and trust and contributed accounts for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1934, a summary of which is given below:


Receipts, exclusive of the public debt (p. 14), trust and contributed accounts (p. 14) $3, 121, 431, 991. 22

Deficit carried down i 3 995 798 071. 75

7, 117, 230, 062. 97


Expenditures, checks issued, including $359, - 865, 092. 90 public-debt retirements charge- able against ordinary receipts, and ex- clusive of trust and contributed accounts (p- 86)- $5, 492, 596. 764. 87

Reconstruction Finance Corporation (p. 397) '- 1, 624, 633, 298. li)

7, 117, 230, 062. 97

Trust and contributed receipts 161, 273, 515. 81 Increment resulting from reduction in the

weight of the gold dollar 2, 811, 397, 066. 15 Public-debt receipts (p. 67) 13, 582, 927, 414. 64 Balance in general fund June 30, 1933 853, 777, 775. 22

17, 409, 375, 771. 82

Deficit brought down Trust and contributed account expenditures

(checks-issued) Chargeable against increment on gold ex-

change stabilization fund Decrease in outstanding checks Public-debt expenditures (exclusive of public-

debt retirements chargeable against ordinary receipts) (p. 409)

Balance in general fund June 30, 1934

3, 995, 798, 071. 75

148, 874, 623. 23

2, 000, 000, 000. 00 3, 549, 836. 26

8, 708, 648, 497. 16 2, 552, 504, 743. 42

17, 409, 375, 771. 82


Chief, Division of Boo1ctreeping and Wari'ants. Hon. H. MGRGENTHAII, Jr. ,

Secretary of the Treasury. ' Deficit ou basis of daffy Treasury statement (unrevised) was 83, 989, 496, 036. 49

of the Reco dits estahiished on scCou nstruot&on Fmance Corporstson under sec 9 of the Reconstruct&on Ftnance Corporat&on Aci


In accordance with the requirements of the act of July 31, 1894, the receipts are classified, whenever practicable, by ports, districts, and States, and the expenditures by each separate head of appropriation.

The ~~ceipts, appropriations, and expenditures are also classified according to general, special, and trust accounts, espectively On page 14 will be found a condensed statement, of the receipts and expenditures classified according

to these account distmctions. The bases of the figures included in this report are explained in the Forewo d appear g o p g





Section 305 of the Revised Statutes (U. S. Code, title 31, sec. 147) provides that receipts l'or all moneys received by the Treasurer of the United States shall be endorsed upon warrants signed by the Secretary of the Treasury, without which warrants, so signed, no acknowledgment for money received into the Public Treasury shall be valid. .

The receipts of the United States Government as pub- lished in this report are based upon warrants issued by the Secretary of the Treasury and represent the formal covering into the Treasury of the public moneys deposited in Treasury offices and Government depositaries during the fiscal year ended June 30, 1934.


The expenditures in this report are exhibited on two different bases, namely: (1) Warrants issued and (2) checks issued.

(1) Wari ante-issued basis. Under the provisions of the act of September 2, 1789, which later became section 305 of the Revised Statutes, the expenditures of the United States Government are based upon warrants issued by the Secretary of the Treasury. From the organization of the Government in 1789, down to and including the fiscal year ended June 30, 1926, the detailed expenditures of the Government under separate heads of appropriations pro- vided by Congress were exhibited on what is known as the "basis of warrants issued. "

There are two classes of warrants upon which expendi- tures are made from the United States Treasury, viz, (a) accountable warrants, so called because disbursing officers must regularly account for expenditures thereunder, which are issued to place funds to the credit of disbursing officers on thc books of the Treasury of the United States, subject to their official check for the payment of Govern- ment obligations; and (6) settlement warrants, which authorize the Treasurer of the United States to make &. ''ircct payments to claimants upon settlements of the accounting officers.

Accountable warrants are issued practically as a book- keeping expedient. They form the legal basis for charges «gainst appropriation arcounts upon the books of the S cretary of the Treasury and for corresponding credits to disbursing ofFicers' checking accounts upon the books of the Treasurer of the United States, but do not involve an actual expenditure of cash from the Treasury at the time the warrants are issued. As far as the appropriation accounts upon the books of the Secretary of the Treasury are concerned, the warrants issued and charged thereto constitute expenditures on a icarrant basis, To some extent; however, the nioncy represented by such warrants is not actually expended during the fiscal year in which advanced to disbursing officers. The unexpended b l- an. ces of funds in such cases are either used in the follow- iug fiscal year or returned by repay covering warrants to the appropriations from which advanced on the books of the Secretary. While the differences between the total expenditures on a warrant basis and a checks-issued basis ;ire not material in cases where the unexpended balances to the credit of disbursing ofFicers remain more or less constant from year to year, the former do not in all cases accurately reflect the trend of governmental expenditures, since they include unexpended balances remaining to the


credit of disbursing officers at the end of the year but not expenditures from unexpended disbursing officers' balances at the beginning of the year. The expenditures on the basis of warrants issued in pursuance of section 305 of the Revised Statutes are shown in the fifth money column of this report beginning on page 88.

(2) CAeck8-issued basis. — In order to correct the situa- tion described above an improved form of exhibiting the detailed expenditures of the Government was devised by the Treasury during the fiscal year 1927, under which ex- penditures are now shown on the basis of checks issued. This form excludes from expenditures moneys placed to the credit of disbursing officers by warrant which remain unexpended and to their official checking credit at the close of the fiscal year, and includes in expenditures all checks drawn by disbursing ofIicers during the fiscal year 1934 against unexpended balances of moneys placed to their checking credit, during the preceding fiscal year. In other words, the expenditures on the basis of checks issued as exhibited in this report represent all the checks drawn upon the Treasurer of the United States during the fiscal year 1934 in payment of Government obligations without regard to the fiscal year in which the funds may have been placed to the credit of disbursing officers by v;arrant. The detailed expenditures on the basis of checks issued are shown in the sixth money column of this report beginning on page 88.

There is a third basis on which the Treasury Depart- ment pubhshes the receipts and expenditures of the Gov rninent. This basis is presented in the figures of the Daily Statements of the United States Treasury. Such figures represent the deposits and checks which are cleared each day through the Treasurer's accounts at Wasl. ington. They are compiled from latest daily tran- scripts of accounts received by the Treasurer of the United States from Federal reserve banks and other Government depositaries. The daily Treasury statement, therefore, is a current report compiled. from the latest available information of. actual receipts and expenditures. By reason of the promptness with which this information is compiled. and made public it is generally regarded as reflecting for a given period the financial operations of the Government, as far as they are ascertainable from day to day. This basis is also known as the current cash basis

On account of the distance of some of the Federal reserve banks and other depositaries from the United States Treasury at Washington, the reports from &li

depositaries covering a particular day's transactions


cannot, under the existing procedure, be received and iisscmbled in the Treasury as of the date on which the transactions take place in the depositaries without delay- ing for several days the publication of the doily Treasury statement. It is necessary, therefore, in order to deter- inine final figures relating to total receipts nnd expendi- urv'. for any given month or fiscal year, to take into consideration the accounts of Government depositaries covering the transactions for the last I'ew days of the uionth or fiscal year concerned which have not been ie«eived at the Treasury until the succeeding fiscal year, and to eliminate those receipts and expenditures which actually relate to the preceding fiscal year. After taking into consideration these reports, the revised figures reflect the condition of the Treasury on the basis of actual transactions occurring in all Government depositaries during the period under review. Although there is not published a daily Treasury statement containing revised figures on this basis it is known as the "basis of daily Treasury statements, revised. "

It is neither essential nor practicable, of course, to ilelay the publication of the daily Treasury statement in order to include the later reports, as the difference between the preliminary and the final figures is not material, In view of the delay in the receipt of final reports from all

depositaries, the revised figures are of no current use except for accounting purposes, in which case they furnish a true general fund balance for use in annual reports and on the monthly statement of the public debt of the United States, they also facilitate a reconcilement of the daily Treasury statement figures with the figures based upon warrants issued pursuant to law,

Since the warrant accounts on the books of the Secre- tary of the Treasury (Division of Bookkeeping nnd Warrants) are kept open after the close of the year in order to take care of all moneys reaching Government depositaries during that year, the receipts on a warrant basis are the same as those on the so-called "basis of daily Treasury statements, revised. " In other words, they represent the moneys reaching Government deposi- taries during a particular fiscal year without regard to the time or the dates on which such deposits are cleared through the Treasurer's accounts at Washington.

The total expenditures on the basis of checks issued are adjusted on page 363 of this report to the basis of daily Treasury statements, revised, the latter basis representing the checks paid by Federal reserve banks and Government depositaries during the fiscal year without regard to the date on which such checks are cleared through the Treasurer's accounts in Washington.


Article I (sec. 9) of the Constitution of the United States provides that no money shall be withdrawn from the Treasury but in consequence of appropriations made by law. The appropriations exhibited in this report are the amounts which, by law, Congress authorized to be established upon the books of the Treasury during the fiscal year 1934. The figures necessarily. differ somewhat from the appropriations exhibited in the annual "Digest of Appropriations, 1934", compiled by the Treasury Department, the "Statenient of Appropriations for the Seventy-third Congress, First Session", Senate Docu- ment No. 35, prepared under the direction of the Com- iuittees on Appropriations of the Senate and House of l tcpresentatives, and the comparative statement of appro- priations for the fiscal year 1934 contained in the annual "Budget, 1934", for several reasons as may be observed hy a study of the "Accountability Statement of Appro- priations by Acts of Congress ", appearing on pages 398 to 402 of this report. These differences are due principally to (1) the difference in the time at which the different reports arc compiled, and (2) special provisions and limi- hitions enacted by Congress in appropriation acts in regard to the availability of the appropriations. 1 or instance, the three documents mentioned above are com- piled iibout the beginning of the fiscal year for which the appropriations are made, and, therefore, include estimated amounts to cover permanent and indefinite appropria- tions, whereas the Combined Statement of Receipts, Ex- penditures, Balances, etc. , of the United States is com- piled after the close of the fiscal year, and the figures in this report under such appropriations are actual, . As to the time of the availability of appropriations it will be

noted by reference to page 398 that of the total appropria- tions provided in the annual appropriation acts for the fiscal year 1934, aggregating $2, 541, 373, 998. 67, the sum of $496, 366, 530 was made immediately available by Congress upon the dates of approval of the several acts, and therefore was established upon the books of the Treas- ury in the fiscal year 1933 instead of 1934. In like man- ner by the terms of the annual appropriation acts for 1935 aggregating $2, 252, 651, 560. 94, the sum of $408, 649, 316 was made immediately available upon the passage of such acts and, accordingly, was established upon the books of the Treasury during the fiscal year 1931. Appropriations contained in the Second Deficiency Act, fiscal year 1933, approved March 4, 1933, $2, 150; thc Third Deficiency Act, fiscal year 1933, approved Mny 29, 1933, $22, 275; Fourth Deficiency Act, fiscal yeiir 1933, approved June 16, 1933, $16, 901, 910; Deficiency Act fiscal year 1934, approved June 19, 1934, $15, 642, 698. 29 (exclusive of $5, 858, 416, not available until July 1, 1934); Emergency Appropriation Act fiscal year 1935, approved, June 19, 1934, $1, 808, 270, 000 (exclusive of $129, 095, 000 not available until July 1, 1934); and miscellaneous public acts and public resolutions amounting to $1, 141, 575, 417 were established upon the books of the Treasury during the fiscal year 1934 and, therefore, are included in this report. Other differences in appropriation figures are attributable to the fact that certain appropriations pro- vided by Congress in the annual and deficiency appro- priation acts are not paynble from the general revenues of the Treasury, but are provided for from postal reve- nues nnd from revenues in special accounts hereinafter described.


The t, erm "Surplus fund of the Treasury, as used by ~'ongress in appropriation acts, and in the act of June 20, 1874 (U. S. C. , title 31, sec. 713), and by the Treasury Department in the heading of the seventh and eighth nioney columns of this report, beginning on page 88, does not represent a physical fund consisting of surplus cash or other assets as t~~~«auld ordmarilv imply in account-

g 10 Il

to surplus income. It is merely an expression to describe the wHting off of the books of appropriations which have been repealed, or the unexpended balances of appropria- tions which have lapsed by limitation of law.

Appropriations when made by Congress and established upon the books of the Treasury Department do not repre-

Act June 20, 1874 (18 Stat. 110)

in terminology. The tenn as herein used has no relat


sent so much income or cash actually set aside in the Treasury for the purposes specified in the appropriation acts. Appropriations are established upon the hooks of the Treasury simply as record accounts and merely repre- sent the limit to which administra, tive offices may obli- gate Government funds during the fiscal years specified in the appropriation acts, and as a general rule are based upon anticipated future tax collections and other receipts. It follows, therefore, that when appropriations, or unex- pended balances of appropriations, are carried to what is termed in the law the "surplus fund of the Treasury" it in- volves simply a matter of writing such appropriations oA'

of the books without increasing the cash in the Treasury or affecting it in any manner. Under the act of Congress approved July 12, 1870, as amended by the act of June 20, 1874, cited herein, on the last day of each fiscal year the i

Treasury writes ofl' the unexpended balances of appropija- tions that have remained on the books for 2 full fiiscal

years, after the close of the year in which they were established.

In contradistinction, the term "surplus", as used in connection with the receipts and expenditures of the Gov- ernment, represents the ordinary receipts, i. e. , customs duties, internal revenue, and miscellaneous, for a given period in excess of the expenditures chargeable against such receipts for the same period, usually for fisca year. There is no relation between the two terirs described. The excess or surplus of the Government's receipts over its expenditures is not permitted to accumulate in the Treasury from year to year, but is used as prompi;ly as conditions permit to reduce the public debt.


Impounded salary savings as stated in the eighth money. column of this report beginning on page 88, under the heading, "Amount Carried to the Surplus Fund", are the savings eflected as a result of the furlough

and compensation deductions provided for by section 110 of act approved June 30, 1932 (47 Stat. 403), as amended bv section 4 (d) title II, act of March 20, 1933 (48 Stat. 13) and sec. 25 of title II, act Mar. 28, 1984 (48 Stat. 523).


The reserve for impounded salary savings as stated in the ninth money column of this report beginning on page 88, represents the amounts credited to this account by the suspension of filling vacancies under the provisions of section 208, act June 30, 1932 (47 Stat. 403) as in- tended by sec. 4 (a) title II, act March 20, 1933 (48 Stat. 13),

The impounding of such funds may be waived in writing by the President, when, in his judgment, such action is necessary and in the public interest. The un- expended balances remaining under these accounts will be carried to the "Surplus fund of the Treasury" after the net amounts to be impounded and returned to Oie

Treasury have been actually determined.


The receipts and expenditures included in this report all fall within the General Fund. This arrangement, as indicated on the first page of the "Daily Statement of the United States Treasury, " serves to maintain the maxi- mum flexibility in the handling of all moneys placed in the Treasury. Within this fund, however, the Division of Bookkeeping and Warrants maintains a number of accounts, designated as general accounts, special accounts, and trust accounts. Certain receipts are credited to these accounts and certain expenditures are made therefrom, as required by law. All receipts of the Government which go into the general accounts are expended only in accordance with appropriations made by Congress. '

The general accounts. The principal sources of receipts covered into the general accounts are income tax, mis- cellaneous internal revenue, and customs duties. Re- ceipts from miscellaneous sources, which are not ear- marked for special or trust accounts, are also covered into the general accounts. Such receipts include the proceeds of Government-owned securities (except those which are applicable to public-debt retirement), sale of surplus and condemned property, Panama Canal tolls, fees of various kinds, fines, penalties, forfeitures, rentals, royalties, reimbursements, immigration head tax, sale of public land, tax on national-bank circulation, interest on public deposits, and seigniorage on coinage of silver.

As already noted, moneys covered into the general accounts may be withdrawn from the Treasury only through appropriations made by Congress. These ap- propriations are of two general types, annual and permanent. The annual appropriations, ordinarily found in the departmental supply bills, are voted each year by Congress. They are usually definite or specific as to amounts. They may be obligated only during the fiscal' year to which they relate, their unexpended balances remaining on the books for 2 additional years before

being carried into the "surplus fund of the Treasury. " The permanent appropriations are automatically renewed each fiscal year over a period of time by virtue of perma- nent legislation, without annual action by Congress, Such appropriations may be either definite or indefinite as to amounts. An example of the latter is the indefinite- permanent appropriation to cover the interest on the public debt. Sometimes Congress makes appropriations which are available until expended, or until the object for which they are made is accomplished. These appro- priations are without a definite time limit, and may therefore be called no-year appropriations. They are frequently employed by Congress when providing for the construction of public-works projects.

Special accounts. — The special accounts, often referred to in the law as special funds, are usually credited with certain receipts which may be expended only for specified purposes. These receipts, in other words, are earmarked at the time of their deposit, so that they may not be used for the general expenditures of the Government.

The more important special accounts, other than those applicable to debt retirement, are the reclamation account under the Department of the Interior, moneys received for river and harbor improvements, Forest Service cooperative deposits, proceeds from sales of ships by the United States Shipping Board available for construction loans, etc.

There are niany other special accounts involving smaller amounts.

In connection with the collection and use of receipts credited to special accounts it will be noted by reference to page 27, and following pages, that ready references are given to the pages on v hich the appropriations of such receipts may be found. These references will be found especially helpful in cases where Congress has designated in advance the use of receints from Darticular sources to


several different objects of expenditure on a percentage basis, such as in the case of Federal water-power receipts (p. 31), forest reserve receipts (p. 37), Mineral Leasing Act receipts (p. 44), Alaska receipts (p. 43), and Coos Bay wagon-road grant receipts (p. 45).

Trust accounts. — The trust accounts generally repre- sent moneys received by the Government for the benefit of individuals or classes of individuals. Moneys held in trust, being payable to or for the use of beneficiaries only, are not available for general expenditures of the Government. There are several classes of trust accounts, the beneficiaries under which may be either individuals or groups of individuals. The accounts may represent (a) moneys received directly from or for the benefit of individuals, as in the case of moneys received from foreign Governments or other sources in trust for citizens of the United States or others under the act of February 27, 1896 (U. S. C. title 31, sec. 547); (b) moneys collected as revenues and held in trust, such as the proceeds of sales of Indian lands which are held as interest-bearing moneys for the benefit of Indian tribes; and (c) proceeds of grants from the general Treasury in pursuance of treaty or other obligations, such as the perpetual trust account created for the Ute Indians under section 5 of the act of June 15, 1880 (21 Stat. , p. 204. )

Revenues of the municipal government of the District of Columbia and expenditures therefrom, for the purpose of the classification of receipts and expenditures in this report, are regarded as a trust account. The share of the United States of expenditures on account of the District of Columbia, which is pay;ible "out of any moneys in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated", is charged as an expenditure on general account. In like manner expenditures under appropriations for cer- tain trust accounts, such as the adjusted-service cer- tificate fund, civil-service retirement fund, and the Foreign Service retirement fund, are classified under a general account. Changes in the working balances under these accounts due to variations between credits and charges thereto are stated in connection with expenditures under the caption "Trust accounts. "

Special deposit accounts. — Special deposit accounts are in the nature of suspense accounts, established to care for moneys deposited with the Treasurer of the United States for safekeeping and refunds representing moneys not yet ready to be covered into the general account of the Treasury, or to be returned to the depositors. Such moneys are held temporarily in special deposit accounts subject to administrative or legal determination as to their final disposition.



Letter of Secretary of the Treasury Letter of Chief, Division of Bookkeeping and Warrants Foreword: Bases of figures included in this report Receipts and expenditures of the Government for the fiscal

year ended June 80, 1984, classified according to accounts

Page 8 5

6 — 9


Page Summary of expenditures of the Government for the fiscal

year ended June 80, 1984, classified by departments and organization units according to accounts 79-97


Suimnary of receipts by sources, fiscal year 1984 Summary of receipts by organization units, fiscal year 1984 Details of receipts by sources, fiscal year 1984 Summary of receipts by accounts Miscellaneous receipts by organization units and sources:

Legislative: United States Senate House of Representatives Architect of the Capitol Library of Congress Government Printing Office

Eixecutive Offi Independent offices:

Alien Property Custodian American Battle Monuments Commission American National Red Cross Board of Tax Appeals Bureau of Efficiency Civil Service Commission Emergency Conservation F(und Employees' Compensation Commission Farm Credit Administration. Federal Board for Vocational I'ducation Federal Civil Works Administration Federal Coordinator of Transportation Federal Emergency Administration of Public

Works Federal Home Loan Bank Board Federal Power Commission Federal Radio Commission Federal Reserve Board Federal Trade Commission General Accounting Office Interstat'e Commerce Commission National Advisory Coinmittee for Aeronautics

Page 17 18

19 — ". 5 2o

26 26 26 27 28 26

26 2e

28 28 2P &9 n(J

'&(( I (i '&l( ' ( &1

:l0 80

'(f! 31 81 81

81. 32 82 32 82

Miscellaneous receipts by organization units and sources— Continued.

Independent offices — Continued. National Capital Park and Planning Commission Public Buildings and Public Parks of the National

Capital Puerto Ricau Hurricane Relief Commission Railroad Administration and Transportation Act Smithsonian Institution United States Shipping Board United States Tariff Commission Veterans' Administration War Finance Corporation

Department of Agriculture Department of Commerce Department of the Interior Department of Justice, including Judicial Department of Labor Navy Department Post Office Department Department of State Treasury Department War Departnient Panama Canal District of Columbia (details on p. 75)

e e !es Increment resulting from reduction in the weight of the gold

dollar Customs receipts by districts aud ports Internal-revenue receipts by States and districts Processing taxes on farm products by States and districts Receipts from sales of public lands by States and districts District of Columbia receipts by sources (showing District

of Columbia and United States shares respectively)


82, 45 88

88 88, 89

83 88-35

85 86-88 86-40 41 — 50 50-52 52, 53 54, 55


55, 56 57-61 612 — fi5 65, 6(i

66 (i7 67

6(i 70

if, 72 78 74



United States Senate House of Representatives Legislative, miscellaneous Architect of the Capitol Botanic Garden Library of Congress Government Printing Office

Executive Office EXECVTIVK


Alien Property Custodian American Battle Monum !!ts Commission American National Red Cross Arlington Memorial Bridge Comm!scion Board of Mediation Board of Tax Appeals Bureau of Efficiency


Page 6~ — &(0

90 08 () e

93-96 9b

96&-98 9/J


100 100 100

101, 1. 65 101

lfff 102 102

Page Central Statistical Board 102, 118 Chicago World's Fair Centennial Celebration 102, 10'1 Civil Service Commission 108 Commission of Fine Arts 104 159 Commodity Credit Corporation 104 Electric Home and Farm Authority Incorporated Emergency Conservation Work 104 105 Employees' Compensation Commission 105& 1 "6 Executive Council 106 Export-Import Banks of Washington Farm Credit Administration Federal Alcohol Control Administration Federal Board for Vocational Education 109 Federal Civil Works Administration 109 Federal Coordinator of TransportaIion Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works Federal Emergency Housing Corporation

ederal Emergency Relief Administrati


Page Federal Farm Board 108

Agricultural marketing fund ]08 Federal Home Loan Bank Board 111 Federal Oil Conservation Board 111 Federal Power Commission 112 Federal Radio Commission 112, 113 Federal Reserve Board 113 Federal Savings and Loan Associations . . . 113, 310 Federal Surplus Relief Corporation 113 Federal Trade Commission ]13, 114 General Accounting Office ] 14, 115 Interstate Commerce Commission ] ] 5 National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics 115, 116 National Banking Emergency Act 116, 117 National Capital Park and Planning Commission ]17 National Emergency Council 117 National Industrial Recovery 117, 428, 432 National Industrial Recovery Adrninistratioii 117, 118 National Labor Board 118 National Planning Board 118 Office of Special Advisor to the President on Foreign Trade 118 Puerto Rican Hurricane Relief Commission ]]9 Public Buildings and Public Parks of the National Capital 118, 166 Railroad Administration and Transportation Act 119 Reconstruction Finance Corporation 397 Smithsonian Institution 119-121 National Museum ]20 Tennessee Valley Authority 121 United States Food Administration 121 United States Geographic Board 121, 179 United States Shipping Board 121, 156, 157 United States Supreme Court Building Commission 121 United States Tariff Commission 122 Veterans' Administration 122-127 War Finance Corporation 127 Miscellaneous commissions, boards, etc. :

District of Columbia-Virginia Boimdary Commission 128 George Washington Biceiitennial Commission 128 Nitrate plants, plan for disposition. . . . 128 Operations under mineral act of Oct. 5, 1918 128 Protection of interests of United States in leases on oil

lands in former naval reserve 128 Relief, protection, and transportai, ion of American citi-

zens in Europe 128 United States Massachusetts Bay Colony Terce»tenary

Commission 128 United States Yorkto«D Sesq&dcentennial Commissio&i 128

Page 15o

121, 156, 157 157, 158

Patent Office United States Shipping Board Commerce, miscellaneous



Office of the Attorney Gciieral Contingeiit expenses Detectioii arid prosecutioii &&f crimes Misce]]aneous objects Bureau of Prisons Division of Investigations Bureau of Prohibition Veterans' Insuraiicc Litigation Judiciary:

United States Supreiric Court Salaries of judges Court of Customs and Pate&it Al&peals I, nited States Customs Court Court of Claims Territorial courts Panama Canal Zone, District Co&irt United States Court for China United States courts Penal and correctional iiistitui, ions Judicial, miscellaneous

217 218 218 '&18 219 220 220 220


l29, 130 130 130

]30, 131 131 131

131, 132 132

132, 133 ]33, 134

134 137

137, 138 135 138 138 139

135-137 139 139

139, 141 141

141, 142 special

Office of the Secretary Office of Information Librar Office of Experiment Stations Extension Service Weather Bureau Bureau of Animal Industry Bureau of Dairy Industry Bureau of Plant Industry Forest Service Bureau of Chemistry and Soils Bureau of Agricultural Engineering Bureau of Agricultural Economics Bureau of Biological Survey Bureau of Entomology Bureau of Home Economics Bureau of Plant Quarantine Bureau of Public Roads Enforcement of the Grain Futures Act Food and drug administration Agricultural Adjustment Administration Agriculture miscellaneous Private Relief Acts Permanent and indefinite appropriations,


220 220 221 221

221, 222 ' 222 222 222

222-224 226-231 225, 226


232 '&'3'&

233, 234 234 2;3:& 235 235 235

235, 236

Office of the Secretary Bureau of Labor Statistics Bureau of Immigration and Naturalization Children's Bureau Women's Bureau United States Employnieiit Service Employment Service Housing Corporation Labor, miscellaneous


including 142

236 — 23&3

239 239 — 241 241-242

24;& 213

243, 244 244, 245

of trans-


Office of the Secretary Federal Employment and Stabilization Board Aircraft in Commerce Bureau of Foreign and Donicstic, Conimerce Bureau of the Census Bureau of Navigation and Steainboat Iilspeciiou Bureau of Standards Bureau of Lighthouses Coast and Geodetic Survey Bureau of Fisheries

Salaries, Navy Department Contingent expenses, etc Office of the Secretary Bureau of Navigation Bureau of Engineering Bureau of Construction a»d Repair Bureau of Ordnance Bureau of Supplies and A«& ounts

Naval supply account fund, Ivith state&Rent fers

143 144 144

145, 146 147

147, 148 149 — 152 152, 153 153, 154 154, 155 245

Office of thc Secretary 1. &x 159 Commission of F&irie Arts 159 160 George Rogers C]ark Sesqui~entennia] Cominission 160 Mount Rushmore National Memorial Commission 160 General La&id Ofiice, includirig Public Land Service 160 162 Bureau of Reclamation 16' 163 Geological Survey 164 Office of National Parks, Buildings, and Reservations 164 — 170 Office of Education 170 Federal Board foi Vocational Education 171 — 173 Government in the Territories 173 — 175 Beneficiaries i 75 177 Bureau of Mines 156 177 — 179 United States Geographic Board 1'&1 1 9 Interior, civil, miscellaneous 179 Indian Affairs:

Salaries and general expenses 180, 181 Education 182-185 General support arid admiifistration 185 186 Fulfilling treaty stipulations and support 186 Miscellaneous expenses of Indian Service:

Expenses in probate matters . 187 Indian lands 187, 190 Industrial assistance and advancement . 190, 191 Development of ivatcr supply 192 Irrigation and drainage:

General accounts 192-196 Special accounts 200-201

Conservation of health 197 Roads and bridges 197, 198 Monuments 198 Miscellaneous 198, 199

Interest accounts (permanent) 202 — 209 Trust funds 209-216


Bureau of Medicine and Surgery Bureau of Yards and Docks Bureau of Aeronautics Naval Academy Marine Corps Alterations to naval vessels Increase of the Navy Navy, miscellaneous General account of advances


Page 245, 240 210 — 248 '-' lS, 249

249 250 251 251

251 — 253 258

Special accounts — Continued. Subscriptions to capital stock, Federal Deposit Insur-

ance Corporation Subscriptions to capital stock, Federal intermediate

credit banks Expenses, emergency banking, gold reserve, and silver

purchase acts Payments to Federal Reserve Banks for industrial

loans Advances to Agricultural Adjustment Administration

for cotton Exchange stabilization fund






310 311

Deficiencies in the postal revenues 255 Miscellaneous expenses, Postal Service 254, 255 Expenditures from postal revenues 419 — 421 Statement of the Postmaster General certifying extraordi-

nary expenditures contributing to the deficiency of postal revenues for the fiscal year ended June 80, 1984 422


Salaries and expenses 256 Foreign intercourse 256, 200 Permanent and indefinite appropriations, including special ~, . '. and trust funds 264


Office of the Secretary 200 Office of Solicitor of the Treasury 200 Office of Chief Clerk and Superintendent 200 Division of Supply 207 General Supply Committee 207 Office of Commissioner of Accounts and Deposits 207 Division of Bookkeeping and Warrants 20S Division of Disbursement "08 Public Debt Service 209-270 Division of Appointments 270 Bureau of Customs 270 Bureau of the Budget 271 Federal Farm Loan Bureau 106, 271 Office of Treasurer of the United States 271 — 272 Office of Comptroller of the Currency 272 Bureau of Internal Revenue 272, 273 Bureau of Industrial Alcohol 273 Bureau of Prohibition 274 Bureau of Narcotics 274 Coast Guard 274 — 277 Bureau of Engraving and Printing 277 Secret Service Division 27I, 27S Public Health Service 278 — 28l Bureau of the Mint 281 Procurement Division (including public buildings) (supply

branch): Salaries and expenses (Public Works Branch) 281, 282 Repairs, equipment, etc. , public buildings 282, 283 Operating expenses, public buildings 283 — 2S5 Post offi. ces, customhouses, courthouses, etc. :

Under act of June 30, 1983, section 801 (a) para- graph 10, of Emergency Relief and Construc- tion Act of 1982 285, 289

Under Act of May 25, 1926, as amended 2S9 Inspection stations 805 Quarantine stations 289 Marine hospitals 289, 800

Treasury, miscellaneous '07 Special accounts:

Payment of Cape Cod Canal bonds 809 Purchase of obligations of foreign governments 809 Settlement of War Claims Act of 1928 809 Federal land banks:

Subscriptions to capital stock 309 Subscriptions to paid-in surplus . 309 Payments to Federal land banks, reduction in

interest rate on mortgages 810 Subscriptions to preferred shares, Federal Savings and

Loan Associations 810

WAR DEPARTMENT Military activities:

Salaries, War Department Office of the Secretary General Staff Corps Adjutant General's Department Finance Department

Accounting Funds: Army account of advances Working fund, War Department Special deposit account

Quartermaster Corps 8 Signal Corps Air Corps Medical Department Corps of Engineers 3 Fortifications, etc. , Panama Canal Ordnance Department Chemical Warfare Service Chief of Infantry Chief of Cavalry Chief of Field Artillery Chief of Coast Artillery Seacoast Defenses Military Academy National Guard Organized Reserves Citizens' military training National Board for Promotion of Rifle Practice

Nonmilitary activities: National cemeteries National military parks Miscellaneous Quartermaster Corps Si nal Corps Corps of Engineers, miscellaneous Bureau of Insular Affairs Rivers and harbors:

Improving harbors Improving rivers Flood control and relief

Inland Waterways Corporation War claims and relief acts Miscellaneous Trust accounts

311 814 314 814 315

817 317 317

17 — 321 321 322 322

23, 824 828 825 826 826 327 327 827 327 328 329 330 830 330

381 382 382 388 333 384

384 335-338

836 338

838-341 341 341


Maintenance and operation 342

PUBLIC DEBT Interest Sinking fund Principal Statement of issues, redemptions, and outstanding

343 343

409-411 412-417


Expenditures from postal revenues 419-421


Salaries and miscellaneous 843 — 859 Permanent and indefinit appropriations, including special

and trust a, ccounts 359 — 301


Page Page Summary of receipts and expenditures, classified according

to accounts Receipts:

Summary of receipts by sources Summary of receipts by organization units

Expenditures: Summary of expenditures by departments and organi-

zation units according to accounts

17 18


Appropriations, expenditures, balances, ctc. : Recapitulation of general, special, and trust accounts, by

organization units 362, 368 Recapitulation by organization units — departments,

bureaus, offices, etc 804-394 Summary by organization units etc 394 — 89 Supporting statement for Reconstruction Finance

Corporation 397


Page TABIE 1. — Accountability statement of appropriations by

acts of Congress 898-402 TABLE 2. — Analysis of appropriations established upon the

books of the Treasury Department during the fiscal year ended June 30, 1934, by acts of Congress 403

TABI, E 3. — Private relief acts passed by third session of the Seventy-first Congress and established on books of Treasury Department during fiscal year 1984 404-408

TABLE 4. — Public-debt retirements from ordinary receipts and indefinite appropriations, by loan titles, fiscal year 1984 409 — 411

TABI. E 5. — Statement of the public debt showing issues, re- demptions, and amounts outstanding, by loan titles, fiscal year 1934 412-41(

TABLE 6. — Gold I'esel've aIld United States currency funds 418 TABLE 7. — Post Office Department: Statement of audited

expenditures, in detail, for the service of the Post Oificc Department for the fiscal year 1934 419 — 421

Statement of the Postmaster General certifying ex- traordinary expenditures contributing to postal defi- ciencies for fiscal year 1934

TABLE 8. — Recapitulation of expenditures made during the fiscal year 1934 from specific and indefinite permanent annual appropriations, including special, trust, and con- tributed accounts 428-427

TABLE 9. — Summary statement of the appropriation "Na- tional Industrial Recovery, 1988 — 85", act June 16, 1938 (48 Stat. 275), showing all transactions on the account during the fiscal year 1934 428 — 482

TABLE 10. — Recapitulation of expenditures made during the fiscal year 1934 from appropriatiiins for printing and 483 binding

TABLE 11. — Recapitulation of expenditures made during 1934 from the annual and indefinite appropriations for "Increase of compensation" on account of the fiscal years 1919-24 433

Page Civil service retirement and disability fund:

TABLE 12. — Summary statement of credits and charges under the fund and of securities held in investment fund by fiscal years from August 1, 1920, to June 30, 19 4 434, 435

TABI, E 13. — Summary statement of deductions from salaries by organization units, miscellaneous receipts, and repay covering ivarrants credited to the fund by fiscal years from August 1, 1920, to June 30, 1934 486, 437

TABLE 14. — Foreign Service retirement and disability fund: Summary statement of transactions under the fund and of securities held by fiscal years from 1925 to 1984, in- clusive 438

TABLE 15. — Canal Zone retirement and disability fund: Summary statement of transactions under the fund and of securities held for the fiscal year 1934 439

TABLE 16. — Adjusted-service certificate fund, Veterans' Ad- ministration: Summary statement of transactions and securities held under the fund by fiscal years from 1925 to 1934, inclusive 440

TABI, E 17. — Teachers' retirement fund, District of Colum- bia: Summary statement of transactions and securities held under the fund by fiscal years from 1920 to 1934, in- clusive 441, 442

TABLE 18. — Statement of the District of Columbia account fiscal year 1984 in accordance with act of June 29, 1922 (D. C. Code, title 20, sec. 682) 443

TABI. E 19. — Statement of impounded salary and vacancy savings made during the fiscal year 1934 444


[Repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures are printed in italic]

General accounts S pecial accounts (vari- ous acts)'

Total general and special accounts

Trust and contributed accounts

RECEIPTS Revenue receipts:

Internal revenue Customs (excluding tonnage tax) Miscellaneous:

Miscellaneous taxes Interest, exchange, and dividends Fines and penalties F ees Forfeiture s Assessments Reimbursements Gifts and contributions Sales of Government property — products Sales and services Rents and royalties Permits, privileges, and licenses Mint receipts (profits on coinage, bullion de-

posits, etc. ) Forest reserve fund Postal receipts, Panama Canal Deposits, postal funds, Canal Zone United States revenues from District of Co-

lumbia sources

Total revenue receipts

Nonrevenue recepts: Realization upon assets:

Army costs due the United States from Germany Repayments of investments Sales of public lands Sales of Government property

Trust and contributed accounts (exclusive of District of Columbia)

District of Columbia: District of Columbia revenues, taxes, trust

funds, etc

Total nonrevenue receipts

Increment resulting from reduction in the weight of the gold dollar

$2& 290& 278& 304 37 $856& 628& 642 88 818, 521, 280. 75 959. 89

6, 77,


1, 7,




2 26,

1, 1,

771, 636. 45 328, 610. 07 925, 763. 54 771, 492. 48 491, 182. 27 228, 912. 37 548, 508. 85

62, 815. 89 181, 193. 14 466, 412. 18 620, 450. 78 280, 150. 71


1, 2

52, 284. 66 147, 554. 51 267, 974. 44 434, 170. 75

15, 000. 00 285, 506. 87 594, 084. 85

9, 081. 52 1, 549, 921. 48 2& 978, 966. 07

552, 508. 50

2, 960, 587. 47 2, 148, 827. 88

20, 124. 04

68, 117. 52

1, 205, 621. 65

222& 805. 54

2, 738, 608, 264. 76 878, 940, 032, 56

249, 800. 84 1, 086, 882. 96

84, 633. 97 1, 595, 442. 64

1, 093, 831. 46 64, 696. 94

4, 809, 850. 09

2, 916, 265. 41 5, 967, 428. 49

2, 741, 524, 530. 17 379, 907, 461. 05

6, 328, 79, 471,

2, 193, 12, 255,

1, 506, 1, 464, 5, 142&

62, 2, 190,

28, 016, 4, 594, 1, 782,

921. 11 164. 58 737. 98 663. 28 182. 27 418. 74 58L 70 815. 89 274. 66 888. 66 416. 85 659. 21

2, 960, 3, 848&

20, 222&

587. 47 '

949. 08 124. 04 805. 54

68, 117. 52

8, 112, 548, 297. 32

249, 800. 84 2& 129& 764. 42

99, 385. 91 6, 404, 792. 78

8, 888, 698. 90

8, 12l. , 431, 991. 22

$2, 646, 901, 946. 70 818, 522, 240. 64

$128, 040, 146. 78

83, 233, 869. 03

161, 278, 515. 81

161, 278, 515. 81

2, 811& 397, 066. 15

Total receipts excluding public-debt receipi, s 2, 741, 524, 580. 17 379, 907, 461. 05 3, 121, 481& 991. 22 2, 972, 670, 581. 96

& Exclusive of District of Columbia special and trust accounts. & Trust-account receipts of 815, 205. 05 inch&ded in trust accounts below, s United States revenues from District of Columbia sources stated under revenue receipts above.


pcccipts and szpsndiftirss of the Government for fke fiscal year ended tune 80, 19816, classified according fo accounts — Continued

General sud special accounts Emergency accounts

Total general, special, sud emergency ac-


Trust eud contributed accounts


GENERAL Departmental

Legislative establishment Executive proper State Department Treasury Department Wsr Department (nonmilitary) Department of Justice Post Office Department Interior Department Department of Agriculture Department of Commerce Department of Labor Shipping Board Bureau Other independent oifices and commissions

Total departmental Public-building construction snd sites, Treasury Depart-

ment River and harbor work National defense:

Army Navy

Veterans Administration Adjusted-service certificate fund Agricultural Adjustment Administration Farm Credit Administration Refunds of receipts:

Customs Internal revenue Processing tax on farm products

Postal deficiency Panama Cans, l Subscription to stock of Federal land banks Civil-service retirement fund Foreign Service retirement fund District of Columbia Interest on the public debt Public-debt retirements:

Sinking fund Received from foreign governments under debt

settlements Estate taxes, forfeitures, gifts, etc



288, 850, 264& 141, 496, 040,

50) 000& 298, 996,

22, 801,

13, 888, 48, 078,

1, 374, 52, 003,

8, 847, 1, 787,

20, 850, 292,

5, 700, 6757, 286,

881. 45 535. 01 734. 24 000. 00 321. 15 764, 29

578. 98 183. 69 802. 66 295. 62 257. 97 780. 00 000. 00 700. 00 324. 53 568. 78

359, 491, 900. 00

357, 850. 00 15, 342. 90

8, 110, 121, 836. 16

$17, 710, 956. 77 355, 480. 19

11, 886, 420. 48 103, 548, 689. 88

1, 477, 321. 80 31, 818, 202. 68 12& 211, 146. 70 50, 287, 959. 17 58, 201, 228. 61 26, 878, 469. 46 10, 448, 445. 98 9, 691, 668. 81

19, 698, 239. 84

838, 815, 887. 60

71, 619, 742. 42 77, 960, 999. 92

$124, 589. 67

808, 585. 98 19, 062, 686. 02

668, 221. 25 214& 981. 95

6, 198. 00 28, 660, 526. 15 18, 577, 480. 06

5& 292& 648. 08 1, 980, 012. 93

10, 016, 283. 81

75, 857, 218. 85

3, 240, 982. 05 75, 066, 639. 58

35, 388, 796. 96 86, 784, 058. 85

401, 794. 47

10, 867, 437. 00 128, 491& 749. 08

808& 522. 12

190, 720. 56

866, 597, 914. 47

13, 48)

1, 52, 9 1


5, ' 757&

888, 578. 98 078, 188. 69 374, 802. 66 008, 295. 62 655, 780. 09 787& 780. 00 850, 000. 00 292, 700. 00 891, 045. 09 236, 568. 73

859, 491, 900. 00

857, 850. 00 15, 842. 90

3)476, 719, 250. 63

$17, 885, 546. 44 855, 480. 19

12, 195, 006. 36 122, 606, 375. 85

2, 140, 543. 05 31, 588, 184. 63 12, 217, 344. 70 73, 948, 485. 32 71, 778, 708. 67 82, 166, 117. 54

-12, 373, 458. 86 9, 691, 668. 81

29, 714, 523. 65

409, 178, 106. 45

74, 860, 724. 47 1M, 027, 689. 45

269, 289, 628. 41 800, 925, 588. 86 496, 442, 528. 71

50, 000, 000. 00 304, 863, 758. 15 150, 798, 518. 87

8114, 408. 06

190, 867. 78 1, 172, 450. 18

762 599 29 494, 593. 28

51. 00 1, 146, 886. 64 r&, 145, 198. 85 '

88, '6rr. 1, 1 1)76, r&60. 516

89, 006. 91

9161&, 78r. $9

888, 468. 35

159, 198. 02 73, 079, 336. 87

5, 207, 144. 77

61, 858. 1&8

88, 556, 699. 54 245, 628. 32

80, 974, 206. 34

148, 804, 086. 24

Federal Emergency Administratio~ of Public Works: Civil Worl's Administration Loans and grants to States, municipalities, etc Loans to railroads Public highways River and harbor work Boulder Canyon project Emergency Housing Corporation All other

Civil Works Administration Federal Emergency Relief Administration Administration for Industrial Recovery Agricultural Adjustment Administration Farm Credit Administration Emergency Conservation Work Reconstruction Finance Corporation Tennessee Valley Authority Federal land banks (subscriptions to paid-in surplus, etc. ) Federal Savings snd Loan Associations (subscriptions to

preferred shares )- Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (subscriptions to

stock )- Total

401, 524, 256. 07 155, 719, 695. 17

247, 280, 827. 98 (6)

19, 026, 289. 81 863, 717. 16

()) 815, 809, 298. 58 344, 699, 788. 55

7, 005, 966. 21 (') (')

818, 002, 240. 41 (')

11, 466, 900. 35 47, 892, 733. 95

1, 086, 300. 00

150, 000, 000. 00

2, 015, 877, 514. 24

401, 524, 256. 07

155, 719, 695. 17 247, 280, 827. 98

19, 526, 289. 81 868, 717. 16

315, 809, 298. 58 844, 699, 788. 55

7, 005, 966. 21

313, 002& 240. 41

11) 466, 900. 85 47& 892& 738. 95

1, 086, 300. 00

150, 000, 000. 00

2, 015, 877, 514. 24

70, 586. 99

70, 586. 99

3, 110, 121, 836. 16

3, 110, 121& 336. 16

Ch«)cable against increment on gold:

Total expenditures, exclusive of the Reconstruc- tion Finance Corporation and public debt, pay- able from indefinite appropriations

2, 882, 475, 428. 71

2, 882, 475, 428. 71

5, 492, 596, 764. 87 148, 874, 623. 23

2, 000, 000, 000. 00

5 492, 596, 764. 87 2, 148, 874, 623, 28

' Ai»»iiouol expenditures on these accounts ere included under e)uevgeucy expenditures to!low&ug. ' includes 626, 464. 40~urn ou the public debt. 6See above.

) Expenditures distributed above. ) See recepitulatiou following.



Expenditures: General and special accounts;

General and special Emergency

Trust and contributed accounts Exchange stabilization fund

Total checks issued Decrease in outstanding checks

$3, 110, 121, 336. 16 s 2, 382, 475, 428. 71

5, 492, 596, 764. 87 148, 874, 623. 23

2, 000, 000, 000. 00

7, 641, 471, 388. 10 3, 549, 836. 26

Total expenditures exclusive of the public debt 9, 269, 654, 522. 46

7, 645, 021, 224. 36 Reconstruction Finance Corporation(p. 397) 1, 624, 633, 298. 10

Expenditures — Continued. Excess of expenditures chargeable against

receipts, exclusive o f public-debt receipts

Public-debt receipts

Public-debt expenditures payable from per- manent indefinite appropriations (exclu- sive of $359, 865, 092. 90 public-debt expendi- tures included under general and special accounts above)

Excess of all receipts over all expendi- tures

General fund balance June 30, 1933

General fund balance June 30, 1934

$3, 175, 551, 949. 28 13, 582, 927, 414. 64

10, 407, 375, 465, 36

8, 708, 648, 497. 16

1, 698, 726, 968. 20 853, 777, 775. 22

2, 552, 504, 743. 42

9 Exclusive of Reconstruction Finance Corporation.


Qeneral account Special accounts I

Total general and special accounts

Trust snd contributed sccoun'ts



Internal revenue (for details of internal-revenue receipts by States and districts, see pp. 71, 72):

Income tax Miscellaneous internal-revenue taxes Processing tax on farm products

Customs (for details of customs receipts by districts and ports, see pp. 68, 70):


Public lands (included under nonrevenue receipts below).

Miscellaneous (for details see pp. 26, 66): Miscellaneous taxes Interest, exchange, and dividends Fines and penalties Fees Forfeitures Assessments Reimbursements Gifts and contributions Sales of Government property — products Sales of services Rents and royalties Permits, privileges, and licenses Mint receipts (profits on coinage, bullion deposits,

et . C. )- Forest reserve fund Postal receipts, Panama Canal Deposits, postal funds, Canal Zone United States revenues from District of Columbia

sources I

Total miscellaneous revenue receipts

Total revenue receipts NONREVENUE

Miscellaneous receipts (for details, see pp. 26, 66). Realization upon assets:

Army costs due the United States from Germany

Repayments of investments Sales of public lands (details by States on

p. 74) Sales of Government property

Trust and contributed accounts: Trust accounts Contributed accounts

District of Columbia: 5

District of Columbia revenues, taxes, etc United States revenues from District of

Columbia sources Total miscellaneous nonrevenue receipts

$817& 023, 099, 60 1& 473, 250, 204. 77

2, 290, 273& 304. 37

313, 521, 280. 75

6, 771, 636. 45 77, 323, 610. 07

1, 925, 763. 54 7, 771, 492. 48 1, 491, 132. 27

228, 912. 37 2, 548, 503. 85

62, 315. 39 2, 181, 193. 14

26, 466, 412. 18 1, 620, 450. 78 1, 230, 150. 71

2, 960, 537. 47 2, 143, 327. 38

20, 124. 04

68, 117. 52 134& 813& 679. 64

2, 738, 608, 264 76

249, 800. 84 1, 036, 382. 96

34, 638. 97 1, 595, 442. 64

2, 916, 265. 41

' $2, 240. 12 I 474 181. 85

356, 152, 220. 36 356, 628, 642. 33

I 959. 89

52, 284. 66 i

2, 147, 554. 51 267, 974. 44

4, 484, 170. 75 15, 000. 00

1, 235, 506. 37 2, 594, 034. 85

9, 081. 52 1, 549, 921. 48 2, 973, 966. 07

552, 508. 50

1, 205, 621. 65

222, 805. 54

17& 310, 430. 34

373, 940, 032. 56,

1, 093, 381. 46

64, 696. 94 4& 809, 350. 09

5, 967, 428. 49

$817, 025, 339. 72 1, 473, 724, 386. 62

356, 152, 220. 36 2, ti4b, 901, 94b. 70

313, 522, 240. 64

6, 823, 921. 11 79, 471, 164. 58

2, 193, 737. 98 12, 255, 663. 23

1, 506, 132. 27 1, 464, 418. 74 5, 142, 538. 70

62, 315. 39 2, 190, 274. 66

28, 016, 333. 66 4, 594, 416. 85 1, 782, 659. 21

2, 960, 537. 47 3, 348, 949. 03

20, 124. 04 222, 805. 54

68, 117. 52 152, 124& 109. 98

3, 112, 548, 297. 32

249, 800. 84 2& 1 29& 764 42

99, 335. 91 6, 404, 792. 73

124, 732, 748. 52 3& 307, 398. 26

33, 233, 369. 03

8, 883, 693. 90 161, 273, 515. 81

Total miscellaneous receipts 137, 729, 945. 05 23, 277, 858. 83 161, 007, 803. 88 161, 273, 515. 81

Increment resulting from reduction in the weight of the gold dollar

Total receipts, excluding public-debt receipts on basis of warrants issued '


2, 741, 524, 530. 17

2, 741, 524, 530. 17

379, 907, 461. 05

379, 907, 461. 05

3, 121, 431, 991. 22 161, 273, 515. 81

2, 811, 397, 066. 15

3, 121, 431, 991. 22 2, 972, 670, 581. 96

Public-debt receipts Total receipts including public-debt receipts

POSTAL REVENUES P««l revenues under control of the postmaster


Total receipts, including postal revenues

13, 582, 927, 414. 64 16, 324, 451, 944. 81

586, 733, 165. 80 16& 911, 185& 110. 61

379, 907, 461. 05

379, 907, 461. 05

13, 582, 927, 414. 64 16, 704, 359, 405. 86

586, 733, 165. 80 17, 291, 092, 571. 66

2, 972, b70, 581. 96

2, 972, 670, 581. 9o

l ne tax ou rafiroads in Alas/a, p. 273. l ipbuippine special account, p. 273. '

~ppfne special account, p. 271. t account receipts of $15, 205. 05 included in trust accounts below. For details of receipts by sources, see p. 75.

108385 — 35 — 2

I Amount of United States revenues from District of Columbia sources, $58, 117. 52, is shown under same title above under "Revenue. "

& Receipts on basis of daily Treasury statements, revised, are the same as those shown on basis of warrants issued.



General account Special accounts Total general and special accounts

Trust and contributed accounts

ORDINARY RECEIPTS Legislative Executive Office Independent offices:

Alien Property Custodian American Battle Monuments Commission Board of Tax Appeals Civil Service Commission Emergency Conservation Fund Employees' Compensation Commission Farm Credit Administration ' Federal Board for Vocational Education Federal Civil Works Administration Federal Coordinator of Transportation Federal Emergency Administration of Public

Works Federal Home Loan Bank Board Federal Power Commission Federal Radio Commission Federal Trade Commission General Accounting Office Interstate Commerce Commission National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics National Capital Park and Planning Commission Public Buildings and Public Parks of the National

Capital Puerto Rico Hurricane Relief Commission Railroad Administration and Transportation Act Reconstruction Finance Corporation Smithsonian Institution U. S. Shipping Board U. S. Tariff Commission Veterans' Administration War Finance Corporation

Department of Agriculture Department of Commerce Department of the Interior (includes $99, 885. 91 sales

of public lands) Department of Justice, including judicial Department of Labor Navy Department Post Office Department DepartnJent of State Treasury Department (includes $818, 522, 240. 64 customs

and $2, 646, 901, 946. 70 internal revenue) War Department Panama Canal District of Columbia: 5

District of Columbia revenues, taxes, etc United States revenues from District of Columbia


Increment resulting from reduction in the weight of the gold dollar

$951, 898. 99 10, 630. 91

164 587. 61 276. 04

42, 805. 23 . 20

89. 90 1, 778, 585. 88

(') 98. 03

24, 667. 88

212, 739. 88 146. 00

100, 272. 40 6& 068. 42 8& 961. 75 8, 774. 94

1& 000, 000. 00

(') 5, 479. 76

1, 278, 807. 84 (xl

65. 00 (')

843. 05 1, 308, 447. 88

100, 000. 00 2, 740, 564. 06 5, 887, 060. 84

1, 571, 880. 16 8, 799, 414. 50 8, 006, 965. 72 1, 529, 188. 51

17, 142. 67 8, 284, 858. 77

2, 684, 489, 258. 02 8, 741, 862. 78

24, 944, 585. 08

68, 117. 52

2, 741, 524, 530. 17

$402, 767. 30

762, 804. 41 268, 861. 96 842, 340. 85

1, 8,


254, 819. 61 514, 594. 22

523, 094. 94 211, 167. 65

77, 746. 15 861, 153. 97

1, 090. 00 2, 223. 69



135, 340. 88 826, 649. 93 222, 805. 54

379, 907, 461. 05

$951, 898. 99 10, 680. 91

164, 587. 61 276. 04

42, 805. 28 . 20

89. 90 1, 778, 585. 38

98. 03 402, 767. 30

787, 268, 555,

100, 6, 8',

3, '

1, 000,

471. 79 861. 96 080. 68 146. 00 272. 40 068. 42 961. 75 774. 94 000. 00

5, 479. 76 1, 278, 807. 84

65. 00

8 18,

9 4, 8,


2, '


848. 05 308, 447. 88 100, 000. 00 995, 388. 67 851, 655. 06

094, 925. 10 010, 582. 15 084, 711. 87 390, 292. 48

18, 282. 67 287& 077. 46

3, 041, 624, 593. 85 4, 068, 512. 71

27, 167, 390. 62

68, 117. 52

3 121 431 991 22

$105, 606. 41

(') 14, 327. 85

15, 205. 05

279, 985. 30

116, 649, 685. 45

1, 621, 978. 84 988. 10

5, 178, 628. 67 691, 605. 25

9, 232. 69 188, 805. 78

272, 852. 76

5, 488, 98 8, 056, 765. 65

88, 283, 869. 03

161, 273, 515. 81

2, 811, 397, 066. 15

Total receipts excluding public-debt receipts, on basis of warrants issued


Public-debt receipts

2, 741, 524, 530. 17

18, 582, 927, 414. 64

379, 907, 461. 05 8, 121, 431, 991. 22 2, 972, 670, 581. 96

18, 582, 927, 414. 64

Total receipts, including public-debt receipts 16, 824, 451, 944. 81 879, 907, 461. 05 16, 704, 359, 405. 86 2, 972, 670, 581. 96


Postal revenues under control of the Postmaster General 586, 788, 165. 80 586, 733, 165. 80

Total receipts, including postal revenues 16, 911, 185, 110. 61 879, 907, 461. 05 17& 291, 092& 571. 66 2& 972& 670& 581.

i Iacluded under Wsr Department. s This statement does not include moneys covered into the Treasury on account of the Farm Credit Administration pursuant to the procedure prescribed by the Comptrog&x General of the United States, representmg unexpended balances of funds allocated by the Reconstruction Finance Corporation to the Secretary of Agriculture sad subsequently transferred by the Secretary of Agriculture to the Farm Credit Administration under Executive Order No. 6034 dated lgsr 3-, 1933 Smce such trsacgt&pas reprint merely ibe transfer of funds between 2 governmental organizations, they are not included ia either the receipts or expenditures of this report Cpilectfpag pn scca~) pf the revplvmg fond

ol the Farm Credit Administration, created by sec. 5 of the Farm Credit Act of 1933, approved June 16, 1933, while covered into the Treasury ss receipts fpr sccpunting purposes& sre reflected in this report as credits against expenditures of the revolving fund. ' Included under Department of the Interior. & Included under the Department of Commerce. i For details of receipts by sources, see p. 75.



General account Special accounts Total general and special accounts

Trust snd contributed accounts



Internal revenue (details on pp. 71, 72): Income tax Miscellaneous internal-revenue taxes Processing tax on farm products Collections under enforcement of National Prohibi-

tion Act '

$817, 023, 099. 60 1, 473, 250, 204. 77

' $2, 240. 12 ' 474, 181. 85 356, 152, 220. 36

$817, 025, 339. 72 1, 473, 724, 386. 62

356, 152, 220. 36

Customs (details on pp. 68 — 70): Duties

2, 290& 273, 304. 37

313, 521, 280. 75

356, 628, 642. 33 2, 646, 901, 946. 70

' 959. 89 313, 522, 240. 64

Public lands (included in nonrevenue receipt p. 74): Miscellaneous:

Miscellaneous taxes: Tax on circulation of national banks Tonnage tax Immigration head tax Taxes, licenses, fines, etc. , Canal Zone

4, 518, 904. 84 1& 432, 737. 82

748, 901. 00 71, 092. 79

52, 284. 66 4, 518& 904. 84 1, 485, 022. 48

748, 901. 00 71, 092. 79

Interest, exchange, and dividends: Interest on deferred collections or payments Interest on bonds of foreign governments un-

der funding agreements Interest on obligations of Reconstruction Fi-

nance Corporation purchased by the Secre- tary of the Treasury

Interest and profits on Federal Farm Mort- gage Corporation bonds

Interest on loans, Puerto Rico Hurricane Re- lief Commission

Interest on loans to States, municipalities, etc. , Public Works Administration

Interest on farmers' seed loans Interest on Library of Congress trust fund, in-

vestment account Interest on endowment fund, preservation of

birthplace of Abraham Lincoln Interest on public deposits Interest on money loaned from construction

loan fund Interest on investments, National Institute

of Health, conditional gift fund Interest on miscellaneous obligations Discount on Treasury obligations redeemed

and purchased Gain by exchange Dividends on capital stock of Federal home

loan banks Dividends on capital stock of the Panama

Railroad owned by the United States Earnings of War Finance Corporation Military and naval insurance, Veterans' Ad-

ministration (repayments to appropriations) Federal control of transportation systems (re-

payments to appropriations) Loans to railroads after termination of Federal

control (repayments to appropriations)

6, 771, 636. 45

78, 955. 17

19, 886, 144. 10

48, 924, 063. 72

374, 048. 92

4, 746. 37

24, 645. 78 1, 778, 415. 85

285, 205. 90

3, 446, 170. 92

154, 317. 07

332, 310. 58 19, '254. 60

552, 635. 61

100, 000. 00

4 868, 108. 65

e 19 181 76

' 475, 405. 07

77, 323, 610. 07

52& 284. 66

147, 450. 00

104. 51

2, 000, 000. 00

2, 147, 554. 51

6, 823, 921. 11

78, 955. 17

20, 033, 594. 10

48, 924, 063. 72

374& 048. 92

4, 746. 37

24, 645. 78 1, 778, 415. 85

285, 205. 90

3, 446, 170. 92

154& 317. 07

332, 310. 58 19, 359. 11

552, 635. 61

2, 000, 000. 00 100, 000. 00

868, 108. 65

19, 181. 76

475, 405. 07

79, 471, 164. 58

Fines and penalties: Judicial Customs Service Immigration Service

' Income tsx on railroads in Alaska. & Philippine special account. ' Included in miscellaneous internal-revenue receipts. ' Philippine tariff account duties.

347, 351. 86 596, 807. 21

51, 490. 00

347, 351. 86 596, 807. 21 51, 490. 00

' Stated under contributed accounts, p 24. Receipts credited direct to the appropriation by repay covering warrants during the

fiscal year 1934.



Details of receipts by sources, fiscal year IM$ — Continued

General account Special accounts Total general and special accounts

Trust and contnhuted accounts

RECEIPTS — Continued

REVENUE — continued

M is cellaneo us — Continued. Fines and penalties — Continued.

Navigation Enforcement of National Prohibition Act (judi-

cial) Liquidated damages Recovery of value of oil in case of United

States against Pan American Petroleum Co Navy fines and forfeitures 0 ther

Fees Agricultural Commodities Act Alaska game laws Board of Tax Appeals Clerks, United States courts Commissions on telephone pay stations in Fed-

eral buildings and rented post offices Consular and passport Copying Copyright Court of Claims Court of Customs and Patent Appeals Immigration (registration) Indian lands and timber Land offices (including commissions) Marshals, United States courts Naturalization Naval stores grading Navigation Patent Purchase of discharges, Navy and Marine

Corps Registration securities act Water and power rights Testing Warehouse Act Other

Forfeitures Bonds of aliens, contractors, etc Bribes to United States officers Customs Service Under enforcement of National Prohibition

Act (judicial) Judicial miscellaneous Unclaimed moneys and wages remaining in

registry of courts Unclaimed merchandise Unclaimed funds Unexplained balances in cash accounts Other

Assessments Immigration service overtime Colorado River Dam fund, Boulder Canyon

project Deposits for establishing wool standards Deposits, public survey work, Alaska Deposits, public survey work, general On Federal and joint-stock land banks, and

Federal intermediate credit banks for ex- penses of examinations, Farm Credit Administration

On Federal Reserve banks for salaries and ex- penses, Federal Reserve Board

On Federal home loan banks for salaries and expenses, Federal Home Loan Bank Board

On National banks for salaries and expenses of national-bank examiners

98, 870. 00 14, 782. 12 42, 805. 23

1, 458, 921. 11

56, 454. 91 3, 246, 654. 12

38, 329. 61 250, 315. 60

6, 325. 50 7) 957. 75

94) 199. 79 58, 530. 55 56& 312. 15

177, 306. 88 1, 761, 076. 51

7, 678. 05 172, 883. 09

9, 606. 56 92, 980. 88 31, 896. 18 59, 341. 88 15, 200. 00 13, 615. 06

7, 771, 492. 48

246, 555. 55 6, 016. 40

156, 582. 58

e 626 410 06 53, 969. 07

249, 133,

1, 2',


478. 68 214. 02 436. 15 588. 82 886. 49

1, 491, 132. 27

170, 784. 00

$30, 555. 50

' 490, 153. 98 206, 640. 25

191, 214. 28

11, 550. 46

1, 925, 763. 54

$267, 974. 44

267& 974. 44

203, 928. 20

4& 280, 242. 55

4& 484, 170. 75

15, 000. 00

15, 000. 00

63, 746. 15

72, 923. 49 14, 000. 00

870. 00 6, 240. 56

268, 861. 96

98, 870. 00 14, 782. 12 42& 805. 23

1, 458, 921. 11

56, 3, 246,

38, 250,

6, 7,


94, 58,

260, 177,

1, 761, 7,


172, 4, 280,

9 92, 31, 59& 15, 13,

454. 91 654. 12 329. 61 315. 60 325. 50 I

957. 75 I- 199. 79 i

530. 55 240. 35 306. 38 076. 51 678. 05 333. 09 242. 55

606. 56 980. 33 896. 18 341. 88 200. 00 615. 06

12, 255, 663. 23

261, 555. 55 6, 016. 40

156, 582. 58

626, 410. 06 53, 969. 07

249, 478. 63 133, 214. 02

1, 436. 15 2& 583. 32

14, 886. 49

1, 506, 132. 27

63, 746. 15

72, 923. 49 14, 000, 00

870. 00 6, 240. 56

170, 734. 00

268, 861. 96

$30& 555, 50

490, 153. 98 206, 640. 25

191, 214. 28 267& 974. 44

11, 550. 46

2, 193, 737. 98

& See forfeituree, and collections under Internal Revenue, p. 72, note 3, for additional receipts from this source. & See note 7. ' Under the provisions of the Banking Act of 1933, approved June N, 1933, no moneys were covered into the Treasury on this acco t d ' th ff cat 1934. is accoun uring t e seal year 1


Details of receipts by sources, ftscal year I98$ — Continued


General account Special accounts Total general and special accounts

Trust and contributed accounts

RECEIPTS — Continued

REvENUE — continued

Miscellaneous — Continued. Assessments — Continued.

Ii'urlough and compensation deductions and vacancy savings (special deposit accounts)

General railroad contingent fund Upon railroads for expenses of Federal Coor-

dinator of Transportation German Government's moiety, expenses,

Mixed Claims Commission Naval hospital fund

Reimbursements: Construction charges (Indian Service) Collections under grain and cotton standards

acts By District of Colutnbia for advances for

acquisition of lands under sec. 4, act May 29, 1930, as amended

Maintenance of District of Colutnbia inmates in Federal penal and correctional institu- tions

Licenses under sec. 27, Trading with the Enemy Act

Refunds on empty containers By contractors for excess cost over contract

price By State of Arizona for expenditures, non-

production of cotton zones for 1930 crop losses

Expenses, miscellaneous Expenses of redeeming national currency Inspection of food and farm products Gasoline State tax Government property lost or damaged Hospitalization charges and expenses Expenses of international service of ice obser-

vations and patrol Costs from estates of deceased Indians Maintenance operation and irrigation charges,

irrigation systems, Indian Service Under appropriations made for Indian tribes 'Collections, reclamation fund Auxiliary reclamation fund, Yuma project,

Arizona 'Settlement of claims against various depositors Other

Gifts and contributions: Return of salary and mileage paid to Members

of Congress Return of salary from constitutional officers Return of part of compensation of the Presi-

dent Moneys received from persons known Moneys received from persons unknown Donations to the United States Forest Service cooperative work Library of Congress gift fund Library of Congress trust fund, investment

account Donations, National Park Service Contributions for river and harbor improve-

ments Contributions for flood control For roads, bridges, and related works, Alaska

te $58 178 37

228, 912. 37

15, 858. 80

49, 688. 50

1, 000, 000. 00

901 922. 77

103 585. 00 9, 014. 41

66, 494. 58

1, 107, 469, 251,

4 36, 52,

134. 94 196. 24 887. 79 353. 41 172. 29 200. 59 476. 51

75, 854. 55 46, 077. 12

104, 314. 18

1, 478. 65 5, 839. 15

10i 625. 00 636. 93

7, 415. 11 36, 320. 55

5, 762. 31 58, 509. 86

2, 548, 503. 85

$402, 767, 30

2, 223. 69 403, 873. 22

1, 235, 506. 37

35, 197. 96

1, 090. 00

462, 910. 51

" 2, 080, 677. 90

14, 158. 48

2, 594, 034. 85

(s) (') (5)

$58, 178. 37

402, 767. 30

2, 223. 69 403, 873. 22

1, 464, 418. 74

15, 8o8. 80

84, 886. 46

1, 000, 000. 00

90, 922. 77

103, 585. 00 9, 014. 41

66, 494. 58

1, 134. 94 107, 196. 24 469, 887. 79 251, 353. 41

4, 172. 29 37, 290. 59 52, 476. 51

75, 854. 55 46, 077. 12

462, 910. 51 104, 314. 18

2, 080, 677. 90

14, 158. 48 5, 762. 31

58, 509. 86

5, 149, 538. 70

1, 478. 65 5, 839. 15

10, 625. 00 636. 93

7, 415. 11 36, 320. 55

62, 315. 39 C1 Sales of Government property — products:

Scrap and salvaged materials, condemned stores, waste paper, refuse etc

Agricultural products, including livestock and livestock products

Card indexes T. ibrary of Congress Dairy products

& Stated. under rriitrfhttted aorcunta, p. 24. ' ffey eutff5fete ststemeut of fmffsunded salary and vacancy savings,

989, 237. 76

31, 099. 85 205, 986. 73

36, 109. 40

see p. 444.

989, 237. 76

31, 099. 85 0), 986 73 2 36, 109. 40

«Stated ss a trust account in f934. See p. 23. » Includes no return of advances made to the "Reclamation fund. "


Details of receipts by sources, fsscal year f98' — Continued

General account special accounts Total general and special accounts

Trust snd contributed accounts

RECEIPTS — Continued

REVE E vE — continued

Miscellaneous — Continued. Sales of Government property — products — Con.

Electric current, power plant, Coolidge Dam, Ariz

Electric current (Dam No. 2, Muscle Shoals, Ala. , $40, 981. 14)

Gas from helium plants Heat, light, and power Ice Occupational therapy products Public documents, charts, maps, etc Seal, fox skins, and furs Subsistence (meals, rations, etc. ) Water Other

Sale of services: Alaska Railroad fund receipts Fumigating and disinfecting Laundry and dry-cleaning operations Livestock breeding service Overhead charges on sales of services or sup-

plies (War and Navy) Quarantine charges (including fumigation, dis-

infection, inspection, etc. , of vessels) Quarters, subsistence, and laundry service Radio service Storage and other charges Profit from sale of ships' stores, Navy Telephone and telegraph Tolls and profits, Panama, Canal Work done for individuals, corporations, et al Other

$87, 338. 40 10, 726. 12 86, 773. 02 54, 675. 36 45, 954. 87

485, 809. 29 23, 215. 21 47, 059. 54 42, 886. 84 34, 375. 75

2, 181, 193. 14

19, 596. 00 815, 659. 88

1, 479. 40

75, 719. 19

228, 040. 44 41, 542. 95 48, 417. 25

158, 029. 73

252, 680. 21 24, 7467 684. 75

11, 954. 56 71, 608. 32

26, 466, 412. 18

$2, 307. 59

6, 773. 98

9, 081. 52

1, 860, 719. 68

189, 201. 80

11 549, 921. 48

$2, 307. 59

87, 333. 40 17, 500. 05 86, 773. 02 54, 675. 86 45, 954. 87

485, 809. 29 28, 215. 21 47, 059. 54 42, 886. 84 34, 875. 75

2, 190, 274. 66

1, 360, 719. 68 19, 596. 00

815, 659. 88 1, 479. 40

75, 719, 19

2281 040. 44 41, 542. 95 48, 417. 25

158, 029. 73 189, 201. 80 252, 680. 21

24, 746, 684. 75 11, 954. 56 71, 608. 32

28, 016, 838. 66

Rents and royalties: Rent of public buildings, grounds, etc Rent of land Receipts under mineral leasing acts Royalties on oil, gas, etc Annette Islands reserve lands, Alaska Rent of equipment Rent of docks, wharves, and piers Rent of telegraph and telephone facilities Rent of water-power sites Other

295, 452. 19 105, 745. 56 836, 165. 27 684, 659. 22

71, 923. 99 18, 192. 98 18, 995. 67 74& 315. 95 15, 000. 00

27 8707 726 08 69, 166. 87 34, 073. 17

295, 105,

3, 206, 753,

34, 71, 18, 18, 74, 15,

452. 19 745. 56 891. 30 826. 09 073. 17 928. 99 192. 98 995. 67 315. 95 000. 00

Permits, privileges, and licenses: Alaska fund Business concessions Game bird and wild life refuges revenue Immigration permits Licenses under Federal Water-Power Act Permits to enter national parks Pipe line, water- and power-transmission

rights Railway right of way, City of Newark, N. J Other

Mint receipts (profits on coinage, bullion, deposits, etc. )

Forest-reserve fund

Postal receipts, Panama Canal Deposits, postal funds, Canal Zone

United States revenues from District of Columbia .

sources " Total miscellaneous revenue receipts

Total revenue receipts

1, 620, 450. 78

158, 959. 92 2, 898. 94

200, 789. 28 212, 569. 23 489, 415. 34

15, 253. 00 150, 000. 00

765. 00 1, 280, 150. 71

2, 960, 537. 47

2, 143, 827. 88

20, 124. 04

68, 117. 52

134, 818, 679. 64

2, 738, 608, 264. 76

2, 973, 966. 07

210, 167. 65

842, 340. 85

552, 508. 50

1, 205, 621. 65

222, 805. 54

17, 810, 430. 34

373 940 032 56

4, 594, 416. 85

210, 167. 65 158, 959. 92

2, 398. 94 200, 789. 28 554, 910. 08 489, 415. 34

15, 258. 00 150, 000. 00

765. 00 1, 782, 659. 21

2, 960, 537. 47

3, 348, 949. 03

20, 124. 04 222, 805. 54

68, 117. 52

152, 124, 109. 98

3, 112, 548 297. 32


" Trust account receipts of 515, 205. 05 under licenses, Federal Water-power Act, sre included under nonrevenue receipts ini ii For d etsils of receipts by sources, see p. 75. revenue rece pts iniscellsneous trust accounts p 24


Details of receipts by sources, fiscal year IMQ — Continued

General account Special accounts Total general and special accounts

Trust and contributed accoun'ts

RECEIPTS — Continued

NONREVENUE Miscellaneous:

Realization upon assets: Army costs due the United States from Ger-

many Repayments of investments:

Federal control of transportation systenls (repayments to appropriations)

Loans to railroads after termination of Federal control, etc. (reps, yments to appropriations)

Return of advances made to reclamation fund (see note 24, p. 45)

Liquidation of capital stock, Federal land banks

Reimbursement on account of "Rcprc- sentation of interests of foreign govern- ments growing out of hostilities in Europe"

Principal of bonds of foreign govern- ments under funding agrecmcnts

Principal payments on loans, Puerto Rico Hurricane Relief Commissiorl

Repayment of principal on account of loans to States, municipalities, etc. , Public Works Administration

Principal of Government-owned securi- ties, sale of war supplies

Construction costs of public works in Colon and Panama


Sales of public lands (details, by States, on p. 74)

Sales of Government property: Capital equipnlent, includes trucks,

horses, cars, machinery, furniture and fixtures, and other capital equipmcnt

Land and buildings Lands, etc. , on account of military post

construction fund ONce material, etc. (General Supply

Committee) Proceeds of sales, building or purchase of

vessels for thc Coast Guard I'roceeds of sales, rebuilding and improv-

ing Coast Guard stations War supplies Coos I3ay &vaoon-road grant fund Oregon and California land-grant fund I&'ands received from sales of ships, etc. ,

anti deposited for construction loans under sec. 11, Merchant ihiari&re Act, 1920, as amended O15 Stat. 689)

Ordnance material (!vari Other

$249, 800. 84

572, 200. 00

5704, 016. 27


114, 274. 25

6, 021. 64

66, 178. 10

733. 39

141 393. 20

5b, 386. 95 2, 179. 16

1& 036, 382. 96

34& 638. 97

183, i)72. 36 '&09 173. 50

9, 805. 83

1, 182, 449. 02 4, 039. 42

6, , '302. 51

$330, 577. 05

762, 804. 41

1) 093, 381. 46

64, 696. 94

2, 817. 70

284, 167. 37

16, 044. 55

11, 667. 01

1, 060. 22 269, 043. 5S

4, 182, 067. 01 42, 482. 56

$249, 800. 84

72, 200. 00

704, 016. 27

114, 274. 25

6, 021. 64

396, 755. 15

733. 39

762, 804. 41

14, 393. 20

56, 386. 95 2, 179. 16

2, 129, 764. 42

99, 335. 91

1'i'3 672 36 211, 991. 29

284, 167. 37

0, S05. 83

16, 044. 55

11, 667. 01 1, 1S2, 440. 02

5, 099. 64 260, 043. 5S

4, 182, 067. 01 42, 482. 56

6, :302. 51

1, 595, 442. 64 Trust account&u

Government life-insurance fund Civil-service retirement and disabilitl f»nd Foreign Service retirement and disul&ility fund Canal Zone retiren!ent and disability fund Deposits, general post fund, National Homes,

Veterans' Administration Deposit of unclaimed moneys of former

patients, & «i«rane' Adn&inistration hospitals Interest orl 1&;lns, adjusted service certificatc

fund Intel'est oil in& estnlcnts, adlusted 5('rvicc cel'-

tificatc fund Relief and rehabilitation, and interest on in-


vestments, I'. :nlployees' Compensation Conl- rnission

General railroad contin&)cnt fund Deposits of «&rurnissnry funds, Federal prisons. . Deposits of funds of I&ederal prisoners

p credited direct . npprot»ls(&ons bv repay covering &varran ' Recei ts

o return of attvsnces were made durde tho fiscal year 1934. ts during the fiscal year 1934.

4, S09, :350. 00 6, 404, 702. 73

$71, 8'38, 520. 24 39, 221, S17. -17

262, 2&:3(&. 21&

505, 157. 46

18'&, 355. 05

4 (1&20. 08

10", 304. 7(

1 i&11 (i & t&1

14. :32&(. 8:& '&) 9, 085. :30 941 5, '39 7 1. 1(, 42(i. 31


Details of receipts by sources, fiscal year 198$ — Continued

General account Special accounts Total general and special accounts

Trust snd contributed accounts

RECEIPTS — Continued

NONREVENUE — continued

Miscellaneous — Continued. Trust accounts — Continued.

Pension money, St. Eligabeths Hospital Personal funds of patients, St. Elizabcths

Hospital Pay of the Navy, deposit fund Pay of the Marine Corps, deposit fund Pay of the Army, deposit fund Soldiers' Home permanent fund Proceeds frbnr estates ot' deceased soldiers Civilian Conservation Corps, withheld cash

allowances Indian morieys:

Proceeds of labor, act June 13, 1930 $75?, 211. 0?

Proceeds of labor, agencies, schools, etc 215, 933. 48

Oil and gas leases, etc. , Osage Reservation, Okla 3, 026, 033. 45

Proceeds of sales and leases of Indian lands, etc 630, 457. 83

Miscellaneous 14. 86

$11, 025. 63

112, 079. 65 34, 249. 45

104, 056. 18 649, 521. 31 267, 203. 46

42, 116. 97

942, 524. 78

4, 629, 650. 69 Deposits of unclaimed moneys of individuals

whose whereabouts are unknoxvn Miscellaneous trust accounts

Contributed accounts:" Collections, distilled spirits industry parity

payments Forest Service cooperative work Library of Congress gift fund Library of Congress trust fund, investment

account '

Interest on Library of Congress trust fund, in- vestment account

Interest on investments, National Institute of Health, conditional gift fund

Interest on endowment fund, preservation of birthplace of Abraham Lincoln

Contributions to reclamation fund Donations, National Park Service Contributions for river and harbor improve-

ments Advance of funds for river and harbor im-

provements Contributions for flood control For roads, bridges, and related works, Alaska

Trust accounts: District of Columbia

Revenue receipts: District of Columbia share United States share

Nonrevenue receipts: District of Columbia share

Total miscellaneous receipts under District of Columbia

Total miscellaneous receipts, in- cluding Panama Canal and "Sales of public lands:"

Revenue receipts Nonrevenue receipts



$134, 813, 679. 64 2, 916, 265. 41

$17, 310, 430. 34 5, 967 428. 49

$152, 124) 109. 98 8, 883, 693. 90

4, 629, 650. 69

5, 419. 19 39, 726. 26

124, 732, 748, 52

315, 624. 68 1, 306, 354. 16

67, 481. 96

33, 944. 45

4, 180. 00

3, 739. 03

2, 010. 00 97, 481. 07

2851 979. 77

802, 862. 69

24, 000. 00 327, 795. 60

35, 944, 85

3, 307, 398. 26

30, 934, 889. 86 (ra)

30, 934& 889. 86

2, 298, 479 17

33, 233, 369. 03

161, 273, 515. 81

137, 729, 945. 05 23, 277, 858. 83

2, 741, 524, 530. 17 379, 907, 461. 05

161, 007, 803. 88

3, 121, 431, 991. 22

161, 273, 515 81

161 273& 515. 81

were stated under the source heading of "Interest& ex u Heretofore stated and classirred under "Gifts and contributions", as special funds, except the interest accounts which change snd dividends" as special funds. » For details see p. 75. u Amount of United states revenues from District of columbia sources, $68, 117. 62, is shown under same title


Details of recei pts by sources, fiscal year I e»8$ — Continued


General account Special accounts Total seneral snd special accounts

Trust snd contributed accounts

RECEIPTS — Continued

NONREvENUE — continued

Increment resulting from reduction in the weight of the gold dollar

Total receipts exclusive of public-debt receipts on basis of warrants issued


$2, 741, 524, 530. 17 $379, 907, 461. 05 $3, 121, 431, 991. 22

$2, 811, 397, 066. 15

2, 9( 2&, 670, 581. 96

Public-debt receipts 13, 582& 927, 414. 64 13, 582, 927, 414. 64

Total receipt's into the general fund


16, 324, 451, 944. 81 379, 907, 461. 05 16, 704, 359, 405. 86 2& 972, 670, 581. 96

Postal revenues under control of the Postmaster Gen- eral 586, 733, 165. 80 586, 733, 165. 80

Total receipts, including postal revenues 16, 911, 185, 110, 61 379, 907, 461. 05 17, 291, 092, 571. 66 2, 972, 670, 581. 96



Internal revenue (details on pp. 71, 72): Income tax Miscellaneous internal-revenue taxes Processing tax on farm products

Customs, excluding tonnage tax i details on pp. 68, 70); Duties

Miscellaneous (details follow): Miscellaneous receipts (including sales of public

lands, details on pp. 26, 66)

increment resulting from reduction in the weight of the gold dollar

$817, 023, 099. 60 1, 473, 250& 204. 77

2, 290, 273, 304( 37

313, 521, 280. 75

137, 729, 945. 05

$&2, 240. 12 474, 181. 85

356, 152, 220. 36

356, 628, 642. 33

959. 89

23, 277, 858. 83

$817, 025, 339. 72 1, 473, 724, 386. 62

356, 152, 220. 36

2, 646, 901, 946. 70

313, 522, 240. 64

161 007 803 88 &$161 273 515 81

2, 811, 397, 066. 15

Total receipts, excluding public debt on basis of warrants issued 2, 741& 524, 530. 17


Public-debt receipts (details on p. 67) 13, 582, 927, 414. 64

Total receipts into the genera, l fund 16, 324, 451, 944. 81

379, 907, 461. 05

379 907 461 05

3, 121, 431, 991. 22 2, 972, 670, 581. 96

13, 582, 927, 414. 64

16, 704, 359, 405. 86 2, 972, 670, 581. 96

& Includes District of Columbia accounts.


General accounts Special accounts Total general and special accounts

Trust and contnbuted accounts



Revenue receipts: Gifts and contributions:

Return of mileage paid to Members of Con- gress

Sales of Government property — products: Scrap and salvaged materials, condemned

stores, waste paper, refuse, etc

Nonrevenue receipts: Sales of Government property:

Capital equipment

Total, United States Senate

$1, 062. 90

364. 85

421. 63

1, 849. 38

$1, 062. 90

364. 85

421. 63

1, 849. 38


Revenue receipts: Reimbursements:


Gifts and contributions: Return of salary as Members of Congress Return of mileage paid to Members of Con-

ress g

95. 20

402. 85

12. 90

95. 20

402. 85

12. 90

Sales of Government property — products: Scrap and salvaged materials, condemned

stores, waste paper, refuse, etc

Nonrevenue receipts: Sales of Government property:

Capital equipment

Total, House of Representatives


415. 75

793. 20

63. 50

1, 367. 65

415. 75

793. 20

63. 50

1, 367. 65

Revenue receipts: Sales of Government property — products:

Scrap and salvaged materials, condemned stores, waste paper, refuse, etc

Heat, light, and power (Capitol power plant) Furnished Government Printing Once. . $81, 804. 05 Furnished Washington City Post Oilice 1, 734. 83 Furnished Seymour Ituir Sons . 120. 00

1, 445. 56 83, 658. 88

1, 445. 56 83, 658. 88

Total 83, 658. 88

Rents and royalties: Rent of public buildings and grounds

Nonrevenue receipts: Sales of Government property:

Sale of buildings on site of annex to Library of Congress

Capital equipment

Total, Architect of the Capitol


85, 104. 44

2, 026. 20

7, 707. 00 20. 00

7, 727. 00

94, 857. 64

85, 104. 44

2) 026. 20

7, 707. 00 20. 00

7, 727. 00

94, 857. 64


Miscel/aneotis recszpfs, by organization units and sources, fiscal year IM$ — Continued


General account Special accounts Total general and special accounts

Trust and contnbuted accounts



Revenue receipts: Interest, exchange, and dividends:

Interest on deferred collections or payments Income on Library of Congress trust fund,

investment account

$, 1. 11 $1. 11

Fees: Copyright

Forfeitures: Unclaimed moneys, Copyright Office

Reimbursements: Government property lost or damaged

. Gifts and contributions: Contributions to Library of Congress gift fund Contributions to Library of Congress trust

fund, investment account

Sales of Government property — products: Card indexes, Library of Congress Photo duplications

Nonrevenue receipts: Sales of Government property:

Capital equipment

Contributed accounts: ' Income on Library of Congress trust fund,

investment account, act Mar. 3, 1925 (43 Stat. 1107)

250, 315. 60

68. 65

47. 26

205, 986. 73 2, 669. 17

208, 655. 90

6. 49

250, 315. 60

68. 65

47. 26

205, 986. 73 2, 669. 17

208, 655. 90

6. 49

$33, 944. 45

Bequest of Alexis V. Babine Beethoven Association William E. Benjamin R. R. Bowker Carnegie Corporation fund. Elizabeth Sprague Coolidge Daniel Guggenheiin Archer M. Huntington fund Nicholas Longworth J. B. Wilbur

$250. 51 504. 75

1, 352. 00 110. 30

3, 486. 80 6, 815. 89 3, 785. 15 4, 247. 50

54. 93 13, 336. 62

33, 944. 45 (For appropriation account see p. 98. )

Contributions to Library of Congress gift fund, act Mar. 3, 1925 (43 Stat. 1107) 67, 481. 96

American Council Learned Societies Elizabeth Sprague Coolidge Early American Architecture Folk Songs Project Friends of music in the Library of Congress Daniel Guggenheim General Educational Board Ada Small Moore Helen Carter Leidy John D. Rockefeller, Jr

$7, 180. 00 17, 258. 94 2, 500. 00 3, 000. 00 1, 500. 00

210. 00 13, 820. 02

1, 000. 00 1, 013. 00

20, 000. 00

67, 48L 96 (For appropriation account see p. 98. )

Contributions to Library of Congress trust fund, investment account, act Mar. 3, 1925

4, 180. 00

Elizabeth Sprague Coolidge $250. 00 Nicholas Longworth Foundation 3, 930. 00

4, 180. 00 (For appropriation account see p. 98. )

Total, Library of Congress

6. 49

459, 095. 01

6. 49

459, 095. 01

105, 606. 41

105, 606. 41

i Classified as "Contributed accounts ", following. r Heretofore classided as "Special funds".


Miscellaneous receipts, by organization units and sources, fiscal year 1M/ — Continued

General account Special accounts Total general snd special accounts

Trust and contributed accounts



Revenue receipts: Reimbursements:

By contractors for excess of cost over contract price

Sales of Government property — products: Scrap and salvaged materials, condemned

stores, waste paper, refuse, etc Sale of publications

Total, Government Printing Office

Total miscellaneous receipts under Legis- lative


$20. 90

44, 064. 66 850, 648. 75

394, 708. 41

394, 729. 31

951, 898. 99

$20. 90

44, 064. 66 850, 643. 75

394, 708. 41

894, 729. 81

951, 898. 99 $105, 606. 41

Revenue receipts: Gifts and contributions:

Return of part of compensation of the Presi- dent under Economy Act of June 80, 1932, sec. 109, and act of Mar. 20, 1933, sec. 7, title II

Sales of Government property — products: Scrap and salvaged materials, condemned

stores, waste paper, refuse, etc

Total, Executive Office



s 10, 625. 00

5. 91

10, 680. 91

10, 625. 00

5. . 91

10, 680. 91

Reve nue receipts: Interest, exchange, and dividends:

Interest on deposits under sec. 27, Trading with the Enemy Act

Reimbursements: Licenses under sec. 27, Trading with the

Enemy Act

Total, Alien Property Custodian

61, 002. 61

108, 585. 00

164, 587. 61

61, 002. 61

108, 585. 00

164, 587. 61


Sales of Government property — products: Scrap and salvaged materials, condemned

stores, waste paper, refuse, etc

Rents and royalties: Rent of public buildings and grounds

Nonrevenue receipts: Sales of Government property:

Capital equipment

Total, American Battle Monuments Com- mission


161. 41

101. 41

18. 22

276. 04

161. 41

101. 41

13. 22

276. 04

Revenue receipts: Fees:

Fees for transcripts of record 42, 805. 23 42, 805. 28 CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION

Revenue receipts: Sales of Government property — products:

Scrap and salvaged materials, condemned stores, waste paper, refuse, etc . 20 . 20

s For complete statement on impounded salary savings and reserved 110 and 203, as amended by sec. 3 of title II, sct Mar. 20, 1933 and sec. 21

impounded sslarl savings under the provisions of the Feonomy Act of Iune 30, 1932 (47 Stat. 403 ssts of title II, act Mar. 28, 1934) see p. 444,



Miscellaneous recsipts, by organization units and sources, fiscal year 198$ — Continued

Qenersl account Special accounts Total general and special accounts

Trust and contributed eccollIlts



Nonrevenue receipts: Trust account:

Civilian Conservation Corps withheld cash al- lowances (Executive Order No. 6129, dated May 11, 1983)

(For appropriation accounts see p. 341. )



Revenue receipts: Fees:


Nonrevenue receipts: Trust accounts:

Receipts under Longshoremen's and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act (act Mar. 4, 1927, 44 Stat. 1444)

Interest on investments

(For appropriation account see p. 106. )

Total, Employees' Compensation Commis- lon s

$89. 90

89. 90

$89. 90

89. 90

$10, 000. 00 4, 327. 85

14, 327. 85

14, 327. 85


Revenue receipts: Interest, exchange, and dividends:

Interest on farmers' seed and feed loans

Reimbursements: Government property lost or damaged

Sales of Government property — products: Scrap and salvaged materials, condemned

stores, waste paper, refuse, etc Photo duplications

1, 778, 415. 85

3. 40

158. 78 ( 7. 40

166. 13

1, 778, 415. 85

3. 40

158. 73 7. 40

166. 13

Total, Farm Credit Administration 1, 778, 585. 38 1, 778, 585. 38



Revenue receipts: Fees:

Commissions on telephone pay stations in Federal bhildings outside of Washington, D. C

Reimbursements: By contractors for excess cost over contract

price Government property lost or damaged Other

0. 11

78. 77 4. 75

14. 40

0. 11

78. 77 4. 75

14. 40

97. 92 97. 92

Total, Federal Civil Works Administration


Revenue receipts: Assessments:

Assessments upon railroads for expenses of Federal Coordinator of Transportation (act June 16, 1933, 48 Stat. 216)

(For appropriation account see p. 109. )

98. 03

$402, 767. 30

98. 03

402, 767. 30

' Stated under War Department, p. 64. Receipts from this Board are included under the Department of the Interior for the fiscal pear 1934, under Executive Order No. 6166 of June 10, 1933.


3Iiscellaneous receipts, by organization units and sources, ical year 198$ — Continued

Genera) account Special accounts Total general snd special accounts

Trust and contributed accounts



Revenue receipts: Interest, exchange, and dividends:

Interest on loans to- States, municipalities, etc

Sales of services: Copies of hearings

Nonrevenue receipts: Repayments of investments:

Principal payments on account of loans to States, municipalities, etc. (act June 16, 1933, 48 Stat. 195, 274, 275, 202, sec. 203)—

States, IVI unicipalities, etc

(For appropriation account see p. 110. )

'I'otal, Federal Emergency Adminis- tration of Pui&lic Works


$24, 645. 78

21. 60

24, 667. 38

$762, 804. 41

762, 804. 41

$24, 645. 78

21. 60

762, 804. 41

787, 471. 79

Revenue receipts: Assessments:

Assessments upon Federal home-loan banks for salaries and expenses, Federal Home Loan Bank Board, act July 22, 1932 (47 Stat. 737, sec. 18 (b))

(For appropriation account see p. 111. )

268, 861. 96 268, 861. 96


Revenue receipts: Fees:


Permits, privileges, and licenses: Proceeds of licenses under Federal Water

Power Act from Indian reservations, act June 10, 1920 (41 Stat. 1072)

170. 60 170. 60

$15, 205. 05 Agua Csliente Reservation, Calif Augustine Reservation, Calif Camp McDowell, Ariz Crow Indians, Mont Flathead Reservation, Mont Fort Hall Reservation, Idaho Klamath Reservation, Oreg Lac Courte Oreilles Reservation, Wis La foils Reservation, Calif Modoc Indians, Fort Bidwell, Calif Morongo Reservation, Calif Nez Perces Indians, Idaho Pals Reservation, Calif Pechanga Reservation, Calif Pottswstomie Indians, Wis Rincon Reservation, Calif Rosebud Reservation, S. Dsk Salt River Indians, Ariz Shoshone snd Arapahoe Indians, Wyo Soboda Indians, Calif Tuolumne Rancheria Indians, Calif Uintab and Oursy Reservation, Utah Warm Springs Reservation, Oreg Yskims Reservation, Wash Yums Reservation, Calif

Under the Federal Water Power Act the above receipts sre credited to "Proceeds of labor" (under each of the above tribes or reservations), pp. 213-216.

325. 00 2. 45

18. 06 7. 50

12, 007. 45 88. 94

121. 75 1, 200. 00

39. 00 . 61 22. 84 13. 50 8. 38 1. 00 5. 00

27. 50 5. 00

16. 94 145. 00 19. 00 10. 42

200. 00 1, 032. 81

98. 70 88. 20

15, 205. 05


Miscellaneous receipts, by organization units and sources, fiscal year 1M/ — Continued

General account Special accounts Total general and special accounts

Trust and contributed accounts


FEDERAL PowER coMMIssIQN — continuerl

Revenue receipts — Continued. Permits, privileges, and licenses — Continued.

Proceeds of licenses under Federal Water Power Act from public lands and national forests, act June 10, 1920 (41 Stat. 1072) $21, 628. 61 $151, 400. 24 $173, 028. 85

Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California. Colorado Florida Idaho Michigan Minnesota Missouri Montana Nevada North Carolina Oregon Pennsylvania South Dakota Tennessee Utah Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming Puerto Rico

$113. 42 I, 496. 71

596. 37 4, 005. 00

107, 377. 98 824. 58

. 12 14, 025. 64

45. 05 29. 84

. 74 666. 72 174. 40 205. 00

17, 622. 53 100. 66 324. 39

5. 00 4, 110. 33

62. 43 16, 196. 76

3. 59 4, 211. 64

438. 37 391. 58

173, 028. 85 Under the Federal Water Power Act the

above reoeipts sre disposed of as follows: 50 percent ($86, 514. 42) credited to "Rec-

lamation fund. " p. 163. 37)4 percent ($64, 885. 82) credited to

"Payments to States under Federal Water Poor Act", p. 112.

12Yz percent ($21, 628. 61) remains in general fund ss miscellaneous receipts.

Proceeds of licenses under Federal Water Power Act, improvements of navigable waters, act June 10, 1920 (41 Stat. , 1072)

Under the Federal Water Power Act the above receipts sre disposed of ss follows:

50 percent credited to "Maintenance and operation of dsms snd other improvements of navigable waters" (War), p. 337.

50 percent remains ia general fund as miscel- laneous receipts.

Total, Federal Power Commission


Nonrevenue receipts: Sales of Government property:

Capital equipment

190, 940. 62

212, 739. 83

146. 00

190, 940. 61

3421 340. 85

381, 881. 28

555, 080. 68

146. 00

$15, 205. 05


Revenue receipts: Assessments:

On Federal Reserve banks for salaries and expenses, Federal Reserve Board, act Dec. 23, 1913 (88 Stat. 261, sec. 10)

(For appropriation account see p. 113. )



Revenue receipts: Fees:

Co ying pv g 7, 197. 85 92, 980. 88

100, 178. 18

7, 197. 85 92, 980 83

100, 178. 18

Reimbursements: Government property lost or damaged

Sales of Government property — products: Photo duplications

11. 47

51. 75

11. 47

51. 75

4 Und er the provisions of sec. 6 (b) of the Bsnkfag Act of 1933, approved 7uae 16, 1933 (48 Stat. 167), no moneys will be covered fnt«he Tr~ account of the Federal Reserve Board during the fiscal year 1934.


Miscellaneous receipts, by organization units and sources, fiscal ysar I98$ — Continued

General account Special accounts Total general and special accounts

Trust and contributed accounts


FEDERAL TRADE coMMIssioN — continued

Nonrevenue receipts: Sales of Government property:

Capital equipment

Total, Federal Trade Commission


Revenue receipts: Fees:


Reimbursements: Settlement of claims against various depositors

Sales of Government property — products: Scrap and salvaged materials, condemned

stores, waste paper, refuse, etc

Nonrevenue receipts: Sales of Government property:

Capital equipment

Total, General Accounting Office

$31. 00

100, 272. 40

135. 30

86. 63

5, 508. 69

332. 80

6, 063. 42

$31. 00

100, 272. 40

135. 30

86. 63

5, 508. 69

332. 80

6, 063. 42


Revenue receipts: Fees:

Certifying railroad tariffs, etc

Assessments: General railroad contingent fund, act Feb. 28,

1920 (41 Stat. 489, sec. 422)

Nonrevenue receipts: Sales of Government property:

Capital equipment

Trust account: General railroad contingent fund, acts Feb.

28, 1920 (41 Stat. 489, sec. 422) and June 16, 1933 (48 Stat. , sec. 206 (a), 220)

(For appropriation account see p. 116. )

Total, Interstate Commerce Commission


Revenue receipts: Reimbursements:

By contractors for excess cost over contract price

Sales of Government property — product: Other

Sales of services: Professional and scientific

Nonrevenue receipts: Sales of Government property:

Capital equipment

Total, National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics

3, 901. 75

60. 00

3, 961. 75

62. 00

70. 00

1, 145. 94

2, 497. 00

3, 774. 94

3, 901. 75

60. 00

3, 961. 75

62. 00

70. 00

1, 145. 94

2, 497. 00

3, 774. 94

$279, 985. 30

279, 985. 30


Revenue receipts: Reimbursements:

By District of Columbia for advances for ac- quisition of lands under sec. 4, act Mfty 29, 1930, as amended (46 Stat. 865) 1, 000, 000. 00 1, 000, 000. 00


' Receipts stated below under trust account.

year 1934. s Transferred under sec. 2 of Executive order No. 6166 of June 10, 1933, to Department of the Interior, under which departruent re~' 1 f ti tf t included for the fiscal spar men receipts of this activityare cu e or


Miscellaneous receipts, by organization units and sources, fiscal year 198$ — Continued

General account Special accounts Total general snd speci tl accounts

Trust and contributed accounts



Revenue receipts: Interest, exchange, and dividends:

Interest on loans

Nonrevenue receipts: Repayments of investments:

Principal payments on loans

Total, Puerto Rico Hurricane Relief Com- mission


$4, 746. 37

733. 39

5, 479. 76 i

$4, 746. 37

733. 39

5, 479. 76

Revenue receipts: Interest, exchange, and dividends:

Federal control of transportation systems (repayments to appropriations)

On loans to railroads after termination of Federal control, etc. (repayments to appro- priations)

19, 181. 76

475, 405. 07

494, 586. 83

19, 181. 76

475, 405. 07

494, 586. 83

Assessments: Furlough and compensation deductions and

vacancy savings (special deposit accounts)

Nortrevenue receipts: Repayments of invest ments:

I'ederal control of transportation systems (repayments to appropriations)

Loans to railroads atter termittation of Fed- eral control, etc. (repayments to appropria- tions)

' 8, 004. 74

9 72, 200. 00

' 704, 016. 27

8, 004. 74

72, 200. 00

704, 016. 27

Total, Railroad Administration and Transportation Act

776, 216. 27

1, 278, 807. 84

776, 216. 27

1, 278, 807. 84


Revenue receipts: Reimbursements:

Government property lost or damaged


65. 00 65. 00


Revenue receipts: Sales of Government property — products:

Photo duplications

Nonrevenue receipts: Sales of Government property:

Capital equipment

Total, United States Tariff Commission

1. 05

342. 00

343. 05

1. 05

342. 00

343. 05



Veterans' appropria-

Revenue receipts: Interest, exchange, and dividends:

Interest on detferred collectiotts or Gain by exchange Military and naval insurance,

Administration (repayments to tlODS)

62, 074. 75 2. 13

" 868, 108. 65

930, 185. 53

62, 074. 75 2. 13

868, 108. 65

930, 185. 53

' For complete statement on impoumled salary savings snd reserveti impounded sa!ary savings under the provisions of the Economy Act of June 39, 1932 142 Stat 493

snd 293, as amended by sec. 3 of title Il, act Mar. 29, 1933, snd sec. 21 of title 11, act Mar. 23, 1934l, see p. 444. ' Receints credited direct to "itailrosd" appropriations by repay covering warrants, dunng tire cecal year 1934. ' Thislloscd wss sbolahed and its functions, including those of the United States Shipping Board Meccimnt I"leer Corporation, transferred undec sec. 12 o[ Executive Order No

8E8 of June Ip, 1933 to the 11epartment of Commerce, p. 39 under which Department receipts of this activity sre included for the fiscal year 1934

» Receipts credited direct to the appropriation "Military snd naval insurance, Veterans' Administration", by repay covering warrants, during the fiscal ye tr 1934

106385 — 35 — 3


Miscellaneous receipts, by organ~sation units and sources, fiscal year 198J&.

General account Special accounts Total general and special

accounts Trust and contributed




Revenue receipts — Continued. Fines and penalties:


Fees: Commissions on telephone pay stations in

Federal buildings outside of Washington, D. C

Copying Commissions on vending machines Filing

Forfeitures: Bonds of contractors Unclaimed funds Unexplained balances in cash accounts Other

$98. 35

5, 297. 00 1, 615. 39

21. 87 . 02

6, 934. 28

25. 00 5. 25

47. 71 28. 91

106. 87

$98. 35

5, 297. 00 1, 615. 39

21. 87 . 02

6, 934. 28

25. 00 5. 25

47. 71 28. 91

106. 87

Reimbursements: Refund on empty containers By contractors for excess cost over contract

price Expenses, miscellaneous Gasoline, State tax Government property lost or damaged Hospitalization charges and expenses Printing records Settlement of claims against various deposi-

tors Storage charges Transportation Other

Gifts and contributions: Donations to the United States Moneys received from known persons Moneys received from persons unknown

Sales of Government property — products: Scrap and salvaged materials, condemned

stores, waste paper, refuse, etc Agricultural products Dairy products Electric current Heat, light, and water Ice Livestock and livestock products Occupational therapy products Photo duplications Stores Subsistence Water Other

3, 624. 26

9, 220. 96 808. 30 258. 99

3, 684. 71 40. 80 14. 25

250. 45 . 25

363. 79 4, 386. 40

22, 653, 16

482. 13 93. 12

119. 01

694. 26

51& 197. 93 1, 467. 70

580. 96 3, 974. 84 3, 114. 14

685. 66 9, 838. 00

45, 523. 85 1, 259. 08

838. 47 29, 580. 82

3, 572. 15 "18. 50

151, 615. 10

3, 624. 26

9, 220. 96 808. 30 258. 99

3& 684. 71 40. 80 14. 25

250. 45 . 25

363. 79 4, 386. 40

22, 653. 16

482. 13 93. 12

119. 01

694. 26

51, 197. 93 1, 467. 70

580. 96 3, 974. 84 3, 114. 14

685. 66 9, 838. 00

45, 523. 85 1, 259. 08

838. 47 29& 580. 82

3, 572. 15 18. oo

151& 615. 10

Sales of services: Copies of hearings Laundry and dry-cleaning operations Medical, dental, and hospital Quarters, subsistence, and laundry Storage and other charges Telephone and telegraph Work done Other

191. 33 2, 463. 61

12. 00 40, 986. 51

96. 00 2. 55

376. 50 671. 62

44, 800. 12

191. 33 2, 463. 61

12. 00 40, 986. 51

96. 00 2. 55

376. 50 671. 62

44, 800. 12

» Debit item, deduct.


ltfiscellar&eous receipts, by organization units and sources, fiscal year 193. j — Continued

General account Special accounts Total general and special Trust and contributed accounts accounts



Revenue receipts — Continued. Rents and royalties:

Rent of public buildings and grounds Ground rent Rent of land Rent of land for grazing

Permits, privileges, and licenses: Business concessions

Nonrevenue receipts: Sales of Government property:

Sale of buildings Capital equipment

Trust accounts: " Government life-insurance fund, act Dec. 24,

1919, as amended (43 Stat. 612, secs. 16, 17): Dividend deposits Interest on investments Interest on policy loans Interest on adjusted-service certificate

loans Premium s Interest on Premiums Principal, adjusted service certificate

loans Reserves

$46, 723. 70 19. 00

5, 193. 50 1, 328. 86

53, 265. 06

82, 102. 53

2, 350. 00 13, 630. 02 15, 992. 02

$46, 723. 70 19. 00

5, 193. 50 I, 328. 86

53, 265. 06

82, 102. 53

2, 356. 00 13, 636. 62

15, 992. 62

$5, 815. 19 5, 913, 367. 42 I, 738, 972. 35

"3 367, 452. 31 60, 703, 506. 16

2, 830. 72

87, 486. 82 19, 089. 27

71, 838, 520. 24

Interest on loans, adjusted-service certificate fund

Interest on investments, adjusted-service certificate fund

Contributions, civil-service retirement and dis- ability fund (act May 29, 1930, 46 Stat. , pp. 475, 476, secs. 10, 11, amending prior acts. Decision of Comptroller General, Aug. 15, 1931, A — 12269) (See pp. 434, 430 for state- ment of this account)

Interest on investments, civil-service retire- ment s, nd disability fund

Contributions, Canal Zone retirement and dis- ability fund (act Mar. 2, 1931, 46 Stat. pp. 1471, 1477, secs. 1, 9, 10. Decision of Comp- troller General, Aug. 15, 1931, A — 12269) (See p. 439 for statement of this account)

Interest on investments, Canal Zone retire- ment and disability fund

Deposits of unclaimed moneys of individuals whose whereabouts are unkn&&wn (decision of Comptroller General, Jan. 18, 1929, A — 25240)

Deposits of unclaimed moneys of former pa, —

tients, Veterans' Administration hospitals (decisions of Comptroller General, July 31, 1929, and Apr. 12, 1930, A — 28136)

Deposits, general post fund, national hon1cs, Veterans' Administration (decision of Comp- troller General, Dec. 11, 1930, A-33194)

(For appropriatiou accounts see p. 12r&. )

Total, Veterans' Administration


Revenue receipts: Interest, exchange, and dividen&is:

Earnings of War Finance Corporation

Total miscellaneous receipts under Inde- pendent Offices

1, 308, 447. SS

100, 000. 00

0, 031, 211. 64 $1, 770, 774. 52

100, 000. 00

7, 807, 9S6. 16

192, 394. 77

4, 614, 783. 61

28, 703, 458. 68

10, 518, 358. 79

500, 262. 88

88, S94. 58

25. 97

4, 0&29. 98

182, 355. 95

44. 811, 165. 21 110, (i4&), tiS, &. 45

116, 959, 203, 65

Tb«ecefpts of the Government life-insurauce fund included in tbis report represent only cssb collections and do not include premiums, dividends, intere t etc, received by e Veterans' Administration by ded&lctinr& from new loans.

ulneludee gl, 24& nnn di &eferred lO jn riots 19, p 127.


Miscellaneous receipts, by organization units and sources, fiscal year 1984 — Continued

General account Special accounts Total general and special accounts

Trust and contributed accounts


Revenue receipts: Internal Revenue taxes:

Processing tax on farm products (act May 12, 1988, 48 Stat. 38)

(For appropriation account see p. 140. )

Interest, exchange, and dividends: Interest on deferred collections or payments Interest on public deposits

Fines and penalties: Other

$35. 74 22, 7ol. 73

22, 787. 47

149. 85


$85. 74 22, 751. 73

22, 787. 47

149. 85

Fees: Agricultural commodities act Alaska game laws Commissions on telephone pay stations in

Federal buildings outside of Washington, D. . C

Naval stores grading fees United States Warehouse Act

Forfeitures: Bonds of contractors Livestock trespassing on national forest and

parks Other

Assessments: Funds deposited for establishing wool stand-

ards, act May 17, 1928 (45 Stat. 598)

(For appropriation account see p. 138. )

Furlough and compensation deductions and vacancy savings (special deposit accounts)'

Reimbursements: Collections under Cotton Standards Act, Mar.

4, 1923 (42 Stat. 1518)

(For appropriation account see p. 138. )

Refund on empty containers By contractors for excess cost over contract

price By States for expenditures, nonproduction of

cotton zones, for 1980 crop losses: Arizona

Inspection of food products Inspection of perishable foods and other farm

products offered for interstate commerce Gasoline State tax Government property lost or damaged Under grain standards act, cost of appeals Other

98, 870. 00 14, 782. 12

2. 26 7, 678. 05

15, 200. 00

136, 582. 43

4, 041. 99

1, 076. 48 18. 39

5, 136. 86

79. 82

79. 82

50. 20

70. 71

1, 134. 94 3, 196. 22

248, 157. 19 1, 449. 70 2, 900. 78

49, 688. 50 1, 495. 48

308, 143. 62

$14, 000. 00

14, 000. 00

35, 197. 96

85, 197. 96

98, 870. 00 14, 782. 12

2. 26 7, 678. 05

15, 200. 00

186, 582. 48

4, 041. 99

1, 076. 48 18. 39

5, 186. 86

14, 000. 00

79. 82

14, 079. 32

35, 197. 96

50. 20

70. 71

1, 184. 94 3, 196. 22

248, 157. 19 1, 449. 70 2, 900, 73

49, 688, 50 1, 495. 43

843, 341, 58

Gifts and contributions: Forest Service cooperative fund Moneys received from persons known 10. 66 10. 66

' Classified as "Contributed accounts", following r For complete statement on impounded salary savings and reserved impounded salary savings under the provisions of the Fconomy Act of June 30 1932 (47 gtat 403 secs, 110 snd 203, as amended by sec. 3 of title II, act of Mar. 20, 1933, and sec. 21 of title II, act Mar. 28, 1934), see p. 444, a Collected as Internal Revenue receipts. See p. 73.


Miscellaneotis receipts, by organization units arid sources, fiscal year I 98Je — Continued

General account Special accounts Total general and special accounts

Trust snd contributed accounts


Revenue receipts — Continued. Sales of Government property — products:

Scrap and salvaged materials, condemned stores, waste paper, refuse, etc

Agricultural products other than livestock and livestock products

Buffalo, elk, and their products Dairy products Fox skins Furs Grain samples Livestock and livestock products Loose cotton samples Maps Plans and specifications Publications Stores Subsistence (meals, rations, etc. ) Other

Sales of services: Fumigating and disinfecting Copies of hearings Livestock breeding Professional and scientific Quarantine charges Telephone and telegraph Work done Other

$5, 819. 81

7, 876. 18 732. 00

35, 528. 44 311. 00

2, 703. 34 4, 206. 59 8, 822. 81 1, 208. 58

443. 69 210. 00 124. 40 69. 51

906. 86 2, 426. 61

71, 389. 82

19, 596. 00 4, 184. 94

108. 00 681. 79

7, 150. 00 1, 198. 77

8. 75 500. 00

$5, 819. 81

7, 876. 18 732. 00

35, 528. 44 311. 00

2, 703. 34 4, 206. 59 8, 822. 81 1, 208. 58

443. 69 210. 00 124. 40 69. 51

906. 86 2, 426. 61

71, 389. 82

19, 596. 00 4, 184. 94

108. 00 681. 79

7, 150. 00 1, 198. 77

8. 75 500. 00

Rents and royalties: Rent of public buildings and grounds Rent of land for grazing Rent of equipment Rent of telegreaph and telephone facilities

33, 428. 25

1, 335. 47 102. 42 154. 50 165. 00

33, 428. 25

1, 335. 47 102. 42 154. 50 165. 00

Permits, privileges, and licenses: Business concessions Upper Mississippi wildlife and fish refuge Alaskan Islands, Alaska game law Revenues, game and bird refuges

Forest reserve fund

1, 757. 39

1, 327. 26 1, 724. 44

325. 00 674. 50

4, 051. 20

2, 143, 327. 38 $1, 205, 621, 65

1, 757. 39

1, 327, 26 1, 724. 44

325. 00 674. 50

4, 051. 20

3, 348, 949. 03

(a) Under acts Cf Mar. 4, 1907 (34 Stat. 1270), Mar. 1, 1911 (36 Stat, 963), and June 30, 1914 (38 Stat. 441), 25 percent of all money reoeived from each national forest is paid to the State in which such forest is situated. The sum of $650, 860. 74 representing 25 percent of $2, 603, 442. 97 col- lected during 1933, as reported by the Department of A, g- riculture, wss credited during the fiscal year 1934 to the appropriation account "Payments to States and Terri- tories from the national forests fund ", p. 134.

((0 Under tbe sct of June 20, 1910 (36 stat. 562), such "propor- tion of the gross proceeds of all the national forests within said State as the area of land hereby granted to said State for school purposes, which are situate within said forest reserves ' " * may bear to the total area of all the national forests within said Stats", is credited to the ac- count "Payments to school funds, Arizona and New Mex- ico, national forests fund. " In accordance with this pro- vision, and upon the basis of reports from the Department of Agriculture, $28, 456. 35 of the collections for the fiscal year 1933 wss credited during the fiscal year 1934 to the appropriation account "Payments to school funds, Ari- zona snd New Mexico, national forests fund", p. 134.

(e) Under the act of Mar. 4, 1913 (37 Stat. 843), 10 percent of the forests reserve fund receipt, s is available for the construc- tion and maintenance of roads and trails within the na- tional forests. The sum of $260, 344. 30, representing 10 percent of $2, 603, 442. 97 collected during 1933 as reported by the Department of Agriculture, was credited during the fiscal year 1934 to the appropriation "Roads and trails for States, national forests fund", p. 134.

The necessity for basing the amounts credited to the above-mentioned special funds on collections reported by the Department of Agriculture for the preceding year, in- stead of upon covering warrants for the current year, is due to the fact that an accurate division of receipts can- not be made until the amounts belonging to the school funds of Arizona and New Mexico, under (5) above, have been determined by the Department of Agriculture.


Miscellaneous receipts, by organization units and sources, /seal year 198$ — Continued

General account Special accounts Total general and special accounts

Trust and contributed accounts


Nonrevenue receipts: Sales of Government property:

Buildings Capital equipment

Contributed accounts: Collections, distilled spirits industry, parity

payments (act May 12, 1933, 48 Stat. , secs. 2 and 8, pp. 32, 34)

Forest Service cooperative fund, act June 30, 1914 (38 Stat. 430)

(For appropriation accounts see p. 134)

Total miscellaneous receipts under Depart- ment of Agriculture


Revenue receipts: Miscellaneous taxes:

Tonnage tax, United States (general fund) Tonnage tax, Philippine Islands (decision of

Comptroller General, Feb. 6, 1931, A — 18469) (For appropriation account see p. 148. )

Interest, exchange, and dividends: Interest on deferred collections or payments

Fines and penalties: Violation of air traffic regulations Navigation Other

Fees: Under China Trade Act Commissions on telephone. pay stations in

Federal buildings outside of Washington, D. C

Copying Navigation Patent fees, 1934 Patent fees, 1933

(Act Apr. 11, 1930 (46 Stat. 155. )) (For appropriation account see p. 166).

Testing, Bureau of Mines Testing, Bureau of Standards

Forfeitures: Bonds of contractors Customs service Unidentified wages and effects of American


Assessments: Furlough and compensation deductions and

vacancy savings (special deposit accounts)

Reimbursements: Refund on empty containers By contractors for excess of cost over con-

tract price Refund on cable and radio messages Expenses Gasoline State tax Government property lost or damaged Transportation

s Heretofore classified as "Special funds. " u Included under the Department of the interior.

$1, 368. 75 12, 401. 06 13, 769. 81

2, 740, 564. 06

1, 432, 737. 82

1, 432, 737. 82

610. 00 28, 630. 50

70. 00 29, 310. 50

925. 00

66. 24 771. 59

172, 333. 09

(16) 52, 229. 38

226, 325. 30

71. 20 3, 446. 45

7, 568. 66 11, 086. 31

3 58. 02

347. 06

1, 162. 30 12. 56

407. 57 435. 01

5, 428. 45 . 76

7, 793. 71

$1, 254, 819. 61

52, 284. 66

52, 284. 66

4, 089, 229. 90 191, 012. 65

4, 280, 242. 55

$1, 368, 75 12, 401. 06 13, 769. 81

3, 995, 383. 67

1, 432, 737. 82

52, 284. 66

1, 485, 022. 48

53. 32

610. 00 28, 630. 50

70. 00 29, 310. 50

925. 00

66. 24 771. 59

172, 333. 09 4, 089, 229. 90

191, 012. 65

52, 229. 38 4, 506, 567. 85

71. 20 3, 446. 45

7, 568. 66 11, 086. 31 '

58. 02

347. 06

1, 162. 30 12. 56

407. 57 435. 01

5, 428. 45 . 76

7, 793. 71

$315, 624. 68

s 1, 306, 354. 16

1, 621, 978. 84

1, 621, 978. 84


Miscellaneous receipts, fIy organization units and sources, fiscal year 1981t — Continued

General account Special accounts Total general and special accounts

Trust and contributed accounts


Revenue receipts — Continued. Gifts and contributions:

Contributions for topographic survey of United States

Sales of Government property-products: Scrap and salvaged materials, condemned

stores, waste paper, refuse, etc Charts Gas from helium plants, net profits Gas from helium plants, Bureau of Mines

(decision, of Comptroller General, Apr. 28, 1932, A-30409; A-24076)

(For appropriation account see p. 179).

Fox skins Furs Maps Publications Photo duplications Stores Subsistence Other

Sales of services: Telephone and telegraph Profits from business operations Work done by Department of Commerce Other

$16, 647. 63 37, 411. 69 10, 726. 12

16, 230. 13 2, 525. 79 5, 087. 59

14, 046. 08 13. 92

528. 65 821. 74

4. 22

104, 043. 56

20. 46 2, 361. 60 1, 285. 82

6. 88

3, 674. 76


$16, 647. 63 37, 411. 69 10, 726. 12

16, 230. 13 2, 525. 79 5, 087. 59

14& 046. 08 18. 92

528. 65 821. 74

4. 22

104, 043. 56

20. 46 2, 361. 60 1& 285. 82

6. 88

3, 674l 76

Rents and royalties: Rent of public buildings and ground Rent of land for grazing Rent of equipment Pipe-line rentals — gas

Permits, privileges, and licenses: Business concessions (exclusive privileges) Permits, fishing and hunting Pipe-line water rights

Nonrevenue receipts: Sales of Government property:

Buildings Capital equipment Land and buildings

Trust accounts: Proceeds from wages and effects of American

seamen, Commerce (decision of Comptroller General, June 29, 1929, A — 27660)

(For appropriation account see p. 168).


Interest, exchange, and dividends: Interest on moneys loaned from construction

loan fund

Fees: Co ying pv a

Assessments: Furlough and compensation deductions and

vacancy savings (special deposit accounts)

3, 897. 67 1', 6OO, OO

40. 00 (ls)

5, 537. 67

» 1& 058. $8 56. 00 85. 00

» 911. 1&. 8

889. 26 22, 850. 99

5, 948. 52

29, 183, 77

3, 446, 170. 92

89. 66

' 41, 907. 00

8, 897. 67 1, 600. 00

40. 00

5, 537. 67

" 1& 058. Jj. 8

56. 00 85. 00

» 911. $8

889. 26 22, 350. 99

5, 943. 52

29, 183. 77

3, 446, 170. 92

89. 66

41, 907. 00

$983. 10

' Classilled as "C Classilled as "Contributed accounts", following. Econom Act of June 30, 1932 (47 Stat. 403, secs. 1101 For complete statement on impounded salary savings and reserved impounded salary savings under the provisions of the Economl' - c o u

&&03& I amended by sec. 3 of title II, act Mar. 20, 1933, and sec 21 of title II, act Mar 23, 1931), see p. 444. » Debit item, deduct. « Included under the Department of the Interior. "This bz d boll h d d it f tio, i 1 di tho se of the IJnited States Shipping Board Merchant Fleet Corpo

No. 6166 of June~~~a6h&a~em«i&~ of Commerce, under which Department receipts of this activity are '


Miscellaneous receipts, by organization units and sources, fiscal year 198$ — Continued

Oeneral account Special accounts Total general and special accounts

Trust and contributed accounts



Nonrevenue receipts: Sales of Government property:

Funds received from sale of ships, etc. , and de- posited for construction loans under sec. 11, merchant marine act, 1920, as amended (45 Stat. 690) (For appropriation account see p. 157. )

Total miscellaneous receipts under Depart- ment of Commerce


$4, 182, 067. 01

$5, 337, 060. 84 8, 514, 594. 22

$4, 182, 067. 01

13, 851, 655. 06 $983. 10

Revenue receipts: Interest, exchange, and dividends:

Interest on deferred collections or payments: Interior, civil

Interest on public deposits Interest on endowment fund, preservation of

birthplace of Abraham Lincoln, act July 17, 1916 (39 Stat. , p. 385)»

(For appropriation account see p. 170. ) Interest on advances to Colorado River Dam

fund, Boulder Canyon project

Fines and penalties: Liquidated damages:

Indian Service Violating regulations Violations of the 8-hour law of 1912 — Six com-

panies, incorporated Public lands and reservations Trespass upon public lands and reservations Other:

Interior, Civil $70. 00 Indian Service 25. 00

95. 47 34, 542. 75

34, 638. 22

57. 75 19. 20

50. 00 500. 00 195. 00

95. 00

95. 47 34, 542. 75

34, 638. 22

57. 75 19. 20

50. 00 500. 00 195. 00

95. 00

Fees: Copying:

Interior, CiviL $19, 172. 63 Indian Service 443. 00

Commissions on telephone pay stations in Federal buildings outside of Washington, D. C

Indian lands and timber (Indian Service) Fees and tolls, Alaska road commission Fees and commissions, land OKces, act June

17, 1902 (32 Stat. 388) (For appropriation account see p. 163. )

Testing, Bureau of Mines Water and power rights

Forfeitures: Bonds of contractors:

Interior, CiviL Livestock trespassing on national forests and

parks Unclaimed funds of patients, Freedmen's Hos-

pital Unclaimed funds of patients, St. Elizabeths

Hospital Unexplained balances in cash accounts:

Indian Service Under National Prohibition Act (includes sale

of all seized property)

916. 95

19, 615. 63

7, 112. 50 31, 896. 18

174, 603. 75 203, 928. 20

70. 00

57. 50

854. 24


53. 00

1, 038. 49

4. 74 58, 530. 55

1, 132. 00

56, 312. 15 " 203, 928. 20

916. 95

19, 615. 63

4. 74 58, 530. 55

1, 132. 00

260, 240. 35

7, 112. 50 31, 896. 18

378, 531. 95

70. 00

57. 50

854. 24

. 12

53. 00

1, 038. 49

~ Classified as contributed accounts p. 50. n Heretofore stated under War Department.

Inmrest due June 30, 1934, amountmg to 33, 449, 967. 68, act J~y 21, 1932, was deferred by the secretary of the Treasury under sec. 2 (d) of the act of Dec 21 1928 (45 st t. 1057) » This amount was appropriated to the credit of the 1teclamation fund (special fund), p. 163, durrng the ftscaf yearm1934


Miscellaneotis receipts, by organization units and sources, fiscal year 188$ — Continued


General account Special accounts Total general and special accounts

Trust and contributed accounts


Revenue receipts — Continued. Assessments:

Revenues, Colorado River Dam fund, Boulder Canyon project, act Dec. 21, 1928 (45 Stat. 1057)

(For appropriation account see p. 163. )

Deposits, public-survey work, general (decision of Comptroller General, Aug. 31, 1931, A— 24693)

Deposits, public-survey work, Alaska (decision of Comptroller General, Aug. 31, 1931, A— 24693)

(For appropriation accounts see p. 161. )

Furlough and compensation deductions and vacancy savings (special deposit accounts):

Interior, civil

Reimbursements: Construction charges (Indian Service):

Ahtanum project Blackfeet project Crow project Flathead project Fort Peck project Fort Hall project Lummi project Modoc Point project Pine River project Sand Creek project Uintah project Wind River project Yuma project

Refund on empty containers: Interior, civil $80. 25 Indian Service 80. 49

By contractors for excess cost over contract price:

Interior, civil $145. 50 Indian Service

Gasoline State tax Government property lost or damaged:

Interior civil $593. 98 Indian service 593. 10

Costs collected from estates of deceased Indians

Irrigation charges, Wapato project, Washing- ton, act Feb. 14, 1920 (41 Stat. 431)

Revenues, power system, Flathead Reserva- tion, Mont. , act May 10, 1926 (44 Stat. 465) (Indian Service)

(For appropriation accounts see pp. 200, 201. )

ts $85. $9

339. 30 242. 42

1, 135. 29 524. 50 153. 22

9& 068. 79 1, 905. 03

134. 28 75. 48

478. 80 505. 16 946. 93 349. 60

15, 858. 80

160. 74

100. 96 371. 75

1, 187. 08 46, 077. 12

47, 897. 65

$72, 923. 49

6, 240. 56

870. 00

80, 034. 05

36, 125. 96

61, 080. 83

$72, 923. 49

6, 240. 56

870. 00

79, 948. 56

339. 30 242. 42

1, 135. 29 524. 50 153. 22

9, 068. 79 1, 905. 03

134. 28 75. 48

478. 80 505. 16 946. 93 349. 60

15) 858. 80

160, 74

100. 96 371. 75

1) 187. 08 46, 077. 12

47, 897. 65

36, 125. 96

61, 080. 83

Maintenance charges, irrigation system, act Aug. 1, 1914 (38 Stat. 583):

Ahtanum project, Washington Colorado River Reservation, Ariz Crow Reservation, Mont Fort Belknap Reservation, Mont Fort Hall Reservation, Idaho Ganado project, Navajo Reservation,

Ariz Hogback project, Navajo Reservation,

N. Mex )& Debit item, deduct.

97, 206. 79

2, 616 11, OS5 28, 424

1, 049 2b, 126

34 04 69 28 61

1 139. 42

2 36'r PP

1, 139. 12

2 362. 00

97, 206. 79

2, 6)16. 34 11, 685. 04 28 424. 69

p49. 28 26, 1269 61


It&liscellaneous receipts, by organization units and sources, fiscal year I98$ — Continued

General account Spec&al accounts Total general and special accounts

Trust and contributed accounts


Revenue receipts — Continued. Reimbursements — Continued.

Maintenance charges, irrigation system, act Aug. 1, 1914 (38 Stat. 5S3) — Continued.

Lummi project, Washington Modoc Point project, Oregon Nespelem project, Washington Pala Reservation, Calif Pine River project, Southern Utc Reserva-

tion, Colo San Carlos project San Creek project Satus project, Washington Toppenish-Simcoe project, Washington Uintah Reservation, Utah Walker River Reservation, Nev Wapato project, Washington Wind River, Diminished Reservation and

ceded lands, Wyoming Yuma Reservation, Calif

(For appropriation accounts see pp. 200, 201. )

$468. 10 496. 05 487. 95 86. 00

3, 177. 28 53, 023. 61

1, 006. 90 6, 181. 33

852. 92 36 920 03

55. 40 110& 780, 48

13, 550. 94 4, 037. 87

$468. 10 496. 05 487. 95

86. 00

3, 177. 28 53, 023. 61

1, 006. 90 6, 181. 33

852. 92 36, 920. 03

55. 40 110, 780. 48

13, 550. 94 4, 037. 87

Maintenance and operation charges, irrigation system, act May 18, 1916 (39 Stat. 142):

Blackfeet Reservation, Mont Flathead Reservation, Mont Fort Peck Reservation, Mont

(For appropriation accounts see p. 200. )

304, 528. 24

2& 629. 11 55, 597, 24

2, 949. 13

61, 175. 48

304, 528. 24

2, 629. 11 55, 597. 24

2, 949. 13

61, 175. 48

Collections, reclamation fund, act June 17, 1902 (32 Stat. 388, sec. 1), and all acts am end a tory thereof or supplementary thereto

Auxiliary reclamation fund, Yuma project, Arizona, act Jan. 25, 1917 (39 Stat. 868)

(For appropriation accounts see p. 163)

Reimbursement to I'nited States on account of appropriations Inade for Indian tribes, as follows:

Blackfeet Reservation, Mont. , purchase of seeds, implements, etc. (reimburs- able)

Fort Hall Reservation, Idaho, surveys and investigations (reimbursable)

Industry among Indians (" Loans and ad- vances")

Indian reservations, irrigation (reirnburs- able )-

Sioux of different tribes, subsistence and civilization

Yakima Reservation, Wash. , diversion dam, and distribution and drainage system (reimbursable)

$19. 10

250. 00

103, 861. 43

163. 50

. 15

20. 00

zz 2 080 677 90

14, 158. 48

2, 094, 836. 38

2, 080, 677. 90

14, 158. 48

2, 094, 836. 38

19. 10

250. 00

103, 861. 43

163. 50

. 15

20. 00

Settlement of claims against various deposi- tors:

Interior, civil Transport'ttion:

Inrlian Service

Gifts anrl contrii&utions: Moneys received from persons unknovvn:

IIlcils, n SCI'vice Donations to National Pari- Service, act June

5, 1920 (41 Stat. 917)

(For appropriation account see p. 169. )

104, 314. 18

95. 11

4, 642. 99

4, 738. 10

172, SOS. 73

757. 96

2, 557, 746. 89

104, 314. 18

95. 11

4, 642. 99

4, 738. 10

2, 730, 555. 62

757. 96

' Classified as contributed accounts, p. 50. " This amount includos no "Return of advances made to the Reclamation fund", under the act of June 6, 1017. See note 24, n, '46.


l(&lisccllaneous receipts, by organization urtits arid sources, fiscal year 198$ — Continued

General account Special accounts Total general and special accounts

Trust and contr&buted accounts


Revenue receipts — Continued. Gifts and contributions — Continued

I unds contributed for improvement of roads, bridges, and related works, Alaska, act June 30& 1921 (42 Stat. 90)

(For appropriation account see p. 17a)

Sales of Government property — products: Scrap and salvaged materials, condeinned

stores, waste paper, refuse, etc. : Interior, civil $870. 95 Indian Service . 1, 428. 56

Electric current: Interior, civil 33, 281. 55 Indian Service 52. 18

Electric current, power plant, Coolidge Dain, Ariz. , act Mar. 7, 1928 (45 Stat. 211) (In- dian Service)

(For appropriation account see p. 200. )

Forms (Indian Service) Furs Livestock and livestock products:

Interior, civil Indian Service

Gas from helium plants, Bureau of Mines (decision of Comptroller General, Apr. 28, 1932, A-30409; A-24076)

(For appropriation account see p. 170. )

Maps: Interior, civil, 'ii31, 675. 08 Indian Service 7. 00

$757. 9(i

2, 299. 51

33, 333. 73

382. 70 844. 00

388. 75

$2, 307. 59

6, 7(3&. 03

$75 96

2, 299. 51

33, 333. 73

2, 307. 59

382. 70 844. 00

388. 75

Photo duplications Publications Session laws, Alaska Steam Stores:

Interior, civil Indian bervice

Subsistence: Interior civil Indian service

Public timber Water Other

$390. 28 1, 758. 84

1, 178. 78 3, 598. G7

31, 682. 08 . 60

28. 90 533. 54

(, 947. 87

2, 149. 12

4, 777. 45 521. 34

34, 791. 69 . 06

11G, 68L 34 9, 081. 52

3(, (i82&. 08 . ()0

'&st 90 533. 54

4, 947. 87

2, 149. 12

4, 777. -15 521. 34

34, 791. 69 . 06

125, 762 8(i

Sales of services: Alaska Railroad fund receipts (decision of

Comptroller General, Mar. 11, 1931, A-35435 )-

f(For appropriation account see p. 174)

Copies of hearings Medical, dental, and hospital:

Interior, civil $273. 50 Indian Service 3, 392. 02

Quarters Cost of surveying railroad and private land

claims Telephone and telegraph:

Interior, civil $2, 637. 52 Indian Service 2. 10

Work done: Interior, civil Indian Service

21. 60

3, 665. 52 508. 44

1, 204. 71

2, (i39. 62

1, 360, 719. 68 1 360 719 68

21. 60

3, 665. 52 508. 44

1, 204. 71

2, 639. G2

Other (Indian Service)

c)ass(((ed as contr(i»&w ssuuuuts 5 00.

1, 989. 91 30. 88

2, 020. 79 43. 05

10, 103. 73 1, 360, 719. 68

2, 020 79 43. 05

1 310 823 41


Miscellaneous receipts, by organization units and sources, fiscal year 1887t. — Continued

General account Special accounts Total general and special accounts

Trust and contributed accounts


Royalties on coal leases in Alaska Rent of camp and house sites:

Interior, civil $1, 212. 50 Indian Service 62. 60

Ground rent Rent of land for grazing:

Interior, civil Indian Service

$1, 296. 46 1, 822. 00

Rent of land: Interior, civil 11, 847. 95 Indian Service 880. 65

Receipts under Mineral Leasing Act, Feb. 25, 1920 (41 Stat. 450, sec. 85)

Revenue receipts — Continued. Rents and royalties:

Anuette Islands reserve leases, Alaska (act Mar. 8, 1891, 26 Stat. 1101, Sec. 15) and decision of Comptroller General, May 4, 1925 (A — 8047), (Indian Service)

Rent of public buildings and grounds: Interior, civil $7, 411. 39 Indian Service 26. 80

$7, 488. 19 5, 283. 11

1, 275. 10 635. 18

3, 118. 46

12, 678. 60

836, 165. 27

$34, 073. 17

2, 870, 726. 03

$84, 073. 17

7, 488. 19 5, 283. 11

1, 275. 10 685. 18

3, 118. 46

12, 678. 60

8, 206, 891. 80

Alabama California Colorado Idaho Louisiana Montana Nevada New Mexico North Dakota South Dakota Utah Washington Wyoming

Future pro- duction $10, 614. 60

1, 672, 953. 58 50, 474. 91 3, 352. 19

13, 927. 31 59, 839. 10

160. 00 165, 457. 57 16, 817. 61

435. 68 68, 266. 34 9, 645. 19

1, 134, 711. 74

3, 206, 655. 82 a 235. 48

3, 206, 891. 30

Under the Mineral Leasiug Act of Feb. 25, 1920 (41 Stat. 450, see. 35), the above receipts are disposed of as follows:

Future production: 37Ys percent ($1, 196, 273. 21) credited to "Pay-

ments to States from receipts under Mineral Leasing Act", p. 161.

52i'q perocnt ($1, 674, 452. 82) was credited to the "Reclamation fund" during the fiscal year 1934.

10 percent ($336, 165. 27) remains in general fund as "Miscellaneous receipts. "

Pipe-line rentals — gas Royalties on oil and gas Moneys due Oklahoma from royalties, oil and

gas, south half of Red River, act Mar. 4, 1923 (42 Stat. 1448) as amended

(For appropriation account see p. 161. )

Potash deposits, royalties, and rentals, act Feb. 7, 1927 (44 Stat. 1057), amending prior acts (Receipts from the above source are credited to "Recla-

mation fund", p. 163. )

Rent of equipment Rent of telegraph and telephone facilities:

Interior, civil Rent of water-power sites

Permits, privileges, and licenses: Business concession (national parlcs) Permits to enter national parks Power permits Power-trs, nsmission permits

15, 000. 00 20, 819. 93

188. 00

11, 183. 29 20, 307. 50

438, 587. 63

60, 446. 20 489, 415. 84

15, 042. 00 106. 00

565 009. 54

12, 007. 23

57, 159. 64

2, 978, 966. 07

15, 000. 00 20, 319. 93

12, 007. 23

57, 159. 64

188. 00

11, 188. 29 20, 807. 50

8, 407, 503. 70

60, 446. 20 489, 415. 84

15, 042. 00 106. 00

565, 009. 54

u Excess balance remaining in the appropriation, "Repayments for lands erroneously sold", prior to ]924, per certificate of the G maraLAaeattutjug, , gllfce, no. 15645 of Feb 1934, warrant no. 0540.


lpIiscellaneous receipts, by organization units and sources, fiscal year 198$ — Continued

General account Special accounts Total general and special accounts

Trust and contributed accounts


Nonrevenue receipts: Repavments of investments:

Return of advances made to the reclamation fund

Sale of public lands (for details see pp. 162, 168)

Sales of Government property: Buildings:

Interior, civil $457. 09 Indian Service 40. 00

Capital equipment: Interior, civil 2, 217. 14 Indian Service 7, 296. 93

Sale of town lots, Alaska Proceeds of town sites, lots, Reclamation

Service, act Apr. 16, 1906 (84 Stat. 116)

(Receipts from the two sources above are credited to "Reclamation fund", p. 163. )

Proceeds of Fort Hall irrigation and water system, Idaho (Indian Service)

Coos Bav wagon road grant fund, act Feb. 26, 1919 (40 Stat. 1180)

(For appropriation accounts see p. 161. )

Under eec. 5 of the above-cited sct the above receipts are dis- posed of as follows:

"After the proceeds from such [sales of lands snd timber within each of the two counties of Coos and Douglas, in the State of Oregon] amount to a sum equal to that applied to pay the accrued taxes and a sum equal to $2. 50 per acre for each acre of such land therein 25 per centum of sll other moneys received from said lands shall be paid to the treasurer of the county in which the lands sold are situated for common schools, roads ' " ' and the remainder shall become s part of the general fund in the Treasury of the United States. "

Oregon and California land-grant fund, act June 9, 1916 (39 Stat. 222)

(For appropriation account see p. 161. )

Standing timber (Alaska)

$34, 688. 97

497. 09

9, 514. 07 256. 40

825. 18

4, 039. 42

5, 477. 88

20, 609. 49

re $64 696 94

2, 817. 79

1, 060. 22

269, 043. 58

272, 921. 59

$99, 385. 91

497. 09

9, 514. 07 256. 40

2, 817. 79

825. 18

5, 099. 64

269, 048. 58

5, 477. 88

298, 581. 08


Revenue receipts: Reimbursements:

Government property lost or damaged

Sales of Government property — products: Scrap and salvaged materials, condemned

stores, waste paper, refuse, etc Steam

5. 81

2. 00 401. 95

5. 81

2. 00 401. 95

408. 95

Rents and royalties: Rent of public buildings and grounds Rent of land

. 30. 00 652. 00

682. 00

80. 00 652. 00

682. 00

Total, Public Buildings and Public Parks of the National Capital 1, 091. 76 1, 091. 76

er the act effuse 25, lglp (36 Stat. 635), $20 ppp ppp was advanced to the "Reclamation fund" from the general fund of the T«asury' »0 ooo ~ « " ' m the "Reclamation fund" under the provisions of the act of Iune 12, 1917 (40 Stat, . 149), which provided for the return «$1 000 000 annus' y

, suspended this reimbursement of $1, 000, 000 snnuauy for a period of 2 years, beginning with the fiscal year ending June 3o, »» hen«n' "' general fund during the flecaf years 1931 and lg32. Undei the act of Mar. 3, 1931 (46 Stat. 15p7), $5, ppp, ppp additional was advanced from the general fun s prcpnstion "Advances to the reclamation fund, reimbursable" io be returned to the general fund of the Treasury from

. 10 of the act of A pr. 1 nr32 (47 Stat. 73), suspends this reimbursement to the general fund until Inly I 1934 I I

a Hf this amount $4, 662. 90 was credited to the appropriation "Five-percent funds to States gangs) ", p. 162, snd $60, 034. 04 to the "Reclamation fund", P. 163. sretofore stated under Independent Offices.


Miscellaneous receipts, by organization units and sources, fiscal year 188$ — Continued

General account Special accounts Total general and special accounts

Trust snd contributed accounts



Revenue receipts: Interest, exchange, and dividends:

Interest on public deposits

Reimbursements: Gasoline State tax

$5, 477. 69

1. 40

$5, 477. 69

1. 40

Total, I cderal Board for Vocational Educa- tion

Nonrevenue receipts: Trust accounts:

Outstanding liabilities, lands, act Mar. 2, 1907 (34 Stat. 1245)

(For appropriation account see p. 162. )

Pension money, St. Elizabeths Hospital, act Feb. 2, 1909 (35 Stat. 592)

Personal funds of patients, St. Elizabeths Hos- pital, act Feb. 2, 1909 (35 Stat. 592)

(For appropriation accounts see p. 176. )

5, 479. 09 5, 479. 09

$4, 452. 01

11, 025. 63

112, 079. 65

127, 557. 29

Deposits of unclaimed individual Indian moneys (decision of Comptroller General, Nov. 28, 1927, A — 20508)

(For appropriation account see p. 213. )

Proceeds of sales and leases of Indian lands, etc. :

Proceeds of labor, Indian moneys, agen- cies, schools, etc. , act May 17, 1926 (44 Stat. , p. 560), amending prior acts

(For appropriation account see p. 213. )

14. 86

215, 933. 48

Proceeds of labor (act tune 13, 1930, 46 Stat. 584; decision of Comptroller General, Sept. 30, 1929, A — 27308):

(For appropriation account see pp. 213-216. )

Agua Caliente Indians, California Bad River Indians, Wisconsin Blackfeet Indians, Montana Cabazon Indians, California Campo Indians, California Cheyenne River Indians, South

Dakota Chippewa Indians, Minnesota Colorado River Indians, Arizona Colville Indians, Washington Crow Indians, Montana Crow Creek Indians, South Dakota Devils Lake Indians, North Dakota Eastern Cherokee Indians, North

Carolina Eastern Navajo Indians, New Mex-


Flathead Indians, Montana Fort Apache Indians, Arizona Fort Belknap Indians, Montana Fort Berthold Indians, North Da-

kota Fort Hall Indians, Idaho Fort Peck Indians, Montana Jicarilla Indians, New Mexico Kaibab Indians, Arizona Kaw Indians, Oklahoma Kickapoo Indians, Kansas Kiowa Indians, Oklahoma Klamath Indians, Oregon

ss Heretofore stated under Independent Offices.

215, 948. 34

420. 00 56. 75

2, 328. 66 40. 95 10. 60

33, 559. 87 128. 05

4, 733. 75 54, 089. 00 12, 423. 67

171. 65 730. 93

14, 081. 62

5 4p

15, 096. 38 123, 037. 45

1, 416. 18

1, 162. 73 6, 487 39 4 873. 12

26, 121. 52

1, 023. 28 50. 00

3pl. 00

1, 212. 30 63', 455. 53


ftI&isceffaneous receipts, by organization units and sources, fiscal year f98/ — Continued


General account Special accounts Total general and special accounts

Trust. and contributed accounts

ts — Continued. s — Continued. of sales and leases of Indian lands, ontinued. eds of labor — Continued.

Lac du Flambeau Indians, Wiscon- sin

La Jolla Indians, California Lower Brule Indians, South Dakota Martinez Indians, California Menominee Indians, Wisconsin Mescalero Indians, New Mexico Morongo Indians, California Navajo Indians, Arizona and New

Mexico (oil, royalty, and leases) Navajo Indians of Leupp Agency,

Arizona Neah Bay Indians, Washington Nez Perce Indians, Idaho Northern Navajo Indians, New

Mexico Omaha Indians, Nebraska Otoe and Missouri Indians, Okla-

homa Paiute Indians of Summit Lake,

Nevada Pala Indians, California Pawnee India, ns, Oklahoma Pima Indians, Arizona Pine Ridge Indians, South Dakota Ponca Indians, Oklahoma Pottawatomi Indians, Wisconsin Puyallup Indians, Washington Pyramid Lake Indians, Nevada Quillehute Indians, Washington Quinaielt Indians, Washington Red Lake Indians, Minnesota Red Lake Indians, Minnesota (saw-

mill) Rocky Boy Indians, Montana Rosebud Indians, South Dakota Round Valley Indians, California Sac and Fox Indians, Iowa Sac and Fox Indians, Oklahoma Salt River Indians, Arizona San Carlos Indians, Arizona Santa Clara Indians, New Mexico Seminole Indians, Florida Seneca Indians, Oklahoma Shivwits Indians, Utah Shoshone and Arapaho Indians, Wy-

oming Skull Valley Indians, Utah Spokane Indians, Washington Standing Rock Indians, North Da-

kota Swinomish Indians, Washington Tongue River Indians, Montana Tonkawa Indians, Oklahoma Truxton Canyon Indians, Arizona Tulalip Indians, Washington Tule River Indians, California Uintah and Ouray Indians, Utah Umatilla Indians, Oregon Ute Mountain Indians, Colorado Walker River Indians, Nevada Warm Springs Indians, Oregon Western Shoshone Indians, Nevada Wichita Indians, Oklahoma Winnebago Indians, Nebraska Yakima Indians, Washington Yuma Indians California Zuni Indians, kew Mexico

Nonrevenue recetp Trust account

Proceeds etc. — C



$53L 28 1, 000. 00

19. 50 602. 00

1, 394. 00 1& 667. 48

295. 00

44, 702. 13

2, 629. 09 20, 275. 13

2, 583. 47

159. 49 1, 898, 49

649. 47

1, 587. 25 3. 80

387. 50 252. 15

1, 082. 20 798. 41

6. 00 9, 888. 66

451. 50 400. 00 660. 00 440. 28

99, 003. 43 3, 581. 87

266. 31 181. 01

1& 024. 00 4, 575. 80

492. 10 59, 795. 74

2, 265. 68 9. 50

85. 75 77. 45

80, 555. 12 280. 50 431. 49

2, 556. 78 812. 42

6, 870. 86 220. 79

5, 861. 90 807. 50 20. 00

2, 739. 64 2, 032. 78 9, 727. 11

75. 00 468. 94

4, 445. 30 382. 50 158. 86

57, 296. 66 730. 30 246. 9?

7571 211. 07


Miscellaneous receipts, by organization units and sources, /seal year 1984 — Continued

Qeneral account Special accounts Total general and special accounts

Trust and contributed accounts


Nonrevenue receipts — Continued. Trust accounts — Continued.

Proceeds of sales and leases of Indian lands, etc. — Continued.

Blackfeet Reservation, Mont. , proceeds, sale of Indian lands, act Mar. 1, 190? (34 Stat. 1038)

(For appropriation account see p. 211. )

Capitan Grande Reservation, Calif. , pro- ceeds, sale of lands, act Feb. 28, 1919 (40 Stat. 1206)

(For appropriation account see p. 211. )

Cheyenne River Reservation, S. Dak. , proceeds, sale of Indian lands, act May 20, 1908 (35 Stat. 463)

(For appropriation account see p. 209. )

Chippewas in Minnesota, proceeds, sale of Indian lands, act Jan. 14, 1889 (25 Stat. 645)

Chippewas in Minnesota, proceeds sale of Indian lands, timber, etc. , act Jan. 14, 1889 (25 Stat. 645)

(For appropriation account see p. 209. )

Coeur d'Alene Reservation, Idaho, pro- ceeds, sale of Indian lands, act June 21, 1906 (34 Stat, 337)

(For appropriation account see p. 209. )

Colorado River Reservation, Ariz. , pro- ceeds, sale of Indian town sites, act Apr. 30, 1908 (35 Stat. 77)

(For appropriation account see p. 212)

Colville Reservation, Wash. , proceeds, sale of Indian lands, act Mar. 22, 1906 (34 Stat. 81)

(For appropriation account see p. 211. )

Crow Reservation, Mont. , proceeds, sale of Indian town sites, act June 4, 1920 (41 Stat. 757)

(For appropriation account see p. 213. )

Crow Reservation, Mont. , proceeds, sale of Indian lands, act Apr. 27, 1904 (33 Stat. 361)

(For appropriation account see p. 209. )

Delaware Indians, fulfilling treaties, pro- ceeds of lands, act July 4, 1866 (14 Stat. 795)

Five Civilized Tribes, Oklahoma, pro- ceeds, sale of Indian lands, etc. , act June 28, 1898 (30 Stat. 501)

Flathead Reservation, Mont. , proceeds, sale of Indian lands, act Apr. 23, 1904 (33 Stat. 305)

(For appropriation accounts see p. 211. )

Fort Berthold Reservation, N. Dak. , pro- ceeds, sale of Indian lands, act June 1, 1910 (36 Stat. 458)

(For appropriation account see p. 209. )

Fort Belknap Reservation, Mont. , pro- ceeds, sale of Indian town sites, act Mar. 3, 1921 (41 Stat. 1356)

Fort Hall Reservation, Idaho, proceeds, sale of Indian town site, act May 31, 1918 (40 Stat. 592)

(For appropriation accounts see p. 213. )

$491. 00

35, 567. 20

2, 468. 32

543. 80

5, 276. 68

20. 00

397. 88

2, 255. 81

265. 00

605. 48

10. 00

58, 382. 45

469, 32

28. 28

30. 00

350. 00


Miscellaneous receipts, by organization units and sources, fiscal year 198$ — Continued


Oeneral account Special accounts Total general snd special sccollnts

Trust snd contnbuted account»


Nonrevenue receipts — Continued. Trust accounts — Continued

Proceeds of sales and lessee of Indian lands, etc. — Continued

Fort Peek Reservation, Mont. , proceeds, sale of Indian lands, sct May 30, 1908 (35 Stat. 563)

(For appropriation account see p. 209. )

, licsrilla Reservation, N. Mex. , proceeds, sale of Indian timber, act Msr. 4, 1907 (34 Stat. 1413)

(For appropriation account see p. 212. )

Kiowa, Comanche, snd Apache Indians, Oklahoma, moneys due for oil and gas, south half Red River, public resolution June 12, 1926 (44 Stat. 740)

(For appropriation account see p. 212. )

Kiowa, Comanche, and Apache Indians, Oklahoma, proceeds, sale of Indian lands, act Mar. 20, 1906 (34 Stat. 80)

(For appropriation accounts see p. 209. )

Menominee Reservation, Wis. , proceeds, sale of Indian lumber, etc. , act Msr. 28, 1908 (35 Stat. 51)

(For appropriation account eee p. 209. )

Northern Cheyenne Indian Reservation, Mont. , proceeds of rents, royalties, etc. , act June 3, 1926 (44 Stat. 692)

(For appropriation account see p. 212. )

Osage Reservation, Okla. , oil and gas leases, royalties, etc. , act June 28, 1906 (34 Stat. 544)

(For appropriation account see p. 212. )

Pine Ridge Reservation, S. Dak. , pro- ceeds, sale of Indian lands, act May 27, 1910 (36 Stat. 442)

(For appropriation account see p. 209. )

Piute Indians, Pyramid Lake Reserva- tion, Nev. , proceeds, sale of Indian lands, s, ct June 7, 1924 (43 Stat. 596)

(For appropriation account see p. 212)

Rosebud Reservation, S. Dak. , proceeds, sale of Indian lands, act Msr. 2, 1907 (34 Stat. 1231)

Rosebud Reservation, S. Dsk. , proceeds, sale of Indian lands, sct May 30, 1910 (36 Stat. 451)

(For appropriation accounts see pp. 212, 210. )

Round Valley Reservation, Calif. , pro- ceeds, sale of Indian lands, act Feb. 8, 1905 (33 Stat. 707)

(For appropriation account see p. 210, )

Seneca Nation of New York, proceeds of tribal leases, etc. , act Feb. 28, 1901 (31 Stat. 819)

(For appropriation account see p. 213).

Standing Rock Reservation, N. Dsk. , proceeds, sale of Indian landsr act May 29, 1908 (35 Stat. 463)

Standing Rock Reservation, N. Dsk, , proceeds, sale of Indian lands, act Feb. 14, 1913 (37 Stat. 677)

(For appropriation accounts see p. 210. )

10()385 — 35 — 4

82, 513. 76

20, 700. 00

20, 01'2. 03

172. 90

440, 456. 03

520. 38

3, 026, 033. 45

938. 38

399. 75

311. 64

1, 389. 36

55. 26

7, 419. 08

51 00

497. 10


ftfiscellaneous receipts, by organization units and sources, fiscal year 198$ — Continued

General account Special accounts Total general snd sporal accounts

Trust snd:contributed accounts


Nonrevenue receipts — Continued. Trust accounts — Continued.

Proceeds of sales snd leases of Indian lands, etc. — Continued.

Shoshone or Wind River Reservation, Wyo. , proceeds, sale of Indian lands, sct Mar. 3, 1905 (38 Stat. 1020, art. III)


Uintah snd White River Ute, proceeds, sale of Indian lands, sct May 27, 1902 (82 Stat. 268, 264)

(For appropriation accounts see p. 213. )

Ute Indians, proceeds, sale of Indian lands, act June 15, 1880 (21 Stat. 203)

(For appropriation account see p. 211. )

Wind River Reservation, Wyo. , proceeds, oil and gss leases, sct Aug. 21, 1916 (39 Stat. 519)

(For appropriation account see p. 212. )

Yums Reservation, Calif. , proceeds, sale of irrigable lands, sct Apr. 21, 1904 (33 Stat. 224)

(For appropriation account see p. 211. )

Contributed accounts: ' Contributions to reclamation fund (decisions

of Comptroller General — A-50054 — dated Aug. 10, snd Sept, 11, 1933)

(For appropriation account see p. 163. )

Donations to National Park Service, sct June 5, 1920 (41 Stat. 917)

(For appropriation account see p. 169. )

Funds contributed for improvement of roads, bridges, and related works, Alaska, act June 80, 1921 (42 Stat. 90)

(For appropriation account see p. 176, )

Interest on endowment fund, preservation of birthplace of Abraham Lincoln, act July 17, 1916 (89 Stat. , p. 385)

(For appropriation account see p. 170. )

$2, 764. 00

424. 00

7, 450. 90

13, 942. 70

78. 34

3, 656, 491. 28

97;481. 07

285, 979. 77

85;944. 85

2, 010. 00

Total miscellaneous receipts, including $99, 335. 91 for "Sales of public lands ", under Department of the Interior


$1, 571, 830. 16 $7, 523, 094. 94 $9, 094, 925. 10

421, 415. 69

5, 051; 066. 88

5, 178, 628. 60

Revenue receipts: Interest, exchange, snd dividends:

Interest on deferred collections or payments

Fines and penalties: Navigation Under enforcement of National Prohibition

Act (judicial) " Other

515. 02

Ii 925. 00

472, 769. 83 847, 851. 86

822, 046, 19

515. 02

1, 925. 00

472, 769. 38 347, 851. 86

822, 046. 19

I Heretofore stated ss special funds. IT Fcr additional co)factions under ")lnforceinent of the National Prohibition Act", see "forfeltures" fo)iosrfng.


r&liscettaneous recetpts by organization units and sources, fiscal year 198/ — Continued

General account S pecial accounts Total general and special accounts

Trust and contributed accounts


Revenue receipts — Continued. Fees:

Clerks of courts Commissions on telephone psy stations in

Federal buildings outside of Washington, D. C

Conciliation commissioners Court of Claims Court of Customs snd Patent Appeals Marshals Passport applications " Other fees collected by officers other than

clerks and marshals of courts

$1, 458, 921. 11

61. 28 60. 00

6, 325. 50 7, 957. 75

177, 306. 38 995. 00

2, 258. 35

1, 658, 880. 37

$1, 458, 921. 11

61. 28 60. 00

6, 825. 50 7, 957. 75

177, 306. 38 995. 00

2, 253. 35

Ii 653, 880. 37

Forfeitures: Bonds of aliens Bonds of contractors Bonds under narcotic acts Bonds under National Prohibition Act Bonds, all other Bribes to United States officers Under National Prohibition Act (includes sale

of all seized property) tc

Under Narcotic Act Unclaimed funds Unclaimed moneys remaining in registry of

courts 5 years or longer Unclaimed wages of seamen remaining in

registry of courts more than 6 years Unexplained balances in cash accounts Other

Assessments: Furlough and compensation deductions and

vacancy savings (special deposit accounts)'

Reimbursements: Printing records Maintenance of District of Columbia inmates

in Federal penal snd correctional institu- tions

Refund on empty containers By contractors for excess cost over contract

Costs in extradition cases Expenses, United States courts Gasoline State tax Government property lost or damaged Moneys recovered in narcotic and prohibition

cases Settlement of claims against various depositors Transportation Other

6, 362. 79 29. 22

4, 304. 34 158, 487. 07

12, 284. 18 3, 271. 40

626, 354. 06 197. 70 227. 41

181, 976. 98

67, 501. 65 2, 009. 12

53, 969. 07

1, 116, 924. 99

1, 896. 54

1, 198. 75

90, 922. 77 23. 65

1, 102. 86 1, 017. 19 8, 092. 88

229. 68 6, 730. 68

801. 68 144. 95

7. 71 4, 536. 53

109, 309. 28

"$1, 000. 00

1, 000. 00

6, 362. 79 29. 22

4, 304. 84 158, 437. 07 18, 284. 18 3, 271. 40

626, 354. 06 197. 70 227. 41

181, 976. 98

67, 501. 65 2, 009. 12

53, 969. 07

1, 117, 924. 99

1, 896. 54

Ii 198. 75

90i 922. 77 23. 65

1, 102. 86 1, 017. 19 3, 092. 88

229. 68 6, 730. 68

301. 68 144. 95

7. 71 4, 536. 53

109, 309. 28

Gifts and contributions: Donations to the United States Moneys received from persons unknown Return of salary from constitutional officers t

Sales of Government property — products: Scrap and salvaged materials, condemned

stores, waste paper, refuse etc Buffalo, elk snd their products Livestock and livestock products Subsistence (meals, rations etc. ) Publications Other stores

35, 694. 07 l. 50

5, 839. 15

41, 584. 72

3, 468. 83 111. 09 728. 24

1, 099. 55 2. 00

45. 96

5, 455. 67

35, 694. 07 l. 50

5, 839. 15

41, 584. 72

3, 468. 83 111. 09 728. 24

1, 099. 55 2. 00

45. 96

5, 455. 67

tn , F. :"

por complete staterueat oa irupounded salary savings and 393 ss amended by see. 3 of title II, act Mar. W 19 snd rmervadfmpormded salary savings under the provisions of the Economy Act of June 30, 1933 (47 Stat. 493, secs

~ 33 and sec 31 of title II, act lgar. 93, 1934), see p. 444. np ona co ectfonsofg45515fort~f'ewe madebyDePsr™ntofStat ~P 55 of U fied ti 4 ~is, . 1 ed d dfmd to d uo "R tR

P t f om gifts, forfeitures, aad other misceuaneom r iP


Miscellaneous receipts, by organization units and sources, fiscal year 1981f. — Continued

Oeneral account Special accounts Total general snd special accounts

Trust and. contributed accounts


Revenue receipts: Sales of services:

Quarters Storage Laundry and dry-cleaning operations Telephone and telegraph Transportation Work done by Department of Justice

Rents and royalties: Rent of public buildings and grounds Rent of land

Permits, privileges, and licenses: Alaska fund (act Mar. 3, 1913 (37 Stat. , 728))

Receipts from the above fund are disposed of as follows: 65 perceht ($13$, 608. 97) credited to "Wagon roads,

bsddggs, snd 'trails, Alaska fund" (Interior Depattment); p. 174.

25 percsbt ($52, 541. 91) credited to " Publicschools- Alasks fund" (Interior Department), p. 174.

10 percent ($21, 016. 77) credited to "Relief of the indigent, Alaska fund" (Treasury Department), p 268.

Nonrevenue receipts: Sales of Government property:

Capital equipment

Trust accounts: Deposits of unclaimed moneys of individuals

whose whereabouts are unknown (decision of Comptroller General, Jan. 18, 1926, A — 12510)

Deposits of f unds of Federal prisoners (decision of Comptroller General, July 9, 1981, A-19891)

Deposits of unclaimed f unds of Federal prisoners (decision of Comptroller General, July 9, 1981, A — 19391)

Deposits of commissary funds, Federal prisons (decision of Comptroller General, July 9, 1931, A-19391)

(Por appropriation accounts see pp. 226, 231. )

Total miscellaneous receipts under Depart- ment of Justice, including Judicial


$89. 00 ~ 215. 82

4. 55 2. 49

35. 00 255. 40

552. 26

6, 741. 71 871. 00

7, 612. 71

39& 686. 75

3, 799, 414. 50

$210, 167. 65

211, 167. 65

$89. 00 215. 82

4. 55 2. 49

85. 00 255. 40

552. 26

6, 741. 71 871. 00

7, 612. 71

210, 167. 65

39, 686. 75

4, 010& 582. 15

$1„. 868. 19

447;-. 426. 31

771. 03

241, 539. 72

691, W5. 25

Revenue receipts: Miscellaneous taxes:

Immigration head tax

Interest, exchange, and dividends: Interest. on public deposits Interest on deferred collections or payments

Fines and penalties: Immigration Naturalization

Fees: Commissions on telephone pay stations in

Federal buildings outside of Washington, D. C

Immigration (registration) Naturalization Commissions on vending machines

748& 901. 00

2. 16 30. 89

32. 55

51, 490. 00 500. 00

51, 990. 00

383. 09 94, 199. 79

1, 761, 076. 51 2. 95

1, 855, 662. 34

748& 901. 00

2. 16 80. 89

32. 55

51, 490. 00 500. 00

51, 990. 00

388. 09 94, 199. 79

1, 761, ON. 51 2. 95

1, 855, 662. 34


Afiscciiartcotis receipts, by organization units and sources, fiscal year f(384 — Continued

General account Special accounts Total general and special accounts

Trust and contributed accounts


Revenue receipts — Continued. Forfeitu res:

Bonds of aliens Bonds of contractors Unexplained balances in cash accounts

Assessments: Immigration overtime service, act Mar. 2,

1931 (46 Stat. 1467, sec. 2)

(For appropriation account see p. 234. )

Reimbursements: Expenses of deporting aliens Printing records Gasoline State tax Government property lost or damaged Hospitalization charges and expenses Transportation charges, car mileage Other

Gifts and contributions: Moneys received from persons unknown

Sales of Government property — products: Scrap and salvaged materials, condemned

stores, waste paper, refuse, etc Electric current Photo duplications Water

$23, 681. 51 200. 00

55. 94

23, 937. 45

531. 03

93. 92 60. 66

27& 984. 81 908. 74

. 54

29, 579. 70

69. 00

4, 760. 90 319. 10

1. 00 99. 95

5, 180. 95

" $14, 000. 00

14, 000. 00

63, 746. 15

$37, 681. 51 200. 00 55. 94

37, 937. 45

63, 746. 15

531. 03

93. 92 60. 66

27, 984. 81 908. 74

. 54

29I 579. 70

69. 00

4, 760. 90 319. 10

1. 00 99. 95

5, 180. 95

Sales of service: Telephone and telegraph

Permits, privileges, and licenses: Business concessions Immigration permits

Nonrevenue receipts: Sales of Government property:

Capital equipment

Trust accounts: Passage moneys collected from steamship com-

panies for return of deported aliens (act May 26, 1924 (43 Stat. 163), antending prior acts; arid decision of Comptroller General, Mar. 12, 1924 (3 Comp. Gen. 612))

(For appropriation account see p. 234)

Deposits of unclaimed moneys of individuals whose whereabouts are unknown (decision of Comptroller General, Apr. 30, 1930, A— 31313 )-

(For appropriation account see p. 23(0

128. 31

330. 00 200, 789. 28

201, 119. 28

16. 75

128. 31

330. 00 200 789. 28

201, 119. 28

16. 75

$6, 614. 56

2, 618. 13

9, 232. 69


Revenue receipts: Interest, exchange„: and dividends:

Interest on loans

Sales of services: Profits from business operations

Nonrevenue receipts: Sales of Government property:

Land and buildings (disposal of properties)

Total, miscellaneous receipts under Depart- ment of Labor

21, 884. 84

10. 00

68, 453. 55

3, 006, 965. 72 77, 746. 15

21, 884. 84

10. 00

68, 453 55

3, 084, 711. 87 9, 232. 69

«p sr rs)ue ol united States securities r'e "eired and credited fo appr opriation "Retirements rom g s, or f ifis forfeitures, and other miscellaneous receipts" (Public debt), p. 41Q.


Miscellaneous receipts, by organization units and sources, fiscal year 1M/ — Continued

General account special accounts Total general and special accounts

Trust and contributed accounts


Revenue receipts: Interest, exchange, and dividends:

Interest on deferred collections or payments Interest on Government-owned securities Interest on public deposits Pay, miscellaneous, Navy (gain by exchange),

act Mar. 3, 1893 (27 Stat. 716)

$0. 59 4, 015. 89

4. 76

t' $104. 51

$0. 59 4, 015. 89

4. 76

104, 51

Fines and penalties: Navy fines and forfeitures (R. S. 934, sec. 4808,

and act June 7, 1900, 31 Stat. 697) (For appropriation account see p. 242)

4, 021. 24 104. 51

267, 974. 44

4, 125. 75

267, 974. 44

Liquidated damages Recovery of value of oil in case

States against Pan American Co


of United Petroleum

11. 58

191, 214. 28 1, 772. 97

192, 998. 83 267, 974. 44

11. 58

191, 214. 28 1, 772. 97

460, 973. 27

Fees: Commissions on telephone pay stations in

Federal buildings outside of Washington, D. C

Purchase of discharges, Navy and Marine Corps

Forfeitures: Bonds of contractors Unexplained balances in cash accounts

Assessments: Naval hospital fund (R. S. 934, sec. 4808, and

act Mar. 2, 1799, 1 Stat. 729)

(For appropriation account see p. 246)

Reimbursements: Refund on empty containers By contractors for excess of cost over contract

price Expenses Gasoline State tax Government property lost or damaged Settlement of claims against various depositors Transportation charges, car mileage Other

Gifts. and contributions: Moneys received from persons unknown

Sales of Government property — products: Scrap and salvaged materials, condemned

stores, waste paper, refuse, etc Charts, Hydrographic Office Electric current Stores

Sales of services: Overhead charges on sales of service or sup-

plies Radio service Profits from sale of ships' stores, Navy, act

May 13, 1908 (35 Stat. 146) and decision of Comptroller of the Tres, sury, Jan. 20, 1914 (20 Comp. Dec. 516)

(For appropriation account see p. 246. )

Earnings, United States transports Telephone and telegraph Work done

80. 07

9, 606. 56 9, 686. 63

10. 00 . 53

10. 53

903. 79

4, 879. 40 3, 263. 17

2. 73 10, 568. 50

113. 56 2, 748. 82

254. 09 22, 734. 06

5. 00

349, 741. 04 36, 782. 29

2. 35 29. 50

386, 555. 18

44, 796. 29 43, 000. 00

476. 35 8, 083. 66

26, 654. 61 123, 010. 91

403, 873. 22

189, 201. 80

80. 07

9, 606. 56 9, 686. 63

10. 00

10. 53

403, 873. 22

903. 79

4, 879. 40 3, 263. 17

2. 73 10, 568. 50

113. 56 2, 748. 82

254. 09 22, 734. 06

5. 00

349, 741. 04 36, 782. 29

2. 35 29. 50

386, 555. 18

44I?96. 29 43, 000. 00

189, 201. 80

476. 35 8, 083. 66

26, 654. 61

189, 201. 80

n ( rcdited io anuual appropriations "Psy, miscefianeous", $61. 82, snd "Miscellaneous Expenses, Navy" $42. 60, p. 240,

312, 212. 71


miscellaneous receipts, by orffanizafion units antf sources, fiscal year 1934 — Continued

General account Special accounts Total general and special accounts

Trust, and contributed accounts


Revenue receipts — Continued. Rents and royalties:

Rent of public buildings and grounds Rent of docks, wharves, and piers Royalties, naval petroleum reserves, Cali-

fornia Rent of equipment Rent of telegraph and telephone facilities

Permits, privileges, snd licenses: Business concessions

Nonrevenue receipts: Reps ments of investments:

roceeds Government-owned securities, sale of wsr supplies

Return of advances by Kittery, Maine, water district, Portsmouth Navy Yard

Return of advances by Eastern lMsssaohusetts Street Railway

Sales of Government property: Buildings Capital equipment Sale of surplus war supplies

Trust accounts: Navy pension fund, principal, acts June 30,

1914 (38 Stat. , 398); Msr. 4, 1917 (39 Stat. , 1175)

(For appropriation account see p. 262. )

Psy of the Navy, deposit fund, act Feb. 9, 1889 (25 Stat. 657)

(For appropriation account see p. 246. )

Psy of Marine Corps, deposit fund, act June 29, 1906 (34 Stat. 579) (For appropriation account see p. 260. )

$89, 939. 27 15, 002. 63

659, 002. 18 6. 80

2, 131. 21

766, 082. 09

600. 00

14, 893. 20

1, 940. 67

238. 49

16, 572. 86

165. 00 7, 941. 10

n 1& 81f1f. 1f8

6, 861, 68

$89, 939. 27 15, 00'2. 68

659, 002. 18 6. 80

2, 131. 21

766, 082. 09

600. 00

14, 398. 20

1, 940. 67

288. 49

16, 572. 36

165. 00 7, 941. 10

n1, 81f1f. 1f8

6, 861. 68

$0. 15

34, 249. 45

104, 056. 18

188, 305. 78

Total miscellaneous receipts under Navy Department

POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT (For postal revenues see p. 67. )

Fees: Commissions on telephone pay stations in rented

post offices outside of Washington, D. C Forfeitures:

Other Reimbursements:

Government property lost or damaged Total, miscellaneous receipts under Post Office

De artment Dp

DEPARTMENT OF STATE Revenue receipts:

Interest, exchange, snd dividends: Interest on public deposits Gain by exchange

Fees: Consular (including consular court fees)

opying Passport Passport application st

1, 529, 188. 51

17, 100. 67

42. 00

17, 142. 67

98. 29 19, 118. 99 19, 212. 28

2, 314, 811. 12 820. 50

885, 888. 00 45, 515. 00

8, 246, 479. 62

$861, 153. 97

" 1 090 00

1, 090. 00

2, 390, 292, 48

17, 100. 67

42. 00

1, 090. 00

18, 282, 67

98. 29 19, 118. 99 19, 212. 28

2, 314, 811. 12 820. 50

885, 383 00 45, 515. 00

3, 246, 479. 62

188, 305. 78

u Debit item ded uct. omt havin6 been erroneouslY dePosited in the Treasurr as miscellaneous receipts wss established upon the books ss s special-fund appropriation "Proceeds of waste

a(the Fost Ofhce f)apartment", p. 266, fn~~d~~tbstsetuement o idb «d d the amountreturnedto the creditof the Service of tbe Post Off)ce D~p~~tm~~t snd Procedure outlined in decision of the Comptroller General. 'dated Spr. 16, lo24 (6 pomp. Gen. 762),

Sddftfonsi coihtnttnnacf zoos rsr'thais were made bv Department of Justice, see p. 61,


Bfiscffllattsous receipts, fry organization units and sources, /seal year 14)84 — Continued

General account Special accounts Total general and special accounts

Trust and contnbuted accounts


Revenue receipts — Continued. Forfeitures:

Unclaimed funds Unexplained balances in cash accounts Other

$. 9. 72 2. 80

521. 88

$9. 72 2. 80

521. 88

Assessments: German Government's moiety, expenses,

Mixed Claims Commission, acts Sept. 22, 1922 (42 Stat. 1051); Feb. 15, 1928 (45 Stat. 74); and decision of Comptroller Gen- eral, Nov. 27, 1922, A — 7284

(For appropriation accounts see p. 264. )

Furlough and compel)sation deductions and vacancy savings (special deposit accounts)

Reimbursements: Expenses Gasoline State tax Refund on cable and radio messages

534. 40

4 690. 81

690. 81

10. 62 16. 88

255. 63

283. 13

$2, 223. 69

2, 223. 69

534. 40

2, 223. 69

690. 81

2, 914. 50

10. 62 16. 88

255. 63

283. 13

Sales of Government property — products: Scrap and salvaged materials, condemned

stores, waste paper, refuse, etc Maps Publications

2. ?5 68. 44 5. 00

2. 75 68. 44 5. 00

Rents and royalties: Rent of public buildings and grounds

Nonrevenue receipts: Repayments of investments:

Reimbursement on account of "Representa- tion of interests of foreign governments growing out of hostilities in Europe, 1915, 1915-16, and 1916-17"

Sales of Government property: Capital equipment

Trust accounts: Estates of decedents, R. S. 305, sec. 1709, act

Mar. 3, 1911 (36 Stat. 1083) Contributions, Foreign Service retirement

and disability funrl, act May 24, 1924 (43 Stat. 144), as amended (decisions of Comp- troller General, Aug. 15, 1931, and June 30, 1932 (A-12269, 18469, and 35435)s4

Interest on irivestments, Foreign Service re- tirement and disability fund (decisions of Comptroller General, Aug. 15t:1931, and June 30, 1932 (A — 12269, 18469, and 35435)

Funds due, act Feb. 27, 1896 (29. Stat. 32): Claimants against American Commercial

Co 1Vages due American seamen, act I"eb. 27, 1896

(29 Stat. 32), and decision of Comptroller General, Nov. 7, 1927 (A — 19927)

Claim of: Martin J. O'Nolan

Deposits of unclaimed moneys of individuals whose whereabouts are unknown; act Fob. 27, 1896 (29 Stat. 32), and decision of Comp- troller General, Jan. 18, 1929 (A — 25240)

(For appropriation account, see p, 2$3. )

Total miscellaneous receipts under Depart- ment of State

76. 19

2, 375. 72

6& 021. 64

9& 179. 98

3, 284, 853. 77 2, 223. 69

76. 19

2, 375. 72

6, 021. 64

9, 179. 98

3, 287, 077. 46

$8, 930, 97

163, 733. 60

98, 502 69

178. 06

227. 78

77. 10

702. 56


272, 352. 76

272, 352. 7(i

4 For complete statement on impounded salary savings and reserve impounded salary savings, see p, 444. n See p. 438 for statement of this account.


AIiscettaneous receipts, by organization units and sources, fiscal year f984't — Coutinued

General account Special accounts Total general snd special ~ Trust snd contributed accounts accounts


Revenue receipts: Miscellsneotls taxes:

Tsx on circulation of national banks

Interest, exchange, and dividends: Interest from Central Branch, Union Pacific

Railroad Interest on deferred collections or payments Interes't ou obligations of Reconstruction

Fina&ace Corporation purchased by the Sec- retary of the Treasury under sec. 9 of the act of Jsn. 22, 1982, as amended by the act of July 21, 1932

Interest snd profits on Federal Farm lUIort- gage Corporation bonds

Interest on funded obligations of foreign gov- ernments held by the United States under refuni5ng agreements, acts Feb. "9, 1922, Feb. 28, 1923, Mar. 12, 1924, Msy 23, 1924, Dec. 22, 1924, Apr. 28, 1926, Apr. 30, 1926, Msy 3, 1926, Mar. 30, 1928, Feb. 4, 1929, Feb. 14, 1929, and Dec. 18, 1929, on ac- count of:

Finland Great Britain Italy Latvia Lithuania Rumania

(For appropriation account, see p. 410. )

Ditference between redemption value and saic price of war-savings stamps

Discount on Treasury obligations purchased Dividends on capital stock of Federal Home

Loan" Banks Dividend on 23 shares of series A, 6-percent

cumulative preferred stock of the Kansas, Oklahoma k. Gulf Ry. Co

Gain by exchange Interest on investments, act May 26, 1'930 (46

Stat. 379): National Institute of Health Conditional

Gift Fund, Interest on public deposits

Fines and penslties: Liquidated damages Customs Internal Revenue Antinarcotic lswa Violating regulations Other

$4, 518, 904. 84

16, 928. 04 1, 731. 83

48, 924, 063. 72

3741 048. 92

49, 316, 772. 01

330, 022. 95 17, 500, 518. 42

2, 000, 020. 76 9& 530. 16

16, 990. 35 29, 061. 46

19, 886, 144. 10

17. 82 332, 810. 58

552, 635. 61

138. 00 83. 91

222, 328. 52

1, 107, 514. 44

70, 310. 430. 55

201, 115, 92 596, 807. 21

17, 884. 65 368. 15 195. 00 189. 47

816, 060. 40

8147, 450. 00

147, 450. 00

147, 450. 00

$4, 518, 904. 84

16, 928. 04 1, 731. 33

48, 924, 063. 72

374, 048. 92

49, 316, 772. 01

477, 472. 95 17, 500, 518. 42 2, 000, 020. 76

9, 530. 16 16, 990. 35 29, 061. 46

20, 038, 594. 10

17. 82 832, 810. 58

552, 635. 61

188. 00 83. 91

222, 328. 52

1, 107, 514. 44

70 457 880. 55

201, 115. 92 596, 807. 21

17, 384. 65 368. 15 195. 00 189. 47

816, 060. 40

' Classified ss contributed account, p. Sl.


Miscellaneous r ecei pts, by organization units and sources, /seal year I 98/j — Continued

General account Special accounts Total general aud special accounts

Trust and contributed acoounts


Revenue receipts — Continued. Fees:

Commissions on telephone pay stations in Fed- eral buildings, Washington, D. C

Collections were made by departments and independent offices as follows:

818, 691, 88 $18& 681. 88

Architect of the Capitol Library of Congress Government Printing Orfice Independent offices:

Bureau of Efficiency Civil Service Commission Federal Alcohol Control Admin-

istration Federal Trade Commission General Accountiug Offic Interstate Commerce Commis-

sion Public Buildings and Pubic

Parks of the National CapitaL Smithsonian Institution U. S. Tariff Commission Veterans' Administration

Department of Agriculture Department of Commerce Department of the Interior Department of Justice Department of Labor Navy Department Post Office Department Treasury Department War Department

6416. 01 639. 61 156, 37

2. 02 141. 65

. 82 93. 16

677. 21

398. 26

748 95 I 151. 17 81. 83

1, 844. 67 1, 742. 37 1, 693, 35

876. 4S 242. 22 217. 90

1, 807. 59 974. 35

4, 551. 83 1, 234. 06

18, 691. 88

Commissions on telephone pay stations in Fed- eral buildings outside Washington, D. C

Copying Customs Commissions on vending machines

12, . 528. 55 7, 828. 19 5, 278. 00

40. 12

44, 356. 74

12, 528. 55 7, 823. 19 5, 278. 00

40. 12

44, 356. 74

Forfeitures: Bonds of contractors Bouds under narcotic acts Bonds under National Prohibition Act Bribes to United States officers Customs Effects of deserters, Coast Guard Secret Service Division Under National Prohibition Act (includes sale

of all seized property) ar

Unclaimed and abandoned merchandise (cus- toms)

Unclaimed funds Unexplained balances in cash accounts Other

318. 00 1, 087. 28

35, 807. 80 2, 745. 00

158, 186. 18 166. 76 956. 54

3. 00

138, 214. 02 264. 45 802. 87 608. 67

818. 00 1, 087. 28

35, 307. 80 2, 745. 00

153, 186. 13 166. 76 956. 54

3. 00

183, 214. 02 264. 45 302. 87 608. 67

Assessments: Upon Federal and joint-stock land banks and

Federal intermediate credit banks for ex- penses of examinations, Farm Credit Ad- ministration

Upon national banks for expenses of examina- tions, act Dec. 28, 1913 (38 Stat. 2'72, sec. 21) as amended

(For appropriation account see p. 272. )

328, 110. 52

170, 784. 00


328, 110. 52

170, 734. 00

Reimbursements: Refund on empty containers Ref&iud on cable and radio messages Refund of difference between salaries on

temporary and permanent rolls Ref&in&i of enlistmerrt allowances and clothing

bounties, Coast Guard By contractors for excess of cost over con-

tract price Expenses, miscellaneous

'& Additional receipts were collected for this source under the Depart » finder the provisions of sec. 6 (b) of the Banking Act of 1933, approv

7. 00 6. 56

7. 00 6. 56

668. 56

2, 787. 68

1, 788. 11 96, 663. 42

663. 56

2, 787. 68

1, 788. 11 96, 668. 42

ment of Justice. ed June 16, 1933, no moneys were covered into the Treasury during the fiscal year 1934.


3jjiscsllaneous receipts, by organization units and sources, fiscal year 1 98& — Continued

General account Special accounts Total general and special accounts

Trust and contributed accounts


Revenue receipts — Continued. Reimbursements — Continued.

Reimbursement to the United States from deposits of national banking associations and Federal reserve banks on account of:

Salaries, Office of Treasurer of the United States (national currency, reimburs- ahle), 1933

Salaries, Office of Comptroller of the Currency (national currency, reim- bursable), 1933

Contingent expenses (national currency reimbursable), 1933:

Office of the Treasurer of the United States $22, 526. 62

Office of Comptroller of the Currency 111, 718. 90

Gasoline State tax Government property lost or damaged Hospitalization charges and expenses (Public

Health Service) Expense of international service of ice obser-

vations and patrol

$287, 225, 34

48, 416. 93

134, 245. 52 680. 73

2, 404. 47

24& 450. 90

75, 854. 55

$287) 225. 34

48I 416. 93

134, 245. 52 680. 73

2I 404. 47

24, 450. 90

75, 854. 55 Belgium Prance . Great Britain Italy Netherlands Norway

37, 026. 37 26, 348. 91 23, 156. 75

7, 0¹37 7, 026. 37 5, 269. 78

75, 854. 65

Moneys recovered in narcotic and prohibition cases

Internai-revenue stamp contractor for salary of stamp agent


Gifts and contributions: Donatiqns to the United States Moneys received from known persons Moneys received from persons unknown

Sales of Government property — products: Scrap and salvaged materials, condemned

stores, waste paper, refuse, etc

198. 00

513. 30 5. 85

675, 911. 87

115. 29 493. 15

6, 461. 64

7, 070. 08

40, 114. 59

198. 00

513. 30 5. 85

675, 911. 87

115. 29 493. 15

6, 461. 64

7, 070. 08

40, 114. 59

Bureau of Customs Bureau of Industrial Alcohol Coast Guard Engraving snd Printing General Supply Committee Internal Revenue Service Mint Service. Procurement Division Public&ebt Service Public Health Service Tieasury proper, miscellaneous ----

3227. 12 111. 78

5, 302. 34 3, 550. 00 9, 883. 23

243. 57 30. 00

19, 076. 75 471. 12 704. 28 514. 40

40, 114. 59

Agricultural products Electric current Heat, light, and water Livestock and livestock products (Public

Health Servic Occupational therapy products (Public Health

Service )- Steam Subsistence (meals, rations, etc. , Public

Health Service) Water Other

541. 77 520. 15 600. 95

593. 31

431. 02 16. 16

9, 902. 85 67. 97

1, 730. 92

54, 519. 19

541. 77 520. 15 b00. 95

593. 31

431. 02 16. 16

9, 902. 35 67. 97

1, 730. 92

54, 519. 19


llIisceflaneous receipts, by organization units and sources, fiscal year 198$ — Continued

General sccourit Special accounts Total general snd special accounts

Trust snd contributed accounts


Revenue receipts — Continued. Sales of services:

Q»arantine charges (including fumigation, disinfection, inspection, etc. , of vessels, P»blic Health Service)

Quarters, subsistence, and laundry services (I'ublic Health Service)

Radio service (Coast 'Guard) Storage and other charges (Customs Service) Telephone and telegraph IVork done

Rents a»d royalties: Rent of public buildings and grounds Re»t of land Re&)t of telegraph and telephone facilities

(Coast Guard)

Permits, privileges, and licenses: Easement for railway right-of-way to city of

Newark, N. J. J over part of old post office site

Mint receipts (pro6ts on coinage, bullion deposits, etc. ):

Charges on bullion deposits . . Charges on bars sold Charges on special assays of bullion and ores Shipping charges on bullion co»signments Proceeds of medals sold Proceeds of surplus bullion recovered Seigniorage, subsidiary silver coinage Seig»iorage, minor coinage

Nonrevenue receipts: Repayments of investments:

Liquidation of capital stock of Federal land banks

Principal payments on funded obligations of foreign governments held by the United States under refunding agreement, acts of Feb. 9, 1922, Feb. 28, 1923, Mar. 12, 1924, May 23, 1924, Dec. 22, 1924, Apr. 28, 1926, Apr, 30, 1926, May 3, 1926, Mar. 30, 1928, Feb. 4, 1929, Feb. 14, 1929, and Dec. 18, 1929, on account of:

Czechoslovakia Finland

Hales of Government property: Buildings Capital equipment

Bureau of Customs . 626, 696. 28 Bureau of Industrial Alcohol . 1, 118. 18 Bureau of Narcotics


= 1, 626. 07 Coast Guard 9, 964. 23 Division of Supply . 1, 606. 01 Internal Revenue Service . 132. 00 Procurement Division. 1, 819. 12 Public Health Service 6, 277. 31

47, 137. 20

$220, 890. 44

9. 00 417. 25

21, 238. 82 49, 80

. 65

2421 605. 46

121, 248. 04 51, 309. 28

5, 800. 77

177, 858. 04

150, 000. 00

2) 328, 498. 50 2, 008. 16 6, 146. 00 8) 584. 01 4) 830. 49

98, 270. 50 197, 941. 16 319, 263. 65

2, 960, 587. 47

114, 274. 25

60, 568. 14 5) 609. 96

'66, 178. 10

173. 36 47, 137. 20

se $269 027 05 ss 61, '660. 00 l

880, 577. 05

$220, 890, 44

9. 00 417. 25

21, 288. 82 49. 80 . 65

242, 605. 46

121, 248. 04 51, 809. 28

6, 800. 77

177, 858. 04

150, 000. 00

2, 328, 498. 50 2, 008. 16 6, 146. 00 8, 584, 01 4& 880. 49

98, 270. 50 197, 941. 16 819, 268. 65

2, 960, 537. 47

114, 274. 25

329, 695. 19 67, 159. 96

896, 756. 15

178. 36 47, 137. 20

u Represents face amount of United States securities as principal payments and certain cash repayments of principal )vhich are applicable to public debt retirement. For app«' priation account, see p. 409.


miscellaneous receipts, by organization unite and sources, fiscal year f834 — Continued


General account Special accounts Total general and special Trust snd contributed accounts accounts


Nonrevenue receipts — Continued. Sales of Government property — Continued.

Sale of office material, etc. (General Supply Committee)

Sales were made to departments and inde- pendent offices as follows:

House of Representatives . 379. 39 Library of Congress 2. 50 Botanic Garden 9. 60 Government Printing Office . . 259. 60 Independent offlces:

Civil Service Commission 18. 75 Commission of Fine Arts 15. 00 Farm Credit Administration 924. 60 Federal Civil Wor)rs 25. 00 Federal coordinator of transporta-

tion . 17. 14 Federal Deposit Insurance Corpo-

ration 100. 00 Federal Emergency Relief 41. 50 Federal Power Con&mission 6. 00 General Accounting Office 150. 00 Internste Commerce Commission 42. 19 National Recovery Administra-

tion 284. 43 Reconstruction Finauce Corpora-

tion 323. 10 Smithsonian Institution 48. 05 Tennessee Valley Authority 54. 00 U. S. Tariff Commission 115. 50 Veterans' Administration 125. 35

Department of Agriculture 3, 954. 89 Department of Commerce 668. 49 Department of the Interior 411. 93 Department of Justice 90. 00 Department of Labor . 103. 00 Navy Department 103. 60 Department of State 7. 50 Treasury Department 279. 89 Wsr Department 513. 99 Panama Canal 45. 75 District of Columbia 985. 09

9, 80a 83

Proceeds of sales, building or purchase of ves- sels for the Coast Guard (R. S. 534, sec. 2748)

Proceeds of sales, rebuilding and improving Coast Guard stations, act June 18, 1878 (20 Stat. 163)

(For appropriation account see p. 277. )

Trust accounts: Deposits of unclaimed moneys of individuals

whose whereabouts are unknown (decision of Comptroller General dated Jan. 18, 1926, A-12510 )-

(For appropriation account see p. 309. )

Proceeds from effects and moneys of deceased patients, Public Health Service (decision of Comptroller General dated Oct. 29, 1928, A-23554 )

(For appropriation account see p. 280. ) Cash bonds deposited by patients, U. S. Ma-

rine Hospital, Carville, La. (decision of Comptroller General dated Oct. 12, 1928, A-24679 )-

(For appropriation account see pp. 281. ) Proceeds from effects of deceased employees,

Treasury Department (decision of Comp- troller General dated Oct. 29, 1928, A-23554 )-

(For appropriation account see p. 309. )

$9, 805. 83

57, 116. 39

$16, 044. 55

11, 667. 01

27, 711. 56

$9, 805. 83

16, 044. 55

11, 667. 01

84& 827. 95

$177. 38

1, 355. 29

200. 00

17. 28

I, 749. 95

Contributed accounts: 2

Interest on investments, act May 26 1930 (46 . Sf@t. 379):

National Institute of Health Conditional Gift Fund

(For appropriation account see p. 280. )

Total miscellaneous receipts under Treasury Department

~ Heretofore ssfffe&i ss gleeful fuff(fg

80, 694, 667. 90 505, 738. 61 81, 200, 406. 51

3, 739. 03

;i, 488. 98


3liscellaneous receipts, by organization units and sources, jiscal year 198/j — Continued

General account Special accounts Total general snd special accounts

Trust snd contributed accounts


Revenue receipts: Interest, exchange, and dividends:

Interest on deferred collections or payments Interest on Government-owned securities,

sale of war supplies (notes) Interest on endowment fund, preservation of

birthplace of Abraham Lincoln, act July 17, 1916 (89 Stat. , p. 385)

(For appropriation accounts see p. 333).

Gain by exchange

$14, 417. 45

2, 650. 00

54. 57

17, 122. 02


$14, 417. 45

2, 650. 00

54. 57

17, 122. 02

Fines and penalties: Violating regulations Liquidated damages Other

Fees; Commissions on telephone pay stations in Fed-

eral buildings outside of Washington, D. C

Forfeitures: Bonds of contractors Bonds, all other Unexplained balances in cash accounts Other

Assessments: Furlough and compensation deductions and

vacancy savings (special deposit accounts)

Reimbursements: Auditing accounts of American Red Cross Repairs of Rock Island bridge, Rock Island, Ill Refund on empty containers Refund on cable and radio messages By contractors for excess cost over contract , price

Expenses Gasoline State tax Government property lost or damaged Settlement of claims against various depos-

itors Transportation, car mileage, etc Other

246. 44 5, 455. 00 4, 281. 08

9, 932. 47

2, 244. 02

87. 68 237. 49 166. 69

8, 643. 00

4, 184. 86

35, 627. 43

4, 987. 41 12, 721. 39 8, 897. 71

42. 02

47, 678. 06 27 297, 26

681. 50 3, 097. 62

5, 071. 61 14, 852. 28

71. 40

246. 44 5, 455. 00 4, 231. 03

97 932. 47

2, 244, 02

87. 68 287. 49 166. 69

3, 648. 00

4, 134. 86

5, 627. 43

4, 987. 41 12, 721. 39 8, 897. 71

42. 02

47, 678. 06 2, 297. 26

681. 50 3) 097. 62

5, 071. 61 14, 852. 28

71. 40

Gifts and contributions: Donations to the United States Moneys received from known persons Moneys received from persons unknown Advance of funds, under act of Mar. 3, 1925

(43 Stat. 1197) for improvement of rivers and harbors

Funds contributed for improvement of rivers and harbors (act Mar. 4, 1915, 38 Stat. 1053) and subsequent acts

Flood control

94, 848. 26

29. 06 40. 00

1. 00

94, 848. 26

'29. 06 40. 00

1. 00

Funds contributed for improvement of flood control (acts Mar. 1, 1917, 39 Stat, 948 and May 15 1928, 45 Stat. 536, sec. 6)

70. 06 70. 06

7 Classiiied ss contributed accounts, p. 34. & For complete statement on impounded salsrY savings snd reserve, impounded salsrg, savings, sae p. 444.

a& gtstad under the Departmeut o! the Interior.


ftrliscsfiartzotts receipts, by organization units and sottrccs, fiscal year 198$ — Continued

Qeneral aeeount Special accounts Total g eneral and s accounts

Trust and contributed aocounts


Revenue receipts — Continued. Sales of Government property — products:

Scrap snd salvaged materials, condemned stores, waste paper, refuse, etc

Charts Electric current Electric current (Dam No. 2, Muscle Shoals,

Ala. ) Ice Maps Photos and films Steam Stores Subsistence Public timber Water Other

$462, 679. 56 6, 881. 50 8, 252. 09

40, 981. 14 58, 989. 70

1, 525. 64 2, 144. 78 1, 271. 74 4, 465. 16

's 89. 88 104. 64

4, 305. 08 8, 208. 50

589, 680. 25

40, 58,

1, 2I 1I 4,

4, 3',

931. 14 989. 70 525. 64 144. 78 271. 74 465. 16 89. 88

104. 64 805. 08 208. 50

589, 680. 25

$462, 679. 56 6, 831. 50 8, 252. 09

Hales of services: Laundry snd dry-cleaning operations Livestock breeding service Overhead charges on sales of service or supplies Storage snd other charges Telephone and telegraph Earnings, United States transports Work done

Rents snd royalties: Rent of public buildings and grounds Rent of docks, wharves, snd piers Rent of land Rent of land for grazing Rent of equipment Rent of telegraph snd telephone facilities Rent of water power sites

bog 8"3 Royalties on oil snd gss

Permits, privileges, and licenses: Business concessions Permit for cutting ice Power transmission

Nonrevenue receipts: Army costs due the United States from Germany:

German-American debt agreement of June 28, 1930, act June 5, 1980 (46 Stat. 501)

Sales of Government property: Buildings Land, southerly end of breakwater, Indians

Harbor, Ind Capital equipment Sale of ordnance material, war, act Msr. 3,

1875 (18 Stat. 388) (For appropriation account see p. 336. )

Sale of surplus wsr supplies '" Debit item, deduct.

818, 191. 22 1, 371. 40

30, 922. 90 186, 479. 59 240, 554. 55

29, 719. 78 8, 006. 65

1, 260, 246. 09

13, 594. 81 8, 190. 30

26, 385. 73 576. 48

71, 589. 69 215. 40

54, 008. 45 54. 00

169, 614. 86

15, 206. 41 884. 00

20. 00

15, 610. 41

249, 800. 84

7, 188. 57

114, 180. 00 17, 874. 20

1, 188, 693. 44

$42, 482. 56

813, 191. 22 1, 371. 40

30, 922. 90 136, 479. 59 240, 554. 55

29, 719. 78 8, 006. 65

1, 260, 246. 09

13, 594. 81 3, 190. 30

26, 385. 78 576. 48

71, 589. 69 215. 40

04, 008. 45 54. 00

169, 614. 86

15, 206. 41 384. 00

20. 00

15, 610. 41

249, 800. 84

7, 183. 57

114, 180. 00 17, 874. 20

42, 482. 56

1, 183, 693. 44


1Miscetlaneous receipts, by or(fanizalion units and sources, fiscal year 1884 — Continued

General account Special accounts Total general snd special accounts

Trust snd contributed accounts


Nonrevenue receipts — Continued. Sales of Government property — Continued.

Sale of lands, etc. , on account of milits, ry, post construction fund, acts Mar. 12, 1926 (44 Stat. 206); Feb. 25, 1927 (44 Stat. 1236)

(For appropriation account see p. 321. )

$284, 167. 37 $284, 167. 37

Aberdeen Proving Grounds, Md Birmingham, Ala . Bufl'alo, N. Y Camp Stephen D. Little, Ariz Carlisle Barracks, Pa Erie Ordnance Depot, Ohio Fort Caswell, N. C Fort Hoyle, Md Fort McPherson, Ga Fort McIntoeh, Tex Fort Montgomery, N. Y Fort D. A. Russell, Tex Gsspsrills Island, Fla Jeifersonville, Ind Leon Springs Military Reservation, Tex Little Rock, Ark Long Island Air Reserve Depot, N. Y Mother Field, Calif Middletown, Ps Mitchell Field, N. Y Ssn Antonio Arsenal, Tex Moreno Point, Fls Nitro, W. Vs Portsmouth, Vs Raritan Arsenal, N. J St. Philip, Ls San Diego, Calif Savanna Proving Grounds, Ill. Sumter County, Gs Washington, D. C Watervliet, N. Y

81, 295. 00 8, 747. 65

103, 287. 13 2, 116. 00

922. 65 76. 00

3, 000. 00 3, 769. 00

191 00 150. 00 272. 75 50. 00

1, 252. 32 13. 29

490. 00 68. 75

89, 000. 00 11, 227. 16

283. 25 781. 27 648. 00

9, '603. 70 9, 550. 94

30, 086. 10 180. 00 298. 00

3, 181. 70 299. 50

3, 030. 73

26. 38

284, 167. 37

Trust accounts: Deposits of unclaimed moneys of individuals

whose whereabouts are unknown (decisio'n of Comptroller General dated Jan. 18, 1929, A — 25240)

Proceeds from estates of deceased personnel, War Department (decision of Comptroller General, Apr. 8, 1931, A — 35988)

Proceeds from estates of deceased soldiers, 'R. S. , sec. 4818; sct Mar. 3, 1883 (22 Stat. 565); decisions of Comptroller Gene'rsl, July 9, 1924; July 31, 1924 (4 Comp. Gen. 138)

Psy of the Army, deposit fund, act June 12, 1906 (34 Stat. 245)

-Soldiers' Home permanent fund, R. S. , secs. 3689, 4818, 4819; act Msr. 3, 1883 (22 Stat. 565, sec. 8); Feb. 21, 1931 (46 Stat. 1203)

Civilian Conservation Corps withheld cash allowances (Executive Order No. 6129, dated May 11, 1933)

Proceeds from estates of deceased enrolled members, Civilian Conservation Corps (decision of Comptroller General, April 3, 1931, A-35988)

(For appropriation accounts see p. 341. )

Contributed accounts Advance of funds, under act of Msr. 3, 1925

(43 Stat. 1186), for improvement of— The repayments of advances under the sct of Mar. 3,

1925, sre made from the appropriation "Mainte- nance snd improvement of existing river snd harbor works", as and when appropriations sre provided therefor by Congress.

Glen Cove Creek, N. Y

(For appropriation account see p. 338. ) r Heretofore classified ss special funds.

$1, 322, 931. 21 326, 649. 93 1, 649, 581, 14

$26. 96

553. 89

42, 116. 97

649, 521. 31

267, 203. 46

, 942, 524. 78

159, 99

1, 902& 107. 36

24, 000 00


Itrriecellaneous receipts, by organization units and sources, fiscal year ft)8& — Continued

General account special accounts Total general and special accounts

Trust snd contrrbuted accounts


Nonrevenue receipts — Continued. Contributed accounts — Continued.

Funds contributed for improvement of (act Mar. 4, 1915, 38 Stat. 1053, and subsequent acts):

Investigation of shore erosion, Folly Beach, S. C

Glen Cove Creek, N. Y Ocean City Inlet and Sinepuxent Bay,

Md Monroe Harbor, Mich Mississippi River, Yazoo — Mississippi

Delta Levee District, Miss Little Tallahatchie River, Miss Wolf River, Tenn. (Memphis Harbor) Caloosahatchee River and Lake Okee-

chobee drainage areas, Fla Freeport Harbor, Tex Port Allen Harbor, Hawaii Nome Harbor, Alaska

(For appropriation accounts see pp. 334, 338. )

Flood control

$750. 00 24, 000. 00

150, 000. 00 o0 000 00

3, 825. 00 I& 060. 00

17, 500. 00

128, 227. 69 225, 000. 00 200, 000. 00

2, 500. 00

802, 862. 69

Funds contributed for (act Mar. 1, 1917, 39 Stat. 948):

Flood control, Sacramento River, Calif Funds contributed for improvement of (act

May 15, 1928, 45 Stat. 536, sec. 6): Flood control, Mississippi River, its out-

lets and tributaries

(For appropriation accounts see p. 338. )

Total miscellaneous receipts under War Department


$3, 741, 862. 78 $326, 649. 93 $4, 068, 512. 71

301, 295. 60

26, 500. 00

327, 795. 60

1, 154, 658. 29

3, 056, 765. 65

Revenue receipts: Miscellaneous taxes:

Taxes, fees, and Ques, Canal Zone

Interest, exchange, and dividends: Interest on construction costs of public works

in Colon Interest on construction costa of public works

in Panama Dividends on capital stock of the Panama

Railroad owned by the United States (act July 14, 1932, 47 Stat. , 694) (For appropriation accounts see p. 342. )

71, 092. 79

19, 253. 91

28, 425. 96

2, 000, 000. 00

71, 092. 79

19, 253. 91

28, 425. 96

2, 000, 000. 00

2, 047, 679 87 Fines and penalties:

Violating regulations Other

47, 679. 87 2, 000, 000. 00

825. 00 1, 435. 00

2, 260, 00

825. 00 1, 435. 00

2, 260. 00

Forfeitures: Unexplained balances in cash accounts

Reimbursements: By contractors for excess cost over contrac

price E x enaes p

. 34

329. 55 26. 79

356. 34

. 34

329. 55 26. 79

356. 34

108385 — 35 — 5


Miscellaneous receipts, by organisation units and sources, fiscal year 1884 — Continued

General account Special accounts Total general snd speehl accounts

Trust snd contributed accounts

PANAMA CANAL — Continued

Revenue receipts — Continued. Sales of services:

Profits from business operations, 1933 Tolls, Panama Canal

Postal receipts, Panama Canal Deposits, Postal funds, Canal Zone (decision of

Comptroller General, June 16, 1933, A — 48650)

Nonrevenue receipts: Repayments of investments:

Construction costs of public works in Colon Construction costs of public works in Panama

Total miscellaneous receipts under Panama Canal


Revenues of the District of Columbia: District of Columbia share United States share

(For detail of receipts and statement of District of Columbia account, cee pp. 76. )

$611, 423. 74 24, 135, 261. 01

24, 746, 684. 75

20, 124. 04

20, 124. 04

25, 683. 39 30, 703. 56

56, 386. 95

24, 944, 585. 08

68, 117. 52

68, 11'7. 52

$222, 805. 54

222, 805. 54

2, 222, 805. 54

$611) 423. 74 24, 135, 261. 01

24, 746, 684. 75

20, 124. 04

222& 805. 54

242, 929. 58

25, 683. 39 30, 703. 56

56, 386. 95

27, 167, 390. 62

68, 117. 52

68, 117. 52

$33, 233, 369. 03

33, 233, 369. 03

Total miscellaneous receipts, including Panama Canal and "Sales of public lands"


Increment resulting from reduction in the weight of the gold dollar

137, 729, 945. 05 23, 277, 858. 83 161, 007, 803. 88 161, 273, 515. 81

2, 811, 397, 066. 15

Total receipts, exclusive of public debt receipts based on receipt warrants issued 2& 741& 524& 530 17 379, 907, 461. 05 3& 121, 431, 991. 22 2, 972, 670, 581. 96

PUBLIC DEBT RECEIPTS (For details see pp. 412-417)

General accounts Special accounts Total general and special accounts

Trust and contributed accollnts

Treasury bills Certificates of' indebtedness Certificate of indebtedness (adjusted-service certificate

fund series) Treasury notes Treasury notes (Foreign Service retirement-fund series) Treasury notes (Civil Service retirement-fund series) Treasury notes (Canal Zone retirement-fund series) Treasury notes (Postal Savings System series) Treasury bonds Treasury savings securities Postal Savings bonds Deposits for retirement of national-bank and Federal

Reserve bank notes (acts of July 14, 1890, Dec. 23 1913, and Mar. 9, 1933)

Total public debt receipts

Total receipts, exclusive of postal revenues

$4, 385, 975, 000. 00 1I 695, 150, 500. 00

180, 100, 2, 712, 686,

772', 47, 700,

97, 35, 000,

4, 177, 903,

27i 579,

000. 00 400. 00 000. 00 000. 00 000. 00 000. 00 164. 64 990. 00 500. 00

319, 962, 860. 00

13, 582, 927, 414. 64

16, 324, 451, 944. 81 $379, 907, 461. 05

$13, 582, 927, 414. 64

16, 704, 359, 405. 86 $2, 972, 670, 581. 96


Under control of the Postmaster General General accounts Special accounts Total general and special accounts

Trust and contributed accounts

Post Office Department, Washington, D. C, : Miscellaneous receipts (post route map sales)

Field service, Post Office Department: Sales of postage stamps and other stamped paper Second-class postage paid in money First-, second-, third-, and fourth-class postage

paid in money under permit Box rents Miscellaneous receipts Foreign mail transit service Fines and penalties Dead letters Second-class application fees, act of July 7, 1932 Nonmetered application fees, act of July 7, 1932 Revenues from money-order business Unpaid money orders more than 1 year old Interest and profits, Postal Savings System

Total postal revenues '

82, 209, 6, 515,

389, 1, 453,

30, 35, 64, 87,

18, 140, 569,

8, 102,

896. 41 411. 11 583. 00 872. 84 358. 43 535. 13 370. 00 810. 00 665. 65 478. 54 624. 65

586, 733, 165. 80

$3, 602. 40

449, 773, 323. 86 19, 356, 633. 78

$586, 733, 165. 80

Total receipts, including postal revenues 16, 911, 185, 110. 61 $379, 907, 461. 05 17, 291, 092, 571. 66 $2, 972, 670, 581. 96

' See letter of the Postmaster General, p. 422. (67)


(Pages 68 to 70)

[The port ih'st named in the following list is the headuuarters for the district, "Tonnage tax" receipts were classified and stated as "customs" receipts until June 30, 1932; beginning July 1, 1932, they are classified and stated as "tniscellaneous receipts" under the Department of Commerce, p. 38 by decision of the Comptroller Qeneral, dated Feb. 6, 1931 A-18469i

Districts and ports of collection Deposits by districts— Duties Districts and ports of collection Deposits by districts—


Alaska, district no. 81: Juneau Cordova Craig Eagle Hyder Ketchikan Nome Petersburg Seward Sitka Skagway St. Michael Unalaska Wrangell

Arizona, district no. 26: Nogales Douglas Naco San Luis

Buffalo, district no. 9: Buffalo Dunkirk Niagara Falls

New York, district no. 10: New York Albany Newark, ¹ J Perth Amboy, N. J

Rochester, district no. 8: Rochester Fair Haven Oswego Sodus Point Syracuse Utica

St. Lawrence, district no. 7: Ogdensburg Alexandria Bay Cape Vincent Champlain Chateau gay Clayton Fort Covington Malone Mooers Morristown Nayando Rouses Point Waddington

Chicago, district no. 39: Chicago Michigan City, Ind Peoria

Colorado, district no. 47: Denver

Connecticut, district no. 6: Bridgeport Greenwich Hartford Middletown New Haven New London Norwalk South Manchester Stamford


$24, 214. 56

389, 451. 86

4, 041, 049. 65

162, 725, 018. 61

801, 884. 75

1, 027, 028. 76

192, 828. 68

568, 285. 89

Dakota, district no. 34: Pembina Ambrose Antler Carburg Crosby Hannah Hansboro Lancaster Neche Northgate Noyes, Minn Portal St. John Sarles Sherwood Walhalla Westhope

Minnesota, district no. 85: St. Paul and Minneapolis

Duluth and Superior, district no. 86: Duluth, Minn. , and Superior, Wis. (includ-

irtg West Superior) Ashland, Wis Baudette International Falls Ranier Two Harbors Warroad

El Paso, district no. 24: El Paso Columbus, N. Mex Fabiu8 Presidio

Galveston, district no. 22: Galveston (including Port Bolivar and

Texas City) D llas as Houston

Sabine, district No. 21: Port Ar hur t r Beaum nt o t Oran e ge Sabine

San Antonio, district no. 28: San Antonio Browne ville Corpus Christi Del Rio Eagle Pass Fort Worth Hidal n gn Laredo Rio Grande City Roma

Florida, district no. 18: Tampa (including Port Tampa) A alachicola P Boca Grande Fernandina (including St. Marys Ga. ) Fort Pierce Jacksonvil e le Key West Miami Panama City Pensacola St. Augustine West Palm Beach

$329, 484. 10

374, 678. 89

479, 523. 33

264, 121. 93

2, 356, 500. 70

168, 846. 29

561, 809. 89

2, 482, 745»


Cttslorrts rccei pls by fhelricfs and porte, fiscal year f984 — Continued

(Paxes 88 to 70)

i The port ilrst named in tbe following list is the headquarters for tbe district. "Tonnage tax" receipts mere classified and stated as "customs" receip! s until dune 80, 1882; heginmng July 1 1838 they are classibed and stated as "miscellaneous receiPts" under the DePartment, of Commerce, P. 88 by decision of the ComPtrnffer General, ds!ed Feh. a, !o31, A-fstes]

Districts and ports of collection Deposits by districts— Duties Districts snd ports of collection Deposits hy districts—


Chelsea, Somer-

head, and

Georgia, district no. 17: Savannah Atlanta Brunswick

Hawaii, district no. 32: Honolulu Hilo Kahului Port Allen

Indiana, district no. 40: Indianapolis Evansville

Iowa, district no. 44: Des Moines Dubuque Sioux City

Kentucky, district no. 42: Louisville Paducah

Los Angeles, district no. 27: Los Angeles Andrade Calexico Port San Luis San Ysidro Tecate

San Diego, district no. 25: San Diego

San Francisco, district no. 28: San Francisco Eureka Oakland

Maine and New Hampshire, district no. 1: Portland Bangor Bar Harbor Bath. Belfast Calais Eastport Fort Fairfield Fort Kent Holeb Houlton Jackman Jones port Limestone Madawaska Mars Hill Portsmouth, N. H. (including Kittery,

Maine) Robbinston Rockland Van Buren Vanceboro

Maryland, district no. 18: Baltimore Annapolis Cambridge Crisfield Washington, D. C

Massachusetts, district no. 4: Boston (including Cambridge,

Medford, Everett, Quincy, and ville )-

Fall Ri e ve er Gloucester New Bedford Plymouth Provincetown Salem (including Beverly, Marble

L nn) y )

Ski S ringfield

ineyard Haven Worcester

1 360 991 86

471, 145. 31

647, 260. 19

4, 179, 621. 67

111, 394. 14

570, 496. 90

8, 547, 105. 41

25, 895, 576. 30

Camden and

t, Louis)

Michigan, district no. 38: Detroit Bay City Cheboygan Grand Haven Grand Rapids Port Huron Saginaw Sault Ste. Marie

~ Mobile, district no. 19: Mobile Birmingham Gulfport, Miss Pascagoula, Miss

Montana and Idaho, district no. Great Falls, Mont Eastport, Idaho Gateway, Mont Porthill, Idaho Sweetgrass, Mont

New Orleans, district no. 20: New Orleans

North Carolina, district no. 15: Wilmington Beaufort Charlotte Durham Elizabeth City Manteo New Bern Reidsville Winston-Salem

Ohio, district no. 41: Cleveland Akron Ashtabula Cincinnati Columbus Conneaut Dayton Erie, Pa Sandusky Toledo

Omaha, district no. 46: Omaha Lincoln

Oregon, district no. 29: Portland Astoria Long View, Wash Marshfield Newport

Philadelphia, district no. 11: Philadelphia (including

Gloucester City, N. J. ) Chester Lewes, Del Wilmington, Del

Pittsburgh, district no. 12: Pittsburgh

Rhode Island, district no. 5: Providence Newport

South Carolina, district no. 16: Charleston Beaufort Georgetown

St. Louis, district no. 45: St. Louis (including East S Kansas City Oklahoma City, Okla St. Joseph Tulsa, Okla

$4, 225, 510. 69

895, 367. 39

110, 009. 29

7, 619, 091. (l4

8, 911, 146. 71

2, 564, 666. 50

310, 684. 35 )

719, 094. 52

28, 049, 837. 48

2, 725, 374. 44

1, 527, 850. 73

1, 677, 375. '22


Customs receipts by districts and ports, fiscal year 198$ — Continued

(Pages 68 to 30)

[The port first named in the following list is the headquarters for the district. "Tonnage lax" receipts were classified snd stated as "customs" receipts until June 30, 1932; beginning July 1, 1932, they sre clsesified snd stated ss "miscellaneous receipts" under the Departtuent of Commerce, p. 38 by decision of the Comptrof)er Qenersl, dated Feb. 6, 1931, A-18469]

Districts and ports of collection Deposits by districts— Duties Districts and ports of collection Deposits by districts—


Tennessee, district no. 43: Memphis Chattanooga Knoxville Little Rock, Ark Nashville

Utah and Nevada, district no. 48: Salt Lake City, Utah

Vermont, district no. 2: St. Albans (including townships of St.

Albans, Swanton, Highgate, and Frank- lin)

Beecher Falls Burlington Alburg Derby Line Island Pond North Troy Richford Newport

Virginia, district no. 14: Norfolk and Newport News Alexandria Cape Charles City Chin coteague Petersburg Reeds ville Richmond

21, 215. 63

772, 884. 66

10, 194, 169. 87 enominee, Mich. )

Total customs receipts

Washington, district no. 30: Seattle Aberdeen Ana cortes Bellingham Blaine Dan ville Everett Ferry Friday Harbor Laurier Molson Nighthawk Northport Olympia Oro ville Port Angeles Port Townsend South Bend Spokane Sumas Taconla

Wisconsin, district no. 37: Milwaukee Green Bay Manitowoc Marinette (including M Racine Sheboygan Sturgeon Bay

$2, 472, 082. 08

351, 294. 63

' 313) 522, 240. 64

) Includes 8939. 89 Philippine Islands tariff collections. Duties appropriated under "Philippine special fund" (customs), p. 271.

Norz. — The customs receipts as published in this report differ in some respects from the figures published in the report of the Commissioner of Customs because the latter represent collections by customs officers throughout the country, while the former (this report) represent the actual deposit of such collections in the Treasury and its depositories during the fiscal year 1934, the difference being due to the fact that some of the collections in the latter part of the fiscal year do not reach the Treasury or one of its depositories until after June 30.


[Pages 71 and 72i

States and districts Income tax Miscellaneous taxes Processing tax on farm products Total by districts Total bp States

Alabama, district of Arizona, district of Arkansas, district of

California: First district Sixth district

$1, 938, 284. 21 487, 599. 02 891, 381. 50

26, 131, 760. 93 31, 337, 448. 17

57, 469, 209. 10

$1, 867, 822. 60 561, 714. 68

1, 469, 322. 27

47, 486, 312. 87 34, 831, 322. 42

$7, 769, 054, 16 329, 677. 56 556, 312. 74

6& 818, 933. 76 3) 256, 666. 91

$11, 575& 160. 97 1, 378, 991. 26 2& 917, 016. 51

80, 437, 007. 56 69& 425, 437. 50

82, 317, 635. 29 10, 075, 600. 67 149, 862, 445. 06

$11, 575, 160. 97 1, 378, 991. 26 2, 917, 016. 51

149, 862, 445. 06

Colorado, district of Connecticut, district of Delaware, district of Florida, district of Georgia, district of Hawaii, district of Idaho, district of

4, 586, 088. 90 15, 515, 146. 56 12, 922& 925. 19

4, 437, 630. 34 5, 047, 449. 43 3, 287, 591. 36

402, 048. 73

5, 977, 868. 07 11, 408, 143. 61

4, 670, 558. 31 6, 542, 310. 80 5, 565, 637. 95 1, 832, 662. 86

517, 912. 16

2& 954, 616. 61 19, 62, 997. 16

400, 637. 60 598, 893. 32

18, 039, 399. 20 630, 820. 85 401& 469. 57

13& 518, 573. 58 28, 886, 287. 33 17& 994& 121. 10 11, 578, 834. 46 28, 652, 486. 58

5, 751, 075. 07 1, 321, 430. 46

13, 518, 573. 58 28, 886, 287. 33 17, 994, 121. 10 11, 578, 834. 46 28, 652& 486. 58

5, 751, 075. 07 1, 321, 430. 46

Illinois: First district Eighth district

60, 475, 532. 45 3& 061& 496. 90

63, 537, 029. 35

82, 539, 036. 03 13, 715& 993. 41

44, 321) 784 08 3, 951, 231. 40

187, 336, 352. 56 20, 728, 721. 71

96, 255, 029. 44 48, 273, 015. 48 208, 065, 074. 27 208, 065, 074. 27

Indiana, district of Iowa, district of Kansas, district of Kentucky, district of Louisiana, district of Maine, district of

8, 916, 842. 17 4, 246, 667. 58 3, 013, 605. 83 5, 147, 249. 33 4, 799& 512. 61 3, 433, 053. 05

17, 734, 001. 86 3, 742, 218. 44 7, 845, 550. 97

59, 040, 901. 95 10, 885, 353. 73

2, 399, 270. 09

5, 448, 468. 98 9, 502, 346. 92

11, 776, 725. 27 4, 402, 604. 12 1, 512, 084. 31 1, 987, 062. 38

32, 099, 313. 01 17, 491, 232. 94 22, 635, 882. 07 68, 590, 755. 40 17, 196, 950. 65

7, 819, 385. 52

32, 099, 313. 01 17, 491, 232. 94 22& 635& 882. 07 68, 590& 755. 40 17, 196, 950. 65

7, 819, 385. 52

Maryland: Maryland District of Columbia

19, 154, 022. 60 6, 725, 048. 57

25, 879, 071. 17

16, 733, 986. 77 4, 217, 613. 85

4, 332, 713. 78 40, 220, 723. 15 10& 942, 662. 42

20, 951, 600. 62 4, 332, 713. 78 51, 163, 385. 57 51, 163, 385. 57

Massachusetts, district of Michigan, district of Minnesota, district of Mississippi, district of

Missouri: First district Sixth district

39, 622, 028. 81 28, 169, 277. 71 10, 551, 764. 40

631, 034. 61

16& 155& 527. 60 5, 919, 310. 91

36, 2M, 336. 60 64, 309, 026. 67 14, 352, 059. 63

875, 017. 15

31, 204, 854. 29 5, 506, 907. 19

21, 145, 837. 36 4, 256, 605. 11

25, 117, 747. 03 801, 230. 56

8, 281, 940. 76 8, 715, 775. 90

97& 023& 202. 77 96, 734, 909. 49 50, 021, 571. 06

2, 307, 282. 32

55, 642, 322. 65 20, 141& 994. 00

97, 023, 202. 77 96& 734, 909. 49 50, 021& 571. 06

2, 307, 282. 32

Montana, district of Nebraska, district of Nevada, district of New Hampshire, district of

New Jersey: First district Fifth district

New Mexico district of

22, 074, 838. 51

685, 114. 28 2, 630, 338. 71 1, 736, 364. 78 1, 455, 411, 37

5, 632) 303. 36 35, 705, 355. 77

41, 337, 659. 13

289, 861. 02

36, 711, 761. 48 16, 997, 716, 66 75, 784, 316. 65

3, 940, 325. 12 9, 914, 441. 96 2, 199, 851. 11 5, 117, 841. 55

1, 658, 376. 56 4, 162, 942. 87

126, 819. 26 1, 861, 282. 76

1, 596, 834. 28 3, 121, 160. 38

336, 667. 07 1, 801, 147. 42

11, 873, 400. 45 88, 162, 894 05

786, 575. 83 2, 792, 999. 74

5, 454, 521. 26 49, 664, 538. 54

861, 432 3'9 144, 834. 73 426, 736. 64

55, 119, 059. 80 3, 579, 575. 57 100, 036, 294. 50

75& 784& 316. 65

3, 940, 325. 12 9& 914& 441. 96 2, 199, 851. 11 5, 117, 841. 55

1. 00, 036, 294. 50

861, 432. 39

New York: First district Second district Third district Fourteenth district Twenty-first district Twenty-eighth district

17, 620, 958. 68 141, 415, 616. 12 72, 721, 64?. 75 12, 575, 832. 21

4, 084, 888. 06 12, 425, 316. 65

260, 844, 259. 47

46, 220, 940. 13 291, 108, 211. 88 150, 986, 447. 12

28& 799, 839. 09 14, 978, 202. 19 33, 981, 318. 88

27, 559, 992. 13 136, 192, 986. 45 66, 135, 212. 76 14, 784, 342. 91 8, 867, 349. 05

14, 504, 410. 46

1, 039, 989. 32 13, 499, 609. 31 12, 129, 586. 61

1, 439, 663. 97 2, 025, 965. 08 7, 051, 591. 77

268, 044, 293. 76 37, 186, 406. 06 566, 074, 959. 29 566, 074, 959. 29



Internal-ret)enue recet'pts, by States and districts — Continued

[Pages 71 and 72]

States snd districts Income tax Miscellaneous taxes Processing tax on farm pl'Oducts Total by districts Total by States

North Carolina, district of North Dakota, district of

$12, 957, 991. 46 292, 321. 55

$218, 883, 140. 62 892, 172. 26

$28, 211, 651. 74 $259, 552, 788. 82 957, 421. 75 1, 641, 915. 56

$259& 552 788 82 1, 641, 915. 56

Ohio: First district Tenth district Eleventh district Eighteenth district

11, 419) 606. 70 3, 459, 991. 39 2, 856, 549. 19

20, 159, 594. 44

23, 427, 013. 74 8, 797, 506. 68 3, 898, 728. 25

37, 863, 961. 02

3, 798, 274. 80 8, 492, 187. 71 1, 867, 320. 75 8, 756, 749. 72

38, 689& 895. 24 15, 749, 685. 78 8, 122, 598. 19

61, 780, 305. 18

Oklahoma, district of Oregon, district of

87, 895, 741. 72

5, 921, 570. 00 I) 740, 784. 85

73) 987& 209. 69

34, 781, 960. 30 2, 487& 279. 44

8, 532, 6M. 59 2& 514, 848. 52

44, 186, 182, 89 6, 742, 407. 81

12, 409, 482. 98 124, 292, 484. 39 124& 292, 434. 39

44, 186, 182. 89 6, 742, 407. 81

Pennsylvania: First district Twelfth district Twenty-third district

43, 890, 469. 10 4, 216, 106. 06

18, 854, 447. 02

67, 726, 486. 11 8, 108, 494. 81

41, 581, 068. 62

6, 972, 396. 88 1, 268, 896. 56 1, 686, 875. 54

118, 589, 352. 04 13, 587, 996. 93 61, 571, 891. 18

66, 461, 022. 18 117, 861, 049. 04 9, 927, 168. 93 198, 749, 240. 15 198, V49, 240. 15

Rhode Island, district of South Carolina, district of South Dakota, district of Tennessee, district of

6, 125, 959. 00 2, 047, 644. 16

847, 038. 97 5, 168, 778. 28

5, 441, 220. 72 1& 224& 419. 05

528, 860. 58 6, 458, 572. 15

3, 806& 049. 08 16, 295, 328. 10

428, 971. 68 5, 512, 726. 47

14, 873& 228. 75 19, 567, 891. 81

1, 304, 866, 18 17, 135, 071. 85

14 873 228 75 19) 567, 391. 81 1, 804, 866. 18

17, 135, 071. 85

Texas: First district Second district

8, 588, 968. 94 7, 587, 784. 78

16, 176, 698. 67

28, 218, 375. 14 11) 009, 118. 42

84, 222, 488. 56

8, 866, 282. 70 6, 571, 164. 48

85, 168, 621. 78 25, 168, 012. 58

9, 937, 447. 18 60, 836, 684. 86 60, 336, 634. 36

Utah, district of Vermont, district of Virginia, district of

Washington: Washington Alaska

914& 966. 26 644, 405. 85

8, 796, 186. 92

8, 592, 387. 68 ' 158, 980. 38

1, 290, 296. 76 487, 444. 49

108, 059, 821. 69

6, 514, 796. 15 58, 558. 05

410, 119. 80 806, 584. 64

5, 968, 605. 58

8, 994, 149. 88

2, 615, 382. 32 1, 488, 884. 98

122, 819, 114. 19

14& 101& 288. 16 217, 488. 43

2, 615, 882. 82 I, 488, 884. 98

122, 819 114. 19

3, 751, 268. 01 6, 573, 349. 20 8, 994, 149. 88 14, 318, 766. 59 14, 818, 766. 59

West Virginia, district of Wisconsin, district of Wyoming, district of Philippine Islands

8, 582, 747. 46 7, 796, 824. 84

422, 561. 86

4, 245, 882. 82 32, 808, 818. 85

546, 424. 95 s 465, 359. 87

1, 088, 204. 77 3& 216, 201. 98

196, 285. 68

8, 866, 884. 55 48, 316, 845. 17

1, 165, 272. 44 465, 359. 37

8, 866, 834, 55 48, 816, 345. 17

1, 165, 272. 44 465, 359. 87

Total internal-revenue receipts 817, 025, 889. 72 s 1, 478, 724, 886. 62 4 856, 152, 220. 36 2& 646, 901, 946. 70

i Includes $2, 240. 12 income tax on A. laska railroads, appropriated under "Additional income tax on railroads in Alaska" (special fund), p. 273. & pf this amount $464, 289. 87 is philippine Islands revenues and $1, 069. 50 Un'ited States revenues. Additional collections from sale of stamps sffixed to products from the Philip-

pine Islands were made and are meluded in the foregoing statement under the following districts: First california, $2, 630. 80, washington, $1, 402. 90, Hawaii, $204, second New York, $90; Oregon, $5, 564. 28, making a total of $474, 181. 85 Philippine Islands internal-revenue receipts covered by warrants issued during the fiscal year 1934 snd appropriated under "Philippine special fund" (internal revenue), p. 273.

e Includes $227 966 55 "collections undor enforcement of 1))ational Prohibition Act", additional collections from this source, amounting to $1 116 564 04 were made under miscel- laneous receipts: Forfeitures, $626, 410. 06 and fines and penalties, $490, 153&98. See p. 20.

i Appropriated for "Processing taxes" under the Department of Agriculture, p. 140. See Supplemental statement following.

NQTE, — The internal-revenue receipts as published in this report differ in some respects from the figures published in the report of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue because the latter represent collecll one by Internal Revenue officers throughout the country, including amounts received through postmasters and customs ofilcers, while the former (this report) represent the actual deposit of such collections in the Treasury and its depositories during the fiscal year 1934, the difference being due to the fact that some of the coHecticns in the latter part of the fiscal year do not reach the Treasury or one of its depositories until after Iune 30.


isupplemenfel tp fpregplng statemept, . Statement of amounts collected during the fiscal year 1934 as reported by Collectors of internal Revenue for "processing tax on farm prod- ctstl frpm United states possessions as indicated below under sec. 15 (e) of the act of May 19, 1933 (48 Stat. 40), sec. 8 (f) of tbe act of May 0, 1934 (48 stat. 673), and Executive

O 0 Np 9091 pf June 30 1934 (The collections in this statement are included in the foregoing staiemeni of Internal Revenne receipts by States and Districts and appropriated for "processing taxes" under the Department pf Agriculture, p. 140. )]

Collection district Philippine Islands

Virgin Islands

American Samoa Canal Zone Island of


Arkansas California:

First district Sixth district

Colorado Georgia Hawan Illinois:

First district Indiana Iowa Louisiana Maryland Michigan Minnesota Missouri:

First district Sixth district

Nebraska New York:

Second district Third district Twenty-eighth district

Ohio: First district Tenth district Eleventh district Eighteenth district

Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania:

First district Twenty-third district

Tennessee Texas:

First district Second district

Virginia Washington

$26. 31

48 750 93 3, 596. 62

400. 75 5, 136. 10 2, 918. 08

41, 309. 42 25, 960. 48

37. 74 5, 767. 78 1, 147. 61 1, 229. 17

702. 45

359. 49 1, 227. 41

8. 77

77, 872. 91 39I 589. 92

151. 61

367. 76 790. 33

1, 215. 62 124. 07 96. 44

163. 25

22, 254. 42 403. 00

17. 29

410. 03 710. 01

80. 26 675. 52

$56. 67

1. 69 38. 01

576. 97

1. 01

5. 74

$1, 572. 39

$9. 73


$10. 33

Total 283, 501. 55 645. 05 1, 611. 41 9. 82 10. 33



States snd districts Total by States States snd districts Total by States

Alabama: Montgomery

Alaska: Anchorage Nome Fairbanks

Arizona; Phoenix

Arkansas: Little Rock

California: Los Angeles Sacramento

Colorado: Denver Pueblo

Florida: Gainesville

Idaho: Blackfoot Coeur d'Alene

Illinois Iowa Louisiana:

Baton Rouge Michigan:

Marquette Minnesota:

Cass Lake Mississippi:

Jackson Missouri:


$1, 412. 12

) 7, 752. 17

6, 168. 71

619. 60

29, 366. 32

3& 410. 45

483. 60

7, 261. 01 429. 00

50. 00

260. 90

542. 38

129. 10

364. 56

145. 00

Montana: Billings Great Falls

Nevada: Carson City

New Mexico: Las Cruees Santa Fe

North Dakota: Bismarck

Oklahoma: Guthrie

Oregon: Lakeview Roseburg The Dalles

South Dakota: Pierre

Utah'. Salt Lake City

Washington: Spokane

Wisconsin: Wausau

Wyoming: Buffalo Cheyenne Evanston

Total sales of public lands

$5, 373. 57

1, 843. 30

2, 617. 00

318. 85

58. 64

4, 009. 80

409. 51

6& 337. 55

1, 443. 89

6, 276. 30

12& 252. 58

99, 335. 91


DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA RECEIPTS BY SOURCES [District of Columbia account on p. 443]

Basis of division of revenues District of Columbia snare

united States sbare Total


Taxes: Gasoline tsx, road, and street fund (specia[ fund,

p. 78). Realty Personal, tangible Personal, intangible Public utilities, banks, building associations, etc Insurance Motor vehicle, personal Alcoholic beverage tax Beverage Unclassified, to be distributed in fiscal year 1935 I. ess unclassified amount collected in fiscal year

1988, distributed above.

Wholly District do. do do do do do do do do

of Columbia $18, 174, 886,

2, 028, 1, 639,

412, 405, 148, 230,

761. 52 817. 42 375. 61 718. 44 506. 67 158. 88 074. 30 378. 51

3. 20 000. 80

$18, 174, 761. 52 886, 817. 42

2, 023, 875. 61 1, 639, 718. 44

412, 506. 67 405, 158. 88 148, 074. 80 230, 878. 51

8. 20 I, 000. 80


Interest: Assessments for-

Alleys Paving roadways Sewers Sidewalks Street extensions Realty (delinquent taxes) Tangible, intangible, etc. (delinquent taxes)


Assessments for- Sewers Sidewalks


Assessments for- Small parks Sewers


Wholly District of &10


do do do &10

60 and 40 do

50 and 50 do


23, 914, 788. 85

529. 65 789. 87

7, 915. 68 5, 701. 94 6, 425. 14

469, 636. 08 27, 686. 75

518, 635. 11

19. 76 21. 96

41. 72

5. 98 . 78

6. 76

$13. 17 14. 64

27. 81

5. 97 . 78

6. 75

23, 914, 788. 85

529. 65 739. 87

7, 915. 68 5, 701. 94 6, 425. 14

469, 636. 08 27, 686. 75

518, 685. 11

32. 93 36. 60

69. 53

11. 95 1. 56

18. 51

Fees: Board of dental examiners Copies of record of dog tax paid Dog pound Elevator inspection Gasm t et ters Health department, transcripts of records Inspection, places of public assembly, etc Insurance licenses, transfer of Motor vehicles, duplicate tsgs Motor vehicles, registration of Motor vehicles, registration cards, duplicate Motor vehicles, title certificates

Occupational and business licenses, other than insurance, transfers of.

