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t'IFCAI, YI:Al& ENDED JUNE 30, 1903.

T I~ F. A S U 14 Y ]) K 1' A H, T i&[ ]'' N T,


iSiir: l have the h&&rr&)1' to Hu]&)i)it ]rerewith;& Ht;&ter»Pr)t of the lever)&&& H (]crive(l by the (Tovel'llnlent

fr'&&rr«rrHt&&r»H, I»ter'r)H] reve»iiP, mi&] H;r]PH of pub]rc I;i»&li, In & u&]i ]»Htr'Ict aIII] St;rte& i&»el fr'&)»I the v;Ir'r&»rH

»r)H«. ]];sue&&uH H&&urceH, &l»i ing the, trH&'rl ye;ii en&le&] June, ')(), ] ', )&), "&, n»«»rntirr «„ irr the;r««r P«;it&, to

!h, &(i(), , 'll)(&, ()74. 4();;I]H&), H, Ht;&ter)rent of tIi(' &liibuI'He)I)cute for tl)P Haii)P l&PI'i&)(], E&v;r])]&I'ol&r iati&&rri, ez(]»Hid & ~

&&f t]ie ]&rirrcipI] of t]ie par]&]i& de1&t, H]r&&xvirr~&' the ai»&ninti OK])en(]&&] 1&y &;u]r ])&1& i)in)& iit f&&i' ''iil rri&H. "

"&&I'&]rrr;rr v eKl&(iii& i„" ''prr)&lie Ivor']ii, " "nriHcel]IrreorrH, " Hue] "uriiiHuiil i»i&i eKtr';I&)r'(]in(i v, ";& i&-&«;i(i&re

+, '& & l(i, i l', l', l, ( I() ( . 04.

5 pi) ipipectkrr]]v, iV. F. SrA&r, ]:XZAy,

II&)lr. Iir"HLIL&' M. SI&AIV,

('Itief of l)i( iHio)L

6'((. ) ( t&l) )g of t tie I') e«, ~ (() )g.

States and distri«ts. Total )&y districts. Total bv Sts. tes &(revs receipt~. Dednctio)&s. . '&c& ) cceipts.

From Customs— Maine:

Aroostook Bangor. Bath . Belfast. Castine. Frenchman Bay. Kennebunk. )hl achias. Paasamaquoddy. Portlaud . Haco . . . Waldoboro. . Wiscasset . . . . . . . . . . . . York.

New Flampshire: Portsmouth.

Vermont: Burlington. . Newport. . . . . . . . . . .

'&27, 744. 02 24, 333. IH I

2, IH2. 40 1, 643. 95


654. 73 I

. 47 604. 49

104, 124. 46 258, ()ii(&, G2

:);). 65&

3 441 53 (() i. I I

2. !). I

I, O*l4, H":3. 00 341 ins. 10

y000, 024. (:)

(, 050. 47

Massachusetts: Barnstable Bostou. . Edgartown. Fall River. Gloucester Marblehead . New Bedford. )Ne wbu ry port I lynlouth Halen&. Hpringfiel&1. .

23, 858,



4, 45),

546. 11 !)Hl. ( (

419. 81 4G&i. &3:3

0(7. 47 HO'2. 24 I!) l. &)4

0H:3. 20 ((&2. , )0 (H9. 75 0&JO. 27

I, 385, '. &, )". 00

Rhode Island; Bristol . Newport. . . . . . I 1'ov16&)nce.

Connccti&lut: F;tirfield I I art for&1 . Ncw Haven. &&Nc&v I, on&lou. H 1 on111gt on

HH, 10 48, H57. 63

330 931 (5

IH;), G:3'2, Hil

230, 012. 33 200, 238. 6'&

1 106 2(; 3) 0'23. 5n

24. 103, 10:l. H, )

"(!), H7(. 48

0:IH, 01:3. :&&i

1&N& w Yolk: Albany. Buffalo C;&pe Vincent. . . Cltamplain. Dunkirk. Genesee. New York. Niagara. . Oswegatchie . tJs we~go

Hag Harbor. Hyracuse.


46, (34,

1, 3&J9,

I HI, 100, , '300, 334,

(0, I,

90n 5&9

9;)& 98 I ( &). 4 H

81'2. 20 (5. &. 4;) i:)i. 3H 0'&H. 1H 345. 9H 51 (. 01 302. 4, &

H iil. 12 184, 42&i, 337. 20 '

New Jersey: Bridgeton. Great Fgg Harbor . Newsrk. I'erth Amboy.

I'ennsylvania: Brie. Philadelphia. I'ittsburg.


in0. 6 I, 791. 1()

IOH 201 5t&

5H, ii31. 0 "I

54& 413. (i 22& ™(61 H')-l )0

(, )I, 018. IH

IH~, Hll. 40

'&3, :)iiH, "'6', 91 11 n10


EecetJ(fs — Conti nnetI.

States and districts.

From Customs — Coutinued. Maryland:


Total by districts. Total by States.

ll5 285, G18. 15

Gross receipts. Deductions. Net receipts.

District of Columbia. I?&6, 701. Oi)

Virginia: Alexandria. Norfolk Petersburg. Richmond. Nevrport News.

West Virginia.

North Carolina: Beaufort Pamlico Wilmington . .

South Carolina: Beaufort. . . . . . . . . Charleston . . Georgetown. . .

Georgia: Atlanta. . Brunswick St. Marys. Savannah.

Alabama: MobBe.

Florida: Apalachicola. . . . Fernandina. . Key West. . . . . . . . . Pensacola. . . . . . . St. Angnstine. Ht. Johns. . . . . . St. Marl-s. Tampa,

Mississippi .

l)earl River.

$1, 832. 2(J

26, 0411. »&

324, 031. 86 122, 391. 17

I& 115, 173. H7

3, )1 25 80

3, 348. 70 '

407. H5 , ')2, 081. 79

11. 40

20, 420. 20 5) 006. :)7

29. 18 101, 473. 00

1, 722. 31 1, H7R. 20

42:3, (JOG. :36 22H, 846. 4H

23, (J, )2. He!

35, OH7. (J2 19(J. !i7

1, 31R, 031. HB

1, 589, 460. 74 H('. 3. 15

:3, !, 3(H. 10

5&2, 501. 04

126 928. 75

45, 722. 85

2, 033, G2, &. (9

5 503. 02

Louisiana: Brashear New Orleaus. .

Texas: Brazos de Sautisgo. . . Corpus Christi. . Galveston. P~so del Norte- Saluria.

Tennessee: Knoxville . Memphis. Nashville.

Kentucky: Louisville .

Ohio: Ciuciunati. . Cuyahoga. Columbus Mialui. Sandusky.

Michigan: Detroit. . . . . . . Grand Rapids. . Port llurou. iMlchlgan. Superior,

'&. l 4 8) 637, . )(0. 03&

4, 00(i. 48 6'!3, 291. ( i

41!), 77R. 01 241, 070. 3(

74 5&52. HB

3, ;&Hl. 7, ) 3. '3, 10L 5»(

1(, 0, ), ) 45

I, 103, 377. 90 1, 07, », H!0) 5o

102, 302, ( (

134, &(;) R&

2 304 2H

1, 265& 098. 43 91, 711. 04

384, 036. 90 4, H90. OG

91, 273. 74

R. 6', 37, »82. 0 (

802, 709. 19

5&3 R28. (8

:34:3, 717. 03 '

2, 41H, (?&O. 44

1, H37, 911, 07


Eccv ('pts — Collti D ued.

States aad districts. Total by districts. Total l&y States. Gross r(. eeipts. Deda( t&oos Wet receipts.

Prom Customs — Continued. Indiana:

Evansville. . Indianapolis. . . . . . . . . . . .

Illinois: Chicago. Peoria,

Iowa: Council BluQ's. Des Moines. Dubuque. . Sioux City.

Missouri: Kansas City St. , Joseph . St. I. ouis.

Colorado: Denver.

842), (21. 44 163» 168. 20

9, 744» '(ji. Hi

1H, 3&13. 05

10, Bsl. 03 34, 765. 00 19, 352. 30 11, 784. 2(&

:&50, 704. 50 !'!I, 5& (6. 86

2, 0. &0, eS;3. (2 '

82&U5), 8) (J. (:&

0, 76;3, 180. 01

76) 58:3. 48

'&, 3'70, 165. 1 (

160, 113. 2S

Oregon: Oregon . . Coos Bay. Willamette .

Washington Montana and Idaho. . . Arizona. .

14 2(JB. ()i 81. 12

eUU, 34 (. 24 820, 725. 03

978, 898. (8 59, 208. 63

123, 308. 51

Minuesota: Duluth. Minneapolis. . St. Paul.

North and South Dakota.

35, &-I'2. 00 428, ('5)(J. 62 442, 226. 97

906;1')s 59 73, 8(6. 31

Nebraska: Omaha. Lincoln.

Wisconsin: Milwaukee. .

86, 6:35. 21 7, 005. ;33

04, 630. 5-1

637, 5(2. 61

California: Humboldt. Los Angeles. San Diego. San Francisco.


Alaska: Sii ka.

1 81 311, 5'&, ). 4l

('&, 630. 90 7, BUo, 967. 20

8, 101, 905. 28

I, 15, », '74. 68

iU, 938. 66

Porto Rico. . 36, 402. 11 8' 1, 170, , &sl. Sl

Less amount refunded for excess of deposits for unascertainetl dutic. , charged as an expentliture under the head of "Repayment to im- porters, excess ot' deposits for unascertained duties ". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Amount refunded for duties collected front importers on arti«les sub- sequently exported, charged as an expenditure under the head of "Debeutures or drawbacl-s ".

Atuount returned to pay debentures and other charges arising frortt &luties, charge(1 as an expenditure under the head of "Debentures and other charges"

Anlount refunded to claimants from sale of unclailne(l merchamlise, charged as an expenditure under the he:ul of ' Unclailned merchan- dise

Amount of tonnage-tax included in customs receipts;lpplitd to the support of Public Health and Marine-Hospital Service, 8 (ib. , 07. (& ', and to "Salaries, ofhce of Surgeon-Ceneral, Public II«;(Ith and Marine-Hospital Service, " $38, 518. 82,

84 2&4-, 535. 81

5;)4=;)0 '. 06

165. o'0

690. ')4

(JU(, 316. 44 '

81U. 5U), 016. (4 8' (3, J(4) )6& 0(


Receipts — Continued.

Gross receipts. Deductions. Net rece)pts

I'rom Customs — Contiuued. From fines, penalties, and forfeitures (customs service). . Less amount charged in the expenditures under the head of "Col-

lecting revenue from customs ". $235, 020. 32 Less repayment of moneys accruing from fines, penaltics, and forfeit-

ures, or other sources, erroneouosly received and covered into the Treasury before the payment of the proper infer)aors' (uoieties, or other legal charges;Igainst the same, charged as qu expenditure under the head of ''refunding moneys erroneously received and covered into the Treasury" 10. 00

$235, 030 32

$235, 030. 32 From labor, drayage, and storage (customs service). . . . . . From services of United States otficers (customs service) From customs officers' fees (customs service). From emolument fees (customs service). . Fred mileage of exanfiners (customs service).

I. ess amount expended on these accounts, ch;Irgcd under " Collecting revenue from customs "

99, 113. 39 392, 736. 30

85) '900 30 58, 331. 40

7, 143. 01

the head of 043, 224 46

643, 224. 40

States and districts. Total by districts. Total by States.

From Internal Ilevenue- New Hampshire. Massachusetts Connecticut.

$591, 025. 13 3, 61'10, 853. 26 1, H6o) 550. 10

New York: First district. . Second district. . . . . . . . . . . . . Third district . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fourteenth district. . . . . . . . . Twenty-first district. . . . . . . Twenty-eighth district. . . .

New Jersey: First district. . . . Fifth district.

Pennsylvauia: First district. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ninth district. Twelfth district. Twenty-third district. . .


Virginia: Second district. . . . Sixth district

West Virginia,

$4& 238, 649. 74 3, 083, 679. 26 8& 388) 551 73 0) 252. H38. 71 2, 003, 832. 17 2, 182, 117. 09

378, 493. 21 5, 019, 584. 80

6& 187, 460. 66 3, 059, 263. 48 1, 180, 715. 66 H, 462, 950. 52

2, 335, 791. 10 1, 097, 90(i. H3

26& 749, 068. 70

5, 998, 078. 01

18, 890, 390. 32 5, 012, 791. 10

'3, 433, 697. 93 1, 114, 230. 78

North Carolina: Fourth (listrict. . . Fifth (listrict.

South Carolina . . Creorgia. Florida, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alabama Louisia, na

Kentucky: Second district Filth district. . . . . . . Sixth district. Seventh district Eighth district . . . .

Tennessee: Second district. Fifth district. . . . .

Arkansas .

Texa. s: Third district. Fourth district. . . . .

2& 0351 423. 03 2, 213, 125. 64

1, 530, 50(. 44 11, 459, 249. 08

'3, 172) 682. 01 2) 071, 132. 3&H

2, 276, 249. 93

409, 380. 71 1) 251, 899. 45

477. 511. 28 190, 158, '. l l

4, 24H, 54H. 07 0)l 6, 810. 33 425, 591. 10 719, 300. 39 34/, 557. 72

2, 890, 798. 20

21, 115, 821. 44

l, 661, 280. 10 109 loo Ho

0(i() 070. ]9


Receipt — Continued.

States and districts. Total by districts. Total by States. ((ross receipts. Deductions. Bet receipts.

Frmn Internal Set&entn, — Continued. Ohio:

First district . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tenth district. . . . , . . . . . . . . . Eleventh district. . . . . . . . . . Eighteenth district . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

816, 497, 763. 21 1, 419, 727. 81 1, 202, 326. 16 1, 859& 542. 49

'. &20, 979, 359. 67

Indiana: Sixth district. Seventh district. . .

Michigan: First district. Fourth district .

9, 405, 3HG. 26 18, 778, $20. 70

3, 375& 060. 21 668& 462. 17

28, 183& 506. 96

4, 043, 522. 38

Illinois: First district. Fifth district. Eighth district . Thirteenth district . . . .

6, 641& 445. 06 32, 413, 033. 13 10, 967, 282. 83

540& 669. 23 50, 562, 430. 25

Wisconsin: ~ First district.

Second district. .

Minnesota .

Iowa: Third district . Fourth district.

Kansas. Nebraska.

6, 552& 985. 85 780, 584. 80

375, 739. 60 459, 748. 30

7, 333, 570. 65 1& 465, 570. 62

835, 487. 90 311, 973. 33

2, 343, 931. 26

Missouri; First district Sixth district. . .

North and South Dakota. Oregon . Washington

California: First district. Fourth district.

Colorado. Montana:. New Mexico. Hawaii .

7, 970, 570. 80 977, 976. 33

2, 688, 237. 47 381, 752. 84

8, 948& 547. 13 127, 450. 42 392, 945. 18 419, 970. 33

3, 069, 990. 31 568, 713. 37 445, 106. 51

(8, 971. 41 40, 090. 52

$230, 810, 124. 17

297. 00 i

o RD

Less repayment of moneys accruing from Ques, penalties, and forfeitures, or other sources, erroneously receive(1 and covered into the Treasury before the payment of the proper inforruers' moieties, or other legal ch arges against the same, &:harged as an expenditure under the bead of " Refunding moneys erroneously received and covered into the Treas- ury" $9(1. 62

Less amount refunded to parties for stamps purchased by them, which are by law no longer required to be used, etc. , charged as an expenditure under the head of "Redemption of stamps". 1, 360, 547. 99

Less amount refunded for taxes collected on distilled spirits in bond, which have been destroyed by fire or other casualty, charged as an expenditure under the head of "Repayiuent of taxes ou distilled spirits destroyed by casualty"

Less amount refunded for internal-revenue taxes collected on articles subsequently exported, charged as an expenditure under the head of "Allowance or drawback" . '3 0(3. 26,

Less amouut refunded for taxes illegally assessed and collected, charged as au expenditure under the head of "Refuuding taxes illegally col- lected" . 133, 205. 40

Less aiuouut refunded as a rebate of tax imposed by the war-revenue act of June 13, 189H, on ruanufactured tobacco, charged as an expend- iture under the head of "Rebate of t, ix on tobacco" (act of March 2, 1901, sec. 4). . . . . , . . . 3, 886, 991. 14

~5 405 086 41 ~

j~25 405 037 (6


Receipts — Continued.

States aud districts. Total by districts. Total by States. Gross receipts. Deductions. Net receipts.

Pro&(t Sales of Public Lands— Michigan:

Marquette. ]t5 073. 97

Wisconsin: Ashland. Eau Claire. . . Wausau.

Minuesota: Crool-ston. Duluth. . Marshall. St. Cloud. .

Iowa: Des Moines.

Missouri: Booneville . Ironton. Springfield.

Arkansas: Camden. Dardanelle. Harrison. Little Rock.

Florida: Gainesville.

Alabama: Huntsville. . Montgomery .

Mississippi: Jackson.

Louisiana: Natchitoches. . New Orleans. .

Kansas: Dodge City Colby. Topel-a, . Wa Keeney. .

Nebraska: Alliance . Broken Bow. . Lincoln. McCook. North Platte. . O' Neill . Sidney Valentine .

Idaho: Blackfoot. Boise. . Cteur d'Alene. Hailey . Lewiston

North Dakota: Bismarck. Devils Lake. Fargo . Grand Forks. Minot.

South Dakota: Aberdeen. Chamberlain. Huron, Mitchell. Pierre. .

$13& 582. 03 4, 139. 40

17& 899 60

80, 683. 81 409, 113. :37

9(4. HO

34, 974. 04

11, 754. 21 5&, 887. 14

16, 114. 19

35) 526. 73 6) 134. 82

64, 206. OH

5, 475. 90

1&84182 9, 102. 79

26, 165. 24 97, 755. 98

2, 642. 57 31 416. 08 2, 230. 25 5, 868. 53

15, 362. 51 20, 664. 35

1, 358. 67 '&, 434. 69 3, 298. 48

27 970 i)9 3, ']56 27

37, 259. ;&8

H7, 449. 38 190, 605. 70 119, 375. H5

12, 808. 96 226, 651. 27

5&6 502. 04 427, 883. 32 41, 193. 63 55, 5&13. 12

4541 724. 17

32, 530, 63 28, 886. 11 3H, 083. 24 ]4, 916. 20 9, 4(7. 4'7

35, 621. 03

525, 146. 02

582. 63

33& 755. 54

111, 343. 53

11, 619. 27

10, 944. 61

12, 021. 91

123, 921. '&n

14, 157. 43

111, 805. 54

636, 891. 16

5& 816 28


Receipts — Continued.

States and districts. Total by d&stmcts. Total by States. Gross receipts. Deductions. Net receipes.

From Sales uf Public Lande — Continued. South Dakota — Continued.

Rapid City. Watertow n .

Colorado: Akron Del Norte. . Denver. Dnrs npo Glenwood Springs, . . . C unnison . Hugo. . Lamar I. eadville. . Sterling . Montrose Pueblo

Utah: Salt Lake City.

Montana: Bozeluan Great Falls Helena. Ikalispell Lewistown Miles City. Missoula.

New l&Iexico: Clayton. ls&s Cruces. . Santa Fe. Roe well

Arizona: Prescott. Tucson

Nevada: Carson City

Washington: North Yakima. . Olympia . . Spokane Falls. . Seattle . Vancouver. Wallawalla . Waterville. . .

Oregon: Burns. Lakeview I. e Grande Oregon City. Roseburg, The Dalles. .

Wyoming: 13uA'alo. Douglas. . Cheyenne Swndance. Evanston. . Lander .

Oklahoma: Guthrie . KingGsher . Lawton. Mangum Olrlahoma City. Alva, . . . . . . , . . . . , . . . El reno Wood ward.

84 ii, 591. '2. &

:32, 504. 23 i

1, 534. OH

11, 90'2. 74 79, 104. 23 56& 990. 05

218, 349. 75 8& 520. 5&0

691. 16 3, 794. 35

21, 828. 10 1, 538. 37

90, 670. 24

84, 213. 72 148, 444. HI3

73, 339. :32 59, 164. 32 Oi), HH, &. 74 19 559 42 93 594. 07

10, 864. 09 16, 892. 39 56, 389. 76 32, 511. 17

19, 498. 13 24, 770. 19

6H, 487. 54 90, 1HB. 97

122, 247. 05 '

409, :39H. 69 196, H72. 34 100, 914. 04


61, 7(0. 04 I

19, 4(I9. 97 '

366, 457. 25 410, 038. 10 146, 833. 74 669, 4&9. 25 245, 714. 96

61, 403. 48 52, 65L 81 45, 170. 93 24, 007. 09 53, 158. 82 20, 181. 93

10 539. 25 42, 008. 52

3l0, 810. 18 55, 261. 1H

0, 49&J. HO

o5 998 Hl

202, (85&. 75 69, 079. 63

82&02, 9H9. 13',

501& 630. '75

HO, 7HO. 61

545& 201. 47

llii, 65(. 41

44) 208. 32

i 4, ')30. 09

1, 049, 885. ')(

1, 85'7, 933. 33

256& 640. 06

&22, 3H3. 12


Eeeetpfs — Continued.

States and districts. Total by districts, Total by States. Gl'oss receipts. Deductions. Net rece)pts.

From Sales of Public LanCs — Continued. California:

Humboldt. Independence. Stockton. Los Angeles. Marysville. Redding, Sacramento . San Francisco Susanville . . Visalia .

Alaska: Juneau. St. Michael.

Commissioner of General Land C)fftce. .

$184) 053. 53 8, 751. 60

12, 000. 29 32, 863. 27 11, 806. 25

274, 745. 93 52, 018. 77 12, 807, 71

213, 474. 03 3, 536. 16

2) 169. 06 117. 50

$806) 057. 54

2) 286 56 61. 42

$8& 926, 311. 22

Less amounts paid to States as a fund from proceeds of yublic lands sold within their limits, charged as an expenditure under the head of "Five, three, and two percent funds to States". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $156, 197. 22

Amount refunded to purchasers of lands erroneously sold to them, charged as an expenditure under the bead of "Repayment for lands erroneously sold ". 161, 544. 66

From registers' and receivers' fees (land ofnces). Less amount charged as an expenditure under the head of "Salaries

and commissious of registers and receivers" 610, 829. Gl Amount charged as an expenditure under the head of "Contingent

expenses of land offtces ". 237, 490. 00 Amount charged as an expenditure under the head of "Expenses of

depositing public moneys". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4, 909. 43

From depredations on public lands. . Less amount expended uuder head of 'Protecting public lands, timber, etc. ". . . . . .

From deposits by individuals for expenses of surveying public lands. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Less amount expended uuder this head. .

From water and ground rents, etc. , Hot Springs Reservation, Ark. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Less amouut deducted from the expenditure under the head of "I'rotectiou and

improvement of Hot Springs, Ark. ". From revenues of Yellowstone National Park.

Less amount deducted from the expenditure under this head. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . From cost of surveying railroad and private land claims

Less atuount deducted from expeuditure uuder this head. . From surveying within land grants.

1, 594, 906. 59

231, 144. 26

305, 701. BH

1 8) 1 20 00

1, 515. 00

10, 914. 14

92. 78

8317, 741. 88

853, 229. 04

192, 322. 90

203, 274. 73

18, 120. 00

1, 515. 00

9, 576. 37

88 608 569 34

741, 677. 55

38& 821. 36

102, 427. 15

1& 337. 77 92. 78

¹scellaneotts- From copyright fees.

Less amou at deducted from expenditures under Library of Congress. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . From copyirg fees, State Department.

Less amouut deducted from "Salaries, Department of State" From consular fees.

Less amouut deducted from salaries and contingeut expenses of the consular service . .

From passport fees. Less amount deducted from ordinary expenses of foreign intercourse.

From costs in extraditiou cases. Less amount deducted from the expenditure under this head


68, 865. 00

49. 39

8(30 656 02

17, 917. 08

1, 220. 73

68, 863. 00

49. 39

860, 656. 02

17, 917. 08

1, 220. 73

Trust funds, Department of State— From Spanish indemnity. From Chiuese indemnity I"rom Russian indemnity, claitn of owners of schooners " Cape Horn

Pidgeon, " "James Hamilton Lewis, " "The C. H. White, " and the " Kate and Anna"

From Frary claim. From Platt claim. From Robert H. May claim. Frotn claim of J. )V. Baker, deceased From claim E. H. McCheeney, deceased. From claim of John Carter, alias Carlton, deceased. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . From clainl of Morris Goldleaf, decease)I From claim of San Domingo Improvement Compauy. . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . From claim of Trooper David Johnston, deceased. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . From claim of (iibson Brothers against Haiti, . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , Frotn Pious Fuud of the Californias.

Less amount deducted from the expeuditure under this head



2, 16,

315. 25 67. 93

143. 94 05H. 28 106. 55 109. 58 27. 6, &

95. 82 750 00

32. 36 0663. 36 416. 01

$28, 500. 00 962, 902. 34

1& 231) 592 07 1, 231) 592. 07


Receipts — Conti nued.

Gross receipts. Deductions. Yet receipts.

f)fiscellansotts — Continued. From reimbursement to the United States from deposits of national

banking associations on account of- Salaries and contingent expenses, office of Treasurer of the United

States. . $160, 316. 41 Salaries, office of Comptroller of the Currency. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20, 968. 59

Less amount deducted from expenditure under heads of salaries and contingent expenses, national currency (reimbursable) . .

From reimbursement on account of "Salaries, oflice of Commissiouer of Internal Revenue"

Less amouut deducted from expenditure under this head. . From reimbursement to the United States by internal revenue stamp contractor. . . . . . . .

Less amount deducted, from expenditure under " Salaries, Officers and Employees, Internal Revenue" .

$181, 28o. 00

1& 260:30

3& . 72

, ", ilHI, 285. 00

1, 260. 30

3& 372.

From From From From From From From From

profits on coinage. profits on coinage of standard silver dollars. . profits on coinage of subsidiary silver profits on coinage of subsidiary silver (act of charges for coinage for foreigu countries. . . . , . . deductions on bullion deposits assays and chemical examination of ores . . . . . sales of medals and proof coins. .

. $1& 800, 000. 00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . 5, 491, 458. 48

489, 910. 96 March 14, 1900). . . 376, 934. 37

1 1& 81 1 80 73, 773. 01

3, 443. 00 7, 40H. 26

8, 254, 739. 88 Less amount deducted from expenditures for salaries and expenses of mints and

assay offices. . From immigrant fund .

Less amount expeuded under the heads of "Expenses of regulating immigration, " S(i5 &, 12H. 12&, and "Salaries, Bureau of Immigration, " 814, 67090.

From part payment of indebtedness of Central Pacific Railroad Company to United States:

Principal. . b3, 859, 380. 71 Interest . 206, 968. 85

From interest repaid to the Government by Pacific railroad com- panies, viz:

Central Pacific Railroad. . $987& 820. 76 Central Branch Union Pacific Railroad. 8, &56. 22 Sioux City and Pacific Railroad. 620. 81

Froiu interest on debts due the United States by individuals. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1, o67. 21

$4, 5:30, 51H. 13 i,

-10 », ;58. 47 127, 52L 06

4, H38. 62 22. 1 39. 99

28, 335. 88 893 . 00 I

50& 387. 05, 17, 87 &. 96

Less amount deducted froiu thc expenditures of the District of Columbia.

Less this aiuount deducted from expenditure on account of "Interest on the public debt" .

From rebate of interest on prepayruent of loans. From tax on circulation of national banks. .

Less aiuount of excess of duty, charged as an expenditure under the head of "Refunding to national banking associations excess of duty" .

From trust-fund iuterest for support of free schools in South Car&rlina (act March 3, 1873) .

I ess amount expeuded under said act. . From Smithsonian fund. Froiu revenues of the District of Columbia, as follows:

General fund. Water fund. Washiugton redemption fuud. . Industrial Home school fund. Bathing beach fund. Guarantee fund, amouuts retained from contractors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Permit fuud. Surplus fund . Sanitary fund Police relief fund. . Firemeu's relief fund.

1, 356, 158. 33

4, 066, 349. 56

998& 765. 00

40, 097. 52 1, 647, 429. 28

2, 018. 90

25, 000. 00

5, 16H, 03H. 56

1, 450, 884. 20

670, 099. 32

998, 765. 00

106. 25

2& 018. 00

5, 168, 038. 56

$6, 803, 855. 68

6H6, 0o9. 01

4, 066, 349. 56

40, 097. 52

1, 647, 323. 03

. 90 25, 000. 00

From proceeds of sales of Government property. . 1&ess aiuount deducted from ordinary and other expenses of-

Scnatc . House of Representatives. Fxecutive Oflice. . . I, ibrary of Congress 1'ublic Printer. Stiite Department — civil. Ht;itc Department — foreigu intercourse. Treasury Department. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . %Var Departineut — civil Quarterniaster&s Department. Sigual Service. Medical Department. . . ,

Hi, 041. 32 907. 63 10. 50

5, 858. 2&

74, 852. 03 5-i. 00

598. & 8 70, 52o. 15 ", 202. 06

162, 107. 42 4o5. &'

H, 348. 90

434& 296. 21


Receipts — Coutiuued.

Gross receipts. Deductions. »(et receipts.

er expenses of — Co&rt&nned.

miscellaneous — Continued. Less amount deducted from ordinary and oth

Ordnance Department. Engiueer Department. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . kIilitary Establishmeut — miscellaneous. . . Public Buildings aud Grounds. Viavy Department — civil. Marine Corps. Bureau of Yards and Docks. . Bureau of Stearu Engineering Bureau of Supplies and Accounts. Bureau of Equipmcnt. B&ureau of Orduauce. . Naval Establishiueut — miscellaueous. Interior Department — civil. . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . Interior Department — miscel laneous Geologicsl Survey. Public Lands Service. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pensions Service . Iudiau Service. Census Oilice. . Department of Labor Department of Agriculture. . Department of Justice. . .

653 7 H, 386. 42

887. 15 2 489. 96

407. 99 3, 803. 5&9

5, 437. 79 11, 441. 57

2, '704. 74 20, 485. 57

17. 00 500. 00

11, 664. Bl 155. 20

12, 218. 30 H77. 67

54. 24 1H, 016. 10

1, 702. 53 47. 98

2, 207. 64 1, 174. 45

$)34, 296. 21

254, 000. 00

66, 289. 23

59, 526. 14

1 ) 152) 012 50

152& 58 )0

257, 640. OH

24, 067. 59

From Soldiers' Horne permanent fund. . Less aunount expended under this head.

From sales of ordnance material (War) . . Less amount expended under this head.

From sales of ordnance material (Navy). Less amount deducted from the expenditure under this head

I'rom clothing and small stores fund (Navy) Less amount deducted from expenditure under this head

From pay of the Navy, deposit fund. Less amount expended under this head. . .

From naval-hospital fund. Less amount deducted from the expenditure from this head.

From pay miscellaneous, Navy (gain by exchange). . Less amount deducted from the expenditure under this head. . .

Fron& fees on letters pateut. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . „, Less amount charged. as an expenditure under salaries and ordinary expenses,

Patent Once From copying fees, General Land Odice.

Less amount deducted froin "Salaries, General Laud Oilice». From copying fees, Indian Ofdce. .

Less amount deducted from "Salaries, Indian Oflice ". From proceeds of sales of Indian lands.

Less amount charged as an expenditure under head of "Trust fuuds, proceeds of lands" etc.

Froru interest ou deferred payments& Iudian lands . . Less amount deducted from expenditures under head of "Trust funds, interest

on deferred payments ". From Crow herd fund.