Public convenience stations

Recorder of deeds Register of wills Tax certificate s

Wholly District do do do do do do do do do do do do do

do do do do do do

of Columbia 3. 90 188. 50

2, 396. 50 8, 353. 75 2, 449. 10 2, 587. 00

683. 75 204. 25

1, 410. 00 187, . 134. 95

2, 496. 00 76, 570. 00 90, 600. 85

3, 018. 00

130. 00 1, 742. 32

20, 481. 64 88, 580. 05 89, 685. 79 14, 929. 00

3. 90 188. 50

2, 396. 50 8, 353. 75 2, 449, 10 2, 537. 00

688. 75 204. 25

1, 410. 00 187, 184. 95

2, 496. 00 76, 570. 00 90, 600. 85

3, 018. 00

130. 00 1, 742. 82

20, 481. 64 88, 580. 05 89, 685. 79 14, 929. 00


Permits: Buildi g 'ng Business concessions Electri c Fences and hedges Gss

Wholly District of do do do do

593, 594. 85

33, 631, 36 5, 165. 50

28, 655 80 164. 00

2, 812. 00


593, 594. 85

33, 631. 36 5, 165. 50

28, 655. 80 164. 00

2, 812. OO



District of Columbia receipts by sources — Continued

nests of division of revenues District of Columbia share

United States share Total


Permits — Continued Guard stones Motor-vehicle operators Motor-vehicle operators, reissue of permits Motor-vehicle operators, duplicate permits Paved parkings Pipe lines Sewers Tanks Walls Water service


Licenses Alcoholic beverage Beverage Dogs Elevator operators Engineers Insurance Occupational and business other than insurance Phtmbers


Fines: Juvenile court Police court


Wholly District of Columbia &10

do &10

do do do do do clo

Wholly District of Columbia do do do do do do do

Wholly District of Columbia do

$2. 00 75, 222. 00 87, 615. 00

2, 980. 50 74. 00

4. 00 1, 298. 00

31. 00 653. 00

1, 931. 00

239, 739. 16

632, 103. 81 171, 916. 38 43, 550. 32

821. 00 309. 00

49, 987. 10 333, 652. 27

2, 985. 36

1, 235, 325. 24

132. 00 287, 424. 25

287, 556. 25

$2. OO

75, 222. 00 87, 615. 00

2, 980. 50 74. 00

4. 00 1, 298. 00

31. 00 653. 00

1, 931. 00

239, 739. 16

632, 103. 81 171, 916. 38 43, 550. 32

821. OO

309. 00 49, 987. 10

333, 652. 27 2, 985. 36

1, 235, 325. 24

132. 00 287, 424. 25

287, 5M. 25

Sale of products and services: District Training School, pay patients Gallinger Municipal Hospital, pay patients Gallinger Municipal Hospital, o c c up at i on al

therapy products. Garbage grease Home for the Aged and Infirm, products Maps, District of Columbia Miscellaneous city refuse Old material Penal institutions, commissary Other than penal institutions, commissary Regul ations Reports, study of power needs Sewage disposal from adjacent territory Surveyor's office, services Tuberculosis Hospital, pay patients Tuition, nonresident pupils Water fund (special fund, p. 78) Workhouse, products Excess delivery charges, department of vehicles

and traffic.


Wholly District of do do

do do do do do &10

clo do do do do do do clo do do

Columbta 701. 00 3, 556. 00

22. 00

13, 411. 48 40. 89

315. 50 22. 50

'7. 906. 21 1, 691. 54

712. 35 33. 70 19. 80

2, 885. 34 18, 061. 50

567. 00 4, 509. 60

42. 72 750. 00

50, 249. 13

$962. 62

962. 62

701. 00 3, 556. 00

22. QO

13, 441. 48 40. 89

315. 50 22. 50

3, 868. 83 1, 691. 54

712. 35 33. 70 19. 80

2, 885. 34 18, 061. 50

567. OQ

4, 509. 60

42. 72 750. OO

51, 211. 75

Rents Buildings Conduit space on Francis Scott Key Bridge, etc Eastern Market Fish wharf and market Georgetown Market Land Pipe lines Vault space Western Market Wharves Wholesale Produce Market


Wholly District do do do do clo do do do do do

of Columbia 39i 697. 24 2, 253. 75 4, 755. 40

17, 574. 83 374. 40

60. 00 608. 59

21, 922. 22 5, 654. 40

14, 851. 23 8, 983. 84

116, 735. 90

39, 697. 24 2, 253. 75 4, 755. 40

17, 574. 83 3?4. 40 60. 00

608. 59 21, 922. 22

5, 654. 40 14, 851. 23

8, 983. 84

116, 735. 90


INstrict cf Columbia rcceipfs by sot(ress — Continued


Basis of division of revenues District of Columhia share

f&nited States chal'e Tot (f


Reimbursements: Advertising taxes in arrears Board and care of insane Conscience fund Court costs District of Columbia property lost or damaged Expenses of fuel yards Postage Recovery of money used as evidence Recovery of payment from indigent cases in hos-

pitals. Settlement of claim against the Poster Whaller



Wholly do do do do do do do do


District of Columbia $8& 581. 00 43, 298. 65

13. 00 282. 10

2, 313. 86 63, 771. 20

3. 34 2, 029. 08 3, 025. 00

220. 00

123, 537. 23

$8, 581. 00 43, 298. 65

13. 00 282. 10

2, 313. 86 63, 771. 20

3. 34 2& 029. 08 3& 025. 00

220. 00

123, 537. 23

Forfeitures: Escheated Estates Relief Fund (special fund, p.

78). Guaranty deposits Other


Assessments: Alleys Pavmg roadways Sewers Sidewalks Special, reimbursement Street extensions


Sewers Sidewalks


Small parks Sewers Sidewalks


Sales of Government property: Buildin s gs

Miscellaneous deposits by officers other than the col- lector of taxes, District of Columbia:

Fees: Court of Appeals, clerk Municipal court, marshal Supreme Court, D. C. , marshal

Wholly District of Columbia

do do

Wholly District of Columbia do do do do do

60 and 40 do

50 and 50 do do

Wholly District of Columbia

do Wholly United States


15, 148. 09 160. 00

15, 308. 09

4, 950. 92 40, 278. 29 92, 530. 33 88, 782. 75

296. 74 63, 164. 92

290, 003. 95

316. 08 123. 37

439. 45

12. 60 224. 61

52. 57

289. 78

1, 390. 61

9, 271. 63

$210. 73 82. 25

292. 98

12. 60 224. 58

52. 57

289. 75

53, 722. 02 10, 814. 75

15, 148. 09 160. 00

15, 308. 09

4, 950. 92 40& 278. 29 92& 530. 33 88, 782. 75

296. 74 63, 164. 92

290, 003. 95

526. 81 205. 62

732. 43

25. 20 449. 19 105. 14

579. 53

1, 390. 61

9, 271. 63 53, 722. 02 10, 814. 75


Permits: Business concessions

Fines: Militia cases, Supreme Court, District of


Wholly District of Columbia

Wholly United States

9, 271. 63 64, 536. 77

13, 633. 00

114. 00

73, 808. 40

13, 633. 00

114. 00

Sale of products and services: Old material Refuse Freedmen's Hospital

T tal 0.

Rents Buildings Land


Wholly District of Columbia 50 and 50

Wholly District of Columbia do

360. 00 5. 93

365. 93

7, 922. 38 3, 520. 00

11, 442. 38

4. 92 5. 92

10. 84

364. 92 11. 85

376. 77

7, 922. 38 3, 520. 00

11, 442. 38

Wholly District of Columbia

Total revenue receipts, exclusive of special accounts.

Reimbursements: District of Columbia property lost or dam-

aged. 72. 38

27, 422, 427. 40 66, 241. 52

72. 38

27, 488, 668. 92


District of Columbia receipts by sources — Continued

Basis of division of revenues District of Columbia share

United States share Total


Sales of Government property: Equipment Land


Total general accounts of the District of Colum- bia.

Less amount covered into the Treasury from the above funds, with credit to-

"Policemen and firemen's relief fund, " trust fund, in pursuance of act of Sept. 1, 1916 (39 Stat. 718, sec. 12).


Wholly District of Columbia Wholly United States

$27. 50

27. 50

27, 422, 454. 90

708, 084. 31

26, 714, 370. 59

$1, 876. 00

1, 876. 00

68, 117. 52

68, 117. 52

$27. 50 1, 876. 00

1, 903. 50

27, 490, 572. 42

708, 084. 31

26, 782, 488. 11

Special accounts: (For appropriation accounts see pp. 356, 360. )

Gasoline tax road and street fund (including special assessments) (act Apr. 23, 1924, 43 Stat. 106).

Industrial Home School Fund (act June 11, 1896, 29 Stat. 411).

Water fund (act June 11, 1878, 20 Stat. 102, and prior acts).

Escheated estates relief fund (act Mar, 3, 1901, 31 Stat. 1251, sec. 388).

Total special accounts, District of Columbia


Trust accounts




2. 73

1, 944, 245. 48

2, 780. 06

4, 220, 546. 77

Wholly District of Columbia 2, 273, 518. 50 2, 273, 518. 50

2. 73

1, 944, 245. 48

2, 780. 06

4, 220, 546. 77

(For appropriation accounts see p. 361. ) Deposits of inmates' funds, Workhouse and Re-

formatory, District of Columbia (decision of Comptroller General, Feb. 10, 1931, A-18286).

Permit fund (act Aug. 7, 1894, 28 Stat. 247) Policemen and firemen's relief fund (includes

$708, 084. 31 credits from general fund of the District of Columbia) (act Sept. 1, 1916, 39 Stat. 718, sec. 12).

Surplus fund (act July 1, 1902, 32 Stat. 635, sec. 5) Deductions from salaries, teachers' retirement

fund, District of Columbia (act June 11, 1926, 44 Stat. 727).

Interest on investments, teachers' retirement fund deductions, District of Columbia (act June 11, 1926, 44 Stat. 727).

Interest on investments, teachers' retirement fund, Government reserves, District of Colum- bia (act June 11, 1926, 44 Stat. 728, sec. 7).

Miscellaneous trust-fund deposits (act Apr. 27, 1904, 33 Stat. 368).

Washington redemption fund (act July 1, 1902, 32 Stat. 635, sec. 4).

District of Columbia workmen's compensation act (act May 17, 1928, 45 Stat. 600).

Interest on investments, District of Columbia workmen's compensation (act May 17, 1928, 45 Stat. 600).

Total trust accounts, District of Columbia

Total miscellaneous receipts under District of Columbia.

Wholly District of Columbia

do do

do do







43, 283. 20

20, 792. 47 905, 713. 14

88. 00 291, 646. 59

1M, 175. 80

63, 301. 60

616, 750. 38

195, 838. 55

4, 000. 00

861. 94

2, 298, 451. 67

33, 233, 369. 03 ' 68, 117. 52

43, 283. 20

20, 792. 47 905, 713. 14

88. 00 291, 646. 59

156, 175. 80

63, 301. 60

616, 750. 38

195I 838. 55

4, 000. 00

861. 94

2, 298, 451. 67

33, 301, 486. 55

I Includes S4. S2 District of Columbia share for sale of old material which will be adiusted during the fiscsf year 1%5.

EXPENDITURES [Summary of expenditures of the Government for the decal year ended June 30, 1934, classified by departments and organization units according to accounts]

[On basis of checks issued; see p. 6. Excess credits itsffcz to be deductedl

Details on pages

General and special accounts Emergency accounts Total general, special,

and emergency accounts Trust and contnbuted



United States Senate House of Representatives Legislative, miscellaneous Architect of the Capitol Botanic Garden Library of Congress Government Printing Office

Total, Legislative


$2, 999, 473. 45 7, 227, 357. 37

5, 830. 00 2, 760, 645. 56

104, 745. 82 1, 992, 818. 29 2, 620, 086. 28

17, 710, 956. 77

$124, 589. 67

124, 589. 67

$2, 999, 473. 45 7, 227, 357. 37

5, 830. 00 2, 885, 235. 23

104, 745. 82 1, 992, 818. 29 2, 620, 086. 28

17, 835, 546. 44

$114, 408. 06

114, 408. 06

Executive Office, Mansion, and Grounds


355I 480, 19 355, 480. 19

811f, 879. 66 Alien Property Custodian American Battle Monuments Commission American National Red Cross Arlington Memorial Bridge Commission Board of Mediation Board of Tax Appeals Bureau of Efliciency Central Statistical Board Chicago World's Fair Centennial Celebra-

tion Civil Service Commission Commission of Fine Arts Electric Home and Farm Authority, Incor-

porated Employees' Compensation Commission Executive Council Federal Alcohol Control Administration Federal Board for Vocational Education Federal Coordinator of Transportation Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Federal Farm Board Federal Home Loan Bank Board Federal Oil Conservation Board Federal Power Commission Federal Radio Commission Federal Reserve Board Federal Savings and Loan Associations Federal Surplus Relief Corporation Federal Trade Commission General Accounting Office Interstate Commerce Commission National Advisory Committee for Aero-

nautics National Banking Emergency Act National Capital Park and Planning Com-

mission National Emergency Council National Labor Board Oflice of Special Advisor to the President

on Foreign Trade Public Buildings and Public Parks of the

National Capital Puerto Rico Hurricane Relief Commission Railroad Administration and Transporta-

tion Act Reconstruction Finance Corporation Smithsonian Institution

' Transferred and stated under Office of National Parks & Included under National Industrial Recovery Admfni z Transferred and stated under the Department of the ' Under the Treasury Department. z Transferred and stated under Farm Credit Administr & Included under Federal Emergency Relief Administrs r See note 18, p. 87 snd supporting statement on p. 897,

295, 755. 53 2, 978. 98

295, 755. 53 2, 978. 98

(I) 143, 292. 67 475, 477. 34

8. 06

2, 978. 98

143, 292. 67 475, 477. 34

8. 06 (z)

349, 573. 09 1, 233, 419. 78


349, 573. 09 1, 233, 419. 78

13, 426. 60 3, 753, 974. 99

29, 589. 27 142, 851. 52

13, 426. 60 3, 753, 974. 99 13, 525. 12

29, 589. 27 142, 851. 52

401, 836. 11 401, 836. 11 (4)

(6) 339, 937. 73

2, 111. 63 270, 875. 29 626, 736. 00

96, 004. 22

339, 937. 73 2, 111. 63

397, 683. 76 626, 736. 00

96, 004. 22

126, 808. 47 87. 61

1, 275, 93 1. 21 3, 318, 317. 27 5, 057, 621. 29

1, 275, 931. 21 3, 463, 522. 05 5, 057, 621. 29

89, 5'$6. 17 15, 787. 78

307, 199. 81 145, 204. 78

179, 427. 42 714, 820. 64 1, 067, 771. 14

153, 584. 73

894, 248. 06 1, 067, 771. 14

450. 00

153, 584. 73 78, 585. 55

217, 555. 67 78, 585. 55

217, 555. 67

40, 240. 99 40, 240. 99

(z) 32, 607. 90

$, lj. lj9, 081. Qlj

32, 607. 90

$, glr9& 081. lilf

841, 257. 30 841, 257. 30 d Reservations, Departme Buildings an

stration. Interior, pursue nt to Executive Order No. 6166, of June 10, 1933.

stion, pursues tion.

t to Executive Order No. 6084 of Mar. 37, 1933.


nt of the Interior, pursuant to Executive Order No. 6166, of June 10, 1933.


Expenditures — Continued

Details on pages

General and special accounts Emergency accounts Total general, special,

and emergency accounts Trust and contributed



United States Geographic Board United States Shipping Board United States Supreme Court Building Com-

mission United States Tariff Commission War Finance Corporation Miscellaneous commissions, boards, etc. :

George Rogers Clark Sesquicentennial Commission

George Washington Bicentennial Com- mission

Mount Rushmore National Memorial Commission

District of Columbia-Virginia Boundary Commission

Operations under mineral act of Oct. 5, 1918

Protection of interests of United States in oil leases and oil lands

Public Buildings Commission United States- Yorktown Sesquicenten-

nial Commission Other

Total of the above independent offices

Veterans' Administration: Salaries and expenses Adjusted service and dependent pay Hospital and domiciliary facilities and

services Military and naval compensation Military and naval insurance NATIONAL INDUSTRIAL RECOYERY, Vet-

erans' Administration Printing and binding Army and Navy pensions State and Territorial homes for disabled

soldiers and sailors Private relief acts Miscellaneous items Special deposit accounts

Total, Veterans' Administration, ex- clusive of adjusted-service certifi- cate fund, civil-service retirement fund, Canal Zone retirement fund, and Government life-insurance fund

Adjusted-service certificate fund Civil-service retirement f und Canal Zone retirement fund Government life-insurance fund


$2, 645, 464. 14 744, 998. 26

46, 935. 76

65, 043. 93

2, 472. 50

589, 231. 13

1, 933. 82 (')

111. 42 986. 7f7

19, 698, 239. 84

63, 355, 096. 82 1, 895, 154. 57

2, 836, 026. 68 2, 037, 991. 50

104, 029, 588. 85

86, 650. 45 319, 322, 029. 23

151, 844. 76' 285. 00

2, 077, 029. 76 249, 036. 62

496, 040, 734. 25 50, 000, 000. 00 20, 850, 000. 00

$1, 375, 526. 38

401, 794. 47

401, 794. 47

$2, 645, 464. 14 744, 998. 26

46, 935. 76

65, 043. 93

2, 472. 50

589, 231. 13

1, 933. 82

111. 42 986. $7

21, 073, 766. 22

63, 355, 096. 82 1, 895, 154. 57

2, 836, 026. 68 2, 037, 991. 50

104, 029, 588. 85

401, 794. 47 86, 650. 45

319, 322, 029. 23

151, 844. 76 285. 00

2, 077, 029. 76 249, 036. 62

496, 442, 528. 71 50, 000, 000. 00 20, 850, 000. 00

4'69, 086. 91

268, 493. 98' 7f, 901. 76

196, 592. 22 5, 207, 144. 77

38, 556, 699. 54 572, 036. 97 ' 72, 310, 707. 68

Total, Veterans' Administration


566, 890, 734. 24 401, 794. 47 567, 292, 528, 71 116, 843, 181. 18

Commodity Credit Corporation Emergency Conservation Fund Export-Import Banks of Washington Federal Civil Works Administration Federal Emergency Housing Corporation Federal Emergency Relief Administration NATIQNAL INDUsTRIAL REcovERY, Federal

Emergency Relief Administration NATIONAL INDUSTRIAL RECOYERY, Federal

Emergency Relief Administration, Surplus Relief

National Industrial Recovery Administra- tion

Tennessee Valley Authority

Total, miscellaneous

2, 573, 597. 30 313, 002, 240. . 41

64, 775. 35 717, 333, 554. 65

863, 717. 16 344, 666, 730. 35

9, 964. 71

23& 093. 49

7, 005, 966. 21 11, 466, 900. 35

1 397 010 53g g8

2, 573, 597. 30 313, 002, 240. 41

64, 775. 35 717, 333, 554. 65

863, 717. 16 344, 666, 730. 35

9, 964. 71

23, 093. 49

7, 005, 966. 21 11, 466, 900. 35

1, 397, 010, 539. 98

& Transferred and stated under Ofdce of National Parks & Transferred and stated under the Department of the & Transferred and stated under the Department of Comm & Includes $3, 241, 093. 61 referred to in note 19, p. 127.

, Buildings, a Interior, pure

erce, pursuan

ad Reservations Department of the Interior p~uant to Executive Order No 6166 4 June 10 1933 uaat to Executive Order No. 6166, of June 10, 1933. t to Executive Order No. 6166 of Juae 10, 1933.


Expenditures — Continued



Administrative expenses Loans and grants to States, municipalities,

railroads, etc

Total, Federal Emergency Adminis- tration of Public Works


Salaries and expenses, Farm Credit Admin- istration

Agricultural marketing revolving fund, Farm Credit Administration

Farm Credit Administration, revolving fund (Emergency account, Farm Credit Act)

Farmers crop production and harvesting loans

Repayment of loans on account of distribu- tion of Government-owned wheat and cotton, Farm Credit Administration

Agricultural credits and rehabilitation, emergency relief

Loans to farmers in storm-, flood-, and drought-stricken areas

Miscellaneous items Special deposit accounts

Details on pages

General and special accounts

$2, 435, 019. 91

13, 204, 210. 62

27, 500, 000. 00

4, 946, 783. 11

7&, 871, 195. 88

18, 07&1, 870. 86 8, 374. 40

8, 879, o58. 11

Emergency accounts

$6, 002, 384. 78

155, 719, 695. 17

161, 722, 079. 95

60, 000, 000. 00

40, 000, 000. 00

28, 491, 749. 08

Total general, special, snd emergency accounts

$6 002 384. 78

155, 719, 695. 17

161, 722, 079. 95

2, 435, 019. 91

73, 204, 210. 62

67, 500, 000. 00

28, 491, ?49. 08

4, 946, 783. 11

J, 871, 195. 8B

18, 07&1, 870. 86 8, 374. 40

8, 879, 558. 11

Trust snd contributed &lccollllts

$61, 858. /&8

Total, Farm Credit Administration

Total, independent offices


22, 301, 764. 29 126, 491, 749. 08

608, 890, 738. 37 1, 689, 001, 689. 86

150, 793, 513. 37

2, 297, 892, 428. 23

61, 858. 7&8

116, 742, 295. 79

Office of the Secretary Office of Information Library, Department of Agriculture Office of Experiment Stations Extension service Cooperative agricultural extension work Weather Bureau Bureau of Animal Industry Meat Inspection, Bureau of Animal Industry Bureau of Dairy Industry Bureau of Plant Industry Forest Service Cooperative work, Forest Service Payment to States s, nd Territories from na-

tional forests fund Acquisition of lands for protection of water-

sheds and streams Bureau of Chemistry and Soils Bureau of Biological Survey Bureau of Agricultural Engineering Bureau of Agricultural Economics Bureau of Home Economics Bureau of Entomology Bureau of Plant Quarantine Enforcement of the grain futures act Food and Drug Administration NATIONAL INDUSTRIAL RECOVERY, Agricul-

tural Ad ustment Administration, Na- tional Recovery Administration, Codes

Agriculture, miscellaneous Special deposit accounts

Agricultural Adjustment Administration: Advances to Agricultural Adjustment

Administration Refunding processing taxes National Industrial Recovery Salaries and general expenses

108385 — 3~

765, 900. 69 915& 290. 06

871 380. 18 4, 552, 233. 21 1, 189, 353. 67 8, 351, 957. 91 2, 963, 574. 12 6, 481, 921. 88 4, 562, 567. 50

541, 062. 2? 3, 553, 406. 96 9, 499, 861. 96

679, 317. 09

443, 1, 355, 1, 067,

345, 4, 707,

171, 2, 726, 1, 594,

163, 11 490,

437. 75 544. 85 572. 46 598. 30 491. 77 361. 76 071. 76 534. 36 180. 15 019. 67

125, 141. 18 188& 557. 90

58, 201, 223. 61

295, 370, 623. Sl

293, 996& 321. 15 1, 374, 302. 66

2, 717. 96

4, 947. 89

92, 865. 39 9951 411. 86

130, 705. 71 1, 836, 365. 00 8, 747, 245. 13

52 588 03 290, 590. 00 141, 133. 17

1& 199. 03 44, 067. 03

1, 541, 412. 58

29, 725. 41

21, 646. 49 855, 185. 69

13, 577, 485. 06

2, 744, 629. 20 8, 122& S07. 80

10, 867, 437. 00

768, 9151

87, 4, 557, 1, 189, 8, 351, 3, 056, 7, 477& 4, 5621

671, 5, 389,

181 247,

618. 65 290. 06 380. 18 181. 10 353. 67 957. 91 439. 51 333. 74 567. 50 767. 98 771. 96 10?. 09

679, 317. 09

443, 1, 408, 1, 358,

486, 4, 707,

172, 2, 770,

, 3, 135, 163,

1, 519,

437. 75 132. 88 162. 46 731. 47 491. 77 560. 79 138. 79 946. 94 180. 15 745. 08

293, 996, 321. 15 1, 374, 302. 66 2, 744, 629. 20 8, 122, 807. 80

306, 238, 060. Sl

21, 646. 49 899, 997&. 7&7&

189, 557. 90

71, ??S, ?08. 67

1, 287, 828. 3

5, 7&88, O8i. 67

7&, 17&5, 19, &'. 85


ZspenChtures — Continued

Details on pages

General snd special accounts Emergency accounts Total general, special,

snd emergency accounts Trust snd contributed



Public Highways: National Industrial Recovery Other appropriations

Total, Department of Agriculture


$138 672, 714 85 'o$138 672, 714 85 108, 607, 613. 13 108, 607, 613. 13

247, 280, 327. 98 247, 280, 327. 98

$353, 571, 847. 42 271, 725, 250. 04 625, 297, 097. 46 tf/1& 1 l&5& 198. 85

Office of the Secretary Federal Employment Stabilization Board Aircraft in Commerce Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce. . Bureau of Census Bureau of Navigation and Stes, mboat In-

spection Service Bureau of Standards Bureau of Lighthouses Coast and Geodetic Survey Bureau of Fisheries Patent Office Bureau of Mines Commerce, miscellaneous Special deposit accounts

United States Shipping Board

Total, Department of Commerce


Office of the Secretary Commission of Fine Arts 2

George Rogers Clark Sesquicentennial Com- mission '

General Land Office Bureau of Reclamation Boulder Canyon project Geological Survey Office of National Parks, Buildings, and

Reservations Office of Education Federal Board for Vocational Education ' Government in the Territories Beneficiaries Bureau of Mines 2

United States Geographic Board ' Interior, civil, miscellaneous Special deposit accounts

Total, Interior, civil, excluding Boulder Canyon project


Salaries and general expenses Education General support and administration Fulfilling treaty stipulations and treaty sup-

ports Miscellaneous expenses of Indian Service Interest on Indian tribal funds Tri bal f un ds Special deposit accounts

Total, Indian Affairs

672& 521. 17 29, 263. 54

4, 934, 886. 97 2, 070, 638. 91 1, 459, 775. 08

1& 277, 714. 43 1, 310, 481. 10 8, 289, 657. 48 1, 745, 080. 43 1, 211, 615. 97 3& 942, 719. 41

(') 5l&& l&91. $8 16& 898. 61

26, 873, 469. 46 9, 691, 668. 81

17, 181, 800. 65

610, 133. 12 8, 419. 85

306, 179. 69 2, 780, 402. 65 2, 216, 182. 02

1, 585, 044. 04

9, 237, 285. 29 2, 796, 193. 33 8, 131, 452. 85 3, 049, 979. 74 2& 123, 102. 98 1, 332, 807. 26

9, 858. 08 108, 876. 48 896, 118. 01

33, 788, 652. 41

1, 197, 835. 78 7, 813, 349. 51 1, 817, 059. 87


5, 163, 911. 37 507, 250. 23

16, 499, 406. 76

392, 155. 05

19, 043. 00 74, 906. 50

1, 329, 535. 77 3, 150, 270. 61

326, 737. 15

5& 292, 648. 08

5, 292, 648. 08

3, 787, 684. 77

611, 997. 09 3, 010, 161. 56

(11) 1, 835, 898. 46

5, 971, 987. 29

1, 121, 022. 14 505, 285. 88

71, 648. 42

188, 658. 08

16, 787, 027. 58

6, 873, 498. 57

6, 873, 498. 57

672, 521. 17 29, 263. 54

5, 327& 042. 02 2, 070& 638. 91 1, 459, 775. 08

1, 296, 757. 43 1, 385, 387. 60 9, 619, 193. 25 4, 895& 35L 04 1, 538, 353. 12 3, 942, 719. 41

5l&. , l19L l18 16, 898. 61

32, 166, 117. 54 9) 691, 668. 81

22& 474) 448. 73

4, 397, 817. 89 8, 419. 85

306, 179. 69 3, 392, 399. 74 5, 226, 343. 58

(11) 3, 420, 942. 50

15, 209, 272. 58 2, 796, 193. 33 8, 131, 452. 85 4, 171, 001. 88 2, 628, 388. 86 1, 404, 455. 68

9, 858. 08 881, 08lf. 51 896, 118. 01

50, 575, 579. 99

8, 071, 334. 35 7, 813, 349. 51 1, 817, 059. 87

5, 163, 911. 37 507, 250. 23

23, 372, 905. 33

100. 87

88, 778. 88

88, 677. l&1

88, 677. 1&1

604. 15

197, 728. 80

35, 852. 38 123, 932. 60

77, 191. 79

280, 926. 14

5, 125, 564. 77 * 860, 10l&. 87

865, 460. 50

Total, Department of the Interior, in- cluding Indian Affairs, but ex- cluding Boulder Canyon project

1 Transferred and stated under the Department of the &1 Exclusive of $35, 275, 000 referred to in note 20, p. 135. u See below for this item. 0 Included under General Support and Administration

Interior pursue

23, 660, 526. 15 50, 287, 959. 17 nt to Executive Order No. 6166, of June 10, 1033.

73, 948, 485. 32 1, 146, 386. 64


Expends'tures — Continued

Details on pages

General and special accounts Emergency accounts Total genera, . 1&e& ial,

and emergency accounts Tru 1 and contributed



Boulder Canyon project

Total, Department of the Interior



Salaries and expenses Detection and prosecution of crimes Miscellaneous objects Bureau of Prisons, salaries and expenses Bureau of Prohibition Division of Investigation Veterans' Insurance Litigation

Total, Office of the Attorney General


$50, 287, 959. 17

1, 449, 775. 22 296, 612. 30 464, 918. 22 185, 438. 76 922, 365. 62

4& 432, 558. 72 ~ 316, o73. 21

8, 068, 242. 05

$19, 526, 289. 81

43, 186, 815. 96

$19, 526, 289. 81

93, 474, 775. 13

1, 449, 775. 22 296, 612. 30 464, 918. 22 185, 438. 76 922, 365. 62

4, 432, 558. 72 316, 573. 21

8, 068, 242. 05

870, 536. 99

1, 216, 923. 63

Salaries and expenses, Supreme Court Salaries and expenses of judges Court of Customs and Patent Appeals United States Customs Court Court of Claims Territorial courts Panama Canal Zone, salaries, District Court United States Court for China, salaries and

expenses " Expenses, etc. , United States courts Judicial, miscellaneous Special deposit accounts

308, 2, 258,

94, 206, 170,

77& 26,

22, 11, 267,

46, 57,

117. 44 334. 47 761. 89 293. 65 996. 93 068. 67 277. 11

914. 71 743. 47 924. 54 242. 99

308, 117. 44 2, 258, 334. 47

94, 761. 89 206, 293. 65 170, 996. 93

77, 068. 67 26, 277. 11

22, 914. 71 11, 267, 743. 47

46, 924. 54 57, 242. 99

191, 979. 69

Total, Judiciary


Penal and correctional institutions

Total, Department of Justice


Office of the Secretary Bureau of Labor Statistics Bureau of Immigration and Naturalization Children's Bureau Women's Bureau United States Employment Service Employment Service Housing Corporation Labor, miscellaneous Special deposit accounts

Total, Department of Labor


14, 536, 675. 87

8, 713, 284, 76

31, 318, 202. 68

583, 827. 13 396, 339. 33

7, 961, 326. 98 324, 043. 78 136, 894. 93 909, 306. 08

91, 935. 17 16, 624. 69 23, 147. 84

10, 443, 445. 93

214, 981. 95

214, 981. 95

9, 360. 40 3, 693. 58

1, 218, 786. 88

698, 172. 07

1, 930, 012. 93

14, 536, 675. 87

8, 928, 266. 71

31, 533, 184. 63

593, 187. 53 400, 032. 91

9, 180, 113. 86 324, 043. 78 136, 894. 93

1, 607, 478. 15 91, 935. 17 16, 624. 69 23, 147. 84

12, 373, 458. 86

191, 979. 68

686, 565. 90

494, 593. 28

133. 00

1, 76, 598 51,

~76, 1&60. 5'

3, 265, 411. 09 524, 577. 64

1, 216, 513. 94 3, 262, 917. 28

14, 504, 778. 97 12, 495, 193. 96 9, 065, 394. 25

5, 067, 407. 88 6, 587, 081. 90 1, 091, 589. Jr8

129, 094, 280. 39

1&. 88, 880. 61 1196& 881&. . 1&8

289, 796. 80 687, 581. 83 698, 526. 93 328, 946. 58


2 8&

15, 1,

rder No. to Executive 0 6166 of June 10, 1933.

Salaries, Navy Department Contingent expenses, etc Office of the Secretary Bureau of Navigation Bureau of Engineering Bureau of Construction and Repair Bureau of Ordnance Bureau of Supplies and Accounts:

Fuel and transportation Maintenance Naval supply account fund Pay, subsistence, and transportation,

Navy National Industrial Recovery, Navy, Sup-

plies and Accounts Naval working fund Other items

Bureau of Medicine and Surgery Bureau of Yards and Docks Bureau of Aeronautics Naval Academy

» Transferred from the Department of State, pursuant

1, 084, 864. 15

14, 700. 29

211, 345. 33

117, 413. 93

11, 396, 446. 82 502, 227. 14

117, 18, 1&88,

1196, 2, 289,

20, 084, 16, 200,

1, 328,

413. 93 990. 61 88!&. 1&8

796. 80 028. 65 754. 07


946. 58 ~

3, 265, 411. 09 524, 577. 64

2, 301, 378. 09 3, 262, 917. 28

14, 519, 479. 26 12, 495, 193. 96 9, 276, 739. 58

5, 067, 407. 88 6, 587, 081. 90 1, 091, 589. 1&8

129, 094, 280. 39

36, 097. 42


Expends'tures — Continued

Details on pages

General and special accounts Emergency accounts Total general, special,

and emergency accounts Trust and contributed



Marine Corps: Pay General expenses Other items

Alterations to naval vessels Increase of the Navy:

Armor, armament, and ammunition Construction and machinery National Industrial Recovery, Navy,

allotment Other items

Navy, miscellaneous General account of advances Special deposit accounts

Total, Navy Department


Salaries and expenses, public buildings, Post Office Department .

Foreign mail transportation Private relief acts Deficiencies in the postal revenues Miscellaneous expenses, Postal Service

Total, Post Office Department exclu- sive of Postal Service payable from postal revenues


Salaries and expenses Foreign intercourse Foreign Service retirement fund Special deposit accounts

Total, Department of State


$12, 691, 874. 52 4, 424, 071. 28

228, 486. 77 5, 611, 425. 16

10& 461& 749. 12 32, 529, 286. 88

8& 829. 14 57, 117. 52 48& 292. 39 13, 587. 36

264, 141, 535. 01

9, 589, 943. 80 2, 600, 000. 00

19, 636. 62 52, 003, 295. 62

1, 566. 28

64, 214, 442. 32

1, 674, 416. 50 9, 721, 912. 01

292, 700. 00 9, 908. 08

11, 679, 120. 43

$23, 457, 056. 19

36, 784, 053. 85

6, 198. 00

6, 198. 00

808, 585. 93

808, 585. 93

$12, 691, 874. 52 4, 424, 071. 28

228, 486. 77 5, 611, 425. 16

10, 461, 749. 12 32, 529, 286. 88

23& 457, 056. 19 8, 829. 14

57& 117. 52 48, 292. 39 13, 587. 36

300, 925, 588. 86

9, 589, 943. 80 2, 600, 000. 00

19, 636. 62 52, 003, 295. 62

7, 764. 28

" 64& 220& 640. 32

1, 674, 416. 50 10, 530, 497. 94

292, 700. 00 9, 908. 08

12 487 706. 36

$122& 976. 97

123. 63

159& 198. 02

51. 00

51. 00

18& 967. 47 245& 628. 32 909& 885. 80

54, 760. 59

Office of the Secretary Office of Solicitor of the Treasury Office of Chief Clerk and Superintendent Division of Supply Office of Commissioner of Accounts and

Deposits Division of Bookkeeping and Warrants Division of Disbursement Public Debt Service Division of Appointments Bureau of Customs:

Collecting the revenue from customs Miscellaneous expenses Refunds, debentures, drawbacks, etc

Bureau of the Budget Office of Treasurer of United States Office of Comptroller of the Currency Bureau of Internal Revenue:

Collecting the revenue Refunds, debentures, drawbacks, etc Salaries and expenses, Bureau of Indus-

trial Alcohol Bureau of Prohibition:

Enforcement of Narcotic and National Prohibition Acts

Bureau of Narcotics Coast Guard Bureau of Engraving and Printing Secret Service Division Public Iiealth Service Bureau of the Mint Treasury, miscellaneous:

To promote the education of the blind Outstanding liabilities (trust fund) Other items Special deposit accounts

u For classidcation of extraordinary expenditures contri on p. 422 for statement of account.

15 Bee below for this iteru.

139, 319. 35 14, 084. 27

575, 967. 59 922, 284. 92

93, 926. 63 912, 770. 90 309, 165. 34

3, 814, 756. 47 37, 896. 31

17, 650, 631. 43 356. 00

( 15)

155, 313. 48 1, 406, 768. 95

271, 148. 09

28, 505, 063. 50 (15)

2, 826, 810. 90

1, 807. 86 1, 029, 040. 96

19, 498, 818. 21 4, 339, 524. 32

648, 912. 07 8, 245, 170. 09 1, 031, 702. 64

75, 000. 00

buting to the

61, 528. 27 64, 596. 18

deficiency in the postal reve

139, 319. 35 14, 084. 27

575, 967. 59 922, 284. 92

93, 926. 63 912, 770. 90 309, 165. 34

3, 814, 756. 47 37, 896. 31

17, 650, 631. 43 356. 00

155, 313. 48 1, 406, 768. 95

271, 148. 09

28, 505, 063. 50

2, 826, 810. 90

17, 665, 307. 00

1, 397, 468. 54

1, 807. 86 1, 029, 040. 96

37, 164, 125. 21 4, 339, 524. 32

648, 912. 07 9, 642, 638. 63 1& 031, 702. 64

75, 000. 00

89. 58

nues for the fiscal year end

61& 438. 75 64, 596. 18

ed June 30, 1934, see letter o

71, 364, 15

3, 216. 48

9i9, S98. 7i 170. 31

1, 317, 592. 95 f the Postmaster General


Eg pen(htures — Continued

Details on pages

General and special accounts Emergency accounts Total general, special, Trust and contributed

and emergency accounts accounts


Special accounts: Settlement of War Claims Act of 1928

Procurement Division: Salaries and Expenses P. epairs, equipment, etc. , public build-

ings Operating expenses, public buildings

Refund of receipts: Customs Internal revenue Bureau of Industrial Alcohol

$79, 666. 68

1, 800, 567. 49

2, 884, 324. 32 6, 146& 766. 66

108& 543, 689. 83

18, 888, 578. 98 48& 024, 440. 15

53, 743. 54

61, 961, 762. 67

$79, 666. 63

1, 800, 567. 49

2, 884, 824. 82 6, 146& 766. 66

$19, 062& 686. 02 122, 606, 875. 85 $1, 172, 450. 18

13, 888, 578. 98 48, 024& 440. 15

58, 748. 54

61, 961, 762 67

Procurement Division: Sites, construction, etc. :

Post offices, customhouses, court- houses, etc

Inspection stations Quarantine stations Marine hospitals

69, 883, 411. 77 381, 898. 22

58, 222. 84 1, 296& 209. 59

71, 619& 742. 42

3, 240, 982. 05

8, 240, 982. 05

73, 124, 393. 82 381, 898. 22

58, 222. 84 1, 296, 209. 59

74, 860, 724. 47

Special accounts: Federal land banks:

Subscriptions to capital stock Subscriptions to paid-in surplus Payments to Federal land banks,

reductions in interest rate on mortgages

Subscriptions to preferred shares, Feder- al savings and loan associations

Subscriptions to capital stock, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

Total, Treasury Department



National defense

I, 787, 780. 00

I, rsr, 78o. oo

235, 387, 414. 92

40, 863, 477. 16 I, rsr, rso. oo

40, 868, 477. 16

7, 029, 256. 79

1, 086, 300. 00

7, 029, 256. 79

1, 086, 800. 00

150, 000, 000. 00 150, 000, 000. 00

198, 979, 083. 95 197, 241, 253. 95

221, 282, 702. 02 456, 670, 116. 94 1, 172, 450. 18

Salaries, War Department Office of Secretary of War General Staff Corps Adjutant General's Department Finance Department:

Pay of the Army Finance service Judgments Other items

Quartermaster Corps: Army transportation Barracks and quarters and other build-

ings and utilities Clothing and equipage Construction of buildings, etc. , at mili-

tary posts National Industrial Recovery, War,

Quartermaster Corps Construction and repair of hospitals Incidental expenses of the Army Regular supplies of the Army Subsistence of the Army Other items

Si nal Corps g Air Cor s Medical Department Corps of Engineers Ordnance Department Chemical Warfare Service Chief of Infantry

hief of Csv ry al y

8, 996, 201. 95 898 702 58

92, 599. 89 61& 590. 77

114, 122, 111. 16 872, 982. 61 788, 088. 01 470, 645. 96

8, 538, 686. 53

10, 833, 147. 84 4, 733, 048. 98

5, 819, 382. 84

511, 961. 59 2, 968, 795. 92 3, 062, 591. 92

18, 537, 645. 87 171, 978. 51

1, 649, 816. 65 17, 357, 934. 58

1, 216, 869. 95 821, 408. 51

7, 872, 672. 55 806, 748. 26

57, 700. 55 18, 324. 25

27, 808, 122. 62

94, 459. 12 14, 922. 23

4, 446, 489. 52

8, 996, 898, 92, 61,

201. 95 702. 58 599. 89 590. 77

8, 533, 686. 53

10, 333, 147. 84 4, 733, 048. 98

5 819 382 84

27, 303, 511,

2, 963, 3, 062,

13, 537, 171,

1, 743, 17, 872,

1, 216, 3'&1,

12, 319, 80i&,

57, 18,

122. 62 961. 59 795. 92 591. 92 645. 87 978. 51 & & l). I i

856. 76 869. 95 403. 51 162. 07 748. 2(&

700. 55 324. 25

114, 122, 111. 16 872, 982. 61 788, 088. 01 470, 645. 96


Expenditures — Continued

Details on pages

General and special accounts Emergency accounts Total general, special,

and emergency accounts Trust and contnbuted



MII I TAB Y AC TIVI TIES — continued

National defense — Continued

Chief of Field Artillery Chief of Coast Artillery Seacoast Defenses Seacoast Defenses, Panama Canal Military Academy National Guard Bureau Organized Reserves Citizens' Military Training National Board for Promotion of Rifle Prac-

tice Army account of advances Accounting funds Special deposit accounts

$23, 568. 93 26& 319. 55

1, 018, 153. 58 396, 310. 58

1, 975, 451. 09 24, 578, 722. 03

3, 611, 852. 06 3, 587, 735. 70

51, 792. 95 1& 255, 274. 30 8, 488, 868. 17

787. 17

$2, 416, 590. 85

1& 1 13) 212 62

$23, 568. 93 26, 319. 55

3) 434, 744. 43 396, 310. 58

1, 975& 451. 09 25, 691, 934. 65

3, 611, 852. 06 3& 587, 735. 70

51, 792. 95 1) 255) 274. 30 8) 4&86') 86'8. 17

787. 17

Total, military activities (national defense) 233, 850, 831. 45 35, 388, 796. 96 269& 239& 628. 41


National cemeteries National military parks Miscellaneous, Quartermaster Corps Signal Corps Corps of Engineers, miscellaneous Bureau of Insular Afl'airs War claims and relief acts iviiscellaneous, nonmilitary Trust accounts

Total, nonmilitary activities, exclu- sive of rivers and harbors

Rivers and Yiarbors: Improving rivers and harbors Flood control and relief Special deposit accounts

721, 973. 29 (s)

361, 259, 18 1421 225. 77 92, 648, 47

61, 782. 98 97, 432. 11

1, 447& 321. 80

54, 651, 487. 06 23, 315, 356. 97

5& B1)lj, 11

424, 060. 88

239, 160. 37

663, 221. 25

50, 232, 192. 88 24, 834, 446. 65

1, 146, 034. 17

361) 259. 18 142, 225. 77 92) 648. 47

239) 160. 37 61) 782. 98 97, 432. 11

2) 140, 543. 05

104, 883, 679. 94 48, 149, 803. 62

5, 8/7). 11

$1, 762& 599. 29

1, 762, 599. 29

583& 739. 71 304, 728. 64

Total, War Department, excluding Panama Canal

77& 960& 999. 92

313, 289, 153. 17

75, 066, 639. 53 153, 02?, 639. 45

111, 118, 657. 74 424, 407& 810. 91

888, 468. 35

2, 651, 067. 64

Panama Canal


District of Columbia


8, 847, 257. 97

'4 5, 700, 324. 53

808, 522, 12

190, 720. 56

9, 655, 780. 09

5, 891, 045. 09 30, 974, 206. 34

Interest on the public debt


Sinking fund Obligations retired from Federal Reserve

bank franchise tax receipts and earnings from Fed ral intermediate credit banks

Received from foreign governments under debt settlements

Estate taxes, forfeitures, gifts, etc

Total expenditures, exclusive of the Reconstruction Finance Corpora- tion snd public debt, payable from indefinite appropriations

" 757, 236, 563. 73

359, 491, 900. 00

342. 90

357& 850. 00 15, 000. 00

359, 865, 092. 90

3, 110, 121, 336. 16

" 757, 236, 563. 73

359, 491, 900. 00

342. 90

357, 850. 00 15, 000. 00

359, 865, 092. 90

2, 382, 475, 428. 71 5, 492, 596, 764. 87 148, 874, 623 23

s Transferred and stated under the Department of the Interior, pursuant to Executive Order No. 6i66, of June I0, f933 » $5, 700, 000 plus additional charges. of $324. 53 divided accounts. p Includes $26, 464. 40 premium on the public debt.



Expenditures: General and special accounts:

General and speciah Emergency

Trust and contributed accounts Exchange stabilization fund

$3, 110, 121, 336. 16 2, 382, 475, 428. 71

5, 492, 596, 764. 87 148, 874, 623. 23

2, 000, 000, 000. 00

Expenditures — Continued. Public debt:

Public-debt expenditures payable from permanent indefinite appro- priations (exclusive of 8359, 865, - 092. 90 public-debt expenditures included under general and special accounts above) 88, 708, 648, 497. 16

Total checks issued Decrease in outstanding checks

7, 641, 471, 388. 10 3, 549, 836. 26

7, 645, 021, 224. 36 Reconstruction Finance Corporation» 1, 624, 633, 298. 10

Total expenditures exclusive of the public debt 9, 269, 654, 522. 46

Total, expenditures on basis of daily Treasury statements (re- vised, excluding Postal Serv- ice payable from postal reve- nues) 17, 978, 303, 019. 62

Postal Service (from postal revenues) ex- penditures for Postal Service from postal revenues 586, 733, 16, i. 80

Total expenditures, including Postal Service, payable from postal reve- nues 18, 565. 036, 185. 42

» Represents net payments, on basis of daily Treasury statements (revisedl, from credit established on account of the purchase by the Secretary of the Treasury of the obligr. -

tjons of tbe Reconstruction Finance Corporation under sec. 9 of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation Act. For details see p. 397.


(Debit transfer appropriations (net) snd repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures are printed in italic. Emergency expenditures sre indicated by sn asterisk*]

Fiscal year for which

sppropri- stion was


On books of the Treasury

Available Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav ings (see p. 8)

To credit of disbursing


Unexpended balances June 30, 1933

Appropriations Warrants-issued

basis Checks-issued


Expenditures in 1934 (see p. 6)

Act June 20, 1874

Impounded salary snd

vacancy sav- ings

Amount carried to surplus fund (see p. 7)

On books of the Treasury

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)


To credit of disbursing


Unexpended balances June 30, 1934




Salaries of Senators 1934 1933 1932

$12, 125. 01 7, 444. 43

$864, 000. 00 $824, 344. 44

61, 687. 83 $824, 269. 44

61, 687. 88 $7, 444. 43

$53, 714. 61 $39& 655. 56

9, 998. 22

$75. 00

Mileage of Senators 1934 1933 — 34

1933 1932

250. 00 15, 413. 55

4, 670. 60

38, 250. 00

772, 756. 62

34, 306. 95

6, 668. 76

772, 681. 62

34, 306. 95 3, 666. J6

4, 670. 60

3, 943. 05

3, 816. 15 15, 413. 55

Ct th


Reporting, debates and proceedings, Senate 1934


Salaries, officers and employees, Senate 1934 1933 1932

148, 256. 83 77& 738. 32

$645. 00

I, 670, 501. 00

55, 312. 00

30, 740. 80

I, 411, 509. 06

I, 411& 509. 06

51 442. 00 666. 00

30, 740. 80

lr411r 509 96

I, 411&509. 06

51, 442. 00

77, 738. 32 60, 169. 50

158, 991. 94 88, 087. 33

3, 870. 00 645. 00




50, 797. OQ 51, 442. 00

Automobile snd maintenance, for the Vice President 1934 — 35

1934 1933

gBslsries, Capitol police, Senate 1934 1933

Uniforms and equipment, Capitol police, Senate 1934-35


Salaries and expenses, Joint Committee on Printing, Senate 1934


110. 88

2, 942. 67

I, 258. 05

567. 02

5, Gmt 60 3& 840. 06

46, 035. GN

250, 00 4, 605. 00

5, 392. 60

5, GOO. . 00 3, 840. 00 I, 338. 0&

7, 611. 91

44& 629. 65

44, 629. 65

4& 606. 00

4, 605. 00

5, OOD. 00 .

2;108. 4. i: 29. 96

7, 138. 45

44, 629. 65

44, 629. 65

4, 605. 00

4, 605. 00

4, 467. 25 460. Go

2, 640. 33

306. 15

I, 266. 97

Ir 405 35 302. 34

I, 731. 51

Legislative counsel, Senate 1934 1933 1932

13, 812. 40 13, 147. 27

1, 578. BB 35, 000. 00

5, 100. 21

25, 000. 00 1, o?8. 88

4, 867. 25

20, 575. 18

13, 147. 27 809. 25

10, OWL 00 14, 682. 03

23, 421. 12 20, 575. 18

Contingent expenses, Senate: Cleaning furniture - 1934

1933 1932

75. 00 . 50

58. 50 1, 850. 00 1, 850. 00

58. 50 11492. 62

. 50

133. 50

1, 791. 50 1, 492. 62

Expenses of inquiries and investiga-

tions 1934 1933 1932

27, 615. 49

2, 335. 43 1, 269. 66

15, 049. 43

394, 455. 00 364, 990. 00 22, 418. 51

?4, $65. 76

372, 952. 75

329, 943. 96 20, 165. 93

593. 67

3501 703. 56

16, 791. 19 5, 196. 98

35, 046. 04 3, 522. 24

Folding documents

Fuel for heating apparatus

Kitchens and restaurants

Mail transportation

1934 1933

1934 1933 1932

1934 1933 — 34


1934 1933 1932

890. 77

2, 461. 59

310. 19 1, 84'?. 01

3, 933. 27

941. 10

3, 867. 30 605. 22

3, 341. 38

10, 000. 00

2, 000. 00

72, 288. 00

7, 780. 00

7, 000. 00 8, 988. 27

6, 643. 42

3, 066. 73

2, 000. 00 981. 10

6, 643. 42

511. 09 10. 00

1, 068. 90

65, 900. 00

521. 09

63, 714. 57

3, 801. 31 605. 22

65, 900. 00 68, 121. 10

7, 500. 00 2, 754. 57

6, 798. 04 586. 81

4, 745. 43 I 7, 384. 85

890. 77

1, 847. 01

494. 27

2, 461. 59

4. 66

3, 439. 00

931. 10

6, 388. 00

280. 00 3, 060. 10

356. 58 8

1, 488. 91



2, 185. 43 65. 99


701. 98

Materials for folding 1934 1933 1932 283. 55

2o3. 12 1, 500. 00 1, 500. 00

265. ?2 1, 329. 34

283. 55 253 12

170. 06

1, 246. 88 1, 329. 34

Miscellaneous items 1934 1933 1932

8, 321. 12

977. 16 18, 125. 53

1, 077. 55

237, 345. 00 14, 305. 35

179, 000. 00 7 500 00 f, 077. 55

174, 322. 82 23, 429. 32

2 054. 71 480. 01

58, 345. 00 14, 646. 46

4, 677. 18 2, 196. 21

Packing boxes 1934 i

1933 1932 70. 00

. 08

9?0. 00

185, 422. 45

970. 00 . 08

197, 752. 14

857. 11

70. 00

112. 89

969. 92 857. 11

Postage. 1934 350. 00 350. 00 350. 00

Receipts and exJIenditttresl f 98$ — Contillued

(Debit transfer appropriations (net) and repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures are printed in italic. Emergency expenditures are indicated by an asterisk*j

Unexpended balances June 30, 1933 Expenditures in 1934 (see p. 6) Amount carried to surplus

fund (see p. 7) Unexpended balances June 30, 1934

Fiscal year for which

appIopl'I- ation was

made Available

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (sce p. 8)

On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing


Appropriations Warrants-issued

basis Checks-issued

basis Act June 20,


Impounded salary and

vacancy sav- ings

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav ings (see p. 8)


On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing


GE5(ERAL ACCOUJfTS — Continued

UNITED sraTEs sENaTE — contnlued

Contingent expenses, Senate — continued Purchase of furniture 1934

1933 1932 $1, 007. 74

$2, 247, 43 $5, 000. 00 $5, 000. 00 $544. 52

1, 804. 67

$1p 007. 74

$41 455. 48 442. 76

Repairs of furniture . 1934 1933 1932 289. 80

342. 02 3, 000. 00

5, 000. 00

3, 000. 00 54. 07

2, 349. 19

1, 904. 12 287. 95

289. 80 $54. 07


1, 095. 88


2, 945. 93 2, 192. 07

Stationery 1934 1933 1932

10, 450. 83 8, 224. 78

3I 808. 15 16, 000. 00 7, 816. 72

Sp 785'. 89 9, 565. 69

22, 26 9, 000. 00

8, 224. 78

8, 183. 28 5, 236. 72

' 1, 748. 97

Storage of documents - Ig34

Payment to widow of- Hon. Porter H. Dale No year Hon. John B. Kendrick No year

Relief of- Muriel Crichton No year

Total, United States Senate


361, 212, 05 58, 968. 69

2, 000. 00

8, 500. 00 8, 500. 00

5, 000. 00

3, 419) 028. 85

4, 030. 83

2, 000. 00

3, 002, 662. 69

9, 587. 95

2, 000. 00

2, 999, 473. 45 143, 460. 67 $126, 349. 35

8, 500. 00 8, 500. 00

5, 000. 00

507, 768. 19 62, 157. 93


lalaries of Members and Delegates. . 1934 1933 1g32 28, 555. 54

467, 800. 14 3, 968, 750. 00 3, 835, 708. 33 3, 262, 887. 42

428, 816. 96 28, 555. 54

128, 041. 67 572, 820. 91 38, 983. 18

Mileage of Members and Delegates 1984 1933-34

1933 1932

43, 750. 00 5, 904. 84

7, 267. 68

6, 481. 53

131, 250. 00

3, 835, 708. 33

131, 250. 00

6, $3L 63

3, 691, 704. 38

128, 909. 04

3, 398. 40

5, 904. 84 50, 181. 53

2, 340. 96 3, 869. 23

124& 818. 47 132, 307. 44

Salaries, officers and employees, House of Representatives 1934 939, 000. 00 931, 634, 60 49, 644. 00 ?, 365. 40

1933 1932

1931-32 1925

Certified claims

7, 778. 12 10, 550. 44

789. 55

8, 632. 69

7. 20

3, 163. 37

$$. 62 7. 20

10, 550 44 789. 55

22. 62

+41N 76

)Ierk hire, Members and Delegates 1934 1933 1932 19, 976. 96

8, 248. 93 2, 016, 665. 00

930, 820. 71

1, 915, 832. 53 3, 186. 40

932, 288. 00

1, 896, 644. 69 82. 53,

19, 975. 96

109„832. 47

8, 168. 49 19, 187. 84

1, 907, 666. 13 1, 8961 727. 22

Salaries and expenses, v . nt Committee on Printing, House of Representatives 1934

1933 69. 60 400. 00 5, 392. 50 4, 258. 50 4, 258. 50

400. 06 69. 66 1, 134. 09

Payment for certain services, House of Representatives

Legislative counsel, House of Repre- sentatives

Compiling testimony in contested-elec- tion cases, House of Representatives

Expenses, Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, House of Repre- sentatives

Payment for contesting seats in Congress Automobile and maintenance, for the

Speaker of House of Representatives Portrait of Champ Clark, Speaker of the

House of Representatives. . Salaries, Capitol Police, House of Repre-


1934 1933

1934 1933 1932

No year

1933-34 No year


No year

1934 1933

4, 761. 32

7, 623. 08

4, 000. 00

2, 000. 00

607. 55

253. 89

2, 959. 60

27, 558. 84

5, 000. 00

35, 000. 00

1, 625. 00

41, 378. 82

46, 035. 00

4, 258. 50

4, 635. 60 N3. 89

4, 381. 71

30, 000. 00 2, 951. 73

27, 648. 28

I, 625. 00

3, 633. 67 41, 378. 82

42, 403. 02

4, 658. 50

4, 434. 20

4, 434. 20

27, 297. 35 7. 88

7, 623. QS

27, 305. 23

1, 625. 00

23, 869. 85 41, 378. 82

4, 000. 00

42, 403. 92

253. 89

382. 25

328. 16

697. 55

5, . 989. 00 7, „33Q. 79

3, 305. 51

2, 000. 00

3, 63k 98

2Q1, 40'

2, 702. 65

55 32

42, 403. 02 42, 403. 02

Uni(orms and equipment, Capitol Police, House of Representatives . 1934 — 35

1934 250. 00

4, 605. 00 250. 00

4, 605. 00

4, 855. 00

4, 605. 00

4, 605. 00

250. 09

Contingent capes. es, House of Repre- sentatives:

Attending physician 1934 1933 78. 96

2, 500. 00 2, 360. 50 13. 60

2, 347. 00

2, 360. 50 65. 46

2, 425. 96

13. 50 139. 50

& Debit balance.

Receipts and expenditures, lr)8$ — Continued

iDebit transfer appropriations (net) snd repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures are printed in italic, Emergency expenditures are indicated by sn asterisk*]

Unexpended balances June 30, 1933 Expenditures in 1934 (see p. 6) Amount carried to surplus

fund (see p. 7) Unexpended balances June 30, 1934

Fiscal year for which

appropri- ation was

made Available

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)

On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing



Warrants-issued basis

Checks-issued basis

Act June 20, 1874

Impounded salary and

vacancy sav- ings

Reserve for impound ed

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)


On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing



Proves oF EEPEEsENTATIVES — continued

Contingent expenses, House of Repre- sentatives — Continued.

Expenses of special and select com- mittees 1934

1933 1932

Folding documents 1934 1933-34


$14. 40

2, 547. 34

$420. 43

3, 435. 79

$75, 000. 00

8, 000. 00 & '3, 000. 00 & 3, ooo. oo

$70, 927. 46 864. 68

70, 562. 78

7, 133, 38

2, 936. 30 8, 435. 79

6, 633, 89

$63, 631. 94 55. 75

63, 687. 69

7, 133. 38

2, 555. 02

9, 683. 40

$14. 40 $357. 05

120. 13

$4, 072. 54 7. 63

866. 62 63. 70

2, 863. 00

$7, 295. 52



3S1. 28

Furniture and repairs . 1934 1933 1932

Miscellaneous items 1934 1933 1932

445. 27 37. 94

2. 42

11, 245. 46

889. 46

35, 000. 00

65, 000. 00

32, 097. 01 168. 68

32, 265. 69

64, 262. 41 76'4. 58

31, 455. 42 11, 414. 14

42, 869. 56

I, 358. 47 134. 88

37. 94

2. 42

271. 50

753. 49

2, 902. 99 5. 09

737. 59 1. 09

641. 59

4, 903. 94

G3, 507. 83 59, 493. 35

Packing boxes 1934

Postage 1934 2, 500. 00 1, 150. 00

2, 499. 72

1, 150. 00 2, 499. 72 1, 150. 00


Revision of the laws No year 1934 — 35

1934 1933-34

1933 2, 037. 50

410. 10

37, 000. 00 3, 000. 00 6, 000. 00

37, 000. 00

3, 000, 00

6, 000. 00 825. 00

108. 00 5, 350. 86 1, 712. 50

410. 10 37, 50 287. 50

37, 000. 00 2, 892. 00

649. 14

45, 675. 00 7, 581. 4G

Stationery 1934 1933-34 17, 858. 91

44, 000. 00 44, 000. 00

44, 000. 00

44, 000. 00 17, 858. 91

Gl, 858. 91

Stenographic reports of committee hearings 1934

1933 4, 770. 57 9, 394. 36 25, 000. 00 25, 000. 00

9, 078. lO 23, 885. 44

321. 25 13, 843. 67 1, 114. 56

1932 I, 304. 65 I, 304. 65

Telegraph snd telephone service 1934 1933 1932

I, 908. 47 39. 61

157, 000. 00

15, 926. 90

157, 000. 00 10. 08 89. 81

24, 206. 69

125, 084. 46 I, 898. 39

39. 61

10. 08 31, 915. 54

Payment to- Elixabeth A. Butler, daughter of

Hon. Robert R. Butler Payment to widow of-

Hon. Edward B. Almon Hon. John D. Clarke Hon. Thomas C. Coflin Hon. Joseph L Hooper Hon. Lynn S. Horner Hon. Bolivar E. Kemp Hon. James S. Parker Hon. Edward W. Pou Hon. Henry W. Watson

Payment to heirs of- Hon. Charles H. Brand Hon. Qeorge F. Brumm

Relief of- Estate of Victor L. Berger Harry L. Haberkorn

No year

No year No year No year No year No year No year No year No year No year

No year No year

No year No year

9, 000. 00

8, 500. 00 8, 500 00

8, 500. 00

8, 500. 00

8, 500. 00

8, 500. 00

8, 500. 00 8, 500. 00

8, 500. 00

8, 500. 00

8, 500. 00

9, 856. 12 2, 750. 00

156, 950. 31

9, 000. 00

8, 500. 00 8& 500. 00 8, 500. 00 8, 500. 00 8, 500. 00 8, 500. 00 8, 500. 00

8, 500. 00

8, 500. 00

8, 500. 00 8, 500. 00

9, 856. 12

2, 750. 00

126, 982. S5

9, 000. 00

9, 856. 12 2, 750. 00

8, 500. 00 8, 500. 00 8, 500. 00 8, 500. 00 8, 500. 00 8, 500. 00 8, 500. 00 8, 500. 00 8, 500. 00

8, 500, 00 8, 500. 00

Total, House of Representa- tives


Expenses of inaugural ceremonies Bust of Chief Justice William Howard




154, 488. 59

124. 29

3, 000. 00

577, 472. 29

12, 746. 39

7, 806, 858. 64 7, 477, 955. 54

I 8, 748. 59

3, 000. 00

7, 227, 357. 37

2, 500. 00

78, 821. 05 9, 732. 85 394, 837. 79

12, 870. 68

828, 070. 46

500. 00

Statement of appropriations 1934-35 1933-34

Total general accounts, Legisla- tive, Miscellaneous.



Funds contributed for commission on memorial to women of the Civil War No year

Total contributed accounts, Leg- islative, Miscellaneous

3, 330. 00

6, 454. 29

412. 91

412. 91

12, 746. 39

4, 000. 00

4, 000. 00

3, 330. 00

8, 418. 89

3, 330. 00

5, 830. 00

4, 000. 00

16, 870. 68

412. 91

412. 91

500. 00

Total Legislative, Miscellaneous



6, 867. 20 12, 746. 39 4, 000. 00 8, 418. 89 6, 830. 00 17, 283. 59 500. 00

Salaries, office of Architect of the Capitol 1934 1933 1932

1, 823. 55

3, 363. 81

I 44, 270. 83 407. 23

41, 600. 00 407. 98

41, 510. 49

3, 363. 81

2, 251. 92 613. 80

418. 91

1, 616. 98 80, 51

Judgments, Court of Claims, Architect

of the Capitol No year ~ Transferred from 1933 account, sct Msy 25, 1934 (48 Stat. 805). I Transferred to 1933-34 account. See note 2. 1 Heretofore stated as s special fund.

4, 347. 13

41, 192. 77 41, 510. 49

4, 347. 13 I Exclusive of $229. 17 transferred to "Salaries snd expenses, Division of Dial&ursemen1,

1934" under Executive Order Nos. 6166 and 6224 of June 10 ami June 27, 1933, respecitvely.

Receipts and espenChtures, 198$ — Continued

[Debit transfer appropriations (net) snd repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures are printed in ifsgc. Emergency expenditures are indicated by an asterisk']

Vnexpended balances June 30, 1933 Expenditures in 1934 (see p 6) Amount carried to surplus fund (see p. 7)

Unexpended balances June 30, 1934

Fiscal year for which

appropri- ation wss

made Available

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)

On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing


Appropriations Warrants-issued

basis Checks-issued

basis Act June 20,


Impounded salary snd

vacancy sav- ings

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)


On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing




Capitol buildings snd grounds: Bronze doors, west entrance to the

Capitol Capitol Building snd repairs

No year 1934-35

1934 1933 1932


$2, 894. 45

2, 514. 35 209. 55

. 32

$7, 400. 48

$181, 000. 00

230, 000. 00 $5, 000. 00

215, 400. 29 $214, 114. 26

5, 569. 83 3, 830. 65 $209. 55

. 32

$14, 009. 49

2, 646. 02

$2, 894. 45 176, 000. 00

590. 22

3, 438. 16

$5, 000. 00 1, '286. 03


Enlarging the Capitol Grounds No year 1932-34 1932-33

1, 186, 699. 42

50, 000. 00

92, 307. 84 189& 720. 02 ' 50, 000. 00 & 50, 000. 00

216, 830. 46

195, 561. 14 89. 20

217, 944. 91

275, 077. 69 89. 20

1, 047. 23 1, 179, 811. 07 12, 791. 29- 49, 910. 80

Improving the Capitol Grounds 1934 1933 1932


950. 92 4, 542. 15 1, 986. 26

11, 625. 79 100, 000. 00

195, 650. 34

95, 602. 66 842. 91

95, 359. 75

275, 166. 89

90, 787. 68 11, 382. 88

4, 542. 15

1& 986. 26

102, 170. 56

3, 8 14. 72 1& 011. 65

582. 62 182. 18


4, 814. 98 0 M t3

Capitol power plant 1934 1933 1932

2& 170. 67

21& 284. 41

39, 503. 51 367& 935. 00 859, 749. 24

15, 544. 90

346, 404. 34

330, 532. 89 26, 158. 61

356, 691. 50

21, 284. 41

7, 048. 87

1, 774. 98 1, 136. 89

13, 740. 69 29, 216. 35

Equipment, Capitol power plant 1933-34 1933 124, 566. 88

s 124, 565. 88 s 124, 565. 88

83, 316. 56 83, 316. 56 186. 43 41, 062. 89

Maintenance, Capitol garages 1934 1933

Repairs snd improvements, House

garage 1932

Pire protection, Senate wing of Cap- ital snd Senate Office Building 1931-33

Relocation of statues, Capitol build- 1933-34


81. 80

789. 84

843. 20

500. 00

167. 63

1, 004. 67

2, 000. 00

7, 540. 00

83, 316. 56

7& 239. 00 184. 70

7, 104. 30

71. 76

8& 000. 00

83, 316. 56

7, 151. 88 32. 93

7, 184. 81

1, 076. 43

789. 84

300. 15 81. 80

. 85 134. 70

271. 44

2, 500. 00

87. 12

Refrigerating apparatus, Capitol and Senate and House Ofnce buildings. No year

House Office Building, ventilating system 1931-32

Subway transportation, Capitol and Senate Oflice Building 1934

1933 1932

. 12

356. 32 606. 58

1, 950. 00 1, 800. 00

1, 267. 72

1, 476. 51 74. 30

1, 550. 81

. 12

64. 03

356. 32

150. 00 532. 28

323. 49

Site and construction, House Office Building

Reconstruction, House Offlce Build- ing

Furnishings and equipment, House Office Building

Approach to Senate Office Building Completionof Senate Office Building Structural changes, Senate Oflice

Building Furnishings and equipment, Senate

Office Building

Maintenance, Senate Oflice Building

No year


1932-33 1931-32

No year



1934-35 1934

1933-34 1933

1932-33 1932


50& 967. 17

335. 35

170, 968. 25 226, 146. 48 42, 117. 80

948. 93

20, 000. 00

382. 44

2, 644. 59

4. 36 44. 48

204, 643. 61

170. 52

49, 102. 87

260, 522. 87

9, 082. 26

54, 070. 88

119. 83 6, 633. 90

210. 83

282, 400. 00 217, 960. 00

300. 00

1, 352. 03

39, 000. 00

306. 17

20, 000. 00

20, 000. 00 202, 961. 75

373. 44 621. 49

5/j. 8S

173, 017. 20

124. 41

50, 454. 90

291, 075. 94

9, 388. 43

68, 690. 45

5, 482. 89 194, 420. 66

353. 8I 7, 255. 39

156. 00

50, 582. 00

169, 418. 00 226, 146. 48

4. 36

612. 85

235. 35

2& 624. 60

639. 73

527. 40 14, 296. 17

655. 88 1, 996. 53

72. 32

146. 11

198. 22

493. 20

3. 03

261, 872. 60 702. 08

6. 57

54. 83

31, 226. 41

8, 446. 93

5, 380. 43

14, 517. 11 8, 541. 09

98. 60

223, 254. 97 207, 062. 73

Maintenance, House Office Building 1934-35 1934 1933

1932-33 1932

1931 — 32

19, 905. 79

624. 96 . 75

20, 888. 10 84. 60

195, 905. 00 277, 950. 00

12, 906. 22

256& 691. 40 11, 597. 69

84. 60

1, 857. 76 256, 002. 72

9, 290. 51

624. 96 . 75

61. 00 20, 232. 25

3, 770. 38

182, 937. 78

1, 026. 35 27, 733. 00

84. 60

11, 048. 46 688. 68

257, 915, 43 267, 150. 99

Library building and grounds: Annex, Library of Congress NATIONAL INDUSTRIAL RECOVERY&

Architect of the Capitol, Annex, Library of Congress

Care of additional buildings, Library of Congress

Demolition of buildings and struc- tures, Library of Congress

No year




498, 489. 24

10, 000. 00

1, 000. 00

38, 095. 15

18, 989. 60

» 2, 800, 000. 00

494, 882. 25

126, 275. 01

fe, yOO. 13

496, 676. 37

«124& 589. 67

89. 48

10, 000. 00

2, 092, 15 1, 514. 84

2, 673, 724. 99

19, 900. 12

36, 301. 03

I, G&85&. 34

Library building and grounds 1934-35 1934

1933-34 1933 1932

500. 00 747. 50

12, 749. 83

2, 000. 00 2, 608. 64

30, 300. 00 71, 580. 00

5, 000. 00 68, 500. 00

121. 59 8S9. 06

66, 307. 06 2, 121. 59 1, 779. 59

12, 749. 83

2, 542. 41 374. 41 638. 87

25, 300. 00 537. 59

4. 00 937. 68

5 000 00 2, 192. 91

72, 792, 54 70, 208. 24

Site for additional buildings, Library of Congress - - No year 3, 400. 00

s Transferred from 1932-33 aocount, act Mar. 4, 1933 (47 Stat. 1604). & Transferred to 1932-34 account. See note 6. » Allotted from "National Industrial Recovery" appropriation for complete statement of which see p, 428.

3, 400. 00

' Transferred from 1933 account, act Feb. 28, 1933 (47 Stat. 1361). I Transferred to 1933-34 account. See note 8.

Receipts and expenditures, 198$ — Continued

[Debit transfer appropriations (net) snd repayments to appropriaticns in excess of expenditures sre printed in itahc. Emergency expenditures are indicated by an asterisk']

Unexpended balances June 30, 1933 Expenditures in 1934 (see p. 6) Amount carried to surplus fund (see p. 7)

Unexpended balances June 30, 1934

Fiscal year for which

appropri- ation was

made Available .

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)

On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing


tppropriations Warrants-issued

basis Checks-issued

basis Act June 20,


Impounded salary and

vacancy sav- ings

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (sce p. 8)


On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing



AROHITEGT or THE caPITGL — continued

Botanic Garden: Enlarging and relocating Botanic

Garden 1931-32 New conservatories, Botanic Gar-

den No year

Total, Architect of the Capitol

$162. 97

12, 038. 18

2, 479, 300. 12

$44, 556. 87

866, 703. 26 $5, 002, 857. 98

$10, 900. 26

2, 212& 630. 43

$40, 093. 46

2, 885, 235. 23

$162. 97

505, 730. 64

$864. 44

86, 951. 48

$273. 48

4, 676, 845. 55

$15, 362. 67

194, 098. 46


(For additional transactions under Botanic Garden see Architect of the Capitol, above)

Salaries, Botanic Garden 1934 1933 1932

Maintenance, Botanic Garden 1934 1933

Improving Botanic Garden 1932

Total, Botanic Garden


10, 119. 87 144. 99

500. 00

337. 76

11, 102. 62

548. 80

1, 413. 79

1, 962. 59

85, 000. 00

28, 725, 00

113, 725. 00

77, 000. 00 548. 80

76, 451. 20

27, 887. 60 246. 49

28, 134. 09

104, 585. 29

76& 702. 79

76, 702. 79

26, 382, 75 1, 660. 28

28, 043. 03

104, 745. 82

144. 99

337. 76

482. 75

4, 070. 01 1, 225. 18

5, 295. 19

3, 929. 99 9, 443. 49

837. 40 253. 51

14, 464. 39


297. 21


1, 504. 85


1, 802. 06

(For additional transactions under Library of Congress see Architect of the Capitol, above)

Salaries 1934-35 1934 1933 1932 1931

16, 629. 09 1& 926. 99

11, 164. 33

1, 670. 00 1, 266, 340. 00

500. 00

1, 188, 997. 23

8, 707. ee 1, 186, 204. 13

2, 269. 70

44 . 44 1, 926. 99

. 44

64, 195. 80 17, 655. 77

1, 170. 00 3, 146. 97 7, 681. 20

500. 00 2, 793. 10

186. 75

1, 140& 788. 91 1, 188, 473. 39

Books for adult blind, Library of Con-

ftress 1934 1933 1932

5, 6(r8. 24 8, 521, 66 667. 77

90, 000. 00 84, 006. 17 5& 552. 79

667. 77

78, 176. 92 14, 003. 78

667. 77

462. 05 72. 33

5, 531. 78 68 12

6, 829. 25 70. 67

S8, 691. 19 92, 180. 70

Care and maintenance 1934 1933 1932

1931 — 32

8, 312. 06 2, 905. 70

33. 33

1, G34. 24 162, 645. 00 147, 521. 60

680. 18 146, 320. 82

954. 06 2, 905. 70

33. 33

7, '?06. 73 2, 075. 37

7, 416. 67 6, 916. 87

1, 20IL 78

[Contingent expenses 1934 1933 1932

1, 565. 84

1, 433. 46 770. 96

14, 000. 00

146, 841. 42

12, 256. 85 1, 479. 80

4. 20

147& 274. 88

11& 295. 93 2& 221. 03

4. 20 1, 429. 26

1, 743. 15 86. 04

960. 92 29. 73

13, 740. 85 13, 521. 16

xpenses, Library of Congress trust fund board 1934

1932 500. 00 500. 00 100. 00

500. 00 400. 00

Increase of Library of Congress 1934-35 1934

1933-34 1933

1932-33 1932

Index to Federal statutes 1933

Index to State legislation 1934 — 35 1934 1933

Printing and binding. . . . . 1934 1933

1932-33 1932 1931

27, 898. 25 200. 00 33. 76 65. 60

25, 664. 27

171. 21

27, 744. 13 20, 000. 00

17. 15

14, 415. 53 1, 549. 50

77. 70 93. 77

2, 673. 28

48. 73

8, 698. 77

7, 972. 55 1, 034. 17

100, 000. 00 52, 500. 00

G, 700. 00 u 30, 971. 52

» 56. 56

365, 000. 00

100. 00

55& 206. 64 42, 500. 00 27, 842. 3?

158. 68 33. 76

125, 741. 45

25, 448. 49

500. 00 28, 844. 27

4$. 7$

29, 295. 54

310, 128. 12 27, 696. 66 10, 000. 00

17. 15 . 79

347, 841. 74

49, 400. 91 35, 758. 81 42, 154. 77

1, 708. 18 111. 46 93. 77

129, 227. 90

27, 920. 73

28, 140. 48

28, 140. 48

301, 152. 76

35, 231. 28

11, 887. 54

1, 051. 32 . ft)

349, 322. 71

65. 60

. 19

215. 78

1, 395. 93 163. 42

44, 793. 36 10, 000. 00

55. 88 41. 32

6, 200. 00 731. 32

54, 871. 88 47. 47

10, 000. 00

5, 805. 73 6, 741. 19

103. 13

P 201. 04

Goo. oo 703. 79

M ttt

8, 975. 36 1, 164. 15 CI

6, 085. 01 Q 0 Q

Payment to oflicers and employees of the United States in foreign countries due to appreciation of foreign currencies (Library of Congress) .

Union catalogues 1934-35

1934 1933 30k 61 24. 53

» 3, 000. 00 18, 335. 00 17, 400. 00

84. 5$ 17, 333. 31 891. 21

299. 54

3, 000. 00 43. 79 33. 60

66. 69

17, 375. 47 17, 333. 31

Working fund, Library of Congress, Civil Works No year

Permanent and indefinite: Bequest of Gertrude M. Hubbard,

i, ihrary of Congress, interest ac- count No year


Special deposit accouuts

1, 315. 41 1, 361. 41

G6, 411. 51

2, 000. 00 2, 563. 09

6, f40. 06

115 41 798. 32

Total genercl andspecialaccouuts, l. ihrnry of Congress 142, 418. 10 127& 120. 41

» Includes 856. 52 transferred from 1933 account, act Feb. 28, 1933 (47 Stat. f lt Transferred to 1934 account. See note 11.

2, 102, 405. 00


1, 978, 065. 06 1& 992, 818. 29 7, 529. 28 95, 133. 93 iti4, 094, 83

» Transferred from account under some title, P. 128, act 8'isr. 2&(t, 1934 (48 Stat 406) tt Account stated under "Federal Civil lvorks Administration ", p. i09,

ti' il, 55L 57

112, 367. 18

Receipts and ezJIendifnres, 198~I — Continued x

[Debit transfer appropriations (net) and repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures are printed initalic. Emergency expenditures are indicated by an asterisk']

Fiscal year for which

appropri- ation was


On books of the Treasury


Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)

To credit of disbursing


Unexpended balances June 30, 1933

Appropriations Warrants-issued

basis Checks-issued


Expenditures in 1934 (see p. 6)

Act June 20, 1874

Impounded salary and

vacancy sav- ings

Amount carried to surplus fund (see p. 7)

On books of the Treasury

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)


To credit of disbursing

oinceI s

Unexpended balances Junc 30, 1934



Library of Congress trust fund, invest- ment account No year

Library of Congress trust fund, income from investment account No year

Library of Congress gift fund No year

Total contributed accounts, Li- brary of Congress


$471. 40

34, 452. 14 18, 649. 48

53, 573. 02

$5, 215. 00 13, 350. 86

18, 565. 86

$4, 180. 00

33, 944. 45 67, 481. 96

105, 606. 41

$3, 021. 52

51, 000. 00 53, 960. 65

107, 982. 17

$3, 021. 52

51, 259. 61 60& 126. 93

114, 408. 06

$1, 629. 88

1?, 396. 59

32, 170. 79

51, 197. 26

$4, 955. 39 7, 184. 58

12, 139. 97


Bequest of Gertrude M. Hubbard, Li- brary of Congress, trust fund (princi- pal) No year

Total, Library of Congress



20, 000. 00

215, 991. 12 145, 686. 27 2, 208, 011. 41 2, 086, 047. 23 2, 107, 226. 35 $7, 529. 28 $95, 133. 93

20, 000. 00

235, 292. 09 124, 507. 15 M

OfBce of Public Printer: Public printing and binding, Gov-

ernment Printing Ofhce» 1934 1933-34

1933 1932 1931 1918

450, 000. 00

1, 520, 374. 59

3, 412. 22

92, 622. 68 9, 924. 3?

«1, 890, 635. 00

II 500, 000. 00

1, 689, 717. 88 450, 000. 00

39, 597. 21

1, 106. 79 sn 99 1. 90

2, 105, 050. 83

1, 522, 706. 63 450, 000. 00

52, 469. 83 8, 817. 65

31. 99 1. 90

2, 033, 960. 99

4, 518. 94 31. 92 1. 20

199, 000. 00

186, 009. 97

1, 917. 12

867, 891. 83

167, 011. 25 Co

6, 625, 64

Equipment Government Printing Office Building, Washington, D. C. No year

mce of Superintendent of Documents: Salaries 1934

1933 1932

1, 205. 03

19, 066. 50 11, 719. 60

11, 909. 48 502, 000. 00 433, 996. 74

11, 036. 09

422, 960. 71

435, 808, 52 873. 45

436, 681. 97

11, 719. 60

24, 213. 00 10, 054. 91

1, 205. 03

43, 790. 26 20, 047, 62

I 1, 811. 78

General expenses 1934 1933 1932

37, 936. 33 561. 68

210, 800. 00 132, 051. 89 18, 602. 5(}

150, 654. 48

132, 051. 89 18, 602. 59

150, 654. 48

561. 68

78, 748. 11 19, 333. 74


8pecial deposit accounts

Total, Govern&sent Printing Offtce 2, 044, 275. 95

109, 305. 49

223, 762. 02 2, 103, 435. 00 2, 678, 666. 02

1, S11. 18

2, 620, 086. 28 16, 833. 34 419, 277. 88 I, 032, 933. 71

110, 516. 65

282, 341. 76

Summary of Legislative: General snd special accounts Emergency (N. I. R. )

Trust accounts Contributed accounts




5, 199, 251. 72

5~ 199) 251 72 20, 000. 00 53, 985. 93

5, 273, 237. 65

I, 868) 735. 65

1, 868, 735. 65

18, 565. 86

I, 887, 301. 51

17, 752, 310. 47 2, 800, 000. 00

17, 321, 873. 63 126, 275. 01

105, 606. 41

20, 657, 916. 88

107& 982. 17

17, 556, 130. 81

20, 552, 310. 47 17, 448, 148. 64

17, 710, 956. 77 i124, 589. 67

17, 835, 546. 44

114, 408. 06

17, 949, 954. 50

752, 857. 73

752, 857. 73

752, 857. 73

742, 740. 68

742, 740. 68

742, 740. 68

4, 134, 090. 15 2, 673, 724. 99

6, 807, 815. 14 20, 000. 00 51, 610. 17

6, 879, 425. 31

I, 479, 652. 61 I, 685. 34

I, 481, 337. 85

12, 139. 97

I, 493, 477. 82

Salary of the President

Salary of the Vice President


1934 1933 562. 50

75, 000. 00

ii 13, 062. 50

75, 000. 00

13, 062. 50

13, 062. 50

i& 75, 000. 00

13, 062. 50

13, 062. 50

562. 50

Salaries, Executive Oflice . . . 1934 1933 1932

Contingent expenses, Executive Office 1934 1933 1932

Traveling expensos of the President 1934 1933

Printing and binding, Executive Oflice. 1934 1933

4, 158. 90 866. 60

I, 778. 46 . 66

424. 64

$2, 351. 10

2, 28L 31

201. 15

883. 13

io 105 687 50

33, 733. 00

2, 000. 00

20, 000. 00

102, 881. 26

102, 881. 26

33, 637. 14

I, 045. 11

34, 682. 25

I, 800. 00 5. 63

I, 794. 37

20, 000. 00 118. 30

20, 118. 30

102, 881. 26

102, 881. 26

29, 317. 18 3, 326. 42

32, 643. 60

889. 79 195. 52

I, 085. 31

18, 915. 40 I, 001. 43

19, 916. 83

866. 60 4, 151. 65

580. 62

291. 65

$2, 351. 10 2, 806. 24

7. 25

95. 86 152. 73

200. 00 5. 63

14. 69

d 4, 319. 96


910. 21

I, 084. 60

Executive Mansion and grounds: Maintenance, Executive Mansion

and grounds No year. 1934-35 1933-34

1933 1932

120, 000. 00 13, 879. 10 36, 073. 58

6, 002. 50 ii 721. 61 725. 37

50, 000. 00 124, 210. 00

110& 068. 30 6& 171. 50

734. 67

105, 490. 80

5, 449. 89 . 80 36, 798. 15

3 079 48 6 002 50

50, 000. 00 124, 210. 00

9, 931. 70 4, 628. 12

4, 577. 50

115& 515. 23 110, 941. 49

Special deposit account

Total, Executive Office 177, 744. 44 8, 353. 60 3, 369. 35 423, 693. 00 363, 053, 91

o0, 80

355, 480. 19 37, 665. 41 8, 665. 90 8, 353. 60 192, 052. 22

50. 80

10, 943. 0' 7

i i)ci&i( balance. i I lore(. nfore stated as a slice(el fun&i.

» For s(&nein&in( i&( printin. , &&el bin&ling by departments snd independent offices, see p. 433. 14 In(I»&(rx xsoo, ooo (i;inc(crrcci (rom (033 account, act May 30, 1934 (48 Stat. 98) and $90, 635 indefinite oppropriation,

render the;ii(, o( Mar. 23, 1934 ('4x st it. 5&22, sec. 21 (e) title II). li 'I'r, »&xfcrrcil (o (03(, &ca»»&(. See noie 16.

Act of ortho Economy June30 1932 sec 109 and sct of Mar the president to tho general fund of tho Treasury as miscellaneous recoipts (see p, 28) as lair(, of co»ipeiixii(ion of ti President, during the fiscal yosr 1934.

» Includes $312 50 transferred from Salaries Executive Office 1934 aci, June 30 1932 (47 qt i( 41() s& Exclus&ve of $312. 50 transferred to "Salary of the Vice President 1034' . See note 18. n Debit balance

Recei Pts und exPenCht tires, 198/ — Continued

(Debit transfer appropriations (net) and repayments to appropriatious in excess of expenditures are prini, ed in itchc. Emergency expenditures are indicated by an asterisk']

Unexpended balances Juue 30, 1933 Expenditures in 1934 (see p, 6) Amount carried to surplus

fund (see p. 7) Unexpended balances June 30, 1934

Fiscal year for which

appropri- ation was

made Available

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p 8)

On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursrng


A ppropri ation s

WVarrants-issued basis

Checks-issued basis

Act June 20, 1874

Impounded salary and

vacancy sav- ings

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)


On books of the Treasur Y

To credit of disbursing





Relief of Marion Von Bruning (nee Marion Hubbard Treat) No year f1, 900. 00 $1, 900. 00


Alien property funds (special deposit accounts)

Total, Alien Property Custodian

I $483, 087. 64

483, 087. 64 1, 90(L 00

$51 I„679. 66

614, 67R 66

I $79?, 467. 30


797, 467. 30



American Battle Monuments Commis- sion No year

1934 $298, 106. 69 $94. 80 205, 525, 31 I 200. 00

' 17, 890. 80 $275, 435. 00

17, 890. 80

293, 325. 80

295, 755. 53

295, 755. 53

$1, 123. 47 4. SO 21, 348. 22


185, 204. 78 1?, 890. 80

UI Payment to officers and employees of the

United States in foreign countries due to appreciation of foreign currencies (American Battle Monuments Com- mission) 1934-35 ' 37, 000. 00 15, 000. 00 22, 000. 00 15, 000. 00

Total, American Battle Monu- ments Commission 298, 106. 69 94. 80 205, 525, 31 54, 690. 80 30S, 325. 80 295, 755. 53 1, 123. 47 94. SO 43, 348. 22 218, 095. 58


government contributions to American National Red Cross Building CertiQed Claims 2, 978. 98 2, 978. 98 2, 978. 98


kmerican National Red Cross Building, contributions No year 2, 978. 98 2, 978. 98

Total, American National Red Cross 2, 978. 98 2, 978. 98 2, 978 98 6, 957. 96



[This commission abolished, and func- tions transferred to Oflice of iXatlonal Parks, Buildings and Reservations, De- partment of the Interior, under Sec. "of Executive Order Juue 10, 1933, effective August 10, 1933. For budget purposes all transactions in appropriation account fhr this Commission under Independent Offices and the Department, of the In- t&&rior are stated on p. 165. )


Salaries and expenses 1934-35 1934 1933 1932

18, 183. 81 22, 353. 94

2, 070. 45 (

& 4, 250. 00 I IS, 700. 00

4, 250. 00 100, 581. 77

617. 68 25. 64

4, 250. 00 101, 673. 36

I, 552. 03 26. 64 $22', 328. 30

3, 892. 15 18, 118. 23 14, 809. 18

I 1, 091. 59


Salaries and expenses, arbitration boards 1933-34 1933 52, 150. 14 8, 113. 50

I 60 251. 27 & 60, 261. 87

104, 339. 89

20, 110. 96 6, 101. 15

I'2, 009, S3

107, 50. 93

11, 610. 83 12. 37

11, 623. 20

40, 140. 31 8, 500. 13

Emergency boar&is, Railway Labor Act, May 20, 1926

Printing and binding

1933-34 1933

1932-34 1932

1934 1933 1932

45, 278. 16

42, 337. 62

245. 49

97. il [.

& 42, 595. 33 I 58, 585. SS

» 42, 337. 62 » 48, 857. 62

I, 000. 00

2. 450. 33 23, 032. 49

25, 482. S2

981. 31 61. 88

2, 450. 33 20, 804. 74

23, 255. 07

865. 98 46. 49

245 49

42, 596. 33

19, 305. 13

18. 69 61. 22


0 115. 3;I

930. 09 ' 912. 47

Total, Board of ihle&listion ISO, 549. 16 10, 281. 66 123, 950. 00 142, 762. 63 143, 292. 67 4, 124. 65 I 3, ), 038. OIJ 9, 751. 62


Saiaries and expenses 1934 1933 1932 1931 1930

6, 160. 68 14, 460. 11

. 02 488. 2, ) I' 464, )68. 75 452, 527. Oi

219. 84 690. 51 151. 58 674. 76

443, 858. 0'1

269. 01 O'JO. 51 161. 68 674, 78

13, 769. (if) 151. 58 574. 7J

6, 186. 30 11, 641. IN

193. 62 S, 6&)9 (&)

452, 2i2. 03 444, 091. 28

i I l, i, nffinn Wav:il&OI»)ie I i» I itS fuuCtiOBS tranSferred tO the DePartruent Of JuStiCe hy EXeCutiVe Order 5 O. I!&)94

of xii&y I, 1934, cffective 1»ly ), )93I. & Icxciusivc nf fu»ds in &lepn itarics other than the Treasury of the United States. -' 'I'r, insferre&i tn "S:il:&ries an&l expensos, Division of Disbursement, 1934", under Executive Orders Nos. 6166 and

(35)» nf Jii»e 10:in&i l&ec. Qw, IQ!33. ' 'I'r»&s««d «&' ":c &I:««a«x pen es, )Var Department, 1934", under Executive orde, s No 6166 of June 10

I!i33, ;i&i I l~&, 14, flfiQ»»f I'e)&. 26, i»rl Apr. 2), 1934. & 'I'r;i»vff rre&i frnr»:iccoiinf u»der same title, p. 128, act Mar. 26, 1934 (48 Stat. 466) I I;y& Ill I&c f&f $3&)o. flo tl' i». ferrcd tn "Saliries and expenses, Division of Disbursei»ent, 1934", under Executive

I)r~fcr go fj)fili, »»i fi)ln (if June If), &nil DCC. 2&, 1933.

))ebif balance. l Transferred frolu 1933 account, act June 16, 1933 (4S Sial. 28fi) & Transferred In 1933-34 account. See note 8. » Transferred from 1932 account, act June 16, 1933 (48 Stat. 2&86). » Transferred to 1932-34 account. See note 10. » Exclusive of $3, 831. 25 transferred, act Mar. 20, I&J33 (48 Stat. 13) iinrler Exp&nil ive f&r lpr. )4»s. fit&i&i, »»i &, , In nl'

June 10 and Dec. 28, 193'JJ to accounts as follows: Saiaries and expenses, Division of Disbursement, 1934 Printing snd binding, Board of Tax Appeals, 1934 I, 1'I»»t&

Receipts artd expenditures, 198$ — Continued [Debit transfer appropriations (net) and repayment to appropriations in excess of expenditures are printed in italic. Emergency expenditures are indicated by an sstcri» *)

Unexpended ba]snces June 30 1933 Expenditures in 1934 (see p 6) Amount carried to surplus fund (see p. 7)

Unexpended ha)anom June 30 1934

Fiscal year for which

appropri- ation was

made Available

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)

On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing



Warrants-issued basis

Cheeks-issued basis

Act June 20, 1874

Impounded salary snd

vacancy sav- ings

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)


Ou books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing



BGARD ox TAE AFFEAIs — continued

Printing, and. binding 1934 1933 1932

Total, Board of Tax Appeals


Special deposit accounts

Total, Board of Tax Appeals


Salaries snd a~pensee 1933 Printing and binding 1933

Total, Bureau of E16ciency


$6, 400. 00 16, 868. 99

43, 889. 78

43, 889. 78

16, 071. 14 42. 68

16, 113. 82

$0. 02

. 02

1, 395. 16

1, 395. 15

$7, 787. 72

8, 275. 97

508. 50

8, 784. 47

II $26, 056. 34

490, 225. 09

490, 225. 09

$26, 056. 34 2, 7OO. OO

3, 268. 30

26, 623. 74

478, 895. 77

478, 895. 77

8. 06

8. 06

$23, 030. 94 5, 086. 82 3, 268. 30

31, 386. 06

475, 477. 34

2, 659. 65

472, 937. 69

8. 06

$13, 600. 69

28, 096. 60

28, 096. 60

$6, 186. 30

6, 186. 30

$0. 02

. 02

1, 829. 30

1, 829. 30

$9, 100. 90

20, 936. 20

20, 936. 20

15, 628. 93 42. 68

15, 671. 61

$3, 025. 40

11, 694. 40

3, 048. 15

14, 742, 55



fCrested by Executive Order 6225, dated July 27, 1933, under authority of the National Industrial Recovery Act of June 16, 1933. This activity is included under "National Industrial Recovery Administration ", p. 118. ]


lhicsgo World's Fair Centennial Cele- bration 1934-35

1933-34 137, 587. 93 63, 314. 62 176, 000. 00

II OOO OO 90, 656. 91

90, 556. 91

139, 680. 60

139, 680. 60

807. 39 175, 000. 00 45, 623. 63 14, 190. 93

Chicago World's Fair Centennial Cele- bration (transfers, act Feb. 8, 1932 (47 Stat. , 41) ):

To Library of Congress 1933 — 34 To Government Printing Off)ce 1933-34 To National Advisory Comtnittee

for Aeronautics 1933-34

2, 500. 00 431. 82

1, 649. 82

5, 129. 89

I, 791. 08 286. 29

3, 149. 82

4, 944. 01

708. 92 145. 53 29L 08

185. 88

To National Capital Park and Plan- ning Commission

To Smithsonian Institution To U. S. Shipping Board To Veterans' Administration To Department of Agriculture To Department of Commerce To Department of the Interior To Department of Justice To Department of Labor To Navy Department To Post OBIce Department To Department of State To Treasury Department To Wsr Department To War Department (Panama


1933-34 1933 — 34 1933-34 1933-34 1933-34 1933-34 1933-34 1933-34 1938-34 1933-34 1933-34 1933-34 1933-34 1933-34


457. 93 4, 000. 00 3, &40. &1

3, 432. 55 35, 242. 44 33, 865. 38 24, 100. 00

4, 000. 00 26, 087. 77 10, 000. 00 3, 523. 04

16& 886. 52 59, 986. 67

7&4. &7

2, 42L 11 2, 500. 00

5, &54. 82 14, 251. 87 10, 623. 86

7, 120. 70 2, 681. 60

2, 498. 99 1, 841. 29 1, 510. 79

218. 42

768. 78

»5$0 58 ii 540. 58

» 600. 00

329. 01 236. 01

3, 325. 37 2, 993. 04

32, 716. 83 20, 796. 12 16, 472. 08

813. &(I

4, 329. 18

6, 026. 56 1, 96((. N 3, 077. 49

15, 693. 84 50, 870. 31

I, 1(3. 88 2, 494. 40 4, 308. 41 2, 550. 06

38, 434. 53

33, 769. 26 27, 145. 92

6, 476. 79 6, 865. 50

6, 026. 56 582. 06

4, 2&6. 61 16, 743. 12 50, 698. 87

66. 40

128. 92 164. 61

591. 91 1, 097. 69

17. 70

18. 41

207. 10

3, 599. 38 515. 44 439. 51

1, 933. 70 11, 430. 99 8, 150. 80

643. 91 270. 82

20, 042. 80 11, 9G6. 93

445. 55 985. 5S

9, 116. 36

162. 72 I, 5(G. 96

442. 98 137. 12

1, 278. 73 I 49. 98

145. 28

632. 17 461. 51 389. 86

702. 38

Total, Chicago World's Fair Cen- tennial Celebration


365, 511. 04 123, 603. 25 175, 000. 00 246, 602. 99 349, 573. 09 3, 033. 73 290, 874. 32 20, 633. 15

Salaries and expenses 1934-35 1934 1933 1932

1, 341. 56 53. 24

2, 433. 77 138. 33

200, 000. 00 ii I, 021, 670. 00

195, 000. 00 1, 020, 857. 30

145. 08 188. I&G

1, 215, 583. 78

170, 453. 22

1, 013, 184. 85

2, 288. 71 9. 87

1, 185, 936. 65

181. 70 430. 82 6. 67

5, 000. 00 812. 70

1, 055. 80

24, 546. 78

7, 672. 45

Salaries '" 1933 1932

17, 040. 03

77, 621. 54 9, 548. 44 2, 327. 35 3, 364, 08

9. 16 63. 26 9. 16 77, 612. 38

16, 648, 56 9, 548. 44 2, 655. 56

3, 354. 8$ 72. 42

Contingent expenses» 1933 1932

1, 000. 00

1, 552. 29 3, 333. 83 1, 656. 58

197. 88

1, 6'56. 68 3, (35. 94

3, 208. 87 1, 197. 89

Printing and binding 1934-35 1934 1933 14, 200. 00 1932 11, 850. 52

3, 857. 52 720. 26

20, 000. 00 I' 2S, 750. 00

1, 854, 47

15, 000. 00 28, 750. 00

4, 408. 87 780. 88

47, 438. 61

3, 135. 94

4, 565. 58 28, 702. 49 8, 266. 39

41, 534. 46

12, 570. 78

5, 000. 00

9, 791. 13

10, 434, 42

47. 61

Traveling expenses ii . 1933 1932

Certified claims

175. 48 10, 995. 30

3, 382. 85 4, 311. 91

2, 35

814. Of(

4, 14E 78 2. 35

2, 568. 83 169. 13

2. 35 15, 138. 08

989. 50

Total, Civil Service Commission 1351 829. 96 9, 555. 11 22, 162. 40 1, 270, 422. 35

» I eludes $3, 300 transferred irom "Salaries snd expenses, Board of Tax Appeals, 1934, " snd $756. 34, under the act ef Mar. 28, 1934 (48 Stat. 522, sec. 23, title H).

I' Heretofore stated under "Miscellaneous, commissions, boards, etc. " chapter. » Transferred to same object under Department of Labor. See note 18. ii Transferred to same object under the Department of the Interior. See note 17, ii Transferred from same object, under Department of Commerce. See note 16. » Transferred from master account. Sce note 15. ii Includes $520 transferred from "Salaries and expenses, Bureau of the Census, 1934", and excludes $6, 850 trans-

I rred undor Executive Orders Nos. 6166 and 6540, of June 10 and Dec. 28, 1933, and act Mar. 20, 1933 (48 Stat. 13), to ferre un or &xecu ive accounts as follows:

4, 854. 45

1& 253& 958 54

2, 740. 31

1, 233, 419. 78 108, 711. 81 17, 079. 38 9, 555. 11 26, 502. 58 42, 701, 1!)

Sale»ca and expenses Division of Disbursement 1934 $3, !00 Printing and binding, Civil Service Commission, 1934 » Provided for in the fiscal year 1934 under "Salaries and expenses, ('ivil Service ('oin mission, !!u (". » Includes $6750 transferred under Executive Order No. 6166 of Junc !0, 193'(, ac( of Mar. "(!, I!i!3 ((s Sta(. ) 3), from accounts as follows: Printing and binding, Department of Commerce, 1934. Salaries and expenses, Civil Service Commission, 1934 3, 7eo


Recei pfs and expenditures, 198$ — Continued

[Debit transfer appropriations (net) and repayments to appropriatious in excess of expenditures are printed in italic. Emergency expenditures are indicated by an asterisk *]

Unexpended balances June 30, 1933 Exponditures in 1934 (see p. 6) Amount carried to surplus fund (see p. 7)

Unexpended balances June 30, 1934

Fiscal year for which

appropri- ation was

Iuade Avallabie

Reserve for impouuded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)

On books of I. he Treasury

To credit of disbursiug


Appropuatlons n crrants-issued

basis Checks-issued

basis Act June 20,


Impounded salary and

vacancy sav- ings

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)


On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing




[Expenditures for the purposes of this Commission are admin!stered by the Department ui the Interior under sec. 2 of Executive Order No. 6166, June 10, 1933, efIective Aug. 10, 1933. All transactions under appropriations for the Commis- sion for the fiscal year 1934 are stated for budget purposes under the Department of the Interior, p. 159. ]


[Created by Executive Order 6340, dated Oct. 16, 1933, under authority of the National Industrial Recovery Act of June 16, 1933. ]

NATIONAL INDUSTRIAL RECOVERY, Com- modity Credit Corporation 1933-35 u $3, 000, 000. 00 $3, 000, 000. 00 * $2, 573, 597. 30




$426, 402. 70


[Created by Executive Order 6514, dated Dec. 19, 1933, under the authority of the National Industrial'Recovery Act of June 16, 1933. ]

NATIGNAL INDUsTRIAL REcovERY, ELec- tric Home and Farm Authority, In- corporated 1933-35 "1, 000, 000. 00 1, 000, 000. 00 "13, 426. 60 986, 573. 40


[Unemployment Relief Act (reforestation)]

(Act Mar. 31, 1933, 48 Stat. 22, 23)

Emergency conservation fund No year 1934-Mar. 31, 1935

Emergency conservation fund (transfers to War Department):

Act Mar. 31, 1933 No year

Act June 19, 1934 . 1934-Mar. 31, 1935 $86, 616, 686. 53

(") ll iso, 937, 4OO. OO

293, 662, 115. 00 s 129, 277, 600. 00

300, 197, 601. 20 300, 197, 049. 58

300 197' 501 20 * 300i 197 049 58

I' $18, 983. 86

$15O, 937, 4OO. OO

80, 100, 284, 19 129, 277, 600, 00

I' 451. 62

Emergency conservation fund (War transfers to Department of the In- terior, Indian Service):

Act Mar. 31, 1933 . No year Act June 19, 1934 1934-Mar. 31, 1935

144, 135. 60 $846, 932. 78 » 11, 375, 200. 00 » 3, 750, 000. 00

9, 596, 268. 73 9, 530, 119. 31 1, 923, 066. 87

3, 750, 000. 00 913, 08'2. 20

Emergency conservation fund (War transfer to Department of the Interior, act Mar. 31, 1933) No year » 2, 325, 000. 00

9, 596, 268. 73

I, 447, 288. 21

' 9, 530, 119. 31

i1 093, 724. 85 877, 711. 79 353 563 36

No year 1934-Mar. 31, 1935

Total, Emergency Conservation Work

Emergency conservation fund (War transfers to Department of Agri- culture);

Act Mar. 31, 1933 Act June 19, 1934

86, 760, 822. 13

36 16, 000, 000. 00 "' I 035 000 00

846, 932 78 ' 608 362, 315 00

2, 362, 633. 59

313, 603, 691. 73

6 2, 181, 346. 67

*313, 002, 240. 41 18, 983. 86

13, 637, 366. 41

I, 035, 000. 00

381, 538, 429. 26

181, 286. 92

1, 448, 384. 10


Salaries and expenses 1934 1933 .

1932 7, 034. 08

49, 313. 31 $11, 329, 9(i 11 710. 56


638, 78 i

3& 342, 700. 00 339, 792. 88

8, 088. 88

448. 78

334, 672. 33 7, 916. 33

195. 00 $49, 757. 09 5, 446. 52 $11, 329. 96

2, 907. 12

4, 621. 39 5& 120. 55

760. 40

Emplovces' compensation fund No year 1934 and prior 1933 and prior 1932 and prior 1931 and prior '

1930 and prior 1929

99, 992. 74 662. 76

» 3, 820, 189. 72

393, 303. 15 '

336, 315. 27

18. 88

3, 412, 831. 93 806, 871 . 41

88. 64 60. 00 88. 60

342, 783. 66

18. 88 31 219, 136. 49

188, 031. 74

88. 64 80. 00 88. 6'0

662. 76

60. 00 22. 50

63, 297. 37

13. 33 407, 357. 79 241, 966. IS

t7 193, 695. 44


Working fund, Employees' Compensation Com- mission, civil works . No year

Employees' compensation fund, civil works 1934-35

Printing an(I binding 1934 1933 1932


2, 000. 00 2, 268. 10

I, 24. 46 '

619. 45 '

(33) 3& 3, 900. 00

3, 207, 442. 15


3, 889. 53 576. 43 6'18. 46

3, 407, 049. 86

2, 804. 53

1, 336. 94

2, 887. 05

10. 47

1, 423. 57 I, 085

963. 95



Relief of: James H. &his»sf&cld

Sarah Sn&olen

(ler&rgc ('harles Walthcr

No veer No year No year


5, 000. 00 (36)

3, 846. 51 4, 141. 47

5, ooo. oo

Total general accounts, Employees (-'ompensation Commission 161, 2&0. 99

I 11, 329. 96 407, 0gr), 4o ~ 4, 171, 7S9. 72 3, 547, 603. 93 3, 753, 974. 99 I 53, 412. 44 68, 743. 89 11, 329. &JS rr3, 3oo. (5 [

201, Iix ( '&3

. '&!I»fir(l f&'On& fg(lf&»n'(&I ln&iustrial Recovery" appropriation for complete statement of which see p. 428. 'I 'I'I&r: ll»f:»c»f of 5:IJIJ!r&2JI15 to this account, from the appropriation for "National Industrial Recovery" was

tr &»sf& rr((l to I l&c W, (r l)cf»;rf r»rnf, for the same object under acts Mar. 31, 1933 (48 Stat. 22), and June 16, 1933 (48 St:)I,

» 'I I»s account, was rrc(lite(i (vi&!& $285, 000, 000 transferred from "Emergency relief and public works, 1934 — 35", art . I»» I!&, !934 (Is stat.


r&n I charged with $134 062 600 transferred to the war Department for thc same object ut& irr toe & l)r» &. , && t.

» 'I'r»&xfcrrc&l fu(&n t, he s &n&e object under Independent offices per note 23, exclusive of $29, 700, 200 transferred by tl&c tt „; I)ri)«rtn&cnt for (I(& . »»e object to departments as follows:

l)&&i(, &rtment of tl&e I»&& r&or $'2, 325, 000 I)& I)&&rt&ncnf of the interior (ln&lim Service! 11, 375, 200 I)& I& &rf »&rn& Of Agriculture 16, 000, 000 ( I &'& I » If &' » &

I& It)& i». » 0 &&I bal or&» in ' Army account of advances", through which this account is disburse i.

36 This account w &s crcdite&l with $134 ofi2 600 transferred from sarnc object un(ier In&i(p& »&lout () fli& cs, Ix r no! 0 "I„»( I charged with f4 785 000 transferred by the war Department for the same object to d(par&monte»s folio» 3& (srr &u&t &I, I&&)

Department, of the Interior (Indian Service) 3:I, 7 f&(I, I&la I

Department of Agriculture. ], 03. ', (x)&& » Transferred from same object under War Department. See note 25. » Transferred fro&n same object under War Department. See note 28. » Allofte&l from»National Industrial Recovery" appropriation for complete staten» nt, of )vl&i&1& s& r p. 428. » Exclusive of 8'2, 300 transferred to "Salaries cnd expeuses, Division of Disburse&ncnf, I!EII', »n&lrr I&'xcr»I &3(&

Orders Nns. (if&if) aud 6540 of June 10 and Dec. 28, 1933. » Inrl»&irx $189. 72 tranSferred, aCtS May 7, 1914 and June 26, f93&, frOrn SCCOunta aS fnllO&VS:

Relief of Gcor c Charles Walther $&M). I)& I

ltrlief of Ja&ncs R. Mansr&eld I) Account stated under Federal Civil Works Administraf ion, p. 109.

I' Exclusive of 8100 transferred to "Salaries and expenses, Divfxion of Disburscmrnt„193 I", under Execu! ivc Or(i& rs Nos. 6166 and 6i40 of Juue 10 cnd Dcc. 28, 1933.

» Appropriaf ion of f9. 72 frmsferred to "Employees' compcnsalion fund, Io! I:&u&l I&riorr» sro no(& . '&2

Receipts arid ezpenditttres, I98JI — Continued

[Debit transfer appropriations (net) and repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures are printed ia italic. Emergency expenditures are indicated by sn asterisk*]

Unexpended balances June 30, 1933 Expenditures in 1934 (see p. 6) Amount carried to surplus

fund (see p. 7) Unexpended balances Juno 30, 1934

Fiscal year for which

appropri- ation was

nl ada Available

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)

On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing



Warrants-issued basis

Checks-issued basis

Act June 20, 1874

Impounded salary and

vacancy sav- ings

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)


On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing



Relief and rehabilii, ation, Longshore- men's and Harbor Worker's Compen- sation Act » No year $7, 930. 86 $550. 99 $14, 327. 85 $14, 067. 40 $13, 525. 12 $8, 191. 31 $1, 093. 27

Total, Employees' Compensation Commission 169, 201. 85 $11, 329. 96 408, 547. 39 4, 186, 117. 57 3& 561, 671. 33 3, 767, 500. 11 $53, 412. 44 $68& 743. 89 $11, 329. 96 671, 491. 76 202, 718. 61



(Crested by Executive Order 6202-A, dated July 11, 1933, under authority of sct of Msr. 31, 1933 and the National Industrial Recovery Act of June 16, 1933. ] NATIGNAL INDUsTRIAL REcovERY, Exec-

utive Council 1933-35 11 72, 000. 00 31, 977. 98 «29, 589. 27 40, 022. 02



2, 388. 71


[Created by Executive Orders 6581 aad 6638, dated Feb. 2, 1934 snd Mar. 9, 1934, respectively, under authority of the Na- tional Industrial Recovery Act of June 16, 1933. ] NATIGNAL INDUsTRIAL REcovERY& Ex-

port-Import Bank of Wsshingtoa 1933-35 NATIGNAL INDUBTRIAL REcovERY, Sec-

oad Export-Import Bank of Wash- ington

Total, Export-Import Banks of Washington

M 1, 000, 000. 00

II 250, 000. 00

1, 250, 000. 00

1, 000, 000. 00

250, 000. 00

1, 250, 000. 00

i9, 305. 14

450, 470. 21

'64, 775. 35

990, 694. 86 c&0

194, 529. 79

1, 185, 224. 65


(Act June 16, 1933, 48 Stat. 257)

'. Salaries and expenses, Farm Ciedit Ad- ministration


Administrative expenses, productioa credit corporations and associations No year

Agricultural marketing revolving fund,

Farm Credit Administration No year

110, 762. 38

2, 000, 000. 00

27, 099, 727. 52

29, 459. 14 20, 446. 14

I, 584, S96. 36

II 2& 299, 620. 00 » 3, 618. 00

»& 380. 00

c 2, 486. 82

2, 187, 842. 84

50, 073. 29

2, 237, 916. 13

310, 472. 14

12, 260, 377. 20

2, 097, 991. 10 69, 326. 22

2, 167, 317. 32

267, 613. 42

13, 204, 210. 62

30, 260. 94 31, 593. 27 111, 777. 16 31, 912. 02

1, 689, 147. 86

14, 841, 837. 14

89, 851. 74 1, 193. 21

42, 858. 72

641, 062. 94

No year

No year j


No year

No year

No year

Jlgrlcultural marketing, revolving funo, Perm Credit Administration (cotton contracts, Agricultural Adjustment Aet)

Perm Credit Administration, revolving fund (Emergency account, Farm Credit Act)

Farmers crop production and harvesting loans, Farm Credit Administration

Leans to agricultural credit corporations, revolving fund, Farm Credit Admin- istration

ftepayment of loans on account of dis- tribution of Government-owned wheat

i and cotton, Farm Credit Administra- tion

Bepayment of loans on account of dis- tribution of Government-owned cotton nader act Feb. 8, 1933, Farm Credit Ad- ministration

40, 000, 000, 00

40, 000, 000. 00

9, 934, 818. 30

6, 994, 468. 33

5, 000. 00

» 20, 000, 000. 00 60, 000, 000. 00 60, 000, 000. 00

'& 32, 500, 000. 00 40, 000, 000. 00 27, 500, 000. 00

o40. 000, 000. 00 27, 500, 000. 00

0 9, 759, 818. 80 11, 774. 32 9, 887. G2

«487, 058. 58 4, 509, 729, 59 4, 509, 729. 59

'I 437, 053. 52 437, 053. 52 437, 053. 52

4D& 000 000 00 3D& 415 539 44 28& 491& 749 08

2, 047, 685. 22

6, 000, 000. 00

9, 584, 460. 56

183, 225. GS

1, 923, 790. 36

6, 886. 70

Collection of seed-grain loans 1932 1931

13, 755. 02

5, 213. 65 14. 77 14. 77 13, 740. 25

5, 213. 66

Farmers seed and grain loans. 1922-23 1921-22

14. 77

588. 98 478. 41

14. 77

588. 98 478. 41

538. 98 472. 41

I, OI I. 89 I, 011. 89

Farmers' seed and feed loans, New Mexico

Agricultural credits and rehabilitation, emergency relief

Loans to farmers in drought- and storm- stricken areas, emergency relief

Loans to farmers in storm- and drought- stricken areas, Southeastern States

Loans to farmers in storm- and Ilood- stricken areas, Southeastern States

Loans to farmers in storm-, flood-, and drought, -stricken areas.



1931 — 32




24. 77

1, 638, 477. 61

924, 378. 46

702, 562. 98

1, 403. 10

3, 875, 801. 94

'& 5, 551, 000. 00

«18, 578, 175. 76

'& I 085 000. 00

u 6, 000. 00

&& 8, 895, 005. 94

o16. 60

4, 8 71, 159. 43

18, 847, 755. 87

582, 865. ')7

81& 058. 84

1 80, 194. 88

516. 60

4, 3 i I, 195'. 88

18, 847, 755'. 87

588, 866. 77

81, 058. 84

180, 194. 88

541. 37

458, 617. 04

598, 958. 07

200, 429. 75

26, 456. 94

160, 990. 28

55. 95

Administrative expenses, Federal Farm Board 1932 ',

1931 552, 665. 15 524, 000. 00

u 585, 748. 10 u 584 000. 00

1, 057. 73 1, 057. 73 25, 859. 32

Special-deposit ac& oun(s 1, 282, 731. 17

1 057 73 1, 057. 73

8, 879, o58. I I 9, 662, 289. 28

» Allot teil fro&« "N&i &i nal Indus(r&al Recovery" appropri«lion for complete statement of which see p. 428. " Se& also "Rc!ief anil rehahiliii&(ion, l)is(rict of Columbia workmen's compensation act", p. 361. ' V(& lusivi nf 8!«0 &r i«s!& nv&l &o "Salaries and eslienses, Division of Disburse&nant, )934", under Fxecutive Orilers Nos 6&i&i& an&i ii i 9) of . i«i« io imil I &cc. 2«, 1933, :&«&I i&iclu&les $2 300 000 transferred under Executive Order No, 6084 of &51;ir. 27, I'. i&;!, &&«&l ac«, if, &uno IG, I!K«', (4(& Stat. 300), fro&« i&re«un(s as follows:

s&l&«in is&r i& ivc i slie«ses, Vc&l& r&l Fan« So«ril, 1932 $520&, OOO

I «, &«& &&l (i&I'i&lot til &!&0&&gilt «nil s&or«&-s&r&chen are&is, emergency relief, 1931-32 . . 350, 000 Ail&iiini. (r:iiivc c&iicn ', Vi ilcr&l Farm Bo&r&l, 1931 524, 000

" 'I'& in. fr&re&i i i&«li & I. &cni! ivc. ()nlcr No. GO«4 of Mar, 27, 1933, from accounts as follows: Ail& ii«i-«:i&ive esi«&:. . c', Veiler:il V:in«Boar&i, 1933 f3, GOG. Si Salanes anil e(i««-& o, Vc&lcr:il V;irm I. oan Boar&I, 1033 I l. 13 «' ill&&»on &if i&&s& anil i&ri«r e«I- riin loans, 1933 (Agricul(ure) l. 00

«Tr. i«(crrcil &o ". ' il:iric. &inil c(I&cn eh I&&vision of I)islmrscmcn&, 1934", under Executive Orders Nos. 6166 and I' S(0 of J««& IO i»i&i l&c&. OV I!Ksh

" 'I'r. i«. fcrri«l (ri»ii ' 5 ric«l(ur il r&i:irkc!»ig revolving fund, Federal Farm Board", under Executive Order No, 6084 of 5&;&r ", , I!i;&3

u Transferred, aci June 16, 1933 (48 Stat. 258), from accounts as folio&vs: Loans to Agricultural Credit Corporations, revolving fu&«i, I'arm (. 'rcilii A&lmiuisiniiii«i . . 5'. &, 7 &!), 8&s. '&0

Agriculiuml rredi(s and rchab&litation, emerccn&y relief ;, sisi&, OOO. Oi&

Loans io fern&ers in drought- aud storn&-s(richen areas, enier cncy relief L&xi«s to farmers in storm- and droughi. -s&ri&kcn»ress, Soutl&eastern Siaics ), Os, ', OOO OO I «&in& to f&rmers &n sioim- aud Ijoods!&i&i&en areas, So»ihc&s&ern F(ales . . O, OOO OO I, nans to far&nero in siorm- Il&iod- aml &lrnughi-stricken areas 3, )&!);i, Do. i Oi

"& Tr&us(err«&I to ''F&rm (. 'r«li( Adminisirai«in, revolving fiin&l (Emerge»& y n& cou«I, I':&n«('re&&i( A& I)" See note 42.

«Transferrc&l to 'i&ep» n&cnt nf loans on account of ilistrii&ni ion of & ) over«ment owncil co(I««««&icr ac( of Vi h. s, 1933, Far&n (. 'rcilit Ailmi«is&r&&inn'', act Feb. 11, 1933 (Ji Sist. 7!i!))

'& Tran fcrri &I froi« ' Repayment of loans on:&co«un( of &iisirih«(i«n of &)ovi'rnmcni o&rue&i «i(ii&i& ii&«lcr ac&, Vch, s, I!i!3, Far&&i C'ro lii A&lmin». ra&ion" act Feh. II, I&J'2& (47 Stat. 7!)!i). «Tran ferre&l, act June Ii), I!)!&!I (4S Stat. 25») uniler Execu&ivc ()r&lcro Nos. OIGi(i«oil G5&0 of Jnnc &O«i«l l)cc. 2«, I!i& 8 Io account. - as follows:

Far&n &)rcdi & Adn&i«is!&i(ion revolving fun&i, (Eiuer&. cncy account, 1':&ri&i (. rcdit Ac&) $&2&, "2!&, Iy, i. 7&&

Salaries anil expc«. &s, Varm I'redit Adn&&nis(r»ion, 1934 . . . :&5&o, ooo. &x) && Tra«sfcrrcd &o "Sal &r'&es, and expenses, Far&n Ore&lit Ail&uinisiraiin«, 193 I ", acl Juno 16, &on& (Is S(al. . ')00) iu«li r Executive Order No. Gos& c& Mar. 27, 19'&3. sec note !'&Ko

Recei JJts anrt expenditures, Z98JI — Continued

[Debit transfer appropriations (net) and repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures are printed in italic. Emergency expenditures are indicated by' an asterisk*]

Unexpended balances June 30, 1934 Expenditures in 1934 (see p. 6) Amount carried to surplus

fund (sce p. 7) Unexpended balances June 30, 1934

Fiscal year for which

appropri- ation wss

made A. vailsble

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- i ings (see p. 8)

On books of the Treasury

T» credit of disbursing


A ppropriations Pgarrants-issued

basis Checks-issued

basis Act June 20,


Impounded salary snd

vacancy sav ings

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)

A. vailable

On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing



YABII cBEDIT ADHIN:-. Ta &TIQN — continued

Federal Farm Board «

Administrative expenses . 1933 1932

$2, 593. 65 25L 90

$38, 715. 01 «$8, 606. 87 "861. 80

$1, 018. 88 $1, 018. 88 $38, 71R 01

1, 018. 88 1, 018. 88

Agricultural marketing, revolving fund No year


2, 486. 82 «8 486 88

Federal Farm Loan Boreas»

Salaries and expenses, Federal Farm Bosn Board . 1933

1932 32, 4 C. 07 i

20, 636. 96 »11. 18 1 1. 18 54. 79

43. 66

11. 18 54. 79

4'3. 66

$32, 415. 28 20, 636. 96 I

Salaries and expenses, division of exami- nations, Federal Farm Loan Board 1931 254. 05 $2o4 05

Total, general snd special ac- acounts, Farm Credit Adminis- tration 134, 416, 115. 70 88, 811. 11 $2, 893, 073. 67 60, 899, 241. 00 160, 268, 428. 60 150, 793, 513. 37 2, 080, 100 50 $30, 260. 94 90, 94;&. 24 32, 934, 432. 53 $12, 367 !&88 9()


Special deposit accounts 61, 86S. JR 61, 858. 48

Total, Farm Credit Administra- tion 134, 416, 115. 70 88, 811. 11 2, 893, 073. 67 60, 899, 241. 00 160, 268, 428. 60 150, 731, 654. 89 2, 080, 100. 50 30, 260. 94 90, 945. 24 32, 934, 432. 53 12, 429, 847. 38



[Crested by Executive Order 6474,

elated Dee. 4, 1933, under authority of the Rational Industrial Recovery Act of

June 16, 1933. ]

NATIoNAL INDUSTBIAL REcovERY, Fed- eral Alcohol Control Administration 1933-35 II 500, 000. 00 159, 998. 13 14'2, 851. 52 340, 001, 87 17, 146. 61


[The Federal Board for Vocational Education was transferred to the Depart- ment of the Interior under sec. 15 of Ex- ecutive Order No. 6166 of June 10, 1933, effective Aug. 10, 1933.

For Budget purposes all appropriation accounts for the Board sre stated for the entire fecal year 1934, under the Depart- ment of the Interior. ]


[Created by Executive Order 6420-B, dated Nov. 9, 1933, under authority of the National Industrial Recovery Act of June 16, 1933. 48 Stat. 205. ]

Federal Civil Works Administration NATIONAL INDUSTRIAL RECOVEnv, Civil

Works Administration Employeos' Compensation fuml, Civil

Works, Working funds:

Library of Congress, Civil Works Coordinator of Transportation, Civil

Works Employees' Compensation Commis-

sion, Civil Works National Planning Board, Civil

Works Smiths onian Institution, Civil

Works Tennessee Valley Authority, Civil

Works Department of Commerce, Civil

Works Department of the Interior, Civil

Works Department of Labor, Civil Works Treasury Department, Civil Works Claims for damages, act Dec. 28, 1922,

Civil Works Administration




No year

No year

No year

No year

No year

No year

&Vo year

No year No year No year

No year

44 25, 000, 000. 00 999, 500. 23

BE 76

f, 986. &6

778, BIB. 84

87, 8$8. 08

1, 678. BB

80B, 868. 91

2, 113. 97

4' 350, 000, 000. 00 333, 625, 561. 31

» 400 005, 000. 00 399, 852, 477. 39

' 316, 877, 881. 43

" 401, 524, 256. 07

* 692, 458. 17

* 679. 6/&

* 36, 900. 88

* 78, 003. 68

'7, 003. JO

«8, I86. 89

' 6, 886. 00

« I, I 80, 676. 06

"IBE 768. 68 «80, 889. JB

«847, I I 7. 56

24, 000, 499. 77 307, 042. 06

32. 75

I, 926. 95

379. 44 M

35, 900. 38

77, 970. 78

7, 003. 10 5 209. 44

778, 91b. 84

27, 243. 03 I, 578. 83

208, 858, 91

(i, 885). 00

401, G54. 21

155, 510. 59 18, 710. 33 38, 258. 44

2, 113. 97

16, 3 4, 438. 69 16, 747, 679. SS

152, 522. 61 I 1, 671, 778. G8

Total, Federal Civil Works Ad- ministration 775, 007, 113. 97 733, 458, 979. 62 *717, 333, 554. 65 41, 548, 134. 35 16, 125, . 124. 97



(Act June 16, 1933, 48 Stat. 216) Salaries and expenses, Oflice of Federal

Coordinator of Transportation . No year Working fund, Federal Coordinator

of Transportation, Civil works. No year

402, 767. 30 402, 17'2. 74 «401, 836. 11 594. 5)G 336. I)'!I

i)e(&it balance. » Allotted fru(n p National Industrial Recovery" approprintior. for complete statement of which see p. 428. 44 Ar «)iiri& st i(r 0 u;i&lrr "I&e&lerni Civil Works Adminis(ration. "

Ex(cu&)rc Order No. 6084 of Msr. 27, 1933. See note 38. &I Triinsfcrrcd to "Salaries and expenses, Farm Credit Adrnmistra(ion, 1934", act June 16, 1933, '"' 'I'iic i&uilernl I'erin liuiirrl was transferred to Ilia "I'arm Cre&iit Administration", effectiv May 27, 1933, under

SC(, Af&ir, !I, 1933 (47 Stat. Is&(7), and EzeCutiVe Order )VO. 6)USI Of 51;ir. 27, 1933. &4 Tr:in. fcrrcrl tu ''Sal;&ries an&i expenses, Fn»n ('rcrli( Administr:i(ion, 1933". See note 39. 44 Tr )ns(crrcr( Io "Agric»I(ural marketing revolving furr(, F )rm ('rcrli& Administration". See uote 41.

4& The Federal Farm Loan Bureau was transferred from the Trensury lie()nr(iiient to thc I&« I& rnl Fnrni ('re&lit Administration under Independent Offices, p. 97, May 27, 1933, under ac(. of Junc 30, 1932 (47 8( i(. (13, sec. 4(I3), :«»I Executive order of Mar. 27, 1933.

44 Transferred to "Salaries and expenses, Farm Credit Ailminisiration, 1&J3!I. " Scc nu(c 3!I » Of the $450, 000, 000 transferred to this account from "I'inergency n:lief no&i Civil Worl&4 prngrinn, (93(-:I! ", , « t

Feb. 15, 1934 (48 Stat. 351), $100, 000, 000 was transferred under Executive Or&ier Nu. GUSU of Apr. 21, I!is I, no&i nc( I''el i. 15, 1934, to accounts as follows:

Federal emergency relief administration, 1&334 $75), UUU, UUU

Employees' compensation fund, Civil Works, 1934-35 -"), IIUU, UUU

«Transferred from "Federal Civil %'orks Adrninis(ration, 1934-35. " See note 53.

Receipts and expendittares, IM$ — Continued [Debit transfer appropriations (net) and repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures sre printed in italic. Emergenoy expenditures are indicated by an asterisk" [

Unexpended balances June 30, 1933 Expenditures in 1934 (see p. 6) Amount carried to surplus fund (see p. 7)

Unexpended balances June 30, 1934


Fiscal year for which

appro pri- ation was

made Available

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)

On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing


Appropriations Warrants-issued

basis Checks-issued

basis Act June 20,


Iinpounded salary and

vacancy sav- ings

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)


On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing



[Act June 16, 1933, 48 Stat. 279. See Treasury Department p. 311]


[Created by sec. 201 (a) under title II of the act of June 16, 1933 (48 Stat. 200)]

NATIGNAL INDUBTRIAL ItzcovER Y, Fed- eral Emergency Administration of Public Works . 1933-35

NATIGNAL INDUBTRIAL REcovERY, Fed- eral Emergency Administration of Public Works (transfer to Agriculture, Bureau of Public Roads) 1933-35

NATIONAL INDUSTRIAL RECOVERY, Fed- eral Emergency Administration of Public Works — Public Bodies 1933-35

Total, Federal Emergency Ad- ministration of Public Works

$97, 050. 85

97, 050. 85

» $6, 462, 205. 00 $G, 391, 837. 48 * $5, 991, 600. 41

» 250, 000. 00 70, 331. 83 a 10, 784. 37

757, 712, 205. 00 232, 492, 555. 60 ' 161, 722, 079. 95

» 751, 000, 000. 00 22G, 030, 386. 29 ' 155, 719, 695. 17

$70, 367. 52

179, 668. 17

524~ 969p 613 71

525, 219, 649. 40

$497, 287. 92

t4 59, 547. 46


70, 310, 691. 12

70, 867, 526. 50


NATIGNAL INDUsTRIAL REcovERY, Fed- eral Emergency Administration of Public Works — Housing 1933-35 aa 100, 000, 000. 00 2, 054& 804. 50 '863, 717. 16 97, 945, 195. 50 1, 191, 087. 34


[Created by Act of May 12, 1933 (48 Stat. 56). Financed from $500, 000, 000 made available from funds of the Reconstruc- tion Finance Corporation by sec. 2 (s) of said sct, in addition to funds author- ized under Title I of the Emergency Relief snd Construction Act of 1932

(47 Stat. 709)] Federal Emergency Relief Administra-

tion 1935 1934

aa 200, 000, 000. 00 " 375, 000, 000. 00 374, 800, 000. 00 344, 897, 979. 18

374, 800, 000. 00 s 344, 897, 979. 18

200, 000, 000. 00 200, 000. 00 29, 902, 020. 82

Emergency ' Relief and Civil Works

program 1934 — 35 Emergency Relief and Publio Works 1934 — 35

QLoa»s i. d relief in stricken agricultural Areas 1934-35


614, 675, 000. 00

aa 375 OOO 000 00

614, 675, 000, 00

375, 000, OOO. OO

Total, Federal Fmergency Relief Administration



(Act June 13, 1933, 48 Stat. 128)

Administrative expenses Savings and loan promotion

1933 No year


Loans snd relief in stricken agricultural areas (transfers, act June 19, 1934, and Executive Order 6747, June 23, 1934, ss follows(

To Department of Agriculture 1934-35 To Farm Credit Administration 1934-35 To e&nergency conservation work

1934, Msr. 31, 1935 To Federal Emergency Relief Ad-

Ininistrstion: Grants to States 1934, Msy 12, 1935 Purchase of lands 1934, Msy 12, 1935

LIATIDNAL INDUBTRIAL REcovERY, Fed- eral Emergency Relief Administra- tion 1933-35

Working funds: Treasury Departinent, emergency

relief No year District of Columbia, emergency

relief No year Department of the Interior, Indians,

emergency relief No year Department of the Interior, ¹

tionsl Park Service, emergency relief No year

NATIor(AL INDUsTRIAL REcovERY, Fed- eral Emergency Relief Administra- tion, surplus relief 1933-85

$7, 805. 38 150, 000. 00

$13, 398. 16 5, 342. 53

aa 43 750 000 00 aa 25, 000) 000. 00

aa 12, 500, 000. 00

aa 56, 250, 000. 00 aa 12 500 000 00

aa 35, 000. 00

aa 25, 000, 000. 00

1, 739, 710, 000. 00

aa f58. 88

3, 500, 000. 00

35, 000. 00 a 9, 964. 71

188, 177. 14

8, 600. 00

*8, /&/&A56

a 888, 505. /)7

a 8 500 00

/&, 000. 00 a /& 000 00

5, 000, 000. 00 a 23, 093. 49

5, 778, 64

138, 707. 01 6, 146. 75

124, 124. 76

383, 206, 322. 86 344, 699, 788. 55

$13, 194. 26

43, 750, 000. 00 21, 500, 000. 00

12, 500, 000. 00

56, 250, 000. 00 12, 500, 000. 00

122, 177. 14

2, 500. 00

4, 000. 00

20 000 000 00

1, 356, 503, 677. 14

2, 230. 64

11, 133. 61

3, 500, 000. 00

25, 035. 29

2, 443. 36

100, 128. 33

4, 976, 906. 51

38, 506, 534. 31


O 4, ui4. 42

14, 582. 25 C5


Salaries and expenses No year 2, 891. 83 aa 268, 383. 84 231, 713. 38 209, 666. 22 39 562 29 22, 047. 16

Total, Federal Home Loan Bank Board.



Federal Oil Conservation Board 1934 1933 1932

160, 697. 21

628. 59 1, 999. 18

13, 398. 16

1, 483. 33

5, 342. 53

469. 99 747. 98

268, 224. 46

7, 803. 00

376, 199. 03

2, 149. 63 /)69. 88 7/)7. 88

339, 937. )3

2, 111. 63

$2, 747. 16

13, 194. 26

187. 66 $1, 483. 33

52, 92G. 54

5 653 37 910. 92

41, 603. 83

Total, Federal Oil Conservation Board 2, 627. 77 1, 483. 33 1, 217. 97 7, 803. 00 931. 66 2, 111. 63 2, 747. 16 187. 66 1, 483. 33 o 5(I '9 38. 00

)) Allo(I(d fru&n "National indus(r&nl Recovery" appropriation for complete statement of which see p. 428. a& Of (I&e $350, uoo ouu & r )nafcrred from "Emergency Relief nnd Civil Works program, 1934-35", act Feb. 15, 1934

(48 Stat. . 351), $150, 000, 000 &vns trnnsfcrred to the 1934 account. aa i»eludes &B50, 000, 000 (rm&&furred from the 1935 account per note and $225, 000, 000 under Executive order No.

Gr&89 of )vpr. 24, Iu!&4, and;&c(. of Fcb. 15. 1934 (48 stat. 351), from accounts as follows: ifmerccncy Relief;&nd Civil 5Vorks program, 1934-35 $150, 000, 000 Fcd) rnl Civil I5'orgy;&dn&in(stra(ion, (934-35 . 75, 000, 000

ar 5 I)()u)I)r»&(o&n &)I'8!)5)o, uuo, ooo tr»nsfcrred, nct Feb. 15, 1934 (48 stat. 351), to accounts as follows: Furl) r&I ('&v&l )V))rl Arlmin&n(r&tion, 1934 — 35& $450, 000, 000 Fc&lcr;&I K&nerg) ncy R(li& f Administration, 1934 150 000 000 Fc)lr r:&I E»&crnency ltcl&cf Ad&ninistration, 1935 350 000 000

a& fixvl»ii) & of &uso, uuo, ouu (ransfcrred, sct June 19, 1934 (48 stat. 1055) to "Emergency conservatiou Fund, 1934- Mar. , '(I, I!);&5)"

» Exclusive of $150, 000, 000 trnusferred, sct June 19, 1934 (48 stat. 1055) for (1&e snm& ol)jc& ( Io dcln&r(»&cn(s nnd organizations as follows: (See note 60. )

Department of Agriculture f (3. i;)0, oou Farm Credit Administration ', ) ouo, (xxi Emergency Conservation Work I' 5)uu (X&u

Federal Emergency Relief Administration (in, 7I)u, uuu aa Transferred from "Loans and relief in stricken agricultural nre;»9 Iu:II-:!5)". See note 59. » Transferred to the "Farm Credit Administration", p. 108, c(lectivo &kfny 27, 1932, under Execu(&vc Onlcr No.

6084 of Mar. 27, 1933 and act Msr. 3, 1933 (47 Stat. 1517). "Transferred to "Salaries and expenses, Division of Disburse&neat, 1934", u&nlcr lixcvu(lv& Ordure Nos olr&u nml

6540 of June 10 and Dec. 28, 1933. 'I Exclusive of $47812 transferred to "Salaries and expenses, Division of l)I bnrsemcn(, 1931", un&lcr Iixcvo(ivc

Orders Nos. G166 and 6540 of June 10 and Dec. 28, 193&L

Receipts and expenditures, 188$ — Continued

[Debit tmnsfer appropriatibns (net) and repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures are printed in italic. Emergency expenditures are indicated by an asterisk ")

Unexpended balances June 30, 1933 Expenditures in 1934 (see p 6) Amount carried to surplus

fund (see p. 7) Unexpended balances June 30, 1934

Fiscal year for which

appropri- ation was

made Available

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)

On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing


Appropriations Warrantsrissued

basis Checks-issued

basis Act June 20,


Impounded salary and

vacancy sav- ings

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)


On books of the Treasury

To credIt of disbursing




Federal Power Commission . . No year 1934-35

1934 1933 ]932


$8, 578. 11

9, 891. 62

2, 064. 04

25, 000. 00

$12, 306. 06 $3, 879. 13

$20, 000. 00 &ii 205, 700. 00

» 238. 52 » 585. 19

$3, 000. 00 $1, 575. 74

193, 035. 00 189, 102. 00 I, 587. 85 2, 291. 29

14. 0? 14. 07 $2 635 '6 25, 000. 00

$7, 791. 53 $12, 306. 06

$5, 578. 11 20, 000. 00 12, 665. 00 3, 926. 45

$1, 424. 26

3, 933, 00

194, 461. 23 192, 983. 10 Federal Power Commission (transfers to

Department, of the Interior, Geological Survey):

Act Feb. 17, 1933 Act Apr. 22, 1932 Act Feb. 14, 1931

1934 1933 1932

Printing and binding 1934 1933

NATIDNAL INDUSTRIAL REcovERY, Fed- eral Po~er Commission 1933-35

560. 27

800. 00

238. 52 24. 92

355. 56

«700. 00 «258. 52 «585. 19

ii 700, 000. 00

3, 000. 00

30i. 92 288. 52 24. 92

116. 31

41. 48 116. 31

2, 185&. 75 425. 00

I, 669. 70 780. 56

141& 072. 32 ' 126, 808. 47

395. 08

558, 927. 68

814. 25

375. 00


188. 61


14, 263. 85

516. 05



2, 610. 75 2, 450. 26

Payments to States under Federal water power act No year

Total, Federal Power Commission


75, 411. 36

122, 305&. 40 12, 306. 06 4, 498. 13

64, 885. 82

994, 2iis. 82

75, 325. 62

413, 511. 40

75, 325. 62

397, 683. 76 27, 635. 16 7 791 53 12 306 06

64, 971. 56

667, 653. 13 20, 325. 77


Salaries and expenses . 1934 1933 1932 1930

6, 144. 93 7, 937. 68

16, 428. 68 6, 656. 66 2, 9SO. 80

«617, 230. 00 i&06, 543. 69

8, 578. 58 8& 878. 28

4. 57&

G00, 131. 90 4, 0?7. 98

5'2. 52

4. 8$ 10, 815. 96

4. 34

3, 815. 52 15, 103. 69 10, G86. 31 5, 233. 08

6, 411. 79

601, 082. 39 604, 268. 06

Enforcement of wireless communication

laws. 1933 1932

25, 597. 92 92, 454. 08

18, 478. 93 3, 093. 49 2, 246. 49

9, 981. 50 8& 600, 86

7, 781. 14

11, 0?7. 74 I. 85

11, 075, 92

94 654 44 4, 464, 77 18, 478. 93 11, 151. 65 I, 997. 25

47. 95,

Printing and binding 1934 1933 12, 000. 00 652. 30

4' 19, 900. 00 9, 726. 43 4, 123. 92

13, 850. 35

7, 618. 32 3, 783. 70

11, 402. 02

10, 173. 57 7, 876. 08

71, 108. 11 992. 52

Total general account, Federal Radio Commission

Total Federal Radio Commission




Special deposit accounts

144, 134. 61

144, 134. 61

33, 907. 61

33, 907. 61

15, 579. 74

29, 311. 61

44, 891. 35

637, 130. 00

637, 130. 00

622, 713. 88

622, 713. 88

626, 736. 00

P7. 61

626, 708. 39

105, 474. 74

105, 474. 74

8, 280. 29

8, 280. 29

33, 582. 62

33, 582. 62

45, 120. 69

45, i2O. OO

11, 557, 62

29, 339. 22

40, 896. 84



Salaries snd expenses No year 77, 294. 63 18, 709. 59 (14) 77, 294. 63 96, 004. 22



[Act June 13, 1933, 48 Stat. 132, sec, 5 (s). See Treasury Department p. 310]


[Act May 12, 1933, 48 Stat. 55, sec. 3 (b). Financed by Allotments from the 3500, 000, 000made available to the Fed- eral Emergency Relief Administration from funds of the Reconstruction Fi- nance Corporation by sec. 2 (a) of the Federal Emergency Relief Act. ]


Federal Trade Commission 1934 — 35 1933-34

1934 1933

1932-33 1932

1931-32 Certifie&i claims

25, 000, 00

19, 592. 54

3, 000. 00 21, 365. 12 14, 598. 09

48. 27

16, 554. 48 23, 862. 32 336. 90 547. 00

150, 000. 00

» 1, 138, 777. So

130, 000. 00 25, 000. 00

1, 138, 777. 80

2, 263. 34 eie. Io 5oA ee

17. 24

70 GGG 7G

24, 190. 54

1, 120, 752. 37 25, 135. 46

23. 80 I. 59

17. 24

21, 871. 00 14, 580. 85

13, 454. 27 2, 978. 64

16, 891. 70

20, 000. 00

3, 537. 71 334. 46

18. 27

5&9, 4), )3. 2 I 80&J, . IG

In. 02A i3 &1&&0 20

39. 53

Prin(i»g and bindiug 1934 1933 )11. "2

15, 000. 00 271. 90

7, 692 6&0

3, 451. 50

» 40, 150. 00

I, 295, 239. 40

27, IGO. 70 5, 000. 00

271. 90

1, 240, Gni. 76

18, 827. 4G

12, ('92. 59 3, 723. 40

)2, !)89 30 IO, OOO. 00

8, 33(. 2 I

. 0)

32, 432. 60 35 243. 45

1II»&tv&i fro»i ''X&i(&»»1&l li«i&1 Irlnl Recovery':&IiPropria(ion for complete statement of which see p. 428. i&c &if sr(&1) Ir»& fi rr& il ( 1

" s &I &ries)in&i vxpv» "vs. Division of Disbursement, 1934", under Executive or&1er

No &, &»», I&l&l &, Ii) &if June I&&;i&i&I i)v&. Cc» l&1x!, a&1&I f &&(i Io s)»&e object under Dcp:irtrncnt of (lie Interior. see no(es I(i iiirn«l fn&i&i 4«&»i, objv& I iin&li r l)vl»r(mvn( &&f (liv Intvri&ir. see note 67.

4 'I i ii ~ fi rr«l frii»i ~ i&»& ol&jvv(»»il& r I&vih r il I'r&acr ('ommission. Sec note 64.

I(i 1 iiriii &!1», , i&iiv. »Iil«1 r&n&l& r I:v&lvril I'i»v& r ( ommi». i&in. Sve note G5. &v&' of f", 770 I r i&1sf&'rr« I to "Salaries nn&l expense, Division of Disbursement, 1934", under Executive

Dr&i& r )0 -. i IM;;&nil &I 4» & I, li»iv 10»n&l I)ec 2n, DJ33. " I', x& lii i&i «is)&0&r &n Ivrr«i to "8 il ir&«;i»&l expenses, l)ivision of Dial«)rscmeni, 1934", under Executive Orders N». GI»&, &in&i &, ;, Io of Jiinv )0:ii«l D& c. "", I'i3!I

» Under the provisions of sec. 6 (b) of &I» II i»l ing nct of 1933, approved June IG, I!0(, no»&onvys v&'v«'' v»'1 1'1'1'&I »)I&i

the Treasury on this account during the fiscal year I!&34. 1& Includes 322 027 sounder the ni I of 5'f&&r. Tn, I!&xi (4&& sist. ;&"2, sr&. 21 (v) ) I it I&' l l nnil vxi l»iles Sf&, "5» I & i»4(i rr«I Io

'Printing and bin&li»g, Federal Trade Commission, I!Mi ", ;ic(, RI, &r, &ii, 1&2&&I (48 Stat. I:Ii, an&i f;i, ou) Io "N&il«ries nnil expenses, Division of Disburseinvnl, 19)I", under Exec»i ive or&Ivrs N&ls (iloo an&i Gsiu) &if, l»»&' I», n»&l l)1'&'

I) Includes 35, 250 ir in«ferro&i from» 1'v&lvr&il Trn&ie ('»r»n&i«xi&i», I!isl ", ;»id v)& l»&lvx 31(i&I (r&»)cfvrrv&I I&& "8'»I'&ries and expenses, Division of D&sl&urivn e»t, 1&934", under Fxc&utivc ()r&lir N&&s nli&ii &i»&l &; Io iif Iiii«!U, i»il I &i & 2«, )!rtb

Receipts and expenditures, J98$ — Continued

[1)chit transfer appropriations (net) snd repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures are printed in italic. Emergency expenditures are indicated by an asterisk']

Fiscal year for which

appropri- ation was


On books of the Treasury

Available Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)

To credit of disbursing


Unexpended balances June 30, 1933

Appropriations Warrants-issued

basis Checks-issued


Expenditures in 1934 (see p. 6)

Act June 20, 1874

Impounded salary and

vacancy sav- ings

Amount carried to surplus fund (see p, 7)

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. S)


To credit of disbursing


Unexpended balances June 30, 1934

On books of the Treasury



Working fund, Federal Trade Commission, National Recovery Administration iVo year (n)

Total general accounts, Federal Trade Commission


Refund to depositors, excess licenses un- der sec. 10 (c), trading with the enemy act No year

Special deposit accounts

Total trust account, s, Federal Trade Commission

$98, 875. 92

654. 32

654. 32

$16, 554. 48 $35, 890. 32 $1, 328, 927. 80 $1, 327, 672. 00 $1, 275, 931. 21

88, 546. 17

59, 548. 17

$36, 451. 85 $16, 432. 91 $16, 891, 70 $46, 909. 74

654. 32

654. 32

$87, 631. 11



29, 546. 17


29, 546. 17

Total, Federal Trade Commission



Salaries 1934 1933 1932

99, 530. 24

8, 482. 18

5. 134. 36

16, 554. 48

31, 837. 64

35, 890. 32

19, 779. 47

1, 328, 927. 80

ll 3, 169, 000. 00

1, 327, 672. 00

3, 169, 000. 00

19, 779. 47 50. 00

1, 246, 385. 04

3, 169, 616. 47

50. 00

36, 451. 85

5, 084. 36

16, 432. 91

24, 823. 74

16, 891. 70

31, 837. 64

47, 564. 06

3, 437. 91

117, 177. 28


rlI I 616. 4?

3, 149, 270. 53 3, 169, 666. 47

Special services 1934-35 NATIDNAL INDUSTRIAL REcovERY, Qen-

eral Accounting Office 1933-35

Contingent expenses 1934 1933 1932

8, 333. 87

10, 276. 05 6, 686. 46

120. 64

1, 000, 000. 00

N 506, 000. 00

II 109, 957. 50

146, 565. 79

108, 566. 40 808. 65 108. 04

v145, 204. 78

93, 889. 02

5, 877, 81 12. 60 10, 384. 09

1, 000, 000. 00

359, 434. 21

1, 391. 10 9, 142. 58

11 361. 01

14, 677. 38

107, 649. 71 99, 779. 43

Printing snd binding . . 1934 1933 1932

17, 000. 00 23, 733. 46

11, 717. 89

'" 59, 988. 00 58, 253. 88 560. 42

36, 593. 06 12, 278. 31

23, 733. 46

1, 734, 12 16, 439. 58

21, 660. 82

58, 814. 30 48, 871. 37

Total general accounts, Qenersl Accounting Office 72, 959. 92 31, 837. 64 38, 304. 46 4, 844, 946. 50 3, 462, 300. S3 S. 463, 522. 05 SQ, 201. 91 24, 823. 74 81, 887. 64 1, 391, 579. 44 37, 082. 74


Special deposit accounts

Total, General Accountirig Office


72& 959 92 31& 837 64

6, 927. 17

45, 23L 63 4, 844, 945. 50 3, 462, 300. 33

IS& 787. 73

3, 447, 734. 32 39, 201. 91 24, 823. 74 81, 837. 64 . . 1, 691, 079. 44

22, 714. 90

59, 797. 64


Interstate Commerce Commission 1934 193$ 1932 1930 1929

Certified claims

Printing snd binding 1934 1933 1932

183, 542. 75 560, 900. 56

101, 100. 50 2, 727. 64

29, 798. 77 93, 169. 71

11, 309. 98

rr 5, 061, 700. 00

149. 67

125, 000. 00

4, 858, 620. 43

12, 226. 99 I, 563. 80

. 75

E62 149. 67

4& 872& 55& 62

33, 183. 39 75, 20L 58

2, 440. 64

4, 830, 477. 88

105, 396. 70

I, 563. 80 . 76

A 58 149. 67

4, 937, 584. 78

31, 084. 31 86, 511. 56

2, 440. 64

569, 836. 76 . 75

2. . 52

287. 00

161, 854. 21 29, 798. 77

203, 079. 57 9, 461. 55

91, 816. 61 . S5& 898. 92

28, 142. 55

2, 099. 08

110, 825. 61 120, 036. 51

Total general accounts, Interstate Commerce Commission


General railroad contingent fund, sec. 15s, Interstate Commerce Act No year

Total, Interstate Commerce Com- mission.




Advisory Committee for Aeronautics 1934 1933 1932 1930

848, 271. 45

59, 603. 12

907, 874. 57

30, 270. 72 70, 996. 21

29, 798, 77

29, 798. 77

3, 904. 10

104, 479. 69

104, 479. 69

37, 217. 57

5, 186, 849. 67

279, 985. 30

5, 466, 834. 97

» 686, 121. 83

&0 I, 012. 56

4, '983, 383. 23

339, 588. 42

5, 322, 971. 65

686, 121. 83 4, 204. 90

95. 14 74. 60

5, 057, 621. 29

307, 199. 81

5, 364, 821. 10

667, 756. 86 4L, 422. 47

&95. 14

7A 60

559, 627. 03

559, 627. 03

71, 913. 63 74. 60

76; 854. 21

161, 854. 21

24, 938: 80

29, 798. 77

29, 798. 77

4, 335. 77

330, 256. 65

330, 256. 65

695. 35

30, 241. 63

62, 630. 24

18, 364. 97





32, 388. 61

690, 347. 27 709, 199. 87

Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (transfers to Department of Com-

merce, Bureau of Standards): Act July 1, 1932

Act Feb, 23, 1931 1933 1932

I, 429. 97 1, 012. 56

872. 02 i J OJ$ 56

87E 0$ 2, 088, 10 213. 89

I I)chir. balance. » Allo( te&l [rom "National Industrial Recovery" appropriatioo for complete statement of which see p. 428. I Acc. runt sister! under "National Industrial Recovery Administration�", p. 118. & Exclusive nf 5 !. 0((0 transferred from "Salaries and expenses, Division of Disbursement, 1934', under Executive

Orders Nos (&!(i(i anri 65!0 of June!0 an(i Dec. 28, 1933, and includes $63. 000 under the act of Mar. 28, 1934 (48 Stat. 522,

sec. 2! «» & title II. ll i(l& liixive of $427&0 transferred fr ma "Salaries an 1 exlicnscs. Division of Disbursement. !0!4' under Executive

()r&i& rr Nr&r & I(»' auri r(540 uf June 10 &la&i Dec. 28. 1933, all'I Inr'hides $63 000 under Ihc ac'I of Mill 2, "«1934 (48 Stat. 522,

scc 'I «'jl Iliin II. - I(x& iu»r c nf $!2 transferred frnm ". ': i. &»r. an(i expenses, Division of Disbursement, 1934", under Executive

or icl Nr» I&i&i . &n'I 6540 of June !0 an&i I &el sx. !933, and includes $G3, 000 under the act of Liar. 28, 1934 (48 stat, 5"2. sec, '-'I (u&, &i!le II.

87E 0$

'I Exclusive of $3, 300 transferred from nSalsries snd expenses, Division of Disbursement, 1!(34", un&icr l(xc& »live Orders Nos. 6166 snd 6540 of June 10 and Dec. 28, 1933, and includes $G3, 000 under tho act of Mar. 28, !934 ( Is 8!&&I, 522, sec. 21 (e)) titie II.

I Heretofore stated as a special fund. ' Includes $1069483 ur!der tHe act of Mar. 28; 1934 (48 Stat. 522, sec. 2! (e)) title II, un&i cx& in&los $(&7& ininsfnrrc&i to "salaries and expenses, Division of Disbursement, 1934", under Executive ouiers Nux. till &i (Ill&i ((5&40 uf June !0 snd Dec. 28, 1933.

w Returned from same object under Department of Commerce. See note 81. &I Returned to same object under National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics. See nore so,

Receipts and expenditures, Zf)8$ — Continued

[Debit transfer appropriations (net) and repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures are printed in italic. Emergency expenditures sre indicated by an asterisk']

Unexpended balances June 30, 1933 Expenditures in 1934 (see p. 6) Amount carried to surplus

fund (see p. 7) Unexpended balances June 30, 1934

Fiscal year for which

appropri- ation was

made Available

Reserve ior impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)

On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing


Appropriations Warrants-issued

basis Checks-issued

basis Act June 20,


Impounded salary and

vacancy sav- ings

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)


On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing




sERGNxUTIcs — continued

Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (transfer to War Department, act May 21, 1920)

Printing and binding 1932 1934 1933 1932

$30. 00

5, 000. 00 48. 19

$4& 542. 71 $19, 000. 00 $18, 662. 40

Is. 80

18, 645. 60

$4, 961. 96 4, 525. 91

9, 487. 87

$48. 19

$30. 00 $337. 60

5, 016. 80 $13, 700. 44



NATIGNXL INDUBTRIAL REcovERY, Na- tional Advisory Committee for Aero- nautics

Payment to officers snd employees of the United States in foreign countries due to appreciation of foreign currencies (National Advisory Committee for

Aeronautics) Claims for damages, act Dec. 28, 1922,

Advisory Committee for Arronautics Judgments, Court of Claims, Advisory

Committee for Aeronautics Working fund, Advfsory Committee for




No year

No year

No year

» 247, 944. 00

' 8, 000. 00

81. 85

7, 715. 01

227, 665. 26

3, 500. 00

5, 600. 00

e179, 427. 42

1& 749. 28

5, sf S. 68

20, 278. 74

81. 85

7, 715. 01

5, 600. 00

48, 237. 84

1, 750. 72

16. 38

Total general Recounts, National Advisory Committee for Aero- nautics.


108, 787. 65 $3, 904. 10 42, 632 30 968, 862. 69 933, 686. 11 894, 248; 06 72, 036. 42 27, 056. 90 $4, 335. 77 44, 439. 24 82, 070. 35

Special deposit accounts 460. 00

Total, National Advisory Com- mittee for Aeronautics 108, 787. 66 $3, 904. 10 42, 632, 80 968, 862. 69 933, B86. 11 893, 798. 06 72, 036. 42 27, 056. 90 $4, 335. 77 44, 439. 24 82, 620. 86



[Act Mar. 9, 1933, 48 Stat. 7]

Expenses, national banking emergency, act Mar. 9 1983 . No year 974& 990. 41 20, 518. BO 949& 646, 73 19, 301. 12 2, 196. 93 24, 468. 18

' 66xpense&L national banldng emergency. sst Mar. 9, 1933 (transfer to Ofoce of ComptroBer of the Currency) No year 68& 988. 43 » 949& 643. 78 I, 019, 012. 81 1, 048, 470. 02 630, 530. 97 39, 58L 22

Total expenses, National Banking Emergency, sct Msr. 9, 1933 89, 507. 03 1&042, 263. 51 1, 067, 771. 14 630, 630. 97



National Capital Park snd Planning Commission « . . . . No year 798, 846. 88 40, 392. 74 153, 584. 73 1, 541. 67 668, 749. 15 10, 364. 07


]Created by Executive Order 6433-A, dated November 17, 1933, under authority of the National Industrial Recovery Act of June 16, 1933, the Agri- cultural Adjustment Act of May 12, 1933, snd the Federal Emergency Re- lief Act of May 12, 1933. ]


tional Emergency Council 1933-35 NATIQNAL INUsTRIAL RxcovERY& Na-

tional Emergency Council, special account 1933-35

Total, National Emergency Council

88 360, 09tL 00

88 1, 000, 000. 00

1& 360& oofL 00

108, 656. 00

108, 65ft 00

'78, 585. 65

«78, 585. 55

251, 344. 00

1, 000, 000. 00

I, 251, 344. 00

30, 07(L 45

30, 070. 45


[Act June 16, 1933, 48 Stat. 195]



tional Recovery Administration 1933-35

NATIQNAL INDUsTRIAL RscovERY, Fed- eral emergency administration of pub-

lic works 1933-35

NATIQNAL INDUsTRIAL REcovERY, Navy allotment 1933-85


way funds (Agriculture allotment) 1933-35

2, 621, 870, 000. 00




- " 2, 507, 690&76. 59 114, 279, 623. 61 n &«j

n tn

Total, National Industrial Re-

covery 88



[Act June 16, 1933, 48 Stat. 195]

2, 621, 870, 000, 00 2, 5(rf, 590& $76. 39 114, 279, 523. 61

NATIQNAL INDUsTRIAL REcovERY, Na. tional Recovery Administration . 1933-35


tional Recovery Administration

(Transfer to War Department) 1933-35


tional Recovery Administration, Na-

tional Recovery Review Board 1933-35

8 Tr, lo»fcrrcrl from account unrler»arne title, 88 Allrlltcri fn&rn "National In&iu»trial Recover 8& 'I'I', ltl. II!I'roti &O»ill&le Ot&jeo& unrler OffiCe Of C » 'I'r!&rldcrrcri from»amc ojljcc&:&bove. See n I& ere;r!»rr:lil&lropr&a! &r&n for tl&i» otlject under t » Nct;lrllol&o&:llirlt&e&i &luring the fiscal year

see p. 428.

24, 278. 58 88 8, 197, 500. 00

» 37, 500. 00

» 5O, OOO. CO

p. 128, act Mar. 26, 1934 (48 Stat. 466). y" appropriation for complete statement of which see p. 428. omptroller of the Currency. See note 83. ote 82. he District of Columbia, p. 359. 1934 to sundry activities. For complete statement of this account

7, 068, 057. 80 6, 952, 492, lij 1, 129, 442. 20

37, 500. 00 '23, 258. 61

4» 930. 00 38, 613. 63

88 Account stated under National Industrial Recovery Administration folio&vina. "Account stated under Federal Emergency Administration of Public Work», p. 110. 88 Account stated under Increase of the Navy, p. 2M. "Account stated under Bureau of Public Roads, Agriculture, p. 135, » For complete statement of this account, see p. 428.

70 00

139, 844. 28

14, 241. 39

Receipts artd ezpenCitures, l98JI — Continued

[Debit transfer appropriations (net) and repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures are printed in italic. Emergency expenditures are indicated by an as'lerisk "i

Unexpended balances June 30, 1933 Expenditures in 1934 (see p. 6) Amount carried to surplus

fund (see p. 7) 1" iscal

year for which

appropri- ation was

made Available

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- i'ngs (see p. 8)

On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing



Warrants-issued basis

Checks-issued basis

Act June 20, 1874

Impounded salary and

vacancy sav- , ings

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)


To credit of disbursing


Unexpended balances June 30, 1934

On books of the Treasury



TIGN — continued

Working funds: Federal Trade Commission, Na-

tional Recovery No year Department of Labor, National Re-

covery No year Treasury Department, National

Recovery . No year NATIGNAL INDUsTRIAL REcovERY, Cen-

. tral Statistical Board - 1933-35

Total, National Industrial Re- covery Administration


NATIGNiIL INDUsTRIAL REcovERY, Na- tional Labor Board 1933-35

$24, 278. 58

33 $113, 000. 00

8, 398, 000. 00

» 1, 350, 000. 00

gf, 73/j. 00

18, 478. 26.

7, 172, 232. 06

277, 081. 92

«310 FFI FS

«I0, ef J«. Of

«2, 050. 68

«15, 187. 85

'7 005 966 21

«217, 555. 67

$1, 734. 00

94, 521. 74

1, 225, 767. 94

1, 072, 918. 08

$10, 921. 29

10, 614. 01

316. 68 'U «3

3, 290. 41

190, 544. 43



59, 526. 25


NATIGNAL INDUBTRIAL REcovERY, Na- tional Planning Board 1933-35

Working fund, National Planning Board, civil works No year

» 35, 000. 00


35, 000. 00




Office of Special Advisor to the Presi- dent oh Foreign Trade 1933-35 33 IOO, OOO. OO 44, 129. 32 '40, 240. 99 55, 870. 68 3, 888. 33



[The Office of Public Buildings and Public Parks of the National Capital was transferred to the Office of Na-

tional Parks, Buildings, and Reserva-

tions of the Department of the In- terior, p. 166, under sec. 2 of Executive Order 6166 of June 10; 1933, effective Aug.

10, 1933. For Budget purposes the transactions on accounts of this activity

during the fiscal year 1934, under Inde.

pendent Offices, are stated under the De-

partment of the Interior, p. 166).


Puerto Ricsn Hurricane Relief Commis- Biont

Administrative expenses . No year Insular roads . No year Insular an6 municipal roads No year Loans No year Schoolhouses snd roads No year, Seeds No year

$9, 639. 94

197, 620. 56

4, 913. 14

223. 33 11, 620. 29 12, 725. 74 11, 467. 46 39, 507. 83

3, 684. 01

2, 430. 95 989. 78

4, '166. 06 25, 742. 55

671. 66

1, 322. 64 64. 82

7, &819. 94

177, 149. 62

292. 38 12, 603. 07

7, 959. 68 6, 724. 91

40, 179. 35 2, 361. 37

Total, Puerto Rican Hurricane Relief Commission 212, IV3. 64 79& 228: 66 %, '6ef. 90 664. 76 189, 668 69, 120. V6



I'edersl control of transportation systems Loans to railroads after termination of

Federal control, etc Judgments, Court of Claims, Railroad

Administration 'Relief of:

O. H. Chrisp Ksthryn Thurston

Indefinite: Guaranty to carriers after ter- mination of Federal controL

Special deposit accounts»

Total, Railroad Administration snd Transportation Act


Salaries snd expenses

No year 5, 075, 546. 27

No year No year

No year

34, 520, 666. 89

1934 1933 1932

1, 785. 93 87. 63

No year 29, 445, 120. 62

No year

5, 927, 171. 35

69, 671. 13

5, 000. 00 2, 500. 00

50, 318. 12

6, 163, 307. 68 I, 398, 292. 35

I 186. 17

» 32, 633. 00

» 91, aa&. 76

236, 136. 33» I, 179, 421. 34 6, 178. 91

6, 61 6, 981. 6&&o

5, 000. 00 2, 500. 00

60, 318. 12'

6& 364& 368. 69

32, 633. 00 517. 39

8. 44

*41 6, 831. 80

8, 618. 60

5, 000. 00 2, 500. 00

50, 318. 12

88, 301. 68

6& 449& 081. Q

31, 848. 42 388. 42

8. 44 $79. 19 1, 302. 44

9, 582„909. MI

30„630„72fk 87

69„671. 13

40, 283, 301. 83

16. 10

232, 673. 92

6, 015, 472. 61

6, 248, 046. 53

784. 68 6. 80

M 85

Cooperative ethnological researches No year

33, 158. 83

203. 68

32, 245, 2S

203. 58 216. 96

American ethnology 1934 1933 2, 469. 83 1932 122. 44

1, 872 05 325. 90

o& 51 204 00 51& 204. 00 742. 67

49, 293. 51 1, 068. 47 I,

122. 44

652. 69 1, 872. 05 74. 57 I, 910. 49

Astrophysical Observatory . 1934 1933 193'2

I, 181. 35 1, 429. 13

269. 28

» 27& 119. 00

51, 946. 57

27, 119. 00 101. 17

50& 38&l. 98

26, 496. 91 284, 67

3. 54 1, 425. 59 1, 060. 44 19. 74

622. 09 85. 78

Gellaily Art Collection 1933 1932

500. 00 701. 56

642. 64

27, 223. 71

887. 08

26, 785. 12

5. 61 701. 56

1, 137. 03

887. 06 5. 61

& l)chit h&lau&e. R)lo&&c&i frou& National Industrial Recovery" appropriation, for complete statement of

oo Account stated under Federal Civil Works Administration, p. 109. o& Proceeds of railroad securities credited ss repay warrants direct to this appropriation. oo F~chcxivc o[ fun&la in depositaries other than the Treasury of the United States.

which see p. 428. » Includes $728, indefinite appropriation, under the sct of Mar. 28, 1934 (is Stat. 522, sec, 21 (e). (i)le It), aml ex-

cludes $595 transferred to "Sale»as and expenses, Division of Disbursement, ) &J34", under Executive &)nlers N&B. 0) sc snd 6540 of June 10 and Dec. 28, 1933.

I& Includes f1, 204, indefinite appropriation, under the act of Msr. 28, 1934 (4)) Stat. 522, xee. . 21 (c), ti()e l l). » Includes $619, indefinite appropriation, under the act of Mar. 28, 1934 (48 8& st. 522, sec. 21 (e), (illa I l).

Receipts and expenditures, 198$ — Continued

[Debit transfer appropriations (net) snd repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures are printed in ffaffc. Emergency expenditures are indicated by sn asterisk']

Fiscal year for which

appropri- ation wss


On books of the Treasury


Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)

To credit of disbursing


Unexpended balances June 30, 1933

Appropriations Warrants-issued

basis Checks-issued


Expenditures in 1934 (see p. 6)

Act June 20, 1874

Impounded salary and

vacancy sav- ings

Amount carried to surplus fund (see p. 7)

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)


To credit of disbursing


Unexpended balances June 30, 1934

On books of the Treasury



International Catalogue of Scientific Lit- erature 1933

1932 $273. 79

2, 575. 20 $0. 87 $5. 00 $5. 87

$2, 575. 20

$65. 51

5. 00 5. 87

International exchanges 1934 1933 1932

1, 532. 95 1, 249. 74

499. 94

» $39, 054. 00 39, 054. 00 775. 63 60. 88

37, 888. 44

1, 275. 57 50. 88 1, 300. 62

757. 04 $1, 165. 56

National Gallery of Art 1934 1933 1932

2, 049. 14 826. 70

$1, 260. 00 371. 50

33 30, 180. 00

39, 778. 75

30, 180. 00 509. 3B

39, 113. 13

28, 978. 20 880. 86

326. 70 1) 387. 03 $1, 260. 00 152. 75

1, 201. 80

Printing and binding 1934-35 1934 1933 1932

35, 419. 36 1, 537. 04

2, 982. 22

8, 000. 00

5, 500. 00

30, 689. 36

5) 412. 63 30, 497. 94

1, 537. 04

37, 44L Bl

29, 859. 06

4, 574. 04 33, 480. 16

1, 537. 04

39, 591. 24

8, 000. 00 87. 37

4, 921. 42

M 838. 59

'lforkfng fund, Smithsonian Institution, Civil Works No year

)Isintenance snd operation, National Museum 1934

1933 1932

5, 272. 07 329. 20

4, 765. 00 7, 579. 94

» 130, 214. 00


130, 214. 00

2, 034. 29 118, 640. 17

9, 614. 23 329. 20

2, 893. 85 4, 765. 00 343. 93 11, 573. 83

132, 248. 29 128, 254. 40

'reservation of collections, National Museum 1934

1933 1932

12, 343. 20 1, 042, 67

16, 396. 56 16, 714. 83

33 520, 710. 09 520, 710. 09 1 I) 6SI. 78

77. 71

509, 266. 02

513, 228. 33 5, 193. 05

77. 71

518, 499. 09

984. 96 20, 212. 08 17, 779. 06 2, 270. 40

7, 48L 76

Permanent snd lndeduite: Expensesof SmithsonianInstitution,

interest account . . No year


60, 000. 00 60) DDD. 00

Special deposit accounts

Total, general aud special ac- oounts, Smithsonian Institution .

122, 288. 14 85, 867. 06

72 649 47 24 733 61 151 661 09 QD4) 614 DQ 921 330 SQ 841) 25 I 30 7, 825. 46 29, 468. 85 26, 066. 11

205, 953. 20

17, 306. 06 231, 624. 4S


Smithsonian Institution, trust fund (principal) No year

Total, Smithsonian Institution. =

I, 000, 000. 00

I, 072, 649. 47 24, 733. 61 161, 551. 09 904, 614. 09 921, 330. 69 841, 257. 30 7, 825. 46 29, 468. 85 26, 06R 11

I, 000, 000. 00

1, 017, 306. 06 231, 624. 48



[Act May 18, 1933, 48 Stat. 58-72]

67ATIGNLL INDUBTRIAL REcovERP, Ten- nessee Valley Authority No year 'orking fund, Tennessee Valley Au- thoritv, civil works No year

Special deposit accounts.

II 50& DDD, 000. 00 12, 276, 562. 92 vll& 497, 549. 77

~30& 848. 43

37, 723, 437. 08 779, 013. 16

30, 649. 42

Total, Tennessee Valley Author- ity 50, 000, 000. 00 12, 276, 562. 92 »11, 466, 900. 35 37, 723, 437. 08 809, 662. 67



Unclaimed moneys, Food Administra- tion No year I, 686, 91 1, 686. 91



[This Board wss abolished snd its func- tions transferred to the Department of the Interior, p. 179 under Executive Order 6680 of Apr. 17, 1934, effective June 17, 1934. For Budget purposes the transactions on accounts of this activ- ity during the fiscal year 1934 under Independent Oifices are stated under the Department of the Interior, p. 179. ]


[This Board was abolished snd its func- tions, including those of the United States Shipping Board Merchant Fleet Corporation, transferred to tbe De- partment of Commerce, p. 156 under sec. 12 of Executive order June 10, 1933, effective Aug. 10, 1933. For Budget purposes the transactions on accounts of this activity during the fiscal year 1934 under Independent Oifices are stated under the Department of Com- merce, p. 156. ]



United States Supreme Court Building No year 1, 632, 324. 95 286, 482, 67 3, 490, 000. 00 2, 435, 000. 00 2, 645, 464. 14 6, 792. 60 2 680 532 35 76, D18. 53

» Allotted from "National Industrial Recovery II Acc&&unt stated un&ier Fe&leral Civil Works Ad » Inclu&ies fss&I, mdefinitc al&propriation, under t » loci&Bios 3&&SC, in&iefinitc &q&i&ropriation, under t

" appropriation, for complete statement of which see p. 428. ministration, p. 109. be act of Mar. 28, 1934 (48 Stat. 522, sec. 21 (e), title II). be act of Mar. 28, 1934 (48 Stat. 522, sec. 21 (e), title II).

» Includes 31, 714, indefinite appropriation, under the act of Mar. 28, 1934 (48 Stat. 522, sec. '» (c), I itic 1 1) . » Includes f12, 028, indefinite appropriation, under the act of Mar. 28, 1934 (48 Stat. 5'2'&, scc. 21 (& ), I it lc 1 I), anil ex- cludes 3317. 91 transferred to "Salaries and expenses, Division of Disbursement, 1934", un&for Executive &)ni&&rs Nns. 6166 and 6540 of June 10 and Dec. 28, 1933,

Receipts and expenditures, 108$ — Continued

[Debit transfer appropriations (net) and repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures are printed in italic. Emergency expenditures are indicated by an asterisk*]

Unexpended balances June 30, 1933 Expenditures in 1934 (see p. 6) Amount carried to surplus

fund (see p. 7) Unexpended balances June 30, 1934

Fiscal year for which

appropri- ation was

made Available

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)

On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing


Appropriations Warrantsf issued

basis Checks-issued

basis Act June 20,


Impounded salary snd

vacancy sav- ings

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)


On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing




United States Tariff Commission 1934 1933 1932 1931

Payment to officers and employees of the Ilnited States ia foreiga countries due to appreciation of foreign currencies (Tariff Commission) 1934-35

'Printing snd binding . . . 1934 1933 1932

$14, 866. 17 29, 374. 49

10, 000. 00 16, 872. 75

$8, 115. 26 $24, 062. 47

1, 718. 22

4, 000. 81 438. 90

i $780, 850. 00

I 19, 000. 00

I 17, 250. 00

$716, 725. 18 18, 760. 86

898. '76

8. 04

696, 957. 54

4, 000. 00

11, 233. 77

3, 242. 56

13, 231. 59

$706 397 52

5, 301. 62 719. 47

e. OJ

712, 410. 57

2, 609. 39

9, 064. 44

7, 243. 37 13, 670. 49

$30, 373. 24 8. 04

3, 641. 16

$816. 36 $8, 115. 26 $64, 124. 82

32, 810. 66

15, 000. 00

6, 016. 23 6, 757. 44

$10, 327. 66


1, 390. 61

2, 169. 33

27, 707. 92 29, 978. 30

Total United States Tariff Com- mission 71, 113. 41 8, 115. 26 30, 220. 40 817, 100. 00 728, 665. 46 744, 998. 26 34, 022. 44 816. 36 8, 115. 26 124, 709. 15 13, 887. 60


Salaries and expenses, Veterans' Admin- istration 1934

1933 1932


17, 826, 841. 07

7, 962, 878. 05 175. 44

3, 903, 567. 50 6, 180, 313. 17 8, 969. 76

I 84, 512, 545. 92 I 251, 977. 10

s 942 50

61, 412, 842. 69 654, 304. 71

84, 031. 13

59, 646, 201, 29 5, 365, 681, 64

91, 908. 19 7, 879, 789. 42 175. 44

850, 649. 3S 4, 055, 324. 41 23, 099, 703. 23 17, 730, 716. 59

1, 766, 641. 40 160, 326. 82

1, 092. 70

60, 842, 569. 11 65, , 103, 791. 12

Salaries and expenses, Veterans' Admin- istration (transfers, to departments and under acts, as follows):

To Department of the Interior, Freedpxea's Hospitali

Act June 30, , 1932 To Navy Department:

Act Feb. 23, 1931 To, Treasury Depsrtiaent, Public

Health Service: Act June 30, 1932.




295. 80

10, 656. 85

1, 859. 00

105, 568. 80,

I Q. es

I 42, 084. 55

1, &33. QQ

289. 12

52, 741. 40

289. 12

158', 310. 20

1, 432. 00

To Wsr Department: Act June 16, 1983 Act June 30, 1932 . Aet Feb. 28, 1931

1934 1933 1932

366, 140. 58 935, 82

54, 01lt 22

, ' 87, 549. 00

10394, 081 86 I QSS. 88

81, 422, 37 11, 503. 78

92, 926. 15

81, 432. 37 11, 503. 78

92, 926. 15

17, 351. 17 97, 197. 18 6, 126. 63

45. 02

Ad inetedss&rvfce certif! cate appropriated fund, Veterans' Adminfetratfon» No year

Adjusted~rvfce and dependent psy, Veterans' Administration No year

Civil-service retirement snd dfssbiffty appropriated fund»

Claims for damages, sct Dec. 28, 1922, Veterans' Administration No yes&'

Hospital snd domiciliary facilitien and services, Veterans' Administration No year

Hospital snd domicilsry fsc&T&ties and services, Veterans' Administration (transfer to Wsr Department, act June 18, 1930) No year

(capital hcilities and services, Veterans' Administration No year

kdministrative Expenses, World War Adjusted Compensation Act Veterans' Bureau 1924-25

Loans to veterans for transportation 1933

2, 833, 052. 91

6, 597, 149. 93

37, 497. 35

264, 558. 46

28, 145. 99

131, 832. 81

I, 286, 000. 00

20, 850, 000. 00

673. 17

I, 090, 000. 00

2&465. 359 G8

20, 850, 000. 00

2, 831, 582, 19

37, 395. 55

172, 022. 20

7. af 5, 249. 35

50, 000, 000. 00 -50;000, 000. 00 60, 000&-000. 00

1, 895, 154. 57

20, 850, 000. 00

2, 798, 631. 13

37, 395. 55

72, 022. 20

7. 91 4, 249, 35

7. 91

3, 611. 71 12, 312. 93

I, 653, 693. 28

673. 17

4, 758, 269. 36

101. 80

82, 536. 26

22, 896. 64

570, 205. 08

164, 783. 87

100, 000. 00

1, 000. 00

Military snd naval compensation, Vet- erans' Administration . No' year

1933 and prior 1932 snd prior

Certiffed claims

Military and naval compensation, Veter- ans' Bureau 1934 and piror

1931 and prior '

1930 and prior 1929 and prior 1928 and prior 1927 and prior 1926 and prior 1925 and prior

17, 216, 135. 69 125, 212. 92

2, 682, 146. 48 42. 12

I, 938, 67

Gf), 434. 30

4 1 I, 788. 76 I I, 496. 09 I, 938. 57

/&46, 776. 68

6. 00 7, 467, 86

3, IGE 76

8, 648. 86

8, Gf p. 67

8, 600. 06

8, 670. 81

3, f86. 0/&

86, 884. 86

88, 434. 30 2, 096, 306. 05

11, 463. 97 I, 938. 57

2, 064, 356. 35

6. 00

7, 467. 86

8, IGE76 8, 643. 86

8, 8/9. 67

8, 600. 06 3, 670. 81

8, f86. 04

86& 564. 86

22, 434. 30

136, 709. 01

7, 467. 25

3, 132. 76

3, 643. 86 2, 819. 57

2, 500. 06 3, 670. 31 3, 126. 04

124, 453. 40 17, 503, 466. 05 174, 056. 67






NATIoNAL INDU9TRIAL REcovERY, Vet- erans' Administration . 1933-35

Military and naval family allowance, Veterans' Administration No year 613, 148. 65

» 1, 916, 650. 00 710, 509. 95

8, 406. 87

s401, 794. 47

8, 406. 87

I, 206, 140. 05

615, 554. 92

308, 715. 48

Military and naval insurance, Veterans' Administration No year

1934 and prior 1933 and prior 1932 and prior

632, 378. 14

8, 630, 201. 02 44, 714. 94

» Bf)8, 108. 65

123, 000, 000. 00 307. 34

106, 105, 251. 58

40, 608. 86 7, 841&. 88

307. 34

104, 095, 532. 32

40, 606. 86 7, 849. 89 52, 564. 23

I, 500, 679. 45 16, 894, 748. 42

8, 670, 707. 28 2, 009, 719. 26

106, 057, 203. 37 104, 047, 484. 11

& Exclusive of $4, 150 transferred, aci, Mar. 20, 1933 (48 Stat. 13) under Executive Orders Non. 6166 and 6540 of June 10 and l&cc. 2&&, 1933, to accounts an follows:

Vrinti»g n»&l bmding, I:nile&i States Tariff Commission, 1934 $2, 250 Salaries;&»&i oxf&conc:, I&ivisinn of Disbursement, 1934 1, 900

& lnclu&lcn $2, 250 rcfcrre&l &o in note l. I Exclusive of $(&7, 54&/ &, rn»xfcrre&i to sn&ne object under war Department, per note 9, and $1, 172, 905. 08 under Exec-

uflve Or&le&a Non, 6 I&i&i, C&224, no&i Ci&&40 of June 10, July 27, and Dec. 28, 1933, to accounts as follows: S&inricx;»»i cxpcnxcs, office ofnaiionnl pnrkn, buildings, and reservations, 1934 (Interior) . $187, 143. 00 &';&) &rica no&i expenses, Veterans' insurance litigntion, Department of Justice, 1934 665, 400. 00

i:&k&rice an&i cxf&eases, Division of Investigation, Depart&Dent of Justice, 1934 . 125, 000. 00

lk&&h&ries, Procurcmeni, D&vision, 1934 (Navy). . 1, 100, 00

8;&l, »ice an&i expenses, Division of Disbursement, 1934 (Treasury) 194, 262. 08

4 This account was credited with $294, 061. G5 returned from same object under &. hc Wnr. Dcpnri ment, nnd charged with $42, 034. 55, transferred to same object under the Treasury Department. See notes 8 and 10.

I Transferred from account under same title, p. 128 act Mar. 26, 1934 (48 Stat. 4GG). && Includes $6 C&8 returned from same object under Department of the Interior, snd $935 82 (rom tho W nr D op nr t mont

See note 7. I Returned to same object under the Veterans' Administration. See note G. I Transferred from same object under the Veterans' Administration. Sec nnic 4. I Transferred from same object under the Veterans' Administration. See note &L

&&& Returned to same object under the Veterans' Administration. See note 4. » See also trust-fund account, p. 127. » Allotted from "National Industrial Recovery" appropriation for complete &Gn&c&ncnt of whi& h xrc p. 428, &' Premium on term insurance credited as repay warrants direct to this npprnprini ion.

Reeei pts and espertditures, 188/I — Continued

[Debit transfer appropriations (net) snd repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures are printed in italic. Emergency expenditures sre indicated by an asterisk']

Unexpended balances June 30, 1933 Expenditures in 1934 (see p. 6) Amount carried to surplus fund (see p. 7)

Unexpended balances June 30, 1934

Fiscal year for which

a pproprf- stion wss

made Available

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)

On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing


Appropriations Warrants-issued

basis Cheeks-issued

basis Act June 20,


Impounded salary snd

vacancy sav- ings

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)


On books of the Treasury

To crelht of disbursing




Military snd naval insurance, Veterans' Bureau 1931 and prior

1930 and prior 1929 and prior 1928 and prior 1927 and prior

1926 1925 1924 1923

Certiffed claims

$5. 00

612. 72

88, ISA 87

4, 801. 18 1, 07A 11 I, 758. 86 I

& 660. 48

I, 887. 63 I, eoe. 81

8, 000. 05 see. 30 612. 72

88, 181. 67

4, 801. 18 I, 075. 11 I, 766. 36 I, 660. 48 I, 837. 68 I, eee. 81

8, 000. 05 909. 80 612. 72

$3, 126. 67

4, 301. 18 1, 07A 11

1, 756. 35 1, 550. 48 1, 937. 63

1, 356. 21

2, 000. 05 909. 30'

17, eee. 86 17, 8SA 86

Printing snd binding, Veterans' Adniin- istrstion 1934

1933 1932

$55, 860. 73 934. 34

» 149, 100. 00 72, 269. 51 19, 585. 46

38. 25

67, 501. 29

19, 110. 91 38. 25 896. 59

$76, 830. 49 36, 275. 27

$4, 763. 22 474. 55

91, 893. 22 86, 650. 45

Vocational rehabilitation, Veterans' Ad- ministration No year 1, 605. 80 68. 60 1, 628. 30

locational rehabilitation, Veterans' Bu- reau. . . . 1926-July 2, 1928

1926 1925 1924 1923 1922 1921 1920

ertiffed claims 123. 00

8, 38 6. 00

878. 19 1, 875. ee 8, 613, 97

8, 888. 70 686. 88

8A 78 123. 00

8. 38 6. 00

ere. 19 I, 87A 88 8, 513. 97

8, see. 70 698 93 89. 76

123. 00

3. 33 5. 00

873. 19 1, 875. 88

2, 513. 97 2, 933. 70

695. 93 89. 76

ocstional rehabilitation, revolving flmd, Veterans' Administration No year

Relief of: John J. Coreorsn. No year

Mary L. Iyfckson . . I. No year Dallas County Chapter, American

Red Cress. . . No year

Martin Flynn . . . . . No year

George T. Flora . No year

R. A. Huustnger. . ~ . . ~u, No year John T. Lennon . No year

1, 645. 64

20. 00

600. 00 ~ 204. 00

641. 33 3, 810. 00

25. 00 SOO. OO

25. OO

8, 937. 76

88. 74

210. 00

25. 00

25. OO

8, 867. 76

88. 74

210. 00

26. 00

25. 00

1, 728. 33

600. 00 14. 00

541. 33 3, 810. 00

William T. Stiles = No year Legal beneficisries snd heirs of Mrs.

C. X. Toline No year army snd Navy pensions 1934-35

1933-34 319, 230, 000. 00

5, 000. 00 296, 291, 997. 00 4, 957, 000. 00

« 289, 465. 29 319, 055, 773. 02

25. 00

3, 943, &&36. 67 315, 563& 039. 64 289, 465. 29

5, 000. 00 291, 334, 997. 00

174, 226. 98 1, 008, 463. 33 3, 492, 683. 38

324, 012, 773. 02 319, 511& 626. 31

army pensions ' 1933 1932 1931 1930 1929 1928 1927 1926 1925

1924 and prior Certified clsirus

340, 613. 63 92, 654. 63

325. 27

tee, SI7. 60 8, See. 89 6, 409. 17 I, 174. 14 I, Ste. 00

608. 00 see. 00 SSO. OO

seo. 00 t, 54% 50

325. 27

I69, St 7. 60 8, 888. 88 6, 408. 17 I, 174. 14 I, 819. OO

eoe 00 see. 00 SSO. Oo

880. 00 I, 546. 50

325. 27

93, 840. 97 6, 409. 17 1, 174. 14 1, 219, 00

606. 00 366. 00 330. 00 360. 00

1, 545. 50

499, 931. 18

Navy pensions 1933 1932 1931

Certified claims

44, 971. 16 9, 450. 29

12. 50

177, 888. SS

I I& 880. 78 868. 47 178. OO

12. 50

trr, See. ss

I I, 880. 78 868. 47 Ire. oo 12. 50

10, 312. 76 173. 00

56, 251. 94

State and Territorial homes for disabled soldiers and sailors 1933

1932 156, 694. 64 24, 248. 34

Ie, 808. 75

151, 344. 76

151, 844. 76

te, 808. 76

151, 844. 76

151, 844. 76

24, 248. 34 4, 849. 88

Salaries snd expenses, Veterans' Bureau 1931 1930 1929 1923 1926 1925

1923 and prior Certified claims

$220. 56 5. 00

337. 69

806. 78 I te. 08 tee. 60

'r. Se IS. 87 se. 08


337. 69

See. 88 It 8. 08 tee. 40

7. 88 IS. 87 89. 08

IOI. 00 337. 69

811. 79 112. 06 126. 50

7. 28 13. 37 39. 02

101. 00

Medical and hospital services, Veterans' Bureau 1931 and prior

1930 1930 snd prior 1929 snd prior 1923 snd prior

1927 1926 1925 1924

1923 snd prior Certified claims

1, 451. 01 » 7. 60

17, 263. 29

s, oee. 06 80. Oo

I, Irr. 85 Ste. 14 4es. 88 84 48

776. 78 176. 77 47. 70 Ss. 88

17, 268. 29

11, 161. 05

I, 67404 80. 00

I, 177. 66 St 8. 14 488. es 94. 48

776. 78 I re. 77 47. 70 68. 88

17, 263. 29

12, 612. 06

3, 032. 65 20. 00

1, 177. 65 312. 14 423. 83 94. 43

'f76. 79 175. 77 47. 70 63. 88

» Exclusive of $900 transferred to "Salaries snd expenses, Division of Disbursement, 1934", under E&xecutive Orders Nos. 6166 and 6540 of June 10 and Dec. 23, 1933.

» Transferred from "Navy pension fund, interest". act June 16, 1933 (48 Stat. 302).

» Returned from same object under the Treasury Depar'tment. See note 16. ~ Exclusive of $36. 00, deducted ss required by sec. 3, title II, sct Msr. 20, 1933 (63 Stat,

13) and sec. 15, act June 16, 1933, (48 Stat. 307).

Receipts artd expenditures, ft)8$ — Continued

, [Debit transfer appropriations (net) snd repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures sre printed in itshr. Emergency expenditures sre indicated by an asterisk*]

Unexpended balances June 30, 1933 Expenditures in 1934 (see p 6) Amount carried to surplus

fund (see p. 7) Unexpended balances June 30, 1934

Fiscal year for which

appropri- ation was

nl ado Available

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)

On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing


Appropriations Warrants-issued

basis Checks-issued

basis Act Jun'e 20,


Impounded salary' and

vacancy sav- ings

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)


On boolrs of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing


GEMERAI, ACC 0 IJNTS — Continued

vETEasNs' EDNINIsraATION — continued

Medical and hospital services, Veterans' Bureau (transfer to departments and under act, ss follows):

To Treasury Department, Public Health Service, act Apr. 19, 1930 1931 and prior

Medical and hospital services, Bureau of War Risk Insurance Certified claims

16 37 80 87. 80

2. 00

87. 80

2. 00

Salaries snd expenses, Bureau of Wsr Risk Insurance 1922

1921 1919

14. 00 84. 18 70. 84

14. 00 84. 18 70. 84

314. 00 84. 19 70. 84

189. 08 188. 08

National security snd defense, Bureau of Wsr Risk Insurance 1919 86. 60 25. 50

Salaries, Pension Oflice 1926

Fees of examining surgeons, pensions Certified claims

Investigation of pension cases, Bureau of Pensions Certified claims

National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers:

Hospital construction, National Home for Disabled Volunteer Sol-

diers, Central Branch No year Marion Branch No year Barrack buildings, National" Home

for Disabled Volunteer Soliders, Pscfdc Branch No year

Southern Branch . 1931 1924

Cer tided claims

$25, 853. 44 24, 375. 09

1, 039. 52

5. 00

14. 20

141. 80

188. 67

5. 00

14. 20

118. 68 19. 00

141. 80

188. 87

5. 00

14. 20

1 f8. 68 19. 00

141. 80

166. 67

112. 52 19. 00

325, 863. 44 24, 375. 09

l, 039. 52

10. 28 10. 28

Clothing Increase of compensation, Veterans'

Bureau 1923

30. 33

17. 87 17. 87 17. 97

Indefinite: Increase of . compensstioJI, Veterans'

Bureau 1922 1921

8. 87 1. 00

8, 87 1, 00

6. 67 1. 00

1920 48. 7( 47. 31

Special deposit accounts I, 491, 996. 77

64. 88 6I. 88

249, 036. 62 $1, 242, 960. 15


Losses on wsr-risk insurance of American vessels, their cargoes, eto ' No year

Tnjury claims assigned No year Vocational rehabilitation No year

70, 306. 74 12, 423. 15

83. 52

70, 306. 74

83. 52

12, 423. 15

Total general and special accounts, Veterans' Administration . 383, 273, 300. 87 $3, 966, 211. 98 10, 604, 400. 81 580, 283, 410. 40 567, 694, 018. 79 567, 292, 528. 71 8, 659, 833. 18 $996, 065. 66 $4, 164, 834. 52 386, 008, 171. 10 11, 005, 890. 89



Adjusted-service certiflcste fund» No year Canal Zone retirement and disability ' fund No year Civil Service retirement and disability

tuna» No year Funds due incompetent beneficiaries,

Veterans' Administration No year General Post Fund, National Homes,

Veterans' Administration . No year Horatio Ward Fund, National Homes,

Veterans' Administration . No year Unclaimed moneys of former patients;

Veterans' Administration hospitals No year Unclaimed moneys of individuals whose

whersbouts are unknown (Veterans' Administration) . No year

United States Government life-insurance fund No year

Special deposit accounts

130, 240. 17

33, 303. 65

797, 070. 70

I, 615, 978, 90

352, 150. 60

568. 47

8, 946. 96

2, 771. 49

2, 3411975. 11

I, 230, 240. 25

11, 917. 86

I, 338. 02

2, 139, 467. 72

516, 818. 52

4, 80? 178. 38 &I 4, 862, 347. 11

595, 157. 46 &I 583, 905. 26

5, 207, 144. 77

572, 036. 97

182, 355. 95

148, 822. 60

155, 618. 60

561. 98

131, 909. 44

134, 441. 91

I, 599. 94

4, 629. 98 542. 69 542. 69

25. 97

&' 71, 838, 520. 24 && 71, 350, 554. 72 72, 310, 707. 68 71, 90?. 76

39, 221, 817. 47 &I 39, 470, 809. 37 38, 556& 699. 54

75, 071. 44

44, 555. 85

548, 078. 80

1, 467, 156. 30

378, 887. 95

6. 49

13, 034. 25

2, 797. 46

2, 829, 940. 63

885, 442. 59

11, 868. 29

914, 109. 83

16, 913. 16

33, 094. 55

300. 06


I, 179, 314, ?6 O 588, 720. 28 ffI

Total trust accounts, Veterans' Ad- ministration

Total, Veterans' Administration


5, 283, 006. 05

388, 556, 306. 92 3, 966, 211. 98

3, 899, 782. 3?

14, 504, 183. 18

116, 649, 685. 45 116, 573, 162. 33 116, 843, 181. 18

696, 933, 095. 85 684, 267, 181. 12 684, 135, 709. 89 8, 659, 833. 18 996, 065. 66 4, 164, 834. 52

5, 359, 529. 17

391, 3f)7, 700. 27

3, 629, 763. 52

14, 635&, 65i i. 41


Subscriptions to capital stock, War I'inance Corporation No year

Special deposits sccoun(s.

Total, TVar Finance Corporation

0, 000. 00 135, 317. 40

145, 317. 40

46, 935, 76

46, 935. 76

&U. UUU 00 88, 381. 64

Uc, 381. 64

&I Returned to same nlijvct under Veterans' Administration. See note 15. ,

'& c akco &ice»»n( si i&i && iin p. 123 for expenditures under appropriation from the general fund ofthe Treasury and si:&&«i«& &it &if account on p. &:(&,

. i&i& c Jul& (, &!&&ls&, &lv&liic&ious from salaries credited to the Civil Service, Foreign Service, snd Canal Zone re- &ir&»i& &ii. (i&»&is, i»&i tl&v c:&mines fr&i&n investments of such funds snd of the adjusted-service certiflcste fund have been el&is. iii«i, , s rvci iii&s, whereas lir»ir (o that date such items were used to oflset expenditures of the respective funds.

i &i& lii, l&, j. , & i&i, (xic &;1 rciir«; n&iiig (hc proceeds of checl's drawn by the Veterans' Administration against the A&R»s&«(, s& ri ii i. ('criilic;&(c Iv&»«f anil deposited in the Goveinment life-insurance fund under the act of July 21, 19'& ', o&i, ic«iun&. of ccr(ihcii(cs ii iiicli li, id not matured or been paiil. Inasmuch as the Government life-insurance

fund is not entitledtoreimbursementuntilmaturiiyorpaymentofceriificates, the Vvivians' Admi»is(iaiionmljus(cd the transactions by medium of checks drawn against the Government life-i»su&ance fun&i for deposit, as s ropaymvni. to tbe adjusted-service certificate fund. Consequently, the totals of boih &liv rcc&ili(s;ind (lic cxpcnili(u&cc of (lnic Government life-insurance fund are overstated by $3, 241, 098. 61 as a result of this adjus(&nvn(, (liv clisroc(cr of iiliicli wss not disclosed to the Treasury until after the books for theflscal year 1934 h&ul liccn cliwvil. '1'lic bi&lonccsinilxmtin& funds, however, are not affected, since the adjustment checks reflected in the vxpvnili&»rcs of (lic ((ovcriim& n( lifi -i&i- surance fund are offset by s corresponding increase in the receipts of tbo (lnvcrnnicn( life-i»sur&»&co fund. '1'liv necessary adjustment will be reflected in the flscal year 1935.

Receipts and exJIendittrres, if)84 — Continued

[Debit transfer appropriations (net) and repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures are printed in italic. Emergency expenditures are indicated by an ssterisl"]

Unexpended balances June 30, 1933 Expenditures in 1934 (see p. 6) Amount carried to surplus

fund (see p, 7) Unexpended balances June 30, 1934

Fiscal year for which

appropri- ation was

made Available

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)

On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing


Appropriations Warrants-issued

basis Checks-issued

basis Act June 20,


Impounded salary snd

vacancy sav- ings

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)


On books of the Treasury

To. credit of disbursing




District of Columbia-Virginia Boundary Commission 1934-35 $10, 000. 00 f&3, 000. 00 $2, 472. 50 $7, 000. 00 $527. 50 .

National security snd defense, Wsr In- dustries Board 1919

Salaries and expenses, War Industries Board 1919

Nitrate plants, plan for disposition No year Operations under mineral sct of Oct. 6,

1918 Certiffed claims

$447. 53 $1, 527. 11

589, 231. 13

673. 16

68. 84 1&587. 11

589, 231. 13

678. 18

589, 231. 13

$678. 13

58. 34 $54. 59 1, 920. 05

Protection of interests of United States in leases on oil lands in former naval re- serves- 1930-82

1928-32 Protection of interests of the United

States in matters sffecting oil lands on former naval reserves 1933


1, 076. 89 22, 201. 32

6. 45 4, 268. 49

. 02 8, 884. 67

. 08

8& 884. 89

1, 933. 82

1, 933. 82

1, 076. 89 22, 201. 32

5. 45 2, 334. 67 . 02

Relief, protection, snd transportation of American citizens in Europe

Payment to officers snd employees of the United States in foreign countries due to appreciation of foreign currencies

Chicago World's Fair Centennial Cele. bration. &I

George Washington Bicentennial Com- mission I

eorge Rogers Clark Sesquicentennial Commission. »

Mount Rushmore National Memorial Commission. »

Public Buildings Commission. » United States Massachusetts Bsy Col-

ony Tercentenary Commission . United States Yorktown Sesquicenten-

nial Commission United States Yorktown Sesquicenten-

nial Commission (transfers, sct Msy 21, 1920):

To Department of the Interior, National Park Service

No year


No year

No year



176, 629. 14

66, 130. 48

10, 000. 00

5, 017. 63

50, 450. 42

» 438, 000. 00

» 1. 26

» 1. 8&f

26& 190. 93

111. 42

190. 00

66, 043. 93

111. 42 4, 907. 47

7, 496. 69

176, 719. 14

, 000. 00- 438

32, 442. 86

10, 000, 00

10, 597. 42

Total general accounts, Miscel- laneous Coxnmissfons, Boards, et o- 280, 409. 70 1, 037, 231. 13 612, 745. 21 657, 866. 33 7, 556. 73 668, 416. 74 11, 124. 92


Q Unclaimed moneys of individuals whose whereabouts are unknown (Relief of American citizens in Europe) No year

1 Total, Miscellaneous Commis- sions, Boards, etc

3, 716. 28

284, 125. 98 66, 246. 04 1, 037, 231. 13 612, 745. 21 657, 866. 33 28, 922. 15 7, 556. 73

3, 716. 28

672, 133. 02 11, 124. 92

Total, Independent Offices 3, 274, 772, 237. 59 $4, 258, 437. 15 26, 975, 637. 38 2, 326, 970, 798. 33 2& 555& 128 978 23 2 414& 634& 724 02 1 1& 866& 672 64 I, 416, 292. 56 $4, 448, 006. 21 3, 033, 141, 523. 43 167, 469, 891. 59

Summary of Inde pendent Offices: General and special accounts 479, 784, 817. 92 4, 258, 437. 15 21, 684, 227. 91 720, 268, 918. 43 616, 021, 641. 94 608, 890, 738. 37 11, 866, 672. 64 1, 435, 276. 42 4, 448, 006. 21 570, 540, 576. 29 28, 715, 131. 48

Emergency accounts: NATroNAD 1)&DUSTErxL REcovERY Other appropriations

2, 661, 870, 000. 00 126, 760, 822. 13

121& 329. 43

846 932. 78 f)26, Gf 9, 886. 00

2, 415, 077, 767, 30 951, 657, 938. 43 870, 522, 579. 71

870, 013, 047. 12

818, 988, 642. 74 78, 988. 86 784, 892, 175. 57

I, 671, 334, 993. 58 81, 766& 220. 74 52, 380, 869. 75

Total 2, 788, 630, 822. 13 968, 262. 21 1, 489, 757, 881. 30 1 822& 180 518 14 1& 689 001& 689 86 18, f)88. 86 2& 456 227& 169 15 134 147& 090 49

Trust (special deposit accounts) Trust and contribu&ed accounts 6, 356, 597. 54

1, 036, 653, 44

3, 386, 493, 82

3& 274, 772, 237. 59 4, 258, 437. 15 26, 975, 637, 38

116, 943, 998. 60

2, 326, 970, 798, 33

116, 926, 818. 15 496, 4&f. 06

117, 238, 786. 85

2, 555, 128, 978. 23 2, 414, 634, 724. 02 11, 866, 672. 64 1& 416& 292 56

6, 373, 777. 99

4, 448, 006. 21 3, 033, 141, 523. 43

1, 533, 144. 50 3, 074, 525. 12


167, 469, 891. 59




Salaries, office of Secretary of Agricul- ture 1934

1933 1932 1918

25, 172. 92 11, 842. 37

36, 543. 81 10, 235. 93

I 638, 177. 98 549, 970. 84

1 5, 681. 64 510, 604. 54

5& 4J&5. 71

A 78 11, 842. 37

2. 78

31, 821. 00 29, 746. 77

50, 076, 00 38, 167, 32

6, 310. 14

6, 484. 28


39, 36G. 30 M C5

537, 286. 42 508, 156. 05

Compensation, mechanical shops and

power plant, Departmeut of Agricul-

ture 1934 1933 1932

11. 33

9, 176. 26 10, 355. 34 8, 000. 66

I 47, 732. 00 35, 664. 61 16, 20R 88

35& 378. 18

8, SOS. M 9, 176. 26

6, 423. 00 9, 226. 94

4, 207. 00 10, 901. 16

1, 437. 39 G, 411. 45

19, 461. 73 27, 175. 96

" Sci also;&fiproprinl&on for "Expenses, George 1yashfngfon Bicentennial Comruission, " under tho District of

»& I'x& lusii e nf I, G&)0, 000 nllnf ted by the President and transferred under the snme appropriation title, act Mar, 26,

1934 i. is 5«it, )r&G), Ii& flic following organization units: l. ibr;ii y of & 'un 'runs Aiueri&n&n If&i&&lc '&luiiuii&cuts Coiniuission Nnfi∋il A&lvisnrl &. 'oiiiiuittee fOr Aeronaufics Uni&c&l . '!;i&us 'I'. &riff' Ci&in&niexiOn

I)&'par& l&n'Ill nf Acr&&'ul&uio

I)& par&. ir&crit of &'uir&inorce 1)r p, irfi&&&. I&t nf, lux&ice I n f&, !r& I!n Il& of f„ib&, r I &i I, rrti»& nt Of 'i&ate I I iuI' Iiry l)cp ii'III&u&II. . 'A nr I)«p;&&&men&

» Account stated on p. 102. I) Expenditures for the purposes of the George Rogers Clark Sesquicentennial Commission nn&l Iho f&fnunl, It&ref&-

more National Memorial Commission to be administered by tho Dopartment of the Interior, under scc. '& uf I'. Tc& uif& o order, GIGG of Junc 10, 1933, effective Aug. 10, 1933. Account transferred au&i stnfc&1 nii p. &GO,

» This Commission abolished and functions transferred to Ofhce of National I'nrks, Buildings, nmi Ilcscrv;if iuns, Department of the Interior, p. 1G6, under sec. 2 of Executive Order 61GG of Juno &0, 193'3, eiIcctivo Aug. Iu, IGII

I& Returned from same object under Departmont of the Interior. Sco note 25. » Retnrned to same object above. See note 24. i Exclusive of f93, &69. 02 transferred under Executive Orders Nos. 6166, 6224, and 6540 of June 10, Jnly ' nial f)«c

28, 1933, respectively, to accounts as follows: Salaries and expenses, Oflice of National Parks, Buildings, and Rcscrvatii&ns, 1934 $86 Salaries, Procuremeut Division, 1934. Salaries and expenses, Division of Disbursements, IG&f I

I Exclusive of $73, 228 transferred un&ier Executive Order No. Gluu of June 10, f&iGIIII, to salaries aud cxpcusus, &) If&~u of National Parks, Buildings, and Reservations, 1934.

ReCeiPtS artd eEPendifureSc jM$ — COntinued

[Debit transfer appropriations (net) snd repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures are printed in italic. Emergency expenditures sre indicated by an asterisk*]

Unexpended balances June 30, 1933 Expenditures in 1934 (see p. 6) Amount carried to surplus fund (see p. 7)

Fiscal year for which

sppropri ation wss

made Available

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)

On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing


Appropriations Wsnsnts-iss)Ied

basis Cheeks-issued

basis A. ct June 20,


Impounded salary and

vacancv sav- ings

On books of the Treasury

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)


To credit of disbursing


Unexpended balances June 30, 1934


oPPIOE oP THE BEGRETsRY — continued

Miscellaneous expenses, Department of griculture 1934

1933 1932

1931-32 1930

$48, 060. 95 65, 855. 70

6. 66

$6, 231. 76

I $190, 150. 00 $162, 724. 77

4, 868. 66 131. 65

861. 74

$177, 977. 63 1, 973. 10

131. 65

Pef. 74

$65, 224. 05 6. 56

231. 74

$3, 496. 00 $86. 00 $23, 843. 23 52, 319. 61

I $15, 252. 86

Rent of buildings, Department of Agri- culture 1934

1933 1932

4, 884. 68 1, 025. 08

1, 344. 03 62, 296. 00

168, 366. 02

61, 792. 66

4, 430. 64 172. 05

179, 850. 64

44, 771. 32 5, 774. 67

172. 05 853. 03

503. 34 454. 04

17, 021. 34


66, 395. 35 50, 718. 04

NATIONsn INDUSTRIsI, REcovERT, Ag- riculture, building, repairs, and im- provements in Washington, D. C 1933-35 I 2, 717. 96 2, 717. 96 '2, 717. 96


Salaries snd expenses. 1934 1933 1932

19, 887. 89 2, 852. 20

$3, 457. 83 6, 267. 57

376. 287. 00 312, 263. 21 6, I39. PS

309, 874. 60 1, 128. 29

2, 852, 20

15, 500. 00 14, 036. 84

5, 906. 00 9, 146. 98

42, 617. 79 10, 301. 18


2, 388. 61

cD co

307, 123. 93 311, 002. 89

?rfnting snd binding, Department of Agriculture Ina4

1933 1932

438, 000. 07 13, 000. 00

14, 512. 03 850, 000. 00 481, 199. 62

164, 006. 32 425, 768. 82 178, 518. 35

13, 000. 00

368, 800. 3S 273, 993. 75

55, 430. SO

645, 205. 94 004, 287. 17


)alsries and expenses . 1934 1933 1932

1, 884. 67 536. 03

403. 84 3, 022. 61 & 97, 388. 00 89, 281. 16

680. SI 30. 79

85, 007. 09 2, 342. 30

30. ?9 505. 24

3, 096. 00 2, 367. 51

1, 536. 00 453. 84

3, 474. 84 147. 47

4, 274. 07

88. 631. 64 87, 380, 18


8slsries snd expenses 1934 1933 36, 179. 70 20, 110. 10

226, 961. 00 9, 294. 33

204, 478. 65 6, 66'7. 00

191, 297. 26 2, 437, 33

11, 291. 00 7, 907. 31

5, 788. 00 20, 113. 43

5, 403. 35 35, 126. 06

13, 181, 39

1932 29, 711. 04 181. 27

197, 802. 92

181. 27

193, 915. 86

29, 629. 77

NATIONAL INDUSTRIAL REcovERY, hgr[ culture, Experiment Stations 1933 — 35 I 4, 950. 00 4, 947. 89 '4 947. 89 2. 11

Payment to States and Territories for agricultura] experiment stations 1934

1933 15, 084. 83 4, 381, 000. 00 4, 358, 963. 51

646. 16 4, 358, 963. 51

646. 16 22, 036. 49 15, 730. 99

4, 358, 317. 35 4, 358, 317. 35

'Pay&neat to States, Haawai, nnd A. lanka

for agricultural experiment stations 1932


408. 35 408. 35

Salaries and expenses 1934 1933 1932

208, 189. 25

ZS, 363. 92 10, 046. 01 7, 804. 71

I 1, 518, 210. 00 1, 115, 568. 15 89, 129. 87

457. 02

1, 047, 351. 18 96, 934. 58

457. 02 77, 906. 90

87, 10'7. 00 50, 937. 40

21, 896. 00 10, 046. 01

293, 638. 85&

08, 121. 98 68, 216. 97

1, 205, 155. 04 1, 144, 742. 78

Cooperative agrivul(ural extension work 1934 Cooperative farm forestry . 1934

1933 1932

6, 483. 45

7, 162. 79 4, 824. 78

(') 64, 787. 00 44, 290. 01

192. 05 7. 19

39, 970. 97 4, 632. 73

7. 19 7, 155. 60

2, 185. 00 2, 395. 26

18, 311. 99 3, 280. 24

4, 319. 04

Permanent and inde(inite: Cooperative agricultural extension

)vol k [934 1933 1932

119, 412. 02 27, 804. 02

4 8, 738, 096. 00

44, 105, 15

8, 351, 957. 91

44, 610. 89

8, 351, 957. 91

27, 804. 02

386, 138. 09 119, 41'2. 02

8, 351, 957. 91 8, 351, 957. 91


Salaries nnd expenses 1&234

1933 1932

1931 — 32 1927

()73, 723. 65 366 450 82

468. 47

108, 638. 58 23, 940. 28 3, 731, 235. 00 2, 759, 1SI. 74

207, 021. 31 795. 47

468. 47

. 08

2, 731, 352. 44

230, 957. 82 795. 47

468. 47

. AS

365, 655. 35

147, 204. 00 109, 792. , 50

175, 078. AA

1[f&, 375. 67 G(A, AS) 26 250, 172. 7, 5

27, 829. SA

3. 77

2, 967, 466. 91 2, 963. 5 & 4. 1')

NAT&o:&AL INI&&'am&AL REcovERY, A «- culture, 55 cii(lier i&urenu


1033-35 I [83, 840. 00 122, 708. 73 '9'2, 865& 39 i&], 13[ 27

Salaries nnd exi&cnscs.

(' cr(ific&l claims

1934-35 1934 1933 1932

[931-32 1931

2, 677, 758. 90 1, 359, 348. 63

66. 91

27, 873, 46 47, 825. 94

150, 000. 00

9, 284, 374. 00

850. 34

5, 807, 899. 50 811, 705. 84

4, 65&]. 33

b. 86 850. 34

6, 625, 101. 65

5 586 943 93 8»9 408 70

4, 651. 33

5'. 66 850. 34

6, 451, 848. 94

I 354 G97 30 66. 91 5. 36

[58, 319. 00 136, 59G. 47

f&], & (A 00 29, 222, 77

150, 000, 00 3 236 4pp Gp

I, 728, 107. '&8

'-'20, I);&5. 57 I 2'&. AS&

$76, 970 134

4 [& « li&vive of 577 [pi trans fvrrcd under Executive Orders Non. 6[GG nnd 6224 of June 10 and July 27, 1933, respectively,

4. N:&], '&rive in&i vx[&vnsvs, () fpi«of N:i&inn&i] Parks, Buildings, and Reservations, 193

in&i vx[&& n is, I &ivisinu of i)isiiurvsment, 1934 ' I )& ) it )& i) in«, rv»n)&»rs il&lc (r&iiii sun&iry Agric»l(urn] appropriations du&ing tho fin& nl year 1935. 4 . (I)& » i I (& i» (5 i&ion i] in&]us(ri il Bi &o«ry n[&[&rnprintion, for complete statement of wbic]& see p. 428.

835 t nus««ed to S»aries nnd expenses O(ii&. L of Nat&onal 1 ir] 4 Su&]&in&g~ &ind [ 1934", under 1&'. xecutive Order No. 6166 of June 10, ]&933.

) Exclusive of $82500 transferred to "Salaries, Procurement ]]]vis]»i&, 1934", u&nlcr I:xvcn(i is ()r&i& r N&x ( && f and 6224 of June 10 and July 27, 1933, respectively.

I Annus[ appropriation of 84, 072, 000 inclu&lv&l wi(h peru&anon( anu»nl accoiin( fol]oa ing I Includes annual appropriation referred to in note S.

Receipts arid expenditures, If)8$ — Continued

[Debit transfer appropriations (net) and repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures are printed in italic. Emergency expenditures sre indicated by an asterisk*]

Unexpended balances June 30, 1933 Expenditures in 1934 (see p. 6) Amount carried to surplus fund (see p. 7) Unexpended balances June 30, 1934

Fiscal year for which

appropri- ation was

made A. vsilsble

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)

On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing

oflicer s

Appropriations Warrants-issued

basis Checks-issued

basis Act June 20,


Impounded salary snd

vacancy sav- lxlga

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)


On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing



Bvnzxu oF ANIIIAL INDUSTRY — continued

Eradication of foot-and-xnouth and other contagious diseases of animals 1924-33

1924-31 $1, 339, 794. 46 $2, 500. 00 $6, 498. 82 $24, 115. 74

841. 88

23, 874. 12

$30I 314. 56 84f. 88

30, 072. 94

$241. 62 $728. 20 $2, 500. 00 $1, 314, 950. 52

Eradication of European fowl pest snd similar diseases in poultry 1983

1932 3, 513. 15 5, 94(L 19

888. 78 5, 940. 19

211. 26 3, 530. 62

388. 78

Meat Inspection, Bureau of Animal In- dustry 1984


culture, Animal Industry 1933-35

Permanent and indefinite: Meat inspectiou, Bureau of Animal

Industry 1934 1933 1932

393, 683. 11 102, 405. 67

263I 237. 32 7, 784. 39


I $1, 611, 240. 00

xx 4, 624, 590. 00

1, 047, 713. 80

4, 486, 769. 47 182i 731. 64

16. 62

4, 669, 517. 73

~ 995, 411. 86

4, 372, 034. 85 190, 516. 08

16. 62

4, 562, 567. 50'

102, 389. 05 187, 192. 54 271, 114. 01

563, 526. 70

137I 820. 53 15, 882. 24

52, 301. 44

b3 114, 734, 62

Bvnzxu or DAIRY INDvsTRY

3clsrfes snd expenses 1934 1933 1982 1930

Certified claims

85, 902. 31 52, 891. 79

9, 594. 45 2, 775. 83 656, 130. 00

1. 75

546, 111. 41 14, 095. 54

123. 59 8. 08 1. 75

524, 074. 65 16, 871. 37

123. 59 0. 09 1. 75

52, 768. 20 9. 09

24, 323. 00 19, 525, 74

10, 987. 00 9, 594. 45

73, 708. 59 52, 281. 03

22, 036. 76


culture, Dairy Industry


1933-35 I 262, 420. 00

560, 323. 20

135, 982. 75

541, 052. 27

a 130, 705. 71 126, 437. 25 5, 277. 04

slaries snd expenses tf 1934-36 1934 1933

1932%3 1932

1931&2 1931

500, 139. 36 1, 899. 76

40T, 184. 66 14, 647. 61

19, 468. 34 24, 862. 48 2, 710. 86

20, 000. 00 I' 4, 493, 966. 00

2, 000. 00 8, 460, 213. 22

156, 572. 61 8, 808. 84 2, 084. 98

Io. 84

3, 369, 264. 89 181, 435. 09

501. 92 2, 084. 93

10. 84

405, OT9. 73 14, 647. 61

10. ~

172, 337. 00 153, 254. 48

199. 24

89, 078. 00 21, 989. 81

18, 000. 00 772, 836. 78 187, 791. 30

3, 909. 46

2, 000. 00

90, 9N. 33

CertiQed claims 130. 47 130. 47 130. 47

3, 618, 781. 95 3, 553, 406. 96

NSTIQNSL INDOSTRIxL REcovERY, Agri- culture, Plant Industry 1933-35



rt 4, 822, 007. 00 1, 956, 813. 41 F 1, 836, 365. 00 2, SG5, 193. 59 120, 448. 41

Salaries and expenses 1934 — 35 1934

1933-34 1933 1932

1931-32 1 1931

Certified claims

100, 000. 00 535, 630. 83 431, 272. 80

3, 929. 51

56, 471. 41 655, 872. 60 12, 770. 25

100, 000. 00 » 9, 780, 302. 00

ii 100, 000. 00

44. 65

7, 569, 048. 97

19, Jr88. 85 16, 755. 40

89. 88 19, 879. 74

44. 65

7, 159, 411. 29

543, 358. 34

9, 986. 16 89. 98

19, 879. 74 44. 65

447, 028. 20 41 012. 39

13, 879. 74

341, 808. 00

290, 395. 60

128, 766. 00

71, 506. 39 242, 689. 10 26. 41

100, 000 00

1, 740, 679. 03 409, 637. 68

Salaries and expenses, Forest Service, emergency construction (act July 21, 1932). 1933

Salaries and expenses, Forest Service, emergency construction 1931

Certified claims

597 933 31 1, 750. 00 195, 982. 63

45. 85

7, 526, 886. 75

99. 3/j

45. 85

17. 51

7, 685, 866. 51

131, 309. 18

98. 94 45. 85

17. 51

28. 34

71, 804. 22 2, 470. 00 690, 082. 54

General expenses . 1927 75. 00 75. 00

AcquL~ition of lands for protection of watersheds of navigable streams No year

1934 1933 1932 1926 1924

386, 678. 63

21, 267. 39 497, 376. 01

1, 500. 00

16, 392. 34

6, 916. 80 85, 854. 00

250, 641. 75

12, 971 59 197, 332. 13

14. 68 66. 00

460, 865. 89

227, 300. 31

18, 684. 89 197, 332. 13

14. DS

GD. 00

443, 437. 75

300, 045. SS 14. 58 65. 00

6, 797. 54 1, 682. 67

136, 036. 86 85, 854. 00

1, 115. 59

O 39, 733. 78

3. 50



Cooperative distribution of forest plant- ing stock 1934

1933 1932

9, 734. 72 698. 28

1, 928. 77 74, 730. 00 66, 802. 53

6, 876. 75 52, 417. 03 8, 805. 52

698. 28

28. 00 277. 90

17, 899. 47

2, 580. 07 4, 385. 60

Forest-fire cooperation . . . . . . 1934 1933 1932

60, 102. 14

60, 151, 79 4, 425. 88

1, 5S7, 513. 00

63, 679. 28

I, 563, 853. 16 32, G24. 51

38. 28

1, 596, 515. 95

61, 222. 55

1 548 206 29 37, 050. 39

38. 28

1, 5S5 294. 96

60, 113. 61

6, 921. 00 4, 348. 22

1, 020. 00 112. 50

15, 718. 84 23, 016. iJl

15, G46. 87

Forest Products Laboratory, Madison, Wis No year

Nx Trover. IvnvsTRIxt, Rscovv iiv, A gri-

culture, Forest Service. . . - . 1933-35

35. 89 948. 09

I 15, 967, 745. 00

12. 62 960. 71

9, 434, 256. 76 i 8, 747, 245. 13 6, 533 486 "I frS7, 013. 63

I Allottcri froin Nntirrnal Inrliist rial ltecovery appropriation for complete statement of which see p. 428, rrr Annii, il iluiroliri it «in rrf . I", rtl I, r!)0 incliirlrrl ivit b perumnont annual account following. " 1 iirliirles nniiu;il:ilitirnprint ion rcfcrrcrl tr»o note 10,

» Exclusive of $2, 190 transforred under Executive Order No. 6166 of Juno IO, 1!I33, to "Snbirios nnrl cI!rriisrs I ttli of National Parks, Buildings, nnd Reservations, 1934. "

» Includes $100, 000 transferred, act Mar. 3, 1933 (47 Stnt. 1448) tn 1934 nccmint. ii Transferred to 1933-34 account. See note 13.

Receipts and expenditures& 198$ — Continued

(Debit transfer appropriations (net) sud repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures sre printed in itaffc. Emergency expenditures sre indicated by sn ast«isk*)

Unexpended balances June 30, 1933 Expenditures in 1934 (see p. 6) Amount carried to surplus fund (see p. 7)

Fiscal year for which

spproprb stion was

Inade Available

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)

On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing


Appropriations Warrants-issued

basis Checks-issued

basis Act June 20,


Impounded salary snd

vacancy ssv- nlgs

On books of the Treasury

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)


To credit of disbursing


Unexpended balances June 30, 1934


roRzsT szzvtcz — continued

Permanent snd indefinite: National Forest Reservation Corn-

mission 1934 1933 1932

$23. 64 79. 54

$3, 600. 00 101. 50

$1, 943. 43 125. 14

$1, 743. 84 125. 14

$79. 54

$100. 00 $1, 556. 57 $199. 59

2, 068. 57 1, 868. 98

Refund to depositors, excess of de-

posi ts, national forests fund No year



Cooperative work, Forest Service. II

Payments to States snd Territories from

the national forests fund . No year

Payments to school funds, Arizona snd New Mexico, national forests fund No year

Roads snd trails for States, national for-

ests fund. 'I

$?, 678. 37 37, 849. 47

650, 860. 74

28, 456. 35

37, 849. 47

650, 860. V4

28, 450. 35

33, 396. 56

650, 860. 74

28, 456. 35

12, 131. 28 QI



t7 t3



ooperstive work, Forest Service No year



707, 635. 43 1, 306, 354. 16 1, 257, 679. 00 1, 287, 828. 32 4, 042. 75 V52, 167. 84 110, 279. 68

1934 1933 1932 1931

Certified claims

Iisries snd expenses, Bureau of Chem-

istry snd Soils 208, 382. 96 173, 938. 00

$6, 8(SL 97 5, 066. 34 1& 670, 194, 00

17. 93

1& 416, 690. 99 31, 140. V5

870. 29 JS. 9! 17. 93

1, 448, 706. 05

1, 818, 511. 28

36, m. 5a 870. 29 13. Sf 17. 93

1, 355, 590. 18

173, 067. 71 13. 91

66, 644. 00 52& 455. 96

$32, 091. 00 7, 671. 81

164, 868. 01 124, 013. 41

98, 179. 71 2. 60

General expenses, Bureau of Chemistry 1918

NA'rloNAL INDUsTRIAL Rzcovzzv& Agri-

culture, Chemistry and Soils 1933-35 I 163, 919. 00 61, 164. 16 «52& 588, 93

45. 33

102, 754. 84 8, 576. 13


Salaries snd expenses 1934 1933 1932 1929

131& 567. 11 77, 168. 23

ll, 393. 87 69. 44

1, 185, 055. 00 905, 308. 65 48, 558. 33

474. 02 1. 68

882, 531. 22 59, 952. 20

533. 46 1. 88

76, 694. 21 1. 52

39, 272. 00 36, 942. 59

19, 622. 00 4, S12. 00

220, 852. 35 46, 438. 19

22, 777. 43

Advances to migratory bird conservation fund 1934-35

Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge. 1934 1933 1932

1931-34 1931-33

329. 07 11. 34

22. 96

I, 564. 83

789. 26

150, 000, 00 20, 000. 00

17 S12. 22 19 818 88

954, 339. 48

13, 842. 39 861. 80

164. 15 788. 88

943, 015. 86

12, 611. 82 1&303 63

164. 15 11. 34

581. 00 559. 43 10. 00

150, 000. 00 5, 576. 61

20. 84

648. 07

1, 230. 57

12, 956. 08 14, 079. 60

Cheyenne Bottoms Migratory Bird Refuge 1932-33 206, 424. 33 3, 811. 62 8, 748, 51 68. 11 42. 83 209, 125. 01

Migratory bird conservation refuges . 1934 1933

1932-33 1932

3, 609. 04 39, 678. 29

I, 100. 00

2, 300. 00 I, 406. 15 89, 525. 00 45, 828. 25

81, 880. 66 24, 107. 75

I, 095. 17

45, 658. 30 19, 984. 61

24, 107. 75 1 095 17 4. 83

I, 806. 00 1, 906. 47

1, 786. 00 2, 300. 00

40, 104. 75 23, 033. 23 15, 570. 54

169. 95

49, 700. 51 50, 936. 71

Migratory Bird Conservation Commis- sion 1932-33

Malheur Lake Bird Refuge, Oreg 1931-33 2, 725. 60

271. 39 335. 95 251. 67

885. 95 157. 88 94. 29

50. 00 132. 84

3, 011. 55 295. 93

IJppcr Mississippi River Wild-Life Refuge No year

1934 1933 1932

51) 359. 28

I, 682. 34

2, 442. 92

2) 030. 69

2, 377. 60

18, 500. 00 43, 200. 00

28, 244. 33 30& 170. 85

1, 854. &7

29, 475. 07 28, 880. G9

1, 022. 63 2, 442. 92

I, 562. 02 I, 405. 00

801. 48

I, '146. 00 1, 567. 00

38, 306. 93 10, 057. 15 2, 235. 83

i&J9 95 I, 290. 16

NATIONAL I. "IDUSTRIAL REcovrnr, Agri- culture, Biological Survey 1933-35


' 976, 050. 00

57, 060. 21

324, 948. 82

59, 378. 39

*290, 590. 00 651, 101, 18 34, 358. 82

S, il&irics and expenses . 1932 1931

1(i3, 464. 77

I, 50

163, 464. 77 1. 50

1. 50 *1. 50

NATIGNAI. INDUsTRIAL REcovERP, Bu- reau of Public Roads 1933-35

Cooper;&tivi) construction of rural post ro&')ds No year

Fed& ral-. &i&I highway sys(eu», :dv(mces (o Sta(cs, e&ncrgency constn&otiou. No year

Fii&lcr;ilniiil hi hway sys(&m, a&lvances

to N(ates, e&Bergen& y cons(ruction (sct July 2l, 1932) . . No year

VAT&&)N & I, 1 xnusTRIAL Ii r&ovEI&r, Agri-

cul& i

9 10, 725. 00

ii 7, (J79, 941. 00 3, 249, 276. 09 47, G(il, 095. 09 5, 748. 52

164, 480. 80

685, 100. 65 67, 182, 93 8. 11

9 400 000 000. 00





I&& &i

&ri, liighway fun lv 1933 35

Allo»«', I frou& N;i»&)n;il I»(tus(r&SI Rec&)very appropriation for complete statement of which see p, 428, & 'I &a&i(i('&I a& '' ('()n(rii)u&i &I fu&i&l.

" un&lcr the permanent appropriation repeal act of June 26, 1934. S&. i&i" 1»n&icr "I'ui&lic Il». l&)v:&ys", p I:&i. 'I'(:i&i (i iu &I froni li&xl — 33, i(c&u&ni, act '. &Ii&r. 3, 1933 (47 Stat. 1455). 'I r:in. (& I&« I (o &9:(I. , i(4 accoun&. Ncc &e)(e li. I, &( I i&. i ) «' f 8 "(& 05!» & a &)sferrc&l (n ' 8 il &ries au&i ex l)co sos, Office of National Parks, Buildings, snd Reservations, u»il& I I«c(»(i( c (&rdcr N&). (il(ic iif Jui&e lo, (933,

41, 009, 325. 43 *43, 326, 881 02 116, 875. 33 23, 378. 34

10, 725. 00

14 49i nos) 51 931, 720. 50

16)4, 480. 60

55, 609, 655. 24 *55, 669, 145. 34

168, 4:)I, 626. 37 19 '125), 313, 884. 08

I, 573, 272. 57 G'-"), 620. 55

231, f)18, 373. & 3 '& 43, 1. (7, 71'J. 29 » Exclusive of $35, 275, 000 advanced to States for road construction under sec. 204 (a) of lho a& I, of Juno IG, lfixl. While the paytuent of checks covering such advances has been refiected in d)uly 'I'reasury ('ash s(')&(&'&)&&'o(s &is ex-

penditures duriug the fiscal year 1934, the amounts are carried as a part of ilisbursing oilic& rs' I)&)la»«'w»» l&is rcp&irt until tho moneys are actually expended by the States and approved vnu( l&ers submitted I la u f&&r [&&r i lc ir»»i o &)f (l&e items in the disbursing ofi)cere' accounts. The expeudiiures, therefori, )vill reflect iu this repur( fi)r & la((is& il v& &I I93 &. » Includes the sum of $35, 275, 000 advances to States as referred to in note 20.

Receipts and expenditures, 1 r)8rr — Continued

[Debit transfer appropriations (net) and repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures are printed in italic. Emergency expenditures are indicated by an asterisk']

Unexpended balances June 30, 1933 Expenditures in 1934 (see p. 6) Amount carried to surplus

fund (see p. 7)

Fiscal year for which

approprr- ation was

made Available

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)

On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing


Appropriations Warrantsrfssued

basis Checks-issued

basis A. ct June 20,


Impounded salarv and

vacancy sav- ings

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)


To credit of disbursing

offr cere

Unexpended balances June 30 1934

On books of the Treasury


BUREAU orr YUBLIC Roans — continued

NATIQNAL INDUsrarrir RxcovERY, Agr'l. - culture, v:nrk. relief highways 1933-35 a $7 431 000 00 $608, 778. 44 '$545, 790. 21 $6, 822, 221. 56 $62, 988. 23

Iiighrvrrys within national forests, emer- gency construction (act July 21, 1932) 1933-34


NATIQNAL INDUETRIAL REcovERY, Agri. culture, forest highways 1933-35

Public lands highways, emergency con- struction 1931-34

1931-33 1931-32

NATrogxr. INDtrsrarxr. RxcovERY, Agri-

culture, public lands highways 1933-35

$1, 676, 2fiS. 65

106, 437. 14

11, 355. 73

$1, 833. 33 $2i6, 095. 93

41, 911. GG

" 1, 882, 953. 77 rr I, 889, 958. 77

r 15, 000, 000. 00

rr 158, 799. 47 » 158, 799. /7

rr 5, 000, 000. 00

1, 843, 538. 65 9!6, 097. 86

1, fi27, 440. 79

5, 715, 076. 80

115, 133. 24

58, f96. 69 11, 284. QG

73, 221. 58

1, 650, 253. 93

1, 809, 339. 39 1. 98

"1, 809, 337. 46

*5, 191, 194. 83

114, 419. 46

», 284. 96 11, 284. 96

a 114, 419. 46

'1, 35S, 436. 40

$70. 77

$15, 081. 50

9, 412. 74

1, 174. 00 S34. 29

$), 833. 33 24, 333. ()2

9, 284, 923. 20

42, 492. 23

3, 349, 74G. 07

34, 199. 26


523, 881. 97

713. 78


291, 817. 53 g I'nblic-land highways, emergency con-

struction (act July 21, 1932) 1933-34 1933

Flood relief, Alabama, for restoration of

roads and bridges rr . 1930-34 1930-33

Flood relief, Georgia and South Carolina for restoration of roads and bridges ro 1931-34


1, 044, 827. 36

1, 1?7, 770. 6G

102, GR8. 09

53, 715. 82

» 1, 097, 643. 76 » I, 09?, e&8. 76

r' 1, 177, 776. 66 "7, 17/, 770. 66

» 102, 568. 09 » 109 568 09

871, 223. 19 68, 71 8. 89

817, li07. 37

44, 403. 44

858, 606. 61

*859, 606. 61

42, 403. 44

1, 649. 00 899. 42

224, 771. 57

1, 177, 770. 66

58, 160. 65

12, 616. 58

Flood relief, Vermont, New Hampshire,

and Ixentucky, for restoration of roads

and bridges» - No year

Flood relief, Missouri, Mississippi

Louisiana, and Arkansas, for restora-

tion of roads and bridges" . . No year

Flood relief, Florida, for restoration of

roads and bridges» No year

Forest roads and trails No year


culture, forest roads, trails, ete 1933-35

Mount Vernon Memorial Highway . . No year

954, 713. 59

925, 340. 43

3, 010. 52 4, 845, 002. 69

141, 556. 56

11, 602. 90 378, 167. 11

376. 28

44, 403. 44

3i2, 355. 05

2, 45 i. , 400. 00 6, 187, 789. 63

rr loi XM, 969. 69, Gr. 974, 632; 63 Ss, 329. 41

"42, 403. 44

"299, 162. 06

*6, 39G, 002. 00

*6„263, 499. 36 *33, 934. 90

269, 020. 19 19, 993. 18

642, 358. 54

925, 340. 43

'3. 010. 52 S97, 202. 59

3, 305, 367. 37 103, 227. 16

13, 192. 99

169, 954. 74

531, 223. 30 4, 770. 79


Roads and trails for States, national for- ests fond» . hfo year 384, 744. 66 61, 746. 01 260, 344. 80 54, 915. 75 '57, 722. 34 8, 229. 71 531, 943. 50 GS, 939. 42



Salaries and expenses 1934 1983 1932

50, 979. 49 45, 358. 78

", 400. 00 1, 498. 81 411, 810. 00 346, 495. 78

15, 611. 07 269. &5

3n&, 218. 94

17, 109. 61 269. 75 44, 889. 03

14, 901. 00 15, 018. 48

4, 456. 00 2, 735. 94

45, 957. 22

20, 014. 00 18, 276. 84

. 27

362, 376. 60 345, 598. 30

VET(ovdL INDc TEIEL Rzcovz(&Y, Ag'r(.

culture, Agricultural Engineering . 1933-35 /


3 281, 538. 00 152, 815. 13 *141, 133. 17 128, 722. 87 11, G81. 96

Salaries and expenses 1934 1933 1932

1931-32 193( 1930

Certilied clai(ns

59S, 979. 76 563, 946. 17

70, 794. 19

49, 839. 61 32, 378. 05 4, G99, 106. 00

33 10

2. G3

3, 531, 815. 28

f&0, 192. 52

S69. 71

6. If&

. 78 2. 63

3, 365, 788. 10 112, 49u. 17

869. 71

rn (4 . 78

2. G3

Gr&3, 076. Gf

70, 794. 19 6. 14

. 72

151, 407. 00 142, 902. 91

167, 014. 00 57, 139. 19

848, 869. 72 3G8, 584. 75

166, 027. 18 78. 40

3, 612, 873. 28 3 479 14r5 &5

Salaries and expenses (transfer tnI1)cl», r(- ment. of Commerce, Bureau of ('ensus, act Mny 21, 1920)

Salaries and uxlnenscs, , tgonl Division, 1lurcsu of A riculturnl Economics


1934 1933 I &J3'

Ad&ninistratiiin of the United States Ayarel&ouse A( t 1934

1983 1932

Salaries, Bureau of Markets 1918

. 10

56?. 69 2, 243. 49

53, 490. 14

30, 2 I 0. 66 2, 246. 05

508. 15

1, 145. 43


'2, 814. 00

296, 220. 00

508. (5

508. (5

55. 00

232, 450. 15 12, 030. 02

18. 42

244, 498. 59

55. 00

222, 763. 26

13, 175. 45 18. 42

235, 957. 13

2, 243. 49

55. 00

30, 192. 24

9, 422. 00 (, 205. 11

6, 026. 00 3, 696. 05

2, 814. 00 1, 071. 84

48, 321. 85&

32, 805. 0(



g 9, GS('i. 89

14nfnri e&ncnt nf stan(hi»i cnn(nin(r, harn-

per, and l&riiiluce agency acts 19!34 19', 3l, l

1932 14, 087. 43 (3, &(it. 30

1, 005. 07 34, 120. 00 24, 094. 10

890. fl 119. 35

23, 823. 34

22, 763. 79 f&14. 96 119. 35

23, 49'. 10

18, 764. 95

I, 024. 00 982. 62

3GO. 00 V, G(l. 90 13, 194. 92

I, 880. 3(

f(n( &r i (nent nf thc Uni! e I Nt &les (I r iin i&:i» l&irils Ai t. 193(

I! (83 I!E(2

93, 104. 6&3

40, 749. 02 I, 509. 43 18, 171. 73

765, 000. 00 611, 968. SG

11, 859. 79

. 8$

594, 776. 09 30, 031. 52

. 84 40, 749. 26

32, 042. 00 26, 248. 20

11, 785. 00 I r&09 43

10'J, 20(. I I 5(, 9!El. 69

17, I!&'&. 77

623, 828. 41 624, 807. 37

! Iln(ii, l from "vh&(irma( Inilus(ri:il 1(crnv(rv" appropriation for complete statement of which see p, 45K &' 'I'r, i» (i rrr. I fri&n& I!&!I;(;&is &iiin&, , i(( 81;ir. 3, (933 (47 Stat. 1457 Snd 14G7). » 'I'r;iii f, &irrl tr& I!&EI —:! I &ii «&i»&(. Sec nn(c 22. " 'I r i&i. f & ri I from I!CI-:I I . «& nu&it, 8( &r. 8, I'&33 (47 Stat. 1457 snd 1467). » 'I'r i»'(i rii I (n I!&!&I — 84 &i(i i»» it. Si i. »&&(i' 2(. 33 lrur &i&l I&(; n il (li&i&il rul&cfs sce ''I''', i(i» (. 'rcdit Administrn(iun", p. 107 and "War", pp. 33G, 388.

» Transferred from 1930-33 account, nct M:ir. 3, 1933 (47 Stat. 1457 nnd 14ri7). » Transferred to 1930-34 account. Sco note 24. » Heretofore stated under "Forest Serv ico. u » Returned from snme object under Depnrtment of Commerce, act ht&iy 21, 1920. 8»o auto!, (I » Returned to same object under "Agriculture. " See note 30.

Receipts and expenditures, 198$ — Continued

[Debit transfer appropriations (net) and repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures are printed in italic. Emergency expenditures are indicated by an asterisk' )

Unexpended balances June 30, 1933 Expenditures in 1934 (see p. 6) Amount carried to surplus

fund (see p. 7) I'nexpended balances June 30, 1934

Fiscal year for which

appropri- ation was

macle Available

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)

On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing


Appropriations Warrants-issued

basis Checks-issued

basis Act June 20,


Impounded salary and

vacancy sav- ings

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)


On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing




Enforcement of the United States (. otton Futures Act and United States Cotton Standards Act 1934

1933 1932


$17, 541. 53

9, 832. 29 13, 457. 05

$952. 00 $3, 175. 34 $268, 000. 00 $221, 120. 64

5, 777. 94 249. 12

11. 62

227, 159. 32

$210, 478. 66

8, 953. 28

249. 12

11. 62

219, 692. 68

$9, 583. 17 13, 445. 43

$9, 721. 00 8, 575. 72

$16, 418. 00 1, 195. 11

$20, 740. 36 2, 944, 76

$10, 641. 98


Stmulating agriculture and facilitating distribution of products . 1919 68. 84 63. 34



Establishing wool standards 1934 1033 1932

3, 871. 13

9, 128. 66 3, 750. 00 1, 148. 09

» 25, 487. 00 » 8, 868. 84 » 9, 188. 88

22, 881. 64

I, 096. 09 23, 054. 41

52. 00 1, 037. 00 1, 129. 84 3, 750. 00

1, 568. 36 1, 479. 04

» 172. 77

t7 M

Expenses, Cotton Standards Act No year Classification of cotton, revolving fund iVo year


156, 685. 21 254) 012. 58

5, 697. 53

1, 157. 92 35, 197. 96

21, 785. 55

17, 707. 01 85, 766. 05

23, 106. 41

16, 746. 46

84, 656. 21 414. 78

8, 647. 53 1, 440. 00

63, 880. 00 172, 32L 38 95, 719. 00

6, 658. 08 2, 267. 76


Salaries and expenses 1934 1933 1932

29, 206. 40

9, 585. 15 2, 841. 90 2, 008. 73

» 212, 199. 00 177, 892. 04 6l6. 78 8f. 06'

169, 899. 80 1, 493, 01

87. 06 9, 616. 20

8, 468. 00

7, 167. 01 7, 716. 00 2, 956. 90

18, 122. 96 22, 440. 11

7, 992, 24


riculture, Home Econoroics 1933-35


I 1, 200. 00

177, 345. 27

1, 199. 03

171, 361. 76

Fl, 199. 03 . 97

Salaries snd expenses 1934 1933 1932 1931 1928

Certiffed claims

399, 630. 66 421, 195. 63

20, 861. 53 2, 213, 968. 00

6, 358. 15

4. 06

1, 652, 257. 16 104, 089. 68

848. 13 8. 66

8/j. 00 4. 06

1, 576, 057. 00 109, 444. 85

848. 13 8. 86

84. 00 4. 06

420, 347. 50 2. 65

24. 00

76, 811. 00 70, 570. 40

42, 633. 00 21, 595. 58

442, 266. 84 224, 236. 53

76, 200. 16 2. 98

NATTQNAL INDUSTRIAL REcovaax, Ag- riculture, Entomology = 1933-35

Chinch bug control, Department of Ag- riculture 1934-Dec. 31, 1934

I European corn-borer control 1927 — 28 Eradication of sweetpotato weevil-Certified claims Grasshopper control 1934 — 35

I 292, 865. 00

I, 000, 000. 00

1. 50 2, 354, 893. 00

I, 767, 172. SS

61, 100. 99

20, 000. 00 1. 00 1. 50

1, 961, 849. 82

I, 666, 327. 39

«44, 067. 03

1. 00 1. 50

1, 039, 743. 87

241, 764. 01

980, 000. 00

393, 043. 18

7, 033. 96

20, 000. 00

922, 105. 95


Salaries and expenses, Bureau of Plant Quarantine 1934

1933 242, 781. 02 10, 980. 80 21, 258. 74 2& 158& 514. 00 1, 528, 479. 30

76, 052. 62 1, 496, 6G4. 30

97, 311. 36 75, 256. 00 70, 416. 48

24, 879. 00 12, 669. 84

529, 899. 70 94, 622. 88

31, 816. 00

1, G04, 531. 92 1, 593, 975. 66

Salaries and expenses, Plant Quarantine and Control Administration 1932

1931-32 1930-32

Certified claims

380, 136. 92 15, 749. 92 43, 399. 18

56. 00

430. 58 31. 41 40. 71 56. 00

430. 58 31. 41 40. 71 56. 00

379, 706. 34 15, 718. 51 43, 358. 47

558. 70 558. 70

NATIONAL INDUSTRIAL RECOVERY, Ag- riculture, Plant Quarantine 1933-35


Enforcement of the Grain Futures Act 1934 1933 1932

36, 747. 86 27, 865. 79

9, 000. 00 1, 822. 74

I 2, 093. 670. 00

200, 000, 00

I, 595, 023. 77

161, 987. 91 4, 602. 51

18. 10

sl 541, 412. 68

156, 736. 80

6, 425. 25 18. 10 27, 847. 69

7, 508. 00

6, 046. 95 6, 639. 00 9, 000. 00

498, 646. 23

23, 865. 09 26, 098. 40


53, 611. 19

6& 251. 11



Salaries and expenses, Food and Drug Administration 1934

1933 1932 1929

Certified claims

135, 277. 97 111, 668. 37

16, 923. 20 3, 472. 92 1, 589, 505. 00

35. 52

166, GGS. 62

11 465, 666. 63 51, 966. 28

662. 25

35. 52

163, 180. 15

1, 433, 887. 71 55, 439. 20

662. 25 k (Jf

35. 52

111, 006. 12

64, 551. 00 52, 429. 09

13, 050. 00 18, 724. 37

46, 237. 37 29, 081. 43



31, 778. 92

5. 01

1, 518, 330. 68 1, 490, 019. 67


riculture, Food and Drug Adminis-

tration 1933 — 35


[A&it May 12, 1933, 48 Stat. 38]

I 70, 000. 00 34, 383. 41 *29, 725. 41 35, 616. 6&9 4, G58. 00

Sabirivs and expenses, Agrivultural Ad-

justmont Administratii&n . No year 'Jai;irics and crl&vnsvw Agricultural A&l-

justinent A&ln»nistriiticn (triinsfvr to In(&'I li:il Itvvvnuv, il&llnlnls&l a&ivc ex

I&cns&'s& No year

98, 000, 000. 00 483, 318. 56 II I, 493, 596. 00


5, GGS, 918. 51 '4, 982, 951. 96 94, . IS4, 677 49 609, 285. 11

& I II &; i& I froin "N &I &&&nvl in&1»si ri ii I tv& o& vrv" appropriatiom for complete statement of which see p. 428. I& lii& li& Iv, $2&6&58, 'II lr in ferro I froni I!&II:i«&&i&nt, and 3912666 from 1932 account, act Mar. 3, 1933 (47 stat. 1461),

See nr&&i& . &. l " I && » i& l, il &eve " 'I'r i&& 6 rri I lo I'. &'&I &«oun& 'Jee nnlv. 32.

» I'I& iii . vi & I f 6&& lr iii I& rrvii Io "6 ilarivs, I'rnvur& ment 1)ivision, 1934", under Fxcvutive Orders Nos 6166and 622& of J&&io I&&:i&«I . July 27, I'. &El.

II Transferred from "Advances to Agricultural Adjustment Admiiiis&ralioii", a«I May I", I&JI& (IS El&i(. F31, ic& IS (c)) exclusive of$5000 transferred to "Salaries and expenses, Division &&I I )isbnrsi ni& n&&6 l&J34", uiiil& r I:I« »I ivv I Jr&I&'r No. 6166 of June 10, 1933, aud $1, 404 to same object under the Federal 'I'r:i&li «'&i»in&ssion. Nce ia&I& J'ls

li Account stated below uuder Advances to Agricultural Adjustmvii& A &1m iiiis&r&iiion, io l &if vriiiil Iti & i &i&i&5 &i&llliiiiis- trative expenses. See note.

Receipts arrd expenditures, J98J4 — Continued

[Debit transfer appropriations (net) and repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures are printed in italic. Emergency expenditures are indicated by en asterisk"j

Unexpended balances June 30, 1933 Expenditures in 1934 (see p. G) Amount carried to surplus

fund (see p. 7) Unexpended balances June 30, 1934

I'iscal year for which

appropri- ation was

made Available

Reserve for ifupounderl

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)

On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing


Appropriations '&Varrants-issued

basis Checks-issued

basis Act June 20,


Impounded salary and

vacancy sav- ings

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p 8)


On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing


0E¹RAI A 0 0 0 UN TS — Cont inuod



Salaries and expenses, Agricultural Ad- just&ucnt Administration (transfer to Federal Trade Commission) No year

NATIQNAL INDUsTRIAL RxcovEEY, Agri- cultural Adjust&nant Ad&ninistration 1933-35


cultural Adjustment Administration, National Recovery Administration Codes 1933-35

General expenses, Agricultural Adjust- ment Administration 1934-Dec. 31, 1935

General expenses, Agricultural Adjust- ment Administration (transfer to Treasury, Division of Disbursements)

1934-Dec. 31, 1935 Administration of Cotton Aci, of 1934 1934 — 35

Administration of Cotton Act of 1934

(transfer to Internal Revenue, admin- istrative expenses) 1934-35

Indefinite: Advances to Agricultural Adjust-

ment Administration No year Advances to Agricultural Adjust-

ment Administration (transfers act May 12, 1933, ss follows):

To Internal Revenue, adminis- trative expenses No year

To Internal Revenue, refunding processing taxes No year

To Treasurer of United States, administrative expenses No year

To War Department No year jj(rorking fund, Agricultural Adjustment

Administration No year

u $1, 490, 000. 00 44 $10, 000. 00

500, 000. 00

44 $5, ooo, oo

' 37, 000, 000. 00

4 250, 000. 00

44 149, 995, 000. 00

«5, 000. 00 «6, 500, 000. 00

4& 1& 250, 000, 00

'4 412, 475, 757. 00

" 6, 000, 000. 00

" 15, 000, 000. 00

e 60, 000. 00 e 66, 575, 000. 00

60, 255. 31

20, 925, 000. 00

"21, 646. 49

«3, 138, 607. 91

5, 000. 00 *1, 247. 93

9, 000. 00 1, 420. 05

247, 764, 222. 82 241, 036& 821. 66

2, 722, 762. 98

1, 498, 19G. 86

48, 214. 36 62, 476, 000. 00

2, 4S4& 464. 11

1, 374, 302. GG

41, 948. 17

60, 393, 286. 48

9, Sf)9, f17. 9) 9, 967, 61 Q. SS

$5, 000. 00

6, 824, 289. Go «$2, 744, 629. 20 $30, 175, 710 40

189, 744. 69

129, 070, 000. 00

6, 500, 000. 00

1, 241& 000, OO

164& 711, 634. 18

4, 767, 237. 02

14, 001, 803. 14

1, 785. 64 4, 099, 000. 00

9, 399, 117. 91

$o, ooo. oo

4, 079, 660, 40


38, 608. 82 Oo

17, 786, 392. 09 t7

3, 752. 07

7, 579. 95

6, 727, 401, 16


248, 298. 87

123, 894. 20

6, 266. 19 2, 082, 713. 52

562& 501. 41


Proceeds from processing taxes, Agricul- : tural Adjustment Administration No year Philippine Islands special fund (proces-

sing taxes) No year

Virgin Islands special fund (processing

taxes) No year

American Samoa special fund (processing taxes) No year

Island of Guam special fund (processing taxes) No year

355, 866, 442. 20

283, 501. 66

645. 05

1, 611. 41

10. 33

365, 866, 442. 2O

283, 501, 55

645. 05

1, 611. 41

10. 33


Canal Zone special fund (processing taxes) = No year


9. 82 p

Proceeds, distilled spirits industry, parity payments = = No year 315, 624. 68 315 6 4 &s



SJ)aims for damages, act Dec. 28, 1922, Department of Agriculture No year 384. 97 2, 381. 42 352. 07 352. 07 2, 414. 32

Experiments and demonstrations in live- stock production 1934

1933 1932

19. 88 132. 38

$510. 00 2, 982. 18 39, 560. 00 34, 452. 42

1, 285. 09 34, 066. 19

1, 697. 09

$132. 38

$1, 303. 00 1, 043. 92 $510. 00

3, 804. 58 261. 05

SS6. 23

33, 167. 33 35, 763. 28

Collections of 1931 and prior seed grain loans

Nitrate plants, Department of Agricul- ture

Buildings, Qovernment Island, Calif


No year 1931-34 1931-33 1931-32

20, 632. 48

56, 575. 27 637. 19

2, 120. 00

20, 952. 04

« 1. 00

« 76, 995. 29 « 76, 995. 29

1. 00

37, 463. 35 20, 958. 04

1. 00

37, 4G3. 35

637. 19 532. 02

2, 120. 00

20, G32. 48

39, 531. 94

16, 511. 31 37, 463. 35

Boil-erosion investigations 1934 1933 1932

15, 889. 31 43, 235. 52

1, 757. 27 4, 962. 23 276, 474. 00 222, 997. 23

6, 297. 33 23. 48

210, 726. 05 11, 259. 56

23. 4S 43, 212. 04

11, 229. 00

7, 943. 66 5, 301. 00 1, 757. 27

36, 946. 77

I, 648. 32 12' 271' 18 O

229, 318. 04 222, 009. 09

Judgments, Court of Claims, Depart- ment of Agriculture

Working fund, Department of Agricul- ture

Working fund, Department of Agricul- ture, Public Works

Payment to oiflcers and employees of the United States in foreign countries due to appreciation of foreign curren- cies (Agriculture)

Relief of: N. 3V. Carrington James B. Conner Diivis Memorial lfospital Benjamine Ira Qolden Ore&it Falls Meat Co

No year

No year

No year


No year No year No year No year No year

25, 707. 15

372, 316. 98

50. 00

4, 405. 77 41, 288. 47

&I 79, 000. 00

1, 020. 00 2, 500. 00

65. 74

30. 00

I filo((ed from mNS(ional In&lustrial ftecovery" appropriation, for complete s(atement of &vhicb see p. 428. & 'I'&ansfcired fin&» "Niiinries anil expenses, Agriculture) Adjus(rneut Administration". See note 36. &'I I:. . &Iusive of $5&000 trans&orred to samo object under Treasury, Division of Disbursements, act May 12, 1933 (48

Stat 3) sec, 12 (c)b scc no(e 40. i& 5, i iii &cog& &i I I cl fro&n 3&1&» «s(n Y~r!&«1(i&r&1 Yii&us(ment Sdm&n&stint&on actMay12 1933(48Stat 31 sec 12(c)) i& R&&)i&vive of 496!Ins, '&

I I Ir &nsicrrc I nct M iy I'&, 1&J33 (48 Stat. 31, sec. 12 (c)) and Executive Order No. 6166 of June 10, 193 I (o:i& coun(s as f&illiiivs:

". :I irics nnrl cxpcrisvs, 5 . ri& i&l(nr i) Aiijns(invii( Administration $1, 500, 000. 00 A iiriinisira) ion of Cotton A& I &if )!i) I, I!i& I:!; 6, 500, 000. PP

A&1&&ii«i: &rii(ion of Cct&on Ai:(, i&f I!is& ((ransfer to Internal Revenue, Administrative expenses) 1, 250, 000, 00

Aiiv i»cr & to. '&gr&cul(ural A&i&i& IIII&'ll(, A&III&inistratlon, In'ternal Revenue, adnlinis'trative expenses 6, 000, pQp, pQ

A&li ir ~v&1 Io Agricuituriil &&i)us(&iiv&it Administration, Internal Rovenue, refunding processing (, I &CS 15, 000, 000. 00

111«871. 05

658, 968. 78

176, NS. 25

&355& 135. 62

9, 685. 98 4, 560. 77

25, 707. 15

476, 847. 03

338, 968. 78

100, 140. 67

Ifi, 1()fi. 84

79, 000. 00

1, 020. 00 2, 500. 00

G5. 74

30. 00 50 00

2, 500. 00 f, ;x 74 30. 00 50. 00

Advances to Agricultural Adjustment Admiuistration, Treasurer of Ibc Uniivil States, :&&I&iiinls- trative expenses 8 ii, nnn. i)ii

Advances to Agricultural Adjustment Administration, warl&el)sr(ment (IG, (i, nnn ix) Salaries and expenses, Division of Disbursmen(s, 1934 . ;& I, "I. I. i)i) « IIeretofore stated under "S&lsrles aud expenses, Agriculturil Adjus&n&vnt Ad&ninis&r, i! ioii (Ir:iiisfvr Iii I ii)v&iicl

Revenue, administrative expenses). " See note 37. «Transfvrrcil Io "Salaries and expenses, Farm Credit Administra(ion, 103)3", un&lcr Rxvvu(ivv &)ulvr No. Gns I ii(

March 27, &9'I:3. && Trcnskrred from 1931 — 33 account, act Mar. 3, I&)33 (47 Sist. 145&7 and I (&37). «Transferred to 1931-34 account. See Note 45. &I Transferred from " Payment of off)cere and employees of tbe Unitvil Stoics in forcig&1 Ci&U III vivs il«v In;i plirvi i &I i&i&i

of foreign currencies, 1934-35", act Mar. 26, 1934 (48 Stat. 466).

Receipfe and expenCifttres, 198$ — Continued (Debit transfer appropriations (net) snd repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures are printed in italic. Emergency expenditures sre indicated by an asterisk']

Vnexpended balances June 30, 1933 Expenditures in 1934 (see p. 6) Amount carried to surplus fund (see p. 7) Vnexpended balances June 30, 1934

Fiscal year for which

appropri- ation was

made Avaffable

Reserve for IInpounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)

On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing


Appropriations Warrants-issued

basis Checks-issued

basis A. ct June 20,


Impounded salary and

vacancy sav- 1ngs

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)

A. vailable

On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing



MISCZttartznus — continued

Relief of — Continued. W. H. Key and estate of James E.

Wilson Ammon McClellan John W. Mincer J. E. Mitchell Palmetto Cotton Co A. . E. Shelley L. R. Smith W. E. Whiteside

Permanent and indefinite: Cooperative agricultural extension

work. « Meat inspection, Bureau of Animal

Industry. « National Forest Reservation Com-

mission. " Refund to depositors, excess depos-

its, national forests fund. « Increase of compensation, Depart-

ment of Agriculture.

No year No year No year No year No year No year No year No year

1919 1918

$160. 00 376. 27

7. 00 1, 260. 00

140. 00 691. 20

19, 223. 00 6. 00

$7. 00

140. 00

6. 00

e. s4 a ?e

$7. 00

140. 00

e. s4 are

$L 34 5. 78

$160. 00 376. 2?

1, 260. 00

691. 20 19, 223. 00

13. 12 13. 13

Special deposit accounts



Special deposit accounts


$12& 661. 85


1SS, 657. 90 $145, 219. 75

Special deposit accounts

$739, 616. 77

Summary of Department of Agriculture: General and special accounts:

Departmental Agriculture Adjustment Admin-

istration Refunds of receipts:

Processing tax on farm prod- ucts

17& 091, 471. 22 720, 431. 02

1, 490, 000. 00

Total, Department of Agriculture . $634, 284, 581. 50

" 338, 873. 92

6, 860, 834. 09

1, 201, 823. 06

10, 000. 00

72, 256, 561. 33 59, 868, 943. 86 68, 201, 223. 61

492, 850, 767. 00 303, 621, 082. 26 293, 996, 321. 16

15, 000, OOL 00 1, 498, 196. 86 1, 374, 302. 66

5, 1&SS, OS 1. 67

1, 201, 602, 675. 79 702, 646, 41}5. 08 621, 151, 904. 11 5, 794, 835. 50

5, 466, 817. 66

$3, 572, 739. 46 $1, 823, 097. 62 I, 122, 789, 705. 40

3, 205, 516. 53 I, 777, 892. 77 19, 758, 282. 76

190, 719, 674. 75

14, 001, 803. 14

5, 771, 895. 59

88, 355, 425. 06

2, 859, 643. 31

9, 634, 761. 10

123, 894. 20

19, 081, 471. 22 720& 431. 02 1, 211, 828. 06 680, 106, 308. BB 864, 978, 222. 97 363, 671, 847. 42 5, 466, 817. 66 1& 777 892 71 224 479 760 64 12, 618, 198, 61

Emergency accounts: Public highways:


Other appropriations

Agriculture Adjustment Admin- Istratfon:


Other appropriations

400, 000, 000. 00 116, 495, 574. 85

516, 495, 574. 85

98, 000, 000. 00

19& 184. 75 4, 6S6, 389. 55

19& 184 75 4& 686 389 55

483, 318. 56

37, 541, 725. 00 10, 697, 685. 30

48, 239, 410. 30

87, 000, 000. 00 507, 650, 816. 36

IS3, 220, 368. 17 105, 774, 952. 19

288, 995, 320. 36

6, 824, 289. 60 25, 943, 918. 51

138, 672, 714. 85 108, 607 613. 13

&247, 280, 327. 98

2, 744, 629. 20

8, 122, 807. 80

328, 017. 84 363, 180. 18

328, 017. 84 3G3, 180. 18 45, 204. 85

45, 204. 85

254, 321, 35G. 83 20, 701, 03!), 84

275, 022, 4!G. Gi

30, !75, 710. 40 579 706 897 85

44, 547, G53. 32 I, S53, 728. GI

46, 401, 3SI. 93

4, 079, tit)0. ((i

AH other National Industrial Recovery

Total, emergency accounts

98, 000, 000. 00

614, 495, 574. 85

483, 318. 56 544, 650, 816. 36

26& 984& 161. 96

19& 184 75 5& 169& 708 I 1 619 874 388 62

3'2, 768, 208. 11

14, 647, 064. 64

336& 410, 593. 11

*10, 867, 437. 00

13, 577, 485. 06

&271, 725, 250. 04 32S, 017. 84 363, 180. 18 45, 204. 85

609, 882, 60S. 25 "', 3)&4, OSO. 67

12, 337, 097. 32 I, 069, 579. 58

897, 242, 15)". 24 69, 855, 051. 18

Trust and contributed accounts: Trust accounts (spec!BI deposit

accounts) Contributed accounts 707, 535. 43

707, 535. 43

338, 873. 92

140, 429. 00

479, 302. 92

I, 621, 978. 84

I, 621, 978. 84

I, 257, 679. 00

I, 257, 679. 00

5, 488, 08I. 67 I, 287, 828. 32

4, I 48, 198. 85

4, 042. 75

4 042 75

I, 067, 792. 52

I, 067, 792. 52

5, 771, 895. 59'

110, 279. GS

5, 882, 175. 27

Total, Department of Agri- culture 634, 284, 581. 50 739, 615. 77 6, 860, 834. 09 I, 201, 602, 675. 79 702, 645, 495. 08 621, 151, 904. 11 5, 794, 835. 50 8, 572, 739. 4G I, 823, 097. GZ I I"' 39 "05 4&) 88, 355, 4ZB Ot'&




Salaries 1934 1933 1932

Contingent expenses, Department of Commerce 1934

1933 1932

1931-32 Certified claims

11, 786. 74

4, 853. 63

9, 627. 74

67, 168. 22

24, 825. 22

4, 704. 42 222. 86

12, 816. 61

& 304, 463. 98

z 216, 172. 00

12. 21

277, 581. 82 888. 86

277, 358. 96

117, 004. 69 6, 470. 88

133. 74

12. 21

276, 058. 14

276, 058. 14

106, 2!5. 61 5, 505. 21

133. 74

12. 21

4, 853. 63

67, 034. 48 24, 825. 22

14, 703. 00 11, 579. 32

11, 580. 00 3, 015. 55

599. IG

2, 119 15

99, 16 . 31 16, 097 On


1, 523. GS C)

10, 789. 08 84!. 15

Prlntiug and binding, Department of Commerce 1934

1933 1932

227, 702. 97 4, 194. 84

21, 740. 22

r 487, 346. 46

110, 680. 39

253, 176. 69 46, 290. 03

I)0. G3

111, 866. 77

217, 479. 79 67, 055. 82

60. G5 4, 134. 19

234, IG9. 77

181 412 Oi 35, r«)fi . It)

!&7l 43

Salaries and expenses, Federal Eniploy- ment Stabilization Board ~

299, 527. 37 284, 596. 26

~ ' Ac&)nunl state&i »»&lcr Itxtensin» Service. "Aeon»»t stater! »n&l&r B»n;&» nf A»imal Industry. «, i&( n»nl st;&tc&l u»&lcr Fnrcvt 8& r& i& n.

A&'(' &tlr&t II»t«. 'I »»&tcr tn& t. ft»& )v hvlnv && I ter& Infnrc . II»c&l ss:I si«'c»)l f»t»l

& I»& h), l&, $2!I, rot ». «&. f(rr«t tr& )» "S. &):&r» (, I)& p)&rtn&ent of Justice, 1934", and excludes $4, 730. 02 transferred to 8» i& I I &

' . ', & « ) c& I &en»ex, I » v Is)o»» i t »st&ur&c»)c)& t, It&34 ", u»der Executive Orders Nos. 6166, 6224, and 6540 of June 10 Julv 3&, « I I &&)& zs. I!I)3, respectively.

& i& &»& 5 . ):I'&), OO trsnsierrod»»&lcr Exc&u)tive Or&lcr No. 6166 of June 10, 1933, from accounts as follows: . I &np:&rtment of Just)ce, )934 $150. 00

I ' »» «;&»t vxpenses, Depsrtn&cnt of Justice, l(J34 175. 00

snd excl» I& . ~ i iz )00 transferred»»dcr Itxccu(&vc Orders Nos. GIGG and 6540, June 10, Dec. 28, 1933 and No. 6611 of

Feb. 22 1934, to accounts as follows: Salaries and expenses, Division of 1»sl&»rs(mm&t, 19'l4 Contingent expenses, Department nf the l»terinr, ltrtl

r Includes $5(i 790 transferred from "S»h&n& s c»&l cxl&cnsrs, It» r&:»& nf 13'I, a»d excludes $29, 443. 54 transferred u»&ler I(xc&»tive ()r(lnrs Nns f)lf)» 6611 of Feb. 22, 1934 to accounts as foll»ws:

Salaries and expenses, Divisio&I nf l)is»or. »&nrnt, )93( Priutiug and bi»dine, ('ivil Serv» &I ('nn&r&»SS»»I, i!)3) . Priut lug aud bindiug, D& I&. &rt»» ~ t n( I l&c l»ten&&r, 193)

& Account, stated under»Fc&l& r)l I:n&plnyr»c»l, Sl;It»liz, &tin» B»nl'&I'

17 &, »»». h!I

ll» ('(»s&fs, I!)3( ", n( I al»r. Z&I, ll)X) ( tv Sl)&l, :»»I &i(&I&) of J»»c )0 n»&l I &c(. Z&S, I!I ttt;«& I N&).

f»fi 00 I 0»» oo

'&', :)77. f&4 f&)ll(& Iv I I & 8.

Receipts and egpendkthlres, 1884. — Continued

[Debit transfer appropriations (net) and repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures are printed in italic. Emergency expenditures are indicated by sn asterisk']

Unexpended balances June 30, 1933 Expenditures in 1934 (see p. 6) Amount carried to surplus fund (see p. 7) Unexpended balances June 30, 1934

Fiscal year for which

appropri- ation wss

made A. vailable

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)

On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing


Appropriations Warrants-issued

basis Checks-issued

basis Act June 20,


Impounded salary snd

vacancy sav- ulgs

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)


On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing

ofh cere


Expenses of sales of Swedish iron ore No year Philippine Special Fund, tonnage tsx. No year

Total, Office of the Secretary. . GEQtERAL ACCOUifTS

$324. 46 (')

350, 483. 82 $4, 704. 42 $34, 779. 69 $1, 007, 994. 65 $637, 566. 72 $672, 521. 17

$324. 46

101, 171, 98 $26, 282. 32 $14, 595. 55 $533, 566. 32 $49, 825. 24



Salaries snd expenses, Federal Employ- ment Stabilization Board 4 . 1934

1933 1931-32

5, 341. 59 16, 183. 11

694. 00 3, 185. 09 65, 000. 00 32, 723. 44

1, eee. 10 11. 41

28, 700. 03 552. 10 11. 41 16, 171. 70

1, 510. 22

2, 375. 96 13, 872. 20

1, 070. 10 16, 894. 14 4, 157. 63


4, 023. 41 964. 89

Total, Federal Employment Stabilization Board 21, 524. 70 3, 185. 09 65, 000. 00 31, 066. 75 29, 263. 54 16, 171. 70 3, 886. 18 14, 942. 30 21I 051. 77 4, 988. 30


Aircraft in commerce 1934 1938 1932 1931

Certided claims

94, 764. 42

107, 1B5. 80 417. 53 24, 290. 14

1, 070, 570. 00

254. 86

696, 277. 82

11, 050. 60 88. 33 45. 07

254. 86

667, 741. 20

13, 220. 80 88. 33 48. 07

254. 86

107, 077. 47 48. 07

29, 323. 98 2S, 669. 40

61, 843. 71 2, 786. 09

283, 124. 49 74, 747. 06

28, 536. 62 48. 74

685, 557, 34 681, 262. 12

tir-navigation facilities, Emergency oonstruction (sct July 21, 1932) . 1933

tir-navigation facilities . . 1934 1933 1932 1931 1930

Certided claims

883, 601, 43

1, 096, 189. 02 659, 057. 26

48, 699. 80

40, 631. 51

264, 244. 04

48, 480. 93 393. 77

6, 590, 210, 00

I 2, 356. 54

48, 766. 81

40, 608. 51

4, 472, 754. 78

2, 409, 59 ts, 571. 04 1, 166. te

7. 99 48, 766. 81

4, 509, 197. 03

28. 20

3, 920, 042. 99 253, 438. 71 32, 117. 48

76t. 85 7. 89

48, 766. 81

4, 258, 596. 65

574, 984. 84

1, 155. 12 7. 99

83. 05

123, 975. 06 109, 313. 17

99, 729. 42

56, 82S. QS

424, 121. 69

1, 893, 750. 74 977, 337. 08

552, 711. 79 13, 214. 92

2& 792. 41

b. fr-navigation facilities (transfers, aot

i Msy 21, 1920): To Department of Agriculture, Weather Bureau 1932


merce, Aeronautics 1933-85

Total Aircraft in Commerce

2, 856. 54

2, 243, 134. 47 49, 117. 33 378, 040. 39

I 2, $5B. 54

h 2, 058, 803. 00

9, 768, 604. 67

428, 423. 40

5, 582, 574. 46

i392, 155. 05

5, 327, 042 02 683, 26S. 49 291, 36. 66 220, 188. 20

I, 630, 379. 60

5, 283, 460. B6

86, 25tL 35

633, 672. 83


Salaries . 1934 1933 1932

4, 997. 95 2, 045. 26

507. 50 7, 065. 43 14(l, 390. 62

7, 045&. EJ IBO, 138. 73

16. 22 2, 045. 26

7, 863. 59 9, 719. 14

75, S69. 11 1, 968. 21

676. 68 S67. 31

I, 251. 80



Allowance for quarters, merce Service

Foreign Com- 1934 1933 1932 1931

Certified claims

34, 590. 01 28, 026. 82

3, 960. 41 85, 000. 00

75. 00

133, 341. 41

32, 806. 44

I, 708. 98 225. 00

75. 00

139, 154. 95

29, 535. 58 2, 244. 70

225. 00 16. 87 75. 00

27, 801. S2

3, 158. 26

I, 862. S3 49, 035. 30 34, 436. 16

3, 270. 86 6. 73

31, 397. 46 32, 063. 41

Compiling foreign trade statistics, De- partment of Commerce 1934

1933 1932

3, 970. 91 4, 920. 67

56. 00 12, 653. 08 244, 000. 00 197, 593. 09

6, M7. I 6

194, 774, 39 5, 695. 94

4, 920. 67

8, 682. 80 10, 668. 10

26& 181. 16 108. 00

11, 542. 95 207. 95

2, BJS. 70

District and cooperative office service, Department of Commerce 1934

1933 1932

Domestic commerce, Department of

Commerce 1934; 1933 1932

Enforcezuent of the China Trade Act. 1934 1933 1932

7, 303. 34

27, 163. 68

1& 034. 48

38, 434. 42

I, 239. 36 12, 412. 30

24, 094. SO

11, 691. 47

I, 410. 06

&I 393, 700. 00

266, 000. 00

15, 800. 00

190, 635. 95

276, 728. 94

14, OM. 87 34. 22

262, 670. 29

142, S91. 29 I I, 41A 95&

Ir). 80

131, 495. 15

8, 486. 24

655. 75

200, 470, 33

257, OSB. 48 10, 001. 93

24. 22

268, 014. 63

131, 512. 72 2&8. 53 16. 80

131, 808. 05

9, 493. 55 754. 32

27, 129. 46

38, 417. 62

12, 412. 30

13, 237. 66

20, 765. 24

6, 682. 22

12, 3S2. 58

546. 79 545. 42

101, 770. 18 492. 33

115, 957. 86 60. 00

2&, 520. 83

1, 963. 22 138 64

468. 63 4. 84

4, 24G. 14 I, 349. &iS

18, 740. 46

10. 00

11, 378. 57


» I, 007. 31

Export industries, Departmeut of Com-

merce. 1934 1933 1932 1931 1930

12, IJ'15. 02

37, 381. 16 940. 00 21, 288. 12

. 65

692, SOO. 00

7, 830. 50

363, 629. 51 18, 840. 69

M. 00 65. Bo

10. 10

345, 283. 47

10, 247. 87

357, 261. 50 3, 047. 43

sf. 56 55. Z6


360, 204. 23

37, 413. IG

63. 25

10. 10

20, 130. 89 27, 764. 37

305, 396. 85

I, 703. 33 3, &i42. 75

648 01 6, 368. 01

In& es& cl»ion of foreign trade restrictions 1934 1933 1932

332. 13

I, 209. 11 I, 570. 93

45, 240. 00 32, 6&28. 65

I, $80. 06 31, 028, 14

90. 87

31, 119. 01

I, 209. 11

I, 595. S4

I, 77'2. 17 10, 416. 06 5&99 45

40 02 I, 1)()O. 51

Ll t ' of foram:& I » I &'I 1934 1933 1932

6&a(&. 78

I, 316. 41 I, 013. 32

53, 890. 00

31 148 59

35, 971. 29

1, 058. &'I

8. 55

35, 52&i. 99 44. 79 6. 54 I, 322. 75

I 644 &96&

I, 295&. 19 I(i, 231. I(i

i(i. 00 377. (I

( & J. 3(&

& Accounl s»i(&'I iir&l&r "lliiroau &if i&v(c i&ion;i»&i slca&uhua& I»spec(io»» I I lcrcl& f& . c sl i&a&i &&»&Jcr "I iflicc uf (lie iccrct iry" '

ll& l«rl, ciJ frnnl . '»llc ul&J« I »»&icr 1&c[, lrt»&e»t uf Agric»It»I'e. See note 8. ' i(C&ilri. i& I to sailie &, I;cc( un&Jar Doper(lu&. nt Of ( un&merce. iee nate 7,

3-', 906. 84 35, 475, ii;

I Allotted fro&u "ii ational i&»i ustrial Becovery" appropri i(ion fur c&iliipl& (i i&a icliimii i&f \I lii& li i& c 0 lss &I Exclusive &if $&J, 300 transferred to "Transportation of fal»illci al«l c((cols uf & Jli& i r. ;i&i&i i'll&J &i»i'&'&'i, Jl»r('au ilf Foreign and Domestic ('ummerce, 1934", act June 30, 1932 (48 8(;i& 4&II, » Dehit balance.

Receipts and expenCitttres, 1981I — Continued

[Debit transfer appropriations (net) and repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures are printed in italic. Emergency expenditures are indicated by sn asterisk "]

Unexpended balances June 30, 1933 Expenditures in 1934 (see p. 6) Amount carried to surplus fund (see p. 7) Unexpended balances June 30, 1934

Fiscal year for which

appropri- ation was

made Available

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)

On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing


Appropriations Warrantee issued

basis Checks-issued

basis Act June 20,


Impounded salary and

vacancy sav- ings

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)


On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing

ofQ cars



Payment to otficers and employees of the United States in foreign countries due to appreciation of foreign currencies (Commerce)

Promoting commerce in Africa


1934 1933 1932

$3, 137. 79 $3, 453. 34

6, 808. 51 $2, 410. 75

II $234, 000. 00

79, 640. 00 $43, 596. 03 861. 68

6. 00

43, 350. 45

$36, 582. 57

43, 406. 33 2, 169. 17

6. 00

45, 571. 50

$6, 812. 61

$1, 802. 27

2, 856. 28 $9, 431. 09

3& 453. 34

$234, 000. 00

24, 810. 61 523. 09

u $36, 582. 57

189. 70

Promoting commerce in the Far East 1934 1933 1932

17, 500. 26

22, 627. 15 754. 50 12, 480. 49

94. 17

337, 000. 00 166, 553. 74

3, 7OS. eS 666. 69

152, 687. 51

9, 638. 52 66A 88 23, 273. 64

7, 369. 94 12, 055. 43

107, 992. 51 2, 438. 91

55, 083. 81 6, 464. 40

13, 866. 23 137, 99

Promoting commerce in Europe snd other areas

Promoting commerce in Latin America

1934 1933 1932

1934 1933 1932 1931

16, 257. 71 49, 197, 84

5i 941. 80 26, 585. 63

332. 50

13, 656. 21

3. 80

12, 315. 78 141. 47

626, 000. 00

402, 000. 00

163, 203. 27

326, 713. 24

1i 125. 53 367. SS

327i 671. 49

235, 970. 93 6, 113. 38 I, 407. 73

1, SOA17

229, 963. 27

161, 773. 71

305, 402. 19 14, 490. 15

868. 63

319, 628. 86

234, 150. 41

6, 154. 31 1, 523. 22

1, SOA17

240, 525. 77

49, 465. 12

26, 177. 90 I, 302. 17

13, 142. 32 9, 544. 77

11, 103. 58 10, 245. 30

213, 316. 09 24. 00

145, 531, 61 430, 27

72, 828. 35 5, 563. 41

9, 393. 98 1, 711. 95

21, 311. 05 291. 59


I, 820. 52 48. 25 25. 98

Promoting commerce, Department of Commerce Certided claims 78. 55 78. 55 78. 66

Transportation of families and etfects of officers snd employees, Bureau of For- eign snd Domestic Commerce 1934

1933 1932 1931 1930 1929

Certiged claims

32, 829. 88 7, 332. 30

2, 355. 62 65. 25

" 48, 300. , 00

81. 79

35i 155. 11 23, 518. 40

861. 66 676. 16 66. 13

SSS. 73 81. 79

33I 514. 30 26I 772. 77

686. 80 678. 16 66. 18

SSS. 78 81. 79

7, 983. 76 573. 14

56. 13 233. 78

13, 144. 89

9, 312. 98 1, 640. 81

99. 25

Total, Bureau of Foreign and Do- mestic Commerce 408, 222. 18 6, 043. 84 128, 254. 94 3, 748, 606. 34

57, 238, 80

I, 990, 116. 49

57, 919. 61

2, 070, 636. 91 267, 623. 64 218, 437. 94 I, 141, 869, 10 546, 825. 19 47i 73L 62


Salaries and expenses 1934 1933 36, 733. 87 5, 788. 27 73, 984. 70

& i I, 845, 690. 00 1, 489, 231. 20 68, 064. 0$

1, 421, 177. 18

1, 453, 935. 57 5, 930. 68

1, 459, 866. 25

87, 327. 00 57, 404. 08

30, 326. 00 9, 547. 17

238, 805. 80 4'6, 624. 91

M, 295. 63

Jtxpenses of the Fifteenth Census Jan. 1, 1933-June 30, 1933

1932-Dec. 31, 1932 1931-Dec. 31, 1932

1930-32 1929-32

44, 543. BB

5, 834. 03 1, 559. 53 1, 616. 85

743. 97

155. 00 3, 470. 51

34, 207. 83 765. 06

S, )84. 87 84, 867. FO

1, 088. 78 68. 68

285. 54 69. 67

868. SS 68. 68

2, 588. 25

1, 670. 53 743. 97

5, 599. 51 87. 68 1& 056. 00

42, 129. 34

39, 2$8. 86

Total, Bureau of Census 91, 032. 13 5, 943. 27 112, 428. 10 1, 845, 690. 00

68, o64. 67

1, 382, 642. 61

91. 17

1, 459, 775. 08 5, 002. 75 150, 242. 96 40, 928. 17 363, 848. 91 35, 295. 63



Salaries and expenses, Bureau of Navi- gation and Steamboat Inspection 1934 1, 405, 000. 00 1, 290, S79. 98 1, 261, 286. 38 52, 414. 84 47, 908. 80 13, 796. 38 29, 593. 60

Salaries, Office of Supervising Inspector General ii 1933

1932 1, 3()5. 32

7, 895 19 86. 70 36. 70

7, 895. 19 1, 295. 46 33. 16

36. 70

Salaries, Steamboat Inspection Service» 1933 1932

29, 554. 05

26, 332. 76 17, 142. (6 6, 147. 18 6, 691. 18 556. 00

26, 332. 76 30, 470. 32 16, 023. 03 5, 794. 64

6, 691. 18 556. 00

Clerk hire, Steamboat Inspection Serv- ice» 1933

1932 4, 149. 41 2, 331. 16

1, 059. 00 3, 766. 53 8, 7SS. 6S

2, 331. 16 7, 650. 74 1, 059. 00 265. 20

8, 7SS. 68

Contingent expenses, Steamboat Inspec- tion Service '& . 1933

1932 Certified claims

6& 756. 91

55, 623. 18 9, 181. 98

3. 60

1, 868. 96 168. 50

3. 60

10, 976. 53 168. 50

3. 60 55, 454, GS

4, 887. 95 74. 41

S&ilaries, Bureau of Navigation» 1933 1932

1& 233. 09 123. 25

468. 00 1, 399. 06

2, 041. 06

1& 699. 06

11, 148. 63

123. 25 2, 610. Gt& 468. 00 21. 47 '

), 699. 06

N&. l irics, shipping service» . . 1933 1932

1, 079. 72

1. 13 194. 24 184. 24

1. 13 1, 239. 02 34. Sl

A!i, casurement of vessels» 1933 1932

128. 34 986. 37

60. 30

194. 84

SO. 50 986. 37

188. 48, . IG

» I && b it ii« 1. & n i&& . " 'I r in-Ii rrn&l fr&i&n:i«& ii &I »niler snrnc title, I& 128 &ict 5I &r. 2»fl I!» I & Is st it, 4& & ), » I i& Ii«!i s S&CI&)&) &r &nsf«rrn&l fri«n ''l)intr&rt » t&il cnnp('I'«tive nfl'& i' i'ri &i &« L)nti»rtn&c» t of Con»ne&&c, I!&II", a&&

J«ni:, &n, !'I«» v . '»'& . II I). &' )(r I«ii& i &if j. JI)0 &r ir&sti rrc I, '»ct Al . r, 20, )933 (48 Stat !3', N(«&itive Grilnr Nn Giflflof J«& & !0, !93'I, tn»r &«&»nts

as fnlliiii s,

60. 80

S, ilnries aniJ expc&i: is, ('iv&l Service ('i&inmi. -i&in, I!is! 2» Print in;»«I bin&i&ti&fl l)clinrtn&c»t nf ( n&nrncr«, I!&I I

& n» oI) » Prnvi&lisl fnr in tbc fis( &I yc &r Is!I un&ter "N»i &rice:»iil cxpcnsis, lt«rc «& nf Niivtp it «»& n»il St is««!ii;it I ti. In i- tion, !934«

Receipts and expenditures, 1884 — Continued

(Debit transfer appropriations (net) and repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures are printed in italic. Emergency expenditures are indicated by an asterisk']

Fiscal year for which

appropri- ation was



On books of the Treasury


Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)

To credit of disbursing


Unexpended balances June 30, 1933

Appropriations Warrants-issued

basis Checks-issued


ExpendItures In 1934 (see p. 6)

Act June 20 1874

Impounded salary aud

vacancy sav- ings

Amount carried to surplus fund (see p. 7)

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav ings (see p. 8)


To credit of disbursing


Unexpended balances June 30, 1934

On books of the Treasury


Contingent expenses, shipping service II. 1933 1932

Clerk hire, shipping service » . 1933 1932

$1, 921. 64

2, 376. 07

2, 914. 68

7, 180. 13

$426. 85

935. 97

$338. 32

338. 32

936. 97

$765. 17

765. 17

$2, 376. 07

7, 180. 13

$66. 70

3, 209. 43 $290. 00

$1, 516. 62

351. 22 M


Enforcement of navigation laws» . . 1933 1932


465. 47

2, 251. 12 747. 67

$476. 50 2, 057. 86 1, 9M. 66 145. 20

2, 251. 12 747. 67

2, 341. 50 476. 50 36. 63

Load lines on American vessels» . 1933 1932

752. 70

/, 726. 72

1, 366. 90

1, 919. 66

1, 444. 94 30. 00

1, 414. 34

145. 20

rr. 44 30. 00 7, 696. 72

730. 18 1, 466. 86

Preventing overcrowding of passenger vessels» 1933


8. 54

1, 819. 14 I, 437. 15 489. 74 947. 41

I, 819. 14

3(5. 98 192. 30

489. 74 947. 41


merce, Navigation snd Steamboat In- spection 1933-35


'hilippine Special Fund, tonnage tsx s No year 40, 121. 48

I $33, 043. 00

62, 284. 66

25, 000. 00

2, 913. 08

' 19 043 00

2, 913. 08

8, 043. 00

89, 493. 06

$5, 957. 00

Total general snd special accounts, Bureau of Navigation snd Steam boat Inspection




Wages and effects of American seamen No year

Total, Bureau of Navigation and Steamboat Inspection.

205, 845. 24

205, 845. 24

19, 146. 26

19, 146. 26

26, 937. 32

26, 937. 32

1, 490, 331. 26

983. 10

I, 491, 314. 36

1, 305, 445. 12

I, SOS, 445. 12

1, 296, 767. 43

I, 296, 757. 43

115, 195. 39

115, 195. 39

102, 523, 33

102, 523. 33

661 225. 33

66, 225. 33

125, 933, 59

983. 10

126, 916. 69

35, 625. 01

35, 626. 01

eesfeeez, accovgfTS

BVBESV Or STABDABDS Salaries. 1934

1933 1932

21, 751. 68

5, 715. 28 I, 230. 00 2, 281. 44

569, 743. 23 6, 688. 06

567, 505. 17

568, 077. 94 43. 38

568, 121. 32

5, 715. 28

29, 954. 00 2'2, 9S6. 96 2. 070. 00 &Iis. 78

I, Iiss. 29

73»ifd»&g fnr power plant. No year C'olnr standardization 1934

1933 1932

34. 82

717. 39 737. 12

444. 67 11, 100. 00 6, 871. 86

444. 57 fl, 555. 45

737. 12

350. 00 983. 82

2, 142&. 00 34 Sn

I, &3&i. !5 178 &4 I

St&i 4!I

6, 427. 18 6, 555. 45

Equipment 1934 1933 1932

4, 962. 13 5, 072. 42

I, 904. 45 80, 000. 00 50, 290. 67

4, 499. 13 35. 00

50, 794. 29

6, 403. 58 35. 00 o, 037. 42

'2'I, iO!I. 3!3

463. 00

" 503. !is

54, 824. 80 57, 232. 87

Facilities for radio research investigation 1931-32 General expenses 1934

1933 1932

4, 708. 54

477. 65 4, 638. 91

6, 368. 27 64, 000. 00 45, 709. 95

61, 664. 16 S. 30

41, 172. 24

661. 63 8. 30

4, 708. 54

4, 630. 61

18, 290. 05

6, 111. 81 4, 537. 71

7'-'. 4S

Gauge standardization 1934 1933 1932

558. 25

I, 760. 64 879. 62

37, 000. 00

40, 084. 09

23, 330. 68 879. 69

22, 451. 06

41, 842. 17

23, 184. 06

23, 184. 06

I, 760. 64

I, 130. 00 I, 233. 83

7, 217. 00 5, 322. 32 204. 04

146. 62


HI«h-temperature investigations 1934 1933 1932

Hydraulic laboratory research 1934 1933 1932

305. 43 148. 85

2, 296. 58

I, 388. 01

87. 54

257. 16

7, 000. 00

40, 000. 00

4, 390. 64 87. 64

4, 303. 10

27, 388. 16 792. 66

4, 156. 22

4, 156. 22

25, 336. 44

I, 049. 82

148. 85

I, 388. 01

208. 00 330. 17

I, 395. 00 I, 390. 27

I, 384. 00

7, 514. 00

I, 017. 3!i 62. I'0

3, &02. hl 113. 6n


g g

2, 0;l. 7

28, 180. S2 2G, 386 26

In&l&rr&vement and care of grounds 1934 1933 1932

563. 18 10. 47

2. 97 11, 220. 00 6, 963. 81

SS. 81 (i, 610. 40

19. 64 10. 47

334. 00 549. 13

2, 187. 00 I, 735. 19 3&i h&&

3ei. ! l

6, 941. 00 G, 590. 56

In d»-&ri, &l research 1934 1933 I! I!'32

I»vr I& "Il&In&1 nf a»fn»»1!&ve engineS . 1934 1933 I &3!32

4, 234, 28

28, 044. 00

702. IG

3. h "1. 33

133, 61

200. 11

120, 000. 00

34, 000. 00

4!, 934. 91 144. 86 123. 95

41, 914. 00

20, 241. 12 640. BB

20, 000. 24

39, 521. SS 11. 66

123. 9&i

39, G34. 58

19, 484. 37 40. 77

19, 443 fin

27, 920. 05

3, 822, 33

2, 059. 00

I, 250. 00 892. 21

37, 15&13. 0(&

270. 00

6, , '3 I 5&. 00,

, iih, &&IS 09 '

Ii, l!&3, hh '

';;, )"„, . I

", 4!!, 3. (I!, 3

i a i&

& I 3& r&&, f& n . I I!r I »nrl& r "& fili«nf tl&& Be& ref &ry". ~ all»i t& 0 fr»&» "N 1&&nn Il I » !» ! r Il l(«nvrry" &IPPrnl&r&&t inn, fnr cO&nplete statement of which see p. &2&,

II l &&'ll1& !I&&I:&n&'c.

I' provided for in the fiscal year IO'll »n&lcr " 8&f &rir&:&n&l «f&rn r&h II»r&. «1 of N 1&1&91& inn nnd hfr; l&nn, &9:34. " »n& hler'»» o;II »I, l&I'I .

Receipts artd expenditures, I984 — Continued

[Debit transfer appropriations (net) and repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures are printed in italic. Emergency expenditures are indicated by an asterisk" j

Unexpended balances June 30, 1933 Expenditures in 1934 (see p. 6) Amount carried to surplus fund (see p. 7)

Unexpended balances June 30, 1934

FLsca) year for which

appropri- ation was

Inade Available

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav. ings (see p. 8)

On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing


Appropriations Warrants-issued

basis Checks-issued

basis Act June 20,


Impounded salary and

vacancy sav- ings

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav ings (see p. 8)


On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing



suartau ov srANnanns — continued

Investigation of clay products 1934 1933 1932

$2, 441. 89

2, 164. 86

$184 15 )

$37, 000. 00 $23, 557. 58 7. 71

$22, 455. 10 191. 86

$2, 164. 86

$1, 113. 00

1, 526. 56 $7, 144. 00 $5, 185. 42 '

907. 62 f 1, 102. 48

23, 565. 29 22, 646. 96

Investigation of dental materials 1934 1933 1932

Investigai, ion of fire-resisting properties 1934 1933 1932

Invostigation of optical glass 1934 1933 1932

228. 98 360. 83

1, 072. 98 1, 997. 10 '

550. 63 2, 100. 60

16. 89

3c 32

459. 50

6, 500. 00 I

23, 340. 00 I

21, 500. 00

4, 117, 12 16. 16

4, 100. 96

17, 121. 64 35. ss


8. 40 I

17, 094. 72

16, 650. 51 275. 5'0

16, 376. 01

3, 964. 03 . 73

3, 984. 78

14, 264. 19

8. 40

14, 272. 59

13, 124. 44 i84. 00 ~

]3, 308. 44

360. 83

1, 988. 70 i

2, 100. 60 I

819. 00 950. 59

4, 368. 00

749. 00 623. 77

4, 052. 00

155. 00 1, 321. 00 173. 09

906. 88 72. 05

1, 031. 36 15 1

48. 49 202. 36

153. 09 tE

2, 857. 46


3, 526. 07


Investigation of public utility standards 1934 1933 1932

2, 190. 30 5, 640. 59

1, 170. 80 i'.

82. 810. 00 36, 742. 82

1, 270. 18 36, 405. 92

99. Ss, 5, 540. 59

2, 175. 00

3, 351. 27 21, 784. 00 22, 108. 18

109. 21 336. 90

35, 472. 64 36, 306. 54

Investigation of radioactive substance and X rays

1933 1932

882. 71

1, 326. OS

344. 23, 21, 500. 00 15, 934. 25 i 13, 409. 19

1, 326. 08

703. 00 940. 87

4, 149. 00 713. 75 286. 07

2, 525. 06

Qgvestigation of textiles, etc . . 1934 1933 1932

921. 67 3, 602. 78

473. 54 46, 500. 00

15, 590, 02

29, 5S9. 40 476. 54

13, 409. 19

28, 976. 38

3, 602. 78

1, 597. 00 1, 375. 64

8, 972. 00 6, 341. 60 19. 57

613. 02

29, 115. 88 28, 975. 38

Meta((urg(ca( research 1934 1933 1932

1, 268. 24 1, 967. 86

136. 80 45, 990. 00 zs, 934. 57

4(6. 80

2S, 617. 77

28, 164. 07 $80. 00

27, 874. 07

1, 967. 86

1, 460. 00 9, 109. 00 ) 1, 489. 67

'I!16. 43 195. 37

Military research 1918-19 33. 33

Radio research 1934 1933 1932

2, 409. 09 4, 434. 83

799. 87 69, 000, 00 44, OSO. 75

507. 99 14. 40

43, 558. 36

42, 585. 16 291. 88 14. 40

42, 862. 64

4, 449. 23

2, 046. 00

2, 891. '15 13, 715. 00 9, 168. 25

25. 83 1, 495. 59

Bound investigation . . - 1934 1933 1932

160. 89 61. 48

416. 06 7, 900. 00 4, 651. 77

418. 06 4, 621. 40 258. 00

418. 21 1, 520. 00 1, 470. 23

158. 74 30. 37

Standard materials 1934 1933 1932

246. 40 18. 67

99. 74

4, 235. 71

5, 585. 05

44. 6(f

4, 621. 40

5, 058. 39 55. 08

18. 67

365. 00 250. 62

1, 624. 00 1, 325. 95 40. 44

526. 66

Standardization of equipment . . (1934 1933 1932

2, 250. 68

43, 143. 69 3, 734. 19

rs 148 375 00

5, 540. 39

41, G36. 24

3, 664. 00 5. 67

5, 113. 47

40, 603. 68 70. 19 6. 67 43, 138. 02

2, 141. 00

5, 406. 73 51, 776. 00

9. 00 52, 821. 76

498. 85 1, 032. 66

Standardizing mechanical appliances. . . 1934 1933 1932

849. 27

2, 461. 16 736. 49

37, 000. 00

37 977. 91

23, 387. 05

1, 516. 44

40, 679. 44

23, 178. 41 679. 95

2, 461. 16

1, 222. 00 1, 703. 45

7, 035. 00 375. 00

5, 355. 95 87. 2G

208. 64

Sugar standardization 1934 1933 1932

1, 391. 26

3, 6SS. 90 2, 271. 30

69, 130. 00

22, 070. 61

43, 092. 98

1, 691. 36 ZS. 80

41, 372. 83

22, 598. 46

41, 656. 96 579. 95 88. 80 3, 717. 70

42, 208. 11

2, 279. 00

2, 778. 12 13, 503. 00 10, 255. 02

304. 48

0 1, 436. 02


Testing machines . . 1934 1933 2, 335. 38 1932 2, 999. 81

287. 47 4i, 455. oo I 26, 100. 81

265. 46 25, 287. 52,

22. 01 2, 999. Bl

i, 33O. OO I

2, 134. 84 8, 106. 00 5, 018. 19

466. 00 813. 29

Tcs(iu miscellaneous materials . . 1934 1933 1932

1, 374. 64

996, 02 213. 00

37, 000. 00

25, 6'Isr. 35

2(, 082. 37 2(S. 00

25, 309. 53

20, 646. 33,

996. 02

I, 426. 00

1, 579. 81 6, 921. 00

) 7, 570. 63

'1. 83 (36. 04

Tcs(ing railroarl soil mine sr!iles, etc 1934 1933 1932

1, 4Cis, 37

3, 056. 04

463. 11 50 000. 00

20, &GrJ. 37

31, 644. 47

117. 6„'

20, 646. 33

29, 534. 32 335. 47

3, 056. 04

I, 16(. OO

1, 605. 10 10 269. 00 6, (ZIGi, fr, 'I

r7. Ol

2, llo. (5

3(, frzo. 83 29, 869. 79

rr I'. xc(rrGvr of "(, I'2, (rausfcrrcrl (o "Sa!aries, pro( urcment division, 1934", under Executive Orrler No. Glasof June lo 1933.

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I ~ I:1 I

~ I

II I ~

I ~

I s

I ' ll I II 'I

~ ~ ~ I I

'I ' ll


Aids to navigation, Lighthouse Service No year Aids to navigation, Lighthouse Service,

emergency construction (sct July 21, 2932) . No year

General expenses, Lighthouse Service. . 1934 1933 1932 1931

Certified claims

5, 745. 87

108, 005. 62

I, 786, 672. 45

106, 231. 71 9T, 886. 92

6, 129. 91

28, 727. 35

100, 847. 97

168, 862. 60 7, 235. 87

4, 009, 000. 00

si 6. 20

446. 63

157. 71

438, 3T3. 01

25, 480. 66

157, 921. 36

3, 296, 197. 81 I, 606. 74 J, 68I. 86

I $. 87 446. 63

3, 290, 330. 87

157. 71 '

432, 921. 43

43, 779. 84

244, 817. 84

3, 036, 257. 46 165, 678. 97

I, 054. 01 14. 87

446. 63

3, 203, 422. 10

5, 538. 16

102, 584. 98 14. 97

I, 607. 14

10, 715. 84

55, 614. 00 37, 503. 39

33, 786. 00 6, 82T. 45

80, 917. 82

I, 618, 035 25

623, 402. 19 69, 637. 52

10, 428. 17

13, 951. 49

259, 940. 35 I, 576. 89 I, 490. 00

General expenses, Lighthouse Service, transfer to War Department (act May 21, 1920)

NATIONAL INDIrSTRIAt RECOVERY, Com- merce, lighthouses

Repairs to hurricane damages, Light- house Service

Repairs due to storm snd ice damages, Lighthouse Service

Vessels for Lighthouse Service Vessels for LighthouseService, emergency

constructiou (act July 21, 1932)



No year

No year No year

No year

6. 20

I, 595. 70

I, 513. 13 555, 335. 21

832, 700. 00

82, 357. 66

74, 939. 26

» 6. 80

ii 5, 620. 334. 00

91, 060. 48

88, 110. 79

173, 418. 14

114, 747. 57

I, 736, 878. 70 'I, 329, 535. 77

I, 595. 70

I, 513. 13 I, 166. 01

I, 223. 27

3, 883, 455. 30

463, 008. 72

743, 365. 94

407, 342. 93


48, 302. 48

Total, Bureau of Lighthouses 3, 731, 317. 33 106, 331. 97 544, 978. 57 14, 742, 830. 63 9, 932, 036. 91 9& 619, 193. 25 180, 822. 71 648, 325. 90 228, 009. 89 7, 591, 334. 52 857, 822. 23


Salarivs, Coast and Geodetic Survey. 1934 1933 1932

I'ay, etc. , of ofiicers and men, vesseL~,

Coast SurveV 1934 1933 1932

Certified claims

13, 209. 95 10, 992. 53

6, 899. 97 41, 091. 65

I, 074. 26

2, 700. 00

8, 248. 93

180. 49

it 489, OOO. OO

ii 505, 000. 00

1, 040. 65

461, 752. 37

8, 868. 67

453 484 00

410, 109, 04

$89. 86 910. 86

I, 040. 65

460, 292. 47

19. J4

460, 273. 03

329, 675. 13 841. 80 910. 95

I, 040. 651.

10, 992. 53

42, 002. 60

24& 276. 00

20, 163. 06

JO, 607. 00 4, 130. 65

2, 272. 00

I, 074. 26

2, 744. 00 3, 399. 99

699. 63

I, 315. 26

55, 539. 96 2, 491. 62

0 I, 459. 90

CI g

C 80, 433. Ql

409, 816. 45 329, 563. 03

Pay and allowances, commissioned oill-

cers, Coast:i»il Geodetic Survey 1934 1933 1932

8, 141. 04 468. 47

23, 428. 18 633, 955. 00 588, 120. 65

17, 000. 00

1, 511. 38

569, 609. 27

481, 067. 80

6, 428. 18 I, Gl 1. 38

485, 984. 60

I, 979. 85

22, 348. 00 16, 514. 82

23, 185. 35 8, 626. 22

107 052. S

Gi iivi, il vxiienvcs, Coax! Soil Geodetic Survey 1934

1933 1932

2, 632. 52

I, 203. 78

608. 36 51, 724. 20 !

i, 542. 44 ~

21, 963. 30 I, 903. 30

17. 24 I, 186. 54

3, 275. SO

I, 090. 03

'O'J 750 'J!i

2 tv *0

53, 283. 88 23, 883. 84

i 5 llii! !vii ftoi» "N;itional Industnal Rccovcry" appropriation, for complete statement of which see p, 4A, lnvliiiii 5 $465J7 Ir:iiisferred from "Salaries, keepers of Lighthouses, 1934", act June 30, 1932 (47 Sts!„4ll),

i' Etvl»x» v iif st JRJ transferred to "salaries, Bureau of Lighthouses, 1934JS see note 17. » ftxvl»xo c iif tui, !O5 70 transferred to "ltetired pay, Lighthouse Service, 1934", act June 30, 1932 (4, stat. 411&. I' l rivi»ifci $~!il, tgJ5 !tatisf('rreil frot» "Siilanes, lightliouse vessels, 1934. " See note Iu.

» Returned from same object uniler War Department. See note 22. ii Returned to same object under Departtneut of Commerce. Sce note 21. » Includes $28000 trsnsferreil from "pay, etc. , of officers snd mcn, vessi ls, ('o is! N»rvoy, lu! I", sct Jui»i uu, luJ '

(47 Stat. 411). ii Exiusive of $28, 000 transferred to "Salaries, (. 'osst snd Gcoiletic Survey, lull. " See nolo '&, &.

Receipts and cxl&e&«iil»res, J98J& — Continued

[Debit transfer appropriations (not) and repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures are printed in italic. Zluergency expenditures are indicated by an asterisk']

Unexpended balances Juno 30, 1933 Expenditures in 1934 (sec p. 6) Amount carried to surplus fund (see p. 7)

Unexpended balauces June 30, 1934

Fiscal year for lull(oil

a p'I &1'opl l. atiott (vss

nl(t (!P


4v lil lble Reserve for impounded

vacancy ss, v- ings (see p. 8)

Gn books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing


8 » pl (')1)1 to t!Ons

Iy at' 1' a ll t s -is s I ( 1) (l b((sis

I 1)epks-issued hosts

Act, June 20, 1874

Inlpo(lt)SP(l S'llarv 'lilt:l

racon(y sav- ings

Reserve for impounded

vscanc5 u 11 ings (see p 8)

Availai de

On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing


coxsT AND GEGDETIc sURVEY — con'tlnu('d

Party expenses, Coast snd Geodetic Survey No year.

1934 1933 1932 1931

Certified claims

$3, 479. 97

7, 480. 65 37, 629. 25

$480. 00 $35, 759. 47

57, 037. 58

$15)9, 135. 00

") 39. 02

400. 00

$350, 196. 76 i'8 23

57, 005. 59 11. 00

400. 00

$329, 919. 03 35, 827. 70

31. 99 11. 09

400. 00

$94, 673. 86 11. 00

$14, 310. 00

5, 180. 28 $3, 513. 00

480. 00

$3, 479. 97 91, 115. 24

2, 232. 14 $20, 277, 73

Party expenses, Coast sud Geodetic Survey (transfer to Bureau of Stand- ards, act 511(y 21, 1920)

Party expenses, Coast and Geodetic Survey, emergency construction (act July 21, 1932)

Repairs of vessels, Coast Survey



1934 1933 1932


185. 48

25, 910. 88

2, 498. 66

4, 473. 55

142, 902. 92

2, 122. 15

2, 303. 93

-"' 89. 09

os Gtuj. 00

293, 648. 40

146. 46

117 581. 14

57, 000. 00 8. 00

2& 809. 98

3G6, 167. 72

14r&. 46

24, 980. 00

5!, 95t, tit)

2, 130. 15

G. 00 4& 473. 55

2, 309. 93

39, 532. 44 103, 909. 58

6, 000. 00 2, 490. 6G

385. 74 "5

5, 048, 40

St CO8 07 54, 075. &5

NATIGNAL INDUBTRIAL REcovERY, Com. merce, Coast snd Geodetic Survey . 1933-35

Total general accounts, Coast and Geodetic Survey


166, 298. 35 $4, 254. 26 272, 592. 01

1 6 503 ! 20. 00

8, 709, 650. r&5

3, 585, 111. 81

", 302, 2G7. 20

u 3, 150, 270. Gl

4, 89;, 351 04 ~

157, 629. 86 183, 062. 25 13, 483. 25

2, 918, 008. 19

3, 223, 760. 70

434, 841. 20

679, 608. 17


'E[I)pographic survey of United States, !contributions No year

Total, Coast snd Geodetic Survey


387. 80

166, 686. 16 4, 254. 26

4, 982. 18

277, 574. 19

4, 881. 31

8, ios (is)0 6;) 5, 2ttn 385. 89

100. Gi i

4, 895, 4r! !)I I 157, 629. 86

359. 23

183, 421. 48 13, 483. 25

4, 909. 88

3& 228, 670. 58 679, 508. 17


Salaries 1934 1933 7, 147. 80 1932 2, 936. 63

923. 48 646. 35 160, 400. 00 135, 594. 42

1, feo. 63 170. 50

134, 584. 29

135& 106, 93 585. 38 170. 50

134& 742. 15

2, 766. 13

7, 343. 00 7, 466. 88

15, 234, 00 923. 48

2, 228. 58 861. 55

487. 49

Miscellaneous expenses 1934-35 1934

1933-34 1933 1932 1930 1929

10, 000. 00 158, 591. 85 971 492. 31

6, 392. 64 3, 353. 46

1O, OOO. OO i

1, 248, 505. OO ' 784, 887. 57 9, 392. 47

64, 329. 61 114. 78 7S. 25 10. 66

85S, 635. 97

759, 017. 08 9, 314. 57

67, 208. 44 114. 78 78. 26 10. 56

835, 566. 41

97, 377. 53 78. 13 10. 33

43, 991. Oo

475. 00 39, 068. 73

38, 772. 00

6, 437. 97

10, 000. OO

380, 854 43 132. 53

55, 148. 1 J

25, 870 49 77. 00

474. 63

Upper Mississippi River fish refuge No year 1934 1933 1932

91. 52

364. 71 547. 69

16. 39

854. 49 6, 835. 00

26. 69 5, 229. 93

Sof. 18 319. 71 53. 37

104. 09

547. 69

3. 82 24. 00

134. 77 1, 581. 07

1, 031. 06 4, 910. 22

4, 412. 42 373. 08

Investigating damages to Qsherfes No year Enforcement of black bass lsw 1934

1933 1932

I, 227. 69

2, 217. 93 3, 812. 32

50. 85 13, 110. 00 12, 488. 31

893. 92 23. 99

10, 998. 48 944. 77

23. 99 8, 788. 33 524. 16

1, 22 . 69 621. 69 799. 85

1, 489. 83

13, 406. 22 11, 967. 24

Protecting seal and salmon fisheries of Alaska &a34 35

1934 1933-34

1933 1932

Certified clairos

100, 000. 00 24, 118. 68 22, 046. 41

7, 198. 73 42, 211. 75

100, 000. 00 240, 000. 00

90, 00

1f&6, 445. 58 85, 469. 00 22, 658. 20

90. 00

130, 941. 07

76, 810. 53 10, 925. 45

90. 00 22, 046. 41

8, 490. 00 1, 774. 00 5, 632. 20

1, 461. 00

7, 032. 62

100, 000. 00

73, 603. 42

12, 757. 00 40, 310. 79

25, 504. 51 8, 65S. 47

f&28, 10

220, 346. 38 22", 767. 05

Construction of stations, Bureau of Fish- eries 1931-33

1930-33 1, 429. 92

9, 914. 79 3, 387. 72

6 228 53 8, 556. 65 5, 759. 26

8, 216. Sf

730. 77 469. 27

1, 200. 04

1, 102. 59 668. 49

2, 984. 28

15, 005. 5G

N&tTroNEL INDUSTRI&tL RscovERY, Com- nierce, Fisheries 1933-35

Fish hatcheries: IIhode Island


20, 882. 54 25. 20

I 639, 500. 00 360, 014. 93 " 326, 737. 15

25. 20

279. 485&. 07

20, BB". 54

Total, Bureau of Fisheries 4G2, 847. 99 14, 514. 85 56, 748. 54 2, 418, 440. 00 1, 582, 984. 00 1 f&3S 353. 12 126, 743, 84 I I!'s Ii!JS. G4 G9, 861. 07 999 5&5 29 101, :I O. . !2


!925 1'J20

lo. 85 6 So

15. 86 6. 85

15. 83 6. 25

H. 08 SS. 06

In~!of&cite: i)r ficicncyin Patent i&lliicrcicni&c. 1934 '

I'J'!&2 i

300, 000. 00 300, 000. 00 SS, 75th IS

270, 25&5&. 57 I

300, 000. 00 29, 744. J&s

270, 255. 57

29, 484. 43 2&IO. 00

A'lti!teil from "N i& i&»i ii i&«iu. ', i i il llcccvcry" appropriation, for complete statement of which see p. . !2o i' I'. I»rncii froin same o! I&i:& i!Rlcr I& &re. &u of 8»;ndards. Bee note 2G.

ii Itc&iirni ii to siiinc olijccl, under Department of I'. ommcrcc. Scc ni&!c 2). '' (:h&a &lie&i as "('. on!riliu!cd accoirnts" under the I'rim»&ciil Aiiiiroliriii! icii ltc!ic»l Ac! of Jut&c "I', !!GI I.


Receipts and expenditures, 198$ — Continued

[Debit transfer' appropriations (nef) and repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures are printed in italic. Emergency expenditures are indicated by sn asterisk']

Unexpended balances June 30, 1933 Expenditures in 1934 (sce p. 6) Amount carried to suri&lus

fund (see p. 7) ('ncxpcnilcd balances June 30, 1934

Fiscal year for which

appropri- ation was

made Available

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)

On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing


Appropriations Pf arrants-issued

basis Checks-issued

basis Act June 20,


Impounded salary and

vacancy sav- ings

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)


On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing



Salarios and expenses

Special deposit account.

1934 1933 1932 $30, 150. 39

$70, 332. 29 $124, 058. 06

368, 676. 51

$4, 089, 229. 90 191, 012. 65

$3, 571, 821. 53 I I I, 848. 69 30, 150. 39

3, 490, 628. 23

$3, 555, 182. 86 121 714. 37 30, 150. 39

3, 598, 047. 62

74, 438. 30

$144, 781. 80 125, 550. 07

$142, 410. 42 71, 699. 18

$230, 216. 15

175, 439. 38 $16, 638. 67

294, 238. 21

Total, Patent Ofhce



[Tbo Bureau of Mines was transferred to the Department of the Interior, p. 177, under Executive Order No. 6611 of Feb. 22, 1934, effective Apr. 26, 1934, with the exception of the appropriation "Main- tenance snd operation, fuel yards, Dis- trict of Columbia", which was trans- ferred to the Procurement Division, Treasury Department, p. 282, under sec. I of Executive Order No. 6166 of June 10, 1933, effective Oct. 26, 1933. All transactions for the Bureau of Mines for the entire fiscal year 1934 are stated under the Department of i, he Interior for Budget purposes. ]


[Under sec. 12 of Executive Order No. 6166, June 10, 1933, effective Aug. 23, 1933, the functions of the United States Shipping Board, including those over and in respect to the United States Shipping Board Merchant Fleet Cor- poration, were transferred to the De- partment of Commerce, and theUnited States Shipping Board was abolished. All activities for the Shipping Board

under Inde pendent Offices snd the


'artmentt of Commerce for the fiscal

year 1934 sre stated in this chapter for & Budget purposes. ]

30, 150. 39 70, 332. 29 492, 734. 57 4, 580, 242. 55 3, 760, 861. 72 l

3, 942 719. 41 $29, 506. 51 270, 331. 87 214, 109. 60 405, 915. 53 310, 876. 88

Salaries snd expenses 1934 1983 1932 1981 1919

22, 498. 73 29, 372. 75

I, 423. 98 9, 865. 43

» 299, 230. 00 222, 207. 59 8, err. 88

80. 13 100. 00 105'. 00

213, 865. 34

187, 634. 57

I, 648. 05 80. 13

100. 00 108. 00

189, 157. '15

29, 292. 62 100. 00 105. 00

8, 533. 05 3, 757. 31 77, 022. 41 24, 849. 73

34, 573. 02

construction loan appropriated fund No year 10, 796, 184. 82 10 796, 184. 82

~ ~ I Il

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ReceiPts and exPenCkthhres, 1981r — Continued

[Debit transfer appropriations (aet) ond repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures are printed in italic. E&nergency expenditures are indicated by an asterisk*]

Unexpended balances June 30, 1933 Expenditures in 1934 (see p. 6) Amount carried to surplus

fund (see p. 7) Unexpended balances June 30, 1934

F&sca, l year for which

appl'opr&- ation Ives

made Available

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)

On books of the Treasurv

To credit of disbursing


Appropriations lyarrants-issued

basis Checks-issued

basis Act Junc 20,


Impounded salary and

vacancy sav- ings

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)


On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursiag




Effects of deceased employees, Depart- ment of Commerce . No year

Special deposit accounts

Total trust accounts, Coramerce, Miscellaneous

$10. 91

10. 91

II $105, 515. 14

105, 515. 14

$35 434 34 Sse, 047. 69

$ss, 778. Ss

Ss, 778. SS

$1. 20 $7, 856. 25 $210. 00

$10. 91

74, 747. 29

10. 91

$189, 293. 42

236, 882. 36

189, 293. 42

Total, Commerce, Miscellaneous 21, 332. 77 108, 266. 68 154, ees. sf

Summary of Department of Commerce: General and special accounts Special deposit accounts

27, 060, 507. 08 $284, 684. 47 3, 108, 003. 43

20, 156, 950. 79 37, 495, 219. 48 13, 011, 672. 49 13, 917, 247. 58

3, 264, 553. 07 I, 885, 056. 04 2, 165, 367. 27 2, 342, 310. 77 45, 436, 004. 46 2, 202, 428. 34

16, 892, 397. 72

Total Emergency (N. I. R. )

Total 27, 060, 507. 08 284, 684. 47

27, 060, 507. 08 284, 684. 47 23, 264, 954. 22

23, 264, 954. 22

37, 495, 219. 48

14, 954, 800, 00

52, 450, 019, 48

13, 011, 672. 49

6, 217, 893. 45

19, 229, 565. 94

17, 181, 800. 65 " 5, 292, 648. 08

22, 474, 448. &3

1, 885, 056. 04

1, 885, 056. 04

2, 165, 3G7. 27 2, 342, 31P, 77

2, 165, 367. 27 2, 342, 310. 77

45, 436, 004. 46 8, 736, 906, 55

54, 172, 911. 01

19, 094, 826, PG

925, 245. 37 P Yf

20, 020, 071. 43

Trust accounts Trust accounts (special deposit

accounts) Contributed accounts


Total, Department of Commerce



10. 91

387. 80

398. 71

27, 060, 905. 79 284, 684. 47

105, 515. 14

4, 982. 18

110, 497. 32

23, 375, 451. 54

983. 10

983. 10

4, SS1. Sf


SS, 778. SS 100. 87

SS, 6'77. Jjf

52, 451, 002. 58 19, 224, 684. 63 22, 390, 771. 32 1, 885, 056. 04

359. 23

359. 23

2, 165, 726. 50 2, 342, 310. 77

994. 01

4, 909. 88

5, 903. 89

54, 178, 814, 90


189, 293. 42

189, 293. 42

20, 209, 364. 85


Salaries, Office of Secretary of the In- terior 1984

1933 I, 859. 99

1932 9, 907. 07


11, 884. 36 1, 428. 21

2, 950. 69

I 468, 769. 76 397, 982. 40 9, 970. 30

393, 930. 76 fe. Sf

8. 25 11, 330. 28

3. 25

21, 199. 00 5 753 85

45, 178. 00 10, 960. 80

4, 410. 36 4, 051. 64

NATIUNdL INDUsTRIAL REcovERY, In- terior, Secretary's Office 1933-35

Nd'QUNdL INDUsTBIdL RacovERY, In terior, Subsistence homesteads 1933 — 35

NSTIUNdL INDUsTRIdL REcovERY, In- terior, Soil-erosion prevention 1933-35

I 3, 339. 82

' 25, 000, 000. 00

I 10, 000, 000. 00

395& 008. 85

3, 339. 82

3, 237, 397. 29

1, 414, 606. 19

393&, 90. , 90

"3, 339. 82

~ 2, 303, 563 62

i823, 645. 89

21, 762, G02. 71

8, 685, 393. 81

933, 833. 77

691, 060. 30

NATIONAL INDUSTZrAL Rzcovzav, In- terior, Oil regulations 1933-35

NATloNAL INDUsrzrAL Rzcovzzv, In- terior, Petroleum Administrative Beard 1933 — 35

Adjustment and payment of mineral claims, act Mar. 2, 1919 No year

Contingent expenses, Department of the Interior 1934

1933 1932


459. 19

9, 461. 65

1, 553. 60 1, 010. 00

1, 276. 93 39, 368. 20

7, 327. 41

i 525, 000. 00

i 200, 000. 00

' 105, 750. 83

524, 753. 36

120, 000. 00

8, 669. RV

90, 792. 14

9& 930. 68 4. 00

i 533, 255. 07

v117 608 01

17, S62. 23

84, 234. 78

3, 396. 93 4. 00 1, 549. 60

1, 010. 00

2, SS5. 16 2, 310. 26

246. 64

80, 000. 00

14, 958. 69 13, 392. 13

i 8, 501. 71

2, 391, 99

18, 046, 68

6, 557. 36

Commission on conservation and admin- istration of the public domain

NATIDNAL INDUsTRIAL RzcovERY, In- terior, Investigations

Expenses of Indian Commissioners.

No year


1934 1933 1932

3, 509. 33

1, 363. 36 6. 47

I 9, 000. 00

11, 430. 00

86 865. 66

7, 891. 11

550. 73 129. 60

87, 635. 71

*6, 372. 46

550. 73 129. 60

6. 47 165. 72

3, 609. 33

1, 108. 89

10, 879. 27

1, 068. 04

1, 518. 65

Library, Department of the Interior 1934 1933 1932 114. 20

70. 28 500. 00

680. 33

410. 20 9. 63

I 76

680. 33

373. 53 60. 75

4. 76 118. 95

89. 80 9. 53


Se. e7


Printing, and binding Deportment of the Interior 1934

1933 1932

30, 116. 57 38. 22

12, 669. 30

i 163, 477. 54

395. 92

92, 986. 92

6, 957. 77

429. 53

89, 990. 35 19, 627. 07

38. 22

70, 490. 62

23, 158. 80

0 2, 996. 57


NATIQNAL INDUsTRIAL REcovERY, In- terior, Perry's Victory Memorial Com- mission 1933 — 35

Total, Oflice of the Secretary 59, 399. 65 14& 584. 50 62, 385. 88

i 25, 025. 00

36, 512, 292. 95

99, 944. 69

5, 887, 423. 93

109, 617. 42

4, 397, 817. 89 14, 056. 77 30, 003. 73 58, 449. 05

25, 025 00

30, 596, 343. &Is 1, 5), ) I, UiJI. 92

M 0


Expenses 1934 1933 1932 2. 07

68. 56 8, 500. 00 8, 499. 07

999. 17 8, 352. 23

160. 61 2 07

229. 17 146. 84

8, 269, 90 8, 191. 62 j

) Ex&!usivc nf $3. )70. 24 irnnsferred to "S)ilaries and expenses, Division of Disbursement, 1934", uniler Executive Oril& re tgns. i'!I&I&i nn&I 6LIII, nf Junc 10 and Dcc. 28, 1933.

i Al]&&It&' I fr»ill 'Niilin», il l»duslrial Recovery" appropriation for complete statement of which see p. 428. i f )el)i). h, il«)ice, & In«lu&lcs $20, 75uv. ! Ir, insfi rre&i, nct 'ivfar. 20, 1933 (48 stat. 13L nnd Executive orders Nos 6166 and 6611, of June

10, l&i". 1, &in&i gcli. 22, I!E4, froi» n««uuntS as follows: sal;)ries;inil cvpcnse)L &!flic« of National Parks, Buildings, and Reservations, 1934. $4, 000 00 & Icnlogicnl Survey, l&J II 2, 750. 00 &'i&»tingent &'s!)«us& s, Dcpirtinent of Commer&«, l931 4, 000. 83

siil&port &if i)iilinns;in&1 ailminislrnlion of Indian property, 1931 5, 000. 00

I »&h)it) schon! sill)I)nr!„1934 4, 000. 00

« ' ri. crv)i!ion of h«)illh nmo»g I»&li;ins, 1934 1, 000. 00

' Includes $28, 477. 54 transferred under Executive Orders iVos. 6166 nnd 6011, of Jun&. 10, I%3, n)1&l I ch. 22, I!K!I, from accounts as follows:

Salaries and expenses, Oflice of National Parks, Buildings, nnd Reservaiin»s, ieel $ &, I!in, 00 Priuting and binding, Department of Commerce, 1934.

i Heretofore stated and cliissified under Indepcnilent Ofjices. Vxpn»&liliir«s (iir Iho p»rpos«s nf Iliis ('niiiiiiiss)nn are administered by the Deplrtment of the Inti rior under sec. 2 nf Its&icuiivn &Ir&lir No. el&!&I &)f I i)in I», I') I I, «)!i & I iv& Jtug. 10, 1933. All transactions under these appnipri ilinns for lli« I!sciil year 1934 nrc mcluilcil in Ilii, i li il&I«r fi i li«i!gi t purposes.

» Includes $104, 550. 14 heretofore stated unil«r Ocncrnl fun&1. See nnlc 3!

Receipts and expenditures, 108$ — Continued

[Debit transfer appropriations (net) and repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures arc printed in italic. Eruergency expenditures are indicated by an asterisk']

Unexpended balances June 30, 1933 Expenditures in 1934 (see p. 6) Amount carried to surplus

fund (see p. 7) Unexpended balances June 30, 1934

Fiscal year for whioh

appropri- ation was

made Available

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)

On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing


Appropriations AV srrants-issued

basis Checks-issued

basis Act, June 20,


Impounded salary snd

vacancy sav- Ings

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)


On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing



couhtISSIGN GF FINE ARTs — continued

Printing and binding 1934 1933 1932

$50. 00 10. 39

$54. 34 $260. 49

4. 10 $177. 99

50. 24

$10. 39

$39. 51 54. 10

256. 39 228. 23

Total, Commission of Fine Arts . 62. 46 122. 90 8, 800. 00 8, 526. 29 8, 419. 85 12. 46 $229. 17 94. 54 229 34 h



George Rogers Clark Sesquicentennial Commission 1934

1933-34 1933


Total, George Rogers Clark Ses- quicentennial Commission


colnsrlssIGN I

250, 000. 00 95, 466. 95

298. 31

345, 765. 26

33, 273. 67 11, 431. 71

44, 705. 38

96, 650. 00

96, 650. 00

201, 373. 80 92 913. 35

410. 86

294, 698. 01

173, 713. 58

120, 690. 22

11, 775. 89

306, 179. 69

2, 967. 00 492. 54

» 112, 55

3, 346. 99

96, 650. 00 45, 659. 20 2, 061. 06

144, 370. 26


27, 660. 22

5, 496. 80 66. 68

33, 223. 70 CI

Mount Rushmore National Memorial Commission 1934

1933 39, 626. 58

I 49, 626. 58 I 69, 696. 68

49, 626. 58 . Os

Total, Mount Rushmore National Memorial Commission.


39, 626. 58 10, 000. 00 49, 626. 68

Salaries, General Land Office 1934 1933 1932

8, 875. 45

10, 631. 18 $15, 491. 91

1, 263. 32 I, 303. 76

538, 244. 58

I, 288. Fe 637, 937. 46

17. 50 11, 894. 50

28, 237. 00 8, 412. 88

$32, 518. 00 15, 922. 76

1, 000. 42

1, 317. 99

General expenses, General Land Offlce 1934 1933 1932

Mapa Of the United Statea . . . . . -- 1934-35

5, 298. 43

4, 356. 38 3, 732. 69

15, 000. OQ

536, 958. 32

14, 781. 70

9, S86. SS 541. 41

12, 957. 76

11, 900. 00

537, QM. 96

9, 092. 33 I, 367. 33

541. 41

11, 001. 07

11, 900. 00

3, 814. 97 30. 06

8, 218. 30 '7, 633. 73

3, 100. 00 .

5, 689. 37

[932 35. [4 35. 14

Salaries and commissions of registers . 1934 1933 1932

t' 'Cia[ms of certain settlers in Sherman

County, Oreg No year

g Igont[ngent expenses of land of[tees 1934 1933 1932

702. 12 3, 451. 75

9, 214. 00

7, 635. 51 620. 92

2, 022. 19

6, 491. 00

853. 12

2, 439. 58

68, 750. 00

150, 000. 00

11, 900. OO

64, 051. 60 699. Eo

63, 358. 30

141, 850. 08 1, 579. OS

L 50

11, 900. 00

63, 220. 65

140, 720. 23

1, 067. 56 1. 50 619. 42

63, 060. 83 159. 8 2

3, 451. 75

3, 377. 00 1, 746. 54

6, 851. 00 1, S64. 30

224. 00

1, 650. 19

107. 00 5, 645. 00

I, 097. 40 20. SS

9, 214. 00 1, 191. 92

7, 989. 23

990. 77

1, 129. 85

140, 479. 56 141, 789. 29

Opening Indian reservations (reimburs- able) 1934

1933 1932

Protecting public lands, timber, etc 1934 1933 1932

300. 00 300. 00

34, 083. 82

6, 443. 33 10, 662. 67 20, 415. 04

300. 00

400, 000. 00 328, 505. 03 6, 541. 90

12. 62

292, 186. 89 14, 873. 84

12. 62

300. 00

6, 430. 71

10, 940. 00 5, 576. 55

34, 184. 00

16, 012. 11

300. 00 300. 00

26, 370. 97 28, 699. 03

36, 318. 14

322, 976. 46 307, 073. 35

Surveying the public lands. 1934 1933 1932 1929 1928

20, 383. 62

3, 329. 73 816. 17 200. 00

33, 282. 88 500, 000. 00

'1. 32

232, 158. 55 681. Bl&

22. 55 10. 45

995. 70

183, 943. 16 32, 60[. 04

22. 55 10. 45

995. 70

3, 508. 50 10. 45

295. 70

14, 018. 00 13, 445. 57

17, IS7. 00 936. 17

236, 63&i. 45

7, 493. 84 48, 215. 39 g

231, 193. 11 216, 260. 60

Surveying the public. lands (transfers to War, act Mny 21, 1920) 1932

N 5 T I 0 V n L I N D L& s T R I )I L R E- co v E R Y, Interior, (jeneral Land

Office 1933 — 35

Permanent and indefinite: Repayment for lnnds erroneously

sold No year Surveying rvithin lani[ grauts (reim-

bursable) . No year



Fxl & n-&. -', »hi!&) Bur& ey Xyorlc, Alas['a. No year

F. &I&rnscra I'»1&lic Survey iyorl, gener&i[ No year ('ous Bny Xyn„on R«a&l grant f»I&&l No vcnr

Tl&c ()r& gi&n, &n&l C:&[if&»'nin I')o&l-"r, »t f&md &40 yra)'

I, &)»&&'I Is to St &tcn fr& n& re& ri[&ts uu&lcr

n»»c&'»I Ic&1)1»" n&'I Nc& vcn&'

I', &, I»&»t tu & J&RI &l&o&n;& from r &i, ili ii . , »it

'iu&'I c:&s, sr&i&th h, &lf uf ftc&l I(i I rr . . &Nu yc:Ir I'ru«; I u&lc of i»)v» iota Ln«i&&I&, Okla Xo yr: r

I'r&u & i &. uf &crt &i» l&»i&l» I'&»&la In ton n-

sl&I[»&»ur&h, N&)lr& In . . Nui&;&r

n I&& r«&ii f I & ls io St &ten (tu&»&! ). No ic &r, '

1. 32

97, 858. 5(i

19, 457. 92 336, B(&J 10

I, 653. 41

2)i, i)0!I. , i i

I, 226, 438. '9

8, 84&') 97 37. t)5&

7&J!) 15

I, Gls. !8 4, 677. 24

' 1, 000, 000. 00

8, 330. 92

870. 00 6, 240. 55

I, OGO. 22

269, 043. 58

1, 19(i, 273, 21

12, 007. 23

(I »)

676, G73. 30

8, 330. 92

177. 50 4, , iuo. 52

I, ii51. 22

'2. W, 400. 92

I, 215, 157. 98

7, 531. 2(i i

611, 997. 04

8, 330. 92

)I', I t. , it &4 9[2&. 99 1, 651. 22

2I I, 060. 92

I, 215&, 157. !Is

7, 53[. 2ii ', I &


2i. -!2

I is&. &)6

32&3, 32&i. in

97, 8 s f&i&,

20, I, S iln

X&4, 3, :l. )4

I, I)&, ". I I

2& ', "I&) 20

I, 2& ii. 5&&is. 52

6 I, tii&i. 2 I


566. I I

:I" I 77

) I r«l&I I&cn&. „B&&ui&ri&t& n

' l l !» t; t I & I I'»' il ' I I»&lcr In&le[&en&lent i)tliCrs Erl)un&lit»r& s for It&e t»&rln . . o[ tl s Cun nr&;«l»»o&(i& & «I I & i &

& 1)& i& &r&»&&'r&I uf I I&&' Inter» r»»&l& r scc. 2 of I:;r& ui&vi' &'&r&lrr Nu &Il« i uf I»n& [0, I!)I(3, a!feet!& e

li), I'I!!B. . ill tr &»a & I in&)s i&»&l&'r tl)rs&' '&i&l»u[»'I &!ion for the fecal year It&34 are i»cl»ilr&l in tliis c[i &pter for

ho&[in I [&»I'I&& s&' ',

I I»cl»&lc. '"F&LO', , ss ir&n, ferrc&l fru&» !!&«' nine&i»t, nct . June lih I!&33 (!w Bi ii &!&I) & Hctur»& d I'. &&I» s»r&r & I i«' I »»&l&'r !lie tt. '&r I &&'[»& I &r, &'r&t Brr r&ui& !4 I l(etu&ne&t tO ';&me 4' j& it un&ICr I)CI& iri»» nl O! I I» lnirri r. Sr&& i&ulr n,

l)l&ll'I!&()1&un l&i' Bint&) ' 'ee I&, !62

Receipts and expenditures, 1 98+ — Continued

[Debit transfer appropriations (net) and repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures are printed in italic. Emergency expenditures are indicated by an asterisk']

Unexpended balances June 30, 1933 Expenditures in 1934 (see p. 6) Amount carried to surplus fund (see p. 7)

Unexpended balances June 30 1934

Eisca) year for which

a l 1 i ill t 0 1'1-

al lou was made

Available Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)

On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing


Appropriations Warrants-issued

basis Checks-issued

basis Act June 20,


Impounded salary and

vacancy sav- ings

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- in s (see p. 8)


On books of the Treasury

To credit, of disbursing




No year No year No year iVo year No year No year No year No year No year No year No year No year No year No year No year No year No year No year

I olllsliula Michigan . Alinncsota. Montana Nevada . New Biexico North Dakota Oregon South Dakota Utah Washington Wisconsin Wyoming

6-percent fund of net proceeds of sales of agricultural lands in Colorado No year

u-percent fund of net procoeds of sales of public lanils in;

A I'1 I 0 1 1 '1

Arkan~", ls Alalillrna California Iiiii, ilo

$965. 81 136. 10 152. 71 751. 32 345. 69 171. 90 40. 02 12. 10

603. 84

33. 40 256. Br

17. 69 86. 71 35. 23

114. Lis

91. 98 76. 89

589. 39

180. 60

$965. 81 136. 10 152. 71 751. 32 345. 69 171. 90 40. 02 12. 10

603. 84 33. 40

256. 87 17. 69 86. 71 35. 23

114. 66 91. 98 76. 89

589. 39

180. 60

3965. 81 136. 10 152. 71 751. 32 345 69 171. 90 40. 02 12. 10

603. 84

33. 40 256. 87 17. 69 80. 71 35. 23

114. 65 91. 98 76. 89

589. 39

180. 60

Total general and special accounts, General Land Office


$2 055 197 59 $36, 947. 26 $68, 342. 49 4, 255, 538. 62 3, 482, 615. 01 3, 392, 39g. 74 $30, 398. 79 $94, 702. 98 $124, 386. 22 $2L 6 15L 580 47 $158 557 76


Completing surveys within railroad land , wants

OD Itstanding liabilities, lands Uxiearned moneys, lands

Total trust accounts, General Land OfUce.

Total, General Land Oflice


No year No year No year

16, 162. 16 180, 148. 28

12. 00

196, 322. 44

2, 251, 520. 03 36, 947. 26

4, 452. 01

4, 452. 01

68, 342. 49 4, 259, 990. 63

123. 79 480. 36

604. 15

3, 483, 219. 16

123. 79 480. 36

604. 16

3 LJ93, 003. 89 30, 398. 79 94, 702. 98 124, 386. 22

16, 038. 37 184, 119. 93

12. 00

200, 170. 30

2, 815, 750. 77 158, 657. 76


NATIONAL INDUsTRIAI REcovERT, In- terior, Reclamation

NATIGNAL INDUSTRIAL REcovEET, In- terior, Boulder Canyon project


1933 — 35

I 69, 4311, 000. 00 3, 320, 231. 21 AB, 010, 161. 66

rr 38, 000, 000. 00 11, 450, 203. 26 «11, 450, 203. 26

66, 114, 768. 7g

26, 649, 796. 74

310, OB9. 65

N)tvroNLL INouexs(LL Recovesv, In- terior, Parker-Gus proJect . 1933-35

NhvroNAL I&rnuexsraL Recovesv, In- terfor, All-American Canal 1933 — 35

Advances to Colorado River Dsm fund, Boulder Canyon project No year

Advances to Colorado River Dam fund, Boulder Canyon project, emergency construction (act July 21, 1932) No year

Ooiorado River front work snd levee system 1933-34


17, 163, 141. 30

1, 023, OS6. 42

48, 000. 00 26, 771. 63 27, 245, 09

& 100, 000. 00

' 6, 000, 000. 00

ii 47, 893. 00 » 47, 898. 00

60, ooo. 00

124, 631. 50

7, 111, 500, 00

1, 023, 086. 42

56, 947. 33 62, 093. 68

~25, 737. 48

'39, 489. 49

'7, 111, 500. 00

il, 023, 086. 42

46, 058. 98 5, 151. 41

1, 130. 00 972. 31

40, 000. 00

5, 875, 368. 50

10, 051, 641. 30

37, 815. 67

34, 26'2. 52'

86, 142. 01

10, S88. 35

jyfood protection, Palo Verde Vsiley, Calif 1933

Working fund, Department of the In- terior, reclamation - No year

200. 61 5, 875. 42

34, 853. 65

$6A 22

51, 210. 39

5, 381. 88

$66. Sf

131. 18 562. 97

465. 21


Reclamation fund Colorado River Dam fund, Boulder Can-

yon project Colorado River Dam fund, Boulder Can-

yon project, emergency construction (act July 21, 1932)

Colorado River Dam fund, Boulder Can- yon project, Nxxtot(st. It(OL&SYRIAL

RECOVERY Yuma auxiliary irrigation project, Ari-

zona Special deposit accounts

No year

No year

No year


No year

2, 593, 577. 14

13, 459. 24

154, 983. 24

537. 18

3) 444. 24

391, 104. 00

59, 723. 39

606. 99

616. 41 (1&)

4, 226, 655. 40

72, 923. 49

14, 158. 48

2, 003, 341. 75

f22, 167, 73

J2, 288. 69

25, 257. G4

2, 138, 759. 94

*62, 444. 3$

'606. 99

'67, 889. 49

21, 295. 02

119, 006. 44

64, 914. 33

232. 00

14, 849. 80

3, 444. 24

4, 683, 571. 73

143, 636. 13

12, 288. 69

143, Gfi2. 08

255, 685. 81


49, 600. 80

O 4, ;)79. 03

Total, general and special ac- counts, Bureau of Reclamation



21, 023, 219. 58 3, 981. 42 485), 171. SO 107, 848, 737. 37 25, 017, 690. 26 24, 752, 633. 39 186, 386. 26 lb, 294. 04 IOJ, 653, 56&. Sl 75)0, 228 17



lice!amatinn, contrihute(l fun&le . No year J(eclama(inn, con&u! utc&l fun Js, Grand

Coulee L&c&n No year 1(ecl;iuiat&&i&i, cnn&rilu&teil funile, Farl-er

D;un . No year


» 43, 481. 07

» 54, 000. 00

43, 399. S6

53, 885. 00

42, 918. 08

27, 618 91

Sl 21

I) 5). 00

I a I. 78

2(L 26G O(J

T(&tel, cni)I&'&I)&)In)l iu)cl)not~, ilu- te:iu of I(c&l;iuiation 97, IS!. 07 97, 2&)4 86 70, 53G. !)9 I!'G. "I n&i i(i 8,

Total, Bureau nf Etcclamat&nn 3, (Jg1. 42 4&ai, 171. 30 107, &J16, 2)8. 44 25, 114, &J 5 12 '2-1, 8":I, 1 0. 38 I 8&'. . . 'Il)i 26 li, 2!)I OI (

103, &L);I, 7&il. 02 7ii . !)i& () I

& 5 ll& t&i i) fr i&&i ' N&I um&l fn lu" & r! &I I(& c(iccry n . &I I&riiliri i(iiin, I&ir (nmlilctc e! &Icmcnt of t& l&icl&

'I'r, ii'f rr I fi, ' I!t! I, 'll: & i, ;»&I, , ic( I(cl Ii, IC! I (l . !I;&t. (. »;. I 1;iii fi i &i'&I &&i I!I!I. I !! I )(('iii&)I ' i'C &i&i(C

si)r ( &:&I I& I (ie&t;i& i u»&, )ii&r i&i&I &ng In 5" I, &)!&4 ('') ni'c ii'. cl&i lr &I in elicc&;Il rlcl)o. 1( '1ccouil(e o&i p. ' I! i ri ti&fi» i & i&i &I ae el)cci il fun&is

eee Ii. O' S. Alui&nliri &tin&1 nf r& ( r i[)t e a&11n&u&tin" In 8')", , I) I ()7 \Ccrc &r;ii& fr

(A — 500)l! (if. inv IO:&nil 8(li& I I, I!i! I, to, i((rii&n». ;e I:il&)ae: I(cr I:iii) ii &i &, i&i& iriliu&i il fii&ule, &)r, &i&&l ('& rile( l(ccl. )&i&:i& i&n&. c&inir». uii I f»orle, )Girl. cr I &:1:ri

&&' Tr, ii& fcrr«I fr& n& ' l(i r:l, I&i)')11il&) ( nil»'il'u(l'I I '1&iln. Si'c iii)&i'.

1'1'C&l 1&i)&ll'1' (IC& i )in)1 nf ( el&)I)& i'i)lit'1' & i')1)'&ill

. . . I, i, 5) I, ()()il 00


Receipts and expenditt&res, f&)8JI — Continued /

[I)cbi& transfer appropriations (net) and repaylnents to appropriations in excess of expenditures are printed in italic. Emergency expenditures are indicated by an asterisk ]

Unexpended balances June 30, 1933 Expenditures ln 1934 (see p. 6) Amount carried to surplus fund (see p. 7)

Unexpend&al la&lances June 30, 1934

Fisc))) year for v hicil

apl&l'ol&l'5- stion was

made A. vailsble

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)

On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing


Appropriations Warrants-issued

basis Checks-issued

basis Act June 20,


Impouuded salary and

vacancy sav- ings

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)

Avails. ble

On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing




Geek)gicnl Survey . 1934 — 35 1934

1933-34 1933

1932-33 1932

1931 — 32 Certified claims

$279, 500. 00 13(5, 981. 27

5, 092. 02 6, 007. 66

665 91

$142, 093. 65

$5, 956. 95 5, 623. 25 364. 50 7, 091. 65 958. 83 1, 562. 63

$429, 150. 00 'I I, 559, 750. 00

Is 95. 84

9. 52

$250, 000. 00 1, 315, 115. 22

278, 202. 53 77, 801. 19 6, 148. 50

618. 08 . 96

9. 52

$200, 000. 00

I& 042, 610. GS

415, 976. 87 75, 448. 76

93S. 15 950. 61

. 96 9. 52

$7& 578. 51 760. 79

$61, 915. 00 $106, 01S. 00

1, 168. 00 57. 00

58, 650. 87 6, 212. 34

574. 16 364. 50

$179, 150. 00 76, 701. 78

72. 47 155, 676. 20

10, 6G1. 36

$50, 000. 00 272, 504. 54

4, 319. 31 3, 464. 81

10. 00

1, 758, 971. 52 1, 585, 044. 04

Geological Survey (transfers to Depart- ment of Comlnerce, Bureau of Mines, act Apr. 18, 1930) 1931 — 32

NATIGNAL INDUsTRIAL REcovERY, In- terior, Geological Survey . 1933-35

Geological Survey, cooperative work 1932

Total, Geological Survey

95 84

42, 997. 89

471, 340. 59 7, 280. 28 156, 371. 18

II 9o. 84

I 4, 497, 164. 00

6, 486, 073. 52

1, 998, 761. 78

3, 757, 733. 30

'1, 835, 898. 46

3, 420, 942. 50

42, 997. 89

51, 337. 19 122, 308. 03 112, 651. S4

2, 498, 402. 22

2, 920, 664, 03

162, 863, 32 d iM

493, 161. 98



[Created under sec. 2 of Executive Order No. 6166 of June 10, 1933]

Salaries and expenses, OPice of national

parks, buildings, and reservations No year 1934

Is 2, 792. 04 n 6, 593, 661. 90

11. 70

6, 150, 226. 40

6, 150, 214. 70

58. 70 5, SG2, 742. 14

5, 862, G85. 44

91, G91. 00 24, 996. 00 2, S&IL 74

326, 748. 50 45. 00

287, 484. 26

1933 — 35

National Park Service 1934 1933-34 1932-33 1931-32

Certified claims

1$ATIONAL INDUSTRIAI. RECOVERY, In- terior, national parks, buildiugs and

)& reservations GATIGNAL INDUsTRIAL REcovERY, In-

terior, national parks, repairs to White House 1933-35

4&JG), 140. 81 224& 134. 68 33, 780. 08

32& 613. 18 5& 431. 69

66 724 13 170, 676. 93

2, 339. 88

I 7, 207, 206. 27

I 6, 000. 00

II 306, 929. 03

930. 21

2, 139, 031. 00

5, 750. 24

49, 0(54. 76 77 033 85 I, 930. 16 I, I9A f8

930. 21

127, 763. 86

*I, 650, 729. 13

"4, 991. 21

48, 429. 51 142, 751, 33 170, 710. 4G

1, 144. 76 930. 21

363, 966. 27

40, 406, 89

I 795 07 59, 673. 60 31, 527. 50

5, 068, 175. 27

249. 76

257, 864. 27

417, 311. 89 1G3, 716&. 60

48S, 301. 87

759. 03

635. 25 6. 65

1, 896. 63

Salaries, national park commissioners 1932 2, 461. 33 2, 4&iI, 33

Extension of winter-feed facilities of garne animals of Yellowstone National Park, office of national parks, buildings, and reservations No year

Extension of w inter-feed facilities of game animals of Yellowstone National Park No year

Purchase of lands, national parks, build- ings, and reservations. No year

Purchase of lands, national parks No year iRoads and trails, national parks, emer-

gency construction (act July 21, 1932) 1933 14oads and trails, office of national parks,

buildiugs, anil reservations, emergency construction 1%3

Roads an&i trails, national parks, emer-

gency construction . . 1931 5;o&)ds and trails, national i&arks, emer-

goncy coostrnctiou (transfer to Depart- ment of A «culture, act Vf ay 21, 1920) 1931

Roads and trails, ofhce of national parks, buildings, and reservations No year

Roads and tri)ils, national parks No year Roads snd trails, uational parks (trans-

fers, act hlay 21, 1920): To Department of Agriculture No year

NATIOEAL I»DUSTKIAL RKCUVEKY, In- terior, national perl-:, roads and trails 1%3 — 35

113, 447. 50

157, 30S. 31

1, 660& 679. 23

221. 14

2, 192, 596. 85

9. 4S

733. 28

1, 742. 77

&& 110, 197. 00

«110, 197. 00

131. 82

» 155, 4%. 30 » 155, $53. 50

306, 439. 81 » 1, 783, t)79. 93

» 1, 732, 479. 23

&' 95. 39

» 95. 59

2. 05

& 24, 884, 144. 00

&& 1, 190, 700. 10

495, 642. 93» 1, 190& 700. 10

3, 250. 50

2, 992. 50 I 802 51

76, $95. 78

I, 521, 984. 85

17. 99

928, 498. 21

1 98, 325. 55

5, 094, 011. 27

3, 250. 50

2, 038. 06 I, 934. 33

230, 145. 03

1, 392, 414. 98

17. 99

782, 509. 01

302, 317. 59

2. 05

'4, 316, 266. 95

95. 39

192. 00 52. 50

4, 410. 78

100. 64

143. 74

8, 528. 00

7, 649. 96

»& 02

84. 00

733. 28

93. 00 1& 812. 37

110, 197. 00

15'& ')68. SO

210, 393. 74

25:I, 580. 89

1, 187, 5)O'2. 53

9. 5&0

P&, 700, 132 73

129, 569. S7

115, ggg. 20

777, 7. i I. 32

Arlington Ayemorial Bridge Co&»mission»

A. rlington SIemorial Bridge . No year 77, 940. 03 4, 7F)2. 21 47, 150. 25 &' 165, 346. 22 JO, 72, ', . 45 27, 425. 80 2, 374. 48, 4, 7&!2. 21 260, 6!3F&. 22 ,


8371. 22 2, 100. 00 4, 000. 00

6, 471. 22

&»& I »&vlu&ic, 5&'«5&57, 233 12 transferred under the above Executive Orders from the following accounts:


S„laric. »n&l vxi«»ivi, Veterans' Administration, 1934


8»i » &vs, »fii& v uf Score(ary of (eric»i! ur&, I!IB (', », p&»;&»&m, »&& ch«nicj&l ii»&!&i, &u»i l«»vcr ph)n!, 1)vl»&rt»&en! of Agriculture, 1934 51, &!!», U»v esi«n. ci, l&V!»&!mc»! Of Vgr&culiurc, 1034 8, I:». «c;&n&! CX!)& n. &v, I. ii&r. &ry, l)v»)r(mC»! Of Arr&(ulture, 1934 ( u& I rc(«&' cu»«&r»&! iu» of r»r &I!«)c& ru&&Bi (nu yv)r) i . I. r«" u!& i Cci«»c&. v, 1!»r«» ui I'I;»&( ln&luitry, !934 S, h» &v: »! cxi. v»'cv, Fur&. t Svrvi&T, I!C!1

»&!VA«T&«K»T O)' CO«(h!»'C(CE

I'»iic&i Sta! vi Kh&ifi)i»g 13oard Bureau, 1934


5, &!«r«, uili«; f I'»i I&v I!»&!&i&»v «n&l Pui)lic Ih)ri. s of!Hc Nation«l ( ap&!al, I!&!34 &!&»; r„l & cp&»i, -, ofli«uf I'&»I&c Jiu&lcl&»cc an I Puhlw Pari's ui the Na! i&»»&l C';&p&(al, 1&!31

»»»), » I I» «!&», «iii« &)I I'ui)l«B»&l&l&», u»&l I'uhl&c Y«rks of!I&c Na!ion&l (. 'spital, 1934 »:&! I' » 9 . & rv &cc, i')! I

«'!!»c'!u» . &II'»&u«' I I!&L&l "&' (nu '&&'»r)

I!&&&I&i'»; - ('& n»»&i. , «&» (&«) «»r) T«KA. &. KV !&L'!'AKT:&! L'K T

I' »c»»»&'c «»d &' 'p»» u(. ;&»«' ful i&UI&l&c' I&u&l&lin s, !'. )Ji '!«r&iu&c I& n & f &r p») h !»»I&i»&"s, I'. &3! )«r. &! »&c i»i i&bc c I &r I»&I»« l«&&I&I&n '. , !!)3! »&I&i;&»&l, &G ~ »&r I »I&l«»&&&l H»K. , !«! i.

187, 143. 00

i). 960. OO

3. :32K 00 , F, '. & U. oo 2, 83;). 00

20, 059. 00 2!&Jo 00 '2, (!40. 00

6, 071. 62

2, 0!), U'&K !7 I, O. !&, »)6. 00

2. !00. ()G

1, 903, 560, 97 54. 56F&. 20

i go, 83k 21

11, ! Ik 00 i!, ')&&'3. 00 !!), :& a. 00 1, , «6. 00

&c F're&i!! i! Ci», " hllu((e ' fr«m "N:&i«&nal In&lustrh)l Rccc&vcry" appropriation, for complete state)Dent of )vhich see p. 428. "Eve!us&&e uf v'2), &; 0 tranifcrrcd to "&('o»II»gent expenses, Departrnvn!, of thc Interior, 1934" act '&Iar. 20, 1%3

(48 Stat. I:3). «Returned from sa&»c uhjcc! u)&clcr T!& I»)rin&c»i of Commerce. See note 19. &c J«!, » . c i!u same o)&)cc!, under Oeolug&cal Survey. Sce note 18. &" 'i'. . &»

' & ri&i & nclvr Executive Orders Nns. Gi&(i of June 10, 1933, and 6228 of July 28, 1933, from accounts as foHows;

, !« i, »»;»«, &;»& I ('h &!!»«&&&„c) N &tic&nal 1&iii&iary Park, Tenn. and (Ja 3716 81 & . . &

(', . ) &, 'r N)! «&» &l . !(ih. i &r) P;&rl, I'« . 2. 075. 23 && Fxclu&i&" Si, i, J. x) trcncferred u» ler Executive Or&iers nuu)bered 6166, 6224, and 6540, datod June

10, July 27, ;in&1 I &ec Gc, I!)!3, rv-pvc!i) cly, to thc following 1934 accounts: Sai, . ri&s «»d & ) i&c»-& -.

, I);v&v&un oi l»chursement, Treasury Depar!ment lb. i»! i»;»& I I»» «», , D&! &»I&»cnt of the Interior ( &&»!»&& &»«& cJ & n. &. i, l)vi u&!»&Cut of the lnteriur


Salaries. ofHce of Quartermaster General, 1934 ('hi& k«!n, »&'«and (;hei!«noo a N&)(io&)&&1 1&fii&(, &r) Purl-, Tenn. ;&r«l ('&:&, )934 For! J)oncbic») Naiional Military Park, T&nn, I!&3! 1'rederickchc&rg an&i Spotsylvsnia County J! )! (Ic fields Alen&oriel, V ) . . 1934 Dettysbur National )kiilitary Purl-, 1', &. , I!334 Ouiliord (. 'o»rthouse Na( ion:)I kl ili! &&ry P, &rk, N. (". , I!L)i Jki cures (' reck Nation:. 1 '. LI&i&!»r). Park, N. ( . , !934 Petcrshur National Icf ilii:)ry Y&&rk, 4 a, 193. '

Shiion Nationai NIi)itary Pari, 'I'c»n. , 1934. Stoues River )National Alili(. ry lh»l, 'fv»i&. , 1%i Vickshur Nai ion &1 Mili», ri P&&rk, Jvfics„ i&A'4

T. incoln Birthplace Me&»ori)I, Ig!4 Auiictam Battlefield, Prescrv:)!ion, 19&4 Na(&oual Monuments, Jyar J)c!K&rtment, 1934 (. 'emeierial expenses, 34 ar Dvi&. r!men!, 1!& I

DIST«)CT OF CO). &n«r)A

S&&l &rice, Public I'arl-c, Di:!r&ct uf ( ulumhi. &, J!):34 (&cnc)'&1 cxi')cc& vi, I'u) II&. ' Y&rl. s. I)ii!r«( ui' ('uluml&i«, 3»JI s&&l»rick perk J'«!ice, I)is!»c! & f ('ulu»&l i, &, i&c!i 4 nik&&mi;&u&l c!niim&&n!, Ih;rl Pulivv, I)&i(r« I uf ('ulu»&l&i;&, !!&3!

81. 500, GO

!I ", U&) '&0

'"i, , '!6&) 5&')

6, I;!!. !K ", 4!&). , 3

) ), «&» i(&

I, »!)" "6 SU-, &c

:!(& ("7 )c, 04

"& I, I!!. :!0 SI!, TYI »;! !. &" Icf 85&

«3&), «&I

» Exclusive of SI, GG'3 5)GG!) (r;m. fcrr('&I to "8;&1»ri& c;&n&i vxi&cnr&s, ofii&c of N:u&r»»)l Ik&rl, s. I!»&I&lin". , ;««I ic«" r- vu!iuns, !%4", ui«l& r Itxvvn'ivc ()r&h r No. GIF&G of Ju»v 10, I!)33

-" Tr &)& fvrn &i fn»» "I &tension oi wiuter feed i&rib(ivs of Kame;mim &li ui Yvilu«i!&»&& N &) iu» &I Ik»h" »»&I& r Exec»& i&u or&!& r No 6)GG of June 10, 1933.

&& 8&'c n& ! v » Tr m I' rrvd from "P&!rch &se of I «n&i» N &(io&ml P &rl s", »ndvr I'xv& n! !v& ()r&l& r No (»&6 uf )»&« Io, I!c!! '" Sv&. nu! c 25. ' Tr»&if rrc i to " Roads an&i Tr ili, ()flivv uf N &t&on &I P &rl c, I'!»il&l&n v. &&nd IC«r«) «»&i, I:»«rx&»& y ('&»&. ! &'»&-

Iion, Jg!3!3'k nn&!cr Execu()ve Order No. Gi»&! uf, !»»v 10, p!J3. "Sce nc!c 27. » Ice!u&»cd fro&n s&r»v ul&j&«&»n&lvr l)v!), &r&»&vn! »f 1&'&'«'»I '&r&' 8&!v»&)!&':«& » lie(ur»v I iu sn»&e ui&jv& I »»&I& r ()f!i«of N &! «n &I Ic&ri i, !!» I I»&&, L» i Icv. r&, 'i&»&i. 8«»u! v c!& » 'I'&»& fvrrv&i from " J(&m&l«&n&l Tr»i ~, N &(& &n &I I'&ri, " »» I& r I&K& ««&«(ir&! & N«(&!GG of )»»&' I». )!)!!, » 8&'(' n&li&', !! » Tl» ' ('o&»n&iciiun I«'r&'(»furr' c()((' I un&le&' " I»'I&'p&'»'I&'»! &)(Ii«''i'' «;&. ;&I«)liihv I, ;»«! I»»&! «»&i !&, »& (v« &" I

(&(lice uf N»»»» I Pu&'!&c, Ii»&i&linc, ;&nd lie cr&»«»&', I» i&»! m&»& uf & I & I »i& & i& r, »» I& r iw, " u! i!6&& uf Ir& &e»&, 1!&X!, v!I&'v&&&'c 5 & '. 10, !!i!! All ! r &r»r I &» ~ &&»6«&! p& ! r»& «u& fur & i«' (' » &» . & u& fu&

f&cC 1 yC&r &'kii &rc . ! )!C&l for i««lev( Puri&ucv. »»&1& r ())Ii«& f N«««& &I lk&rk . I »&! I»& «»«I I« i r&&i «« )' E & iu &v; f 35I„'", » '0 )r»& fvrrv I (&) "S«l &r«v; » I c)i&'» c» «i!&«& I N;! &» &I I' & '. , I!»&I! « '', » I I,

iioni, I!)!3!'H»»&l& r J'ccc»! &v& ()r&l& r Nu 6!66 oi !»»& !0, )!C(! &»«!»« I»&!« Is)u)". I" )r»& f«r &I f&ur« "Iv «i »&r&) uf JI 8! r( v!, N r! I))v& v&, l)is& ri& ( uf ( ulu& &I «, I!&HI -:32", :)CI I cl& 2!3, i'l&! &!u 8! &I, I!'&7&

Receipts and expenCitttres, 19Sfr — Continued

[Debit transfer appropriations (net) and repayments to appropriai, ions in excess of expenditures are printed in italic. Emergency expenditures are indicated by an asterisk*]

Unexpended balances June 30, 1933 Expenditures in 1934 (see p. 6) Amount carried to surplus fund (see p. 7)

Unexpended balances June 30, 1934

Fiscal vear for which

a[) 1 )I' 0 pl I- ation was

made A. v ail ah le

Reserve for impounded

vacancs sav- i»gs (see p. 8)

On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing


Apl)I'opl'ls, tlons

Warrants-issued basis

Checks-issued basis

Act June 20, 1874

impounded salary and

vaoa»cy sav- ings

Reserve for ilnpounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)


On books of tl)e Treasury

To credit of disbursing


GENERAL ACCOUNTS Continue«l sa]Ira'a], a-


; t»sssavATIDNS continued 4]2 sx)'sw]J)]'f

1'«lgir 13»ildi »gs Commission»

Public Buildings (')»»»)ission iVo year

Pat)'ir Dail)ti))gs a)I)t Pshlic 1 asks of the National Capital 's

$115, 785. 70 $2, 343. 08 $21, 144. 76» $186, 889. 96 t)18, 486'. 8l $?, 708. 55 $2, 382. 66 $2, 343. 08

Salaries 1934 1933 1932

89, 811. 18

83, 310. 20 25, 759. 61 8, 905. 50

sl 185, 071. 83 185, 071. 83 18, sef. 80.

119. 40

171, 731. 23

185, 071. 83

4, 816. 70 119. 40 $83, 429. 60

180, 636. 73

94, 532. 61 25, 762. 61 $8, 496. 77

Salaries, office of superintendent, State, War, and Navy Department Buildings. 1920 23. 83

General expenses 1934 1933 1932 1931

94, 806. 12

169, 370. 67 41, 022. 55

47, 284. 64

375. 19

ss 62, 154. 00 60, 154. 13 15, 760. 13

47, 888. 68 876. 19

60, 154. 13 56, 782. 68

68. 89 216, 709. 20 375. 19

9, 433. 27 1, 999. 87

69, 612. ?2

28, 200. 54 116, 882. 92

Construction of roads in the Mall 1932 21. 70 81. 70 21. 70

Heating plant, West Potomac Park 1931-32 Mount Vernon Highway police 1933


731, 093. 49

887. 22

2, 320. 08

987. 32

2, 000. 00 890. 91

8, 000. 00 597. 11

731, 093. 49

4, 320. 08 367. 56 909. 87

9, 890. 81 597. 11

Printing and binding 1934 1933 1932

500. 00 5. 70

1, 015. 99

ss 400. 00 866. 78 650. 26

5. 70

400. 00 865. 73

86s. 78 650. 26

Public warehouse site snd building No year Claims for damages, sct Dec. 28, 1922,

Public Buildings and Public Parks of the National Capital No year

Indeanite: Increase of compensation, office of

superintendent, State, Wsr, snd Navy Department Buildings 1920

177, 354. 18

184. 06

8, 011. 13 14. 28 1, 203. 95

167. 81

10. 00

1, 218. 23

167. 81

10. 00 10. 00

931. 03 8, 011. 13 175, 219. 20

16. 25


Pub)ie Buffdinpe and Public Parks of fbe National Capital

Special deposit account 86, 479. 35 74, 689. /j8 $161, 108. 7S


Na(ianal cemeteries «

Antietam Battlefield, preservation 1934 1933 1932

174. 34 30. 00

&i 792. 17 585. 48

102. 78 586 48 102. 78

30. 00

125. 00 46. 93

Sl. 69 24. 63

688. 26 688. 26

National &nilitanJ parks «

Chickamauga and Chattanooga National Military Purl-, Tenn. and Oa . No year

1%4 1933 1%2


716. 81

4, 844. 16 309. &2

3GS. 03

'i 7[5'. 6[ «24, 117. 41

88. 64 3, 117. 42

2, 596. 83

88. 84 3, 117. 42

2, 596. 83 309. 72

368. 03

I, 094. 00

2, 035. 93

33, 3( 19, 905. )g&

211. 40

Fort l)»nelson N;&t&on, &l hlil&t;&ry Par[-, Tenn. . . . . . 1934 1933 1932


948. 12 21. 19

802. 41

'& 3, 128. 86

5, GSO. 91

623. 70 i

452. 11

577. 50

5, 680. 91

623. 70 462. 11

577. 50 21. 19

224. 91

359. 00 223. 23

2, 146. 16 272. 78

Fred& ri&l'st&nr an&i Spottsylvania Cuu&ity B;&t tlefields Memorial, Va . . 1934

1933 1%2

347. 61 2, 868. 32

937. 07 «12, 248. 10

1, 653. 3!

%8. 10 [57. 66

2, 839. 33

I& 653. 31

958. 10 779. 41

2, 709. 33 28. 99

86 00 343. 84

] I, 205, 00 l(it. 43

("eltyshurg N, itir&n;il 51&litarv Park, Pa. , e&n, rce;n & construction . No year

(Ict(J. I&ur- "at&onai 5[iI&rory Park, Pa No year 1934 1933


55. 75 2, 273. 81

609. 79

4, 820. 96 3, 641. 67

'i 8, 075. 88 « 30, 449. 48

3, 639. 77

86. 00

3, 694. 27

2, 71'J. 74

4, 446. 84

86. OO

3, (i94. 27

2, 713. 74

4, 820. 96

55. 75 196. 57

I, 945. 00 587. Oi bgl. t[i

40. 0i I

si(& '&I

i'&8 i)S

6, 370. 01 ii, 370. 01

» 'J'r, irixf&rrvd In "6;&I:&r&ci«&»»1 & (pi»sex Otfice of V&ational P»rl's, Buildin s, and Reservat&ons, 1%4" under ltx& n&i &ve (&r l& r N;& &i!a!i of Jun& It), t!«!&

JI& r& t& (urv s»&ted u»&ler "Indi I&en&le&it &)I'fi& es". 'I'rnnsferred to the Otfice of National Parks. Iiuildincs, and I( '»rv &iiu &s»nd«'' s('(' ' uf lgxc& uti«&)rdvr No. »ion of Jut&e !0, !933, eil&'cti&'e Auv, 10, !933. All tr&ns &ctions for this . , & t«r&. f& r it&v fi. & &I yc&r I!&It, &nvlr&&l»i thu'&i undvr Ir»lvi&vr»ieni Otlicv, »re st &ted fur k&udget purposes under this ct» I&(«. ''. '

Exvli&siv&' . f s ', i&i &J«w Ii i r &nsfcrred to "8 &h&ries an&i exper&ses, Ofll«'& of N &tior» I Parks, Buildings and Reserva- t &ons, i'. & (I ", un I& t 8 «&»i i «& &rd& r Nu &JIG&i of June IO, i!)83

I:x& l&i-i«& I 3&«p& st& i«i ferro I to '8 &I ines atid expenses, Office of National Parks, Buildings, :&nd Rvserv &-

t»&». , iu'ii', i&&& icr 8 x«»'i ve &)r I& r Nu (ilGG of June !0, !933. I x& J»i«& uf 4, t()» i &, &. . (& r re I t&&

' 8 &I &ri& s &r»l expenses, Oilice of National Parks, Buildings, i&n&i Rcscrvatior&s,


un&!& r i(, e& &&ii&« '; d& & Vu i &&i&& uf Jut&e i(i, [O'JJ

I[& re« (&»& s«t& I ii. , Ivr "Nu& i»&lit &r&, tv&r. " Tr&nsferre I from ivor Dc[&»rtrncnt to Oflice of National perl s'

Ji» I!ir& i »vl I!«& «i»&ns, u» I& r «2 of I xv& ut&ve &)rders No Gl(i&i of Jnnc !0, i!i33, and (&2'8 of Julv 's, 1933 'I r &ns i& i, &&r&s fur i J»s;ict & vii & for & I&& t«. x&l yv &r i!) it, in( l&nlir&i; tl&ose under the ivor Department, are stated for [iud et [»i'JH& & ~ »»&I&'r t J&is ch:«, &vr

'& Itxclnsivc of 85, 0 '-' s3 transferred to "Salaries and exl&enses, OAice of Not iorml I'urk», 13&iil&l»& s tions, I!)3('*, »nder Ever»&tive & &rder No &&I&i(i of June 10, I!&T3,

&& T»»&s c&'re&i to "So[ones and vxl&vnscs, Of[i(o of V» t&unol P &rk:, Buildinis, nnd llvsvrv it &one Executive ()rder No, Gi&&(& & f Jiinv IO, I!&33

'" I. :«lu. && a of 832& 7!& 5&'J tr &i&sf& rre&l to "Gal &rica;unt ex»en)vs, (&ilici of N &tiotwl I'. irl&s, liu&hlings t&ons, t&JJI", under Fxv& irtivc (&ruler No f&if&(& of Jur&v (0, I!n!3

«Kx&!&i. ive uf 5(, 145. )4 tri&risferred to "8;&larivs:&nd expenses, (&!lice of V;&t ion;&I I', irk. , li&iild»&c tions, I&J!I&", un&lvr Execu(&vc Order No. ((inn uf. ii&ne ii), t!&3!& ': I. xvlus&ve of f'2()it 90 tr&nsf& rred iu "S&l &r» s:&n&l & x[&vnscs, (&!lice of N»(ion&I I'. &rl s, Ii&&ild»&gs tions, I!)ii", un I& r Execu(&(e or&5 r No. &i(no &&f June !U, I!&33 «'I'r &nsferrvd to "8il iri&s;ir»l exprnscv, (Jtli&c of N&itiun &I I', &rks, Iiuildings, &in&I I(&v& i &;&t&uris Fxecul&ve Order No. t&!Gu i&f J»r&v i(&, i!&I i

Eve!ux&ve of i &(i!it&i) r&2 tr &nsferrcd tu "ssl &ni s arid expens& s, &)![i&( of N &i »»»I I'. irk, , li»&l I»» v tions, i&JJI", un&icr Execu&&ve & )rdxr Nu Gi('0 u( Ju&&c ii), I!)&!(.

o»d Rcsn»i-

t'. i, i i ", &i&i ocr

'. »»I I(&'s&'&'v;&-

a»d I(&' »'''\:&

:&n&l I(& s& r «;-

I!i!I i" &i»d& r

, '&i»l I(&

Receipts and expenditures, 198+~ — Continued

[Debit transfer appropriations (net) and repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures are printed in italic. Emergency exponditures are indicated by an asterisk*]

Unexpended balances June 30, 1933 Expenditures in 1934 (see p. 6) Aluount carried to surplus fund (see p. 7)

Uuexpended balauces June 30, 1934

Fiscal year for which

appl'oprl- ation was

lnade A. vailable

Reserve for im))ounded

vaccncy sav- ings (see p. 8)

On books of the Treasury

Tn credit of disbursing



Warrants-issued tjasls

Checks-issued basis

Act June 20, 1874

IIBI)eundo)1 salary and

vacancy sav- lngS

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)


On books of the Treasury

To credit of ll) s l)ur s)ng




RRBL)avxr)GNS — continued

National military parks — Continued

(luilfnrjl (. 'ourthouse National Military I', )rk, N. C 1934

1933 1932

$264. 31 33. 91

$585. 84

ll $1, 626. 52 $1, 452. 45 114. 72

$1, 452. 45 114. 72

$33. 9i

$169. 00 146. 35 $585. S4

$5 07 3. 24

Moores Creek National Itlilitary Park, N C 1934

1933 1932

448. 92 10. 22

» 2, 125. 27

1 567 17

346. 27

296. 26

1, 567. 17

346. 27 ~

296. 26 10. 22

237. 00 124. 94

1, 542. 00 27. 72

642. 53 642. 53

Nai iona] monuments, Wsr Department, elnergency construction No year

National monuments, War Department 1934 1933 1932

1931 — 32

845. 39

2, 101. 95 187. 23

1, 132. 26

s) 6, 595. 06 2, 238. 18 1, 148. 92

21. 33 1, 025. 00

2, 238. 18 1, 148. 92

21, 33 1, 025, 00

165. 90 107. 26

1, 029. 00 614. 69

845. 39 2, 327. SS

338. 34

Mnnumont, Kill Devi) IIill, KittyHswk, N. C 1930-33


Petersburg National Military Park, Vs No year 1934 1933 1932

731. 64

1, 350. 38 50. 61

123. 08 40. 65

$40. 03

132. 38

" 88. 81 l' 2, 817. 00

4, 433. 43

48. 08

88. 18

75. Sf

4, 433, 43

8. 05

104. 25

96. 20

1, 350. 38

40. 65

69. 25

30. 00 225. 00 60. 59

662. 39

34. 88 2, 592. 00

90. 62

Petersburg National Military Park, Va. ,

( Office of National Parks, Buildings,

snd Reservations Shiloh National Military Park, Ten-

nessee emergency construction

Shiloh National Military Park, Tenn

iVo year

No year

1934 1933 1932

310. 57

2, 455. 98 1. 81

» 33. 81

l' 22, 782. 07

134. 59

2, 041. 32 1, 186, 60

3, 226. 92

134. 59

2, 041. 32 1, 185. 60

3, 226. 92

33. 81

1. 81

» 22. 24

574. 00 1, 245. 85

198. 22

20, 166. 76 24. 53

SCones River National 51&l&&ary Park, Tenn No year

1934 1933 1932

1, 184. 41 12. 14

66 S. 4( 66 977 58 623. 49

1, 016. 96 6&. 49

1, 016. 96 12. 14

354. 00 167. 45

. GJ

1, 640. 45 1, 640. 45

Stones River National Slilitary Park, Tenn. , Once of National Parks, Buildings and Reservations No year

Vicksburg National Military Park, Miss 1934 1933 1932

1931 — 32 1931

Certified clai&n.

2, 488. 65 26. 11

. 01

367. 50

6 5. 41 66 11, 440. 60

356. 00 8. 49

2, 117. 50

1, 730. 80

356. 00 8. 49

2, 117 50 1, 730. 80

356. 00 8. 49

5. 41

26. 11 . 01

757 00 718. 62 367. 50

8, 566. 10 39. 23

4, 21'2. (9 4, 212. 79

Affsrelfuneous «

Lincoln Birthplace Memorial 1934 1933 1932

538. GS

9. 85

» 887. 74 259. 24

363. 22 259. Z4

363. 22 9. 85

508. 00 163. 61

120. 50 11. 85

622. 46 622. 46

Marker at Monocacy, Md No year Marker at Monocacy, Md. , Oif&ce of

National Parks. Buildings, and Res- er », t ious No year

4, 973. 92 66 4 978 99

si 4 973 92 4, 973. 92

Totnh general and special accounts, Oii!ce of National Parks, Build- ings, an(1 Reservations



REBERCAT&ONS continued

¹)iona( Perk Serriee

6, 462, 6()7. 15 85, 991. 96 1, 29S, 468. 56 39, 404, 356. 56 15, 905, 4Z9. 32 15, 209, 272. 58 1, 091, 527. 58 298, 429. 21 101, 900. 19 28, 555, 729. 37


$1, 994, 625. 30




Nat&onal harl s, buildings and reserva- tions, don(!t&ons

National Farl Service, don!t«&ns

N at ion &I I', irk 'rr & ice, &ion &t&ons (trnns-

fer to 1)& p»rtincnt of Agriculture, act kf, «' '&I, I!IZG)

Yurcb:&-c of 1»nds, n;&tional parks, build-

Ing ', ar«l r& scr&;&tioz& ', don»i iot&s

I'u&'&' &

i' of lands, n:&t&onnl I»&'ks, dona-


No year No year

No year

No year

No year

220, 241. 79

596. 59

1, 000. 00

46, 675. 57

» 47i, oi8. Gr&

66 f 85, 088. 79

6' 1, 000. 00

6& I, 000. 00

140, 182. 31 35, 163. 70

140, 182. 31

56, 820. 26 39. 30 330, 836. 25

5&06. 50,

I, 000. 0&. )

";, t)l!& 01

('rrdii &ten&. 8&'c foot i o&C 'li& On fn&) &. It&7 ' i. (Ci&&s&vr of -, I &I is Ir&n. f& &'rcd to ''8 &I n'&cs;u&d cspens('6, (JQicc of N&tlonnl P &rks, Bulldir&gs, at&d Reserva-

t«»&, , I!&! I '' unrl& r Fx«ut&«(&r le& No Gian r&f June !0, 19)'). ! &i & vr of . ' L I' &, ! , I r «& f r& « I to "8 &I &ri& s;u&d et pensee, OSicc of N it ionnl P irk s, Buildings, and Reserva-

I«& . I'I


", u& I& r l. x«&riive & 'r I& r N«. Glii& of Junr iu, It)!)' ). I. « I&i. i& r of 40«, !&I i r &n f& rr«l to "8 &)aries (&nd & vprt&s& s. Office of Nnt&onnl Parks, Buil&iings, and ltescrva-

t«»s, & o ", ur&&i& r I (««&, &«&«& r N&&. ()i 6 of Junc )0, I!&« I I « " I'& && r. I u&e Jc &I r&n;&I kl il&t, &ry I', &rl', & '!&, (&fii&e of National Parks, Buildings, and ltescrv;&-

'!&on, , &:& I«'' &( . ( &'«I ««' &r I& r N «, i!I& i of Inn&' lt&, I!& '3

I . ««' «I 6 Loo'»r «& («r&'0 Io ''8 &I »''cs &u«l &'vpcnscs, OK!cc of National Pari s, Bulldlngs, SDd R&'scrviltions,

I!&! I ", u« I& r I:(«ui &«( &I drr 4 «nli!C& «f Junc li), I!&) 3.

I;(&!u & 6 «f ' !GT«s '&!I tr &nsi& rrrd to "S &I: ri& s &u«l cvi&ense. ', Oil&cr of N &tionnl Parks, Buildings, and Reserva. . I &4 I u I, & I, «& ui &vr & &rdrr No (! IM «I tune li), I'& is 'I'r « I r«i « '«'&or&&v 1(&&er . 4;&(«&n, &l . Vl &I» &ry IG rk, 'I'cnn. , Oflice of N, &!ion, &l Parks, Buildings, and Reser.

v &I &oi»", «« I& r I &, «» i& r ordrr N«(ll & 6 i&f I ««r 10, i & &!.

66 Fvclu. ive of 34, 692. 43 tr&nsfrrred to "Snlaues and evpenscs, Oflice of Not«u&nl ln&rl. », liiiil&lings, nn&l l«scrv. &-

tions, I!&!)I", under Evccutivr Or&ler No, i)16(i of June IG, 193). && 9& r notr 55. &6 F&(lu. i(c of!&'ll oe&040 I r &nsfcrr('&I to «H« I'&ri&'6 nnd evpenscs, (Jtlicc of Nnt ion&&l IL&rl(s, I')uil&lings, nnd lirscrv&&-

tions, I!&36", un&ier l«xrcutivc Or&lcr No GIGG of. l»nc !0, IGXI 66 Ev(lu ive of 546&&2 26 I&'nt&sfer&vd to "Snlnr&rs&n&l cvpcnsrs, Ollicc of N&I ir&i«&l 1L&rl s, 1&uil&lu&gs, ;&t«l I(& srr».

tions, I!&!)4", under Fvecutive Order No. GIGG& of Jut&e 10, I!)3!&. 6'& 'I'r n krrcd to "51&rl er at Monocacy, 1!I&I. , Oflice of Nation(&l I'&rl s, Itu&I&tines, ;u«I It&'s&'rv&)i«l&s", un&i& r

E vecui i & c O) der No. t) I(&i of June 10, 1933. S«uoi& f&0

6& I« lu&lcs 54, 0 FGS GG transferred from ''National ib&rk Service, dona!i»ns'' under 1:vccuti& c i &i&i& r N«. lilt)(i &&1

June lt), i&iss. 66 'I bis em& u( I together I& iih 8 & 5&!&70 77 tr &nsferr(&1 to ' 'Kntionnl l&nrl s, I«i ildi«gs, n&«l rcsei & nt i«ns, &bn&nt lone",

under livecut&vc Order No. t&li)G of Ju&&c 30, IG!3. && 'I'rnnsferrcd fro)n ' '1'ur(l&nse of I u&ds, n &iionnl parks, &lonniions", ui«lcr I:sc(nt i& c or&i& r &N« I )G(i «f Ju&«' 10,

1933. " See note 64.

Recei pts and expenditures, 1081A — Continued

[Debit transfer appropriations (net) and repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures are printed in italic. Emergency expenditures are indicated by an asterLsk']

Unexpended balances June 30, 1933 Expenditures in 1934 (see p. 6) Amount carried to sur plus fund (see p. 7)

Unexpended balances June 30, 1934

Fiscal year for which

appropn- ation was

Diode Available

Reserve for '

impounded vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)

On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing


A. ppropriations ygarrants-issued

basis Checks-issued

basis Act June 20,


Impounded salary and

vacancy sav- ings

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)


On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing




IIEFEIIFATIDNs — continued

Na(iasaf Park Seroire — Continued

Preservation, birthplace of Abraham Linroln « No year

Preservation, birthplace of Abraham Lincoln, Office of National Parks, BuildiDFs, and Reservations No year

$6, 919. 89 sr $S, OOS. OO

II 4, 015. 00

$726. 23 $726, 23 $3. 75 $4, 184. 91

4, 015. 00

Total, contributed funds, Office of National Parks, Buildings, and Reservations 228, 758. 27 $46, 675. 57 287, 989. 77 176, 072. 24 197, 728. 80 43. 05 340, 632. 75 $25, 019. 01


'I'otal, Oflice of National Parks, Buil&lings and Reservations


6, 691, 425 42 $85, 901. 96 1, 345, 144. 13 39, 692, 346. 33 16, OS1, 501. 56 15, 407, 001. 38 $1, 091, 527. 58 298, 472. 26 $101, 900. 19 28, 896, 362. 12 2, 019, 644. 31


1934 1933 1932

4, 133. 59 83. 11 191. 66

2, 307. 60 250, 000. 00 215, 675. 88

2, SO7. 50 215, 418. 04

274. 77

11, 391. 59 6, 438. 11

18, 802. 01 4, 130. 52 2. 98


257. 84

General expenses 1934 1933 1932

2, 601. 00 10, 162. 58

1, 741. 22 20, 000. 00

213, 368. 38

10, 475. 04 795. OS

62. 97

215, 418. 04

6, 690. 83 474. 54

62. 97 10, 099. 61

9, 524. 9G

3, 396. 96 4, 784. 21 ™9

470. 72

9, 742. 05& 6, 228. 34

, General expenses, Bureau of Educa- tion . Certiffed claims

Investigation of secondary education 1932 1930-32

I, 740. 47

6, 885. 90 5, 849. 04

8, 410. 46

9. 33 9. 33

I, ] 35. 23

6, 508, 25

9. 33

G, 984. 27

14, 918. 71 605. 24

377. 65

Investi Ation of school finances 1932 400. 46

7, 643. 48

26. 6&7

21, 902. 98

26. 67 373. 79

Investigation of teacher training 1933-34 1933

1931-33 16, 820. 09 937. 60

169. 14 2, 356. 11

530. 11

41 16, 000. 00 »& 16 OOO OO

I& 867. 38 I, 6 IS. 7S

666. SI

1, 867. 38 736. 39

4. 20

2, 607. 97

402. 68 550. 28

937. 60 14, 132. 62 2, 036. 13

144. 77

Permanent snd indefinite: Colleges for agriculture snd the me-

chanic arts 1«fo year

Total, Oflice of Fducstion 42, 996. 34 1, 129. 16 21, 193. 44

2, 550, OOO. OO

2, 820, 009. 33

2, 550, OOO. OO

2, 780, 512. 66

2, 550, 000. 00

2, 796, 193. 33 11, 731. 06 18, 782. 66 19, 739 51 33, sti«. 94 5, 512. 77


[The Federal Board for Vocational Education was transferred from Inde- pendent Offices to the Department of the Interior umler sec. 15 of Executive Order xfo. Ota» of June 10, 1933, effective Aug. -0, 1933. For Budget purposes all trans- actions &n approtiriatiuu accounts for this Board uniler in lepen&lent Oflicesa&»l the p)cpi»tn:ent of the Interior for the fiscal year 1934 are stated in this chapter. ]

Salaries and expenses, vocational educa- cation, Department of the Interior 1934 ti 286, 086. 32 269, 074. 00 254, 593. 78 17, 012. 32 14. 480. 22

Salaries and expenses, vocational rehabil- itation of persons disabled in industry 1934

1933 1932 1931

Certified claims

1, 425. 44

6, 333. 76 244. 50 405. 64

ts 4, 173. 00

4. 00

4, 172. 60 403. 06

. I6

. 60 4. 00

4, 172. 60 808. 70

. 16 , 60

4. 00

6, 333. 92 . 20

638. 68 244. 50 . 40

383. 80

4, 579. 30 4, 984. 94

Cooperative vocational rehabilitation, residents of the District of ('. olumbia's 1934

1933 1932

3, 565. 18

6, 305. 86

497. 27

ts 18, 877. 72 I 3, 877. 76

1, 276. 16 JS, 877. 76

1, 772. 43

6, 305. 86 128. 50 2, 161. 52

Cooperative vocational rehabilitation of

persons di", :Iil«1 iu industry, Depart- n&ent of the Interior 1934 ts 433, 488. 57

ig, 602. 66

433, 488. 57

fg, 105. 29

433, 488. 57

Cooperative vocitioual rehabilitation of persons &lis) t le&I iu industry 1934

1933 1932

103, 780. 10 119, 091. 32

te 535 511 43 428, 402. 26 428, 402. 26

119, 091. 32

107, 109. 17

103, i«0 10

428, 402. 26 428, 402. 26

Co&&l erative voce&ional viliivatiun, home

cc&inur»ics, 1 )eli»rt &ncnt uf I he Interior 1934 "t 496, 428. 80 493, 397. 54 493, 397. 54 3, 0!II. 26

('&&&in&&vitive vnv:iiiiinal eiluc, itiun in

hu»ie econo&iii& s. 1934 1933 1932

34, 846. 44

12, 772. 23

is 165 071 20 147, 042. 43 147, 042. 43

12, 772. 23

tx, 0'&8 77

31 «46 14

14&, 042. 43 147, 042. 43

&e It&re&i&f„iv. »&t& I »n li r 3V»r l)&li irtmcnt. Sce note 4&), p Ifi7. &t 'i, , ». f, & n I to ''I'ri. vrv it&, ii, I»rt tipl»vv uf Alirclmu& Li»c»I», ()Ilici of Hat!i&nal Parks, Bu&ld»&gs, and Reserva-

tion-, i& I& r It«i i i» ii«&r Ii r «u i It&; ii&' J&» c IO, I!V35

"I& li»li ", &&&»' vf& iri' I to ii&» t&'i 7. f& rrv I fr &i& I!&!I!I:» &»nt, ;i I I'i t& &7, I933 (47 Stat, 8533,

'I r:» f r re&I i&i I!&x3 — &'I& i r. . i»i& «& c &iiitc i, !i

f rr& I &in I& r I;« it ««&r lvr Ic &&I&'&& of June 10, I!&33, fr m accounts as follows;

&&&i I e«lie&& v. , i& & it i&i&& il ri li &I&ilitatii&ti of [ivr &m. &I&sat&lv I &n &nil&i«try, 1934. . 350 827 00

. '»I irivx i»&&l e«l &»«it« I'i &I& r&I lti»r I f r l & ci&&i&&i» I I'&It&&3(tot&, 19!54 210 3SI 60

('o I & r it&& «&i . &&t«. il r& Ii»t»lit . i i i&, rv &&I& nt, &if thr' I &i«tnct of ('ulumt&iii, I!&34 . . . 24 877 72

i& Ic«vtri. &i I «s», «2, I& iii I'i & r I tu '' - rl &r. & . i&& I c«I&e»«& «, viiv itiuiml tilt&(citii&n, D&'li»rt&nent uf the Iuterior,

I!i & I ''

ii»&lvr I«' i & ii»& i' & lrrl&'t' X u. &&It && iif Jtit&i li&, ll»55,

's See also apprnprict&im fur this object under District uf ('ul»»ibis, p n Appropriatio» uf BI I Ix)o &nil excess rep iyments nf St I 877. , & tr»&«fv& i«l tii "« it i&iv« iii&t v«livii«i «, & &&v it i&&iial

education, Department of &he liitcriiir, i&331", tinder I', xevut&)!v ()r&lvr «u. &itt i' i&f. tiiiii I», I'. it 5. rs 'I'ra»sferred from "('&&i&I&erati is 5'»catt»i»&I r&'habil&tati&i&& uf I&& r«&i&i«&li. :ibli' I »i &i&&li&. I& i, I!&!I'', »i&ili'r I'. «v& &&I &ve

Order I«'o. Bitt&& of June It), I!&!5&5. " Fxvlusi) e of i'&33, 4h», 57 rvfvrrcil to in note 75. &t Tri&i«ferre&i fr&i&u "('is&tii retire vunitiunal education in home ecununiictb I!&St", niiilvr Et» i &&ti&o t)r&l&&r

6I66 of June 10, 1933. &s Exclusive of $49t), 428. 80 rvforrcil to in note 77.

Receipts and expenditures, 1 rl8JI. — Continued

[Debit transfer appropriations (net) and repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures are printed in italic. Emergency expenditures are indicated by an asterisk']

Unexpended balances June 30, 1933 Expenditures in 1934 (see p. 6) Amount carried to surplus

fund (see p. 7) Unexpended balances June 30, 1934

Fiscal year for which

appropri- ation was

made Available

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)

On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing


Appropriations Warrantsfissued

basis Checks-issued

basis Act June 20,


Impounded salary and

vacancy sav- ings

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)


On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing




continued Permanent:

Salaries and expenses, Federal Board for Vocational Education 1934

1933 1932

$8, 704. 93 19, 186. 87

$1, 957. 58 $8, 917, 35

rr $32, 618. 40

«20. 00

$16, 593. 09 2, f48. 20

$16, 593. 09 6, 720. 25

$19, 206. 87 $2, 808. 90 $1, 957. 58

$16, 025. 81 8, 044. 23 $48. 90

14, 444. 89 23, 313. 34

Salaries snd expenses, Federal Board for Vocational Education (trans- fers to Department of Commerce, Bureau of Census, sct Msy 21, 1920)

Cooperative vocational education in agriculture, Department of the Interior



20. 00 II SO. OO

«2, 374, 115. 94 2, 369, 872. 36 2, 369, 872. 36 4, 243. 58

Cooperative vocational education in agriculture 1934

1933 1932

110, 149. 95 64, 533. 03

II 815, 884. 06 686, 436. 58 686, 436. 58

64, 533. 03

129, 447. 48 110, 149. 95

686, 436. 58 686, 436. 58

Cooperative vocational education, teachers, etc. , Department of the Interior 1934

Cooperative vocational education, teachers, etc 1934

1933 1932

60, 032. 36 82, 425. 73

«695, 067, 94

«235, 632. 06

693, 937. 65

184, 41k 43

693, 937. 65

184) 411. 43

32, 425. 73

1, 130. 29

51, 220. 63 60, 032. 86

Cooperative vocational education in trades and industries, Department of the Interior 1934 rr I, 880, 553. 75

184, 411. 43

1, 879, 000. 30

184, 411. 43

1, 879, 000. 30 I, 553. 45

Cooperative vocational education in trades and industries 1934

1933 1932

122, 799. 28 82, 552. 17

E 661, 946. 25 544, 676, 96

544, 676. 96

544, 676. 96

544, 676. 96

82, 552. 17

117, 269. 29 122, 799. 28

Total general accounts, X&ederal Board for Vocational Educa- tionn


788, 524. 65 9, 820. 26 8, 602, 704. 00 8, 136, 16L 71 8, 131, 452. 85 343, 221. 33 3, 675. 98 908, 269. 63 14, 529. 12

Territory of Alaska& Salaries, governor snd secretary 1934

1933 390. 24 1932 . 01

s&14, 800. 00 13, 584. 82

13, 584. 82

13, 584. 82

13, 584 82

715. 00 390. 00

. 18

. 24

Contingent expenses 1934 1933 1932

618. 83 605. 34

1, 784. 60 16, 520. 00 15, 008. 63

35$. 66 45. 00

14, 110. 31 1, 452. 04

J&6. 00 647. 34

541. 00 294. 66

970. 37 898. 32

14, 634. 07 15, 520. 35

Legislative expenses . NATIGNAI. INDURTBIAL REcovERY,

Interior, Territory of Alaska Alaska Railroad appropriated fund Alaska Railroad appropriated fund

(transfer to Qeofogicsl Survey, act Feb 14, 1931)

NATIGNAL INDUSTRIAL REcovERY& Interior, Alaska Railroad

Care sad custody of insane, Alaska

1933 531. 29

1933-35 No year 660, 122. 27

No year 133. 76


1934 1933 2, 963. 60 1932 12. 35

7, 147. 61

14, 005. 03

I 175, 500. 00 150, 000. 00

I 210, 008. 00

170, 900. 00

8& I6'9. 46

24, 000. 00 810, 122. 27

88. 78

180, 000. 00

146, 618. 39 1, 847. 66

4, 978. 15

'12, 728. 02 810, 122. 27

53. 78

v 1 34, 416. 46

155, 699. 97 16, 852. 6 9

12. 35

267. 60

32. 50

2, 433. 15

151, 500. 00

12. 48

30, 008. 00

24, 281. 61 1, 115. 94

11, 271. 98

35. OO

46, 583. 54

I 9, 081. 58

148, 466. 05 171, 552. 66

Construction aad maintenance of roads, bridges, and trails, Alaska 1934-35

1933-34 1932-33 1931-32

416, 300. 00 1, 147. 67

3. 00 1, 198. 33

50& 298, 99 22, 054. 08

452, 000. 00 394, 557. 33

920. 30

395, 477. 63

444, '763. 22

22, 974. 38

467, 737. 60

21, 470. 00 227. 37 I, 198. 33

462, 000. 00 272. 67 93. 10


Interior, AlaskaRoad Commission. 1933-35 I 1, 696, 000. 00 980, 780. 99 v780, 396. 23 615& 219. 01 200, 384. 76

Reindeer for Alaska . 1934-35 1933-34 1932-33 1931-32

32, 400. 00 4, 024. 59

3, 780. 61 225. 62

30, 520. 00 » f60. 00 25& 937. 22

2, 154. 23 1. 09

25, 469. 28

2, 379. 85 l. 09 3, 779. 52

920. 00 591. 62 146. 69

30, 620. 00 6, 382, 78

1, 132. 15 467. 94

28, 092. 54 27, 850. 22

Suppressing traffic in intoxicating liquors, Alaska . 1934

1933 1932

726. 80 2, 834. 67

689. 75

11, 370. 00 230. 72

230. 72

820. 47

820. 47

2, 834. 67 196. 00

11, 370. 00 300. 08

' Allotted froin "National Industrial Recovery" appropriation, for complete statement of which see p. 428. I Debit balance. » Included annual appropriation of $68, 000 and is exclusive of $210, 381. 60 transferred to "Salaries snd expenses,

vocational e&lucstion, Department of the Interior, 1034", under Executive Order No. 6166 of June 10, 1933. » lteturoe&l from same object under the Department of Commerce. See note 81. » f&ctur»c&t to same object under vocational education. See note 80. st Transferred from "Cooperative vocational education in agriculture, 1934", under Executive Order No. 6166 of

June 10, i933 » Includes aunual appropriation of $670, 000 and excludes $2, 374, 115. 94 referred to in note 82.

«Transferred from "Cooperative vocational education, teachers, etc. , 1934", under Executive Order No. 6166 of June 10, 1933.

» Includes annual appropriation of $20, 700 and excludes $695, 067. 94 referred to in note 84, » Transferred from "Cooperative vocational educatioa ia trades snd industries, 1934", under 1". Iccutivo Order No. 6166 of June 10, 1933.

» Includes annual appropriation of $32, 600 and excludes $1, 880, 553. 75 referred to in note 86. »Includes $160 traasferred frotn "Reindeer for Alaska, 1933-34", act Mar. 20, 1933 (48 Stat. 13), » Transferred to "Salaries, governor and secretary of Alaska, 1934", act of Mar. 10, 1933 (48 Stat, 13).

Receipts and expenditures, 188$ — Continued

(Debit transfer appropriations (net) and repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures sre printed in italic. Emergency expenditures are indicated by an asterisk*]

Unexpended balances June 30, 1933 Expenditures in 1934 (see p. 6) Amount carried to surplus

fund (see p. 7) Unexpended balances June 30, 1934

Fiscal year for which

appropri- ation was

made Available

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)

On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing


Appropriations Warrants-issued

basis Checks-issued

basis Act June 20,


Impounded salary and

vacancy sav- ings

Reserve for '

impounded vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)


On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing




Territory of Alaska — Continued. Workingfund, DepartmentoftheIn-

terior (Alaska Road Commission) No year $7, 000. 00 $688. I4 $6, 431. 86 $255. 90 $312. 24

Territory of Hawaii: Salaries, Governor and secretary 1934


Contingent expenses 1934 1933 1932

$43. 96

21. 80 222. 77

263. 38

761. 89

44 $14, 484. 00

44 5, 686. 00

13, 760. 00 ees. 88

13, 496. 62

5, 385. 00 76L es

13, 759. 18

13, 759. 18

4, 585. 32

$222. 77

724. 00 197. 60

189. 00 90. 02

109. 74

112. 00 693. 67

$0. 82 g,



799. 68

4, 623. 11 4, 585. 32

Legislative expenses 1933 2, 841. 03 3, 841. 03 2, 475. 00 366. 03

Virgin Islands: Temporary Government for Virgin

Islands 1934 1933 18, 360. 37 $4, 200. 42 64, 183. 09

» 365, 619. 79 44 305. 37

351, 208. 10 $8, 140. (rf

305, 068. 03

324, 014. 53 18, 043. 02

342, 057. 55

10, 230. 00 3, 806. 93

$2, 760. 00 3, 826. 83

1, 421. 69 61, 372. 47

t7 t3 M

27, 193. 57

Temporary Government for West Indian Islands 1931-32

Temporary Government for West Indian Islands (transfers to De- partment of Agriculture): Act Mar. 4, 1931 1931-32


Interior, Virgin Islands 1933-35


100. 76

557, 15

12. 67 44 f(6. 76

44 204. 61

4 1& 302, 850. 00

352. 54

340, 000. 00

352. 54

«193, 481. 43

12. 67

962, 850. 00 44+ " 146, 518. 57


Issks Railroad special fund No year ssksn reindeer fund . No year

'ublic schools, Alaska fund No year

Usgon roads, bridges, snd trails, Alaska

fund No year

funds contributed for improvement of roads, bridges, snd trails, Alaska No year

lpecial deposit accounts

119, 629. 66 755. 46

83, 971. 97

82, 004. 78


28, 296. 14 133, 293. 44

21, 202. 53

(M) (44)

1, 360, 719. 68

52, 541. 91

136, 608. 97

1, 128, 970. 71

76, 588. 82

88, 353. 75

1, 005, 52L 97

76, 588. 82

88, 462. 18

87, 763. 75 53, 274. 92 238, 636. 10 755. 46

59, 925. 06

130, 260, 00

256, 742 18

21 094. 10

Total genera[ and special accounts Oovernment in the Territories I, 432, 263. 7) 33, 707. 56 326, 651. 04 6, 065, 466. 35 4 547 35R &)2


4 171 001 SS 7, 512. 33 1st, 377. 76 6 I, 'O&i. 77 2, 763, 9', i', 1. 'Lls) 702, 001. 98


Funds contributed for Improve)neat of roads, bridges, and traits, Alaska No year 224. 18 479. 37 35, 944. 85 35, 475. 70 35, 852. 38 G93. XI 10o ()9

Total, Oovernment in tbe Terri- tories 1, 432, 489. 89 33, 707. 56 326, 130. 41 6, 101, 413. 20 4, 582, 828. 52 4, 206, 854. 26 7, 512. 33 131, 377. 75 61, 206. 77 2, 784, 683. 28 702, 104. 67



Cofumhia InsliluNon for the Deaf

"olumbia Institution for the Deaf 1934 1933 1932

2, 558. 49 202. 25

&4 122, 125. 00 117, 678. 00 111, 794. 55

202. 25

4, 447. 00 1, 076. 84 1, 481. ()5&

5, 883. 46

117, liiS. 00 111, 794. 55

NATIONAL INDvsTRIAL IEEcovER, In- terior, Columbia Institution for the Deaf . 1933-35 & 10, 000. 00 10, 000. 00 '10, 000. 00

Freed&nen'4 Floepitai

Freedmen's lfospital & 1934 1933 1932 1931

382. 52

104. 50

138, 065. 00

I 3, 702. 08 I GH. Oi

128, 818. 00

I, 888. 80 128, 818. 00

1, 933. 20

3, 806. 58 68. 97

7, 959. 00 1, 288. 00 382 52 I, 933. 20

126, 884. SO 126, HH4. HO

llos&ard flniuersft[(

Howard IJni)ers&ty 1934 1933 1932

Cortif[e&l chiiu&s

NAT)oNAL IincsTR)AL Ltgcnvc'RY, It&-

terior, Ftcc&lmvn's 1iospital . 1933 — 36

3, 9!)H. 14 i"&, 191. 42

30, 935. 81 67. 37

& 85, 000. 00

& (i:It, 60 t. 45

4 HOS). M 114. 59 '

84, 705. 74

604, 979. 72

19, 068. 76

7, 085. 22

114. 59

~ f)b 155, ii

5&H3, 99f). 93 11, (i)0. OH

7, 15&2 r&9

114. PJ 1 75

26, 624. 73

22, 406. Vi

291. 2(i

600. I:I

M 23, MO. 57

0 20, OS2. 79

25)G. 98

593, 110. 7H 602, H74. 19

ll&»viir&i I'niveriity, emergency construc- tion 1&J31-32

NAT&&&HA(. IsnitsTR(A(. I(ac&&vai&Y, In- L&'i &or, I foun«' I I nl'&'crii) v I()X3 — 3&

('l)iiiro&nn l)nil&ling, Ilowsir&l I'niv&riily No Yv ir

I&orn&i)&)ry ln)it&lings nos. 2 and 3, llo)v- ;&r&l I'nivvriiiy 74 o yea)'

l&orn»&ory building, ll&nv:)rd Ifnivvrs&ly No yc:)r

102. 46

[21, 270. 97

I, 671. 1&O

3, Oin. Gi

2, 374. G7

15), 229. 21

& 2, 294, 311. 00

) ' In(hi I& i 9)r& I r inif& rr« I fron& "('on (invent & i pensci, Tvrri tory of II i)vaii, 1&J31", act Et )r. 20, 1933, (IH stat. 13). & hi&i& i f1&i) r& I& i r& I t&»n n&&l& '. )0

» I ) )aviv( of 8&hl )() Tl )i )nif& rrv&l to "8 il &rivi of circuit, &list r&cL in)&l retire&i ju&lges, 1934" (Jnsticv) un&[or F&xecu-

ti)«&r I& r E&&. ()l(i&i of June 4& I &&& h& I& i 3)(&() 7(i ir &nit&'rrv&l frr&)n "'I'('inporot)' ()ovcrnn&vnt for ty(iil In&lion Iil;i)nli, )9!3)-3'&", act Rior. 4, I&JJI

(4) Ht » l, ii , 'in&i 82()l &)I r& )urn«l fr&)n& i)inc &&l&j& (i un&[or l&vp &rtn&vn( of A&'ri& ulturc. Hco note Ã&,

I r &" f& rr«I t&& ''

I & n&p&&r&rv ()ov& i'&)n&cn& l&&r V&rain Is[ )r&&li' . ico n(&tv '!KI. &i I(&»&) )&«I Io ~ )n&«)l&j«* i nr&&l& r "v&r& &n Iil «)&ls" ivv, oct« 1!I.

. \«'' n& i &'I &;. Io« I o ''('onlrihulc&l (i)&&&li'', f()llo'i)'n&g, nn&h'r I'crniancntAppropriiition ICtpeol Ac't of Junc 26, 193[

8, 868, 07 6. 60 2, 471, 63

2[O, 42, ". , 'IH

16, 808. 86 4227, 827, :IH j

20 35) 147. 5)0

2 (t!7 Sir& (T&

43(i, (3!)'2. ;Il)

I'i, I&!Li oo

I, 671, f&O

3, !)7O (i7

Ace&)unl n)ch&dc&i ui special (I('posit account, I). IHO. '4 Hce &n&tv 96. " K)clusiv&i Of $75& tr msfvrrv&l Ir) "H )tari& i on&i ('xpons(s, l)ivision of l&iil»irSVB)Vnt, I!)!II" ('I'r& &iiirV), no&[or Kxecutivv ()r&lors N&&s &&Inn o&&&l ()5)O &&f Juno lo;»ol I &v& . Ss, I!) CI

i A&l&iitional &lisburson)enis w( r(. n& nl&1 for this ohjv& I n&nl( r lla l)iilri('( of ('ohirnhl &, 9, , '45) &in()polio) I() 3) ) 'Jgv&n, :) & A[l(&Ltc&l from "N )Lion)il In&lust ri il Itv(avery" iippropri ))i&&n& f&&r &'on)plo(o stol&'inca(, &)I n h« 8 iv( 9, I'„"i, 4 'I'«''&nsfctt('&I ftoni '' iri'&)('(In)&'n'S [los[&lt. , 'il, l)[st)'lvt of ('ohnnhl&i'', o('I . ')I:&t. 4, I!) )I (l&i Sl&)l. I, &il). & Invlu&lci )'H&JG&. 5&5& tr &nsf& rrc&l from 1932 seconal. , Juno I'J, )&2) I (Is 8)»L. :)lt'&). 4 Ti'onsf&. 'i'rc'I lo I&2'l4 o&. 'counL. Hvc note 4,

Receipts and expenditures, 198$ — Continued

[Debit transfer appropriations (net) and repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures are printed in ilalic. Emergency expenditures sre indicated by an asterisk']

Unexpended balances June 30, 1933 Expenditures in 1934 (see p. 6! Amount carried to surplus fund (see p. 7)

Unexpended balances June 30, 1934

Fiscal year for which

appropri- ation was

made Available

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)

On books of the Treasury

To credit, of disbursing


Appropriations ygarrants-issued

basis Checks-issued

basis Act June 20,


Impounded salary and

vacancy sav- ings

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- inas (see p 8)


On books of the Treasury

To credit oi disbursing



BENEFIGIARIEs — continued

Howard Untsersitit — Continued

Construction and equipment, chemistry buildiug, Howard University No year

Heat, light, and power, plant, Howard University No year

Library building, Howard University No year Reconstructing heat, light, and power

system, Howard University . 1931-32

$351, 476. 74

449, 751. 24

376, 105. 65

21, 961. 20

$2, 191. 62

8, 323. 76

1, 991. 72

2, 917. 99

tt8, 19t. 68

7, 889. 5'1

1, 99t. 78

19, 324. 92

$984. 25

22, 242. 91 $2, 636. 28

$60. 00

18. 75 95. 00

$353, 608. 36

457, 072. 00 378, 002. 37

Saint Ettzabtths Hospital

Saint Elizabeths Hospital 1934 1933-34

1933 1932

125, 001. 53 233, 427. 95 236, 648. 55

$69, 327. 32

2, 374. 11

3, 752. 00 91, 701. 87

4 $1, 116, 094. 20 119, 603. 35

833, 605, 25 229, 710. 24

814, 684. 64 1, 105. 44

849, 756. 29

772, 936. 89 221, 034. 56

188, 968. 77

I, 105. 44

872, 114. 12

237, 917. 22

99, 208. 00 2, 123. 00

79, 922. 09

$42, 296. 00

70, 207. 32

140, 984. 95 12, 771. 64

367, 290. 50

$60, 668. 36 t7 12, 427. 68


Buildings snd grounds, Saint Elizsbeths Hospital No year

Continuous-treatrnont and dining ball and kitchen buildings, Saint Elizs- beths Hospital No year

Male receiving building, Saint Eliza- beths Hospital . No year

Female receiving building, Saint Eliza-

beths HospitaL. No year

Medical snd surgical building, Saint Elizabeths Hospital No year

Return of funds of deceased patients,

, Saint Elizabeths Hospital No year


terior, Saint Elizabeths Hospital 1933-35

'lhtberculosis building, Saint Elizabeths

Hospital, emergency construction No year

14, 246. 45

175, 470. 17

471, 300. 03

250, 000. 00

10, 477. 42

5, 929. 87

3, 565. 7?

29i 537. 66

1, 765. 21

2, 143. 42

137. 13

I 930, 000. 00

50, 032. 03

324, 529. 41

1, 765. 81

137. 13

219, 323. 74

8, 148. 48

53, 597. 80

332, 447. 28

137. 13

i 206, 303. 33

3, 202. 12

1, 308. 41

163. 57

14, 246. 45

122, 236. 02

145, 462. 21

250, 000. 00

12, 079. 06

710, 676. 26

8, 073. 29

21, 619. 79

13, 020. 41

Total, general accounts, Bene- ficiaries



Personal funds of patients, Saint Elizs-

beths HospitaL No year

Pension money, Saint Elizsbeths Hospi-

tal No year

3, 161' 702. 70

215, 384. 23

655, 655. 15

72, 188. 45 196, 498. 08

14, 628. 19

7, 068. 12

6, 451, 721. 32

112, 079. 65

I IOS, 577. 78

2, 608, 898. 81

98, 161. 68

15, 905. 27

2, 628, 388. 86

106, 998. 80

16, 933. 80

247, 104. 58 248, 762. 16 114, 173. 84 5, 466, 673. 08

229, 302, 20

531, 172. 16

177, 008. 03

6, 791. 07

6, 039. 69

Unclabned funds of discharged patients, Saint Elizabeths Hospital . No year

Total trust accounts, Beneficiaries.

Total, Beneficiaries


4, 408. 62

875, 447. 90

4, 037, 150. 60 72, 188. 45

21, 696. 31

218, 194. 39

3, 501, 93

5, 455, 223. 25

114, 066. 95

2, 722, 965. 76

123, 932. 60

2, 752, 321. 46 247, 104. 58 248, 762, 16 114, 173, 84

4, 408. 62

764 Ssc 88

6, 231, 655. 96

11, 830. 66

188, 838. 69

Bvnxxv oy MINEs

'[The Bureau of Mines was transferred to 6'om the Department of Commerce to

the Department of the Interior under Executive Order No. 6611 of Feb. 22, 1934, etfective Apr. 26, 1934, with the exception 02 the appropriation "Maintenance and operation, fuel yards, District of Colum. bis", which was transferred to the Pro- curement Division, Treasury Depart- ment, under sec. I of Executive Order No. 6166 of June 10, 1933, elfective Oct. 26, 1933. For Budget purposes all transac- tions in appropriation accounts for the Bureau of Mines under the Department of Commerce and the Department of the Interior for the fiscal year 1934 are stated in this chapter. ]

Care, etc. , of building and grounds, Bu- reau of Mines, Pittsburgh, Pa 1934

1933 1932

2, 177. 85

3, 362. 58 879. 66

s GO, OOO. OO 56, 609. 69 5'46. 40

55, 307. 92 333. 26

3, 362. 58

2, 570. 03 2, 066. 99

77. 92 472. 00

742. 36 185. 26

I, 301, 77 t3

56& 063. 29 55, 641, 18

Economics of &nineral industries 1934 1933 1932

7, 389. 75

4, 702. 43 3, 282. 10

220, 500. 00 200, 811. 54

9, 879. OI

4. 20

199, 482. 91 403. 09

4. 20 4, 698. 23

9, 970. 22

9, 917. 79 9, 718. 24

350. 97 I, 328. 63


Expense, &nining oxperi&ncnt stations 1934 1933 1932

8, 203. 22

5, 297. 82 38/& 98

171, 000. 00

197, 936. 73

126, 531. 86 933. 87


199, 890. 20

125, 198. 09 548. 89

. 74 5, 297. 08

6, 258. 11 6, 801. 74

29, 865. 70 8, 344. 33 467. Ul

O I, 333. 77

127, 466. 47 125, 747. 72

Oencral expenses 1934 1933 1932

2, 825. 42

4, 185. 10 567. 43

64, Mo. 00 47, 747. 67 238. 60

46, 691. 00 328, 83

4, 185. 10

'2. 389. 59 2, 787. el

6, 466. 32 7 896 4' 270. 51

I, 056. 07

47, 509. 07 47, 019. 83

II&&liu&n investi ations. 1934 1933 1932

252. 78 3, 390. 10

918. 20 40, 000. 00 28, 831. 33

596. 79

28, 234. 61

28, 062. 37 321. 48

28, 383. 85

3, 39U. 10

I, 394. 57 825. 66

4, 359. 80 5, 414. 7I 23. S. i

68 90

& 5 II I Is&i fr«&n "N &I&coal I« ius&r&sl Hcc«very" appropriatiou, for complete statement of which see p. 428. « IS«, « ivc of $«05 So trcnsf& rrc I Io "Sal &ncs and expenses, Division of Disbursement, 1934", under Executive

or&I& r& N«, , , I& G, &o&i 65 IU of Junc IU;&n&l I &cc. "8, &933, and includes $119 603 35 transferred from "pension money, saint El&a &I &'I I& Il«si&ital", '«&'I. I'cl&. 17, IUSS (lh SI'« I. 857).

' Appropnat&on of $11 025 Gtand f108 577 72 credits m th&s account «cro tr &nsfnrc&l to San&I I l&r &I„II&s I[& 1934", act Feb. 17, 1933 (48 Stat. 857). s Traosferred from "Maintenance and operation, fuel yards, District of ('clu&n his, I&XI I ", act hl, &r I


Receipts and expenditures, J98JA — Continued

[Debit transfer appropriations (net) and repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures are printed in italic. Emergency expenditures are indicated by an asterisk*]

Unexpended balances June 30, 1933 Expenditures in 1934 (see ii. 6) Amount carriod to surplus

fund (see p. 7) Unexpended balance~ Jnne 30 1934

pi~ca) year for which

a, p flropri. ation was

made Available

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)

On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing


Appropriations Warrants-issued

basis Checks-issued

baris Act June 20,


Impoumled salary and

vacancy sav- in s

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)


On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing



RvEEAv OF MINES — continued

Helium plants 1933-34 1933 $227, 713. 96 $6, 976. 88

' $184, 056. 04 w 184r 058. 04

$130, 161. 00

6, 788. 84

123, 377. GG

$130, 161. 00 193. 54

130, 354. 54

$154. 50

$53 S95. 04

50, 286. 76

Helium production (act Mar. 3, 1933). ii 1934 Helium production (act July 1, 1932). »

Maintenance and operation, fuel yards, District of Columbia»

M incr:il mining investigations 1934 1933 1932

3, 311. 73

7, 668. 11 1, 514. 29

115, 000. 00 86, 219. 87

1, 888. 18 27. 42

82, 321. 70 181. 10 27. 42 $7, 640. 69

4, 199. 01 4, 237. 87

$20, 291. 16 5, 289. 96 407. 05

$2, 89S. 17


83r 914. 10 82, 530. 22

Mining investigations in Alo;ka

Oil and gas investigations

1934 1933 1932

1934 1933

131. 08

7, 002. 90

379. 76

848. 43

8, 300. 00


6, 057. 26 87k 76

5 677. 50

109, 777. 37 188. 89

6, 133. 34

6, 133. 34

106, 493. 98 654. 74 7

131. 08

315. 20

313. 81

5, 242. 72

6, 466. 22

1. 826. 63

23, 353. 08

100. 91 55 95

11, 626. 83 730. 37

' 76. 08 fx5


3, 283. 39

109, 583. 68

Oil, gas, and oil shale investigations Operating rescue cars and stations and

investigation of accidents, Bureau of Mines



Operating mine rescue cars and stations 1933 1932

CertiPed claims

5, 845. 66

12, 687. 55

9, 719. 72 3, 259. 63

614, 000. 00

15. 61

1. 34

454, 544. 23

788. 88 6. 52

15. 61

1. 34

445, 190. 28

2, 476. 40 6. 52

15 61

5, 844. 32

9, 713. 20

19, 962. 40

8, 279. 15

119, 354. 03

135. 00

20, 139. 34

5, 056. 63

9, 353. 95

781. 10 2, 4lia 53

:nvestigating mine accidents 1933 1932

Certified claims

10, 614. 99 7, 874. 21

6, 113. 79

5. 50

5, 850. 57 12. 75 5. 50

463. 22 12. 75 5. 50

7, 861. 46i

14, 147. 61 2, 117. 95

Testing fuel 1934 1933 5, 418. 50 393. 26

131, 000. 00

5, 68A 88

97, 144. 91 888. 78

481. 47

95, 978. 27 59. 53

4, 942. 18 27, 739. 07 5, 622. 54

1, 173. 84 1, 166. 64 129. 69

1932 3, 050. 38 3, 050. 38

NAFIGNALINnvsvz(AL Rzcovzav, Com- merce, Mines . 1933-35 & 272, 800. 00

96, 811. 18

106, 243. 69

96, 037. 80

"71, 648. 42 16ti, 556. 31 34, 595. 27



Gas production, helium plants

Total, Bureau of Mines


No year 7, 957. 80

350, 783. 64

713. 57

25, 462. 02

6, 773. 93

1, 853, 895. 04

5 249 59

1& 436 219' 72

5, 748. 24

1, 404, 455. 68 55, 174. 22

442. 94

119, 308. 36 233, 940. 27

9, 039. 20

360, 036. 11

214. 92

57, 226. 06


Salaries and expenses, U. S. Geographic Board, Department of the Interior 1934 && 408. 56 408. 58 338. 47 70. 09

Salaries and expenses 1934 1933 1932

Printing and binding, 11. S. Geographic Board, Department of the Interior 1934


92. 72 135. 61

4. 12

» I, 185. 96 &&& 62. 64

U 7, 291. 44

1, 185 96 62. 64

I, 248. 60

7, 291. 44

J. (2 7, 291. 44

135. 61 92. 72 4. 12

I, 185. 96 62, t!4


Printing and binding

Total general nccounts U, S. Geographic Board


1934 1933

228. 33

2, 176. 77

2, 180. 89

'I 114. 04 » 63. 64

9, 000. 00

7, 28i 32

114. 04

62. 04

51. 40

S, 995. 88

7, 291. 44

114. 04

2, 114. 13

2, 228. I 7

9, 858. 08 135. 61 92. 72 4. 12

0 t3

I, 315. (i9


Clni&us for damages, act Dec. 28, 1922, Department of the Interior, civil No year

Judgments, ('ourt of Clai&ns, Depart- ment of the Interior, civil . . No year

Judgment. , Ifniteil States Cou& ts, De- liiirtiiicnt. of the Interior, cii il. No year

)yorl;in ~ fun&i, Deportment of ihc Iu- tcrior No year

3t orhinc fun&i, l&ep)rtmcnt o( the In- terior, civil ivorlxi . No year

tyorl ii&g fi&1&'I, Dep&i&tl&len( i&f the Lu-

tcriur, publi« ivor);. . No ye&it

Inivnicnt to I(;irioii F 13!a&. l«veil 1933

365. 29

585 00

1, 000. 00

I, 546. 85

3, 363. 74

115. 05

585. 00

3 I, 900. 00

75, 121. 74 1, 000. 00

115. 05

585 00

106, 755. 79

*128, 658. 08 I, 000. 00

I, 797. 0&i

3, ;3&i3 74

11 !&()ii 0()

75, 121. 14

!1(, 85&5&, 7!1

5&3, ;, 'l&i. 8! I

ill&&&(( &1 from "Ni» ion il in&luitri il Recovery" &ippropriatiun, for co&nplete statement of which see p. 428. l )i t&it t&nl, iiici' 'I'r, in. fi ri cil froio I!&3&3:&&. Count, nct Mar. I, 1933 (47 Stat. 1407),

» '('r iiii!i rrc&l to i&333-34 account. Seo note 9. " ('', ''&'&l&lii i&1'ii fr&i&n ibis iic«i«nt, irc fur thc ilepnrt)nent, for which tho appropriations were made and not charge iit)lc "oii t &lie &lo(, &ri» ic»& (&i w li&& li iuch appropriations hove tieen transferre&i; therefore, beginning with the Sscaf yc ir i &

', i, 1 &ii' iio«iii&it ii it &toil iinitor &lie Navy 1&epnrtment, p. 248, nnd 1ynr Del&artment, p. 322 respectivelv, on the b iiis &

' l 1 ( &ir tin&i iii, ii&un&&i&s ir iriif& rrod. 8(e i&ute I, p. 24S, for fi&rther e&BR&nation,

» 'i'r;ii . , (i 1 u &I:i&i&i it;i&u&i ii&i&ter I'r&n iirernent Division, Treasury L&ep;irtmcnt, p. 282, under see. I of Executive Gril& r X, &, i&, i, &if J &in &1), (!&33

Iii& 1 &i»& «()r&l&r No. (&&N(& of Apr. 17, 19!34, e(feet ivc June li, 1934 nnd functions of the Board (r &&&i(& 1&& ! i & 1»c i)cl& ir» ii& &i& of & lie 1 &i(cri& r i&or 13&iilcc( pur[&use '

&ill tri&nsi&c»o»s lu appropriatiounccounts for the

Board un&ler In&lopcnilcnt Gfliccs and the Depart nient of the i uteri&&r f&&r I la ii & il yc ir &' '1'rnosferreil froin "Siiliirics and expenses, 1. '. 8, Gener:&phic B&&:iril, (!)&34", u»dcr

Apr. Ii, )9:34. » Transferred from "Prmt&ng and bindiug, U. S. Geogr&B)hic i)ocul, t!i34" ui«lcr

Apr. 17, 1&334 &1 Transferred from "Printin ~;&nil binding, I;. S. Geogripliic Ilonril, 1&J33", iinilcr

Apr. 17, 193. 1 "Exclus&ve of 3408. 5&i referreil to in note 14. 'I Exclusive of $1, 185. 90 refcrreil to in noto 15. » See note 10 » Account stated unilcr Fe&leral Civil )yorl s A&i&ninistrntioii, li. 109.

(93( iir&' it;&ti'il it& t lii» cli;&liter Exec&i(lvu ()I'&lci' No. (iiiii) uf

Execu(ivu ()rilcr No, i&&ho Iif

Exec&i(ivu ()rib r No & i 81& i&f

I rr

Recei pts and expenditures, 188~1 — Continued

[Debit transfer appropriations (net) and repayinents to appropriations in excess of expenditures are printed in italic. Emergency expenditures are indicated by an asterisk 'i

Unexpended balances June 30, 1933 Expenditures in 1934 (see p. 6) Amount carried to surplus

fund (see p. 7) Unexpended balances June 30, 1934

Fiscal year for which

ap pl' op I i. ation was

made Available

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)

On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing


Appropriations Warrants-issued

basis Checks-issued

basis A. ct June 20,


Impounded salary and

vacancy sav- ings

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)


On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing




Relief of- Estate of Moses M. Bane Arabelle E. Bodkin Certain riparian owners, drained

Mud Lake Bottcm, Minn John Eampshire John Eerink Zctta Lester Harold W. Morrin Wallace E. Ordway Potomac Electric Power Co Yosemite Lumber Co

Indefinite: Increase of compensation, Depart-

ment of the Interior

Special deposit accounts


Special deposit accounts

No year No year

No year No year No year No year No year No year No year No year

1921 liJ20

$1, 080. 00

400. 00 124. 35

$593, 955. 22


$28, 000. 00

37, 406. 44

32, 715. 81 921. 00

4, 000. 00 2, 157. 25

1, 100. 00

$40o. oo 124. 35

2, 157. 25

. 87 1. 87

$400. 00 124. 35

2, 157. 25

. 87 1. 87

886, 118. 01

$0. 67 I. 67

$1, 080. 00 28, 000. 00

37, 406. 44

32, 715. 81

921. 00

4, 000. 00

1, 100. 00

$890, 067. 23 d

Total general account, Interior, civil, miscellaneous



Efiects of deceased employees, Depart- ment of the Interior, civil No year

Unclaimed moneys of individuals whose whereabouts are unknown (Interior, civil) No year

Special deposit accounts

3, 554. 64

86. 11

400. 95

593, 955. 22 111, 211. 09 88, 81if. 88 587, 148. 58

77, fsh 79

2. 34 197, 405. 22

86. 11

400. 95

1, 038, 459. 91

77, 191. 79

Total trust accounts, Interior, civil, miscellaneous

Total, Interior, civil, miscellaneous

Total, Interior, civil

487. 06

4, 041. 70 593, 955. 22

37( 538) 572 72 $258 012. 67 3 359 179 89

111, 211. 09

219, 965, 827. 78

88, 841. 88

74, 213, 119, 79

77, 191. 79

604, 888. 31 2. 34

70 453 332 93 1, 852, 214. 26 $1, 257, 349. 05

487. 06

197, 892. 28

$846, 943. 81 179, 592, 786. 26

771 191. 79

I& 115, 651. 70

7, 118, 966. 75

Summary, Interior, civil: General and special accounts Special deposit accounts

Isi 037, 645. 91 254, 568. 43 2, 636, 043. 04 593, 955. 22

35, 695, 186. 57 33, 495, 846. 16 34, 084, 664. 42 808, 118. 01

I, 852, 214, 26

18, 037, 646, QI 264, 568. 43 3, 229, QQB. 26 36, ees, lse. 57 33, 495, 646. 16 33, 7BB, 652. 41 I, 852, 214. 26

I, 192, 391 67

I, 192, 391. 67

843, 499. 67

843, 499. 57 16, 603, 449. 25 2, 937, 292. 01

16, 603, 449. 25 2, 047, 224, 78 890, 067. 23

Kmergencpi Boulder Dam project Boulder Dam project (N. I. R. ) Other (N. I. R. )

19, 199, 696. 66 3, 444. 24 60, 330. 39 72, 923. 49 44, 100, 000. 00

139, 668, 348. 09

S, 012, 416. Go

11, 622, 546. 07 20, 658, 804. 97

9, 072, 749. 07 11, 453, 540. 1G, 787, 027. 53

GA, 914. 33 3 441 '&4 10, 195, '-' " 43 32, 47, 45)!(. Gui

119, 009, 543. 12 !69 OOG. 33

'l, S 1, )77. 39


Trust a«cour&ts Contubuted accounts

36, 237, 332. 87

I, 072, 257. 40 228, 982. 45

1, 301, 239. 85

253, 012. 67 3, 290, 328. 64

21, 696. 31 47, 154. 94

68, 851. 25

219, 536, 458. 15

7, 953. 94 421, 415. 69 429, 3G9. GS

73, 789, 61G. 89 O. 101, S(i9. SO

114, 671. 10 47, 344. QG

308, 832. 80 304, 118. 17 423, 50'3. 90 351, 463. 13

1, 852, 214. 26 1, 257, 306. 00

43. 05 43. 05

846, 943. 81 178, 285, ) SA 73

965, 540. 24

341, 5"2 29 1, 307, 062&. 53

(i 978, 074. r 3

89, 022. 45 51, 869, 5,

140, 892 02

Total, Interior, CiviL



37, 538, 572. 72 258, 012. 67 3, 359, 179. 89 219, 965, 827. 78 74, 213, 119. 79 70, 453, 332. 93 1, 852, 214. 2G 1, 257, 349. 05 S 1(i, 913. Sl 179, 592, 786. 26 7, 1!S, 9(i('). 75


Salaries, Bureau of Indian Affairs 1934 1933 1932


4, 281. 29 . 10

5, 090. 46

3, 889. 61

1, 000. 82

21 016. 71 356, 000. 00 329, 395. 84

8, g88. 91 324, 769. 12

7. 8O

. 10 6, 091. 28

17, 245. 00 5) 567. 90 3, 746. 28

9, 359. 16 SSO. 63

4, 626. 72

PS5 of judges, Indian courts

Pay of Indian police

1934 1933 1932

1934 1933 1932

Certified claims

1, 012. 22

760. 03

5), 039. 23

3, 179. 61

825. 04

5, 862. 55

151 000. 00

150, 000. 00 i 8 cgg gg

16. 88

327, 371. 93

13, 188. 60 688. 98

12, 535. 65

101, 831. 52

4, 891. 89 5. 62

16. 88

324, 761. 92

11, 476. 69 172. 09

11, 648. 78

96, 175. 74

1, 571. 16 5. 62

16. 88

760. 03

3, 173. 99

I, 322. 00 235 PP

10, 137. 00 2, 185. 20

489. 40

1, 430. 17

38, 031. 48 4, Gi)). 42

1, 711. 91 'tl

5, G55. )8

Field representatives, Indian Service . . 1934 1933 1932


720. 14 159. 08

2, 031. 92

154. 29 19, 000. 00

s 100. 00

97, 562. 63

18, 347. 20 396. 15

. 60

18, 742. 85

97, 769. 40

14, 981. 58 550. 44

. 80

15, 531. 52

159. OS

2, 032. 42

482. 00 374. 07

170. 80 49. 92


3, 36. 62


Ccncrril csi)cnses, Inrii;m Service 1934 1933

1932-33 1931-33

715. 67 '

140. 5)8

548. 62

607. 13 352. 35

20, 000. 00 i 1, 800. 00

16, 987. 55

2, 288. 74

165. 88 544. 31

14, 2(ip. 69 2) 895. 87

ISG. 53 544. 31

3, 012. 4;)

2 G. &6!I

306. 40 4. 31

", 726. 86

19, 654. 78 17, 887. 40

In)lirin cgency l&urlduigs 1934 1933-34

1933 1932) — 33

1932 1931-33 Ir)31-32

8, 420. 95

7, 491. 5G

'-', 910. 47

8, 550. 17 4, 676. 01

10, 631. 52

7, 235. 86 11, 076. 31 3, 109. 87

78. 75 3, 612. 61

168, 460. 00 129, 365. 45 2, 375. 96

4, 688. 64 I, 887. 88

124 55 8, 686. 88

8. 19

123, 30c. 51

119, 713. 92 7, 972. 34

6, 542. 77 1, 712. 48

203. 30 986. 28

A f8

137, 128. 90

8, 425. 62

10, 533. 71

3, 851 00 1, 738. 85 I, 281. 75

331. 55

133. 80

651. 00 'I, 30(i. 14

10, 713, 35 3 r&7(! 31

7, IGS. , ! I

9, C)f)1, 53

I, 6;iii 48

r I ) ')

) I ul)'h, laf Ill(l (r )nsl&ori it& )n )f Indi )r& . upi)lies, 1933", act 31;ir. 20, 1933 (4S Stat. 13). f) rn lr&illa)) s«hooi sir[)l)nl'(, ', I!!" Gct i)'I:)r. "(&, I!&33 (48 Stat. 13).

» Includes 3 tories, and 8124,

» Seo note 21.

21 894 (i'I lier'r'ir&fore 611. 16 irn)ler liiicrru

stated under llureui of R«clnnmtion, 88, 701. 19 unill&i' ()ll'i'cl'IIIII()ll!. )li (hl j r rri. r, Civil, j&lrscclli)»cr)rrs, ;&9 sl&e«i:il riel)r&sit, &r)r)r)ur)(s.


Receipts and expendifttres, 1M' — Contin(sed

(()chit transfer appropriations (net) and repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures are printed in italic. Flncrgcncy expenditures are indicated by an asterisk"]

Fiscal year for which

a p pi 0 [ 1 I I. '1 i lon lvlis

nla le

On books of the Treasury

Available Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)

To credit of disbursing


IJnexpended balances June 30, 1933

Appropnations !Varrants-issued

basis ('. hecks-issued


Expenditures in 1934 (see p. 6)

Act June 20, 1874

Impounded salary nod

vacancy sav- ings

Amount carried to surplus fund (see p. 7)

On books of the Treasury

Reserve for iinpounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)


To credit of disbursing


Unexpended balances June 30, 1034

GENERAL ACCOUNTS — (. 'ontinue(l

shl. h. alxs hvn ('ENEREL EEYENEEs — continued

Ini esllg ltillg cl, nmc of individual Sioux In(liens

Narnlx. ll. IND! STRIAL RKcovERY, In- tel'inl', ln()lans



$283. 95

I $19, 034, 550. 00 f9, 679, 962. 09 ~ $6&873, 498. 57

$283. 95

$9, 354, 587. 91 $2, 806, 463. 52

Yunhl!&„;ind transportation of Indiln suppl!( . . 1934-35

1934 1933-34,

1933 1932-33

1932 1931-32

1931 1926

42, 688. 37 64, 559. 65

2, 871. 88

18, 190. 70

1, 008. 53

14, 727. 56

8533. 32

f6, 966. 84

23, 449. 06

3, 975, 48

50, 000. 00

600, 000. 00

I 221, 847. 36 & 6, 847. 88

1, 000. 00 527, 667. 08

6;969. /6 I

270, 235. 29

8, 975. 58 1, 810. 23

81. 54 98. 09

244, 956. 70

1, 007. 38 293, 684. 35

1, 810. 23

EL 5' 82. 09

16, 380. 47

1& 008. 53

22. 09

$2, 750. 00

731. 74

$379. 00

533. 32

49, 000. 00 69, 203. 92

48, 647. 83

15, 439. 98

!4, 749. 10

I, 000. 00 282, 710. 38

790, 734. 03 541, 415&. 03,

Supressing)iquor (rniTic ninon& Indians 1934 1033 1932

4, 991. 63 '

6&, 247. 30 7, 699. 99 1, 073. 33

3& 971. 13 95, 300. 00 48, 872. 54

1, 919. 95 32. 67

45, 771. 75

5, 891. 08 32. 67 6, 214. 63

1, 462. 00

I, 177. 30 8& 241. 66

1, 073. 33

44 965 46 1 352 71

3, 100. 79

50, 825. 16 51, 695. 50

Telephone lines between Gallup and Zuni Agency and witliin Jicarika Res- ervntion, N. Nfex 1931-32

Indefinite: incrcnse of compensation, Indian

'ervice . . . 1921

9. 09

R 67

9. 09

2. 67

Total, salaries and general ex-

penses . 221, 838. 19 14, 197. 07 73, 293. 98 20, 722, 726. SS 11, 120, 69'2. 96 8, 071, 334. 35 55, 097. 66 51 006 16 14, 624. 59 9& 717& 340 77 3, 122, 652. 59

Ittd lan schools EDL(CATION

1930-32 1930-31

30, 916. 52 888. 00 I. 6'9

888. . 09 A 68

31, 278. 52 I. 58

Radian school support 1934-35 1934 1933 29, 167. 56 35, 958 43 159, 433. 81

(') I 3, 813, 890. 08

(& 18&. 0Z5. 00 3, 592, 688. 80 i

70, 966. 88

3, 521, 722. 54

3, 292, 308. 26 87, 331. 81

3& 3Z9, 640. 07

98, 885. 00 27, 866. 86

42, 825. 00 65, 756. 10

79, 491. 20 60, 534. 30

300, 380. 54 1& 135, 74

Indian schools support. 1932 i

193O I

1929 1926

Certified claims

GS, B43. 73 34, 018. 63

9, iis. 33 244. BS

)4 64

112. 33

2, 22). )O '6'68.

OG ~

15. 84 I

4. G4

60. 00 112. 33

'2, 4&ie. 93 '666'.


15. 84 4. 64

60. 00 112. 33

70, 740 9G

34, asti. 69 15. 24

50. 00

1, 904. 77 2, [49. 60

Indian school subsistence, summer months 1934

1933 8, 436. 02 23, 605. 95 90, 000. 00 4G, 866. 23

18, 76o. 48 32, 472. 37

4, Sl l. 76 43, 133. 77

27, 221, 50 14, 393. Sli

28, OSO. 75 37, 284. 13

Lad[an schools subsistence, summer months . . 1932

Indian school transportation 1934 1933 1932

20, 671. 26

29, 843. 92 21, 272. 02

13 206 28 i

95, 000. 00 & o, 000. 00

54, 401. 07

5, 088. 62

19. 91

35, 095. 89 17, 792. 90

Jy. 91

20, 671. 26

21, 285. 93

450. 00 46. 20

40, 148. 93 19, 70'J. 10

19, 305. IS 502. 00

59, 475. 78 52, 874. 88

Indian boarding schools . 1934 — 35 1934

1933 — 34 1933

1932-34 1932-33

1932 1931-34 193[-33 1931 — 32

1931 1930-32

1930 Certified claims

13, 482. 3J 26, 145. 35 22, 000. 00

115, 939. 96 49, 38&&. 27

75, 560. 72

24, 776. 76

266. 46

64, 991. 05

9, 441. 11

159, 141. 55

5, 000. 00 '

53, 6fip. SS 955. 96

41, 80&i. 74

12. 06 '

()) «3, 347, 910. 00

u 20, 000. 00 &) 90, 421. 16 i& 90 481. 16 u 10, 000. 00 «59, 340. 00 ' 59, 840. 00

250. 20

2, 700, 131. 08

Go, (64. 44 74, 255. 14

4(, 676. 66 980. 77

52, 587. 40 SB, 888. 46

8, 383. 12

89. 80

68 86 250. 20

2, G96, 246. 15

2, 561, 806. 87

93, 871. 23

70, 177. 08 I I, 787. 25 I, 936. 73

52, 340. 52

8, 584. 31 8, 395. 18

89. 80

51. 86 250. 20

2, 809, UGS. 31

67, 845. 61

16, 393. 64 29. 80

266. 46 51. 26

87, 561. 00 " 17. 62 37, 442. 54

115. 00 379. 79

143. 00

I, 708. 90

34, 757. 00

72, 635. 53

52», 460. 92 13 500 00 fili, 222. 7

38, 05&I. II2

67, 0 I'. Cil

6, ti(tip. &ip

47, 734. "i)

138, 324. 21

105&. 88

9, 078. 06

2 [G. 88



Indian school buildings 1934 1933-34

I ' 3!&

1932-33 1932

1931-33 1931-32 '

Certified claiius

1G4, 000. 00

8, 174. 94

30, 230. 26

6, 725. 31 18, 626. 71 12, 621. 99

27, 070. 69 15, 553. 77

38, 110. 57 20. 94 5G. 77 3. 94

272, 600. 00

65. 97 ]

247, 676. 19 86, 177. 60

7, 486. 91 60, 788. 10

351. 20 259. IG

1. 75 G5. 97

183, 959. 16

211 iJ47. 20 893. 09

8, 127. 86 7, 322. 47

372. 14 3[5. 93

2. 19 i

65. 97

229, 046. SG&

6, 374. 11

12, 623. 74

8, 909. 00

1, 765. 78 573. 02


1, 541. 00 14, 473. Sl 190, [7, (ip

13, 835. 07 60, 445. 3[

18, 3GG. 99

35&, ", '28. Pp


i '['(i&its[i rrvii ! i& " I'&ir& l&as& an(1 t ransport &tin&i of In&[inn sup[ilies, 1933 ", act Afar. 20, 1933 (48 Stat. 13).

3 i, ll»tt&'rl (roti& 'sh'&u«&«I Iii&[11. trit&[ [tv&'«very" a[&prof&r&at&on, for crim[i[etc sti&tvmv&il of wliich see p, 428, i I riclu&ii s $[045) [7:[i! tr;ii&sfcrr& it, acts 4[&r. 22, l&&32 (47 stat. 9!), Ond . '&far. 20, I!)3!) (48 stat. )3h from accounts as

f&il[&»vs: In&[i'iin &cl&iiiil sti[&[i&ir', I!&'is

In&lmn lii&;«il»ic s& li(i&&le, I'J!! I In&liiiii s& l&&iol tr ins[ii&rt, &t &i n, )93![ Iuiy &if I&i&i&:»& Ii li& v, lp;!, i ('&ii&. i rv&&i& &i i f Iiv ilt I&;ii»i iiv Inili ins, )933 8&i[i[ii&rt &i( Irii! i»ra &&nil;iilm&&»str:it i&iti of In&lian )iri pi& rty, )933 I'iir& hiisi &in&! & i;»i [ iir&. t &&i ri &if [riili in i»i)pilies, [032 3!I

I ' r: &&i s f& r & & I t o » & ! 'I &

'! . i & i » r i ( 8 & e &i& & e

i! [ ri&[&ri it& iii u( S 5&& iir&&i t r iii fi rri &I tu "Iniii in Service sulfiily f»nil, )9')4 3a", a&'t, l &n, [2, [027 (44 Stat, &u!i)

f '

I ii ~ i& & i', i& fi'r, i &I & o " ('i» it&tip& iit ex [&cities, I ivfvirt iiietit of tlie I&it&'rior, [93 I ' ', , 'ict 5[ &r '&0, l&J!)!I

: i& I i»& l&i I& 4[77. «!&» &r ir&s(& rrvil, i&& t l»iie 30. [03'2 (I st;it. 41![, froin avvonnts as (allo&vs &ii li&i ir&lii&" & I&ii &I. , I'&&I - - - ----------. - ----------------- . . . ----- 5' '

&, 090 seri ii'i' ~ iil [i['i fit&i&[. I'. i! &-. I l . . --------- -. . . - . . "5&&), 000

" '['i&i», i &i &&&i& u;i &'ii &lit&' I v i& I& 5 ii &i&i&i &r in &i'rrv&l friirri "[t&ili iii . i'i'& ivi'. )&&[pily fur»l, [932-!&) ", act 1 &ii [2 1&82&

&4[ 8&'i&t &Is& ii&i&l & I& irvi &I &i &tli 83[1&25 ri ii . (& rri i[. i& & Al. &r 20, [93!t (Is St il. !3!, tu, 'ivi'Ot&nts as fcl[O)&si f'&ir& ii i i iii I t r, ii [& i &, » i&if& lif Ii» li'i&1, i&[i[&[i&'s, I!i!'! . $3P PPO

([i ri r &I i v»&»svs, Iri&li:in s& ri:vr, IU)![ I, 800 I &&crt ri [iri v& ii& i& tv& s, Iiiili iri Svr vi« » [!&!I ) IUU

IK»& [I&i & r, t, Iiiil&iiii &if (3&lifurn»i, I!i32-, 'I, ' 25

'("'7, U!»&

U, f)l)U

to, UUU

' Reestab[[shed from tl&c surl lns funil, act M:&r. 3, I& 7;& ([8 Siiil. 4[K, svv. 1&!. « lucludes $100 000 transfv&red frum "Indian sir vice sul&lily f»ii&1, IU'[')-. '[I ", i« t Jan. I", I927 (I I Stat. !&I!&), &&&&i[

excludes $243, 590 tri&nsfvrrei I, iivt June 30, [932 ([7 8 tel. ill), to accounts as follu&i s: Iudii&n scl&i&ol a&i[i[1&ir&, I!K) [ 13&lucation, Si&aiv X:&t. &&n, IU)4 in&lian schools, Iri) c ('iv&live&i Tribes, IU34

ii ( i'edit, its&i&. &i This ac&cunt )vas vrc&litisl with $5000» transferred from "lri&li in service s»[pily fn&iil, I!& &2:t &

". »&1. [nri. I'&, &i& ', (44 Stat. &J39!, ;&nd charged &) it[& $)UUUU transferred to " purvhi&sc, &n([ tri&i&sl«&rti&ti&&ii u( I&»lie&& j»pl&I&&'s, I!it!!, ji& &

20, 1933 (48 Stat, [3). » Transferrc&l fnim 1&J, ')2-. '&:t, &vvou»t, June IV&, 1933 (44 St&it. 277h &' 'I'iansfcrred to [032-34;ivviiunt, . Sve iiiitc 12. » Trnnsferred from "In&[i iii . vrvi&t', su[i)&tv funil, 1931-32 ", :ict . Ian. 12, I!r&7 (I I Slat, !&[0[ « 'I'ransferred from I!&)I —!, !2 ii«''oiiii&, iii t June l&i, I&J)!I (4&& Stnt. 277), &i Transferred to 193!-3[ nv&iinint. Svv note 15.

Receipts and expenditures, J &)8' — Continued

[Debit transfer appropriations (net) and repayments to oppropriations in excess of expenditures are printed in italic. Emergency expenditures are indicated by an asterisk*]

Tioclpcndcd balances June 30, 1933 Expenditures in 1934 (see p. 6) Amouut carried to surplus

fund (see p. 7)

Fisc &i

year for lvhich

ill)i)11)i)&&- Ation ll'll '

maiic A v s I 1 &I i ) I c

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (sce p. S)

On hooks of the Treasury

To &redit of disbursing


Appropriat. iona

Warrants-issued basis

Checks-iss»cd hosts

Act June 20, 1874

Impounded salary and

vacancl' sav ings

On books of the Treasury

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (sec p. 8)


To credit of dlshursln


TJnexpended i)stances June '. 10, 1934


Envcx Iloa — continued

Public school buildings, Indian reser- vations, Arizona

Industral boor&)ing school, Shoemaker Bay, Alaska.

In&lion holrding schools: Chilocco, &)l lo. , girl's ilormitorv Truxton (", inl &)n, Ariz. , power plant

and cquiiuncnt. In&iian school hiiil&liogs, ctc:

Charles fi. Tiurke School, Fort Win- gate, N. 3Tcx. , heating systein

Indian school, (', lrson City, Nev-


No year



1931-32 1921

$117. 36 i

297. 61

40, 000. 00

12, 000. 00

257. 11

$19, 397. 91

$63. 40

18, 897. 9J

$63. 40

$117. 36

257. 11 26. 00

$17. 62

$234. 21

40, 000. 00

31, 380. 29

Leupp indian School and A. gency, Arizona, ilooii protection and draioari . 1933-34

1932-33 4, 239. 99

470. 95 4, 453. 01 2, 603. 07

, 9, 4 52 I

8, 606. 60 6, 714. 19

R 48

1, 315. 91 9. 56

3, 076. 45 $653. 34

309. 02 6, 71L 76

Indian school, Ogle]a, S. Dak. , build-

ings 1932-33 Indian school, Pawnee, Okla. , build-

Ings 1931-33 Indian school, Pipestone, Ttfinn. ,

buildings . . 1932-33

Indian school, Sacaton, Ariz. , build-

ing 1933-34

Sherman Institute, Calif„buildings and sidewalks . . 1931-32

Education of natives of Alaska. 1934-35 1933-34 1932-33 1931-32

Certified claims

2, 344. 33

759. 20

5, 684. 72

65, 000. 00

409. 87

439, 429. 92 49, 128. 08

4, 546. 12 $35, 076. 41

160. 00

4, 337. 71

2, 144. 23

19, 297, 30

103, 059. 88

47, 172. 02 13, 941. 06

$572. 600. 00

56. 87

1, 143. 62

I, 684. 68

6, 468. 68

101, 939. 7G

4011 491. 61

6, 8)f. Ts

9, 487. 26 47. 05

489, 369. 98

5, 481. 33

559. 67

12) 828. 78

409. 87

51, 717. 74 4'if 3, 205. 66

3?, 628. 27

4, 443. 80 14, 203. 38 47. 05

527, 042. 52

511. 23

6. 99

68. 61

17, 739. 72 10, 004. 43

$13) 253 00

33, 534. 15

689. 48

Z 336. 86

12, 084. G3

65, 000. 00

470, 660. 24

6, 945. 59 45, 277. 09

9. 82

50, 222. 02 71, 345. 83

4, 932. 57


Qedical relief in Alaska " Indian schools, Five Civilize&i Tribes 1934

1933 1932

Support of (;hippew as of the Mississippi, Minnesota TTreety) . . 1932

6, 417. 63 15, 000. 09

110. 91 90. 00

9, 425. 72, » 397, 680. 00 384, 887. 44

8, STR 97

381, 074. 47

3?6, 011. 05 5, 612. 75

380, 623. 80

15, 000. 09

200. 91

11 206. 00 724. 98

11, 586. 56

9, 505. 52 9) 876. 39

Education, S&cue Nation [Treatyi 1934 1933 1932

6, 229. 43 4, 568. 66 I, 864. 14 687. 82

11, 111. 23 9. 71

» 360, 150. 00 34S, 038. 17 8, 909. 69

101. 83

330, 926. Ss 8, 201. 64

111. 54 2, 440. 13.

10, 574. 00 3, 19?. OS

2, 966. 00 4, 358. 97

IS, 6?1. 83 i i& ISI 62

17, 114. 29

345, 230. 41 339, 237. 06


Annette Islands Reserve, Alaska, fund from leases No year

Special deposit accounts 4, 572. 92 5, 129. 13

505. 61 34, 073. 17 32, 980. 11 31, 384. 78

867. 91 5, 665. 98 6, ?24. 46

?63. 52

Total general and special accounts, Education 11 464, 966. 05 160, 091. 80 780, 472. 33 9, 047, 468. 18 7, 713, 719. 65 7, 813, 349. 51 314, 669. 59 311, 195. 50 271, 626. 75 2, 061, 314. 54 680, 842. 47


Cariisle, Pa. , Bradford R. 1yood be-

quest » No year

Total, Education


1, 000. 00

I, 465, 966. 05 160, 091. 80 780, 472. 33 9, 047, 468. 18 7, 713, 719. 65 7, 813, 349. 51 314, 669. 59 311, 195. 50 271, 626. ?5

I, 000. 00

2, 0G2, 314. 54 GSO, 842. 47


Support of Indians and administration of Indian property . 1934

1933 1932 1931 1930 1929 1928

Certified claims

New vessel for Indian Service, Alaska, enierccncy construction

Relief of indigent Indians Village site, liomcs, etc. , for Indians,

Elko, Ne( Support of

Xyisconsin Jinn(l of pol. & iwnfo(nice, Tyisconsin an(l J&(fief&ig, &n (rci&n-


FU)f&ll&ng treaties (( &ih —" ("hippc(vns, Tu& lie Elonnta&n Band f'nti&mb), &s, &nd I'olvillcs . i&(irf fl:&11 Indian. ln(li:&ns (if Bl(ickf('cf Agency, kloof, iii(li i&is (if I orf B(rfli( id . '\ (ncy ]n(iinns f:&ri:i(rl( of l, e&nlii Agency,

&Vo year 1933

1931 — 33

No (ic(r

&No year No y(J(r No ycnr


No 1'('(ir

No year,

Administration, (tunpnw Agency (reim- bursahie) 1932

Indinn Colony on 1(ort Bids('ell School Reserve, Calif . . . . 1931-32 '

47, 951. 16 26, 155. 86

2, 016. 76

668. 27

197. 46 557. 29

5. 76

500. 21

I, 311. 31 2, 850. 19

1. 58 55. 22

111. 90

11, 644. 35 45, 883. 75 2, 648. 83 2, 328. 55

2, 172. 89

1, 765. 99

» 1, 585, 900. 00 » 6, 668. 06

49. 75

1& 388, 878. 16 678. 86

8, sfr. ro 8, 8/jg. 51

/1. 68 5. 8/&

8. 89 49. 75

1, 383, 166. 68

I, IOO. I8

1, 282, 832. 68 45, 209. 44

/&89. /6 76. 68 /I. 68 5. 8/&

8. 89 49. 75

1, 327, 505. 34

665. 87

31, 622. 39 2, 249. 51

11. 53 A 34 3. 89

2& 016. 76

668. 27

48, 704. 00 17, 991. 67

124, 59

10, 625. 00 21, 428. 93

137& 692. 84

15, 206. 11

197. 46 &

I ri32. 82

5. (i

5&OO. 21

I, 311. 31 ", 8;&0, Ig

I 5((

I I I, gg


106, 045. 48 1. 05 g




f(lnho &Vo yci&r i 1 449 40 I

(, i&nf;&, i l nn I r "('»n. -cr(, it&on file(ilth", p. ig?, f n(;(& ii . 6 l()(iii() (r i i, - f'

i rc(l froii& "indi in hi&ardiisg SC)i(&(il&h &934", nct June 30, 1932 (47 Stat. 411). . ( l „( f(»(s ~ (. . . , i)ii i(, iii l«i«l fi(nii "In h iii l&((ar(i&ng schools, &934" nct June 30, 1932 (47 Stat. 411). I I 'i'('i' I( ri' 'I' ' If&(' I ns ii . ) ( ('((il PUll

» f. ((iii ivi of IS (ioo ir iii-fi rrc I t(& '('«i(i&i cnl espenses, 1)epcrtinent of the Interior, 1934", act EInr. 20, Ig33 (48 Stnf. Is),

» Trnnsfcrreil, nci AI;&r. 20, l(J33 (48 Hint. 13), to ncconnfs as follows: Purchnse;iinl transportation of Imlian siilipli(c, lgl)3 Irric;i(iiin cystc&ns, Iyind Itiver dimiiiishcd rcscrv;i)ion ni&(l cc(lcd h&ii(ls

1932-, '13 &( if etc)nfl&i'c sf(&


Ui&dcr n scpiii'i&fc chi&[ifci .

l. I lg. IO

'I . ()(&o. Ui) Iy v(I&i&I&i(L (ii'i&i& hi&i , i



n I'&. 0(i

Receipts and expendift(res, 793. (J — ( t&ttfi&&t&eel

Il&(hit transf& r aptiropri&tiolis (rietl iinrl rcpayrrients to appropri&tions in excess of expenditures are inintc&l in i(n(ic. Krii(rgcncy cxpcn&liturcs arc indivatv&l hy an asterisk"]

L rlcxiivndvil t&ahinces June 30, 1&J33 1'. xlicr«lit ures In 1931 (see p. 61 an&oui&t c(lrrl(. 'd to sul'phls

(i(li(1 (scc ii, 77 t next&euded hall&ness June 30, 1&234

F I. (, Il 1'v'ill' for

&i lllch (i I t i i ('& I i i I I-

:i& It& Ii 1& &is r

nmile Ivallrltric

Resel ve for uuiitnul(hr(l

vacrincv sa, v. ings (see p, 8)

On hooks of thP TI'Plisul'y'

To ere&lit oi &hshilrslng

oili cc('s

A. ppropriattous tyrirr;irits issuerl ' t't&c(l s-issur. ri

i&;1 S la has&a

Iln ilolllltlt'&1 . Tct Junc 20, ~ sahlry riii&l Jb(4 1 scan Cy 'I


I!Yspr& c for Ill&i&el««lett

v;lcaincv s, 'lv i&&as (see p. 8)

'I v a I 1 a t I 1 c

On hooks of tlic Treasury

T o credit of &list&ursing


SRIIRRAI ACCOONTS — ('iititini(v i


vontit. u&'il

I" ultllling tnsitics Avit 0 — Oontinuv&l. Northern ('heyennes;&nri. Yr(&pahoes,

l f 0 I I t a n a . 1934 1933 tr&3A

Sa& s anil Foxes of the Ittisstsstppi, Io lva

Sacs and Foxes of tile 31 issouri, 14&lns;ls

Slmshonvs and sr;&p;&hi&vs in tyyo- nlhl '

Sioux of iliil'erent, (miles inclu&ling

Santco Sioux of Nehraska, North I&ako(i&, an(i South l&akota

No year

No year

No year

lvi34 '

(933 1932 1931

On&a I'1« . . N(\ &'Ca&'

Ot(au;ls an&i ( t&if&pc&vas of ihlicii�-


No ypal Palvncvs, (Ikliiiioni:i No year

1934 1 9:13 !932

2, 330. &3

653. 3(J

194 BB

829. 17

47'2. 97 26i 25

2, 037, 50

7, 74'-'. 7&2

520. 37

9, gii. 21

5, 917. 60 $1, 218. 37

253. 00

$2, 862. 96

37. 82

11, 780. 3g 182. 00

$73, 000. 00

50, 000. 00

428, 000. 00

$63 972 20 100. 09

64, 072. 29

49, 005. Gs

36. Bi

49, 042. 55

1, 975. 00

381, ('JO. 2&

218 &}3

10'2. 45&

7. . (5

$57, 269. 50 'I, 903. 05

GO. 172. 55

4«, Abi. 63

74, 69

4«, 5(j2, 32

1 vis 34

3('i(i, 344. 45&

12, 004. 00 284. 45

7. 45

$2, 330. 73

26. 25

6, 068. 15 7. 45&

$1 185 00 693. 5S

952. 00 405. ri;i

11, 295. 00 3, 041. 73

$1, 392. 00 I, 269 Gi4

$7, 842. 80 I, 031. 47

653, 39

194. SB, 829. 17 '

4'1 3'&

30. 45

62. 50

7, 742. 7g

Gi20. 37

33, 522. 79 6, 602. 38

$6, 702. 70 60. 00


51S. 05


446. 66

15, 445. 76 "4. GB

382, 104 11 3 b, 625 41

Spokaue, tt ashington Winnehagoes.

Total, (Ieneral Nuliliort anil Ad- niinistration

No year No year

236. 13, 3, 750. 30 I

123, 283. 80 15 764 55 67, 014. 35 2, 131, 307. ()&I 1, 879, 2(&0. 54 1, Bl r, Osi!I. Bi 45&, 010. 27 b4, 393. 22 34, 71(&. 47

236. 13 3 75i0 30

22(j, 97(i. Gid 129, 215. 02

FDI. FILI. INO Tl&EA'IY ST&col. ATIO. 'ls &V&TH AND Sl, 'P-


et n na i(ie( and per capita payments I(


Wrpeneee in probate matters

Determining heirs of deceased Indian a]lottees 1934

1933 1932

1, 717. I'8

4, 596. 73 3, 6]G. 67

2SO. 00 651. 58

60, 000. 00 51, 003. 21 236. 76

51, 239. 97

39 490 I)O

888. 34

40, 379. 20

4, 876. 73

1, 751. 00 860. 88

1, 114. 00 3, 616. 67

6, 131. 79 620. 04

11, 5)12. Xb

?robate attorneys, Five Civihzed Tribes, Oklahoma 1934

1933 1932

1, 023. 94 806. 90

465. 77

30, 000. 00 25, 009. 03 257. 18

23, 987. 07 20S. 64

806. 90

1, 012. 00 1, 014. 05

2, 547. 00 1, 431. 97 267. 02

1 0"1 9(i

24, 75]. 90 24, ]95. 7!

indian lande

Advertising sale of Indian lands (reim- bursable) 1934

1933 1932

397. 37 353. 53

500. 00 87. 10 87. 10

353. 53

500. 00 310. 27

87. 10 87. 10

Compensat. ion to- (. ochili Pueblo, N. Mcx. , for loss of

land and water rig!i ls. . ]933-34 1933

1932-34 1932-33

13, 130. 5(i

7, 311. &32

22 13, 130. 56 '218, 180. 56 '

24 7 311 62 1, 457. 89 2' 7, 811. 58

1, 457. 89

13 130 5(3)

5 853 73

1 457 89 I

1 457 89

islets Pueblo, N. Mex. , for loss oi land and water rights 1932-33 1, 532. 21 1, 588. Sf 1, 532. 21

I. aguna Pueblo, N. Mex. , for loss of 3 in(l and water rights ](JSS — S4

]933 arnbc Puclilii, N. Mex. , for loss of

land and iv;it or rights. . . . 1933-34 1933

1931-34 ]

1931-33 1929-34 1929-33

33, 566. 47

1. 40

1'I, fii5. 00

16, 997. 41

22 33, 566. 47 22 88, 566. 47

221 40 »1. 40

22 11, 675. 00 'I 11, 675. 00 '4 16, 997. 41 " 1 6', 997. 41

7, 57X io I 7, 0&3 &0

33, 566, 47

1. 40

ll, 6 5. 00 ,


9, 42X 71 5!&0 00

7, 573. 70 7, 073. 70

]'ecos I'uehlii, N. it!ex. , for loss of

I:inil and &)rater rights 1932-34 I


I'i& uris l'oct)lo, N. At( 2, for loss of land;in(i xiritcr rigli!' . . ]933-34


28, 1]5. 00

15, Ir)bi. 69

24 28, 145. 00 » 28, 145. OO

22 15 625 G9 24 15, 685. 69

5), Oti2, 43 '

5), Ot 2. 43

26, 145). 00

!0, r)ii;I 26

I )t I . I I , t I:i&i('i' 'I 'I lii & l»li(i'I' &S i&1(lii(let! iiii&lcr ''()c&i('I )I si&lt[litrt and administratiou", p. 185.

I i&i&&li r ri&»coll)iio'ous cl&i&l)ti'r, I). I!)s, Ii)n tl fruit& I'. )'!!, '&&)'(oun(. , icl F&'I) !7, I'Jl!3 (47 Stat 825). I& 'I('il Io I'. )33 xt, 'lt'('ou&l( SCC I)o&c -'s fi ) &«! fr&i&o I', )32:I I, i&i()cunt. ;&et Fcl) Ii, I&)33 (47 Stot. !325).

I I'. I

. I& i)) I ti& I'u ' 'I! (ic('oi&I&I. Scc &1))tc 30.

5), Oii'2. 43 5, 062, 43

» Tran. fe& roti fron& 193! — Xl acti)unt, act ]'eb. Ii, 1933 (47 Sl &I, (("5)3 I& Tr&osfcrre(t to 1931-34 accoi&ot Scc tiote 32. 2( Tri&nsfcrrct] frinn 19')0-33;&ccount, act ]'eb. 17, ]OX] (47 Sti&t assi). » Transferred to 192&J-34 account. Sce note, 'l4 2' Transfcrrcil from l&J32 &ice(itin!, i&ct i&el). !7, I!&33 (47 stat. 825). 2& Trarisfcrrc&l to ]&]32-34, &ceo&inl. Sce nolo:3(i.

Receipts find expenditures, 198JI — Continu c]

[Debit transfer appropriations (net) snd repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures are printed in itaHC. Emergency expenditures are indicated by an asterisk"]

I nexpended balances June 30, 1933 Expenditures in 1934 (see p. 6) Amount carried to surplus

fund (see p. 7) Unexpended balances June 30, 1934

I'is&el ye;lr for lvhlch

SPillonli- ation mas

made Available

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav-


ings (see p. 8)

On bool-s of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing


Appropriations ygarrants-issued

basis Checks-issued

basis Act June 20,


Impounded salary and

vacancy sav- ings

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)


On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing



brier"41l. l. IEEOUS EXPEESES Or IVDIAV SERVICE— continuell

Indian lands — ('. Ontinued

Com pens»it!or4 tO — Contiruled. Pojosque Pueblo, N. Alex. , for loss

of land anil mater rights 1933-34 1933 $56, 524. 21

»$56, 524. 21 44 $68, 684. 87

$5, 142. 20 $5, 142. 20 $51, 382. 01

5, 142. 20 5, 142. 20

San Juan Pueblo, N, Mex. , for loss of land and water rights. . . 1931-34

1931-33 27, 111. 68 $57. 98

» 27, 169. 66 » 87, I 69. 66

5, 930. 13 67. 98

5 930 13 21, 239. 53

5, 872. 15 5, 930. 13

Santa Ana Pueblo, N. 1VIex. , for loss

of land and water rights 1932-34 1932 952. 65

44 952. 65 I' 968. 66

652. 65 356. 74 300. 00 $295. 91

652. 65 356. 74

Santa Clara Pueblo, N. Mex. , for loss

of land and water right, s 1933-34 1933

1932-34 1932

27, 154 87

86, 821. 87

» 27, 154. 87 » 87, I 64. 87 44 86, 821. 87 » 86, 88A 87

13, 772. 22 13, 772. 22 13, 382. 65

86, 821. 87

13, 772. 22 13, 772. 22

Non-Indian claimants, Pueblo lands, New IbIexico . 1933-34 232, 086. 80 210, 000. 00 199, 363. 45

1, 000. 00

22, 086. 80 10, 636. 55

13, 888 20

Santo Domingo Pueblo, N. Mex. , for

loss of land and water rights. 1932-34 1932-33 1929-34 1929-33

2, 522. 80

13, 888. 20

» 21 522. 80 » 8, 688. 80

'4 13, 888. 20 I I 18, 888. 80

I, OOO. 00

1, 000. 00

I, 000. 00

I, 522. 80

San Felipe Pueblo, N. Mex. , for loss

of land and water rights 1933-34 1933

1929-34 1929-33

21, 860. 88

20, 341. 10

44 21, 860. 88 ll 81, 860. 88 I' 20, 079. 18 44 80, 079. I8

I, 137. 16 261. 92

11 137. 16 261. 92

21, 860. 88

18, 942. 02

I, 399. 08 1, 399, 08

Ban Ildefonso Pueblo, N. Mex. , for loss of land and water rights 1933-34

1933 1931-34


73. 27

6, 147. 12

Ii 73. 27 » 76. 87

Ii 6, 147. 12 Ii 6, 147. 18

2, 817. 97 2, 817. 97 3, 329. 15

2, 817. 97 2, 817. 97

Sandia Pueblo, N. 3Iex. , for loss of land and water rights. 1932-34

1932-33 1929-34 1929-33

3, 823. 35

12, 727. 82 269. 18

» 3, 823. 35 r& 8, 883. 8li

I' 12, 997. 00 » 18, 887. 00

I, 22G. 74 860. 18

1, 226. 74

3, 823. 35

11, 770. 26

957. 56 I, 226. 74

Taos Pueblo, N. hIex. , for loss of land and water rights 1931-34

1931 — 33 1929-34 1929-33 1929-32

27, 631. 85

17, 330. 02

$2. 09 2. 50

» 27, 631. 85 » 87, 631. 85 » 17, 324. 02 » 17, 584. 08

6, 441. 27

6. 00

6, 441. 27

8. 50, $2. 09

21, 190. 58

17, 324. 02

Tesuque Pueblo, N. Mex. , for loss of land and water rights . 1932-34

1932-33 Counsel for Pueblo Indians of New

Mexico 1934 1933 1932

Fnrolli i»&i(. II &liana of California 1932 — 33 1930-32

Lan I ', » i&l &In[i&'ovcnlc&its fot Choc'to&vs

in &I if-, . &;pl&i ]n32

Land for Pi@in o Rescrv;ition, Ariz 1931 — 32

Land an&i water service for Indian colony, E)y, Nev 1932

Pl&& Ir&&. in&. fo. Absentee Shawnees, for lands No year.

426. 23

40. 00 70. 55

26i. 81 I, 141. G3

1, 493. 00 1, 538. 60

6. 57

2, 196. 92

10. 59

6, 447. 27

» 426. 23 » f&86. 88

«25. 00

3, 239. 28

13. 76

13 76

1, 493. 00

257 50

3, 440. 00 ~

3, 247. 62 8. 3$&

6, 449. 77

31 239. 07

2. 25

3, 241. 32

13. 76

13. 76

1, 493. 00

257. 50

70. 55

I, 141. 63

1, 538. 60

6. 57

$146. 00 40. 00

22. 68

426. 23

46. 38 8. 34

5. 37

I, 'J3'J. Ig


8. 55





In I&iin- of Fort Bcrfhohl Reserva- tion, N, Dnk. , f&r in&«l Noyear.

Inili, &ns of fvl&in»&th A' & ncy, Drag No year. Ind&:in: of Itound Valley . 'tc&crva-

tion, C, &lif. , for!a;«I. No I'car. )coute;i&i&i soldiers of sisseinn, tt ili-

pcfo». 51c(l;&v«Ikii&&ton, cn(l tyapa- I'no & &t Sioux . No year.

Sh;iwnce an&i nf fili;iii(&l l&ela&&are

Iii&lian. , DI'l»li&»n, &, , ict I&Cc. '&'&,

I'!2 Nii year

Pui(. h, i. i of I:In&i- for . ::«Il& . i It) li In in

500. 10 3, 653. 20

503. 50

I, 023. 47

6, 757. 73

5(&0. I U

', 3, fi;(3. 20

50:3. f&0

I!, 75&7. 73

16, 200 00

Stat. 825) .

(47 Stat. 825).

(47 SiRE. 825).

(47 Stat. 825).

f', il f(&»iin . . . . 193U — 32

Ii 'I'i, &ii, fcrre I fro;n IU&I!I:&c& ouot, nci Feh. Ii, 1933 (47 I r, &, , f& I rc I 1« &!», I»-. '!, i«r&i&nf Sco not&', 23.