Less amount deducted from expenditure under this head From Indian moneys, proceeds of labor

Less amount cxpemled under this head. From proceeds of logs, Meuomonee Reservation.

Less amonnt expended under head of i&lenomonee log fund. . From fees aud costs, judicial. f99, 8(((i. 96 From e&uolument fees of judicial of(icers. . 170, 15:3. 50 From tines, penalties, and forfeitures, judicial. 98, 737. 00

Less amount deducted from the expenses of United States courts. . I rom license fees collected outside of incorporated towns, Territory of Alaska. . . . . . . . . . .

Less amount expended for "Schools outside of incorporated towns, Alaska" From license fees collected in incorporated towns, Territory of Alaska. . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . , From funds other than license fees available for court expenses, Territory ot' Alaska. ,

From funds not available for court expenses, Territory of Alaska. . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . , . . „. . . , From tax on seal skins. From rent of islands of Alaska for propagating foxes. From premium on exchauge. From gain by exchauge. From rent of Government buildings, lots, etc From inspectiou of foreign steam vessels. . . . . . . . . . . . . . From iuoneys rece(ved from persons unknown. . From donations to the United States. From fees for standardizing weights and measures. . . From forfeitures by contractors. From uuexplained balances in disbursing accounts. From iVavy-pension fund. From prize money to captors, Spanish war.

8 ) 43, 139. 39

113, 662. 02

59 526. 14


446, 781. 00

25&7& 640. OH

24, 067. 59

1 593 270. 61

30, 118. 48

20'7. 28

494, 777. 58

3) GH1. 92

10, 137. 86

1) G40, 066. 43

244) 605. 04

368, 757. 46

46, 413. 98

26, 985. 00 7, 814. 89 ?& 311. 35

28(i, 133. 40 ]00. 00

1? 495 10 1, 264. 50

57. 580. 4'7

4, 641. 16 11, 54, 28

194. 00 ;394, 49

1, 962, 09 3. 46

420, 000. 00 3H 5, &1. 04

1) 012& 929 37

30) 118. 4H

207. 2H

494 777 5H

3& 681. 92

3, OG4. 03

1, 239) 580. 24

5&2, 000. 00

368& '757, 46

30, 207. 80

$489) 139. 39

47, 372. 79

294, 198. 30

580, 341. 24

7, 073. 83

400, 486. 19

192, 60o. 04

16, 206. 18 26, 985. 00

7, 814. 89 2& 311. 35

286, 133. 40 100. 00

12, 495. 10 1) 264. 50

57, 580. 47 4, 641. 16

11) 547. 28 194. 00 394. 49

1, 962. 09 3. 46

420, 000. 00 38, 551. 04


Receipts — Continued.

Gross receipts. Deductions. %et receipts.

DIt'scellaneot(s — Continued. From purchase of discharges from Navy and Itfarine Corps. From work done for private parties. From unexpended receipts of United States telegraph lines. From work done by Bureau of Engraving and Printing. . From vvork done by Navy Department. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . From work done by Coast and Geodetic Survey. From work done by War Department. From work done by Court of Claims. . From unclaimed money remaining in registry of courts for ten years or longer. . . . . . . . . From deposits by inhabitants of Indian Territory for exhibit at Louisiana Purchase

Exposition, St. Louis, Mo. From unclaiined wages of seamen remaining in registry of courts more than six years. . From costs collected in customs suits. From subscriptions to copyright catalogues. From penalty for importing laborers under contract. From penalty under anchorage act. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . From penalty for violation of immigrant act. . From penalty under Chinese exclusion act. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . From penalty for violation of national bank laws From bribes offered to United States o%cers. . From attorney's fees From reimbursement for Government property lost. . From assessment upon owners for deaths on shipboard. . From deduction on gold coin found below least current weight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . From United States share of interest collected by District of Columbia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . From United States share of rent and sale of property, District of Columbia. . . . . . . . . . . . . F'rom United States share of advertising arrears of taxes, District of Columbia. . . . . . . . . . From United States share of fees for inspecting gas and meters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . From United States share of permit fees, District of Columbia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . From fees, justices of the peace, courts, District of Columbia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . From proceeds of counterfeit silver coin forfeited to United States. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . From exhaust steam, Hooe building, Washington, D. C From sale of old custom-house property, New York, N. Y. From sale of United States I(lint, i'hiladelphia, Pa . From sale of old custom-house, Kansas City, Mo. From sale of land in District of Columbia, J. Res. Februarv 10, 1839. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . From sale of land to city of Charleston, S. C. From sale of Industrial Christian Home, Salt Lal-e, Utah. . I'rom sale of public timber. From sale of land in Brown County, Texas From sale of buildings on abandoned military reservations;. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . From sale of United States steamer Viking. From sale of United States transport Sedgu irk. From sale of United States transport Rosecrans. From sale of United States transport Egbert, . From sale of United State» tug Reynolds. Frotn sale of Uuite&1 States steamer General Ayers. From sale of wreck, tug Leyden. Frotu»ale of property, Fort Scott, Kaus . . . . From captured insurgent funds, Philippiue Islands. . From moneys received for Indian goods and supplies lost. From moneys received for removal of stone duntped in river by railroad. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . From moneys alleged to be due the United States by one A. 5I. Graves. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . From moneys found in captured gun-boat Callao. From moneys received in court uncalled for (whereabouts of owner unknown) . . . . . . . , . From amount recovered from C. C. Lancaster as fee for prosecuting claim of John

F. Dewees, administrator of estate of E. G. Ford. From refund of transportation charges on damaged ordnance stores, Army. . . . . . . . . . . . . . From overpaymeuts refunded for overtime,


From principal and interest on bonds of Louisiana held by United States. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

87, 558. 06 21. 59

10, (91. 31 95 058. 88

280. 4( 121. 29 839. (1

7. 30 10, 352. 35

25, 000. 00 2 s(»' 41 2, 4H'2. 02

:300. 3&

300. 00 10. 00, . . . . .

11, 008. 18 470. 00 100. 00 29. (2 54. 62 4. 50

780. 00 2, 750. 29 4, 035. 10 6, 959. 45 3, 45(. 55 1, 245. 65 3, 553. 50 9, 833. 05

889. 53 98. 50 ~. . . . ,

2& 000. 00 224, 00o. 70 ~. . . . . 10, OOU. 00

2. 00 B. 39

2, 520. 00 48, 432. 02 1, 052. 11

50. 00 14, 377. 00 M, OUO. 00 50, 000. 00 i. . . oo, 000. 00

2, 000. 00 5, 990. 00

15)0 10 1, 0UO. OU

8, 886. 31 786. 3'&

61. 03, 30. 00 ), . . .

'-. ii. 65 2. 00

1, 004. 00 1, (i4

26. 10 2, (82. UH

»r. 55». 00 21. 59

10, (91. 31 95. ii &»'. &'8

28i). 4 r

12L 29 », '39. (1

7. :30 10, 3o2. 3o

25, 000. 00 2, -(8. 41 '& -i '62

306. »:3 300. 00 10. 00

1 1& 008 18 470. 00 100. 00 29. (2 54. 62

4. 50 780. 00

2, (50. 29 4, 035. 16 6, 909. 45 3& 45(. 55 1, 245. 05 3& 553. 50 9, 833. 05

889. 53 98. oo

2, 000. 00 224, 065. (0 10, 000. 00

2. 00 8. 39

2, 520. 00 4H, 432. 62 1, 052. 11

50. 00 14, 3( (. 00 52 000 00 50, 000. 00 50 000. 00

2& 000. 00 5) 990. 00

150. 10 1) 600. 00 8, 886. 31

r86. 32 61. 03 30. 00

28i). 05 2. 00

1, 004. OO

1. 04 26. 16

2 78o 08

Total 560, 396, ii r 4. 40 834, 676, 000. 10 52o, r20& 06» 30


Customs. Fees, etc. , of oflicers of the customs,

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8284 4 r 9 581. 81 tal-en from miscellaneous receipts. . . Br B. 254. 7H

Internal revenue . Public lands. Fees, etc. , of otiicers of public-land

ceipts .

8, 920, 311. ')2 otlices tal-en from miscellaneous re-

2, 162, 394. 65

30, 180, 05(. 20 '

3, 040, 049. 43 Miscellaneotts. . Less amouuts added to customs and public lands, as above. .

o. 307 230, 810,

836. o9 124. 17

11& 088, 705. 87

:33, 140, 00(. r,

811&:383& 271. ;&2, 5, 405, 080. 41

1, 595, 7r9. 92

10, "(91, 8()». 25)

05 037 70

9, 492, !3 'n. 95

10 84» 1;39. 52

Total 560, 390, 674. 40 34, 6 r 6, 006. 10 52, 720. 608. 30

DISBURSEMENTS. Salaries. Ordinary ex-

penses. Public works. Miscellaneous. Vnusual and ex- traordinary, Total.


United States Senate— Salaries and mileage of Senators. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Salaries of otlicers and employees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Payment for extra services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . One month's extra pay to oflicers and employees. . Reimbursement to offtcial reporters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Reporting debates and proceedings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Compiling Congressional Directory. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Contingent expenses:

Stationery and newspapers. Horses and wagons. Fuel for heating apparatus. Purchase of furniture. Repairs of furuiture. Cleaning furniture. Folding documents. Storage of documents. Materials for folding. . Packing boxes. Expenses of special and select committees . . . . . , . . . Postage. . Miscellaueous items. Miscellaneous items, Maltby building. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Salaries of Capitol police. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Contingent fund, Capitol police. . Repairs of Maltby building. Indexing executive journals. . Index of private claims. . Expenses Senate Committee, dedication of Louis-

iana Purchase Expositiou. . Compilation of treaties, laws& etc. , relating to

Indian affairs. Payment to widow of Hon. James McMillan. . Payment to A. H. Hotve.

$48:3, 49'3. 80 510, 018. 81

4, 2)H. 76 110 149 04

7) 080. 00 25, 000. 00 1, 200. 00

36) 971. 27 '

814, 679. 78 5, 000. 00

23, 990. 98 4& 931. 82 17 779. 24 1) 781. 29 1, 460. 60 2, 65G. 41

644. 37 915 18

171 342. 39 100. 00

114, 639. 29 16, 840. 00

150. 00 1, 790. 47

$4, 800. 00 3, 200. 00

1& 5)5. 75

5, 000. 00 5, 000. 00 1, 000. 00

Total apparent expenses, Senate . . . . . . . . . . . . . Deduct amount received and covered into the

Treasury as proceeds of Government property . .

Total actual expenses, Senate. . . .

1, 179, 091. GH i

208, 710. 82

1, 041. 32

1, 170, 001. GH 207, 669. 50

20, 575. 75 . . 9 81, 408, 378. 25

1, 041 32

1, 407, 336. 93

Bouse of Represe&ttatfnes- Salaries aud luileage of M:e&ubers and Delegates. . . Salaries of otllcers aud employees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ', Clerk hire, Members aud Delegates. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


. One month's extra pay to otlicers and ctuployees . , Payment for extra services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Reimbursement to oQicial reporters and stenog-

raphers Contiugeut expenses:

Stationery. . Fuel for heating apparatus. Furuiture aud repairs. . Matcrh&ls for folding. Packing boxes. . Postage O'Iiscellaneous iten&s .

Salaries of C;&pitol police . . . . Capitni police, contingent fuud. Compiling testimouy in contested election cases. Expenses ol House Committee, fuueral of )Vil-

lian& McKinlcy. Expenses House Committee, dedication of Louis- l

iana, Purchase Exposition. . Copying State papers relating to the Louisiana


8 RD

1, 083, 644. 81 474, 124. 57 :386, 849 0

98 340 ril 2, 250. 00

12, 480. 00

35, 734. 04

55, 298. 84 16, 049. 29

9) 776. 83 10, 728. 43

1, 957. 87 650. 00

61' 026' 04

120. 15


3, 624. 86

184. 99 i

3, 000. 00

1& 000. 00


Disbttrseltents — Continued.

Salaries. Ordinary ex- penses. Public works. Miscellaneous. Unusual and ex-

traordinary. Total.

House nf ReI&resentatives — Continued. Congressional directory of Members, Continental

to Fifty-seventh Congress . . Payment to father of Charles C. Nichols, deceased. . . Payment to widow of Hou. —

M. Brosius. R. E. Burke. . R. O. Crump. . A. J. Cummings . R. C. De Graffenreid. J. M. Moody. P. J. Otey R. R. Polk. J. N. W, Rumple. C. A. Russell. J. S. Salmon. . J. L. Sheppard. J. W. Stokes.

$5) 000. OO

4'73. 75 '

3, 928. 08 5, 000. 00


4 558. 22 '

4) 166. 00 5, 000. 00 5, 000. 00 4 15O. 69 4, 972. t&o

5, 000. OO, 5, 000. 00 4, 123. 29 5, 000. 00 51 000. 00

Deduct repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures.

$155& 608. 35

Totnl apparent expenses, House of Repre- sentatives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2, 993, 423. 88

Deduct amount received and covered into the Treasury as proceeds of Government property. . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

155 607. Hl

907. 63

74& 182. 48 ~. . . $3, 223, 214. 17

907. 63

Total actual expenses, House of Represent- s, tives . 2) 993, 423. 88

Legislati ve 3Iiscettaneous- Payment for contesting seats in Congress. . Manuscript index of discussions of Congress. . Statement of Appropriations. . Comprehensive index of Government publications. . Repairs of paintings in the Capitol. Expenses, Industrial Commission.

Total expenses, Legislative Miscellaneous. . . , . .

154, 700. 1H

B. 86

B. 86

74, 182. 48

43, 223. 05 1, 000. 00 4, 000. 00 1, 000. 00 1, 500. 00

50, 723. 05

3, 223, 306. 54

50, 731. 91

Public Printer— Salaries. Contingent expenses. . Public printing and binding. . Printing Annual Report (1901) of Secretary of

Al&riculture Printing Annual Report (1902) of Secretary of

Agriculture. . Printing memorial volume of centennial celebra-

tion of establishln. ent of tile seat of Govern- ment in the District of Columbia.

Building for Government Printing Offic. .

15, 284. 70 2, 44H. 47

5) 053, 433. 90

209, 214. 27 '

92, 279. 28

2) 188. 85 $542) 560, 64

Total apparent expenses, Public Printer. . 15, 284. 70 5, 359, 564. 77 542, 560. 64 5&917&41011

Deduct amount received and covered into the Treasury as proceeds of Government property. . .

Total actual expeuses. Public Printer. . . 15, 284. 70

74, 852. 03

5, 284, 712. l4 542, 560. 64

74& 852. 03

5, 842, 558, 08

Library of Congress— Salaries. . Care and maintenance Contingent expenses. . Fuel, lights, etc. Furniture. . Special and miscellaneous service. . Increase of lihrary. ,

Building for Library of Congress . . . . .

365 159 94

Deduct amount received and covered into the Treasury as copyright fees $68, 865. 00

Deduct amount received and covered into the Treasury as proceeds of Government property. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5, H58. 27

68, 865. 00

Total apparent expenses, Library of Congress. . 305, 159. 94

74& 954. 64 7, 298. 85

40& 000. 00 64, 980. 50

1& 494. 53 91, 799. 26

280, 527. 78

5& 858. 27

4, 980. 67

4& 980. 67 59O, 668. 39

74, 723. 27

Total actual expenses, Library of Congress. . . 236) 294. 94 274) 669. 51 41 980. 67 515, 945. 12


Di((bttr8ements — Continued.

Salaries. Ordinary ex- Public works. ) I i seel I ancona Unusual and ex- traord&oars Total.

Botanic Garden—

Salaries. Improving Botanic Garden. Improving buihling, Botanic Garden.

Total expeuses, Botanic C. arden. .

51:3, 893. 4 8 83, 998. 15

1:3, &. !3:3. 48 3, 998. 15

85, 490. 39

5, 490. 39 8)'3 3i) 02

Court of Claims— Salaries of judges, etc Auditors Reporting decisions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . Contingent expenses. Payment of, judgments. . Judgmeuts for refund of duties paid iu Porto


Total expenses, Court of Claims. . . .

48, 964. 56 5, 052. 50

1, 000. 00 3& 854. 00

54& 017. 06 4, 8, )4. 00

". 480, 539. 37

437, 5o3. 89

91H, 093. 26 976, 9(34. :32

Total apparent expenses, Legislative. . . . Total actual expenses, l. egislative. . . . . . .

4, , )60, s U. 74 6, 01:3, 2 &2. 19 4'

, 492, ' 005. -, -i 5, '9;3O'

, 632. 94 553, 03L 70 553. 031. 70

1, 063& 574 . )4 1& 06;3, &) & 4. 54

12, 190) 749. 17 32, 039, 2)24. 92


F»co(ice Office— Salary of the President. Salaries, Executive OQice. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Contiugeut expenses, Executive Oiy(ce. . I'ay)uent to widow of Willin)u 5lcKinley. Expeuses iu counection with last illuess and

death of william iblcKinlcy. Anthracite Coal Strike Com&nission . Canal conuectino the Atlautic and PaciQc Oceans. . '.

50, 000. 00 52, 765. 94

21, 207. " &

39, 809. 78

42, 517. 88 41, 422. 42

9, 985. 00

Ci cil Serrtce Commission— Salaries, Civil Service Commissiou. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Traveling expenses, Civil Service Commission. . . .

92) &69. 65 '

7, 159. 29

Total apparent expenses, Executive O(lice. . . . . Deduct amount received and covered iuto the

Treasury as proceeds of Go'vernment property. .

195, 535. 59, 2H, 366. 56

10. 50

133) 735. 08 357, 6:37. 23

10. 50

Total actual expenses, Executive Otlice. . . 19-, 535. 59 ~

S, 356. Oo 133, 735. 08 3&. ) &. 626. 73


Salaries, etc. — Salaries, Department of State. . . . . . . . . . . . . Contingent expenses . . Stationery, furniture, etc. Books and maps. . Lithographing Purchase of horses and vehicles. Reimbursement to the law clerk Dedication of statue of Rochambeau . . .

158, 004. 53 » 482. 68 4, 939. 16 1, 925. 04 1, 200. 00 1, 200. 00

1, 500. 00 3, 435. 70

Deduct repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures

Total appareut expenses, State Department proper

Deduct the amount received and cov- ered into the Treasury as a revenue for copying fees. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $49. 39

Deduct arne()nt received and covered into the Treasury as proceeds of

overumeut property. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54. 00,

Total actual expenses, State Department proper

1, », 004. 53 '

16, 746. HB

1, 500. 00,

15, 246. 88

4, 935. 70 88. 83

4, S46. 87 I &8 098. 2H

49. 39, ' 54. 00

157, 955, 14 15, 192. HH 4, 846. 87

103. 39

177, 994, 89


Di6blrSemenfd — CoiitiiiuetI.

Salaries. Ordinary ex- penses.

Public worl. s. Miscellaneous. Unusual and e»- traordinary.

Foreign Intercourse— Salaries of ambassadors and ministers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Salaries, charges d' afFaires &id interim. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Salaries, secretaries of embassies and legations. . . . Salaries, interpreters to legations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Salaries, diplomatic officers while receiving in-

structions and in trausit ($17& 094. 68 indefinite) Salaries, consular service. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Allowance for clerks at consulatcs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Salaries, consular clerks. Salaries, consular officers while receiving in-

structions and in transit ($16, 303. 45 indefinite) Salaries, . marshals for consular courts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Salaries, interpreters to consulates Contingent expenses, foreign missions . Contingent expenses, United States consulates. . . . . . . Expenses of iuterpreters and guards in Turkish

Dominions, etc Steam launch for legation at Constantinople. . . . . . . . . . Repairs to legation and consular premises. . . . . . . . . . . . Repairs to legation premises at Bangkok, Siam. . . . . Buildings and grounds for legation in Pekin,

China. Heating and repairs, legation building, Tokyo. . . . . , Building and grounds for legation in China . . . . . . . . . . Rent of buildings for legation in China. Rent of grounds, legation at Tokyo, Japan. . . . . . . . Transporting remains of diplomatic officers, con-

suls, and consular clerks Emergencies arising iu the diplomatic and con-

sular service. . Bringing home criminal. Expenses of prisons for American convicts. . . . . . . . . . . . Expenses under the neutrality act . . Foreign hospitals at Panama. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fees and costs in extradition cases. . Relief and protection of American seamen. . . . . . . . . . . Rescuing shipwrecked American seamen. Refunding penalties or charges erroneously ex-

acted. Pay of consular officers for services to American

vessels and seamen ($17, 679. 98 indefinite). . . . . . . . . Allowance to widows or heirs of diplomatic otli-

cers who die abroad. Publication of diplomatic, consular, and coru-

mercial reports. Inspection and repair of monuments, boundary

between United States and Mexico. Water boundary, United States and Mexico. Boundary line, United States and Canada International Bureau for the Publication of Cus-

toms Tariffs. International Bureau at Brussels for repression of

African slave-trade . . International Bureau of Weights and Measures. . . .

International P&ureau oi' Permanent Court of Arbitration

International Union of American Republics. . International (&onference of the Red Cross at St.

Petersburg. Canadian Commission. Payment of judgments& Court of Alabama Claims. . . Payment of awards, Spanish and Ainericau

Claims Commission . International Geodetic Association for Measure-

ment of the Earth. . International Exposition at Paris. International Prison Commission. Determining the most practicable route for canal

across Isthmus of Panama. . Expeuses of arbitration of the Pious Fund of the

Californias . National Defense Indemnity to subjects of Italy. Relationship between gold-standard and silver-

using countries. Payinent of claims, seizure of British schooners

"E. R. Nickerson" and "Wary».

$235, 681. 27 30, 489, 4'/

39, 113. 34 '/& 344. 92

17, 157. 33 599, 355. 92

$130& 590. 2'1

16, '/48. 27

16, 314. 84 8, 166. 79

17& 428. 15 $123, 190. 13

308& 313. 52

8, 347. 86 7. 04

619. "13

630. 00

12, 120. 47 4, 021. 34 1, 175. 00 2, 612. 13

199. 20

3, 284. 60

78, 180. 80 1, 436. 21 4, 848. 03, /, 049. 85 '

500. 00 1, 222. 98

18& 662. 48 3, 098. 09

60. 00

1"1, 812. 47

2, 336. 65

$39& 857. 59

4, 999. 88 1 /, 400. 00 30, 500. 00

1, 318. 76

94. 9/ 4, 576. 93

1, 726. 52 36, 406. 85

3& 000. 00 43& 166. 87

6. 12

1& 446. 33 11, 571. 00

2, 019. 09

23& 894. 80

32, 859. 66 14, 455. 58

5, 000. 00

20& 000, 00

6& 605. 00


Dieb ltreemeu fe — Continued .

Salaries. Ordinary ex- penses, Public works. aliscellaneous. unusual and ex-

traordinary. Total.

Foreig Intercourse — Continued. Payment to-

Ellen B. Bucl-, widow of Alfred E. Buck, late minister to Japan

O. N. Denny. . John C. White, late charge d'affairesad interim,

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Relief of I I. L. Cobb, administrator of AV. lV.

Cobb, late consul at Colon. Trust funds—

Spanish indemnity. Chinese indemnity, claims of citizens of the

United States grosving out of the Boxer uprising in North China in 1 000.

Russian indemnity, claim of owners of the schoouers " Cape Horn Pigeon, " " James Hamilton Lewis, " "The C. H. White, " aud the " Kate and Anna

The Platt claim The Frary claim. Robert H. illay claim. Estate of Oscar Oleson Estate of E. N. Frey, deceased Fstate of the late W. Torres. Claim of-

John D. Itf etzgcr 6- Co . J. lV. Baker, deceased ill. Goldleaf. Gibson Brothers against Haiti. . John Carter, alias Carlton, deceased. Trooper David Johnston, deceased. The San Domingo I mprovem cut Company of

New York. Zibi ah Nachti gal 1, American& heirs' claim. Awards of South African Claims Commission Awards of United States and Chilean Claims


Deduct repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures

Deduct from " Fees and costs in extradition cases, " the amount received aud covered into the Treasury under this head, 81, 220. 73, leaving au excess of expenditures of $2. 25. .

Deduct the items of salaries for the cousular service, $599, 355. 92, and from contiugent expenses of the cousular service, $261, 300. 1 0, there having been received and covered iuto the Treasury as a reveuue from fees of United States consuls for certifying in- voices, etc. , the sum of

Deduct from the ordinary ex- penses of for eigu intercourse the amount received and covered into the Treasury froru passport fees

Deduct from the expenditures un- der miscellaueous trust funds, Department of State, the amounts received on this ac- count

Deduct amount received and cov- ered into the Treasury as pro- ceeds of Government property.

$1) 220. 73

860, 656. 02

1 7, 017. 08

1, 231, 592. 07

59H. 78

Total apparent expenses, Foreign Intercourse. . $1, I I 8, 390. 57

$590, 728. 58

217. 17

599, 51 1. 41

86, 000. 00 94. 00

2, 030. 63

1, on5. 49


920, 034. 69

153, 002. 53 143. 94 67. 93

37, 058. 2H 33. 45 i 2. 98

120. 67

8, 150. 00 1 06. 55 95. 82

2, 066. 36 27. 65 32. 36

1 H, 750. 00 255. 57 670. 7 0

3, 800. 00

1, 494, 618. 42

(, 99H. 39

1, 486, 620. 03 83, 204, 522. 01

Total actual expenses, Foreign Intercourse.

599, 355. 92 281, 036. 69

519, 034. 65, '318, 47 k ro

1, 23L 592. 07

255, (io 7 . 06

2, 111. 984. 6H


Total appareut expenses, State L'epartment. . . 1, 276, 305. 10'6]4, 75~. 29 Total actual expeuses, State Department. . . . . . 676, 989. 70 ' 333, 667. 60

1, 491, 466, 90 250 si4. 83

3, Ou", 620. 20 1

~ i(l, 53


Disbttrse«ltents — Continued.

Salaries. Ordinary ex- penses

Public works. Miscellaneous. Unusual and ex- traordinary.



Salaries, etc. — Office of Secretary of the Treasury. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Otllce of Supervising Architect. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oilice of Coinptroller of the Treasury. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oillce of Auditor for Treasury Department. . . . . . . . . Oflice of Auditor for War Department. . . . . . . . . . . . . . , Office of Auditor for War Department, repairing

rolls. . Office of Auditor for Interior Department. . . . . . . . . . Office of Auditor for Navy Departmeut. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Of6ce of Auditor for Stateand other Departments. . Office of Auditor for Post-Ofhce Department. . . . . . Office of Treasurer United States. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Office of Treasurer Uuited States (national cur-

rency, reimbursable) . . Otlice of' Register Of5ce of Comptroller of the Currency. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Office of Comptroller of the Currency inational

currency, reimbursable). . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Examination of national banks and bank plates. . . . OIIlce of Life-Saving Service. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oflice of Light-House Board. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OIIice of Commissioner of Internal Revenue. . . . . . . . Oflice of Commissioner of Internal Revenue (re-

imbursable) . OIIice of Surgeon-General Public Health and

Marine-Hospital Service. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OIIlce of Supervising Inspector-General Steam-

boat Inspection Service. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OIIice of National Bureau of Standards . . . . . . . . . . . . . , Bureau of Navigation. Bureau of Statistics. Bureau of Immigration, Secret-Service Division. Collecting statistics relating to commerce. . . . . . . . . . . Contingent expenses, national currency (reim-

bursable), Treasurer's office. . General expenses, National Bureau of Standards. . . . Laboratory, National Bureau of Standards. . . Equipment, National Bureau of Standards. . . . . . . . . . . Postage. Digest of Decisions of Comptroller of the Treasury

$590, 319. Hl

5, 220. 00 57, 919. 03

149& 804. 21 407& 240. H5

20, 972. 9 ( 163, 017. 62

94& 1HB. 35 93& 551. 09

650, 048. 74 381, 274. 46

83, 221. 90 73, 627. 61

112, 182. 77

10, 603. 35

42, 045. 1H

40, 190. 71 264, 040. 24

3, 805. 22

38, 518. 82

11, '/34. 38 34) 100. 00 26, 450. 60 59, 664. 41 14, 670. 90 14, 015. 50

4, 000. 00

~«501. 32

73, 344. 35 5, 381. 37

34, 007. 91 2, 407. 41

$90, 150. 20

82, 000. 00

Contingent ExJ&enses- Stationery' Newspapers and books. Freight, telegrams, etc. . Rent. . . . . . . . . , ,

Horses, wagons, etc Ice . File holders and cases. Fuel, etc. Gas, etc. Carpets and repairs. Furniture, etc. . Miscellaneous items. Investigation of accounts and traveling expenses. . . . Irlaterials for binding. . Numbering, adding, and other machines. Fire-alarm system. Shelving and transferring records, etc.

Deduct repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures. .

45, 509. 77 1, 450. 00

11, 126. 89 19& 173. 44

3, 835. 80 2, 500. 00 7, 000. 00

13, o00. 00 19, 000. 00

6, 350. 00 I 4, 45)8. 30 14, 305. 1(

450. 94 59H. 67

3, 170. 00 2, 625. 00

10, 002. 52

294, 884. 80

. 84

Total apparent expenses, Treasury proper. . . 3, 459& 760. 72 29«) H84. 02 90, 150. 20 2& 000. 00 $3, 846) 800. 94

Deduct from the expenditures on ac- count of salaries in the oflices of Treasurer of the United States and Comptroller of the Currency (na- tional currency, reimbursable), and contingent expenses, oflice of Treas- urer of the United States (nation- al currency, reimbursable), the amount reimbursed the United States from deposits of national banking associations under section 3& act March 3) 1 875 ) $1 8 1 ) 285 00


Disbttrsermenfs — Continued.

Salaries. Ordinary ex- penses. Public works.

unusual and ex- Total Miscellaneous traordinarr.

Ctuttinyent Expenses — Continued. Deduct the expenditure on account of " Salaries, office of Surgeon-General

Public He&alth and Marine-Hospital Service, " the receipts from tonnage tax for the support of the Marine- Hospital Service heing in part ap- plied to this expenditure. . . . . . . . . . . . . $38, 51H. 82

Deduct from the expenditure on ac- count of "Salaries, othe of Com- missioner of Internal Revenue (re- imbursablei») the amount . reim- bursed the United. States by the manufacturers of stamps. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1, 260. 30

Deduct the expenditure under "Sal- aries, Bureau of Immigration, " the receipts from immigrant fund being in part applicable to this expenditure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14, 670. 90

Deduct amount received and covered into the Treasury as proceeds of Government property. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4, 622. 78

Total actual expenses, Treasury proper. . . . . . . . Independent Treasury—

Salaries, otlice of assistant treasurer at- Baltimore. . Y)oston . Chicago . Cincinnati. . New Orleans. New York. Philadelphia. . . . . . . . . St. Louis, . San Francisco. .

Examination of subtreasuries and depositories. . . . . Paper for checks and drafts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Contingent expenses

Total apparent expenses, Independent Treasury. .

Deduct amount received and covered into the Treasury as proceeds of Government property. .

ii l62, 390. 67 $77, 9i)7. 13

3, 297, :370. 05 21(i, 916. 89 )0, 156. 20

2;3, 382, 80 38, 910. 00 50, 304. 17 19& 360. 00 22, 641. 24

205, 362. 09 44, 092. 61 32, 260. 32 27, 120. 00

4, 474. 04 8) 012. 45

228) 283. 82

463) 433 23 240& 770 31

158. 62

82, 000. 00

824ib 357. 80

3, 6067 443. 14

704, 203. 54

158. 62

Total actual expenses, Independent Tr

Kints and Assay OIflees- Salaries, once of Director of the Mint. . . Contingentexpenses, ofdceof Director of t Freight on bullion and coin Storage and handling of silver bullion. Coinage of silver bullion. . Mint at Carson:

Salaries . Wages of workmen. . Contingent expenses. .