I' 'I'r ii. »fi rrc I froiii I!i:! '-:!'! . iccount, act I&Oh. 17, 1933 I &»I« . ' 'I I' &I i&i I!I!I 3 I I&'('(i&i&it. )ec note 3!i

» 'I'i, ii. :f( i rml fr«&n fuff-:I:I:«&«: nnt, act Itch. 17, 1933 » 'I r, «i-f, rr«I io l(JU!-. '! I:ice««&it. Sec note 3". ii 'I'i, i( ! i Ic&l fron& I'!I'!& —:! i «ciou»t, nct I'el&, 17, 1933

1G, 200. 00

ii Transferred to 1&J2!i-34 account. . See note 31. &' Transfer&eil fron& 1932 ace«un!, act Feb. 17, 1933 (47 Stat. 825). » 'Ir;insferrc&l to I!&3'&-:3 l, icc&iuni, . See note 3G. &I Tr;iusf& un&i from 1931 nc& ounI, act Feh, 17, 1933 (47 Stat. 825). » Transfcrr(&l to 19!Il-34;iccount. See note 3). «Trausfcrrc&l froin « In&lian school support, 193!", ;&ct IIar. 20, 1&J33 (IS St:it. I'!I).

Receipts and expenditures, 1Ml& — Continued

[Debit transfer appropriations (net) and repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures are printed in italic. I):lnergency expenditures are indicated by an asterisk*]

Tinexpended balances June 30, 1933 Expenditures in 1934 (see p. 6) Amount carried to surplus

fund (see p. 7) TJnexpended balances June 30, 1934

Fiscal year for which

appropri- ation was

made Available

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)

On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing


Appropriations Warrants-issued

basis (. Eccl s-issued

basis Act Juue 20,


Impounded salary and

vacancy sav- ings

Reserve for impounded

vacancy all r- ings (see 1) 8)


On books of tile Treasury

To credit of disbursing




Indian lande — Continued

Purchase of land for Navajo Indians, Arizona (Reimbursable) . . No year.

Quieting title, Pueblo lands, New hfex- ICO- 1934

1933 $451. 10 $774. 93

$481, 879. 38

1' 10 635. 51 11 685. 6l

$9, 122. 72

489. 90 $9, 256. 59

289. 03

$510. 00 301. 49

$481, 879. 38

1, 002. 79 11 $133. 83

8, 636. 82 9. 545. 58

Surveying and allotting Indian reserva- tions 1934

1933 1932

1, 224. 05

2, 259. 71 936. 00

20, 000. 00 285. 08 1, 221. 08

$2, 259. 71 653. 49

20, 000. 00 285. 48

28A 08 1, 221. 08

Industrial assistance and advancement

Administration of Indian forests 1934 1933 1932

6) 900. 62 14, 729. 78 $421. 66

7, 197. 88 197, 000. 00 150, 991. 85

I, 866. 68 38. 17

149, 163. 34

126, 770. 36

5, 281. 20 38. 17

132, 089. 73

15, 113. 27

5, 652. 00

3) 083 24 $2, 511. 00

2, 200. 00 37, 845. 15 2, 483. 96

24, 221. 49 60. 00

Agriculture and stock raising among Indians 1934

1933 1932 1931

5, 049. 81 4, 039. 80

6, 501. 07 605. 96

11, 665. 26 355, 000. 00 297, 042. 30

9, 474. 99 87. 88

. 86

294, 540. 42

280, 897. 56

9, 090. 97 97. 88

. 86

289, 960. 94

4, 572. 99 . 36

11, 187. 00

4, 619. 51 7, 234. 00 5, 641. 07

39, 536. 70

2, 764. 59 16, 144. 74

Eradication of scabies in sheep and goats, Indian Service. 1934

1933 1932

875. 23 112. 93

55. 71 5, 000. 00

u 1, 515. 44

45. 75

45. 75

101. 46

101. 46

1, 628. 37 62. 03

5, 000. 00 767. 45

Eradication of scabies in sheep and goats, Indian Service (transfer to Depart- ment of Agriculture):

Act Apr. 22, 1932 Act Feb. 14, 1931 1932

1, 514. 20 1, 616. 44

795. 36 u f, 616. 44

796. 86

796. 86

579. 74 1, 729. 82

Expenses, sale of timber (reimbursable) 1934 1933 1932

25, 131. 40 53, 952. 22 2, 557. 53

7, 840. 78 103, 521. 67 71, Gsl. 65

6, 099. 61 75. 06

66, 717. 10

60, 077. 25 2, 801. 17

75. 06

62, 953. 48

56, 434. 69

3, 585. 00 2, 084. 42

162. 00 620. 00 27, 466. 59

11, LN4. 40

Fence bet«veen Mexico and Papago In- dian Reservation, Ariz dustcy among Indians.


1931-32 1934

1933-34 1933

1932-33 1932

1931-32 1931


3. 00

150, 000. 00 11, 949. 57

173. 07 19, 536. 02

1, 459. 00

40, 265. 77 2, 449. 70

299, 200. 00

2, 002. 88

282, 125. 86

19, 994. O5

755. SS 379. 10

106. SO

2, 002. 88

192, 209. 15

20, 285. 22

1, 694. 48 379. 10

106. SO

2, 002. BS

3. 00

19, 156. 92

1, 459. 00 106. 30

100. 00

127. 18 265. 50

16, Gi4, 14

150, 000. 00 31, 746. 94

662. 79

89, 916. 71

56. 00

Obtaining employment for Indians 1934 1933

1932-34 1932-33 1931-33

4, 461. 09

21, 407. 57

3, 631. 70

1, 410. 00 8, 453. 38

376. 38

21, 160. 00

" 15, 340. 00 «15. 840. 00

263, 721. 77

ZO, 148. 06

5, 109. 44 14, 780. 80

87. Ss

216, 464. 53

19, 767. 98

3, 343. 94

14, 511. 11

289. 00

945. 00 279. 28 355. 00

441. 42

I, 410. 00 66. 94

9, 291. 25 204. 20

6, 067. 57

3, 277. 66

380. 08

269. 69

29, 732. 04 37, 912. 03

Purchase of irnplernents, etc» for Indians at Fort 13clknop Reservation, Mont. , (reimhursalilej . No year

Supprossing contagious diseases among livestock of Indians 1934

1933 1932 1926

Certified claims.

1. 375, 84

558. 01

125. 00

2, 341. 19 4. 00

3, 000. 00

125. 00

71. 98

9, S40. 19 4. 00

128 00

71. 98

1. 00

125. 00

4. 00

I, 447. 12

3, 000. 00 2, 898. 20

125. 00

5, 919. 19 126. 00

Suppressing forest fires on In&ji, iii reser- vation= 1934

1933 1932

21, 907. 62 I

2, 858. 85 j. 6, 627. 62

40, 000. 00 I, 403. 47

6, «16, OS

6, 019. 58

565. 74

211. 59

777. 33

2, 858. 85

IG. 00 119. 36

3S, 580. 53 2S, 204. 29

837. 73


Supervising mining operations on leased In(lian lan&is .

SUI)crl is(Ill' nllllhlg opera!lolls oil lc, isc(1

ln(lian lands (tran fvrs to llcl)arLnn nt of the Interior, (lenin i&l)I Siirvcyj:

Act Feh. I i, 1933 Act Apr. 22, I!)32 Ai L Fill) I I, 1031



1934 193!, 3

1932 I, 03'-'. 09

1, 018. 46 324. 99 I, 446. 14

24. 92

"3, 200. 00 'I 1, 368. 37

«56, 800. 00

«1, SSS. S7

55, 808. 9C)

1, 15S. 10 9«), 99

56, 312. 75 288. 04

1, 3G3. 37

S99. SI i

3, Zoll. &&O

9!&I. GI

1, 290. 85

ll 5)03, 79

54, 625. 04 5)Ci, 600. 7&J

Ii& I li Iii( I » I:ill( c . &' I(i& I(i li », i, & i; I &r iii«fcrrc I fi i»n I!)'«&)Ccnunt, act I'eh. 17, I!i33 (47 Stat. 8253. &: 'I'r:iii«fi rr("I Ln I!&Jl;ii. vi»&nt Scc nnlo 41. ') lI( «iriii (I fr, iii s ill(& nhji cl (in(lcr I)el) ir& ni( nt of Ai ricull tire. « ltetnrn('(I tn s, linc iil)j( i'I uiiilcr ln&li;in Scrvl(c. Si'c. note 43. &: Tr iiisferreil frni:) I')&2-:&(I:((& oui(I, »(i I'cli li, I(J3 I (47 sitct. 5273.

«Trio, frrrc&l in I(J32-:34 nccnunl. See note 45. I'. Ivlu. (I c (if 'I »I voo tr ii)fcrrc(l 0) alone nl)jc(it uliiler (3('nlngic'&I snrvcy. Boe note 49. o Itc!urn& (I frnin s inic nl0!cct under ((enlnl ic (I siirvcy. sco milo. )0.

«Trinsfcrrcil fronl sinic (itij&ct un&ler In(li;ill Sirvicc. Seo nii&o »i. Io Rcturne&l to sonic Olijcct nl»ler Indian Scrvicc. Sec note IS.

Receipts ared expenditures, f98fe — Continued

[Debit transfer appropriations (net) and repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures are printed in italic. Emergency expenditures are indicated by an asterisk "]

Unexpended balances June 30, 1933 Expenditures in 1934 (see p. 6) Amount carried to surplus

fund (see p. 7) Unexpended balances June 30, 1934

Fiscal year for which

appropri- ation was

nlSde Available

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)

On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing


Appropriations Warrants-issued

basis Checks-issued


Impounded Act June 20 salary and

1874 vacancy sav- lngS

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)


On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing


GE5IERAL ACCOU5(TS — Continued


Deeefopneenf of mater supply

Water supply for Indian use and increas- ing grazing range on unallotted Indian lands 1934

1932-33 1931-32

Irrigalion and drainage

$6, 327. 68 425. 97

$6, 857. 42 $87, 800. 00 $51, 734. 00

8, lryl. &6

48, 242. 05

$38, 013. 44

21 365. 4 7---------- $425. 97

40, 378. 91

$1, 510. 00 1, 187. 61

$34, 056. 00 8, 632. 02

$13, 720. 56 C5


Irrigation, Indian reservations (reim- bursable) 1934

1932-33 1931-33 1931-32 1930-33 1930-31


2, 036. 25 1, 219. 67

1, 779. 64

$2, 400. 00

400. 00

22, ?14. 86 986, 17

806. 41

11 160, 700. 00 11 3. 43

120, 714. 33 7, figs. 68

8l6. 08

JPg. 88

49. 80 76. 00

112, 687. 25

107, 074. 07

15, 565. 34 671. 14

367. 18

48. 80 76. 00

123, 553, 43

400. 00

49. 30 75. 00

5, 813. 00 1, 774. 71

1. 30

659. 67

$185. 00 2, 400. 00

33, 987. 67

7, 413. 49 1, 533. 40

1, 559. 20

13, 640. 26 1. 00

M t3


Irrigation, Indian reservations (reim- bursable), transfer to Department of the Interior, Qeological Survey:

Act Feb. 17, 1933 1934 Act Apr. 22, 1932 1932-33

" 800. 00 ee 8. 48

508. 08 6. 68

470. 69 4 25

291. 92 37. 39

502. 40 474. 94

mprovement, maintenance, and opera-

tion, irrigation system, Colorado River Reservation, Ariz. (reimburs- able) 1934

1932-33 . 62

12, 010. 00 8, 436. 91

8, 436. 91

8, 408. 56

8, 408. 56

569. 00 386. 00 2, 619. 09 . 62

2L 36

improvement, maintenance, and opera-

tion, irrigation project, Qanado irriga- tion project, Navajo Reservation, Ariz. (reimbursable)

Maintenance and operation, Qanado irri-

gation project, Navajo Reservation, Ariz. (reimbursable)



293. 58

1, 830. 00 1, 674. 46 1, 674. 46

293. 58

111. 00 44. 64

1933 93. 81 f4. 46 ~

79. 36 14. 45

Coolidge Dam across canyon of Oils River, near Ssn Carlos, Ariz. (reim- bursable) 1931-32

1930-32 1929-32 1928-32 1927-32

. 97 537. 90 60. 21

13, 037. 62 20, 680. 65

1, 660. 01

12, 062. 37 20, 616. 43

32, 678. 80

I, 753& 82

12, 062. 37 20, 616. 43

32, 678. 80

97 537. 90 60. 21

975. 25 64. 22

Power plant, Coolidge Dsm, San Carlos

r Reservation, Ariz. (reimbursable) 1931-32 1930-32 1929-32

440. 93 29. 05 55. 00 38. 55 38. 55

440. 93 29. 05 16. 45

38. 55 38. 55

Irrigation, Ssn Carlos and Florence- Cses Grande projects, Ariz, (reimburs- able) 1934

1932-33 1931-33

71, 979. 35 82, 217. 63 I, 200. 00

16. 53 28, 633. 63

» 217, 850. 00 128, 881. 94 205. 88

I6, 606. 8$

113, 781. 98

106, 937. 96 222. 41

13, 327. 79

120, 488. 16

7, 3?5. 00

2, 435. 35 I, 711. 11

81, 593. 06 71, 773. 47 94, 577. 01

21, 943. 98

Irrigation, San Carlos and Florence-Casa Grande projects, Ariz. (reimbursable) (transfer to Geological Survey):

Act Feb. 17, 1933 1934 4& 2, 75&0. 00 2, 670. 42 I, 866. 21 79. 58& fi04. 21

Reclamation and maintenance charges, Yuma project, Arizona snd California (reimbursable)

Drainage, Kootensi Indian allotments, Idaho (reimbursable)


1930-34 1930-33 12, 239. 16 16, 608. 45

19, 500. 00

» 12, 634. 23 » I9, 99$. 99

355. 91 406. 20

355. 91 16, 052. 14

16, 408. 05

19, 500. 00

12, 2784 32 10. 13

R 151. ] I


Improvements, Fort Hall irrigation pro-

ject, Idaho (reimbursable) 1932-33 Improvement, maintenance, and opera-

tion, Fort Hall irrigation system, Idaho. 1934

1932-33 1931-32


201, 100, 00

677. 92 273. 13

27, 2N&. 00 475. 72 '

22, 877. 95 157. 51

$9. I6

23, 006. 30

22, 606. 43 633. 23

89. I 6

23, 210. 50

273. 13 29. I &i

1, 072. 00 199. 74

2»1, IN& 00

3, 250. 0, &

320. &17&

271. 52

Surveys for &inrns, I&uck Valley Reecrva. tion, I&i, &l&o nu&l Nevada

I&ul&rovoment, maintenance, and opera-

& i&u&, irrigation nynte&un, Illnckfeet Res-

ervation, Xioo& (rein&l&ur. nhle! .



1933 8&i4. 73

3, 156. 79

&& 25. 45 28, 120, 00

6, 096. $9

9& 894. 86

131. 57

9, 849, 98

6, 8J&9, 88,

27R;& I

3&ii. 46& 135. 00

", ». '5

2n, &20 00 '

&, ia&& r(&

r& I&chit balan&x&. » I:&ciunive of lnoo ir»on[& rrc&l to same oi&jec& under Geological Survey, See note 53. » Itcturuc&I (rou& a»nc object uu&ier Indu&n Serv&ce See note 54. » Trnnnfcrrc I fro&o n;&u&e oi&jec& u&ulcr Indinu Service. See note 51, n Iicturned to nn&o& ohjcc& under fu&iinn Service. See note 52.

» Exclusive of 82, 750 transferred io snme object uu&lcr &i&'oio»'&'ol surv&'y. sc&' uo&&', »i && Transferred from same object un&ier In&linn Servi& e. Seo uo&c 55 4& Transferred from 1930-33 account, act Yei&. &7, &!&x& G7 sh». szoi " Transferred to 1930-34 ncco»nt. Sce note 57.

Receipts and expenditures, IMJ, — Continued

[Debit transfer appropriations (net) snd repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures are printed in italic. Emergency expenditures are indicated by an asterisk'i

Unexpended balances June 30, 1933 Expenditures in 1934 (see p 6) Araount carried to surplus

fund (see p. 7) Unexpended balances June 30, 1934

Fiscal year for which



wass made


Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)

On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing


Appropriations Warrants-issued

basis Checks-issued

basis Act June 20,


Impounded salary and

vacancy sav lugs

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)


On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing


GE]6ERAL ACCOUIIT8 — Continued


Irrigation and dlai nolle — Continued

Irrigation systems, Blackfeet Reserva- tion, Mont. (reimbursabie) . 1932

1931-32 8321. 59

704. 97

3231. 25 268. 35

499. 60

8231. 25 268. 35

499. 60

890. 34 436. 62

Maintenance snd operation, irrigation systems, Fort Belknsp Reservation, Mont. (reimbursable) . . 1934

1933 ]93]-32

96. 79 166. 14

33, 020. 42 321, 200. 00 16, 900. 26

1, 944. 86

14, 956. 41

12, 125. 04

1, 075. 57

13, 200. 61

3961. 00 583. 20 6], 080. 00

33, 338. 74

378. 44 $4, 775. 22

Maintenance snd operation, irrigation systems, Crow Reservation, Mont. (re- imbursable) . . 1932 1, 012, 34 2, 098. 08 $26. 66 1, 772. 63 1, 299. 66 38. 13

Irrigation systems, Flathead Reserva- tion, Mont. (reimbursable) 1934

1933 — 34 1932-33 1931-33 1931-32 1929-33 1927-33

24, 463. 22 393. 97

57, 867. 70

80. 03 43& 716. 69

17 290. 43

3, 488. 11

400. 00

117, 000. 00 10, 739. 66 9, 220. 69 6& 660. 61

237. 58

6W 86

9, 614. 95 8, 069. 94

], 137. 50 237. 58 400. 00

19, 459. 97

912. 00

I, 720. 23 208. 55

105, 348. 34 81, 963. 48

2, 536. 03 57, 630. 12

80. 03 43, 716. 69

1, 124. 71

&Improvement, maintenance, snd opera-

tion, irrigation systems, Crow Reser-

vation, Mont. (reimbursable) . 1934 1932-33 76. 63 1, 034. 48

17, 880. 00 9, 831. 00 339. 86

9, 491. 16

9, 743. 51 694. 64

10, 438. 15

860. 00 215. 04

7, 189. 00 201. 33

87. 49

Maintenance snd operation, irrigation

systems, Fort Peek Reservation, Mont.

reimbursable) . . . . . 1934 1933 1932

14, 09 28. 10

257. 30 e. seo. oo 5, 060. 17

]69. $0

4& 910. 97

4, 846. 74 108. 10

28. 10

4, 954. 84

516. 00 94. 57

78. 83 68. 72

218. 43

Maintenance, operation, and drainage assessments. Palute Indian lands, Newlsads project, Nevada . 1934-35

1933 — 34 1932-33

10, 443. 00 5, 024. 29

ii 7, 519. 00 1, 000. 00 9, 000. 00 6, 638. 36

7& 619. 00 443. 00

5, 024. 29 2, 361. 64

9, 000. 00 6, 63K 36

Maintenance, operation, snd drainage assessments, Psiute Indian lands, New-

I lands project, Nevada (reimbursable) Irrigation system, Paiute Indisa lands,

Newlands project, Nevada . 4eclsmstion charges, Psiute Indian

lands, Newlands project, Nevada

1931 — 32



5, 118. 47

365. 72

5, 381. 00 5, 381. 00

. 60

5, 381. 00

5, 118. 47

366. 22

Maintenance snd operation, irrigation

system, Pyramid Lake Reservation, Nev. (reimbursable). . . 1934

1933 1932

83. 42 77. 49

387. 90 3, 750. 00 2, 575. 00

801. 00 1, 982. 00

186. 90 77. 49

73. 00 43. 21

1, 102. 00 241. 21

593. 00

Improvement, maintenance, sad opera- tion, Hogback irrigation project, Nav- ajo Reservation, N. Mex. (reimburs- able) 1934

1932-33 1931-32

1. 94 3. 19

11, 350. 00

2, 374. 00

8, 815. 80 1. 94

2, 168. 90

7, 843. 51 1. 94

3. 19

2, 302. 20 972. 29


Improvement, maintenance, and opera- tion, irrigation system, Laguna Pueblo, N. tf ex. (reimbursable) . . 1934

1932 — 33 1931-32

Engineer and assistants, Middle Rio Grande conservancy project, New Mexico 1934


25. 91 15. 32

244. 78 '3125. 00

272. 84

4, 009. 02

15, 770. 00

w 8, 168. 62 "8, 888. 68

8, 817. 74

2, 002. 92 108. 88

1, 894. 60

7, 752. 26

8, 886. 61

7, 84, (. 45

]. 312. 01 164. 52

I, 476. 53

6, 301. 90 382. 51

15. 32

47. 00 92. 28

350. 00 182. 67 125. 00

13, 720. 08 41. 95

66. 36


690. 91



I. 4)0. 36

I'. . iyiucnt to Sfiddle Rio Grande couser-

vancy district, New Mexico (reimburs-

able) Repairs to irrigation systems and fiood

protection of irrigable lands, pueblos

in )Cciv xf cr icri.


1934 1932-33 1931-33 1928-32

28. 03 17. 08

500. 00

77. 99

400, 000. 00

4, 850. 00

4, 125. 76

7. 87

6, 684. 41

70, 62

600. 00

35. 40

400, 000 00

I, »60 0() '

)7 Oa ]

7. 87 70. 62

Sliillw;iy anil dr;iincgo iliti h, Lake

Aiolc», S. D ik. . . . 1930-32

I ((i()i)ii Illkliig flic)i:CI. , Wiislliiig(cii,

rap(!irma fl(ssl daniagr (reiinhur able). )93:)-34

47, 373. 20

18, 739. 96

0 Tr;iii»fi rri il (o "I, ()mini dikin(, ' projec(, Washington, repaiang Juiie 30, Iig)2 (47»I:i(. 4)1)

(o I'riiri»fi rri rl from 1933 iir i iiun(, aCt Feb. )7, )933 (4)i Stat. 831)

I, 000. 00

3, 561. 70

liood dan(age (rciinhur. :ihlc)

" 1, 000. 00 /

(!);(3-. 'I I ", cct

1, 000. 00

15, 959. 01

4», 37:I. 2o

466. 00

(a Trausferred to )934 account. See note 60. 'i Transferred fro(u "klain(ccancc, opera(ion, anil ilr;iicagc assess(urn(»

Nevada, 1933-34", a(I June 30, )932 (47 S(c(. 4) I)

!I. 3!(I 66 I I' ll I(i

Ih"uI I I I «I'N«l I I, ) (. CD

Receipts and expenditures, 198~1 — Continued

[Debit transfer sppropriai, ious (net) and repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures are printed in italic. Emergency expenditures are indicated by an asterisk" l

Fiscal year for which

appropri- ation was


On books of the Treasury

Available Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)

To credit of disbursing


Unexpended balances June 30, 1933

Appro prist iona

Warrantsassued basis

Checks-issued basis

Expenditures in 1934 (see p. 6)

Act June 20, 1874

Impounded salary and

vacancy sav- ings

Amount carried to surplus fund (see p, 7)

On books of the Treasury

Reserve for impounded

vacancv sav ings (see p. 8)


To credit of disbursing


Unexpended balances June 30, f934



Irrigation and drainage — Continued

Reclaiming lands, Lummi Reservation, Wash. (reimbursable)

Maintenance and operation, Toppenish- Simcoe irrigation system, Yakima Reservation, Wash. (reimbursable) .


1934 1933 1932

Maintenance and operation, Wapato irrigation project, Yakima Reserva- tion, Wash. (reimbursable) 1933

Satus unit, Wapato project, Yakima Reservation, Wash. (reimbursable). 1932-33


$10. 18

99. 35 17. 32

42. 28 58. 99

1, 78A 13

$10. 85

356. 96

186. 27

$900. 00 $750. 00 ) 10. 85

739. 15

618. 79

318. 79

188. 79

$541. 85

541. 85

43. 17

43. 17

$10. 18

17. 32

58. 99

$23. 00

1, 858. 25

$127. 00 110. 20

356. 07

115. 60

$208. 15


Wspato irrigation snd drainage system, Washington (reimbursable) . . 1934

1931-33 1931-32

16, 374. 40 36, 826. 16 «75, 926. 00 «15, 280. 05 " 16, 980. 05'

26, 634. 89 15, 380. 05

11, 354. 84

62, 324. 93

15, 980. 06

47, 044. 88

1, 418. 12 75, 925. 00 2, 601. 44 135. 12

Wapsto irrigation and drainage system, Washington (reimbursable) (transfer

to Geological Survey): Act Feb. 17,

1933 , Pperstion and maintenance of reservoirs

Yskima Reservation, Wash

xrigation systems, Wind River dimin-

ished reservation and ceded lands, Wyoming (reimbursable) . 1934

1932-33 1931-32

246. 84 555. 92

650. 09

«576. 00

11, 000. 00

46, 000. 00 rr 642. 06

525. 80

9, 000. 00

36, 395. 16 229. 75

239. 70

9& 000. 00

34, 260. 48 779. 84

555 92

3, 189. 00 248. 71 $405. 00

49. 20

2, 000. 00

6, 415. 84 5. 44

286. 10

1, 134. 68

36, 624. 91 35, 040. 32

Conservation of health

Asylum for insane Indians, Canton, 8. Dak 1933

1932 707. 41 407. 41

$1, 268. 27 110. 83

2, 979. 00 8, 518. 15 36. 67

8, 488 48

359. 85 36. 67

396. 52

481. 57 441. 15 I, 268. 27 '&, 785. 41

Plintcal survey of disease conditions among Indians . 1934

1933 1932

82, 435. 03 46. 06

2, 369. 21 25, 000. 00 6, 837. 82

r, goo. 84 46. 06

5, 814. 66 463. 57 46. 06

200. 00 15. 19

17, 962. 18 84, 325. 48

I, 023. Iti

4, 978. 24 6, 324. 29

Conservation of health among Indians 1934-35 1934

1933-34 1933

1932-33 1932

1931-34 1931-33 1931-32

1931 1930

Certified claims

11, 000. 00 13, 570. 10 25, 846. 93 83, 217. 98

467, 111. 75 2, 326. 32

143, 432. 91

12, 402. 64

4, 000. 00 157, 480. 3S

2, 831. 53 134. 72

165, 408. 57 . 42

374. 94

fte) » 2, 930, 200. 00

ie 5, 000. 00

ri 45, 581. 29 rr 43, 052. 00 » 43, 088. 00

516. 00

2, 608, 97k 00

4, 000. 00 IOJ, 811. 83

8, 848. 80 I, 961. 04

40, 501. 92 27, 681. 56 '

1, 431. 94 '

888. 84 i

35. 00 516, 00

2. 572, 305. 39 l

2, 442, 733. / 5

53, 876. 38 IS9. 33

2, 095. 76

42, 735. 33 147, 326. 81

I, 432. 36 105. 30

5)16. 00

2, 690, 976. 02

139, 240. 87

890. 01 269. 64 35. 00

38, 043. 45 252. 00

258. 00 229. 34

4. 37

68, S85. 00

156, 713. 91

153, 100. 00 15, 000. 00 69, 056. 88

28, 237. 13

2, 292. 08 396, 148. S5

166, 237. 25

I, 792. 77

t& 2, 233. 41

35, 7(i3 32

Medical relief in Ainska « 1934 — 35 1933 — 34 1932-33 1931-32 1929-30

Relieving &list. ress and prevention, etc. , of diseasos among Indians . Certlf)ed claims

Hopi-Navajo Sanatoriutn, I«'i»slow, Ariz. , construction and equipment 1931-33 5, 753. 79

216, 600. 00 19, 441. 48 17, 671. 96

14, 977. 21 830. 61

31, 477. 45

60, 500. 94

24, 519. 56

2, 645. 82

263, 555. 00

56. 00

310. 00

8, 383. 62

70, 000. 00 i

185, 390. 08

10, 145. 80 )

8) 507. I 8 28. 00,

263, 056. 76

310. 00 )j

29, 093. 93

lg, Ogg. 14 183, 987. 32 31, 799. 95

138. 70 28. 00

235), 05)2. 11

310. 00

21, 009. 69 28. 00

42. 90

6, 899. 00

3, 954. 59

s, 094. 41

193, 55o. 00

3, 225. 00 21, 085. 92 8, 610. 48 11, 707. 82

0 ')0, 901 51, 903. 70 2 865). 41

M 0

Tacoma IIospital, Iyashington, water

supply and heatmg plant

Roads and bridges

1931-32 I, 050. 19 I, 050. 19

Road&5 indi~n reservations 1934 1932-33 1931-32

3, 286. 54

6, 351. 07 20, 764. 14

250, 000. 00 7, 000. 00 I 8, 488. 83

I, 300. IS 2, 292. 34

6, 351. 07

102. 00 I, 717. 84

"I'2, 8!IS. 00 20, 0;I7. &J3

;), 6!&!) 52 ')


Rond», in&i»i» rcservatio»s, emergency co»&true(in» (act July 21, 1932). 1933 53, 087. 06 149, 113. 19

I I, 48&. 83

(8I, Jo3. 44

3 592 52

17, 559, 75 6, 478, 44 Ii&c I &i', 0&i

l)ei&it tails»ce. I(s& Iiisivr nf. i„iy;& tr»&sferred tu s:ir»r olijcct uudcr Qenlogical Survey. See note 66. 'ltr;»is(em 6 fr»i» I'J'II-X2»emu»t, aet /(Pr. 22, 1932 (47 St»t. g6), 'I'r&)iisfcrr( 0 In I'J!II — XI i»'&'n»»t See»nte Iik. 'I'r&i&isfrrrc&l fr&it»;i me nl)jrrt unclot I»&1»&» Service. Sce note 63. 'I'r;ii)sf('rr&'6 fr& aii "8 upi»)rt. of Inilii&ns i&»il admi»istrntion of Indian property, 1933", act Mar. 20, 1033 (48 Stat.


ei ()&


ti Appr&ipri itin» nf $2 )0 GO(I tr ii&. ferrril to "Indian ServiCe suPPly fund, 193435 ', aCt Jan. 12, 1927 ((I Stat. 939,

I& Incluiles $200, 000 tr»&isferred from nI»dian service supply fu»d, »Jx!-:Il, act Jn». I", I!)27 (Ii sliit !&I!» &»i&i excludes (1, 000 tra»sferrcd to "Contince»t cape&ises, Deli»rttnc»t of thr I»teriiir, I&X!4" act blur "o, I&&i I I ts st&)i I;Ii " This i& count wns credited with $30 000 tra»sferred frnrn "Imh i» Scrvi& r s»p»ly fu»&l, I!&3":I I". :» I . I iii. I", I!I')I !44 stat. '. KpJ) an(1 ct»&rgc(l witli $25, 000 trnnsferred to ''I'urcl»ise i»id Irn&)sport;it&i)&) of l»da»& s»pi&h&'s, Il&it!i, a('I s, t;(r 20, l(J33 (4S Stat !3).

i) Trnusferred frou& "i»ilia» service supply fu»il, !93(-32", :i&:I, J:i». 12, I!»' Ill Stat &/Sn) / Transferred fr&»n 1931-32 an&ou»t, act yet) 17, I&Ji'll (47 St(it '(37) i Trausferreii to 1931-34:in&au»t. See &iote 2. & Hereti&fore stated under "Educ»tin»" ch»pter.


/fere)'f)ts uliil CK))e&&ditlires, J!JS. , ' — Co&)ti»fief(

[l)cbif transfer appropriatio&!s (net) ind repayn&eats to approprl il i:ls in excess of expenditure. :ir& iirinie 1 in italic. Emergency cxficndi&ures sre io(ficotcii by &o;i I&ries*l


f'l&CXI Ciuie&l hslances June', 5(), &93( Expcn&iitilres ii& 1934 (see p. 6) Amount carried to surplu fun&i (see p.

f'«ex;)ei&&icii htisccc- June 30, 1934

x F ir for which

&lf)f)nil)I'i- &(



m;i dc

X v , & . i:& I i i i

Reserve for i inpounde(i

vacllcv sav- ings (see p. 8)

On f)o&)ks of the Trisisury

To creiil& of disburs&iir


5 'i ) 1 )re [ ' n, I I I 0 I& s

Wiirralll. Esilc&l i

( lie('ks-issue&i hs. sl basis

Act June 20, I ai &

in) pouniie&1 sslary su&i

v tea(1(ty ssv ines

Ou hook of the A i&r&

Ke:erxe for uupoun&it(i

) acallcx' sav


ings (sec p. 8)

To credit of (1 is&)ursin

off lc&'rs



Roads and Gridai, ( — (. ' &&otinueil

lliglu(xly, Gfaffup — Shiprock, Navajo Reservation. N. &Xfex. , rcfniirs;mii liniinfelnlncc. (Ceilnbursah)e) 1934

1932-33 $1, 658. 30 1931-32 28. 75

$42. 18 $20, 000. 00 i'lt(, 200. 00

89. 78 $13, '7 34. 71

2. 45 $28. 75

$1, 740. 00 245. 95

"ii& 00 i &, 4 ') 1)s

$4, 465. 29

18, 160. 27 13, 737. 16

1931-32 Road. tt irul River Reservation, Wyo. ,

eluergency constrnction Ro;el, Wind River Reservation, Wyo. ,

emergency construction (transfer to l&epertment of Agriculture, act May 21, 1920) 1931-32 22, 793. 84 5, ":fl 84

357. 28

887. 88 22, 2i l. 55 27, 503. 39

357. 28

165. 01

. lanai(ice and per capita payments il

Fulfilling treaties with: Choctaws, Oklahoma St. Croix Chippewa Indians of Wis-

consin Scnecss of New York six Nations of New York

No year

No year No year No year

S4, 160. 00

9, 182. 32 2, 215. 22

1, 521. 38

10, 520. 00

10, 000. 00 6, 000. 00 4, 500. 00

10, 000. 00 6, 015. 93 4, 487. 97

10, 000. 00

6, 015. 93 4, 487. 97

)4, 680. 00

K 182. 32 2, 199. 29 l. '. 0&3 41

P;&y&i&ent to Loyal Shawnee ludians, Okb&h&)ins 1930-34

1930-33 25, M9. 97

' 25, 972. 97 " Bo, 97K 97 25, 721. 22

88, 809. 97 9, 036. 40 2)si 75 16, 684. 82

411. 25 9, 036. 40

T'syment of claims of individual Sioux

Inii ious 1933-34


1, 935. 70 1, 647. 70 11, 136. 00 11. 20

Menument st Old Crossing. 'Nf inn . 1931-32

document on Cheyenne River Agency

Reserve, 'S. Dsk . 1931-32

600, 00

121. 21

600. 00

121. 21


Clsi&us for damages, act Deo. 28, 1922, De- - partment of the Interior, Indians No year

Judgment, Court of Claims, Creek In- dian Nation. . . No year

20$ 95 478. 79

144, 106. 01

200. 00 200. 00 200. 00 48'2. 74

t44, 106. 01

Judgments, Indian depredation claims . No year Judgment, Court of Claims, Indians, sct

Jsn. 22, I &J23, Medawakanton and Wapakoota bands of Sioux No year

Relief of- Dsisy M. Avery. . No year William C. Campbell No year Chippewa Indians, Minnesota, for

loss of tribal funds No year Rsnsome Cooyate . No year James Black Dog . No year Carl W. Eagle, administrator of the

estate of Charles Peterson -- No year Archie Red Elk . . No year James GsrOeid . . - No year Lucy B. Hertz snd J. W. Hertz. . No year Holy Family Hospital, St. Ignatius,

Mont No year Milburn Knapp No year C. V. Mason . No year Jerry O' Shea . . No year A. L. Ostrander . No year Pscific Creditors' Association No year Peabody Hospital, Webster, S. Dak No year A. W. Peareon No year Peter Pierre No year Nancy Titus No year N. Lester Troast No year M. M. Twichel . No year Heirs of Wakicunzewln, an Indian No year Catherine Medicine Walk snd Belle

Medicine Walk . . . . . No year Estate of Jennle IValton . No year Western . "vf &intana Clinic No year C. M. Williamson; Mrs. Tnra I. iljcn-

(Iulet, :&&In&inie(r&&(rix of (:. E. J. Jljcn&J&&let, deceased; I. ottie Red- man; and I I. N. Smit, h . No year

LVorking fund, J)cpartu&ent of the In- teriiir, Indi&inc, emergency relief No year

Working fun&i, 1)eliiir(mcnl of Lhe In- terior, Indi;iiie No year

147. 00

»ez. Oo

I, 000. 00 64. 64

2, 000. 00 185. 00

25. 00 25. 00 70. 00

I, 500. 00

16, 000. 00 I& 206. 76

275. 00 270, 00

11, 675). 97 4, 764. 40

45. 00 35). 00

144. 28

3, 433. 34 l

2 888. 90 I-

25. 00

4, 000. 00

5, 022. 30

8, 824. 10

152. 00

199. 50

I, 000. 00 64. 64

91. 68

601&. 69



91, 066. 69

152. 00

1$9. 60

I, 000. 00 64. 64

JL 68

i, i24 10

$9, 68k 56

( "J. 30

91. 38 . ', 000. 00 185. 00

25. 00 25. 00 70. 00

!, 500. 00

304. 69 16, 000. 00 1, 206. 76

275. 00 270, 00 147. 00

11, 675. 97 I, 764. 40

45. 00 35. 00

144. 28

1, 433. 34 &, 888 90

25. 00 !, &X)U. 00 i, 022 3U

21, Uss 60




28, 31&J 2(3 O

Permanent a&pl indefluite. In&li;in Service zulu&ly fund. . 1934 35&

1933 — 34 1932-33 1931-32

550, 000. 00 2, 143. 90

53, 334. 51 124, 971. 65

2, 292. 28

n 750, 000. 00 » 66o, ooo. oo )' 130, OOO. OO

)) 66, 66). 99

') (NU UO

h&, 196. 69 JSZ, 616 63

9, 94&6! ", ((

553. 85 Z), 026, 48

7, (366. 87 45. 50

&75, 000. UO

H7, 195. :3&J

(, 9&3'2. 53

'&74, I ((I I:&

i!t, ;, 8. I, '3


5&2, 730 20 15, 769 96

('i&ill&&iL&r&n of the Sioux No year 159, 407. 94 159, 40i. 94 15&9, !Ui. &)4 I

H Reve&&il&liilicil fr&&in H&&rlilue fund, nci Mar. 3, 1875 (18 Stiit. 418, sec. 5). ) lien (of&iri . Oi(cd under "Fulillling tre&ity i(ipulationi with, aud support of Iinlian tribes" chap(er. 4 Tr&inef& rri &I froii& lulu . «3;&«cunt ' 'I'rn&i. fcrr& 6 &o 19:30-3(:&c& nu&&( i'i «note i(3. ' A«&i&&&i( ini(cil &&icier " I'& dcr;il I:in&ir&, cin'I Relief Adiniiiie(r;itin&i, p. 111.

I « « &4(&' in" !, &i&'( Ji&&l I 2&, I &ici (!! i&&&(. 9(3!i) fr&&iii &ic&'oulltz i&H fOllows. Inurn&& ~ & l&ool . &inin r&, 1!ill:(I& lich&&&i I&«, &r li&ic i& l&&&i&l, I!N! ( '«&i& ri:i& ion &&f ln;&I&l& iin&ing I i&di'&ni, I'J(31-35. .

$2500, OO

250, 000 250, 000

I rani(&!rid »c( Ji&n ) J (927 (44 '&I i( 93«) (0 i&conn(i ii foJiowi Ii&dnin H& h&Hil enlg&ort. 1&J34. i&id&&ill ll&lilrdiiig icho&lli, I&J(34- ( one& rvs(&0&& of l&C&il( ll;&i&)Olla Ill&li&il&H, (934

'I'ran 'fcrre&J, act Jan 12, 1927 (44 Stat. 939), Lo accounts ae follows. ln&li;m Hchii&il Hul&por(, l(H!3 Jnilian board(ng schools, l&J33 ('cniervctnin of lw;iltli iiinong Indiani, (9'33

» 'I'raneferreil, &icL Jin&. 12, I&)27 (44 'ital. &J3I)), to accounts ae followi". I&id&an bo&ir&liiig i& J&ool», 1&J32 . ('onicrvclii&n cf l&ccl(h an&ong Indians, I&J32

$150, n&in

"(Hi, U&N&

&&&&i, (i(H&

'fie&i, &i&H&

3&), &&&Hi

. ' & i, ( N )( i

t(«, LHH& n()

Recel'pfs antj efrp&'n&tituree, 198$ — Continued

Debit transfer appropriations (net) and repayments to appropriafions in excess of expenditures are pl'inted in italic, Emergency expenditures are indicated by an asterisk']

finexpendcd balances June 30, 1933 Kxpen&iitures in 1934 ikee P. 6! ed to surplus ee I. '7)

Amount carri fund (s

1 nexpended balances June 30, 1934

Fiscal year for which

appropri- ation was

made A vailahle

lleserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)

On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing


. lf 1 I" f&I& 1&lone

a&&ant» issued basis

& he& 1 k &kku«f Act June 20, i&sais 1874

Impounded salary and

vacancy sav- ings

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav-, ings (see p. 8) ~


On books of the Treasury

To ere&lit of &iishursing




Irripation &In&i drainnp»

No year I

No year

No year

No veer

iNo year

No year

No year

No year

No year

No year

No year

No year

No year

iVo year

No year

No year

No year

No year

51aintenance, irrigation system, Colo- rado River Reservation, Ariz. , act Aug& 1, 1914

Maintenance, irrigation system, Msri- cops Indian lands, Arizona, act Aug. 1, I!!14

I'ower plant. , Coolidge Dam, Ariz. , elec- fric current fund, act Mar. 7, 1928

Maintenance, irrigation system, Oansdo project, Navajo Reservation, Ariz. , act Aug. 1, 1914

iVlsintensnce, irrigation system, San Carlos project, Ariz. , act Aug. 1, 1914

Maintenance, irrigation system, Alalki project, California, act Aug. 1, 1914

Maintenance, irrigation system, Pals Reservation, Calif. , act Aug. 1, 1914.

Maintenance, irrigation system, Yums Reservation, Calif. , sct Aug. I, 1914

Purchase of lands for landless Indians in I'alifornia, act, Mar. 3, 1925

Maintenance, irrigation system, Pine lfiver project, Southern Iite Reserva- tion, Colo. , act Aug. I, 1914

Maintenance, irrigation system, Fort ilail Reservation, Idaho, act Aug. 1, 1914 .

Maintenance, irrigation systems, Black- feet Reservation, Mont. , act May 18, 1916

Surveys snd investigations, protection of water rights, Blackfoot River

1Vlaintenance, irrigation systems, Crow Reservation, Mont. , sct Aug. 1, 1914

Maintenance, irrigation system, Fort Belknap Reservation, Mont. , act Aug. 1, I914

jMsintensnce, . irrigation systems, Flat head Reservation, Mont. , act May 18,

1916 Maintenance, power system, Flathead

Reservation, Mont. , act May 10, 1926

Maintenance, irrigation system, Fort Peck Reservation, Mont. , sct May 18, laic

$5, 232. Z2

27. 77

67, 682. 05

1. 95

5G. 00

I, 4sa. ss

34, 199. 60

5, 004. 25

1, 305. 10

20, 890. 34

23. 77

635. 41

7, 279. 18

5, 422. 42.

2, 781. 26

21, 276. 92

2, 677. 24

$1, 375. 00

6, 367, 31

119, 65

200. 00 [

577. 93

4, SGO, 17

1, 547. 78

1, 449. 88

3, ON. 00

9, 207. 63

10, 005. 39

915. 23

6ff, GSG 04

2 307 59 I

1, 139. 4'2

53, 023. 61

96 00

4, 037. 87

3, 177. 28

26, 126. 6 1

2, 629. 11

28, 424. 69

1, 04a. zs

55, 597. 24

61, 080. 83

2, 949. 13

$11, 679. 76

9, 676. 37',

735. 89 I

3O, OOO. Oo I

1. 43

200. 00

49A GZ

2, 332. 63

1, 787. 20

18, SM. 06

8, 998. »6

43, 111. 92

31, 361. 01

4, 948. 63

$8, 539, Og

14, 874, 76

514. 29

1, 43

113, 33

254. 91

21 G35 02

3, 331. 23

10, 003. 07

l. 45

41, 268. 28

20, 815, 39

b, 60!. 6&l

$399. 73

73. 38

328. 37

595. 42

245. gs

$1, 375. 00

13. 86

$4, 837. 77


GO, 313. 27

405. 48

Z3, 023. 61

54. 57

1, 775. 88

38, 656. 71

l, 004. 25

2, 149. 75

19, 919. 72

537. 31

635. 41

16, 252. 3g

9, 456. 39

15, 266. 57

50, 488, 24

431. 76

$3, 843. 55

C. ' Izj

1, 168. 9J

341. 25

30, 000. 00



2, 655. 65

10, 312. 38

3. 75

10, 302. 87

11, 05L 27

20, 551. 01

11, 465. 49

Maiiilenancc, irrigation system, Walker River project, Nevada, act Aug. 1, 1914 No year

Maintenance, irrigation system, IIog- bsck project, Navajo Reservation, N. Mes. , act Aug. 1, 1914 No year

Maintenance, Modoc Point irrigation project, oregon, act Aug. 1, 1914 No year

Maintenance, irrigation system, Modoc point project, oregon, act Aug. 1, 1914 Ko vear

Maintenance, irrigation system, Sand Creek project, Oregon, act Aug. 1, 1914 No year

Maintenauce, irrigation systems, Ufntah Reservation, Utah, act Aug. 1, 1914 No year

Maintenance, irrigation system, Ahta- num project, Washington, act Aug. 1, 1914 No year

Maintena. cc, Ah(nnum irrigation proj- ect, Wash;ngton, act Aug. 1, 1914 No year

Maintenance, irrigation systems, Col- ville Reservntion, Washington, act Aug. 1, 1914 . . No year

Maintenance, irrigation system, Lummi project, Washington, act Aug. 1, 1914 No year

Maiiitenance, irrigation system, Nespe- lem project, Washington, act Aug. 1, 1914 No year

Maintenance, irrigation systems, Satus project, Washington, act Aug. 1, 1914 No year

Maintenance, irrigation system, Toppen- ish-Simcoe project, Washingtou, act Aiig 1, 1914 No year

Con" ti uction, irrigation system, Wapato prole((, W;lsliin (rln, act Fcb, !4, 1920 No year

Maintenance, irrigntion system, Wapato projec(, Wnnliin ton, act Aug. 1, 1914 No year

Main! ennncc, irrivation system, Wapnto priljcci, W;lshington, act Aug. 1, 1914 (tr insfcr to Department of tile Interior, (icojo "ical Survey, i(et Apr. 22, 1932) No year

Ivfniii(i nnni(, irri'n(ion system, I. eClnir- Rivi:rt lm iii! ch No. 2, ceded portion of Wii«l Rivi r Reserve(ion, Wyo. , act A or, 1, 1!!1! No Slnlr

Malo(eniinre, jrrlg, i!inn Syn!em, Wind River !sir(i!oisbeil Reservation, and cei!r~j lan(is, Wluiiliilg, nct Aug. 1, !U!1 No year

120. 35

1, 437. 79

34. 87

2, 873, 07

1, 477. 84

8, 619. 66

469. 18

11. 62

122. 00

209. 78

789. 20

5, 235. 28

403. 81

25, 455. 30

46, 48?. 07

1, 889. 23

8, 218. 89

352. 11

372. 18

3, 923. 20

1, 361. 92 I

120. 51

50. 92

6, 062. 83

431. 81

12, 10G. 41

2, 931. 27

55. 40

'2, 362. 00

496. 05

I, 006. 90

36, 920. 03

2, 616. 34

468. 10

487. 95

6, 181. 33

S52. 92

36, 125. 96

'l 110, 781. 18


13, 550. 94

1, 857. 22 j

209. 33

1, 457. 05

1, 147. 52

536. 32

1, 080. S3

2, 198. 08 3, 137. 78

572 35 402. 26

1, 057. 53 853. 2S

6, 947. 17 7, 731. 10

265. 19

19, 820. 08

106, 021. 77

378. 95

18, 655, 84

91, 723. 52

70 70

13, 985. 32 Gi, 092, 28

31, 303. 91 I 35, 227. 11

624. 44

175. 76

1, 942. 57

34. 87

1, 912. 07

1, 337. 22

14, 235. 78

88 . 44

11. 52

12'I UU

105. 53

219. G2

4, 4GU. 44

991. 54

41, 7G1. 18

51, 24(' 48

I, 859 23

7, !UU 0?

2, 000. 00

920. 73

438. 87

"90. GO

255. 17

6, 26iS 90

IC t3

3!8 05

1' 154 24 O

2(i, !U. l. GG


ll, (2-I 31

1 o!nl, illlsi'i'llnocolls cxla'tn'lt' of In&jill(I erl li'i' 3, 758, 821. 91 193, 142. 44 1, 293, 264. 68 7 285. 52 , 417, 4, 991, 161. G2 5l 1G3, 911. 37 $361, 213. 99 240, 747. 60 274, 081. 87 6, niF', 05! 7il I, 12(b 5U (. 9:!

'l Includos $0. 70 returned from same object under Geological Survey. See note 84. "Returned to same object under Indian Service. See note 83

Receipts and expenditures, 1M' — Continued

[Debit transfer appropriations (net) and repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures are printed in italic. Emergency expenditures sre indicated by an ast«isk"l

Unexpended balances June 30, 1933 Expenditures in 1934 (see p 6) Amount carried to surplus

fund (see p, 7) Unexpended balances June 30, 1934

Fiscal year for which

appropri- ation wss

made Available

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)

On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing


Appropriations Warrants-issued

basis Checks-issued

basis Act June 20,


Impounded salary and

vacancy sav- ings

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)


On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing

ofh cere



Interest on: Apache, Kiowa, and Comanche

fund No year Apache, Kiowa, and Comanche 4-

percent fund No year Blackfeet Reservation 4-percent

fund No year Cherokee school fund . No year Cheyennes and Arapahoes in Okla-

homa fund . No year Cheyennes and Arspahoes in Okla-

homa 3-percent fund No year Cheyenne River Reservation 3-per-

cent fund No year Cheyenne River Reservation 3-per-

cent fund, act Jan. 28, 1913 No year Chippewas in Minnesota fund No year Clallam minors' 4-percent fund No year Coeur d'Alene 3-percent fund . No year Creek general fund No year Crow consolidated 4-percent fund No year Crow Creek 4-percent lund. No year Devils Lake Sioux, 3-percent minors'

fund No year

Fort Belknap Reservation 4-percent fund No year

Fort Berthold Reservation 3-percent fund No year

Fort Hall Irrigation 4-percent fund No year

Fort Hall Reservation 4-percent fund No year

Fort Peck Reservation 4-percent fund No year

Grande Ronde minors' fund No year Iowa fund No year Iowa minors' fund No year James Pueblo 4-percent fund No year Kansas consolidated lund No year Ksskskis, Peoria, Wea, and Pian-

keahsw fund . No year

Kickapoo general fund No year

Kickspoo minors' fund No year

Kickapoos in Oklahoma fund No year

Kiowa Agency hospital 4-percent lund No year

Klsmath fund - -- No year

JJ A. nae and Vieux de Bert Chippewa lund No year

$5, 562. 96

1, 358. 98

118. 09 12. 30

929. 90

408. 46

11. 88

1, 338. 90 70, 423. 41

2, 640. 44

359. 79 l. 36

20. 36 415. 17

195. 56

745. 62

4, 291. 16

Ii 652. 16

2, 042. 27 118. 93 283. 90 736. 87 100. 49

2, 330. 45

434. 66 490. 12

4, 786. 62 1, 386. 58

2& 977. 24

3, 533. 64

621. 04

151. 17

257. 66

108. 33

107. 37

421. 40

$4. 56

199. 95

44. 90

87. 88

2. 52

19, 688. 59

322. 63 86, 321. 87

4, 683. 43 62. 55

718. 99 92. 87

984. 42

974. 81

44. 70

170. S5 12. 06 14. 22 17. 04 20. 00 98. 62

195. 69 45. 39

592. 20 205. 46

16. 96

$5, 000. 00

500. 00

17, 816. 84

98, 743. 16 4, 586. 17

1. 36 f08. 88

18. 63

f07. 87

91. 38

110. 58

$3, 618. 88

17, 905. 92

97, 923. 17

4, 586. 17

1. 36

18. 63

91. 38

531. 98

$567. 52

1, 558. 93

162. 99 12. 30

1, 517. 78

410. 98

I, %8. 63

1, 661. 5S 58, 002. 12 2, 737. 70

422. 34

847. 68 489. 41

36. 99

197. 62

1, ?29. 94 5, 373. 34

1, 596, 86

2, 212. 62 39. 61

298. 12 753. 91 120: 49

2, 429. 07

434. 56 490. 12

4, 982. 31 1, 320. S9

3, 569. 44 3, 739. 10

638: 00

$1, 381. 12

62. 09

1, 077. 65

Menominee fund Menominee 4-peroent fund Jtfenominee log fund Nes Perces of Idaho fund Omaha fund Omaha minors' fund Osage fund Otoe and Missouria fund . Picuris Pueblo 4-percent fund Pine Ridge Reservation 3-percent

fund Ponce fund Pot tawatomie education fund Pottawatomie general fund. Pottawatomie mills fund Pottawatomies of Kansas and Wis-

consin, act Apr. 4, 1910 Poitawatomie minors' fund Puyallup Indian Cemetery, Tacoma,

Wash. , 4-percent fund Red Lake Chippewas 3-percent

minors' fund . Red Lake Forest 4-percent fund . Rosebud Reservation 3-percent fund,

act May 30, 1910 Rosebud Reservation 3-percent fund,

act Mar. 2, 1907 Rosebud Sioux 3-percent minors'

fund Roun&i Valley general fund Sac and Fox of the Mississippi in

Iowa fun&i, act Mar. 3, 1909 Sac and Fox of the Mississippi fund,

Iovvo, acts Mar. 3, 1909, and Apr. 4, !910.

Sac and I'ov of the )VI)ss!ssippi in lowe f»n(i

S»c and Fox of the Mississippi in Oklahoma fund

Sac anti Fov of the Mississippi in ()kliii)on&i& fund, acts Mar. 3, 1909, anil Apr. 1, 1910

S;&c on&) Fov of ti)c 31)SSO»ri minOrS'

f»nd an I i&)Of»»so I'ucblo 4-percent fund

Soot» Ano Pueblo 4-percent fund Sant&a Siouv fund Se&»!no!& g& nor;il fun&I

8('»i »to)&' so!tool f»»&l

Sc(&tin»los of ()I la)i»ma fund. Sen⁣(s of Ncu York fun&1.

, jet&&'. ('ii I o&iii'u i&&i&is I'Ion&i fun&i

Sco«vi &in&I shiiwoee f»n&i

Shoe)too&' o»&l i)&i(it»i('I' f»o(i 8 io» ' (it(i&i:

I» 'i «' tnc ltlvci ('row Creek Fl;i&t ireo» I' I

' i&i & I (' o ' it& ui i ( to(' s

i, oucr ilrti'&

I'it&&' l(i&l"&'

I O&» ii. I'oooo to(&»&r,


l(&r & I » I

8 i»t('&'

OI:in&ling l(o& k

I o » r t i ( ' I ( t '

& ' (

iVo year No year No year No year No year No year No year No year No year

No year No year No year No year No year

No year No year

No year

No year No year

No year

No year

No year No year

Vio year

No year

No year

?co year

No year

No year No year No year No year &Vo year '

No yc:ir No year No yriir i

No v'c»('

No vc:)r No year I

No )cor No year No '\ ca('

No year No . \ &'a&

No v'('ot'

No i'c:1('

No yc:ir '

No (&fir I

No veer vco (citr No v &' tr'

3, 376. 45 )6, 323. Ol

14, 493. 99 3, 040. 09 1, 085. 85

389. 25 54, 441. 70

1, 042, 58 4, 708. 12

938. 44 541. 03 820. 21

2, 037. 32 5, 317. 78

190. 09 3, 014. 52

875. 75

196. 88 3, 192. 42

225. 08

127. 48

9, 680. 10 I, 148. GS

417. 08

i. 23

103. 59

361. 71

2, 371. 38

t)98. 42 ", 6!13. 16

o99. 37 310. 19 104. 11

10, 804. Ol

92. 46 9G1. 55

4, 513. G&J

2, 954. 90 3, 36l. I4

15, 67'2. 15 2, I!)5& 60

6, '&G. 07 2&&J 47

1, O)4. 32

4, 71 . 01 2, 7)3. 15

25v, 34

22, 051. f&3

lU 43! 45

6, 222. vb

). & 24

1, 150. 1&3

1, 998. 17 205. 40

13'7. 46

876. 97

112. 27

162. 48

&33. 96,

I, 000. 00

I 1 i. 27 103 23 i

2, loa. 28 17, 469. 01 60, 719. 09

109. 66 15. 04 6. 80

139, 520. 88

1, 885. 32

320. 85

798. 52

918. 52 180. 05

10. 50 113. 30

1, 000. 00

7. 32 10, 630. 46

84. 36

400. 16 307. 25

6, 876. 43

:34. 16 l

974. 72, ' 149. 36 I

2, 500. 78

32. G6

977. 36 78. 2G

144. 86

3, 754. 45

), 337. 2G

24. 44

439 43

6, b!3. '3 65

22. 90 ~ 5. 72,

10, 352. 05 55

5& 726. !(s

34. 35 5, es). 71

37, 796. 29 1, 631. 06

34. 36 4, 861. 63

39& 794. 46 1, 682. 42

138, 079. 00

1, 000. 00

138, 161. 52

848. 81

13. 83 130. 76 352. 92

98. 44 130. 76 352. 92

761. 77 818. 45

13, G50. 00 13, 648. 92

40. 00 40. 00

). 5'0 L 50

197. 64 992. 20

197. 64 841. 48

G, Sf!3 15 6, 863. 15

&J3b 26 938. 26

1)5&. 30 I, 400. 00

221. 13

115. 30 1, 002. 00

221. 13

104. 11 104. 11 I.

!t'&. 45 !)2 4li

I, 0!'IO. 98 I 1, 03!I Ob

32. 4(i

I, 279 3&J

42 \6&

5, 16 I. 00 '

5, t&ob O3

&&bf& ii 4, 373. fis

b, 725. 30 034, 32

4, I'(IO 20

4 b b 04 4, 812. 51 I

JO . . )(J 307. 49 '

O, 542&. sa (. . . 4, 1!O. 31

J?, 42!. 79 1, 51S. 69 1, 100. 69

378. 05 55, 883. 58 I, 042. 58

7, 4?0. 41

259. 29 541. 03

1, 632. 56

2, 825. 08 5, 144. 91

"W 59 3, 127. 82

I, 11:3. 98

204. 20 172. 88

"t)9. 44

!2&8. 98

), 882. 62 463. 73

41 . 08

I I. 51

!&):3. 19

3&il. 71

1, 433 12

il i. 28 -, 2& i. 88

I'&7 fi&U

&I&) l&J

13, 304,

J', il 5! 4, (GU 0, 3, 033. It( 3, 5&It&i fs)

& Is &I&

, &1

li ;, ill &9/

7, 271


', I ((U


't, 5!t'i !t&

, , '&?&i 2)

1, 970. 28

151. 19

105. 80

150. 72

3!)b. (X)

)2&J. ('J


t v

;I:I. (7& tv

Receipts and eepertditttres, I88JA — Continued (Debit transfer appropriations (net) and repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures are printed in italic. Emergency expenditures are indicated by an asterisk ]

Unexpended balances June 30, 1933 Expenditures in 1934 (see p. 6) Amount carried to surplus

fund (see p. 7) Unexpended balances June 30, 1934

Fiscal year for which

appropri- ation was

glade Available

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)

On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing


Appropriations Warrants-issued

basis Checks-issued

basis Act June 20,


Impounded salary snd

vacancy sav- nlgS

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)


On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing



INTERzsr AccoUNTs — continued

No year No year

No year

No year

No year No year

No year No year No year No year

No year

No year

No year

No year No year No year No year No year No year

No year

No year

No year

No year

No year

No year

No year

No year

No yeal'

No year

Interest on — Continued. Sisseton and Wahpeton fund Sisseton and Wahpeton minors' fund Sisseton and Wahpeton 4-percent

fund Standing Rock Reservation 3-per-

cent fund Standing Rock Reservation 3-per-

cent fund, act Feb. 14, 1913 Tesuque Pueblo 4-percent fund Uintah, White River, and Uncom-

pahgre Ute 4-percent fund, Utah Uintsh and White River Ute fund Umatills general fund Umstilla school fund Utes, Confederated Bands of, 4-per-

cent fund, Southern Ute Utes, Confederated Bands of, 4-per-

cent fund, Ute Mountain Ute Utes, Confederated Bands of, 4-per-

cent fund, Uintah, etc Ute 5-percent fund, Ute Mountain

Ute Ute 5-percent fund, Southern Ute Ute 5-percent fund, Uintah, etc Winnebago fund, Nebraska Winnebago fund, Wisconsin Yankton Sioux fund Proceeds of-

Menominees, logs Blackfeet Reservation, Mont. ,

act Mar. 1, 1907 Capitan Grande Indian Reserva-

tion, Calif. , act Feb. 28, 1929

Cheyenne River and Standing Rock Reservations, S. Dsk. snd N. Dsk .

Coeur d'Alene Reservation, Idaho

Colville Reservation, Wash. , sct Msr. 22, 1906

Devils Lake Reservation, N. Dak

Flathead Reservation, Mont. , act Feb. 12, 1929

Irrigable lands, Yuma Reserva- tion, Calif

&lamath River Reservation, Oreg

$1, 925. 12 931. 28

396. 76

135. 10 6, 025. 64

84, 826. 59 1, 836. 91 1, 631. 81

662. 49

2, 270. 26

658. 49

3. 777 33

3, 782. 03 4, 666. 80 4, 170. 73

6, 398. 68

I, 676. 07 314. 64

2, 391. 23

24R 13

24& 176. 20

468. 05

783. 31

642. 76

779. 70

$4. 06

679. 07

432. 80

195. 07

160. 80

f262. 24

17. 94

2. 41

84. 39

16. 06 960. 60

46, 488. 86 596. 33

74. 12 36. 16

266. 25

287. 10

1, 446. 09

5, 683. 74

4, 036. 28

4, 184. 69 127. 16 110. 84

526. 59

79. 25

10, 168. 92

18. 09

61. 10

123. 64

380. 10

200. VO

60. 20

1, 454. 19

746. 67

3, 343. 90

8, 727. 69 6, 705. 29

6, 3M. 20

358. 33

10. 24

60. 60

1, 449. 08

1, 425. 2'4

3, 764. 90

7, 577. 10 6, 349. 40

6, 796. 76

358. 33

10. 24

$2, 187. 86 949. 22

2. 41

481. 35

151. 15 6, 976. 24

2, 635. 50

48. 92

1, 879. 62

738. 18 1, 896. 29 1, 999. 22

6& 626. 24

1, 428. 68 314. 64

2, 907. 68

324. 38

34, 344. 12

468. 05

874. 89

61. 10

906. 86

1, 022. 86

980. 40

131, 316. 45 2, 432. 24

151. 74 587. 65



$5, 11


21. 80

1, 346. 66 35L 89 711. 24

Lsc du Flambeau %reservation, W fz No year

Lands, Colville Indiana, Wash- ington, sct Apr. 12, 1924 No year

Lande, etc. , F ive Civilized Tribes, Oklahoma No year

Lands snd buildings, Chippewas in Minnesota, sct Feb. 14, 1920 No year

Lands snd buildings, Sautes Sioux Indiana, Nebraska snd South Dakota, act Feb. 14, 1920 No year

Lands and buildings, Siletz In- diana, Oregon, sct Feb. 14, 1920 No year

Lower Brule Reservation, S. Dsk No year

Mineral leases, Ute Indian lands, sct June 30, 1919 No year

Northern Cheyenne Indian Res- ervation, Mont No year

Oil snd gas leases, royalties, etc. , Osage Reservation, Okla No year

Oil and gss, south half of Red River, Kiowa, Comanche, snd Apache Indians, Oklahoma No year

Oil snd gaz leases, Wind River Reservation, Wyo No year

Paiute Indians lands, Pyramid Lake Reservation, Nev No year

Puye Cliff Ruins, Santa Clara Pueblo, N. Mex No year

Quiniault Reservation, Wyo No year Red Lake Reservation, Minn No year Rosebud Reservation, S. Dak No year Rosebud Reservation, S. Dak. ,

act Mar. 2, 1907 . No year San Carlos Reservation, Ariz No year Southern Ute Reservation No year Spokane Reservation, Wash No year Surplus Pottswatomi lands,

Kansas No year Surplus lands, Quapaw Agency,

Okla No year Surpluslands, Sacand Fox of the

Missouri Indians, Kansas snd Nebraska No year

Timber, Jicarilla Reservation, N. Mex. , act Mar. 4, 1907 No year

Town lots, White Earth Reser- vation, Minn . No year

Town sites, Colorado River Reservation, Ariz No year

Town sites, Crow Reservation, Mont. , sct June 4, 1920 No year

Town site, Fort Hall Reserva- tion, Idaho, act Feb. 12, 1929 No year

Town site, Spokane Reserva- tion, Wash . . No year

Tribal leases, etc. , Seneca Nation of New York. . . No year

1& 398. 56

163. 25

18, 261. 81

L977. 74

383. 68

93. 04

511. 82

1, 515. 35

348. 75

1, 029. 30

28, 493. 49

4, 234. 86

1, 149. 70

705. 07 90. 29 38. 50

336. 05

163. 01 82. 91

3, 251. 19 485. 85

1, 162. 62

263. 70

177. 39

815. 23

1, 493. 52

2, 399. 36

. 17

932. 84

159. 67

190. 59

13. 61

10. 00

42. 02

7, 416. 33

495. 14

24. 00

390. 06

156. 65

8, 343. 07

2, 892. 87

146. 50

421. 62 23. 24

846. 51

83. 73 21. 34

Bi 719. 84 118. 67

302. 62

6?. 88

45. 66

646. 15

384. 44

1, 212. 45

6. 51

253. 82

41. 10

21, 447. 57

1, 375. 00

4, 431. 66

27, 384. 69

4, 422. 40

18. 36

5, 811. 02

89. 18

2, 989. 92

186. 82

20, 958. 89

1, 124. 36

4, 444. 85

20, 445. 02

3, 960. 68

4, 551. 73

89. 18

2, 797. 06

186. 82

1, 758. 58

205. 27

4, 230. 57

1, 097. 88

117. 04

511. 82

1, 905. 41

505. 40

4, 940. 71

4, 001. 6?

716. 70

1, 296. 20

1, 126. 59 113. 53 38. 50

1, 198. 92

246. 74 104. 25

31 160. 01 604. 52

1, 376. 06

331. 58

223. 05

1, 461. 38

1, 877. 96

621. 89

1, 186. 66

200. 77

238, ra

644. 68

6, 939. 67

461. 72

1, 259. 29


299. 34

Receipts and expenditures, 198$ — Continued [Dobit lr&nsfcr appropriations (nel) an&1 repayments to appropriaiions in excess of expenditures are printed in italic. Frnergcncy expenditures are indicated by sn asterisk"]

Unexpended balances June 30, 1933 Expenditures in 1934 (see p. 6) %mount c;&rricd to curl&lus

fuml (see p. 7) Uncxl&c&nlcd bslauces June 30, 1934

V&sc» l year for

w l&icl& al&)&a&[&&'&-

:dion was ma& le

Available Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)

On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing


Appropriai, iona

Warrants-issued basis

Checks-issued basis

Act June 20, 1874

ln&pounded sal&lry and

vacancy sav &f&gs

Reserve ior impounded

vacancy sav-


ings (sec p. 8)


On books of the Treasury

To credit oi &I is 1&ursing


GENERAL ACCOUNTS — &'onlinuc&l

&Nranssr 4«&'on&&Ts — &&onllnued

No v&'. a&'

No year No year No year

No year No year

No year

No year

No year

No year

No year

No year

Interest ou — (. 'onl, inuc&i. Proc& e&ls of — Continued.

Uinlah and White IO&er Ute lands

White l&louniain Ap&&cbe lands, Arizona

Wicluta codod lands Wind River Reservation, Wyo

Proces&is &&f interest on moneys on de- posit in banks, ucl, Mar. , '1, 1911 (interest):

Choctaw Sc&ninolc

Judg&nonts, Court of Clai&ns, Indi- aus of the l&'ort Berthold (Indian) Reservction, N. Ih&k. .

Judgments, Courtof Claims, Ottawa an&i Chippewa Iadians of Michi- gan

Judgu&cnlro Court of Claims, Yank- ton Sioux Indians. .

I'svmeut to- Iadiaas of Colville Reservation,

Wash. , for lands Indians of Fort Belknap Reser-

vation, Mont. , for lands. Indians of Klamatb Agency,

Oreg. , for lands convoyed to the California L Oregon Land Co.

$&2, 341. 28

121. 99 l

619. 56

1& 177. 76

18. 90 128. 66

19& 396 85

323. 37

2, 009. 56

1, 663. 82

337. 86

4, 722. 67

$238, 18

31. 40 135. 14

334. 37

3:l. 12

14. 41

83, 24

433. 83

83. 06

1, 215&, 64

$1, 800. 00

800. 00

128. 66

19, 396. 85

5, 000. 00

$732. 21

748. 93

128. 66

19, 324. 74

$iis 46

153. 39 754. 70 712. 12

18. 90 33. 12

14. 41

406. 61

2, 009. 55

2, 097. 66

420. 92

938. 31

$1& 067. 79

51. 07

72. 11

[The foBowing 4-percent interest ac-

spuats were established during the Rscal

71&ar 1931, under the act of June 13, 1930

6 Stat. 684, sec. 2). J

terest on proceeds of labor: Absentee Shawnee Indians, Okla-

homa Agua Caliente Indians, California Bsd River Indians, Wisconsin Blackleet Indians, Montana Chettimsnchl Indians, Louisiana Cheyenne and Arapaho Indians,

Oklahoma Cheyenne River Iadians, South

Dakota Chippewa Indians, Minnesota Ohootaw Indians, Oklahoma (unal-

totted lande)

No year No year No year No year No year

No 'year

No year No year

No year

127. 70 51. 00

648. 75 282, 98

124. 81

1, 498. 00 20. 34

145. 85

C&1. 08 46. 91

218. 97 294. 96

13. 35

39. 68

702. 31 1, 021. 98 594. 82

178. 78 9C&. 9i

765. 72 677. 94 13. 36

164. 39

1, 176. 36 20. 34

145&. 85

42L 14

Oocopsh Indians, Arizona No year Coeur d'Alene Indians, Idaho No year Colorado River Indians, Arizona No year Colville Indiana, Washington No year Creek Indiana, Oklahoma (town

lots) No year Crow Indians, Montana= No year Devils Lake Indians, North Dakota No year Eastern Cherokee Indians, North

Carolina No year Eastern Navajo Indiana, New Mexi-

co- No year Flathead Indians, Montana No year Fort Apache Indians, Arizona No year Fort Belknsp Indians, Montana No year Fort Berthold Indians, North Da-

kota No year Fort Hall Indians, Idaho No year Fort Mojave Indians, Arizona No year Fort Peek Indians, Montana No year Qoahute Indians, Utah No year Iowa Indiana, Kansas No year Jicsrills Indians, New Mexico No year Ksibsb Indians, Arizona No year Ksliepel Indians, Idaho No year Kickspoo Indians, Kansas No year Kiowa Indiana, Oklahoma No year Klsmsth Indians, Oregon No year Lac Courte Oreille Indians, Wiscon-

sin No year Lsc du Flambeau Indians, Wiscon-

sin No year Lac du Flambeau Indiana, Wiscon-

sin (swamp-land receipts) No year Lower Brule Indians, South Da-

kota No year Lummi Indians, Washington No year Msksh Indiana, Washington No year Martinez Indians, California No year Menominee Indians, Wisconsin No year Meecalero Indians, New Mexico No year Morongo Indians, California No year Navajo Indians, Arizona and New

Mexico (oil, royalty, snd lessee) No year Navajo Indians of Leupp Agency,

Arizona No year Nesh Bsy Indians, Washington No year Nevada Indians, Nevada No year Nez Perce Indians, Idaho No year Northern Navajo Indians, New

Mexico . . No year Omaha Indians, Nebraska No year Oneida Indians, Wisconsin No year Ontonagan Indians, Michigan No year Osage Indiana, Oklahoma . No year Otoe and Missouri Indians, Okla-

homa No year Ozette Indians, Washington No year Psiute Indians of Paiute Agency,

Utah No year Paiute Inrlrana of Summit Lake,

Nevada . . . . No year I'av. ncc lnriians, Oklahoma. . No year Pima Indians, Arizona. . . . . . No year Pine Ridge fnrtirrns, South Dakota. No year ponce Indians, Oklahoma. . . No year pntt;ra utrrrrri Indians, K;rnsas . . No year

16. 40 6. 20

486. 88 1, 037. 74

48. 61 207. 77 25. 09

2, 946. 68

72 26

3, 784. 19 927. 75 136. 48

12. 61 651. 19

87. 36 11 078. 85

77. 16 96. 05

865. 88 1, 237. 40

183. 30 132. 23 207. 14

7, 142. 63

2, 764. 62

825. 95

11, 945. 36

52. 33 56. 60

148. 90 66. 38

413. 05 1, 263. 00

49. 57

119. 68

119. 88 1, 692. 03

67. 60 3, 264. 73

76. 93 184. 62 50. 19

126. 62 2, 751. 88

24. 04 71. 53

147. 19

383. 99 427. 94 180. 19 70. 72

731. 74 78. 86

11 809. 82

5, 486. 25

142. 33

. 38

zz. 10 Ia. et

173. 88 1, 716. 60

546. 91 7. 66

4, 474. 84

28. 90 1, 361. 39 1, 615. 64

6S. 01

65. 28 632. 94 36. 18

354. 49 49. 36

634. 19 297. 85 12. 46

118. 32 6, 963. 84

1, 192. 58

362. 28

4, 778. 90

36. 00 59. 56 26. 23

398. 22 480. 86 54. 61

1, 330, 97

56. 85 607. 23

23. 04 848. 90

318. 36

49. 72 710. 16

24. 08

67. 24

166. 16 178. 13

17. 09 193. 31 30. 94

1, 868. 78

43. 51

1, 910. 65

120. 00 53. 08

1, 100. 00

11, 081. 88

26. 00

1, 900. 00

42. 50

431. 00

731. 74

1, 246. 39

43. 51

1, 89S. 53

56. 00 1, 811. 66

1, 006. 47

16, 568. 13

9. 37

1, 794. 11

109. 17

270, 00

731. 74

87. 60 21. 81

660. 16 884. 66

764. 68 32. 74

5, 510. 87

101. 16 5, 016. 58

2, 390. 31 203. 49

67. 89 1, 284. 13

122. 64

1, 433. 34 126. 61 95. 05

1, 390. 07 436. 25 195. 76 132. 23 325. 46

2, 024. 49

3, 967. 20

1, 188. 23

16, 724, 26

52. 33 92. 60

208. 46 91. 61

811. 27

1, 71S. 85 104. 18

1, 460. 65

176. 73 2, 2I}9. 26

80. 64 21213, 63

75. 93 460. 38 50. 19

176. 34 3, 031. 04

48. 50 71. 53

214. 43

560. 16 606. 07 180, tc 87. 81

ilzt 3t 10k 80

653. 61

14. 12

61. 24

93. 53


105. 89

75. 66

16L 00

Receipts and espendt'three, 188$ — Continued [Debit transfer appropriations (net) and repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures sre printed in italic. Emergency expenditures are indicated by sn asterisl-']

Unexpended balances June 30, 1933 Expenditures in 1934 (see p. 6) Amount carried to surplus fund (see p. 7) Unexpended balances Juno 30, 1934

Fiscal year for which

appropri- ation wss

made Available

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)

On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing



Warrants-issued basis

Checks-issued basis

Act June 20, 1874

Impounded salary and

vacancy sav- ings

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)


On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing


GE3(ERAL AOCOU3fTS — Continued

1NTnsnsT AccoUNTs — continued

d, No year No year No year No year No year

No year No year No year No year No year No year No year No year No year No year No year No year No year

No year No year No year No year No year No year

No year No year No year No year No year No year No year No year No year No year No year No year No year No veer No year No year No year No year

Interest on proceeds of labor — Continue Puysllup Indians, Washington Pyramid Lake Indians, Nevada Quillehute Indians, Washington Quinaielt Indians, Washington Red Lake Indians, Minnesota Red Lake Indians, Minnesota (saw-

mill) Rocky Boy Indians, Montana Rosebud Indians, South Dakota Round Valley Indians, California Sac and Fox Indians, Iowa Sse snd Fox Indians, Oklahoma Salt River Indians, Arizona Bsn Carlos Indians, Arizona Bsnts Clara Indians, New Mexico Santa Rosa Indians, California Santee Indians, Nebraska Seminole Indians, F lorida. Shivwits Indians, Utah Bhoshone snd, Arapaho Indians,

Wyoming Sisseton Indians, South Dakota Skull VSBey Indians, Utah Southern Navajo Indians, Arizona Bouthern Ute Indians, Colorado Spokane Indians, Washington Standing Rock Indians, North

Dakota Swinomish Indians, Washington Tongue River Indians, Montana . Tonkaws Indians, Oklahoma Truxton Canyon Indians, Arizona Tulslip Indians, Washington Tule River Indians, California Uintsh snd Ouray Indians, Utah Umatills Indians, Oregon Ute Mountain Indians, Colorado Walker River Indians, Nevada Warm Springs Indians, Oregon Western Navajo Indians, Arizona Western Shoshone Indians, Nevada Wichita Indians, Oklahoma Winnebago Indians, Nebraska Yakims Indians, Washington Yankton Indians, South Dakota

$133. 72 643. 81 118. 63

1, 225. 18 118. 03

3, 305, 54 80, 53 91. 51 65, 10

269. 06 9. 21

4, 638. 19 233. 84 145. 62 64. 17

510. 77 29. 42

778. 37

684. 42 365. 94 130. 78 382. 06

318. 73 66. 79

3, 523. 01 80. 02

126. 96 590. 19 174. 79

4, 858. 78 61. 32 15. 62 70. 55

936. 03 18. 36 52. 10

1, 116. 72 181. 86

$9. 96

173. 71

18. 70

2, 839. 12

820. 00

174. 92

461, 28

2, 053. 18

IM. 10

344. 58

$388. 64 208. 47 93. 37

1, 879. 08 197. 08

1, 167. 43 135, 47 64, 20 50, 85 14, 10

285, 10 . 22

5, 980. 18 428. 87

7. 48 25. 76

207. 67 7. 35

1, 528. 29 10. 60

288. 89 122. 40 60. 04

268. 71

55. 41 16. 27

280. 19 66. 94

1, 524. 60 96. 39 36. 08

381. 17 120. 55

2, 812. 46 26. 13 98. 36

561. 70 35. 82 18. 86

1, 756. 43 '68. 16

$272. 18

194. 0$

2, 500. 00

fs. 70 418. 18

I, see. 84

880. 00

600. 00 365. 00

f 74. 98

1, 842. 07

394. 90

5, 900. 00

$282, 14

49. 67

2, 494. 56

418. 18

872. 28

296. 74 359. 83

93. 70

1, 895. 25

500. 00

5, 758. 05

102. 29

$250. 18 852. 28 212. 00

3, 228. 30 315. 11

1, 972. 97 216. 00 155. 71 115. 95 32. 80

135. 98 9. 43

12, 585. 21 662. 71 153. 10 89. 93

718. 44 86. 77

3, 121. 66 10, 60

373. 31 123. 34 180. 82 825. 69

63. 84 15. 27

966. 45 133. 64

3, 205. 54 176. 41 162. 04 576. 46 295. 34

1, 766. 24 86. 45

113. 98 70. 65

1, 497. 73 54. 18 70. 95

3, 116. 44 249. 52

308. 26 6. 17

2, 000. 00

141. 95

Yarns Indians, California No year Zuni Indians, New Mesico No year

Total interest accounts


672, 134. 22 23, 712. 71

175. 23 23. 76

556, 036. 26 511, 985. 39 507, 250. 23

47. 91

716, 185. 09 28, 447. 87


Apache, Kiowa, snd Comanche fund (5 , perceat). - --- - - No year

Apache, Kiowa, snd Comanche 4-per- :cent fund No year

Blackfeet Reservation 4-percent fund No year Obheyennes snd Arspshoes in Oklahoma

fund (5 percent) No year 'heyennes and Arspshoes in Oklahoma 3-percent fund . No year

Cheyenne River Reservstioa 3-percent fund, act Jan. 28, 1913 No year

Cheyenne River Reservation 3-percent fund No year

Chippewas in 1VIinnesots fund (5 per- cent) No year

Clallam minors' 4-percent fund No year Coeur d'Alene 3-percent fund No year Crow consolidated 4-percent fund No year Crow Creek 4-percent, fund No year Fort Belknap Reservation 4-percent

fund No year Fort Berthold Reservation 3-percent

fund iVo year Fort Hall Reservation 4-percent fund iVo year Fort Hall irrigation 4-perceut fund No year Fort Peck Reservation 4-percent fund No year Grande Ronde minors' fund (5 percent) No year Iowa fund (5 percent) No year Iowa minors' fund No vear Jemez Pueblo 4-percent fund . Vo year Kansas consolidated fuad (5 pcrccnt) No year Kickapoo minors' fuml (5 percent) No year Kickilpoos in Oklahoma fund (5 percoat) iNo year Kiov;:i Agency hospital 4-percent fulul Vo year Klsmath fund (5 percent) . No year L'Ause and Vieux de Sert Chippewa

fund (5 percent) No year Wfenomlnee fund (5 percent) No year Menomiaec 4-percent fund . Vo year Menominee lug fuaii (5 per«eat) . No year Nez Perces uf Irl:ill&& fund (u I)ercciil) No year Oui;ibri fund (5 perceat). . . . . iVo year Omali;& minors' fuail (5 percent) Nu year Osage fuarl (5 percent) . No year P&c ri I'u«lil i 4-pcr«ca&, f)&a I Nu ie:&r

P&&ic Iliil!. u I!ever&a&liun 3-percent fuail iVo year I'u!, &, &&v, ilriiiii e luc:it&on fund (5 I&«r&i&aL) Vu ve &r

Putlawa! oiai gener, il li&or 1 Nu yei&r

I'Otl;&W;&le&a! mille liiarl (5 l)erCeal) . NO year Poll ivi' i! r) ii& mlaurt fail)i (5 l)c&'cali&) No )car I'ut!. , i&v:ilui&iics ol K, ia~ isaarl 1Vis«ousia,

a&. L A or. I, IOIO (5 per&)ca&. & Nu year Puv:illul& li&rli:ia L'«a&«lory, T. iculaa,

IV, & I&, I-li«r& r»L f&iarl . . . . . NO yelr 1(i rl I. &ike ('liil)is )i. is 3-I&crclat minors'

I ii I I r I N() yc&lr

ii I:v«li&. iv«ul fr&ariz in rr& lier ilcl)nail;iri«s lb&&i

91. 22

4, 985. 42 116. 41

1, 757. 61

83. 73

10, 099. 20

685, 333. 99

I, 726& 002. 22

117, 739. 04

2& 070. 71 18, 551. 36

2& 284. 56

48. 86

31, 126. 51 1, 117. 29

26, 307. 06

4, 289. 55 232. 14 284. 40 340. 80 500. 00

1, 972. 48

3 75&r. 34 857. 65

14, 850. 41 1

4, 109. 16 i

. 339. 03

43, 627. 05 430, 235. 70

I, 188, 83'2. 53

2, 193 33 300. 88 136. 04

2, 805), 648. 20 47, 132. 90 11, 447. 20 15, 982. s )

18, 386. 18

3, 603. 90 2, 265. 83

210. 03

25, 000. 00

244. 18

i the Tria)Jury Of the I ail«il States.

2, 263. 69

II 11, 007. 51

26, 304. 50

2, 739. 82

1, 997. 82 354 25

211. 66

21, 135. 84 105, 815. 59

6, 174. 52

172. 90

2, 468. 32

5, 820. 48

20. 00 605. 48

28. 28

2, 513. 76

440, 456. 03

938. 38

96d 47

568. 71

136, 015. 99

585, 669. 06

6, 500. 95

I, 839. 95

4, 901. 03 406. 06

7, 460. 42 898. IU

198. 99

70. 56

I, i89. OO

366, 604. 24

137, 67K 14

53, 30'2. 00

2, 696. 21

I, 031. 46

I, IBG. 50 232 50


96d $7

I, 781. 83

138, 435. 27

591, 172. 91

6, 500. 95

1, 839. 95 2, 636. 21

406. 06

7, 452. 42 679. 71 198. 99

282. 22

I, 189. 00 371, 174. 12 240, 188. 29

53, 302. 00

4, 364. 97 1. 031. 46

I, IBL&. 50 232. 50

9L 22

5, 158. 32 370. 88

I, 757. 61

83. 73

10, 452. 91

551, 786. 32

I, 146, 153. 64 111, "38 09

250. 76 14. 255. Bl

1, 878. 50

48. B(li

31, 154. 79 I, 117. 29

Is, 8 I L!. 64

7, 501. 62 33. 15

284. 40 340. BO

500. 00 I, 97'2. . 18

3, 7;)5). 34 . 8 . 09

14, 8: LI. 41

4. 10'J. IG

33rJ 03 4', 43). LI)

50(, L)B . -II&

I, 051, I:ii. ;I!) 2 I!r& 33

300. Es

13(i. 04 '2, ". r", 316. 20

47, ] 3 ' !ILI

'I, Gs!I 37 I I, &I')". !. I!I 17, I!I'. I. Gs

3. . 'lil. IO

", 205 Nl

21(I. 03

2!, Gou. 00

128. 15

I' 8, 588. 23

20, 800. 65

5, oo4. 64

', 005. 82 33K 65

1(j, &05 r&I')

3, 30'2. . l I

I, l)05). 76

Receipts and expendi tures& 198$ — Continued

[Debit transfer appropriations (net) and repayments to appropriations in excess oi expenditures are printed in ffcffc. Emergency expenditures are indicated by an asterisk*]

Unexpended balances June 30, 1933 Expenditures in 1934 (see p, 6) A. mount carried to surplus

fund (see p. 7) Unexpended balances June 30, 1934

Fiscal year for which

appropri- ation was

made Available

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)

On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing


Appropriations Warrants-issued

basis Checks-issued

basis Act June 20,


Impounded salary and

vacancy sav- ings

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- incs (see p. 8)


On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing


TRVST ACC 0 Vh&TS — Continued


Red Lake Forest 4-percent fund No year Rosebud Reservation 3-percent fund, act

Mar. 2, 1907 . No year Rosebud Reservation 3-percent fund, aet

May 30, 1910 No year Rosebud Sioux 3-percent minors' fund No year Round Valley general fund (5 percent) No year Sac and Fox of the Mississippi fund,

Iowa, acts Mar. 3, 1909, and Apr. 4, 1910 (5 percent) No year

Sac and Fox of the Missouri minors' fund (5 percent) . No year

San Ildefonso Pueblo 4-percent fund No year Santa Ana Pueblo 4-percent fund No year Seminole school fund (5 percent) No year Seneca Tonawanda Band fund (5 per-

cent) No year Senecas of New york fund (5 percent) No year Seneca and Shawnee fund (5 percent) No year Shoshone and Bannock fund (5 percent) No year Sioux fund:

Cheyenne River (5 percent) . No year Crow Creek (5 percent) No year Flandreau (5 percent) No year Lower Brule (5 percent) No year Pine Ridge (5 percent) No year Ponce (5 percent) No year Ponce minors (5 percent) No year Rosebud (5 percent) No year Sautes (5 percent) No year Standing Rock (5 percent) No year

Ihsseton and Wshpeton fund (5 percent) No year Pisseton and Wahpeton minors' fund (5

percent) No year Standing Rock Reservation 3-percent

$ fund No year fftsnding Rock Reservation 3-percent

t fund, act Feb. 14, 1913 No year 'Tesuque Pueblo 4-percent fund No year

iUintsh and White River Ute fund (5 per-

cent) No year

Uintah, White River, and Uncompahgre Ute 4-percent fund, Utah No year

Umatllla general fund (5 percent) No year

Umatills school fund (5 percent). No year

Ute 5-percent fund, Southern Ute No year

Ute 5-percent fund, Uiutah, etc No year Vte 5-percent funsf &

Ute Mountain Ute No year L&&&&' &


$282, 924. 13

251. 78

2, 838. 17 13, 164. 32

c, 867. 29

136, 516. 56

395. 53

24, 367. 78

3, 733. 78

50, 015. 39

19, 428. 60

653. 13 1, 565. 31 2, 897. 08

75, 182. 47

26, 205. 56 488. 64

8, 836. 07

133, 468. 35 458. 00 114. 60

204, 235. 47

1, 105. 67 113, 922. 04

5, 254. 68

358. 76

2, 301. 97

611. 05

23, 765. 19

18, 499. 01

1& 162, 221. 25 597. 71 412. 31

80, 725. 61 85, 275. 90

113, 674. 92

"$58, 063. 29

398. 44

235. 78

16. 00

36. 24

$1& 389. 36

55. 26

3, 251. 00

497. 10

$110, 652. 91 $138, 981. 02

86. 47

81. 46 269. 35 881. 11

81. 46 269. 35 167. 33

7, 716. 02 ?, 716. 02

395. 33 395. 33

1& 347. 35 1, 347. 35

746. 78 746. 78

10, 666, 40

6, 864. 1? 10, 566. 40

5, 864. 17

792. 96 12, 005. 20

792. 96

12, 005. 20

35, 354. 42 35, 493. 30

8, 666'. 86 8, 669. 86

80. 10 80. 10

17, 330. 30 17, 180. 37

137. 43 101. 64

11, 302. 96

173. 67 101. 64

11, 302. Qc

14, 836. 42 14, 836. 42

$172, 271. 22

287. 25

4, 248. 98 12, 894. 97

6, 153. 66

128, 800. 54

. 20 24, 367. 78

2, 386. 43

50, 015. 39

18, 681. 82 653. 13

1, 565. 31 2, 897. 08

64, 616. 07 20, 341. 39

488. 64

8, 043. 11 121, 463. 15

458. 00 114. 50

168, 881. 05

1, 105. 6'?

99, 085. 62

5, 254. 68'

358. 76

9, 118. 32

1, 138. 25 23, 765. 19

1, 168. 71

1, 162, 221. 25 460. 28 310. 67

80, 725. 61 73, 972. Q4

113, 674. 92

ss $29 735 18

96. 90

149. 93



M t3


Utes, Confederated Bands of. 4-perceot fund, Southern Vte . . No year

Vtes, Confederated Bands of, 4-percent fund, Uintah, etc . . No year

Vtes, Confederated Bands of, 4-percent fund, Ute Mountain Ute . No year

Winnebago fund, Nebraska (5 percent) No year Winnebago fund, Wisconsin (5 percent) No year Proceeds of lands: Fulfilling treaties

with- Menominees, logs (4 percent) No year Deiawares . . . . . . No year Omahas, interest on deferred pay-

ments for lands (4 percent) No year Winnebagos (4 percent) . No year Winnehagos in Nebraska, allotted

lands (4 percent) No year Proceeds of:

Blackfeet Reservation, Mont. , act of Mar. I, 1907 (4 percent) . . No year

Capitan Grande Indian Reservation Calif. , act Feb. 28, 1929. No year

Cheyenne and Arapahoe reserve lands, Okiahoma . No year

Cheyenne River and Standing Rock Reservations, S. Dak. and N. Dak. (4 percent) No year

Coeur d'Alene Reservation, Idaho (4 percent). . . No year

Co]ville Reservation, Wash. (4 per- cent) . No year

Co)ville Reservation, Wash. , act Mar. 22, 1906 (4 percent) No year

Devils Lake Reservation, N. Diik. (4 percent) . No year

Flathead Reservation, Mont. (4 per- cent) No year

Flathead Reservation, Mont. , act of May 18, 1916 . . No year

Irrigablc lan&Is, Yuma Reservation, ( GI!(. (4 percent) . No year

Klan»: th River Iteservation, Oreg. (4 (&crcent). . . . No year

I. ac ilu I'I:imbeau Reservation, Wis. (4 percent). . . No year

Lands, Colville Indians, Washington act Apr. 12, 1924 (4 percent) No year

Lan(Is, etc. , Five Civilize&I Tribes, Okl;ihorn;i (I percent). . . No year

L:u»ls, I'landreau Sioux Indians, Siaiih l)ago(a, ac(, ai;ir. 4, 1923 No year

I. :in&i and liuildings, ('hiiu&oiv;is in hiinncs&ita, ai t Feb. 14, !0'&0 No yi'ar

1. &&nile, S&. iinriin" ltock Siou1 I&i&iiims,

iii ( Apr. 12, I!&21 No year I i&I&&ls;iii(i l&u&I&l&ngs, l(r&sebi&(I Sic&&x

In&I(iu&c, South Di&ko(, &, act I'ci&.

14, 1920 No year I &in&ls iin I hi& ililii&ss, Sii&1(l'1' ai(&i&1

In I&:»&~, Nci&r isl", 1;in&l Sou!, Ii Da-

ki&tii, , '1('t Fcii. I(, !920 (I I&t'Ice» tl N(1 vc(i&

L;iiiii &in&i l&uil&lings, siletz In&liens,

&&rcci&n, act I'cl&. I (, isso (( iicr- i'I'I&( . . -. - -- No yea('

7, 307. 78

33, 400. 24

9, 278. 03 2, 543. 2S 2, 216. 83

13, 063. 65

77. 23 342. 07

301. 36

100. 54

248, 642. 55

365. 41

374. 77

68. 02

43. 77

384. 69

I, 712. 81

3, 138. 21

300. 00

9, 504. Oi

5, 017. 35

9, 000. 00

I, 050. 60

195, 957. 56

300. 00

12, 727. 00

62. 50

2, 169 00

600. 00

GSO. 61

9, 279. 06

455. 27

3, 586. 47

1, 342. 15

1, 393. 53

4, 4GG. 84

I, 590. 53

10. 00

491. 00

35, 567. 20

2, 255. 81

469. 32

78. 34

58, 382. 45

I, srs. as

sas. 66

9, 593. 72

418. 77

355. 83

27, 455. 00

54. 17

155, 291. 30

I, 400. 00

(, f47. as&

S, 45&e&. 96

10, 032. 94

418. 77

355. 83

30, 523. 74 i-

34. 17

153, 641. 70

I, 375. 04

10, 277. 29

;(8, 161, 04

I '&is. 84

2, 543. 28 I, 798. 06

12, 707. 82 10. 00

77. 23 342. 07

301. 36

591. 54

256, 754. 75

365 41

374 77

(i(. 02

43. 77

I, i I". 81

3, 607. Gi3

300. 0(&

!», 82 41

5, 01&. 35

9, 000. 00

I, 0510 (0

9!I, 045 & ]

300. OO

11, 32 . 00

6', '&( &

', 46!&. O(l

GOO. (H&

(1 Rxr iiisivc of fnn is in o(la r il( iii&si(;irics (han the Treasury of the United States.

Recet'pts arid ezpertditttres, 198& — Continued

[Debit transfer spproprisiions (net) and repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures are printed in italic. Emergency expenditures sre indicated by sn asterisk*]

Fiscal year for which


tionn wss Inade


PRINCIPAL AMouirvs — continued

On books of the Treasury


Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)

To credIt of disbursing


Unexpended bs)ances June 30, 1933

A ppropustions Warrants-issued

basis Checks-issued


Expenditures in 1934 (see p. 6)

Act June 20, 1874

Impounded salary snd

vacancy sav lugs

Amount carried to surplus fund (see p. 7)

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)


To credit of disbursing


Unexpended balances June 30, 1934

On books oi the TreasurY

P roseeds of — Continued. Lower Brule Reservation, S. Dsk.

' (4 percent). . . No year

Mineral leases, Ute Indian lands, act June 30, 1919 (4 percent). No year

Northern Cheyenne Indian Reserva- tion, Mont. , act June 3, 1926 No year

Oil and gss lessee, royalties, etc. , Osage Reservation, Okla. (4 per- cent) . No year

Oil snd gas, south half of Red River, Kiowa, Comanche, snd Apache Indians, Oklahoma (4 percent) No year

Oil snd gss leases, Wind River Res- ervation, Wyo. (4 percent) No year

Paiute Indian lands, Pyramid Lake Reservation, Nev. (4 percent) No year

Puye CHff Ruins, Santa Clara Pueblo, N. Mex. (4 percent) No year

Quinsielt Reservation, Wash. (4 percent) . No year

Red Lake Reservation, Minn. (4 percent) No year

Rosebud Reservation, S. Dak. (4 percent) No year

Rosebud Reservation, S. Dak. , sct of Mar. 2, 1907 (4 percent) No year

Ssn Carlos Reservation, Ariz. (4 percent) . No year

Sioux Reservations, North snd South Dakota se No year

Southern Ute Reservation (4 per- cent) . . No year

Spokane Reservation, Wash. (4 per- cent) No year

Surplus Pottswatomi lands, Kansas (4 percent) No year

Surplus lands, Quspsw Agency, Okla. (4 percent) No year

Surplus lands, Ssc snd Fox of the Missouri Indians, Kansas and

. Nebraska (4 peroent) . . No year Thnber, Jicarilla Reservation, N.

Mex. , act Mar. 4, 1907 (4 percent) No year Town lots, White Earth Reserva-

tion, Minn. (4 percent) is No yesI Town sitiee, Colorado River Reser-

vation, Aria. (4 percent) No year

3416. 39

9, 751. 46

4, 790. 81

169, ota, a5

89, 676. 02

24, 642. 21

3, 436. 03

10, 538. 22

581. 12

25. 14

13, 767. 11

2, 023, 25

533. 63

305, 589. 64

142, 996. 16

2, 939. 98

7, 456. 70

1, 696. 75

1, 141. 70

9, 044. 52

9, 610. 99

29, 146. 69

814, 113. 27

17. 88

5, 311. 78

694. 92

8, 784. 97

$520. 38

3, 026, 033. 45

20, 012. 03

13, 942. 70

399. 75

311, 64

20, 700. 00

897. 88

34, 069. 66 33, 999. 76

2, 487, 829. 18 2, 494, 289. 85

88, 969. 80

13, 776. 21

87, 291. 06

16, 800. 38

771. 46 771. 46

5. 52 5. 52

432. 48 432, 48

646. 16 51. 77

s, e6L 74 2, 541. 88 j

8415. 39

9, 751. 46

1, 241. 53

707, 264. 22

20, 618. 25

24, 808. 70

4, 607. 23

10, 538. 22

369. ao

7, 652. 60 Ql

1, 696. 62

36 2, 287. 61

581. 12

25. 14

533. 63

305, 589. 64

142, 996. 16

2, 939. 98

7, 024. 22

1, 696. 75

1, 141. 70

30, 387. 67

9, 610. 99

33, 396. 31 391. 90

13, 751. 59 cia

2, 334. 89

No year ~

No year

No year

No year

No year

No year

No year No year

No year No year

No year No year

No year No year

No year No year

No &jeer

No year

No year

No year

No year

No year

[The foliov'ing tribal funds were estab- lished during the fiscal year 1931, bearing simple interst iit the rate of 4 percent per snn»io on bain»ceo exceeding $500 from

July 1, l!&30, under the act of June 13, 1930

(46 Stat. 584, sec. 2). ] Ptniaeilv of lnbiir

Ab. ectee shawnee Indians, Okla-

li o tt& tl

3; iiii&':ilii nto lniliiinit ('nlifornis

5 u; ». t »ie it iilian. , &'nlifortiin

ltiitl I' flier lit&lit&tire Wisconsin ltlnckfoct. In l&iit&i, 51&inta&»i

(';ili:izi n It&rl», t&i, ('nlifort&ia

Cntnli &f( I t«» i ll 1 iiili in, Arizona

Csilillo ft&ilti&ttx, ( iilif(lrtii&i

Cnliit:in &Irnnde inil»ins, (';il&f&irois

Ch( t«kci Ioilisns, Okl, i!i&i»i &

Chert iiti:i&it lii It&rltnns, 1. &i»iii;ios

No year No year No year No year No year No year No year No year No year No 8('ilr No I&nit.

«Ni it&&It&'tl' t. tio&it&ttg.

Town sites, Crow Reservation, Mont. , sct June 4, 1920 (4 percent)

Town sites, Fort Belknsp Reserva- tion, Mont. (4 percent)

Town site, Spokane Reservation, Wash. (4 percent)

Town site, Fort IIall Reservation, Idaho, act May 31, 1918 (4 per-cent)

Tribal leases, etc«Seneca Nation of New York (4 percent).

Uintah and VVhite River Ute lands (4 percent)

White Mountain A. pache funda, Ariz. (4 percent)

VVichits ceded lands (4 percent) Wind River Reservation, Wyo. (4

percent) Winnebago Reservation, Minn

Proceeds of interest on moneys on de- posit in bank, sct Mar. 3, 1911:

Choctaw (4 percent) Seminole (4 percent)

Compromise settlement suit of United Sfafex v. Yabe Gaino ef uf«Creek Nation «

Individual Indian moneys, trust fund ti

Indian moneys, proceeds of labor, agen-

cies, schools, etc. « Unclaimed individusi Indian moneys « Judgments, Court of Claims, Indians of

the Fort Berthoid (Indian) Reserva- tiou, N. I)ak

Juilgments, Court of Claims. Ottawa and Chippewa Indians of iXIichigan (4

percent) Judgmeuts, Court of Claims, Yankton

Sioux Indians (4 percent). Pay&neat to-

Indians of Colville Reservation, VVssh« for lands (4 percent)

Indians of Fort Beiknap Reserva- tion, Mont. , for lands (4 percent)

Indians of Kiamath Agency, Oreg. , for lamls conveyed to the Califor- nia & Oregon Land Co. (4 percent)

396. 25

1, 027. 50

6, 377. 63

12, 477. 70

5, 728. 54

785. 00

3, 331. 66

11, 602. 39 46. 55

. 11 827. 76

361. 55 425. 88

273, 680. 05 890. 88

1, 444. 18

2, 080. 76

15. 00

10, 846. 84

2, 180. 63

30, 390. 80

I, 277. 02

I, 240. 93 54. 87

5 467. 55 7, 740. 94

M. 18 77. 20

101. 33 67. 52

990. 10

48, 228. 46

194. 36

1, 594. 27

265. 00

30. 00

350. 00

7, 419. 08

424. 00

2, 764. 00

215, 933. 48 14. 86

445. 00 2. 45

56. 75 2, 328. 66

40. 95 18. 06 10. 60

12, 763. 31

188. 00

227. 71

9, 516. 94

827. 76

361. 55

179, 990. 20

I, 444. 18

467. 98

18& 00

710. 58

3, 270. 00

1, 000. 00

7, 179. 89

950. 86

12, 763. 31

188. 00

227. 71

9, 516. 94

827. 76

361. 55

163, 408. 36

I, 444. 18

18& 00

8&016, 16

2, G67. 14

7, 223 92

950. 86

426. 25

I, 027. 50

6, 727. G3

7, 133. 47

6, 280. 54

785. 00 3& 103. 95

4, 849. 45 46. 55

425. 88

309, 623. 33 905. 74

2, 080. 76

482. 92

11, 031. 84

2, 891. 15

1, 277. 02 685. 93

5&7. 32

5, 524. 30 2, 88&J. 7(

40. 95 '&4

87. 80 (0(;&3 67, 52 3&t zl

64, 810. 30



1, 500. 00 0

I, (t(&0. 00&

I, 550. 2. l

Receipts and expenditures, 108Je — Continued

(Debit transfer appropriations (net) and repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures are printed in italic. Emergency expenditures are indicated by an asterisk'j

Unexpended balances June 30, 1933 Fxpenditures in 1934 (see p 6) Amount carried to surplus

fund (see p. 7) Unexpended balances June 30, 1934

Fiscal year for which

nppropri- ntiou wns

111 n de


Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)

On books, of ihe Treasury

To credit of disbursing



Warrants-issued basis

, III'

Checks-issued basis

Act June 20, 1874

impounded salary and

vacancy sav- ings

Reserve for impounded

vacancy ssv ings (see p. 8)


On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing



enivctenL S»iotlNTG — I ontinued

Proceeds of labor--Continued. Cheyenne nnd Arapaho Indians,

Oklahoma. . . No year Cheyeune River Indians, South

Dakota . . No year Chickasaw Indians, Oklahoma (un-

allotted lands). . . . . No year Chippewa Indians, Minnesota No year Choctaw Indians, Oklahoma (unal-

lotted lands), No year Cocopnh Indians, Arizona No year Coeur d'Alene indians, Idaho . No year Colorado River Indians, Arizona No year Colviile indians, Wnshingtoii No year Cree)r in&iinnz, Oklahoma (town

lots) e . . . , . . . . . . . , No year

Crow Indians, Montana No year Crow CreekIndians, South Dakota No year Devils Lake Indians, North Dakota No year Eastern Cherokee Indians, . North

Carolina . No year Eastern Navajo Indians, New Mex-

ico No year Flathead Indians, Montana No year I'ort ApncheIndians, Arizona . No year Fort Belknap Indians, Montana. No year Fort Berthold Indians, North Da-

kota No year Fort, Bidwell Indians, California No year Fort Hall Indians, Idaho . . No year Fort McDermitt Indians, Nevada No year Fort Mojave Indians, Arizona. No year Fort Peck Indians, Montana. . . . No year

Qoshute Indians, Utah, No year

Hoh Indians& Washington . . . . No year

Hoops Valley Indians, California . No year

Hopi Indians, Arizona No year

Jicarills Indians, New Mexico . No year

Ksibsb Indians, Arizona IQ(o year

Kslispel Indians, Idaho . . No year

Ksw Indians, Oklahoma. . . No year

Kickspso Indians, Kansas . . No year

Kiowa Indians, Oklahoma . No year

Klsmsth Indians, Oregon . No year

l. ac Courte Orellle Indians, Wiscon-

sin . No year

I ac du Flambeau Indians, Wlscon. sin- No year

$854, 77

17, G43. 39

16. 00 53. 83

266. 37 552. 50 626. 85

3, G90. 67 41, 961. 57

47. 83 9, 845. 08

116. 98 240. 28

112, 037. 27

722. 60 36, 017. 41 36, 297. 49

1, 851. 07

1, 460. 63 314. 50

17, 241. 06 219. 27 879. 73

8, 190. 83

2, 035. 36 478. 59

24. 83 1. QO

6, 276, 62

7, 300. 43 25, 32

817. 26 72. 86

3, 921. 85 138, 371. 22

29, 901. 37

8, 787. '27

$490. 00

64. '11

117. 81 5, 992. 14

168. 23

25. 82

3, 875. 80 2, 199. 35

1, 003. 17 . 60

6, 859. 74

1, Sel. 70

$33, 559. 87

128. 05

4, 733. 75 54, 080. 00

12, 431. 17 171. 65 730. 93

14, 081. 62

6. 40 27, 103. 83

123, 037. 46

1, 416. 18

1, 162. 73

6, 576. 33

4, 873. 12

26, 121. 52

1, 023, 28

50. 00 301. 00

1, 21Q. 30 63, 577. 28

1, 200. 00

581. 28

54. 71

850. 74

9. 54

6$ 66 24, 054. 89

47. 83

2, 384. 03

887. 13

1&1, 360. 11

16, 397, 29

22, 597. 50

1, 997, 10

550. 00

2, 737. 80 . 60

8, 012. 92 172, 980. 36

31SR 63

$60. 74

9. 54

54. 16 26, 639. 7G

47. 83 2, 412. 68

816. 07

16, 366. 58

17, 224. 28 19, 762, 77

1, 922. 18 548, 07

3, OGO. 81

1, 397. 52 1TS, 8SG. 89

$1, 344. 77

61, 325. 79

15. 00 236. 59

517. 11 552. 50 617. 31

8, 488. 07 71, 995. 68

19, 892. 22 288. 63 84. 08

141. 349. 00

728. 00 46, 723. 95

136, 737, 44

3, 267. 26

2, 623. 26 314. 50

23, 817. 38 219. 27 879. 73

11, 066, 86 ]s 485. 35

478. 69 24. 83 1. 90

32, 398. 14

5, 586. 91 26. 92

SGT. 26 3TS. 86

2, 121. 23 28, 968. 14

31, 101. 37

10, 107. 02

$3, 507. 27


139. 68

96. 88


S, 048. 81 6, OM. 08 od

710. 39 1, 93

690. 16

1, 615, 40 6, 003, 21

Lac du E'lambeau Indians, IVc cou- sin (swamp land receipts) . No year

La Jolla Indians, California No year Lower B rule Indians, South Dakota No year Lummi indians, Washington No year Makah Indians, Washington No year Martinez Indians, California No year Menominee Indians, Wisconsin . No year Mescaiero Indians, New Mexico . No year Modoc Indians, California . No year Morongo Indians, California No year Navajo Ind&ans, Arizona and New

Mexico (oII, royalty, and leases) No year Navaio Indians of Leupp Agency,

Arizona No year Neah Bay Indians, Washington No year Nevada Indians, Nevada No year, Nez Perce Indians, Idaho No year Northern Navajo Indians, New Mex-

ico No year O&naha Indians, Nebraska No year Oneida Indians, Wisconsin No year Ontonagan Indians, I&Iichigan No year Osage Indians, Oklahoma No year Otoe and Missouri Indians, Okla- homa. . . No year Paiute Indians of Paiute Agency,

Oi, &&h. . . No year Paiute Indians of Summit Lake,

Ncv;«la . No year Pain In&l&ans, Calif&&r&na No year Paf&ago Indians of SelLs Agency,

Ar&z& na No year i', »vnee ludians, Ol h&hon&a Vo year

~ I'ecin&n c& In&liens, California Xo year I'in&a I&nlianx, Arixnn, & No veer P&ne i(i&!go Italian&, South I)akota No yoar I'&&nca In&liens, (&1 l&&hoon& . No year I'ort, 51;&&lisnn I&«l&an, avw;hin tr&n No year I'&&tt. :&we&nn&i In&liens, Iyashington No year I'&&tin&&, &to&el In&li:&ns, Wix& onxin No year I'u&allup In&i&anv, Washington No year I'yrann&l I. ake I&nli»ns, N& v, &&le No year (Ju&llel»&te In&li, &nfu Wash&ngton No year (Iuin;uelt Indians, Washin!, ! on. . No year l(c&l I. ake Ind&&u&-, NIinnesota. . . Vo year l(e&l I, ake In&li, &nn xf&nnc &&t. ;& (s;»v-

&nil l& No year ltincon In l&, &nn ('al&forno& . . No year I(o&ky Iir&y In&li:&nv, 'xf &&&t&u&a No year l(&&v&'ll»&i I n&l i&&nv, S&n»h I&;&kot a Vo year it&a&n&l V, &ll& v In&lian&6 (';&l&f&&rni;&. No year 5;&c, &n&l P&&x In&liens, Iowa . . . No year Sac;&n&l I'ox In&ii&&nv, Ol, l;&t&n&na No year

~ «&lt Iti& cr In&li &n. , Arit&&o & &Vo I &'ar

5;&n Carlos In&liens, Vriznn, & No v'&»r

San I &'l&i&c In&i&&&nn Ncvv 51&'&&«'&. No yea&'

S&&nt» ( !a&» In&11'»nn N&'v& V1&'v&«& No yea&t'

S. n&to H&& x& In&I»&nv, Calif«rn&, & . Vo yc &r &

8;&n! &


&cnv, N& t&r &xi«; No yea&'

8& &»&nolo I»&lc&nx, I&ior&&la No yc;&r

Seta&&u&l& In&I& &n, (&kl&&tn&n»&. . . No «:&r Scn&w& In&lorna, &&I'1;&h&nt& & . . No year '

Sl»vuit I n&li&&nu I!t &h . No yr;&r '

Shovhon&. ;«ul Ar &i;&1&&& In&I& &ns,

W v'(l&n & n&. ' No v'&". &&'

Si'&!& n ln&lo&r&s South 1&&&k&&ta No &&;&r

119, 450. 50 375. 69 476. 48 900. 00

I, 489. 24 87fi. OS

9, 974. 48 8, 441. 24

1. 83 2, 044. 27

32, 526. 23

I, 320. 32 14, 938. 30

570. 09 2I, 004. 05

229. 78'

8, 438. 04 ~ 7. 00

I, 242. 16 17, 753. 90

735. 31

I, 6:13. 74

4, 257. 32 168. 31

22. &c

4, 45G. 78 3. 00

94. 11, GUU. 75

4, 764. 63 85. 54

773. 25

00, 78

10, 855. 38 5, 094. 21

2, 590. :ip I

45, 458 40 4, 804, GS


24, 959. 28 221 &&&J

3, 121. 35 I, IG&R 12 I, 247. 76

350. 90 r& 040 ')'&

401. 18 152, OGO. 2!&

15. UO

I&&, 024

Ol 77 f&44. !4

;&, 205. 'Zs

330. UO

158. 17

10, 717. 78 '

36. 93

2, 615. 28

40. 63

8, 070. 11

18. 45 3. 99

424. 33

9. 37

200, 00

19. G9

431. 51

290. 35

23. 00

33. 41

8, 587. 02

5&is 79 100. 00 38. 38

100. 00 24. 79

6, 027. 17

f&O. 00 I, 046. 90

45. 43

504. 2S

19. 79

I, 039. 00 19. 50

802. 00 I, 394. 00 I, 667. 48

. 61 317. 84

44, 702. 13

2, 629. 09 20, 275. 13

2, 596. 97

159. 49

I, 898. 49

649. 47

I, 537. 25

11. GS

337. 50 1. 00

252. 15

I, 032. 20

798. 41

11. 00

9, 388. GG

451. 50 400. 00 000. 00 440. 23

99, 003. 43

27. 50 3, 581. 87

271. 31 131. 01

I, 024. 00 4, 675&. 80

509. 04

59, 795. 74

2, 285. 0&&

9. (&O

36 7')

77. 45

30, 700. 12

I, 894. 66

209. 37

43, 620. 12

I, 727. 91 4, 691. 80

869. 88

1, 010. 46

72. 95

43, 208. 87

I, 408. 87

3, 247. 99

940. 63

800. 00

519. 77 8. 98

10. 00

588. 61 I 68. 90

203. 66 102. 42

52. 38 75. 38

4, 063. 03 4, 096. 14

10, 817. SG

2, 455. 00 IU, 748. 59 I, 832. 20

L 986. 97 3, 022. 99

39, 543. 21 34, 754. 56

I, 169. 54 i, 455. f&8

100. 00 7, 771. 26

21, 721. 28

7, 79G. 05

21, 637. 85

60. 00 846. 96 285&. 10

330. 00 330. 00

72. 22 2f&. 97

11, 884, 14

19. 79 11, 235. 69


162. 14 80. 43

119, 45O. 5U

1, 214. &&O

495. OS

OOO. 00 I, 489. 24

I, 315. &Ji

11, 308. 48

11, S!3. 08 2. 44

2, 15&2. 74

33, (iOS. 21

2, 221. 50 30, 521. 63

57(i. 09 24, 4G4. 44

389. 27

9, 395. 90 9. 22

I, 442. 16

17, 753. 90

I, 391. 47

2, 18'2. 25&

5 590 92 ](&J. 99

22. 75 4, 794, 24

4 00 &&rl 88

1, GJ'&. 95&

I 600. 01

773. 25 71. 78

9, 42(i. 18

3, 090. 71 2, &JUO, 3P

50, 404, 67 6, "I k 91

SI, (in;)0 'O&:(&J

'& '&3l & 8

1, 8&O 13

I, I la &7

I, 471. OO

1, 8!5 !9 ', & ln. 20

iui, Osl, 7, &

15&, (H&

I '2, :&sn

:!:&5 7:! &&1 1 I 1


I'&5 'r'

ro '»' -i

200. IN

11'8. G4

1, 801. 38

177. (&5

8, 421. 36&

337. . 19

I, 447. 80

55&. 20

307. ;&8


. ) H 0 v&p

I(H& 0(&

&I, 113 GO


I I, 'i fQ


Recei pts Izvtd ezpendzttlres, 188JI — Continued

(Debit transfer appropriations (net) and repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures are printed in italic. Emergency expenditures are indicated by an asterisk*]

Unexpended balances June 30, 1933 Expenditures in 1934 (see p. 6) Amount carried to surplus

fund (see p. 7) Unexpended balances June 30, 1934

Fiscal year for whidh

appropri- ation was

made Available

Reserve for impounded

vac'ulcv sav- ings (see p. 8)

On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing


Appropriations Warrants-issued

basis Checks issued

basis Act June 20,


Impounded salary and

vacancy sav- ings

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)


On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing




Proceeds of labor — Continued. Skull Valley Indians, Utah No year Soboda Indians, California No year Southern Navajo Indians, Arizona No year Southeru Ute Indians, Colorado No year Spokane Indians, Washington No year Standing Rock Indians, North Da-

kota No year Swinomish Indians, Washington No year Table Mountain Indians, California No year Tonawanda Seneca Indians, New

York No year Tongue River Indians, Montana No year Tonkawa Indians, Oklahoma No year Truxton Canyon Indians, Arizona No year Tulalip Indians, Washington No year Tule River Indians, California No year Tuolumne Rancheria Indians, Calif No year Turtle Mountain Indians, North

Dakota No year Uintah and Ouray Iudians, Utah No year Umatilla Indians, Oregon No year Ute Mountain Indians, Colorado No year Walker River Indians, Nevada No year Warm Springs Indians, Oregon No year Tgestern Navajo Indians, Arizona No year Western SfIoshone Indians, Nevada No year Wichita Indians, Oklahoma No year 'Winnebago Indians, Nebraska No year Wyandotte Indians, Oklahoma Ne year Yakima Indians, Washington No year .

Yankton Indians, South Dakota No year Ynma Indians, California No year Zuni Indians, New Mexico No year

pecisl deposit accounts o

$6, 944. 44

57. 00

3, 656. 24

1, 250. 83

6, 978. 44

1, 174. 14

586. 59 56. 00

2. 83

4, 408. 50

1, 701. 97 34, 438. 86

2, 766. 75 833. 83

1. 55

109. 71 10, 043. 02 3, 440. 08

65, 818. 62 531. 64

2, 103. 16 180. 61

14 507 17 902. 72 465. 04 148. 68'

37, 267, 41 1, 703. 87

5, 462. 90 775. 54

$477. 34

1, 685. 25

247. 41

37. 55

1, 503. 28

7, . 505. 95 467. 24

16. 78

4, OSI. 58

2; 438'l SOO. 93

$280. 50 19. 00

431. 49

2, 556. 78 312. 42

6, 370. 86 220. 79

5, 361. 90 812. 92

20. 00 R 00

2, 939. 64

2, 032. 78

9, 727. 11 75. 00

1, 501. 75

4, 445. 30 382. 50 158. 36

57, 395. 36

818. 50 '

246. 97

8470. 84

31 656. 00

I, 888. Is

7. OO

7, 475. 60

5, 900. 23

1, 508. 80 2, 797. 60 8, 343. 88

488. 04

8, 900. 45

26, 883. 69

3, 100. 00

$6. 70

63. n)

7. 68

7, 252. 54

12, 800. 91

37. 55

1. 08

2, 776. 20 878. 71

4. 20

8, 347. 18

29, 178. 80

3, 051. 70

4, 880, 104. 87

$7, 695. 58 76. 00'

. 24

1, 250. 83

9, 032. 08

3, 737. 92 899. 01

56. 00

2. 83

3, 303. 76

1, 922. 76

33, 900. 53

3, 579. 67

853. 83 6. 55

109. 71 14, 484. 86 2, 675. 26

81, 789. 39 1, 069. 68

3, 604. 91 180. 61

10, 052. 02

1, 285. 22 623. 40 148. 68

57„779. 08 1', 703. 87 3, . 181. 40 I, 02K 51

1, 984. 29 FJ


21. 40 1, 940. 00

I, 729. 47

6; 698, 965. 21}


$470. 47

Total trust accounts, Indian Serv-


Total, Bureau of Indian Affairs

12„9IOt 966. 43 2, 843, 680. 90

19, 152; 986. 60 $38' 195. 86 5, 087, 488, 96

4, 644, 855. 74 ~

44, 519, 680. 27 '

4, 952, 485. 67

31, 169, 2M. 83

865, 460. 50

24, 238, 365. 83 $775, 991. 51 $687; 342'. 4S $59'5, 048. 68

12l 603, 306: 50

30, ' 828, 17K 23

' 6, 930, . 706107

12', OI2„368. 95

lummary, Bureau of Indian Affairs: General and special accounts. Emergency (N. I. R. )

6, 241, 044. 17 383i 195. 86 2, 227, 753. 05 20, 840, 274. 53', 19, 034, 550 60

16, 536, 848. 07

9, 679, 962. 09 16, 499, 406. 76 ~6, 873, 498. 57

775, 991. 51 687 342 48 695 648 68 8, 869, 283:. 82 9, 354, 587. . 9I

2, 275, 199. 36:

2, 806i 463: 52

6, 241, 044. 17 26, 216, 810. 16 23, 372, 905. 33 775, 991. 51' 687; 34K 48 596i 0%8 68 18, 223; 871. 73 5, 081, 662. ' 88

Trust accounts Contributed accounts

12, 910, 936. 43 1, 000. 00

12, 911, 936. 43

2, 843, 680. 90

2, 843, 680. 90

4 644 sss 74 I

4, 644, 855. 74

4, 952, 4SS. 6?

4, 952, 485. 67

ses, 460. Go

865, 460. 50

1' 6&13. 3&i. SO

1, 000. OO

1Z, 604, 306. 50

6, os&x Toa. 0?

&I, 930, 706, 07

Total 19, 152, 980. 60 383, 195. 86 5, 081, 438. 95 44, 519, 680. 27 31, 169, 295. 83 24, 238, 365. 83 775, 99L 51 687, 342. 48 595, 048. 68 3Q 828, li8 23 12 01 368 95

!Summary, Department of tlie Interior, including Indian Affairs:

General and special accounts Special deposit accounts

24, 278, 690, 08 637, 764. 29 4, 873, 801. 09 56, 535& 461. 10 593, 955. 22

50, 032, 694. 23 50, 584, 071. 18 898, I 1 A Of

2, 628, 205. 77 I, 879, 734. 15 I, 438, 548. 25 25, 472, 733. 0? 4, 322, 424. 14

890, 067. 23

Emergency: Boulder Dam project Boulder Dam project (N. I. R. ) Other (N. I. R. )

24 278 690 08 i

18, 199, 686. 96

637, 764. 29

3, 444. 24

5, 467, 756. 31

60, 330. 38

56, 535, 461, 10

7Z, 923. 49

44, 100, 000. 00 158, 702, 898. 09

50, 032, 694. 23

8, 012, 418. 69 11, 622, 546. 07 30, 338, 767. 06

50, 287, 959. 17

8, 072, 749. 0? 11, 453, 540. 74

23, 66Q, 526. 15

64, 914. 33 3, 444. 24

2& 628, 205. 77 1, 879, 734. 15 I, 438, 548. 25 25, 472, 733. 07 5, 212. 491. 37

10, 195, 277. 43

32, 477, 453. 93 169, 005. 33 128, 364, 131. 03 6, G78, 240. 91

18& 199& 686. 96 3, 444. 24 60, 330. 38 202, 875, 821. 58 49, 973, 731. 82 v43, 186, 815. 96 64, 914. 33 3, 444. 24 171, 036, 8&i2. 39 6, 847, 246. 24

Trust accounts Contributed accounts

13, 983, 193. 83 229, 982. 45

2, 865, 377. 21 47, 154. 94

4, 652, 809. 68 421, 415. 69

5, 067, 156. 77

308, 832. 80 912 805 46

304, 118. 17 43. 05 13, 568, 846. 74

342, 522. 29 7, 019, 728. 52

51, 869. 57

14, 213, 176. 28 2, 912, 532. 15 5, 074, 225. 37 5, 375, 989. 57 1, 216, 923. 63 43. 05 13, 911, 369. 03 7, 071, 598. 09

Total, Department of tbe Interior 56, 691, 553, 32 641, 208. 53 8, 440, 618. 84 264, 485, 508. 05 105, 382, 415. 62 94, 691, 698. 76 2, 628, 205. 77 1, 944, 691. 53 1, 441, 992. 49 210, 420, 964. 49 19, 131, 335. 70




Salaries, Department of Justice 1934 1933 1932 1929

10, 125. 66

15, 141. 44

62, 693. 20 5, 502. 43

' Ii 110 479 54 981, 185. 51

fi, 608. 47

40. 00

976, 241. 39 8. 0$

IO. 00 15, 141. 44

40. 00, .

51, 032. 00 5, 710. 59

I, 289. 00 67, 679. 08

7&i, 973. 03 4, 937. f)6

4, 944. 12

975, 637. 04 976, 195. 35

Bool'nh Department of Justice 1934 1933 1932

Certiffed claims 11. 43

988. 98 l

3. 27

' 8, 032. 00

77. 00

8, 010. 58

8. 83 9. 12

77. 00

7, 865 08 982. 74

12. 39 77. 00

2. 31

21. 42 6. '4


145. i0

8, 090. 46 8, 937. 21

32(, 320. 00 I, 512. 50 3, 3&ii. &)0

&9, 'rot. Go Zl, 8&il. 00

Exvlu, ixv of in&&. ! ii:i ii&s i;f Iniliau i»i nvis in securities hvlil liy the, Treasurer of the I cited States, disbursiug oflivvrs of the l)i I art&i:i n«&f ihi In&i rior, :inil fii&iils in other dvpv. it;&ries thon the Treasury of the I:niteil States.

' In& liiilv 3&22!i i', &r iiisfvrr«l fro&n "Fi vs of junirs and wi&nvsses, I nited States &'nurts, l&J34", act Mar. 20, 1933 &Is Sillt I!i&, , "n!l"il!i fniin "«' illr& &inc tl&v li&!em il llvxvi&uv, 1934 ". under Fxevntixe Or&her No. 6166 of Juue 10, 1933, &inil cxvhi&lv: tsii, iis? so, tri!nsfvrri ii nn&ivr Fxecut! Tc &)nlers N&is. Gl&iG, &i224, nnd ii540 of June 10, July 27, and Dec. 28, IOGS, rix I&& i &i \ & Iy, Ir&;«& &ill&i&a;ix f&illoil'S:

. ;ihini s;!nil v&pvns«, )flite of Si)licitor of the Treasury, 1934. s. . l . i &i -, I'r ii iiri n&vnt I » Ti&ion, I!I34 . '. I ii, i & . . i;&I i l Iii ii i, i)ic&sii&n of D&sbursement, I&)34 -',

I i&i& s, ( &Ilii i i, f si & rvl;iry i&f &'o&nmerce, 1934 v &I irii, ill!i& i &if . '«&& l. :iry of I nbi&r, 1934

& Includes $1, 092 transferred from "Fees of jurors and witnesses, I;ni!vil Stntvs (48 Stat. 13), nnd excludes 8560 transferred un&h r Exvcu! ice Order No. &i!66 of June IO,

Salaries nnd expenses, Off!ce of Soliri! or of th&i Trr asury, 1934 &'ontingent expenses, Department, of &'oin»ivrw, I!i34 Contingent, expenses, Department of I, shor, )934.

& curls, I!&!4". ;)&t 3I:&r. 20, IGXI 1&J33, Io nvv(nints:is fiilliiws:

$2&. 0

Receipts and expenditures, i&84 — Continued

[Debit transfer appropriations (net) and repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures are printed in italic. Fmergency expenditures are indicated by an asterisk']

Unexpended balances June 30, 1933 Expenditures in 1934 (see p. 6) Amount carried to surplus fund (seep 7)

Unexpended balances June 30, 1934

Fiscal year for which

appropri- ation was

made Available

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)

On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing


Appropriations IVarrants-issued

basis Checks-issued

basis Act June 20,


Impounded salary snd

vacancy sav- ings

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)


On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing




Contingent expenses, Department of Justice 1934

1933 1932 1930

CertiQed claims

$11, 942. 57 93. 92 2. 87

$1, 897. 38

I $95, 895. 00

43. 02 1. 79 5. 00

$84, 810. 38

11, 889. 10 136. 86

4. 66 5. 00

$74, 026. 52

13, 606. 67 136. 86

4. 66 5. 00

$0. OS

$11, 084. 62 53. 47

$10, 783. 86 179. 81

Printing and binding, Department of Justice snd courts 1934

1933 1932 1930

Certified claims

59, 905. 17 12. 50

12, 691. 08 1, 958. 67

I 290, 000. 00

293. 74

117. 76 229. 73

96, S46. 00

209, 801. 58 42, 431. 43

12. 50 117. 76 229. 73

252, 593. 00

87, 779. 71

1841 549 34 50, 122. 51

1, 971. 17 117. 76 229. 73

236, 990. 51

80, 19S. 42

17, 473. 74 293. 74



25, 252. 24

5, 000. 00

Rent ofbuildings, Department of Justice 1934 1933 1932 . 04

2, 410. 87

I 130, 500. 00 129, 997, 14 630. 04

117, 980. 36 1, 780. 88

. 04

502. 86 630. 04

12, 016. 78

129, 387. 10 119, 761. 19

raveling and miscellaneous expenses, Department of Justice 1934

1933 1932 4. 51

3) 503. 65 11. 48

s 23, 426. 98 23, 340. 67

8, 06A 36 ff. 48

19, 672. 95 438. 30

86. 31 3, 065. 85

Oo 3, 667. 72

20, 263. 84 20, 111. 25


efending suits in claims against the United States 1934

1933 1932

14, 824. 77

1, 283. 26 4, 988. 95

324. 63

601 000. 00 29, 583. 44

1, 633. 07 334. 63

24, 952. 00

3, 279. 53 1, 607, 89

$)116. 51


30, 416. 56 16, 331. 33

4) 631. 44 86. 35

! I i. !'I) ))XPOI I!IS

yetKctfon. Bnd prosseutjontof, eyimes 1934 1933 1932 1926

Certified claims

2, 136. 12 258, 721. 27

$277, 170. 02 74, 455. 00 31, 910. 19

I 619, 500. 00 I 53, 696. 56

161. 08

27, 635. 74

228, 066. 17 5, 658. 90

31, Kye. 74 300. 00 161. 08

191, 131. 61

28, 231. 53

228, 065. 27 67, 912. 50

873. 45 300. 00 161. 08

296, 612. 30

289, 958. 01 200. 00

15, 775. 00 22, 997. 45

$3, 725. 00 308, 712. 81

271, 933. 83 6, 951. 34

. 90 883, 60

Enforcemeot of an&&&ru. I and kindred laws . 1934 — 35

Enforcemeotofan»&rus& laws 1934 1933 1932


2, 090. 50 32, 528. 45 20, 000. 00

1, 487. 39 5, 589. 75 2, 652. 12

125, OOQ. Oo & 253, 633. 00 144, 347. 20

4, 866. 98 9, 669. (9

145, 334. 26 723. 47

35, 180. 57 20, 000. 00

5, 934. 00 I, 380. 12

3, 912. 00 3, 062. 39

126 QQQ QQ

99, 439. 60 4. 001. 66

&HQRi 06

136, 828. 80 146, 057. 73

Compensation of special master in case of United States against Northern Pacific Railway Company and others No year

Krf&mination of judicial off)ces 1934 1933 1932

Certified claims

1, 315. 76, 4, 385. 01

8, 968. 65 5, 608. 70

10, 637. 96

12, 500. 00 196, 000. 00

4. 50

181, 126. 35 8, 610. 68

)9, 687. 96 4. 50

175, 416. 42

2, 101. 22

4. 50 15, 022. 97

8, 215. 00 4, 739. 04

240. 00 8, 968. 65

12, 500. 00

6, 418. 65 87. 25

5, 709. 93 &I 3. 05

166, 982. 36 177, 522. 14

Payment to olficers and employees of the United States ir foreign countries due to appreciation of foreign currencies (Justice)

Payment of rewards under criminal laws, Department of Justice


1934 — 35

25, 000. 00

25, 000. 00

11, 250. 00 11, 250. 00 13, 750. 00

25, 000. 00

Protecting interests of United States in customs matters 1934

1933 1932

Certified claims

384. 21

1, 496. 36 5, 345. 00 1, 280. 40

320. 72

101, 500. 00

5, 000. 00

96, 201. 49 270. 79 979. 28

5, 000. 00

94, 005). 63

1, 551. 19

1, 300. 00 5, 000. 00

517. 08

4, 593. 00

1) 217. 78 102. 00

4, 211. 70 603. 51

28. 94 , i95. 86


102, 451. 56 101, 856. 82

Protecting interests of the United States under settlement of war claims act 1931-32 53. 06 5'J. 06

JIUREAU ov PR&soss

Salar&&. an I expenses 1934 1933 1%2

5, 820. 80 '2, 635. RG

5, 615. 95 3, 7&i)i. 43

4, 965. 05

204, 000. 00 189, 690. 25 981. 6I

4, 998 80

182, 640. 69

2, 795&. 32 2. 75 7, 598. 16

8, 494. Pp

2, 345. 46 3, 303. 00 5, 615. 95

2, 5)12 75&

I, 406. 95&

&, Uu&;Hi

Jin 5)0

183, 796. 34 1S5, 438. 7(i

I))VIS)»R &&F &R')'I)ST»;ATIOS

Sa]&&r&(~ an&i & (i)enses, l)i) i. ion of fnves- t & g ', » & &

' n !M4-35 I!)'l I


I, 5)00, 000. 00 n 5, 262, 848. 00 4, 630, 004. 24

4, 630, UP4 24

4, 432, . ': R. 72

4. 432, 5)5)&U 72

l)v2, 14» 00 2'2'& sni) pp

1, 500, (HN& PU

"'i, Sss 7»

51, 000 &'. 500

& lnclu l&. v 41), 'UU &r;»&Sf& rrc&l, CCt Mar. 20, I!)33 (48 Stat. 13), . )nd EXeCutiVe Or&ier NO. 6166 Of June 10, 1933, frOm ac& ou»& -; ~ f»llo» s

I «& fi&&ro&s;»»I &)» ~ &'. 's&'s, ( n»c&1 SI'&ms ( ourts, 3934 $1, 000 I'&»»»&c;»&&I i»»&l»&v, I)vl)ar&ment of Just&ce, and courts, 1931 10, 000 ('& ll&»»; &l&e»»& r» &I r»(&»&e, &034 500

an&i & x& lu»& s 8605&r»&sf& rrv I »»&lvr F(ccu(&ve Onlers No. &RG(» ("& 4, and G540 of June 10, July 27, and Dec. 28, 1933, re IH ( I &vvly, &o;&c& ounts as f& ll»(vs:

( onl &n &»& & &I& &&sv&» I)&'p, &rt)»&»L of ( on»»vr&v, 1931 . 8175 9&l »» s o& &I &&i&& & svi, ()Ili& c r&f 9 &l&c&»&r & f I he 'I'rc &sury, »AII 165 .

' &I » i& s:&n&l & &I » . &:, I )&)»»»&»f I )& I»&r &&r&&»(, I!)31 100

( O»» »C&'»( VXI'&'» &' . . 1) P » &», &'»& Of I » I', I'. &31 1(i5 & I:vl»» &»(Al(& &I(&U Ir» . 0 rr«l to "('»»I»& &»t & ( pc»«:, I)vp&» I&»e»t of Jnst&ve, 1&234", act &hier So, I!&33 (lb. &iot. IJ) & I:lcl»i&v&& oi "', UU()! r &». f& rrv I In "&)v»& r &I & x( &». & s, oili& v of I nbl&c buil&lines nn&i puhl&c p&)rks of ii&e N &t&ou &I

(';&I », &I, &'. »I", ;&c& Ju»v. I&', pa(3 &(R si;&(, 5&, »vl i»& lu&l& s . 'In. , s&» ir&nsferre&i, act 51»r. SU, YJ&3&3 (48 stat. 13), fru&n acv& t »(s». f& ll»as

r vs. f»LC;»«I & (I c»s& s Of n) &r I» li, U»i» I Si &&vs ('our»R 1931 I «s & f I»r» s . , » I e . 'L&( . vs. I »i(c&l, »»&. , ('&&»r&, I')i(

5'', Ili(», H)&)

;I, , I& », &HHI

i», R I R " ' V & H 6 I I". '&, &Ha)

&& Includes 813 42G OB iransf& rred, act Msr. 20, 1933 (48 Stat. 13) un&ler )'. x) votive Or&lcr No. Gl(in of Juno ip, 393 I, fr&)»& accoun'ts as folio&vs:

Co)lee&, ing & he in(&mal rvvenue, 1934 flu, 42(i. O'I Salaries, fees, ;&n&i expenses of marshals, I. »ite&i Stoics ('our»„ I!)SI !'&. Un» (NI ' Exclusive of 8", pip Upp ir &nsferred to "Salaries ond expvn ca i)&v&s«&n of inv& SI&gat&&&n, ln!(I" Itvvm&i»v &»&lvr

No. 6166 of Junc I 0, I&J33. I In& l»&lcs f &3 GU)i '&6 transfcrrc&i from "Salaries &m&l expenses, B»reou of 1'rol&il)i(ion, I&J!I'I":&& I, la&n&, 'IP, I'»"

& I, Stat. 411). & Jncludcs 5)UU UUU tr msfcrre&i from "Federal jails, l&nil&i&ngs, cn&) v&I»ipn» ni. ", CCL Afar. I, I'& I'& ( li sic). I Isa), )I Dehit I»: I &n&e. && Exclus&vv»f f(iUU 000 iran. f('rred to "Collecling tlà ini(rn &I li& & en»&R I!))II", »»&I&'r Evv&n&i &l &' & )r I& r N» »&3&!»&f xl &r.

10, 1934 and»&vl»&les 4'S, RGS, RIB Iraosfcrred, acts Junc 30, 1932 (ii 9», (, . Il I), 51;&r. 20, I!))33 ( IS Sl;&I . IS)&, »»l 1)u'&»» »' Orders No. 61GG cu&i)NNV) of J»ne:Ip, PJ33 and ILI nr. 10, 193!, (n»»;&«o»»ts as f&&llo)& . .

DeteCtinn C(»l pr&&SV& ui. &cn Of Cri&»es, 123( . . Salaries;&n&l vxp& nsv&n 13urcau vf 1'rol&ihi), i&»&, I!Nil. Safari& s:&n&l cxl&cns&s, '&'c(cr iris' insure»« , liLi(2&(ion, I!)&II. Sul)i&ort, of United SI;&ics l&r&soners, li)!I I Salaries and expenses, ye( cr»ns' A&lministr;&tion, I', ) ll

Receipts arid expenditures, 1M/ — Continued

(Debit transfer appropriations (net) and repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures are printed in italic. Emergency expenditures are indicated by an asterisk*]

Unexpended balances June 30, 1933 Expenditures in 1934 ( ee p. 6) Amount carried to surplus

fund (see p. 7) Unexpended. balances June 30, 1934

Fiscal year for which

appropri- ation was

lIiade Available

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (seep 8)

On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing


Appropriations Warrants-issued

basis Checks-issued

basis Act June 20,


Impounded salary and

vacancy sav- ings

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)


On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing




Salaries and expenses 1934 1933 1932 1931 1930

Certified claims

$542, 807. 47 287, 550. 28

$262, 760. 45 $125, 479. 10 27, 046. 28

ii $5, 080, 000. 00 44 66, 896'. 68

ii 407. 25 903. 15

$720, 395. 76

109, 036. 45 I 6, 01 8. 77

6. 80 407. 25 903. 15

818, 718. 64

$695, 751. 90 210, 281. 01

15, 027. 51 6. 80

407. 25 903. 15

922, 365. 62

$299, 569. 05 5. 20

$31, 650. 00 139, 873. 49 $264, 134. 75

$4, 327, 954. 24

238, 826. 67 $24, 643. 86

24& 234. 54


Salaries aud expenses, veterans' insur- ance litigation, Department of Justice 1934 is 585, 552. 00 333, 633. 27 316, 573. 21 4, 817. 00 247, 101. 73 17, 060. 06

Total, office of the Attorney Gen- eral 1, 275, 273. 29 624, 040. 66 327, 993. 09 15, 616, 110. 54 8, 085, 230. 00 8, 068, 242. 05 684r 911' 85 486, 219. 44 902, 642. 33 7, 356, 420. 87 344, 981. 04



Salaries, Supreme Court 1934 1933 1932

2, 283. 05

10, 533. 37

I' 286, 898. 00 280, 200. 35 2SO, 196. 81

10, 533. 37

5, 227. 00 2, 036. 83

1, 467. 00 3. 65 246. 22

3. 54

alary, reporter of Supreme Court 1933 1932

fiscellaneous expenses, Supreme Court 1934 1933 1932

199. 99 . 08

4, 647. 30 2, 019. 21

2, 602. 13 15, 000. 00

280, 200. 35

10, 000. 00 6, 808. 18

280, 196. 81

9, 771. 71

2, 019. 21

199. 91 . 08

5, 000. 00 7, 249. 43

228. 29

rinting and binding, Supreme Court. 1934 1933 1932


7, 104. 70

3, 079. 44

574. 06 337. 83

21, 000. 00

7, 397. 87

13, 696. 82

5, 738. 75 887. 88

19, 097. 74

9, 771. 71

11, 836. 11 Ii, 312. Sl

18, 148. 92

3, 417, 27

7, 3%. 18 1, 365. 95

1, 860. Tl


3alarfes, of circuit, district, and retired

judges 1934 1933 1932

396. 56 17, 355. 20

6, 111. 10 8, 943. 46

'4 2, 223, 547. 21 2, 167, 356, 51 6, 860. 86

472. 22

2, L64, 960. 36 3, 093. 21

472. 22 16, 882. 98 8, 785. 05

38, 242. OO

4, OT2. 22 IT, 948. 76 4, 550 64

2, 456. 15

Certified claims 194. 44

Expenses of circuit snd district judges 1934 111, 000. 00

2, 162, 172. 92

100, 589. 00

2, 16S, 660. 23

89, 674. 24 10, 411. 00 10, 914. 76


Salaries and expenses, llnited States Court of Customs and Patent Appeals 1934

1933 1932

214. 61 l. 09

3, 678. 00 1, 274. 64 2, 943. 19

» 96, 247. 00 91, 318. 49 99. 90

9, 948. J9

89, 059. 10 1, 247. 74

2, 944. 28

4, 574. 00 214. 61 3, 678. 00

354. 51 26. 90

2, 259. 39

88, 348. 40 90, 306. S4

Printing snd binding, JJ. S. Court of Customs and Patent Appeals. 1934

1933 1932

500. 00 3, 393. 56

1, 190. 02

6, 000. 00 6, 000. 00

l, 190. 09

1, 061, 49

3, 393. 56 1, 190. 02

500. 00 4, 938. 51

4, 809. 98 4, 455. 05


Salaries snd expenses, 'United States Customs Court 1934

1933 1932

6, 416. 04 8, 201. 33

13, 024. 17 Je&. 89

2, 971. 39

225, 000. 00 206, 894. 49

1, 540. 00 $, 97l. 89

204, 107. 25

1, 495. 11 11, 172, 72

10, 192. 00 2, 715. 47

5, 130. 00 11, 729. 74

2, 783. 51

3, 455. 00 2, 787. 24

205, 463. 10 205, 602. 36

Printing and binding, [[nit. ed States Customs Court 1&J34

1933 1932

1, 000. 00

1, 570. 15 884. 58 882. 00

2, 000. 00 1, 127. 19 884. 68 889. 00

691. 29

2, 452. 15

8nSl 1, SS4. 5S

435. 90


691, 29


Saiarie=. , Court of Claims 19'. 34

1933 1932

343. 7 I

368. 42

127. 94 33. 82

n& 111 979 00 10(i, 276. 99 93. 82

106, 270. 20

368. 42

5, 591. 00 71. 60

111. 00 400. 11

. 01 33. 82

6. 79

106, 243. 17 106, 270. 20

Sniaric' and expcnsci nf commi sinners, Court of «ln&D&s . . 1934

1933 1932

751. 17 3. 57

3, 087. 74

5, 05. 49

52, 000. 00, 48, 278. 29 !&, 968. 47 6, 96&n. !&9

47, 473. 41 219. 27

5, 954. 06

n 390 00 864. 82 141. 67

1, 331. 71 ", f)13. 15


Cont ing&nt cipcnse&, &'curt nf &'lain&s 1934 6, 000. 00

39, 45&n 33

6, 000. 00

47, 692. 68

6, 000. 00

i& tl&&&!i&lie I i&i «ec. 3 of I. i«c»&&& c ()r&i& r Nn. &&I'&onf Juiie 10, !!i!&I, vf[cctive Aug. 10, 1933. Note 15 p. 274. » I'!S& I i. ii e o[ 53, . «!&i (&no tr in'!& rrc&l to "S ilnries:ir«l cx!&Cnev, Divisinii of investigation, 1934", under Executive

Or&ter No. &Il!I(I of. loni& In, I'&!. ! ii 'I'r iiisfvrr«l to" I && I& &, n&»ii I I r»« iit inn n(criine. , I&X)3", ;&& t June 30, l&J32, (47 Slat. 411). &i I&«' 't il&l& I&v&1 fr it'& . i&i Plii !iii& I, :&&'I 3(nr!I, IS 5 (IS St it. Its sic 5). a, I I& [&&&!vs s& i;;i, IO&& ir iii '& n & ! from "9 il &ri«&nil viiir&isvi, Uvicrntis' Admiuistrition. !9'31", uiulvr Kiccntii e

&&r&!& I Nn i!Ii 6 of . Iiiiii lo, I!Jc! Lii I &ni l«&lv- «, !&Sin Ir iaaf& rrv&l tn "s ilnries nial expenses, Divisinn of Irivestig itinn, I&XII', :&ct June!30, !!&r' & I Stnt tl! .

In& I &&lv, 8, 725 trnosfc&Tv&i frntn "St!pfiort of I iiitr&i SI i!vs pri«ii&rrs, l&i! I '. :ic! 3[ ir "(i, ln!3 & Is, &, I I \) ii in&'[1&&lii' 5&, !302! !i'niisfcrrcd frnm ' Tctn, &&&rnrg (&ovci'i&i&&i &1& fnr t irl &i& lit &ii I, I'. & I! ", &&nili r I'. i«' i&! ii i i)r&li r

NO, 6166 nf. l»n& IO. IM!I. Iri('lit&i&'s 87, (I, Ii iti. fc&Tc&i fi'oilt "Siil ii'Ics, fees a&id cifii'ii, ci &&f i&i&i&sit&&la, I . '&&tv&i St &(vs ( nit&I, I!&It'', &&et xli&ii

20, I!&33 ( ti 8(;it. I;!). && Iii&linl& sn!&79 tr itis(&rrvd. nrt. 5(, r. 20, I!NI (is stat. 13) frnni n«nu&its as foiiniis:

9 &lnrics, fees no&i rip& ns& s nf &ii ir 9 ili, I &&it( &I HLates ('iiurts, I'ut. 5&, 2!r& Yrint&ng»nd l»n&ling, ('&&nrl of ('[nit&is, I!JSI

Receipts and expenditures, J98Jf — Continued (Debit transfer appropriations (net) and repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures are printed in ftaffc. Emergency expenditures are indicated by an asterisk "]

Unexpended balances June 30, 1933 Expenditures in 1934 (see p. 6) Amount carried to surplus fund (see p. 7) Unexpended balances June 30, 1934

Fiscal year for which

appropri- ation was

made Available

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)

On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing


Appropriations WVarrants-issued

basis Checks-issued

basis Act June 20,


Impounded salary and

vacancy sav- ings

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav ings (see p. 8)


On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing



coURT oF cLAIMs — continued

Repairs to buildings, Court of Claims 1934 1933

1931-32 Certified claims

$26, 83 14. 38

$20. 47 $4, 500. 00

44. 97

f4, 350. 00 so. 47

44. 97

$3, 371. 42

44. 97 $14. 38

$75. 16 22. 20

$74. 84 25. 10

$978. 58

Printing and binding, Court of Claims 1934 1983 8, 000. 00 1932 10. 24

8, 035. 87 2, 644. 56

» 27, 313. 00

4, 374. 50

14, 921. 62

2, 880. 88 10. 24

3, 416. 39

rfs. 18 5, 675. 04

2, 654. 80

12, 391. 38 10, 360. 83

15, 633. 80

Payments of judgments No year 12, 489. 10

12, 571. 03 7, 617. 66

12, 489. 10


Salaries, justices and judges, Territory of Hawaii 1934

1933 2, 978. 39 1932 3, 583. 33

$7, 500, 00 81, 167. 00 77, 068. 67 77, 068. 67

3, 683. 33

4, 057. 00 1, 103. 13 $6, 895. 83

41. 33 2, 479. 43

77, 068. 67 77, 068. 67


Salaries, District Court, Panama Canal Zone 1934 » 27, 629. 97 26, 340. 43 26, 277. 11 1, 010. 00 279. 54 63. 32


Salaries and expenses, United States Court for China (Justice)» 1934

1933 1932

1, 790. 87 245. 46

1, 134. 66

» 38, 177. 00 31, 904. 23 235. 12

21, 544. 93 1, 369. 78

245. 46

1, 788. 42 925. 92

4, 484, 35 629. 83

10, 369. 30

32, 139. 35 22, 914. 71


Salaries, fees, and expenses of marshals, United States courts 1934

1933 1932 1931 1930 1929 1928

137, 426. 47 87, 980. 94 I, 740. 66

37, 308. 16 148, 050. 02 14, 898. 81

2. 30

» 3 823 761 00 » 88, OOO. OO

6, 637. 81

2, 874, 411. 65 88, 88$. If I4, SO5. 87 7, 126. 07

880. 81 SOS. 87

4. 78

2, 763, 294, 05 59, 781. 95

693. 74 7, 127. 37

880. 8f SO@ 87

4. 78

102, 186. 01 67. 01

660. 61 202. 27

4. 78

92, 512. 00 49, 184. 36

80, 619. 00 30, 002. 42

776, 318. 35 153, 905. 96

1, 086. 39

I 1h 117. 60 4, 909. 96

Certified clat(us

Ss]aries and expenses of district attor. neys United States courts 1934

1933 1932 1931 1930 1929 1928

Certified claims

4, 379. 60 17, 902. 27

46, 900. 43 55, 473. 13 4, 981. 45

3, 493. 98

i& 3, 124, 020. 00

I, 003. 73

3, 493. 98

2, ?86, 599. 86

2, 526, 992. 52 41, 666. 06 6, 690. 89

606. 48 8. 6$

14. 48 49. N

1, 003. 73

3, 498. 98

2, 833, 523. 43

2, 466, 409. 50 14, 080. 95

1, 608. 84 606. 48

14. 48 49. N

1, 003. 73

24, 492. 56 505. 48

6. 22 14. 48 42. 25

119, 945. 00 55, 605. 46 37, 185. 81

47, 082 48 124. 79

60, 583. 02 «243. 85

2, 479, 201. 50 2, 479, 316. 91

?ay of special assistant attorneys, United States courts 1934-35

1934 1933 1932

53, 699. ]9 519. 52

5, 833. 53 5, 925. 71

50, 000. 00 i& 386, i]7. 00

10, 000. 00 367, 048. 09

24, 060. 66

8, 960. 86

397, 157. 92

5, 074. 00 365, 783. 68

29, 618. 01

1, 974. SS

402, 450. 57

4, 470. 35

19, 636. 00 4, 214. 42

40, 000. 00 32. 91

25, 424. 11

4, 926. 00 1, 2&")4. 41

276. 18

Pay of bailifi's, etc. , United States courts 1934 1933 1932 ]931

Salaries and expenses of clerks, United States courts 1934

1933 1%2 1&I3!

]930 Certified claims

Fees of commissi&mers, United States courts. 1934

1933 1%2 1'J31

] 9'!(0

]925) 1922

('vr&ific&1 claims

13, 695. 49

3, 193. 78 62. 36

19, 706. 85 13, 214. 87

155, 709. 89 12, 375&, 24

3, 8!IG. 70 1[. 05 7. 80

181. 32

23, 937. 46 746. 74

33, 051. 23

2, 2G2. 12

» 283, 000. 00

» 1, 916, 580. 00

387. 64

550, 000. 00 25, 684. 33 14, 258. 52

7, 065. 37 4, 105. 75

10. 00 5. 00

5, 424, 48

251& 880. Ot)

N, 877. 89 811. 16 90. OO

227, 171. 08

1, 849, 334. 70

N& 806. 66 914. 47

. 76 689. 14 387. 64

1, 822, 611. 44

116, 518. 25)

159, 718. 83 26, 241. 22

10, 678. 00 4, U58. 25

"&. 80

5, 42l 4)&

322, f&46. SJ

244, 711. 48 40. 56 64. 49 $0. 00

244, 667. 62

1, 813, BOG. 01

7, 243. 20

1, 347. 65 . ?6

689. 14 387. 64

1, 82'2, 394. 60

116, 518, 25

159, 718, S3 2(i, 241. 22 10, 678. 00

4 058 2&&

7. 80

5, 424. 48

322, (itO ixl

4, 004. 94 82. 36

14, 129. 34 . 76

389. 14

7. 45

SG. 20 3. 00

6, 200. 79

67, 245. 30 45, 175. 35

1S, 929. 4&

176. 48

31, 119. 94

31, 372. 52

342 Bi

433, 481. if&

2, i45 92 3i, ' UU

1&Ji ii


5. UU

7, 168. 58 19. 08

35, 528 69 l. 50


a M C3

Fn -. , &nil &", [&cnscs of concilia(, ion com- a&i: slut&er)u I ni(cd Ht»tes courts 8 25, 000. 00 5, 227. UO 3, 321. 00 ]'I, ii, l I)U I, &Iuti. OO

&' 1)cl [I i 0;&n« &) I:v) I» &i & ul! )U&'ii! r&r& fvrn I Ir&

' S&i'&rive& «'»&rt of & 'I(&i&». , IUI!", aCt 5]n. 20, 1933 [48 St»I. [3]. » [»& I «I& » -;'7«, " '7 I: &&)vfvrr«i fro&n "('i& i[ (U» vrn» & & I, [5»mn&) ( nna[ 2&&n& ", urn]or Fvv&u)ive

GIGG I Innc!U, -" 'I'r

& & 5 rr«l f&'u» ! I» I &v) ')&r! U&vn( uf i('»!(' nn&ivr sn. 6 & f [:v&'v&itive Ur&(vr Vo. 6[6G of 1»nv )U, 1933, actin». . &u& I & II » ~, ') )&r& [ ri»&i& && f&r )l&v &'ntir&' I&)&»l v(s;r I!&i(), &r& sn Inl un&lcr tliv 1)&'[»&rt&ncnt, uf Jnsii('c f»n (»&»&"

-& I;» I & I&' I )&I & & (: i»& i&» of

' !". U»U &i»»]v for I I)ii )&v(on»l, i»&&lvr tl&e 1)cpsr(ni&'nt of BI»to»nd 76, 177 i»i&[& r -« I & )'& &i &» I '» . ' '. «&" » &«. & &r I& r Xu Ul«) uf lone IU, !UXO fron&;)cvuunts»s follows:

I r»&. p& &'I &'»; ( I r& &»& & r&, '& v »ITi« 'ri IU)i) I' &I ««. , & i I

»' un f r . i && 'r»s»& v&»i I& Is, I!)i4 ()II» &;»& I l&v&n, &)&& &rt& & i I'or& &c» 8& r&;&v, l!&'il

&, ' ][x ]i»vv & f 5) I) 7 t&»»&;!& rr«l, »& I 5[&r 20, l!)!!I (48 it &t. I I) tu)c&ounts»s fr&llo(vs

I«»I uf l»i&)&[»&vs, I && [&. & I »» nt. Uf, (i&st)&v, lnsi i &I &r&u (&u&l «! &» & v, I n&t«l Sl &t(s & 'uurt of ('us(orna anal ]'»tent:4[&p& &ls, )UJI i'&I;&r[vs, & r»r& uf ('luu»c, l&J) I i &br&& s )&»&I v&l» nv«. , livtr&ct:it turn& i. , I'ni(c&1 SI &(vs co»r(, IU)« I')y of l»»l ills, «&, I'&»Iv&l st:&Ics c&&«rIC, I!&(I

(» dc&' i, u



&& r l»&&18ct,


$], 250 4, 000


$4, 000 7, 447 7, 292

40, 000 30, 000

Sal»rice and cxpons& ' u( (lerl, s, Unit(&1 St&&t(s courls, !9 [( $20, UUO 'I'r&vclins an&i rn&snll &n«»s expenses, [ )iilnl i(it& s c&»)r)s, I!J'[I . ;&0(x) &' T»n. !& r&d to "I'cvs, » '. & vpcnsvs of ('on& i[i &I»»i ('unn&iissiu)&ere, 1&)SI" s& I [)I &y UU, I!&!33 ( I)' ii &I Ui) && inc[&&&lv- 5, ;, UUU ir;&nsivir«&, »cts f&[ar. [, I!&xi ((7 St'&)t. , I, isi];&n&l 51;&r. 20, I!&xi (ls 8(')&I I:I) fn n& accounts as

follows. I « lcr:&[ [:&its, l&nil&1&n 8 &u&d v&)iii[»nv&ii. [»3) 3'is&, l)UU

;&I;» «v', »& I &w[&cns«' (»»»sl»&l. . I &!&I«'. ' . ' I'lI&'Q Court» I&&! I IU, &)Utl &i ]»& i»&)&i!i;UUUU ir&»sf&'rrv&l fn»» Ivcvs of Iururs»n&I wl!&)&. s&~, I n&(v&1 ii»ivs co»r)ri !93)" »vi 51:&r "U,

(48, '!. &&. I )!. » ]&i& i&i&[is $!OOOO tr ins(& rr&d from "Salaries, fees, »r«l (vp«is&i of ni &rsl& ils, I'i&ii«I il)itis v&»)r(x I» il'' »ct, Mar 20 I!&, c! (Is il, '&t. Ix). &o Iv&5»&]& s $CU UUU Irsnsfvrrv&l, ;&cts 5[&&r, 1, [93J ([7 i(at. Ixii)»n&l 5(»r. 20, li) )3 (48 it;&I. [3] fn»&&»«oi»&i i i&s follows'

I:Cd& r)&l!»il», 4&iiI&i&nss;md c&iuipment, I!iii . $)«, UUU 8, '&I')r&CS, fvvS an&I CVPC»sCS uf n)»rSI) &]S, Un)(C&l !'t:&[VS Cuu)'(i, I!&! I . 20 UUU 8 Tr u&if& rrcd from "8 &I &ri(s, fvvs, »n&i cx[&cnscs uf nmrsli &lv, I'n&I& I 8(:&Iv coi&rts, I!&! I ", »& I 5(;&] '&0 I', I i I ( Ii Stat. 98).

Receipts and expenditures, 11)8' — Continued

[Debit transfer appropriations (net) and repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures are printed in italic. Emergency expenditures are indicated by an asterisk"]

Unexpended balances June 30, 1933 Expenditures in 1934 (see p. 6) Amount carried to surplus fund (see p. 7)

Unexpended balances June 30, 1934

Fiscal year for which

appropri- ation was

mR(le Available

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)

On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing


Appropriations Warrants-issued

basis Checks-issued

basis Act June 20,


Impounded salary and

vacancy sav- ings

Reserve for im pounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)


On hooks of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing



UNITED sTATEs coURTs — Continued

Fees of jurors snd witnesses, United States courts 1934

1933 1932 1931 1930

Certified claims

Fees of jurors, United States courts Certified claims

$686, 700. 43 154, 228. 17

$189, 249. 43 10, 459. 96

II $3, 064, 161. 33

I) 116. 58

169. 78

48. 60

$2, 362, 380. 94 167, 671. 45 Is, 754. 68

1, 033. 72 14. 00

169. 78

2, 192, 144. 31

48. 60

$2, 191, 069. 69 28, 428. 68

S, 284. 76 1, 088. 72

14. 00 169. 78

2, 217, 393. 15

48. 60

$167, 982. 85 82. 86 14. 00

$701, 780. 39 844, 371. 88

$171, 311. 25

3, 149. 30

Fees of witneses, United States courts 1929 Certified claims 9. 50

. 50 9. 50

9. 00

. 50 9 50

9. 00

. 50

Miscellaneous expenses, United States courts 1934

1933 1932 1931 1930 1929

Certified claims

24, 817. 07 59, 393. 35

129. 74

$23, 919. 86 43, 669. 62

2, 264. 51

884, 000. 00

» 10. 46 465. 99

803. 78

744, 846. 22

S, NS. 64 2, Se?. SS

117. S4 I SS. 58 56. 60

803. 78

739, 162. 11

698, 646. 77 40, 163. 56

SSS. SS 117. S4 ISS. 58 56. 60

803. 78

?38, 684. 37

62, 281. 18 127. 80 262. 32 56. 50

$25, 003. 00 12, 055. 29

$11, 309. 00 24, 177. 63

102, 841. 78 15, 797, 65

465. 99

46, 199. 45 212. 42

Rent of court rooms, Uuited States courts 1934

1933 1932

2, 709. 80 3, 813. 88

265. 00 73, 500. 00 73, 015. 65

47. 50

72, 968, 15

72, 650. 65 217. 50

72, 86 8. 15

3, 813. 88

484. 35 2, 757 30

365. 00

upplies for United States courts . 1934 1933 1932 1931

Certified claims


Books for judicial officers 1934 1933 1932 1931

Certified claims

1, 694. 69 659, 33

1. 40

4, 981, 24 378. 66

6, 223. 96 243. 10

7, 280. 46 183. 28

85, 000. 00

, 180. 63 136. 55 532. 50

76, 000. 00

ICI-- 24. 26

1, 376. 10

55, 849. 61 1, 645. 00

815 40 137. 95 532. 60

58, 980. 46

68, 83E 75 I, 220. 06

300. 12 24. 26

1, 875. 10

69, 316. 18

49, 106. 77

7, 865. 44

1, 058, 50 137. 95 532. 50

58, 701. 16

64, 741. 07 5, 094. 26

483. 40 24. 26

1, 375. 10

71, 718. 08

78. 53

29, 150. 39 49. 69

6, 164. 25 6, 201, 29

6, 742. 84 3. 52

4, 094, 68 966. 18


Compensation and expenses, commis- sioner, case Oklahoma against Texas

Claims for damages, Act. Dec. 28, 1922, Department of Justice

Judgments, Court of Claims, Depart- ment of Justice

-"udgments, United States Courts, De- partment of Justice

If(forking fund, Depart(sent of Justice Payment to—

H. H. Thornton and B. D. Roch- biaive, owners of steamer Mon-

R Iiief of- Msrie Louise Belanger Edward V. Bryant Jose Ramon Cordovs Oscar P. Cox Luis A. Densmore . . G. T. Fleming A. C. Francis Great American Indemnity Co. of

New York Roy Lee Groseclose Albert W. Harvey- Mrs. Asa Caswell Hawkins Calvin M. Head C, J. Holliday Robert B. James George Jeifcoat George E. Q. Johnson Joseph M. Kressin Silas B. Lawrence Mary Josephine I. obert Mrs. George I. ogan snd her minor

children. I. T. McRee . John Merrill Estate of White B. Miller Neill Grocery Co Mau&le (I. Nicholson Mary Orinsl-i. . Elizabeth Phillips. Robert Y. Rensch Ilenry A. Richmond 1"rank Salisbury, Executor of Estate

of Emerson C. c&ilishury . ('h;irles E. Sr&or&i

K&iiviir&i Slial&el

Will ia&n Shelilon R, &o I&&lph Siss lf. A. So&lerlierg M&&iris Si»rt (&o((le&)) Stock I « if&&'rf, N 8 ( (i&'k fili& . Sul(el&soli ('l&&(hing Co. J. II Trii(&cr Josciil& Vcrlio&ie

, (cll:i I » '('ickcr, lui&u

(':i(l&&r&ue Wrigh(

No year

No year

No year

No year No year

No year

No year No year No year No year No year No year No year

No year No year No year No year No year No year No year No year No year No year No year No year

No year No year No year No year No year No year No year No year No year No year

No year No year No y&sir

No year Xo year No ye;ir No year &imo y(iii' No year No year No ye&&i'

No year No year No ye;ir

:i I««( &hf&i&u I (nuii . iirf liis iuri&i, nc( 6) r 6&

. ii I;« li& ii i «f yru»c&(i i;, fr, i&i. (i rreil. :&& ( 5), &r. l&i'I &r(u&r"&( uf. )ii»fief» I!&! I

I(i i, &, ( I i»f I&ui. u I &i fi &r«ii&u' &if. lu. (i«,

808. 89

188& 76

35. 52

205. 00

1676 (I(& s(i&f. Il&» ser. 5&L

20, I'. &I3 (Is SI;i(. I:I, . (o u&«»iufs ua full»&ys:

720. 05

5, 000. 00 2, 400. 00 3, 500. 00

524. 37 5, 000. 00

500. 00 204. 30

18, 000. 00 37. 50 49. 15

5, 000. 00 350. 00 500. 00

7, 000. 00

5, 000. 00 6, 500. 00

63. 30 2, 000. 00 1, 632. 68

3, 000. 00 2, 000. 00 2, 500. 00

25, 000. 00 2, 531. 97

183. 45

I, 000. 00 55. 00

136. 50 500. 00

1, 500. 00 500. 00

2, 579. 00 1, 937. 10

147. 00 1, 500. 00 3, 000. 00 4, 000. 00 6, 000. 00

600. 00 4. 95

5, 000. 00 5, 000. 00

8)2, 246. 6" li, 500. 00

808. 89 808. 89

16 866 63 15, 266. 43

2, 400. 00 2, 400. 00

500. 00

18, 000. 00 18, 000. 00

350. 00 500. 00

7, 000. 00 5, 000. 00

350. 00 500. 00

7, 000. 00 5, 000. 00

1, 632. 68 1, 632. 68

2, 531. 97 2, 531. 97

500. 00 »00. 00

2, 579. 00 2, 5&79. 00

3, 000. 00

500. 00 600. 00

Bool 6, Deparfmcnf of . I us(icc, ION(

('ontingcn( expenses l)ci&sr( nu u(»(. Ii) (&ri. I'. & i f. Pay of special c:si. (»u(:&((urn»ye, I'oi(e&l Su&(c ciiiir(N, I!N(l

6, 839. 03

720. 05

214. 01

45, 000. 00 15, 265. 43

35. 52

5, 000. 00

3, 500. 00 524. 37

5, 000. 00

204. 30

37. 50 49. 15

5, 000. 00

6, 500. 00 63. 30

2, 000. 00

3, 000. 00 2, 000. 00 2, 500. 00

25, 000. 00

183. 46 I, 000. 00

55. 00 136. 50

), 6&(N). 00 500. 00

I, 937 10 206i. 00 14 . OO

I, 6&(N) OO

4, ooo. 0()

(k ooo. oo

'i. 9:&

6&, (N)O. OO

6&, ooo. IN)

81. 0'i'2. (N)


u, on&i oo

~ ~"

I ~ ~ ~ I' ' ~ ~ ' I ~ ' I I ' ' I ' ~ ' I ~ ' ' ~ I I ' '' ~ ' I' l l ~ ~

~ ~ ' I ~ I ~ ~ ~ 'll ' I l ' ~ I ~ ~ ~

I ~ ' ' I

~ ~ I' I' ~ ~ ~ . I I

II I I ~ ~


I ' ~

~ II

I I, ~ ~

' ~ I

I' I lt' ' ~ I

~ '

~ I I . I ~

~ I I ~

I I ~ ' ~

I I I ' ~

I : . ~ ~ I' ~ ' ~ I I ~ : ~ . II ' I



It ~ ' IIIII' ' ~ I'I

~ ' ~ I I ' ' I

~ ~ I I' ' I II ~ I ' ~ ' I ~

~ ~ ' ' . ' ~ ~

I ' ' I ~ II III, ~ I ~ ~

~ I ' I I

I ' ~ I ' l l ~ I ~

i!I ~

I . I I

I, ' lilt IIII' l l ~ ''I I ' ll I I -' ~ . tl ~ ' ~

~ ' I ' I ~ I ~ ~

I I ' ' ~ ~ ~

; ~ I ' ll ~ 'I

~ I' l lt I ltt'I

~ I' ll 'I tll'I ~ ltl lilt

II ~ ~ ' l II I ' ll ~ I ~ '

l l ~ I II

Maintenance 275, 922. 03 13, 671. 50 15, 665. 51

» anz, aug e)0 »186, 4&5 00

635, 037. 73 3, 868. 61

638, 906. 34

599, 567. 97 19, 534. 12

619, 102. 09

16, 979. 00 9, 506. 64

13, 082. 00 13, 923. 17

242, 406. 27 136, 895. 11

35, 469. 76

Uslfted States penitentiary, Atlanta, Qa 1932

Certified claims 115, 225. 39 599. 49 » 594. 54

29. 88 687. 49 29. 88

32. 00 29. 88'

116, 387. 42

687. 61 61. 88

lffntted States penitentiary, Atlanta, Gs. (transfer to Treasury Department, Public Ig;eslth Service, sets Msy 21, 79$l, snd May 13, 1930) 1932 65. 62 88. 86 2. 77

United States penitentiary, Leaven- worth, Kans. :

Buildings No year Buildings. and equipment 1934

1933 1931-32

4. 97

8, 000. 00

9, 599. 56

5, 398. 25

3, 597. 30

5, 052. 72

3& 597. 30 6, 002. 26

4. 97 1. 75

8, 000. 00 345. 63

8, 998 55 8, 650. 02

Maintenance 1934 1933 221, 245. '16 25, 136- 39 88, 216. 59

I, 468, 000. 00 ee 197, 400. 00

1, 145, 709. 37 69, 880. 79

1, 119, 349. 76

18, 955. 80 28, o28. 00 12, 424. 98

25, 050. 00 25, 213. 39

268, 712. 63 80, 604. 57

26, 359. 61

1, 076, 448. 58 1, 138, 305. 56

United States penitentiary, Leaven- worth, Kans . . 1932

Certified claims 369, 164. 40 2) 148. 03 e' 9, 838. 62

39. 22 16, 744. 53

39. 22 18, 892. 56

39. 22 362, 258. 49

United States penitentiary, Leaven- worth, Kans. (transfer to Treasury Department, Public Health Service, acts May 21, 1920, and Msy 13, 1930) 1932 9, 492. 55 346. 07 icy 888. 68

16, 783. 75

846. 07

18, 931. 78

Buildings and equipment. 1934 1933 1932

1931-32 1931

United States penitentiary, McNeil Island, Wash. :

Buildings. No year 49, 154. 26

10, 342. 01

13, 084. 98 82. 27

5, 038. 14

2, 393. 87 356. 69 371. 73

54. 12

&e 36, 000. 00

30, 000. 00

35, 500. 00 10, 000. 00

1, 129. 16 871. 78

6'4. 18

28, 799. 12

35, 205. 97 11, 846. 33 1, 488 85 11, 955. 82

454. 00 54. 12

690. 81

324. 00 225. 44

18, 463. 45

176. 00 116. 57

6, 239. 02

294. 03 547. 54

46, 203. 31 48, 538. 15

hgsfntenance. 1934 1933 56, 920. 77 I, 735, 62 4, 030. 89

406, 400. 00 &e 86, 000. 00

334, 143. 23

5, 572. 50

339, 715. 73

325, 197. 27

9, 603. 39

334, 800. 66

10, 034. 00 4, 761. 21

5, 896. 00 I, 761. 45

56&, 320. 77 21, 561. 23

8, 945. 96

I. nitcil States penitentiary, alcNeil lel;inil, )9;isli . No year

1932 4, 196. 17

46, 657. 41 I, 072 84

502. 00 e' 7, 177. 57 1, 000. 00

572. 43

1, 572. 43

795. 23

1, 074. 43

1, 869. 66

53, 262. 55 3, 19&4 17 I, 27", . Gl

» I'xclusivc of gi hap&7 57 no&i& r a&counts s&steel ns "Trust accounts', folio&vins. ee Scn nn«' mi. &i l(c»&r»cil fro&n . ' une nlije& I un&fer Tres nry I &cpnr&ment. See note 3&t

ee ltn&uracil Io s&ii&ic i&I jc&I un&!er l)cp:&r&men& &if fu~&i&en see note 35.

4& Exclusive of 812495 trnnsferre&1 to "I'oiled Stntee h&&rib& i s«rn I'cni&cnlniry, nii »iii iii &i&i, II&'14", &i&I gli 1933 (48 Stat. 13) .

» Transferred to "Support of 1'oiled In&cs prisoners. I!ic&", nc& Junc I'I&i, I!u2 & IZ s»i&. I i&), » Transferred from "Eedernl )nile, bull&linci, nnd eiiuipnient ", ni I M&ir I, II&'llI (iy s&n& I ING)

Receipts and expenditures, I98/I — Continued [Debit transfer appropriations (net) and repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures are printed in italic. Emergency expenditures sre indicated by au asterisk'l

Unexpended balances June 30, 1933 Expenditures in 1934 (see p. 6) Amount carried to surplus

fund (see p. 7) Unexpended balances June 30, 1934

Fiscal year for which

appropri- stion was

made Available

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)

On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing


Appropriations Warrants-issued

basis Cheoks-issued

basis Act June 20,


Impounded salary and

vacancy sav- ings

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)


On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing




United States penitentiary, McNeil Island, Wash. (transfer to Treasury Department, Public Health Service, acts Msy 21, 1920, and Msy 13, 1930) 1932 $6, 201. 20 $1, 000. 70 » 37, I 77. 67 3976. 67 $24. 33

United States Northeastern Peniten- tiary, maintenance 1934


Federal correctional camp, Eustis, Va. , maintenance

Federal reformatory camp, Petersburg, Vs. , maintenance



Federal Industrial Institution for Women, Aldsrson, W. Vs. , mainte- nance 1934


United States Northeastern Peniten- tiary No year


24, 780. 41

163, 044. 28

52, 189. 07

50, 497. 48

$10, 270. 62

3, 600. 67

71, 702. 85

7, 558. 27

4, 689. 06

10, 102. 17

«SOS, 49S. OO

236, 000. 00

232& 000. 00

285, 700. 00 II 36, OOO. OO

459, 133. 51

44, 841. 30

414, 292. 21

54, 851. 97

4, 626. 67

50, 226. 40

184, 193. 66

181, 916. 79

206, 061. 62 I60. 10

205, 901. 52

440, 587. 39 23, 882. 14

464, 469. 53

50, 464. 20 63. 49

50, 527. 69

169, 156. 65

166, 898 85

187, 353. 43

9, 409. 69

196, 763. 12

$56& 814. 64

$11, 685. 00

5, 979. 00

5, 238. 00

7, 254. 00 4, 141. 48

$4& 518. 00 10, 806. 12

5, 320. 00 i

2, 543. 00

2, 492. 00 2, 924. 01

$30, 158. 49 69, 086. 21

108, 192. 31

40, 507. 84

42, 302. 21

69, 892. 38 11, 192. 76

$18, 546. 12 g 2, 979. 41

11, 946. 04


15, 037. 01

15, 017. 94

18, 708. 19 532. 88

Federal Industrial Institution for Women, maintenance 1932

Certiffed claims 13, 747. 23 » 15, 287. 59

16, 40 1. 28

16. 40 l. 28

16. 40 29, 033. 54

&'ader al Industrial Institution for Women, maintenance (transfer to Treasury Department, Publio Health Servfcs, acts May 21, 1920 snd May 13, 1930)

&federal Industrial Institution for

Women, construction 1931-32

Jnited States Industrial Reformatory, Chigfcothe, Ohio:

Construction . . . No year

Maintenance 1934 1933

15, 287. 59

95. 86

411, 902. 47

121, 380. 26 90, 016. 73

19, 137. 98

16, 822. 00

» I6, 687. 69

» 40, 000. 00

543, OOO. OO

» 44, 460. oo

17. 68

167, 026. 88

456, 708. 92 18, 658. 93

475, 367. 35

17. 68

178, 831. 05

417, 398. 37 35, 119. 95

452, 518. 32

95. 86

363. 33

13, 093. 00 3, 371. 87

7, 997. 00 8, 582. 40

284, 513, 26

65, 201. 08 55, 333. 79

7, 332. 81

39, 310. 35 360. 98

United States Industrial Reformatory, Chliiicothe, Ohio

United States Industrial Reformatory, Chillicothe, Ohio (transfer to Treasury Department, Public Health Service, acts May 21, 1920, snd Msy 13, 1930). 1932

United States Southwestern Reforms- ~ tory No year

United States Southwestern Reforma- tory:

Maintenance 1934 1933

81, 317. 37

3, 101. 03

493, 274. 56

136, 128. 40

3, 071. 88

413. 91

48, 708. 44

84, 418. 64

&i 3, SOS. 59

I& 3, 605. 59

283, 000. 00

5, 119. 01

404. 68

447, 644. 29

170, 442. 69

8& 191. 14

168, 251. 55

8, 190. 89

48'7, 120. 51

173, 400. 26 82, 042. 60

255, 442. 86

79, 703. 95

4, S38. 00 878. 43

4, 256. 00

45, 630. 27

83, 963. 31 ISZ, 441. 11

9. 35

9, 232. 22

to 2 957. 5T

184. 90

Federal jails: Buildings snd equipment


i ederal jails

Federal Jails (transfer to Treasury De- partment, Public Health Service, sets May 21, 1920, snd May 13, 1930) .

Prison camps, mai'ntenancc

No year

1934 1933

No year 1932


1934 1933

432, 077. 46

189, 453. 00

31, 859. 05 129, 681. 73

I, 546. 60

23, 776. 82

19, 527. 41

29, 263. 89

9, 496. 09

52, 656. 51

17, 057. 63

16, 173. 57

232. 44

74, 575. 14

" St)6, 00k 00

600, 000. 00

1& I 729. 31

" 1, 739. 81

346, 000. 00

12, 063. 25

399, 732. 43

9, 834. 17

409, 666. 60

31, 719. 71

10, 731. 36

20, 988. 45

183. 71

198, 892. 39 6, 936. 65

192, 774. 33

19, 771. 67

376, 594. 07

58, 463. 98

435, 058. 05

48, 777. 34

5, 442. 31

54, 219. 65

49. 73

189, 857. 92 65, 903. 44

255, 761. 36

142, 142. 30

13, 427. 00

9, 989. 18

21. 88

6, 853. 00 13, 484. 45

7, 870. 00 24, 080. 56

4, 321. 00 31, 611. 21

24, 014. 21

178, 970. 57 16o, OT6. 50

11'T. 46

135, 933. 61 13, 880. 40

1, 786. 67

23, 138. 36 4, 026. 70


9, 034. 47

2, 736. 35

Prison camps . . 1931-32

Prison camps, construction and mainte-

nance 1932

Prison camps, construction and mainte-

nance (trausfer to Treasury Depart- ment, Public Health Service, acts lvIay

21, 1920, and May 13, 1930) . . IM2

Prison industries working capital fund 1934 and prior

1933 snd prior

11, 866. 46

27, 223. 23

I, 398. 66

541, 855. 25 10, 309. 77

209. 21

25'2. 41

150, 170. 57

I' I, 628. 03

&'1, 638. 03 i

'1 631, 542. 79 " 631, 543. 79

$29. 37

104. 678. 89

94, 336. 38

199, 004. 61

209. 21

444. 97

1SS, 640. 18 55, 844. 35

77, 795. 81

11, 866. 46

29, 296. 23

4, 330. 91 i0, 6H. 54 I

736, 221. 18 28, 961. 77

NATloNAl. INOI'STRIAL Rscovsnv, Jus-

tice, prisons . . 1933-35 «645 500 00

&&& l)chit. I&;&I:&»& c. :: I(et&&ri&c&i f&oi» siin« ii! jr& I i&»ilcr Trc&s&&ri Dip'i&rlnient Sce note 3fi. 8 ftt!»r»& rl ti& s;iii&i &i&&le& I ui &ler l&eliartmciil i&f Ju. tice, Nee note 35. &1 Tr;i&i (crrcrl tr& "N&&lili& rt ~ f !»&teil States l&ris&mcrs, I!1!&3". &wt June 30. 19!!2 (47 stat, 411) &il 'I'r, &»sf& rrr&l fr»ni " I « I&'r;il &:i&I, hull&lings, &ill&i i'ill&i)i»1P»1, act &%!ar. I, 1&333 (47 Stat. 138»). &i ]i&& !&&&I& s&2 I&A, trill. f1rrc&l fr»iii "I. 'n&tv&i NI;i&es Pcnit&'ntmry, Atlanta, ()a, , ln;1intcnsnce, 1934", act Mar. 20,

] ' i ' !: ! ( I '& N t ; i&

i. 'I r;iii-(i rri &I, ;i& I hliir I, I!&3! (17 Stat. )338), Io ac&aunts as follows: ( &. &ti il . 'tates In&lnstriiil ltc('»rniatory, I'liillicotlie, (&bio, &onstruct&on. $)0, 000

438, 545. 58 '423, 034. 62 206, 954. 44

United States Penitentiary, McNeil Island, Iyssh. , buildinrs and eiluinnic»t, I!Ri United States hospital for defective delinquents, construction Salaries and expenses of & lerks, United States Courts, I!i3! Salaries and expenses of district attorneys, United St;ites ('ourta I!&34

Enforcement of antitrust laws, 1934 . &' Transferred from 1933 and prior year account, act Mar. I, I!Js!I !47 Stat. I:)85). " Transferred to 1934 and prior year accounts. See note 42. «Allotment from "National Industrial Recovery" apfiroprmtion for coinplcte st&item»»I of

3:I(&, IHH&


. In, 0&'H &

:Ifi, (HH)

I&H), &HH&

15, 510 &Jl

If&'cctf&fs c()lrf clef&('nrltl&(res, I I [4 fol&$1)&&foil

[l)vl&jl tr&nsfor:&t&j&roj&rJ»t i&)ns (r»'IJ:i&irl rvlmyrm!nl) lo &Uq&n)p&sntion) in v)vv)) r&f vkpvn&li«rrvs are print(&l in ffaiic, 1&merg& ncy vspeniliti&rv) nre in&[i(s&&crl t&y nn»s«'rivi''I

I;nv)p& nrlc&l t&nl u&«s Junc 3U, IU!I!I I'. . Iiiurc, r I&J34 (see [ ilj A&»r&&inl v;irn& rl i&&. )ur[&lus

Inert ()i'&' f&. i) I:nv)pi n&lvrl I»l u» cs . I un&&, !30, I!&!It

Y&s(. 'ul

yv &r f»r &4 1»ct&

n 0 0 n & 0 I' I- &&I ioi& 4&v&.


A '&'n&lnl&l&',

J(C)mrVO fr&r

unin&iu&rlvrl vn('uncy sav- ings tave f&, H)

()n l&ooks ol ilw Tre&i)ury

'I'n vrc&lil of &tiktrur)ing


5 i&[&i'r&l&flail&&f&)

!V:&rr;u&ls-is)uerl ('l&vvks-i)sue&[ I Act. l&&nv 20, I& &s&v l&ss&) Isi I

I n & pr»& nil&' I

);&hiry;in&1 vnvnn('y suv


I(& )& I"& & for II&&lrr&t»&&I&!&I

n u&&) v&&

&f&i') (s«'! p. Hl


()i& t&ooks of ilic 't'r&, &)ui y

'I'r& r r vrltt. of

rl&)hiir)inv olh& r'I s

GENERAL ACCOVNTS ('oi&li&i»v&1

v&. 'HA& ANU &'uni&k& Ti&&VII. IKHIT&T»TI«VH t r&i&

ivlerh("&1 uf&rl hospilnl scrv&&'ti, f&einil 0&-

stitut&on). . KIe!h&'»[ un&[ hosJ&lh&l )ef'v&('o, Ju'. »» I lii-

stitutions (transfer to Treasury [Jo- [&urtff«!nl, , 1'ublic I I&'ulth Sorvicej:

A& I, Sfnrch I 1&J'4!I

A& t July I 1932 I r) I I

I O'J:I $3, 276. 35 $[, 8IG&. 8»' $40, 828. 11

u $32, 722. 00

v& . !39!3, 278. OU i $&372, 537. 68 88, 889. 84

$345, 290. 11

17, 158. 17 $6, 125&. I'J $5&, 707. 21

$32, 722. OO

20, i[0. 32 17 !&. &0 75

$27, st 7. 5&i

:348, HG7. 74 3(i2, 448. 2H

Uniivrl Hl;&Les hospital (or rlcf&n tive r I v 1 In r I uv n t) .

('r&nktru& lie&i No yeur

M:&Jut(&nun& e 1934 IN:/

Wl u I I I I &. ' I I u I & ( P, . I!Kit


Nnl, iona[ 'I'r:iininp School f»r [toys, Wast&ingl&&n, JA ('„

J I u i lr I i n g) No year ('onstruct, ion No year

[40 JOH H(&

t)5, [0:3. 44 ~

13, !3&J2. 37

54, 939. OU

20, 82. i. 3G 18, 063. 00

5&, 34&i. 4t

56, jHH. 32

631. 51

16, 274. 66

&& its&, UUU. Of)

3[i G&UO UU

2 I H, (K)0. (g)

232, 203. 74 227, 042. 51


4U, 2[fl 48 !

ltrJ, 386. 71

92, 870. 22

5, 000. 00 3, 931. 08

187, 978. 40

8, 8[8. 4(J

184, 576. 94

13, Ofrs 20

238, 197. sfl I

28b, 266. 93

ti(. 00

4, 138 00 J4(). 59

Il, 65&H. UU

3 Jr&l 00

814. IK)

3, 755. 00 [H, tlfi:3. (K)

RI, 241. 12

ION '&f&7. 12

Gt, r4(i. 37

1:I, 392. 37 49, U. IU. 00

I!J, fins, GO

li), HH(). 82

10, G&l i. Ui

5&, 5'J4 17

!. 3, G&II I . :&H

I, (iUU. 43

3, 40l. 4ti

JHG& (iss& 94 JOH, G&3'J. 14

':itionul 'I'ruininp School f»r Jjoy), W;&shjngton, D. (. '. 'I ATIOHAI. JHI&usTI&IAI. Jil'. cnvgl&Y, Jus. tice, National Training 'lchool for



10, '33-, '35&

'roh:&tion system, United States courts 1934 1933 1932 1931

('erttherj claims

14, 727. 26

41, 920, (i2

728. 40 2, 192. GO 22, 7&J l. 7(l

401. 77

«140, Oj 2. I)t)

4 N G&43 00

45. ()0

HO, 000. 00

383, G!30. 40


7I0. 18 17. 48 4f&. 00

'73, G62. 35

363, UU(i. 08

11& 021. 63 808. 88

17. 4&8

46. 00

$14, 727. 2fi

1, 438. 56 17. IU

13, 88 &. 00 6, f)74. 4(i

60, 012. OU

:I, :3[3. UO, 37, 71I. (iU

2, 381. fill ' 46, 5&UH. 11

6, 4, '37. Iis&

19, 724. 32 319. [2

iu[&port of Unite&1 States prisoners . IIK)4

tN!3 1932 193( I\KM)

'UO. :36

4, 728. 3H

209, 178 I31

22, [72. 08

I, 548. 2I

o 'J, 852, 275. 00 &4 428, 250. 00

'4 u. 7G

371, 'loll. 77

1, (IGI, 410. Ii2

321, t)G&9. 49 4, OO4. 06 I, 804. 08

G. G&O

374, 646 H(i

1, 386, 060. 97 G&28, 702. 99 26, 2es )4

I, 804. 08 1, , &r&3. 71

6:34. 32 1, 304. Us

4. 25

1[, 701. OU

9, GU7. 21

14, UHG&. (k)

J, OI4. 99 I, IOG, 078. 48

tKI, 40H. 67 274, 749. 55

2, 435. l 1

1929 1924

Certified claims

219. 44 973. 58

I, 348. 87

219. 44 978. 58

I, 348. 87

218. 44 978. 58

I, 34S. 87

Support of prisoners, United States Courts . . Certified claims

Working fund, Department of Justice, public works . . No year

834. 30

1, 988, 711. 43

834. 30

976, 67[ . 68

I, 944, 426. 67

834. 30

iPSI, 6[6. 08 273, 571. 52 8, 043. 50

Total General Accounts, Penal and Correctional Institutions.


4& 546 739 22 144 7S3 96 1& 084 998 43 10, 664, 855. 07 8, 507, 790. 80 8, 928, 260. 71 920, 061. 827 249, 067. 06 264, 598. 61 6, 404, 259. 9(i 604, M2. M


Commissary funds, Federal prisons Ko year Unclaimed moneys of individuals whose

whereabouts are unknown (Justice) . No year Unclaimed funds of Fef [eral prisoners No year Funds of Federal prisoners No year Special deposit account

13, 087. 11

fnj 281. 29

126, 523. 28

22, 109. 25

31, 624. 85 21, 632. 83

241, 539. 72

771. 03 447, 426. 31

199, 469. 57

481, 930. 43

209, 296. 51

474, 190. 00 3, 079. 39

55, 157. 26

I, OM. 32 92, 019. 10

12, 282. 31

39, 3GG. 28 18, 553, 44

Total, trust accounts, penal and Correctional Institutions 139, 891. 68 75, 366. 93 689, 737. 06 681, 400. 00 686, 505. 90 ' 148, 228. 74 70, 201. 03



Federal Industrial Institution for Women, contributions for chapel . No year

Total, Penal and Correctional In- stitutions

Total, Department of Justice.

937. 27

4, 687, 568. 17 144, 783. 96

7, 542, 121. 82 907, 575. 60

1 160 305. 36 ~

2, 275, 943. 60

11, 344, 592. 13

44, 880, 406. 56

9, 189, 190. 80

31, 667, 458. 66

9, 614, 832. 61 920, 001. 82

32, 027, 777. 91 2, 051, 911. 03

249, 667. 00 204, 598. 61

I, 298, 387, OG I, 422, 478, 85

937. 27

5, 553& 425. 97

16, 889, 808. 38

0 734, 723. 65

d I, 0[5& (i24, 41

M Sun»n»ry f»r Department of Justice, in-

clud&ng Ju l» &al.

(ieneral accounts Special dc pe»L ace»un! 9

(3»&ergo»&'y (N. I. IL. )


7, 391, 247. 79

7, 391, 247. 79

907, 575. 60 2, 014, 852 92 » 170, BS6. 24

907& 575. 60 2, 185, 739. 16

43, 403, 289. 31

785, 512. 00

44, 188, 801. 31

30, 739, 851. 19

244, 974. 04

31, 260, 959. 69 57, 242. 99

s214, 981. 95

2& 051, 91[. 03

30, 984, 825. 23 31, 533, 184. 03 2, 051, 911. 03

I& 298 387 00 I 422& 47t! ~ M5

I, 298, 387. 06 I, 422, 478. 85

Ifi, JMO, (84 57

540, 537, 00

10, &30, f)22 5(3

I, 4&J, '3 744. IZ

I I 3, 0&43. 25 '&&J 9&»' &X&

I, 037, ;37!& 7G

Tfus!. RCL'»nuts

Tn&. t ac& ounts (spvcml deposit ac- & »un&si

( o»Lf&b» ical a«''»un(s


T»f &I, I»'p&&rin»'nt of . J» ~ f&«''

I [9, 930. 76

937. 27

150, 874. 03

7, 5&4'J, [2[. M2

53, 734. 10

&' 36, 470. 40

90, 204. 50

907, 575. 60 2, 275, 943. 06

69[, 005. 25

691, 605. 25

44, 880, 406. 60

682, 033. 43

082, 633. 43

31, 667, 458. G6

684, 7[9. 94

[00, [96. 66

494, 593. 28

32, 027, 777. 91 2, 051, 91L 03 I, 298, 387. 06 I, 422, 478. 85

I, !M OOM. 5&M&

&J37. 27

[, &J 94, )

I (I, MMO, Mf)M:[M

'I, 0i7. (&0

"'fi, (&97. &I&i

Zis, "[ i. (3(&

I, !&[5&, (isi, I I

» I(v& sl:&i&h. h& I fr&»» s»ri&l»s f»f&&l. Act [&I;&r. 5, isi;& ([M Sia!. 4[M, sec. 53. «All»ff&»»L»&&&de fro»& "V;&L&»»»l (n&lustri;&I Recovery» ap[&ropriation for complete statetuent of

E«!»Miv&, »( si!&Osis fr;&»sfvrrvd [o s:»ne ol&ject under '3're»surf Depart&ncn[. see note 46. « 'I'r;»&. f& rrv I fr»»& ", »»v&»l 3« f »»0&r Dvp&&rtn&vnf »f Jusiicc. Mvv note 45.

I &'»» f&'f& &" I ffcl»& I' &' lf'f &l j, &ils, I»»ldings, a&»i « I»iPmvn&. ", avt Mar. I, 1933 (47 Stat. 13863. «Add&L&o» &I v&[w»d&f»rvs &«'rv &n»&le for this sf l&ool »ndvr District of ('. olumbia, I&. 355.

I:&& I». &«o( 4":3. . ", &r»&s(em 0, &ci, GI &r. 20, [033 (4M Sist. 13), to accounts as folh&ws: 4;&I &r«s, &f»! «I & &»& s, I &ivis&»n o( Investig, &t&on, I&J34.

&I &r ~, M»i&rv»» &'o»rf. [R[l

which see p. 428.

$228. 000 7, 726

» Transferred, act June 30, 1932 (47 S(at. 4[ 1j fron& a&counts as follows Ilnited States pemtcnfiary, Athnta, (la. , &noinLenanvc, l&JEI Un&ted StaLes penitenLi;&ry, l. e;&veuwortl&, Kans. , »»&inlenance, l&&30 I;nited States peniteu(i:&r&, 31& Neil isl;&nd, W»si&, »»»»I&'n»&&'v, [03!I Federal in&lustnal i»sf, iLuliou (»r wo&»en, El&I& rson, W 9», &»:&i»fonar»o, [&JR[ United States ind»sfri:&I ref»r&natory, (ih&lli&o[hc, (&I&»», »:&infvnanve, I!&LS

» Avvount stated un&[or J»di&&i;&ry, I&. 22(i. » ('. BLss[fied as "('outrit»&le&I fundv» und&r the I'erma»enL Approi&riaii»» i(vpeal Aft »f J»»& '&fj, » Exclusive of $[4 [93&. , 57»ndvr accounts st &tod as "Trust fun&La" (u[[»&& inc. 4& Includes $[4, 3 3IL &i referred to in note 53.


$&'J. s&, If&f)

I!&7, . Ifs& '-". ), (XX&

Jf&, Of&f&

I I, Ii)&&

Receipts and expenditures, 198!q — Continued

[Debit transfer appropriations (net) and repaylnents to appropriations in excess of expenditures sre printed in italic. Emergency expenditures are indicated by an asterisk']

Unexpended balances June 30, 1933 Expenditures in 1934 (see p 6) Amount carried to surplus fund (see p. 7)

Unexpended balance. June 30, 1934

Fiscal year for which

appropri- ation was

made Available

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)

On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing


Appropriations Ayarrsnts-issued

basis Cheeks-issued

basis Act June 20,


Impounded salary and

vacancy sav- ings

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ines (see p. 8)


On books of the Treasury

To credit o( disbursing





Salaries, Oifice of Secretary of Labor 1934 1933 1932

$1, 907, 09

3, 560. 70 $1, 603. 06 $7, 649. 48

l $206, 808. 44 $188, 396. 02 7, Sse. IS

f185, 894. 83 113. 33

$3, 560. 70

$9, 033. 00 6, 169. 17

$8, 251. 43

3, 650. 86 $1, 127. 99

1, 226. 27

$2, 501. 19

Contingent expenses, Department of Labor 1934

1933 1932

18, 244. 65 5, 436. 35

2, 308. 67 8. 68

l 87, 762. 60

180, 859. 87

66, 533. 29

I, 115. 34 66. 71

186, 008. 16

62, 172. 71 3, 414, 56

62. 30 5, 379. 64

21, 229. 21 17, 129. 31


4, 360. 58 tn 9. 45 3: 09

67, 705. 34 65, 649. SZ

Printing and binding, Department of Labor 1934

1933 1932

77, 694. 00 613. 03

' 582. 77

l 224, 854. 17 164, 582. 26 60, 528. 90

114, 730. 51 43, 497. 91

613. 03

60, 271. 91 17, 165. 10

49, 851. 75 16, 448. 22

225, 111. 'I6 158, 228. 42

Salaries snd expenses, commissioners of conciliation 1934

1933 1932

6, 735. 55

13, 270. 12 18, 302. 70

503. 10

180, 000. 00 173, 753. 87

9, 038. 87 381. II

165, 476. 81 Sr 283. 18

181. 99 13, 591. 23

6, 141. 00 837. 64

105. 13 13, 931. 78

8, 278. 06 985. 65


1641 398. 89 173, 940. 98

Payment to officers snd employees of the United States in foreign countries due to appreciation of foreign currencies (Labor) 1934-35

QATIoNdL INDUsTRIAL REcovERY, Labor, Secretary's office 1933-85

Total, Office of the Secretary


126, 461. 49 I, 603. 06 28, 189. 86

I 39, 000. 00

' 26, 000. 00

764, 426. 11

9, 980. 36

648, 055. 61

'9, 360. 40

593, 187. 63 23, 144. 60 22, 180. 81 11, 902. 29

39, 000. 00

16, 019. 66

187, 206. 35

619. 95

83, 057. 94

Salaries snd expenses 1934 1933 1932

1931-32 1931

8, 405. 27 117. 29

34, 180. 08

3, 322 39 5, 136. 81 2. 89 2. 95

I 429, 360. 90 406, 264. 28 2, 890. 28

57. 62 S. 46 s. 68

888, 824. 21 7, 996. 49

14. 91 59. 67 8. 40 34, 174. 63 s. 68 3. 68

18, 586. 00 4, 650. 66

4, 783. 00 2, 516. 16

776, 72 1, 67L 67

16, 940. 07 31. 60 45. 60

408, 213. OS 396, 339. 33

Ndv&ONdz INDUsTRIdz Rxcovxnv, Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics ress-ss

Total, Bureau of Labor Statistics 3, 322. 39 5, 142. 65

&& 1O, OOO. OO

417, 567. 02

cs, 693. 58

400, 032. 91 23& 186' 65 7, 298. 16

5, 659. 49


[By see. 14 of Executive Order No. 6166, June 10, 1933, the Bureau of Immigra- tion and the Bureau of Naturalization were consolidated into the Bureau of Immigration and Naturalization, ef-

fective Aug. 10, 1933]

Salaries and expenses, Immigration and Naturalization Service 1934

Salaries and expenses, Bureau of Immi- gration 1934

1933 1932


695, 516. 56

72, 966. 16 55, 861. 85

8, 776. 47 280, 901. 05 2, 151. 90

I 8, 744, 140. 00

' 1, 217, 000. 00

6, 312, 919. 83

935, 298. 75

265, 974. 15

5, 155. 25 116. 70

1, 206, 544. 85

6, 204, 873. 07

867, 195. 51 542& 391. 29

6, 946. 82 67, 800. 91 116. 70 55, 735. 16

1, 416, 650. 32

347, 247. 00

234, 533. 29

S66, 245. 00

70, 110. 45

1, 217, 72S. 17

281, 701. 25 133, 676. 14

18, 04G. 76

68, 103. 24 4, 483. 91

360. 33

Salaries and expenses, Bureau of Natu- ralization 1934

1933 1932

11, 224. 46

76, 773. 79 14, 705. 2'& 35, 925. 26

58. 70

&I 325, 000. 00 84, 994. 75

7, 188. 84 317. 14

78, 188. 65

84, 994. 75

28, 802. 02 375. 84 76, 456, 65

114, 172. 61

15, 314. 41 14, 705. 22 240, 005. 25

3, 033. 29

Salaries, Bureau of Naturalization 1934 1933 1932

Expenses of regulating immigration 1931 1930 1918

('ertifled claims 1, 047. 98

8. 00 86. 68

166. 00 1, 047. 98

876. 65

986. 62 66. 68 e. 80

1, 088. 80

84. 66 166. 00

1, 047. 98

876. 65

2. 00 34. 3S

135. 00

983. 52 36. 38 8. 90


(Zf 0

Immigrant stations 1934 1933 1932

11, 600. 02

9, 049. 60 13, 377. 52

2, 948. 82

50, 000. 00 49, 999. 76 10, 388. 82 4, 100. 61

46, 109. 53

21, 416. 70 7, 049. 43 4, 948. 99

. 24

1, 211. 20 3, 890. 23

2, 349. G-i

64, 489. 19 74, 575. 66

i includes $24, 864! rnnsferred from "Salaries, Department of Justice, 1934", aud excludes $3, 055. 56 transferred to "Salaries and expenses, Dii icion of Disbursements, 1934" (Treasury), under Executive Orders 6166 and G224, dated June 10 and July 27, 1!)X&, rcsper tively.

I Exclusive of $v&2 50 tr;&nsfvrred to "Salaries nnd expenses, Division of Disbursement, 1934" (Treasury), under Fxevu(ivv Orrlers 6)G() nnrl r&zzt, dnted June 10 and July 27, )!)33, resper'tively, and includes $32, 825 transferred, acts Junc, '(0, 1932 (47 Stn!. . 4) )), 5! nr. ), )933 (47 Stat. 1409), niid Fxvvu!ive Order 6166, dated June 10, 1931, from accounts as follows:

Sir)aries ami es pensee, lmmivrnti&m and &Naturalization Service, 1934. $32, 500 Boo);s, I')vpnr!)iicnt nf, )uctivc, )!134 160 Snlnrics, l)vpnrtmvnt of. )ustice, )934 24, 864

& i: . vlusivv of . ')SS». (. ( (rnnsferrvd (o "Salaries nnd expenses, Division of Disbursement, 1934" (Treasury), under Fxc&ni! &i v & ir&!vrc i)!vio no&i (i224, rivi(e&l June )0 an(1 July 27, 1933, respectively.

' i ) v) i( )i, &l in& v. & 'i'r;in&k rrv&) frr&m:icrr&unt un&ter sauie title, p. 128 act Mar. 24, 1933 (48 Stat. 466).

&& Allotted from "National ludustrial Recovery" npproprintion, for complr(c ctntvmvn! &i! n ii)&)i sr& 1&. 428. i Includes $15360 transferred from "Salaries and expenses, Immigration nnd Natura)1m(ivn, vri ivv, )03! ", n& t 5!nr.

20, 1933 (48 Stat. 13). & Includes $8, 792, 000 transferred under Executive Order 616G of June 10, 1933, from the fo)lowing 1934 ncconn(s:

Salaries nnd expenses, Bureau of Immigration $8, 227, 000 Salaries and expenses, Bureau of Naturalization 56, ', ()()0

and excludes $47, 860 transferred acts June 30, 1932 (47 Stat. 411), and Mar. 20, 1933 (48 Stat. 13), !. o the following 1934 accounts:

Contingent expenses, Department, of Labor $32, 5&00 Salaries and expenses, Bureau of Labor Statistics . i 5, JGG

&& Exclusive of $8, 227, 000 transferred under Executive Order G166 of Juue 10, 1933, to "Salnrivs nmi cxpensos, lu&ini- gration and Naturalization Service, 1934. "

n& Exclusive of $565, 000 transferred under Executive Order 6166, of June 10, 1933, to "Salaries nn(i ezpenses, lrnini- gration and Naturalization Service, 1934. "

Receipts arbd egpenditures, Jg84 — Continued

[Debit transfer appropriations (net) and repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures are printed in italic. Emergency expenditures are indicated by an asterisk "]

Unexpended balances June 30, 1933 Expenditures in 1934 (see p. )i) Amount carried to surplus

fund (see p. 7) Unexpended balances June 30, 1934

Fiscal year for which

appropri- ation was

made Available

Reserve for impounded

vacanoy sav- ings (see p. 8)

On books of the Treasury

To credit. of disbursing


Appropriations bgarrsnts-issued

basis Checks-issued

basis Act June 20,


Impounded salary and

vacancy sav- ings

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)


On books ofthe Treasury

To credit of disbursing





NATIoNAL INDUSTRIAL REcovERY, La- bor, Immigration

Refund of head tax Refund of f)ne to Rsfsel Subira Refund to-

Chin Fong Collector of customs, Los Angeles,

Calif Swedish-American Line

Relief of- Homer C. Chspin Joe Setton

1933-35 No year No year

No year

No year No year

No year No year

$64. 00 20. 00

35. 25

66. 00 30. 00

I $1, 422, 980. 00

500. 00 500. 00 500. 00 500. 00

$1, 358, 456. 47 *$1, 218, 786. 88 $64 523 53 64. 00 20. 00

35. 25

66. 00 30. 00

500. 00

$139, 669. 59


Extra compensation for overtime, I)n- ruigration Service. No year

Total general snd special accounts, Bureau of Immigration snd Naturalization


283. 96

933 471 65 $23I 481 69 $335, 363. 25

63, 746. 15

11, 824, 914. 13

03, 755. 79

9, 085, 731. 43

60, 707. 4'I

9, 180, 113 86 $205, 113 03 $597, 094. 70 $951, 060. 67

274. 32

1, 942, 867. 64


3, 048. 32 M

240, 980. 82

Return to deported aliens of passage

money collected from steamship com-

panies No year

Total, Bureau of Immigration snd


72, 041. 48

1, 005, 513. 13 23, 481. 69 335, 363. 25

6, 614. 56

11, 831I 528. 69

133. 00

9, 085, 884. 43

133. 00

9, 180, 246. 86 205, 113. 03 597, 094. 70 961, 060. 6?

78, 523. 04

2, 021, 390. 68 240, 980. 82


Salaries snd expenses 1934 1933 1932

Administrative expenses, welfare and

hygiene of maternity snd infancy No year

Total, Children's Bureau

2, 841. 54

14, 985. 03

3, 636. 74

21, 463. 31

1, 708. 00

1, 70tk 00

11, 777. 64 2. 44

11, 780. 08

344, 000. 00

344, 000. 00

323, 330. 15 6, 486. 68

82 81

317, 926. 58

- 817, 926. 58

318, 158. 73

5, ?99. 80 85. 25

324, 043. 78

324, 048. 78

14, 902. 22

14I 902. 22

15, 155. 00 4, 339. 36

19I 494. 36

976. 00 1, 708. 00

2, 684. 00

4, 538. 85 3, 988. 56

8, 686. 74

12, 164. 15

6, 171. 42 49L 46

6, 662. 88


Salaries and expenses 1934 1933 1932

Total, Women's Bureau

3, 033. 08 26, 925. 92

29, 969. 00

9, 308. 06 . 20

9, 308. 26

147, 000. OO

147, 000. 00

142, 275. 87 3, frrs. ?e

137, 322. 96

133, 382. 53 3, 491. 36

21. 04

136, 894. 93

26, 905. 08

4, 647. 18 3, 904. 46

8, 551. 59

77. 00 4, 102. 37

4, 102. 37

8, 893. 34 842. 95

9& 736. 29


lJnited States Employment Service, De- partment of Labor

-VATIGNAL INDUsTRIAL'REcovERY (La bor), United States Employment Service



I, 500, 000. 00

4 800, 000. 00

1, 029, 564. 43

785& 373. 10

909, 306. 08

4698, 172. 07

17, 069. 00 453, 366. 57

14, 626. 90

120, 268. 35

87, 201. 03

Total, United States Employ- ment Service 2, 300. 00 1, 814, 937. 53 1, 607, 478. 15 17, 069. 00 467, 993. 4? 207, 459. 38


Employment Service, Department of Labor 1934

1933 1932


155, 826. 83

3, 783. 93 79, 597. 92

29, 156. 35 11. 28

278. 21

734, 865. 00 83, 796. 21

6& J&77. IO

991. 79 857. 37

74, 143. 06 17, 697. 77

73. 40 2, 792. 14 20. 94 79, 855. 19

3, 590. 00 5, 687. 25

647, 478. 79 156, 616. 68

9, 653. 15 4, 981. 48

929. 67

Total, Employment Service 239, 208. 68 29, 445. 84 734. 865. 00 78, 053. 63 91, 935. 17 82, 647. 33 9, 277. 25 804, 095. 47 15, 564. 30


Salaries and expenses, Housing Corpo- ration, Department of Labor 1934

1933 283. 19 227. 64 8, 500. 00 8, 266. 17

f29. 7$

8, 136. 43

8, 263. 14 97. 90

8, 361. 04

220. 00 400. 55

13. 83 12. 38

3. 03

Salaries and expenses, U. S. Housing Cor- poration 1932

Operation of projects . Certified claims Judgments, United States courts No year Housing for war needs No year Special deposit accounts»

59. 14

104. 00 566, 909. 42

9, 032. 92

38. 75 38. 75 38. 75

8, 224. 90

59. 14

566, 909. 42 808. 02

Total United States Housing Cor- poration . 446. 33 576, 169. 98 8, 538. 75 8, 175. 18 16, 624. 69 59. 14 620. 55 130. 21 567, 720. 47


Claims for damages, act Dec. 28, 1922, Department of Labor No year

Judgine»ix, Uniterl States courts, De- parirne»I of Labor . . No year

Payment of juriements against collectors of customs ( I. abor) . . No year

Working fnnd, Department of Labor, Civil Works. . . . No year

InrieOinitc: Increase of compensation, Dci&art r»E»t of Labor 1918

Special riel&r&. it &i&ra&»nts

4 Allo&. te from "National Indu ii E&r flisivr of fllnds in deposit

207. 30 159. 95

2, 170. 99

24, 319. 25

40. 16


atrial Recovery" appropriation, for complete statement of which see p. 428. aries other than the Treasury of the United States.

89. 67

23, 064. 92


89. 67

23, 064. 92

277. 58

2, 211. 15&

I, 2&5& i. 33

6. ?o 6. 75

» Account stated under "Federal Civil Works Arlrninisiration, " p, i(19 » Stated under trust funds following.

Receipts and expenditures, 108$ — Continued

[Debit transfer appropriations (net) snd repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures are printed in italic. Emergency expenditures are indicated by an asterisk'i

Unexpended balances June 30, 1933 Expenditures in 1934 (see p. 6) Amount carried to surplus fund (see p. 7)

I& nexpended balances June 30, 1934

Fiscal year for which

appropri- ation was

made Available

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)

On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing


Appropriations Warrants-issued

basis Checks-issued

basis Act June 20,


Impounded salary and

vacancy sav- ings

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)


On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing



Special deposit accounts

Total general accounts, Labor, Miscellaneous $200. 11 $26, 697. 54 $23, 147. 84 $23, 147. 84 $6. 75 $3, 743. 06



Ross Goldman, cash bail exacted. No year Unclaimed funds of Jei Bei Ota, deceased

Japanese alien - No year Unclaimed moneys of individuals whose

whereabouts are unknown (Labor) No year

Special deposit accounts

Total trust accounts, Labor, Mis-


Total, Labor, Miscellaneous

Total, Department of Labor

2. 27

14, 772. 94

15, 275. 21

15, 475. 32

1, 481, 229. 90 $80, 115. 14

N $597, 296. 09

597, 296. 09

597, 296. 09

1, 592, 696. 01

2, 618. 13 I, 100. 00

2, 618. 13

29, 315. 67

1, 100. 00

24, 247. 84

16, 599, 033. 22 1Z, 532, 150. 78

1, 100. 00 477, 696. 64

476, 666. 64

466, 446. 70

11, 896, 998. 32

6. 75

387, 016. 13 $697& 474 91 $973& 022. 12

2. 27

16, 291, 07

16, 793. 34

20, 536. 40

3, 520, 714. 82



$1& 074, 989. 63


1, 074, 989. 63

1, 074, 989. 63

2, 227, 848. 47

Summary of Department of Labor: General snd special accounts Special accounts (special deposit


Emergency (N. I. R. )

1, 393, 913. 21

1, 393, 913. 21

30, 115. 14

30, 115. 14

995, 399. 92

995, 399. 92 14, 330, 820. 53

2, 258, 980. 00 10, 367, 754. 79

2, 163, 162. 99 10, 443, 445. 93 ' 1, 930, 012. 93

14, 330, 820. 53 10, 367, 754. 79 10, 443, 445. 93 387, 016. 13

387, 016. 13

697, 474. 91 973, 022. 12

697, 474. 91 973, 022. 12

3, 329, 580. 93

3, 329, 580. 93 95, 817. 01

fxI fn

919, 708. 78

cn oo

919, 708. 78 233, 150. 06

Trust accounts

Total, Department of Labor


1, 393, 913. 21

87, 316. 69

1, 481, 229. 90

30, 115. 14

30, DA14 I

995, 399. 92 u 597, 296. 09

1, 592, 696. 01

16, 589, 800. 53

9, 232. 69

16, 599, 033. 22

1Z, 530, 917. 78

1, 233. 00

12, 532, 150. 78

12 373 458 86

476, 460. 64

11, 896, 998 32 387, 016. 13 697, 474. 91 978, 022. 12

3, 425, 397. 94 95, 316. 38

3, 520, 714. 32

I 152, 858. 84 1, 074, 989, 53

2, 227, 848, 47



laiaries: Office of Secretary of the Navy . 1934

1933 1932

14, 921. 51 11, 393. 08

9, 241. 52 410. 70

I 176, 696. 69 146, 218. 80 4IO. 76

145, 808. 10

145, 483. 80

145, 483. 80

11, 39IL 08

7, 756. 00 2, 163. 64

7, 881. 00 9, 241. 52

14, 846. 89 13, 168. 67

General Board, Navy Departme»t 1984 1988 1932

118. 92 320. 20

127. 25 11, 513. Oe lo, res 88

rsr. 86

10, 685. 12

10, 759. 38

10, 759. 38

320. 20

720. 00 141. 31

, r& )

38. OO

104. 87

Naval examining and retiring boards 1934 1933 1932

53. 45 . 04

155. 73 9, 717. 00 9, 161. 29

166. 78

9, 005. 56

9, 056. 29

9, 056. 29

472. 00 119. 02

83. 71 90. 16

105. 00

Compensation Board, Navy Depart- ment 1934

1933 3L 52 136. 11 7, 975. 00 7, 082. 18

166. ff 6, 995. 18 378. 00

97. 13 426. 00 88. 82

77'. 50 87. 00

Office of naval records snd library 1934 1933 1932

439. 02 890. 79

877. 66 49. 88 35, 970. 00

6, 946. 07

29, 423. 43 35. 61

6, 995. 18

29, 379. 43 85. 49

890. 79

1, 543. 00 402. 92 877. 66

5, 003. 57

. 49

29, 459. 04 29, 464. 92

Oflice of Judge Advocate Qeneral, United States Navy 1934

1933 1932

1, 161. 06 10. 93

3, 130. 44 378. 39 117, 087. 00 100, 673. 84

628 eg 100, 331. 09

55. 57 10. 93

5, 280. 00

1, 464. 39

64. 00

3, 130. 44 11, 069. 16

19. 49 342. 75

Office of Chief of Naval Operations 1934 1933 1932

1, 143. 83 732. 61

565. 00 57. 37 69, 423. 00

100, 351. 02

59, 633. 49 67. 67

59& 576. 12

100, 386. 66

59, 482. 99

59& 482. 99

732. 51

3, 143. 00 837. 42 .

181. 00 555. 00

6, 465. 51 150. 50 363. 78

Board of inspection snd survey, Navy Department 1934

1933 1932

1, 854. 07

2, 240. 08 150. 00 202. 64

17& 454. 00 14, 944. 36 206. 64

14, 937. 36

2, 240. 08

786. 00 215. 52 150. 00

1, 724. 64 7. 00 1, 841. 19

14, 741. 72 14& 937. 36

Offfce of Director of Naval Commu- nications . 1934

1933 1932

4, 004. 94

4, 063. 63 2, 182. 00 51. 66

123, 272. 00 103, 657. 98 6f. 66

103, 606. 32

103, 599. 48

103, 599. 48

4, 063. 63

5, 476. 00 1, 541. 34

538. 00

2, 182. 00 13, 600. 02 2, 515. 26

Offlce of Naval Intelligence 1934 1933 1932

943. 94 370. 06

1, 245. 06 338. 34 36, 978. 00 31, 680. 00

eee. 6$

31, 341. 66

31, 504. 25

31, 504. 25

370. 06

1, 669. 00 455. 10

3, 629. 00 827. 18

176. 75

Bureau of Navigation. 1934 1933 1932

8, B65. 08 3, 320. 43

79 781. 34 284. 51 454, 745. 00 389, 585. 85

867. 66

'389, 384. 20

389, 163. 43 32. 86

389, 186. 29

3, 320. 43

20, 482. 00 5, 605. 52

2, 045. 00 7, 906. 34

42, 832. 15 3, 17B. 21

432. 42

& Ecluaive of 8703. 31 transferred to "Salaries snd expenses, Division of Disbursement, 1934" (Treasury), under Executive Orders No. 6166 and 6540 of June 10 snd Dec. 28, 1933.

» Stated under trust funds following. '& Heretofore stated under general and special funds. See note 13.

Receipts and exJIenditfbres, jf)SJI — Continued

(Debit transfer appropriations (net) and repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures are printed in italic. Emergency expenditures are indicated by an asterisk*]

Unexpended balances June 30, 1933 Expenditures in 1934 (see p. 6) Amount carried to surplus

fund (see p. 7) Unexpended balances June 30, 1934

Fiscal year for which

appropri. ation was

made Available

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)

On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing


Appropriations Warrants-issued

basis Checks-issued

basis Act June 20,


Impounded salary and

vacancy sav- ings

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)


On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing



sM, ARIEs, NAvv DEPARTbIENT — contlnued

Hydrographic Ofhce 1934 1933 1932

$4, 403. 84 2, 993. 54

$19, 029. 30 $378, 785. 00 $331, 124. 27

880. 8$ $331, 019. 77

$2, 993. 54

$17, 845. 00 4, 626. 06

$949. 00 19, 029. 80

$28, 866. 73 8. 02

$104. 50

330, 894. 03 331, 019. 77

N'aval Observatory . 1934 1933 1932

5, 228. 87 5, 717. 74

6, 189. 16 100. 75 169, 576. 00 145, 116. 07

18. 42 145, 007. 21

119. 17

5, 717. 74

7, 731. 00 2, 182. 49

871. 00 6, 189. 16

15, 857. 93 108. 86 3, 027. 96

Bureau of Engineering 1934 1933 1932

6, 137. 06 2, 656. 13

1& 200. 66 110. 09 302, 457. 00

145, 134. 49

260, 164. 52

110. 09

145, 126. 38

259, 971. 02

2, 656. 13

13, 738. 00

4, 002, 34 16, 536. 00

1, 200. 66 12, 018. 48

2, 244. 81 193. 50

260, 054. 43 259, 971. 02

Bureau of Construction and Repair 1934 1933 1932

9, 787. 12 2, 753. 61

2, 373. 66 136. 13 357, 874. 00 304, 039. 50

fss. Is 303, 957. 50

2, 753. 61

16, 042. 00 4, 566. 31

26, 499. 00 2, 373. 66

11, 293. 50 5, 356. 94

82. 00

303, 903. 37 303, 957. 50

Bureau of Ordnance 1934 1933 1932

1, 800. 71 .

337. 44, 854. 14 178. 09

151, 245. 00 129, 394. 66 178. 0&

129, 260. 66

337. 44

6, 794. 00 1, 974. 30

8, O99. OO

854. 14 6, 957. 34

4. 50 134. 00

129, 216. 57 129, 260. 66

Bureau of Supplies and Accounts . 1934 1933 1932

25, 721. 29 19, 307. 32

25, 782. 84 95. 84

I 767, 402. 50 657, 351. 91 50. 97

6M, 563. 06 44. 87

19, 307. 32

34, 826. 00 9, 701. 91

16, 658. 00 25& 782. 84

58, 566. 59 16, 070. 36

788. 85

Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 1934 1933 1932

1, 224. 74 .

1, 782. 29, 4, 271. 84 95. 55

75, 208. 00

657, 300. 94

66, 015. 06 95. 56

656, 607. 93

65, 776. 64

1, 782. 29

3, 880. 00 1, 139. 50

478. 00 4, 275. 84

4, 834. 94 176. 79

Bureau of Yards and Docks . 1934 1933 1932

2, 679. 58

65, 919. 51

246, 40(t 75 845. Ef

244, 656. 64

65, 776. 64

245, 223. 76

245, 223. 75

964. 54

12, 980, 00 3, 787. 38

22, 196. 00 2, 679; 58

758. 25 62. 91

177. 00

~ ~

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Receipts and espenditttres, 188$ — Continued

[Debit transfer appropriations (net) and repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures are printed in italic. Emergency expenditures are indicated by an asterisk']

Unexpended balances June 30, 1933 Expenditures in 1934 (see p. 6) Amount carried to surplus

fund (see p. 7) Unexpended balances June 30, 1934

Fiscal year for which

appropri- ation was

made Available

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)

On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing


Appropriations Warrants-issued

basis Checks-issued

basis Act June 20,


Impounded salary and

vacancy sav- ings

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)


On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing



QFFcE or THE SEORETaRY — continued

Miscellaneous expenses, Navy „„1934 Psy, miscellaneous „1933

1932 1931 1930 1926

Certified claims

$180, 720. 82 134, 828. 63

$13, 702. 04 $7, 841. 24

s $971, 346. 69

6 61. 82

20. 42

$807, 247 07

25, 660. 24

759. 69 8. 10

67. 61 33. 75 20. 42

$805, 498. 14

33, 401. 48 759. 69

8. 10 67. 61 ee. 75 20. 42

$134, 068. 94 8. 10

57. 61 23. 75

$24& 001. 00

9, 966. 65

$6, 187. 00

13, 990. 01

$133, 911. 62

144, 967. 78

$1, 748. 93

26, 250. 89 34, 092. 13

Operation and conservation of naval petroleum reserves 1934

1933 1932

18, 277. 51 60, 867. 50

1, 329. 99

i 28, 232. 00 8 432. 83

16, 435. 66 308. 87

16, 435. 66 308. 87

60, 867. 50

2, 080. 00 235. 71 1, 329. 99

9, 716. 34 18, 165. 76

Operation snd conservation of naval pe- troleum reserves (trsasfers to Depart- meat of the Interior, Geologicsl Sur- vey):

Act Feb. 17, 1933 Act Apr. 22, 1932.

1934 1933 294. 73 917. 20

s 37, 582. 00 u 43A 83

16, 744. 63

31, 839. 41 476 13

31, 364. 29

16, 744. 53

34, 104. 20 442. 08

34, 546. 28

337. 02 5, 742. 59


n 2, 284. 79

tstifying cessions of certain Samoan Islands No year

tate marine schools, sct Msr. 4, 1911 1934 1933

4, 324. 48

22, 848. 67

210, 400. 00 101, 264. 04 586. 76

101, 800. 80

101, 264. 04 586. 76

101, 800, 80

4, 324. 48

1, 365. 53 109, 135. 96 20, 946. 38

Java) research laboratory 1934 1933 1932

Jere of lepers, etc. , Island of Guam 1934 1933 1982

01sfms for damages by collision with naval vessels Nc year

2, 588. 70

7, 138. 45

1, 314. 08 94. 12

482. 61

2I 652. 66 199, 3$1. 00

35, 000. 00 808. 67

16, 126. 33

180, 954. 40

180, 954. 40

27, 842. 35 1, 841. 74.

29, 184. 09

180, 964. 40

180, 954. 40

27, 842. 35 1, 341. 74

29, 184. 09

7, 138. 45

94. 12

11, 280. 09 2, 140. 14

1, 225. 00 781, 01

6, 666. 00 2, 5%. 55

833. 00 644. 44

5, 099. 65

lg 608. 94

sturczan ncccvIFTs

United States naval prison activities fund No year

Total, Office of Secretary

4, 909. 11

455, 539. 19 18, 129. 02 8, 758. 44 4& 362, 958. 93

I, 651. 91

2, 292, 103. 79

1, 651. 91

2, 301, 378. 09 218, 316. 73 53, 412. 06 32, 102. 99

3& 257. 20

2, 240, 691. 67 lr Gffz86


GEIGEBItE ltCCOUgfTS Bvsssv ov IravIosTI014

1934 1933 1932

I, 918. 73 2, 697. 82

7, 500, 00 3, 776. 98 812. 41

6'. 89

3, 776. 98 812. 41

6. 69 2, 703. 51

3, 723. 02 I& 106. 32

4, 583. 70 4, 583. 70

nstrumentz snd supplies 1934 1933 1932 1931

79, 453. 10 47, 698. 29

312. 06

1, 222. 24 466, 594. 00 388, 653. 73

25, 288. 21 15, 276. 11

429, 218. 05

388, 653. 73 25, 288. 21 15, 276. 11

429, 218. 05

32, 420. 59 . 10

5, 152. 00 2, 822. 03

1. 59 311. 96

1, 222. 24 72, 788. 27

61, 842. 86

Installation of memorial tablet to officers snd men who lost their lives in the sub- marine 8-4 . 1931-32

Organizing the Naval Reserve 1934 1933-34

1933 1932 1931 1929

Certified claims

302. 00

57, 000. 00 251, 278. 51 349, 023. 40

104. 22

240. 00

3, 289, 960. 00

96. 89

1, 774, 978. 18 1, 774, 978. 18

27, 788. 63 27, 788. 63 60. 83 60. 83 10. 60 10. 60 6. $8 6. 68

96. 89 96. 89

302. 00

348, 849. 62 15. 09 5. 28

91, 805. 00

56, 626. 32 112. 95 99. 63

4, 263. 00

240. 00

1, 418, 913. 82 57, 000. 00

166, 863. 56

Organizing the Naval Reserve Force Certified claims 4. 20

1, 802, 908. 75

4. 20

1, 802, 908. 75

4. 20

Ocean and lake surveys 1934 1933 1932

2, 938. 23

14, 240, 09

rr 70, 950. 00 63, 745. 46 683. 88

63, 745. 46 686. 88

14, 240. 09

1, 128. ou

783. 87 6, 076. 54 2, 738. 24

Transportation 1923 Certified claims

15. 85 379. 21

63, 161. 58

15. 85 379. 21

63, 161. 58

15. 85 379. 21

Training, education, and welfare, Navy 1934-35 1934

1933-34 17. 299. 07

20, 000. 00 1, 247, 857. 00

395. 06

755, 094. 36 8, 255. 86

763, 350. 22

395. 06

755, 094. 36 8, 255. 86

763, 350. 22

18, 092. 00 259. 43

1, 671. 00 20, 000. 00

472, 999. G4

8, 783. 78

Qunnery and engineering exercises» . 1933 1932

Certified claims

9, 658. !&

4, GG!&. &il

15. 00

4, 109. 87

15. 00

4, 109. 87

15. 00 4, G99. 61

89. 25 5, 459. 34

4, 124. 87 4, 124. 87

I Includes 342. GG appropria! Ioo or rcccip!s from "Dain by e&&1&an &

I slfi&ropria!e&l from receipts umler "&!am by evchancc " r Rxclu. , ive of 3!I7, 532 Lrar&slcrrc&I to same object un&ier &lcolo I& el Survey. See note 9. I ltct&rrnc&I frorr& s;&roc object under Neological survey. 8&sr n&&rr !0. 0 'I'for&cfcrrcrl froro same object on&lcr Navy Departure&&r. 8«' o&!e

Io Returned to same object under Navy Department. See note 8. » Debit balance. » Includes $8 000 transferred from "Contingent snd miscellaneous expenses, lly&lrr&graphic oil!& a, !9&4", a&i I&4 or 20, 1933 (48 Stat. 13) . "Provided for under "Training, education, and welfare, Navy", in the fiscal year i!r34.

Receipts and expenditures, 108$ — Continued

[Debit transfer appropriations (net) and repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures are printed in italic. Emergency expenditures are indicated by an asterisk']

Unexpended balances June 30, 1933 Expenditures in 1934 (see p. 6) Amount carried to surplus fund (see p. 7)

Fiscal year for which

appropri- ation was

made Available

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)

On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing


Appropriations Warrantsrissued

basis Checks-issued

basis Act June 20,


Impounded salary and

vacancy sav- ings

On books of the Treasury

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- in s (see p. 8)


To credit ot dishursin


Unexpended balances June 30, 1934



Naval training station: California» . 1933

1932 $10, 205. 41

828. 05 $1, 931. 58 $1, 931. 58

$828. 05 $794. 36 $7, 479. 47

1, 931. 58 1, 931. 58

Great Lakes ts . 1933 1932

3, 546. 12 89. 24

3. 60 89. 24

3, 426. 92 115. 60

3. 60 3. 60

Hampton Roads, Va. » 1933 1932

7, 963. 37 446. 67

1, 203. 28 1, 203. 28 445. 67

1I 484. 91 5, 275. 18

Rhode Island» . 1933 1932

2, 228. 28

1, 579. 14

1, 203. 28

967. 03

1, 203. 28

967. 03 1, 579. 14

819. 46 $5. 00 436. 79

967. 03 967. 03

Naval War College tt 1933 1932

5, 494. 33 3, 129. 20

2, 801. 39 2, 801. 39

3, 129. 20 1, 601. 17 1, D91. 77

Naval Reserve oflicers' Training corps ts 1933 1932

18, 511. 33 27, 637. 94

2, 801. 39

2, 104. 68

2, 801. 39

2, IOA ee 27, 637, 94

907. 56 19, 708. 39

jftecreation for enlisted men, Navy» 1933 1932

IPermanent and indednite: Naval Home, Philadelphia, Pa 1934

1933 1932

51, 856. 86

26, 028. 54

20, 603. 09 17, 310. 65

$3. 50

891. 00

I' $166, 048. 00

» 17, 310. 65

2, 104. 62

15, 066. 94

15, 066. 94

143, 890. 10 6, 582. 60

2, 104. 62

15, 066. 94

15, 066. 94

143, 890. 10 6, 582. 80

26, 028. 54

552. 43

4, 248. 00

2, 737. 40

3. 50

535. 00 891. 00

36, 237. 49

17, 374. 90 11, 283. 09


Navy Snes and forfeitures No year

Improving Naval Observatory circle No year

Total, Bureau of Navigation

497, 262. 65 75. DD

lp 533, 418. 46 2, 356. 74

» fsE 0%. 68

5, 120, 083. g4

150, 472. 70

24' 828. 95

sp 282, 917. 28

150, 472. 70

24, 828. 95

3f 282) g17 28

75. 00

463, 048, 67 193, 856. 24 8, 830, 74

340r 408 14

E 727 206. 21



Engineering 1934 1933 1932 1931 1929 1921

Certified claims

967, 857. 85 821, 327. 73

3& 540. 28

33, 537. 67 17, 945, 950. 00

&& 8$. 88

39, 190. 95

13, 65$& 929. 68 483, 770. 12 327, 902. 82

11. 40 3. $0

39, 190. 95

13, 653, 929. 68 483, 770. 12 327, 902. 82

11. 40 3. SS

$9, 190. 95

480, 507. 47 442. 48 11. 40 3. 20

300, 427, 00 170, 453. 83 13, 001. 32 3, 097. 80

157, 552, 00 36, 933. 62

3, 834, 041. 32 810, 237. 95

gng[neering (transfers to Department of Commerce, Bureau of Standards), act Feb, 23, 1931 1932


Navy, Engineering 1933-35

Total, Bureau of Engineering

83. 88

1, 792, 809. 74 33, 537. 67

» ee. 88

& 712, 500. 00

[8, 697, 640. 95

14, 504, 778. 97

14, 700. 29

14, 519, 479. 26

14 504 778 97

«14, 700. 29

14, 519, 479. 26 480, 964. 55 486, 979. 95 194, 485, 62

697, 799. 71

4, 842, 078. 98


Construction snd repair = 1934 1933 1932 1931

Certified claims

1, 28?, 039. 09 1, 066, 559. 65

2, 728. 52

54, 531. 01 15, 434, 800. 00

» 212. 52

56. 14

12& 158, 760. 74 173, 339. 99 163& 046. 87

s. 78 56. 14

12, 158, 760. 74

173, 339. 99 163, 046. 87

s. re 56. 14

891, 998. 90 101. 39

317, 600. 00 186, 127. 15 11, 726. 40

2, 636. 91

222, 000. 00 57, 669. 98

2, 786, 439. 26 924, 432. 98

12, 495, 193. 96 12, 495, 193. 96

Construction and repair (transfers to De- partment of Commerce, Bureau of Standards), act Feb. 23, 1931

Construction and repair (transfers to War Department, act Msy 21, 1920)



208. 81

3. 71

I& 308. e[

Ir& S. '?1

Total, Bureau of Construction and Repair 2, 356, 539. 78 54 531 01 15, 434, 856. 14 12, 495, 193. 96 12, 495, 193. 96 892, 100. 29 518, 090. 46 279, 669. 98 3, 660& 872. 24


Armor plant, Navy. . . No year Ordnance and ordnance stores 1934

1933 1932 1931

Certified claims

236. 46

3, 429, 467. 71 959, 6?4. 96

2, 546. 41

30, 268. 25 10, 849, 750. 00

u 815. 05

6, 408, 928. 60 1, 827, 089. 65

740, 809. 58

200. 00 200. 00

8, 977, 027. 83

6, 408, 928. 60 1, 827, 089. 65

740, 809. 58

8, 977, 02'1. 8$

208, 386. 51

213, 668. 00 99, 33'1. 76 11, 293. 92

2, 546. 41

19, 890. 00 30, 351. 97

236. 46 4, 207, 263. 40 1, 502, 956. 58

Ordnance an&i ordnance stores (transfers,

sct May 21, 1920): To Department of Commerce, Bu-

reau of Standards . . . . 1932

To War Department. 1932


Navy, Ordnance. . . . 1933-35

139. 97 12, 995. 22

'I 74. 15 » 740. Ss

' 330, 225. 00, & Allot&r rt from "National Industrial Recovery" sppropriatiou, for complete statement of which see p. 428.

ll prov&(i(r(i [(ir under "Trading, education, snd welfare, Navv", in the fiscal year 1934. l& Trane[crrerl from "Navy pension fund, interest", act Mar. 3, [933 (4? Stat. [526), » [&c& orner[ to «Navv pcnsioli fund, interest", sct Feb. 28, 193[ (46 Sitat. [436). l&r 'f t&js a&(or&at w ls & re&i[ter! with $267 974 44 from miscellaneous receipts during the fiscal vear 1934 and charged

with $40000&[ &r lns[errc&l tc "Naval Hospital fund", acts June 7, [900 (3[ St&rt. 6&97), Msr. 3, 1909 (35 Stat. 756). rll&eturn&i&i from Same object under Department of Commerce. See no&, e [8.

65. 82 804. 37 11, 449. 95

211, 345. 33

11, 449. 95

*2[1, 345. 33 118, 879, 6'1

"Returned to Same object under Navy Department. See nots 17. "Includes 6208. S[ snd $3. 71 returned from same object, under the Department of Commerce and Wsr [[ „„tn„, See note 20. » Returned to same object under the Navy Department. See note 19. a includes $74 15 and S?4090 roturned from samo object under the DePartment of Commerce no(i Wlu ]ictlru tnlcllt See note 22. » Returned to same object under the Navy Department, See note 21.

Recetpfs and expertdifttres& I98~1 — Continued

[Debit transfer appropriations (net) and repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures are printed in italic. Emergency expenditures are indicated by an asterisk*]

Unexpended balances June 30, 1933 Expenditures in 1934 (see p. 6) Amount carried to surplus

fund (see p. 7) Unexpended balances June 30 1934

Fiscal year for which

appropn- ation was

made A. vailable

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)

On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing


Appropriations 1Varrants-issued

basis Checks-issued

basis Aet June 20,


impounded salary and

vacancy sav- ings

Reserve for impounded

vacancy ssv ings (see p. 8)

As suable

On books of the Treasury

To credit of dishursi n


GEE(ERAL ACCOU3(TS — Continued

BUBEhU oF CEDNANGE — continued

Projectile plant, Navy No year Torpedoes and appliances No year

Total, Bureau of Ordnance


Evaouation of high explosives, Navy 1933-34 1933

1932-34 1932-33 1931-32

$6, 147. 09- 216, 705. 79

4, 627, 913. 61 $30, 268. 25

57, 261. 85

44, 348. 14 3. 22

$11, 180, 175. 00

» 56, 444. 62 » 66& 444. 69 » 44, 348. 14 » 44, 348. 14

$76, 916. 47

9, 276, 739. 58

20, 000. 00 526. 39

20, 526, 39

$76, 916. 47

9, 276, 739. 58

20, 000. 00 526. 39

20, 526. 39

$208, 386. 51

3. 22

$3, 050. 48

330, 766. 76 $50, 241. 97

548. 00 290. 84

$6, 147. 09 136, 738. 84

5, 972, 222. 04

35, 896. 62

44, 348. 14

Fuel and transportation 1934 1933 1932

1, 416, 374. 53

2, 142, 195. 64

6, 459, 575. 00 4, 940, 521. 17 126, 895. 91

9. 90

5, 067, 407. 88

4, 940, 521. 17 126, 895. 91

9. 90

5, 067, 407. 88

2, 142, 205. 06

10, 641. 00 5, 589. 40

27 . 22

I, 508, 412. 83 I, 283, 889. 22

Maintenance 1934 1933 1932 1931 1930 1928 1926

Certified claims

645, 454. 94

207, 962. 72 104, 546. 22

» 8, 9'13, 342. 16

489. 73

6, 258, 754. 77 327, 917. 77

2, 064, 88 977, 00

1, 049, 63 31. 36 94. 89

489. 73

6, 587, 081. 90

6, 258, 754. 77 327, 917. 77

2, 064. 88 977. 00

1, 049. ee 31. 95 94. 39

489. 73

6, 587, 081. 90

205, 947. 91 978. 89

1, 042. 58 31. 35 94. 32

261, 099. 00 116, 961. 70

rr 60. 07 » 1. 89

186, 834. 00 106, 375. 80

2, 266, 654. 39 198, 745. 89


Navy, Supplies and Accounts . 1983-35 s 205, 662. 00 II7, 413. a3 117, 413. 93 88, 248. 07

ay, subsistence and transportation,

Navy 1934-35 1934

1933-34 1933 1932

1931-32 1931 1930 1929 1928

claims Certiaed

1, 000, 000. 00

8, 774, 895. 34

694, 603. 79

1, 000, 000. 00

I, 000, 000. 00 141, avv, 45o. oo

» 25. 40 » 6. 60

21, 907. 97

385. 05 440. 63

86. 33 6. 00

21, 907. 97

38A 06 440, 68 86. 93 6. 00

21, 907. 97

129 091& 976 Og 129& 091 976 09

124, 511, 086. 60 124, 511, 086. 60

I, 000, 000. 00 I, 000, 000. 00

3, 688, 804. 11 3, 583, 304. 11 98, 905. 58 r 93, 90A 63 718, 509. 32

I, 000, 000. 00 410. 45 446. 28 86. 33 5. 00

12, 342, 752. 00

3, 749, 109. 65

I, 000, 000. 00 5, 123, 611. 40

I, 441, 981. 58

Psy of the Navy 1927 1926 1925 1924 1923 1922 1921 1920 1919 1918

1917-18 Certified claims

& 1, 191. 85 o 88AGF

& 57. Sb ' 1. 78

5, 382. 71

F48. Ss 541. OF

lb. Bb

P8. 38 18. bb

4SR 90 180. lb

1, 181. 85 88A 87 57. Sb 1. Zy

5, 382. 71

2, 604. 30

849. es 841. 07 44. Eb

SS. SS 19. 58

489. 80 116. 15

1, 181. 85 SSASF 57. Sb 1. 78

5, 382. 71

2; 604. 30

249. 63 341. 07

44! 85 22. 38 19& 53

439&. 90 120. 15

Payment to officers snd employees of the United States in foreign countries due to appreciation of foreign curren- cies (Navy)

Provisions, iVsvy Reserve material, Navy Permanent and indefinite:

Navy pension fund, interest Naval supply account fund Naval supply account fund (transfer

to Wsr Department, sct Msy 21, 1920)

Naval working fund

1934-35 1923-24

No year

No year No year

No year No year

28, 873. 26

10, 273. 97 34, 803, 967. 44

12, 878. 40 951, 003. 44

248. 36

«2 870 000 00

&I 7, 036. 68 « 7, 888, 459. 10

546, 387. 05 300. 00

4, 606. 04

I, Ofjf, bbS. 48

1 3, 455, sfjG. Gl

546, 387. 05 800. 00 38&A 00

4, 686. 04

1, GGL bbR 48

18, 488& 888. 61

110, 761. 40

104. 31 14, 194. 29

248. 36

4. 67

2, 323, 612. 95

24, 267. 22

17, 310. 65 27, 786, 286. 42

12, 774. 09 14, 370, 025. 09


Clothing snd small-stores fund No year Ships stores profits, Navy No year

7, 337, 557. 44

282, 271. 34 3, 168. 5G » 640, 596. OO

189, 201. 80 1, 886, 781. 07

218, 437. 11 1, 288, 791. 07

218, 437. 11 3, 907. 30 3, 213. 07 7, 979, 800. 70

253, 036. 03




Psy. of the Navy, deposit fund No year Navy allotments (transfer to Veterans' @Administration, act Oct. 6, 1917) «No year

59, 409, 925. 46

158, 440. 04

57, 621. 84

107, 963. 14

34, 249. 45

125, 844, 589. 53

35, 894. 60

125& 844, 589. 53 4, 071, 298. 22 16, 615, 906. 71

35, 894. 60

202. 82

296, 675. 90 65, 758, 901. 29

156, 794. 89

57, 419. 82, '

Total trust funds, Bureau of Sup- plies snd Accounts

Total, Bureau of Supplies and Ac- counts

216, 061. 88

59, 625, 987. 34 107, 963. 14

34, 249, 45

153, 103, 732. 50

36, 097. 42

125, 880, 686. 95

36. 097. 42

125, 880, 686. 95 4, 071, 298. 22 16, 615, 906. 71 296, 675. 90

214„213. &J I

65, 913, 115. 20



Care of the dead 1934 1933 1932

16, 952. 83 G, 603. 92

68, 000. 00 40, 429. 50 14, 996. 64

55, 426. 14

40, 429. 50 14, 996. 64

55, 426. 14

6, 603. 92

27, 570. 50

1, 956. I!I

& Allotted from "National Industrial Recovery" appropriation, for complete stnjement nf I& hich see p. 428. & Transferred to "Naval Supply Account Fund, " act Msr. I, 1921 (41 Stat, 1169), » Transferred from 1933 account, act Mar. 3, 1933 (47 Stat. 1532). «Transferred to 1933-34 account. See note 23. » Transferred from 1932-33 account, act Mar. 3, 1933 (47 Stat. 1532). «Transferred to I f&32-34 account. See note 25. » (. 'redit item. » Exclusive of $9, 340. 84 transferred to "Salaries, Procurement Division, 1934" (Treasury), under Executive Orders

Nos, G166 and GPA of June 10 and July 27, 1933. «Reestahlished from surplus fund, act Mar. 3, 1875 (18 Stat. 418, sec. 6). «Transferred froln account under same title, p. 128, act Msr. 26, 1934 (48 Stat. 466).

' This account was credited with an appropriation of $445, 239. 32 for ihe flees] ye„r I934 nn, i $!7 IIG I 5 from "Naval Home, PhSsdelphia, Pa. , 1932", snd charged with $45551329 transferred to I hc following nocinin I s:

Army and Navy pensions, 1933-34, act June 16, 1933 (48 Stat. 302) $2&8jj jij, &

Naval Home, Philadelphia, PB. , 1934, act Mar. 3, 1933 (47 Stat. 1526) . 1&&&j&jln, ix; » This account wss charged with $8&000, 000 transferred to "Increase of the Nn vy, c»nxt ructlon n nil mncli in i r 7 ", act Mar. 3, 1933 (47 stat. 1539) snd credited with $1, 540. 90 transferred March I, 192& (4 I lltnt. 1169) fn&ill ncci&ulil ~ n& follows:

Psy of the Navy, 1920 $1, jjj!. 'i. Psy of the Navy, 1919 ;I I!i 05 » Transferred to "Psy, Marine Corps, 1934", act Mar. 3, 1933 (47 Stat. 1537).

&' Represents SRotrnents of Navy pay under the Wsr Risl Insurance Aot.

Receipts and expenditures, 198$ — Continued

[Debit transfer appropriations (net) and repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures are printed in itcSc. Emergency expenditures are indicated by sn asterisk*]

Unexpended balances June 30, 1933 Expenditures in 1934 (see p. 6) Amount carried to surplus

fund (see p. 7) Unexpended balances June 30, 1934

Fiscal year for which

sppropri. ation was

made Available

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)

On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing


Appropriations At&arrants-issued

basis Checks-issued

basis Act June 20,


Impounded salary and

vacancy sav- ings

R eserv e for impounded

vacancy sav ings (see p. 8)


Ou books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing


GE5fERAL ACCOUIfTS — Continued


Medical Department . 1934 1933 $118, 250. 28

1932 171, 081. 04 $59, 483. 72

$1 791 634. 00 $1, 500, 962- 10 119, 818. S?

484. 10

$1, 500, 962. 10 1 Ã, SM. 87

484. 10 $170, 596. 94

$46, 702. 00

37, 601. 57

$14, 909. 00 59, 768. 72

$229, 060. 90 199, 675. 98

1, 382, 133. 93 1, 382, 133. 93


Naval hospital fund No year 2, 013, 568. 68 n 803, 873. 22 852, 236. 73 852, 236. 73 8, 492. 82 1, 956, 712. 33

Total, Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 2, 326, 458. 73 59, 483. 72 2, 663, 507. 22 2, 289, 798. 80 2, 289, 796. 80 177, 200. 88 92, 796. 39 74, 677. 72 2, 414, 9?5. 90



Contingent 1934 1933 1932

34, 833, 14

4, 763. 39

110, 644. 00 95, 331. 54

12, 349. 64

107, 68L 18

95, 331. 54

12, 349. 64

107, 681. 18

4, 762. 14

4, 285. 00 3, 005. 97

1. 25

11, 027. 46

19, 477. 53

Maintenance 1934 1933 438, 441. 75

1932 44, 780, 54

36, 472. 60 7, 958, 200. 00 5& 836, 403. 10

178, 548. 50

6, 207. 09

5, 836. '103. 10 178, 548. 50

6, 207. 09 38, 695. 53

211, 441. 00 131, 959. 43

» 122. 08

50, 362. 00 37, 394. 29

1, 859, 993. 90 127, 012. 13

No year

No year

No year No year

No year No year

No year No year No year

No year

Xmmunition storage facilities, Navy 3oiler house engineering experiment sta-

tion, Annapolis, Md uildings snd grounds, Naval Acad-

emy Iestroyer base, San Diego, Calif 'lect sir base:

Coco Solo, Canal Zone Pearl Harbor, Hawaii

ightning protection st ordnance sta-

tions ferine barracks, Qusntico, Vs If arine Corps flying field, Quantico, Vs

Marine recruit station, Port Royal, 8. C

966. 68

101. 50

9. 22

3, 110. 93 107. 02 17. 11

I& 275, 935. 12

» 20, 397. 29 » 6, 447. 21

u 14, 691. 12 ss 16, 037. 94

I& 2, 876. 62 u 223. 68 u 504 30

I& 50. 00

6, 021, 158. 69

275, 950. 71

20, 397. 29

6, 447. 21

14, 691. 12

16, 021. 88

4, 834. 71 1, 577. 68

504, 30

50. 00

6, 021, 158. 69

275, 950. 71

20, 397. 29

6, 447. 21

14, 691. 12 16, 021. 88

4, 834, 71 1, 477. 58

504. 30

596. 72

101. 50

25. 28

1, 162. 84

1, 808. 28 17. 11

354. 37

No year

No year

No year

No year No year No year No year No year No year No year

No year No year No year No year No year No year No year

No year No year No year

No year No year No year No year

No year No year iVo year

No year No year

No year No year No year No year No year

No year No year No year No year No year No year No year No year No year

"Navy iln Bureau of

1(?svsi sir base, Sunnyvale, Calif Aids to sir navigation st ordnance sta-

tio ne Construction of buildings snd improve-

ments, sir stations Naval sir station:

Coco Solo, Canal Zone Hampton Roads, Va. Lakehurst, N. J Pearl Harbor, Hawaii Pensacola, Fls San Diego, Calif Ssn Point, Wash

Ifisval ammunition depot: Fort Mifffn, Ps Hingham, Mass Iona Island, N. Y Lake Denmark, N. J Mare Island, Calif Puget Sound, Wash St. Juliane Creek, Va

Naval hospital: Chelsea, Mass Philadelphia, Ps

Naval Observatory, Washington, D. C Naval operating base:

Canal Zone Hampton Roads, Va Pearl Harbor, Hawaii

Naval radio and radio compass stations Naval station:

Cavite, P. I Pearl Harbor, Hawaii Ssn Diego, Calif.

Naval torpedo station: Newport, It. I Keyport, Wash

Naval training station: Hampton Roads, Vs Rhode Island San Diego, Calif

Naval War College, buildings Navy mine depot, Yorktown, Vs Navy yard:

Boston, Mass Charleston, S. C Mare Island, Calif New York, N. Y Norfolk, Vs Philadelphia, Ps Portsmouth, N. H Puget Sound, Wash Washington, D. C

» Credit item. » Includes 3400, 000 transferred from t(( Transferred from "Public works,

1932 (47 Stat. 435). See note 39.

1, -"39. 52

2, 451. 29

438. 76

&rr 312, 723. 61

» 5, 224. 68

17. 84 1, 725. 01

» 33. S2 » 13, 419. 94

158. 99 957. 56

4. 21 16. 70

» 3, 893. 13 » 18, 037. 12

282. 04

2, 690. 69 880. 09

4, 155. 57 169. 50 39. 16

» 13, 236. 16 » 15, 119. 40 e& 11, 066. 54 » 17, 593. 47

» 13, 250. 75

83. 79 670. 94 » 13, 52G. 06

tt 4, 931. 47

530. 55

2, 343. 48 160. 28

1, 288. 30

» 8, 927. 24 tl 24, 859. 92

t( 1, 012. 10

415. 93 1, 202. 95

260. 96

» 54, 787. 82 et 24, 526. 90

» 160. 002. 33

4, 362. 11 1, 733. 19

665. 95

68. 55 43. 41

er 3, 920. 49 &( 176. 73

» 100. 83 t( 59, 466. 17

» 111, 628. 29 » 221, 502. 21

5, 194. 43

5, 309. 23

17, 844. 08 2, 663. 91 6, 925. 74

3, 291. 05 11, 363. 46

4. 32 2, 133. 28

(( 15, 822. G7

» 20, 000. 00 e( 367, 380. 15 » 133, 256. 52 » 42, 111. 20

» 129, 764. 71 er 53, 512. 89

~t 153, 243. 94

909 (35 Stat. 756). , 1931 (46 Stat. 14

', sct Mar. 3, 1 ", acts Feb. 28 44) snd June 30, es and forfeitures' Yards snd Docks

312, 622. 18

6, 243. 40

312, 622. 18

6, 243. 40

197. 55 197. 55

33. 82 14, 601. 10 1, 586. 36 3, 994. 32

18, 227. 46

33. 82 14, 601. 10 1, 586. $6 3. 994. 32

18, 227. 46

14, 272. 71 15, 459. 52 11, 066. 54 17r 593 47

14, 272. 71 15, 459. 52 11, 066. 54 17, 593. 47

13, 084. 03 13, 084. 03

10?. 47 13, 389. 48

4, 931. 47

107. 47 13, 389. 48

4, 931. 47

8, 931. 25 25, 968. 85

1, 982. 94 948. 60

8, 931. 25

25, 968. 85 1, 982. 94

948. 60

55, 045. 85

24, 768. 13 159, 614. 66

8, 272. 25

1, 369. 80

55, 045 85

24, 768. 13 159, 614. 66

8, 272. 25

1, 369. 80

100. 83 57, 878. 25

111, 486. 96 221& 441. 46

100. 88 57, 878. 25

111, 486. 96 221, 441. 46

16, 654. 00 20, 008. 05

365, 448. 78 140, 420. 51 43, 374. 82

131, 361. 66 52, 429. 83

153, 450. 81 387. 58

16, 654. 00 20, 008. 05

865, 448. 78 140r 420. 51 43, 374. 82

131, 361. 66 52, 429. 83

153, 450. 81 287. 33

d from "Public w d from "Public w

1932" acts Feb 40.

» Transferre e' Trsnsferre

tion, act July 21 See notes 39 and

orka, Navy, Eme orka, Bureau of Y 28, 1981 (46 Stat.

1, 239. 52

1, 432. 57

101. 43

241. 21

17. 84 543. 85

1, 586. 26 57. 80

767. 22 4. 21

16. 70

2S2. 04 1, 654. 14

489. 97

4, 155. 5? 169. 50 205. 88

» 23. 68 807. 52

291. 64

1, 200. 09 » 810. 56

339. 70

234. 90 34. 46

157. 90 961. 72

317. 16 331. 47

10. 35 540. 12

588. 92 141. 33 68. 55 43. 41

166. 66 1, t9tG 29

60. 75

3, 343. 67 » S. 05

7, 023. 94 10, 423. 90 1, 393. 50

3, 100. 55

2, 664. 70 5, 867. 85

291. 64

21G. 66

4, 697. 17

1, O(O. 43

256. 19 Gi. 79

2, 228. 24

1, 709. 41 2, 724. 85

rgency construe srds and Docks'

1444), June 30,

tion, act July 21, (932" (47 St:(t. 717). See no(e 40 , and Publ(C Sert S, Na&1, 1 (mrtO»(yCO»rsrukr

1932 (47 81st. 435) and July "I, (OJO (47 St(((. I?).

Receipts and expenditures, 198$ — Continued

[Debit tr [ bit transfer appropriations (net) snd repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures are printed in italic. Emergency expenditures are indicated by» as«r'sk )

Fiscal year for which

appropri- ation was


On books of the Treasury

Available Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)

To credit of disbursing


Unexpended balances June 30, 1933

Appropriations Warrants-issued

basis Cheeks-issued


Expenditures in 1934 (see p. 6)

Act June 20, 1874

Impounded salary and

vacancy sav- ings

Amount carried to surplus fund (see p. 7)

On books of tho Treasurl 'i'i( cre, lit of 6isbur«ittg

(, tftcI'rx Reserve tor impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)

t vail able

UneXi, Bdo(l balanCeS June 'tttt. 1934


BUREAU or TAROS AND DocKs — continued

Public works, Bure(at of Yards and Docks No year

Public works, Navy, emergency con- struction, act, July 21, 1932 No year

NATIONAL INDUiSTBIAL RECOVERY( Navy, Yards and t)ocks 1933-35

Repairs due to hurricone damages, Amer- ican Samoa 1931 — 32

Submarine base: Coco Solo, Canal Zone No year New London, Conn No year Pearl Harbor, Hawaii No year


$2, 689, 818. 14

6, 854, 018. 49

95. 88 79. 98

806. 92

$2, 563. 89 $891. 57

303. 38

n $574, 739. 26

«s, oos, oof. 48

( 27, 500 5(37 00

t«163, 390. 73

(I 9, 248. 90

$8, 359. 35

3, 139. 58

$9, 250. 92.

3, 442. 96

163, 438. 67 '(9. 98

3, 052. 60

1(js, 438. 6( 79. 98

3, 052. 60

11, 401, 085, 57 «11( 396, 446. 82

$0. 27

$7, 998. 01

4, 282. 37

47. 94

1, 777. 76

$1, 905. 50

$3, 250, 763 93

3, 181, 039. 61

16, 099, 451 43

5 2o5 46

$4, 638. 75


Nav((l Rexerv(ttion. Olongapo, civic fun(t No year 3, 427, 59 8, 86A 04 e, eoAO4 6, 279. 63

Total, Bureau of Yards and Docks 10, 156, 982. 09


41, 169. 77 1, 194. 95 35, 018, 331. 00 20, 087, 472. 45 20, 084, 028. 65 43 457 94 It(A 978. 53 94, 742. 28 24, 570, 831. 66 4, 638. 75 I:[


Aviation, Navy 1934 1933 1932 1931

Certified claims ~

6, 397, 662. 15 4, 359, 870. 18

839. 03

18, 526. 32 21, 957, 459. 00

'I 48, 929. 60

166, 229. 62

11, 022, 830. 87

3, 929, 800. 90 538, 970. 51

f. 78 1tl6, 229. 62

15, 657, 830. 12

11, 022, 830. 87

3, 929, 800. 90 538, 970. 51

f. 78 166, 229. 62

15, 657, 830. 12

3, 866, 087. 79 70. 95

196, 546. 00 120, 916. 97

3, 741. 48 769. 86

25, 934. 00 22, 152. 74

10, 712, 148. 13 2, 343, 317. 86

«viatica, Navy (transfers to Department of Commerce, Bureau of Standards):

Act July I, 1932 Act Feb. 23, 1931

1933 1932

2, 343. 39 1, 504. 17

696. 44 1, 302. 55 " I, 604. (7 f, oos. $4 98. 36 3, 303. 58 696. 44 48. 05 195. 96

IAvtsttoa, Navy (transfers to Depart- Inent of Commerce, Bureau of Mines, nader helium production):

A, et IVIsrch 1, 1933 A. ot July I, 1932 Act Feb. 23, 1031

1934 1933 1932

42, 76o. 72 47, 518. '76

1, 937. 65 5, 886. 01 «42, 803. 83 '( 4s, sos. 88 u 47, 4$6. 4$

I, oos. 84

39, 752. 73 I, 669. Ss

93. 33

98. 36

35 838. 69 4, 316. 73

93. 33 I, 53L 17 1, 937. 65

3, 051. 10 3, 914. 04

38, 276. 78 40, 248. 75


Navy, Aeronautics 1933-35 Acquisition of sites, Aviation, Navy No year

Total, Bureau of Aeronautics


5, 953. 78

10, 858, 457. 18 21, 160. 41 7, 188. 56

& 7, 500, 000. 00

29, 623, 688. 62

504, 391. 14 349. 70

16, 199, 839. 50

i502, 227. 14 349. 70

16, 200, 754. 07 3, 866, 158. 74 326, 809. 06

6 995 608 s&&

5, 604. 08

20, 059, 778 08

2, &1!4. 00

G, 273. 99

Current and miscellaneous expenses 1934 1933 1932

6, 270. 64 70. 95

77, 700. 00 61, 294. 40 532. 26

4. 99

61, 294. 40 532. 26

4. 99 65. 96

774. 00 le, 631. 60 5, 73S. 38

Sf aintenaiice and repairs 1934 1933 1932

72, 582. 52 13, 223, 10

28. 00 876, 254. 00

61, 831. 65

668& 518. 23 6, 792. 42

61, 831. 65

668, 518. 23

6, 792. 42

13, 223. 10

25, 263. 00 12, 120. 01 28. 00

182, 472. 77

53, 670. 09

675 310. 65 675, 310. 65

Pay 1934 1933 1932

19, 174. 44

8, 060. 00 12, 822. 86

'1 787, 283. 00 591, 538. 70 265. 58

591& 53S. 70 265. 58

8, 060. 00

32, 556. 00 12, 056. 09

739. 00 12, 822. 86

IG2, 449. 30 6, 852. 77

Total, Naval Academy 119, 381. 65 12, 850. 86 I, 741, 237. 00

591, 804. 28

I, 328, 946. 58

591, 804. 28

I, 328, 946. 58 21, 349. 06 82, 769. 10 13, 589. 86 426, 814. 91

2, 272. 81 16, 037. 94 2, 876. 62

125. 08 504. 30 50. 00

312, (23. fil

38 82 13, 419. 94 3, 89:3. 13

18, 037. 12

13, 236. 16 15, 119. 40 11, 06f&. 5&4

$7, 00 4, 931. 47

8, 927. 24 368. 32

54, 787. 82 390. 54

160, 002. 33

100. 83

198, (2&1. re 23, OO. . &5

17, 10&. 30 28, 8&, '&2 ns 23, & 1 '&. I'&

163, 390. 73 I, 908. 57

1, 372, 210. 74

' Allotted from "National Industrial Recovery" appropriation, for romplete statement of which see p. 428. -' Transferred from "Public works, Bureau nf Yards and Docks", act Feb. 28, 1931 (46 Stat. 1444) and June 30, 1932 , '47 Stat. 435), see note 39.

I( Transferred from "Public works, Bureau of Yards and Docks", and "Public worl-s, Kavy, emergency con- &truction, act July 21, 1932", acts Feb. 28, 1931 (46 Stat. 1444), June 30, 1932 (47 Stat. 435), and July 21, 1932 (47 Stat. I17). See notes 39 and 40. » Exclusive of $1, 372, 210. 74 transferred acts Feb. 28, 1931 (46 Stat. 1444), and June 30, 1932 (47 8 tot. 435), per note 36 to accounts as follows: Ammunition storage facilities, Navy Fleet air base:

Coco Solo, Canal Zone No year Pearl Harbor, Hawaii v Kn year I. ightning pro(, ection, naval ammunition depots No year Marine barracks: ()uantico, Va. . . No year Marine Corps flying field, Quantico, Va No year Marine recruiting station, Port Royal, S. C No year Kav&il oir hose, Sunnyvole, Calif . No veer iVaval oir station. ('oco . "nlo. (' anal Zone No year Hamptm& Roe&is, Vo No year Pearl Il arbor, Elowoh No year I'ellnlc(&la, Fla No year K;iviil &ilrunnnitn&n depot: Ilmghom, Evloss. . Ko year 1&&na Island, K. Y . . Ko year Iaike Iaenli. arl&, K. J Nn year 51»re Islornl, ('. &lif Ko year Naval l&lisrrvolriry, Washingtnn, D. C Ko year . h&v:&I oi&&'rating bose ('on&il Znnr No year I I;i n i ptr&n Roads, Va No year

Novo) s(&il&rn&. ('ov&te, I' I Ko year I'earl Il orb(ir. Ilawoii No year Son I&iegr&, ('olif No year

Naval training station Ilonlp(nn R(ol(is. Va No year

Ka& y y&ir&l

&%1:&rn island, (islif No year York, N. Y . No year

Knrfr&lk. Vo &No year I'bile&loll&l&ili. P, i. Nn year &'rig&'I Sniinri, Wail& No year i

& I » Ill&&I'I I& n i&l&i(':

( o('n snin, ( l&111&1 /nl&i' No year I'c:11'I Ii&11'i&i&r, lpilv &11 No year

17), per noto 37 to ac(ounts as folio&vs. «& Transferred, act July 21, 1032 (47 Stat. 7 Buildings and grounds, Naval Academy Destroyer base, San Diego, Calif Fleet air hase.

Coco goin Canal Zone Marine barracks:

()uontfco, Va Aids to air navigation at ordnance stations Naval ammunition depot:

More Island, Calif St. Jnliens Creek, Va

Naval hospital: Philadelphia, Pa

Naval operating base: Ha&upton Roads, Va Pearl Harbor, Hawaii

Naval station: Pearl Harbor, Hawaii

Naval torpedo station: Newport, R. I Keyport, Wash

Naval training station: Rhode Island San Diego, Calif

Naval War College, buildings Navy yard:

Boston, Mass Charleston, S. C Mare Island, Calif New York, N. Y Norfolk, Va Philadelphia, Po Portsmouth, N. H Puget Sound, Wash .

Submarine hase: Pearl Harbor, Hawaii

Increase of the Navy:

Ko year $20, 397. 29 No year 6, 447. 21

12, 418. 31

98. 60 5, 224. 68

17, 630. 47 13, 250. 75

13, 526. 06

2. 1, 491. 60 I, 012. 10

No I r:ir

No year No year

No year No year

No year

No year No yror

No veer 24 1&fi 36

No yrnr 3, 920. 40 No vwor 176. 73

No veer 59, 466. 17 No year 111 628 29 No year 221, 502. 21

15, 822. G7 20, 000. 00

I f8' ,

75:I' 40 109, (). &I. 37 21, 70!& 90

100 'Ill& &9 5. 'k fi I 2. &&9

129, 601. 76

No year Nn veer No year No yrnr No v'el&r No I wir Ko v'rt&l'

Kn v'&'nr

Kn year 7, 310. :&3

(. 'onstruct&on and machinery . . . . . . . . K&i yror 2, 408, OOO. 00

:&, f(i3 ns &. 43 '& Includes $1, 504. 17 and $47, 425. 43 returned from same objects under the Dep:lr(ment of ('nniirirrrn. bee note I'&, " Returned to same object under the Navy Department. See note 41. && Transferred from 1933 account. See note 44. «Transferred to 1984 account. See note 43. && Includes $640 596 transferred from "Clothing and small stores fund ", act M ir. 3, 1933 (47 S(n(, . 1537),

Receipts and espenCktures, IM$ — Continued

[Debit transfer appropriations (net) and repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures are printed in italic. Emergency expenditures are indicated by an' asterisk'I

Unexpended balances June 30, 1933 Expenditures in 1934 (see p. 6) Amount carried to surplus

fund (see p. 7) Unexpended balances June 30, 1934

I iscal year for which

appropri- ation was

made Available

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)

On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing


ApproprIstIons Warrants-issued

basis Checks-issued

basis Aci, June 20,


Impounded salary and

vacsncv sav ings

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)


On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing




Qeneral expenses 1934 1933 1932 1931 1930 1929 1928

Certified claims

$2, 041, 905. 08 I, 806, 728. 25

$7, 391. 32 $6, 341& 309. 00

n 10. 51

248. 53

$3, 981, 994. 44

408, 402. 53 34, 059. 30

69A I6 197. 66 10. 51

6A 86 248. 53

$3, 98 1, 994. 44

408, 402. 53 34, 059. 30

89A 1$&

1 &7. 66 10. 51 64. 56

248. 53

$1, 772, 735. 15 392. 14 197. 54

54. 35

$45, 452. 00 10, 616. 55

» 66. 20

$781. 00 8, 457. 98

$2, 313, 081. 56 I, 621, 819. 34

4, 424, 071. 28 4, 424, 071. 28

Expenses, Marine Band, Spanish-Amer- ican War Veterans' Convention, New Orleans, La 1932

Maintenance, Quartermaster's Depart- ment . Certified claims

1, 769. 53

233. 34 233. 34

1, 759. 53

1934 1933 1932 1931 1930 1929

Certified claims

571, 469. 20

540, 466. 71 I, 066. 66

14, 365. 653. 00

2, 953. 96

12, 643, 126. 31 44, 354. 13 I, 553. 98

68. 69 Js. 61 IL76

2, 953. 96

12, 643, 126. 31 44, 354. 13 I, 553. 98

6'8. 69 /js. 61 11. 76

2, 953. 96

538. 912. 73 58. 49 43. 61 11. 76

I, 394, 806. 00 306, 274. 40

327, 720. 69 221, 907. 33

Psy of civil employees 1934 1933 1932

3, 347. 15 I, 874. 45

10, 348. 65

w 282, 115. 00

12, 691, 874. 52

230, 641. 20

8, 887. 77

12, 691, 874. 52

230, 641. 20

8, 387. 77

I, 874. 45

12„19L 00 3, 299. 89

2, 804. 00 10, 348. 65

36, 478. 80 2, 435. 03

'ieserve supplies (transfer to War De- partment, act May 21, 1920) No year

Total, Marine Corps


131. 93

4, 96?, 692. 30 18, 806. 63 20, 992, 523. 34

228, 253. 43

17, 344, 432. 57

228, 253. 43

17, 344, 432. 57 2, 316, 049. 75 I, 772, 573. 64 22, 391. 63

ISL 93

4, 523, 574. 68

)Pay of Marine Corps, deposit fund No year Marine Corps allotments (transfer to

Veterans' Administration, act Oct. 6, 1917) o No year

Total trust funds, Marine Corps

Total, Marine Corps

391, 641. 82

4, 182. 18

395, 824. 00

5, 363, 516. 30 18, 806. 68

104, 056. 18

104, 056. 18

21, 096, 579. 52

122, 991. 97

122, 976. 97

17, 467, 409. 54

122, 991. 97

122 976. 97

17& 467 409. 54 » 316& 049 75 I, 772& 573 64 22, 391. 63

372& 706, 03

4, 197. 18

376& 903. 21

4, 900, 477. 89



Major alterations, naval vessels No year


4, 273, 592. 72 2, 889. 90 5, 500, 000. 00 5, 611, 425. 16 5, 611, 425. 16 340, 964. 04 2, 889. 90 3, 821, 213. 52

Increase of the Navy (transfer to War Department, act May 21, 1920)

Increase of the Navy, armor, armament, and ammunition

increase of the Navy, armor, armament, and ammunition (transfer to War De- pnrtment, act May 21, 1920)

. 'ncrease of the Navy, construction and machinery

Improving and equipping navy yards for construction of ships

No year

No year

No vear

No year

No year 1932


Navy allotment 1933-35 Naval emergency fund No year

254. 14

8, 281, 069. 15

19, 309. 54

5, 928, 900. 02

198. 35

«238, 000, 000. 00 20, 376. 49

692. 67

14, 417. 81

$1, 124. 16

524. 15

557. 27

&I 35, 545, 785. 00

» 640. 00

32, 528, 840. 73

640. 00

44. 88

28, 633, 985. 85

8, 233. 50

8, 365, 000. 00 10, 460, 167. 69 10& 461& 191 85

557. 27

32, 529, 286. 88

640. 00

44. 88

'23, 457, 056. 19

8, 233. 50

44. 36

300, 462. 34 7, 306. 67

101. 31

198. 35

838, 848. 40 377, 517. 81

254. 14

5, 878, 825. 12

18, 650. 96

7, 743, 895. 89

209, 366, 014. 15 12, 142. 99

$100. 00


5, 176, 929. 66

Total, increase of the Navy 252, 250, 107. 69 15, 110. 48 1, 648. 31 43, 911, 425. 00 7], 632, 380. 68 66, 456, 931. 33 44. 36 1, 139, 610. 40 384, 824. 48 223, 019, 7S3. 25 6, 177, 107. 66


Claims for damages, act Dec. 28, 1922,

Navy Department . No year Judgment, owners, etc. , barkentine

Mabel I. Meyers, under act of Aug. 21, 1916 No year

Judgments, bounty for destruction of enemies' vessels . No year

Judgments, Court of Claims, Navy De- partment No year

Judgments, United States courts, Navy Department No year

Interest on amounts withheld from claimants by the Comptroller General of the United States, act Mar. 3, 1875

(Navy) No year Payment to-

Henry P. Downing . No year Elmo K. Gordon . . No year Rui, h McCarn . No year Anne E. Richardson . . No year

Reimbursement to- Certain persons for loss of Govern-

ment securities while naval pris- oners . Certified claims

Certain persons fnr loss of private funds while patients at United States naval hospital, naval oper- a&. ing base, Ilnmpton Roads, Va No year

Relief of- Irene Brnnrl Alp& r . . No year

B. &fr O. Manufacturinc &'o No year

Mary Black i&fern&&r»: I Elosi&ital No year C. A Bete . . No year

2, 007. 47

1, 058. 88

58, 566. 12

30, 874. 22

13& 474. 17

80. 20

105. 00

4, 390. 00

315, 915. 56

47, 934. 79

351. 93

648. 00 126. 00 143. 04

127. 04

1, 250. 00 1, 597. 52

2, 500. 85 103. 34

ir ( re&lit lit'ni. » itccsrnblishcri from surplus fnnd, act Mar. 3 I& Exr los&re rif$iin & r insferreil rn "Salaries, Pr

6166i an&i rr'224 r&f Jiinr lrr;»iil July 27, 1933. ir('i&n scn& i;&II &i rricn&~ r&f (I irinc ('r&ri&s pay u nder the Wnr Risk Insurance Act.

, 1875 (18 Stat. 418, sec. 5). ocurement Division, 1934"' (Treasury), under Executive Orders Nos.

18. 00 18. 00 6, 413. 47

135. 88

21, 704. 78

13, 610. 91

135. SS

21, 704. 78

13, 610. 91

1, 058. 88

58, 430. 24

325, 085. 00

47, 798. 05

351. 93 351. 93

80. 20 80. 20 648. 00 126. 00 143. 04

127. 04 127. 04

105i OO

1, 250. 00

2, 500. 85 103. , 'l l

1, 597. 52 1, 597. 52

« Includes $10, 498, 000 transferred, acts July 1, 1932 (47 Stat. 717), and Mar. 3, 1933 (47 Stnt. 153U), from accounts cis follows:

Naval suppiy account fund $r&, Ooo, 0. 00 Public Works, Nary, emergency construction, act July 21, 1932 . . &, 40&& OOU

«Allotted from "National Industrial Recovery" appropriation during the Os& iil ycnr liixr Pr&r rnrnpleie . tnic- ment of which see p. 428. Heretofore this account was stated under National In&lux&»nl Rccnrrry cli ii&icr

Receipts artd expenttitures, 1984. — Continued

[Debit transfer appropriations (net) and repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures sre printed in italic. Emergency expenditures sre indicated bY an asterisk'i

Unexpended balances June 30, 1933 Expenditures in 1934 (see p. 6) Amount carried to surplus

fund (see p. 7) Unexpended balances June 30, 1934

Fiscal year for which

appropri- ation was

made Available

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)

On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing


Appropris, lions Warrants-issued

basis Checks-issued

basis Act June 20,


Impounded salary and

vacancy sav- ings

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)


On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing


GENERAL ACC 0 UN TS — Continued

NAVY uiscELl. xNEUUs — continued

No year

No year No year No year

No year No year No year No year No year No year No year No year No year No year No year

No year No year No year Ko year No year No year No year No year No year

No year

Relief of — Continued. Elizabeth Buxion llospital, New-

port News, Vs Carleton-Mace Engineering Corpo-

ration Mabel Carver City of Glendale, Calif Claimants, explosion at naval am-

munition depot, Lake Denmark, N. J

Contractors, Navy Department Martha Edwards Charles J. Eisenhauer G. Elias er Bro. , Inc Annie M. Eopolucci Ellen Grant Lt. Comdr. Lucien Nt. Grant William J. Kenely Guillermo Medina. Norfolk Protestant Hospital Physicians and Surgeons Hospital,

Ltd. , Glendale, Calif Julian L. Rswls Mrs. Joseph Roncoli Thelms Lucy Rounds Mildred F. Stamm Lt. H. W. Taylor Clara E. Wight Clarence A. Wimley Woodhouse Chain yVnrks

Permanent snd indeffnite: Bounty for destruction of enemies'


$3, 963. 52 40. 00

4, 941. 30

2, 713. 22

52, 238. 41

$224. 80

32, 726. 14

2, 500. 00 2, 157. 96

17, 691. 58

3, 000. 00 1, 000. 00 4, 400. 00

200. 00 184. 02 500. 00 66. 80

177. 00

150. 00 150. 00

2, 500. 00 270. 2S

1, 000. 00 52. 00

100. 00 352. 93

$17, 856. 94

1, 000. 00

209. 00

184. 02

66. 80

150. 00

$17, 856. 94

1, 000. 00

209. 00

184. 02

66. 80

150. 00

58. 50 $R 654. 72

$37. 00

$224. 80

32, 726. 14 2, 500. 00 2, 157. 96

3, 79S. 16 40. 00

3, 000. 00

4, 400. 00 4, 695. 30

200. 00

500. 00

177. 00

150. 00

2, 500, 00 270. 2S

1, 000. 00 52. 00

100. 00 352. 93

52, 238. 41


)penial deposit accounts

Total, Navy miscellaneous


170, 062 51

$302, 360. 55

302, 360. 55 444, 491. 58 57, 117. 52

1'3; 587. 36

70, 704. 88 2, 654. 72 37. 00 554, 744. 85

$288, 773. 19

288, 773. 19


Navy pension fund, principal No year

Return of subscriptions to Liberty bond issues by civilian employees of Naval Establishment No year

14, 841, 321. 24

1, 356. 22


a 34. OO

14 841p 321 39

1, 356. 22

Prise money to captors No year Prize money to captors, Spanish Wnr No year Priss money, Battle of Manila Bay No year IJ«chimed moneys of individuals whose

whereabouts sre unknown (Navy) No year

489, 281. 88 86, 868. 75 81, 805. 69

122. 50

l. 90 87. 78

l. 90 87. 78

489, 281. '25

26, 861. 85 31, 717. 96

122. 50

Total trust funds, Navy miscella- neous

Total, Navy miscellaneous

15, 330& 200. 65

15, 500, 263. 16 302& 360. 55

34. 15

444, 525. 73

123. 63

57, 241. 15

123. 63

70, 828. 51 2, 654. 72 37. 00

15, 330, 111. 17

15, 884, S 56. 02 288, 773. 19




x&general account of advances (new) «No year &General account of advances (old) No year

Total, General account of advances

«29, 389, 614. 63 29, 883, 683. 07

» 29, 389, 614. 63 . 29, 383, 683. 07

13, 165, 714. 44

f67. 15

13, 165, 547. 29

48, 459. 54

167. 75

48, 292. 39

167. 15

167. 15

42, 555, 329 07 42, 600, 937 97

» 42, 555, 329. 07 42, 500, 937. 97

Summary. of Navy Department: Regular accounts General account of advances Special accounts (special deposit ac-


117, 851& 828. 32 «29, 389, 614. 63

3509, 422. 13 32, 797. 66

29, 383, 683. 07

302, 360. 55

313, 185, 980. 05 264, 094, 145. 00 13, 160, 547. 29

264, 079, 655. 26

48, 292. 39

13, 587. 36

12, 828, 636. 99 167. 15

22, 599, 544. 22 gl 709 517 43 130, 315, 386. 86 » 42& 555$ 329. 07

47, 287. 40 42 500 937 97

288, 773. 19


Emergency (N. I. R. ) 88, 462, 213. 69

238, 000, 000. 00 509, 422. 13 29, 718, 841. 28

326, 462, 213. 69 509, 422. 13 29, 718, 841. 28

313, 185, 980. 05

39, 098, 924. 00

352, 284, 904. 05

277, 259, 692. 29

41, 967, 786. 26 264, 141, 535. 01 «36& 784, 053. 85

12, 828, 804. 14

319, 227, 478. 55 300, 925, 588. 86 12, 828, 804. 14

22, 599, 544. 22

22, 599, 544. 22

1, 709, 517. 43 87, 760, 057. 79 235, 131, 137. 74

1 709 517 43 322 891 195 53

42, 836, 998. 56 5, 183, 732. 4

0 48 020 730. 97


Trust accounts

Total, Navy Department



15, 942, 086. 53

342, 404, 300. 22 509, 422. 13 29, 718, 841. 28

138, 339. 78

352, 423, 243. 83

159, 198. 02 159, 198. 02

319, 386, 676. 57 301, 084, 786. 88 12, 828, 804. 14 22, 599, 544. 22

15, 921, 228. 29

1, 709, 517. 43 338, 812, 423. 82 48 020 730 97


Salaries, public buildings, Post Ofhce Department

Foreign mail transportation, (general fund)

Furniture and repairs of same, public buildings, Post Office Department.

General expenses, public buildings, Post OfIIce Department

Operating force, public buildings, Post Office Department

Operating supplies, public buildings, Post Office Depart&Bent

Vaults snd safes, public buildings, Post Office Department








I 39, 180. 75

I 2 600 000 00

I 856, 518. 50

I 10, 840. 00

e 6 407 205 00

I 2, 185, 257. 44

I 91, 309. 50

1 4

June I I&


For Postal Service payable from postal revenues, see p. 419. Transferred from "Snlnriee, Oifice of Supervising Architeot, 1934, " by Executive Order No. 6166 of June 10, 1933. Transferred from "United States Shipping Board Bureau, 1934", act June 16, 1933 (48 Stat. 299). Transferred from "Furniture and repairs of Same for public buildings, 1934", by Executive Order No. 6166 of 10, 1933. Transierrc&i frcn& "General expenses of public buildings, 1934", by Executive Order No. 6166 of June 10, 1933. Transferred from "Operating force for public buildings, 1934", by Executive Order No. 6166 of June 10, 1933. Transferred fro&n "Operating supplies for public buildings, 1934", by Executive Order No. G166 of June 10, 1933, Transferred from "Vaults snd safes for public buildings, 1934", by Executive Order No. G166 of June 10, 1933.

39& 180. 75

2, 600, 000. 00

856, 518, 50

10, 840. 00

6, 407, 205, 00

2 184 890 05

91, 309. 50

39, 180. 75

2, 600, 000. 00

856, 5&18. 50

10, 840. 00

6, 407, 205. 00

2, 184, 890. 05

91, 309. 50

367. 89

» Reestsblished from surplus fund, act Msr. 3, 1875 (18 Stat. 418, sec. 5), « "General Account of


is an accounting fund established as 8 means of handliug naval approprini iona pursuant to the provisions contained iu the act of June 19, 1878 (20 Stat. 167). Advnnces of funds are mnde to disbursing ofticers snd agents of the Navy, under this fund, not to exceed the total appropriaiionn of the Navy, tho amounts so advanced to be exclusively used to pay current obiinationa. Tl&e amounts advnnecri are nol&non&n&ntll charged io the proper appropriationn nnd returned to "Genera) Account. of Advances" by p&&y nnd countor xvnrrnnh based upon settlements of accounts by thc Comptroller ()cnernl of tbe United States, the nni&i cic&rge, bmvcver, to i&nrii&nll &r appro- priations being limited to the amount appropriated for each.

» Debit balance. See note 50.

Receipts and expenditures, 198Jf — Continued

[Debit transfer appropriations (net) and repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures sre printed in italic. Emergency expenditures are indicated by sn asterisk*]

Unexpended balances June 30, 1933 Expenditures in 1934 (see p. 6) Amount carried to surplus fund (see p. 7) Unexpended balances June 30, 1934

Fiscal year for which


ionon was made

Available Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)

On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing


Appropriations Warrants-issued

basis Checks-issued

basis Act June 20,


Impounded salary and

vacancy sav- ings

Reserve for rmpounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)


On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing

ofh cars



NATIONAL INDUSTRIAL RE- COVERY, Post Office, Postmaster General

Instsfiation of pump, Lincoln, Nebr. , post-oifice building

Salaries, Bureau of Accounts, Post Office Department

Printing and binding, Post Oifice Department

Contingent expenses, Post Office De- partment:

Miscellaneous items Stationery

Judgments, Court of Claims, Post Office Department

Payments of overtime claims of letter carriers

Relief of— F rank Bsglione Bonnie S. Baker Frederick G. Barker Norman Beier Charles A. Brown Paul Bulfinch John S. Csthcart Marguerite Ciscoe O. S. Cordon . Joseph Dumas Frances E. Eller W. B. Ford Laura Goldwater William Herod Anthony Hogue. A. W. Holland Galen E. Lichty Charles F. Littlepage James McCann . Lottie W. McCssldll Archibsld MacDonald Mail contractors in certain Southern

States, 1860 snd 1862 John H. Mehrle Msnuel Merritt C. W. Mooney Annie Moran. T. J. Morrison





1932 1932

No year

No year

No year No year No year No year No year No year No year No year No year No year No year No year No year No year No year No year No year No year No year No year No year

No year No year No year No year No year No year

$221. 25

168. 05

5. 34 . 70

II 230. 42

4, 530. 17

150. 00

41, 485. 93

~$7, 600. 00

250. 00

3, 500. 00 100. 29

3, 000. 00 2, 500. 00 3, 000. 00

158. 54

87. 80

2, 000. 00 17. 37

1, 500. 00 422. 50

1, 000. 00 5, 000. 00

4, 000. 00 600. 00 900. 00 554. 70

3, 000. 00

271. 00 143. 86

1, 000. 00 40. 20

161. 71 5, 000. 00

195. 41

$6, 198. 00

3, 000. 00

2, 000. 00

1& 500. 00 422. 50

4, 000. 00

271. 00

62. 92 1, 000. 00

40. 20

*$6, 198. 00

3, 000. 00

2, 000. 00

1, 500. 00 422. 50

4, 000. 00

52. 92 1, 000. 00

40. 20

$221, 25

168. 05

5. 34 . 70

$1, 402. 00

250. 00

1, 230. 42

4, 530. 17

3, 500. 00 100. 29

3, 000. 00 2, 500. 00

158. 54 87. 80

17. 37

1, 000. 00 5, 000. 00

600. 00 900. 00 554. 70

3, 000. 00 150. 00

143. 86

41, 433. 01

161. 71 6, 000. 00

196. 41

Jeannette Weir Qustav Welhoelter M. R. Welty Heirs of Massa!on Whitten Edna B. Wylie

Permanent and indefinite: Deficiency in the postal reve

No year No year No year No year No year

nues lo 1934 1926

Certified claims

John R. Novak No year Edith L. Peepe No year William T. Roche No year B. J. Sam 1 p e No year Paul J. Sfsk No year Julia E. Smith = = No year Mary E. Stebbins No year Nannie Swesringen = = No year Walter E. Switzer No year Emma F. Taber No year Primo Tiburzio No year Nicola Valelio No year Ruby F. Voiles . No year Donald K. Warner . No year May Weaver No year

1, 350. 00

4, 450. 00

137. 50

4, coo. 00 5, 000. 00 2, 000. 00 1, 324. 14

80. 00 1, 500. 00

5, 000. 00 2, 000. 00 8, 600. 00

1, 000. 00 2, 500. 00

75. 00 869. 17

1, 000. 00 900. 00 750. 00

22, 90

52, 000, 000. 00 296. 25

2, 999. 37

150. 00 100. 00

2, 000. 00 3, 500. 00 1, 000. 00

600. 00

52, 000, 000. 00 296. 25

2, 999. 37

150. 00 100. 00

2& 000. 00 3, 500. 00 1, 000. 00

600. 00-

52, 000, 000. 00 298. 25

2, 999. 37

4, ooo. 00 5, OOO. 0O

2, 000. 00 1, 324. 14

60. 00 1, 500. 00 1, 200. 00 4, 900. 00

2, 500. 00 75. 00

869. 17 8, 850, 00

1, 000. 00 900. 00 750. 00 137, 50 22. 90

52, OO3, 295. 62 52, 003, 295. 62



Proceeds of waste paper, etc. , of the Post Offlce Department No year 476. 28 1, 090. 00 1, 566. 28 1, 566. 28

Total general and special accounts, Postal Service, payable from Treasury 54, 205. 64 64, 272, 201 40 64, 220, 640. 32 64, 220, 540. 32 395. 34 105, 371. 38



Return of subscriptions to Liberty Bond issues placed through the postmaster st Philadelphia, Pa No year 12, 803. 00 51. 00 12 752 00

Total, Postal Service, payable from Treasury 67, 008. 64 84, 272, 201. 40 64, 220, 691. 32 64, 220, 691. 32 395. 34 118, 123. 38

Summary of Post Office Department: Qenersl and special accounts Emergency (N. I, R. ) Trust accounts

54, 205. 64

12, 803. 00

64, 264, 601. 40 7& 800. 00

64, 214, 442. 32

6, 198. 00 51. 00

64, 214, 442. 32 «6, 198. 00

51. 00

395. 34 103, 969. 38 1, 402. 00

12, 752. 00

Total, Postal Service, payable from

Treasury. 67, 008. 64 64, 272, 201. 40 64, 220, 891. 32 64, 220, 691. 32 395. 34 118, 123. 38

I Afioited from "National Industria Recovery" appropriation, for complete statement of which see p. 428. » For classification of extraordinary expenditures contributing to the deficiency in postal revenues for the fecal year ended Junc 30, 1934, see exhibit 1, p. 422.

Recet'pts and expenditures, Jt/8// — Continued

(Debit transfer appropriations (net) snd repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures sre printed in italic. Emergency expenditures are indicated by sn asterisk*]

Unexpended balances June 30, 1933 Expenditures in 1934 (see p. 6) Amount carried to surplus

fund (see p. 7) Unexpended balances June 30, 1934

Fiscal year for which

appropri- ation was

made Available

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)

On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing


Appropriations Warrants-issued

basis Checks-issued

basis Act June 20,


Impounded salary and

vacancy sav- ings

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)


On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing





Salaries, Department of State 1934 1933 $19, 034. 00 $23, 903. 74 1932 102, 336. 52

$12, 761. 50

' $1, 680, 570. 67 $1, 462, 894. 66

13& 07k SS

1, 449, 822. 33

$1, 460, 156. 92 sfo. 83

1, 459, 846. 09

$102, 336. 52

$77, 102. 00 $57, 905. 00 30, 690. 06

$82, 669. 01 25, 320. 01

$2, 737. 74

Contingent expenses, Department of State 1934

1933 1932

Collecting snd editing otncisl i» 9 rs of Territories of the United States . 1934


Passport agencies, Department of State 1934 1933 1932

11, 839. 98 27, 578. 22

7, 493. 81

1, 619. 46

8, 426. 41

10, 050. 51 1. 00

311. 71

1, 271. 62

I 76, 992. 85

I 15, 299. 26 & 8, 1/&1. 86

62, 705. 00

44, 911. 75

8, 645. 4/ 10. 64

35, 588. 95

1, 412, 65 11. 64

36, 376. 98 37, 013. 24

10, 984. 20

I, 289. 42 8, 807. 60

I, 601. 13

12, 273. 62 10, 408. 73

4'/, 803. 02 985. 81

48, 234. 21 346. 31

» , »&. 'l&

27, 567. 58

8, 428. 41

463. 00 63. 13

2, 316. 00 3, 566. 00

32, 081. 10 20, 385. 39

3, 852. 06

9, 019. 98 2, 544. 77

9, 322. 80 92, 45


2, 176. 60

1, 568. 81


'rinting snd binding, Department of State 1934

1933 1932

107, 424. 13 75, 749. 56

29& 827. 86 9, 684. 00

I 184, 990. OO 59, 891. 88

7, 788. 10 40, 773, 10

92, 942. 88

50, 451. 65

20, 732. 30 49, 461. 47

120, 645. 42

34, 978. 46

125, 098. 12 115, 146. 23

9, 440. 28

1, 373. 46 995. 63

judgments, United States courts, De- partment of State No year 'orking fund, Department of State No year

Total, Department of State proper


lslsries of ambassadors snd ministers 1934 1933 1932

Certified clatms

15. 84

861, 517. 93

118, 087. 66 56, 632. 79

23, 903. 74 63, 908. 20

5, 172. 39

I, 920. 00

2, 016, 336. 52

I 657, 700. 00

55. 56

77. 5O

1, 638, 216. 02

455, 593. 58 16, 885. 96

4, 873. 84 55. 56

7'/. 50

I, 674, 416. 50

442& 261. 29 22, 058, 35

4& 873. 84 55. 56

173, 308. 97

60, 906. 43

85. 00

80, 029. 13

25, 153. 00 11, 501. 44

92, 161. 06

23, 138. 00 65, 416. 63

1, 920. 00 8. 34

418, 045. 01

53, 815. 42 24, 283. 63

27, 707. 72

13, 332. 29

468, 281. 46 460, 101. 56

Salaries, charges d' affaires sd interim

Salaries, Foreign Service oflicers .


1934 1933 1932

1934 1933 1932 1931 1930


7, 537. 10 15, 951. 39

365, 120. 46 114, 479. 77

2, 084. 47

37, 017. 90

18, 333. 00

t 2, 870, 500. 00

s 79. 56

80. 78

15, 841. 41 400. 11 96. 99

16, 145. 53

2, 513, 772. 59 281, 829. 11

1, 4M. $8 71. 48 M. Gtf

80. 78

2, 794, 305. 06

12, 653. 88 2, 484. 58

95. 95&

15, 042. 47

2, 346, 888. 41 318, 847. 01

1, 456. 48 71. 48 SE $8 80. 78

2, 664, 438. 78

16, 047. 38

115, 906. 25 8. 08

22. 42

893. OO

538. 42

153, 129. 00 76, 899. 29

25, 811. 00 1, 932. 57

1, 698. 59 6, 598. 5T

17T, ?S7. 41 26, 731. 72

3, 187. 68

166, SS4. 18

St$1sries, Foreign Service officers, while keceiving instructions snd in transit 1934

1933 1932

Oertified c)aims

56, 375. 89 10, 933. 59

942. 94

&& 53, 750. 00

501. 74

35, 943. 98

1, 669. 44

727. 79 501. 74

36, 713. 41 2, 612. 38

727. 79 501. 74

10, 205. 80.

3, 042. 00 1, 748. 28

14, 764. 02 52, 958. 17

is 769. 43

Salaries, Foreign Service clerks 1934 1933 221, 242. 20 57, S85. 84 27, 908. 93

ii 2, 104, 938. 00

38, 842. 95

1, 786, 971. 95 207, 320. 20

40, 555. 32

1, 648, 211. 76 235, 229. 13

138, 532. 00 58, 085. 12

10, 002. 00 169, 432. 05 13, 722. 72

138, 760. 19

allowance for clerks at consulates 1932 1931

Certified claims

61, 955. 00

315. 06

1, 994, 292. 15

84. 15 1 1&. 8o

315. 06

1, 883, 440. 89

84. 15 14. SG

315. 06

61, 870. 85 14. 85

fst d

384. 36 384. 36

Clerks at embassies and legations 1932

Payment to officers and employees of the United States in foreign countries due to appreciation of foreign currencies (State) 1934-35

J&llowances to widows or heirs of Foreign Service officers who die abroad 1934

1933 1932 1930

Certified claiins

14, 172. 08

150. 00 1, 669. 45

86. 82

'i 2, 870, 000. 00

1, 000. 00 316. 86

685& 772. 91

76o. 62 319. 10

44. 43 44. 43 316. 68 316. 68

354, 961. 51

265. 62 405. 92

44. 43 316. 68

14, 172. 08

1, 669. 45

64. 37

2, 184, 227. 09

170. 01 147. 76

330, 811. 40 fn

500. 00

1, 445. 83 1, 032. 65

Contingent expenses, Foreign Service 1934

Contingent expenses, foreign missions 1933 1932 1931 1930 1927

Certified claims

174, 651. 10 165, 886. 74

5, 396. 38 26, 890. 70 25. 65

&tt 1 480 000 00

«300. 00

702. 94

1, 070, 947. 68

22, 522. 46

1, ll&8. 34 859. 11 10. 00 13. GG

702. 94

1, 002, 080. 18

49, 401. 86

1, 116'. 69 559. 11

10. 00 15. GG

702. 94

167, 029. 08 359. 11 10. 00 13. 55

49, 908. 00

6, 582. 99

1, 647 00

6, 952. 20

357, 497. 32

143, 689. 83

68, 867. 50

11, 30

21, 700. 40 48, 60o. 45

i 1'. s& lustre of $2, 878. 33 transferred to "Salaries and expenses, Division of Disbursement, 1934", under Executive or&1& rs Yos. 6&t66 and 6540 of June 10 and Dec. 28, 1933.

& jtsclu. ive of $7. 15 transferred to "Salaries and expenses, Division of Disbursement, 1934", under Executive Orders &s& os, flit&i&i and 6540 of June 10 snd Dec. 28, 1933

i t nolo& les 3&', 141. 26 transferred from 1931 — 33 account, act Mar. 1, 1933 (47 Stat. 1373). & 't'r&insf& rrcil to 1934 account. See nots 3.

i; sot&1 'lv«' &f $10 transferred to "Salaries and expenses, Division of Disbursement, 1934", under Executive Orders Sos. &it&i&i;&i« 1 ti:itti &&t J&1&&c 10 &i&« l tl&'c. 28, 1933,

t's~& )&is&& & &&t 4 iti'I t roost& rrcil t&& "Bringing home persons charged with crime, 1934", act June 30, 1932 (47 Stat. 411). Lyptu j~&& c ot i t t, s&oU & &&i&&sfc&'fc&l to '' Trailsportation of Foreign Service officers, 1934", act Mar. 20, 1933 (48 Stat. 13)

tt Reestablished from surplus fund, act Mar. 3, 1875 (18 Stat. 418, sec. 5). t Includes $20, 000 transferred from "Contingent expenses, Foreign Service, 1934", act May 29, 1933 (48 Stat. 9&J). n& Debit balance. ii Exclusive of $137, 500 transferred, act Mar. 20, 1933 (48 Stat. 13), to accounts as follows. Contingent expenses, Foreign Service, 1934 .

Emergencies arising in the Diplomatic and Consular Service, 1934. » Transferred from account under same title, p. 129, act Mar. 26, 1934 (48 Stat. 466). tt& Includes $118, 000 transferred from "Salaries, Foreigu Service clerks, 1934", cct Mar. 20, 1933 (48 Stat. 13), and excludes $20 000 trausferred to "Salaries, Foreign Service ofilcers while receiving instructions and in transit, jtrt t" May 29, 1933 (48 Stat. 99). ral)s, t ', act, i& Transferred to "Bringing home criminals, 1933", act June 30, 1932 (47 Stat. 41t),

Receipts and es;pendifures, 198$ — Continued

[Debit transfer appropriations (net) and repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures are printed in italic. Emergency expenditures are indicated by an asterisk*]

Unexpended balances June 30, 1933 Expenditures in 1934 (see p. 6) Amouut carried to surplus

fund (see p. 7) Unexpended balances June 30, 1934

Fiscal year for which

ap pro prl- ation was

made Available

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)

On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing

of0 cere

Appropriations Warrants-issued

basis Checks-issued

basis Act June 20,


Impounded salary and

vacancy sav- mgs

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)


On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing



FoREIGN INZEBcounsx — continued

Contingent expenses, United States consulates 1933

1932 1931 1930 1929 1928 1927

Certified claims

$223, 562. 79 182, 440. 44

$8, 400. 05 $34, 672. 37 128. 95 22. 10

$35. 16

$42, 738. 43 738. 69

1, 070. 78 ses. 86 37. 88 fe. ee fe. ee 35. 16

$77& 410. 80 Ns. 64

1, 048. 66 ses. 85 27. 68 fs. 68 is. ee 35. 16

$183, 173. 03 1, 070. 73

396. 25 27. 62 19. 68 19. 63

$6, 122, 36 $10, 713. 61 $172, 388. 44

40, 507. 04 75, 330. 46

Emergencies arising in the Diplomatic and Consular Service 1934

1933 1932

54, 528. 17 202, 387. 86

3, 149. 58 «149, 500. 00 99, 340. 79

2, 944. 00 I, 030. 81

95, 215. 52 6, 093. 58

1, 030. 81 201, 357. 05

50, 159. 21 61, 584. 17

$4, 125. 27


103, 315. 60 102, 339. 91

Foreign Service retirement and dis- ability appropriated fund ~ No year 292, 700. 00 292, ?00. 00 292, 700. 00

Office and living quarters, Foreign Service 1934-35

1934 1933 1932

351, 803. 25

248, 026. 13 42, 207. 48

865. 28

238, 000. 00 «1, 277, 073. 00

76, 841. 26

1, 062, 009. 54

129, 384. 31 1, Sss. 04

1, 266, 972. 07

26, 768. 16 980, 144. 19 171, 591. 79

SS?. 76

1, 178, 106. 38

249, 289. 17

38, 821. 00 14, 775. 45

161, 158, 74 176, 242. 46 207, 643. 49

50, 073. 10 81, 865. 35

Cost of living allowance, Foreign Service 1934-35

Post allowances to Foreign Service ofQ-

cefs- 1932 1930

5, 968. 15

100, 000. 00

31. 87 160. 00

sf. e? 160. 00

6, 000. 02 150. 00

100, 000. 00

181. 87 181. 87

Representation allowances to diplomatic missions and consulates 1932 21, 776. 20 ss. es 21, 806, 0g

Transportation of Foreign Service offi-

cers 1934-35 1934 1933 1932 1931 1930

214, 555. 94 102, 071. 16

17& 109. 82 134. 48

83. 13

37, 500. 00 "470, 250. 00

ss 98

396, 184. 04 50, 455. 80 6, 810. 98 i, ses. 18 S, 06S. 05

364, 485. 80 66, 635. 28 3, 706. 15 f, ses, fe 1, s?4. ss

10 5, 912. Og

I 593 16 2, 058 05

87, 500. 00 74, 065. 96

164, 100. 14 31, 698. 24

930. 34

1929-30 1929 1928 1926

Certified claims

s 154. 00

8. Ss 1, 806. 86

145. 48 881. 60

7, 208. 04

8. 88 I, 806. 86

145. 48 881. 60

7, 208. 04

s. 98 1, 205. 85

8. 52 321. 50

444, 973. 87 429, 672. 72

Expenses of Foreign Service inspectors 1933 1932 1931

Certiffed claims

4, 413. 94 16, 192. 64

853. 70

5. 32

481. 68 10. 16 f. 88 5. 32

372. 07 10. 16 f. 88 5. 32

16, 202. 79 1. 88

4, 895. 57

488. 84 365. 36

3ringing home criminals. 1933 1932

;ransporting remains of diplomatic offl-

cers, consuls, snd consular assistants Certiffed claims

Foreign Service buildings fund No year Acquisition of embassy, legation, or con-

sular premises No year

Acquisition of embassy premises, Paris, France No year

Diplomatic and consular establishments, Tokyo, Japan No year

Arbitration between the United States snd Sweden 1931 — 33

Lrbitrstion of claims, schooner I'm,

A(cree 1930-32

Bringing home persons charged with crime 1934

324, 717. 09

5, 429. 91

82. 24

17, 888. 69

36, 863. 65

1, 677. 55

146. 23

4, 093. 79

67, 539. 54

4, 563. 42

1, 173. 55

43. 31

101. 00

2, 300. 00

ts BO4. OO

101. 00 127, 795. 51

13, 314. 13

1, 178. 65

2, 162. 61

470. 63

101. 00 184, 134. 13

16, 877. 55

1, 912. 46

513. 94

1, 677. 55

4, 093. 79

IOB, 921. 58

6, 468. 91

82. 24

4, 574. 46

38, 028. 20

137. 39

279. 60

11, 200. 92

1, 000. 00


250. 15

470. 63 613. 94

Expenses of prisons for American con-

victs 1934 1933 1932

4, 524. 69

3, 833. 61

ts 2, 600. 00

1, 399. 66

100. 00 I, Bgf. 40

. 97

100. 00 8. 26

. 97 3, 834. 58 11. 10

2, 500. 00 5, 904. 99

Salaries and expenses, United States Courts for China. "&

Relief snd protection of American

seamen 1934 1933 1932

13' 562. 73 45, 279. 30

412. 69 17, 500. 00

1, 898. 87

6, 056. 40 230. 64

6. 64

107. 29

5, 555. 50 643. 33

6. 64 45, 285. S4

11, 443. 60 13, 332. 09

Boo. oa

6, 280. 50 Bp 192. 29

o For appropriation from the general fund of the Treasury for this account see p. 258, also p. 438 for analysis snd statement of the account.

s Reestablished from surplus fund, act Mar. 3, 1875 (18 Stat. 418, sec. 5). » Includes $1g, 500 transferred from "Salaries, Foreign Service clerks, 1934", act Msr. 20. lg33 (48 Stat 13). » Exclusive of $50, 927 transferred, act Mar. 20, 1933 (48 Stat. 13), snd Executive Order No, 6166 of June 10, 1933, to

accounts ss follows: Transportation of Foreign Service officers, 1934 $50, 000

Salaries and expenses, United States Court for China, 1934 (Justice) g27

» Exclusive of $1, 250 transferred to "Salaries and expenses, United States Court for China, 1934" (Justice), and

includes $61, 500 transferred, act Mar. 20, 1933 (48 Stat. 13), from accounts as follows: Salaries, Foreign Service officers, 1934 $11, 500

Oflice and living quarters, Foreign Service, 1934 50, 000

&s Includes $600 transferred, act June 30, 1932 (47 Stat. 411), from accounts as follows; Salaries of ambassadors and ministers, 1934 $300 Conti~gent expenses, foreign missions, 1934 300

» Exclusive of $4, 000 transferred to "Salaries and expenses, United States Court for China, 1934" (Justice), under Executive Order No. 6166 of June 10, 1933.

» Transferred to the Department of Justice under sec. 6 of Executive Order No. 6166 of June 10, 1g33. AR trans- actions in this appropriation under the Departtnent of State for the ffsca] year 1934 are included, for budget purposes, in the account under the Departmeut of Justice.

Receipts and experhditthres, I h)8$ — Continued

[Debit transfer appropriations (net) and repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures are printed in itaSc. Emergency expenditures are indicated by an asterisk']

Unexpended balances June 30, 1933 Expendktures hn 1934 (see p. 6) Amount carried to surplus fund (see p. 7)

F! seal year for which

appropri- ation was

made Available

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)

On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing


Appropriations Warrants-issued

basis Checks-issued

basis Act June 20,


Impounded salary and

vacancy sav- ings

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)


To credit of disbursing


Unexpended balances June 30, 1934

On books of the Treasury


xoEEIGN INTERcoURsE — continued

Rescuing shipwrecked American Seamen 1934 1933 1932

Claims Adjustment, United States and Turkey 1934-35

General Claims Commission, United States and Panama 1933

1931-33 1931-32

$1, 697. 12

41, 936. 25 695. 84

6, 575. 23

$39. 76

4, 371. 47

$1, 000. 00

76, 000. 00

$639. 92 SS. 87

601. 05

6, 694. os 1, sos. 48

$39. 92 . 89

40. 81

2, 077. 39 f, sogts

$1, 697. 12

6, 675. 23

$208. 50 1, 197. 00 $1, 250. 00

$360. 08 38. 87

75, 000. 00

44, 021. 83 51. 32

$600. 00



4, OOO. O'6 274. 91

General and special claims conventions, United States and Mexico

General and special claims commissions, United States and Mexico

Investigation of fisheries, Passamah)nod-

dy and Cobscook Bays, by United States and Canada . . .




244, 966. 28

4, 481. 90

167. 43

463. 94

170, 000. 00

167. Js

1, 979. 39 2, 443. 33

170, 000. 00

245, 123. 71

2, 502. 51 rrh

Mixed Claims Commission, United States and Germany 1934-35

1934 1933

1932-33 1931-32

1, 935. 44

. 90 $85. 83

8, 445. 16 84. 75

57, 000. 00 35, 700. 00

16, 000. 00

31, 927. 64

1, 876. SS

84. 75

11, 729. 20

31, 880. 87

1, 568. 23 3, 699. 37 1, 077. 14 858. 30

85. 83

42, 000. 00 72. 99

1, 876. 93 84. 75

3& 270. 80 oo 4(t 77 E

44, 965. 96 45, 1 !8. 30

tafny Lake Reference 1929-30

Jnited States Section, Inter-American High Commission 1933

1932 10. 04 3. 60

655. 00 133. 97

9. 37

161. 76 27. 79 555. 00

9. 37

171. 80

161. 78 67. 79

gecond Polar Year Program (State trans-

fer to Commerce, Coast and Geodetic

Survey, act Mar. 18, 1932) 1932-34

Ninth International Dairy Congress, Copenhagen 1931-32

Fourteenth Annual Convention of French Veterans of the World War, Washington D. C . 1933

2, 109. 03

2, 481. 89

7, 821. 67 319. 18 6, 584. 96

2, 481. 89

1, 025. 76 1, 302. 39 1, 017. 69

One hundred and fiftieth Anniversary oi Surrender of Lord Cornwallis, York- town, Va 1930-32

One thousandth Anniversary of the National Parliament of Iceland 1930-33

4, 836. 45

1, 842. 06 494. 05 498. 14 . 91 2, 335. 20

International Boundary Commission, United States and Canada and Alaska and Canada 1934

1933 1932

406. 83 307. 62

761. 30

t( 39, 925. 00 33, 348. 99 48. 68

32, 606. 34 712. 78

307. 62

2, 341. 00 406. 83

4, 235. 01 48. 52

842. 65

33, 300. 47 33, 219. 12

AT(oNAL INDUSTE(sL REcovERY, State. International Boundary Commission, United States and Canada and Alaska and Canada 1933-35

International Boundary Commission, United States and Mexico 1934

1933-34 1933 14, 162. 46 2, 536. 96 3, 071. 49

i 26, 500. 00

120, 000. 00 I( 14, 564. 74 it 1 4, 664. 74

26, 500. 00

90, 334. 58 13, 778. 80

8, 618. 00

101, 500. 38

922 817 24

89, 608. 14

13, 778. 80 458. 49

103, 845. 43

6, 127. 00

1, 263. 06

7, 805. 00

2, 682. 96

15, 733. 42 785. 94 801. 66

3, 682. 76

726, 44

NET(o)NAL INDUsTRIAL REcovERY, State, International Boundary Commission, United States and Mexico. 1933-35

International Water Commission, United States and Mexico 1931-32

Water boundary, United States and Mexico 1932

International congress of military med- icine and pharmacy 1931-32

International Exposition of Colonial and Overseas Countries, Paris, France No year


7. 70

226. 27

1, 958. 78

2& 179. 39 158. 62

2, 750. 00 6. 58

i 4, 734, 500. 00 832, 744. 11

150. 42 8. 08

*785, 768. 69

150. 42

3. 56

7. 70

226. 27

1, 964. 03

161. 64 2, 750. 00

3, 901, 755. 89

2, 028. 97

46, 975. 42

147. 40 153. 98

International Fisheries Cominission . 1934 1933 1932

947. 78

4) 465. 76 2, 771. 93

31, 500. 00 22, 901. 97 652. 27

996. 16

17, 613. 53

3, 424. 20

996. 16 3, 469. 60

8, 598. 03 295. 51

6, 288. 44

International Prison Commission 1934 1932 1932 1932

1931-33 No year

No year



International Research Council International Road Congress Commission on Construction of High-

way, United States and Canada Inter-American Highway Inter-American Highway (transfer to

Department of Agriculture, act Jan. 18, 1927)

In(ernat!onal Technical Consulting Committee on Radio ('ourn(unica-

tions, Copenhagen, Denmark . International Technical Consulting

Committee on Radio Communica-

tions, Lisbon, Portugal

1, 246. 00 3. 42

2, 411. 0?

8, 183. 46

3, 657. 30

. 55

7, 744. 82

282. 71 I( gg?, 342. 70

tt 2, 657. 30

526. 32 99. 60

2, 432. 85

if. Of

16, 000. 00

24, 550. 40

4, 075. 00

22, 033. 89

4, 075. 00

809. 03 96. 60

2, 432. 85

ff. oi

1, 246. 00 3. 42

2, 411. 07

7, 755. 83

4, 0?5, 00

7, 657. 14 1, 001, 095. 50

226. 00

16, 000. 00

(9 4, 075. 00

I t flo((r&1 from "National Industrial Recovery" appropriation for complete statement of which see p. 428. i&stilt i;Il. i()&su

» Expiu ivp of i-, s) (r:in. fprrpii to "Salaries and expenses, Division of Disbursement, 1934", under Executive Orders No G(GG a&El (i'&si of June (0;md lice. 29, 1933.

» Transferred from 1933 account, act Mar. 1, 1933 (4? Stat. 1376). » Transferred to 1933-34 account. See note 22. ti Exrlusive of82, 657. 30 transferred to seine oliiect under the Dcpar(ment of Agri&(il(urp. Npe &i&i(p 25. » Transferred from same object u(i&lcr tbe Deiiar(nient of Sta(p. . 'ee no(c 2(.

Receipts and expenditures, 1M) — Continued

[Debit transfer appropriations (net) and repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures sre printed in italic. Emergency expenditures sre indicated by an asterisk']

Uaexpended balances Juae 30, 1933 Expenditures in 1934 (see p. 6) Amount carried to surplus

fund (see p. 7) Unexpended balances June 30, 1934

Fiscal year for which

appropri- ation wss

made Available

Reserve (or impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)

On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing


Appropriations Warrants-issued

basis Checks-issued

basis Act June 20,


Impounded salary and

vacancy sav- ings

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sov ings (see p. 8)


On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing



soaEIQN INTERCOURSE — continued

Conference on Limitation of Manufacture ofNarcot}cDrugs, Geneva, Switzerland 1931-32

General Disarma}nent Conference, Ge- neva, Switzerlaad . 1933-34


$8, 629. 41

145, 000. 00 792. 93

$4, 950. 40

2, 600. 00 $7fi 477. 73

5, 469. 87 $62, 871. 24

6, SN. 87

$8, 629. 41

$2, 493. 65

1, 321. 84 $71, 028. 72

4, 930. 96 $23, 656. 89

66, 017. 86 49, 911. 37

International Conference for Revising Industrial Property Convention, Lon- don, England

International Monetary and Economic Conference

International Monetary Conference Third Psn American Financial Confer-

ence, Santiago, Chile, and Commer- cial Coaference, Buenos Aires, Argen- tina

International Radiotelegraphic Confer- ence, Madrid, Spain

International Radiotelegraphic Confer- ence

United States contributions to interna- tional commissions, congresses, and bureaus


1933-34 1932-33





275, 000. 00 12, 379. 46

7, 706. 68

9, 000. 00

16, 035. 88

3, 150. 61

978. 75

$8, 000. 00

14, 000. 00

» 3, ooo. oo

» 3, 000. 00

670, 486. 00

73, 368. 18 10, 991. 33

1, 806. 96

9, 949. 68

556, 907. 57

70, 304. 56

27, 828. 34

4, 957. 57

10, 928. 33

668, 764. 08.

916. 25 2I}3. 75

246, 25

8, 000. 00

200, 716: 67

1, 094. 38

14, 000. 00

2, 898. 72

1, 804. 17

13, 678. 43

3, 063. 63 » 801. 13


Io 1, 866, 61

Annual expenses of Cape Spsrtel Light, coast of Morocco »

Foreign hospital at Cape Town»

1933 1932 1933

79. 55 72. 64

60. 00

72. 64 79. 65

60. 00

'onvention relating to liquor trstEc in Africa» 1933-34

1932-33 65. 00 8. 19

47. 34 7. 66 8. 19

47. 34 47. 34

Jorgss Memorial Laboratory» 'sn American Sanitary Bureau» 'sn American Union. » ?rioting snd binding, Psn American

Union. » American International Institute for

Protection of Childhoodr» Bureau of Interpsliamentsry Union for

Promotion of International Arbitra- tion. »

International Bureau of Permanent Court of Arbitration Js

International Bureau for Protection of Industrial Property»

International Bureau for Publications of Customs Tariffs»

international Bureau of Weights snd ' Measures. »

(nternationsj Hydrographic Bureau»

1932-33 1932 1931

1933 1932

1933 1932

1933 1932

337. 62 350. 60 648. 61

383. 16 721. 09

73. 65 67. 66

1. 41 1. 41

350. 60

721. 09

67. 66

1. 41

337. 62

648. 61

383, 16

73. 65

1. 41

International Institute of Agriculture st Rome, Italy» 1934

1933-34 1932-33 1931-32

5, 400. 00 5, 281. 04

9, 824. 71

» 48, 500. 00 36, 654. 97 5, 400. 00

32, 954. 33 5, 400. 00

9, 824. ?1

11, 845. 03

5, 281. 04

3, 700. 64

42, 054. 97 38, 354. 33

International map of the world on mil-

lionth scale» International Office of Public Health» 1932-33 International Radiotelegraphic Conven-

tion» 1933-34 1931-32

844. 38

7, 527. 00 759. 42

5, 873. 96 5, 873. 96 759. 42

844. 38

1, 653. 04

5, 873. 96 5, 873. 96

54. 72 52. 68 54. 50

International Trade-Mark Registration Bureau. »

Waterwsys Treaty, United States snd Great Britain 1934

1933 1, 122. 22

1932 26, 027. 53

International Statistical Bureau at The Hague. »

International Technical Committee of Aerial Legal Experts» 1933 — 34

1932-33 1931-32

$2, 466. 56 264. 53

tre 36, 910. 00

» 3, 696. 85

26, 850. 16 26. 75

26, 876. 91

26, 570. 98 291. 28

26, 862. 26

54. 50

29, 724. 38

2, 567. 00 273. 06 $2, 455. 56

64. 72 52. 68

7, 492. 84 822. 41

O txj


279. 18

Waterways Treatv, United States and Great Britain (transfers to Department of Agriculture):

Act Mar. 1, 1933 Act July 1, 1932

Act Peb. 23, 1931

1934 1933 1932

1, 895. 28

3, 781. 46 1, 325, 54

» 22, 290. 00

» 8, 898. 38

19, 709. 72 549. 64 84. 61

18, 775. 85 1, 875. 18

84. 61

574. 90 2, 580. 28

770. 74 933. 87

Waterwsys Treaty, United States snd Great Britain (transfers to Department of the Interior, Geological Survey):

Act bfnr. 1, 1933

Act July 1, 1932

Act Peb. 23, 1931

1934 1933 1932

4, 213. 69 191. 33

gr 907. 18

» 48, 200. 00

20, 343. 97

32 712. 66 3, 971. 88

20, 735. 64

33, 892. 80 1, 056. 77

191. 33 226. 18

15, 487. 34 16. (i3

» 1, 180, 14 7. 98

36, 684. 54 34, 949. 67

trr D(:trit h;ri, 'rrree. r'r 'J'f'rrneferrr rt fnrrn "International Radiotelegraphic Conference, 1933-34", sct Mar. 1, 1933 (47 Stat. 1378).

See ttrrt (r 'eri rr 1'mr irieri fr, r rinrine, the fiscal year 1934 unrier "United States contributions to international commissions, con-

gresses, nnrl trrrre:rrra t. 'I'tt'h:rct Mnr. 1, 1933 (47 Stat. 1376). » Act June 16, 1933 (48 Stat. 303).

I'XCluStVe Of $22 290 tranaferred tO Same ObjeCt under the DePartment Of AgriCulture and $48 2(O to De of the Interior. Sec note 31.

» Returned from same object under the Departtnent of Agriculture. See note 33. » Transferred from same object under the Department of State. See note 30. » Returned to same object under the Department of State, See note 31.

Receipts and exIIenCktttres, 1M/ — Continued

[Debit transfer appropriations (net) snd repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures sre printed in italic. Emergency expenditures sre indicated by an sst«isk'1

Unexpended balances June 30, 1933 Expenditures in 1934 (see p. 6) Amount carried to surplus

fund (see p. 7)

Fiscal year for which

appro pri- ation wss

made Available

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav ings (see p. 8)

On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing


Appropriations Warrants-issued

basis Checks-issued

basis Act June 20,


Impounded salary and

vacancy sav- ings

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)


To credit of disbursing


Unexpended balances June 30, 1934

On books of the Treasury


roREIGN INTERcoURsE — continued

Payment to- Certain Foreign Service officers and

employees No year Government of Panama under treaty

of Nov. 18, 1903 n Harriet C. Holoday . . No year

Reimbursement Stelio Vassiliadis No year Relief of-

Mucia Alger No year Emilie C. Davis No year Msrgoth Olsen von Struve No year Anne B. Slocum No year Emma Ferguson Starrett . No year Lucy Cobb Stewart No year Emma R. H. Taggart No year

Permanent snd indeQnite: Psy of consular agents for services to

American vessels snd seamen No year Refunding passport fees No year

Special deposit accounts



$9, 761. 11

$281, 920. 57

$6, 000. 00 406. 53

2, 600. 00

4, 600. 00

5, 000. 00

3, 500. 00

8, 000. 00

9, 000. 00

4, 000. 00

4, 978. 90 18. 00

$1i 050. 16

3, 500. 00 8, 000. 00

4, 833. 56 18. 00

$1, 050. 16

3, 500. 00 8, 000. 00

4, 833. 56 18. 00

165, 770, 39

$145. 34

$8, 710. 95

6, 000. 00 406. 53

2, 500. 00 4, 500. 00

5, 000. 00

9, 000. 00 4, 000. 00





$116, 150. 18



German Government's moiety, expenses, Mixed Claims Commission No year

Repatriation of American seamen No year

Special deposit accounts

Total general and special accounts, Foreign Intercourse



6. 53

4, 410, 174. 47 $102, 529. 18

"8, 682. 75

615, 296. 97

2i 223. 69

19, 663, 596. 60

2, 223. 69

11, 322, 043. 41

2, 223. 69

9, 968. 08

10, 813, 289. 86 $1, 37'7, 194. 7 612, 217. 60 $164, 065. 66

5. 53

10, 700, 788. 83

18, 590. 83

1, 124, 050. 62

Amount due Juan Nuns No year Awards in pecuniary claims, United

States and Great Britain No year Awards of Mexican Claims Commission No year Chinese indemnity, clsiros of citizens of

the United States growing out of the Boxer uprising in north China in 1900 No year

Klsims against Panama for injury to cer-

tain American victims of disturbances occurring July 4, 1912, in city of Pan- 'ama No year

5. 00

6, 318. 82 124, 476. 44

5, 446. 36

260. 00

5. 00

6, 318. 82 124, 475. 44

5, 446. 35

260. 00


claims against Japan for expenses in- curred in connection with crew of sailing vessel Dsifuku Maru No year

Ecuador indemnity No year Estates of decedents, trust funds No year Foreign Ser viceretirement and disability

fund» No year Funds due-

Theo Fred Biinger No year Zmmsnuel Bustoil No year Claimants against American Com-

mercial Co No year George Gonzales No year Wilhelm Guettler No year Robert Lavery No year C. J. Michsli No year Mary Oxenburg No year Santo Domingo Mining Co No year . Moritz Weinberg No year Moschek Wender and Jacob Sako-

bovits. No year Payment of awards, Spanish and Ameri-

can Claims Commission No year Payment of judgments, Court of Ala-

bama Claims No year Balance of deposit by Dr. Newton to

cover expenses of forwarding mail No year Balance of deposit by Ivan Schretzoff to

cover expenses of telegrams No year Proceeds, sale of effects of August Bialou,

American citizen No year Proceeds, sale of effects of J. T. Savine. No year Return of subscriptions to Liberty bond

issues placed through American con- sulates No year

Russian indemnity, claim of owners of the schooners Cape Horn Pigeon, James Hamilton Lewis, the C. H. White, and the Kate and Anna No year

Salvage proceeds, American vessels No year The Alsop award . No year The Venezuelan indemnity of 1903 No year Unclaimed moneys of individuals whose

whereabouts are unknown (State) No year Virginius indemnity No year Woolen duties indemnity No year Wages due American seamen No year Wages due certain Chinese seamen No year Claim of—

J. C. Clark against Haiti No year Luciano Conda and Lorenzo Martyn No year Estate of Anders Ditlevsen Asgaard

against the Government of Den- mark No year

Ivan Gcrassimovitch . No year Charles J. Harrah against Cuba . No year The ffydrngraphic Commission of

the Amazon. . . . No year Martin J. O'Nolan. No year Nicol;» lvanovitch Solovieif . . No year Spiro Radoicich, Serbian soldier No year I'cler Scanlon, Altdarnm Prison No year

rr provided for during the fiscal year 1934 un congrcs. rs, and bureaus, 1934 ", act Mar. 1, 1933 (4

» 1 ieretol'ore included under trust special depos

360. 00 1, 834. 45

137, 702. 74

534. 67

2. 68 15. 00

5. 00 10. 00 1. 00

50. 00 3. 00

984. 63 8. 35

14. 07

886. 88

9, 892. 99

2. 03

17. 26

46. 94 9. 14

424. 52

2, 501. 01 1, 148. 04

. 60 94. 77

2, 502. 60 180. 37

6, 670. 00 11, 359. 37

351. 85

62. 44 ll. 00

5, 346. 29 10, 000. 00 59, 500. 00

203. 24

2, 000. 00 57. 54

154. 15

der "United Stat 7 Stat. 1376). it accounts. See n

8, 930. 97

9, 132. 29 262, 236. 29

178. 06

702. 56

227. 78

77. 10

es contribution s to international commissions,

ote 36.

86. 23

241& 852. 92

86. 23

245, 628. 32

36L 00 1, 834. 46

146, 547. 48

20. 917. 94 5, 356. 89

15. 00

178. 06

10. 00 l. 00

50. 00 3. 00

984. 63 8. 35

14. 07

886. 88

9, 892. 99

2. 03

17. 26

46. 94 9. 14

424. 52

2, 501. 01 1, 148. 04

. 60 94. 77

131. 00 131. 00

3, 205. 16 180. 37

6, 670. 00 11, 456. 15

361. 85

62. 44

11. 00

2, 673. 14

16, 000. 00

2, 673. 14

16, 000. 00

2, 673. 15 10, 000. 00 43, 600. 00

77. 10 77. 10 203. 24

2, 0011 00 67. 51

151. Ill » For appropriation from the general account of the Treasury for this account see p. 258, also p. 438 for analysis

snd statement of the account.

Receipts and expenrhtttres, f 98 JI — Continued

[Debit transfer appropriations (net) and repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures sre printed in italic. Emergency expenditures are indicated by sn asterisk"]

Unexpended balances June 30, 1933 Expenditures in 1934 (see p. 6) Amount carried to surplus

fund (see p. 7) Unexpended balances June 30, 1934

Fiscal year for which

appropri- ation wss

made Available

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)

On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing


Appropriations Warrants-issued

basis Checks-issued

basis Act June 20,


Impounded salary and

vacancy sav- ings

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)


On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing



FoREIGN INTERcoURsx — continued

Special deposit accounts II $441, 904. 73 $$09& 8SA FO $651, 739. 93

Total trust accounts, Department of State

Total, foreign intercourse

$391, 444. 13

4, 801, 618. 60

451, 037. 02 $272, 362. 76

$102, 529. 18 1, 066, 333. 99 19, 935, 949. 36

$260& 820. 39

11, 582, 863. 80

54, 760. 59

10, 868, 050. 45 $1, 377, 194. 75 $612, 217. 60 $164, 055. 66

$402, 976. 50

11, 103& 765. 33

657, 096. 82

1, 781, 147. 34 C5

Total, Department of State 6, 163, 136. 53 126 432 92 1& 130& 242 19 21, 952, 285. 88 13, 221, 079. 82 12, 542, 466. 95 1, 550, 501. 72 692, 246. 73 256, 216. 72 11, 521, 810. 34 1, 808, 855. 06

Summary of Department of State: Qeneral snd special accounts Special accounts (special deposit


4, 771, 692. 40 126, 432. 92 670, 522. 42

8, 682. 75

16, 918, 933. 12 12, 101, 015. 32 11, 689, 028. 51

9, 908. 08

1, 550, 501. 72 692, 246. 73 256, 216. 72 7, 217, 077. 95 QI

1, 082, 509. 23

18, 590. 83

Emergency (N. I. R. ) Trust special deposit accounts Trust accounts

Total, Department of State



4, 771, 692. 40

391, 444. 13

5, 163, 136. 53

126, 432. 92 679, 205. 17

441, 904. 73

9, 132. 29

16, 918, 933. 12 4, 761& 000. 00

272, 352. 76

126 432 92 1& 130& 242 19 21& 952 285 88

12& 101& 015 32

859 244 11

260, 820. 39

13, 221, 079. 82

11, 679, 120. 43 '808, 585. 93 F09, 865. FO

264, 595. 79

1, 550, 501. 72

12, 542, 466. 95 1, 550, 501. 72

692, 246. 73

692, 246. 73

256, 216. 72

256, 216. 72

7, 217, 077. 95 3, 901, 755. 89

402, 976. 50

11, 521, 810. 34

1, 101, 100. 06 50, 658. 18

651, 739. 93 5, 356. 89


1, 808, 855. 06



Total, Office of the Secretary

1934 1933 1932

1, 618. 70 8, 348. 53

9, 967. 23

3, 371, 02

3, 371. 02

I 167, 368. 00

167, 368. 00

141, 630. 13

6& 67f. OF

138, 259. 11

139, 319. 35

139, 319. 35

8, 348. 53

8, 348. 53

7, 388. 00 1, 940. 19

9, 328. 19

15, 510. 00 2, 408. 37

17& 918. 37

2, 839. 87 641. 16

3, 481, 03

2, 310. 78

2, 310. 78


)slsries and expenses 1934


I 27, 736. 00 14, 496. 44 14, 084. 27 640. 00 12, 595. 00 8, 56 412. 17

Salaries 1934 1933 1982

3, 555. 02

6, 441. 38 9, 500. 80 4, 182. 17

514, 285. 00 446, 607. 38 4, Fsf. 61

26. 00

442, 842. 07

445, 157. 73 109. 14 26. 00

445, 074, 59

6, 416. 38

28, 358 00 6, 709. 01

15, 614. 00 9, 671. 80

23, 805. 62 1, 066. 32

1, 449. 65

Contingent expenses, Treasury Depart- ment 1934-35

1934 1933 1932 1930

Certified claims

7, 889. 26 8, 558. 90

19, 587. 68 74. 79

2, 500. 00 180, 000. 00 139, 590. 65

I I, 894. 57 90. 34 28. 67 . 76

123, 167. 05 7, 763. 31

16. 66 SE 67

. 76

8, 649. 24 22. 57

2, 500. 00 40, 409. 36 19, 713. 63

16, 423. 60

127, 654. 13 130, 893. 00

Total, Office of Chief Clerk and Superintendent 25, 444. 56 9& 500. 80 23, 844. 64 696, 785. 76 569, 996. 20 675, 967. 59 14, 087. 19 35, 067. 01 25, 085. 80 87, 494. 92 17, 873. 26


Salaries, Division of Supply 1934 1933 1932

4, 515. 81 531. 00

I, 568. 50 2, 138. 49 178, 704. 00 160, 123. 30

I, I SZ. 08 160, 010. 19

941. 41 531. 00

8, 508. 00 2, 382. 56

I, 395. 00 1, 578. 50

8, 677. 70 3, 320. 33

113, 11

Printing and binding, Treasury De- partment 1934

1933 1932

99, 435. 95

3, 732. 59 128, 628. 40

575, 000. 00

158, 926. 22

537, 185. 18 26, 460. 74

3. 76

160, 951. 60

403, 418. 95 81& 443. 85

3. 76 3, 736. 34

37, 814. 82 125, 896. 69

133 766 23

20, 723. 81

Stationery, Treasury Department 1934 1933 1932

4, 100. 08

23, 793. 58 63, 609. 39

63. 35

326, 000. 00

610, 720. 69

303, 896. 74

32, 606. 18 4. 66

484, 859. 05

246& 252. 38 30, 163. 19

58. 70 23, 798. 23

21, 103. 26

36, 703. 26 57, 644 36

843. 02

Total, Division of Supply


136, 109. 01 1, 568, 50 194, 439. 63 I, 078, 704. 00

271, 288. 91

940, 935. 82

276, 474. 27

922, 284. 92 28, 065, 57 10, 890. 56 2, 973. 60 233, 516. 06 213, 090. 53 9-

[By sec. I of Executive Order No. 6166, June 10, 1933, the General Supply Com- mittee was abolished, and the function of determination of policies and methods of procurement, warehousing, and distri- bution of property, facilities, structures, improvements, machinery, equipment, stores, and supplies exercised by any agency was transferred to the Procure- ment Division in the Treasury Depart- ment p. 281]

oprIGE op coMMIssioNER op xccoUNTs AND


Salaries 1934 1933 1932

399. 29

4, 249. 77 978. 75

I 108, 254. 00 94& 283. 73

980. 80 93, 461. 54

8. 06 4, 249. 77

4, 823. 00 1, 316. 44

2, 164. 00 6, 983. 27 63. 65

822. 19

93, 302, 93 93, 459. 49

I Includes $21, 830 transferred from "Salaries and expenses, Bureau of Industrial Alcohol, 1934", act June 30, 1932

(47 Stat. 411). I» Exclusive of $8, 682. 75 stated under special deposit account, p. 264. See note 34.

I Transferred under Executive Order No. 6166 of June 10, 1933, from accounts as follows: Salaries, Department of Justice, 1934 $27, 32&0

Books, Department of Justice, 1934 250 Contingent expenses, Department of Justice, 1934 iriS

I Includes $9, 167 transferred from "pay and allowances, Coast Guard, 1934", act Mar. 20, 1932 (48 Stat. 13).

Iteceipts and expenditures, 1 ct8// — Continued

[Debit transfer appropriations (net) and repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures are printed in italic. Emergency expenditures are indicated by an asterisk']

Unexpended balances June 30, 1933 Expenditures in 1934 (see p. 6) Amount carried to surplus

fund (see p. 7) Unexpended balances June 30, 1934

Fiscal year for which

appropri- ation was

made Available

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)

On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing


Appropriations Warrants-issued

basis Checks-issued

basis Act June 20,


Impounded salary and

vacancy sav- ings

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)


On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing




DEPosrrs — continued

Library, Treasury Department 1934 1933 $100. 00 1932 50. 00

$163. 37 43. 23

$1, 000. 00 $500. 00 se. 94 48. 83

$340. 71 126. 43

$93. 23

$500. 00 136. 94

$159. 29

419. 83 467. 14

Total, Offrce of Commissioner of Accounts and Deposits 4, 799. 06 1, 185. 35 109, 254. 00 93, 722. 76 93, 926. 63 4, 343. 00 $6, 139. 44 $2, 164. 00 L 683. 86 981. 48


Salaries, Division of Bookkeeping and Wazmnts 1934

1933 1, 454. 24

1932 256. 76 $1, 315. 03 849. 33

153, 584. 00 143, 838. 57 849. 85

143& 566. 09

256. 76

7, 586. 00 2, 083. 12

I, 489. 00 1, 315. 03

670. 43 220. 45

272. 4S


Contingent expenses, public moneys 1934 1933 6, 376. 97 1932 64, 496. 33

13, 847. 66 130, 000. 00 I

142, 989. 24

129, 978. 69

8, 70k 17

126, 269. 52

143, 566. 09

128, 197. 91 10, 138. 49

138, aaG. 40

64, 496. 33

21. 31 9, 086. 14

I, 78ft 78


Recoinage of minor coins 1932 Recoinage of gold coins. 1932 Permanent and iadedaite:

Recoinage of silver coias No year

40. 83 269. 86

615, 326. 88 615, 326. 88 615, 326. 88

40. 83 269. 86


elief of the indigent, Alaska fund . No year edistribution, funds for indigent, Alaska fund No year

8, 600. 74

385, 83

812. 11 21, 016. 77 15, 000. 00

84. 73

15, 626. 26

84. 78

14, 617. 51

470. 06

185. 85

Total, Division of Bookkeeping and Warraats


80, 881. 06 1, 315, 03 16, 509. 10 919, 927. 65 899, 500. 91 912, 770. 90 65, 063. 78 9I 609. 12 2, 804. 03 25, 085. 90 2, 289. 11


[Created under secs. 4 and 20 oi Execu-

tive Order No. 6166, June 10, 1933, as

modified by Executive Orders Nos. 6224

and 6540, July 27, and Dec. 28, 1933, re-

spectively. l

Salaries and expenses, Dfvisfoa of Dis- bursement 1934

Balnrfes, Offfceof Disbursing Clerk 1934 1933 1932

775. 59 237. 35

3$0. 00 76. 69

~ $15, 392. 02

I 25, 362. 00

296, SIS. 26

19, 672. 69 78. 69

289, 492. 65

19, 672. 69

237. 85 662. 08 330. 00

19, 073. 76

5, 689. 31 190. 20

6, 825. 61

Total Division of Disbursement I, 012. 94 330. 00 76. 69 340, 754. 02

19, 596. 00

315, 914. 26

19, 672. 69

309, 165. 34 237. 35 662. 08 330. 00 24, 953. 27 6, 825. 61


Fnblfc Debt Service. 1934 1933 1932

25, 577. 84 3, 672. 74

50, 351. 66 4, 491. 65 2, 150, 000. 00 I, 908, 730. 05

8, JIO. f8 1. 24

I, 891, 709. 49 1, 968. 53

1. 24 3, 671. 50

100, 445. 00 27, 955. 43

56, 541. 00 50, 089. 66

84, 283. 95 294. 59

17, 020. 56 112. 94

Distinctive paper for United States se-

curities 1934 1933 1932

69, 930. 25 40, 891. 28

14, 576. 85 550, 000. 00

1, 906, 321, 11

459, 156. 15 62, 352. 40

1, 893, 679. 26

417, 722. 53 76, 929. 25

40, 891. 28

1, 232. 00 207. 85

89, 611. 85

7, 370. 00 41, 433. 62

521, 508. 55 494, 651. 78


Salaries, Offfce of Architect of the Capitol, 1934


American Battle Monuraents Commission (no year). Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, 1934. Salaries and expenses, Board of Mediation, 1934 Salaries and expenses, Board of Tax Appeals, 1934 Salaries and expenses, Civil Service Comraission, 1934 Salaries and expenses, United States Employees' Compensation Commission, 1934. Printing and binding, United States Employcos' Compensation Commission, 1934 Salnries and expenses, Farm Credit Administration, 1934 Savings and loan promotion, Federal Home Loan Bank Board (no year) Salaries and expenses, Federal Home Loan Bank Board, special fund (no year) Federal Power Commission, 1934 Salaries and expenses, Federal Radio Commission, 1934 Printing anil binding, Federal Radio Commission, 1934. Federal Trade Commission, 1934 Printing and binding, Federal Trade Commission, 1934 Salaries, General Accounting Office, 1931 Contingent expenses, General Accounting Office, 1934 Printing and binding, General Accounting Oflice, 1934 Interstate Commerce Commission, 1934 Administrative expenses, Production Credit Corporntions and Associa(, iona (no year) Salaries and expenses, Smithsonian Institution, 1934 Preservation of collectinns, National Museum, 1934 United States Tariff Commission, 1934 Salaries and expenses, Vei. crena' Administration, 1934. Printing and binding, Veterans' Administration, 1934 Eraergency Farm Credit Relief, special fund (Reconstruction Finance Corporation funds) (no year)


8229. 17

200. 00 573. 00 300. 00 531. 25

3, 100. 00 2, 300. 00

100. 00 380. 00 159. 38 478. 12 600. 00

2, 770. 00 100. 00

3, 000. 00 100. 00

4, 000. 00 42. 50 12. 00

3, 300. 00 380. 00 595. 00 317. 91

1, 900. 00 194, 262. Crf

900. 00 6, 080. 00

Salaries, office of Secretarv of the Interior, 1934 Salaries and expenses, Office of National Parks, Buildings and Reservations, 1934 St. Elizabeths Hospital 1934 Columbin Institution for the Deaf, 1934


Salaries, Department of Justice, 1934 Contingent expenses, Department of Justice, 1934


Salaries, office of Secretary of Labor, 1934 Contingent expenses, Department of Labor, 1934 Printing nnd bindiug, Department of Labor, 1934


Salaries, office of Secretary of tbe Navy, 1934


Salaries, Department of Stale, 1934 Contingent expenses, Department of State, 19'34 Printing and binding, Department of State, 1934 Internationnl Boundary Corarnission, United States and Canada nnd Alaska and Canada, 1934 .


Salaries, office of disbursing clerk, Treasury Department, 1934 Salaries and expenses, Bureau of Engraving and Printing, 1934 Salaries, offfee of Coast Guard, 1934

~ Transferred under Executive Orders Nos. 6166, 6224, and 6540, dated June 10, July 27, nnd Dec. 28, 1933, respectively, from the following accounts:



83, 570, 24 371. 22' 605. 80 75. 00


3, 387. 00 100. 00

3, 055. (i6 (OL Si(r

1. 15. 83

703. 31

2, 878. 33 7. 15i

10. 00 75. 00

25, 000. 00 3, 200. 00

I'. (si. 00

Salaries, office of Secretary of Agriculture, 1934 Miscellaneous expenses, Department of Agriculture, 1934 Salaries nnd expenses, Agricultural Adjustment Administration (no year) Advances to Agricultural Adjustmeat Administration (ao year)

2, 889. 02 134. 00

I, 404. 00 34, 243. 00

Salaries, offlce of Secretary of )Var, 1934 Contingent expenses, Vgar Department, 1934. Printing and binding, kyar Department, 1934


7(2. ((r Ssi, 00

Si. (Ic


Salaries, offlce of Secretary of Commerce, 1934 Contingent expenses, Department of Commerce, 1934 Printing and binding, Department of Commerce, 1934

I Exclusive of 825, 000 transferred ta "Salaries and expenses, Division of Disbursemeat, 1934. " See note 3.

4, 730. 02 152. 17 66. 00


National Zoological Park, District of Columbia, 1934 ri(IL 97

315, I'. I. . 0'

ReceiIlfs and expenditures — Continued

[Debit transfer appropriations (net) and repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures are printed in italic. Emergency expenditures are indicated by an asterisk']

Unexpended balances June 30, 1933 Expenditures in 1934 (see p. 6) Amount carried to surplus

fund (see p. 7) Unexpended balances June 30, 1934

Fiscal year for which

appl'oprl- ation was

made Available

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)

On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing


Appropriations Warrants-issued

basis Checks-issued

basis Act June 20,


Impounded salary and

vacancy sav- ings

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)


On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing

ofg cere


PUBIIc DEBT sERvIcE — continued

No year

No year

No year

No year

No year

Permanent and fndef)Bite: Expense of loans, act Sept. 24, 1917,

as amended Expense of loans, act Sept. 24, 1917,

as amended and extended Expenses of loans, act Sept. 24, 1917,

as amended and extended (transfer to Post Office Department, act Nov. 4, 1918)

Preparation, custody, and delivery of farm loan bonds (reimbursable)

Preparation, custody, and delivery of Federal intermediate credit banks securities (reimbursable).

$4, 590. 27

$14, 334. 16 $62, IB7. 39

2, 103. 11

265. 13

$1, 408, 586. 80

10, 385. 12

1, 73L 91

$7, f78. 19

1, 376, 438. 30

10, 385. 12

1, 386. 06

$7, Jre. 19

1, 422, 235. 31

12, 488. 23

I, 119. 82

$7, 178. 19

3, 122. 96

$28, 440. 36 $18, 042. 30

$4i 590. 27

$6, 370. 38 g, ,

lg t3 nu

Total general accounts, Public Debt Service


144, 662. 38 64, 685. 82 73, 604. 13 4, 120, 709. 83 3, SOS, 089. 84 3, 814, 756. 47 64, 863. 93 168, 280. 64 124, 672. 96 18B, 160. 66 64, 937. 50 t4'


Securities trust fund No year

Total Public Debt Service


309, 932. 64

464, 595. 02 64, 685. 82 73, 604. 13 4, 120, 709. 83

71, 364. 15

3, 877, 453. 99

71, 36. 16

3, 886, 120. 62 64, 863. 93 158, 280. 64 124, 672. 96

238, 668. 49

424, 719. 15 64, 937. 60


Total Division of Appointments

1934 1933 1932

568. 48

1, 192. 59

1, 761. 07

3, 069. 23

3, 069. 23

166. 98

166. 98

42, 570. 00

42, 670. 00

37, 897. 00 166. 98

37, 730. 02

37, 896. 31

37, 896. 31

1, 192. 59

1, 192. 69

1, 987. 00 546. 95

2, 533. 96

2, 368. 00 3, 069. 23

5, 437. 23

318, 00 188, 51

506. 61 . 69


Collecting the revenue from customs 1934 1933 1932 1931 1930 1929 1928

Certided claims

901, 664. 65

I, 113, 621. 39 226, 771. 28 414, 223. 88

57, 949. 30

19, 900, 000 00

133. 88

17, 892, 473, 57

622, 590. Bs

N, 7/jR 05 I47. 69 29S. 71 Ife. 76 M. 67

133. 88

17, 543, B91. 29

17, 539, 699. 93 79, 273. 80 32, 207. 25

I J&7. 59 SSS. 7f lie. 78 25. 67

133. 88

17, 650, 631. 43

I, 139, 363. 44 147. 59 293. 71 116. 76 25. 37

883, 494. 00 809, 495. 63

394, 321. 00 250, 195. 9B

729& 711. 43 391, 326. 02

362, 873. 64 12, 369. 40

Oompeasatfon in lieu of moieties Certified claims

Permanent and indeihatel Debentures or drawbacks, bounties

or allowances (customs) No year Refund of excessive duties (cus-

toms No year Refunding moneys erroneously re-

ceived sad covered (customs) No year Refunding proceeds of unclaimed

merchandise (customs) = No year


812, 363. 38

694, 880. 99

7, 250, 303. 05

6, 186, 005. 64

8. 58

653. 27

366. 00

7, 250, 303. 05

5, 186, 005. 64

8. 58

653. 27

356. CO

8, 039, 800. 22

5, 825, 027. 87

653. 27

22, 866. 21

55, 858. 76

Night services for lading snd unlad-

ing vessels No year Philippiae special fund (customs) No year Philippine special fund (customs

duties) . . No year

Total, Bureau of Customs


550. 12 17, 376. 94

4, 730. 89

2, 037, 933. 99 226, 771. 28 1, 979, 417. 55

17, 376, 94 17, 376. 94

959. 89 712. 10 712. 10

31, 534, 566. 41 32, 338, 420. 31 29, 999, 106. 87 1, 139, 946. 87 1, 692, 989. 63 644, 516. 96

650. 12

4, 978. 68

1, 126, 565. 25 443, 958. 01


Salaries snd expenses

Printing snd binding

1934 1933 1932

1934 1933 1932

1& 200. 75

4, 003. 00 3, 233. 19 2, 705. 76

81. 83

412. 95 85. 53

s 167, 550. 00 I 150. 00

32, 000. 00 s 160. 00

129, 679. 4'7

6& 618. 14 81. 8$

126, 984. 50

28, 000. 00 280. 17

8A 56

127, 605. 18 92. 62

127, 697. 80

27, 482. 90 132. 78

4, 084. 83

85. 53

6, 850. 00 3, 913. 20

. 08

3, 233. 19 31, 020. 45

50. 69

4, 000. 00 130. 17

2, 074. 29

g 517. 10

Total, Bureau of the Budget


5, 203. 75 3, 233. 19 3, 286. 07 199, 550. 00

27, 634. 30

154, 618. 80

27, 615. 68

155, 313. 48 4, 170. 36 10& 763. 20 3 233 27 35, 201. 31 2, 591, 39

This Bureau v as transferred by Exec- utive order of Mar. 27, 1933, to the "Farm Credit Administration", un-

der Independent Oiltces. See p. 106)


Salaries 1934 1933 1932

23, 536. 98 337. 06

36, 651, 09 2, 929. 49 1, 145, 840. 00 989, 058. 20

F, FFO. 54 54. 17

988, 841. 47 9. 25

54. 17 282. 89

52, 539. 00 15, 002. 57

68, 779. 00 35, 886. 09

35, 463. 80 12, 219. 65

216. 73

986, 192. 13 988, 904. 89

Salaries (aational currency, reimburs-

able) 1934 1933 1932

24, 689. 05 10, 505. 25

20, 831. 61 332, 746. 00 255, 967. 45

FO& 85L 61

235, 135. 84

255, 049. 38

255, 049. 38

10, 506. 25

76, 778. 65 45, 520. 66

918. 07

National Industrial Recovery, Treasury, Treasurer Vnited States, relief of contractors . 1933-35 ' 100, 000. 00

~ Includes $21, 850 transferred from "Salaries Mld expenses, Bureau of Industrial Alcohol 1934", act June 30, 1932 (47 Stat, 411) I Transferred from "Printing snd binding, Bureau of the Budget, 1934", act June 30, 1932 (47 Stat. 411).

100, 000. 00

s Transferred to "Salaries and expenses, Bureau of thc Da&lxet. , IM'3. " Se& note 7. 1 Allotted from "National Industrial Recovery" apprnpriat ion for eomi&lets statement o( which s» p. 428.

Receipts and expendittcres, lt)8$ — Colrtinued

tDebit transfer appropriations (net) and repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures are printed in italic. Emergency expenditures are indicated by sn asterisk']

Unexpended balances June 30, 1933 Expenditures in 1934 (see p. 6) Amount carried to surplus fund (see p. 7)

Unexpended balances June 30, 1934

Fiscal year for which

appropri- ation was

made Available

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)

On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing


Appropriations Warrants-issued

basis Checks-issued

basis Act June 20,


Impounded salary and

vacancy sav- Ings

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)


On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing




Indeffnite: Contingent expenses, national cur-

rency (reimbursable) 1934 1933 $20, 183. 37

$159, 072. 47 $159, 072. 47 10, ese. 70

$108, 460. 10 4, 354. 58 $15, 828. 79

$612. 37

143, 243. 68 162, 814. 68

Total, Office of Treasurer of United States $59, 068. 34 $36, 651. 09 43, 944. 47 I, 737, 658. 47 1, 364, 571. 65 1, 406, 768. 95 26, 616. 93 $67, 541. 57 $104, 665. 09 $269, 982. 66 I, 747. 17


Salaries . 1934 1933 1932

Salaries (national currency, reimburs- able) 1934

1933 1932

6, 111. 78 526. 38

1, 141. 43

I, 222. 80

761. 44 I, 162. 09

2& 18L 63

240, 460. 00

51, 280. 00

198, 477. 25

1, fsh 64 s. 69

197, 343. 42

44, 227, 88

3, 17?. se

42, 050. 50

198, 374. 27 30. 55 S. 29

198, 402. 53

44, 226. 45 4. 25

44, 230. 70

527. 67

1, 222. 80

11, 021. 00

3, 193. 38

2, 350. 00 639. 21

24, 6?5. 00 3& 534. 88

6, 286. 75

1, 276. 50

4, 702. 12 2, 679. 60

102. 98


t3 1, 43


pecisl examinations of national banks. 1932

'ermsnent and indefinite: Refunding to national banking

associations excess of duty No year

1, 300. 00

14, 530. 08 14, 530. 08 14, 530. 08

1, 300, 00


aries snd expenses, national-bank sminers No year

Total, Oflice of Comptroller of Currency



2, 308. 80

12, 610. 19 761. 44

14, 635. 60

17, 979. 32

(1 0)

306, 270. 08

e60. es

253, 273. 18

13, 984. 78

271, 148. 09 3, 050. 47 17, 203. 59 28, 209. 88

2, 959. 62

17, 904. 69 104. 41

lollecting the internal revenue. . 1934-35 1934 1933 1932 1928 1925 1924

601, 668. 98 317, 868. 70

466, 036. 58 479, 116. 46 98, 363. 79

10, 000. 000. 00 n 32, 821, 859. 98 28, 932, 059. 06

616, sse. 83 00, 047. Ss

66R 68 110. 00 ss. 01

28, 343, 867. 77 159, 046. 60

I, 843. 11 666. 48 110. 00 ss. 61

413, 916. 38 683. 48 110. 00 33. 61

I, 33L 920. 00 682, 144. 13

I, 313, 714. 00 460, 966. 92

10, 000, 000. 00 737, 666. 92 239, 933. 13

588& 201. 29 4, 732. 23

473. 00

Certmed claims 902. 73 302. 73

28, 520, 248. 40

626. 21

28, 604, 545. 60

C ofiecting the war revenue 1922 1920

Certified claims

CA cc

Refunding internal-revenue coffectfons Certified claims

Refunding taxes illegally collected 1934 and prior 1933 and prior 1932 and prior 1931 and prior 1928 and prior 1926 and prior 1924 nnd prior

Certified claims

947, 114. 13 611. 41

6, 865, 818. 66 286. 08

155. 25

300. 00

55, 000, 000. 00

328. 97

18. 66 66. 67

155. 25

75. 25

300. 00

46, 433, 913. 93 925, 568. 29

9, 920. 50 65', 15$. 15

525. 97 588. 04 454. 07 323. 97

16. 66 66. 67

155. 25

75. 25

300. 00

37, 982, 246. 12

7, 791, 386. 95 9, 634. 42

65, 15'4. 15 668. 97 588. 04 &f5!j. 07 323. 97

13. 33 66. 67

10, 531. 91 65, 154. 14

323. 97 583. 04 454. 07

8, 566, 086 07 21, 545. 84

8, 451, 667. 81

47, 283, 370. 47 45, 697, 807. 40

Punishment for violation of intornnl revenue laws . . Certified claims

Permanent nnd indefinite: Allowance or drawbnck (internet

revenue) No year Redemption of stamps (internal

revenue) . No year Refunding legacy taxes, act Mar. 30,

1928 (internal revenue) No year

438, 205. 90

106, 052. 91

442. 65

50, 541. 61

1, 160, 842. 52

442. 65

50, 541. 61

1, 160, 788. 52

JOG, 058. 91

442. 65

50, 541. 61

1, 479, 159. 45 54. 00

106, 052. 9]

119, 834. 97 g



Additional income tax on railroads in

Alaska. No year Philippine special fuud (internal reve-

nue) No year

4, 262. 03

792, 3G9. 66

2, 240. 12

474, 181. 85

4, 262. 03

792, 369. 66

4, 262. 03

792, 369. 66

2, 240, 12

474, 1S1. 85

Proceeds from processing taxes, Agricul-

tural A&lju. I. nii nt Administration» No year



Snlnricc nnd expenses. . 1934 1933 1932 1931

Certified claims

122, 73A 1S

295, 355. 99 139, 185. 09 59, S79. 12

2, 381. 52

I' 2, 942, 601. 00

2. 25

2, 784, 773. 31

18, 056. 99 2, (68 75

1. 76 2. 25

2, 784, 773. 31 41, 82, . 33

211. 77 1. 76 2. 25

297, 525. 74

1. 76

155, 333. 00 43, f&81. 66 139, 273, 94

2, 4!)4. 69 &

97, 000. 9G 1 i. 50

2, 764, 5G7. 7G 2& 826, 810, 90

» I &i I r tlii (i(iii Ic&n&ic»f s(r 2&( (SJ nf thr f(n»I&i»c act of 1933, approved June 16, 1033, no money. were covered in(o I'ii 'I'(,

i »& i il»&» I lie (ic("il irir I'i!!I I»I'i'& i(, &i fi (r(rl »»ili r Ircrmi(ivr ()rdrr No i&&&!i i f 3!nr. 10, 1934 from accounts as frllmvc &'C»&'» i', l)&i &, i&»i of l&i'i &'c(&nii(io(i, I!'34 (, (&is(l('i') fnco, 0()0

. i ! &". I i » ",

, II&irr i» of I &iihi, (rial Alroliol, I«!(I 994, 3&JG

, »&I i ii hi Ic i„& (iy I&" Ir i&. 9 rr«I »»&!rr I:. irr»(&in I)r&lrrc c & c, Gl(i: nn(l (224 rf June 10, and J»l1 2, I&J'I!&, to accounts

f lli)ii ' c il iri« . rii&. »rr»ii n& ili I ~ !&in. I'&'II

i&'l&'i&", I)&'(& III »I&'il( i f J»' I i('&L I'l9 I

'I'r ii i I&&in:i&i&I &»i. ii II i&i«i» i (I i &i ~ i -. ! i& I&sr(&»(»I of Jiicti(c. I!'34 ( (&&i(»lg('&it re!'&'». &tc I )rl&, » I&i'«'&I il( . I » ( ir&L I!&3(

u Account stntr&l u»&ii r the Department of Agriculture, p. !4(). » ('(»inch&later! ivith tiii I!»re iu of Intern)l Revenue»»ilrr ccc. !I »f I'ccr»ti& c & irilrr Nn, (i»&ii nf (i»ii IG, i'i»:

;iholishril »n&lrr Sec& »&ii&' ()r&I&r tco. r( I!i cf 31 ir 10 I!cw, tr i& frn &»r Ihc f»n((i&»&c I(irr«if tr& (lir « ' i»i»ii c&r &ii r & I Intern:il Revenue.

i& Eccl»cii r of SI Gf&7!Ion Irn»sferrcrl. act June 30, 1932 (47 c( il Ill);»&&1 I'!(or&i(ii r & &r li r N&i (&( I!& &if al ir I(&, I!&3 I, to nccou»tc;ic f&illiiii 9.

Nnlcrirc, (&Ili& ( of, cri r&»iri &if (lie Trr;i«iry, 193 I c" I, c:I(I Fnlnrirc nn&! eel& ncr . I»ir(;i» of Ih& l&&i&lgr(, II&34. 'I, c(I) Nnlnrirc, Nrvrrt;(ri i(( 1)i ic»&», I!(III I, :I'» N»plircssin(. (»u»(i rfi i(inr:in&i o&hrr (rani& c, I!GII ";, (6&(&

( (ill(ct hi(. ' t Iir l&, t« '&inl I(('i & Ii»(', I!&ca

Receipts and expenditures, 1984. — Continued

[Debit transfer appropriations (net) and repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures are printed in italic. Emergency expenditures are indicated by an asterisk']

Unexpended balances June 30, 1933 Expenditures in 1934 (see p. 6) Amount carried to surplus fund (see p. 7)

Unexpended balances June 30, 1934

Fiscal year for which

ap pro pr1. ation was

made Available

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)

On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing


Appropriations Warrants-issued

basis Checks-issued

basis Act June 20,


Impounded salary and

vacancy sav- ings

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)


On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing


GEgfERAL ACCOffffTS — Continued


Permanent and indefinite: Allowance or drawback (industrial

alcohol) No year $53, 743. 54 $53, 743. 54 $53, 743. 54

Total, Bureau of Internal Revenue


Enforcement of Narcotic and National Prohibition Acts 1930

Enforcement of Narcotic'and National Prohibition Acts, internal revenue 1926

1924 1923 1921

Certified claims

$3, 081, 986. 08 $595, 221. 67 $8, 050, 327. 91 102, 007, 037. 47

2, 344. 10

SD, 524, 656. 98

417. 53

86. ee eR eo 7. 50 e. 58

2, 344. 10

79, 410& 058. 09

417. 63

85. 88 ee. 50 7. 50 e. 53

2, 344. 10

$895, 405. 01

417. 53

25. 38 82. 50

7. 50 3. 33

$2, 219, 078, 79 $1, 903, 954, 86 $20, 141, 149. 58 $9, 164, 926. 80 fa)




Total, Bureau of Prohibition 2, 344. 10

2, 225. 39

1, 807. 86

2, 225. 39

1, 807. 86 536. 24


Salaries and expenses . 1934 1933 1932

Certified claims

Total, Bureau of Narcotics


142, 828. 06 194, 'l64. 62

337) 592. 68

39, 681. 01

39, 681. 01

116, 414. 24

927. 64

117, 341. 88

1, 4DD, 000. 00

6. 90

1, 400, 006. 90

1, 001, 084. 87 67, 1ee. 88

735'. 80 6. 90

943, 173. 24

970, 305. 33 58& 536. 39

192. 34 6. 90

1, 029, 040. 96

195, 499. 92

195, 499. 92

44, 177. 00 12& 780. 46

56, 957. 46

26, 017. DD

38, 148. 76

64, 165. 76

328, 721. 13 188, 763. 08

517, 484. 21

30, 779. 54 r)s 694. 62

31, 474. 16

5jalarfes, OfBce of Coast Guard 1934 1933 1932

5, 497. 70

6, 944. 12 2, 403. 57 1, 466. 54

14 340, 505. 00 307, 051. 00

1, 4se. 54 306, 393. 62

6, 944. 12

16, 147. 00 6, 783. 04

5, 517. 00 2, 403. 57

11, 790. 00 181. 20

657. 38

Coast Guard 1926 1925 1924 1923

Certified claims

305, 584. 46

88. 77 147. 58 40. ee ae. ee Ff. 00

4, 938. 28

306, 393. 62

ee. 77 147. 58 40. 88 58. ee el. 00

4, 938. 28

86. 77 147. 62

58. 85 21. 00

4, 583. 48 4, 583. 48

Coast Guard Academy . Coast Guard Academy (transfer to Pub-

lic Buildings, act Msy 21, 1920)

No year

No year 20, 734. 14

22, 032. 64

8, 696. 82

91, 199. SS ~

11, 240. 05

909. Si

19, 936. 87

49, 685. 91

9, 494. 09

Coast Guard Station, Grsndls land, Mich 1931 — 32

Civilian employees 1934 1933 1932

6, 774. 70

122. 35 4, 295. 61

4, 483. 89 3& 631. 14 94, 910. 00 85, 891. 41

9, 698. 79

83, 362. 62

85, 243. 70 1& 102. 35

86, 346. 05

6, 774. 70

4, 295. 61

4, 510. 00 2, 236. 81

3& 795. 00 4, 483. 89

713. 59 414. 33

64'7. 71

Communication lines 1934 1933 1932

1, 628. 09 510. 19

6, 601. 73

3, 017. 75

140, 000. 00 &r 1, 350. 00

110, 666. 30 21 616. 05

9, 2&8k 08

93, 831. 82 9, 189. 51

578. 67 2, 949. 27

G49. 00 40. 48

28, 684. 70 321. 56

16, 834. 48 28. 27

Contingent expenses 1934 1933 1932

Certided claims

39, 4[1. 29

14, 20[. 68 39, 024. 54

4, 096. 82

225, 000. 00

's 282. 86 277. 94

110, 843. 27

178, 029. 75 1, 141. 22

9, 097. 95 277. 94

103, 600. 00

147, 053. 68 35, 731. 63

83. 40 277. 94

16, 511. 79

553. 00 46, 417. 25 38, 270. 07

30, 976. 07 4, 434. 13 1, 986. 17

177, 421. 66 183, 146. 65

Contingent expenses, Coast Guard (transfers to Department of Com- merce, Bureau of Standards):

Act Feh. 23, 1931

Fuc[ and water



1934 1933 1932

1934 1933 1932 1930

282. 86

142, 733. 30 659, 650. 37

339, 751. 96 188, 264. 60

140, 469. 12 4, 620. 60

96, 789. 98 22, 850. 03

u 989. 86

1, 825. 000. 00

1, 800, 000. 00

is 342. 50

I, 329, 944. 89

88, 191, 52&

4, 799. 88

1, 232, 023. 37

1, 078, 266. 46

48, 773. 19 99, 6u&9. 60

2&2&. 00

1, 174, 751. 37 38, 215. 32

108. 88

I, 212, 857. 31

926, 364. 42 135, 330. 64

407. 53 66. 00

664, 380. 35

211, 049. GO

44. 00


9, 586. 00 515. 48

495, 055&. 11 235&, 930. 81

712, 147. 54

290, 463. 29


155, 193. 52 9, 062. 26

151, 902. 04

1, 104, 553. 15 1, 062, 058. 59

Ou& Siis, Coast Ctuard (transfers, act 5&fay

2[, I'J20&:

1 0 I )c[turtmcnt of Cornrnerce, Bu- reau uf Slant[;&rds 1932 I, 492. 50 » 869 50 1, 150. 00 1, 150. 00

P»)';tnt[ » lit&it, 'i&ictv [034 1933 1932 I&JJI

It&, 3 0 I!&2&&

I &825

( t»'L&I&ctl clair&&s

1, [03, lfi[. 09 369, 590. 32

G28, 094. 49

10, 188. 66

&c 18, 850, 309. 00 &' 1 850. 00

7, 155. 48

14, E&J[, (i03, Gl

187, 6[2. 01

6, 979. 67

6. 90 68„'. 1 9 899. '60


[06. 88

7, 155. 4S I

14, 2)S, 388 28 -)3, '3, 958. 25

3, 110, 75 .

9. 90 686& 19 898. 60 [08. 88

7, [55& 48

374, 862. SO

4. 20 &i34, [2 32'J, 50 I 00. &&, I

l. 505, IGti. 00 [

ISG, !is&i. 07

. 09

'2, [53. '&!)t& 39 I, 40', 70'2. 9;I

». !3 ' I, 2 I ;t, 3 ;3

0, '&l. 33 I, EO& 34

14, 704, 993. 96 14, 701, 535. I I

( I't'tl&t » I'&f&,

itt[t[&& i, &t &i i p&»tli(&iree &i ere &n it[& fttr Iliis:&& &it ily c&nfni»&inc Iu ssr-'-', Gui &&sunder the Ilurccu of prohibition, I) I»r»u u&. I I» I&'t I

'-'») » I;vt Iiisit & of 8 I'» 00 tr&nxfi rrctl Iu "8&I»r&cs, &f&t[ cx pi n. Cs, I&&v&sion of Disliursemcnt, 1934", under Executive

Or&it r N tx Glf fi, &»tl s. tlflul J&int' lo. i» tl I)CC ss, I', &33

» 'I & i»sf& rr& tl frt&ni" I' iv' »n I '&ill&i)\'&&&ccx ( 0 &sf ( tu inl, I!u&, &, icl 5[&&( 20 1933 (48 s[ai, 13)

&'! &C«&rn& tl [run» i&nc olijt'CL untlcr the Dcp irl&nun& uf ('o&nmcrcc. See note [9,

» Returned to same object un&ler ('cast (luaril. Src nttic l&i &c Exc[usiveof849, fful transfcrrcti, a«' 5[;&r. "t), I!&:33 f. is SL;iL lxl Io acconnls as fulh&'ws:

Salaries an&[expenses, Bi&rc:&u uf I(&igr;iving;in&i I'rin&&n„, [9!34 Salariea, OfliCO Of ('O&nrnixxiunCr uf ACi Oun&S:in&i l)cp&ivi&S, I!J3[. So[aries, Prom&rcment 1)ivi;it&n, I!Cll

» Transferred Iti "('ornrnun&c i[&on lines, &'o is! (Iu&fr&i, I&J33", act 5[;ir "&), I!&'I!I (is Slat, . iS).

'&, lf&7

Receipts trnd expenditures, 1t)84. — Continued

[Debft transfer appropriations (net) and repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures are printed in italic. Emergency expenditures are indicated by an asterisk*]

Fiscal year for which


tionn was made

On books of the Treasury


Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)

To credit of disbursing


Unexpended balances June 30, 1933

Appropriations Warrants-issued

basis Checks-issued


Expenditures in 1934 (see p. 6)

Act June 20, 1874

IInpounded salary and

vacancy sav- ings

Amount carried to surplus fund (see p. 7)

On books of the Treasury

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)


To credit of disbursing


Unexpended balances June 3'5 1934


coART GUARD — continued

Retired pay, former Life Saving Service 1934 1933 1932

$10, 971. 42

14, 693. 26 $1, 007. 92

7, 560. 00

$120, 000. 00 $89, 683. 65 800. 88

7, oe0. 00

$89, 076. 49 107. 6

$22, 253. 26

$13, 278. 00 I2. 15

$17, 038. 35 11, 873. 86

$607. 16

81, 223. 36 89, 184. 12

Repairs to Coast Guard vessels 1934 1933 1932

Certified claims

176, 179. 75 163, 070. 17

2, 000, 000. 00 122, 592. 37 12, 034. 04 II 328. 60

14. 80

1, 445, 564. 40 88, 8?e. 84

7, 64t. 86 14. 80

1, 347, 461. 49 84, 916. 27

4, 492. 69 14. 80

170, 940. 12

15, 011. 00 1, 067. 02

539, 424. 60 207, 390. 97

98, 102. 91 5, 397. 66

1, 405, 759. 61 1, 436, 885. 25

Repairs to Coast Guard vessels (transfer to Department of Commerce, Bureau of Standards, sct Msy 21, 1920) 1932

Additional vessles No year Construction and equipment of Coast

Guard cutters 1932 1931-32

328. 60 72, 824. 58

160, 796. 91 39, 683. 57

45, 401. 05

5, 033. 25

» 328. 60

44, 70f. 05

4, 8ee. 88

700. 00

45. 16 165, 785. 00 39, 683. 57

117, 525. 63

4, 888. 08 45. 16

Establishing Coast Guard stations 1931-33 1931-32

22, 500. 00 31, 000. 00 2, 213. 99

1, 027. 74 22, 671. 54 2& 213. 99

21, 472. 26 9) 356. 20 Co

1, 027. 74 24) 8S5. 53

Rebuilding snd repairing stations, etc . 1934 1933 1932

1931-32 Certified claims

85, 808. 77

60, 396. 80 73, 397. 95

469. 10 1, 706. 65

327, 040. 00

3. 08

237, 523. 41

7, 866. 79

1, 536. 69

f, 88A 66 3. 08

184, 824. 48

76& 746. 13 2, 005. 79

11. 00 3. 08

58, 860. 11 1, 695. 65

1, 732. 00 872. 14

87, ?84. 59 77, 069, 84

52, 69S. 93 4, 518. 61

Pay of crews, miscellaneous expenses, etc. , Life Saving Service Certfffed claims

Coast Guard Station, Bsrstaria, Ls Certiffed claims

NATIGNAL INDDSTRIAL RzcovERY, Treseury, Coast Guard 1933-35


710. 18

' 25, 031, '872. 00

245, 234, 32

710, 18

300. 00

18, 266, 419. 27

263, 690. 48

710. 18

il?& 665, 307. 00 6, 765, 452. 73 601, 112. 27

Building or purchase of vessels for the Coast Guard, proceeds'of sales No year ' 20, 266. 31 16, 044. 65 36, 310. 86

Rebuilding snd improving Coast Guard stations from proceeds of sales No year 29, 621. 51 I I, 667. 01 40, 188. 62

Total general snd special accounts, Coast Guard


4, 089, 654. 60 $6, 887. 46 1, 293, 997. 18 50, 79o, 747, 32 37, 665, 618. 53 37, 164, 125. 21 I, 748, 462. 40 I, 764, 905. 01 $16, 199. 46 13, 697, 103. 98 I, 795, 490, 60


)boast Guard allotments (transfer to Veterans' Administration, sct Oct. 6, 1917) 22 No year

Total, Coast Guard

7, 649. 36

4, 097, 303. 96 6, 887. 46 1, 293, 997. 18 60, 795, 747. 32 37, 665, 618. 53 37, 164, 12R 21 1, 748, 462. 40 1, 764, 905. 01 16, 199. 46

7, 649. 36

13, 704, 753. 34 I, 795, 490. 60



Salaries snd expenses 1934 1933 1932

232, 819. 77

20, 001. 08 62, 318. 06 90) 141. 45

2 5) OS 6, 509. 50

Il 402. 72

4, 521, 935. 47

196, 865. 86 868. 10

4, 444) 504. 92 104, 714. 60

886. 10 20) 669. 88

206, 65S. 00 185, 656. 14

209, 529. 00 72, 786. 66

148, 387. 03 231, 150. 98

77, 430. 55

4, 326, S13. 42 4, 339, M4. 32

Be)aries snd expenses, Bureau of Engrav- ing and Printing (transfer to Depart- ment of Commerce, Bureau of Stand- ards):

Act Suiy 5, 1932 Act Feh. 23, 1931

1933 1932

808. 39 102. 72

149. 65 '2 40A 73

150. 35 300. 00

300. 00 300. 00

646. 83 11. 21

Total, Bureau of Engraving snd Printing


283, 231. 94 62, 318. 06 90, 291. 10 5, 086, 509. 50

1 49. 65'

4, 326, 663. 77 4, 339, M4. 32 20, 669. 88 392, 860. 97 282, 315. 66 379, 549, 22 77, 430. 65

Saiaries 1934 1933 1932

698. 78 330. 82

32. 09

22 35, 162, 00 32, 600. 00 18. 14

32, 602. 33 13. 95

330. 82

1, 662. 00 416. 58

900. 00 300. 34

97. 67

Supiircssing counterfeit&ng an&i other criines 1934

1933 1932

( crtiSic&l claims

352. 31 4, 870. 17

2, 807. 82 20, 807. 17 29. 48

2& 564, 860. 00

2. 00

32 581, 86

518, 696. 29

9, 584. 50 84. 07

2. 00

32, 616. 2S

6)03, 437. 11 11, 035. 23

113. 65 2. 00

4, 786. 10

21, 530. 00 5, 700. 4(')

5, 083. 00 6 757 (&4

I!I, 550. 71 2»ii 63

i&i 25)9 IS I»7. 34

St&i, &r&cs, u hite ilnuse I)»!i&e 1934 1933 1932

2, 254. 78

254. 02 886. 05

2( 105, 536 00

509, 197. 76

100, 247. 89 886. 05

5!4, 587. 89

100, 247. 78

254. 02

6, 273. 00 I, I I:l. 90

ls) I I

I, &I!)0

!&9, 3tt I, 8 I 100, 247. 78

i Cr«lit it(nt. 2 I, I» I '&'&, 27 tr. ir f&rri I front ''&' i't &:t&sr l. I&i!Il'', n&t 3I»r. 20, 1933 (48 Stat

tr &i) f&'ii«' I &in&I&'i' I(i« '&i» i C &&t&!('ts N»s. Cli f, (, '. "I, c&iil &" &0 &if lnnc I», . I&ily 27, and Dcc !»ic

Lnl &nrs;in&I & I i t»r~ I )ic&'. nri &&f l&ish&irsrit & i t, I!u( i)l tri(c» I'i'« lii &''il& i

' ' ' i) i i )rt,

I !!&i& [«' I fri ri& ' ' N &it t, & ! I r&&iti. &

i'i il I«'c&ii cry ' ':ii l)r&iliri tt itin fnr (n!ti[)!rtc statctrici I.

I(& I &iri & I frn)i& ~ 'iic & ', 'ct t ii' &!& 2 tli& I i& I itrlni&t&I &i( ( & Itir irr& c . 'cc &&»le I&&

I:I), an&i cxclt&i!rs 3, !!)7. ;0 l»33. to ii&'&'(i&i&i !9 iis !»I-

O'I, 200. 00

&if ii liic!i scr p. 428.

i'& II«I&&it&c ', In f!&&, ;)nic t)l j« I t&iii!Ci tli(i Bitt&'nii &if l&ill'I i'&lit(. ';1&i&l I'I'ii'I&i&&» Sr& t&n(r Ih » &&r( r& ir»I, all&i(n&& n(s & f ('r»st ( l&i &r&l Ii &y»i»lrr Il«VV ir i&i»I& I i -i r iii« i' lii& i&i&le. 5!320 tr i is(&rr«1 from ''Lnlirics:iiiil & sl&& ii i», Itiirc iii I I&i liirtriit Al&'»!1&)! I'I'll'' ii(I

(47 St&it. 41(!. 2& Inc!&id&$0(&0'&i &n»frrr& i fin&i& I I &s&1& I &xf)&&&Lie it&in iii nf I i& I&i &(i )I

(!7 Stat. , 411!, nit&i & . c]i &lcs 5('&4 Ir tn ~ f&'rn' I to '3:&1&r&c. ', u . »ti' lint&'c I»)l»'&» I!I! I'', ii I 3( ir. 7&& I & & i & I ~

&i l&tct»&lc» tlsl tt i& frrrc! frnr» ''Lit!)l» cs»in&: cn&intrrf& i(ii &. »» I &i(lii 2 & r&t&ira i'&;&' '

nl, I!)3&&

t&t, II&, '&2

I I)

Receipts and expenditures, 1M// — Continued

[Debit transfer appropriations (net) snd repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures are printed in Ratic. Emergency expenditures are indicated by an asterisk']

Ii ixcal year for which

spl&rul&ri- stion was


On books of the Treasury

A vailable

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)

To credit of disbursing


Unexpended balances June 30, 1933


Warrants-issued basis

Checks-issued basis

I& xpend&turcx In 1934 (see p 0)

Aci. June 20, 1871

In&pounded salary and

vacancy sav- ings

Amount, carrie&i to surplus fund (see p, 7)

)lever& e for i&nl&r&un&feil

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)


To ere&lit nf disbursing


Uncxpende&l balances Juno 30, 1934

On books of the Treasury

GENERAL AC 0 0 VNTS — C ontinued

sEGRET SERvrcE DIvlsIDN — continued

Uniforms and equipment, White House police

Total, Secret Service Division


1934 1933 1932

$100. 00 7N. 79

9, 596. 67 f&2, 807. 82

$768. 97

22, 523. 76

$3, 000. 00

708& 550. 00

$1, 354. 61 84. 06

1, 290. 58

642, 432. 04

$855. 18 704. 94

1, 560. 12

648& 912. 07

$735. 79

B, 106. 73 $36, 025. 94 $11, 840. 64

$1, 645. 39 164. 03

24, 559. 14

$499. 43

16, 043 73

Salaries, CQice of Surgeon Qeneral . 1934 1933 1932

'7, 202. 49

1, 787. 67 4, 411. 39 1, 293. 37

307, 890. 00 267, 006. 07 I, 288. 44

266, 313. 09 6. 93

li 787. 67

14, 145. 00

6, 283. 64 19, 157. 00

4& 873. 22 7, 581. 93 1, 743. 46

692. 98

Pay, etc. , comruissioned ofiicers

Pay, etc. , commissioned orllcers and pharmacists .


1933 1932

61& 594. 55

18, 486. 84 2, 682. 90 100, 851. 37

1, 52, 393. 00

265, 719. 63

1, 373, 823. 22

83, 80o. 69

266, 320. 02

1, 360, 862. 88

17, 045. 98 18, 486. 84

52, 687. 00

31, 948. 03 2, 682. 90

101 882. 78

1 13, 451. 91

12, 960. 34

86, 806. 69 17, 045. 98

Psy of acting assistant surgeons. 1934 1933 1932

29, 264. 81 35, 939. 87

5, 161. 45 13, 163. 57 325, 400. 00 251, 950. 99

10, 668. B6

241, 388. 34

251I 172. 05

2, 600. 92

253, 772. 97

35, 939. 87

15, 883. 00

9, 096. Bl 18, 874. 00

5, 524. 49 38, 692. 01 30, 367. 81

778. 94

Pay of other employees 1934 1933 35, 964. 72 1932 40, 739, 52

CertiSed claims

58, 981. 67 23, 556. 13 1, 017, 750. 00

7, 65

801, 649. 39 10, /&86. 87

4. 00 7. 65

791, 167. 37

795, 469. 64

13, 062. 46 4. 00 7. 65

808, 643. 75

40, 735. 52

62, 096. 00 28, 016. 85

55, 462. 00 60, 363. 14

98, 542. 61 17, 060. 07

6& 179. 75

Pay of personnel snd maintenance of

hospitals 1934 1933 1932, 1931 1921 1920

CertfSed claims

37, 255. 24 462, 933. 78

50, 521. 48 177, 481. 85 14, 653. 62

5, 600, 000. 00

1, 064. 09

4, 640, 613. 47 201), . 667. 1 6 f 6, 700& 7t&

117. 67 6. 00

fs. 68 I, 064. 09

4, 426, 471. 67

4, 587, 803. 03 62, 866. 26

1, 779; 14 117. 67

6. 00 16. SB

I, 064. 09

4, 558, 245. 08

476, 834. 57 117. 67

6. 00 15. 28

180, 657. 00 151, 195. 20

107& 457. DO

DB, 740. 18 671, 272. 53

40, 208. 49 52, 810. 44

7, 377. 98 73. 69

1934 1933 1932 D. 40

aa. es 420. 00

e. 43 333. 90 so. 4a

30. 00 6. 49

64. 10

Control of biologic products. . . . 1934 1933 I, 838. 19 1932 I, 766. 80

8, 058. 42 43, 900. 00

413. 51

39, 311. 70

3, 888. 93

36, 422. 84

386. 36

3V, 886. OS

169. 6 0 I, voa. so

38& 055. 53

I, 226. 00 319. 67

3, 362. 24

4, 407. 54

1, 425. 7$

Educational exhibits. . . . . . 1934 1933 1932

110. 74

292. 71 100. 28

I, 500. 00 788. 98 16. Oo

662. 08 116. 94

292. 71

711. 02 71. 18

805. 64 77D. 02

Expenses, division of mental J&yglene. . 1934 1933 1932

221. 04

2& 671. 74 846. 82 2, 471. 19

44, 3VV. OO 32, 476. D2

8) 18I. vf 2. 85

30, 499. 08 289. 48

2. 85 2& 668. 89

I, 641. 00 I, 340. 12

2, 801. 00 I, 172. 81

7, 458. 08 736. 64

I& 977. 84

30, 298. 06 30, 7DI. 41

Expenses, division of venereal diseases 1934 1933 1932

Cert, iliad claims

3, 020. 00 10, 891. 08

595. 55 3, 2D3. 96 110. 12

75, 000. 00

3. 50

58, 122. 36

E 106. 49

3. 50

67, 404. 65

I, 188. 46 110. 12

3. 60 10, 891. 98

2, 420. 00

I, 303. 15 684. 00 670. 55

13, 873. 64

3, 747. 34 717. 71

56, 020. 37 68, 700. 73

Field investigations of public ho«1th 1934 1933 1932

Certihcd clalrus

2, 476. 82

14) 133. 26 3, 4G2. 33 24, 273. 70

742. 16

353, 664. 00

. 45

212) 122. 33 (8, 634. 80

300. 03 . 45

207, 602. 73

7, 073. 46 442. 12

. 45 14, 433. 28

8, 636. 00 9, 009. 56

23, 505. 00 3, 502. 33

109, 300. 67 9, 882, 07

4, alo. 60 75. 46

Ierolght, transporh&lion, otc 1934 1933 12, 854. 80 1932 I, 6138. G8

Certified claims

3, 126. Os

306. 69

36, 175. 00

108. 94

196, 297. 95

22, 665. 06

3, 916. 19 Vi. 57


21C), 718. 7G

19, 653. 47

6, 936. 02 322. 16 108. 94

I, 683. 01

320. 00 143. 15

13, 299. 94

8, 795. 46 3, 001. 59

100. 213

Interstate quarantine sor vico . . 1934 1933 6, 678. 45 1932 I, 361. 46

G, 047. 38 109. 86

38, 4M, 00

26, 595. 76

34, 201, 17 6, 436. 46

. 48

30, 824, 29

26, 920. 59

31, 369. HD

1, 49D. 52 109. 42

32, 978. 83

I, 361. 88

923. 00 248. b;3

3, 009. 83 8, 866. 07

2, 891. 28 111. 4i

I, char«tory at Ila&nillou, Mont, . . . 1931-32

I. ai&oratory at Ila&nilion, Mont. . (trous- [er to I'ulilic 13uihlings, act May 21, 1920) 1931-32 77, 925. 37

&4 16, 772. 56

» la, 773. 66 64, 888. 82 G4, bb;3, 82

16, 772. 55

6, 269. 00

M:&intonanco, Rational Insiituto ol I I eiil &1& 1934

1933 1932

4, 104, 4C

I, 400. 61 3, 811. CG

54, 775. 00 37, 629. 90

E 848. 66 b. 00

34, 991. 24

36, 641. HH

I, 16G. 00 8. 00

37, 814. Ha

I, 33&2. i&l

17, 145. 10 a, vhl. 1 I

DHH. 02

Medlcnl and l«&eliitil services Ccriiileii claims

» iielurneil from samo ol&je& 3 under I'ui)lic 13«tidings account. See note 27,

11. 00 11. 00 11. 00

rr Iteturncil to same iibji cl ur«lcr I'ul&llc I leal lli Borvlce, Bee noii 26,

Receipts and expenditures, 198JI — Continued

iDebit transfer appropriations (net) and repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures sre printed in ifciic. Emergency expenditures are indicated by sn asterisk']

Fiscal year for which

appropri- ation wss


On books of the Treasury


Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)

To credit of disbursing


Unexpended balances June 30, 1933

Appropriations IVarrantsf issued

basis Checks-issued


Expenditures in 1934 (see p. 6) Amount carried to surplus fund (see p 7)

Act June 20, 1874

On books of the Treasury

Impounded Reserve for

vacancy sav- impounded vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)


To credit of disbursing


Unexpended balances June 30, 1934


PUBLIc HEALTH sERvrcE — coatinued

Preveating the spread of epidemic dis- eases 1934

1933 1932

Certified claims

$39, 685. 85 118, 826. 10

$5, 483. 34 $29, 124. 62

1, 496. 87

$333, 650. 00

15. 99

f208, 226. 55 Sf, 018. 81 1, 07L13

15. 99

$190, 093. 25

7, 959. 61 426. 74

15. 99 $119, 896. 23

$3, 410. 00 5, 358. 99

$7, 360. 00 6, 670. 51

$114, 653. 45 54 157. 90

$18, 133. 30 146. 80

Quarantine service. . . . . . . 1984 1938 1932

Certified claims

Studies of rural sanitation . 1934 1933 1932

Certified claims

89, 998. 67 170, 139. 40

10, 903. 12 2, 605. 41

480. 00

51, 955. 94 31. 33

27, 375. 04 40. 73

475, 000. 00

7. 96

150, 000. 00

186, 158. 20

256, 715. 44

45, 183. 81

4, 410. 44 7. 96

215, 960; 03

23, 556. 02 87, 1st. 37

. 50

. 20

lo8, 4a4, 5a

251, 568. 47

6, 636 23

4, 441. 77 7, 96

262, 554, 43

21, 993. 97 240. 67

40. 23 . 20

165, 728. 96

2, 605. 91

I 120. 00 3, 961. 23

2, 934. 00 480. 00

218, 284. 56

135, 182. 48

123, 389. 98 34, 076. 26

5, 146. 97 235. OO

1, 562. 05

3, 678. 86 22, 275. 07

Studies of rural sanitstioa, drought- stricken areas . . 1931-32


Treasury, Public Health Service 1933-35

14, 289. 57 5, 538. 32

I 2, 207, 128. 00

5, 639. OS

1 498 911 49

8. 40

* 1, 397, 468. 54

19, 819. 49

708, 216. 51 101, 442. 95

'Total general accounts, Public Health Service


1, 819, 972r39 132, 616. 93 492, 951. 03 12, 594, 675. 78 9, 373, 235. 47 9, 642, 638. 63 938, 214. 52 592, 411. 82 428, 184. 18 2, 720, 269. 16 223& 547. 87


'stional Institute of Health gift fuad No year 'stionsl Iastitute of Health conditional.

gift fund No year

Total contributed accounts, Pub- lic Health Service


57. 00

847. 56

904. 56

3, 739. 03

3, 739. 03

3, 102. 99

3, 102. 99

3, 061. 33

3, 061. 33

57, 00

1, 483. 60

I, 640. 60

41. 66

41. 66


Vioneys and effects of former patients, Public Health Service - No year 27, 358. 49 I, 356. 29 55. 15 55. 15 28, 658. 63

1'atfeats' deposits, IJnited States marine hospital, Csrviffe, La No pear I, 573. 78

Total trust accounts, Public Health Service

Total, Public Health Service


28, 932. 27

1, 849, 809. 22 132, 61S. 93 492, 951. 03

1, 555. 29

12 599& 970 1D

155. 16

9, 376, 493. 61

155. 15

9, 645, 855. 11 938, 214. 52 592, 411. 82 423, 134. 13

30, 382. 41

2, 752, 142. 17 228, 589. 53


Stslaries, office of Director of the Mint 1934 1933 1932

322. 36

2, 165. 31 172. 35

» 34, 957. 00 31, 873, 00 1 7ft. 65

31, 865. 49

2, 166. 31

I, 657. 00 473. 78

1, 32LDD 99. 00 20. 93

7. 61

Salaries snd expenses, mints and assay offfces 1934

1933 1932

50, 447. 89 320, 452. 57

Se, e90. 01 53, 174. 38

» 1, 249, 785. 00

31, 700. 65

1, 038, 655. 78

38& 037'. FIJ

31, 865. 49

968, 541. 07 25, 147. 09

320, 452. 57

48, 572. 00 14, 001. 76

35, 428. 00 67, 050. 01

127, 129. 22

63, 113. 42 70, 114. 71

1, 010, 628. 49 993, 688. 16

Jontingent expenses, office of Director of the Mint. . . . . . . . . . 1934

1933 1932

2, 102. 50 2, 437. 12

2, 000. 50 6, 100. 00 3, 630. 41

f45. 79 1, %8. 59

1& 854. 71 2& 437. 12

2, 469. 59 2, 248. 29

2, 121. 82

8, 484. 62 3, 363. 3D

Trsnsportatioa of bullion and coin, mints and assay offices 1934

1933 1932

297. 24

6, 585. 38 62. 12

6, 000. 00 2, 810. 77

4$. 94 2, 776. 51

9. 18 6, 585. 38

8, 189. 23 340. 18

34. 2S

2, 767. 83 2, 785. 69

Recoinage of Danish West Indiaa coins of Virgin Islands No year

Total, Bureau of the Mint. . . 384, 810. 37 65, 690. 01 56, 399. 35

25, 000. 00

1, 321, 842. 00 1, 048, 681. 59 1, 031, 702. 64 331, 640. 38 64, 704. 64 103, 806. 01

25, 000. 00

223, 609. 86 72, 278. 30


. Salaries, Procurement Division 1934 I I 1, 200, 567. 18 1, 187, 718. 75 1, 180, 293. 82 967. 04 I i. 881. 39 7, 424. 93

Salaries aad expenses, Veterans' Administration


Salaries, oflice of Secretary oi Agriculture Salaries snd expenses, Bureau of Home Economics Salaries aad expenses, Extension Service


$1, 100. 00

3, 300. 00 550. 00 825. DD

I Credit item. I Allotted from "National Industrial Recovery" sppropriatioa for complete statement of which see p. 428.

iz Heretofore classiffe&l as "Special funds. " » Includes f 215 transferred from "Salaries and expenses, mints aad assay offfces, 1934", sct Mar. 20, 1933 (48 Stat. 13). » Exclusive of $215 transferred to "Salaries, Office of Director of the Miot, 1934. " See note 29. » Transferred under Executive Orders Nos. 6166 snd 6224, dated June 10, 1933 and July 27, 1933, respectively, from

. the following 1934 accounts: INDEPENDENT OFFICES

Incidental expenses of the Army. Army transportation


NAVT DEPARTMENT Pay of civil employees, Marine Corps Salaries, Bureau of Supplies and Accounts Maintenance, Bureau of Supplies and Accounts


Salaries and expenses, General Supply Committee Collecting the Internal Revenue Salaries and expenses, Bureau of Engraving snd Printing Psy and allowaaces, Coast Guard Salaries, Office of Supervising Architect General expenses of public buildings

$770. 00 1, 237. 50 9, 340. 84

110, 841. 23 1, 191. 67

797. 60 10, 697. 00

172, 136. 60 869, 419. 10

7, 287. 60 4, 665. 84

Standardization of equipment, Bureau of Standards Salaries and expenses, U. S. Shipping Board Bureau


Salaries, Department of Justice

4, 126. 00 770. 00

I, 512. 50

I& 200, 567. 18

Receipts and expenditures, 7 98ft — Continued

[Debit transfer appropriations (net) and repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures are printed in italic. Emergency expenditures are indicated by sn asterisk']

Unexpended balances June 30, 1933 ExpendItures m 1934 (see p. (&) Amount carried to surplus

fund (see p. 7) Unexpended balances June 30, 1934

F i seal year for which

appropri- ation wss

made Available

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)

On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing


Appropriations )Vsrrants-issued

basis Checks-issued

basis Act June 20,


impounded salary and

vacancy sav- ings

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)


On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing



PRocUREMENT DIvlsIQN — continued

Salaries and expenses, General Supply Committee» 1934

1933 1932

$2, 197. 40 330. 95

$1, 6S3. 30 58. 13

ii $41, 791. 56 $38, 755. 60

3, S89. Sl 68. 1S

$3S, 266. 64 686. 91

$389. 08

$3, 035. 96 4, 224. 77 $34. 84 $307. 00

$488. 96

36, 328. 26 37, 580. 73

General expenses, Procurement Divi- sion

Geueralsupply fund, Procurement Divi- sion No year

General supply fund, Treasury De- partment » No year

Fuel yards, District of Columbia, Pro- curement Division 1934 and prior

241, 540. 72 68, 628. 84

I' 764, 288. 19

ii 69, 183. 36

» be, ISS. SS

» 354' 533. 03

548, 435. 39

?S, 150. 00

172, 357. 36

65, 604. 01

478, 460. 78

tt?, SSS. S?

240, 986. 20

107, S4S. 96

21st 852. 80

145, 333. 36

288, 929. 02

69, 974. 61 91

41, 832. 37

172, 847. 96

Maintenance and operation, fuel yards, District of Columbia» . 1934 and prior

1933 and prior 1923-24

444, 216. 66 413. 07

o 25, 373. 35 'I 428, Sse. 78 'I 50, 817. 60

24, 316. 68

12, 924. 93 50, 817. 60

24, 316. 68 13, 338. 00 50, 817. 60

4, 338. 95 1, 056. 67

88, 059. 21 88, 472. 28

Total, Procurement Division (sup- ply branch) 688, 285. 73 70, 783. 34 2, 010, 418. 13 2& 022, 352. 98 1, 800, 567. 49 389. 08 12, 566. 72 34. 84 663, 360. 24 292, 668. 83


15cpatrs, equipment, ctc. , of public buildings

ieneral expenses of public buildings 1934 1933 1932 1931

Certified claims

250, 578. 87

90, 051. 57 $23, 220. 52 72, 284. 33

256. 81

u 2, 045, 265. 90

1. 55

709, 074. 14

19, 408. SO

745. 43 SO. 00 1. 55

709, 074. 14 48, 296. 62

903. 74

SO. 00 1. 55

89, 306. 14 30. 00

92, 063. 00 39, 802. 38

27, 036. 00 23, 459. 02

1, 217, 092. 76 229, 946. 19 4, 579. 51

98. 50

:echsnical equipment for public build- ings 1934

1933 1932

Certified claims

210, 477. 51

17, 657. 64 38, 916. 25

406. 72

u 378, 004. 01

93. 90

690, 382. 92

98, 327. 53 79, 958. 11

409. 61 93. 90

758, 246. 05

98, 327. 53 111, 573. 31

816. 33 93. 90

17, 248. 03

279, 676. 48 130, 519. 40 ?, 301. 05

)utside professional services, public buildings, Procurement Division No year I, 819, 776. 64

178, 789. 15

I, 170, 068. S9

210, 811. 07

I, 170, 058. 89 649, '717. 75

Outside professional services. public buildfngs No pear 1, 889, 264. 60 280, 769, 02 «1, 5(9, 778. 84 427, 666, 69 239, 523. 27 183, 067. 02

Repairs and preservation of public build- ings 1934

1933 1932

Certiffed claims

157, 005. 03 457, 350. 27

36, 842. 26 7, 855. 46

" 569 619. 18

646. 21

83, 556. 35&

125, 078. 69 7, 505. 44

646. 21

83, 556. 35 153, 963. 87

653. 02 646. 21

464, 552. 71

486, 062. 83 31 926 34 7 957 08

202, 078. 81 238, 819. 45

Remodeling and enlarging public build- ings 1932

V'suits and safes for public buildings 1934 1933 1932

27, 570. 78

89, 571. 57 972. 29

50, 687. 17 2, 891. 88

44 360, 720. 33

13& 104. 19

3, 069. 44

18, 258. 09 885. 80

13, 104. 19

3, 069. 44

60, 540. 26

2, 008. 28

14, 466. 59

I, 855. 89

367, 650 89 71, 313. 48 8, 405. 00

Total, repairs, equipment, etc. , public buildings 3, 190, 500. 13 23, 220. 52 490, 909. 90 3, 854, 351. 08

20, 443. 93

2, 604, 822. 58

65, 617. 98

2, 884, 324. 32 587, 459. 36 131, 865. 38 50, 495. 02 3, 693& 429. 39 211, 408. 16

Operating expenses of pubhc b(&itdings

Salaries, OfEice of Supervising Architect 1934 1933 1982

49, 364. 67 13, 081. 19

18, 414. 65 2, 585. 97 " 503, 682. 75 140, 505. 01

9, 859. Je 8. 19

140, 505. 01 75. 51 8. Ig 13, 087. 38

21, 006. 00 8, 820. 91

43, 382. 00 18, 401. 65

298, 789. 74

43, 216. 24

Furniture and repairs of same for public buildings 1934

1933 1932

Certified claims

Furniture for Triangle Buildings, Wash- ington, D. C . No year

423, 959. 08

1, 671. 50

44 3, 171, 104. 16 372, 850. 63

469. 92 3, MO. 00 4. 25

ii 472, 454. 00

137, 839. 34

144, 705. 08 50, 367. 21

I, 934. 08 4. 25

197& 010. 62

5, 000. 00

140, 425. 81

144, 705. 08 419, 663. 06

2, 404. 00 4. 25

566, 776. 39

508. 82

3, 026, 399. 08 373, 586. 64

2, 737. 42

467, 454. 00


3, 554. 78

4, 491. 18 » Heretofore stated as n separate chapter. Abolished by secs. I and 20 of Executive Order No. 6166 of June 10, 1933,

effective Oct. 24, 1933, nnd functions transferred to Procurement Division. » Exclusive of $118, 208. 44 transferred under Executive Orders Nos. 6166 and 6224 of June 10 nnd July 27, 1933, to

accounts as follows: S alaries, Procurement Division, 1934 $110, 841. 23 General expenses, Procurement Division, 1934 7, 367. 21

44 Transferred under Executive Orders Nos. ()166 snd 6224 of June 10 snd July 27, 1933, respectively, from accounts as follows:

Salaries and expenses, General Supply Committee, 1934 $7 367 21 I(epairs and preservation of public buildings, 1934 280, 380. 82 Mechanical equipment for public buildings, 1934 321, 995. 99 General expenses of public buildings, 1934 . 118, 000. 00 Vaults and safes for public buildings, 1934 36, 394. 17 Lands uml o( her property of the United States, 1934 150. 00

44 Transferror( (rom "General supply fund, Treasury. Department", under Executive Orders Nos. 6166 and 6224 of June 10 and July 2&, 1933.

x& Heretofore stated under "General Supply Committee. " » Tr;insferred to "General suiq&ly fund, Procurement Divisioni«See note 36. 4' Transferred (roni "AIsin!encore and operation, fuel yards, District of Columbia, 1934 and prior", under Exec-

utive Order No. 616&6 of June If), I&?IIII. " Ilere!ofore stated uniler Iiie Department of Commerce. Transferred to Procurement Division under sec. 1 of Execu( ive Or&lcr No. OI(I&I of June 10, 1933. All transactions in this account for the fiscal year 1934 under the Bureau of hiincs anil I lie Procuremen(. Division nre stated as one account in this chapter for budget purposes.

4 'I! I&is nero»&i!»ns credited ivith $439, 906. 38, transferred from 1933 snd prior account, and charged with $414, 533. 03 trans(erre&i, nr I biiir. I, 1933 (47 Stat. 1406) under Executive Order No. 6166 of June 10, 1933, to accounts as follows:

I'uel yards, I)(. !rii (, of (:olumbin, Procurement Division, 1934 $354, 533. 03 ('nre, e(c. , &&I Iniil&iioes;inrl grouruis, Bureau of Mines, Pittsburgh, Pa. , 1934 60, 000. 00

4& This 'ice&)&la(. '&i&Is 4'Ic&(ircri with 5(?, 95&s. so reestablished under the act of Mar. 3, 1875 (18 stat. 418, sec. 5), which wi(h $42&&?452. 78 was& Ir„nsferrrc&I, nc( 'f f, &r. I, I&J)3 (47 stat. 1406), to 1934 and prior account.

" Reestablished from the surplus fund, nct Mar. 3, 1875 (18 Stat. 418, sec. 5). "Exclusive of $998, 259. 10 transferred under Executive Orders Nos. 6166 and 6224 of June 10 and July 27, 1933, to

accounts as follows: General expenses, Procurement Division, 1934 $118, 000. 00 Salaries, Procurement Division, 1934 . 8G9, 419. 10 C&eneral expenses, public buildings, Post Office Department, 1934 10, 840. 00

«Exclusive of $321, 995. 99 transferred to "General expenses, Procurement Division, 1934", under Executive Orders Nos. 6166 and 6224 of June 10 nnd July 27, 1933. " Includes gh319, 776. 64 transferred from "Outside professional services, public buildings", under Executive Onlers Nos. 6166 snd 6224 of June 10 and July 27, 1933.

4' Transferred to "Outside professional services, procurement Division. " See note 45. 4( Exclusive of $280, 380. 82 transferred to "General expenses, Procurement Division, 1934", under Executive Orders

Nos. 6166 nnd 6224 of June 10 and July 27, 1933. 44 Exclusive of $129, 279. G7 transferred under Executive Orders Nos. 61G6 and 6224 of June 10 and July 27, 1933, to

accounts as follows: Vaults and safes, public buildings, Post Ofiice Department, 1934 $91, 309. 50 General expenses, Procurement Division, 1934 3G, 394. 17 Salaries and expenses, Office of National Park~, Buildings, and Reservations, 1934. . 1, 576. 00

«Exclusive of $211, 317. 25 transferred under Executive Orders Nos. 6166 and 6224 of June 10 nnd July 27, 1933, to accounts as follows:

Salaries, public buildings, Post Offfce Department 1934 $39& I I&0. 75 Salaries, Procurement Division, 1934 172, 136. 50 " Exclusive of $1, 328, 895. 84 transferred under Executive Orders Nos. 6166 and 6224 of June IO no&i July 27, Isx(,

to accounts ns follows: Furniture and repairs, public buililings, Post Office Department, (934. . . . . . $85&G, 5&(n. 50 Operating expenses, Treasury buildings, Procurement Division, I&J&4 . . . . . . 460, Ir?9. 34 Salaries and expenses, Office of National Parks, Buikiings, and Rescrv;&!iona, 1934 . 11, 44(4 00

4( Transferred from "Sites and cons(ruction, public buildings, act ihi;iy 25, 1926, us auiendc&i", under tho uc(, of May 7, 1934 (48 Stat. (&69).

Receipts trnd expenditures, 15)8$ — Continued

[Debit transfer appropriations (net) and repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures are printed in italic. Emergency expenditures we indicated by an asterisk']

Unexpended balances June 30, 1933 Expenditures in 1934 (see p. 6) Amount carried to surplus fund (see p. 7)

Unexpended balances June 30, 1934

Fiscal year for which

appropri- ation was

made Available

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)

On books of the Treasury

To credit oi disbursing


Appropriations Warrants-issued

basis Checks-issued

basis Act June 20,


Impounded salary and

vacancy sav- ings

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)


On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing



PRocvRENENT DIVIsICN — continued

Operaliug ezpersees oj public buildings — Con.

Lands and other property of the United States 1934

1933 1932

Rent of temporary quarters, public buildings, Procurement Division. 1934

$541. 75 404. 96

» $350. 00

ss 263, 256. 08 $261, 502. 28 $261, 502. 28

$404. 96

$350. 00 541. 75

1, 758. 80

Rent of temporary quarters, public buildings 1934

1933 55, 000. 00 1932 455, 838. 15

$48, 391. 82

ss 636, 743. 92 248, 680. 92 42& 139. 28

345. 00

223, 184. 21

90, 531. 10 345. 00 455, 493. 15

388, 063. 00 12, 860. 72

$25, 496. 71

5 291, 165. 20 314, 060. 31

Operating expenses, Treasury buildings, Procurement Division 1934

Operating force for public buildings . . 1934 1933 193'2

1931 1925

Certided claims.

perating supplies for public buildings 1934 1933 1982

Certified claims

835, 106. 80 137, 155. 49

492, 626. 85

264, 614. 31

$298, 772. 42 377, 523. 66

126& 985. 72 418. 25

ss 2 250 531. 36

u 4, 956, 622 33

4. 82

I' 1, 117, 644. 21

74. 27

1, 707, 776. 89

2, 144, 419. 40 egg, SSI . 36

6I. SO

. 97 3. 00 4. 82

1, 848, 997. 19

781, 207. 89 111, 986. 82

740, 87 74. 27

894, 009. 85

1, 622, 275. 52

2, 144, 419. 40 82, 162. 40

6I. 80

S. 00 4. 82

2, 226, 520. 85

781, 207. 89 232, 255. 90

1& lbs. 12 74, 27

1, 01 4, 697. 18

137, 217. 29 . 97

3. 00

263, 873. 44

$193, 093. 00 157, 489. 04

$25, 509, 00 307, 120. 42

542, 754. 47

2 593 600 93 964, 631. 02

336, 436. 32 380, 639. 03

85, 501. 37 M


«cs co

6, 718. 64

Total operating expenses, public buildings

Post o+cee, courthouses, cuelomhoueee, etc.

2, 729, 363. 75 31'7, 187. 07 929, 225. 97 13, 375, 472. 15 5, 343, 301. 37 6, 146, 766. 66 870, 080. 19 S80, 414. 18 394, 413. 07 9, 483, 814. 16 ll, 760. 68


Treasury, public buildings 1933-36

sTICNAL INDvsTRIsr. REcovERvs Treasury, public buildings, Procure-

ment Division 1933-35

Vorking fund, Treasury Department, public buildings, Procurement Division No year


I 9, 085, 709. 27

. s SS, 325& 078. 7S

67, 410, 788

5'I, 910. 62

5, 190, 444. 27

I, 6ss, 894. ss

3 708 660 07

s 57, 910, 62

4, 826, 971. 46

e I, 646, 900. Os

s 8, 240, 982. 05

9, 027, 79S. 65

53, 134, 684. 46

I, 639, 694. 82

63, 702, 127. 93

363, 472. 81

104, 205. 21

467, 678. 02

mergeacy Cnztruction of public build- [ fags. ect June 19, 1934 . No year

f4ftsf»ment of public buildfng projects authorfzhd ss of June 30, 1933, under sec. 301 (s) psr. 10, of the "Emergency Relief &md Construction Act of 1932". approved tufy 21, 1932. In quoting appropriation titles of the following projects, sdd, "sct tufy 21, 1932", as part of title. ]

65, 000& 000. 00

t mergeacy construction of public build- ings, act July 21, 1932 . No year bileae, Tex. : Post oflice and courthouse No year ikea, S. C. : Courthouse . No year

Albert Lea, Minn. : Post offfce No year Aliquipps, Ps. : Post offfce No year Alhambra, Calif. : Post office No year Alva, Okla. : Post office No year Ames, Iowa. : Post office No year Anniston, Ala. : Post office No year Arlington, N. J. ; Post office No year Athens, Tex, : Post office . No year Austin, Texd Courthouse No year Bay Shore, N. Y. : Post oflice No year Beacoa, N. Y. : Post offfce No year Bares. Ohio: Post office No year Blscksburg, Vs. : Post office 1 c -„csr Bristol, Conn. : Post office No year Bristow, Okla. : Post office No year Buffalo, N. Y. : Courthouse No year Burley, Idaho: Post offlce No year Butler, Pa. : Post offfce No year Csmeron, Mo. : Post oflice No year Carlsbad, N. Mex. : Post offjce No year Csrthage, N. Y. : Post office No year Charleston, W. Va. : Post office and

courthouse No year Chestertown, Md. : Post office No year Chiropee, Mass. : Post offfce No year Childrezs, Tex. : Post offfce No year Chillicothe, Ohio: Post oflice No year Circleville, Ohio: Post office No year Clairton, Pa. : Post ofSce No year Columbia, Mo. ; Post office No year Columbia, S. C. : Courthouse No year Concord, N. H. : Post office No year Corpus Christi, Tex. : Post offlce snd

customhouse . . No year Cushing, Okla. : Post offfce No year Dalbart, Tex. : Post office No year Dallas, Tex. : Parcel-post building No year Darby, Pa. : Post office . . No year Dearborn, Mich. : Post oflice . Nc year

3, 519, 658. 36 505. 00 925. 00 725. 00 825. 00 370. 00

1, 000. 00 1, 316. 00

995. 00 1, 000. 00

1, 000. 00 16, 000. 00

990. 60 500. 00 755. 00

1, 000. 00 700. 00 248. 00 874. 00

7, 000. 00 1, 000. 00

655. 00

700. 00

500. 00 1, 115. 00

843. 00 982. 85

1, 000. 00 865. 00 590. 00

700. 00 720. 00 425. 00 900. 00 700. 00

» f, 371, 963. 67

» 370. 00 » 880. 00

» 7, 500. 00

» 700. 00 » 760. 00 » 716 60 » 346. 60

«8, 000. 00 » 2, 000. 00

» S, SOO. OO

«12, 090. 00 » 666. 00

» 1, 000. 00 » 366. 00

» 1, ff6. 00 » 846. 00

«19, 211. 15 «22, 000. 00

«9, 280. 00 » 466. 00

» 886. 00 » 20, 325. 00

120. 00

7, 500. 00 180. 00

16, 300. 00 760. 00 276. 00 257. 50 190. 00

8, 618. 00 1, 756. 20

10. 00

100. 00 13, 090. 00

485. 00 275. 00

20, 194. 00 21, 790. 00

150. 00

10, 000. 00

500. 00 414. 00

20, 325. 00

120. 00

7, 500. 00 180. 00

16, 300. 00 760. 00 275. 00 25T. 50 190. 00

8, 618. 00

1, 7M. 20 10. 00

100. 00 13, 090. 00

485. 00 275. 00

20, 194. 00 21, 790. 00

150, 00

10, 000. 00

500. 00 414. 00

20, 325. 00

2, 147, 894. 78 605. 00 926. 00 72S. 00 826. 00

1, 315. 00 956. 00

1, 000. 00

820. 00

566. 00 382. 00 943. 80 238. 00 874. 00

700. 00 515. 00

210. 00 850. 00 865. 00 690. 00

700. 00

400. 00

& Allotted from "National Industrial Recovery" appropriation for complete statement of which see p. 428. » Exclusive of $150 tranzfened to "General expenses, Procurement Division, 1934", under Executive Orders Nos.

6186 and 8224 of June 10 and July 27, 1933. » Transferred from "Rent of temporary quarters, public buildings, 1934", under Executive Orders Nos. 6166 and

6224 of June 10 and July 27, 1933. » Exclusive of $283, 258. 08 transferred to "Rent of temporary quarters, public buildings, Procurement Division,

1934". See note 62. » Transferred under Executive Orders Nos. 6166 and 6224 of June 10 snd July 27, 1933, from accounts as follows:

Furniture and repairs, public buildings, 1934 $460, 929. 34 Operating force for public buildings, 1934 911, 879. 67 Operating supplies for public buildings, 1934 . 877, 722. 35

» Exclusive of $7, 383, 377. 87 transferred under Executive Orders Nos. 6166 and 6224 of June 10 and July 27, 1933, to accounts as follows:

Operating force, public buildings, Post Oflice Department, 1934 $6, 407, 205. 00 Operating expenses, Treasury buildings, Procurement Division, 1934 . . . 911, 879. ST

Salaries snd expenses, National Parks, Buildings, sad Reservations, 1934 . . . 44, 293. 00

» Exclusive of $3, 082, 356. 79 transferred under Executive Orders Nos. 6166 and 6224 of June 10 snd July 27, 1933, to accounts as follows:

Operating supplies, public buildings, Post Office Department, 1934 $2, 185, 2S7. 44 Operating expenses, Treasury buildings, Procurement Division, 1934 877, 722. 35 Salaries aad expenses, Offlce of National Parks, Buildings, and Reservations, 1934 19, 376. 00

» This amount represents the net transfers to the sundry public buildings accounts followiag, as indicated by notes 59 and 60.

» Returned to "Emergency construction of public buildings, act July 21, 1932" (47 Stat. 718). See note 57. » Transferred from "Emergency construction of public buildings, act July 21, 1932" (47 Stat. 718). See note 57.

Receipts and expenditures, 198$ — Contirtued

[Debit transfer appropriations (net) snd repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures sre printed in ttatic. Emergency expenditures are indicated by an asterisk"]

Unexpended balances June 30, 1933 Expenditures in 1984 (see p, 6) Amount carried to surplus fund (see p. 7) Unexpended balances June 30, 1934

Fiscal year for which

appropri- ation was

&node Available

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav ings (see p. 8)

On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing


Appro priations Warrants-issued

basis Checks-issued

basis Act June 20,


Impounded salary snd

vacancy sav- ings

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)


On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing


GEgtERAL ACCOItffTS — Continued

Paocuntt &tzt&x ntvtstoN — continued

Poet once&, courthouse&, custorahou&ee, etc. — con.

No year No year No year No year No year No year

No year No year No year No year No year No year

No year No year No year No year

No year No year No year No year No year No year No year No year No year No year No year No year No year No year No year No year No year

No year No year No year No year

No year No year

No yelir

Decatur, Ill. : Post office Dedham, Mass. : Post office Detroit, Mich. : Parcel-post building East Lansing, Mich. : Post office E&aston, Pa. : Post office East Point, Gs, : Post office Esu Claire, Wis. : Courthouse and post

oflice Elmhurst, Ill. : Post office El Paso, Tex. : Courthouse Fayetteville. N. C. : Post office Floral Park, N. Y. : Post office Fond du Lac, Wis. : Post office Fort Scott, Kans. : Post office and court-

house Franklin, Mass. : Post oflice Fremont, Mich. : Post office Gainesville, Ga. : Post office Galveston, Tex. : Post office and custom-

house Garden City, N. Y. : Post office Gastonia, N. C. : Post office Gloucester City, N. J, : Post office Greensburg, Pa. : Post ofhce Hsddenffeld, N. J. : Post oflice Hsgerstown, Md. : Post office Hampton, Iowa: Post office Hancock, Mich. : Post office Hartford City, Ind. : Post oflice Hays, Kans. : Post office Hayward, Calif. : Post oflice Hazard, Ky. : Post once Holdenvllle, Okla. : Post office Hollister, Calif. : Post office Hollywood, Calif. : Post offiee Holyoke, Mass. : Post office Houlton, Me. : Post office snd custom-

house Houms, Ls. : Post office Hudson, Mass. : Post oflice Hudson, N. Y. : Post office Huntsvill0, Als. : Courthouse snd post

ofhce Ilion, N. Y. : Post offfce Indianapolis, lnd. : Post office snd court-


$711. 70 1, 000. 00

1, 000. 00

680. 00

700. 00 800. 00 760. 00 616, 00

760. 00 1, 000. 00 1, 000. 00

5DD. 00

1, 000. 00 1, 000. 00

498. 50 786. 00

1, 000. 00

1, 000. 00 -. 1, 000. 00

11, 000. 00 1, 000. 00

760. 00 224. 00

826. 00

606. 00--

800. 00 600. 00

860. 00

466. 83

4' $95, 928. 30 &4 SSg gg

«1, 000. 00 44 18, 075. 00 «90, 000. 00

44 680. Og

44 30, 000. 00

44 760. Og

«16, 126. 00

44 500. Og

44 540. Og

«785. Og &4 t ggg gg '4 8, 000. 00

44 6, 181. 46

44 865. Og

«7, 760. 00

« trt&. Og 44 9, 637. 60 44 9, 176. 00

«120, 785. 00 44 505. Og

&4 24, 000. 00 44 176. Dg

44466. Ss «1, 000. 00

$96, 640. 00 120. 00 756. 00

19, 076. 00 77, 624. 60

$96, 640. 00 120. 00 756. 00

19, 076. 00 77, 624. 60

17, 126. 00 170. 00

17, 125. 00 170. 00

870. 00 460. 00 97. 50

870. 00 460. 00 97, 50

8, 000. 00 197. 00

7, 181, 45 10, 300. 00

375. 00 6, 760. 00

8, 000. 00 197. 00

7, 181. 45 10, 300. DD

376. 00 6, 760. 00

45. 00 9, 637. 6D

10, 000. 00 120, 786. 00

46. 00 9, 637. 50

10, 000. 00 120, 786. 00

24, 018. 16 326. 00

76. 00

24, 018. 15 325, 00 76. 00

30, 000. 00 30, 000. 00 120. 00 120. 00 269. 20 269. 20

12, 375. 60

920. 00

580. 00 630. 80

615. 00

760. 00

830, 00

401. 00

803. 00

700. 00

1, 000. 00 760. 00

78L 86

726. 00 860. 00

575. 00

388. 00

&c& c&o

Jngfewood, CaUf. : Post offfce Ithaca, N. Y. ) Post offfce Johnson City, N. Y. : Post offfce Kalamazoo, Mich. : Post offfce Kansas City, Mo. : Post offfce and court-

house (new) Kent, Ohio: Post offlce Kerrville, Tex. : Post offfce Ketchiksn, Alaska: Post offlce, court-

house, customhouse, and )aih Lamer, Colo. : Post offfce Lancaster, Ohio: Post oflice

)Lamed, Kans. : Post office Lexington, Nebr. : Post offfce

Lodi, Calif. : Post offfce

Logan, Utah: Post offlce

London, Ohio: Post offfce

Los Angeles, Calif. : Post office and courthouse . =

Lufkin, Tex. : Post offfce

Lyons, Kans. : Post offfce

Msdera, Calif. : Post offfce. Msmsroneck, N. Y. : Post offfce

Msssens, N. Y. : Post offfce

Mayffeld, Ky. : Post ofQce

Mineola, N. Y. : Post office Mobile, Ala. : Courthouse and custom-

house Moline, Ill. : Post offfce Monticello, Ill. : Post offfce Monticello, N. Y, : Post offfce

Montpelier, Vt. : Courthouse and post office

Moorestown, N. J. : Post office Mount Kisco, N, Y. : Post offfce

Natchez, Miss. : Post offfce

Neosho, Mo. : Post ofQce

New Rochelle, N. Y. : Post offfce. New York, N. Y. : Federal office build-

ing (Vesey Bt. ) Nocona, Tex. : Post offfce North Hollywood, Calif. : Post office

North Wilkesboro, N. C. : Post offic Ocean City, N. J. : Post offfce

Old Hickory, Tenn. : Post offfce

Osage, Iowa: Post office Ossining, N. Y. : Post oiQce

Oswego, N. Y. : Post offfce Owensboro, Ky. : Post oflice and court-

house Oyster Bay, N. Y. : Post office

Peola, Kans. ; Post office Pasadena, Calif. : Post offfce

Pearl River, N. Y. : Post offfce

Pecos, Tex. : Post oiQce arnl courthouse

Perryville, Mo. : Post offfce . . Phil&nlelphia, Pa. : Post office and court-

house. Plant City, Fla. : Post offfce . I'orliigi, 'Wis. : Post omcc

Port Arlhur, Tex. : Post omcc and cus-

tomhouse Ports)nouth, N. II. : Custo)nlu&use and

post offfce Port Washington, N. Y. : Post offfce

Qufncy, Ill. : Post ollice and courthouse

ee Returned to "Emergency construe

No year No year No year No year

880. 00 ee 80. OO

ee 24, 392. 00 26, 386. 00 «1, 000. 00 105. 00

25, 385. 00 105. 00

No year No year No year

681. 25 1, 000. 00

600. 00

1, 037. 48 ee 1, 000. 00 ee I, 000. 00

» 876. 00

1, 037. 48

126. 00 126. 00

No year No year No year No year No year No year No year No year

1, 113. 72

1, 311. 00 876. 00

7, 000. 00 1, 000, 00

613. 00 606. 25 988. 67

ee I, Sff. 00 «ef)5. 00 «800. 00 «674. 00 «6f S. 00 » 606. 26 «688. 67

6, 200, 00 328. 00

6, 200. 00 326. 00

400. 00 400. 00

No year No year No year No year No year No year No year No year

ee 2, 000. 00 «11, 330. 00

ee 8, 250. 00 ee 10 095 00

» 760. 00 ee 22, 200. 00

1, 572. 00 12, 000. 00 9, 250. 00

10, 095, 00 250. 00

22, 500, 00

I, 572, 00

12, 000. 00

9, 25D. 00 10, 095. 00

250. 00 22, 500. 00

670. 00 I, 000. 00

I, 000. 00 456. 00 755. 00 716. 00

No year No year No year No year

750. 00 725. 00

I, 000. 00 1, 000. 00

50. 00 6, 114. 00

50. 00 5& 114. 00

475. 00 ee4 114 00

ee 585. 00 475. 00

No year No year No year No year No year No year

1, 125. 00 635. 00 525. 00

» 516. 00 «8, 859. 40

120, 00 120. 00 9, 384. 40

496. 00 9, 384. 40

495 00 992 00 750. 00 e' 760. 00

« I& 000. 00 400. 00 400. 00

No year No year No year No year No year No year No year No year No year

20, 740. 00 «14, 000. 00 «4, 000. 00

«988. 60 «14, 150. 00

26, 549. 00 4, 000, 00

28, 649. 00

4, 000. 00

DSS. 50 1, 000. 00

41, 000. 00 915. 00

1, 100. 00

15, 150. 00 40, 000. 00

15, 150. 00

40, 000. 00 e' Sfb. 00 ee 6IS. 00

ee 30& 20S. 60 685. 00

30, 208, 60 685. 00

30, 208. 50

875. 00

No year No year No year No year No year No year No year

21, 000. 00 124. 00

105, 810. 75

984. 37 21, 000. 00

124. 00 105, 610. 76

ee 984. S7 «21, 000. 00

ee 124. 00 ee 105, 000. 00

«9, 235. 00 «16, 000. 00 «8, 650. 00

850. 00 9, 235. 00

14, 800. 00 6, 650. 00

9, 235. 00 14, 800. 00 8, 850. 00

997. 00

982. 01 10, 000. 00 15, 076. 00

ee I, 600. 00 «9, 190. 00

ee 14, 500. 00

982. 01 10, 000. 00 15, 075. 00

No year No year No year

S)0. 00 I, 000. 00

250. 00 No year

700. 00 20, 000. 00

810. 00

No year No year No year

«876. 00 ee 12, 000. 00

19, 125. 00 12, 350. 00

19, 125. 00 12, 350. 00

July 21, 1932" ( 47 Stat. 718). Bee note 67. «Transferred from "Emergency lion of public buildings, act

896. 00

643. 77

1, 113. 72

60. 00

155. 00 755. 00 715. 00

750. 00 675. 00

I, 125. 00

497. 00

600. 00

8, 191, 00

I, 000. 00

875, 00

239. 25

1, 197. 00

517 DD

425&. 00

250. 00

4(io. 00

construction ol public buildings, act July 21, 1932" (47 Blat. 718). Bee note 57.

Receipts artd expenCitures, 288$ — Continued

[Debit transfer appropriations (net) and repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures are printed in italic. Emergency expenditures sre indicated by sn asterisk"]

Unexpended balances June 30, 1933 Expenditures in 1934 (see p. 6) Amount carried to surplus fund (see p. 7) Unexpended balances June 30, 1934

Fiscal year for which

appropri- ation wss




Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)

On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing


Appropriations Warrants-issued

basis Checks-issued

basis Act June 20,


Impounded salary and

vacancy sav- ings

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)


On books of the Treasury N, To credit of

disbursing offfcers

PaocUREMKNT Dfv494044 — conffnued

Post oIgres, ro44rfhouseIt, c44sfo4ahorrses, efc. — Cont.

No year

No year No year No year No year No year No year No year No year No year No year

No year No year No year No year

No year No year No year No year No year No year No year No year No year No year No year No year No year No year No year No year No year No year No year No year No year No year No year No year No year No year No year No year No year

Rahway, N. J. : Post office Raleigh, N. C. : Post office and court-

house Rapid City, S. Dak. : Post office Redding, Calif. : Post office Redwood City, Calif. : Post office Reidsville, N. C. : Post office Rome, N. Y. : Post office Roseville, Calif. : Post oflice Royal Oak, Mich. : Post office Rutherford, N. J. : Post office Sac City, Iowa: Postoffice St. Augustine, Fls. : Post office and

customhouse St. Charles, Ill. : Post office St. Louis, Mo. : Post office Salinas, Calif. : Post office San Antonio, Tex. : Post office and. court-

house San Gabriel, Calif. : Post offfce Santa Clara, Calif. ; Post office Santa Cruz, Calif. : Post office Santa Monica, Calif. : Post office Scottdsle, Pa. : Post office Sebrfng, Ohio: Post office

Seward, Nebr. : Post offfce

Shelby, N. C. : Post office South Pasadena, Calif. : Post office South Pittsburg, Tenn. : Post office Spokane, Wash. : Post office

Sullivan, Ind. : Post oflice

fiummft, N. J. : Post offfce Superior, Nebr. : Post office

Thief River Falls, Minn. : Post office Towsnda, Pa. : Post office

nion City, Ind. : Post office

pper Sandusky, Ohio: Post office

Urbane, Ill. : Post office

Van Nuys, Calif. : Post office

ViRa Park, Ill. : Post office Wakefield, Mass. : Post office Wakefield, R. I. : Post office . Warren, Ohio: Post office Warsaw, N. Y. : Post office West Bend, Wis. : Post offfce

44at4Frankfort, 111. : Post office. estport, Conn. : Post ofhce

$1, 000. 00

521. 00 860. 00

1, 000. 00 500. 00

500. 00

700. 00 1, 000. 00

57. 1. 00

7, 000. 00 815. 00

630. 00

726. 00

1, 000. 00 1, 000. 00

1, 000. 00 669. 00 485. 00

126, 000. 00

1, 000. 00

1, 000. 00

1, 000, 00 505, 00

690, 00

725. 00

775. 00 1, 000. 00

500. 00 60, 535. 00

1, 000. 00 935. 00

1, 000. 00 1, 000 00

«8786. 00

44 16, 250. 00 «650. 00

«35, 500. 00 " 888. 00 «4O, 9O6. OO

«43, 300. 00 «7, 195. 00

«7, 070. 00

44 487 75

44 1, 000. 00 » 880. 00

«10, 250. 00 » 766. 00

«45, 284. 40 44 480. Oo

«10, 975. 00 4' 6, 625. 00

44 579. OO

«485. 00

44 860. 00 44 1, 000. 00

44 786'. 00 44 7 745 00

4o 10, 995. 00

44 385. (lo

«7, 000. 00 44 12, 276. 00

44 568. 00

4o 18, 074. 00

«11, 150. 00 44 874 So

$275. 00

16, 250. 00 350. 00 312. 00

85, 190. 00 172. 00

40, 906. 00 44, 000. 00

8, 195. 00

7, 070. 00

327. 25

497. 01

10, 250. 00

45, 284. 40 520. 00

11, 975. 00 6, 625. 00

75. 00 9O. OO

125, 000. 00 140. 00

235. 00 8, 250. 00

10, 995. 00

385. 00 4. 00

12, 276. 00

435. 00 800. 00

60, 164. 70 19, 074. 00

12, 150. 00 128. 40

$275. 00

16, 250. 00 350. 00 312. 00

35, 190. 00 172. 00

40, 906. 00 44, 000. 00 8, 195. 00

7, 070. 00

327. 25

497. 01

10, 250. 00

45, 284. 40 520. 00

11, 975. 00 6, 625. 00

75. 00 90. 00

125, 000. 00 140. 00

235, 00 8, 250. 00

10, 995. 00

385. 00 4, 00

12, 275. 00

435. 00 300. 00

60, 164. 70 19, 074, 00

12, 150. 00 128. 40

$521. 00 860. 00

188. 00 310. 00

671. 00

7, 000. 00

502. 99

926. 00

1, 000, 00

690. 00

7r 721. 00

775. 00

20(1 00 370, 30

935. 00



Whittier, Cafif. : Post office Wildwood, N. J. i Post office Wilmette, Ill. i Post oflice Wilmington, Del. : Post office, court-

house, snd customhouse ~ Winchester, Vs. : Post oflice.

Winona, Minn. : Courthouse snd post afff ce

Winston-Salem, N. C. : Post oflice Zeeland, Mich. : Post oflice I

Total general accounts, Sites, snd Construction, Post Offices, Cus- tomhouses, Courthouses, etc. , under act of July 21, 1932

No year No year No year

No year No year

No year No year No year

873. OO

1, 000. 00 905. 75

10, 000. 00 580. 00

710. 00 920. 00

3, 958, 455. 24

&i 606. 76

ii 7IO. OO

ss 190, 000. 00 «19, 000. 00

84& 716. 59

371. 25 491. 50

868. 88 473. 29

190& 480. 00 19, 000. 00

1, 690, 723. 82

37L 25 491. 50

868. 88 473. 29

190, 480. 00 19, 000. 00

1, 690, 723. 82

508. 50 905. 75

9, 131. 12 106. 71

440. 00

2, 243, 015. 83

Quarantine stations

(Under act of July 21, 1932)

Boston, Mass. : Quarantine station No year Pyt Townsend, Wash» Qusrantinesta-

tion No year

755. 00

1, 000. 00

ss 32, 230. 50

i' 96A 70

32, 985. 50

38. 30

32, 985. 50

38. 30

Total general accounts, Sites snd Construction, Quarantine Sta- tions, under act of July 21, 1932

Marine f&ospifofs

I, 755. 00 31& 268. 80 33, 023. 80 33, 023. 80

(Under act, of July 21, 1932)

Carviffe, La. : Marine hospital No year Fort Stanton, N. Mexx Marine hospital No year Portland, Me» Marine hospital No year

4, 030. 41

2& 098. 83 786. 66

» 4, 080, Jf » 1, 786. 14

ii 788. 66 362. 69 362. 69

Total general accounts, Sites and Construction, Marine Hospital, under act of July 21, 1932 6, 915. 90 6, 6'6'8. 21 362. 69 362. 69

Total general accounts, Sites and Construction, Post Oiffces, Cus- tomhouses, Courthouses, Inspec- tion Stations, Quarantine Sta- tions, and Marine Hospitals, under act of July 21, 1932 3, 967, 126. 14 1, 724, 110. 31 I, 724, 110. 31 2, 243, 015. 83

Posf offices, courthouses, eusfomhouses, efc.

Sites &iiiil construction, public buildings, act May 2. &, 1926, as amended . . No year

Aberdeen, &if iss» Post oflice and court- house. No year

A dc, Okla. : Post offfce and cour(. house Na year Akron, Ohio: Post ofhce No year Alameda, ( ilif» Post offiice . . . . . . No year Albany, iN. Y» Post ofBce, courthouse,

anil & ustoinliause No year Albertville, Ala» Fast offfce No year Albia, Iowa: Post oflice No year Aliiuqu&rque, N. Alex . Post oiBce and

courthouse. . . . . . . No year

ii lie&a&ried io "Emerge& cy construction of p «Tr. iii&f& rre&i ir& ia "Kii&er eiiry constructio n 'i'his o& c&»in& w;is ore&lite&i with $13. 000, 0000

wiib 5&72, 4r&& ir, in&ferro&i «i "Fiirm&ure for triangl $37, 168, 0;4. 11 (ne&& transferred under acts May 15,

37, 847, 062. 99 n 87 840 468. 11

2, 365. 74

98, 465. 30 3, 007. 60

594. 02

13, 000. 00

500. 00

750, 000. 00 1, 000. 00

246, 298. 80 4, 906. 70 1, 858. 49

$121, 275. 00

41, 452. 99 15, 000. 00

ublic buildings, sct July 21, 1932" (47 Stat. '718). See note 57. n of public building&h i&ri July 21, 1932" (47 Stat. 718). See note 57. appropriated under the oct af Mer. 15, 1934 (48 stat. 438), snd charged e buildings, Washington, D. C. ", sct Mey 7, 1934 (48 Stat. 669), snd 1930 (46 Stat. 349), snd Julv 3, 1930 (46 Stat. 892), and acts supplemen-

206, 594. 88

3. 59 91, 781. 74

77. 76 565. 50

3. 59 91, 781. 74

77. 76 5G5. 50

2, 362. 15 19, r&83. 5&6

2, 929. 84 528. 52

675, 920. 64 385. 00 852. 38

797, 195. '64

385. 00 852. 38

$1. 50 320, 376. 66

5, 5&21. 70 i, 006&. 1 i

22, 155. 69 22, 155. 69 34, 297. 30 tal thereto, to the sundry accounts following the appropriat ion iu & aunt, "Sites an&i & an;&rue(ion, l»i hi i& iiuililings, o& 1 Msy 26, 1926, es amended", net amount is shown in the i&1&f&rnf&ri:» ion column for c;i& h or& aunt, & hi oinounis in i&alia were returned to the master account, "Sites and cons&rue&ion, liuliiic buffding», »r& Afay "&b 1926, as an&ended", Direct appropriations are shown by footnote reference 67.

Receipts and expenditures, I08J/ — Continued

[Debit transfer appropriations (net) and repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures sre printed in italic. Emergency expenditures are indicated by an asterisk*]

Unexpended balances June 30, 1933 Expenditures in 1934 (sce p. 6) Amount carried to surplus

fund (sce p. 7)

Fiscal year for wh! ch

appropri- ation was

made Available

Reserve for impouuded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)

On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing


Appropriations Warrants-issued

basis Checks-issued

basis Act June 20,


Impounded salary and

vacancy sav- ings

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)


To credit of disbursing


Unexpended balances June 30 1934

On books of the Treasury


PRocUREMENT nivisIQN — continued

Post el[fees, courthouses, eustomhouses, etc. — Con.

Alexandria, La. : Post offlce snd court- house No year

Alexandria, Va. : Customhouse and post office No year

Allentown, Pa. : Post office No year Alma, Mich. : Post oflice No year Altoona, Ps. : Post offfce No year Ambridge, Ps. : Post offfce . No year Americus, Ga. : Post offfce and court-

house No year Amsterdam, N. Y. : Post oflice No year Anaconda, Mont. : Post office No year Andalusia, Ala. : Post office No year Anderson, Ind. : Post offfce No year Andover, Mass. : Post office. No year Ann Arbor, Mich. : Post office No year Appleton, Wis. : Post office No year Asheville, N. C. : Post offfce and court-

house No year Ashland, Ky. : Post office No year Astoria, Oreg. : Post offfce and custom-

house No year Athens, Ala, : Post oflice No year Atlanta, Ga. : Post office No year AIanta, Tex. : Post office No yes! Atslls, Ala. : Post office . No year Auburn, Als. : Post oflice No year Auburn, Ind. : Post off[ce No year Aurora, IH. : Post oflice No year Aurora, Mo. : Post oflice No year Austin, Minn. : Post oflice No year Baltimore, Md. :

A ppraisers stores No year Immigration station No year Post Offlce - No year

Bsrberton, Ohio: Post office No year Bsrbourville, Ky. : Post office No year Bsrtlesville, Okla. : Post office and court-

house No year Bath, N. Y. : Post office No year Baton Rouge, Ls. : Post office and court-

house No year Battle Creek, Mich. : Post office No year

Bay City, Mich. : Post offfce, courthouse, and customhouse No year

Beatrice, Nebr:. Post offfce . No year

$35, 403. 86

1, 112. 79 255, 388. 81

3, 350. 00

10, 364. 6S 55, 412. 00

452. 11 40, 000. 00

582. 56

1, 959. 82

1, 895. 73 669. 73

8, 727. 00 411. 02

30. 70

14, 399. 36

66, 444. 42

38, 250. 77

479, 720. 22

2, 454. 74

6, 177. 92

21, 887. 81

62, 332. 63

13, 302. 33

2, 020. 10

1, 770, 75

346, 008. 26

46, 985. 41 58, 342. 67

8, 841. 73

4, 790. 48

6, 480. 91 218. 35

37, 696. 57 162. 77

24, 457. 00 6 161, 60

$5. 23

$90, 000. 00

1, 000. 00 34, 000. 00

$120, 606. 00

511. 39 203, 110. 12

$120, 606. 00

511. 39 203, 110. 12

9, 652. 05

1, 500. 00 40& 000. 00

1, 000. 00

1& 130. 45 1, 130. 45

1, 241. 62 1, 241. 62

2, 000. 00 2, 200. 00 2, 600. 00

159. 50 2, 552. 12

9, 765. 65 454. 90

159. 50

2, 552. 12 3, 424. 91

454. 90

500. 00 62. 00 12, 560. 20

52. 00 12, 560. 00

6, 000. 00 1, 000. 00

75, 000. 00

1, 500. 00 9, 000. 00

3, 000. 00

64, 565. 91 37, 465. 81

384, 914. 89 740. 00 195. 00

21, 405. 58

1, 334. 71 11, 761. 63

54, 565. 91 37, 463. 81

384, 914. 89 740. 00 195. 00

21, 410. 81 1, 334. 71

11, 761. 63

1, 450. 26 1& 450. 26

426, 000. 00

60, 000. 00 1, 600. 00 1, 000. 00

464, 445. 92 1, 947. 00

53, 465. 86 S, 936. 03

26. 33

454, 445. 92 1, 947. 00

63, 465. 86 8, 93G. 03

26. 33

1, 600. 00

6, 000. 00

79. 00

40, 697. 82

79. 00

40, 697. 82

10, 000. 00 1, 000. 00

23, 584. 64 6, 178. 09

23, 584. 64 6, 178. 09

2, 000. 00 9, 652. 05 55, Jte. 00

$12. 76

$4, 797. 86

1, 601. 40 86, 278. 69

3, 350. 00 2, 712. 63

821. 66

340. 94

1, 959. 82

1, 736. 23 117. 61

1, 161. 35 2, 556. 12

478. 70 1, 839. 16

16, 8/8. 51 1, 784. 96

169, 806 33 1, 714. 74

5, 982. 92 1& 982. 23

69, 997. 92

4, 540. 70 2, 020 10

320. 49

316& 649. 59 44, 038. 41 54, 876. 81 1, 405. 70 5, 764. 15

5, 480. 91 1, 639. 35

1& 897. 75 152. 77

10, 872. 36 973. 41





$6, 340. 74


2. 00 r/s

Beaumont, Ten. : Post ofpce and cour(- bouse

Beckley, W. Va. . Post office Be))efonte, Pa. i Post office Bello»s Pails, Vt. : Post office . Beloit, lvis. : Post otfice Bend, Oreg. : Post office Benton Harbor, Mich. : Post office

' Berkeley, Calif. : Post office Beverly Hills, Calif. : Post office Big Spring, Tea. : Post office Billings, Mont. : Post office and court-

house Bingham Canyon, Utah: Post oflioe Bin;. h, &ri&ton, iV. Y. : Post, office and court-

house. Birmmgham, Alan Post office and court-

house Bioomfield, N. J. : Post office Blooruingtou, Ill. : Post oflice liloomsburg, Pa. : Post oflice Blytheville, Ark. : Post oflice Bogalusa, La. : Past, oflice Boise, Tdn. ho: Post oflice and courthouse Boston, Mass. ;

Post office and courthouse Immigration station

Boulder, Colo. : Post office Boyue C! ity, Mich. : Post oflice Bradenton, I'lan Post oflice Breckenridge, Tes. Post ofhce Brid cl&ort, ('. onn. : Post office Brinkley, Arl-. : Post oflice Bristol, Vas Post, office Brock!on, Mass. : Post office Brol-en Bow, Nebr. : Post office Brookly~, N. Y. : Post oflice and court-

houhe Browusville, Ter J Courthouse, custom-

house, an&1 post office---------------- Brnns&r&& I, Maine: Post office Bryn 51&acr, Pns Post oflice Bucyruh, Ohio; Post oflice 13iien:& Vict;i. Van Post oflice 13iifT ilo, Wyo: Post oflice

No year ~ No year

No year No year No year No year No year Vo year iVo year iVo year

iVo year No yenr

No year

No year No year No year No year No year Vio year No year

No yen. r No year No year No year iVo year No year No year No year No year No year No year

No year

No year No year No year No year No year No year No year No year No year No year

No year No yenr No yenr No year No year No &c, ii'

No year N ii i e:ir No &'c:ii'

No yelr

Vo year N&& yeilr Ni) )c;ii'

Vo v&&fit'

No )e&r

B»f! o, hi out. Po. t olyice anil courthouse (oil&i&&. & II, I&i:&ho: Post &)ffi«e.

( . il&i&nef, kl i&if Post office ( . i&&if&ri Inc, h, i:»s. . Po I offiice (':iin lci&, N. Jo Poht office, &nd court-


C, &ni)n ('ity, (. 'oleo Yo. t iiflice (', ini &n, ()bi i Post o!Tice. . (' ii)c ('li, &rica, V, &. Po!, &if)icc

(', &r!)on&bile, ill . I'i»! &i!Ii& c &h&i ibou, XI, »ne I'&i-. i of!« (. ';&rlinv&llc, III P&r;i. of life (' irrioc!&iii, V. I);ik I' i. f & flice

f ', &rroilff&n, Ill . Pont ii) life (;in&l!&&'r fnlli, hf i I' »t oflico

( t&l 'r, u yi). . Po' f. ofTlce 'ill&&i co&&it.

li )1& '&'

&&if ill, N. Y J Pi)st. of i&«''

(. 'c I ir (' if &, !:I. &)i I'i) 'I ofli«

( &' I;ir Il if if I. , fo&r, i Posf ofli 'O fili I

&'Oi&I'& Ii& 11&i'

(;fr&&fr:il (' if )5 Ky. : P»f. iif!ir &

114, 944. 66 59, 750. 71 3!, 881. 89 I, G38. 25

1, 399. 47 6, 970. 80

196. 86 961. 37

79, 456. 89 21, 803. 36

53, 101. 08 41, 877. 46

152, 767. 10

15, 104. 89 95, 274. 50

6, 562. 94 775. 00

46, 795. 22

1, 866. 14 901 14

578, 144. 50 444. 13

1, 768. 77

1, 776. 77

I, 400. 00

I, 225. 00 235, 093. 90

5, 700. 31 18, 541. 04 94, 360. 8', 3

2, 327. 99

27, 453. 76

4, 649. 64 514. 36

50, 631. 06 9, 126. 14 I, 120. 96

309. 54

52, 43&k Sl 70. 47

20, 000. 00 I, 419. 60

5 079 49

5BB 75

35, 526. 81 7, 38f). 76

I, 602. 71 f! I!). 14

6, I)Ci5. 07

8, 8 I i. 12 100. 49 881. 29

9, f)2 Ol

2, 702. 50

Op, f&!)fi 75

l. f)f'is 4(i

6, h!)'& I. )

2. 21 202, OOO. 00 10, 500. 00 27, 000. 00

I& 900. 00 120, 000. 00 81, 808. 86

62, 000. 00 9, 600. 00

148, 466. 88

16, 000. 00

95, 000. 00

4, 000, OO

778. 00

8, 000. 00

80, 000. 00

I, 000. 00

1, 400. 00

1, 888. 00 120, 000. 00

10, 000. 00 48, 000. 00

15, 000. 00

675. 00 2, 000. 00 500. 00

G, 500. 00

21, 500. 00 500. 00

fl, Bf f. 00

I, 4) 9. 60

3, 000. 00 I, 000. 00

1, 000. 00

I, 000. 00

I, 000. 00 I, 000. 00

8, 660. OO

8, 708. 60 1&h 500, PP

6, 000, OP

. 02 5, 000. 00 1, 000. 00

309, 825. 50 59, 117. 26 54, 821. 09

56. 00 5, 146 29 5, 5GO. 54

2, 726. 07 178, 861. 36

98, 054. 54

45, 119. 39

9, 310. 77

5. 22

113, 120. 53

2, 520. 11

46, 158. 35 78. 69

721. 77

564, 01'2. 93

1, 581. 25

248. 00

245, 528. 26

652. 00 25, 563. 31

102, 862. 69 423. 00

7, 764. 00

2, 666. 43

53, 128. 23

8, 252. 78

68, 111. 45 489. 00

8, 189. 00

6, 272. 82

33, 123. /I 6, 801. 99

587. 50 7, 803, 07

183. &5

126. 67

O'3, 367. 20

2, G31 39 5, 623. 20

309, S27. 71 59, 117. 26 54, 821. 09

56. 00 o, 145. 31 5, 560. 54

2, 726. 07 178, 861. 36

98, 054. 54

45, 119. 39

9, 310. (7

5. 22

113, 120. 53

2, 520. 11

46, 158. 35 73. 69

721. 77

564, 012. 93

I, 581. 25

248. 00

245, 528. 26

652. 00 25, 5G3. 31

102, 862. 69 423. 00

7, 764, 00

3, 341. 43

53, 129. 23 '

8, 252. &8

68, 001. 45 489. 00

8, 189. 00

(), 272 82

33, 123. 71

6, 804. 99

587. 50

7, 803. 07

183 7()

126. 67

93, 3G7. 20

2, (&3! 39 5, G23. 20

tk 25

3. 17

Z, 119. IG

11, 133. 45 4, 055. 55

1, 254. 18 2, 410. 26

I'Jfl. 86 135. 30

20 Gi)5 53

17, 046. 54

6, 35S. 07

99. G7

77, 153. 97 42. 83

8, 636. 87 I, 792. 45

179. 37

94, 131. 57 444. 13

1, 187. 52

I, 528. ZZ

109, 565, (34

5, 048 31 2 '. )Zi 73

39 49& 97 I, 90 I. 99

34, 689. 76 '

3, 983 21

I, 014. 3(i

4, 002 93 h), 3. ;)&i

I, 120. OCi

3&JO. Bi I

5, 827. 36 81. Ii

I, 'hf)6. &)7

1, , 5SB. 7;)

2, IO& )f)

I, 5), '&I, 77

I, f!f)'J 7 I

f! I !&. I I

I, 0 I!. &)r)

I, 10&). I'. )

I, 6!iZ;)I

4, 6, &fi. 27

I I. ()"!&. , 5, 5

h && &I »7

I, 2)fi!i. 9 5)

20, 00

Receipts and expenditures, 1M' — COIItiIIued

[Debit transfer appropriations (net) and repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures are printed in ifcfie. Emergency expenditures are indicated by an asterisk*]

Unexpended balances June 30, 1933 Expenditures in 1934 (see p. ii) Ainount carried to surplus

fund (see p. 7) Unexpended balances June 30, 1934

I"iscsl year for wliioh

appI'opri- ation was

made Available

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)

On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing


Appropriations Warrants-issued

basis Checks-issued

basis Act June 20,


Impounded salary and

vacancy sav- ings

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- invs (see p. 8)


On books of the Treasury

To credit of dcsbursing



PaocURFPIENT DlvlsloN — coniiIiued

I oet offfcee, eoierthsieeee, cuetoinhoiisee, efe. — Con.

Centralia, Mo. : Post of5ce No year Chamberlain, S. Dak. : Post ofhce No year Charlotte, N. C. : Post ofhice and court-

house No year Charlottesville, Va. : Post ofhce snd

courthouse No year Chattanooga, Tenn. : Post ofhce and

courthouse . No year Chehalis, Wash. : Post oflice No year Cheraw, S. C. : Post ofhce No year Chester, Pa. : Post ofhce IVo year Cheyenne, Wyo. : Federal ofhce building No year Chicago, Ill. :

Appriasers' stores IVo year Post oflice. . No year

Cicero, Ill. : Post ofhce. No year Cincinnati, Ohio: Post ofhce No year Cisco, Tex. : Post ofhce No year Claremont, N. H. : Post ofhce No year Clsrksburg, W. Va. : Post office and

courthouse . No year Clesrfield, Pa. : Post oflice No year Clearwater, Fla. : Post of5ce No year Cleveland, Miss. : Post ofhce No year Cleveland, Ohio: Post office . No year Cleveland, Tenn. : Post oflice No year Clovis, N. Mex. : Post ofhce. No year Coatesville, Pa. : Post office No year Coeur d'Alene, Idaho: Post oflice and

courthouse . No year

, Coleman; Tex. : Post ofhce, No year Colfax, Wash. : Post ofhce No year Columbia, Miss. : Post ofhce No year Columbus, Gs. : Post ofhce and court-

house No year Columbus, Ohio: Post of5ce and court-

house No year Conneaut, Ohio: Post ofhce No year Connersville, Ind. : Post offfce No year

Conway, Ark. : Post oflice . No year

Corinth, Miss. : Post ofhce No year Corsicans, Tex. : Post office No year Corvallis, Oreg. : Post office No year Council Bluffs, Iowa: Past office snd

courthouse . No year Crete, Nebr. : Post ofhce No year

$1, 812. 82 649. 40

199, 060. 95

951. 94

221, 112. 39 48, 314. 82

6, 330. 62 282, 206. 40

74, 224. 63

189, 815. 12

2, 806, 179. 80 1, 628. 18

150, 057. 21

32, 122. 30 1, 533. 31

2, 086. 29

2, 144. 63 82, 062. 83 38, 558. 86

643, 254. 30 19, 163. 05

1, 654. 94

9, 787. 68

4, 540. 56 622. 70

3, 599. 31 19, 090. 48

139, 346. 80

496, 800. 25 672. 42 540. 75 222. 67 766. 14

5, 101. 16 1, 853. 14

60, 988. 74 2, 482. 33

$474, 778. 79

230, 273. 24

$165, 000. 00

35, 000. 00 33, 000. 00

2? I, 306. I&0

4, 000. 00

47, 500. 00 100, 000. 00

65, 000. 00 14, 000. 00

1, 000. 00 6, 115. 00

14, 000. 00 I& 850, 000. 00

1) 000. 00

2, 000. 00

1, 000. 00 1, 000. 00

1, 000. 00

110, 000. 00

900, 000. 00 1r 000 00 1, 000. 00 Ii 000. 00

13, 500. 00

$1, 339. 00

287, 62'j. 53

223, 514. 11 ?8, 647. 77

5, 809. 52

75, 713. 68

221, 859. 26

2, 684, 619. 84 448. 30

76, 422. 48

44, 601. 53 194. 40

1, 779. 00 1, 169. 00

79, 758. 07 44, 370. 13

I, 949e 522. 66 18, 202. 76

9, 300. 20

3, 197. 29

18, 326. 28

217, 386. 01

910, 194. 60 450. 00

1, 065. 90 843. 00

33. 76

BB, 203. 25 36. 72

$1, 339. 00

287, 627. 53

223, 514. 11

78, 647. 77

5) 809. 52

75, 713. 68

221, 859. 26

3, 093, 673. 14 448. 30

306, 692. 72 44, 601. 53

194. 40

I, 779. 00 1, 169. 00

79, 758. 07 44, 370. 13

1, 949, 522. 66 18, 194. 97

9, 300. 20

3, 197. 29

18, 326. 28

217, 386. 01

910, 194. 60 450. 00

1, 065. 90 843. 00

33. 75

B8, 203. 25 36. 72

$45. 00

. 75

22. 50

$473. 82 649. 40

76, 433. 42

32, 598. 28

2, 667. 05 521. 10

11, 000. 00 2, 510. 95

15, 455. 86 221, 559. 96

1, 179. 88 138, 634. 73

I, 520. 77 1, 338. 91

307. 29 1, 9'75. 63 8, 419. 76

8, 188. 73 543, 686. 64

1, 96. 30 1, 654. 94 2, 487. 48

4, 540. 56 1, 622. 70 1, 402. 02 1, 764. 20

31, 960. 04

486, 583. 15

1, 222. 42 474. 85 3?9. 67 766. 14

5, 101. 16 1, 819. 39

6, 285. 49 2, 445. 61

$65, 725. 49

3. 00

7. 78

cD tcb

No year No year No year

No year No year No year

No year

No year No year No year No year No year

No year No year No year

No year No year

No year

No year No year No year No year No year No year

No year

No year No year No year No year No year No year Xo year No year iVC year No ye(&r

No year No year No year No ycu No )c&r

Xo y('a&'

XA itu» No Jeer

No &e&r

No )('&r No ) c:&r

No yc:&r

Nu 1 C. &l'

No yc;&r

Xo 1 \!), 0'

0 it':tr Nu \c'&t

No '&0 &I'

Nu ) c, &t'

Crisffeld, Md. l Post office Crockett, Tex. ( Post oflice Cufpepper, Va. . Post office Cumberland, Md. l Courthouse and post

office Dallas, Tex. : Post office snd courthouse Dansville, N. Y. : Post office Danville, Vs» Post office snd court-

, house Davenport, Iowa: Post office and court-

house 3avfd City, Nebr. : Post office

10aytons Beach, Fla» Post office Decatur, Ind» Post office 11lslphos, Ohio: Post office Denver, Colo:

Customhouse Post office

Derby, Conn» Post office Des Moines, iowa:

Courthouse Post office

Detroit, Mich» Immigrant station Post office, courthouse, snd custom-

house Dillon, S. C» Post office Dodge City, Kans. : Post office Dover, Del» Post office . Dover, N. J» Post oflice Dover, Ohio: Post office Dubuque, Iowa: Post oflice and court-

house Duluth, kiinn» Post office, courthouse,

and customhouse Duncan, Okla. : Puhl, office l&unk&rk. N. Y» Post office Durango, Colo. : Post oflice Durham, N. C» Post ullice B&&ul Chicago, It»l» Pout. Cllicc,

East Oreenwich, R. I» Post oflice I::&hi, ham)&tu», 51;)sh» Pu. . l, oflice I:sht ifr&line, Ill» Po t. oflice I::&hton, 31&1» I'(Nht ogice V. , &st Or, &nge, N. J» I'uct »ill&0.

V»&tun&un, Os» I'ost oflice I:i&ansi»irg, I' t&: I'o ~ t, oflice It&ion!ot&, N. C» I'oht utli& c IGI ('entro, f':&)if, Pu t 0/li&. e. &:I l)ur & iu, Ark J Punt ollicc &&n&1 conrt-

l&»&& 'c ltl&) )i&etht&&n, T& nn J Pn t off)&c

531&). &(&cll&t&n) t&, Icy: I'u, t utli&c

Vll(tn, u& V, &. , I u I ufl&& (. ' " &&(I ( u» t'I

ltousc ltll r&, he& . . Pu. ' t oflice Itl I', & o, 'I'ch. 5& I(r&i uti«e i&&&. l&t»&g

I. ltn&ra, N, Y, I'ust ollice;&n&l & u&irt, -

l&u» &'

I'?Il&)r& &&! l'll'', I'a ' I'&&st util('c

I. ly, Nu" I'&»t r&tlt&c

ltt& t&«&t I, h '&': I'&&. t of lie&'.

I' t&, I& )l au&i, N. I . I'u. l, oflic c. . . . I' ?n(, I'. , I'&Nst o!)i&r. Shul(r, N. II. : I'u. . t util&(

I';) trl, &nk&G 1 I &. t, &. I'u, l & lli& 0;»& I & u&irt-

l&ut& '&. '

4!, 503. 47 I, 659. 92

21, 737. 34

23, 949. 26 8, 714. 54

10, 853. 35

126, 078. 77

94, 892. 74

20, 370. 00

76, 103. 10 364. 39

31, 884. 14

4, 649. 45

450. 00 I, 854. 58

10 021. 74

3, 775. 00

33, 310. 52

921, 567. 04

8, 34', 3. 31 2, 786. 99

26, 965. 78

I, 635. 00 2, 026. 52

129, 124. 97

6, 401. 62

40, 434. 17

4, 222. 16 2, 150. 00

78, 253. 54

378. 86

31, 175. 20 44, 530. 83

30, 'J'Jti. 50 Spp. 00

2, 48f&. 11 143. 98

250. 00 Ohi Pf&

27, 1tiG. 79

2, 303. 91

;);!t. ) l

l 4h3 )&)

13, i&. )&J Ol

36, OOO. 00

i)i Oih. 24

sa 4)J'J. 00

3, 92:). ()0

34, i pc. &lp

", 4;) l. "5(

!3, ! &)I'&. Si 2, f)l s. (&7

l)h ipl. h"

17, OOO. 00

2, 500. 00

3, 000 00 5, 000. 00 2, 000. 00

27, 000. 00

11, 000. 00 20, 856'. 50

60, 000. 00

I, 000. 00

18, 500. 00

4, 000. 00

8, 775'. 00

35, 000. 00

jrsp ppp pp

8, 000. 00

3, 300. 00 I 68jr 00

74, Opp. 00

33, 500. 00

4, 000. 00

119, 000. 00

18, OOP. 00

3, !Op. 00

3, 500. 00 800. 00


I, 000. 00 250. 00

51, 000. 00

I, 000. 00 I, 200. 00

2, 000. 00

2, 000. 00

3&8, 000. 00

14, 000. 00 8 "000 4, 7UO. ()0

, „'0„'. 26

11, 000. 00 i

50, 052. 44 642. 34

19, 030. 94

50, 052. 44 642. 34

19, 030. 94

21, 590. 56 4, 072. 42

10, 690. 21

141, 46k 65

21, 590. 56

4, 072. 42

10, 690. 21

141, 461. 65

89, 045. 97 13. 50

116, 184. 68 . 50

48, 461. 95

89, 045. 97 13. 50

116, 184. 68 . 50

48, 461. 95

7, 421. 80 7, 421. 80

150. 39 150. 39

80. 83 80. 83

65, 337. 85

I, 166, 230. 70

65, 337. 85

1, 166, 231. 58

255, 00

160, 555. 95

2, 849. 59 71, 259. 07

265. 00 i

160, 555. 95 ~

2, 849. 59 71, 259. 07

167, 53. 44 217. 02

7, 857. 51

37, 973. 90 33, 204. 76

167 753 44, 217. 02


7, 857. 51

37, 973. 90 33, 204. 76

17. 00 17. 00

329. 30 ip, OSk 65

3'-'J. 30 70, 08 j. f&S

", , f)55, 07 73f&. 12

i, (l;;. 07 73(l. 12

'), 091. 47 43, 310. 92

50. 00

2, O&JI. 47 43, 310. !r?

50. 00

42, 2f i. 3(i 4'7), "li7. 3&i

2, 301. 00

I, 311. 7, 'I 2 301 OO

I, 311. ii),

5') ')')5 33 5&2&, 223. 33', . . .

I, 230. 00 I, 230. 00

19, 029. 76 19, 029. 76

5. 06

l. 50

8, cia. 53 1, 017. 58 5, 206. 40

5, 358. 70 9, 642. 12 '2, 163. 14

11, 617. 12

16, 846. 77

19, 918. 42 1. 363. 89 1, 922. 19

I, 227. 65 450. 00

I, 704. 19

9, 940. 91

2, 967. 61

300, 336. 34 343. 31

I, 556. 99 11, 236. 02

I, ic)1. 52

42, sf)!). 02

. '3, , ), )'2. 03 ', t&ij. 10

222. 16 2, 150. 00

29 500. 10 lf&l. 84

4 l, 3lti. 19 'J, &i:)tj. !)3 I u!)l. 74

', 4&i!&, 11 i, 143. 98

th Ohl. 14

", 30:3. Ol

!) l;3h 'h

l. 02l'l. "! t

, !30 Ot)il ()I)

I, ' Ol, !&2

lih I' t

Receipts and es;pertdituresi 1M/ — Continued

[1)chit transfer appropriations (net) and repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures are printed in italic. Fmergency expenditures are indicated by an asterisl "]

Unexpended balances Juue 30, 1933 Expenditures m 1934 (see p. 6) Amount, carrie/1 fo surplus

fund (see p. 7) I)nexpen/led l)alanccs June 30, 1034

Fiscal year for which

fl [ ) fi I' I) I ) I' I ')If Coll IVas

made Available

Resserve for inlpoun/led

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)

On books of )he Treasury

To credit of Iiisbnrsing


Appropriations Warrants-issue)1

basis Cliecks-issued

basis Act June 20,


Impoun/ic/I sai. u'y and

vacs icl sav 'ngs

Reserve for i in pounded

vscallc\ sav ings (sce p. 8)

A. Vli i) able

On books of f. lie Treascry

To credit of disbursin



PRQGUREMENT DlvlsloN — continued

Post oJ)lees, coffrthoules, custofnhoufss, etc. — Con.