Mint at Denver: Salaries Wages of workmen. Contingent expenses. . New machinery, etc.

Mint at New Orleans: Salaries Wages of workmen. Contingent expenses.

Mint at Philadelphia: Salaries Wages of workmen. . Contingent expenses.

Mint at San Francisco: Salaries Wages of workmen. Contingent expenses. New machinery.

Assay otllce at Boise: Salaries Wages of workmeu. . Contingent expenses .

Assay once at Charlotte: Salaries Wages of workmen. . Contingent expenses . .

easury. . .

he Mint. . . 28, 730. 80

8) 156. 92 63, 636. 82 49& 000. 00

241, 573. 63

5, 000. 00 51 560. 00

1, 531. 02

15, 250. 00 21, 783. 40

4, 890. 61 3) 098. H4

29, 662. 09 14& 679. 73

7, 196. 90 '

41& 885. 16 447, 084. 50

79, 891. 20

41, 099. 93 155, 813. 25

60) 287. 07 10& 793. 23

3, 400. 00 7, 672. 70

2, 103. 24

2, 750. 00 1) 080. 00

920. 00

463, 433. 23 240, 611. Oi9 704, 044. 92


Di8bttrderaents — Continued.

3Iints and Assay OPces — Continued. Assay office at Deadwood:

Salaries . Wages of workmen. . . . . . . . . . . . Con tingent expenses.

Assay office at Helena: Salaries . Wages of workmen. . Contingent expenses.

Assay office at New York: Salaries Wages of workmen. . Contingent expenses.

Assay ofiice at St. Louis: Salaries Wages of workmen. . Contingent expenses.

Assay office at Seattle: Salaries . Wages . Wages and contingent expenses . . . Contingent expenses.


$3, 200. 00 3, 665. 00

5& 450. 00 14& 453. 50

39, 250. 00 271 089. 50

3, 000. 00 1, 000. 00

10, 000. 00 27, 000. 00

129. 56

Ordinary ex- penses.

$1, 984. 53

4, 002. 32

10, 098. 73

172. H6

9, 078. 94

Public works. Miscellaneous. Unusual and ex- traordinary.


Deduct repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures. .

Total apparent expenses, Mints and Assay I


Deduct the following items covered into the Treasury as revenues:

From "profits ou coinage of standard silver dollars " a portion of the amount re- ceived and covered into the Treasury on this account, leaving an excess of receipts of $4&040 5&4 28 $1& 450& H84 20

Amount received and covered into the Treasury as proceeds of Goverriment property . . . . . 5, 336. 37

955& 689. 12

955, 689. 12

558, 416. 86

57, 885. 41

500, 531. 45

500, 531. 45

81, 456, 220. 57

1 &

4»6& 220 57

Territorial Governments— Territory of Alaska:

Salaries, governor, etc Contingent expenses

Territory of Arizona: Salaries, governor, etc. Legislativ~e expenses. Contingent expenses .

Territory of Hawaii: Salaries, governor, etc. (IIl24, 222 indefinite). . . . . . . Contingent expenses. .

Territory of New Mexico: Salaries, governor, etc. Legislative expenses . Contingent expenses .

Territory of Oklahoma: Salaries, governor, etc. Legislative expenses. Contingent expenses Reapportionment of members of the legislature', .

Porto Rico: Salary of resident commissioner from. . . . . . . . . . . . Salary and expenses, resident commissioner from

51, 124. 43

1H, 289. 00

4 I, 722. 00

217»36. 25

35, 069. 45

5, 000. 00 134. 50

2, 000. 00

24, 250. 00 1& 000. 00

2& 66&8. 90

24, 250. 00 11 155. 91

25, 465. 22 1) 000. 00

Bl, 000. 00

Deduct repayments to appropriations in excess l

of expenditures.

Total expenses, Territorial Governments. . . . . l 17H, H75. 63 81, 790. 03

74. 58

925. 42 261, 591. 08

Internal Revenne- Salaries and expenses of collectors of internal

revenue. . 1 &

685& 107 34 Salaries aud expenses of agents and subordinate

officcrs of internal revenue. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 124, 685. 38 Salaries, officers and employees, internal revenue. . 536, 347. 1 I

Paper for internal-revenue stamps. 73, 082, 60


Disbttrsements — Continued.

Internal Rei snue — Continued. Punishment for violating internal-revenue laws. . . . I&edemption of stamps (fil, 1H4, 223. 83 indefinite). . . Rebate of tax on tobacco. Refunding taxes illegally collected ($103&942. 20

indefinite) . . Allowance or drawback Refunding moneys erroneously received and

covered. Repayment of taxes on distilled spirits ilestroyed

by casualty. Cauceling documentary stamps Payment of judginents against internal-revenue

officers . Refuuding tax on certain legacies. Refunding stamp tax on export hills of lading. . . . . . Refunding tax on contingent beneficia interests. . . Payment to—

George F. Roberts, administrator of William B. Thsyer, of Thayer Brothers. .

Silas Q. Howe, surviving partnerof William T. Pate and Company.

Relief of- McClure and Willbanks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Continental Fire Insurance Company and

others, act February 28, 1901 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sol Bear and Company. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Florida Brewing Company. . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . , . . . . . . . P. $. McClain. . H. Glafcke. .

Salaries. Ordinary ex- penses.

133, 205. 40 23, 073. 26

971. 62

297. 00 8, 602. 00

26, 590,



7/7. 92 515. S2 829. 94 827. Bl

877, 256. 79 I, :i(i/), 547. 99 3& HH6&, 991. 14

Puhlic works. Miscellaneous.

$10, 790. 32

19, 662 19

100. 00

21, 182. 36 156. 64 326 52 366. i)0 110. 39

unusu&tl snd ex- trsordinsry. Total.

Total apparent expenses, Internal Revenue. . .

Deduct the following items covered into the Treasury as revenues:

"Refunding moneys erroneously received and covered into the Treasury, " being moneys erro- neously received and covered as fines, penalties, and forfeitures. . $&J71. 62

"Allowance or drawback, " the internal-revenue taxes collected on articles subsequently ex- ported, and therefore exempt from tax, and upon which the taxes were refuuded. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23, 073. 26

"Rebate of tax on tobacco" col- lected under the war-revenue act of June 13, 1898, and re- funded under act of March 2, 1901, section4, and act of April 12, 1902, section 4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3, 886, 991. 14

"Redemption of stamps" the amount originally covered into the Treasury as receipts from internal revenue. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1, 360, . 54'/. 99

"Refunding taxes illegally col- lected" the atnouut illegally assessed and collected under in- ternal-revenue laws, and which has been refunded to parties en- titled thereto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133, 205. 40 " Repayment of taxes on distilled spirits destroyed by casualty" the amount of internal-revenue taxes collected on distilled spirits in bond, destroyed by casualty. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 297. 00

Amount reimbursed by internal- revenue stanip contractors for expenses of inspection, etc. , originally paid from "Salaries, officers and employees, internal revenue" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3, 372. /2

Amount received and covered into the Treasury as proceeds of Gov- ernment property. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1, 938. 93

$4, 346, 139. 89 6& 204, 979. 29

5, 407, 025. 34

52, 694. 42 $10, 603, 813. 60

5, 410, 398. 06

T t 1 tt . 1 6, 1 t 1R . . 4, 642r767. 17 &97 953. 95 52 694 5, 193, 415. 54


Dtsbttrsemenfs — Continued.

Ord a aries. S i pensee. Public works. Miscellaneous. Unusual and ex- Total.


Custom. s Service— Collecting revenue from custoius for 1903 . . . . . . . . . Collecting revenue from custonis for 1', l02, and

for prior years.

. . u$8, 464) 558, 14

4, 152. 0

8, 468, 710. 19

Detection and preveution of frauds upon tbe customs revenue. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ". "+-

Repayment to iiuporters, excess of deposits ($4, 243, 713. 50 indefinite)

Debentures or drawbacks, bounties or allowances. . . . Debentures arid other charges . Unclaimed merchandise. Services to Ainerican vessels. . . . . . . Proceeds of goods seized and sold Refunding iuoneys erroneously received and cov-

ered. Refundinr penalties or charges erroneously ex-

acted. . Compensation in lieu of moieties. Expenses of local appraisers' meetings. . Expenses of reguiating immigration. . Enfbrcement of alien-contract labor laws. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Enforcement of Chinese exclusion act. Salaries, Shipping Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , Expenses of Pevenue Cutter Service. . . . . Salaries and traveling expenses of agents at seal

fisheries in Alaska. Protection of saliuon fisheries in Alaska. Supplies for native inhabitants of Alaska Building or purchase of such vessels as may be

required for the Revenue Service Revenue steamer for the Great Lakes. Revenue steamer for Boston . Revenue steamer for St. Marys River. Revenue steamer, Pacific Coast. Revenue steamer for Philadelphia, Pa. . . Repairs and new boiler, revenue steamer Winona. . . . Refund of tonnage taxes on steamers Santiago l

de Cuba, Santiago, Cienfuegos, and Olinda. Reimbursement to survivors of officers and crew

of wrecked revenue steamer Gallatin. .

$60, 779. 01

10, 502. 45 j

95, 364. 95

4, 248 535. 81 5. 348, 308. 96

165 29 690. 24

20, 434. 97 30. 20

10. 00

2, 824. 17 18, 745. 5 (

911. 43 655, 428. 42


106, 718. 89, 262, 274. 07

1, 441, 614. 26

6, 138. 38

16, 952. 16 54, 397. 01 '

44, 400. 00, 45, 111. 48 40, 196. 52

1, 000. 00 3, 000. 00

$19, 586. 20

7, 352. 00

9, 413. 96

Payment to- Chamberlain, Delany, and Scott. Chase and Jameson E. A. Mcllhenny. G. M. Htockslager. Relief of F. Y. Ramsay, heir, etc. , of Joseph

Ramsay .

Total apparent expenses, Customs Service. . . . . 71, 281. 46 20) 881 ) 962 97

1, 704. 46 39. 90

4) 785. 55 600. 00

430. 42

43, 912. 49 $20, 997)156. 92

Deduct from expenses of collecting revenue from customs the amounts covered into the Treas- ury as revenue, under the following heads:

The amount refunded to the Government by parties for ex- penses on account of "Labor, drayage, and storage" . . . . . . . . . $99, 113. 39

The amount repaid to the Gov- ernment by private parties for services performed in their behalf by United States oK- cers . 392, 736. 30

The amount received from pri- vate parties as an excess of emolument fees paid to ofn- cers of customs for services rendered . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58, 33l. 40

The amount of tra, veling ex- penses of examiners repaid. . . 7, 143. 01

The amount received from fees paid to oflicers of the customs who now receive an annual salary, covered into the Treas- ury as customs-ofllcers) fees. . . 85, 900. 36

The amount received under the customs laws from "Fines, penalties, and forfeitures ". . . 235, 020. 32


Disbttrsemenfs — Co@tinued.


ilalaries. l

Ordinary ex- Public worl-s penses.

Unusual and ex- itiscelluueous. traordinary.

Gustoms Service — Continued. Deduct from "Refunding moneys

erroneously received and cov- ered into the Treasury, " this amount covered as a miscella- neous receipt from 6nes, penal- ties, and forfeitures. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Deduct from "Repayment to im- porters excess of deposits for un- ascertained duties" the amount of money deposited by import- ers for unascertained. duties, and vrhich, being in excess of duty when ascertained, has been re- paid, covered into the Treasury as revenue from customs . . . . . . . . .

Deduct from " Debentures or diawbacks" the amount of du- ties collected from importers on articles subsequently exported, thereby entitled to allowance or drawback, covered into Treas- ury as revenue froin customs. . . .

Deduct from " Debentures and other charges" the amount re- funded to claimauts on account of expenses incurred aud not paid until the amounts had been covered into the Treasury as revenue from customs. . . . . . . . . . . . .

Deduct from " Unclaimed mer- chandise" the ainount refunded to claimants of the overplus re- ceived from sale of unclaimed merchandise, covered into the Treasury as revenue from cus- toills .

Deduct the expenditures on ac- count of "Expenses o'f regula- ting immigration, " there hav- ing been received and covered into the Treasury to the credit of "Immigrant fund, " act Au- gust 3, 1882, the sum of $1, 356, 158. 33

Deduct amount received and cov- ered into the Treasury as pro- ceeds of Government property. .

510. 00

4, 248& 535. 81

5, 348, 308. 96

165. 29

690. 24

655 428 42

6, H42. 13 . , $11&138&225. 63 '. . $11, 138, 225. 63

Total actual expenses, Customs Service. . . . . . . . 87l 281 46 9 743 737 34 l Ii43, 912. 49 9, 858, 931. 29

Public FFentth nnd llfarine-Fiospitnt Serviee- Public Health and Marine-Hospital Service . . . Quarantine Service. Quarantine Service, Hawaii. Repairs to vessels, Quarantine Service. .

992, 't48. 70 i

337, 864. 75 10, 507. 30 15, 335. 12

Total apparent expenses, Public Health and Marine-Hospital Service . 1, 356, 455. 87 1, 356, 455. 87

Deduct from "Public Health and Marine-HospitalService" $868, —

797. 62& being thereceipts from tonnage tax under act of June 26, 1884& less the sum of 838, 518. 82, thereof applied to the expenditure for ' Salaries, Otllce of Surgeon-Geueral Pub- lic Health and Marine-Hospital Service" $868, 797. 62

Deduct the amount received and covered into the Treasury as pro- ceeds of Government property. . 1, 332. 93

Total actual expenses, Public Health aud Marine-Hospital Service. .

870, 130. 55

486, 325. 32

8&0, 130. 55

4HI'i, 325. 32


Disbursements — Continued.

Salaries. Ordinary e»- penses. Public works. Miscellaneous. Unusual and ex-

traordinary TotaL

Life-S«ving Sermee- Life-Saving Service. Establishing life-saving stations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Site for Long Branch Life-Saving Station . . . . Life Station, Cape Nome, Alaska . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Deduct repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures. .

Total expenses, Life-Having Service.

. $1, 717, 450. 84 19, 2:30. 88 10, H, ')7. 02

500. 00

I, 748, OH7. 74

1, 246. 55

1, '746, 841. 10 i/1& 746, 841. 19

$781, 130. 89 Light-House Est&&i&)ishmer)t-

Salaries of keepers of light-houses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Supplies of light-houses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Repairs and incidental expenses of light-houses. . . . . . Oil-houses for light-stations. Expenses of light-vessels, . . . , . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Expenses of buoyage. Expenses of fog signals. . Lighting rivers. Light-stations, etc. :

Cape Elizabeth light-vessel, Maine . . Ram Island Ledge, Maine. Rockland Breakwater, Maine. Broad Sound Channel, Massachusetts. Castle Island light-house depot, Massachusetts. . . . Lovells Island range lights, Massachusetts. . Spectacle Island range lights, Massachusetts. . . . . . . Hog Island Shoal, I&bode Islaud. Buffalo Breakwater, New York. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fort Wadsworth, New York Orient Point, New York Staten Island depots New York. Delaware River ratite lights, New Jersey'. Schooner Ledge, Pennsylvania. Delaware Breakwater, Delaware. . Mahon River, Delaware . Baltimore, Maryland .

: Hambrook Bar and Cambridge Harbor lights, Maryland . .

Point No Point, Maryland. Cape Fear, North Carolina Northwest Point Royal Shoal, North Caroliua. Sapelo, Georgia. Mobile ship-channel lights, Alabama . Mobile light-house depot, Alabama. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cape San Blas, Florida. . Hillsboro Inlet, Florida. St. Joseph Point, Flo&ida Oyster Bayou, Louisiana. . Galveston Jetty, Texas. Sabine Bank, Texas. Calumet, Illinois. . . Crisps Point, Michigan. Grassy Island range, Michigan Grosse Poiute light-vessel, Michigan. Great Lakes channel lights. . North Manitou, Mich. Port Austin Reef, Michigan. Retuoving wreck, St. Clair River, Mich. St. Marys River range lights, Michigan. . Ashtabula, Ohio. . Toledo Harbor, Ohio. . Southeast Shoal light-vessel, Lake Erie. Peshtigo Reef light-vessel, Wisconsin. . . . . . , . . . . . . . . Admiralty Flead, Washington. Desdemona Sands, Washington. Slip Point, Washiugton . Semiabmoo Harbor, Washington. . Battery Point fog signal, Washington . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , Point Arquello, California . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , Fort Point fog signal, California. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . , . Mile Rocks, California. Oakland, California . . Alaskan light and fog-signal stations. , Tender for the Fifth light-house district. Tender for the Eighth light-house district. . . . . . . . . . Tender for the Ninth light-bouse district. . . . . . . . . . , Tender for the Tenth light-house district. . . . . . . . . . . .

494, 880. 71 6'72, 05:3. 84

/, 477. 83 476, 900. 10

36 50;3 34 166, 971. 34 299, 813. 97

~32, 340. 00 19, 500. 00, 10, 000. ()0 14, 000. OU

1. 30 10, 000. Uo

13, 000. 00 :3, 200. 00 8, 377. 04

11, 000. 34 18, 000. 00 15, 000. 00

3, 010. 14 200. Uo

I, 116. 42 10, 335. 20

342. :37

8, 615. 60 14, 568. 22 40, 730. 48

9, 496. 64 26. 41

748. 24 6, 973. 37

252. 58 1, 230. 66

220. 01 4, 986. 49

5oo. oo 1, 083. 50 &, , &00. 00

6& 500. 00 500. 00

1, 301. 50 4, 104. Bo 1, 655. 67

600. 00 900. 00 500. 00 '

500. 00 20, 200. 03

4, 000. 00 1, 000. 00 3, 000. 00

11, 405. 32 2, 500. 00

390. 70 300. 00

1, 680. 00 1, 000. 00 1, 000. 00

10, 000. 00 183, 485 12 30, 000. 00 31& 578. 96 30, 000. 00

11/& 000. 00


Disbursements — Continued.


Salaries. unusual au(i ex

Public &vorks. Miscellaneous. traor(finer&s Total.

Light-Ifousc Establishment — Continued. Light statious, etc. — Cvniinn(d.

Tender for the Thirteenthlight-housedistrict. . . . Tender for Engineers, Ninth light-house district .

Tender f'o r Engineer, Seventh light-house district . Tender for the Sixteenth light-house district. . . . . . 1&elief light-vessel for T&velfth and Thirteenth

light-house districts . Porto Itican light-house service. .

Deduct repayments to appropriatious in excess of expenditures.

I'f99, 667. (8 65, 000. 00 H3, 000. 00 50, 050. 00

3, 000. 00, 44, 269. 37

1, 102, 149. 94 1, 271. 29

Total apparent expenses, Light-House Estab- lishruent . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Deduct amount received and coveretl into the Treasury as proceeds of Government property. . . .

$78l, 139. 89 $2&, 655, 297. 13 1, 100, 8 (B. 65

9, 301. 14

8 l, 5:37, 315. 67

9, 301. 14

Total actual expenses, Li«ht-IEouse Establish- ment. . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 781, 139. H(J 2, 6;&5& 29'7. 13 I 091, 577 51 4 5». B 014. 53

Buren'u of Ign(/(r(vin(/ and /'(in/i((&r/— Salaries. . Con&peusation of employees. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I'late printing Materials and miscellaneous expenses. . Rent of building for storage, etc. . Rent of off&ce for distribution of sta, rups.

18, 342. 80 I, 053, 433. 05 1, 140, H7/. 40

567, 715. 25 1, 3HO. 00

600. 00

Total appnreut cxpeuses, Bureau of Engrav- ing and Priuting.

Deduct amount received aud covered into the Treasury us proceeds of Governmeut property. . .

2, 212, 653. 25 569, t&95. 25

12, 314. 02

2, /82, :348. 50

12, 314. 02

Total actual expenses, Bureau of Engraving aud Priutiug. . . 2, 212, 653. 25 557, 381. 23 2, I (0, 034. 48

Steamboat-Insprc/ion Seroice- Salaries . . Contingent expenses. Salaries and expenses of special inspectors of

foreign steam vessels.

Deduct repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures.

29G, 000. 00

79, 713. 50

61, 426. 80

268. 80

Total appareut expeuses, Stean&boat-Inspec- tion Service.

Deduct sunount received aud covered into the Treasury as proceeds of Goverutnent property. . .

375 713. 50 61, 158. 00

571. 13

4', 36, & ( 1. :&0

57(1 13

Total actual expenses, Steamboa:-inspec- tion Service. . '3(5, 713. 50 GU, 5H6. H7 4:36, 300. 37

Coast and Geodetic Suruey- Salaries . Pay of ulcers and men, vessels. . . Party expenses. Repairs of vessels. General expenses. . I'ublishingr observations. . Steamer B~ache, Coast Survey Steamer for Coast, Survey.

280, 534. 83 220, H71. (J9

274, 658. 77 25, 209. 24 41, 908. 40

1, 000. 00 20, 0:3'&. 55

1& 000. 00

Total apparent expenses, Coast Survey . . . . . . . . Deduct amount received and covered iuto the

Treasury as proceeds of Governlneut property. . .

Total actual expenses, Coast Survey. .

Public Ifuitdings- Abilene, Tex. : Court-house and post-oflice. Aberdeen, S. 1)ak. : Post-ofbce. Adrian, Mich: Post-off&ce. . Albany, N. Y. : Cnstom-house and post-office Albert Lea, Miuu. : I'ost office. Albuquerque, N. Mex. : Post-offtce. . Alexandria, Va. : Custonl-house and post-oflice. Allento&vu, Pa. : Post-oflice. Altooua, Pa. : Court-house and post-oflice

501, 406. 82 363, 808. 96

9, 711. 71 '.

501, 406. 82 354, 097. 25

71, 514. 43 30, 633. 14

:3?. 24 2, 152. 51

( (. 01 9 994 41 1, 218. 41

20, 524. 42 1'/ 075 99

865, 215

9, (11. (]

8», 504. 07


Dt'sbttrsements — Continued.

Publhc Btthldhngs — Continued. Amesbury, Mass. : Post-office. . Anderson, Ind. : Post-ofBce. Annapolis, Md. : Post-ofBce. Ann Arbor, Mich. : Post-ofBce. Anniston, Ala. : Post-ofBce. Astoria, Oreg. : Quarantine station. Athens, Ga. : Post-oiBce and court-house. . . . . . . . . . . . . Atlanta, Ga. : Court-house and post-of Bc. . Atlantic, Iowa: Post-ofBce. Atlantic City, N. J. : Post-ofBce Augusta, , Me. : Post-ofBce, court-house, etc Baker City, Oreg. : Post-oflice Baltimore, Md. :

Old court-house. Custom-house Rent of buildings .

Bangor, Me. : Custom-house aud post-ofBce Baraboo, Wis. : Post-office Bar Harbor, Me. : Post-ofBce. Batesville, Ark. : Post-ofBce and court-house Battlecreek, Mich. ; I'ost-ofBce Beaumont, Tex. : Post-oflice and court-house Bedford, Ind. : Post-oflice. Bessemer, Ala. : Post-oflice. Biloxi, Miss. : Post-ofBce& court-house, and

custom-house Binghamton, iV. Y. : Post-ofBce, court-house, etc. . Blair, Nebr. : Post-ofBce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Boca Grande, Fla. : Quarantine station. Boise City, Idaho. . Boone, Iowa: Post-ofBce. . Boston, Mass. :

Marine hospital . Post-ofBce and sub-treasury.

Bridgeport, Conn. : Post-oflice. . Brunswick, Ga. : Custom-house and post-ofBce. Brooklyn, N. Y. : Post-ofBce. Buftalo, N. Y. :

Post-ofBce Marine-hospital.

Burlington, Iowa: Post-of5ce. Burlington, Vt. : Post-ofBce and custom-house. Butte, Mont. : Post-ofBce. Calais, Me. : Post-oflice and custom-house. Cape Charles quarantine station, Md. Cape Fear quarantine station, N, C. Carbondale, Pa. : Post-ofBce. Carroliton, KK. : Post-ofHce Centerville, Iowa: Post-oiBce. Champaign, Dl. : Post-ofBce. Charlottesville, Va. : Post-ofhce and court-house. . . Cheyenne, Wyo. Chicago, Ill. —

Temporary building for post-ofBce . Post-ofBce& court-house, etc.

Chillicothe, Ohio: Post-office. Cleveland, Ohio—

Rent of buildings Marine hospital. Post-ofBce, custom-house, etc

Clinton, Iowa: Post-ofBce Colorado Springs, Colo. : Post-ofHce and court-

house. Columbia, Mo. : Post-ofBce. . Corning, N. Y. : Post-ofBce. Crawfordsville, Ind. : Post-ofBce Creston, Iowa: Post-ofBce. Crookston, Minn. : Post-ofBce. Cumberland, Md. : Court-house and post-oiBce Dallas, Tex. : Court-house, post-ofBce, etc Deadwood, S. Dak. : Post-of5ce and court-house. . . Decatur, Ill. : Post-ofBce. . Dekalb, Ill. : Post-ofBce. . Delaware Breakwater quarantine station. Denver, Colo. : Mint building. . Des Moines, Iowa: Post-ofBce, court-house, and

custom-house. Dixon, Ill. : Post-of5ce. Dubuque, Iowa: Custom-house and post-ofBce. Durham, N. C. : Post-ofBce. .

Salaries. Ordinary ex- pensee.

Public works.

$29. 38 35. 36

482. 52 8. 10

38, 559. 57 5. 25

14& 221. 59 92. 95 32. 51

49, "716. 75 2, 729. 22

69. 62

31. 45 127, 116. 16

1, 869. 25 4, 471. 66

5. 20 29. 64

H, 181. 72 19. 27

16, 694. 55 15. 00 11. 20

80. 24 7. 30

9, 366. 88 3, 000. 00

58, 4'/5. 9'7

11, '716. 97

120. 00 114. '/4 214 84

58, 9HB. 84 247. 77

21, 261. 65 169. 25 521. 78 208. 87

63, 054. 99 25. 39

1) 032. 72 29. 90 18. 60

333. 62 88. 61

10, 07/4. 31 15, 039. 86 65, 181. 30

34, 593. 48 5(i9, 093. 33

12, 423. 83

53, 510. 83 7& 157. 43

150, 704. H3 16, 032. 28

48. 34 49. 66

H. 10 30. 64

56, 579. 95 110. 05

36, 483. 25 10& 669. 40 29, 991. 29

30. 50 38. 33

110. 80 54 H96. 59

149, 98'7. 20 28. 80

816. 18 20, 240. 67

Miscellaneous. Unusual and ex- traordinary.


Dfgbttreefrtenfe — Continued.

Salaries. ina x Public works. Unusual and ex- Miscellaneous. traordinarv

Public Buildfnys — Continued. East Liverpool, Ohio: Post-oflice. . Easton, Pa. : Post-ofBce. . Ellis Island immigrant station. . Elizabeth, V. J. : Post-ofBce. . Elizabeth City, N. C. : Post-ofBce and court-house. . . Elkhart, Ind. : Post-offfce Elmira, N. Y. : Post-ofBce and court-house. Ellsworth, Me. : Custom-house and post-offfce. Emporia, Kans. : Post-ofBce . . . Evanston, Ill. : Post-oiBce. . Evanston, )Vyo. : Post-oi6ce and court-house. . Fergus Falls, Minn. : Court-house and post-ofHce Fernandina, Fla. : Quarantine station. . Findlay, Ohio: Post-ofBce. Fitchburg, Mass. : Post-of5ce. Flint, Mich. : Post-offic. Florence, Ala. : Post-ofhce. Florence, S. C. : Post-ofBce and court-house Fond du Lac, Wis. : Post-office. Fort Smith, Ark. : Court-house, post-ofBce, etc Freeport, Ill. : Post-ofBce. Fresno, Cal. : Post-offfce and court-house . Gainesville, Fla. : Post-ofBce. . Gainesville, Tex. : Post-ofBce. Geneva, N. Y. : Post-office. . Georgetown, S. C. : Post-ofBce and custom-house. . . Gloversville, N. Y. : Post-ofBce. Goldsboro, N. C. : Post-offfce. GrandForks, N. Dak. : Post-officeandcourt-house. . . Grand Haven, Mich. : Post-ofBce aud custom-house. . . Grand Island, Viebr. : Post-ofBce. Green Bay, Wis, : Post-ofBce and court-bouse. Greeneville, Tenn, : Post-of6ce and court, -house. . . . Greensboro, N. C. :

Court-house, post-oi5ce, eto. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rent of buildings. .

Guthrie, Okla. : Post-ofBce and court-house Hagerstown, Md. : Post-oi5ce . Hamilton, Ohio: Post-ofBce. . Hammond, Ind. : Post-ofBce and court-house . Harrison, Ark. : Post-of5ce and court-house. Hartford, Conn. : Custom-house and post-oiBce. Hastings, Nebr. : Post-ofBce. Helena, Mont. . Henderson, Ky. : Post-ofBce. Holyoke, Mass. : Post-ofBce. . Hot Springs, Ark. : Post-ofBce. . .

Houstou, Tex. : Post-ofBce& court-house and cus- tom-house. .

Huntington, W. Va. : Post-ofBce and court-house. . Hutchinson, Kans. : Post-ofBce. . Indianapolis, Ind. :

Court-house and post-of5ce. Rent of buildings .

Iowa City, Iowa: Post-ofBce. . Ironton, Ohio: Post-ofBce. Ithaca, N. Y. : Post-ofBce. Jackson, Miss. : Court-house and post-ofBce. . Jacksonville, Fla. : Post-ofBcc, custom-house, etc. . . Jacksonville, Ill. : Post-ofBce. Jamestown, N. Y. : Post-ofBce. Janesville, Wis. : Post-of5ce. Johnstown, Pa. : Post-office Joplin, Ill. : Post-ofBce. . Joliet, Ill. : Post-offfce. Kalamazoo, Mich. : Post-ofBce. . Kankakee, Ill. : Post-ofBce. Kansas City, Kans. : Post-offtce. Kansas City, Mo. : Post-ofBce and court-house. . Key West and Mullet Key, Fla, : Quarantine

station Kingston, N. Y. : Post-offic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kirksville, Mo. : Post-oiBce. . Laramie, Wyo. : Post-office. Laredo, Tex. : Post-ofBce, court-house, and cus-

tom-house . . Lawrence, Kans. : Post-offfce. Lawrence, Mass. : Post-ofBce . Leadville, Colo. : Post-oflice.

827. 86 1, &. 05

40&, 072. 82 22. 79 14. 12

11, 925. 09 102, 061. 20

1, 702. 99 6& 619. 94

32. 52 12. 14


31, 193. 11 5, 000. 00

17. 41 HO, 251. 08

30. 80 11. 00 '

250. 2H '

7 574 76 10, 609. 94 59, 588. 15

:31. 83 39. 56

10, 189. 22 57. 75


10, 061. 99 15, 140. 41 8, 074. 43

16) 693. 21 164. HH

60. &J:3

0F&. 07 7, 251. 23

264. 24 )

725. 44 )

27. 52 20. 84

19, 966. 07 '

26. 69 )

5, 63:3. H5

7, 628. H5 314. 08,

112, 773. 94 41. 18

15, 396. 82 63, 055. 41

63. 35 1:3, 534. 78 5, OBO. 97

181, 752. BH

24, 926. 22 8, 110. 94

18. 99 16. 99 48. 47

579. 74 141. 48

40, 458. 42 37, 994. 94

1H. 67 27, 351. 70 58, 093. 68

521. 39 13, 737. 55 14, 691. 49

230. 83

62, 319. 33 25. 2H

5, 703. 53 8, 021. 71

HH. 44 0, )39. 00

:30, 2-i r. 91 256. 89


Disbursements — Continued.