F;iirficl/l, Iowa: Post office Fallon, Vev. : Post oflice Fc, ll River, Sfasss (. 'ustomhouse

post, oflice Falmouth, K. ys Post office

o year o year

and No year No year

$434. 25

346. 09

2, 298. 64

1, 183. 34 f

$762. 50 310. 00

$/62. 50

310. 00

8434. 25 346. 09

1, 536. 14 873. 34

Fargo, N. Dak. : Post office and court house

lhirulif)gfon, Mox Post oflice I'argus I"alls, Minn. : Courthouse

Vo year No year

and post oflice . . No year

Findlay, Ohio: Post oflice . No year Fitchburg, Mass. : Post oflice No year Fliut, hfich. : Post oflice . No year I'lushing, N. Y. : Post office No year Forrest City, Ark. : Po~t office . iVD year Fort Fairfield, Maine; Post oflice and

customhouse No year Fort Lauderdale, Fla. : Post oflice Ko year I'ort Myers, Flan Post oflice Fort Plain, N. Y. : Post office F rtVll Oa. :P o a eJ, ost o)Iice Fort Wayne, Ind. : Post office and court-

No year No year No year

iVo year

No year 1932-33


house Fort Worfli, Tcx, :

Courthouse iVarcotic farm lf

Post oflice Vo yea Fostoria, Ohio: Post oflice . No year Framingham, Mass. : Post office iVo year frederick, Okla. : Post o)1ice Iirecliold, N. Jc Post office Fgeemont, Ohio; Post ofhce

No year No year No year

fRa))up, N. 5lex. : Post office No year okalveston, Tex. :

Immigrant stat. ion No year Georgetown, Del, : Post oflice No year

Georgetown, Tex. : Post oflice No y Glen Cove, N. YJ Post oflice . No year Glendale, Calif, : Post, office No year


Oloucester, Mass. : Post oflice No year

Ooldfield, Nevu Post oflice No year Grafton, N. Dali s Post off/ce . No year

lgreeport, Ill. : Post oflice No year Hreeport, N. Y. : Post office No year Blench Lie)-, Ind. : Post offlce No year Clalion, Ohio: Post oflice. . . No year

], 025. 87 G94. 15

65, 815. 24

19, 768 37 1, 046. 79

2, 306. 39 141, 545. 80

7, 492. 28

2, 098. 21 965. 00

74, 946. 55 91. 85

804. 70

2, 745. 60

279, 379. 17

4, 014. 00

74, 303. 54

47, 784. GS

424. 76

1, 393. 17 4, 375. 00

1, 2G6. 73 3", 129. 73

18, 43'2. 19 37, 692. 75

5fi, 959. 94

80, 603. 34

54 f)f)1 3S

1, 458. 03

1, 039. 17 26, 775. 25 74, 344. Gl

78, 377. 54

67, 500. 00 7, S70. 4. 5

$500. 00

1, 000. 00

13, 500. 00 4, 000. 00

22, 000. 00

965. 00

17, 000. 00

1, 000. 00

1, 000. 00

12, 000. 00

370, 000. 00

13, 000. 00

6, 000. 00 2, 000. 00

5, 575. 00

85) 000. 00

3, 000. 00

3, 000. 00 5 ppp pp

4, 775. 00

10, 500, 00

1, 000. 00 li 000. 00 6, 500. 00

02, 000. 00 12, 000. 00

1, 000. 00

334. 80 203. 99

75, 173. 63

20, 748. 53

1, 87S. 94 158, 38)). 64

6, 44G. 82

90, 107. 08 35. 89

572. 64

3, 573. 60

439, 421. 08

86, 352. 26

3S, 409. IJS

393. 00 190. 33

14. 35

I, G03. 00

19, 237. 85

33, 284. 28

57 890. 13 78, 959. 59

5(), 865. 80

1, 140. 03 838. 00

29, 500. 18 130, 965. 42 66, 612. 75

2, 401. 92

334. 80 203. 99

75, 173. G3

20) 748. 53

1, 878. 94 158, 386. 64

6, 446. 82

Sp, 107. OS

35. 89 572. 64

3, 573. 60

439, 421. OS

SG, 35", Pfi

38, 409. 98 393. 00 190. 33

14. ', ) f) 1, 603. 00

19, 237. 85 33, 284. 28

57, 890. 13

78, K)9. 59

56, 8GA 80

1, 14)f. 03 838. 00

29, 500. 18 130, 965. 42 66, f)f". 75

2, 401. 92

1 191. 07

1, 400. 16

4, 141. 61 3, 016. 84

1, 04G. /9 4)7 45

5, 159. 16

I, 048 46

2, 098. 21

1, 839. 47

1, 055. 06

1, 23"-. 06

11, 17". 00

209, 95)8. 09 4. 014. 00

951 28 1, ), 374. 70

2, 031. 76 1, 0. 84

1, 252. 38 5 526 73 2, 194. 34

7, 408. 47

4, Of)9. 81 6, 418. 75

S, 295, 58

~ 1, 318. 00 1. ')01. 17

3, 77A 07

5, 379. 19 23, 7G4. 79 ('7, 500. 00 6, 468. 53

Grand Island, Nebr» Post office and courthouse . No year

Greeley, Colo. : Post office No year Greenffeld, lnd» Post office No year Green River, Vgyo» Post oflice No year Greensburg, Ind» Post office Ko year Qreenvlfie, Ala. : Post oflice Ko year 3reenv!lie, Pa. : Post off&ce . Ko year &%reensboro, N. C» Post off&ce and court-

house No year Ofreenwood, Miss. : Post oflice No year Crove City, Pa» Post off&ce . No year Hagerstown, Iud» Post oihce No year Haf lowell, Maine: Post offlce Ko year Hlamilton, Ohio: Post ofhce No year H)ammond, Ind» Post ofhce and court- s house No year Hanover, K. H» Post oflice . No year Harlan, Ky» Post oflice No year Harliugen, Tex» Past, office No year Harrndsl&urg, Ky» Post offfce No year Hartford, Conn. : Post oflice and court-

house . No year Hartsville, S. C» Post off&ce No year Harvey, Ill» Post offlce N&o year Hattiesburg, hf isa» Post offfce No year Havana, Ill» Post offfce No year Haverhill, Mass. : Post offfce Ko year Havre, Mont. : Post off!ca and court-

house No year Helena, hi nut» Federal oflice building No year Hen)ps(cad, K. Y» Post of!Ice No year Herkimer, N, Y» Post oflice Ko year Hibbing, hi inn» Post offlce Ko year Ilighland, Ill: Post office . No year iiigh Point, N. C» Post office No year II&llsborn, Ill. . Fust office . No year ilu))»rt, ()I'la Post office Ko year lloi&»ken, K. J» Post oflicc No year Ilnltnn, Ih:&ns» Post oflice . No year Hu&&»lulu, Ha)) a&l:

Iu»»»"'an! s'tai&nn . Ko year I'ost &fll&(e, cour!, house, and custom-

l&uusc . No year 11ni)k&ns, Minn: F&&xt uflicc Ko year Ii&&&i»&(»;&, ))Vash. : Po. ! nfii(e Nu year Hot hpringh, Ark» Fnh&, r&ffi«e Nn year Iiut hpringh, S. 1)al. I' n. & oflice . No year I in»h&nu, I &'n: I n&L u(ii& c. ;»»I court

hn»sc. . . No yc;» Hun(i», &l&n&, 'I'c»n» I' n&( & (I &c No year H»»(»&Stun, 3(. Va» I'os&, oflice and

co»rthnuso. . . No &c&)r

il»»(s«llc, '1'cx Fos! nff&cc No yc:&r

loan City, I »»: Post. nflic&& . Ko ) c:&r

ir&» 5(n»»&nin, 5!i& I& . P&xh& ofli(c . . Ko ye;&r

Iruna un&I. 51 i& I&. I'ns&, nfli&e . . . . No ye &r

J»( L. n», ()l&in: I' n. & »(h«. . Ko year Jack"n», . )1&(l&. . I'ns& &ul&&(. Ko &c;&r

J;&& k. »&, 8(iss. . I'u-& »i(i& c an&i cour(, -

i&&l»'&' . . . . . — Ku '& ('n&'

Ja( hen&&, 'I'& nn I'n ( & il&& c;&n&l & u»rt- hu»&". . . — — - Ko ) &'o&'

Jack n&» ilic, I'0& '

( n»&'i)&n» &. ' . . . . Ku ) en&'

ik&«s 1-p& . & ) »)(&l&ng Kn year

» Scc also "K;&rn' i ic f &rm ni I. c(&ng&on, Ix y. " p

), SSS 26 1), 562. 24

610. 33 1, 255, 76

803. 23 482. 89

72, 038. 36

41 160 21

27, 689. 37 16, 672. 38 18, 627. 33

610. 75

31, 252. 91

2, 408. 43

262. 48

542. 24

27, 599, 16 689. 57

23, 244, 04

I, 066. 21

8, 512. (il 69 960 00

4, 922. 31 I, 425. 53

2, 905, 74

40, 003. 12 24, 456. 57 41, 237. 11

350. 00 1, 579. f)8

53, 761. 27

31, 162. 04

1, 925. 7S

30, 680. 51

31, 202, 80

162, 237, 00

438. 02 14, 485. 00

2, 570. 60 3, 192. 13

35, 561. 5&S

11, 4«i. 21

I, 110. 38

000. 00 234. 34 459. 30 331. 95 258. US

21K S2

202. 05)

187, )hi. !6

1), if&, 9&J&. hU

f)i'2, !&92. 49

3, 5, '36. 94

$1, 317. 30

15, 000. 00 1, 000. 00

2, 000. 00 I, 000. 00

65, 000. 00

25, 000. 00 27, 000. 00

2, 000. 00 I, 000. 00

4, 000. 00

i, 000. 00 i

2, 000. 00 3'8, 000. OC

I, 000. 00

15, 000. 00

1, 000. 00 2, 000. 00

60, 000. 00

1, 000. 00

10, 000. 00 27, 000. 00 22, 000. 00

350. 00 I, 000. 00 7, 500. 00

18, 500. 00

3, 000. 00

6, 000. 00

150, 000. 00

5, 000. 00

14& 885. 00

3, 000. CO

4, 500. 00

15, 000. 00

1, 000. 00

I, 000. 00

h 88(. So '2, OUU. 00

10, 000. 00

2SS, 000. 00

30, 000. 00

48, OCO. 00 7, OCO. 00

11. 33 21, 942. 40

435. 93 258, 30 330. 00 467. 61

82, OS6. 44

11. 33 21, 778. 75

435. 93 258. 30 330. 00 467. 61

82, 086. 44

52, 859. 08 52, 859. 08

16, 413. 82 13, 311. 67

298. 74 32, 103. 65

16, 413. 82 13, 311. 67

298. 74 32, 103. 65

419. 50 3. 00

58, C67. 82

419 50 3. 00

58, 067. 82

29, 935. 90 31, 253. 20

201. ]4 195. 07

201. 14 195. 07

I, 637. 00 41, 139. 08 27, 727. 49

50, 581. 15

1, 637. 00 41, 139. 08

50 581. 15

866. 57

52, 503. 06 48, 512. 72

865 57

52, 503. 06 43, 373. 01

29, 329. 03 35, 816, 35

29, 329. 03 35, Slf). 35

261, 487. 83 261, 487. 83

19. 70 19. 70

1, 063. 70 10. 00

3 &, SSO. 69

I, 063. 70 10. 00

37, 880. 69

14, 231. 14 429. 00

14, 231. 14 429. 00

35. 50 !IS UU,

35 50 08 CO

481. 00 10. 40


6&J, 079. 55

4hi. 00 10. !0

(i9, 079. f)5)

380, 319. 67

134, I IS. 84

380, 319. 67

134, 118. S &

595, 946. 14 719. iU

595, 945. 14

il!) 70

9, 2C9. 26 9, 209. 26

108, 988. 68 108, 988. 68

$1. 50

1, 3 6, 03 4, 61&J. 84 1, 1 4. 40

997. 4&i

", 473. 158

I, 015. 28 44, 9&0 42

13, 301. 13 689. 37

2, 258. 56 6, , '315. C)6

312. 01 3, 149. 26

2, 408. 43 842. 98

2, 539. 24

2, 531. 34

I, 68'J. 57

8, 305. 14 (36. 21

1 303 35 20, 9il. 32 . . 721. 17 I 530. 16

I, 2&th 74

S. S& k04 23, ") Of I') 6 5 &J(j

I, ii, '3. 11 8, 7;&8 ')I

I, 140. 32 I, 925). 78

4, 3(il. Ih

I, 386. 45,

50, i(i). 17

5, 1!S 32

4, 506. 00 '!i, &htt 13 ', 1')0. h'J

12 "ii&k Oi

I, ( hi. ;38

5, 000 0()

1, )', )h Si su 1

&, Uh

I, "&', h &2

1')3 10


'3'1 s '& &)&

, U&i, 3() n

Recehpfs and expenChftrres, 198+ — Continued

[Debit transfer appropriations (net) and repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures are printed in ifafic. Einergency expenditures are indicated by an asterisk*]

I:nexpeuded balances June 30, 1933 Expenditures iu 1%1 (see p. 6) Auiount carrie&i to surplus fund (see p. 7)

Uncxpnnded balsnc»s June 30 1934

Fiscal year for which


tionn was &nude


Reserve fnr impounded

vacancy sav- ul s (scc [l. 8)

On liorlk. of ihe Treasury

To credit of disbursing


Apprnpriai ious

Iyarrants-issued basis

Checks-issued basis

Act June 20, 1874

Impounde&1 salary and

vacancy sav ings

Reserve for impounrlerl

vacancy sav- in s (see p. 8)


On books of the Treasury

Tn credit of disbursing

oil &ers


canc&'a&;MSNT DlvlsloN — con'tunl&'ll

Posf »piers, &our&br&uirh cusfornhouses, &(c. — Con.

No year No year No year

No year leo year No year No year No year

No year No year No year

No year No year No year No year No year

No year Vo year iVo year

No year No year No year No year No year Nn year No year

No year No year No year

No year No year No year No year No year No year No year No year

Nn year

Jackal&nvi]]e, Toxx Post oflice Jainaica, iN. Y. : Post oflice Jcarmette, Pau Post &i]lire

Jar&erson C ill, 51». : I'ost oflice and court- house

Jersey City, N. J. : Post oflice Joliet, Ill. : Post o&Iice

Jnnesboro, Arkx Post off]ce Jllncl lou Clip, Igliils. . Post office Jurieiu, Alaska: Post office and custom-

house Kansas City, Afn. : Post office Kenosb. i, %Vis. : Post oflice Key tycst, Fla. : Post oflice, courthouse,

rind customhouse IOingsport, Tenn. : Post office Kissimmee, I'la. : Post oflice. Kittanniug, I'a. : Post nffice Kla, math Falls, Oreg. : Post nff]ce Knoxville, Tenn. : Post oflice and cour], -

house Kokomo, In&i. : Post o]f]ce Kosciusko. Iviis». : Post oflice. Ls Cros. e, tpis. : Post, nfhce snd court-

hnuse Lafsyei, te, Inde Post office Lake City, Fla. : Post office Lake Forrest, Ill. : Post office Lakeland, Flax Post oflice

Lsmar, Mo. : Post off]ce 'ssncaster, Pa. : Post office

:~snett, Ala. (See %Vest Point, Os. ) :~ausdale, Pa. : Post oflice

~snsing, Mich. : Post office

i spear, Mich. : Post office

Las Vegas, Nev. : Post olf]ce snd court-

house Lawrence, Ksnsx Post oflice Lawrence, Massa Post oflice Lawrenceville, Ill. : Post office

Lebanon, Inde Post offfce

Lebanon, Mo. : Post office

Lenoir, N. Cu Post office

LORoy, N. Y. : Post office . Lewisburg, Ps. l Post offic and court-


$19, 286. 84 247, 000. G5

81, 512. 86

];55, 105. 93 120, 890. 00

30, 78'8. 89 31, ria. 57

29. 82

1, 807. 69 337, 519. 68

48, 698. 60

11, 488. 84

I, 349. 13 439. 42

2, 409. 28

954. 41

379, 748. 50 732. 19 963. 08

10, 290. 37

I, 529 01

2, 609. 75

39, 144. 48

808. 16

2, 721. 16 57, 385. 32

22, 672. 18 1(jl, 781, 51

6, 564. 58

113, 329. 37 942. 73

18, 749. 67

9, 775. 41 3, 473. 10

49A 46 152. 22

1, 825. 00

38, 066k 00

82, 500. 00 68, 000. 00

7, 000. 00

11, 000. 00 209, 035. 00

17, 000. 00 50, 000. 00 I, 000. 00

5, 000. 00 102, 000. 00

5, 500. 00

1, 000. 00

I, 000. 00

1, 000. 00

28, 000. 00

2, 400. 00 4. 000. 00 I, 000. 00

10, 000. 00

67, 000. 00

32, 500. 00 150, 000. 00

1, 000. 00

7, 000. 00

'2, 000. 00 8, 000. 00 1, 500. 00 1, 000. 00 ], 826. 00

». 0 294, 137. 48

iiB, 913. 63

105, ] 48. 19 304, 336. 59

24, 843, 36

68, 212. 40

8, 701. 68 332, 692. 68

51, 784. 67

42. 86

1, 378. 47

], 495. 00

339, 897. 51 530. 25

11, 757. 83 566. 00

2. 32 47, 289. 04

10. 00

46, 834. 03 282, 063. 86

6, 865. 07

104, 140. 57

12, 588. 89 10& 223. 26

29. 50 713. 77

28, 681. 5S

f2&], 250. 85 ' "5 i, 137. 48

6&S, 913. 63

105, 148. 19 i

304, 33Ci. 59 24, 843. 36 68, 212. 40

3, 701. 63 332, 692. 68

51, 784. 67

42. S6

1, 378. 47

], 495. 00

339, 897. 51 530. 25

11, 757. 83 566. 00

2. 32

47, 289. 04

10. 00

46, 834. 03 282, 063. 86

6, BGG. 07

104, 140. 57

12, 588. 89 10, 223. 26

29 50 713. 77

28, 681, 58

$1, 535. 99 20 8&53. 17 ]9, 599. 23

40, 957. 74 'is, ass. 4] '' 940 85

15. 556. 17

1 029. 82

3, 106. 06

106, 82 . 00 2, 413. 93

] 1, 445. 98 970. 66

1, 439. 42

2, 409. 28

459. 41

G7, 850. 99 201. 94 953 08

932, 54

4, 963. 01 3, 607. 43

1, SGR 44 808. 16

2, 721. 1G

37O. 32

8, 338. 15 29, 717. 65

699. 51

16, 188. 80 942. 73

6, 160. 78

1, 552. 15 1, 443. 60 I, 281. 69 1, 152. 22

11, 383. 42

Lewistown, Moot. : Post office Lexington, Ky»

Narcotic farm &&

Post office and courthouse Lima, Ohio: Post oflice Linton, Ind» Post oflice Little Rock, Ark» Post offfce and court-

house Lit(. leton, N. II. : Post office and court-

house . Ockport, N. Y» Post office. . Long Beach, Calif. : Post office Long Island City, N. Y» Post oflice Ilongview, Wash. : Post office Eouisvffle, Ky» Post oflice, courthouse,

and custo&nhouse Los Angeles, Calif. : Post offfce and court-

house Lowell, Mass. ; Post office. Lubbock, Tex» Post office Ludington, Mich. : Post office Lumberton, Miss. : Post office . Lumberton, N. C» Post office Lynchburg, Va» Post office and court-

house Lynn, Mass» Post oflice Lyons, N. Y» Post office McAllen, Tex» Post office McKeesport, Pa» Post oflice. McMinnville, Tenn. : Post office Macon, Ga» Post office and courthouse Ma(flcnn, Ga» Post office . . Ma&i&'on, W&s» Post office and court-

house Madisonville, Ky» Post office. Malone, N. Y» Post office Manassas, Va» Post office hianchcsfer, Conn. : Post offfce. iif:&n( br i(cr, N. I I Pnst oflice Nlanl»&t(, &n, Ean': Post oflice 51;&nl»&to, kf inn» Post &Nice and court-

house h f, &fr, flcl I, I. a» Pnit »flic&&

« f, &i( n &&, ln&r;&» Po I »II&cr.

hl;&rsh &ll, kli& I&. . Post nf life 1(f:&r l&firl(l, ()r&" . : I'ost nfflcc Mar. l&f&& I I. W&s Pn I nfl&r&.

I I;&rysi ille, Cf&l&f: I'». t nfli& r 7 I:&s»» ( &(i, I( c, ;& Pn' t ofl&cc' (&»&1 cour(. -

l&»u c 'il &»&» I. III I'oh( )fl&&r

. il & (l&n», N Y I'n&f. ()I!i&. c 51& f» I I »h, 'f'Con:

(» &»»&I& n» ', cn»&il&f»&, &'. , ;»&&I Pnil & (li(&&.

» l)nfl ( Ofl&(&'

Xl&;»i)l&is, 'I'ci lh . I, »I)&«

h, !r»;)sh:&, 'iy&s I'&»I »fi;&c

5 I ( . » & I& » , , I I I I ' - & & I I i ( r

kf(&r( I, (':&I&( I'o. f o(li&s!

kl&s & I& . », 5!&h, : I'( I &)II)rr;»&&I c &»r(-

I&»» c 5 If & ) &,

'I'& i I' I o fl &( c . Mi »&», I'I

& I'o I »'I&&(, rn»r(I&nose, :»&&I

& ' » . I & ) » ) I & I ) »

No year

No year o year

No year No year

No year

Ko year No year Ko year No year No year

No year

No year No year No year No year Ko year No year

No year No year No year No year No year No year No year No year

No year Ko year No year No year No year Nn year No yc:&r

Ko year No year Ko year Ko year No year Ko year Ko year

No year No vca&'

Ko i'&')»'

Nf) year Nn yc, &r

No yr&)r

Ko i r!&r

Kn I c. &r

No ic&r I

NO if" &»

No i'ear

Nn yc, »

995. 40

2, 310, 984. 41 212, 199. 46

799. 89 86K 16

12, 793. 96

94, 420. 17

10, 177. 85 126, 388. 11

25. 50 121, G63. 74

3, 603. 74

930. 00 2, 407. 69 4, 478. 44

584. 37

3, 188. 93 804. 39

88, 350. 78 80, 498. 40

255. 84

365. 00 16, 290. 00

495. 5G

199, 078. 76 496. 85

17, 323. 70 7, 008. 46

3, 572. 25 242. 55 306. 13

114, 375. 39 12, 652. 55

21, 619. 52

1, 735. 21 150. 71

41, 76&O. 65

BG5. 00 590. (10

28, 84G. 44

2, 142. 39 1, 153. '. 12

584 41

Bl j. :39

36, 94. "I los ]7

li, 052 03 J24 H

5)'), Isl. I(i

I:i, i, I; h 2 4

71. 02

128, 832. 45

$155. 84

&o 614, 615. 00 165, 000. 00

2, 000. 00 1, 000. 00

15, 000. 00

102, 400. 00

3, 000. 00 135, 000. 00

6, 000. 00

35, 000. 00

980. 00 3, 000. 00

3, 000. 00 1, 000. 00

I, 000. 00

23, 000. 00 153, 000. 00

865. 00 6, 000. 00 1, 000. 00

100, 000. 00

o, ooo. 00

8, o78. 85

I, 000. 00 2, 000. 00

(il, 000. 00 I, 000. 00

4, 000. 00

1, 000. 00 5 000. UO

865. 00

17, 987. 00

10, 000. 00 3, 000. 00 I, 000. 00

I, 000. Uo

88, ooo. no

I, 000. 00 I, OOO. (&0

I, 300. 00

5, 000. 00

10, 000. 00 1, 000. OU

64, 000. 00

67. 23

1, 4331 641. 17 297, 998. 17

I, BOG. 45 476. 85

9, 183. 83

87, 030. 82 11, 629. 42

84, 651. 08

105, 792. 24

'8, 592. 86

1, 119. 00

2, 121. 63 274. 19

10. 00

86, 156. 44

223, 526. S6

21, 559. 26

248, 650. 42

110. 25 257. 11

163, 727. 43

13, 042. 46

20, 860. 92 350. 00

43, 590. 01

432. 10 41, 472. 38

9, 545. 72

2, 216. 50 301. 58

612. 13

27« 00 9, 947. 92

566. 00 52, 842. 4(

128, 931. 48

131, 716. Go

67. 23

I, 417, 607. 16 297, 998. 17

1, 806. 45 476. 85

9, 183. 83

Sj, 030. 82

11, 629. 42

S4, 651. 08

105, 792. 24

3, 748. 70

1, 119. 00

2, 121. G3

274. 19

10. 00

86, 156. 44

223, 526. 86

21, 559. 26

248, 650. 42

110. 25

247, 11 163, 727. 43

13, 042. 46

20, S60. 92 350. 00

43, 590. 01

432. 10

41, 472. 38

9, 545. 72

2, 225. 36 301 58

G12 13 '

" h 00 9, 047. !&2

OC6. 00 I

52, 842. 44

128, 931. (h

131 716 G)9

$1. 50

. 83

2. 25

&')h 17

I, 4!II, 95G. 74 79, 201, 26J

'IOJ 44

I, 38(i. 31

18, 610. 13

109, 777. 35 I, 548. 43

176, 737. 03 25. 50

21, 871. 50

35, 010. 88

4, 288. 69

5, 35G. 81 I, 310. 18

3, 188. 93 1, 794. 39

25, 193. 51 9, 971. 54

255. 84

730. 74

1 495. , )6 r co, 42S. 34

496. 85

17, 323. 70 2, 008. 46

1, 132. 30 2 049 0'&

11, (i4. 7 I

(io9 SU

4. 75)B o(l

I 38:). 2( 1. 150, & I

3, 175. hif

I;h. . 0 5&, 3(ii. 0& I '

2, . )!f(i. fij

I, !&ffi h2

l, sh" )il

I, 2O ). "&i,

, &fi ') f

I, ff')I& I 7

", lf)I I, ff, h ff 4, Xis. &"

i)i, "sf I, I), I (r'

$16, 034. 01

'. hcr;&l)»»Narcotic f:&r&n:&t I'ort Worth, Tcx. ", p. 294, u Apl)rni&ri)&(cd un&icr lho act of M. &r. 4, lull (Ih h(;&(. ish).

Receipts anrt expenditures, 1f)8fe — Continued

(De»it transfer appropriations (net) and repaymenls to appropriations in excess of expenditures are printed in italic. Emergency expenditures are indicated by an asterisk"]

Unexpended balances Junc 30, 1933 Fxpenditures in 1934 (sce p. 6) Amount carried to surplus fund (see p. 7)

I, nexpended balances June 30, 1934

Fiscal year fiir which

appropri- ation was

made Available

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)

On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing


Appropriations tyarrants-issued

basis Checks-issued

basis Act June '20,


Impounded salary and

vacaucy sav- ings

Rc. erve 'or impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)


On bool-s of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing



raocvag&&ENx fuvrstox — Continued

Post offices, courfho»see, et&storehouses, efe. — Con.

Miami, Okla. : Post iioicc and courthouse No year Miildleboro, f&fess. : Post ofhce Ilia&llci&ury, Vt. : Post oflice Milbank, S. Dak. : Post office I&f if ford, Conn. : Post oflico Millersburg, Ohio: Post oflice Milton Pa. : Post ofHce Milwaul&ee, tyi». : Post office, court-

house, and. custo&nhouse

No year No year :Vo year No year Vo vear No year

No year itfinncaliolis, IVIinn. : Post ofhce No year Missoula, Mont. : Post oflice and courl-

$32, 361. 93 939. 98

41, 880. 40 5, 667. 40

2, 013. 25

255. 65

42, 795. 74

8, 913. 17 826, 253. 44

$3, 000. 00

1, 000. 00 13, 000. 00 1, 000. 00

1, 500. 00

19, 902. 00

87, 000. 00 1, 350, 000. 00

$28, 879. 45 496. 75

46, 757. 69 398. 50 44. 10

466. 60 34, 376. 23

20, 369. 94

1, 610, 507. 39

$28, 879. 45 496 75

46, 757. G9

398. 50 44. 10

466, GO

34, 376. 23

20, 369. 94

1, 610, 507. 39

$0. 75

12. 75

$6, 4S2. 48 1. 443. 23

8, 121. 96 6, 26S. 90 1, 969. 10

1, 289. 05 2&S, 308. 76

75, 543. 23

565, 746. 05

house Modesto, Calif. : Post oflice Monroe, Ga. : Post oflice Monroe, I, a. : Post ofhce and courthouse Monroe, IVis. : Post ofhce Monterev, Calif. . Post oflice Montevideo, Minn. : Post, office ItIoute Vista, Colo. : Post off)ce Montgoinery, Ala. : Post oflice and courl, -

No year No year No year No year Ko year iNo year Ko year No year

14. 88

19, 143. 74

557. 38

100, OM. 75

25. 63

13, 244. 30 395. 95

1, 640. 25

35, 000. 00 1, 000. 00

24, 000. 00

1, 415. 42

4, 000. 00

2, 000. 00

50, 608. 99 471. 12

116, 051. 52

441. 05 13, S14. 39

840. 00

50, 608. 99 471. 12

116, 051. 52 441. 05

13, 814. 39

84G. 00

14. 88

3, 534. &5

1, 186. 26 8, 042. 23 1, 000. 00 3, 429. 91

398 05

2, 794. 25

house No vear Montrose, Colo. : Post oflice Vo year Morgan City, La. : Post ofhce No year Mor aniown, O'. Va. : Post oflice iVo year Morris, Ill. : Post oflice Mountain Grove, Nlo. : Post oflice Mount Airy, K. C. : Posr, oflice Nlount Olive, N. C. : Post offce . &MIount Vernon, Ind. : Post ofhce Mount Vernon, Ohio: Post oflice . . &duncie, Ind. : Post oQice

I&Iurray, Xy. : Post odice I&fan&f&a, Iii:iiio: I'ost office lganticoke, Pa. : Pi&si ofoice

igapa, Calif, : Post i&llico

Napoleon, Ohio: Post oilici !&Iashville, Tenn. : Poit i&lnce

No year Ko year No year Ko year Ko year No year No year No year Ko year No year No year No year No year

Ifephi, Utah: Post off&cc Ko year t&fewark, Del. : Post ooii:e No year Newark, N. J. : Post oflice and court-

house Ko year New Bern, N. C. : Post oflice, cour t house,

52, 688. 01 4, 760. 30

1, 297. 23 489. 27

33, 402. 88 55. 27

6, 761. 52

0, 323. 03 804. 04

31, 789. 16

1, 258 Go

837. 30 4&17. 06

2, 277. 34

35 489 46 83G. 86

365, S70. 26

6, 704. 34

3, 306. 55

815, 392. 22

10, 000. 00

1, 000. 00

1, 000. 00

7, 000. 00

1, 000. 00 1, 000. 00

1, 250. 00

7, 000. 00

1, OOO. OO

3, 000. GO

44, 000. 00

630, 000. 00

1, 000. 00

1, 570, 000. 00

50, 265. 57

3, 990. 55 915. 00

37, 824. 93 65. 25

6, 721. 99 7, 935. 78

964. 35 36 457. 53

164. 00 3. 53

1, 139. 52 12. 00

75, 396. GS

»' l l, 866. 06

f&, S69. 85 11. 69

1, 370, 781. 37

50, 2G5. 57

3, 990. 55 915. 00

37, 824. 93 GA 25

0, 721. 99 7, 93A 78

OG4. 35 36, 1 &7. 53

1(i4. 00 3. 53

1, 139. 52 12. 00

75, 396. &&8

641, S6&i. OG

Gi, Sii'J. 85 11. 69

1, 370, 781. 37

] 2, 422. 44

1, 769. 75 1. 38'-'. 23

489. 27

2, 577. 95 990. 02

1, 039. 53

1, 387. 25

1, 089. 09 ", 331. G3

1, 094. 60

1, S33. 77 2, 327. 51 2, Zij5, 31 4, 092. (8

iigii. Sii

354, 004. 20 83. 1 Hi

3, 2!if. Sii

1, 014, 610. 85

and customhouse New Britain, Conn. : Post ofnce Newburgh, N. Y. ; Post, ofncc New Castle, Pa. : Post ofnce

No year No year No year No year

1, 249. 45 22, 378. 72

452. 97 G3, 803. 02

I, ets. Js 2, 000. 00 3, 000. 00

130, 000. 00

20, 407. 28

1, 039. 55 103, 603. 39

20, 407. 28 1 0«i 5&5

100, 934. 12 5. 14

3, 971. 44 2, 413. 42

90 1&J4 19 $2, GG9. 27

Newcastle, iyyo» Post off i cc New I enair Ston, Pa» Post office New London, Conn. . Post uf]]ce New Martinsv&lie, iy. Ya» Post oftice Kew Philadelphia, Ohio: Post office New York, N. Y. :

r&&ppraisers' stores (ul li 4 as ay ofh ce

Courthouse Parcel-post t&uilding Post ufhce annex 1'ust oflice an&i cour( t&ouse

1'Iias»ra Paf!s, N. Y» C. 'ustomhouse Yust o]F&ce

Niles, Ohio: I'ost ofF&ce

Koblesville, Ind» Post oQice Norfolk, Nebr» Post office and court-

house Norfolk, Ya Post oQice and courthouse Norman, Okla. : I'ost office Norristoivn, Pa, » Post ofhce. Korthf&eld, Minn. : Post office North Little Rock, Ark» Post o!F&ce

Ko year Ko year Ko year Ko year Ko year

Ko year No year Xo year No year No year Ko year

Ko year Ko year Ko year Ku y'ca&'

Nu year No year No year Xo year No year No pear

Kor(& all, Conn. : Post oflice and cm&rt- house

Korwalk, Ohio: Post oflice Korwi(h, K. Y» Post office Nore oo!I, !&I;&sh»: Post oflice Nyocl. , N. Y» Post oft&ce Ocl&h»»l, C';)lif» Pus! oQice;&n&t &ustom-

ho»hc Oak P»rk, Ill» Post ofli& c Oi criin, Ol&io: 1'o. t &&lli& c Ocl(&. (in, I»i»a. 1'ort »!lice O, &hn, 1 tcl&

Pui'C. t . ter& i&e!I»il&ii» I'& rt & I!I! & an&i & our! I&

No year bio ] car Nu 1'c»r Nu year Ko y&»&r

No year Ko year Ko year (Ko year

No I c, &r

Koic r

io i c, '&r

Ko yc&&r

Ku r &»:)'

&No i. & )! r

Ku y&u!r

(K o 1 ( a&'

K&) \car Ko \'c, '&r

Ko 'ic&'l&'

Ku! &»r

!K 0 i'c»r Ku! c»r Ko i c»r Ku ! c;&r

C, & )'

Ko ic, '&r

o ]c, u'

h. u !'()i)r

Ku 1("&r

u vl'»&

o \'e»&'

u &&;&r

o &(;&r

Ko I & &r

. !t \&;&I

Ko ic&r

()!'h&l on];& ('&ty, Okla ]'ost upi(c;&)&!I co»)! I&&&»h!'

f)k&)»&l'u (, ()l, la 1' )» & fl. &. »&»l &'u(&rt-

ho)) C

r, '11 pl»!n&, 1', &. Pu. t ufli! c ()m»lu&, h& I!r. , i &»)r&i! Ili c I »il!!in. ()»& i»;&. K, Y: I'!c! ut:I& c ()9&'Io»&'». , ]. a & un» I& )&ise, », !I »uht

oft & &!

()ru» ! . K, . I I'o !!, Ii! c ()rc o» ( &I;!, & &r( ' I'o& t »A&CC

()r &nu, -i]a&r)! I'u I &, fi:! &

()ro» lic, &'„I, f I'r&&I ~ fi&«

&). I&kohl&, I'»c I'u, t &dl»( &)&!'»! &» 1]l I' c!!, Ili!: I'a»&(hi II«, )I&. 'o I'uh! »fl»c I' »»(»ll&, R! . . I'&&it uil» e I', !In& I i&, ! I&, I I;&

' I'o & ! II&! C

1»&l» & r, 3»:ss I'! . ' ! ll!& c 1 ' & I» . 1 I ! u, ( 3 & I ! ! I

' o - & u ! ) » c ! '; & ) ! ! ! , !, ' I ' ! c I ' ! ! & &, I I & ! ! ! i, ) ~, 'I'&»» I'». ! »fl«&

I' » &, 'I & x. I'!-!! f!&«»» & «»r& I!&»s&

l»»y, 1! i;&» I'! . ! rill & c

Ii, u, I'!;&cl): I'u I of!&«

1»&ss»&, K. J» I'ohl »flu &

In&'& l&oc&&!h K. '&' . I'r& I olli&c . 1»»&r. un, K. , ! I'u. & nfl&&(

Ii!» I » l, c&, It. I . I' & nfl!«

6, 292. 76 24, 4bs. u]


SS, 546. 37 3M. 82 7]. (io

40. 71 16, 224. 73

1, 980, 351. 69 938, 872. 30

77, 202. f)5

138, 000. 00

10, 254. 90 16, 338. 90

1 508, 17

2, 969. 73

1, 394 40

86, 775. 78

2, ]93. 38 !, 3!, ! 17. 75

650. 00

2, 720. I;I

75, 000. 00 972. 36 I

10, 2C5. 28

31, 251. 97

]U, 228. (]5

4, 32-1. 3! I lar, jl],

3ur W)h 87 lof&. ! 2

4, ), 8(i I. 3&

1 (i59 &&7

14, !!)2 5]

I, 248. I!&

I, 598. 22

2, ')hO. 0 I

77] 56

15(J, 550 I 0 '. )05 (&0

], ' inh

11«!5]. 29

4», ]0&J I&b

(&, 6(", !. . ', i 4, 4OO. Oo

'-', I, 32h. 3" 33), )6 h, 7', i

73, ]63. 10

Sb37 G. 24

', Ohh. I)b : I&). & 0 6 427. ', )9

". , 0;it. 7] 35&, 6 I!J. 72

113, 13]. : 4

10, I I 7. 00

8]GS 053 10

Gfi1. 00

1, 500. OO

3, 000. OO

147, 000. 00 1, 500. 00

22, 000. 00

5, 150, 000. 00 480, 000. 00

72, 667. 56

1 0, nnn. 00 4, 000. Co

1, 000. 00 640, 000, 00

12, 000, 00 660. On

76, nnn. 00 1, 000. 00 1, 000. 00

40, 000. 00

2, C(!0. 00

15, Clio. Co

168, CUU. CO

30, C(io. 00 3ao. 00

149, COC. CO

4, 000. 00

40, 000. 00

5, ceo. oo

351, 000. 00

]6!0, 6!!', &in

27, 000. Co

& 000 Co

10, 000 f&0

1, 000. GU

4, 000. 00

1, 300. 00

4, :, !n. nn

;, C»&t 00 G&&, 000. 00

8, nn&i. nn

6, nnn, 6!f&

8, 000. 00

1, 000. 00

6, 000. 00 5, 000. 00

17, 000. 00 5, 000. 00 I

6, 607. 42 22, 694. 5&1

116, 568. 29 764. 45

6, G07. 42 2], &i94, a!

]]G, 568. 2!J

jf!4. 45

16, 254. 16 224. 00 521. 60

972. 00 561, 216. 43

292. 39 58, 405. 09

IG, 254. 1(i

224. 00 521. 60

9!2. 00 712, 703. 98

292. 39 58, 405. 08

279. 7fi 270. 7(i (

4GS. 23

8, 713. 02 59, 7(io. 38 10, 0!&9. 90

4(iS. 23

8, j!3. 02 59, 7(]9. !IS

10, 009. 90

1, 353. It 138, SS6. 7!J

5G, 584. If&

49! 50

2, 014. 14

13b, BSG. !!J ro I"ht !f'

444. 50

184, 946, 4(i

I, 137. 77

lh!, 9. !(h tf&

] 1

11, 5(, 0. 34 '

447. ! 5

11, 500, 34

400 857. 13 21. 99

174. CO,

5! I, -I!b 4&i, ;;;I G. I

'&'0» !3, !59. ]0

40(&, 557. ]3 o &J

I (-I. 00

51. 4]8 7!J i

, I&& r, ;I &4

2'C 0 I' 5

13, 769. 10

3& 40!. 9!) 36, 4(i3. !'0 7, 113. 30 7. 113. 30

If, 0&ih. 3b

34, jc:, . CI

120, 250. 5

]6, 0('S. :Ih

34, 785, srt

120, 2;t). 57

2. 34

6, 370. 33

3, 492. Jo 3h, 342. 30

113, Gf&4. 32&

5, 350. If!

'&. , 'I I

!I, 3 70. :&. I 0

38, 31", 30 ] 11, 2 In. ! &2

5, 350. IC!,

21, 871. Co 21, 871. CO

2, 976, 875. 24 2, 9!6, bj5. 24

1, 017, 78G. bS 1, 011, t]56. SS

149, SG5. 41 149, 865. 41

138, 000. 00 138, 000. 00

]9. 50

4. bo


12, 09 9. 7a

I, 5(i

I !&, 1 7

], !h 3&&

, h&). n) I ih !), h. Gh

1, 131. 37 7!. 60

';)I 90 4, Ohl jt I, 2ht. 1

2, 4]h 13

I, I"'. !t) ] )I 1, ;;&!&. 35&

I, 900. 9!&

27, 31!. 91

1(i, ;)!)5), ; 5

2. 440. 3

1, f&04 13 '2, ; It) 17

1] I »hi u, o]h,

17, !&ii. Ij I !, h" l. . &j

!&. Si I. . ll

!i! I 9] 2(&


h& &)


&)»U. . &

in. !, , »» (

I. "' I

', , 'h! hh


I &i.

1. ()». ".

!) I

' » I. ()Il . !t 7! I

, ' i, h

h, : I! ], n. 7

4, : II. 31

I!, I jr ", I'!I . S(i CD CQ

40. 71 ]f&, 353. 73

4, 153, !! f). 4 '&

-!01, US;. 4 2 6, 120. UU

Receipts and es72enrlift(res, 1982( — Continued

[»(il)rt transfer appropriations (net);&nd repaymenls to appropriations in excess of expenditures sre printed in italic. Emergency expenditures are indicated by an asterisk "]

I ncxpcri(lc I balan(Ps June 30, l933 Expendil, urea in l(JSI (sec p. 6) Amount carriod lo surplus

fund (see p. 7) I nexpended balances I&inc 30, 1934

E &sr:Il yc, &r, lnr v;hir ',


il'Pl)i'ol &I'I-

S. r i(i II ivas ma&le

A v, i ila hie

I(('scr'vo fnr'

i m pc» n(l c& 1

v;(ca&icy sav- II&gs (scn [). Bl

On books of the Troasury

'I'n crc(lir nf (lisl in&sir&g



)Yarran(s-issue(i basis

('l&ccks-k»»cil b&Isis

Acl June 20, &874

Impnunrterl s:ikir8;ind

vacancy sav ings

llc, crve for impnun&icrl

1 i&C, »'ir'V SRV- I &I( S (S('I' p. 8)

A v:& 1 i&& hie

On hooks ofl, hc Trcasurv

'I'o credit of (1ishursin '


GENERAL ACCO(JNTB — (", ontiuucd

PRocUREMENT DrvisinN — cont&tin('. d

1'csf offices, cour(houses, crrsfomhouses, efc. — ('. on.

Ko yoar No year No yeiir Kn vear Nn Je;&r

Ko I c; ir Ko vc, &r

Ko year No year No year No year No year No year No year

No year Vio year No year No vear

No year No veer

No year No year Ko year

Vo year No year No year No year No year

No year

No year No year No year No year

Ko year No year No year

No year

F;&vr&&ii. Ill. . Post oflice I'ccl'sl«ll, N. Y» I'nsl oflice. Fck»&, ill I'n l, oflice. F('n&tliri:&. K. I);Ik» ( ir. (Orr&lini&sc

Peori(1, ill» I'nst &if lice &in&i rniirrhorrse I'cru, Ill» F(mt (&fli(v

I'ct;ilii»m, (';ilif» I'nst oflice Phil;»icllihia, Pii»

('uslnmhouse anrl appr, iiscr V stores I'nsl n(Tice

I'l»llipshurg, K. J» Post oflice I'linciiiv, &irrz» Pos( o&T&ce

I'ikcvillc, Ky» I'ost of)ice Pine Bluff, Ark» Post offic. Pipestorie, Minn. : Post oflice Pittsburgh, P, i» Post ofii&, e and court-

hn»so Pittsburg, Inane» Post office Fittsfichl, Mass. : Post office Plainvir)v, Tex» Post oflice Fialtsl&»ru„ iV. Y» Customhouse and

post nflicc Plymouth, Ind» Fnst ofiice Pocatello, Idaho: Post ofli& e and court-

house Pomona, Calif. : Post nflice Ponrsi. ('ity, Okla» Post office

Ponce, Puerto Rico: Post office anil courtliouse

Pontiac, &Tfich» Post oflice . 'ort Angeles, tt ash» Post ofiice I'ort ()hester, N. Y» Post of)Ice I?orterville, Calif. : Post oflice ?ort Huron, Mich. : Customhouse and

post office 'Portland, Maine:

Courthouse Post office

Portland, Oreg. : Courthouse Portsmouth, Ohio: Post office Portsmouth, Vs» Post oflice and custom-

house Potsdam, N. Y» Post ofii&ie

PottsviRe, Ps» Post off&ce

Prescott, Ariz. : Post ofl)ce and court- house.

$616. 20, ' 2, 479. 85

18;). 24

I 393 51

80, 000. 00 14, 407. 68 11, 690. 38

848, 182. 51

631, 290. 92

34, 221. 27

12, 486. 50

I, 280. 38 33, 523. 35

415). 00

812, ()60. 87 77. 63

I, 264. 97 5), 885. 74

222. 0 I

800. 00

32, 977. 84 592. 86

5)1, 131. 48

31, 539. 45

19, 940. 46

14, 471. 66

62, 069. 46

57, 037. 64

35, 427. 94

27, 888. 76

185, 866. 77

245, 906. 04

4, 789. 43

2, 037. 50 10, 507. 14

125, 000. 00

I, 714. 28

$2, 000. 00 80, 000. 00

1, 000. 00

4, 000. 00

I, 640. 00

3, 540, G00. 00 3G, 000. 00 19, 486. 50

1, 000. 00 4, 000. 00

416. 00

I 650 000 00

2, 000. 00

8(in. 90

8, 000. 00

I, 000. 00 71, 000. 00

6, 000. 00

18, 000. 00

3, 000. 00

85, 000. 00

21, 000. 00

11, 000. 00

f&, 000. 00

62, 000. 00 28, 000. 00

4, 789. /(8

1, 000. 00 I 94, 600. 00

5, 000. 00

$2, 269. 25

595 43

11, 609. 23

I, S17, 955. 70

2, 340, 396. 76

52, (i13. 65

267. 59

35, 582. 65

I 574 047 48

5, 793. 26

38, 704. 84

6. 5)4

106, 813. 66

35, 226. 40

13, G31. 39 BG, 928. 41 i(i, 033, G6

34, 075. 58

27, 015. 17

227, 568. 32 248, 297. 87

129. 53 9, 999. 15

400. 00

$2, 269. 25

3 595. 43

11, 609. 23

I, 817, 95)5. 70

2, 340, 396. 76

52, 613. 65

267. 59

35, 58'2. 65

I, 574, 047. 48

5, 793. 26

27, 829. 43

G. 54

106 813 GG

35, 226. 40

13, 623. 31 86, 928. 41

76, 033. 66

34, 064. 58

27, 0(5. 17 227, 568. 32 24S, 297. 87

129 53

9, 999. 15 400. 00

$59. 25

3. 00

$616. 20

2, 479. 85 ls;r. 24

I, 124. 26

11, 812. 25

4, 081. 15

670, 167. 56

I, 830, 894. 16 17, 604. CB

2, 012. 79 I, 940. 70

SBB, 613. 39 77. 63

I, 2(i4. 97

2, 092. 48

222. 04

2 273. 00 I, 58(i. 32

15, 317. 82 2, 313. 05

I, 940. 46

3, 840. 27 f)0, 141. 05 20, 003. 98

12, 352. 36

5, 873. 59 20, 298. 45 Bf& 608. 17

I, 907. 97 I 507 99

6, 14. 28

$10, 875. 41

B. 08

I l. 00

Presque Isle, Maine: Post oflice Prestonsburg, Ky. : Post offim. Price, Utah: Post offfce Princeton, N. J. : Post offfce Princeton, W. Va. : Post office Prov(ncetown, Mass. : Post offfoe Pullman, Wash. : Post offfce Putnam, Conn. : Post office Quincy, Mass. : Post offfce Racine, Wis. : Post office Revenue, Ohio: Post offfce Red Bank, N. J. : Post offfce Redlands, Calif. : Post offfce Reno, Nev. : Post office Richmond, Va. :

Parcel post building Post offfce, courthouse, and custom-

house Roanoke, Va. : Post office and court-

house Rochester, Minn. : Post office Rochester, N. Y. : Post office Rochester, Pa. : Post offfce Rockford, Ill. : Post offfce Rock Hill, S. C. : Post offfce and court-

house Rockingham, N. C. : Post oflice Rockland, Mass. : Post offfce Rogersville, Tenn. : Post office Roseville, Ga. : Post office Rushville, Ind. : Post office Rutherfordton, N. C. : Post offfce . Rutland, Vt. : Post offfce and courthouse St. Johns, Oreg. : Post office St. Louis, Mo. :

Courthouse and customhouse. Post office

St. Paul, Minn. : Post offfce and custom- house

Sacramento, Calif. : Post offfce and court- house

Salezn, Ind. : Post office Salem, Mass. : Post offfce Salem, N. J. : Post office Salisbury, N. (. '. : Post offfce and court-


No year No year No year No year No year No year No year No year No year No year No year No year No year No year

No year

No year

No year No year No year No year No year

No year No year No year No year No year No year No year No year No year

No year No year

No year

No year No year No year No year

No year

No year

No year No year No year No year No year No year No year

No year No year No year

No year No year No year No year No year

Salt Lake City, Utah: Post office and courthouse

San Angelo, Tex. : Post offfce and court- house.

San Benito, Tex. : Post office San Bernardino, Calif: Post oflice. . Sandersville, Ga: Post office San Diego, Calif. : Post office San&lpoint, Idaho; Post oflice Sanfr&r&i, k(aine; Post oflice San Francisco, Calif. ;

Federal oBicc building. . Post offfce and courthouse

San Jose, Calif. : Post office San Pedro, Calif. : Post oflice and cus-

(orohr&use . . . . Santa Ana, Calif. : Post office

San(a Fe, N. Mex. : Courthouse. . . . Sapulpa, Oltla. : Post office

Sarasota, Fla. : Post office

37, 348. 55 2, 039. 30

500. 78 41, 893. 90

9, 847. 12 41, 846. 34

176. 87 6, 890. 81

53, 170. 20

2, 282. 04

64, 300. 40 476. 33

59, 701. 45

44, 424. 19

290, 515. 00

2, 163. 44

12, 538. 36 81, 204. 95

304, 762. 81 539. 30

154, 555. 92

1, 780. 79

1, 625. 00 22, 516. 08

320. 34

I, 899. 54

571. 07

8, 069. 40 44, 007. 22

16, 991. 16

1, 138, 358. 58 201, 048. 69

500, 225. 75

265, 986. 57

5, 265. 32 47, 911. 62

6, 341. 43

159. 37

19, 735. 65

38, 120. 24

10, 573. 77

378. 36 617. 18

1, 5S5. 00 171. 90

9, 330. 57

I, 000, 338. 91 197, 081. 47 97, 957. 00

160, 000. 00

I, 113. 08

25, 983, 66 1, 198. 78

74, 632. 67

40, 750. 00

5, 000. 00 8, 8/j8. 1$ 8, 000. 00 1, 000. 00 2, 000. 00

50, 500. 00 3, 000. 00

11, 000. 00 7, 000. 00

50, 000. 00 215, 000. 00

615. 00

97, 000. 00 340, 000. 00

2, 000. 00

10, 000. 00

2, 000. 00

1, 686. 00

38, 000. 00 1, 000. 00

1, 000. 00

5, 000. 00 3, 000. 00

I, 770, 000. 00

1, 900, 000. 00

65, 000. 00 1, 000. 00

5, 000. 00 1, 000. 00

3, 000. 00

19, 000. 00

5, 000. 00 5, 000. 00

3, 000. 00

1, 000. 00 1, 635. 00

3, 000. 00

1, 000, 838. 81 415, 000. 00 172, 000. 00

2, 000. 00 6, 000. 00 6, 000. 00

72, 000. 00

68, 248. 11 967. 16 187. 50

24, 103. 58 3, 005. 00

37, 126. 73

8, 048. 77 73, 192. 78

900. 50 68, 666. 70

3, 001. 30 63, 931. 51

208, 270. 94

290, 000. 00

1, 182, 34

I, 148. 43

134, 312. 44

573, 544. 18 72. 00

156, 367. 98

1, 268. 05

42, 252. 58 31. 72

368. 01

2, 790. 25 23, 890. 41

18, 266. 94

I, 050, 266. 37 2, 639. 83

2, 050, 130. 47

302, 450. 29

5, 724. 53 48 537 11

15. 00

23, 695. 54

41, 470. 63 11, 537. 94

396. 64

10, 563, 34

487, 260. 89 219, 825. 03

I, 010. 13 15, 897. 89 5, 388. 12

46, 353. 73

66, 248. 11 967. 16 137. 50

24, 103. 58 3, 005. 00

37, 126. 73

8, 048. 77 73, 192. 78

900. 50

68, 666. 70 3, 001. 30

63, 931. 51 208, 270. 94

290, 000. 00

1, 182. 34

1, 148. 43

134& 312. 44

573, 544. 18 72. 00

156& 367. 98

1, 268. 05

42, 252. 58 31. 72

368. 01

2, 790. 25

23, 890. 41 18, 266. 94

I, 050, 266. 37

2, 608. 53

2, 049, 886. 47

302, 450. 29

5, 724. 53 48, 537. 11

15. 00

23, 695. 54

41, 470. 63 11, 537, 94

396. 64

10, 563. 34

487, 260. 89 219, 825. 03

1, 010. 13 15, 897. 89 5, 388. 12

46, 353. 73

$160, 000. 00

11. 25 11, 839. 19 1, 072. 14

363. 28 22, 790. 32

12, 719. 61 1, 176. 87

842. 04 30, 477. 42

4, 381. 54

6, 633. 70 4, 475. 03

45, 769. 94 51, 153. 25

981. 10

11, 389. 93 43, 892. 51

71, 218. 63 2, 467. 30 8, 187. 94

2, 512. 74

18, 263. 50 1, 288. 62

1& 531 53 I, 571. 07

5, 279. 15 25, 116. 81

1, 724. 22

1, 858, 092. 21 198, 408. 86

350, 095. 28

28, 536. 28

540. 79 4, 374. 51

7, 341. 43

3, 144. 37

15, 040. 11

1, 649. 61

4, (Kls&. 83

3, 378. 36 I, 220. 54

17]. (IO

I, 767. 23

12(, 82(l. 58

50, 13(. 97

2, 102. (Is&

4, 01(5&. 77

1, Sio. 66 100, 278. 94



31. 30

244. 00

Receipts ant] expertCitures, f984 — Continued

[Debit transfer appropriations (net) and repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures are printed in italic. Ismergeney expenditures are indicated by an asterisk']

Unexpended balances June 30, 1933 Expenditures in 1934 (see p. 6) Amount carried to surplus

fund (see p. 7) Unexpended balances June 30, 1934

Fiscal year for which

appropl'1- ation was

nlade Available

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)

On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing


Appropriations Warrants-issued

basis Checks-issued

basis Act June 20,


Impounded salary and

vacancy sav- ings

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)


On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing

offf cers


paocuauuuÃT DtvIslols — con'tlrlueci

Post ogiccs, courthouses, customhousss, stc. — Con.

Savannah, Qa. : Post offfce and court- house No year

Sayre, Ps. : Post offfce No year Schenectady, N. Y. : Post oiffce No year Scottsbluii, Nebr. : Post oiffce No year Scranton, Pa. : Post offfce and court-

house No year Seattle, Wash. :

Federal oi5ce bnilding No year Immi rant station and assay office No year

Sedslia, Mo. : Post oiffce No year Seguin, Tex. : Post offfce No year Seneca Falls, N. Y. : Post offfce No year Sheboygan, Wis. : Post offfce No year Shefffeld, Ala. : Post oiffce No year Shelby, Ohio: Post office No year Shreveport, Ls. : Post offfce snd court-

house No year Sidney, Nebr. : Post offfce No year Sikeston, Mo. : Post offfce No year Silver City, N. Mex. : Post of5ce No yesz Sioux City, Iowa: Post offfce and court-

house No year Sioux Falls, S. Dak. : Post offfce and

courthouse No year Somersworth, N. H. : Post offfce No year Somerville, N. J. : Post oflice No year South Bend, Ind. : Post oiffce and court-

house No year Southbridge, Mass. : Post offfce No year South Haven, Mich. : Post oiffce . No year South Milwaukee, Wis. : Post offfce No year South St. Paul, Mian. : Post offfce No year Spartanburg, S. C. : Post offfce and

courthouse No year Spencer, Iowa: Post offfce No year Springffeld, Ill. : Post office and court-

house No year Springffeld, Mass. : Post offfce snd cour t-

house No year Springffeld, Ohio: Post offfce No year

Springfield, Vt. : Post of5ce No year

Spring Valley, Ill. : Post offfce No year Staten Island, N. Y. : Post offfce No year Stephenviffe, Tex. : Post of5ce No year

$804. 68 1, 632, 47

18, 851. 00 34. 22

1, 148. 90

17, 328. 79

8, 909. 47

1, 301. 68

1, 753. 33 26, 874. 32

46, 391. 95

2, 052. 46

8, 549. 09

1, 670. 07 33, 654. 63

721. 47

1, 774. 00

164, 953. 69

6, 083. 09

1, 054. 27

37, 801. 00

50, 968. 53 171. 06

34, 084. 57 711. 26

6, 724. 88

18, 397. 03

8, 410. 66

2, 148. 52

102, 010. 93 172, 376. 59

3, 250. OO

1, 257. 78

2, 068. 68 700. 00

$508, 30

1, 162. 66

2. 37

2, 100. 00

$8, 600. 00

18, 351. OO

1, 000. 00

15, 000. 00

68, 000. 00

f, 753. 33 2, 500. 00

37, 000. 00

3, 000. 00

3, 000. 00 20, 000. 00

1, 000. 00 1, 774. 00

73, 000. 00

7, 000. 00

30, 000. 00

5, 000. 00 1, 000. 00

f5, 000. 00 1, 000. 00

165, 000. 00 3, 350. OO

1, 000. 00 4, 000. 00

462. 65

$5, 329. 37 $5, 329. 37

134. 96 643. 26

37, 725. 52

1, 918. 00 38, 720. 18

1, 884. . 00

19, 574. 65

75, 877. 35 19, 574. 65 75, 877. 35

413. 00 46, 026. 89

20. 00

413. 00 46, 026. 89

20, 00

232, 595. 29

6, 685. 32 311. 14

36, 12o. 77

232, 597. 66

5, 685. 32 311. 14

36, 125. 77

33, 998. 81 36& 098. 81

35, 990. 34 481, 54

1, 000. 50

35, 990. 34 481. 54

1, 000. 50

7) 965. 99

244. 50

7, 965. 99

244. 50

61, 159. 95 239, 991. 26

61, 159. 95 239, 991. 26

662. 76 900. 00

1, 162. 65

662. 75 900. 00

1, 162. 65

10, 374. 67 10, 874. 67

$9. 00

$4, 075. 31 1, 632. 47

1, 034. 22

16, 013. 94

47, 603. 27

1, 991. 47

1, 301. 68

9, 799. 67 7, 514. 60 2, 052. 46 1, 174. 42

$168. 00 34. 00

4, 257. 07 7, 627. 74

I, 701. 47

16, 969. 72 171. 06

3, 094. 23 1, 229. 72 5, 724. 38

3, 397. 03 1, 444. 67

1, 904. 02

40, 850. 98 97, 376. 33

1, 595. 03 5, 168. 68

cn 5, 358. 40 -------- co

7, 397. 77 743. 13

81, 675. 23

Sterling, Colo. : Post omcc and court house

Stillwater, Ol-I». Post OIP&ce

Stockton, Calif. : Post oftice Stroudshurg, Pax Post oflice Sturgis, Mich. : Post Oflice

Stuttgart, Arkx Post oflice Sweetwater, Texx Post OIIECC

Syfacauga, Alas Post office Syracuse, K. Y. : Post office Tam, &qua, Ya: Post OIT&cc

Tamr&a, Fla. : Courthouse, post oflice, and customhouso

Taunton, Mass. : Post offlce

Taylor, Texx Post oflice Terre Haute, Eudx Post offlce and court-

house Texarkana. , Ark. -Texx Post ofl)ce and

courthouse Texas City, Texx Post off)ce Them&opolis, Xyyox Post oflice Thinnest. on, Gas Post oflice. Thomson, Ga. : Post office. Toccoa, Gax Post office Toledo, Ohio: Courthouse and custom-

house Tooele, I. tah: Post ofhce Topeka, JCansx Post oflfcc aud court-

house . Torriu„ton, It&yon I'r). t. office Trenion, AIOU Post, office Trenton, K. Jn Post oflice and court-

house . Troy, Ohio: Post of)Ice Tucson, Ariz. : Post offlce and court-

house. Tuls i, Ol-lax Post office and court-

hou)e Tii 0 Ili. crs, V) i . : Post oflice T i. l r, Tcxs Posi; ofuce and courthouse Tyn»i&i, I' s: Post, oflicc. Cnton City, N. J: Post office I n:&»& Spnngs, Ala; I'o. t office I. &&tot)fow n, Pax Post UIT&cc

I nionvillc, Xlo. : I'o. , f. oflice I rl . in:&, ()l)io: Po. t, oflice. I fi&, i, K. Ys I'o: t. »flite, c&)i&rtlmi& tn

' n'I ci& 'to&&ihoiisc

P, )11 I, &', )lt(. 1'o. t. oflice Vcr&i). lliot), S. I);&I-. : I'ost oflice Pct. t tir:i, (!'Clif. I'»st ofll« Ptt)r&:i&) 8, i&pl; I'ost )ti)&c

Vis:&I) ), (', if if: I'ost nfl't« M', )& ), 'I'(

& , I'&, t tl) « IP, «I& st»)ro, K. (' I'& -I. »liicc Iy, &it I) Jt«, Xl ). . s I &I I oil&&'c

Iy;&rr& ti, I'& I'r& t. Cfhi &.

Iy;&rr& &&, II. I, . I'«, i otli« )9;&r. , ))v, I « lx I'o;t r, lit« i! , )«'« ' «' \, ( &)t»& : I'&t I &)il&«'

I'!' &t& r' )i) t&, K . P I' o . I » fli&»

3'!' & t & r t )i & ), 8 I & . i k , I '& . t &, ll i «

Et «&il'(" &ti, III . I' I »fl«&

I'!':)iil»&t&, !'! i . I'». I Otl&«

It&. . I' -t r, tl»&

Iy(&) nc. I»)ro, & n& I'»-t off&«

No year No year No year Ko year No year No year Ko year Ko year Ko year Ko year

Ko year ~

Xo Scar o year

No year

Vo year Xo year No year Ko year '

No year No year

No year Vo year ~

No year No year No year

No year No year

&Ko year

Ko year No year No year No year


Xo year t

Ko year Ko year Ko vest'

&Vo year

Ko year Ko year Ko year Ko rear Ko veer

o yciu K&l vcai' K» leo&'

Ko yc;)r o veto'

Ko i ciir Kr) ) c;u'

Ko ic&ir Ko i. ciir '

Ko 'i'&s)t'

Ko I «'u'

Ko \ &'iu

K o yc»I'

Ko yc ir

4, , )38. 78 47, 056. SO

3, 141. (ih

29, 878. 56

1, 224. 30 721. 17 436. 12

5, 811. 93

8, 864. 40 10, 276. 80

12, 019. 74

4, 046. 73

299. 03

240, 273. 10

191, 100. 78 390. 14

9, 784. 88

35, 802. (i5

454. 23

4 595 01

10, 283. 33 36, 600. 00

311, 120. 70

6, C&97. 66

18, 169. 03

21, 901. 06

8, III. 25)

1, OSB. 7S

4, 033 00

29, 0 0. 30 101, 796. 50

110, fig

1, 605. 81 12, 893. 52

I, 543. 00

46, 'JG7. 15

38, 900. 27 41, 41 l. f)5

I, t. !I 2, )C)5. 00

2, si5. UO

56. I(iS 04

135, UUU. UO

23, 0;)2 h7

I, OUI. 53 4, 42i. SS

&JU4 23

7, fit!I &J. )

] 4)&J 20

, ')flit. Ol

32, 785. f)'J &

63, :f25. 49 ' . 5, Oh&i 37 ' .

103 i» ) UU

1 5'ls

13, 000. 00 10, 000. 00 21, 000. 00

1, 000. 00 1, 000. 00 1, 000. 00 1, 000. 00

1, 000. 00

15, 000. 00

15, 000. 00

2, 000. 00 1, 500. 00

16, 000. 00

1, 000. 00

o, 000. 00

8, 000 00

23, 000. 00

2, 000. 00

2, 500. 00

9, 000. 00

1, 000. 00

9, 000. 00

5, 000. 00

6, 000. 00 145, 000. 00

996. 55

3 500 00

4, 000. 00

18, 000. 00

9, 16&i, 00

Z, Src. 00 52, 000. 00

5, 000. 00

1, 091. 59 2, 000, 00 1, 000. 00 5) 000. 00 9, 500. 00 2, 000. 00 4, 500. 00

10, 000. 00 1, 000. 00

10!I, 5&5 00

58, 439. 99 4, 085. 60

35, 750. 61 634. 75

58, 4:IU. 99 4, 085. GO

35, 750. 61 634. 75

148. 98 1, 933. 41

1, 548. 34

148. 98 [

1, 9:13. 41

], 54S. 34

10. 59 294. 00

10. 59 294. 00

180, 272, 40 180, 272. 40

188, 003. 80 982. 00 370 74

43, 553. 37

188, 003. 80 982. 00 370. 74

43, 553. 37

339. 96 339. 96

3, 926. 30 37, SS3. 45

3 92t&. 30 37. 8' !'t. 45

314, 112. 04

6, 624. 05

19, 038. 91

314, 112. 04

6, 624. 05

12, 955. 91

28 63»r 44

8, Of)8. 44 28, 635). 44

S, OGS. 44

4 050 18 4, 050. 18

3, 634. 42

31 4". i. Iih

199, 848. 21

3, 634. 42

31, 425. 68 19!&, 848. 21

331. 44

43, 670. 35

14, 677. 72

331. 44

43, 670. 35

GG, 96G. 99 5ti, 9&&ti. OJ

EOC&, I')4l. 12 13J, 000. 00

2G, 961. 94

10ti, t')10 G &

135, 000. 00 26, 9C)l. 94

2, 5)72. &JB

17. 63 823. 00

17. f13

5 172 ll 5, 172. 11

3fi, 010. 89 64, 55(i. 10

3G, 010. h&J

6 I, 55&(i. 10

339 35 ) Jl&& 35

5, lti3. 13 5, l(i». 13

4, 5&38. 78 I, 6 it). 51 9, 055. 9

15, 127. 95 ], ! h!). 65

I, 721. 17

1, 43G. 12

6, ti(i'2. 95)

6, 930. 99

9) 728. 4(i

12, 009. 15

3, 7. )2 73 I

2&J&J OJ

75, 000. 70

18, 09G &iS

1, 408. 14

10. 91 I. 14

8, 249. 28

1, 454. 23

4, 2JJ. 05)

11, 35)7. 03

6, & ltt. I»)

20, 0()8 C)&i

2. 073. Gl

1, (CJU. 12

2, 2C)5). 62

1, Oi'-' Sl

6, 038. 60

. ), 39h, 58

4ti IJ lh. 2!) IIU. (i3

I, (i(i, ". h I

I, If). St)

I nil. C»i

7, 2! && . ht& i

;i»i 9()t), '&,

", I II. &)t

I, (i I", . 5)S

I, 0!&t&. &rl

3, h I. !&U

2), ti& I t&5

2, ttt)!&. () I

I, '-' I 7(t

h, I& ') . I' t

I, I". I zl

6, 083. 00 g

. 5)U

I, 7 I!& !&, h

Receipts and expenditures, 11)8$ — Continued

(Debit transfer appropriations (net) and repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures are printed in italic. Emergency expenditures are indicated by sn asterisk*]

Unexpended balances June 30, 1933 Expenditures in 1934 (see p. 6) Amount carried to surplus

fund (see p. 7) Unexpended balances June 30, 1934

Fiscal year for which

appropri- ation was

made Available

Reserve far impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)

On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing


hpprapriations Warrants-issued

basis Checks-issued

basis Act June 20,


Impounded salary snd

vscsnoy ssv. ings

Reserve for impounded



ngss (see p. 8)


On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbu&Ising



PRocuREMENT DIvlsIQN — continued

Post offices, courthouses, customhouses, etc. — Con.

Waynesboro, Pa. : Post offfce No year Waynesburg, Ps. : Post offfce No year Weiser, Idaho: Post of5ce No year Wellsboro, Pa. : Post offfce No year Wellsville, N. Y. : Post of5ce No year Westminster, Md. : Post offfce No year West, New York, N. J. : Postofffce No year Westplains, Mo. : Post office . No year West Point, Ga. (Lanett, Als. ): Post

oflice No year West Paint, Va. : Post offfce No year Weston, W. Vs. : Post offfce No year West Warwick, R. I. : Post oflice No year Wheaton, Ill. : Post of5ce No year White Plains, N. Y. : Post oflice No year White River Junction, Vt. i Post of5ce No year Whiting, Ind. : Post of5ce No year Wichita, Kans. ; Post oi5ce snd court-

house No year Wichita Falls, Tex. : Post offfce and

courthouse No year Wffkes-Bsrre, Ps. : Post oi5ce No year Williamsport, Ps. : Courthouse snd post

oflice No year Wiffiamstown, Mass. : Post offlce No year Wilmington, Ohio: Post of5ce No year Wilson, N. C. : Post offfce No year Winchester, Ind. : Post oflice No year Winner, S. Dsk. : Post offfce No year Winona, Miss. : Post office No year Winthrop, Mass. : Post of5ce No year Wisconsin Rapids, Wis. : Post of5ce No year Woodstock, Ill. : Post offfce No year Woodstock, Vs. : Post oflice No year Woonsocket, R. I. : Post offfce . Na year Wooster, Ohio: Post of5ce No year Worcester, Mass. : Post ot5ce snd court-

house No year Youngstown, Ohio: Post of5ce snd

courthouse No year

Yuma, Ariz. : Post qt5ce No year

Zsnesviffe, Ohio: Post oi5ce No year

$4, 625. 00 I, 363. 68

53, 988. 39 820. 40

2, 591. 42

24, 533. 91 3, 985. 00

204. 13

738. 14

2, 325. 55 42, 380. 10 8, 019. 97

39, 367. 09 I, 589. 60

15, 000. 00 9, 342. 14

9, 026. 82

40, 125. 37 183, 833. 08

22, 979. 34 28, 113. 22

I, 861. 23

4, 420. 16

7, 055. 73 916. 11

6, 539. 54

6, 860. 48 849. 23 178. 68 703. 40

I, 039. 65

4, 430. 37

9, 085. 39

45, 085. 68 48, 741. 72

11& 912. 88

$59. 44

I, 950. 00

$4, 685. OO

33, 000. 00

3, 000. 00

4, 000. 00

30, 000. 00

4, 000. 00

15', OOO. OO

2, 000. 00

25, 000. 00

15, 000. 00 45, 000. 00

88, 000. 00 4, 000. 00

I, 000. 00 I, 000. 00 I, 000. 00 I, 000. 00 2, 000. 00 I, 211. 18

I, 000. 00

4, OOO. OO

11, 000. 00 65, 000. 00 1, 000. 00

$76, 460. 05 599. 90

3, 460. 70 12& 965. 68

160& OPO. OO

843. 04

335. 00 452. 00

42, 731. 61 7, 030. 47

42, 168. 43

I, 084. 00

9, 313. 48

952. 50

30, 747. 56 201, 893. 03

106, 087. 60 28, 696. 34

6, 8'19. 73 690. 52

6, 083. 01 6, 550. 68

204. 32 389. 86 531. 20

2, 658. 00

45, 735. 75 91, 827. 76 10, 598. 88

$76& 460. 05 599. 90

3, 460. 70 12, 965. 68

130, OSO. OO

248. 04

335. 00 452. 00

42, 731. 61

7, 030. 47 42, 168. 43

I, 084. 00

9, 313. 48

952. 42

30& 747. 56 201, 893. 03

106, 087, 60 28, 696. 34

6, 939. 17 890. 52

6, 083. 01 6, 550. 68

204. 32 389. 86 531. 20

4, 608. 00

45, 735. '15

91, 827. 76 10, 598. 88

$10. 50

. 75

$1, 363. 68 10, 528. 34

220. 50 2, 130. 72

15, 568. 23 134, 005. 00

447. 17

403. 14 I, 873. 55

29, 648. 49 989. 50

I, 198. 66 505. 60

2, 028. 66

33, 074. 32

24, 377. 81 26, 929. 55

4, 890. 99 I, 416. 88 I, 861. 23 4, 420. 16 I, 176. 00 I, 225. 59 1, 456. 53 I& 309. 80 2, 844. 91 I, 000. 00 I& 172. 20 I, 039. 65

430, 37

6, 427. 39

10, 349. 93 21, 913. 96 2, 316. 00


$0. 08


cu& C&s


Total, general accounts, exclusive of sites and construction under act of July 21, 1932 77, 428, 246. 17 I, 002, 989. 24 4, 4ee& 888, ef 49, 727, 626. 48 50, 589, 898. 97 $18P PPp pp 301. 08 23, 113, 980. 42 140, 718. 75

~ a

X(rashlngton, D. C. &

Ac&ruisit ton of triangle properties Landscape work, Triangle at Fif-

teenth and Pennsvlvania Ave. NW

Agricultural Department buildings Apex Commission Building Archives Building Central heating plant for public

bul1dlngs Connecting wing, Labor-Interstate

Commerce Commission Building Department of Commerce Building Depart&neat of Justice Building Departinent of Labor Building . Government Printing Oflice Build-

ing Internal Itevenue Building Interstate Commerce Commission

Building National Institute of Health Buil(l-

ing Post Office Department Building Public Health Service Building Treasury Building, construction of

va(lit United States Supreme Court Build-

ing, site . 'tVashington, D. ( . : Post office Water mains and other utilities,

1Vashington, D. C

No year

No year No year No year No year

No year

No year No year No year No year

No year No year

No year

Vo year No vcaf No year

No year

No year No year

No year

267, 729. 84

11, 644. 50 360, 743. 65

3, 841. 25 874, 399. 71

448, 980. 30

77, 891. 42

147, 629. 21 949, 464. 83 219, 439. 85

16, 508. 36 170, 296. 21

159, 778. 86

456, 729. 02 512, 045. 45

1, 998. 53

I, 197, 682. 32

G. 00

I, 867, 507. 02

60, 581. 87

53, 014. 15

226, 907. 90

250, 844. 73

105, 249. 13 87, 714. Sl

118, 061. 70 162, 993, 00

4, 886. 00

184, 817. 84

3481 989, 66

10, 844. 36

24, 437. 17

3, 047, 000. 00

3, 300, 000. 00

1, 800, 000. 00

750 000 00 260, 000. 00

3, 075, 000. 00 1, 470, 000. 00

650, 000. 00

II 50, 000. 00

2, 200, 000. 00

28, 260. 00

" 400, 000. 00

I, 88o. 60 I, 888. 8O

1, 800, 062. N

3, 070, 794. 83

1, 827, 239. 47

707, 734. 60 12, 443. 19

3, 034, 786. 85

1, IS9, 823. 54

I) 832, 192. 49

3, 284, 286. 71

1, 985, 219. 97

710, 132. 35 24, 298. 08

3, 120, 795. 87

1, 229, 488. 77

136. 00 470. 00

NS, 715. 68 713, 673. 26

396, 433. 37

2, 417, 466. 21

20, 551. 34

369, 199. 12 2, 674, 031. 24

16, 172. 60

291) 675. 00 286, 481. 92

14, 487. I7 1, 263. 61

1, 356, 971. 51 1, 356, 971. 49

8. 42

15. 91

. 75

8. 96 1. 49

1. 50

22. 16

ZGO, 61G. 34

11, 644. 50 I, 607, 672. 67

3, 841. 26

I, 103, 605. 38

421, 724. 92

120, IN. 07 3h6, IS(i 0" 9iu, f!6(J. 02 499, 614. S2

16, 508. 36 170, 160. 21

146, 061. 68

110, 295. 65 294, 557. 08

9, 697. 19

906, 007. 32

6. 00 910, 535. 51

75, 019. 04

20, 884. 22.

13, 415. 52

92, 864. 23

102, 86!. 38 75, Sl)'J. 92 32, 05'), (hh

123, 327. 77

4, 552). 00

34, 860. 26

27, 234. 25 92, 424. 63 15, 223. 10

5, 193. 08


8, 736. 39

Total general accounts; Wash- ington, D. ('

To(«i general accounth, Sites, Constru(. (ion, aud R e n t, Post O(Vices, Cuitoinhouses, Ciiurthouses, etc«exclusive of sites, etc. , under act of . I uly 21, 1932

"(, 804, 898. 20

85), 233, 144. 37

I, 578, 760. 45

2, 581, 749. 69

16, 920, 250. 00

12, 493, 911. 79

16, 673, 509. 98 17, 602, 790. 98

66, 401, 136. 46 68, 192, 687. 95 160, 000. 00

59. 19

360. 25

8, 051, 579. 03

31, 1(!5, 559. 15

649, 479. 45

g ztl

7!&0, I(fff. 20

Inspection hxafion. i

AII)urg, Vta I&ail)c('(ion stiul&li& No year Aml&r(i(c, N. I&, ik. : In'lice!ion station No year B(if&li- I'ie:, in, Mont. : inspec! ion slat«)n No year Ilcei lier Palli, Vt: Inspection sfaf&o» No year Bl, iioi, u aili. In«I&ection stafioos No year ( '&ili'i&(' ), (:&I&I i&&. I)ccf &of& sf&if ioi& N&o year (', &n;«&n, Vi . I o 'i)ecf &i&n s&a(ion No yc ir ('li;iiiilil;iia, r( V Insi)co&ion if. :i!ioa No ye:&r

( Ii:i&i:&&&i«&y, rf 5 . : Inil&ection static&i No year l)crf&i l, ioi, Vf, : I irf)«i fi(&n it(&!iOO tri& ye ir

l)(ii&. ! i ' (ri(: lii«I (( & i&in sf if&oo No ye &r

?:, &i& l(i( l&lor I, Vf I)& lier&i(m if:»&oi& Ni) ic:&r

S)&i&i ', al, iil«' Ii&il«'('lion i&:ifii«1 . No yc;ir I' «I & ( 0&, i&is&«ii, V Y.


&a&) if &-

(io&1 No rc&li'

V«cf I':&irfir I(l, 6! iii& In-li((&i&in«»i&&&&&i No 5(ni&r

II &xi&a ifc . hf rii&gi, W &. In I)&( fiiin s( i-

&«)ii Vo v( ir

ll«»lf«r&, al, i&i«. Ir& lier I &r&i& . I;ifi n rcr& ye ir

l, j&ri& & )or, al)i&or' Ia. I«'(tloa sfaf&«o Xo y(«)r

33, 671. 50 879. 30

4, 980. iJ2

J, 100. 70 252. Zl

23, 057. 26

I, 200. 00

I, 322. hh

7, ith4 9&i

194. 05 8, 557. &J;

!'&&l)O. 4(i

ff, 17!, 79

2'J, f&(I) 00 23, f)0;). 24

!5, 701 45 3!&, 4(&l. 57 '2:!, (&5)fi ls

6 000 00

I, 587. 80

1, 000. 00

7, 000. 00

8, 500. 00 I, 800. 00

2, 500. 00

2, 891. 54

I, 000. 00 I, 000. 00 I, 100. 00

5, 500. 00 15, 000 00

I, ), 7(&1 46 4, 5)00. 00

35, 401. 25

2, 017. 10 430. 00

9 099 15

35, 401. 25

2, 017. 10 430. 00

9, 09'J. 15

3, 199. 35 3, 199. 35 S, N5. 60 I&, Ns). 50

i, 009. 5)&&

228. 10 Shj

I&, 009. 5)8

228. 10 887 75

Zht 5&3!I. 74

33. 626. 00 Zn, 533. 74

31, !2&i 00,

37, «sr) Ol

l&J, Jf)". Gi4

37, 836. 01, I(& 4C)Z st

28, 744. 59 28 744. 69

1. 50


3, Zcii, 75

46&0. 00 5, r)r)0 (»'

1, 001. N&

'-'. 8 I '-' (I 7


I, !th I (&f&


I, . 'IS 3, ls" sf&

K, :fhl f&f

fl), ill. 2(i

(), '&

I), Oii, ', hl

I, I!&, 'l h!i

'f&o f&f&

((I)I r«I ci. i!i I i&ii(!( r (I&c ac( of 5!«r. 4, 1!&3( (4&& hf&&(. 43«L


Receipts and expenditures, 198II — Continued h

[Debit transfer appropriations (net) snd repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures sre printed in italic. Emergency expenditures are indicated by an asterisk*]

Fiscal year for which

appropri- ation was


On books of the Treasury

Available Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)

To credit of dksburshng


Unexpended balances June 30, 1933

Appropriations Warrants-issued

basis Checks-issued


Expenditures in 1934 (see p. 6)

A. ct June 20, 1874

Impounded salary snd

vacancy sav- ings

Amount carried to surplus fund (see p. 7)

Reserve for impounded

vscahhcy sav ings (see p. 8)


To credit of disbursing


Unexpended balances June 30, 1934

On books of the Treasury


PBocvREhsENT DlvIsIoN — Continued

Post of)fere, ccurthoueee, cuetorahoueee, etc — Con.

Inepecticn Stations — Continued

Metaline Falls, Wash. : Inspection sts- ti n 0

Moores, N. Y. ; Inspection station Norton Mills, Vt. : Inspection station Noyes, Minn. : Inspection station Oroville, Wash. : Inspection station Portal, N. Dak. : Inspection station Richford, Vt. : Inspection station Roosville, Mont. : Inspection station Rouses Point, N. Y. : Inspection station St. Johns, N. Dak. : Inspection station San Luis, Ariz. : Inspection station Ssn Ysidro, Calif, : Inspection station Sumac, Wash. : Inspection station Sweet Grass, Mont. : Inspection station Tecate, Calif. : Inspection station Trout River, N. Y. : Inspection station West Berkshire, Vt. : Inspection station

No year No year No year No year No year No year No year No year No year No year No year No year No year No year No year No year No year

$5, 866. 85

13, 085. 17

2, 225. 00 512. 25

4, 967. 02 128. 66

9, 164. 75 21, 973. 53 26, 657. 36

427. 48

1, 087. 50 2h 048. 40

30. 07

4, 988. 00 4, 615. 00 7, 138. 87 4, 025. 00

$1, 000. 00 6, 000. 00 6, 266. 00 4, 000. 00

2, 600. 00

I, 000. 00 14, 000. 00 67, 000. 00

1, 100. 00

I, 000. 00 10, 500. 00

I, 000. 00

4, 688. OO

4, 6PL OO

4, 025. OO

$5, 567. 37 13I 130. 54

3, 351. 00 6, 144. 48

9, 201. 77 34, 639. 33 79, 203. 98

1, 464. 55

10, 598. 61

6, 642. 93

$5, 567. 37 13, 130. 54

3, 351. 00 6, 144. 48

7, 585. 77

34, 639. 33 79, 203. 98

1, 464. 55

10, 598. 61

6, 642. 93

$1, 299. 48

5, 954. 63

I, 161. 25

11 322. 54 128. 66 962. 9S

1, 334. 20 14, 453. 38

62. 93 2, 087. 50 1, 949. 79 1, 030. 07

495. 94

$1, 616. 00

Total general accounts, inspection stations, exclusive of sites, etc. , under act of July 21, 1932

Quarantine stations

334, 584. 58 132, 924. 89 386, 014. 22 381, 898. 22 $2. 25 81, 493. 00 4, 116. 00

Los Angeles, Calif. : Quarantine station Miami, Fls. : Quarantine station Mobile, Als: Quarantine station New Orleans, La. : Quarantine station Reedy Island, Delaware River: Quaran-

tine station Sabine Pass, Tex. : Quarantine station

No year No year No year No year

No year No year

995. 20 576. 39

1, 000. 58 3, 482. 98

1, 459. 91 28, 014. 00

$1, 463. 94 600. 00 8, 014. OO

10. 50 20, 000. 00

995. 60 500. 00 938. 00

2, 786. 60

938. 00

2, 786. 60

1, 474. 44

20, 000. 00

138. 39 1, 000. 58

696. 38

2, 049. 41

Total general accounts, Sites snd Construction, Quarantine Sta- tions, exclusive of sites, etc. , under act of July 21, 1932

Marine hcepltale

35, 529. 06 1, 468. 94 7, 909. 60 23, 736. 10 25, 199. 04 3, 884. 76

Baltimore, Md. : Marine hospital Chicago, Ill. : Marine hospital 'Detroit, Mich. : Marine hospital Evansville, Ind. : Marine hospital Galveston, Tex. : Marine hospital

Key West, Fla. : Marine hospital

No year No year No year No year No year No year

339, 930. 91 191, 420. 16 43, 693. 00 12, 801. 63 6, 248. 85

I. 23

5. 18 1. 64

I, 000. 00

440, 000. 00 35, 000. 00 10, 000. 00

7& 000. 00

387, 427. 13 176, 193. 60 42, 167. 72 11, 762. 67

7, 307. 52

387, 432. 31 176, 195. 14 43, 167. 72

11, 762. 57 7, 307. 52

392, 503. 78 50, '226. 55 11, 525. 28 1, 039. 06 4, 941. 33

1. 23

Lontsv!Jle, Jgy. & Marine bosp[tal Memphis, Tenn» Marine hospital Moh&le, Als. & Marine hospital New Orleans, La» Marine hospital New York, N. Y» Marine hospital Norfolk, Vs. : Marine hospital Bsn Francisco, Calif. : Marine hospital Savannah, Qs» Marine hospital Seattle, WVssh» Marine hospital.


No pear No yeax No year No year No pear No year No year No year No year

4, 630. OO

5, 467. 62 105, 737. 69

1, 336. 48 142, 734. 70 25, 528. 45

16, 200. 00 111, 119. 27

24, 000. 00 4, sso. 00 9, 100. 00

50, 000. 00 1, SSG. 48

282, 000. 00 37, 000. 00

SS, 263. Sl

ts, 660. 85 56, 908. 37

347, 116. 88 55, 661. 33

85, 000. 00 116, 127. 56

89, 263. 31

13, 550. 85 5G, 908. 37

338, 448. 22 55, 661. 33

116, 127. 56

29, tisn. 67

I, Olti. 77 qs 8'iO

77, Gl &. 82 ti, Sfi . 12

16, 200. GO

79, 991. 71

8, ti&is. (&G


Cleveland, Ohio: Marine hospital (new) Vo year 104, 463. 66 2, 649. 72 3& 637. 72 22. 00 107, 091. 38

Total, Bites:ind Construction, Marine llo»pit»l», exclusive of sites, etc. , under aet of July 21, ]932

Total, Bites anil Construction for Public Buildings, un(ler Procurement Division:

f&eneral:»til spe& i, il, iccou&its Emergency (N. l. B. )

1, 205), 097. 62 ~

90, 775. 481. 77

3, 656. 44

2, 586, 870. 07

973, 233. 52

78, 592, 161. 00 67, 410, 788. 00

1, 300, 859. 12

69, 835, 855. 21

3, 708, 660. 07

1, 295, 846. 90

71, 619, 742. 42 ' 3, 240, (J82. 06 $160, 000. 00 362. 50

877, 472. 02

99, 371, 426. Oti

63, 702, 127. 93 SQ2, &)82

467, 678. 02

Bui&inmry, I'romircnicnt f)ivision, in-

c[»dmg Public Buildings, Hospitals, etc 2

I &encr:il &1»(!»[ie& i:&l:&i »&i»»ts

Kmergen( y (N. 1. I(. )



T&&KA»&'»), . '&&)»CR&1. (Sar&»»

90, 776, 481. 77

97, 3)6[I, 631. 38 340, 407. &J

97, 383, 631. 38 $340, 407. 59

2, 58G, 870. 07

4, 077, 789. 28

4, 0(7, 789. 28

97, 83'2, 402. 36

67, 410, 788. 00 79, 806, 332. 14

3, 708, 660. 07

[66, 243, 190. 36 83, 514, 992. 21

146, 002, 949. 00 73, 544, 516. 28 74, 860, 724. 47

82, 451, 400. 89 * 3, 240, 982. 05

85, 6!I2, 382. 94

160, 000. 00

1, 617, 928. 63

1, fi17, 928. 63

36rh 50

525, 20». 78 444, 942. 93

525, 208. 78 $444, 942. 93

163, 073, 562. 99

113, 162, 028. 86)

fi3, 70'2, 127. 93

lit St)4 I it' 78

1, 270, 660. 88


I, 432, 720. (&3

4([7, I 78 02

t, !)Oi), 3'. IS

('l, ii&n»:i[[i&we&i uniler Boii &nan and 'I'u& ker Act»

Ckiiin» f&ir &l, im icc», act i &ec. 28, I!)2", '['rc;&iury l)rii:&rti&ient

Jti lenient», ('&i»rt of t l:iiiiis, 'I'rc)i»ury

I )i)[»irt »&«»t

J»&l" »&c»t ', t »)tl" I Bt)&i &» &', »»rl», Tre;)»-

u&y [)&[iirt)»ent liitcre»t i&n;»&t&»inta ixitl&l&el&i [r»m

i l iim int, bv I lie ('&itn »troller (lener il

&if tl&&' I:nit»&i Bt;it&'» art 1[ ir 3, I» . i 8 il:iri&«, &)tli«of Au liti&r for Navy

No year

No year

0 1'c&ir

No year

iVn yc:ir

162. 00

1, 314. fi9

199. 00

6, 424. 22

3, 714. 91

18, 652. 59

11, 357. 58

11, 866. 27

623. 94

199. 00

4, 629. 97

11, SGG. 27

623. 94

199. 00

4, 629. 97

1 1, SGG. 27

lt)2. 00

4, 405. fi&i

18, Iif)'2. 5&J

I!12 I No v«r N» yc, ii

I)('p» I »&i'&)t

It&i »1&'i)I. & [ I' rc»c[&»p»[i it &on ( k&in&»

it& i»iliiir & r&«»i ti& likinl «&(; N irtiin

]5, &&iii i;& ti& &it[i&fr& in&I c»&plr&ic&» &)f

t:»&Ic I 8»»&» in f&&r( i"» «»&»tr&c»

&li« i»;iptiri ci »i»n i&f f»&e)gn i ~ rrc&i-

(»&»( tr«'»&i) I'1 »rk&rii fi»i I, 'I'&i:i ~ i&r) l)i[i&irtnic»t,

( I& &I ii '&1&

lt ')i& I' '& I& & &'& l&i f

N &'&»&» i& I(I ('ii &&»Y

I'i»&»»l '& I )f'p i&'I ''i('» I

'I n, & i&r) l &i;»r' »i& iii, &»

(&4, "'[7. 57 [

;l. i, 00 '

I I). [. l —I, (6) 4' 23f[, 000. OQ

4 &i &. i;&1

N» vl«»' 'i i»»'

'\ i»&I'

V() v&. ' ir pi&l&l&( 'i I s ' 'I'r iii fi rn I fr )i, , «&»i&i&t r&n lcr»»i&ne I&tie, ii I '9, »ct 31 &r. 2&k [934 (46 Btst. 46»).

I)&'I») 1&:il, »«'&'

1& '' iii I »t )f« I i»«i( r "I'( il( r il I'iv&l Vi «rl'» W&[»»&f&. tr &tio»" p. 109.

17. 22 17. PS 17. 22

:I(i 00

40, 500. 00 40. 900. 06 I'I '. 60(l »0



267. 00 60, 52

36[. 00 "tef. 62

ii Acc &unt . Lute 1 i&» icr "[)&&&[&'1, l It&ncr"i »cv Iu 1&& f A&i&»&&ii ~ I r it i » ", li I I l, Aic«»»'t »tati'&I »»&lf'I' N»f»l», '&I I»lit)»tri&il ltl'C«vi'15 «I»»»& Ir, ii»»&

"6[ (I&)



Receipts and expenditures, 1984 — Continued

iDebit transfer appropriations (net) snd repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures are printed in italic. Emergency expenditures are indicated by sn asterisk']

Unexpended balances June 30, 1933 Expenditures in 1934 (see p. 6) Amount carried to surplus

fund (see p. 7) Unexpended 'balances June 30, 1934

Fiscal year for which

apprnpri- ation was

made Available

Reserve for impounded

vacancy ssv- mgs (see p. 8)

On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing


Appropriations Warrants-issued

basis Checks-issued

basis Act June 20,


impounded salary and

vacancy sav- ings

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)


On books of ti. e Treasury

To credit of disbursin



xasASVB Y MtscELLsNEOUS — continued

Relief of: Mrs. Shelby J. Beene Shelby J. Beene Willie B. Cleverly Elizabeth T. Cloud Caroline M. Eagan Farmer's Grain Co. , Omaha, Nebr Franklin Surety Co R. W. Felix Arthur K. Finney H. Forsell Gertie Foes, widow of Olsf Foes Letitis W. Garrison . Goldsmith Metal Lath Co Black Hardware Co John N. Knsuff Co. , Inc Eula K. Lee

No year No year No year No year No year No year No year No year No year Nn year No year No year No year No year No year No year

$1, 170. 00 375. 00

$15, 227. 80 14, 739. 58

124. 23

596. 97 10, 950. 19

2, 186. 36 11, 725. 71

27. 81 108. 77 196, 97

892. 73 7, 998. 04

19, 032. 78 838. 75

$124. 23 596. 97

2, 186. 36

108. 77 196. 97

838. 75

$124. 23 596. 97

2, 186. 36

108. 77 196. 97

838. 76

$15, 227. 80 14, 739. 58

10, 950. 19

11, 725. 71 27. 81

1, 170. 00 375. 00 892. 73

7, 998. 04 19, 032. 78

William K. Lovett Gladding, McBesn snd Co William Martin snd John E. Welsh,

Jr Price-Evans Foundry Corp Liihe B. Rsndell Nellie Resy Barney Rieke Gust J. Schweitzer Robert Spaugh Monumental Stevedore Co Leroy T. Wailer Mrs. Leroy T. Wailer Charles J. Webb Sons Co. , Inc Royce Wells H. N. Wilcox George M. Wright

ffncresse of compensation, Treasury De- partment

No year No year

No year No year No year No year No year No year No year No year No year No year No year No year No year No year

1924 1923

975. 00

100. 00 750. 00

2, 050. 00 6, 602. 40

4, 221. 50

1, 790. 10

12. 96 3, 750. 00

677. 75 14, 531. 79 14, 531. 79 18, 648. 87

1, 500. 00 119. 00 645. 03

7. 84 80. OO

7. 84 80. 00

$7. 34 30. 00

2, 050. 00 6, 602. 40

4, 221. 50

I& 790. 10 975. 00

12. 95

3, 750. 00 100. 00 750. 00 677. 75

14, 531. 79 14, 531. 79 18, 648. 87

1, 500. 00 119. 00 545. 03

87. 84

To promote the education of the blind u 1934 66, 000. 00 65, 000. 00 65, 000. 00

Permanent and indeffnfte: Increase of compensation, Treasury

Department 1922 1921 1920

107. 84 858. 84 80. 40

107. 64 858. 94 eo. 4o

107. 64 258. 94 80. 40

19[9 Certified claims 17. 33

7. SO

17. 33 7. So

17. 33

457. 45

To promote the education of tho blind, interest ii No year

Special deposit accounts. )i $1, 618, 844. 45 10, 000. IN 10, 000. 00 10, 000. 00

64, 596. 18 81, 55)4, 248. 27

Total general accounts, Treasury, miscellaneous 74, 742. 48 1, 618, S44. 45 610, 236. 55 136, 038. 70 201, 034. 93 509. 34 448, 430. 9&J 1, fi5'3, b48 23



Outstanding liabilities No ycflr 1934

Matured obligations of the District of Columbia No year 110, 383. 95

8, 488, 757. 94 8, 708, 651 . 65 » 8, 708, 651. 65

148. 76

2[9, 893. 7[

148. 76

2[ 9, 893. 7[

110, 235. 19

8, 708, fis) 1. 65)

21 9, 899. 71 2[9, 899. 7[

Spanish indcrnnity, interest Spanish indeinnity, principal To promote the education of the blind,

principal. Trnst-fund interest for support of free

schools in South Caro[in;i. . . Effects of decciiscii employees, Treasury

l)c[iartmcnt Unclaimed, condemnation aii. ards,

'I'reflsury I&(i&erin&cnl

1:nclaimeil moueys nf indiviiiuals whose w heres[»iu[s are unkno&rn (Troflsury)

S[)ei'. [fll ilpposlfs 11('counts

Tu[. al trust riccmint&» Treasury, misicllaneuus

'['ot;11, '['refls»ry, misccll:ineous


No year No year

No year

No year

iVO 1 ("&. l'

Nu ycfli'

No year

6, 452. 06

2, 778. 25

250, 000. 00

1, 489. 64

305. 00

8, 054. 44

((, sf)a, 221. 28

8, &342, 90'3. 7(i

1) 9, 891, 557. 80

9, 891, 557. 86

11, 510, 402. 31

17. 28

177. 38

194. 66

510, 431. 21

21. 55

219, 729. 40

89, 064. 70

21. 55

I, 317, 592. 95

I, 097, 869. 55

I, 2(JS, 904. 68 ;A)(J 34

6, 452. 00

2, 77S. Jsi

250, 000. 00

1, 489. Uf

1 u)»

305. 00

8, 210. 27

9, Obb, 139 34

9 f)3(i, siU. 3:[



I(, 573, 96[. UI

S. ')i3, 9&i4. 9 I

10, 127, SI!I. I;I

s(lsi alias » 1&o 1 'I A('('O UNTO

P;iymc)il 1 f (', ilic ('. , )»l (', ini&l huflils 1')&re[«isi iif )i[ I&„", &i ii&ns i&f f)iri igfl »uv( rfl-

1&)cu( s

( l«)i))s 1 [ . &)i i& i ifl &)n(i I lul) "&1'1)ii) I«&

I iun;ils at. 'an. t Inc Uni(e)l States (, iic;ir)[s;&n)[ i )[» usc of . «[ii&ii»slra-

t)uii, ic: I' 1'1;)ii&)»»l [))ti'I'!, ))1)di'1' scc Ifj

uf . ct tie(1«;&ii iif '&Y, &r ('hiioi. . Act uf

I!&4», )&[)I)ru& 1 i[ 51, &r If&, Ius». Icc [i)r, &l [. &)& I ii &o[»

911)& i r)[it«i&). to 1:&[&1()&1 alii) l

iVO y("11'

NO if. ' )I'

Nu ) 1" &I'

Ko vc ir

3, Sf[5. 03

Sfi, [21, fi2!1. 05 '

"[2, 5)I;& (IU

io, fiis&. (i7 79, (if!(i f!3

I, 757, 780. 00

79, fili(i. 03

1, 737, 780. On

!& U[

3, S(ifi. U:I

2&i, I'„'I, lid!I, 0;i

I, !&SU, ;['&5&, 00

Sii ) 1 )'! f I )»u lu [)i&i)i. ii) i&i [1[)is No 1 c )1

I ', &3 I:15 : 0 UUU (NU 00

75, 000, 000. 00 40, bf)3, 4i7. 16 'IU, f(f)3, 4) 7 i(i I), I. ifi, :)», s[

7(), UU(), u()(l &)i)

40, Hli3, 477. 16 4U, Sr)3, 477. I(i

1'1) [i)li'li' I «1'u&iul, fullui\)&ig. fluf)' 1» " [. I( [ic, ii 1 of!&, »i)i, I: I s(, &feil i&i«lcr In)el . [)cci«l de[»)sits fullua i)i

'& 'I'ransfcrn il lii I!Eii:&if)«iii!, )&cl . I&i)ii 2(i, I!Cil (I'i Sl:il I"!!(i, scc. 21), I Tr)f&sferri)l friilu '' teu I'(. „)r ', ~«u&&«i Si» i«iiu il,

1) 1 iic[ui li s, J, oi)I'. Ci 4 5 [ rclifl rci [ lu i i i ) ii i le 70.

Receipts and expenditures, 188JI. — Continued

lDebit transfer appropriations (net) and repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures are printed in itahc. Emergency expenditures are indicated by an asterisk*l

Unexpended balances June 30, 1933 Fxpenditures in 1934 (see p. I'i) Amount carried to surplus

fund (see p. 7)

Fiscal year for which

appropri- ation was


GE3IERAL ACCOU5(TS — Continued

Available Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)

On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing


Appropriations Warrants-issued

basis Checks-issued

basis Act June 20,


Impounded salary aod

vacancy sav- ings

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)


I. 'nexpended balances June 30, 1934

On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing


xnscELLANEous AccoUNTs — continued

Federal land banks — Continued. Payments to Federal land baal-s,

reductions in interest rate on mortgages 1934

Subscriptions to preferred shares, Fed- eral savings and loan associations No year

Subscriptions to capital stock, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation No year

Expenses, emergency banking, gold reserve, snd silver purchase acts 1934-35

Payments to Federal Reserve Banks for industrial loans 1934

Advances to Agricultural Adjustment Administration for cotton 1934-Mar. I, 1936

Total, miscellaneous accounts


(Jeneraf and special accounts

$50, 000, 000. 00

150, 000, 000. 00

276, 671, 039. 08

$15, 000, 000. 00

4, 500, 000. 00

139, 299, 557. 00

100, 000, 000. 00

333, 879, 232, 67

$7, 029, 256. 79

I, 086, 300. 00

150, 000, 000. 00

50, 000. 00

197, 370, 920. 58

~$7, 029, 256. 79

*1, 086, 300. 00

r 150, 000, 000. 00

197, 320, 920. 58

$7, 970, 743. 21

48, 913, 700. 00

4, 450, 909. 00

139, 299; 557. 00

160, 900, 000. 00

41@ 179, 342. 13

$50, OOO. 00

5O, OOO. 90

Depsrtmentah Public-building construction and sites, Treasury

Department Refunds of receipts:

Customs Internal revenue Processing tax on farm products u =

Bubscriptions to stock of Federal land banks

43, 340, 669. 30

90, 7?5, 481. 77

22, 65?. 95 1, 744, 357. 23

242, 545. 00

136, 125, 711. 25

I, 507, 244. 37 7, 410, 363. 55

12, 437, 930. 43

56, 742, 173. 61

I 593 516 93 18r 176 290 89 530 885 301 77

$1, 593, 516. 93 $6, 671, 812. 90 383, 113, 036. 73

2, 586, 870. 07 78, 592. 161. 00

101, 890, 943. 86

69, 835, 855. 21

12, 455, 059. 58

49r 2 39r 322 92

f, 737, 780. 00

231, 683, 401. 57

103, 543, 689: 83 6, 761, 814; 62' . $7, 673, 49k 79 $4', 224', 965 54 397, 4M, 999. 15

71, B19, 742. 42 160, 066. 00 362'. 59' 99, 3VI, 425. 66

13, 883, 578. 98 48, 078, 183, 69 I83; 154. 04

1, 737, '780. 00

5, 528r 80 9, 964t. 953r 88

I, 9M, 325. OQ

235, 38?, 414. 92 '?, III, 968: 66 7, 673, 862'. 29' 4, 224, 965. 54 417, 91?, 3Ã 89

5, 619, 966. 93

862, 98K 86

78, 724. 9?.

8, 571, 592. 78'

14, 4?2; 277. 54

Eraergeney accounts

Federal Emergency Administration of Public

Works: Treasury Department:

Public-buSding construction and sites

(N. I. R. ) All other (N. I. R. )

FQderal land banks: Subscriptions to paid-in surplus

Payment for reduction of interest rates on

mortgages Federal Savings and Loan Association (subscrip-

tions to preferred shares)

50, 000, 000. 00

50, 000, 000. 00

67, 410, 788. 00 2?, 339, 000. 00

75, 000, 000. OO

15, Ooor BOIL QO

3, 708, 660. 0? 19, 765, 241. 24

40, 863, 4?V. 16

7, 029, 256. 79

1, 086, 300. 00

3, 249r 982 66, 19, 062„688. 62

40, 863r4?I 16

7, 029r 2M. 79

Ir Ogsr 369. QQ

Qgr, VW; 12?. 93 ?r. 573r?58, 76

84, . 136, 52K 84

7, '


48r QVQI Zola. QQ

467, 678. 02 702, 555. 22

Srederal Deposit In:»rnneo ( ori&erst(on (sub- sor(pttons to stock) 150, 000, 000. 00 150, 000, 000, 00 150, 000, 000. 00

Total general, sl&cclnl, nnd cmergoncy ac- counts

25D, 000, 000. 00

336, 12f&, 711. 25 I, GDS, f&lc. D3 IH, IN, 290. 89

181, 749, 788. 00

71(&, 03(&, OHD. 77

222 4 &', 935 26 r221&28A 702 02

464, 136, 336. SS 46&t), 670, 110. D4 7, 104, 90tt, iio 7, (i?3, (i(i'2. 2&!)

2('2, '2!)6, Hf&2. 74

. I, 2»'. I, 9(if&, 54 (i, '(0, '& (4, 184. 03

I, 170, 23S. 26

15, 042, GI(L 78

Trust accounts Contr(I&((ted nccounts. . . 9, 214, 736. 66

'!)04, C&6

9&891& Gri7 80 I, 749. DCi

3, 739. 03 148, ()04. 10

3, I OR 99 I, 169, 288 8&

S, OUI. 33 9, Gi&4, 689. 60

I, (i40. (i0 8, 573, 964. 91

41. 66

9, 21C& 640 11 9, 801, C&6&7. 86 5, 488. 98 14C&, 101. 11 I, 17'2, 4(&0. 18 9, , '16t&, 230. 20 i, 574, 080. 57.

Total, 'I'rcnsnry IIc)&art»&cnt


uuxn I(Heat(F8 &&CT Otr (ig&4

[Act . )nn. JO, 19 I I, 18 8(nt. 31(, scc, 10 (I&)]

396&, '(l41, 3(& l. 36 I, 5&0;), f&10. 93 28, 067, 848. 76 71(&, 6(U, (!78. 75 4 f&!'I, 'Dt)1, 23f&. 72 4(i7, 842, Iic?. 12 7, 104, i&(iH, (i(i 7, t!7. 'I, 86". 2'9 4, "'I, 9(iC&. Ii4 639, C&HO, 414. 83 24, 216, 517. S5

Clio(go&il)lc &ig&ii»st iin'i'('i&ll. 'ii(. O(i gold; I(Hei»ingo sinbilixn(ion (unit. . . . No yonr 2, 000, 000, 000. 00 2, 000, 000& 000 00 '-', 000, 0(X), 000. 00



51». (rxny Ai rtvnu(s

n»(. AH(rn, \«Xt( »FI'AnTMHHr 8(il'» i'Ios:

O(lico o( Hc«rntnry of Iynr. t(XI I


lt)32 I, f&t(7. 36

2, IG&I. 07 15, 042. 18 71'8. 60

( 263, 191. 61 231, 66&6, 2(i

?(8. 60 230, 7(0. Oi)

', 46& I. 07

12, 170. 00 , 'I, 3(t l. ? I

12, 727. 00 lf&, 612. 4H

6, 629. 2(&

1, 908» t)07. I'1

()()Ice o( ('l»ct o( Hln(l' . I!)3 ( I 9, 'I;I


'2, 179. 92

2, 4'9'2. 74 I), IHD. IG

208, 704. 00

230, tr27. 66 230, 749. OD

190, 280, 20 IHD, 964. 20 43r&. 69

. 'I, I'!)2 ?4

10, D24. 24

2, 2;10. G&U

3, 100. 00 ti, IH!). IG&

5, 2DD f&t)

78, & Ol

316. 00 t3

AOI»tant (icncrnl's ()IBco I!XI4

I!X)3 I! i. 'l2

21, 990. 21 4(f) G2

4' 104 00 2, 96&6. 86 I, 301, 661. 00

189, 844, (it

I, 178, 6(il. (i'9

2, 663. 79

I 8!), 964. 20

I, 176, !)7'Z. 81 (I(XI. 07

62, 3C&7. UD

17, 274. 37 62, 7 IH. 00 I", IOI. 00

7, HI)i. 31

10, 36!t t'&;I

I, 67H. HH

()(11«e o( In In'i'(»r ( lei&(n'&il I!XI I

I!), 'I!I I

I'932 :127. 78

G. 20 Ii. 77

24, l(i7. 00

I, 176& 997. 90

2(, 8(i4. ", 'I

G. 77

I, 177, 276&. HH

2(, (i!)7 73

, r». 0

I, (2(l. 00

2, 2ti2. (2 I, . (7!i. 77

I I. &XI

I (I(I. C&0

21, tisii. 4(i 21, 097. 73

()(li«c (&( Jii(l i& Kd&»(:it» (I& i&cr&il,

I) H Ai'iiiy. I!0( IIXI:I I

I!)32 1, 03(). I I

2)io. 23 I, 2(!7. HU r&H 37

IO, 'I, C&4". 00 91, 071. 01 67. SG

90, ?HH. 04 l. 12

2HU. '2!I

I, 7, 'l3. 00 I, 02(&. 78

I, , '&6&4. 00 I, 2ii7. HU

0, IHD 'ii(I

67. )iH

FH(i ()0

91, 016. 79 90, 78&9. 16

»( jf I'& I!& Ir» iii(&'i'i'i'6 (i& H&il&i(ice »nil Ir&t&ci&ici, l)lrtiil&n l&f l)iit&ii&'ioi»cl&I, II)34, n&»ti'r Vic('i&t i'i'i& (&i&l&'i& "&r&i ii(&i(i nnd (x I()»(. li»i&' lli &i&i(l I)&'i' '"i, I!)('2.

&i Acro!i(&( stated i&oiler (lie l)i'I» i(lit&i'i&t 0( Agrli'i&l(»rc, I„ I l(i

Receipts and expendhturee, 7984 — Continued

[Debit transfer appropriations (net) and repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures are printed in italic. Emergency expenditures are indicated by an asterisk']

Unexpended balances June 30, 1933 Expenditures in 1934 (see p. 6) Amount carried to surplus

fund (see p. 7) Unexpended balances June 30, 1934

Fiscal year for vrhich

appropri- ation )vss

made Available

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. S)

On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing


Appropriations %7arrants-issued

basis Checks-issued

basis Act June "0,


Impounded salary and

vacancy sav- ings

Reserve for ilnpounded

Iacancy sav ings (see p. 8)


On hooks of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing





$8, 892. 03

Office of Quartermaster General. 1934 1933 1932

20, 475 21 12, 653. 62

3, 434. 51

Salaries — Continued. Office of Chief of Finance 1934

1933 $7, 922. 52 1932 5, 699. 17

$550. 02

I, 096. 7T

$347, 806. 00

I 756, 167. 00

$310, 329. 40 SOI. 55

309, 937. 85

671, 122. 66

I, 044. I 6

$309, 518. 28 158. 47

309, 676: 75

670, 797. 28 52. 61

$5, 699. 17

$16, 026. 02

4, 679. 70

35, 504. 00 9, 930. 05

$6, 875. 00

8, 892. 03

18, 256. 00 12, 653. 62

$147 575. 58

3, 634. 37

31, 284. 34

11, 589. 32

$811. 12



325. 38 Ul


670, 078. 50 670, 849. 89

Signal ORce 1934 1933 1932

ORce of Chief of Air Corps . 1934 1933 1932

2, 749. 01 659. 19

2, 606. 52 625. 11

130. 00

6, 015. 43

356. 65

507. 79

97, 259. 00

213, 584. 00

87, 953. 82 656. 65

87, T64. 52

87, 597. 17 8?, 764. 52

189, 394. 02 188, 495. 72 498. 54 14. 25

659. 19

4, 670. 00 I, 304. 11

9, 952. 00 2, 828. 39

2, 260. 00 130. 00

2, 376. 00 6, 015. 43

2, 375. 18

I, 801. 55

I I, 861. 98 27L 67

189. 30

898. 30

ORce of Surgeon General . 1934 1933 1932

3, 462. 84

2, 580. 18 6, 725. 57 285. 62

252, 466. 00

188, 900. 48

225, 793. 75 SSA 66

188, 599. 97

225„115. 20

2, 58a 18

12, 163. 64

3, 443. 94 4, 250. 64

6, 725. 5T 10, 257. 97

304. 52 678. 55

225, 508. 13 225, 115. 20

Jtureau of Insular Asairs . 1934 1933 1932

I, 337. 76 484. 31

I, 040. 00 428. 65 77, 636. 00 69, 2OS. OT

468. 65 69, 632. 97

484. 31

3, 724. OQ 3, 527. 00

I, 018. 01 I, 040. 00 I, 176. 08

748. 40 126. 00

68, 787) 86 66, 686. 87

ORce of Chief of Engineers. 1934 1933 1932

I, 560. 92 800. 75

I, 050. 00 245. 78 113, 759. 00 163) 600. 54

645. ?e 103) 13'5. 04

8667 75

6, 437. 00 I, 658. 80

I, 064. 00

I, 050. 00 3, 652. 46

247. 90

Oflice of Chief of Ordnance 1934 1933 1932

6, 986. 28 ao. 75

8, 577. 82 979. 04 405, 343. 00

103, 354. 76

3617531' 56 c?R 04

103) 135. 04

361, 189. 94 19, 002. 72 5, 360. 34

13, 757. Ql

8, 57'7. 82 11, 05L 71 I, OIPL 98

341. 62

1919 54. 44

OfBce of Chief of Chemical Warfare Service 1934

19% 728. 03 1932 709. 70

60. 56 47, 922. 00

=60, 498. 08

40, 843. 90 60. 56

361, 135. 50

209. 20

2, 096. 33 652. 10

5, 374. 98 106. 84 136. 49

Office of the Chief of Coast Artillery 1934 1933 1932 I

324. 66 40. 12

36. 64 23, 580. 00

40, 283. 34

21, 966. 89 66. 64

21, 930. 25

21, 966. 89

21, 966. 89

4ft 12

1, 177. 00 321. 06

. 11 4L 24

National Guard Bureau

Militia Bureau


1933 1932

1, 801. 13 7'i7. 52

1, 375. 00 33. 53

136, 634. 00 121, 796. 59

87. '18

37. 78

121, 106. 79

727. 52

6, 485. 00

I, 795. 64

2, 862. 00

I, 375. 00

5, 490. 41

43. 27

689. 80

tdditional employees, War Depart- ment 1919 14. 00

xpenses, War Department Com- mission for adjustment of British patent claims

Vlilitary personnel records of the Worlrl War


1934 1933 1932

1, 467. 08,

21, 189. 55

I, 711. 83 12, 080. 33 3, 068. 79

206, 324. 00 75, 699. 30 8, 061. 18

75, 551. 46 7. 61

I, 711. 83

41 727. 00 2, 585. 37

73, 426. 00

12, 080. 33

1, 467. 08

52, 471. 70 21, 665. 86

147. 84

Special services, Office of Judge Advo- cate General, U. S. Army 1938

1932 I, 186. 35

3, 251. 44 268. 50

72, 638. 12

186. 18

75, 559. 07

103. 32

3, 251. 44 337. 30 I, 014. 23

165. 18 103. 32

Indefinite: Increase of compensation, War De-

portment 1922 Certi0ed claims 98. 00

. 67 98. 00

. 67 98. 00

. 67

97. 33 97. 33

Increase of compensation, War, mis- cellaneous, civil 1919 3. 07 3. 07 3. 07

Increase of compensation, ttliliiary K s t il t l 1 1 s t I ri 1 c ii 1 1921

1919 1918

C er t i fied claims

Total salaries, War l)apartment

1, 288. 96

135, 619. 84 I 125, 70L 35 12, 093. 53

11, 375. 07

4, 591, 508. 58

18. 67 1. 53 b. 00

11& 375. 07

11, 350. 07

3r 992r I 86 38

18. 67 1. 35

11, 375. 07

11, 350. 07

3, 996, 201. 95

18. 67 1. 33 5. 00

27, 508. 52 272r 010. 47 330, 298. 93

1, 288. 96

230, 829. 47 8, 077. 96

r Exctusrvr of 31, 500 iransferreri to Salaries:inrl Expenses, oflice of National P:iris, Buildings, and Reservations, 1934 (Interior), under Executive order No. 6166 of June 10, 1933,

Receipts and expenditures, I&84. — Continued

[Debit transfer appropriations (net) and repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures are printed in Esuc. Fmergency expenditures are indicated by sn asterisk']

Unexpended balances June 30, li}33 Fxpenditures in 1934 (see p. 6) Ainuunt carried to surplus

funrl (sce p, 7) Unexpended balances June 30, 1934

Fiscal year for which

appropri- otiun w os

made Available

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)

On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing


Appropriations Warrants-issued

basis Checks-issued

basis Act Tune 20


Impounded salary snd

vacancy sav- ings

Reserve for impounded

vacancy av- ings (see p. 8)


On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing

off) cere

QE3fEBAI, ACCOUfifTS — Continued

MftiTsBY AcTIYITIES — Continued


Contingent expenses, War Department 1934 1933 1932

$11, 203. 16 4, 366. 89

$1, 282. 86

I $144, 725. 00 $120, 532. 48

3, 334. 39 $111, 483. 16

4I617. 25

$4, 366. 89

$24, 192. 52

7, 868. 77 $9, 049. 32

123, 866. 87 116, 100. 41

Printingand binding, War Department 1934 1933 180, 657. 13 1932 24, 142. 67

35, 928. 50

i 449, 995. 00 234, 198. 23

76, 958. 79 1, 481. 75

309, 725. 27

1601 771. 52

112, 887. 29 1, 481. 76 25, 574. 32

272, 227. 06

215, 796. 77 103, 698. 34

73, 426. 71

Contingencies of the Army . . . . 1934 1933 1932 1921

Total, Office of Secretary of War

5, 792. 03 3, 225. 91

229, 387. 69 37, 211. 36

9, 500. 00

604, 220. 00

4, 898. 53 489. 91

6, 375. 11

438, 967. 25

4, 898. 53 489. 91

6, 375. 11

393, 702. 58

3, 225. 91 13. 33

33, 180. 45

4, 601. 47

5, 302. 12

361, 459. 99


82, 476. 03 p


Army War College 1934 1933 1932

4, 059. 16 273. 45

63, 927. 00 55, 967. 26

1, 417. 12 55, 967. 26

1, 417. 12 273. 45

$2, 753. 00

1, 689. 83 $88. 00 913. 83

6, 118. 74 38. 38

57, 384. 3S 57, 384. 38

Contingencies, Military Intelligence Di- vision, General Staff Corps 1934

1933 1932 1931

9, 323. 05 8, 509. 60

39, 990. 00 23, 023. 45

4, 075. 95

8, 125. 61 10. 00

23, 023. 45 4, 075. 95 8, 125. 61 379. 85

10. 00 10. 00

18. 36 4. 14

16, 966. 65

5, 228. 74

35, 215. 01 35, 215. 01

Total, General Staff Corps 22, 165. 26 103, 917. 00 92, 599. 39 92, 599. 39 663. 30 1, 001. 83 27, 352. 41


Welfaxe of enlisted men, Army 1934 1933 1932

Sr 712 65 4, 082. 09

$1, 219. 39 66, 77L 00 28, 201. 58

957. 86 . 48

29, 158. 4S

28, 201. 58 957. 36

. 48

29, 158. 48

4, OS2. 56

1, 876. 00 825. 08

5, 695. 00 1, 219. 39

31, 005. 42 7, 930. 21

Registration snd selection for military service, act June 15, 1917 . Certified claims

Registration snd selection for military service 1919

1918 Certified claims 389. 39 14. 10

88. 76 8r). 83 14. 10

88. 76 80. 83 14. 10

22. 74 2IL 83

389. 39

Command and general Staff School, Fort Leavenworth, Kans 1934

1933 1932

5, 746. 83 60. 00

89. 47

32, 453. 76 32, 453. 76

60. 00

546. 00 228. 38

. 24

5, 618. 45

32, 453. 76 32, 453. 76

Total, Adjutant Qeneraps Depart- ment


19, 990. 96 1, 219. 39 99, 800. 10 611 590. ?7 61, 590. 77 4, 186. 12 3, 475. 46 6, 914. 39 44, 843. 71

Finance Service 1934 1933 1932

41, 106. 32 10, 505. 45

26, 069. 60 1, 024, 061. 00 868, 273. 25

4, 709. 36 868& 273. 25

4, 709. 36 10, 505. 45

46s063. 00 26, 884. 48

12, 299. 00 27 181 60

97, 425. 75

8, 400. 48

Psy of the Army 1934 1933 1932 1931 1930 1929 1928 192'I

1926 1925

1924 and prior Certified claims

8, 315, 224. 89 29, 948. 62

2, 883. 34 128, 167, 494. 00

7. 35

13, 511. 86

7, 923. 78

872, 982. 61

111, 043, 337. 05

2, 982, 173. 66

4, 966. 16 336, 9$

I, 738. 36 2)88. 2!8

304. 81

13, 358. 01 846. 68 687. JJ 666'. 76

7, 923. 7S

872, 982. 61

111, 043, 337. 05 2, 982, 173. 66

4, 966. 16 336. 82)

I, 738. 32)

438. 49 30$. SI

13, 358. 01 8)tt. 68 387. JJ)

2)66. 73 7, 923. 78

24, 9S2. 46 344. 29

1, 738. 34 438. 49 304. 81 153. 85 846. 52 327. 14 446. 73

11, 858, 259. 00 3, 398, 294. 03 2, 1SS. 34

5, 265, 897. 95 1, 935, 457. 20

Pay, etc. , of the Army 1922 1921 1920 1919 1918

Certified claims 2, 327. 73 75, 049. 29

114, 047, 319. 69

66. 67

Jvf?. 00 J. 886. 61

640. 07 75, 049. 29

72, 779. 77

114, 047, 319. 69

66. 67 . 87

647. 00

1, 886; 61

660. 07 75, 049. 29

72, 779. 77

56. 57 . 27

447. 00 1, 225. 61

540. 07

2 327 73

Psy, etc. , of the A rm y (longevity act, Jan. j 29, 1927) . . Certified claims Psy, etc. , of the Army, War with Spain

Certified claims Arrears of pav, huunty, etc ( crtifierl claims

Mile;rgc of the Army 1934 1 933 1932 1931 1928

Certified claims

'2, 335. 04

202, 934. 38 59, 426. 25

1, 488. 84

228. 57 294. 29

506, 250. 00

116. 20

1, 488. 84

228. 57 294. 29

352, ! 80. 86 19, 849. 24

68. 68 868. 00

6. 68 116. 20

371, 828. 70

I, 488. 84

22A 57 294. 29

352, 180. 86 19, 849. 24

68. 98 868. 00

6. 68 116. 20

371, 828. 70

69, 485. 23 252. 00

6. 62

2, 335 04

154, 069. 14

183, 085. 14

i Exvtrr i! v of 325 trsnsf«rrvr! tn "8:il, irivs snd expenses, Division of Disliursemvnt, 1934", under Executive Orders xrrrv r trrri, inrt r'540 rif Jiiriv )O, ;in!i l)ers 2s, t!)33.

r Exclusive Nos. 6166 snd 65

of 35 transferred to ' 40 of June 10 and D

'Salaries and exlienses, Division of l)is)mr, miivnt, tt)34", urvlor I:xvi itt irv tinlvrs ec. 28, 1933.

Receipts and expenditures, 188JI — Continued

[Debit transfer appropriations (net) snd repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures are printed in italic. Emergency expenditures are indicated by sn asterisk*]

Unexpended balances June 30, 1933 Expenditures in 1934 (see p. 6) Amount carried to surplus

fund (see p. 7) Uuexpended balances June 30, 1934

Fiscal year for which

appropri- al lou was

made Available

Reserve for impounded

vaoancy sav- ings (see p. 8)

On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing


Appropriations Warrants-issued

basis Checks-issued

basis Act June 20,


Impounded salary and

vacancy sav- ings

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)


On bool-s of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing



MILnARY Acrlvl rlzs — Continued


Mileage to officers and contract surgeons Certified claims

Payment to officers and employees of the United States in foreign countries due to appreciation of foreign currencies(War) 1934 — 35

Apprehension of deserters, etc . 1934 1933 1932 1931 1930 1927

$11, 324. 24

65, 165. 29

$11. 08

I 580, 000. 00

30, 000. 00

$11. 08

47, 253. 41

11, 977. 90 249. 94

698. Ss 78. SS 11. 19 50, 00

$11. 08

47, 253. 41

11, 97'/. 90 249. 94 596. SS

7A SS 11. 19 60. 09

$65, 758. 62 78. 32 11. 19 50. 00

$532, 746. 59

18, 022. 10 11, 074. 30

11, 495. 00 11, 495. 00

Expenses of courts-martial 1934 1933 1932

27, 981. 13 25, 677. 49

50, 000. 00 24, 529. 28 858. 00

24, 529. 28 858. 00

25, 677. 49 $1, 114. 03

26, 470. 72

26, 009. 10

25, 387. 28 25, 387. 28

Claims of officers, enlisted men, and nurses of the Army for destruction of private property No year

1934 1, 781. 60

20, 000. 00 1, 781. 60

4, 257. 69 1, 781. 60

4, 257. 69 15, 742. 31

6, 039. 29 6, 039. 29

Claims for damages to and loss of private property No year

1934 9, 977. 25

10, 000. 00 4, 653 35

2, 681. 77 4 653 35

2, 681. 77 5, 323. 90 7, 318. 23

7, 335. 12 7 335 12

Claims for damages, set Dec. 28, 1922,

Wsr Department . No year

Judgments, Court of Claims, War No year

Judgments, United States courts, War No year

Award of National Wsr Labor Board in

favor of certain employees of Bethlehem Steel Co No year

Permanent and. indefinite:

„, Claims of ofiicers and nlen of the Army for destruction of private property No year

Extra psy, Regular Army, War with Spain. No year

115. 07 776, 037. 31 29, 690. 20

168, 179. 62

15, 209. 32

854, 722. 14

38, 880. 34

316. 02

62. 40

754, 059. 76 29, 028. 25

315. 02

62. 40

754, 059. 76

29, 028. 25

62. 40

15, 324. 39 876, 699. 69 39 542 29

168, 17i}. 62

Jgxtrs pay to volunteers, War with Spain -- --No year 918. 66 918. 66 918. 66

$41, 663. 94 Total Finance Department


9, 779, 737. 88 $28, 952. 94 131( 396( 544 14 I 16( 248( 827 74 116, 248, 827. 74 193 677 07 15 330(614 54 9, 390, 451. 67

permanent working funds: Army account of advances. (See

note)- No year Working fund, Wsr Department No year

Total, Accouating Funds

&( 20, 122, 905. 63 93, 220. 75

s 20, 029, 684. 88

$20, 677, 904. 51

20, 677, 904. 51

11, 096, 268. 39 6( 436( $55. 67

8, 660, 032. 82

I, 255, 274. 30

S, l36, $6'5. 17

f, 180, 988. 87

185. 79

185. 79

I 31, 219, 174. 02 2, 529, 270. 53

4 28, 689, 903. 49

$30( 518, 898. 60 27. 60

30, 518, 926. 20


Special deposit accounts 52, 412. 95 787. 17 51, 625. 78


Army participation, Yorktown Sesqui- centennial celebration 1932

Army transportation 1934-35 1934

1933-34 1933 1932

1931-32 1931 1930 1929

1928 and prior Certified claims

115. 51

249, 366. 30 1, 585, 688. 42

295, 356. 12 14, 452. 84

102, 377. 68

250, 000. 00 I 11, 129, 199. 16

3. 94 16. 29

3, 563. 16

115. 51

3, 005. 66

7, 434, 477. 07 187, 254. 02

871, 661. 92

14, 245. 80

1, 000. 00 605. 40 f90. 54 640. 76 $7$. 17

3, 563. 16

115. 51

3, 005. 66

7, 434, 477. 07 187, 254. 02 871, 661. 92

14 24$80 I, 000. 00

603. 40 190. 84 $40. 76 $7R fr

3, 563. 16

280, 178. 04

13, 452. 84 507. 34 206. 63 240. 76 272. 17

155, 295. 00 106. 51

84, 139. 62 932. 28

16, 730. 00

103, 082. 75

246, 994. 34 3, 522, 697. 09

62, 005. 77 G29, 181. 81

8, 514, 000. 96 8, 514. 000. 96

Barracks aad quarters, other buildings and utilities 1930

1929 I 80. 00

I, $66, 08 180. 00

I, $66, 03 180. 00

I, 256. 03

I, 456. 03 I, 456. 05

Barracks snd quarters 1934-35 1934

1933-34 1933 1932

1931-32 1931 1927 1920

2, 443, 343. 22

821, 886. 44

81, 639. 97 48, 242. 07

64, 816. 49

2, 500, 000. 00 I 10, 314, 726. 91

26, 048. 28

7, 388, 726. 06

2, 3 13, 880. 37 592, 893. 66

12, 117. 32 4, 641. 59

8. 79 300. 00 46. 84

10, 337, 955. 15

26, 048. 28

7, 388, 726. 06 2, 813, 880. 37

592, 893. G6

12, 117. 32 4. 641. 59

6. 78 500. 00 46. 54

101 337, 955, 15

69, 769. 12 43, 600. 48

6. 79 300. 00 45. 34

67, 115. 00 24. 00

121, 981. 32 &( 246. 47

18, 073. 00

69, 789. 99

2, 473, 951. 72 2, 840, 812. 85

129, 438. 85 102, 037. 96

Barracks snd quarters, Phillippine Islands No year 24, 435. 25. 9, 806. 18 9, 806. 18 14, 629. 07

I Transferred from account under same title, p. 129, act kf;&r. 26, 1934 (48 Stat. 466). ~ D(bit balance.

Nurk "Army account of advances" is an accounting fund established. as a means of handling Army appropria- tions parsunnt lo the provisions contained in the act of June 5, 1920 (41 stat. 975). Advances of funds are made to disbursing officers aad agents of the Army, under this fund, not to exceed the total appropriations for the Army, the amounts su a&i vnaced tu be exclusively used to pay obligations lawfully payable under the respective appropriations. The nraullnl. n&ivnnce&l are subsequently charged to the proper appropriatinns and returned to "Army account of ndvnnccs" hy pny nnd cuunter warrants, based upon settlements of accounts by the Comptroller General of the United States, the s, iid chnrg&, however, to particular appropriations being limited to the amount appropriated to ench. This account sl»a&is charged with the sum of $20, 122, 905. 63 at the beginning of the fiscal year 1934 and $31, 219, 174. 02 at the

close of the year, which amouats represent the unadjusted disbursements on a wnrrani. s-issued basis nn&i nH'«'t I he tel nl balaaces, Wnr Department. ' Exclusive of $4, 665. 84 transferred to "Salaries, Procurement Division, 1934" (Treasury), under Escralivc Ur&!crs Nos. 6166 and 6224 of June 10 nnd July 27, 1933.

I Includes $1, 185, 939. 61 transferred, nct Mar. 4, 1933 (47 Stat. 1580) from accounts as follows: Construction of buildings, utilities, snd appurtenances at military posts, emergency cnnsl rani ioa,

act July 21, 1932 $879, 330 (k Construction of building~, utilities, snd appurtenances at military posts . 306, f(09, i3

&( Credit item.

Receipts and expenditures, f98/ — Continued

[Debit transfer appropriations (net) snd repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures are printed in italic. Emergency expenditures sre indicated by an asterisk*]

Unexpended balances June 30, 1933 Expenditures in 1934 (see p. 6) Amount carried to surplus fund (see p. 7) Unexpended balances June 30, li334

Fiscal year for which

appropri- ation was

made Available

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)

On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing


Appropriations Warrants-issued

basis Checlrs-issued

basis Act June 20,


Impounded salary and

vacancy sav- ings

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)


On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing




qUARTERMdsTER coRPs — continued

Clothing and equipage 1934-35 1934

1933-34 1933 1932

1931-32 1931 1930

Certified claims

$57, 316. 42

266, 284. 71 696, 024. 30 2, 894. 48

$42, 403. 86

$60, 000. 00 5, 384, 045. 00

3, 198. 66

166. 41

$4, 667, 718. 54

51, 184. 33 9, 424. 80

64, 293. 20

76. Sf 63. &6

166. 41

$4, 667, 718. 54 61, 184. 33 9, 424. 80

64, 293. 20

76. Sf 63. &6

166. 41

$621, 299. 19 2, 894. 48

75. 81 43. 96

$79, 285. 00

37, 006. 94 10, 431. 91

3, 198. 66

$16, 858. 00

39, 278. 50

$60, 000. 00 620, 183. 46

6, 131. 09 222, 978. 33

4, 792, 667. 51 4, 792, 667. 51

Qeneral appropriations, Quartermaster Corps 1920

1919 Certified claims 784. 94 17, 156. 42

68. 88 887. 60

17, 156. 42

68. 88 887. 60

17, 156. 42

42. 22 227. 50

784. 94

16, 886. 70 16, 886. 70

Qeneral appropriations, Quartermaster Corps, sct Feb. 28, 1920 No year

Horses, draft snd pack animals 1934 1933 1932

245. 89

11, 392. 77

4, 144. 94 65. 35

168, 827. 00 64, 320. 25

6, 635. 53 43. 19

70, 998. 97

64, 320. 25

6, 635. 53 43. 19

70, 998, 97

4, 101. 75

694. 00 539. 86 65. 35

24s. Sa 103, 812, 76

4, 217. 38

Horses for Cavalry, Artillery, Engineers,

etc Cer tided claims

Incidental expenses of the Army 1934 1933 1932

Certided claims

200, 024. 87 25, 377. 67

111, 118. 27

Is 3, 364, 121. 50

" 258. 96 42. 00

2, 897, 527. 30 63, 917. 36

150. 00 42. 00

2, 961, 636. 66

2, 897, 527, 30 63, 917. 36

150. 00 42. 00

2, 961, 636. 66

25, 486. 53

181, 209. 00 91, 219. 40

41, 513. 00 115, 530. 90

243, 872. 20 40, 475. 4S

Pcfdentsl expenses of the Army (trans-

fers to Department of Agriculture): Act Mar. 4, 1933 Act July 14, 1932

1934 1933 442. 35 $836. 08

II 2i 250. 00 1, 853. 75 146. 16

I, 999. 91

1, 677. 02 482. 24

2, 159. 26

206. 54 396. 25 Sa. Os

$176. 78

Jx&oidental expenses of the Army (trans- fers to Department of Commerce, Bu- reau of Standards):

Act July I, 1932 Act Feb. 23, 1931

1933 1932

500. 00 258. 96

381. 21 «668. 96

736. 01 145. 20

Regu)sr supplies of the Army 1934 1933 1932 1931

Certified claims

608, 843. 29 783, 437. 29

161. 70

1, 933. 50 2, 796, 465. 00

8. 33

2, 570, 162. 08 482, 754. 68

24, 120. 13 998. /&6

8. 33

2, 670, 162. 08 482, 754. 68

24, 120. 13 $98. 46

8. 33

758, 227. 02 298. 46

3, 905. 00 25, 253. 77

1, 090. 14 16L 70

1, 933. 50 222, 397. 92 100, 834. 84

1934 1933 1932 1931 1930 1929 1928

Certified claims

33, 210. 76 224, 536. 84

1, 406. 05 16, 160, 196. 00

2. 25 130. 22

283. 80

3, 076, 746. 76

14, 416& 381. 13 is, 860. 87

223. 85 466. 9e S/6. )6

i, osA se 9, 067. 60

283. 80

3, 076, 746. 76

14, 416, 38L 13 f 8, 860. 87

223. 85 466. 98 816. 16

f, osA se 9, 067. 6'0

283. 80

224, 312. 99 466. 28 817. 40

1, 214. 50

2, 067. 50

34, 759. 66 939. 9O

743, 814. 87 17, 768. 12

14, 393, 604. 70 14, 393, 604. 70

Supplies, services, snd transportation, Quartermaster Corps Certified claims 9, 144. 21 21, 170. 17 21, 170. 17 21, 170. 17 9, 144. 21

Water and sewers st military posts 1928 1927 1925 1924

1. 67 Ni. 80 Jsh eo Jfe. /&0

f. 67 Ni. 80 19L 80 116. $0

1. 67 331. 80 121. 80 113. 40

688. 67 66e. 67

Acquisition of land: Boiling Field, Washington, D. C Camp Bullis, Tex Fort Knox, Ky ------------ —--- Fort Lewis, Wash Maxwell Field, Ala

Acquisition of land for rifle ranges, Fort Francis E. Warren, Wyo

Acquisition of land for ordnance depot, Pedricktown, N. J

Acquisition of land for target range, Fort Ethos Allen, Vt

Construction of buildings, utilities, snd appurtenances st military posts, emer- gency construction

Construction of buildings, utilities, and appurtenances at military posts, emer-

gency construction, act July 21, 1932

No year 1933 1933

1930-32 No year

No year

No year

No year

No year

No year

11& 333. 19 76. 40 19. 48

2, 826. 00 300. 30

332. 48

725. 68

354. 69

10, 396, 463. 84 52. 50

16, 000. 00

«879, No. 78

6. 00

354. 69

5, 007, 335. 50

6. 00

354. 69

5, 007, 335. 50

2, 83). 00

16, 771. 11 307. 50

11, 333. 19 76. 40 19. 48

300. 30

16, 000. 00

332. 48

725. 68

4, 493, 771. 45

Construction ol buildings, utilities, and appurtenances st military posts No year

1929-32 4, 047, 7M. 94

24, 307. 37 «996, 609. 18 811, 692. 15

22, 419. 42

834, 111. 57

811, 692. 15 22, 419. 42 1, 282. 20

834, 111. 57

8, 870. 22

605. 75 2, 920, 585. 44

w Exclusive of 37, 287. 50 trar&sforred to "Salaries, Procurement Division, 1934" (Treasury), under Executive Orders Nog. 6166 and 6224 of June 10 en&l July 27, 1933, and fI2, 250 to same object under Departnlent of Agr&cu)tore, See note 12.

h Returned from same object under Department of Agriculture. See note 13.

«Transferred from same object under War Department. See note 10. «Returned to same object under War Department. See note 11. " Transferred to "Barracks and quarters, 1934, " act Mer. 4, 1933 (47 Stat, )5&80) .

Receipts and exItenditures, 198$ — Continued

[Debit transfer appropriations (net) and repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures are printed in itattc. Emergency expenditures are mdi sated by an asterisk"]

Unexpended balances June 30, 1933 Expenditures in 1934 (see p. 6) Amount carried to surplus fund (see p. 7)

Unexpended balances June 30, 1934

Fiscal year for which

approprl. ation was

made Available

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8 )

On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing


Appropriations Warrants-issued

basis Cheeks-issued

basis Act June 20,


impounded salary and

vacancy sav- 'ngs

Reserve for i~pounded

vacancy sav- iors (see p. 8)


On books of the Treasury

To credit l i disbursing



MLLrTARY Acrrvmss — Continued

QvxRTERstssTERs conps~ontfnued

NATIoNAL INDvsrruAL REcovERY& War& Cluartcrmaster Corps 1933-35 n $70, 417, 765. 50 $27& 303& 122 62 *$2?& 303& 122 62 $43, 114, 642. 88

Construction of officers' quarters, Fort Riley, Kans

Construction and repair of hospitals, emergency construction

Construction and repair of hospitals

No year

No year 1934 1933 1932

$138. 59

12. 00

72, 609. 22

2, 409. 97 $6?9. 34

497& 232. 00 449, 920. 28

62, 041. 31 449, 920. 28

62, 041. 31 $2, 409. 97

$13, 439. 00 7, 436. 37

$456. 00 427. 16

138. 59

12. 00 33, 416. 72 3, 283. 72

511, 961. 59 511, 961. 69

Construction of additional facilities, Walter Reed General Hospital, Dis- trict of Columbia No year

Bites for military purposes . No year Certified claims

2, 352. 62 23, 059. 80

100. 00 100. 00 100. 00

2, 352. 62 23, 059. 80

100. 00 100. 00

Bewage disposal plant, Fort Slocum, N. Y 1933-34

Sewerage system, Fort Monroe, Va 1934 1933

Indefinite: Replacing Army transportation 1934-35

1933-34 1932-33 1931-32

24, 942. 80

708. 77

288, 709. 35 102, 494. 64

33, 475. 90

16, 866. 00

24, 942. 80

16, 292. 89 584. 72

16, 877. 61

306, sef. 05 256, 280. 44

63, 902. 30 6, 393. 88

19, 685. 57

24, 942. 80

15, 292. 89 584. 72

15, 877. 61

305, eef. 06 256, 280. 44

63, 902. 30 5, 393. 88

19, 685. 67

28, 020. 85

96. 26

2, 869. 77 61. 17

1, 673, 11 28. 79

305, 891. 05 32, 428. 91 35, 722. 47

Replacing barracks and quarters 1934-36 1933-34 162, 464. 44 1932-33 6, 269. 22

Replacing clothing and equipage 1934-35 1933-34 1, 341, 822. 73

Jee& 65k f 7 105, 040. 87

6, 340. 84

f 3, 177. 48

1, 6Ã& ssf. 86 227, 022. 91

fee, eee. 17 105; 040. 87

6, 340. 84

fs, 177. 46

f, 6f 6, 881. es 227, 022. 91

733. 40

2, 763. 66

128, 569. 17 57, 423. 67

194. 98

1, 616, 861, 95 1& 112, 036. 16


1932-88 1931-32 1930-31

Certified claims

Replacing regular supplies of the II rmy 1934-35

1933-34 1932-33 1931-32

I, 287, 876. 63 25, 631. 89

382, 349. 01 102, 835. 37 21, 923. 58

3, 784. 33

I, 214, 918. 07 11, 543. 11

84. 00 3, 784. 33

69, 617. 68

867, 048. 11 2?6, 167. 75

64, 810. 51 1& 910. 01

I 214 918 07 11, 643. 11

84. 00 3, 784. 33

69, 617. os

867, 018. 11

276, 167. 75

64, 810. 51 1, 910. 01

9, 212. 06 24. 00

19, 975. 49

10, 411. 53 4, 876. 72

1, 377. 31 38. 08

62, 047. 03

357, 043. 11 106, 181. 26

36, 647. 55

Replacing subsistence of the Army 1934-35 1933 — 34 1, 944, 126. 98

11&, 168 86

8, 779, 168. 66 1, 923, 203. 22

14, 166. 86

8, 779, 168. 66

1, 923, 203. 22

2, 779, 162. 55 20, 923. 76


Military post construction fund No year

Total, Quartermaster Corps


766, 059. 40

29, 565, 820. 61 324, 753. 04 $717. 29

284, 167. 37

121 22c 571 51

866, 969. 88

76, 969, 816. 06

866, 969. 88

76, 970, 356 62 2, 115, 904. 37

1, 050, 226. 77

968, 394. 20 424, 985. 55 70, 637, 044. 98


Increase for aviation, Signal Corps 1918 Certified claims 441. 00

1E 60

16. 60

17&. 60

11&. 80

14. 60 441. 00

Signal Service of the Army 1934-35 1934

1933-34 1933

1932-33 1932

1931-32 1931

69, 026. 12 414, 184. 78 1, 46L 43

2, 904. 85

43, 394. 08 402. 72

rrr 255, 796. 00 lr 2 401 870 00 1, 327, 509. 84

29, 264. 55 296, 404. 17

888. 60 4, 729. 45

7. OO

1& 327, 509. 34

29, 264. 55

296, 404. 17 868. 60

4, 729. 45

7. 99

38, 617, 52 402. 72

7. 99

33, 063. 00 660. 66

23, 647. 31 1, 038. 81

47. 11

4, 805. 00

9, 599. 10

255, 796. 00

1, O36, 4O2. 66 39, 100. 91 85, 995. 63

2, 099. 54

1, 657, 666. 02 1, 657, 666. 02


15&ar, Signal Corps 1933-35

Indefinite: Replacing Signal Corps supplies and

equipment 1934-35 1933-34 1932 — 33 1931 — 32

Total, Signal Corps

40, 815. 08 69, 945. 18

2, 790. 39

643, 904. 20 1, 461. 43,

u 176, 170. 00

2, 833, 836. 00

94, 459. 12

78, 686. 1&I

8, 06e. Ze

67, 257. 92

8, 688 77

1, 743, 7'15. 77

i94, 459. 12

76, 638. 61 8, 066. 28

67, 257. 92

8, 887&. 77

1, 743, 775. 77

2, 790. 39

41, 833. 22 58, 456. 89 14, 404. 10

81, 710. 88

7E 536. 41

4E 871. 36 2, 687. 26

1 620 731 65

II Allotted from "National Industrial Recovery" appropriation for complete stateme t of hl h

«Esclusive of $150, 000 transferred to 1934 account, March 4, 1933 f47 Stat, 1581) Ir Includes $150, 000 transferred from 1934-35 account. See note 16.

Receipts and ezpendittlres, 108JI — Continued

(Debit transfer appropriations (net) and repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures are printed in italic. Emergency expenditures are indicated by an asterisk']

FIscal year for which

approprl. ation 4vas


On bool-s of the Treasury

Available Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)

To credit of disbursing


Unexpended balances Juno 30, 1933

Appropriatious Warrants-issued

basis Checl-s-issued


Expenditures in 1934 (see p. 6)

Act June 20, 1874

Impounded salary and

vacancv sav- ings

Amount carried to snrplus fund (see p. 7)

On books of the Treasury

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)


To cred&t oi disbursing


Unexpended balances June 30, 1934




Air Corps, Army, emergenoy construc- tion No year

Air Corps, Army . . No year 1934-35

1934 1933 1932 1931

1930 — 32 1930 1929

Certified claims

$24, 947. 16

909, 625. 06

13, 157, 400. 36 2, 390, 941. 62

25, 000. 00 32, 860. 00

$13, 486. 600. 00 44 23, 307, 185. 00

$55, 524. 06 » 312. 36

8, 000. 00

579. 42

$3, 752. 68

31, 102. 69 5, 639. 81

8, 007, 814. 09 8, 952, 879. 40

276, 730. 98 3, 237. 86

27, 835. 65

3, 000. 00 8, 0IOO

579. 42

$3, 752. 68

31, 102. 69 5, 639. 81

8, 007, 814. 09 8, 952, 879. 40

276, 730. 98 3, 237. 86

27, 835. 65

3, 000. 00 8, 000. 00

579. 42

$2, 012, 958. 71 21, 762. 14

5, 024. 35

3, 000. 00

' $194. 67

1, 202. 99

228, 636. 00 180, 673. 54

4. 29

$47, 767. 00 52, 753, 85

$21, 389. 15

877, 319. 38 13, 480& 960. 19 15, 022, 967. 91 4, 026, 617. 63

101, 560. 00

17& 305, 819. 90 17, 305, 819. 90

Air Corps, Army (transfers to Depart- ment of Commerce, Iiureau of Stand- ards):

Act Feb. 23, 1931 Air Corps, Army (transfers to Depart-

ment of Commerce, Bureau of Mines under "Helium production "):

Act Mar. 1, 1933 Act July 1932.


1934 1933

312. 36

75. 73

44 818. 88

'I 17, 000. 00 15, 500. 00 75. 73

13, 543. 00 7o. 73

1, 500. 00 $1, 957. 00

Air service, Army 1927

15 575 73

70. 00

13, 618. 73

70. 00 70, 00

gechnfcal construction, Air Corps, Army No year

1931-32 568, 276. 63

203. 24

34, 813. 22 34, 813. 22

203. 24 580. 10 582, SS3. 31


War, Air Corps 1933-35

Total, Air Corps 17, 109, 642. 16 55, 524. 06

44 7, 500, 000. 00

44, 314, 364. 42

34, 813. 22

14, 922. 23

17, 374, 813. 76

34, 813. 22

~14, 922. 23

17, 372, 856. 76 2, 043, 018. 44 410, 902. 25 100, 520. 85

7, 485, 077. 77

41, 550, 275. 34 1& 957. 00


Army Medical Museum 1934 1933 382. 21

8, 500. 00 6, 111. 48 336. 14

6, 111, 48 336. 14

2, 388. 52 46. 07

1932 ss. ?e S3. 76

Hospital care, Canal Zone garrison 1934 1933 6, 666. 67

40, 000. 00

6, 447. 62

36, 666. 66 6, 666. 6?

6, 447. 62

36, 666. 66 6, 666. 6?

3, 333. 34

JLibrary, Surgeon General's Once 1934 1933 1932

6& 447. 96 954. 39

19, 500. 00

43, 333. 33

8, 365. 13 6, 436. 62

43, 833. 33

8, 365. 13 6, 436. 62

954. 39

11, 134. 87 11. 34

QIedical and Hospital Department 1934 1933 1932

Certified claims

154, 170. 85

4, 166. 92 10, 747. 55

I, 183, 723. 00

137. 38

14, 801. 75

846, 738. 80 140, 014. 56

12?. 89 137. 38

987, 018. 63

14, 801. 75

846, 738. 80 140, 014. 56

12?. 89 137. 38

987, 018. 63

4, 039. 03

20, 827. 00 13, 43G. 69

3, 834. 00 9, 457. 05

312, 323, 20 2, 010. 10

Medical and Hospital Department (transfers to Department of Agri- culture):

Act July 14, 1932 1933 357. 91 67. Bf 50. 56 7. 35

Indefinite: Replacing medical supplies 1934-35

1933-34 1932-33 1931-32

Certified claims

584, 690. 51 135, 222. 99

373. 38 136. 07

635& Bfk OB

570, 330. 20 130, 944. 35


136. 07

165, 268. 62

535& B?5. 09 570, 330. 20 130, 944. 35

836. Bf 136. 07

1G5, 268. 62

600. 29 11. 30

535, 915' 09 14, 360. 31 4, 267. 34

Total general accounts Medical Department


893, 109. 64 10, 747. 65 57. 91 I, 251, 996. 45 I, 216, 812, 04 I, 216, 869. 96 5, 627. 47 34, 325. 55 13, 291. 05 885, 797. fi3


Bequest of IVJJJJ&rrn F. Edgar, Museum and I, ihrory, Oflice of Surgeon General of thc Army . No year

To(iil Elc&licol Department.


18, 309. 00

911, 418. 64 10, 747. 55 57. 91 I, 251, 996. 45 I, 216, 812. 04 I, 216, 8G9. 95 5, 627. 47 34, 325. 55 13, 291. 06

18, 309. 00

904, 106. 53


Engineor Service, Army

Engincor &lcpots 1933 1932

5, 458. 56 399. 70

332. 50

427, 072, 00 341, 016. 34

2, 28G. 62

2, 286. 62

341, 01G. 34

2, 286. 62

2, 286, 62

399. 70

9, 594. 89

2, 'f36. 17 432. 17

76, 460, 77

336, 10

("r«lit iicrn. li I)J&i(r« l fri&o'I ' Nllrl&&Ill&1 Jr&&lira(rial 1(ccovcry" iipf&n&priafion, for complete statement of which sce p, 428, ii J:sciii. i&n of Si?, &IOO rr;iosfcrrcd Jo 2;uro &&J&jeer uiiiicr l)cl&or(mont Of Commerce. See note 2(, iti J(i&i&risc&i fn»o 2;inio ol&jcc(i&i&&for Drf&;iris&i& r&J of C&uiirricrcc. Sec note 20.

is Returned to samo object under XV&rr D&pirimcuf. See note 19. » Tr&rnsfcnc&J from samo object un&for IVar Doper(mcus, . Scc nolo 18. » Ilere(oforc stated as a sliccial furnl.

Receipts and expenditures, 188$ — Continued

[Debit transfer appropriations (net) and repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures are printed in itafic. Emergency expenditures are indicated by an asterisk']

Unexpended balances June 30, 1933 Expenditures in 1934 (see p. 6) Amount carried to surplus

fund (see p. 7) Unexpended balances June 30, 1934

Fiscal year for which

appropri- ation was

made Available

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)

On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing


Appropriations Warrants-issued

basis Checks-issued

basis Act June 20,


Impounded salary ana

vacancy sav- ings

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)


On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing


GEEfERAJ, ACCOU5(TS — Continued

MILln. RY AcrlvlrIES — Continued


Engineer SchooL 1933 1932

$3, 591. 25 153. 17

$1, 153. 94 $1, 153. 94 $153. 17

$391. 25 $1, 914. 48 $131. 58

1, 153. 94 1, 153. 94

Engineer equipment of troops 1933 1932

12, 679. 93 8, 053: 94

9, 814. 23

58. 70

9, 872. 93

9, 814. 23 58. 70

9, 872. 93

7, 995. 24 I& 863. 95 1, 001. 75

Engineer operations in the field . 1933 1932

1931-Dec. 31, 1932

6, 649. 24

610. 25

5, 116. 49

$2, 908. 17 4, 613. 44 357. 84 366. 45

4, 604. 83

4, 613. 44 357. 84 366. $6

4, 604. 83

262. 41

& 9, 446. 29 I 10. 00

2, 156. 11

4, 142. 83 9, 147. 43

3, 326. 83

Military surveys and maps 1930-Dee. 31, 1931

Indefinite: Replacing Engineer Service, Army,

act July 9 1918 1934-35

113. 08

78, 643. 36 78, 648. 38

113. 08

79, 243. 36

Replacing Engineer equipment oi'

troops, act July 9, 1918 1933-34 1932-33 1931-32

34, 939. 08 8, 585. 68

11 221. 03

13, 720. 33 6, 008. 37

19, 728. 70

13, 720. 33

6, 008. 37

19, 728. 70

1, 221. 03 257. 24

21, 218. 75 2, 320. 07

Replacing Engineer operations in the

field, act July 9, 1918 1933-34 1932-33 1931-32

Replacing Engineer depots, act July

9, 1918 1933-34 1932-33 1931-32

28) 101. 53

16, 016. 34 6. 83

2, 649. 04

1, 480. 29 347. 32

20, 326. 49 413. 52

20, 740. 01

127. 77

1, 115. 73

20, 326. 49 413. 62

20, 740. 01

127. 77

1, 115. 73

6. 88

347. 32

2, 398. 32 14, 870. 47

64. 08 307. 13

5, 376. 72 732. 35

2, 457. 19 67. 43

Replacing seacoast defenses, engi-

neers, July 9, 1918 1931-32

Total, Corps of Engineers

13. 57

135, 080. 32 3, 240. 67 $427, 072 00

1, 243. 50

321, 403. 51

1, 243. 50

321, 403. 51

13, 67

10, 612. 36 26, 183. 32 6, 489. 48 201, 810. 33


Ordnance service and supplies, Armv 1934 1933 1932 1931

1930-32 Certified claims

3, 674, 648. 34 699, 110. 31 11, 665. 37 3, 772. 08

36, 340. 52 16, 829. 58 2, 066. 30

» 9, 350, 828. 00

rr 57. 96 24. 27

378. 80

3, 184, 588. 30 2, 445, 223. 32

614, 236. 44 330. Jrs

378. 80

6, 244, 096. 37

3, 184, 588. 30 2, 445, 223. 32

614, 236. 44 650. 49

378. 80

6, 244, 096. 37

78, 084. 26 2, 424. 08 3 732. 22

135, 081. 00 140, 451. 52 23, 677. 15 11, 662. 35

39, 86

39, 919. 00 44, 977. 85

5, 991, 239. 70 1, 080, 336. 17

ordnance service and supplies, Army (transfers to Department of Commerce 33ureau of Standards): Act Feb. 23,

1931 r(ATrovAL INDvsTBIAL REcovEBY, War,

Ordnance Ordnance service


1933-35 1920

57. 96 » 67. 96

rr 6, 000, 000. 00 4, 446, 489. 52 160. 16

*4, 446, 489. 52 160. 16 160. 16

I, 553, 510. 48

Ammunition storage facilities, Army 1931-32 1929-31 1928-31

333. 15 216. 94 71. 15

494. 80 482. 85

333. 15 11. 95

482. 85

827. 95

333. 15 11. 95

482. 85

827. 95

25. 07 482. 85

rr 25. 07 216. 94 71. 15

Gauges, dies, and jigs for manufacture 1934 1933 1932

26, 610. 10 7, 449. 75

70, 300. 00

rr 869, 67

26, 020. 59 13, 329. 35 7, 246. 89

46, 596. 83

26, 020. 59 13, 329. 35 7, 246. 89

46, 596. 83

429. 09

667. 00 996. 11 13. 34

43, 612. 41 12, 284. 64

Gauges, dies, and jigs for manufacture (transfers to Department of Commerce Bureau of Standards): Act Feb. 23, 1931 1932

Nitrate plants No year Armament of fortifications No year

Certified claims

239. 57 41, 089. 50

» BBB. 57

27, 869. 12 f9, 848. BB

27, 869. 12 IB, 848. BB

27, 869. 12 19, 848. 22

41, 089. 50

Field artillery, armament Certified claims 62. 14

8, 020. 90

62. 14

8, 020. 90

62. 14

Radiodynamic torpedoes Radiodynamic torpedoes (transfer to

Navy Department, act May 21, 1920) Rock Island bridge, Rock Island, Ill

No year

No year 1934 1933 1932

5, 044. 46

13, 724. 12 . 32

» 5, 044. 46

» 6, 045. &6 rr 32, 372. 00 25, 994. 56

11, 149. 96 25, 994. 56 11, 149. 96

5, 044. 46

. 32

1, 133. 00

2, 572. 73 103. 00 5, 141. 44

1. 43

Repairs of arsenals 1934 1933 1932

1931-32 1931 1921

Repairs of arsenals, emergency construc- tion No year 2, 564. 07

132, 111. 27 14, 495. 85

130. 25

16. 90

1, 165. 07

rr 782, 497, 00

37, 144. 52

32. 50

670, 015. 21 94, 722. 88 12, 834. 35

6. 18

29. 40

777, 549. 22

37, 144. 52

32. 50

670, 015. 21

94, 722. 88 ]2, 834. 35

6. 18 1, 315. 50

124. 07

777, 549. 22

89. $0 29. 40

200. 90

15, 939. 00 17, 592. 01

346. 00

16. 90

1, 178. 04

2, 330. 67

96, 542. 79 19, 783. 41

rr Credit itcrrr. rr A lirrt ted from "Notional Industrial Recovery" appropriation, for complete statement of which see p. 428. » Fxclusive of Bt. s, 2rrs transferred, act. Mar. 20, 1933 (48 Stat. 13), to accounts as follows:

ltock 1st rnrt trnrlge, Rock Island, Itf. , 1934 . 8672 ltepairs of arsenals, 1934 14, 616

rr Returned from ssrrrc object under Department of Commerce. See note 25.

» Returned to same object under War Department. See note 24. » Returned from same object under Navy Department. See note 27. » Returned to same object under War Department. See note 26. rr Inchrdes3672trsnsferred from "Ordnance service andsupplies krrrrv 1931" act Mrr 20 1933 (43 Stot t3) » Includes 314, 616 transferred from "Ordnance service and supplies, Arnry, 193th', act Mar, 20, trJ33 (43 Stat. t 3).

Receipts and expenditures, f98' — Continued

[Debit transfer appropriations (net) snd repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures are printed in italic. Emergency expenditures sre indicated by an asterisk*]

Fiscal year for which

appropri- ation was


On books of the Treasury

Available Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)

To credit of die bui sing


Unexpended balances June 30, 1933

Appropriations Warrants-issued

basis Cheeks-issued


Expenditures in 1934 (see p. 6)

Act June 20, 1874

Impounded salary and

vacancy sav- ings

Amount carried to surplus fund (sce p. 7)

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)


To credit of disbursing


Unexpended balances June 30, 1934

On books of the Treasury




Rehabilitation of Picatinny Arsenal, N. J No year $52 578 51 $14, 512. 86 $5, 010. 58 $5, 010. 58 $62, 080. 79

Permanent snd indefinite: Replacing ordnance and

stores ordnance

1934-35 1933-34 1932-33 1931-32 1930-31

Certified claims

2, 834, 300. 02 1, 197, 897. 46

170, 690. 42

Ii 974. 71

3, 066. 00 7, 188. 53

75, 00 $239. 51 419. 40

L 874, 788. 81

1, 448, 238. 97 988, 347. 45 151, 413. 55

6A ks 419. 40

1, 874 786. 81

1, 448, 238. 97 988, 347. 45 151, 413. 55

66. $3 419. 40

$21& 199. 97 75. 00

$19, 428. 04 40, 373. 73

5, 265. 43

2, 279. 44

$4. 53

3, 066. 00

1, 874, 786. 81

1, 366, 628. 48

169, 176. 28


713, 567. 34 713, 567. 34


Ordnance material, proceeds of sales, Wsr No year

Total, Ordnance Department

252, 395. 03

9, 143, 187. 61 81, 243. 86

42, 482. 56

16, 308, 450. 45

39, 924. 36

12, 319, 162. 07

39, 924. 36

12, 319, 162. 07 182, 974. 67

111. 13

418, 109. 66 89, 248. 42

254, 842. 10

12, 573, 387. 10



Chemical Warfare Service, Army, emer-

gency construction No year Chemical Warfare Service, Army . . No year

1934 1933 1932

1931-32 1931 1922

Csr tified claims

32. 24

182. 92

269, 734. 80 26, 887. 06

169. 67 161. 59

16, 904. 45

1, 319. 04

1, 255, 563. 00

6. 23 i

5. 75

701, 185. 27

89, 688. 21

15, 775. 14

98. 89

6. 00 5. 75

701, 185. 27

89, 688. 21 15, 775. 14

98. 89

6. 00 5. 75

5, 600. 43 14. 49

34. 86

30, 002. 00 23, 800. 20

6, 830. 53 56. 29

166. 82

17, 019. 62

32. 24 148. 06

524, 375. 73 156, 631. 22

Total Chemical Warfare Service


Infantry School, Fort Benning, Ga 1934 1933 1932

297, 168. 28

432. 89 118. 79

18, 223. 49 - 1, 255, 573. 98

60, 583. 00

806, 748. 26

57, 700. 55

806, 748. 26

57, 700. 55

5, 619. 92

118, 79

60, 390. 70

1, 841. 46 37. 57

17, 019. 62

712. 52 181. 99 .

681, 187. 25

828. 47 213. 33

57, 700. 55 57, 700. 55

Tank Service 1933 1932

Total Chief of Infantry


, Cavalry School, Fort Riley, Kans 1934

1933 1932

Total, Chief of Cavalry

6, 463. 34 306. 41

7, 321. 43

1, 372. 20 37. 66

1, 409. 86

150. 00

150. 00

60, 583. 00

19, 690. 00

19, 690. 00

57, ?00. 55

17, 257. 22

1, 067. 03

18, 324. 25

57, 700. 55

17, 257. 22

1, 067. 03

18, 324. 25

306. 41

425. 20

37. 66

37. 66

209. 9 I

2, 088. 9?

718. 67 180. 08

898. 75

804. 51

301. 75 160. 00

461. 75

6, 253. 40

6, 795. 20

1, 412. 36 125. 09

1, 537. 45


Instruction in Field Artillery activities 1934 1933 1932

Total, Chief of Field Artillery

144. 00 17. 28

161. 28

24, 220. 00

241 220. 00

23, 705. 93 187. 00

23, 568. 93

23, 705. 93 187. 00

23, 568. 93

17, 28

17. 28

427. 93 154. 00

581. 93

14. 67

14. 67

71. 47 127. 00

198. 47


Coast Artillery School, Fort Monroe, Va. 1934 1933 1932

2, 012. 45 1, 025. 47

27, 385. 00 25, 063. 46

1, 256. 09 26, 063. 46

1, 256. 09 1, 025. 47

338. 00 138. 39

1, 983. 54 617. 97

Total, Chief of Coast Artillery


NATIONAL INDUSTRIAL RECOVERY, War, Seacoast Defenses 1933-36

3, 037. 92 27, 385. 00

» 7, 000, 000. 00

26, 319. 55

2, 416, 590. 85

26, 319. 55

«2, 416, 590. 85

I, 025. 47 476. 39 2, 601. 51

4, 583, 409. 15

United States Seacoast defenses 1934

1933 1932


238, 627. 96 25, 708. 43

7. 71

3, 410. 21 986, 082. 00 457, 36'I. 51

137, 837. 87 17, 638. 33

457, 367. 51

137, 837. 87 17, 638. 33 7, 151. 31

12, 378. 00 15, 032. 00

918. 79 7. 71

5, 366, 00 5, 066. 76

510, 970. 49 84, 101. 64

612, 843. 71 612, 843. 71

Seacoast defenses, engineers, emergency construction No year

Seacoast defenses, ordnance 1931 Certified claims

Ineatar departments

Seacoast defenses, insular departments 1934 1933 1932


142. 16 115. 52

198, 980. 93 51, 017. 06

3. 09

6, 876. 14

1, 589. 52

8. 55 26. 03

514, 463. 00

26. 03

214, 845. 49 152, 021. 05

38, 336. 17

26. 03

214, 845. 49 152, 021. 05 38, 336. 17 13, 665. 99

3. 09

124. 07

5, 687. 00

4, 675. 96 604. 42

290. 00 4, 920. 36

142. 16

293, 640. 51 44, 239. 70

405, 202. 71 405, 202. 71

Seacoast defenses, insular Coast artillery

Seacoast defenses, insular Ordnance

departments, Certrtled clatms

departments, 1931 1930

Certified claims

401. 57

105. 00

1. 13

105. 00

N. 00 1. 13

105. 00

N, 00 25. 00 1. 13

401. 57

N. 87

» Allot ted from "National lnductria1 Recovery" appropriation, for complete statement of Ivhtch see p. 428

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National Guard . 1934-35 1934

1933-34 1933

Pay of National Guard for armory drills 1932 1931 1930 1929 1928 1927 1926

Certified claims

2, 126, 013. 63

3, 682, 619. 28

49, 000. 39

403. 75

3& 000, 000. 00 33, 284, 864. 00

I& 073. 75

19, 903, 541. 77

1, 715, 637. 68 2, 933, 073. 48

24, 552, 252. 93

704. 29 688. 66 f08. 84 181. 96

I. 68 . 06

1, 073. 75

19, 903, 541. 77

1, 715, 637. 68 2, 933, 073. 48

24& 552& 252 93

704. 29 488. 68 108. 86&

161. 88 . 78

f58 . 06

I, 073. 75

428. 66 103. 34 131. 92

. 72 1. 38 . 06

780, 107. 00 50, 735 25

560, 581 60

2, 076. 77 S, OO0, 000. 00

12& 601, 216. 23 359, 640. 70 187, 291. 1S

48, 296. 10

I, 111. 96 I, 111. 96

Pay of Hawaiian National Guard for 1924 and 1925 No year I, 754. 96 36. 40 36. 40 I, 718. 56

Arming, equipping, and training the Na- tional Guard, emergency construction No year

Arming, equipping, and training the Na- tional Guard 1932

1931-32 1931 1930 1929 1928 1926 1925 1922

Certified claims

I, 732, 76

511, 461. 59 146. 91

4, 449. 03 1, 571. 59

740. 42

708. 18 I, 066. 60

876. 66 66. b'0

686. 00 487, 60 16. 60

I, 571. 59

740. 42

708. 18 I, 068. $0

876'. 66&

86. 60 696. 00 J&87. 60 16. 60

1, 571. 59

146. 91 716. 87

I, 053. 40 876. 64 35. 50

625. 00 437. 50

16. 60

s 4. 16

I 13. 69

I, 732. 76

510, 725. 33

4, 449. 03

1, 686. 81 1, 686. 81


National Guard Bureau. 1933-35 'I 2, 238, 624. 00 I, 113, 531. 46 * I, 113& 212. 62 I, 125, 092. 54

Arms, uniforms, equipment, ete. , for field service, National Guard 1932-33

1932 1931-32

1931 Certitled claims

24, 317. 39 80, 773. 21

5, 335. 71 845. 01 4. 31

272. 35

20, 946. 55

54, 822. 03 26. 38 8L 31

272. 35

76, 046. 00

20, 946. 55

54, 822. 03 22, 486. 40

26. 38 5, 309. 33 81. 81 12. 84

272. 35

76, 046. 00

36. 59

3, 464. 78

857. 79

3, 334. 25

Equipment of Coast Artillery, armories, Organized Militia . . No year

Inrlefinite: National Guard, see. 87, Net. ional

Defense Act. . . 1934-35 1933-34

170. 20

98, 640. 75

fof& J&SI. 96 52, 182, 50

69, 869. 66

101, 68L 96 52, 132. 50

69& 869. J&6

1'70. 20

10, 334. 13 101, 421. 95 36, 124. 12

Total, National Guard Bureau 6, 587, 260. 82 403. 75 38, 526, 410. 00 25, G92, 253. 49 25 691 934 65 32 603 27 I 406 099 29 2, 07G. 77 17, 981, 041. 75

I f redit item. » Allotted from "National Industrial Recovery" appropriation, for complete statement of which see p. 423.

Receipts and ezpertditures, Jf)84 — Continued [Debit transfer appropriations (net) and repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures are printed in italic. Emergency expenditures are indicated by an asterisk*]

Unexpended balances June 30, 1933 Expenditures in 1934 (see p. 6) Amount carried to surplus

fund (see p. 7) Unexpended balances June 30, 1934

Eiscal year for hvhich

appropri- ation hvas



MILITARY AGTlvlTIEs — Continued

Available Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)

On books of the Treasury

To credrt of disbursing


Appropriations warrants-issued

basis Checks-issued

basis Act June 20,


Impounded salary and

vacancy sav- ings

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav ings (see p. 8)


On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing



Organized Reserves 1934 1933 1932 1931

1930-Dec. 31, 1930 1926

Certified claims

$868, 604. 13 290, 008. 97

37. 50

$3, 005. 01 $6, 354, 348. 00

131. 37

$3, 150, 571. 04 426, 469. 74

34& 700. 52

14. 77 1. 68 4. SS

131. 37

$3, 150, 571. 04

426, 469. 74

34, 700. 52

14. 77 1. 68 4. Ss

131. 37

$253, 712. 75 14. '17

1. 52 4. 32

$121, 291. 00 66, 807, 13 $2, 950. 84

1, 595. 70 37. 50

$3, 082, 485. 96 375, 381. 43

Total, Organized Reserves 1, 158, 650. 60 3, 005. 01 6, 354, 479. 37 3, 611, 852. 06 3, 611, 852. 06 253, 733. 36 189, 731. 33 2, 9c0. 84 3, 457, 867. 39


Citizens' military training camps 1934 1933 1932

Certified claims

379, 911. 69 206, 119. 17

1, 680. 00 2, 500, 000. 00

6. 02

903, 283. 40 104, 370. 57

538. 94 6. 02

1, 008, 198. 93

903, 283. 40 104, 370. 57

538. 94 6. 02

1, 008, 198. 93

205, 578. 89

6, 905. 00

9, 306. 35 l. 34

I, 260. 00 li 588, 551. 60

1, 680. GO 266, 234. 77

Military supplies and equipment for schools and colleges 1934

1933 1932

4, 598. 66

222. 62

8, 900. 00 7, 647. 18 I, 663. 35

6. 43

7, 647. 18

I, 663. 35 6. 43 214. 56

21. 80 1. 63

2. 57 1, 252. 82 2, 910. 94

9, 316. 96 9, 316. 96

Reserve Officers' Training Corps 1934-35 1934

1933-34 1933 1932

1931-32 1931

1929-Dec. 31, 1929 1926-Dec. 31, 1926 1925-Dec. 31, 1925 1924-Dec. 31, 1924

Certified claims

Total, citizens' military training

400, 000. 00

720, 719. 64

76, 294. 58

29, 33 "1. 92

1, 817, 204. 28

1, 193. 60 72. 12

2, 946. 62

400, OGO. 00 I0 3, 466, 531. 00

n 4oo, ooo. oo

255. 90

6, 975& 692. 92

2, 110, 678. 25

428, 378. 54

I, 860. 98 29, 275. 12

sfi ee f10

88. 80 80. 40 ss 40

255, 90

2, 670& 219. 81

3& 587, 735. 70

2, 110, 678. 25

428, 378. 54

I, 860. 98 29, 275. 12

81. 88 8. 10

88. 80 eo. 40 88. 40

265. 90

2& 570& 219. 81

3, 587& 735. 70

73, 147. 95 62. 80 31. 88 2. 10

82. 20 80. 40 32. 40

279, 233. 18

127, 011. 00

55, 557. 82 I, 357. 77

200, 162. 71 2, 942. 67

400, 000. 00

1, 228, 841. 75

237, 976. 78

3, 726, 768. 66


lhfational matches . 1932 10, 252. 90 10, 252. 90

National trophy snd medals for rifle con- tests- 1934

1933 1932

5, 331. 68 3, 075. 69

150. 00

150. 00

150. 00

150. 00

3, 075. 69

2, 850. 00 5, 331. 68

'ordnance equipment for rifle ranges for civilian instruction 1934

1938 1932

5, 811. 88

3, 002. 61

125, 000. 00 32, 822. 64

4, 152. 69 140. 85

82, 822. 64

4, 152. 69 140. 85 2, 785. 55

534. 26 76. 21

92, 177. 36

1, 124. 93

37, 116. 18 3?, 116. 18

Quartermaster supplies and services for rifie ranges for civilian instruction No year

1934 1933 1932

4, 402. 14

5, 079. 26

3, 571. 64 3. 67

31, 465. 00 14, 172. 94 353. 83

14, 172. 94 353. 83

3, 571. 64

727. 00 771. 07

10, 560. 00 3. 67

4, 402. 14

6, 005. 06

3, 954. 36

14, 526. 77 14, 526. 77

Rifle ranges for civilian instruction No year 4, 137. 04 4, 137. 04

Total National Board for Promotion of Rifle Practice 44, 664. 84 3. 67 159, 465. 00 51, 792. 95 51, 792. 95 23, 822. 82 2, 108. 54 10, 563. 67 115, 845. 53

Summary, military activities, national defense:

Qeneral and special accounts Accounting funds Special deposit accounts

78, 518, 796. 12 e 20 029 684 88

673, 440. 70 $50, 080. 09 20, 677, 904. 51

52, 412. 95

293, 608, 386. 13 235, 073, 640. ?8 8, 660, 032. 82

235, 031, 033. 15

1, 180, 988. 87 787. 17

5, 260, 402. 22 19, 688, 105. 93 185. 79

1, 088, 629. 44 111, 689, 844. 58 s 28, 689, 903. 49

$92, 687. 72 30, 518, 926. 20

51, 625. 78

Emergency (N. I. R. )

Contributed accounts

58, 489, 111. 24

58, 489, 111. 24

18, 309. 00

673, 440. 70 20, 780, 397. 55

673, 440. 70 20, 780, 397. 55

293, 608, 386. 13 93, 332, 559. 50

386, 940, 945. 63

243, 733, 673. 60

35, 389, 115. 80 233, 850, 831. 45 5, 260, 402. 22 * 35, 388, 796. 96

279, 122, 789. 40 269, 239, 628. 41 5, 260, 402. 22

19, 688, 291. 72

19, 688, 291. 72

1„088, 629. 44

1, 088, 629. 44

82, 999, 941. 09 57, 943, 443. 70

140& 943, 384. 79 18, 309. 00

30, 663, 239, 70 318. 84

30, 663, 558. 54 y




58, 507& 420, 24 673, 440. 70 20, 780& 397. 55 386, 940, 945. 63 279, 122, 789, 40 269, 239, 628. 41 5, 260, 402. 22 19, 688, 291. 72 1, 088, 629. 44 140, 961, 693. 79 30, 6G3, 558. 54

Nattcnat cemeteries

Antietam Battlefield, preservation, emergency construction. »

Antietam Battlefield, preservation. » Cemeterial expenses, tVar Department,

emergency construction No year

Cemeterial expenses, EVar Department 1934 1933-34

1933 1932-33

1932 1931-32

CertiOed claims

199. 43

27, 550. 00 61, 296. 25

248. 57 12, 488. 75

125. 84

5, 485. 01

» SOO, 624. 20

13. 07

188. 88

G65, 920. 31 27, 468. 27 26, 073. 65

44. 80 320. 90

13. 07

18$. 88

665, 920. 31

27, 468. 27

26, 073. 65 44. 80

320. 90

13. 07

12, 167. 85 125. 84

13, 317. 00

12, 137. 84 203. 49

I, S83. 00

6, 834. 16

382. 31

119, 503. SO

81. 73 21, ?35&. Gl

719, 841. 00 719, 841. 00

e Dc)&it lialancc. » Includes $400, 000 transferred from 1933-34 account, act. ILIar. 4, 1933 » Transferre&l un&!cr Executive Orders Nos. 61G6 snd 6228 of June 10 and July 28. 1933, to "Office of National Parks,

Buildings, and Resort;&tioii» lriterior Department", p. 167. Transactions for this activity for the fiscal year 1934, including those un& ler thc IV&ir Del&ortment and the Department of the Interior, are stated under the latter department for Budget purposes.

28, 1933, anil C4

-- $17, 890. 80 18, 704. 00

(47 Stat. 1581). n Transferred to 1934 account. See nnlc 30. » Exclusive of $36, 594. 80 transferred under Executive Or&lars Nos. 6166 of June IO, l933, 6228 of July

6690 of April 25, 1934, to accounts as follows: American battle rnonuments commission, 1934 Office of National Parks, Buildings, snd Reservations, 1934 (Interior)

Receipts and expenditures, JM& — Continued

lDebit transfer appropriations (net) and repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures are printed in italic, Emergency expenditures are indicated by an asterisk']

Unexpended balances June 30, 1933 Expenditures in 1934 (see p. 6) Amount carried to surplus

fund (see p. 7) Unexpended balances June 30 1934

Fiscal year for which

aPPI'OPl'1- ation was

made Available

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)

On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing


Appropriations Warrants-issued

basis Checks-issued

basis Act June 20,


Impounded salary and

vacancy sav- ings

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav ings (see p. 8)


On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing



NDN»ILITARv Acrrvmxs — Continued


Ncficnaf cemeteries — Continued

NATloNAL INDUsTRIAL REcovERT, War, National Cemeteries 1933-35

Disposition of remains of oilicers, sol-

diers, and civil employees 1922

Disposition of remains of soldiers buried in Russia and Alaska No year

Headstones for graves of soldiers Certified claims Headstones for graves of American sol-

diers in Europe. = No year

MonumentsortabletsinCubaand China 1934 1933

$32, 620. 14

5, 109. 78

9. 87

» $592, 161. 00

6. 09

770. 00

$424, 060. 88

1, 127. 68 6. 09

43. 46

627. 50

~$424, 060. 88

1, 127. 68 6. 09

43. 46

627. 50

$3. s33

4, 539. 71

$33. 00 9. 00

$168, 100. 12

31, 492. 46

526. 61

109. 50 . 87

627. 50 627. 50

Nations! cemeteries» Restoration of Lee Mansion No year Tomb of the Unknown Soldier No year

13, 718, 91 50. 00

513. 77 513. 77 32. 50 13, 172. 64 50. 00

Total, national cemeteries

National military parks»

153, 417. 54 $5, 485. 01 1, 393, 574. 36 1, 146, 034. 17 1, 146, 034. 17 16, 836. 73 25, 732. 83 $8, 717. 16 355, 156. 02

Survey of battlefields sl

Survey of battlefield, Saratoga, N. Y»

Mfsref lan caus

Expenses, Army Band, Confederate Vet-

erans Reunion, Montgomery, Ala. . 1931-32

xpenses, Army Band, Grand Army National Encampment, Des Moines, Iowa . incoln Birthplace Memorial »

slarker at Monocaey, Md. » PIarker or tablet to Sgt. William Jasper 1931-32

2, 008. 26

815. 14

550. 00 450. 00 450. 00

2, 008. 26

815. 14

100. 00

agon»ment: Cowpens Battle Ground,

Ezell, S. C No year 160. 86 160. 86

Monument to First Permanent Settle- ment of the West, Harrodsburg, Ky 1931-33

1931-32 62. 24

42, 181. 50 49. 69

32, 155. 62

32, 205. 31

49. 69 32, 155. 62

32, 205. 31

12. 55 10, 025. 88

Paving Ringgold Road 1928-1932 Paving Missionary Ridge Crest Road,

Tennessee 1931-32 Paving Government road across Fort Sill

Military Reservation, Okla. » 1931-32 Pilgrimage of Qold Star Mothers and

, World War widows 1930-Dec. 31, 1933 Restoration Old Fort Niagara, N. Y'. » No year

resurvey of battlefields 44 1932 1930-33

Survey of battlefield, Saratoga, N. Y. 44 1931-33

117, 000. 00

11, 766. 86

525, 556. 72 . 30

196. 00 133. 50 449. 73

2, 314, 01 328, 599. 71

4. 16

328, 599. 71

4. 16

117, 000. 00

33. 36

11, 766. 86

196. 00

4, 585. 12

133. 50 17. 50

881. 34 193, 804. 56 . 30

428. 07

Total, general accounts, Quarter- master Corps, miscellaneous. 700, 914. 47 2, 314. 01 361, 259. 18 361, 259. 18 131, 919. 62 4, 748. 67 881. 34 204, 419. 67



Preservation, birthplace of Abraham Lincoln»

Paving Dry Valley Road, Rossville, Qa. , contributions» No year

Restoration of Old Fort Niagara, N. Y. , donations» No year

14. 86

. 05

14. 86

. 05

Total, contributed accounts, Quar- master Corps, Miscellaneous 14. 91

14. 91

Total, Quartermaster Corps, Mis- cellaneous


700, 929. 38 2, 314. 01 361, 259. 18 361, 259. 18 131, 919. 62 4, 748. 67 881. 34 2041 434. 58


Washington-Alasl-a military cable and telegraph system . . 1934-35

1933-34 1932 — 33 1931-32

18, 085. 02 142. 12

1, 725. 14

160, 772. 00 126, 369. 67

15, 853. 10 3. 00

126 369. 67

15, 853. 10 3. 00

1, 725. 14

2, 378. 00 1& 755. 78

41. 00 31, 983. 33 476. 14 139. 12

Total, Signal Corps, nonmilitary 19, 952. 28 160, 772. 00 142, 225. 77 142, 225. 77 1, 725. 14 4, 133. 78 41. 00 32, 598. 59


Corps of Xusf»cere, miscellaneous

Interoceanic canals No year

Preservation and repair of historical forti-

fications, San Juan, P. R 1932

Protective works and measures, Lake of

the Wonrls and iroiny River, hiinu. r' 1928-34

22, 104. 61

1, 989. 18

154, 867. 22

$853. 11

26, 586. 40

14 Aiirrrierl iroru "Notional Industrial Recovery" appropriation, for complete statement of which see p. 428. ar Tr, rosicrrcri under 3'xer. utive Orders Nos. 6166 and 6228 of June 10 and July 28, 1933, to "Oifioe of National Parks,

Buildrngh:rrrri 3(cservariou~, Interior Department", p. 170. Transactions for this activity for the fiscal year 1934,

iuciudinc those rrrrrier the Wor ilcparrment and the Department of the Interior, are stated under the latter department for llurigct purpooes.

1, 512. 03 1, 935. 96 235. 78

', 089. 18

39, 999. 25 46, 718. 05 440. 93

4' Account stated under Quartermaster Corps, chapter following. » See also contributed account following. 44 Heretofore stated under "National Military Parks" chapter. » See also general account above. 44 See also special account following.

2. 00

20, 356. 80

114, 42A 04

$429. 18

10, 867. 60

Receipts and expenditures, If)8$ — Continued

[Debit transfer appropriations (net) and repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures are printed in itahc. Emergency expenditures sre indicated by an asterisk' )

Unexpended balances June 30, 1933 Expenditures in 1934 (see p. 6) Amount carried to surplus

fund (see p. 7) Unexpended balances June 3 1934

Fiscal year for which

appropri- ation was

made Available

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)

On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing


Appropriations Warrants-issued

basis Checks-issued

basis Act June 20,


Impounded salary snd

vacancy sav- ings

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)


On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing





Protective works and measures, Lal-e of the Woods and Rainy River, Minn. u No year $26, 566. 43 $17, 428. 03 $26, 566. 43 $43, 994. 46

Total, Corps of Engineers, miscel- laneous 205, 527. 44 44, 867. 54 68, 077. 71 92, 648. 47 $1, 989. 18 $676. 71 $2. 00 $134, 781. 84 $20, 296. 78



NATIGNAL INDUsTRIAL REcovERY, Wsr, Insular Affairs 1933-35 » $1, 500, 000. 00 239, 160. 37 * 239, 160. 37 1, 260, 839. 63


Improving harbors: Dredging channel, Fort Pierce Har-

bor, Fla No year St. Lucie Inlet, Fla No year

25, 000. 00 23, 304, 85

94. 15 24, 762. 14 24, 351. 63 205. 84 32. 02 23, 304. 85


504. 66 t3

Total general accounts, harbors 48, 304. 85 94. 15 24, 762. 14 24, 351. 63 205, 84 23, 336. 87 504. 66



Improving harbors: Funds contributed for improvement

of: Investigation of shore erosion,

New Hampshire East Rockaway (Debs) Inlet,

N. . Y Ocean City Inlet and Sinepuxent

Bsy, Md Monroe Harbor, Mich Investigation of shore erosion,

Folly Beach, S. C Brazos Island Harbor, Tex Freeport Harbor, Tex Nome Harbor, Alaska Port Allen Harbor, Hawaii

No year

No year

No year No year

No year No year No year No year No year

250. 00

40, 000. 00

50, 000. 00

138, 638. 33

1. 18

40, 853. 75

150, 000. 00

50, 000. 00

750. 00

225, 000. 00 2, 500. 00

200, 000. 00

200. 00

40, 000. 00

115, 000. 00 75, 000. 00

750. 00 136, 340. 05 170, 000. 00

2, 500. 00 50, 000. 00

102. 42

40, 001. 18

97, 238. 00 74, 533. 42

130. 36 177, 118. 44 109, 356. 93

1, 795. 73

50. 00

35, 000. 00 25, 000. 00

2, 298. 28 55, 000. 00

15O, nOO. OO

9'7. 58

17, 762. 00 466. 58

619. 64 75. 36

60, 643. 07 2. 500. 00.

48, 204. 27

Funds advanced for improvement, act Mar. 3, 1926, of:

Inland waterway from Norfolk, Vs. , to Beaufort Inlet, N. C No year 86. 71 86. 71

Total contributed accounts, harbors

Total harbors


228, 975. 04

277, 279. 89

40, 854. 93

40, 949. 08

628, 250. 00

628, 250. 00

589, 790. 05

614, 552. 19

500, 276. 48

524, 628. 11 205. 84

267, 434. 99

290, 771. 86

130, 368. 50

130, 873. 16

Improving rivers: Ssntee, Wateree, snd Congaree, S. C No year 12, 249. 66 330. 97 850. 97 12, 580. 63

Maintenance and operation, Dam No. 2, Muscle Shoals, Ala. 1933-34

1933 1931-32

225, 484. 00

9, 155. 36

7, 654. 62 17, 311. 67

31, 234. 17 97, 98k 49

31, 234. 17 10, 819. 88

7, 654. 62

3, 033. 19 5, 432. 19

191, 216. 64 31, 654. 66

No year

No year

Ko year

No year


No year

No year

Dam No. 2, Muscle Shoals, Ala Mississippi, between St. Paul and

Minneapolis snd Brainerd snd Grand Rapids, Mississippi snd Leech Rivers, and reservoirs at headwaters of Mississippi River

Experimental towboats for Missis- sippi River snd tributaries

Reservoirs at headwaters of Missis- sippi River

NATIQNAL INDUSTRIAL REcovERT, Wsr, rivers and harbors

Maintenance and improvement of existing river and harbor works, emergency construction, act July 21, 1932

Maintenance and improvoment of existing river and harbor works

1& 043. 72

20, 361. 82

58, 601. 38

15, 000. 00

14, 935, 257. 68

45, 359, 397. 63

13, 934. 41

1& 770. 07

750. 32

$1, 721. 50 2, 763, 766. 55

245, 637. 11 6, 160, 728. 49

» 179, 923, 752. 84

» 23, 945, 705. 50

3, 302. 68

1 1, 647. 58

64, 566, 031 37

13, 918, 403. 61

32, 031, 970. 25

20, 614. 35

2, 287. 03 642. 47

*50, 232, 192. 88

15, 342, 194. 01 76, 435. 25

33, 155, 705. 86 „1, 254, 052. 93

1, 721. 50

539& 467. 54

12, 048. 63

20, 361. 02

58, 601. 38

15, 000. 00

115, 357, 721 47

940, 418. 82

35, 725, 249. 52

1, 770. 07

750. 32

14, 333, 838. 49 9

1, 339, 976. 15 l2I

5, 036, 992. 88

Maintenance and improvement of existing river and harbor works (transfers to Department of Com- merce, act May 21, 1920):

To Bureau of Foreign and Do- mestic Commerce

To Coast snd Geodetic Survey No year No year

214. 92

28. 68 395. 95 II 14. 54

996. 96 14. 34

38L 61

596. 96 410. 29

14. 34

610. 87

Maintenance and improvement of existing river and harbor works (transfers to Department of the Interior, Geological Survey):

Act Feb. 17, 1933 Act Apr. 22, 1932 Act Feb. 14, 1931 Act May 14, 1930 Act Mar. 4, 1929

No year No year No year No year No year

610. 70

27. 30 52. 86

3, 718. 86 513. 01

» 21, 034. 00

u 87. 30 II 69. 86

20& 125. 08 545. 66 11. 07

15, 568. 92

4, 264. 52 485 91

65. 04 9. 21

908. 92

1. 86

4, 556. 16

16, 03

20, 659. 67 20, 319. 35

» Allotted from "National Industrial Recovery" appropriation, for complete statement of which see p. 428. » See also general account above. » Includes $100, 000 repayments to contributors for advance of funds, act of Mar. 3, 1925, for improvement of

"Inland waterway from Norfolk, Va. , to Beaufort Inlet, N. C. "

w Exclusive of $21, 034 transferred to same object under Department of the Interior and i«el«&les $94. 50 returned from same object under the Departments of Commerce snd Interior. See notes 41 and 42. c Returned to same object under the War Department. See note 40.

» Transferred from same object under the Wsr Department. See note 40.

Receipts and expenditures, J98$ — Continued

[Debit transfer appropriations (net) and repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures are printed in italic. Emergency expenditures are indicated by an asterisk*]

Unexpended balances June 30, 1933 Expenditures in 1934 (see p. 6) Amount carried to surplus

fund (see p. 7) Unexpended balances June 30, 1934

Fiscal year for which

appropri- ation was

Inade Available

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)

On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing


Appropriations Warrants-issued

basis Checks-issued

basis Act June 20,


Impounded salary and

vacancy sav- ings

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)


On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing




No year

No year No year

No year

Flood control, Mississippi River and tributaries (transfers to Depart- ment of the Interior, Geological Survey):

Act Feb. 14, 1931 Act May 14, 1930 Act Mar, 4, 1929 Act Msr. 7, 1928

No year No year No year No year

Flood control, Mississippi River and tributaries (transfers to Depart- ment of Agriculture, act Msy 21, 1920)


Emergency fund for flood control on tributaries of Mississippi River

Flood control, Missouri River st Niobrara, Nebr

Flood control, Missouri River at Ysnkton, S, Dak

Flood control, Sacramento River, Calif

No year


No year

No year

No year

No year

Improving rivers — Continued. Claims for damages by collision,

river and harbor work Flood relief and control: 44

Flood control, emergency construc- tion, sct July 21, 1932

Flood control, Mississippi River Flood control, Mississippi River and


$8 726 756 01 640. 33

34, 222, 064. 90

98. 19 44. 48 21. 96 20. 48

2. 70

559, 082. 61

85, 000. 00

85, 000. 00

1, 001, 683. 27

$795, 076. 38

1, 666. 09

663. 65

195, 853. 87

4, 213. 35 211, 102. 94

$27~ 543 45 2p 990~ 104 72

$1, 833. 10

44 29, 000, 086. 92

44 44. 48 u sfies «20. 48

44 69, 187, 000. 00

341, 291. 00

$6, 908, 409, 39 640. 33

15, 399, 709. 61

$6, 293, 106. 35 640. 33

16, 508, 126. 15

334. 80 628. 11

684. 80 628. 11

$66. $8 197. 27

299, 402. 35 362, 438. 62

Io, sss. fe 140, 626. 92

28, 701, 959. 54 "24, 834, 446. 65

$14, 672. 49

471, 425 41

267. 02

25. 26

10, 847, 24

21, 669. 16

$110, 493. 31

23, 153. 85

$1, 833. 10

1, 803, 674. 13

47, 268, 066. 94

21$ 97

443. 82

40, 485, 040. 46

590, 124. 02

85, 000. 00

85, 000. 00

971, 367. 59

$1, 410, 379. 42

1, 881, 688. 18

653. 18



3, 867, 512. 89

132 817 60

60, 182. 54

Flood control, Lowell Greek, Alaska. No year 1933-34

103. 71 21I 000. 00

99. 31 15, 000. 00

15, 099. 31

99. 31 9, 493. 91

9, 593. 22

4. 40 94. 75 5, 905. 25 5, 506. 09

Permanent and indefinite: Examinations and surveys at South

Pass, Mississippi River . 1934 1933 473. 50 143. 76

8, 300. 00 4, 500, 00 424. 12

4, 924. 12

3, 578. 44 567. 88

4, 146. 32

49. 38 3, 800. 00 921. 66

Gauging waters of the Mississippi River and its tributaries 1934

1933 1932

497. 55 150. 00

15. 67 8, 188. 00 8, 160. 00 7, 675. 23

15. 6? 3150. 00

251. 05

28. 00 246. 50

484. 77


Maintenance of channel, South Pass, Mississippi River . 1934

1933 1932

60. 73

3, 262. 42 1, 659. 16

89 500 00 64, 556. 24 36. 98

64, 593. 22

7, 690. 90

67, 605. 29

1, 696. 14

69, 301. 43

3, 262. 42

23. 75

24, 943. 76 a3 04905

Operating snag snd dredge boats on Mississippi, IHinois, and Minne- sota Rivers 1934

1933 1932

10, 548. 92

2, 300. 16 2, 239. 47

24, 280. 00 lk 25

15. 25

2, 300. 16 83. 75

24, 280. 00 12, 689. 39

Operating snag boats on the Ohio River 1934

1933 96. 39 8, 688. 51 46, 550. 00

8, 688. 81 . 30 146. 45 46, 550. 00

8, 638. 75

Operating and care oi canals and other works of navigation

Operating and care of canals and

other works of navigation (trans-

fers to Department of the Interior, Qeologicaj Survey, act Peb. 17,


Permanent International Commis-

sion of Congresses oi Navigation

No year

No year

1934 1933 1932

1, 397. 38 182. 94

87, 675. 65 ?80, 023. 72

45. 7S

" 5, 893, 901. 28

u 2, 800. 00

3, 000. 00

8, 688. 81

5. 740, 621. 97

1, 372. 28

2, 972. 19 73. 33 13. 0?

3, 032. 45

5, 895, 822. 83

1, 244. 18

1, 689. 21 119. 11 16. 07

1, 795. 25

196. 01

150, 194. 20 90, 760. 76

1, 427. 72

27. 81 1, 324. 05

624, 822, 86 ID

128. 10

1, 2S2. 98 g


Removing obstructions in Missis-

sippi, Atchafalsya, and Old Rivers 1934 1933 1932

Removing sunken vessels or craft obstructing or endangering navi-

gation . No year I

Working fund, War Department (rivers

and harbors) No year

Special-deposit accounts


Improving rivers: Maintenance and operation of dame

and other improvements of navi-

gable waters . -. . . No year

19, 943. 70

61 146. 95

3, 250. 00

184, 966. 10

5, 441. 47

11, 459. 88

9, 060. 92 11, 776. 16

93, 542. 00

48, 437. 97

190, 940. 61

50, 000. 00

7, 423. 56

57, 423. 56

48, 275. 09

6, 446. 75

50, 000. 00 12, 865. 03

62, 865. 03

36, 939. 93

6, 179. 67 ~

6, 644. 11

6, 146. 95 984. 10

162. 88

43, 542. 00 11, 536. 04

5, 698. 75

375, 900. 71

22, 795. 04

432. 50 17, 620. 27

Total general and special accounts,

rivers 105, 579, 935. 71 366, 791. 06 13, 988, 242. 45 308 829 961 80 16?p 757~ 124 40 153( 003 287 82 32, 290. 79 2, 010, 571. 57 765, 596. 46 244 21 la 105 35 28' 742' 079 03

' Debit balance. aa Allotted from "National Industrial Recovery" appropriation, for complete statement of which see p. 428,

aa por additional flood reliefs and control see pp. 336, 338 and Department of Agriculture, p. 136. aa Includes 386. 92 returned from same object under Department of the Interior. See note 45.

aa Returned to same object under War Department. See note 44. «Exclusive of 32, 800 transferred to same object under Department of tho Interior. See noir 47 ar Transferred from same object under War Department. Bee note 46.

Receipts and expenditures, f t)8$ — Continued

(Debit transfer appropriations (net) and repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures are printed in italic. Emergency expenditures are indicated by an asterisk'J

Unexpended balances June 30, 1933 Expenditures iu 1934 (see p. 6) Amount carried to surplus fund (see p. 7) Unexpended balances June 30, 1934

Fiscal year for which

appl'oprl- stion was

made Available

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)

On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing


Appropriations Warrants-issued

basis Cheeks-issued

basis Act June 20,


Impounded salary and

vacancy sav- ings

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)


On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing




Improving rivers: Funds contributed for improvement.

of: Glenn Cove Creek, N. Y No year Wolf River, Tenn No year Missouri River below Kansas

City, Mo . No year Caloosahatehee River and Lake

Okeechobee drainage areas, Fla No year Little Tallahaichie River, Miss No year Mississippi River, Yazoo, Miss. ,

Delta Levee Districtr Miss No year Mississippi River, Lower Yazoo

Levee District No year Yuba River, Calif No year Flood control: Is

Flood control, . Mississippi River, its outlets and tribu- taries No year

Flood control. Sacramento River, Calif . No year

Funds advanced for improvement, act Mar. 3, 1925, of:

Gleu Cove Creek, N. Y No year

$4, 000. 00

60, 000. 00

430. 00 10, 000. 00

248, 157. 00

180. 69

$42, 160. 17

4, 553. 60

1, 518. 12

5, 000. 00

40, 414. 46

120, 147. 04

$24, 000. 00 17, 500. 00

128, 227. 69 1, 060. 00

3, 825, 00

26, 500. 00

301, 295. 60

24, 000. 00

$24, 000. 00 17, 500. 00

4, 000. 00

138, 227. 69 620. 52

3, 500. 00

10, 000. 00

199, 015. 42

150, 537. 32

24, 000. 00

$24, 000, 00 17, 500. 00

4, 000. 00

593. 56 620. 52

6, 901. 18

1, 200. 58 11, 535. 79

205, 648. 49

99, 080. 15

17, 021. 60

$212. 27

$50, 000. 00 439. 48

325. 00

430. 00

75, 429. 31

150, 938. 97

M $179, 794. 30

1, 062. 42

317. 54

3, 464. 21 ', d

33, 781. 39

171, 604. 21

6& 978. 40

Total contributed accounts, Rivers

Total Rivers

322, 767. 69

105, 902, 703. 40

213& 793. 39 526, 408. 29

$366, 791. 06 14, 202, 035. S4 309, 356, 370. 09

571, 400. 95

168& 328, 525. 35

388& 19]. 87 212. 27

153, 391, 479. 69 $32& 290. 79 2& 010, 783. 84 $765, 596. 46

277, 562. 76 397, 002. 47

244, 488, 668. 11 29, 139, 081. 50

Summary, Rivers and Harbors: General and special accounts Emergency (N. I. R. ) Contributed accounts

105, 628, 240. 56

551, 742. 73

106, 179, 983. 29

366, 791. 06 13, 988, 336. 60

254, 648. 32

59, 719, 208. 96 249, 110, 752. 84

1, 154, 658. 29

366, 791. 06 14, 242, 984. 92 309, 984, 620. 09

74, 513, 895. 63

93, 267, 990. 91 1, 161, 191. 00

168, 943, 077. 54

77, 960, 999. 92 ~75, 066, 639. 53

888, 468. 35

158, 916, 107. 80

32, 290. 79 2, 010, 777. 41

212. 27

32, 290. 79 2, 010, 989. 68

765, 596. 46

765, 596. 46

88, 391, 680. 29 155, 842, 761. 93

544, 997. 75

10, 541, 232. 31 18, 201. 351. 38

527, 370. 97

244& 779, 439. 97 29, 269, 954. 66



Capital stock, Inland Waterways Cor-

poration No year


3, 000, 000. 00 3, 000, 000. 00

Claims reported by the Court of Claims

under Bowman and Tucker Acts, etc. , No year 7, 152. 59 '/, 152, 59

Claims for demntv. &n pr I&:r&y &n V. &-

gluts, LVar « ith Hpnin . Interest on amounts witt&held (rn&n

claimants by the (iun&ptrnl'cr (Jenvrnl of the (Jolted States, act M:&r, 'I, 1875 (wsr)

Payment of volunteers, Cnyi&se Indi &n

War O( i817 an I inln in ()r&r un

Payment for&l &ma& estoprivntv i&roperty by gunfiring

Payment ofclai&ns for damage&s;&nil losses incidvnt to operation of the Army

. . agin&&UL to- Clai&n»nts, airf&lane;«& 9«'«I nt, I '. &&&-

gin Vivl&i, Moun&lnvillv!. LV. V:&

Cl. «&n &ntn under Priv;&t&, A«t, No

Nu yrnr

No ye &r

Nu Ye. &r


No ye:&r '

No yo&r I

No year


1. 108. 83

:&&i. 72,

11, 041. IU

l&i. 25

11, 011. 10

JU. '2, i

11, 0 I I 1(i

lo 25&

1, 108 83

5&(i, 72

il!& (nl

13 t. 3!I

Nn yv;&r

Nu vc &r

No year

20, I&'eb, 2&i, 1934 JEcirs, etc. , of persuns kilted on

kfexic:&n border Relief of-

Alle&, bony I'org&n: (. u . Michael 13ollo, Adn«n»tr»tnr of es-

tate of John Bello Chnrlos C. Bennctt Boston Store Co. , (Jhtcagu, Ill. Brewer Paint s Wall P&&i&or Co. ,

Jnc Alice K. 13roas Arthur I3«ssey C&!rt, &in for&ner enlistv&i n«&n of t, l&v

Ar&ny for E. incr(, y l&onds ncv& r &'«vc&\'ed.

()crt:&in nowsp, '& [&&, rs &&n&l f&t&t&hat&i&&8

con& p;«ncs ( c&'I«in oflice'rs nnd fo&'n«'&' ufo&'e& s,



!)14. 55

No ycn&r

No year Nu yen&'

No yc;&r i

No year !

Nu yc, &r

No yc;&r '

No yc. &r

IUO. 00

I VJ. 01

2(i(i. 00 N o y&. nr I

Nu y&!, &r '

y Claim:&nLs toro«in:&! e«lue to crueior&

of 0;&m on Alla"hcny ltiver CI. & &rmnts under Private Act Nu.

307, June 19 )034 ('lh &rlcstown 8:&n&& (k )l, unu Cu . Chicago, North Shore &(& Mil-

\v;«&kec IL. I(. . ('. o. . LVIJII:&n& Chinsky John I'nrl er (. In&rl, Jr J&&hn P, &rk&&r f'h&rk, Sr iV:&rrun J. Clc;&r ('rvw of tr;mspnrt, in(. Ilv)

()cur '&' I) &can

W&&ltc& V. 1)nndv ft&ihi&, f I):&vis Willi&&&n A, f)ck««) l, y&n:&n I). 1)r;&I e. Jr. J;«:ut& I)urronl&cri &r

S;&r, &h I'. I:0; c I':. W:&II( r I:d&& ar&l-

Ann Kn"I&'

iV&1)«&n& (& I&«lion

I:noct& &)r:&f

(, uc«& IL. (lunch I:. Vl. I I &ll

I;rncst, I', In&ure Jl»ll LV&ll &r&l lt Jl»ll A rLhi&r IJ'«&scl

, &nnl&& I. II&sscy

&& Vn& & 1&lit&nn'&I ftu«t-rol« f. &&«I «&n

, 0 00

Nu y'c;&i

1&in yc&r ~

t&fu y&n&r

Nu yea&'

Nu y'&n &'

No year I

i&u &2&. nn'

Nu year '

No year &Nu vc&r Nuyc&&r I

hi u 5 c, &» '

u yc&&r

Nu y'en&'

No yc:&r i

No y«:&r '

No vent'

Nn y&n&r

Nn ve&r

No yonr No &«&&r

Nu ye:&r

No y&!&&r

No ye&r ~

Nu yc&&r ~

82; 72

tr&, l, s&!& p 336 anil l)cp&&rL&i&vnt of Agri&ulure, p. I, 'IG.

:35&. 00

7, 8!&(l. 00

5&, i)00. OU

. i, 000. 00 &I, 2 l&i. 00

'&4&i 130

I, UU'J. 00 2!&, 8)4 93

-', 084. '2:I

I'-', 38. ) &JU

120. 39 ", 5&oo. oo &, GOO. 00 &. 000. 00

737. 00

5, 000. 00 1, 000. 00 I, 223. 50

)33. K3

2, 500. 00 '2, 000. 00

120. 00 100. 30

3, 000. 00 I, 528. 00 ", 644. ()1

5&16. 28

I, 000. 00 2, 500. 00

75. 00 2, 500. 00 5&, 000. 00

7, 8!)O 00

Ots &i&

5. U(N) 00

120. :39

737. 00 200. 00

I, 000. 00

38'&. 00

2, 611. GI

75. 00

7, 8'8) O(1

9)1. 5i

5, ()OO, 00

120 39

737. 00 200. 00

1, 0&m 00

420 OP

2, 'i I I &il

75&. UU


5&, UUU QP

(i. 24 (i. Utl

&& I 6. i 0 I, UUU. 00

29, ah&. 93

Ii)(&. Ul)

)8!& Ql

2(i(i OU

;t& OO i

2, (&81 Z3

12, 385& &8)

'-', 5&O(i. UU

2, 5&OO (it)

& Oi)U 0(i

I'&2:&. 72

5&, POQ 00

I, 2";I. , i(&

I. 'I!I. :, 'I

'! 500 Ot)

?, UU(). UU

35&. 00 to&i 30

:I, (NN) 00 I, 5&28 Ut)

5 it&. Gn

I, (l&N) (i(i

', 58)ii U(i

2, ')IN) Oti

. ', Ut)i) Oil

Receipts and expenditures, J98$ — Continued

(Debit transfer appropriations (net) snd repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures sre printed in italic. Emergency expenditures are indicated by sn asterisk*]

Fiscal year for which

appl'oprl- ation was

made '


NQNMILITART AcT]v]TIEs — Continued

WAR cLsl]rs AND RELIEF AcTs — continued

On books of the Treasury

Available Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)

To credit of disbursing


Unexpended balances June 30, 1933

Appropriations Warrants-issued

basis Checks-issued


Expenditures in 1934 (see p. 6)

Act June 20, 1874

Impounded salary and

vacancy sav- ings

Amount carried to surplus fund (see p. 7)

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav ings (see p. 8)


To credit of disbursing


Unexpended balances June 30, 1934

On books of the Treasury

No year No year No year No year No year No year No year No year

No year No ]'ear No year No year No year No year No gear No year

No year No year No year No year No year No year No year No year No year

No year

No year No year No year No year No year

No year No year No year No year No year

Relief of — Continued. Virginia Houghton J. B. Hudson Philip Hudspeth Harvey M. Hunter E. Clarence lce Louis Jones, for injuries Capt. Guy M. Kinman Mrs. W. M. Kittle Frank A. Lamson, administrator of

estate of Nellie Lamson Earl V. Larkin E]izabeth Lindsay Florence Hudgins Lindssy Jeanie G. Lyles Anthony J. Lynn Capt. I('rank J. McCormack. McKinnon (1( McKee, Inc. ]VI ay L. Marshall, sdministratrix of

estate of Jerry A. Litchfield Karim Joseph Mery Bert Moore C. K. Morris Paul I. Morris Lucy Murphy Noank Shipyard, Inc M. Aileen Offerman Pinkie Osborne Persons on account of fire in 1917,

Lswton, Okla Persons suffering damage due to con-

demnation of land for Camp Ben- ning, Ga

Frederick W. Peter M. Thomas Petroy ------------- —- Michael Petrucelli Robert R. Prsnn Phyllis Pratt and Harold Louis

Prat t James Slevin Arthur Smith Mary V. Spear Sufferers from famine in China

$134. 00

61. 50

332. 25

], 530. 00

6, 563. 11

$30. 63

$3, 000. 00 250. 00

71. 50

3, 000. 00

1, 582. 70

367. 56

325. 00 1, 213. 25 5 000. 00 6, 000. 00

1, 500. 00 254. 40

1, 813. 79 7]. 59

5, 000. 00

5, 000. 00 2, 500. 00 1, 000. 00

660. 00 5, 000. 00 1, 700. 00 2, 500. 00 2, 500. 00

1, 000. 00 193. 36

5, 000. 00

8, 375. 00

6, 000. 00 1, 425. 00

210. 36 2, 500. 00

$71. 50

1, 582. 70 386. 93

5, 000. 00 5, 000. 00

5, 000. 00 1, 700. 00

2, 500. 00

2, 500. 00

], 000. 00

5, 000. 00

$(1. 50

1. 682. 70 367. 56

5, 000. 00

5, 000. 00

5, 000. 00 1, 700. 00

2, 500. 00 2, 500. 00

1, 000. 00

5, 000. 00

$3, 000. 00 250. 00 134. 00

3, 000. 00 61. 50

30. 63

325. 00 1, 213. 25

1, 500. 00 254. 40

1, 813. (9 71. 59

5, 000. 00 5, 000. 00 2, 500. 00

1, 000. 00 660. 00

332. 25

1, 530. 00

193. 36

5, 000. CO

3, 375. 00

1, 425. 00 210. 35

2, 500. 00 6, 563. ]1

W'Idow of D. %. Tanner Katherine Q. Taylor Heirs of Jacob Thomas Robert Turner D. F. Tyler Corporation and Nor-

folk Dredging Co Ralph La Vern Walker Western Union Telegraph Co . Frank Wilkins Lieut. Walter T. Wffsey Roland Zolesky

No year No year No year ih!o year

No year No year No year No year No year No year

310. 80

125. 00 159. 00

1, 500. 00

14, 727. 11 500. 00 512. 22 100. 00 147. 50

2, 500. 00

Isa oo 159. 00 124. 32

I, 500. 00

100. 00

125. 00 159. 00 124. 32

I, 500. 00

100. 00

186. 48

14, 727. 11 500. 00 512. 22

147. 50

2, 500. 00

Total, Wsr Claims and Relief Acts 22, 345 91 65. 63 211& 642. 24 61, 717. 35 61, 782. 98 $1, 165. 55 171, 105. 25


Statement of receipts snd expenditures in Cuba and the Philippine Islands

Permanent snd indefinite: Soldiers' Home, interest account

Total Miscellaneous Nonmilitary


No year

No year

99. 39

25, 057. 66

25, 157. 05

95, 322. 10

95, 320. 10

97, 432. 11

97, 43'2. 11

97, 432. 11

97, 432. 11

99. 39

22, 947. 65

23, 047. 04

Army allotments (transfer to Veterans' Bureau act Oct. 6, 1917)« . No year

Psy of the Army, deposit fund No year Soldiers' Home permanent fund No year

109, 918. 70

2, 264, 234. 33 3, 330, 697. 11 52, 831. 67

649. 521. 31 44 288r 061 49

699. 66

703, 040. 68 575, 000. 00

7'5'5. 88 703, 045. 68 604, 005. 46

110, 618. 36 2, 210, 709. 96

3, 043, 708. 60

$55. 66

23 S"6 "1

Estates of deceased soldiers, United States Army 1934

1933 1932 1931

32, 253. 77

21, 788. 62

21, 114. 03

35, 96. 48

6, 150. 54 4. 95

«80, 858. 08

16, 969. 53 18, 215. 27

1, 644. 03 256. 00

16, 969. 53 18, 215. 27

1, 644. 03 256. 00

18, 991. 95 20, 189. 04 20, 149. 54

37, 084. 83 37, 084. 83

Estates of deocased personnel, War Department

Recreation fund, Army Unclaimed moneys of individuals whose

whereabouts are unknown (War) Civilian Conservation Corps, savings

fund Estates of deceased en(oiled members,

Civilian Conservation Corps Special deposit accounts

Total trust accounts, %Var.

Summary, nonmilitary activities, ex-

cluding rivers and harbors: General snd special accounts Emergency (N. I. R. )

No year No year

1, 650. 90 807, 394. 90

4, 001. 19 No year

No year I

6, 860. 20

No year

6, 599, 913. 75

4, 127, 314. 69 $7, 799. 02

52, 831. 67

97, 764. 84

553 89

26. 96

942, 524. 78

159. 99

1, 902, 107. 36

1, 269, 149. 70 2, 092, 161. 00

82. 03

64O, 84O. 60

1, 964, 353. 48

1, 452, 685. 41 663, 221. 25

82. 03

649, 840. Go

880, 708. 99

1, 762, 599. 29

1, 477, 321. 80 0663, 221. 25

153, 636. 22 $30, 291. 99 f&9, 641. 50

2, 122. 76 807, 394. 90

4, 028. 15

299, 544. 38

159. 99

6, 537, 6G7. 63

3, 753, 008. 29 1, 428, 939, 75

230, 703. !Iif

254, 585. Sf

20, 296. 7('

Trust accounts Contributed accounts

4, 127, 314. 69

6, 599, 913. 75 14. 91

7, 799. 02 44, 933. 17 62, 83L 67

3, 361, 310. 70

1. 902, 107. 36

Total 10, 727, 243, 35 7, 799. 02 97, 764. 84 5r 263& 418 06

«Represents allotments of Army pay under War Risk Insurance Act. 44 Inc(ud0s $20, 858, 03 transferred from "Estates of deceased soldiers, United States Army, 1931", act Mar. 3, 1883

(28 Stat. 566).

2, 115, 906. 6G

1, 964, 353. 48

4, 080, 260. 14

2, 140, 543. 05

1, 762, 599. 29 153, 636. 22 35, 291. 99 9, 641. 50

3, 903, 142. 34 153, 636. 22 30r 291 99 9, GAL 50

44 Transferred to "Soldiers' Home permanent fund. " See note 45.

5, 18 I, 94S. 0( 6, :&3, fifi7. (i3

14. 91

11, 719, (6'IIG. 58

20, 2!si, 70 25&4, 5(i:&, h(i

274, SSG&, ((4

Receipts arts ezpevtrjt'tttres, 14)8$ — Continued

fDebit transfer appropriations (net) snd repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures are printed in italic. Emergency expenditures are indicated by sn as(erick*)

Unexpended balances June 30, 1933 Expenditures in 1934 (see p. 6) Amount carried to surplus

fund (see p. 7) Unexpended balances June 30, 1934

Fiscal year for which

appropri- ation was

made Available

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)

On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing


Appropriations Warrants-issued

basis Checks-issued

basis Act June 20,


Impounded salary and

vacancy ssv- ulgs

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)


On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing


WAR DETARTMENT — continued


[tvar Department, exc)uding Panama Canal]

General and special accounts Accounting funds Special-deposit accounts

$188, 274, 351. 37 6 $0& 089& 68$ 88

$1, 048, 030. 78 $14, 071, 573. 70 20, 677, 904. 51

64, 189. 11

$354 596, 744. 79 $311, 040, 221, 82

8, 660, 032. 82 $314& 475& 198 DS

I, 180, 988. 87

6, 056. 95

$5, 446, 329. 23 $21, 734, 175. 33 185. 79

$1, 863& 867. 40 $203, 834, 533. 16 6 88, 689, 905. 49

$10, 636, 596. 54

30, 518, 926. 20

69, 246. 05 g

Emergency (N. I. R. ) 168, 244, 666. 49 1, 048, 030. 78 34, 813, 667. 32 354, 596, 744. 79

344, 535, 473. 34 319, 700, 254. 64

129, 320& 327. 96 313, 289, 153. 17

*111, 118, 657. 74 5, 446, 329. 23 21, 734, 361. 12 1, 863, 867. 40 175, 144, 629. 67

215, 215, 145. 38 41, 224, 768. 79 18& 201, 670. 22

Trust and contributed-accounts Trust (special-deposit accounts)

168, 244, 666. 49

7, 169, 980. 39 1, 048, 030. 78 34, 813, 667. 32

307, 479. 99 699, 132, 218. 13

3, 056, 76k 65 449, 020, 582. 60

3, 125, 544. 48 424, 407, 810. 91

2, 881, 771. 63 SSO, 703. 99

5, 446, 329. 23 21, 734, 361. 12 212. 27

1, 863, 867. 40 390, 359, 775. 05 7, 100, 989. 29

59, 426, 439. 01 551, 252. 84 230, 703. 99

Total, War Department, excluding Panama Canal 175, 414, 646. SS 1& 048& 030 78 35& 121& 147 31 702& 188& 983 78 452, 146, 127. 08 427, 058, 878. 55 5, 446, 329. 23 21, 734, 573. 39 1, 863, 867. 40 397, 460, 764. 34 60, 208, 395 84




Civil government, Panama Canal and Canal Zone No year

Maintenance and operation, Panama CsnsL No year

NATIDNAL INDUBTRIAI. REcovERY, War, Panama Canal 1933-35

Repatriation of unemployed aliens, Pan- ama Canal . No year

Sanitation, Canal Zone, Panama Canal No year tgpecial deposit accounts


161, 458. 65

4& 312, 126. 83

43, 988. 12

26, 348. 73 72, 055. 90 '6 1, 207, 648. 03

66 1, DDD, DDD. 00

18, 747. 51 103, 103. 49

502, 676. 31

150, DDD. 00 698, 426. 00

206, 277. 28 I, 420, 352. 92 46 11, 172, 700. 00

848, 839. 26

7, 971, 943. 15

900, 000. 00

573& 512. 48

863, 118. 63

L 893, 281. 90

* 808, 522. 12

589, 200. 42 IS6& 679. 89

180, 113. 00 84, 443. 87

1& 112, 563. 04

102, 088. 58

57, 403. 24

384, 430. 84

76, 276. 89

224, 656. 04

6, 222, 166. 08

100, 000. 00

150, 000. 00 9, 283. 68

57, 776. 53

1& 999, 014. 17

91. 477. 88

87, 415. 65 628, 256. 20

EIIsintensnce and operation, Panama Canal, dividends, Panama Railroad Co. No year

lrostal funds, CsnsF Zone . . No year


2, 800, 000. 00 (66),

222, 805. 54 165, 000. 00 127, 236. 91 2, 800, 000. 00

57, 805. 54 37, 763. 09

Canal Zone retirement and disability fund «

Total, PanamaC, &nal «m&n(«:&ncv and operation " 7, 3) 7, 5i2. OO E I '-"I, 3&3. 52 2, O'JS, 186. 62 4 451. 579. 57, 10 45)9, 294 Sg g V55, sn & ) ISO I!3 00 1. '&!t!t, 095. 49 5) IS, 110. 97 9 563 'Jl I 34 2, 00), 703. 42

Summary, Pan «v« Canal: Cieneral and special a«co & ns Emergency CN. 1. H )

7, 317, 572. 60 261, 373. 52 2, 098, 188. 62 13, 451, 579. 57 I, 000, 000. 00

9, 559, 294. 89 900, 000. 00

8, S47, 257. 97 & 808, 522. 12

180, 113. 00 I, 299, 095. 49 518, 110. 97 g 4&)3 911. 3&4

100, 000. 00 2, S[0, "';), 54

91, -I i)

Total 7, 317, 572. 60 251, 373. 52 2, 098, 188. 62 14, 451, 579. 57 10, 459, 294. 89 9, 655, 780. 69 180 113 00 I 299 095 49 f)15, 110. 9 9, 563, 911. 34 2, &JOI, 7(&3 42



Bern)anent and indefinite: Interest on the public debt. Sinking fund

No year No year 5, 384. 31

757& 236) 563. 73 & 757, 236, 563. 73 43S, S41, 350. 68 359, 491, 900. 00

&' 757, 236, 563. 73 359, 491, 900. 00 ig, 3 -I, 834. 99

Total 5, 384. 31 I, 196, 077, 914. 41 I, [16, 728, 463 73 I, 116, 7' 8, 4 6:I 78 ig, 354, 834. 99




(For details see p. 40'2)

Permanent and indef&nite: Public-debt princi&&t&l No ye;&r Jr4 94 I, 255, 831. 46 373, 192. 90 373, 192. 90 »s 993 JO


I)!8'I. 'RICT Ofv COI, I'RIB)A

CSee I oio)

Executive ofiice, f)istrict of ('oluu:bia 1934 1933 1932

10, 538. S7

8, 177. 8S 10, 480. 48 ' 405 45

' 223, 6f&5. 00 223) 6(i;, . UO

220, f&0

223, 441. 5)O

2 3 494. 97

5, 184. 95

228, 6&9, 92

8, 17i. 8S 4, 347. 74 10, OGC. 48 5, &JSI. G3

170. ()3 O

g td M

8" I &ries, oli!«. s o[ th" l)istri«t &)f I:&)[un&-

bi, & 1921 13 50 13. 50

Ex»enses, (Icori(e 11;&sit it&) I&)&t 15&«&u-

I& nni &I Corn&«v'si«t&, l)!strict of Co- lumbia I 1931-33

1931-32 2&1), 05) I. 42

I 092. 41

27. 60 27. 60

I, 09". 41 2&5, IL). ). ~2

27. 60 27. t)0

No'&'6, — Al)l)&'&&I)&'i" I«)&& & ) &i« for the 1)i trict of ('oluml)i & arc p)yeble [ron& thc revenues of(he District, suppletnented hy e contribut!on from the 'I'rvasn ) of the 1'nit«i SI &tcs in the sun! of$5 700000for the svrvi& v of the f&s&'t&l «s&r [93L as&&nil &r In'o&»' t)t& for $i '(7) 000 for ti&c service of the fisca! year 193'3, ;m&1 $9 5000(KI hnvinv been made tor each of the years 1031 an&i l&J32, ;md the amonnt of $9000000 bavin been «on(nhuted for e &vh of Ihv yv&rs I!&2& to I&Y50

pri &tioni prior lo Ig' 7) «v) & I)» &i)!e on& 1&& n & nt & c basis, Ihc United states contributing 40 percent for the years 1&)2[21, and 50 i&vr«ent for prior years. Continuous (no ye&r);&i)prot&ri &ti&&ns arc *ovcrnvd by tho!)rov&sions &n &&i& (&&r I!r)5 and sul)s&' iuvnL yo&&rs unkss other&vise intlicated. I or surnn& &ry of d&strihut&on of accounls hetweon the (&nile i St &!vs;u&d I he L)&s(& i&'I ci Co!un&bia, svv p. 3rd.

& [n«In&I«s 5&)'I OI Lr &nsfcrr«l fro&n "!los[&its&1 for the Insane 1&554", ;)ct fvl &r 20 I!&33 (43 stai 11) 7!52)85) &Io in&1«fi- && Ex«I»sivv o[ f" . ti'29 gi transferred to "Salaries, D&strivl I'ourL, P&non&a & && &I I&)n&', IE51" (J&««&) un I I n!Le;&ppro[)ri:&&i&&n, und& r &&cL of 51, &r. 23, I!&31 (43 stt'&t. 5"', sec. " (c) title Il), a&Bi 82, 525, in&lcf&mte;&Ifi&ropr&st&on, act Exvvutivv ()rtlvr Glci(I of June 10, IOJ!I Juno Ita I!t I I ( Is St. , L 222) &' In«in&[&&i $, 000, 000 tr&nsfvrrv&l fr&&m "I(faint«0'n&ce &&ntl oper&tirin, I'. &na&»;& ('; nsi, &ii& i&1m&tl», I'«», »», & iu«!.

;&I &);&[&[&rr&i)ri &titn&s f&tr "(Ivor c Ly&&itin 'ton Bicentenm&l ('&)m&nissicn" under "Independent oflices, " roc&I ('5). ', A&'t Jn!& 11, ig!52 &I stet. &&9

p, [2)8. t' Appropristior& of $2, 00&&, 000 Ir&nsferrcd to "M:&in(cnnncc and op«rotten, i)a&&nn&t& ('c& . I

" I &vl«L I». I &0« "A««onnt st:&ted nn I&. 127. t l[o![o) I fr&)n& "N &(ion &I f&v! &. ! rial Recovery" apl)ropr&at&on for «&)u&p'i«to s&stvn&ont of which, sec p. 428, » [nein&les $26, 4()4. 40 prv&uiuu& on the public debt.

&t [r& r "Ir&)rittl«&i&)n. , ctc, 13&na&nt& C &nal", &&nd "I', &vmcnt to (iovvrn&nvnt of P &na&na under treatv of Kov. 18, 1903", sev pp. 22&5, 26)

Receipts and expenditures, 1984 — Continued

Il&t»tt «ansfcr appropriations (net) and repayments to appropriaiious in excess of expenditures are prirted in itaflc. Itmergeucy expenditures are indicated by an as««sk")

Unexpended balances June 30, 1933 Etpendttures in 1931 (soe p. 6) Amount cerned i, o surplus

fuud (see p. 7) Unexpended balances June 30, 1034

Rises, l year for which

appropri- ation was

made Available

Reserve for itnpounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)

On bool-s of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing


Approprotttocs W &rrant, s-isstual

basis Checks-issued

basis Act, June 20,


Impounded salary and

vacancy sav- ings

Reserve for impounded

vacsrtcy sav ings (see p. 8')


On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing


TRUST PUNDS — Continued

ots rttt&m ov cur. vstnra — continued


Munici pal Center

Caro of District Buihling

No year

1934 1933 1932

National Conlerence of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws

$1, 092, 727. 59

1, 096. 82

I, 442. 01 $3, 286. 50

$10, 184. 35

7, 408. 82

$250. 00

' 570, 000. 00

4 109, 697. 70

$250, 00

8, 08$ Ol

109, 300. 00 816. 87

$250. 00

1, 333. 03

104, 958. 85

6, 491. 95 $1, 442. 01

$1, 281. 80 $2, 786. 50

$530, 759. GO

397. 70

1, 231. 89

$819. 31

4, 341. 15


Alcoholic Beverage Control Board

Assessor's oflice

License bureau Collector's oflic

Auditor's offlce.

thrice of oorporation counsel


1934 1933 1932


1932 1934 1933 1932

1934 1933 1932

1934 1933 1932

5, 567. 4S 272. 34

2. 00

428. 54

1, 773. 06

1, 458. 97

739. 85 1, 115. 61

1, 333. 34

1, 491. 92

1, 995. 00

2, 618. 25

8, 825. 47

713. 16

5, 397. 58

t 21. 33

":1, 054. 00

193, 000. 00

& 39, 068. 00

106, 000. 00

4?9, 513. 00

108, 383. 13

23, 054. 00

193, 000. 00 809. 58

192, 190. 42

39, OGS. 00 7l8. le

38. 354. 84

102, 559. 12

1, 771. 68

100, 787. S9

79, 513. 00 21. 33 14. 47

111, 450. SO

19, 522. 47

191, 516. 65

8, 015. 89

199, 532. 54

3!J, 051. 08

39, 051. 08

102, 294. 23

3, 626. 35

105, 920. 5&

79, 41rx 80

l4. 47

272. 34 2. 00

428. 54

1, 458. 97

1, 115. 61

14. 47

", 847. 35

573 56

1, 532. 78

1, 137. OS

2, 284. 42

1, 995. 00

2, 618. 25

2, 737. 21

1, 912. 36

. 1, 440. SS 978. 30

174. 93

3, 531. 53

1, 483. 35

16. 92

264. Sg

96. 20

Coroner's offlce . . 1934 1933 1932 1929 1928 1926

3, 2G6. 58

1, 212. 26 98. 00

121. 50 1. 25

363. 14

1'8, 40L 00

79, 519. Sf&

11, 764. 99 217. 83

32. 00

12, 014. 82

79, . 102. 33

10, 899, 58 580. 97

32. 00

11, 512. 55

gg 00 1 502. 18

636. 01

1, 452. 57 1, 212. 26

98. 00 89. 50

1. 25

865. 41

Od[ce of superintendent of «c&gt&t, measures, and markets. . . 1934

1933 1932


195. 65 3, 182. 37

96. 22

744. OO 2, 193. 78 45, 050. 00 45, 005. &8

1, 816. 61 44, 071. 04

878. 17 3, 182. 37

96. 22

I, 17[. 12 744. 00 44. 82

340. 14

!&34. 14

43, 689. 57 44, 949. 21

Bite snd sheds, Farmers' Produce Mar- ket &Xo year 4, 662. 00 4 558 28 4, 5&58. 28 103. 72

't'ress and psrkings 1934 1933 4, 438. 19 C&, 648. IS,

& 107, 766. 17 107, 766. 17

I, 315. 62 104, 691. 73

7, 963. 80 2, 075. 61 I, 046. 96 3, 074. 44

109, 081. 79 112, 655. 53

Salaries, trees snd parking department 1932

[expenses, trees snd parkings . 1932 1928

I& 190. 68 999. 11

3. 40 7. OG 7. 06

I, 190. 68 992. 06

3. 40

7. 06 7. 06

Office of chief clerk, engineer departme&u 1934 1933 1932

700. 04 . 12

330. 00 230. 18

& 25, 370. 00 25, 370. 00 880. 18

25, 367. 74

, 12 328. 06 330. 00 602. 16

I)estral garage 1934 1933

Municipal architect's o&)[ce 1934 1933 1932 [931

Municipal architect's of[I&a, coustru«tier services No year

fl. 10

15, 572. 04

253. 90

3, 975 88 3, 041. 10

194. 18

'2, 765. 50

467. 38

i'4, 650. 16

» 2, 850. 00

» 40, 780. 00

25, 139. 82

4, 650. 16

194. 18

4, 455. 98

15, 337. 00

40, 780. 00 467. 88

87. 78

25, 367. 74

4, 650. 16

4, 650. 16

14, 967. 83

40, 769. 43

87. 78 3, 975. 88

27. 78

2OO. 28 l

715. Go '

717. 90 3, 020. 26

2, 369. 44

24. 22



0 3, 134 67

0 10. 5&7

40, 284. 84 40, 741. 65

Put&lie II tilities C)o&nn»+ ion 1934 1933 2, 480. IC)

5, 191. G2

6, (4&. 61 I, 500. 43 S3, 500. 00 83, 489. 48

I, [38. 08 81, G69. 55

2, 63S. 51

5, 191. (&2

I, 212. 92, Ci, 741. 61 10. 52

129. 1&)

I, »[!t. !I,

84, G27. 56 84, 30S. 06

i[oar&i of examiners, stoi&;ii cngi&in& r& . ]&J34

PJ33 [ &J!'32

;» C 1

G. 25

&t 391. 15 391. 15 391. 15

6. 25 5, 64

391. 15 391. 15

& 'I'r»iisforrcil Ln "l&pili&&iin. nii&& &i«i»i&. [iii&ilic»choo[a, I), ('. ", nct June 16, 1933 (48 Stat. 2&fi). & inc[i&&i&a 33&J7 70, &a&[&. f&n&«:&ppropri, &Lion, :« I nl;ir. 2», l&&sl (48 st&it, 522, sec. 2 (e) title II), & in& [»&[es 86», &nil»fin&L&;i[iprii[&ri, i&i&in, :i&. L 51 ir. "a, 1&J34 (4&& St;&t 522, scc. "(e) l&tie II).

&& inc[&&&[&'s 550&&, in li f)n&lc, &ppropr&, &«. » . :i& & 5[, ir. 28, [934 (!8 Sh&t. 52-', sec. 2 (e) title II). & l)el&it hnl»n&» & I)& liit 8:&[:&n&» . & Inc[&i&los 3[, 7&)ff 17, i&i&[& fini«;i;&pr&, l, ri, i»& I, . ict 5[:ir. 28, l&y&l (la Stat. 5'-'1, scc. " (e) title II).