Salaries. Ordinary es- pensee. Public works. Miscellaneous. Unusual and ex-


Prtt)/ic Buildings — Continued. Lebanon, Pa. : Post-office. . Lincoln, Nebr. : Court-house and post-oflice. . Little Falls, N. Y. : Post-oNce. . Lockport, N. Y. : Post-office. Logansport, Ind. : Post-office.

Los Angeles, Cal. : Rent of buildings. Post-oilice and court-house.

Louisiana, Mo. : Post-ofiice. Lynn, Mass. : Post-ofhce. Macon) Ga. : Court-house, post-office) etc. Marblehead, Mass. : Post-office Marinette, Wis. : Post-office. Marion, lnd. : Post-o/lice. Marshalltown, Iowa: Post-office. . . . . . . . . . . . . Martinsviue, Va. : Post-office. Mason City, Iowa: Post-off)ce. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

~ Maysville, Ky. : Post-oflice. Mayport, Fla. : Quarantine station. I4Icikeesport, Pa. : I'ost-ofiice. Meadville, Pa. : Post-oflice. l)Ienominee) Mich. : Post-ofiice. . Memphis, Tenn. : Custom-house, court-house,

and post-nfiice Meriden, Conn. : Post-office Miami, k'la. : Quarantine station. Milwaukee) Wis. : Post-office) court-house, and,

custom-house Minneapolis, Minn. : Post-ofiicc, etc. . Mobcrly) Mo. : Post-office Moninouth, Ill. : Post-office. Montgoinery, Ala. : Court-house, post-oflice, etc. . . Muncie, Ind. : Post-office. . Muscatine, Iowa: Post-oflice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '. . . Muskegon, Mich. : Post-ofiice and custom-house Nashua, N. H. : Post-office. Nashville, Tenn. : Custom-house and post-oflice. . Natchez, Miss. : Post-ofiice. Natchitoches, La. : Post-ofiice. . Nevada, Mo. : Post-ofiice. Newark, N. J. : Custom-house and post-office. New Brighton, Pa. : Post-office New Brunswick, iV. J. : Post-ofiice. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Newcastle, Pa. : Post-oifice. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . New Iberia, La. : Post-office.

New Orleans, La. : Custom-house anu post-office . . Marine hospital. Post-office.

Newport, R. I. : Custom-house and post-office. . Newport, Vt. : Court-house, post-office, and cus-

tom-house . Newport News, Va. : Custom-house and post-

oflice . . New York, N. Y. :

Court-house and post-office. Custom-house, building. . Marine-hospital Appraisers' warehouse. Barge office. . Rent of old custom-house, Post-oflice.

Niagara Falls, N. Y. : Post-office.

Norfolk, Va. : Court-house and post-office. Custom-house,

Norfolk, Nebr. : Post-ofiice. Norristown, Pa. : Post-ofIice. Northampton, Mass. : Post-office. Norwich, Conn. : Post-olfice. . Omaha, Nebr. : Court-house, custoru-house, and

post-otfice. . Oakls, nd, Oil. : Post-office Oak Park, Ill. : Post-office. Ocala, Fla. : Post-oflice. . . . , . . Ogden, Utah: Post-office aud court-house. . Oil City, Pa. : Post-oilice. ,

Oklahoma City, Okla. : Post-oflice.

$49. '74

149. 50 29. 12

14, 569. 87 15 144. 36

11, 297. 70 40, 089. 69

71. 29 1, 195. 00 2, 012, 49

12, 443. 55 4. 86

18. 00 37 35

2, 826. 38 90. 93

6, 310. 25 850. 00 26. 56 27. 60

804. 38

15, 84o. 10 20, 863. 16 16, 701. 70

15, 911. 58 45, 573. 60

4, 979. 32 /92. 10 573. 87

15, 316. 98 12, 052. 27

17. 08 17, 312. 41 16, 233. 86

61. 89 5) 124. 91 4, 654. 84

67, 030. 91 4, 496. 34

30, 524. 11 23. 47

24, 647. 43

14, 760. 14 400. 00

8. 12 7, 120. 61

51, 761. 07

55 597 93

18, 682. 37 455 116. 15 2oo) 000. 00

915. 15 31, 615. 70

130, 600. Oil

439. 35 41. 89

513. 26 118. 35

22, 783. 43 21, 037. 71 14) 0/5. 15

114. 58

I /1, 100. 23 115, 9, )1. 39

5, 073. 66 7. 00

47. 44 46. 03 75. 37


1Nsbw se)nenfs — Conti nl)0d.

Salaries. Ordinary ex- penses. Public works.

! Unusual and ex-

Aliscellaneous' I traordinary.

Public B)tildings — Continued. Oskaloosa, Iowa: Post-of5ce. . Ottawa, Ill. : Post-office. Ottumwa, Iowa: Post-office. ,

0wosso, 1Ifich. : Post-of5ce . Paducah, Ky. : Post-officc, court-house, etc Pekin, Ill. : Post-of5ce. Pensacola, Fla. : Quarantine station. Perth Amboy, N. J. : Post-oflice and custom-house. . l. Philadelphia, Pa. : United States Mint. . Pierre, S. Dak. : Post-oflice and court-house. . Pine Bluff; Ark. : Post-of5ce. . Pittsburg, Pa. : Marine hospital. . Portland, Me. : Court-house. . Portland, Oreg. :

Custom-house . Post-office and court-house. Rent of buildings

Port Townsend, Wash. : Quarantine station. . Portsmouth, Va. : Post-office and custom-house. . . . Providence, R. I. : Post-of5ce, court-house, and

custom-house . Pueblo, Colo. : Post-ofFice. . Quincy, Mass. : Post-ofiice and custom-house. . Reedy Island, Delaware River, quarantine sta-

tion Reno Nev. : Post-office. . Richmond, Ind. : Post-of5ce. Richmond, Ky. : Post-office. . Richniond, Va. : Custom-house and post-office. . Rochester, N. Y. : Court-house, post-office, etc Rock EIill, S. C. : Post-of5ce. . Rome, Ga. : E'ost-of5ce. Rome, N. Y. : Post-oflice. St. Cloud, Minn. : Post-of5ce. St. Joseph, Mo. : Post-oflice. . St. Louis, Mo. : Post-of5ce. St. Paul, Minn. :

Post-office, court-house, and custom-house Custom-house .

Salem, Oreg. : Post-office. Salt Lake City, Utah: Court-houseand post-office. . .

San Diego quarantine station. Sandusky, Ohio: Custom-house and post-office San Francisco, Cal. :

Post-of5ce, court-house, etc. Mint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Quarantine station.

San Juan and Ponce, P. R. : Construction of, quarantine plants

Saratoga Springs, N. Y. : Post-of5ce. Savannah, Ga. :

Quarantiue station. Marine hospital. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Scranton, Pa. : Post-office, etc Seattle, Wash. : Court-house, custom-house, and

post-office . Selma, Ala. : Post-ofiice. . Sherman, Tex. : Post-office and court-house. . . . Spartanburg, S. C. : Post-of5ce. . Spokane, W~nsh. : Post-of5ce, court-house, and

custom-house Spriugfield, III. : Court-house and post-oNce . . . . . . . . . . Sterling, Ill. : Post-office. Stillwater, Minn. : Post-office. Stockton, Cal. : Post-office. . Streator, Ill. : Post-office. . Superior, AVis. : Post-of5ce, court-house, and

custom-house Tacoma, Wash. : Post-office, court-house, and '

custom-house. Tampa, Fla. : Court-house, post-of5ce, and cus-

toin-house Toledo, Ohio: Post-oflice . Topeka, Kans. : Court-house and post-of5ce. Torring ton, Conn. : Post-of5ce. Traver~se City, iilich. : Post-office and custom- I

house. . Tusi nloosa, Ala. : Post-office. . Vincennes, Ind. : Post-of5ce. Waco, Tex. : Court-house, post-oflice, etc

t) RD

$20, 8 I l. 21

12. 2 I 26. 5H

5, 418. 23 15, I')24. 3:3 23 521 47

74 27, 439. 95

9H5. 71 61 li9

1H9. 98 21. 1H

10, 546. 30 5, 385. 33

46. 55 '

186. 35 53. 52

49. 40 6, 566. 39

11, 932. 19

53, 247. 51 30. 74

13, 877. 29 103. 06

202) 350. 00 40, 236. 52 5, 530. 97 7, 990. 21

15, 164. 10 26, 085. 89

'2, 033. 27 197, 199. 71

32, 364. 41 305. 39

21, 258. '29

50, 306. 12 7, 191. 35

12. 03

17, '3, 704. 49 11, 487. 28

514. H6

987. 50 65. 50

1, 834. 55 156. 00 442. 44

5, 865. 52 44. 02 36. 29

8, 518. 7I

99, 939. 63 614. 36

5, 024. 88 7, 626. 46

17, 987. 36 14 I. 03

33, 829. 03

34. 47

w", ', 544. 16 45. 68 I". 50

16, 083. 38

5, 921. 93 12. 09

8, 0:3'2. 10 3 ii. 66


Disbttrsemenfs — Continued.

Salaries. Ordinary ex- penses. Pnbltc works. Miscellaneous. Unusual and ex-

traordinary. Total.

Public Buildings — Continued. Warren, Ohio: Post-offtce Washington, Pa. : Post-offtce Waterbury, Conn. : Post-oflice . Waterloo, Iowa: Post-office and court-house. Wausau, Wis. : Post-oflice. Webster City, Iowa: Post-oflice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Westchester, Pa. : Post-office. Westminster, Md: Post-offtce. Wheeling, W. Va. : Post-offlcc, court-house, and

custom-house . Wilkesbarre, Pa. : Post-ofiice. Wilmington, N. C. : Purchase of property for

customs purposes. Woonsoclret, R. I. : Post-ofRce. Yankton, S. Dak. : Post-office. York, Nebr. : Post-office . . . Youngstown, Ohio: Post-oflice. 7&anesvifle& Ohio: Post-oflice.

Washington, D. C. : Municipal building, District of Columbia. . Treasury bu ildiug. Treasury building, special repairs. . Treasury building, rewiring. Building, ll&ureau of Engraving and Printing,

vaults Bureau of Engraving and Printing, building. . . Bureau of Engraving and Printing, out-

buildings. . Building for Laboratory, Marine-Hospital

Service . Repairs and preservation of public buildings. . a Heating apparatus for pubhc buildings. . . &r Vaults, safes, and locks for public buildings. . u Plans for public buildings.

Deduct repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures.

Total apparent expenses, public buildings Deduct amount received and covered into the

Treasury as proceeds of Government property. . . .

Total actual expenses, public buildings.

$15. 00 47. 77

40, 018. 25 1H, 521. 85

78. 43 7o. 73 49. 50 3. 00

92, 053. H5

3H, 788. 73

14, 280. 20 13. 25

7) 025. 61 72. 31

13, 998. &3

13, 621. 58

56], 854. 99 3, 500. 00

15, 90H. 86 5, 000. 00

7, 705. 31 404. 74

3, 395. 44

35, 182. 85 414, 110. 96 140, 560. 94

3O 095. 75 3, 876. 45

7, 688, 896. 70 9, 175. 46

7, 679, 'l21. 24

17, 942. 5H

7, 661, 7H. 66

$7& 679) 721. 24

17, 942. 58

7, 661, 778. 66

Treasur g 9Iiseelletneous- Payment of iuterest on the public debt. . Payment of interest on bouds issued to Paciflc


', 928, 556& 168. 82

180. 00

Expenses of Treasury notes Preventing thc spread of epidemic diseases. . United States securitics-

Distinctive paper f' or. Healing and separating . Canceling United States securities;mtl cutting

distinctive paper. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Special witness of destruction of.

Custody of dies, rolls, and plates. . . . . . . . . . . . . Transportation of silver coiu. Transportation of silver coins, Territory of

Hawaii. Transportation of minor coin. Redemption and recoinage of'Porto Rican coins. . . . Recoinage of «old coin. Recoinage of silver coin. . Expenses of national cnrrency. Suppressing counterfeiting aud other crimes. . . . . . . . . Interstate Commerce Commission. Public buildings—

Pay of assistant custodian~ and janitors. . . . . . . . . . . 81, 085, 044, 49 Inspector of furuiture and other furnishings for. . 4, 034. 1(l General inspector of supplies for. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4, 037. 33 I"urniture and repairs of same for. Fuel, lights, and water for OperatIon of pneumatic tubes for.

Inquiry and reporr, concerning public buildings. . . . a Heretofore stated u

8230, 998. 68 I 55o 13

199. 85 1, 565. 00

11, 000. OO

f22, 909. 76

5, 15

07) 00 974. 64

52 447. 97 470. 27 992. 59 107. 57 972. 35

4, 171, 23, , I) 8,


270, H56. 35 907, 984. 32

8) 500. 12

nder "Treasury miscellaneous. "

$2. 40 176& 553, 53

2, 453. 21

28) 556) 348. 82


Disburse))tents — Conti)) tied.

Salaries. Ordinary ex- P ublir. works. t. 'uusua) and ex- nl&see 11&ineous i traord&nary.

I Herbarium.

T& easury 3f&'scellaneo&ts — Continued. Smithsonian Institution—

Expenses Ainerican Ethnology. International exchanges. Astrophysical observatory.

Publishing contributions, Nationa National Museum—

Furniture and fixtures. Heating and lighting. . Preservation of collections. . Purchase of specimens. Building, repairs . . Galleries Plans for additional building. Rent of workshops P. ooks Postage,

Zoological Park Elephant house, Zoological Park.

82;3, 313. 99 17, 382. 5?

176, G&JO. 65 9, 26&J. 67

15, &7 &. 54 11. 32

4, 956. HU

4, 399. 92 2, (, '17. 52

50U. 00

854, 720. 00 49, Us&). 73 25, 150. 97, 14, 302. 54 3, 454. 61

91, r&5&1. 45 9, 998. 55

I"ish Commission— Salaries. Miscellaneous expenses. Special scientific investigations. Launches. Fish ponds, Washington, D. C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . i. . . . . . . . . Steaiuer Albatross, repairs. Marine biological station, North Carolina. . . . . . . . Lobster hatchery, Maine. Repairs, new boilers, etc. Fish hatcheries:

Duluth . Georgia. G loucester, Mass . . Green Lake. Iowa . Montana New Hampshire Northville, Mich. . Mammoth Spring, Ark. South Dakota. . Tennessee Texas . Tupelo, iVIiss. Washington. West Virginia. Woods Hole, Mass.

To promote the education of the blind. . . . . . . . . . . Trust-fund interest for support of free schools in

South Carolina . Lands and other property of the United States. . . . . Refunding to national baukiug iissociations ex-

cess of duty. Refunding moneys erroneously received and

covered. . Payment of French spoliation claiius. Claims allowed under Bowman and Tucker acts. Refundiug customs revenue collected from Porto

Rico. . Payment of debt of Hawaii. Payment for property destroyed in suppressing

bubonic plague, Territory of' Hawaii. . Pan-American Exposition on the Niagara frontier. . . . 1'ay ment of certain creditors of the Pan-A merican

]&". xposition Company. Reimbursement to South Carolina Exposition

Company, expenses of Government exhibit. Payment of legal e:laims against the South Cnro-

lina fnterst~ate aud West Indian Expositiou Company

Aid to I ouisinna Purchase Exposition, St. Louis. . Buildings, Louisi;m;i Purchase Exposition, St.

Louis . . Governnicnt exhibit, Louisiaua I'urchnse Expo-

sition, St. I. ouis. Mo. . Agricultural &, xhil&if, Louisiana I'urchnse Expo-

sition, St. Louis, Mo. . Credits in settlement of intlebfcduess of Sioux

City and Pacidc R, &ilroad Coinpnny to United States. .

$237, 170. 22 25&G, 9&J2. 68

1, 710. 65

25, 497. 8, &

2, 999 9H

$1& 700. 00

4, 9tl 1. Oh

500. 00

500. 00 64. 18

2, 044. 03 2& 000. 00 4, 475. 47

400. 00 1. 000. 00 1, 000. 00

1H. 80 1, 000. 00 2, 500. 3', &

4, 000. 00 8, 071. 6, &

201. 12 19, 0'77. 51 2, 439. 15

4 &t&. 93

'2, 5&00. 00

2, 018. 00 li&t. 23

106. 2»

1G. 68 ( 34'& 13

1&2 '285. 00

375, 402. 45 18&, 300. 04

1, 000& 000. ()0 347. '. )6

, &OO, OOO. OO

19, 299. 63

3UH& OHG. 60

&0, 5&03. 36

41, :li&. 10

5, OOO. OU

(1211. 8 1


Disburdemente — Continued.

Salaries. Ordinary ex- penses. Public works. :iIisccllaneous. Unusual and ex-

traordinary. Total.

Treasury 3Iisceltaneous — Coutinued. Investigating claims of William M. Bird, James

F. Redding, Henry F. Welch, and others. Payment of claims of William M. Bird, James

F. Redding, Henry F. Welch, and others. Payment for improvements, Potomac River

Flats. Relief of Albiou M. Christie. . Relief of William Leech.

Deduct repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures.

$73. 50

20, 300. 57

199, '714- 39 26H. 80

2, 500. 00

4, 048, 920. 93 31, 231. 82

Total appareut expenses, Treasury Miscella- neous. .

Deduct from "Payinent of inter- est on the public debt" the amouut of interest received and covered into the Treasury as a miscellaneous revenue from the various Pacific rail- road companies, $997, 197. 79, and $1, 567. 21 received and covered. into the Treasury as interest on debts due the United States from various persons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $998, 765. 00

Deduct the expenditure under "Trust-fund interest for sup- port of free schools in South Carolina, act March 3, 1873, " there having been received and covered into the Treasury un- der said act $2&018. 90, leaving an excess of receipts of &JOceuts. .

Deduct "Refunding to national banks excess of duty&" there having been received and cov- ered into the Treasury as a reveuue from tax on circula- tion, etc. , of national banks, $1&647&429. 28, leaving an ex. —

cess of receipts over expendi- tures of $1, 647)323. 03. . . . . . . . . . . 106. 25

Deduct amount received and covered into the Treasury as proceeds of Government prop- erty 452. 81

Total actual expenses, Treasury Miscelht- neous.

$1)330&286 14

1, 330, 286. 14

$2, "719, 850. ')1

452. 81

"2, 719, 39'7. 40

855, 953. 28

5), &, 95:3. 28

2, 124. 25 998, 765. 00 1, 001, 342. 06

4, 015, 564. 86 27, 557, 583. 82 35, 67H, 785. 50

4, 017, 689. 11 $28, 556& 348. 82 $36&680, 127. 56

District of Columbia— Salaries, offices of the District of Columbia. . . . . . . . . Salaries, office of sinking fund, District of Cohnn-

bia. Salaries of employees, court-house, Washington,

D. C Salary of warden of jail, District of Columbia. . . . . . '

Contingent and miscellaneous expeuses. . Improvements aud repairs. . Streets. Alleys Sewers. . Sewage disposal system, unused balances. . . . . . . . . . . . Bridges. Highway bridge across Potomac River. Repairs, Aqueduct bridge Payment for lots, Potomac River fiats. Survey of Anacostia River fiats . . . . . . , . . . . Permanent system of highways. A&lams Mill road. Increasing water supply of )Vashington, D. C. High-service system of water distri6ution. Washington Aquednct, . . . . . . . . . . . Washington Aqueduct& filtration plant . . Free public library. Public schools. . Buildings and grounds, public schools. Metropolitan police.

344, 313. 41

2, 500. 00

12) 928. 00 2, 148. 30

1, 369, 738. 59

767, 290. 54

78, 175. 40 6)3;3, 769. 14 :367, 904. 61

3, 700. 23 497, 967. 46

12, 000. 00 14, 107. 39

4 500 00 1, 500. 00 4, 275. 43 3, 000. 00 2, 481. 24 3 305 02

33, 000. 00

15, 999. 00

OH, 53)0. 00 2001 000. 00

55, 251. 81

219, 9) H. 85


Disbttrsements — Continued.


«", 3 I'. ), 359. 20

322, 065. 87 78, 411. 08

Deduct repayments to approprintious in excess of expeuditnres .

District nf Columbia — Continued. To maintain public order. Fire department. Buildings, Qre department. Electrical department . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Health department. . Militia. . Militia, fund from fines. Naval militia. Defending suits in Court of Claims. Courts. Judgments . . . . . Indexing code of laws . Interest and sinking fund. Writs of lunacy. Expeuses of Excise Board Support of prisoners. Support of convicts Emergency fund. Rock Creek Park. Elospital for the Insane. . . Washiugtou Asylum. Washington Asylum, bnildiug. . Reform School. Reform School for Girls. . . Reform School for Girls, building. . Industrial Horne School. . Industrial Home School fund. Board of Children's Guardians. . . . . . . . . Maintenance of Gariield Hospital Building, Garfield Hospital, isolating ward Purchase of laud, Garde! d Hospital. . Building, Providence Hospit)il. . Building, Providence Hospital, isolating ward. Transportation of paupers and prisouers. Relief of the poor. Support and medical treatment of destitute

patients. Preventing the spread of contagious disenses. . . . . . . . . . Tenipornry Home, Lx-Uniou Soldiers and Sail-

ors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Columbia Hospital for Women and Lying-in

Asylum. Coluiubia Institution for the Deaf and Dnmb. . . . . . ~. . . . Women's Christiau Association. . Freedmen's Hospital. Natioual Association for Colored Women and,

Children. . Childreu's Hospital Ccutral Dispensary and Emergency EIospital. . . . . , . . . Eastern Dispensary St. Ann's Infant Asylum. . Washington I-lospitnl for Fouudliugs. Young ')Vomen's Christiau Home Women's Clinic Nntioual Homeopiithic Hospital Associntiou. . . . . . . . '. . . . Geruinn Orphan Asylum Hope nnd Help blissiou. Newsboys' Aid Society. . rlome for lncurnbles. . Municipal Aliushouse Water departnient. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Refundin« taxes. . . . Washington redemptiou fund. . KVnshington special-tax fuud. Redemption of certain certificates. . Surplus fund. . () llil I" iii'(ee fir)i(l . Police relief fuud. . Firemen's relief fuml I'ermit fund. llnthing bench fund. Relief of Annn I'. liza Isabella Vo» Hemert. Payment to William Wendchuth.

Ordinary ex- penses.

811, 02o, 24

50, 005. 44 3, 946. )':& )

25. 00 4, 000. 00

55& 290. 6'7

500. 00 1, 213) 94'7. 97

9) 799. 40 5, 262. 09

48, 017. 9( 39, 584. 26

5, 439. 41

217, 013. 29 93, 759. 59

43, 840. 00 14, 754. 95

27, r99. 91 5, 200. 00

5n, 316. 14 18, 583. 34

3, 346. 18 16, 990. 00

19) 000. 00, ", 480. 87 '

41000. 00

24, 200. 00 10, 500. OU

4, 000. 00 57, 106. 79

9, 899. 40 10, 000. 00 16, 45)H. 00

2& 000. 00 399 00

7, 09, '). 50 0(JH. 92

1, UUH. ;?4 H, 200. 00 1, 8(IO 00 2, 000. 00 1, 000. 00 2, 000. 00

400, 1:33. 74 2, '3, UUU. 00

11H, 000. 00 140. 32

1, 031. :30 300. 00

:3, '). 09 50 ls( Oo

36, 000. 00 151. 65

4, 554, 033. O-l

20, 10H. I ('

Public works.

82:I, 000. 00

27, 000. 00

3. 20

'7, 000. 00 50, ooo. oo,

100, 000. 00, 4, 000. 00


2, 200. OO, I

(, )(, 023. «0

3, 923. 60


8?)(, 091. 64

3& 65&3 01

5& 167. 0)) :3(. 00

Unusual and ex- traordinary.

Totnlappnrentexpenses, DistrictofColuiubiii. . 3, 240, 355. HJ 4, . &J4) (34. Hr 753, 100. )&0 -l6& 8 lo. 3U


DQbttrssments — Continued.

Salaries. Public works pensee.

Miscellaneous. Unusual and ex- traordinary. Total.

Dist)nct of Columbia — Continued Deduct from the expenditures of

the District of Columbia the revenues receive(i and covered into the Treasury during the year, as follows:

General fund. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Water fund. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ". """ " ". Washington redemption fund. . . . . . Industrial home school fund. . . . . . . Bathing beach fund. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Guarantee-fund, amounts retained

from contractors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Surplus fund. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . San! tary fund. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Permit fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Police relief fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Firemen's relief fund. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

530, 518. 13 407, 558. 47 127, 521. 00

4, 83H. 62 22. 15

3(J. 99 891. 00

48. 25 2H, 335. HB

50, 3H7. 05 17, 877. 90

$3, 249, 355. 89 $1, 918, 682. 67 $5, 108, 038. 56

Total actual expenses, District of Columbia. . . . . 2, 616, 052. 20 It)753, 10U. 26 $40, 846. 30 3, 415, 998. (6

Total apparent expenses, Treasury Department. . 17, 925, 735. 54 Total actual expenses, Treasury Department. . . 13, 554, 927. 14

42, 212, 759. 55 22, 270, 98H. 49

9, 052, 505. 91 9, 679, H09. 63

4, 164, 067. 74 4, 161, 943. 49

$28, 550, 348. 82 102 538 721. 28 (7, 204, 008. 85 27, 557, 583. H2


Salaries, etc. — Ofdce of Secretary of War. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Record and Pension Otlice& War Department. . . . . . Off)ce of Adjutant-General. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Office of Inspector-General . . . . . . . . . . . . :. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , Oflice of Quartermaster-General. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oflice of Commissary-General. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oflice of Surgeon-General . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . Oflice of Paymaster-General. . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Othce of Judge-Advocate-General, U. S. Army. . . . OIIice of Chief of Ordnance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . Otiice of Chief of Engineers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Signal Oiiice Temporary employees. .

101, 190. 72 538& 340. 62 163& 451 48 13) 051. 63

157, 312. 64 43) 794. 97

1 50& 082 12 34, 546. 84 15, 387. 96 41, 341. 14 30, 732. 31

6, 408. 67 561, 270. 42

Contingent Expenses) ete. — Contingent expenses, War Department. Stationery. Rent of buildings Statement of receipts and expenditures iu Cuba

and the Philippine Islands.

52, 715. 06 19, 728. 39 14, 400. OU

17 500 00

lift sect(aneons— Salaries, ofdce of superintendent State, War, and

Vavy Department building. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fuel, lights, etc. , State, War, and Vravy Depart-

ment building. Care and maintenance of Washington Monument. . . Electric plant, Washington Monument . Transportation of reports and maps to foreign

countries Prevention of deposits, harbor of New York. . . . . , . Designs for memorial or statue of Gen. U. S.

Grant. Monument to General Hugh Mercer, Fredericks-

burg, Va. Monument to General Francis Nash, of North

Carolina, Monument to General William Lee Davidson, of

North Carolina. . Equestrian statue of Gen. W. T. Sherman.

Deduct repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures .

124) 442. 40

38, 018. 65 10, 974. 63

]00. 00 HO, 218. 64

210, 15;). 37 600. 00

1, 850. 00

1, 900. 00

100. 00

500. 00

500. 00 4, 700. 00

Total apparent expenses, War Department proper .

Deduct amount received and covered into the Treasury 'is proceeds of Government property. . . .

1& 981, 425. 92 215, 5n5 37

2 20') il0

1, 850. 00 2;-, 200. 00 2, 224, 031. -')9

2, 202. 06

Total actual expenses, War Department proper. 1& 981, 425. 92 ' 213, 353. 31 1 ) 850 00 25& 200 00 2, 221& 829. 23


DisbureemenQ — Continued.

Salaries. Ordinary ex- Unusual and ex penses. Public works. 'II(scellaneous. traordinary. Total.

Public Buildings and Grounds under Chief Engineer— Salaries of employees. , Contingent expenses. . Improvement and care of public grounds. Repairs to water pipes Repairs, fuel, etc. , Executive Mansion. Extraordinary repairs and refurnishing Execu-

tive Mansion. . Building for oglces of the President. Rent of temporary of5ces for the President. . . . . . . . . . . . Portrait of William McKinley. Lighting, etc. , Executive Mansion, etc. Telegraph to connect the Capitol with the De-

partments aud Government Printing Ofhce. . . . . . i. . . Lighting public grounds, District of Columbia. . . . . . .

866, 347. 82 8607. 89 '

153, 7, '36. 53 2, 487. 36 I

50, 3:31. 07

2, 000. 00

16, 224. 41

1 498 52 3, 779. 92

8475r, 445. 00 6, &, 196. 00

82, 500. 00

Deduct repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures

230, 755. (0

48. 02

Total apparent expenses, Buildings and Grounds under Chief Engineer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Deduct amount received and covered into the, Treasury as proceeds of Government property. . . . .

66& 347. 82 i

230& 707 68 540& 641 00 l 2& 500 00

2, 489. 96

$840& 196. 50

2, 489. 96

Total actual expenses, Buildiugs and Grounds '

under Chief Engineer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66, 347. 82 22H, 217. (2 540, 641. 00 2& 500. 00 8? (. 706. 54


Pay Department- Pay, etc. , of the Army. Pay, etc. , of the Army, war with Spaiu. . . . . . . . . Pay of Military Academy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Arrears of pay, bounty, etc Pay of volunteers Pay of volunteers, hlexican war . Fxtra pay, Regular Army, war with Spain. Extra pay to volunteers, war with Spain. . . . . . .

o8, 064, 207. 24 109, 798. 20 383, 841. 96

8245, 135. 73 34. 49 14. (II

25, 40H. 55 21, 985. 00

Deduct repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures

557, 847. 40

70, 121. 03

202, 5rH. 47

, 340. 00

Total expenses, Pay Department. . . . . . 2H, 4H7, 726. 37 2H5, 228. lH 2~, ( (2& 954. 85

Co&rrrnissa&gz Departnrent- Subsistence of the Army. 5, 419 793. 20

Total expenses, Cotntnissary Departmeut. . . 5, 419, 703. 20 &, 410, ri(:3. 20

Qr(nr term((ster's Departmcnt- Regular supplies. Incidental expeuses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Transportation of the Aruty and its supplies . . . . . . . Transportatiou of the Army, PaciQc railroads. . . . . . Barracks aud quarters. Barracks and quarters, Philippine Islauds. Clothiug, and camp aud garrison equipage. . . . . . . . . . . Horses for cavalry and artillery. Shooting galleries and ranges. Transportatiou of voluuteers, war with Spain. . . . . ,

Miscellaneous advertisements, war with Spaiu . . . Purchase of land, Fort Constitutiou, New Hamp-

shire . Nation;Il cemeteries. Pay of superintendents of uational cemeteries. . Burial of indigent soldiers Headstones for graves of soldiers. Repairing roads to national cemeteries.

5, 215, 463. 74 1, 6:3 r, 434. 02

. . r 16, 106, 250. 28 '234, 543. 03

2& 965& 013. 1 r

2, 303, 52'3. 237, 5(7. 06

10, 4-(:5. 48 362 50 20. 70

1, 702, 2HL 3o

55, 000. 00 1(& l. , z. 'l4. :38 (il, 041. H(3

'&, . &, 'I

1('i, 360. ra I:3, 4(3. '0


Disbursements — Continued.

Salaries. Ordinary ex- penses.

Public works. Miscellaneous. Unusual and e&r- traordinary.


Quartermaster's Depart)nent — Continued. Road to the national ceiuetcry:

Presidio of Sau Francisco, Cal. Springfield, Mo . . Dover, Tenn. .