) Inc[»iles 5[35. in&icfinilr nppr»iiri;itinn, nct 3[;ir 2», [&J!&4 (48 s»t. zz&, sc&n 2 (ci, tif[i& Il). &&& In& [in[i's 8[1116 inilcfinite;i[iiiropri &t ion, ;&& l hl ir. 2», I!Ill (l)& St it 5"2, soc. 2 (o), t i[ le [I). » In»in&inn 52&, 850 tr;iris['cr&c&[ fio&i& "[[u[[&iinns:in&[ &ounil. , pnl&lic scl&ools, 1)islri& I, of &'iil&iinl»;I";irl . [iini li;

[&I:&:[ (4» SI'& t » Inc[a&los 87»o, in&infinile;&ppropri;it ion, nct M;&r. 2&G I!I II (18 sliiL. Ii22, sec. 2 (& ), t itlo [I), II Inch;&les 89 [5, &n&lcfinitc. »p[&roprinl inn, i&ct 5[;&r. 2», I!I!I (IS 8[. » 5'-", scc. " (&), li& li 1 I)

Receipts and expertthtures, 198Je — Cnt&tittttcd

II&chit transfer appropriations (net) and repaytuents to appropriations in excess of expenditures are printed in itotic. Emergency expenditures are indicated hy sn asterisk*j

Unexpended balances June 30, 1033 F ape&«iitures in ! 93 I (see p. 6) Amount car&ied to surpl»' fund (see p. 7)

Unexpended balances Junc 30, 1934

I' I se ll '1 eol fol' lvhlch

;. ! I P I' O !)I I- ation viols


On books of the Treasury


- o cretill of Reserve for )lish«rsiiig impoundeil ofhcers

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)

Atl&)'rof)t«i')'Ir ' ty:aron! s-i'. oeii ' Checks-issued

has&, basis Act June 20,


1 nl p o I I n i le &I

salary ond verein&'v sav


Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)


On books of &, he Treasury

To ere«a of hurt&�&lg

o!! i ce»

TRUST FU1VDS — ('on&i&iiied

n&srntcv nr cnt. & il«ix — i, )ntinued

Departtnent of i«sur, ioee 1934 1933 1932

$260, 04

41. 23

u $17, SI2. 00 ' $17, 812. 00 f)17, 723. 60

$41. 23 $199. 80 $60. 24

Sur voyor's office

Employees' compensation fund Adtninistrative expenses, compensation

to Injured employees in the District of Columbia

Civil service retirement and ilivahility

fund, liability of District of Columbia

JJeparttneut of vehicles and tref!it:

1934 1933 1932

No year



!934 1933 1932

200. 46

I, 043. 72

8, 420. 26

14, 687. 86

$1 5r00 00

3, 017. 88

$2, 265. 07

10. 43

19, 6f) L 63

» 69, 034. 13

:30, 000. 00

50, 750. 00

150, 000. 00

» 125, 874. 80

17, 812. 00

69, 034. 13

2, 965. O7

66) 769. 06

30, 000. 00

50, 750. 00

150, 000. 00

120, 715. 00

9, 005. &9

8, 718. 00

17, 723. 60

69, 033. 34

69, 033. 34

30, 009. 99

50, 750. 00

150, 000. 00

117, 649. 16 10, 646. 51

8, 718. 00

I, 043. 72 i

5, 969. 86

2, 155. 26

I, 427. 62

$1, 500. 00

2, 438. 53

310. 27

5, 159. 80 16, 577. 11

3, 065. 84



Free Public Library 1934 1933 21, 915). 98 I, 105. 35 ' 4, 741. 56

n 359 098. 85

120, 427. 88

359 098 85 18, 155. 67

377, 254. 52

I37, 013. 67 l

349, 410. 88 13, 414. 11

362, 824. 99

4, 174. 44 438. 71 252. 51


9, 687. 97

Salaries, free Pnbiic Librarv Expenses, free Public f. ihr:iry

1932 1932 1931

48. IS 326. 60

'2. 50 97. OO

97. OO

48. 18 353. 60

2. 50

fguilding, Northeastern Brune!i Library No year

Building snd equipment, Georgetown

:; branch library No year

Grading and plans, Geor etown branch

library 1931-32

Retaining walls, Georgetown branch


14, 544. 10

17 2!IJ 92

5) 500. 00

4, 5)00. 00

2. 60 2. !)0

17, 2iiJ. 92

14, 541. 50

4, 500. 00

5, 500. 00

Of]]oe of register of wt]]s 1934 1933 1932

170. 64 480. 18

1, 224. 00 328. 54 «70, 474. 75, 70, 474. 75

o. OS

GG, 819. SS i

323. 46 I

480. 18 1, 354. 00 45. 72

3, ()54. 87

Of]]ce of recorder of deeds 1934 1933 1932

1, 710. 63 596. 49

927. 73 2, 248. 96 100, 000. 00 i

70, 469. 67

100, 000. 00 174. 99

67, 143. 31

86, 919. 77

2, 423. 95 596. 49

927. 73 1, 535. 64

]3, t)s() '3

Oont]agent and miscellaneous expenses 1934 1933 1932 1931 1930 1929

12, OS2. 00 4, 869. 48

3, 458. 25 1, 440. 12

I. 22

6, 040. 21 90, 651. 14

1, 583. 00 )

319. 92 110. 50

100, 174. 99

89, 727. 34

3, 457. 65 , 57. 65

7. 75

89, 343. 72

67, 529. 75

9, 497. 86 57. 65

7. 75

923. 80 10, 207. 35 5, 131. 75

3, 561. 00 1, 440. 12

1. 22

'&', ]!&7

Printing and binding ]&J34

1933 1932

Purchase of construction materials (reim- bursable) (50-50) . h&fo year 146, 74G. 30

25, 117. 29

4, 904. 84

&9, 2(]4 62

1, 733. 05

5)J', 000 00

93, 250. 39

3, 550. 81

36 049. 95 19, 026. 84

1, 721. 71

77, 093. 01

15, 291. 32

31, 360. 98

19, 919. 99 1, 721. 71 3, 183. 13

143, ]95. 49

19, 950. 05

6, 090. 45

17. 5)24 11

t(, Ghh. 97 h!'I(& 9(&

Motor vehicies 1934 1933 1932

1931-32 1931 1928

I, 68&h 64 10, 711. 90

4. 20

J. 6, 391. ?2

55, 798. 90

50, OUU. 00 49, 386. 62

12, 871. Q 54. 10

l. 20 15. :30

53, 002. 68

42, 96S. 70

3, 319. 80 54. 10 10, 657. 80

4. 20

802. 12 613. 38

13, 752. 94

1. 20 25 30

G, 417 !IS

Public einhloyuient . erg ii c 1934 1933 1932

105. 02

329. f&3

5(U. 00 600. 77

I" ll, 020. 00

36, 569. 30

9, 580. 96 494. 59

46, 542. 60

9, 423. 47

106. 38 329. 63

25)0. 18 570. 00 I, 439 01

319. 23

td Ir 4!I

9, 08tJ. 57 9, 529. 85

Mark»&h tuitoric;i] I:1;ice»

1&. 'incr) rn( y fut)d.

1933 1932 1934 1933 1932

;it)0. 00 181. 50

2, 520. 96 2, 577. 00

I. , 000. 00 907. 53

1 00. 00 847. G9

100. 00

181. 50

2, 5)77. 00

5&00. 00

92. 47

, f 0. 96 ;9 hl

807. 53 747. 69

]tv fi& i» I (it hrri neo»i ( oil(&( t i(in 193 1

1933 1032 I(')0 8%

254 20

3, (isf&, 8] . 48

3, 615. 29 253. 77

1GO. 88

310. JU

43 71. . '2

3, 689. 3S 3, SI19. 0!J

Buit(J&ng. init i iluiuiiiri&t, iiirt&wiiys

(1 0 I i && I' I I i i (' & i I ito yiiir

Worl i&ic fii&i I, l)i. tri( I of ('oln»lii &,

I & igli'ir:&5' fii &iili h;o year

31, 849 73

75, 709. 47 71, 026. Sf !

!II, HIU 7;]

75), 709 17 ) 4, th'

I )( I» i t)&&1&i&i('i' '

I l&i, &i&ili f;&ii»»I I r, t (&, t, & n, , i( 1 5J ir ch, I!Gt I ( lh it&it. )'-", ier 2, 'ei, L&tic 11) ii Jn( li; I, - -& i'il I I, . Ii» i ili:i!if)rii& rhii &iii&, ii I XI &r sh, I!i'II lh St it. '-'-'. iec. "Ie'. , title Jf)

h, I iO. , && !t'fii iio, &; r I ii it&) ii, &i('I 5I ' . . Uh, !'& I I Ii, t&ii. : ')', 'i'( ) &»i &j)I Jii

lnclu(ies 35 hli] h), iniiefinito;il&lir&iliriati(in s» I 51 ir. Ui, I!I'll I l)I Stat. 5), it'(' &" Jn(lii(loi el ]il 7), in Ii finite iiiuiri&pri &t&on, :)&I 51 &r "h, I'rtl ft'( Sl it. . . "&"', io& » ]nfl&iit( it ]Is tr &n!i ni (i fi i i& "ii)&it»& il f» & lii In»im, I!Gll", :i( t M ir "i&, I'ut

:u&J)rot)ri)l&on, :)(t 51 &r. 2h, I' Ul ) I ~ it it. 5)72), iei '»i» ti&le II)

(i'I, I it I(' I I )

fi ), I itic I I &.


Receipts and expenditures, 1M/ — Continued

l»ebh liansfer appropriations (net) and repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures are printed in italic. Emergency expenditures are indicated by an asterisk'i

Unexpended balances June 30, 1933 Expenditures in 1934 (see p 6) Amount cerned 1& surf&lils

fund (see p. 7& Unexpended b, &l, Riess June 30, 1934

Ei, c. ll 5 eal f( I'

&v! I&el&

P t)1'Oi)I'I- 1l&)fl a 'ls&

I ii O (1 l' A';a, il ah le

Reserve for impounded

vac, incy sav- ings (see p. 8)

On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing


Appropriations Warrants-issued


Checks-issued basis

Act June 20, 1874 impounded

I vacancy sav- I ings (se6 p. 8)


On books of the Treasury lml&nun&le&i

Reserve for vaca

To credit of disbursing


TBUST FUNDS — ('ontinued

DlsTRIGT os' col 0. )lal 'I — (. 'Ontitlucd

Street and road improve men&;))id repair PJ34 i

1933 1932 1929 1928 1927

(iertifie&l claims

$318, 567. 98 14 529 29

$9, 734. 81 $40 943. 21 $305, 000. 00

20. 50

$302, 285. 52

304, 248. 46 821. 75 255. 75 20. 50 25. 00 20. 50

607, 074. 98

$292, 110. 83 345, 191. 67

821. 75 255. 75

SO. 50 25. 00 20. 50

637, 843. 50

$13, 707. 54

25. 00

$5, 117. &Jf $9, 734. 81 $2, 714. 48 $10, 174. 69

9, 201. 58

255. 75 20. 50

Salaries, highvrays depart. ulent Streets Widening of Constitution Avenue

N)y Widening of B Street NW Small parks

1932 1923

1933 1931-32


5, 39(. 46

54, 781. 04 60. 00

1. 02

4, 085. 45 I(& ef ) sf 2. 42

5, 085. J&5

60. 00 60. 00

5, 397. 46

32, 868. 62

1. . 02

4, 085. 45

ftel&, iir and mainten;ines of hrl(l'"es 1933 1931 — 32

15), 322. 51

15, 114. 12

08, 'k 33 2, 620. 71 1'2, 914. 29

5(i2. 97 15, 535. 00

5G2. 97 14 551 15 1, 080. 03 ', 983. 33 1, 328. 19

Repair of New York Avenue Ill i&lac 116&i-32

Reconstruction of vi;)duct (» bridge, Monroe Sfreot NE No year


Benning Bridge ovor An, icostia River No year Calvert Street Bridge Connecticut Avenue Br idee over Klingle

Valley No year

Subway, vicinity of (lbs. ! nn& Street No year

Repair and mainten, Die& of I& h;lrree 1934 1933

'1331 — 33

. 04

50 266 4(i

169, 392. 94

5, 920. 54

69, 435. 84

406 43

1, 03&J. 63

9, 961. 17

2, 381. 19

787. F)2

1, 073. 98

148, 500. 00

6, 000. 00

13, 477. 26

180, 281. 40

7, 572. 69

18, 643. 04

5, 000. 00 334. 41

1, 039. 53

1G, 097, 97

151, 165. 07 8 50

19, 406. 30

4, iif. &J7

1, 408. 39 1, 039. 53

136. 12 166. 14 I

13li. 16

22. 10

50, 255. 46 L'37, 4 (5. 42

2, 206. 55

5, 920. 54 60, 656. G4

63. 92

39, 077. 5O

24. 2&

235. 03

Demolition of public couvenieli&c sl ation

no. 4 Maintenance, pnblic c&)&l) science sta-


i '&. 'j3

1934 i', 133


2, 535. 07,

146. 05 5 104. 69

777. 63

12, 500. 00

6, 373. 94

12, 415 99 f27. 47

7, 212. 80

1 1, 878. 61 G50. 1G

5) 104. 69

2, o35. 07

84. Ol

2(3. 52 537. 38

12, 288. 52 12, 528. 77

Sewers 1934 1933

1932-33 1932

1933 — 32

500, 260. 19 10, 971. 30 5, 931. 34

777. 16

1, 579. 99 42, &391. 86 529. 95

70, &, 000. 00 704, 670. 22 378, 585. 88

10, 036. 84

680, 804. 19 423, !77. 74

10, 5G6. 79 5, 931. 34

777. 1G

32, 123. 45 1, 579. !IO

329. 78 30&J, 549 BG

&J34. Afi

23, 866. (IS

1, 093. 292. 94 1, 112, 84S. 72

NATIQNAL INDUsTRIAL HEcovERY, Dfsi; rict of Columbia, sewer construction 1933-35 n 1, 7o9, 500. 00 260, 000. 00 *190, 720. 56 I 4nO 5OO OO I &!I, 279. 44

3alaries, sewer department . 3ewage-dispose) system .

1932 1933 1932

521. 47

49, 729. 92 59. 83

I 4;3!3 20 4S, 395. 53 36, 314. 67

521. 47

59. 83 1, 3?4. 39 7 &67. &I&

Mosquito control 1933 1932

6, 995. 76

4, 974. 64 5, 'I". 5. 64

ir 643. 55

48, 395. 53

4, 869. 61

36, 314. 67

3GG. 03 5 GIB. 19

363. 38 11, 491. 99

Mosquito control, public parks 1&232

Mosquito control, Public Health Service in District of Columbia. 1933


2, 854. 57

084. 53 643. 55

1, 163. 91 Ir 645. o6

4, 869. 6'1

I, 16$. 26

366. 03


'2, 854. 5/

n 44. 48 2, 192. 27

Collection and disposal of refuse 1934 1933 1932 1930

275, 099. 27

23, 25o. 18 3, 801. 25 62, 761. 78

1, 295, 000. 00

3. 44

I, 168. 26

1, 294, 315. 95 71, 988. 84

72. 07

. 65

1, 178, 313. S, i

134, 75&0. 62 72. 07 23, 183. 11

1, 544. 12 3, 801. 25 684. 05

201 5(&6 31

3. 44


11G, 002. 10

1, 366, 376. 86 1, 313, 136. 54

Pl;! ygrounds 1934 3933 In32

Coustruction, incinerators for refuse No year Sites and construction, incinerators for

refuse 1930-33

5, 000. 00

2, 825. 92

1, 260. 97 236. 00

3, 116. BO ~

2, ioo. 18

5, , 324. 90

» 1G2, 417. 67

6& 116. 80

1, 900. 1S

lfi2, 417. 67 ?Io7. 66 166. GO

200. 00

155, 494. 51

4, 867. 24

166 50 I 094 47 1& 877. 1G 236. 00

8, 110. BO

1, 900. IB

1, 406. 42



6, 923. Ii

162, 126. 51 160, 528. 25

Electrical 'iepari. n&ent 1934 1933 1932

1931-32 1931 1929 1919

140, 047. 18 23, 750. 13

2, G40. 84

7, 825 00

'I 984, 365. 58

9G, 453, &36 '-' 96, 000. 00 963, 409. 60 71, 145. 21

39. 98

161. 62

16 OO

SO5, 52S. OO

16:, 843. 62 39. 98

161. 88

lo. OO

23, 710, 15 2, f)40. 84

131. 32

15. 00

2, CISO. Gsi 8, 825. 00 20, !&55i. 98 40, 23'2. 31

67, !iso. ( i

" 244. 7(

1, 034, ". IS 47 I, 0&&3, 2(36. 27

St»&Is of p, &wcr neo&is 1932 1931-32

. 28

5, 904. 07

I I I' I ii i I I:il 'I IlcI'. » 'I'r


. (i rrr&i I o "Arli no!&in f&f cinori&II l3riilge" under indepen lent oiiices, act Feb. 2(3, » Ail&! Ii &I frnin "No!i&in il l&i&lu. (ri il fiecoi rrv";ilipropriat oii, !or comnlcte staieineu! i I lie t»rni &I (rorii s irne oliir i t un&!&r 1'uiili& llcaltli Service. See note 23. » He!uriiril Io. ;irn&i &il Iec(, iin&lrr Di. Iric( oi ('&&lninliia. See note 22.

193!, (lii Stat. 1387). Iif whicli see p. 428.

. 28 5, 904. 07

ii ('re Iit item, ii fnclu&les 52, 457. CI, , iniiefiniie aiiPropriai ion, act Mar, 28, 3933 ii incluiles rJI()5. 58, indel, ni!e appropriation, act Mar. 28, 193l (I

from 1&J33 iiccount, act June IG, I!I!33 (48 Stat. 282). Transferror! to 1933 account. Sce note ofi.

IS Slii(. Gi"', sec SIi'li 1)"I, sl'C. 2

. 2 (c) !i!le II!. (o) !ilk I I I, i&i&I $ Oi(n Ir iiisfi rn i

Receipts and expenditures, 8fr, 198~& — Continued

(Debit transfer appropriations (net) and repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures are printed in ifahc. Emergency expenditures are indicated by an asterisk*]

Unexpended balances June 30, 1933 Expenditures in 1934 (see p. 6) Amount carried to surplus

fund (see p. 7) Unexpended balances June 30, 1934

Fiscal year for vrhich

appIoprl- ation was

made A v a i fable

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)

On hooks of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing


Appropriations Warrants-issued

basis Checks-issued

basis Act June 20,


Impounded salary and

vacancy sav- ings

Reserve for impounded

vacancv sav- ings (see p. 8)


On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing


TRUST FUIODS — Continued

DIBTRIcT oF coLUMBIA — continued

Public schools 1934-35 1934

1933-35 1933-34

1933 1932-33

1932 1931-33 1931-32

1931 1929-30 1926-27


$53, 840. 00 42, 491. 00

201, 742. 41

21, 000. 00 227, 869. 23

22, 012. 44

24& 180. 84

$98, 624. 18

f10, 000. 00

9, 004. 44

327, 642. 11

1, 596. 88

37. 39

$100, 000. 00 11 8, 169, 488. 12

n 6, 888. . 00

1. 44 38. 78 3. 60

$100, 000. 00 8, 114, 786. 89

20, 029, 4fi

29, 463. 44

118, 897, 8r ~ 1, 097. 18

88. 07

6, 105. 13 29. 94

888. 00

$361. 94

8, 044, 775. 36&

20, 021. 92

36, 704. 95 i

203, 541. '&

2, 694. Ofi

'&8, Oir

(I 142 52

?9. 94

$227, 897. 30

24, 150. 90

?28. 00

$128, 741. 20 $100, 114. 35

$54, 701. 23 '

33 810 54 i

6, 145. 56 '

1)ul, SIIS. 31

19, 902. 82

15, 907. 31

1. 44 38. &8

3. 60

$99, 638. 06

70, 011. 53

10, 007. 54

1, 762. 93 57 5, 803.

8, 152, 958. 70 8, 314, 015. 89

Teachers' retirement appropriated fund 1934 1933 1932

Fduc:)f. ion of deaf, dumb, and blind . 1934 1933 1%2

483. 77

8, 211. 58

1, 000. 00

3, 423. 84

If 255, 000. 00 I' 6, 880. 98

» 283. 77

48, 000. 00

250, 153. 75

3, 820. I)8

?46, 93'2. 83

48, 000. 00

8, 000. 00

5)fi, 000. 00

247, 170. 65)

202. 92

247, 373. 57

39& 125. 00

8, 000. 00

47, 125. 00

1, 000. 00

II 538, 42

4 846. ?r

750. 00

2, 983. 10


8, 875. 00

Buildings an&i grounds, public schools No year 1%3


1, 214, 003. 36 2, 378. 02

27, 462. 94

47, 048. 23

32, 360. 87

n 567, 150. 00 638, 815. 02

31& seo. 87 681, 433. 34

1, 000. 00 27, 462. 94

158. 18 1, 142, 180. 16 33, 738. 89

104, 429. 91

607, 464 lf) 582, 433. 34

lfuproven)ent of grounds, public schooLs 1933 1931-32

709. 86 1, 591. 78

1, 5&IS. 39 1, 591. 78

1, 239. 42

689, 66 988. 83

School building an&i playground sites No year 1933 1930

123, 127. 69 75, 000. 00

24, 993. 07

7. 20

79, 251. 05

79, 251. Of&

90, 63'2. 7fi

90, 632. 75

43, 876. 64

75, 000. 00 7. 20

13, 611, 37&

Metronr&l(t«n Po!ice 1934 1933 1932

26, 653. 55 65, 612. 39

42, 638. 70 45, 537. 16 6, 000. 00

)t 2, 965, oaa. 85 2, 965, Gae. as i

9, 958. 0 ( 5, 966. BS

2, 949, 865. 01

6, ]97. ]B

2, 926, st&n 77 36, 279. 15

36. 17

2, 961, 829. 09

71, 576. 22 3!i, 315. '


38, tno. 47 I, Oil. 52 I

39 5 3. &&a

To maintain puh]ic order . 1933 Po]ice&nen and firemen's ro]ief fund " No year Fire department . 1934

1933 1932 1917

20, 967. 31 35, 250. 38

4, 279. 92

3, 197. 18

78, 036. 90

66. 50 n I, 968, 149. 06 I, 967, 790. 01

t)6, 849. 79

6. 00

I, 944, 934. 22

1, 951, 804. 76 i. 55, 187. 11 I

6. 00

2, 006, 985. 87 ~

35, 250. 38 6. 00

27, 011. 01 4, 279. 92

3, 197. 18 66. 50

35&&J. 05 16, 80(3. 09

Ir& ijh' )

Buildings, fire department No year 64, 217. 53 19, 70:3. 13 ]8, 769. 64 933. 49 ' 82, 9h7. 17

Health department

Child welfare and hygiene service

1934 1933 1932

1934 1933 1932

I, 8(2. 60

8, 416, 41

]05. 00 705. 14

5, 555. 25

I, 200. 01

23, 507, 94

2, 39!3. CB

)&& 318, 246. 48

» 44, 871. 81

312, 429. 6] ]6, 59]. I)f

300, 038. 23

44, 871. 81 996. $5

2. 99

3]3, 743. 25

11, 116, 53

324, 859. 78

42, 874. 87

1, 601. IS 2. 99

8, 416. 41

700. 15

4, 008. 34

I, 051. 93

5, 555. 25

I, 180. 00

5, 816, 84 10, 255. 67

55 53

I ) 1, 3]3. t't

I, 996. !)4

Garfield i]capital, isolating ward 1934 1933 3, 375). 00

32, 500. 00 S49. 75

43, 882. 35

33 500 00 4, 224. 75

37, 724. 75

44, 479. 04

31, 358. 85

4, 224. 75

35, 5&83. GO

2, It]. 15 M CJ

Providence Hospital, isolating ward Conris Juvenile court.

1932 PJ23 1934 1933 1932 ]929

2, 320. 00 12. 00

605. 53

I, 020. 86 2, 791. 92

)" 55, 065. 38 55, 047. 00

6, 240, 0I

4, 50

53, 907. 37 551. 91

2, 320. 00

I, 020. 86 4. 5&0

750. 82 80. 00

]2. 00 I h. 3)'

2, 014 72 I, ]30 ns 2

52, 802 49 54, 454. 78

htuiii&!i!&el court 1934 1933 1932 1930 1928

2, 7S3. 87 257. 94

5. 66 2, 257. 15

'"" 72, 312, 45

28. 00

71. 874. 41

667. 74

71, 107. 85 I, 989. 41

257. 94 5. 33

'i. 60

28. 00

766. . 'i(

71, (i01. 34 73 0(JI. 93

] & &i& &'i' «' lit& I 1934 1933 1932

19, 326. 99 7, 801. 60

202. 48 I 377. 59

9 115, 871. 00

6. 75

115, 871. 00

], 7G9. 71 14. 00

l]7, (if)4 71

112, 727, 38

3, 147. 30 ]4. 00

!15, aha C)&3

], 2f&4. 28 2(rs 48 I&i, , '303 00 I

7, i!)I:35&

, 'I, l4;& (i'!

I &i liil I r &I;&i&& « &i ( r«' ii), &&i'iii. i. In& liiil&"; s&hh. , ' tr in f&'rrril froiii ]933 —:34 in »aint, nct Mar. 20, ]9!33 (48 Stat. 13), and $125, !I!I I'2, in&iefinite aPPro-

pri;it i&i&i, :ii! 5!;&r "h, I!i!I (ih ht:it. . ;&'2", src 2 (r) title Il) 'I'r:iiih(rrrr I I &

I', in! ir&, i&nt h«not& 28. &i ' IBOJi&in &r iii-fi rri &I to "'I'& arhcrh' rvtir(. . nerit, fund, (]over&)ment reserves, I). (. (tru. t fund) ",

&n I . Ii&i&&' l l, I'&2« ! I 5! i&. '&, ~ i' '

:, i 'I'r;ii&'Ivrr& I I&& '' I'& ii I&& r ' rclurrm&'nl fi&nil, (I&ovcrnmrnt, rrherves, D. (' (trust fun&i]", act Jan. ]r&, ]920

(I I St;i&, 7'. !7. ~ «7i I&'lpal C&'i&tv&', D (' "

i&&id ra&i&&&]rh

&3 &, lot&, ifs oflice, i i&n t rui t «&n . & rvirrh, I ) ( ' ", :irt June lii, I&J!I!I ( Ih St &t. 224, 23fi).

n In&In&les (!3!0%i hs&, inilrfinite approl riiition, act 51&r. Bh, I!)34 (ih htnt. '2, hvi. "(v) Ii! Iv I I )i Sce;)lso indefinitr apiiroliri:itinn, p. , '359 &) Inchnies 4032535&5&0(3, inil& (inite appropriation, act Miir 2K, I&i!II (th htni (i2'2, v&. '& (&) Ii(l& II& 'i Includes 87 017 &34, in&i&'Iinite i&pprof&rmtioi», ', ct M ir !Ih, I'&34 ( Ih ht If. 522, ho& . " (i ) I i& lo I I ), ii iii I (. h I h I I r i)&sf& i i& o

from "1]nspital for tlie Insin&, I!)II ", a&t. Iv]ar. 20, ]&233 (Is, ~rt. &&. I:I). » Inclurlrs887]. 81, iniie(initc;ilil&ropriation, nct Miir. sh, I!&3! (Ih hi, &I, f)2", si'( 2 (i'I I&II& II& &' ]i)rlu&lrs!(1, 1!)023h, in&li'linitr;&l)iiropri;i(i&)n, , '&vt M!'&r. ahl I!&!I (Ih h&, i! . . ''"', «& "(i ) (i&I& I I i

&) Invlu&l&'r $319 & 3'2, iiiilrfiiiiu' &lip&'&)pri&itimi, n&'3 M &r. "h, !933 (Ih hln(. , )' ', hc(h " (i!I I ill(& I I ), :ii&&l 512242 Iii I & i& ferreil fr&&iii "if&&hiiitnl f&&r its Inh inv, IO Ii", nrt. A]sr. 20, IO!;I (!h 8&;it. I:I)

« In& lu&le 'Pill, iinlcfinitv i&l&pronrintio», act Mar. sh, I!&34 (P! 8!nt. C&sf hC& "(v] title 11),

Receipts and ex penCkthtres, 1 t)8/I — Continued

(Debit transfer appropriations (net) and repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures are printed in italic. Emergency expenditures are indicated by an asterisk*]

Unexpended balances June 30, 1933 Expenditures in 1934 (see p. 6) Amount carried to surplus

fund (see p. 7) Unexpended balances June 30, 1934

Fiscal year for which

appropri- ation was

made Available

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)

On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing


Appropriations Warrants-issued

basis Checks-issued

basis Act June 20,


Impounded salary and

vacancy sav- ings

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)


On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing



DIsTRIGT or coLDMBIA — continued

Salaries, Supreme Court, District of Columbia . 1934

1933 1932


$398. 90 3, 159. 37

282. 54

$142. 36 858. 43

$128, 120. 00 $128, 111. 09 148. 36 858. 43

$128, 104 57

$4, 017. 80 282. 54

$540. 02 $8. 91

1. 24 $6. 52

Fees of jurors and witnesses, Supreme Court, District of Columbia 1934

1933 34, 000. 00 1, 040. 91 93, 000. 00

127, 110. 30

89, 992. 41 45. 84

128, 104. 57

89, 434. 63 1, 086. 75

3, 007. 59 33, 954. 16

Vl t3

657. 78 tn

Fees of witnesses, Supreme Court, Dis- trict of Columbia . 1932

1931 1928

8, 883. 34

12. 00 6. 00

90& 038. 25

40. 00

40. 00

90, 521. 38

40. 00

40. 00

8, 843. 34

6. 00 12. 00

Fees of jurors, Supreme Court, District of Columbia

Miscellaneous expenses, Supreme Court, District of Columbia


1934 1933 1932 1931 1930 1929 1927 1925

4, 404. 00

4, 000. 00 12, 781. 05

124. 48 29. 52

39. 48

6, 191. 24 32, 600. 00

1, 068. 34 420. 00

3, 295. 00

28, 612. 19

5, $49. 70 15. 00 $6. 00

21, 090. 23 941. 54

15. 00 85. 00

4, 404. 00

3, 987. 81 9, 249. 70

12, 766. 05 1, 093. 34

420. 00 124. 48

3& 324. 52 39. 48

7, 621, 96 IO

Pay of bailiffs, etc. , Supreme Court, Dis- trict of Columbia . 1934

1933 1932


1, 303. 22

1, 390. 45 124. 68

3, 722. 76 31, 942. 00

23, 352. 49

31, 865. 13

3, 608. 46

22, 021. 77

30, 981. 63 114. 80

1, 390. 45 124. 68

1& 277. 02 $494. 44 76. 87

3, 140. 22

Printing and binding, Supreme Court, District of Columbia 1934

1933 1932

700. 00 654. 63

6, 200. 00

28, 256. 67

5, 364. 45 488. 43

31, 095. 93

4, 758. 49 486. 46

654. 63

835, 55 1& 126 43

605. 96

4, 938. 02 4, 332. 06

Probatfon system, Supreme Court, Dis- trict of Columbia 1%4

1933 1932


12. 30 103. 64 77. 08

826. 13 &1 10 239 16 10, %9. 16

SSS. 9S 10, 210. 35

492. 21 103. 64 77. 08

300. SS 45. 34 28. Sl

9, 905. 24 10, 702. 56

Salaries and expenses, Court of Appeals, District of Columbia 1934

1933 1932

I, 081. 89 V7. 80

$447. 76 I, 331. 14 849. 79

94, 150. 00 94, 009. 60 2. 82

849. 79

93, 914. 34

I, 333. 96 947. 59

447. 76 140. 40 629. 25

95 26

93, 162. 63 95, 248. 30

Cere of Court of Appeals Building 1934 1933 1932

193. 43 90. 01

117. 69 82. 71

7, 749. 00 7, 748. 60 77. 44 89. 71

7, 707. 99 40. 25

172. &2

104. 30 46. 00 . 40

120. 57

40. 61

Court of Appeals reports 1924 71. 50 71. 50

7 588 45

71. 50

7, 748. 24

71. 50 71. 50

Repairs and improvements, Court of Appeals Building 1932

Salaries of employees, courthouse 1934

1933 1932

Suli;i& rt of convicts " 1934 1033 1932

Altcrat, ions an&1 equipment, courthouse 1932 1931 — 32

1934 1933


1. 41

'2, 161. 24

382. 84

990. 13 14. 92

248. 98 17. 67

22, 339. 68 141. 75

14. 92

3, 174. 72

2, 456. 52

30, 750. 00

4, 000. 00

45, 000. 00

29, 977. 93 1». 99

29, 963. 01

3, 900. 00 223. 43

4, 123. 43

44 568 24

12, 388. 85

29, 973. S9 I

29, 973. 89

3, 5&SS. 03 '

3, 3%. 15

6, 98fi. IS

43, ()47. 04

14, 845. 37 '

l. 41

382. 84 I

990. 13 14. 92 i. .

17. 6"

907. 74

97. 4o

322. 87

7 207 945. 55

2. 55 25. 55&

I!, 31.

9, 950. 8, 'I

141. 75

M (71 e4

311. 97

0 C'

%3 20

56, 957. 09 5&n, 492. 41

Writs of lun&i«. 1934 1933 1932 1%1 1%0

l. 50 101. S9 20. 63

393. 04

358. 19,

7, 957. 00

1, %1. 83 225 00

240. 00

7, 952 03 1, 933. 33

170. 69

7 357 91 399. 5 7

187. 50

4. 97


2(i 6, !I

Shi 00

5«i I, 026. Sti

9, 714. fii

8(&lnric. . h Iio;ird &if I'uhlic Welf, re. I!&. '34

I!&. I:&


1, 0(l . 09 143. OS

453. 50 5, 080. 78

'i 97, 791. 00 97, 793. 00 1, SOD 56

96, 5S9. 64

97, 690. 91

3, Si9. 42

101, 570. 33

143 (&8

I 3&is 30 45, '3. 50 all. 35 ,


100. 0'. )

'i In& lii I& i 8"&!I I in inileO&iiiic, ihtir&iiiri, &!ion, :«( ah r. Ss, I&JS I ( I» Stnt. %1, scc. 2 (el, title Ill 'I'»i . I iiniliu;it i in i, I, ir cl& i' lie&i&le&i fiii 'Ii& «»I &if the &circ nn&l &nsto&ly nt I)is(Dc( &. f ( olumhin convi(ts

&n I c I& r:i! Iiri. &iii-', nit& li &»n&iui&l~ tieing &leis&sit& I &ii !lie 'I rensury ns n&isccll&ineous rc(c&I&ts, 1)cpa&'I(bent of Justice,

"R&imhursemcnt for &min(en in«. of l)i. tri& I of ('olumhi & in«& itcs in I'& il& r il I in« il;m&1 corr«' t ion &I i«. t &(&it i&in, " uuder nc( uf Alir. 2!i, !9"n (I' st;it:34ii see Ii. Gl.

&i Inclu&ies $1 i&JI, in&le initc npiir&ilirini ion, &ict I I ir. 2s, I&JSI tin St it. 52'i, sc«. 'i (e), title Il).

Receipts and expenditures, 1f)8$ — Contiituntf

[Debit transfer appropriations (net) and reps& ruents to appropriations in excess of expenditures are printed in italic. Emergency expenditures are indicated by an asterisk']

l. 'uexpended balances June 30, 1933 Expenditures in 1934 (see p. 6) Amo/unt carried to surplus fund (see p. 7)

Unexpended balances June 30, 1934

Fir eel year for whi/h

A I/I/r//I/ll" l/Iln// il as

n A/ie A. vailablc

lteserve for in! pounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)

On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursiug


Appropriations Warrants-!ssued

basis Checks-issued

basis Act June 20,


Impounded salary and

vacancy sav- ings

Reserve for impouuded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)


On books of the Treasury

To credit nf disbursing


TRUST FUNDS — Continued

DlsTRIGT or coLUMBIA — corltinued

Division of child welfare 1934 1933 1932

$30, 732. 70

3, 406. 46 $4, 660. 56

$253, 500. 00 $249, 073. 57

19, 484. 61

f222, 739. 35 24, 145. 17 $170. 58

$4, 426. 43

11, 077. 51

3, 406. 46

$26, 334. 22

268, 558. 18 246, SS4. 52

Home care for dependent children 1934 1933 1932

Jail. 1934 1933 1932

Receptiou and detention of children. 1934 1933 1932

6, 108. 36 801. 02

$851. 68

4, 473, 45

11, 011. 87

2, 923. 43

$726. 5G

I, 920. 83

6, 886. 03

2, 365. 77

I 2, G35. 94

171, 152. 00

34, 000. 00

ll 142, 649. 28

160, 338. 22 788. &7

159, 605. 25

33, 871. 79

1, 888. 75

32, 539. 04

142, 649. 28

8, 485. 48

151, 134. 76

140, 426. 45

6, 153. 06

152, 579. 51

30, 984. 53

1, 033. 02

32, 017. 55

132, 435. 07 5, 849. 54

138, 2S4. 61

$801. 02

4, 473. 45

2, 923. 43

164. 04

292. 58

952. 06

$726. 56

2, 737. 50

10, 813. 78

6, 677. 29

128. 21

1, S91. S5

757. GG

13, 911. 77


2, 887. 26


10, 214. 21

Support of prisoners Workhouse and reformatory

1930 1934 1933 1932

41, 767. 66 92, 183. 65

0, 532. 46 280. 46

71. 82 " 669, 509. 00

ll 54 ggg gg

659, G09. 00

22, 418. 73 622, 771. 05

22, 690. 79

38, 183. 65 4, 437. 61 8, 018. 82

1. 82

9, 900. 00

16, 424. 96

co 36, 837. 95

8. 40

682, 027. 73 645, 461. 84

Sulldings, workhouse No year

XfuHdings, reformatory No year

JJufldings, workhouse snd reformatory No year 1933-34 1931-32

. 90 24. 61

44, 438. 33 88, 000. 00 19, 142. 90

13, 579. 42

1, 585. 38

ll 96, 800. 00 140, 657. 45

88, 000. 00

6, 860. 00

139, 576. ()6

79, 486. 26

6, 860. 00 12, 282. 90

580. 88

. 90 24. 61

14, 660. 21 10, 099. ]2

235, 517. 45 225 9o2 92

:Land for workhouse snd reformatory. 1932 I

Working-capital fund, workhouse and reformatory . . . 1934

1933 1932

44. 99

12, 695. 42

23, 836. 32 450. 22 19, 854. 32

35, 000. 00 20, 284. 34 622. 27

20, 906. 61

38. 99

2, 027. 24

20, 476 59

22, 503. 63

23, 836. 32 583. 43 450. 22

14, 715. 66 11 489 /2

18, 257. 10

National Training Schon[ for Boys, con- tract (r 1934

1933 1932

3, 000. 00 4, 509. 16 65, 000. 00 5, 936, 72

1, 186. 71

27, 000. 00 3, 000. 00

27, 000. 00 7, 509. 16 !

38, 000. 00 5, 936. 72

1, 186. 71

Ti ational Training School for Girls 1934 1933 1932

2, 119. 19 I, 194. 11

350. 00 3, 763. 94 58, 500. 00

30, 000. 00

58, 401. 00 238. 32

34, 509. 16

53, 118. 82

4, 002. 26 1. 194. 11

559. 45 447 50

99. 00 1, 223. 92

5, 282. 18

58, 639. 32 57, 121. 08

l[ILedlcal charities 1934 1933 1932 1931

12& 750. 00 423. 00

2, 982. 30

6, 072. 84 133, 000. 00

8, 512. 00 133, 000. 00 16, 062. 00

81. 272. 12

13, 62". 84 5, 200. 00 423. 00

2 982. 30

51, ?27. 88

8, 512. 00

Maintenance, etc. , Columbia Hospital for Women 1934

1933 1932

182. 87 362. 64

3, 834. 27 5, 000. 00

149, 06'2. 00

4, 800. 00 887. 08

94, 894. 96

3, 098. 07

3, 507. 25 3C)'2. 64

75. ?4 124. 26

509. 89 1, 791. 93

Free&lrnen's Hospital 1934 1933

1932-33 1932,

1931-32 I

10, 874. 77 146. 98

7, 406. 47

137. 94

382. 52

104. 51

& I, 796. 58 10. 00

138, 065. 00

» 8, 702. 08 » 68. 87

4, 472. 98

128, 180. 32

3, 309. 47

lo. 00 2. 30

131, 482. 09

6, 515. 32

110, 884. 34

1, 51'2. 89,

2. 30

112 399. 53

3, 80». (i0

Gg 97 I

7, 959. 00

I, 676. 03

1 288. 00 639. 69 '

637. (iB

5, 632. 10 156. 98

17 295 98 v»

Gall[»ger Munlc[pa! Hospital 1934 1933 1932

12, 319. /0 '

3, 234. 28 446. 50

» 501, 685. 26

26, 196. 69

486, 411. 81 2, 066. 17

176. 53

472, 063. 37 31, 775 38

176. 53 3. 057. , 5

5, 292. 12, 5, 407. 31 15 273. 45

. 6(i

488, 654. 51 504, 015. 28

No year

(Vo year


Buildings, ( h&[[incor Municipal llos- pital

s(rur(v»' home, (), tll!n "rr hlunicipal Hos-

p[I. &l

F»rn»&tre nnd "I»i i)ment, nurses' home, (I. &[linger Af »»ic&[rat llosp&tal

248, 925). 17

478. 50

614. 45

50, 956. 58 4(i, »05. 91

614. 45)

l(Ji, (Ji'». C&9

4?S. 50

4, Inn. Gi

Tul ervulu i I i»spit, &l 193! 1933 1932

10, i& I. C)i

I, Ssi. 87 23. 33 ' 126. 88

» I!2, 500. 00 135, 500. 00

6, 948. 13 91. 77

136, 062. 83 6, 82!. 25

9[. 77 I, ?UC). 10 I, '82. &'7 2'3. 33

7, UUU. UU

'-, (i. )U. &)i

142, 539. 90 I I'r 975 8 )

& I)& I»& I )I & ((). «[»(i & I(. 'I '. . . indcf')n&t(;&pi&r»pri &ti(»), a(t 5[& r ". " I!)'i! (!4 Stat, f)22 sec. 2 (e[, title HT and $10125 transferred

fr»«& "I I» i, &)l &» I ' " !n:;&n(» I!)I»'', ;& I 61» '

U, I!)2& (!s 8»». [3) I» I» I('. ' ')2")» '&')n. f. rr(' I fru» "ll» list . 1[ )r &t&(, Ins»&v, I!)[I", &'&ct 1VIsr. 20, 1933 (488(at. 13), and 57609, [ndeC&-

itv;&I)nr [ «»»»». , '&'I 5[ )r. 2», I!&'! I (I» B»t. , ')', sv(' " (v), t»I( II'. I( & r( I i ) "I!»&Id&» ', n»rkl»»& c and rvf»r»» t»ry, D &'. ", &&ct T»ne I/5 1933 (48 Stat, 244!.

I»( I» I) -, & U»U & r»&. fvrr('6 fr»n& "!york['»&n (' »nd re[i»m )&»ry, Ih C. BJ3')" 'I I i, )&I)i r»pr»t i&»& is v) 9& ndv I I &r tl&c c»rc»& 6 m»»tvn &nvv ( f inmates» I&» hnve l)cvn committed to this scl»&ol

I)) &r» I »f ('()I»»&i»'), '»('l), »»u»»I ' I)('»»' dvp»s&tv I &n I!&v 'I're&as»ry;)an» ((ll)ne»u re&v&pts, Deport- &&( f» ~ & i( v, " ltv&r»b&&r & &»( nt fur m&&int('n &n(" »f I )&-tr» I »f & 'ul»&nl&i)) in&n&)tvs in Fvd(rul I»&ml anil (orrcc! i»nal

I&& t& I&»&t»») ''', »»6)'r &&('I »f . '&I)r 2!5 I»2» (I I SI &I. Jl I. I'u& ))I'[&&'upr&&&&ion for the maintenance of tl&is school under tho

I/I I, » t»&v»&, » Ju. &»'(» sec II '&&I

'& Tr&nsfcrrv(i to «Frv;lmvn's IT»'pi»&l", »n&'I) & I!)& Dv;»&tnmnt of tl&c Interior, if & ci)res&»[s I »iic I BI &I& s sl)»& of the un(s;)end(d i nh&nvc, , vt )I»r. &, I'. )&I (&(, 81st. [5(i[.

» Inclu/Ivs s&92»&5 2&i, u&dc&in»e &lu &»prie! ion, ;&ct 5[ )r. 2», IU!It (Is Bt )t. 5 ", sev. 2 (& ), I &II(' I II, ;»& I 3!U(i Ir») ~ f('r& v I from "Hospital f»r the In» u&v, !%[, I), I' ", :&(t 5T&r '0, I!»I [ (Is 8» i. [3)

Ii Includes $DUUU tran. fmrc I fr»u& "Huspi&ul fur t!&c Ins»n(, I!) I!", nct Alnr. 20, [933 (!8 st &I I &I

Receipts and expenditures, 1M Jf — Continued (Debit transfer appropriations (net) and repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures are printed in italic. Enierrtlicy expenditures are indicated by an aisterisi'*]

I'nexpcnded balances June 30, 1933 Expenditures in 1934 (see p. 6) Amount carried to surplus

fund (see p. 7) Qtncxpended balances June 30, 1934

Fiscal year for vrhich

appropri- ation Lvas

made Available

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)

On liooks of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing


Appropriations Warrants-issued

basis Checks issued

basis Act June 20,


On l&ooks of the Zreasur)


Impounded Reserve ior vacancy sav- impounded

iii vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)

To credit of disbursing


TRVST FVIGDS — Continued

ntsratcr os connature — continued

Buildings, Children's Tuberculosis Sana- torium No year

Children's Tuberculosis Sanatorium 1934 1931-32

$76, 777. 35

1, 420. 00

$46, 193. 79

$25, 000. 00

$36, 586. 89

7, 000. 00

$82, 780. 68

(I, 403. 82

$1, 420. 00

$40, 190. 4ii

18, 000. 00 $596. 18

7, 000. 00 6, 403. 82

Furnishings and equipment, Children' s Tuberculosis Sanatoriuin 1934

DLstrict Training School 1934 1933 1932

1931-32 1931 1929

Buildings, District Training School No year

Site and buildings, District Training School Vo year

Industrial liorne School . . 1934 1933 1932

14, 451. 52

21, 247. 24

8, 644. 67

. 33

25, 000. 00

3, 674. 03

5, 859. 71

1, 731. 48

$, 1, 849. 45

647. 01

8, 963. 44

5( 144. 87

318. 51

45, 000. 00

» 160, 530. 00

» 49, OOO. OO

26, 000. 00

160, 530. 00 5, 046. 15

227. 94

i. 19

165, 802. 90

950. 48

49, 000. 00 2, 045 72

751. 46

143, 159. 20

14, 009. 59 227. 94


157, 395. 54

G, Oosx 35

44, 393. 56

2, 364. 23

21, 019. 30 8, 644. 67

1. 19

1, 731. 48

$3, 375. 93

395. 70

$2, 301. 85

647. 01

19, 000. 00

5, 577. 04

24, 049. 52 (

3, 674. 03

3, 418. 29

25, 248. 54 UJ

17, 370. 80





4, 606. 44

51, 045. 72 4G, 757. 79

Industrial Home School for Colored Chil- dren 1934

1933 1932

10, 455. 47

1, 694. OG

301 59 ' 219. 49

ii 58, 278. 00 58, 278. 00

5, 092. 11 54, JGi. 29

4, 872. 62

1, 694. OG

956. 22 4, 381. 59 327. 14 3, 510. (1

63, 370. 11 59, 639. 91

Buildings, Industrial Home School for

Colored Children . No year 21. 74 8, 164. 61 8, 1(i4. 61 557. 13

Home for Aged and Infirm. . 1934 1933 159. 93 1932 7, 531. 04

3. 50 5, 458. 81

» 121, 960. 00 121, 960. 00

3( 597. 74 12. 56

119, 374. 82

119, 739. 54

2, 861. 07 12. 56

122, 613. 17

7, 518. 48 2, 738. 31 3. 50 19. 36

2( 220. 46

Bufldings, Home for Aged and Infirm No year 1, 579. 49 1, hry. 49 362. 26 1, 217. 283

Municipal lodging house . . 1934 1933 1932

611. 26 464. 18

444. 27

&5 7, 092. 50 6, 148. 96 547. 08

28. 10

5, 735. 21 197. 19 28. 10 436. 08

55. 50

943 54 Bng 84

413. 75

5, 960. 50

Temporary home for former soldiers and sailors 1934

1933 1932

1, 680. 34 209. 93

436. 50 13, 621. 16 13, 615. 10

1, 210. 4(i

13, 035. 17

1, 646. 96 209. 93

72. 76

f. 06 ;I', )7, I 2

579. 93

14, 825. 5(i ~

14, 682 13

97ar veterans' service office 1934 1933 1932 542. 00 l

266. 70 5, 100. 00 4, 881. 41

266. 70 4, 881. 41

542. 00 191. 70 i

'I J. 59 75. 00

4, 614. 71 4, 881. 41

Columbia Polytechnic Institute 1934 1933 250. 00

3, 000. 00 3, 000. 00 3, 000. 00 '2. 0 t'9)

3, 000. 00 3, 000. 00

FI»cence Crittenton Home

Hospital for the Insaue


1934 1 933 1 93 2

1 93 I

45(i. 84

118. 78 tiui 98

155, 032. 03

6, 000. 00

&& 1, 744, 323. 02 1, 735, 477. 68

8, 5f5. ll 809. le


1, 673, 148. 75 I; I, 516. 92

809. 1$ . 70

6, 000. 00 i 6, 000. 00

h t . i . :) I ;), ! & & I I & . i

4', OO


(I'), 3 &. h !&. 3

I, 731, 552. 75 I, 824, 355. 85

Jhh)tin»el I. ii&rary f«r the Blind 1934 1933 1, 250. 00

5), 000. 00 3, 750. 00 1, 250. 00

3, 750. 00 1, 250. 00

I, '& 0 PP

5, 000. 00 5, 000. 00

Km: r. en: y relief nf res& h»&i ) O!34

1933-34 1033 351, 15

111, 555. 32

5, 372. 55

1, 300, 000. 00 1, 277, 888. 70

8, 847. 80

6, 860. 26

1, 271, 012. 98 10, 70«. 02

$69. 5)

22, I I I 'H)

, '3, his. ;in

(i, 171. II II hi& v

I, 268, 221. 14 I, 378, 2!«4!&

i»»)t. &cI i& ital»'I Bnctvtv I!»31

1933 1932

600. 00 402. 75

BS&i. 02 10, 000. 00 9, 030. 00

85. 09 8, !J(ih 77

800. 00 i

4»2. 75

!&70 n»

n'&i n'&

8, 944. 98 9, Oh 77

ltelief nf Ihe pnnr I'. «34

1933 1932 I', &:30


;, ii, OO

118. 35 82'Z. 25

«17, 050. 00 16, 028. 70 217. 12 12, 75

15, 317. Oii

1, Ot)! &, 37 12. 75

O'J. 50 I, I)2 I

IO'& ih

It). « i(i

&& lni l&«li' 5 «&, i&& i '»&i&i &i&i i i ri &&inn. ;ic& al;&r "h. I»33 i I Bt;&t r&22, «vc '2 (e&, title II), I&« I&& I& - I i&&H& tr . » ' rri I t. »& "I to) it &I fr&r tl i li&, &»i, I!& )i", ait 31&r. 2(&. )))JI ( th ht &t. I&)j. I»i'9&'»' . i &0, »& h &»» i' f&t &'

I »' &t«»&, ;«'t hl u' . '"&, I!J&I ( ih Bt )t. , i22, sec. ' (v), title Il &

li«h) ii, i«r&, »& « i», i &)I; &«i)ri &t «&n, :« t hl &r. "h, 1')ll I th ht it. 52, hei 2 (v'&, title II). ;)r«l 5!)Jo tr&nsferr(d frnr» ' iln;&i»il for &I&i' I»- »&h I«&&'' . && I al»r "(i, I!&i) & th Bt, «,

&( Ini I» 9 i i'&2; », &r«lvlu»t&' «i&i »l&r»'&»), &)ct 5!&r Oh, l!&Hl (ih ht )t. . "-", sci 2 iv') t&(lc Iij. » in&I» li ' h)2) I&, in&h tir&&tv . &I I» «I r&»&i&», ;)it 3!&r ". h, I'& it ( th st &t. : "', . ec. 2 ie) t&tlt II!

&(xf»'' t»»r&'s»» I '& th&s 'iio» ~ l&r&, &t«»&, »'i. ' »&'&'li' fo&' Ihi' i&ill«&i'I nf »«h"i'r&t in", »&e nf thc D)strict of ('& lumhi &,

hoch:«»o»»& ) i i» i ri &I&i& I l&y rcl» i' co(i ri» ii, &ir»&t. (o, &i&i)ri I)r&nt«&n fnr "ht I'. he&)I&et)). Il«sl&i(al, 193 I", uuder & iri »i&nt o! I ii) I iii& r&nr «. i I& )7&)& ci, i i& l&(&irv«;)re &ilhn») iilv fnr thc &let&crt )tin&i of nn&iresi lent &r)s me persons.

I(i, 258. 57 in, 'in!i IB

f&ll&«&» I&ti I» I&«& i[ i &, i»»)l, &,

h I »I I, "I ' t. i I, ill:«I&l

, (HH& i&(I ' ', t ). ( & ( &( i

i H &

i & HH» H)

I», I'"& (H&


f&, «I&l. h I

, 'IH&. &H&

20, I!&I. I( Ih . » i la)

I& Bsclusive of 3 l, i &I. !&h tr &nsfv& re&i, ;« I . il:&r. 20, I!&Sl ( th 8(» t, )3), tn t l&i

account t«

fs hcc»t I vc of live I u»&i'&i), &l ««»i'I

1'ul&l«crnl)lnvment seri &vv.

Tul&crcnln is l&osl&it:&I. l(clief of the l«&or ( iallincer m&mii il«&l lin t)it » 1

iyorkhouse «nd rvfnrnn&torl 1;iil luduslri, &l l«une school lfo»1th &icp, )rtment. llnrne for tl&e »He&i an&i irifirni

II Incluiies $2, 0ip tranhfcrre&i frnni "Ilnsl&it, il fnr the In:»iv, I!i:II ", :« t %1. »

Receipts and esJrenChfuresr 198$ — Continued

[J-Iebit transfer appropriations (net) and repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures are printed in italic. Emergenoy expenditures are indicated by an asterislr*]

Unexpended balances June 30, 1933 Expenditures in 1934 (see p 6) Amount carried to surplus fund (see p. 7)

Unexpended balances June 30, 1934

Fiscal year for which

appropri- ation was

made Available

Reserve for im pounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. 8)

On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing


Appropriations Warrants-issued

basis Checks rssued

basis Act June 20,


Impounded salary and

vacancy sav- ings

Reserve for irrrpounded

vacancy sav- in s (see p. 8)

A. vailable

On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing


TRUST FUNDS — Continued

Dlsrarcx orr coLUMBIA — continued

Jlurial of indigent soldiers 1934 1933 1932

$225. 00 225. 00

$360. 00 $135. 00 $135. 00

$225. 00

$225. 00 225. 00

135. 00

Transportation of indigent persons . 1934 1933 1932

2, 750. 00 20. 27

$780. 92 5, 000. 00 4, 078. 50

288. SI

3, 790. 29

3, 327. 10 492. 71

3, 819. 81

20. 27

921. 50

3, 038. 21 $751. 40



Vocational rehabilitation



1934 1933 1932 1931

4, 523. 31 115. 17

$45. 00

15, 000. 00

32, 000. 00

15, 000. 00

30, 875. 33 2, 861. 45

646. 66 60. 88

15, 000. 00

30, 875. 33 2, 861. 45

s46. 66 60. 88

460. 82 60. 88

$940. 72 $45. 00 1, 124. 67

721. 14

Reclamation of Anacostia River Flats No year 131, 166. 76 7, 639. 39

33, 330. 25

44, 700. 00

33, 330. 25

44, 895. 74 1, 333. 57 85, 133. 19 7, 443. 65

Salaries, public parks 'I

general expenses, public parks

1934 1933 1932

1934 1933

1932-33 1932


10, 740. 40

3, 173. 35

61, 509. 50

1, 000. 00

4, 264. 03

1, 614. 90

25, 856. 95 4, 375. 35

35, 289. 44

5, 164. 07 1, 020. 15

3, 085, 18

rr 35, 668. 70

M 21, 278. 37

23, 508. 63

4, slR 60

18, 895. 73

21, 278. 37 48, 100. 55

903. 83

1, 020. 16 488. 88

23, 508. 63 887. 66

23, 271. 08

20, 991. 39 83, 389. 99 6, 067. 90

2, 596. 30

3, 173. 35

5, 284. 18

2, 103. 78

14, 029. 23

9, 144. 19 I

2o, 856. 95 12, 060. 07

1, 324. 07

4, 264. 76 96. 17

286. 98

cer era

Salaries, park police. 1934 1933 1932

5, 865. 96

1, 425. 93 894. 03 3, 394. 80

«12, 512 15

68, 778. 72

12, 512. 15 8, 614. 46

113, 045. 58

12, 512. 15 80. 37

1, 425. 93 6, 681. 82 894. 03 2, 498. 57

Uniforms and equipment, park police 1934 1933 1932

561. 74 872. 38

2, 064. 93 161. 94

n 60. 01

9, 197. 72

60. 01 383. 46

. 161. 64

12, 592. 52

60. 01 2, 448. 39

1, 034. 32 178. 28

281. 53 2, 508. 40

Salaries and expenses, National Capital Park and Planning Commission


1934 1933 1932

95S. 23 330. 70

48. 00 1, 192. 22 31, 000. 00 31, 000. 00

880. 96 16. 80

28, 196. 16 311. 26

16. 80 313. 90 1, 717. 11. 48. 00

2, 803. 84

30, 135. 84 28, 524. 22

National Capital Park andgP)eaning Commission

National Capital Park and Planning Commission, reimbursement to United States by District of Columbia

No year


National Zoological Park 1934 1933 1932

1931 — 32

9, 871. 55

8, 183. 52 47. 65 15. 19

10, 924. 02

4, 749. 20

4, 003. 73

1, 000, 000. 00

s& 179, 451. 03

8, 668. IS

1, 000, 000. 00

174, 227. 88 2, 462. 90

221. 07

1, 000, 000. 00

169, 518. 95 6, 466. 63

47. 65 15. 19

5, 476. 90 11, 144. 03

13, 399. 68

5, 223. 15 23. 71

4, 708, 93

&Building for birds, National Zoological Park No year

Building for reptiles, etc. , National Zoological Park No year

Plans, building for small mammals, Na- tional Zoological Park 1931-32

Judgments No year

52. 30

1, 862. 75

S, 492. 68 1& 191. 28 110. 95 1'2, 691. 56

176, 690. 78

12, 691. 56

175, 985. 58

10, 233. 57 3& 492. 68

52. 30

I, 86'Z. 75

I, 191. 28 '2, 5&sk 94

Refund of assessments

Settlement of claims and suits Relief of Ada B. (Gould) Gollan Increasing water supply Working fund, District of Columbia Working fund, District of Columbia,

emergency relief

1934-35 1933-34

No year No year No year No year

No year

3, 112. 23

7, 000. 00

130, 854. 28

13, 478. 61

7, 164. 65

47, 585. 32

7, 164. 65 I 60. /jl

7& 034. 24

47, 585. 32 676. Jl f 38. 67

1 9, 031 . 6'9

120, 729. 57

120, 729. 57

19, 234. 95 675. JI f38. 67

Sf, 939. 37

576. 41

130. 41

3, 112. 23

7, 138. f&7

19, 031. 50

7, 164. Iis

9, n9& &«I


il, S2S. 98

!2, 907. 78 P)

Permanent and indefinite: Extension, etc. , of streets and ave-

nues 1934 1933 1932 1931 1930 1928

296. 14 15, 020. 39 41, 848. 15

6, 668. 00 182. 25 297. 81

15. 00

11, 367. 84 41, 848. 15 6, 668, 00

11, 367. 84 42, 144. 29

6, 668. 00

3, 6(i2. 55

Isa 25 297. 8 I I. S. &XI

59, 883. 99 60, 180. 13

Police&nen and firemen's relief fund 1934 1933 1932

&u 854, 596. 49 s& 76, 628. 62

&& 148. 33

854, 596. 49

76, 628. 62 148. 33

854, 596. 49

76, 628. 62 148. 33

931, 373. 44 931, 373. 44

si See also appropriat irma for " OIIice of Public Buildings and Public Parks of the National Capital", under "Depart, - ment of the In! crier", p. If&4

6& F xclii&lvc r&I 82&»!, 4!'ll 30 tr&insferrc&1 !. o "Salaries and expenses, Ofp&ce of National Parks, Buildings, and Reserve. I jons, I!&!)4" & Inter)nri, iior!cr vera. 2;inrl 20 of Kxc«u& ive Order No. Slf&6 of June 10, 1933.

rs& I'. xr'lux&vs of 83& I, is!, I'c! '!rilns&circ&i Io "Salaries and expenses, Oflice of National parks, Buildings, and Reserva- tions, I!&!II" (In!cririr), i&orfrr secs. 2;in&i 2&&of I'. xecu&ive Order No. 6166 of June lo, 1933.

r& ICX& li&SIVe Of 8!32, 487 &&5»r inxferre&l &n "SalarieS and eXPenSeS, Off)Ce Of Naticnal Parka, BuildingS, aml ReaerVa- Iions, I 034" ( In! crier), und& r sr'm 2, in&I 20 of Executive Order No. 616fi of June 10, 1933.

x& Exclusive of 38 939 99 transferred to "Salaries and expenses. Oflice of N i& iii&eil I'&&rt&, I&&i i i&lings, an&i II cscrv itii&ns 1934" (Interior), under secs. 2 and 20 of Executive Order No. 6166 of June I I&, I!&:I!I. «Exclusive of 8548. 97 transferred to "Salaries and expenses, &division of &lisle&r&enicn&, &!&II" ('I'r&asiiry) i&n&lcr Executive Orders Nos. 6166 and 6224 of June 10 and July 28, 1933, &r Account stated under "Federal Emergency Relief Adminisira! ion, " p. I I I. &6 Transferred from "policemen and fireme's relief fund, l)is!ri&I of «'&1»n&l&i:&" (Iuixt f»n&l), ;&vl, l»n& '!I, I'&I'&

(47 Stat. 364).

Receipts attd ezpenditures, 1M$ — Continued

IDebit transfer appropriations (net) and repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures are printed in italic. Emergency expenditures sre indicated by sn asterisk*]

Unexpended balances June 30, 1933 Exponditures in 1934 (see p. 6) Amount carried to surplus fund (see p. 7)

Unexpended balances June 30 1934

Fiscal year for which

appropri- ation was

made Available

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (sce p. 8)

On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing


Appropriations Warrants-issued

basis Checks-issued

basis Act June 20,


Impounded salary and

vacancy sav- ings

Reserve for impounded

vacancy sav- ings (see p. S)


On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing


TRVST FVNDS — Continued

DISTRIOT oy coLUMBIA — continued

Permanent and indefinite — Continued. Refunding taxes Special accounts:

Escheated estates relief fund Industrial Homo School fund

No year

No year No year

$107. 62

20. 16

$112, 263. 98

2, 730. 06 2. 73

$112, 263. 98

576. 41 5. 98

$112i 263. 98

576. 41 5. 98

$2, 311. 27

16. 91

New site snd buildings, Indus- trial Home School

1VIilitia fund from Ques C asoli ne tax road and street fund Gasoline tax road and street


No year No year No year

1934 1933

1931-32 1929-30

Calvert street bridge, gasoline tax fund No year

Payments to tenants excess rentals recovered by Rent Commission No year

Water fund No year Rooster pumping plant, Dale-

carlis Reservoir No year

7, 915. 75 121. 78

994, 816. 59

2, 958. 09 918, 406. 51

$89, 005. 73

4r 780 76

w 137, 112. 22

Iii 1 552, 607. 22 » 508, 227. 46

» 56k 60 Irr 10. OD

» 75, 000. 00

» 387, 373. 21

» 120, 145. 00

1, 552, 607. 22

502, 975. 36 205. 00 10. 00

2, 055, 797. 58

75, 000. 00

120, 145. 00

1, 512, 576. 48

591, 9S1. 09 205. 00 10. 00

2, 104, 772. 57

36, 536. 44

92, 241. 18

$5, 252. 10 356. 6D

7, 915. 75 121. 78

1, 131, 928. 81

2, 958. 09 1, 305, 779. 72

$40, 030. 74




38, 463. 56

32, 684. 58

'Washington Aqueduct 1934 1933 1932

$4, 401. 67 41, 426. 80

» 388, 5SO. 53 » 16, 026. 72

II 57

388, 58D. 53

6, 566. 15 . 67

382, 934. 43

47, 992. 95 . 57

9, 340. 57 $4, 521. Ij7

5, 646. 10

Water department 1934 1933-34

1933 1932

1931-32 1931

10, 254. 00 10, 000. 00

140, 949. 46

Ii 826, 434. 90 Ii 104, 249. 94 » 4 b 489. 55

» 11. 76 It 3, 909. 80

» 7. 75

395, 147. 25

826, 434, 90 104, 249. 94 50, 144. 43

]1. 76

8, 909. 80 7. 7b

876, 634. 62

430, 927. 95

743, 129. 61 109, 389. 91 90, 805. 03

11. 76

3, 909. 30 7. 7b

939, 418. 76

8, 594. SS 10, 314. OD

83, 305. 29

4, 860. 08

Mains, water department No year

Refunding water rents, ete No year Reservoir, Fort Stanton Park,

mater fund . No year

24, 484. 91 1, 219. 89

» 139, 647. 71 » 2, 780. 97

» 4, 401, 27

138, 976. 50 2, 780. 97

4, 401. 27

159, 079. 72

3, 412. 21

4, 401. 27

671. 21 4, 381. 69 588. 65

'Trust accounts: Inmates i funds, workhouse and

reformatory IVI iscelfaneous trust-fund depos-

its Outstanding liabilities Per&nit fund Policemen's and firemen's relief

fund Redemption of assessinent cer-

tificates Redemption of tax-lien certif-

icate Relief and rehabilitation, Dis-

trist of Columbia workmen' s compensation act

Sanitary fund Surplus fund Unclaimed condemnation awards

Rock Cieel- and Potomac Pari-way Commission

Teachers' retirement fund de- ductions»

Teachers' retirement fund, Gov- ernment reserves

IVsshington redemption fund Washington special-tax fund

Special-deposit accounts

No year

No year No year No year

No year

No year

No year

No year No year No year

No year

No year

No year No year No year

6, 670. 17

498, 719. 33 7, 745. 74

10, 956. 73

46, 235. 44

I, 167. 65

3, 039. 07

12, 632. 79 36. 17

996. 05

294. 00

61, 114. 82

23, 802. 35 29, 398. 68 11, 554. 94

4, 476. 91

203, 174. 82

I, 831. 99

722. 05

I, 842. 48

4, 006. 30

4, 674. 05

43, 283. 20

616, 750. 38

20, 792. 47

4& 35 660. 30

4, 861. 94

88. 00

447, 822. 39

» 212, 006. 29 195, 838. 55

40, 000. 00

792, 603. 07 353. 53

25, 000. 00

11, 474. 30

450, 102. 68

215, 849. 71 213, 907. 39

44, 476. 91

914, 655. 37 353. 53

19, 480. 27

10, 947. 85

440, 653. 34

215, 849. 71

194, 769. 37

o8, 168. 46

9, 953. 37

322, 866. 64

8 099 Zi

6, 749. 20

20, 575. 14

I, 167. 65

3, 039, 07

6, 020. 43 36. 17

I, 084. 05

58, 834. 53

19, 958. 93 11, 329. 34 11, 554. 94

81, 122. 52

7, 351. 72

I, 248. 50

11, 291. 82

23, 144. 32

102, 842. 51 fg)

Total, District of Coluiubia

Deduct United States share: Governmeut contribution Regular divided accounts National Industrial Recovery

Total Uiiiteil States share

9, 542, 982. 23

104, 602. 05

104, 602. 05

285, 803. 81

243. 52

243. 52

14, 996. 08 5, 700, 000. 00

10, 661. 48 I, 759, 500. 00

14, 996. 08 7, 448, 878. 52

2, 255, 279. 85 )i 36, 567, 536. 34 36, 327, 824. 54

5, 700, 000. 00 2, 738. 49

260, 000. 00

5, 962, 738. 49

36, 865, 251. 43

5, 700, 000. 00 324. 53

v190, 720. 56

5. 891& 045. 09

$795, 337. 24

15& 192. 33

15, 192. 33

355, 025. 25

838. 01

838. 01

296, 611. 31

319. 84

319. 84

8, 621, 524. 04

75, 135. 42

I, 499, 500. 00

I, 574, 635. 42

I, 717, 852. 96 M

O 17, 410. 04

69, 279. 44

0 8G, G89. 48 t

District of Colu &nb;n sh:ire 9, 438, 380. 18 285, 560. 29 2, 240, 283. 77 29, 118, 657. 82 30, 365, 086. 05 30, 974, 206. 34 780, 144. 91 354, 187. 24 296, 291. 47 7, 046, 888. 62 I, 631, 163, 48

w This nccnuni. ives credited with $2, 273, 518. 50 receipts into the fund (see p. 78), and charged with $2, 061, 406. 28 transferred Lo "Gasoline tax road snd si, reel improvements, District of Columbia", fiscal years 1929-30, 1931-32, 1933 and 1934, anil $75, 000 to "Calvert Street bridge, gasoline lax fund", per note 70.

&o Transferred from "Gasoline tax road and strcct fund, District of Cohunbin. " See note 69. 'i This account was credited with $1, 944, 245. 48 receipts into the fund (see p. 78), and with $45, 407. 10 returned

(see note 72) froin appropriations as follows: Water &lel»ir&ineui, Din&riot of I olumbia:

Fiscnl ynnr 1933 $41, 489. 55 Fiscal ) cnr 193) 7, 75

The account (wster fund, District of Coluinbia) is charged witli $1, 602, 279. 37 transferrecl (see note 72) to appropri- at ious as follow s

I)conte& p»mping plant, 1)nlecarlia Ilcscrvoir, District, of Columbia (no year) $120, 145. 00 W;&shin&st&&n X&iue&iiict, District of Coh)n)his:

Fin&nil year I')34 388, 580. 53 Fisc, &l year 1933 16, 026. 72 I'i. cnl yciir 1932 . 57

Iy;&tcr &Icii. &r&u&cn&, District of Columbia: Fiscal year p)32 11. 76 I'isc;il year 1934 82G, 434. 90 Fin&:ii yenr I OX&-34 104, 249. 94

Reservoir, I'&&cc i&&in&on Park, water fund, District of Columbia (no year) . 4, 401, 2&

f&I&)inn, iinter &leper&inca&. , District of Columbia (no year) 139, 647. 71 Refuinlin ~ w, iter rents, clc. , l)istrict of Columbia (no year) 2, 780. 97

» Transferred froin "Water fund, District of Coluinbia. " See note 71. » Returned to "Water fund, District of Columbia. " See note 7). &' ThLn accouut was credited with $905, 713. 14 receipts into the fund. including $708. 0i4. 31 from the gener:&I fund

of the District of Columbia (see p. 78). The account is charged with 5&J3137344 irnniferrcil to;ippropri itious as followi: Policemen nnd firemen's relief fund, District of Columbia:

Fiscal year 1922 $1-Ii' Fiscal year 1933 , 6, &&Zi. OZ Fiscal yenr 1934 i"

I 5&JO IO » For statement and analysis of this account, see p. 441. n) This account wss credited with $6i5 301 Go receipts into the fund (see p. 78), nnd with $1. 18 &

0'I 69 transfer&cd (sce notes 30 snd ~I, p. 351), under act Jnn. 15, 1920, as amende&i (44 Stat. 728, sec. 7), froin accounts ns folloivs: Teachers' retirement appropriated fuud, District of Columbia:

Fiscal year 1932 f li:&. 77 Fiscal year 1933 8& "&0, 92

» Exclusive of $138 065 for "Freedmen's Ifospitnl, 1934", chargeable against Ihc I'oiled 5& i&i n, iiiil xinlc&l »n&li r "Department of the Interior, " p. 176 being 50 percent of appropriation for this object in l)ep»rc n co& of & ho I nl em&c, 3& i, Feb. 17, 1933 (47 Stat. 857).


Recapitulation of general, special, and trust accounts, by organization un&'ts

[Debit transfer appropriations (net) snd repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures are printed in italic)

Unexpended balances, June 30, 1933 Expenditures in 1934 (see p. 6)

Amount carried to surplus fund (see p. 7) Unexpended balances, June 30, 1934

On books of the Treasury I On books of the Treasury


Reserve for impounded

vacancy savings

(see p. 8)

To nedit of disbursing


Appropriations Warrants-issued

basis Checks-issued

basis Act June 20,


Impounded salary and

vacancy savings

Reserve for impounded

vacancy savings

(see p. 8)


To credit of disbursing



Legislative Executive OIffce Independent offices Department of Agriculture Department of Commerce Department of the Interior Department of Justice, including Judicial Department of Labor Navy Department Post Oflice Department (payable from general

fund of the Treasury, see p. 253) Department of State Treasury Departmeut War Department Panama Canal, maintenance and operation District of Columbia (United States share) Interest on the public debt Sinking fund Public-debt expenditures chargeable against ordi-

nary receipts (see p. 409)

$5, 199, 251. 72

177, 744. 44

479, 784, 817. 92

19, 081, 471, 22

27, 060, 507. 08 24, 278, 690. 08

7, 391, 247. 79 1, 393, 913. 21

88, 462, 213. 69

54, 205. 64

4, 771, 692. 40

136, 125, 711. 25

168, 244, 666. 49

7, 317, 572. 60 104, 602. 05

$8, 353. 60 4, 258, 437. 15

720, 431. 02 284, 68* 47 637, 7o4. 29 907& 575. 60 30, 115. 14

509, 422 13

126, 432. 92

1, 593, 516. 93

1, 048, 030. 78

251, 373. 52 243. 52

5, 384. 31

354. 94

969, 454, 046. 83 10, 376, 381. 07

$1, 868, 735. 66

3, 369. 35 21, 584, 227. 91

1, 211, 823. 06 23, 264, 954. 22

5, 467, 756. 31 2, 185, 739. 16

995, 399. 92 29, 718, 841. 28

679, 205. 17 18, 176, 290. 89 34, 813, 667. 32

2, 098, 188. 62 14, 996. 08

142, 083, 194. 94

$17, 762, 310. 47 423, 693. 00

720, 268, 918. 43 580, 106, 308. 33

37& 495 219 48 56& 535, 461. 10 43, 403, 289. 31 14, 330, 820. 03

313, 185, 980. 05

$17, 321, 878. 63 363, 053. 91

616, 021, 641. 94 364, 978, 222. 97 13, 011, 672. 49

50, 032, 694. 23

30, 739, 851. 19 10, 367, 754. 79

277, 259, 692. 29

$17, 710, 956. 77

355, 480. 19 608, 890, 738, 37 353, 571, 847. 42

17, 181. 800. 65

50, 287, 959. 17 31, 318, 202. 68 10, 443, 445. 93

264, 141, 535. 01

64 "64 601 40 16, 918, 933. 12

530, 885, 301. 77 354, o96, 744. 79

13, 451, 579. 57

5, 689, 378. 52 I 767, 236&568. 73

438, 841, 350. 68

64, 214, 442. 32 12, 101, 015. 32

231, 683, 401. 57 319, 700, 254. 64

9, 559, 294. 89

5, 702, 'IIS. 49 I 757, 236, 563. 73

359, 491, 900. 00

64, 214, 442, 32 11, 679, 120. 43

235, 387, 414. 92 313, 289, 153. 17

8, 847, 257. 97 5, 700, 324. 53

I 75L 236, 563, 73 359, 491, 900. 00

1, 255, 831. 46 373, 192. 90 373, 192. 90

3, 966, 642, 285 74 3, 140, 159, 261 30 3, 110, 121, 336. 16

$752, 857. 73

37, 665. 41 11, 866, 672. 64

5, 466, 817. 66 1, 885, 056. 04

2, 628, 205. 77

2, 051, 911. 03 387, 016. 13

12, 828& 804. 14

395. 34

1, 550, 501. 72

7, 104, 968, 66

5, 446, 329. 23

180, 113. 00

15, 192. 33

62, 202, 506. 83

$742, 740. 68 8, 665. 90

1, 435, 2'7G. 42

3, 205, 516. 53 2, 165, 367. 27

1, 879, 734. 15 1, 298, 387. 06

697, 474. 91 22, 599, 544. 22

$8, 353. 60 4, 448, 006. 21

1, 777, 892. 77 2, 342, 310. 77

1, 438, 548. 25

1, 422, 478. 85 973, 022. 12

1, 709, 517. 43

$4, 134, 090. 15 192, 052 22

670, 540, 576. 29 224, 479, 760. 64

45, 436, 004. 46 25& 472, 733. 07 16, 189, 484. 57

3, 329, 580. 93 87, 760, 057. 79

692, 246. 73 7, 673, 862. 29

21, 734, 361. 12 1, 299, 095. 49

838. 01

256, 216, 72

4, 224, 965. 54

1, 863, 867. 40 518, 110. 97

319. 84

103, 969. 38 7& 217, 077. 95

417, 917, 381. 89 175 144 629 67

9, 4G3, 911. 34 75, 135. 42

79, 354, 834. QQ

882, 993, 50

65, 433, 110. 78 20, 983, 610. 47 1, 667, 694, 224. 26

$1, 479, 652. 51 10, 943, 07

28, 715, 131. 48 12, 618, 198. 61 19, 094, 826. 06

5& 212& 491 37 1, 607, 387. 67

919, 708. 78 42, 836, 998. 56

1, 101, 100. 06 14, 472, 277. 54 41, 2 24, 768. 79

2, 810& 225, 54 17, 410. 04


Legislative Independent offices Department of Agriculture Department of Commerce Department of the Interior Department of Justice Department of Labor Navy Department Post Offfce Department Department of State Treasury Department War Department Panama Canal, maintenance and operaticn District of Columbia (United States share)

2, 788, 630, 822. 13 614, 495, 674. 86

18, 199, 686. 96

238, 000, 000. 00

250, 000, 000. 00

19, 184. 75

3, 444. 24

968, 262. 21 6, 169, 708. 11

60, 330. 38

2, 800, 000. 00

1, 489, 757, 881, 30 619, 874, 38S. 62

14, 954, 800. 00 202, 875, 821. 58

785, 512. 00 2, 258, 980. 00

39& 098, 924. 00

7, 600. 00

4, 761, 000. 00 184, 749, 788. 00 344, 535, 473. 34

1, 000, 000. 00 1, 759, 500. 00

126, 275. 01 1, 822, 180, 518. 14

336, 410, 593. 11 6, 21 7, 893. 45

49, 973, 731. 82 244, 974. 04

2, 163, 162. 99 41, 967, 786. 26

6, 198. 00 S59& o44 11

222, 452& 936. 26 129, 320, 327. 96

900, 000. 00 260, 000. IN

124, 589. 67 1, 689, 001, 689. 86

271, 725, 250. 04

5, 292, 648. 08 43, 186, 815. 96

214, 981. 95 1, 930, 012. 93

36, 784, 053. 85

6, 198. 00 808, 585. 93

221, 282& 702. 02 111, 118, 657. 74

808, 522. 12 190, 720. 00

328, 017. 84 I 18, 983. 86 363, 180. 18 45, 204. 85

64, 914. 33 3, 444. 24

2, 673, 724. 99 2, 456, 227, 169. 15

897, 242, 152. 24 8, 736, 906. 55

171, 036, 862. 39 546; 637. 96 95, 817. 01

236, 131, 132 74

1, 402. 00 3, 901, 755. 89

212, 296& 852. 74 215& 215, 145. 38

100, 000. 00 1, 499, 500. 00

172, 121, 12P. PS ee&

1, 685. 34 134, 147, 090. 49 69, 855, 051. 18

925, 24o. 37 6, 847, 246. 24

29, 992. 09 233, 150. 06

5, 183, 732. 41

50& 658. 18 1, 170, 233. 24

18& 201, 670. 22

91, 477. 88 69, 279. 44

3, 909, 326, 083. 94 22, 628. 99 6, 198, 300. 70 2, 909, 219, 668. 84 2, 613, 083, 640. 15 ' 2, 382, 475, 428. 71 328, 017. 84 409, 110. 65 48 649 09 4 204 698 964 04 236, 806, 512. 14

Total general, special, and emergency aocounts 4, 878, 780, 130. 77 10, 399, 010. 06 148, 281, 495. 64 6, S75, 861, 954. 58 5, 753, 242, 901. 45 5, 492, 596, 764. 87 52, 530, 524. 67 65, 842, 221. 43 21, 032, 259. 56 5, 872, 393, 188. 3P 408, 927, 632 22


gs&gfslative Independent offices Department of Agricnlture Department of Commerce Department of the Interior Department of Justice, including Judicial Department of Labor

avy Department ost Ofllce Department (payable from general fund of the Treasury, see p. 253) epartment of State

Treasury Department Qar Department

District of Columbia (exclusive of I, nited States share)

73, 985. 93 6, 356, 597. 54

707, 535. 43 398. 71

14, 213, 176. 28 150, 874. 03 87, 316. 69

15, 942, 086. 53

12, 803. 00 391, 444. 13

9, 215, 640. 11 7, 169, 980. 39

54, 321, 838. 77

9, 438, 380. 18

18, 565. 86 4, 423, 147. 26

479, 302. 92 110, 497. 32

2, 912, 532. 15 90, 204. 50

597& 296. 09

451, 037. 02

9, 891, 557. S6 307, 479. 99

19& 281, 620. 97

285, 560. 29 2, 240, 283. 77

105, 606. 41 116, 943, 998. 60

I, 621, 978. 84 983. 10

5, 074, 225. 37 691, 605. 25

9, 232. 69 138, 339. 78

272, 352. 76

5, 48S. 98

3, 056, 765. 65

127, 920, 577. 43

29, 118, 657. 82

107, 982. 17 116, 926, 818. 15

1, 257, 679. 00 4, 881. I

5, 375, 989. 57 682, 633. 43

1, 233. 00 159, 198. 02

51. 00 260, 820. 39 14S, 101. 11

3, 125, 544. 48

114, 408. 06 1 16& 742& 295 79

4, 145& 193. 66 66, 677. 41

1& 216, 923. 63 494, 593. 28 476, 460. 64 159, 198. 02

51. 00 54, 760. 59

1, 172, 450. 18 2, 651& 067. 64

30, 365, 086. 05 30, 974, 206. 34

127, 747, 966. 79 117, 900, 416. 89

780, 144. 91

4, 042. 75 359. 23 43. 05

212. 27

4, 657. 30

354, 187. 24 296, 291. 47

71, iilo. 17

6, 373, 777. 99 1. 067, 792. 52

5, 903. B&J

13, 911, 369. 03 159, 845. 85 95, 316. 38

15, 921, 228. 29

12, 752. 00 402, 976. 50

9, 366, 230. 20

7, 100, 989. 29

54, 489, 792. 11

7, 046, 888. 62

1'2, 139. 97 4, 607, 669. 62 5, 882, 175. 27

189, 293. 42

7, 071, 598. 09 278, 244. 65

1, 074, 989. G3

G57, 09G. 82

8, 574, 006. 57 781, 956. 83

29& 129& 170 87

I, G31, 163. 48

Total trust aad contributed accouats

Total on basis of warrants and checks issued. Chargeable against increment on gold: Exchange

stabilization fund Adjustment of warrant expenditures to basis of

actual cash expenditures from general fund: Add disbursing ofFicers' credits, etc. , at begin-

ning of fiscal year .

63, 760, 218. 95

4, 942, 540, 349. 72

285, 560. 29 21, 521, 904, 74

10, 684, 570. 35 169, 803, 400. 38

157, 039, 235. 25

7 032 901& 189 83

2, 000, 000, 000. 00

158, 113, 052. 84 148, 874, 623. 23 780, 144. 91

2, 000, 000, 000. 00 2, 000, 000, 000. 00

169, 803, 400. 38

5& 911& 355 954 29 5& 641& 471& 3SB 10 53& 310 669 58

358, 844. 54

66& 201, 065. 97

296, 291. 47

21, 328, 551. 03

61, 536, 680. 73

5, 933, 929, 869. 03

30, 760, 334. 35

439, 687, 966. 57

Total Deduct disbursing officers' credits, etc. , at

close of fiscal year

Total expen&litures on basis of checks issued Decrease in outstanding disbursing ofliozrs' checks

and Treasury warrants 3, 549, 836. 26 3, 549, 836. 26

8, 081, 159, 354. 67

439, 687, 96G. 57

7, 641, 471, 388. 10 7, 641, 471, 388. 10

Total Reconstruction Fiiiance Corporation

7, 645, 021, 224. 36 7, 645, 021, 224. 36 4 1, 624, 633, 298. 10

Total, iii&luiling public-debt retirements chargeable against ordinary receipts on basis of daily Treasury statements, re- vised

Pui&lic-&leht principal payable from permanent in- definite appropriations S, 708, 648, 497. 16

7, 645, 021, 224. 36 9, 269, 654, 522. 46

8, 708, 648, 497. 16 8, 708, G48, 497. 16

Total on basis of daily Treasury statements (revis«1&, e»eluding Postal Service pay- able froui postal revenues. 17, 978, 303, 019. 62

r&&srxI. Sxnvica

Kxi&en&liiures i&&r Postal . 'or»ice from postal reve- nues 4 586, 733, 165. 80

Toi:il e» pca hi arcs, including Postal Service i»iyshle froin postal revenues 18, 565, 036, 185. 42

I The &lili& r& nvv. 1&c«& eon iiie u:iexi&vn!led iml:inces by organization units and totals ia this column, aad those sh&&wa in i(i& I!is& rvi&ori are &iue &o Ihe &rnnsfer of activities between departments and organization units, as iadicated hy fooiao&v» iii il&v fiirv& &&inc &iv&»iis.

4 lnciu&lvs 32&i, 1&ii, 10 i&rviniiiin on the public debt. 4 &'refit item.

4 Hxclusive of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation, shown below. I Represents net payments from credii, established on account of the purchase iiy & iiv Svvrciary of tla& 'I'rv&isury

of the oMigations of tne Reconstruction I'inance Corporation under sec. 9 of i he Rv&s&as& rni & i&in I'in in& c &'i&ri&oil&i i&&ii Act. See p. 397.

4 For total postal expenditures, see p. 421.

RECAPITULATION OF EXPENDITURES, BALANCES, ETC [Debit transfer appropriations (net) and repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures sre printed in italic]

Unexpended balances, June 30, 1933 Expenditures in 1934 (see p. 6)

Amount carried to surplus fund (see p. 7)

Unexpended balances, June 30, 1934


Reserve for impounded

vacancy savings

(see p. 8)

On books of the Treasury t

To credit of disbursing



Warrants-issued basis

Checks-issued basis

Act June 20, 1874

Impounded salary snd

vacancy savings

On books of the Treasury

Reserve for impounded

vacancy savings

(see p. 8)


To credit of disbursing



(Details on pp. 88 to 99)

United States Senate: No year (continuous) 1934 1933 Prior years

Total . House of Representatives:

No year (continuous) 1934 1933 Prior years


Legislative, miscellaneous: 1934 1933 Prior years

Total Contributed accounts


Architect of the Capitol: No year (continuous) 1934 1933 Prior years.


$242, 284. 69 118, 927. 36

361, 212. 05

11, 000. 00

64, 729. 77

78, 758. 82

154, 488. 59

3, 454. 29

3, 000. 00

6, 454. 29 412. 91

6, 867. 20

1, 796, 606. 38

177, 716. 42

604, 977. 32

2, 479, 300. 12

$42, 841. 71 16, 126. 9S

58, 968. 69

577, 432. 68 39. 61

577, 472. 29

12, 746. 39

12, 746. 39

12, 746. 39

640, 025. 34

157, 114. 83

69, 563. 09

866, 703. 26

$22, 000. 00

3, 382, 723. 50

14, 305. 35

3, 419, 028. 85

186, 109. 94 7, 620, 741. 50

7. 20

7, 806, 858. 64

4, 000. 00

4, 000. 00

194, 067. 15

4, 808, 790. 83

5, 002& 857. 98

$3, 058, 821. 05

60, 666. 06 16, 636. Sf

3, 002, 662. 69

195, 109. 94

7, 323, 373. 46

40& ps. ss 66. 06

7, 477, 955. 54

9, 616. Sg

3, 000. 00

6, 416. Sg

6, 4!6. Sg

740, 043. 65 1, 418, 725. 57

71, 433. 88

17, 675. 67

2, 212, 630. 43

$3, 002, 890. 32

6, 010. 6/j

593. 67

2, 999, 473 45

64, 609. 94 6& 669, 092, 01

493, 670. 84 16. 43

7, 227, 357. 37

3, 330. 00 2, 500. 00

5, 830, 00

5, 830. 00

1, 275, 940. 66

1, 334, 234. 47 223, 069. 68

51, 990. 42

2, 886, 235. 23

$9, 000. 00 134, 460. 67

143, 460. 67

78, 821. 05

78, 821. 05

53, 982. 12

451, 748. 52

505, 730. 64

$126, 349. 35

126, 349. 35

9, 732, 85

9, 732. 85

7, 241. 27

65, 084. 38 14& 390. 48

235. 35

86, 951. 48

$22, 000. 00 323, 902. 45 161, 865. 74

507, 768. 19

2, 000. 00 297, 368. 04

95, 469. 75

394, 837. 79

4, 000. 00 12, 870. 68

16, 870. 68 412. 91

17, 283. 59

1, 189, 406. 49 3, 324, 980. 88

91, 892. 06 70, 566. 12

4, 676, 845. 55

$55, 930. 73

6, 227. 20

62, 157. 93

130, 500. 00 654, 281. 45 43, 289. 01

828, 070. 46

soo. oo (e)

500. 00

soo. oo

104, 128. 33 84, 491. 10 5, 479. 03

194, 098. 46

Botanic Oarden: 1934 1933 Prior years


10, 619. 87 482. 75

11, 102. 62

1, 962. 59

1, 962. 59

] 13, 725. 00

113, 725. 00

104, 887. 60 SOS. 61

104, 585. 29

103, 085. 54

1, 660. 28

104, 745. 82

482. 75

482. 75

4, 070. 01 1, 225, 18

5, 295. 19

4, 767. 39 9, 697. 00

14, 4B4. 39

1, 802. 06

1, 802. 06

Library of Congress: No year (continuous) 1934 1933

1, 315. 41

114, 18B. 70

1, 361. 41

49, 501. 53

800. 00 2, 101, 661. 62

68. 6S

2, 000. 00 1, 887, 960. 88

78, 717. 47

2, 563. 09 1, 853, 784. 07

126, 463. 63 74, 651. 72 20, 482. 21

115. 41 139, 048. 92 14. 930. 50

798. 32 34, 176. 81

1, 756, 47

Prior years Special deposit accounts

26, 915. 99 9, 845. 96 66, 411. 51

9, 386. 71 13, 147. 66 s, I40. 06

7, 529. 28 6, 085. 01 69, 551. 57

Trust accounts Contributed accounts

142, 418. 10 20, 000. 00 53, 573. 02

127, 120. 41 2, 102, 405. 00 I, 978, 065. 06

18, 565. 86 105& 606. 41 107, 98. 17

I, 992, 818. 29

114, 408. 06

7, 529. 28 95, 133. 93 164, 094. 83 20, 000. 00 51, 197. 26

112, 867. 18

12, 139. 97


Qovernment Printing Oflice: No year (continuous) 1934 1933 Prior years. Special deposit accounts.


Total, Legislative: No year (continuous) 1934 1933 Prior years Special deposit accounts

215, 991. 12

1, 205. 03

2, 027, 377. 42

15, 693. 50

2, 044, 275. 95

1, 810, 126. 82

2, 640, 369. 16 748, 755. 74

145, 686. 27

104, 532. 16 9, 924. 37

109, 305. 49

223, 762. 02

641, 386. 75

946, 131. 89 105, 500. 01 175, 717. 00

2& 208, 011. 41

2, 603, 435. 00 500, 000. 00

2, 103, 435. 00

402, 977. 09 20, 635, 077. 35

$85, 751. I7 7. 20

2, 086, 047. 23

2, 255, 766. 51 424, 039. 35

I, I SB. 84

2, 678, 666. 02

937, 153. 59 16& 049, 535. 07

483, 374. 12 FI, SI4. 14

2, 107, 226. 35

2, 090, 567. 04 521, 945. 87

8, 784. 53 I, Fff. 16

2, 620, 086. 28

1, 343, 113. 69

15, 053, 653. 45

1, 366, 129. 66 77, 000, 86

!&, 351. SS

7, 529. 28

16, 833. 34

16, 833. 34

53, 982. 12

9, 000. 00

689, 875. 61

95, 133. 93

223, 213. 00

196, 064. 88

419, 277. 88

7, 241. 27

367, 019. 11 368, 244. 95

235. 35

235, 292. 09

1, 205. 03 124, 455. 49 907, 273. 19

I, 032, 933. 71

1, 214, 726. 93

4& 218, 523. 17

I, 293, 998. 92 80, 666. 12

124, 507. 15

165, 199. 47

6, 625. 64

110, 616. 65

282, 341. 76

235, 426. 65

995, 881. 6&5

63, 376. 32

0, 585. 01 180, 068. 22

Trust accounts Contributed accounts

5, 199, 251. 72

20, 000. 00 53, 985. 93

5, 273, 237. 65

1, 868, 735. 65 20, 552, 310. 47 17, 448, 148. 64

18, 565. 86 105, 606. 41 107, 982. 17

1, 887, 301. 51 20, 657, 916. 88 17, 556, 130. 81

17, 835, 546. 44

114, 408. 06

17, 949, 954. 50

752, 857. 73

752, 857. 73

742, 740. 68

742, 740. 68

6, 807, 815. 14

20, 000. 00

51, 610. 17

6, 879, 425. 31

I, 481, 337. 85

12, 139. iJ7

1, 493, 477. 82


(Details on p. 99)

Executive office: No year 1934 1933 Prior years Special deposit accounts



140, 803. 60 36, 940. 84

177, 744. 44

$8, 353. 60

8, 353. 60

2, 643. 98 725. 37

3, 369. 35

50, 000. 00 373, 693. 00

423& 693. 00

246, 380. 90 117, 397. 58

764. 57

363, 053. 91

240, 066. 13

115, 464. 06 . 80

50. 80

355, 480. 19

37, 665. 41

37, 665. 41

8, 665. 90

8, 665. 90

$8, 353. 60

8, 353. 60

50, 000. 00 127, 312. 10

14, 740. 12

192, 052. 22

6, 314. 77

4, 577. 50

50. 80

10, 943. 07

(Details on pp. 100 and 129)

hlien Property Custodian: No year (continuous) general accounts Trust accounts (special deposit account) 483, 087. 64

1, 900. 00 614, 679. 66

1, 900. 00 797, 467. 30

Total 483, 087. 64 1, 900. 00 SI4, 87k 66 1, 900. 00 797, 467. 30

hmerican Battle Monuments Commission: No year (continuous) general fund 1934


hmerican National Red Cross: Prior years (geDeral accounts) Contributed accounts (continuous)

298, 106. 69

298, 106. 69

94. 80

94. 80

205, 525. 31

205, 525. 31

2, 978. 98

800. 00 54, 890 80

54, 690. 80

2, 978. 98

275, 435. 00 32, 890. 80

308, 325. 80

2, 978. 98

295, 755. 53

295, 755. 53

2, 978. 98 2, 978. 98

I, 123. 47

I, 123. 47

94. 80

94. 80

21, 348. 22

22, 000. 00

43, 348. 22

185, 204, 78

32, 890. 80

218 Oils& 58

Total. 2, 978. 98 2, 978. 98 2, 978. 98 5, 957. 96

Recapitulation of expenditures, balances, etc. — Continued

(Debit transfer appropriations (net) and repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures are printed in Ifaac]

Unexpended balances, June 30, 1933 Expenditures in 1934 (see p. 6)

Amount carried to surplus fund (see p. 7)

Unexpended balances, June 30, 1934

On book of the Treasury On books of the Treasury


Reserve for impounded

vacancy savings

(see p. 8)

To credit of disbursing


Appropriations Warrants-issued

basis Checks-issued

basis Act June 20,


Impounded salary and

vacancy ssvulgs

Reserve for impounded

vacancy savings

(see p. 8)


To credit of disbursing



Board of Mediation: 1934 1 9'1'1

Prior years


$115, 612. 11 64, 937. 05

180, 549. 16

$5, 000. 00

6, 000. 00

$10, 281. 66

10, 281. 66

$123, 950. 00

123, 950. 00

$105, 813. 08 131 891. 42

23, 058. 13

142, 762. 63

$106, 789. 34

15, 672. 95 20, 830. 38

143, 292. 67

$22, 573. 79

22, 573. 79

$4, 124. 65

4, 124. 65

$5, 000. 00

6, 000. 00

$18, 136. 92 97, 596. 04 19, 305. 13

135, 038. 09

I $976. 26

8, 500. 13 2, 227. 75

9, 751. 62

Board of Tsx Appeals: 1 934 933 1

Prior years 12, 560. 68

31, 329. 10 . 02

490, 225. 09 8, 275. 97

478, 583. 41 e, eeo. 14 3, 232. 50

466, 889. 01 5, 355. 83

3, 232. 50 28, 096. 60 6, 186. 30 . 02

11, 641. 68

9, 294. 52

h 11, 694. 40

TotaL. Trust accounts (special deposit accounts)

43, 889. 78 . 02 8, 275. 97 608. 50

490, 225. 09 478, 895. 77 475, 477. 34

5, eee. 65 28, 096. 60 6, 186. 30 . 02 20, 936. 20 11, 694. 40

3, 048. 15


Bureau of Efficiency: 1933

43, 889. 78

16, 113. 82

. 02

1, 395. 15

8, 784. 47 490, 225. 09 478, 895. 77 472, 937. 69


28, 096. 60 6, 186. 30 . 02

1, 829. 30

20, 936. 20

16, 671. 61

14, 742. 55 'tl

Chicago World's Fair Centennial Celebration: 1934 1933


365, 511. 04

366, 511. 04

123, 603. 25

123, 603. 25

175, 000. 00

175, 000. 00

246, 602. 99

246, 602. 99

349, 573. 09

349, 573. 09

3, 033. 73

3, 033. 73

1?5, 000. 00 116, 874. 32

290, 874. 32

20, 633. 15

20, 033. 15

livil Service Commission: 1934 1933 Prior years


ommodity Credit Corporation: 1934

33, 757. 07

102, 072. 89

135, 829. 96

9, 655. 11

9, 555. 11

15, 335. 32

6, 827. 08

22, 162. 40

1, 270, 420. 00

2. 36

1, 270, 422. 36

3, 000, 000. 00

1, 259' 607. 30 987. 81

e, eee. 57

1, 253, 958. 54

3, 000, 000. 00

1, 216, 906. 14 16, 323. 13

190. 51

1, 233, 419. 78

2, 573, 597. 30

108, 711. 81

108, 711. 81

17, 079. 38

17, 0?9. 38

9, 556. 11

9, 555. 11

10, 812. 70

15, 689. 88

26, 502. 58

42, 701. 16

42, 701, 16

426, 402. 70'

lectric Home and Farm Authority, Inc. : 1934 1, 000, 000. 00 1, 000, 000. 00 13, 426. 60 986, 573. 40'

mergency Conservation Work: No year (continuous), general accounts 934 1

86, 760, 822. 13 846, 932. 78 323, 362, 315. 00 285, 000, 000. 00

313, 603, 691. 73 313, 002, 240. 41 fe, oee. ee 96, 538, 429. 26 285, 000, 000, 00

1, 448, 384. 10

Total 86, 760, 822. 13 846, 982. 78 608, 362, 315. 00 313, 603, 691. 73 313, 002, 240. 41 fe, gee. ee 381, 538, 429. 26 1, 448, 384. 10'

Employees' Compensation Commission: No year (continuous) 1934

6, 000. 00 4, 166, 789. 72

1 e. es 1 s. es 8, 756, 514. 34 3, 566, 613. 35

6, 013. 33 410' 275. 38 1gg, QQQ, gg,

1933 Prior years

109, 026. 82 52, 244. 17

11, 329. 96 406, 738. 17 1, 258. 23

SO?& 738. 8l l, 188. S?

197 285 01 i

68 743 89 Saeo


53, 412, 44 11, 329. 96 248, 011. 74 1, 724. 35

Trust accounts (continuous)


. Executive Council: 1 934

161, 270. 99 7, 930 86

169, 201. 85

11, 329. 96

11, 329. 96

407, 996. 40 650. 99

408, 547. 39

4, 171, 789. 72 14, 327. 85

4, 186, 117. 57

72, 000. 00

3, 547, 603. 93 14, 067. 40

3, 561, 671. 33

31, 977. 98

3, 753, 974. 99 13, 525. 12

3, 767, 500. 11

29, 589. 27

53, 412. 44

53, 412. 44

68, 743. 89

68, 743. 89

11, 329. 96

11, 329. 96

663, 300. 45 8, 191. 31

671, 491. 76

40, 022. 02

201, 625. S4

1, 093. 27

202, 718. 61

2, 388. 71

Export-Import Banks of Washington: 1934

Farm Credit Administration: No year (continuous) 1 34 934

1933 Prior years Special deposit accounts

126, 031, 500. 97

113, 356. 03 8, 271, 258. 70

88, 811. 11

1, 589, 896. 36

20, 446. 14

1, 282, 731. 17

1, 250, 000. 00

42, 759, 801. 70 42, 299, 620. 00

1. 00 54, l80, 18l. 70

1, 250, 000. 00

145, 029, 406. 77

32, 603, 382. 2S

49, 049. 94 l?, 413, 4IO. 39

64, 775. 35

145, 928, 494. 77

30, 589, 740. 18

68, 302. 87 17, 41 3) 466. 34 8, 579, 558. l l

2, 047, 685. 22

32, 415. 28 30, 260. 94 90, 945. 24

21, 714, 210. 68

9, G96, 237. 72

31, 912. 02

1, 492, 072. 11

1, 185, 224. G6

690, 808. 36 2, 013, 642. 10

1, 193. 21 55. 96

9, 662, 289. 28

Trust accounts (special deposit accounts)


134, 416, 115. 70

134, 416, 115. 70

88, 811. 11

88, 811. 11

2, 893, 073. 67

2, 893& 073. 67

60, 899, 241. 00 160, 268, 428. 60

60, 899, 241. 00 160, 268, 428. 60

150, 793, 513. 37 5'l, 868. 48

150, 731, 654. 89

2, 080, 100. 50

2, 080, 100. 50

30, 260. 94

30, 260. 94

90, 945. 24

90, 945. 24

32, 934, 432. 53

32, 934, 432. 53

12, 367, 988. 90 61& 858. 48

12, 429, 847. 38

Federal Alcohol Control Administration: 1934

Federal Civil Works Administration: No year (continuous) 1934

500, 000. 00

2, 113. 97 775) 005& 000 00

169, 998. 13

l, 018, 659. 31

734, 477, 538. 93

142, 851. 52

l, 7'Ol, 04l. 02 719, 094, 595. 67

340, 001. 87

1, 020, 673. 28

40, 527, 461. 07

17, 146. 61

742, 481. 71 15, 382, 043. 26



Total 775, 007, 113. 97 733, 458, 979. 62 717, 333, 554. 65 41, 548, 134. 35 16, 125, 424. 97

Federal Coordinator of Transportation: No year (continuous) 402, 767. 30 402, 172. 74 401, 836. 11 594. 56 336. 63

Federal Emergency Housing Corporation: 1934 100, 000, 000. 00 2, 054, 804 50 863, 717. 16 97, 945, 195. 50 1, 191, 087. 34

Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works:

1934 97, 050. 85 ?57, 712, 205. 00 232, 492, 555. 60 161, 722, 079. 95 525, 219, 649. 40 70, SG?, 5)2u 50

Federal Emergency Relief Administration: No year (continuous) 1936 1934

200, 000, 000. 00 1, 539, 71 0, 000. 00

128, 677. 14

383 336 000. 00

23L $48. 88

344, 931, 037. 38

128, 677. 14

200, 000, 000. 00 1, 156, 375, 000. 00

102, 571. G&J

38, 403, 962. 62)

Total. 1, 739, 710, 000. 00 383, 206, 322. 86 344, 699, 788. 55 1, 356, 503, 677. 14 38, 506, 534. 31

Federal Home Loss Bank Board: No year (continuous) 1933


Federal Oil Conservation Board; 1934 1933 Prior years

152, 891. 83 7, 805. 38

160, 697. 21

628. 59 1& 999. 18

13, 398. 16

13, 398. 16

1, 483. 33

5, 342. 53

5, 342. 53

469. 99 747. 98

268, 224. 46

268, 224. 46

7, 803. 00

370, 420. 39 5, 778. 64

376, 199. 03

2, 149. 63 46a. OO

7l&7. 88

333, 790. 98 6, 146. 75

389, 937. 73

2, 111. 63

2, 747. 16

13, 194. 26

13, 194. 26

187 66 1 483 83

50, 695. 90 2, 230. 64

52, 926. 54

6, 653. 37 910. 92

3G, 629. 41 4, 974. 42

41, 603. 83

38. ()0


t Debit balance.

2, 627. 77 1, 483. 33 1, 217. 97 7, 803. 00 931. 66 2, 111. 63 2, 74'7. 16 187. GG 1, 483. 33

Recapitulation of expenditures, balances, etc. — Continued

[Debit transfer appropriations (net) and repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures are printed in itoHc]

Unexpended balances, June 30, 1933 Expenditures in 1934 (see p. 6)

Amount carried to surplus fund (see p. 7)

Unexpended balances, June 30, 1934

On book of the Treasury On books of the Treasury


Reserve for impounded

vacancy savings

(see p. 8)

To credit of disbursing


Appropriations Warrants-issued

basis Checks-issued

basis Act June 20


Impounded salary and

vacancy savings

Reserve for impounded

vacancy savings

(see p. 8)


To credit of disbursing


INDEPENDENT Orrtczs — Continued

Federal Power Commission: No year (continuous) 1934 1933 Prior years


Federal Radio Commission: 1934 1933 Prior years

Trust, accounts (special deposit accounts)


Federal Reserve Board: Special accounts (continuous),

Federal Trade Commission: 1934 1933 Prior years

Trust accounts (continuous)


$83, 989. 47

10, 691. 62 27, 624. 31

122, 305. 40

43, 742. 85 100, 391. 76

144, 134. 61

144, 134. 61

77, 294. 63

59, 592. 64

39, 283. 38

98, 875. 92 654. 32

99, 530. 24

$12, 306. 06

12, 306. 06

33, 907. 61

33, 907. 61

33, 907. 61

16, 554. 48

16& 554. 48

16, 564. 48

$4, 473. 21 24. 92

4, 498. 13

10, 402. 45 5 177. 29

15, 579. 74

29, 311. 61

44, 891. 35

18, 709. 59

31, 554. 92 4, 335. 40

35, 890. 32

35, 890. 32

$64, 885. 82 929, 400. 00

994, 285. 82

637, 130. 00

637, 130. 00

637, 130. 00

1, 328, 927. 80

1, 328, 927. 80

1, 328, 927. 80

$78, 325. 62

336, 597. 99 1, 401. 66

10. 86

413, 511. 40

616, 270. 12 11, 526. 74

6, 086. 68

622, 713. 88

622& 713. 88

77, 294. 63

1, 295, 938. 50

32, 263. 34 666. 84

1, 327, 672. 00

1, 327, 672. 00

$76, 901. 36 317, 69G. 48

3, 071. 85 14. 07

397, 683. 76

607, 750. 22

18, 939. 42

46. 36

626, 736. 00 67. 61

626, 708. 39

96, 004. 22

1, 210, 146. 59 62, 018. 69

3& 766. 03

1, 275, 931. 21

N, 646'. 17

1& 246, 385. 04

$27, 635. 16

27, 635. 16

105, 474. 74

105, 474. 74

105, 474. 74

36, 451. 85

36, 461, 85

36, 451. 85

$7, 791. 53

7, 791. 53

8, 280. 29

8, 280. 29

8, 280. 29

13, 454. 27

2, 978. 64

16, 432. 91

16, 432. 91

$12, 306. 06

12, 306. 06

33, 582. 62

83, 582. 62

33, 582. 62

16, 891. 70

16, 891. 70

16, 891. 70

$70, 549. 67

592, 802. 01 4, 301. 45

667, 653. 13

20, 859. 88

~ 24& 260 81

45, 120. 69

45, 120. 69

32, 989. 30 13, 537. 71

382. 73

46, 909. 74

654. 32

47, 564. 06

$1, 424. 26 18, 901. 51

20, 325. 77

8, 51o. 90 2, 989. 77

47. 95

11, 657. 62 29, 339. 22

40, 896. 84 f7f

85, 791. 91 g 1, 799. 67

39. 53

87, G31. 11 29, 546. 17

117, 177. 28

iieneral Accounting Office: 1934 1933 Prior years

33, 816. 05 39, 143. 87

31, 837. 64 38, 183. 82 120. 64

4, 844, 945. 60 3, 482, 386. 07 SO, 067. 70

68. 04

3, 445, 303. 33 18, 166. 12

62. 60 39, 201. 91 24, 823. 74 31, 837. 64

1, 362, 559. 43 29, 020. 01

37, 082. 74

Trust accounts (special deposit account)


72& 959. 92

72, 959. 92

31, 837. 64

31, 837. 64

38, 304. 46

6, 927. 17

46, 231. 63

4, 844, 945. 60

4, 844, 945. 50

3, 462, 300. 33

3, 462, 300. 33

3, 463, 622. 05 16, 787. 78

3, 447, 734. 32

39, 201. 91

39, 201. 91

24, 823. 74

24, 823. 74

31, 837. 64

31, 837. 64

1& 391& 679. 44

1, 391, 679. 44

37, 082. 74 22, 714. 90.

59, 797. 64

'nterstste Commerce Commission: 1934 1933 Prior years

Trust accounts (continuous)

284, 643. 25

663, 628. 20 848, 271. 46

59& 603. 12

29, 798. 77

29, 798. 77

104, 479. 69

104, 479. 69

6, 186, 700. 00

149. 67

6, 186, 849. 67 279, 986. 30

4, 891, 803. 82 87, 428. 57

4, 150. 84 4, 983, 383. 23

339, 588. 42

4, 861, 662. 19 191, 908. 26

4, 150. 84

5, 057, 621. 29 307, 199. 81

659, 627. 03 669, 627. 03

161, 854. 21

161, 864. 21

29, 798. 77 294, 896. 18 35, 360. 47

29, 798. 77 330, 256. 65

30, 241. 63

30, 241. 63 32, 388. 61

TotaI 907, 874. 67 29, 798. 77 104, 479, 69 5, 466, 834. 97 6, 322, 971. 66 6, 364, 821. 10 559, 627. 03 161, 854. 21 29, 798. 77 330& 256. 66 62, 630. 24

National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics: No year (continuous) 1934 193 3 Prior years

I j o-

1 Trust accounts (special deposit accounts)


National Banking Emergency Act: No year (continuous) general account

36, 700. 69 72, 086. 96

108, 787. 65

108, 787. 65

1, 674, 990. 41

3, 904. 10 42, 632. 30

3, 904. 10 42, 632. 30

89, 507. 03

3, 904. 10 42, 632. 30

7, 796. 86 961, 065. 83

968, 862. 69

968, 862. 69

6, 600. 90'

935, 949. 49 3, 316. 08

20. 54

933, 686. 11

933& 686. 11

1, 042, 263. 51

6, 619. 68 853, 895. 62

45, 948. 38 20, 54

894, 248. 06 660. 00

893, 798. 06

1, 067, 771. 14

72, 036. 42

72, 036. 42

72, 036. 42

27, 026. 90 30. 00

27, 056. 90

27, 056. 90

2, 195. 93

4, 335. 77

4, 335. 77

4, 335. 77

13, 396. 86 25, 116. 34

5, 926. 04

44, 439. 24

44, 439. 24

630, 530. 97

16. 38 82, 058. 97

82, 070. 35 450. 00

82, 520. 35

63, 999. 40

National Capital Park and Planning Cornmis- sion:

No year (continuous) 793, 846. 88 40, 392. 74 123, 556. 06 153, 584. 73 1, 541. 67 G68, 749. 15 10, 364. 07

National Emergency Council: 1934 1, 360, 000 108, 656. 00 (8, 585. 55 1, 251, 344. 00 30, 070. 45


1934 (general fund) 2, 621, 870, 000. 00 9, 607, 690, 476. 69 114, 279, 523. 61



No year (continuous) general fund 1934


National Labor Board: 1934

National Planning Board: 1934

Office of Special Advisor to the President on

Foreign Trade: 1934

Puerto. Rican Hurricane Relief Commission: No year (continuous) general accounts

Railroad Administration and Transportation Act: No year (continuous) Special deposit accounts


Smithsonian Institution: No year (continuous) 1934 1933 Prior years Special accounts (special deposit accounts)

212, 173. 64

34, 520, 666. 89

34, 520, 666. 89

420. 54

62, 827. 62

9, 401. 31 24, 733. 61

24, 278. 58

24, 278. 58

79& 228. 66

236, 136. 33 5, 927, 171. 35

6, 163, 307. 68

29, 264. 95

122, 286. 14

8, 398, 000. 00

8, 398, 000. 00

I, 350, 000. 00

35, 000. 00

100, 000. 00

1, 398, 292. 35

1, 398, 292. 35

60, 000. 00 844, 614. 09

I, 76$. 00 7, 173, 966. 06

7, 172, 232. 06

277, 081. 92

44, 129. 32

22, 500. 00

6, 66/j, 669. 69

60, 203. 58 836, 526. 72

23, 024. 54

1, 575. 85

96, 686. 99 7, 029, 552. 19

7, 005, 966. 21

217& 555. 67

40, 240. 99

32, 607. 90

4 & 660, 780, I 8

88, 601. 96

I&, 4J&9& 097. 4$

60, 203. 58 810, 948. 02

52, 196. 91 1, 575. 85

86, 6'87. 06 7, 825. 46

664. 76

29, 468. 85 26, 066. 11

1, 734. 00 1, 224, 033. 94

1, 225, 7G7. 94

1, 072, 918. 08

35& 000. 00

55, 870. 68

189, 008. 88

40, 283, 301. 83

40, 283, 301. 83

216. 96 8, 087. 37 9, 001. 73

21, 851. 98 168, 692. 45

190, 544. 43

59, 526. 25

3, 888. 33

69, 120. 76

232, 573. 92 6, 015, 472. 61

6, 248, 046. 53

25 578 70 92. 58

205 95& 320

Trust accounts (continuous)


72, 649. 47

1, 000, 000. 00

1, 072, 649. 47

24, 733. 61

24, 733. 61

151, 551. 09

151, 551. 09

904, 614. 09

904, 614. 09

921, 330. 69

921, 330. 69 841, 257. 30 7, 825. 46

841, 257. 30 & 7, 825. 4G 29, 468. 85

29, 4GS. 85

26, 066. 11

26, 066. 11

17, 306. 06 1, 000, 000. 00

I, 017, 306. 06

231, 624. 48

231, 624. 48

Tennessee Valley Authority: No year (continuous). Special deposit accounts


50, 000, 000, 00

50, 000, 000. 00

12, 276& 562. 92 11, 497, 549. 77 60, 649. 69

12, 276, 562. 92 11, 466, 900. 35

37& 723, 437. 08

37, 723, 437. 08

77!5 0 I 3. 15 30, 649. 42

80it 662. 57

Recapitulation of expenCktures& balance8& etc. — Continued

[Debit transfer appropriations (net) snd repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures are printed in ifatfc]

Unexpended balances, June 30, 1933 Expenditures in 1934 (see p. 6)

Amount carried to surplus fund (see p. 7)

Unexpended balances, June 30, 1934


Reserve for impounded

vacancy savings

(see p. S)

On book of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing


Appropriations Warrants-issued

basis Checks-issued

basis Act June 20,


Impounded salary snd

vacancy savings

Reserve for impounded

vacancy savings

(see p. 8)


On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing


INDEPENDENT OFFlcss — Continued

United States Food Administration: Trust accounts (continuous) $1, 686. 91 $1, 686. 91

United States Supreme Court Building Commis- sion:

No year (continuous) general accounts 1, 632, 324. 95 $286, 482. 67 $3, 490, 000. 00 $2, 435, 000. 00 $2, 645, 464. 14 $6, 792. 60 2 680 532 35 $76& 018' 53

United States Tariff Comnussion: 1934 1933 Prior years


24, 866. 17 46, 247, 24

71, 113. 41

$8, 115. 26

8, 115. 26

28, 063. 28

2, 15?. 12

30, 220. 40

817, 100. 00

817& 100. 00

731, 958. 95 f6, 6?8. 29 12, 224. 80

728, 665. 46

718, 071. 35 12, 544. 99 14, 381. 92

744, 998. 26

$34, 022. 44

34& 022. 44

816. 36

816. 36

$8, 115. 26

8, 115. 26

85, 141. 05 39, 568. 10

124, 709. 15

13, 887. 60

13, 887. 60 'ID

Veterans' Administration: No year (continuous) 1934 1933 Prior years Special deposit accounts

Trust accounts (continuous) Special deposit accounts (trust accounts)

11, 105, 638. 34

363, 906, 261. 41

8, 261, 401. 12

383, 273, 300. 87 6, 283, 006. 05

8, 626. 26

3, 957, 585. 72

3, 966, 21L 98

131, 832. 81

8, 969, 887. 45

10, 683. 78

I, 491, 996. 77

10, 604, 400. 81

3, 382, 963. 85 516, 818. 52

74, 015, 312. 15 505, 957, 841. 92

289, 465. 29

20, 791. 04

580, 283, 41 0. 40

116, 649, 685. 45

76, 332, 006. 10 173, 339, 291. 10 318, 018, 072. 76

4, 648. 83

567, 694, 018. 79

116, 573, 162. 33

75 628 849 98 168, 240, 983. 41

323, 159, 418. 79 14, 239. 91

249, 036. 62

567, 292, 528. 71 116, 915, 082. 94

7L 90L 76

92, 824. 56

289, 465. 29 8, 277, 643. 33

8, 659, 833. 18

3, 611. 71 12, 312. 93

992, 453. 95 4, 152, 521. 59

996, 065. 66 4, 164, 834. 52

8 688 821 45 332 618 550 82

44& 700, 798. 83

386, 008, 171. 10 5, 359, 529. 17

834, 988. 93

5, 098, 307. 69 3 828 541 42

1, 092. 70 1, 242, 960. 16

11, 005, 890. 89 3, 041, 043. 24

588, 720. 28

TotaL 388, 556, 306. 92 3, 966, 211. 98 14, 504, 183. 18 696, 933, 095. 85 684, 267, 181. 12 684, 135, 709. 89 8, 659, 833. 18 996, 065. 66 4, 164, 834. 52 391, 367, 700. 27 14, 635, 65L 41

Wsr Finance Corporation: No year (continuous) Special deposit accounts

otsL T

10, 000. 00

135, 317. 40

145& 317. 40

46, 935. 76

46, 935. 76

10, 000. 00 88, 381. 64

9S, 38L 64

Miscellaneous commissions, boards, etc. : No year (continuous) I 934 I 933 Prior years.

Trust accounts (continuous)


252, 107. 16

5. 45 28, 297. 10

280, 409. 70

8, 716. 2S

284, 125. 98

51, 977. 53

4, 268. 49 . 02

66, 246, 04

56, 246. 04

448, 000. 00

589, 231. 13

1, 037, 231. 13

I 037 231 13

23, 473. 82

3, 000. 00 2& 334. 67

588, 606. 06

612, 745. 21

612, 745. 21

64, 853. 93 2, 472. 50

1, 933. 82

588, 606. 08

657, 866. 33

657, 866. 33

28, 922. 15

28, 922. 15

28, 922. 15

7, 551. 28

5. 45

7& 556. 73

7, 556. 73

221, 082. 05 445, 000. 00

2, 334, 67 . 02

668, 416. 74

3, 716. 28

672, 133. 02

10, 597. 42 527. 50

11, 124. 92

11, 124. 92

Total, independent offices: No year (continuous) 1936 1934 1933

263, 696, 774 52 8, 721. 06

2, 621, 870, 000. 00 865, 23?, 519. 19 4, 249, 716. 09

3, 586, 621, 81

121, 329. 43 9, 853, 703. 59

495 838 209 61 200& 000& 000 00

1 537& 44B& 152 36 289, 466. 29

546& 633& 386 50 544& 903& 622 83

1, 590, 114, 372. 04 818, 241, 549. 93

2, 140, 609. 78 4, 497. 56

1 463 809 483 86 324, 224, 804. 82 289, 465. 29 1, 408, 78B. 36

12, 407. 73 210, 652, 903. 62 200, 000, 000. 00

2, 669, 201, 780. 32 4, 435, 598. 48 45, 401, 301. 51

5, 816, 385. 48

136, 426, 217. 61 3, 870& 44K 70

Prior years Special deposit accouats

Trust accounts (continuous) Contributed accounts

17, 711, 346. 34

3, 268, 415, 640. 05 6, 356, 597. 54

4, 258, 437. 15

31& 332. 46 8, 959& 502. S3

22, 652, 490. 12 4& 420, 168. 28

2, 978. 98

66, b47, 068. 66

2, 210, 026, 799. 73 116, 943, 998. 60

16, 787, 146. 66

2, 438, 202, 160. 08 116, 926, 818. 15

16, 76&, 67A si 6, 666, sos. ly

2, 297, 892, 428. 23 116, 739, 316. 81

2, 978. 98

9, 436. 697. 57

11, 866, 672. 64

3, OOS. 64

1, 416, 292. 56 4, 448, 006. 21

1& 611, 759. 99

3, 026, 767, 745. 44

6, 373, 777. 99

S, 463. 88 17, 245, 706. 30

162, 862, 221. 97 4, 607, 669. 62


(Details on pp. 129 to 143)

3, 274, 772, 237. 59 4, 258, 437, 15 26, 975, 637. 38 2, 326, 970, 798. 33 2 555) 128) 978 23 2 414 634) 724 02 1 1 866& 672 64 1, 416, 292. 56 4, 448, 006. 21 3, 033, 141, 523. 43 167, 469, 891. 59

Salaries sad miscellaneous: No year (continuous) 1934 1933 Prior years Special deposit accounts

213, 470, 745. 62 400, 000, 000. 00

11, 240, 501. 75 8, 865, 798. 70

715, 358. 58

2, 500. 00 1, 335, 599. 64

90, 091. 57

12, 661. 85

21, 757, 19 4, 943& 178. 11 869, 247, 983. 81 330& 842, 908. 94

106, 657. 84 7, 967. 66

413& 985& 927 45

282& 619, 919. 81 4, 424, 626. 76

358, 342. 06

406, 681, 638. 75 212 589& 431 12

5, 713, 170. 65 445, 414. 84 183, 557. 60

164, 480. 80

5, 630, 354. 70

354, 458. 81 1, 576, 337. 00 1& 634& 203. 48

3, 697. 42

114, 998. 29

937, 516. 00 768, 083. 33

2, 500. CO

668, 120, 62L 27 445, 709, 136. 13

5, 026, 688. 92 2, 8651 466. 56

12, 247, 466. 81 70, 030, 488. 69

47, 056. 75 3, 018. 79

145& 219. 76

Trust accounts (special deposit accounts) Contributed accounts

633, 577, 046. 07

707, 535. 43

739, 615. 77 6, 381, 531. 17 338, 873. 92 140, 429. 00

1, 199, 980, 696. 95

1, 621, 978. 84

701, 388, 816. OS

1, 257, 679. 00

625, 297, 097. 46 5, ljbb, Gbf. 67 1, 287, 828. 32

5, 794, 835. 50 3, 668, 696. 71

4, 042. 75

1& 823) 097 62 1& 121» 721& 912 88

1, 067, 792. 62

82, 473, 249. 79 5, 771, 895. 59

110, 279. 68

Total, Department of Agriculture 634, 284, 581. 50 739, 615. 77 6, 860, 834. 09 1, 201, 602, 675. 79 702, 646, 495. 08 621, 151, 904. 11 5, 794, 835. 50 3, 572, 739. 46 1& 823& 097 62 1& 122 789& 705 40 88, 355, 425. 06


(Details on pp. 143 to 158)

OfBce of the Secretary: No year (continuous) 1934 1933 Prior years

324. 46

249& 117. 45

101, 041. 91 4, 704. 42 34, 779. 69

1, 007, 982. 44

12. 21

647, 763. 20 599, 753. 54 39, 596. 92 72, 561, 03

206. 60 206. 60

324. 46

100, 847. 52

14, 703. 00 11, 579. 32

11, 580. 00 3, 015. 55

333, 936. 24

199, 630. 08 48, 009. 66

1, 815. 58

Total 350, 483. 82 4, 704. 42 34, 779. 69 1, 007, 994. 65 687, 566. 72 672, 521. 17 101, 171. 98 26, 282. 32 14, 695. 55 533, 566. 32 49, 825. 24

Pedersl Employment Stabilization Board; 1934 1933 Prior years


Aircraft in commerce: 1934 1933 Prior years


Bureau of Poreign snd Domestic Commerce: 1934. 1933. Prior years

5, 341. 59 16, 183. 11

21, 524, 70

1, 574, 554. 87 668, 579. 60

2, 243, 134. 47

142, 760. 92 265, 461. 26

408, 222. 18

594. 00

594. 00

49, 117. 33

49, 117. 33

6, 043. 84

6, 043. 84

3, 185. 09

3, 185. 09

329, 165. 69 48, 874. 70

378, 040. 39

127, 966. 47 288. 47

128, 254. 94

65, 000. 00

65, 000. 00

9, 719, 583. 00

49, 021. 67

9, 768, 604. 67

3, 748, 370. 00

235. 34

3, 748, 605. 34

32& 723. 44

I, 5'68. IG

11. 41

31, 066. 75

5, 597, 456. 00 $6, sf 4. 83 34, 332. 78

5, 582, 574. 46

2, 039, 115. 12 47, 07$. 56 1, 627. 0$

1, 990, 115. 49

28, 700. 03 552. 10 11. 41

29, 263. 54

4, 979, 939. 24

266, 687. 71 80, 415. 07

5, 327, 042. 02

1, 992, 003. 39 80& 310. 07

I, 674. bb

2, 070, 638. 91

16, 171. 70

16, 171. 70

683, 268. 49

683, 268. 49

267& 623. 64

267, 623. 64

1, 510, 22

2, 375. 96

3, 886. 18

153, 299. 04 138, 065. 62

291, 364. 66

96, 9G1. 12 121, 476. 82

218, 437. 94

13, 872. 20 1, 070. 10

14, 942. 30

161, 573. 13 58, 615. 07

220, 188. 20

1, 130, 614, 71 10, 754. 39

1, 141, 369. 10

16, 894. 14

4, 157. 63

21, 051, 77

3, 807, 254. 83 1, 476, 205. 83

5, 283, 4GO, 66

481, G79. 05)

63, 64A 14

545, 325. 19

4, 023. 41 964. Sg

4, 988. 30

617, 516. 76 13, 263, GG

2, 792. 41

633, 572. 83

47, 111. 73 5SE 81 35. 98

47 731 5)'

Bureau of Census: 1934 1933 . Prior years.


81, 277. 75

9, 754. 38

gl, 032. 13

5, 788. 27

155. 00

5, 943. 27

77, 455. 21

34, 972. 89

112, 428. 10

1, 845, 690. 00

1, 845, 690. 00

1, 489, 231. 20 ZI, bye. 69 66, 649. 60

1, 382, 642. 61

1, 453, 935. 57

6, 21G. 22 376. 7f

1, 459, 775. 08 5, 002. 75

87, 327. 00 63, 003. 59

r 87. 63

150, 242. 96

30, 326. 00 9, 547. 17

1, 055, 00

40, 928. 17 363, Hts. 91 35&, 295). G)3

238, 805. 80 SG, 205. 63 85, 75) i. 25 39, 2SS. 86

1 Credit items.

Recapitulation of expenCktures, baLances, etc. — Continued

[Debit transfer appropriations (net) and repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures are printed in italic]

Unexpended balances, June 30, 1933

On books of the Treasury

Expenditures in 1934 (see p. 6)

Amount carried to surplus fund (see p. 7)

Unexpended balances, June 30, 1934

On books of the Treasury



Reserve for impounded

vacancy savings

(see p. 8)

To credit of disbursing


Appropriations Warrants &ssued

basis Checks-issued

basis Act June 20,


Impounded salary and

vacancy savings

Reserve for impounded

vacancy savings

(see p. 8)


To credit of disbursing


Bureau of Navigation and Steamboat Inspection Service:

No year (continuous) 1934 1933 Prior years

Trust Recounts (continuous)


$40 121 48

50, 329. 87

115, 393. 89

205, 845. 24

205, 845. 24

$19, 146. 26

19, 146. 26

19, 146. 26

$26, 937. 32

26, 937. 32

26, 937. 32

$52, 284. 66

1, 438, 043. 00

1, 490, 331. 26 983. 10

1, 491, 314. 36

$2, 913. OS

1, 315, 879. 98 1 6, 660. 04

202. 10

1, 305, 445. 12

1, 305, 445. 12

$2, 913. 08

1, 280, 329, 38 13, 312. 87

202. 10

1, 296, 757. 43

1, 296, 757. 43

$115, 195. 39

115, 195. 39

115, 195. 39

$52, 414, 84

50, 108. 49

102, 523. 33

102, 523. 33

$47, 908. 80 18, 316. 53

66, 225. 33

66, 225. 33

$89, 493. 06

21, S39. 38 14, 601. 15

125, 933. 59 983. 10

126, 916. 69

$35, 550. 60 74. 41

35, 625. 01 (5

35, 625. 01

Bureau of Standards: No year (continuous) 1934 1933 Prior years


34. 82

64, 214. 50 171, 986. 30

236, 235. 62

2, 278. 00

2, 278. 00

24, 984. 50

24, 984. 50

2, 151, 920. 00

2, 151, 920. 00

1, 443, 193. 28

$8, 086. 98 104. 79

1, 411, 274. 08

1, 392, 394. 78

7, fff. 87 104. 79

1, 385, 387. 60

171, 881. 51

171, 881. 51

67, 459. 00

75, 362. 92

142, 821. 92

310, 859. 00

3, 772. 00

314, 631. 00

34. 82 330, 408. 72

19, 381. 57

349 825 11

tp 50, 798. 50

72. 48 'tl

50, 870. 98 M

Bureau of Lighthouses: No year (continuous) 1934 1933 Prior years


3, 285, 822. 11

272, 259. 64 173, 235. 58

3, 731, 317. 33

106, 331. 97

106, 331. 97

286, 872. 24

250, 870. 46

7, 235. 87

544) 97S. 57

14, 742i 434. 00

446. 63

14, 742, 880. 63

362, 573. 29

9, 604, 920. 56

Sf, 486. 87

4, 061. 6?

9, 932, 036. 91

576, 763. 39 8, 822, 932. 36

2171 783. 30 714. 20

9 619 193. 25

3, 108. 83

177, 713. 88

180, 822. 71

14, 712 26

415, 591. 00 218, 022. 64

648, 325. 90

100. 00 1571 958. 00 69, 951. 89

228, 009. 89

2 905, 327. 73 4, 563, 964. 44

122, 042. 35

7 591 334 52

72, 682. 14 781, 988. 20

1, 661. 89 1, 490. 00

co 857, 822. 23

Coast and Qeodetic Survey: No year (continuous) 1934 1933 Prior years

3, 479. 97

66, 773. 67 96, 044. 71

4, 254. 26 8, 708, 210. 00

213, 250. 50

59, 341. 51 1, 440. 65

5, 504, 014. 83

f41, 5'06. 16 60, f44. 60

4, 825, 139. 94 71, 014. 09

808. 88 157, 629. 86

97, 541. 00 85, 521. 25

8, 529. 00 4, 954. 25

3, 479. 97

3, 098, 125. 17 678, 874. 89 122, 155. 56 638, 28

Contributed accounts (continuous)


166, 298. 35 387. 80

166, 686. 15

4, 254. 26

4, 254. 26

272, 592. 01 4, 982. 18

277, 574. 19

8, 709, 650. 65

8, 709, 650. 65

5, 302, 267. 20

4, 881. Bf

5, 297, 385. 89

4, 895, 351. 04 100. 87

4, 895, 451, 91

157, 629. 86

157, 629. 86

183, 062. 25

359. 23

183, 421. 48

13, 483. 25

13, 483. 25

3, 223, 760. 70

4, 909. 88

3, 228, 670. 58

679, 508. 17

6?9 508 17

Bureau of Fisheries: No year (continuous) . 1934 1933 Prior years

22, 226. 95

302, 440. 97 188, 180. 07

14, 514. 85

16. 39 2, 418, 350. 00

47, 115. 90 9, 616. 25 90. 00

f6. 68 1, 454, 660. 74

136, 445. 05 8, 106. 40

lp 363, 120. 42 173, 721. 85

1, 510. 85

129. 29

1%, 614. 66

3. 82 59, 848. 00 55, 075. 74

1, 771. 08

55, 467. 00 14, 394. 07

22, 110. 23

848, 374. 26

111, 040. 96 17, 989. 84

91, 540. 32 9, 839. 10

TotaL 462, 847. 99 14, 514. 85 56, 748. 54 2, 418, 440. 00 1, 582, 984. 00 1, 538, 353. 12 126, 743. 84 116, 698. 64 69, S61. 07 999, 615. 29 101, 379. 42

Patent OQice: 1934. 1983 70, 332. 29 124, 068. 06

4, 389, 229. 90 191 012 65

3, 871, 821. 53 8, 865, 182. 86 fff, 649. 99 12, 714. 37

144, 781. 80 126, 660. 07

142, 410. 42 230, 216. 15 ?li 699 18 175 439 38

16, 638. 67

Prior years Special deposit accounts


30, 150. 39

30, 150. 39 70, 332. 29

368, 676. 51

492, 734. 57 4, 580, 242. 55

383. 88

3, 760, 861. 72

383. 88 74, 438. 30

3, 942, 719. 41

29, 506. 51

29, 506. 51 270, 331. 8Z 214, 109. 60 405, 915. 63

294, 23L 21

310, 876. 88

(V ni ted States Shipping Board: No year (continuous) 1934 1933 Prior years Special deposit accounts.

Total .

14, 035, 737. 02

5& 026, 444. 39 29, 911. 59

19, 092, 093. 00

I, 423. 98

I, 423& 98

I, 000, 000. 00

12, 865. 43 386, 746. 00

19, 786, 927. 53

21, 186, 538. 96

4, 182, 067. 01 8, 896, 8$f . 68

I 1, 814&8?1. 59 8, 89(, 52f(. 80

7, Ã8. 88 18$. 87

I, 885, 225. 39 18, 71 8, 887 . 48

10, PS, 887. 59 8, 460, 387. 83

$75, 088. 80 386, 621. 13

3, 206, 508. 38

8, 681, 668. 81

30, 036. 46

30, 036. 46

3, 533. 05

3, 533. 05

3, 757. 31

29, 532, 175. 62 94, 681. 18

5, 02?, 780. 24

3, 757. 31 34, 654, 637. 04

165, 016. 80 38, 805. 13

380, 746. 00

16, 580, 419. 15

17, 1(i4, 986. 28

OJommerce, miscellaneous: No year (continuous) Prior years Special deposit accounts

' Trust accounts (continuous) Trust accounts (special deposit accounts)

21, 321. 86

21, 321. 86 10. 91

I, 404. 79

I, 346. 75

2, 751. 54

105, 515. 14

35, 434. 34 86, 046. 43

86, 0/&7. 63

5$& $80. 88

16, 893. 81

70, 885. 08

88, 778. 88

1. 20

7, 856. 25

7, 856. 25

210. 00

210. 00

Z4, 736. 38

74, 736. 38 10. 91

29, 84L 58

17, 740. 36

47, 588. 94

189, 293. 42

Total 21, 332. 77 108, 266. 68 35, 434. 34 86, 047. 68 15$, 663. M 1. 20 7, 856. 25 210. 00 74, ?47. 29 236, 882. 36

Total. Department of Commerce: No year (continuous) 1934 1933 Prior years Special deposit accounts.

17, 409, 068, 67

7& 835, 515. 62

I, 815, 922. 79 284, 529. 47

155. 00

I, 412, 351. 48

I, 148, 576. 26

547, 075. 69 20, 156, 950. 79

4, 269, 786. 01 47, 937, 970. 72

191, 012. 65 61, 250. 10

I 0, 874, 848. 0$ 30& 609, 257. 08

330, 300. 38 74& $48. 78

(i(, 830, I J&8. $8 28, 163& 103. 58

408, 620. 78 468, 314. 58

3, 264, 553. 07

3, 562. 58

I, 881, 493. 46

22, 572. 33 I, 191, 436. 02

949, 675. 47 I, 683. 45

310. 00 2, 071, 098. 2G

269, 847. 51 I, 055. 00

32, 627, 367. 81 14, 066, 179. 36 7, 421, 835. 14

57, 538. 70

267, 546. 72 2, 446, 153. 60

409, 655. 10 4, 318. 39

16, 892, 397. 72

Trust accounts (continuous) Contributed accounts (continuous)

27, 060, 507. 08 10. 91

387. 80

284, 684. 47 23, 264, 954. 22

105, 515. 14

4, 982. 18

19, 229, 565. 94 52, 450, 019. 48 983. I 0

4, 881. 31

22, 474, 448. 73 83, 778. 88

100. 87

1, 885, 056. 04 2, 165, 367. 27 2, 342, 310. 77

359. 23

54, 172, 911. 01 994. 01

4, 909. 88

20, 020, 071. 43 189, 293. 42

27& 060 905 79 284, 684. 47 23, 375, 451. 54 52& 451, 002. 58 19, 224, 684. 63 22, 390, 771. 32 I, 885, 056. 04 2, 165, 726. 50 2, 342, 310. 77 64, 178, 814. 90 20, 209, 364. 85


(Details on pp. 158 to 181)

Office of the Secretary: No year (continuous) 1934 1933 Prior years


3, 968. 52

42, 801. 57

12, 629. 56

59, 399. 65

I, 276. 93

11, 884. 36 I, 423. 21

14, 584. 50

39, 368. 20

23, 017. 68

62, 385. 88

36, 512, 292. 95

36& 512& 292 95

8, 459. 89 5, 890, 710. 16

177. 06

4. 00

5, 887, 423. 93

17, 862. 23

4, 356, 764. 92 23& 194. 74

4. 00

4, 397, 817. 89

14, 056. 77

14, 056. 77

2, 885. 16 21, 199. 00

5, 919. 57

30, 003. 73

2, 310. 25

45, 178. 00 10, 960. 80

58, 449. 05

3, 509. 33 30, 555, 205. 79

37, 628. 50

30, 596, 343. 62

18, 046. 68

I, 533, 945. 24

I, 551, 991. 92

Commission of Fine Arts: 1934 1933 Prior years


50. 00 12. 46

62. 46

122. 90

122. 90

8, 800. 00

8, 800. 00

8, 759. 5G

Ny. 87

8, 526. 29

8, 530. 22

110. 87

8, 419. 85

12. 46

12. 46

229. 17

229. 17

40. 44

54. 10

94. (i4

229. 34

229. 34

George Rogers Clark Sesquicentennial Commis-

sion: 1934 1933. Prior years


345, 466. 95 298. 31

345, 7G5. 26

33, 273. 67

11, 431. 71

44, 705. 38

96, 650. 00

96, 650. 00

294, 287. 15 410. 86

294, 698. 01

294, 403. 60 11 775 89

306, 179. 69

3, 459. 54 ff8. 56

3, 346. 99

96, 650. 00 47, 720. 26

144, 370. 2(i 33, 223. 70

X(, 157. 02 (i(i. (is

Recapitulation of expenfhtures, balances, etc. — Continued

[Debit transfer appropriations (net) and repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures are printed in itaHc]

Unexpended balances, June 30, 1933

On books of the Treasury

Expenditures in 1934 (see p. 6)

Amount carried to surplus fund (see p. 7)

Unexpended balances, June 30, 1934

On books of the Treasury


Reserve for impounded

vacancy savings

(see p. 8)

To credit of disbursing


Appropriations Warrants-issued

basis Checks-issued

basis Act June 20,


Impounded salary and

vacancy savings

Reserve for impounded

vacancy savings

(see p. 8)


To credit of disbursing



Mount Rushmore National Memorial Commis- sion:

1934 1933 Prior years


$39, 626. 58

39, 626. 58

$49, 626. 58 ss, ess. 58

10, 000. 00

$49, 626. 58

49, 626. 58

General I, and Office (including Public Land Serv- ice):

No year (continuous) 1934. 1933 Prior years

1, 948, 748, 89

77, 278. 95 29, 169. 75

$35, 483. 94

1, 463. 32

$6, 315. 42

62, 027. 07

1, 498, 488. 62

2, 757, 050. 00 $1, 486, 118. 22

2, 008, 164. 84 1 f, 939. 98

271. 93

$1, 491, 202. 73

1, 850, 837. 99 50, 087. 09

271. 93

$37. 65

30, 361. 14

$203. 08

63, 423 00 31, 076. 90

$84, 220. 00 40, 166. 22

1, 960, 878. 56 601 242 16

53, 459. 75

$1, 230. 91 157, 326. 85

Trust accounts (continuous)


Bureau of Reclamation: No year (continuous) 1934 1933 Prior years

2, 055, 197. 59 196, 322. 44

2, 251, 520. 03

20, 948, 247. 34

48, 200. 61

26, 771. 63

36, 947. 26

36, 947. 26

3, 981. 42

68, 342. 49

68, 342. 49

452, 050. 79

5, 875. 42

27, 245. 09

4, 255, 538. 62

4, 452. 01

4, 259, 990. 63

4, 3 13, 737. 37 103, 535, 000. 00

47, 893. 00

47, 893. 00

3 482 615 01 604. 15

3, 483, 219. 16

10, 040, 552. 87

14, 942, 777. 28

56, 453. ?9 SS, OSS. 68

8 392 399 74

604. 15

3 393 003 89

10, 232, 338. 82

14, 463, 702. 30 51, 440. 86

5, 151. 41

30, 398. 79

30, 398. 79

94, 702. 98

94, 702. 98

184, 152. 77

1, 261. 18 972. 31

124, 386. 22

124, 386. 22

18, 294. 04

2, 815, 750. 77 158, 557. 76 t7

15, 022, 966. 45

88, 592, 222. 72 38, 378. 64

260, 264. 84 479, 074. 98 10, 888. 35 rn

2, 615, 580. 47 158, 557. 76 2GG, 170. 30


Contributed accounts (continuous) 21, 023, 219. 58 3, 981. 42 485, 171. 30 107, 848, 737. 37

97, 481. 07 25& 01 7& 690 26

97, 284. 86 24, 752, 633. 39

70, 536. 99 186, 386. 26 18, 294. 04 103, 653, 567. 81

196. 21 750, 228. 17 26, 747. 87

Total 21, 023, 219. 58 3, 981. 42 485, 171. 30 107, 94G, 218. 44 25, 114, 975. 12 24, 823, 170. 38 186, 386. 26 18, 294. 04 103, 653& 764. 02 776, 976. 04

Geological Survey: 1934 1933 Prior years


416, 481 27

54, 859. 32

471, 340. 59

5, 956. 95 1, 323. 33

7, 280. 28

147, 716. 90

8, 654. 28

156, 371. 18

6, 486, 064. 00

9. 52

6, 486, 073. 52

3, 563, 877. 00 200, 601. 34

6, 746. 04

3, 757, 733. 30

3, 078, 509. 14

340, 534. 12 1, 899. 24

3, 420, 942. 50

51, 337. 19

51, 337. 19

61, 915. 00 59, 818. 87

574. 16

122, 308. 03

106, 018. 00

6, 269. 34 364. 50

112, 651. 84

2, 754, 254. 00 155, 748. 67

10, 661. 36

2, 920, 664. 08

485, 367. 86 7, 784. 12

10. 00

493, 161. 98

Oflice of National Parks, Buildings and Reserva-

tions: No year (continuous) 1934 1933 Prior years Special-deposit accounts

Contributed accounts (continuous)

2, 843, 858. 38

2, 359, 354. 56

1, 259, 454. 21

6, 462, 667. 15 228, 758. 27

16, 859. 19

30, 354. 62

38, 778. 15

85& 991. 96

564, 126. 12

425, 164. 75 222, 698. 34 86, 479. 35

1, 298, 468. 56 46, 675. 57

38, 506. 97

39, 364, 554. 89

1, 294. 70

39, 404, 356. 56 287, 989. 77

711, 432. 95 13, 701, 367. 05

1, 536, 048. 06

43, 4fs. ?4

15, 905, 429. 32 176, 072. 24

I& 128, 570. 43

12, 146, 442. 32

1, 831, 631. 29 177, 257. 97 74, 639. 43

15, 209, 272. 58 197, 728. 80

5, 013. 14

1, 086, 514. 44

1, 091, 527. 58

22, 370. 69 99, 152. 00

117, 119, 93 59, 786, 59

298, 429. 21 43. 05

17, 021. 79 24 996 00 27, 621. 62 32, 260. 78

101, 900. 19

2& 143, 385. 97 25, 539, 039. 84

708, 924. 57 164, 878. 99

28, 555, 729. 37 340, 632. 75

146, 988. 64

1, 554, 924. 73 129& 576. 52

2, 026. 63 161, 108. 78

1 994 625. 30 25, 019. 01

Total 6, 691, 425. 42 85, 991. 96 1, 345, 144. 13 39, 692, 346. 33 16, GS1, 501. 56 15, 407, 001. 3S 1, 091, 527, 58 298, 472. 26 101, 900. 19 EB, 896, 362. 12 2 019 644 31

Office of Education: No year (continuous) 1934 1933 Prior years

23, 554. 68 937. 50 19, 441. 66 191. 66

6, 403. 83 14, 789. 61

2, 550, 000. 00 270, 000. 00

9. 33

2, 550, 000. 00 226, 150. 92

3, ebb. SO

7, 216. 54

2, 550, 000. 00 221& 108. 87

3, 078. 31 22, 006. 15 11, 731. 06

11, 391. 59 6, 840. 79

660. 28

18, 802. 01 937. 50

13, 6M. 48 19, 56ft 69

144. 77

6, 042. 05 470. 72

TotaL 42, 996. 34 1, 129. 16 21, 193. 44 2, 820, 009. 33 2, 780, 512. 66 2, 796, 193. 33 11, 731, 06 18, 782. 66 19, 739. 51 33, 368. 94 5, 512. 77

arederal Board for Vocational Education: 1934 1933 445, 303. 68 Prior years 343, 220. 97

2, 202. 08 9, 820. 26 8, 602, 700. 00

4. 00

8, 136, 628. 05 488. 98

3. 64

8, 122, 147. 83

9, 301. 38 3. 64 343, 221. 33

3, 575. 98 2, 202. 08 466, 071. 95 442, 197. 68

14, 480. 22 4L 90

Total 788, 524. 65 2, 202. 08 9, 820. 26 8, 602, 704. 00 8, 13B& 161. 71 8, 131, 452. 85 343, 221. 33 3, 575. 98 2, 202. 08 908, 269. 63 14, 529. 12

Government in the Territories: No year (continuous) 1934 1933 Prior years

Contributed accounts (continuous)

946, 617. 90 28, 296. 14

1, 432& 263. 71 224. 18

33& 707. 56

472, 356. 89 4, 200. 42 13, 288. 92 1, 211. 00

161, 495. 97

141, 875. 37 22, 279. 70

325, 651. 04 479. 37

1, 699, 870. M 4, 365, 757. 79

145. 37 305. 37

6, 065, 468. 35 35, 944. 85

2, 103, 556. 19 2, 070, 345. 93

370, 064. 54

3, 386. 16

4, 547, 352. 82 35, 475. 70

1, 987, 180. 88 1, 646, 776. 27

511, 378. 87 25, 665. 86

4, 171, 001. 88 35, 852. 38

7, 512. 33

7, 512. 33

88, 052. 15 12, 399. 00 30, 107. 71

818. 89

131, 377. 75

53, 274. 92

2, 760. 00 3, 826. 83

1, 345. 02

61, 206. 77

429, 901. 34 2, 280, 252. 86

72, 703. 60 1, 132. 15

2, 783, 989. 95 693. 33

277, 871. 28 423, MD. 66

661. 04

702, 001. 9S 102. 69

Total 1, 432, 487. 89 33, 707. 56 326& 130. 41 6, 101, 413. 20 4, 582, 828. 52 4, 206, 854. 26 7, 512. 33 131, 377. 75 Bl, 206. 77 2, 784, 683. 28 702, 104. 67

Beneficiaries: No year (continuous) 1934 1933 Prior years

, 2, 531, 670. 71

364& 926. 11 265, 105. 88

69, 709, 84

2, 478. 61

64, 748. 37

126, 389. 68

5, 360. 03

137. 13 5, 327, 199. 65

119, 603. 35 4, 781. 19

344, 058. 23

2, 245, 535. 83 5', Obb. Bb

25, 261. 10

387, 186. 81 2, 102, S32. 25

107, 748. 67 30, 621. 13 247, 104. 58

4, 995. 35 138, 238. 73 43, 584. 00 105, 528. 08 70, 589. 84

2, 182, 754. 26

2, 899, 841. 09 384, 077. 73

21, 619. 79 142, 703. 58 12, 684. 66

Trust accounts (continuous) 3, 161, 702. 70

875, 447. 90 72, 188, 45 196, 498. 08

21, 696. 31 5, 451, 721. 32

8, 501. 93 2, 608, 898. 81

114& 066. 95 2, 628, 388. 86

123, 932. 60 247, 104. 58 248, 762. 16 114, 173. 84 5, 466, 673. 08

764, 882. 88 177, 008. 03 11, 830. M

Total 4, 037, 150. 60 72, 188. 45 218, 194. 39 5, 455, 223. 25 2, 722, 965. 76 2, 752, 321. 46 247, 104. 58 248, 762. 16 114, 173. 84 6, 231, 556. 96 188, 838. 69

Bureau of Mines: No year (continuous) 1934 1933 Prior years


7, 957. 80

287, MS. 65 55, 227. 19

850, 783. 64

713. 57

24, 748. 45

25, . 462. 02

6, 773. 93 1, 847, 100. 00

21. 11

1, 853, 895. 04

5, 249. 59 1& 319& 619 42

111, 376. 63 74. 08

1, 436, 219. 72

5, 748. 24

1, 262, 508, 28 136, 125, 08

74, 08

1, 404, 455. 68

55, 1?4. 22

55, 174. 22

442. 94 67, 244. 03 233, 333. 27 61, 621. 39 607. 00

119, 308. 36 233, 940. 27

9, 039. 20 237, 003. 28 113, 993. 63

360, 036. 11

214. 92 57, 011. 14

57, 226. 06

United States Geographic Board: 1934 1933 Prior years

92. 72 135. 61

2, 180. 89 D, OOO. OO 9, 000. 00

g. fB 7, 743. 95 2, 114. 13

135. 61 92. 72 4. 12

1, 2M. 05 62, 64

Total 228. 33 2, 180. 89 9, 000. 00 8, 995. 88 9, 858. 08 135. 61 92. 72 4. 12 1, 318. 69

Interior, civil, miscellaneous: No year (continuous) 1933 Prior years Special-deposit accounts

Trust accounts (continuous)


2, 554. 64

1, 000. 00

3, 554. 64 487. 06

4, 041. 70

693, 955. 22

593, 955. 22

593, 955, 22

111, 211. 09

111, 211. 09

111, 211. 09

83& 639. $9 1, 000. 00

$, 34

N& 64f. 86

N, BJ&f. 83

Sbf, ON. 17 1, 000. 00

8. Bj&

BOB, f 1 f. Of

bs?& 1 46. 5$ 77, Iyf. ?O

604 & Nb. 31

2. 34

2. 34

2. 34

197, 405. 22

197, 405&. 22 487. 06

197, 892. 28

148, 392. 68

890, 067. 23

1, 038, 459. 91 77, 191. 79

1, 115 051. 70

BecaJlifulafton of 1 xpendifttres& Balances, Etc. — Continued

[Debit transfer appropriations (net) and repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures are printed in italic]

Unexpended balances, June 30, 1933 Expenditures in 1934 (see p. 6)

Amount carried to surplus fund {see p. 7) Unexpended balances, June 30, 1934


Reserve for impounded

vacancy savings

(see p. 8)

On books of the Treasury

To credit of drsbursrng


Appropriations Warrants-issued

basis Checks-issued

basis Act June 20,


Impounded salary and

vacancy savings

Reserve for impounded

vacancy savings (see p. 8)


On hooks of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing



Total, Department of the Interior, exclud- ing Indian Affairs:

No year (continuous) 1934 1933 Prior years. Special-deposit accounts

$29, 233, 624. 18 $50, 413. 68

4, 924, 093. 22 160, 729. 71 2, 079, 615. 47 46, 869. 28

$1, 288, '818. 44

1, 008, 616. 87 312, 458. 76 680, 434. 57

$10, 218, 725. 67 209, 231, 795. 86

128, 015. 14

4$, 078. 53

$17, 153, 869. 27 54, 122, 836. 04

2, 548, 545. 07 S6, 664. $&9

$17, 568, 057. 97 49, 267, 904. 34

3& 361, 927. 97 274, 720. 96 370, 74f. Pj

$5, 050. 79

1, 847, 163. 47

$303, 102. 14 464, 962. 35 426, G51. 83

62& 589. 68

$90, 901. 00 558, 891. 28

163, 181. 23

33, 970. 30

$21, 949, 840. 33 154, OS5, 106. 19

2, 074, 459. 94 176, 817. 27

$874, 629. 74

4& 854& 931 70 195, 233. 97

2, 103. 31 1, 051, 176. 01

Trust accounts (continuous) Trust (special-deposit accounts) Contributed accounts (continuous)

36, 237, 332. 87

1, 072, 257. 40 258, 012. 67

228, 982. 45

37, 538, 572. 72 258, 012. 67

3, 290, 328. 64 21, 696. 31

47, 154. 94

3, 359, 179. 89

219, 536, 458. 15 7, 953. 94

73, 789, 615. 89 114, 671. 10

421, 415. 69 BGS, 832, 80

70, 101, 869. 80 124 536 75 77, fsf. 79

304, 118. 17

219, 965, 827. 78 74, 213, 119. 79 70, 453, 332. 93

1& 852, 21* 26

1, 852, 214. 26

1, 25'7, 306. 00

43. 05

I& 257& 349 05

846, 943. 81 178, 285, 723. 73 965, 540. 24

341, 52'. 29

846, 943. 81 179, 59'-', 786. 26

6, 978, 074. 73 11, 880. 6G

77, 191. 79 51, 869. 57


7, 118, 966. 75


(Details on pp. 181 to 217)

Salaries and general expenses: 1934 1933 Prior years


Education: No year (continuous) 1934. 1933 Prior years Special accounts (special deposit account)

139, 920. 61

81, 917. 58

221, 838. 19

4, 870. 53

852, 557. 04 607, 53S. 48

11, 589. 60 2, 607. 47

14, 197. 0?

105& 518. 13 54, 573. 67

62, 164. 92 11, 129. 06

73, 293. 98

5, 129. 13

545, 459. 80 229& 377. 79

505. 61

20, 508, 310. 00 221, 247. 36

5, 830. 68

20, 722, 726. 88

34, 073. 17

8, 969, 830. 00

33, 075. 00 10, 490. 01

10, 866, 617. 87 259, 754. 84

6, 679. 7li

11, 120, 692. 96

33, 043. , 51 7, 476, 628. 74

194, 854. 59

9, 192. 81

7, 745, 604. 76 320, 280. 28

5, 449. 31

8, 071, 334. 35

31, 448. 18

6, 891, 283. 26

666, 562. 89 224, 313. 09

357. 91

55, 097. 66

55, 097, 66

314, 669. 59

37, 249. 00

13, 291. 81 465. 35

51, 006. 16

207, 585. 00 90, 099. 06 13, 511. 44

1, 030. 00 11, 987. 94 1, 606. 65

14, 624. 59

82, 089. 00 156, 003. 60 33, 534. 15

9, 603, 413. 13 87, 722. 98 26, 204. 66

9, 717, 340. 77

5, 900. 19

1, 203, 527. 26 550, 192. 92 301, 694. 17


3, 121, 013. 11 1, 639. 48


3, 122, 652. 59 «c&

6, 724. 46 585, 345. 48

73, 751. 50 14& 257. 51

763. 52

Contributed accounts (continuous)

Total 1, 465, 966. 05 160, 091. 80

1, 464, 966. 05 160, 091. 80 1, 000. 00

780, 472. 33

780, 472. 33

9, 047, 468. 18

9, 047, 468. 18

7, 713, 719. 66

7, 713, 719. 65

7, 813, 349. 51

7, 813, 349. 61

314, 669. 59

314, 669. 59

311 195 50 271 626 75 2, 061, 314. 54

1, 000. 00

311, 195. 50 271, 626. 75, 2, 062, 314. 54

680& 842. 47

680, 842. 47

General support and administration: No year (continuous) 1934 1933 Prior years

25, 441. 80

60, 720. 77 37, 121. 23

12, 862. 72 2, 901. 83

62, 330. 91 4, 683. 44

2, 136. 900. 00

5, 648. 06 49. 75

1, 976. 00 1, 628. 34 1, 883, 646. 25 1, 764, 934. 26

f, 417. 49 60, 857. 05

4& 97«3. SS $69. 78 45, 010. 27

62, 136. 00 12, 017. 00 22, 257. 22 22, G98. 47

23, 466. 80 179, 100. 75 24, 403. 23

5. 76

446. 66

128, 711. 99 56. 37

Total 123, 283. 80 15, 764. 65 67, 014. 35 2, 131, 307. 69 1, 879, 260. 54 1, 817, 059. 87 45, 010. 27 84, 393. 22 34, 715. 47 226, 976. 54 129, 215. 02

Miscellaneous expenses of Indian Service; No year (continuous) 1934

393, 882. 34 1, 375. 00 74, 010, 69 1, 345, 741. 91 533, 309. 28 421, 209. 09 ---------------- 2, 267. 32 1, 897. 36 1, 203, 525. 29 6, 757, 190. 80 4, 405, 820. 67 8, 686, 054. 14 149, 803. 00 83, 023. 00 2, 118, 544. 13

186, 110, 88 719, 766, 53

1933 Prior years


Interest accounts: No year (continuous)

Trust accounts: No year (continuous) Special deposit accounts


I, 619, 427. 60 1, 745, 511. 97

3, 758, 821. 91

672, 134. 22

12, 910, 936. 43

12, 910, 936. 43

155, 353. 92 36, 413. 52

694, 162. 43 525& 091. 56

23, 712. 71

404, 879. 97 2, 438, 800. 93

2, 848, 680. 90

193, 142. 44 1, 293, 264. 68

649, ss4. I 6 168, Sss. 06

?, 417, 285. 52

556, 036. 26

4& 644, 855. 74

4, 644, 855. 74


52, 518. 96 497. 39

4, 991, 161. 62

511, 985. 39

4, 952, 485. 67

4, 952, 485. 67

5 163 911 37

507, 250. 23

361, 213. 99 240, 747. 60

5, 125& 564. 77

4, 360, f 0?&. 37

865, 460. 50

586, 498. 30 ( 71, 917. 28

470, 149. 84 361, 213. 99 16, 760. 00 176, 034. 92 13, 126. 59

274, 081. 87

924, &JSG. 23 1, 254, 999. 14

5, 502, 054. 79

716, 185. 09

12, G03, 306. 50

12, 603, 306. 50

160, 183. 09 64, 444. 48

1, 120, 504. 93

28, 447. 87

231, SOO. 87

6, 698, 905. 20

6, 930, 706. 07

Total, Indian Affairs: No year (continuous) 1934 1933 Prior years Special accounts (special deposit account)

1, 096, 328. 89

2, 672, 626. 02

2, 472, 089, 26

1, 375. 00

285, 324. 37 96, 496. 49

102, 852. 53

1, 364, 118. 06 770, 281. 85

505. 61

1, 935, 851. 34

38, 372, 230. 80 300, 648. 88


613. 78

1, 080, 313. 18

24, 632, 713. 53

505, ?10. 90 1, 937. $6

961, 435. 84

20, 077, 876. 42

1, 634, 198. 52

699, 652. 46 367. OJ

775, 991. 51

2, 267. 32

456, 773. 00 197, 565. 37 30, 736. 79

1, 897. 36 178& 159. 00 366, 724. 93 48, 267. 39

1, 949, 0?7. 37 13, 104, 585. 27

1, 587, 305. 36 1, 582, 903. 73

221, 729. 87 4, 554, 837. 11

235, 630. 44

68, 701. 94 763. 62

Trust accounts (continuous) Trust accounts (special deposit accounts) Contributed accounts (continuous)

6, 241, 044. 17

12, 910, 936. 43

1, 000. 00

19, 152, 980. 60

383, 195. 86 2, 237, 758. 05 404, 879. 97

2, 438, 800. 93

39, 874, 824. 53

4, 644, 855. 74

383& 195. 86 5, 081, 438. 95 44, 519, 680. 27

26, 216, 810. 16

4, 952, 485. 67

31, 169, 295. 83

23, 372, 905. 33 5, 125, 564. 77

6, 360, 1 0$. 37

24, 238, 365. 83

775, 991. 51

775, 991. 51

687, 342. 48

687& 342. 48

595, 048. 68

595, 048. GS

18, 223& 871. 73 12, 603, 306. 50

1, 000. 00

30, 828, 178. 23

5 081 662. 88 231, 800. 87

6, G98, 905. 20

12, 012, 368. 95

Total, Department of the Interior, including Indian Afiairs:

Vo year (continuous) 1934 1933 Prior years Special deposit accounts

30, 329, 953. 07

7, 596, 719. 24

4, 551, 704. 73

446, 054. 08

143, 365. 77 2, 372, 734. 93 1, 082, 740. 61

680, 940. 18

51, 788. 6S 1, 391, 670. 97 12, 154, 577. 01 247, 604, 026. 66

1 78, 688. 69 l 76, 698. 30

18, 234, 182. 45

78, 755, 549. 57

3, 054, 255. 97 37, 66l. 94

18, 529, 493. 81 69, 345, 780. 76

4, 996, 126. 49 974, 373. 42 370, 999. 36

6, 050. 79

2, 623, 154. 98

305, 369. 46 921, 735. 35 624, 217. 20

93, 326. 47

92, 798. 36 737, 050. 28

529, 90G. 16 82, 237. 69

23, 898, 917. 70

167, 189, 691. 46

3, 661, 765. 30 1, 759, 221. 00

1, 096, 359. 61 9, 409, 76S. 81

430, B&)4. 41 70, 805. 25

1 051 939 53

Trust accounts (continuous) Trust accounts (special deposit accounts) Contributed accounts (continuous)


42, 478, 377. 04 13, 983, 193. 83

229, 982. 45

56, 691, 5, &13. 32

641, 208. 53 5, 528, 086. 69 426, 576. 28

2, 438, 800. 93 47, 154. 94

259, 411, 282. 68

4, 652, 809. 68

421, 415. 69

641, 208. 58 8, 440, 618. 84 264, 485, 508. 05

100, 006, 426. 05

5, 067, 156. 77

308, 832. 80

105, 382, 415. 62

93 474 775. 13 5, 250, 101. 52

I, 337, $96. 06 304, 118. 17

2, 628, 205. 77 1, 944, 648. 48

43. 05

94, 691, 698. 76 2, 628, 205. 77 1& 944, 691. 53

1, 441, 992. 49

1, 441, 992. 49

196, 509, 595. 4G

13, 568, 846. 74

342, 522. 29

210, 420, 964. 49

12, 059, 737. Ci 1

243, 631. 5&3

6, 77G, 096. 99 51, SGO. fi?

19, 131, 335. 70

(Details on pp. 217 to 231)


No year (continuous) 1934 1933 Prior years

651, 353. 03 623, 920. 26

624, 040. 66 248, 162. 72

79, 830. 37

12, 500. 00

10, 596, 366. 52

7, 244. 02

8, 001, 444. 03 137, 827. 28

64& 041. 61

7, 686, 883. 74 355, 569. 25

25, 789. 06 684, 911. 85

307, 839. 00 178, 380. 44

240, 257. 00 662, 385. 33

12, 500. 00 7, 046, 826. 49

296, 800. 64

293. 74

314, 560. 29 30, 420. 75

Total 1, 275, 273. 29 624, 040. 66 327, 993. 09 15 616 110. 54 8, 085, 230. 00 8, 068, 242. 05 G84, 911. 85 486, 219. 44 902, 642. 33 7, 356, 420. 87 34&, 981, 04


No year (continuous) 1034 1933 Prior years. Specila &lcposit ac&ounls

20, 566. 30

1, 142, 174. 00 406, 494. 98

138, 750. 98 542, 973. 94 58, 887. 46

170, 886. 24

193, 548. 44

17, 676, 197. 51 684. 33

47, 405. 42

47, 003. 98 14, 498, 663. 52

768& GFO. SB

4, 757. 15

47, 003. 98

13, 993, 724. 84

375, 059. 45

63, 644. 61 57, 242. 99

446, 937. 36

359, 245. 88 203, 254. 6S

136, 778. 00 118, 459. 91

16?, 110. 76

2, 681, 510. 11

1, 118, 514. 94 2, 205. 89

5&0 I, «:&S. GS

9, 20&. 27

113, 6& 3. 25

Total Trust accounts (continuous)


1, 569, 235. 28

10, 045. 08 138, 750. 98 772, 747. 64

14, 837. 57 17, 917, 835, 70

1, 868. 19 14, 391, 804. 43

I, 233. 43 14, 536, 675. 87

IOf, 978. 8$ 44G, 937. 36 562, 500. 56 255, 237. 91 3, 969, 341, 70

10, 679. AA

li27, I&7&i. '&0

20R, 043. &&'&

1, 579, 280. 36 ~

138, 750. 98 787, 585. 21 17, 919, 703. 89 14, 393 037. 86 14 344 703 25 446 937 36 562 600. 56 255, 237. 91 3, 980, 021. 54 le&5&, 9&9. 82&

Recapitulation of expenditures, balances, etc. — Continued

[Debit transfer appropriations (net) and repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures are printed in ftcffc]

Unexpended balances, June 30, 1933 Expenditures in 1934 (see p. 6)

Amount carried to surplus fund (see p. 7)

Unexpended balances, June 30, 1934

On book of the Treasury On books of the Treasury


Reserve for impounded

vacancy savings

(see p. 8)

To credit of disbursing


Appropriations Warrants-issued

basis Checks-issued

basis Act June 20,


Impounded salary and

vacancy savings

Reserve for impounded

vacancy savnlgs

(see p. 8)


To credit of disbursing




No year (continuous) 1 3 93 34 1933 Prior years

$1& 794, 353. 45

1, 822, 095. 82 930, 289. 95

$144, 783. 96

$113, 946. 31

916, 443. 13 54, 608. 99

$81 L 000. 00 11, 493, 872. 79

88L 648. 78 3, 525. 07

$707, 937. 32

7, 630, 275. 64

155, 824. 64

13, 753. 20

$763, 907. 69

7, 041, 398. 25

1, 054, 610. 70 68, 350. 07 $920, 061. 82

$1, 140. 02 160, 414, 00 88, 113. 04

$105, 312. 00 159, 286. 61

$874, 276. 11 3, 597, 871. 15

932, 112. 70

$57, 975. 94 588, 877. 39

17, 607. 07 12. 12

Total Trust accounts (continuous) Contributed accounts (continuous)

4, 546& 739. 22

139, 891. 68 937. 27

144, 783. 96 1, 084, 998. 43 75, 366. 93

10, 654, 855. 07 689, 737. 06

8, 507, 790. 80 681, 400. 00

S, 928, 266. 71 6S6, 565. 90

920, 061. 82 249, 667. 06 264, 598. 61 5, 404, 259. 96 148, 228. 74

937. 27

664, 522. 52

70, 201. 03

Total 4, 687, 568. 17 144, 783. 96 1, 160, 365. 36 11, 344, 592. 13 9, 189, 190. 80 9, 614, 832. 61 920, 061. 82 249, 667. 06 264, 598. 61 5, 553, 425. 97 734, 723. 55

Total, Department of Justice: No year (continuous) 1934 1933 Prior years Special deposit accounts

1, 814, 919. 75

3, 615, 622. 85

1, 960, 705. 19 907& 575. 60

113, 946. 31

1, 707, 579. 79 193, 326. 82 170, 886. 24

4, 95L 56 44, 766, 436. 82

880, 858. 48 58, 174. 51

754, 941. 30 30, 130, 383. 19

135, 031. 70

86, 680. 96

810, 911. 67 28, 722, 006. 83

1, 785, 239. 40

157, 783. 74

57, 242. 99 2& 051& 911. 03

1, 140. 02 827, 498. 88 469, 748. 16

482, 347. 00 940, 131. 85

1, 053, 886. 87 13& 326, 207. 75

2, 347, 428. 28

2, 499. 63

57, 975. 94

1, 408, 376. 36 57, 372. 09

12. 12 113, 643. 25

Total Trust accounts (continuous) Trust accounts (special deposit ac-

counts) Contributed accounts (continuous).

7, 391, 247. 79 149, 936. 76

937. 27

7, 542, 121. 82

907, 5'75. 60 2, 185, 739. 16

53, 734. 10

36, 470. 40

907, 575. 60 2& 275, 943. 66

44, 188, 801. 31 691, 605. 25

44, 880, 406. 56

30, 984, 825. 23

682, 633. 43

31, 667, 458. 66

31, 533, 184. 63 684, 719, 94

2, 051, 911. 03

180, f88. 66

32, 027, 777. 91 2, 051, 911. 03

1, 298, 387. 06

1, 298, 387. 06

1, 422, 478. 85

1, 422, 478. 85

16, 730, 022. 53 158, 908. 58

937. 27

16& 889& 868. 38

1, 637, 379. 76 51, 647. 59

226, 597. 06

1, 915, 624. 41


(Details on pp. 232 to 236)

Office of the Secretary: 1934 1933. Prior years


103, 581. 29

22, 880. 20

126, 461. 49

1, 603. 06

1, 603. 06

27, 678. 08 511. 78

28, 189. 86

'764, 425. 11

764, 425. 11

603, 245. 79 45, 074. 22

884. 40

048, 055. 61

537, 634. 26

55, 308. 98 244. 29

593, 187. 53

23, 144. 60

23, 144. 60

15, 174. 00 7, 006, 81

22, 180, 81

8, 251. 43

3, 650. 86

11, 902. 29

137, 753. 89 49, 452, 46

187, 206. 35

65, 611. 53 17, 443. 32

3. 09

83, 057. 94

Bureau of Labor Statistics: t

1934 1933 Prior years


8, 405. 27 34, 297. 37

42, 702. 64

3, 322. 39

3, 322. 39

5, 136, 81 5. 84

5, 142. 65

439, 360. 00

439, 360. 00

414, B17. 35 2, 890. 2S

59. 39

417, 567. 02

392, 017. 79 7, 995. 49

19. 63

400, 032. 91

34, 237. 98

34, 237. 98

18, 536. 00 4, 650. 65

23, 186. 65

4, 783. 00 2, 515. 16

7, 298. 16

1, 423. 65 1, 671. 57

3, 095. 22

22, 599. 5B 31. 60 45. 60

22, 676. 76

Bureau of Immigration and Naturalisation:

No year (eontinuous) 1934

499. 21 B4, 74B. 15 11, 759, 120. 00

64, 255. 79 8, 741, 669. 56

61, 207. 47 8, 510, 97B. 22 347, 247. 00 866, 246. 00

989. 57 3, 048. 32 1, 803, 958. 44 230, 693. 34

1933 Prior years

718, 341. 04 214, 631. 40

23, 481. 69 330, 203. 83 5, 159. 42 I, 047. 98

269, 239. 73 10, 566. 35

592, 5Z3. 63 15, 356. 54 205, 113. 03

249, 847. 70 84, 815. 67 137, 919. 63 6, 869. 93 369. 23

Trust accounts (continuous)


933, 471. 65 72, 041. 48

1, 005, 513. 13

23, 481. 69

23, 481. 69

335, 363. 25

335 363 25

11, 824, 914. 13 6, 614. 56

11, 831, 528. 69

9, 085, 731. 43 133. 00

9, 085, 864. 43

Or 180, 113. 86 133. 00

9, 180, 246. 86

205, 113. 03

205, 113. 03

597 094 70

597, 094. 70

951, 060. 67

951, 060. 67

I, 942, 867. 64 78, M3. 04

2, 021, 390. 68

240, 980. 82

240, 080. 82

, Children's Bureau:

No year (continuous) 1934. 1933 Prior years

3, 636. 74

2, 841. 54 14, 985. 03

I, 708. 00 11, 777. 64 2. 44

344, 000. 00 323, 330. 15

5, 486. 38 82. 81

318, 158. 73 5, 799. 80

85. 25 14, 902. 22

15, 155. 00 4, 339. 36

976. 00 I, 708. 00

3, 63G. 74 4, 538. 85 5, 171. 42

3, 988. 56 491. 46


Women's Bureau: 1934. 1933 Prior years

21, 463. 31

3, 033. 08 26, 925. 92

I, 708. 00 11, 780. 08

9, 308. 06 . 20

344, 000. 00

147. 000. 00

317, 926. 58

142, 275. 87

4, 978. 76 20. 84

324, 043. 78

133, 382. 53 3, 491. 36

21. 04

14, 902. 22

26, 905. 08

19, 494. 36

4, 647. 13 3, 904. 46

2, 684. 00

77. 00

12, 164. 15

4, 102. 37

5, 662. 88

8, 893. 34 842. 95

Total 29, 959. 00 9, 308. 26 147, 000. 00 137, 322. 96 136, 894. 93 26, 905. 08 8, 551. 59 77. 00 4, 102. 37 9, 736. 29

United States Employment Service 1934 2, 3CO, 000. 00 1, 814, 937. 53 I, 607, 478. 15 17, 069. 00 467, 993. 47 207, 459. 38

Employment Service: 1934. 1933 Prior years


155, 826. 83 83, 381. 85

239, 208. 68

29, 156. 35 289. 49

29, 445. 84

734, 865. 00

734, 865. 00

83, 796. 21

6, $77. 10 734. 52

78, 053. 63

74, 143. 06 17, 697. ?7

94. 34

91, 935. 17

82, 647. 33

82, 647. 33

3, 590. 00 5, 687. 25

9, 277. 25

647, 478. 79 156, 616. 68

804, 095. 47

9, 653. 15 4, 981. 48

929. 67

15 564 30

Eousing Corporation: No year (continuous) 1934 1933 Prior years Special deposit accounts


Labor, miscellaneous: No year (continuous) Prior years

Trust accounts (continuous).


Total, Department of Labor. No year (continuous) 1934 1933 Prior years. Special deposit accounts. .

Trust accounts (continuous)

104. 00

283. 19 59. 14

446. 33

200. 11

200. 11 15, 275. 21

15, 475. 32

4, 440. 06

992, 312. 24

397, 160, 91

1, 393, 913. 21' 87, 316. 69

30, 115, 14

30, 115. 14

566, 909. 42

227. 64

9, 032. 92

576, 169. 98

597, 296. 09

597, 296. 09

566, 909. 42

413, 488. 41 5, 969. 17 9, 032. 92

995, 399. 92 597, 296. 09

8, 5CO. 00

38. 75

8, 538. 75

26, 697. 54

26, 697. 54

2, 618. 18

29, 315. 67

91, 443. 69 16, 497, 270. 11

I, CGI}. 73

16, 589, 800. 53 9, 232. 69

8, 266. 17 159. 74 38. 75

8, 175. 18

23, 154. 59 6. 76

23, 147. 84

I, 100, 00

24, 247. 84

87, 410. 38 12, 132, 138. 63

300, 137. 26 11, 231. 51

12, 530, 917, 78

I, 233. 00

8, 263. 14 97. 90 38. 75

8, 224. 90

16, 624. 69

23, 154. 59 6. 75

23, 147. 84

476, 5}}5. 5'4

465, 445. 70

84, 362. 06 11, 582, 053. 88

682, QG4. 93 15, 853. 09 8, 224. 90

12, 373, 458. 86 $78, $60. 5$

59. 14

59. 14

6. 75

6. 75

6. 75

387, 016. 13

387, 016. 13

220. 00 400. 55

620. 55

421, 638. 13 275, 836. 78

697, 474, 91

880, 332, 43

92, 689. 69

973, 022. 12

104. 00 13. 83 12. 38

130. 21

3, 743. 06

3, 743. 06 16, 793. 34

20, 536. 40

8, 473. 37 3, Cf}3, 160. 92

353, 7G3. fi5

3 425 397 94 }};5 sid:ia

566, 909. 42 3. 03

808. 02

567 ?cO 47

I 074 989 63

1, 074, 9'9. 63

569, 957. 74 5fi0, 084. ZG

3(i, ii}} 0 74

I, 347. 59 hOli. 02

I, 152, 858. H4

I 0? i }ls'i lr}

I, 481, 229. 90 30, 115. 14 I, 592, 696. 01 16, 599, 033. 22 12, 532, 150. 78 11, 896, 998. 32 387, 016. 13 697, 474. 91 973, 022. 12 3, 520, 714. 32 2, 22?, 8 }&. 47

Recapitulation of Espenrhtures, balances, etc. — Continued

[Debit transfer appropriations (net) and repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures are printed in italic)

Unexpended balances, June 30, 1933 Expenditures in 1934 (see p. 6)

Amount carried to surplus fund (see p. 7)

Unexpended balances, June 30, 1934

On books of the Treasury On books of the Treasury


Reserve for impounded

vacancy savings

(seep 8)

To credit of disbursing


Appropriations Warrantsossued

basis Checks-issued

basis Act June 20,


Impounded salary and

vacancy savings

Reserve for impounded

vacancy savings

(see p. 8)


To credit of disbursing



(Details on pp, 236 to 253)

Salaries, Navy Department: 1934 1933 Prior years


Contingent expeuses, etc. : No year (continuous) 1934 1933. Prior years

$95, 337. 69 60, 578. 03

155, 915. 72

276. 89

389, 797. 31 6, 959. 29

$91, 164. 53

91, 164. 53

$4, 058. 26

4, 058. 26

9, 947. 14 2. 00

$3, 808, 133. 19

9. 09

3, 808, 142. 28

716, 360. 00

$3& 269, 183. 47

3, 716. 80 8. 71

3, 265, 471. 88

447, 083. 58

107, 010. 03 6'8. 89

$3 265 064 42 337. 96

8. 71

3, 265, 411. 09

417, 178. 36 107, 466. 17


$60, 578. 41

60, 578. 41

7, 028. 18

$173, 471. 00 48, 377. 06

221, 848. 06

2, 589. 00 566. 82

$112, 060. 00 91, 293. 53

203, 353. 53

320. 00

$253, 418. 72 50, 551. 93

303, 970. 65

27G. 89 266, 687. 42 281, 900. 46

$4, 119. 05

4, 119. 05

29, 905. 22

9, 491. 00

0 Total

Oflice of the Secretary: No year (continuous) 1934 1933 Prior years

397, 033. 49

9, 716. 20

231, 160. 51 214, 662. 48

18, 129. 02

9, 949. 14

8, 758. 44

716, 360. 00

15, 126. 33 4, 346, 941. 69

870. 49 20. 42

554, 024. 72

1, 651. 91 2, 262, 419 50

27, 341. 73 690. 65

524, 577. 64

1, 651. 91 2, 262, 935. 36

36, 100. 17 690. 65

7, 028. 18

4, 324. 48

213, 992. 25

3, 155. 82

38, 586. 00 14, 826. 06

320. 00

13, 686, 00 1S, 416. 99

548, 864. 77

18, 866. 14 2, 032, 250. 19

189, 575. 24

39, 396. 22


r 515. 86

Total 455, 539. 19 18, 129. 02 8, 758. 44 4, 362& 958. 93 2, 292, 103. 79 2, 301, 378. 09 218, 316. 73 53, 412. 06 32, 102. 99 2, 240, 691. 57 515. 86

Bureau of Navigation: No year (continuous) 1934 1933 Prior years


Bureau of Engineering: 1934 1933 Prior years


497, 337. 65

539, 954. 89 496, 125. 92

1, 533, 418. 46

967, 857. 85 824, 951. 89

1, 792, 809. 74

2, 356. 74

2, 356. 74

33, 537. 67

38, 537. 67

133, 035. 56 5, 268, 909. 00

16, 799. 5'0

5, 120, 083. 94

18, 658, 450. 00

39, 190. 95

18, 697, 640. 95

24, 828. 95

3, 130, 138. 81 92, 122. 90 15, 826. 62

3, 262, 917. 28

13, 668& 629. 97 483, 770. 12

367, 079. 17

14, 519, 479. 26

24, 828. 95

3, 130, 138. 81 92, 122. 90 15, 826. 62

3, 262, 917. 28.

13, 668, 629. 97 483, 770. 12 867, 079. 17

14, 519, 479. 26

75. 00

462, 973. 67

463, 048. 67

480, 964. 55

480, 964. 55

120, 425 00 72, 905. 11

526. 13

193, 856. 24

300, 427. 00 170, 453. 83

16, 099. 12

486, 979. 95

6, 469. 00 2, 361. 74

8, 830. 74

157& 552. 00 36, 933. 62

194, 485. 62

340& 408. 14 2, 011& 876. 19

374, 921. 88

2, 72'7, 20G. 21

4, 531, 841. 03 310, 237. 95

4, 842, 078. 98

Bureau of Construction and Repair: 1934 1933 Prior years


1, 287, 039. 09 1, 069, 500. 69

2, 356& 539. 78

54, 531. 01

54, 531. 01

15, 434, 800. 00

56. 14

15, 434, 856. 14

12, 158, 760. 74 173, 339. 99 163, 093. 23

12, 495, 193. 96

12, 158, 760. 74 173, 339. 99 163, 093. 23

12, 495, 193. 99

892, 100. 29

892, 100. 29

317, 600. 00 186, 127. 15

14, 363. 31

618, 090. 46

222, 000. 00 57& 669. 98

279, 669. 98

2, 736, 439. 26 924, 432. 98

3, 660, 872. 24

Bureau of Ordnance: No year (continuous) 2~, 089. 34 I

76, 916. 4'1 76, 916. 47 3, 050. 48 143, 122. 39

1934 1933 Prior years

3, 429, 467. 71 30, 268. 25 975, 356. 56

11, 179, 975. 00

200. 00

6, 620, 273. 93 1, 827, 089. 65

752, 459. 53

6, 620, 273. 93 1, 827, 089. 65

752, 459. 53 208, 386. 51

213, 668. 00 99, 337. 76 14, 710. 52

19, 890. 00 30, 351. 97

4, 326, 143. 07 1, 502, 956. 68

T tal otal

Bureau of Supplies and Accounts: No year (continuous) 1934 1933 Prior years

4, 627, 913. 61

43, 426, 825. 29

11, 893, 986. 66 4, 089, 113. 51

30, 268. 25

3, 416. 92

104, 546. 22

11, 180, 175. 00

8, 542, 8IG. GO

161, 542, 473. 78 66, 4J&j&. GO

26, 270. 51

9, 276, 739. 58

f 6, $88, 508. Oi

136, 394, 163. 52

5, 039, 144. 18 8?O. 16

9, 276, 739. 58

f 5, 588, 508. 01 136 394& 163 52

5, 039, 144. 18 810. 16

208, 386. 51

4, 071, 298. 22

330, 766. 76

128, 967. 30 12, 615, 040. 00

3& 871& 951, 59 r 52. 18

50, 241. 97

3, 466. 10 186, 834. 00 106, 375. 80

5, 972, 222. 04

50, 443, 500. 20 12, 346, 436. 26

2, 924, 616. 69 44, 348. 14

Total Trust accounts (continuous)

5g& 409& 925 46 107& 963 14 216, 061. 88

153, 069, 483. 05 34, 249. 45

125, 844, 589. 53 36, 097. 42

125, 844, 589. 53

36& 097. 42 4, 071, 298. 22 16, 615, 906. 71 296, 675. 90 65, 758, 901. 29

214, 213. 91

Total 59. 625, 987. 34 107, 963. 14 153, 103, 732. 50 125, 880, 686. 95 125, 880, 686. 95 4, 071, 298. 22 16, 615, 906. 71 296, 675. 90 65, 973& 115. 20

Bureau of Medicine snd Surgery: No year (continuous) 1934 1933 Prior years


2, 013, 568. 66

135, 203. 11 177, 684. 96

2, 326, 456. 73

59, 483. 72

59, 483. 72

803, 873. 22

1, 859, 634. 00

2, 663, 507. 22

852, 236. 73

1, 541, 391. 60

J0$, 3?5. 63 484. 10

2, 289, 796. 80

852, 236. 73

1, 541, 391. 60

?0$& 516. 68 484. 10

2, 289, 796. 80

177, 200. 86

177, 200. 8G

8, 492. 82 46, 702. 00 37, 601. 57

92, 796. 39

14, 909. 00 59, 768. 72

74, 677. 72

1, 956, 712. 33 256, 631. 40 201, 632. 17

2, 414, 975. 90

ttureau of Y'ards and Docks: No year (continuous) 1934 1933 Prior years


9, 634, 163. 00

473, 274. 89 49, 544. 20

10, 156, 982. 09

4, 697. 17

36, 472. 60

41, 169. 77

1, 194. 95

1, 194. 95

6&ff & 050. 00

35, 569, 381. 00

35, 018, 331. 00

2, 557, 547. 01 17, 332, 820. 21

190, 898. 14 6, 207. 09

20, 087, 472. 45

2, 558, 741. 96 17, 328, 181. 46

190, 898. 14 6, 207. 09

20, 084, 028. 65

43, 457. 94

43, 457. 94

69, 407. 96 215, 726. 00 134, 965. 40

2120. 83

419 978 53

6, 985. 99 50, 362. 00 37& 394. 29

94, 742. 28

6, 453, 869. 21

17, 970, 472. 79 146, 489. 66

24, 570, 831. 66

4, 638. 75

4, G38. 75

Bureau of Aeronautice' No year (continuous) 1934 1933 Prior years

5, 953. 78

6, 442, 771. 26

4, 409, 732. 14 21, 160. 41 7, 188. 56

29, 500, 262. 83

J&8, 803. 83 166, 229. 62

349. 70 11, 566, 974. 74

3, 927, 223. 38 705, 291. 68

349. 70 11, 560, 896. 70

3& 934& 215 g9 705, 291. 68 3. 866, 158. 74

196, 546. 00 125, 751. 72

4, 511. 34

25, 934. 00 24, 786. 83

5, 604. 08 17, 710, 808. 09 2, 343, 365. 91

6, 078. 04 195. 95

Total 10, 858, 457. 18 21, 160. 41 7, 188. 56 29, 623, 688. 62 16, 199, 839. 50 16, 200, 754. 07 3, 866, 158. ?4 326, 809. 06 50, 720. 83 20, 059, 778. 08 6, 273. 99

Naval Academy: 1934 1933 Prior years

Total 119, 381. 65 12, 850. 86

98, 02?. 60 12, 850. 86 21, 354. 05

1, 741, 237. 00

1, 741, 237. 00

1, 321, 351. 33 7, 590. 26

4. 99

1, 328, 946. 58

1, 321, 351. 33 7, 590. 26

4. 99

1, 328, 946, 58

21, 349. 06

21, 349. 06

58, 593. 00 24, 176. 10

82, 769. 10

739. 00 12, 850. 86

13, 589. 86

360, 553. 67 66, 261. 24

426, 814. 91

Marine Corps: No year (continuous) 1934 1933 Prior years

131. 93

2, 616, 721. 43

2, 350, 838. 94 18, 806. 63

20, 989, 077. 00

3, 446. 34

16, 855, 761. 95 450, 368. 89

38, 301. 73

16, 855, 761. 95 450, 368. 89

38, 301. 73 2, 316, 049. 75

1, 452, 449. 00 320, 190. 84

&66. 20

3, 585. 00 18, 806. 63

131. 93 2, 677, 281. 05 1, 846, 1Gi. 70

TotaL Trust accounts (continuous)

4, 967, 692. 30 395, 824. 00

18, 806. 63 20, 992, 623. 34 104, 056. 18

17, 344, 432. 57 122, 976. 97

17, 344, 432. 57 122, 97G. 97

2, 316, 049. 75 1, 772, 573. 64 22, 391. 63 4, 523, 574. 68 376, 903. 21

Total. 5, 363, 516. 30 18, 806. 63 21, 096, 579. 52 17, 467, 409. 54 17& 467, 409, 54 2, 316, 049. ?5 1, 772, 573. 64 22, 391. 63 4, 900, 477. 89

Alterations to naval vessels: No year (continuous)

Incrcas& of the Navy: No year (continuous) 1934 Prior years


4, 273, 592. 72

14, 249, 909. 34 238, 000, 000. 00

198. 35

252, 250, 107. 69

2, 889. 90

15, 110. 48

15, 110. 48

1, 648. 31

1, 648. 31

5, 500, 000. 00

43, 911, 425. 00

43, 911, 425. 00

5, 611, 425. 16

42, 998, 439. 19 28, 633, 985. 85

g4. M

71, 632, 380. 68

5, 611, 425. 16

42, 999, 909. 50 23, 457, 056. 19

44. SG

66, 456, 921. 33

44. 36

44. 36

340, 954. 04

1, 139, 412. 05

198. 35

1, 139, 610. 40

3, 821, 213. 52

384, 824. 48 13& 653» Gg 10 209, 366& 014. 15

384, 824. 48 223, 019, 783. 25

178. 00 5, 176, 929. 69

5, 177, 107. 66

~ Debit balance. r Credit item.

Recapitulation of expenditures, balances, etc. — Continued

[Debit transfer appropriations (net) snd repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures are printed in italic]

Unexpended balances, June 30, 1933

On books of the Treasury

Expenditures in 1934 (see p. 6)

Amount carried to surplus fund (see p. '7) Unexpended balances, June 30, 1934

On books of the Treasury


Reserve for impounded

vacancy savings (see p. 8)

To credit of disbursing


Appropriations Warrants-issued

basis Cheeks-issued

basis Act June 20,


Impounded salary and

vacancy savings

Reserve for impounded

vacancy savings

(see p. 8)


To credit of disbursing


Nxvv DErARTMEET — Continued

Navy, miscellaneous: No year (continuous) general fund Prior years Special accounts (special deposit accounts)

otal T Trust accounts (continuous)


General account of advances: No year (continuous)

$170, 062. 51

170, 062. 51

15, 33D, 200. 65

15, 500, 263. 16

& 29, 389, 6 14. 63

$302, 360. 55

302, 360. 55

302, 360. 55

29, 383, 683. 07

$444, 364. 54 127. 04

444, 491. 58 34. 15

444, 525. 73

$56, 990 48 127. 04

67, 117. 52 123. 63

57, 241. 15

13, 165, 547. 29

$56, 990. 48 127. 04

13, 587. 36

70, 704. 88 123. 63

70, 828. 51

4S, 292. 39

$2& 654. 72

2, 654. 72

2, 654. 72

167. 15

37. 00

37. 00

$554, 744. 85

554, 744. 85 15, 330, 111 17

15, 884, 856. 02

& 42, 555, 329. 07

$288, 773. 19

288, 773. 19

288, 773. 19

42, 500, 937. 97

Total, Navy Department: No year (continuous) General accounts of advances (no year) 1934 1933 Prior years Special accounts (special deposit ac-


74, 504, 627. 31 ' 29, 389, 614. 63 238, 000, 000. 00 28, 600, 600. 00 14, 746, 601. 01

$26, 114. 47

483, 307. 66

2, 843. 26 29, 383, 683. 07

29, 952. 40 2. 00

302, 360. 55

41& 548, 896. 91

310, 615& 634. 49 98, 877. De

218, 750. 61

36, 591, 877. 59 13, 165, 547. 29

255, 202, 939. 20 12, 217, 863. 34

2, 049, 25L 13

36, 594, 542. 85

48, 292. 39 249, 981, 784. 34

12, 238, 128. 79 2, 049, 253. 13

13, 587. 36

7, 054. 20 167. 15

12, 821, 582. 79

15& 751, 822. 00 5, 107, 231. 01

5D, 169. 56

814, 020. 00 497, 330. 96

1, 690, 321. 65 3398, 166. 47 77, 392, 218. 78 & 42, 555, 329. 07 276, 846, 853. 29

11, 163, 104. 39 44, 348. 14

178. 00 42, 500, 937. 97

5, 221, 154. 86 9, 686. 95



288, 773. 19

Total Trust accounts (continuous)

326, 462, 213. 69 15, 942, 086. 53

509, 422. 13 29, 718, 841. 28 352, 284, 904. 05 138, 339. 78

319, 227, 478. 55

159, 198. 02 300, 925, 58S. 86

159, 198. 02 12, 828, 804. 14 22& 599, 544. 22 1, 709, 517. 43 322, 891, 195. 53

15, 921, 228. 29 48, 020, 730. 97

PosT Orzrcs DErsRTMENT

(Payable from the Treasury)

(Details on p. 253 to p. 255)

342, 404, 300. 22 509, 422. 13 29, 718, 841. 28 352, 423, 243. 83 319, 386, 676. 57 301, 084, 786. 88 12, 828, 804. 14 22, 599, 544. 22 1, 709, 517. 43 338, 812, 423. 82 48, 020, 730. 97 Co

Deffciencies in the postal revenues: 1934 Prior years


52, 000, 000. 00

3, 295. 62

52, 003, 295. 62

52, 000, 000. 00 3, 295. 62

52, 003& 295. 62

52, 000, 000. DD

3, 295. 62

52, 003, 295. 62

Miscellaneous expenses, Postal Service: No year (continuous) 1934 Prior years

TotsL Trust accounts (continuous)


53, 810. 30

395. 34

54, 205. 64

12, 803. 00

67, 008. 64

70, 744. 59 12, 198, 161. 19

12, 268, 905. 78

64, 272, 201. 40

21, 202. 90 12, 196, 141. 80

12, 217, 344. 70 51, 00

64, 220, 691. 32

21, 202. 90 12, 196, 141. 80

12, 217, 344. 70 51. 00

64, 220, 691. 32

395. 34

395. 34

395, 34

103, 351. 99 2, 019. 39

105, 371. 38 12, 752. 00

118, 123. 38

Total, Post Offlce Department, exclusive of Postal Service payable from postal reve- nues:

No year (continuous) 1934 Prior years

TotaL Trust accounts (continuous)


(Details on pp. 256 to 266)

Office of the Secretary: No year (continuous) 1934 1933 Prior years


53, 810. 30

395. 34

64, 205. 64

12, 803. 00

67, 008. 64

15. 84

139& 917. 57 221& 584. 52

361, 517. 93

23, 903. 74

23, 903. 74

53& 911. 49

9, 996. 71

63, 908. 20

70, 744. 59 64, 198, 161. 19

3, 295. 62

64, 272, 201. 40

64, 272, 201. 40

1, 920. 00 2, 020, 557. 78

6, 1 J&L 26

2, 016& 336. 52

21, 202. 90 64, 196, 141. 80

3, 295. 62

64, 220, 640. 32 51. 00

64, 220, 691. 32

77. 50 1, 626, 485. 51

30, 286. 16 42, 073. 16

1, 638, 216. 02

21, 202. 90 64, 196, 141. 80

3, 295. 62

64, 220, 640. 32 51. 00

64, 220, 691. 32

77. 50 1, 601, 239. 33

22, 180. 43

51, 074. 24

1, 674, 416. 50

895. 34

395. 34

395. 34

173, 306. 97

173, 306. 97

85. 00 79, 881. 00

63. 13

80, 029. 13

61, 471. 00 30, 690. 06

92, 161. 06

103, 351. 99 2, 019. 39

105, 371. 38 12, 752. 00

118, 123, 38

1, 928. 34 252, 720. 27

163, 396. 40

418. 045. 01

25, 246. 18 1, 465. 91

995. 53

27, 707, 72

Foreign intercourse: No year (continuous) 1934 1933 Prior years S peciel deposit accounts

363, 721. 71

2, 367, 222. 31 1, 679, 230. 45

2, 750. 00

99, 502. 02 277. 16

72, 102. 96

222, 310. 54 30, 280. 15

290, 603. 32

1, 342, 827. 12 18, 310, 530. 00

620, 86 9, 618. 62

455, 883. 82

9, 934, 536. 65 935, 167. 09

3, 5+. I5

515, 785. 86

8, 985, 214. 66 1 129 907. 49

26, 519. 54 155, 862. 31

1, 377, 194. 75

145. 34

424, 276. 74 183, 948. 17

3, 847. 35

2, 750, 00 68, 403. 00 91, 566. 83

1, 335. 83

1, 250, 519. 67

7, 883, 313. 61

1, 256, 663. 10 310, 292. 45

12, 200. 92 949, 321. 99

27, 570. 14 216. 46

134, 741. 01

TotaL Trust accounts (continuous)


4, 410, 174. 47 391, 444. 13

102, 529. 18 615, 296. 97 451, 037. 02

4, 801, 618. 60 102, 529. 18 1, 066, 333. 99

19, 663, 596. 60 272, 352. 76

19, 935, 949. 36

11, 322, 043. 41 260, 820. 39

11, 582, 863. 80

10, 813, 289. 86 1, 377, 194. 75

54, 760. 59

10, 868, 050. 45 1, 377, 194. 75

612, 217. 60

612, 217. 60

164, 055. 66

164 055 66

10, 700, 788. 83 402, 976. 50

11, 103, 765. 33

1, 124, 050. 52 657, 096. 82

1, 781, 147. 34

Total, Department of State: No year (continuous) 1934 1933 Prior years Special deposit accounts

Total Trust accounts (cont, inuous)

363, 737. 55

2, 507, 139. 88

1, 900, 814. 97

4, 771, 692. 40 391, 444. 13

2, 750. 00

123, 405. 76 277. 16

126, 432. 92

72, 102. 96

276, 222. 03 40, 276. 86

290, 603. 32

679, 205. 17 451, 037. 02

1, 344, 747. 12 20, 331, 087. 78

620. 86 3, 477. 36

21, 679, 933. 12 272, 352. 76

455, 806. 32 1 1& 561& 022 16

904, 901. 94 38, 529. 01

12& 960, 259. 43 260, 820. 39

515, 708. 36 10, 586, 453. 99 1, 152, 087. 92

77, 593. 78

155, 862. 31

12, 487, 706. 36 54, 760. 59

1, 550, 501. 72

1, 550, 501. 72

230. 34 504, 157. 74

183, 948. 1'7

3, 910. 48

692, 246. 73

2, 750. 00 129, 874. 00 122, 256. 89

1, 335. 83

256, 216. 72

1, 252, 448. 01 8, 13G, 033. 88 1, 420, 059. 50

310& 292. 45

11, 118, 833. 84

402, 976. 50

12, 200. 92 974, 568. 17

29, 036. 0, 1

1, 212. 09 134, 741. 01

1, 151, 758. 24 G57, 096. 82

5, 163, 136. 53 126, 432. 92 1, 130, 242. 19 21, 952, 285. 88 13& 221, 079. 82 12, 542, 466. 95 1, 550, 501. 72 692, 246. 73 256, 216. 72 11, 521, 810. 34 1, 808, 855. 06


(Details on pp. 266 to 311)

Office of the Secretary: 1934 1933 Prior years


Oflice of Solicitor of the Treasury: 1934

Office of Chief Clerk and Superintendent: 1924

1933 Prior years


t Debit balance.

1, 618. 70

8, 348. 53

9, 967. 23

11, 444. 28

14, 000. 28

25, 444. 66

9, 500, 80

9, 500. 80

3, 371. 02

3, 371. 02

23, 769. 85 74. 79

23, 844. 64

167, 368. 00

167, 368. 00

27, 735. 00

696, 785. 00

. 76

696, 785. 76

141, 630. 13 3& 371. OB

138, 259. 11

14, 496. 44

586, 198. 03 16, f16. 68

86. 16

569, 996. 20

139, 319. 35

139& 319. 35

14, 084. 27

568, 324. 78

7, 654. 17 11. 38

575, 967. 59

8, 348. 53

8, 348. 53

14, 087. 19

14, 087. 19

7, 388. 00 1& 940. 19

9, 328. 19

640. 00

28, 358. 00

6, 709. 01

35, 067. 01

15, 510. 00 2, 408. 37

17, 918. 37

12, 595. 00

15, 514, 00 9, 571. 80

25, 085. 80

2, 839. 87 641. 16

3& 481. 03

66, 714. 97 20, 77'9. 95

87, 494. 92

2, 310. 78

2, 310, 78

412. 17

17, 873. 25

17, 873. 25

Recapitulation of EspenCitures, balances, etc. — Continued

[Debit transfer appropriations (net) and repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures are printed in aaiic]

Unexpended balances, June 30, 1933

On book of the Treasury

Expenditures in 1934 (see p. 6)

Amount carried to surplus fund (see p. 7)

Unexpended balances, June 30, 1934

On book of the Treasury


Reserve for impounded

vacancy savings

(see p, 8)

To credit of disbursing



Warrants-issued basis

Checks-issued basis

Act June 20, 1874

Impounded salary and

vacancy savings

Reserve for impounded

vacancy savings

(see p. 8)


To credit of disbursing



Division of Supply: 1934 19 3 33- Prior years


$1081 051. 84 28, 057. 17

136, 109. 01

$1, 568. 50

1, MS. 50

$194, 376. 28 63. 35

194, 439. 63

$1, 078, 704. 00

1, 078, 704. 00

$1, 001, 205. 22

60, eef. 00 s. 40

940, 935. 82

$809, 681. 52 112, 548. 45

54. 95

922, 284. 92

$28, 065 57

28, 065. 57

$8, 508. 00 2, 382. 56

10, 890. 56

$1, 395. 00

1, 578. 50

2, 973. 50

$67, 595. 78 165, 920. 28

233, 516. 06

$191, 523. 70 21, 566. 83

213, 090. 53

Ofhce of Comruissioner of Accounts and Deposits: 1934 1933 Prior years


499. 29

4, 299. 77

4, 799. 06

1, 142. 12 43. 23

1, 185. 35

109, 254. 00

109, 254. 00

94, 783. 73

f, of 7. 74 43. es

93, 722. 76

93, 802. 25 124. 38

93, 926. 63

4, 343. 00

4, 343. 00

4, 823. 00 1, 316. 44

6, 139. 44

2, 164. 00

2, 164. 00

7, 483. 27 200. 59

7, 683. 86

981. 48

981. 48

Division of Bookkeeping and Warrants: No year (continuous) 1934 1933 Prior years


8, 986. 07

6, 831. 21 65, 063. 78

80, 881. 06

1, 315. 03

1, 315. 08

812. 11

14, 696. 99

15, 509. 10

636, 343. 65 283, 584. 00

919, 927. 65

630, 242. 15 273, 817. 26

4, 658. 50

899, 500. 91

630, 868. 41 271, 764. 00

10, 138. 49

912, 770. 90

65, 063. 78

65, 063. 78

7, 586. 00 2, OS3. 12

9, 669. 12

1, 489. 00

1, 315. 03

2, 804. 03

15, 087. 57 691. 74

9, 306. 59

25, 085. 90

185. 85 2, 053. 26

2, 239. 11

Division of Disbursements. 1934 1933 .

Prior years


775, 59 237. 35

11 012. 94

330. 00

330. 00

76. 69 340, 754. 02

340, 754. 02

315, 990. 95 76. ee

315, 914. 26

309, 165. 34

309, 165. 34

237. 35

237. 35

662. 08

662. 08

330. 00

330. 00

24, 763. 07 190. 20

24, 953. 27

On 6, 825. 61

6, 825. 61

Public-Debt Service: No year (continuous) 1934 1933 Prior years

4, NO. 27

95, 508. 09 44, 564. 02

14, 334, 16

50, 351. 66

54, 535. 63

19, 068. 50

1, 420, 709. 83

2, 700& 000. 00 1, 378, 260. 18 2, 367, 886. 20

59, 942. 22 1. 24

1, 426, 425. 43

2, 309, 432. 02

78I 897. 78 1. 24

10, 301. 15

44, 562. 78

28, 440, 36 101, 677. 00 28, 163. 28

181 042. 30 56, 541. 00 50, 089. 66

4, 590. 27 173, 896. 80

7, 664. 59

6, 370. 38 58, 454. 18

112. 94

Total Trust accounts (continuous)

144, 662. 38 309, 932. 64

64, 685. 82 73, 604. 13 4, 120, 709. 83 3, 806, 089. 84

71, 364. 15 3, 814, 7M. 47

71, 364. 15 54, 863. 93 158, 280. 64 124, 672. 96 186, 150. 66

238, M8. 49 64, 937. 50


Division of Appointments: 1934 1933 Prior years


454, N5. 02

568. 48

1, 192. 59

1, 761. 07

64, 685. 82

3, 069. 23

3, 069. 23

73, 604. 13

166. 98

166. 98

4, 120, 709. 83

42, 570. 00

42, 570. 00

3, 877, 453. 99

37, 897. 00 166. 98

37, 730. 02

3, 886 120 62

37, 896. 31

37, 896. 31

54, 863. 93

1, 192. 59

1, 192. 59

158, 280. 64

1, 987. 00 546. 95

2, 533. 95

124, 672. 96

2, 368. 00 8, 069. 23

5, 437. 23

424, 719. 15

318. 00 188. 51

506. 51

64, 937, 50

. 69

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Recapitulation of expenditures, balances, etc. — Continued

)Debit transfer appropriations (net) and repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures are printed in itaffc)

Unexpended balances, June 30, 1933

On books of the Treasury

Expenditures in 1934 (see p. 6)

Amount carried to surplus fund (see p. 7) Unexpended balances, June 30, 1934

On books of the Treasury


Reserve for impounded

vacancy savings

(see p. 8)

To credit of disbursing


Appropriations Warrants-issued

basis Checks-issued

basis Act June 20,


Impounded salary and

vacancy savings

Reserve for impounded

vacancy savings

(see p. 8)


To credit of disbursing



Secret Service Division: 1934 1933 Prior years


Public Health Service: 1934 1933 Prior years

Total Trust accounts (continuous) Contributed accounts (continuous)


Bureau of the Mint: No year (continuous) 1934 1933 Prior years

$3, 405. 87

6, 190. 80

9, 596. 67

342, 173. 94 977, 798. 45

1, 319, 972. 39 28, 932. 27

904. 56

1, 349, 809. 22

53, 169. 99 331, 640. 38

$2, 807. 82

2, 807. 82

132, 616. 93

132, 616. 93

132, 616. 93

65, 690. 01

$22, 494. 28 29. 48

22, 523. 76

470, 021. 45

22, 929, 58

492, 951. 03

492, 951. 03

55, 399. 35

$708, 558. 00

708, 560. 00

12, 593, 456. 00

1, 219. 78

12, 594, 675. 78

1, 555. 29

3, 739. 03

12, 599, 970. 10

25, 000. 00

1, 296, 842. 00

$652, 898. 79

10, 652. 82 86. 07

642, 432. 04

9& 760, 141. 12

437, 709. 56 40, 803. 71

9, 373, 235. 47

155. 15

3, 102. 99

9, 376& 493. 61

1, 076, 969. 96 ee, eee. 67

$637, 042. 40 11, 754. 12

115. 55

648, 912. 07

9, 544, 720. 63

34& 258. 40

63, 659. 60

9, 642, 638. 63 155. 15

3, 061. 33

9, 645, 855. 11

1, 004, 691. 66

27, 010. 98

$6, 106. 73

6, 106. 73

938, 214. 52

938, 214. 52

938, 214. 52

331, 640. 38

$28, 465. 00 7, 560. 94

36, 025. 94

344, 164. 00 248, 247. 82

592, 411. 82

592, 411. 82

50, 229. 00 14, 475. 54

$5, 083, 00

6, 757. 64

11, 840. 64

238, 394. 00 184, 740. 13

423, 134. 13

423, 134. 13

36, 756. 00

67, 050. 01

$22, 111. 21

2, 447. 93

24, 559. 14

2, 250, 756. 88

469, 512. 28

2, 720, 269. 16 30, 332. 41

1, 540. 60

2, 752, 142. 17

25, 000. 00 132, S87. 04

65, 722. 82

$15, 856. 39 187. 34

16, 043. 73

215, 420. 49

8, 053. 69 73. 69

223, 547. 87

41. 66 'xf

223, 589. 53


72, 278. 30


Total 384, 810. 37 65, 690. 01 55, 399. 35 1, 321, 842. 00 1& 048, 581. 59 1, 031, 702. 64 331, 640. 38 64, 704. 54 103, 806. 01 223, 609. 86 72, 278. 30


Supply Branch

Salaries and expenses: No year (continuous) 1934 1933 Prior years


Public Works Branch

241, 540. 72

446, 414. 06 330. 95

688, 285. 73

68, 628. 84

2, 096. 37 58. 13

70, 783. 34

2, 386, 553. 31 486, 968. 78

50, 817. 60

2, 010, 418, 13

96, 207. 36 1, 864, 830. 43

10, 555. 72 50, 759. 47

2, 022, 352. 98

123, 003. 83

1, 614, 093. 97 12, 652. 09 50, 817. 60

1, 800, 567. 49

389. 08

389. 08 12, 566. 72 34. 84

4, 003. 00 8, 563. 72 34. 84

145, 333. 36 517, 719. 88

30» 00

663, 360. 24

41, 832. 37 250, 736. 46

292, 568. 83

Repairs, equipment, etc. , public buildings: No year (continuous) 1934 1933 Prior years


1, 889, 264. 60

70» 632. 98 593, 602. 55

3, 190, 500. 13

23, 220. 52

23, 220. 52

280, '769. 02

198, 730. 01 11, 410. 87

490& 909. 90

500, 000. 00

3, 353, 609. 42

741. 66

3, 854, 351. 08

1, 500, 023. 58 894, 027. 46 203, 886. 69

6, 884. 85

2, 604, 822, 58

1, 597& 725. 58 894, 027. 46 374, 374. 06

18, 197. 22

2, 884, 324. 32

587, 459. 36

587, 459. 36

92, 063. 00 39, 802. 38

131, 865. 38

27, 036. 00 23, 459, 02

50, 495. 02

889, 241. 02 2, 340, 482. 96

468, 705. 41

3, 693, 429. 39

183, 067. 02'

28, 242. 64'

98. 50&

211, 408. 16.

Operating expenses, public buildings: No year (continuous) 1934

472, 454. 00 12, 899, 934. 81

5, 000. 00 5, 428, 797. 47

508. 82 5, 317& 799, 39 214, 099, 00 68 891 pp

467, 454. 00 4 491 18, » ISS, 147. 34 tip 998 08.

1933 Prior ears


1, 856, 598. 15 872, 765. 60

2, 729, 363. 75

317, 187. 07

317& 187 0 7 929& 225 97 13, 375& 472. 15

928, 337. 80 888. 17 3, 083. 34

9S, 637. 45 3, 031. 33

5, 343, 301. 37

824, 538. 95 3, 919. 50 870, 080. 19

870, 080. 19 6, 146, 766. 66

75. 40 10 271 166& 315 18 S25& 522 07 ' 1& 775& 4 . 42 2, 737. 42

125, 760. 68. 9, 433, 814. 16 394, 413. 07 380, 414. 18

Post offices, customhouses, courthouses, etc. : No year (act June 19, 1934) No year (act July 21, 1932) No year (continuous) 1934 Prior years


3, 958, 455. 24

85, 229, 130. 37 2, 581, 749. 69

4, 014. 00

89, 191, 599. 61 . 2, 581, 749. 69

e5, ooo, ooo. oo

eg& 7IE. Ee

12, 493, 911. 79 67, 410& 788. 00

144, 879, 984. 20

1, 690, 723. 82

64, 861, 441. 64

5, 248, 354. 89

71, 800, 520. 35

1, 690, 723. S2

66, 548, 787. 92

4, 884, 882. OS

73, 124, 393. 82

160, 000. 00

160, 000. 00

360. 25

360. 25

65, 000, 000. 00 2, 243, 015. 83

32, 705, 254. 27 62, 162, 433. 11

4, 014. 00

162, 110, 703. 21

894, 403. 41 363, 472. 81

1, 257, 876. 22'

inspection stations: No year (continuous) general accounts

t|uarantfne stations: No year (act July 21, 1932) No year (continuous)


334, 584. 58

1, 755. 00 35, 529. 06

37, 284. 06

1, 463. 94

1, 463. 94

132, 924. 89

31, 268. 80 7, eoe. eo

23, 359. 60

386, 014. 22

33, 023. 80 23, 735. 10

56, 758. 90

381, 898. 22

33, 023. 80 25, 199. 04

58, 222. 84

2. 25 81, 493. 00

3, 884. 76

3, 884. 76

4, 116. 00

Marine hospitals: No year (act July 21, 1932) No year (continuous)

6, 915. 90 1, 205, 097. 62

1, 212, 013. 52

3, 656. 44

3, 656. 44

6, 553. ei 973, 233. 52

966, 680. 31

362. 69 1, 300, 859. 12

1, 301, 221. 81

362. 69 1, 295, 846. 90

1, 296, 209. 59

877, 472. 02

877, 472. 02

8, 66S. 66

8, 688. 6B

Total, Procurement Division, including public buildings, hospitals, etc. :

No year (act June 19, 1934) No year (act July 21, 1932) No year (continuous) 1934 1933 Prior years

3, 967, 126. 14 88, 935, 146. 95

3, 010, 645. 19 1, 470, 713. 10

340, 407. 59

2, 936, 267. 93

1, 129, 164. 18 12, 357. 17

65, 000, 000. 00

14, 564, 615. 00 86, 050, 885. 54

eee, eee. 78 54, 642. 60

1, 724, 110. 31 68, 173, 281, 02

13, 436, 010. 25

120, 914. 98 Go, 675. 65

1, 724, 110. 31 69, 972, 970. 31 12, 710, 802. 90

1, 211, 565. 10

72, 934. 32

160, 000. 00

1, 457, 928. 63

362. 5

310, 165. 0 214, 681.

0 0 95, 927. 00

28 349, 015. 93

65, 000, 000. 00 2, 243, 015. 83

35, 166, 118. 43 72, 208, 783. 29

2, 239, 487. 81 6, 751. 42

1& 136& 578. 64 725, 207. 35 38, 514. 06

98. 50

1 900 398 55 97, 383& 631. 38 340, 407. 59 4, 077, 789. 28 165, 243, 190. 36 83, 514, 992. 21 85, 692, 382. 94 1, 617, 928. 63 525, 208. 78 444, 942. 93 176, 864, 156. 78

Treasury, miscellaneous: No year (continuous) 1934 Prior years Special deposit accounts

Total Trust accounts (continuous)


74, 742. 48

74, 742. 48

8, 868, 221. 28

8, 942, 963. 76

1, 618, 844. 45

1& 618, 844. 45 9, 891, 557. 86

11, 510, 402. 31

209, 219. 22

301, 000. 00 17. 33

510, 236. 55 194. 66

510, 431. 21

31, 030. 71

105, 500. 00 4ee. 07

136, 038. 70 ele, 7ee. $0

83, 68/&. 70

81, 030. 71

105, 900. 05 J&ee. 07 509. 34

64, 596. 18

201, 034. 93 509. 34

1, 097, 869. 55

1, 298, 904. 48

252, 930. 99 195, 500. 00

448, 430. 99 9, 088, 139. 34

9, 536, 570. 33

' 400. 05

1, 554, 248. 27

1, 553, 848. 22

8, 573, 964. 91

10, 127, 813. 13

Speoial accouni;s: No year (continuous) general fund 1934

276, 671, 039. 08 79, 675. 67 333, 799, 557. 00

190, 291, 663. 79 7, o79, 256. 79

190, 291, 663. 79

7, 029, 256. 79 9. Oi 86, 459, 041. 92

326, 720, 300. 21 50, 000. 00

Total 276, 671, 039. 08 333, 879, 232. 67 197, 370, 920. 58 197, 320, 920. 58 413, 179, 342. 13 50, 000. 00

Total, Treasury Department: No year (continuous) 1934 1933 Prior years Special deposit accounts.

Trust accounts (continuous) . Trust accounts (special deposit ac-

counts) Contributed accounts (continuous) .

370, 654, 139. 05

8, 845, 770. 34

6, 625, f&ob 86

386, 125, 711. 25

9, 214, 735. 55

904. 56

14, 334. 16 5, 133, 884. 96

1, 579, 182. 77 11, 122, 973. 82 300, 587. 66

1, 618, 844. 45

9& 891& 557 86

1, 593, 516. 93 18, 176, 290. 89

96, 157, 285. 08 619, 831, 107. 51

Jee, eee. 78 73, 649. 96

715, 635, 089. 77 1, 749. 95

3, 739. 03

276, 598, 595. 62

178, 336, 048. 95 856, Sf 3. Oe

741, Jet. 7e

454, 136, 336. 83 748, 304. JO

3, 102. 99

280, 390, 785. 77

165, 729, 907. 75

10, 339, 527. 20

145, 300. 04 64, 596. 18

456, 670, 116. 94 1 J&8, eoj&. 1 0

1, 317, 592. 95 3, 061. 33

276, 417. 10

15, 828. 79 6, 812, 722. 77

7, 104, 968. 66

28, 802. 86 5, 161, 204. 00 2, 483, 855. 34

. 09

7, 673, 862. 29

18, 042. 30 2, 530, 083. 08 1, G76, 840. 16

4, 224, 965. 54

189, 903, 900. 41 433, 803, 771. 48

6, 478, 289. 06 28, 223. 68

630 214 184 63 9, 3G4, G89. 60

1, 540. 60

1, 341, 694. 81 12, 606, 141, 20

126, 633. 67 13, 792. 90

1, 554, 248. 20

15, 642, lilo. 78

8, 573, 964. 91 41. Be

~ Debit balance.

395, 341. 351. 36 1, 593, 516. 93 28, 067, 848 75 715, 640, 578. 75 453, 991, 235. 72 457, 842, 567. 12 7, 104, 968. 66 7& 673, 862. 29 639, 580, 414, 83 24, 216 517 35

Recapitulation of expenditures, balances, etc. — Continued

(Debit transfer appropriations (net) and repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures are printed in italic]

Unexpended balances, June 30, 1933 Expenditures in 193 (see p. 6)

Amount carried to surplus fund (see p. 7)

Unexpended balances, June 30, 1934

On book of the Treasury On book of the Treasury


Reserve for impounded

vacancy savings

(see p. 8)

To credit of disbursing


Appro priati one

Warrants-issued basis

Checks-issued basis

Act June 20, 1874

Impounded salary and

vacancy savings

Reserve for impounded

vacancy savings

(see p. 8)


To credit of disbursing




(Details on pp. 311 to 331)

Salaries, War Department: 1934 1933 Prior years

$106, 919. 54

28, 700. 30 $125, 705. 35 $12, 093. 53

$4, 580, 035. 51

11, 473. 07

$3, 992, 267. 82 I I, 667. 56

11, 375. 89

$3, 984, 189. 86 636. 20

11, 375. 89 $27, 508. 52

$211, 380. 95

60, 629. 52 $204, 593. 58

125, 705. 35 $171, 793. 16

57, 747. 35

1, 288. 96

$8, 077. 96


Total 135, 619. 84 125, 705. 35 12, 093. 53 4, 591. 508. 58 3, 992, 186. 38 3, 996, 201. 95 27, 508. 52 272, 010. 47 330, 298. 93 230, 829. 47 8, 077. 96

Office of Secretary of War: 1934 1933 Prior years


General Staff Corps: 1934 1933 Prior years


197, 659. . 32

31, 735. 37

229, 3S7. 69

13, 382. 21

8, 783. 05

22, 165. 26

37, 211. 36

37, 211. 36

604, 220. 00

604, 220. 00

103, 917. 00

103, 917. 00

359, 629. 24

80, 783. 09 I& 466. 08

438, 967. 25

78, 990. 71

5, 493. 07

8, 115. 61

92, 599. 39

277, 153. 21 117, 994. 45

I, 446. 08

393, 702. 58

78, 990. 71 5, 493. 07

8, 115. 61

92, 599. 39

33, 180. 45

33& 180. 45

663. 30

663. 30

2, 753. 00

1, 708. 19 4. 14

4, 465. 33

88. 00 913. 83

1, 001. 83

244, 590. 76 116, 869. 23

361, 459. 99

22, 085. 29

5, 267. 12

27, 352. 41

82, 476. 03

82, 476. 03

Adjutant General's Department: 1934. 1933 Prior years


15, 4%. 48

4, 531. 48

19, 990. 96

1, 219. 39

1, 219. 39

99, 778. 00

22. 10

99, 800. 10

60, 655. 34 957. 36 N. SS

61, 590. 77

60, 655. 34 957. 36 ef. 83

61, 590. 77

4, 186. 12

4, 186. 12

2, 422. 00 I, 053. 46

3, 475. 46

5, 695. 00 1, 219. 39

6, 914. 39

31, 005. 66 13, 448. 66

389. 39

44, 843. 71

Finance Department: No year (continuous) 1934 1933 Prior years.


985, 781. 05

8, 598, 570. 96

195, 385. 87

9, 779, 737. 88

2S, 952. 94

28, 952. 94

910, 107. 88 130, 387. 805. 00

98, 631. 26

790, 819. 04 1 12, 354, 491. 21

3, 007, 840. 20

95, 677. 29

790, 819. 04

112, 354, 491. 21

3, 007, 840. 20

95, 677. 29

131, 396, 544. 14 116, 248, 827. 74 116, 248, 827. 74

193, 677. 07

193& 677. 07

11, 904, 322. 00 3, 426, 292. 54

15, 330, 614. 54

I'-', 299. 00 29, 364. 94

41, 663. 94

1, 105, 069. 89 6, 116, 692. 79 2, 164, 026. 22

4& 662. 77

9, 390, 451. 67

Accounting funds: No year (continous)

Special deposit accounts

I 20, 029, 684. 88 20, 677, 904. 51

52, 412. 95

8, 660, 032. 82 I, I 80, 988. 87

787. 17

185 79 I 28 689 903 49 30, 518, 926. 20

51, 625. 78

Quartermaster Corps: No year (continuous) 1934

15, 273, 570. 67 52. 50 BS6, 77B. 64 122, 061, 694. 07

5, 829, 188. 52 62, 156, 088. 08

5, 829, 188. 52 62, 155, 861. 35

24, 641. 33 500, 942. 00

307. 50 93, 630. 00

8, 533, 713. 28 59, 311, 083. 99 176. 73

1983 Prior years

10, 496, 127. 73 3, 796, 122. 21

324, 700. 54 717. 29 49, 649. BS

7, 435, 804. 77 7, 436, 522. 06 1, 548, 784. 69 1, 548& 784. 69 2, 115, 904. 37

406& 26(L 92 36, 54L 95

2&647 706-53 144& 641. IS

Total 29, 565, 820. 61 324, 753. 04 717. 29 121, 225, 571. 51 76, 969, 816. 06 76, 970, 356. 62 2, 115& 904. 37 968, 394. 20 424, 985. 55 ?fl, 63?, 044. 98

Signal Corps: 1934 1933 Prior years


&Lir Corps: No year (continuous) 1934 1933 Prior years

524, 025. 98 119, 878. 22

643, 904. 20

1, 502, 848. 85

13, 157, 476. 09 2, 449, 317. 22

1, 461. 43

1, 461. 43

55, 524. 06

2, 833, 836. 00

2, 833, 836. 00

44, 310, 785. 00

3, 579. 42

1, 348, 432. 05

323, 612. 44

71, 731. 28

1, 743, 775. 77

69, 668. 59 8, 043, 876. 13 8, 952& 955. 13

308, 313. 91

1, 348, 432. 05 323, 612. 44

71, 731. 28

1, 743, 775. 77

69, 668. 59 8, 041. 919. 13

8, 952, 955. 13 308, 313. 91

41, 833. 22

41, 833. 22

2, 043, 01 8. 44

33, 063. 00 24, 307. 97

1, 085. 92

08, 456. 89

1, 588, 42 228, 636. 00 180, 673. 54

4. 29

4, 805. 00 9, 599. 10

14, 404. 10

47, 767. 00 52, 753. 85

1, 447, 535 95 167, 967. 90

5, 227. 80

1, 620, ?31. 65

1, 431, 591. 84

35, 990, 505. 87 4, 026, 617. 63

101, 560. 00

Total 17, 109, 642. 16 55, 524. 06 44, 314, 364. 42 17, 374, 813. 76 17, 372, 856. 76 2, 043, 01S. 44 410, 902. 25 100, 520. 85 41, 550, 275. 34

Medical Department: 1934 1933 Prior years

752, 358. 20 140, 75L 44

10, 747. 55 57. 91 1, 251, 723. 00

273. 45

361, 966. 98 723, 726. 28 131, 118. 78

361, 966. 98 723, 784. 19 131, 118. 78 5, 627. 47

20, 827. 00 13, 487. 25

11. 30

3, 834. 00 9, 457. 05

865, 095. 02 16, 435. 17 4, 267. 34

Contributed accounts (continuous)


893, 109. 64 18, 309. 00

911, 418. 64

10, 747. 55

10, 747. 55

57. 91

57. 91

1, 251& 996. 45

1, 251, 996. 45

1, 216, 812. 04

1, 216, 812. 04

1, 216, 869. 95

1, 216, 869. 95

5, 627. 47

5 627. 47

34, 325. 55

34, 325. 55

13, 291. 05

13, 291. 05

885, 79?. 53 18, 309. 00

904, 10G. 53

Corps of Engineers: 1934 1933 Prior years.


92, 968. 63 42, 117. 69

135, 086. 32

3, 240. 67

3, 240. 67

427, 072. 00

427, 072. 00

261, 772. 98

52, 042. 82

7& 587. 71

321, 403. 51

261, 772. 98 52, 042. 82

7, 587. 71

321& 403. 51

10, 512. 35

10, 512. 35

9, 594. 89 rf& 992. 52 17, 580. 95

25, 183. 32

6& 489. 4S

6, 489. 48

155&, 704. 13 39, 669. 52

' 6, 436. 68

201, 810. 33

Ordnance Department: No year &continuous) 1934 1933 Prior years


353, 671. 57

6, 681, 393. 85 2, 108, 12". 19

9, 143, 187. 61

14, 512, 86

37, 505. 59 29, 225. 41

81, 243, BG

42, 482. 56

16, 235, 997. 00

29, 970. 89

25, 119. 22

6, 478, 321. 37 4, 01 2, 664. 48

1, 803, 057. 00

16 308 450 45 12 319& 162 07

25, 119. 22

6, 478, 321. 37

4, 012, 664. 48

1, 803, 057. 00

12, 319, 1G2. 07

24, 892. 68

108, 081. 99

132, 974. 67 418, 109. 66 89, 248. 42

312. 03 152, 820. 00 40, 022. 00 181, 040. 41 46, 160. 42 83, 937, 22 3, 06(s 00

360, 343. 06 9, 564, 833. 63 2, 479, 034. 13

1(i9, 176. 28

12, 573, 387. 10

Chemical %carfare Service: No year (continuous) . . 1934 1933 Prior years.


Chief of Infantry; 1934 1933 Prior years .


Chief of Cavalry: 1934 1933 Prior years


215. 16

269, 734. 80 27, 218. 32

297, 168. 28

6, 896. 23 425. 20

7, 321. 43

1, 372. 20 37. 66

1, 409. 86

16, 904. 45

1, 319. 04

18, 223. 49

150. 00

150. 00

1, 255, 563. 00

10. 98

1 255 573 98

60, 583. 00

GO, 583. 00

19, 690. 00

19, 690, 00

701, 185. 27

89, 688. 21

15, 874. 78

806, 748. 26

57, 700. 55

57 700 55

17, 257. 22

1, 067. 03

18, 324. 25

701, 185. 27

89, 688. 21 1;. 574. 78

806, 748. 26

57, 700. 55

57 700. 55

17, 257. 22 1, 067. 03

18, 324. 25

5, 619. 92

5, 619. 92

425. 20

425. 20

37. 66

37. 66

34. 86 30, 002. 00 23, 300. 20

7, 053. 64

60, 390. 70

1, 841. 46 247. 51

2, 088. 97

718, 67 180. 08

898. 75&

17, 019. 62

17, 019. 62

712. 52

181. 99

894. 51

301. 75 150. 00

45 I. 75&

180. 30 524, 375. 73 156, 63L 22

681, 187. 25

328. 47

6, 466. 73

6&, 795. 20

i, 412. 3il

125&. 09

i, f&37, 45

1 Debit balance. ' Credit items.

Recapitulation of expenditures, balances, etc. — Continued

[Debit transfer appropriations (net) snd repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures are printed in italic]

Unexpended balances, June 30, 1933 Expenditures in 1934 (see p. 6)

Amount carried to surplus fund (see p. 7)

Unexpended balances, June 30, 1934


Reserve for impounded

vacancy savings (see p. 8)

On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing


Appropriations Warrants-issued

basis Checks-issued

basis Act June 20,


Impounded salary and

vacancy savings

Reserve for impounded

vacancy savings

(see p. 8)


On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing




Chief of Field Artillery: 1934 1933 Prior years


$144. 00 17. 28

161. 28

$24, 220. 00

24, 220. 00

$23, 705. 93 137. 00

23, 568. 93

$23, 705. 93 187. 00

23, 568. 93

$17. 28

17. 28

$427. 93 154. 00

58L 93

$14. 67

14. 67

'$71. 47 127. 00

198. 47

Chief of Coast Artillery. 1934 1933 Prior years


Seacoast defenses: No year (continuous) 1934 1933 Prior years

2, 012. 45 1, 025. 47

. 3, 037. 92

142. 16

735, 114. 74 $10, 286. 35

113, 214. 00 1, 589. 52

27, 385. 00

27, 385. 00

9, 035, 431. 00

110. 71

25, 063. 46

1, 256. 09

26, 319. 55

3, 295, 440. 79 458, 551. 30 77, 062. 92

25, 063. 46

1, 256. 09

26, 319, 55

3, 295, 440. 79 458, 551. 30

77, 062. 92

1, 025. 47

1, 025. 47

27, 935. 78

338. 00 138. 39

476. 39

23, 241. 00 25, 732. 50

3, 045. 53

5, 946. 00 10, 016. 51

1, 983. 54 617. 97

2, 601. 51

142. 16

5, 710, S03. 21 251, 100. 78

6, 900. 00

Total 848, 470. 90 11, 875. 87 9, 035, 571. 71 3, 831, 055. 01 3, 831, 055. 01 27, 935. 78 52, 019, 03 15, 962. 51 5, 968, 946. 15

Military Academy: No year (continuous) 3934 1933 Prior years

2, 940. 61

44, 819. 15 3, 985. 00 28, 033. 98

2, 344, 584. 00

10. 00

Sf. SS

1, 945, 706. 84

28, 593. 80 1, 181. 7S

Sl. SS

1, 945, 706. 84

28, 593. 80 1, 181. 78

. 10

26, 862. 20

10. 79 246, 965. 00

634. 83 1, 137. 00

5, 796. 99

2. 961. 05 150, 775. 16

13, 778. 53

Total 75, 793. 74 3, 985. 00 2, 344, 594. 00 1, 975, 451. 09 1, 975, 451. 09 26, 862. 30 247, 610. 62 6, 933. 99 167, 514. 74

National Guard Bureau: No year (continuous) 1934 1933 Prior years


3, 657. 92

6, 587, 260. 82 403. 75

5, 907, 273. 66 403. 75

676, 329. 24

38, 523, 488. 00

2, 922. 00

38, 526, 410. 00

36. 40

20, 915, 651. 2S

4, 700, 893. 66

75, 672. 15

25, 692, 253. 49

36. 40

20, 915, 332. 44

4, 700, 893. 66

751 672. 15

25, 691, 934. 65

170. 20

32, 433. 07

780, 107. 00 621, 650. 98

4, 341. 31

32, 603. 27 1, 406, 099. 29

2, 076. 77

' 2, 076. 77

3, 45L 32

16, 82(, 729. 72 5S3, 056. 00 5CIL 804. 71

17, 981, 04L 75

$318. 84

318. 84

Organized Reserves: 1934 1933 'Prior years


868, 604. 13 290, 046. 47

1, 158, 650. 60

3, 005. 01

3, 005. 01

6, 354, 348. 00

131. 37

6, 354, 479. 37

3, 150, 571. 04 426, 469. 74 34, 811. 28

3, 611, 852. 06

3, 150, 571. 04 426, 469. 74

34, 811. 28

3, 6)1, 852. 06

253, 733. 36

253, 733. 36

121, 291. 00 66, 807. 13

1, 633. 20

189, 731. 33

2, 950. 84

2, 950. S4

3, 082, 485. 96 375, 381. 43

3, 457, 867. 39

Citizens' Military Training: 1 934 1933 IPrior years


I, 505, 229. 99 311, 974. 29

I 817 204 2S

2, 873. 50 72. 12

2, 945. 62

6, 375, 431- 00 $00, 000. 00

261. 92

5, 975, 692. 92

3, 021, 608. 83 534, 412. 46 31, 714. 41

3, 5S7, 735. 70

3, 021, 608. 83 534, 412. 46 31, 714. 41

3, 5S7, 735. 70

279, 233. 18

279, 233. 18

133, 916. 00 64, 885. 97 I, 360. 74

200, 162. 71

I, 260. 00 I, 682. 57

2, 942. 57

3, 2 IS, 646. 17 507, 122. 49

3, 725, 768. 66

13fatfenal Board for Promotion of Rifle Practice: 'No year (continuous) 1934 1933 Prior years


8, 539. 18

16, 222. 82 19, 902. 84

44, 664. 84

3. 67

3. 67

159, 465. 00

159& 465. 00

47, 146. 58

4, 606. 52 140. 85

51, 792. 95

47, 145. 68

4, 506. 52 140. 85

51, 792. 95

4, 137. 04

19, 685. 78

23, 822. 82

727. 00

I, 306. 33 76. 21

2, 108. 54

10, 560. 00 3. 67

10, 563. 67

4, 402. 14 101, 032. 42

10, 410. 97

115, 845. 53

Total, military activities: No year (continuous) Accounting funds 1934 1933 Prror years 'Specie) deposit accounts

18, 131, 367. 17 ' 20 029 684 88

49, 993, 759. 16 10 393 669. 79

14, 565. 36

626, 669. 25 32, 206. 09

320, 677, 904. 51

50, 080. 09

52, 412. 95

66, 817. 90

387, 077, 050. 58

$00, 000. 00 197, 077. 15

6, 714, 800. 44

8, 660, 032. 82 228, 697, 478. 70 30, 829, 724. 12

4, 220& 753. 32

6, 714, 800. '44

I, 180, 988. 87 228 604 472 14

30, 879, 804. 21 4, 220, 753. 82

787. 17

29, 200. 02

5, 231, 202. 20

26, 587. 43 185. 79

14, 406, 335. 90 5, 098, 606. 20

156, 676. 40

307. 50

432, 665. 52 652, 590. 42

3, 066. 00

11, 441, 855. 04 I 28, 689, 903. 49 143, 540, 570. 46

13, 639, 607. 67

I, OII, 255. II

30, 518, 926. 20 93, 006. 56

51, 625. 78

Total Contributed accounts (continuous)


(Details on pp. 331 to 342)

58, 489, 111. 24

18, 309. 00

5S, 507, 420. 24

673& 440. 70

673, 440. 70

20, 780, 397. 55 386, 940, 945. 63 279, 122, 789. 40

20 780 397 55 386& 940& 945 63 279 122 789 40

269, 239, 628. 41

269, 239, 628. 41

5, 260& 402. 22 19, 688, 291, 72 I, 088, 629, 44

5, 260, 402. 22 19, 688, 291. 72 I& 088, G29. 44

140, 943, 384 79 18, 309. 00

140, 961, 693. 79

30, 663, 558. G-I

30, 663& 558, f&4

National cemeteries: No year (continuous) 1934.