Loudon Park uational cemetery, Baltimore, Md. . Military ceiuetcry, Prairie du Chien, Wis. . Confederate cenietery, Ca&up Chase, Ohio

Deduct repayments to appropriations in excess i of expenditures .

$4, 999. 69 12, 000. 00 5, :300. 00

15) 000. 00 3, 000. 00 2, 000. 00

207, 290. 30 2, 410. 68

Total apparent expenses, Quartermaster's Department. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Deduct amount received and covered into the Treasury as proceeds of Government property. . .

Total actual expenses, Quartermaster's De- partment.

. . . $28, 800, 041. 06

102, 107. 42

28, 638, 534. '24

, 't l, 757, '&8l. 35

1, '757, 281. 35

204, 879. 68

264, 8r9. 68

sl:30, 8?'2, 802. 69

162, 107. 42

30, 600, 695. 27

rlIedir at Dcpartment- Medical aud Hospital Department. . Army Medical Museum. Library, Surgeon-General's Off&ce. . . Construction and repair of hospitals. Army general hospitals. . Quarters for hospital stewards. . Artificial limbs. Trusses for disabled soldiers. . Appliances for disabled soldiers. . Reimburseinent to contract nurses Reimbursement to contract surgeons. . . .

590, 520. 49 2, 747. 08 9, 829. 51

143, 963. 82 71, 6H2. 88 14, 097. 92

823. 70 2)11491

476, 767. 85 6, 343. 00 1, 332. 23

Total apparent expenses, Medical Depart- me'nt.

Deduct amount received and covered into the Treasury as proceeds of Government property. . . .

833, 442. 30

8, 348. 90

2) 138. 01 484, 443. 08 1) 320, 023. 99

8, 348. 90

Total actual expenses, Medi(:al Department. . . 825, 093. 40 2, 13H. 61 484, 443. (18 1, 311, 675. 09

Ordnance Department— Ordnance service Ordnance material (proceeds of sales). . Ordnance stores:

Ammuuition . Manufacture, etc. Equipments Preservation . Repairs. .

Artillery targets. Arlnament of fortifications . Manufacture of arms at national armories. . . . . . . . . . . . Arming and equipping the militia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Testing machine Gun and mortar batteries. Ammuuitiou for morniug and evening gun. . . . . . . . . ,

Pneumatic and dynaiuite guns. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Repairs of arsenals. Proving groun&l, Sandy Hook, N. J Powder depot, Dover, iV. J Benecia, Arseual, bcnicia, Cal, Rock Island Arsenal, I&ock Island, Ill Psock Island Armory, Rock Islaud, Ill. . I&ock Island Bridge, Rocl& Island, Il]. Franl-ford Arsenal, Philadelphia, P;i. Schuylkill Arseual, Philadelphia, Pa„„„. . . . „„, Springfield Arseual, Springfield, Mass. . . . , . . . . . , . „ Watervliet Arsenal, West Troy, N. Y. Watertown Arsenal, Waterfown, Mass. . . . . . . . . . , ,

Board of Ordnance and Fortification. Replacing ordnance and ordnance stores de-

stroyed by fire ii! Rock Islaud Arsenal, Ill. . . . „

?iJr 755 14 00, 289. 23

738, 422. 47 584, 206. 93 744 '756. 07

48, 615. 02 "/4, 061. 29 10, 101. 92

1) 010, 44 (. 33 690. 139. 84

14, 920. H9

'&4, 78H. 44 1) 641. '75

3, 298, 1', )4. 31

1, 7/91) s& 97

)il 880. 84 110, 450. 00 19, 199. 57 10, OUO. 00 90, 000. 00

1 r 2, 845. 00 1 . 500. 00 80), 000. 00 11, 909. 80 1;&, 501. 75 37) 000. 00 01) 400. OU

H4, 230. 08

418, 053. 11

Total app:trent expenses, Ordnance Depart- ment. 4, 31(&, 15~. 32 5, 900) 900. 3&

l 418, 05:3. 11 10, 037, 105. 75


Disbursements — Continued.

Salaries. OrdtnarS ex I public works. pensee. Aiiscellaneous. l, nusual and ex-

traordinarx. Total.

Ordnance. Department — Continued.

Deduct the expenditure under "Ord- nance material (proceeds of sales), " there having been received and covered into the Treasury from the sale of useless ordnance the sum of $113, 662. 02, leaving an ex- cess of receipts of $47, 372. 79. . . . . . . $66, 289. 23

Deduct amount received and covered into the Treasury as proceeds of Crovernment property. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 653. 73

Total actual expenses, Ordnauce Department. . .

$68, 942. 96

4, 248, 209. 36 $5, 906, 900. :32 8418, 053. 11

$68, 942. 96

10, 568, 162. 79

military Academy— Current and ordinary expenses. Miscellaneous items and incidental expenses . . . Buildings and grounds.

Total expenses, Alilitary Academy.

BB, 688. 19 '39 262 67

127, 950. 86

363, 029. 31

363, 029. 31 490, 980. 17

Engineer Department- Engiueer depots. Engineer depot, Willets Poiut, N. Y. , building. . . . Engineer school, Washington, D. C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Buildings, eugineer school, Washiugton, D. C Engineer e&luipment of troops. Sites for fortifications and seacoast defenses. Supplies for seacoast defenses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . , . . . I

Plans for fortificatious . Preservation and repair of fortifications. Reconstruction aud repair of fortifications, Gal-


veston, Tex. Sea wall, Ssudy Hook, N J School of submarine defense) Fort Totten, N. Y. . . . . Torpedoes for harbor defense Sea walls and embani-meuts. ,

Civilian assistants to engineer officers. . Search lights for New York Harbor

Deduct repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures.

16, 499. 88

17, 8(1. 50 61& 495. (J2

293, 047. 30 1, 000 00

52, 390. 41 100, 336. 10

150, 397. 46

3. 66

13, 000. 00 9, 000. 00

'30, 000. 00 73, 000. 00

24, 530. 16 67, 465. 30 41, 667. 56 5, 000. 00

275, 965. 09

Total apparent expenses, Forts and Fortifi- '

cations. Deduct amount received and covered into the

Treasury as proceeds of Gorerumeut property. . . .

150, 393. 80

8, 386. 4?

931, 871. (6 1) 082, 265. 56

8, 386. 42

Total actual expenses, Forts and Fortifica-', tions. 142, 007. 38 931, B(1. 76 1, 073, 879. 14

Impro(&iog Harbor at- Bucksport, Me. Camden, Me. Cape Porpoise, Ale. . Carvers Harbor at Vinalhavdn, Ale. . Isles of Shoals, Me. . Portland, Ale. . Rockland, Ale. Sullivan Falls, Ale. . Harbor of Refuge at Little Harbor, N. FI Burlington, Vt. Beverly, Mass. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . „. . . , . . . . . Boston, AMass.

Cohasset, AIass. Fall River, bless. Gloucester, Alass. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . Hyannis aud Naniucl. ct, AIass, Lynn, AMass.

Ma, nchester, AIrcis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , „. . . . . . . New Bedford, Alass. Newburyport, Aiass, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Plymouth and Provincetown, Mass Roclcport, Mass. Woods Hole Channel, Masi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . , Harbor of refuge, Sandy Bay, Cape Aun, Mass . . . '. . . Block Island. R. I . Great Salt Pond, Block Island, R. I

6 RD

15, 000. 00 459. 21

1. 15 5, 000. 00

10, 000. 00 80, 000. 00

1, 025. 79 5, 000. 00 4, 295. 82 5, 000. 00

10, 000. 00 287, 968. (5

~, 100. 00 18. 000. 00

'(, 128. 20 1, 500. 00

19, 700. 00 . ", 252. 22 10, 500. 00

445. 63 6, 000. 00

1'2, 000. 00 5, 500. 00

lilo, 000. 00 5 000. 00

15) 500. 00


Dt'sbnrsements — Continued.

salaries. Ordinary ex- pub(;e wor(rs pensee.

Miscellaneous. Unusual and e&r- traordinary.

Tmprot&ing Harbor a( — Contiuued. Newport, R I Eutrance to Point, Judith I'ond, R. I Bran ford, Coun. Bridgeport, Conu. . Milford, Conn. New Haven, Conu Break water at New Haven, Conn. New London, Coun. Norwalk, Five-Mile River, Stamford, Southport,

aud Greenwich, Conn Buffalo, N. Y. Buttermilk Channel, N. Y Lake Erie Entrance to Black Rock Harbor and

Erie Basin, N. Y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cape Vincent, N Y Charlotte, N. Y Duukirk, N. Y Echo Bay, N. Y. Great Sodus Bay, N Y Great South Bay, N. Y. Larchmont, N. Y. Little Sodas Bay, N. Y Mamaroneck, N. Y New York Harb»r, N. Y. Ogdensburg, N. Y Olcott, N. Y Oswego, N. Y Plattsburg, N. Y I'ort Jefferson, Huntington, Glencove, I'lushing

Bay, Cansrsie Bay, and Sag Harbor, N. Y Rondout and Peekskill, N. Y. Saugerties, N. Y Tonawanda IIarbor, Niagara River, N. Y Wilson and Oak Orchard, N. Y. Raritan Bay, N. J. Erie, Pa. . . Pittsburg, Pa. . Ice hs, rbor at Marcus Hook, Pa. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . Harbor of refuge, Delaware Bay, Del. Baltimore, Md Breton Bsy and Patuxent River, Md. . Rock Hall, Queenstown, Claiborne, Carubridge,

Chester, Choptank, Warwick, Pocomoke, Wicomoco Rivers, and Tyaskin Creek, Md

Cape Charles City, Vs. Hampton Roads, Va. Milford Haven, Va. Nor(bit, Va. Beaufort, N. C Edeuton Bay, N. C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Charleston, S. C. . . . . . . Brunswick, Ga. . Savanuah, Ga Cumberland Sound, Ga. and Fla. . . Apalachicola Bay, I"la . . . . . . . . . . . . :. . . . . . . . . . . Biscayue Bay, Fla. Carrabelle Bar and Harbor, Fla. Hillsboro Bay, Fla Key West, Fla Pensacola, Fla Sarasota Bay, Fla. Tampa Bay, Fla. . Mobile, Ala Biloxi, bliss. . Aransas Pass and Bay, Tex. Galveston, Tex Galveston Ship Channel and Bu(fain Bayou, Tex. . . Channel froin Calveston Harbor to Texas City,

Tex Sabine Pass, Tex Dredge-boat for harbor:tt Sabine Pass, Tex. Ashtabula, Ohio. . Black i(iver, Ohio. .

Cleveland, (&bio. Conueaut, Ohio. . Fairport, Ohio. . Huron, Ohio. Port Clinton, Ohio. . . Toledo, Ohio. . Sandusky City, Ohio. ,

8&4, 000. 00 , ".

, 000. 00 1, UUO. 00

17, 000. 00 '&, 000. 0(i

107, 000. Up

5, 000. (ip 0 5OO. OO

44, 000. 00 296, 305. 57

1, 000. 00

10, 000. 00 10, 000. 00 17, 500. 00 5, 000. 00 9, 000. 00 5, 000. 00

16, 000. 00 10, 000. 00 15, 00'0. 00 1, 000. 00

318, 000. 00 20, 000. 00 15, 000. 00 20, 948. 00

5, 000. 00

9, 028. 55 1, 000. 00 5, 000. 00

0O, 5OO. UO

4, 500. 00 33, 930. 00

10(i, 000, 00 32, 500. 00 1, 715. 72

121, 88O. 70 160, 000. 00

(i, 000. 00

23, 202. 00 500. 00

5, ooo. oo, 2, 000. 00 3, 457. 00 I& 500. 00

900. 00 36& 029. 25 46, 000. 00

252, 408. 33 '791, 155. 72

20, 500. 00 1, 000. 00

500. 00 102, 092. 27

1, 5UO. 00 20, 180. 03

5 ppp pp 90, 008. 50

231, 1(i7. 07 2, 000. 00

10, 500. 00 132, 946. 80 125, 390. 31

200, 000. 00, 120, 086. 99

4, 399. 30 148, 500. 00, 117, 000. 0(i


106, 756. 04 18, 5&00. 00 40, (100. 00 30, 000. 00 5, 000. 00

129, 500. 00 14, 500. 00


Dish((rse)() enfs — Continued.

S laries. Ordinary e&&- p hl a aries. pensee, ic wor -s. '(l(sce))ancona. traordinarv Lnusual and ea rois).

Is(I&ran(rut Harbor at — Contiuued. Michigan City, Ind. . Chicago, Ill. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Calumet, Ill. . Waukegau, Ill. Black Lake, 3lich Charlevoix, Mich. Chehoygan, Mich. . Frankfort, 31ich. Grand Haven, 3Iich. Ludiu~u, Mich. . Manistee, 31ich Marquette, Mich . . Muskegon, Mich. Outonagon, Mich. . Pen( water and White Lake, Mich. Saint Joseph Harbor aud River, blieh. . Saugatuck and Kalamazoo River, Mich. South Haven, iblicb. Harbor of refuge, Grand Marais, Mich Harbor of refuge, Portage Lake, Mich. Harbor of' refuge, Sand Beach, Mich. Harbor of refuge, 3'Iarquette Bay, Mich. Menominee Harbor and River, Mich. and Wis. . Ahuapee, Wis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " """ ". -. " " '- Ashland, Wis. Green Bay, Wis. Kewaunee, AVis. La Crosse, Wis. . 31anitowoc, Wis. 31ilwaukee, Wis Harbor of refuge, Mii&vaukee Bay, Wis. . Ocouto, IVis. Port Washingtou, Wis. Port &&Viug, AVis. Racine, Wis. Sheboygan, tVis. . T(vo Rivers, Wis. . Agate Bay, 3Iinuesota, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

, . .

Duluth, Minn. , and Superior, Wis. . Graud 3Iarais, 3Iinn. Warroad Harbor aud River, Minnesota. Oakland, Cal. . San Diego, Cal. Sau Francisco, Cal. Han Pablo Bay, California. Hau Pedro, Cal. . San I, uis Obispo, Cal. Wilmington, Cal. Entrance to Coos Bay and Harbor, Oregon . Yaquina Bay, Oregon. . Evere(t, Wash. (lriiys Harbor, Wash Grays Harbor and Chehalis River, Washing(ou. New Whateom, Wash. Olympia, Wash. Tacoma, Wash. . Pearl H)irbor, Hawaii.

Deduct repayments in excess of expenditures.

Total harbors. .

I &). 50 "9. 499. 00

20;), 3(&0. 00, "0, ;)0(). 00

(I, 900. 00, 1 i, 000. 00

I(, 000. 00 I

lo, 500. 00 10, 021. 06 4-,

' ooo. Oo,

lu', OOO. OO l

13, 500. 00, ' 2B, 000. 00

500. 00 '&4 000. OU '

130 27&9 95 13, 000. 00



9, 000. 00 '

2 s is 42 3, OUO. 00

13& OUO. 00

19, 3(&0. 00, ", 500. 00 0, Uo&& I'6

25, 600. 00 '

4, 000. 00 P&l. 05

, 9, 5:&l. 61 10, 500. 00, 2, Uoo. 00 '

I, 49B. 4( 1, 5Oo. OO


11 000. 00 !

(0(. (6 12& 500. 00 4, 000. 00

4. 00 344, 47'2. 16

500. 00 , ), 403. 37

12(, 000. 00 12, 500. 00 92, (61. 30

6) 000. 00 425, 0)5). 91 17, o 1 0. 62 60, 9&)9. 00

&, 115. 90, ' H. 94

110, 000. 00 )

153, 5&10. 13 3». '0(. (4

5&)U. UU

1 i, 000. 00 1'-', 500. 00 i! I, UUO. 00

(, 300, B-i l. 99 ')4 0. &a. 00,

(, 34 &, 1 so. ?'. ) Bi, 342 160. 23

1&)&p) o&)i))9 I) i( crs- Georges, 3Iaiue. Kenuebec, 31;&iuc. . Union, Maine Cu& heco, Xe)v Ha)upshire. . I'. xeter, Xeu Hampshire iVarrows of Lake Champlain, Vermont. . 3lerrin&ac, 3I;&ssacbusetts. 3[vatic an&1 klalden, Massachusetts. Taunton, blassachusetts. Wey)uouth aud To(vu, 3lassachusetts I'a)vcatuck, P)bode Isla&id. Pa&vtucket, Rhode Island. Providence Itiver aud iVarragansett Bay, Rhode

Island. . Provideucc River and Harbor, Rhode Island. Counecticut, Connecticnt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

6, 000. UU

(, Uoo. (Io I

'&(), 0&IU. Uo '

]0, (I(, &. "l (, 096. !I( (, , =00 00

2&U, (I()&I. 00 1!)& ooo. 00


). 000. 00 '

500. 00 7, UUO. 00, 1, 500. Uo

. 'I ~. 049. 00 15, 000. 00 li, OUU. UU


Disbursements — Continued.

Salaries. Ordinary ex- penses. Public works. Miscellaneous. Unusual and ex-


Imyroning 1?fters — Continued. Connecticut, between llartf'ord and Holyoke. Housatonic, Conuecticut Thames, Counecticut . Bronx River and Hast Chester Creek, New York. Browns Creek, New York. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Channel in Gow:mus Bay, New York. . Harlem, New York. Hudson, New York Newtown Creek, New York. . Wappinger Creek, New York Removing obstructions in East River and Hell

Gag, New York. Channel between Staten Island and New Jersey,

New York and New Jersey . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Arthur Kill, New York aud New Jersey. Alloway Creek, New Jersey. . . . . . . . . „. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '. . Cooper Creek, New Jersey Keyport Harbor, M atawan Creek, Raritan, South,

and Elizabeth Rivers, aud Shoal Harbor and Compton Creek, New Jersey.

Mantua Creek, New Jersey. . Passaic, New Jersey. Raccoon Creek, New Jersey. Rancocas, New Jersey Shrewsbury, New Jersey. . . . Squan. New Jersey. Tuckerton Creek, New Jersey. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Woodbridge Creek, New Jersey. . Delaware River& Peunsylvania and New Jersey. Allegheny, Pennsylvania. . Dam at Herrs Island, Allegheny River, near

Pittsburg, Pennsylva)nia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . Monongahela, Peunsylvania. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ohio, below Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . Appoquinimink, Murderkill, and Mispillion&

Delaware. Elk, Maryland. Patapsco, Maryland . Susquehanna, near Havre de Grace, Maryland. . . . . . Anacostia, District of Columbia, . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -. Potomac. Waterway from Chincoteague Bay to Indian River

Bay, Virginia, Maryland, and Delaware. Appomattox, Virginia. James, Virginia . Nansemond, Virginia . Nomini Creek, Virginia. Pagin, Virginia . Rappahannock, Virginia . Urbanna Creek, Virginia. York Itiver, Occoquan, Lower l&lachodoc, Nan-

dua, Aquia, and Carters Creeks, Virginia. . Great Kanawha, West Virginia. Little Kanawaha, West Virginia. . Monongahela, West Virginia . Big Sandy, West Virgiuia and Kentucky. Waterway from Norfblk, Virginia, to sounds of

North Caroliua. . Cape Fear, North Caroliua Fishing Creek, North Carolina. . . . . . . . . . . New, North Carolina. Neuse and Trent, North Carolina . Ocracoke Inlet, North Caroling, North East, Black, and Cape Fear, North Carolina. . Pamlico and Tar, North Carolina Roanoke, North Carolina. Scuppernong, North Carolina. Waterway from Norfolk Harbor, Virginia, to

Albemarle Sound, North Carolina. Waterway between Beaufort Harbor and New

River, North Carolina . . . . . . . , . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . Waccamaw and Little Pedee, North Carolina

aml South Carolina. . . Great Pedee, South Carolina. . Santee, Wateree, an&I Congaree, South Carolina. . . . Wappoo Cut, South Carolina Waterway between Charleston and Beaufort,

South Carolina, . Winyaw Bay, South Carolina. Altamaha, Georgia . Flint, Georgia Ocmulgee, Georgia .

$12, 000. 00 4, 000. 00 6, 000. 00

498. 6H 372. 98

23R& 000. 00 11, 000. 00

165, 000. 00 785. 61 !?50. 00

5, 000. 00

5, 000. 00 :3& 000. 00 3& 000. 00

275. 00

28, 700. 00 2) 000. 00 2, 000. 00 9, 000. 00 3, 000. 00

2'7, 000. 00 50. 00

8, 400. 00 10, 000. 00

867, 000. 00 8, 000. 00

95, 500. 00 40, 000. 00

462, 329. 90

10, 000. 00 16, 665. 00

145, 000. 00 ) 1, 134. 05

24) 000. 00 73, 463. 06

23, 000. 00 4, 500. 00

2H, 743. 72 800. 27 200. 00 50. 00

5, 000. 00 469. 42

4& 453. 41 16, H46. 74

438. 90 514, 000. 00 116, 946. 00

:3, 000. 00 9'&, 000. 00

2& 000. 00 99. 90

14) 902. 20 45ii. 00

8, 000. 00 ll, 950. 45 4, 000. 00 9& 500. 00

3, 9OO. 0O

1, 190. 00

5 500. 00 7) 750. oil

54 499 50 500. 00

1, 000. 00 224, 385. 35

7, 539. 00 6, 500. 00

50, 399. 42


Disbursements — Continued.

Salaries. Ordinary ex- pensee. Public works. )(((scellaneous. (. n usual an d ex-


IN&prot&i&(() Ri&&era — Conti»nepal. Oconee, Georgia. Savannah, t) corgi a. Chnttnhoochee, Ceorgia and Alabama. . Coosa, Oostenaula, and Coosawattee, Georgia, and

Alabama. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Waterwayketween Savannah, ('eorgia& nnd I'er-

nn»fina, I'lorida. . Apnlnchicol&s& Florida. Kissimmee, F&lorida. Orange River, Charlotte EIarbor and Caloosa-

hatchee Itiver, I'lorida. . Ilnprovin&g Crystal, Manatee, Anclote, Suwanee,

and Withla&&oochee rivers, Florida. . St. Johns&


ltemoving the v ater hyacinth, Florida, Texas, and Louisiana.

Dredge for river and harbor itnprovemeuts, Florida

Choctnwhatchee, Florida and Alabama. Escambin, and Couecuh, I"lorida and Alabama. . Alnbnma, Ah&ban&a. 'I'ombigbee, Alabama. . . 'B)lack Warrior, lVarrior and Tomhigbee, Alabama

and )('lississipph Homochitto, Mississippi Pascngoula and Horn Island, Mississippi. Pane»L&oula, iilississippi. Pascagoula, Chickasahay, and Leaf, Mississippi. . . . , l'earl, M ississippi. Yaxoo, Tnllnhatchie, and Big Sunflower, Missis-

s)PP1 Bayous Bartholomew, Macou, D'Arbonne, and

Coruey, and Boeuf and Tensas rivers, Louisiana. . . Bogue Chitto, Bogne Falia, Bayou Manchac,

Aluite, Chefuncte, and Tickfnw rivers, Louisi- ana

Calcnsieu Itiver and Pass, Louisiana. . Bayou Lafourche, Louisiana. Bayou Pin@nemine, Louisiaua. Bayou Teche, Louisiana. Bayou Vermilion aud Mermentau River, Louisiana . Red, Louisiana aud Arkansas. . . . Brasses, Texas. Cypress Bayou, Texas aud Louisiaua. . Sabine and Neches, Texas. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Trinity, Texas. Arkansas, Arkansas. Cache, Arkansas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ht. I'rnncis, Arkansas. Upper White, Arkansas. . ltepairing Covernment levee, Waluut Bend, Ar-

knnsns White, Arkansas. Removing obstructions in Arkansas Rtver, Ar-

k»usus and Kansas . Black, Arkansas and Missouri. Current, Arkansas and Missouri. Du»chits, Arkausas and Louisiana. Clinch, l liawassee, and Holston, Tennessee. . Cun&berlnn&i, above Nashville, Tennessee. . Cun&her)and, below Nashville, Teuuessee. . French Broad, Teunessee. (B&iouand Vorlred Deer, Tennessee. Tennessee, shove Chattanooga, Tennessee. . . Tenuessee, below Chattanooga, Tennessee, Ala-

bnn&n, and Kentucky. . Creen, Ke»tucky. Kentucky, Kentucky. . Rough, Kentucky. Ohio Falls of Ohio River;1( Louisville, Ky . Opal'nt»1&g snag bo;1ts on Ohio lover. Musk)»g&ltn&& Oluo. Wnb;&si), Ilhnots;md In&ha»a. C;du»&ct, Illinois nnd In&liaua. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . , Chic;&go, Illinois. Illinois, Illinois Waterway from Lockport, Ill. , to St. I/ouis, Mo. . . . Sturgeon Bny aud Lal-e Michiga» Ship Canal. Gasconade, Missouri. . St. I"rnucis, Missouri.

812), 500. 00 i

11&)& ":3(. 66 i

:3 )& 01'&. 24 l

16), ', ) l4. 3]

1, 000. 00 i

:3, 000. 00 8, 000. 00

8, 000. 00

(J, 7U6. 22 HU, 107. H0

44, 20?. 06 '

500. 00 1(), 000, 00

:), 800. 00 Uo 01

16, 9(0. 75

289, 1:3(i. 4:l 2, 5& '1. 60 1& 000. 00 :3, 33'&. 3:3 H, 500. 00 &&, 900, 00 '

102& 536. 14,

7, 542. 69

9& 653. 29 25, 000. 00

6, 500. 00 (0& 182. 40 7, 641. 72 '

10, 64, 3. ") X3, 008. 21 57, 000. 00

1, 000. 00 '

(1. 71 40, 100. 00 45, 21 . 10

1, 900. 00 5, 7l3. 8&J

107, 00&2 '&H

2, OUO. 00 12, 040. 16

26. 65 14& 5&08. 38

4 524. 0( 32, 500. 66 13, . ')", &. 22 22, 967. 02 32, OUO. 00 9 126 19

HO. 00 34, 000. UU

2l&, 386. 1&J

(). UUU. 00 14', ) 046. 61

& 940 00 170, 155. &&2&

) )

2H, 0)H. 1. 1

10, 300. 00 10, 000. 00 :), 'l, 000. 00

1/s, 000. 00 1), 4/!H. l( 80 000. UO

1&, 000. Uu

4, 4'&1. H;)

(, 505. -!4


1Nsbmrsements — Continued.

Salaries. Ordinary ex- penses. Public worlrs. Miscellaneous. Unusual and ex-

traordinary. Total.

Improving Rit&ers — Continued. Osage, Missouri aud Kansas. Black aud. Rouge rivers, and harbor at Monroe,

Mich Clinton, Michigan. Detroit, Michigau. Grand, Michigan Saginaw, i&Iichigan. Sebewaing, Michigan Hay Lake~channel) Sault Hte. Marie River, Mich-

igan. St. Marys, Michigan. Middle and West Neebish channels, Ht. Marys

River, Michigan. St. Clair Flats Canal. Chippewa, Wisconsin . Fox, Wisconsin Waterway from I(. eweenaw Bay to Lake Superior. . . St. Croix, Wisconsin and Minnesota . Red. River of the North, Minnesota and Dakota. . . . Minnesota, Minnesota. . Redwood Creek, California . . . . . Sacramento and. Feather, California. San Joaquin, California. Columbia aud Lower Willamette, below Port-

land, Oregon Columbia River at Cascades, Oregon. Gauging waters of Columbia River. . Mouth of Columbia, Oregon and Washington. . Columbia at Three Mile Rapids, Oregon and

Washiugton. . Upper Columbia and Snake rivers, Oregon and

Washingtou. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . Coquille Oregon. Siuslaw, Oregou. . Tillamook Bay and 13ar, Oregon. Willamette and Yamhill, Oregon. Columbia, Washington. Cowlitz and Lewis, Washington. Okanogan and Pend Oreille, Washington. Puget Sound, Washington. . S winomish Slough, Washington. Willapa River and Harbor, Washington. Waterway connecting Puget Hound with Lakes

Union and &Vashington. . Mississippi. Gaugiug the waters of Lower Mississippi and its

tributaries. . Reservoirs at headwaters of Mississippi River. Mississippi, between mouths of Ohio and Illinois

rivers, Illinois and Missouri Mississippi, from mouth of Ohio River to Min-

neapolis, Minn. . Removiug obstructious iu Mississippi River. . . . . . . . . . . Passes of the Mississippi River. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Southwest Pass, &Mississippi River. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . Operatiug snag aud dredge boats on Upper Mis-

sissippi River Illinois aud Mississippi Canal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Maintenance of South Pass Channel, Mississippi

River. Examinaiiou and surveys at South Pass, Missis-

sippi River Missouri, from Stubbs Ferry, Mont. , to Sioux

City, Iowa. . . Missouri, from month to Sioux City, Iowa Ship channel conuectiug waters of the Great

Lakes. Examinations, surveys, and contingencies of

rivers and harbors. Operating and care of canals and other storks of

navigation. Remov~ing sunken vessels or craft obsttuctiug or

endangering navigation. . Emergencies in river and harbor storks.

$19 457 05

6, 500. 00 3, 000. 00

195, 408. 10 42, 000. 00 10, 004. 06 9 500 00

230, 011. 90 27, 000. 63

30, 000. 00 3, 1o9. 39

6. 01 18, 546. 91 17& 000. HH

I, 900. 00 H, 924. 85 2, 506. 91 H, '400. 00

27, 926. 20 26, 001. 65

79, 84(. 88 27, 396. 77

500. 00 234, 021. 65

7, 502. (9

10, 000. 00 18, 500. 00

3, 708. 79 10, 500. 00 37, 026. OH

2, 000. 00 9, 500. 00 8, 100. 00

15, 235. 35 7, 001. 52 2, 000. 00

122, 499. 00 1, 734, 145. 82

9, 07(. 58 90, 246. 80

2) 571. 70

928, 426. 54 (3, 055. 2(

100, 909. 85 9, 541. 18

25, 000. OO

300& 000. 00

174 545 77

10, 000. 00

47, 886. :31 104) 069. 99

66, 958. 30

96, 973. 53

1 150 4(4 00

45, HH7. 30 14) 134. 39

Deduct repaymeuts to appropriations in excess of expenditures.

Total rivers.

Total expenses, harbors and rivers. .

12, 252, 434, 60

4) 538. 62

12, 247, 895 (JH

19, 590, 082. 21

$1 2) 247& 895 98


Disbmr st)tents — Continued.

Salaries. Ordinary ex- Public works. ')I)see) laneous unusual and ex- traordinary.

)fiscei)a)teens, Wgr— Natio»nl Defense. . Emergeucy fund. Expeditionary force to Cuba. . Contingencies of the Army. Expenses of Commanding-General's offitce. . . . . . . . . . .

! . .

Contingencies, Military Information Division, Adj »taut-G en eral &s O)I)ce. .

Contingencies& headquarters of military depart- lnents.

Perl»anent Internatioual Commission of Con- gresses of Navigation.

Hi~storical Register of the United States Army. . Care of civil records, military governruent of

Cuba . Signal Service of the Anny. Submarine cable, Washington to Alaska. . Military telegraph and cable lines, Alaska. . Military posts. Military post exchanges. Building, Army War College, Washington, D. C. . . . . .

85, 17). ;» :&, 000. 00

5, 389. 13

4, 227. 53

343 930 8

50, 373. 00

8223, 000. 00 161& 007. 20

1, 113, 462. 64

62, 500. 00

c3 000 00 3, 000. 00

1, 000. 00

Sli)2 Hpl. 69 76, 1&', . 43

54. 17

Military posts: Bismarck, N. Dak. Des Moines, Iowa. Fort Meade, S. Dak Fort Snelling, Minn. . i)lan)la, P. 1 Spokane, Wash.