1933 Prior years


Miscellaneous Quarter&nester Corps: No year (continuous). Prior years

Contribute&i accounts (continuous)

51, 698. 26

88, 856. 12 12, 863. 16

153, 417. 54

161. IG

700, 753. 31

700, 914. 47 14. 91

5, 485. 01

6, 485. 01

2, 314. 01

2, 314. 01

I, 393, 655. 20

19. 16

I, 393, 574. 36

I, 502. 03 I, 090, 608. 69

53, 541. 92 381. 53

I, 146, 034, 17

361, 259. 18

361, 259. 18

I, 502. 03 I, 090, 608. 69

53, 541. 92 381. 53

I, 146, 034. 17

361, 259. 18

361, 259. 18

4, 539. 71

12, 297. 02

16, 836. 73

131, 919. 62

131, 919. 62

32 50 13, 350, 00 12, 146. 84

203, 49

25, 732. 83

4, 748. 67

4, 748. 67

I, S&33. OO

6, 834. 16

8, 717. iG&

881, 34

881. 34

4. &, 6"4. 02 287, 713, 51 sl, S la 21


355, 156. 02

l ill. I G

204, 258. 51

204, I la 67 j


Signal Corps (nonmilitary): 1934 3933. Prior years.


700, 929. 3S

18, 085. 02 I, 867. 26

19, 952. 28

2, 314. 01

160, 772, 00

160, 772. 00

361, 259. 18

126, 369. 67 15, 853. 10

3. 00

142, 225. 77

126, 369. 67

15, 853. 10 3. 00

142, 225. 77

361, 259. 18 131, 919, 62

I, 725. 14

I, 726. 14

4, 748. 67

2, 378. 00 I, 755. 78

4, 133. 78

881. 34

41. 00

4i, oo

204, Osl . &8 l

31, 983. 33 476, 14

139. 12

, 'I&, sos;&9 &

Corps of Fnglneers &nonru&ll a&ry):

Nu year (continuous) Prior ye«rs.


Bur«ue of Insular Aif;&irs. 1934.

48, 671. 04 156, 856. 40

205, 527, 44

18, 281. 14

26, 586, 40

44, 867. 54

28, 078. 46 39, 999. 25

68, 077. 71

I, GOO, OOO OO ' 239, iGO. 37

45, 930. 42

46, 718. 05

92, 648. 47

239, 160. 37

I, 989. 18

1, 989. 18

235. 78 440. 93

676. 71

2. 00

2. Oo

20, 356. 80 ~

134, 425, 04 l

I, 2&io, B:39 6, '3 '. .

4 "9. I 'I l&l. 6& -,

, ro

I Debit balance.

Recapitulation og expenditures, balances, etc. — Continued

[Debit transfer appropriations (net) and repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures are printed in italic]

Unexpended balances, June 30, 1933

On book of the Treasury

Expenditures in 1934 (see p. 6)

Amount carried to surplus fund (see p. 7)

Unexpended balances, June 30, 1934

On book of the Treasury



Reserve for impounded

vacancy savings

(see p. 8)

To credit of disbursing


A. ppropriations Warrants-issued

basis Checks-issued

basis A. ct June 20,


Impounded salary snd

vacancy savings

Reserve for }mpounded

vacancy savings

(see p. 8)


To credit of disbursing


NQNMILITARY hcTtvlT}Es — continued

Improving harbors: No year (continuous), general accounts. Contributed accounts (continuous)


Improving rivers: No year (continuous) 1934 1933 Prior years Special deposit accounts

Contributed accounts (continuous)

$48, 304. 85 228, 975. 04

$94. 15

40, 854, 93

277, 279. 89 40, 949. 08

288, 657. 53 19, 697. 09

105, o79, 935. 71

322, 767. 69 366, 791. 06

35, 545. 49

11, 776. 16

13, 988, 242. 45 213, 793. 39

105, 271, 581. 09 $366, 791. 06 13, 940, 920. 80

$628, 250. 00

628, 250. 00

S9, 445, 848. 96 249, 384, 112. 84

308, 829, 961. 80 526, 408. 29

$24, 762. 14 589, 790. 05

614, 552. 19

74, 343, 610. 49 93, 398, 179. 34

15, 347. 64 18. 0'7

167, 757, 124. 40 571, 400. 95

$24, 351. 63 500, 276. 48

524, 628 11

77, 766, 570. 26

75, 197, 187. 70 45, 387. 04

18. 07 5, 844. 11

153, 003, 287. 82

388, 191. 87

$12, 580. 63

19, 710. 16

32, 290. 79

$205. 84

205. 84

2, 000, 472. 96

10, 098. 61

2, 010, 571. 57 212. 27

$765, 596. 46

765, 596. 46

$23, 336. 87 267, 434. 99

290, 771. 86

87, 961, 960. 57

155, 985, 933. 50 263, 211. 28

244, 211, 105. 35 277, 562. 76

$504. 66

130, 368. 50

130, 873. 16 C}

10, 51, 961. 03 18, 200, 991. 64

5, 50G. 09

17, 620. 27

28, 742, 079. 03 397, 002. 47

Totah 105, 902, 703. 40 366, 791. 06 14, 202, 035. 84 309, 356, 370. 09 168, 328, 525. 35 153, 391, 479. 69 32, 290. 79 2, 010, 783. 84 765, 596. 46 244, 488, 668. 11 29, 139, 081. 50 M

Total, rivers and harbors: No year (continuous) . 1934 1933 Prior years Special deposit accounts

105, 319, 885. 94 366, 791. 06

288, 657. 53 19, 697. 09

13, 941, 014. 9o

35, 545. 49

11, 776. 16

59, 44o, 848. 96 249, 384, 112. 84

74 36S 372 63 93, 398, 179. 34

15, 347. 64 18. 07

77, 790, 921. 89 75, 197, 187. 70

45, 387. 04 18. 07

5, 844. 11

12, 580, 63

19, 710. 16

2, 000, 678. 80

10, 098. 61

765, 596. 46 87, 985, 297. 44

155, 985, 933. 50 263, 211. 2S

10, o 1 8, 465. 69 18, 200, 991. 64

5, 506. 09

17, 620. 27

Contributed accounts (continuous) 105, 628, 240. 56

551, 742. 73 366, 791. 06 13, 988, 336. 60

254, 648. 32 308, 8' 9, 961. 80

1, 154, 658. 29 167, 781, 886. 54

1, 161, 191. 00 153, 027, 639. 45

BSS, 468. 35)

32, 290. 79 2, 010, 777. 41 212. 27

765, 596. 46 244, 234, 442. 22

544, 997. 75

28. 742, 583. 69 527, 370. 97

106, 179, 983. 29 366, 791. 06 14, 242, 984. 92 309, 984, 620. 09 168, 943, 077. 54 153, 916, 107. 80 32, 290. 79 2, 010, 989. 68 765, 596. 46 244, 779, 439. 97 29, 269, 954. 66

Inland Waterwsys Corporation: No year (continuous)

Wsr claims and relief acts: No year (continuous)

3, 000, 000. 00

22, 345. 91 65. 63 211, 642. 24 61, 717. 35 61, 782. GS 1, 165. 55

3, 000, 000. 00

171, 105. 25

Miscellaneous, nonmilitary: No year (continuous), general accounts.

Trust accounts: No year (continuous) 1934 1933 Prior years Special deposit accounts


25, 157. 05

6, 524, 757. 33

32, 253 77 42, 902. 65

6, 599, 913. 75

52, 831. 67

52, 831. 67

95, 322. 10

1, 880, 848. 42

35, 961. 48 6, 150. 54

NI 858. 08 I

1, 902, 107. 36

97, 432. 11

1, 927, 268. G5

16, 969. 53 18, 215. 27 1, 900. 03

1, 964, 353. 48

97, 432. 11

1, 956, 218, 45 16, 969. 53 }8, 215. 27

1, 906. 03 980, 708. 99

1, 762, 599. 29

23, 047. 04

6, 478, 337. 10 }&, 991. 95 20, 180, 04 20, 149, 54

6, 537, 667. 63

23, 881. 87

230, 703. 99

254, 585. 86

Total, nonmilitary activities: No year (continuous) 1934 1933 Prior years Special deposit accounts

108, 467, 919. 36 366, 791. 06

395, 598. 67 5, 485. 01 892, 037. 22 2, 314. 01

13, 959, 361. 72

35, 545. 49 26, 586. 40 11, 776. 16

59, 752, 813. 30 252, 438, 440. 04

19. 16

74, 557, 102. 58 94, 854, 318. 07

84, 742. 66 401, 629. 89

77, 997, 569. 43

76, 653, 326. 43

114, 782. 06 408, 348. 69

5, 644. 11

18, 285. 89

167, 641. 12

2, 000, 947. 08 15, 728. 00 24, 001. 23

5, 393. 09

765, 596. 46 I, 924. 00 6, 834. 16

883. 34

91, 245, 591. 71 157, 566, 4GQ. 97

285, 505. 63 318, 822. 95

10, 518, 894. 6 tB, 200, 991. 64

5, C)06. 09 19, 867. 60 I?, 620. 2?

TotaL Trust accounts (continuous) Contributed accounts (continuous)

109, 755, 555. 25 6, 599, 913. 75

551, 757. 64

374, 590. 08 14, 033, 269. 77 52, 831. 67

254, 648. 32

312, 191, 272. 50

I, 902, 107. 36 I, 154, 658. 29

169, 897, 793. 20 I, 964, 353. 48

I, 161, 191. 00

155, 168, 182. 50 IS5, 927. 01

1& 762, 599. 29 888, 468. 35

2, 046, 069. 40

212. 27

775, 237. 96 249, 416, 390. 2G

6, 537, 667. 63 545, 012. 66

254, AY 5). 86 527, 370. 9&

116, 907, 226. 64 374, 590. 08 14, 340, 749. 76 315, 248, 038. 1$ 173, 023, 337. 68 157, S]9, 250. 14 185, 927. 01 2, 046, 281. 67 775, 237. 96 256, 499, 070. 55 29, 544. 837. 30

Total, 55&ar Department (escluding Pana- ma Canal):

No year (continuous) Accounting funds 1934 1933 Prior years Special deposit accounts

Trust accounts Contributed accounts (continuous)

126, 599, 286. 53 ' 20, 029, 684. 88

50, 389, 357. 83 11, 285, 707. 01

168, 244, 666. 49

6, 599, 913. 75

5?0, 066. 64

381, 356. 42

632, 154. 26 34, 520. 10

I, 048, 030. 78

13, 959, 361. 72 20, 677, 904. 51

85, 625. 58 26, 586. 40 64, 189. 11

34, 813, 6G7. 32 52, 831. 67

254, 648. 32

59, 819, 631. 20

639, 515, 490. 62

400, 000. 00 ]97, 096. 31

699, 132, 218. 13 I, 902, 107. 36 I, 154, 65S, 29

81, 271, 903. 02

8, 660, 032. 82 323, 551, 796. 77 30, 914, 4G6. 78

4, 622, 383. 21

449, 020, 582. 60

I, 964, 353. 48

I, 161, 191, 00

84, ? I 2", 369. 87

1, 160, 666. 67

305 257, 798. 57

30, 994, 58CL 27

4, 629, 102. 01 5, 056 64

424, 407, 810. ! I I I, 762, 599. 29

888, 468. 35

47, 485. 91

5), 398, 843. 32

5, 446, 329. 23

2, 027, 534. 51 ]85. 79

]4, 422, 063. 90 5), 122, 507. 43

162, 069. 49

21, 734, 36]. 12

212. 27

765, 903. 96

434, 589. 52 659, 424. 58

3, 049. 34

], 863, 867. 40

102, 687, 446. 75 I 28, 689, 903. 49

301, 107, 040. 43

13, 925, 1]3. 30 I, 330, 078. 06

390, 359, 775. 05 6, 537, G67. 63

503, 321. 66

10, 518, 894. 8? 30, 518, 926. 20 18, 293, 998. 20

5 506. 09 19, 867. 60 69, 246. 05

59, 42(i, 439. 01 254, 585. 86 527, 370. 9'?

175, 414, 646. 88 I, 048, 030. 78 35, 121, 147. 31 702, 188, 983. 78 452, 146, 127. OS 427, 058, 878. 55 5, 446, 329. 23 21, 734, 573. 39 I, 863, 867. 40 397, 460, 764. 34 60, 208, 395. 84


(Details on p. 342)

Panama Canal, maintenance and operation: No year (continuous) 1934. Special deposit accounts


7, 317, 572. 60

7, 317, 572. 60

251, 373. 52 I, 595, 512. 31

502, 676. 31

251, 373. 52 2, 098, ]88. 62

13, 451, 579. 57 I, 000, 000. 00

14, 451, 579. 57

9, 559, 294. 89 900, 000, 00

10, 459, 294. 89

6, 972, 837. SG

808, 522. 12

165, 579. 66

9, 655, 780. 09

180, 113. 00

180, 113. 00

I, 299, 095. 49

I, 299, 095. 49

516, ]10. 97

518, 110. 97

9, 463, 911. 34 100, 000. 00

9, 563, 911. 34

'&, 181, 969. 34 91, 477. 88

t)2H, 25)C) 20

2, 901, 703. 42

Total. Wsr Department ( inc] u d in g

Panama Canal) 182, 732, 219. 4S I, 299, 404. 30 37, 219, 335. 93 716, 640, 563. 35 462, 605, 421. 97 436, 714, 658. 64 5, 626, 442. 23 23, 033, 668. SS 2, 3S], 978. 37 407 024 C)75 GH 63, 110, 099. Qti


(Details on pp. 343 to 361)

No year (continuous) 1934. 1933 Prior years Special &lcl)osit;tccounts

'I'ru) t a«&aint. (continuous)

5, 494, 099. 12

2, 328, 050. 13 I, 006, 469. 05

8, 828, 618. 30 714, 363. 93

285, 699. 30 104. 51

285, 803. 81

270, 796. ]0

I, 741, 900. 29

21, 854. 86

4, 674. 05

2, 039, 225 30 216, 054. 55

I, 321, 650. 53

33, 109, 894. 07 689, 201, 72

66, 066. 60

35, 051, 753. 42

I, 51, 5, 7S2. 92

I, 636, 399. 99 3], 271, 046. 71

I, 642, 526. 15 29, 268. 07

34, 579, 240. 92 I, 748, 583. 62

I, 572, 278. 47

30, 173, 202. 54

3, 326, 336. 66

51, 122. 93 66, 166. 46

35, 024, &72. 14

], 840, 479. 29

576. 41

794, 7CO. 83

7&25, 337. 24

4, 093. 98 8, 132. 19

342, 442. 48 356. 60

355 025. 25

], 288. 00 295, 323. 31

296, 611. 31

5, 174, 679. 27

], 829, 427. 17 ] 022 659. 21

113, I!Is. 1(i

8 13&( &)CO 81 4HI, 5!!3. 23

334, 9]7. 62 I, 097, 8 (4. ] 7

5)H, 089 78

102, H42. 5]

], f)03, ('&94. 08 ]24, 1, 56. HB

Tot. )l, District, of Columbia I)c&lu& t UI)itc&i Ht;tie& share. . .

I & ):, ! I' I c t 0 f ( &) I II II ) b , )I ' 1 ) )I I' c .

) l)ct)it h, )lance

9, 542, 982. 23

104, 602, 05 285, 803. 81

243. 52 2, 255, 279. 85

14, 996. 08

9, 438, 380. 18 285, 560. 29 2, 240, 283. 77

36, 567, 536. 34

7, 448, 878. 52

29, 118, 657, 82

36, 327, 824. 54

5, QG2, 738. 49

30, 365, 086. 05

36) BB5, 251. 43

5, 891, 041). 09

30& 074 206 34

795, 337. 24 15, 192. 33

780, 144. 91

355 025. 25

838. 01

S54, 187. 24

296, 61]. 31 319. 84

296, 291. 47

8, (is I, 524, 04 I C)74 (i, '(5). 42

7, 0 I(i, HHH. 62

I& 717, HC)2. 0(i

HB, (itlQ. 48

I, 03(, i(i3, IH

Recapitulation of expenditures, balances, etc. — Continued

[Debit transfer appropriations (net) and repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures are printed in italic]

Unexpended balances, June 30, 1933 Expenditures in 1934 (see p. 6)

Amount carried to surplus fund (see p. 7) Unexpended balances, June 30, 1934


Reserve for impounded

vacancy savings

(see p. 8)

On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing


Appropriations Warrants-issued

basis Checks-issued

basis Act June 20,


Impounded salary and vacancy savnlgs

Reserve for impounded

vacancy savings

(see p. 8)


On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing



No year (continuous) Sinking fund:

No year (continuous) Public debt expenditures chargeable against

ordinary receipts (see p. 409): No year (continuous)

$5, 384. 31

354. 94 1, 255, 831. 46 373, 192. 90 373, 192. 90

'$757, 236, 563. 73 l$757, 236, 563. 73 l$757, 236, 563. 73

438, 841, 350. 68 359, 491, 900. 00 359, 491, 900. 00 $79, 354, 834. 99

882, 993. 50

5, 739. 25 1& 197& 333& 745 87 1 117& 101& 656 63 1& 117 101& 656 63 80, 237, 828. 49


Oeneral, special, and emergency accounts: No year 1935 1934 1933 Prior years Special deposit accounts

1, 058, 515, 641. 59 $758, 195. 50

3, 259, 870, 000. 00

489, 642& 231. 70 9, 459, 753. 01 70, 647, 655. 43 180, 818. 03

$83, 481, 357. 64

121, 329. 43

29, 295, 232. 32

2, 424, 214. 62

32, 944, 365. 55

2, 791, 776, 656 00 200, 000, 000. 00

3, 901, 595& 017. 55

1, 885, 787. 1 0 es, fee, e70. 39

2, 513, 083, 970. 71 2, 489, 699, 407. 29

2, 874, 40o, 48o. 17 2, 616, 066, 188. 18 369, 808, 491. 98 394, 016, 850. 97

1 0, OM, 784. OO 7, 7f 6, 993. 80 6, sec, 7sg 76

$2, 878, 823. 43

314, 294. 08

49, 322, 214. 83

$5, 741, 450. 09 $1, 923, 488. 08

41, 144, 912. 13 9, 016, 910. 57 18, 636, 920. 25 10, 000, 463. 21

318, 100. 95 91, 077. 86

1, 327, 422, 760. 78

200, 000, 000. 00 4, 236, S97, 709. 68

98, 508, 088. 09 , , 989, 994. 33

$106, 865, 921. 06

258, 460, 626. 42 5, 084, 873. 33

124, 423. 62 38, 305, 098. 31

Total Add United States share of District of Co-

lumbia general funds


104, 602. 05 243. 52

4, 878, 780, 130. 77 10, 399, 010. 06

4, 878, 675, 528. 72 10, 398, 766. 54 148, 266, 499. 56

14, 996. 08

148& 281& 495. 64

6, 868, 413, 076. 06 5, 747, 280, 162. 96 5, 486, 705, 719. 78

7, 448, 878. 52 5, 962, 738. 49 5, 891, 045. 09

6, 875, 861, 954. 58 5, 753, 242, 901. 46 5, 492, 596, 764. 87

52, 515, 332. 34

15, 192. 33

52& 530& 524 87

838. 01 319. 84 1, 574, 635. 42

65, 842, 221. 43 21, 032, 259. 56 5, 872, 393, 188. 30

65, 841& 383. 42 21, 031, 939. 72 5, 870, 818, 552. SS 408, 840, 942. 74

86, 689. 48 g

408& 927& 632 22 rIQ

Trust snd ooni, ributed accounts: No year 1934 1933 Prior years Special deposit, accounts

District of Columbia share. . .

54, 246, 682. 35

32, 253. 77 42, 902. 65

54& 321, 838. 77

9, 438, 380. 18 285, 560, 29

4, 394, 54S. 46

14, 887, 072. 51

19, 281, 620. 97 2, 240, 283. 77

127, 899, 318. 49 35, 981. 48

6, 150. 54

eo, 858. 08

127, 920, 577. 43

29, 118, 657. 82

127 710 881 96 16, 969. 53 18, 215. 27

1, 900. 03

127, 747, 966. 79 30, 365, 086. 05

128, 004, 685. 57 16, 969. 53 18, 215. 27

1, 900. 03 10, f 41, 858. 51

117, 900, 416. 89 30, 974, 206. 34 780, 144. 91

4, 657. 30

4, 657. 30 354, 187. 24 296, 291. 47

54, 430, 461. 58 18, 991. 95 20, 189. 04 20, 149. 54

54, 489, 792. 11 7, 046, 888. 62

4, 100, 744, 85

25, 028, 426. 02

29, 129, 170. 87 1, 631, 163. 48


Total on basis of warrants and checks issued Chargeable against increment on gold:

Exchange stabilization fund A&Uustment of warrant expenditures to basis of

actual cash expenditures from general fund: Add disbursing cancers' credits, etc. , at begin.

ning of fiscal year

TotaL Deduct disbursing officers' credits, etc. , st

close of Decal year

63& 760, 218. 95 285, 560. 29

4, 942, 540, 349. 72 10, 684, 570. 35

21, 521, 904. 74

169, 803& 400. 38

157, 039, 235. 25 158, 113, 052. 84 148, 874, 623. 23

7, 032, 901, 189. 83 5, 911, 355, 954. 29 6, 641, 471, 388. 10

2, 000, 000, 000. 00 2, 000, 000, 000. 00 2, 000, 000, 000. 00

169, 803, 400. 38

8, OS1, 159, 354. 67

439, 687, 966. 57

780, 144. 91

53, 310, 669. 58

358, 844. 54 296, 291: 47 61, 536, 6SO. 73

66, 201, 065. 97 21, 328, 551. 03 5, 933, 929, 869. 03

30, 760, 334. 35

439, 687, 966. 57

Total expenditures on basis of checks issued

Decrease in outstanding disbursing officers' checks and Treasury warrants 3, 649, 836. 26 3, 549, 836, 26

7, 641, 471, 388. 10 7, 641, 471, 388. 10

Total Reconstruction Finance Corporation

7, 645, 021, 224. 36 7, 645, 021, 224. 36 I I, 624, 633, 298. 10

Total, including public-debt retirements chargeable against ordinary receipts on basis of daffy Treasury statements, revised

! Public-debt principal payable from permanent

indefinite appropriations

Total on basis of daily Treasury statements (revised), excluding Postal Service pay- able from postal revenues

8, 708, 648, 497. 16

7, 645, 021, 224. 36 9, 269, 654, 522. 46

8, 708, 648, 497. 16 8, 708, 648, 497. 16

17, 978, 303, 019. 62


Expenditures for Postal Service from postal reve- nues &

586, 733, 165. 80

Total expenditures, including Postal Service payable from postal revenues 18, 565, 036, 185. 42

I The differences between the unexpended balances by organization units and totals in this column, and those shown in the 1933 report are due to the transfer of activities between departments and organisation units, as indicated by footnotes in the foregoing details. I Includes 826, 461. 40 premiu&n on the public debt.

I Represents net payn&ents from credit estabHshed on account of the purchase by the Secretary of the Tre&sury of the obligations of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation under sec. 9 of the Reconstruction Finance Corporat a&n Act.

& For total postal expenditures, see p. 421.


Unexpended balances June 30, 1933

On hooks of the Treasury

Expenditures in 1934 (see p. 6)

%mount canted to surplus fund (see p. 7)

Unexpended balances June 30, 1934

On books of the Treasury

Legislative Executive Oflice Independent Ofllces Department of Agriculture Department of Commerce Department of the Interior Department of Justice, including judicial Department of Labor Navy Department Post Office Department (payable from general

fund of the Treasury, see p. 253) Department of State Treasury Department. War Department Panama Canal, maintenance and operation District of Columbia Interest on the public debt Sinking fund Public debt expenditures chargeable against ordi-

nary receipts (see p. 409)

A. vailable

$5, 273, 237. 65 177, 744. 44

3, 274, 772, 237. 59 634, 284, 581. 50

27, 060, 905. 79 56, 691, 553. 32 7, 542, 121. 82

1, 481, 229. 90 342, 404, 300. 22

67, 008. 64

5, 163, 136. 53 395, 341, 351. 36 175, 414, 646. 88

7, 317, 572. 60 9, 542. 982. 23

5, 384. 31

354. 94

Reserve for impounded

vacancy savings

(see p. 8)

$8, 353. 60 4, 258, 437. 15

739, 615. 77

284, 6S4. 47 641, 208. 53 907, 575. 60 30, 115. 14

509, 422. 13

126, 432. 92 1, 593, 516. 93 1, 048, 030. 78

251, 373. 52 285, 803. 81

To credit of disbursing


$1, 887, 301. 51

3, 369. 35 26, 975, 637. 38

6, 860, 834. 09

23, 375, 451. 54

8, 440, 618. 84

2, 275, 943. 66

1, 592, 696. 01 29, 718, 841. 28

1, 130, 242. 19 28, 067, 848. 75

35, 121, 147. 31

2, 098, 188. 62

2, 255, 279. 85

A ppropriations

fi20, 657, 916. 88 423, 693. 00

2, 326, 970, 798. 33 1, 201, 602, 675. 79

52, 451, 002. 58

264, 485, 508. 05

44, 880, 406. 56

16, 599, 033. 22

352, 423, 243. S3

64, 272, 201. 40 21, 952, 285. 88

715, 640, 578. 75 702, 188, 983. 78

14, 451, 579. 57

36, 567, 536. 34 i 757, 236, c63. 73 43S, 841, 350. 68

1, 255, 831. 46

Warrants-issued basis

$17, 556, 130. 81 363, 053. 91

2, 555, 128, 978. 23

702, 646, 495. 08

19, 224, 684. 63

105, 382, 415. 62

31, 667, 458. 66

12, 532, 150. 78

319, 386, 676. 57

64, 220, 691. 32

13 221 079 82

453, 991, 235. 72

452, 146, 127. 08

10, 459, 294. 89

36, 327, 824. 54 z 757, 236, 563. 73

359, 491, 900. 00

373, 192. 90

Checks-issued basis

$17, 949, 954. 50

355, 480. 19

2, 414, 634, 724. 02

621 151 904 11

22, 390, 771. 32

94, 691, 69S. 76

32, 027, 777. 91

11, 896, 99S. 32

301, 084, 786. 88

84, 220, 691. 32

12& 542, 466. 95 457, 842, 567. 12 427, 058, 878. 55

9, 655, 780. 09 36, 865, 251. 43

z 757, 236, 563. 73 359, 491, 900. 00

373, 192. 90

Act June 20, 1874

$752, 857. 73 37, 665. 41

11, 866, 672. 64

5, 794& 835. 50

1, 885, 056i. 04

2, 628, 205. 77

2, 051, 911. 03

387, 016 13 12, 82S, 804. 14

395. 34 1, 550, 501, 72

7, 104, 968. 66 5, 446, 329, 23

180, 113. 00 795, 337. 24

Impounded salary and

vacancy savings

$742, 740. 68

8, 665. 90

1, 416, 292. 56

3, 572, 739. 46

2, 165, 726. 50

1, 944, 691 53

1, 298, 387. 06

697, 474. 91 22, 599, 544. 22

692, 246. 73

7, 673, 862. 29

21, 734, 573, 39 1, 299, 095. 49

3Jr5 025 25

Reserve for impounded

vacancy savings

(see p. 8)

$8, 353. 60 4, 448, 006. 21

1, 823, 097. 62 ' 2, 342, 310. 77

1, 441, 992. 49

1, 422, 478. 8 J 973, 022. 12

1, 709, 517. 43

256, 216. 72

4, 224, 965. 54

1, 863, 867. 40

518, 110. 97 296, 611. 31


$6, 879, 425. 31

192, 052. 22

3 033 141 523 43

1, 122, 789, 705. 40

54, 178, 814. 90 210, 420, 964. 49

16 889 868. 38

3, 520, 714. 32

338, 812, 423. 82

118, 123. 38 11, 521, 810. 34

639, 580, 414. 83

397, 460, 764. 34

9, 563, 911. 34

8, 621, 524. 04

79, 354, S34. 99

882, 993. 50

To crc&iit of disbursing


$1, 493, 477. 82

10, 943. 07 167, 469, 891. 59

88, 355, 425. 06 20, 209, 364. 85 19, 131, 335. 70

1, 915, 624. 41

2, 227, 848. 47

48, 020, 730. 97

1, 808, 855. 06 24, 216, 517. 35

60, 208, 395. 84

2, 901, 703. 42

I, 717, 852. 96

Total on basis of warrants and checks issued

Chargeable against increment on gold: Exchange stabilization fund

Adjustment of warrant expenditures to basis of actual cash expenditures from general fund:

Add disbursing officers' credits, etc. , at begin-

ning of fiscal year

Total Deduct disbursing officers credits, etc. , at

close of fiscal year

Total expenditures on basis of checks Issued

Decrease in outstanding disbursing offlcers'

checks and Treasury warrants

4, 942, 540& 349. 72 10, 684, 570. 35 169, 803, 400. 38 7, 032, 901, 189. 83 5, 911, 355, 954 29

2, 000, 000, 000. 00 2, 000, 000, 000. 00

169, 803, 400. 38

8 081 159 354 67

439, 687, 966. 57

7, 641, 471, 388. 10

3, 549, 836. 26

5, 641, 471, 388. 10

2, 000, 000, 000. 00

7, 641, 471, 38S. 10

3, 549& 836. 26

53, 310, 669. 58 66, 201, 065. 97 21, 328, 551. 03 5, 933, 929, 869. 03 439, 687, 966. 57

Total Reconstruction Finance Corporation

Total including public debt retirements

chargeable against ordinary receipts on

basis of daily Treasury statement, re-

vised Public debt principal payable from permanent

indefinite appropriations

Total on basis of daily Treasury statements

(revised), excluding Postal Service pay. able from postal revenues


Expenditures for Postal Service from postal reve-

nues '

Total expenditures, including Postal Service

payable from postal revenues

7& 645i 021& 224 36

7, 645, 021, 224. 36

$8, 08, 648, 497. 18 8, 708, 648, 497. 16

7, 645, 021, 224. 36 t I 624 633 298 10

9& 269& 654 522 46

8, 708, 648, 497. 16

17, 97S, 303, 019. 62

588, 733, 165. 80

18, 565, 036, 185 42

z Includes $26, 464. 40 premium on public debt. s Represents net payments from credit established on account of the purchase by the Secretary of the Treasury of the obligations of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation under sec. 9 of the Reconstruction I inanee Corporation Act.

s For total postsl expenditures see p 421


(Debit transfer appropriations (net) and repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures are printed in italic. Emergency expenditures are indicated by an asterisk ']

Unexpended balances June 30, 1933 Expenditures in 1934 (see p. 6) Amount carried to surplus

fund (see p. 7) Unexpended balances . luce 30, 1934




Reserve for impounded

vacancy savings

(see p. 8)

On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing


Appropriations Warrants-issued

basis Checks-issued

basis Act, June 20,


Impounded salary and

vacancy sav- ings

Reserve for impounded

vacancy savings

(see p. 8)


On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing

officers d


Federal Intermediate Credit Banks, re- volving funds No year


Working fund, Civil Works Administra- tion, Federal Emergency Relief. No year

$25, 000, 000. 00 40, 000, 000. 00

460, l80. 40

ttl6, 000, 000. 00

460, l80. 40

$15, 000, 000. 00

450, 180. 40

Farm Credit Administration, revolving fund (Emergency account, Farm Credit Act)


Emergency farm credit relief (crop pro- duction)

Transfer to Division of Disburse- ment, Treasury Department


Farm mortgage loans Repayments

No year

No year

No year

$7, 000, 000. 00

1, 185, 860. 00

$8, 080. 00

37, 500, 000. 00 87, 600, 000. 00

4, 446, 632. 59

86, 788, 848. 88

144, 992, 727. 43

148, 806, 901. 96

88, 84f, 71 l. $8

1, 185, 825. 47

29, 335, 631. 23

34. 63


3 0

Joint-stock land bank liquidation snd emergency funds, 1933, May 12, 1936 No year

Repayments 200, 000. 00 1, 7241 443. 13

8, 988, 249. 69 l, 888, 806. 46 1, 4O3, 8OO. 4O

Proceeds of sales of obligations to the Secretary of the Treasury pursuant to sec. 9 of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation Act of Jan. 22, 1932 No year

Total, Reconstruction Finance Corporation 8, 335, 860. 00

t $19, 976, 870. 91 ' 1, 675, 000, 000. 00 t 1, 675, 000, 000. 00 t 1, 662, 503, 170. 72 ' $3", 473, 700. 19

19, 976, 870, 91 1, 674) 993, 920. 00 1, 637, 130, 127. 38 il 624& 633, 298. 10 4G, 249, 652. 62 32, 473, 700. 19

t Under section 9 of Reconstruction Finance Corporation Act these items are treated as putilicotcht transactions. s On basis of daily Treasury statements, revised.

0 0 0

M 0 t Unexpcndod balances on basis of daily Treasury statements, revised; balance June 30, 1934, includes $7. 05 out-

stanilinc checks issued on settlement warrants.


Table 1. — ACCOUNTABILITY STATEMENT OF APPROPRIATIONS, BY ACTS OF CONGRESS [Placed upon the books of the Treasury during the Qscal year 1934]

l. Unexpended balances at beginning of year: Appropriations:

Ordinary (details on p, 396) Public debt chargeable against ordinary

receipts (details on p. 411)

Disbursing officers' credits on books of Treasurer United States:

Check-book balances Outstanding checks

Unpaid warrants

2. Appropriations: Annual appropriation acts, 1984:

Legislative Act, Feb. 28, 1933 Executive and Independent Offices Act,

June 16, 1988: Executive Independent offices

Department of Agriculture Act, Mar. 3, 1983

Department of the Interior Act, Feb. 17, 1988:

Interior (civil) Interior (indians)

Department of State, Justice, Commerce, and Labor Act, Mar. 1, 1983:

Department of State Department of Justice Department of Commerce Department of Labor

Navy Department Act, Mar. 3, 1933 Treasury and Post Office Departments

Act, Mar. 3, 1988: Treasury Department Post Office Department

War Department Act, Mar. 4, 1933 District of Columbia Act, June 16, 1938

Total annual appropriation acts, 1988

Less immediately available appropriations under the foregoing acts set up during the fiscal year 1983, the unexpended balances of which are included under (1) above:

Legislative Act, Feb. 28, 1938 Executive and Independent Offices

Act June 16, 1933: Executive $120, 000. 00 I n d e p endent

offices 322, 274, 000. 00

Department of Agriculture Act, Mar. 3, 1983

Department of the Interior Act, 1'eb. 17, 1933:

Interior (civil) $12, 402, 000. 00 Interior (Indi-

ans) 2, 185, 843. 00

$369, 483. 00 ' 631, 483, 063. 00

s 24, 787, 390. 00 18& 966, 545. 67

12& 196, 519. 00 41& 154& 050. 00 36& 588& 465. 00 12) 677& 865. 00

s 244& 883& 219. 00 718, 033, 378. 00

1, 005, 380. 00

322, 894, 000. 00

37, 100, 000. 00

$4, 953, 224, 565. 13

354. W4

169, 808& 400. 88 71, 070, 819. 88

16, 639, 285. 00

631, 802, 546. 00

100, 209, 091. 00

43, 753, 935. 67

102, 616, 399. 00 303, 669, 562. 00

957, 416, 597. 00 349, 840, 749. 00

80, 875, 834. 00

2, 541, 873, 998. 67

$4, 958, 224, 920. 07

240, 874, 220. 21 1, 283, 663. 45

$5, 195, 832, 803. 73

Departments of State, Justice, Com- merce, and Labor Act, Mar. 1, 1933:

Department of State $5, 000. 00

Department of Commerce 110, 000. 00

Navy Department Act, Mar. 8, 1933 Treasury and Post Office Depart-

ments Act, Mar. 8, 1938: Treasury Department

War Department Act, Mar. 4, 1933 District of Columbia Act, June 16,

1938 Total immediately available


r & $13, 110 of this amount is taken up under "Enforcement of black bas Irteiljtute of Agriculture st Rome, Italy, 1934", Department of State. ~s $133, 065 of this amount is taken up under "Freedmen's Hospital, D

s $900, 000 of this amount is taken up under "Salaries and expenses, F

14, 587, 848. 00

115, 000. 00 1, 077, 000. 00

54, 200, 000. 00 65, 823, 517. 00

63, 840. 00

496, 366, 530. 00 s law, Bureau of Fisheries , 1934", Department of Commerce; snd $48, 100 is taken up under "International . C. , 1934", District of Columbia. arm Credit Administration", independent Ofli-""


TABLE 1. — Accountability statement of appropriations, by acts of Congress — Continued


2. Appropriations — Continued. Annual appropriation acts, 1934 — Continued.

Less amounts included in the annual appropriation acts for 1934 not pay- able from general fund of the Treasury:

Department of Agriculture (payable from establishing wool standards fund)

Department of Commerce (payable from the revenues of the Patent Office

Interior Department, civil (payable from reclamation fund)

Post Office Department (payable from postal revenues)

District of Columbia: Payable f r o m

water fund $1, 027, 000. 00 Payable f r o m

gasoline - tsx fund 1, 237, 400. 00

Annual appropriation acts, 1935 (immediately available items):

Legislative Act, May 30, 1934 Executive and Independent Offices Act,

Mar. 28, 1934: Executive Independent oihces

Department of Agriculture Act, Mar. 26, 1934

Department of the Interior Act, Mar. 2, 1934:

Interior (civil) Interior (Indians)

Departments of State, Justice, Commerce, and Labor Act, Apr. 7, 1934:

Department of State Departmeiit of Justice Department of Commerce

Navy Department Act, Msr. 15, 1934 Treasury and Post Office Departments

Act, Mar. 15, 1934: Treasury Department

War Department Act, Apr. 26, 1934 District of Columbia Act, June 4, 1934

Deficiency appropriation acts: Second Deficiency Act, 1933, approved

Msr. 4, 1933: Legislative

Third Deficiency Act, 1933, approved May 29, 1933:

Legislative Fourth Deficiency Act, 1933, approved

June 16, 1933: Legislative Independent offices Department of Labor Department of State Treasury Department

Deficiency Act, 1934, approved June 19, 1934:

Legislative Independent offices Department of Agriculture Department of Commerce Department of the Interior (civil) Department of the Interior (Indians) Department of Justice Department of Labor Navy Department Post Office Department Department of State Treasury Department War Department District of Columbia

$30, 000. 00

4, 424, 950. 00

3, 003, 000. 00

713, 033, 378. 00

2, 264& 400. 00

174, 210. 00 297, 972, 247. 00

926, 670. 00 1, 643, 674. 00

338, 000. 00 50, 000. 00

110, 000. 00

1, 154, 519. 52 2, 665, 441 05

481& 038. 12 537, 425. 26

3, 173, 424. 82 1, 147& 428. 01 2, 462, 107. 68

27, 579. 58 622, 868. 23

49, 316. 39 1, 667, 264. 47

189, 741. 80 1, 121, 708. 51

342, 840. 40

$1& 219, 122, 258. 00

' 7, 857, 675. 00

298, 146, 457. 00

10, 624, 893, 00

2, 570& 344. 00

498, 000. 00 1& 020, 000. 00

14, 567& 115. 00 73& 260, 332. 00

104& 500. 00

126& 210. 00 240, 000. 00

l& 500, 000. 00 35, 700. 00

15, 000, 000. 00

15, 642, 698, 29

$1& 322, '251& 740. 67

408, 649, 316. 00

2, 150. 00

22, 275. 00

16&, 901, 910. 00

en up under "District of coluinhia-virginia, Boundary commission", Indepemlent oAices, and g7, &00, 000 is ial;cu up under ~ payment to offtc and eruployees of the United States in foreign countries dne to appreciation of foreign currencies", ludepeudent odices.


TwnzE 1. — Accountability statement of appropriations, by acts of Congress — Continued

2. Appropriations — Cootinued. Deficiency appropriation acts — Continued.

Deficiency Act, 1984, approved June 19, 1934 — Continued.

Less: Amount not payable from gen-

eral fund of the Treasury: Department of the Interior

(payable from reclama- tion fund)

Post Office Department (payable from postal rev- enues)

District of Columbia (pay- able from water fund)

Amounts not available until July 1, 1934:

Legislative Independent ofiices Department of Agriculture Department of Commerce Department of the Interior

(civil) Department of Justice Department of State Treasury Department

Miscellaneous acts: Private relief s, cts (details on pp. 404-408):

Legislative Independent offices Department of Agriculture Department of Commerce Department of the Interior (civil) Department of the Interior (Indians) Department of Justice Department of I abor Navy Department Post Office Department Department of State Treasury Department War Department

Emergency Appropriation Act, fiscal year 1935, June 19, 1934:

Independent offices Department of Agriculture Department of the Interior (civil) Department of the Interior (Indians) Treasury Department

Less: Amounts not available until

July 1, 1934: Independent offices Department of Agriculture Department of the Interior

(civil) Department of the Interior

(Indians) Treasury Department

Public acts and public resolutions: Legislative:

Public Resolution No. 12, Jan. 18, 1934

Public Resolution No. 23, May 7) 1934

Independent offices: Public Act No. 93, Feb. 15, 1934 Public Resolution No. 16, Mar.

10, 1934

Department of Agriculture: Public Resolution No. 27, May

25, 1984 Public Resolution No. 30, June

7, 1934

$335. 40

49, 316. 39

43, 531. 30

93, 183. 09

156, 786. 00 789, 000. 00 310, 170. 00 456, 190. 00

3, 144, 603. 00 670, 431. 00 234, 866. 00

96, 370. 00

1, 426, 175, 000. 00 112, 500, 000. 00

5, 000, 000. 00 2, 000, 000. 00

262, 595, 000. 00

1, 500, 000. 00 112, 500, 000. 00

5, 000, 000. 00

2, 000, 000. 00 8, 095, 000. 00

213, 500. 00

185, 000. 00

950, 000, 000. 00

40, 000, 000. 00

150 000 000 00

1, 000, 000. 00

$5, 951, 599. 09

17, 606. 12 24, 726. 33 25, 479. 21 11, 941. 30

105, 379. 50 63 47a 69

130, 836. 27 1, 000, 00

74, 855. 22 69, 654. 59 36, 500. 00

153, 627. 87 191, 913. 33

1, 808, 270, 000. 00

129, 095, 000. 00

398, 500. 00

990 000 000 00

151, 000, 000. 00

$9, 691, 099. 20

906, 999. 43

1, 679, 175, 000. 00


TABLE 1. — Accounlabi lily statement of appropriations, by acts of Congress — Continued

2. Appropriations — Co~tinued. Miscellaneous acts — Continued.

Public acts and public resolutions — Con. Post Office Department:

Public Act No. 453, June 22, 1934

Treasury Department: Public Resolution No. 23, May

?& 1934 District of Columbia:

Public Resolution No. 13, Feb. 2, 1934

Permanent, annual indefinite, trust fund, and special fund appropriations, actual (various acts):

Interest on the public debt Premium on the public debt Sinking fund Advances to Agricultural Adjustment Ad-

ministration Patent Office deficiencies Postal deficiencies Exchange stabilization fund Payments to Federal Reserve banks for

industrial loans Appropris, tions of trust fund and con-

tributed fund receipts Other permanent and indefinite appro-

priations, including interest on judg- ments

Amount reestablished from surplus fund for adjustment of fiscal officers' accounts, act Mar. 3, 1875 (18 Stat. 418, sec. 5)

Transfer from Emergency Farm Credit Relief, special fund, Reconstruction Finance Corpo- ration, to "Salaries and expenses, Division of Disbursement, 1934" (Treasury)

3. Add receipts credited direct to appropriations: Proceeds of railroad securities owned by the

Government Military and naval insurance, Veterans'


Total ordinary appropriations, exclusive of appropriations to cover face amount of public-debt redemptions chargeable against ordinary receipts

4. Add indefinite and special-fund receipt appropria- tions to cover face amount of public-debt retire- ments chargeable against ordinary receipts

Total ordinary appropriations, including ap- propriations to cover face amount of pub- lic-debt retirements chargeable against ordinary receipts (see pp. 396, 403)




52, 2, 000,

210, 099. 33 26, 464. 40

841, 350. 68

386, 000. 00 300, 000. 00 003, 295. 62 000& 000. 00

418, 732, 662. 98

1& 270& 803. 10

868, 108. 66

139, 299, 557. 00

134, 439, 575. 87

$250. 00

150, 000. 00

26, 66?. 00 $1, 141& 575& 417. 00

4, 450, 238, 006. 88

86, 453. 44

6, 080. 00

2, 138, 911. 75 4, 452, 469, 451. 07

9, 031, 645, 358. 37

1, 255, 831. 46

9, 032, 901, 189. 83

14, 228, 283, 993. 56 5. Deduct appropriations carried to surplus fund

(details on p. 396): Act June 20, 1874 (18 Stat. 110, sec. 5) Act June 30, 1932 (47 Stat. 403) as amended

6. Deduct unexpended balances at close of year: Appropriations:

Ordinary (details on p. 396) Public debt chargeable against ordinary

receipts (details on p. 411) Disbursing officers' credits on books of Treas-

urer United States: Check book balances (details on p. 396) Outstanding checks

Unpaid warrants

7. Reconstructiou Finance Corporation notes pur- e hased

Total to be accounted for as expenditures during fiscal year 1934 (see p. 396)

439, 687, 966. 57 66, 239, 194. 47

53„310, 669. 58 66, 201, 065. 97

5, 954, 375, 426. 56

882, 993. 50

505, 927, 161. 04 2, 565, 452. 65

119, 511& 736. 55

6, 463, 751 033 65 6, 583, 262, ?69. 20

7, 645, 021, 224. 36

1, 624, 633, 298. 10

9, 269, B54, 522. 4B

108885 — 36 — 2B


. TABLE 1. — Accountability statement' of appropriations, by acts of Congress — Continued


Balance according to daily Treasury statement, June 30, 1933 (unrevised)

Deduct net excess of expenditures over receipts in June reports subsequently received

Receipts, fiscal year 1934: Ordinary (p. 14) Public debt (p. 67)

$862, 205, 220. 61

8, 427, 445. 39 $853, 777, 775. 22

6, 094, 102, 573. 18 13, 582& 927& 414. 64

19, 677, 029, 987. 82

Balance according to daily Treasury statement, June 30, 1934 (unrevised)

Deduct net excess of expenditures over receipts in June reports subsequently received

Deduct public debt expenditures (p. 411) Less amount chargeable against ordinary receipts

Total ordinary expenditures, according to daily Treasury statement (revised), chargeable against ordinary receipts (p. 396)

2, 581, 922, 240. 16

29, 417, 496. 74

9, 068, 513, 590. 06 359, 865, 092. 90

20, 530, 807, 763. 04

2, 552, 504, 743. 42

17, 978, 303, 019. 62

8, 708, 648& 497. 16

s $9 269 654, 522. 46

& Inciudes $1, 624, 633, 298. 10 for Reconstruction Finance Corporation, detaiis on p. 397.


Department For the service of the fiscal year 1934 i

For the service of the fiscal year 1935 i

Annual appropriation acts Second, Third, and Fourth Deficiency

Acts fiscal year 1933, approved Msr. 4, 1933; May 29, 1933; and June 16, 1933, respec-


Deficiency Act, fiscal year 1934, approved June 19,

1934 i

Emergency Ap- propriation Act, fiscal year 1935, approved June 19, 1934

Specific snd in- definite perma-

nent annual appropriations, including ap- propriation of

special and trust, fund re-

ceipts (various acts) i

Private acts (de- tails on p. 404)

Other acts and resolutions (de- tails on p. 401)

iNet amount of transfers among

departments snd offices + or—


Legislative establishment Executive office Independent oflices Department of Agriculture Department of Commerce Department of the Interior, including Indian Affsirs Department of Justice Department of Labor Navy Department Post Oflice Department Department of State Treasury Depsrtinent War Department District of Columbia Interest on the public debt

$15, 683, 955. 00 249, 483. 00

309, 159, 063. 00

63, 079, 091. 00

32, 053, 515. 00 26, 163, 092. 67 41, 154, 050. 00 12, 677, 365. 00

307, 592, 562. 00

12, 191, 519. 00 190, 183, 219. 00 284, 017, 232. 00

28, 047, 594. 00

$7, 857, 675. 00 174, 210. 00

297, 972, 247. 00 10, 624, 893. 00

110, 000. 00 2, 570, 344. 00

50, 000. 00

1, 020, 000. 00

338, 000. 00 14, 567, 115. 00

73, 260, 332. 00 104& 500. 00

' 240, 000. 00

' 1, 500, 000. 00

1, 876, 441. 05 170, 868. 12

81, 235. 26

1, 175, 909. 43

1, 791, 676. 68 27, 579. 53

622, 868. 23

i 35, 700. 00 i 15, 000, 000. 00

1, 432, 398. 47

93, 371. 30 1, 121, 708. 51

299, 309. 10

i $150, 635. 00 $997, 733. 52

i $1, 424, 675, 000. 00

s 254, 500, 000. 00

$197, 041. 41

126, 159, 153. 24

875, 405, 705. 52

8, 833, 974. 64

16, 375, 263. 04 708, 999. 58

73, 144. 83

1, 445, 55 k 32 52, 004, 385. 62

279, 815. 89 155, 838, 551. 86 12, 134, 235. 26

6, 935, 714. 45 &757, 236, 563. 73

$17, 606. 12

24, 726. 33 25, 479. 21 11, 941. 30

168, 859. 19 130, 836. 27

1, 000. 00 74, 855. 22

69, 654. 59 36, 500. 00

153, 627. 87 191, 913. 33

$398, 500. 00

990, 000, 000. 00 151, 000, 000. 00

250. 00

150, 000. 00

2G, 667. 00

— $4, 645, 229. 17

-823, 135, 832. 29

+101, 296, 638. 94 +11, 360, 336. 38

+218, 032, 039. 72 +1, 044, 844. 03 +2, 319, 943. 86

+41, 667, 407. 06 +12, 197, 911. 19 + 7, 638, 352. 52

+85 154 693 72 +345, 915, 142. 25

+1, 153, 751. 79

$20, G57, 916. 88 423, 693, 00

2, 326, 970, 798. 33 1, 201, 602, 675. 79

52, 451, 002. 58 264, 485, 508. 05

44, 880, 406. 56 1G 599 033 22

352, 423, 243. 83 G4, 272, 201. 40 21, 952, 285

715, 640, 578. 75 716, 640, 563. 35 36 567 536 34

& 757, 236, 563. 73

Total Appropriations to cover public-debt retirements (face amount)

chargeable against receipts

Total appropriations established upon the books of the Treasury during the fiscal year 1934 exclusive of the public debt payable froin indefinite appropriations.

Exchange stabilisation fund

1, 322, 251, 740. 67 408, 649, 316. 00 16 926 33o 00 9r 69L Ggg 20 L 679) 175 000 00 2, 013, 628, 100. 39

440, 097, 182. 14

2, 453, 725, 282. 53 2, 000, 000, 000. 00

906, 999. 43 1, 141, 575, 417. 00 6, 592, 804, 007. 69

440, 097, 182. 14

7, 032, 901, 189. 83 2. 000, 000, 000. 00

1, 322, 251, 740. 67 408, 649, 316. 00 16, 926, 335. 00 9, 691, 099. 20 1, 679, 175, 000. 00 4, 453, 725, 282. 53 906, 999. 43 1, 141, 575, 417. 00 9, 032, 901, 189. 83

i Exclusive of $496, 366, 530 immediately available appropriations established upon the books of the Treasury during the fiscal year 1933, $713, 033, 378 ' payable froin postal revenues; snd $9, 722, 350 i payable from special fund receipts; total $1, 219, 122, 258 ss shown in detail on pp. 398, 399.

i Immediately available appropriations in 1935 annual appropriation sets established upon the books of the Treas- ury in the fiscal year 1934.

& $2, 150 of this amount is Second Deficiency Act, 1933; $22, 275, Third Deficiency Act, 1933; and $12G, 210, Fourth Deficiency Act, 1933.

' Fourth Deficiency Act, 1933. i Exclusive of $5, 858, 416 not available until July 1, 1933, $49, 316. 39 payable from postal revenues, $335. 40 payable

from reclamation fund, and $43, 531. 30 payable from water fund, District of Columbia; total $5, 831, 332. 47 as shown in detail on p. 400.

s Includes $86, 453. 44 reestablished from the surplus fund during fiscal year 1934 in connection with the adjustment of fiscal officers' accounts, in accordance with the provisions of sec. 5 of the act of Msr. 3, 1875, 18 Stat. , 110, and $2, 138, 911. 75 receipts from miscellaneous sources credited direct to appropriations.

i Exclusive of $1, 500, 000 not available until July 1, 1934. s Exclusive of $8, 095, 000 not available until July 1, 1934. & Includes $26i464. 40 premium on the public debt. o Deficiencies in the postal revenues payable from the general fund under an indefinite appropriation are include~i

in the sixth money column of this statement. i The appropriation of receipts covered into the Treasury under these special fuml spprol)rlations is included in

tbe sixth money column of this statement.



Num- ber of

act Approved Beneficiaries Amount


46 91


Mar. 28, 1934 May 8, 1934 June 26, 1984

Victor L. Berger, estate of Harry L. Haberkorn M uriel Crichton




$9, 856. 12 2, 750. 00 5, 000. 00

17, 606. 12


25 Priv.

Res. 1 376

do Sarah Smolen

May 7, 1934 George Charles Walther ) June 26, 1934 James R. Mansfield



Junc 14, 1984 Marion von Bruning (nee Marion Hubbard Treat)


1, 900. 00

5, 000. 00 ' 180. 00

'9. 72

5, 189. 72

135 169

878 29 29 80

194 282 819 875 428

'May 9, 1934 May 28, 1984

Feb. 24, 1931 Mar. 18, 1984

do do

June 6, 1934 June 18, 1984 June 21, 1984 June'26, 1934 June 27, 1984

O. H. Chrisp Kathryn Thurston


Mary L. Dickson John T. Lennon George T. Flora William T. Stiles R. A. Hunsinger John J Corcoran Dallas County Chapter Martin Flynn Mrs. C. A. Toline, heirs



of the American Red Cross


5, 000. 00 2, 500. 00

7& 500. 00

' 204. 00 25. 00 25. 00 25. 00

300. 00 600. 00 541. 38

8, 810. 00 5, 000. 00

10, 580. 33

48 48 48 48

158 186 227

377 886 394 894

103 202

335 :336 340

Mar. 26, 1984 (io do

May 18, 1984 June 5, 1934 June 11, 1934 June 14, 1934 June 26, 1984

do (lo, do.

May 7, 1984 June 6, 1984 , Iune 24, 1984

'. 10

do, do

DEPARTMENT OF AGRICUI TURE (SEE P. 141) Davis Memnrial Hospital W. E. Whiteside Benjamine Irs Golden John W. Minear Palmetto Cotton Co. James B. Conner A. E, Shelley I. R, Smith W. H, Key and estate of James E. Wilson Ammon McClellan N. %, Carrington J. E. Mitchell


DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE (SEE P. 157) W. C. Garber W, H. LeDuc M, N. Lipinski Arthur A. Burn, Sr , I. K. Ryland C. K. Bowen, heirs of Theodore W. Beland


65. ?4 6. 00

80. 00 7. 00

-. 140. 00 2, :5QO. 00

691. 20 19, 228. 00

160. 00 &876. 2(

1& 020. 00 1, '260. 00

25, 479. 21

112. 44 1, 000. 00 1, 100. 00 5', OOO. Oo

4, 246. 06 450. 50

32. 30

11, 941. 80


2', 68

564 I80 256 844 365 ' Indefinite.

Mar. 12, 1984 June 28, 1982 May 21, 1984 May 28, 1934 June 15, 1934 June 26, 1934


Civil: Potomac Electric Power Co John Herink Arabella E. Bodkin Wallace E. Ordway Yosemite Lumber Co John Hampshire Certain riparian owners. Drained Mud Lake Bottom Minn

2, 157. 25 ' 921. 00

28, 000. 00 4,

' ooo.

' oo

1, 100. 00 32, 715. 81 37, 406. 44



3. — Statement exhibiting the pri(3ate relief acts, for tchich appropriations (cere establishe(t on the books of the Treasury during fhe fiscal year 188$ — Continued

Num- ber of

sct Approved Beoeticisries Amotmt


22 26

101 218 219 225 230 280 280 280 230 230 245 24'7 295 295 322 401 413 421 423 427 480

35 37 45 90

104 106 108 113 120 123 149 150 166 188 189 193 201 208 209 220 237 238 241 242 260 269 279 280 301 301 301 313 338 378 381 388 398 399 404 410 411 432

Mar. 2, 1934 Mar. 13, 1934

May 7, 1934 June 11, 1934

do do do do do (10 Eio

June 14, 1934 do

June 18, 1934

June 22, 1934 June 26, 1934

Eio June 27, 1934

do do do

Mar. 13, 1934 Mar. 28, 1934

do May 3, 1934 May 7, 1934

do clo do do do

May 17, 1934

May 22, 1934 June 5, 1984

Eio June 6, 1934

do June 8, 1934

do June 11, 1934 June 13, 1934

do do

June 16, 1934 June 18, 1934

do (io

June 19, 1934 do

June 21, 1934 June 24, 1934 June 26, 1934

clo clo do do do do

June 27, 1934




Neill Grocery Co Great American Indemnity Calvin M. Head Edward V. Bryant George Jeffcoat Robert B. James Edward Shabel Henry A. Richmond Gottleib Stock Mary Josephine Lobert C. J. Holliday J. B. Trotter G. T. Fleming John Merrill H. A. Soderberg Maude G. Nicholson I. T. McRee Mrs. Asa Caswell Hawkins Sultzbach Clothing Co Catherine Wright Lulu A. Densmore A. C. Francis Jose Ramon Cordova Oscar P. Cox George E. Q. Johnson Morris Spirt William Sheldon Mary Orinski Elizabeth Phillips Joseph M. Kressin Joseph Verlinde Frank Salisbury, Exr. of esta Mrs. George Logan and her Roy Lee Groseclose Robert V. Rensch Albert W. Harvey Marie Louise Belanger Stella D. Wickersham Charles E. Second Robert N. Stockton Silas B. Lawrence White B. Miller

Co. of New York

te of Emerson Salisbury minor children


Indian: William C. Campbell C. M. Williamson; Mrs. Tura Liljenquist, administratrix of C.

Lottie Redman and H. N. Smith Daisy M. Avery Milburn Knapp Peter Pierre Western Montana Clinic James Black Dog Archie Red Elk Catherine Medicine Walk and Belle Medicine Walk James Garfield Nancy Titus Carl W. Eagle, administrator of estate of Charles Peterson M. M. Twichel N. Lester Troast A. W. Pearson Peabody Hospital, Webster, S. Dak C. V. Mason Wakicunzewin, an Indian, heirs of Jerry O' Shea A. L. Ostrander Lucy B. Hertz and J. W. Hertz Jennie Walton, estate of Ransome Cooyate

E. Liljenquist, deceased; $64. 64

8, 824. 10 1, 000. 00

16, 000. 00 45. 00

5, 022. 30 185. 00 25. 00 25. 00 70. 00 35. 00 25. 00

3, 433. 34 144. 28

4, 764. 40 11, 675. 97

1, 206. 76 2, 888. 90

275. 00 270. 00

1, 500. 00 4, 000. 00 2, 000. 00

169, 780. 19

2, 531. 97 18, 000. 00

350. 00 2, 400. 00 5, 000. 00 7, 000. 00 2, 579. 00

500. 00 3, 000. 00 1, 632. 68

500. 00 500. 00 500. 00

2, 500. 00 147. 00 183. 45

2, 000. 00 5, 000. 00 6, 000. 00 5, 000. 00 5, 000. 00

204. 30 3, 500. 00

524. 37 5, 500. 00 1, 500. 00 1, 937. 10 1, 000. 00

55. 00 63. 30

4. 95 1, 500. 00 3, 000. 00

37. 50 136. 50

49. 15 5, 000. 00 5, 000. 00

500. 00 4, 000. 00 2, 000. 00

25, 000. 00

130, 836. 27




3. — Statement exhibiting the pri&&ate relief acts, for which appropriations were established on the books of the Treasury during the fiscal year IM$ — Continued

Num- ber of

act Approved Beneficiaries Amount


66 161

Apr. 14, 1934 May 21, 1984

Joe Setton Homer C. Chapin



$500. 00 500. 00

I, 000. 00

21 84 59 85

107 115 125 128 128 128 145 167 205 212 251 253 254 268 270 286 288 290 339 362 879

33 44 50 55 62 67 96

100 102 110 111 112 117 122 188 139 140 141 168 171 195 208 216 259 283 292 328 324 825 326 328 329 331 332 346 348 350 358 412 415 419 422

Feb. 26 1934 Mar. 13, 1934 Apr. 13, 1934 May 8, 1984 May 7, 1984

(10 (io (10 do clo

May 16, 1934 May 22, 1934 June 8, 1934

(10 June 14, 1984

(io (10

June 18, 1934 do do do do

June 25, 1934 June 26, 1984


Mar. 13, 1934 Mar. 28, 1934 Apr. 18, 1934

do do

Apr. 14, 1934 May 7, 1934

Cl0 do do do do clo do

May 9, 1934 do (io do

May 22, 1934 May 23, 1984 June 6, 1934

clo June 11, 1934 June 16, 1934 June 18, 1934

do June 22, 1984

Cl0 do do do do do do

June 26, 1934 do do (10 cl0 do (10

June 27, 1934


Depot, Lake Denmark, N. J

Glendale, Calif

Nannie Swearingen William Herod Manuel Merritt Primo Tiburzio Emma F. Taber Lottie W. McCaskill Margurite Ciscoe John H. Mehrle Edna B. Wylie O. S. Cordon Paul Bulfinch Frances E. Eller C. W. Mooney Joseph Dumas Bonnie S. Baker Walter E. Switzer T. J. Morrison Galen E. Lichty Charles A. Brown Nicola Valerio Ruby F. Voiles John S. Cathcart Paul J. Sisk Annie Moran Laura Goldwater William T. Roche Julia E. Smith Gustav Welhoelter Anthony Hogue Edith L. Peeps M. R. Welty John R. Novak Donald K. Warner Jeannette Weir Frederick G. Barker Norman Beier A. W. Holland Charles F. Littlepage W. B. Ford Frank Baglione B. J. Sample Archibald MacDonald



Guillcrmo Medins B. and O. Manufacturing Co Charles J. Eisenhauer City of Glendale Calif G. Elias and Brother, Inc Claimants, Explosion at Naval Ammunition Lt. Comdr. Lucien M. Grant Martha Edwards Norfolk Protestant Hospital Julian L. Rswls Ellen Grant Irene Brand Alper Woodhouse Chain Works Mary Black Memorial Hospital C. A. Betz Lt. H. W. Taylor Mrs. Joseph Roncoli Physicians and Surgeons Hospital, Limited, Clarence A. Wimley Carleton-Mace Engineering Corporation William J. Kenely Mable Carver Thelma Lucy Rounds Elizabeth Buxton Hospital Mildred F. Stamm


66. 80 I, 597. 52 I, 000. 00 2, 157. 96 4, 400. 00

17, 691. 58 1, 84. 02

3, 000. 00 177. 00 150. 00 200. 00

1, 250. 00 852. 93

2, 500. 85 103. 84 52. 00

2, 500. 00 150. 00 100. 00

32, 726. 14 500. 00

2, 500. 00 270. 28 224. 80

1, 000. 00

74, 855. 22

5, 000. 00 4& 000. 00

40. 20 1, 000. 00 8, 500. 00

271. 00 2, 000. 00 I, 000. 00

22. 90 17. 37

158. 54 422. 50 161. 71

I, 500. 00 100. 29

2, 000. 00 195. 41 554. 70

3, 000. 00 2, 500. 00

75. 00 87. 80 60. 00

5, 000. 00 5, 000. 00 2, 000. 00 I, 500. 00

900. 00 600. 00

5, 000. 00 750. 00

4, 000. 00 869. 17

I, 000. 00 3, 000. 00 2, 500. 00

900. 00 3, 000. 00 I, 000. 00 3, 500. 00 I, 824, 14

148. 86

69, 654. 59


TABLE 3. — 8latement ezhibiling lhe private reti& f nels, for which appropriations uere estabhshect on the books of the Treasury during the fiscal year 1E)8$ — Continued

Num- ber of

act Approved Beneficiaries AEUOUDE


82 159 210 213 275 384 429

Msv 3, 1934 May 21, 1934 June 8, 1934

June 18, 1934 June 26, 1934 June 27, 1934

Anne B. Slocum Mucia Alger Emma Ferguson Starrett Lucy Cobb Stewart Emma R. H. Taggart Emilie C, Davis Margoth Olsen von Struve




83, 500. 00 2, 500. 00 8, 000. 00 9, 000. 00 4, 000. 00 4, 500. 00 5, 000. 00

36, 500. 00

24 36 74 95 98

118 126 143 143 143 146 147 170 196 258 265 300 303 303 303 303 306 343 364 395 403 431

Mar. 9, 1934 Mar. 14, 1934 Apr. 23, 1934 May 7, 1934

do Eio

May 14, 1934 do do

May 17, 1934 do

May 23, 1934 June 6, 1934 June 16, 1934 June 18, 1934 June 19, 1934

do do do do do

June 26, 1934 do do

June 27, 1934

Farmers Grain Co. Omaha, Nebr Willie B. Cleverly Franklin Surety Co William K. Lovett Arthur K. Finney Barne Rieke Monumental Stevedore Co Gohlsmith Metal Lath Co Price-Evans Foundry Corporation R. W. Feiix Elizabeth T. Cloud Nellie Rea H. Forsell Eula K. Lee Gladding, McBean Eit Co Charles J. Webb Sons Co, , Inc Caroline M. Eagan Shelby J. Beene Mrs. bhelby J. Beene Leroy T. Wailer Mrs. Leroy T. Wailer Ro ce Wells William Martin and John E. Walsh, Jr Black Hardware Co George M. Wright H. N. Wil ox John N. Knauff Co. , Inc


WAR DEPARTMENT (SEE P. 339) Sarah E. Edge Mrs. W. M. Kittle Charles C. Bennett Warren J. Clear Chicago, North Shore &('6 Milwaukee R. R Pinkie Osborne Walter E. Dandy Noank Shipyard, Inc Lucy Murphy Capt. Guy M. Kinman Florence Hudgins Lindsay Elizabeth Lindsay Harvey M. Hunter M. Aileen Ofi'erman Katherine G. Taylor Frank Wilkins Phyllis Pratt and Harold Louis Pratt Willard B. Hall Karim Joseph Mery Jacob Durrenberger Robert Turner Frederick W. Peter Enoch Graf D. W. Tanner, widow of Annie I. Hissey C. K. Morris E. Walter Edwards McKimmon Eit McKee, Inc Anthony J. Lynn Nellie Lamson, estate of Lueco Gooch M. Thomas Petroy Michael Bello, administrator of James Slevin Charlestown Sand Efz Stone Co Lt. Walter T. Wilsey

2, 186. 36 124. 23

11& 725. 71 2, 050. 00

108. 77 3, 750. 00

677. 75 892. 73

I, 790. 10 27. 81

596. 97 12. 95

196. 97 838. 75

6, 602. 40 18, 648. 87 10, 950. 19 14, 739. 58 15, 227. 80 14, 531. 79 14, 531. 79 I, 500. 00 4, 221. 50 7, 998. 04

545. 03 119. 00

19, 032. 78

153 627 87

145 182 17 27 28 47 49 52 54 68 83 83 84 87 92 93

133 134 136 152 153 154 156 174 181 184 198 199 200 214 221 222 224 228 229 231

June 27, do

Feb. 20, Mar. 13,

do Mar. 25, Mar. 27, Apr. 13,

do Apr. 17, May 3,

do Clo

do clo do

May 9, clo clo

May 18, clo do do

May 25, June 5,

do June 6,

clo do

June 8, June 11,

do do do do do

' Indefinite.


1934 1934

1934 1934 1934

1934 1934



1934 1934


1934 1934

estate of John Bello

' 420. 00 ' 367. 56

5, 000. 00 737. 00 120. 39

2, 500. 00 I, 000. 00 I, 700. 00 5, 000. 00 I, 582. 70 5, 000. 00 5, 000. 00

71. 50 2, 500. 00

159. 00 100. 00

5, 000. 00 75. 00

5, 000. 00 2, 000. 00 I, 500. 00 1, 000. 00 2, 644. 61

125. 00 5, 000. 00 I, 000. 00

106. 30 71. 59

254. 40 325. 00 516. 28 193. 36

5, 000. 00 1, 425. 00

12, 385. 99 147. 50




8. — Statement eshibiting the private relief acts, for which appropriations were established on the books of the Treasury during the fiscai year 1 tf8$ — Continued

Num- ber of

sct Approved Beneficiaries Amount


289 264 271 272 273 274 276 277 278 281 285 287 291 293 296 298 304 307 338 351 353 354 355 356 361 872 388 889 390 393 406 417 418 426

June 13, June 16, June 18,

do do do do clo &do

clo (10 do cl0 Clo do clo

June 19, do

June 22, June 26,

do do do do do do do do do do do do do

June 27,

1934 1934 1934


19 34 84 19



of Jerry A. Litchfield

807, June 19, 1934


York Dredging Co


Grand total, private acts

George Dacas William Chinsky John Parker Clark, Sr John Parker Clark, Jr Michael Petrucelli Jeanie G. Lyles Paul I. Morris Ernest Elmore Hall Earl V. Larkin Roland 2Iolesky E. E. Hall Lyman D. Drake, Jr Arthur Smith Capt. Frank J. McCormack J. B. Hudson May I . Marshall, administratrix Western Union Telegraph Co Claimants under Private Act No. Ralph LaVern Walker William G. Fulton Rufus J. Davis Alice E. Broas Virginia Houghton Mary V. Spear Ann Engle William A. Delaney Arthur Bussey Brewer Paint 8r, Wall Paper Co. , Robert R. Prann E. Clarence Ice Arthur Hansel D. F. Tyler Corporation and New Boston Store Co. , Chicago, Ill Bert Moore

$5, 000. 00 2, 500. 00 5, 000. 00 2, 500. 00 5, 000. 00 1, 500. 00

660. 00 2, 500. 00 1, 213. 25 2) 500. 00 11 000. 00 2, 500. 00

210. 35 1, 818. 79

250. 00 5, 000. 00

512. 22 2, 084. 23

500. 00 1, 528. 00 1, 223. 50 1, 000. 00 3& 000. 00 2, 500. 00 3, 000. 00

188. 53 29, 848. 93

846. 80 3, 875. 00 3, 000. 00 2, 500. 00

14, 727. 11 6, 246. 00 2, 500. 00

192, 700. 89

' 909, 101. 71

) Includes g2, 10a gS referred to in note 1, which is considered under indecnite appropriations in the Digest of Appropriations and fn Table 1, p. 4CC of this report„


Funds available in 1934 Expenditures in 1934

Appropriations Fiseai year for which

appropriation was made

Unexpended balance June 30, 1933, on

books of Treasury

Appropriations (actual) Face amount redeemed Premium 1)iseetsnt (credit)

Net cost Unexpendrsd balances

June 30, I93'4', on books nf T'reaausy



General accounts: Sinking fund Treasury bonds of 1946 — 49 (3)rs percent) Treasury bonds of 1951 — 55 (3 percent) Treasury bonds of 1941 (3)rs percent) Treasury bonds of 1943 — 45 (3)4 — 4)4 percent) Fourth Liberty loan bonds (4)rs percent) Treasury notes, series A — 1934 (3 percent) Treasury notes, series A — 1936 (3V4 percent) Treasury notes, series B — 1936 (2/4 percent) Treasury notes, series C-1936 (2r/s percent) Treasury notes, series A — 1937 (3/4 percent) Treasury notes, series B — 1937 (3 percent) Treasury notes, series A-1938 (2s/s percent) Treasury notes, series B — 1938 (2~/s percent)

No No No No No No No No No No No No No

year year year year year year year year year year year year year


$5, 384. 31 $438, 535, 504. 50 $400, 000. 00

3, 650, 000. 00 569, 000. 00 568, 000. 00

300, 002, 200. 00 7) 513, 700. 00 I, 000, 000. 00 2, 612, 000. 00

13, 600, 000. 00 16, 918, 000. 00 5, 967, 000. 00

837, 000. 00 5& 855) 000. 00

$7, 500. 00

312. 50 18, 120. 64

531. 26

$1) 931. 30 78, 943. 93

8, 521. 60 7, 135. 36

13, 019. 99 2, 648. 43

23, 828. 12' 35, 510. 31 53, 877. 80

106, 893. ' 74

$398, 068. 70 3, 571, 056. 07

560, 478. 40 560, 864. 64

300, 002, 200. 00 7, 513, 700. 00 1, 007, 500. 00 2, 598, 980. 01

13, 597, 664. 07 16& 912, 292. 52 5, 932, 020. 95

783, 122. 20 5, 748, 106. 26

Total, general accounts

Special accounts: Purchase and/or redemption of bonds, etc. ,

from cash repayments of principal by for- eign governments No year

5, 384. 31 438, 535, 504. 50 359, 491, 900. 00

12. 04

26, 464. 40 332, 310. 58 359, 186, 053. 82 $79, 354, 834. 99 tt3

12. 04

Redemption of bonds, etc. , received as re- payments of principal by foreign gover- Inents:

Treasury bonds of 1951-55 (3 percent)

Redemption of bonds, etc. , received as in- terest payments on obligations of foreign governments:

Treasury bonds of 1951 — 55 (3 percent)

Obligations retired from Federal Reserve bank franchise-tax receipts

Obligations retired from net earniugs de- rived by the United States from Federal iritermediate credit hanks

Reilemptiori i&f bonds, etc. , from repayments of principal of loans to States, municipali- ties, etc. , Piiblic Works Administration

No year

No year

No year

No year

No year

36. 50

306. 40

330, 57?. 05

147, 450. 00

762, 804. 41

210) 400. 00

1471 450. 00

' 36. 50

' 306. 40

210, 400. 00

147, 450. 00

36. 50

306. 40

120, 177. 05

762, 804. 41

i 1&ci))&site&1 to credit or . ol&i re&iree

TABLE 4. — Public-debt expenditures — Continued

Funds available in 1934 Expenditures in 1934

Appropriations Fiscal year for which

appropriation was made

Unexpended balance June 30, 1933, on

books of Treasury

Appropriations (actual) Face amount redeemed Premium Discount (credit) Nei. cost

Unexpended balances June 30, 1934, on

books of Treasury



Special ac co un ts — Conti nued. Retirements from gifts, forfeitures, and other

miscellaneous receipts: First Liberty loan bonds (3' percent) First Liberty loan bonds, convertible

(4)4 percent) Fourth Liberty loan bonds (4' percent) Treasury bonds of 1941 — 43 (3sjq percent) Treasury bonds of 1946 — 49 (Ws percent) Treasury bonds of 1951 — 55 (3 percent)

Total, special accounts

Total public debt expenditures chargeable against ordinary re- ceipts

No year

No year No year No year No year No year

$354. 94

5, 739. 25

$1& 000. 00

1, 100. 00 4, 400. 00 2, 000. 00 1& 000. 00 5, 500. 00

15, 000. 00

1, 255, 831. 46

439, 791, 335. 96

$1, 000. 00

1, 100. 00 4, 400. 00 2, 000. 00 1, 000. 00 5, 500. 00

15, 000. 00

373, 192. 90

359, 865, 092. 90 $26, 464, 40 $332, 310. 58

$l, 000. 00

1, 100. 00 4, 400. 00 2, 000. 00 1, 000. 00 5, 500. 00

15, 000. 00

373, 192. 90

359, 559, 246. 72

$882, 993. 50

80, 237, 828. 49 General accounts:

Second Liberty loan bonds (4 percent) Second Liberty loan bonds, convertible (4)4

percent) Third Liberty loan bonds (4' percent) Fourth Liberty loan bonds (41~4 percent) Victory Liberty loan notes (3sjs percent) Victory Liberty loan notes (4~/4 percent) Certificates of indebtedness (various rates) Treasury bills Treasury bonds of Apr. 16, 1934 (s/s percent). Treasury certificates (2 percent) Treasury notes (various rates) Treasury notes, civil-service series (4 per-

cent) Treasury notes, foreign-service series (4 per-

cent) Treasury notes, Canal Zone series (4 per-

cent) Compound interest notes (6 percent) Federal Reserve and national bank notes

(old series) Federal Reserve and national bank notes

(new series) Retirement fund, Federal Reserve bank

notes Fractional currency Funded loan of 1907 (4 percent) Loan of 1908 — 18 (3 percent) Loan of 1925 (4 percent) l-year Treasury notes of 1863 (5 percent)

No year

No year No year No year No year No year No year No year No year No year No year

No year

No year

No year No year

No year

No year

No year No year No year No year No year No year

1, 555,

2, 454, 3, 929,

55, 2,



78, 900. 00

331, 250. 00 711, 950. 00 524, 550. 00

50. 00 110, 900. 00 552& 400. 00 416, 000. 00 559, 764. 64 096) 250. 00 848, 600. 00

16, 827, 550. 00 1, 631. 02

150. 00 1, 440. 00 2, 000. 00

10. 00

35, 800, 000. 00

454, 000. 00

52, 000. 00 40. 00

3, 737, 686. 00

96, 159, 890. 00

l& 555,

2, 454, 3, 929,

55, 2,



78, 900. 00

331, 250. 00 711, 950. 00 524, 550. 00

50, 00 110, 900. 00 552& 400. 00 416, 000. 00 559, 764. 64 096 250. 00 848, 600. 00

16, 827, 550. 00 1, 631. 02

150. 00 1, 44O. 00 2, 000. 00

10. 00

35, 800, 000. 00

454& 000. 00

52& 000. 00, 40. 00

3, 737) 686. 00

96& 159, 890. 00

78, 900. 00

331, 250. 00 711, 950. 00 524, 550. 00

50. 00 110, 900. 00 552& 400. 00 416, 000. 00 559, 764. 64 096, 250. 00 848, 600. 00

1, 555,

2, 454, 3& 929&

55, 2,



16, 827, 550. 00 1, 631. 02

150. 00 1, 440. 00 2, 000. 00

10. 00

35, 800, 000. 00

454, 000. 00

52& 000. 00 40. 00

3, 737, 686. 00

96, 159, 890. 00

Postal Savings bonds — 1st series (2' per- cent)

Postal Savings bonds — 2d series (2' per- cent)

Postal Savings bonds — 3d series (2)s per- cent )-

Postal Savings bonds — 4th series (2)s per- cent)

Postal Savings bonds — 5th series (2Vs per- cent n)

Postal Savings bonds — 6th series (2)(s per- cent

Refunding certificates (4 percent) Treasury savings certificates, issue Dec. 15,

1921 Treasury savings certificates, issue Sept. 30,

1922 Treasury savings certificates, issue Dec. 1,

1923 Thrift and Treasury savings stamps



No year

No year

No year

No year

No year

No year No year

No year

No year

No year No year

40. 00

500. 00

2, 500, 00


1, 108&

780. 00

100. 00

1& 118& 280. 00 30, 00

14, 500. 00

63& 650. 00

41, 825. 00 23, 280. 50

8, 708, 648, 497. 16

40. 00

500. 00

2, 500. 00

8, 780. 00

1, 108, 100. 00

1, 118, 280. 00 30. 00

14, 500. 00

63, 650. 00

41, 825. 00 23, 280. 50

8, 708, 648, 497. 16

40. 00

500 00

2, 500. 00

8, 780. 00

1, 108, 100. 00

1, 118, 280. 00 30. 00

14, 500. 00

63, 650. 00

41, 825. 00 23, 280. 50

8, 708, 648, 497. 16 ~

Public-debt expenditures chargeable against ordinary re- ceipts:

General accounts Special accounts

Total Public-debt expenditures payable from indefinite appropria-

tions: General accounts

5, 384. 31 354. 94

5, 739. 25

' 438, 535, 504. 50 1, 255, 831. 46

439, 791, 335. 96

8, 708, 648, 497. 16

359, 491, 900. 00 373, 192. 90

26, 464. 40

8, 708, 648, 497. 16

359, 865, 092. 90 26, 464. 40

332, 310. 58

332, 310. 58

359, 186, 053. 82 373, 192. 90

359 559 246 72

8, 708, 648, 497. 16

80& 237, 828. 49

79, 354, 834. 99 g 882, 993. 50 05


Total public-debt expenditures 5& 739. 25 9, 148, 439, 833. 12 9, 068, 513, 590. 06 26, 464. 40 332, 310. 58 9, 068, 207, 743. 88 80, 237, 828. 49

'Appropriations as above; Sinking fund Other retirements chargeable against ordinary receipts

Discount (add): Sinking fund

Premium (deduct) Sinking fund

Total Net appropriations on basis of face amount (general account), p. 343 Other retirements chargeable against ordinary receipts (special accounts), p. 343

3438, 535, 504. 50 1, 255, 831. 46

f 439, 791, 335. 96

332, 310. 58

26, 464. 40

440, 097, 182. 14 438, 841, 350. 68

I, 255, 831. 46 440, 097, 182. 14



[Repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures are printed in italics. ]

Loans Outstanding June 30, N33 Receipts (issues) Expenditures (retire-

ments) Transferred to non-in-

terest-bearing debt Outstanding June 30

1334 '


Bonds. ' Consols of 1930 (2 per'cent) Panama Cans[ [oan of 19i6 — 86

(2 percent) Panama Canal loan of 1918 — 88

(9 per'cent) Panama, Canal loan of 1961

(3 percent) Conversion bonds of 1946 — 47

(8 percent) Postal Savings bonds, consoli-

dated series (2/&s percent) Liberty Loan bonds:

First Liberty Loan (31/s per- cent)

First Liberty Loan, con- vertible (4 percent)

First Liberty Loan, con- vertible (4i/4 perce11t)

First Liberty Loan, second convertible (4' percent)

Fourth Liberty Loan (4% percent)

Treasury bonds: Bonds of Apr. 16, 1934 (s/s

percent) Bonds of 1946 — 48 (3 per-

cent) Bonds of 1951 — 55 (3 per-

cent) Bonds of 1946 — 49 (3%x per-

cent) Bonds of 1941 (3/4 percent) Bonds of 1944 — 46 (8/4 per-

cent) Bonds of 1940 — 43 (3sss per-

cent) Bonds of 1941 — 43 (3s/s per-

cent) Bonds of 1943 — 47 (8s/s per-

cent) Bonds of 1946 — 56 (8/4 per-

cent) Bonds of 1944 — 54 (4 per-

cent) Bonds of 1947 — 52 (4/4 per-

cent) Bonds of 1948 — 45 (4/&s per-

cent) Treasury notes:

Series A, 1984 (8 percent) Series B, 1934 (2Vs percent) Series A, 1935 (3 percent) Series B, 1985 (ls/s percent) Series C, 1935 (2Vs percent) Series D, 1985 (2% percent) Series A, 1986 (8V4 percent) Series B, 1986 (2% percent) Series C, 1936 (2%a percent) Series A, 1937 (3V4 percent) Series B, 1987 (3 percent) Series C, 1987 (8 percent) Series A, 1938 (2/s percent) Series B, 1938 (2%s percent) Series C, 1938 (8 percent) Series A, 1939 (2Vs percent) Civil-service retirement fund:

Series 1934 (4 percent) Series 1985 (4 percent) Series 1986 (4 percent) Series 1937 (4 percent) Series 1938 (4 percent) Series 1939 (4 percent)

Foreign-service retirement fund: Series 1934 (4 percent) Series 1985 (4 percent) Series 1986 (4 percent) Series 1987 (4 percent) Series 1988 (4 percent) Series 1989 (4 percent)

$599, 724, 050. Po

48, 954, 180. 00

25, 947, 400. 00

49, 800, 000. 00

28, 894, 500. 00

52, 697, 440. 00

1, 392, 227, 850. 00

5& 002, 450. 00

532, 490, 450, 00

8, 492, 150. 00

6, 268, 095, 150. 00

759, 494, 700. 00

819, 497, 500. 00

352, 998, 950. 00

544, 916, 050. 00

454, 185, 200. 00

489, 087, 100. 00

1, 086, 884, 500. 00

758, 988, 300. 00

244, 284, 600. 00 845& 292, 600. 00 416, 602, 800. 00

365, 188, 000. 00 860, 588, 200. 00 572, 419, 200. 00 884, 401, 500. 00 508, 328, 900. 00

277, 516, 600. 00 623, 911, 800. 00

85, 800, 000. 00 32, 400, 000. 00 64, 200, 000. 00 44, 000, 000. 00 50, 400, 000. 00

454, 000. 00 509, 000. 00 440, 000. 00 604, 000. 00

62, 000. 00~

$27, 579, 500. 00

55, 559, 764. 64

824, 408, 050. 00

835, 043, 100. 00

1, 061, 758, 750. 00

1, 401, 188, 500. 00

858, 865, 000. OP 528, 101, 600. 00 418, 291, 900. Po

428, 730, 700. 00

455, 175, 500. 00 528 521 700 00

21, 700, 000. 00 26, 000, 000. 00

452, 000. 00 320, 000. 00

$1, 000. 00

1, 100. 00

1, 855, 531, 100. 00

55, 559, 764. 64

4, 018, 850. 00

401, 000. 00 569, 000. 00

2, 000. 00

568, 000. 00

242, 497, 900. 00 816, 980, 100. 00

1, 000, 000. 00 2, 612, 000. 00

13, 600, 000, 00 16, 918, 000, 00

5, 967, 000. 00

887, 000. 00 5, 855, 000. 00

35, 800, 000. 00

454, 000. 00

1, 392, 226& 350. 00

5, 002, 450. 00

582, 489, 850. 00

3, 492, 150. 00

4, 412, 564, 000. 00

I, 786, 700. 00

824, 408, 050. 00

755, 481, 850. 00

819, 096, 500. 00 884, 474, 100. 00

1, 061, 758, 750. 00

352, 998, 950. 00

544, 914, 050. 00

454 185 200. 00

489, 087, 100, 00

1, 086, 834, 500. 00

758, 988, 800. 00

1, 400, 570, 500. 00

28, 862, 500. 00 416, 602, 800. 00 358, 865, 000. 00 528, 101, 600. 00 418, 291, 900. 00 864, 138, 000. 00 857, 921, 200. 00 558, 819, 200. 00 817, 488, 500. 00 502, 361, 900. 00 428, 780, 700. 00 276, 679, 600. 00 618, 056, 800, 00 455, 175, 500, 00 528, 521, 700, 00

82, 400, 000. 00 64, 200, 000, 00 44, poo, 000. 00 72, 100, 000. 00 26, 000, 000. 00

509, 000. 00 44o, ooo. oo 6s4, ooo. oo 514, 000. 00 320. 000. Po

$599, 724, 050. 00

48, 954, 180, OP

25, 947, 400; po

49 800 000 00

28, 894, sop. 00

$8, $46, 700. 00 78, 030, 240, 00


TABLE 5. — 8tatement of the pubhc debt — Continued



Treasury notes — Continued. Canal Zone retirement fund:

Series 1936 (4 percent) Series 1937 (4 percent) Series 1938 (4 percent) Series 1939 (4 percent)

Postal Savings System series, maturing June 30, 1939 (2 percent)

Certificates of indebtedness: Series T. A. G. 1933 (4 percent) Series T. D. 1933 (sit percent) Series T. D. 2, 1933 (4)ls per-

cent) Series T. M. 1934 (Ps percent) Adjusted-service c ertifi cate

fund, series 1932 (4 percent) Series T. , 1934 (1)&s percent) Series T. D. , 1934 (2)& percent) Adjusted-service-certificate fund,

series 1935 (4 percent) Treasury bills (maturity value):

Series maturing— July 5, 1933

Aug. 9, 1933 Aug. 16, 1933 Aug. 23, 1933 Aug. 30, 1933 Sept. 6, 1933 Sept. 20, 1933 Sept. 27, 1933 July 8, 1934 July 11, 1934 July 18, 1934 July 25, 1934 Aug. 1, 1934 Aug. 8, 1934 Aug. 8, 1934 Aug. 15, 1934 Aug. 15, 1934 Aug. 22, 1934 Aug. 29, 1934 Hept. 5, 1934- Sept. 26, 1934 Oct. 3, 1934 Oct. 10, 1934 Oct. 17, 1934 Oct. 24, 1934 Oct. 31, 1934 Nov. 7, 1934 Nov. 14, 1934 Nov. 21, 1934 Dec. 19, 1934 Dec. 26, 1934

Outstanding June 39, 1933

$1, 994, 000. 00 179, 000. 00

84, 000. 00

469, 089, 000. 00 254, 364, 500. 00

473, 328& 000. 00 460, 099, 000. 00

92, 000, 000. 00

100& 096, 000. 00 75, 733& 000. 00 75, 188, 000. 00 80, 295, 000. 00 60, 655, 000. 00 75, 067, 000. 00 75, 442, 000. 00 60& 078& 000. 00

100, 352, 000. 00 75, 529, 000. 00

100, 361, 000. 00 75, 697, 000. 00

Receipts tissues)

$9, 000. 00 88, 000. 00

35, 000, 000. 00

50, 151& 50, 257, 75, 047, 75, 325, 75, 056, 50, 078, 75, 114, 75, 044, 50, 254, 50, 457, 75, 088,

100, 236& 50, 525, 50, 096, 50, 225, 50, 033, 50, 040, 50, 037, 50, 173, 50, 080, 50, 140, 75, 226, 75, 353,

000. 00 000. 00 000. 00 000. 00 000. 00 000. 00 000. 00 000. 00 000. 00 000. 00 000. 00 000. 00 000. 00 000. 00 000. 00 000. 00 000. 00 000. 00 000. 00 000. 00 000. 00 000. 00 000. 00

524, 748& 500. 00 992, 496, 500. 00

180, 100, 000. 00

Expenditures (retire- ments)

$52, 000. 00

467, 926, 000. 00 251, 734, 000. 00

470, 844, 500. 00 459, 350, 000. 00

92, 000, 000. 00

62, 300, 000. 00

99, 823, 000. 00 75, 705, 000. 00 75, 168, 000. 00 80, 293, 000. 00 60, 653, 000. 00 74, 820, 000. 00 75, 427, 000. 00 60, 041, 000. 00

100, 352, 000. 00 75, 529, 000. 00

100, 361, 000. 00 75, 697, 000. 00

Transferred to non-in- terest-bearing debt

$1, 168, 000. 00 8, 680, 600. 00

8, lf88& 600. 00 rlf9, 000. 00

er8, OOO. OO

88, 000. 00 80, 000. 00 8, 000. 00 8& 000. 00

81, 7, '

ooo, oo 16, 000. 00 87, 'ooo oo

Outstanding June 30, 1934

$1, 942, 000. 00 179, 000. 00 93, 000. 00 88, 000. 00

35, 000, 000. 00

50, 151& 50, 257, 75, 047, 75, 325, 75, 056, 50, 078, 75, 114, 75& 044, 50, 254, 50, 457, 75, 088,

100, 236, 50, 525, 50, 096, 50, 225, 50& 033, 50, 040, 50, 037& 50, 173, 50, 080, 50, 140, 75, 226, 75, 353,

000. 00 000. 00 000. 00 000. 00 000. 00 000. 00 000. 00 000. 00 000. 00 000. 00 000. 00 000. 00 000. 00 000. 00 000. 00 000. 00 000. 00 000. 00 000. 00 000. 00 000. 00 000. 00 000. 00

524, 748, 500. 00 992, 496, 500. 00

117, 800, 000. 00

Total, interest - bearing debt 21, 706; 196, 120. 00


10, 103, 118, 064. 64 5, 317, 192, 864. 64 11, 688, 1&00. 00 26, 480, 487, 920. 00

(Payable on presentation) Old debt matured — issued prior to

Apr. 1, 1917: Old debt:

6-percent stock of 1790 Deferred stock of 1790 3-percent stock of 1790 Navy 6-percent stock 8-percent loan of 1800 16 million loan of 1813 10 million loan of 1814 Mississippi stock 7-percent stock of 1815 Treasury notes of 1815 Treasury notes prior to

184 6

27, 869. 77 13, 934. 90 13, 953. 1

100. 00 500. 00 46. 39

288. 98 846. 78 32. 52 67. 53

82, 415, 35

27, 869. 77 13, 934. 90 13, 953. 00

100. 00 500. 00

46. 39 288. 98 846. 78

32. 52 67. 53

82, 415. 35


TABI, E 5. — &Statement of the public debt — Continued

Loans Outstanding June 39, 1933

Receipts (issues) Expenditures (retire- ments)

Transferred to non-in- terest-bearing debt

Outstanding June 39, 1934


Old debt matured — issued prior to Apr. 1, 1917 — Continued.

Old debt — Continued. Treasury notes of 1846 Treasury notes of 1847 Treasury notes of 1857 Bounty land scrip Mexican indemnity

Certificates of indebted- ness (6 percent)

Compound interest notes (6 percent)

Consols. of 1865 (6 percent) Consols. of 1867 (6 percent) Consols. of 1868 (6 percent) Five-twenties of 1862 (6

percent) Five-twenties of 1864 (6

percent) Five-twenties of 1865 (6

percent) Funded loan of 1881 (5

percent) Funded loan of 1881, con-

tinued (3~s percent) I&'unded loan of 1891 (4)i

percent) Funded loan of 1891, con-

tinued (2 percent) Funded loan of 1907 (4

percent) Loan of 1847 (6 percent) Loan of 1858 (5 percent) Loan of February 1861

(1881's) (6 percent) Loan of July and August

1861 (6 percent) Loan of July and August

1861, continued (3 jz per- cent)

Loan of 1863 (6 percent) Los, n of 1863, continued

(3/s percent) Loan of July 12, 1882 (3

percent) Loan of 1904 (5 percent) Loan of 1908 — 18 (3 per-

cent) Loan of 1925 (4 percent) 1-year Treasury notes of

1863 (5 percent) Oregon war debt (6 per-

cent) Postal Savings bonds, 1st

series (2)s percent) Postal Savings bonds, 2d

series (2/s percent) Postal Savings bonds, 3d

series (2qs percent) Postal Savings bonds, 4th

series (2)s percent) Postal Savings bonds, 5th

series (2)s percent) Postal Savings bonds, 6th

series (2~s percent) Refunding certificates (4

percent) Seven-thirties of 1861 (7qio

percent) Seven-thirties of 1864 — 65

(73sio percent) Temporary loan (4, 5, 6

percent) Ten-forties of 1864 (5 per-

cent) Texas indemnity stock (5


$5, 900. 00 950. 00 700. 00

2, 900. 00 1, 104, 91

151, 610. 26

8, 000. 00

156, 450. 00 55, 350. 00 84, 050. 00

3, 800. 00

105, 250. 00

13, 950. 00

19& 750. 00

22, 400. 00

50. 00

18, 800. 00

1, 000. 00

345, 700. 00 950. 00

2, 000. 00

5, 000. 00

15, 050. 00

600. 00 3, 100. 00

100. 00

200. 00 13, 050. 00

157, 760. 0 62, 650. 00

0 30, 030. 00

2, 250. 00

280. 00

1, 860. 00

4, 680. 00

12, 620. 00

8, 660. 00

9, 300. 00

119, 400. 00

2, 850. 00

18 350. 00

19, 000. 00

$40. 00

150. 00

1, 440. 00 2, 000. 00

10. 00

1, 118, 280. 00

30. 00

1, 129, 820, 00

40. 00

500. 00

2, 500. 00

8, 780. 00

1, 108, 100. 00 $1, 116, 880. 00

$5& 900. 00 950. 00 700. 00

2, 900. 00 1, 104. 91

151, 610. 26

3, 000. 00

156, 410. 00 55, 350. 00 84, 050. 00

3, 800. 00

105, 250. 00

13, 950. 00

19, 750. 00

22, 400. 00

50. 00

18, 800. 00

1, 000. 00

345, 550. 00 950. 00

2, 000. 00

5, 000. 00

15, 050. 00

600. 00 , 8, 100. 00

100. 00

200. 00 13, 050. 00

156, 320. 00 60, 650. 00

30, 020. 00

2, 250. 00

240. 00

1, 360. 00

2, 180. 00

3, 840. 00

8, 780. 00

11, 540. 00

8, 630. 00

9, 300. 00

119, 400. 00

2, 850. 00

18, 350. 00

19, 000. 00


TABLE 5. — Statement of the public debt — Continued


Loans Outstanding June 30, 1933 Receipts (issues) Espenditures (retire-

ments) Transferred to non-in-

terest-bearing debt Outstanding June 30,



Old debt matured — issued prior to Apr. 1, 1917 — Continued.

Old debt — Continued, 3 percent certificates Treasury notes of 1861 (6

percent) 2-year notes of 1863 (5 per-


Total, old debt

Second Liberty loan (4 percent) Second Liberty loan, convertible

(4t&4 percent) Third Liberty loan (4/4 percent) Victory Liberty loan (8/4 and 4/4


Treasury notes, at various interest rates, matured:

Series A, 1984 (3 percent) . Series 1932 (8/4 percent)

Series A, 1980 — 32 (8'/t percent) Series B, 1980 — 82 (8&/t percent) Series C, 1980 — 82 (3~e percent) Series B, 1926& (4/4 percent) Series B, 1925 (4/s percent) Series C, 1925 (4/s percent) Series A, 1927 (4&/t percent) Series A, 1925 (4s/4 percent) Series A, 1926 (4/4 percent) Series B, 1927 (4s/s percent) Series B, 1924 (5'/t percent) Series A, 1924 (5s/s percent)

Tots, l, Treasury notes

Certificates of indebtedness, at va- rious interest rates, matured:

First series (2 percent) T. J. 1934 (/4 percent) Specials (/s percent) T. M. 1984 (~/s percent) T. D. 1983 (~/4 percent) T. S. 1932 (1/s percent) T. S. 1933 (I/4 percent) T. S. 2, 1931 (I/t percent) T. J. 1938 (I/tt percent) T. J. 2, 1931 (1&s percent) T. D. 2, 1981 (Ized percent) T. D. 1931 (l~/s percent) B. 1933 (2 percent) T. M. 1932 (2 percent) T. S. 1981 (2~/s percent) T. J. 1932 (2/4 percent) T. J. 1981 (2/s percent) T. S. 2, 1932 (8 percent) T. J. 1926 (8 percent) A. 1932 (3~&~s percent) T. O. 1982 (3)s percent) T. S. 1930 (3/s percent) T. J. 1928 (8)s percent) T. D. 1980 (8)4 percent) T. D. 1928 (3/&s percent) T. J. 2, 1926 (3~/4 percent) T. M. 1929 (8'/s percent) T. J. 1927 (3~/t percent) Various (3~/s percent) A. 1933 (3~g4 percent) T. M. 1983 (8/4 percent) T. A. G. 1933 (4 percent) Various (4 percent) Various (4)4 percent) T. D. 2, 1988 (4V4 percent) T. D. 1929 (4/4 percent) T. J, 1929 (4&s percent) Various (4)t percent) T. D. 2. 1929 (4/4 percent) T. S. 1929 (4s/s percent) Various (4/s percent)

$5, 000. 00

2, 250. 00

26, 700. 00

1, 504, 850. 26

751, 400. 00

1, 675, 100. 00 3, 971, 500. 00

968, 4op. 00

3, 123, 800. 00 482, 750. 00 846, 800. 00 755, 800. 00

7, 700. 00 42, 900. 00 27, 600. 00 22, 800. 00 37, 200. 00

4, 600. 00 49, 600. 00 13, 000. 00 21, 200. 00

4, 884, 750. 00

2, 940, 750. 00

1, 154, 500. 00 451, 447, 000. 00

269, 000. 00 9, 898, 000. 00

11, 000. 00 45, 500. 00

8, 000. 00 3, 249, 000. 00 1, 285, 500. 00

124, 500. 00 4, 797, 000. 00

84, 000. 00 1, 521, 000. 00

1, 000. 00 367, 500. 00 591& 000. 00

9, 500. 00. 1, 000. 00

88, 500. 00 , 500. 00

1, 000. 00 3, 500. 00 2& 000. 00

500, 00 772, 500. 00

7, 081, 000. 00

1, 000. 00 1& 000. 00

88, 500. 00 12, 700. 00 9, 000. 00

23, 500. 00 29, 000, 00

2, 500. 00

$174, 905, 500. 00 8, 000, 000. 00

$2, 241, 870. 00

78, 900. 00

881, 250. 00 711, 950. 00

110, 950. 00

2, 186, 400. 00 160, 800. 00 114, 100. 00 492, 300, 00

200. 00 6, 700. 00 1, 100. 00 1, 400. 00 4, 000. 00 1, 800. 00

14, 000. 00 2, 000. 00

2, 984, 300. 00

2, 096, 174, 035,

3, 000, 459, 350, 251, 784,

886, 449, 696,

246, 7, 587,

2 17& 2

2, 452, 1, 186,

38, 3 778

29, 979,

250. 00 500. 00 000. 00 000. 00 000. 00 000. 00 000. 00 000. 00 000. 00 500. 00 000. 00 000. 00 500. 00 000. 00 500. 00 500. 00 500. 00 000. 00

278, 000. 00 460, 500. 00

16, 500. 00 500. 00

2& 000. 00

500, 000. 00 5, 230, 000, 00

467, 926, 000. 00

470, 844, 500. 00 14, 000. 00 ?, 400. 00

4, 000. 00 5 ppp pp

$2, 246, 700. 00

1, 736, 700. 00

1, 736, 700. 00

460, 099, 000. 00 254, 364, 500. 00

469 089 000 00

473, 328, 000. 00

1, 736, 700. 00 986, 900. 00 272, 450. 00 282, 700. 00 268, 000. 00

7, 500. 00 86, 200. 00 26, 500. 00 21, 400. 00 33, 200. 00

2, 800. 00 3",

' 600. 00

11& 000. 00 21, 200. 00

8, 687, 150. 00


844, 500. 00 870, 000. 00

74' 000. 00 630, 500. 00 318, 500. 00 751, 000. 00

28, 000. 00 811, 000. 00

8, 500. 00 28, 500. 00

1, 000. 00 796, 500. 00 99, 500. 00 86, 000. 00

023, 500. 00 4, 500. 00

542, 000. 00 1, 000. 00

89, 500. 00 130 500 00

9, 500. 00 1, 000. 00

22, 000. 00

1, 000. 00 3, 500. 00

500. 00 272, 500. 00

1, 851, 000. 00 1, 163, 000. 00

1, 000. 00 1, 000. 00

2, 483, 500. 00 74, 500. 00

5, 300. 00 9, 000. 00

19, 500. 00 24, 000. 00

2, 500. 00

$5, 000. 00

2, 250. 00

26, 700. 00

1, 509, 680. 26

672, 500. 00

1, 843, 850. 00 3, 259 550 00

852, 500. 00


TABLE 5. — Statement of the public debt — Continued

Loans Outstanding June 30, 1033 Receipts (issues)

Expenditures (retire. ments)

Transierred to non-in- terest-bearing debt

Outstanding June 30, 1034


Certi6cates of indebtedness, at va- rious interest rates, matured — Con.

T. J. 1930 (4~/s percent) T. M. 1930 (5gs percent) Various (5)4 percent) Various (5)s percent) Various (5/4 percent) Various (6 percent)

Total, certi6cates of indebted- ness

$70, 500. 00 122, 500. 00

1, 000. 00 6, 500. 00 4, 500. 00 8, 000. 00

485, 479, 450. 00 $177, 905, 500. 00

$32, 500. 00 16, 000. 00

500. 00

2, 802, 348, 650. 00

$38, 000. 00 106, 500. 00

1, 000. 00 6, 000. 00 4, 500. 00 8, 000. 00

$1, 656, 880, 500. 00 17, 916, 800. 00

Treasury bills (maturing): Jan. 25, 1932 Feb. 15, 1932 Feb. 24, 1932 Mar. 2, 1982 Mar. 80, 1932 Apr. 13, 1932 Apr. 27, 1982 May 11, 1982 May 18, 1932 June 1, 1982 June 30, 1982 July 27, 1932 Aug. 10, 1982 Aug. 17, 1982 Aug. 31, 1982 Sept. 28, 1982 Oct. 11, 1982 Nov. 16, 1982 Nov. 80, 1932 Dec. 28, 1932 Jan. 11, 1988 Jan. 18, 1983 Jan. 25, 1933 Feb. 8, 1983 Feb. 15, 1983 Mar. 1, 1988 Mar. 29, 1988 Apr. 12, 1933 Apr, 19, 1988 Apr. 26, 1938 May 10, 1933 May 17, 1983 May 24, 1988 May 81, 1938 June 7, 1933 June 21, 1933 June 28, 1933 July 5, 1938 July 12, 1933 July 19, 1933 July 26, 1983 Aug. 2, 1933 Au@. 9, 1983 Aug. 16, 1983 Aug. 28, 1983 Oct. 4, 1988 Oct. 11, 1988 Oct. 18, 1938 Oct. 25, 1938 Nov. 1, 1933 Nov. 8, 1933 Nov. 15, 1983 Nov. 22, 1983 Nov. 29, 1983 Dec. 6, 1933 Dec. 20, 1933 Dec. 27, 1933 Jan. 8, 1934 Jan. 10, 1984 Jan. 17, 1984 Jan. 24, 1934 Jan. 81, 1934 Feb. 17, 1934 I'eb. 14, 1934 Feb. 21, 1934 Feb. 28, 1934 Mar. 7, 1934

50, 000. 00 75, 000. 00 10, 000. 00

145, 000. 00 101, 000. 00 50, 000. 00 87, 000. 00 72, 000. 00 47, 000. 00

1, 684, 000. 00 89, 000. 00

100, 000. 00 15, 000. 00 34, 000. 00

200, 000. 00 41, 000. 00

130, 000. 00 5, 000. 00

200, 000. 00 215, 000. 00

60, 000. 00 55, 000. 00

200, 000. 00 182, 000. 00

3, 000, 000. 00 1, 178, 000. 00 1, 764, 000. 00

629, 000. 00 1, 966, 000. 00

919, 000. 00 848, 000. 00 675, 000. 00 451, 000. 00

1, 128, 000. 00 49, 000. 00

876, 000. 00 785& 000. 00

100, 010, 000. 00 75, 453, 000. 00 75, 172, 000. 00 80, 122, 000. 00 60, 096, 000. 00 75, 143, 000. 00 75, 100, 000. 00 60, 200, 000. 00

100, 296, 000. 00 75, 039, 000. 00

100, 015, 000. 00 75, 082, 000. 00

100, 050, 000. 00 75, 020, 000. 00 75, 523, 000. 00 80, 034, 000. 00 60, 180, 000. 00 75, 335, 000. 00 75, 295, 000. 00 60, 063, 000. 00

100, 027, 000. 00 100, 050, 000. 00

100, 40,

110, 3,


200, 205,

50, 55,

200, 182,

2, 000, 678, 754,

40 1, 812,

460, 385, 888, 150,

1, 098, 39,

876, 765,

000. 00 000. 00 000. 00 000. 00 000. 00 000. 00 000. 00 000. 00 000. 00 000. 00 000. 00 000. 00 000. 00 000. 00 000. 00 ()00. 00 000. 00 000. 00 000. 00 000. 00 000. 00 000. 00 000. 00

100, 75, 75, 80, 60, 75, 75, 60,

100, 75,

100, 75,

100, 74, 75, 79, 60, 75, 75, 60,

100, 100,

010, 000. 00 448, 000. 00 172, 000. 00 122, 000. QO

096, 000. 00 141, 000. 00 100, 000. 00 200, 000. 00 190, 000. 00 029, 000. 00 015, 000. 00 082, 000. 00 050, 000. 00 970, 000. 00 448, 000. 00 944, 000. 00 163, 000. 00 885, 000. 00 185, 000. 00 043, 000. 00 018, 000. 00 011, 000. 00

50, 000. 00 75, 000. 00 10, 000. 00

130, 000. 00 101, 000. 00 50, 000. 00 74, 000. 00 72, 000. 00

1, 681& 000. 00 54, 000. 00

10, 000. 00

273& 000. 00 28, 000. 00 20, 000. 00

2, 000. 00 2, 000. 00

247, 000. 00 15, 000. 00 37, 000. 00

15, 000. 00

18, 000. 00

47, 000. 00 3, 000. 00

35, 000. 00 100, 000. 00

5, 000. 00 84, 000. 00

100, 000. 00 1, 000. 00

20, 000. 00 2, 000. 00

10, 000. 00 10, 000. 00

1, 000, 000. 00 500, 000. 00

1, 010, 000. 00 89, 000. 00

154, 000. 00 459, 000. 00

8, 000. 00 387, 000. 00 301, 000. 00

85, 000. 00 10, 000. 00

20, 000. 00 278, 000. 00

28, 000. 00 20, 000. 00

2& 000. 00 2, 000. 00

247, 000. 00 15, 000. 00 37, 000. 00

5, 000, 00

2, 000. 00

106, 000. 00 10 000 00

50, 000. 00 75, 000. 00 90, 000. 00 17, 000. 00

110, 000. 00 20, 000. 00 14, 000. 00 39, 000. 00


TABI. E 5. — Statement of the public debt — Continued


Outstanding June 30, 1933 Receipts (issues) Expenditures (retire-

ments) Transferred to non-in-

terest-bearing debt Outstanding June 30,


Treasury . Mar. Mar. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. May May May May June June

bills maturing — Contd. 21, 1934 28& 1934

4& 1934 11, 1934 18, 1934 25, 1934 2, 1984 9, 1984 16, 1984 23, 1984 20 1934 27& 1934

$100, 268, 000. 00 100, 890, 000. 00 100, 990, 000. 00 100, 050, 000. 00 125, 340, 000. 00 125, 126, 000. 00 150, 820, 000. 00 125, 493, 000. 00 75, 007, 000. 00 74, 955, 000. 00

100, 110, 000. 00 50, 091, 000. 00

$100, 263, 000. 00 100, 740, 000. 00 100, 830, 000. 00 99, 450, 000. 00

124, 661, 000. 00 124, 841, 000. 00 147, 070, 000. 00 125, 108, 000. 00 74, 987, 000. 00 71, 855, 000. 00 99& 077, 000. 00 41& 211, 000. 00

8150, 000. 00 160, 000. 00 600, 000. 00 679, 000. 00 785, 000. 00

3, 250, 000. 00 385, 000. 00

70, 000. 00 3, 100, 000. 00 1, 033, 000. 00 8, 880, 000. 00

Total, Treasury bills

Treasury (war) savings certificates

$17, 555, 000. 00

572, 325. 00

2, 981, 940, 000. 00 2, 975, 547, 000. 00

119, 975. 00

$624, 000. 00 24, 572, 000. 00

452, 350. 00

Total outstanding debt on which interest has ceased


United States notes Less gold reserve Old demand notes National-bank notes and Federal

Reserve bank notes (old series) National-bank notes and Federal

Reserve bank notes (new series) Retirement fund, Federal Reserve

bank notes Fractional currency Thrift and Treasury savings stamps,

unclassified sales, etc

517, 357, 825. 26

846, 681, 016. 00 ' 156, 039, 088. 03 58, 012. 50

30, 213, 316. 50

88, 889, 547. 50

1, 986, 072. 26

8, 384, 841. 91

81 1591 845, 500. 00

7, 502, 492. 50

198, 457, 117. 50

114, 003, 250. 00

990. 00

5& 284, 424, 845. 00

342. 90

3, 787, 686. 00

96, 159, 890. 00

16& 827, 550. 00 1, 631. 02

23, 280. 50

1, 661, 487, 900. 00 54, 266, 380. 26

846, 681, 016. 00 ' 156, 089, 480. 98

53, 012. 50

33, 978, 123. 00

1917 186, 775. 00

97, 175, 700. 00 1, 984& 441. 24

39312, 051. 41

Total, outstanding debt bear- ing no interest, less gold reserve 815, 118, 218. 64 319, 968, 850. 00 116, 750, 880. 42 518, 331, 688. 22

Total, gross debt 2 2, 538, 672, 163. 90' 18, 582, 927, 414. 64' 10, 718& 868, 090. 06 7, 053, 085, 988. 48 11 6497 8541 500. 002


Certificates of indebtedness issued and retired within same fiscal year:

Specials (/s percent) Adjusted-service series (4 per-


Total, certificates of indebt- edness

Treasury bills issued and retired within same fiscal year (matur- ing):

Oct. 4, 1933 Oct. 18, 1988 Oct. 25, 1988 Nov. 1, 1988 Nov. 15, 1983 Nov. 22, 1938 Dec. 20, 1933 Dec. 27, 1933 Jan. 8, 1934 Feb. 7, 1934 Mar. 21, 1934

Total, Treasury bills

Total issues and retirements within same fiscal year

$8, 000, 000. 00

50, 000, 000. 00

53, 000, 000. 00

100, 010, 000. 00 75& 172& 000. 00 80, 122, 000. 00 60, 096, 000. 00 75, 100, 000. 00 60, 200, 000. 00

100, 015, 000. 00 757 082, 000. 00

100, 050, 000. 00 75, 835, 000. 00

100, 268, 000. 00

901, 445, 000. 00

954, 445, 000. 00

$3, 000, 000. 00

50, 000, 000. 00

58, 000, 000. 00

100, 010, 000. 00 75, 172, 000. 00 80& 122, 000. 00 60, 096, 000. 00 75, 100, 000. 00 60, 200, 000. 00

100, 015& 000. 00 75, 082, 000. 00

100, 050, 000. 00 75, 835, 000. 00

100, 263, 000. 00

901, 445, 000. 00

954, 445, 000. 00

' Deduct. ' Includes 3954, 445, 000 issues and retirements within same fiscal year. 106335 — 35 — 27




On June 30, 1934, the gold reserve against United States notes and Treasury notes of 1890 was $156, 039, 430. 93. The United States notes, for which this reserve is held, were outstanding in the amount of $346, 681, 016, a sum which is fixed by law. When such notes are received they are reissued. The Treasury notes of 1890, for which this gold reserve is also held, were outstanding on June 30, 1934, jn the amount of $1, 189, 324. When such notes are received and retired they are not reissued.


Issues Amount Redemptions Amount

Gold certificates issued Silver certificates issued Decrease


$556, 538, 500 589, 271, 820

1, 145, 810, 320

Gold certificates redeemed Silver certificates redeemed Treasury notes of 1890 redeemed


$603, 477, 020 542, 320, 150

13, 150

1, 145, 810, 320


Appropriation title 1934 1983 CertiQed claims

Stated from July I, 1938, to June 80, 1934, service of the f}seal year Total expenditures audited during the

f}seal year 1934


&alaries: Office of the Postmaster General Post Office Department buildings Oflice of the First Assistant Postmaster General Office of the Second Assistant Postmaster General Office of the Third Assistant Postmaster General:

Regular employees Temporary employees

Office of the Fourth Assistant Postmaster General Office of the Solicitor for the Post Office Department Office of the chief inspector Office of the purchasing agent Bureau of Accounts:

Regular employees Temporary employees

contingent expenses, Post Offiice Department: Stationery Fuel, repairs, etc Telegraphing Miscellaneous items

Street-car fare Telephone service Law books, etc Expenses, conventions Traveling expenses, Purchasing Agent, et al

Furniture and filing cabinets Printing and binding, Post Office Department Heat, light, and power, Post Office Building, Washington, Claims for damages, act of Dec. 28, 1922

Total Post Office Department

D. C

$192, 949. 88 143, 527. 66 416, 679. 52 347 751. 87

622, 764. 87 18, 278. 40

290, 976. 94 69& 691. 16

158, 588. 59 30, 610. 41

87, 119. 60 37, 516. 54

18, 448. 73 32& 441. 77

3, 848. 42 14, 786. 86

540. 00 11) 760. 57

1& 556. 92 250. 20 770. 17

1) 248. 95 524, 202. 67

2, 965, 744. 20

$1, 638. 77 2, 415. 69 1, 377. 89 1, 695. 25

1, 282. 80 115. 65 45. 65

8, 287. 08 126, 800. 43

1, 122. 60 3, 980. 47

143, 661. 23

$14. 67

14. 67

$192, 949. 38 143, 527. 66 416, 679. 52 347, 751. 37

622, 764. 37 13, 273. 40

290, 991. 61 69, 691. 16

158, 533. 59 30, 610. 41

37, 119. 60 37, 616. 54

15, 087. 50 34, 857. 46

4, 725. 81 16, 482. 11

540. 00 12, 992. 87

11 672. 57 295. 86 770. 17

4, 530. 98 651, 003. 10

1, 122. 60 3, 930. 47

8, 109, 420. 10


Once oj the Postmaster General

Electric power, light, etc Freight, express, or motor transportation of equipment, etc Personal or property damage claims Post office inspectors, salaries Post office inspectors, traveling expenses:

Traveling expenses Chemical investigations, Department of Agriculture

Post office inspectors, miscellaneous expenses, Division headquarters Post office inspectors, clerks, Division headquarters Payment of rewards:

Rewards Information

Travel expenses, etc. , Postmaster General

Once of the First Assistant Postmaster General

2, 391. 25 120, 759. 51

2, 043. 49 1, 666, 128. 17

407, 808. 94 4, 958. 25

10, 235. 95 268, 093. 24

18, 969. 00 9, 027. 58

21. 25

670. 41 47, 927. 96

8, 746. 55 ' 271. 58

85, 181. 15 1& 264. 16 1& 770. 35

90. 19

26, 181. 19 ' 1, 232. 38

18. 75

$772. 33 1, 063. 85

8. 50

560. 00

26. 28 8,

16!}, 6,

1& 664,

442, 6,

12, 268,

061. (}6 48(i. 03 85&3. 8!} 85)6&. 59

998. 69

00(i. 30 183. 43

45&, 7(0. 1&}

40. (}(}

Compensation to postmasters Compensation to assistant postmasters Clerks, first- ind second-class post offices Clerks, contract stations

i Repayments in excess of audited expenditures.

39, 542, 055. 01 5, 487, 754. 82

138, 247, 793. 30 1. 520. 388. 68

90, 729. 90 ' 118. 99

' 20, 248. 01 1, 214. 77

' 14, 079. 68 107. 86

3, 286. 60 1. 95

2) 311. 45 !}(i. 60

2, 533. 59

39) (i21, 01(). 6}( 5, 487, Y„i!}, ()!}

1 38, '&:i:i, :i & i}, 4 S 1 621 ( (}o 40

TARI, E 7. — Attdited expenditures — service of the Post Office Department — Continued

Appropriation title


Oflt ce of the First Assistant Postmaster General — Continued

1934 1933 1932 Certified claims

Stated from July 1, 1933, to June 30, 1934, service of the fiscal Year Total expenditures audited during tha

fiscal year 1934

Separating mails Unusual conditions at post offices Clerks third-class post offices Miscellaneous items, first- and second-class post offices Village delivery service Detroit River postal service Car-fare and bicycle allowance City delivery carriers Special delivery fees Rural delivery service Travel expenses, etc. , First Assistant Postmaster General

Office of the 8econd Assistant Postmaster General Star-route service:

Star-route service Government-operated service

Star-route service — Alaska Power-boat service Railroad transportation and mail-messenger service:

Railroad service Mail-messenger service S ace basis act, District of Columbia

ost ascertainment, District of Columbia Contract Air Mail Service:

Air Mail Service Asssitant superintendents and clerks Personal services, District of Columbia

Railway Mail Service — salaries Railway postal clerks — travel allowances Railway Mail Service:

Traveling expenses Miscellaneous expenses

Electric- and cable-car service Foreign mail transportation:

Steamship service Aircraft service Sea-post service (includes assistant director, Division of International Postal Service)

Balances due foreign countries Indemnities, international mail g'ravel expenses, etc. , Second Assistant Postmaster General

Office of the Third Assistant Postmaster General

11, 783, 87,

111, 1, 026,

81, 955, 7, 420,

19, 21,

10, 687, 13, 80,

44, 199, 2, 252,

053. 65 591. 64 524. 50 686. 38

132. 81 461. 72 431. 14 404. 45

712. 33 791. 93 669. 65 913. 18 643. 93

41, 987. 96 733, 298. 16 349, 771. 76

25, 506, 6, 310,

134, 363,


758. 89 860. 81 203. 93 680. 14 424. 47 85. 20

$378& 006. 6h 34, 684. 16

5, 954, 618. 87 1, 654, 558. 35 1, 812, 227. 97

15, 995. 00 1, 100, 190. 95

96, 919, 358. 06 5& 478, 211. 01

81& 659, 370. 71 183. 90

$2, 529. 74 3, 047. 41

56, 200. 08 29, 796. 41

6, 507. 49

3, 460. 58 25, 482. 26

' 424. 14 14, 107. 13

1, 204, 1,

14, 162,

764. 58 095. 95 752. 15 039. 95

1, 689,

118, 14,

524. 19 19. 28 16. 81

784. 86 108. 25

8, 355. 08 86, 775. 31 41, 976. 04

8, 807, 712,


556, 4,

872. 68 890. 08 098. 64 003. 35 079. 71

98. 45

10, 509, 703. 99 65, 823. 84

7. 25 17. 21

$299. 50 ' 7. 69

105. 66 476. 99

' 464. 09

987. 30 ' 135. 30

446. 09

226. 81 22. 50

792. 00 655. 00

2, 220. 29 1& 321. 39

46. 92 11. 25

2, 855, 26&

86. 76

72, 892. 04 1, 619. 65

$120. 00

564. 68 300. 37

1, 848. 54 17. 20 42. 24

44. 76

10& 262. 97

19. 38

459. 08

$380& 955 37& 728

6, 010& 924 1, 685, 896 1, 818, 571

15& 995 1, 103, 651

96& 9477 121 5, 477, 668

81, 678, 966 188

12, 988, 089 88, 710

125, 484 1, 189, 881

92, 477, 820 7, 487, 106

19, 438 21, 454

12, 377, 236 18, 811 30, 686

44, 318, 764 2, 266, 740

45& 343 820, 078 894, 608

28, 814, 718 7, 028, 750

135, 302 992, 575

11, 582 178

90 88 61 48 74 00 53 16 77 17 90

80 09 65 88

06 95 89 24

52 16 46 34 98

04 47 06

28 84 57 53 91 65

'&Ianufacture of postage stamps and stamped paper: Manufacture of postage stamps Manufacture of stamped envelops and newspaper wrappers Manufacture of postal cards

)istribution of stamped envelops and newspaper wrappers ndemnities, domestic mail

Travel expenses, etc. , Third Assistant Postmaster General Unpaid money orders more than 1 year old

789, 280. 97 1, 468, 642. 65

489, 892. 00 18, 772. 29

888& 609. 48 998. 77

252, 471. 76

21, 132. 05 250, 320. 46

82, 803. 50

103, 888. 65 16. 90

2, 404. 87 1, 751. 08

810, 418. 02' 1, 718, 963. 11

472, 195. 50 18, 772. 29

496, 654. 03 1, 015. 67

252, 471. 76.

Office of the Fourth Assistant Postmaster General

Stationery Post-office equipment and supplies:

Equipment and supplies Twine and tying devices Shipment of supplies:

Shipment of supplies , Personal services, District of Columbia

Labor-saving devices Mail bags and equipment:

Mail bags, etc Persorral services, District of Columbia

Rent, light, and fuel Pneumatic tube service Pneumatic tube service, Boston Vehicle service Travel expenses, etc. , Fourth Assistant Postmaster General Adjusted losses and contingencies, postal funds

151, 463,

14, 925, 515,

24, 12, 308,


087. 33 892. 78 446. 66 938. 46 000. 00 279. 21 956. 01 066. 84

423, 095. 18

376, 446. 86 46, 287. 94

4, 668. 75 37, 149. 73

240, 261. 35

22, 563, 13

95& 711. 86 32, 208. 95

604. 82

452. 71

95, 443. 62

16, 445. 47 ' 285. 14

214& 111. 88

7, 157. 67

14, 818. 75

91, 806. 82 5, 901. 57 9. 09

2. 50

48. 51

2, 829. 35

127. 62

1(i7, 532 4(i3, 607

15, 1 r&7, 20(i 515 938

24, 000 12, 40(i, 115&

965 34, 066

80 64 (i4 4(i 00 22 10 84

445, 658. 31

472, (i13. 93 78, 496. 89

5, 273. 57 37, 149. 73

342, 911. 15

Total, field service

Total expenditures, service of the Post Office Department

607, 730, 662. 23

610, 696, 406. 43

19, 798, 670. 94 105, 341. 39 22, 906. 00

19& 942, 332. 17 105, 341. 39 22, 920. 67

627 657 580 56

630, 767, 000. (ifii

Postal expenditures, as above Postal expenditures from postal revenues

Excess of postal expenditures over postal revenues Grants from the Treasury (including $2, 999. 37 certified claims)

Fxcess of grants from the Treasury over postal deficiency resulting in an increase in the postal balances

4 $630, 586,

44, '52,


767, 000. 66 733 165. 80

033, 834. 8(i 003, 29;). (i2

9(i9, 460. 76

i Repayments in excess of audited expenditures. i Excludes $34, 718, 366. 68 impounded from vacancies snd deductions from postal compensations and allowances

and includes $14, 4114, 8li4, 88 civil-service retirement deductions. $14, 697, 266. 69 was covered into the Treasury during the fiscal year 1934.

i Exclusive of other payments from the general fund of the Treasury on account of the Poor el Service suiouniing io $12, 216, 396. 70 (see p. 264). Salaries snd contingent expenses for the Post otfice Department beginning iviih &lie iisrul year 1923 are paid from postal revenues. For classificatio of extraordinary expend ituros contributing to 1 iio ilv iicicncy in postal revenues for the fiscal year 1934 see exhibit following.




g pp NovEMBRR 15, 1934.

Mv DzxR MR. SEcasT~av: In accordance with the provisions of the act of June 9, 1930, embodied in section 260, postal I, aws and Regulations, the amounts set forth below with respect to certain mailings during the fiscal year ended June 30, 1934, are ceriified to you in order that they may be separately classified on the books of the Treasury Department in stating the expenditures made from appropriation to supply the deficiency of postal revenues:

(a) The estimated amount which would have been collected at regular rates of postage on matter mailed during the year by oflicers of the Government (other than those of the Post Office Department) under the penalty privilege, includ ing registry fees $23, 094, 882. 00

(b) The estimated amount which would have been collected at regular rates of postage on matter mailed during the year by:

1. Members of Congress under the franking privilege $775, 785 2. By others under the franking privilege 215

776, 000. '00

(c) The estimated amount which would have been collected during the year at regular rates of postage on publications going free in the county

(d) The estimated amount which would have been collected at regular rates of postage on matter mailed free to the blind during the year 103, 552. 00

(e) The estimated difference between the postage revenue collected during the year on mailings of newspapers and periodicals published by and in the interests of religious, educational, scientific, philanthropic, agricultural, labor, and fraternal organizations, and that which would have been collected at zone rates of postage 418, 100. 00

(f) The estimated excess during the year of the cost of aircraft service over the postage revenues derived from air mail 12, 992, 910. 83 (g) The estimated amount paid during the year to vessels of American registry for carrying the ocean mail in excess of

what would have been paid at pound rates if carried in vessels of foreign registry 28 692 458 00

545, 227. 00

Letter of the Postmaster General to the Secretary of the Treasury dated November 15, 1934, certifying extraordinary expenditures contributing

touche deficiency of postal revenues for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1934, in pursuance of public Act No, 316

Sevent -first Con ress, a roved June 9, 1930 (46 Stat. 523)

Total Very truly yours,

66 623 129 83

J&Mzs A. Faaz, xx, Postmaster General.



[On basis of cheeks &ssned]

[Repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures are printed in italic&i

Specific and indefinite permanent annual and special-account appro- priations

Trust and contributed accour&ts Total


Bequest of Gertrude M. Hubbard, Library of Congress (interest account) Library of Congress trust, investment account Library of Congress gift account Library of Congress trust, income from investment account Special-deposit accounts Library of Congress Special-deposit accounts Government Printing Office Public printing and binding, Government Printing Office, 1934

$2, 563. 09

8, 11&. 0. 06 1, 811. 16

' 90, 635. 00

$3, 021. 52 60, 126. 93 51, 259. 61

$2, 563. 09 3, 021. 52

60, 126. 93 51, 259. 61 8, 1$0. 06 1, 811. 16

90, 635. 00 Tot 1 a


Expenses of Smithsonian Institution (interest on trust fund) Smithsonian Institution:

Salaries and expenses, 1934 American ethnology, 1934 Astrophysical observatory, 1934 International exchanges, 1934 National Gallery of Art, 1934 Maintenance and operation, National Museum, 1934 Preservation of collections, National Museum, 1934

Printing and Binding, Board of Tax Appeals, 1934 Federal Trade Commission, 1934 Salaries, General Accounting Office, 1934 Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, 1934 Guaranty to carriers after termination of Federal control Special-deposit accounts, Smithsonian Institution American National Red Cross Building, contributions Special-deposit accounts, Farm Credit Administration Salaries and expenses, Federal Farm Loan Board Salaries and expenses, Office of Federal Coordinator of Transportation Salaries and expenses, Federal Home Loan Bank Board Payments to States under Federal water-power act Salaries and expenses, Federal Reserve Board Special-deposit account, Federal Radio Commission General railroad contingent fund, section 15a, interstate commerce act Increase of compensation, Veterans' Bureau Special-deposit account, Board of Tax Appeals Special-deposit account, Federal Trade Commission Special-deposit account, General Accounting Oflice Special-deposit account, National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics Special-deposit accounts, Alien Property Custodian Relief and rehabilitation, longshoremen's and harbor workers' compensation

act Adjusted-service certificate fund, Veterans' Administration ' Unclaimed moneys of former patients, Veterans' Administration hospitals United States Government life-insurance fund, Veterans' Administration Special-deposit accounts, Veterans' Administration Civil-service retirement and disability fund s

Canal Zone retirement and disability fund 4

General post fund, National Homes, Veterans' Administration Horatio Ward Fund, National Homes, Veterans' Administration Funds due incompetent beneficiaries, Veterans' Administration


Cooperative agricultural extension work Increase of compensation, Department of Agriculture National Forest Reservation Commission Refund to depositors, excess of deposits, national forests fund Meat inspection, Bureau of Animal Industry Advances to Agricultural Adjustment Administration Cooperative work, Forest Service Payments to States and Territories from the national forests fund Payments to school funds, Arizona and New Mexico, national forests fund Roads and trails for States, national forests fund Establishing wool standards Expenses, Cotton Standards Act Classification of cotton, revolving fund Special deposit accounts


88, 846. 87

60, 000. 00

' 728. 00 ' 1, 204. 00

' 619. 00 ' 554. 00 ' 680. 00 ' 1, 714. 00

' 12, 028. 00 ' 756. 34 ' 22, 027. 80 ' 63, 000. 00 ' 10, 694. 83

50, 318. 12 88, 667. 06

43. 66 401, 836. 11 209, 666. 22

75, 325. 62 96, 004. 22

bi. 88

114, 408. 06

2, 978. 98 61& 8b8. $8

87. 61 307, 199. 81

8& b89. 6b 89, be. lr ib, 787. 78

1&. b0. 00 811&. , 879. 66

13, 525. 12 5, 207, 144. 77

542. 69 72, 310, 707. 68

ri, 901. r6 38, 556, 699. 54

572, 036. 97 134, 441. 91

1, 599. 94 131, 909. 44

923, 481. 48 116, 742, 295. 79

8, 351, 957. 91 18. 18

1, 868. 98 33, 396. 56

4, 562, 567. 50 305, 330, 823. 08

650, 860. 74 28, 456. 35 57, 722. 34 23, 106. 41 16, 746. 46 84, 656. 21

1, 287, 828. 32

b, 1&88, 081. 6r

319, 142, 150. 42 l&, Il&b, 198. 8b

203, 254. 93

8, 351,

1, 83

4, 562, 305, 330,

1, 287, 650,

28, 57, 23, 16, 84,

6, 1&88,

957. 91 18. 18

868. 98 396. 56 567. 50 823. 08 828. 32 860. 74 456. 35 722. 34 106. 41 746. 46 656. 21 08k 67

314, 996, 9;)7. 07

60, 000. 00

' 728. 00 ' 1, 204. 00 ' 619 00 ' 554. 00 ' 680. 00 ' 1, 714. 00 ' 12, 028. 00

756. 34 22, 027. 80 63, 000. 00 10, 694. 83 50, 318. 12 88, 667. 06

2, 978. 98 61& 8b8. 1&8

43. 66 401, 836. 11 209, 666. 22

75, 325. 62 96, 004. 22

87. 61 307, 199. 81

bl. 88 8, b89. 6b

89, bl&6. 17 lb, 787. 78

gb0. 00 8llf& 879. 66

13, 525. 12 5, 207, 144. 77

542. 69 72, 310, 707. 68

rl, 901. 76 38, 556, 699. 54

572, 036. 97 134, 441. 91

1, 599. 94 131, 909. 44

117 665 77& 27

& Act Mar. 23, 1934. (48 Stat. 322, sec. 2 (e), title II. ) ' For complete statement and analysis of this account see p. 449. s For complete statement and analysis of this account see p. 434. & For complete statement and analysis of this account see p. 439.


TABLE 8. — Recapitulation of ezpenditures made from specific and indefinite permanent annual appropriations, hncludkng special and trust accounts, during the fiscal year 1984 — Continued

[On basis of checks issued]

[Repsvments to appropriations in excess of expenditures are printed in italics]

Specific snd indefinite permanent annual snd special-account appro- priations

Trust and contributed accounts Total


Refunding penalties or charges erroneously exacted Refunding moneys received and covered (Commerce) Philippine Special Fund, tonnage tax Increase of compensation, Department of Commerce Topographic survey of United States, contributions Deficiency in Patent Office revenues Salaries and expenses, Patent Office Special deposit account, Patent Office Construction loan fund, United States Shipping Board United States Shipping Board Merchant Fleet Corporation

account) Special deposit accounts



$1, 006. 78 10. 78

2, 913. 08 1. 80

270, 255. 57 3, 598, 047. 62

74, 438. 30 10, 479, 487. 89

3, 206, 508. 38 74, 438. 30

8, 851, 809. 98

$100. 87

88, 778. 88

88, 677. 41



270& 3, 598,

74, 10, 479,

006 78 10. 78

913. 08 1. 80

100. 87 255. 5'? 047. 62 438. 30 487. 89

3, 206, 508. 38 9, 889. 98

8, 886, 487. 89


Repayments for lands erroneously sold Colleges for agriculture and the mechanic arts Expenses, public survey work, Alaska Expenses, public survey work, general The Oregon and California land-grant fund Payments to States from receipts under mineral leasing act Completing surveys within railroad land grants Payment to Oklahoma from royalties, oil and gas, south half of Red River Coos Bay wagon road-grant fund 5-percent funds of the net proceeds of sales of public lands in the States Reclamation fund Reclamation, contributed funds, Grand Coulee Dam Reclamation, contributed funds, Parker Dam Colorado River dam fund, Boulder Canyon project Colorado River dam fund, Boulder Canyon project, emergency construction,

act July 21, 1932 Yuma auxiliary irrigation project, Arizona National Park Service, donations Colorado River dam fund, Boulder Canyon project, National Industrial

Recovery National parks, buildings, and reservations, donations Preservation, birthplace of Abraham Lincoln Special deposit account, Office of Public Buildings and Public Parks of the

Ns, tional Capital Increase of compensation, office of superintendent, State, War, and Navy

Department Buildings Gas production helium plants Increase of compensation, Department of the Interior Salaries and expenses, Federal Board for Vocational Education Cooperative vocational education, teachers, etc Cooperative vocational education in agriculture Cooperative vocational education in trades and industries Public schools, Alaska fund Wagon roads, bridges, and trails, Alaska fund Funds contributed for improvement of roads; bridges, and trails, Alaska Alaska Railroad special fund Outstanding liabilities, lands Personal funds of patients, St. Elizabeths Hospital Pension money, St. Elizabeths Hospital Special deposit accounts (Interior, civil) Increase of compensation, Indian Service Civilization of the Sioux Interest on Indian trust accounts Indian Service supply fund Annette Islands Reserve, Alaska, fund from leases Special deposit accounts (Office of Education) Maintenance, construction charges, etc. , irrigation systems, Indian Service Indian moneys, proceeds of labor (act June 13, 1930) Indian moneys, proceeds of labor, agencies, schools, etc Proceeds of oil and gas leases, royalties, etc. , Osage Reservation, Okla Miscellaneous trust accounts of Indian tribes Special deposit accounts (Indian Service)



8, 330. 92 2& 550, 000. 00

894. 54 8& 912. 99

244& 060. 92 1, 215, 157. 98

77 531. 26 1, 651. 22 4, 662. 90

2, 138, 759. 94

68, 444. 84

606. 99 21, 295. 02

61, 889. 49

123. 79

42, 918. 08 27, 618. 91

56, 820. 26

140, 182. 31 726. 23

23, 857,

2, 386, 2, 391,

76, 88&

74, 699. 48

10. 00 748. 24.

8. 84 313. 34 649. 08 308. 94 177. 26 588. 82 462. 18

1, 005, 521. 97

8. 67 159, 407. 94 507, 250. 23

15, 769. 96 31, 384. 78

857. 91 280, 778. 52

35, 852. 38

480. 36 106, 998. 80

16, 933. 80 77, 191. 79

452, 136. 36 163, 408. 36

2, 494, 289. 85 2, 015, 730. 20 4) 860, 104. 87

13, 831, 989. 76 1, 216, 923. 63

8, 330. 92 2, 550, 000. 00

894. 54 8, 912. 99

244, 060. 92 1, 215, 157. 98

123. 79 7, 531. 26 1& 651. 22 4) 662. 90

2, 138, 759. 94 42, 918. 08 27, 618. 91 68, 444. 84

606. 99 21, 295. 02 56, 820 26

61, 889. 49 140, 182 31

726. 23

74, 699. 48

15, 048, 913 39

10, 00 5, 748. '24

8. 84 23, 313. 34

857, 649 08 2, 386, 308. 94 2, 391, 177. 26

76, 588. 82 88, 462. 18 35, 852. 38

1, 005, 521. 9? 480. 36

106, 998. 80 167 933. 80 77, 191. 79

9. 67 159, 407. 94 507, 250. 23

15, 769. 96 31, 384. 78

857. 91 280, 778. 52 452, 136. 36 163, 408. 36

2, 494, 289. 85 2, 015, 730. 20 4& 960, 104. 87

Return of unclaimed moneys deposited by clerks of courts Refunding moneys erroneously received and covered (Justice) Increase of compensation, Department of Justice

15, 885. 45 1, 081. 42

5L 44

15, 885, 45 1, 081. 42

61. 44


TABLE 8. — Reca itulation p' atio of espenditures made from specific and indefinite permanent annual app opiaf'~' '" " '"g accounts, during the fiscal year 1981r — Continued

[On basis of checks issuedl

[Repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures are printed in ifaiicsl

Specific and indefinite permanent annual and special-account appro- priations

Trust snd contributed accounts Total

DEPARTMENT QF JUBTIOE — continued Unclaimed moneys of individuals whose whereabouts are unknown (Justice) Commissary funds, Federal prisons Funds of Federal prisoners Special deposit accounts



Extra compensation for overtime, Immigration Service Return to deported aliens of passage moneys collected from steamship com-

Danle s Increase of compensation, Department of Labor Unclaimed moneys of individuals whose whereabouts are unknown (Labor) Special deposit accounts


$16, 915. 48

60, 707. 47

6. 75

60, 714. 22

$1, 233. 43 209, 296. 51 474, 190. 00 190& IM. 66

494, 598. 28

183. 00

1, 100. 00 li77, 698. 54 476, 1&60. 51r

Sl, 233. 43 209, 296. 51 474, 190. 00 190, 196. 66

511, 508. 71

60, 707. 47

138. 00 6. 75

1, 100. 00 1)77, 698. 51' 1&15, 71r6. 89


United States naval prison activities fund Naval Home, Philadelphia, Pa Navy fines snd forfeitures Naval supply account fund Naval working fund Clothing and small stores fund Ship's stores profits, Navy Increase of compensation, Naval Establishment Marine Corps allotments (transfer to Veterans' Administration, sct Oct. 6,

1917) Psy of the Navy, deposit fund Navy allotments (transfer to Veterans' Administration, act Oct. 6, 1917) Naval hospital fund Return of subscriptions to Liberty bond issues by civilian employees of

Naval Establishment Naval Reservation, Olopgapo, civic fund Pay of Marine Corps, deposit fund Prize money, Battle of Manila Bay Prize money to captors, Spanish War Special deposit accounts


1, 651. 91 150, 472. 70 24, 828. 95

1, 091, 589. I)8 18, 488, 880. 61 1, 886, 791. 07

218, 487. 11 8. 71

852, 236. 78

8& 858. 01&

13, 587. 86 14, 558, 179. 78

15. 00 35, 894. 60

202. 82

84. 00

122, 991. 97 87. 78

1. 90

159, 198. 02

1, 651. 91 150, 472. 70 24, 828. 95

1, 091, 589. li8 18, lr88, 980. 61 1, 986, 791. 07

218, 437. 11 8. 71

15. 00 85, 894. 60

202. 82 852, 286. 78

34. 00 8, 858. Olj.

122, 991. 97 87. 73

1. 90 13, 587. 36

ili, 898, 981. 71


Deficiency in the postal revenues (including certified claims) Return of subscriptions to Liberty bond issues placed through the post-

master at Philadelphia, Pa Proceeds of waste paper, etc. , of the Post Office Department


52, 003, 295. 62

1, 566. 28 52, 004, 861. 90

51. 00

51. 00

52, 008, 295. 62

51. 00 1, 566. 28

52, 004, 912. 90


Pay of consular agents for services to American vessels and seamen Refunding passport fees German Government's moiety, expenses, Mixed Claims Commission Special deposit accounts, Department of State Special deposits (Foreign intercourse) Foreign Service retirement and disability fund ' Miscellaneous trust accounts


4, 833. 56 18. 00

2, 228. 69 9, 908. 08

8, 889. 88

809, 885. 80 245, 628. 32

18, 967. 47 54, 760. 59

4, 833. 56 18. 00

2, 223. 69 9, 908. 08

809, 885. 80 245, 628. 32

18, 967. 47 51, 927. 76


Recoinage of silver coins Expense of loans, act Sept. 24, 1917, as amended Expense of loans, act Sept. 24, 1917, as amended and extended Preparation, custody, snd delivery of farm-loan bonds (reimbursable) Preparation, custody, and delivery of Federal intermediate credit banks

securities (reimbursable) Debentures or drawbacks, bounties, or allowances (customs) Refund of excessive duties (customs) Refunding moneys erroneously received and covered (customs) Refunding proceeds of unclaiined merchandise (customs) Refunding to national banking associations, excess duty Contingent expenses, national currency (reimbursable) Allowance or drawback (internal revenue) Redemption of stamps (internal revenue)

& For complete statement snd analysis of this account see p. 4ZS.

615, 326. 88 7, 178. 19

1, 422, 285. 31 12, 488. 23

1, 119. 99 8, 039, 800. 22 5, 825, 027. 87

S. 58 653. 27

14, 580. 08 162, 814. 68 50, 541. 61

1, 479, 159. 45

615, 826. 88 7, 1/8. 19

1, 422, 235. 31 12, 488. 23

1, 119. , 97 8, 039, 800. 22 5, S25, 027. S7

8. 58 653. 27

14, 530. 08 162, S14. 68 50, , )4[. 61

1, 479, 159. 45


TABLE 8. — Recapitulation of erpenditures made from specific and indefinite permanent annual appropriations, including special and trust accounts, during the fiscal year 1981& — Continued

[On basis of checks issued]

[Repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures are printed in ttstics]

Specific snd indefinite permanent annual snd special-account appro- pl'isrioils

Trust and contributed sccoimts Total


Claims of officers and men of the Army for destruction of private property Extra pay, Regular Army, war with Spain Extra pay to volunteers, war with Spain Increase of compensation, Military Establishment Increase of compensation, Wsr Department Increase of compensation, War, miscellaneous, civil Replacing Engineer Service, Army, act of July 9, 1918 Replacing clothing and equipage Replacing Army transportation Replacing regular supplies of the Army Replacing barracks and quarters Replacing subsistence of the Army Replacing medical supplies Replacing Signal Corps supplies and equipment Replacing Engineer equipment of troops, act July 9, 1918 Replacing Engineer operations in the field, act July 9, 1918 Replacing Engineer depots Replacing ordnance and ordnance stores National Guard, section 87, National Defense Act Examinations and surveys at South Pass, Mississippi River Gauging waters of Mississippi River and its tributaries Maintenance of channel, South Pass, Mississippi River Operating snag and dredge boats on upper Mississippi, Illinois, and Min-

nesota Rivers Operating snag boats on the Ohio River Operating and care of canals and other works of navigation Operating and care of canals and other works of navigation (transfer to De-

partment of Interior, Geological Survey, act Feb. 17, 1933) Permanent International Commission of Congresses of Navigation Removing obstructions in Mississippi, Atchafslaya, and Old Rivers Removing sunken vessels or craft obstructing or endangering navigation Soldiers' Home interest account Ordnance material, proceeds of sales (War) Protective works and measures, Lake of the Woods and Rainy River, Minn Funds contributed for improvement of river and harbor work (for appropri-

ation accounts see pp. 334, 338): Rivers Harbors

Pay of the Army, deposit fund Soldiers' Home permanent fund Army allotments (transfer to Veterans' Bureau, act Oct. 6, 1917) Estates of deceased personnel, War Department Estates of deceased soldiers, United States Army Civilian Conservation Corps, savings fund Special deposit accounts


Postal funds, Canal Zone PANAMA CANAL


Allowance or drawback (industrial alcohol) Increase of compensation, Treasury Department To promote the education of the blind (interest) Matured obligations of the District of Columbia Relief of the indigent and redistribution funds, Alaska fund Philippine special fund (customs duties) Philippine special fund (internal revenue) Salaries and expenses, national bank examiners Additional income tax on railroads in Alaska (internal revenue) National Institute of Health, conditional gift fund Patients' deposits, United States marine hospital, Carville, La Cleveland, Ohio, marine hospital (new) Securities trust fund Moneys and effects of patients, Public Health Service Unclaimed moneys of individuals whose whereabouts are unknown (Trea-

sury) Outstanding liabilities Special deposit accounts


$53, 743. 54 $8r. lr8

10, 000. 00

15, 541. 53 18, 089. 04

792, 369. 66 13, 984. 78 4, 262. 03

22. 00

r9, 89, 19, 1$, 18, 8',

165, 8,

19, 20,

1, 713,


4, 7',


315. 02 62. 40

918. 66 350. 07 97. 33 8. Or

8/8. 88 817. $8 685. 57 181&. 8$ err. l, 8 989. 88 268. 62 881, . rr 728. 70 740. 01 243; 50 567. 34 889. + 146. 32 690. 90 301. 43

15. 25 . 80

5, 895, 822. 83

1, 1,

62, 36, 97, 39, 43,

244. 18 795. 25 865. 03 939. 93 432. 11 924. 36 994. 46

6, 134, 419. 16

127, 236. 91

18, 521& 863. 20

$148. 76

3, 061. 33 100. 00

71, 364. 15 55. 15

21. 55 819, 898. 71

1, 317, 592. 95

1, 172, 450. 18

388, 191. 87 500& 276. 48 703, 045. 68 604, 005. 46

758. 88 82. 03

37, 084. 83 649, 840. 60 880, 708. 99

2, 651, 067. 64

$53, 743. 54 $87. +

10, 000. 00 148. 76

15, 541. 53 18, 089. 04

792, 369. 66 13, 984. 78

4& 262. 03 3, 061. 33

100. 00 22. 00

71, 364. 15 55. 15

21. 55 819, 898. 71

1, 317, 592. 95

19, 694, 313. 38

315. 02 62. 40

918. 66 11, 350. 07

97. 33 8. Or

?'9, 81I8. 88 $9& 817. 88 19, 685. 57 1li& 15li. 8$ 18, 1rr. 1&8

858, 989. 88 165, 268. 62

8, 881I. rr 19, 728. 70 20, 740. 01

1, 243. 50 713, 567. 34

lr9, 889. 1&$

4, 146. 32 7, 690. 90

69, 301. 43

15. 25 . 80

5, 895, 822. 83

1, 244. 18 1, 795. 25

62, 865. 03 36, 939. 93 97, 432. 11 39, 924. 36 43, 994. 46

388, 191. 87 500, 276. 48 703, 045. 68 604, 005. 46

788. 88 82. 03

37, 084. 83 649, 840. 60 880, 708. 99

8, 785, 486. 80

127, 236. 91

ON OF EXPENDITURES MA. DE FROM SPECIFIC AND INDEFINITE APPROPRI ETIO'XS 427 TABIE 8. — Recapitulation of ex enditures ma e pi f p dktures made from specific and indefinite permanent annual appropriations, including speeh««d tr"

accounts, during the fiscal year Ii)8$ — Continued

[On basis of checks issued]

[Repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures are printed in italics]

Specific and indefinite permanent annual and special-account appro- priations

Trust and contributed accounts Total

PUBLIC DEBT Principal chargeable against ordinary receipts Principal payable from permanent indefinite appropriations Interest Sinking fund



Exchange stabilization fund

Total, exclusive of District of Columbia

$373, 192. 90 8, 708, 648, 497. 16

s 757, 236, 568. 73 859, 491, 900. 00

9, 8251 750, 153. 79

2, 000, 000, 000. 00

12, 218, 698, 881. 63

$378, 192. 90 8, 708, 648, 497 16

s 757, 236, 563. 73 359, 491, 900. 00

9, 825, 750, 153. 79

2, 000, 000, 000. 00

$117, 900, 416. 89 12, 386, 598, 748. 52


compensation act

ermanent annual


Executive office, District of Coluinbia, 1934 Care of District Building, 1984 Collector's office, 1934 Office of corporation counsel, 1934 Trees and parkings, 1934 Oflice of chief clerk, engineer department, 1984 Central Garage, lil34 Municipal architect's office, 1984 Board of examiners, steam engineers, 1934 Department of insurance, 1984 Surveyor's office, 1984 Department of vehicles and traffic, 1984 Free Public Library, 1984 Office of register of wills, 1984 Public-employment service, 1934 Playgrounds, 1984 Electrical department, 1984 Public schools, 1984 Metropolitan police, 1934 Fire department, 1984 Health department, 1934 Child welfare and hygiene service, 1934 Juvenile court, 1984 Municipal court, 1934 Police court, 1984 Probation system, Supreme Court, District of Columbia, Salaries, Board of Public Welfare, 1984 Jail, 1934 Workhouse and reformatory, 1984 Gallinger Municipal Hospital, 1984 District Training School, 1984 Industrial Home School for Colored Children, 1934 Home for Aged and Infirm, 1934 Municipal lodging house, 1984 Temporary home for former soldiers and sailors, 1934 Extension, etc. , of streets and avenues Refunding taxes Industrial home, school fund Gasoline tax-road and street improvements Policemen and firemen's relief fund Calvert Street bridge gasoline-tax fund Washington Aqueduct Water department Mains, water department Booster pumping plant, Dalecarlia Reservoir Refunding water rents, etc Reservoir, Fort Stanton Park, water fund Escheated estates relief fund Miscellaneous trust-account deposits Outstanding liabilities Permit fund Relief and rehabilitation, District of Columbia workmen' s Inmates' funds, workhouse and reformatory Teachers' retirement-fund deductions Teachers' retirement-fund, Government reserves Washington redemption f und

Total Total expenditures from specific and indefinite p

' 6, 110. 99 ' 897. 70

' 68. 00 ' 500. 00

' 1, 766. 17 ' 485. 00 ' 111 16 ' 780. 00

'9. 15 I 110. 00

' 1, 034. 18 ' 874. 80

' 5, 846. 85 ' 1, 474. 75

' 170. 00 ' 2, 457. 67

' 865, 58 ' 125, 788. 12 ' 81, 086. 85 ' 32, 855. 06 ' 7, 017. 64

' 871. 81 ' 1, 190. 38 ' 1, 195. 82

' 951. 00 ' 289. 16

' 1, 791. 00 ' 24. 28

' 7, 609. 00 ' 6, 285. 26

' 580. 00 ' 350. 00 ' 960 00 ' 92. 50

' 121. 16 60, 180. 18

1121 268. 98 5. 98

2, 104, 772. 57 931, 378. 44

36, 586. 44 480, 927. 95 939, 418. 76 159& 079. 72 92, 241. 18

3, 412. 21 4, 401. 27

576. 41

5, 116, 105. 53

914 055 87 858. 58

19, 480. 27 10, 947. 85 44, 470. 91

440, 058. 84 215, 849. 71 194, 769. 37

1, 840, 419. 29

6, 110. 99 897. 70

68. 00 500. 00 766. 17 485. 00 111. 16 780. 00

9. 15 110. 00 034. 13 874. 80 846. 85 474. 75 170. 00 457. 67 865. 58 733. 12 086. 85 355. 06 017. 64 871. 81 190. 38 195. 32 951. 00 239. 16 791. 00

24. 28 609. 00 28G. 26 530. 00 850. 00 960. 00

92. 50 121. 16 180. 13 263. 98

5. 98 772. 57 373. 44 536. 44 927. 95 418. 76 079. 72 241. 18 412. 21 401. 2? 576. 41 655. 37 858. 58 480. 27 947. 85 476. 91 653. 34 849. 71 709. 37

5, 1,


125, 31, 32


7 6,

60, 112,

2, 1041 931,

36, 480, 939, 159, 92,

3, 4,


19, 10, 44,

440, 215, 194,

6, 956, 584. 82

12, 223, 814, 487. 10

1 Act Msr. 28, 1934 (48 Stat. 622, sec. 2 (e) title II), & Includes $26, 464. 40 premium on the public debt. 41ncfudce indefinit appropriations of $2 826 sct June lc f933 (43 Stat. 222) snd $3, 236 99 act Ma

119, 740, S96. 18 12, 348, 555, 333. 34


[Debit transfer appropriations (net) and repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures are printed in ftafic]

Unexpended balances June 30, 1933 Emergency expenditures in 1934 (see p. 6)

Amount carried to surplus fund (see p. 7)

Unexpended balances June 30, 1934

Fiscal year

for which appropri- ation wss

made Available

Reserve for impounded

vacancy savings

(see p. 8)

On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing


Allotments (net) from the

National Industrial Recovery

appropriation Warrants-issued

basis Cheeks-issued

basis Act June 20,


Impounded salary and

vacancy savings

Reserve for impounded

vacancy savings

(see p. 8)


On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing


NATIoNAL INDUsTRIAL RacovRRY 1933-35 Federal Emergency Administration of

Public Works: Administrative expenses:

Federal Emergency Administra- tion of public works . 1933-35

Federal Emergency Administra- tion of public works, (Transfer to Agriculture, Bureau of Pub- lic Roads) 1933 — 35

Loans and grants to States, munici- palities, etc. :

Loans to railroads: Federal Emergency Adminis-

tration of public works, public bodies 1933-35

Legislative establishment: Architect of the Capitol, Annex,

Library of Congress 1933-35 State Department:

International Boundary Commis- sion, United States and Mexico 1933-35

International Boundary Com- mission, United States and Canada, snd Alaska snd Canada 1933-35

Treasury Department: Public building construction and

sites: Public buildings 1933-35 Public buildings, Procure-

ment Division 1933-35 Working funds:

Treasury Department public buildings, Pro- curement Division No year

$2, 621, 870, 000. 00 i 89, 507, 590, 476. 89

$97, 050. 85 $6, 462, 205. 00 $6, 391, 837. 48

250, 000. 00 70, 331. 83

2, 800, 000. 00 126, 275. 01

4, 734, 500. 00 832, 744. 11

26, 500. 00 26, 500. 00

9, OS5, 709. 27

58, 325. 078. 73

57, 910. 62

5, 190, 444. 27

L 639, 694. 88

751, 000, 000. 00 226, 030, 386. 29

$5, 991, 600. 41

10, 784. 37

155, 719, 695. 17

124, 589. 67

785, 768. 69

22, 81'j. 24

57, 910. 62

4, 826& 971. 46

I, 643& 900. 03

$114, 2?9, 523. 61

70, 36?. 52

179, 66S. 17

524, 969, 613. 71

2, 673, 724. 99

3, 901, 755. 89

9, 027, 798. 65

53, 134, 634. 46

1, 539, 694. 82

$497, 287. 92

59, 547. 46


70, 310, 691. 12


1, 685. 34

46, 975. 42

3, 682, 76 sc

363, 472. 81

104, 205. 21

All other: Treasurer of the United States,

relief of contractors Coast Quard Public Health Service Working fixnd, Treasury Depart-

ment, public works

War Department (nonmilitary): River and harbor work:

Rivers snd harbors Flood control

All other: National cemeteries Insular affairs

1933-35 1933-35 1933-35

1933-35 1933 — 35

1933-35 1933-35

100, 000. 00 25, 031, 872. 00

2, 207, 128. 00

179, 923, 762. 84

69, 187, 000. 00

592, 16k 00

1, 500, 000. 00

18 266 419 27

1, 498, 911. 49

89. 59

64& 5M, 031. 37 28, 701, 959. 54

424, 060. 88 239, 160. 37

17, 665, 307. 00 I, 397, 468. 54

Sk 58

50, 232& 192. 88 24, 834& 446. 65

424, 060. 88 239, 160. 37

100, 000. 00 6, 765, 462. 73

708, 216. 51

89. 52

115, 357, 721. 47 40 485 040. 46

168, 100. 12 1, 260, 839. 63

601, 112. 27 101, 442. 95

14, 333, 838. 49 3, 867, 512. 89

National Defense: Array:

Quartermaster Corps Signal Corps Air Corps Ordnance Seacoast Defenses National Guard Bureau

Navy: Secretary's oflice Engineering Ordnance Supplies snd accounts Yards and docks Aeronautics Navy allotment (increase of

the Navy) Panama Canal:

1933-35 1933-35 1933 — 35 1933 — 35 1933-35 1933-35

1933-35 1933-35 1933-35 1933-35 1933-35 1933-35


Prisons National Training School for

Boys Working fund, Department of

Justice, Public Works Post Office Department:

Postmaster General Interior Department:



No year


Boulder Canyon project: Boulder Canyon project Parker-Gila project All-American Canal Colorado Dam fund

All other: Secretary's office Investigations Oil regulations Petroleum Administrative

Board Perry's Victory Memorial

Commission — Soil erosion prevention

Subsistence homesteads General Land Office Reclamation Geological Survey National Parks, Buildings,

and Reservations National Parks, repairs to

White House National Parks, roads and

trails Territory of Alaska Alaska Railroad Alaska Road Commission Virgin Islands Columbia Insitution for the

Deaf Freedmen's Hospital Howard I'niversity St. Elizabeths HospitaL %(ines Working fund, Department of

the Interior, Public Works Interior, Indians

1933-35 1933-35 1933-35 1933 — 35

1933-35 1933-35 1933-35


1933-35 1933-35 1933-35 1933-35 1933-35 1933-35



1933-35 1933-35 1933-35 1933-35 1933 — 35

1933-35 1933-35 1933-35 1933-35 1933-35

No year 1933-35

War, Panama CanaL 1933-35 Department of Justice:

238, 000& 000. 00

70, 417, 765. 50 176& 170. 00

7, 500, 000. 00 6, 000, 000. 00 7, 000, 000. 00 2, 238, 624. 00

2, 850, 000. 00 '712, 500. 00 330, 225. 00 205, 662. 00

27, 500, 537. 00

7, 50D, 000. 00

1, 000, 000. 00

645, 500. 00

140, 012. 00

7, 600. 00

38, 000, 000. 00 100, 000. 00

6, 000, 000. 00

3& 339. 82

9, 000. 00 525, 000. 00

200, 000. 00

25, 025. 00 . 10, 000, 000. 00

25, 000, 000. 00

1, 000, 000. 00 59, 435, 000. 00 4, 497, 164. 00

7, Z07, 206. 27

6, 000. 00

24, 884, 144. 00 175, 500. 00 210, 008. 00

1, 596, 000. 00 1, 302, 850. 00

10, 000. 00

85, 000. 00

2, 294, 31L 00

930, 000. 00

272, 800. 00

19, 034, 550. 00

27, 303& 122. 62

94, 459. 12 14, 922. 23

4, 446, 489. 5Z

2, 416, 590. 85 1, 113, 531. 46

I, 084, 864. 15 14, 700. 29

211, 345. 33 117, 413. 93

11, 401, 08A 57 504, 391. 14

27& 303, 122, 62 94, 459. 12 14, 922. 23

4, 446, 489. 52

2, 416, 590. 85

I, 113, 212. 62

I, 084, 864. 15 14, 700. 29

211, 345. 33 117, 413. 93

11, 396, 446. 82

502, 227. 14

900, 000. 00

438, 545. 56

80, 000. 00 876, 671. 66

808, 522. 12

423, 034. 62

73, 562. 35 28I, 816. 06,

6, 198. 00 6, 198. 00

11, 450, 203. 26

60, 000. OO

124, 631. 50 I 6& 688. 69

11, 450, 203. 26

25, 737. 48 39, 489. 49 Gi, 889. 69

3, 339. 82

7, 891. 11 524, 753. 36

3, 339. 82 6, 372. 46

533& 255. 07

120, 000. 00 117, 608. 01

I, 414, 606. 19

3, 237, 397. 29

676, 673. 30 3, 320, 231. 21

I, 998, 761. 78

823, 545. 89 2, 303, 563. 52

611, 997. 09 3, 010, 161. 56

1, 835, 898. 46

2, 139, 031. 00

5, 750. 24

5, 094, 011. 27

24, 000. 00 180, 000. 00 980, 780. 99 340, 000. 00

1, 650, 729. 13

4, 991. 21

4, 316, 266. 95 12, 728. 02

134, 416. 46 780, 396. 23 198, 481. 43

10, 000. 00 84, 705. 74

246, 425. 38 219, 323. 74

106, 243. 69

76, ftf. 16 9, 679, 962. 09

10, 000. 00 61, 155. 17

227, 827. 38 206, 303. 33 71, 648. 42

168, 668. 06 6, 873, 498. 57

28, 633, 985. 85 23, 457, 056. 19

43, 114, 642. 88 81, 710. 88

7, 485, 077. 77

1, 553, 510. 48

4, 583, 409. 15

I, 125, 092. 54 318. 84

I& 765, 135. 85 697& 799 71

118, 879. 67 88, 248. 07

16, 099, 451. 43 6, 995, 608. 86

4, 638. 75 2, l(i4. 00

100, 000. 00

206, 954. 44

60, V12. 00 273, 571. 52

91, 477. 88

15, 510, . 94

6, 437. 65 8, 043. 50

I& 402. 00

26, 5N, 796. 74

40, 000. 00 5, 875, 368. Gp

12, 288. 69

34, 262. 52 85, 142. 01 49, 600. 80

1, 108. 89 246. G4

80, 000. 00

1, 518. 65 z 8, 501. 71

'2, 39(. 99

25, 025. 00 8, 585, 393. 81

21, 762, 602. 71 323, 326. 7p

56, 114, 768. 79 2, 498, 402. 22

5, OGH, 175. 27

5)9( Q()0 30 933, 833. 77

64, 67(i. 2( 310, V(i9. (i5

162, H(i3. 32

(HH, 301. H7

249. 76 7()il. (Xi

19, 790, 132. 73 151, 500. 00 30, 008. 00

G15, 219. 01 9(i2, Hfl)0. QQ

777, 744. 32 ll 27I ), lH

5) 1

200, 3H4. 76 1. ((i f)(H. 57

294. 26

2, 047, 885. 62 710, 676. 26 l Gf&, fi, &fl. 3 i

75, 121. 14

9 364, 587. Dl

23, f)5)0. I)7

1H, f)DH. 00 13, 020. 4( 34 f)((, 5. 27

55 556 HD

2, Hpfl, 4fl3. 52

209, 366, 014. 15 5, 176, 929. 66

jzf' 0 'ti

0 0









i Net amoco( allotted rluring the fiscal year 1934 to the sundry activities snd projects as shown in this statement.

»mmary sfafernenf of the appropriation "¹tional Industrial Recovery, 1988 — 88", aci tune I8, f988 (g8 Stat. 8') shotving ale transactions on the account during fhe fiscal year 198$ — Continued

[Debit transfer appropriations (net) and repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures sre printed in ftoac]

Unexpended balances June 30, 1933 Emergency expenditures in 1934 (see p. 6)

Amount carried to surplus fund (see p. 7) Unexpended balances June 30, 1934

Fiscal year

for which appropri- stion wss

made Available

Reserve for impounded

vacancy savings

(see p. 8)

On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing


Allotments (net) froln the

National Industrial Recovery

appropriation Warrants-issued

basis Checks-issued

basis Act June 20,


Impounded salary and

vacancy savulgs

Reserve for impounded

vacancy savings

(see p. 8)


On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing


Department of Agriculture: Public highways;

Bureau of Public Roads Highway funds Public lands highways Work-relief highways Forest highways Forest roads, trsBs, etc

All other: Building, repairs and improve-

ments in Washington, D. C Experiment stations Weather Bureau Animal Industry Dairy Industry Plant Industry Plant Quarantine Forest Service Chemistry and Soils Entomology Biological Survey Agricultural Engineering Home Economies Food and Drug Administration Agricultural Adkustment Ad-

ministration, National Re- covery Administration Codes

Working fund, Department of Agriculture, Public Works

Department of Commerce: Aeronautics Navigation snd Steamboat In-

spection Standards Lighthouses Coast and Geodetic Survey Fisheries M' ines

Department of Labor: Secretary's Office Bureau of Labor Statistics Immigration United States Employment Serv-

ice Veterans' Administration Independent offices snd commis-

sions: Electric Home snd Farm Au-

thority, Inc Executive CouncB

1933-35 1933-35 1933-35 1933-35 1933-35 1933-35

1933-35 1933 — 35 1933-35 1933-35 1933 — 35 1933-36 1933 — 35 1933-35 1933-35 1933-35 1933-35 1933-35 1933 — 35 1933 — 35


No year


1933-35 1933-35 1933-35 1933-35 1933-35 1933-36

1933-35 1933-35 1933-35

1933-35 1933-35

1933-35 1933-36

f 400, 000, 000. 00 $10, 725. 00

5, 000, 000. 00

7, 431, 000. 00 15, 000, 000. 00 10& 100& 000 00

2, 717. 96 4, 950. 00

183, 840. 00 1, 611, 240. 00

262, 420. 00 4& 822, 007. 00 2, 093, 670. 00

16, 967, 746. 00 163, 919. 00 292, 865. 00 976, 050. 00 281, 538. 00

1, 200. 00 70, 000. 00

250, 000. 00

2, 058, 803. 00

33, 043. 00 100, 000. 00

6, 620, 334. 00 6, 503, 120. 00

639, 600. 00 (')

26, 000. 00 10, 000. 00

1, 422, 980. 00

800, 000. 00 1, 916, 650. 00

1, 000, 000. 00 72, 000. 00

$168, 451, 626. 37 1, 650, 253. 93

608, 778. 44

5& 715, 076. 80 6, 794, 632. 63

2, 717. 96 4, 947. 89

122, 708. 73 1, 047, 713. 30

135, 982. 75

1, 956, 813. 41 1, 695, 023. 77

9, 434, 258. 76 61, 164. 16

51, 100. 99 324, 948. 82 152, 815. 13

1, 199. 03 34, 383. 41

60, 255. 31

638, 968. 78

428, 423. 40

25, 000. 00

82, 464. 61 1, 736, 878. 70

3, 585, 111. 81 360, 014. i}3

9, 980. 35 9, 353. 07

1, 358, 456. 47

785, 373. 10 710, 609. 95

1, 000, 000. 00 81, 977. 98

$125, 313, 884. 08

1, 358, 436. 40 545, 790. 21

5& 191& 194 83 6, 263, 409, 33

2, 717. 96 4, 947. 89

92, 865. 39 995& 411. 86 130& 705. 71

1, 836, 365. 00 1, 641& 412. 58

8, 747, 245. 13

52, 588. 03 44, 067. 03

290, 590, 00 141, 133. 17

1, 199. 03 29, 725. 41

21, 646. 49

356, f36. 66

392, 155. 05

19, 043. 00 74, 906. 50

1, 329, 536. 77

3, 160, 270. 61 326, 737. 15

9, 360. 40 3, 693. 58

1, 218, 786. 88

698, 172. 07 401, 794. 47

13, 426. 60 29, 589. 27

$10, 725, 00 231, 548, 373. 63

3, 349, 746. 07

6, 822, 221. . 56

9, 284, 923. 20

3, 305, 367, 37

2. 11 61, 131. 27

563, 526. 70 126, 437. 25

2, 865, 193. 59 498, 646. 23

6, 533, 486. 24 102, 754. 84 241, 764. 01 651, 101. 18 128, 722. 87

. 97 35, 616. 59

189, 744. 69

338, 968. 78

1, 630, 379. 60

8, 043. 00 17, 535. 39

3, 883, 455. 80 2, 918, 008. 19

279, 485. 07

16, 019. 65 646, 93

64, 523. 53

14, 626. 90 1, 206, 140. 05

40, 022. 02

$43, 137, 742. 29 291, 817. 53 62, 988. 23

523, 881. 97 531& 223. 30

29, 843. 34 52, 301. 44 5, 277. 04

120, 448. 41 53, 611. 19

687, 013. 63 8, 576. 13 7, 033. 96

34, 358. 82 11, 681. 96

4, 658. 00

38, 608. 82

16 166. 84

36, 268. 35

5, 957. 00 7, 558. 11

407, 342. 93 434, 841. 20 33, 277. 78

619. 96 5, 66L 49

139, 669, 59

87, 201. 03 308, 715. 48

986, 673. 40 2, 388. 71

Federal Alcohol Control Admin- istration 1933-35

Federal Emergency Relief Ad- ministration 1933-35

Federal Power Commission li)33-35 General Accounting Office 1933 — 35 National Advisory Committee

for Aeronautics 1933 — 35 National Emergency Couneff 1933-35 National Emergency Council,

Special Account 1933-35 National Labor Board 1933-35 National Planning Board 1933-35 Office of Special Adviser to the

President on Foreign Trade 1933-35 District of Columbia:

Sewer Construction (All Vnited States) 1933-35

Civil Works Administration: Civil Works Administration 1933-35 Working funds—

Library of Congress, Civil Works No year

Coordinator of Transporta- tion, Civil Works No year

Employees' Compensation Commission, Civil Works No year

National Planning Board, Civil Works No year

Smithsonian Institution, Civil Works No year

Tennessee Valley Authority, Civil Works No year

Department of Commerce, Civil Works No year

Department of the Interior, Civil Works No year

Department of Labor, Civil Works No year

Treasury Department, Civil Works No year

Export-Import Bank of Washington: Export-Import Bank of Washing-

ton 1933-35 Second Export-Import Bank of

Washington, D. C 1933-35 Emergency Housing Corporation:

Federal Emergency Administra- tion of Public Works, housing 1933-35

Federal Surplus Relief Corporation: Federal Emergency Relief Ad-

ministration, Surplus relief (marginal land) 1933-35

Federal Emergency Relief Administra- tion:

Working funds: Treasury Department, Emer-

gency relief No year District of Columbia, Emergency

relief . . No year Department of the Interior, In-

dian emergency relief No year Department of the Interior, Na-

tional Park Service relief No year

159, 998. 13 142, 851. 52

35, 000. 00 700, 000. 00 606. 000. 00

247, 944. 00 360, 000. 00

1, 000, 000. 00

1, 350, 000. 00 35, 000. 00

35, 000. 00 141, 072. 32

146, 565. 79

227, 665. 26

108, 656. 00

277, 081. 92

9, 964. 71 126, 808. 47 145, 204. 78

179, 427. 42

78, 585. 55

217, 555. 67

100, 000. 00 40, 240. 99

1, 759, 500. 00 260, 000. 00 190, 720. 56

$8. 75

L 986. 86

778, &18. 84

$7, 848. 06

I, o?8. 88

308, 858. 91

879, 44

85, 900. 88

78, 003. 58

7, 008. 10

8, 136. 89

6, 886. 00

I, I80, 678. 05

I88, 753. 68

20, 888. 18

847, 11 7. 55

1, 000, 000. 00

250, 000. 00

1, 000, 000. 00

250, 000. 00

9, 305. 14

55, 470. 21

100, 000, 000. 00 2, 054, 804. 50 863, 717. 16

25, 000, 000. 00 5, 000, 000. 00 23, 093. 49

s Stated under the Department of the Interior.

f 88, I 77. ?4

8, 600. 00

4, 000. 00

8, 4/js. 36

888, 806'. 47

8, 600. 00

4, 000. 00

400~ 005~ 000 00 399~ 852p 477 39 401) 5+ 256 07

s Debit balance.

340, 001. 87

558, 927. 68 359, 434. 21

20, 278. 74 251, 344. 00

1, 000, 000. 00 1, 072, 9 18. 08

35, 000. 00

65, 8?0. 68

1, 499, 600. 00

162, 522. 61

32. 75

1, 926. 95

778, 918. 84

27, 243. 03

1, 578. 83

208, 858. 91

97, 945, 195. 50

20, 000, 000. 00

122, 177. 14,

2, 500. 00

4, 000. 00

17, 146. 61

26, 035. 29

14, 263, 85 1, 361. 01

48, 237. 84

30, 070. 46

59, 526. 26

3, 888. 33

69, 279. 44

s 1, 671, 778. 68

379. 44

35, 900. 38

77, 970. 78

7, 003. 10

209. 44

6& 885. 00

401, 654. 21

155, 610. 59

18, 710. 33

38, 258. 44

990, 694. 86

194, 529. 79

1, 191, 087. 34

4, 976, 906. 51

2, 443. 30

100, 128. 33

~ummary ~tatement of the appropriation "National Industriat Recovery, 1M8 — 88", act tune 18, Jg88 p8 stat. 878) strow'ng att transactions on tire account during tjte fisca year 19811 — Continued

[Debit transfer appropriations (net) and repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures are printed in italic]

Unexpended balances June 30, 1933 Emergency expenditures in 1934 (see p. 6)

Amount carried to surplus fund (see p. 7) Unexpended balances June 30, 1934

Fiscal year

for which appropri- ation was

made Available

Reserve for impounded

vacancy savings

(see p. 8)

On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing


Allotments (net) from the

National Industrial Recovery

appropriation Warrants-issued

basis Checks-issued

basis Act June 20,


Impounded salary and

vacancy savings

Reserve for impounded

vacancy savings

(see p. 8)


On books of the Treasury

To credit of disbursing




No year

No year

No year

1933-35 1933-35


No year 1933-35 1933-35

No year

Administration for Industrial Recovery: National Recovery Administration National Recovery Administration,

(Transfer to War Department) Working funds:

Federal Trade Commission, Na- tional Recovery

Department of Labor, National Recovery

Treasury Department, National Recovery

National Recovery Administration, National Recovery Review Board

Central Statistical Board Agricultural Adjustment Administration:

National Industrial Recovery Act: Agricultural Adjustment Adndn-

stratlon =. Agricultural marketing revolving

fund, Farm Credit Administra- tion (cotton contracts, Agricul- tural Adjustment Act)

Commodity Credit Corporation Emergency conservation work Tennessee Valley Authority:

Tennessee Valley Authority Special deposit account

$40, 000, 000. 00

$24, 278. 58 $8, 197, 500. 00

3'1, 500. 00

50, 000. 00 113& 000. 00

37, 000, 000. 00

20, 000, 000. 00 3, 000, 000. 00

323, 362, 315 00

50, 000, 000. 00

$7, 068, 057. 80

37, 500. 00

1, 734. 00

49, 930. 00 18) 478. 26

6I 824, 289. 60

60, 000, 000. 00 3, 000, 000. 00

226, 823, 885. 74

12, 276, 562. 92

$6, 952, 492. 10

23, 258. 61

10, 99L 99

10, 614. 01

9, 050. 98

38, 613. 63 15, 187. 85

2, 744, 629. 20

60, 000, 000. 00 2, 573, 59'1. 30

225, 375, 501. 64

11, 497, 549. 77

so, 949. 49

$1, 129, 442. 20 $139, 844. 28

14, 241. 39

1, 734. 00

70. 00 94, 521. 74

10, 921. 29

10, 614. 01

316. 68

11, 316. 37 3, 290. 41

96, 538, 429. 26

37, 723, 437. 08

426, 402. 70 1, 448, 384. 10

779i 013. 15 30, 649. 42

30p 1'15, 710. 40 4, 079, 660. 40

Total, National Industrial Recov- ery 3, 299, 870, 000. 00 121, 329. 43 1, 403, 850, 737. 10 1, 239, 704, 582. 02 1, 896, 019, 262. 90 164, 267, 484. 51


[On basis of checks issued]

[Repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures are printed in ifafics]

1934 1933 1932 1931 1930 and p&'&or

Certified claims

Total during the fiscal year 1934


Library of Congress Government Printing Of]xce (public printing

and binding) Executive Oflice Advisory Committee for Aeronautics Board of Mediation Board of Tax Appeals Civil Service Commission Commission of Fine Arts Employees' Compensation Commission Federal Power Commission Federal Radio Commission Federal Trade Commission General Accounting Office Interstate Commerce Commission Smithsonian Institution Public Buildings and Public Parks of the Na-

tional Capital United States Geographic Board United States Tari]f Commission Veterans' Administration Department of Agriculture Department of Commerce United States Shipping Board Department of the Interior Department of Justice and courts

Court of Claims United States Supreme Court United States Court of Customs snd

Patent Appeals United States Customs Court

Department of Labor Navy Department Department of State Treasury Department

Bureau of the Budget War Department District of Columbia

Supreme Court, District of Columbia

1, 522,


28, 3 33,

2 1&

7, '

18, 36, 31,


706. 63 889. 79 961. 96 865. 98 080. 94 268. 07 177. 99 804. 53 669. 70 618. 32 827. 46 598. 06 084. 31 574. 04

9 67,

425, 217,

2, '

89, 184,

114, 241,

50, 403,

27, '

160, 31,


114. 04 064. 44 501. 29 768. 82 479. 79 767. 89 990. 35 549. 34 718. 18 836. 11

061. 49 691. 29 730. 51 993. 24 451. 65 418. 95 482. 90 771. 52 360. 98 758. 49

$301, 152. 76

' 502, 469. 83 195. 52

4, 525. 91 46. 49

5, 086. 82 8, 266. 39

50. 24 1, 336. 94

780. 56 3, 783. 70

12, 692. 59 12, 278. 31 86, 511. 56 33& 480. 16

650. 26 2, 114. 13 7, 243. 37

19, 110. 91 178, 518. 35 67, 055. 82

2, 866. 18 19, 627. 07 50, 122. 51

5, 675. 04 6, 312. 81

3, 393. 56

43, 497. 91 82, 182. 51 20, 732. 30 81, 443. 85

132. 78 112, 887. 29 19, 919. 99

Jf86. J&8

8, 817. 65

3, 268. 30

3, 728. 40

2, 440. 64 1, 537. 04

13, 670. 49 88. 25

60. 65

1, 971. 17 2& 654. 80

49, 461. 47 8. 75

1, Js8L 75 1, 721. 71

$35 231. 28 ' $12 938. 86 80. 19

81. 98 81. 80

117. 76 $229. 73

$349, 322. 71

2, 033, 960. 99 1, 085. 31 9, 487. 87

912. 47 31, 386. 06 41, 534. 46

228. 23 4, 141. 47 2, 450. 26

11, 402. 02 35, 243. 45 48, 871. 37

120, 036. 51 39, 591. 24

650. 26 2, 228. 17

29, 978. 80 86, 650. 45

604, 287. 17 284, 596. 26

5 634 07 109, 617. 42 236, 990. 51

7, 617. 66 18, 148. 92

4, 455. 05 691. 29

158, 228. 42 324, 175. 75 120, 645. 42 484, 859. 05

27, 615. 68 272, 227. 06

53, 002. 68 4, 332. 06

Total 4, 035, 306. 45 1, 429, 796. 51 100, 868. 93 88. 11 116. 56 229. 73 5& 566& 286. 07

& Includes 811, 887. 54 for 1932-33. & Includes 8450, 000. 00 for 1938-34. s Includes 84, 565. 58 for 1934-35.


[On basis of checks issued]

[Repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures are printed in italics]

1924 1923

Annual for—

1922 1921 1920 1919

Indefinite for fiscal years—


Certified claims

Total during the fiscal year



Veterans' Administration Department of Agriculture Department of Commerce Department of the Interior (Indian Service) Department of the Interior Oflice of Superintendent of State, War, and

Navy Department Buildings Department of Justice Department of Labor Naval Establishment Treasury Department Wsr Department War, Military Establishment Wsr, miscellaneous, civil

$17. 97

88. 00

$7. 8Jf 80. 00

$7. 87 Jf. 17

107. 6Jf . 87

. 88 858. 9Js

18. 87

88. 67 4'1. 00

1. 80 8. 87 . 87

8Jf8. 71 8. 8Je

l. 67

10. 00

80. Jf0 $7. BO

l. 88 8. 07

&][5. 78

5. 00

$9. 09 17. 33 98. 00

11, 375. 07

869. 85 18. 18 1. 80 8. 87 8. 8Js

10. 00

6'. 75 l&. 71

Jf7J& 79 97. 33

11, 350. 07 8. 07

Total increase of compensation

100885 — 85 — 28

75. 97 188. Jf5 886. 50 1Jf8. 18 18. 80 17. 58 11, 499. 49 10, 794. 38

Table 12. — CIVIL-SERVICE RETIREMENT AND DISABILITY FUND [Acts May 22, 1920 (41 Stat. 614), July 3, 1926 (44 Stat. 910), and Mar. 7, 1928 (45 Stat. 227)]

1921-26 1927 1929

Fiscal years

1930 1931 1932 1933 1934


Unexpended balance (warrant) st beginning of year Credits:

Appropriation from general fund of the Treasury On account of deductions from basic compensation

snd service credit psymeuts of employees subject to tbe Civil-Service Retirement Act (2h percent from A. ug. 1, 1920, to June 30, 1926, snd 3&~ per- cent thereaaer)

Interest on investments. Profits on investments. .

$91, 919, 006. 41 7, 051, 260. 50

299, 056. 97

$570, 065. 73

24, 355, 882. 00 2, 696, 539. 87

116, 041. 97

$38, 844. 59

26, 454, 611. 68 3, 048, 244. 55

$117, 609. 72

1 19, 95, 000. 00

28 122, 943 18 & 964, 539. 63

$160, 717. 07 $46, 965. 41

29, 048, 108. 65 t 9& 381, 614. 95

29, 944, 191. 69 7, 332, 320. 46

' 20, 500, 000. 00 & 21, 000, 000, 00

$75, 325. 31

& 30, 421, 896. 76 8, 588, 812. 85

630, 493, 792. 21

9, 752, 298. 53

f 263, 399. 16

' 2» 000, 000. 00 & 21, OOO, OOO. OO

28, 703, 458. 68 10, 518, 358. 79

& 319, 463, 891. 26 69, 333, 890. 13

415, 098. 94

$797, 070. 70

& 21, 000, 000. 00 $124, 450, 000. 00

Total (for details of credits, see table 13) 99, 269, 323. 88 27, 738, 529. 57 29, 541, '700. 82 49, 155& 092. 53 59, 090, 340. 67 58, 323, 477. 56 60, 086, 034. 92 61, 509, 489. 90 61, 018, 888. 17 503, 662, 880. 33

Charges: On account of annuities On account of refunds of employees' contributions. On account of interest on refunds On account of direct settlements oi General Ac-

counting Office, including diilerences between disbursing officers' balances as at beginning and close of year

30, 443, 475. 90 13, 607, 84'&. 03

725, 530. 67

47, 037. 12

9, 598, 285. 73 3, 532, 553. 07

329, 869. 02

114, 895. 58

10, 990, 454. 20 3, 422, 717. 21

348, 445. 44

i 137, 525. 75

12, 005, 059. 88 3, 645, 744. 76

421, 678. 78

t 78, 107. 96

13, 107, 731. 55 4, 496, 031. 42

553, 075. 94

186, 536. 35

19, 859, 891. 09 3, 650, 127. 17

510, 244. 52

427, 889. 47

23, 553, 816. 82 3, 381, 825. 71

542, 727. 33

t 55, 734. 10

30, 048, 405. 96 4, 034, 789. 70

754, 496. 39

4 625, 272. 85

41, 449, 133. 46 6, 754, Mo. 33 1, 281, 265. 41

& 914, 109. 83

191, 056. 254. N 46, 526, 151. 40

5, 467& 333. 50


9 r 1, 034, 391. 97

On account of investments at cost On account of accrued interest on investments

(repayable in subsequent year) On account of repayment of accrued interest on in-

vestments of previous years Unexpended balance (warrant) st end of year


44, 823, 885. 72 53, 874, 527. 04

13, 575, 603. 40 14, 124, 926. 97

72, 235. 40

3 71, 390. 01 570& 065. 73

' 845. 39 38, 844. 59

99, 269, 323. 88 27, 738, 529. 57

14, 624, 091. 10 14 800 000 00

117, 609. 72

29, 541, 700. 82

15, 994, 375. 46 33, 000, 000. OD

160, 717. 07

49, 155, 092. 53

1S, 343, 375. 26 40, 700, 000. 00

46, 965. 41

59, 090, 340. 67

24, 448, 152. 25 33, 800, 000. 00

75, 325. 31

58, 323, 477. 56

27, 422, 635. 76 32, 400, 000. 00

34, 212, 419. 20 26, 500, 000. 00

263, 399. 16 797, 070. 70

60, 086, 034. 92 61, 509, 489. 90

48, 570, 809. 37 11, 900, 000. 00

648, 078. 80

61, 018, 888. 17

242, 015, 347. 62 261, 099, 454. 01

72, 235. 40

i 72, 235. 40 548, 078, 80

Face amount of securities held at close of each year specified

Fiscal years

1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933

Fourth Liberty Loan bonds (4V& percent) Treasury bonds (4g-3)g' percent), 1943-45 Treasury notes (4 percent):

1931 1932 1938 1934 1936 1986 1937 1938 1939


$22, 695, 050. 00

81, 200, 000. 00 14, 400, 000. 00

68, 296, 050. OD

$22, 695, 050. 00

Sl, 200, 000. 00 14, 400, 000. 00 14, 800, 000. 00

83, 095, 060. 00

$22, 695& 050. 00

31, 200, 000. 00 14, 400, 000. 00 47, 800, 000. 00

116, 095, 060. 00

$22, 695. 05L 00

31, 200, 000. 00 14, 400, 000. 00 47, 800, 000. 00 35, 800, 000. 00 4, 900, 000. 00

156, 796, 050. 00

$22, 695, 050. 00

14, 400, 000. 00 47, 800, 000. 00 36, 800, 000. 00 32 400 000 00 37, 600, 000. 00

190, 595, 050. 00

$22, 695, 050. 00

47, 800, 000. 00 35, SDD, 000. 00 32, 400, 000. 00 64, 200, 000. 00 20, 100, 000. 00

222, 995, 050. 00

$22, 695, 050. 00

S6, 800, 000. 00 32, 400, 000. 00 64, 200, 000. OD

44, 000, 000. 00 60, 400, 000. 00

249, 495, ON. 00

$15, 811, 050. 00 6, 884, 000. 00

32, 400, 000. 00 64, 200, 000. 00 44, 000, 000. 00 72, 100, 000. 00'

26, 000, 000. 00

261, 395, ON. 00

F'rirtcipat cost of secttrities held at close of each year specified

1927 1929 1930 1931 1932 1934

Fourth Liberty Loan bonds (4M percent) Treasury bonds (4Yi-SM percent), 1943-45 Treasury notes (4 percent):

1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939

$22, 399, 454. 01

31, 200, 000. 00 14, 400, 000. 00

$22, 399, 454. 01

31, 200, 000. 00 14, 400, 000. 00 14, 800, 000. 00

$22, 399, 454. 01

31, 200, 000. 00 14, 400, 000. 00 47, 800, 000. 00

$22, 399, 454. 01

31, 200, 000. 00 14, 400, 000. 00 47, 800, 000. 00 35, 800, 000. 00 4, 900, 000. 00

$22, 399, 454. 01

14, 400, 000. 00 47, 800, 000. 00 35, 800, 000. 00 32, 400, 000. 00 37, 500, 000. 00

$22, 399, 454. 01

47, 800, 000. 00 36, 800, 000. 00 32, 400, 000. 00 64, 200, 000. 00 20, 100, 000. 00

$22, 399, 454. 01

36, 800, 000. 00 32, 400, 000. 00 64, 200, 000. 00 44, 000, 000. 00 50, 400, 000. 00

$15, 605, 115. 98 6, 794, 338. 03

32, 400, 000, 00 64, 200, 000. 00 44, 000, 000. 00 72, 100, 000. 00 26, 000, 000. 00

Total 67, 999, 454. 01 82, 799, 454. Di 115, 799, 454. 01 156, 499, 454. 01 190, 299, 454. 01 222, 699, 454. 01 249, 199, 454. 01 261, 099, 464. 01

t Includes $150 000 for District of Columbia liability. r Exclusive of 4, 482, 257. 53 interest due June 30, 1929, not credited until July 1, 1929, on account of June 30 falling on Sunday. r Includes $3, 482, 257. 53 interest due June 3D, 1929, not credited until July 1, 1929, on account of June 3D falling on Sunday. r Credits, deduct. & Exclusive of $1, 430, 808. 84 transferred to Canal Zone Retirement Disability Fund. e Exclusive of $3, 812. 90 repay adjustment during the year.


[Acts May 22, 1920 (41 Stat. 614), July 3, 1926 (44 Stat. 910), and Mar. 7, 1928 (45 Stat. 227)]

1921-26 & 1927 r 1928 1929

Fiscal years

1930 1931 1932 1933 1934



Appropriation from general fund of the Treasury Appropriation from revenues of the District of Columbia

On account of deductions from basic compensation of employees subject to the Civil Service Retirement Act (2)4 percent from Aug. 1, 1920, to June 36, 1926, and 3 )4 percent thereafter) under:

Legislative: Architect of the CapitoL Botanic Garden Library of Congress Government Printing Offlce Legislative, miscellaneous

Executive Offfce Independent offices:

Alien Property Custodian Arlington Memorial Bridge Commission American Battle Monuments Commission Board of Mediation ~

Board of Tax Appeals Bureau of Eff)ciency Chicago World's Fair Centennial Commission Civil Service Commission Civil Works Administration Commission of Fine Arts Committee on Public Information Council of National Defense Employees' Compensation Commission Farm Credit Administration Central Bank for Cooperatives Federal Alcohol Control Administration Federal Board for Vocational Education Federal Coordinator of Transportation Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works Federal Farm Board Federal Fuel Distribution Federal Home Loan Bank Board Federal Oil Conservation Board Federal Power Commission Federal Radio Commission Federal Reserve Board Federal Surplus Relief Corporation Federal Trade Commission General Accounting Office Home Owners' Loan Corporation Interdepartmental Social Hygiene Board Interstate Commerce Commission National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics Inland Waterways Commission National Capital Park and Planning Commission National Industrial Recovery Executive Council NstlotfsI Labor Board National Industrial Recovery Special Advisor to the President on

Foreign Trade

r$33, 812. 23

7, 101. 34 96, 353. 91

851, 746. 38 143. 53

16, 442. 16

19, 955. 07 210. 02 324. 03

4, 349. 75

18, 079. 80

90, 337. 97

510. 17 128. 33 297. 92

16, 806. 46

114) 050. 26

211, 42

6. 62 809. 88

60, 021. 80 4 348, 603. 88

9, 584. 25

652, 639. 21 24, 480. 93

$19 800 000 00 150, 000. 00

$17, 570. 42

2, 295. 34 29, 561. 87

261, 968. 98

4, 265. 76

2, 566. 00

1, 055. 13 315. 45

1, 724. 10

6, 558. 75

4, 682. 87

$17, 248. 33 2, 316. 82

35, 794. 37 279, 888. 43

173. 55

3, 421. 95

3, 795. 44 911. 67 329. 83

2, 161. 93 9, 082. 29

6, 272. 14

$17, 742. 33 (')

46, 186. 01 325, 350. 67

291. 08

3, 630. 39

3& 602. 70 645. 47 530. 95

2, 286. 94

9, 863. 11 6, 550. 40

111. 24 133. 33 148. 66

3, 708. 95 9, 275. 37 14, 503. 86

5, 965. 85 6, 078. 76 6, 93'I. 79

224. 58 261. 10 426. 24

2, 963. 60 3, 505. 58

14, 773. 78 111, 799. 94

14, 487. 03 132, 329. 70

16) 051. 15 121, 592. 87 i

152. 901. 84

10, 801. 01 179, 908. 38

12, 346. 27 197, 074. 96

14, 581. 73

28, 255. 35 29, 241. 88 34, 172. 20

$20, 350, 000. 00 150, 000. 00

f)19, 112. 95 (')

49, 049. 09 289, ?56. 92

3& 774. 71

3, 019. 53 545. 94 619. 64

2, 184. 14 9, 757. 04

6, 826. 43

36, 942. 11

149. 45

13, 751. 23

8, 271. 93

8, 319. 66

3, 893. 92

4, 656. 87

17, 527. 01 146, 685. 99

207, 126. 46 17, 137. 50

$20, 037. 26 (')

50, 92'I. 43 340, 865. 01

32. 50 3& 766. 88

$18, 904. 87 (')

54, 214. 67

398, 847. 33

5, 180. 36

$23, 736. ?g (')

59, 665. 75

352, 988. 60

6, 996. 25

2, 537. 37 458. 50 584. 03

1, 949 38 10, 382. 79

5, 206. 79

4, 534. 00 63L 04 363. 78

1, 927. 05 11, 170. 68

5, 048. 17

42, 937. 72 47, 097. 58

201. 30 223. 27

41 639. 58 961. 43 451. 58

1, 6M. 32 9, 535. 84

5, 015. 32 293. 28

44, 957. 51

198. 25

14, 815. 54 15, 599. 72 13, 959. 32 2, 607. 38

9, 464. 66 12, 290. 82 9, 652. 52

16, 531. 06 22, 675. 32 12, 361. 55

4, 47k 60 6, 964, 49

194. 08

74. 26

5, 272. 63 8, 651. 25

667. 42

507. 73 69. 36

5, 220. 33 20, 498. 24

6??. 29

19, 031. 36 137, 985. 45

21, 121. 54 146, 751. 17

19, 274. 95 144, 882. 75

232) 604. 44

20, 042. 44

1, 552. 03

255, 816. 94 23, 357. 09

895. 28

213, 978. 52 22, 756. 54

$20, 850, 000. 00 $20, 850, 000. 00 $20, 850, 000. 00 150, 000. 00 150, 000. 00 150, 000. 00

$20, 850, 000. 00 150, 000. 00

$22s 464. 74 (')

55, 654. 70

317, 695. 26

5, 676. 16

2, 781. Og

80. 42 450. 01

1, 632. 61 8, 422. 80

324. 96 45, 794. 37

450. 1'I

198. 90

12, 716. 99 44, 007. 49

1, 896. 17 217. 52 760. 88

1, 164. 29 254. 52

2, 814. 20 (a)

1& 111. 65 117. 14

4, 705. 15 17, 281. 61

804. 60 12. 85

17& 442. 40 125, 366. 91

515. 00

151, 630. 04 21, 930. 32

47. 46

28. 16 17. 49

184. 17

$123, 550, 000 00 900, 000. 00

$190, 629. 92 11& 713. 50

47?, 407. 80 3, 419, 107. 58

640. 66 63, 154. 62

47, 430. 78 6, 499. 62

3& 969. 30 15, 502. 47

79, 123. 05 57, 681. 92

618. 24 399, 736. 69

450. 17 1, 874. 57

128. 33 29?. 92

115, 137. 44 46, 614. 87 1, 896. 17

217. 52 173, 473. 46

1, 164. 29 254. 52

2, 814. 20

59, 887. 5g 211. 42

1, 619. 38 266. 38

27, 828. 79 61, 984. 28 2, 343. 3g

12. 85 189, 731, 02

1) 415, 998. 66 515. 00

9, 584. 25 9, 143, 580, 79

166, 933. 83 47. 46

2, 447. 31 2L 15 17. 94

184. 17

National Recovery Administration

National Sesquicentennial Exhibition Commission

Office of Public Buildings snd Public Parks of the National

Capital Personnel Classificstion Board

Oil Lands on Former Naval Reserves

Railroad Labor Board Reconstruction Finance Corporation

R k G eek snd Potomac Parkway Carr(mission Rock Greek sn Smithsonian Institution (

S t, 7&' r and Navy Department Buildings

Tennessee VaUey Authority

United States Coal Commission

United States Geographic Board

United States Shipping Board

United States SuPreme Court Building Commission

United States Tariff Commission

United States Veterans' Administration

Department of Agriculture

Department of Commerce

Department of the Interior, including Indian Service

Department of Justice Department of Labor Navy Department Post Office Department Department of State Treasury Department War Department Panama Canal District of Columbia

39, 975. 60

8, 732. 54

(') 69, 437. 06

116, 345, 89

450. 80

20, 714. 10

20, 060. 47 4 4, 018, 495. 73

3, 357, 652. 25 984, 037. 17

(s 1, 834, 582 80 166, 128. 27 592, 078. 54

10, 454, 640. 93 52, 236& 849. 01

149, 364. 91 n 8, 951, 760. 15

5, 665, 598. 96 202, 307. 16 438, 953. 07

147. 03

63, 670. 43

22, 585. 19

87. 50

3, 727. 10

7, 752. 76

988, 672. 34 989, 307. 78 384, 880. 50 405, 967. 36 75, 489. 11

193, 135. 00 2, 411, 290. 30

13, 806, 510. 68

34, 741. 86 2, 154& 415. 27

1, 653, 387. 22

195, 284. 01 135& 266. 34

69, 386. 15

70. 75

25, 644. 54

126. 00

8, 441. 36 1, 105, 134. 49

1, 046, 393. 88 421, 496. 64 461, 252. 45

77& 449. 69 220, 402. 40

2, 395, 735. 16 15& 336, 317. 25

39, 231. 02 2, 439, 917. 76

1, 539, 394. 78 240, 524. 22

154, 327. 41

79, 393. 80 122. 98

84, 310. 61 95, 445. 97

5, 193. 26

83. 37 30& 752. 04

129. 19 282. 18

4, 371. 62 5, 126. 91 310. 85

6, 281. 02

10, 242. 98 1, 152, 292. 94

1, 240, 873. 95 455, 785. 04 520, 274. 76 92, 406. 53

229, 724. 56

2, 760, 121. 11 15& 774, 533. 37

45, 177. 04 2, 640, 327. 52 1, 710, 808. 62

257, 996. 21

177, 294. 65

10, 627. 03 1, 229, 574. 47 1, 237& 177. 55

529, 018. 50 561s890. 88 107, 771. 23

290, 235. 34

2, 759, 610. 50 16, 107, 824. 63

53, 745. 90 2, 764, 060. 57

1, 826, 349. 21 274, 644. 38 191, 947. 10

11& 637. 41 1, 495, 717. 92

1, 311, 195. 07 594, 311. 17 587, 571. 85 334, 454. 58 304. 724. 77

2, 665, 367. 17 16, 026, 529. 65

67, 182. 21

2, 741, 615. 08

1& 945, 635. 34 283, 667. 37 244, 564. 43

45. 48

31, 690. 21 33, 175. 96

99, 883. 25

4, 835. 57

35, 334. 85

337. 48

7, 544. 86 49. 00

13, 553. 43

1, 812, 830. 98 1, 419, 819. 16

696, 941. 70

686, 226. 85 458, 144. 56 362, 588. 54

2, 832, 297. 38 16, 180, 811. 70

159, 266. 53

3, 005, 690. 68

2, 286, 846. 88 » I, 38L 331 . 89

350& 354. 19

88, 915. 26

1, 237. 08

28, 757. 98

285. 72

6, 614. 06 134. 85

13, 996. 87 2, 065, 043. 86 1, 391, 937. 09

644, 031. 13 685, 869. 52 448, 393. 34 320, 115. 49

2, 729, 419. 23 15, 610, 737. 73

119, 552. 40 2, 826, 044. 59 2, 178, 833. 96


360, 162. 47

5, 772. 62

10, 630. 24

521. 10

27, 741. 20

12, 264. 99

286. 17 1, 929. 36

15, 153. 33 1, 888, 171. 14

1, 442, 809. 18 543, 727. 83

759, 511. 40 271, 517. 75 276, 486. 68

2, 735, 110. 42

14, 697, 256. 69 108, 468. 49

2, 551, 621. 47

2, 129, 475. 51 (u)

358, 350. 92

6, 772. 62 147. 03

631, 611. 21

11, 388. 89 521. 10

8, 732. 54

389. 52 305, 119. 03 115, 345. 89 12, 264. 99

450. 80 1, 844. 09

60, 315. 32 183. 85

111 465 14

15, 755, 933. 87 13, 437, 165. 91 5, 254, 229. 68 6, 503, 147. 87 2, 031, 755. 06

2, 789, 491. 32 31, 743, 592. 20

175, 777, 370. 71 776, 730. 36

30, 075, 453. 09 20, 941, 330. 48

70, 191. 46 2, 411, 030. 66


0 (»j


M t3

0 C5

91, 584& 071. 63 24, 186, 924. 99 26, 331, 137. 04 28, 015, 924. 73 28, 915& 041. 20 29, 698, 131. 19 30, 090, 441. 94 30, 497, 605. 11 28, 703, 458. 68 318, 022, 736. 51

&n account of miscellaneous receipts, Aug. 1, 1920, to June 30, 1926, snd the fiscsl year, 1933 and 1934 and repayc overing warrants for fiscal years 1927

to 1932 inclusive, from sources as follows: Interest on investments Profits on investments Deferred deductions, service credit payments, etc

7& 051& 260 50 299, 056. 97 334, 934. 78

2, 696, 539. 87 116, 041. 97 168, 957. 01

7, 685, 252. 25 2, 981& 538. 85

3, 048, 244. 55

123, 474. 64

3, 171& 719. 19

964, 539. 63 9, 381, 514. 95 7, 332, 320. 46

107, 018. 45 133, 067. 45 246, 060. 50

1, 071, 558. 08 9, 514, 582. 40 7, 578, 380. 96

331, 454. 82 («)

8& 920& 267 67 9& 752& 298 53 10 & 1 8 358 79

8& 588& 812 85 9& 752& 298 53 10 518& 358 79 59, 333, 890. (:j 415&, 0!(H. 94

1, 4 ( i, 9( !7. 05&

61, 1! j;1, 056&. 7 &

Total credits from appropriations from general fund of Treasury, revenues of the District of Columbia, deductions, receipts, and

repayments 99& 269& 323 88 27& 168& 463 84 29& 502& 856 23 49& 037& 482 81 58 9?9& 623 60 58& 276& 512 15 60& 010& 709 61 61& 249& 903 64 60& 221 817 47 503 (j(jo 693 23

( For deductions for fiscal years 1921 to 1926, inclusive see "Combined Statement of Receipts snd Expendi-

;urea, Balances, etc. , of the United States for the fiscal year 1930", p. 440. r This covers deductions only for the first 11 months of the fiscal year 1927, the deductions for the last month of the

fiscal year (June) not reaching the Treasury until July 1927. 3 $3, 042 86 (or Superintendent of Capitol Buildings and Grounds, included under Interior Department, for 1921,

snd $3, 345. 50 included under Interior Department for 1922. & Deductions included under I. ibrary of Congress. r Formerly Railroad Labor Board. &j $72, 252. 56 for accounting offices included under Treasury Department for 1921. & Stated under Board of Mediation. r Deduc(ious included under District of Columbia.

8 ( &'linrgc&i l)isnl)ill(y

' $181, 500. 45 for Bureau of Wsr Risk Insurance, included under Treasury Department for 1921. » See note 3. u See notes 6 snd 9. (( Deductions amounting to $46, 576. 95 were credited to this fund during the flscnl year 1!i'. 1 & nml f (, (:j(j, sos

against the Panama Canal accumulated deductions or credits by transfer to tbe Canal lone l(c(ircu«&n( iin&l Fund, p. 429, leaving a net charge of $1, 384, 231. 89 in this fund.

u Deduc(, iona credited to "Canal Zone Retirement snd Disability Fund. " «Deferred deductions, etc. , included in above statement. &r Deductions erroneously reported, included under Depar(ment o( Agriculture. « Included under Farm Credit Administration.



Table 14. — FOREIGN-SERVICE RETIREMENT AND DISABILITY FUND [Acts Msy 24, 1924 (43 Stat. 144), July 3, 1926 (44 Stat. 902), and Feb. 23, 1931 (46 Stat. 1211)]


192? 1928 1929 1930

Fiscal years

1931 1932 1933 1934


Unexpended balance (warrant) at beginning of year Credits:

Appropriations from general fund of the Treasury On accouat of 5-percent deductioas from basic compensation of officers

subject to the Foreign Service Act Interest snd proiite on investments


$297, 055. 68 9, 797. 69

806, 853. 38

$304. 77

151, 712. 67 10, 007, 54

162, 024. 98

$757. 48

i 154, 322. 08 i 15, 187. 66

170, 267. 21

$725. 63

213, 000. 00

168, 841. 38 i 6, 587. 88

389, 154. 89

$431. 38

216, 000. 00

167, 293. 86 4 58, 125. 41

441, 850. 65

$8. 06

216, 000, 00

173, 931. 32 53, 448. 63

443, 388. 01

$457. se

215, 000. 00

173, 904. 54

64, 678. 69

464, 041. 09

$1, 041. 09

416, 000, 00

167, 740, 49 84, 752. 99

669, 534. 57

$534. 57

292, 700. 00

163& 733. 60

98, 502. 69

555, 470. 86

$1, 668, 700 00

1, 618, 535. 62 401, 089. 17

3, 588, 324. 79

Charges: On account of refunds, annuities, etc On account of investments at cost.

Uaexpended balance (warrant) at close of year

123, 946. 25 182& 602 36

304. 77

74, 000. OD

87, 267. 60 757. 48

97, 841. 58 71, 700. 00

725. 63

90, 923. 61 297, 800. 00

431. 38

129, 142. 59 312, 700. 00

8. 06

106, 000. 00 336, 930. 16

457. 86

136, 000. 00 317, 000. 00

1, 041. 09

156, 000. 00 613, 000. 00

534. 57

216, 552. 92

318, 000. 00 20, 917. 94

1, 130, 406. 86

2, 437, 000. 00 20, 917. 94

otal T 306 853 37 162 024 98 170& 267 21 389 164 89 441& 850 66 443& 888 01 454& 041 09 669 534 57 655& 470 86 3& 588 324 79

n Face amount of securities held at close of each, year specified

Loan title

1927 1928 1929 1930

Fiscal years

1931 1932 1933 1984

Fourth Liberty Loan bonds (4V4 percent) Treasury notes (3)4 percent) Treasury aotes (4 perceat), 1933 Treasury notes (4 percent), 1934 Treasury notes (4 percent), 1935 Treasury notes (4 percent), 1936 Treasury notes (4 perceat), 1937 Treasury notes (4 percent), 1938 Treasury notes (4 percent), 1939


$79, 150. 00 188, 800. 00

267, 950. 00

$79, 150. 00 108, 500. 00 152, 000. 00

339, 650. 00

$79, 150. 00 56, 300. 00

502, 000. 00

637, 450. 00

$79, 150. 00

385, 000. 00 454, 000. 00 32, 000. 00

950, 150. 00

$278, 000. 00 454, 000. 00 509, 000. 00 48, 000, 00

1, 289, 000. 00

$142, 000. 00 454, 000. 00 609, 000. 00 440, DDD. 00 61, 000. 00

1, 606, 000. 00

$454, 000. 00 509, 000. 00 440, 000. 00 664, 000. 00 62, 000. 00

2, 119, 000. 00

$509, 000. 00 440, ODD. 00 654, 000. 00 514, 000. 00 320, 000. 00

2, 437, 000. 00

Principal cost of securities held af close of each year SJIecified

Loan title

1927 1929 1930

Fiscal years

1931 1932 1933 1934

Fourth Liberty Loan bonds (4)4 percent) Treasury notes (3 )4 percent) Treasury notes (4 percent), 1933 . Treasury notes (4 perceat), 1934 Treasury notes (4 perceat), 1935 Treasury notes (4 percent), 1936 Treasury notes (4 percent), 1937 Treasury notes (4 percent), 1938 Treasury notes (4 percent), 1939


i Includes $324. 17 covered by repay covering warrants. i Includes $5, 639. 02 covered by repay covering warrants.

$81, 069. 86

188, 800. 00

269, 869. 85

$81, 069. 85

108, 600. 00 152, 000. 00

$81, 069. 85 56, 300. 00

602, 000. 00

$81, 069. 85

385, 000. 00 454, 000. 00

32, 000. 00

$278, 000. 00 464, 000. 00 609, 000. 00 48, 000. 00

$142, 000. 00 454, 000. 00 509, 000. 00 440, 000. 00 61, 000. 00

$454, 000. 00 609, 000. 00 440, 000. 00 654, 000. 00 62, ODD. 00

341, ee9. se 639, 369. 85 952& 069. 86 I, 289, 000. 00 1, 606, 000, 00 2, 119, 000. 00

i Exclusive of $18, 223. 45 interest due June 80, 1929r not credited until July 1 1929, on acoount of June 30 falling on Sunday, i Includes $18, 223. 45 referred to ia note 3. Exclusive of $248. 70 loss on secur/ties sold.

$509, 000. 00 440, 000. 00

664, 000. 00 514, 000. 00

320, OSL 00

2, 437, ONL 00


[Act Msr. 2, 1931 (46 Stat. 1477)]

Fiscal years

1932 1933 Total 1932 1933 Total

Vnexpended balance (warrant) st beginning of year.

Credits: T ferred from Civil Service retirement fund Trsnsferre P yment by Panama Itsilrasd Co sym On account of deductions from basic compensation of em-

ployeec subject to the Canal Zone retirement sct Interest earned on investments

$1i 430, 808. 84 355, 984. 00

$14, 325. 31

420, 948. 52 475, 945. 57 66, 386. 89 84, 986. 31

$33, 303. 66

506, 262. 88 88, 894. 68

$1, 430, 808. 84 355, 984. 00

1, 403, 156. 97 240, 265. 78

Charges: On account of annuities snd refunds On account of investments st cost

Vnexpended balance (warrant) st end of year


$196, 801. 94

2, 064, 000. 00 14, 325. 31

2, 274, 127. 25

$348, 962. 54 $63S, 906. 26 193, 000. 00 46, 000. 00 33, 303. 65 44, 555. 86

675, 256. 19 628, 461. 11

$1, 083, 659. 74

2i 302, 000. 00 44, 656. 86

3, 430, 215. 69

TotaL 2, 274, 127. 25 676, 256. 19 628, 461. 11 3, 430, 216. 69

Face amount (cost) of securities Iield at close of year

Fiscal years Fiscal years

1932 1933 1934 1932 1933

Treasury notes (4 percent), 1936 Treasury notes (4 percent), 1937 Treasury notes (4 percent), 1938.

$1, 998, 000. 00 66, 000. 00

$1, 994, 000. 00 179, 000. 00 84, 000. 00

$1, 942, 000. 00 179, 000. 00 93, 000. 00

Treasury notes (4 percent), 1939

Total $2, 064, 000. 00

$8S, 000. 00

$2, 267, 000. 00 2, 302, 000. 00



[Act May 19, 1924 (43 Stat. 128)]

Fiscal years

1925-26 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 Total

Appropriations Interest L

$220, 000, 000. 00 3, 876, 975. 84

$116 000 000 00 7, 688, 197. 22

$112, 000, 000. 00 12, 316, 951. 63

$112, 000, 000. 00 16, 072& 865. 40

$112, 000, 000. 00 & $224, 000, 000. 00 20, 500, 175. 31 34, 326, 542. 45

$200, 000, 000. 00 3, 018, 641. 12

$100, 000, 000. 00

5, 577, 165. 31 $50, 000, 000. 00

4, 614, 783. 61 $1, 246, 000, 000 00

107, 992, 297. 39

Certificate payments Investments (net)

Unexpended balance (warrant) at beginning of year, deduct

Vnexpended balance (warrant) at end of year„

19, 976, 975. 84 203, 900, 000. 00

14, 688, 197. 22

109, 000, 000. 00

223, 876, 975. 34 123, 688, 197. 22

223, 876, 975. 34 123, 688, 197. 22

35& 415& 714 73

88, 900, 000. 00 16, 874, 102. 30

111, 200, 000. 00

124, 315, 714. 73 128, 074, 102. 30

1, 236. 90 1, 236. 90

124, 316, 951. 63 128& 072, 865. 40

16, 300, 175. 31 116, 200, 000. 00

3 765& 648, 442. 68 4 507& 400& 000. 00

132, 500, 175. 31 258, 248, 442. 68

78, 099. 77

132, 500& 175. 31 258, 326, 542. 45

219, 869, 078. 24 ' 16, 800, 000. 00

118, 474, 587. 79 ~ 13& 000, 000. 00

203, 069, 078. 24 105, 474, 587. 79

78, 099. 77 27, 662. 65

27, 662. 65 130, 240. 17

203, 018, 641. 12 105, 577, 165. 31 54, 614, 783. 61

28, 869, 952. 34

25, 800, 000. 00

54, 669, 952. 34

130& 240. 17

75, 071. 44

1, 353, 992, 297 39

1, 236, 117, 225. 95 117 800 000 00

1, 353, 917, 225. 95

75, 071. 44

223, 876, 97A 34 123, 688, 197. 22 124, 316, 951. 63 128, 072, 865. 40 132, 500, 1?5. 31 258, 326, 542. 45 203, 018, 641. 12 105, 577, 165. 31 54, 614, 783, 61 1, 353, 992, 297. 39

Face amount of securities held at close of each year specified

Loan title 1927 1928 1929 1930

F isoal years

1931 1932 1933 1984

Certif)cates of indebtedness (adjusted-service series), A-1927. Certidcates of indebtedness (adjusted-service series), A-1928 Treasury notes (adjusted-service series), A-1930 Treasury notes (adjusted-service series), A-1931 Treasury notes (ad justed-ser vice series), B-1931 Treasury notes (adjusted-service series), A-1932 Treasury notes (a+usted-service series), A-1933 Treasury notes (adjusted-service series), A-1934 Treasury notes (adjusted-service series), A-1935 Special 4-percent certificates of indebtedness (adjusted-service series). Treasury certificates of indebtedness (4 percent) .

$16, 000, 000 50, 000, 000 53, 500, 000

70, 000, 000 123, 400& 000

$31, 500, 000

53, 600, 000 70, 000, 000

123, 400, 000 123, 400, 000

$15, 000, 000 53, 500, 000 70, 000, 000

123, 400, 000 123, 400, 000 127, 700, 000

$46, 900. 000 70, 000, 000

123, 400, 000 123, 400, 000 127, 700, 000 137, 800, 000

$121, 800, 000 $105, 000, 000 $92, 000, 000 $117, 800, 000

312, 900, 000 401, 800, 000 513, 000, 000 629, 200, 000 121, 800, 000 105, 000, 000 92, 000, 000 117, 800, 000

~ Inoludes $112, 000, 000 appropriation for fiscal year 1932 made immediately available. s Credited by repay covering warrants.

3 Exclusive of $18, 600, 000 advanced to disbursing of8cers for which securities will not be redeemed until checks sre presented to the Treasurer for payment. See Annual Report of the Secretary of the Treasury for 1931, p. 63, for outline of special procedure for the handling of this fund.

~ Redemption in excess of investments.


[Acts Jsn. 15, 1920 (41 Stat. 387), June 5, 1920 (41 Stat. 852), snd June 11, 1926 (44 Stat. 727)]


1920-26 1927 1928 1929

Fiscal years

1930 1931 1932 1933 1934

Total, Jsn. 15, 1920, to June 30,


Unexpended balances beginning of year

Credits: Deductions from salaries

Interest earned on investments.

Appropriations made by Congress


$1, 410, 128. 04 155, 900. 00

( 268, 429. 47

1, 834, 457. 51

$35, 323. 03

282& 109, 89 59, 391. 26

r 87 895 57

464, 719. 75

$35, 438. 86

282, 307, 49 87, 756, 01

) 332 130 99

737, 633. 35

$17, 254. 87 $38, 938. 98

282, 326. 17 100, 830. 83 380, 000. 00

283, 568. 39 127, 150. 02

780, 411. 87 849, 657. 39

$51, 652 43

285, 967. 98 149, 624. 89 401, 484. 88

888, 730. 18

$68, 470. 78

284, 268. 53 17S, 197. 28

400, 000. 00

930, 936. 59

$50, 632. 33

942, 369. 65

292, 648. 28 199, OS9. 04

400, 000, 00

$85, 400. 94

996, 524. 93

291, 646. 69 219, 477. 40 400, 000. 00

8, 042, 329. 00

$3, 694, 971, 36 1, 277, 416, 73 3, 069, 940, Ql

Charges: Annuities and refunds Investments, principal cost Accrued interest on investments, repayable in

subsequent year Repayment of accrued interest on investments of

preceding year Unexpended balance at closo of year:

Treasurer United States (investment account) Appropriation ledger (trust fund) Appropriation ledger (appropriated fund)

397, 656. 44

1, 399, 221. 53

4, 366. 46

( 2&109. 95

7. 73 29, 142. 31

6, 172. 99

139, 199. 55 s 289, 740. 81

2, 597. 04

& 2, 256. 51

68. 42

33, 501. 43

1, 869. 01

197, 854. 26 ) 522, 132. 67

2, 988. 59

( 2, 597. 04

320. 67 15, 579. 17

1, 355. 03

219, 915. 57 ) 524, 015. 93

529. 98

( 2, 988. 59

595. 99 37, 226. 72

1, 116. 27

247, 361. 98 550, 363. 81

809. 15

( 529. 98

374. 86 50, 694. 09

583. 48

249, 687. 53 569, 700. 28

1, 680. 74

& 809. 15

49, 990. 94 18, 479. 84

278, 705. 02 602, 698. 00

581. 98

( 1, 680. 74

41, 632. 33 9, 000. 00

309, 190. 78 647, 767. 03

592. 88

) 681. 98

84, 917. 17 483. 77

378, 609. 19 534, 210. 8?

' 592. 88

78, 793. 46 4, 846. 25

2, 418, 180. 32 5 539 850 93

658. 04

78, 793. 46

4, 846. 25

Total 1, 834, 457. 51 464, 719. 75 737, 633. 35 780, 411. 87 849, 657. 39 BBS, 730. 18 930, 936. 59 942, 369. 65 996, 524. 93 8, 042, 329. 00

Face amount of securities held at close of each year specified 5

Loan title 1927 1928 1929 1930

Fiscal years

1931 1932 1933 1934

First Liberty Loan bonds (4(jk percent) Second Liberty Loan bonds (4(4 percent) Third Liberty Loan bonds (4)4 percent) Fourth Liberty Loan bonds (4(4 percent) Treasury bonds, 1941-43 (3)g percent) Treasury bonds, 1943-47 (3)g percent) Treasury bonds, 1943-45 (4V~, 3)/4 percent) Treasury bonds, 1946 — 56 (BV~ percent) Treasury bonds, 1944 —. 54 (4 percent) Treasury bonds, 1947 — 52 (4V& percent) Federal farm loan bonds (4 percent) Federal farm loan bonds (4)4 percent) Federal farm loan bonds (4)s percent)

Federal farm loan bonds (4s/4 percent)

Federal farm loan bonds (5 percent)

Philippine bonds (4H percent) Puerto Rican bonds (4' percent)


Footnotes on p. (42.

$26, 850. 00

165, 450. 00 735, 750. 00

10, 000. 00

370, 300. 00 358, 340. 00 47, 800. 00

1, 714, 490. 00

$26, 850. 00

3, 450. 00 735, 750. 00

10, 000. 00 75, 320. 00

664, 740. 00 416, 940, 00 91, 480. 00

1, 000. 00 182, 000. 00

2, 207, 530. 00

$26, 850. 00

735, 750. 00

10, 000. 00 270, 960. 00

1, 011, 480, 00 417, 440. Qo

91, 480. 00 1, 000. 00

182, 000. 00

2, 746, 960. 00

$26, 850. 00

735, 7%. 00

10, 000. 00 270, 960. 00

1, 609, 480. 00 417, 440. 00 91, 480. 00

1, 000. 00 182, 000. 00

3, 344, 960. 00

$26, 850. 00

735, 750. 00

10, 000. 00 270, 960. 00

2, 178, 480. 00 459, 440. O

91, 480. 00 1, 000. 00

182, 000. 00

3, 955, 960. 00

$26, 850. 00

815, 750. 00

66, 000. 00 247, 000. 00

54, 000. 00 79, 000. 00 81, 200. 00

270, 960. 00 2, 178, 480. 00

459, 440. 00 91, 480. 00

1, 000. 00 182, 000. 00

4, 553, 160. 00

$26, 850. 00

794, 750. 00 142, 000. 00 48, 000. 00

87, 000. 00 79, 000. 00

113, 200. 00

55, 320, 00 I, 358, 880. 00

459, 440. OO

91, 380. 00 166, 000. 00 182, 000. 00

3, 603, S20, 00

$26, 860. 00

583, 750. 00 320, 000. 00 247, 000. 00 232, 000. 00 1)B, OOQ N)

134, NN). (N)

47( 200, N)

370, 9(N). 00 -", 178, 180. 00

45&'. ), I lo. 00 9(, 4SQ. 00

206, 000. (N)

182, 000. 00 71, INN). 00

5, f&95&, 160. 00

Principal cost oj' securities held at close of each year specified

Loan title

1927 1929 1930

Fiscal years

1931 1984

First Liberty Loan bonds (4)4 percent) Second Liberty Loan bonds (4)4 percent) Third Liberty Loan bonds (4)4 percent) Fourth Liberty Loan bonds (4)4 percent) Treasury bonds, 1941-43 (354 percent). Treasury bonds, 1943-47 (354 percent) Treasury bonds 1943-45 4)4, 3)4 percent) Treasury bonds, 1946-M (3+4 percent) Treasury bonds, 1944-54 (4 percent) Treasury bonds, 1947-52 (4)4 percent) Federal farm loan bonds (4 percent) Federal farm loan bonds (4)4 percent) Federal farm loan bonds (4+~ percent) Federal farm loan bonds (4+4 percent) Federal farm loan bonds (6 percent) Philippine bonds (4)4 percent) Puerto Rican bonds (4)4 percent)


$27, 629. 64

157, 611. 47 704, 871. 27

10, 000. 00

373, 951. 62 366, 174. 71 49, 323. 63

I, 688, 962. 84

$27, 529. 64

3, 455. 72

704, 371. 27

10, 000. 00 V4i 285. 95

671, 739. 36 426, 283. 96

94, 729. 55 I, 030. 00

19L 669. 56

2, 211, 095. 01

$27, 529. 64

704, 371. 27

10, 000. 00 262, 711. 73

I, 010, 280. 23 426, 788. 96

94, 729. 66 I, 030. 00

197, 669. 56

2, 735, 110. 94

$27, 529. 64

704i 371. 2V

10, 000. 00 262, 711. 73

I, 560, 644. 04 426, 788. 96

94, 729. 55

I, 030. 00 197, 669. 56

8, 285, 474. 75

$27, 529. 64

704, 371. 27

10, 000. 00 262, 711. V3

2, 090, 112. 87 467, 02(A 91

94, 729. 55

I, 030. 00 197, 669. 56

3, 855, 175. 03

$27, 529. 64

785, 080. 65 59, 730. 00

254, 201. 25

53, 983. 12

79, 366. 25 84, 708. 00

262, 711. V3

2, 090, 112. 3V

467, 020. 91 94, 729. 55 I, 030. 00

197, 669. 56

4, 457, 873. 03

$27, 529. 64

763, 896. 90 137, 667. 60 49, 500. 00

87, 437. 81 79, 366. 25

118, 988. 00 64, 660. 96

I, 313, 830. 89 467, 020. 91

94, 627, 91 156, 835. 77 197, 669. 56

3, 649, 022. 09

$27, 529. 64

562, 681. 66 315, 264. 06 254, 201, 25 232, 000. 00 118, 583. 12 135, 672. 60 516, 219. 57 262I 711. 73

2, 090, 112. 37 467, 020. 91

94, 729. 65 194, 382. 98 197, 669. 66 71, 0?2. 13

5, 539, 850. 93

Norz. — The foregoing unexpended balances are exclusive of funds in hands of disbursing oflicer of the District of Columbia for payment of annuities snd refunds. ~ Exclusive of $13, 164. 76 for 1922. Excess charges (surplus fund warrant), deduct. s Excess of credits, deduct. ~ Net, after deducting amounts carried to surplus fund. s Exclusive of $1, 504, 340 in Government Reserve Fund. s Net, after deducting principal cost of bonds sold.




[Act of June 29, 1922 (42 Stat. 669)]


Warrant balance, June 30, 1933 (sec. 305 R. S. ) Disbursing officers' balances, June 80, 1933 (p. 861)

Less United States share (p. 861) $2, 255, 279. 85

14, 996. 08

& $9, 276, 597. 68

2, 240, 283. 77

Cash balance June 30, 1933 (on basis of checks issued) 11, 516, 881. 45


Recei ts fiscal year 1984 (p. 78) P Less United States share (p. 78)

Total available during fiscsl year 1934

83, 801, 486. 55 68, 117. 52

83, 233, 369. 03

44, 750, 250. 48


Expenditures, fiscal year 1934 (p. 861): Warrant basis (sec& 305 R. S)

Less United States share (lump sum appropriation $5, 700, 000, under act of June 16, 1983, plus additional charges under divided accounts $2, 738. 49) snd $260, 000 under "National Industrial Recovery, District of Columbia, sewer construction"

Add disbursing officers' balances, June 30, 1933 (as above) Less United States share

Transfers to Department of the Interior, under "Salaries and expenses, office of National Parks, Buildings, and Reservations, 1934", Executive Order No. 6166 of June 10, 1938, from accounts as follows:

Salaries, public parks, District of Columbia, 1984 General expenses, public parks, District of Columbia, 1984 Salaries, park police, District of Columbia, 1934 Uniforms and equipment, park police, District of Columbia, 1934

Transfer to Treasury Department under "Salaries and expenses, Division of Dis- bursement, 1934", Executive Order No. 6166 of June 10, 1988, from "National Zoological Park, 1934"

Deduct disbursing ofhcers' balances, June 30, 1934 Less United States share

Total expenditures chargeable against the District of Columbia during 1934 (cash basis — cheeks issued)


Warrant balance, June 80, 1984 (sec. 305 R. S. ) Disbursing officers' balances, June 30, 1984 (p. 361)

Less United States share (p. 361)

$86, 327, 824. 54

5, 962, 788. 49

2, 255, 279. 85 14, 996. 08

264, 481. 30 311, 721. 63 132, 487. 85

8, 989. 99

717, 580. 77

548. 97

1, 717, 852. 96 86, 689. 48

1, 717, 852. 96 86, 689. 48

30, 365, 086. 05

2, 240, 288. 77

718, 129. 74

33, 823, 499. 56

1, 631, 163. 48

11, 426, 750. 92

1, 631, 168. 48

81, 692, 336. 08

13, 057, 914. 40

Cash balance, June 80, 1934 (on basis of checks issued) 13 057 914 40

I Includes 31, 628. 08 unexpended balance of appropriation, "Mosquito control" on Treasury ledger and 8316. 47 impounded savings carried to surplus fund under that account on Treasury ledger.



[Act of June 30, 1932 (47 Stat. 403, secs. 109, 110, and 203), as amended by secs. 3 and 7 of title II of the act of Mar. 20, 1933 (48 Stat, 13) and sec. 25 of title II of act of Mar. 28, 1934 (48 Stat. 523)]

(These figures do not represent the entire savings for the fiscal year, inasmuch as many deductions for the last quarter of the fiscal year have not been adjusted and reported to the Treasury Department. )

Covered into the Treasury as miscellaneous receipts: Furlough and compensation deductions and vacancy savings from special

Railroad Administration


deposit accounts, under— $8, 004. 74 41, 907. 00

79. 32 58. 02

1& 896. 54 1 88. i)9 690. 81

5, 627. 43

Return of part of compensation of the President Return of salary from constitutional officers

Impounded salary savings for all Departments, independent oflices, boards, and commissions, as the Postal Service:

Amount carried to the surplus fund of the Treasury, during the fiscal year 1934

Reserve for vacancy savings, June 30, 1934


shown on p. 396, excluding

$58, 178. 37 10, 625. 00 5, 839. 15

66, 201, 065. 97

66, 275, 708. 49 21, 328, 551. 03

2 Q 87, 604, 259. 52 i Credit item, deduct. ' Exclusive of $23, 082, 187. 30 on account of impounded salary savings and $11, 636, 163. 28, reserve for impounded salary vacancy savings, for the Postal Service, not carried on the

books of the Treasury Department.

Treas ~

HJ 10 . A32

U- S ~ - Treasury D ept Combined St t ement.

930/31 — 1933/'34

Treas. HJ 10 . A32 U. S. Treasury Dept.

AUTHOR Combined S tatement . TITLE