Purchase of roadway from Aqueduct bridge to Fort Myer, Va. .

Road on Fort Sheridan militaryaeservation, Ill. . . . Purchase of land, military reservation, Fort

Iieaven worth, Kans. . Quartermaster&s warehouse, Omaha, Nebr. . . . . . . . . . .

Maps, War Department. Chickamauga and Chattanooga National Park. . . . . . Shiloh National Park . Improvement of Yellowstone National Park. . . . . . . . . Gettysburg National Park. Vicksburg National Military Park. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Antietam battlefield, preservation. . Battle lines and sites for tablets at Antietam . . . , . . Survey of northern and northwestern lakes. . . . . . . . . . Sewerage system, Fortress Monroe, Va. . Enlargement of Governors island, New York

harbor United States service schools. . Expenses, California Debris Commission. Establishing National Sanitarium for Disabled

Voluuteer Soldirrs, Hot Springs, S. Dak Establishing branch National Home for Disabled

Volunteer Soldiers, Johnson City, Tenn.

Support of National Home for Disabled Voluu- teer Soldiers:

Central Branch. Buildings and appurteuances

Northwestern Branch Buildings and appurtenances

Eastern Branch Buildings and appurtenances

Southern Branch. Buildings and appurtenances

Westeru Branch. Buildings aud appurtenances

Danville Brauch Buihlings and appurtenances

lilountain Branch. . Pacific Branch .

Buildings and appurtenances. Il nrio» Branch.

Buildings and appurtenances. Clothing Salaries~and incidental expenses.

State or Territorial homes for disabled volunteer soldiers.

National Home for Dis:)bled Volunteer Soldiers, Ceutral Branch, Indgments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

H2, 42

362, 3

101, 2


400. 00 330. 00 226. 33 024. 44 801. 34 426. 24 038. 65 909. 89

6. op 722. 08

24, 752. 91

20, 488. 76 167, 259. 28 31, 108. 00 15, 000. 00

311, 600. 19 31 145 33

4& 470. 49 8, 000. 00

9, 015. 40

7, 281. 30

60, 000. 00

H, 1HO. 82

10, 000. 00

500, 000. 00

570, 556. 37 1& 000. 00

?00, 265. 20 Opp pp

330, »rd. 16 1, 000. 00

422, 4/0. 38 200. 00

442, 3H2. :&

500. 00 307, 197. 05 ~

400. 00 2», 000. 00 i

31-). 001. "& 1, 350. 00 i

350, :):&l. 60 !). &0. ()()

200, 015. !) 40 80(1 s(i

1, 031& ', )5 &. 43

1, 410. 8:l


1Nsbersements — Continued.

Salaries. Ordinary ex- penses. Public works. Miscellaneous. Unusua) and e&r-


N(seel(a&teous& l(rar — Continued. Support of Soldiers' Home Soldiers' Home, permanent fund . Soldiers' Home, iuterest account . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . Claims for quartern&aster stores and commissary

supplies . Claims of officers and men of the Army for

destruction of private property (indefinit) . Horses and other property lost in the military

service . Clairus for property taken for military purposes

within the United States, war with Spain. Claims for property tal'en fr&un coulederate

oflicers and soldiers after surrender. Collecting, drilling, and organizing volunteers. . . . Traveling expeuses& of California and Nevada

Volunteers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pay, transportation, services, and supplies of

Oregon aud Washington volunteers in 1H55-'50. . . Suppressing hostilities of the Viute Indians in

Nevada in 1801. . . . Gunboats ou western rivers. Bringing home remains of offieers and soldiers

who die abroad. . Bringing home reu&ains of civil employees of the

Army who die abroad, and soldiers who die ou transports .

Refunding to States expenses iucurred in raising volunteers. .

Reimburserncnt to States and Territories expenses of raising troops for war with Spain. .

, Iudgment, refunding to Penusylvania expenses iu raising volunteers. .

Establishment of Apache prisoners at Fort Sill, Ol-lahoma. .

Damages by explosion of ammunition chest, Bat- tery F, Second IJ. S. Artillery. .

Reimbursement to Winfield T. Durbiu, late colo- nel, Indiana Volunteers. .

Reimbursement to the Mellert Foundry and Machine Company, Limited. .

Reimbursement to Capt. O. B. Mitcham, U. S. Army .

815, 317. 86

$743& 139. 39 254, 000. (iO

98& 0&38. 37

670. 00

3, 799. 71

80, 163. 61

5&5, 8, 53. 60

44, 041. 00 85. 20

111. 30

390. 63

95. 00 ]:&. 00

87, 368. 66

3, 624. 47

0, 364, 609. 31

217, 852. 35

45& 239. 90

4, 000. 00

1, 566. 52

2, 427. 84

497. 91

Relief of- Citizens of the French West Indies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Flora A. Darling. Distress in the Philippine Islands. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

The Christian Church, Henderson, Ky. . . . . . . , . . . C. W. Colehour First Baptist Church, Cartersville, Ga. Estate of M. J. Greaiish. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stephen B. Halsey Estate of Leander C. McLellaud. . The Propeller Tow Boat Company of S;&vaunah. . W. C. Taylor T. A. Woodress.

3, 000, 000. 00

30, 017. 40 5, 083. 00

500. 00 1& 020. 00 5, 000. 00

760. 64 50. 00

5, 500. 00 2, 929. 45 2, 000. 00

135. 60

Payment to- State of Virginia, accouut of War of 1812 — 181, &.


State of South Carolina, account of tVar of 1812-1815. .

St;ite of Florida, act of sl;iy 2'7, 1902&.

Williaiu S. Beauchan&p, damages to schooner "Alexander Wiley "

John Breitliug. . Representatives of the Catholic Church, Ma-

con City, Mo. Cumberlaud Female College, McMinnville,

Tenn. . . Heirs of Jacob R. Davis. . . Arthur L. Fish. . . Ezra S. ILaveus, Missouri Volunteer Infantry. . . Trustees Methodist Episcopal Church, Martius- I

burg, W. Va. . Trustees G& rulau Evangelical Church, Martins-

burg, W Va. . Mobile aud Ohio Railroad Company. .

5, 50

89, 137. 80 692, 940. 00

2, 3&0. 82 738. '»,

725. Oo

5, 000. 00 1, 5OO. OO

5, 000. 00 1, 028. 50

1, 850. Oo

2, 5&00. 00 14, 443. 93


Lbsbursements — Continued.


Salaries. Or tnarr ex- puhlic works, iris(ellsneous penses. Unusual and ex-

traordinary. Total.

Miscellaneous, Wnr — Continued. John S. Neet, jr. , Missouri State 5Iilitia Cav-

alry George A. Orr, Mount Vernon& Mo. . . Saint Charles College, llissouti. Bishop Augustine Vandevyver, trusteeof Saint

Joseph's Catholic Church, Martinsburg& &&V,

Va. .

P500. 00 i

1, . &38. 97 6, 666. 6

2 &Ho, oil

Deduct repayments to appropriations in excess of expemlitures.

1, 26' & 910. 4 ( s82&225&347. 59

52, HOH. 58 153, 422. 11

8:3, 030, 498. 68

346. 34

14) 135, 213. 24

3) 881. 22

Total apparent expenses, &Var Miscellaneous

Deduct "Soldiers' Home, perma- nent fund, " the amount received and covered into the Treasury to the credit of said fund, under the act of March 3, 1883, section 8, heing ~$743, 139. ', 39, leaving an ex- cess of receipts of $489, 139. 39. . . . . $254, 000. 00

Deduct amount received and cov- ered into the Treasuryas proceeds of Government property. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1, 342. 87

& 071, 92o. 48 3, 0, 30, 1, &, 50, 1 o 101. 89 2 " ' ' '. 34 14, 131, 332, 02 8 Ji l) 4:3& 511. (3

Total actual expenses, War Miscellaneous. . . . . . . . . Total apparent expenses, War Departntent. . . . . . . 830, 5:35, 500, 11 Total actual expenses, +ar Departtucnt . . . . . . . . . 30, 535, 500. 11


1, 342. 87

1, 24&3, 759. 02 2, 071, 925. 4H

4] '" ' ' ', )sl. 43 , 340, (, &J. ils, il, 16, 3, 41, 086, 918. 49 31, 163, 581. 43

3, O3O, 552). , 34 ~

3& 4(H, 044. 06 3, 4 r )(, 044, 06

254, 000. 00 255) 342. 87

13, 8 (7, 332. 02 20& 228, 168. 86

15, 165, 883. 26 121) li83, 747. 94 14, 911, 883. 26 121, 175, 927. 35

Salaries- Ofdce of Secretary of the Navy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . Oflice of Judge-Advocate-General, U. S. Navy. . . Oflice of Naval Records of the Rebellion. . . . . . . . . . . Oflice of Naval Intelligence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bureau of Construction and Repair. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bureau of Equipment. Bureau of i&fedicine and Surgery. . . , . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . , . Bureau of Navigation. Bureau of Ordnauce. Bureau of Supplies and Accounts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bureau of Steam Engineering. . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . , Bureau of Yards aud Docks. . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hydrographic Office. Nautical Almanac OfIEce. Naval Observatory. . Library, Navy Department. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

49, 290. 7( 14, 784. 90 14, 064. fi3 9, 452. 98

10, 204. 52 13, 721. 34 12, 387. 40 4(3, 592. 21 11, 755. 75 41, 307. 37 12, 024. 74 10, 329. 65 95, 848. 04 20, 908. 99 39, 290. 02

3& 977. 94

Continrjent and miscellaneous Expenses— Navy Department. Hydrographic Office. Printiug and biuding Naval Records of the

Rebellion. Reut of buildings . . . . . . N;tv;tl Observatory Library, iVavy Department. Pilot chart, North Pacific Ocean. Building for N;tvy Department: Rent, em-

ployees, etc. .

10, '&r1. 4o (

35, 906. 88

16, 035. 10 2, 000. 00

15, 52&&. 56 595. 56

1, 520. 02

9, 003. 59 (

Total apparent expenses, Navy Department, proper.

Deduct amount received and covered into the ~

Treasury as proceeds of Government property. . . '. . . 407, &901. 25 90, 861. 19 '. .

407. 99

49H, (62. 44

40 (. 99

Total;tctual expenses, Navy Department '



407, 901. 25 ' 90, 453. 20 5!l~, :35&4, 45

Nnrnt Acnde&ny- Pay. . Repairs. . Heating and lighting. . Special course. Contingent. Buildings and grounds.

112, 111. 71 88, 032. 19 20

4, 500, UU

5G, (49. 63 1, 038, 091. 5&1

Total expenses, Naut&1 Academy. . . . 5 & 4 I I r 1 5 ( 0 ( 1 r & 6 5 1 &

l 3 5 5 1 1, 320 5G'&.


Disbursements — Conti U ued.

Salaries, Ordinary ex- penses. Public works. Miece))ancona, Unusual and ex-

traordinary. Total.

~lar&', ne Corps Pay, Provision~. Clothing. Fuel . Military stores. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . """" Transportation and recruiting. Repairs of barracks. . . Forage for horses. . Contingent . Barracks and quarters. Hire of quarters. . Marine barracks, League Island, Pa. Marine barracks, Annapolis, Md. Building for officers of &(iarine Corps, Washing-

ton, D. C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

$1, 904, 424. 09 $441, 961. 01

303, t)71. 1H

39, 881. 55 53 708. 25 90, 200. 29 3t&, 403. 69

t&, GBH. 71 130, 257. 50

22& 174. HH

$6, 474. 34

5, 030. 44 102, 829. 24

31, 522. (0

1, 904, 4?4. 0!) l, 190, 407. 60 145, 856. 72

3, 803. . 9

Total apparent expenses, Ma, riue Corps . . . . . Deduct amount received and covered in!o the

Treasury as proceeds of Goverumeut property. . . .

$3) 246& 688 47

3, 803. 59

Total actual expenses, Marine Corps. . . . . . . . 1, 90), 424. 09 1, 192, 604. 07 145, 856. (2 3) 242, 884. 88

Increase of tke Nary— Equipment Armor and armament. Submarine torpedo boat. Construction and machinery Guu plant, Washington, D. C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Equipping navy-yards for construction of vessels. . . .

187, 343. 24 H, H03, 424. 50

47, 005. 00 . 1 (, 312, 716. 93

98, 12 . 79 158, 490. 79

Total expenses, increase of the Navv. . . . 20, 607, 104. 25 26) 667) 104. 25

Bureau of Yards and Docks— Maintenance of yards and docks. Civil establishment. Contingent. Housing torpedo vessels. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . Repairs aud preservation of navy-yards. . Navy-yard, Boston, Mass. Navy-yard, Brooklyn, N. Y. Navy-yard, Charleston, S. C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . Navy-yard, League Island, Pennsylvania. . . . . . . . . . . . Navy-yard, Mare Island, California. . . . . . . . Navy-yard, New York, 1V. Y. Navy-yard, Norfolk, Va. . . . . iVavy-yard, Pensacola, Fla. . . . . . . . Navy-yard, Portsmouth, N. H. Navy-yard, Pnget Sound, r&Vashington Navy-yard, Washington, D, C. . . . . . . „ Naval statiou, Algiers, I. a, Naval station, Cavite, Philippine Islands. Naval statiou, Houolnlu, H. I. iVaval station, Key IVest, Fia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Naval station, New London. Coun. Naval station, New Orlcausi La. Naval station, Port Royal, S. C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Naval station, Puget Sound, Washington. Naval station, San Juan, P. R. . Naval station, Tutuila, Samoa. . . . . . . . . . . . Four timber dry docks. Dry docl-, Charleston. S. C. . . . . . . Dredging Dry Tortugas, Fla. . Plaus and specifications for public works, Navy


GH3, 562. 08 103, 203. 13 40) 090. 5H

Gt), 051. 90

5& 517, 2H5. 81

483, 032. 46 907, 900 44

66, 895. 34 41, 131. 76

422) 178. 39 408, 819. 91

59 795. 46 285, 625. 45

15, 268. 18 498, 051. 97 374, 260. 73 348, 880. 57

17, 530. 20 8, 931. 70 9, 908. 15

4o, 649. 25 98. 80

19H, 691. 61 (6& 202. 17 17, 424. 94

245. 18 50, 320. 97

509, 844. 00 71, 845. 51 68, 074. Gl

. 30& 000. 00

Deduct repayruent to appropriation in excess of expenditure . . . 443. 00

Total apparent expenses, Bureau of Yards and Docks. . .

Deduct amount received and coveretl into the, Treasury as proceeds of Governrneut property„

887, 50&(. 09

5, 437. (9

5, 516) 842. 81 6) 404, 410. 00

5, 437. 79

Total actual expenses, Bureau of Yards and Docks 882, 129, 90 510& 842, Hl 0) 398) 972 71


Dist&tt) sements — Continued.

Ordinary ex- I puM!c &vo pensee.

boususj and ex aiiscellaneou. . &raordj Total.

flu& &uu of E&]uip)ncnt- E&quipment of vessels. Civil establishment. Contingent. Coal . Depots f'o r coal. Coal barges. . Naval Observatory. Naval Observatory, purchase of land. Ocean and lake surveys. . E&iuipmeut ph&nt, 1'hilippine Islm&ds.

R2 381 092 !i &

30, 52H. 06,

2, 228, H49. 92 6!"0, 440. 72 ]7, :i!7. 00 4:l i. 0&

I, ;&4:&. 60 ]4, 3]x, 79

+? 22l. &)6

Total apparent expenses, Bureau of' I', quip- rucnt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . .

Deduct amount received and covered into the Treasury as proceeds of Government property. . . .

5, 436, 960. 62

20, 48 &. 57

2 221 56 i ~%5&, 4:39, 182. 18

20, 485). 5)7

Total actual expenses, Bureau of l". quip- &nent. . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5& 416, 475. 0, &


2, 'l. 56 5, 418, 69&a 6]

Bureau of cVavigation- Transportation, recruiting, uud contingeut. . . . . . . . Naval training station, Cali lornia . Naval training station, Califoruia, building. I'&oard ou naval training st«tiou, Great Lakes. . . . Naval training station, Rhode Island. Naval training station, Rhode Island, building. Naval home, Philadelphia, Pa, . Naval War College, buildings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Naval War College Cunnery exercises. Outfits for naval apprentices. ()utfits for landsmen. . Out. fits ou first culistment. Maintenance of colliers. .

265, 615. 10 , &4, 030. 35

933. 99 , &7, 193. 42


69, ]9]. 07

] 2, ')R&&. 47 ]3&249 1H , &0, 5;&0. 26

131, HH5. 00 21. 16

151, 291. 13

26, 076. 82

:J. ', 270. 71

16, 765. 4, )

Total expenses, Bure«u of Navigation. . 786, 949. 13 75, 112. 98 862& 062 1 1

Bureau of Construction and Bepair- Construction and repair. Civil establishment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Steel tugs, general service. . Construction plant, Boston, Mass. Construction plant, Cavdte, Philippine Islands. . . Construction plant, Brooklyn, N. Y Construction plant, League Island, Pa. Construction plant, New Orleans, I. a. . Constructiou plant, New Yorl-, N. Y Constructiou plaut, Norfolk, Va. Construction plant, Mare Island, Cal. . Construction plant, Pensacola, Fla . Construction plant, Portsmouth, V. H. Construction plant, navy station, Puget Sound,

Wash. . Construction plant, navy-yard, Puget Sound,

Wash. .

Deduct repayment to appropriation in excess of expenditure .

, 7, 397, 546. 12 25, H01. 26

Ho, 519. 01 24, 79O. 24

989. 10 1, 366. 25

GH, «&. 43 17

1!l& l?86. ! &

2)R, 658. 68 ?i. 432. 70

&i& 440. 55 :». '. &&36. 51

92». 00

38, 7]]. 39

360, 200. 40 1. 00

Total expenses, Bureau of Constrncfiou and Repair

Bu) euu of Ordnance- Or&h&ance and ordnance stores. Civil establishment. Coutingeut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . Repairs. Or&Induce material (proceeds of sales) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . New battery for the "Baltimore". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . New battery for the "New Or]caus" and "Albany" . Quarters, ]tuse Island, Narragansett Bay. . . . . . . . . . . . Naval magazine, Dover, N. J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . „. . . . . . N;&val magazine, Fort Mifi]in, Pa. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . N;&val magazine, Fort I. afayette. . Naval ma azine, New York Harbor Naval &uagazine, Norfolk, Va . Torpedo statiou. Torpedo station buildings . Reserve torpedoes aud appli mess Arming aud equipping naval militia. .

7. 423, 347. 38

2, 357, 431. 78 40, 147. 73 75, 4ol. 32 44, 79?. 52 61, 971. 16

] ll) 574. 66 6 591. 71

59, 439. S?

22, 869. 7! 62, 4'». 19 [

3&io, 199. 40

4, 6&i !. , )'&

&", 976. &2

4]) (]5. 00 16, li:&". 8!l 47, , &10. 71 8 3o&9 8)

23, 95&]. 27

'7, 783, 546. &8


Disbftrsements — Continued.

Bureau of Ordnance — Continued. Arms and equipment, Marine Corps Steam lighter, uavy-yard, I eague Island, Pa. . . . . . . . Ammunition lighter, naval station, Puget Sound,


Wash. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Reserve guns for ships of the Navy. Reserve guns for auxiliary cruisers. . Naval proving ground, Indian Head, Md. . . . . . . . . . . . . Ordnance machinery) navy-yard, League Island,


Pa. Ordnancemachinery, navy-yard, Marelslaud, Cal. . .

Salaries. Ordinary ex- penses.

Hl /, 613. H4

85&i. 67

18, 000. 00 83, . 9"/9. 54

269, 603. 10 12 496 4

5, 138. 38 8, 9/6. 95

Public works. Miscellaneous. Unusual and ex- traordn&ary


Deduct repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures. .

3, 259, 356. 26 465. 59

Total apparent expenses, Bureau of Ordnance. . . . 3, 258, 890. 6'7 $215& 790. 96 &93, 474, 681. 63

Deduct from the expenditures under "Ordnance material (proceeds of sales), " the amount received and covered into tbe Treasury from the sales of useless ordnance material, $59) 526. 14) leaving an excess of ex- penditures of $2)445. 02. . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . $59)526. 14

Deduct amount received and covered into the Treasury as proceeds of Government property. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17. 00

Total actual expenses, Bureau of Ordnance. . . '. . .

59, 543. 14

3, 199, 347. 53 215» 90. 96 '.

59) 543. 14

3, 41, 138. 49

Bureau of Steam, Engineering— Steam machinery. Civil establishment. Contingent. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Machinery plant, navy-yard, Boston, Mass. . . . . . . . . . . Machinery plant, navy-yard, Brooklyn, N. Y. . . . . . . Machinery plant, naval station, Key West, Fla. Machinery plant, navy-yard, I. eague Island, Pa . . . Machinery plant, navy-yard, Mare Island, Cal. Machinery plant, navy-yard, New York, N. Y. . . . . . . Machinery plant, navy-yard, Norfolk, Va. Machinery plant, navy-yard, Portsmouth, N. H. Machinery plant, navy-yard, Puget Sound,

Wash . . Experiments with liquid fuel Tests of liquid fuel for naval purposes.

Deduct repayment to appropriation in excess of expenditure .

3, 470, 771. 04 1'7, 855. 01

222. 55

5, 792. 48 3& 827. 03

529. 70 32) 694. 42

964. 00 23) 455. (i9

87 414. 19 27, 713. 89 18, 454. , 35

9H7. 77

2, 580. 28

115) /94. 49

o38. 20

Total apparent expenses, Bureau of Steam Engineering. .

Deduct amount received and covered into the Treasury as proceeds of Government property. . .

3& 498) 468 1 1

11, 441. 57

115, 256. 29 3, 613, 724. 40

ll, 441. 57

Total actual expenses, Bureau of Steam Engineering . . 3, 487, 026, 54 115, 256. 29 3, 602, 282. 83

Bureau of Supp/ies and Accounts— Provisions, Navy. Clothing and small stores fund. . Civil establishment. . Contingent. Naval supply fund. Transportation of naval supplies.

3, 719, 071. 26 1, 483, 910. f35

100, 205. 62 193) 133. 10 205) 047. 95

104. 16

Total apparent expenses, Bureau of Supplies and Accounts 5, 701, 472. 94 5, 701, 472. 94


Disbursements — Continued.

Salaries. Ordinary ex- penses. Public works,

Unusual and ex- Miscellaneous. traordinary. Total.

Bureau of Supplies and Accounts — Continued. Deduct from the expenditure for

clothing and small stores fund the amount received and covered into the Treasury as revenue from this fund, leaving an excess of expenditure of I((331, 89H. 3;&. . . . . ', il, lR&, 012. 50

Deduct alnount received and cov- ered into the Treasury as pro- ceeds of Government property. . . 2, 703. '/4

. . $1, 154, 717. 24 »I, 154, &1&. 24

Total actual expenses, Bureau of Supplies and Accounts. . 4 546 755 /0 4 5&46 75, ). 70

Bureau of /(fed/cine and Surger)/— Medical department. Contingent Repairs . Naval hospital fund (f227, 274. 12 indefinite') . . . . Naval hospital, New York, N. Y. Repairs to naval laboratory, Brooklyn, N. Y . . . Naval hospital, Mare Island, Cal. Naval hospital, Newport, R. I. . Naval hospital, Canacao, P I

168, 110. 1 &

58) 907 8 30, 186. 73

267, 274. 12 151. 04

3, 818. 90 7, 419. 63 5, 351. 38

357. 40

Total apparent expenses, Bureau of Medi- cine and Surgery. .

Deduct from the expenditures under "Naval hospital fund" the amount received and cov- ered into the Treasury under this head, leav- ing an excess of expenditures of f9, 634. 04. . . . . . . .

Total actual expenses, Bureau of Medicine and Surgery . .

541, 577. 20

257, 640. 08

283, 937. 12

541, 577. 20

25)7, 640. OH

283, 937. 12

$14, 3'24, 080. 80

G45, 801. 06

miscellaneous, Nary— National Defense. Emergency fund. Pay of the Navy. Pay of the Navy, deposit fund. Pay, miscellaneous Coutingeut, Navy. Prize money to captors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . Prize money to captors, Spanish war Indemnity for lost clothing. Iudenmitv for lost property, acf March 2, 1895. . . '. . Destruction of clothing and bedding for sa)nitary

reasons . Extra pay to officers and men who served iu the

Mexican war (Navy) I3ounty for destruction of enemies' vessels. . Judgments, bounty for destruction of enemies'

vessels Enlistment bounties to seamen. Navy transportation, Pacific Railroads. Transportation of officers) effects. General account of advances. . Bringiug home remains of officers and men,

Nsvy and Marine Corps, who died abroad. . Relief of sufferers by destruction of the United

States steamship Maine. . Medals for officers and men of Navy and Marine

Corps, war with Spain. Payments for damages by collision, etc. , with

naval vessels. , Relief of George A. Rogers. lteliefof James K. Tolfree, paymaster, U. S. Navy. . . Payment to New York, iVew Haven and Hart-

ford Railroad Company Pay(uent to T. and A. Walsh. Reimbur»ement to I. ivingston Hunt, paymaster,

U. S. Navy Reimbursement to California State prison. Reimburtentent of Philippiue insular funds for

«uuboats, etc. , turned over to the Navy, . . . . , . . . . .

10, 139. 25

37, 604. 09 747. 57

17, 634. 10

$152, 582. 7U

1, 446. 40 18, 411. 96,

5, 60'2. 93 15, 627. 94

99. 58

2, 004. 61

432. 00

2, 314. 45

$1, H72, 734. 2'&

17o, 132. 01

6:3. OO

291. 79

53, GG9. :)7

:. ', 580. 66

17 327 1)

1, 951. 01 4' , ooo. 00

4, 440. 20 623. 55

i)H. 73 oG& 50

20 ', 819. 67

Deduct repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures .

Total apparent expenses, Navy Miscellaneous, 14, 969, HH1. HG 66, 125. 01 I. . .

198, , )' 2. ;)7 19. 30 1:3, 486. 1"

198, 503 o7 ')'3o» 510 71 1»(i'3 U'0


Disbursements — Continued.

Salaries. Ordinary ex- penses. Public works. Miscellaneous. Unusual and ex-

traordinary. Total.

Miscellaneous, iVat&g — Continued. Deduct from "Pay Miscellaneous"

the amount received from gain on exchange of naval drafts. . . . . . . . . . . . $24& 067. 59

Deduct "Pay of the Navy, deposit fund, " there having been received and covered into the Treasury on this account $446, 781, leaving an excess of receipts of $294, 198. 30. . . . 152, 582. 70

Deduct amount received and covered into the Treasury as proceeds of Government property. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 500. 00

$24) 06/. 59

Total actual expenses, Navy Miscellaneous. . . 14, 945, H14. 27

Total apparent expenses, Navy Department. . 17, 394, 618. 91 Total actual expenses, Navy Department . . . . . 17, 370, 551. 32

$500. 00

65, 625. Oi

55, 725, 801. 50 $7 469 36?. 23 54) 2 1 1 ) 824 53 7) 469) 362 23

$152 582. 70

45) 920. 57

198, 503. 27 45, 920. 57

81 & 7, 150. 29

2& 32H) 510. 71 2) 328& 510 71

H3, 116, 796. 62 Hl, 426& 169. 36

, j2, 32H, 510. 71 i 17, 385, H70. 56


Salaries— Oflice of Secretary of the Intenor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . General Land Oflice. . Indian Otfice. Pension Oi5ce. Patent Oflice. Bureau of Education. . Railroad 015ce. Oifice of Superintendent of Capital Buildings

and Grounds. Special Examiners, Pension 015ce. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Investigation of pension cases, Pension Oifice. . . . . .

391, 604. 35 495, 839. 60 ]38, 179. 05

1 ) 920) 430 20 825, 918. 15

53, 085. 30 67 220. 00

18, 71. 50 191, 080. 55 374) 804. 16

Conti ngent and Miscellaneous Expenses- Contiugeni expenses, Departruent of the Interior. . . Fxpenses special lanrl inspectors, Departruent of

the Interior. Expenses special inspectors, Department of the

Interior . Stationery, Department of the Interior Library, Department of the Interior Rent of buildings, Department of the Interior. . . . . . Postage to Postal-Union countries, Department

of the Interior. Expenses of inspectors, General Land 015ce. . . . . . . . . Preservation of records, Recorder's 015ce, Gen-

eral Land Oi5ce. . Library, General Land Oi5ce. Maps of the United States, General Land Ofhce. . . . Scientific Library, Patent Oifice. . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . , . Equipment of Scientific Library, Patent Oifice . . . . Law Library, Patent 015ce. 015cial Gazette, Patent Otfice, Public use of iuventions and defending suits,

Patent Ot5ce . Photolithographing, Patent 015ce. Distributing documents, Bureau of Education. . . , . , Collecting statistics, Bureau of Education. . . . . . . . . . . Library, Bureau of Education. Furnishing new addition to Hooe building. . . . . . . . .

85, 984. 63

1, 599. 31

6, 323. 97 62, 143. 63

647. 91 4H& 757. 44

3& 837. 00 6, 496 22

869. 20 269. 34

6, 525. OO

1, 879. 15 5& 029. 00

390. 40 157, 15&4. 99

33. 13 122, 524. 55

2, 499. 7li 2& 099. 82

249. 90 3, 382. 82

Deduct repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures.

Total apparent expenses, Interior Department proper.

518, 697. 17

700. 20

4) 415, 932. 86 517, 996. 9'7 4& 933) 929. 83


DQbursemenfs — Continued.


Salaries. Ordinary ex- penses Public works Miscellaneous Unusual and ex-

traordinarv. I

Contingent and llfisceltaneons Expenses — Continued. Deduct the following expenditures

on account of the Patent Oflice, viz: Salaries, , 'jjH25, 918. 15; scientific li- brary, $1, 879. 1;i; photolithograph- ing, $122, 524. 55 i Patent Office Official Gazette, $157, 154. 99; and miscellaneous expenses ot the Patent office, IIl5, 452. 53, there having been received and covered into the Treasury as a revenue from fees on letters patent the sum of, '$1, 593, '2'70. 61, leaving f580, 34L24 as an excess of re- ceipts over expenditures. . . . . . . . . . . $1, 012, 999. 87

Deduct from " Salaries, General Land Office, " the amount received and covereil into the Treasury as a revenue for copying fees. . . . . . . . . . . 30, 11H. 48

Deduct froru "Salaries, Indian Of- fice, " the amount received and covered into the Treasury as a revenue for copying I'ees. . . . . . . . . . . , . 207. 28

Deduct amount received and covered into the Treasury as proceeds of Government property. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11, 664. 81 $856, 243. 91 $198, 676. 03 $1, 054, 919. 94

Total actual expeuses. Interior Department proper.

3, 559, 688. 95 319, 320. 94 3r 879, 009. 89


Office of surveyor-general of- Alaska Arizona California. . Colorado. Florida . Idaho. . Louisiana. Minnesota. . . . . . . . Montana Nevada. New Mexico. . North Dakota. Oregon. South Dal-ota. Utah. . Washington. . Wyomiug.

gal;iries and commissions of registers and receivers

7, 597. 20 0, 9H7. 71

13, 554. 37 13, 199. 03 3, 000. 00

10, 201. 39 8, '732. 62 3, 798. 73

14, 932. 28 4, 799. HO

9, 920. 31 7, 109. 37 9, 244. 60 0, 939. 00

10, H77. 00 10, 990. 70 8, 800. 00

610, 829. 61

Contingent Expenses, ete. — Office of surveyor-general of-

Alaska Arizona, California. . Colorado. Florida. . Idaho. Louisiana. . . Minnesota. Montana. Nevada New Mexico . . North Dal-ota. Oregon South Dakota, . Utah. + asliiiigt oil. Wyoming.

Coutingent expenses of land offices. llxpeuses of depositing public moneys. Protecting public lands, timber, etc Surveying~ public lands. Surveying forest reserves. I'rotection of forest reserves. . . . . . . . . Ceological Survey Geological maps of the United States. Surveying private land claims. .

1, 094. 80 '

1, 995. 00 1, 422. 70 2, 8'78. 35

499. 44 1, 495. 78

034. 93 i

498. 12 1, 493. 09

282. 09 640. 47

1, 337. OO l

970. 37 1, 23H. 34


1, 104. 35 1, 221. 82 1, 294. 4H

230 490. 00 4, 909. 43

192, 322. 90 o9'7, 99H. 40 '

132, 529. 48 300, 174. 02 H97, H66. 44 89, H la 83

9, 576. 37


1Nsbmrsentents — Continued.

Salaries. Ordinary ex- penses.

Public works Miscellaneous. Unusual and ex- traordinary,


Contingent Expenses, etc. — Continued. Revenues, Yellowstone National Park . Protection of Yellowstone National Park. Surveying boundaries of Yellowstone National

Park Preservation of buffalo, Yellowstone National

Park Yosemite National Park. Crater Lake Natioual Park. Sequoia National Park General Grant National Park. Claims for condemnation of buildings, Hot

Springs, Ark. Protection and iinprovement of Hot Springs, Ark. . . . Hot Springs reservation, Arkansas. . Reproducing plate of surveys, General Land Office. . . Boundary between Idaho and Montana. Reproducing laud records, Bismarck, N. Dak. Transcripts of records and plate. . Surveying within land grants (reimbursable) . . Surveying lands in the Indian Territory. Resurveying Chicliasaw lands. . Expenses of'hearings in land entries. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fees on certain Iudian allotments. Repayment for lands erroneously sold. Surveying Fort Bufbrd abaudoned military reser-

vation. Deposits by individuals for survey iug public lauds. . . Reclamation f'und Appraisal and sale of abandoned military reser-

vations. . Classification of certain miueral lands in Mon-

tana and Idaho. Indemnity for swamp lands purchased by indi-

viduals . Repairs of ruin of Casa Grande, Ariz. Paymeut to settlers on Des Moiues River lands. . . . Examinations of desert lands . Alaska exhibit Louisiana Purchase Exposition. .

$4& 040. 25 4, 757. 15

3, 013. 99

14& 409. 55 600 44 637. 06

10, 433. 95 2, 504. 00

1H, 372. 07 1H, 303. 85 22, 000. 00 1, 618. 05

952. 62 1, 720. 50

19, 744. 00 1, 425. 00

19. 38 41. 76

5, 0(0. 32 303. 48

161& 544. 66

10, 702. 92 203, 274. 73 268, 517. 23

2, 744. 49

1, 428. 34

3, 787. 70 100. 00 206. 66 99. 60 52. 55

Three per cent fund of net proceeds of sales of public lands in:

Alabama (indefinite). Missouri (indefinite). Mississippi (inuefinite).

Two per cent fund of . net proceeds of sales of public lauds in:

Alabama (indefinite). Missouri (indefinite). Mississippi (indefinite).

Five per cent fund of net proceeds of sales of agricultural lands in Colorado (indefinite),

230. 15 581. 79 615. 84

153. 43 387. 86 410. 56

6, 412. 97

Five per, cent fund of the net proceeds of sales of public lands in:

Arkansas(indefinite) . . Florida (indefinite) . . Idaho (indefinite). Kansas (indefinite) . Louisiana (indefinite). Michigan (indefinite) . . Minnesota (indefinite) . Montana, (indefinite) Nebraska (indefinite) . . iVevada (indefinite) North Dakota (indefinite). New Mexico (indefinite) . Oregon (indefinite) . South Dakota (indefinite) . . . . . . . . . . , . . . , . „. . . , . . . . . . . Utah (indefinite). Wyoming (indefinite). . Washington (indefinite). Wisconsin (indefinite).

3& 863. 34 154. 73

12, 967. 42 340. 09

2, 782. 08 1, 747. (2

11, 422. 04 17, 907. H6

4& 618. 34 630. 13

27& 809. 12 2, 026. 26

23& 365. 90 6, 791. 45 1, 922. 20

) 0, 458. 29 21 175. 56

I& 302. 09

Deduct repayments to appropriations in ex- cess of expenditures.

943& 749. 52

. 90

Total apparent expenses, Public Lauds. . . . . . . , $701, 519. 78 $2, 182 87( 943, 748. 56, '. . $3, 888, 145. 72


Disbursements — Continued.

Salaries. Ordinary ex- penses. Public works. Niscellaneoua

i traordinar Unusual and ex-

Coattr&grertt Ea7&e&tses, r tc. — Continued. Deduct the amounts under the head

"Five, three, and two per cent funds to States, " being the per centum of the proceeds of public lands sold within their limits, and which have been covered into the Treasury as sales of public lands, . . $156, 197. 22

Deduct " Deposits by individuals for expenses of surveying public lands" (refunded as an excess of moneys deposited on account of such surveys), there having been received and covered into the Treasury under t h i s h e a d $305, 701. 88, leaving an excess of receipts over expenditures of $102, 427. 15 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203, 274. 73 '

Deduct amount of "Repayment for lands erroneously sold, " it being refunded to purchasers for lands erroneously sold to them, covered into the Treasury as sales) of pub- lic lands. 161, 544. 66

Deduct the expenditures under "Sal- aries and commissions of regis- ters and receivers, " If)610, 829. 61; " Contingent expenses of land ofllces, " $237, 490, and "Ex- peuses of' depositing public mon- eys, " $4, 909. 43, there having been received and covered into the Treasury, as a revenue frotn fees for services rendered by these cancers) $1, 594, 9U6. 59, leaving an excess of receipts over expendi- tures of If)741, 677. 55 . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . 853) 229. 04

Deduct "Protecting public lands, timber, etc. , " there having been received and covered into the Treasury as a revenue from dep- redations on public lands, $2)31, 144. 26, leaving an excess of receipts of +38, 82L36 . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . 192, 322. 90

Deduct from the expenditure under "Protection and ilnprovement of Hot Springs, Arko o this amount received and covered into the Treasnry from rents, Hot Springs Reservation, Ark. , leaving uu ex- cess of expenditures of If243. 85. . . 18, 120. 00

Deduct "Surveying private land claims, " there having been re- ceived and covered into the Treas- ury on this account $1U, 914. 14) leaving an excess of receipts of $1, 337. 77 9, 57(i. 37

Deduct from the expenditure under " Revenues of Yellowstone Na- tional 1'ark " this amount re- ceivet'l and covered into the Treasury from revenues of Yel- lowstone National Park, leaving au excess of expenditures of $2, 525. 25. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1, 515, 00 i

Deduct aluount received aud covered into the Treasury as proceeds of Crovernment property. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13, 095. 97,

$6Hl, 82!l, 61 Bl!7, 81H. 30 $5)5)U 22). !)8 81, 60H, H . . H9

Total actual expenses, Public Lands. . . . . 8 RD

150 690 17 1, 3o, 059. OH ~ 393, 5"U. 58 . ) &} )6()


Disbursements — Continued.

Salaries. Ordinary ea- pubic worlds. penses.

M)s&. ellaneous. Unusual and ex- &raordinary.


Benefiri aries— Government Hospital for Insane. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Buildings and grounds, Government Hospital for

Insane Extension, Covernment Hospital for Insane. . Repairs, Government Hospital for Insane. . Columbia Institutiou for Deaf an&i Dumb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Howard University. Maryland School for the Blind. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , .

H'. 33) 094. 79 713, 322. 22

Ijl338, 520. 84

34, 271. 53 66, 291. 00 42, 090. 87

7, 9H7. 49

Total expenses, Beneficiaries. 746) 417 01 489) 161 73 i gl 235 578. 74

Ki seellaneo«s—

Annual repairs of the Capitol. . Improving the Capitol grounds. Lighting the Capitol and grounds. Flags for the Capitol. . Carpenter and tool shops, Capitol Shelving for library, Senate Engine house and Senate and House stables. Ventila&iou, H&&use. . Shelving for library, House. Refitting docun)ent room, House. Capitol building and repairs. Recons) ructing rooms of old Library of Congress. Recoustructiug central portion of Capitol Electric light ph&nt, Dep;&rtrnent of the Interior. . j . Repairs of building, Department of the Interior. . . j. . . Elevator, Department of the Interior. . Supreme Court reports. . . Distribuiiou of Hupr&me Court reports, Revised

Statutes, etc. Inspecting miues in the Territories. . Reiudeer for Alaska . Schools outside incorporated towns, Alaska. . . . . . . Care and custody of insane, Alaska Colleges for agriculture and the mechanic arts. I xpeuses oi' the Twelfth Census. Preservation of census records. . Liquidatiou of deposits in Hawaiian Postal '

Savings Bank. Reimbursement to H. V. A. Ferguson. Reimbursement to State of Washington uuder '

act August 1H, 1894 . Payments to certain deputy surveyors. Payment to-

Heirs of l. awrence D. 13ailey. Mrs. Alice Gershel . Dallas Jones aud others. . Roland C. N)chols, late receiver. iVorth American Transportation snd Trading

Compauy . George A. S. O' Brien. Alhert E. Rose, late regi ter A. E. Rose, receiver. William A. Ht&arkweather) late register F. mrna L. Taylor. John L. Stevens.

Relief of Angus A. III&:Phee. . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . , . . . . „. . . . .

69, H26. 68 21, 9HS. 93 47, 366. 11

19. 90 9, 230. 00 9, 550. 00 ], 4&99. 07

2. 81 '&, 360. 00

1 &, 000. 00 24, 500. 44 oH 004 26

745. 94 40, 742. 44 1'I 4')9 5ii 2. 142. 84

608. 00

Gl, 9&96. 50 6, 627. 56

12& 194. 50 30) 207. HU

4, SH7. 97 1, 200, 000. 00 I, 345):32&9. 45&

8, 5H4. &9

2& 336. 2:3 9. 00

17, 032. 00 9& 450. '74

200. 00 400. 00

1, 000. 00 1, 339. 72

1) 126. 00 50. 00 j

1, 339. 72 '

152. 45 2) 170. 00

3/. 09 1, 168. 00

676. 85

Deduct repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures.

302) 478. 98

3. 62

Total app. &rent expenses, Interior Miscella- Ilcous , '302, 475. 36 2, 708) 924. 37 3, 011& 399. 73

1, H57. (', 3

Total actual expenses, Interior Miscellaneons. „, j.

Deduct "Schools outside of iucorpo- rated towns, Alaska, " there having been received and covered into the Treasury under this head the sum of $46, 413. 98, leaving& an excess of receipt: of $16, 206. 18. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . o)30, 207. HO j

Deduct a. mount received and covered into the Treasury as proceeds of Government property, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

1, H57. 73 30, 207. 80

300, 617. G3 2, G78, 716 57

32) 065. 53

2, 979) 334. 20


Disbttrseme)tfs — Continued.

Salaries. Ordinarg ex- pup!in worirs penses. Miscellaneous. I)nusual and ez- irsoj'd)ns) X.


PENSIONS Pensions, etc. —

Army pensions. N;ivy pensions . Fees of examining surgeons, pensions. Fees of examining surgeons, Army pensions. Salaries, pension agents. Clerk hire, pension agencies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rents, pension agencies. Contingent expenses, pension agencies. Iteimbursement to Harlow Underhill . .

. . . Sl?)3, 201, 3, 825),



411, 0,



560. 22 leu. 13 ( ( (. 41 ]2. 00

F"'. l. 00 628. 08 4HO. 00 6H3. 21 49'). 00

Total app;)rent expeuses, Pensions. . . . . . . . . . . . . Deduct amount receive&1 and covered into the

Treasnry as proceeds of Covernment property. . .

Total actual expenses, Pensions.


1;38, 4')5, 0'16. 0 (

54. 24

13(3, 425, 591. 8, 3

8 I:38, 425, 046. 07

54. 24

138, 425, 591. +3

Current and Contingent Expenses- Pay of Indiau t)gents. . Pay of interpreters. Pay of Indiau iuspectors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '1'raveling expenses of Indian inspectors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pay of Indiau school superintendent. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Traveling expenses of Indian school superintend-

ent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . „„, . . . . . . , . . „. . . . „ I'elegraphing and purchase of Indian supplies. . . . . . Tran~sportation of Indian supplies. . I ay of Indiau police. . Pay of judges, Imlian courts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pay of' farmers. . Pay of matrous. Vaccinatiou of Indians. Expenses of Indian commissioners. . Buildings at agencies, aud repairs. . Contingencies of Indian Department

Total Curreut and Contingeut Expenses. .

861, 50)8. 9H

4, 224. 00 18, 096. 32

3) 000. 00

126, 862. 47 12, 210. 07 "/3, 70'7. 23 14 953 89

:314, 622. 96

f12, 180. 62

1, 500. 43 6, ), 347. 97

242, 250. 00

1, 880. 25 '

3, 83H. 15 35, 107. 33 i

42, 442. 28 l

404) 619. 63 719, 24'2. 59

Futf)fling Treaty Stipulations with, and Support of, In- dian Z'ribes—

Fulfilling treaties with: A. paches, Kiowas, and Comanches. . Chippewas of the Mississippi . Choctaws. . Cceur d'Aleues. . Creeks. Crows . Crows, for cession of lands. . Colu mbias and Col vil les. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Indians of Fort Berthold Agency. Fort Hall Indians . Indians at Blackfeet Agency. Io was. ( Kansas Indiaus. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kickapoos. . Osages. . Pawnees. Pottawatomies . 1'ottawatomies, award of January 2H, 1800. . . . . . . Sacs and Foxes of the Mississippi. . Hacs and Foxes of the Missouri. . Seminoles. Henecas. Henecas of New York. . Eastern Hhawuees Hhoshones and Arapahoes in wyoming. . . . . . . . . . . . Sioux, Yaukton tribe. Hissetous )iud AVahpetons. Hpok;ines. . . . . . Six Nations of New York. . . '(Vinnebagoes.

Relief and civilixation of' Chippewas in Minue- sota (reimbursable).

Advance interest to Chippewas of Minnesota (re- imbursable)

Surveyiug and allotting for Chippe)vas in Min- nesota (reimbursable) . .

11H. 41 1, 000. 00 i

30, 032. 8)J

1, 691. :30 12) 220. 00 ~

3'2, 320. 00 8, 653. 98 0, 6 7. 95 0 1)7 7H

9, 116. 80 57, H32. 01

903. 95 3, 186. 02

311. 27 3, 4)6. 00

29, 549. 40 21, 570. 04

621. 6:3 o2, 055. 05

7, H(0. 00 2H, 500. 00

441. 14 12, 334. 10

500. 07 6, 062. 10

10, 040. 25 108. 00

3, (2;). 00 4, 534. 32

4'2, 004. 47

15(, 90H. 9(

57, 40!l. (2

37, 716. 8)3


Dtebursentents — Continued.

Futfttting Treaty Stipulations toith& and &Support of, In- dian Tribes — Continued.

Support of: Bannocks: Employees. Chippewas of the Mississippi. Cceur d' A. lenes. Molels. Northern Cheyennes and Arapahoes: Subsist-

ence and civilizarion. Northern Cheyennes and Arapahoes: Em-

ployees, etc. Pawnees: Schools. Pawnees: Employees, etc Pawnees: Irou, steel, etc. . Quapaws: Employee&s, etc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , Sacs and Foxes of the Missouri Shoshones: Employees, etc. Sioux of different tribes: Employees, etc. . . . . . . . . .

Sioux of different tribes: Subsistence and civ- ilization . .

Sioux, Yankton tribe. Confederated bands of Utes: Employees. . . . . . . . . . . Coni'ederated bands of Utes: Subsistence. . . . . . . . . . Spokanes .

Salaries. Ordinary ex- penses.

$4, 9HO. 00 4, 000. 00 2, 200. 87 3, 000. 00

71, 198. 16

8, 446. 25 9 994 25 5, 504. 52

170. 86 350. 00 200 00

5& 725. 63 89, 716. 69

(i26, 806. 21 27, 699. 34 22, 269. 51 29, 351. 58

720. 00

Public works. Miscellaneous. Unusual and ex- traordinary.


Deduct repayments to appropriations iu excess of expenditures.

1, 560, 615. 63

629. 73

Total Fulfilling Treaties and Supports, Treaty Stipulations. 1, 560, 085. 90 $1 560) 085. 90

itfiscetlaneous Supports— Support of-

Absentee Shawnees, Big Jim's Band Apaches, Kiowas, Coma~nches, and Wichitas. . . . . . . Chippewas of I. ake Superior. . . . . . . . . . . ', . Chippewas, Turtle Mouutain Band. Cheyennes and Arapahoes. . Confederated tribes and bands in middle Oregon. . . . . Digger Indians. . D' Wamish and other allied tribes in Washington. . . . Flatheads and other cou federated tribes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Flatheads oi' Carlos' Band Hualpais in Arizona. Indians in Arizoua and Ncw Mexico. Indians of Fort Berthold Agency. Indians of Fort Hall Reservation. . Indians of Fort Peck Agency Indians of Klamath Agency. . Indians of Lemhi Agency Kaibabs in Utah Kansas Indians. Kickapoos. . Makahs Mexican Kickapoos. Modocs in the Indian Territory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mission Indians Nez Perks of Joseph's Band. . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pimas. . . . . . . . . . . . Poncas. Qui-nai-elts and. Quil-leh-utes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Shebits in Utah Shoshones in Nevada. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , Shoshones inWyomiug. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . „. . . . . , . . . . . , . . . , . . . Sioux of Devils Lake. Sioux, Medawakanton Band. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ton kawas. Walla-Walla, Cayuse, and Umatilla tribes. . . . . . . , . . Wichitas and affiliated bands. . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Yakimas and other indians

4. 53G. 23 5, 907. 32 6, 648. 42 5, 864. 19

50, 117. 17 3& 637. 68 1, 446. 85 4, 316. 36 4& 574. 50 6, 293. 92

816. 09 174, Ml. 08 19, 456, 53 18, 520. 09 56 212. 80

4, 854. 50 8, 029. 06

41. 94 1, 713. 70 5, 316. 29 2) 089. 61 3& 292 12

16. 78 4. 43

3, 833. 16 28& 2M. 69

9& 115. 92 949. 68

1, 749. 03 11. 450. 45 14, 156. 03 8, 709. 78

5, 28 850. 00

3 509 03 13, 783. 10 5, 378. 65

Deduct repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures

489, 420. 3G

1. 62

Total Miscellaneous Supports. 489, 418. 74 489, 418. 74


Disbursements — Continued.

Salaries. Ordinary ex- penses. Public works. Unusual and er-

al is»ella»coun traordinarv.

True( Funde- Interest on-

Blackfcet Reservation 4 per cent fund . . Cherokee asylum fund. Cherokee national fund Cherokee orphan fund Cherokee school fund . Chickasaw national fund. Chickasaw incompetent fund. Cheyennes and Arapahoes in Oklahoma fund. . . . . . Choctaw general fund. . Choctaw orphan fund. . Choctaw school fund. Crow fund. Crow Creek 4 per cent fund. Creek general fuud. Fort Belknap Reservation 4 per cent fund . . . . . . . Iowa f'und. . Kansas general fund. . Kansas school fund. Kickapoo general fund. Kickapoos iu Oklahotna fund. L'Anse and Vieux de Sert Chippewa fund . . . . . . . Meuoininee fund Menominee log fuud. . . . . . . . . . Omaha fund Osage fhnd Osage school fuud. Otoe and Missouria fund. Pawnee fund. Ponca fund. . Pottawatomic education fund. . Pottawatomie general fund. Pottawatomie mills fund. Sacs and Foxes of the Mississippi fund. . Sacs and Foxes of the Mississippi in Okla-

homa fund. Sacs and Foxes of the Mississippi in Iowa fund. . . Sacs and Foxes of the Missouri fund. . Seminole general fund . Seneca fund. Seneca fund iTonawanda Band). ,

Siletz general fund. . Sioux fund, Crow Creek. Sioux fund, Cheyenne River. Sioux fund, Lower Brule. . . Sioux fund, Psosebud. Hioux fund& Sautee. . Sioux fund, Pine Ridge. . Sioux fund, Standing Rock. . . . . . . . . . . . Hisseton and Wahpeton fund . Htockbridge consolidated fund Tonkawa fund. . Umatilla general fund. Umatilla school fund. Ute 5 per cent fund. . . . . Ute 4 per cent fund. Yankton Sioux fund.

Principal and interest account: Payment to North Caroliua Cherokees. .

Principal accounts: Apache, Kiowa, , aud Comanche fund. . Cherokee ontlet fund. . Cherokee asylum fuud. Cherokee national fund. . Cherokee orphan fuud . Cherol'ee school fund. . Chickasaw national fund. Crow Creek 4 per cent fund . Crotv fund. Fort Belknap Reservation 4 per cent fund. . . . . . . . . Fort Flail 13eservation 4 per cent fund. Iou;& fund. . Iinnsas geueral fuml. Meuominee log fund. . Omaha fund. . . . . . . . . . Osage fund Puyallup 4 per ceut school fund . Sacs and Foxes of the Mississippi in Okla-

houta fund.

6;i, 95' 55 :3, 668. 83 i

7:3, 068. 17 31, 418. 1, &, 42, 719. R5 '

60, 831. 02 I

200, OOU. OU

49, 53(i. 21 17, 432. 15

2, 064. 4(i 2, 47:3. 64 (i, HR9. 60

1:3 537 3H

98& 652. :34 9, (&( ! l. 03 2, 509. 71

658, 38 1, 080. 81 2, 286. 25 1, 300. 10

0H6. 10 7, 329. 50

3H, 926. 00 27, 646. 65

417, 464. 24 5, '0OO. 30 '

35 74, & 02 20, 000. 00


3, ;382. 10 ;3, 023. 02 4, 442. R2



7?5 37 '

0&UH. 24 i

12, 601. 66 ',

1, 930. 20 10, 392. 80 i

75, 'ooo. oo I

1, 457. 98 4, 345. 51 1, 980. 33 6, 627. 21

20& 332. 7( '

3, 38H. 00 30, 046. 58 11 541. 04 42, :342. 42


oH 822 44 '

44, 607. 1(i I 1, H31. 76,

1, 285. 92 10, X33. 58

1, 820 99 I

15, 025. 15 44, 569. 05 23, 942. 00

279, 700. 00 1HB. 74

10, 000. 00 724, 64:3. 4', )

12, &8&. 56 21:&, 105. 11

50, 000. 00 38, 650. 00 30, 80f. 4O

92, 315. 01 4&J, 352. 83 3:i, 026. 66

7. 50 52, 000. 00 99 &f6. RR

1 R(ll. 62 2, 052. 04

10(i. 83 I


Disbttrsentetits — Continued.

Salaries. Ordinary ex- penses. Public works. Miscellaneous. Unusual and ex

traordinary. Total.

Trust Funds — Continued. Principal accounts — Continued.

Sacs and Foxes of the Missouri fund. . Shoshone and Bannock fund. . . . Sisseton and Wahpeton fund. Siletz general fund. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Seneca, fund. Seneca and Shawnee fund. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Eastern Sbawnee fund.

Proceeds of lands: 1 ulfrlling treaties with—

Chippewa, and Christian Indians, Crows, herd fund. . Menominees, logs. Omahas, interest on deferred payruents for

lands. Proceeds of United Peoria and Western Miami

surplus lands Proceeds oi' Southern Ute Reservation. Proceeds of Flathead patented lands, Bitter

Root Valley, Mont. Payment to Puyallup allottees. .

~11 940 30 4, 216. 31 1, 153. 80

11, 816. 41 114, 7(9. 60

8, 211. 39 20, 600. 00

446. 13 3, 064. 03

25, 039. 92

5) 979. 46

1) 204. 50 4, 998. 72

6, 270. 67 66, 802. 64

Deduct repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures. .

3, 579, 022. 40

237. 75

3) 681. 92

Total actual expenses, Trust Funds.

Total apparent expenses, Trust Funds . Deduct fronr Trust funds, proceeds of

lands, etc. , this amount received and covered into the Treasury as revenue from sales of Indian trust lands. . . . . . . . . $494, 777. 58

Deduct the expenditure under Me- nominee log fund, there having been received and covered iuto the Treasury, as revenues from this source, the sum of Ir'244, 605. 04, leaving an excess of receipts over the expenditures of $192, 605. 04. . . 52, 000. 00

Deduct the expenditure under "Crow herd fund, " there having been received and covered into the Treasury as revenues from this source, the sum of $10, 137. 86, leaving an excess of receipts of $7, 073. 83.

Deduct from "Trust funds, interest accounts, " the amounts received and covered into the Treasury as revenues from interest on deferred payments

3, 578, 784. 65

553 523 53

3 025 261 1

83, 578, 784. 65

o53, 523. 53

3& 025, 261. 12

Inndentats:in- Arizoua . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . California, including support and civilization. . . . . . . California, employees. . . Colorado. Idaho. . Indian Territory, including employees Montana Montana, including employees. Nevada, support and civilization. Nevada, employees. New Mexico. North Dakota. Oregon, including support and civilization . . . . . . . . . . Oregon, employees. . South Dakota. Utah, support and civilization. Washington) including employees and support

and civilization

79'3. 93 3, 59H, 39 7, 972. 85

75. 35 491. 20

]8, 037. 41 23. H6

H, 080. 52 5, 548. 63 4) 165. 88

403. 93 1, 005, 7() 1, 76:3. 30 2, 236. 48 2, 375. 96

94, 54

13, 362. 75

Deduct repayments in excess of expenditures. . .

Total Incidental Expenses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . „, 70 010 54

173. 73

69, 836. 81 69, 836. 81


Disbursemevtis — Conti llued.

Salaries. Ordinary ex pensee. Public works. Miscellaneous. Qnusual and ex-

traordinary. Total.

Sappor1, of Schools- lndian school buildings. Indian school transportation. Indiau schools: Support Indian schools:

Albuquerque, N. Mex. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Carlisle, Pa, . Carson, Nev. Chamberlain, S. Dak. Cherokee, N. C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chilocco, Okla. Vlandreau, H. Dak. V ort Mojave, Ariz. Vort Totten, N. Dak Grand Junction, Colo. . . Genoa, Nebr. . Hampton, Va. Hayward, Wis Kickapoo lteservation, Kansas . Lawrence, Kans. Morris, Minn . Mount Pleasant, Mich . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Perris, Cal. Pierre, S. Dak. Pipestone, Minn. . Phcenix, Ariz. Rapid City, S. Dak Riverside, Cal. Salem, Oreg. . . Hac and Fox Reservation, Iowa. . . . . . Bouthern Utah. Santa Fd) N. Mex. . Hhoshone Reservation, Wyoming. Tomah, Wis. Truxton Canyon, Arizona.

c2)7 070 51 48, 276. 14

I, 210, 862. 60

43, 999. 98 144, 463. 78

41, 531. 33 25, 205. 27 22) 186. 42

103, 245. 08 'I l, 847. 02 30, 451. 32 49 452 39 26, 113. )1 57, 795. 25 15, 305. 97 31, 278. 22

9, 234. 70 146, 724. 48 31, 131. 09 461 641, 91 18, 058. 05 25, 301. 6'I 25, 478. 00

125, 215. 42 24, 400. 36 53, 245. 12 90, 026. 32 15, 120. 05 3, H57. H3

54, 645. 45 2'2, 26H. 53 45 470 0 24, 205. 00

Indian school buildings: Carson City, Nev Chilocco, Okla. Chippewas in Minnesota (reimbursable). . . . Flandreau, S. Dak. Flandreau, S. Dak. , water system. . Fort Mojave, Ariz. Fort Totten, N. Dak. , 'heating plant. Genoa, Nebr. Hayward, Wis. . I awrence, Kans. Lawrence, Kans, , land Morris, Minn. Mount Pleasant, Mich Oneida, Wis. , land. Phcenix, Ariz. Rapid City, S. Dak. Riverside, Cal. Haleru, Oreg . . Salem, Oreg. , heating and electric plant. . . . T)uxton Canyon, Ariz .

1, 14,

3) 1, 9,


11, 1,

10, 30,


18, 540 5, 397

34, 897 20, )00

5, 033 9, 669

24'2. 79 348. 05 943. 26 364. 14 528. 50 094. 00 537. 00 372. 61 4H7. 83 021. 21 000. 00 655. 67 816. 50 985. 00

. 00

. 30

. 40

. 86

. 00

. 67

Detluct repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures.

Total Support of Schools. . .

3, 16l, 445. 61 7. 00

3, 161, 438. 61 $3, 161, 438. 61

Itf)scellaneotts Erepcnses of Indian Seroice- Surveying and allotting Indian reservations. . . . . . . . . Surveying and allotting Walker River, Uiutah,

and Spokane reservations. Surveying Cheyenne River, Pine Ridge, and

Standing Rock reservations. . Surveying Pine Ridge, Rosebud, and Standing

Rock reservations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Surveying Pine Ridge, Standing Rock, and

Lower Brule reservations. Surveying Pine Ri&lge and Stauding Rock Reser-

vations . Allotments uuder act of February 8, 1887

(reimbursable ). Ascertaiuing benedciaries of judgmeut in favor

of New York Indians. Irrigation, Iudian reservations. .

28, 550. 82

54. 55

5, '2:14. 21

14, 467. 04

3, 111. 19

3& 200. 00

30, 121. 90

2, 600. 16 120) 828. 26


Disbttrsements — Continued.

Salaries. Ordinary ex- penses. Publ&e works. M&seeoaneous. Unusual and ex-

traordinary. Total.

Miscellaneous Expenses of Indian Service — Continued. Indian moneys, proceeds of labor Investigatiug Indian depredation claims. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Judgments, Indian depredation claims. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Judgment in favor of Pottawatomie Iudians. . . . . . . . Judgment, Wichitas and at5liated bands. . . . . . . . . . . . . Education, Sioux Nation. Civilization of the Sioux Relief of destitute Indians. . Commission to negotiate with Five Civilized

Tribes . Commission, Puyallup Reservation (reimbur-

sable) Stock and fence, Northern Cheyenne Reservation. . . Town-site Commissioners, Indian Territory . . . . . . . . . Flour mill, Pima Ageucy. Sawmill, Nez Perch Reservation. Sawmill, Klamath Agency, Oregon. . Bridge, Niobrara, Nebr Asylum, insane Indians, Canton, S. Dak Removal aud support of Mission Indians. . Removal of intruders, Five Civilized Tribes. . . . . . . . Removal of Wenatchi to Colville Reservation . . . . Suppression of smallpox among Iudians. . Publishiug digest rel*tiug to Indian Affairs. . . . . . . Pay of physician, New York Agency. Counsel for Pueblo Indians of New Mexico. . . . . . . . . . Payment for i&nprovements, Round Valley Reser-

vation in California. Reimbursement to H. M. Rebok and W. G.

iVIalin for defeudiug suits . . . . . . . . . . . Indian warehouse, Oruaha, Nebr Indian warehouse, St. Louis, Mo. . Contingent expenses of Choctaw and Chicka-

saw citizenship court. Expenses, suit of Chickasaw freedmen in Court

oi' Claims. Payment to-

Absentee Shawnees, for lands. American Surety Company of New York. . . . . . . . . . Chippewas of Miur&esota, for damages. Chippewas on Mille Lac Reservation, Minn.


fur improvements Certain deputy surveyors Cheyennes and Arapahoes iu Oklahoma. . . . . . . . . . . Cceur d' Alene Indians. . Emmet Cox, for improvemeuts . Estate of-

Robert Cutchubby. Aggy Darin. Ish-tick-i-you. A. B. Johnsou. John Newberry. Ho-par-kin-tubby .

James R. Goss, for legal services. . E. I. eader Walter M. Luttrell. Loyal Creeks aud freedmen Naalem Band of Tillamooks. . R. F. Pettigrew, administrator Pottawatomie citizens iu Oklahoma for lands. . . . . Sacs and Foxes of the Mississippi in Okla-

homa Scouts aud soldiers of Sisseton, Wahpeton,

Medawakanton and Wapakoota Sioux . . . . . . . . . Settlers on Crow Creek and Winnebago

Reservation Sioux of Rosebud Reservation, for lands. . . . „, . . . Settlers on Navajo Reservation. Sundry Sioux Indiaus for depredations, treaty

April 29, 186H. Uintah and White River I tes for land . . . George T. Wilson

" $1, 239, 580. 24 4, 600. 00

690, 694. (io 630. 00

90, 000. 00 191, 135. 62

84) 932. 02 76. 47

260& 171 59

2, 000. 00 2, 214. 20

77, 543. 19 1, 493. 19 1, 500. 00 1, 390. 71

200. 00 22, 384. 38 62, 902. 41

6, 000. 00 455. 35

19, 860. i)3 3, 173. HO

600, 00 1, 536. 10

7, 100. 00

725. 24 6, 386. 02 5, 890. 00

3, 000. 00

2, 800. 05

1, 133. 00 2, 91H. 05

532. 55

40, 000. 00 53. 87

131. 64 1, 137. 09 3, 875. 00

1, 065. 00 2, 125 00 1, 800. 00 2 025 00 9, 267. 50 3, 900. 00

150. 00 2& 153. 34

27il. 00 9O, OOO. OO

78. 7o 320. 45 37. 75

212. 61

901. 24

150. 00 33. 25

4H, 000. 00

81, 740. 00 64, 524. 4H 1 395 00

3, 359& 074. 90

Deduct repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures

Total apparent expenses, Miscellaueous In- dian Service.

2, 714. 12

3, 356) 360. 78 $3, 356& 360. 78


Disbursements — Continued.

Salaries. Ordinary ex- penses Public works. Miscellaneous. Unusual and ex-

traordinary. Total.

Miscellaneous Expenses of Indian Service — Continued.

Deduct "Indian moneys, proceeds of labor, " there having been received and covered into the Treasury under this head the sum of $1, 640, 066. 43, leaving an excess of receiptsof $400, 486. 19. . . . . . . . . . . . $1, 239, 580. 24

Deduct amount received and covered into the Treasury as proceeds of Government property. . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . 18, 016. 10

$1 257 596 34 $1, 257& 596. 34

Total actual expenses, Miscellaneous Indian Service.

Total apparent expenses, Indian Affairs. . . . . . . Total actual expenses, Indiau Affairs. . . . . . . . . . . '

2, 098, 764. 44

', 5:314, 62!. 96 12, 620, 545. 12 311, 622. 96 10, 809, 425. 25

2, 098& 764. 44

12& 935& 1 68 08 11, 124, 048. 21

Total apparent expenses, Interior Depart- meut.

Total actual expenses, Interior Department. . . 5, 492, 075. 60 15, 321, 419. 47 $1, 048, 892. 3"l

4, 0'&5, 002. 08 12, H63, 805&. 27 1, 047, 034. 64 $4, 141, H34. 6(i

:3, 561, 39H. BH $138, 425, 646. 07

138, 425, 591. 83 164, 429& 868. 17 1 59& 922& 832 70


Salaries, etc. — Salaries, Post-Office Department. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Contingent expenses:

Stationery Fuel Lights. Plumbing and light fixtures. Painting. Carpets . Furniture, I lorses and wagons. . Elardware. . . Telegraphing. Miscellaneous items. Rent. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Official Postal Guide. . Post-route maps. . Postage. . Repairs, etc. , Post-Office, Washington, D. C. . . . . . . . . Removal of Post-Office Department, etc. , to

new Post-Office building. .

1& 246, 837. 85

8& 998. 75 26, 853. 65

805. 01 403. 29

1& 136. 92 2, 877. 84 8, 121. 75 1& 298. 71 1, 435. 62 7, 167. 31

18) 216. 16 19) 800. 00 21 551 00 17& 647. 71

550 00 7& 291. 43

400. 00

Total expenses, Post-Office Department proper 1, 246, 837. 85 144 555. 15 1, 391, 393. OO

Postal Service—

Deficieucy in postal revenues. . Mail transportation, Pacific railroads. .

2, 768, 919. 20 701, 648. 2H

Relief of— R. Brigham. . F. J. Bowers. . C. W. Carr. J. M. Chisham. J. F. Lawson . . G. H. Sowder, adininistrator of B. H. Sowder. . . I, egal representatives of J. L. Young. . . . . . . . . . , . . . .

Payment to Morgan's Louisiana and Texas Rail- road and Steamship Company.

Charlotte C. Leathers, Executrix of Thomas P. I. eathers, surviving partner of Holmes and Leathers. .

2& 266. 89 4, 022. 00

83. 71 708. 99 237. 96 , &67. 77

1& 471. 1H

25, 83&. 02

12& 910 3

Total expenses, Postal Service. . .

Total expenses, Post-Office Department. . . . . . . . l 9 RD

3 470;)6&. lu

1, 246, 837. 85, 3& 615& 1'-'-'. (33

4 I, 10, . 87

4(& 10, &, 87 &.

3, , &l 8, 673. :3, &

4, 910, 066. 35


Disbursements — Continued.

Salaries. Ordinary ex- penses.

Public works. l)&iiscel laneous. Unusual and ex- traordinary.



Salaries, etc. — Salaries, Department of Agriculture. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Building. . Expenses, Bureau of Animal Industry. Contingent expenses Collecting agricultural statistics. Experimental garden and grounds. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Purchase and distribution of valuable seeds. . . . . . . . Library . Laboratory . Pomological investigations Botanical investigations and experiments. . . , . . . . . . . Entomological investigations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Investigations in production of domestic sugar. . . . Biological investigations. Grass and forage plant investigations. Vegetable pathological investigations. Soil investigations. . Nutrition investigations. . Foreign markets investigations. . . . Silk investigations. . Public-road inquiries . Forestry investigations. Irrigation investigations. Tea culture Agricultural experiment stations. Animal quarantine stations. Arlington experimental farm .

$450 604 69

. . . f)l, 307, 373. &i0

3)l, 544. i I

95& 664. 33 I

24, )2(. 41 203) 157. 02

H, 15H. 47 56, HHG. 10 28, 025. 92


54, 297. 27 46, ]G3. 09

3, H53. 31 24, 509. 00 27& 598. 51

101 75. '3 52 124, 431. 53 21, 451. 48

6& 000. 00 Gl, 5(io. 00

31, 457. 21 224, 654. '75

58, 916. 30 5, 307. '77

796, 670. 01 191, 713. 79

14& 897. 1G

$1& 000. 00

Weath, er Brtreau- Salaries. Contingent expenses . . General expenses . . Fuel, lights, and repairs. Meteorological observation stations. . Buildings. .

Cables and land lines Storm-warning stations, Glenhaven and South

Manitou Island, Mich.

105& 229. 41 7, 942. 81

890, 99'2. 96 9, 919. 71

61, 000. 00 40& 000. 00

15 000. 00

';)03, 030). Sl

Deduct repayments to appropriations in excess of expenditures. .

Total apparent expenses, Department of Agriculture. .

Deduct amount received and covered into the Treasury as proceeds of Government property. .

615, 894. 10

4, 539, 228. ) 3

2& 802 88

4, 536, 425. 85

2, 207. i)4

117, 000. 00 63, 030. 81 $5, 332, 350. 76

2, 907. 64

Total actual expenses, Departmelit of Agri- culture. . 615) 894. 10 4& 534& 218 21 1 17& 000 00 63) 03G. 81 5, 330, 149. 12


Salaries, etc. — Salaries, Department of Labor. . . . . . . Stationery. . Library Postage to Postal-Union countries. Rent. . Miscellaneous expenses. . Contingent expenses. . . . .

Total apparent expenses, Department of I. abor. .

105) 958. 80

105, 958. 80

999 75 999. 97 450. 00

6, 750. 00 Gi3, 509. 30 3, 416. 67

182, 084. 49

Deduct amount received and covered into the Treasury as proceeds of Government property. . . . .

Total actual expenses, Department of Labor.

47. 98

105, 958. 80 76, 077. 71

4'7. 98

182) 036. 51


Di8(&)() clemente — Conti(life&I.

Salaries. Ordinary ex- penses. Public )vorks. Unusual and ex-

~I(scc))aneous. &raordinary.


Salaries, etc. — Salaries. . . . . . , . . „. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Salaries and expenses) special agents. . . Contingent expenses. Rent . .

Total expenses, Departn)ent of' Commerce aml Labor. .

81 &, , ') r i. 3&&

1 000. 00

10, "&4. 3;&

81!?, 500. 00 2, 600. 49

15& 190. 40 +!34& -1 &:). H4

DEPART)I EXT OF . IUSTICE Salaries, etc. —

Salaries, Departmeut of Justice. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Traveling and miscellaneous expenses, Depart-

ment of Justice. Traveling expenses, Territory of Alaska Rent and incidental expenses, Territory of Alaska. . . Incidental expenses, Territory of Alaska. . . . . . . . . . . . ,

Defendiug suits in claims against the United States. .

Defeuse in Iudiau depredation claims. Prose&u&tion of crimes. Punishing violations of the intercourse acts and

frauds. Rent of'buildiugs, Department of Justice. . . . . . . . . . . . Care of rented buildings. . ltepairs to court-house, 1Vashingtou, D. C. . . . . . . . . . ,

Salaries and expense. -, Sp«nish Claims Commis- sion.

Defeuse of suits before &lpanish Claims Commis- sion. .

Insular and Territorial afiairs, Department of Justice .

Euforcen)ent of auti-trust laws. . Digest of la)vs reh) ting to pardons and couvi ctions. . .

204, 567. H3

r, 6G5. '. ?, )

10, 591. 37 86. r'&

1, 930. 00

65, 320. 5&6

46, 59]. 67 37, 8H5. 30

2, 797. fl 20, 405. 60 7, (i90. 73

, 'i", &J, &(). 00

850, 217. '? 2

, )r. 093. 1«

14, 875. 63 17, 000. ')0 I, r50. 00

Contingent Ezy&ensrs, etc. — Furniture an&1 repairs. Stationery. Books for Departluent library. Bool-s for oAice of Solicitor. Trausport;&tion. . Miscellaneous items

5, 75)o. 30 i

4, 611. 84 4, (100. 00

300. 00 '

2, 842. 23 15, 334. 32

Deduct repayments to appropriations in excess oi' expenditures

233& 811. &0

3 / 1. 17

Total apparent expenses, Department of Justice

Deduct amouut received and covered into the Treasury as proceeds of Government property. . .

Total actual expenses, Depart)ueut of Justi& e. .

204, 567. 83 233, 440. 53

1, 1& l. -1;)

20k 5G7. 8:3 ~

23'2, 266. ()

'2& 950. 00

'2, 050. 00

148 1HG 03

1-18, 1HG. 03

589, 144. 3&J

1, 1&4. 45

r)8 &, 960. 94

Total apparcut expeuses, Executive . . 'I'otal actu:)1 expenses, Exe& utive. . . . . .

75, 012 393. &, i 1 63, r20, 1o8. 64 6&(, 5)51, 038. 9G ~13!), 2&-1. 4(4. 56

4!), ;)19. 58&. 30 1:1 HSH, !)sir. r 8 8184 476, 388 )&6 406, our, , )l, , 36 1!) 400 4~5) 6;) 11 SG & ?5:3. 0« 18'). 223 569. 6 & 4 )?. 40) &92. 97

IUDICIAL Salaries, etc. —

Salaries, Supren)e Court. Salaries and expeuses, reporter of Supren)e Court Salaries, circuit courts S. )h&ries, district judges. Salaries, retired judges (indefinit) . . . . . . . . . . . . . Salary of commissioner, Yellowstone ~x, atiorml

Parl- Salury, clerk of district court, Xortheru District

of Illinois SaLaries, Court of Private Land Claims. . . „, . . . . Salaries aml expenses, Court of Private I. aml

Claims . Salaries, supreme court, District of Columbia. . . . . Salaries and expenses, court of appeals, District

of Columbia. Salaries aud expeuses, United States courts in

Indian Territory. Salaries, &lie(riot court, Territory of Hawaii. . . . . . . .

121, ;)30. &3

&, 330. 61 211, &

'9. » 41& 040 ')

49, &JH). 03

I sr. '&. 60

3, 247. 25 37 &&Jo s(. )

, ), 18H. 01 31, -i, &s. 01

29, 130 51

118, :» ). HG)

4& 546. 15

«Organized by act of February 11, 1908.


Disblrsements — Contiriued.

Salaries. Ordinary ex- public works. penses.

i(I(scellaneous. Unusual and ex traordinary.


$1, 364, 915. 09

4'70& 481. 11

202& 465. 10

59, 386. 38

'750. 00

153& 728 50

18, 793. 71

Payment to: Legal representatives of W. G. Brownlow and

others. . William T. Paty, of Honolulu, Hawaii. . . . . . . . . . . . Winslow Warren, Mary E. Parker, widow. . .

Relief of: John D. Chadwick Henry P. Montgomery, surviving executor

of Granville Garnett, J. V. Worley

Salaries, etc. — Continued. Salaries, fees, and expenses of marshals, United

States courts. . Fees of district attorney, District of Columbia,

United States courts. Salaries and expenses of district attorneys,

United States courts. ,

Pay of regular assistant attorneys, United States courts

Pay of special assistant attorneys, United States courts. . .

Special assistants to Attorney-General in Su- preme Court.

Law library, United States district court, Porto Rico

Fees of clerks, United States courts Fees of commissioners, United States courts. . . . . . . . . Fees of jurors, United States courts Fees of witnesses, United States courts Pay of bailiQs, etc. , United States courts . . . . . . . . . . . Support of prisoners, United States courts . . . . . . . . . . , Rent of court rooms, United States courts. . . . . . . . . . . . Miscellaneous expenses, United States courts. . . . . . . . Supplies for United States courts. . 'Emoluurent accounts of clerks, United States

courts. . Payment of judgments, United States courts. Books for libraries, circuit courts of appeals. Agreements with Eastern Baud of Cherokee

Indians. Payment for legal services rendered the United

States . Protecting interests of United States in suits

afiecting Pacific Railroads. . Awards, Spauish Treaty Claims Commission Salaries and expenses, Choctaw and Chickasaw

citizenship court . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . Salaries, Choctaw and Chickasaw citizenship

court. Court-house aud jail, Juneau, Alaska. United States jails, Indian Territory United States Penitentiary, Leavenworth, Kans. . . . . United States Penitentiary', site, Leavenworth,

Kans . United States Penitentiary, Atlanta, Ga . . . . . . . . . . . . . Steam launch. United States Penitentiary, Mc-

Neils Island, Wash. . . Revising criminal and penal laws of the United

States . Counsel for Mission Indians of Southern Cali-


$23, 268. 5H

11. 60 263, 194. 46 131, Oo5. 60 889, 904. 10 820, 936 50

811, 610. (&4

118, 343. 04 307, 219. 82

29, 835. 33

56, 818. 54

2, 000. 00

95. 02 166, 571. 51

91, 207. 63

800. 00

$1, 000. 00

176, 062. 41 '76, 428. 54

$39, 154. 16 6, 444. 6(i

4, OUO. 00

907. (0

3, 600. 00 '3, 000. 00

o 0(&9 20

1, Ouu. 00

1, 815. 00 880. 00 500. 00

5, 000. 00

97. 04

1, 20H, 30 40. 00

Total apparent expenses, Judicial. . . 3, 300, 821. 10 3, 712, H72. 46 25, '3, 400. 95 74, 556. 00 i&7 3o0 740 51

Deduct from expenses of United States conrts $170, 153. 50 received from judicial officers and covered into the Treasury as an excess of emolument fees, $99&86(3. 96 received from judi- cial fees and costs, and S98, 737 recovered from

parties as costs, exc. , in suits, and covered into the Treasury as fines, penalties, and forfeitures. . .

Total actual expenses, Judicial. . .

Grand total apparent expenses. . . . . Crand total actual expenses. . . . . . .

3(iH, i57. 46

3 344 115 00 253 400 05 74 556 00

82& 883& OH5. 62 173, 446, 303. 29 50, 326, 109. 95 14, 0G'7, 119. 32 76& 352i H6o 80 1 4H& 5 4 0 i 1 72 50 50& 297 i 008 50 I 3& 000& 384 52

368, 757. 46

6, 081, 983. 05

j&l184, 476, 3RR. 86 183, 223& 569. 52

iOG, ((00, 007. 04 471 423 000 94



Salaries. Ordinary ex- penses. Pul&lie works. r&Iis&. ellaneous I, nusual and ex-


LE((ISLATIVE. Senate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . House of Representatives. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Legislative Miscellaneous . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Public Printer. . . . . . . . . „. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Library of Congress. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Botanic Garden . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . Court of Claims. . . . . . . . . . . . , .

Apparent expenses. . . . Actual expenses. . . . . . .

" $1, 179, 091. 68 2, 993, 423. Hs

15, 284. 'To

305, 159. 94 13, 893. 48 54, 01(. 06

4& 560, HTO. 74 4, 492, 005. 74

5, 359, 280,

3, 4,

( \U. Hi 6(7. 81

8. 86 564. (T . ) o r. ( 9&JH. 15 854. 00

6, 013) 27'2. 19 5, 930, 612. 94

854'2, 560. 64 4, 980. (iT 5 490 3&J I

820, 5&7=,

74) F«2&. (&.

50, ('i3. 0, i

91H, 0!J3. 26

553 OBL O ~ 1 OO;3, i(4. 54

553, 031. (0 1, 063) 574. 54 i. . .

3, 223, 214. 17 50, (3&]. 91

5, !(3, . 410. 11 590, OOB. 39

'&:3. 38 &. 02 976, 964. :3'2

12, 190, ( 49. 1( . . I 12, 039, 224. '(2

EXECUTIVE PROPER. Executive Ofhce:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . Civil Service Comniission. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,

Apparent expeuses. . . Actual expenses. . . . . . .

102, 765. 94 92, 769. 65

195, 535. 59 195 535 59

21, 207 'iT

7, 15&J. 29

28, 366. 56 i

2H) 356. Uo

133, 735. 08 '

I:3:3, 735. 08 13:3, 735. 08

257, r (& '. 29 99, 928. ! (4

357. 637. 23 357, 626. (!'3

STATE DEPARTMENT. Salaries, etc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . „. . . , . . . . Foreign intercourse. . . . . . , . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Apparent expenses. . . Actual expenses. . . . . .

158, 004. 53 1, 118, 390. 5 (

1, 276, 395. 10 676, 989. 79

15, 246i. HS

599, 511. 41

614, 758. 29 333, 667. (30 ~. . .

-l. 846. HT '. . . . r 1, 486. 620. 03 . .

1, 491, 466. 90 259 8 4. 83

]TH 09. 3, 204, . i'i2. 01

3 . ia'i 620. 29 1) '(U 532 22

TREASURV DEPARTMENT. Salaries, etc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . , Independent Treasury . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mints and assay oflices. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . Territorial governments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Internal Revenue. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . , . . . , . . . . Customs Service. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . , . . . . , . Public Health and Marine-Hospital Service. . . Life-Saving Servdce. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Light-House Establishment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Coast and Geodetic Survey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Steamboat-Inspection Service. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , Bureau of Engraving and Printing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Public Buildings. . . . . . . . , . . . Treasury Miscellaneous. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . District of Columbia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

3) 459, 760. 72 463, 433. 23 955, 689. 12 178, 875. 63

4, 346, 139. 89 (I, 281. 46

781, 139. 89 50!, 406. H2

375, 713. 50 2, 212, 653. 25

1) 330, 286. 14 3, 249, 355. 89

294, 240, 500, 81,

6, 204, 20, 881,

1, 356, 1, 746, 2, 655,

363, 61,


HS4. 02 7(0. 31 531. 45 790. 03 &J79. 29 962. 97 45, i. H7 841. 19 297. 13 808. 96 158. 00 695. 25

'2. 719, 850. 21 4, 534, 734. BT

90, 156. 20

1, 100, 8 ( H. 65

7, 6(9, ('il. 24 So, 953. 28

753, 100. 26

'2, 000. 00

9'5. 42 52, 694. 42 43, 912. 49

4, 017, 689. 11 46) 846. 30

828, 556, 348. 82

3, 846, 704,

I, 4oo, 261,

10, 603, 20& 997,

1, 356, 1, 746, 4, 53(,

86o, 436,

so 7, 679,

36, 6 U,

8, 584,

800 94 203. , &4

22)0. 57 591. Us 813. 60 156. 92 455. a( «41. 19 315. 67 215. (H

:348. 50 r21. 24 127. , &6

03 (. , i2

Apparent expenses. . . Actual expenses. . . . . .

17, 925& 735. 54 13, Ri4, 927. 14

42, 212& 759. 55 22& O'76, 988. 49 , 6 (9, 809. 63 i 4, 161)

9) 652) 565 91 4& 164) 067 (4 9 943. 49

28, 556, 34, ". 82 102, 53~, (21. 28 27& 5o7. 583. 82 77, 204, Uos. Hs

WA. R DEPARTMENT. Salaries, etc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ". - " "" Public buildings and grounds in Washington. . . . Pay Department . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Comniissary Dep;irtment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Quartermaster's Department. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Medical Department. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ordnance Department . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Engineer Department:

Forts, etc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Improviug harbors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Improving rivers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

rllilitary Academy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ". . . . " " War &lliscellaneous. . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -. . . . . "

1, 981, 425. 92 215, 555. 37 66, 347. 82 230, 70(. 68

. . . 28, 487& 726. 37 5, 419, 793. 20

. . 28, 800, 641. 66 83:3, 442. 30

4, 312, lo2. 32

150, 393. 80

12(, 950. 86 1, 2oo, 101. 89

1, 850. 00 i 25, 200. 00 54O, 641. OO


2, oOO. OO

1, 757& 281. :&5

2, 138. 61 o, 906) 900. 32 418, 053. 11

931, H(1, (6 (, 342, 186). 23

12, 247, Bo, i. 9H 363, 029. 31

2, U71, 925. 48 3, 0:30& 1 )2. 34

28, &, 228. 48

'i64, «79. 68 ls4, 443. OH

34, 131, 332. 02

2, 224, 840,

28, (r", 5, 419,

30, 822, 1, 320,

10, 63(,

1, 082, (, 342,

490, 20, 483,

031. 29 196. 50 954. 85 , 9:3. 20 . . O". O9 023. 99 105. (, &

2Oo. SOi

186. ?:& 89o ')~ !(9(&. lT 511. (:i

Apparent expenses. . Actual expenses. . . . .

. . 30) 53o) 500. 11 41, 340, 739. 08

. . 30, 535, 500. 11 41, 086, 918. 49 31, 16:3, 5&HL 4:3 3 . ! r 8, 044. 06 31) 163) r&81. 43 I 3, 1 «. 044. 06

15, 165, 883. 26 14, 911, 883. 2(i

121, 6~3, r 4 r. 94

Navy DEpxRTMENT. Salaries, etc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Naval Academy. Marine Corps. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Increase of the Navy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . „ Bureau of Yards and Docks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bureau of Equip&uent. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bureau of Navigation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bureau of Construction and Repair. . . . . . . Bureau of Ordnance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bureau of Steam Engineering. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bureau of Supplies and Accounts. . . . . . . . . Bureau of Medicine aud Surgery. . . . . . . . . . Navy Miscellaneous. . . . . . . . . . . . """" "".

4U r, 901. 25 112, 411. (1

I, 9O4, 424. O9

. . 14, 969, 8 . 'l. 86

90, 861. 19 170, 069. 65

1, 196, 407. (i6 , . 'io, O(i7, 104. 25

887, 567. ('i9

5, 436, 960. 62 r 86, 949. 13

7 42;3 347. :38 3, 2&5&«, 890. 67

. , ;3, 498, 4OH. 11 5, 701, 47'&. 94

r) ll, 5 ( r. 20 66, 12, x 01

1, ()3«, 081. 51 14 i, 856. ("

5, 516, 842. 81 2, 'i'i l. 5(i

(. &, 112. 98 . 3(io. 199. 40 '&1,

&, 790. 96 11. &, 256. 29

Ir)+ 503 'r

1, 3

2o 6, ),

" 32&u 510. (l i 1,

49". , ro:i. 44 320, 56". Hr

246, &!Hu. PT

6(iT, 104. i;i 404, 410. 50 439 l " ls &'(io&. 062. 1 i T:&. 546. r


4(4 ()sl. 63 61;3. TBJL 40 (01, 4r". 94

5(i. 3, 020. ', i

Appal'ent expenses. . . A ctua 1 expenses. . . . . .

1 (& 394) 618. 91 , ', ) 801. 50 (, 3 r 0, o, )1. . &2 )4, :ill. 82&-(. , &. 3,

l(io, 362, 'i:3 19, 503, 2, ", :(iH, 510. 1 ', , ll(i, , 96. 62 Hl, . 1 "(i. 169. :36 4(i!), , '362», ':3 45& 920. . ) ":l" '. 510. (I


RecaI(ttulatt'on of Disbursements — Continued.

Salaries. Ordinary e&(- pensee. Public works. Miscellaneous. Unusual and e&(

traordinary. Total.


$4, 415, 932. 86 761, 519. /8

Salaries, etc Public lands. . Beneficiaries Miscellaneous, civil. . Pensions. . Indian a6'airs:

Curreut and contingent expenses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fulfilling treaty stipulatious and treaty supports. . . Miscellaneous supports. Trust funds. . Incidental expenses of Iudian service. . Support of Indian schools. . Miscellaneous expenses of Indian service. . . . . . . . . . . . .

Apparent expenses. Actual expenses.


Salaries, etc. Postal service. .

Apparent expenses. . Actual expenses.


Salaries and miscellaneous .

Apparent expenses . . Actual expenses.


Salaries and nliscellaneous .

Apparent expenses . . A. ctual expeuses.


Salaries and miscellaneous .

Apparent expenses. . A ctual expenses.


Salaries and miscellaneous .

Apparent expenses . . Actual expenses.

J UDI CIA I. . Salaries and miscellaneous.

Apparent expenses Actual expenses. . . . .

314, 622. 96

5, 492, 075. 60 4, 025, 002. 08

1& 246) 837. 85

1, 246, H37. 85 1, 246, 837. 85

615, H94. 10

G15, 894. 10 615& 894 10

105, 958. 80

105, 958. 80 105 958. 80

19, 274. 35

19, 274. 35 19, 274. 35

2041 567. 83

204, 567. 83 204, 567. 83

3, 309& 821. 10

3, 309, 821. 10 3& 309, 821. 10

$517, 996. 9/ 2, IH2, 877. 38

404, 619. 63 1, 560, 085. 90

489, 418. "/4

3 578& 784 65 69, 836. Bl

3&16I&43861 3&) 356, 360. 78

15, 3211 419. 47 12 H63 805. 27

144, 555. 15 3 470 567. 48

3) 615, 122. 63 3, 615, 122. 63

4, 536, 425. 85

4, 5361 425. 85 4, 534, 218. 21

76, 125. 69

G, 125. 69 76, 0'77. 71

15, 199. 49

15 199 49 15, 199. 49

233, 440. 53

233, 440. 53 232, 266. OH

3, 712, 872. 46

3) 712, 872. 46 3, 344, 115. 00

$746& 41'/. 01 302& 475. 36

I, 048, 892. 37 1, 047, 034. 64

117, 000. i 0

117, 000. 00 117& 000. 00

2, 950. 00

2) 9oO. 00 2) 950. 00

253) 490. 95

253, 490. 95 253, 490. 95

8943, 748. 56, . . . 489, 161. 73

2) 708, 924. 37 ((13' 4?5& G46. 07

4, 141, 834. 66 i 13H, 425, 646. 07 3, 561, 398. BH


138, 425, 591. 83

48& 105. H7

48, 105. 8( 48, 105. 8/

63, 036. Hl

63, 036. Hl 63) 036. Hl

148, 186. 03

148, 186. 03 148, 186. 03

74, 556. 00

74, 556. 00 74 556. 00

84, 933, 929. 83 3, HHB) 145. (2 1, 235, 5/8. 74 3, 011, 399. 73

138, 425& 646. 07

719, 242. 59 1, 560, 085. Pp

489, 418. 74 3) 578, 784. 65

69, 836. 81 3, 161) -138. 61 3, 356, 360. (8

164, 4?9, H68. 17 159, 922) )(32, 7P

1, 391, 393. PP

3, 518, 673. 35

4, 910, 066. 35 4) 910, 066. 35

5, 332, 356. 76

5, 33'2, 356. 76 5, 330, 149. 12

182, 084. 49

182, 084. 49 18'2, 036. 51

34, 473. 84

34) 473. 84

34, 473. 84

589& 144. 39

589, 144. 39 587, 969. 94

(, 350, 740. 51

7 350, 710. ol 6, 981, 983 05

Total apparent expenses. . . Total actual expenses. . . . . . .

. . 82, HH3, OH5. G2

. . '76, 352, 8(i5. 80 173, 446&303. 29 148, 54', ), 17'2. 50

50(i, 099, 007. 04

471& 4'23, 000. 94 50, 326, 109. 95 50) 297. 008. 50 , 000,

& 223, o69. 6

14, 967, 119. 32 184, 4 (6, 388. 86 13 384. 52

I 183

Interior Depart&nent—


Eecapitttlatton of Jlxyenditttres, etc. — Continued.

Post-Once Deparfment- Mail transportation, Pacific railroads . . Deficiency in postal revenues. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Judicial— Salaries, retired judges . Salaries and expenses, reporter of the Supreme Court. Revising criminal and penal laws of the United States. Salaries, court of private land claims

Total expenditures from permanent and indefinite appropriations. . .

Deposits by individuals for surveying public lands. Repayment for lands erroneously sold. Protection and improvement of Hot Spriugs, Ark Fees on certain Indian allotments. . Colleges for agriculture and the mechanic arts Distribution of Supreme Court Reports, Revised Statutes, etc Surveying within land grants. Indemnity for swamp lands purchased by individuals . . Five, three, and two per cent funds of the net proceeds of sales of public lands in the States" Revenues, Yellowstone National Park. Reclamation fund. Claims for condemned buildings, Hot Springs, Ark. . Maryland School for the Blind Schools outside incorporated towns, Alaska. . Care and custody of insane, Alaska. . Miscellaneous trust fuuds of Indian tribes. Indian moneys, proceeds of labor Civilization of the Sioux.

$203) 274. 73 161, 544, 66

18& 363. 85 303. 48

1, 200, 000. 00 61, 996. 50 1, 425. 00 3, 787. 70

156, 197. 22 4, 040. 25

268, 517. 23 18, 372. 07 7) 987. 49

30, 207. 80 4& 887. 97

3& 578, 784. 65 1, 239, 580. 24

84, 932. 02

(01, 648. 28 2, '733, 974. 22

49, 987. 03 7, 330. 61

25, 069. 20. 2, 850. 54

fi7) 044& 202. 86

3& 435) 622. 50

85, 237. 38

69, 003& 607. 52